#the shot of him with the red saber against ahsoka???
tending-the-hearth · 1 year
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i’m so unwell rn it’s not even funny
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
Mynock Fever
Pairings: Shin Hati/Sabine Wren, Shin Hati & Baylan Skoll, Shin Hati & Baylan Skoll & Sabine Wren & Ahsoka Tano Characters: Sabine Wren, Shin Hati, Baylan Skoll, Ahsoka Tano Warnings/Notes: Sickness, Fever, Canon Divergence, Sleepover!!!!, Truce, Fellas Is It Gay To Hunt Down The Woman You Want To Rail (You)?, Goth Dad Baylan Skoll, Good Dad Baylan Skoll, She/They Shin Hati, Wolfwren Summary: “It appears my Padawan has come down with Mynock Fever and cannot be convinced to rest.” Baylan’s hands were clasped in front of him, his face remained impassive, though Ahsoka could feel his worry in the force. “What do you want me to do about it?” He cleared his throat. “Your apprentice, Sabine Wren, seems to have a rather positive influence on her, it is my hope perhaps that if she accompanied Shin here, they would be able to get the rest they needed,” “I’m not letting Sabine go anywhere near Morgan and Marrok. You two can come here,” He seemed like he was going to decline, until a loud, chest rattling cough filtered through the speaker off the projection. “We will be there,” Word Count: 4,463 AO3 Link: Here! Notes: Big thanks to Steelgrace for this rec, and for helping me figure out all of the intricacies! Here is the link I used for the lullaby (edited for Mando'a), And another thanks to Steel for helping me with translations. Also, I cannot believe I didn't post anything yesterday. I have failed you... I have failed you.
Ahsoka went to the meetup point alone, she had not told Sabine about their soon-to-be guests, or the circumstances of her departure. The Imperial shuttle set down in the clearing, when she reached out, the Togruta sensed only two being inside the ship. The ramp lowered to reveal Baylan Skoll, his arm wrapped around his apprentice, who’d shrunk into her cloak with the hood tugged over her head. The skin she could see was paler than normal, their shoulders shaking as if they were cold, tucked closer to her Master’s side than Ahsoka would have thought possible.
Shin looked smaller without all of her armor, her robes wrinkled and messy, hanging off of their shrunken frame. A mask looped around their ears, covering their nose and mouth, though Ahsoka’s montrals picked up on each wheezing breath.
Baylan’s eyes scanned their surroundings as he led Shin off of the ship, a bag slung over his shoulders, the armor Shin normally wore tied to the outside of the bag, clinking softly with each step. “Thank you for taking us,” He greeted with a dip of his head. Both of their sabers hung from each belt, and he must have sensed Ahsoka’s distrustful gaze. “Shin, give me your saber,”
“Master..?” Their voice was hoarse, thick and stuffy as they leaned further into him for support, hand unwinding from the fabric of their cloak to retrieve the saber tucked against her hip. Trembling hands passed the weapon over, though it was not taken far, clipped to Baylan’s belt beside his own. “Trust goes both ways, Lady Tano..” He reminded at the scrunching of Ahsoka’s facial markings. “We are putting ours in you,”
Relenting, Ahsoka nodded her head, arm sweeping towards her speeder parked in the brush. “Your ship will be safe here, though I suggest making sure it’s locked. The wolves can open unlocked doors,” Ahsoka warned, listening as their ramp raised and ship sealed itself.
Baylan helped Shin into the speeder, allowing the young woman to tuck into his side once more as Ahsoka shot the speeder across the thirty minute trip back to the two small buildings that made up their home. A pre-fab building had been erected near Sabine and Ezra’s tower. A mop of orange and red hair was leaning over the railing, though Ahsoka could feel the Apprentice’s eyes on her as she pulled up.
By the time the speeder pulled to a stop, Sabine was leaning against stacked crates nearby, arms crossed over her chest with confusion pulling at her face. “I’ve picked up some guests for a few days,” Ahsoka greeted as she slid out of the speeder, head turning back to Shin and Baylan as he helped Shin out of the back of the speeder.
“Woah, what happened to her?” Sabine pushed off her spot, closing the distance between herself and Ahsoka as Baylan approached.
“Mynock fever, it seems they’ve picked it up on our travels,” Baylan informed the jedi as Shin finally raised her eyes from the dirt.
“Jeez, Shin,” Sabine offered a crooked smile in greeting. “Never got vaccinated for Mynock fever?”
Shin blinked slowly. “Vaccinated?” Their brows furrowed in confusion, and they glanced towards Baylan, who seemed as equally confused by the other Jedi at their response.
Realization crossed Baylan’s face, his hand raising to press his fingers into the bridge of his nose. “Of course they never had you vaccinated on Balosar,”
“Bal-“ She hadn’t known Shin had come from Balosar, Shin had never told, and Sabine had never asked, all she really knew of the planet was how few humans could survive long periods without a large sum of creds to keep supplying oxygen.
Ahsoka’s hand on her own stopped her from questioning further, it wasn’t their place to question yet. “It would be wise to get it handled in the city once they are well again,”
“I’m right here,” Shin rasped over the conversations around her, arms hanging to the side before falling with a smack to her sides. The blonde’s weight shifted unsteadily, though before Baylan could reach to steady her, Sabine was taking a large stride forward, allowing the blonde to grab onto her arm, sliding her other arm around them.
Offering a sheepish smile, Sabine let Shin lean into her. Truly, they didn’t care who was holding them up, or even if they fell… the Lothal dirt seemed pretty comfy, Sabine would know, they should ask…
“Hey, I’m gonna take her inside?” Sabine broke apart the quiet conversation between the Masters, nodding her head towards the tower. Baylan eyed her with something protective that both warmed her heart and put her on edge. She was no fool, she’d seen the holo of him killing the rebellion leaders to free Morgan, getting on his bad side (outside of his… bad side; the side that made them enemies) was not something she wanted to test out.
Shin didn’t seem to care about who was leading her away from the group, and Sabine was grateful to not have the usual homicidal comments sent her way in front of Baylan and Ahsoka. In fact, the Gray Jedi didn’t even seem to realize or care that she was moving, feet dragging through the dirt as Sabine led the way.
“Jeesh, Kurs’kaded, you’re in rough shape,” Sabine commented as she guided the woman into the tower, brushing their hood off their head as the door slid shut so she could press the back of her hand to their burning forehead. Their roots were a startling mess of brown, that she absolutely was not expecting to see from the blonde.
“How long have you been laid on your ass like this?” Sabine questioned as she settled them into her bed, pulling their cloak away only to replace it around her shoulders with the softest blanket she had.
“Weeks,” They sunk into the mattress and the familiar warmth and smells as Sabine fretted about to cover them up in blankets.
Sabine paused, brows furrowing as she turned to stare at the blonde. “We fought last week-“ She settled herself on the edge of the bed and a look of mock hurt crossed her face. “Wait, is that why I beat you?” A smile flickered across their lips from under the mask as Shin nodded.
“I mean, as much as I liked handing you your own ass, it’s less fun knowing it took you being sick for it to happen,”
“I could have beaten you, if I wanted,” Shin leaned back into the headboard, eyes fluttering shut as she burrowed into the blankets.
“Mhmm, get some rest, copikla,”
Defaulting to what she knew best, Shin obeyed the gentle command, drifting off into a feverish sleep.
Two sets of footsteps ascended the steps until the door was sliding open again. Ahsoka and Baylan both stepped into the tower to see Sabine working over a portable hot plate on the table, the beginnings of a pot of pog soup brought to a boil inside. “Shh,” The Mandalorian warned, gesturing to the sleeping ball of murder curled up in the corner of the room.
“Wait, is her hair brown?” Ahsoka’s eyes narrowed at the tops of Shin’s head, glancing towards the hair care and weapons expert.
“Yeah, she does the same thing I do,” Sabine pointed out quietly as she added spices to the pot. “Actually,” Her attention turned to Baylan. “They said you help her take care of it,” The civility was weird, for Sabine, though this was not her first experience being friendly with an enemy (considering the woman that had tried to murder her was snoring quietly in her bed), and she could at least play nice so long as it was returned.
“Yes, every few weeks,” He and Ahsoka lowered themselves into the open chairs in sync, the Togruta focused more on the conversation of human hair than anything else. “Although I hadn’t wanted to do the latest treatment until she was feeling better,”
Sabine nodded along, pleased with his answer as she settled into the open chair between the two older force-sensitives. “So, what’s all this about Balosar? That’s the core world they turned into a trash heap, right?”
Baylan scratched a hand through his beard in thought, debating on what he should provide about his Apprentice’s upcoming. “I can only offer some of the details, the rest you will need to ask her yourself.”
Sabine planted her elbows on the table and leaned in. “Spill,” A smile twitched at her lips, and she could see Ahsoka’s shoulders moving in silent laughter in her peripherals.
The older man only looked confused for a moment, though he did not bother to question their amusement. “As you know, a force sensitive child in the galaxy after the Jedi Purge was a danger, they would reach into their abilities and cause havoc, which oftentimes would lead to Imperial… intervention,” The Mercenary stroked his beard, lips pressing into a line as he pondered the piece they would have played in Shin’s life if he hadn’t shown up, how different she would be from the woman he raised and how similar she would instead have been with Marrok.
“I picked up on her fledgling presence and requested that Imperial presence in the area to clear until I could investigate. She’d been using the force to help her survive, which had only gone so far on a toxic planet unfit for humans, and an overpopulation rate that made the most basic of tasks nearly impossible. The healthcare on Balosar only extends to their corporate elite, the most she received was a used oxygen tank every handful of cycles.” His hands folded onto the table as he looked to his sleeping Padawan fondly.
“When I retrieved her, no one had inquired on my intentions, though I was stopped and… forced to buy out her employment with one of the Line Supervisors for the company that had hired her. Of course, when we were back on my ship, we had been more focused on the pressing ailments than that of routine vaccinations,”
“Wait, doesn’t Balosar export Death Sticks?” Sabine’s nose crinkled. “They hired a kid for their shit?” Anger rose in her blood, boiling like the soup in the center of the table.
“Sabine, mind your feelings,” Ahsoka called, her hand resting on Sabine’s arm, gesturing with her eyes to the shifting body in the nest of blankets, the spark of her anger causing unrest in their state.
“Right, yeah, calm,” Sabine huffed as she dropped back into her seat. “She didn’t deserve that,”
“She didn’t- doesn’t” Baylan corrected with a nod of his head, eyes warm as he glanced between the apprentices, through his shared bond with Shin, he’d been able to feel the spark of another bond that they had cherished just as dearly. Shin’s reaction to Sabine’s feelings even in her state of feverish sleep directed him to the other that his Padawan had felt dearly about (though he never would have guessed anyone else, it was nice to have the force confirm it).
“Shin has come a long way from Balosar, though many of her habits have stuck onto her, I am afraid that my own teachings in survival may have even reinforced some of their more unhealthy mechanisms, which is why I had sought you out, Lady Wren.”
“You have sparked something in my Apprentice that I had not known was possible for her to safely experience, it has been fortuitist in her training and connection with the force.”
Sabine relaxed at the words, a fond smile flickering at her lips as she fought off the feeling of smugness that settled into her chest.
“Shin has been helping Sabine as well,” Ahsoka pointed out, waving her hand towards the portable hotplate to turn down the heat with the force. “Both with her connection to the force, and her saber training,”
“Shin has been looking for a fight with a lightsaber user for some time, it’s a wonder they haven’t killed each other, but she spoke highly about Sabine’s aptitude, she believes you would be more comfortable in form three, or perhaps, adapting your culture into how you learn.”
“Wait, Shin talks to you about me?”
“All the time,” His chest rumbled with a soft chuckle as the Mandalorian’s cheeks turned red and she looked down, a smile tugging at her lips fondly.
Ahsoka’s facial marking raised, shooting a knowing smirk towards Baylan to convey that likewise, Sabine talked about Shin more often than she even realized.
“Okay, before I get embarrassed any more-“ Sabine started, rising to her feet to shuffle through the cabinets along the wall. Mentally, she patted herself on the back for cleaning up the clutter before their surprise guests had arrived.
Four bowls were set out, the serving spoon passed to Ahsoka to fill each bowl while she rummaged through the cabinets for the caf pods. “ ‘soka, the pods okay for tea?”
“Yes, thank you,” The Togruta answered as she poured each serving, moving to the counters to grab silverware for each bowl.
“Baylan? Tea, caf, water? Might have some flavor pods too,” Sabine called over her shoulder, just loud enough to not disturb Shin’s sleep yet.
“Water is alright, thank you,” The man’s head dipped in thanks, taking the bowl Ahsoka slid over to him in much of the same manner.
Drinks were passed around as the three settled in, Shin’s bowl set aside and covered to keep warm, giving her a few more moments of restful sleep as the three ate in peace and general quiet.
Sabine was the first to finish, offering a lopsided smile at the fond shake of Ahsoka’s head. “I’m gonna go wake her up,” She declared, uncovering the bowl and grabbing another glass to fill with water before making her way to the small bed in the corner.
Sabine settled the bowl and cup on the nightstand, laying her hand out on Shin’s leg to offer a small shake. “Kurs’kaded,” Her voice was quiet, the running water from the sink across the home as Baylan and Ahsoka did dishes, keeping her soft words between them.
Shin groaned in discontent, though her body leaned closer to the warmth offered by Sabine’s hand. “Come on, I made pog soup,” She bartered, lips pulling into a smile when the woman’s eyelids began to flutter open.
“What the krif is a pog?” Shin rasped as she freed her face from the blanket nest. The mask she’d been wearing had been pulled off from her shifting around in their sleep, allowing Sabine to study chapped lips and each labored breath they managed through their mouth.
“It’s a kind of soup, Mandalorian thing, but it’s good, and you need as much liquid as possible, or you’re gonna dry up. And then you’ll die,” She exaggerated with a smile that widened with her victory in the form of Shin’s eyes rolling.
Helping Shin sit up better and piling pillows at their back, the Mandalorian grabbed the bowl from the table. When Shin started trying to free their arms from her burrito, the other woman shook her head and raised a spoonful of soup to their lips. “It’s not the first time, you know,”
Shin looked like they were going to argue that point, but with both of their masters less than twenty feet away, commenting on their prior experiences having followed being fucked ‘stupid’, didn’t necessarily seem like the wisest option. Instead, they parted their lips and allowed Sabine to feed her.
It was slow work, making sure that she could handle the broth, and then the various vegetables and chunks of meat she’d added for Ahsoka’s sake.
Once the bowl was mostly empty, Shin adjusted herself to lean forward, forehead pressing against Sabine’s bicep as the woman wrapped an arm around her. “This happen a lot of the time?” She whispered gently, her head turning to press her lips to a burning forehead.
Shin nodded her head slowly, a quiet grumble meeting her question as she shifted enough to get one arm free of the blankets, reaching to fist into the fabric of Sabine’s shirt.
“Your Master’s acting like this is the first time he’s noticed,” Her voice dropped lower, barely even a whisper in Shin’s ear as she glanced at the man who was sitting and engaged in quiet conversation with Ahsoka once more.
“ ‘hid it,” They managed, voice muffled by Sabine’s arm. “took other jobs, away,” there was something in her voice that was thick with dissatisfaction and self-loathing, something Sabine was intimately familiar with.
“This is the first time you haven’t been able to go somewhere else,” Sabine realized out loud, though the blonde nodded her head as if asked a question. “We’ll get you what you need before you go, should look into everything else you missed out on too, you know?”
Shin didn’t answer, hand twisting further in Sabine’s shirt as her weight shifted to try and find comfort while still touching her moon.
“Alright, scooch over,” The woman kicked off her boots before sliding into the rest of the small space, though it was quickly cleared by Shin practically laying themselves on top of her the moment Sabine had settled.
By the time Sabine was comfortable, Shin’s breaths had already slowed to an easy slumber, her face relaxed enough that the hard lines around their eyes could soften. Encircling her arms around their waist, Sabine settled in, she mouthed her goodbyes to the two Masters as Ahsoka guided an only mildly hesitant Baylan out of the tower. Nix was let back into the room, finding himself a spot on Shin’s back where he curled up and purred loudly against her.
There was an overwhelming loneliness, choking like a vice grip around her throat, a heavy fog that sat heavy in her lungs, and the strike of fear that ignited the blood in her veins.
Baylan, where’s Baylan? Where am I? Where do I go from here? What should I do?
Sabine’s nose twitched in her sleep as her nightmares shifted with an overpowering sense. Ezra, Kanan, Ketsu, and Mandalore were replaced by faces she could not see, crowded city streets and the sour tang of acidic air and ash. Cartons of death sticks and spice were passed between hands, death hung around each street corner; Sabine became aware of the feeling of bodies at her feet, all faceless, but being trampled by the moving streets. Her legs looked small, and certainly not her own, or any that could belong to a human woman in her late twenties, they looked like those of a small child.
She could see the back of Baylan Skoll’s head, though, and she knew she needed to get to him as each breath grew harder to take in but he wouldn’t stop! “Master!” She was calling above the roar of the street, though her voice came out weak and broken, the poisonous atmosphere was taking its toll-
Sabine startled awake as the body pressed into her delved into a fit of gasping coughs, each breath a struggle as her lungs wheezed. “Shin,” Sabine called, consciousness finding her quickly as her adrenaline started pumping.
“Kurs’kaded,” She called again, reaching to press guide their hands up and uncurl them from her side, rolling the blonde onto her back so her lungs could properly expand as she sucked in each breath. When her eyes snapped open, they were full of tears that fell hot down her face, like a river of lava on Sullust.
There was a brief moment of hesitance in the gray apprentice, the force thrumming between them before they were pressing their face harder into Sabine’s shoulder, nails pressing past the material of her shirt and into the soft flesh underneath, grounding themself to the living, breathing person in her grasp.
Somehow, the grip Shin had on Sabine was strong enough to rival the fear in her veins when she’d woken up, though she didn’t dare offer any less pressure returned as she hugged the blonde closer. “I’m right here, ner Kurs’kaded,”
Sabine knew enough now about their connection that the emotions that were pressing in on her own heart were not her own. She also knew that she was entirely inexperienced in sending feelings not influenced by the ones being pushed on her, echoing back the panic and pain that was expelled out to her as all she could do was press Shin’s head close and hope that the heavy thumping of her heart would be enough to help.
The overwhelming fear starting to fade, Sabine finally no longer had an irrational fear of Baylan leaving her (despite her own issues regarding the prior abandonment of her own Master), and she could breathe again.
“Tuu Tattuine t’ad vod tranir drala or tra. Bal hokaad’la’vhekad buurenaar iviinir dos ori’suumpir, nyac tusken, demagolka, ra’beroya runar vurel alaror gebbar. Sa’munit sa ni olar taylor gar morut’yc bal novor ni.”
Sabine’s voice was soft, throat still thick with the force of the emotions projected onto her from the blonde that was using her as a lifeline. The lullaby was one Hera had sung to her once, when she’d been in a position much like Shin’s; feverish and scared. She only learned it after Jacen’s birth, and had recited it to the screaming infant only a handful of times, but the promises were etched into her heart either way.
“Let Naboo’s cerulean ceiling form a canopy o’er your head, as her bright, sparkling waters flow through lovely landscapes green, while sweet shaaks frolic ‘cross the plains. They won’t disturb your beds, so you may sleep peacefully in pleasant pastoral scenes.”
Nix, who had been brushed aside some time during the night, was rubbing his face into Shin’s arm, his weight settled half on the small mattress and half on Sabine’s hip. Hir purring broke the space between each breath, and eased some of the tension in the gray apprentice
Shin’s shoulders started to ease, her breathing quieting, and her fingers loosening from their crescent shaped indents placed deep in Sabine’s abdomen. When Shin’s fingers released from her stomach and started to brush through the soft fur along Nix’s spine, calm finally settled over both women. “Hey,” Sabine started, offering a lopsided when half-lidded, silvery blue pools met her own again.
“Hi,” They rasped, shifting under the blankets to lay more on the mattress than to weigh down the Mandalorian below her. “Are you okay?”
“Me? Di’kutt,” The woman smiled warmly as she shook her head. “Those were some feelings,” She decided, sure that telling Shin that being suffocated emotionally and in her sleep like that wasn’t pleasant, wouldn’t bring a smile to her kurs’kaded’be face like the thought on injuring her in a fight would.
Shifting to sit up and hissing at the dig of claws into her hip at her movement, Sabine sat up, leaning back against the small headboard and allowing Shin to wordlessly obey the silently invitation into her lap. Their head tucked into her shoulder once more as they settled to straddle her lap, legs sliding to hook under Sabine’s own as they relaxed into the woman again.
“Like you, I have to work on my shielding,” Shin grumbled into Sabine’s shoulder as the Mandalorian’s hand started to brush out her hair, running brown and blonde locks across her fingers with a soft hum.
