#miraculous revenge
mrmoooon · 1 year
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I love edgynette 💫
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Chifuyu has Chat Noir
OK LISTEN GUYS... Chifuyu and Chat Noir.
Just imagine how beautiful and cute Chifuyu would be dressed as Chat Noir from Miraculous Ladybug.
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Like seriously do they don't look alike
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kittybuggi · 5 months
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adrinette as the demolition lovers
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haitianempress · 5 months
So soon
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Queen Devi gone too soon. I didn't even get to have a final moment with my li because I died in Christian's arms instead. This is TOO MUCH
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knifedancer · 11 months
Hiccups (Part 1 of 2)
Marinette has incurable hiccups. Her classmates try every home remedy they can think of but nothing works. Felix thinks of one last thing she could try.
Next AO3 Link
Marinette started the morning like any other: late. Slamming her hand down on the alarm clock to shut off the blaring sounds it was making, she fell out of bed with a dull thump followed by a soft groan. As she stared through the angles of her twisted limbs caught in her blanket, Marinette acknowledged she was far more tired this morning than usual because of the one thing that she could not miracle away as Ladybug and had never found a solution for. The plague upon her life that she suffered from for years. The menace known as…
“HIC! Ugh, why did I have to have – HIC! – hiccups?” Marinette groaned as she sat up and untangled herself from the uncomfortable position she had fallen into.
Tikki flew over the teen piled on the floor and chimed, “Marinette, you’re going to be late!”
“I know, Tikki, but – HIC! HIC! – you know I’ve been up all night dealing with these hiccups. I’m so – HIC! – tired. Argh!” She threw her hands up in surrender and stumbled toward the bathroom to get ready.
The little red kwami, having experienced Marinette’s hiccup fits before, giggled a bit at her chosen’s morning antics. However, with a near tumble down the stairs and quick pitstop in the bakery below to grab cookies for Tikki, they were on their way in fifteen minutes. If she rushed, they would make it before the bell! Marinette sprinted to school, hiccupping through huffed breathing as she managed to slide into her seat just as the bell rang. Luckily for her, Madam Bustier was out sick that day and the substitute was still searching through their paperwork to find the attendance sheet.
“Girl, don’t tell me you have the hiccups?” Alya asked in a whisper.
“Hey – HIC! – Alya. Yeah, I didn’t sleep at all because I – HIC! – kept waking up all night,” whispered back the exhausted teen.
“Did you try drinking a glass of water? That always settles my hiccups,” replied Alya.
Marinette opened her mouth to reply when she was interrupted by yet another set of hiccups. Nino decided to intervene on his childhood friend’s behalf. “Mari’s hiccups are legendary, babe! Nothing cures them! One time in fifth grade her hiccups lasted a whole week before they went away.”
It was then that the substitute hushed the class and started roll call. Marinette tried to call ‘present’ when her name was announced but was only able to raise her hand as yet another loud hiccup escaped her mouth and echoed around the classroom. As the class began to giggle, she felt mortified and resigned herself to the embarrassment that would be her life today. Adrien spared her a pitying glance and small smile over his shoulder, Marinette melted a bit as she shyly waved in acknowledgement. ‘He’s so sweet, too bad his smile doesn’t cure my hiccups. At least he’s not laughing at me. Maybe today won’t be so bad?’ Marinette thought hopefully.
The class was quickly shushed, handed a History worksheet that they could work on in pairs, and told they could socialize quietly if they finished their work early that period. Marinette turned to Alya and got to work. Marinette wasn’t looking forward to attempting to talk through her hiccups, but she wouldn’t mind trying to catch a short nap during their downtime. Unfortunately for her, their classmates were never going to allow the poor girl to rest when they had a cure to find! Thus, during the last 30 minutes in the period, Marinette found her desk surrounded by her friends inquiring about her hiccups and tossing remedy ideas around.
“Mari, have you tried holding your breath?” Kim asked. “Always works for me!”
“Bet my cure for hiccups will work and yours won’t,” challenged Alix.
“Guys, maybe – HIC! – don’t bet on – HIC!” started Marinette.
“You’re ON!” readily agreed the jock as if Marinette had not just spoken.
‘This is going to be a long day…,’ thought Marinette tiredly.
The day passed slowly, punctuated by random jump scares at lunch and unending suggestions from every classmate for solutions to her plight. Each suggestion was followed by Max calling out the probability of success as calculated by Markov. Well, almost every classmate was invested... Felix, as usual, was attempting to enjoy his book and ignore the hubbub around him. Marinette had caught a glimpse of him scowling at her for a fit of hiccups that interrupted the quiet reading time during Literature class. However, as soon as the look was given and before she could attempt to whisper an apology, Felix’s face returned to the indifferent mask he always wore and buried his nose back into his book. The girl huffed softly and went back to drowsily staring at the page of increasingly jumbled words.
Much to her disappointment, her classmates’ never-ending exuberance to help with her hiccups left Marinette without a single moment to rest and, as each hour dragged on, the little energy she had waned even further. All she wanted to do was lay her head down for a few minutes! However, during their free period, her classmates kept piling on the suggestions until she finally sleepily acquiesced to attempting these supposed “cures.” Alya kept a list of their tests and the results:
Jump scare(s), failure.
Breathe into a paper bag, failure.
Running a marathon. (“Really, Kim?”)
Slowly drink a full glass of water, failure.
Pull knees to chest and lean forward, failure.
Swallow granulated sugar, failure.
Bite into a lemon, failure.
Hold your breath (until she nearly fainted), failure.
Practiced measured breathing, failure.
Squeezing your nose while swallowing water, failure.
