#the sacrifice is camembert
rosie-b · 8 months
Centuries Overdue
Chapter 3
Excerpt from the ninth journal of Adrien Agreste, written in Ravlunda, Sweden on the twelfth of April, 1810.
It is done. At last, the Battle against the Darkness is over, and the Victory is ours! The Struggle was long, the Losses were great, but we are, at long last, Safe.
My Parents’ mission is now completed. May they rest in Peace and Light, and may no others live to see a Time as dark as this one has been.
Perhaps I should go over the Battle, describe the threefold days we spent wrapped in the shroud of the Blue Maiden and the Elation we felt when the Darkness finally lost. I could spend pages lingering over each brave Sacrifice from the Talents, only one of whom survived, and talk for hours about the Strength each Mage showed.
There were many Fighters who joined me; every Mage able to fight seemed to be there, and most of the Talents, too. I am grateful for every one of them.
But I cannot dwell in the Past any longer, not now that I am finally Free to wander out of its tight Grasp.
I am going to Paris, to live in the country I should call my Home. There is a doubly strong group of Mages there, who meet in a tavern each Wednesday, or so I am told. They are the Mages of Trixx and Fluff, who call their group Home the Clockwise Fox and mark it theirs with a strange symbol, which I will attempt to draw below. I am not much of an artist, despite my Father’s many Attempts to teach me his Skills.
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There, I hope it is clear enough. Had I any colored Ink, the top chevron would be a deep Orange, and the bottom one a light Blue.
The Mages of Fluff and Trixx have always been strange. I prefer the Mages of Mullo and Tikki, and my fellow Mages of Plagg, though I do not see them as often as I wish.
I am somewhat ashamed to say that this is because I often avoid the Cave and go on Paths around it instead, but I have a good Reason for this!
The Cave always reeks of Cheese, the stinkiest Plagg can find. He always keeps it in stock despite my many complaints and attempts to turn his interest to a new Cheese. Plagg only scolds me and says I should appreciate Camembert more, since like Me, it comes from France.
Well, now that I am going back to my estranged, native Country, I rather hope Plagg steals all the Camembert out of Paris before I arrive. That will give me at least one Thing I can thank Him for!
Oh, all right, I suppose I must thank Plagg for his help, however indirect, in defeating the Darkness. His Training proved very useful in the Battle; in fact, I must confess that it is what kept me Alive.
And now, I am going to Paris, the city where my Parents lived, the Land I was never allowed to know — I am going Home for the very first time. I hope my Travels will be swift and devoid of Trouble.
I hope I will find Peace in Paris. I hope I am right to call it my Home.
I hope I am not making a Mistake.
Paris was a little spookier at night. It was colder, too.
Marinette found herself wishing for the mocha she’d been so indifferent to yesterday afternoon. She would find its warmth soothing instead of annoying this time!
Maybe the ‘mages’ will have drinks at their meeting, she thought hopefully as she wrapped her light jacket a little tighter around herself. The street lights illuminating the path from the parking lot to the little café she’d visited yesterday flickered dimly, and even with the ever-present throngs of tourists lining the road, Paris felt colder, emptier than Marinette was used to.
It was probably just nerves. After all, this marked the first occasion on which Marinette busted into a secret society’s meeting, and who knew how they’d react to her presence?
When she reached the café’s door, Marinette stopped and peered through the windows. It looked empty inside, and the open sign wasn’t lit up like it had been yesterday. 
Is this it? A dead end, after everything?
Marinette grimaced, trying to decide what to do before her loitering drew unwanted attention. Should she knock? Look for a hidden key? Turn around and head home, since obviously she had been wrong to ever believe Adrien’s fictional adventures could be real?
A little white bunny floated through the door and hovered in front of Marinette’s face.
Marinette fell backwards, arms pinwheeling as she braced herself for a rough landing. Hitting the hard sidewalk with an oomph, she scrambled back, away from the creature that was zipping around. It circled her head once before phasing through the door again.
In seconds, the bunny came back out, accompanied by a little fox which was similarly ignoring the rules of gravity, flight, and everything.
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“You’re Marinette, right?” the fox asked.
Marinette sat up before a tourist’s heel could trip over her and puncture her skull. “How do you know that?” she hissed at the creatures, darting her eyes back and forth between the two.
The creatures exchanged a glance.
“Yeah, I’ll go tell Alya,” the fox said to the bunny.
“So it didn’t happen already? Then it’s about time!” the bunny cheered, and went soaring after the fox as they phased through the door and left Marinette alone to stand up and regain her bearings as best she could.
Bunnies aren’t supposed to fly. Foxes aren’t supposed to talk. Are they kwamis? I thought kwamis were super tall and monstrous! Where are the six arms? The glowing eyes? Adrien lied to me, Marinette fumed. But at least now she had proof, however confusing, that magic was real. 
Unless this was a hallucination. After all, hadn’t the fox said it was going to tell Alya? Marinette knew  Alya; she wasn’t part of a magic community! Not that she’d told Marinette! And it would be really rude to not tell your best friend about secret magic societies hiding in Paris!
The café door opened, and Alya stepped out. When she saw Marinette, a grin slowly spread across her face, and she squealed as she rushed over to her and threw her arms around her in a suffocating hug. 
“Marinette!! Girl, this is the best day of my life! You’re a Mage, too? Why haven’t you come to any meetings before? Oh, man, wait until I tell Nino about this!”
While she was talking, Alya released Marinette from the hug and pulled her back into the building, closing the door behind them. Inside, the café was full of eighteen to twenty people, all lounging in the chairs and on the cushioned window seat and watching Marinette’s entrance.
Marinette stared right back at them, confused as to how the place could look so empty from outside and be so full on the inside.
“Alya, what… What is this? This is magic, right?” she asked, unable to pretend that she was paying attention any longer to the words that were still spilling from Alya’s lips.
They suddenly stopped as Alya took a step back and looked at Marinette, adjusting her glasses as she considered the question.
“Well, of course, Marinette, do you… not know that?” She squinted at Marinette’s embarrassed, guilty face and then smacked her forehead with a long, drawn-out groan. “Oh kwamis, did I just let an outsider into the group? Girl, you have to answer me, now: Are you a Mage? Do you at least know what that is?” 
Looking around the café at all the guarded and threatening faces staring at her, Marinette gulped and slowly raised her eyes to meet Alya’s.
“I kind of know what a Mage is,” she said, pulling the journal she’d accidentally snuck from the library out of her purse and showing Alya the fading, cracked cover. “Um, I’ve been reading about them. Until just now, I wasn’t sure if they were real or not, but Alya, you’re a Mage?”
“Have been my whole life,” Alya nodded, crossing her arms and drumming her fingers against them.
“Hey!” One of the other Mages stood up, which didn’t add much to her short height. She popped her gum, which was as pink as her hair, and looked Marinette up and down. “You’re that girl who ordered a hot mocha in the afternoon yesterday, aren’t you?”
Marinette, freshly endowed with the knowledge of magic, wondered what spell would let her sink under the café floor to die of shame in peace.
“Alix! Wait, did she really?” Alya asked, quickly switching between sounding vexed and confused. 
“Oh, yeah, it’s all coming back now,” Alix replied gleefully. “Was that your little scouting mission? I’ve seen better. Although, maybe I should go back and see it again. It’s always funnier the second time around.”
Marinette died a little as she thought of someone seeing her embarrassing mistake again just for fun. But wait, how would that even happen? What kind of magic did Alix even have?
“Don’t do that,” Alya snapped. “We have a real problem here. Now, I know Marinette, and I swear on Trixx, she’s not a threat we need to worry about. But,” she said, frowning sharply at Marinette, “We Mages are not supposed to let anyone in the café or let them know about the community itself unless they’re family. And despite a decade of friendship, I don’t think we can legally count as that.”
Well, Marinette thought, it’s always good to know that your best friend can’t protect you from the large group of angry Mages and their two tiny-but-powerful mascots which can fly through doors and chase you all over Paris and maybe even kill you!
Alix wandered over to the kitchen, brushing past Alya and Marinette without a word. Oh, shit, was she mad at them? Was she going to use her magic to go back and record Marinette’s misbegotten mocha order and stream it to all of Paris, solidifying her shame forever??
Marinette wished she’d kept her glance through the deceptive café windows much shorter and left before the scary bunny had had the chance to jumpscare her.
Alix came back out of the kitchen, holding a steaming mug of something that smelled vaguely like an energy drink crossed with mulled cider. The steam wafted under Marinette’s nose, snapping her back to reality with its strong odor.
She was in the middle of a secret Mage meeting. Alya was still frowning at her. That wasn’t good. She had to say something!
“How do the windows work?” Marinette asked, because her brain had apparently disconnected from the rest of her body.
Alya blinked. “Huh?”
“The windows. They make the café look empty from outside, but it’s not.”
“It’s a simple illusion spell,” Alix called as she flopped back down on the window seat. “Alya’s really great at those.”
“I see,” Marinette said. “I will remember that for next time.”
What ‘next time?’ Why couldn’t she shut up?
Alya sighed. “We’re just going with this, then?”
“It makes sense! I thought it happened already,” the scary little bunny piped up.
“You always think that,” the fox responded, flying closer to Marinette. The bunny followed suit.
Marinette stepped behind Alya to get away from the kwamis, which made Alya laugh and pull her out again. Marinette half-raised Adrien’s journal as a shield, but slowly lowered it when Alix raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, fine. Marinette, meet Fluff and Trixx,” Alya said, pointing to each of them in turn. “They’re the kwamis of Evolution and Illusion, respectively.”
“Nice to meet you! You’re not one of my Mages, right?” Trixx asked.
Marinette swallowed. “I don’t think so?” she responded in an unsure voice.
“She won’t be, or she hasn’t been, so she isn’t,” Fluff said as she zipped around the room, turning somersaults in midair.
“Fluff just likes to talk like that,” Alya whispered to Marinette, who nodded as if this was a perfectly normal quirk to have.
For tiny, scary kwamis, maybe it was.
“Are you… Fluff’s Mage?” Marinette pointed hesitantly at Alya, squinting one of her eyes as she tried to figure out how this kind of thing worked.
Alya shook her head as she grabbed Marinette by the hand and led her over to two free chairs side by side. “I’m a Mage of Trixx. That’s how I was able to cast the illusion spell, because Mages can only cast spells that belong to the kwami who gave them their Gift.”
Marinette dimly remembered Adrien writing something about that.
“And… What about universal spells?” she asked, patting herself on the back for remembering about them from Adrien’s journals.
Alya made a pooh-poohing motion with her hand. “Oh, we don’t use them anymore. They were mostly just to fight off the Darkness, but we did that whole thing centuries ago. Nobody needs them anymore so no one learns them anymore, and I don’t know if there’s anyone left who still remembers what the spells said, anyway.”
Marinette blinked. “So, there are no more leather journal preservation spells?”
Alya crossed her legs. Another Mage, one with brown hair and dark, inky eyes, asked, “Why would we need those?”
Dusting off the flaky cover, Marinette pointed to Adrien’s journal, sitting it upright on her lap. “Well, this book could definitely use them! Without some way to restore it, like a spell, it’s almost impossible to read sometimes. I’ve had to skip entire sections because the pages were just too brittle for me to touch them without them crumbling into nothing!”
Alya pushed up her glasses as she took a second look at the book, giving it more consideration this time. At the other end of the room, Mages turned their attention back to each other, resuming quiet conversations and enjoying the hot beverages Marinette had longed for on her walk inside. Her face burned as she realized that now it sounded like she’d broken into their meeting just to ask them to fix an old book for her.
But Alya was still looking at its cover, bending closer to it with wide eyes like it was drawing her to it.
“Where did you get this?” Alya asked in a hushed voice, reaching out for the journal but suddenly bringing her fingers back close to her chest in a fist.
“From the library I work at. Remember that book series I told you I was reading?”
Alya nodded. “The one you turned down three friend dates for, yes, I remember. You’re telling me this is it?” she asked, jabbing her pointer finger at it once before retreating to safety again.
Marinette gave a hesitant nod. “Yes. Hey, what’s that face for?”
Alya leaned over, grabbing Marinette’s shoulders and looking at her with a look that made her understand the term ‘deadly serious’ (and fear just a bit for her life).
“That book, plus about twenty other ones like it, has been missing for two centuries because the Bourgeois family, may magic never bless their graves, told the head Mage they’d preserve them for us. Instead, they took the books from us and promptly fell off the face of the magic earth; it was the last time we heard from them. Huge family of Talents gone, just like that, and the books were as good as lost because they never told us where they were taking them.”
“Yeah. And we’ve tried to contact them since, but the high and mighty Bourgeoises would never willingly speak to us commoners. I mean, the head of their family at the time died right when they got the books, but that shouldn’t have changed anything. It was like they all suddenly forgot about magic, or at least decided they didn’t want anything to do with it. But now that we know where it is, I’m going to need to take the book back from you. We take magic ambassadors’ journals very seriously, Marinette. The Agrestes’ journals belong with us, not up in some stuffy library!”
“Hey! It’s not stuffy!” Marinette cried, hugging the book tightly to herself. “I mean, it’s old, but it’s cool, you know?”
Around the café, several Mages discreetly turned their attention back to the two girls, trying to listen in on their whispering. Alya stopped them in their tracks with a glare.
“Girl, that is the last thing you should be worrying about right now. How much money do we have to pay to get them back? Could we rent the books permanently?”
“You can’t, they’re not in the library system,” Marinette responded, her heart racing. “You can’t check them out. Even I’m not supposed to have this one; I only took it with me by accident. And since the Bourgeois family donated them, I think you’d need to ask them if you wanted to get them back.”
Alya’s face darkened, and Marinette found herself shrinking back into her seat. What had she gotten herself into? Was there some old feud magic she’d accidentally triggered by taking the book? Did she have to be afraid of Alya now?
She decided to keep explaining in hopes that Alya would understand, stop being scary and start being normal Alya again. 
“The books are delicate, and they aren’t supposed to leave the library. I’m not even supposed to have this journal with me right now! Alya, I want to help you, but I honestly don’t know how,” she said with a nervous chuckle. “I can’t think of any easy way to give the books back to you.”
Alya sank back in her seat, leaning her head back and letting the café lights reflect off her glasses. “Ugh! Fine, I’ll get a message to Mayor Bourgeois somehow. Maybe I’ll disguise myself as Chloe and sneak into the hotel,” she said, raising her head to flash Marinette an evil grin.
“Ooh, can I come?” Alix asked. A few other Mages looked up hopefully, still obviously interested in the unusual happening.
Alya gave them all an unimpressed look. “If you have to,” she said. “But that would mean we’d need a pretty complicated cloaking spell, since you can’t all use your own.”
Wait. Was Marinette accidentally helping to plan a break-in? 
“Or we could just email Mayor Bourgeois!” she offered with a desperate smile. “That sounds way more legal to me!”
“Psh, if we stuck to being ‘legal’ we’d never have any fun,” Alix said.
“You do have a point,” Alya mused. “Marinette, of course, not you, Alix. I’ll try things the boring way first and if that doesn’t work out, we can try the shady way.”
“Or we could skip the middlemen and go straight to grand theft literature!”
“No,” Alya said firmly. Then she turned back to Marinette. “So, did you have any goals other than figuring out if magic was real when you busted into our meeting tonight?”
“You dragged me into it,” Marinette pointed out, although her cheeks flamed red in embarrassment. “I would have stayed out; seeing the kwamis was more than enough for me. I’m glad they’re not as big as Adrien described Plagg as being or I think I would’ve had a heart attack!”
“We can still fix that for you,” Trixx offered, popping up over Marinette’s shoulder. “My true form is at least as big as Plagg’s true form!”
“No, thank you,” Marinette said weakly. “And… no, that was about it, Alya. Adrien’s really good at writing, and I just wanted to know if I was crazy for wanting to believe the things he wrote. I guess I’m not,” she said with a limp smile. It had been a crazy, unbelievable evening, and she kind of wanted to cut it short and go home.
Alya hummed thoughtfully, sitting forward in her chair as she looked at Marinette. The café lights were still reflected in her glasses, but as she moved closer, they slid away, letting Marinette see her friend’s eyes clearly. They were full of concern and a bit of pity as she stared at Marinette like she was seeing deep into her soul. Then she blinked once and leaned back in her chair.
“All right,” she said with a shrug. “If you want to go home now, you can. You’ve already broken the only rule you can tonight, but Trixx and Fluff trust you, so we’re making an exception for you. You get to join the group from now on, as long as you promise not to tell anyone about us. Keep this more secret than you kept the books from me, okay? We meet every Wednesday, 6 to 11. Anyone have anything else to say?” she asked, looking around the group.
Alix lazily raised her hand. “Don’t order any more hot mochas if you visit during my shift,” she said. “Seriously, that was painful.”
Marinette grimaced. “I won’t.”
A tall man with a grey, well-kept beard who’d been sitting in the corner near the door stood up and walked over to Marinette, who tried not to cower as he silently stepped closer.
