#the second spell: the hellhound attack.
darthmasterchief · 2 years
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Fight to the death: Weapon Hex vs Kefla.
Who’s walking away?
An incomplete list of the powers of Weapon Hex (Fusion of Laura Kinney/Talon & Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch):
Adamantium Bone Claws (virtually indestructible)
Regenerative Healing Factor
Chaos Magic Spells
Hex-N-Effect: Never explained, but it appears to be some kind of attack combining Laura's magic and claws.
Hexision: Never explained, but implied to increase the sharpness and/or durability of Laura's claws.
Hex Terminate: Never explained, but it appears to be an energy attack. Laura uses it in an attempt to kill Herbert Wyndham for the second time.
Hexual Healing: Amplifies Laura's healing factor.
Hexollection: Used by Laura to see a psychic vision of something that happened to Detective Greer Baptiste, which Laura did not originally witness.
Hexpulsion: Used to launch Elsa Bladestone into the air and (presumably) obliterate her. Also used to remove the cat-wendigo spirit from Greer (the woman it was possessing).
Hextermination: Use by Laura to destroy the cat-wendigo spirit.
Hexagone: Used by Laura to teleport Hellhound to the roof of the castle they're in.
Hex Filtration: Used by Laura to teleport Iron Hammer and Soldier Supreme to her location from a great distance away.
Hex Ray: An energy blast Laura uses to reduce Hellhound (who has a healing factor) to a skeleton, successfully killing her.
Hex Nihilo: Used to force the intangible Mad Ghost to become tangible.
Hex Position: Used to read Mad Ghost's mind.
Novis Sed Hexorcismus: A Necromancy spell that summons spirits of the dead to fight at Laura’s side.
Hex-Purgatory: When Laura becomes merged with Captain Peace (herself a composite of Captain Marvel and Justice Peace) and becomes Weapon Peace, she uses this spell to surgically remove her own past (which was apparently becoming gangrenous).
An incomplete list of the powers of Kefla (Fusion of Kale and Caulifa):
Flight: Kefla can fly by utilizing ki.
Ki Blast: The most basic form of energy attacks.
Continuous Energy Bullet: A combination of many energy waves fired at a very rapid rate.
Fist Cannonball: Kefla gathers energy in her fist, then fires a concentrated blast of green ki at her opponent.
Burst of Energy: Kefla fires a large red beam at her foe.
Gigantic Blast: Kefla creates a cluster of green or red Ki blasts in both hands and fires them at her opponent. With her precise Ki control, she can also have them home in on her opponent.
Gigantic Burst: While using Ray Blast, Kefla charges a much powerful Gigantic Blast and fires it at her opponent. When charging it, the energy spheres mix up forming a spinning disc of Ki in each hand before firing them in the form of massive energy waves.
Gigantic Breaker: Kefla charges a red ki blast into her fist and slams it into her opponent.
Ray Blast: Kefla releases her aura strongly enough that fires powerful laser-like flashes omnidirectionally.
Kiai: Kefla throws jab-like punches at her opponent in rapid succession, which causes thin, wind-like punches to appear on impact behind the opponent.
Full Power Energy Wave: One of Kefla's Ultimate Skills in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
Blaster Meteor: Kefla's Evasive Skill in Xenoverse 2.
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claire-starsword · 9 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 14
Before anything, did you know that if a game is lagging a bit it's recommended you stop using your decades old emulator and actually update to something better? Wild. This thing is running so smooth now.
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It's time for Earnest's revenge quest except he's not valid in this run, so this is just the regular beating of another guy instead.
Also, now you know where you're supposed to get the Mermanbuster. The Deals section is absurd. Would be nice to get this bonus but after last battle I don't have much hope.
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The convenient thing is that this map is so small I can screenshot basically every enemy in a single image, you're just missing an extra bat to the right. The inconvenient thing is that they'll easily block our path just like in the last battle. Usually when I play this casually Max is overleveled enough to tank everything, and they hardly go for other characters, but this time I did Max's promotion differently and I feel he got less defense as a result so I'm scared. The bats can also easily reach the frail characters from the sides as well.
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Tao and Anri just so happened to start at the worst possible position so I'll try to cover them before anything.
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Max is indeed not taking the 1 damage I know and love, but on other hand the AI gets ridiculous, several of these bats were in range to attack someone but they decided to line up like this instead.
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Things are quickly getting dicey for Max now, this is surreal to me.
Narsha did manage to wipe out a bat and Domingo softened another one up, I wanted Tao to continue the AoEs there but it might be too risky, two bats ganging up on her would kill her, so I'm wiping out knights with her instead. I don't think there's a need to hold her back when bosses are often resistant to magic, and Balbazak tends to be a pushover due to not moving.
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Arthur also continues to be absurdly good as long as he can hide behind someone else. Khris has healed Max so he can continue being this someone else for now. He could be an absolute monster if I cast Attack on him, but he's overleveled so again I'm unsure if I shouldn't do something else with Narsha.
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Look at this mess. The bats are wonderful because by swarming Max like this they block the possibility the Hellhound can go for him, not to mention half of them skipped a chance to attack again. The Hellhound does go for Lowe doing almost half of his HP, but that's manageable. The Artilleries also have a lot of reach and are my main worry since they tend to go for weaker characters more often. It is very tempting to do more AoE with Anri but because of the Artillery I don't do that. She just Freeze 1's the nearest bat for some exp.
Domingo on the other hand has 5 more defense than Max and could do wonders, but doesn't have AoE spells yet, I bet he'll learn Freeze 2 as soon as he's out of MP for it.
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Nevermind let's goooo, I don't think he gets more than a single use though. Also this bat survived at 1 HP which is sad, Anri's Freeze did more damage.
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Narsha also has more defense than Max so I'm hoping she can help here in the middle. She defeats a bat and gets even more defense in a level up so that's promising.
Tao sadly cannot help against my worst enemy, the Hellhound, so she's stuck on bat cleanup as well, at least she doesn't have to waste MP since the thing survived at 1 HP.
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Arthur lets me down.
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I consider sending Max against the Hellhound because I'm worried about Lowe, Gong and Arthur, but I'm also worried about these Artilleries so he's gonna have to be bait a little longer, they are many while the hound is a single one.
i then misclick and attack a bat instead of them, way to go claire
Gong is gonna try to keep this thing occupied instead.
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The thing is occupied to more than half of its HP, nice.
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I'm still worried about Arthur so Lowe will stay where he is and hopefully not get any crits or second attacks.
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Another scary turn but an Artillery decides to go for Narsha instead for half the damage so, lol. The Hellhound does get more damage on Lowe than last turn for some reason, which is scary.
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I decide it's time to finally get spicy with Anri as we should be able to wipe out these Artilleries with all magic users, and then hopefully block the last one from advancing. The fact Max attacked this bat also means it's dying and thus more exp for Anri. So, you know, this was totally intentional and epic strategy on my part.
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Turn 4. Domingo could do a very spicy AoE here but I feel like saving his MP for Balbazak and his friends. He can just stay here to block the path, and wipe out one Artillery that Anri softened up. The other has been healed by the priest.
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Narsha however can destroy tanks in one hit, no softening up needed.
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I decide to get spicy and let Khris attack too, which is objectively bad as I forgot Max needed healing. Arthur also doesn't quite redeem himself by not finishing this dog, I really should have cast Attack on him. I need Max to hit this hound or things might get bad.
Max does comes through and now Gong is free to heal him. Again my strategy is flawless, as Anri can finish the Artillery Khris started and get more exp. I'm so good at this game.
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Only a bat and a priest are left there, so I'm gonna start advancing towards the bosses, those things should be weak enough that characters wipe them out as they pass. And if the priest decides to heal themself instead and become an exp farm that's fine too.
One exception to this advance though.
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We're heading to bosses so it's time I do something with Narsha. A thing I haven't explained yet is that Attack 2 is an AoE buff. I could with this position buff four characters at once by centering at Max. However, it gives only a +5 as opposed to the +8 of Attack 1. On one hand, I'm unsure how much difference 3 points are gonna make. On the other hand, I'm also unsure how much Max and Gong should be approaching Balbazak head on, my hopes here are that Arthur gets him from a distance with him not moving. Max should also be able to get a Supernova in. And Tao still has plenty of MP and her damage can be boosted by Narsha. So I think I'll do Attack 1 on Arthur. This is the magic school run after all, attacking from range only is fitting.
It is now turn 6. Only these three enemies are left. Domingo can get very spicy and use his final MP on a double whammy between Balbazak and the dog. The Blue Dragon however is immune to ice. And yeah, this thing isn't in the Mega Drive version, they decided to add some flavor to Balbazak being a Dragon Master. Obviously, it is at a much lower level compared to the dragons at the end of the game. Hopefully Domingo can survive a hit.
As expected Balbazak does not move to attack Domingo. I don't think he ever moves, but unlike most bosses he kinda has a reason, he wants to board the ship and flee. Either way it does make him a pushover at times. He also doesn't seem to resist magic too much, taking 8 damage from Freeze.
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With that, I finally commit to a plan and cast Boost 1 on Tao. Unfortunately she can't reach anything this turn. Arthur could reach the hound and the dragon, but ahaha, I'm not sending him there.
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Domingo proves himself my favorite magical blob and a fantastic tank by surviving even as the hound pulls a second attack out of its ass.
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He's out of MP, but I can keep him around with a herb to tank more. I'm hoping Tao can obliterate the dragon, but I need to make space for people to attack the hound now.
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These are the last things you'll see as I hit image limit and don't wanna make another post.
Tao deals 23 damage to the Blue Dragon, which would have not been enough to kill the dragon on her own, but luckily Narsha moved first and did some small damage. We also get a Healing Ring from the dragon. I don't remember what that is, and I'm again in awe of how many drops there have been in this run.
The Hellhound continues to be the bane of my existence, dodging attacks from Max and Arthur. Gong can't even reach it so he heals Domingo.
We're now at Turn 8, and while I don't mind missing the bonus, I worry that trying to beat this hound instead of finishing the fight already may cause disaster. I'll start the Supernovas and other spells on him already, and hopefully the few melee fighters I don't want on him yet can do something about this dog.
Narsha does go for the hound dealing 13 damage, and then Tao and Arthur go for Balbazak dealing 21 and 18. He has 65 HP in total so coupled with Domingo's previous attack that's a lot. I didn't screenshot but he should be at less than 20.
Okay yeah Supernova should finish him off in style, I don't think the hound's exp is worth risking something to go awfully wrong here.
Sadly you don't get to see the style, not because of tumblr I just failed to screenshot the animation anyway. Supernova 2 deals a whooping 31 damage, meaning I never had much to worry about this guy. Maybe I could have tried to defeat the hound with Arthur instead. I don't really care though. By ending it here, we claim the Mermanbuster as well.
And that's it for Chapter 4, more exciting than I expected. We get into Max's beloved ship and head on to a peaceful voyage. Not sarcasm, I did mention Chapter 5 is easy.
Losses: 0 Deaths: 2
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caranelguild · 1 year
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December 7 - 16, DY 26
Zilybar and Ainsley had noticed it happen first - really noticed it - because they were on watch, posted outside the circle of the caravan, but it is Roy and Nur and the sleepy refugees that feel it. Hot hellfire licks at their sleeping mats, wakes them with nightmarish heat. Looming above everyone, seen even by Ainsley past the wagon between her and it, is a hulking giant, laughing deeply in the midst of the licking flames.
Ainsley doesn't hesitate. Seeing the hounds, the bloodred fire, the enormous demon, turns her memories into motion and her surprise into rage. She recognizes this.
"You killed my wife!" she howls, and bounds off the endboard of the nearest wagon, leaping over a startled family and bringing her swords down upon the giant - no longer Sven but Nev's.
The giant chuckles and ignores the goliath. He rises suddenly into the air and casts a profound shadow over the camp: magical darkness flows from him like an infinite cape. "Fly with me, leader of men," Nev's calls. "Duel me in the skies, Roy."
As hellhounds open their maws in the blind darkness below, vomiting liquid fire upon travelers within and outside the shadow, Roy obliges. He conjures his zone of healing twilight, banishing the darkness and revealing the screaming chaos beneath it, and rises into the night sky. He says, simply, "Begone."
And Nev's is gone.
Below, the hellhounds bound this way and that, their snapping jaws rending and burning. But with their master vanished, they are disorganized. Two of them manahe to take down Ainsley, but Roy is there to revive her.
Zilybar perforates and Nur draws back their longbow, both protectors dealing huge damage to the fiendish dogs.
When Zilybar strikes a hellhound through its heart, it falls to the scorched ground and disappears in a burst of acrid black smoke, leaving behind a shaggy mutt, gently sleeping.
Nur and their shadowself race hither and thither where they are most needed, shooting and slashing or smothering the flames threatening the halfling twins' bassinet and calming the terrified horses.
Ainsley and Roy slowly whittle down the hounds harrying her from either side.
The hellhounds regain the infernal energy required to once again rake their surroundings in hot, dark fire - but it is next to the last thing they do before they fall before our adventurers' skill, leaving behind startled dogs, tiny in comparison and terrified.
"I can only hold him in the demiplane for a few more seconds," says Roy, dropping to the ground and mustering his troops. "You must prepare to attack him from range; he will appear whence he was banished."
Zilybar finds a shortbow and arrows. Nur mounts their palfrey and nocks a grey goose shaft. Ainsley's fingers twitch in readiness to loose attack magic, and Roy rises once again into the air with magic of his own tingling in his palms. He conjures his spiritual guardians, breaking the banishment spell, and Nev's appears in the midst of the protective spirits.
All loose attacks upon him, but as they do so they notice that he has returned refreshed, and their attacks do little damage - and then Nev's grins and disappears.
All prepare new attacks, but the giant has gone. Until suddenly the heart of a blizzard sweeps across the entire campsite, crystallizing the air and burning exposed flesh with deepest cold.
Refugees fall, shivering and struggling to breathe, where they had writhed moments before with hellfire scorching them.
Nev's appears at the top of a nearby tree, hovering, and before he can congratulate himself he is limned in faerie fire and becomes the target of readied assault.
He waggles his fingers and mutters, tossing an enchantment over the camp; Ainsley and Nur succumb to a magical slumber. Nur's is broken suddenly when their horse, also unnaturally asleep, falls upon them. The halfling infants sleep peacefully, their bassinet encrusted with ice but their faces peeking rosily from tight swaddling.
But this is the last action the giant accomplishes. A barrage of spells and arrows flies at him and Roy's spectral billy club lands blow that sends his bulk crashing through the tree's branches to land in a broken heap on the alpine grass below.
A breath is taken, still lingeringly cold, and terrified families crawl out from beneath wagons to see their fellows burned alive, or frozen. Scorch marks are visible beneath a thin carpet of frost and the infernal heat of the hellfire still bites at a wounded few.
Five are found dead, three by fire and two finished by ice - Cal the lumberjack, Sibling the carpenter's apprentice, and a five year-old child among them. A further six are on the edge of death, but Roy exhausts his stores of magic to stabilize four of these before unwearyingly stabilizing the remaining pair through conventional medicinal means.
None of the caravaners are unscathed, but after Roy's ministrations, none are any more at immediate risk of death.
Upon Nev's's corpse is found a satchel containing the marked bones that transformed the mundane dogs into hellhounds - six featuring one rune and six another, along with a handful of unmarked bones and a carving tool. In a back pocket is found an encoded map of some sort and a small fortune of coins. Elsewhere upon his body Roy discovers the skull of a wyvern, carved all over with Infernal runes.
Our adventurers also claim Sven's adventuring pack and five surviving dogs, and the giant's enormous kanabō club is also tossed in a wagon - too heavy for any in the party to wield.
The rest of the night and the following day are given up to mourning and funerial ritual for the five dead and their families. A further night of rest and once more, by necessity, the caravan hits the vague, winding road through the mountains.
Though the lack of proper road puts the navigational wisdom of the group to the test and a day is lost retracing steps from an impassable ridge, the remaining days of alpine travel pass without undue stress. One afternoon in mid-December, the caravan turns a bend and beholds below them the valley of Alfomb, the city tucked into the joining of two mountains. The sea sparkles in the far distance.
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Dog Days
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Summary: MC got curse by a lesser demon for revenges after the event of "A Human's best friend is a Hellhound"
Hellhound diary
Warning: Choking, Mention of lesson 16, and cute Doggo Affection
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You were just walking home from the store after groceries.
You could've ask one of the brothers for help but they were in a meeting with Diavolo. Mammon ask if you could just wait for the meeting to be over but you told him that it was your turn to make dinner and since your a slow cook you want a head start on cooking for Beel's sake. Lucifer let you go home head as long you we're just going to the grocery and head straight home.
Once you got everything you need for dinner, you start your walk back to the House of Lamentation.
At the outskirt of town the clouds hit the moon making it hard to see your path, half way back to the house you felt like your being watched...
You quicken your pace and kept your eyes straight on the path not stopping even after you heard running footsteps behind you.
You needed to act quick, you though of a spell drop the bags of groceries and quickly turn around and cast the fire spell. The unknown stalker dodge your attack and charge at you and quickly grab you by the throat lifting you off the ground. The stalker tighten his grip choking you.
The clouds clear and the stalker's face can be seen. Your eyes widen when you saw your attacker's face. It was the demon who assaulted you when you and Cerberus were bonding. Only now he seem have a giant claw mark on his face with his right eye missing.
"I'm going to make you pay Human!" He clench his grip on your throat choking you. You franticly try to fight and pry his hand off of you while flashes of the "Incident" appears. In a panic you grab Belphie's sigil on your body trying to send a sign that you were in danger.
The demon knew what you were doing and quickly reach down in his pocket for something, he pulls it out revealing a page of a book. He chant into the paper before slamming it on your chest. And the spell begins.
The paper burns through your uniform and on to your skin. Burning a curse seal on your chest. He quickly let go, letting you fall on your side.
Your face contorted into in pain expression as you quickly turn on your back as you feel your entire is burning you alive. In seconds your pact marks start to glow along with the curse sigil on your chest.
The demon grins before turn heel and run off, leaving you to suffer.
Tears start to fall from your eyes, you reach out to the sky screaming in pain before you black out.
After what seem to be hours, you finally start to wake up, though your body still hurt and you feel kinda different...
You try to get up but pause when you feel both arms and legs feels or in this case fold different. Your fingers feels like their short somehow and you felt your hand touch the ground than felt your claws?
Plus your clothes seem to gotten bigger, you got on your stomach and crawl out of your shirt and RAD Jacket. Once out you stood up but your body was standing on all fours. Still feeling dizzy and hurt when you start walking you stumble and fell close to a puddle.
You lift your head from the water and look down to it, once the water stop moving and the moonlight shine you saw yourself reflection on the water.
Your eyes widen and you panic yelp when you saw your face. Your dog face.
You quickly got up and back away from the puddle, you start to breath fast. You sat up and look down there you saw your paws. You clench them though all it can was tiny clenches.
"Fuck! I'm a Dog!!!" You start to panic but all you can let out was barks and whimpers.
Scared you start running in a circle before you turn towards the house to ran straight there.
You have no idea what to do. All you know that you need to get back home where your safe.
Once at the gates of the house, you quickly squeeze through the iron bars and ran up to the porch of the house.
At the door you place both front paws on the door and start barking and scratching on the door. You barks turn to whimpers.
Suddenly you heard something behind you making your ears perk up. You turn around and quickly hunch cowardly when you saw a black dog with red eyes standing in the middle of the walkway looking at you.
You panic and turn to the side and run, leaping of the porch, land on the ground and start running off to the woods, the black dog quick give chase.
Once in the woods ran as fast you can, after a couple of minutes you saw a hollow fallen tree. You duck into the tree and crawl deep and lay low and kept quiet. You stiffed when you heard footsteps and the sound of sniffing before a deep howl than silences.
You pant quietly and listen carefully for any signs of the other dog. When suddenly the black dog pop his head to the end of the tree your hiding. You yelp and quickly back away towards the opposite end of the hole.
As soon your out of the tree you turn when another dog appears this one is blonde with green eyes. You turn the other direction and start running when a giant orange dog jump from the bushes and stood right in your path. You turn right quickly.
You kept running until you ran into a dead end at the side of the mountain. You stop and pant heavy looking around for anywhere you can go.
Than you look behind you when the three dogs corner you with an added fourth dog with white fur join in.
You back away until you hit the side of the mountain. You turn your back towards the four dogs cowering and whimpering in fear.
Suddenly your heard sad whimpering from behind you, you calm down enough to look over your shoulder to see the white and orange dogs has their head low liken their being scolded with their ears down.
Than the black slowly appear you before crouch down and continue crawl to you. You curl into a ball to make you seem small when the black dog is close to you. Than he slowly let his ears down than let out a small whimper. It seem that his trying to be seen as friendly and not threating to you.
You slowly ease your nerve enough to relax, than out of instinct you start sniffing which is weird and at the same time felt right. Then it hit you, you can't quite make it out but you can smell a familiar scent on the black dog, a strong and dominating scent and yet comforting like the feeling you get when your with...
Its Lucifer! You can believe it, its him. You quickly stood up and leap towards him, than you start nuzzling your face and snout onto him. And he returns your affection nuzzling his face on the back of your neck, your so small compare to him that he can hook his head and neck around your small frame.
After a moment the other dogs walk towards the tow of you. The orange dog stood next to Lucifer and start pant heavily with his tongue sticking out. The blonde dog stood on the other side, and the white dog was behind you, he growl at Lucifer before leaning down and bite down grabbing by your fluffy fur and pull you towards him.
He lay down on his stomach and place you down between his long dog arms. You turn around and sniff him, again it hits you like a truck the strong scent of cologne and grimms tells you that its Mammon.
You bark happily before start licking his face excitingly. He got flustered at first, but sensing that you happy to see him, he start licking you back.
Lucifer roll his eyes at what his seeing.
The orange dog barks to grab your attention, you turn towards him and sniff. The scent of chips, ketchup and cooked meat tells you that its Beel. You bark jump over Mammon's arms and happily leap at Beel, he quickly fall on his back and you land on top of him and start nuzzling you head into his furry chest. He wag his tail and move his dog arms around your small frame as he can simulating a hug.
