#the sin has won. I’m sorry
bebx · 2 years
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Art when he nuts in you
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Double the trouble
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Summary: Two for the price of one.
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader, Mafia!Nick Fowler x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, betrayal, lies, secrets, kinda of stalking
Catch up here: Fool me twice
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That night you get to know the truth about your boyfriend. He and his twin brother are the head of the mob in town. In an attempt to keep you safe, they agreed to hide the fact that Bucky has a brother.
Nick took his place whenever Bucky had to attend one of their not-so-legal business meetings. In the beginning, Nick saw protecting you as his duty. He was loyal to his brother. Until. One day. He felt something else for you.
A connection. Love maybe.
He didn’t know and tried to hide his feelings from you and his brother. Every time you tried to get intimate, he found an excuse to not touch you. Nick even refused to kiss you to not betray his brother.
But this morning, he just couldn’t hold back any longer. You sweetly fell apart in his arms, and he admitted his sin.
His brother didn’t take Nick’s betrayal well. The confession led to a fight. The first one between the brothers since they were kids.
“How could you do this to me?” You step away when Bucky tries to reach out for you. “Don’t touch me.” You visibly shudder. “I believed he’s you. He made me believe it. I sleep with a man I don’t even know.”
Bucky winces as you start to cry. “Baby doll, I’m so fucking sorry. It never was in my plans that he touched you. I almost killed Nick for touching you.”
“Y/N, I’m not a stranger to you,” Nick sounds almost hurt. “We know each other almost as long as you know Bucky. We went to that junk market, and we had dinner at that awful restaurant you wanted to try. I let you cry into my chest when after you watched this ridiculous rom-com movie.”
“Yeah!” You shake your head. “Because I believed you are Bucky. I didn’t even know your name until tonight. When we had sex, you…you kinda…” You sniffle and look away. “I feel dirty and used.”
“Y/N,” Bucky steps toward you, but you step away. “I won’t hurt your, doll. God, I would kill myself before hurting you.”
“And yet, you let your brother take your place and—” you bite your tongue. “Even if I initiated what happened this morning, he should’ve stopped me. But no. He took advantage of me, and the fact that I didn’t know it wasn’t you.”
“His face doesn’t look like that because I went easy on him,” Bucky tries to calm you but it’s useless. Anytime he gets close to you, you step away and shake your head. “I broke his face, and more than one rib. I’m not done with him yet for what he did this morning. But it’s not completely his fault. I shouldn’t have asked him to keep an eye on you.”
“Exactly,” you point out. “You’re as guilty as he is. I ended up sleeping with a stranger because you let him into my life. Bucky, how can you say that you wanted to protect me from getting hurt, but you let your brother do this to me?”
“Baby, I—” Bucky sniffs as you start to cry again. “Please. I’ll do anything. Y/N, please don’t cry.”
“Colibri,” Nick slowly steps toward you. “Hi.” He softly says as you. “Please let us explain. We never wanted things to get so complicated. It’s my fault that I fell for you so easily.”
“You make it sound like you didn’t abuse me this morning,” you snap at Nick. “Yes, I asked you to join me in the showers, but I believed you are the man I love.”
“I am the man you love,” he raises his voice and regrets it in an instant. You flinch and take a step toward the door. “We spend as much time together as you spend with Bucky. I made you laugh, and giggle. You fell asleep in my arms. I won that ugly bear for you at the fair.”
“Nick, you’re not helpful,” Bucky tries to calm his aching heart. Nick is not wrong. You got to know his brother over the months you spent with him too. “We need to calm her first.”
“I’m trying to calm her,” Nick argues. “All you did was hit me, instead of respecting my feelings for Y/N.”
“Well, I see this is all about the two of you,” you sneer. “I’m not needed here any longer. Whatever is wrong with you, you should get your shit figured out. And please don’t do this to another woman.”
“Doll! Wait!” Bucky gasps as you leave the room and slam the door shut. He wants to run after you, wants to chase you and bring you into his arms but he knows, he cannot face you again before he and Nick settle their score…”
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Five months later the dust settled. You left town that night, never looking back. It was hard to leave your job, home, and the town you learned to love.
But Bucky Barnes and his brother are dangerous men. Or so you heard. 
If you wanted to start a new life, far away from the men breaking your heart and betraying you, it was necessary to leave and never look back.
This is how you ended up in the sleepiest town you can imagine. 
It’s a nice one, with friendly people and not much crime. The perfect environment to start a new life, or at least get a break from your former life.
“Morning, Y/N,” Carol, the waitress at your favorite diner chirps as you sit down at the diner counter. Well, it’s the only diner in town, and the food is not too bad. “The usual.”
“You know me,” you wink at her and chuckle. “I’m a simple girl, and I love your breakfast.”
“How are the eggs?” Someone plops down on the diner stool to your right. “What can you recommend, Colibri?”
Your body goes stiff. “No…”
“Doll, is the bacon good at this diner?” Bucky plops down on the diner stool to your left. You’re trapped between the mobsters. Again.