“You are an abnormal girl,” he said in a thick Russian accent. “Most would not have believed the books. I think she should be tested,” he declared, looking at Alya. “She may not know it, but she may have magic inside her. She may be a Mage.”
“I’ve been thinking that, too,” Alya said softly. “Thank you, Pyotr. We can test her next time, if she’s comfortable with it.”
A test for magic abilities? That didn’t sound too bad to Marinette.
Then Trixx’s grinning face popped over the arm of her chair, scaring her up and out of it.
“Can we do the tests without the kwamis there?” she asked Alya as her heart beat quickly.
Alya stifled a laugh. Across the room, Alix did not.
“Sure, Marinette. All we’ll do is have you read some spells aloud. If they work, we’ll know you’re a Mage; if not, you’re just an outlier and the first Ungifted person to ever join a Mage group. There’s nothing wrong with that; the Mages of Trixx and Fluff like a little chaos now and then.”
“Well, then I’m lucky I crashed your meeting and not someone else’s,” Marinette said. “Thank you so much for the offer! I’ll think about it,” she said as Fluff phased up and down through the floor like a dolphin leaping out of the ocean. Or a bunny with weird powers who could also talk. “And let me know if you can’t get through to the mayor. I can try to talk to my boss; maybe she’d know some way to help.”
Alya’s face softened with a smile. “Thanks, girl,” she said as she stood up to give Marinette a hug. “Be careful going home — oh! You didn’t walk here, right?”
“No, I drove. I’m not that crazy,” Marinette laughed.
“Good. Try not to be seen on your way out. Text me when you get home!”
Marinette nodded and waved as she backed towards the door. She nearly bumped into the wall, but Pyotr grabbed her shoulder and turned her around at the last second.
She whispered her thanks and hurried out of the door during a break in the tourists.
What a night. 
Written for @mlbigbang 2023
The Clockwise Fox symbol is by me, the marvelous art of Marinette and the kwamis is by @acise!
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im-a-gloomy-bear · 1 year
A triangle of cheddar is enjoyed, a delicacy, but never loved. Cheddar is versatile, having a form to please everyone, but cheddar is never held, never adored. Cheddar is not spoken fondly of, cheddar is given no pride. "My sharp cheddar has been aged for 36 months," one might say. But the pride lies in what cheddar can do, what cheddar can give. Cheddar itself holds no value.
Brie has Camembert, butter has its wings. Blue cheese has its molds, Edam is made backwards.
Cheeses begin their lives soft and mild. Loneliness and pain make us sharp, funky, hard. We pick up the essence of our surroundings, changed forever, innocence lost. Aged for almost 18 years, I am crumbly and sharp, reminiscent of clay.
I know only the darkness of the cave beneath. I know the endless abyss of cheeses, some newer, others older. My brethren have come and gone. I stopped learning who existed nearby a long time ago. It hurts to lose someone nearby, less so if I never notice their presence in the first place. Maybe that makes me callous and cold. I wouldn't know; I stopped caring a long time ago.
Somewhere out there, the sun is shining and the grass is soft. I can't go up there. The sun would break me apart, leave me to the vultures within my body. And so things must stay the same, sealed away from the sun, protected, enshrined.
But maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be too bad to venture out to find other cheeses that may stay. Maybe one may match my temperament. Maybe I can build a life down here. Maybe I can find happiness, even if I have to sacrifice every last drop of blood for it.
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The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich
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The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz
Fashion fans and romance fans alike will adore this charming debut graphic novel from Webtoons artist Deya Muniz! Brilliant, full color illustrations and animated characters combine to create a story that is too gouda to put down!
Lady Camembert is desperate to live life on her own terms, free from the traditional gender roles in the Kingdom of Fromage. Upon her father’s passing, she seizes the opportunity for a fresh start and moves to the capital. Disguised as a man, Camembert enjoys a life full of activism, royal friends, and the latest fashions. As Camembert and Princess Brie develop feelings for each other, keeping the truth of her identity a secret gets harder. What sacrifices will Lady Camembert make to live the life of her dreams?
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Plagg: Dogs are for people who need to be worshipped as gods.
Plagg: Cats are for people who are strong enough to have a god stand on their chest at 5 in the morning demanding sacrifice.
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First batch of ship tags! I decided to modify them from my usual tag type to make them stand out a bit more. Those who had their’s made are tagged under the cut!
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chocoluckchipz · 2 years
My One and Only. My One True Love.
Adrien shouldn't be nervous. It was supposed to be the happiest day of his life. He was marrying his best friend and his partner—something he’d dreamt of doing for years now. He shouldn’t be sweating like a racehorse at the thought of watching the love of his life walk down the aisle toward him in a little less than an hour. But… how could he not? This was Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Only the most amazing person alive. His Queen. The goddess whose presence he, a mere mortal, was not worthy to be in—
Something poked his nose. Adrien shooed whatever it was away and looked back through the open window he was standing by into the garden their wedding was about to take place in. Marinette really outdid herself with designing the space. One of the most elegant yet cozy settings he’d ever seen—
A gentle touch to his jaw. A featherlight kiss on his lips. Yet no woman in sight.
Adrien held his breath, a smile brightening his face a moment later. "Is someone using her Miraculous to see my tux before the wedding?"
Tiny bells of his Princess’ giggles filled the space, an invisible someone whispering beside his ear, "I designed it, you doofus. I already saw it."  
"It’s one thing to design it and another to see it on me," Adrien said quietly, side glancing back into the room his groomsmen were chatting between themselves in. "Are we trying to avoid the guys figuring you out or doesn't matter?"
A gentle touch to his chest; she’d laid her hand against his heart, chasing away all of his jitters. "If you want me murdered in cold blood by my maid of honour for tricking her, then, by all means, let them know I'm here."
He caught her invisible hand and brought it to his lips. "I did not sacrifice myself countless times over the years to give you into Alya’s wrath now."
The men in the room laughed at something. Adrien glanced their way again. Too engrossed in their conversation, not a single one of them paid him any attention. "How about we move somewhere more private? The roof, perhaps?"
"Sounds good. I’ll wait for you up there." 
She was gone in a moment, the absence of her warmth against him igniting yearning in the pit of his stomach. He had to go to her. This wasn’t nearly enough. He needed more. Just a few more minutes of holding her close. 
Nino cleared his throat. "And where are you going? Alya told me to keep an eye on you."
"Washroom," Adrien answered. "Want to accompany me?"
"Nah, I’m good." Nino chuckled, glancing at Luka.
Luka shook his head. "I’ll pass too." 
"Do me a favour, though, and make sure not to be seen," Nino added, a knowing smirk on his lips. "Because you know that if someone manages to steal a peek at said someone's fiancée’s dress, my wife will exile me to the couch for a week. And my couch is not that comfortable, so I’ll come over to your place."
"Then I’d better be extra careful." Adrien chuckled, reaching into his bag for a box of multicoloured Camembert, poking his sleeping Kwami in the process. "Plagg, wake up. We have to go."
Yawning, Plagg looked over the white wedge Adrien was offering him. "And why would you want to be invisible on the day of your wedding?"
"To not get Nino in trouble." 
"I like the way you're thinking," Nino said, standing up. "I’ll go distract Alya for you, but you have like ten minutes tops, okay?"
"Yes, sir." Adrien saluted and turned to Plagg. "Ready?"
"I hate transformations," Plagg grumbled. 
"You’ll live." Adrien smirked and tossed the cheese in Plagg’s direction, barely waiting for him to finish eating before calling for his transformation.
"It’ll never cease to amaze me," Luka said when Adrien vanished from sight. "Marinette outdid herself with this one." 
"She sure did," Chat Noir said, already climbing out of the window. "Thanks, guys. I owe you one."
Less than a minute later, he stepped onto the roof of the Château Bouffémont, one of the most beautiful buildings on the city’s outskirts. Picturesque gardens, rolling hills, and a cloudless blue sky… yet his eyes were glued to her instead. A vision in red he loved to marvel at, the most stunning of sights that still rendered him speechless even after years of being together. He could barely muster his Chat Noir charm. "And here I was hoping I would finally see your dress since, you know, you saw my tux."
She laughed, lighting up the space with her smile. "Will you ever give up?"
"Should I?" 
Her smile told him everything he needed to know. Chat stepped closer and, taking her in his arms, claimed her lips in a lingering kiss. Gosh, she smelled divine! And her skin… So smooth and tender. Especially her lips. He'd kiss them forever if he could. 
She pulled away, struggling to steady her breath. Leaning her forehead against his, she watched him from under her long eyelashes with the softest expression on her beautiful face. "I missed you."
His lips tugged in a smile as he gently nuzzled his nose against hers. "I missed you, too." 
"I love my girls," she whispered, stealing a quick peck to his cheek. "And the last few days with them were amazing, but I need a few quiet moments with you alone if I want to survive this day."
"You read my mind." Chat pulled her closer, a low rumbling of a purr starting up in his chest. He didn't try to stop it. His Lady loved his purrs, and he loved placing light butterfly kisses along her jaw as she relaxed in his arms. "How long do we have?"
"Five minutes?" Ladybug tilted her head to give him access to her neck. "Maman went to check if… if everything’s ready, and when she’s back… I'll have to be in the room, trying to relax with meditation breathing exercises Alya gave me."
"She should have just sent you to me." He purred against her skin between kisses. "I’m way better at relaxing you than any exercises ever will be."
"Why do you think I’m here?" She opened her eyes, gently caressing his cheek with her hand. 
He kissed her again. Slowly and tenderly, with the love and reverence his bride deserved.
"Thank you for the basket," she breathed against his lips as they pulled apart. "I assume Plagg was helping?"
He better not find out his Kwami messed up his carefully-arranged gift. "What did he do?"
Ladybug giggled, reached for her yo-yo and showed him a picture of the basket Adrien had arranged to be delivered to his bride this morning. A simple token of his appreciation he had personally filled with treats she loved and little trinkets holding special meanings and memories for the two of them. A half-eaten wheel of Camembert in the middle of his masterpiece was certainly not one of his ideas!
"I'm going to kill him," Chat growled. "I don't care that he’s immortal. I'm killing the moron for stinking up your present."
"Come on, it wasn’t so bad. It’s rather sweet… in a way. At least where Plagg is concerned."
"He gave you his half-eaten leftovers."
"And have you ever seen Plagg share?"
She had a point. "I’m still going to kill him."
Ladybug laughed, cradling his jaw in her palm, her thumb tenderly caressing his skin. "Don’t worry, he didn't spoil anything. It was still the perfect finale to the month you’ve given me, Chaton. There were so many tears that my make-up had to be redone a few times. Alya promised to scold you for that, by the way. "
Chat leaned into her touch, his eyes closing, the purrs in his chest gaining a decibel in volume. He hadn’t done anything special. He had only sent her flowers every day, arranged a few spa days for her and her friends, given her a couple of presents, or rather hid them in various places for Marinette to find, and took her on a dozen dates he hoped she’d remember for quite some time. Nothing any man in love wouldn’t do for his bride. "You deserve the world, my Lady. I wish I could give you so much more."
"All I want is you, Chaton." She bopped his nose, her lips stretching in a smile. "And I nowhere near deserve all of that—"
Chat shook his head. "Lies. All month long, you made my favourite dishes and gave me the most amazing presents every day—"
"Little trinkets. Nothing special. And some of those were just letters; not worth much."
He leaned down, kissing his lips slowly. "Those were the best of them all."
"Marinette!!!" Alya’s voice thundered below them. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you have ten seconds to get your butt back here before I’m coming for you, and believe me, it isn't going to be pretty when I do!"
Chat tightened his hold on his Lady, pulling her closer. "I think we’ve been caught."
"You think so?" She grabbed his face and smooched his lips one last time. "I better go if we want this wedding to happen. Can't marry a dead bride, now can you?"
"No, I cannot." Chat quickly stole another peck before letting her go, a lopsided grin still lingering on his lips even after she was long gone from his view. Gosh, he loved this woman. He was born to adore and protect her, and he couldn’t wait to marry her. To become her husband and to call her his. To snuggle up with her in their bed and quietly talk into the night, and later, prove to her over and over again just how much she meant to him.
Of all the daydreams Marinette had about this day, none came even close to reality. The venue—the magnificent Château Bouffémont— was straight out of a fairy tale. One of the most elegant and graceful buildings Marinette had ever seen, it stood wrapped in a blanket of luscious gardens filled with century-old trees, neatly trimmed shrubs, and arrays of beautiful flowers. There was history about it. Charm, authenticity, and character. Something Marinette had tried to express in her dress. Something that defined her and Adrien’s relationship. 
"You’re alright, pumpkin?" Tom asked, coming to stand beside her, the biggest of grins playing on his face. 
Marinette couldn't help but reach out and give her father a tight hug. His dream of walking her down the aisle was finally coming true and she couldn't be happier for either of them. "Thank you for everything, Papa. I love you so much. You and Maman."
"We love you too, pumpkin." Tom’s arms tightened around her for just a moment before he pulled back, tears glistering in his eyes. "Now, go and be happy for us. Alright?" 
"Will do." Her eyes shifted to Alya and Kagami, quietly talking at the glass-panelled double doors that led out to the garden where the ceremony was about to start. Marinette couldn’t help but smile. Without them, this day wouldn’t have been going as perfectly as it was. Not without Alya’s resourcefulness and negotiation skills that were irreplaceable in finding the best options for everything quickly and efficiently. And certainly not without Kagami, under whose watchful eyes none of the people involved even thought of making a mistake or slipping up. She’d have to thank them somehow because those two made the day she was marrying the love of her life truly—
"Earth to Marinette." Alya snapped her fingers before fixing a stray strand of Marinette’s hair back in place. "You’ll want to join us here in this reality if you want to get married today."
"I’m here." Marinette rolled her eyes. "Present and ready to become Mme Adrien Agreste."
"Nah.” A corner of Kagami’s lips curled up. “She's either still on that roof in Adrien's arms or already on her honeymoon. Again, in Adrien's arms. But certainly not here with us. Typical Marinette."
"It's normal for a woman who's about to marry someone she's been pining almost a decade for to want to be with said man instead of literally anywhere else," Kagami continued. "Don't worry. We get it."
"Speaking of the man." Alya pointed outside to the garden. "It’s starting. Here he comes."
The sounds of Handel's "Air" filled the space; Marinette’s attention turned towards the pair walking down the aisle. It wasn’t that common of a practice, but Adrien insisted no mother—or mother-in-law—of his would ever walk to her place at his wedding alone. Marinette fully supported the idea, especially knowing how much the two adored each other. Yet, her chest tightened, despite the broad smiles on Sabine and Adrien's faces. For all the love her parents had been giving Adrien, she wished Emilie Agreste could be the one walking beside her son today. The woman who Adrien spoke so highly of should've been able to see the incredible man her son had grown up to be. And even though it was impossible, Marinette would never stop wishing she could have met the woman and thanked her for bringing such an amazing person into this world.
The pair reached the mother of the bride’s chair, and Adrien leaned down to kiss Sabine’s cheek. With tears in her eyes, the woman wrapped him in a motherly hug and whispered something into his ear. When Adrien pulled away, his eyes glimmered with tears as well.  
"Do you have your note?" Alya asked Kagami as soon as the music changed, and Nino started his walk down the aisle.
"Of course." Kagami pulled a postcard-size card from her bouquet with "Just You Wait" written on it.
Marinette let out a giggle. "You’re not seriously doing that, are you? I thought that was a joke."
"Building up anticipation in the man who can hardly wait as it is is never a joke." Alya smirked, holding her own card with "Till You See Her" printed on it. "You’ll thank us when you see his absolutely priceless face when he lays his eyes on his gorgeous bride."
"Luka’s almost at the end of the aisle," Kagami said, taking the door’s handle. As soon as Pachelbels’ "Canon in D" started playing, she opened the door and gave them all a smile. "See you on the other side."
"And that’s my cue." Alya stole one more glance at Marinette to see if everything was in order. Then, she reminded the flower girls—the most adorable, tiny humans in their cute, little dresses and big, shining smiles on their faces—and the ring bearer—Ivan and Mylène’s sweet little boy—of their responsibilities in the next few minutes. With a final nod in Tom’s direction, Alya was gone, leaving Marinette in her father’s care.
"Are you ready, sweetheart?" Tom offered Marinette his elbow. 
"As ready as I’ll ever be." She smiled, every emotion she’d ever experienced fluttering in her stomach. This was it. Their big day and their moment. Adrien was already out there, waiting for her, and if she was honest, despite all the nervousness and slight anxiety, Marinette couldn't wait to walk down that aisle, tell the whole world how much she loved that man, and start the rest of their lives together. 
The sounds of "Wedding March" by Mendelssohn filled the air. Everyone seated in the garden stood and turned in their direction. Tom grabbed the door handle, a smile playing on his lips as his eyes sparkled with tears. "You've chosen well, sweetheart."
Marinette grinned, tears forming in her eyes as well. "Thank you, Papa."
