#the show's better than the book anyway yeah i said it
sureuncertainty · 1 year
i’ve been desensitized to it bc i’ve listened to it on repeat, but it’s really hitting me how some of the lines in Regret Me are so fucking DEVASTATING. like i’m sorry but just opening with “you regret and i regret you except I don’t care what you feel and I totally already do” LIKE DAMN OKAY
also the line “you couldn’t handle your liquor and you can’t seem to handle the truth” went so fucking hard
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beanxiv · 6 months
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satoru gojo who has the biggest sweet tooth ever but won't hesitate to offer you a bite of his kikufuku-- even though it's his favorite.
satoru gojo who, when you shake your head to him buying you an expensive gift, buys it for you anyways, because no amount of money will be more valuable than seeing you happy with a what he's bought you. especially when he knows its his name on the card that's being slid through the reader to purchase whatever it is you set your eyes on.
satoru gojo who readily pulls his blindfold/sunglasses off in your presence because only you quiet the overlapping, draining echoes in his head.
satoru gojo who peppers you with kisses for as long as you let him, because you deserve to feel just how much adoration he has for you.
satoru gojo who takes you out to gorgeous high-end restaurants, having the both of you dress up just as gorgeously. not to mention, throughout the night you'll hear endless compliments of how "that outfit really compliments your figure," or how, "that color makes your eyes look so pretty." and so on and so forth, satoru can't run out of compliments when you give him so much to talk about
satoru gojo who is the best at princess treatment. do not try opening your own door around him. he will do somersaults to get there before you can. you know those tiktoks of people rolling over the top of the car and dropping onto the ground to open the door for their significant other? yeah, that's satoru.
satoru gojo who surprises you with those giant, beautiful bouquets that have money and your favorite snacks in them because he loves to see your expression when he hands it to you
satoru gojo who loves to show you off. he'll send the gc with him, shoko, and suguru endless texts about how he loves his s/o so much and how he's so lucky to have them. and he sends especially petty messages sometimes about how suguru and shoko are still single while he's happily married (he'll say this before you're even engaged)
satoru gojo who used to not get flustered by anyone because-- well he's satoru gojo-- he's the one who gets people all flustered up. but when you came into his life? try as he might to talk smooth and be flirty, you turned him into a stuttering mess sometimes. he'd play it off when he got lucky, but whenever you caught him off guard? he'd blush to his ears, glancing away and all.
satoru gojo who always texts you if he's at the store to ask if you want him to pick up something for you while he's there.
satoru gojo who, if you're sick, will act like you're dying in his arms. he'll panic, rushing around to get you medicine, whatever snacks you're craving, etc. he showers you in kisses and cuddles like they'll be his last
alternatively, satoru gojo who, when he gets sick, demands attention 24/7. you're not there when he wakes up? he'll pout and be upset until he's had his fill of your cuddles. loves when you feed him while he's sick, it makes him feel so loved and taken care of.
satoru gojo who loves when you ask for his opinion. which outfit is nicer? well both of them look perfect on you, but that one brings out your skin tone. which show should you watch? what about the one where you'll love to watch together? it makes him feel so important when you ask what he prefers.
satoru gojo who kicks his feet and giggles when he gets a text from you. he's on a mission with suguru, shoving his phone in suguru's face giggling over whatever you said. the phone is so close to his face that whatever is on the screen isn't even legible at this proximity but it makes satoru skip like a little schoolgirl as he and suguru walk to wherever they've been assigned to.
satoru gojo who asks shoko for advice since she's a friend of yours. asking her questions like, "should I get them this or this?" or "do they like this or this better?"
satoru gojo who starts a book or tv series just because you recommended it to him. because when has his beautiful partner ever steered him wrong? this applies for any advice you've given him too
satoru gojo who makes you an example for megumi. "see this, megumi? your standards should be this high! look how perfect y/n is, you should find you a partner like that too!"
satoru gojo who shows you megumi's picture album of when he was younger because he loves to see the two most important people in his life bonding, even if it means embarrassing megumi.
on that note, satoru gojo who's apartment is filled with photos of you and megumi and all his friends and family, and his phone's wallpaper is a picture of you too
satoru gojo who watches old tapes of you and him in high school together a lot whenever you're on missions without him. the nostalgia makes him miss the times when everything was okay in high school, but it also makes him so grateful that he finally managed to make you his after pining for you for so long
satoru gojo who's possessive but in a boastful way, you posted a tiktok? he's the first like, comment, and save. spams your comment section saying, "THATS ACTUALLY MY S/O" and whatnot because he's absolutely obsessed with you
satoru gojo, the strongest sorcerer, who is absolutely no match for you because the moment you make eye contact with him, he just goes weak and can't say no to a single request of yours
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©beanxiv — all rights reserved. copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is not allowed.
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rosenclaws · 22 days
Pride & Prejudice || Leopold Mountbatten x Reader
Summary: You're an actress auditioning for theatre production of Pride & Prejudice and Leopold finds you practicing your lines.
a/n: Okay so, I need more leopold being an actor and cute moments so this was born. Full confession. I have never watched or read Pride & Prejudice so I am very sorry if I messed up anything aksdfhl. Anyways i hope u like it!!!
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The fire escape has to be Leopold's favorite place. He sits on the small chair and watches the bustling city below him. Overwhelming is an understatement when it comes to the last couple weeks.
Falling into the future sounds like a work of fiction, yet it was his reality. Adjusting hasn’t been the easiest but he’s lucky to have Kate and Charlie and well, you. 
“Do you think I could have ever considered marrying the man who has ruined, perhaps forever, the happiness of my beloved sister?” Leopold perks up at the sound of your voice. 
You’re Kate's neighbor, kind of. You live below her. Leopold has seen you a few times, mostly when you lock yourself out of your apartment and need to climb through Kate's fire escape. He knows you’re an actor like Charlie but in the day time you work at a coffee shop. 
You served him once or twice when he came to visit you. Your knowledge of theater is extensive and Leopold always had an interest in the stage so conversation came easy. You also loved movies, something he was completely unfamiliar with. He remembers your eyes lighting up at the very idea of showing him your favorite films. A soft smile across his face as he recalls your many movie nights. Though he didn’t quite understand every movie, he could care less when you were so passionate about each and every one of them.
“You arrogantly and unjustly maneuvered Mr. Bingley away from Jane. Can you deny it?” The dialogue catches his attention, you must be practicing for a show. He climbs down the fire escape to your apartment. 
“Your manner…Ugh!” You fall back onto your couch as you throw the sides onto the coffee table. 
“I’m never going to get this right.” You groan helplessly. 
“I thought you sounded lovely.” You let out a small scream as you hear another voice. Turning your head you see Leopold sitting on your fire escape. 
“Leo! What have I said about knocking?” 
“My apologies.” He climbs through the window and walks over to you. He looks at the pieces of paper and reaches down to pick it up. 
“Pride and Prejudice, I had no idea they turned this into a play.” He flips through some of the pages. He remembers reading the book and enjoying it quite a bit. 
“Have you gotten the part?” You scrunch your face as you shake your head. 
“No. Auditions are next week. I…” You hesitate to continue but he smiles softly and you cave instantly. 
“I wanted to audition for Elizabeth but a couple friends told me I’d probably be a better Charlotte.” 
Not that you had anything against the character and a part is a part no matter how small, but you wanted to play more than a side character. Leopold's brows furrow as he sets down the script. 
“Nonsense, do not listen to them. I think you would make a perfect Elizabeth.” He compliments sincerely. Of course you would, he thinks. You’d be perfect in any role. 
“Thanks.” Your eyes drift to the sides on the table. Leopold stands with his arms behind his back, even in casual clothing he radiates this aura unlike anything you’ve seen. 
“You know Leo,” You smile as an idea pops into your head. “I think you should audition too.” Picturing him as Mr. Darcy is easy. After he did his butter commercial, you realized he was a natural for acting and with his background, he’d be perfect for period pieces. Not to mention how handsome he is. You’re sure the director would be tripping over himself to get Leopold a role. Leopold seems uncertain at your suggestion. 
“Here,” You pick up the sides and hand him the one for Mr. Darcy. He skims over the lines and frowns. 
“I do not recognize this.” 
“Oh yeah, they’re from the movie. The director wanted to include his big monologue and the kiss.” You explain, making a mental note to show him the movie later. 
“I understand wanting to take creative liberties and all but…” Maybe he’s a stickler for the classics but he isn’t exactly fond of changing such a well written book. 
“Just give it a try.” He sighs and stands a bit taller. 
“You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my Aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I had scarcely allowed myself before.” He looks up from the script and you give him an encouraging smile. 
“If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me forever.” You want to melt under his gaze. It’s not fair how easily the words flow out of his mouth. How naturally charming he is. 
‘“If, however, your feelings have changed…” To your surprise he sets down the paper and walks closer to you, holding out his hand to you. Hesitantly you take his hand, unsure of where he was going with this. He pulls you up, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“I could, I would have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul,” His hand gently grabs your chin as he steps closer to you. You stand frozen in complete shock. The script is long forgotten, the pages having fallen from his hands. 
“And I love and love and love you. And never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” He finishes his monologue as a whisper. You part your lips but no words come out, wanting to hold onto this moment for longer. 
“I believe you mentioned a kiss,” He mumbles. 
“It’s uh, towards the end…” He hums and without another word he gently kisses you. 
Your eyes flutter closed as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His lips are so soft, so gentle yet so passionate. One of his hands snakes to your lower back, guiding you even closer to him. The kiss breaks and you’re left breathing heavily, smiles on both of your faces. 
“You’re really good at this. Maybe you should become an actor.” You say jokingly. He chuckles and brushes his thumb along your cheek. 
“I was not acting,” He admits. 
“You are truly, utterly, bewitching and If you were to accept, I would die a happy man.” Jesus, he knows how to talk. 
“I would be an idiot to say no to you.” You grab his face and crash your lips onto his. He steps back but quickly matches your fervor. 
“Join me for dinner tonight, so I can court you properly.” He says breathlessly, his face slightly flushed. 
“Properly? So you don’t normally kiss a girl before dinner?” You say teasingly. 
“No, But for the sake of theater, perhaps I can make an exception.” That’s as forward as you’ve ever seen from Leopold, an innocent smile on his face but a clear spark in his eyes. Smirking, you glance at the scattered pages on the ground. 
“Good, because I think we need to run the scene again and again.” 
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midnightmoonkiss · 2 years
Language Of Love
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AlHaitham X GN! Reader
“‘Italics’” = he’s speaking another language
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“So.. you can speak 20 languages?”
A random conversation.
It was easy to guess how you got to this point, boredom.
Spending time with your.. acquaintance, who you may or may not have a crush on, wasn’t on your agenda today, but here you are - sitting on a chair in his office as he effortlessly scribbles down sophisticated words onto parchment.
The sound was certainly pleasing to the ears, skrch sccrch sckrch.
You had no clue what he was doing. Oh, the duty of a scribe..
Or why you even came here..
You knew why you came here, to spend time with him, as a friend only. Or maybe you were less than friends. It was hard putting a label on things when it came to the emotionally stunted AlHaitham. He was almost as bad as the General Mahamatra.
You just forgot how boring spending time with him can be if he’s busy working, thus leading you to flip through one of the many books on his bookshelf.
Yeah, you quickly got bored of that too.
These weren’t story books, they were informative books. You suppose to a man like him who enjoyed learning, this was like being surrounded by candy. To you? Its like being surrounded by encyclopedias.
He probably reads encyclopedias for fun.
So here you were, starting a conversation on a little fact you heard an academia student mutter like it was a piece of gossip even though it was probably outlined somewhere.
“Yes,” The scratching of quill to paper continues even as he glances up at you for a split second, “It’s important for scholars to broaden their knowledge and fluency of languages as to not hinder important research that may be written in a different dialect.”
All of Teyvat spoke the same language, it was easy to wonder why everyone from ancient times suddenly decided to switch. Of course you wouldn’t ask him such a thing, not right now anyway.
You had a plan.
A plan to woo this man.
The many failed attempts before can not hinder you.
Smugly, you said to him, “I bet I know one language you can’t speak.”
Oh, you were already giddy.
Curiosity peaked, his scribbling halted, eyes on you, “Is that so?” He was eager to hear you answer.
Whether you were toying with him, or genuinely knew a language he could add to his list, he was willing to listen.
“Do tell.”
Clearing your throat, you sat up straight and gave him a cocky smile, “The language of love.”
You were met with silence, as expected.
He was starstruck, surely. In awe. Was he wooed?
You could easily speak up with the punchline after his response, oh!! You would say, ‘but I can teach you!!’
Oh, he’s about to respond! He’s-!
“You must be referring to the ancient Fontaine language used by higher class citizens, commonly known to scholars as the language of love due to how words would ‘roll off the tongue like silk’ when speaking it.“
–an idiot? You were gobsmacked.
And he was smirking on the inside.
“I’m surprised you know of this language, you must have learned something from one of the books you’ve flipped through in the library.”
“That’s not,”
“I can even demonstrate it for you.”
You began to fluster as he indeed began speaking a language completely foreign to your ears.
He was right, the words did flow silkily. This did not make you feel any better. Your pickup line failed miserably.
“‘You are so adorable, trying to trick me like this.’”
You can’t help but pout, wondering just what he was saying.
“‘Look at you, cheeks flushed and puffed like a fish. Honestly, how am I supposed to work efficiently if you’re here distracting me.’”
“Aw come on,” You began to complain, frowning at the gloating male, “I can’t understand you, y’know.”
“‘I do wonder if you’re aware that I know you like me, you wear your heart on your sleeves, my dear,’” he smiles ever so slightly, which completely unnerves you, “‘I like you too.’”
His cheek rests on his knuckles as he leans back and observes your frustration. Oh, how happy he was you brought this up. Any chance to show off his ability and confess without you knowing is always a good opportunity.
He’d shower you in compliments and confessions in all 20 languages if he had the time, perhaps even spill secrets to your unknowing ears.
Oh, how he would like that. He could say his deepest, darkest desires and you’d only look at him with confusion.. maybe even annoyance.
The thought pleased the busy scholar.
“That’s so mean you know, am I supposed to look up your words in a dictionary or something?”
“Oh, they wouldn’t be in a dictionary.” He reaches forward and tugs at your cheek, elation swirling in his broad chest as you whine and swat at his large arm.
“Should you remind me at a later date,” when he’s finally made you his, of course, “I’ll happily tell you what I said.”
“How about right now.”
“It is not a later date, only the time has changed.” Breathing out a sigh, faking annoyance, he turns his attention back to his paperwork, picking back up his quill.
“Ok, so I can ask you tomorrow.”
“You can, however, I’m under no obligation to tell you until I want to.”
“I dislike you very much, Scribe.” You grumbled, settling back in your seat.
He chuckles to himself, “I’m sure you do, ‘sweetheart.’”
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chaos0pikachu · 2 months
4 Minutes and the Cinematography of Nipples
I said before that I thought 4 Minutes was pretty instantaneously the best looking BL on the market for 2024 after one episode. Which, not gonna lie, is a pretty big fucking claim. There’s been a lot of BL that’s come out that’s looked good, and I do think there’s been a steady improvement overall in the market in the last few years. Personally I think Japanese and Korean BL have a stronger production quality over a majority of Thai BL but like, if that’s a hot take I guess I prefer my food spicy. 