The blonde dog walk towards the two of you. He leans down and poke the top of your head. You stop nuzzling, pulling back enough to turn towards the blonde dog, you start sniffing and you can smell of books and candle on him. He smile with his eyes close which made realize that it Satan, You bark and he barks back before leaning forwards and the two of you touch noses.
After all of that you pull back and look around to see your lovers and their current forms. Quickly the guilt hits you... This is your fault!
So this something I wanted to do and gave me the motivation to write kinda.
If your curious, MC/Reader is a Pomeranian. While the brothers unknown. Though I am thinking of making Lucifer a Doberman
Any suggestion of what the other brother could be? No Shiba inu (No hate on the breed its just is going to be the most common suggestion)
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or rebloging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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The Anchor - Chapter 8 [Doctor Strange x Reader]
Summary: Every Sorcerer Supreme has an anchor. Someone whose magic is compatible with theirs, ensures that he is additionally protected and prevents him from falling prey to evil forces. You grew up in Kamar-Taj and studied the Mystic Arts there, but then you traveled the world looking for a more quiet life, a life away from magic and superheroes. When you return and meet the new Sorcerer Supreme, it soon becomes clear that you share a special connection.
Tags: Slow Burn, Reader is a master of the Mystic Arts, Magic!Reader, spells and magic
Read it on AO3 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Chapter’s Notes: No Beta this week. I‘m actually looking for a new one. DM me if you can help me out.
Also I recommend the Song Hellhound by Shawn James. It does not quite fit the pace of the chapter, but I love it and listen a lot to it when writing this part.
Chapter 8: Hellhound
You dodge the attack of the hellhound and then place your hands on the asphalt floor. With a short spell, the surface begins to soften, and while you remain on solid ground, the animal sinks in with its legs.
Baring its teeth, it howls and snaps at you. It has to use a lot of strength to move forward, and you gain a little time.
You need to lure the hound to Strange so that you can take care of this problem together. Ideally, you'll send it back to where it came from.
You step out into the street, directly into the field of vision of the Hellhound, who is now redoubling his efforts.
The animal looks really scary, its saliva black and slimy. Definitely not recommended as a pet, you think, and wrinkle your nose in disgust.
The beast reaches the edge of your spell and sets a paw on solid ground. You create a portal behind you and leap through it and sideways out of the way as it follows you through.
You roll off the ground and are immediately back on your feet, dodging a second hound that snaps at you from the other side. You stumble a bit, and the beast uses this to attack you again.
Way too late you raise your arms to protect yourself, when golden ropes wrap around the troublemaker and pull him back. He braces himself, baring his teeth and flinging his black saliva at you.
Above him in the air, hovers Stephen and uses all his strength, pulling the beast backwards with the magical ropes.
You hurry to get out of reach and climb onto a bus lying on its side abandoned by its driver and passengers.
"Thanks," you call out to Stephen. He doesn't answer as the hellhound is rearing up, throwing itself on the ground, rolling around, and generally doing everything it can to get free. A bumpy ride for the doctor ensues.
You realize that this hound also has half-open areas on its body, especially on its neck and front legs. There is also a third one whose entire right side is black burned. Concerned, you keep an eye out for civilians who might be targeted by them, when you realize that you've switched to the mirror dimension.
At least one thing less to worry about.
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"If we keep the pack in one place, I can perform a ritual to send them back to hell."
Stephen appears floating in mid-air next to you. He has given up on the rodeo and looks grim as he creates a dome-shaped barrier around the hellhounds. It won't last long.
"We need more people for that," you reply, shaking your head. Your arm is scraped and bleeding, but not bad enough to worry you. "I can't take care of all three of them at once and keep them from eating you during the ritual... unless…"
"Unless what?"
"I have an idea, but you won't like it. Can you make sure they don't kill me for the next two minutes?"
Without waiting for an answer, you sit down and speak a longer conjuration.
Strange moves in another direction, but you are too focused to hear his muttered complaint.
Smoke forms around you, briefly obscuring your view, and the familiar smell of sulfur rises. A moment later, you have a warm snout on your face.
"Will you help us, Cal?" you ask the Levion, standing up to pat his neck. "It's urgent, so we can't negotiate for the price, but you'll get a bucket of innards later. I promise."
You get a sneeze in response. That will have to do and you swing onto his back. Now you're much more mobile and a less easy prey.
Callum jumps down from the bus, and you steer him, as best you can without his harness, toward Stephen, who is still busy with his dome.
"I thought there’s a rule against conjuring the Levion in a city," he growls.
"Sorry, I can't hear you under all that noise of panic and destruction," you shout back as you jump on the ground for a moment to repeat the 'the ground is lava' trick from earlier.
Instantly, all three dogs sink their legs into the softening asphalt.
"Okay, I've got them. You can start."
Since you're in the mirror dimension, any damage is inconsequential. Using magic, you retrieve car parts and pieces from buildings to build a fence all around where the magical dome was just seconds ago, hoping to keep the animals inside like a herd of sheep.
Callum, meanwhile, moves in circles around them so you can secure all sides equally.
Strange hovers in the air, sitting, and has begun reciting in a demonic-sounding language with his eyes closed.
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You pay no attention to him, as you have enough to deal with the pack before you. One hound fights its way dangerously close to the edge of the field, despite its sunken legs. Callum snaps at him and growls menacingly, whereupon all three hellhounds burst into loud howls.
You steer your mount to the opposite side, create the same glowing golden ropes as Stephen did earlier, and pull the beast back to the center, causing it to fall to the side and now sink in with its body. That's good.
You repeat the whole thing on the next hellhound, which is also about to fight its way free.
"Hurry up, Stephen," you mutter, because you can't keep all three at bay forever.
Fortunately, Strange's incantation is already having an effect, as signs of a ritual circle form on the ground, from which small flames are now flickering.
It's time to send the beasts back to their hell dimension.
You create a shield on your left fist and hit one of the dogs on the snout with it, while Callum bites it in the neck at the same time. The creature yelps and recoils, stepping into the flames. Immediately the yelp turns into a growl, and with horror you see the animal's black saliva start flaring up. Smoke is rising from the nostrils of the others as well.
"Oh crap!"
You forgot about that. You quickly back away as a jet of fire lands where you and Callum were standing two seconds ago.
Another hound aims upward, and you throw your shield up into its path – almost like Captain America. It gets hit, lights up, and then disappears. But Stephen remains safe.
The Sorcerer Supreme has his fingertips together and stretches his arms out to the front. His movements are fluid, and his voice grows louder. Another pair of eyes appears on his forehead, blood red like the eyes of the beasts he is about to banish.
You do your best to intercept the fire of the furious hounds.
Then suddenly they sink even deeper, this time through Strange's work. The flames flare higher and blaze brightly, and then the hellhounds are gone.
It's over.
You breathe a sigh of relief.
You slide off Callum's back and pat the still growling Levion's neck until he calms down.
"Good boy. You've earned your treat."
Stephen floats down beside you, his face now looking normal again with just two regular eyes.
"That was a ride," you say to him. "Do you know how they got here?"
"There was a portal in that parking garage over there when I arrived." He points to the building you tore pieces from. "I sealed it right up, but the question remains as to who opened it."
You nod. Callum sniffs in Stephen's direction, who has kept his distance, eyeing the Levion suspiciously.
"He wants you to thank him," you explain to Strange. "After all, it’s thanks to him, you and I didn't get grilled.”
Strange furrows his brows. "You want me to shake his hand, or what?"
"Sure, that’s a start."
He looks from Levion's two extra claws to his gloves, then hesitantly extends a hand. Callum takes a step toward him, but the Cloak of Levitation wraps around the outstretched arm to protect Strange.
He listens to it and pulls his hand back, to which Callum bares his teeth. You quickly step into his field of vision, drawing his attention.
"He doesn't mean it," you say to the Levion, petting his head until he's calm again. "I'll send you home now, and later we'll meet in Kamar-Taj. There you'll get your reward. What d’you say?"
He nudges your shoulder, and his ears wiggle. "That's what I thought. See you later."
It’s easy for you to transport him back to his own world. Then you turn to Stephen, who has been watching you.
"I'm really knocked out. Let's clean up over here and then go to the Sanctum," you suggest.
He nods in agreement, and you leave the mirror dimension to step back onto the streets of the real New York, which looks far less destroyed.
Strange undoes some major damage, and hopefully the authorities will take care of the rest. After all, there's an entire department that specializes in that.
You're far too tired to walk the few blocks home, so you create a portal. And back in the Sanctum, you drop into the nearest chair.
"Whew, I forgot how exhausting it is to save a city."
Strange also looks tired, but he still cuts a fine figure doing so. It’s the same when he fights, you’ve noticed. It makes him look younger, more alive.
You yawn, glad he can't read your mind.
"You're hurt," he suddenly says.
Your eyes fall to your right arm with the bleeding scrape and you notice that half your sleeve is torn off and a few scratches have been added.
"Nothing serious," you wave it off, but he approaches anyway and sits down on a chair that appears out of nowhere next to yours.
"Take off your jacket," he says.
"You should save that for the bedroom," you joke, but push the fabric off your right shoulder, fully exposing your injured arm. You wear a sleeveless shirt in a similar color underneath, all in Kamar-Taj's signature layered style.
A regular first aid kit appears next to Strange, from which he takes a few things.
He disinfects the wound and also wipes off the dried blood from the rest of your arm. Then he puts a bandage on the arm.
"That should do it."
"Thanks, doctor."
You smile gently. With magic your arm would be like new in a few moments. Maybe you'll even try your old healing spells later. But it's nice that he's taking care of you.
That's when Wong enters the room.
"Where have you been?" you ask him, not without reproach.
"You had the situation under control," he merely explains, then turns to Strange. "No comparable incidents elsewhere. Seems to have been a one-time incident."
Stephen nods and leans back in his chair. He magically creates a stool to put his feet up. "Good." Apparently he doesn’t plan on moving anytime soon.
And though you want nothing more than to lie down and sleep, you still have a promise to keep.
"Do any of you know a good butcher?"
An hour later, you're standing on one of the smaller training areas with a sandy floor, Callum at your side. You haven't bothered to change out of your torn robe.
While you sit on the sand and eat a pizza you got yourself, the Levion digs into the promised bucket of innards you brought him. It’s still fresh, and blood drips off his mouth and onto the ground.
You're glad to have a solid stomach, because it's kinda gross.
Afterwards, Callum curls up at your side, and you pat him with one hand. With the other, you make sure the last slice of your pizza stays out of his reach.
"Good boy! You did a great job today. Showed those hellhounds who the alpha is, didn't you? No, that's my food!"
You push back Levion's little extra claw, which he uses to sneak a nibble of your food. He makes an annoyed sound.
"Didn't you have enough? I went through such trouble to get you the best parts from the butcher.”
You rub his belly and he contentedly puts his little claws on your arm, clawing a little. It scratches your bare skin, but only on the surface. Nothing you can’t endure with some willpower.
"I'm sure you'll make friends with Strange. He's actually quite nice. A bit like you: hard shell, soft core. And even deeper inside, unpredictable."
Callum sneezes because sand has gotten into his snout.
"Yeah, I know," you reply, "We'll go on a ride again next time. But today I'm too tired for it."
Tagging list: @calsjack, @onebatch--twobatch
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rikalovesrice · 2 years
The Eternal Day : Tales of Arcadia - Chapter 10
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Author’s Notes : The theme for the next two chapters is "Bravestone" by Two Steps From Hell :3 Let's skip the preamble and get into it, shall we?
Please enjoy!
Jim leapt with ease across the rooftops with the strength and agility of his troll form. Aja and Krel flew past him on their hoverboards. Douxie and Zoe rode beside on a big Archie’s back. Their shouting allies streamed behind them, claws, weapons, and spells drawn. Sounds of warfare erupted all around them. The ping of lasers, the woosh of  magic, the crunching of bones, grunts and hisses from impacts. 
A Krubera troll rammed a salamander with his spear before punching it in the jaw. An Akiridion soldier slid on her knees and dragged the blade of her serrator through the underside of a wolf. A wizard called down mystical meteors to pummel a pack of hellhounds, obliterating frospecters caught in their path. Tree carnifloras collided with volcanic behemoths, throwing showers of razor sharp leaves and giant embers.
The Fire Titan crashed onto its side from the stab of Forest Titan’s antlers and the Ice Titan went down on its knee from that devastating kick. Vines coiled around Nari’s middle as she channeled her aura through her Titan, the two becoming one. She maneuvered so that Bellroc was on her left and Skrael was on her right.
“Tenebris exilium!” Nari bellowed, holding her arms out straight towards her siblings. Her Titan copied, enormous rings of magic circling its fingers as heavy blasts of shamrock light barreled into the downed Titans. The Fire Titan was sent rolling and the Ice Titan staggered down on an elbow. 
Nari was already charging at Bellroc, winding up another spell. At the last second, the Fire Titan dug its claws into the ground and extended its neck to spit out a wall of scorching flames. Nari quickly altered her magic to create a shield before she ran right into the fire.
“How!?” Bellroc snarled. They, too, merged with their Titan, a crown resembling the symbol over its single eye socket forming around Bellroc’s head. 
Skrael growled and did the same. “How were you released from our control!?”
“My friends freed me,” Nari answered. “So now, I can stop you!”
Strings of green magic wove between the Forest Titan’s fingers, stitching a halberd of enchanted tree bark with an axehead trimmed with whetted brilliant green gemstones. Thorns sprouted all throughout its hair, the tips of the vines honed to slice and puncture.
Skrael got back on his feet and started running. Bellroc dove, angry flames spewing from their mouth. Nari whirled as Skrael swung the Ice Titan’s thick arm, ice scraping against the shaft of her halberd, while simultaneously entangling Bellroc with vines in the air. 
Jim set his sights on one of the volcanic behemoths, the monster standing at two hundred feet. He somersaulted and spun, swinging Excalibur right into one of its legs, red lava spilling when he slashed through its rocky obsidian skin. The creature roared and Jim leapt out of the way of massive flaming fists raining down, taking every chance he could to slice its beastly hands. He climbed onto its knuckles and swung his way up its long arm, stabbing Excalibur right in. The behemoth shrieked and shook Jim off, the force dislodging him and sending him tumbling. Before the behemoth could crush him, shots rang out above.
Aja mowed down the back of the monster’s head with her serrator cannon with the ferocity of a machine gun. Krel fired away with his own serrator, taking aim at the beast’s large dark pits of eyes. The behemoth swung its head wildly, the tips of its crimson horns just missing the bottom of their hoverboards. While Krel took over the range attacks, Aja reverted her serrator back to a blade and dove onto the behemoth’s back, slicing along its skin as she sprinted before digging the blade into the back of its neck. The behemoth rose up and swatted at the source of injury. Aja dodged the first couple of swipes, but lost her balance when the creatures forcefully tipped back onto its hands. 
Douxie swooped in with Archie just in time to catched her out of the air. 
“Apologies for the unceremonious lift, Your Majesty!” Douxie said.
“Only room for two up here,” Zoe said, grinning at Aja dangling from Archie’s paw.
“Lively!” Aja exclaimed. She laughed and dropped onto her hoverboard as it sped by. “Thank you, Douxie!”
“She finally got it right!” Douxie said. “Arch!” Archie skimmed the behemoth’s back and Douxie jumped off near its pointed ears, his staff taking on its guitar shape. “How ‘bout a lullaby?” Douxie strummed an elaborate riff, magic powering and amplifying the screech of the metal strings. The behemoth cringed and covered its ears, the deafening sound bringing it to its elbows. “Alligesnarae!” Glowing sky blue shackles trapped the behemoth against the ground.
As Jim dashed forward, the behemoth vomited a molten pool.
“Jim!” Douxie shouted. He conjured a trail of platforms at the last second, and Jim vaulted right over the lava without missing a step. 
Aja and Krel continued to fire away at the beast’s face. Douxie doubled down on his chains, making them so taut the behemoth started to wheeze. Jim sprung off the final platform and drove Excalibur into its skull. 
The behemoth let out one final roar before going still, the lava flowing beneath its skin graying.
“Klebtastic!” Krel cheered. “And Douxie, you need to teach me how to do that with my beats!”
“I think Zoe could help you more in that department. I’m not much of a technomancer, I’m afraid,” Douxie said. “But a jam session is definitely in order.”
Krel raised a brow. “What about jam?”
“Jim, are you alright?” Aja asked.
“I’m great. Thanks, I was about to get flattened back there,” Jim said, yanking Excalibur out of the dead behemoth’s forehead.
Aja gazed at him. “You know, somehow I feel like we’ve done this before.”
“Done what?”
“Fight together.”
“Huh. Now that you say that, I kind of do, too,” Jim said. “Which is weird cause up until a couple days ago, I only knew you through video calls.” He frowned in thought. “...Right?”
Something sparked in the back of Aja’s mind, small and faint. But she lost it as Akiridion battle pods zoomed overhead, opening fire on another volcanic behemoth that was going toe to toe with one of the giant combat robots.
“A-Anyway, I’m glad you’re alright. Keep it that way,” Aja said. “Krel, we need to get going.” They hopped back on their hoverboards and raced off towards their Arcane targets.
“Huh…So they forgot all about it, that’s why…,” Douxie said, just loud enough that Jim heard.
“Forgot what?”
Douxie spotted Zoe and Archie coming back for him. He grabbed onto Archie’s paw as they swept low and yelled at Jim as he flew away, “I’ll tell you later! Be careful!”
Jim’s face scrunched in confusion.
“Watch out, Jimbo!”
One of those skeletal frostbitten wolves was charging right at him. Jim swung Excalibur  in front of him and he was thrown onto his back beneath the beast. Its icicle fangs grinded against Excalibur as it tried to chew through the sword to get to Jim’s face, snarling ice cold breaths and drooling frigid saliva. In a flash of orange, the wolf was knocked right off him.
Toby waved his hammer. “Down, zombie ice Rover! Bad dog!”
Displeased with the nicknames, the wolf came plowing back. Aaarrrgghh hurdled over Toby to introduce its cold snout with his stone fist. The blow sent the wolf staggering into a shadow portal that quickly swirled close.
“Expertly done!” Blinky said from his partial mech suit.
“One down, ten million to go,” Claire said, glowering at the pack of ice wolves headed their way. Now with skeletal frostbitten bears joining their ranks, three of them.
“Egad!” Toby yelped. “More like frozen Yogi Bear, amirite?”
“If you want to be,” Jim said. He ran and sliced a wolf’s jaw, then used his troll strength to grab it by the muzzle and slam it on its side before piercing its emaciated ribs. 
Blinky fired dwarkstones from his mech suit’s cannons, shocking the wolves long enough for Claire to open more portals under their paws. Aaarrrgghh clashed with one of the skeletal bears, his hands locked with its icy claws. They pushed against each other, snarling and growling. Aaarrrgghh caught it with a headbutt, then Toby’s warhammer cracked the back of its skull.
Another ice bear was keeping the Creepslayerz busy. Steve chopped into the monster’s side, backflipping out of the way when it retaliated with cold snapping jaws. Eli rushed in, twirling his serrator in his hand then goring the bear in its lifeless gray eyes. It shook its head and roared, frost shooting from its wounds. 
“Palchuk Charge!” Steve yelled.
“I’m gonna Pepperjack you up!” Eli shouted.
They both struck the ice bear with their weapons, Steve’s Akiridion-enhanced axe cleaving one of its ribs while Eli’s serrator carved right through its hard waxy skin. One more angry roar, and the bear went down.
“Let’s freaking go!” Steve laughed. He held up his hand, fingers making a C. “Now that’s what I call Creep!”
“Slaying!” Eli was about to complete the insignia when he spotted something falling out of the sky in his peripherals. An Akiridion battle pod crashed to the ground, frozen solid. Up above, dozens of battle pods were being overrun by frospecters, icicles spearing windows and frost debilitating functions. Eli touched the earpiece Izita got him. “Izita? Come in, Izita!”
“They’re too fast!” came Izita’s reply. “Everyone fall back! Try to keep your distance!”
The battle pods veered away, the frospecters in pursuit. 
“Make a circle everyone! Get them all in the middle!” Eli said, shifting his serrator into its rifle. The battle pods did as he instructed, whirling around each other until most of the frospecters were corralled. “Now get’em!” Eli looked into his scope and started shooting, picking off handfuls of frospecters in a matter of seconds. The surrounding pods opened fire, the cluster of enemies soon reduced to a cloud of cold dust. But as warned, more frospecters swarmed to take their places.
“Eli!” Izita pulled up beside them and opened her hatch. “I’m sorry there wasn’t another pod for you. But you can use this.” She reached behind her seat and produced a hoverboard. Its design differed from Aja and Krel’s boards in that it was engraved with one big electric blue X on its surface instead of four circles. “Queen Aja had this made for me, in case of emergencies.”
“Dude, we get our own Slayermobile?” Steve said, hopping on with Eli.
“Thanks a lot, Izita. I’ll try to get it back to you in one piece,” Eli said.
Frospecters turned on the Creepslayerz as they zipped into the air. Any that strayed close were minced to powder by Toothache, while Eli dispatched oncoming ones with his serrator rifle, his accuracy deadly and keen.
“You really are the assassin from Future Warrior 2!” Steve said.
“Skeltegs make good target pract—WAAAAHH!” Eli swerved the hoverboard as a ball of fire blazed past. Salamanders up on their hind legs were launching flames at the sky. He yelped into his earpiece, “Look out everyone!”
Steve shook off the dizziness. “Literally not cool, lizard dudes!”
The salamanders filled their cheeks with more flames, only to be cut in half by Varvatos Vex. Zadra was at his side, a blur of athleticism as she swung and twirled her double sided scythe, butchering salamanders to smoking ribbons.
“Glorious!” Varvatos shouted. He turned and found himself facing another salamander and two hellhounds. The hounds circled him, growls and flames trickling from their maws slobbering lava. One pounced on Varvatos’ back while the other tried to sink its teeth into arm. The salamander lunged and bared down on his breastplate, trying to burn through it with its iron hot claws. “GLORIOUS!!”
He flipped and slammed the salamander on its back, whaling it in the face then slashing its neck. He changed his serrator and blew back the hellhounds with a round of laser beams.