“Not with me,” The flash of their eyes on her had Sabine rushing to continue. “You don’t have to shield yourself from me, what you’re feeling, I want to feel it,�� A sleepy kiss was pressed into their cheek. “I want to feel you, all of you; whether it’s through your lightsaber in my stomach, or when you kick my ass sparring, when you come and I get to experience it through your side- absolutely divine experience, by the way,- and when your feelings get too much, I want to share that with you, I just… want you, in sickness and in health,”
Shin’s mouth gaped, opening and closing for a moment before she pitched forward, arms wrapping around her moon’s neck. They weren’t sure how to respond, not verbally at least. It seemed Sabine got what she wanted, however, because she pulled back enough to catch Shin’s gaze. “I’m not fucking you while you’re sick, cyar’ika.”
They grumbled in mild disappointment, though a smile twitched at her lips. Their head ducked back against her shoulder and Sabine settled them back down. When teeth dug into her shoulder, the Mandalorian only exaggerated a sigh and brought her hand back to Shin’s hair to card back through the messy strands.
When morning came, Shin’s fever had broken, and she’d even had enough energy to help Sabine cook breakfast. Which ended with a counter on fire, an angry Nix, and Baylan taking over for his disaster of a daughter.
It took Shin another three days to get into Capital City and receive the vaccinations she’d missed. During that time, Shin worked on getting back into fighting shape and getting her hair fixed, Sabine was only pretending to be hurt when the Wolf wouldn’t let her bleach it, though, Baylan did a good job for a man who’d never dyed his own hair.
Sabine’s fingers were intwined with Shin’s as they made their way downstairs. Shin and Baylan’s gear was already packed back into the speeder, Ahsoka leaned against the side of the vehicle, laughing with Baylan about an old memory they shared. Sabine could hear the name ‘Anakin’ on her lips, and while her curiosity piked, she kept quiet as they approached.
“Hey, Geezers, get a move on,” She called, making a show out of rolling her eyes as Ahsoka stood.
“Geezers, can you believe that?” Ahsoka remarked, a smile on her lips as she pushed off the side of the speeder. “Padawans these days,”
“Alright, Snips,” Baylan remarked with a hearty laugh, earning a look of mock anger from the relaxed Togruta.
“Hey, don’t forget, I will gut you,”
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” Sabine stepped back in when Shin’s energy pulsed with a wave of protectiveness. “ ‘soka’s all bark, no bite,”
“Well,” The woman’s hand reached for the thin strap of fabric of Sabine’s muscle shirt to reveal the bruised and bitten skin along her collarbone and throat. “My padawan seems to be taking all the bite with her, these days,”
“It’s like poetry, then,” Baylan joked, hands clasping together at his waist as Shin slipped away from Sabine to join at his side.
“Hey, poetry is good,” Sabine shrugged her shoulders. “It’s an art,”
Mand’alor the Ultimate was a poet, after all and Sabine was proficient at walking the way of the Mand’alor, ever since she took her creed.
Translations: Kurs’kaded - Wolf Copikla - Charming, cute – never use on women unless you want your head ripped off Ner kurs'kaded - My wolf “Tuu Tattuine t’ad vod tranir drala or tra. Bal hokaad’la’vhekad buurenaar iviinir dos ori’suumpir, nyac tusken, demagolka, ra’beroya runar vurel alaror gebbar. Sa’munit sa ni olar taylor gar morut’yc bal novor ni.” - When Tattoine’s two sister suns shine brightly in the sky, and violent sandstorms rush across the sea. No Tusken, Monster, or Bounty Hunter will ever come close. As long as I am here to keep you safe and close to me. Di’kutt, - Idiot: with affection Kurs’kaded’be - Wolf's Cyar’ika. - Darling
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skoulsons · 1 year
if anyone is interested. live notes of mine while watching ep5
Jacens so cute
the way he peaked out 😭
‘I told them to stay together’ :((
‘They never listen’ :/
world between world looks so cool
ok actually not ready for this conversation uhhhhh
baylan Skoll my boy
he’s so close to her why am iiiiiii
snips :(
can they hug actually.
I never finished clone wars or got very far or seen rebels in full I can’t imagine how this feels to the big big fans are you guys ok
jacen what do you see bby
He’s so force sensitive.
bro world between worlds is crazy how does this even work
THE GHOST I love hearing it called that
ohdkshdsk not Anakin’s iconic move
I love their footsteps on the bridge(??)
oh. oh no. are we getting flashbacks.
what’s going ON
holy shit. it’s the 501st and anakin leading them.
OR NOT??? What’s going on
Hayden as clone wars anakin whatsjshskhsjdg
live action ahsoka wjayskwhkshd
TEMURA????? ?:?/?
is that aayla too i can’t tell but that’s gotta be rex right RIGHT
this is so weird in a good way but it’s WEIRD
imsorry I’m still kinda losing it over rex.
xwings are so beautiful
‘You do things your way bc you care. That’s why people like you’ that’s like the nicest thing Huyang has said
Oh wonderful 💀💀
OOOOH she’s got two sabers now
her s7 armor 🤌🏻
He looks SO s7/rots anakin I love this
Oh wow that shot looked very reminiscent oh the one from rots (I think form what I remember it’s been a minute)
his one eye being red and the other being normal akdhskdhskdhhafsu
I know it might be the saber but also.
he’s gone :(
aw she’s all tucked in <3
oh WHOA her thing is off I don’t think it’s ever been off before
not to take away from everything this episode has been so far but I really just like one scene with baylan and his daughter shin please.
heras little family :(
Ahsoka cradling his head 😭
“No.” “Yes.” “No.” Love huyang
come onnn ahsoka
Chops “uh oh” 😭
is it two r’s or two l’s I forget
they just spawned In 💀
they’re so gross and cool at the same time
I feel like they should be following the current and not against it but. what do i know
oooh big boy
so. I don’t know what’s gone with them what is the goal here how do they work exactly
LOVE her white outfit are you KIDDING
do they get eaten or
ok well this is definitely going to end badly
carson 💀💀💀
‘Kiddo’ im cool 🤠
orhskd it’s eye
looks like the mouth from nemo.
this is so insane
“I have no idea” 😭💀
They way their tails light up 😭
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I finished the last half of clone wars season 5! admittedly, i skipped the droid arc and just read a synopsis of the episodes. I’ll probably come back to it later, but i just don’t like the droids enough to watch 4 episodes of them. especially considering the two final arcs of season 5!
Shadow Conspiracy arc
-so I’ve watched this one a while ago when I was learning about mandalorians, but I wanted to put pre and satine’s death in wider context
-i love that there’s explanation on how satine and bo-katan are related. just boom, immediate familial relation dropped. brings me back to Luke and vader himself.
-bo-katan and pre viszla arent Good Guys obviously, but they put maul’s evil into perspective. Death Watch are terrorists that remind me of Russian neo-cossacks (derogatory), but next to maul’s conniving, you can see they aren’t terrible because they’re terrible people. they ultimately are seeking what they believe is best for mandalore. Maul is rotten.
-and that makes him a juicy character. he’s lost his legs (i still want the spider legs back, they were awesome), and now, he’s lost two brothers. all he’s got left is hatred for Obi-wan. im looking forward to watching that play out.
-it was good to see palpatine be the ultra powerful sith lord that he is. you really get the feeling that he’s the top dog in this galaxy, with how effortlessly he gets in, wastes savage oppress, and beats up maul.
-oh, you know the animators relished that Dutch angle. just the one, as a treat. (also the savage/maul/Kenobi fight on florrum. great shot of him framed by lightsabers, glad to see the high drama being rationed out effectively)
Ahsoka arc
-what can I say that hasn’t already been said about this?
-glad to my best girl ventress moving on, making money, getting her life together
-don’t get me wrong, this arc is pretty powerful but….
-bariss’ betrayal doesn’t make much sense. she’s against the war, the Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers and they’ve been corrupted by it, that part is fine. but if she’s so concerned about Jedi values, why turn to the dark side? taking the red sabers and fighting anakin wielding his and her blue sabers isn’t subtle. she’s trying to prove a point, but the way it plays out is poorly crafted. i could even go so far as to say that it’s character assassination. the writers clearly grabbed the closest character they could to be the traitor in a really careless way. i mean, luminara doesn’t even appear in the background.
-what ahsoka gets up to after this is going to make for interesting stories I’m sure (I’ve seen totj and the mandalorian, so I have a rough outline of what happens to her)
-did she. imply that she knew anakin and padme are married with that last line? because that was my read of that, but i could be wrong.
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willowcrowned · 3 years
okay here's a qui-gon: the one in canon is Like That (disobeying the council, going off about the sith, betting on random podraces) because he's been universe-hopping and timeline-looping for so long that it's really hard to pretend to give a shit anymore. Is this a universe where Mace Windu becomes a sith? Is this a universe where Yoda creates a million clones in the hope of saving his species that gets co-opted into an army by the senate? Is this a universe in which Obi-Wan is destined to become Bail Organa's trophy husband? Who knows! certainly not him, and he's tired of trying to figure it out. he's just vibing.
cw: suicidal ideation, actual suicide (but not permanent)
Qui-Gon is not having a good time here.
The first loop, they land on Tatooine. Qui-Gon barters for parts with Watto, and when that fails, he steals them, promising to come back for Anakin and Shmi. The hutts blow up the queen's ship before they're out of the atmosphere.
At the beginning of the second loop, he thinks he dreamt the whole thing. The Federation's ship is eerily similar, but he is a Jedi. Precognition mixing with dreams isn't unlikely, just uncommon. Then they're attacked, and the words coming out of Obi-Wan's mouth are the same as before, at the same intervals, and he readjusts. A vision, then, sent by the Force to stop his desperate, doomed bid before it ever happens—to make sure he comes back for Anakin.
This time, he sells his sabers. The hutts—and everyone else with a grudge against Jedi—get word of it before they get off the planet. The ship is shot down again.
The third loop, Qui-Gon thinks it's a vision from the beginning—a sign that there is no way off Tatooine for the queen. Instead of leaving Tatooine, he sends the queen to the gungans, and tries to negotiate with the Federation.
They kill him and Obi-Wan where they stand.
The fourth loop, he goes through the motions, repeats the words, but he begins to wonder if it's really a vision at all. This time, he and Obi-Wan go back to the gungans with the queen. They form a plan to retake the capital, and it works—almost. The droid ship is never destroyed, and the gungans are slaughtered. They take the queen hostage, and kill civilians in front of her until she signs the treaty. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are next, killed by a warrior in black.
The fifth, sixth, and seventh loops, Qui-Gon keeps trying to get the invasion right. He sends Obi-Wan up with the ships, and then he goes up himself, and then he sends both of them. It doesn't work. They die, or the queen is captured and then they die, or one of them dies, and then the queen is captured, and then the other.
The eighth loop, Qui-Gon goes back to Tatooine. This is not a vision—how can it be, when he's felt his own death, Obi-Wan's death, so many times? It's something different—a gift from the Force.
He goes back to Tatooine. Something there must be the missing piece. He listens to Anakin more closely this time, pays more attention.
Qui-Gon bets on the pod races, and loses. The warrior in black finds them before he has to hand over the ship. Qui-Gon watches the queen be taken away as he dies.
The ninth loop, he goes back to Tatooine. This time, when he bets on the races, he wins every gamble. They get off Tatooine, return to the temple, and then go back to Naboo.
The droid ship isn't destroyed, and the plan fails. Back to square one.
The tenth loop, he brings more Jedi to Naboo the second time—pilots for the droid ship, warriors to fight the zabrak. The droid ship is destroyed, the queen survives, the warrior in black is destroyed.
Thirteen years later, the Republic falls at the hands of Mace Windu—the very Jedi who killed Maul. Qui-Gon dies by his hand.
The eleventh loop, Qui-Gon wakes up and swears furiously. It's not enough that he's stuck in this unending cycle, not enough that the Obi-Wan he knew—the man who hadn't been his padawan for thirteen years—is gone, but the Republic is in the hands of a sith lord, and Qui-Gon, who is thirteen years and change older than he should be, is the only one who knows about it.
This time, when he brings the Jedi back to Naboo, he makes sure that he's the one to strike the killing blow on Maul. He gets a red lightsaber between the ribs for his trouble.
The eighteenth loop, Qui-Gon manages to keep Mace from falling. Obi-Wan falls instead. He dies by Qui-Gon's hand.
This loop, Qui-Gon lets the clones shoot him. Back to square one.
The twenty second loop, Qui-Gon remembers Anakin. The droid control ship goes down easy, Mace kills Maul, and Qui-Gon takes Anakin as an apprentice that night. Obi-Wan doesn't talk to him until Geonosis. He dies in the arena. Qui-Gon barely puts up a fight when Dooku goes for his head.
The twenty sixth loop, Qui-Gon rescues the queen, goes to Tatooine, frees Anakin (but not his mother), and argues with the council over Anakin's fate. This time, he decides not to tell them about his visions of Naboo. He and Obi-Wan argue on a balcony, and oh, no matter how many times he does this, no matter how many Obi-Wans he grows to know, it is still strange to see this Obi-Wan, still unshaped by the galaxy.
It would be worth it, Qui-Gon thinks, to end the loops, to find out the formula, if it meant he didn't have to leave another Obi-Wan behind.
He dies with a lightsaber through his chest, Obi-Wan stuck behind red gates.
The twenty seventh loop, Qui-Gon never lands on the Federation ship. He finds the closest smuggler's haven and gets horribly, horribly drunk. He dies with a knife in his back the next day; he never paid his tab.
The eighty third loop, Obi-Wan leaves the Order after Naboo. When the Empire rises, he survives it as Bail and Breha's... special friend. If Qui-Gon knew how to be glad any more, he would be glad.
The one hundred and ninety fifth loop, Yoda clones himself. Qui-Gon would contemplate suicide if he thought it would help.
The two hundred thirtieth loop, Qui-Gon thinks he's done it. Obi-Wan is alive and happy and talking to him. Anakin left the Order gracefully, and has twins with Padmé. Ahsoka, who he got to know in loop one hundred and eight, is going on awkward teenage dates with Barriss, who never blew up the temple. Mace is nowhere close to falling. Palpatine is dead. Shmi is alive. Dooku is redeemed.
It doesn't mean anything. He knows every person, every one of their idiosyncracies. They don't know anything about him. How can they, when he's been alive this long?
When Qui-Gon dies, he hopes desperately for a real death, as he has for thousands of years.
The two hundred thirty first loop, Qui-Gon wakes to see the Federation ship in the distance.
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kybervisions · 4 years
from a past life [boba]
summary: boba fett reminds a former jedi knight of old friends.   
author’s note: ifjkdfms,ds idea popped into my brain and thought it’d be a nice and short angsty one shot,, this for all my clones simps,, basically reader fought in the clone wars and fell in love with a clone and seeing boba makes her emotional 
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When Boba Fett removed the hood and demanded the armor Din had taken from Cobb Vanth, it triggered memories of a different time. A much simpler time. Oh, how you longed for it. Memories flooded back in your mind and caused you to freeze. The “simple man making his way through the galaxy” had the face of an old friend. 
During the fight with the troopers, you could barely focus. Seeing Boba’s face made you feel like you had seen a ghost. You were once again fighting alongside a familiar face — like you were taken back to the Clone Wars. It terrifies you how much you longed for that era. 
You and Din boarded Boba’s ship, Slave I. 
And when Boba spoke, stars, he sounded exactly like your clone commander. You had heard his voice a thousand times before. It was all so confusing, and you were transfixed on him. 
While in hyperspace, Boba began repainting his armor. Fennec decided to get some sleep, and Din attempted to do the same. 
Your eyes filled with tears as memories of the Purge resurfaced. Your legion turned against you. The men you had grown to care for during the war, who attended your knighting ceremony, attempted to kill you. They were filled with pure hatred and you were forced to kill them. 
“You fought during the Clone Wars.” Boba had not asked a question. He simply stated a fact and focused entirely on getting the red markings on the helmet perfect. As you watched Boba, you remembered when Rex would scratch marks on his helmet after a battle. 
“And you look like them.” You replied. There was no malice in your voice. Just heartbreak. 
“Someone in particular?” Boba asked.��
“A commander. We had grown up together. Kind of. I never really understood how those Kaminoans structured the age acceleration.” 
“I hated the Jedi.” 
“Most clones did after the order was given.” During your travels, before meeting Din, you had encountered Ahsoka — the young padawan that was wrongly convicted of treason and exiled from the Order. It was before the completion of the first Death Star. When she told you of Rex’s survival, your heart filled with pure joy. 
“I am not a —” Boba stopped himself. For a brief moment, he had revered back to an old childhood defense. “The Kaminoans didn’t modify my genes. Jango Fett was my father.” He asserted. Jango called him a son. He had raised Boba, until the purple saber wielding Jedi killed him.
“He was a special specimen.” You stated confidently, and Boba chuckled. “The men cloned from him were excellent men. The GAR...they were family. I trusted them with my life.” The humor Boba found in your awkward statement disappeared. “And for the record, I hated Master Windu,” 
Boba chuckled, “Oh, yeah?” 
“Sometimes it felt like his allegiance was to the Galactic Republic, and not the Jedi Order. His lessons were extreme to say the least. I remember there was once an assassination attempt on the master, and the padawans joked about it succeeding.”
“Demented little fuckers.” Boba found himself smiling once again. Perhaps he would one day reveal that he was in fact responsible for the attempt on Windu’s life. Boba had posed as a clone cadet and rigged the Jedi’s quarters to explode.
“Yeah, well, we were soldiers.” 
The ship landed and within minutes, Din had collected the newly appointed marshall. 
“Quite the team you’ve assembled, Mando.” Cara commented upon meeting Boba and Fennec. 
“It won’t be enough.” You had stated. “The troopers that took the kid looked extremely advanced.”
“Maybe if you used the force it’ll give us a fighting chance.” Cara shot back. Her animosity toward you was no longer hidden. She hated you for not joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
“It doesn’t work like that.” You informed her. “I cut my connection years before Alderaan was destroyed. It’s not like flipping a switch. It takes training, and I haven’t had that in decades.” 
After the Purge, you severed your connection to the force to hide. It made it impossible for the Inquisitors to find you. Instead of joining the Alliance, you utilized your skills gained from the war to become a bounty hunter. 
“She knows her way around a staff.” Din stated. “Jedi or not, Y/N is a good fighter.” You befriended the lonesome bounty hunter not long after Karga hired you. 
On the way to pick of a New Republic prisoner, you found yourself alone with Boba. He was finishing the paint job on his helmet and admired his work. 
“You loved them.” He stated. At first, Boba thought the idea was outrageous. Clones were created to be cannon fodder. They were soldiers, expected to follow orders and die when asked. How could a Jedi, forbidden from any attachment, love a clone? 
A small chuckle escaped your lips. “Before the war ended, I began advocating for the creation of a division that would help clones transition from soldier to civilian.” You spent days speaking with senators Amidala and Organa about the idea. “I realized there was no intention on helping them because they were just instruments of the Sith.” 
Boba saw you cared deeply about his father’s clones. It must pain you to look at his face. It pained him. The reflection that stared back at him looked older than Jango was; the scars he gained from the pit made Boba look less and less like his father. 
“Your face is strangely comforting.” 
“Haven’t heard that one before,” Boba chuckled. 
Your eyes met his and a smile formed on your lips. 
He looked beautiful. 
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A/N: So. I wrote Anakin. Honestly the man has been living rent free in my mind for so long and we all know what I’m like for an angry angsty Star Wars boy. I am suffering with Imposter Syndrome massively with this because I don’t think I got his character down 100%. And well, I am a perfectionist. Anyway, here have this dumpster fire of a one shot.
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Anakin Skywalker x Sith!Reader
Warnings: Canon violence, character death, lots of a Jedi hate talk. Damn fucking Jedi. Oh and a shit ton of angst.
Word Count: 1909
Your black robes fluttered around your legs as you peered over the ledge, a Jedi ship had come into land and you let a sly smile creep across your face. It was the Jedi you wanted, you could feel the ripples of his power through the force, the anger and darkness always with him even if he didn’t use them. You moved away and headed deeper into the compound, he was coming to stop you, take you back to the Jedi Council. You felt the presence of the 501st as they spread out looking for you but their force signatures were dulled by the brightness of him. Already the anticipation of battle thrummed through your body, the hilts of your sabers melded perfectly to the curve of your palms. Pulling down the visor on your mask you paced feeling him coming closer and closer until finally the door opened and there he stood in his black Jedi robes.
“I assumed you’d got lost,” you shot at him.
“I could sense your loathsome presence as soon as I landed,” he replied haughtily. You carried on pacing, seeing his saber still attached to his belt, the sure arrogance he had in his abilities made you proud. He was always such a cocky bastard but he had every right to be.
