#the shapeshifting demogorgon
aemiron-main · 6 months
There’s Something Down Here, Something In The Water: The Demogorgon vs Will’s Fake Body
So, I talked in this post about the similarities between the Project Rainbow poster and Will’s flaying:
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And today, I was taking a closer look at that Project Rainbow poster, and noticed that line up at the top (which is also dialogue that’s said by one of Brenner Sr’s men when the Eldridge ends up in Dimension X)- “there’s something down here, there’s something in the water”.
Now, what else was referred to as a thing and was in the water?
Will’s fake body in S1 was.
Joyce calls Will’s fake body a “thing,” when arguing with the employee at the morgue AND during her argument with Jonathan:
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And as we know, it was found in the water at the quarry:
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And what’s extra interesting here is that in TFS, the “thing in the water,” in question is a Demogorgon, attacking the crew of the Eldridge, AND the Demogorgon in S1 repeatedly gets referred to as a “thing,” just like Will’s fake body does- Joyce calls the Demogorgon a “thing” qhen talking with Jim (which, interestingly enough, Jim is also talking about Will’s body being found in the quarry during this scene- so yet again, Will’s quarry body and the Demogorgon are further connected):
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And Jim calls the Demogorgon a “thing,” when talking to Jonathan at the morgue- which, having this dialogue being said AT THE MORGUE, right before Joyce runs out yelling about Will’s body is yet ANOTHER connection between Will’s body and the Demogorgon- they couldve added this line about the Demogorgon during any scene, but they chose to add it into a scene that specifically centers around Will’s fake body:
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And Jonathan refers to the Demogorgon as “thing” at Will’s funeral- and specifically, he says “when this thing is dead,” which is yet ANOTHER connection between Will and the Demogorgon, because he’s saying this at Will’s funeral- yknow, with Will being presumed dead??
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And Nancy also calls the Demogorgon a “thing,” during the scene in her bedroom right before her and Jonathan start theorizing about the Demogorgon being attracted to blood:
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And Brenner also calls the Demogorgon a “thing,” when he’s interrogating Joyce:
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So, this all begs the question: why is Will’s “fake” body being paralleled to a Demogorgon? Why are both Will’s body and the Demogorgon being referred to as a “thing,” PLUS the further comparison of the “thing in the water” being a Demogorgon versus Will’s fake body also being a “thing” that was found in the water???
Especially with Will constantly being in front of the The Thing poster on the night of his vanishing:
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Well, it might tie into something that I’ve spoken about a bit before/am currently working on as part of a draft (and as part of the Doppelganger/Demogorgon analysis video I’m working on)- the idea that Will’s “fake” body in the quarry (not the one Hopper cut open, as the two bodies seem to move differently and likely aren’t the same body/the body Hopper cuts doesn’t have the same flexibility/joints that we see with the Quarry body) was actually a Doppelganger, shapeshifted into Will.
(Which, if you’re confused about the shapeshifting Doppelganger thing, go and read this post re: the fact that the ST “Demogorgon” is NOTHING like the DND Demogorgon and instead is EXTREMELY similar to a DND Doppelganger, and therefore, the ST “Demogorgon” might have shapeshifting abilities just like the DND Doppelganger does.)
This would explain how the lab somehow managed to perfectly replicate Will’s body and clothes from the night he vanished- they didn’t. A Doppelganger did, and the Doppelganger was what was in the quarry (and the fake body that Jim cuts up was likely then based on the Doppelganger, making the entire process of creating a fake Will body much easier because they now have an identical reference to create a mold from + they also don’t need to replicate his clothes because the Doppelganger already did that AND they dont need his clothes for the scenes at the morgue).
Especially since DND Doppelgangers CAN replicate clothes and gear:
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And all of this + the weird connections between Will and Brenner Sr makes me wonder if this ties into an idea I had about Brenner Sr- that he may have never left Dimension X, and that the “Brenner Sr” that we saw on his deathbed was actually a Doppelganger. And so, maybe part of the reason for the connections between Will and Brenner Sr is the idea that both of them were imitated by Doppelgangers.
Long story short: there’s something weird as hell going on here.
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aloneinthehellfire · 6 months
GOH: The Monsters
Gates Of Hell
Below are the creatures that appear in GOH with a little description for each. I have received a few asks about them and thought I'd put them all in one place (these will be updates as the story progresses).
[note to self: don't search scary stuff at 1am.]
taglist: @toomanyfandomsimfanvergent . @sheisjoeschateau . @kthomps914 . @curled-hair-red-lips . @nix-rose . @palmtreesx3 . @kryztalglear . @sattlersquarry . @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep . @sadslasher13 . @iliveonteaandbooks . @innercreationflower . @newyorkangelbaby . @totally-bogus-timelady
Warnings: horror, inspired images of monsters, thalassophobia, i genuinely had to sleep with the lights on with all the research i did into these monsters
Introduced in: Part One
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Tall, grey, and thin monsters with elongated limbs. They first appear as 'faceless' until they unfurl their flesh in a flower formation, showcasing many sharp teeth. The demogorgon is fast and strong, relying strongly on hearing to stalk its prey.
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Adolescent demogorgons, smaller in size and not unlike the stance of a dog. They carry a virus; any victims they strike (and don't kill) will be infected.
The Infected
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Normal people turned monsters from a virus spread by the demodogs. Black veins spread across their body, eventually reaching the brain and turning them feral. The last stage of the virus rips into the flesh of their face, uncurling in four pieces with scattered teeth.
Mind Flayer
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An entity made up completely of black particles, its shadow representing a closeness to the appearance of a spider. The dust itself has the power to control the bodies of other monsters, both alive and dead.
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Creatures that stalk their prey, mimicking familiar voices to lure their victims. Their true form is thin with grey skin covered in dark veins, long black hair cascading down their head. They have hollow eyes and can unhinge their jaw to 'mimic'. In order to shift, they must observe their desired shape head to toe.
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Built abnormally, the creature is larger in size and most noticeable for its unsettling grin. It has immense strength and will usually focus their sights on one victim until successfully killing them.
The Green-eyed Monster
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An unknown creature found in the lab. It resembles a demogorgon but is physically larger and taller, weaponising the claws on its hands. Its most noticeable feature is the vivid green in its eyes, glowing even in the shadows.
Introduced in: Part Two
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A shadowy figure that stalks the Upside Down. When catching its victim, it can flood their body full of dust until they no longer breathe. They can not be 'killed', but once defeated they will deplete into a pile of ash on the floor.