Stretching her solar plexus, failure.
Standing on your head and drinking water upside-down, failure.
Holding your breath and swallowing three times, failure.
Gargling cold water, failure.
After the last failed attempt ended with water spilling on her shirt from a wayward hiccup mid-gargle, Marinette held up her hands in defeat and stopped. The bell had rung and there was a brief break that she wanted to go retrieve a spare shirt from her locker. ‘Just a couple more periods until school is over,’ she thought as she dragged herself downstairs to her locker. ‘Hopefully there won’t be an akuma attack before these go away! How embarrassing would it be to have hiccups as Ladybug? Chat would never let me live it down!’
Marinette felt Tikki’s little reassuring pats through her purse as yet another strong hiccup popped up mid-yawn. She whined softly at not even being able to yawn without hiccupping. She pulled out the white athletic shirt and quickly exchanged the two with a sigh, making sure to refresh her lip gloss and straighten her pigtails before heading back to class. ‘At least P.E. isn’t until tomorrow,’ she thought, ‘maybe my luck is turning around and these hiccups will stop soon!’
~~ Fast forward to the end of school ~~
The final bell rang, chattering students poured from the classroom and out into the open air. Marinette was so exhausted that she moved in a sleepy trance, dragging her feet and swaying like a ship in a storm. ‘I’ll probably sleep right through my hiccups and an akuma alert at this point,’ she giggled deliriously at her thoughts. Luckily Alya just gave her an amused look while she grabbed Marinette’s elbow to keep the tired girl from falling on her face and guide her through the bustling halls. Once in the locker room, Alya gave her friend a gentle push down the correct aisle before meeting up with Nino and Adrien near the doorway.
Marinette opened her locker to exchange books for the homework due tomorrow. ‘Physics and French Literature? Shoot, did I need anything else?’ Her brow wrinkled with the concerted effort to recall the homework through the sleepy haze of her mind. She pulled a textbook from the shelf, only to have another tumble down when a powerful hiccup jostled her entire body. She cursed under her breath and quickly bent to pick it up, tossing it back into the locker while clutching the needed textbook to her chest so she wouldn’t drop it as well. Just as she turned away to recheck the books in her backpack, a shadow was cast over her feet. Marinette didn’t think much of it until her locker door was slammed shut, causing her to jump back against the next locker with a startled hiccup. She glanced up to find Felix leaned over her.
“Your hiccups have been interrupting my peace of mind all day, Miss Dupain-Cheng,” his voice sounding strangely sultry in the low but dismissive tone he was using. Felix’s right hand was firmly planted against the shut locker door, he had angled his body to face her square on and leaned slightly forward until their faces were close together. So close that she could see little flecks of gold in his green eyes and was momentarily stunned speechless by the intensity of his gaze. He gently lifted her chin with his left hand and his voice dropped down to a teasing murmur, “perhaps there might be one solution you have not yet tried.”
Everything seemed to slow and quiet around them in this moment. She could smell his cologne, the starch from his clothes, and the minty scent of his breath. Felix’s gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips as if asking for permission. If she had not been staring into his eyes, she might have missed the movement entirely. Marinette’s breath hitched with a small, almost imperceptible hiccup as her eyes started to close on instinct to his closeness. ‘Is this really happening?’ She thought. ‘No, the real Felix wouldn’t kiss me. This must be a delusion brought on by an akuma or lack of sleep. Wouldn’t hurt to be curious if this is just a dream though…’ She missed the tiny, conspiratorial smile that graced his lips before he leaned forward, closing the distance between them.
The world seemed to fall completely away as their lips met in a chaste kiss, sending an electric tingle down her spine. A rush of warmth blossomed in her chest. ‘What is this feeling? His lips are so soft,’ Marinette thought. Felix pushed forward slightly and deepened the kiss with a breathy moan. His lips teased hers until he gently bit her bottom lip, causing her to softly gasp into his mouth. Her fingers tightened their hold on her textbook in response, gripping it closer to anchor herself to the ground while her heart tried to flutter from her chest. The kiss was unexpectedly tender yet hungry, as if finding water after a long walk through the desert; firm yet gentle, like the softest satin fabric she had ever touched. The grip on her textbook began to falter as Felix’s hand started to slide down her jaw to cup her cheek. Her fingers itched to touch him. Before she could let go of the book to cave to the need to pull him in closer, a scandalized cry from their periphery broke through the quiet that had engulfed them.
The boy tugged on her lip lightly as he pulled back and she shivered as his warm hand left her skin. Marinette opened her eyes slowly as if breaking a spell. Looking up at the boy with wide eyes and her mouth still hanging slightly open, her bottom lip swollen from his gentle ministrations. His eyes were soft and he sported a surprised expression. His tongue darted out to lick at her transferred lip gloss now adorning his own. “You taste like strawberries…,” he murmured absentmindedly, just loud enough for her to hear.
With that statement, sound and time seemed to return to normal in an instant. From the corner of her eye, she could see a shocked Nino holding back an angry looking Alya ready to go on the warpath. Next to them, Adrien seemed to be confused and distraught over what he had just witnessed happen to his ‘very dear friend.’ Marinette’s face and neck grew hot as reality came crashing back but she couldn’t find any words to speak, let alone think, as if Felix had stolen that ability from her with his kiss. All she could do was stare at the boy in front of her while students hollered and whooped around them. Marinette.exe has stopped working.
