#the santa clause 2 fanfic
ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
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Bernard the elf x elf!Reader: Delicate Word Count: 381 Summary: (Toy)Santa had upset you, so you go in search of Bernard for help.
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  It had been quite a while, but you were determined. Turning another corner, you finally found him.    “Oh, Bernard! There you are. I need to talk to you.” You called out as you caught up to him.    “Not right now, please.” He paused to acknowledge you. “I have to go check in with the reindeer. I’m sorry. We can talk about this later.”    For the head elf, he seemed more stressed then usual. He gave an apologetic smile before turning and walking a few paces away.    You sighed as you watched him. “It’s about Santa.”    Bernard stopped in his tracks, pivoting around and frantically scurried back to you. Quite close in fact; you could smell the peppermint off of him. Panic shown in his eyes though he visibly tried to remain calm and composed.    In a hushed voice, he was a flurry of words. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
   “I made a humorous comment, as I usually do with Santa,” you began, receiving a nod from Bernard. “But…something’s different. He said that if I were a child, he would put me on the Naughty List so fast that my pointy little ears would fly off. And he laughed. And not his usual jolly and fun laugh. This one sounded…strange, disturbing even.”    Bernard’s mouth opened and closed more than once before he could find the words. He obviously saw how hurt you were from Santa’s words.    You did not recall a single Santa who had made such a remark to an elf, much less you personally.    Bernard proceeded to gently hold you by your shoulders. “I know that Santa has been acting a little…new, but I swear I’ll talk to him. Even though he’s Santa, that is no way to talk to someone. I’ll fix this, okay?”    “And…Bernard?” Your voice small.    “Hmm?”    “You don’t think there’s anything wrong with my ears, do you?”    He gasped in his shock. Reaching upward with his hands, he delicately touched your ears with a feather-light touch. “No. Never,” he shook his head with a smile. “They are the most perfectly pointed elf ears I’ve ever laid eyes on.” His kind eyes twinkled as he gave you a reassuring and caring smile. “May I see you again later?”    “Yes. Thank you, Bernard.”
~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you for reading!
Reblogs are appreciated
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kinfanfiction · 9 months
Bernard x Human!Reader - Chapter 1 - The Strangest Dream
A/N: Alrighttt I crawled out of my hiatus to write this because I’ve been thinking about this for a year!!! So, this fic was heavily inspired by another Bernard fic writer on Tumblr who wrote reader as Scott’s daughter and wrote it SO WELL might I add!! I can’t find their account now which makes me so so sad but if I do I will edit this to give credit. 🙏 Anyways, I won’t write it exactly like how they wrote it, of course, as I want to give my own spin on the idea.
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Christmas Eve was not going as planned. You had come down from your dorm at the nearby community college to visit your dad and younger brother Charlie. You had offered to help prepare Christmas dinner, but your dad insisted that he had everything under control. You loved your dad, but you also know when to ignore his word, so you brought some mashed potatoes and gravy along with some cheesy Pillsbury crescent rolls and mac n cheese that you had made in your dorm kitchens. You entrusted the turkey to your dad... but also secretly brought some chicken tenders and a bottle of Martinelli's apple cider in case plans went south. You would've made your own turkey for Christmas if you could, but you had roommates who also needed the kitchen.
Sure enough, when you arrived, the house was filled with smoke, and your dad was using a fire extinguisher on the very burnt turkey when you walked into the kitchen. You held as much food as you could carry in one trip in your arms. Your eyes traveled around the house, and landed on Charlie's disappointed face as he watched your dad put out the rising flames in the oven. You then looked at all of the burnt food on the table and sighed. Charlie saw you, and all the food in your arms, and his face instantly lit up. Your dad spotted you next, and a look of both guilt and relief washed over him simultaneously. "Look at you, always prepared." He spoke with a smile. "I'm sorry, I really though I had dinner covered. Must be something wrong with the oven.." He said, giving the oven an accusatory glance before walking over to help you set all the food down. You helped clear the table of all the badly burnt food, and then Charlie eagerly ran out to your car to help carry the rest of the food in.
Once all the food you brought was set out on the table, you dished Charlie up first, then your dad, and finally you sat down with your own plate. Charlie was looking much more chipper now, and you knew this was going to be a jolly Christmas. Everyone had enjoyed their food and apple cider, and now you could all get ready for bed with full stomachs.
You watched as your father read Charlie a Christmas bedtime story, and when it looked like he had fallen asleep, you began to sneak out the room. Just as your father was about to leave the room behind you, Charlie's soft voice broke the silence.
"What's that?"
"What's what?" Your dad questioned in return.
"A Rose Suchak ladder?"
You chuckled at this question, and watched as your father tried to explain what 'Arose such a clatter' meant.
Then, Charlie began to ask critical questions about the logistics of Santa Clause and how he gets around. Your dad struggled to come up with answers on the spot, and you found all of Charlie's questions to be adorable, and all of your dad's answers amusing.
Charlie eventually stopped asking his brilliant questions, and decided you and your dad should leave cookies and milk out just in case. You opted to make the cookies to save your dad the trouble of nearly burning down the kitchen a second time in one night.
Before you could even begin making the cookie dough, you heard loud thumping on the roof. You were just as alert as the rest of your family, and soon you all poured out of the house in a panic, one after the other, checking to see what the commotion was. You stared in shock at a man who appeared to be dressed up as Santa Claus on the roof, and then thought for a moment that maybe he was Santa after all, considering the sleigh and reindeer behind him. Charlie ran out last, just in time to see Santa take a tumble into the fluffy pad of snow below. Your dad and Charlie ran up to the man as you stood back in shock. Your dad checked the man for Identification, and all he found was a card that told him to put on the suit. Then the strangest night of your lives ensued.