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Pale human-like creatures that seemingly hover due to their speed, relying on sound due to their blurred vision. They have a gaping mouth that can blast a debilitating scream, the pitch enough to paralyse their victims in endless pain before death.
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Giant leeches restricted to large bodies of water. It drags its victims deep down and curls around it until death. It will most likely digest the corpse after.
to be continued...
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
Eldritch Horror!Reader HC
'Cause I have no self control.
Warnings: Feral Reader, Body Horror, References to Reader acting Animalistic, Teratophilia (Relatively SFW)
EH!Reader was originally quite and unassuming, but slowly got more and more feral as time went along. Hey, if the humans are allowed to go apeshit and overblot, then why can’t they do the same???
Gonna keep their true form as vague as possible as to allow more creative freedom. Bu~ut EH!Reader is able to shapeshift by essentially splitting their flesh open and having their insides become their outsides (think sort of like how the demogorgon’s head works). They’re true form is not fleshy nor does it resemble a humans. They’re much bigger and are barely humanoid.
They can also unhinge their jaw and swallow things whole, have sharp teeth and claws, has inhuman strength, speed and endurance, and can typically brush off major attacked. Their organs also can shift, so damage to them doesn’t appose much of a risk since they can just self-heal in a way.
Most of the beastmen, fae, and merfolk students could sense something was off about them, but were never quite able to put their finger on it. Leona and Ruggie just shrugged it off, more so on Leona’s end. Jack didn’t want to come off as invasive and just chalked it up to them not originating from TWST. The Tweels were curious, especially Floyd, and could subtly pick up their bad aura. Azul would never admit it, but he felt threatened by them upon first meeting and reconsidered making a deal in fear of unforeseen repercussions. Malleus and Lilia knew right off the bat something wasn’t right, but like Jack, chalked it up to them not being from this world. And Sebek, poor baby’s senses couldn’t fully pick up on them not being human due to only being half fae, and kicks himself for not being better at protecting Malleus from possible threats.
As mentioned above, as time goes along and EH!Reader becomes more comfortable around the others, they become more feral and affectionate. Hugging, cuddling, rubbing up against, and creating this deep, low rumble sound akin to a purr (it’s not, but Ace is convinced it is). They can be pretty aggressive with their affection sometimes, pushing down someone and getting on top of them like a demandful cat. *Side eyes Leona*
But EH!Reader’s favorite form of affection is the most terrifying because they just straight up unhinge their jaw and gently naws on the head of their target friend. It’s like a weird form of kiss. They especially love doing this with ADeuce and the other 1st years. Most don’t like it because EH!Reader is like a fucking beartrap and could easily bite their heads off why would anyone like this??? Vil especially hates it because it has ruined his hair and makeup, so now he’s constantly on guard incase the prefect decides to surprise attack him like the menace they are.
Speaking of which, Vil isn’t too fond of EH!Reader, but they sure do like him. Kind of. Pre-overblot, they hated him due to making Epel cry. During overblot, EH!Reader revealed their true form for the first time so they could punch Vil. And post-overblot, they now like him. He smells nice and gives them poisoned apples as treats.
Yes, the eldritch creature can eat poisoned apples. The poison gives it its zest and they like the crunch.
Ace: Hey guys, check this out.
Everyone: ?
Ace, holding an apple in his palm: Y/N, look, treat!
EH!Reader: !!! *Opens maw and tongue immediately shoots out and grabs the apple, then swallows it whole*
Everyone, horrified: wth
Speaking of nawing on things, they want to nom on Azul’s tentacles like a chew toy after seeing his overblot form. Azul’s previous discomfort has now been upgraded to legit fear. He actively avoids the abomination for his own safety.
EH!Reader loves to playwrestle with Floyd since the eel doesn’t hold back and can, surprisingly, hold his own against them. If Jade joins, even better. If Floyd is in his merform, great, at least Floyd lets them nom on his tail. If both twins are in their merform and roughhousing with them, they are one happy little eldritch beast.
Also, nearly lost it the first time they saw Jamil breakdance ‘cause like, it has the same energy as roughhousing, but without the violence, and that’s just so cool? They can’t dance like he can, but will move their body just as aggressively if not more so. Jamil just takes it as a challenge and goes hard.
Screaming matches with the Heartslabyul flamingos. One called them a bitch and they weren’t gonna take that lying down.
EH!Reader is banned from participating in the Bean Fest ‘cause it doesn’t take a genius to realize how much of a bad idea that is. Do not let the literal eldritch creature hunt other students for sport. Just don’t.
Speaking of hunting. Rook. EH!Reader does not like him. He’s invasive, stalks people, and purposefully provokes non-human students for his own personal gain. Does not like being viewed as prey by some annoying mortal and hurled this blond, French bitch across the training field after getting too close to their gaping maw while they were yawning.
To answer the pressing question: Could EH!Reader take on Lilia or even Malleus? The answer: Yes, but only if magic wasn’t involved. Just because they’re an interdimensional eldritch abomination with the strength of a demigod, doesn’t mean they can combat literal magic. Like, the whole reason Malleus is so powerful is due to his magic abilities, so he could easily use some spell to restrain and overpower them if need be.
Not like Malleus would do that anyway because holy Great Seven, they’re his bffl and the two go on night walks and EH!Reader is openly affectionate with this touch-starved dragon. Little creature even grabbed his horns and forcefully pulled him down so they could sniff at them before giving him their special form of “kiss.”
Surprisingly, is mostly well behaved for the professors, specifically Crewel. It took a while for the others to start noticing just how receptive they are towards Crewel’s weird form of appraisal/scolding. Apparently getting called a “Good pup!” and receiving headpats is a quick way to get them to behave.
Disclaimer: Don’t actually treat EH!Reader like an animal or pet. They will bite you. And not in the friendly way.
Fiercely protective of their friends and will not hesitate to maul someone or something that dares to harm them. They even nearly killed an assassin who attempted to kill Kalim when the two of them snuck away from Jamil to hang out. Jamil now occasionally lets EH!Reader watch over Kalim so he can have a break.
Everyone: The ghost bride won’t accept anyone as her groom and she keeps slapping us! What are we to do?!
EH!Reader: I can devour her if ya want.
Everyone: What.
EH!Reader: What.
Whenever they’re in a new environment or meet a new person, they sniff everything. And not just a simple sniff where you take two whiffs and move on, I mean they will go around smelling any and everything for a good while to really take it all in. Partially this is to become familiar with everything and to rule out any dangers, but it’s also because they like the smell of certain things. Like mentioned above, they like how Vil smells, but also enjoys Trey, Cater, ADeuce, Lilia, Sam, Kalim, Idia, Ruggie, and even Grim’s scent as well.