“How’d you find me?” You sniff and look around the diner. “Why now?”
“We found you right after you left.” Nick shrugs. “Bucky decided it’s for the best to leave you alone and keep an eye on you.”
“You stalked me?” You glare at Bucky. “Seriously?”
“We kept you safe, doll. That’s a difference.”
“No. It’s not!”
“It is,” Nick winks at the waitress. “I’ll take the pancakes, eggs, and coffee. Black.”
“Like his soul,” you grunt. “Carol don’t give them anything. They won’t stay.”
“Miss, I’m having what she’s having,” Bucky says. He points at your plate, filled with all the things you wanted to eat this morning. Now you have lost your appetite.
“Why are you here?” You sigh and hide your face in the palms of your hands. “I told the last time we saw each other that I never want to see you again.”
“The last time we saw each other you sneaked out of the house and left in the dead of the night. That’s what happened.”
“Who asked you, imposer,” you glare at Nick. “I left because you both lied to me for months! I had sex with you.”
“I remember,” he dares to smirk. “You didn’t moan my brother’s name, Colibri. You called me your strong bear because I won the plushie at the fair for you. In that moment, you fucked me, not Bucky.”
“Nick don’t,” Bucky warns. “Y/N, we need to talk.” He looks around the diner. “Not here, though. Please give us a chance to explain why we cannot let you go.”
Part 3
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hello, hope you’re doing okay
do you mind writing about fem!reader about 14-16 winning an oscar and the marvel cast being super proud in the audience?
sorry i’m so bad at explaining
You’re a Star
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x teen reader
Warning: swearing, LGBTQ, just pure fluff.
A/N: I hope this was okay.
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You ever have those “let me take this all in" moments? Because that is what Y/n is having right now.
On the red carpet of the Oscars, that’s right OSCARS, as she was nominated for Best Lead Actress. Y/n is a force to be wrecked with right now in the acting world at only 15. Her debut was the role of Casey Graham in Winter Soldier at 10, and she just wrapped Filming Endgame. But she has taken on other projects, and one of the landed her this nomination.
She starred in the Film “Living a Sin” a story about a teen finding out their sexual identity and the effect it has on her Christian Family. The film was a hit, and the reviews were always on top. She won the Golden Globe but it was when she saw she was nominated for the Oscar that the success really hit her.
Which is where she is now, in a stunning custom pantsuit from Valentino in y/f/c and y/h/c in classic long curls. She was later joined by the cast and her love interest in the film, played by Jenna Ortega. After taking pictures, she was on her way into the theater before she bumped into something hard. “Oops my b-“ she started to say before looking at a blue suit that had blue eyes.
“Seb!” Y/n acclaimed before giving him a hug. “y/n! You look beautiful, how are you feeling?” He asked. “Freaking out but not if that makes sense. I’m unlikely to win, heck I’m nominated against Meryl Streep.” Seb laughed and wrapped an arm around you. “Don’t sweat it, sweetheart. Plus Scarlett and I may or may not be presenting your category," he said. "No way! really?" you asked as you looked at him with joy in your eyes.
"Yep, now let's take a quick picture before I have to head inside. But I will see you later., I promise." he said as he turned so the two of you faced the paparazzi. In the MCU, Bucky and Casey were very much a father-daughter duo. And that relationship continued into a brotherly sisterly relationship off-screen. He has been a rock for you the past couple of years and you are thankful to have your "Bucky-Bear" by your side through it all. He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead which of course the cameras caught before you each headed your separate ways.
Couple Hours later
You saw Sebastian and Scarlett walk on stage and your heart started to beat a million miles a minute. Jenna sat next to you and quickly took your hand in hers. "Deep Breathes, you got this," she said as she gave you a light squeeze.
"This year's nominees each deliver incredible performances in their own right. Moving us to tears, making us laugh, and telling stories of bravery and love." Scarlett said looking at the teleprompter. "And this year nominees are making history, with the youngest nominee for Best Actress," Seb said as you saw your two friends give you a wave, which made the audience laugh. "Our child is adorable, isn't she?" Scarlett said into the mic. "Agreed, but we have to finish this up so we can put her to bed," Seb said as he pointed to the watch in his hand. the audience and you were enjoying it. You couldn't tell if it was a bit or if they were making you laugh to calm your nerves. Either way, you appreciate it.
After they showed a montage of all the actresses nominated and clips of the film. You saw Seb start to open the envelope. you held onto Jenna's hand with your life. "And the Oscar goes to.." Seb said as he lifted the envelope. He and Scarlett looked at the envelope and smiled at each other before speaking into the microphone. "Y/n L/n for Living with Sin!" They said with the biggest smiles on their faces.
You were in shock at first. there is no way they actually just said your name. It wasn't until Jenna gave you a huge hug that it began to sink in. You quickly stood up as you felt a tear fall down your smiling face. You hugged your parents quickly before making your way to the stage. Once you walked up the stairs, Seb and Scarlett were quick to engulf you with a hug. You heard Seb whisper into your ear "I'm so proud of you Kiddo." he said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek. "We both are," Scarlett said as well as she handed you the statue. "I love you both so much. Couldn't have wanted anyone else to give this to me," you said to them as you made your way to the mic.