“What happens now, Skywalker? You think I will go quietly so you can hand me over to the traitors of the Galaxy?”
“The Jedi are not the traitors here!” He roared.
“Yes they are! And you know it!” His eyes followed you, across the floor, his expression darkening. “How can you not see their narrow minded ideas are strangling the Galaxy? They sit in their temple, allowing this war to continue all the while saying they don’t advocate it. They are apparently keepers of the peace and yet shattering it time and time again!”
“No! I will not listen to your lies!” You lifted your chin in defiance.
“Then come and shut me up,” your voice sneered through the vocoder. He moved quickly and your sabers came alive in your hands, the loud clash of the beams sent sparks over your heads. “The Jedi are a lie, their only legacy is failure…” you continued.
“No!” The force push hit you in the chest and a laugh burst from your chest as you slammed into the wall.
“Yes! Use that rage on me, Anakin.”
“You don’t want me to fight you,” he threatened, making you grin behind the mask.
“Oh baby, I’m counting on it.” You ducked as his blue lightsaber pierced the wall, you took the opening, punching him in the stomach making him grunt in surprise and retreat, before coming at you again. The sabers danced in a pattern that was all too familiar. You met each other move for move, nothing survived the brightness of your blades as you both cleaved a path of destruction. You spun out of his reach, putting some debris between you knowing it wasn’t much of a barrier, not when it came to you and Anakin. “They are oppressing you Anakin! They will never set you free to accomplish your true potential! They do not see the power you possess.”
“And you do?” He asked aggressively, pointing his saber at your chest as he roamed across the floor.
“I have always seen you.” He frowned and you sensed his confusion at your words. Retracting your blades you removed your mask letting it fall to the floor with a thud. “They told you I was dead didn't they?” You asked softly. The brightness of his own blade diminished followed by the ripples of surprise and crushing sadness but he stayed where he was. “More lies,” you pointed out.
“I don’t understand, Obi-Wan…”
“Obi-Wan misled you. He didn’t want to tell you the truth in case you came looking for me,” you spread your arms. “But the force guided you back to me anyway.” He whispered your name like it physically pained him, taking a step back as you stepped forward. “Change is coming, the end of an era giving way to the dawn of the Empire.”
“No, stop!” He cried.
“Join me Anakin….we can make the Galaxy a better place.” You backed him against the wall, his blue eyes closing as though he could stop himself from seeing you. “I know the pain you bear,” you whispered leaning into him. “I can help you face it, use it.”
“It is not the Jedi way, I will not fall for this!” You turned away from him growling with frustration.
“Stop being so blind! How do you refuse to see through the veil of deceit they have draped over us?” You screamed.
“How do you refuse to see the good! Has the touch of the light left you that much in the dark?” It hurt you, seeing him like this, sensing his pain and torment but it was necessary. If you could get Anakin onside the war would be won and you would be Darth Sidious’ prize apprentice. Turning the Chosen one was a task only you could accomplish, because out of all the people in the Galaxy, you were the one Anakin would not bring himself to destroy.
“Where do we go from here?” You asked him, watching as his chest heaved in distress.
“You will come with me, maybe the Jedi can help you…” you tutted in annoyance at his words.
“What a ridiculous notion! The Jedi can’t even help themselves let alone anyone else. Look at Ahsoka…” his blade roared to life in his hands as he flew at you, clashing against your red blades.
“You will leave Ahsoka out of this!” He snarled.
“But she is a part of this, we are all a part of this story that the Jedi have written,” you shouted over the crackling of your blades as he forced you back. The blades scissored out and his face grew close enough so you could feel his breath on your face. “You know I speak the truth Anakin, it’s why it upsets you so much.”
“No!” The air was pushed from your body and you fell backwards, your sabers falling from your grasp and skitting across the floor. You looked up into the light of the blue blade, seeing him standing over you with that twisted look on his face. The light of it shone in his tear filled eyes and you waited with bated breath. “I trusted you! Why didn’t you come and find me?” He shouted.
“What good would it have done? Would you have helped me like you helped her?” His saber lowered, but it didn’t go out and you chose a different tactic. “They asked you to spy on the Chancellor didn’t they?” He frowned, not hiding the shock he felt at your words. “I have my sources,” you spoke before he could question where you got the information. “Did that feel right to you? Is that a Just course of action for the Jedi to take?”
“I don’t…” you stood up slowly keeping eye contact.
“Use your brain Anakin!”
“I am!” He yelled turning away, his hand held out to you as though he wanted to stop you advancing.
“Anakin,” you whispered. “Just embrace the darkness.” His body slumped and you felt the streams rushing past you as he accepted the pain and anger inside him. You laughed, opening your arms at the vortex created by the force, it swirled around him, welcoming him. “You will not regret this Anakin! He will reward you beyond your wildest dreams!” You retrieved your sabers off the floor, snapping them to your belt before picking up your mask. When you turned Anakin was right behind you, his piercing eyes staring straight through you.
“What do we do now?” He asked and you hesitated slightly, sensing something still had to be unlocked within him but you didn’t know what. It wasn’t your place, you weren’t his master. You were his equal.
“I will take you to my master. He will know what to do.” You began to walk off but his hand snatched at your arm.
“What did he tell you about the rules of the Sith?”
“Enough,” you responded. “We could overthrow him,” you suggested with a smirk. Anakin released your arm and you relaxed slightly. “We were always such a team, unbeatable even on the side of the light, imagine what we could accomplish with an entire Galaxy at our fingertips?”
“I missed you,” he whispered and you took a step towards him. You leaned your forehead against his temple finally allowing your feelings to come to the forefront. Anakin had been everything to you, it had killed you to leave him behind but Sidious had promised you happiness in the end and now here you are achieving that. Your hand sought his own out, his fingers clammy as he gripped you tightly.
“And I missed you,” you breathed against his skin. His face shifted, his nose pressing against your cheek and your heart pounded at finally being reunited with the one person you wanted in the entire Galaxy. “The Clones are coming,” you murmured.
“I can sense them,” he replied, still not moving away from you. His expression was one of torture and you swept a strand of hair gently off his brow.
“What’s wrong?” You asked softly.
“There is….something I need to do.”
“Can I help?” You whispered, brushing your lips against his cheek.
“Yes.” He shifted, your chests pressing together as he finally kissed you. His lips were soft and lingering making you melt into him so you were unprepared for the burning sensation in your side. Your mouth opened against his in a loud gasp of surprise, his tears glinted in the glowing blue light of his saber as it protruded from your body. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. You couldn’t speak, your body refused to take a breath and you could see the darkside emitting from his irises as he gazed mournfully at you. “My master sent me to find you.” He sobbed when you slumped against him, not able to hold your weight anymore, the smell of your own burning flesh making you feel sick. His blade retracted but still the pain remained, the sting of betrayal coupled with the hurt of your life ending by the hand you trusted the most.
He followed you to the ground, your legs folding like they had no bones left in them as numbness spread through your body. “I will see peace and justice reign in the new Empire.” Your eyes widened, the only response you were able to give as the life slowly ebbed away from you. “I will never forget you.” You wanted to ask why, he had been genuinely surprised to see you under the mask and then you realised you’d both been played. Only the strongest would come out of this room alive, but you had been blinded. Tricked by your own feelings that maybe, just maybe he would have joined you rather than burying you in his quest for power. His hand cradled your head, his tears pattering onto your skin, mingling with the lone tear that ran from the corner of your own eye. We could have done this together, Anakin….
“It never would have worked. I’m saving you.” He replied as your world grew darker. “You were the one war I could never win….until now.”
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june-girl-86 · 2 years
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Chapter 45
Din has finally arrived on the planet and meets his family!
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC Female!
ReaderRating: Mature/Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence / Love / Action&Adventure / Blood&Violence / Drama & Romance / Slow Burn / Fluff&Smut
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A stabbing headache woke Liara up. She rubbed her temples, next to her Fara stirred. The girl gasped excitedly, but when she spotted Liara, she relaxed a bit.
"Mama!" she whispered, pressing herself against Liara. She gulped, touched, and returned the hug.
"It's okay honey!" she said, lovingly running her hand over the girl's hair. She looked to the pilot's chair and saw Din slumped forward on the fittings. Liara broke away from Fara.
"I have to go check on Din!"
Fara nodded as Liara walked over to Din and gently touched him on the back.
She could feel the movement as he breathed, but he was still unconscious. He seemed to have hit his head, the redness on his forehead would surely develop into a bump. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. As she did so, her eyes fell out the window for the first time. They were no longer in space, but on a planet. Liara could make out a rock wall, trees, and a wide meadow on which they stood. She wondered how they had landed safely and what kind of planet it was. A muffled sound rang out and Liara turned around, startled. It sounded like someone had opened the ramp. Fara began to shake again and, like Liara, looked toward the ladder that led into the cockpit. The person was still down there, but if he came to them, Liara had to find something to defend herself with.
"Din, please wake up!"
She shook Din by the shoulder, but he still didn't respond.
"Dank Farrik!" she cursed, then Liara spotted Din's weapon; he had indeed taken the blaster with him. The dark saber was safely stored in the weapons cabinet. Liara pulled the blaster from the holster and aimed it at the hatch. Fara gestured her to hide next to the bench. The girl crouched in the corner and covered her eyes with her hands. A creak came up from below and Liara shook slightly with her outstretched arm. The creaking repeated itself and then suddenly a small person jumped into the cockpit. In shock, Liara fired, but her counterpart held up her hand and the shot fizzled out.
"I don't want to hurt you!"
Liara lowered the gun and Fara blinked curiously through her fingers.
"Who are you?" asked Liara, licking her lips nervously. Her skin had begun to tingle again, as it had on Gelgelar when Thule had used the Force and when she had first met Ahsoka.
"I'm Dagli, and I think we should talk until the young man comes around!"
The ringing in his ears brought Din out of unconsciousness and in the background he heard soft voices. He blinked several times and opened his eyes. The light dazzled, he groaned slightly and quickly closed his eyes again. Din heard the footsteps, felt the breeze next to him and opened his eyes. He looked into two yellowish eyes staring at him from a green face with pointed ears. Gray hair sprouted wildly from a chignon.
"Grogu?" muttered Din in irritation, and his counterpart looked over her shoulder.
"You were right. He's confused!"
The giggle was clearly coming from Liara, which made him sit up carefully. Din shook his head and could see the stranger eyeing him skeptically. Behind her, Liara sat on the bench with Fara. So they were still in the silver lining.
"I don't quite understand!" muttered Din, leaning back in the pilot's chair. That's when he noticed that the stranger was up to his knees. She was clearly not Grogu, he had since determined that for himself.
"That's Dagli, Thule told us about her!", Liara informed Din and he nodded. The head movement gave him a headache and he felt an incipient bump on his forehead.
Dagli clapped her wrinkled hands and she smiled at Din.
"We should get going slowly. Please get your things together so I can take you to Lean!"
Din looked after her as she just jumped down the ladder as if she were a youngster. But of course he could be fooled by looks, he had already been wrong about Grogu. He followed the women down, Liara handed him a painkiller, which he gratefully accepted with a big gulp of water, and he dabbed his forehead with a bacta ointment. After that, he helped her pack.
A pleasant breeze brushed through her hair as they walked down the ramp. Din carried next to a bag, his helmet in his hand. He wanted to be able to see this new world clearly with his eyes. He also breathed in the fresh air deeply, a relief after the long time in space. Liara and Fara did the same. He also took a moment to look around more closely. The silver lining stood on a plateau, in a meadow full of wildflowers and tall grasses. There were also other spaceships in the vicinity, with some the land supports were already overgrown, other, large transport ships again seemed to be always in motion, there the grass was pressed flat and around it were small trails. The plateau itself was surrounded by bare mountain slopes and a pine forest. A joyful squeal sounded and Din now followed Liara. Fara had already run ahead with Dagli. The girl stood in front of an orbak, there to pull the carriage that was attached to it. The animal just tore off some of the grasses and chewed on them. As Fara approached, the orbak lowered its head and sniffed curiously at Fara's hand. She looked uncertainly at the adults, but Dagli encouraged her. She lifted her little arm and Aru, as she called the orbak, bent down and let Dagli cuddle him. Fara followed suit and beamed all over her face as Aru licked her hand. Dagli pulled out a carrot from her shoulder bag and handed it to Fara. Fara held the carrot out to the big animal and he gently took it from the child's hand. Dagli gently stroked the orbak up and down his leg and praised him.
"I could use some reinforcement on my coachman's stool!" smiled Dagli and Fara nodded excitedly. She turned to Din and Liara, fidgeting.
"Can I sit up front?"
Liara laughed affirmatively and Din agreed as well.
As the carriage began to move, heading for the pine forest, Din noticed that a solid path led through it. He leaned over to Liara as they passed the first trees and asked her if Dagli had told her anything. Liara denied with a smile.
"She wanted to wait until you were awake so she wouldn't have to say it so often!"
Din shook his head, then cleared his throat.
The raised her hand; she had heard him despite the clatter of hooves.
"How did we land safely despite being unconscious? And where are we exactly?"
The questioned looked back at Liara.
"You were right again!"
At that, she gently poked Fara in the side and the girl giggled.
"How long was I unconscious?" he asked Liara, uncomfortable with this banter between women. Liara leaned against his shoulder reassuringly and smiled.
"I told her you had many questions and she said that was typical of Clan Djarin!"
She kissed him on the cheek and Dagli nodded, having listened to the conversation.
"You are like Lean when I met him on Gelgelar. He was no stranger to Jedi, but he too had trouble understanding everything. He was so inquisitive and desperate for us to leave a clue for you. He never lost hope that he would see you again one day! You must have gone that way with Thule too!"
Din affirmed.
"The power of the Dark Saber is strong, it helped Lean and you, even if he didn't have it by then!"
Din immediately reached for his belt.
"From where?"
He could literally hear Dagli smiling.
"I don't need to see him. I sense him just as I sense the crystal and your wife's gift. Even if there is still discord within her!"
She looked back at Liara and she nodded, caught.
"Then I hope you will allow me to teach you!"
Liara nodded again.
"Thule hinted that you would be a good teacher!"
Dagli laughed heartily.
"I will. We don't have to start right away, but we still have to start soon!"
Then she fell silent, and Din realized that she had not answered any of his questions. As he was about to ask, he noticed how the forest was thinning and they would soon leave it. The trees had given them shade and they were briefly blinded by the brightness. But then a fabulous view, the lake embedded in mountain ranges, opened up to them. Between steeply rising, partly green mountain slopes, the wide shores and extensive meadows lay in this valley a large clear lake shimmering in the sun with smaller islands as far as the eye could see. In it romped a few boats that had presumably gone out to fish. Those who were on their way back headed for one of the several villages that had settled on the lake and looked like small grains of sand from here. Cypresses dead-straight, spread down the slope, next to red-flowering oleander, myrtle bushes and single cactus plants.
Dagli stopped the carriage and let this impression affect the newcomers. Several birds circled above them before the thermals allowed them to glide on. The tops of the mountains, some of them covered with snow. Din reached for Liara's hand, took a deep breath. It was so peaceful. Dagli rose from her seat, looked at them all.
"Welcome to Nyanja. The small town that lies here is Ardoa. There are a few other smaller villages, but mainly this is where most of the inhabitants live. The planet is not very densely populated, not anymore!"
Then Dagli signaled to Aru and the orbak started moving again.
The narrow road wound down in switchbacks and more could be seen from curve to curve. On the slopes it bloomed more and more, the further they drove down. At one point, Dagli stopped again and they looked out at countless vines, with workers with droids walking among them, checking the growth of the plants and grapes.
"This is just one of many vineyards. A vineyard your uncle owns..."
Din was about to say something, but Liara interrupted him. Something had occurred to her.
"Ardoa? That's the name of a wine I once bought on Tatooine!"
Dagli confirmed.
"Yes, the wine is made here and drunk throughout the galaxy!"
Dumbfounded, Din and Liara looked at each other.
"I thought you guys were hiding?"
Dagli sighed.
"That's what we do. But people have to live on something, too. Lean had been looking for you Din for a long time, but your traces had been so covered that he had to admit to himself that he could not do it. But he had not given up hope despite all the blows of fate. When we heard about the new owner of the Dark Saber, he was sure it was you!"
"Why live here when the New Republic now provides security?", Din wanted to know and in the next moment he regretted his words. After all, he himself knew how this security was on shaky ground.
"This appearance of security and peace is deceptive. Evil can lurk anywhere and perhaps it still slumbers in someone, but eventually it breaks out..."
Dagli glanced over her shoulder.
"This planet is protected by technology and the Force. That's how I was able to guide your ship!"
Din's questions were answered so far, he realized now how nervous he was getting, because he had never been so close to his family as he was now. He felt his heart suddenly beat faster at the realization that he would soon meet the people he belonged to. Din clenched his hands into fists, his fingers tingling. Liara noticed this, reached for his hand and placed hers around it. She also distracted him by now asking Dagli a question.
"Where are you from Dagli? Are there any others of you besides Grogu?"
Dagli was silent and Din and Liara thought they probably wouldn't get an answer to that, but then Dagli sighed.
"How old is this Grogu?"
Din told her about Grogu and she nodded.
"The gaps are getting longer and longer... There used to be a lot of us, but then Mother slept longer and longer!"
Din frowned. As if noticing this, even though Dagli was looking down the road, she continued to speak. She looked beside her, at Fara, who was looking curiously at the scenery.
"We cannot reproduce like you or other life forms. Our mother always awakens when it is time to give birth and helps us get through the first years of life. Then she sends us on the journey across the galaxy to be taught by other power intensives and maybe someday be able to teach that gift and knowledge on ourselves!"
Liara leaned over and gently touched Dagli on the back, having heard sadness from the voice.
"And is it here, this world where you were born?"
Dagli shook her head.
"I can only remember mother, her warmth, her heartbeat and her calm voice! And then it was time to say goodbye and the light took us. No here, I actually lived with two brothers before we left to explore the other worlds with the Jedi whose home it has been here. That was many, many and long years ago. And then, my brothers died when the Jedi extinction began. I had retreated to Gelgelar much earlier to keep watch in the shrine. There Thule fled, also he had been hunted. On Gelgelar we were safe in spite of all the ruffians and criminals, for they too feared the Empire and would have done themselves no favors to betray..."
In the meantime, they had arrived in the valley, a fork opened up in front of them and besides the cargo speeder, the inhabitants also moved on with orbaks. Dagli pointed to a place, explained that there would be one of the ports, where most of them brought back their catch and processed it further. They turned right, to the left was now the large lake, to the right of them fields and meadows, some fenced, where various farm animals grazed. They passed through one of the villages, those who were outside stopped and stared after them. They heard Dagli laugh out loud.
"I guess it won't be a surprise for Tauno when I arrive with you!"
They left the town behind, passed larger halls where grapes were stored and wine was made. Then another small town opened up in front of them, houses to the right and left, overgrown with flowers and palm trees, which perfectly suited the climate.
And then Dagli stopped with her carriage. They were on a large paved forecourt, overlooking the lake and a small bay where a few boats had docked. Dagli jumped down before Din could help her. Liara lifted Fara down and they looked questioningly at Dagli. The little woman went ahead and waved for them to follow. A few men walking across the forecourt stopped and stared after the group. They approached a cantina, the door hung with a very old-looking steering wheel of a ship, which bisected as it opened to let the newcomers in. Inside Din looked around, there were separate seating niches all around the sides, in the center of the room there was also seating at round tables. The wall covering and also the floor consisted of old dark boards, which had once sailed over the water as ships. The lamps were made of bottles, each of which gave off a different light due to the colored coating, in addition to the light of the sun that shone in through the wide windows. On the wall behind the counter hung a special crest, a tree with the mythosaur skull in its trunk. Din's pulse raced and his hands grew clammy as he realized he was in the right place. Din could see exactly how the men and women, it must have been lunchtime, the way the sun had been on the horizon, sat in their seats and now looked up from their food and it gradually became quieter. Even the clattering of dishes ended and the music that played in the background almost boomed in his ears.
"The crest!" groaned Liara behind him, she had spotted it too. Din nodded and he began to sweat under his armor. A deep voice asked from an adjoining room, behind the counter, what was going on. When it emerged and caught sight of the visitors, he froze. He held on to the counter, transfixed. Din noticed that he bore a resemblance to his father. Brown eyes, dark curly hair with lots of gray streaks, and a three-day beard. This had to be Tauno, his uncle. Liara heard the door open again, turned around and saw a young woman running in excitedly.
"Dad, Jaron contacted me. A Manda...!"
She faltered in mid-sentence as she saw her father finally move, walk around the counter, and stop just short of Din. He swallowed several times, then cleared his throat and took another step toward Din. His gaze traveled over Din, his armor, and then into Din's brown eyes.
Tauno's voice seemed brittle, emotional.