However, one sound in particular was completely silent…
A smug and aloof look returned to Felix’s face as he pushed off from the locker where his hand had been and stood straight. “Seems your hiccups are gone, mademoiselle. I would appreciate if you would refrain from causing such a disturbance with your hiccups in the future.” The statement was delivered in his usual haughty, mocking tone. With that he gripped his bag strap, slightly nodded his head towards her, and walked away looking completely unfazed by what had just occurred. In his wake he left a flustered and speechless girl leaning against the lockers for support, staring off into the space he had just inhabited. Her knees shook before she slid down to the floor, her textbook sliding from her numb fingers. She was immediately swarmed by friends barraging her with questions she was unable to answer. She just needed a minute. Or twenty.
No one noticed nor paid attention to the smug looking Felix as he retreated from the building and got into his family limo. Once in the quiet protection of the tinted car, his hand touched his lips with trembling fingers and his breathing became slightly uneven. His ears turned pink as he recalled every second of the kiss in agonizing detail. A kiss that, while originally meant to be in jest, had affected him more than he would ever admit. ‘Marinette…,’ his mind whispered longingly to him. Felix’s left hand tightened its grip on his bag. He involuntarily gazed back towards the front of the school to catch a glimpse of her stumbling out in a daze as his car pulled away.
The akuma should have been expected after what happened at the end of school. Lila became enraged about the kiss and having to watch their classmates positively fawn over Marinette. There was no way for the liar to twist this into making her look good nor gain sympathetic attention. It was completely predictable really. What was NOT predictable was that, when Lila, now called The Embarrassator, switched targets when she could not find Marinette.
‘Great! The first time I’ve been the target of an akuma while NOT impersonating my cousin!’ Felix thought. He hoped Ladybug didn’t still hold a grudge for that attempted kiss months ago. It’s not like he had the ability to apologize to the bug-themed heroine but he regretted it now. If she decided to spite him, he was probably going to suffer until that annoying cat boy destroyed the akumatized object. ‘I just wanted a quiet evening trip to the library to get a new book! Is that so much to ask?’
Felix saw an opening and bolted from his hiding place to try to get around the corner without being noticed by The Embarrassator. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side. He heard the akuma’s cackle before her ray hit him in the back. Immediately he was wracked with hiccups, coughing between fits in an attempt to bring air to his seizing lungs. He barely noticed his clothes had transformed into an atrocious orange and hot pink jumpsuit with oversized shoes before he was running again, the akuma hot on his heels. He managed to make it about two blocks when his shoe caught on a crack in the pavement and he fell.
Within seconds, and before he could hit the ground, he was airborne. Wrapped in a slender red polka-dotted arm that held him over a petite shoulder like a mere sack of potatoes. The wind whipped at his hair and face, leaving him a disheveled mess. ‘Just great,’ he thought, ‘this can’t get any more embarrassing.’ They landed on a rooftop many blocks away from the akuma and he was set onto his feet. He stumbled back against a nearby chimney to regain his bearings from the sudden flight by magical yo-yo and hiccupped through a clipped but grateful response for being rescued.
Ladybug took in his appearance and a smirk grew across her face. “Did the akuma do this to you?” She asked, gesturing to his outfit.
“Yes, and the – HIC! – these dreaded – HIC! HIC! – hiccups!” Felix replied with exasperation. He saw Chat Noir land near the edge of the rooftop a few meters behind Ladybug as if waiting for her cue. The cat took one look at Felix and began uproariously laughing. “You try – HIC! – getting hit – HIC! – by that damned – HIC! HIC! – akuma!” Chat laughed even harder, tears beginning to form at the corners of his mask.
Ladybug was smug but quiet, her eyes seemed calculating yet sparkled with humor. Before he could even hiccup out a scathing remark or head toward the fire escape with his tattered dignity, a bright red glove landed with a loud thud against the chimney next to his head. His eyes widened with surprise as the lithe Ladybug executed a perfect kabedon maneuver. He pressed his back and the palms of his hands into the plaster of the wall behind him. He glanced up to her hand and was gobsmacked as he noted small cracks had formed at the point of impact. ‘Blimey! Just how strong is she? Did she pull her punch before?’ Felix wondered, suddenly feeling the phantom sensation of the punch from their prior interaction. She still had her yo-yo in her free hand and used the edge to tip his face to look at her. Once he met her commanding blue eyes, he was powerless to look away. ‘Her eyes…they remind me of…’
With that last fractured thought and no warning, her lips met his in a heated kiss. From the edges of his mind he heard Chat Noir’s shocked exclamation of “My Lady!” But Felix? He was lost to the sensation of Ladybug’s lips on his own, drowning in the torrent of confusing emotions that bubbled up in his chest. Her lips moved possessively and all he could do was hold on to the chimney as she claimed his. However the kiss ended as suddenly as it started, leaving Felix with a dazed, half-lidded look as he leaned forward slightly to instinctively chase her departing lips.
“Just returning the favor, monsieur,” she murmured playfully as she straightened with a smirk.
“I…what…,” began Felix, his brain still a jumble.
He watched numbly as she sashayed over to a shocked Chat Noir, whose jaw hung wide open. Bumping him with her shoulder, she motioned with a nod of her head towards an explosion and screams in the distance. She gave a two-finger salute and a wink over her shoulder to Felix before launching herself off the roof. With a confident call of “bug out!” she swung out of sight. He witnessed Chat look dumbly off towards the retreating figure of his Lady before glancing confusedly back at Felix. He swore he heard Chat mutter something about kisses and bluenette ladies in his life. Chat physically shook himself and abruptly jumped off the side of the roof without a second glance at the flabbergasted Felix.
It wasn’t until he was climbing down the fire escape to the echoes of the distant ongoing akuma battle before he realized his blasted hiccups were gone.
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Hey guys! I've decided that I need more mutuals BADLY because depression go brr so I figured I'd talk Fandom!
