#the ship and like. again that's not invalid or Not Canon or something im just more interested in WRITING about trent getting railed
raveneira · 6 months
Stop Lyin
'KawaSara fans just want everything to just be Naruto 2.0, they dont want anything new or different they only ship it cuz its like SS'
The same mfs sayin that:
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Stfu, the only ones your fooling are yourselves, your just fine with Naruto 2.0, but only for the ships YOU want canon.
'B-but their a mix of multiple OG ships not just one so its different!'
Thats even WORSE, it makes them the most unoriginal ship and just a weird amalgamation of OG ships with nothing of their own, their just NaruHina, MinaKushi, ItaIzu, ObiRin, NaruSaku, SasuSaku, SasuNaru etc all over again, but yea you sure showed us about wanting 'originality' lol
And just to burst your bubble even more, your not special, and your point is invalid anyway because I didnt hear nothin about 2.0 in OG Naruto when these were happening but NOW suddenly its an issue.
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But now suddenly its a problem, back then yall called it 'parallels' and 'foreshadowing' but for some reason conveniently when its KawaSara and BoruSumi suddenly its Naruto 2.0 and we need something different than past dynamics
But god forbid KawaSara is just a little too much like SS or BoruSumi a little too much like NH, but Bsa being like [in your words not mine] literally every past OG ship is totally fine and the pinnacle of originality you all wanna see from the sequel, give me a danm break lol
What makes this even more pathetic is that Im not even exaggerating, they've gotten so blatantly hypocritical their even trying to use the Minato one-shot as foreshadowing for Bsa, keep in mind these are the same people who claim to want something new and different, are using a one shot set in the past for an OG ship that happened WAY before Bsa even existed all because of the vortex symbolism and the sequel just happened to have the name vortex in it they think its some kind of parallel/foreshadowing for the pair...which is utterly ridiculous but this aint the post for that, but just friendly reminder the Shippuden in the Naruto sequel meant Hurricane chronicles/legends and the Uzumaki clan has always been symbolized with whirlpools/vortex way before Boruto was even thought of, hell their clan symbol is a literal swirl like a vortex...nuff said, this aint the post to delve deeper into that.
Im mentioning this purely to point out the hypocrisy of wanting something 'different' yet using every possible OG thing thats even remotely similar to boost your ship and show how canon it is, yet KawaSara and BoruSumi cant because then its Naruto 2.0.
Their newest thing lately I've been seein the most is that BoruSara is like MinaKushi and NaruHina because Sarada stalks Boruto etc, so I thought I'd bring this reality check back since these same ppl talkin about other shippers just wanting Naruto 2.0 again.
Like I said, the only ones your foolin are yourselves cuz nobody buys your bs cuz everytime yall pull that card you put your foot in your mouth with all these 'parralels' that are suddenly ok now, but NOT ok when its any of your rival ships . Sit down.
PS: This aint the post to go into this either, but like I mentioned earlier that Bsa is actually the most unoriginal new gen ship, I could literally make a separate post showing how that is and how KawaSara and BoruSumi are actually the more unique ships of the options. You may have noticed I havent mentioned Ksu at all in this...thats because its a joke atp that I nor anybody besides their shippers take seriously, but if I must address it its literally just poorly done SS and SH with a dash of SK so why would I even bother with such a joke of a ship that exists solely to play keep away for Bsa but not because theres any legitimate basis in canon and thrives purely off headcanon and Hondas rewriting of events that amounted to nothing because, shocker, the manga wasnt building anything between them, so Honda created a completely made up foundation for nothing that they scrapped immediately and never acknowledged it again. So much for 'the anime is the complete version of the manga' yea funny how they backtracked alot of their mistakes when they saw the manga contradicting it, cuz at the end of the day the manga is the MAIN source material, so what happens there is more canon than anything the anime does afterwards.
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jedimessiah · 2 years
this is legit the only time in which i respond to vagues and such! never again. this post may be deleted but i will take screenshots in case! please read carefully. 
i shouldn’t already have to make a post like this but since the star wars rpc is the way it is i just want to clear something up. when i made my first anakin skywalker blog in 2012 i roleplayed him from then up until about early 2016 or 2017, which i was then on/off in the fandom and did not keep up with canon content or movies. i was involved in other fandoms after that. HOWEVER, back then the character aphra was not a canonically recognized lesbian nor did anyone really have conversations about it bcos generally, she was a really small character at that point. i did however ship my vader with an aphra writer back then (2015, maybe?) and that was that. 
upon recreating my anakin i happened to reuse some of my old rules from my old blog and went by my shipping experiences from that time just to set things up quickly, which included some shipping information i had that said that i ship with x y z. one of those people happened to be aphra! again, i just reused my information from then. an anon sent me 3-5 ugly messages about this in quick succession and i responded that i was not aware that aphra was a lesbian because i had been out of fandom for multiple years, apologized, and removed it from my rules because obviously i’m not here to invalidate lesbians. especially ones that get canon representation in a time where it is incredibly rare. multiple people saw me answer this ask because multiple people reached out to me via ims to comfort me when i was confused. bcos i genuinely did not know and the approach of these anons was really in my face, accusatory and jarring. it would have been great just for someone to let me know about this new information. esp on my first day back. of course i do not expect those hurt by something to cater to my emotions, but i was definitely still taken back since i just... wasn’t aware. 
i did NOT invalidate lesbians in a malicious or purposeful way or try to claim i was allowed to ship them. as soon as i was caught up with this new canon information i was not aware of back then, because from my research (i did double check my info)  she wasn’t recognized as a lesbian until after i left fandom, i immediately apologized and removed it. that was it. i even removed it on my old anakin blog after finding my login (after several weeks of trying) for safe measure. i never made a fuss about it. i made a fuss about the way that it was my first day and i was already being sent anons rather than someone just talking to me via ims like an adult. i’m a pretty understanding person and this was a situation of me just not... immediately diving into star wars content again to catch up on stuff. it would have saved time and anxiety to simply be told. 
i do want to sincerely apologize once again for not doing further research in case information had changed. my reintroduction to star wars remains a slow progress during work and uni so i ask that if there IS anything that i missed that is as serious as this to please let me know! the last thing i want to do is harm those in the same community as me, let alone in pride month. lesbians deserve their representation and no amount of previous shipping will be an excuse to ship it now. so, i apologize to lesbians that were affected by my actions and it has been weeks since i removed the rule and learned of this new canon information. i understand the seriousness of the situation, but please do not twist my words or the situation that happened and then vague about those twisted situations as if they are fact. please. it’s rlly rude and unfair esp when i am also a queer and trans person who is simply happy to hear about another canon lesbian in media. i’m simply sorry i had to learn of it this way.
i’m not going to approach the topic of obikin because i genuinely do not want to involve myself in conversation about the arguments against that particular ship. i’m an adult capable of writing healthy fictional relationships and i will continue to do so with people who would like to do so. you may block me for shipping something clearly stated in my rules, however. i encourage it! i put the warnings there for a reason and there is really no hard feelings about something that may cause you discomfort. i wont be engaging in that particular discourse here, nor any other discourse for that matter from now on. any comments about shipping preferences have pertained to this and NOT vader/aphra. 
thank you for reading! i felt it important that i address this situation so i can go back to writing with my friends. :) i wont be addressing this again now that i have this cleared up and i hope those that were hurt in this situation can forgive me for my mistake. that is all i will say. thank you again!
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spitefulcrepechan · 2 years
I feel like you're missing the point with your post about the whole lesbian thing. Someone was receiving hate anons by invalidating their trigger. Even if that trigger seems stupid to you or to some just because it's a ship, it's STILL a trigger. And a valid trigger at that.
We just have to understand and respect that lesbians will get gatekeepy around characters who are heavily-implied/canon lesbians. These characters get sidelined a lot, and it becomes irritating when you see lesbians in m|w ships with asshole fanbases invalidating their w|w ships just because it's "funny" to see them writhe in anger.
People are free to like and dislike everything, we all have our own opinions. No one's stopping you from shipping an ocean cookie and a ball of fire together. What needs to be stopped is shitting and laughing at people for calling out problems that needed to be called out, like the blatant lesbophobia and why shipping them with men can be a problem. It's important to be informed with a variety of issues we see in fandom spaces. That way, shitty fans get called out for their behavior.
Alright so it is like 3 in the morning as if writing this so my answer might be a little shit please forgive me-
I wasn't talking about that situation in my post, I was just generally talking about the notion that people will blindly follow the words of minority voices in order to seem woke. It was shitty for those anons to be attacking someone all for voicing their trigger, and I hope that person is okay, but I wasn't talking about that.
Like im not saying we shouldn't be listening to people when they point out things thay are actually offensive, hell it took a few tumblr posts for me to finally learn that goblins have antisemetic roots. Shit like that should be absolutely called out and when it is, it should be stopped.
Though the problem very much arises when it comes to just- Actually very mundane stuff. Ships that involve sea fairy are a very mundane things. Can they hurt people? Absolutely, I won't argue that. Should it be a topic of this level of debate where it should call into question homophobia? No, it shouldn't.