Din just nodded, speechless, like all the others in the room, but not at all aware of them at that moment. Tauno took another big step, then spread his arms and pulled Din to him. He hugged his nephew to him, feeling the trembling even through Din's armor.
"Boy!" groaned Tauno. A muffled thud followed; Liara flinched, startled. Din had dropped his helmet, and wrapped his arms around his uncle. His heart was beating up to his throat and his eyes were burning because he was trying forcefully to keep from crying. He felt moisture on his cheek, looked at his uncle as he cried and smiled happily at him. And then Din also released his tears, feeling relief and affection for these people he had never seen in his life, but knew immediately it was his family. And then those present hooted with joy. Fara pressed herself against Liara, who had to control herself not to cry too, and she could see that the young woman next to her felt the same way.
Tauno detached himself from Din and the two laughed liberatedly. He instructed his employee to buy everyone a drink to celebrate the day. Again there were shouts of joy. Din picked up his helmet, turned, beckoned Liara to him, and she tenderly ran her hand over his tear-wet cheeks. He introduced her and Fara to his uncle, and Tauno warmly embraced them both. He called the young woman to him, Halla, his daughter and Din's cousin. She too had shining eyes as they hugged.
"We should go to Lean!" said Dagli, when the mood had calmed down again. The latter had kept a low profile. Tauno noticed her only now and lifted her up, beaming with joy. Startled, she looked at him, but he squeezed her tightly and thanked her for everything before setting her back down on the ground. Halla offered to stay here to help the employees while her father would accompany Din.
They took Dagli's carriage again, they drove out of the village in silence, a vineyard was in the direction. Din was still overwhelmed, watching his uncle as he sat next to Dagli and spoke softly to her. He took a deep breath. Liara squeezed his hand and he looked to her. She could see the nervousness and excitement in his eyes. She smiled at him and he pulled her hand to his mouth, breathed a grateful kiss on her knuckles. Was grateful to be by his side and to experience this with her. The Orbak headed for a stone gate, behind which was the vineyard that belonged to the family, as Tauno now told them. Small bushy trees and flowers grew in the meadow, in front of the large building that had direct access to the lake. As they stopped in the courtyard, a woman came rushing out of the house, holding a communicator in her hands, shaking her head in disbelief.
"I thought Halla was joking with me!" she exclaimed.
Tauno smilingly denied it and introduced Din to his wife. Maila pulled Din into a hug, as did Liara and Fara. This would not be the last hug that day.
"Where is father?" asked Tauno to his wife.
"He's made himself comfortable on the terrace in his deck chair!"
Here Dagli said goodbye and when the carriage had left the property, Tauno took her into the house.
They had to pass through the hallway and came into a large living room, the doors of which were wide open to let in the pleasant breeze from the lake. Din noticed a figure on the terrace, but Tauno stopped him before they could go out.
"Din, I have to tell you this. He is very sick, his doctor only gave him a few more months and this has been some time now. And yet he gets up every day because he hasn't given up hope of seeing you again one day!"
Din swallowed and Liara felt the trembling in Din's hand. He hadn't let go of her the whole time, seeking support from her. She squeezed it tightly before letting go now that he could go out with Tauno. Din hesitantly stopped at the door as she watched Tauno lean down to the man, speaking softly to him and nodding his head in Din's direction.
Surprised, Din watched as his grandfather moved quickly and got to his feet with the help of a silver cane. He staggered briefly, but then had caught himself and was staring at the newcomers. Lean was the same height as he, only a little lankier, and his face looked spent. It was framed by gray hair and a thick beard. But when he caught sight of Din, his brown eyes began to sparkle and the wrinkles on his face seemed to have disappeared as he began to smile. Lean, after a few steps, had put the distance between them behind him, now standing in front of Din, who didn't know what to say and felt unsure despite his armor. He swallowed, his throat suddenly feeling scratchy. Heat flooded his body, he had the feeling that his legs were made of rubber. His heart pounded in his ears and Din thought everyone here had to hear it. Lean dropped his cane, Tauno, seemingly already practiced at this, caught it. Rough but warm hands touched Din's cheeks, stroking through his curly hair, and Din spotted tears in his counterpart's eyes.
"As if Tammo were standing here. And your eyes, your mother's!"
Din croaked awkwardly, lost for words. Lean's thumb ran over a small scar near Din's ear.
"Tammo had an injury here, too. He had fallen from the tree while climbing! Tauno, it's the same spot as yours!"
Lean looked to his son, who was scratching his temple with a grin.
"The Djarins are not good climbers!"
Din swallowed again. It had happened to him, too, when he was already with the Mandalorians and had not yet worn a helmet.
"Me too!" he whispered. Lean looked at Tauno in a detached way.
"Our clan is complete again!"
Then he hugged Din to him, and Din began to cry. He clung to his grandfather, briefly fearing he would crush him, and sobbed into his neck. Din had arrived. He had finally found his family. He felt this relief inside him, this feeling of happiness and love for other people that he had only ever felt with Grogu, Liara and Fara. That hug, Din didn't feel like a stranger was holding him. It was so normal, as if they had known each other forever. He didn't mind crying and showing his feelings openly. Lean also let his tears run free and gently ran his hand over Din's head. Tauno stood next to the two, touching each on an arm. Liara wiped the tears from her eyes that she had been able to hold back the first time. Maila grabbed her arm, this one also let her tears free. Words were superfluous at this moment. It was simply touching how the three men gave free rein to their feelings. Lean broke away from Din a bit, kissed him on the forehead, and then noticed Liara and Fara.
"Who did you bring here?"
Din ran his hand over his tear-soaked cheeks and beckoned his family to join him.
"This is Liara, my future wife, and our foundling Fara!"
Lean smiled and eyed his grandson.
"I think we have a lot to talk about!"
Din nodded, then Lean shook his head and turned directly to Liara.
"Sorry, I have a feeling we know each other!"
Liara smiled.
"My father was Elric..."
Tauno sucked in a surprised breath and Lean nodded.
"I thought so. You have your father's eye color. How is Alma?"
Liara shook her head sadly.
"She died of a broken heart after I was born!"
Lean gestured Liara to come closer so he could hug her tightly, then looked at her and Din.
"Now we've come full circle!"
Lean suddenly shook himself and looked at Maila.
"We really need to have dinner together tonight..."
Maila smirked.
"I've already assigned the droids. Now we should show our guests to their rooms so they can freshen up! They've had a long trip!"
Lean nodded, let Tauno give him his cane back, but held Din by the arm. He looked to Tauno.  
"I want to take the boy to the tree!"
Maila and Tauno nodded, took the luggage, and led Liara and Fara down the hall. Lean hooked up with Din and pointed with his cane in another direction they would both go.
Lean steered Din across the graveled courtyard, between palm trees, as they came to a meadow leading away from the wine hill. The first thing Din smelled was that fragrance so familiar to him, and then he could see the magnificent lemon tree standing, bearing many fruits. In front of its trunk stood a gray stone column, the central part hollowed out, in it flickered an infinite flame. Three white stone slabs were set in the ground. Din, although the sun sent down its warmth, got goose bumps. He guessed what this place meant, and as he stood in front of the slabs, he could see the names engraved in them. Din blinked, trying again to hold back the tears. Lean touched Din on the upper arm before Din crouched down, taking off his gloves. Carefully, his fingers slid over the writing. Tarja. He looked up at his grandfather and he smiled, from the look on his face, however, he was somewhere caught up in memories.
"Your grandmother. She was a wonderful woman. She died before we escaped, but I always carried her with me. Here she has found her place, and I too will soon be able to be with her and give my soul the rest that I denied her all these many years. When you stood before me just now, I felt that inner tension dissipate!"
Din swallowed, Lean patted him reassuringly on the shoulder, then Din turned back to the other plates. His hand trembled as he stroked his father's name, and when his finger touched his mother's first letter, tears dripped onto the stone, leaving their mark. He had been this close to his parents the last time they had fled together. The aroma of the lemons, transported him back to Aq Vetina, thought of the beautiful moments together with his parents, which he now remembered again and again.
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
Dialogue prompt #17, QuiObi with a Sith!Obi AU?
Ooooh, excellent. Thank you for the prompt!
From this various prompts list
Qui-Gon was thrown violently to the floor, the Force-inhibiting cuffs around his wrists and ankles biting painfully into his flesh.
The room was cast half in shadow, half in dim amber light that spilled through the floor-to-ceiling windows set into the wall he was facing — and the enormous desk set between it and himself, accompanied by a throne-like chair, and the man sitting upon it, bent over a sheet of old parchment.
The black-robed guards melted into the shadows, but Qui-Gon had no doubt they would be able to stop him, should he try to flee.
For a long while, he was left on the floor, limbs aching, the cut across his face bleeding slowly. The man behind the desk studied the ancient scrap of paper with intense focus.
It was hard to see his features in the strange light, but Qui-Gon knew who he was, as surely as he knew his own name.
“You know,” he said finally, his voice hoarse. “I always assumed that if you ever captured me it would be after an honest fight. It never occurred to me that you’d sunk so low that you’d gone straight to cowardice.”
The air seemed to thicken.
Still, the man did not look up.
“Sending actual henchmen after me?” Qui-Gon pressed. He surprised himself with the layer of bitterness that spiked through his tone, caustic and offended. “Fallen as low as you have, I thought you still had some of your character, Obi-Wan.”
The man behind the desk looked up.
He gave an audible sigh, mild and somewhat amused, like a parent dealing with a difficult child.
Qui-Gon straightened his spine as best he could and stiffened his jaw as the familiar figure of his lost apprentice emerged from behind the desk, striding through the shafts of amber light. They caught on the gold embellishments stitched into his form-fitting black robes and the robe that sat draped over his shoulders with casual grace, and on the strands of his golden-red hair and beard.
“Why would I come get you myself?” he asked, his cultured accent cutting through the gloom. “You’re not worthy of that much effort, I’m afraid.”
When Obi-Wan stepped closer, with the light glowing behind him, Qui-Gon felt a ripple of unease.
The younger man looked down on him in every sense.
And he was less familiar that Qui-Gon had thought. The youthful face had hardened; there were lines around his eyes that indicated smiles and one between his brows that spoke of deep frowns; his hair had been swept back into a low tail at the nape of his neck, flawlessly neat, as was the close-trimmed beard. His eyes were the same golden-amber as the light from outside.
He was hard, and fierce, and self-satisfied. The nightmare version of the boy who had begged to be his apprentice all those years ago.
“Do you ever tire of your own stream of consciousness, Qui-Gon Jinn?” the Sith asked, sounding amused. “When you’re not pondering how very right you are inside your own head, you’re verbalizing it to everyone around you. Isn’t it lonely?”
Qui-Gon wet his lips, staring defiantly back up at the Padawan gone Sith. “I think you know more about loneliness than I.”
“Oh, I do,” said Obi-Wan, rubbing his chin with one black-gloved hand. He quirked a smile. “You taught me loneliness, and my new Master taught it to me again. I’ve simply learned to choose my friends better, Qui-Gon.”
“I didn’t teach you loneliness,” Qui-Gon said. “You taught yourself that. With your jealousy. Of a child.”
Fire lit behind the amber eyes, and in a movement too quick to see with human eyes, the Sith grabbed Qui-Gon by the throat and half-lifted him off the floor, pulling him dangerously close so that the gold eyes seemed to swallow everything else.
“That wasn’t the beginning, you miserable fool, that was the end,” Obi-Wan whispered, so, so softly. “You think a child isn’t aware of being unwanted? You think a child can’t see when you’re disappointed, when you say nothing of their accomplishments? You think a child doesn’t know when you blame them for the death of someone you loved more? I wasn’t a pet, Qui-Gon, I was your student! I was meant to be your partner! And you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. I was too much work.”
Qui-Gon choked. The hand around his throat was iron; he could breathe, but he couldn’t move an inch.
“But the traumatized, angry little boy who needed therapy and special attention and who refused to learn our ways but wanted to wield our power — oh, he wasn’t too much work, was he?” Obi-Wan demanded, still in that steady sibilant whisper. “He was powerful and you liked him, and I went from tolerated nuisance to actual obstacle. I saved your life on Naboo that day, and still you wouldn’t look at me with anything except impatience. Waiting for me to move. So I did. When Dooku came to me with his lies and his cunning, I listened. I knew a false friend from a real one by then. The scales had fallen from my eyes. So I used him, killed him, replaced him.”
“You’re selfish,” Qui-Gon snarled, trying to shout above the stab of sudden anguish the speech had delivered. “You swore to me you wouldn’t Fall.”
“And you swore to teach me!” Obi-Wan shouted in his face. “You swore to protect me, to encourage me, to Knight me! You swore many things and meant none of them. At least I tried. For twelve years I tried.”
His voice faded to a whisper again, and he dropped Qui-Gon.
The Jedi sat where he had fallen, his head lowered, his mind spinning out of control. Guilt and anger, grief and dismay, and the instinct to hide behind his own righteous decisions, they all battled inside him even as he registered a blood red saber igniting in Obi-Wan’s grip.
“And now you’re going to kill me,” murmured Qui-Gon. “Because you hate me, and you want to indulge yourself.”
Obi-Wan laughed.
The pleasant sound was so unexpected that the Jedi jerked his head up to stare, caught by the open fond amusement on the Sith’s face.
“Oh,” Obi-Wan chuckled. “Kill you? Goodness, no. I would kill you if you were a problem, Qui-Gon Jinn. But you are not. You pose no threat to me, to any of the Sith. What you are...” he leaned down again, so close their noses almost touched, and then turned at the last second and placed his lips directly beside Qui-Gon’s ear. “...is a reminder. You remind me of when I loved you, loved you and loved you and loved you, and you didn’t love me back. Not at all.”
He pulled away again, and the absence of hot breath and whispers against Qui-Gon’s cheek somehow felt like a punishment.
“Obi-Wan, I—”
“No,” said the Sith. “I don’t want to kill you. Not when you’re still so sure of yourself and your choices. Not when you can still look at me and feel justified in your hesitation to love me. I want you to feel the depths of self-scorn and loss that I felt, Qui-Gon. If I simply killed you, you wouldn’t feel loss, now would you? First you have to lose something.”
Fear shot through the Jedi like lightning.
His first thought was of Anakin.
Then he thought of Ahsoka.
Then he remembered the ghost of hot breath on his skin and the sound of Obi-Wan’s laughter, and the past tense of I loved you, and felt a different kind of fear, a new wave of grief, settle over him like a cloud.
Obi-Wan seemed to sense his thoughts. He smiled.
“The student has become the Master,” he said, his voice full of controlled delight. “I will teach you what you taught me. I’ll teach you to love me, love me, love me — and receive less than nothing in return.”
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kyberconfessions · 3 years
No Matter Where You Go, I Will Find You. Part 2
Here it is everyone! Part 2! You all make me so happy, it’s been so long since I wrote something and so much longer since I shared it. All your reblogs and likes have made me so happy.
As always:
This will eventually be a 18+ older fic and will deal with anxiety, death, sex,  PTSD, murder, loss, found family, Order 66, and coming to terms. This is not just a fluff fic. It will very much be dealing with very dark and hard themes, so please, if that is something that can be too hard for you, don’t read.
Pairings: Rex x Reader x Cody (polyamory)
Rating: 18+
TW: Death, Murder, infanticide, death of the Jedi, PTSD, Loss, Anxiety, eating disorders, sleep disorders, Order 66. I will add other things as I think about them
Part 2: Utterly Alone
     You couldn't believe Hondo. Making you come to him for that information. It was just like him to hold out on you right when he was getting to the good stuff. Of course he wanted you to meet these ‘clients’ of his before he would offer up whatever he had. Honestly, if he weren’t Hondo Ohnaka, you probably would have killed him long ago, which is why he knew he could pull these stunts.  You shook your head and finished putting on your gear: black pants with pockets and clips, a black shirt covered in darkly painted duriplast armor, twin blasters on your hip and thighs, a large vibroblade on your belt, a few droid poppers in a pouch, thermal detonators in another, and various other tools of your trade. 
A far cry from your sand colored robes and saber hilt on your hip. What would your Master say if he saw you now? He would probably be ashamed. No, that's not true. Obi-Wan Kenobi would never have felt shame when it came to you, he would have been so proud of you for surviving. 
You shook your head free of those thoughts and went to stand in front of the closet next to your bunk. Your hand slowly grazed the lockpad, letting the door whoosh open. 
Your life's work was in that closet.
Half of everything that was ever important to you was in there. You looked up, gazing at the old and scratched armor, the golden paint fading from it. It had taken you nearly 16 years, but you had almost every piece of Cody's armor. You had killed for some pieces, you had purchased others, and the rest you had found scattered across the stars. It was the only thing you had left of him. The only thing you had left of your home. All you were missing was his helmet. 
One day you hoped to find that as well. If you couldn't hold him in your arms again, you would honor his memory this way.
The closet across from Cody's hurt more, though. That closet you had set aside for Rex. But search high and low, you never found anything of his. Not a whisper, not a glove, not even a mention of his name. It was like he was wiped off the galaxy after Mandalore. 
You had gone back there, scoured the planet for any sign. All you had found was ash and bone. A dead, rotting planet, filled to the brim with ghosts and monsters. You heaved a sigh and touched Cody's glove, holding it up to your cheek.
"I wish you were both with me right now. You'd know what to do. You always did."
You sighed and closed your eyes, thinking of their faces.
"I miss you both so much. I'm not sleeping well anymore. But, I always did sleep better sandwiched between you two. Kriff. I know Hondo is going to worry, he always does. Nosey nerf herder. I just....I keep seeing your faces. And I keep hearing your voices and I just can't... I can't do this anymore without you. If you're out there, if you're watching over me, please know I am so sorry. I'm just so sorry."
Your tears cut you off while you choked on a breath.
You looked up to the headless suit, touching his cuirass and gently letting go of the glove. Your hands left the armor and rubbed your eyes free of tears. You had to steel yourself, who knows what kind of people Hondo would want you to meet with. 
You stepped back and closed the door, hiding away your most prized possession. Only Hondo knew about what you had. He had helped you find every piece of your prized armor. He tracked every lead, every serial number, every black market arms dealer selling Clone Era tech. As cunning and double crossing as he was, he cared for you. He cared for Kenobi more, but your connection to the Jedi Master was what compelled him to watch over you. He's who saved you and gave you shelter in the beginning, anyways.
You were curled up in a ball on the bench across from him, head resting on the transparisteel, watching as hyperspace went by. Your face was colorless, your eyes were red, and your lower lip was swollen from where you kept chewing on it. You hadn't spoken a word since Padmé died. It seemed the last 24 hours had taken its toll on you and he knew it.
Obi-Wan Kenobi looked at you as Luke whimpered in his arms. 
Gently he reached out to you through the Force, caressing your signature with his. You turned to him, fresh tears falling from your eyes.
"My sweet Padawan, please, talk to me. I can feel your emotions, even without the Force." He shifted the newborn in his arms and stood to sit next to you.
With one free arm, he gently wrapped it around you. It took you less than a second before you felt all your walls crumble and the metaphorical dam break. Obi-Wan would always have that power over you. You covered your mouth with your hand as a sobbed wracked your body, trying to keep quiet for the sleeping baby. He pulled you closer, shifting to hold you against him. You pushed your face into his neck, tears quickly dampening his robes.
"Shhh, little one. It's alright. Let it out. I'm here. You're here. We are alive. I know it seems like nothing will ever be the same, but we must trust in the Force."
He let his Force signature envelop you, warming you. After a few moments, when you felt as if you couldn't cry anymore, you lifted your head from his shoulder.
"Do...do you think they're dead, Master?"
He looked at you with a question on his face, but he waited for you to elaborate.
"Do...do you think they made it? Ahsoka and...and Jesse....and...." You swallowed thickly, trying to force his name from your lips.
"And Rex. Do you think they killed her? Do...do you think she killed him?"
Obi-Wan was no fool. He knew how you, his young Padawan, felt for the Clone Captain of the 501st. He also knew how you felt for the brave Marshall Commander Cody. He knew it because he felt the same about another. He knew what it was like to hold a love so deep in your heart, you felt them in your entire being.
"He shot at us, Master. Cody....shot at us. He tried to kill us. He tried to kill me..." your breath stuttered and you hiccuped a few times.
He placed his hand on your head and stroked your hair lovingly, trying to calm you down.
"I know, little one. I don't know what happened or why they turned."
"What if..this was their plan all along?! What if they never were our men?! What if," you stopped as new tears fell at your revelation, "what if Cody and Rex never...never loved me?", you whimpered out in a soft whisper.
He shushed you, gently pushing his forehead against yours, and whispered your name to get your attention. "No, dear one, no. Cody loved you. Rex as well. I have seen that look in a man's eye before. That utter devotion to someone. Devotion much stronger than that of a commanding officer."