The point being~ if I’m gonna make such a hyperbolic statement, well I better back it up right? 
So I’m gonna break down a few scenes from the first episode, what I liked about them, why they worked for me, and why on a technical level I think 4 Minutes has just got it going on.
For better readability you can also check out this essay here.
Sidenote: my google docs kept trying to autocorrect “Bible” to “the Bible” and idk how to teach google I mean the hot Thai actor and not the book of Jesus. 
To start, I’m going to break down this scene featuring Great and his nepo baby cat: 
I thought starting with this scene would be good because it’s such a low-key scene and honestly making these simplistic scenes visually interesting is very difficult! But if you have the basics down, the foundations of cinematography and film making, these simpler scenes can be really memorable. 
Like yeah we’re all gonna remember this scene because shirtless Bible and oh my god Akira!? - I have only recently learned who Akira is; why is this cat getting a bigger bag than me? - but beyond that, what makes it cool to watch? What makes it interesting? What information does it showcase to the audience? 
One thing I added to the video was a grid for the rule of thirds. 
Rule of thirds is a shot composition technique applied to both film and photography. It’s the grid you see if you film a homevideo and helps a Director and Cinematographer figure out where to place the subject or subjects of the shot. The idea is the gridlines show you where you “should” place the subject(s) of said shot. 
Like everything, the rule of thirds is a guideline in filmmaking, not a hard and fast unbreakable rule. Filmmakers like Wes Anderson like to play more with central composition shots, rather than ROT. 
Anyway on to the opening shot, right after our credits and we’re moving into the shot. 
To start, the first thing I notice is the scene’s color grading. Color grading in film is the manipulation of raw film footage to create specific color tones throughout a project. Sometimes this grading is more pointed and obvious, think The Matrix, while in other films it’s not as obvious but still very prominent, think Killers of the Flower Moon. 
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It’s not that the before credits scene looks entirely, jarringly different from the opening scene, but the hospital scene is surrounded by whites and blue tones, it’s darker, and only a single source of light exists. It gives the entire scene a much more frantic, uneasy aesthetic but it’s not so far off from the darker muted tones of the next scene that it feels jarring or out of place. 
The second big thing I noticed in the episode is the use of aspect ratio. I’m not 100% sure what aspect ratio the production used exactly, but the use of widescreen as opposed to full screen in my opinion, gives the episode a more cinematic feel to it in comparison to other Thai BLs. 
Example, if you look at Century of Love (2024) it appears to be filmed in the standard full screen - which I believe is 16:9? - while 4 Minutes is widescreen (thus the black bars at the top and bottom). Widescreen can give a show a more “movie like” quality to it which is part of the vibes I get from 4 Minutes. 
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Onto Great’s actual introduction scene.
We’re not starting the shot with static movement, but with a camera panning right. I’ve talked about camera panning and such in BL before and it’s something I’ve found doesn’t happen as often as it should. Which is a shame! It’s such a simple technique but it adds so much. 
Imagine if we entered the frame with a static center shot, and then a cut to Great sleeping and turning off his alarm clock, and then another cut to above the bed. Think about how much more boring that could be visually. 
Instead, we enter the scene with movement, panning over and creating some interesting visual framing. 
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So here’s our opening shot, do you notice anything interesting? To start, what I like about this shot other than the panning movement in, is that we don’t see Great’s face yet. In fact we don’t see his face in full until about 30 seconds into the scene. This builds anticipation, yeah we all know what Bible looks like, but for the audience who doesn’t this helps build anticipation. 
Who is this character? What does he look like? What’s his deal? 
It also engages the audience more, if you notice part of the composition of the shot has Great in the mid-ground slightly blurred out, while the foreground emphasizes the things on his desk. He’s distant from us, the audience, sleeping off his hangover not yet ready to “join” the world yet. 
Here’s another two more things I like about this shot:
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Using lines and shapes can make a scene more visually interesting and invoke different feelings to the viewer. In this shot, I get a sense of symmetry, the camera panning right, lightly drags across the screen alongside the lines below and above Great, almost creating a frame within a frame effect. As if Great is boxed into a clock in and of itself. 
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You can also see the use of balance in the scene as well, connecting back to that visual theme of symmetry as well as blocking our view of Great’s face. The lava lamb and champagne bottle are almost the same height, which helps create balance in the shot. The champagne bottle informs us Great has been drinking or does drink since it’s positioned so close to his bed, whilst also continuing to hide his face away from the viewer. 
I also like that the lava lamp is a bright spot of color. The tone of the scene is mostly muted greens, and gray, but the bright orange lava lamp and even the pink champagne bottle draw our attention but don’t overwhelm us either. It provides the scene with some warmth but doesn’t offset the overall tone of the color grading. 
And then, the last bit of this shot:
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We have Great knocking over the champagne bottom, and turning off his alarm clock. Notice that the alarm clock and the champagne bottle hit those ROT dots almost exactly. There’s also the use of lines by the length of Great’s arm - I just forgot to add a line I’m a failure, a fake, fml - we see him knock over the bottle, and then we follow the line of his arm directly to the alarm clock which is also a shape, a circle. 
I like that they used a clock with a specific notable shape, since by the end of this scene the clock is relevant to the story as a whole. Using a shape makes the clock more visually noticeable and memorable to the audience. 
So in the next cut we’re above Great - just like Great’s gonna be above Tyme, fuckin hell I’m corny - in a medium-full shot and there’s a couple things I really like here. 
I really like the use of lines here with the bed going in one direction but Great’s body going another. It’s disconcerting, and off kilter a bit. 
The use of patterns plus the opposing symmetry, whereas in the previous shot the lava lamp and champagne bottle were providing balance, here one side of the bed is patterned, while the other isn’t. This creates a sense of imbalance and makes the shot more visually interesting.
This medium-full shot at a high angle makes Great smaller, and continues to showcase his dishevelment, keeping him distant from the world itself. Also notice the lack of color here as well. 
What could this say about Great as a character? Or his story? 
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So this next cut is the one that actually inspired me to write this essay to begin with and know what I’ma eat some crow here. I originally said it was a great ROT shot but I was wrooooooong. It’s definitely a center composition shot. 
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Notice as well, the bed itself is its own shape - rectangle - center in the frame, and yet the shot almost looks unbalanced again because of that singular patterned rug. It’s the only pattern in the entire shot, not even Great’s pillows have noticeable patterns on them. 
The above view camera angle in a full shot creates almost an omnipresent feel, as if the audience - or something else? - were looking down upon Great. Whose face we still haven’t seen! It makes him smaller, less powerful, and almost vulnerable. Shots like this are often used in horror films like James Wan’s Malignant (2021) where the horror spector will be looking down above the would-be victim. 
Another thing I like about this scene though is we have Great moving. It would be simpler and easier to have his phone just by his alarm clock, or under his pillow, but think about how much more visually interesting it is that he has to move down the bed and reach for his phone. It creates action in an actionless low stakes scene. 
And now, 30 whole seconds in and we’ve finally seen Great’s face! 
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Fun fact, with the ROT grid the gridlines fall right across Bible’s nipples. That’s not a film analysis, just something I noticed entirely intentionally. Thanks Madam Director Ning Bhanbhassa Dhubthien.
The actual shot is in center composition again, as Great rolls over and reveals his face the camera begins to zoom in. 
This creates movement in the scene instead of leaving the camera to statically observe it’s now, finally, inviting the audience to meet Great. Pulling us in towards him whereas before we were kept at a distance. Great’s awake and, well as ready to meet the world as somebody with a raging hangover can be. 
I also like how Bible is moving constantly in this scene; he rubs his eyes and nose, he twitches his fingers, titles his head back and forth, etc it’s nothing revolutionary but it’s appreciated. 
When the scene cuts, we get this shot: 
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I didn’t put the red dot on his nipple, it just landed there. This is all Madam Director Ning chepie. 
But you can see how Great’s body is landing on all those gridlines pretty solidly. Also in the background we see his alarm clock again, a bright blurred circle in the distance. I also like the angle of this shot, as it creates depth in the frame, with Great’s head being in the foreground his lower body in the mid-ground and the background blurred out. 
What follows is Akira appearing in frame. Which was really difficult to capture so I don’t have a screenshot. But what I really like is Akira entering the frame out of focus. They could have just cut to Akira, but instead they opted for Akira to enter the frame which is more interesting. 
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When we do cut, Akira is firmly on one of those dots so we don’t miss them in the frame. I think it’s also interesting that we’ve pulled out again, into a mid-full shot, hanging above Great, and we see that clear symmetry line again between the patterned rug and the regular carpet. 
I also really love that when we got to Great sweet-talking Akira and feeding them we’re not just doing a cut, we’re panning downwards which continues to add movement to the scene. And we get that moneyed sponsor shot! 
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Durex can’t pay for everything okay?
So in the final bit of this scene we get focus on Great, who’s in focus, before he gets up and leaves the frame where the camera then focuses on the clock behind him. 
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See how in the first frame the background is all blurred out, but once Great walks out of the frame - again, great that he walks out, movement!! Y’all don’t understand how boring 1000 Stars was for me to watch because of the lack of this stuff okay? - and then the focus shifts to the clock. Which is round. 
God I know that sounds so dumb, but imagine the clock without that ring light bit on it, it’s just a tiny little rectangle. Not as fun or interesting to look at right? Or as noticeable especially from a distance? 
This shift in focus also tells us “this is important” whatever “this” is. The subject of the shot goes from Great to the alarm clock but they are positioned as equally important. We’re meant to pay attention to this seemingly innocuous item, which we learn later in the episode is time. We’re meant to remember and note that time will be important to the story - I know with a title like 4 Minutes you’d fucking hope time would be important but have y’all ever read Youtube comments? It’s rough out there for visual comprehension okay? 
So all in all this scene is only 1 minute and 40 seconds give or take. It’s very short, but I don’t think it was boring at all. I think it’s a really solid introduction to a main character. Think, Korn didn’t get this much time to showcase his introduction, his scene is shorter - though also well done - which showcases which character is more of a story priority. 
This scene eases the audience into the story, inviting us to wake up into the world like Great is. It uses techniques like lines, shapes, symmetry, color and focus to make what could be a very boring scene into an interesting one. 
There’s so so much I probably and certainly missed, I’m far from an expert, but I hope I was able to articulate what I liked about this scene, and why I think it looks good. 
Stay tuned for more if I can manage to focus long enough to breakdown more scenes lol
Also red dots on Bible’s nipples are just funny to me it be what it be. 
Further Reading: 
Composition in Cinematography / THE LAST OF US
Center-Framing vs Chaos-Cinema: Mad Max vs Transformers
Camera Framing: Shot Composition & Cinematography Techniques Explained [The Shot List, Ep 2]
The Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots (50+ Types of Shots and Angles in Film)
Color Grading 101 - Everything You Need to Know
Mixing Film And Digital Footage: Killers Of The Flower Moon
In Praise of Subtle Cinematography
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xoxochb · 6 days
hello!! can I request percy x fem!reader with the song dress by Taylor? the Great War is also great if you’d prefer that!! Thanks, and congrats 💙💙 (daughter of hades reader)
— dress
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warnings: heavy make out, pairing: percy jackson x daughter of hades a/n: yeah smutty fics are growing on me
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there was one day at camp where campers were allowed to wear whatever they wanted. some campers chose to wear their usual camp attire, some chose pajamas, and some chose casual clothes. you however— chose a little black dress. stuffed away in the bottom of your dresser you pull it out. it had a low neckline and ruffles at the bottom. it went down to a little above your mid thighs so yes, it was a bit revealing but it was black and it was comfortable so you wore it anyways. you exited cabin thirteen after changing and made your way to the dining pavilion for breakfast. you pretend to miss the way you watch percy’s eyes scanning your frame from his lonely seat at the poseidon table. mostly because he was your best friend and nothing more. but seemingly his gaze wasn’t screaming ‘best friends’
you sit down at your table with nico who brought will to sit with him this morning. the boys exchange a look, your brows furrow in response
“what?” you ask, confused
“Is there something you’re not telling us?” asks nico
“I’m sorry?”
“did you see the way percy was eyeing you?” will adds
“I’m not a fucking mind reader. I want words”
“are you and him a thing?”
you groan. “me and percy are best friends. that’s it”
“then tell me why he’s eye-fucking you right now” nico points behind you to what you assume is the poseidon table
“he’s not. like I said— we’re only best friends”
the boys both return to their breakfast. “suit yourself”
you huff and leave the dining pavilion. you don’t know exactly where to but you just know you can’t sit at your table anymore. with your brother and his boyfriend accusing you of sleeping with percy and the son of poseidon himself allegedly ‘eye-fucking’ you there was no way you could sit there and eat regularly. at this point you regret choosing such an immodest dress
the rest of the day you avoided percy. It was better this way, he wouldn’t give you looks and you wouldn’t feel weird about your friendship. It’s a win-win. first you took a break by the lake and read your book for a bit, uninterrupted you were fine. then came lunch when you had to sit in the pavilion again. to your percy didn’t show. you tried not to let it get to you but you couldn’t help feeling like it was your fault. after lunch you went back to your cabin for a nap. when you woke the pit in your stomach hadn’t been closed yet. whatever was bothering you needed to leave, dinner was in minutes and if you didn’t show up this time, while percy isn’t there your brother— without a doubt would think something suspicious of it
you ignored your feelings and went anyways. again, percy wasn’t there
“nico do you know if percy ate lunch earlier?”
he shakes his head. “no. maybe you should bring him something to eat”
“I don’t know…”
“he likes you y’know? you might be in denial but I don’t miss the way he looks at you. especially this morning”
your cheeks flush red. “no. I’m just going to talk to him, sort things out. we’re only friends, I swear”
“(name), I love you, but you’re an idiot”
you roll your eyes. “thanks, neeks, you’re so kind”
“I try my best”
“I’m going to bring percy a plate. we’ll talk to tomorrow”
“don’t have too much fun over there”
you hurriedly stand up and leave. firstly grabbing a plate from the kitchen, then heading to cabin three. your beating heart stops you from knocking, the gods only know what’s going to happen once you enter. your hand moves faster than your brain you suppose because by the time you know what’s happening the doors opening, revealing the son of poseidon on the opposite side
“percy, hey”
not awkward. you cannot make this awkward
“what’s up?”
“I- uhm, brought you a plate. you weren’t at dinner”
“oh!” he takes the plate from your grasp “thank you. do you want to come in?”
you try to ignore the way your cheeks heat up. nothing is going to happen
“yeah, sure”
you walk in after percy am close the door behind you. he sets the plate down on his bedside table and takes a seat, beckoning you to join him— and reluctantly you do just that. things got awkward. very awkward. especially with the intense eye contact you’re making. is this what all best friends do? sit in a dark cabin making the most sensual eye contact of their lives?
“percy” you whisper
“why do I have the feeling we’re not best friends anymore”
you hear his breath hitch and he inches closer to you. “because I don’t want you like a best friend”
“nico told me you were looking at me this morning. Is it true?”