With Tom holding the door open for her, Marinette stepped onto the sun-filled terrace and sucked in a breath at the sight before her. There at the altar, waiting for her, was the love of her life. Handsome and dashing as ever, he stared slack-jawed right back at her. After a moment, a goofy, love-sick smile melted his expression, and she couldn’t help but return one of her own, her cheeks flustered, her heart racing, and ladybugs in her stomach refusing to settle down. She loved it when he looked at her like that.
Her father patted her arm, calling her back to reality. With a sheepish grin, Marinette clung tighter to his arm, stabilizing herself as she allowed him to guide her down the grand staircase and down the aisle, each step bringing her closer to Adrien. He was the only thing Marinette could see. Lost were the guests, their sparkling eyes, and their bright smiles. She couldn't see the bounties of white and cream roses, ranunculus, carnations, amaryllis, and baby's breath with sprinkles of deep red peonies spilling out of the containers lining their path to the pergola. The white structure she walked towards was drowning in flowers as well, but her eyes remained fixed on the man with pure love and adoration all over his handsome face standing under it. The man who made her life worth living every day. The man who was her best friend, her partner, her other half. The man who watched her like she was his whole world and to whom she wanted to run to right now, forgetting about everyone and everything just so she could kiss him senseless. If not for her two bridesmaids, fully aware of her thoughts and threatening murder with their glares, Marinette would've done exactly that. 
When she finally reached him, Adrien gave her a smile that somehow put all the others he’d given her to shame. "You’re so beautiful," he whispered, his eyes turning glassy.
She mouthed a thank you in return, unable to stop smiling.
Tom cleared his throat, speaking quietly. "I’d threaten you to take care of my little girl, son, but you’re already making her very happy."
"She’s my greatest treasure." Adrien bowed slightly to the man. "Thank you for raising such an amazing daughter."
Tom sniffled, murmuring something incoherent in return, his eyes shimmering with tears when he turned to Marinette to give her a kiss. "I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you too, Papa," Marinette whispered, giving him a tight hug before accepting Adrien’s hand and joining him under the pergola. 
For the next fifteen minutes, she wasn't sure what was happening around her apart from the beating of her own heart and the feel of Adrien’s hand holding hers all the way through the ceremony. It even took a slight nudge from her groom to bring her back to reality when the time for their vows had come. 
"Marinette," Adrien started, taking both of her hands in his. "Until about ten years ago, I hadn’t been living much at all. Existing? Absolutely. But living? Not even close. Then, you fell from the sky right into my life and changed me forever." He paused, his smile quivering on his lips, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. "You've become my best friend, my partner, and today, you'll become my wife. Words aren't enough to express how happy I am about that." His voice cracked. Adrien breathed in and continued, the softest of expressions on his face. "You are my inspiration. You make my every day, my every struggle, this whole journey worth living. I love you, Marinette. I love you so much that if I had a choice, if I was given thousands of lifetimes, millions of timelines and realities, I'd still find and choose you because we were meant to be. I was born to adore you, and nothing would ever be able to separate us. Not in this reality. Not in any other."
Marinette bit on her lip, holding back her tears. She couldn't cry. Not yet. She had to tell him how much she loved him first. Even if her voice trembled and her heart threatened to escape her chest. Even if she could barely breathe, nothing but him in her vision. "Someone once said that love is not finding the one person you can coexist with. No. Love is finding that special someone you can’t live without. For me, that person is you, Adrien." She didn't miss the way his smile softened, the way tears filled his eyes, the way his hands lovingly squeezed hers. Like her, like them, was everything that mattered at the moment. "I look at you, and I see everything I ever wanted, everything I ever needed. You’re my rock, my best friend, my biggest supporter. With you by my side, nothing scares me. Whatever the future throws at us, we can conquer as long as we are together." She had so much more to tell him, so much of her heart to express. Yet, none of the words could ever embody everything she felt for this man better than a phrase she had told him a thousand times already; one she would never cease to repeat. "I love you, Adrien. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life loving you even more with each passing moment."
Adrien didn't wait for the officiant’s "You can kiss the bride", nor did he remember that there were "I Do"s to be said or rings to be exchanged. He didn't even bother to wipe the tears rolling down his face as he pulled Marinette to himself, capturing her lips in a kiss so tender and full of love, yet so passionate and yearning that there was no way Marinette would ever forget it.
Clapping, whistling, and excited shouts filled the space as Adrien pulled away, his eyes on her and her alone. 
"Shall you exchange the rings now?" the officiant said with an amused chuckle. 
"Absolutely." Adrien grinned, turning towards the ring bearer boy.
Marinette couldn't help her own smile, every word in her vows never being truer than at this moment. Life without Adrien was something she neither could nor wanted to imagine anymore. As Ladybug, or Marinette.
"With these rings, do you take each other as lawfully wedded?" the officiant asked, as soon as Adrien had obtained the rings.
"I do." Adrien took Marinette’s hand and slid the ring on her finger, "My Lady. My Princess. The Love of My Life" engraved on the inside of the band.
"I do." Marinette slid the ring she had prepared for Adrien on his finger, the words she placed against his skin expressing only a fraction of what she felt for this incredible man at this very moment:
"My One and Only. My One True Love."
Read it on A03.
This was written for @alwaysandforeverzine and has a spectacular art accompanying this story by an amazing @cat-saturn. Find it on Instagram or Tumblr.
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emsylcatac · 3 years
Can you give us the ladynoir analysis o.O
Oh my god what have you unleashed, do you even know what you’ve just DoNE?! (to be honest I went softer than I thought I would haha)
Okay so Ladynoir this beginning of season 4. Strong Ladynoir, powerful Ladynoir, unwavering Ladynoir...but is it?
The thing is that so far, from these two episodes and from Furious Fu, we have both elements that show Ladynoir growing strong in their partnership and friendship, and elements that show some fragilities.
So we’ll start with what proved that Ladynoir’s partnership was going strong and that they have themselves to rely on when all goes wrong:
We see them both feeling more free and more honest with each other than with anyone else: they can feel like they can act like themselves in a way
We see Ladybug admitting she love Chat Noir’s humour and couldn’t do without it anymore, meaning he keeps her sane
The ending card of Truth shows them both being in action, focused on their heroes duty rather than their civilian relationships; the one in Lies shows them looking at each other and knowing that if they can’t be honest or be trusted by anyone else in their civilian life, at least the can trust each other despite knowing they have to lie to the other
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We’ve seen Chat Noir’s unwavering trust in Ladybug, both in Lies and in Furious Fu
Chat Noir is shown to be understanding of Ladybug slacking on patrol for guardian duties and she apologies to him
Chat Noir is okay with Ladybug being the guardian as long as nothing changes between them
Chat Noir is okay with Ladybug being the guardian as long as nothing changes between them. As long as nothing changes between them.
Okay and we’ll start the fragilities in their partnership/friendship so far with exactly this:
Things between Ladybug and Chat Noir’s dynamic is changing: we even saw from his perspective this episode that they have and that he’s more bumped out than he let on in Truth about her slacking on patrol
Ladybug has given up on love in her civilian life, and I doubt she’d look for love with Chat Noir (cf. Chat Blanc + the whole “thinking with our head and not our heart”, or “we’re superheroes, we can’t date” from Glaciator, so even if she was to fall for him, she probably wouldn’t act on it)
But you know who hasn’t decided on giving up on love? That’s right, Chat Noir. And especially after the breakup with Kagami, Plagg makes a comment like “even if I like all the cheese on a plate, I always come back to my favourite, the camembert”, indicating that Adrien will go back to swooning over Ladybug: now whether he will act on it or not, who knows, but that still creates a difference between the two => Chat Noir doesn’t want to change his relationship to Ladybug, while she does and while their dynamic is changing outside of both their control
So here again: he doesn’t want things to change, but they are
Chat Noir sacrificing himself in Lies was cute and his trust in Ladybug is too, but she is doubting herself right now and she needs him to be with her and not sacrifice himself when it’s avoidable, and more now that she doesn’t have Master Fu and her allies: there’s a difference in communication here. While his sacrifice was necessary in Gamer 2.0 for instance, here it was probably avoidable and she didn’t like that
Both Adrien and Marinette have a very busy life, and Ladybug is barely realising that Chat Noir’s life is more complicated than she thought
Anyway, all of that to say that I don’t know how Ladynoir is going to evolve this season but it will be a central plot of it because their dynamic are changing, with Ladybug being the guardian, and they need to adapt depending on it.
I’m super happy they’re thriving stronger for now, and that they can rely so much on each other! But when we have a season starting about Truth and Lies, the previous one being and Change, while I hope it will continue to go in this direction, I still feel like there are things that will change that could fragilise their relationship, especially if they are feeling like they need to rely on each other more than ever or that they’re the only one they can feel like themselves with when as Chat Noir said at the end: they still have to lie!
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mexicancat-girl · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug Sugar Prompts
Because there’s enough hate and salt in this fandom, might as well lighten things up with some positivity.
Marinette brings in leftovers from her parent’s bakery to class so they don’t go to waste, an overflowing box of pastries and breads, before class starts. Everyone in class smiles and thanks her profusely for her kindness, the dreary Monday made a little sweeter by her. Adrien is particularly happy at snagging a croissant, and Nathaniel quietly thanks her for keeping his Kosher diet in mind.
Adrien always makes sure to say hello to all his classmates in the morning, because he knows how it feels like to be ignored and alone in the mornings in his home. He’s like a bright ball of sunshine. Everyone in class feels a little more willing to face the day with his genuine smile and goodwill to start them off. 
Alya gets an excited fan running up to her, realizing she’s the runner of the Ladyblog, and asking for her autograph. The fan thanks her for being so brave and amazing, running around to show Paris what the heroes are doing. Alya recognizes how important her sacrifices mean to the people of Paris, even when she’s not a superhero.
Nino is well-known in his community as being the local DJ for hire. After DJing for someone’s birthday, the family that hired him praise him for being so talented and hardworking, such a young enterpreneur! The others at the party also praise and compliment him, and Nino’s left with a plate of leftovers, a check, and his heart full of pride and happiness that his efforts are paying off in these small ways. He might not be famous yet, or anytime soon, but people enjoying his music and his DJing is still great.
Nathaniel is working on sketches with Marc in the park, when a little girl excitedly runs up to them and asks Nathaniel if he can draw her. The girl’s father catches up and apologizes for his daughter’s rudeness. Nathaniel gives a shocked look over at a smiling Marc, before assuring that it’s fine, he can draw the man’s daughter ‘as practice’. After gifting the girl the drawing, the little girl squeals and hugs him, thanking him profusely. Nathaniel is flustered, especially when the father slips him a bill as a thank you, leaving with his daughter before the artist can stutter out a refusal. Marc giggles and congratulates him on the commission, and Nathaniel laughs helplessly, feeling happy he could make that little girl’s day brighter.
Kim has a swim meet he’s been practicing for weeks. His entire class shows up to cheer him on, and he feels happy and grateful for the support. He ends up coming in at second place, glad he placed, but internally disappointed he didn’t end up getting first. All his classmates cheer for him and assure him that he’s amazing, starting up a chant of “Kim! Kim! Kim!”. The athlete ends up smiling wide and laughing, buoeyed by his friends’ support. He realizes that he might not have gotten first, but he still accomplished something great.
Alix is doing skate tricks in the park, gathering a bit of an audience cheering her on. She smiles and waves at them, going about her laps, before doing an impressive crazy stunt. Everyone has their phones out recording her, cheering loudly and going wild. Alix grins and pants for breath as people start coming up to pat her on the back or congratulate her on the amazing move. She feels proud that people acknowledge her skills
Max and Markov are going to have a presentation with a technology company, which Max is nervous about. He keeps making calculations on how well the meeting will go versus it ending up in disaster. His friends talk him through his anxieties, trying to tell him that he doesn’t need to constantly calculate the possibilities. He just has to go into the meeting and do the best he can. He’s smart, and he knows his stuff. And if it doesn’t work out this time, there’s always next time. Max calms down, bolstered by the support of his friends, and gains a bit of hope and confidence. He takes the advice to heart.
Sabrina spends a weekend with her father doing everything she wants to do, because Roger wants to treat his daughter and catch up with her. He’s been so busy with Akuma, he feels like he hasn’t been there enough for her. So Sabrina and her father sit down to eat pizza and watch one of Sabrina’s favorite shows. The girl gushes about the show and explains the characters to her attentive listener. Her and her dad make ice cream sundaes and eat those as well. Sabrina turns her phone off for the entire weekend, so she won’t worry about anything except taking a relaxing weekend off.
Ivan is working on a new love song for Mylene. He gets the help from his friends in Kitty Section. Rose and Juleka are happy to help, and Luka is there to lend an ear as well and help calm them all down from overwhelming Ivan with nerves. They end up having a casual jam session, laughing and joking and eating snacks Anarka gives them. Ivan is glad he has such cool friends and band mates willing to help him. He’d thought he would be wasting their time with his problems, but they end up spending the time well by goofing off and bonding.
Mylene is excited to plant a new set of herbs for her herb garden. Her boyfriend Ivan is more than happy to help her with the task. And for once, her father has the day off, and helps as well. Mylene gets to spend the day with her two favorite and most important people in her life, helping her and supporting her interests and hobbies. After they’re done, the three attempt to make dinner together. Mylene keeps getting shooed off to do the easier tasks, because her father and boyfriend want her to not have to worry and do the bulk of the cooking. The food ends up looking a little messy and gets toastier than they wanted, but Mylene just laughs happily and thanks her papa and Ivan with kisses on the cheek.
Juleka is trying out new hairstyles one week. Luka helps her brush her hair and style it, the two using tons of bobby pins and looking up tutorials on their phones. She wants to try to see what looks good and what she feels good with, to branch out and be more fashionable. It’ll help her feel more comfortable as well, since she wants to try modeling. Her classmates compliment her different hairstyles, Rose gushing over Juleka the most. Getting constantly peppered in compliments makes Juleka flustered and blush, but she’s also enjoying the support and attention, happy that no matter what she looks like, people still like her.
Rose writes a song to perform for the school’s talent show. Everyone expects a cutesy love song, and are surprised when she starts a heavy rock song while screaming into the mic. Juleka and Ivan whoop and cheer for Kitty Section’s singer, and everyone realizes that Rose has more depth than her pretty in pink exterior shows. Her friends and classmates start rocking out to her song, cheering wildly when she finishes, the loudest group among the others cheering for her. Rose beams and bows, glad to see so much support for her singing.
Chloe has a hard time being nice to people or showing a soft side. So instead of using words, she starts giving people gifts instead. Is it bribery? Yeah. But getting gifts is what she’s used to, and she has tons of money, so why not use it? The class are surprised when she starts doing things like ordering catering for when they have class events, letting Sabrina borrow accessories from her, etc. She even wrinkles her nose and gifts Adrien a wheel of Camembert, telling him he needs to eat more, even if it is stinky cheese. The others in class slowly start to warm up to the queen bee.
Luka usually has a hard time asking for help. He’s used to being the older sibling, the one to take care of things. Used to taking care of the house when his mom’s out working. He’s trying to schedule school with Kitty Section practices and chores, and gets overwhelmed. Despite him trying to hide his stress, someone notices. One day, Juleka sits down with him, offering that she can be the one to shedule their practices for them, and organize their equipment. Luka already does a lot for their family and friends. Heart full and heart song singing, he hugs his little sister tightly and thanks her. It’s good to be reminded that he doesn’t have to be the one to support others, but that others can support him as well.
Kagami is still unfamiliar with social cues, especially as France’s customs are different than Japan’s. Much more familiar, might louder, than what she’s used to. Thankfully, through Adrien and Marinette’s help, Kagami gets slowly more accustomed. She goes to get ice cream with them, picks up on slang, is comfortable enough to allow for casual touches. She’s not sure if Paris will ever be her home, but with the help and support of her slowly growing list of friends, she believes that Paris will no longer feel like enemy territory. Possibly even a home away from home.
Lila sits in her room, alone, and doesn’t plan. Doesn’t scheme. Doesn’t worry about pretenses or spinning a web of lies. Her ailing grandmother calls her, voice kind, Nonna asking her if she’s read any new books or tried any new foods in France. And Lila allows herself an hour of telling her Nonna all the little things about Paris, the tastes and smells and sounds. Of the park near her school, the vendors on the street, the cafe she found and likes to sit and drink a coffee in. Nonna tells her kindly, “I’m glad you’re doing well in Paris. I’m sure your friends are helping you adjust.” Lila thanks her, giving her well-wishes, and hangs up. She wipes away the silent tears on her face. The hour of peace was nice, while it lasted.
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sergaku · 3 years
Miraculous Revenge Chapter 2 (Rewrite)
There were no words to describe just how tired Adrien was. Late-night solo patrols were great for exercise, but they were not great for getting to bed at a decent time. That would be just one of the sacrifices he would have to make for Ladybug. Getting up at 6 am was good for him though. Early rise, early start as they say.
"What a load of crock."
Adrien fumbled through his closet, pulling out his second favorite t-shirt, light gray with black, horizontal stripes. He quickly pulled on his blue jeans and turned to the sleeping Plagg on his bed.