You weren’t sure how this was physically possible, but you watched as your dad fit down chimney after chimney, lowered down by a floating bag of gifts into each house. Charlie was fascinated, but you were having trouble believing what you were seeing. You watched as your dad magically fit down every chimney and pipe until he had absolutely no gifts left. The next thing you knew, the reindeer were soaring thousands of miles in the air and traveling what seemed to be at the speed of light, and yet the ride was as comfortable as being on an airplane.
The reindeer began lowering the sleigh down onto soft white snow, and you realized suddenly that snow was all you could see for miles. Your dad’s irritation was increasing at the sight of this location, and your face felt like it was going to freeze off. A small child, who seemed to be around Charlie’s age, appeared out of nowhere, and with him, a tall red and white pole. “Look, dad, It’s the North Pole!” Your little brother exclaimed, as excited as ever.
“That’s the North Pole?” Your dad questioned, displeased. You just quietly waited to see what the child was going to do next. He walked to a keypad in the pole, typed out a code, and the sleigh began to lower into the ground. Surrounding you now was a sight you couldn’t believe. You knew right away that this was the North Pole. You stared in awe as your inner child squealed with delight. You and Charlie were swept up in the beauty of the workshop, and you found all the elves to be absolutely adorable.
The second the sleigh landed, your dad was off to find “who’s in charge,” and you and Charlie just walked around in awe. “Charlie, I think you might have to pinch me now, I can’t tell if I’m dreaming or not.” You whisper to your younger brother, and without a second thought, he pinches your arm as hard as he can. “Ow!” You exclaim, not expecting the pinch to be so painful, “...thanks.” You mutter as Charlie walks towards your dad, who seems to be talking to an elf, who is possibly the only one in the workshop who appears to be around your age. At the moment, he was very annoyed with your father being in severe denial of the situation. You were only having slight trouble believing what you were seeing, but Charlie’s sharp pinch helped with that.
You didn’t catch up until after the elf had introduced him, so when your dad forgot his name and he had to repeat it, you were a bit relieved. He introduced himself as Bernard, you couldn’t help but chuckle. It was childish to laugh at, but you couldn’t help it. “That’s the most elvish name I’ve ever heard,” You remarked. Bernard gave you an irritated blank stare, before turning his attention to your brother. You introduced Bernard to Charlie, and he gave him a beautiful snow globe, and when he shook it, you both could see a sleigh fly above the houses inside. It was fascinating, and Charlie made sure to thank him for the gift. After that, Bernard sent him with an elf named Larry to get something to drink, and you followed, wanting to keep track of your brother, and figuring your father could handle himself.
The tour of the workshop was everything you’d dreamed of as a kid, and the experience was something you never thought you’d get to check off your bucket list, yet here you were, struggling to catch up to Charlie as he quickly darted from place to place. You checked out the toys, then the candy room, and finally Larry grabbed Charlie a glass of hot cocoa, and you a nice mug of spiced apple cider. After you finished your drinks, Charlie quickly made his way back to your dad, with you trailing behind him.
It didn’t take long to catch on to the verdict being that your dad was now Santa Claus. It was a strange thing to try and grasp, but Charlie had no questions, only excitement at the idea.
Bernard had finally gotten Charlie and your dad to go to sleep in the room set up for them, and you had your own room as well, but you couldn't sleep. You had been longing for this kind of comfort for a long time. Ever since you moved out, Christmas hadn't felt the same. It was still wonderful, and merry indeed, but it no longer invoked the excitement it used to, the kind you saw in Charlie's eyes. But this... something that had only been cast off as a childhood fantasy in your mind, the fact that it was real, you could feel that child-like wonder bubbling inside you. You had to explore further.
You quietly snuck out of your room, and were relieved to see that no one was awake. You treaded carefully through the halls, your fingertips gently gracing the railing beside you as you gazed around at the dulled impressions of vibrant colors you saw earlier that day. You stared out the front windows of the workshop and considered going out into the snow, but figured you'd likely freeze to death in your flimsy winter attire that may be fine for where you live, but not here.
A few minutes into wandering through the empty shop, you heard quick and purposeful footsteps storming through the halls, shuffling through all of the items in the shop, section by section. Your eyes tracked the source of these sounds back to a shrouded figure in the dark as they began to descend the stairs, near where you stood. As they got closer, you could hear them muttering angrily to themselves as they continued to sort through the Christmas toys. Soon enough, they noticed you.
"What are you doing awake?" The familiar voice hissed. You took a moment to respond, trying to figure out why the voice sounded familiar, and who it belonged to.
"Bernard?" You whispered back finally, once your night vision adjusted to barely make out his features. "What are you doing?"
"I should be asking you that question, you should be asleep." The elf retorted disdainfully.
"I tried to, but I couldn't." You admitted as you silently wondered why it was so bad that you were awake.
"Why's that?" He questioned with growing impatience. Clearly, Bernard preferred everything to be in order, and you being awake messed with that order.
"I guess I just... I wanted to see this place as it slept. It was so magical earlier today, but I really enjoy the peace and quiet as my inner child settles with the idea that a concept I deemed mythical for so long is actually.. real.. I mean, my dad is Santa, and the workshop is real, you, and the other elves, you're all very real. It's something I dreamt about happening as a kid, but I eventually gave up thinking would ever come true." You explain, and as you do, you watch the majority of frustration dissipate from Bernard's expression. He hadn't expected such a thorough response.