Speaking as someone who actually adores Seamoon, I genuinely can't find any reason why just the action alone of shipping sea fairy with, say, pirate puts other lesbians to the sideline. Even other lesbians say that this whole dilemma is bullshit, and yet THEY get sidelined themselves in this whole debate because cishet white men would rather listen to the one's that say that their favorite ship is amazing, all others be damned, in order to appear "woke", while ignoring the lesbians that actually don't care and know that stuff like seafire and seapirate aren't actually that big of a deal-
Now, I must reiterate, you CAN dislike the ships you can be TRIGGERED by the ships, but there are also people who equally are triggered by Seamoon as well, not because of homophobia (as some slags would want to believe) but because of just how rabid these people can get when it comes to defending their ship-
The whole debate just seems to be only taking one side into account, and its for a damning reason that generally ends up being lesbophobic itself. You are ONLY taking the words of a lesbian BECAUSE they're a lesbian, not because they're a genuinely human being. With any other debate that doesn't involve ships, you will most likely ignore whatever they have to say, and that's what I'm fearing.
Minority voices can be WRONG, minority voices can be BIASED, some things that may see offensive are SUBJECTIVELY offensive, others are more objective, like the racism-
Again, I am sorry that person has been getting harassed, they genuinely don't deserve it, as much as I hate gatekeepers, I won't debate if something actually triggers you or not, but that doesn't mean I'm going to blindly take their words into account because I KNOW they are only saying Seafire is bad because its a personal trigger and not actually an underlying issue. I won't show it to them, I won't force them to view it, I will simply just keep my distance, since I know that due to be being so lax about sea fairy ships (except the ones that involve children, obviously those are horrible), I'm not gonna fucking around them. Because that's like- the most rational thing you can do? If someone doesn't like a ship or voices their opinions about a ship you don't like just block them? You don't have to go into their asks and fucking- spam their askbox telling them to kys?
This applies to both those who do and don't ship Seamoon, because both sides equally have like the same level of toxicity as shown in this situation and the other-
Though I will also reiterate this.
My post was not talking about triggers or anything like that.
It was about BIASNESS. It was about blindly following the words of someome all because they're a minority. The words "a lesbian said it's offensive, so it IS offensive!" should never be uttered in this debate because, again, it very much implies that they are only being listened to because they're a minority.
I didn't listen to that person being harassed just because they were lesbian themselves. I listened to them because they had a trigger, as do I, and they were voicing that trigger, so I left them alone. They deserve their human rights respected, and so I am respecting them by not fucking putting them on a pedestal and seeing them as the spokesperson of all lesbians, because like- they're a person too, they can be wrong, and they also can be actually mentally distressed by a ship like how I and many others are.
So like-
Stop using "a lesbian said it was offensive!" as a reason to agree with a side of an argument. Find out why its being viewed as offensive and why the lesbian might be saying it is, then come to your own conclusion. That was my only problem. Not every lesbians the same, anon.
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venomclaws · 7 years
why  do  people  blatantly  ignore  that   in  canon   1 )  tracy  and  theo  kissed    2  )     it  was  very  clearly  not  their  first  kiss  obvious  by  both  of  their  movements     3 )     even  if  tracy’s  feelings  were  unrequited,    she  was  obviously  still  very  relevant  to  him????     4  )    SHE  IS  THE  ONLY  CHARACTER  WHO  RESPECTED  HIM,    ALWAYS????
#i just saw a post about how theo never had a canon ship im SCreamin#why is kaz ASLEEP#4once ppl havent pretended that m.a/lia and l.ia/m are real ships but GOD#DO PPL JUST IGNORE THAT THEY LITEARLLY KISSED#i dont even CARE if ppl wanna recognize them as a ship or not but when they arent recognizing them as a ship its usually that#they also ignore their importance to each other entirely#AND I SEE THIS THEORY THAT TRACY IS A LESBIAN...EVERYWHERE#again... Just Ignoring That Canon Kiss#ignoring that he immediately pulled her into his lap and she did it like it was Natural#OBV HIS FEELINGS WERENT THERE BC HES THEO BUT ? THEY..HAD SOMETHING GOIN ON. IT WORKED FOR THEM#IT WAS MORE OF A WAY FOR HIM TO KEEP A HOLD OVER HER EVEN THO IT WASNT NECESSARY TO HER BC ? SHE WOULDVE BEEN FINE W/O IT#BUT HAVING IT WAS A BONUS ?#my fave is the argument of ' well he killed her so obv she wasnt important '#even tho... he killed her on impulse but he had plans for Months to make sure all these other chars died....who ppl ship  him w#ship who you want but !!! you dont have to invalidate his canon for it ! and completely Change his char to make it..fluffy.#when you ship him w ppl who... literally trigger him#but then refuse to awknowledge  his one..actual canon ship....#with the one person who Actually treated him like a real person who deserved respect#even if he didnt deserve it !#ok this turned into a rant about her and his injustice who is Surprised#theo is selfish and wants to be in control. tracy is blindly loyal and gives him everything he asks of her#why would theo not want that. why would you wanna take that from theo#dont ship t/reo but dont disregard THEIR PLATONIC CONNECTION#THEIR LITERAL GENETIC CONNECTION BC OF KANIMA / MASTER PLS#i always thought it makes sense if you're a tracy stan and dont want her with the guy who killed her but#imagine being a t.heo stan and not wanting him to be around the one person who cares about him. the One Person..who cared about him. in yera#YEARS#THE ONLY PERSON...WHO TRULY CARED ABOUT HIM. IN THIS ENTIRE SHOW#░▌჻ ❪ ᵒᵒᶜ ❫ ▬▬ a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling. *
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just-antithings · 2 years
the way antis police ships by dismissing them as het and therefore less than bothers me. there's a certain pairing im thinking of that is m/f but the boy is canon bi (and gets treated like hes gay by the fandom sigh) and the girl is often headcanoned as trans bc of subtext so it's like, no thats not some bland pair of two cishets antis wtf are you on about? (there would be no problem if it was, either, just saying their point is invalid. and to clarify, by all means ship different pairings! i love rarepairs so much! just don't shit on other people's tastes and we will be fine and dandy)
its such a pure loving and healthy pairing imo but antis still found fault with it, oof. they villainize the girl bc she used to be a side antagonist but moreso bc she lied after being reformed. once. over something small. yep. and profusely apologized after, but clearly that and the part where her and the boy saved one another's lives repeatedly doesn't count for anything. again it's not explicit canon she's trans but the way people act like she's the fucking antichrist does not sit well with me at all. in a show with massmurderers too lmfao but they're cishet men so it's okay. though its not okay she was a meanie :(((
like the whole irredeemable media thing, the only good ships and media are ones antis personally like, regardless of content. big hypocrites. shipping has never been what you personally think is healthiest or who should end up with who, it's bashing a pair of dolls you like together and finding the story in them. the ship i mentioned before, i think has a decent chance of being canon in the end, too, which might be why people are mad. the biphobia is so vicious. and there are other canon gay characters in that story, too, so im like what do you all want??? you want lesbians? theyre over there!! you want the gay couple? they are here!! please leave my one precious bi character alone with his sweet girlfriend thank you. i am so sad that they're probably gonna be canon but popularity wise they're a fucking rarepair, people just hate them and snap at anyone who actually enjoys the ship.
I miss the days when shipping was just for fun and not considered some sort of moral or political statement
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versadies · 2 years
Just throwing my two cents about this and you dont have to respond if this will make you uncomfy bc...i honestly think you don't need to apologize for that? 🤔
While I know OP has a point, and its very valid, I was also a supporter of the fact that "you can ship whoever you want AS LONG as you don't force your opinion on others and don't invalidate their own ideals and opinion. If they say no, then no." The problem of ships only lies when people force others their own opinions. I mean, everyone had their own preferences, though its a matter of right and wrong WHETHER you are going to openly admit that or not. Personally, I am not a fan of canon ships, that's why I can say this. I am on neutral ground. I don't ship Chilumi, Zhongchi or whatever there is. But if others like it, people should have not invalidate it, I think 🤔 since people are entitled of their own opinion and their own works.
I haven't read your fanfic of Chilumi to be clear, but if it has a tag "Traveler x Childe" or any indication of sort before they read it, OP should scroll down, maybe pretend you don't see it if they're uncomfortable with it, and call it a day. You are entitled on your own works, and maybe people enjoyed that particular ship idk?
I believed fiction is ALWAYS different from reality. And you writing these..."ships" doesn't define you as a person irl AS LONG as you know how to differentiate them. It was like that of yandere themes or dark contents. As long as a writer says that they doesn't support it irl (in this case, minor(?)xadult but I personally think the traveler could drink bc Zhongli's voicelines indicate as much skshwi) I supposed thats fine with fiction. AGAIN, as long as you don't force it upon others.
i'm not trying to start a fight or anything 😭😭😭 im just kind of tired seeing people tried to explain how to "invalidate"ーerr thats not the right word, but you know, try to make others dislike it?ーother ships when it was the cause of other people's happines siehwueh. What you read is your responsibility, like how writers have the responsibility to cater their contents (ie making proper tags, tw/cw, gender and stuff) so IF you did all of that, I don't think its your fault that they're uncomfy bc...its like...if you read the tag then why still read it if u know its gonna make you feel uncomfy?