“you’re wearing a little black dress. did you think I wasn’t?”
“we’re best friends, percy”
the tip of his fingers touch yours, which were settled on your lap. “we don’t have to be”
“we can’t” you shake your head and stand up “we can’t do this. we’re friends. I mean gods— I want you, I really do, but what if things don’t work out? our friendship is ruined?”
“you don’t think we’d work out? we’ve been friends for years, it’s surely worked this long”
you cross your arms over your chest with a sigh. percy stands up from his bed and takes one of your hands into his own, the other pushing a stray hair behind your head before resting on the side of your face
“percy” you whisper “are you sure about this?”
“yes, I am. like you wouldn’t believe”
fuck it. you throw your arms around his neck and crash your lips together. percy’s hands place on your hips and he pulls you closer into him in a needy manner. you pool out your emotions into every kiss. you’ve yearned for this, you really have. stupid percy and his stupid button up shirt— your fingers struggle to get any undone! but percy has it easy, he slides the straps of your dress down your shoulders and the rest lower. you pull back for a second but only so percy can lay back on the bed. you slide the rest of your dress off and then you join him on the bed, straddling his hips
thank the gods you decided to wear this dress today
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physalian · 6 months
What No One Tells You About Writing #4 (100 Follower Special!)
Have you got any that deserve to be on these lists? Don’t be shy! Send ‘em over.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
*This list contains mentions of assault, #4
1. Zero cursing is better than censored cursing
I made the mistake in the early days of writing a self-censoring character, and every “curse” she said just took the teeth out of the rest of the statement. I’m talking gosh, darn, dang, etc, not world-specific idioms a la “scruffy nerf herder” or “dunderhead” instead of “dumbass”.
Look to any American TV show that so, so badly wants to use f*ck or sh*t but has to appease the sensitive conservatives who still somehow believe strong language is worse than graphic violence and horrifying psychological damage. For shame! Your characters can be angry without expletives, so rework your sentences to include equally damning insults that don’t resort to potty mouths if you’re concerned about ratings.
Or go full-throttle into the idioms of the world or the time period like Pirates of the Caribbean. Or just… don’t. There’s zero modern cursing in the Lord of the Rings adaptation and not a single sentence that censors itself. The dialogue is above vulgarity and feels more *fantastical* that way anyway.
2. “Yeah, you aren’t the target audience.”
It’s kind of hilarious seeing the range of reader reactions to two characters I intend to have a romantic relationship. Some will go “I ship it!” after the first page of them together… and another will go “wait, I thought they were just friends” up until they kiss. Sometimes you might be too subtle, other times it might be better to just accept that you can’t rewrite your entire book to please one naysayer.
When I’m pitched a fantasy adventure book that turns out to be a by-the-numbers romance where no one is allowed to be a peasant and every important character is royalty in some way, with a way cooler fantasy backdrop, I get severely disappointed. That doesn’t mean the book is bad, it just means I’m not the target audience.
3. There is no greater character sin than making them boring
Unless you live in the wacky world we find ourselves in where any flaws whatsoever are apparently harmful depictions of so-and-so and not at all written with things like ~nuance~. I will gush over your heinous villain committing atrocities because he’s *interesting*. I will not remember Bland Love Interest who’s a generic everyman with zero compelling or intriguing traits or flaws.
There’s another tumblr post out there that I cannot find that says something like this, and I believe the post goes “his crimes are fiction, my annoyance is real”. Swap annoyance for boredom and you get what I mean. So, I don’t care what your character does so long as they’re memorable. I will either root for their victory or their doom, but I do need *something* to root for.
4. The line between “gratuitous” and “respectful” is actually very thick
Less what no one tells *you* about writing and more what no one tells screenwriters. Y’all do realize you can write a character who experiences assault without actually writing the assault, right? Fade to black, have them mention it in their backstory, or have the horrific aftermath as they come to terms with it. An abrupt cut to this devastated character when it’s all over and they’re alone with themselves can be incredibly poignant and powerful. This goes with anything sensitive, especially if it’s not coming from experience.
If you want to write it or film it respectfully, romanticizing assault, for instance, is when it’s framed as if either character has earned or “deserves” it. If the narrative in any way argues that it's justified. The victim might have "earned" it for any of the BS reasons we use in the real world, or the perpetrator might've "earned" it because of temptation, desire, pressure to assert dominance, etc. Representation is important, but are you “representing” to shed light on a misunderstood and maligned topic, or are you doing it to satisfy a fetish or bias in yourself?
5. Don’t let your eyes get bigger than your stomach
Fantasy has no limitations, which means you can dig way deeper into the well of your worldbuilding than you realize, until you look up and realize you’re stuck down there. I have never seen a more obvious inevitable disaster looming than the pilot of GoT season 5. Why? Nobody has any plans. They’re all just led around by whatever side quest the writers throw them on, twiddling their thumbs until the writers deign to pull the trigger on the White Walkers.
To the point that what should be a major character can skip an entire season because his arc is meaningless. Everything in the last half of that show was one big “eventually” while the story toiled around in an ever-expanding cast of characters and set pieces (seriously, it’s hilarious how jarring the extended version of the theme music became compared to the pilot episode to fit all these locations).
When you have too many directionless characters, too many plot elements, too many ideas you want to fully mature and get their due spotlight and then somehow combine them all together for a common foe in the end, writing can get tedious and frustrating very quickly. Why, I imagine, the book series remains unfinished. Fantasy is great for being able to create such complex worlds, but don’t be the snake that eats its own tail trying too hard.
6. No one cares about your agenda if you insult them to push it
This deserves its own post but here we go. Peddling an agenda is a paradox: those who agree with you won’t need to be preached to, and those who you want to persuade will instead reject you further because they feel belittle and disrespected. This is why so many recent “strong female characters” fail on both sides of the aisle. Feminists see an annoying caricature of the movement they’re passionate about. Antifeminists see an insufferable, shallow, liberal mouthpiece when they just want to be entertained. You have failed both sides, congrats.
The answer? Write a strong, nuanced, well-developed character. Then make them a woman. I know this has been said before but this BS keeps happening so clearly the screenwriters aren’t listening. Entertain me first. Entertain me so well I don’t even realize I’m learning.
7. Today’s audiences won’t react the same way as tomorrow’s
Sometimes genres or tropes get oversaturated and need a few years to cool off before audiences are receptive to them again—teen dystopia, anyone?—that doesn’t mean your story is inherently bad because it’s unpopular (nor does it mean it’s amazing because it is popular).
You should always write the book you want to read, not the book that chases trends. I can pick up a well-written teen dystopia I’ve never read before and enjoy it. I can continue to ignore Divergent because it has nothing to say. Write the book you want to read, but then accept that you might make no money because no one else wants to read it, not because they think it’s bad. And, who knows? You might get a boom of chatter months or years down the line when readers stumble upon an uncut gem.
8. Your characters don’t age with you
Depending on how long you’ve been working on your world and what age you were when you started, the characters, concepts, morals, and story you set out to tell might no longer reflect who you want to be as an author when all is said and done. Writing can take years, some of which can be incredibly turbulent and life changing. I wrote the first draft of my first original novel in my freshman year of college. Those characters and that draft are now unrecognizable and has left a world I’ve poured my heart and soul into in limbo.
I’ve slowly creeped up my characters’ ages. My writing has matured dramatically. The themes I wanted to explore in the height of the 2016 election are just demoralizing now. That book was my therapeutic outlet and, as consequence, my characters sometimes reflect some awful moods and mindsets that I was in when writing them. But nothing in that world grows without me tending to it. It’s not alive. Despite all the work I’ve done, there’s still more to be done, maybe even restarting the plot from the ground up. When I think of what no one told me about writing, staring at characters designed by someone I’m not anymore is the hardest reality to accept.
If you think I missed something, check out parts 1-3 or toss your own hat into the ring. Give me romance tropes. Mystery, thriller, historical fiction, bildungsromans, memoires, children’s books, whatever you want! Give me stuff you wish you’d known before editing, publishing, marketing, and more. 
Also, don’t forget to vote in the dialogue poll!
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finelinevogue · 8 months
a montage of love
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summary - a fan has put together a small video of some of your best moments together
word count - ~1.5k
pairing - boyfriend!harry x youtuber!reader
The video screen filled with pictures of you and Harry along with the title ‘A quiet love like Harry and Y/Ns’.
The ten minute video was a fan-made compilation of moments between you and Harry that were quiet love moments. Moments where you didn’t say the words ‘I love you’ out loud, but the actions were louder than words anyways.
The fan put a disclaimer on the screen and claimed that they didn’t own any of the content.
You was a YouTuber so a lot of the content came from her channel, since Harry was always so proud and happy to be on your channel.
The video then started.
>>>>Clip 1:
The background was noise, since you were in a restaurant.
You and Harry were sat on the same side of the green velvet booth, shoulder to shoulder as if it were a pain to be sat apart.
The camera was placed on the table in front of you. You didn’t want to film the whole evening, since it was along time you and Harry couldn’t afford to waste, but you wanted to record a little just for memories.
Harry’s hand comes into view to hold yours that’s resting on the table. When you accept his hand, he brings them both up to his lips to give your skin a soft kiss.
“I love you.” He said quietly, but the camera picks it up.
“I love you too.” You blushed and rested your head against his shoulder affectionately.
“You want the last bite of my chocolate cake?” He asked you.
You nodded against his shoulder and he brought his other hand, fork loaded with a chocolate bite delight up to your mouth for you.
You ate it swiftly, not allowing any crumbs.
That bite was Harry’s way of saying I love you, again, but just in a different way.
>>>>Clip 2:
Standing in front of the floor length mirror in your house, you filmed for a winters walk vlog.
Lulu, your dog, padded around by your feet, awaiting her walk.
You were showing your outfit.
“My leggings are from H&M; cheap and cheerful my lovelies! The hoodie is from Harry’s wardrobe, but I believe it’s not cheap and cheerful. Don’t ask me why it isn’t, when it’s literally just a blue hoodie…”
You often joked about Harry’s incessant need to buy expensive clothes when he could be better spending it elsewhere… like on you!
“The coat is from Zara, I think, but I bought it from Vinted. Grabbed a great price for it and we’re preventing fast fashion in this household. And finally my ugly walking boots are from Go Outdoors. Sexy, I know!” You joked.
Harry walked in behind you then, dressed in a similar attire only with black running shorts over his leggings.
“Ready?” You asked him.
“Not until you bloody zip your coat up.” Harry huffed, picking up the keys from the key bowl by the front door.
“I don’t need to.”
“Yeah, nice try you.” He laughed and then his was before you, taking matters into his own hands and zipping up your coat for you.
Technically one of your hands was filming and the other was controlling Lulu, so there wasn’t much you could do anyways.
“So annoying.”
“Huff and pout all you like, but I’m saving you from a life of misery and cold.” He looked proud of himself after he zipped you up.
“Happy now?” You sarcastically asked.
“Not without a kiss I’m not.”
You pretended like that was a chore, but really you were excited to give him a kiss. The video stopped then, because you weren’t one to expose your PDA to the public.
>>>>Clip 3:
In the same video, you filmed your walk with Harry and Lulu.
You went on a walk alongside a canal, stopping off around at a little book swap along the way. Harry picked up a book and so did you, Harry offering to carry them both as you were walking Lulu.
You were walking canal side when Harry tugged on your hand and pulled you across him.
“What are you doing?” You laughed, Lulu happily walking ahead of you both.
“Making sure you’re less likely to fall in the canal, especially if Lulu tugs you.”
Harry was now walking canal side, holding your hand with his.
You made sure the camera caught the moment where you kissed his cheek in silent thanks, forever indebted to his gentlemanly capabilities.
>>>>Clip 4:
The room is bright as the sunset burns through the room.
You are sat on the floor, in front of the sofa in the living room, filming a segment of a video where you answer fan questions.
“What did Harry get you for Christmas?” You read out the question that you were asked via Instagram.
“He decided to get me a weighted blanket, because every time he goes away I find it quite difficult to fall asleep. The idea of the weighted blanket is to mimic him lying across me, which makes me feel more safe and calms me into sleeping better.”
You blushed as you answered, picking up your cup of tea to take a sip of it to hide your embarrassment.
You paused to think about you opening that gift and how happy you had been in that moment. Harry knew not to buy you anything that was expensive or materialistic. He bought you something practical and perfect, plus the he bought it in your favourite colour; yellow.
It was such a thoughtful gift and even more thoughtful coming from a man who could’ve easily bought you a meaningless yacht if he wanted.
The front door then unlocked and you turned to see who it was.
“Hey, m’love.” Harry said as he walked through, Pleasing tote bag on his shoulder and wrapped for winter.
“Hello, you. How was your day?” You asked him, watching him take off his coat and shoes.
“Busy, but good. Yeah, we wrote an entire verse which I’m proper happy with.”
“I’m just filming a bit for my next vlog, but I’ll make is dinner in a bit.” You promised, knowing he would be hungry after a full day in the studio.
Harry walked over to you, with a bunch of colourful tulips in his hand. He crouched down beside you, waving into the recording camera before handing over the flowers to you.
“For me?” You pouted at how sweet the gesture was, “Why?”
“Does there have to be a reason?”
“Harry…” You whined, feeling like you could cry. “Thank you.”
“It’s okay. You’re worth more than that, which is why takeaway is on me tonight.” He kissed your forehead - aware that the camera was still rolling.
“It’s always on you, honey.” You joked.
“That’s right. Treat you so well, don’t I?”
You couldn’t argue with him there.
“Did you eat today?” You asked him, concerned for his wellbeing as much as he is for yours.
“I did. Mitch brought us a couple boxes of sushi.”
“As long as you’ve had something, that’s all I care about.”
“Oh what would I do without you, my love?” Harry asked you, kissing your cheek.
“That’s one word for it.”
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corroded-hellfire · 2 months
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Prompt Day 26: Tour Date
Word Count: 998
Rating: T
Pairing: Eddie x Reader
CW: None
Summary: Eddie wants to impress a girl he met on tour, but his nerves get the better of him
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The little ding of the bell over the door breaks Eddie’s concentration as he steps into the small bookstore. 
“Great,” Eddie mumbles under his breath.
He sighs and shoves his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
“Hi,” a sweet voice greets him. “Can I help you with anything?”
Eddie looks up, intending to say yes, but his mouth simply hangs open silently when he sees you standing there. In your lightwash jeans and forest green sweater, Eddie thinks you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen. 
“Yeah. Uh, yes.” Eddie steps closer and holds his hand out. As he does, he realizes this isn’t the way most customers greet employees of the shop they’ve just walked into. “I’m Eddie.”
To his delight, you shake his hand without making him feel like an idiot, and introduce yourself in kind. 
“What can I help you with, Eddie?”
“Well, my friend’s birthday is in a few days. I was going to buy him a book in the last city we were in, but I couldn’t find a bookstore anywhere in Charleston. At least, not near our hotel or venue, anyway. But now I can’t remember the name of it.” Eddie realizes he’s rambling but, for the life of him, he can’t figure out how to stop. 
“That’s okay,” you tell him. “Do you remember what it was about?”