EH!Reader: *Smelling a bookcase*
Ace: Ohh, getting a good sniff in, eh Y/N?
Deuce: They’ve been smelling that bookcase for nearly 30 minutes...
Ace: Eh, they’re just taking it all in.
Think this little creature only smells things? Wrong. EH!Reader also scents things and people using these glands on their face (similar to how cats do). Once they’re comfortable with the person and trust them enough, they’ll rub their face against them in order to scent or “mark” them. Each person has a unique scent to them and EH!Reader does that as a form of identification. Nobody can smell it but them.
NPC Student: Ah, w-what are they doing?
Deuce: Oh, don’t worry, they’re just scenting you.
NPC Student: S-scenting???
Deuce: Yeah, it’s kind of a way for them to identify you, like a marker. Don’t worry, they do it to people they like.
If it were not for the laws of this land, EH!Reader would have slaughtered Crowley by now. 
Actually, it’s probably best never to let them near anyone who’s wronged their friends... *Side eyes Riddle, Jamil, and Leona’s Families*
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givehimthemedicine · 10 months
why did the mothergate open where it did?
[ updated excerpt from my Dec '22 big analysis post ]
ok so. when Vecna opens gates, they all form on the exact spot directly above/below the victim's body, right?
just like both other times El opened gates - they formed smack dab on her "victims". on the chalkboard right behind the demogorgon and the wall right behind One.
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but with the mothergate, El taps the demogorgon on the shoulder, screams, and a gate forms... on a random wall across the room?
are we all just accepting that?
shouldn't the mothergate have opened at the demogorgon's location?
if El was the opener, that would make the demogorgon the "victim" (not that that dynamic applies but I'm sticking with it), so according to the pattern of all others, the gate should've opened right where it was standing at the moment El "contacted it".
how do I know a gate didn't open on the demogorgon? well, besides that we saw where it did open, and it wasn't there - that isn't how gates work.
gates don't connect the victim's location to the opener's location. the opener's location doesn't seem to be affected at all, as far as I can tell.
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plus, we're shown the exact spot where the demogorgon was in UD Hawkins before the gate opened. if Joyce or Hopper noticed a gate in the ground, they sure don't point it out.
so am I saying we've got it backwards? that the demogorgon was the opener and El was actually the victim because the gate opened near her?
that doesn't satisfy me either, because it didn't form right ON her. with El as the victim, we should have seen the floor crack apart right under her water tank.
neither El nor the demogorgon fit as the victim.
so we must choose whether to believe the mothergate, for reasons unknown, behaves differently from every other gate in that regard.
let's say it doesn't.
what if, just like every other gate, the mothergate formed exactly where the victim was. the real one.
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picture: One - Vecna? is he Vecna yet in 83? Onevecbrenhenward? whatever tf I'm supposed to be calling this guy - in the Upside Down lab during El's water tank experiment. right up against that wall where that crack opens.
even lacking supernatural ways he could know what's going on, we know the RU can simply be overheard from the UD.
either way, he knows El will be in a state of extra psychic receptiveness while in her tank and that it would be a perfect opportunity to intercept her (if this isn't just Brenner's whole real objective in the first place).
if he thinks that El created the RR gate in '79 with extreme negative emotion, it's a reasonable plan to try to reconnect with her and scare the shit out of her in hopes that it'll create another gate.
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look where exactly that gate formed. look how low the crack started. not even just "at accessible human height" (as opposed to lifted a bit off the ground like in '79) but lower. at sitting human height.
isn't it kinda giving...
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no, really, clock the potential similarities between what I'm proposing and the soteria basement scene.
bro is on an underground floor of the lab. seated, back up against a wall, to brace for a major life changing event - more specifically, the undoing of a prior major event, which was certainly not a pleasant experience the first time - relying on Eleven to free him. literal escape hole in the room. same could all apply, no? they even gave the lab basement blue lighting like the Upside Down, which is not merely how they portray all unlit interiors.
this would also be consistent with the pattern of El only making horizontal gates, while One makes vertical gates (if he really was sitting there, the gate could just as easily have formed under him as opposed to behind him. not sure what this means, just saying)
and if true, this would mean that One isn't the demogorgon - at least, not that demogorgon at that moment, in a bodily, shapeshifting way - because that demogorgon is near Castle Byers at the moment the mothergate opened, not ten feet away against the lab wall.
"but we know El opened the mothergate by making contact with the demogorgon! they told us so right on the show!"
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that's what Dustin and Lucas think, because that's how El explained it to them, because that was her best idea of how it worked back then.
"but it was the demogorgon she tapped on the shoulder! we saw it happen! it was clearly him!"
the way I think that could still work is: even if that demogorgon isn't One, like in a shapeshifting or Kali-vision way, it is under One's control, like in a Will/Billy/hive way. in other words, maybe it can be psychically One without being physically One.
and if you make psychic contact with somebody/something who is actually under another entity's psychic control, wouldn't it probably be the controlling entity you'll actually be contacting? like when Joyce tried to talk to possessed Will and it was clearly not him at the controls anymore?
again, whoever El truly achieved "psychic contact" with was not whatever was by Castle Byers, or else the gate should've formed there, right?
so then what happened after the gate opened?
I'm too unsure about this part to make real claims, but there are a few facts we have for a framework.
seems like the show wants us to think the demogorgon came through the mothergate practically immediately, but this is almost certainly not the case. I just did a post explaining the evidence, but tldr; some time greater than mere moments actually passed (I'm feeling at least many minutes, up to several hours) between these events.
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and we know that at the moment the gate opened, the demogorgon was by Castle Byers.
and we know that the Byers live a little under 2 miles from the lab.
so even a demogorgon immediately summoned at a full sprint would need a little time to travel ~2 miles from the Byers' area to HNL to climb through the gate. I'm not saying I'm all in on that idea (the demogorgon's supposed path through Hawkins that night is wack), but I am saying it fits with the fact that there was a delay between the gate opening and something coming in through it.
since I'm proposing One was right there on the other side of the gate from the moment it formed, why would he not just step through? not sure about that.
is he able to?