The cheese-obsessed god was sleeping on his own special pillow, one that was made by Marinette at Adrien's request. Adrien made his way to Plagg and poked his cheek several times to wake him up.
"Nyaaaaa~ Five more minutes kid." The black creature said, snuggling into the small blanket he had, again made by Marinette.
"Come on Plagg you need to get up. What would Ladybug say if she found out that I had such a lazy Kwami?" Adrien lifted the small blanket and got a sigh from the Kwami.”
"She'd probably tell you that you need to let me sleep all I want. That you should let this poor, innocent soul do what he wants, whenever he wants"
"You do that already. Permission from anyone or not."
"UGHHHHH. Fine." Plagg lazily lifted himself off the pillow and into the air. He let out an exaggerated sigh, which was only silenced when Adrien produced a piece of Camembert.
Adrien shook his head at the way Plagg was easily silenced by just a simple piece of cheese. He touched the top of his head, feeling his hair stick out in many different directions, and headed into the bathroom. He looked at himself. He could see the way his hair had a mix of the Cat Noir style and Adrien Agreste style. It was horrible. Adrien grabbed a comb and began to smooth out his hair. He happily began to hum the theme song of Les aventures de Ladybug & Chat Noir.
"You know Adrien, you have been quite different lately," Plagg said as he sat on the shoulder of his chosen.
"Enlighten me oh glorious God of Cheese. How have I been acting differently lately?” Adrien pulled out his phone while his other hand kept combing. He looked at a message Marinette had sent to him last night, a meme of a cat falling on a bed and saying good night. He saved the picture, setting the phone down and navigating to the home screen. What was once a picture of Ladybug was not replaced with a selfie of Adrien and Marinette in front of the reconstructed Notre Dame. The building had a rapid destruction/recovery thanks to a certain team of superheroes. “Because if you ask me, I think the only thing that has changed is just how utterly funny I am. And I didn’t think I could get funnier.”
"Riiiiiiight. Because the reason you have been in such a good mood has nothing to do with Marinette at all. Not the way you guys casually hold hands, have her sit on your lap and hold her, literally sword fight in your room, seriously why do you guys fight with swords and not the fencing foils and sabres, and do whatever couples do during this century…..eat snacks and get fat together!” Plagg laid down on Adrien’s shoulder with his arms placed behind his head to rest.
Adrien stopped messing with his hair and gave the Kwami a confused look. “I know that Marinette and I have become the best of friends, but that doesn’t mean that she and I have been dating. I think you need to open your eyes and see things for what they are. Marinette and I are just friends.”
As he uttered those words Adrien felt as if a blade had pierced his back and made its way to his heart. He clutched his chest as he let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Why did his body react like that when he mentioned her being his friend? It happened a few times when out in public, and it got worse and worse the more time had passed.
“Kid, I have been around since the beginning of the entire universe. Long before the first humans arrived. Literally, and I mean quite literally, the moment it was created there was Tikki and me. The others came not long after but that is beside the point and a history lesson I am not going to give. I know love when I see it. Especially since you haven’t been flirting with Ladybug and trying to woo her.”
“Ok, now I know that you are being ridiculous. I have been flirting like a maniac lately. Three days ago Ladybug and I cuddled under a blanket together on a balcony, warm tea in hands, watching Dirty Dancing, talking about how much we wished our lives were like that. Free, fun, and lots and lots of questionable quality of dancing.” Adrien let out a heartfelt sigh with a smile plastered on his face. That memory was one he would look fondly on for days to come. Just a relaxing evening with-
Adrien, broken from his self-induced trance, looked over at Plagg with a raised eyebrow. “What? Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my own thoughts.”
“That wasn’t Ladybug. You were hanging out with Marinette at her place. You were on her balcony, then you suggested you both watch one of your favorite movies and helped her dad bring up his old CRT TV because ‘watching this movie with any other quality would be unauthentic.’”
Adrien was about to argue when he paused for a moment. The memory became crystal clear as he could see Marinette snuggled up to him under the blanket. She had fallen asleep by the end of the movie and he moved some hair out of her face to kiss her cheek.
“But...but what about the two weeks ago where we had dinner at this American style diner and Ladybug got ketchup all over her face. I moved in with a fry, cleaned off her face, ate the fry, and winked at her? Her face turned deep red and her blush was adorable. Marinette looked so...so…” Adrien gripped the edge of the sink, a cold sweat running down his neck and his face turned pale.
“Mhm, I told you so.”
“This one is true though!” Adrein shot up, holding his finger up in a triumphant manner. “I got Lebanese take-out to eat while on a patrol. Ladybug said she hadn’t eaten that day and I came through with a solution!” Adrien crossed his arms and closed his eyes at this statement. He knew this memory was true because it happened on Sunday. He remembered this mainly because Marinette had to suddenly leave to go help her parents run the bakery. This had to cut their shopping trip short, but he still had fun for the next two hours with Ladybug.
“Yes, yes this is true. You did eat food with her. Though the entire time your mouths were stuffed with food, you barely talked, and when you guys did talk it was about literally nothing but vague topics to avoid knowing identities. The most important thing you said to her was that you had a new appreciation for baker’s especially when they are short and cute. It was the opposite of romantic.”
“There you see? I had a nice time alone with Ladybug and even then Marinette was on my mind for only a moment. But...but she was still on my mind. Even when I was with Ladybug I still thought of Marinette. She…”
Adrien sunk to his knees, falling backward and onto the floor. He looked up at the high ceiling. The light from the sun outside being the only thing that illuminated the room.
“I think….I think I am falling for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Hard. And I don’t think I am gonna stop falling any time soon.”
"Really? Who would have ever thought that? It's not like you two have your paws all over each other at every moment." The sarcasm in Plagg's voice was heavy, but warranted in this situation.
"I don't know what I am going to do, Plagg." Adrien stood up, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He saw a man who was now beginning to blossom a new love for a woman who could honestly give Ladybug a run for her money.
“I have a wonderful idea that you should really consider. You should ASK HER OUT!!”
Adrien just stared at his Kwami, blinking twice before shaking his head. "What? Are you serious Plagg? I can’t just ask someone like Marinette out. I have no idea if she even likes me like that. Jeez, you sound like Alya the last time I got caught staring at Marinette when she wore shorts. Her legs were so long and…. I am getting off-topic damnit!"
"Are YOU serious? You have to be joking, right? How could the girl not be totally all over you?”
"I always thought that I intimidated her. Because of my status as a model and the wealth my father has. It put up this barrier between me and everyone. My father always insisted that we were different from everyone else. A status above them all. In my head, everyone saw me as a pretty boy model who was to be awed only because of his looks. It is exactly why I thought that it would be impossible for a girl to like me. They would like the idea of me, and not actually me.”
Adrien looked down as he turned around and leaned against the sink. He looked at the sun as it was rising. Probably looking to be around 7 in the morning. Adrien brought his hands up, playing with the ring as he let out a sigh.
"Adrien, I didn't know that is how you felt. Why did you never tell me that?"
"Because it really wasn't your problem to bear. It was mine. I didn't want to drag you down with my own dumb burdens."
“You know that she isn’t in it for your money Adrien. She has seen you at your lowest points. She knows just about everything about you.”
"But...I...she isn't just a friend any more. It has taken a lot of willpower to not lean in and kiss her sometimes. She may not be Ladybug exactly, but she is my everyday Ladybug."
Plagg just smiled at this comment as Adrien made his way to his room. He looked outside the window, taking his phone and making a call.
“Hey, can you meet me at school early? It’s important.”
It took only 15 minutes for him to arrive at the school, Gorilla waving him off as he drove away. Adrien took a deep breath as he held onto the strap of his bag. He looked around, looking for his friend when he spotted her.
Chloe was laying on the ground, a blanket beneath her near the school gate. She was wearing her favorite white capris with an oversized red off shoulder top. Her head in Alix’s lap as they were both on their phones, Chloe resting her hands atop Alix’s helmet . He chuckled at the sight, their “secret” relationship being very obvious at this moment. He approached the duo, clearing his throat before he spoke.
"Hey Chloe, I am glad that you could make it. I need your advice on something." He looked down at the girl, who raised her eyebrow in response but never took her eye off the phone.
"Just spit it out already. Don't leave me in suspense." Chloe spat out. She glanced at Alix, smiling at what she read on her phone. Alix giving a wink in response.
"I'm in love with Marinette and I am going to confess to her today!" Adrien said aloud as he closed his eyes. He wasn't prepared for what he had heard next though.
"It is about time you realised that you loved her," Chloe said in a slightly annoyed tone. She looked at her best friend as she put her phone away in her purse.
"What do you mean it is about time? You are acting like it was obvious or something." Adrien looked at the girl, a deadpan look on her face as he went wide eyed. "Oh my gosh it was obvious wasn't it! Why didn't anyone call me out on it?"
"Maybe because Nino, as lovable as he is, isn’t like Alya who will call you out on your bullshit?" Alix commented as she snickered a bit.
Adrien blushed as he thought back to Nino. All the times that Adrien called Marinette cute and Nino gave him a strange look. All the times that Nino suggested that he do something with Marinette instead of the secret love that he had for someone else. All the times that Alya even called him out on it saying that the two would be good together. Every time his friends tried to say anything about Marinette in a romantic light all he ever said was "She's just a friend". Even thinking those words now puts a sour taste in Adrien's mouth. How could he say such a thing about her? Why hadn't he noticed her much earlier?
"Do I even have a chance with her anymore? I have basically rejected her so many times…"
Chloe let out an annoyed sigh as she stood up. She looked up at the taller boy, him having grown a full head taller than her these last few years. She cleared her throat and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"That girl is madly in love with you. I have known about this for years and trust me, no boy has come by and stolen her away from you. Well one boy tried but obviously failed." She poked his nose letting a quiet ‘boop’ escape her lips.
Adrien looked down at the finger touching his nose and gave a small smile in return. “Thanks, Chloe. I feel much better now."
Alix gave him a thumbs up, a quiet sign of her approval. Chloe just looked him up and down, silently judging him.
“You could have picked a better outfit to confess in, you know.”
Adrien was about to retort when the bell rang. He gave the girl a dirty look, which she retaliated with her own. Alix sat up, giving Chloe a kiss before heading off to tend to her own business. Chloe blushed profusely as she guided Adrien inside, keeping a fast pace to get away from everyone
“Why does she have to do this to me…” Chloe’s voice was quiet and slightly timid as she spoke. This got a chuckle out of the model.
“Probably because she knows what effect it will have on you.” Chloe only rolled her eyes at this statement.
“Adrien, I can't give you much advice. All I can tell you is to just be honest. And maybe comb your hair. Looking a little wild.” Chloe eyed his hair, grabbing a brush from her purse and quickly groomed it.
"She's coming to you. Better do it now."
Adrien looked confused, and blushed a bit as she ran off to go somewhere else. He turned around Marinette walking to him, and she looked like she could be carrying something. But was he ready to do this now? Could he confess to her just out in the open? Yes. He had to. If he didn’t he knew he was going to regret it. He put on a smile, looking at her bluebell eyes and feeling his face get flushed as he looked at her freckles. It was criminal to be this cute.
"Adrien, I have someth-"
"Marinette, I have someth-"
The ground began shaking violently for a second. Screams of nearby people could be heard. Adrien looked up, seeing a car with sharp purple crystal being thrown through the air. People from the school began running away, pushing past them and causing the unfocused Adrien to be pushed forward, taking Marinette to the ground with him.
He looked down at the girl, groaning a bit from the fall and the annoyance of being pushed. He lifted himself off the ground slightly, only to feel something soft. He gave it a squeeze before hearing a yelp under him. Marinette’s red face looking up at him, and his hand squeezing her chest while the other hand was right next to her head. It took a second of looking at the girl before he jumped back, doing his best to put some distance between the two.
"I'm so sorry Marinette! I didn't mean to do that!”
Adrien’s voice cracked as he pleaded with her, his tone nothing but apologetic. He got to his feet, helping the girl to stand.
“It’s ok Adrien. It was an accident. I know that..”
Adrien looked in the direction of the voice, his teeth clenching at the Akuma causing this moment.
Marinette looked at Adrien, a stern look on her face.“If you really want forgiveness, then you’ll get somewhere safe and stay there!”
Adrien was about to speak before she ran off. Adrien clenched his fist and ran toward the bathroom, locking the door as Plagg flew from his shirt.
“So…..that was a special way to confess.” Plagg said with a snicker, his tone full of sass.
“Though getting to second base is supposed to happen after you confess right? Not before? Didn’t know you were a pervert.”
“Yes dear?”
“…..Claws out….”
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I rewatch miraculous—Rogercop
Once again–this post uses screenshots from the French Dub version of Miraculous, translated by the good people at MiraculousSubs on tumblr. Yeah, I like the French version. FIGHT ME!!!!
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Nino winking at Marinette is cute :’). Also Alya’s proud smile makes my heart  💞💞💞
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Marinette and Nino noticing Adrien’s loneliness🥺🥺🥺
Alya’s mom: “Unfortunately i have no dishes to share. But maybe mister Buregouis will invite you all to the hotel! And treat you to lunch!”
....I seriously doubt it.
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Not that i agree with how she reacted, but i can see how Chloe would suspect Marinette for stealing the bracelet.
 Chloe had it in her bag.
 Everyone else is in their seats or standing against a wall.
 Marinette is the only one who is walking/moving and able to take it. 
its not as if Chloe’s aware there’s a little flying devil who lives in Adrien’s shirt, mistook her bracelet case for a camembert box, started playing with the bracelet and got his head stuck in it.
it’s revealed later on she never bothered to look through her bag properly before she started throwing accusations around.
Marinette’s right--it COULD have easily rolled away somewhere. 
No one notices Plagg rolling around between Adrien’s shoes either, so it’s clear they never bothered to look on the floor or search under the desks.
Chloe: “Let’s call Ladybug! Im sure she’ll actually do something!”
Ya just accused Ladybug.
Don’t give Ladybug extra work. 😒😒😒 That goes for Plagg too, since his hijinks are what caused this mess in the first place.
Hawk Moth: “Parent-child relationships can be so complicated.”
Hawk Moth says parent-child relationships are COMPLICATED guys!
Cuz ya know hawk moth is the FLIPPING POSTER-BOY for complex parent-child relationships.
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Tom is a good dad. 😏
Mrs. Bustier: “please gentlemen! This is a school here. Think of the children.”
Mrs. Bustier is a good teacher.
Plagg: “if by big you’re referring to my rock hard abs well thanks for noticing!”
2021 goals: attain the confidence of Plagg.
Adrien: “what do you mean i can’t transform?!”
Plagg: “if you transform the bracelet will get absorbed with me and damge your powers!”
...Yeah, NO. I shudder to think what Adrien would do with a damaged Miraculous. 
Tom: “Marinette let the adults handle this.” Marinette: “Papa! She called me a thief. I’m just defending myself.” Tom: “You’re also accusing all of your friends just like Chloe’s doing to you.”
WHY THANK YOU TOM. You’re a good dad. He defends his daughter but he won’t allow her to do wrong by others either. 
Tom, Tikki, Chat Noir—its a good thing Marinette has so many people who can/will tell her when she’s in the wrong about something. Not that I don’t trust queen but everyone needs sound advice from trustworthy partners/mentors every once in a while.
Sabrina: “I’m Chloe’s BFF. I wouldn’t steal from her.”
So you would steal from other people then? And do you even CARE your dad just lost his job? 
Kim and Max: pointing out Adrien’s a suspect too
Marinette: immediately wrires Adrien off as a suspect because FAVORITISM
Don’t talk as if the entire class is suspicious and then immediately excuse Adrien from any possible suspicion the minute you’re reminded he’s apart of the class too.  That’s literally no better than the stunt Mr. Damocles pulls in Despair Bear--even if he was caving under duress and Marinette is acting on favoritism.
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Have I mentioned how much I hate it when the akuma is in the school???
This whole scene is actually so nerve-wracking to me. And just goes to show how freaking courageous the people of Miraculous Paris are. 
I mean
These are the people who live under the constant threat that any intensely negative emotions could cause them to be possessed and brutally attack/ capture/ maim/ kill their loved ones. This can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. A place like school or even a highly secure building is nowhere near as safe as ordinary people would usually believe it to be.
Also take into account that by this point in the show (going by the netflix order) five of the students at this school have already been akumatized so it’s more than clear that Hawk Moth isn’t above akumatizing children. 
So parents are literally sending their kids off to school with this knowledge. Of course they believe/rely on Ladybug and Chat Noir to protect everyone but still. People can (and probably have) die in akuma attacks. People (kids!!!) did die, or at least nearly died, in Timebreaker when an akumatized Alix took their life forces to travel back in time. 
And here we have an akumatized person in the school.
Not for the first time. Nor the last.
Not to mention this is Adrien’s school. Hawkmoth knows his son is here. He knows akumatizing someone in this place at this time could easily kill his son. But he’s not concerned with that since his “wish” would “fix everything.” 