“Kind of. My friend had us watch the movie version. It was about these kids. They, uh, got in trouble for some reason and two of them ran away. Hid out in an old church or something.”
Your face lights up. 
“Did it have Rob Lowe in it? And Ralph Macchio?” you ask.
A stab of annoyance strikes Eddie as you name the pretty boys in the movie.
“Yeah, that’s the one,” Eddie says, trying to inject a little more enthusiasm than he feels. 
“The Outsiders. That’s one of my favorite books,” you say, gesturing for Eddie to follow you. “It shows that it doesn’t matter if you’re an outcast as long as you’ve got other outcasts who have your back.”
“That seems pretty much like the friend group we have,” Edde says as you pluck the novel off a shelf. 
“Before, you said your hotel and your venue. What do you do?” you ask as you hand over the book. 
“I’ve got a band,” Eddie says. He knows he probably should’ve said “we’ve got a band” but this could make him seem cooler to you. “We’re touring now.”
“And you stopped in little ol’ Asheville, huh? Hope we aren’t too boring for you,” you say. 
“Not boring at all,” Eddie says with a shake of his head. “In fact, I’m really starting to like it.”
He gives you a smile and feels a rush of satisfaction when you duck your head shyly. 
“Would you like to come to the show tonight?” Eddie asks, figuring it’s now or never. 
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you affirm, giving him the prettiest smile Eddie has ever seen.
“Great.” Eddie lets his thumb stroke against the pages of the book in his hands.
“Oh, let me get that for you.” 
You walk back around the counter and press a few buttons on the cash register. It gives Eddie a few moments to take in the features of your face, and he finds he likes each one more than he did the last. 
“Thanks,” Eddie says when you hand him back the book in a small paper bag. “I, uh—”
“It’s my lunch break,” you blurt out. “D-Do you want to have lunch with me in the cafe next store?”
Eddie gives a toothy grin and nods.
“I’d love to.”
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“And she likes metal.”
Jeff, Gareth, and Frank have been hearing about you nonstop for the last hour. 
“We’ve gotta play some Poison. They’re her favorite,” Eddie says. 
“You wanna change the set list?” Gareth asks.
Jeff shrugs and answers before Eddie can.
“We always rotate some of our covers. And we know how to play a handful of Poison songs. What the hell? Sure.” 
After going through their repertoire, they decide to play Nothin’ But a Good Time. 
When it’s time to go on, Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever felt this particular combination of nervousness and excitement before. The venue they’re playing in isn’t very big, so it probably won’t even take the duration of the first song for him to figure out if you’re there or not. God, he hopes you are. 
Their opening song is called Bite the Hand and until the first chorus, he doesn’t see you. But when he lays eyes on you, a grin brightens his face, even though his fingers stumble over the chords. 
Luckily, no one in the audience knows it was a mistake since it’s an original song. But the guys in the band know, and Eddie can feel their gazes burning the back of his t-shirt. 
Just gotta shake it off, Munson. 
Unfortunately, it only goes downhill from there. He skips a song, so he starts playing something entirely different from the rest of the band, his voice cracks a few times, and he smacks his chin against the microphone, causing feedback to whine over the speakers.
But worst of all, Eddie thinks, is when they play Nothin’ But a Good Time. He made such a big fuss about playing it, but then he goes ahead and sings the first verse twice instead of the second one. 
After the show, Eddie is nervous to face you. All he wanted was to impress you, yet he just played one of the worst shows of his life. So it surprises him when you throw your arms around him and tell him how much you enjoyed the show.
“It was great! You’re so talented.”
From behind the stage curtain, Jeff, Gareth, and Frank give each other disbelieving looks. The drummer shakes his head in bewilderment.
“Jesus, if she liked that, she must be down as bad as he is.”
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inkskinned · 1 year
something that stuck with me once, way back in middle school when i was still learning how to write - my teacher said "writing shock and tragedy is easy, it's humor that's the hardest."
i have been up and down the halls of academia. i have the fancy degree and the experience in publishing. i think i paved most of my own road with the little bricks of sorrow i had stored inside of me. i know i did it mostly with works that are blisteringly lonely. i know why we write like that. it's lifesaving.
but yeah, i mean. i also know how much people think that "sad" media is the same thing as "good" media. our human desire to connect is so hard-pressed that we immediately latch onto any broken themes. the bullied kids and the tales of inspiration. people keep saying things like "glass onion" and "everything everywhere" weren't actually good. because, you know, they're. happy. or happy-ish. happy enough. and we only value art if it's grimdark-adjacent.
do you know - people still consistently whine at me that my writing would be so good if i just capitalized things. i used to flinch. i get kind of a weird, vindictive little rush these days - i get to say thank you for the comment! i have chronic pain and this is how i conserve my hands so i can write more during the day :) grammar isn't real anyway! and now they're trapped in the room with me, you know? i get to pull out my map and show them how grammar is not the same thing as good writing.
writers have this thing. we scratch at our insides, constantly, prying our lives apart into splinters. prying the splinters apart into atoms. when we combust something into poetry, we control it. it cannot hurt us if it exists outside of us rather than burning a hole through the bottom of our lungs. it's not a wonder to me that so much of what i make comes out like a death gasp. i spent a long time at the bottom. i keep going back, too. when you're down there for so long, the only thing you can exhale is fumes.
but humor is hard. humor needs timing; which i can't promise in a paragraph. i can kind-of force it through careful spacing, but i have no idea how fast you're reading these things. humor needs a somewhat awareness of your audience, when really - anybody could be looking. humor needs us to understand what the joke is, why it's a joke, and to think - ha! that is funny. in tragedy, everyone understands the metaphor of a kicked puppy. in humor, you need to introduce them to the concept of a dog.
and forget about positivity. forget about anything not made for adults explicitly. every time i see a well-made children's media piece, i feel fucking horrible for the creators. most of the time, people see children's media as being sort of "not worth" applause, even though i'm pretty sure they have to work twice as hard. i have no idea how hard it must be to not be able to have your character just say. "well, fuck." something about a message of peace or friendship or caring - for some reason, that makes the media not for adults. like, okay. i'm pretty sure my father actually, out of all of us, could use a good book on how to control his temper and talk about his feelings.
but whatever. i write a short story about my ocd, and how it's fucking killing me. it gets an award. it gets published. i write a short story about my ocd, and how i'm overcoming it, and how my days are getting lighter and starting to flourish. i keep getting ghosted. no response. it just is lacking... something.
is this it, forever? you can be an artist, okay. but the trade off is that the things you make - if they're happy? if they're joyful? people will say it's stupid and pandering. you bite your nails off. you file your teeth. you hear something inside of you breaking.
the other day in a writing group, someone i'd thought of as a friend said: "you write so much better these days! i love what you make when you'd rather be dead."
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dduane · 4 months
I found Spock’s World at half price and showed it to me dad and he was like >:[ don’t get that one it’s not good
And then I had to ask myself who I trusted more regarding whether I would enjoy a Spock-centric novel… you or my dad who would be horrified and perhaps offended if he knew the slash fic I have personally written in my life… hmm…
Anyway so I got Spock’s World 😂
If I was in a flippant mood I'd suggest that the people who put the book on the NY Times best-seller list, and kept it there for two months, might have known something your dad doesn't. (Not to mention the people who carefully chose me, over all the other writers then working with them, to do the first Star Trek hardcover.) But that approach is way too easy a reach.
Additionally, I have to be careful about the subject of parental opinions about children's reading, as I have significant negative bias. My own (adoptive) father's takes on my reading preferences were far less than helpful... so as soon as I realized what way his personal wind was inevitably going to be blowing, I made it my business never to allow him to see anything I was reading at all. (Or writing, either. He was firmly on the "It'll never come to anything, it's a waste of your time, and you should give it up and get serious about your life" side of things. To which I silently said "Yeah, no.")
But do I know Spock better than your dad does? I'd say, even leaving my other writing aside, that that's a fair bet. :)
So see what you make of the book. Some people like it: some don't. It's the readers' business to make that call.
I will allow myself this much of a brag, though. I learned not too long ago, in the course of casual conversation, that one of the very best writers I know—one routinely now praised as one of the best writers of the last century, only slowly and belatedly being acknowledged as such—had been recommending Spock's World to other writers: some of whom I didn't know then, but who're good friends of mine now. And frankly, finding out about this turned my brains right around in my head. This man was doing that? Talk about your utterly unexpected validation! Sheesh. It's worth more than any amount of gold.
Anyway: have fun with the book! (And mind the meter-high glass spiders.) :)
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miryum · 2 months
"The Stakeout"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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“Did you leave the precinct last night?” Jason set a mug of coffee next to Y/n’s desk. 
“The internet’s out at my apartment. The neighbour I’m leeching off turned it off for a couple days to teach their kids a lesson and this is the only place I can watch Bluey.”
“The kids show?” Jason raised a brow. 
Tim gasped and raced to Y/n’s computer. “I love Bluey!”
“Of course,” Jason rolled his eyes.
“Don’t you dare scoff at the majesty that is Bluey!” Y/n pressed a dramatic hand to her chest. “Clearly, you haven’t seen its brilliance. Sit down, baby Jay. You’re gonna love this.”
Both Tim and Jason crowded around the screen. Y/n pressed the keyboard and the iconic intro music played. Tim hummed along and Jason stared longingly at his book.
He hardly registered when the unicorn came on screen. “Children,” Tim and Y/n murmured with the unicorn.
The unicorn was spoiling a book about a princess and shoes. Jason wasn’t really paying attention. He could be reviewing files or reading books or bothering Damian. All valuable uses of his time.
“Wait, did you quote John Mulaney?” Jason realised. 
“Baby Jay? Yeah.” Y/n shushed him, “now watch this cinematic masterpiece.” 
“It’s a goddamn kid show. Any adult that watches this voluntarily needs therapy.”
“Yeah, I thought that was obvious,” Tim peered at him. “You’ve known us for more than four years. You hadn’t deduced that already?” 
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“She calls herself The Queen of Crime,” Dick announced to the briefing room. “Or more well-known as Harley Quinn. She and her wife have broken into, set fire, exploded, and murdered more people and places than I can count.”
Y/n gasped. “Oh my gosh, gay crime queens? Do you think they would adopt me?”
“L/n, you would be an accomplice.” Tim frowned at his friend. 
“I would go to jail for my criminal moms.” 
“Anyway,” Dick rolled his eyes, a smile creeping at his mouth. “L/n and Todd will be staking out a place we’ve seen Quinn and Isley frequent. Cain will be their contact. Drake and Brown, I have another assignment for you that involves a murder.” 
“A murder?” Y/n whined. “No fair! How come I’m stuck with Todd and Steph gets a murder?” 
“I’m just better than you,” Stephanie shrugged. Y/n glowered at her. 
“I’m sure you’ll make the stakeout incredibly frustrating and boring,” Jason patted Y/n’s arm from his seat next to her. 
“Frustrating and boring: Title of your sex tape,” Y/n muttered, crossing her arms. “Dickie, you can’t expect me to live with Todd for three days! He won’t even do anything! He’ll just read and… I don’t know, what other nerdy things do you do?”
“Nerdy?” Jason shot back, “Says the person who references every TV show known to man!”
“Just so everyone knows,” Y/n raised a finger up. “The obsession this week is the Barbie movie.”
“Amen,” Steph clapped Y/n’s hand in a high-five. 
Cass fistbumped her. “Margot Robbie is a goddess amongst men.”
“Speaking of goddesses: Julie Andrews.” Y/n said. Steph hummed in agreement. “Princess Diaries marathon this weekend?”
“Y/n,” Dick interrupted. “You’ll be on a stakeout with Jason.”
“You think that will stop me?”
“No,” Dick admitted. “But... we‘re done. Everybody just go back to work.”
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“You remind me of the Hulk.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Jason looked away from the camera that was perched in the windowsill.
“You remind me of the Hulk,” Y/n repeated from her seat on a beanbag chair. She grabbed some goldfish and popped them in her mouth. The apartment where the stakeout was taking place was small and decrepit. When Y/n had first seen it, she’d said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t wanna get tetanus.” Jason had locked the door before she could escape. (“If you wanted me alone, Jay, you could’ve just asked.”)
“How so?” Jason fought the urge to roll his eyes before turning back to stare out the grime-covered window.
“Well, first off, you’re fricking huge, but also a nerd.”
“Yeah, but I’m not a destructive green monster.” 
“I don’t know what you do outside of work.” Y/n shrugged. “But seriously, my dude. You need to stop working out. You’re making the rest of us look bad.” She reached over and poked Jason in the bicep.
“Are you flirting with me?” Jason smirked.
Y/n huffed and said, “you wish, Todd.” Thankfully, the walkie talkie crackled to life. “Talk to me, Goose,” Y/n snickered into the walkie talkie. 
Cass replied, “Maverick, we’re getting intel that Quinn and Isley are headed your way.”
“Thanks, man. Iceman’s keeping a watchout.”
“Iceman?!” Jason scoffed. “What makes me Iceman?!”
“Because you’re all stoic and impassive and eventually, you fall in love with me,” Y/n explained.
“I don’t remember Iceman and Maverick’s romance,” Cass’s voice was staticy and Jason was surprised she was still listening. 
“Come on,” Y/n’s eyebrows rose incredulously. “We could all feel the tension.” Cass hummed in acquiescence.
“L/n,” Jason shushed. “They’re here.” Y/n immediately quieted and turned off the walkie talkie. She went to sit next to Jason, making sure the camera was effectively hidden behind a screen. Outside, the pair could see a large truck pull up to the warehouse across the street. Out jumped Harley Quinn, her pigtails bouncing as she whistled. She skipped around the semi-truck and opened the door for her wife, Pamela Isley. Isley gave Quinn a kiss on the cheek and Y/n let out an ‘aw!’ Jason rolled his eyes and said, “just because they’re lesbians doesn’t mean they’re cute. They’ve committed many crimes.” 
“Being lesbians automatically makes them adorable and exempts them from all their crimes.”
Jason shushed her again and started taking pictures, the camera softly clicking away. Quinn opened the back of the semi and Isley pulled open the doors of the warehouse. Cheerfully, Quinn stacked boxes for Isley to roll away on a dolly. 
“What’s in the boxes?” Y/n wondered. 
“Do you think we’d be here if I knew?” Y/n glared at Jason’s response. 
Minutes passed, silent only for the snaps of the camera. Quinn and Isley continued to unload the truck and by the way they were piling them in the front of the warehouse, Y/n guessed that they were either moving the boxes soon or the warehouse was already filled. It wasn’t long before Isley slammed the truck door shut and blew a kiss to her wife. Quinn waved dramatically as Isley started the truck, leaving Quinn behind to man the warehouse. 
“Are we good?” Y/n asked. “Did we get all the pictures? Can we return to civilization and its cleaning supplies?”
“The apartment isn't that bad,” Jason said. “And no, we have to wait to see what Quinn’s doing.” Y/n groaned loudly and flopped over on her beanbag. “I figured this would happen,” Jason began to dig around his bag. “So I came prepared.” He pulled out some paper and pens and threw them at Y/n. “Draw me a picture or write me a story.” 