Your speech was short and sweet, thanking your family and friends, manager, cast, and crew of Living with Sin, and thanking your 'Big Bros and Sisters' who are your marvel castmates for showing you the ropes and being incredible mentors. And of course, thanking Kevin Feige for giving a chance to a girl who only had 'Flounder in Little Mermaid Jr on her resume.' You ended your speech by saying "to everyone watching at home, wondering what to do so someone like my character Nicole doesn't have to go through what they went through. I urge you to look up local resources for LGBTQ youth in your area, donate to the Trevor Project, or create a safe space for teens that make them feel loved and appreciated. We have so much more work to do, and every little bit helps. Thank you." You said as you walked off the stage. You made your way backstage with Sebastian and Scarlett by your side.
Once you were off camera, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and picked you up as you let out a squeal. "YOU DID IT! " Seb said as he sat your down. "I still can't believe that happened," you said. "I knew this was going to happen one day, and I'm so happy for you," Scarlett said as you all made your way toward the front of the theater to go back to your seats. Before you all headed your separate ways, Seb "You are star Y/n L/N. I'm so proud to be part of your journey and I can't wait to watch everything you do next." He said as he gave you a long, thoughtful hug. "Love you two Bucky Bear," you whispered into his ears which made him chuckle.
Your name was still trending on social media the next day. Your Marvel cast mates made posts and stories congratulating you which the internet ate up. You couldn't be happier to be part of such an amazing family.
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thechibifoxcub · 1 year
I can’t take it-
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He couldn’t take it anymore. The pain. The anguish. His blood ran like molten lava beneath his skin; feeling every vein traversing beneath muscle tissue and winding sinew.
His breath felt weak yet heavy at the same time. Something that shouldn’t coexist by any means, but still does despite its unrealistic design. The analogy doesn’t make sense- it shouldn’t make sense! But how can he describe the sensation that plagues him?
It must be pain… right? How else can he describe the adrenaline rushing in his body each time his eyes landed on you? He must be ill if the sudden rush of heat dusts his neck and ears each time you smiled in his direction. His mind must be loosing its grasp of reality with every syllable that dances past your lips or when the sound of your unapologetic laughter sings a sweet tune in his corrupted ears.
He must have been in pain; surely he must have been injured or poisoned or tortured in some past life from eons-past. Surely he is dwelling in some sick, twisted form of hell. His own personal prison cell. How else can he explain this newfound revelation of emotions each time his mind drifted back to you.
You, who has brought some semblance of humanity back into him.
You, who has brought forth his demons and have withstood each one with a smile one your face. Like you were happy to have seen his flaws. His imperfections. His sins. To have been overjoyed to have witnessed each deplorable side of him as if it was a gift. Fought against them and (surprisingly) won when he, himself, has failed to beat them on a good day.
You, who has never left him. Never doubted him despite the lies that flow past chattering teeth. He hates himself for every word that brings you pain or that pitiful frown on your pretty lips.
He’s in agony. Because he knows that if he were to sit down and actually think about this for one second longer he’d realize that what he’s feeling isn’t anguish, but something opposite. Something softer. Sweeter. Delectable even.
He can’t take this anymore. Not after watching the crystal-like tears that now streamed past your redden cheeks after he snapped at you for something that you didn’t even do. He can’t take it anymore. He just can’t. The magma that flows through his veins hardens like coal with each drop of a salty sorrow-filled tear that drops past clenched fists and furrowed brows. The breathe that once conflicted against all reason began to cease as your once brilliant smile turned sour with anger and hurt.
He can’t take it anymore; the pain he means, as you turn your back to him for the first time since you waltzed into his once dark and lonely existence. He was in pain as he reached out in a pitiful display of remorse and fear as you stormed away into the distance.
“Misery loves company after all~” he once told himself. How he wish he could turn back time just once- to take back what he had said. To stop himself from saying things that you didn’t deserve. You had only wanted to help him. You were a kind soul, practically a Saint! And here he was, convicting you of a “crime” that you had not committed. His one sanctuary. His oasis. His SALVATION.
He can’t take it anymore. And he will do whatever it took to make it up to you.
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[This is the first time I’m posting anything here so I’m sorry for any mistakes! Doing this on 3-4 hours of sleep so I apologize for any errors you might see lol. This is could be seen as an “open ending” sort of thing so take it how you see fit. Also, this can go to any person/character that you fancy, but I mainly thought of Genshin Impact/Honkai Star Rail characters and Leon Kennedy from The RE series.]
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calypsocolada · 1 year
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synopsis: rin sets his sights on you. authors note: i was possessed writing this, i don't think i'm good at smut lol you writers on here that write smut are very talented haha anyways enjoy! cw: MDNI, college aged characters, SMUT, tiny bit of obsessive behavior, mutual masterbation, fingering, handjob, overall sinning wc: 3k
One thing Rin Itoshi hated more than anything was to lose. He always had a plan, he got everything he wanted. Straight A’s, he got into the best college in the country, won awards and sports championships. He liked the control of being the best there was. He liked seeing the look in someone's eye when they lost hope, when they knew they’d been beaten by him. He loved that control. Had everything he wanted… until recently. 