My History of Fandoms I've Been/Am in in No Particular Order™️:
Deadpool and Wolverine
WWE or pro wrestling in general
No Straight Roads
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
Gravity Falls
Dandy's World
Dungeons and Dragons
My Hero Academia
Tokyo Revengers
Tokyo Ghoul
Black Butler
Attack on Titan
Twenty One Pilots
Undertale and it's aus (NOT COUNTING PJ'S DAYCARE)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Percy Jackson
Legends of Avantris
Matilda the Musical
The Addams Family Musical
Heathers (both movie and musical)
Young Frankenstein (musical specific)
Annie 2014
Bring Me The Horizon
The Beatles
Linkin Park
Miraculous Ladybug
Lady Gaga
Book of Life
Maya and the Three
So yeah I think that's it. If I think of anything, I'll update. If you fw any of these, feel free to moot me! I've got too much free time and am DESPARATE to talk to people
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Chloé: Would you guys be there for me if i was going through something?
Zoé: No.
Alix: Nope.
Rose: Absolutely not.
Everyone: *Laughs*
Nino: Hope it sucks whatever your going through.
Alya: Haha wow!
Ivan: *Laughing* I hope it sucks!?
Nathaniel: What the fuck!?
Marinette: Hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Adrian: Hope you reach out me so I can ignore you.
Everyone: *Laughs*
Sabrina: I can't wait to go to your funeral knowing I could've changed that outcome.
Marc: Shit got real, real quick.
Chloé: I was just asking if you'd BE THERE FOR ME OMG!
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optigami · 3 months
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guys walk with me
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person25 · 6 months
this is a renewed version of one of my older posts, basically just every fandom i have enough knowledge and confidence about to be willing to talk abt it on here
Miraculous ladybug, first piece of media i was really obsessed with
Avatar the Last Air Bender (+Korra ofc)
Percy Jackson and related fandoms
Harry Potter (mainly marauders but i can go on and on abt the golden trio if asked)
Star Wars
Anime i won’t shut up about include: One Piece, Tokyo Revengers, Jjk, Blue Lock, bsd, cote, naruto. I probably missed some so if you wanna know others just ask
Kpop groups i stan: Ateez, SHINee, Itzy, TXT, NCT. (these are just my top groups, there are more.)
Batman(mainly robins)
Criminal minds
also had a tvd/originals phase
Lookism Webtoon
lots of movies i’m willing to talk abt that i don’t feel like mentioning
if you wanna ask abt these feel free, also this will probably be updated a bunch bc my mind never stays on one thing for too long
even if i’m not currently obsessed with something as long as it’s on this list i will talk abt it‼️
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erebxs · 1 year
I’m this fucking close 🤏 to kms. Please people who fucking tag their work or fic PUT THE RIGHT DAMN TAGS, i be seeing #male reader But it’s fucking fem and i be seeing #female reader BUT ITS MALE LIKE BRO JUST PUT IN THE RIGHT TAG☠️☠️☠️
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momokoreo · 3 months
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Hi! I'm Mómoko Reo!
Here is my art blog. Sometimes there will be my cosplays and sometimes fanart and my original characters from my own comics
Привет! Я Мóмоко Рео!
Это мой арт блог. Иногда здесь будут появляться косплеи, а иногда фан-арт и мои оригинальные персонажи из моего комикса
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mooncache · 10 months
『Hello, M'lady~ Lookin' purrfect tonight♡』
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A Cat Noir piece as a gift for my internet friend!
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australet789 · 1 year
Intuition summary:
Gabriel is too useless as a human being, enough that he can’t control an AI and can’t fight against Ladybug/Marinette’s mind and dextrecity and therefore, he keeps losing, even when reseting a timeline
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shertr · 1 year
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And while I'm drawings in agony on my computer and trying to finish watching the "Miraculous" ("thanks" to the Internet a lot!), I'll show this...
Unexpectedly, I decided to buy some cheap markers, and I was pleasantly surprised. The colors are juicy, bright. And most importantly - it doesn't dirty the back of the sheet. Of course, I combined them with my main markers, because there is no color for the skin, but even so they are still good. Even the line is made with marker from this set. I'm impressed)
Yup, the photos are edited, because my camera suffers from darkening.
I like so much how these two pictures are absolutely not combined, BUT. Someday I will definitely make a crossover between them... My ideas...- what is it?
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wisteriasymphony · 7 months
*shakes this in front of mlb enjoyers like it's bait* heyyy you like this don't you, you should follow me come here pspspspsps
"hey shouldn't this be claw noir" SHUT UP.... i realized that like halfway in :( too late now
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knifedancer · 10 months
Hiccups (Part 2 of 2)
Tale of 'Hiccups' from Felix's POV.
Previous AO3 Link
Felix Graham de Vanily’s alarm went off at exactly 6:00am and he rose to greet the day with a stretch. He did his morning ablutions before heading to his closet to select his attire – his typical grey vest, dark dress slacks, and white long-sleeved shirt. He preferred a more monochrome palette as it gave him an air of authority and maturity. It helped that it also differentiated himself from his near identical cousin. Felix, the heir to the great Graham Films studio, had dealt with his fair share of grifters and manipulators even without – what did they call themselves again? Ah, yes…Adri-stans. He repressed a shudder as he tugged on a shirt cuff to straighten the sleeve.
He calmly went to the kitchen and retrieved his thermos of mint tea for the day. He basked in the quiet morning, the sound of a ticking grandfather clock’s metronome echoing against the mahogany walls was his only company. Felix preferred the quiet; enjoyed these little moments even if Paris was not where he would consider home. He missed the dreary atmosphere of London, which was perfect for curling up in a blanket in his reading nook to enjoy classic literature. Paris was far too warm, even with the autumn chill in the air. Nothing could compare to the warmth of his reading nook back home.