Y/n frowned at him. “What do you think I am? Five?” Jason shot her a knowing look and she muttered, “yeah, okay. That’s a pretty good idea.” Y/n sat down on the ground, mumbling about blastomycosis and mold poisoning. Jason silently wondered how she knew so much about diseases. Sitting back on her beanbag, Y/n uncapped a pen and started drawing. Or writing. Jason wasn’t really sure. He was more preoccupied with the case. 
After fifteen minutes, (Jason had hoped it would distract her for longer,) Y/n proudly showed Jason her drawing. “I even wrote a story to go with it!” She presented another piece of paper, filled with her scribbly handwriting. 
“What’s it about?” Jason asked, eyes slowly turning away from the camera and towards Y/n. 
“It’s a tragic love story between a marshmallow and a cup of hot chocolate who can never be together because the hot chocolate would melt the marshmallow, but the marshmallow stayed with the hot chocolate, even though it was slowly dying, because it loved the hot chocolate.” Y/n taped her picture and story up on the wall.
“Shakespeare would be put to shame,” Jason said after a moment of processing. Y/n nodded along. “Romeo and Juliet, who?” 
Y/n gasped softly. “Oh my gosh, I think I love you.”
“I thought that was already established,” Cass’s voice came through the walkie talkie. 
Y/n quickly pressed the button. “You’re still there?” 
“L/n, this is an open police line.” Cass was rubbing her temples. “We need to be in constant contact with you.”
Jason snagged the walkie talkie away from Y/n and updated Cass. “Quinn’s still at the warehouse. L/n and I request to prolong our stay to keep tabs on her.” 
“Wait, we could still leave?!” 
“I’ll ask Wayne,” Cass said. “Stay sharp.” The line crackled and went silent. 
“Todd, why are we staying later than needed?” Y/n whined. “We could be back at the precinct right now.”
“Because this would be a big bust for us. If we shut down the Crime Queen’s operation, and maybe even catch one, that’d be a major operation off of the street.” He looked back at the detective. “Come on, Y/n. Think about it.” 
Y/n grumbled, but relented. “Fine.” She went back to scribbling on the paper, angrily huffing out profanities every now and then and asking Jason how to spell certain words. (“How the hell do you not know how to spell equipment?” “It’s a hard word!”)
“Cass, I’m transferring some pictures to you,” Jason spoke into the walkie talkie, sometime around ten fifteen at night. “I’m not seeing any activity right now, but I’ll keep you updated.”
“We’ll keep you updated,” Y/n corrected. “We’re a team, remember, Todd?” 
“You’re right,” Jason looked back at her. “I’m sorry. We’ll keep you updated.” He flipped off the walkie talkie and said, “if we’re a team, then do you want to take a turn at the camera?”
Y/n scrunched her nose. “Nah. I’ll just wait until you pass out from exhaustion to take my shift.”
“Thanks,” he said dryly. “Really helpful.” 
“I know.”
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It was late the next morning and Y/n was sitting dutifully by the window, letting Jason snore on the beanbag. She had the movie Deadpool on in the background, occasionally quoting things alongside Wade Wilson. “A fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break! That’s like… sixteen walls,” she mumbled, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket she had stolen off of Jason. A loud honking lifted her from the edges of sleep and Y/n bolted upright, cursing. A sleek, black limo pulled in front of the warehouse and Y/n immediately radioed in to Cass. “Hey, Goose, we have a situation.” 
“What is it, Maverick?” Cass yawned, still following along with Y/n references.
“A black limo, licence plate…” Y/n took dozens of pictures. “PNGIN, just pulled into the lot. Sending evidence now.” She opened the precinct laptop Jason had packed and uploaded the photos. “I might need backup if an exchange is going down.” 
“Copy that,” Cass said. 
From the limo stepped a pudgy man in a three-piece suit with a large tophat. Y/n had to refrain herself from commenting on his appearance. “Jay, get up! Get up!” She kicked the beanbag chair and Jason awoke with a start, mumbling things about interrupting his sleep. “Oh my god, is that…” Y/n squinted through the camera lens, pressing the ‘talk’ button on the walkie talkie. “Cass! It’s Cobblepot! Cobblepot’s meeting up with Quinn!”
“-at?” It sounded like Cass said ‘what?’ but only clicked her button during the last half, surprise evident in her voice. “Lemme get Dick. And Wayne.” She added the Captain as if on second thought. 
After a tense minute where Y/n had to kick Jason again, Dick came on the radio. “L/n, report,” he commanded.
“Cobblepot’s meeting up with Quinn. I’ve sent the photos. I’m requesting a soft backup. Let me see what’s going on, but I want officers on hand. We could stop something big here, Sarge.”
“Copy that. You’ll get your officers. Where do you want them?”
“A half a block away,” she said. “And Dick? I need ‘em now. I don’t know what’s going on, but Quinn’s coming out to meet Cobblepot.”
Cass’s voice returned. “Y/n, Dick’s going to lead the officers himself. His ETA should be about ten minutes. Sit tight.”
“Will do, as soon as Todd WAKES UP!” Y/n kicked Jason in the shin, earning a loud “ow!”
“I’m up!” Jason shot up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “What?”
“Fucking Cobblepot! You’re about to sleep through our bust! Bitch,” she clicked her tongue, ”wake up!”
“Cobblepot?” Jason said blearily. He raced the window, squinting down at the scene below. “Holy…”
“I know!” Y/n punched Jason on the shoulder excitedly. He flinched away from her, acting as if it had hurt. 
Y/n snapped pictures as Jason took over the computer, typing a report. Finally, after what seemed like ages, Cass said, “Backup’s here, just in case.”
“Thanks, Cain,” Jason said, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
“Quinn’s taking Cobblepot into the warehouse,” Y/n reported. “But I can’t see… do we have any footage of the interior?” 
“Would we be here if we had access inside?” Jason groaned. 
“Now I see why people avoid you in the morning,” Y/n grumbled back, shooting Jason a warning glare. She shoved a cereal box towards the man and Jason angrily shoved some food into his mouth. “Now you won’t be so fucking cranky,” she muttered.
“Stop fighting!” Cass demanded, “what do you see?”
“Nothing! Other than Cobblepot’s men standing ominously by his limo.” Y/n asked, “how come we don’t have limos? That would be so much cooler.”
Cobblepot stepped out of the warehouse, Quinn trailing behind him. He gestured to his men and a couple of them started loading boxes into the trunk of the limo. “We’ve got movement!” Y/n shouted into the walkie talkie. “If we’re going to arrest them, it’s gotta be now! We won’t get Isley, and she’ll probably break Quinn out of prison, but at least we’ll get Cobblepot.” 
“You’re just soft for your crime moms,” Jason exhaled sharply. 
Dick’s voice was hardly understandable through the radio, but Y/n and Jason watched from the window as Dick and his team surrounded Quinn and Cobblepot and his men. “I feel like we should help,” Jason mumbled.
“Do you have a zipline?” Y/n asked out of the blue.
“No… why?” Jason seemed hesitant to answer, concerned about the answer. 
“Dang it,” Y/n shook her head. “It would’ve been easy for us to join the fight if we could just zipline down there. It’d look so cool, too!” She mimed shooting down a zipline and fighting all the bad guys off. Jason chuckled. 
Dick eventually managed to apprehend Cobblepot and Quinn, the latter who threw a wink right to the window where Y/n and Jason sat. Y/n gasped and threw open the window, sticking her head out. “Hi!” she shouted down to the apprehended criminals. “Oh my gosh, you’re Harley Quinn! I’m a huge fan!”
“Hey!” Harley Quinn waved back before Dick handcuffed her. “Aren’t you just a sweetie pie?! Were you the one spying on us since Tuesday?” Her thick Brooklyn accent shouted up to the detectives.
“Yeah! That was me!” Y/n grinned. “I love you and your wife! Can you adopt me?”
“Oh, honey, we would love to!” Harley called. “But unfortunately, I may be going to jail.” She pouted sadly and then grinned hopefully. “Think you can do anything about that, sugar?”
Y/n frowned and said, “unfortunately, no I can’t, adopted mom. But, I can promise to turn the other cheek when my other adopted mom breaks you out.”
“Deal!” Harley winked again and said, “send me the adoption papers and I’ll sign anything.”
“I love you!” Y/n shouted as Dick shoved Quinn into the back of his police car, rolling his eyes. 
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” Jason joined Y/n leaning on the windowsill, gazing over at her. 
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theangelcatalogue · 6 months
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★ - Romantic or Platonic(?)!
★ - Gender Neutral reader!
★ - One shot!
★ - Before we start: Idk why i did this, but i saw fics of him, and people going crazy over him, so why not?? I don't even write for that's not my neighbour, but i love the game! So let' go! Also sorry if is confusing! My mind is kinda tired and idk why i wrote this at 1AM(Is i wrote this at 1AM, remade some parts and posted it at 2AM) (Pls check Tw before reading it! <3)
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   ˚๑ ✦ Y/N!!! ✦ ๑°
・・・ ★ ・・・
︶ ꒷ ︶ ꒷ ꒦
Just a normal day in work!
This work is not that bad, i mean, i have to focus in every single neighbor, check some papers and be careful because some of than can be actually doppelgangers that will kill me and the persons that live here? Yeah-
But is guess i am getting used to it! And some neighbors are really nice! And others are just weird and rude! But what i can do? People are like that!
It's kinda weird that no one is showing up now, but i can have some time to rest now! Just me, a good coffee and my jornal/book(it can be a jornal or a book!)
Now i am just reading, waiting for anyone, i mean the today's list is short today! Lucky me i guess? I get kinda focused in the reading, the content is kinda depressing and boring, but is what i have for now
" Hello Y/n. "
I heard someone saying, Oh! I can't forget this voice!
" Francis! Tired as always? Well, let's see if you are in todays list! "
I said not taking the eyes of my jornal/book, i am lucky that Francis is the one who showed up! He is kinda nice! Just a tired guy but hey! He is a hardworker!
" Sounds good for me. Here is my entry request and ID "
I could notice him giving the papers, now i notice his hand is kinda dirty and his voice is kinda off, more tired than usual...
" Oh! Thanks- "
I respond him finally taking my eyes of the book, now i can see Francis better let's say, he is covered in a red liquid with a weird smell
It is what i am thinking? Oh yeah! A doppelganger! But i never thought a doppelganger would commit a error like that, why blood...? Some are a missing eye, others just say peach and others are a long neck and etc, what if is not a doppelganger...?
" What's wrong Y/n? Something wrong about the papers? "
He says noticing that i am kinda nervous, i just pick the papers and the clickboard as usual, first thing to question?
His looks.
" Francis! What happend? You are corvered in...what is that? Can you explain? "
Francis just looks at his outifit and then back at me, the same tired look, but something about the way he looks at me is different, i can't tell what is
" Oh this? It's a new milk! Scarlett Milk! It's a Milk with Red coloring, and Yes, it's food coloring! Not used in clothes... "
" Really Francis? So tell me! How did you got corvered in...Scarlett Milk...? "
He was getting tired of me questioning i guess, okay, i have three options!
1. It's really a milk with food coloring
2. It's a doppelganger
3. Francis is a killer or just got crazy
Please let it be 1-
" Accident at work. Just that, can i go in? "
He asks me looking at me deep at the eyes, i feel like he is judging all my sins, i break the eye contact and look at the Red button and then at the phone
Should i call the police or my boss?
" Look Y/N, i am really tired, just let me in, so i can go take a shower and rest. Maybe after you are done, you can go to my room, drink some coffee together! I heard is your favorite drink, what about a coffee with milk uh? "
He says to me, i think he is getting impatient
" I- "
" Come on darling. "
He gets closer to the window, supporting his one of his arms in the glass
" Let. Me. In "
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✦ - NOTES!!!
✮ " Sky wtf was that? " I DON'T KNOW LOL ✮
✮ The fandom go crazy about him gosh ✮
✮ Okay should i write for TNMN??? ✮
✮ Anyways have a good day my loves! <33 ✮
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darkuselesssomebody · 7 months
𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖'𝕤 - dark!raider!joel miller x reader
complete masterlist
words || 𝟛𝕜
summary || in which the reader wants a valentine's gift, but Joel's not exactly her boyfriend
a/n || i'm so shocked i haven't written dark!joel before?? i love him, your honor. also, for the raider!joel concept, though overall popular for fanfic, i was personally super inspired by @toxicanonymity and @romana-after-dark. they both have fantastic raider!joel content, please check them out!!
➵ warnings for specific content before the divider, please heed them, this may be triggering content!
➵ technically ooc to joel in the show, but his dark past is hinted at so yeah
➵ not proofread
➵ comment/message if you'd have a request
warnings || smut/dark (dddne)
➵ !! reader is held captive and is experiencing stockholm syndrome. other women to which the same this is occurring are mentioned !!
➵ dubcon sex
➵ unprotected sex
➵ manhandling
➵ controlling dynamics
➵ slight degradation
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“you have to do something for her.”
joel wonders how, as his younger brother, tommy always seemed to be nagging him, instead of the other way around. his face pinches in a scowl.
"the fuck i look like? cupid?" he growls back at his brother, rifle sagging on one of his shoulders, forcing him to readjust. tommy rolls his eyes.
"ya even have john and michael doin' somethin' special for their girls." he reminds joel how the other men in the group, with their own souvenirs, at least showed their consideration of the humanity of these girls on valentine's.
"she probably don't even know." joel grumbles, and tommy snorts.
"oh, she knows what valentine's is. the other girls told her. said she'd have liked some clothes."
"the fuck she need clothes for, ya sayin' i can't dress my girl?" joel, ever defensive, hates being talked down to by his little brother.
he hates more the fact that she seems to tell tommy so much more about herself than she does joel.
"y'can dress her, joel." tommy sighs. "but it won't hurt if she wears somethin' other than yer crusty flannels once in a while."
joel rolls his eyes, but he, luckily, doesn't have to entertain the rest of the conversation. a deer rustles the branches of a tree in the distance. joel's a better shot than his brother, always has been. but he's also less agile. as he's about to shoot, his foot crunches on a stick.
the shot still hits the deer's back, but it's a far cry from the headshot he was aiming for. he swears under his breath, but him and tommy are both already stalking the wounded prey, the same glow of determination and predation in their eyes.
they were still family, after all.
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she used to never be able to sit still. pre-apocalypse, that meant she was always either fiddling with something, reading a book, or talking but... in the past few years, it meant a lot more silent stimulation. it was okay, she got by counting petals of flowers to herself or tracing the veins of leaves with her fingers to keep her mind occupied.
but the one thing she'd never given up was company. she'd had family, or friends, in every walk of this horrible turn of events, until 6 months ago.
when she was snatched away from her cruel life by an even crueler man. stripping her of autonomy and privacy were mild in comparison to her loss of company. the only other people in the house leered or jeered in her presence.
she was usually locked away from them anyways. in a tall tower she couldn't even use her hair to escape from; kept captive for the satisfaction and pleasure of a bad, bad man.
that's what made her head spin, though. because he wasn't always. yes, he was always sullen, and scowling, rough around the edges and calloused in his touch. but he wasn't always bad.
he'd fixed the bathtub of the house they were squatting in so she could revel in warmth if he wasn't around.
he risked his life for a new pack of cards and even a few books so she could keep her occupied.
and he would sometimes press gentle kisses to her forehead when he slept beside her, unbeknownst to himself, and without realizing the effect he had on her.
when the other men had started getting antsy about her being the only girl around (with her obvious off-limits status), joel relented and let them bring back their own. it was to avoid mutiny and maintain control, sure, but... it gave her company, too. and that was important to her.
the women would confide in her. first, of their fears and then, of their growing affections for their own men. it made her happy, vindicated.
she wasn't alone in her stockholm syndrome.