People can argue with me over this fact, but I have my own opinion on this too. And like I said above, as long as you don't force others your opinion and respect their boundaries, that is fine :33
Hehe. ty for coming to my ted talk and its become so long too im sorry if it'll clout you 😭😭😭😭😭 and really, u don't have to respond to this at all :3 love ur writing btw hehehe.
my jaw dropped at how long this message was 😦😦😦
altho u also have a valid point, i just wanted to apologize to my dear mutual pollux because i didn’t want them to feel uncomfy about my post + i didn’t put any tag to it (the ship is already seen from the anon message so i didn’t think about putting any tag about it - which is a bad decision).
i would’ve put a warning/tag + keep reading option instead — but after a few mins thinking about it, i decided to delete it just to be safe and to prevent any fights happening in my blog.
pollux kindly informed me about why they alongside a few people are uncomfy and/or against the ship and asked if i could deleted it (which i did already and i apologize to the anon who asked about the ship 😰😰) so i don’t really think their intention was to change my opinion on the ship.
your explanation has also made me relieved bcuz i honestly felt scared that people might go after me (i have a fear for getting cancelled over something and getting hated) over something like this and because i agree about your words regarding ships :DDD
p.s. to those reading this: pls dont attack anon above alongside pollux regarding this matter and respect them + opinions just as how you respect my opinions as well <<3
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wisteriabookss · 3 years
My ACOSF Review (2/5 Stars)
Please respect my opinions. Not everything I say will be praiseful or nice. While I liked a lot of this book, a lot of it frustrated and bothered me. 
This review contains spoilers. Read at your own risk. 
This review will be more of an overall impression, and I will get more in depth about certain characters in future posts. 
I eventually got into the plot of the book, but I don’t think it was as great or creative as it could’ve been. I feel like SJM recycled ideas she’s already used to create the storyline. A quest to find a magic object that can stop a war and save the world? That sentence applies to both ACOWAR and ACOSF. It’s even more disappointing when you know there were other routes the plot could’ve taken but were eventually scratched. It was the perfect set up for an Illyrian mountain setting, it was written in canon, and, unsurprisingly, SJM retconned and changed it. 
The Valkyrie plot was cool, if a bit forced and out of place. Nesta barely starts training, and all of a sudden she wants to recreate a powerful band of female warriors that we’ve never heard of in the context of this world? Honestly, it feels like SJM watched Thor: Ragnarok, and was like, “Yes, that’s what I’m gonna do.” I thought Helions winged horses would come into play with that, but I guess we’ll have to see.
I thought the Blood Rite plot was gone, but we got it in the end, even though it was rushed. The most beautiful parts of the book happened during the Rite, so I’m glad we got to see those.
The ending of Briallyn was so swift I literally had to go back a page to make sure I read it right. Literally one page, and she’s killed. I expected more. I can’t say I'm surprised by how rushed her death was when I knew the Feysand trouble was approaching, and the number of pages left was getting smaller. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that SJM would save Rhys, Feyre, and their baby. Out of the entire ensemble in Kingdom of Ash, she only had the heart to kill Gavriel, who wasn’t too much of a main character. There was no way in hell she would do that to Feysand. 
I’m sorry, but I do not like the name Nyx. Imagine calling someone Nyx? Did she originally have it as Nick, but just needed to put an X? My eyes were rolling so hard when I read it. Just put an ‘O’ in front of it and end our misery, though I still would’ve rolled my eyes at that name too. The name just reminds me of all the blogger moms who put X’s in their child’s names for dramatic effect that ends up looking like they can’t spell.
I also didn’t appreciate the out of touch colloquialisms in this book either. Prythian doesn’t have a name for anxiety, depression, or PTSD, but they know what lactic acid means?
The amount of sex in this book was something we had been warned to expect, and I think due to the fastness of me reading this book (finished in two sittings), it made it feel like the sex was happening every other page, which it basically was. I’m not going to be mad though because a) it was well written, b) I didn’t feel like it harmed the plot too much, and c) this is the only Nessian smut we’re going to see in canon. But that threesome line with Az. . . y'all know which one I’m talking about. . . the one with the details about certain positions. . .  chile um anyways let’s move on. 
I called it months ago that Emerie would either be Mor or Azriel’s love interest, and looks like it’s going to be Mor. SJM’s writing is fairly predictable, especially when it comes to romantic ships, and she couldn’t have been more obvious about the two of them. I will write about Gwyn and Azriel in Azriel’s chapter review (cause that monstrosity needs a post of its own).
Now about Nesta’s healing arc. Some of it was satisfying and others were saddening. I’m happy that Nesta was able to find purpose in her life, and not believe herself to be worthless or pathetic, but strong and powerful. I’m happy she found Gwynn and Emerie; I love their friendship. I love how they stuck by each other no matter what, and saw the good and potential in one another.
However, even by the end of the book, Nesta still thinks herself as undeserving. Of Cassian, of love. She knows she has it, and she's so grateful for it, but she still believes she is undeserving of it, that Cassian is just so much better than her. A part of learning to love and live with yourself is knowing what you deserve, so why SJM took that from her character, I don’t know. I was continuously disappointed when said she was undeserving of anything, even after she had learned and grown from her mistakes. 
Maybe SJM thinks the belief of being undeserving of one's partner is romantic. I’m telling you now, it’s not. All that does is give unnecessary power to a person you believe you are undeserving of, and this leads to unequal power dynamics in a relationship. Rhys was the exact same with Feyre, so I’m guessing it's a theme.
Speaking of romantic themes, the repetition of the “your mine-im yours” line in this book was nauseating. Your going to make Nesta say the exact same thing her sister said when they had sex? Is there nothing else SJM could’ve come up with? It’s just so weird. And I swear to god if I see Elain do the same thing I’m gonna vomit. 
Nesta apologized to Cassian about what she said to him on Solstice in ACOFAS as if he never called her unlovable. As if he never said he didn’t understand why her sisters love her. He never apologized for that. There was so much apologizing from Nesta to Cassian about her calling him a brute, as if Cassian didn’t say he was “shackled” to her after she clearly explained how she feared she would lose her humanity if she accepted the word mate. Not if she accepted him, but the word. 
For Cassian to routinely tell Nesta to, “shut her fucking mouth,” when she used some attitude against Rhys was comical. Rhys has been bad mouthing and disrespecting Nesta this whole time, and when she shows some warranted attitude in return (not even an insult), Cassian rips into her. It doesn’t matter what he did for you, babe. Not everyone has the same experience with Rhys, so Cassian getting angry when Nesta showing anger at the way she was being treated was wrong. Her experience with him does not become invalidated just because Cassian has a good relationship with him.
There wasn’t a character arc for Cassian, which was one of the most disappointing parts of the book. He thinks of himself as inferior and undeserving as well, and by the end of the book it’s not even clear if that stance has changed. We saw him grow into the courtier persona in the meeting with Eris when Tamlin shows up, but we never see it again. I know there were instances in which he stood up for Nesta, but he also very quicky after that became silent in other moments when they were insulting her. The next book isn’t in his pov, but I’m hoping we see him become more confident in himself and make a firmer stance to protect Nesta (although I doubt he’ll need to seeing as how Rhys kisses the ground she walks on now).
Now onto Nesta’s apologies to the IC. I think Nesta apologizing to Feyre was expected, and I’m glad the sisters had that moment. I am, however, upset that there was never a moment where all the sisters sat down, and hashed it out. Talked about what they’d been through, how it affected them, and how it affected their feelings toward each other. After everything that happened between Nesta and Elain, all that hurt, you’re telling me all it took was Nesta to make Elain laugh by saying “fuck you,” and we’re good? It’s lazy writing. 
Elain telling Nesta that she only cared about how her trauma affected her did not sit right with me. Nesta sat by Elain’s side for weeks when she was in the thick of her struggles, and refused to leave her alone for fear that her struggles would eat her up alive. She constantly looked for anything that could help her sister, and never left her unprotected. Nesta and Elain didn’t communicate after the war, for reasons that we now know was because of Nesta’s guilt for Elain being kidnapped. It is not abnormal when a family member has been traumatized by things that have happened to another family member. That’s expected. Ask any family who has lost a child or had a relative go through something horrible.
Elain is acting as if Nesta has only ever been concerned with herself when she’s spent her entire life concerned with Elain. I made a post long ago about how the IC only wanted Nesta to heal for their sake rather than her sake, and there’s so much more evidence for that than for Elain. Elain’s healing process was able to be understood and encouraged by the IC, whereas they had no idea what to do with Nesta. So for Elain to come at Nesta for not caring about her trauma, a second after Nesta was trying to protect her from further trauma by telling her she didn't want her seering for the Trove, was unwarranted.
Speaking about Elain looking for the Trove, what happened there? Elain had this whole speech where she said she wanted to do something and no one could stop her and then we just. . . don’t hear anything about it again? SJM had a perfect opportunity to do something powerful with Elain there, and completely threw it away. 
Nesta’s apology to Amren was extreme, dramatic, and honestly, unnecessary. Amren called Nesta a “pathetic waste of life,” constantly demeaned and degraded her anytime her name was mentioned, and said she did all this because Nesta used her as a shield against her problems and the IC. Seriously? Nesta using Amren as a shield does not warrant that kind of verbal abuse. It doesn't make her a pathetic waste of life. Amren’s been alive for how long? And reacts like that to an obvious side effect of extreme trauma? No ma'am. Nesta getting on her damn knees was too much, and obviously just another moment, like a lot of moments, that SJM felt the need to make dramatic. And then having the audacity to let Amren say to Nesta that, “the struggle with the darkness is worth it,” when she was one of those people who contributed to that darkness is disgusting.