Hawk Moth just does not value life in the slightest. 
Meanwhile LB and CN do. Even if the magic ladybugs will fix everything and bring back those killed in akuma attacks (as it states on the MLB wiki) they never hesitate to protect and save people who are in danger during these attacks. Even if it would be more expedient to leave some people behind/sacrifice some people so they can get to the akuma quicker and easier. They never allow anyone to die for their cause.
Meanwhile Hawk Moth is just a bit too ready to break everyone in Paris.
Really, if Hawkmoth wanted to win all he had to do was actually put the akuma INSIDE a person. If that’s possible. I honestly can’t see LB and CN going so far as to kill someone to get the akuma. I’m not sure the babies have that in them...
Rogercop: Mayor, you’re under arrest for abuse of power.
Mayor B.: Hah! Look who’s talking.
He has a point.
Both of them.
Mr.  Bourgeois: flees from Rogercop in a hurry.
....Did you just leave your daughter behind?
 What's wrong with you?
Or is he trying to lead Rogercop away from the school...?
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Okay but Ladybug was actually able to reach an akumatized victim by mentioning their DAUGHTER. 
LB: gets yeeted over building by a supervillain.
I sense memes.
CN: is a tad panicked over Chloe when she gets in a car with a supervillain. 
I actually love their friendship, precisely for little moments like this.
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This little moment here is so cute. The way she gently helps him back on to the car, keeping her hand on his shoulder as he climbs. Their eyes are locked, too <3<3<3
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Lets take a minute to appreciate CN’s initial reaction to LB getting knocked off the car versus his final reaction.
Chloe: is in handcuffs
Good job giving Rogercop a hostage, Chloe.
Chat Noir: So now we’re the nations most wanted felons???
Technically you guys ARE vigilantes.
 Vigilantes who are being allowed to do as they please as they have the trust of the civilians and government not to mention ordinary people wouldn’t be able to handle akuma attacks well, as seen in the Origins special.
Chat Noir: We should go and defend ourselves in the court of law!
Chat Noir is pure.
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I love this transition so much. He goes from “whoops I’m caught” to “haha so are you” in 0.2 seconds.
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...............He’s not wrong.
All in all a good episode with a few faults. 
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Idea: Adriens birthday rolls around again, but he isn't allowed to have a party bc Gabriel is going on a business trip, and he doesn't even want Adrien to leave the house for '''safety'''.
Plagg, not liking how sad that makes Adrien, sacrifices some of his Camembert, using it to make one of Gabriel's work trip outfits smell like it was soaked in cheese, and he unpicked every third stitch in the other outfit.
Also the gang throws Adrien a secret birthday party anyway.
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Scarlet Fever Ch.15 Emily Agreste (Part 1)
Summary: Endings and Beginnings.
Notes: Boy those were a lot of loose ends to tie up.
Ah, Emilie does Not make an appearance. It's more because she represents family.
"I didn't realize you felt so overwhelmed until Princess Justice pointed it out."
"Yeah, but I didn't realize how much you were struggling until I found out who you were."
"It's not like I would have let you in even if you asked."
"I'm sorry I didn't ask."
"You were just following the rules."
"Lot of good that did, huh?"
"... I hate how much I failed you with the Snake."
"I'm sorry I put you in that position."
"I didn't say no."
"Adrien, if you showed up and said you trusted me with a Miraculous I would've jumped for joy!"
"Believe me. I was tempted."
"I never should've let you sacrifice yourself for me."
"From what I remember you usually didn't have much say."
"Exactly! You got hit because I couldn't get out of the way in time!"
"That's not how I see it."
"You getting hit was never okay."
"Better than the alternative."
"Not to me."
Adrien stared at the ceiling that still felt too close as the dream, or memories rather, faded. As tempting as it was to stay in bed and go back to sleep the blinds were pulled and sunlight was streaming in. And he was cursed, as his friends put it, with being a morning person.
Making his way to the restroom Adrien splashed water on his face and ran his wet hands through his hair to fix his bedhead. Combing it into his usual style. He paused, staring at his reflection in the mirror... At the model perfect look Gabriel had insisted on for years... Adrien ran his fingers through it, ruining it. Letting his locks fall in a decidedly Chat Noir-ish manner.
A knock on the bathroom door pulled Adrien out of his thoughts. "Bro, breakfast!" Nino called.
"Be right out!" Adrien hurried through the rest of his routine. His hair the only significant difference.
Plagg phased through the wall. "I dunno, Adrien," he started without preamble. "Turtle boy's kid brother is quite a handful."
Adrien smiled, scratching at the kwami's chin. "You're a handful too, Plagg."
"Yeah, but it's different when I do it!"
Chuckling, Adrien offered his pocket and Plagg flew in. Grumbling about tiny humans.
"Sleeping Beauty!" Nino exclaimed as Adrien sat next to him.
Pressing his lips together Adrien gave his best friend a mock glare. "That is not catching on."
"Oh, yes it is dude!" Nino stuffed his grinning mouth with baghrir. Butter and syrup almost dripping onto him.
Lips twitching into a smile despite himself Adrien reached for his own. "Where's Noël?"
"Folks took him to school," Nino replied around a mouthful.
"Yes!" Plagg flew out of Adrien's pocket and made a beeline for the fridge. "Camembert here I come!"
Shaking his head in fond exasperation Adrien ran a finger absentmindedly along the rim of his plate. M. and Mme. Lahiffe were kind enough to offer their home and let Nino take a few days off school. Nino insisted he think of it as an extended sleepover but... "I wanted to thank them for-"
Suddenly, Nino was leaning against him and wrapping an arm around Adrien's neck, pulling him close. "Dude, that's the fifth time you've said that."
"I'm just really grateful!" Adrien insisted, pushing him off.
"Believe me. They know."
Adrien swallowed the lump in his throat. The Lahiffe household was more than he could've hoped for. Especially with everything on the news. Gazing at Nino, the memory of a glowing purple butterfly came to the forefront. "To you too. For what you did."
Eyes widening for a moment Nino adjusted his cap, cheeks darkening. "What're best friends for?"
Adrien smiled softly. Tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. "You are the best. Y'know that, right?"
Nino wrapped his arms around Adrien in a  proper hug. "Back atcha, bro."
Returning the gesture, Adrien held him tight as his heartbeat spiked. "Couldn't have done it without you."
"Flatterer," Nino scoffed.
Clearing his throat, Nino removed his glasses to rub at his eyes. "Eat up, dude! Don't want to keep the Gorilla waiting. We got a big day ahead."
"...Yeah," Adrien agreed. "We do."
"Don't be bemused! It's just the news! The trial of the century is coming to a close. Disgraced fashion mogul Gabriel Agreste, who's terrorized Paris as the supervillain Papillon for the past two years, will finally face justice. The crown court is expected to reach their verdict later today. His son, fifteen year old Adrien Agreste, could not be reached for comment-"
Marinette pressed mute and turned away from the living room television. She hated that they had to mention Adrien like that. Like being Gabriel's son was the only description that mattered. Still, maybe she should bake Nadja some pastries as a thank you for pushing back against the idiots who wanted to lump Adrien in with Gabriel.
As a parent, as a reporter, Nadja had torn into anyone that even suggested Adrien was anything except a victim of his own father. On live television no less!
Just the memory of the press conference Ladybug called for the specific purpose of vouching for Adrien made her blood boil. If only they knew. Ungrateful jerks.
Tikki looked up from her place on the table, brow furrowing at her holder's tension. "Are you alright, Marinette?"
Sighing, Marinette glanced back at the screen. Slowly unclenching her fists. They were showing footage of his testimony again. "I'm worried about Adrien."
"Of course you are." Sabine set a plate of macarons next to Tikki. Who took the liberty of grabbing one. "That young man is going through something terrible very publicly. No wonder you're worried about him."
"Maman!" Marinette covered her face with her hands. "Saying it out loud doesn't make it better!"
Sabine gave her daughter a bittersweet smile. "Beating around the bush won't help."
Marinette groaned into her palms.
"But," Sabine continued, placing her hands on Marinette's, "you and all his other friends are making sure Adrien doesn't go through it alone."
Lowering her arms, Marinette looked down. "I... haven't been doing much, really."
"Marinette!" Tikki scolded. "What you've done for Adrien isn't nothing! You've talked to him, listened to him, been there for him. You're doing everything you can, Marinette!"
Sabine nodded, taking a seat next to her daughter. Holding their hands in her lap. "Even Ladybug has limits."
Marinette's mouth twisted ruefully. "I know."
"You know it here." Sabine tapped Marinette's forehead. "But here," Sabine pointed at Marinette's heart, "still has to catch up."
Her eyes stung as Marinette let herself fall into her maman's embrace. "I wish I could do more."
"Oh, honey." Sabine kissed her forehead. "I am so proud of the compassionate young woman you are. But you can't fix everything. More importantly it isn't your responsibility to fix everything."
Marinette opened her mouth to protest but Sabine laid a finger on her lips.
"She's right, Marinette." Tikki floated up to nuzzle against her holder's cheek. "What you're doing is already enough. More than enough. You're so kind to everyone else. Be kind to yourself."
Marinette didn't know when her tears fell but it didn't matter. For the first time since she donned the mantle of Ladybug, Marinette let herself be a girl crying into her mother's arms.
"Marinette!" Alya almost knocked them both over as she squeezed a little too tightly. "It's been forever, girl!" Noticing the red in Marinette's eyes she frowned. "You okay?"
Marinette nodded. "I'm fine," And it didn't feel like a lie. She smiled at Alya's familiar worry. "It's only been a day."
"Like I said, forever."
Tikki poked her head out of Marinette's purse. "Good morning, Alya."
Eyes sparkling, Alya restrained herself from gushing. "Tikki!" she whisper-shouted. Mostly. "Good to see you. Any chance we'll be meeting your friends again?"
All things considered Alya had taken Marinette being Ladybug rather well. She had been more concerned with why Marinette was akumatized and how she could help. It was a relief, really. That Marinette didn't need to lie to her best friend anymore.
"I'm sure Trixx would be happy to." Tikki smiled at Alya's enthusiasm.
"If Fu ever lets go of that box again," Sabine muttered. She waved goodbye to Tom who was left in charge of the bakery.
"Maman!" Despite weeks of her mother being very vocal about Master Fu's flaws Marinette was still scandalized by her critique of the Guardian.
"Don't 'maman' me. You know it's true. The only reason he didn't take back all of his fancy jewelry is because Oblivio helped us out." Sabine smiled at Alya.
Cheeks darkening, Alya smiled back. It felt odd to be praised for something she used to be ashamed of.
Marinette gently squeezed her arm. "Thanks for that."
"Hey, you used the Butterfly. Me and Nino just aimed." Alya wasn't sure how hard it was to tweak Oblivio's power so they could target specific memories instead of erasing everything at once. But she wouldn't have wanted anyone besides Marinette on the other side of the telepathic link.
There were a lot more people that needed their memories adjusted than Alya thought. Sure, Gabriel and Nathalie needed to forget who Ladybug and Chat Noir were. But there was also everyone in the locker room when the akuma swarm came.
Marinette bumped playfully into Alya, lips twitching into a smile. "Never thought I'd be glad to see Oblivio again."
Alya wrinkled her nose. "That makes three of us." Looking from right to left to make sure no one was in hearing range Alya leaned in close. "I can't believe you have a superhero therapist!"
"Eh, not the weirdest thing to happen this month." Marinette was just glad she didn't need to keep Ladybug a secret from someone else.
"Did you, y'know, use Ladybug for that?"
"Actually, it was Adrien that got us an interview with her in the first place."
Before Alya could respond Kagami's car turned the corner. The door opening for them as the driverless vehicle pulled up to the curb.
"Marinette, Alya, Sabine," Kagami greeted as they all piled in. "And Tikki," she added as the kwami floated out of Marinette's purse. "...Where is Anansi?"
"Kicking butt. She's a kickboxer," Alya elaborated at Kagami's confused look. "Can't reschedule this time. Has to fight or she forfeits."
Kagami nodded in understanding. "Your sister is smart enough to know that one does not back down without giving it your all."
Marinette straightened as Kagami's eyes landed on her. She thought that might be referring to something besides fighting but it was hard to tell. Reading Kagami was always difficult.
"I can't believe I'm finally going to meet the Guardian!" Alya exclaimed. Sabine's sentiments barely putting a dent in her enthusiasm. "You think he's up for answering a few thousand questions?"
Kagami smiled despite herself. Her phone chimed and she frowned at the text. "We have to make a stop first."
Nino hugged Alya and fist bumped Kagami. His eyes were tense despite the smile he gave them. "Hey, Mari."
Marinette's brow furrowed. "Nino." She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Is he...?"
Nino nodded, pointing his thumb behind his back. "Up ahead."
Taking a deep breath Marinette stepped into the cemetery proper.
The Gorilla was standing guard as usual. Spotting her, he gave Marinette a nod and let her pass. Walking further away to give them some privacy.
Adrien was standing rigidly in front of Emilie's grave.
What should she say? What could she say? Marinette cleared her throat. "Nino says you didn't want to have a funeral?"
Adrien shook his head, the first sign that he noticed her presence. "We- I already buried her once. Mourned her once. It's... not exactly easy the second time but..." He took a breath. It was shaky. "Um, the lawyer read me her will." His voice shook too. "M-maman didn't want- Sh-she didn't want..." Tears built up in his eyes. "What Gabriel did to her!" They flowed freely down his face. "Maman wanted to rest."
Marinette rushed forward and pulled Adrien close, letting him bury his face in her shoulder.
"Sh-she wanted to rest!" His voice broke as he breathed out the words.
Pushing down the disgust she felt towards Gabriel, Marinette focused on the boy in her arms. Rubbing circles into his shaking back. Soothing him, being there for him. Letting him spill his tears without comment. His breathing slowly evening out.
Sooner than she expected Adrien straightened, wiping at his eyes. "Thanks, I... I needed that."
Marinette swallowed. "A-anytime."
Adrien had cried more in the past few weeks than he had in the past year... That probably wasn't healthy. Something else to tell his therapist. "God. One of these days I'm going to stop crying on you!"
"I hope not," Marinette's mouth said before her brain could overanalyze it. Her eyes widened. "I mean- I don't want you to keep crying! That is- You can cry however much you want! Wait, no, I mean-"
Adrien smiled fondly at the familiar sound. The vise in his chest loosening its hold.
"Don't laugh at me!" Marinette pouted.
That only made his gaze soften further. "I missed you."
Pink dusting her cheeks, Marinette turned to avoid looking at him directly. "I missed you, too."
"I've just been so busy," he began.
"With the trial," she nodded.
"And therapy."
"And figuring out the next step with Master Fu."
"And it felt awkward, y'know?" Adrien gestured vaguely.
"To text or something," Marinette agreed.
Adrien blinked as he realized something. "Has it really been a week since we saw each other?"
"Eleven days," Marinette responded immediately. "But! Uh, who's counting?"
"It's odd not fighting akuma with you." Adrien fiddled with his ring.
Marinette's hand instinctively went to one of her earrings. "Not as odd as you being out of school for so long."
Adrien gazed up at the sky, thoughtful.
"... Are you coming back?"
"... Yes." The decision came to him easily. "All of you guys are there. My therapist thinks it's a good idea to be close to my support network. And Chloe's already offered to pull some strings so I'm not swarmed by paparazzi every day."
"So weird for Chloe to use her evil powers for good," Marinette muttered.
Adrien's lips twitched. "I'll be sure to tell her you said that."
"She probably wants to attach a helicopter pad to the school roof," Marinette joked.
"I talked her out of it."
Marinette choked a bit at that. Glancing at Adrien, she could see the tension he had when she first walked up to him was all but gone. His smile came easier. But... "If you needed to come here you could've said so. You made Nino worry."
"Ah." Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't know I needed to until this morning."
Ignoring the little voice in her head that panicked at the thought, Marinette grabbed Adrien's hand. His fingers curling around hers. "So you're not just avoiding the meeting we have with the Guardian?"
"Well," he finally grinned. "That too."
"He's not going to take Plagg away, you know. Maman won't let him."
"Ha! No, I don't think she would." Adrien gazed at Emilie's name carved in stone. "... You go ahead. I'll catch up."
Reluctantly, Marinette squeezed his hand before letting go. There was something else she wanted to say. But the words wouldn't come. Not taking her eyes off him until she passed the Gorilla.
Adrien turned back to his mother's grave with a bittersweet smile. "That's her. Ladybug. She's incredible, you'd like her. Stubborn, driven, intelligent. Couldn't ask for a better partner..." He placed a hand on the stone. "I wish you could've met her."
Floating out of Adrien's pocket Plagg laid his paw on top of the boy's hand.
"This is Plagg. He's a smug little troublemaker but that's part of his charm."
Plagg might've commented on Adrien's own troublemaking tendencies if this were any other circumstance. As it was Plagg just nuzzled against Adrien's hand.
A thought took root in Adrien's mind. "...Plagg?"
Ears twitching, Plagg looked up at his kid.
"Can... Can she hear me?"