"That... makes sense." He responded, his tone softening. "Sorry for being short tempered with you, it's not even you I'm actually upset with, I just- Your father- Santa's denial of the fact that he is Santa, it worries me. The entire North Pole is at stake if he decides not to take the job-"
"He'll take the job, don't worry. My dad's always been like this, with everything. He takes longer than most to accept changes in his reality. He'll eventually get it, and then face it. You'll have your Santa, so let that be one less thing to worry about." You assure the anxious elf, and he calms even more after that.
He takes a deep breath, "Thank you for that." He whispers appreciatively. Then there's a moment where silence settles comfortably in the air, the moment of tension has passed. The cold wind from outside is beating gently against the windows, and then he speaks up again. "You said you wanted to explore while it was quiet... well what if I give you a tour of the North Pole tonight? I can give you winter gear that's guaranteed to keep you warm outside." He offers kindly, and you smile.
"I would love that." You agree, and soon he brings you a warm jacket, scarf, gloves, snow pants, and snow boots. You're fully equipped and ready to go, and he just remains in his regular wear. The blistering cold doesn't seem to affect him as much, which you suppose makes sense, because he is an elf from the North Pole after all.
He shows you all the back ways to the shop, all the areas you hadn't seen yet. Then, you got to see the town where all the elves live, and all of them lived in small quarters, amongst the snowy hills of the North Pole. It was the best town you'd ever visited, even if it was late at night and no lights were on. Bernard invited you to see his own cottage, and while it was slightly bigger than the others, it was still small. It was a cozy festive cottage. He had a fire going, and it smelled like cookies and peppermint inside. He made you both some hot cocoa, his own impression of Judy's recipe.
As the fire crackled, the snow flakes melted against the window, and the cocoa warmed your belly, you began to finally feel tired, and Bernard very thoughtfully wrapped a blanket around you.
The next thing you knew, you woke up in your own bed, dazed and confused. You very slowly rose in your bed, rubbing your eyes and trying to get a grip, and soon Charlie came rushing into your rooming yelling, "Merry Christmas Y/n!"
You looked at him, half asleep, and quietly muttered, "I just had the strangest dream."
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wwwbestgoredotcom · 2 years
Bernard as a dad!
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Warnings : small dirty joke (you'll miss it if you blink), protective bernard, workaholic bernard, fluff
Genre : family, romance
Characters included : Bernard, afab!reader, [daughters name]
Writing style : headcanons
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☃︎ he 100% is a girl dad
☃︎ So. Many. Bows.
☃︎ he's literally a sucker for gaint bows on her
☃︎ when she was newborn-1 yrs old, and you couldn't sleep, he'd let you sleep in until like 2 in the afternoon
☃︎ ^^and he'd carry her around in a little carrier or just on his hip
☃︎ puts her in polar bear onsies all the time
☃︎ hes so protective of you two
☃︎ literally has to think twice before letting someone even TOUCH his little girl
☃︎ she probably says "dada" as her first word but he rlly wants to hear her say "mama" (if you prefer being called that)
☃︎ cries when she takes her first steps
☃︎ surprisingly hears dirty jokes coming from Santa
☃︎ refused to let Curtis touch her for a WHILE but after a talk with you he let em
☃︎ sing and plays music for her all the time
☃︎ when someone says something like "she has your smile" or "she looks like your eyes" he cries of happiness later
☃︎ calls her his "miracle" or "snowangel"
☃︎ when she has enough hair, he always either puts her in braids or pigtails
☃︎ sometimes feels bad when he comes home early and finds you actually doing work instead of resting
☃︎ she has a little candy cane pacifier that's always around her neck or in her mouth
☃︎ dances with her too
☃︎ when he's staying up late doing work and the baby won't sleep, he let's her stay with him in his office so you can sleep
☃︎ has a little corner in his office with toys so she can be entertained in there
☃︎ he doesn't know it, but sometimes you stay up for hours with her too so HE can get sleep
☃︎ spoils her a shit ton
☃︎ cannot resist her pouting, smile, or puppy dog eyes
☃︎ eventually asks you if yall could make another baby
☃︎ your smirk and wiggle your eyebrows at him he just continues to beg
☃︎ "first we gotta get [daughters name] to sleep through the whole night"
☃︎ if you do agree to have another baby it will be another girl
☃︎ and he's not upset
☃︎ he loves his girls <3
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Love him sm
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saint-petah-the-good · 7 months
HEAR ME OUT Bernard x vampire fem
So the story goes he had a mition idk were in the 1900 ,lets say when vampires where "the" it monsters and lets say the old santa was really about business like it wasnt as big at the time he often needed to go to talk to people .So him and Bernard had to dresse up as a humans and go places .One time they go to this mAnOiR ,huge castle fancy dark stuff and theyr was this beautiful lady in a black tight dress perfecly shaping her body ,wearing pearls and an a red wine lipstick ,and he saw her from the top stairs of the room so its like extra ✨.They have a chat theyr akward and cute togheter she shows the castle around ,they dance ,and the moment he has to leave they deeply look in each others eyes ,time seems to have stopped, both whanted that this would never end that they would maybe kiss ,maybe have time to know eachother more but nothig.Bernard kisses her hand and leaves with Santa never seing her again .Hes often sad that most pretty human girls he meets he cant really persue a relathionship with them since he gets attached ,and then they die after a few years UNTILLLL (also maybe we can just make that a memorie hes saying to someone because they need love advice or smt)hum hum where was i UNTILLLL he goes to a human village nearby dellivering something and sees her THE EXACT FUCKIN GIRL EXACTLY DA SAME ,he tries to find a way to talk to her by making her phone slip out of the pocket and picking it up for her, she instantly looks at him shocked reconizing him,he doesnt know that he just assumes she looks like the girl he met long ago ,obviously he tries to play it cool by making her notice that shes staring .At fist she tells him he "looks familiar "and he presents himself as his real name ,because how could she ever be the girl he saw a decade ago? She instantly responds with THE EXACT NAME ,BRO IS SWEATING AT THIS POINT .She goes "do u remember me from the party at the casstle we talked for hours?" HES LIKE WTF and responds yes almost stuttering ,blushing ,looking at her in aww and confusion .She gives him her number and from this point on idk
Thats my idea
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safyresky · 10 months
Happy New Episode Day! You know what that means!