I didn’t like Rhys at all in this book. Even after he saw inside Nesta’s mind about her experience in the cauldron, he was still wary and rude with her. Literally anytime Nesta showed that she was changing, Rhys didn’t change anything about his attitude or behavior towards her. A moment of regret, and then he’s back to being arrogant ass Rhys. Him not telling Feyre about the baby was also extremely stupid. It’s her body, her life, her baby’s life, his life, and she had a right to know what was happening. Not telling her because you didn’t want her to be “upset,” is a dumb excuse. I thought you always promised to let her make her own decisions, Rhys? What happened to that promise? The one that was a hell of a lot better than the stupid bargain ya’ll made? Though Nesta told her out of anger, good on her for telling her sister. Should’ve happened way sooner. His apology to Nesta was the only one that warranted the dramatics. That is what you get on your knees for.
That whole scene about him becoming High King had me throwing the book. Amren telling Rhys that the swords were some sort of mother-mary-cauldron-blessed-hallelujah sign that he was supposed to be High King had me fuming. It’s Nesta’s power. It’s Nesta’s sword. That should have never been a discussion. Not everything is for Rhys. These people are so blinded by their love for him they can’t even see how arrogant he is. To write Nesta giving back Ataraxia made me so angry after we just had a whole moment where we find out it means inner peace. I just hope that all of this is not foreshadowing Rhys becoming High King. I know you love him Sarah, but please don’t.
All in all, this book wasn’t too bad. There were some great moments and some bad moments. I think SJM’s biggest issue in her writing is that she doesn’t outline, or at least doesn't seem to outline, not thoroughly. I feel like she uses plot devices willy nilly whenever it’s the easiest solution. There was never a moment where I said, “that was clever!” A lot of it was cool, but not clever. Not creative. She also has a tendency to write very dramatically, in staccato type sentences where everything is made into a big moment, which bugs me a lot. 
I love Nesta. She’s still my fav, and will probably always be my fav. This book doesn’t change that, and as you can tell in my review, most of the issues I had weren’t with her behavior, but with the behavior of other characters. I still love Cassian, even though he made me want to rip my hair out sometimes.
Will I read the next books? Probably. I can’t seem to stay away from these characters or these books, so kudos to SJM for writing them. I know a majority of people have given this book 4 or 5 stars, but I can’t bring myself to give it more than 2/5.
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fandomhammer · 3 years
Another round of sally face facts you don’t know:
You cannot dismiss the suicide note
commonly thought is not an argument, it was up for interpretation and it’s also common to think it’s about ghost hunting
Steve said it’s okay since they’re not blood related which is so fucking disgusting thing to say I would advise to NOT use in any discussion
Apart from the fact how many other shitty things his done (also in game events, like the insanely racist native plot line) so maybe don’t use the creator at your moral code
He also do everything for his fans for some reasons but IN game, which is the source that you primarily talk about, it’s always that they see each other as brothers
You said “oh they saw each other as just friends” but it’s not true
Maybe you’re right, lying is too strong wording, you just spread more misinformation which is already a big problem in sally face fandom. I guess some fake tales are also the reason for your og post.
Like, don’t get me wrong, Idc that much about incestous ship of some freaks or the fight in this fandom. It’s just annoying that anyone is trying to argument that shipping brothers it’s not incest because *insert invalid argument*
Sal and Larry are brothers. It’s canon, we could see it coming since ep 3 (it was foreshadowed, many people DID catch on it) and nothing will change that.
Just stop spreading misinformation and stop trying to argument it’s alright to ship it? Like it’s not even about discourse, it’s just sallarry shippers should accept the reality and tag their ship properly with right tag “incest” so no one can get triggered and stop trying to justify it, which usually means they don’t respect adoptive or step family just like Steve.
I did not dismiss the note, I forgot a small detail from it, because I haven’t played it in almost a year.
it wasn’t supposed to be an argument, I was just saying
Steve is NOT my moral code, that was supposed be like. “harass the grown man who made the fucking game and said the gross fucking thing, not a teenager on the internet who you disagree with.”
I posted something accidentally incorrect onto my personal tumblr. it’s out there for anyone to read but I’m not taking personal responsibility for spreading misinformation. especially when there are people in my inbox yelling at me before anything “bad” has happened
my argument was never “shipping brothers isn’t incest” it was “I don’t personally see them as brothers” which might’ve been wrong, but you can’t make it seem like I said something I didn’t
ok yeah you’re right whatever
again I’m not even gonna accept my “spreading of misinformation” as a thing I actually did. I’ve posted every reply telling me I’m wrong. I’m wrong, I said it! but I didn’t say it’s okay to ship it, I said I don’t personally have a problem with it. my very original post that started this nonsense was correct - people in this fandom will hear you MENTION Salarry and accuse you of anything negative they can.
I am gonna say it again tho because some people seem to have a hard time understanding: INCEST IS WRONG. I RESPECT FOUND/ADOPTED/STEP FAMILY.
leave me alone now unless you have something genuinely constructive and true to say because I ADMIT IM WRONG
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1990jeevas · 3 years
Wanna infodunp bout sumthin? Plz do (respind whenever you wanna dont even worrg bout time here)
this has been sitting in my ask box for like a week now and im so sorry about that but also the last time i posted an info dump (which, for me, means bitching my ever loving heart out about the subject, because i genuinely find it incredibly difficult to speak fondly of things i enjoy without just going "yeah i think its neat!" essentially and then forgetting all the reasons why i like it) somebody came into my replies to break the dni i made in that post, invalidate my trauma and then say i was gaslighting them for stating my own opinion so um. yeah ive been a bit hesitant to say the least, considering hot takes are basically how i show my love for things :)
but, i have now decided to just post my least inflammatory take on one of my hyperfixations in response to this and then just. leave bc i dont wanna get into drama over my dumb little opinions again.
anyways, quick dni: dont even fucking touch this post if you're going to be aggressive with me, you don't use tone tags when making corrections or criticisms or you wanna just trash my opinion. ultimately people can do whatever they want, im just expressing my own annoyances as someone who has been in the IT fandom for awhile and has some complaints as a result (as im sure most other fans do lol)
moving on...rant time:
stan uris and richie tozier are canonically best friends in IT and the erasure of their friendship in favor of appealing to reddie fans is fucking gross and weird, especially bc stan is then chalked up to just some mean jewish kid who likes birds and is annoyed by richie 25/8 instead of having an actual fucking personality in every reddie fic just bc fans want so badly to make reddie best friends to lovers and its just?? yall can make reddie best friends to lovers WITHOUT erasing stan's canonical personality. yall can make them best friends to lovers while still acknowledging that stan and richie are canonically best friends and that stan canonically was an incredibly important person to richie.
this also goes for bill and eddie btw!! its just significantly worse with stan which reads Very Wrong when you take into consideration that fic writers always write bill denbrough as a sweet little white boy who everyone's at least a little bit in love with but then write stan as this rude jewish boy who's always mean and critical of richie for just being himself (and a lot of those "annoying" traits i see people make stan give richie shit about are adhd traits, which also rubs me wrong?? like why are so many NT fic writers so comfortable with calling my ND traits annoying) which isnt even canon?? like. canonically they poke fun at each other, they call each other names and say stupid shit but not to the extent of actually hurting each other because they are best friends and they know each other to the point where they know what boundaries the other has, they arent just making passive aggressive comments at the other and then going "it's a joke bro!" when/if the other gets upset.
also?? the trend of making "fix it" fics for IT chapter 2 where eddie is revived/doesn't die but stan does and is then only brought up in passing? not fucking cute. dont call it a "fix it fic" if the only "fix it" is you reviving a character for your fucking ship, especially when the other dead character is the BEST FRIEND of 1/2 of the ship? like. what. do yall just think richie getting married would somehow fix the fact that he lost the person that he was closest to? because, news flash, the person he was closest to was not eddie. they were very close friends, richie fucking loved the dude /p and /r, but stan was canonically his best friend and was canonically the person richie was closest to like?? what is not clicking omgggg
stanley uris is an incredibly fucking important character in IT and he is especially fucking important to richie goddamn tozier. you dont just get to ignore richie's best friend and write him into this mean jewish man box because his actual personality doesnt serve your ship like for the love of fucking god stan does not need to be there to create angst for your fics, he doesnt need to be there to make your hurt/comfort piece where you make stan borderline abelist just so richie can run and cry into eddie's scrawny little arms like im begging you to just write something where the hurt/comfort doesnt come from stan being a douchebag because canonically he was not one. he was a good fucking friend, he fucking loved richie and they got each others weird asses like nobody else did.
like. idk. ultimately yall can do what you want with ur fics i guess but also it's just fucking weird if you ask me?? and maybe that's just because im a dumbass richie kinnie who absolutely adores stan, but as somebody who loves reddie and reads reddie fics regularly, it is so goddamn annoying to only see my other favorite character written in to be mean, create angst or just be fucking dead time and time again when eddie is revived and then not even written accurately half the time bc he's not a fucking fragile dude who needs help all the time either, he's a shouty little cunt who know's he can be fucking dangerous if he wants to be and he doesn't hesitate to dish out some nasty ass comments if given the chance. just please for the love of god stop writing these characters ooc its killing me fr-
(btw i know most of this shit is just done by accident and its mostly done by movie stans who havent read the book, it's just still annoying to me, ya know? and this whole post is /nm, i just talk like this bc it's what comes naturally to me!! this is how i complain about literally everything, regardless of how big the issue is so dont take this too seriously pls)
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
Hi Bree, I wanted to vent a little and you're a self-shipper so I think you'll understand.