Someone transferred to his college, someone beautiful and decorated. A movie star’s daughter. She was flawless, smart and the next thing Rin needed to obtain. But he knew he couldn’t look at it that way. Knew you couldn’t be something he bullied into taking, you weren’t an object. You had thoughts and feelings and the moment he showed his true colors to a girl like you he’d never have you for his own. 
Never once has any interest in a girl ever taken hold the way you had. The way you walked, so sure, like you floated stepped on air. Rin couldn’t stop thinking of your soft features and sharp eyes, like you could see right through any of his lies and deception. Rin knew to be weary. If Rin were to ever go about his life, someone like that needed to be by his side. Sure he could do things on his own, he’d done it time and time before. But something had finally clicked into place for him. He wanted you. He’d have you.
Someone had spoken your name during class and it swam around Rin’s head for hours. He wouldn’t be surprised if he’d scrawled it somewhere in his coursework with hearts dotted around it. Even your damn name struck a feeling in Rin, butterflies dancing in his gut. He’d met you just once, you were in three of his classes but sat opposite of him. He’d run into you, literally, in the library late one night. You had gasped, dropping your laptop and luckily Rin reacted swiftly, catching it before it could crash to the ground.
“Sorry!” He’d apologized, breathlessly. “Are you alright?” Rin watched with observing eyes as you tucked a curl behind your ear, nodding your head before looking up at him, a smile on your perfectly pink lips. 
“I’m alright, thank god you caught that!” You said as he handed you the laptop back. “Sorry, I was in a hurry. You’re alright as well?” You asked as Rin could feel his heart beating in his chest, eyes meeting in the soft light of the library. You were the definition of beauty. Slowly he nodded his head and the smile on your lips grew a bit as you reached out, barely brushing his arm. “I’m glad. I- I’ve seen you before, right?” You asked and Rin inaudibly cleared his throat, forcing himself into composure. 
“That’s right, we have a few classes together. I’m Rin.” He says and you suck in a breath, nodding your head in recognition.
“Yes! Of course! You’re all the girls around here talk about. I’m y/n.” You answer and Rin blushes slightly. 
“They do, huh? Good things?” He asks as you smile like you're holding a dear secret. 
“You could say that.” You answer just before a boy behind Rin clears his throat. They both move to look as Rin clenches his jaw. Ryuusei Shidou, walked up, sliding an arm around your shoulder. Shidou smirked. 
“Itoshi, I see you’ve finally met my girlfriend.” Shidou said. 
From that moment Rin seized a plan. Jealousy and anger coursing through his veins he vowed to win. You could do much better than Ryuusei Shidou. The man was a walking second place trophy, a stand in before Rin made his move. But he needed to be smart about it.You were a kind girl, you wouldn’t just dump someone for no good reason. That’s why Rin couldn’t believe his luck when you had come to him and asked him to tutor you in your shared advanced biochemical class. 
He couldn’t believe it. 
He agreed and for months they met four times a week and sat together for hours. You’d told him things he wished he was the only one who knew. Like that your father may be some big hot shot actor but still calls you once a day to check in. The best thing of all that he found out was that you were frustrated with Shidou. He was barely around and when he was he was distracted, never paying attention to you. Rin knew what that meant, the first crack in the glass and he knew what his next move was. 
His suspicions were confirmed when he just so happened to hear you talking quietly to your friends. He only needed to hear one thing before his plan was complete. Shidou hadn’t touched you in months and you were starting to feel unwanted. 
You were about fifteen minutes late and when you ran in you almost tripped over the rug on Rin’s floor. You laughed, embarrassed. You apologized, running a stressed hand through your hair. 
“Sorry,” You started, grabbing out things from your backpack, breathing a bit heavily.
“Everything alright?” Rin asked, his voice soft. You cleared your throat, nodding your head. 
“‘Course!” He knew that was a lie, but he didn’t want to push it. 
“Alright, well let me grab you something to drink, maybe some tea? I know you hate coffee.” Rin asks as you smile over at him thankfully. To Rin it seems you appreciate him not only giving you space but remembering the things you liked. 
“Sounds good.” You answer with a smile, setting down in your usual spot. Rin fixed you some hot tea, setting it carefully in front of you before grabbing some snacks for you to munch on. About a half hour into the session you both decided to take a break. 
“You’re really good at teaching, you know?”You say as you lean against the headboard of the bed beside Rin, he looks over at you.
“You think?” 
“Yeah!” You smile. “You’re patient and you take time explaining things, making sure I understand.”
“Well, you’re a quick learner.” Rin says as you scoff a soft laugh.
“I appreciate that. I also appreciate you for helping. Everyone else just scoffed at my face. Said I had everything handed to me and that this would be a rude awakening.” You say and Rin furrows his brows, shaking his head.