🆕 Crystal Springs Chapter 26: Whiteout is now UP on ao3 and ff dot net!
I'm not doing this on purpose, I swear! It just...happens this way. I imagine next week's chapter, given it being one HELL of a dozy, may end up up well past Friday 😬😬 WE'LL SEE. ANYWAY.
Chapter 26: Whiteout
Through the age old tradition of villain monologues, Pyros explains his plan to the masses.
Give 'er a read HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfiction dot net!
Today for the excerpt we have what I think is some of the best comedic timing in this old thang...
The wind came from nowhere and was everywhere all at once. It flung his jacket back, growing stronger and stronger. Hands in front of his face, he tried to press forward; but the snow was being pushed back in the wind, and taking him with it. It kept going, faster and stronger pushing the snow out, pushing him out, until Jack found himself staring at the swinging doors of the Elfirmary, snow pooling around him in the hallway. The snow below him froze. He slid back, stopping when the balcony railing gently pressed into his back. Dropping his arms, he exhaled, taking a moment to breath. The hallway was busy. Elle stood at the top of the steps, directing the evacuated Elfirmary staff and elves that were in the area down the stairs to the main floor. Pushing against the crowd, Bernard worked his way up, helping elves down the stairs and doing his best to reassure as he made it to the landing.  “Elle!”  “B!”  “What’s going on?”  “It’s Jacqueline,” Elle said, the last few elves rushing down the steps. “So, we’ve got good news and bad news.”  Bernard watched the elves rush away. Looked at the pile of snow in the hallway. Saw Jack pulling himself up off the banister with assistance from the wall beside it.  “Hmm. Okay. What’s the good news?”  “The good news is, she’s up!”  “The bad news?”  The Elfirmary doors slammed open, snow billowing out, carrying Jacqueline with it. She looked furious, wind rustling her skirt, hair whipping back. “That. That’s the bad news,” Elle said. “Oh,” Bernard replied, his voice cracking. Briefly glaring at her surroundings, Jacqueline lifted her hand. The snow on the floor shot up, packing together. Jacqueline pointed at Jack. The snow raced at her command, heading right for him. Jack stuck out his own hand, redirecting the snow before it could come near him. He turned on the spot, the snow stacking up in front of him, filling the hallway wall to wall until it touched the ceiling. Jack curled his fingers into his palm. The snow crunched. It stiffened, going from icy to packing in an instant as Jack backed up, stopping in front of the head elves.  “Was that everyone?”  “Yep,” Elle said.   “Great! That’s not going to hold her for long,” Jack gestured over his shoulder to the snowy wall behind him as something hit it forcefully with a muffled thump. It squeaked. “I can get her out of the Workshop, at least. Prime real estate is that-away, isn’t it?” Jack asked, pointing towards the other end of the hallway. It branched off by a round window, curving down one direction, heading up the other. “In both directions,” Bernard said. “Middle balcony is to the left. Upper balcony is, well. Up. You’re gonna lead her out?”  “Unless you’d rather risk the Workshop. Personally I don’t mind either way, but—”  “Hmm, yeah, I’d rather you didn’t,” Bernard said. “But just so you know, there’s trouble outside too.”  “Trouble?” both Elle and Jack asked, the muffled thumps increasing behind them. The snow squeaked louder, tiny trails falling off the edges and sliding to the floor. “Take a look for yourself.” Bernard lifted his chin towards the window at the end of the hall. Snow cracking behind him, Jack rushed to the end of the hall and peered out the window. He squinted in surprise, recoiling in shock.  “Well that’s probably not good.”  “What?” Elle asked.   “I’m seeing double.”
YEAH YOU ARE! Time to line things up for one BANGER of a FAMILY REUNION!
Not enough Blaise and Pyros here for you? Then go on ahead and read Chapter 26: Whiteout for some top tier sibling shenanigans from these two, on ao3 here and fanfiction dot net here!
Wanna start Crystal Springs from the TOP? Check out the Prologue: An Encounter HERE on ao3 and HERE on ff dot net!
Story summary and author's rambles below the cut!
It’s been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking…well, not so great. Jack’s powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk. Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family. Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn’t even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that’s had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move? Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit…complicated.
I LOVE that ao3 allows for a summary this long. Hell YES!