“Glorious death will have to wait,” Varvatos said.
“Glad you have patience, Vex,” Zadra sighed, ripping her blade out of a salamander’s head.
A group of one troll, two Akiridions, and three witches were facing off against a hoard of skeletal ice bears and wolves. Archie swooped down seconds before they were overwhelmed, flames erupting from his mouth. Douxie and Zoe hopped off and went to town.
“Caeru ignium pompas!” Douxie lifted his staff high, the runes on his bracelet spinning and flashing. Balls of azure flames shot into the air before exploding like fireworks, streaks of heat raining down. The wolves snarled and tried to escape the shooting fire searing their frigid hides. Archie enhanced the spell with his own flames and soon all of the wolves dissolved to steaming, oily puddles.
Zoe pointed two fingers at the sky, her aura soaking up the energy in the atmosphere and pulling her magic tight around her. She took a deep breath, concentrating. Just as the bears were closing in, Zoe’s aura went taut. At her shout, dense bolts of hot pink lightning crashed out of the clouds and conducted at her fingertips. Zoe whipped her arm down and the cords of lightning followed, flogging four massive bears and leaving them paralyzed on the electrified terrain. Charlemagne finished the job with jets of dragonfire.
Douxie smiled and sighed, fireballs and lightning exploding all around him. 
“She’s bloody amazing…Can you believe it, Arch? That’s my girlfriend!”
“Yes, yes, jolly good for you,” Archie groused, shaking frost off his wings.
“S-Sorry. Is everyone alright?” Douxie asked the fighters they’d saved. The two Akiridions helped the troll to his feet. They all nodded, grateful.
“T-Thank you, Master Douxie!” one of the witches said, tucking some hair behind her ear.
“Omg,omg,omg a Master Wizard just saved us and he’s super freaking cute!!” another witch squealed to her friend. 
“More like super hot tamales,” the last witch swooned while batting her lashes. “My hero! Can I have your num—eek!”
One look at Zoe’s glaring face was enough to halt the fangirling.
Douxie blushed. “It wasn’t just me. But y-yes, right, you’re very welcome, ladies. O-Off you go then. Be careful!”
The three witches zoomed away on magitech broomsticks, one of them wailing about wanting Douxie’s autograph.
“You really are the worst,” Zoe grumbled.
Douxie couldn’t help his grin. “A bit jealous there, love?”
She zapped him in the side and he yelped.
Archie landed heavily beside them and downsized, huffing and puffing as he went onto Douxie’s shoulder.
“Are you alright, Arch?” Douxie asked, cradling his Familiar’s cheek.
“Need a break from being my dad’s size,” Archie wheezed.
Charlemagne chortled, holding up his paws. “Indeed, these are big claws to fill!”
A quake pulled their attention to the center of the chaos. In the middle of giant robots and behemoths, laserbeams and whizzing frospecters, magic spells blasting and trolls walloping, were the Titans fiercely locked in battle. 
Fighters below scrambled out of the way as the Forest Titan was tipped onto its back. Its deer legs thrashed as the Fire Titan pinned it down. Lava poured from the Fire Titan’s plumage onto the Forest’s belly and hot claws dug into its sides. Nari screamed in pain, her Titan writhing in distress, all while keeping the Fire Titan’s snapping jaws off its face with its halberd.
“Nari…!” Douxie cried.
The Ice Titan came up with an arm reared to strike. Gigantic roots sprang from under its feet at the last second, flinging the Ice Titan forward so that it ended up cracking the Fire Titan’s skull instead. It toppled hissing and spitting off Nari, sprays of lava splashing.
“Skrael, you imbecile!” Bellroc seethed.
The Forest Titan rolled back onto its hooves, staggering from its injuries. Burns scrawled with fiery markings marred its underside. Nari clutched her stomach, breath stuttering. She clenched her teeth and stood straight as she could, glowered at Skrael going in for another attack. The Forest Titan held its halberd out at its side and charged.
A hellhound yelped and snarled as it blindly ran in circles. Luug’s mandibles were suctioned around its face while NotEnrique and Chompsky chewed on its legs, hordes of more gnomes swarming other members of its hellish pack. Alabast bawled in terror, aimlessly stabbing the air with his heartstone spear. The other trolls of Moonglow Hollow weren’t faring any better, swinging once with their weapons before turning tail, but at least managed to lead enemies to more capable soldiers.
“F-For the Moonstone, for the Moonstone, for the Moonst—AAAHHHH!!!” Alabast came face to face with an ice bear and made a bumbling run for it. It chased him right into the line of fire of wizards and was incinerated by rampaging spells. 
Ricky, Lucy, and Queen Wumpa hitched a ride on Stuart’s taco truck as he tore across the battlefield, a laser cannon firing away from the roof. The Blanks torched frospecters flying overhead. 
“Boom, boom, shake the room!” Queen Wumpa exclaimed while jamming her spear into a leaping hellhound’s stomach.
“Say what now?” Stuart said out the window. He squeaked when Ricky’s chipper upside down face appeared.
“Hit the brakes, champ!” Ricky said. “Unless you have stellar insurance.”
“Wha—YIKES!” Stuart swerved before his truck was crushed against the bulk of an ice bear. He did one huge u-turn, avoiding wizards but running right over salamanders, then slammed on the brakes, all passengers jerking forward. Stuart wiped his brow. “That was close. I do have pretty lousy coverage. Maybe cause I only pay with free guacamole ....”
The ice bear roared and barreled towards them. Everyone took aim, but before the frostbitten beast could reach them, thorny vines ensnared it. 
One of the huge flytrap carnifloras pulled the bear right into its grotesque mouth with a sickening crunch. Dozens more carnifloras sprang forth to consume the mobs of enemies. Bushes of pansies and primroses tore into the flesh of ice wolves. Spruce tree carnifloras tackled the bigger hulking ice bears, rows upon rows of sharp teeth hidden within their needled branches. Ravenous tangles of fireweeds dug into squirming hellhounds. Tall silversword flowers skewered salamanders with hundreds of bladelike hairs. Duos of colossal tree carnifloras and combat robots tussled with the volcanic behemoths.
“Crunchy veggies are the best!” Lucy exclaimed.
Luma danced through the warfare with her heartstone dagger, single-handedly dispatching one foe after another. 
Walter sliced through frospecters in the air. There was a blast close by. He turned a second too late and was caught off guard by an explosion of flames, his knives flying out of his hands as he slammed to the ground. The salamander hissed and crawled closer. It pounced as Walter reached to his belt…and ended up butchered in half.
Another monster lunged from behind and Walter whipped around. Nomura’s scimitars clove through the ice bear’s torso. When it fell onto its side, Walter finished it off with a hooked sunset blade to the chest. But he didn’t stop. Long after the bear went still, Walter kept hacking into it, his grunts getting angrier. A hand pulled on his shoulder.
“Stricklander!” Luma looked at the bear, chopped to cold pieces, then back. Her eyes were soft. “Enough. It’s done, my friend.”
Walter held her gaze while catching his breath, then looked down. Luma lingered a moment longer before patting his shoulder and moving away.
As his stare went from the broken remains of the bear to Nomura’s frost stained scimitars, Walter simmered. He glared daggers at the Ice Titan.
“No. It isn’t.”
The Forest Titan bashed its halberd into the Ice Titan’s scrawny waist, following up with kicks to its chest. It tried to impale Nari with its sharp right elbow as Skrael struggled to command it with his one working hand. Bellroc dug the Fire Titan’s talons into the Forest’s flank. Nari gasped in pain, willing her Titan’s hair to ensnare the attacker. The vines’ whetted ends littered the Fire Titan with cuts, black feathers swept away in the storm. Bellroc screamed and loosed a fiery wave, which Nari swiftly blocked with a magic shield. The Fire Titan’s ignited claws scraped against it, fern and scarlet sparks flying. Skrael charged up behind with deadly icicles protruding from the Ice’s arm. Nari flipped the halberd in her Titan’s other hand and swung, wood and ice grating. All three Titans backed off, shockwaves of their power rippling the air.
“Your foolishness knows no bounds,” Bellroc hissed. “Here we are, so close to doing away with this loathsome world. So close to making it anew! Yet you’ve chosen to delay it because of your idiotic affection.”
“Why, Nari?” Skrael seethed. “Why do you care about the vermin more than us?”
“Why can you not see that you are making a grave mistake?” Nari said. She gripped the halberd with both hands as the Titans circled each other. “Your bitterness has made both of you blind. I see now that all we have ever done is cause pain. But my friends, these souls you call vermin, still love me.” Her eyes went to Bellroc then Skrael. “I have never stopped caring about you. It is why I am standing against you now. Please…It is not too late to change and do the right thing.” Nari extended her Titan’s hand. “Stop this. Then we can be together again, as Father would want.”
To Nari’s surprise, Bellroc and Skrael stilled. A hint of nourishment for the bud of hope in her heart.
Aja and Krel raced closer and closer to the Titans, Aja covering her brother from frospecters and attacks hurtling from below.
“What’s going on? The Titans stopped moving!” Krel said.
“That works for us!” Aja said, shooting another frospecter its hideous face. “Let’s hurr—KLEB!”
Metal screeching resounded as a combat robot stumbled in their path. They veered out of the way, watching as it collapsed under the assault of a volcanic behemoth.
“NO!” Aja shouted when the behemoth broke through the cockpit. She looked up to see more bots going down, battered by flaming claws and melted by lava. Plenty of behemoths had been slain, but new ones continued to emerge. Even the tree carnifloras were starting to be overrun. “Seklos and Gaylen…!”
“Come on, Aja,” Krel said, voice quavering with grief. “We have to keep going!”
Nari offered her hand with bated breath, searching her siblings for any sign of yielding. The Fire Titan cocked its head, copying Bellroc’s musing. The Ice Titan shifted.
“Enough of all this pain and destruction,” Nari pleaded. “I will show what I have found. My friends can be your friends. Then we will be together in peace.”
Another pregnant pause. Then Bellroc inched closer until the Fire Titan’s muzzle was just within reach of the Forest’s palm. Skrael seemed perplexed, but followed suit, bringing his Titan forward.
“Your love for us has never waned,” Bellroc said.
Nari shook her head. “No. Never.”
Bellroc smiled.
The Fire Titan snapped down on the Forest Titan’s wrist.
“AHHHH!” Nari shrieked as hot knives shredded through her. 
“Skrael!” Bellroc bellowed.
Skrael strained to raise both of the Ice Titan’s arms to seize the Forest’s shoulders, serrated glaciers piercing in. Nari was pulled back and thrown to the ground, the pain excruciating as her Titan’s wrist was ripped from the Fire Titan’s jagged teeth. 
Bellroc took flight with their Titan’s mouth wide open as they shot towards the Heartstone.
“No!” Nari shouted. She kicked Skrael off and stood. All of her Titan’s vines whipped out in pursuit of the Fire Titan in the air. Several snagged its feathery tail while the rest constricted its talons. The vines went taut and the Fire Titan released a furious roar as it was dragged out of the sky and slammed to the earth. The Forest Titan ran and leapt onto the downed Titan, front knees pinning its wings. Nari pointed the tip of her halberd at the Titan’s long throat.
“Go on then, Nari,” Bellroc snarled. “Do it!”
Lifeless bodies littered the battleground, friends and foes alike. Only the foes were still coming, materializing from pools of magma and clouds of frigid mist. Carniflora numbers were dropping. Statues of trolls kept appearing. Spell-casters and Akiridions were losing steam.
Jim rammed Excalibur into an ice bear’s stomach, a one-hit kill. He rushed to a Krubera troll that had been speared by an icicle.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he breathed. How many times had he said this now? “It’s okay…Come on, stay with…” The Krubera turned to stone in his arms.
Zadra gripped the hands of a dying Akiridion soldier whose core had been blackened. 
“Commander Zadra…tell our Queen I’m sorry…,” the soldier uttered as they started to fade.
“Don’t be sorry!” Zadra said, voice laced with sorrow and rage. “You fought well. By Seklos, House Tarron and all of Akiridion-5 will remember you. I promise…!”
Douxie was at Clancy Pendragon’s side. Half of the wizard’s body was burned beyond salvation. 
“You’ll make it, old pal,” Douxie said, trying for a healing spell anyway. Tears leaked from his eyes. “I’m really, really sorry about your turnips. I’ve got you. I’ll fix this, let me just—”
Pendragon wheezed a chuckle. “You’re…somethin’ else…C-Cas…p…rn…”
He was gone. Soot swept between Douxie’s fingers and he screamed. Archie was instantly with him, nuzzling Douxie’s face. Zoe pressed close to him. 
“No…No, I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…,” Douxie sobbed. “It wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough!”
“Douxie…,” Zoe breathed, head shaking.
“You did what you could,” Archie said. 
A salamander approached. Archie positioned himself between it and Douxie, growling and going up to a lion’s size. Douxie glared. He got to his feet, supporting himself with his staff before turning it on the beast.
Before the salamander could so much as hiss, it was obliterated by a violent gush of water.
They looked up to see an aquatic serpentine dragon with fin-like wings soaring over them. What came next was an echoing chorus of monstrous roars and their sources filling the air. Hundreds, maybe thousands of dragons descended from the storm. Wyverns, amphipteres, oriental dragons, dragons with fur, dragons with feathers, dragons with multiple heads, more winged sea serpents. Fire enemies were hosed down by powerful spouts of water. An outpouring of dragonfire incinerated herds of ice bears and wolves.
“Holy cats…,” Zoe gasped.
“Well it’s about time you all showed up!” Charlemagne said.
“Aye there, Charlie! Long time no see!” said one of the heads of a dragon. “Thanks for the invite!”
“You get a mane cut?” the other head said.
“Wahaha, just a trim!”
“Looks good!” a feathery dragon said.
“When we gonna play cards again, Charlie?” an oriental dragon asked.
Archie gaped at the flocks of dragons still appearing. He looked at Charlemagne. “Dad, you really…? I didn’t even know so many dragons still existed!”
“Well you should know, Archie, that a round of Draconic Cards makes quite a scene!” Charlemagne laughed.
“That must be your shapeshifting boy!” a wyvern said. “Hehe, and his stinky little human!”
“S-Stinky!?” Douxie sputtered. “Wha—I’ll have you know—” 
The wyvern flew away. “Stinkyyyy!”
Ignoring that and Zoe’s muffled snickering, Douxie’s grumbling turned to awe as he stood before the rest of their majestic reinforcements. All of his friends and their allies watched the skies, the relief breathtaking.
“Well this is insanely awesome,” Zoe said. 
“You’re brilliant, Charlie,” Douxie said.
Nari and the Order looked up at all the commotion. Infuriated by the additional opposition, Bellroc commanded their Titan to spew blistering flames onto the Forest Titan’s torso in Nari’s lapse in attention. She cried out in agony and backed off. The Fire Titan straightened its long neck, biting Nari’s Titan around its waist. An animalistic rasp tore from Nari and she thrust her halberd’s tip into one of the Fire Titan’s wings, lava bleeding over feathers when it pierced through. Bellroc and their Titan unleashed deafening screeches in tandem.
Krel and Aja finally made it within range of the Titans. With Bellroc and Nari having it out, Krel decided to take aim at Skrael first. He peered into the scope, trying to lock on in such unsteady conditions.
“Get the shot, little brother. Hurry!” Aja said while blasting away frospecters.
Bellroc observed the dragons overtaking their infernal monstrosities and snarled, “It. Is. FUTILE!” 
The Fire Titan retched another river of molten fire while the Ice Titan smashed its bulky arm to the ground, walls of jagged ice bursting up. Enchanted magma and ice converged, the lava trickling into the magic patterns carved into the glaciers. Puffs of steam rolled off the ice until the walls shattered. Nightmarish yowls like dying demons scraped the air. When the haze thinned, new atrocities emerged. 
Deformed and discolored rooster heads with blazing eyes. Ghostly pale, snaking bodies hanging from exposed ribcages. They were zombified with icicle spines and icicle claws on both talons, yet red flames streamed from their sawtooth beaks and the span of their rubbery wings ridden with tears. Legions of these fiery ice abominations tore out of the fog and collided with the dragons like starved beasts.
“Kleb!” Krel swerved his hoverboard as one came right at him.
“Little brother!” Aja shot madly at the thing. Whatever it was was way bigger than a frospecter, so instead of poofing to dust it snapped around to crunch down on her hoverboard. It splintered in the creature’s mouth and Aja plummeted.
“AJA!!” Krel cried, speeding after her. He managed to snatch her with two hands before she landed in the jaws of a behemoth.
Nearly every dragon was wrestling with one of the horrific fire-ice monsters, biting, scratching, breathing the elements. A huge one landed in front of Douxie and Zoe, its gross rooster head twitching and its notched beak dribbling flames. Archie and Charlemagne leapt to their defense.
“Dirty basilisks, always on the side of trouble!” Charlemagne snarled.
Icy blue flames blasted from the basilisk’s beak. Charlemagne countered with dragonfire, both energies clashing with rivaling power. Once the beams dissipated, the basilisk and Charlemagne rushed forward, exchanging blows with claws and teeth before shooting into the air. The basilisk was twice Charlemagne’s size but he didn’t relent in the slightest.
“I have to help him!” Archie said.
Douxie raised his staff at more enemies incoming. “Go!”
Zoe called down more lightning bolts while Douxie summoned a tornado of cerulean flames, magic flaring in his eyes. Hellhounds were electrocuted to nothing. Ice wolves and frospecters melted away. But in their place came another basilisk wailing its spine-chilling song.
“Come and get some!” Zoe shouted with fists sparking. She caught Douxie looking at her. “I’m fine.” But the fatigue on her face and her sagging posture betrayed her. 
Douxie was feeling it, too, the tiring of his magic reserves. The Titans were still going at it with no indication of lost magic from either Bellroc or Skrael.
“Come on, Krel,” Douxie pleaded under his breath. 
The basilisk lashed its tail, flinging dozens of its icicle spines. Zoe threw up a shield then accelerated with magic at her feet, aiming punches at its head.
“Tonitru vi forte! ” she shouted, her knuckles colliding with the basilisk’s mug with the force of a car crash. It came with three thousand volts ripping through its skeletal body, and the basilisk skid across the ground shrieking and convulsing. But by the time Zoe caught up to deal the finishing blow, it was twisting its neck and breathing frigid fire. Zoe faltered, taken aback. Freezing cold consumed her. “AUGH!”
“ZOE!” Douxie watched her slump to the ground, squeezing herself and shivering. Magic cloaked his body and he plowed towards the basilisk with a rageful yell, eyes glaring. “ADOLEBI TO CINNIHIL!”
Sigils drew themselves all around the basilisk, trapping it in a furious bright blue vortex. The sigils’ patterns flashed and their rings doused the beast with an onslaught of magic flames. The basilisk flailed with blood-curdling screeches until an explosion ruptured the spell. Only crystal ashes remained where the basilisk once stood.
Douxie rushed to Zoe’s side while coming down from such a feat. His heart dropped when he gathered her in his arms. She was shuddering like mad, freezing cold to touch and her complexion turned deathly pale. Her right bicep was maimed with frostbite. 
“I’ve got you, love, I’ve got you!” Douxie clutched her close, aura burning. “Calefacto, calefacto, calefacto…” He didn’t stop saying it for a solid minute. Gradually, warmth returned to Zoe’s body and she went limp. Douxie cradled her face. “Zoe? Zoe, are you alright?”
She curled against him with one big shiver. “And this is why I h-hate wintert-time…”
Up in the air, the duel between Charlemagne and the bigger basilisk raged on. Charlemagne dipped in the air for a second but kept flapping his wings, righting himself. Scars and burns riddled his body.
“Dad!” Archie soared close, flames building.
“Stay back, Archibald!” Charlemagne rasped. “This old dragon’s still got his fangs!” He roared as the basilisk lunged, dodging its beak and latching onto its back with his claws. Charlemagne sank his teeth into its leathery nape, shaking hard to rip its skin, then torched the wound. The basilisk yowled and lashed its long tail, icicle spines erected, catching Charlemagne in the side and knocking him out of the sky.
Archie blasted the basilisk’s face with red-hot flames before diving after his father. Charlemagne crashed, pained groans wheezing out of him.
“Father, are you alright?” Archie asked, pawing his wound-ridden chest. 
Charlemagne dragged himself up. “Spry as a hatchling…! Charlie’s not down yet.”
“I’m staying with you. Ah—No, no. Not a debate!” Archie crouched low as the basilisk found them. “Come on then, you cockatrice prat!”
Archie pounced, fangs blazing, but he was tossed aside like a sock puppet. Charlemagne jumped back in the air and breathed his fire, swooping out of the way when the basilisk swung its tail. It started to give chase only to be blindsided by a fireball from Archie. They were all back in the sky, Charlemagne and Archie circling and bombarding the basilisk with flames. It whirled in place, the force of its wings slicing the air pushing back the onslaught, then set its sights on Archie, the smaller target. A stabbing hailstorm blew off the basilisk’s tail. Archie morphed into a hummingbird, zigzagging out of the way, then jumped back into his lion-sized dragon form as he rushed forward, slashing his claws down the basilisk’s chest.
“Ohoho, that’s my boy!” Charlemagne said.
But the large basilisk, bruised white and bleeding lava, wasn’t slowing down. It snapped its head down, serrated beak snagging the scruff of Archie’s neck. At Archie’s sharp gasp and shaken strength, the basilisk doubled down, rending fur and skin as it shook Archie like a ragdoll before flinging him down. A cloud of icy flames struck him in the free fall, worsening the impact when it came. 
“Ugh…” Archie was small again, body pulsing with pain. The back of his neck stung like a slorr. He struggled to push himself up on his forepaws and looked up to see his father over him. Charlemagne turned back to the basilisk with a ferocious snarl and launched himself at the monster.
“You dare harm my son! Back, you demon!” Charlemagne roared.
He gored the basilisk’s ribs with his horns. It shrieked and bit him in the side, kicking its talons. Charlemagne hissed then sucked in hard, filling his chest with all the dragonfire it could hold before unleashing every spark onto the basilisk’s neck and face. The basilisk screamed and writhed as it was pelted with scorching energy, on the brink of finally being overpowered. Its hideous charred face started melting like wax. Its ribcage caved inward while its skin dissolved.