“Who said that?”
“Well first the professor. Guess he isn’t a big fan of my father.” Rin sits up straight, mouth slightly agape.
“Wait? Seriously?” He asks incredulously as you nod your head. 
“Yeah! I told him it wasn’t professional and he just laughed in my face, said it didn’t matter if I got him fired because he was quitting at the end of the year anyway.” 
“What an asshole.” Rin sighs, placing a soft hand on your leg. “Sorry that happened to you. I’m glad you came to me for help.” He says, his voice low, eyes locked on yours. Your cheeks turn pink as you avert your eyes, nodding your head.
“Me too.” You say, your voice a bit uneven. Rin knew it was working, he could feel something growing between you both. Rin didn’t remove his hand, just let it stay there, a step forward that could be easily shrugged off but you didn’t move his hand. Slowly Rin moved his thumb against your leg, his eyes on his hand as he felt your eyes on it as well. 
“Can I ask you something?” Rin asked just below a whisper, his breath hot against your shoulder. He felt you shutter slightly before audibly swallowing, nodding your head.
“Uh huh.” He was sure you answered that because you weren't quite able to form words properly.
“How are you and Shidou?” Just as Rin’s lips spoke the question he dipped his hand a bit further towards the inside of your thigh. Your breath lurches in your throat and a small noise escapes your lips. You swallowed, trying to gain some composure but your mind was fuddled and muddy, thoughts crashing in your mind. 
“S-Shidou?” You ask shakily, you turn to look at Rin, he gives you the smallest of nods, his brows raising slightly. “R-right, Shidou. Uh- he, we--,” Slowly you feel Rin’s fingers trail up your leg, your stomach burns as your core lights. Almost like it was done absentmindedly, Rin’s fingers fiddled with the bottom of your skirt, seemingly waiting for you to answer. “Honestly,” You breathed out, biting your lip, your entire body stiff from keeping yourself from moving against his fingers. “Shidou’s an idiot. I could do better.” You say, swallowing against the dryness in your throat. You weren’t exactly sure what was happening between you two right now but you were very interested to see where it went. You clench your jaw as Rin’s hand travels up your body, past your skirt, your stomach then stops just under your jaw. Softly his fingers move your chin to face him fully.
“I couldn’t agree more.” He whispers huskily against your cheek. You looked mesmerized so slowly he bent forwards, the bed groaning under the sudden shift. Softly your lips met, the kiss of a breeze that grew to the kiss of someone wanting more. Rin moves forwards a bit more, you match him as your lips pressed together harder. With one hand on your cheek his other snaked down your body to the waistband of your skirt. He felt you suck in a breath as he pulled back, both of you catching your breath. He pressed his forehead to yours. “Do you want me to stop?” He asked, his fingers just barely under the waistband tracing the bottom of your stomach. You didn’t trust the words to come out stable so you shook your head and Rin smiled against your lips. 
Slowly, teasingly his hands slipped under your skirt. His fingers rubbed against you over your panties as your breath skittered in your throat. You made a small noise and Rin pulled from your lips, kissing your cheek, trailing down your neck.
“Don’t be shy, I wanna hear you.” He whispers into your ear making you shiver as his fingers rub a bit faster over your panites. Your head falls back against the headboard of the bed as Rin’s other hand angles your head just right, his lips kissing against the exposed skin on your neck. Goosebumps grow over your skin instantly. His hand downstairs pulls back until he’s at the waistband of your panties. His fingers slip inside and you try to bite back a gasp at the anticipation. Rin smiles against your neck, nibbling a bit. Slowly his middle finger dips inside you, the other rubbing around the top. You couldn’t stop the moan that rippled from your lips, your head thrown back against Rin’s shoulder. This is exactly how he wanted you, completely in the palm of his hand, wholly unguarded and his to play with. He moved his fingers a bit faster, sliding another finger inside you. You moan loudly as Rin’s other hand slides across your lips to muffle you. He snickers into your neck. “Thin walls.” He whispers and watches as a smile grows on your lips, your cheeks a dark shade of pink. “You’re so wet for me.” He whispered a moment later and your breath hitches in your throat. 
This boy had been next to you for the past few months, kindly helping you, never once did your conversations enter anything much outside of school. But here you were, seconds from cumming over smooth talk and quick fingers. 
Suddenly Rin pulled his hand back, and your eyes shot open as he pulled your mouth to his, kissing you fervently. You were so close and for a moment you thought Rin stopped because he thought he’d made you cum. You were embarrassed suddenly, flushing at the neck. When Rin pulled away, he whispered against your lips. 
“Take off your skirt.” He ordered. You nodded obediently, mesmerized and did as you were told to. Tossing your skirt and panites to the side, scooting off the headboard to lay beneath him. “Good girl.” Rin locked his lips onto yours, his hand finding its way between your legs again. 
You gasped at the sudden dip of his fingers and moaned when they worked you out perfectly. It was like he knew exactly what you were wanting and needed no explanation like so so many others. It was mere moments before he had you panting and moaning, unable to reciprocate his kisses. Another moment an orgasm ripples through you and he kisses your lips as you moan into his mouth. It was intimate and had your thoughts fully and only on him. 