She gave me last minute doubt while editing in the ao3 draft reader 👉🏻👈🏻. Idk WHY but I suddenly started doubting EVERYTHING about it abchbtrjbotrj. I HOPE it reads as well as it did BEFORE I got all doubty! It's got a lot of fun moments so this came out of nowhere and had me running laps in the house and laying face down on the floor pulling a Tina with some LOUD moans of despair 😵😵
There isn't much NEW this chapter; it's gotten a HUGE glow up from the original Chapter 26! Word count comparisons:
CS 2014 (the OG) -> 4,194k
CS 202X -> 7,679k
DECENT GLOW UP. Checks out tho, these chapters were SO SHORT they barely packed a punch.
That's okay! Blaise has, QUITE LITERALLY, fixed that
Pyros's plan is bonkers bananas, but I hope it makes sense how it all links together! Love that he's more angry about losing a war he started that got EVERYONE super pissed off instead of the almost 5000 years of solitary confinement, lol.
Right, well, ENJOY IT! And today's episode too, I guess? I've seen some spoilers and I am more confused than anything so we'll see how that plays out tonight.
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For the fic writer ask: 🛒💋❌🧠
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Character journeys, such as healing and self-improvement. Lonely people finding love and/or happiness. Even good characters turning bad; Alpha almost did that when she lost her family. Real-life people are complex and complicated and flawed and wonderful and awful and funny and...well, why shouldn't characters be all of that? I like to explore who they are as people.
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Somewhere in the middle, I think. I like the "Will they, won't they" dance, and once they do...well, then what? But those first butterflies are fun to read and write about!
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I can't really think of one off the bat, but if someone gave me an example I might say yes or no. Safyresky doesn't like the whole "misunderstanding that could have been solved by a simple convo" trope, and I do find it annoying myself. It does happen in real life, though. Things get misconstrued and people don't wait around to clarify. If it served the plot, I might include it...but I can't think of an example, and that wasn't the question. XD
I suppose I'm not a big fan of "The Chosen One", mostly because it's so overdone. Alpha herself isn't any kind of 'chosen one'. She was elected as the Leader of The Hollow and became a Legendary Figure in my stories, but she's not "The One" who's destined to do blah-blah-blah. It was more of a right place right time kind of thing, and she would be the first to reject the idea that she's some kind of savior.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Hm...Jack Frost. I see him and Alpha having some kind of "Vitriolic Best Buds" thing going on. They're friends, but they also kind of like to pick on each other. I don't usually curse on here, but they can get downright bitchy at times, and they love every second of it!
Roy mostly stays out of it. He's amused for the most part, but occasionally gets mad on her behalf and chimes in with a "Hey!" or gives Alpha a resigned "Don't noogie the Ice Sprite..."
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aziraphalesbowtie · 2 years
help i have a vision for an ofmd au but i’m STUCK. picture this: stede is santa. his crew are the elves (lucius, of course, being head elf because he’s the smartest). BUT WHO IS ED? what role does he play in the north pole community? and izzy??? HELP ME PLEASE.
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
~🚧i know this is messy rn pls ignore it is under construction 🚧~
-> Welcome to my Blog Introduction
ao3 - BurninLove
Wattpad - FaultInMyCodes
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-> Worship (Secret Santa)* - Possessive-Obsessive!Austin x Fem!Reader
-> Candy Hearts ♡ (vday)* - Sub!Austin x DomFem!Reader
-> Camp Counselors - Pt. 1 + Pt. 2 - Austin x Fem!reader
-> Talkshow Host!Austin Headcanons
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Bikeriders Asshole!Austin x Makeup Artist!Reader
-> Pt. 1 *
-> Pt. 2*
-> Pt. 3*
-> Pt. 4.1 *
**last updated; 04.30.23**
-> Pt. 4.2 [coming soon]
-> Pt. 5 [coming soon]
Just an Intern Spotify Playlist ⛓️🖤
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𝙸 𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚎'𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘
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Themes: friends to lovers, SLOW burn, ANGST, eventual smut, Austin x fem!oc, midsize oc, sad boi/addict aus, fluffy, semi-AU (indie actor austin)
Summary/Intro: Best friends since college, Austin and Elsie are each other's safety nets. Austin has secrets only Elsie knows, and Elsie has too many closet skeletons for Austin to count.
Austin battles internal demons since the death of his father, which caused a switch to flip that would change him forever. His father’s death happened 4 years ago but it still haunts him – in his mind and in little pills.
Elsie has a weakness for wicked, vile, abusive men. Her boyfriend, Nox, is the latest culprit. And Austin can’t fucking stand him.  
Between trying to rescue each other and struggling to save themselves, is there something lying underneath?
18+ as this contains both smut & mature sensitive topics. Please check TWs for each chapter. General overarching warnings at the bottom of this post.
Since this is slow burn-ish so some themes/smut do not show up until later
Chapters containing smut that have * by their name
Forever Winter Spotify Playlist ❄️💞
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FW Chapters:
01 - Has He Texted You?