But then the fire stopped.
Charlemagne’s eyes widened. Broken sounds stuttered out of him. His wings went rigid. The world tilted. He looked down, trembling.
Sticking out of his chest was the icicle tip of the basilisk’s tail. With its final breath, it ripped itself out. Charlemagne choked. 
“NO!!!” Archie bellowed, watching devastated as his father and the basilisk fell out of the sky. Charlemagne crashed thirty feet away from him, the smoking husk of the basilisk landing further off and breaking apart. Archie slid towards Charlemagne’s form. “Father…No…No!”
Douxie and Zoe found him.
“Archie!!” Douxie ran to his Familiar’s side, picking him up. “Fuzzbuckets, Arch, are you still with me?”
“You really took a beating,” Zoe said, gut twisting at Archie’s bloodied neck.
“Ngh…! M-My dad, he’s…”
Douxie followed Archie’s gaze. His heart sank. “Oh no.”
He and Zoe hurried to Charlemagne. By the time they reached him, he was barely breathing. Douxie quivered at all the lacerations and burns. When he spotted the gaping wound in Charlemagne’s chest, Douxie’s legs gave out. Archie rolled out of his arms and limped to his father’s side.
“Dad?” Archie uttered, nosing Charlemagne’s face.
Charlemagne blinked, slow and bleary. His voice was only a whisper. “Archie…”
“You’re going to be alright, Dad. Just hold on. Just…”
“It pierced my heart, Archie.”
Archie buried his face and paws into his father’s mane. “No. This can’t be happening. Please…I-I’m sorry. I actually love your puns and your pies. I…I m-meant to visit you more. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll…!” He nuzzled him.
Douxie rested his hand on Charlemagne’s neck, eyes burning with tears. “Charlie…No, mate. Don’t do this to us.”
Charlemagne smiled. “This old dragon never thanked you, Hisirdoux, for taking care of my boy. Would you look after him a while longer?”
“Of course I will. Always,” Douxie sobbed. “But really, Archie’s been the one looking after me. Your son is brilliant. The best Familiar a wizard could ask for.”
“And a mighty dragon,” Charlemagne hummed. He looked into his son’s tearstained eyes. “My Archibald. How you’ve spread your wings and flown.”
“Don’t go,” Archie gasped. “Don’t go…!”
Charlemagne closed his eyes.
“Archie, he’s…,” Zoe managed through ragged breaths
Frost crept out of the hole in his chest and blanketed his body.
“Arch…I’m so sorry, Archie,” Douxie wept. “I’m so sorry.”
“D-Dad? Dad!” No response. Archie wailed. “Father…!”
Charlemagne went still.
Author’s Notes : *CRYING WHEEZING AND MUMBLING* battlescenesgivemesomuchgriefwritingisSOHARDSADFADS;LFKJADFA;DJ
Yes, Charlie was always on the chopping block ;__; I still love him, tho. My poor boy Archie T__T
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shiiko529 · 3 years
    Ryou was far from happy when Bakura announced that he was going out to get some things, remembering all too well what had happened the last time he had been left alone. He didn’t think ‘comfort items’ were worth the risk of getting attacked, but even his pouting was unable to deter Bakura, who promised that he wouldn’t be gone very long.
    It had been just over a day when Bakura returned, carrying what was undoubtedly the biggest, most comfortable mattress that he could find. Almost an hour and lots of swearing later, he had managed to wrangle his prize through the tunnel, into what he said was the main part of the cave. There was a loud thwump as the demon let himself fall down onto the mattress, finally satisfied with its position. 
    A moment later Ryou yelped as he suddenly found himself yanked down onto the demon’s bare chest. He slapped at that same chest, admonishing Bakura, “Don’t do that!”
    “Oh calm down. You’re perfectly safe.”
    Before meeting Bakura, Ryou never would’ve believed that a demon was capable of being affectionate or gentle, but then again, he supposed it was a form of physical pleasure, and Bakura was nothing if not self-indulgent.
    He traced a pale finger along the newest gash on the muscular chest, feeling slightly guilty that the demon had gotten hurt protecting him, even if his companion didn’t particularly care. His eyes squeezed shut in response to the sensation of claws running through the feathers of his broken wing. “Bakura…?”
    “Yes, my beautiful little pet?”
    Ryou was less than thrilled by being called a ‘pet’, but he bit back his retort, knowing that starting an argument was not a good way to ask for a favor. “Could… Could you rub my wing for me? It’s really sore and I can’t reach it properly.”
    He had no delusions about ever being able to fly again, the minor healing spells that he knew hadn’t worked and even with binding it, the bone simply wasn’t going to heal properly on its own.
    “Of course, little one.”
    A very short moment later, Ryou was flat on his stomach with the demon above him, untying the bandages keeping his wing shut. There was a visible wince when clawed hands pulled, trying to unfold it. Bakura suspected that ‘sore’ was an understatement, his angel was probably in a fair amount of pain, after being tied shut for several days, the muscles in the broken wing had completely locked up.
    It took several long minutes of work just to get the muscles pliable enough that he could finally fully extend the wing. He avoided the cuts as best he could while he continued, not stopping until he could easily manipulate the appendage without any noticeable sign of discomfort from the pale creature below him. Bakura didn’t like seeing the dark, ugly scabs on the still bare skin from where feathers had been ripped out and from the hellhound’s claws. It was at least some consolation that any scars would be concealed by feathers when they grew back.
    Ryou yawned and rubbed his eyes as he sat up. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep; unless he was trying to recover his magic quickly he had no need to sleep, and it generally wasn’t a safe thing to do. He had been quite stressed while Bakura was gone, nervously pacing the whole time, much to the consternation of the rabbits. But his emotional relief now that his friend was back and he wasn’t alone combined with the physical relief of having his wing massaged, he was just so relaxed that he had dozed off.
    “Bakura?” His voice wavered slightly as he looked around nervously, before calling the demon’s name a second time, a bit louder. A long moment later, Ryou turned toward what he hoped was the sound of Bakura walking towards him.
    The angel let out a sigh of relief upon hearing the familiar, if annoyed voice. He raised a thin arm, reaching out in the direction where he thought Bakura was standing. “It’s too dark for me to see anything.”
    He heard the demon snort, closer than before, and jumped slightly when the mattress shifted as Bakura sat down next to him.
    “Can’t you make light or something with your magic?”
    “Make light?” Ryou echoed as he considered it. The idea wasn’t any less reasonable than him healing a tree or blasting demons. He didn't see any reason not to try; as long as he only used a small amount of magic, there wasn’t the danger of collapsing the cave or injuring Bakura, and it would be nice to finally learn how to actually do something with his magic other than blasting demons.
    He wasn’t entirely sure how to start, he didn’t have a spell to use, and defending himself was basically just a large release of energy. If Ryou was honest, he wasn’t even actually certain how he had managed to heal the pear tree or how he had managed to not kill Bakura.
    He concentrated a small amount of magic in his hands and started thinking about light- sunlight, moonlight, even fire. At least he did until clawed fingers started running through his feathers, making his wing twitch involuntarily. He closed his eyes, slightly annoyed, "You're distracting me."
    The fingers immediately withdrew, but the strong arms that quickly wrapped tightly around his waist and the sharp chin that started digging into his shoulder conveyed Bakura’s displeasure at the chiding. With a small sigh the angel went back to focusing on the idea of creating light, doing his best to ignore the demon. Eventually, a tiny pinprick of silvery light became visible, growing as he added more power to it. A huge, excited smile cracked his face as he turned to his friend, and the light immediately disappeared.
    Bakura chuckled at the dismayed noise from the thin figure, “guess you need some practice.”
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alecmagnuslwb · 4 years
Wreck My Plans, That’s My Man
Read on AO3
Zatanna settles down behind a long line of old white sheet covered furniture, she’s quiet and completely unseen since she arrived thanks to a bit of cloaking magic. Behind her a slick dressed pack of skin suited demons are gathered with hellhounds at their side. They’re meeting to discuss another apocalypse world domination attempt, because yeah they have meetings for those.
She’d caught wind of the gathering through a few of her more unsavory informants in the magic underworld and knew that she could put a quick easy stop to whatever apocalypse they were planning before it became an all out, Metropolis and Gotham both instantly on fire, heroes up type of affair.
She’d called around for some backup to no avail, but that’s okay. She can handle this on her own, the backup was just a worst case scenario situation, which considering how this pack of demons are at each other’s throats about which apocalyptic method works best there won’t be a worst case scenario tonight.
She’s more than strong enough to handle this on her own and she’s got a damn good, and damn simple plan to finish this up without the demons ever even knowing she was there. A couple quick and quiet spells, a big dramatic show of force and all these fools and their little dogs too will be sent back to hell where they crawled up from.
She loosens her black tie a bit and rolls her wrists before putting her hands to the ground already feeling the ever strong current of power at her fingertips begging to be let loose. She opens her mouth just about to let the first of her backwards words slip from her dark wine painted lips when she catches sight of him, trench coat flowing behind him as he makes his entrance. His completely unplanned entrance.
“Hey, there demons, it’s me ya boy,” Constantine announces loudly his accent booming across the empty space of this old abandoned house.
The demons and their hellhounds all turn their attention his way, standing up and taking fighting stances immediately.
“Shit,” she says under her breath dropping her head to her knees. Of course he shows up in this moment, of course he checks his voicemail for once, of course he’s here about to make this a whole mess it didn’t have to be because she had a plan.
They work together well, better than well on most days, but when he shows up unannounced and without warning it’s always bound to be a messier battle than it has to be. When this is over, she’s going to kill him.
Her quiet curse catches the attention of one of the hellhounds its head tilting her way as the others stay focused on John. And just like that any semblance of her plan going off without a hitch bursts into flames.
She moves into a crouch as soon as the hellhound charges towards her and drops the cloaking spell while placing a hand to the ground.
“Kcab ot ruoy hsilleh esuohgod dab yob,” she says and a crack in the ground starts to form beneath the creature’s feet. It loses it’s footing as the crack widens smoke and just a whiff of fire and brimstone curling around its feet and pulling it under with a loud yelp. She stands to her full height and now the rooms attention is on her.
“Hey, luv,” John says waving at her from across the room bright orange flames curling around his hands as he does. “Got your call.”
Zatanna grumbles focusing on the five demons and four hellhounds before her.
“So, I was gonna do this the easy way, but the hard way is the only option now it seems,” she says looking at them all with a smirk before gathering her power into her core lamenting internally how this could have been over and done with in mere moments.
She jumps over the back of the furniture to come face to face with the first of her opponents as John does the same on the other side of the room. Another one of the demons attacks her from the side bringing its hellhound along with nipping at her heels.
She shouts backwards magic sending waves of safe fire and bursts of knock outs their way as she glides on air literally. One of the demons flings her back, but she’s quick with her words creating a cushion on the wall that she bounces back from and lands on her feet with panther like grace using the spell that sent the first hellhound back to the doghouse once again. The demons watch in anger as their pups are pulled under.
She rushes them the magic literally sparking in her eyes. Out of the corner she catches John throwing flames at the three coming his way, two unconscious hellhounds laying at his feet.
“Don’t forget there’s still people in there, Constantine,” she shouts as she dodges a punch from one of hers and lands her elbow in his throat.
“I know, babe,” he says as he tumbles backwards taking a punch to the gut. She focuses back on her task at hand knocking the second demon down with a hard kick to the shin. She focuses her energy down and floats back up just out of their reach before gripping them both around the torso with magic and bringing them with her.
“Esaealer eseht snamuh dna og eht kcuf emoh,” she yells tightening her magic on them just enough. Their heads move violently back and forth and for a moment she’s scared that they’re going to go full Linda Blair, but just like that they settle, their mouths opening wide and the black essence of the demon floating up into the air and then down into the cracks still in the ground.
Black goo seeps from their eyes as she gently lays the humans on the floor, she checks their pulses assuring they’re alive and well, which they are, before turning her attention to John. He’s cornered by his three, a bruise already forming around his left eye.
The two hellhounds he’d knocked out stir, one lifting its head up blinking slowly and for a second it looks almost just like an actual dog. She shakes her head not letting herself be phased by thinking a hellhound looks kinda cute when it’s waking up and lifts her hands dragging the pair of pups over the cracks in the ground where they’re siblings have gone giving them the same treatment.
A burst of flames swish past her busting the window behind her which turns her attention back to John who’s literally hand to hand fighting three demons like it’s a bar brawl. She rolls her eyes heading his way as she calls her magic up to her fingers again wrapping it around the throats of two of the demons tight enough to get their attention, but not so tight she hurts the people these demons are borrowing and leaving John to the final one.
She yanks them back tossing them into the same cushioned wall she’d landed herself into before.
“Didn’t you hear what I said to your friends?” she says calmly, pinning them in place. “Kcuf ffo ot erehw ouy emac morf.” She does a complicated move with her hands as she says the words and watches as they convulse and exit through the cracks in the ground just like their friends had.
She walks over to check their pulses as well, breathing out a sigh of relief when she finds them, behind her she hears the familiar Latin words of a banishment spell falling from John’s lips followed by a scream and a thud as the body of the person the demon had taken over drops to the ground.
“Ouch,” John says as he stands and she turns watching him limp a little over to check the last one’s pulse. “This one’s alive,” he says as he shakes out his leg and comes to her side.
She sighs in relief as she says a small spell under her breath gently floating the five men to a nearby covered couch and laying them all on it. She walks over behind them waving her fingers over each of their heads.
“Ekaw htiw on seiromem fo tahw deneppah ot uoy, dna peels ysae for eht tser fo ruoy sthgin,” she whispers as sparkles of bright blue and purple magic fall onto them. She gestures around the room making empty bottles of liquor and crushed cans of beer appear to sell a story to them all when they awaken.
They all start to stir and Zatanna gestures towards the door indicating for her and John to leave, she’s satisfied they’ll be okay just a little groggy and believing they’d had a few too many in an empty house and lost track of everything. These guys will be confused enough even with her spell, the last thing they need is to wake up wondering who the beat up guy in the trench coat and eyeliner and the chick in fishnets are.
By the time they get on the sidewalk, she hears the sounds of ambulance sirens heading their way, likely one of the guys waking and calling for it first thing just in case.
Zatanna stops at a street corner waiting for John to catch up. She looks down at her maroon button up shirt and sighs when she spots a rip in it.
“Hctits siht pu,” she says waving her hand over the tear. She looks down at the rest of her outfit, her jacket and high waisted black shorts with the shiny silver lines running up the sides are all intact, but damn if there’s not a long tear in the side of her fishnets. Sometimes she thinks she should find out if there’s some sort of fishnet weekly delivery service with the way she goes through them. She should definitely at least buy stock in the fishnet stocking industry if nothing else.
“Good thing I showed up for backup huh,” John says when he reaches her. He’s already reaching into his pocket for his cigarettes, his black nail polish is chipped, there’s a cut on his cheek and the bruise under his eye is blooming even brighter already.
She scoffs, knowing the whole thing would have resulted in zero injuries and ripped shirts if she’d just gotten to do her own plan.
“The one time you check your voicemail, the one time!” Zatanna shouts frustrated.
“I check my voicemail all the time,” John defends, knowing he’s an absolute liar.
“Bullshit, you either answer on the first ring or pop up in my bedroom a week later with demons on your tail, you have no in between,” she huffs stomping off away from him.
She’s not necessarily too tired to make a portal home to her apartment, but frankly Zee needs the air to feel a little less like killing John. She couldn’t just have an unreliable boyfriend who doesn’t show up. She knows that sounds insane, but it’s where she’s at in the moment.
“I had a plan, John, a foolproof plan, in and out in five minutes tops, not a scratch,” she says walking just fast enough he can’t quite catch up to her.
“You needed help,” he argues trailing behind her. She hears the flicking of a lighter as he talks.
“I needed backup, just in case, quiet backup to be on my side if needed. You didn’t answer so I figured out a plan that didn’t require backup. You pulling up shouting ‘it’s me ya boy’ did not help that plan,” she huffs and picks up her pace a little more. John grumbles and sighs in defeat trailing behind her quietly smoking.
He knows her well enough to not try and argue right now which she appreciates.
Nearly thirty minutes later they’re walking down the street headed towards Zatanna’s apartment, an apartment he’s hoping he’s going to be allowed to enter with how annoyed she is with him in the moment.
They’re walking in total silence that doesn’t necessarily feel awkward but there’s definitely tension in the air. Zatanna slows a bit as she comes closer and closer to her place, he’ll never cease to be amazed at how those chunky heels she favors don’t slow her down more often. She pauses in front of a store leaning her hand out on the window as she lifts a leg and twists her ankle around in relief. She gives the same treatment to her other foot before glancing up and catching John’s eye in the reflection of the glass.
“Zee are you still mad?” John asks hesitantly stepping up behind her.
“Do you think that voodoo doll looks enough like you to work?” she says without missing a beat gesturing towards the small blonde voodoo doll in the occult shop window she’s stopped in front of. He’d laugh at the joke if he wasn’t also a little bit scared. He loves a very powerful woman who’s kind and gentle, but also doesn’t mess around. Just ask the hellhounds and demons from tonight.
“Look, I’m sorry alright, truly,” he says squeezing his way between her and the glass. “I didn’t mean to mess up your plan, not that I knew you had one.”
She gives him a warning look and he backtracks.
“Not that that is any way the point,” he says with an apologetic smile and her face softens just a bit. “I’m sorry that I made a scene and didn’t just support whatever you had planned, that’s on me.”
Zatanna takes a deep breath releasing it slowly before biting her lip in thought. He holds back the smile he wants to let out, knowing that look is the look of her just about to forgive him. She huffs taking her hands out of the pockets of her leather jacket and reaches out her fingers trailing along the cut of his jaw. She whispers a few words under her breath as he feels the tingles of her magic, comfortable and familiar, crawl across his skin. He feels his cut stitch itself together and the ache of his bruise disappearing.
“You’re forgiven I suppose,” she says dropping her hand when her work is done and sighs tossing the long French braid her hair is in over her shoulder. “You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t cause a scene every now and again.” He smirks reaching out and cupping her face in his hands. He places a light kiss on her nose that she scrunches her face up at, but smiles just a bit.
“You love that about me,” he says with a chuckle.
Zatanna rolls her eyes, “The show woman in me occasionally enjoys your ability to cause theatrics, I wouldn’t necessarily call that love for it though.”
“Me thinks, the lady doth protest too much,” he says and Zatanna groans.
“Okay, that’s enough of that, let’s go home,” she says stepping away from him. She threads their fingers together this time and pulls him along. “I need a long hot bath and if you keep groveling a bit more I might just let you join.”
John perks up at that. Just a few steps after that they stop as they reach the front door of her building and she uses her magic to unlock it her keys lost a long time ago.
“Oh I can grovel, I can get on my knees and everything if you like,” he says wiggling his eyebrows as she looks to the side at him.
“I hope that’s a promise,” she says with a smirk of her own winking at him as she pulls him along up the stairs.
He practically falls over as they tumble up the stairs and somewhere in the back of his mind though he doesn’t have a clue why he deserves it he knows she’ll happily let him ruin every plan she makes as long as he shows up eventually, and as long as he grovels just the right amount afterwards. He’s happy to do just that.
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izupie · 4 years
As loyal as a... Hellhound?
I don’t know where this came from. I was supposed to go to bed 2 hours ago. But I like it.
Witch!Eddie and Hellhound!Familiar!Richie or something ah a h a aa 
enjoy my sleep deprivation!
The magic circle on the floor pulsed a dull purple - barely light enough to add even a slight glow to the room. Eddie squinted at the book open on his desk, pushing his nose close enough that he could smell the musty pages. He shot back up and rubbed his face, even though it hadn’t touched the book anyway. Fucking library spell books – Creation only knew how many students had touched these pages in the past. He shuddered and rubbed his nose harder.
“What the fuck is with spells requiring candlelight anyway – how’s anyone supposed to ever see a fucking thing?” Eddie pushed up the sleeves of his black robes and moved a candle closer to the book. The last thing he needed was for his robes to catch fire. He’d seen the results of that when the new kid had got overenthusiastic lighting the fire under his cauldron in Potions class. Not that it had been much a problem for him, because even though he had transferred into their class late into the year he’d already summoned himself a familiar, and he was lucky that it was a fire-aligned Hellcat. The flames had disappeared in a blink.
Eddie grabbed a glass shaker half full of salt from beside the spell book and shook it more vigorously than he intended to into the faintly glowing magic circle on his wooden floor. Four shakes exactly.
He’d just about managed to drag his desk and his bed against the walls to give himself enough room to draw the summoning circle and set it off, but it was cramped now, and he was having to stand almost wedged between the edge of desk and his door – (securely locked of course) – to make sure nothing was touching the chalk marks. He’d only managed to steal a few nearly entirely burned down candles from his classrooms without anyone noticing, so he had a very limited amount of light, and one of them had already sputtered out in the time it had taken him to prepare the ingredients for the spell.
“Make sure you don’t mess up any of the steps, perform the spell exactly as it is written,” Eddie muttered under his breath, in a poor imitation of his Summoning Teacher, “but you’ve got to do the whole spell by the shittiest amount of candlelight you can imagine – good luck!”
He flung a pinch of the herbs he had crushed earlier (ground in an anti-clockwise motion, for three exact minutes) into the circle, and it pulsed dully again as the powder disappeared into the spell.
Eddie gave a small sigh as he read the words he would need to add to the spell, since reciting incantations had always made him feel like even more of a loser. “I summon thee,” he whispered, desperately hoping he wasn’t going to wake any of his neighbours. “I summon a creature to be my balance. I summon a creature to be a conduit of my power.”
He felt dumb even though he was alone, but he wasn’t going to be the only one in his year without a familiar anymore. It was his last chance before he graduated.
Eddie couldn’t wait to see their faces when he walked out of the dorms in the morning, with a Hellcat familiar trotting beside him. He didn’t even care which element it was aligned to. The only reason he hadn’t been able to summon one during class was because they were all watching him, he knew it – he knew it... But he could still hear his mother’s voice in his head whenever he failed a spell, telling him that he’s too weak to perform magic. She’d already held him back for a year before he’d started at the institute, but then he’d finally worked up the nerve to go anyway without her permission. She had cried and begged him not to go, telling him his weak constitution would kill him if he performed magic – just like his father. Well, too bad for her, that’s what had convinced him to go. Just knowing he was following in his father’s footsteps made him feel closer to him somehow, and he wasn’t going to die.