More tears fell from your eyes as you realized your Master knew your deepest kept secret.
"You knew?"
"I knew."
"Then why? Why not say anything? Why not report us? You...you are a sitting member of the High Council? I have shamed you! I broke our code!" You rambled. 
He hesitated for a few moments, looking around at the dim area of Organa's ship. They would be arriving to Tatooine soon. And then after he knew not. He knew he had to make his words comfort his Padawan, because this would be his last lesson.
"Sometimes when you find something so profound in a dark time like this, you have to hold onto it. If there is something worth moving on for, if there is something to keep fighting for, you must let it guide you. The Force has always worked in ways we can not explain. 
"I saw how they looked at you, how they would have done anything for you. How you would have done anything for them. I saw because I know those same feelings. I too know what it was like to love someone so desperately. To want to give them the world. I know what it's like to want to leave the Order if they only asked."
He took a moment for his words to sink in and grabbed a hold of your hand to caress the flesh of your knuckles.
"My dear Padawan, I am so proud of you. I have watched you grow from far off in the temple. I have heard the reports of you from your old Master. And I have seen your strength and kindness with my own eyes. You will be not just a great Jedi, but a great person. I only have one last lesson to teach you."
He let go of your hand and moved to hold your cheek, making you look him in the eye.
"This will be the most important thing I will ever impart on you. Live. Live on. Do not let the events of today control you. Do not let the guilt you have in your heart guide you. Live and be strong. Survive. Find whatever makes you happy and hold onto it with all your strength. Be mindful of the Living Force and what it has to teach you. It will guide you."
You leaned forward and pressed your forehead against his, letting your Force signatures mingle. 
You wanted to tell him that you loved him, that he was everything you ever wanted to be. That all you ever wanted was to honor the memory of your former Master and to honor him. You wanted to throw your arms around him and hold tight. You wanted to tell him that when you thought of a father, you saw him.
But, before you could say anything C-3PO walked up.
"Master Kenobi, Commander, we have arrived at Tatooine."
You both bid your farewells to Senator Organa and the two droids and left. You had never been to Tatooine and you hoped you never would have to return again. You hoped that you and Obi-Wan would make your way through the Galaxy, Master and Padawan, father and daughter, saving those left behind.
But, that wasn't to be.
It was a short ride on a speeder bike to the Lars farm. A young man and who you guessed was his wife stood waiting, as if they knew you were coming. 
Obi-Wan motioned for you to stay back, which you did, not having the strength to be around people. 
  Your hood was up, protecting your hair and face from the harsh winds whipping up sand.
  It was strange, almost cathartic, watching your Master hand the small baby to the young man. It was almost as if you knew this wasn't the end. But, at the same time, you knew this chapter of your life had closed.
  The two men you had ever loved were gone, dead probably. Your family was shattered. And you were about to say goodbye to the only other person who ever truly saw you.
Obi-Wan walked back to you, fingers grabbing at his mustache and beard, his old habit for when he was deep in thought.
     You rode for a few hours to a small town, Mos Eisley, the terrain passing you by quickly, but you paid no attention. You just held onto your Master as tightly as you could; the last time you held onto him like this, Cody made the order to shoot you down.
He looked to you, his lips set in a firm line, and nodded away, motioning for you to follow him.
You did, without question. You would always follow Obi-Wan Kenobi.
You shook your head of those thoughts against his back, a move not lost on your Master.
He yelled to you, trying to be heard over the sound of wind whipping by.
He nodded and let it go, him just as tired as you.
When you finally arrived at the small Smugglers town, you went to secure the bike while Obi-Wan went into a Cantina to make a call.
You didn't know to whom or what for, but you were too exhausted to care. Everything was crashing down on you and all you wanted was just to sleep. But you knew you had to keep going.
After a while, Obi-Wan stepped back outside and motioned for you to follow him in. The twin suns were beginning to set and you had just started feeling the cool air on your face.
Oh well.
Without a word you entered the noisy cantina, the sounds of people and creatures a harsh register to your ears.  There was music coming from somewhere, but you didn't bother to look, too focused on Obi-Wan's back.
It wasn't until he sat you at a table did you bother to look around. Everyone was carrying on, as if the war wasn't over. As if the Clones didn't betray their commanders and friends. As if the temple on Coruscant wasn't burning.. As if the Jedi weren't being systematically hunted down and killed.
Cody would have been disappointed in you.
You had ignored every possible exit, had failed to count the blasters you could see, and had failed to get the seat closest to the wall so you could face the door. But you couldn't be too angry at that one, Obi-Wan was locked on, watching every single person coming in and out.
But above all, you had failed to make a contingency plan to kill every person in the room. 
"Always plan, Mesh'la. Be polite, be courteous, never start a fight, show professionalism. But always have a plan to kill everyone in the room. Always plan to protect you and your own. Smile, but know how you will take everyone out if need be."
At the time you had called him cynical to think that way, but you understood now. You understood all of his lessons were to prepare you for moments like this.
After a while a server brought two bowls of bone broth and two cups of some sort of liquid; you didn't question. 
You waited for Obi-Wan to start eating, before tentatively spooning from the bowl. You ate in silence, neither of you in the mood for conversation. 
   When you were done, you waited for him to move to leave, but he just sat there, staring at the table.
   He looked at you then, his eyes were bloodshot and the bags under them made him look older than he was. Or perhaps they showed his true age, his normal boyish charm and good looks fallen away for a moment.
You quickly grabbed his hand in your own and squeezed it, before pulling away and tucking your hand back into your sleeve.   
"We will wait here for a few more hours. Then we will head to the outskirts to meet an acquaintance of mine. From there we will make our next move."
You nodded, sighed, and sat deeper into the rock bench.
A few hours later you were once again wrapped around Obi-Wan's waist, riding out into the desert. It was pitch black, the only light coming from the dim bulb on the front of the speeder. This time, at least, you were smart enough to tear away your robe and use the fabric to make a makeshift wrap for your face and his. This time, you didn't have to have your face pressed against his back. But, it didn't stop you from doing it a few times, hugging him tightly. You both knew that these would be the last moments you spent together. No one said it out right, but you could feel it all the same.
After a while you came upon a ridge, a small ship having landed in the canyon below. You didn't recognize it, but Obi-Wan made for it, which settled the anxiety growing in your chest.
It was larger up close, once you pulled up next to it.
Obi-Wan dismounted and helped you off, your legs slightly jelly from the long ride.
You both stood there, next to the bike, staring up into the hull. You shifted from foot to foot, your anxiety getting the better if you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and a gentle squeeze before he went to hold your hand.
Even after everything, he still put you first. You were going to miss him so much.
The ramp opened up and a lone figure emerged, wearing a rather strange outfit.
"Master Kenobi! I was so worried. I had heard...rumors"
A strange Weequay man addressed your Master as he joined you on the ground.
"Hondo, it is good to see you, old friend." 
They grasped forearms in greeting before standing apart.
"Is it true, Master Jedi? Are they...."
Obi-Wan heaved a deep, bone weary sigh and nodded solemnly.
"Forgive me, my friend. I did not know. A thorn in my side, your Order may be, but I would never wish this on anyone."
It was then he noticed you, standing next to Obi-Wan just as tired and broken.
"Is this who you contacted me about?"
Your eyebrow raised as you turned to look at your Master, confused.
"Yes. Hondo, meet my Padawan Learner. LIttle one, meet Hondo Ohnaka."
You stepped forward and bowed slightly before returning back to your spot behind Obi-Wan.
"Hello there, Pretty Lady. I am Hondo, Pirate King and best friend to one Obi-Wan Kenobi."
He bowed with a flourish which caused Obi-Wan to roll his eyes.
You giggled though, and that sound had Obi-Wan smile slightly.
"It's nice to meet you, Hondo. Master? What does he mean?" You glanced over to Obi-Wan. You knew, in your heart, that this was it, but it still hurt, still clenched your chest. 
"Ahh, I will be...on the ship. Yes. Don't mind me, just going to do some routine maintenance before take off, have very important business to do...on the ship…" Hondo excused himself in a very Hondo way and walked back up the ramp, before disappearing into the hull.
Obi-wan turned to you and cleared his throat. You could see the anxiety welling up in his eyes, the fear that if he left you and you died, it would be his fault. Just like how Anikan was his fault. And Padme. He couldn't bear the thought of you dying when he could protect you, but, he had to stay. He knew he did. He had to watch over Luke and protect him. It was his new path in the Force.
Before he could speak, you cut him off trying to save him from his guilt. 
"So, this is it. This is where we part ways."
Obi-Wan released the deep sigh he didn't know he was holding and nodded.
"I have to stay. I have to watch over Luke. I can not let…"
"I know, Master." You gave him a tight lipped smile, eyes glassy with fat tears. You could feel your heart breaking, but you weren't sad. 
"Master, I need to tell you something. I don't want this to go unsaid between us," You paused, trying to collect your thoughts. How were you going to say what was on your heart? How were you going to reassure him of everything while being so scared yourself?
Obi-Wan waited patiently, only moving to once again hold your hands in his. There was so much he wanted to say as well, but he was just so tired. He was so very tired and everything pulled down on him more.
You took another deep breath, it was now or never…
"Master? I love you. You are the father I never had. When I think of family, I see you. And Ashoka. And," you choked, "Anakin." Your voice was small, almost lost in the howling winds of the canyon. But still you spoke, letting everything out. 
"All I have ever wanted was to make you proud. I wanted to be the best, not because I should strive to be a better Jedi, but because I wanted to honor you. When I lost my Master, I thought I was going to be forgotten, put aside until after the war, but then you came. You sat there in your chair in the Council Chamber and you saw me. You saw me. Being your Padawan was the greatest honor I could ever have had. I was being swallowed by this darkness in my heart, I was so lost and scared and confused. I lost myself when I lost my Master, but then you were there. You were this light that reached out for me. You pulled me out of that darkness. You anchored me in the present and the Light Side of the Force. Please don't think you've failed me. You haven't. You could never fail me. Obi-Wan Kenobi, you saved me. Everything I will ever strive to be is because of you. You are my father, Obi-Wan. And I love you."
You could feel the tightening in your chest, that anxious squeeze pulling at your insides as you waited for his response. Tears were falling down your face, making muddy tracks on your skin. Obi-Wan, for all his charm and quick wit, was speechless. He just stared at you with big, glazed, blue eyes. You were about to apologize for everything you said, hoping you didn't ruin the last moments with him you had, but then he pulled you to him.
He held you tight, crushing a bit of air out of your lungs. You felt him kiss the crown of your head before you wrapped your arms around him as well. 
You both stood there, holding on for dear life.  You could feel his tears in your hair, from where his cheek was pressed against your head. You could feel his heartbeat against your ear, where your face was against his chest. And you could feel his Force Signature mixed with yours, wrapping tightly around the both of you.
"Wherever you go in this world, whatever you decide to do, please know that I will always be with you. You are so strong, dear one. Don't ever think that I have never been proud of you. Look for me in the Force and you will find me. I will never abandon you."
You squeezed him harder and he held you tighter. You wanted to remember everything about him at this moment. His smell, like ozone and linen, the warmth of his chest, the scratch of his beard on your head, every little tactile sense you had was busy cataloging this exact moment, never to be forgotten. 
You didn't know, but he was doing the exact same thing.
"I will always love you, my brave Padawan."
"I will always love you, Master."
Slowly you both let go of each other, standing still.
There was a noise behind you, someone clearing their throat.
"I hate to break up this beautiful display of fatherly devotion, but, I am sorry, Master Jedi, if I am to take her with me, we must leave now. There is chatter on the com-waves."
Obi-Wan looked over your head at the man above you and nodded once.
"Yes, of course. Thank you Hondo. For everything."
"It is my honor, Master Jedi."
He looked back at you and reached out to squeeze your shoulders, before pulling you into one last hug. 
"May the Force be with you." 
"May the Force be with you, Master."
Slowly he let you go, heartbreak in his eyes. You turned and walked up the ramp, meeting Hondo at the hull opening. 
"We will leave soon, Pretty Lady. Please don't worry, I will keep you safe. I promise."
He nodded at you as you turned to look back at Obi-Wan. Your heart was in your throat and you didn't care that you were sobbing hard and deep. You were leaving everything you knew behind. Everything you are. Everything you have ever been was down there with him. But you knew, if you stayed, they would know. He would know. And you couldn't put Luke in that danger.
The ship started to move, gaining altitude, but still you stayed, watching him on the ground. You wanted to jump, to stay with him, to stay with the last bit of familiar comfort you had, but you didn't. You stayed glued to the side, watching him get smaller and smaller. 
He raised his hand in farewell as you began to shut the door. The air was beginning to thin and you would be in open space in a few moments.
But still you stayed. You stayed, looking at the grey durasteel side of the ship. You stayed, watching nothing as the ship left orbit. You stayed, trying to find purchase on anything as your heart was ripped from you. Cody, Rex, Obi-Wan, Jesse, Gregor, Ashoka, Kix, Fives, Wolffe, Plo, Padmé, Anakin. Everyone you had ever cared for, every single soul you considered family and friends and lovers were gone. Your entire family, your entire order, every single person, was dead. 
You were alone. You were utterly alone. And there was nothing you could do to change it.
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xecutivecucumber · 3 years
Rexsoka Week 2021 Day 7: FUBAR
I hope everyone enjoyed my Rexsoka week contributions. I've had a lot of fun with them. Thanks for all the support!
This one is a little less focused on their relationship and more on the...effed up part of things.
TW: Non Graphic Torture
Day 7: FUBAR
Rex had hung for hours. They'd stripped him of his armor and blacks. His arms were wrenched upward and over a horizontal bar of metal. His legs were forced in an uncomfortable position, as if he was doing a squat midair. Most of his weight was on his bent knees. The device he was entangled with seemed to be a relic of the Separatists.
Rex had no hope of getting out of here alive. It would be foolish to go so deep into Imperial territory for one soldier, even as high ranking as he was. And Rex prided himself with the knowledge that he would never give any sensitive information away.
They'd started the normal Imperial interrogation process with him, using an IT-0 droid to try and get him to talk. Rex was better than that. The clones had been trained to resist the mundane mind probe that the droids used.
But then they had stopped. Some higher up wanted to interrogate Rex themselves, and Rex was to be untouched until they got there.
So Rex hung. The pain of his shoulders and knees was probably more effective than what any of the average Imperial idiots could inflict. By the whispered tones of the Imps in charge of him, whoever was coming for Rex was far from average.
Rex didn't fear pain. He'd been under extreme distress, physical, mental, and emotional, before. He hadn't broken then. He wouldn't break now.
Finally, the door slid open, and a tall, dark figure swept in. Its head was covered in a helmet that hid any trace of humanity. The sound of rasping breathing accompanied it, as if each breath was forced in and out of the thing's body. It stared at Rex, and Rex was so transfixed by its blank stare that he almost didn't notice the thing's companion.
A clone, holding his black helmet at his side, with greying hair and a wandering scar down the left side of his face.
Rex's breath caught.
"Cody? " He asked.
He didn't need it confirmed. It was Cody. Rex could never forget his ori'vod's face.
It seemed that Cody had forgotten Rex. He looked Rex over with a blank stare. His chip was still active.
"Captain Rex." The dark figure said in a deep, robotic voice that nudged something in Rex's memory. "You were listed as killed in action."
"Well," Rex said, though he could not tear his eyes from Cody's face. "Reports can be wrong."
"Yes." The figure said. "It seems so. Which leads me to believe that others that were believed dead may yet be alive."
Rex tried not to let his fear show in his face. He knew who this man wanted.
"Tell me." The figure stepped forward. "Where is Ahsoka Tano?"
Rex managed to look away from his brother and into the figure's helmeted face.
"Ahsoka Tano is dead." He said with as much conviction as he could muster.
"I see." The figure said. "Commander, you may begin."
"Yes, Lord Vader." Cody said.
In a fluid movement he withdrew an electrostaff and slammed it into Rex's side. Rex hissed through his teeth as he felt ribs break. Then the electricity began coursing through his body in burning waves. Rex’s jaw clenched involuntarily, keeping him from making much noise.
Rex fell limp as Cody finally drew the staff away.
"Where is Ahsoka Tano?" Vader asked again.
Rex struggled to lift his head.
"She's dead." He said.
Vader stared at him for a long time before turning to Cody.
Ahsoka stole through the halls of the Imperial facility. Rex was here somewhere. At least, that’s what she prayed. The chances of him surviving at the hands of the Imperials seven days were-
Ahsoka refused to let herself dwell on it.
She paused at a corner when she heard the idle chatter of two TK troopers nearby.
"I wish Lord Vader would hurry up and kill the wretch." One complained. "Patrolling the detention level is becoming a real pain."
"Gives me a headache." The other grumbled. "Judging by its screams, I doubt it can last much longer."
Ahsoka's heart quickened. He was alive. She waited for the troopers to move past and quickly made her way to the nearest lift. The Force guided her hands to hit level B3.
The lift opened and Ahsoka felt sick. Rex's screams were echoing throughout the hallway. There was something else; whatever was torturing him was a Force user. A powerful and Dark one at that.
Ahsoka grit her teeth. There went her plan to go in sabers blazing. She edged closer to the area from which Rex's noises of distress were coming from. Soon she could make out words.
" SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S DEAD!" Rex was screaming.
So that's what they wanted to know. Ahsoka tried to reach for Rex's mind, but it was saturated with pain, oblivious to everything but the torture being inflicted on him.
Ahsoka found a storage closet adjacent to the room Rex was in. She would have to wait this out, no matter how badly she wanted to stop Rex's tormentors.
After a while Rex's screams turned to sobs, and the words he said changed.
" Kote, vod, gedet'ye!"
Cody, brother, please.
Ahsoka's heart clenched as she translated the words in her head. He was calling for Cody. She prayed that he was seeing some delusion, and that Cody was not playing a part in his torture.
His sobs began to fade. Ahsoka pressed a montral to the wall. A door opened and shut. Ahsoka waited a minute before unsheathing her sabers. She drew them in a circle in the wall and forced the cut section forward. The room she stepped into was overly bright. The floor was tacky and pinkish. Ahsoka swallowed bile before looking at the back of the room.
Rex was twisted around a metal frame, forced into what looked like an excruciating position. He was mostly naked, save for his grey undershorts. It seemed there wasn't a bit of skin that wasn't bruised, burned, or cut. Blood ran in dribbles from fresh slashes on his chest. He didn't look up as she approached him. His head lolled forwards.
" She's dead. " He whispered through chapped lips. " Kote, gedet'ye, she's dead. "
Ahsoka shook herself and wasted no more time in releasing him from his bindings. He'd lost weight in the few days he'd been here, and Ahsoka easily lifted him. A soft groan escaped him as she shouldered most of his weight.
"It's okay, Rex." Ahsoka promised him. "It's over now."
It would be. Even if they were caught, the answer the Imperials wanted was given by her presence. There would be no need to continue his interrogations.
Of course, they could always use him against her.
She quickly scanned near her. There was one guard nearby. The dark presence was getting further away.
Ahsoka set Rex down before slipping out the door. The startled guard didn't have time to make a noise before Ahsoka slammed him against the wall. He crumpled. Ahsoka retrieved Rex and started their painfully slow way down the corridor.
Rex occasionally made soft noises of pain as she jostled him. They got to the turbolift with no incidents. Ahsoka could sense the guards on the level on which her stolen Imperial shuttle was docked. There weren’t many, and by some miracle of the Force she managed to get Rex to the hangar without being seen. He let out a pitiful groan as she quickened her pace.
"I'm sorry." Ahsoka whispered. "We're almost out. Just-"
The dark presence suddenly reappeared, looming between them and the shuttle.
Ahsoka had no time, not with Rex's dead weight, to move before the man to which the presence belonged stepped from behind another ship. If it could be called a man. It seemed more like a droid.
"Ahsoka Tano." It said. "Captain Rex has become a more convincing liar. I almost believed him when he said you were dead."
Ahsoka tensed. She would not leave Rex. But she didn't see a way out of this.
"Something I'm sure you're eager to rectify." Ahsoka spat.
"There is a way for you to survive. For you both to survive." It said. "Join the Empire and you will both live."
"And become whatever you are? No." Ahsoka said.
The figure did not immediately attack.
"You think this path leads to anything else?" It asked. "Your attachment to the clone is far too deep."
"I'm sure it was only attachment that made you fall." Ahsoka said.
Her mind raced. What could she do? She would not leave Rex, but she couldn’t move quickly with his weight. And this thing was powerful .
"I see that you are resolved." The thing said. "Then I offer you this. Surrender, and I will give you both painless deaths."
For half a moment Ahsoka was tempted. Rex's pain was saturating the Force. She didn't want him to hurt anymore. And she saw no way out.