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she's looking at the flowers that michael got for jessica. it's almost comical, with that kinda man and their kinda relationship. but jess liked it - really liked it - and that's all that mattered. john had promised anna something too, which she was talking about as the front door opened.
a dead deer was carried in by the miller brothers, and then some of the other men helped bring it out back to the shed, where they'd scavenge enough to feed the group for the week. as she always does, she approaches and stands in front of joel, greeting him in a low voice. he regards her with a once over, nodding, before his head tilts incrementally up, signalling to his bedroom.
she nods shyly, retreating to the room on the upper floor as joel delegates some tasks, before coming up to join her. she's looking out the window - barred, 'for her protection'- and he finally speaks up.
"what did ya do?" he asks gruffly, referring to the events in his absence.
"played some cards." she smiles softly as she faces him, "talked to anna and jessica." that makes him grimace a little, and she's confused.
"what about?" she shrugs.
"stuff. john and michael are gettin' them things, i guess?" she says it unsurely, "they say it's for 'valentines'?" she says the word curiously, as if wondering if it was something the 4 had made up, or if it was a real celebration. his grimace worsens: he hates when tommy's right. feigning innocence, he continues,
"what's that, then?" she looks at the floor shyly.
"like... a celebration? of... relationships, partners, that sorta thing." it's vague, but it's all she knows.
"huh." joel doesn't continue it further, and he goes silent, as he looks around the room to change out of his dirty clothes.
she sits on the bed, watching him move around, and with every passing moment of silence, her worry grows. did she say something wrong? was he mad? what happened?
when he finally goes to join her, he manhandles her to face away from him. that only makes her more upset, and she feels the prickle of tears in her eyes, as she lays down, and he joins her a moment later.
laying behind her as she feels a tear roll down her cheek, he doesn't realize how upset he's made her: he'd only asked her to turn around so he could fall asleep with the scent of her hair.
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she wakes up after he's already left.
she sighs, rubbing her eyes, that always ended up a little inflamed after she cried. there's a little wetness on her pillow, and she flips it so joel doesn't see.
tommy's downstairs, having saved a fruit for her breakfast. she takes it gratefully, cutting it up and fiddling with the bite-sized pieces.
there's something on her mind - tommy, he notices these things. he wished his brother would, too.
"he's getting supplies." he assures her, knowing what was agitating her. she snaps out of it.
"hmm?" she pops a piece in her mouth, sweetness exploding on her tastebuds as she bites into it, "oh. right, yeah." she realizes what he's saying, "didn't he just get some?" tommy shrugs.
"he likes to go out to the abandoned mall - it clears his head." that makes her squirm.
"is he mad?" she mumbles, and tommy pats her shoulder.
"at you? never."
it wasn't exactly true, she thought. he's gotten mad before: if she talks too much to the others, when she doesn't listen to him, or when she finds herself in danger.
tommy knows joel's not mad in those moments. he's just terrified of what could possibly happen to his girl.
after finishing her fruit, she curls up under the blanket upstairs, wanting some time to herself. humming a melody - she thinks it's one that the guys will sing in an off-key fashion when they get particularly drunk - she tries to occupy herself by counting each of the little plaster bumps in the ceiling, and then all the small flowers on the dingy wallpaper of the room.
she gets to 78 when the door swings open. jolting awake, she makes eye contact with joel, who's looking down at her form under the covers.
"somethin' happen?" his voice is less gruff than usual, and she shakes her head.
"nope. just waiting." she gives him a weak, shaky smile. he doesn't return, but he doesn't click his tongue in annoyance, either. it's a win in her books.
he's got a backpack, and it looks pretty full. she wants to ask what's inside, but she knows he'll tell her if he wants to. he sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed. she scoots over so he has space.
"let me see you." he instructs, and she sits up, crawling out of the covers. sure enough, she's wearing one of his flannels for warmth, and had slipped into a pair of his boxers instead of her otherwise nonexistent pajama shorts. he's silent for a long moment, before he brings his fingers to examine the material. goddamn, was it old, frayed almost everywhere, and the chest pocket had a hole. he sighs, finally speaking, "comfy?"
she blinks, confused, "huh?"
"'re ya comf'rtable?" he repeats, voice gruffer. she lets out a nervous exhale. was it a trick?
"ye-yes. yeah, i'm comfy." she assure, and he hums.
"heard ya want somethin' new." he finally looks her in the eyes, something he doesn't do all that often. she shuts her eyes, cheeks heating in embarrassment and worry. dammit, tommy, she thinks, knowing the younger man had told joel about her offhand comment on clothes.
"it's fine, i'm happy with this." she splutters out quickly, hoping she won't upset him. he sees right though it though.
"yeah, yeah." he scoffs, waving a dismissive hand, as he gets up. her heart clenches, wondering if he was really angry, when he reaches for the backpack, throwing it at her.
it's not an aggressive throw, and lands on the mattress beside her.
"open it." he instructs, and she swallows thickly, unsure what to expect. the zipper is a little worn, but she eases it open... only to find not only clean but colorful clothes inside. she looks up at him in confusion.
"what...?" and for the first time in a while, there's just a hint of a smirk curling at his lips.
"go try 'em on." he encourages. giddily, she beams as she gets up, taking the bag of clothes into the cropped bedroom. he slumps back on the bed, trying to will away his fatigue. it'd been a hassle to collect all the clothes - more so, to find clean one he thought she'd like - so he leans back, waiting for her to return.
she lays out the clothes on the cramped sink counter space, starting with a simple pair of slightly flared jeans, pairing it with a light blue cropped cardigan. she goes out to show him, an obvious pep in her step.
he looks up as she enters, eyes trailing up and down her body, including the way the outfit fits her curves, and the slight glimpse of midriff.
"don't you look pretty?" he drawls, and, though it almost sounds sarcastic with his hard features, a light smile plays on her lips. she tries on 4 other outfits she could make out of the 10 articles of clothing he got her, and he seems to like each one even better. sure, he'd taken the initiative to ensure all of them were a little revealing - he deserved an eyeful for his hard work, after all - but she seemed genuinely happy, and the bright smile on her face almost rivals the cleavage that she shows off in some of the outfits.
when she shows him the final outfit, he pats the space on the bed next to him, and she obliges, sitting beside him.
"happy?" he finally murmurs, pulling her closer by the hem of her pants, and she nods excitedly.
"very." she assures, softening, "thank you." she doesn't need to clarify her sincerity, as it pours out in her tone. he caresses her cheek with his calloused thumb.
"good girl. you make sure to tell the girls." she almost laughs, knowing she'd show off the gift in the same way jess and anna have been with theirs. he wanted it to be known that fucking michael and john couldn't treat a better than he could, "got one more thing f'r you." he pulls her so she's standing, procuring two more pieces of small fabric from his pockets.
she inspects them, eyes widening a little when she realizes it's lingerie. he glances back at him, and he has a brazen and unashamed glint in his eyes. she's about to make a joke that this one seems more a gift for him than for her, but refrains, obliging with a small nod of her head, and taking it to the bathroom.
she strips out of her clothes, pulling up the lace fabric. the panties are practically a thong, shaping her ass nicely, while the bra enhances and perfects the curve of her tits, a small, red bow in between the cups, matching the bow on the hem of her panties.
she looks hot, and damn, is his taste good.
going back outside, a noise escapes his throat - like a guttural growl. he signals her to turn, and she does, giving her an ample view of her ass. he grabs her by the hips as she does, and she squeaks, as he pushes her down on the bed.
"oh!" she gasps, trying to sit up, but he's on top of her in a moment, mouthing at her neck roguishly, a sloppy trail left in his wake.
her skin erupts in goosebumps, but she knows better than to touch him when he gets like this - his need for dominance forbidding it. her hands grip the covers to ground herself, as his lips trail downwards, cheekily biting the bow of her bra, and taking a nip of her skin along with it. she moans, jolting, and he slaps her thigh - but gently. he's not meaning to hurt her - and trust her, she can tell when he is.
"stay still." he hisses, finally parting from her torso to marvel at her, "good lord, gonna fuck you in all this, sweetheart." he mumbles, more to himself than anything else, as his hands cup her breasts framed in the bra, squeezing softly so as to not damage the material.
usually, he'd revel in pushing her down to choke on his cock, and, when he was feeling more generous, he'd go down on her like a ravenous man.
but he was a simple man, who had been generous enough tonight. and he wasn't putting her in a position where he can't see her in the whole get-up, so the blowjob was out too.
fuck it, he thinks, reaching for the belt of his pants, i need her.
she gets up to help him undo his pants, but he forces her back into laying down, "wanna see you." he grumbles, finally undoing his pants. already hard, he palms his cock, eyes rolling back, "fuck."
he lowers again to shift the slit of the panties to the side, exposing her arousal, swiping his fingers through her mess, making her bite her lip. he wipes it gently on her cheek - a wholesome act, with a backdrop of degradation and depravity. he presses a soft hiss to the bow on her panties, making her shiver, before rising to his full length.
"you want it?" he grunts, as he strokes his cock, adjusting so it's lined up. she whimpers, as he's prolonging both of their suffering just to highlight her need for him. pathetically, she nods, and he laughs - barking and cold. "i can't hear you."
"yes!" she gasps out, unable to hold back anymore. he smirks in satisfaction, shifting his hips forward to bottom out in one stroke.
she cries out, eyes rolling back and head lolling onto the mattress, trying desperately to adjust to the stretch. he doesn't have that same decency, animalistically beginning to move his hips.
a squeal gets caught in her throat, and she cave to her instincts, gripping the wrist of the hand he's holding her waist with, squeezing as an indication of not her pain, but her pleasure.
thankfully, the adjustment was quick, and her surprised squeaks morph into pleasured moans, as he grunts on top of her, eyes raking the way that her tits try to bounce in the confinement of the bra. unusually, he's not annoyed by her touch, and it only makes him move more aggressively, as he can tell what makes her pleasure increase - as she'll squeeze his wrist harder.
"who's making ya feel this good?" he growls, "who takes care f'ya, sweetheart?" she chokes, garbled, broken moans escaping her.
"y-you!" she manages to gasp out, "o-only you, no one else, you - you take care of - of - oh, fuck!" she squeaks, feeling the pressure of her orgasm, "gonna - can i please - please-?!" she begs nonsensically, but he understands her - of course he does. she's his girl, after all.
"cum, sweetheart." he assures through gritted teeth, "who's making you cum?"
"y-you-" she cuts herself off with a cry as she cums, body stilling and legs trembling, as he continues to thrust and she rides out the orgasm.
he follows right after her, the squeeze of her cunt around sending his body into overdrive. collapsing on the bed beside her, the two remain silent for a minute to catch their breath.
finally, he clears his throat, getting up, and pulling her up, too. "go, clean up." he instructs, voice less gruff and softer, asking her to do something for her own good as opposed to his, "then change. don't think i can do another round right now." he knows that if he sees her in the outfit for longer, he'd get hard again.
with a woozy head, she does as he says. when she changes, though, she decides against the clothes that he bought her. she loves them, of course, but their either too coarse or flashy for night-time wear.
besides, they don't provide the precise comfort of stability that the flannel and boxers she puts on again does. though she tells herself she's not sure why joel's clothes seem more comforting than the new clothes, she's lying.
she feels more comfy in them because they smell and feel like him.
he's already knocked out when she exits, sleeping on his side, having evidently left the perfect amount of space for her to curl into his side, pulling his arm over to cradle her.
she knew he would always take care of her.
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tomomiisasleep · 1 month
notes on Harryanthe which I am crazy about, in HtN
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this dumb little interaction just stuck with me. I mean they're almost always high-strung in the detailed plot, like in almost every one of the Ianthe-centered scenes one of them is in some kind of pain
but I know they have chill moments. mundane moments. petty arguments, like the one in the post scrips of the letter. And I so badly want to read those!!
anyways. I'm gonna start collecting scraps here.
you might have given Ianthe Tridentarius the pleasure of opening the note labelled Upon the death of Harrowhark Nonagesimus. Your only hope for that note was that it contained a single sentence along the lines of, Get what joy you can from my corpse, you devious bitch, but it was written by a previous self and you could not risk a guess.
Harrow: what if I didnt hate her and that makes me wanna have a lobotomy yeah that makes sense
Once, vilely, from Ianthe; she had ensconced you in fat and rolled you down the hallway out of danger, and still laughed whenever she thought about it.
ok this is just Ianthe being a little pest, but it also means that she talks about this and laughs in Harrow's face, which makes her a little bitch, but also like it means they often chat and Ianthe would be like: Yeah today I tried the theorem on apples again, but I tweaked it by directing the flow of thalergy from- hey Harry do u remember the time I saved your life hahahahahaha
The mockery you endured for needing her proximity was exquisitely painful, but humiliation was steadily becoming your existence whole and entire.
I want to know what exactly this mockery entails
It had been very nicely matched to the original until she had ceased using it altogether, and the difference was more pronounced each day. Unconscious of your critical eye, she scratched fretfully at the line until red hives appeared.
Ianthe squirming under Harrow's gaze for once
She was in a filthy mood, if she was wearing that thing, with her arm exposed.
Harrow has been keeping tabs on the state of her arm problem ever since she first woke up on the Erobos. Same as how Ianthe has been keeping tabs on the results of her lobotomy.
she said, blue eyed, those oily little freckles glittering almost pinkly above the dress. They reflected the red rims of her eyelids. You thought that she had been crying.
yeah stare at her eyelids Harrow, and sniff her discreetly all the time, sweat musk vetiver am I right (also have I expressed how crazy it drives me that she wears masculine perfume??????????? no well IT'S SO *faints*
You got better autopsies of her encounters with Beasts than you did from your own, as Augustine was wont to explain significantly more to her than either he or Mercy did to you.
Ugh why why why in this whole book I have not seen them talk shop with each other even once??? Except Harrow showing off after making the arm. Harrow has discussions with Pal all the time in GtN. clearly she trades notes on necromancy with Ianthe frequently. but no, gloss over Ianthe's intellect and just write her freak(fond) moments
You had once been fool enough to recommend that Ianthe take them down, at which point she had rustled up another from the bathroom and hung it in pride of place above an overpainted dresser.
love her
“Oh, heaps,” said Ianthe, who appeared not to have taken offence at your rejection. It was so impossible to tell, with Ianthe. “I made it. It’s vile.”
Maybe she really doesn't care about the rejection or even likes it, but "so impossible to tell" kinda hints that, well she might be hurt,maybe, there just isn't any proof
It was not a connection formed of any mutual admiration; if anything, the more you saw of Ianthe the less likely you were to mistake her for likeable. She made herself like an overdecorated cake: covered so thickly in icing and fondants and gums that it would take serious excavation to find any bread. As a necromancer she was a genius, though you thought she relied too much on shortcuts and circumventions. She had an exceptionally fine mind. She was not afraid of rigour.