“Jesus.” You laughed and Rin pulled back, smiling at you.
“Mhmm.” You hummed. 
“You deserve to feel this good all the time, you know.” He says and you blush, nodding your head. 
“So do you…” You whisper back, giving him a look as your own hand slides against his stomach, down and down and down, pausing to wait for permission. Rin’s lips part and his eyes glaze.
“You don’t have to.” He says and with your free hand you grab the collar of his shirt and pull him closer to you, kissing his neck. 
“I want to.” You whisper against his skin, smirking when you feel him shiver. You liked to let go sometimes, but now you wanted control. Just like he had, you teased and savored his hitched breaths and the bobbing of his adams apple as he swallowed. Painfully slow you slid your fingers under his pants and felt the length of him over his boxers. He was big and hard. Rin let out a whimper that rippled through your body, making your mouth go dry. You’d never heard that before, it had you tingling all over. You bit your lip and rubbed him over his boxers, savoring every noise he made. 
“Please-” Rin gasped and you almost died on the spot. 
“Please what?” You asked, your voice coated in saccharin honey. Rin leaned his head back against the pillow as you moved a bit and kissed the spot he left open.
“Touch me.” He whimpered and you almost came undone yourself. You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood as you sucked on his neck. Slowly you dipped your hand under his boxers and slid up his shaft to the tip.
“You’re so wet for me.” You teasingly whispered directly into his ear and he chuckled unevenly at that. You barely moved your hand up and down because you didn’t want this to be over in two strokes. Rin was whimpering and moaning like he was in the best kind of pain. 
“Please-- oh god.” His throat was exposed, eyes closed, cheeks pink. You couldn’t believe you had him literally and figuratively in the palm of your hand. It was probably the hottest thing you’d ever seen. You moved your hand a bit faster, slick with him. Rin bit his lip to try and hold back but you wanted to hear him so you slowed to a snail's pace and marveled as his mouth fell open and a whine escaped his lips. You went a little faster, loving how wrecked he was for you. Panting and whimpering, it was truly something you’d never thought you’d ever see. 
Rin Itoshi was perfect around the campus. Nothing out of order. But right now he was ruined and gasping. You fucking loved it. Though you didn’t keep teasing him, your hand pumped just a bit faster and listened to him and his course of groans. It was mere seconds before Rin’s body convulsed and you stole the sound from his lips with your own. After a moment you pulled back.
“We should clean up.” You said and Rin chuckled heartily, nodding his head.
“Stay, we can clean up together?” He asked a question floating in the air. You swallowed. 
“I’ve uh- never went all the way.” You say, suddenly embarrassed. You weren’t exactly sure what he was suggesting but you just wanted to let him know. Rin smirked at that.
“We move at your pace.” He said.
“We?” You asked and Rin suddenly went fully red, sucking in a breath.
“Oh no-- uh, sorry, I meant--”
“It’s okay, I’m messing with you.” You jest, pulling his flustered lips to your own. “We should go on a date before showering together, don’t you think?” You say, standing up. Rin cocks his head, watching you slip your panties back on, sliding your skirt up over your thighs, zipping it. When your eyes slide to his you notice he probably lost his train of thought staring at you. You cock a brow and his eyes drag up and down your body. Hunger in his stare. 
“A date, huh?” He says, reaching and grabbing your skirt, pulling you back to him. “And where would you want to go?” He asks as you fall against him, straddling him. His hands sliding up your thighs around your back. You smirk. All your work had finally paid off. Rin Itoshi seemed a bit unobtainable but the moment you pretended to date that idiot, Rin came running to you. It was him you wanted all along.
“I dunno, where do you wanna take me?”