Once the driver had pulled around, Felix left the quiet house and slid into the backseat with a soft hum. He mentally prepared himself for another day at Francois Dupont. A school full of dullards, mountebanks, and potential exploiters. Not that he gave them any headway in discovering a weakness to take advantage of. He was a Graham de Vanily, they did not cave to pressure or manipulation. They were known for their self-discipline, self-restraint, and ruthlessness to those that tried to attack.
Years of would-be thimbleriggers disguising themselves as friends had resulted in impenetrable psychological walls of steel. While others thought he was condescending or disdainful, Felix viewed himself as the epitome of cool composure. His indifferent and haughty demeanor earned him the nickname of Ice King among those that considered themselves his peers. He was happily homeschooled until their move to Paris. Once settled, his mother had insisted that he should have the same public schooling experience as his cousin and, if possible, repair the rift between them. They were family after all.
The car arrived at the collège and he alighted with a swift nod in thanks to the driver. Heading into the still quiet school, Felix sighed inaudibly as he thought of the unfortunate event that occurred only a few months prior. His callous attitude only became worse when his father died of cancer. He had expected Adrien, a scion of the Graham de Vanily tree, to be supportive but was met with silence. He knew now that it was Gabriel’s fault, but Felix had felt abandoned in his time of need. A weakness like that would not be tolerated. He admitted now that his stunt had been cruel but only apologized to his cousin for acting out. Adrien’s supposed friends that were akumatized did not deserve an apology. They could not even tell their friend from a stranger! Little did he know that he would be stuck with them for however long his mother decided to entertain this schooling idea…
The only other person Felix would deign to apologize was Ladybug for his atrocious behavior towards her. From what he had seen online, she received enough unwanted advances from her own cat partner and did not need his ridiculous actions heaped onto that. Not that Felix had the chance to do so. It’s not as if the heroine of Paris had published her contact information! ‘Unlike Batman, she is not summoned by a spotlight with a bug on it,’ he thought with a chuckle. Plus she was professional and no nonsense during the akuma battles, which Felix respected. He could count the number of people he truly respected on one hand…in fact one of them, begrudgingly and unexpectedly, was in this very school.
He had entered Bustier’s classroom and sat at his desk, pulling out a book to look as if he were reading while other students filtered in slowly. He let his mind wander to the only other person at this school he could respect, not that Felix would admit it to anyone but himself. Who could this person be? Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Sure, he had seen that ridiculous confession video and mocked her, chalking her up to simply be yet another Adri-stan. He had scoffed at the thought that this wisp of a girl was class representative and presumed French schools had lower qualifications. From Adrien’s descriptions of her, she was clumsy, weak, and lacked confidence. Felix would crush her like a bug under his shoe if she tried to wheedle herself into his good graces.
However, Dupain-Cheng proved to be more than he expected…
Madam Bustier beckoned him into the classroom, motioning for him to speak to the class. “My name is Felix Graham de Vanily, cousin to Adrien Agreste, and I’m not your friend. Do not flatter yourselves into thinking I will stoop to your level,” he introduced. He could see his cousin wince at his words and recognized a couple students that had been part of the incident as they began to protest his inclusion. The rest were making faces with varying degrees of anger or shock, except for two students. One was a sausage haired girl in the back that looked entirely too pleased and the other was a familiar dark-haired girl in the second row who seemed to be trying to plaster a polite smile on to her face.
Their teacher’s smile became tight and forced, “Marinette, would you please make sure that Felix is caught up on the notes and give him a tour of the school?” The dark haired, pigtailed girl stammered a bit but was cut off by the teacher before she could form a response, “Great! Felix, Marinette is our class rep and will make sure to take good care of you! Please take the empty seat behind her. Now class, if you will take out the reading…” Felix took his seat and settled in with a small, resigned sigh.
At first break, the bluenette girl met him at the door with an unreadable expression. “Welcome to Francois Dupont, Felix. I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, but please call me Marinette. If you will follow me this wa—”
“You look familiar. Where have I seen you before?” Felix interrupted.
The girl smiled to hide a grimace, “I’m sorry, we have not met before. Now, if you would proceed this way, I would be happy to show—"
“Ah, I remember now! You’re the ‘I love you’ girl from the video,” he scoffed rudely. “Pathetic.”
Dupain-Cheng’s shoulders caved forward a bit, as if she were sinking in on herself. “You…you saw that?”
“Pfft, of course. I deleted it off my naïve cousin’s phone. He doesn’t need some gold-digging charlatan or super fan pretending to be in love with him.” Felix replied as he nonchalantly looked around, not noticing as the girl straightened and whirled around to face him until a finger was rudely jabbed into his chest. He followed the pale limb up until he met the eyes of the furious Franco-Chinese girl at the other end.
“Excuse me? I am not a gold digger, a charlatan, nor one of his crazed fans!” The offending appendage prodded his sternum to accentuate every word. The last had been strong enough to force him to take a single step back. Interesting.
“Really? I highly doubt that. Girls like you are just after fame and fortune. I’ve seen it a million times!” Felix rolled his eyes. “Don’t even bother to try to be nice to me in an effort to get to him or to be noticed by Gabriel.”