Her hesitation was seen as a refusal. The thing reached out a clawed hand. Ahsoka tensed, but nothing touched her. Rex, on the other hand, stiffened. Ahsoka nearly dropped him as he struggled for air.
"No!" Ahsoka said. "I didn't-"
A blaster shot rang through the hangar. The thing whirled to the side and deflected it with a hand. Rex relaxed.
Ahsoka only paused long enough to see a familiar clone pointing a blaster at the thing. She drew upon the Force and darted forward, past the figure who was concerned with blocking the barrage of blaster fire raining down on it.
"No more!" She heard Cody shout. " No more! "
She reached out briefly to try to connect with Cody and found a shattered mind. Whatever they had done to Rex had been too much for him.
Ahsoka dragged Rex the last few feet to the shuttle.
"Now, R-7!" She shouted.
The shuttle's door began to rise. Right before it shut, Ahsoka saw the Dark creature shear through Cody's chest with a blood red blade.
There was no med bay in the Imperial shuttle, so Ahsoka had to lay Rex on a clean sheet in the middle of the passenger bay. It had taken nearly two hours to dress Rex's injuries. Ahsoka had to set his broken fingers, wrap his ribs, and put bacta on every burn and laceration. He began to stir as she was finishing wrapping the cut up soles of his feet.
He groaned as he shifted, eyes opening to a slit.
"'Soka." He mumbled.
He struggled to lift himself.
"Shhh." Ahsoka said, gently easing himself back down. "Lie still."
She began running her fingers through his short hair in a hopefully soothing manner. He closed his eyes again and his head sagged to the side.
"How do you feel?" She asked.
"Hurts." He slurred.
Ahsoka frowned. She already had him on pretty heavy painkillers. She couldn't give him more, but she hated that he was still in pain.
She continued to massage his head. She hoped he was heading back to sleep.
"Cody?" He asked.
Ahsoka felt sick at his hopeful tone.
"I'm so sorry, Rex." She said. "He didn't make it."
Rex didn't say anything at first. He opened his eyes and looked at her.
"Was it-" He struggled to form the words. "You?"
Ahsoka moved her hand to the side of his face.
"That thing killed him." Ahsoka said. "He died so we could escape."
Rex squeezed his eyes shut. The agony that warped the Force around him deepened. He turned his head away from her, a tear tracing down his cheek.
“No more.” He muttered. “ No more. ”
Check it out and my other Rexsoka Fics on A03!
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geeks-universe · 4 years
To The Stars...
Past Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jedi!Reader
Present Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x Jedi!Reader
The One-Shot absolutely nobody asked for.
Italics for the past. Print for the present.
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You were lost.
A fire had burned through every inch of your body, lighting each nerve burrowed beneath the red-hot agony engulfing your skin.
It was all you knew, the entirety of what your fractured, scattered mind could piece together from the material it was given.
You cradled your body in the darkness, the brush of your hand against your arms hellish, blistering heat searing down your spine at the sensation.
Then it stopped.
Like the flame had been doused in a bucket of water, thoughts drowned in the sudden torrent of cool air. The burning was gone, replaced with the wispy smoke of unpleasant memories.
You opened your eyes, trying to ascertain your location to request for some sort of backup, or a possible extraction. Your head was pounding as light slowly filtered in, visions dancing like ghosts in the barren landscape around you. The cord that connected you to the life that breathed air into the atmosphere, that linked each soul to the ground they walked, was severed, like a knife to your very being. The constant, vibrant string in your mind, that tethered you to the creatures of the universe through the Force was quiet, muted as if the whole of existence was silenced.
“Zifri,” you choked out, your voice, raspy from the confines of pain, seeking out the presence of your Padawan.
As requested by the Jedi Council, you had entered the Temple of Aion, only to be locked within the confines. Your connection to the Force had pulsed through your veins, the rush of power mixing with the heat of destiny. The ground shook with possibilities, strings of fate illuminating the world around you. For a brief moment in time, you felt everything.
And then...
You had used the Force for many things throughout your life. Under the guidance of your master, you had learned to harness the abilities for both defense and offense, something typically advised against. Master Yoda understood the precariousness of your situation, and in an effort to gain mastery over the vastness of your abilities, had trained you in both Light and Dark.
When you were in the Temple of Aion though, you knew you had accessed a piece of the Force you’d never touched before.
The world you knew was gone.
“Zifri,” you repeated, louder, with more gusto as you grasped at any bit of the Force you could feel.
It was there, quiet, like a drum long forgotten. The lifeforms that dazzled the connection was gone, dimmed to a few scattered, unrealized potentials.
Something was wrong.
Upon realizing the startling truth that it wasn’t you who was disconnected with the Force, but rather the rest of the universe, you left in search of the truth.
“Master Kenobi.” 
His lips tugged upwards in acknowledgment of your presence, a dangerous sign, to be sure. He hadn’t met you until a couple of years prior, but from that moment on, he knew he was in trouble.
You brought with you a sense of peace he could never hope to find in your absence. The Light seemed to radiate from your presence, and his connection to the Force flared to life with each accidental touch of your hand. He had never been so allured by another, and the enchantment seemed to grow with every passing hour.
Your lips twitched down at the nickname. He’d taken to calling you it since your first meeting, and you still weren’t entirely sure why.
“That,” you crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at the man, “is not my name.”
The look on his face was far too mischievous for the esteemed Jedi Master. You felt the beginnings of a smile threaten to overcome your pout, and fought hard against it.
“And Master Kenobi isn’t mine,” he reminded you, mirroring your stance.
Your eyes narrowed, before you crossed the distance to give his shoulder a gentle shove. It hardly affected him, but the press of your hand against him, even muted by layers of clothing, sparked a fire down his spine.
“Obi,” you laughed. There was a brief pause, where your gazes met, affection exchanged, even through the desperate denials. “I got a Padawan!”
His smile widened. He’d known that you were to be assigned a Padawan. You had finished your Jedi training in record time, and there was no doubt that you could guide a fresh face on their journey, even if they were more than half your age. 
“Hopefully your Padawan listens more than Anakin,” Obi-Wan joked.
He was caught off guard when you threw yourself into his arms. It wasn’t the reaction he was expecting, but he was quick to return the sentiment.
“I know you advocated for me,” you whispered, your breath hot against his ear.
A piece of his training chipped away that day. How could he believe that holding you in his arms, giving into the affection he had for you, was so wrong when nothing in the world had ever felt more right?
“Always,” he replied, voice not above a murmur.
The other words he wished to speak, the feelings he wished to reveal, died in his throat. Today, he would not break the Jedi Code.
He could not speak for tomorrow, though.
Slowly, through frightened whispers or reverent murmurs, you pieced together the chronicle of the reality you awoke to.
30 years.
A full 30 years had passed.
When you were in the Temple of Aion though, you knew you had accessed a piece of the Force you’d never touched before.
With the power that resonated at your core, and the energy that hummed in the quiet halls of the Temple of Aion, you had been able to step through time.
Master Yoda had always claimed you had a destiny, one you could never fully comprehend, but you hadn’t expected it to include time travel.
Anakin Skywalker.
The very same man you had grown close to, had both learned from and mentored, was responsible for the desolation of your people. It seared your heart to learn the truth.
And Obi-Wan.
Your Obi-Wan, a soul so full of Light, forced to shoulder the burden of guiding, and loving, the man accountable for the atrocities committed against the Jedi. It pained you to think of how alone he must’ve felt in a galaxy he’d spent his life protecting. He was suddenly without his Order, without his closest friend, and without you, his lover.
How would things have changed if you were there?
Would you have perished with the other Jedi, or would you have survived, forced to live a life without the structure you’d become accustomed to?
What happened to your Master? To your Padawan? To Ahsoka?
You sighed, holding the bowl of steaming broth you were sipping on a little closer.
Your hunt for others was not going well. You weren’t even sure if there were anymore Jedi. The silence in your mind through the Force had become deafening, and you couldn’t take it anymore. It was driving you to the brink of insanity, living so long with a string connecting you to the other lifeforms that the sudden disappearance of them was startling.
So, you cut your connection to the Force.
It was painful, and every day a piece of you desperately called out to it, to reconnect your soul, but you held firm.
It was a mutter, spoken in a quiet conversation a few seats down, but you still heard it. Curiosity got the best of you, and the small spark of hope stirred deep in your gut.
Against better judgement, you followed the Mandalorian who had inquired about Jedi out of the establishment, and towards, what you presumed to be, his ship. The Mandalorian in question was cautious, looking over his shoulder with every step he took. Had you not been as well trained as you were, you more than likely would have slipped up and ousted yourself.
Alas, you managed to navigate your way through the bustling streets of some backwater planet while keeping your identity concealed from the vigilant Mandalorian.
Obi-Wan had taken to calling you his ever-affectionate nickname more so than your given name. Typically, though, the endearment was saved for teasing mutters, or mirthful mumbles.
The two syllables had never been filled with such worry before, and the instincts you’d adopted in your years of training flared to life. Ahsoka was beside you, having been volunteered to stay with the unit by her esteemed Master Skywalker.
Zifri, your Padawan, had gone with Obi-Wan and Anakin. Having as many Jedis (Padawans included) had seemed a bit overkill, especially with Master Windu already stationed at a nearby base, but as an assault began to rain down around you and young Ahsoka, you quickly realized why.
The enemy was fierce, unrelenting, and incalculable in size. Rex’s unit was with you and Ahsoka, but following Obi-Wan’s warning, he and the rest of the backup were effectively cut off.
The twin sabers in your hand sprang to life, purple light reflecting in the harshness of your gaze.
“Get her to safety,” you ordered, holding the frontline as the enemy poured the brunt of their resources into your position. “Now!”
Rex jumped at the suddenness of your command. He offered a brief nod, before he signalled his troops to fall back, and tried to get Ahsoka to do the same.
She stood firm, refusing to leave you.
“We’re stronger together,” Ahsoka argued, unsheathing her lightsabers in a valiant attempt to provide assistance.
Time froze, just for a fraction of a second, as you smiled at the young Padawan. She was a fast learner, and fiercely loyal. If you asked, she would stay, and she would fall. Your heart squeezed in your chest as you eyed the facility the enemy were housed in. If you could get inside, you could buy enough time for Ahsoka, Rex, and the entire unit.
Your decision was made before you ever made a move to enact it.
You thought of Obi-Wan then, as you forced the young Padawan backwards, and charged forward into the enemy.
He would be proud.
“What do you know of the Jedi?”
The words had barely left your mouth before a blaster was being pointed directly at you.
You eyed it cautiously, blinking.
“What are you doing on my ship?” The helmet made the Mandalorian’s voice a bit mechanical, but there was no denying the hostility in it.
“I asked first,” you held your hands up in surrender, a bit too much cheek.
“This is my ship,” the man before you felt the need to remind you.
“Well, yes,” you answered lamely, spying the little guy that peeked out from behind the man’s cape.
Your eyes widened, recognition flashing across your features as a face similar to your beloved master revealed itself. You took a step back inadvertently, your heart fracturing in your chest as a gentle gaze tore open old wounds.
The child cooed, carefully stepping around the Mandalorian to approach you. A part of him recognized the Force inside you, you were sure, as his tiny hand reached out for you.
In a daze, you bent down to meet him.
A stillness grew in the air, like the world was holding its breath, waiting to see the interaction.
The Child was attempting to make contact with you- not just physically, but through the Force too- and panic rose in you at the thought. Alerts blared red throughout your systems as you physically recoiled. The little guy wasn’t deterred though, and despite your absolute withdrawal from him through the Force, his small hand wrapped around your fingers.
He made a noise, one that could be interpreted as friendly, and looked back to the Mandalorian. The Mandalorian, for his part, had been patient during the exchange, but his finger hadn’t been removed from the trigger, an obvious sign of his mistrust.
“Who are you?”
His voice echoed in the small space of the ship. You cleared your throat.
“I heard you talking about Jedi,” you mentioned, holding onto the creature that looked so similar to your Master. “I’m looking for them.”
A pause.
You considered the question. Your identity had been a closely guarded secret. After all, you still weren’t entirely sure why you’d been propelled 30 years into the future, so you made the decision to keep quiet on the subject. This was no exception. 
“I want to know what happened to my family,” you gave a half-truth.
If he wondered why the Jedi would know, he didn’t question it.
“The kid seems to like you.”
It was an observation, though you could tell it was one he took to heart. The Mandalorian may have thought the kid had good intuition, but you knew it was his connection to the Force.
“I can help you.”
The twin lightsabers that were concealed in your robes burned, the handles icy to the touch from disuse, yet flaming with the sudden desire to be the person you had trained to be. They, too, had been untouched in the year that had passed since your sudden upheaval.
He was reluctant, and you were sure if it wasn’t for the pleading eyes of the youngling, he would’ve outright refused. He didn’t seem like the kind of man to embrace company, and you weren’t the type that liked to impose, but if there was a possibility of you finding a Jedi, you needed to take it.
“You can’t blame yourself, Snips.”
“If I had just-”
“My Master is as stubborn as she is strong, you wouldn’t have gotten through.”
“Rest, we must allow her. Watch over her, Master Kenobi will.”
The voices you’d been listening to had faded, and you were barely able to open your eyes to register why that was.
“Easy,” the familiar articulation above you was fraught with apprehension.
“Obi?” You inquired softly, his face a blur as you tried to adjust your vision more properly.
“Starling,” he breathed, relief palpable in the drawl he spoke with. The air grew lighter at the nickname, and you felt the tension melt from your body.
“Is everyone okay?”
Obi-Wan visibly flinched at the question. Hesitantly, after a moment of contemplation, he nodded. A smile began to tug at your lips and- despite your body heavily protesting the action, muscles groaning at the strain- you sat up.
“I’m sorry, I know-”
“It was reckless,” Obi-Wan reprimanded, staring down at where his fingers tapped against the edge of the bed. He had an air of agitation, but there was something else deep beneath his facade that you couldn’t quite read.
“It was necessary to save the people I…” 
His eyes snapped to you, imploring- no, begging- you to continue. Your voice went quiet, the atmosphere weighed down with the words you struggled to utter. You ran your tongue along your teeth.
“The people I love.”
Obi-Wan let the words simmer between the two of you. He was digesting them, critiquing them, and then embracing them. The beating of his heart matched the erratic thumping of yours.
“I was terrified,” he admitted on a whisper, as if divulging a secret. “But proud.”
The Child was still reaching out to you.
You had been vigilant in your effort to remain disconnected to the Force. With him so nearby, and more days passing without the connection so integral to your person, your defenses were struggling, but you refused to relent.
The kid knew it too.
A deep sadness reflected in his glossy gaze, chipping away at the armor you had locked around your heart. You stared at yourself through his eyes, at how battle hardened you looked. Throughout the Clone Wars, you had been an esteemed general, but you had a family- if not by blood, by choice- that kept you grounded. Since your stint with time travel, you had been alone, and as unfair as it was to leave the kid on his own, you couldn’t open yourself back up yet.
There was pain without the Force, but dammit, you didn’t know if you could handle the fresh hell your connection to it brought.
“I’m sorry, kiddo,” you apologized, holding your hand out for him.
He took it, waddling closer to better inspect you. He was desperate for the attachment you were denying. It likely had to do with the tidbit of information Mando had given you. He said the kid was 50, which meant, technically speaking, you were only five years his senior. Though, you didn’t really consider yourself to be the 55 the timeline suggested, considering you skipped 30 of those years, which left you with the appearance and memories of a 25 year old.
“Why the sorcerers?” The low, mechanical baritone of the Mandalorian asked from the doorway, his body sturdy and intimidating.
He had grown a fair bit on you, especially considering the long and bloody past between Jedi and Mandalorians. The look you pulled following his description of Jedi was one of indignation, however.
“Sorcerers?” You echoed, the words distasteful on your tongue. “Jedi are not magic. The Force isn’t some- some-”
Your argument was crashing, as you realized just how much you were implying about your past with each word used in defense of the Jedi. The Mandalorian had been suspicious, and you replying as spirited as you did, did nothing to convince him otherwise.
You cleared your throat.
“The Jedi are an ancient and respectable order tasked with maintaining balance across the universe,” you explained calmly, refusing to stare at the blank, chrome exterior of the beskar helmet the Mandalorian wore.
Instead, you looked at the youngling.
“I’m not entirely sure there are any left, but their memory still deserves admiration.”
The Child cocked his head to the side, like he was digesting the bit of information you’d given. Mando, however, let the silence breathe for a moment.
“Did you know any?”
You pressed your fingers to the baby’s cheek, a ghost of a smile curving on your lips at the reminder of the people you had surrounded yourself with.
“Many,” you admitted softly.
Mando had taken a step towards you, bending down to level himself with you. He reached out towards the Child, offering him a bit of warmth, as he assessed you beneath the armor he wore.
You wondered then- certainly not for the first time- what he looked like. You hadn’t had a whole lot of interactions with Mandalorians in the past. Between training, both your own training and your Padawan’s training, and your individual role within the Clone Wars, it hadn’t ever really occurred. Most of what you knew was what Obi-Wan had told you, and the occasional excited recount Ahsoka had regaled you with. 
“Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum,” the words were purposeful as they left the Mandalorian’s mouth, and though you weren’t quite sure of their meaning, you knew they were said with the intention of honoring the unmentioned Jedi you’d lost.
Your heart skipped a beat, and the coo the kid had released was softer than normal, like he was mourning your loss too.
You rested your hand on Mando’s, holding it against the small chest of the kid.
“There is no death, there is the Force.”
The Child perked up in recognition of the final words of the Jedi Code. He, like Mando, did not interrupt the moment. The culmination of two cultures, so starkly different from one another, were weaving together in the small child. While this might suggest some amount of concern, you could only see a chance to transcend the mistakes of history.
“Thank you,” you mumbled to the bounty hunter.
None of you moved, and for a quiet moment in time, all was right with the world.
“Focused, you must remain.”
Master Yoda was being cautious, trying to keep you on task, but worry was beginning to seep into your actions. You’d finished the Trials, and you were a fully fledged Master- with a Padawan currently under your care- but your training was still ongoing.
The Jedi Council wasn’t taking any chances with the sheer power you displayed in regards to the Force. If it weren’t for Master Yoda and Obi-Wan, the Council may not have even allowed your training to progress. They were concerned about the training, especially when Yoda revealed that he had been training you with Force abilities tied to the Dark side.
“I think-,” you sighed in frustration, “Maybe I need the day off.”
Master Yoda considered the request, and then conceded when he realized how deep your fear ran. Power bred fear, and he never wanted you to fear your own gifts.
“Time, you should take. Return, we will, after some rest.”
You bowed, then scampered away as quickly as you could. Tears began to blur your vision, as you ran to safety. Your feet were moving on their own accord, pulling you towards security- which, incidentally, brought you to Obi-Wan’s quarters.
You paused briefly, wondering if it was a good idea. The two of you had been growing close, toeing the line of what was allowed, and what was forbidden. Before you could turn away and retreat into less dangerous territory, Obi-Wan opened the door.
Concern was etched into the furrow of his brow, and the downturn of his lips looked unnatural in comparison to the joy he typically radiated around you. Without thinking, or even considering possible consequences, you shut the door and fell into his embrace.
It wasn’t the first time the two of you had been so close before, but every time you were, it drew you one step closer to engaging in feelings deemed off limits by the Jedi Council.
“Is there anything I can do?” Obi-Wan’s voice was soft, but fierce.
You pulled back just a fraction to meet his eyes.
It was the way he looked at you, like there wasn’t anything more sacred in the world than you. Your heart stuttered against your chest, and you surged forward, your lips meeting his in a long overdue kiss.
He responded like he’d been waiting his entire life for it. There was no hesitation, no worry, and no doubt about his feelings.
You knew that would come after, but for the moment, you had each other.
“Do you have a name?”
The Mandalorian leveled you with a stare. Even without seeing his face, you knew the expression he bore was something close to absolute bewilderment.
It’d been nearly seven weeks since you boarded the Razor Crest. The Mandalorian and you had grown somewhat closer, but he was guarded and you were secretive. The Child had taken to you immediately, drawn by the Force, and charmed with your sweet voice.
“Do you?”
You pursed your lips.
Silence reigned supreme once more, save for the occasional coos of the Child. He was secure in your lap, alternating his hands between holding yours or reaching for something on the console.
“(Y/N),” you finally broke the silence, steadfastly ignoring his gaze as you focused on the little guy. The Child looked up to you curiously, tilting his head as he mumbled a vague string of syllables that sounded somewhat like your name mixed with babble.
“(Y/N),” the Mandalorian echoed. It felt nice to hear him say it, the way he pronounced it carefully, taking care to taste the name on his tongue.
“I think I should be more cautious with my identity,” you admitted, gesturing to his helmet. “We don’t really know what we’re walking into.”
Mando thought on the idea for a brief moment, before he huffed his assent.