Oh. Oh.
Plagg hated that question. The answer was never enough. Never as simple as yes or no. Over the centuries he'd lied through his teeth to ease his holders' burdens.
Adrien waited for his answer with trusting, patient eyes.
He swallowed the easy falsehood, burning his throat as it went. "I'll make sure she gets your messages," Plagg promised, ears drooping.
And for the first time in ten thousand years Plagg's holder simply nodded. "Thank you."
"...C'mon, kid," Plagg urged when Adrien didn't say any more. "They're waiting for you."
Sniffling, Adrien rubbed his eyes. "Y-yeah. Right."
Nino hugged Adrien tightly, practically squeezing the air out of his lungs. Kagami was little better. It was impressive how threatening she sounded while prompting Adrien to take care of his mental health. Sabine, by comparison, gave soft hugs and gentle encouragement.
Adrien loved all of it.
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mikauzoran · 4 years
Marichat/Adrienette: Serendipity: Fifty Marichat and Adrienette Kisses: Kiss Thirty-Eight
Read it on AO3: Serendipity: Fifty Marichat and Adrienette Kisses: ...because they’re running out of time.
It was bad.
It had been an honest mistake, a simple oversight, but Marinette was now regretting it immensely as an akumatized Adrien fangirl tore the roof off the Gabriel warehouse where Marinette was doing her summer internship like the lid of a soup can.
Two days previously, Chat Noir had rescued Marinette when she got caught in the crossfire of the latest Gabriel Agreste-caused akuma attack. Unthinkingly, Marinette had rung his bell, called him her hero in a flirty, saccharine tone, and kissed him on the cheek.
One of the other interns (Marinette’s rival Benoit) had gotten it all on tape as he took cover behind a clothes rack and posted the video online, the sniveling coward.
Of course, Adrien’s rabid fans were now calling for Marinette’s head on a platter despite Adrien’s insistences that Marinette was not cheating on him.
Clearly this fangirl was a little slow on the uptake if she’d only found out about and gotten akumatized over the quote-unquote “scandal” just then.
“You!” the akuma (Marinette hadn’t gotten her name yet) shrieked like a banshee as she pointed threateningly at Marinette, flapping her harpy-like wings as she slowly descended. “I’ll show you, you little hussy! The penalty for breaking Adrien’s heart is death!”
Marinette groaned, standing her ground and letting herself be a sitting duck to keep the akuma’s attention while the rest of her coworkers fled to safety.
“News flash!” Chat Noir growled as he leapt through the hole in the roof the fury had created, bashing the akuma over the head with his baton like a baseball bat on his way down.
He landed in a crouch in front of Marinette, putting himself between her and the monster. “Adrien’s heart isn’t broken, and he’s pissed that you’re harassing his girlfriend,” Chat snapped as he rose to his full height, teeth bared.
Marinette mentally noted that her boyfriend was really hot when he was worked up over protecting her.
The fury recovered from Chat’s little love-tap faster than expected, hissing like a feral cat as she dropped to the ground, denting the warehouse floor with her clawed, bird-like feet.
“You and your lover will die!” the akuma screeched, pulling a cartoonish gun-apparatus off her shoulder holster and firing it at them.
Acting on instinct, Chat dove at Marinette, pushing her to the ground.
Unfortunately, it was a net gun, and the resulting net got a two-for-one special, trapping both Marinette and Chat Noir in one shot.
The harpy akuma cackled, slowly advancing on her prey. “I will sacrifice you both to Adrien, and then he will realize his love for me!”
“Hate to break it to you,” Chat grumbled as he and Marinette struggled to free themselves and only wound up making it worse. “but Adrien’s ninety percent vegetarian, and he frowns on human sacrifice.”
Checking to make sure Marinette was clear of his right hand, Chat shouted, “Cataclysm!”, and the rope trapping them dissolved away.
“Run!” Marinette yelped, half pulling him to his feet as they took off.
The akuma screamed in anger, folding her wings and giving chase much faster than a bird of prey that large should have been able to on land.
“We need somewhere you can hide while I lead her away,” Chat panted as they raced down evacuated hallways.
“Storage closet,” Marinette agreed, spinning on her heel and going back three doors to where they kept bolts of the three dozen hues of chiffon regularly used at Gabriel.
Just as Marinette managed to yank open the storage room door, the fury rounded the corner and shrieked, “There you are!”
She dove at them, snatching them up in her talons and tossing them into the closet together.
They landed with a thud, bolts of fabric raining down around them.
“Stay put,” the akuma commanded, shutting them in and piling debris up outside the door to make sure that they couldn’t escape. “I have to go get Adrien so he can watch your demise.”
And, with that, the girl flew off to find her idol, certain that her prey would still be right where she’d left them when she returned.
“Marinette? Are you okay? Did she hurt you?” Chat called desperately as he dug himself out of the fabric pile.
“I’m good,” Marinette groaned, shoving the blots of chiffon off of herself. “I’m probably going to be nursing some bruises later, but nothing’s broken or bleeding.”
Chat sighed in relief as he made his way over to her, helping to clear away the last of the fabric before assisting her to her feet. “Thank goodness,” he whispered, pulling her in for a gentle hug. “I kind of flipped when I saw that harpy monster on the news announcing her manifesto to put you to death.”
“My phone is in my purse in my locker, so I didn’t hear the akuma alert,” Marinette sighed, thinking, not for the first time, that she needed to come up with a way to stay on top of akuma notices even while at work because this was becoming a problem.
“I’m just glad you’re safe,” he sighed, nuzzling her hair. “I was really scared.”
He shuddered even as he held her. His first thought had been of Marinette’s lifeless body being presented to him by the akuma, and that was quickly followed up by the terrifying thought that if Marinette was gone, there would be no Ladybug to restore her to him.
“You’re still freaking out, aren’t you?” Marinette realized, wrapping her arms around him tighter and nuzzling him back.
He nodded. “I couldn’t live without you. It would break me.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” she promised. “We’re going to get out of here, and then you and Ladybug are going to purify the akuma. Everything is going to be fine.”
He took a deep inhale of her scent, letting it calm him.
“Right,” he breathed. “You’re right. Everything’s going to be fine.”
She held him a little longer until his breathing evened out, and then she pulled back, giving him an encouraging smile. “Are you ready to get us out of here, My Love?”
He returned her smile weakly and nodded. “On it.”
“I’m honestly worried about Adrien,” Marinette sighed as Chat Noir squared off against the door. “He’s probably going out of his mind worrying about the both of us. You and Ladybug need to stop Harpy Lady before she abducts poor Adrien.”
“Won’t be a problem,” Chat assured, raising his right hand and calling out, “Cataclysm!”
Nothing happened.
Marinette and Chat frowned in tandem.
“Not enough juice for a second Cataclysm today?” Marinette hummed.
Frankly, she was impressed with how his abilities had grown over the years. It was a little unpredictable, and it changed from one fight to the next, but sometimes he could get off two or three Cataclysms before having to detransform, and the five-minute timer no longer seemed to apply to him.
Ladybug’s powers, on the other hand, hadn’t seemed to improve or grow at all. She still got one Lucky Charm and then detransformed five minutes later.
She’d asked Tikki about it, but that hadn’t gotten them anywhere. Tikki thought maybe Marinette’s stress was limiting her growth.
Marinette couldn’t bring herself to be amused by the irony.
Chat Noir’s ring began to beep in warning, causing the hero to groan. “Plagg, it hasn’t even been ten minutes. What the heck?”
“Has he not been feeling well?” Marinette inquired, a deep frown of concern etching itself into her brow.
Chat shook his head. “He’s been his same old annoying, cheese-eating self. I don’t know. Maybe I’m the problem. I am kind of off my game because an akuma is trying to kill the woman I love.”
Marinette grinned, stepping in to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. “Aww. That’s kind of romantic.”
“It’s kind of annoying,” he laughed self-deprecatingly. “Unfortunately, this is my reality.”
She stepped back with an affectionate smile and turned to face away from him, closing her eyes and covering them with her hands. “Go ahead and detransform. I won’t look while Plagg recharges.”
He pressed his lips together, considering as his ring gave another beep.
“I promise I’ll keep my eyes shut,” she insisted, misinterpreting the cause of his hesitation.
He dropped his transformation and tossed Plagg a piece of Camembert.
Taking a deep breath, he stepped in, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend from behind.
She jumped, startled at the contact at first, but then settled back against him, enjoying the feeling of his bare skin on hers. She usually only got so much skin-on-skin contact during intimate moments, and the sensation now lit little flickers in her stomach.
“I love you,” he whispered into her shoulder, pressing kisses like a flower chain up her neck.
“Love you too,” she giggled, hoping Plagg would take his time with the cheese.
“Marinette?” he called tentatively.
“I love you, and I can’t keep doing this anymore,” he confessed, making her suddenly go rigid as all of the happy, warm feelings vanished.
She swallowed hard. “W-What do you mean?”
“Keeping secrets from you. Lying to you,” he explained, nuzzling her neck and pulling her closer, his hand on her stomach.
“What exactly are you lying about?” she found the words to ask even as they stuck in her throat.
“Who I am,” he sighed. “I can’t do it anymore. I need you to open your eyes and look at me. I need you to know who I am because we’ve been dating a year and a half, and I’ve let this farce go on far too long.”
“Chat Noir, no,” she stressed, pressing the heels of her hands harder to her face. “I can’t know. We’ve been over this many, many times. It’s not safe while Papillon is still at large.”
“Marinette, all the things you’re afraid of aren’t going to happen,” he sighed in frustration. “I know you’re scared, and I’m not saying your fears are unfounded, but…Papillon doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon, and I cannot keep up this act for another month, let alone another year or more. I’ve always respected your wishes because I didn’t want to force this huge burden on you without your consent…but we’ve passed the point of ridiculousness, and I need you to know now. I can’t hide this any longer. I won’t.”
“Minou, don’t be unreasonable,” Marinette coaxed. “I…It’s not safe.”
He turned her around to face him and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Open your eyes and look at me, or I’m breaking up with you.”
Her body gave a jerk, and her mouth fell open in a silent gasp of shock at his harsh words and no-nonsense tone.
“Please,” he returned to pleading, taking her hands and gently pulling them from her still-closed eyes. “Please,” he whispered against her lips, giving them a desperate kiss.
“Please,” he repeated in a tearful, strained voice, getting down on his knees, pressing his face to her stomach and giving it a nuzzle. “Please, look at me.”
He sat back on his heels, looking up at her plaintively, giving her hands an entreating squeeze. “Please, Marinette?”
Her lips were quivering as tears slowly trickled down her cheeks. Her hands too were shaking even as he held them.
Gradually, her eyelids did part, and her gaze came to rest squarely on Adrien Agreste, a supplicant mess at her feet.
She pulled back, falling over backwards as her hands went to cover her mouth.
“I’m so sorry,” he rushed to get out. “You didn’t want me to tell you, and then things got so messed up that I didn’t know how to tell you. I’m sorry, Marinette. I’m so, so sorry.”
But she didn’t hear him. She was too busy panicking and shaking her head and trying to come up with reasons why what she was seeing couldn’t be true.
“—No,” she finally responded, cutting him off as he babbled apologies and tried to explain himself. “No,” she laughed just on the right side of maniacal. “I’ve seen you two together. I’ve made out with the both of you. I’ve seen the both of you making out with each other!” she accused, desperate to keep her understanding of reality in one piece.
He shook his head and replied in a very small, brittle voice, “Fox Miraculous.”
She blinked at him, not comprehending.
He gulped and tried again. “I used the Fox Miraculous to create a doppelgänger.”
She stared at him, hurt and betrayal flooding her senses. “You…used the Fox Miraculous…on me?”
Adrien visibly shrank, his shoulders rising up to his ears as he responded with the smallest, most timid of nods. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do. I…” He trailed off as she shook her head, her eyes cutting into him with the depth of their hurt and anger.
“How could you?” she asked quietly, calmly, leaving him wishing that she would just yell and get it over with.
He had nothing to say for himself.
He didn’t think she’d react well to “How could I not?” or “What else was I supposed to do?”
So he didn’t say anything. He just sat there, looking at her penitently, waiting for her to get to the part where she forgave him and told him it was okay. He waited for her to say she still loved him.
He wondered if he should say it first.
That didn’t feel right, though. He knew he still loved her, but he wasn’t so sure that she still loved him. He wasn’t good at fights. When his parents fought, they sometimes didn’t speak for days or weeks afterwards. Adrien had never gotten to see how those fights were resolved, how couples made up.
When Adrien got in trouble with his father, the usual protocol was for Adrien to stand still and take whatever verbal abuse his father threw at him until Adrien was dismissed.
He wondered if that’s what he was supposed to do now. Though Marinette seemed to be done talking. She seemed to be waiting for Adrien to say something.
Adrien had no idea what that something was. He didn’t usually get a turn to speak when his father took him to task.
He’d seen Alya and Nino argue about little things from time to time. They usually apologized, kissed, and made up…but Marinette didn’t look like she wanted a kiss.
“Well?” she asked, voice emotionless…like his father’s.
Marinette wasn’t supposed to make him feel like his father did.
Adrien looked for Plagg, hoping his kwami might offer some assistance, but Plagg was nowhere to be seen.
Adrien was on his own, feeling very tiny, stupid, and not good enough.
“I’m…sorry,” he tried miserably. “I love you.”
She stared back at him and sighed, shaking her head as she got to her feet.
Was she breaking up with him? Did her shaking her head mean that she didn’t love him?
The only thing he truly understood was the disappointment on her face. He was very, very familiar with disappointment.
“We’re wasting time,” she decreed, scrubbing at her face with her hands. “I’m sorry. We’ll have to talk about this later. I’ll come over to your apartment. Right now, there’s an akuma to fight, and you need to get us out of here.”
“R-Right,” he readily agreed, pushing himself up on shaky legs.
He tried to focus on the task at hand and not let himself think about losing Marinette’s love forever.
“Plagg?” he called, uncertainly.
The little deity flew out from behind a stack of chiffon and came up to nuzzle Adrien’s cheek.
The affectionate gesture almost made Adrien cry, it meant so much to him.
“Thanks,” he whispered in heartfelt appreciation before calling on his transformation.
Once the storage closet door and the pile of rubble blocking it was Cataclysmed away, Marinette was on the move, tossing an, “I’m going to find somewhere safe to hide. I’ll drop by your apartment after the attack,” over her shoulder as she went.
He tried to tell himself that her cold, distant behaviour was the result of shock. She was dealing with a lot of emotions, and maybe springing a reveal on her during an akuma attack where the akuma was trying to kill her hadn’t been the best timing.
He tried to tell himself that it wasn’t him. It was just Marinette panicking because that’s what Marinette did.
Somehow, those thoughts didn’t make him feel any less miserable.
 The akuma was purified, and, while that was all that truly mattered at the end of the day, the battle had been a clown fiesta that surely left Paris wondering what was wrong with its heroes.
They were a mess. Chat Noir and Ladybug were horribly out of sync, tripping each other up, misreading signals, and getting thrown all over one another by the harpy lady.
Everyone was just happy that they’d somehow pulled it off regardless.
No fist bumps were exchanged at the end of the battle.
This was a little disheartening because Adrien took it to mean that Marinette was so upset with him that she’d forgotten or didn’t care that Ladybug shouldn’t be behaving coldly toward Chat Noir because he wasn’t supposed to know that Marinette and Ladybug were the same person.
 Adrien collapsed on his bed, arms spread wide as he let out a long, bone-weary sigh. “Today is the worst.”
Plagg came over and settled on Adrien’s chest, giving his ward a nuzzle and a comforting purr. “At least nobody died,” he offered.
Adrien groaned, throwing an arm over his face as tears began to leak from the corners of his eyes. “I’m such an idiot.”
Trixx poked his head out of Adrien’s right shoulder and flew up to stroke Adrien’s hair. “You’re not an idiot,” he cooed, trying to be helpful.
Usually he left these kinds of interactions to Plagg who knew Adrien better and was, therefore, better suited to providing comfort. Today’s confrontation with Marinette in the storage closet had been particularly intense, though. Trixx could feel the way Adrien’s body had shaken and tensed and braced to be struck. Trixx could smell the stress hormones Adrien gave off, and he could tell that his holder needed more comfort than usual.
“I’m sorry Plagg and I didn’t give you the best guidance,” he whispered his regret. “We didn’t help you handle the situation well.”
Plagg snorted, stopping mid-nuzzle to look up and glare at Trixx. “We didn’t do anything wrong. This is all on Tikki. It’s her fault for filling her girl’s head so full of horror stories of identity reveals that went wrong in the past. It’s Tikki’s fault we got to this point. She knew Adrien and Chat Noir were the same person. She should have said something, told her girl it was okay to lighten up.”
Trixx couldn’t help but think that it was rather ungenerous of him to throw his other half under the bus like that. He would have thought that Plagg would show more loyalty to Tikki. On the other hand, Plagg’s kitten was suffering and had been suffering for quite some time, as the Adrichat charade had been going on for about a year at that point.