“For your information,” Dupain-Cheng stated blandly, crossing her arms and stuck a hip out in a defiant stance, “I don’t need your help. My parents are the best bakers in all of Paris, they do business with plenty of powerful people. And, before you even accuse me of using my parents for clout, I’d like to happily point out that I don’t need them to gain notoriety. I’ve won contests and praise from Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois for my own designs. I get commissioned by celebrities for my skills on a regular basis. I don’t need to be nice to you to gain anything. I’m trying to be civil because I want to be, even if you don’t deserve it for what you pulled with Adrien’s friends. Not everyone is out to get something from you, Felix.” She took a deep breath and shook her head, her shoulders relaxed, and her voice returned to a pleasant tone but her eyes commanded his compliance. “We only have a few minutes left, let’s do this tour and then we can pretend this never happened.”
Felix watched as she spun on her heel and started the tour in earnest, gesturing towards various features of the school while giving a concise run down of services provided. He blinked a few times and followed. ‘Seems there’s some temerity hidden beneath the cloying exterior,’ a small smirk appeared on his face at the thought. ‘Perhaps school will be less banal than I anticipated.’
~~ End Flashback ~~
They had had several intellectual skirmishes since that first encounter and each time he would provoke her until she volleyed impertinent repartee back at him. She was not intimidated by him or his family name and it left him feeling a little thrill as she always seemed to have a biting retort at the ready. Not only had Dupain-Cheng proven to have stronger character than he expected but she was a competent leader and retained one of the highest GPAs in their grade level. From the few stolen glances at her designs, she was talented as well. The only things he could still criticize was her tardiness, clumsy nature, and lingering crush on his cousin that made her a stuttering mess with only a glance.
Felix pretended to turn the page while he glanced toward Dupain-Cheng’s empty seat. It seemed the tardiness was not going to be resolved today… Just then, the exhausted looking girl in question ran into the room and took her seat as the bell rang. As the substitute teacher started calling attendance, Dupain-Cheng made a loud hiccup that echoed through the room. Felix frowned while he watched her slump into her seat. The rest of the class simply laughed at her antics. He rolled his eyes, ‘at least it’s just hiccups. They should go away soon enough.’
Except the hiccups did not seem to be the common kind normal people had. They seemed to be incessant and frequent. Of course Dupain-Cheng would have the most annoying, over-the-top peculiarity! Each hiccup felt like someone was grating on his nerves; the sound becoming the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard in his mind. As the day progressed, Felix witnessed their classmates betting on and implementing multiple attempts to scare the girl’s hiccups away. At first he found the whole affair hilarious as he expected the class representative to wear down until she would snap and reveal some of that impertinent wit she kept well hidden. Much to his consternation, Dupain-Cheng seemed to take it in stride with a polite smile and dogged yet affectionate look at their attempts. For Felix, however, the commotion their classmates created had the opposite effect: it only increased his ire. Not wanting to attract an akuma, he retreated into the quiet library at lunch to calm his temper. ‘Just a few more class periods,’ he thought wearily, ‘I can persevere through the end of the day.’
Unfortunately for Felix, the hiccups from Dupain-Cheng only continued after lunch and quickly wore down his waning patience. He was ready to snap at her during Literature when her hiccups repeatedly distracted him from his book, he barely managed to smooth out the angry scowl he directed her way before he said something too harsh. He just had to remind himself that these hiccups were ultimately not her fault. She was not doing it with the express purpose of driving him mad. Felix focused on the words of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, once again set himself to the task of ignoring the girl while she huffed in her seat.
At least he tried to do so until free period, when every other student in the class seemed to crowd around and make even more noise than before. Felix nearly ripped the book in half in frustration. They were making Dupain-Cheng do the most ridiculous exercises and tasks in an effort to find a cure for what was ailing her. Was she really standing on her head and drinking water? Lê Chiến even tried to suggest running a marathon! Even Felix was slightly concerned when she tried to hold her breath and nearly fainted, catching herself on the edge of the desk before she could split her head open. Seemed these “cures” were hindering more than helping. It wasn’t until she spilled water on her shirt that she was able to get them to stop. She left during the afternoon break and he basked in the hiccup-less classroom for a moment, for once not minding the usual background chatter of Rossi and Bourgeois. Dupain-Cheng returned right before the bell rang and Felix gripped his pen with each hiccup, his eyebrow visibly ticking with irritation.
~~ Fast forward to the end of school ~~
The final bell rang, Felix delayed his departure in hopes that Dupain-Cheng would leave the school grounds before he needed to meet his driver out front. He held on to his patience and composure by a mere thread. It would not reflect well on his family if he were to overreact or attack the girl in front of the rest of the school for nothing more than a simple annoyance. It was just not done; he was a Graham de Vanily. He finished off the last of his mint tea before replacing the empty thermos in his bag. Taking a deep breath, he exited the classroom and was relieved to not see a pair of dark pigtails anywhere in sight.
Felix walked past Césaire, Lahiffe, and his cousin as they chatted about the Ladyblog. Truly, he could not fathom why his cousin wanted to be friends with these simpletons. As he had already completed his homework at lunch, he did not need to exchange books but he did want to place his borrowed novel into his locker so he could return it in the morning when the library reopened. As he was about to head out, he was disturbed once again by a hiccup and then a soft curse. Felix came around the corner to witness the bane of his existence stuffing a book back into her locker while still hiccupping.
Felix slid closer to Dupain-Cheng as she sleepily shuffled books in her bag and crinkled her brow. He decided to mess with her a little as she had unwittingly vexed him all day. His heart rate sped up; perhaps he could exasperate the girl enough to verbally spar! He slowly stalked towards his prey, keeping his footfalls as silent as possible. ‘What had Adrien called that move from the anime he forced me to watch? Ah, yes, the kabedon maneuver. Let’s see if this will rattle those hiccups out of her.’ He slammed her locker shut with his right hand and watched as she jumped back with no further reaction than a hiccup. He smoothly boxed her in with his body and leaned into her personal space. Surrounding noises seemed to drop down to a dull buzz from their close proximity, like distant cicada songs in summer.