Eddie let three rose petals drift out of his fingers into the circle.
He was stronger than that.
The petals disappeared and the circle finally began to glow a little brighter. Not exactly what the book was saying it should look like, but there was one more ingredient to go and he was sure it would all come together after that. Eddie felt a bubble of excitement in his stomach, but he tried to keep a straight face while he prepared to throw in the final sprig of holly – magic was serious business and he’d always been told the importance of treating it with reverence and respect when it was being performed. Eddie let out a little huff as he realised that taking it seriously was probably why Stan was top of every class. He frowned as he felt the familiar tug of pride for his friend that mixed with the jealousy at the ease that he aced every spell.
Not the time!
Eddie pushed away thoughts of Stan as he tried to focus again.
One ingredient left.
Then he would have a special familiar of his own, finally.
Eddie swapped the sprig of holly to his left hand, ready to throw, but yelped as one of the points of the leaf pricked his finger. “Ow!” He shook his hand out of reflex and watched in horror as the spiky green leaves flew out of his injured fingers almost in slow motion – straight into the circle. “Shit!”
But nothing happened.
Eddie could feel his heart pounding in his chest, hear it booming in his ears, and shuddered as his body ran hot and cold all over.
But still nothing happened.
Eddie desperately wanted to pluck it back and his fingers twitched restlessly at his side in response to the impulse but crossing into a magic circle would be even worse than adding blood into a summoning spell. He was only just about mentally prepared for one potential absolute fuck up.
Eddie barely breathed as he stood still for a few agonising minutes. But still the sprig of holly, with one drop of red on one of its spikes, sat innocently in a circle that was growing dimmer by the second.
Oh. Well. At least nothing happening was worse than something terrible. He supposed.
But Eddie couldn’t help but feel disappointed that he’d gone to all the trouble of foraging for all the ingredients himself, stealing candles, sweet talking Mike into letting him borrow out of the restricted section of the library, moving all his heavy furniture (what was with witches and stupidly heavy old fashioned wood) and trying to wake anyone or arouse suspicion. For nothing.
Eddie squeezed his tiny cut carefully, his attention drawing away from his failed spell, and watched as a bead of red welled up. He cringed, even at his own blood, and pulled a band aid from the fanny pack beneath his robes. He’d washed all of the ingredients before the spell, just in case any residual dirt on the plant matter got into the circle, so he at least knew the cut was clean and was unlikely to get infected if he kept it covered.
Something flashing red caught Eddie’s attention.
He looked back at the summoning circle, but horror crawled down his spine as he realised that the holly had finally disappeared and the circle was glowing a bright, blood red. It flashed again in a pulse that lit the entire room. Eddie jumped back with such force that he hit his hip against the desk he was still wedged by and gasped with pain.
“Shit!” he hissed. “Shit, shit, shit!”
The circle was so bright Eddie could no longer keep his eyes open, so he scrunched them closed tightly and held his hands up to shield them. What was happening? The light finally faded, and Eddie lowered his hands slowly. He opened his eyes even slower, barely daring to look.
The summoning circle he’d drawn in chalk was gone, but in its place was a large black dog with shaggy, messy fur. Bright, dark eyes regarded the room curiously, and a pink tongue lolled out of its mouth as it looked around. It was much larger than a regular dog – like the size of a wolf, with long lanky legs and a thick bushy tail. Eddie took one sharp breath and its eyes immediately snapped over to him as its tall, pointed ears both perked higher on its head. The tongue stayed flopped out of the side of bright canine teeth, as the dog’s mouth seemed to open even wider in something almost like a smile, almost offsetting how terrifyingly large and dangerous the creature looked.
Eddie tried to take another breath, but it came in wheezy and tight. Oh, no. He gripped a hand to his chest as he tried again, twisting the fabric of his robes in his fist, but he gulped on nothing and couldn’t even back any further away.
The dog’s tongue retreated into its mouth as it tilted its head curiously.
Eddie fumbled with the zip on his fanny pack, having closed it again after putting on his band aid, and distantly wondered if he’d prefer death by asthma (panic) attack or death by the teeth of whatever demon he had accidentally summoned.
The dog barked – just a small yipping sound – and Eddie waved his hands rapidly in a shushing motion. “You’ll wake the dorm asshole!” he wheezed, then paled because he’d just told some unknown demon to shush and called it an asshole, because he was worried he’d wake his classmates when that should be really fucking low on the priority scale right now.
The dog huffed in the way that dogs do, but there was almost an amused ring to it. Its tail thumped on the floor twice as it wagged a little.
Eddie reached again for his fanny pack. “Fuck,” he muttered, feeling his chest constrict even tighter.
The dog nodded its head and huffed again, and a flash of red light sparkled in front of its paws.
Eddie froze at the sight. It was his inhaler. He’d know it anywhere. With shaking fingers Eddie finally freed the zip from where it was caught and reached inside his fanny pack – no inhaler.
“How did you…?”
The dog’s tail thumped on the floor again. Did it expect him to reach over for it? Eddie squeezed his eyes shut. Well, he either picked up his inhaler or suffocated. But that thing’s teeth looked huge and sharp and it could just be waiting for an excuse for him to get close so it can snap its jaws around his neck.
The light from the few candles left burning was getting low, but Eddie looked over at the dog again. For some reason he just didn’t get the impression that it was unfriendly or wanted to hurt him. He supposed that if it had wanted to hurt him it had had plenty of opportunities so far. Hadn’t it even somehow teleported his inhaler out of his fanny pack for him?
Could be part of the trap though, Eddie thought again, his mind racing in circles.
He let out another wheeze. “Fuck it. Don’t bite me.” He crouched down and reached forwards. In one jerky movement Eddie had straightened back up and breathed in a huge puff of his inhaler. He made a face at the taste.
Which started the tail wagging again. The dog was definitely amused.
“What are you?” came tumbling out of Eddie’s mouth before he could stop himself. The dog opened its mouth and Eddie quickly placed his hand on top of it. The fur there was soft and velvety. “No, shh, don’t bark.”
The dog pulled its snout back and sneezed. There was another flash of red light, which Eddie had to shield his eyes from, and when he turned back there was now a person where the dog had been. The candlelight was even worse, but it was easy to see that he was taller than Eddie, with long limbs like the dog, almost lanky and out of proportion, messy black hair that looked just like its fur, and the same amused, dark eyes.
He was also naked.
Eddie immediately turned his face to the ceiling. “Oh for the love of Creation, put some fucking clothes on.”
A chuckle answered him and there was another brief flash.
When Eddie looked back, he was wearing ripped black jeans and a black t-shirt, with a bright yellow button-down shirt open over the top. A pair of large glasses stood out on his pale face.
For some reason it was the glasses that made Eddie lower his guard. Did demons need a prescription?
As if sensing that’s where Eddie’s attention lay the stranger pushed the glasses higher up his nose and tousled his hair, almost self-consciously. “Shitty eyesight,” he said with a shrug. “Which reminds me…” He clicked his fingers and the candlelight strengthened even though the candles stayed the same. The room was cast into a comfortable amount of light and Eddie realised that the demon looked almost the same age as himself.
Eddie’s eyes narrowed again. It was funny how a bit of light made him more confident, but whatever was going on, he wanted absolutely no part in it anymore. “Demon… be gone,” he said grandly, though still quietly, slashing his hands through the air as if that would help somehow.
“Uh… What are you doing?” The demon tilted his head in the same way he had done as the dog.
“Trying to un-summon you. Send you back to wherever you came from,” Eddie explained, turning back to the book on his desk and hoping there was an undo spell for blood related summoning mishaps.
The demon laughed. “Wait, did you like, butt-dial me?”
“Butt-? What-?”
“You didn’t mean to summon me?” he clarified.
“What the fuck? No! Why would I want to summon a demon? I was supposed to summon a familiar. A Hellcat.”
He laughed again. “I’m not a demon, man!”
Eddie looked him up and down, his eyes even narrower than before. Scrutinising. Trying to find the truth. “Uh-huh,” he finally replied, unconvinced.
“Hey, I’m not. I’m a Hellhound.”
“Never heard of them.”
“Uh, yeah, because we’re super rare and cool.”
“Sure, okay. Well I was actually after a Hellcat, so…” Eddie wasn’t sure what had possessed him to be this rude to the creature he had summoned, but there was something about the easy way he was looking at him, his relaxed posture and the amusement dancing in his dark eyes that just rubbed him the wrong way. His smile was a grin, all teeth, like when he’d been a dog – hellhound – before. He would bet that if his tongue were long enough that he would let it loll out of his mouth like a dog too.
Focus, Eddie!
“If you could just go back to where you came from, that would be great, thanks.” Nobody would need to ever know that he had botched the spell this badly. What the fuck was a Hellhound anyway?
“That’s gonna be a problem, actually. I should probably introduce myself” – he cleared his throat – “the name’s Richie Tozier, Hellhound, and the new familiar of one Edward Kaspbrak.”
Eddie opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. Then finally settled with a quiet, “What?”
“Congratulations,” Richie said with a wink. “You got yourself a catch. Can I call you Eds?”
“-No. Get out.”
“-I’ll call you Eds. You sealed the summon with a blood pact. So, I’m here to stay – lucky you!”
“A blood pact?” Eddie managed, in a high panicked voice.
“Yup,” he replied with a pop on the ‘p’. “I require long walks and fresh human flesh twice a day.”
Eddie paled.
“Oh fuck, Eds, I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” He waved his hands in the air in surrender. “I’m your familiar, so as long as you don’t use up all your magic, I’m good.”
Eddie let the words ‘your familiar’ sink in for a moment before he finally let out a breath. “Don’t call me Eds.”
Richie laughed, which didn’t bode well for him taking any notice. Weren’t familiars supposed to do what their witch said? But then again, he’d never heard of a familiar that could shapeshift. He’d never even heard of a Hellhound at all until five minutes ago. He was in way over his head. What kind of accidental magic did he just do?
Eddie groaned and raked his hands through his hair. “I have no idea how I’m going to explain you to the teachers tomorrow. Like, what do I do? Confess to performing restricted magic unsupervised?”
“Well, you’re stuck with me, either way,” Richie said with another wink, and he even added in finger guns afterwards.
Eddie groaned.  
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darthmasterchief · 2 years
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Fight to the death: Laura Kinney/Weapon Hex vs Ana Schariac/Herrscher of Rimestar (Marvel vs Honkai Impact 3rd). Both women have the combined powers of two people. Who’s walking away?
An incomplete list of the powers of Weapon Hex (Fusion of Laura Kinney/Talon & Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch):
Adamantium Bone Claws (virtually indestructible).
Regenerative Healing Factor: Powerful enough that Laura can heal from a pile of either ashes or dust.
Chaos Magic Spells:
- Hex-N-Effect: Never explained, but it appears to be some kind of attack combining Laura's magic and claws.
- Hexision: Never explained, but implied to increase the sharpness and/or durability of Laura's claws.
- Hex Terminate: Never explained, but it appears to be an energy attack. Laura uses it in an attempt to kill Herbert Wyndham for the second time.
- Hexual Healing: Amplifies Laura's healing factor.
- Hexollection: Used by Laura to see a psychic vision of something that happened to Detective Greer Baptiste, which Laura did not originally witness.
- Hexpulsion: Used to launch Elsa Bladestone into the air and (presumably) obliterate her. Also used to remove the cat-wendigo spirit from Greer (the woman it was possessing).
- Hextermination: Use by Laura to destroy the cat-wendigo spirit.
- Hexagone: Used by Laura to teleport Hellhound to the roof of the castle they're in.
- Hex Filtration: Used by Laura to teleport Iron Hammer and Soldier Supreme to her location from a great distance away.
- Hex Ray: An energy blast Laura uses to reduce Hellhound (who has a healing factor) to a skeleton, successfully killing her.
- Hex Nihilo: Used to force the intangible Mad Ghost to become tangible.
- Hex Position: Used to read Mad Ghost's mind.
- Novis Sed Hexorcismus: A Necromancy spell that summons spirits of the dead to fight at Laura’s side.
- Hex-Purgatory: When Laura becomes merged with Captain Peace (herself a fusion of Captain Marvel and Justice Peace) and becomes Weapon Peace, she uses this spell to surgically remove her own past (which was apparently becoming gangrenous).
An incomplete list of the powers of Ana Schariac/Herrscher of Rimstar (Fusion of Herrscher of Ice and Herrscher of Stars):
Ice Manipulation
Thermal Manipulation
Gravity Manipulation
Black Hole Creation
Existence Erasure Resistance: All Herrschers can survive being in the Imaginary Tree, which is an 11D structure that causes that effect upon everyone that sets foot in it unprepared.
Intangibility: Herrschers can switch the state of things from Imaginary to Real, bypassing durability and increasing their defenses.
Corrosion: Honkai energy in large doses is lethal to entire leaves of the Imaginary Tree, which hold universes. Herrschers produce just enough to turn everyone without high Honkai resistance into dust just by being in the vicinity, and since Rimestar is 2-in-1, she produces twice the amount as standard Herrscher abilities.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
9x21: King of the Damned
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Things are going really well for the angels. 
Abaddon arrives at an inn in Leith, Scotland and introduces herself to a confused young man as a “friend of the family”. She notes that he’s traveling in the morning to the colonies. The innkeeper interrupts their little conversation, and Abaddon makes quick use of the coathanger on the wall when she slams the dude into it, killing him. She then starts chanting her spell. The sigil on the door she painted lights the room yellow. 
At a bar, angels are drinking and chilling. Nerd angel decides to interrupt a group by telling them about how cool he is for getting picked by “Met Man” to head back to Heaven. He’s overheard by a couple at the bar. 
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As he’s leaving later, they kidnap him and chain him up.They’re on the other side of the angel war and want to know more about his allegiance to Metratron. There are footsteps growing louder from the hallway, the music grows tense, and the derpy angel nervously asks, “Is that him?” It is. 
It is ...Cas. 
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Meanwhile, the brothers arrive to see “the commander”.
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They’re brought into the main operation room. It’s buzzing with angels all looking for Metatron. Cas greets them both with a hug when they enter his office. The brothers are skeptical of Cas’s new leadership role, but Cas believes someone has to stop Metatron. Cas needs the brothers to interrogate the kidnapped angel. MOC!Dean is game.
Crowley, meanwhile, is meeting with his team of trusted demons. 
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He’s making it clear that the king is back, and Abaddon must be stopped. He asks for their “Yo” of allegiance, but gets only silence in response. Until Abaddon blurts it out from the door. She reviews the fact that Crowley helped the Winchesters get ahold of the First Blade and Dean’s wearing the Mark of Cain. She points out that once she’s gone, Crowley’s next on their list. She wants to team up but Crowley declines. She has no hold over him. 
Enter Gavin Macleod: the Scot from the opening --and Crowley’s son. Crowley swears he doesn’t care about the boy. Abaddon is willing to bet that his little foray into humanness left him with more compassion than he thinks. She starts to torture the poor dude. 
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Crowley holds out for a couple seconds but way too quickly demands that Abaddon stop.
Sam and Dean are busy playing Good Cop/Bad Cop with the rogue angel. Dean wants to stab the dude, but Sam catches on REAL quick that the angel likes to boast, so he goes for a little reverse psychology. 
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They both egg the guy on enough to have him reveal that there’s a private portal to Heaven now. 
Gavin, now recovered from the torture, adamantly denies that Crowley is his father. His father was Fergus Macleod, a simple tailor. Abaddon and Crowley reveal to poor Gavin that he’s in the future. He mistakes them for angels. 
Sam and Dean continue their schtick. And they get a lot of intel from the guy. They learn that the portal moves around and there’s an elite, secret Heaven squad (that this guy ultimately wasn’t chosen for). Sam and Dean leave the room convinced they didn’t learn a thing. 
Gavin learns that his dad sold his soul for “an extra three inches of willy?!” He does not like this turn of events. Crowley assures him that his dear old dad is the King of Hell so everything is good! 
Another angel opens the interrogation room to find the nerd angel stabbed through the heart, dead. Sam and Dean have to explain themselves to the Commander. 
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Dean wonders if Cas’s operation has been compromised. Cas had real faith in the angels under his charge (and there goes Cas again with his faith in others…). Dean heads out to find out who killed the angel. Cas holds Sam back to ask about Gadreel. “It's not really something I like to…” Sam starts, before Cas cuts him off. (Sam, you never want to talk about your trauma, bby) Sam then tells him that it was like they were sharing housing, but he never felt threatened. He was misunderstood, but not a danger (well, except for Kevin.) 
Crowley and Gavin confront their past, each blaming their respective parents for their terrible lives. Gavin can’t even read! Crowley shoves an impatient hand against Gavin’s forehead and hands him a newspaper. Tada! He can read now! (This remains one of the funniest and weirdest canon demonic powers. Can you imagine some demon elementary school teacher just trying to live a neutral life and impatiently zapping all their students with reading power?) Gavin immediately warms up to Crowley, and further cheers to learn that he can now adopt the title “Prince.” Gavin would like to be sent back through time and continue nipping off to the new world, though. GAVIN you fool you’re already THERE and you can have hot showers here. HOT SHOWERS.
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Gadreel arrives at a clandestine meeting with Cas. Gadreel reveals that he’s still sour about what happened in the Garden. “You feel misunderstood,” Cas notes. He thinks that Gadreel wants to redeem himself and that’s why he’s helping Metatron. Yep, Cas isn’t speaking about himself AT ALL here. Cas tells Gadreel that Metatron can’t be trusted. Just then, angels race in to attack their meeting. RUDE. Gadreel and Cas dispatch them handily. 
Dean has First Blade flashbacks while he researches, zoning out so much that he can’t even hear his own phone ringing next to him. Sam snaps him back to Earth. The phone call is from Crowley and he’s plotting to kill Abaddon with their assistance. When they hang up, Crowley looks up to a smiling Abaddon. It’s a trap!
Dean and Sam unbury a corpse to unearth the First Blade that’s hidden inside of it (yeah that was a lot already) when they’re confronted by a hellhound.
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Cornered by the hound, Dean calls Crowley, then puts him on speaker. Crowley tells “Juliet” the hellhound to stand down. At least there are SOME loyal subjects left in Hell! The Winchesters chop the blade out of the body and head out.  
Gavin throws a temper tantrum about wanting to travel back in time and slams the door to his room in their suite. Crowley gets a call from Dean and tells him where to meet him to get the drop on Abaddon. 
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Crowley drops the code word he learned earlier in the season: “Poughkeepsie.” He warns them that it’s a long drive from Poughkeepsie. Dean hangs up and looks troubled, but doesn’t bother to share his concerns with Sam. 
Abaddon smirks at Crowley as her plans settle into place. She’s about to be overrun with the Winchesters and Crowley - and she doesn’t trust a single one of them. She shoots Crowley in the shoulder with a devil’s trap bullet to nullify his AMAZING READING POWERS. 
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Gadreel begs Cas to trust him. He didn’t send the angel assassins! Cas tries to use the attack to bolster his argument that Metatron can’t be trusted.
For Concerned Blue Eyes Science:
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Cas asks for intel - not action. If Gadreel will turn spy for Castiel, then Cas has an advantage for his own battles. Gadreel can try to keep his hands clean. 
Dean and Sam arrive at the hotel. Dean spins a quick lie about how Crowley spotted demons in the basement. While Sam goes to check that out, Dean heads up to Crowley. “Love the crazy bloodlust in your eyes,” Crowley croons in greeting. 
Demons attack Dean immediately and Abaddon power-pushes him against a large painting and pins him like a bow-legged bug. 
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Sam finds absolutely nothing in the basement while Dean confronts literal and probably also metaphorical demons upstairs. Dean draws from the power of the blade, the Mark glowing through his jacket, and pulls away from the wall under his own magical steam. He psychically snaps the blade to himself and strides across the room to skewer a disbelieving Abaddon. I ALWAYS forget that Abaddon dies in this episode. It’s just like…Crowley family drama, Winchester family drama, Angel drama, lol she’s DEAD.
After she dies, he continues to hack away at her body. Sam tells him, breathlessly, that he can stop now. Dean’s doing GREAT, guys! 
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Afterward, Crowley reveals that he warned Dean about the trap and Sam shoots a surprised look at his brother. Err…awkward. The Winchesters tell Crowley that the laws of time travel require Gavin to go back to his own time, even if he dies. Honestly, sometimes I just sit back and think about how much I love this sprawling show that’s like...ghosts? Yes. Angels and demons? Okay. Time travel? Why the fuck not?
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Sam plans to bring Gavin back to the bunker and magic him home. Crowley heads in to say goodbye to his son, but zaps away with him instead. In a park green, Crowley tells Gavin about the fate of his ship to America, and that he should go live his life in the current century.
Gavin bids Crowley a fond farewell. Crowley, for his part, struggles against his FEELINGS and zaps out. 
In the car, Dean tells Sam why he directed him to the basement. Dean knew the blade would help him take down Abaddon and anyone else who got in his way. He wanted Sam out of the way for that. Sam speculates that the Blade is changing Dean. He begs Dean to lock the Blade away until they need it. “No,” Dean says quietly, and we cut to black.
I Had a HellQuote Named Juliet:
No, we get it. You're a rock star
Holy mother of God! We're amongst the stars! Are we in heaven, then? You must be angels!
No one bends the rules like you two bend the rules
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
Hellhounds aren't afraid of water (MC and Cerberus)
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This is part 4 of A human's best friend is a Hellhound Pt2 Pt3
This take place at the end of the Angelic event. and Inspired by the Ao3 fanfic Angelic Desecration by Scarlet_Streak
Summary: After reunited with Cer and Bee, you four we're about to head home, when suddenly the three dogs lead you to a lake. Meanwhile the brothers gets an explanation on Cerberus current behavior.
Warning: Swearing maybe(?), Confuse emotions, Dog attack, Drowning, and Doggie fun.