Plagg turned back to Adrien, insisting, “Kid, you know this isn’t your fault, right? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I didn’t really do anything right either,” Adrien mumbled despondently.
Trixx kept petting Adrien’s hair in the absence of anything more helpful to do.
“Don’t beat yourself up,” Plagg coaxed.
Adrien only sighed in response. “…Are we broken up now, do you think? I’m not good at fights. That felt like a pretty big fight.”
“That’s not what I took away from the encounter,” Trixx offered, mentally crossing his fingers that his understanding of human interactions aligned with the reality of the situation.
“Kid, no,” Plagg assured, going back to nuzzling. “She’s just upset. She’s not dumping you. She said she’d be by to talk it over later, so—”
“—So she can dump me officially?” Adrien groaned.
“I believe this is what that therapist person we saw the other day referred to as the cognitive distortion of ‘catastrophizing’,” Trixx remarked, trying to be helpful.
“What the fox said,” Plagg seconded. “You’re doing that catastrophe thing. Stop that and go into your talk with your girlfriend with an open mind. Maybe she’ll scream at Tikki first and get all of her anger worked out before she comes here, so she’ll be able to think clearly and see that this is all her own fault.”
Adrien took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah,” he replied half-heartedly. “Maybe.”
He felt bad for hoping that Marinette yelled at Tikki because, deep down, he knew he was in the wrong too, but he had a feeling that Tikki could withstand Marinette’s anger better than Adrien could.
“Just try to stay calm,” Trixx coached. “We’ll deal with whatever happens when it happens, so there’s no point in worrying about it now.”
“Okay,” Adrien mumbled, trying to focus on his breathing and the comforting caresses of his kwamis.
 Adrien woke to muffled voices coming from the main room about two hours later. Trixx was still curled up beside him, his head resting on Adrien’s shoulder, but Plagg was nowhere to be seen.
Adrien wiped the crusty debris from the corners of his eyes and sat up, trying to make out to whom the voices belonged. He rolled off the bed and onto his feet, going to investigate.
He found Plagg and Marinette in the main room of the apartment, hissing at each other in hushed tones.
Her complexion was splotchy, and her eyes were red. She looked a mess, but his heart still leapt for her.
Sensing their audience, Plagg and Marinette looked to where Adrien stood in the bedroom doorway, and Marinette’s eyes lit up.
“Adrien,” she breathed, rushing to his side, wrapping her arms around him, and squeezing him tight.
Reflexively, he untensed, settling into her embrace and dropping his head to rest on hers, his face buried in her hair.
“I’m sorry,” she stressed into his chest. “I’m so sorry. I’m not breaking up with you. Ever.”
“O-Oh,” he choked, beginning to tremble as an overwhelming wave of emotions washed over him. “Good,” he managed.
“Come here,” she coaxed, tugging him to the couch so that they could sit before their legs gave out.
She pulled back to look him in the eyes, gingerly cupping his face in her hands. “I’m sorry for how I reacted before. I was really upset, and there was a lot going on. There was a lot to think about and digest, and…” She shook her head. “I’m hurt and I’m angry and I’m still upset, but I will always love you, even when I want to scream at you and slap you silly, okay? I can be mad and still love you at the same time, all right? Plagg wasn’t sure if you knew that, so I wanted to make certain we were clear on that point.”
Adrien had to swallow and take several deep breaths before he was able to reply. “…I wasn’t sure,” he admitted. “I’m not good at fights. I don’t know how this works.”
She nodded, stroking his face and petting his hair. “That’s okay. I know you haven’t always had the best examples in your life, so… When my parents fight, things can get ugly. Sometimes they say things they don’t really mean. I think everyone does that. The important thing is that once they cool down, they sit down and talk about what happened and what they were thinking and feeling, and they work together to fix the problem that started the fight. They say sorry, and they remind one another how important they are to each other, and then they try to learn from the experience and not make the same mistakes again. Ideally, that’s how it’s supposed to work,” she explained.
“So…” He frowned as he tried to wrap his head around this new information. “You said sorry and that you still love me. I said sorry earlier. Does that count, or do I need to say it again now?”
Marinette grimaced and had to remind herself that he was struggling to grasp this new concept, so she needed to be patient.
“It’s not quite so formulaic as that,” she informed gently. “Those were more guidelines than a script, but…Plagg told me how torn up you’ve been about keeping secrets from me and how hard it’s been for you not being able to tell me who you were, so…I know you’re sorry. That’s the important part. I believe you’re sorry, so you don’t have to say it again.”
He nodded, tentatively, still not quite sure of his footing. “So…you forgive me? Are we done fighting?”
She bit her lip, dropping her hands from his face to his palms as she looked away. “Yes and no. I’m still…feeling things. This is a lot to process, and I’m still mad and hurt and upset, so…I need some time,” she confessed, looking back up at him imploringly.
He averted his eyes, shoulders inching up towards his ears as he began to curl in on himself defensively.
“Okay,” he mumbled, even though her answer wasn’t the one he’d wanted to hear.
“It’s going to take a while for me to sort through things in my head,” she explained. “I still love you, and I still want to be with you, but…you lied to me.”
He flinched but didn’t bother saying anything to defend himself.
“Like…a huge lie. For a long time,” she stressed. “That isn’t something I’m just going to get over. It doesn’t feel good to be tricked and betrayed like that, Adrien, so it’s going to be a while before I’m able to forgive you. That doesn’t mean I don’t love you anymore, though,” she reiterated, wanting to make sure that he believed her. “Do you understand?”
He nodded, trying to make himself smaller so that he would, hopefully, shrink away and disappear.
This hurt worse than when his father scolded him. When he got in trouble with his father, it was usually for something Adrien had no control over. It hurt worse when he had actually done something wrong and knew his punishment was justified.
“But we’re going to get through this, okay?” She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “This is just a rough patch. We’re going to come out on the other side stronger.”
“Okay,” he whispered, trying to believe her.
It was hard because he had always been a screwup, and he didn’t anticipate that changing anytime soon. He would always disappoint her and make her question the trust she placed in him. He’d been doing it for five years now, and it made him wonder which time would be the final straw. He always felt like he was on the precipice of losing her forever.
When he tuned back in, at least a minute or two had passed, and Marinette was in the middle of saying, “…you ever thought this was a good idea. I just…I don’t understand. How could you trick me like that?”
She stopped talking and looked at him expectantly.
He looked up and blinked at her.
She frowned. “Adrien, are you listening to me?”
“I…” He gulped. “Sorry. I don’t usually get to say anything, so…”
Slowly, her left eyebrow drifted up toward her hairline. “When have I ever not let you talk?” she inquired in honest confusion.
“Not you. My father,” he informed. “When I’m in trouble and he’s yelling at me. I don’t usually get to say anything, so…” he trailed off again with a shrug.
Marinette stared at her boyfriend as a cold chill walked its fingers up her spine. “You feel like you’re in trouble and I’m yelling at you…like your father does.”
His shoulders rose back up to his ears, and his gaze cast around on the floor for something to look at instead of her. “That’s…yeah. I mean…it’s a little different because you said you loved me, and that…that doesn’t happen with my father, but…yeah. …You’d think I would get used to being told what a disappointment I was,” he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
Marinette didn’t laugh. “…You’re not,” she stressed, taking one of his hands in both of hers and squeezing tight. “Just because I’m disappointed in something you did, that doesn’t make you a disappointment.”
Tentatively, he peeked up at her. “Is that anything like the saying, ‘You are not your failures’?”
She nodded enthusiastically. “Exactly. Just because you did something that disappointed me, that doesn’t make it a part of who you are. It was just…just a mistake. Human beings make those.”
“Even you?” he ventured softly.
“Especially me,” she agreed. “I’m sorry, Adrien. I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad; I just wanted to understand what had happened, but… What your father does to you is horrible, and I don’t want things to ever feel like that with me. Say something next time.”
Taking a deep breath and finally meeting her gaze, Adrien asked, “When we fight, afterwards, do I get to talk about what I’m thinking and feeling too?”
It hurt her that he even needed to ask.
She nodded, assuring, “I care very much about what you’re feeling and thinking.”
He blew out a long exhale. “Okay. So…I don’t get to make choices often. I mean, I do this past month now that I’ve moved out, but…my whole life, I’ve just kind of had to do what people tell me. This past month is the first time I’ve been able to pick what I wear or what I eat or what I do with my free time, so…thinking for myself and making decisions on my own is a bit of a foreign concept.”
She had known that on some subconscious level, but now that he spelled it out for her, it was horrifying in a whole new way how tightly controlled he had been.
“I know you said you still loved me, even though you were mad,” he continued uncertainly, “but…will you still love me if I’m mad at you?”
She blinked at him in surprise but nodded, assuring, “Of course…but…why would you be mad at me?”
He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. “Usually, when my father is scolding and punishing me, it’s for something that wasn’t my fault. Normally, I keep my head down and take it without protest because I have no control over the situation, no say in what happens to me…but…this relationship isn’t like that, is it?”
Slowly, she shook her head. “No. It’s not.”
He held her gaze as he continued shakily. “You’re not my father. You’re not unfair like that, and you care about what I have to say.”
She nodded vehemently.
“And it’s okay to fight with you because you’re not going to stop loving me,” he added and waited for her to confirm it, needing to be sure.
“Yes,” she promised, internally bracing herself, even as she squeezed his hand tighter.
“Okay,” he breathed out shakily. “In that case…Marinette, I’m kind of tired of always accepting the blame for things that aren’t my fault.”
Her eyebrows drew into a frown of confusion as she tried to parse his words for meaning.
“I’m not trying to say that I didn’t do anything wrong because I know I did,” he rushed to explain. “I never thought it was a good idea to pretend to be two different people. I never wanted to do that, and it wasn’t like it was all fun and games for me. I hated lying to you…but even though what I did was wrong, it wasn’t entirely my fault.”
She pursed her lips, trying to figure out what he meant, if he was trying to blame Plagg for giving him bad advice or what.
“Marinette,” he called imploringly, eyes wet with the start of another round of tears. “You didn’t give me a choice.”
Her mouth dropped open in stunned disbelief.
“What was I supposed to do?” he pleaded. “It all got really messy really fast right from the very beginning. I didn’t mean to fall in love with you as Chat Noir. I didn’t mean for us to get so close, but we did, and that wasn’t something I could give up. You have no clue how horrible it was in that deserted mansion all by myself, always feeling like an impulse buy my father deeply regretted but couldn’t return. I felt safe with you. Your house was always a happy, warm place, and you made me feel like I was worth something. I couldn’t keep away,” he explained, praying that she would understand even a little bit where he was coming from.
He shook his head. “I couldn’t stop coming as Chat Noir…and then I fell in love with you, but that day when I accidentally tried to kiss you as Adrien, you said there was someone else, and, I mean, that someone else turned out to be Chat Noir, so…I was just so overjoyed to have my feelings finally returned that I didn’t stop to think that it was stupid to date you as a masked superhero. I didn’t think,” he sighed, mentally kicking himself for the thousandth time. “And then I accidentally kissed you as Adrien, and you accidentally kissed me back, and…”
He pinned her with an intent gaze. “Remember how I tried to tell you who I was that night? After the kiss in the library with Adrien, I came over that night as Chat Noir, and I was going to tell you everything, but you wouldn’t let me. You said no, and I respected your choice because you were right; it is a really freaking big deal, and knowing my identity could potentially put you and the people you love in danger, and that wasn’t something I could force on you. I respected your choice. Was that wrong?”
He stopped, offering her space in which to speak.
She took a measured breath and blew it out slowly, confessing, “I don’t know. I wasn’t operating with all the facts. I don’t… I think…maybe you should have said something.”
“I tried,” he whined. “I dropped so many hints, Marinette. As things got further and further out of hand, I kept trying to tell you. You always said no, but I kept trying. I let so many things slip, hoping maybe you’d figure it out so you could stop beating yourself up about cheating on me, but… Marinette, I even asked you as Adrien, ‘What if I’m Chat Noir’. I tried.”
“…You…did, didn’t you?” she replied hollowly, image after image of him trying to tell her flashing before her eyes.
He nodded miserably. “The whole dating myself thing was purely idiotic, but I panicked, and I just wanted you to stop being so distraught over quote-unquote cheating on me when that was mostly my fault in the first place for not being able to keep my hands off of you as Adrien. I was stupid, and I messed up, but I was just trying to make you happy. I asked you again and again to let me tell you my identity, and you were aggressively against it…so I just let it go. When you wanted Chat Noir and Adrien in the same room, I figured out a way to make it happen, and that was that.”
He shrugged helplessly. “I was going to say that Chat and Adrien couldn’t find a time in their schedules that worked, but…you were so excited for the three of us to all get together,” he groaned. “I couldn’t let you down, and then when I asked Ladybug for the Fox Miraculous—”
Marinette paled, feeling incredibly stupid as she played the scene over in her mind.
“—I asked her if I could just tell you my identity, and she said no too, so…and then it just kept going for so long it felt like I couldn’t say anything anymore, but today… This has been eating me alive, Marinette,” he sighed, sounding every bit as exhausted as he looked. “I couldn’t do it anymore. I’m sorry. I knew I was in the wrong the whole time, but I didn’t know what else to do. Like I said, I’ve grown up my whole life with very little opportunity to think for myself and make decisions, so those are things I really struggle with. I’m sorry, and I’m working on it.”
“Oh, Adrien,” Marinette cooed, pulling him into her arms. “I’m sorry. I can see why you didn’t feel like you had a choice. I’m so, so sorry.”
She tipped her head up, pressing her lips gently to his.
He leaned into the kiss, his heart fluttering at the contact.
When they pulled back, he gave her a goofy smile. “I was so scared you’d never kiss me again.”
“I’m sorry I hurt you,” she sniffled, stroking his cheek lovingly.
“I’m sorry I lied and tricked you,” he answered, touching his forehead to hers.
“I’m actually really touched that you put that much time and effort into trying to make me happy,” she giggled through the tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.
He gently brushed them away with his thumb. “I’m glad that that’s worth something.”
“It’s worth a lot,” she assured. “You’re worth a lot.”
A light blush spread across his face, and he smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to the tip of her nose. “I really, really love you.”
“I really, really love you,” she responded with a giggle.
They pulled back just to look at one another, smiles pulling their mouths wide.
“…Hey,” Marinette remarked after nearly two minutes of gazing softly into one other’s eyes.
“Hm?” he hummed in answer.
“Have you eaten?”
Adrien frowned, trying to recall. “I…Maybe? I don’t remember.”
“He hasn’t!” Plagg and Trixx called out in unison from the arm of the couch where they were watching the scene develop.
Adrien blushed, looking away sheepishly. “Thanks, guys.”
“You’re welcome,” Plagg snickered.
Ignoring the kwami of destruction, Marinette forged ahead with her plan, “We should make dinner. How about I prep some salad for us while you brew two mugs of mint tea? Then we can snuggle on the couch while watching that one anime you mentioned the other day. Maybe even make popcorn. What do you say? I think we could use some low-energy bonding time after the day we’ve had.”
Tears spilled over down Adrien’s cheeks as he nodded enthusiastically. “You know just how to make me feel better.”
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lnc2 · 5 years
Flowers on the Window Sill
Summary: The first time Ladybug saw him, really saw him, the universe stopped.
A/N: Hihi we just got permission to post our pieces for @ladrienzine.  This is mine about the babes.
It started after Volpina.
A silly impulse he couldn’t resist, a silent thank-you, a gentle admonishment for Ladybug’s near-miraculous sacrifice.
The flowers sat on his window sill for days, withering away with the wind and smog and time. Plagg told him it was stupid, disappointed in his disappointment, but Adrien shrugged him off and tried again.
And again. And again.
“One day she’ll see them,” He said. His kwami wasn’t convinced.
“They’re just going to die again.”
Adrien hummed, tying the scarlet red ribbon to the posy’s stems and attaching them to his window.
He thought of his mother, sitting on a blanket in the garden grass, sun shining down on warm skin, the smell of dirt and wet and flowers filling his nose, making him sneeze, making him smile.
“For pere,” Emelie said, clipping the brightest, reddest buds from a nearby bush. “So he knows we’re thinking of him even when he’s far away.”
“Won’t they die?” Adrien asked when he was old enough to hold the clippers on his own. “Won’t that make him sad?”
She smiled, fingers dancing along his sides as she kissed his temple. “That’s what new flowers are for.”
That’s what new flowers are for.
These days there were no new flowers in the garden, another casualty of his father’s neglect, but Adrien remembered his mother’s words all the same. Like seeds planted in his heart they took root, strong and stubborn, until they blossomed like truth.
Gravity, the sun, and ladybugs.
The first time Ladybug saw him, really saw him, the universe stopped.
Eyes, blue, so blue, going from determined to shocked to soft– soft for him in all the ways she had to be hard for Paris– well. Adrien gaped like a fish– nothing at all like the cool cat he knew he could be.
Then again, Ladybug never looked at Chat quite like that before.
It was almost worth being impaled by invisible arrows to stretch out that moment to minutes to forever.