If Harrow doesn't have the hots for her at least I do.
Honestly on my first read I took stuff like "not likeable" and "“Tell me to stop breathing,” she said. (“I have, on multiple occasions,” you said.)" at face value and actually thought Harrow genuinely hates her and is forced to interact with her because there's no one else. Which is true. But she's also very attracted to her and I kinda overlooked it at because I thought those feelings were mutually exclusive. And they're not. which I'm obsessed with.
Or she won't think Ianthe's beautiful and note details about how she dresses all the time.
Seriously Harrow's special fixation on "how Ianthe's clothes make her look" is hard to ignore.
for example:
The mother-of-pearl made Ianthe’s hair a lurid yellow and threw up all the mustard tints of her skin; her face was blotchy, and her eyes were sleepless pits. She looked like shit.
The skirts and waists were all beautifully cut for someone of a different height and body type than Ianthe possessed. They were tight where they should have been loose and loose where they should have been tight. They looked like her burial clothes, and she looked as though she had emerged fifty years after that burial.
she answered after a long, scuffling minute, with sleep in her eyes and her hair in dilute whey tangles over her neck and shoulders, wearing a bewildering short garment of violet chiffon.
The back was open, and you could see the fine dents of her spine—her bleached skin bluer and sweeter against the pallid gossamer—and the twin blades of her shoulder blades looked strangely nude and vulnerable to you.
Ianthe was training in her nightgown—a grisly floor-length concoction of pale golden lace that made her long, limber body look like a green-veined mummy
a lone wax figure in pale purple chiffon, tall and colourless—except in the greasy metal of her bone arm, which the lights rendered all the colours of the rainbow.
Ianthe rose soundlessly to her feet, and the long skirts of her nightgown—a brilliant ruffled canary-yellow silk that made her look like a formal lemon—rustled restively around her calves.
Note that Harrow focuses on Ianthe's clothes for how they shape Ianthe's appearance. in contrast:
she ignored your sister, whose pallid eyebrows had shot up so fast and so far that they were in danger of breaking the atmosphere. Mercymorn wore a long slip of peach-coloured silk, and her white Canaanite robe was tucked over her forearms and had slipped entirely off her slender, aggrieved shoulders. She had scraped her hair into a merciless and shining coil at the back of her head, and she had no eyes for either of you.
Obviously Mercy is SUPER HOT here, if Ianthe's reaction means anything. But Harrow only describes her clothing and not how she looks. Same with Augustine's party outfit.
With Ianthe, it's always: she's wearing ..., which makes her look gross. And I did not understand at first but now I know and feel stongly that Harrow is totally into her gross-hotness. well at least I am. the grosser she's described the hotter she is.
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bruhnze · 3 months
I hope i didn’t crush you - pt.2 - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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(Pookie Lucy GIF for funzies, not really related to the story).
Summary: Idk what this story has become😭sorry in advance. Anywayss, part 2 of this story, requested by this anon here and here.
Warning: 🔞Mature content, sexual content, sub!Lucy, brief mention of assault (non-descriptive).
Word count: a lot, probably over 8k
Please note that this is pure fiction! enjoy 😘
and brace yourself because it has become quite a rowdy story
Ona's phone rang, by the ringtone she heard it was her mom, who she had assigned a different ringtone to then everyone else, just like she had one for Lucy and her brother.
Lucy told her to take it "go on, i have to pee anyways" she smiled.
So Ona answered as Lucy walked to the bathroom.
When Lucy came back to the bed Ona was completely absorbed in the Catalan conversation and sitting with her back against the headboard.
It seemed to be a happy conversation and Lucy knew how much Ona missed her mom so she laid down besides her girlfriend quietly to let her continue talking.
After a while, when Ona had been mindlessly scratching Lucy's head for a while, Lucy dozed off.
When Ona eventually hang up, she saw Lucy sleeping and was quite tired herself, so she wrapped her own naked body against Lucy's and fell asleep too.
It had been a few weeks since the incident and the pair hadn't spoken about it again.
When cuddling, Ona had been a bit more of a 'big spoon' than usual, but when it came to sex, things had returned to their normal dynamics.
This evening the two defenders were laying next to eachother in bed, it had been a tiring day and the coming days would be quite hectic aswell, Ona was scrolling on her phone and Lucy was doing something on her laptop.
After a while Lucy closed her laptop and got her phone, she put something in and looked at Ona quietly but with a big grin.
Ona's phone buzzed.
Calender: *Lucy Bronze added a new appointment*
She clicked on it and saw the sunday, monday, tuesday in a week and a half being marked yellow -cuddle days- it said.
Ona looked up at Lucy questioningly.
"I booked us a little get-away, we have those day off so i thought i could book something, you know you said you wanted more cuddle time and we are so busy these days " Lucy said nudging Ona's side.
"Aw Luce, i love that" Ona said as she remembered something "but-
Lucy pressed her hand on Ona's mouth, climbing on top of her.
"I know what you're gonna say.. and yes i have planned it perfectly,.. you were going to say that you wanted to go to your parents´ that sunday right?" ... Lucy said as she had taken her hand of Ona's mouth so the girl could breath again and waited on a respons.
"Yeah" Ona said, flustered by her excited girlfriend.
"Okay, so.. i planned it so that sunday we can go to your parents,.. but usually we drive back home after visiting right?" Lusy asked expectantly.
"Yeah, or we stay over, no?" ona said, referring to the few times when both of them had been drinking and then stayed the night at her parents' house.
"Yeah true" Lucy said "but your brother makes fun of us when we cuddle, sooo.... i thought that we better get a nice place nearby where we can cuddle peacefully,.. just the two of us" "no audience and all that"
She looked at ona who just laughed in amusement.
"So do you want to see pictures or do you want to be surprised" Lucy said raising an eyebrow "or do i have to go alone because you think it is stupid to go away for 2,5 days?"
"No" "i love you Luce´´ ona said with with a dopey smile ´´go onnn, show me what you have been plotting" she laughed and pushed Lucy lightly.
The smile on Lucy's face came back and she got off Ona to retrieve her laptop.
It was 1,5 week later, Lucy parked the car besides Ona´s parents house.
This morning they had packed a suitcase together and she was happy to see Ona very happy, excited to see her parents again.
When they were close, Ona had called her mother that they were almost there, after which she said that they were in the garden and that the couple would arrive just in time to join their lunch and that Joan, Ona´s brother, was home aswell.
They walked around the house and happily greeted the three people Ona loved most in the whole world.
After lunch Joan wanted to play a game Ona and him used to play, but it required swimwear so the pair quickly got changed.
In Ona´s childhood bedroom they stole a few kisses from eachother, ´´I love you´´ Lucy said to Ona ´´and i love your family´´
Ona laughed ´´i love you too´´ she kissed Lucy once more ´´but im going to beat Joan and you to pieces, no mercy´´
´´Nuh uh, i dont know the game yet´´ Lucy said in a raised voice ´´but i am gonna win´´ and with that she quickly ran back to the garden.
Ona put her own bikini on quickly, wanting to know what Lucy was up to and sprinted after her girlfriend.
She saw Lucy and her brother in a playful conversation, her brother was laughing and seemed to be explaining something, she saw his hands busy making instructions.
´´Hey!´´ she yelped ´´No sharing tactics!´´ ´´and No conspiracy against me!!´´ she yelled, still running towards them.
´´Whoah, easy little sis, im just explaining Luce how the game works´´ Joan grinned.
´´I don't believe a word of it´´ Ona scoffed.
They had played for hours, Ona was tired and laid on a floaty in the pool. Lucy had ofcourse won, Joan had became close second and Ona had lost big time.
Lucy hang on the hung on the edge of the pool and Joan was getting some drinks from inside the house.
Ona´s mom was busy in the kitchen and her father was lying on a garden chair with a beer and a book.
As Joan came back and they sipped from their drinks Ona sighed ´´see what you did Joan´´ pointing in Lucy´s direction.
Joan looked at Lucy, trying to see what his sister meant, and saw Lucy wearing a stupid, shit eating grin.
´´What´´ Lucy acted innocently, putting up her hands, but then her grinn came back ´´i cant help it, im just that good´´
Ona splashed water at her, ''Joan plotted with you against me and forgot to think about himself because he wanted me to lose for once soooo badd.''
Joan grinned ''yeah that's right, you lost big time Oni''
Lucy grinned aswell ''i thought you were happy we get along so well?''
''perdedors'' (losers) she laughed, ''well, you two have a good time together, I'll see if I can help Mom in the kitchen''.
She got out of the pool next to Lucy, giving her a kiss on her head on the way, to show that she was indeed happy.
If it had been Lucy in her position Lucy would probably have been annoyed forreal but Ona's competitiveness didn't go as deep as it did for her girlfriend.
Ona had helped her mother with some last things from dinner and was now setting the table, she saw that Joan and Lucy had now started another competition, they were keep-ups and whoever dropped the ball got pushed into the pool.
She smiled at the sight.
Her mom stood next to her ''amor vertader?'' (true love?)
''sí, estic realment enamorat d'ella'' (yes, i am really in love with her) Ona answered.
"Veig que és bona per a tu, és bonica" (I can see she is good for you, it's beautiful) Her mom smiled.
Ona looked at her ''pots veure?'' (you can see?)
''Sí, ella és diferent, ets completament tu mateix amb ella'' (Yes, she is different, you are completely yourself with her)
Ona looked at her smiling ''també se sent diferent mammi'' (it feels different too, mom)
''Us agradaria quedar-vos, vosaltres dos teniu el dia lliure demà, no?''(Would you two like to stay over, yous have the day off tomorrow right?)
''sí, ens agradaria, però la Lucy ens ha reservat una vacances sorpresa, avui, demà i dimarts'' (yes, we would like that, but Lucy has booked us a surprise get-away, today, tomorrow and tuesday)
Her mom looked at her with raised eyebrows ''ocasió especial?'' (something to celebrate?)
Ona laughed ''no, acabo de dir que sentia que no teníem prou temps per abraçar-se fa unes setmanes i després va reservar això, ho va posar a l'agenda com a "dies d'abraçades" (i told her i felt like we had not enough time to cuddle and then she booked this, she even put it in the calendar as ''cuddle days'')
''Vaja, no necessitava conèixer la Ona'' (wow, i didn't need to know that Ona) her mom rolled her eyes.
She looked at her mom shocked "no aquests acariciades, de veritat, no faig servir paraules en codi" (not those cuddles, real cuddles, really, im not using code words) ''Però no hi ha res dolent amb la nostra vida sexual, en tenim un munt'' (but there is nothing wrong with our sex life, we got plenty)
Her mother looked at her with raised eyebrows, "Bé, llavors potser és aquí on no tens temps per abraçar-te" (Well then maybe that's where you're short on cuddle time).
"Mom!" Ona said in apparent shock.
The conversation went on in Catalan, while her and her mom were setting up the table.
The conversation turned to the relationship Ona's parents had and what the secret was to a healthy, long relationship.
''Mom?'' Ona asked.
''Yes hunny'' Her mom answered, in Catalan.
"Suppose someone feels vulnerable or insecure, how can you make them feel safe or help them get over it?" Ona looked at the garden while waiting for an anwser, seeing Joan getting pushed in the pool for probably the 50th time.
Her mother thought about it, she thought Ona was probably cryptic for a reason but found it difficult to give a good answer to her daughter without knowing more information.
Ona turned and looked at her expectantly.
''Im thinking baby'', she smiled ''can you be a little more specific?''
Ona thought about it and quietly said ''uhm, like when one person wants to be the big spoon while cuddling and the other doesn't want that, because they want to be the big spoon, and they thought oh she- eh they don't like that, and they think nothing about that further because they like to be cuddled anyways, but then one day the big spoon is the little spoon one day and they admitt to like it in that moment, but say nothing about it ever again''.
Her mom looked at her with one eyebrow raised, she knew that this was probably not about cuddling anymore but she liked that her daughter came to her with her questions so she wouldn't say anything about it.
''Well i think'' her mom began ''that the people in this situation'' she added looking at her daughter with a soft smile ''should talk to eachother, the person who feels vulnerable maybe experienced something unpleasant or they naturaly need more reinsurance with things, whatever it is, you need to talk about to find out what is lying underneed the issue and from there y-, eh they, can work on it, maybe it takes a long time or it's a slow process, but a conversation should never hang in the air undiscussed, your father and I for example, we talk about everything, if I don't like something I used to say, -I have to say something and you can think about it and then you can answer me tomorrow- and that ensured that we could discuss things without immediately getting into an argument about it, because we gave eachother the time to think about it and then have the conversation.''
Ona hugged her mom ''i miss you sometimes mammi''
''Only sometimes?'' her mom laughed pulling her closer and kissed her too ''me too Ona, i miss you too, but i'm happy you have a good life in Barcelona''.
Ona's dad came walking up to the table ''How are things going, can we have dinner soon, it's already nine o'clock?''
Her mother replied, yes we can already eat, but first let's attend this hug, come on, Ona doesn't get enough hugs, I heard.
Ona looked up and saw her dad raise his eyebrows ''qué?''
She laughed at her moms joke ''she was joking, come lets eat''.
''No, no, if my nena needs a hug i will give a hug'' he said as he put his arms around his wife and daughter.
''Hey!'' Joan yelled from across the yard ''a group hug without us??'' he pulled Lucy with him.
The five of them stood there like that for a while, "so what was this about?" Joan asked, "you're not really sad because Lucy and I made you lose, right?"
Ona laughed but decided to play with it a bit ''yeah'' she said ''it hurt a lot''
Lucy's face got serious ''ow, im sorry, we just-
''Nah im kidding'' Ona said
Her mom added ''Ona told us she has 3 scheduled cuddle days, starting today until tuesday, because apparently she is seriously lacking those on a daily basis, so dad and i thought we had to help her''.
The hug broke up and Joan took a seat confused but not really caring enough to ask.
''Nooo'' Ona laughed ''Lucy cuddles, i lack time to cuddle with Lucy''.
''Ew'' Joan groaned and fake gagged.
Ona slapped him ''REAL CUDDLES, damn, why does everyone think dirty''.
''Because you say Lucy cuddles'' her dad said ''why else would you need Lucy specifically,.. that is what would make it confusing to others,.. but i get it nena, you just love her''.
Lucy watched the scene in admiration, not knowing exactly what was happening.
Ona stepped up to her and hugged her from behind, ''ugh, don't you guys get it, mum and dad?, don't you guys have when you hug that you just feel so calm, when you're lying on the couch together that the world around you stands still, that when you-
Joan sighed, ''yeah yeah, we get it Oni, you're in love, jeez, get a grip''.
While Lucy and Joan were in a discussion Lucy was squirming in Ona's embrace, and had freed herself.
This made Ona's mom question herself -was Ona really talking about cuddling after all?-
Ona and Lucy took their seats at the table last.
Ona's dad laughed ''Just be happy for your sister Joan, you may not believe it but your mother and I used to be like that too''.