Recently I found a new fictional crush, fell in love with him the very moment he first showed up and I'm hoarding all content of him, fanmade or otherwise. I adapted my self-insert to that universe and I was having so much fun thinking up self-shipping little scenarios and such, until I got to his backstory. The thing is, a really heavy point of it is that he was deeply in love with this girl and his life lost all meaning when she died, they were going to get married and everything and it was all about that kind of true love soulmate type of thing, you know? Pretty much she was the only one for him, they were made for each other, he's never going to get over her, etc.
And now I can't get back into self-shipping because it *was* that perfect, amazing relationship, and pretending it didn't happen would involve changing so much of his character but if I just take it then it's just impossible to imagine him with anyone but her. I mean, fuck man she was literally everything to him and she was definitely infinetly better than I could ever hope to be. It feels like being rejected, just unrequited love [and I went and read this x reader fic where's he's delusional and just sees the reader as his dead fiance instead of themselves and sobbed on the floor] and it feels stupid because it's all just *fiction*.
Idk man I'm just sad now
Okay! Sorry this took so long! but here i am! I totally understand how you feel, self shipping is by nature incredibly self involved and i find that i get very caught up in and invested it in. Obviously it's going to be hurtful when something happens that invalidates the possibility of that self shipping and that SUCKS. Especially, if there are people who invalidate your own little self ship business because it interrupts their canon, but that's okay! you're just having fun! you can do what you want! There is nothing wrong with getting indulgent, im sure you can let him learn to love again. Theres no reason that he couldnt eventually grow to love you, it's fanfiction! write your own story! it's fine! and if anyone gets angry at you about it i will give them a talking to. Don't let yourself get too down, its okay! I still get mopey when i read a really good koma/hina fic sometimes aha, cause like i said, you are literally putting yourself in there, so your emotions are really connected to it! Write your own x reader fic! make him happy again! im sure he deserves it!
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ectonurites · 3 years
Batcest shippers read comics, actually. And they write them, and draw for them. Please continue to make a fool of yourself pretending otherwise.
i got ranty here so the tldr: yeah no shit, you’re taking something i tweeted entirely out of context, i’m well aware of those facts and im not ‘pretending’ anything lmao
onto my full response:
i see you must have come from my twitter! and yeah, i’m unfortunately aware there are people who ship batcest working for dc, its super upsetting! the person who designed the current red hood outfit just posted j*ydick on their twitter today, which is horrifying to see.
like listen im not... im not gonna go out and harass people for shipping batcest. I literally do not have the energy, and I know I’m not gonna be convincing anyone of anything bc the people who chose to ship batcest have made their choice there.
but I’m always gonna advocate for like, those people TAGGING THEIR SHIT so that especially minors but also anyone else who doesn’t want to see fuckin’ incest doesn’t need to. And like, the creation of lists of what creators are making that stuff so people can block and move on? I also think that’s good. Like I don’t think people should go harass anyone over this because its just... theres no point. But letting people who don’t want to see it know who to block so they can move on? that’s a good thing.
The comments of mine I think you’re specifically talking about were about a specific but common type of fanon batcest shipper, because like... immabe real! its very clear a lot of the batfam community on here in general don’t read the comics, (like, as in many people will OPENLY ADMIT that they don’t) and thats not even an inherently bad thing, like people are allowed to interact with media how they want to! But when people get so divorced from canon by only reading fanworks or versions of characters that have been altered and their relationships altered, its easy for misconceptions about all of it to spread, and people to be shipping pairings that literally bear no resemblance to the canon versions/relations of the characters. This isn’t even exclusive to the people shipping batcest. However with the people shipping batcest like... its when those relationships in canon get blurred by just a fanon game of telephone that it becomes easier for them to justify shipping it, you know? That was the point I was trying to make on twitter (i think it was last night? this morning? i dont remember. its 1am rn time is fake)
but like, i’m sorry but in current canon Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damian all consider each other siblings (and Jason had even made a comment at one point in rhato about having four brothers, meaning he probably includes Duke too!). That is... canon. You can see multiple instances of this if you’re reading current comics. And while they have complicated relationships with Bruce, they do all consider him a father (even when Jason says he doesn’t- he literally flip flops on it depending on how he feels in a given day because of his trauma and stuff, but like there will be times only a few issues apart where he will or won’t admit Bruce is his dad). All of these characters have been adopted (or in Damian’s case obv adoption wasn’t necessary) by Bruce in canon at different times (and Cass also, but that’s only in pre new 52 as of right now)
If you are chosing to ship any of the siblings together (or any of them with bruce) you are chosing to ship incest. That is an active choice you are making, and you have to accept the consequences of that. Any judgement/backlash you face for shipping incest is something you are accepting by chosing to ship it.
And if you go “oh but they’re only adopted siblings not REAL siblings-“ you’re an asshole, because adopted siblings are real siblings. I don’t care if they didn’t grow up together, do you realize how invalidating that is towards like, real life people? The amount of people I’ve seen who are adopted themselves get insanely triggered and upset by that kind of content (not just in this fandom btw!) because it just shows people don’t see those familal bonds as being real? It’s not insignificant.
I know ‘media affects reality’ is a controvercial topic, and like obviously ‘i see this thing in media thus i will do it’ is NOT how it works, but the things you normalize/glorify in media you consume says a lot about your thoughts on the topics. Framing matters. Like obviously ‘haha i watch hannibal, gonna go eat people now-‘ is not the case. especially because that media doesn’t frame it as a good thing. That’s the thing I think people miss in these discussions a lot of the time. If you are like ‘i am going to explore how traumatizing incestual relationships could be through these characters’ with batcest? like go off! that could be interesting honestly, and that’s not glorifying it. But acting like ‘omg i just think its so romantic ❤️’ with stuff between characters who canonically are siblings... again you are accepting the judgement that may come your way by publicly doing that.
anyways, i’m well aware of how prevalent batcest is both in the comics industry and around here, i’m aware plenty of them do read comics, and you definitely missed the context in my tweets of me saying things like “a lot” “it feels like many” etc when saying batcest shippers don’t read comics. Context matters my dude ✌️ (also wanna point out, a lot of really gross people work in comics. Racist people, antisemetic people [even today there was some controversy abt that in some hulk comic i believe?] these people being in those industries is... not a good thing even if its normalized???)
But really I think its kinda funny to uh call me a ‘fool’ for something you think I’m doing because you took my words out of context. And maybe you weren’t trying to come off as smug but you absolutely do here and it just strikes me as very funny that you like... are acting like you’re smarter than me or better than me for being okay with incest being normalized in a fandom for superhero comics, a type of media that MANY KIDS READ AND PARTICIPATE IN DISCUSSION ABOUT, while I’m bothered by it.
I don’t talk about this stuff much on here because again, I don’t want to fight about it, I’m not gonna go out of my way to try to change people’s minds on any of it because I know that won’t accomplish anything, I much prefer to just... ignore the content I don’t want to see, maybe warn other people especially minors who also don’t want to see it, and move on with my life. You really didn’t need to bring this to my inbox here, but like go off I guess 🤷
editing this quick just to add in the tweets i made i think this anon is referencing that i very clearly started with ‘so many of them’, not me saying it applies to all of them
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upthehillask · 2 years
i don’t actually think that, and im speaking personally, pansy racism should be such a large issue with people in regards to pansmione. again, personally, i look at it this way: i portray hermione as black, and i ship her with pansy. but hermione isnt black in the books (or the movies for that matter). i chose to portray her as black, and therefore can i not decide to simply think of pansy as a non-racist lesbian who just wants to pretentiously drink tea with her girlfriend?
i feel like, in practice, most people ONLY bring up canon pansy’s racism as a reason not to ship pansmione, and that feels like taking a serious quandary and cheapening it with bias and shipwars. i never see a post just talking about pansy on her own; its always, in one way or another, about hermione.
Sorry for the delay in replying! Thanks for your message!! :)
Well that's fair, I hear what you're saying! But I also recognize that some matters are more sensitive than others I guess. It's like... for example, there's a difference in social impact when a white character is reimagined as black, and when a black character is reimagined as white. In my understanding, the latter is more complicated or, say, problematic than the former because of present day social context (which is a consequence of difficult historic events and systems). We might be just talking about fictional characters, but fiction isn't born from / doesn't operate in a vacuum, so connections to the real world are usually inevitable, one way or another.
Hence why pretending that Pansy wasn't racist in the books can be tricky - in the context of today's world, this is quite the baggage and might be hurtful to some. Maybe hundreds/thousands of years from now racism won't be a thing, and when people will be reading Harry Potter, Pansy's comment won't come across as racist at all - it just won't be part of the culture. It will just be a mere insult without those additional connotations. But since currently so many black people experience this type of racism that Pansy exhibited all the time, it might be good to just keep that in mind, for it being a sensitive territory to many.
You can obviously still imagine Pansy as you do! I still feel like that's okay? The most important thing, I guess, is to not invalidate those that DO see racism in Pansy's comment, and accept that not everyone will have the privilege to enjoy Pansy and Pansmione as others do because of that complication.
In regards to your last comment, I mean, perhaps? I haven't encountered THAT much anti Pansmione discourse or comments/hate, so can't tell what the argument usually is, I'll trust you on that!! I have read more posts on Pansy alone than on this Pansmione issue specifically, hence why I initiated the discussion, but I mean of course there will be much more talk about Hermione... she's the heroine. And in the context of Pansmione where Pansy's bullying isn't erased, Hermione is the one that was harmed, so I guess people tend to address that more since it's a story of importance?