02 - Dependency
03 - The Close Call Clause
04 - Not The First Time
05 - Fix-It Pancakes
06 - Cold Showers
07 - Giving In
08 - Of Course I Do
09 - Thanksgiving Pt. 1
10 - Thanksgiving Pt. 2
11 - Winter Break
12 - Truth or Dare
13 - Dressing Room Games
14 - Hot or Cold? *
15 - No Touching **
16 - When The Night Ends
17 - Do Not Disturb
18 - Nothing There
19 - Not Even For A Second
20 - I Know You’re Lying
21 - Blue M&Ms
22 - Christmas - Pt. 1 - (ft. The Grinch)
23 - Christmas - Pt. 2 - Comeback Special**
24 - Ski Slopes**
25 - New Years Eve (Pt. 1) - Til You Come Back for More*
26 - New Years (Pt. 2) - Say It Again**
27 - The First Close Call
28 - Temporary Fix*
29 - Be My Mistake*
30 - It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)
31 - Mr. Percocet
32 - [TBA - coming soon]
**last updated 05.31.23**
[more chapters to be announced lol]
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Author’s Notes:
Each chapter will contain a related song suggestion and matching lyrics. I highly recommend listening to each song as they beautifully mesh with the themes of each individual chapter.
Austin/Elvis yanked me from fanfic retirement so when I started writing FW, I fell in love with the characters & the storyline. I’m posting here so that maybe others can fall in love with them too.
I haven’t written in a while so sorry if it’s a little rusty, especially in the first couple chapters.
This post ended up being really long so sorry if it was a lot, thank you if you made it this far.
I hope you love it, please let me know if you do.
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Obscure Characters List - Male Edition
Obscure Characters I love for some reason. (By obscure I mean characters that have little to no fanfic written about them. Not necessarily characters nobody’s ever heard of.) Don’t ask me to explain why.
Abraham Alastor/Anthony Clarke (Dark Pictures Little Hope)
Adam (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)
Adam (Hallmark Frankenstein 2004)
Al Capone (Night at the Museum)
Alan McMichael (Crimson Peak)
Alec Fell (Nancy Drew, The Silent Spy)
AM (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream)
Amphibian Man/The Asset (Shape of Water)
Anthony Walsh (Blood Fest)
Anton Herzen (Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box)
Ardeth Bay (Mummy series)
Armand (Queen of the Damned 2002)
Armando Salazar (Pirates of the Caribbean 5)
Barnaby (Sabrina Down Under)
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Baron Meinster (Brides of Dracula)
Beast/Hank McCoy (X-Men, Kelsey Grammer version)
Beast/Prince (Beauty and the Beast 2014)
Ben Willis (I Know What You Did Last Summer)
Bernard the elf (Santa Clause series)
Black Phillip (The VVitch)
Blade (Puppetmaster series)
Bughuul (Sinister 1 and 2)
Caliban/John Clare (Penny Dreadful)
Captain Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion)
Captain James Hook (Peter Pan 2003)
Cedric Brown (Nanny McPhee)
Christian Thompson (Devil Wears Prada)
Colonel William Tavington (The Patriot)
Cornelis Sandvoort (Tulip Fever)
Crown Prince Ryand'r/Darkfire (DC comics/Teen Titans)
Daniel Le Domas (Ready Or Not)
Death (Final Destination series)
Dimitri Allen (Professor Layton and the Unwound Future)
Dimitri Denatos (Mom’s Got a Date With a Vampire)
Dustfinger (Inkheart)
Dr. Alexander Sweet/Dracula (Penny Dreadful)
Dr. Gregory Butler (Happy Death Day 1 & 2)
Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Driller Killer (Slumber Party Massacre 2)
Edward Gracey (Haunted Mansion 2003) 
Edward Mordrake (Urban Legend/American Horror Story Asylum)
Edward/Eddie “Tex” Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3)
Elemer of the Briar (Elden Ring)
Erik Carriere (Phantom of the Opera 1990)
Ethan (Pilgrim 2019)
Father Gascoigne (Bloodborne)
Faustus Blackwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Fegan Floop (Spy Kids trilogy)
Fox Mask/Tom (You’re next)
George Knightley (Emma)
Ghost/Mitch (Haunt 2019)
Godskin Apostle (Elden Ring)
Godwyn the Golden (Elden Ring)
Gold Watchers (Dark Deception)
Greg (Bodies, Bodies, Bodies)
Grim Matchstick (Cuphead)
Gurranq Beast Clergyman (Elden Ring)
Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (Broadway, Rob Evan version)
Henry Sturges (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)
Hugh Crain (Haunting of Hill House, the book and 1963 film. Not the Flanagan show or 1999 movie remake)
Hugo Butterly (Nancy Drew, Danger by Design)
Ingemar (Midsommar)
Jack Ferriman (Ghost Ship)
Jack Worthing/Uncle Jack (We Happy Few)
Jafar (Once Upon a Time, not the Wonderland spin-off)
Jan Valek (John Carpenter’s Vampires)
Jefferson "Seaplane" McDonough/Alex (Jumanji 2 and 3)
Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter (Arkhamverse! Video Games)
Jester (Puppetmaster series)
John (He’s Out There)
Joseph “Joey” Mallone (Blackwell series)
Juan (The Forever Purge)
Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood (Elden Ring)
Kalabar (Halloweentown)
Kenneth Haight (Elden Ring)
Killer Moth/Drury Walker (Teen Titans)
King Paimon (Hereditary)
Lamb Mask/Craig (You’re next)
Lamplighter (The Boys)
Launder Man (Crypt TV)
Lawrence “Larry” Gordon (Saw series)
Loki (Apsulov: End of Gods)
Lucifer (Devil’s Carnival 1 & 2)
Magic Mirror (Snow White 1937/Shrek)
Man in the Mask (The Strangers)
Manon (The Craft)
Man-Thing (Marvel’s Werewolf By Night)
Marco Polo/Merman (Crypt TV)
Marcus Corvinus (Underworld series)
Markus Boehm (Nancy Drew, the Captive Curse)
Mephistopheles (Faust’s Albtraum)
Micolash, Host of the Nightmare (Bloodborne)
Miquella (Elden Ring)
Mirror Man (Snow White and the Huntsman)
Mr. Crow/Aldous Vanderboom (Rusty Lake series)
Mr. Le Bail (Ready Or Not)
Mr. Slausen (Tourist Trap)
Nigel Billingsley (Jumanji 2 and 3)
Night’s Cavalry (Elden Ring)
Nothing (The Night House)
Pazuzu (The Exorcist)
Pierre Despereaux (Psych)
Prince Anton Voytek (Vampire 1974)
Prince Escalus (Romeo and Juliet, no particular adaptation)
Prince Quartus (Stardust)
Prince Septimus (Stardust)
Professor Petrie/Phantom of the Opera (Phantom of the Opera 1962)
Peter Quint (Turn of the Screw, the book and maybe some other adaptations. Not the Bly Manor Flanagan show.)