As your tears dry and Rus finishing his meal, the two of you stayed in the alleyway. Far from the busy streets and the watchful eyes of your lovers.
As much you want to be with them, you can't... Not until you sort you're emotions out.
Your mind keeps fluttering to same thought over and over.....
Can you face them after how you treated them.
They we're angels, is not their fault why they acted like that. You treated like they we're total strangers.
You love the brothers even at their worst. So, why can you love them as angels.
Even with them in the house, you felt alone.
Levi and Mammon giving their things away, Beel and Asmo sharing, Lucifer and Belphie being way too kind. But what hurt the most was Satan being confuse about the whole situation.
It felt like you we're send to a mirror world, when everything you love, turn into something you don't want.
Maybe because you learned that some people can be kind, but they have their flaws too. Simeon and Luke might be angels, but they wasn't this nice and flawless.
Luke had to learn to understand demons, and Simeon has his moments of weakness.
For as the angels brothers they had no flaws, So what else is there then be nice?
You wish that you don't over think this, but you can.
Suddenly Rus poke you're arm to grab you attention. You look at him, then he points down the alley. There you saw Cer and Bee running towards you and Rus.
You quickly crouch right in front of them, with arms spread out welcome them. Soon both dogs leap on you, then begin to licking and nuzzle at your cheeks.
"I was so worried! I thought that you two couldn't find us." You hug them tighter, as Cer whimper in responds of making you worried, while Bee on the other hand nuzzle in the crooks of your neck.
But your reunion didn't last long. When all of a sudden all three perk up, turn towards down the alleyway and begin to growl. Then you heard two familiar voices calling to you.
At the second both Mammon and Levi peek over the corner and stop dead in their track once they saw you.
You on the other hand frozen, and start to pant, and shaking. Then you heard Rus barking angerly and saw that his letting out steam.
"MC-" Before Mammon can say or react, Rus runs towards him and Levi. With his mouth filled with fire.
When you try to call him back, a pair of teeth bite down on your shirt and pull you back further in the alleyway.
Following Cer you let him pull you, with Bee pushing you while still looking at the brothers.
Rus on the other hand, leap and jump on Mammon before drop kick him and turn his attention to Levi, who stare down the hellhound.
"Hey-hey-hey-hey!!! Good-good-good dog! He-He-He-Heel-l-l-l-l-" Levi is trembling as he froze in fear, as Rus barks at him.
Then out of nowhere, Satan tackle Rus to the ground, pinning the hound.
"Stand down Cerberus, Don't make me put you to sleep" As Satan raise his hand to cast a sleep spell. Bee charges and tackle Satan pushing his off Rus, in which the latter quickly recover and let out a quick bark, signaling his brother to leave.
Satan groans, as Bee looks down at him. Giving him one good growl before jumping off of him and run back into the alley with Rus.
As Mammon and Satan get back on their feet, with Levi helping Satan up. Immedianlty Mammon whip his head towards the alleyway
"MC...." He trail off when he saw that you are long gone, and so as the three dogs.
They lost you again.....
You felt like that you been walking for miles.
As you, and the three pups manage to get out from town and into the woods near the house of lamentation.
You look up and saw the roof of the house, you sigh and about to head home to call this a day. When suddenly Cer hops right in front of you and playfully barked.
"What is it boy?" which Cer respond with barking and spun around in a circle then looks at you with a smile with the tongue out and his tail wagging.
Then you felt something tugging on your shirt, you look down to see Bee look at you while biting on your shirt and pulling on it. After you felt Rus pushing his head to hand and nuzzling it.
"Heheh.... What's with you guys? don't want to go home yet?" all three dogs bark, signify a yes responds. "Okay, if you don't want to go home yet. Then where do you want to go?" Like a child receiving permission to go wild, Cer perk up excitedly and run in a circle three times before hoping once in front of you. Then he ran to the side and look back with his tail wagging.
"Okay Cer, Lead the way." you start walking with Cer leading the way to whatever place that the pup has in store for you. All the while Bee walk beside you on your right and Rus on your left.
As all of you walk, the three hounds start telepathically talking to each other.
"We are not taking them back to that house until master and his brothers earn their trust again!" Rus sounded agressive with face to go along with it.
"I'm just glad that we manage to lose them back there! You two we're scary back there! I didn't even think that you had the guts to tackle the blond one!" Cer comments while still looking foward.
"There was an opportunity, so I took it! But changing the subject. Where you taking us Cer?" Bee asks
"Well~ since we are all fire up... Ha! see what I did there!" Both Rus and Bee sigh "I figure, why not go somewhere to 'cool off'' The other two might not see it, when Cer bounce his doggy brows up and down.
"As long you know where you're going"
"Oh~ trust me brother! I know." and with that you and the two dogs continue to follow Cer into the deep parts of the woods.
Once regrouping, the brothers walking the pet store and start asking, unintentionally making the store a discussion area.
It turn chaotic when Mammon start yelling.
"You're stupid hound almost killed me! And you Levi!!" He angerly points at Levi's direction "You didn't do anything when the mutt jump and kick me right at the chest!! Satan had to be the hero and save me from the death jaws!"
"Wh-What you want me to do! fist fight Cerberus!"
"Yes!" Mammon dramatically gasture towards Levi "Or I'm don't know..... When after MC!"
"I hate to admit it, but Mammon does have a point. You could've run and grab MC while Mammon had one of the dogs" Asmo interject. He wish that he gotten there soon with the rest of the brothers once he gotten a call from Satan. But with the whole colliding with Lucifer and Beel, it did took them time to gather themselves.
"I'm corner that Cerberus didn't listen to Lucifer, even going so far as to growl and attack him." Satan added, then he glance over to the eldest. Who was looking at the hellhound puppies in display by the window.
He can't even say anything, he never imagine a day that Cerberus would disobey him.
All the while his brothers keep arguing.
Beel and Belphie, step away from the rest and head over to the counter talk to the owner.
"That demon with three dogs. What did you notice about them?" Belphie asks.
"Well, I can sense one of their dogs being really excited for someone."
"Wait what! you can....Sense how a hellhound feels?"
"Sweetheart, what else I took a job like this in the first place..... Anyway I sense something else with one of the dogs. I sense of abandonment. Like his previous owner left suddenly without letting the hound knows if they would ever come back or not"
"That's impossible" Both Beel and Belphie got starlet by Lucifer deep voice, they look back and see all the brothers stop arguing and listening to the shop owner's explanation. "I'm the hound's owner! I didn't leave or left him. Maybe you're sensing something else."
"Hm? We're you under some sort of curse or spell somehow?" The owner asks
"Yes! We're all under a curse that made us all back to our angel selves, but more nicer and sweeter though. I remember us not that nice back then" Asmo answer, which made the owner smile.
"Oh that make perfect sense! The hound saw you as total strangers"
Now they are all confuse by the owners answer.
"What do ya mean, Total strangers?"
"Animals or more likely beast here in devildom, can sense if the demon is under a curse or hex that change the demon's personality and see them as a completely different being. Like when human animals can sense when a human is possess by a demon. My guess that you're hellhound see your angel self as an intruder. I get these case from customer that was curse by witches all the time. But the hound can sense that your back to your old self. However you have to make sure that you make them understand that you were under a curse or they might see that you just abandon them"
After a long explanation, all the brothers finally understand why Cerberus was so aggressive towards them.... well more then usual than before, exception to Lucifer. And now when the two head reunite with Lucifer, he did gave a good reasoning for himself. As such Cerberus thinks that Lucifer abandon him and got anger at him.
But their is one thing that Lucifer wants to know.
"Why did my hellhound start following our human. Who mind you was the demon with the hellhound under a disguise spell"
"What is that human to you?"
"Their our partner" with Mammon and Asmo nodding at that.
"Well it's obvious, the hound is protecting them because they are you're mate in their eyes, as such when you all "disappear" in the hellhound, they want to protect the only thing left that their master. hold dear to their heart"
All the other brothers are touch by the words of the store owner. They never imagine that Cerberus is so protective. It kinda bring back feels when they all raise Cerberus when he was a puppy.
"Thank you for the informative information. We'll sure keep that in mind when we reunite with them." Lucifer bows his head and just like that the brothers leave the store and continue on looking for you and Cerberus.
Because their one more thing they want to know, that the store owner don't have the answer for and only you can.
Why hiding from them.
"Cer... Are you sure you three want to swim?" You asks as you look down to clear blue lake, and with the never ending night of Devildom. The moonlight shine making the lake shimmer with white and blue light reflection. It truly beautiful, a sight of wonder.
Cer barks and quickly run towards the lake, once in the edge he took a big leap and jump in the middle of lake. Then he's head pop up and he start swimming.
You three walk down to the lake and watches Cer swimming. He's cute doggy paddles makes you want to swim to. So with a water proof spell on your clothes. You took a step back, far enough to jump and do a canon ball into the lake and sink then you emerge next to Cer who bark happily and swum circle around you, as you splash the happy pup.
At the shore line, Bee watches. But little those he know, a grinning Rus is behind him.
He pretends to look up and use his doggy rear end and bumps Bee's back pushing him into the lake. Then he start giggly.
Bee slowly raise from the water with a serious look on his face. Which made Rus start laugh to a point that he fall on his back and keep on laughing.
You and Cer saw the whole and try to hold you laugher, which Bee whip his head towards you two and barks. And he begins to chase you two.
Rus finally stop laughing and saw Bee swimming after you and Cer. He want to join in the fun, so he quickly go up and jump in the water.
All for you enjoy your time swimming, even starting to play marco polo, with polo replace with a bark.
Bark! from you left.
Bark at your front.
Bark right next to you. And you immediately reach out and grab the poor pooch. You open you eyes and see that you caught Rus who begins to lick you cheeks. Then you four keep on playing, you caught Cer three times, Rus twice.
However you fun quickly ends, when you caught Bee for the first time.
He pull back far enough to see you face, then he expression turns from happy into a scared one.
He saw your nose bleeding, and you eye lids half open.
"Wh.... What's matter boy.... something on my face...." you sounded like you we're out of breath, you slowly reach for Bee, before losing conscious and fall into the water and sink.
You fade in and out as you watch the three hounds try to reach you. then you pass out, right then a strong light came off from the three the hounds.
The water surface of the lake start to settle down, when suddenly something big burst out from the water.
Cerberus in his original form emerge from the water with you in between the jaws of Bee wide enough to not bite down on you.
Then he start walking out of the water and set you down on he shore line.
All three heads start whimpering, with Cer poking his nose slightly on your head. Before licking you cheek. You groan and open your eyes slightly and gave the hound a tired smile before drifted to sleep.
Worried that you might get attack out in the open, Bee set his head near you body, with both Cer and Rus push you body into a sitting position, then you fall onto Bee's snout. then He slowly raise up making sure that you don't fall. And begin to head somewhere safe.
In one of the trees a crow with one eye glowing yellow watches, before flying off into the dark sky.
Tagging: @ice-icebaby@hobin-gnoblin @sayumiht @ashielle @prefesro @the-devilskid @breezethroughthesummertrees @death-metal-lord @yukihaie @burninsno @fandomtrashkiddo @kurisu55 @undertaker-02 @alyssatjuhhh @kaiitory@queen-aria-things @albtraum-kaninchen@breezethroughthesummertrees @peachifiedenbyfaux @idk-what-to-doo-oo @vallzxarii
We are nearing the end people! I didn't expect to have this as five parts.
But don't worry if you still want more Cerbie. Because I'll be making a side series know as "How to raise a Hellhound" in which each brother has a sole story with Cerberus as a puppy.
However that will be spontaneous posting (so in might just be weeks after this story) It all depend on my writing mood.
Here's the first part, in which Lucifer founding Cerberus "You're my Hellhound"
If there's grammar or spelling error, please let me know.
Also Thank you with all the lovely reblogs/comments for this story. It really warms my heart that you guys enjoy this so far.
I love all the reaction you guys are writing.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
The Shadow and The Microphone
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Alastor’s Shadow (Rotsala) and Alastor’s Microphone (Dave) have been a part of the Radio Demon since he arrived in Hell. Nobody except Alastor knows their actual names…and their names are ones they gave themselves. After Alastor made a deal with Kalfu and evil spirits in his human life and shortly after his death, he was granted with enough raw power to topple dominant overlords and spread terror to the denizens of Hell.
 Alastor’s shadow was born of dark Voodoo magic. He first remained in human Alastor’s subconscious as dark matter (courtesy of Kalfu’s magic and Alastor’s mother wishing for Alastor to not be alone after death)… until he was free when his owner died. After gathering some ingredients and retrieving Dr. Facilier’s spell book, Alastor painfully separated his shadow from himself. After briefly feeling vulnerable in the dark, and almost attacking Alastor, the shadow submitted to him and became his body guard and companion. He helps Alastor control the other shadow demons and acts as a second in command in battle.
 Like Dr. Facilier’s companion, Alastor’s shadow has a mind of his own and manifests as a dark apparition of Alastor’s most sinister thoughts and desires. He usually makes growling and cackling sounds (like Facilier’s shadow) but can communicate telepathically with Alastor. He frequently appears as a tall dark man with Alastor’s tuff ears, a wide grinning mouth, and glowing eyes. His eyes and mouth can change color from deep red to bright blue, to yellow and anything in between. He can switch between an Alastor form and a more sinister wendigo-like form with large fangs and a rack of antlers extending from his head. Alastor can also see through his shadow’s eyes, thus he also acts as a spy. Alastor’s shadow gains strength by eating the shadows of other demons, preventing them from moving and making it easier for Alastor to kill them.
 Alastor’s microphone staff is a living part of him. The radio voice that comes from it is actually a radio version of his human voice. It first manifested as a non-magical microphone staff decorated with golden antlers around it that human Alastor had made to show off his famed radio host status. Alastor had used a bit of magic to gather more listeners around their radios. Sadly, it was broken and burned after his death. A dark entity merged with the red vintage microphone staff created for Alastor by the dark spirits/Loa. The microphone spoke “I heard you loud and clear!” in the first episode. Like Alastor’s shadow, the microphone has a mind of its own.
 The microphone staff has a single red eye that glows when it is turned on. The microphone is what allows Alastor to broadcast his murders…the eye shines a light from the microphone. The microphone has other unique powers that could be an extension to Alastor’s many Eldritch powers of tentacles, teleportation, portals, blood magic etc. When the staff plays music mixed with static and demons stare at it too long, they can become hypnotized, eyes turning to red radio dials. Powerful radio waves can be blasted from the microphone with three taps of the staff to the ground. These waves can push demons back and blast their eardrums and brains. Alastor can swipe the staff to make things appear, as shown when he used it to make clothing appear on Vaggie. When Alastor goes full demon/wendigo form, the staff is used to mimic voices, sounds, and music to lure victims in (like Siren Head). But the microphone’s main purpose is to assist Alastor in his broadcasting.
 Without those two beings, Alastor would’ve had more of a challenge taking over areas of Hell…and it’d be far less entertaining!
Chapter One: That’s Entertainment
 “Well ladies and gentleman, Happy New Year and happy survival to all the lucky ones out there! The twenty four hours of the Extermination have passed and man, was it quite the show! The princess is shooting fireworks from the balcony as we speak, which means it’s safe to head out and try to claim new territory. Though if any of you sinners go near my radio towers, you’ll wish that the Exterminators had ended you right then and there. I hope you enjoyed this long and lovely broadcast. Until next time! Stay tuned.”
 Alastor’s microphone soon blinked off from its glowing red state. The microphone let out a low mechanical groan of relief. Sure it was the microphone’s job to allow Alastor to broadcast massacres and music whenever he wanted, but even a device needed proper rest after a while. The microphone closed its single red eye and faded to sleep.
 Alastor had spent the majority of the time broadcasting from within his lair, located underneath Hell and in the realm of shadow spirits. It had gotten the nickname “Deer Den,” by other sinners, though he liked the name as well. Soon though, he quietly arrived to the surface via portal to enjoy the finale of the screams, shrieks, and slaughters of the Exterminators cutting down demon after demon. Turning around from the wall-length glass window he glanced back toward a darkened corner of the studio.
 “It’s alright, you can come out now,” he said in a radio voice.
 A brief slither of movement in the dark space.
 “Come on,” he coaxed. “No Exterminators, nor angelic spears to hurt us.”
 Ever so quietly, the darkness inched forward to reveal a head poking out from within the wall. Out emerged Alastor’s shadow. He stood the same height as Alastor and had the same fluffy deer ear tufts and tattered dress coat that he wore. He even had a deer tail and antlers branching out from his head. The antlers shrank back as he opened his blue mouth an inch. There was a row of sharp dark teeth, and his eyes glowed blue. A chittering sound mixed with static emitted from the shadow as his eyes looked around for any sign of danger. There was only his owner standing in front of him.
 “Good,” said Alastor as he looked at him. “Come along, we have work to do.”
 The shadow obliged and pooled into the floor out of sight as he followed Alastor out the door.
 As Alastor was walking, the shadow briefly floated up into the air, surveying the scene. There were bloodied bodies everywhere. Many of them had weapons pierced through their skulls or spilled organs. Alastor may have been a little hungry, but he was humming happily along the street instead, keeping an eye out for any useful angelic spears. He found one and happily plucked it from a horned demon corpse. The spear vanished in his hand, reappearing back in his lair.
 Alastor ignored the brief pangs of hunger from his stomach. Just the smell of blood and decaying flesh in the air was beginning to make the demon’s mouth water a little as he hummed.
 His shadow, on the other hand…
 The sound of crunching came from behind the Radio Demon. Alastor’s ears flicked before he turned around. He cleared his throat and glared.
 The shadow was on his knees in front of a dead demon, his mouth chewing on flesh and muscle like a starved wolf. He saw Alastor and froze, a piece of flesh falling from his mouth. It looked like a child being caught in the act of stealing a snack.
 “What do you think you’re doing? You’re supposed to be looking for spears and watching my back.”
 The shadow let out a deer bleat mixed with static. His voice sounded like snippets of different voices together.
 “But I’m hungry!”
 “There are more important things to focus on, dear fellow,” he said. “You’d be wise to learn some self-restraint.”
 Reluctantly, the shadow wiped his mouth and hovered closer to Alastor.
 “That’s better, now let’s be off.”
They soon arrived at one of the looming radio towers. The top of it had a blinking yellow eye that always peered in every direction like an all-seeing eye. It was constantly humming and retaining energy that lurked within the metal beams. There was a nearby cabin that served as one of many studios that Alastor had made for himself. It reminded him of his family’s summer cabin back when he was alive.
 “Go make your round,” Alastor ordered. The shadow flew into the air, searching above and below for any intruders. There were no signs of any demon trying to cross the boarders or break in. After a few minutes, he returned by his owner’s side and chittered in affirmation.
 With the areas clear and safe, Alastor made his way further into Pentagram city, his shadow vanishing again.
 With his shoes clacking against the pavement, Alastor walked over behind a flaming blue deer overlord and Crymini, the Hellhound. Charlie was on TV, talking about her plan to open up a hotel to rehabilitate sinners.
 Alastor stood behind two hellhound twins wearing crop tops and a hanging jester. Next to him was a poster that showed him in his demon form terrorizing the circus, demons trapped within flames inside the tent. His army of voodoo horned imps carrying knives and skulls on pikes surrounded the tortured sinners. The words were bold and full of warning: “BEWARE HIM!” “DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM!” In tiny letters off to the side on the wall read: “for a good time: 666-373-9494.”
 Alastor tilted his head to the side in curiosity. His shadow appeared off to his right, morphing into a snarling wendigo deer-like creature. He couldn’t help but tap his foot and hum along as she sang.
 The shadow stared in curiosity as well, his mouth open in hunger. He was anxious to witness Alastor mess with other demons again. He just hoped that if he happened to kill some that he’d get a good share of the meat. Sharing Alastor’s love of singing and music, the shadow swayed his body from side to side, even trying to sing along.
 After Charlie had finished singing, Alastor laughed out loud. That was quite the performance he had seen! He particularly enjoyed Charlie’s demon transformation and her conjuring of fire for the special effects. And he had to admit that she was a good singer too, despite her ridiculous idea.
 But his favorite part came up next.
 In the blaring red lights, Charlie and Katie fought each other on the desk. Katie was in her insect demon form, crawling on her hands and limbs. She briefly held Charlie down, who dodged and then leapt at Katie, knocking both of them off the table.
 “She’s pretty and has a feisty spirit,” Alastor thought.
 “Why won’t anyone help me?” Tom Trench yelled as flames rose from his body.
 “You’re on fire, Tom Trench!” Alastor exclaimed, while laughing at his own joke.
  Befriending the princess, and doing something different seemed like a good idea. He glanced over at a faraway Happy Hotel building.
 He knew where he would go next. His shadow vanished again.
  After following the white limbo to the hotel in his car, he got out and made his way up to the double stained glass doors with the apple designs on them. Upon further inspection of the hotel, he noticed it was a unique design if not a bit under wear and tear. From the Titanic-like ship off to the side to the hanging carousel that made up a balcony…and perhaps his favorite part, the circus tent overhang in the front decorated with eye designs.
 He had never actually met Charlie before but he heard that she was powerful and different among the demons. For one, she was born in Hell, and two, she was the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith, king and queen of Hell.
 He would have to tread carefully around members of the royal family. Though he thought of them as amusing, he knew how powerful they were.
 Sweat formed on his forehead and he found himself glancing around.
  Why was he suddenly…nervous?
 Somebody like him couldn’t afford to let any sign of weakness show. Of course He wanted to make a good first impression, plus he was sort of curious as to why she would pursue this rehabilitation idea. His nervousness faded away when he imagined Charlie as naïve. Maybe he could easily trick her and not have to be caught by anyone?
 The best thing he could do for the moment was be polite and offer to help. As any good charmer and manipulator knew, first impressions and the process were everything…
 And a nice big smile was the crème de la crème.
  Puffing out his chest, he knocked on the door.
 It was a very slow “Shave and a Haircut knock.”
  The knocking from outside interrupted Charlie’s thoughts. She opened her eyes.
  An ice cold feeling of dread spread through her veins. No other demon would ever do that kind of knock.
 She tentatively reached out her hand to the door handle, and quickly pulled it open.