''Yeah it's true'' her mom said remembering her husband wanting to cuddle with her all the time ''maybe it's a Batlle thing?'' She asked aloud, but also to herself.
''What?'' her husband said ''do you not like cuddles?''
''Yeah i do, but maybe you guys feel a bit stronger about cuddles then us?''
''I feel the same way Ona does'' Lucy cooed ''it feels really good, like the word stops and as if your worries no longer weigh anything''
''Guyyss'' Joan cried out ''Let's eat please, and next time don't invite me if these two are coming over again, this soppy behaviour sickens me''
It was already after midnight when they arrived at the villa on the mountain that Lucy had rented.
They went to bed completely tired from the day and fell asleep cuddled up.
Ona woke up before Lucy, something that was quite rare, after checking the time she kissed Lucy's naked back. ''Goodmorning Luce''.
''hmmm, goodmorning baby'' Lucy said with her low morning voice and turned around to face Ona.
They shared a kiss and Ona went to hold Lucy but Lucy stepped out the bed.
''Huh'' Ona pouted ''i thought this was the moment i was gonna get all the cuddles and now you leave me''.
''Wait baby, look'' Lucy said excited as she drew open the curtains ''we have an amazing view, might aswell look at it while were here, and now i can see you''
Ona blinked at the sudden brightness that filled the room, once she had opened them again Lucy was back in the bed with her again.
She smiled ''if we want to look at it i have to big spoon''
''Yeah. that's what you want, isn't it? that everything I hear these last few weeks'' Lucy smiled
''Hmm, do you not like it, i thought you liked that, thats why i want it...'' Ona sat up.
''Yes I like it, but why are you so focused on it lately?'' Lucy questioned
''Remember that good sex we had?'' Ona asked
Now Lucy was completely lost ''uh yes, everytime we do it?, or are you referring to something specific'' Lucy tried to rack her brain as to what Ona could mean.
Ona looked inspectatively at Lucy -was she faking it so they wouldn't talk about it or was it really not important to her and Ona was now making a mountain out of a molehill- ''When i… wore... it'' she cautiously said.
''Ah'' said Lucy with a smile ''Yes that was good'' then she realised what Ona was referring to ''ohh, I had fallen asleep when we were still supposed to talk,,, woowww I forgot''.
Ona smiled ''All right then, my little oblivious Luce, I thought you never wanted to talk about it again''. she said as she laid down again and streched her arms out to Lucy.
Lucy accepted the invention, she nestled into Ona's arms and laid her head on Ona's chest.
''So, what has this got to do with you using the strap?'' Lucy asked.
''Luce'' Ona said ''if im wrong thats okay just say it to me gently, but.. i think.. that you have trouble with making yourself vulnerable and that its maybe a bit deeper then what you think..''
''I- '' Lucy wanted to defend herself but stopped because she couldnt find the words and because she didn't want to react harshly to Ona.
Ona stroked her hair and then started stroking her back, giving her some time to sort her thoughts.
When it stayed silent for a couple minutes Ona broke it ''babe?''
''hmmm, im thinking but my head is empty'' Lucy said.
''That sounds scary'' Ona said carefully ''what would help?''
''What were the things you noticed that made you say that?'' Lucy asked.
''Uhm, first of all.. you said that you had liked.. uhm the thing we did.. you know.., but you said you felt vulnerable and the person you were with didn’t help with that and after we... after .. you.. you said you talked about it with a therapist and something about an ex.. '' Ona stammered ''Maybe we can start there,. if you still want to tell me the story''.
''Yeah, okay'' Lucy said and Ona heard a slight tremor in her voice.
''wait'' Ona said ''is this a comfortable situation for you right now? do you want to have clothes on or eat first or do you need something else first?''
Lucy looked at her with loving eyes but Ona also detected a hint of sadness in them, she kissed Lucy's forhead. ''Tell me baby''.
Lucy broke, tears rolled down her cheeks, ''thank you'' she hid her face in Ona's neck, ''im comfy, i just need a second to get everything in order in my head''.
Ona played with the hairs in Lucy's neck ''take your time baby''.
After a few minutes of silence Lucy spoke ''By the way it was not Kiera, i just thought about how you could be thinking that but that's not-- ''Gemma, is her name'' she interupted herself. ''The person who fucked me up'' she laughed weakly against Ona's skin.
Ona didn't really think it was funny but she kept her mouth closed and listened to what her girlfriend had to say, knowing she probably needed the jokey comments to cope.
''She was older than me and i dated with her for about a year''
''I was a bit insecure with myself back then''
Lucy talked in loose sentences with pauses.
''when i told her i had never''
''i never''
''Never been with a man''
Ona was still stroking Lucy gently and felt Lucy shake a little bit below her hand ''it's okay baby, i am here''.
''She said i was-''
''-that she had to deflower me''
''and first she was gentle,, a -
''No, actually she was not gentle''
''Hunny'' Ona held her a little tighter ''if-
''She forced herself on me, but i had said yes so i thought it was just my fault.. and i-''
''It hurt a lot and i broke all contacts with her after''
''then with Keira, i, she didn't know how to help me, she just, i, we''
''basicly we tried it twice and it was kinda okay but i didn't feel good about it''
''she got scared about it a little bit too and told me maybe i should discuss it with a therapist''
''so i did that''
''but you know, i, i- , i hadn't dared to even think about doing that ever again and i thought i closed the subject when i had spoken about it with the therapist''
''but with you it's different''
''i told you about the dream right?''
''yes'' Ona replied, realising Lucy was waiting on acknowledgement.
''the dream was really good, it was after-
''you know that time after we had spend the day on the beach and we,,. uh.. made love.. rather than having rough- or just rather then how we usually have sex''.
''you- , i- ''
''when we looked in to eachothers eyes when-''
Ona felt Lucy's head warm up against her skin, she was probably blushing pretty hard, Ona petted Lucy's head ''uhu, i remember baby''
''When i entered you'' Lucy said, ''it felt like a different kind of connection and then i dreamed about it''
''you know''
''i, i dreamed about me giving myself to you that way, but not like, for like both of our feelings and -
''Luce'' Ona said ''i feel so, i, we,.. did i-
''No Ona, you were perfect'' Lucy said ''i know it might have been better to have the conversation beforehand..''
She kissed Ona's neck
''But it was really good, you are really good''
''I feel secure with you, i feel like my feelings matter to you''
''They do'' Ona said softly ''a lot''
Lucy got of Ona and sat upright with her back against the wall ''come sit on my lap?''
Ona did and Lucy held her face while looking in her eyes ''im sorry i didn't have the conversation with you earlier, but also i maybe feel like everything happening in this order is also maybe good?''
''That should've ne-
''sshhh'' Lucy said '' i know, but it did and it will not controle my life any further''
''Did you just think that this second'' Ona asked
''yeah why'' Lucy smiled
''Well yesterday, at my parents i hugged you and you practically threw yourself away from me'' Ona said carefully.
''Hmm'' Lucy said as she thought about it ''maybe it is like a defence? i dont even recall doing that...''
''You don't ever let me be the one in the lead, especially not when we're in public, but also sometimes at home too,.. like the big spoon thing?'' Ona said but then added ''and i mean this not in like a accusatory way, but more , I wish you would, if you wanted too, lean on me a bit more sometimes''.
they talked for a couple hours, about how their relationship was quite different from the ones they had before this one, that they wanted the other to thrive and a few other subjects came up until Lucy's stomach rumbled.
''Hungry?'' Ona asked ''we should probably eat something, how late is it even?''
Lucy escaped Ona's arms and turned to check her phone for the time ''2 pm'' she gasped ''its a miracle im still alive, i don't think i've ever gone this long without food'' she said dramaticly making Ona belly laugh.
Ona got up too and wanted to search some clothes she could throw on but got interupted ''no'' Lucy said ''i have an idea''
''which is?'' Ona asked unimpressed already knowing it was some dumb Lucy idea by the tone she had as she spoke, the tone in which she alway said -i have an idea- just before uttering something rediculous.
''we could walk around naked all day'' Lucy said as she wiggled her eyebrows
''Lucia!'' Ona pushed her girlfriend ''have you seen these big ass windows''
''Big ass?'' Lucy grinned ''no haven't seen it, show me''
Ona laughed ''Luce, you chica loca'' stepping towards Lucy ''but foreal the windows?'' Ona asked seeing the uge windows of the villa.
''it's privacy glass, you can look out, but they can't look in, you just have to stay away from the glass a bit, 50 centimeters to be exact'' Lucy stated it as if she sold these windows herself.
Ona laughed again ''ah, was this a planned event?''
''Watching your big ass?'' Lucy smirked ''yeah it was''.
Ona sighed ''I think your brain is short-circuiting because you haven't eaten yet''.
They took their prepared breakfast back to the bed.
Feeding eachother bites there was an atmosphere of contendness.
''Hmm'' Lucy moaned ''this is the best thing i have ever eaten'' she looked at Ona seriously ''besides you ofcourse''.
Ona rolled her eyes ''what has gotten into you Lucy?''
''Nothing yet, but we could change that'' Lucy wiggled her eyebrows
''Luce?'' Ona asked
Lucy's face got serious ''i am sure baby, i am, i joke about it because i feel so happy, i feel so free, kinda relieved in a way''.
Ona smiled ''good'' and kissed Lucy ''well, if your offer still stands, we could indeed change that''.
''mhmm'' Lucy smiled ''shall i put it on for you''
Ona felt like she nearly almost lost her balance even though she was sitting firmly on the bed ''yeah'' she said and already got wet just thinking about it.
They walked over to their suitcase ''Good thing you were so insistent on taking these things with us'' Lucy laughed ''my horny little girl'''.
Ona blushed ''shut up, tell me which one you want''.
''oh'' Lucy said ''say that again, that works for me, damn''
''What?'' Ona said
''Say that again?'' Lucy asked softly
Ona smirked ''Hm, you like that, me telling you to shut up? want me to make you feel good? Do you want to choose a dick for me pretty little girl?
''Yeah'' Lucy gulped ''This one, use this one to fill me up please''
Ona was hesitant and hoped they didn't go too far, too fast, she didn't want to ruin it and wanted Lucy to feel good. Not only with the dynamic they took on now, but now Lucy had pointed a dildo that was quite big, at least bigger than the one they'd used last time.
Ona took that one all the time, it was her favourite one, but with Lucy only taking their smallest one and that was days ago... Ona was not sure.
Lucy felt the doubt from Ona ''that one first then?'' she asked.
Ona smiled questioningly at her ''yeah is that okay? i dont want you.. i just want you to feel good''.
''mhmm, make me feel good Ona'' Lucy groaned.
Ona was wearing the harness and backed Lucy to the bed while they were kissing.
Unlike the words they just spoke and the jokes Lucy had made, the kiss was tender, loving but also full of desire.
Lucy laid down and Ona got on top, she parted Lucy's legs with her knees. Lucy slid her legs up, wrapping her legs around Ona, Ona moved closer to her as a result, she felt the dildo against her pussy.
Ona and her kissed messily, it was a wet kiss with a lot of tongue, Lucy groaned "take me Ona, i want you inside me".
Ona's stomach flutterd, this was really something, "patients babe, first i want to taste you and then im gonna fill you up, how does that sound".
"Yes" Lucy said desperate for Ona to do anything.
"It sounds yes?" Ona smiled "i dont understand baby, can you say it again?"
"Yes Ona, taste me and then fuck me" Lucy whimpered "put your mouth on me"
Ona lowered herself and saw the wetness already pooling between Lucy's legs. She licked along Lucy's lips avoiding her hole, building up an empty feeling Lucy would want to be filled up desperately.
Sucking and licking on her clit Ona moaned, Lucy tasted so good, she could stay there for hours, exploreing every crease of Lucy's pussy.
Lucy cried out "Ona" while arching her back in a way that Ona would not soon forget the sight of and would revisit that mental image in her alone time.
Ona stopped her lapping and crawled towards her girlfriends' face, do you want to know how good you taste.
Lucy moaned "Ona" apperantly it was the only word she could utter.
Ona kissed her passionately, Lucy was moaning and squirming below her.
"What is it baby?" Ona said softly after gently biting Lucy's neck "what do you need?"
"Ona" she said breathless "Ona"
Ona's cheeks got pink, it was almost to much, maybe she had worked up Lucy a little bit too much, but she wanted to hear it one more time. "Do you want me to use my cock?"
"Ona, i need you inside me" lucy whined
That was exactly what Ona wanted to hear, she lined her fake cock infront of Lucy's empty hole and slowly pushed it inside.
Their eyes were locked on eachother and Ona swore she could feel Lucy pulsing around her.
Lucy put her legs around Ona's waist again, slowly Ona thrusted in and out of Lucy.
While thrusting in a ritmic pace, dancing with her hips, Ona leaned against Lucy and kissed her neck.
Their nipples gently brushed against each other every now and then.
"Fuck" Ona panted, "you feel so good Lucy" the base of the strap stimulated her just right with certain thrust, but she did want to go chase her own pleasure too much.
Lucy noticed a bit of hold back from Ona "Ona" she let out "please fuck me how you want too, cum inside me"
Ona got up a bit straighter and pushed with her hands on the inside of Lucy's thighs, Lucy spread for Ona and her thrusts became harder and deeper.
Ona grunted "you feel so good" her eyes were fixed on Lucy's chest, the sight of Lucy's breasts bouncing with every movement.
She upped her tempo more, while changing the angle of her hips slightly, and held Lucy's right leg up, she wanted to put it around her side but Lucy put it up her shoulder.
Ona was surprised by Lucy's flexibility, she held on a little harder to the leg, as support to be able to thrust deeper.
Ona was close to cumming but she wanted to postpone until Lucy was there too.
"Ona i- " lucy moaned while grabbing the sheets.
Ona reached down to stimulate Lucy's clit and picked up the pace to reach her own climax.
"Luce, look at me" Ona panted.
Lucy picked her head back up and looked into her girlfriends eyes as she came, her muscles flexed and from her throat came a sound Ona hadn't heard before, a high pitched moan.
As Ona's orgasm came over her she nearly fell ontop of Lucy, who loosened her hands from the covers and caught Ona with two hands on her shoulders, she gently lowered ona on top of her.
Ona rode them jerkily through their orgasms and eased her weight down on Lucy.
After a little while Ona gently pulled out and stood besides the bed to take everything off, first removing the dildo.
Lucy put her hand on the harness "wait i- we
Ona looked at her with questioning eyes.
"The other one?" Lucy asked
"Dios mio" Ona said lowely, "you want to go again already"
Lucy grinned "your not tired are you now?"
"I dont know how you do it, its like a heavy workout" ona sighed
"Do what?" Lucy grinned wider "fuck you eight times in a night?"
Ona let herself fall on top of lucy "ugh, i want to smack you in the face"
"What???" Lucy laughed
"But i cant because you do fuck me really good" ona said against the skin she had burried her face in.
"You know" Lucy said "thats not even a bad idea i think, i mean, it is your favourite one right?"
Ona looked up "what, you want to fuck me now?"
"Yeah, just because we added a new option to our list doesnt mean the others dissapear"
Okay i hope this is kinda okay,
Another open end im sorry 😫
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