“Your hiccups have been interrupting my peace of mind all day, Miss Dupain-Cheng,” he dropped his voice down low enough so that others would not overhear. With his right hand still firmly planted against the lockers, he lifted her chin with the tips of the fingers from his left. He was close enough to see the tiny smattering of freckles that graced the bridge of her nose and seemed to dance charmingly across her cheekbones. Felix stared into her bluebell eyes, noting for the first time that she had a slightly darker limbal ring around the iris and little flecks that sparkled like silver in the afternoon light. He would bet they would twinkle like stars when she laughed. Her long, curved eyelashes were as dark as her hair and her bone structure was delicate. Dupain-Cheng may not be a refined beauty like his mother, but he would concede that she was beautiful enough to tempt a lesser man. He murmured teasingly, “perhaps there might be one solution you have not yet tried.”
Felix’s gaze flickered to her lips to hint at his meaning, looking deeply into her eyes with the expectation that she would scoff and shove him away at any second. Dupain-Cheng’s breathing seemed to hitch with the smallest, cutest hiccup she had made all day. He watched as unreadable thoughts seemed to flicker through her eyes before she truly did something unexpected: her eyes closed in assent. ‘Is she… Is she calling my bluff?’ Felix wondered with mild dismay. ‘Or perhaps she wishes to make my dear cousin jealous of a little kiss?’ His lips stretched into a small, conspiratorial smile at the thought. ‘Either way, I’m not one to back down from a challenge!’
He leaned in and, for a fleeting second, her warm breath brushed against his face and wrist. With it came the scent of something irresistibly sweet. He felt the tingling sensation of gooseflesh running down his clothed forearm as the very air around them seemed to still with anticipation. With one last push he closed the gap between their lips and Felix felt a jolt of electricity through his whole body. Reality fell away and all that remained was the two of them in this moment. Felix’s whole world seemed to narrow to the girl in front of him, as if he were a compass centering on true north. Dupain-Cheng’s lips were softer than rose petals and the sweet scent seemed to overflow all his senses. It spurred a warmth that seemed to grow within his chest until it enveloped his entire being. It was as if his whole body was wrapped in a cozy blanket. He felt the overwhelming need to bury himself in this feeling!
Felix gave up all pretext of composure and pushed forward with a whisper of a moan, unable to resist seeking out that inexplicable feeling. His lips teased hers as if nibbling on a treat until his teeth raked across her bottom lip. She gasped into his mouth and he swallowed it eagerly, tasting something that was so indisputably her along with the sweet, beguiling scent that was driving him crazy. Felix supped on her lips like a starving man; savoring her like an exotic tea made of the most fragrant flowers. His hand slipped down her jaw to cup her cheek while his arms begged to pull her against him, to give in to this magnetism he felt deep in his bones that pulled him towards Dupain-Cheng. He would wager his entire family fortune that her slender figure would conform to his own, like two neighboring puzzle pieces. He wanted more…
Just as he was about to seek out the tantalizing taste of her mouth, a scandalized noise from the periphery startled him into releasing her. Felix watched as she slowly opened her eyes, noted that they had darkened into the color of the stormy sea and the silver specks flashed like lightning. Oh, how he wanted to drown in their depths! His lips and skin tingled from where he had touched her, as if lingering electricity was arcing between them. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, tasting the residual sweetness captured there. “You taste like strawberries…,” he murmured absentmindedly, not realizing he had said it out loud.
Suddenly the bubble around them burst and he was thrust back into the present. A present where Felix was kissing Dupain-Cheng against the lockers of their school, surrounded by classmates witnessing his complete loss of composure. He quickly slammed down the walls around his heart that had crumbled like sandcastles at high tide. He wrapped himself back up in the supercilious armor that he donned each day to protect against those that sought out any weakness to exploit. He would be damned if any member of the cacophony around them would use the girl as a tool against him.
However, through the whooping and catcalls of the crowd around them, he realized one sound was silent…
Felix pushed away from the locker with great reluctance and stood straight. He addressed the stunned Dupain-Cheng with a satisfied yet mocking smirk. He forced his voice back into his usual haughty tone, tamping down on the trembling of his insides. “Seems your hiccups are gone, mademoiselle. I would appreciate if you would refrain from causing such a disturbance with your hiccups in the future.” He gripped his bag strap with the still tingling fingers, hoping that his classmates would not notice the way his knuckles turned white with the strength of his grasp. Felix then nodded his head towards her and walked away, forcing himself not to look back. He adopted his usual unaffected air, though everything inside him seemed to protest against the expanding distance between them. He just had to hold it together until he could get to the car.
He watched as Césaire glared at him and roughly bumped into his shoulder before running toward Dupain-Cheng, followed by a concerned looking Lahiffe. He broached the doorway to find Adrien in a bewildered state, a mixture of emotions flittering through his eyes. ‘Seems my dear cousin may be conflicted about his dear friend,’ he scoffed under his breath at the thought. ‘I wonder if his girlfriend, Tsurugi, has anything to worry about now.’ Felix hurried down the front steps and into the safety of his family’s awaiting car.