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back to my point about possible tank room parallels to the soteria scene, and there being a literal escape hole in the room - that was a hole One himself couldn't actually go through. he opened it to send someone else through. so if the parallel holds true, there's some basis there for him not being able to bodily pass through the mothergate either.
if he really couldn't come through, why not? was he so changed that the RU has become toxic to him now? did the gate opening process dematerialize him again? would his presence in the RU screw up a timeline in a way he doesn't want? idk.
if he did come through - like, in the form of the/a demogorgon or something else - why did he wait a while first?
anyway. this needs some work but you can pry the mothergate location problem from my cold dead hands
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eriquin · 3 months
Wiggly Worm Wednesday!! 🧠🪱
Tagged by @pearynice!
What brainworms do I have about my WIPs today?
I'm almost done with both The Third Task and High Marks and Low Riders. With The Third Task, I just need to figure out how to wrap up the magic stuff going on with Sil and either get the leads married or clearly on their way to it, happily ever after. The whole point of the regency-style fic was having Prince Malroth find a bride, so it wouldn't work if it doesn't end up that way.
With HM&LR, I'm finishing up the big fight and then there's recovery. And they also end up married, but they're going to say it's for spousal testimonial privilege reasons. The fic seriously needs editing, though.
Once I'm done with both of these, I need to replace them with something on my regular WIP work list. I don't know what, though. Probably the sequel to Of Queens and Builders.
Crown of Thorns isn't exactly wrapping up, but it's getting to part 2. I don't know if I want to cut it and actually make a part 2 or not. The tone shift will be significant. Basically, Eddie's alive again (yay), Vecna's dead (yay!), Wayne isn't back yet, but he's coming back, and pieces are moving around in such a way to set up some steddie cohabitation scenes. Also, Eddie has powers but doesn't know that he has powers because of the trauma of coming back from the dead (sort of). And Will might be haunted by Vecna's ghost. Whoops.
(I'm torn about expanding Claudia's family backstory and maybe giving Wayne something similar. I think he's probably familiar with the weird shit that goes on in the world in one way or another, but I don't know how that's going to work out.)
The Trolley Problem is cruising towards the climax of Season 1, probably a day early. There are so many more players now that the kids are not going to be left alone in the school to deal with the government, but that isn't necessarily a good thing. That means more potential victims for the demogorgon and/or the government agents. I don't think I want to kill any of them off, though. I might kill off Carol's dad, but he hasn't been in any scenes yet, so maybe not.
The Oracle of Roane County is coming along but I'm not ready to start publishing it yet. We're going to see some Jason Carver not being an asshole, which should confuse the hell out of everyone. Chrissy's not dead, so he's more willing to listen.
Cat's in the Cradle is also coming along, to the point of me hitting my limit of how much I want to put in one doc before publishing it, so maybe more posts about it will come out soon. I know how it ends. Eddie's as a shapeshifter will be a key player in the big fight, and he gets at least one more cool form before the end.
That's all the active stuff right now. It's been hot here so I haven't been actively working on much, but there are always stuff in the back of my head for where things were going.
@beenherewaytoolong @weronlystardust @afewproblems @too-many-blorbos @hbyrde36
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madwheelerz · 2 years
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wearelondonhq · 1 year
can you give some info about the monsters for the plot drop? like I'm trying to look up what a clicker is but knowing our specific version would be helpful
Of course! Here's a little info on each of the monsters that popped up in London. But, hey, if someone ends up bumping into a creature not on this list, imaginations may just run wild...
dementors: a gliding, dark, ghost-like creature that feeds on human happiness and brings sadness and despair to everyone nearby. problems they cause: extreme sadness, cold, terror. defeat them with: bright lights, the patronus charm.
werewolves: a shapeshifting species (human to wolf!) can be extremely hostile and incredibly powerful/strong. their bite is venomous. problems they cause: physical injuries, bites. defeat them with: dodging their advances and finding the cure to their bites.
demogorgon: a humanoid creature with a flower-like head; the petals are lined with sharp teeth. it has super-human strength and is a typical predator. problems they cause: physical injuries. ways to defeat them: fire, bodily harm.
clicker: human-like creatures with fungus infected bodies and faces. they have extreme strength and attack to kill. problems they cause: physical injuries. ways to defeat them: fire, out run them, severe bodily harm.
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senatushq · 1 year
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The sad story of some of the first druids ended in the creation of the demogorgons, the patrol and guards of the Inferno. Druidic warriors of Eden who survived the rebellion of angels volunteered to guard the leaders of the rebel seraphim in their prisons. As they remained within the Inferno, the inherent corruption of the prison seeped into the souls of the shapeshifting druids. Hordes of souls filed in and the guards sank further and further until eventually they lost all memory or thought of their former lives, living creatures in the Inferno, the druids were transformed into demogorgons. Capable of reproduction, demogorgons are born in clutches, those killed are reincarnated in their lairs.
A demogorgon remembers nothing of who they were and loses the ability for speech and human thought during their transformation. Numerous, the birth of a demogorgon does not require a reincarnated druid, it was only the first of the druid warriors and gatekeepers who created this line of creatures. Found most often in lairs near where the circles join, demogorgons hunt and kill anything that comes across their path, including those trying to escape. If devoured by a demogorgon, a soul is lost forever and fed into the bedrock of the Inferno.
Extended lifespan, can live up to five-hundred years.
Formidable Strength.
Infernal physiology.
Resistant to hellfire and magic.
Reinforced skin.
Mortal wounds will kill it.
Vulnerable in infancy.
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aemiron-main · 9 months
True Sight, Doppelgangers, Shapeshifter and Will’s Powers (And Why is Brenner Basically Every DND Monster in ST?)
So, I’m working on a BUNCH more posts about DND Doppelgangers and ST and greater vs lesser Doppelgangers and how that ties into the two different grey “Demogorgons” we see in ST, but right now, I want to talk about Will and Doppelgangers.
And, as we know, I already talked in this post about how the “Demogorgon” in ST is basically nothing like the DND Demogorgon, but is basically IDENTICAL to a DND Doppelganger.
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And so, getting into the content of this post, while Doppelgangers CAN choose to drop their disguise/reveal their true form, it’s much harder to reveal them by force/forcibly see their true nature.
But there is one way to do this:
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True sight.
In DND, there’s one way to reveal the true form of a doppelganger (specifically a Greater Doppelganger), and that’s true sight. The power that not only allows people to see into the Ethereal Plane (which is a whole other topic on its own that I have a draft on), but also allows them to reveal the true form of Doppelgangers.
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So, if that grey-skinned ST “Demogorgon” was shapeshifting into people, like I think it’s been (especially when it comes to Brenner, which we’ll come back to later), then Will is basically the only person who would be able to see its true form.