Reese Kelly (Scarlet Hollow)
Rene Belloq (Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Roland Voight (Hellraiser 2022)
Ronin (Star Trek)
Rorschach (Watchmen)
Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Rusty Nail (Joyride trilogy)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Sam Wayne (Scarlet Hollow)
Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer)
Simon Jarrett (SOMA)
Sir Lancelot (Night at the Museum 3)
Sportacus (LazyTown)
Starscourge Radahn (Elden Ring)
STEM (Upgrade)
Sutter Cane (In the Mouth of Madness)
Thantos DuBaer (Twitches 1 and 2)
The Auditor (Hellraiser: Judgment)
The Babadook (The Babadook)
The Black Knight Ghost (Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed)
The Curator (Dark Pictures Anthology)
The Designer (Devil’s Carnival 2)
The Djinn/Nathaniel Demerest/Professor Joel Barash/Steven Verdel (Wishmaster series)
The Faun (Pan’s Labyrinth)
The Fox (The Little Prince 1974)
The Jester (The Jester, A Short Horror Film series)
The Kinderfänger (Crypt TV)
The Knight/Tarhos Kovács (Dead by Daylight)
The Look-See (Crypt TV)
The Man (Carnival of Souls)
The Merman (Cabin In The Woods)
The Metal Killer (Stage Fright 2014)
The Mirror (Oculus)
The Narrator (Stanley Parable)
The Other (Hellfest)
The Phantom (Phantom Manor)
The Projectionist (Pearl)
The T-1000/Cop (Terminator 2, Terminator Genisys)
The Tall Man/The Entity (It Follows)
The Thing (The Thing 1982)
The Torn Prince/Royce Clayton (Thirteen Ghosts remake)
The Torso/James “Jimmy” Gambino (Thirteen Ghosts remake)
Thomas Alexander “Alex” Upton (TAU)
Tiger Mask/Dave (You’re Next)
Tommy Ross (Carrie, 1976)
Valak (The Conjuring)
Valdack and his real world counterpart (Black Mirror)
Van Pelt (Jumanji 2)
Venable (Wrong Turn 2021)
Viktor (Underworld series)
Viktor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale (Once Upon a Time)
Vladislaus Dracula (Van Helsing 2004)
Wade Thornton (Nancy Drew, Ghost of Thornton Hall)
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts (The Princess Bride)
Wildwind/Dark Skull, Stormy Weathers, and Lightning Strikes (Scooby Doo and the Legend of the Vampire)
“William”/The Headless Figure (Crypt TV)
William "Billy" Butcherson (Hocus Pocus 1 and 2)
Xenan the Centaur (Xena Warrior Princess)
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bombawife · 2 years
december prompts
this is my prompts for december. it is for all fandoms. it work both for fanfic and art
1 snowball fight
2: fire
3: train
4: warm chocolate
5: blood and snow
6: santa clause
7: toys
8: decoration
9: krampus
10: blanket
11: light
14: christmas market
15: yule cat
16: a christmas carol
18: victorian
19: ice skating
20: fairy tale
21: cozy book nook
22: family time
23: sleeping
24: food
25: christmas
26: music
27: sled
28: snowman
29: theater
30: tea
31 : happy new year
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muppethollz · 2 years
More Santa Clause headcanons for funsies and also for my upcoming bernard x oc fanfic ^.^
- jack frost isn’t a villain. he’s more of a nuisance, a chaotic good. like beetlejuice was in the cartoon.
- elves can get sick, but they only get colds and will be sick up to 2-3 days at the most.
- if scott isn’t available when charlie asks for him through via shaking the snow globe, bernard would come instead and keep him company.
- all santas had a mrs.claus or a mr claus if they were 🏳️‍🌈just not all santas’ and mrs/mr.claus’ had children.
- the 1904 santa claus (aka the santa that came before scott.) had a mr.claus.
- after living in the north pole for thousands of years, the elves have grown accustom to the cold and don’t have to wear as many layers to keep warm when venturing outdoors.
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kinfanfiction · 11 months
Bernard season is approaching…
I know I have been super inactive as I’ve just been really unmotivated to write anything, but I’ve had an idea for a new Bernard fic to start this year, and I’m really looking forward to writing it, so hopefully I actually do!
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0nlyh4z3l · 5 months
⚠️Sexual mentioning!!⚠️
☹️…I don’t wanna look at my half-sister snap story anymore. BECAUSE THE NEXT FEW SNAP I SEE IS A WOMAN EATING ANOTHER WOMAN’S COOCHIE >:((…
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Christmas Tag Game!! 🎄❄️💗
Thank you for the tag @flashnthunder !! ❤️
It's Festivus for the rest of us so grab your Chanukah bush, your mistletoe, your pagan ritual or whatever brings you joy and come gather round the fire and celebrate your pocket friends.