“You can call me Starling,” you interrupted on a whim, almost regretting it the second the word left your mouth. “It’s an old nickname,” you explained, curling in on yourself at the way the Mandalorian watched you.
“Starling it is,” he said finally.
If he found your behavior odd, he didn’t comment. In fact, he wasn’t the least bit phased when you donned a mask to show him. It was a darker shade of silver than the chrome armor he wore, and there were intricate designs carved into the metal, the same carvings the hilt of your lightsabers bore. It would render you completely unseen, and thus a bit safer until you could discern whether the Jedi in question could be trusted with the truth or not.
Mando routed the ship for a new destination, flipping levers and pressing buttons like it was second nature. He didn’t pause, and his voice was so quiet you almost missed the soft utterance, but you heard it nonetheless.
“We’ll see them again.”
Every ounce of strength and faith was released into that short sentence, a gentle reminder to the man you loved of your capabilities.
He studied you, tracing every inch of your face like it was the last time he’d see you, and he needed to memorize the curve of your cheeks, or the slope of your nose.
“I know we will.”
He tried to echo the sentiment of your voice, but it fell short. He was beginning to believe that your recent endeavor had taken a turn for the worst, and that the two of you might not find your way off the godforsaken planet you crashed into as easily as you believed you would. With the woods crawling with enemy droids, and not a single friend in sight, it wasn’t a horrible assumption.
“Obi,” you pressed, resting your hand against his cheek to get his attention. It worked. “We’re going to get out of this.”
It wasn’t often the man before you lacked the strength to carry hope, but in the times that he did, you were the only person that could spark conviction in him.
“What would I do without you?”
It wasn’t a question meant to be answered. He had found himself wondering what a life outside of the Order might be like since the day you kissed him- perhaps even longer, if he were honest with himself. A part of him longed to be selfish, to keep you from the world.
He knew then, though, or maybe he’d always known, your destiny was larger than him. You were born to soar above the fears and expectations of the Jedi Order. You were born to live a life of your own, not one defined by him, and he felt himself fighting a losing battle, trying to hold onto you for as long as he could.
It had come out as a rhetorical question- but, deep down, he knew the truth: one day you would be without him, and he wasn’t sure he’d have the strength to carry on.
You, though, were resilient.
You could carry on.
He needed you to.
Faded, silvery lines painted a picture on your back.
Each was a scar, a tragedy of a life long forgotten. There was a large print in the form of a gash from where you’d narrowly escaped a crashed ship, or a thin line that spanned the length of your shoulders from being thrown across a battlefield. The memories that came from the stories they told weren’t always pleasant. They were reminders of who you were and where you’d been, even if you were trying to run from the past, and deny the existence of the person you’d once been intimately familiar with.
There was a new scar too.
This one was where your shoulder met your collarbone. It was an angry, red wound that hadn’t quite scarred yet, but was just beginning to show the puckering of a lasting injury. You’d jumped in the line of fire to protect the youngling. Before that, you’d been effortlessly weaving through enemies, cutting them down with a staff you’d wrestled from the first to jump at you.
Would this scar prompt the same feelings the others did in the future?
You sighed, meeting your own gaze in the mirror. You looked different. Not in the sense that you’d drastically changed on the outside, but the way you carried yourself was different.
You had never been one to strictly follow the Jedi Code, but there wasn’t a trace of Jedi left in you anymore. The hope that used to light your eyes, the wonder that settled on your brow, the joy that tugged at your lips- it was all gone, replaced with a heaviness you couldn't quite carry.
A curse sounded from beside you, and the sudden appearance of Mando startled you. Despite what his exterior, and copious amount of armor, might suggest, the man moved surprisingly quiet when he wanted to.
You didn’t bother to shield your body at the sudden intrusion. You were decent enough where you weren’t exposed, but more skin was on display than normal. Mando awkwardly shuffled in place, torn between leaving and checking on you.
“I’m fine, if that’s why you’re here,” you decided for him, ghosting your fingers along the new wound.
“Good,” he muttered. Though his helmet shielded the direction of his eyes, you could feel his stare run the length of the skin on your back.
He had questions. They filled the silence, pressing the void with the desire to voice them, but not the strength required to.
“They’re from another life,” you explained, gazing at him through the mirror.
A breath.
“I was a-” you paused, changing the direction of the conversation last minute. “A general. War isn’t easy.”
Din inclined his head, the barest gesture of acknowledgement. Even though he wasn’t speaking, and not offering physical comfort, his presence made you feel at ease, like he could understand some amount of the pain you felt.
You turned to him then, cautious steps bringing you closer until you were nearly chest to chest- or chest to abdomen, if you were being honest with your height. Din hadn’t moved an inch, though his helmet was tilted down, and you knew beneath it, the eyes of a hunter were watching every movement you made.
Carefully, you lifted a hand to the side of his helmet, pressing it against the cool beskar, in direct opposition to the heat of your skin. It reminded you of your Order, and his, and the conflicting views of the two, how different it had formed you both. Though, you hadn’t really felt the opposite of him, but rather complimentary, like your opinions and actions lifted him up, and vice versa.
“Thank you, Din.”
By the time he’d really processed what you said, you were out of sight, leaving him alone in the dark, with nothing but the heat rising to his cheeks at your actions.
The Jedi Code was in place for a reason.
You knew that.
Obi-Wan knew that.
Yet it hadn’t stopped the affection from blossoming.
The early lights of a rising sun crept in through the window, shining down on the two of you, still entwined and bare from the previous night’s events. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, heated skin meeting his lips in an action that spoke more than he ever could.
‘I love you’- not spoken in so many words, but conveyed through the soft brush of his hand, or the gentle press of his mouth. 
Time was your enemy, so long as you continued down this path, and you knew it wouldn’t last forever. Eventually, the Jedi Council would become aware of the blooming relationship. They would punish you. You would probably lose your Padawan, and maybe even your status. Obi-Wan would be in a similar situation, and as much as you wanted to care, it was difficult to.
He meant everything to you, and you meant everything to him. Nothing in the world made more sense than being together.
“We have to get up soon,” Obi-Wan reminded you, not quite ready to give up on the charade.
You understood. There was Anakin, Ahsoka, and Zifri to worry about.
“I know,” you agreed on a hum, running your fingers through his hair. His eyes slipped shut at the sensation, as they often did.
“Master Windu spoke of a mission you’re going on?” Obi-Wan inquired, his tone quiet as he reveled in your attention.
“Mmm,” you murmured, holding a kiss to his forehead, “The Temple of Aion, just a quick trip.”
“Be careful,” he warned, holding your hand in his. 
The words he should’ve said stayed silent, waiting for a different opportunity that would never come. That would be the last time you saw Obi-Wan, though you didn’t know it at the time.
Or maybe you had known, deep down, as you ran your fingers along his lips, committing his face to memory- so expressive and filled with love.
That was goodbye.
Bo-Katan had mentioned Ahsoka, and you had barely been able to breathe from that moment forward.
Din had picked up on the change in attitude. He wanted to ask about it, but he wasn’t one to pry. Instead, he’d been silently lending you strength.
The flight had gone off without a hitch, and typically you’d be thankful for the lack of interruptions, but the quiet had been slowly descending you towards a maddening cycle of imagining how Ahsoka would react to the revelation of your fate. Your imagination wasn’t being kind, and you were nearly convinced that she would blame you for everything that had happened with Anakin and the Jedi Order.
Your sweet, stubborn Ahsoka, who had meant so much to you, that you would willingly lay down your life for her. Would she think you a traitor? Would she understand what you’d gone through?
The tiny, gentle hands of the kid interrupted your thinking. His wide eyes were directed at you, and you could feel the Force inside you thump against the confines of your chest to get to him.
Ahsoka would know.
Even with your self-induced severance to the Force, she would know it was you, with or without the mask.
What would be the point then?
Should you tell Mando and the kid?
After all, they were searching for a Jedi to train the kid, and you were a fully-fledged Jedi, who, through a series of unfortunate events, had lost their Padawan. One of the kid’s own kind, Master Yoda, had been your teacher. For all intents and purposes, you were the perfect teacher for the kid. Mando wouldn’t need to be separated, and you could rekindle the fire of hope that the loss of the Jedi Order doused.
You would tell them, then. You would restore your connection to the Force, and you would aid Din, but only after you reunited with Ahsoka.
The kid, as if sensing your resolution, gave you a toothy smile. It pulled at your heart, reminding you of your own Master.
Tears welled in your eyes, and the gentleness of the creature before you, the worry, caused them to fall.
You mourned your people- Master Yoda, who taught you, Anakin, who joked with you, Zifri, who looked to you for guidance, and Obi-Wan, who loved you unconditionally.
You mourned the ever-progressing change that had transformed the galaxy from the one you knew, to the one you now learned.
And you mourned yourself- the girl full of hope, who found faith in the people around her, and spent her whole life trying to make the world a better place.
Din found you like that, holding tight to the Child while you let yourself mourn what you’d lost one last time before facing the future.
He didn’t know the full extent of your past, just as you didn’t know his, but the secrets kept in the dark of the night hadn’t distanced either of you.
“Ready?” He inquired.
You nodded, propping the kid on your hip as you stood to your full height, forgoing the mask you’d been wearing entirely.
You wouldn’t hide your identity any longer. The world wouldn’t scare you into submission. You were a Jedi, and it was high time you started to act like one.
There was a brief hesitation before Din’s gloved hand slipped into yours, igniting a strength you’d long since thought was gone.
You smiled down at the kid, and then where your hand met Din’s.
You’d been lost for so long, but now-
Now you were found.
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write4tomorrow · 4 years
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Word Count: 3366
Pairing: Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jedi!Reader
Summary: Master Kenobi fell from the Jedi order many years ago, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t kept close tabs on the jedi order since. As Darth Dominus, he has recently discovered that he is part of a Force Dyad… with a jedi. How will he bring her to his side? 
Genre: Angst / Fluff
A/N: This is part two to this one shot I wrote, but can be read as just a one shot. Also, in this universe, Count Dooku has two apprentices. 
The only light in the dark conference room came from the blue hologram in Darth Dominus’ palm. He watched as the Jedi knight moved faster than he had seen any Jedi ever move. With two lightsabers, the wielder must be incredibly in tune with their surroundings and the force to fight without also hurting themselves. They had to be really good. The Jedi in Dominus' palm wasn’t just good, she was a master. 
Dominus scowled at his own thoughts. This girl was going to stop him from taking the republic for himself. He had seen it time and time again in his dreams and his meditations and the occasional vision. You were going to be his downfall. Your face plagued him like the lingering flavor of honey after a burning cup of coruscanti tea. So why couldn’t he stop staring at the hologram? Why couldn’t he bring himself to confront this inevitable downfall? 
Because it wasn’t inevitable. For every vision he saw of you turning against him, he saw another dream of you in beautiful crimson robes with a pair of red sabers to match. For every vision he saw of you standing against him, he saw another of you standing by his side. This was his curse, to be half of a dyad. 
He had been able to keep it well hidden. No one knew except you and him but that didn’t mean he liked it. How had he wound up the other half of a Jedi? His one weakness was you and he hated both you and himself for it. So why couldn’t he stop gazing at you on the hologram? Why couldn’t he stop himself from reaching out to you through the force? And why didn’t you ever respond? 
“Oh, Kenobi. You really can’t stop yourself, can you?” Darth Maul had crept into the room without Dominus noticing. He knew that using his jedi name would rattle him but Maul was always trying to rattle him. If only Dominus had been more aware of his own surroundings. He cursed Maul’s unnaturally quiet robotic legs and tried to deactivate the hologram. However, Maul used the force to pull the moving image of you out of Dominus’ grip. 
“She’s good,” Maul teased, “do you think she moves those hips like that when-”
In a flash Dominus had ignited his lightsaber and sliced the hologram peice in half, narrowly missing Maul’s hand. Unfazed, Darth Maul raised an eyebrow at the sudden outburst. 
“You’re distracted, and Tyrannus can tell.” At Maul’s words, Dominus’ face paled in the dark room. His saber was still drawn and he thought about taking his anger out on Maul. Instead, he tucked his saber back into his dark robe and ran a hand over his beard to calm himself. 
“I will speak with Tyrannus. Don’t worry about her,” Dominus tried to push past Maul to leave the room, but Maul stepped in his way. 
“Oh he knows about y/n,” Maul smiled as he said your name, “in fact, I came to tell you that he’s on his way to deal with her now.” Maul laughed as Dominus’s face lost all remaining color and the former Jedi left the room in a sprint. 
Reconnaissance missions weren’t your specialty, but you always enjoyed stepping into an undercover role. You were attending a separatist gala as a senator’s liaison. The actual senator was still on his ship, a few miles above the planet’s atmosphere, dealing with a pesky cusom’s agent by the name of Anakin Skywalker. Ahsoka Tano had accompanied you to the gala in the hopes that two listening ears were better than just one. 
You hadn’t seen her in a few hours though and were beginning to worry. With your best smile, you excused yourself from the conversation with one of the banking clan members. 
“Ahsoka,” you hissed into your coms, “Where are you?” After a moment of static, you heard Anakin’s voice answer.
“Her com may have died,” Anakin sighed, “Besides, the lovely senator has decided to just go home so I don’t need to be up here anymore. I am going to come down to you guys and see if I can find her.” 
“Thanks, Anakin,” you whispered, “let me know if you find anything.” You felt a little better knowing that Anakin was on his way to you. You hadn’t realized it, but something was making you tense. Something felt wrong. 
You knew better than to ignore your intuition. If something felt wrong, something probably was wrong. You felt the weight of your sabers in the small purse around your shoulder. Protectively you used one hand to cover your purse and the other to grab your black skirt. Lifting your dress up just a little, you tried to quickly leave the room. Perhaps some air would help clear your head and you would be able to think of a plan. 
“There you are.” You stopped short as a body stepped into your way. With a quick glance up, you recognized the man. You had never met before, but Anakin and Ahsoka had told you many stories about Count Dooku. This was the man that talked Obi-Wan Kenobi into joining the separatists and the Sith. If Count Dooku was here, was Obi-Wan close as well? 
“I’m sorry, sir,” you feigned politeness, “I don’t think I know-”
“Don’t play dumb, girl,” Dooku countered, “besides, if you don’t know me, perhaps you know her?” Dooku pulled out a small screen from his pocket and showed an image of Ahsoka. Your heart sank. Ahsoka was bound by some of the heaviest handcuffs you’d ever seen. Two separatists droids were keeping her on her knees. 
“Take my arm and smile,” Dooku grinned as he spoke, “it’s an honor to finally meet you, y/n.” Without seeing another good option, you allowed yourself to be led out of the room. You hoped that Anakin would get here soon. 
Dooku didn’t speak while he led you away. As you walked, he wordlessly took the small bag from around your shoulders and tucked your lightsabers into his own jacket pocket. You tried to think of a good way out of your current situation, but the walk was over before you could think of anything. 
After a few short turns down increasingly reclusive hallways, Dooku pulled you into a storage room near one of the building’s exits. Upon seeing Ahsoka, you tried to move toward her, but Dooku pulled you back. 
“Tell us what you want, Dooku,” you tried to keep your voice calm, “so we can all be on our way.” 
“There is nothing you can do that I want,” Dooku said with a shrug. His eyes watched you for a reaction and you could tell he was expecting you to do something.
“Everybody wants something,” you returned, “and you’re talking to the best negotiator in the Jedi Order.” You did your best to match Dooku’s calm demeanor. He only smiled back at you.
“I’ve heard of your reputation as both negotiator and battle strategist,” Dooku glanced at Ahsoka, “but you’re going to have to do more than talk your way out of this one, dear Jedi.” 
“Give me my sabers, dear captor,” you offered, “and we can exchange more than words.” Dooku laughed and drew himself up to his fullest height.
“Clever girl with a silver tongue, no wonder he likes you.” At Dooku’s words, you froze. Was he talking about… no. You pushed the thought of Obi-Wan Kenobi from your mind. That man - that Sith - took up too much of your time already. Sometimes it felt like you couldn’t get him out of your head, no matter how hard you tried. Even when you slept or mediated, you saw visions of him. 
Even now, there was a nagging pull in your mind that usually meant he was trying to reach you. You closed your eyes, trying to push the feeling away. 
“My ship will be here soon,” Dooku continued, “and you will board it with me or Ahsoka will die in this room.” You looked down at Anakin’s apprentice and could feel the fear well up inside of her. There was defiance too and you smiled as Ahsoka shook her head. She was brave and you adored her for it. 
Please, please listen to me, You heard the familiar voice in your mind. It was Obi-Wan Kenobi and, just like you had time and time again, you tried to ignore him. Still, you felt him push harder than he ever had before.
Dooku is coming for you, y/n, Obi-Wan warned. 
Dooku has me. You answered without keeping the mirth from your voice. There was a pause from Obi-Wan. Perhaps it was his shock that you had answered him at all. After all, you had done your best to stay radio silent over the past several months. But now you were straining to keep his presence at bay and you could feel both Ahsoka and Dooku looking at you. You tried to fake a smile but you felt Obi-Wan pushing his way into your mind. 
I’m almost there, he said, be ready. He didn’t need to say more. You could feel him becoming stronger, closer. And you knew he meant to do something brash. 
“When do we leave?” You asked Dooku. 
“Y/n,” Ahsoka pleaded, “don’t do this.” Dooku nodded at the droid who took that as a signal to bring the end of a blaster down on Ahsoka’s head hard enough to make her cry out. You tried to push towards the padowan again, but Dooku pulled out his red saber and leveled it at your chest. 
“We leave now,” Dooku glared at you as you thought about retaliating. Quietly, you made your way out of the room, closely followed by the Sith Lord. His saber was no longer ignited but he kept it in his hand as an idol threat. You gave Ahsoka one last look before he closed the door on her and the two droids. 
“Follow me,” Dooku gestured toward the end of the hallway but you froze in your tracks. Standing in gorgeously dark robes at the end of the hall was none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi. You felt an overwhelming wave of something hopeful fill your chest. You wanted to run away from the Sith and you wanted to sprint toward him. 
Dooku seemed just as surprised as you felt. But in his surprise, you realized that this was your opportunity to act. Using the force, you pushed Dooku back against the wall and felt your lightsabers in his blazer pocket. But you also felt Ahsoka’s. You couldn’t grab all four sabers and you didn’t have time to think about it.
Dooku pushed you away from himself but you were faster than him. You dashed back to the room that Ahsoka was in. You threw open the door and used her saber to cut the restrains. You left her to free herself and hurried back to deal with the two Sith lords in the hallway. 
To your horror, Obi-Wan was waiting for you. He angrily launched a flurry of strikes towards you. Is he here to save you or kill you? You didn’t have a chance to ask him. Without a weapon, you were playing defense and he was merciless in his attack. 
Run, Obi-Wan’s voice rang in your head, you were supposed to run. Obi-Wan pushed you farther away from Dooku with his attacks. You understood then that Obi-Wan was trying to help you. Over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, you saw that Ahsoka had escaped the droids and was running towards Dooku. Even if you wanted to run, you couldn’t leave Ahsoka. Not to mention, Dooku still had your sabers. You tried to get around Obi-Wan. You needed to find some way to help Ahsoka. 
Obi-Wan pushed you around a corner, out of sight from Dooku and Ahsoka. You suddenly realized that he was steering you someplace. 
“What are you doing?” You halted, hoping that the Sith lord before you wouldn’t strike you down. Just as you hoped, Obi-Wan turned his lightsaber off. But not even a breath later, he shoved you against the wall. Not with the force. No, with his bare hands, Obi-Wan held you in place against the wall. He spoke in shallow breaths that were somewhere between fury and desperation. 
“Dooku will kill you,” He was so close his breath was mixing with your own. “If you don’t get out of here, he’ll… I’ll be forced to…” 
“Why don’t you let me go, and I’ll just kill you both instead?” You tried to break Obi-Wan’s grip on you but he held strong. 
“Stop joking around.” Obi pleaded.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t wear the right dress for surrendering.” You offered with an eye roll. Obi-Wan looked at your dress then and you saw the corners of his mouth turn up in the smallest smile.
“Darling, that dress fits you perfectly. Even if it didn’t, I’d find a million new dresses for you if you just come with me.” Obi-Wan’s eyes took a second to linger before looking back into your own. 
“Obi-Wan-” you began, but he cut you off.
“Come with me, willingly. Come with me and I can tell Dooku that I will train you. You and I will rule the galaxy.” Obi-Wan’s voice was softer now, pleading. 
“I can’t,” You began, but you wouldn’t let him know how much you wanted to, “I would rather be tortured as your Jedi captive than live as your pet.” 
“There’s no way out of this! You come with us or- you have to come with me or I will have to kill you,” Obi-Wan’s voice cracked. You looked at his face and you could feel the turmoil in him.