Also, on the topic of True Sight, something else that’s really interesting to me is that True Sight also allows you to see secret doors.
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Which would tie perfectly into what I talked about in this post re: the “secret door”/disappearing door in the Creel house, and Max and Lucas talking about a “door to a secret lair.”
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I would love if, in S5, Will ended up in the current-day Creel house (the one without the disappearing door), but was able to see the door/see into the other timeline.
Which, conveniently, the giant rift/crack that went through the Creel house seems to have missed that room entirely- leaving it mostly intact. (it would be on screen left in the following screenshot, the room behind Victor’s study, and the rift seems to have gone right through the hallway/foyer, but not through that room)
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Also, when I brought up this whole concept of Will and True Sight and Doppelgangers to James and Stav and Wilbur, James @henrysglock mentioned the scene from the “Papa,” script where Will recognizes Brenner:
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And the idea of Will having True Sight and seeing Brenner for what he truly is in the context of all of Brenner’s weird shapeshifter/doppelganger imagery (and staring at the weird massacre “Henward” that looks and acts weirdly like Brenner) & True Sight being able to see doppelgangers for what they really are.
So, maybe that’s a.) why Will has been kept away from Brenner so much by the writers and b.) why Will seeing Brenner and recognizing him was such a big deal- maybe he wasn’t recognizing Brenner’s human face- maybe he was recognizing the “Demogorgon,”/that true “monstrous” form- maybe he was recognizing what he saw on the road that night:
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I’m honestly not sure what the answer is, but I AM pretty sure that Will’s true sight abilities and him recognizing Brenner are going to tie into all of the doppelganger stuff in ST somehow.
Also, I know that in this post, I talked about Doppelgangers being more animalistic/creature-like rather than super intelligent and human, and while that’s still the case, there’s also a difference between regular Doppelgangers and Greater Doppelgangers, and True Sight is also mentioned to work on Greater Doppelgangers (that screenshot article snippet about True Sight is from the wiki about Greater Doppelgangers), and Greater Doppelgangers are far more intelligent and human-like.
This would also track with the two different grey “Demogorgons” we see in ST- we see this much more animalistic grey creature that jumps around rapidly, but then we ALSO see a far more human-like grey “Demogorgon” creature that lumbers around on two legs:
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Which, you might be thinking that’s a stretch for there to be two different “Demogorgons,” but not only is it super obvious when you watch the differences in how they move, but one of them is CGI.
Whereas the other is literally played by a guy in a practical suit, explaining those more human movements:
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I wont be surprised if those two creatures are meant to be paralleled to regular Doppelgangers and Greater Doppelgangers, respectively, and if whatever creature Brenner is (or whatever creature is imitating Brenner), is paralleled to a Greater Doppelganger.
So, Brenner is Demogorgon, and a Greater Doppelganger, and he’s also somehow the Mindflayer and Vecna. Great. Perfect. (im going insane)
Which, I mean, that does make sense, honestly.
Because when it comes to Brenner as Demogorgon, there’s everything I talked about in this post with Brenner and DND Demogorgon’s similarities.
And when it comes to Brenner as a Greater Doppelganger, that’s what this post you’re currently reading is about.
And when it comes to Brenner as a DND Mindflayer/as the Mindflayer, we have:
A.) TFS and scenes like Patty holding the ST Mindflayer drawing up right in front of Brenner’s face:
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B.) The way that ST Vecna resembles a DND Mindflayer way WAY more than than the ST Mindflayer does (versus the Brenner-Vecna) stuff, and how Brenner and Vecna (and the weird Brenner-esque 001 during NINA) all have the personality traits of a DND Mindflayer (egomaniac, superiority complex, controlling, etc etc)
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(which, I also have this old post expanding on this topic- just take it with a grain of salt every time that post says “henry” and please mentally insert 001/Brenhenryward/Brenner/Vecna/whoeever the hell this is atp)
And when it comes to Brenner as Vecna, there’s everything that James and Stav and I have talked about re: the Brenner-Vecna transformation scene and the idea of Brenner having merged himself with Henry or Edward, and all of the weird Brenner-Vecna parallels.
My point is, the DND stuff in ST is very weirdly, calculatedly, WRONG all of the time. The ST “Mindflayer” looks nothing like a DND Mindflayer but DOES resemble things like the Scalepox Cloud created by DND Demogorgon, and the ST Demogorgon is NOTHING like the DND Demogorgon, but Brenner IS like the DND Demogorgon, and ST Vecna looks WEIRDLY like a DND Mindflayer, but ST Vecna also looks weirdly like Brenner during his transformation scene etc etc, POINT IS, all roads with the “weird DND stuff that’s ‘wrong’ in ST” thing lead back to Brenner.
There’s something super super weird going on here. I wish I had more answers. I just have 10 million questions.
Why is everyone Brenner?
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Under Pressure (The Eighties Blasts Collection, Part 10.)
Description: Jim Hopper died as a hero. But with that, one certain problem rises up - who will now lead the cops of Hawkins? Hopper thought of that - he decided to write a letter, naming his niece, nineteen-year-old student of Indianapolis police academy, Y/N Hopper as a sheriff deputy in a letter. But anybody in the town doesn’t have a clue that being a cop in Hawkins is way more dangerous than it might seem.
Part Summary: The Shapeshifter is after the reader and it is ready to hunt her down at any chance it gets. Friendships are getting more valuable than ever before.
A/N: Sooo, we are getting into the motion! Inspired by the Stranger Things Vol. 1 Score (The Upside Down) and season 3 soundtrack (mainly by Mirkwood, In the Void and Find the Source).
Word Count: 2.6 K
Tagging: @charmed-asylum​ @nemodoren​
Master list: The Eighties Blast Collection
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You've slept through the whole day while everyone was leaving, one at a time. You've passed the test on A+. Whatever Mind Flayer and Shapeshifter wanted from you, they didn't make you their spy. The air in the room was boiling hot, you were sleeping under three blankets and yet, you didn't move you at all. You just slept through it.
By seven o'clock in the evening, there was only Steve remaining in the cab with you. He was watching the TV and taking a nap in Hopper's armchair, just ten minutes ago, even though he was shoving some sandwiches down his throat. He knew you would tell him that he looks like a duck, not even chewing the food.
You slowly woke up and yawned out loud, stretching your back. You were sweating like hell, you even smelled - and truly, there was nothing to wonder.
You didn't wake him up, just let him sleep through the episode full of tension and dead people while you took a shower. The bruise you had on the arm was nothing but scary. Shapeshifter could crush your bones if it wanted to.