Favourite nickname you've ever been given?
Hmm, I'd have to say Yellow, simply because several different people have given me this nickname 😂 yellow's my favorite color, and my friends say I embody the color 🤣
Where are you located?
I'm in Eastern NC!! About 20 mins from the beach 😁
What season is it where you are now?
(Richard) Winter(s)!! ❄️☃️
Favorite tradition this time of year?
I'd have to say our Christmas Eve traditions - every year, my family goes to Evening Mass, then when we come home, we say a prayer, and then we hand out the Christmas Eve gifts (pajamas with either a stuffed animal or blanket) for me its the official start of Christmas 🎁💗
Favourite holiday food?
Hmmm I'd have to go with sugar cookies!! They're sooooo good, and I love the variety of shapes and colors you can make with them 🥰
Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider?
HOT APPLE CIDER!! I normally don't like hot drinks but I could down a pitcher of hot apple cider and still want more
Turkey, ham or nut roast (Or Tofurkey?)?
I'd have to go with turkey!
Would you rather spend the december holidays in: a cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand?
Definitely beach! I'd love to have a Christmas celebration in a beach house, hearing the waves while we open presents ✨
are you pro-snow or anti-snow?
I'm pro snow the first day, then I hate it 🤣 if I'm playing in the snow with friends that's one thing, but honestly I prefer warmer weather lol
Skiing or snowboarding?
Does figure skating count?? 😅
Do you decorate for the holidays?
Yes!! My parents have so many little decorations, everywhere you look there's a little reminder of the holidays 🎄
Favourite holiday movie?
Honestly? The Santa Clause 2 😂 I could quote that movie start to finish
Favourite holiday fanfic?
I'm open to recommendations!! 👀
If you were to star in a hallmark movie, who would be your love interest?
One (1) Richard Davis Winters please 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 or Roe...or Luz... Or-
This was so much fun!! No pressure tags ~ @sweetxvanixlla @ronsparky @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop @executethyself35 and anyone else who wants to do it!! 🥰
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safyresky · 1 year
Crystal Springs Chapter 19: Now on ao3!
See the aftermath of market day HERE!
Chapter 19: The Man with a Plan
With Jack and Winter's connection all fixed up, and an explanation found for the "magic-splosion" up North, Jacqueline finds herself in the hot seat as the subject of her blackouts are broached. Elsewhere, The Man has (some semblance of) a plan, and he's making it Kasper's problem.
Things are coming together! We're getting more and more answers! This chapter is a FUN ONE. We've got some VERY COZY FROST FAM MOMENTS! And we'll be popping off over to see What's Up with The Man 🤔🤔.
And now, your excerpt:
"I think I know where this is going," Jacqueline admitted. "They just want to help you, Jacqueline. And so do I," Jack said, placing his hand on the handle of Jacqueline's room door. "That's why I brought up the blackouts this morning. And that's part of the reason I was waiting up for you, too. I told Mom and Dad I would. Look, we have to—" "I know," Jacqueline cut him off, her palm flying up. "I know," she insisted with a tired smile. Fingers curling in, she dropped her palm. "I appreciate you covering my ass about them. And I know I snapped about them this morning," she glanced to the side, pushing hair off of her face. "It's just..." her eyes moved upwards as she searched for words, rubbing the back of her neck. "It's scary. I'm scared. I don't know what they are or why it was happening and I don't know anything about them. I'm a dead end in terms of figuring out what's happening to me, which is just super inconvenient. But," she held up a finger before Jack could interrupt. "Xander and I had a good chat. It's scary, yeah. But I know you guys just want to help and I—" she paused for a minute, taking a very deep breath. "—I'm willing to talk about them now." "Oh!" Jack said, pleasantly surprised and very relieved. "Oh, that's good." "Why do you sound so relieved?" Jacqueline questioned, as Jack pushed the handle down and opened the door. "Because I am. I was expecting you to put up more of a fight. You know, you really are stubborn." "A chip off the old block," Blaise spoke up. The two sprites screamed, jumping back. Jacqueline's bodice was once again hovering in front of the pair; Jack's icicle tie was hovering very threateningly in the air. "Calm down, it's just us," Winter said, beside Blaise. The pair of them were sitting comfortably on one of the sofa's in Jacqueline's room, trying very hard to bite back their laughter. "For the love of winter—" "I told you guys I'd handle this! I said, go to bed, I'll wait up for Jacqueline!" "You scared the SNOW out of me, this is way too many scares in one night—" "You were just downstairs!" "Am I pink? I feel like there's pink. Am I glowing? Is Rosehaven calling me?!" Jack eyed Jacqueline carefully, whooshing the icicle tie away. "No, you're good! You're good." "Thank HEAVENS."
I love Blinter. They're so funny.
Intrigued? Want to read more? Check out Chapter 19 HERE.
Want to start Crystal Springs from the top? Read the Prologue: An Encounter HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfic dot net!
(tho ao3 is the most recent version of the fic! I'll catch ff dot net up in a bit. you know. when it cooperates 🙃🙃)
Story summary below the cut :)
It’s been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking…well, not so great. Jack’s powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk.
Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family.
Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn’t even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that’s had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move?
Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit…complicated.
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Hollow Knight OST - Sealed Vessel
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