Anyway, I feel like my response sounds a bit like I'm disagreeing with you but I'm not - again, I hear you and I have those thoughts too, but I guess, personally, for a long time I thought that fiction should just be looked at as fiction and nothing else, I treated fandom as my escape from the real world and therefore didn't want to bring the baggage of the real world into my safe imaginary space. But from what I've learned over the years, I concluded that I personally can't responsibly continue ignoring the social context and impact that fiction has, so that's why I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach something like this now.
Shipwars are dumb... period. Literally. I fuckin can't stand them 😂🤣 If people are using whatever argument just to shit on a ship purely out of spite - ain't nobody got time for that bs 😂 Definitely NOT okay to use this loaded, sensitive issue just to shit on Pansmione, agreed!
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raveneira · 4 years
Yo Im gathering all these screenshots of every single BoruSara shipper and KawaSara antis who bein mad hypocritical right now [I covered their names because Im not trying to cause anyone to get harassed]
Like I said in my previous post, remember how people kept saying KawaSara shouldnt be canon because it’d just be a SasuSaku 2.0? they want Boruto to do something different and new
Dont buy that crap for one second, to every KawaSara shipper that has been harassed by BoruSara shippers and antis because ‘Its SasuSaku 2.0!!!’
Look at these posts, and you’ll know all you need to know.
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Remember how being SasuSaku 2.0 was a bad thing? apparently when it comes to BoruSara or KawaSumi its fine, but for KawaSara its downright blasphemy! nobody wants to see the same dynamic all over again!
Good to know, your invalidating your own argument, amazing how the loudest voices be the biggest hypocrites
Btw some SS shippers also ship BoruSara Im aware, my point is even when they make the comparison, notice how NOBODY comments how it shouldnt happen because BoruSara will just be SasuSaku 2.0, but instead gush about it validating their ship even further. But if KawaSara shippers made the comparisons and gushed about it you would see a bunch of comments saying thats why it shouldnt happen.
I’ll update this post as I see more but these are just a few that I’ve seen so far but trust and believe theres more than this that I havent seen
For the record I have no problem with BoruSara or KawaSara having similarities to SasuSaku, which KawaSara has very few, but the antis are the ones who make a big deal about it and harass KawaSara shippers over it time and time again even when we’re minding our own business with the same crappy argument.
So now Im calling out the hypocrisy, hopefully our fandom feels vindicated seeing how bullshit their own argument really is. If they keep attacking us because of their superiority complex, I’ll keep exposing em.
You dont want something new, you just dont want KawaSara.
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smolragematti · 5 years
Shut up, fandom
I cant believe Im going to write another one of these. This is fucking pissing me off and Im not just going to sit around and watch it again and again and again.
Quit it with the excessive callout culture and accusations.
I should have spoken up more, but Im writing that wrong right now. I dont care if you hate me, block me, or what. This has to reinforced and Im willing to get my hands dirty.
The way I see callout culture being used in fandom spaces is not about making the fandom safer. Its puritanical.
Its bringing fear. Intolerance. And driving people away.
I used to say a lot of homophobic, transphobic, and racist shit when I was younger. And you know what, I feel like shit about it. But I had people in my life that gave me the chance to learn.
They gave me the chance to better myself.
They didnt bully me.
They didnt harass me.
They understood that I am a human. I make mistakes. Im flawed. But more importantly, I can change. And I did. I prove to myself and others I have changed.
You, who are quick to bring up the past, dont take into account I would slap my younger self in the face. So would many others. Ive seen it time. And time. And time again.
People's past being dug up and used as a sludgehammer to their lives. More specifically, people havent done anything to warrent such a level of digging. People who have changed.
If you dislike someone, cool. You dont have a reason, sometimes you just have a feeling and dont like someone. You dont have to justify it right away. Bring up that 5 years they said some BS, even if they dont now. Just leave it alone. Let it be. Its not worth it. Use that mental energy and time to do something productive, like paint.
Someone has a different opinion? Just respectfully disagree and move on with it. Have a civilized debate. Dont harass them.
An artist draws a character different from canon or in a certain way? Dont bully them to the point they try to take their own life.
A cosplayer doesnt want to cosplay a certain thing or act/look/talk like the character theyre cosplaying? Dont be snooty about it. Theyre happy. Let them be themselves. If they want to act and talk the character at certain times and not other, be chill about it. Theyre performers AND people. Treat them like a human being.
Dont like a ship? Block the tag. Dont engage. Just move on with your life. Ignore it. Focus on the ships you love.
A writer writes abusive ship content? Just dont read it. Go back to "Dont Like, Dont Read". No one is forcing you to read it. Just move past it and go read some fluff.
Doesnt mean they support abuse or abusive realtionships. That is an incredibly heavy and damaging accusation to make with no proof aside from a measly fanfiction. You cannot go to the police with just that and expect anything to be done. If that were the case, a lot of writers would be under arrest and in prison. But they arent. Ya know why? Because they themselves have not commited a crime. Writing a book on sensitive material isnt grounds for public humiliation and torture. Same with any other serious accusation (pedophile seems to be a go to). Youre cheapening them. Boy who cried wolf style.
Everything above, I have seen occur hundreds of times, across multiple fandoms. The saddest part is I see it hit hardest with the shows that ask for love, kindness, and understanding.
The arguments sound like the "video games cause violence" arguments and in case youre wondering, there is little to no correlation. Not hard to go to google scholar for research.
People seem to forget Context Matters. People try to argue that it doesnt matter the context, but it does.
An example of how I see it used.
If I say "Hitler rebuilt Germany and revitalized the economy from ruin. Though this was at the cost of millions of innocent lives. He used his power to destroy the lives of those he saw as unclean." People will take "Hitler rebuilt Germany and revitalized the economy from ruins" to try and say Im a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer. Even when the rest of my statement condemns the actions.
Thats how I see it used.
Its manipulative. Its stupid. Its pathetic. If you have to take me or anyone out of context to prove your point, your point is already invalid.
This has destroyed people I have never heard of and people I follow. Its pushed them away. They leave. No longer making content. It makes people scared. To write. To draw. To cosplay. We have to protect against harmful people, but not at the cost of so many innocent creators....
When a real wolf shows up... no one will listen to you...
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apprenticenerd · 4 years
"Anyone can send me an ask with one of the titles and I’ll post a snippet or talk about that WIP!" The Acropolis, Tacet, Checklist, A Tiny Galaxy, Hearsay, Going Back, Ella Disenchanted, Making Peace, The Slashed Circle, Wake Up, Tenno, Midnight, Heliotropism, Arrhythmia, the one about Among Us, the one about Library of Ruina, the one that’s a D&D world concept. Yes, all of them. I know you wanna talk about all of them. So go, go forth and do it!
Hoooo boy, this is gonna be a long post. Lots and lots of writing snippets under the cut to avoid dash stretch!
The Acropolis - original - length uncertain - 1.4k and counting
im not ready for this im not i thought it would be yrs i thought id at least get an english degree first
omg sal whats goin on
fuckin hell whyd it have to be now i have a chem lab tomorrow
sally-tate macpherson. u never swear. ever. wtf is goin on.
ok. jess. i need u to listen really really carefully. understand?
answer the goddamn question ur scarin me
shut up and listen and this will go a lot better
fine but u need to tell me wtf is happnenig
ok. im going to tell you a bunch of stuff. not giving u advice, thats not allowed, but im gonna tell u stuff it seems like itd be impossible for me to know.
i said shut up this is really important dont question how i know it. just go with it and figure out what to do. and dont die. bc no matter how crazy stuff seems, if u die, ur dead. here and everywhere. ok?
This is an original story coming straight from a @/writing-prompt-s prompt about a crack in a kid’s hardwood floor that they fantasized was a portal actually being one. I originally intended to write the entire thing like this, as a conversation over text, but that may not be feasible given a certain world-building detail at the other end of the portal (and the limits of my creativity lmao).
Tacet - The Blackout Club - one-shot - 3.2k and counting
She closed her eyes again, and there it was. Hallucination? Some new science trick with electromagnetic radiation off the visible spectrum? Evidence that she was actually going insane? Whatever it was, it burned behind her eyelids in bright, incontrovertible red - and was completely invisible when she opened her eyes again. There was just the usual mess of club posters and one big one about someone’s exceedingly dumb-looking lost cat.
Eyes open, there was only Sargent Snuggles. Eyes closed, there was the normal darkness and then three lines of text where the poster had been, wavering like scarlet fire:
TBC? What the fuck was that? She’d never heard of any group with that acronym before. Hardly aware of the flurry of weird looks from half the other people in the hallway, she crossed the hall to examine the lost cat poster more closely. It felt like perfectly normal paper when she touched it, and there wasn’t even a hint of red with her eyes open, unless you counted the cat’s tacky pink sweater. How the hell was this even possible?
“You’re finally cracking, Bri,” she groaned under her breath, then headed for her locker. She did have to get home. Add another big fat entry to the weird shit list.
A backstory one-shot for my Blackout Club OC Briar, telling the story of how she got into the club in the first place. I’ve been stuck in the same spot for a while now, after Briar’s friend Dani explains the club to her, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the scene’s over as is. Of course, writing the next one is the tough part.