It was nice knowing that someone was with you in the cabin, especially after what happened just that very afternoon. Demogorgons were real - and there even was a shape-shifting one.
When you hopped out of the shower, you put some comfy old clothes on and finally decided to wake Steve up. He almost threw all the food to the ground as he freaked up.
"Jesus, can you calm down?" - You cried at him and caught the plates before they fell down. Steve sat straight and pulled the armchair so his feet were no longer in the air.
"I'm sorry! I had some pretty wild dreams about the things that happened today and you touch me in the middle of Demogorgon just stretching for my face! What did you expect?" - He said back as you both put the food on the coffee table.
"Come on then, I'll catch you a ride home. Time to wake up, Sleeping beauty." - You answered back a bit ironically and threw an old jacket on. Steve nervously stood up and straightened his jeans since they were crinkly from his very vivid nightmare.
"Are you sure?" - The boy hesitantly came after you with his palms in his jeans, putting his jacket on as well. - "Do you really want to stay here all alone? In this cab? We have a pretty comfortable couch." - Steve asked quietly with a serious worry in his voice.
"I'm more than positive that I'll stay home today, Harrington. This is a completely safe zone, don't worry." - You locked the door and walked to the car, playing with the keys between your fingers. You didn't know where Steve learned to be so nice. That was actually sweet, you needed to say.
"Give me the keys, I will give you a ride." - Steve reached out his palm, but you only laughed a bit. - "You were attacked and you're sick. It will be better if I drive." - Steve said when you were still watching him with an interesting face.
"Steve, even if you drove me to your house, I will have to drive myself back here. I'm feeling fine, I swear. The Shapeshifter didn't hurt me that bad. I can still take care of myself." - You swore on your dear life, climbing behind your pickup's steering wheel. Steve sat next to you with a dumb grin on his face.
"I haven't thought that far, sorry." - He excused his need to drive you to his house, immediately taking a deep breath before he continued. - "Are you sure you can do it on your own here? The whole night? The Shapeshifter might be anywhere right now and it showed you some pretty wild images."
"Steve, listen." - You turned your face to him, letting the started engine running. - "I can survive a night in my very own home. The thoughts won't throw me off the rails. The Shapeshifter could be anywhere, yeah, so what would it do at my house? Don't worry, man, it's going to be alright. Thank you for caring, I greatly appreciate all of it, but you're taking it a bit too far."
After that, you started the radio, letting the station play some of the blast jams - like Wham!, Police or Bonnie Tyler. You enjoyed every song, drumming to it, but it was almost awfully quiet inside the car. When you stopped the engine in front of Steve's house, it was almost midnight. 
“Last chance, Hop.” - He said quietly, opening the door. 
“Sleep tight, Harrington. I will call you in the morning and you'll see, everything's gonna be just fine.” - You answered with a smile, telling him to finally go home and take some rest. After that, you finally drove home, having much to think about. It was Hopper. It had to be him - if it wasn't him, you would be completely destroyed and thrown off the rails. This gave you too much hope just not to be true.
But where was he and what was he doing there? Was he alright? Or was he in danger? You closed your eyes as you turned back to your driveway, exhaling out loud. That was a fucking wild day and you slept through the most of, so you didn't feel the need to relax. 
You planned to write everything down and to try to think about it, so you could come up with a plan eventually. Just as you slowly parked your old Chevy on the spot, you noticed someone standing in the woods, watching you. That sent chills down your spine, you wouldn't lie about that. 
But that didn't exactly mean it was the Shapeshifter. It couldn't track you down, it didn't know where you live and it ran off to the woods. It was hurt and it surely needed some time to recover. Plus that just looked like a little girl standing in the moonlight. 
Slowly, you got out of your car, taking your flashlight with you, pointing at the small figure. When you got close enough, the chills were gone. You relaxed and told yourself that it cant be the Shapeshifter. That was just impossible.
“Hey!” - You yelled at the kid who was still watching you getting closer. Their clothes were torn, their face looked awfully pale. Could it be a kid lost in the woods? - “What are you doing here so late at a cold night? Is everything alright? Are you lost?” - You were still coming closer to that small child, smiling at them and slowly getting on your knees. They were more than thirty feet away from, it was still considered a safe distance. 
The blood stopped running in your veins when you watched the kid get on their hands, walking on all four now. The Shapeshifter. It did find you and it did track you down. Thirty feet now seemed to be just a few inches as you got on your legs and raced to your cabin, the flashlight going suddenly off. You locked yourself in and hid behind the couch, but you could hear it lurking around the cabin, searching for the entrance. 
The monster was making deep noises, surely by their mouth, which sounded like silent growling. You could hear the terrace wood shrieking under its weight as it slowly made its way there. You would swear that you haven't been more scared in your whole entire life. Slowly, you managed to crawl without making a sound through the whole cabin, taking your revolver from the kitchen counter. For the love God, at least it was loaded. 
Then, you noticed its fingers on the window, barely touching it, yet it made so unpleasant sounds that your ears hurt. It was still growling - and in the next second, it jumped to the cabin. You were fucked. The monster smelled your scent instantly, pointing its head to your direction. Its right shoulder was still hurt, so one of its limbs wasn't working as it should. 
Before it could jump on you to bite your head or something else off, you ran to the door, unlocking the lock in a harshly, almost ripping the lock out of the wood. You made it out, yes, but that barely meant anything. The Shapeshifter was just behind you, trying to get through the wooden barrier. 
You ran to your car as fast as you could, thanking God that you barely locked the door. You were in at no time, but another thing was coming - the engine was struggling to start and the Shapeshifter just made a whole-ass hole in your door. There was no time left to spend, do you locked the car and prayed for the motor to start. 
The monster was following you on all four, growling, walking at a slow pace, its head pointed to your car. You felt uneasy, but you managed not to give up. You heard as it jumped on the trunk and you almost felt that you're as good as dead - that was the moment the engine started and roared through the whole, quiet forest around your cabin. The lights were on and you pushed the gas so hard you felt the pedal touching the floor.
With the sudden outburst of speed, you heard the monster falling down, hitting the locked door on the back of the trunk. You hit the breaks violently and the Shapeshifter fell flat on the driver's cabin back. After that, you turned right, leaving the driveway and rode towards Hawkins. If any cop would've stopped you, you had no excuse to drive almost fifty miles per hour. 
When you passed the first lights that included you’re inside Hawkins, the trunk suddenly straightened as the monster jumped off, making the car jump a bit. You slowed down and looked back just to see it running inside the woods again.