 Sure enough, the most feared demon in Hell was standing right outside her door. A couple of shadow spirits poked their heads through.
 Charlie’s face morphed into sheer terror, eyes wide as saucers.
 Yes, there she was, right in front of him. Alastor opened his eyes as they glowed red, a radio sound emitting from him.  His staff turned on with a red glow. His eyes dilated playfully as he raised a finger in greeting.
 The door abruptly slammed shut.
 Brief silence.
 Charlie opened it again…
 Slammed it again.
 Alastor could hear Charlie’s muffled voice from inside.
 “Hey Vaggie!”
 “The Radio Demon is at the door!”
 “Who?” asked Angel.
 “What should I do?!” Charlie asked.
 “Well, don’t let him in!” Vaggie said.
  A growl formed in Alastor’s throat.
 He stood there, shocked in front of the stained glass door, smile still plastered on his face, hand and curved claw in the air.
 “Well… that was…rude,” he thought. “Usually people are too sacred to answer when I come by. Or they rush to try and please me because they know I could slaughter them at any time. I’ll just wait here then…or maybe break this door down…”
 He had been turned down not once but twice by her! If she had been an average demon, she would’ve been a bloody heap on the floor. The princess should know better than to reject anyone like that, especially a prideful demon like himself.
 Any offense to his pride would not go unnoticed.
 Charlie opened the door again.
 “May I speak now?” Alastor asked, hiding his anger.
 “You may,” said Charlie.
 Alastor held out his right hand to her, which briefly glowed. He half expected her to reach out and shake it right away…which would’ve proven her naïve nature…but instead she just stood there.
  “Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart, quite a pleasure.”
 He eagerly grabbed her wrist and leaned his face close to hers before strutting inside. Charlie stood, dumbfounded, her hand still out.
 “Excuse my sudden visit,” he went on, “but I saw your fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn’t resist. What a performance!”
 Audience cheers came from his staff as he turned around.
  “Why I haven’t been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929!”
 He bobbed his head side to side and burst into laughter. He glanced back at Charlie who was by the door. “So many orphans!”
 A sharp spear was suddenly pointed at him. He froze in fear, his smile still on his face.
 “Stop right there!” It was Vaggie.
 She swore in Spanish under her breath: “Carbon hijo de perra! (Idiotic son of a bitch!) I know your game. And I’m not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous, cheesy, talk show shitlord!”
 Alastor’s eyes narrowed and glowed. He made a low noise of warning.
 “You have a lot of nerve to stand up to me like that, girl,” he thought. “You don’t know anything about me, and you certainly aren’t going to stand in my way.”
 Alastor merely laughed slightly and nudged the weapon away with his fingers. Charli and Vaggie were in front of him.
 “Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here…”
 He added in a low creepy tone, “I would have done so already.”
 His red eyes briefly turned to red radio dials and radio static filled the room. He tilted his head slightly, letting his chaotic magic roam. Vaggie and Charlie were frozen in fear as they caught glimpses of red Voodoo symbols, static, and warped reality.
 Then just as quickly, the noise and magic ceased and Alastor shook his head, eyes back to full red. For a brief moment, they had been small red pupils inside black sockets.
 “That scare should teach them to remember their place,” he thought.
 He bowed. “No, I’m here because I want to help!”
 Charlie was sure she hadn’t heard him right.
 “Say what now?” she asked, eyebrows raised.
 “Help!” he responded with another laugh, leaning in close before moving back.
 He held up his microphone staff.
  “Hello?” he asked with a laugh. “Is this thing on? Testing, testing…”
 He tapped it and a glowing red eye appeared in the center. “Well, I heard you loud and clear!” the microphone responded, eye shaking in fear.
 The microphone didn’t take kindly to be shaken out of its stupor.
 “Um…you want to help?” Charlie asked.
 Alastor appeared behind the demon girls, hands on their backs, switching from a shadow to his regular self. Both Vaggie and Charlie flinched.
 “With…” he mentioned in an imitation of Charlie’s voice,
“…this ridiculous thing you’re trying to do!” finishing in his normal voice. “This hotel!”
 Charlie could hear the call bell ding twice on the table, even though no one was there to ring it.
 “I want to help you run it.”
 “Uh…why?” Charlie asked, confused.
 Alastor laughed again. “Why does anyone do anything? Sheer absolute boredom! I’ve lacked inspiration for decades!”
 He placed his elbow on an annoyed Vaggie’s head.
 “My work became mundane...lacking focus…”
 He then shoved Vaggie aside. She was clearly an inferior little doll he could push around.
 “…aimless!” he continued. “I’ve come to crave a new form of entertainment!”
 He laughed again.
Charlie looked downcast. “Does getting into a fist fight with a reporter count as entertainment?”
 Alastor laughed again.
 “It’s the purest kind, my dear! Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage! And the stage is a world of entertainment!”
 Charlie brightened a bit. “So, does this mean that you think it’s possible to rehabilitate a demon?”
Alastor help up a hand and laughed. “Of course not. That’s wacky nonsense! Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! Nononono, I don’t think there’s anything left that could save such loathsome sinners!”
 He glanced at Vaggie and Angel Dust sitting on the sofa, mischief in his eyes. They would be fun to mess with.
  “The chance given to them was the life they lived before; the punishment is this!”
  He spread out his arms, turning away. “There is no undoing what is done!”
 His eyes glowed red, pupils constricted. There really was no way to change the past. All the sinners were destined to suffer in a matrix of pleasure, illusion, and the threat of a second death. For Alastor, every demon was a lost cause…and paradoxically, that also included him.
 He had dealt with authority figures before in his previous life…those racist religious folk who believed that God and the elite had complete control over his fate and the fate of everyone else. Now here it was again, in the form of God, the angels, Vox, Lucifer pretty much anybody he hated. It wasn’t his fault he killed and ate all his victims.  If certain people hadn’t pushed him over the edge…
 He glanced over when he heard Charlie’s voice.
 “So then, why do you want to help me if you don’t believe in my cause?” Charlie asked.
 Alastor smirked and looked at Charlie over his shoulder. “Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself!”
 He pulled her close to him with his arm and twirled her around in a quick dance. Charlie narrowed his eyes at him and gave him a look. He ignored her. “I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment! Only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure.”
 Off to the side, his shadow appeared and cackled.
 Alastor’s eyes glowed red and his left eyebrow raised slightly. Just the thought of having the fates and lives of demons in his hands was enough to get him excited…or perhaps even aroused.
 “Right…” Charlie began, slowly removing his clawed hand from her shoulder. Alastor’s hand flinched at the sudden touch.
 Alastor chuckled and took her aside for a walk. “Yes indeedy! I see big things coming your way, and who better to help than I.”
 He impressed her further with some charm and making his staff appear in his hand.
  Vaggie walked up to Charlie and pulled her aside.
 “Charlie, listen to me. You just can’t believe this creep! He isn’t just a happy face! He’s a dealmaker, pure evil! He can’t be redeemed! And is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we’re trying to do.”
 Alastor drummed his fingers against his palm, listening in on their conversation with a grin.
 “I…” Charlie began. “…we don’t know that. Look…I know he’s bad, and I know he probably doesn’t wanna change, but the whole point of this is to give people a chance! To have faith things will be better! How can I turn someone away? I can’t. It goes against everything I’m trying to do. Everything I believe in.”
 Alastor stared in fascination at a family picture on the wall. It showed Lucifer dressed in white, Lilith in a dark purple dress, and Charlie as a little girl wearing a brown and white dress in the middle. The picture border consisted of branches and yellow eyeballs and a dried rose in the upper right hand corner.
 “Such a lovely portrait! A picture of perfection! It’d be such a shame if something awful were to happen to them…”
 “Just trust me,” Charlie added placing comforting hands on her girlfriend’s shoulders, “I can take care of myself.”
 Charlie,” warned Vaggie, “Whatever you do, do not make a deal with him!”
 From a distance, Alastor opened up the palm of one hand, claws curled inward, hand glowing. From his viewpoint it looked like he was grabbing onto both girls. They glanced in his direction, worry on their faces.
 “I’ll have these two in the palm of my hand…”
 “Don’t worry, Charlie replied to Vaggie. “I picked up one thing from my Dad…” she spoke in a manly voice, “Ya don’t take shit from other demons!”
 Gathering her courage, Charlie marched over to the Radio Demon.
  “Ok, so…Al. You’re sketchy as fuck, and you clearly see what I’m trying to do here is a joke. But I don’t.”
 Charlie turned away. She was so close and so vulnerable. It took all of the shadow’s restraint not to lunge at Charlie and sink his teeth into her.
 Red Voodoo symbols floated around Alastor as his eyes glowed.
 “If you could stay turned around so I can knock you out…” he thought.
Charlie narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously and the symbols vanished.
 “So close,” he thought in frustration as she turned around to face him.
  Charlie continued. “I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So, I’m taking your offer to help. On the condition that there be no tricks or voodoo strings attached.”
 Alastor twirled his cane and held out his hand. “So it’s a deal then?”
 Flashes of eerie green light surrounded him, electricity snaking up the walls. The shadow’s eyes turned green, his smile growing wider.
 “Nope!” Charlie yelled, holding out her hands. The energy stopped. “No shaking! No deals!”
 Alastor’s eyes constricted, and the shadow moped in the distance out of sight. “She rejected my deal,” he thought. “This will be more challenging than I expected.”
 He walked forward a step.
 Charlie continued.  “As princess of Hell, and heir to the throne, I uh, hereby order that you help with this hotel, for a long as you desire.”
 The shadow and the microphone hid in laughter. Her request was so vague, it left room for so many loopholes. That meant that Alastor could leave and betray the hotel whenever he saw fit.
 A moment of pause…Alastor brushed his hair back.
 “Sound fair?” she asked.
  “Hmm. Fair enough. Cool beans.” Alastor shrugged, walking on and making his cane disappear. Charlie breathed a sigh of relief and even did a thumbs up.
 Alastor stopped and spotted Vaggie off to the side. How pathetic she was, frowning like that. He smirked in a way outside observers would describe as lecherous. He tickled her under her chin with a finger.
 “Smile, my dear! You know you’re never fully dressed without one!”
 Alastor hummed happily on his way, while Vaggie growled in disgust and rage.
 “So…where is your hotel staff?” Alastor asked.
 “Uh, well…” Charlie began. Alastor peered at Vaggie through his monocle. “Oh ho ho ho, you’re going to need more than that.”
 He walked over towards Angel.
 “And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?”
 Angel grinned. “I can suck your dick!”
 Alastor could almost scream in disgust after hearing that.
 “Ha! No.” Alastor deadpanned.
 “Your loss,” Angel said with a slight laugh. Alastor summoned his cane.
“Well, this just won’t do!” Alastor exclaimed. “I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up!”
 The spell came easily in his mind: “dife sèvitè, reveye.”
  He snapped his fingers and a fire sparked to life in a small circular fireplace. Animal skeletons decorated either side of the wall. The wall and fireplace were repaired.
 A dark figure plopped down onto the chimney floor.
 Alastor walked over and picked up the creature with his hand. A large single yellow eye was revealed. Angel, Vaggie, and Charlie peered at the creature. In a puff of smoke and a squeak, the creature revealed herself. A cute cyclops girl was wearing a pink dress with a poodle on the front, her short wide hair dark magenta with a streak of yellow.
 “This little darling is Niffty!” Alastor introduced, before dropping her. She landed on her feet. She was an adorable little thing.
“Hi! I’m Niffty!” she greeted with a wave. “It’s nice to meet you! It’s been a while since I’ve made new friends!” She laughed slightly and her pupil grew smaller, darting in circles.
 “Why are you all women?” she asked. “Have any men here?! I’m sorry, that’s rude.” She missed the fact that Angel was male, for obvious reasons.
 She briefly picked up Charlie, while Vaggie held her spear defensively at her.
 “Oh man, this place is filthy!” she exclaimed, running around and lifting up couch cushions. “It really needs a lady’s touch, which is weird, because you’re all ladies, no offence.” She chewed on a black spider she found, then rushed toward some stained glass windows.
 She darted around, using a dust ruffle to clean them. “Oh my gosh, this is awful! No, no, no…Nope!”
 She raced around, removing cobwebs, then poking at a piece of a voodoo doll. Well, it was actually a live blue beetle doll that Alastor had stabbed with a clothing pin for Niffty to play with. Alastor looked amused, while the others stared in disbelief.
 “So fortunate of me to have met her in Hell. A former chimney sweeper in the 20th century. Heard she died from too much smoke. Services are still good! Though, I didn’t give her much of an option to begin with…” he thought.
   Meanwhile, at a casino, a cat demon placed a joker, an ace, a 2, and a fourth card down on the table. He had black and white fur, wore a black top hat and had red wings with card suits decorated on them. He also had long red eyebrows and wore a red bow tie.
 “Ha!” he declared in triumph. “Read ‘em and weep, boys!”
 He suddenly felt himself being forcefully pulled out of the room through space and time.
 “Transpòte ganbadeur la.”
 He ducked as a curtain of red energy surrounded the existing space. Voodoo symbols flashed in the background along with eight yellow eyes, a creepy voodoo skull and a purple skeleton of a worm-like creature. Another voodoo skull with horns appeared for a moment not too far from tan ghost-like spirits with creepy faces and a row of jagged teeth.
 The cat demon figured he must have had too much booze to drink.
 “…the hell?”
 As the images faded, he soon found himself at the hotel bar, not in the previous room at the casino. A large “Come and play Blackjack” sign took up much of the wall behind him. Most peculiar, the gray wood walls were missing halfway up, replaced by the red themed décor of the hotel. Husk was sitting in a portion of the casino he was in. It felt like he was in a house with no roof surrounded by the outside world.
 “What the fuck is this?”
 He saw Alastor and pointed an accusing claw.
 “Ah, Husker, my good friend!” Alastor cheerfully greeted. “Glad you could make it!”
 Husk could have at least been polite for once, but Alastor decided to let it slide.
 Alastor’s head briefly had the appearance of large antlers sticking out from either side. When he moved it, it was revealed to be an antler skull with glowing green eyes hanging in the background. Snakes were wrapped around one of the white curtains supporting a bar stand. “Big Booze,” “Welcome” and “Big Soul” signs were placed overhead on the stand. Neon green card suits consisted of the designs at the bottom of the stand.
 “Don’t you “Husker” me, you son of a bitch!” Husk spat, and swiped Alastor’s hand aside from his shoulder. “I was about to win the whole damn pot!”
Husk stared in anger as the stacks of money and chips on the table vanished in static.
 “Good to see you too!” added Alastor.
 Husk face palmed. “What the hell do you want with me this time?”
 Alastor grabbed hold of him, startling him so much that cards fell from his hands.
 “My friend, I am doing some charity work, so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that’s okay.”
 Husk was taken aback. “Are you shittin’ me?!”
 “No, I don’t think so,” Alastor replied. He casually brushed off his sleeves.
 Husk shoved the Radio Demon off him. “You thought it would be some kind of big fuckin’ riot just to pull me outta nowhere? You think I’m some kinda fuckin’ clown?”
 Audience laughter emitted from the microphone.
 “I ain’t doin’ no fuckin’ charity job,” Husk protested.
 Alastor appeared next to him, startling the cat demon. “Well I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment.”
 He pointed toward the bar stand with the staff. The sound of audience clapping came from his radio staff.
 “With your charming smile and welcoming energy…”
 Alastor spread the corners of Husk’s mouth upward into a demonic smile of yellow teeth. Husk frowned seconds after he let go.
 “…this job was made for you!”
 Alastor strutted over toward the bar stand, the soles of his shoes revealing red hoof prints as he walked.
 “Don’t worry, my friend,” Alastor continued, “I can make this more welcoming…if you wish.”
 With a curve of his fingers, a green bottle of cheap booze appeared on the counter.
 Husk stared with wide eyes, suddenly very thirsty. He swore he could hear the sound of a slot machine.
 “What, you think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze?!” He took the bottle on anger. “Well you can!”
 He immediately guzzled it down and walked away.
 “Too easy,” thought Alastor.
 By this time, Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust had arrived to see what the commotion was about. Vaggie rushed toward the bar, furious.
 “Hey, hey, hey, hey!” yelled the moth demon. “No, no bar, no alcohol. This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kind of…mouth, brothel, man-cave…”
 Angel lunged himself into her, knocking her to the floor.
 “Shut up! Shut! Up! We are keeping this.” He pointed at Husk with multiple gloved hands.
  He slid up to Husk. “Hey,” he said in a flirtatious voice.
“Go fuck yourself,” Husk deadpanned, drinking his booze.
 “Only if you watch me,” Angel retorted.
 To make matters worse for Husk, Charlie leaned in close to him, excitement and red stars in her eyes.
 “Oh my gosh! Welcome to the Happy Hotel! You are going to love it here!”
 “I lost the ability to love years ago,” Husk replied, gulping down more booze.
Alastor walked in, an ever-present grin on his face.
 “So, what do you think?”
 Charlie ran over to him. “This is amazing!” she beamed.
 Alastor’s eyes blinked rapidly at the sweet sight of Charlie rubbing her cheeks and smiling at him. He could watch it all day.
 “It’s okay,” Vaggie said from nearby, arms crossed.
 Alastor laughed and pulled the two girls close to him. “This is going to be very entertaining!”
 He shoved Vaggie again and his laughter mixed with the sound of an old radio.
 Alastor conjured fire in his hand…Charlie stared in wonder at the flames and the voodoo symbols. He threw the flames in the air, distracting Charlie from him shoving aside her friend hard. Alastor then changed his attire with magic. He now wore a fancy red suit with a white undershirt and a black bow tie. A red top hat appeared on his head, complete with small spikes along the black band and two needles sticking out from the top. He twirled Charlie around in a dance, the princess looking stunned. Pointing his finger over her head, he transformed Charlie’s outfit. Her blonde hair was now short and wavy. She wore an elegant black and red dress, black gloves, a pink hat with a small black bow and black heels. She looked like a dapper lady from the early 20th century.
 Charlie stared at her conjured clothing in amazement.
Vaggie was on the floor, fuming.
 Alastor began to sing as he danced with Charlie, a new spring in his steps.
 “You have a dream
 You wish to tell
 He turned to the fuming Vaggie on the floor, letting her know that he thought Charlie’s idea was silly.
 “and it’s so laughable…”
 He turned back to Charlie.
 “But hey kid, what the hell!”
 Alastor picked Charlie up and threw her into the air. She yelped in delight and landed gracefully next to him. Two glowing apples and a skull with deer horns flashed in the background.
 Reality had been altered to the Radio Demon’s liking. The entire room was lit in psychedelic colors. Voodoo symbols and shapes were etched in every nook and cranny, including a pair of pink claws reaching for the door. Alastor and Charlie waltzed in the spotlight as electro swing music began to play in the distance. The all-encompassing noise, though, was the signature radio-static sound.
 Charlie found herself sliding down one of the apple-etched railings, Alastor leading the way. They landed on the lower floor as Alastor continued his reprise.
 “Cause you’re one of a kind
A charming demon belle!”
 Deer statues and painted antlers were everywhere.
 Back at the bar stand, Husk sat looking bored. Vaggie hissed at Angel grabbing onto her shoulder, while Niffty stared in wonder. Alastor snapped his fingers and their outfits changed as well.
 Angel was wearing a neon pink suit, Husk a pink bow tie, Vaggie a dark dress, with her hair now smooth and long, and finally Niffty, with a cute top hat with small flowers.
 “Now let’s give these burning fools a place to dwell
(Take it, boys!)”
 Alastor snapped his fingers once more and shadowy imps rose to life from a hole in the ground. The happy spirits played a trumpet, a tuba, and a drum set. Charlie snapped her fingers to the beat, while Vaggie watched with worry. She reached out to her friend but was pulled away by Alastor. He enveloped the group into a tight hug with a laugh, followed by glowing images of dark spirits staring at them. Niffty watched in amazement, but not the other three.
 “Inside of every demon is a lost cause…”
Alastor pulled Husk and Angel close again. He rubbed Angel’s head with a white hat and went on his merry way. Husk gave him the bird as he left.
 “But we’ll dress ‘em up now with just a smile!”
(With a smile!)
  Vaggie stood, annoyed in the spotlight. Using his cane, Alastor added a feathered peacock hat and a white fox fur to her outfit. She looked ridiculous. Then out of nowhere, he slapped her butt.
 Vaggie seethed in rage after he walked away.
 Alastor danced some more, kicking a horned skull to the side. In the background, Niffy happily swept up the bits of bone.
 “And we’ll chlorinate this cesspool
With some old redemption flair
And show these simpletons some proper class and style!
(What’s in style? Oh!)”
 He made his way to the circular fireplace, where he waved his staff. Shadows arrived to join the party, including his own shadow, with large antlers and fangs.  The shadow grabbed onto his shoulders and grinned, his mouth and eyes blue. Alastor made him disappear in a poof, then snuck toward Charlie. He led her in an upbeat dance, spinning her around, helping her match her steps to his. Charlie blushed when Alastor toyed with her cheeks. As Charlie was led away, Vaggie stood in the background, horrified and disgusted. What was happening to her friend?
 Charlie and Alastor laughed as they danced, the princess locked in a happy trance. Alastor was in his element, his pupils dilated, a joyful demeanor.
 Maybe this could turn into something more? Could it even be…love?
 “Here below the ground
I’m sure you’re plan is sound!
They’ll spend a little time
Down at this Hazbin Ho…”
  Alastor was about to finish his song, when an explosion burst apart a window behind him. He stood frozen, pupils constricting, his body going alert.
 Whatever, or whomever had interrupted his song was going to pay dearly.
 Niffty stared in amazement, shouting “Whoo!” before she was blasted backwards, the door hitting her in the face.
 Alastor’s spell soon wore off and everyone was back in their regular clothes. Alastor, Husk (still drinking), Niffty, Charlie, Angel, and Vaggie, peered out of the hole to see what was going on. Vaggie had her weapon at the ready.
 Looking skyward, the group saw a cracked blimp in the air. It had a small random band aid with a sad face on it along the rim. A familiar snake villain popped out of his hideout.
 “Ha!” Sir Pentious laughed. “Well, well, well, look who it is harboring the striped freak! We meet again, Alastor!”