Checklist - The Blackout Club - one-shot - 1.7k and counting
8. You still have a headache. Shouldn’t you go back to sleep and try to do this in the morning?
9. (wake up)
10. Nah, you’ve always been a night owl, and school starts criminally early, too early to get much done beforehand. It’s quiet, except for Dad snoring. Your parents are asleep already. You can stay up until this is done, and they’ll be none the wiser.
11. Your head hurts worse. It’s getting harder to think. At only 9 pm? 9:30? Whatever. You should sleep.
12. (wake UP)
13. What are you thinking? You have to read at least a little of this chapter, or there’s no way you’ll be able to bullshit your way through class tomorrow. Besides, all of a sudden, the silence feels...strange. Heavier? You can’t describe it.
14. You need to sleep. You need a drink of water or something. You need to finish this damn homework. You need to sleep. You need to sleep.
15. Stare at The Great Gatsby. It doesn’t make sense. Nothing makes sense.
16. Realize what’s up with the silence. Dad’s not snoring anymore. You aren’t feeling like yourself. You need to sleep.
17. Something’s weird.
18. (WAKE UP) 
19. ...No. Something’s wrong.
Another Blackout Club story and another Interface Screw, as it were, this time in the form of a (very long) checklist. None of the characters have names (yet). It describes another way a kid could find themself running around at night with the Blackout Club, this time by fighting off the Song just enough to run into a club member who could wake them up the rest of the way. As with Tacet, I still need to write the suspenseful part.
A Tiny Galaxy - Warframe - 4 chapters planned, 1 complete, 1 in progress - 7.8k and counting
Try it if you don’t believe me, the kid in the vent had said.
It was impossible. It was physically impossible. All of this was impossible. Had the Void...? Could the Void...?
The ship was at a standstill. Her mother had tried to kill her, and something had happened. She’d made something happen. There had been no holoprojector in that kid’s hand. Nothing was impossible anymore.
Jhia took a deep breath. How the heck was she supposed to do this? Was she supposed to feel something, some internal guide? Blue Hair hadn’t said. Feeling incredibly stupid, she did a quick mental checkup on herself. Nothing felt wrong, or different - but now that she thought about it…
Afterward, she would try many times to explain it, and fail every time. The best she could come up with was that once she found the Void, calling on it was as easy and as natural as breathing. She opened her hands in front of her, concentrated on that force like an extension of herself, reopened her eyes, and there it was: a riotous little ball of energy, wisps and motes of light and not-quite-light like a tiny galaxy, the Tau system in the palm of her hand, raging.
More OC backstory time! This one’s for my Tenno, a nerdy fourteen-year-old (at the time of this story, anyway) by the name of Jhia, going through the hell that is the Zariman Ten-Zero and what happened on it. This is possibly the first part of the story I actually wrote: the roll-credits moment when Jhia realizes the Void’s changed her more already than she thought.
Hearsay - Lobotomy Corporation/Library of Ruina - one-shot - 1k and counting
"Oh? Did they investigate further?"
"They tried. Found a few fingerprints, but they didn't match anyone in the database."
"What's the update, then?"
"Reports from elsewhere in the district of someone not in uniform carrying a Zwei sword. They're slippery, good at avoiding us, which would suggest Syndicate operative to me and HQ. Except that in every one of the descriptions we managed to get, our sword thief is a child."
"What? How?!"
"You tell me, Iona. You're the one who went to the crime scene."
"Right... Jeez, if it's a kid, I guess that'd explain why Petrov thought they weren't a threat..."
"My thoughts exactly. HQ has a fair amount of hearsay to go on, but nobody can quite agree on how old the child is, or whether or not she's with a Syndicate. Most agree that she appears to be a girl, tall for a child, auburn hair, clothes and demeanor typical of a Backstreets native."
"We got a name?"
"They've heard Yeri, Kali, Redbird, Suma, Aelfin... No one knows which is her real one, or if it's even any of them at all."
"Damn. ...Say, are you going to drink that entire pot of coffee?"
"Help yourself."
This is one of those stories that turned into an accidental AU when more of canon came out. The idea behind it is that it’s Kali’s backstory told entirely in conversations in which she did not participate, showcasing the fact that a Fixer’s fame is their livelihood and Kali was about as famous as they come, before the whole L Corp thing happened. Of course, the vast majority of the headcanons here got invalidated with a certain Ruina update, so my motivation’s kinda down on this one.
Going Back has already been talked about here!
Ella Disenchanted - The Blackout Club - one-shot (maybe two-shot??) - 1.4k and counting
She woke. Her stomach went through a series of panicked flip-flops as she thought something strange had done it, Dad or a little-kid-nightmares shadow beast had made noise, but no - why had she fallen asleep in the first place? Her butt and shoulder were sore where they’d been leaning on the bottom and side of the windowsill, presumably all night, since the sun was full up over the trees on Old Growth Hill. 
All night. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t fall asleep, but she did anyway. God dammit.
As she unfolded herself from her cramped ball, though, she froze. Under the comforter she’d pulled around her shoulders for warmth, she was wearing her gray jacket, a T-shirt, jeans, sneakers getting dried mud all over the carpet. 
Last she remembered, she’d been in her pajamas.
In which a Blackout Club kid’s little sister wonders where he’s gone when he runs away to the boxcar, and tries to get to the bottom of the mystery herself. Usually she’d be too young for the club to recruit, but her investigations and an incident involving SAO are more than enough extenuating circumstance. Unlike most of my other WIPs, there’s a whole outline at the end of my doc for this one.
Making Peace - Warframe - multi-chapter - 1.5k and counting
“I…” Iksoh finally said. “Sorna, I hope you realize. I’m not into this. I never - I’m not doing this. Whatever you’re doing, I can’t.”
“I know,” Sorna said softly. The decision tore at her heart again and she almost backed out of the vent, but no. She had to go. She wouldn’t see another innocent crumple in her rifle sights. “I hope you realize. I’m not coming back.”
Behind her, Iksoh let out a long, shaky breath. “It’s taking all I’ve got not to report you right now. Sorna… the Queens’ll have my head for this. Please, please, let it be worth it. Go. Don’t let them take yours.”
“I won’t,” Sorna promised, and meant it.
Later, after her last fight for her freedom was done, on the Steel Meridian ship headed for Kronia Relay, Sorna looked out at the planet retreating behind her and thought of Iksoh. She’d just learned a new word from a Meridian soldier: vaykor tal, the defector’s spirit. Iksoh had let her go, at risk of their own life. They’d had a bit of the vaykor tal themself, even if they hadn’t known it, even if they’d thought it was just some weakness that was bound to get them killed.
“Ranre treri, duf krun,” she whispered into space, a Grineer well-wishing passed down from sergeant to tube-fresh lancer since time immemorial. May your hands be steady, and may life be kind.
This is an AU born of me and some friends wondering why in the heck Perrin and the Meridian hate each other so much in game. It’s about a group of Kavor - Grineer defectors distinguished from other Meridian members by their pacifism - who get to a Relay and start wondering the same thing. Besides Sorna (and, later in the story, Iksoh as well), there would have been Chakh, Beket, and Sydon, plus at least four of the syndicate leaders and a bunch of side-character OCs, all caught up somehow in what turns out to be a surprisingly far-reaching web of intrigue.
The Slashed Circle - Warframe - one-shot, probably - 429 and counting
In addition to their written and spoken language, the Grineer have a full language of hand signs. It has its quirks, as all languages do - be careful of confusing it with the Corpus sign language, in which the sign for “to pay” roughly approximates the Grineer sign for...a certain portion of the male anatomy. Among these is the common Grineer sentiment against those who defect from their ranks, baked into the sign just as much as their spoken words. 
The sign of the slashed circle, the sedashkur - a finger drawn in a circle on the chest, followed by a diagonal line - is the highest of taboos to any loyal Grineer. It shows support for such scum as the Kavor and Steel Meridian, enough so that it forms the basis for the Meridian’s battle standard. To sign the sedashkur is to betray your siblings, commit a grave insult to your superiors, paint a near-indelible target on your back. It is an object of hatred and fear throughout the ranks.
She fears it, yes, but she does not hate it, for all her life and into her death as well. It shouldn’t trouble her now, though. It is easy to hide a language, and she burned her journals before she was called to the fortress.
This is a fic about Jhia and her one (1) converted Kuva Lich, namely about the process of said Lich’s defeat and defection, that kinda never got off the ground. Contrary to this snippet, I think most of it would have been written in what are essentially space emails back and forth between Lich and Tenno? I definitely got as far as Jhia sending an audio recording of a bass-boosted dog fart, anyhow.
Wake Up, Tenno - Warframe - one-shot - 950 and counting
“Wake up, Tenno.”
She wakes. She is - she is Tenno, right? She is a Tenno? Her mind is confused, so full of fog and dead ends - how long was she asleep?
The voice that woke her seems familiar. She might have loved the speaker, in her scrambled past life, the woman in the purple helmet, the one called Lotus in her HUD vision. Her surroundings are a ruin of some sort. Her body is—
She can move just fine. Her fingers and arms and legs respond with suspicious ease, given how long she must have slept to be this scattered upon waking up, and yet there’s some fundamental disconnect. This is her Warframe, her body, but it’s not her body somehow.
...wait, where did the term “Warframe” come from?
A Tenno, unnamed but intended to be Jhia on my end, wakes up on Earth at the very beginning of the in-game storyline. Since the tutorial has gotten an overhaul in recent months, I may have to modify even what little I have on this a lot.