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hannyoontify · 1 year
seventeen as your older brothers
warnings | mentions of food/snacks, implications of alcohol consumption (not the reader), friendly insults (pls lmk if i missed anything)
notes | this has been a brain rot for a while now, so i’m glad that i have this writen down now lol. This was like a brain dump for me LMAO like i was js writing whatever came to mind when i imagined each member as an older brother. oh also this has no correlation with any of the members' siblings/lineage. pretend it’s in an alternate universe where you’re their only sibling
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for other people, it was always ‘sorry my folks won’t let me’ to hanging out with friends. but for you? oh no no no it was ‘... seungcheol said no’ and everyone knew there was no refuting it bc once cheol makes up his mind, there was no changing it. he’s like your third parent, always calling and making sure that you’re where you’re supposed to be. on days when you come back late at night, it was seungcheol who’s patiently waiting for you in the living room, not your parents (he had convinced them to go to sleep and swore to stay awake until you got home) but like he would be such a sweet, protective older brother :(( if he’s out grabbing snacks or groceries, he always makes sure to grab a bag of your favorite snacks and when he gets home, he js silently drops it on your bed and leaves your room. and omg sometimes he would help out with your math and chem homework, and nine times out of ten, it led to both you and your dad getting yelled at by cheol at 10 pm at night at the kitchen table bc neither of you could understand cos, sin, and tan 
having jeonghan as your older brother would be so interesting omg like when you guys were younger, you were able to count on one hand the number of times you’ve won a game against him. he always said that it was bc he was js better than you but everyone and their mother knew that the little shit eater (affectionate) was shoving uno cards up his sleeves whenever he could. as you guys get older, he would probably cheat his way out of doing chores and leave you to do the dishes all on your own. he would only come back later bc he felt bad and he would help you put away the cutlery. he would randomly come into your room and stand by the doorway for 3 minutes before he js leaves LOL omg and when you were in middle school, he packed your lunch everyday and occasionally wrote a note that reminded you to do drink water bc you never fucking drink water and it pisses jeonghan off
DUDEEE i think you would be that friend who has a cute older brother. like that one time shua gave you and your friends a ride to the beach, your friends were all giggling and shit in the backseat whenever he smiled. at one point, you had to scold joshua bc his friendly behavior had all of your friends crushing on him and told him to stop being so nice but he js laughed and ruffled your hair. but i feel like having joshua as a brother would be so nice. like if you were in a bad mood, he always left food and water outside your door and texted you smth like ‘there’s food outside if you want any. you can do so much better than that jerk anyway’ AHHH AND AND when you were still in school, there were some days where shua comes home at 5 am, covered in glitter and smelling like alcohol and sweat. he would go into the kitchen, where you’re eating breakfast before going to school, and he would js grab a cup of water, ruffle your hair as a greeting before disappearing into his room. the first time that happened shua made you swear up and down that you wouldn’t tell your parents (you didn’t and you never have)
JUN WOULD BE SUCH A FUN BIG BROTHER LMAO LIKE he would conjure up the most random food concoctions in the kitchen at 2 am and then force have you be the taste tester. 8 times out of 10 it was edible, but once in a while, you would have to spit out the lump of… burnt charcoal?? you spit it out and complain that it tastes disgusting and junhui would js laugh at you. it was disgusting, but you considered it some of your favorite memories with jun. and you guys would have like an unspoken kind of connection like you guys can stare at each other and js understand how the other person’s feeling it’s rlly nice actually, to have a brother who js knows how you feel without saying a word. OH and you guys would def watch comedy shows together late at night and you guys def have inside jokes from the shows you watch heh
oh my god imagine hoshi as your older brother holy crap. i feel like he would either be a super protective older brother or an older brother who acts like a younger one. like your parents genuinely questioned how hoshi could be older than you sometimes. but having him as your older brother regardless of either would be so fun. like the mafia game is def 100% banned from family gatherings bc last time it happened, soonyoung was doing cartwheels around the living room, screeching and accusing your great aunt of being the mafia LMAO LIKE bro takes mafia a little too seriously LMAOO but seriously like you probably started his horanghae agenda. when you guys were younger, he was obsessed with tiger patterned things and so you started calling him ‘tiger’ as a joke and it js kinda stuck (woozi hates you for that btw) oh but he would be so annoying like if he sees you with your crush, later that day he’ll be like ‘oooooo was that one person you were talking-’ and you have to throw a handful of lettuce to shut him up
the most chillest older brother EVER. like if you randomly walk into his room and ask for a ride to the mall for you and your friends, he would put down his book and grab his car keys without a second thought. and if your parents said no to hanging out with friends, you knew that wonwoo would find a way to sneak you out later. i feel like when you guys are hanging out together, you would each be doing your own thing. he would send you a meme via messages instead of js showing you on his phone since you were on the other side of the couch and then you guys would js laugh about it together. i feel like wonwoo would be like a ‘silent but deadly’ kind of protective brother. like he doesn’t stop you from going out and trying out things but if you’re ever in trouble, he’s always one call away. like he is such a supportive and understanding brother i love <3