Right you stopped and heavily breathed out, leaning your forehead to the steering wheel. Right, what were your options? You definitely couldn't be your cabin anymore - the Shapeshifter was not dumb, it would you there again in no time. Plus, it was in a kind of unusable state at the moment. Police station? YOu had a day off and you hadn't keys and the alarm code. Karen’s? Not an option this late at night. Dustin's? No way. Harrington’s. That was your only remaining option. Steve had a big house back in your day and it was fairly easy to climb into the window of his room.
With that, you drove through Hawkins at the speed of light. You needed to be inside of a building as soon as possible before the monster could come for you again. You stopped a street away from his house, ran to it and climbed the fence to get into their garden. You snatched a few stoned from Steve’s mom’s garden, standing under his window. You just hoped that the idiot isn't already asleep.
You started to throe the windows at his window, not missing a single one. They were only goddamn loud when they fell down on the roof of an extension. The light in the room lightened up and you almost started to cry with happiness. In the next minute, you were facing Steve, who was standing in the open window. 
“Who’s that? Wait for a second. Hop? Is that you? What are you doing here, goddamnit? It's one in the morning!” - Steve whisper-shouted at you, watching your silhouette in the light coming from the pool. - “If this is meant to be a great romantic gesture, I swear to God...”
“Can I have a sleepover at your house? Please?” - You whisper shouted back at him. You saw his face harden before he nodded, taking at least a t-shirt on before he climbed on the extension to help you climb it. You made a lot of noise, but at least, you felt a bit safe when he closed the window.
“Have you changed your mind? You look terrible if you ask me.” - Steve chuckled cockily, still whispering, but when he saw your face having any color and your arms trembling, he figured out that you're completely serious. 
“The Shapeshifter. It tracked me down, it knows where I live. I can’t come back to my cabin since it smashed my window and made a huge-ass hole in my door.” - You sat down on his bed as well and only after that, Steve was completely serious again. - “When I drove you home, I was thinking that it might need some rest to cover its shoulder, and I thought that I will be thinking about what I saw. But I stopped and it was just standing there, watching me.” 
“Couldn't you tell right away? It looked like the old lady, why couldn't you recognize it?” - Steve asked back, standing up to give you one of his old t-shirts with Hawkins’ High logo printed on it. You gladly accepted it, having at least something to change into. 
“That's the joke. It didn't look like that lady anymore. It was a small child, I would probably say a boy? I don't know?” - You asked yourself, looking at Steve.
“Wait? Was the boy this tall and had ashen hair? A red jacket with a clown on his back?” - Steve asked and gasped. You closed your eyes, re-imaging what happened, before nodding. It was the boy Steve was talking about.
“The small kid was Alex. He went missing just a week before you came to the town, he nor his corpse were found. I think you just figured what happened to him - the Shapeshifter killed it and dragged it to the woods to look like him.” - Steve exhaled quietly, looking down on his feet. 
“I have an idea. We will stop at the police department and I will go through the missing person cases, so we would know how it could be looking like. I'm sure that it won't feed on the small boy anymore. I've seen it. It knows that it has to change identities, it isn't dumb, after all.” - You whispered to Steve and he nodded instantly as he started to lay a sleeping bag onto the ground, locking the door. 
“This is all fucking crazy.” - You whispered when Steve turned away so you could change your clothes and crawl under his blanket. The bed was still warm when you laid there. 
“But we will manage to catch it and kill it, I swear to you. We've done this three times already and we won't let the Shapeshifter get you. Believe me. I will face it myself rather than seeing it having you.” - Steve wowed when he was turning the lights off. YOu nodded and smiled, even if he couldn't see you for shit. Before he left to lay down for the night as well, you caught his palm. 
“Thank you for everything, Harrington. I mean it.” - You whispered, holding his palm in yours. He squeezed it back and he was glad that you cant see him blushing like a fifth-grader. 
“As long as you keep your ass safe, there's no need to thank me, Hopper.”
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Okay I actually had a nightmare that I was being chased by the Demogorgon in my own apartment last night. Horror doesn’t usually do that to me so good job Stranger Things.
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emphoenixcat · 6 years
So I had a weird dream the other day and of course I was like why not share the weirdness with tumblr? Basically, I found this lost little kid. Turns out that she wasn’t completely human though, she was half monster. Not just any kind of monster, but like a demogorgon from Stranger Things. She could shapeshift from that to her human form and back whenever she wanted to. I guess she was created in a lab or something. Rather than getting rid of the child, I decided to try and raise her to not hurt people or domesticated animals, which turned out to be rather difficult of course. She had a huge appetite and particularly liked the taste of blood, so sometimes the monster side would take over and I’d have to talk her down from it even though I’d be terrified that one day she wouldn’t listen. Despite her sometimes failing and her monstrous demogorgon side taking over, I was pretty protective of the kid. She was constantly afraid that I wouldn’t love her anymore if she kept relapsing and hurting people. I assured her that I couldn’t hate her because I knew that the monster wasn’t actually her, it was something else. I’d hate the things she had done and some of her actions would be downright unforgivable, but I couldn’t hate her for them.
 And then at some point after I woke up, I realized that dream-me had said something similar to what my mom would always say to my brother after he was sober and afraid that she could no longer love him because of the things that he had said and done. 
And I was just like damn, aren’t dreams strange?
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strawberrybyers · 2 years
nothing wrong with being a casual viewer of stranger things, but how do you not pick up on the fact that will IS gay?? you clearly can’t be paying that much attention?? at this point i wouldn’t be surprised if the general audiences’ theories consist of ted being a shapeshifting demogorgon, joyce falls in love with murray, will kills mike to be with el, suzie is actually a russian spy, and nancy starts dating vecna.
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dreams-of-wings · 7 years
Imagine being a test subject like Eleven
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Imagine being a test subject in Hawkins labs, like Eleven, except you can shape-shift.
Being shown small animals like rodents and birds at first to practice.
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Working your way up to larger animals like dogs and cats.
Then later animals as big as horses.
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Having many mishaps along the way.
Sometimes just your hands or head would shift.
You found it funny.
“Why the long face?” (Your head was currently a horses head)
Papa, didn’t.
Finding out one day while in isolation, that you can shift into other people.
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Hiding this fact from Papa.
Acting like you can’t do it when they try to make you.
Still acting like you can’t even when they threaten you with isolation.
Breaking out one day by knocking out a guard and shifting into them.
You had to steal their clothes though.
Booking it as soon as you get outside the building.
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Hiding out in the woods for months or even years.