Back in the locker room, a dazed but now fully awakened Marinette rose from the floor with help from her friends. She murmured her thanks distractedly. Ignoring the excited questions and concerned looks of her peers, she evaluated Felix’s reaction to their kiss and wondered if he had felt even a fraction of what she had. Instinctually she followed the pull that led her out to the front of the school just in time to see Felix’s car depart. Only the small bug kwami saw the mischievous light and the steely resolve in her chosen’s eyes as she watched the car leave her line of sight. However, in the recesses of Adrien’s bag, Plagg sensed chaotic energy and shivered with anticipation…
Having to fight an akuma after the incident at school was predictable, so predictable that Marinette transformed in an alleyway nearby before going home. Lila had stomped off with a screech and false tears, muttering something about Hawkmoth. ‘I swear Lie-la is working with Hawkmoth, I just don’t have the evidence to prove it!’ Ladybug thought as she swung along the rooftops in a faux patrol. There was a loud bang and a familiar screech that announced the appearance of Lila’s newest akumatization mere moments before the akuma alert notification popped up on her yo-yo.
Within a few minutes, a distracted Chat Noir had arrived and they were scoping out the area to make a plan. The Embarrassator was an odd opponent. Her outfit seemed to be luchador-esque but she had gained nothing of semblance to a wrestler’s physique. She was seeking out people on the streets, whom she would hit with a ray from a ring on her finger and bring to life their most embarrassing fears. Some felt especially targeted. Ladybug watched as Alya was hit with a ray, transforming her into a fumbling mess that increasingly tripped over her words as she tried to gain information about the akuma. This was obviously linked to Alya’s desire to be a great reporter but what was up with that outfit? Gone were her typical flannel and pants, replaced by a neon green and lavender tux with tails. She looked like a knock-off Riddler from discount comic books!
“Where is Marinette?!” The Embarrassator demanded. “I want to make her suffer!” Chat seemed to stiffen at the akuma’s words, a fiercely protective look in his eyes. She could swear she heard a faint growl come from his throat but was too far from him to be sure.
Ladybug and Chat were heading to their planned positions when a flash of familiar blond hair caught her eye. There was Felix running from the akuma! Her heart rate sped up as she watched him lose ground, mere centimeters from The Embarrassator’s clutches. She changed trajectory and swung down to intercept him, grabbing him just before he hit the ground mid-fall and launching them back into the air until they were a safe distance away. It was not until she set him on his feet that she took in his appearance while he muttered his thanks. Felix’s hair and face were windblown, giving him a tousled bedhead look, but his normal attire was transformed into an orange and hot pink jumpsuit. And…were those clown shoes?
“Did the akuma do this to you?” she asked with a smirk, barely restraining laughter while gesturing to his whole person.
“Yes, and the – HIC! – these dreaded – HIC! HIC! – hiccups!” Felix managed to get out.
‘It seems my hiccups were inadvertently contagious…,’ the heroine mockingly thought to herself. She heard Chat land softly a few meters behind her, likely due to her sudden departure from the plan. He must have finally seen Felix’s appearance because she could hear Chat snicker.
“You try – HIC! – getting hit – HIC! – by that damned – HIC! HIC! – akuma!” Felix yelled angrily, causing Chat to break out into loud guffaws that brought him to tears. Ladybug could see a shift in Felix’s eyes from embarrassed to displeased. She knew now would be the perfect time to get him back for earlier. Before he could bolt, she slammed her hand down onto the plaster of the chimney he was leaned against and boxed him in with her body. He seemed to jump in shock at her sudden actions.
He pressed himself back as he glanced towards her planted hand with a hard swallow, she used her yo-yo to tilt his face back towards her and meet her eyes. Ladybug leaned in and captured his lips in a heated kiss, pouring into it every emotion and sensation she had felt at the end of school. She vaguely heard Chat’s shocked “My Lady!” but she pressed on, devouring his lips with the same ardor that he had shown her in the locker room. Before the prickly boy could respond in kind, she broke away and watched as Felix dazedly chased after her lips. The rooftop was so silent, you could probably hear a pin drop.
“Just returning the favor, monsieur,” she murmured playfully with a confident smirk.
“I… what…” Felix seemed to stumble over his thoughts. She turned and sashayed over to the stunned Chat, bumping his shoulder to help him recalibrate his thoughts. It was time to get back to business. She nodded her head towards an explosion and screams in the distance. Ladybug glanced over her shoulder with a sultry smile and gave a two-fingered salute before launching herself away, leaving behind two confused teenage boys listening to her cry of “bug out!”
A few rooftops away stood a lone figure in blue and white, sipping her to-go cup of cappuccino. She stuck to the shadows to remain unseen by mini-bug and baby-cat; the less they knew about her mission, the better. Her long ears twitched as she watched Felix Graham de Vanily stumble a bit on the fire escape and mutter to himself as he walked away with a red face. The future hero glanced down at her pocket watch with a wicked grin. “Looks like this timeline is on the correct path again. The probability of Risk has been neutralized.” She called for her burrow and disappeared through the time portal. Bunnyx knew from personal experience that it would not be until much later that evening, after the akuma had been purified, that Tikki would remind her chosen that she was not Marinette when she kissed Felix on that rooftop.
The subsequent freak out could be heard for a two kilometer radius…
~Author's Notes: In the bonus, Risk is in reference to the akuma in the episode 'Risk', where Felix steals/trades the Miraculous to Hawkmoth.
I blame Pamela Aiden's Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman trilogy for inspiring me to write a different POV for this. I wanted to play around with some cannon divergence and give insight into the mind of our favorite grumpy blond boy. Really tried to channel his attitude and superiority to change the tone of the writing. I also wanted to show just how much kissing Marinette wrecked him. I hope you enjoyed it.
PS: This was actually my first ever attempt at fanfiction writing. It caused me to write all the others I've since posted here.
TAG REQUEST: @babylovebug18
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