“You don’t have to kill me-” 
“I won’t let him hurt you!” Obi-Wan’s voice was strained and his words seemed to come out against his will, “I’ll kill you before I let him have you, y/n.” 
“You don’t have to kill me, Obi-Wan.” your voice was just a whisper and something in Obi-Wan’s expression softened. This man in front of you seemed so desperate and you couldn’t tell why. Before he could say anything else, you heard Ahsoka cry out from the other hallway. You need to get to the padowan.
Obi-Wan seemed to sense your apprehension. He registered Ahsoka for the first time and released you. He cursed under his breath and turned his attention away from you for the briefest moment. He ran back into the alley with Dooku and Ahsoka with you close on his heels. You watched as he used the force to pick up the padawan and hurled her towards the hallway’s opposite exit. You took that as an opportunity to attack Obi-Wan. You didn’t want to harm him, but you needed to get out of here. You used the force to push Obi-Wan away from you in an attempt to clear an escape route. He fell to the side but before you could run, you felt an overwhelming pressure around your throat. 
It was Dooku. Now that Ahsoka wasn’t here to distract him, he had turned his attention towards you and Obi-Wan. He tightened his invisible grip around your throat enough to make you gasp for air but not enough to fully suffocate you. You couldn’t help but admire how terribly effective it was. 
“Darth Dominus,” Dooku strolled toward the pair of you, “I am surprised to see you here.” Obi-Wan rose to his feet and straightened his robes. He ran a hand through his golden hair. 
“I heard you were going after Master y/n,” Obi-Wan said, “I wanted to help.” Obi-Wan looked over at you as you struggled to take in breath. His eyes were the best shade of gold and there was a warmth behind them that took your breath away more effectively than Dooku could imagine. 
“Be mindful of your thoughts, Dominus,” Dooku chided. He turned to you and slowly pulled you off your feet. The pressure around your throat constricted too much. You saw spots in the air and blackness began to close in on your vision. 
As he dropped you, the sound of Dooku laughing filled the hallway. Obi-Wan had dropped to a knee in front of his master. He must have said something to Dooku while you were fighting for breath. 
“So it seems, my apprentice, you are half of a dyad.” Dooku gave Obi-Wan a dark smile, “I’ve suspected it for some time now. I hear you calling to her in the dark nights when you should be sleeping.” You and Obi-Wan exchanged looks, but it was too late. The secret was out. 
“The two of you together will be the most powerful weapons in the whole galaxy,” Dooku kelt in front of you and grabbed your jaw. Obi-Wan quickly stood from his keeling position. 
“Relax, my apprentice. I’ll have you both alive and whole. Together we will help Darth Sideous-” Dooku was cut off by a cry from the hallway. Obi-Wan, Dooku and you turned to see Anakin and Ahsoka standing at the other end of the hallway. You smiled from ear to ear and knew that this was your chance. Just as you had done earlier for Ahsoka’s sabers, you reached into Dooku’s jacket pocket and retrieved your lightsabers. You ignited both and began an attack on Dooku. 
Anakin and Ahsoka rushed to your side. But Anakin froze as he locked eyes with Obi-Wan. The two men looked at one another. Master and apprentice was a bond that stayed with someone for life and you could see pain written on both of their faces. 
Even though Anakin was distracted, you were able to push Dooku far enough against a wall to make a run towards the exit. Ahsoka ran after you and Anakin began to follow after a silent nod at his old master. 
“Darth Dominus,” Dooku said loud enough for you to hear, “do you think she cares for you the same way you care for her?” Your blood turned to ice as you doubled back to see Dooku stand and turn on his apprentice. 
Before you could do anything, Dooku used force lightning on Obi-Wan. His scream filled the hall ways and before you knew what you were doing, you were running back to help him. You didn’t make it far though. Both Ahsoka and Anakin grabbed you and dragged you back. They were probably talking to you but you couldn’t hear them. The only sound you could hear was Obi-Wan’s screams. 
A weak voice pushed its way into your mind. Run was all it said. You knew Obi-Wan was telling you to go. You knew that Dooku was setting a trap, but you couldn’t just leave him. You hated yourself for it, but you couldn’t just leave. 
It didn’t matter. Anakin and Ahsoka dragged you away before you could do anything else. 
“What were you thinking,” Ahsoka was astonished, “going back to help a sith lord?” You were aboard a small ship heading back to the Jedi temple. Anakin and Ahsoka had done a full medical test on you just to make sure you were okay before they began their own version of an interrogation. You barely had a chance to speak over the two. 
“You almost- I mean, I miss Obi-Wan, but the man I knew is dead,” Anakin seemed almost angry, “And what did Count Dooku mean, ‘does she care for you’?”
“Do you know what a dyad in the force is?” you finally asked. Anakin immediately went quiet and Ahsoka gasped. Ah, so they did know. 
“You’re not- no, no way,” Ahsoka said in a hushed voice. She didn’t believe it and to be honest, you didn’t want to believe it either. All you could do was nod. You had been able to keep it well hidden. No one knew except you and him but that didn’t mean you liked it. How had you wound up the other half of a Sith? His one weakness was you and yours was him. You could feel how much you hated him and yourself for it. So why couldn’t you stop thinking about him and wondering if he was okay? Why couldn’t he stop himself from reaching out to you through the force? And why couldn’t you ever bring yourself to respond? 
“I need to tell the Council when we get back,” was all you said. Anakin and Ahsoka stayed silent, the weight of this news sitting heavily on their shoulders. 
The faintest voice filled your mind then. You really did look good in that dress. For our next date, try blue.
Before you could stop yourself, you smiled. He was alive and he was okay. Well, okay enough to be snarky. And that was enough for you. You looked up and saw Anakin watching you. 
“I’m so sorry, y/n,” was all Anakin could say. 
 A/N: Hi! I really like Sith Obi-Wan. I’m tagging people who asked to be tagged and who also asked if there would be a follow up to my last fic. Sorry I didn’t answer you, but I figured a part two was better than an answer. Anyway, thank you for reading! @emmamikaelson95 @fandom-lover-4 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @good-night-starlight 
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lordofthenerds97 · 3 years
The Unforgiven: Part I
Summary: After Order 66, everything was destroyed. The Empire left death and destruction in its wake. But one choice could change everything forever. The question is…is it the right one? Maul x Ahsoka 18+ For Eventual Chapters Warnings: Nonexplicit sexual content, slow burn, PTSD TW, inappropriate use of the force Collab fic with @wasted-headspace-98
Blaster fire.
Her vision was hazy as the saber hummed to life by her side. The ship was in shambles. Her montrals vibrated with the explosions that shook the metal beneath her feet. She wasn’t sure how she had survived this long. She’d lost track of Rex a long time ago and had been left to fend for herself. But she couldn’t worry about that now. She’d sent Maul off to cause a distraction. And it appeared that he’d done his job well.
“Drop your weapon, Tano!”
The voice echoed through her head. It was so familiar. It was a voice that she knew too well. And one that carried heavy baritones of betrayal.
They were all dead.
She felt their deaths as if it were her own, thousands of times over. Their lives were cut short, flames snuffed out without hesitation.
A scream ripped through the air. She wasn’t sure if it came from her or from her boys. But it ripped through her heart nonetheless.
Smoke filled the air around her and she coughed, throwing her arm over her nose to fight the fumes invading her lungs. She hissed in pain as a blaster bolt tore through her shoulder. She lashed out to her right and was rewarded with a scream she knew all too well. She’d listened to too many of her boys fall with that scream. Ahsoka couldn’t distinguish one sound from another. Jesse was screaming at her to put her weapon down, Kix was trying to drag his now one-armed comrade away from Ahsoka, and blasters were firing in every direction.
She moved on autopilot, her sabers swinging away to block the blaster bolts as she disregarded the pain that shot through her. She let out another pained yelp as a bolt struck her in the side, throwing her backwards and to her knees. Ahsoka coughed again, trying to rid her lungs of the invasive smoke.
I’m going to die here, she thought to herself.
And at that moment, she was fully at peace.
She looked up in time to see Jesse standing over her, his weapon pointed directly at her head. She closed her eyes and waited for the blow to come. Things continued to move around her, but she paid them no mind. Her head was throbbing from the pain, but even that was dulled as she let out a deep breath. It was a strange sensation, but one that she welcomed. She was calm. Finally at peace after a lifetime of war.
As Ahsoka surrendered herself to the darkness, she felt something.
It was small, almost like an annoyance poking at the back of her consciousness. But it was there.
And it was real.
Two golden eyes appeared out of the darkness, pupils blown wide as they stared at her.
“Hold on.”
The voice that spoke within her head wasn’t hers. She could feel the Force wrapping itself around her, almost like a blanket.
And when she opened her eyes, all Ahsoka could see was red.
It came from every direction, making her head spin with how fast it moved. It turned end over end and went spinning back down the hall to her left. The soldiers in front of her suddenly seemed to lose interest in her as they turned to face this new threat. Ahsoka felt paralyzed. She couldn’t move more than her head as she tried to make sense of what was happening.
The red blade of the saber cut through the air with a shrill hiss, and if she were in her right mind, she would almost call it a scream. The clones continued to fight their new enemy. Ahsoka narrowed her eyes as she tried to figure out where this sudden rescue was coming from. A dark figure strode from the shadows, emanating power. It moved fluidly, cutting down a clone or two with every move it made.
She let out a quiet gasp of pain as another stray shot landed square in her back, right between her shoulder blades.
Those golden eyes shone within her mind once again.
“Hold on, Ahsoka. I’m here.”
Her grip on her sabers faltered, and the two durasteel cylinders clattered to the floor as she feel forward. She tried to regain her balance, to stop her fall, but her arms buckled under her weight and she went crashing to her side.
Moments later, she saw him. Her eyes settled on the boots that were in front of her face. She barely had the energy to lift her head. He knelt down in front of her, and she felt something brush against her cheek.
She had to blink a few times in order to focus on what was happening.
Those golden eyes were no longer hiding in her mind. Instead, they were real, in front of her, and full of life.
“Maul,” she whispered. Her eyes were heavy as she stared up at him. He reacted to the sound of his name, reaching out and inspecting her wounds gently. She could see his lips moving but couldn’t make out what he was saying. The smoke around them seemed to get thicker, and Ahsoka coughed once again. She groaned with the effort and pain and closed her eyes before she felt two strong arms envelope her body.
Too weak to do anything but barely open her eyes, she stared up at Maul. He looked down at her for a moment and said something indecipherable to her as her eyes slipped shut and she fell into the void once again.
“Save your strength, Lady Tano. You’re safe. For now.”
He carried her through the damaged ship, her body limp in his arms. His durasteel boots thudded against the metal as he stalked towards his ship. He paused when he heard something come from behind them. He glanced over his shoulder in time to see a clone staggering towards them, ordering them to stop. With a sneer, Maul drew his saber with the Force and sent the staff flying through the air. It cut through the chest of the clone with ease before flying back to its place at his belt.
Turning his attention back to the task at hand, he readjusted his hold on the fallen Jedi and began trudging to the ship once again.
He would glance down at her whenever she whimpered, the sound full of pain and loss.
As fire and destruction raged around him, Maul made a choice. Looking down at the Torguta in his arms, he made a choice. Hearing the Force scream with the voices of the fallen, he made a choice.
Of all those who had died that day, he would save one. He would save Ahsoka Tano.
Taglist: @an-incospicuos-bagpipe
AN: Let us know if you want to be tagged!
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sonderwalker · 3 years
Hello 🌙 Can you write Olympus Mons with Ahsoka, maybe with Obi-wan and Anakin 🌼
hi anon!! thank you so much for the ask!! I've actually been thinking about this one for a while, and specifically the idea about how Ahsoka has better senses than humans do, which lead me to this drabble. ☾ from these prompts!
here's your space fun fact: if you viewed earth from a distance, our planet would appear to be blue and red! blue because of the sky and the oceans, and red because of the iron in the soil.
Olympus Mons- [Ahsoka] displays an impressive (and maybe scary) feat of strength
“Ahsoka!” Anakin shouted out, his voice cracking in desperation as he called out her name. She looked up at him, away from the drop that was behind her.
And then everything went dark.
The first thing that Ahsoka was aware of besides the lack of light, was the way her heart hammered on her chest, the sound ringing in her montrails. Next was her breathing, which was quick and fast as she tried to scan the room to look for Anakin.
“Master!” Ahsoka shouted desperately, and all she heard in response was a loud thud.
And then another, followed by a startled shout, one that sounded a lot like how Anakin Skywalker does.
“Master?” Ahsoka shouted as she looked around wildly.
There was no response.
Her hands went down to her sabers, hovering above their hilts when she felt the warning in the Force. The feeling of danger, causing her adrenaline to spike and her heart to beat even harder.
And then she sensed it- sensed the movement from their enemy in the dark. She closed her eyes- her lack of vision only distracting her.
She focused, turning slowly as she listened, painting a picture in her mind using the sounds around her.
Her footsteps echoed off of the metal floor that she stood on, the sound bouncing back to her off of the other objects in the room.
There were crates, broken down droids, and two humanoid shaped beings in the room.
She listened even closer, not daring to move- not to even breath as she tried to listen to their breathing, and they were there, muffled by the other noises in the room.
But she could hear them. She could feel their movements in the air around them, using her senses to her advantage.
And then, one of them took a step, and she smiled, because she knew exactly where they were.
Ashoka, feeling a slight sense of euphoria at the fact that she now had the element of surprise, got ready, holding the hilts of her sabers in her hand, waiting to ignite them until the enemy was close enough to strike.
They continued to approach her, and her predator instinct told her to smile, bare her teeth, and she did.
Her padawan bead swung against the back of her rear montrail, reminding her of the struggle she had gone through to hunt down the akul, to be able to present its teeth as a trophy and wear it on her head.
She wore it with pride. She had hunted and killed it on her own, and she would do the same with her enemies.
They continued to approach, and Ahsoka now heard the sound of a safety on a blaster being clicked into the off position.
They were close, and one stop closer, she would lunge out with her sabers, slicing through where they stood.
They were close enough now so that she could hear their heartbeat- it sounded human, but she didn’t have a visual to confirm.
But that didn’t matter. They took another step, and she heard the cloth from their clothes rustle as their raised their arm to shoot her.
But she was faster, stronger, more adept for these situations, and Ahsoka lunged forward, slicing through the barrel of the blaster before the shot left. Her blades illuminated a startled, male face.
Definitely human. And not a match for her.
She grabbed his arm and broke it over her shoulder, his cry of pain the largest in the room, causing his partner to jump into action.
But despite the lack of light, Ahsoka knew where he was coming from, and threw the first bounty hunter at the second, knocking them over the ledge of the platform that she stood on.
She heard the thump from down below, and didn’t hear anything else after that from them.
She also realized, that she could no longer hear Anakin. After turning back to where she last heard him, she ran after where the thud and his yell came from, straining to hear his heartbeat against her own in the dark.
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ashthewaterghoul · 3 years
“My Dear- A Obitine One Shot”
Obi-Wan stood in the Mandalorian throne room, two Mandalorian soldiers behind him, another two in front. Also in the room was Prime Minister Almec, Kenobi’s long time enemy Maul and his brother Savage. Forced to her knees by the throne was Obi-Wan’s love, Satine. She was scared, it was obvious, but her blond hair against her pale complexion couldn’t be described by Kenobi as anything other than beautiful.
“Your noble flaw is a weakness shared by you, and your duchess.” He used the force the raise Satine off the ground, making the force tighten around her neck, she grasped to release the non-existent hands choking her. Obi-Wan could barely bring himself to watch. “You should have chosen the dark side, Master Jedi. Your emotions betray you. Your fear, and yes, your anger. Let your anger deepen your hatred.” Though Kenobi didn’t like to admit it, Maul was a highly skilled dark side user, Obi-Wan lived his life strictly by the Jedi code, but whenever he saw Satine…
“Don’t listen to him, Obi-“ Satine managed to gasp to him
“Quiet.” Savage cut across her.
Although Obi-Wan may not have access currently to his lightsaber, there was a perfectly good one just a few feet from him, the legendary darksaber. He could grab it with the force, get Satine and run, run from the people who wanted her dead, just like old times. He just needed to stall him long enough.
“You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it, and it’s lust for revenge!”
He reached out and the darksaber was in his hand. He ignited it and ran in front of Satine. The Mandalorians started firing but Kenobi deflected each bolt back, when he had enough time, he used the force to push everyone in the room back. He grabbed Satine and the both crashed through one of the tall windows behind.
It was a long fall ahead, Obi-Wan tightly pulled Satine against him and the other hand was outstreched ready to call upon the force to lighten the blow of their landing.
Kenobi managed to let them both gently glide the last few metres of the fall. They landed far down into the city. No red and black clad soldiers to be seen, thankfully.
Satine still had her arms tightly around Obi-Wan’s neck.
“Satine, we really must move.”
“Oh, yes, of course. There are old mining tunnels under the city, we can use them to get to a private hangar.”
“You know best, my dear, please lead the way!”
After some precarious navigation, they reached a slimy entrance to the tunnels.
“It would’ve been good if you managed to keep the helmet.” She said
“Why? So no one would see us?”
“No, it would block out the smell.”
Satine had failed to mention these tunnels had been repurposed as garbage disposal.
They went through the tunnels until Satine pointed up towards a grate.
“Here.” She said trying to lift it, Obi-Wan helped her and they got up to a bright hangar with state-of-the-art ships.
“Right, we need a hyperdrive, a good comms system and one that’s not easily tracked or detectable.”
“This one!” Satine pointed towards a small white freighter, they both ran on board.
“I suspect that as soon as we take off, we will be fired at, so lets programme the navi-computer now.” Kenobi said.
“Yes, definately a General.” She said “Coruscant?”
“You’ll definately be safe there.”
After a few tense moments, the ship beeped to indicate it had finished programming their flight path. They engaged the engines, the deflector shield and weapons system and took off. As soon as the hangar doors opened, their eyes and ears were bombarded with battle. Obi-Wan swerved and snaked through the oncoming blaster fire, the occasional hit would jolt the two but they managed to regain their composure quick. When they were finally clear, Satine pushed the leaver forward to jump to hyperspce. The two let out a sigh of relief as they looked at the blue space swirling in front of the cockpit.
“Obi.” Satine said turning to face him. “I truly am grateful to you for going against the council and coming for me, I know it couldn’t have been an easy decision for you.”
“Satine, it doesn’t matter what the council said, for you, I would practically do anything.”
“How much trouble will this get you in?”
“A lot, I imagine. But as a Jedi, I have a duty to help and protect those who need it.”
“And as duchess, I have a duty to my people, and I’ve abadoned them.”
“No you haven’t, if you stayed, you would’ve been killed, then you could do no more.”
“Do you think the senate could help?”
“They would most likely have you swear your loyalty to the Republic for that.”
Satine hung her head, silently letting tears run down her cheeks.
“Don’t cry, my dear, I’m sure somthing can be figured out.”
Satine flung her arms around Obi-Wan’s neck and held him tightly, having almost lost her, he savoured the affection they could show for eachother, without anyone seeing.
After they had emerged from hyperspace and landed, they immediately had to go their seprate ways once more, Satine to the senate and Obi-Wan to the council. A fews hours of beration had no affect on Obi-Wan, he could not and would not regret saving Satine. He was sitting in his quarters, meditating on his bed searching for clarity when the door opened to welcome Obi-Wan’s old padawan and his own padawan, Anakin and Ahsoka.
“Master, rather bold move you made. I think we’re rubbing off on you.” He said
“Yes, well what would you have done if it were Padmé?”
Anakin’s eyes widened but he sighed, hung his head and said “The exact same.”
“I thought as much.”
“This was at the visitor’s entrance of the temple, by the way.” Ahsoka said handing a box to him.
“Thank you, Ahsoka.”
He opened it to reveal his lightsaber, no notes or name, just his saber.
“You lost it?” Anakin said
“Yes, and you might as well get it out of your system.”
“That weapon is your life, Master.” Anakin and Ahsoka said in unison.
“Obi?” said a familar voice from the door.
“Satine? How did you get in here?”
“Skyguy, I think it might be best if we left right now.” Ahsoka said
“Yeah.” They both turned and left.
Kenobi ran to Satine and hugged her, taking in everything he could about her, the softness of her hair against his face, the texture of her clothes, the scent of her perfume. When Obi-Wan saw her face fully she was talking about what happened in the senate, but he could only pay attetion to her face, her piercing eyes, her defined cheeks and small, slender nose. He came out of his daze.
“Obi, I-”
Satine was cut off by Obi-Wan pulling his love towards him and meeting his lips to hers, the clarity he recived was that he should take a page out of Anakin’s book. When the two parted, Satine said:
“You really mean it?”
“Yes, really.”
“But you’re a Jedi.”
“They need not know, my dear.”
View all my one shots here
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