Constantly changing into different forest animals to keep the bad men from finding you.
Till that faitful day that Will goes missing.
You tried to protect the little boy and end up getting hurt in the process.
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Managing to still stay in hiding for a few more days.
Till finally your injuries are too much for you to handle.
You pass out infront of the group while they are out searching for clues - Eleven and Steve now with them.
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Being unable to hold your form while unconscious.
Not having any cloths when you’re human again.
The boys are quick to look away and freak out.
“Oh my god! OH my gOD! OH MY GOD!!”
Eleven not understanding the hullabaloo and going to you to cover you with her jacket.
Her inspecting you to check whether or not you are an imediate threat.
Her finding your numbers on your arm.
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This took!! Forever!!! But please enjoy this horrible evil Demogorgon + Demobat fusion because tbh this feels more like what a Kas!Eddie would look like to me? What do yall think?
There are like so many scrapped drawings for this. So so many. But after over a week and nearly 10 hours it is done and I'm never drawing this again. What I've learned from this experience is that I hate drawing and posing extra limbs, especially if they are wings and all attached in some way
I like to imagine demogorgonbat Eddie can shapeshift to look like his human self. Because I love putting characters into a false sense of security while something is wrong
[Reblogs are greatly appreciated!]
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clexmas23 · 3 years
Clextober is NEAR!
Let’s celebrate all things Clexa and one of the best seasons of the year! 
We’re talking fanart, fanvids, fanfics, mood-boards, photo manipulations, videos, fic recs, the works. You don’t have to participate every day. You can pick one, or three, or any combo you would like. Listed below are a few ideas to get your creativity going, but they are by no means strict guidelines. You do you, boo! 👻 
Remember to tag #Clextober21, #7DaysofClexa, and #(day/prompt) when posting. 
Example: #Clextober21 #7DaysofClexa #Day4 #Day4: Magic & Mystery, and of course, any other tags you’d like to add.
Day 1 - Red, Orange & Yellow All things Fall here. Cozy sweaters, flannel shirts, apple picking, changing seasons, fall festivities, sports team colors, bonfires, hayrides, baking, raking leaves! 
Does Clarke keep stealing Lexa’s favorite orange sweater, much to Lexa’s annoyance? Does Clarke’s red scarf fly off in a blustering autumn breeze only to be returned to her by a striking stranger with chestnut hair and the greenest eyes she’s ever seen? Is Lexa new to town and bumps into the most gorgeous woman she’s ever seen while at the annual Fall Festival? Does Lexa’s neighbor, Clarke, offer to rake her leaves for her, and while Lexa is very particular about her lawn care, she can’t say no because the thought of watching Clarke do manual labor is far too tantalizing? Does Clarke hide in a pile of leaves, waiting patiently to scare Lexa?
Day 2 - Pumpkin Spice Pumpkin patches, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin carving, pumpkin spice candles, all things pumpkins! 
Do Clarke and Lexa brush their hands as they reach for the perfect pumpkin in a pile of pumpkins? Does Clarke mercilessly tease Lexa for her exorbitant candle obsession but finally give in when she stumbles across the decadent scent of pumpkin spice candles? Is Lexa a barista who makes the best pumpkin spice latte on the planet and Clarke just has to stop by every day, for the latte of course, not the alluringly hot girl making it? Does Lexa bake Clarke, her new neighbor, pumpkin muffins as a welcome gift?
Day 3 - Monster Madness Vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, graveyards, aliens, beasts, frankenstein, demogorgons, creatures!
Is Clarke a human suddenly caught up in a civil war between the reigning vampire queen, Lexa, and the werewolves who are trying to overthrow her? Does Clarke lose a bet and has to walk into a graveyard at night, but just as she’s about to totally chicken out, her crush shows up daring her to go with that infuriating eyebrow raise of hers? Are Clarke and Lexa star-crossed lovers, destined to be together but forced apart by ancient traditions? Is Lexa the captain of the USCSS Nostromo, and Clarke is the new Executive Officer who insists it’s a good idea to land on an alien planet? 
Day 4 - It’s Haunted For Sure  Haunted houses, ghosts, urban legends, myths, campfire tales, creepy slumber parties, a spooky thrift store find!
Does Scaredy Cat Clarke try to put on a brave face when her best friend (aka her crush) insists on telling the creepiest stories she’s ever heard at their annual Halloween sleepover? Do Clarke and Lexa attend a haunted house with their respective dates only to wind up clinging to each other instead? Does Clarke buy an old radio from a thrift store when Lexa had a bad feeling about it, only to find out it has a mind of its own? Is Clarke a makeup artist for a haunted house and has to get up close and personal to a VERY gorgeous Lexa? Do Lexa and Clarke buy a house from the 1800s that Lexa insists has charm only to find out the place is being haunted by the little old lady who used to live there? Day 5 - Magic & Mystery Spells, potions, broomsticks, black cats, wishes, curses, witches, magic, murder mystery parties, Clue, escape rooms, unsolved murders, serial killers!
Is Clarke suspicious that Lexa might be a witch because of her massive collection of candles? Does Clarke find an old photograph of a gorgeous woman hidden in a dusty trunk only to be sucked into said picture and meet the mysterious woman from another time? Is Lexa a true crime fanatic who lures her girlfriend on a tour of the most infamous crime scenes in the country? Does Clarke go to a murder mystery party super confident she’ll figure out the murderer before anyone else only to be completely thrown off her game by the annoyingly aloof and beautiful Ms. Scarlett, aka Lexa?
Day 6 - Party Time Costume party shenanigans, clubbing, bobbing for apples, Halloween bar crawl, cider tasting, nighttime festivities! 
Does grumpy Lexa get dragged to a Halloween bar crawl but really start to enjoy it when she keeps running into a progressively tipsier (re: flirtier) Clarke? Does Clarke start a micro-cidery with her friends and decide to launch it on Halloween night, which turns out to be the best idea ever when the reporter assigned to cover the grand opening is none other than her former college crush, Lexa Woods? Do they click at a costume party but have no idea what the other looks like because, duh, costumes? Does one drunkenly confess her love for the other because she’s dressed as Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman isn’t afraid of anything? 
Day 7 - Free Day Happy Halloween, everyone! It’s FREE DAY! 
Didn’t see a theme that you wanted? Missed a day but now you suddenly have a brilliant idea? Today’s YOUR day.
If you need any more suggestions/inspiration, send me an ask. I’ll try my best to give you ideas, or you can always make a post for my friends and/or followers to come up with clever things for you.
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