 Apparently, he was also rivals with Alastor.
 But Alastor simply asked, “Do I know you?”
 The snake boss looked disappointed. Then he said in anger, “Oh yes you do! And this time, I have the element of…surprise!”
 The villain raced toward his pink velvet chair and pulled a lever. A metallic cannon lowered to the ground. The cannon fired up with pink energy as pink smoke appeared around them.
 “He laughed manically. “I’m so evil!”
 Then he added, “I have an Egg army!”
 “Well, we have an Alastor,” Charlie responded.
 Alastor snapped his fingers, red tendrils of smoke rising from his hand. The weapon froze in mid fire and a fiery portal opened up below the blimp.
 A horde of black tendrils rose from the hole, latching onto the ship. One tentacle ripped off the cannon and threw it into another smaller portal, causing it to explode in pink smoke. One of the tentacles had already smashed a hole in the large round window.
 Sir Pentious looked on in shock as his Egg Bois slammed against the wall (one of them read #Ouch.) One of the eggs cracked open, spilling out yellowish brains and small organs among the stains of yok. Sir Pentious and another minion were thrown against the wall.
 “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he screamed before he was slammed against the ceiling by a black limb.
 “Oh, that hurt!” he cried.
 Sir Pentious screamed as he was dragged along the floor and lifted up slightly. He was held in place, surrounded by the wrapped up tendril. At once, the tendril shrunk and squeezed the helpless snake. The Egg Bois ran around screaming as black cracks appeared on the floor and walls.
 From the outside, more black tendrils were closing in. Red voodoo symbols appeared around the blimp.
 “Ede m 'sèrviteur.”
 Four horned shadowy spirits with red auras floated around, wearing toothy grins.
 The tendrils were now wrapped around the entire blimp, holding it in place like thick black vines.
 Red radio waves filled Alastor’s eyes as he circled his fingers and worked is magic. Voodoo symbols appeared all around him as he altered the state of reality. Radio static consumed the air.
 The vines thickened and completely enclosed the blimp. The spirits swooped around it in excitement, with echoing shrieks. The aura around the tendrils glowed a fiery yellow, the same color as the portal rim.
 “Kalfu! Destriksyon pa bra nwa.”
 Alastor closed his four-fingered hand which began to glow. A red drop of blood fell from his glowing hand. The tendrils proceeded to crush the blimp. Pink rays of light shot from the center and the blimp exploded in a loud BOOM!
 Pink smoke spread everywhere as the spirits sped away. The tendrils broke into severed bloody pieces that rained down to the ground. Alastor smiled victoriously, while behind them, the group of five stared in utter terror and shock. (Save for Niffty who had a small smile on her face).
 Alastor’s angry, bloodlust eyes spoke volumes.
 “And stay out of this hotel and from my friends you pathetic excuse of snakeskin.”
 A sharp pain throbbed on his hand and bags appeared under his eyes. Magic had taken some work from him…and it also made him hungry.
 “Well, I’m starved!” Alastor exclaimed, turning around to face the group, happy again. “Who wants some jambalaya?” He spread his arms out. “My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya! In fact, it nearly killed her!”
 He laughed as he led the way back to the hotel. The others followed.
 “You could say the kick was right out of Hell!”
 He added while laughing at his own joke, “Oh, I’m on a roll!”
 From up above, the hotel looked like a mashed-up haunted house. An old dark train was perched on a balcony, with some monstrous faces carved in. A ship, reminiscent of the Titanic, was leaning upwards against the building as part of the structure. An old carousel served as part of the upper balcony and windows. Skull designs decorated the small windows in a row. Finally, on top of a giant yellow eye, was the sign “Happy Hotel” supported by pillars of worn wood.  
Alastor continued, “Yes, sir, this is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now…”
 He glanced up and pointed his finger toward the sign. Pink electricity shot out and made contact with the sign.
 The sign now read “Hazbin Hotel.”
 “Stay tuned,” he finished with a low sinister laugh.
7 notes · View notes
shiiko529 · 3 years
some violence in this one, and we’re back to the original (suicide forest) scene i came up with that started this whole thing
    When they left the hot springs, Ryou had adamantly insisted on walking since they didn’t have any destination in mind. It wasn't long before a distant howl made Ryou stop and look around, stepping closer to his dark companion, understandably nervous.
    “Calm down, it’s not even close.”
    Reassured by Bakura's nonconcern and physical presence, he kept skipping ahead then sprinting back, obviously excited to be walking through the woods. When he caught up, the demon found Ryou with a cloud of fireflies swarming around him, following the motions of his hands in an impressive display. Bakura barely managed to catch a glimpse of a smile on the soft face before the angel dashed off again.
    Almost immediately, the pale figure came racing back, a hellhound right on his heels and a winged demon cackling behind them. A well timed kick from Bakura sent the hound crashing into a tree, making it yelp in pain and momentarily dazing it. When it recovered, it let out a blood curdling howl, making Ryou cower against Bakura’s back.
    The mid-level demon hesitated, eyeing the higher level demon and let out a strange sounding guttural snarl as its dog circled, looking for an opening to attack.
    “He’s mine. If you want him, you have to go through me.”
    Ryou peeked out over Bakura’s shoulder, the demons had a language? And by their behavior, some kind of hierarchy, not that it was actually going to stop them from attacking.
    It was only a few moments before things got worse as two more demons and another hellhound arrived, answering the first hellhound’s call. After more of the strange demonic noises, they started lunging at Bakura, swiping at him with their deadly claws while just managing to avoid the brunt of his.
    Ryou yelped as his feet were suddenly pulled out from under him by Bakura's tail; less than a second later, extremely sharp claws tore at the bark behind where his head had been.
    As strong and skilled a fighter as Bakura was, the continued attacks were starting to wear him down, and the other demons weren’t going to give up until either they, or the angel, were dead. It didn't help that his movements were severely restricted since he had to actively shield Ryou, knowing the other demons would immediately attack him if given the chance.
    "A little help would be nice, considering you're the one they're after," Bakura growled. His chest and both of his arms were bleeding, but he had given worse than he got; one of the hellhounds was missing a leg, one of the mid level demons had a shredded wing and the other was now half blind, and the low level demon was bleeding profusely from its middle.
    "But, you'll die too." Ryou stared incredulously up at his protector’s back, surely Bakura wasn’t expecting to survive a point-blank blast? He had convinced the angels that he simply didn’t have enough magic for even the most basic spells, which was extremely far from the truth. Even with what he had used to revitalize the pear tree, he still had enough to eradicate all the demons present, including Bakura.
    "Not if you control your magic. Or we can both die."
    Bakura was choosing to trust him, the same way that he was trusting Bakura. But the problem was that Ryou had never actually tried to control his magic, always letting his instincts take over, which normally ended badly for anything nearby; with the recent exception of the pear tree, and even that had been instinctual.
    Though, Bakura did have a point, it was his magic, there had to be a way to make it do what he wanted. If he couldn’t, they were both dead anyway. Briefly, he considered trying to use his magic to heal Bakura, but he didn’t want to risk the chance of it backfiring and hurting the only one who was willing to not just stay with him, but actually fight to protect him.
    Ryou shifted into a crouch, holding onto the back of Bakura's shirt. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he would only have a moment the next time there was a break in the fight and some separation between Bakura and the others.
    When that instant came, he launched himself up and wrapped himself around the demon he knew and focused on the single thought of wanting to protect Bakura before unleashing his magic.
    Ryou’s eyes darted around nervously as he quietly asked, "Where are we?"
    "Suicide Forest."
    "I- I don't want to stay here." His voice was barely a whisper as he rubbed his arms, shivering.
    "When your magic recovers enough, I'll find us somewhere else. Can you manage until then?"
    Ryou bit his lip, he wanted very, very badly to be away from this terrible place that made his skin crawl, even if it was possibly one of the safer places due to the lack of living creatures. He closed his eyes and forced himself to nod yes as the wind whispered dark things in his ears.
    "You should rest."
    For once he didn’t mind being wrapped in the demon’s arms, the presence and dark energy now familiar, and the wings that almost formed a cocoon around him acting as a partial buffer from the foreboding, negative atmosphere of the forest. Knowing his magic would recover faster, he tried to sleep, dozing with his head against Bakura’s chest, only to wake suddenly, crying out in a confused panic, thrashing about until his mind caught back up with reality and the demon managed to calm him.
    "Shh, quiet my little gem." Bakura’s voice was soft as he slowly ran his clawed fingers through Ryou’s hair and feathers, carefully avoiding the still painful, damaged parts. The angel settled back down, curling closer to Bakura, now thinking that staying awake might be the better option, even though he still started occasionally, jumping at nothing as the hours dragged on, blurring into an incoherent, nightmarish mess. Thankfully, Bakura held him the entire time, a solid constant while he devolved into a sobbing mess as the forest very nearly drove him mad. Ryou couldn’t even remember Bakura finally picking him up and carrying him away from the accursed place.
    When he next woke, Ryou found himself on a cold, hard surface. As he looked around he saw that he was a little ways inside a naturally formed cave. There was also a small, light brown rabbit snuggled into his arms and the faint smell of blood from the direction of the cave entrance.
    Exiting the cave, he found the silver haired demon just outside, snacking on some poor, small animal. His nose wrinkled as he passed Bakura to sit against a nearby tree, a few more rabbits cautiously coming out from a bush to sniff at him.
    “I was going to get you some squirrels, but they’re too much of a pain in the ass to catch.”
    “Was the big scary demon outsmarted by small woodland critters?” Ryou cooed, scratching the rabbit’s head and getting a glare for mocking said demon.
    “Those little shits kept screaming and trying to bite and scratch me.”
    “They probably thought you were going to eat them.”
    The demon smirked and waved the remains of his meal in the air, making it clear that he had, in fact, eaten one of the rabbits, earning himself a disapproving frown from his angelic companion.
    When Bakura returned from disposing of the carcass, he sat down right next to the angel, winding an arm around the thin waist and spooking the rest of the rabbits.
    Ryou leaned against him and hesitantly asked, “Is it… Are we safe here?”
    “Should be. It’s pretty remote, doesn’t look like there have been any humans here in a long time.”
poor ryou is just a demon magnet :/
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wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
The Road So Far
(This is your recap for stories to come... Sugarloaf - Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You  https://youtu.be/i4njPe2_rho)
You, the audience, with your bird’s eye view, are here for this story. You witness Death granting Sam Winchester a wall, and Crowley breaking that wall to put the boys off of the field while he makes a play for monster souls in Purgatory. Crowley is absolutely on the boys’hit list.
You witness the absolute horror and sorrow on Dean Winchester’s face as Castiel sacrifices himself to end Raphael and Heaven’s civil war. His best friend is gone in early January of 2014.
Sam Winchester deteriorates during full moon after full moon, a spell not enough to prevent the  memories of the Cage from tearing him apart.
Zeus approaches Dean Winchester, offering to allow him the chance to earn The Nectar of the Gods in order to save Sam. Dean says yes with no hesitation. Zeus sends him into extraplanar areas found where certain ley lines conjoin. The first sent him to a stadium with a Hydra, where Dean was grievously wounded, his arm still looking like it was burned by acid. The second had him stealing golden apples while being tormented by Eris. The third required him to enter Hell to get a hellhound from the royal lineage of Cerberus for Hades.
Entering and exiting Hell is not a simple task, nor is putting a leash on a hellhound. Dean goes to the Fae for assistance and, recognizing the hunter’s desperation, they immediately use their leverage to request that he assists them with something in the future if he wants to get in and out of Hell.
At Bobby’s house, with Bobby, Jody Mills, and Dean in the room, the nectar of the gods is successfully administered to Sam, just in the nick of time. His body glows with a golden light as damage is repaired as the Soulless and Defeated sides of him merge with Sam himself.
You see a montage of successful hunts Sam and Dean have been able to do since then. Ghosts, a cockatrice, a dryad. Quite a long time after Sam’s recovery there is a scene where the boys realize that since the nectar was given, Sam craves meat, especially red meat, something that has gotten worse over time. And if he doesn’t get it, doesn’t take care not to push himself… his body begins to weaken. Did Zeus know this would happen? Is this because only Greek gods are meant to receive the nectar? Were they always getting played?
You witness Zeus and the Greek pantheon beginning to move into the power vacuum left by the deaths of Raphael and Castiel. Greek healers are earning reputations for the whole pantheon. You hear a voiceover of the boys discussing that if they rock the boat too hard with the Greeks, they might forfeit the nectar. (Are we hearing that voiceover because someone is listening in on the boys...?)
During the years when Dean was losing Sam in slow-motion, Dean was barely coping. He was on the non-functional end of functional alcoholism for a decent chunk of the time. Having a deal, even with Zeus, meant he could act. Now, every time Sam ends up worse for wear, it wears on Dean. He’s wondering if the fix they put so much into is going to fall apart. And the closer he gets to being stuck at Sam’s bedside again, the closer he is to losing it. Sam has finally agreed to at least looking for an alternate fix, but his demand is that Dean and Bobby aren’t making deals again. They can’t handle the idea of losing him, he can’t handle them risking their asses for a potential fix that always seems to bite them in the ass.
The Fae finally re-approach the boys to redeem that favor. A redcap, who looks like a sly old man with a white beard and a red hat,  references a civil war between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, the Unseelie Court wishing to disrupt the balance of the year and remove Oberon and Titania from their thrones. The Winchester brothers take on a spriggan, an abbey lubber, and… a witch bonded to the abbey lubber. 
It appears that is not the only witch the Unseelie Court is working with. And in order to get Dean Winchester to continue to assassinate their enemies... the Seelie Court is willing to use the piece of leverage that can always get Dean to act -- endangering Sam. They plan to slip information to the Unseelies that it was Sam who assassinated the witch - and let their opponents take it from there. As much as this will leave them with clean hands while Dean potentially attacks their foes, the Seelie spymaster still plans for contingencies.... mentioning he wants someone who knows how to get through back doors.
WaywardVerse Character List:
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hellishmess · 4 years
17: Irritating Love
August 25,2018
I ducked, dodging an arrow by the skin of my teeth.
Rey and Hardy were crouched down behind me. The stack of crates were the only thing keeping us from becoming pin dolls.
Twisting my hands, I sent out my magic, reining it in to 15 feet. Rey shivered as the death spell passed through her, leaving her unscathed.
To our right, a strangled cry sounded out in alarm. It ended with a bodily thump.
"Come on," I grit out, pissed at the lack of weapons I had.
We make it two feet before gun shots fire from behind me. I whirl to see Rey with a pistol in hand. The man she shot fell to his knees.
I kept going, weaving our way out of the maze of shipping crates.
"Aspen!" Hardy yelled out a warning, but I was already on it. A huge lift barreled for us, the forked side first.
I grabbed at my magic, wrapping it around the heavy machinery. The muscles in my arms tensed as I flung it away from us. It hit a stack of shipping containers, knocking the top one off. My ears rung from the screeching of metal attacking metal.
We kept running, darting from path to path. They surrounded us again. Rey led us to a bunker corner of two crates. We crouched down.
How many men were there?
Rey squeezed Hardy's hand in hers, gripping her pistol in her right hand. He buried his face in her neck, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll die for you," he muttered.
She grabbed his face, making eye contact before sincere lip contact. "I'll die for you first."
"No one here is fucking dying!" I snap.
Both of them look at me, shocked by the sharpness of my voice. I inch towards the edge of the crate. A red burning line was drawn blocking our exit. It was bad news. I knew the spell. It'd burn us from the inside out if we ran through.
I briefly considered taking the time to break the spell but cast it out. It could take too long. The goons could be on us in seconds.
I look up. God if you're real...
Holy shit. The lightbulb shines over my head as my brain cells work to form a functional idea.
"Rey how many bullets do you have left?" I ask.
She checks. "5 counting the one in the barrel."
"Okay. That's not bad. Here's what we're going to do. I'm gonna cast a magical protection spell over us and Hardy you're gonna use your shields to help prevent us from being shot down."
Hardy nods but his eyebrow cocks at my use of words. "Shot down?"
A grin forms and I point up. "Yep. We're like mice in here. We don't know the territory like they do and I'm getting the faint impression that they're leading us to a trap. So we're going to run on the top of the crates. Where we can see the end and get the hell out of here."
They share a glance before standing up. "What if we can't make a jump?" Rey worries, watching Hardy climb to the top.
"I have us on that front," I say wiggling my fingers. "Don't worry. Just make sure you aim to kill and that your boyfriend can keep his shields up."
She nods, turning to climb after him. I can see the ripple through the air as Hardy manifests his shields.
I didn't wait for Rey to reach the top to climb. Instead, I climbed beside her.
My spell of protection was subtle, but I wrapped it around us in two layers.
Yells from below got us moving. Goons ran for us. Several had hellhounds on leashes. Huge, ugly dogs with hellfire in their eyes. Their jaws snapped as they saw their marks. With barks so loud it invoked fear in the dead, the air that came out of their lungs was even toxic.
I paused. My hands in claws as I twisted and snapped their necks one by one.
Hardy led us towards the edge of the maze. We were sprinting along the tops of the crates, hopping between the cracks.
"Aspen!" He warned again. I looked forward and saw that he was leading us towards another row. The jump was huge.
"I got us. Go!"
Hardy kept our pace even, not looking back as he took a leap of faith. Soon we were all rushing forward on our own momentum. With a small effort, I raised us up and carried us over the rest of the 4 feet.
Hardy paused, a grin broken on his lips. "That was cool!"
Rey clamped a hand on his shoulder, pushing him forward. "Congratulate later!"
She screamed. A big burly man had managed to climb up with us. A gun raised in his hands. There was no hesitation when he fired three shots.
Hardy gripped his palms. With his hands in tight fists, his shields stopped the bullets where they were.
People were starting to file down below us with guns, whips, and knifes in hand. One dude even had a bat and chain.
"Go go go!" I yelled.
Hardy barreled ahead, lowering his center of mass as he used his shields as a battering ram. The burly man didn't stand a chance. We tossed him over.
We crossed over to another row of crates, this time able to make the jump without my assistance.
I felt foreign magic try to take hold of us. It touched my barrier, but dispelled soon after touching it.
"Holy shit we're almost there." Hardy yelled.
He turned and hopped onto the last length of shipping crates.
"Shit," he swore, hesitating.
I saw why. There was a group of 5 standing down the line. Even more were on the ground below us. All of them blocked the exit.
Hardy winced, his eyes closing from concentration as bullets rained at us. Three of the five had guns and all of them were shooting at us.
Rey didn't hesitate. She fired three shots over Hardy's shoulder. All of them hit home in the dudes with guns. They fell to the ground, dying. One pressing the trigger and shooting at his comrades on the floor before stilling.
A twitch of my fingers had their guns flying across the lot. Only one came towards us.
Rey caught it. "Cool an uzi."
She laid it down on the ones at our feet. In my peripheral, I saw her hit a good many as they broke formation and scrambled away.
I ran towards the remaining two. One with a broad sword and the other had a chain with a heavy ball at the end.
The man with the chain went for me first. I jumped, dodging the blow to take out my legs. I got up and personal. Jabbing his eyes, before punching his throat. He choked, coughing as he swung blindly.
   I felt the air split as the sword came for me from behind. He hoped to cut through my spine with a swing that heavy.
     Dropping to the floor, I slide between the chain dude's legs, giving him a hard blow to his junk.
He yelped, high pitched and whiny.
I rolled back to my feet in a crouch. The sword had dug deep in the body of his partner. The man was a goner. Blood sprayed everywhere. His screams raised the hair on my arms.
The dude with the sword looked panicked. He grabbed the dude and shoved him off the crates. Anger flushed his face. "You."
I stood, shrugging my shoulders. "Me."
He ran for me sword first, a battle yell tore from his throat.
Dodging was always easy, but now that this man was letting his emotions carry his attacks it was especially easy.
I brandished a thin blade from my belt, making tiny cuts wherever I could when I moved away from the path of his sword.
He stopped, huffing as he realized his mistake. He was as bloody as his fallen friend. His skin clammy and pale.
I cut every major vein and artery on his arms, nicking his artery on his big throat too.
"Sorry." I apologized, before drop kicking him to the ground. He didn't get up.
I was alone up here.
Hardy and Rey were back to back, fighting the ones left that were stupid enough to still fight.
A whip wrapped around Rey causing her to tumble forwards. A pirate pulled her towards his with a dirty smile. I dropped down to help her, but Hardy got to her before me. His shields forgotten in desperation to help her.
He grabbed her, tugging back.
I grabbed a discarded gun and shot the pirate.
Rey unwrapped the whip.
We all made eye contact, all of us on the same page. We got up and ran like hell.
No one followed us as we hit the streets. The evening shadows cloaked us as we headed for the hidden car.
Hardy got there first, jumping into the drivers seat as Rey grabbed shotgun and I dove into the back.
Our doors weren't even shut before he had us spinning away from the docs.
Adrenaline and potholes made the ride rough, but thankfully we made it back to the highway.
It was silent as we all caught our breath.
"I think that asshole broke my wrist." Rey said, savoring her right hand.
"Shit." Hardy said, "Let me see."
"No dumbass you drive." I said, popping up from the back. I turned to Rey. "Let me see."
I turned on the light and saw the discoloration of her wrist. It was a swollen mess, but there was no bone sticking out and no visible protrusions.
"Jesus." I said. "It wouldn't surprise me if it was broken."
"Is it?" Hardy asked. "Can you even tell?"
"No really." I answered before asking Rey, "Can you move it?"
She tries but only gains tears. "No," she breaths out in shakes.
"Okay. Okay. Give me your hand," I said.
Hardy picked up speed as he drove us to base, taking a sharp exit that flung me and Rey to the side. "What are you doing?”
A whimper leaves her lips when she straightens up.
“I’m going to heal her injury,” I snap. “Christ what do you think I’m going to do?”
“Sorry,” he scoffed, focusing back on driving.
I pull energy from the world, focusing on the signals her body gives off along with the connections and disconnections in her wrist.
The magic soaks into her skin, restoring the cells that were broken. It only took a second.
“Holy shit,” Rey gasps. “It’s fixed.” She wiggles her wrist. “Thank you.”
I sigh, resting back. “Welcome.”
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