But akumas were akumas, Ladybug was Ladybug, and… well, even Adrien knew some things were too good to be true. After all, what was so special about Adrien Agreste to catch a Ladybug’s attention? Nothing. 
And yet...
His mother told him he took his first steps young.
Smile wide and proud, she talked about his baby pout and bright, bright eyes narrowed in the determination of the untried.
He had his first fall young then too.
Right down on his wobbly knees, still chubby with baby fat photographers loved at the time but loathed as he got older. She wasn’t quick enough to catch him but he didn’t cry. Not with Gabriel staring down at him, stoic and waiting. No, Emelie said, Adrien’s eyes watered and he sucked in a breath before bracing himself and standing up.
His first full steps were shaky, quick, and short, but they were steps all the same.
Falling for Ladybug felt a lot like that.
Adrien Agreste stepped out into an unfamiliar world of magic and supervillains and camembert and found her on the other side.  One too confident step into the sky sent him tumbling, tumbling down into the bluest eyes he’d ever seen.  With a mouth so smart it inspired a city and a heart so big he couldn’t help but covet, from almost the first, Chat Noir was stepping towards Ladybug.
Which made it all the more surprising when sometimes,
just sometimes,
he found Ladybug stepping towards him.
Nino pointed it out to him first:
“Dude. I think Ladybug has a crush on you.”
It was during Jackady, while they were running for their lives.  Not exactly the time for life-changing revelations.  Even still, the idea sent a ridiculous zing of pleasure through him. A pleasure swiftly followed by an equally ridiculous less than half-hearted denial.
“What?” He squeaked. “No way.”
“Uh huh,” Nino said, shaking his head. “Well you certainly had eyes for her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush like that.”
Adrien felt heat rush to his cheeks as if to prove Nino’s point. He shoved his friend’s shoulder.
“Shut up.”
Nino laughed. “Deny it all you want, bro. But if anyone could bag the bug it would be you. Just watch out for Chat Noir.”
He made a swiping motion with his hands, an insulting approximation of cataclysm, but Adrien laughed all the same and changed the subject. None too eager to have Adrien and Chat Noir existing in the same breath.  Still, his friend’s words lingered with him for days.
I think Ladybug has a crush on you.
Ha ha ha.
The idea was so laughable it hurt.  Hurt like a want so deep he could drown.
“She’s got your smile,” She’d said, admiring his mother’s picture.
He wished he could tell her how much it meant to him that she saw any resemblance at all. His father always said Adrien was like Emelie but he didn’t say it like Ladybug. He didn’t say it like it was good.
“Thank you,” He murmured, voice soft, heart softer.
Her answering smile, sweet, her freckled cheeks, pink, were enough to send hope spiraling. Adrien wondered if she ever blushed like that for anyone else. Hated that he might never know.
Emelie once told him, as her hands held his own, guiding scissors over garden stems, that when you loved someone you told them.
Adrien was never great with words.  Not like Chat Noir who could smooth talk his way around the Seine. Unfortunately neither of them could surface long enough to help finish his measly poem.
Bluebell eyes and strong disguise?
Who was he kidding?
Everything sounded so trite when all he wanted to say, all he wanted to tell her, fell into three words.  But words like I and love and you proved even too much for Chat Noir when it came down to it.
I hate you, Ladybug.
Plagg spent the entire afternoon laughing at him for that particular blunder. Adrien never hated an akuma more for ruining his life. Never mind that his lady was clever, she’d never think twice to see the truth of what he’d been trying to say to begin with.
And yet, somehow, her reply found him all the same:
My heart belongs to you.
“What makes you so sure it’s the bug?” Plagg asked, over it already even as he watched his charge melt against the window clutching the ridiculous valentine.
But Adrien knew. He knew it in his bones the way he knew the way she moved.
Plucked out from a pile of forgotten valentines like the way she plucked out his heart for keeps, Adrien’s hope outweighed common sense, crossed his luck against hers, and came out the other side with a determination to rival giants.
This girl.  This girl.
“It’s her Plagg,” He whispered, watching the little ladybug that graced his valentine fly lazily around the room. “I know it.”
He hoped in the same way she’d see the flowers on his window and know them for hers.  An unclaimed declaration, waiting.
And waiting. And waiting.
Chat Noir tried steering her towards the Agreste mansion on patrols, even attempted to point out the flowers a time or two.
“I wonder who the lucky lady could be.”
Ladybug stammered, blushed, and shook her head.
“Stop it, Chat,” She scolded. “It’s not funny.”
He didn’t intend for it to be funny.
Getting close to her as Adrien, outside the mask, was near impossible most days.  Between fencing and his father and superheroing there wasn’t any time to ask about valentines and lingering looks and flowers.
Riposte was difficult enough without asking her if she meant it when she said Kagami didn’t deserve him.  And even when she did seek him out after the Gorilla was akumatized it was to scold him, albeit gently.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” She said, catching him on his way to school one day. His heart stuttered at her sudden appearance, but there was a stiffness to her, a distance he wasn’t sure he could cross.
He tried anyway, reaching forward to place a hand on her shoulder. “Ladybug?”
She shrugged him off. Her eyes, glassy, were on his but she didn’t seem to actually see.
“Leaping off into nothing like that. I say jump and you just– what if the akuma hadn’t let go of me? You could have died.”
Oh. That.
Adrien rubbed his neck. “You asked me to jump.”
“Not like that.  Not like –” She stopped but he heard the lost words all the same.  Not like Chat.
She paused, sniffed, and shook her head. The shadow of every akuma he couldn’t remember reflected in her eyes.
Jump, how high, how far, say when– it never occurred to him what it must be like to be on the receiving end of that.  Chat Noir had died for Ladybug so many times who was Adrien Agreste to question her?
Guilt, swift, settled deep.
“If… if it counts for anything I had a back up plan.”
“I…” He stopped. Reassessed.  His ring lay heavy against his finger.  “I don’t know.”
She huffed, an agitated little sound, and wrapped her arms around herself.
“Have a little less faith in me. Please.”
Adrien laughed, hollow. “I’ll try.”
He never did.
His mother told him love was in the moments between the Big and the quiet.  In the brushing of hands, the meeting of eyes, the sharing of secrets. In the space between wanting and being wanted in return. It was the terror of being known– hearts unfurling like tea leaf flowers, slowly in the warm.
Adrien wanted to know love like that.
But Chat Noir was Big and charm and soft and Adrien was quiet and sly and lonely and Ladybug, Ladybug…
Well she was caught up with him somewhere in the between.
He was no more one than the other just like her and Adrien spent sleepless nights wondering how much more his heart could open up with waiting for and wanting more.
To see, to feel, to know.
In the end, it wasn’t waiting that brought her to him.
On a night where the moon hung full in the sky, he caught her swinging silhouette passing by.  Through luck or chance or time she heard him calling out and changed course to land at his window ledge, eyes glittering with curiosity in the dim light.
He stared silly and stupid before fate (or Plagg) pinched him forward, forcing out his daze.
“Oh!” He said, suddenly frantic, palms sweaty and fingers clumsy as he gestured towards then fiddled with the flowers that hung from his window. “Yours.  You. For you, I mean.”
“Me?” She squeaked, pale cheeks rushing pink.  “Really?”
Adrien gracelessly shoved the flowers into her unwaiting hands.
“Yeah, um. For a while now.  Yours.”
She was a vision there, stun struck, red and black and flower blue. Blue like the posies he’d foolishly picked and plucked and placed on his window sill.
“But… why?” She breathed, handful of flowers, eyes full of heart.
Adrien wanted to drown in those eyes.  His fingers itched, so many pinpricks and jolts, urging him to reach forward, to see, to feel, to know.
He shrugged, looked away. “Why not?”
Ladybug deserved a thousand thanks yous and more.  A mere bouquet or dozen wouldn’t even tip the scale.
“I– thank you,” She said, gently stroking one of the petals. “They’re my favorite.”
“I know,” He blurted, stupid.  Ladybug startled, blushed, but didn’t ask him how.
Just as well.  The Chat in him couldn’t lie to the questions rising in her eyes. Then again, Ladybug was never one to ask a question she couldn’t answer.
Instead, she leaned forward, holding the line of her yoyo in one hand and cradling the bouquet in the other.
“Can I…?” She murmured in the space between.
Struck dumb by her nearness, too stunned to do anything but memorize the freckles on her nose, Adrien nodded.
Her lips were soft against his cheek.  Soft and brief, so, so brief.
She pulled away, just enough.
“Thank you, beau gosse.  For thinking of me.”
Adrien shivered.
Slowly, his hand reached up, hovering just above her.  She nodded, body trembling beneath his hands as they moved from wrists to elbows to shoulders to neck. When his thumb first brushed beneath the line of her mask, sensitive fingertips over red, red cheeks, Adrien felt he could collapse from the relief of it all.
Warm skin on warmer skin still, the smell of flowers and toothpaste and sweat, a shy smile on an even shyer girl hanging in the window of a boy too stupid with love to do anything but marvel. It was thundering hearts in a silent room disturbed by small words that held more than their meaning and...
“Hi.” He said, voice revelation thick.
Ladybug laughed, light and airy and breathless.  “Hello.”
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snacc-noir · 4 years
The Idiot Effect - Part 2
Marinette the Flirt AU 
(Basically the fic where Marichat’s a brotp and Marinette’s a mess of a flirt but it’s hilarious. Also i suggest you read chapter 1 first because yeah that’s how numbers work i guess)
Even Chat’s gleeful that evening, fashion-disaster akuma confidently ruining his schedule and all. It’s typical banter, happy days, and being pulverised into city building walls.  
Adrien can’t pay much attention to his acquired brain injuries after today. He’s won his lacrosse game and he’s with her and it’s wonderful: the superheroine and girl of his dreams with a brain as thick as the brick he’s soon thwacked against. She can’t pick up his utter amour for her no matter the flirt, but it doesn’t matter because they’re great friends having great times fighting for their lives and universe as they know it thrice a week.
The best of moments.
“We’ll have this science failure wrapped up in no time, M’lady,” he assures with a smile too large for a Monday afternoon. “Our chemistry is immaculate.”
Joltingly, a green slob of magical rudeness cuts through their side-by-side stance.
Her lips are sly, mixed-coloured suit leaping in his peripheral as she murmurs, “Apparently not.”
Chat’s feet stutter on the ledge. Just for a second.  
One day, one day, he’ll admit to her straightforward – no jokes, no grins, no puns. A great sacrifice, yeah, but as Chat Noir it’s only expected of his bravery to pour his heart out to the most fantastic woman on earth. He has nothing to lose anyway – just maybe a shred of hope that he’ll get to spend his life with her and promise her everything in the world because he’s that guy. But it’s not as if his love for her can be blamed on him mind you, since,
“Ladybug– Ladybug is incredible.”
He’ll love her with a chance or without. No matter what his insecurities or Plagg thinks.
“Marinette’s cooler,” Plagg retorts around a bite of camembert cheese, once again falling tired of his chosen’s latest monologue about how amazing his dream wife was in battle.
A basketball lands in Adrien’s catch. “Stop with that.”
“You totally like her.”
“I know you do.” The entire roll magically disappears in his much smaller body. “I know everything.”
Lifting himself upright on the couch, he pegs the ball at Plagg in effort to get him to shut up, but the whole levitating and fusing with matter thing don’t really work in his favour. A sound clutters nearby and Adrien grins seeing the stack of cheese on the piano tumble variously.  
Plagg gasps and his owner rolls back into the sofa. “Then tell me how Ladybug hasn’t figured out I have more than a ‘crush’ on her.”
“Oh, yes; when she called you her little fanboy.” Plagg huffs, unbeknownst to Adrien if it’s from the Fall of Bastille or cynical indifference. “I guess you’re just so cool she can’t possibly imagine that someone like you, your royal awesomeness, could fall for her.”
Adrien’s brow slumps, hanging over soundless green eyes of ‘Shut your cheese trap’. His room, the definition of Rich Kid Flex, waits in a silence that holds Adrien’s dignity (if there’s much left) by the neck.
“Or there’s another guy.”
Adrien stills.
Another guy?
“Yeah. Why not?” Adrien hasn’t even realised Plagg’s allocated another camembert roll until a familiar, repulsive, gulping sound. But it’s the words that coil unpleasantly in his gut.
Why not?
Ladybug very much in fact could have another guy lined up in her unmasked persona, which already seems doubtful because doesn’t she have, like, the best judgment? (‘That’s rude, Adrien, you’re right but still.) And besides, he can… wait… forever. It’ll be like waiting for his dad to join him for dinner! It sucks, but Adrien’s persistent. One day. Sure.  
Adrien presses his lips into a thin line and looks up at the kwami with a meek expression. “You don’t really think so, do you?”
An uninterested murmur meets him.
“Eh, even if there is, you can always go to Marinette.”
“Marinette is kidding, Plagg,”
That’s the difference. He’s not with Ladybug – that’s blatantly obvious – but Marinette is… well she’s certainly forward but she’s also certainly joking. He knows this. Plagg knows it, and yet—
“She’s still cooler, though.”
Adrien face-slams a pillow. What is with him with that? Looking back, he doesn’t know what he expected when talking to Plagg of all a-holes about the situation. Advice? Sympathy? Ha. He’s the god of bad luck for a reason, and that reason seems to be making Adrien’s life a laughingstock.  
And a laughingstock it is. Not that Adrien knows it.
Plagg inhales more camembert to cover his chuckles.
“Why don’t you just ask him out for real?”
A locker’s door slam shakes the adjacent compartments.  
“I asked him to marry me the other day, Alya.” Marinette checks if she has everything sealed in her bag (‘Physics textbook, lunch box, cookies, true feelings about Adrien. Check.’) before the weight joins the burdens on her back. “I don’t think I can be any more obvious.”
“Maybe he thinks you’re jok—”  
“And after moaning about how hungry I was, I asked in the cafeteria if I could order him because he was a ‘certified meal’.”
Her friend’s casual serenity goes stiff. Alya’s hand slaps to her mouth, lips rigid and trying feebly to keep in the sudden influx of erratic snickers. Huffing, Marinette offers her back to talk to instead as she trots for the hall.  
“What are you—?” A throat clears, Marinette’s stride out the threshold warning she had thin time to get herself collected or she’ll be walking by herself. “What are you thinking you’ll do? Finally confess?”
“I’m not sure.”
Really, she’s not. There’s something so exhilaratingly frustrating about watching an obtuse straight-A student frolic around his own obliviousness while she throws him her feelings like flower petals, as though it’s a wedding with his comical dumbness as the marital. But there’s something safe about not laying the grounds of her true ardour seriously for him to trample on anyway. He very much could not like her – in fact, he likely doesn’t. And that’s fine!  
As long as she doesn’t have to hear it from him.
Shielding her palpable heart with whims of wits seems the safest route, because no matter her confidence level, being brave enough to literally confess is another story; another genre entirely –  
“I know you can do it, girl. Don’t doubt yourself. And if all goes wrong, like say, Adrien running your feelings over with a reminder that you’re just friends,”
Marinette’s pace stammers a little,
“blame his dumb judgment with his dumb detective skills.”
She sighs, thoughts arguing. Her bag strap fills her grip as she politely tells the whispers of insecurities to get stuffed.
“Thanks, Alya.”
Maybe… she could consider it.
tysm for all the support on the story! 
tagged (if anyone else wants to be tagged for future chapters lemme know, also sorry if you didn’t wanna be tagged again):
@amiraculousplatypus @wegan97 @soap-lady @poisonouscephalopod @woodsbeyond1 @spartanxhunterx @laadychat @mochegato @gelana-12 @heldtogetherbysafetypins @galaxiesanddaisies @melicmusicmagic @legallyspawned @aarushi-03 @purple-people-eaters-productions @gothfoxx @glassesandcardguns @princess-of-fangirls @mewwitch @emeraldpuffguide @johnlockfeels @kittyynoirr @aryamanbose @paintedbirdsong @trubel43 @lulumatthews
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celestialtitania · 5 years
The fandom thinks that Adrien is always going hungry. And apparently he doesn't get enough food because of Gabriel. But the real question is if Adrien doesn't get enough food to feed himself how does he manage to buy large amounts of camembert for Plagg?
Here's my take on it. Before Adrien became Chat Noir, he had a certain amount that he could eat daily. Maybe it wasn't lots of sugar which makes sense he is a model after all. But he could eat basically whatever else he wanted as long as he exercised and maintained the right weight.
But of course, Nathalie would check to make sure he wasn't going about it by binge eating or exercising until he fainted or what have you. So basically a certain amount of extra food every day.
And before Chat, Adrien would eat happily. But then there was Plagg. Who could and would eat a lot. Plagg needs to eat so Adrien can be a superhero.
Adrien has been giving up his food so that he can feed Plagg camembert. Especially since cheese is quite heavy and full of fats and calories. Adrien can't get anything else to eat.
So yes Adrien is hungry. But its a sacrifice he chose. Not one due to his job as a model or Gabriel's shitty parenting.
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