Midnight - Iconoclasts - poem - 280 and counting
been anything smaller than been anything
never been anything smaller than
“good morning, how’s miss grump doing today? i heard about that last mission...if you didn’t sleep well i can call you in sick, it’s alright-” “oh, shut up, grey”
there has never been anything
“oh, shut up, grey” “love you too”
“love you too”
A very fragmented, stream-of-consciousness-y poem meant to represent Agent Black’s failing sanity near the end of the game. The words of her famous one-liner (“there has never been anything smaller than me”) are interspersed, out of order until the end, with poetic descriptions of other characters and bits and pieces of a flashback involving Agent Grey.
Heliotropism - Iconoclasts - one-shot - 1.1k and counting
Lily, though she’s superstitious, will have none of these self-important truths, none of these semblances of certainty when really all it is is wishing on Ivory and hoping for the best. She calls for Miss Andress instead. 
A stout but severe woman with ten grandchildren and a great-grandchild on the way, Miss Andress is perhaps the quintessential matriarch: nurturing, selfless, brutally honest. She is the one the people of 17 trust when they feel they can trust no one else. Lily needs the kind of reassurance only she can give, with the authority of ninety-one years and the wisdom of two sons, one daughter, and some five dogs raised under her care.
When Miss Andress visits House 4, she asks Polro and Lily to each bring an object they cherish the most. For Polro it’s his largest wrench, pitted with use but still polished to a brassy shine; Lily surprises everyone by pulling out a tiny, unloaded stun-gun, and surprises them more by not explaining it at all. Miss Andress doesn’t question it. She just turns the two tools over and over in her hands, head bowed, squinting at them as if trying to read the secrets of the universe in the scratches carved into them by time.
Finally she straightens up and sighs, pushing a strand of silver hair behind her ear. Her forehead is slick with sweat, though the night is cool outside. “I don’t know what she’ll do,” the wise woman says, heavily, as if delivering bad news. “I just know she’ll change the world.”
Can you tell I like backstory fic? This one is for Robin, with one short anecdote for each year of her life, up to age 17 and the events of the game. It’s also an excuse to world-build a bunch, lol.
Arrhythmia - Crypt of the NecroDancer - one-shot(?) - 4k and counting
The creature didn’t say anything, just beckoned to the shadows. Before I could move, two other creatures came for me, sending the other humans - former humans? - scrambling away in panic. One landed a hard blow on the back of my head that sent me to my hands and knees, seeing sparks; the other said “Freeze!” and I could only watch as ice sprouted from the leaf litter, cementing me to the ground.
The one who’d hit me produced a dagger from the inside of its cloak. I tried to pull myself up, to do anything at all to keep myself from getting shanked, but it was no good. There must have been a secondary effect on that spell; my limbs wouldn’t respond. I felt the dagger tear cloth in the region of my back, and prepared for the pain.
It didn’t come. The creature cut a slit in the back of my tunic, then another. Neither one touched the skin at all. I can’t really describe what happened next - my brain was having trouble computing how my arms were in front of me, visible, unable to move, but it felt like the creature was pulling them through the gashes in my tunic, but that was wrong, they didn’t feel like arms at all.
“Holy fuck,” I heard someone say.
The ice holding me down melted into nothing as the spell wore off. I jumped back up, head spinning a little, ready for another fight, only to spot two flicks of scarlet in my peripheral vision. I spun around, but they moved with me.
I think I already knew what they were. I just couldn’t admit it to myself.
You’ve already seen this one, Nick, though I’m pretty sure it was well over two years ago. It’s a pile of old headcanons, some of them now outdated I’m pretty sure, about how Nocturna ended up a vampire in the first place and a little bit about how vampire society works. According to Google Docs, I’ve been stuck on this one since March 2018. Whoops.
untitled (working title “adult citra meets an impostor bc what is self-control”) - Among Us - one-shot - 572 and counting
“I know. You’re stuck, aren’t you?” Having well and truly gotten their full attention, Citra continues, “God, I can barely imagine. Having to take a weird-ass host whose biology might even be toxic to you, I don’t know. Needing to get to a whole other galaxy, feeling like the only way to do that is by deception and death.” “How…?”
She sighs. “I told you, this isn’t my first rodeo. One of your kind saved my life when I was a kid. Since he’d killed Mom and Dad had been out of the picture long before, he stayed here and helped raise me afterward. It’s how I learned to pronounce...a few of your words, at least.”
“You missed the ‘H’ sound.”
“Isn’t that the one that’s literally impossible to do right with Terran anatomy?”
“Maybe. You think I know Terran anatomy all that well?”
Citra chuckles. “Fair point. You let us find your buddy and fix the ship, I’ll raise Xai when we get comms back and he can try and help you get home. Deal?”
I found an Among Us comic on Tumblr, absolutely ran into left field with it to make a couple of OCs, and then made AUs of those OCs because of course I did. This one is from a future scenario in which Citra (typically orange) meets someone rather familiar on a mission with the crew of the Skeld.
untitled (working title “library of ruina but they adopt half the guests”) - Library of Ruina - length uncertain - 1k and counting
“And what happened to not caring about others because it’s a waste of time and heartache?”
Now it’s Roland’s turn to sigh. “I don’t care about him. I just don’t want the guilt of killing - look at him, he can’t be older than eighteen or nineteen!”
Raised eyebrow. “Finn will be twenty years old in fifteen days’ time. He is a legal adult. I fail to see why this should matter to either of us.”
“He’s fresh off his first Fixer license! I have years of experience! He had no idea what he was getting into when he signed that invitation and you know it!”
Angela fixes him with a glare that turns his stomach, his freshly remade body reacting to the memory of its sudden, and extremely painful, dismemberment. “I could quite literally hold your soul in my hands if I wanted,” she reminds him in an undertone of steel. “I must do the same for him, following the invitation’s guidance, or my entire plan will be lost, my coworkers’ sacrifices all for naught. Do not disappoint me or ask any more impertinent questions. You know what to do, and what will happen if you do not.” 
Look, some of the people you fight in this game deserved so much better, okay? I came up with an AU concept where if a guest willingly concedes the fight and agrees to stick around, you can get their book without killing them. Finn doesn’t die; neither do Tomerry or Shi Association; all the former employees realize exactly what’s going on with Philip after the Wedge Office fight and manage to calm him down, avoiding the whole Crying Children situation. (And then Gebura makes him collect his jaw off the floor by revealing herself as the Red Mist.)
The one that’s a D&D world concept doesn’t have anything concrete written for it yet. (Don’t read this bit if you might want to play in my campaign at some point!) Instead of your typical Forgotten Realms planar setup, the world at large would be called the Seven Spheres, each of them different in terms of climate, geography, native species and magic, etc. The First Sphere would be the most “generic” one (to our way of thinking) and the main setting of the campaign; it would also be the smallest of the Seven, its primary continent home to a former empire of dragons that spanned most of the Sphere until its mysterious fall a thousand years ago.
Now, since the empire fell, the dragons and their children have slowly been dying out. Best estimates are that there’s only a thousand or two left in the entire First Sphere, with fewer eggs hatched every decade. The player characters enter a world with pretty typical low-level quests to start with, but every so often, especially if they engage with optional story stuff (this would be a more roleplay-focused than combat-focused campaign), they get wind of changes in the air - a failed harvest here, an unusually hot and stormy summer there, a trade war once they start hitting mid-levels.
It mimics real-world climate change in all but cause. As coastal cities struggle to contend with rising seas and, more alarmingly, wizards all over the Sphere start to notice their magic falter and wane, the PCs’ goal becomes getting to the bottom of this. And what’s at the bottom is...your typical Nerd fusion of science with fantasy settings.
The Seven Spheres are not planes of existence in the normal D&D sense, but seven planets in the same solar system, each with its own ancient god far more powerful than any god in any mortal pantheon; the First Sphere is so named because it’s closest to the sun. These planetary gods are incredibly large and incredibly alien, thinking in geologic time and concepts far too broad and slow for most sapient beings to comprehend. A thousand years ago, the fall of the dragon empire was caused by an ill-advised ritual meddling with the god of the First Sphere’s natural process of rebirth, causing said god to die without a replacement.
It’s taken this long for the First Sphere to feel the effects because, again, geologic time - a thousand years is a blink of an eye in this kind of time scale. But now the ancient earth-magic that had kept the Sphere’s climate temperate and its magicians in business is failing. The dragons, as beings of magic intrinsically, have been failing all along. And now it’s up to the PCs, up at level 17-20 if not higher by that point, to figure out how to fix the situation and find a new planetary god for the First Sphere before the whole Sphere burns to death.
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KC, i gotta be honest with you as much as i love the remake and this series period! I hate that Im already seeing current fandom culture start for the game its the worst, I dont need another shipping war for this game, it happen during its original run and when Advent Children came out, AND AGAIN when Crisis Core came out. Im already seeing it now plus ppl pushing new ships and I just..i dont want current fandom to ruin this game for me...i know it will even tho this game means so much to me 1/2
Take a deep breath, it’ll be okay. To be honest I’ve never understood shipping wars or shipping hate. Just cause I like one cake doesn’t mean the other cakes are invalid. Just because they’re not to my taste doesn’t mean other people won’t like it? Idk man. You can also argue and make points on what pairings are ‘canon’ until the cows come home.
Fandom culture is… massively toxic at times. I’m so sorry you have to see it in something you love so much. It’s exhausting. I hope people calm down a little over time.
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