jihoon as your older brother would be so interesting. like he’s always staying up and working until the crack of dawn in his studio but if he sees you awake past 12 am he would be upset that you weren’t getting enough sleep. ‘go to sleep, it’s past your bedtime’ ‘IM A GROWN ASS ADULT JIHOON’ ooo also i think jihoon would be like a little more serious older brother. like if you ever had any worries or concerns, woozi would immediately put down whatever he was doing to listen intently to what you had to say. whether you wanted advice or some comforting words, jihoon always has something to say that would make you feel better. he would also randomly stop by your room to make sure that you’re doing alright and that you were taking care of yourself. ooo and if you’re into music, he would be your #1 supporter and critic LMAO like right after your piano recital he would go up to you and say ‘you could’ve worked on the dynamics a little more’ before handing you a big ass bouquet of flowers ‘good job today, you did amazing’
meditation sessions together!! if hao notices that you’re looking a little too stressed, he would force you to get out of your room and have you meditate with him in the living room. he still kinda thinks of you as his baby sibling. he gets worried that you’re overdoing it sometimes and makes sure that you’re taking it easy. he’ll randomly text you throughout the day to make sure that you’re doing alright and if he’s making himself a cup of tea, he always asks you if you want some too. oh and he would definitely help you with your homework when you need it. OH OH OH AND ALSO i feel like he would be a rlly good listener. like you can vent to him all you want and he won’t judge you at all, just listen and nod his head until you feel better
mr gyu!!! lowkey tho i feel like he could be an annoying older brother LMAO like kinda like jeonghan he’ll come into your room, knock over something and then just leave. you thought it was annoying but you knew it was his way of showing that he cared about you and making sure that you were doing alright. and if he makes food, he always makes sure to leave some extras in the fridge for you so you could never stay mad at him for anything. oh my god and if you ever start dating someone get ready for the older brother interrogation!! his bigger, physical build would scare the living crap out of your partners LMAO ‘touch [Name] and you’re done for’ kinda vibe and it’s true but he’s also like ‘new friend!!’ but he’s gonna make sure that he intimidates them first before befriending them lol also i feel like when you guys were younger, despite being the younger one, you got mingyu into trouble more than you did lolz
dokyeom is like a 2+1 deal lol like he’s your older brother but he’s also your best friend. you’re somehow always looped into his dumb antics but he’s the only one that gets in trouble for it. oh oh oh and if you’re in a bad mood, he’ll burst into your room with his portable karaoke machine and disco lights to cheer you up. omg and he would like change the lyrics of the song ‘why is my little sibling crying~~~ don’t you know you get 100 times uglier when you cry~~~ that piece of shit wasn’t worth it anyway~~~ stop crying and join me in my singING~~~~~’ it always manages to cheer you up and before the tears have all dried up, you’re already laughing while you’re singing with dokyeom (you really appreciate how hard he works to cheer you up)
okay bc why is arguing with him lowkey funny LMAO LIKE seungkwan will be chilling in his room and you’ll barge in, yelling at him for leaving the toilet seat up LMAO or not cleaning up all the hair he sheds after a shower and he’ll start yelling back in his defense LOL and omg we all know how much seungkwan loves his mom so in most cases, if you ever do anything, seungkwan’s gonna immediately run to your mom ‘MOMMM THEY’RE DOING IT AGAINNNN’ but yea you guys would def get into immature fights abt the TV remote control or who gets to sit in shotgun lol but also i feel like seungkwan would be kind of like subtle in the way that he shows that he cares for you. like he’ll always make sure your favorite snack is stored in the pantry and restock it the day that it disappears, and he knows you’re sensitive to the cold, so if you ever fall asleep with your window open, he’ll come in and close it so you don’t wake up the next morning with a sore throat. you both dance and sing to wonder girls together whenever he visits home and he’ll throw his slipper at you if you get a single dance move or lyric wrong ‘i can’t believe i’m related to you’
NO BC VERNON WOULD BE THE SWEETEST, BEST OLDER BROTHER EVER :(((( like when you guys were younger, he would read you bedtime stories and if you were crying, he would silently hold your hand while you get consoled by your mother until you feel better. i can imagine hansol walking you and dropping you off at school before going to his own, and he always makes sure to see you enter the building before he leaves to go to his own school (stop this is making me so soft) and when you guys are older, similar to wonwoo, he doesn’t really intervene in your life and the choices you make unless it’s smth really dumb and a bad ending was inevitable. like he doesn’t pry about your personal life but he occasionally checks in to make sure that you’re feeling alright and he always lets you know that he’s always there if you need to talk to someone abt anything. he kinda joins in whatever nonsense you do, like you have an extra concert ticket? vernon is your ride + concert buddy. you wanna go to the beach? vernon already has his sunscreen applied. you’re running away and joining the circus? you guys can be a duo act
omg literally thing 1 and thing 2 like i feel dino would also be a sibling that you would get into petty arguments with. ‘stop calling me your younger brother, i’m literally [insert number] of years/days older than you’ ‘then maybe you should start acting like it- STOP I DIDN’T MEAN IT I’M SORRY HELP’ (he started tickling you) LMAO LIKE lowkey you guys can argue but you know it’s over if you guys ever get into a physical brawl, cuz bro knows how to FIGHT. he can throw a mean punch and you’ve witnessed firsthand what his fists could do (he beat up a school bully in 7th grade) i feel like you two would get along like 2 peas in a pod tho (secretly when no one’s looking) like you guys are always on the same wavelength and have similar habits that you guys picked up from each other. and despite being the younger sibling, chan often fell victim to your pranks and jokes (poor boy save him) and similar to dk, it was like having a best friend and a brother all in one and you can bicker with him all you want
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reblogs and feedback is always appreciated ^-^
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unicyclingskinwalker · 3 months
Ganyu with an S/O is the embodiment of The Sin of Wrath 2.0
Hi hi! Okay so this is the part two edition I guess. This one is better this time, so enjoy! Please tell if I got anything about any characters wrong. Also holy shit this thing was marinating in my drafts for whole months. Anyways I’m so sorry about this, mental health was no bueno, school was attacking me, also my sleep schedule is very poor. But now I feel a bit better, so enjoy my fellow Ganyu enjoyers.
Warnings: Ningguang teasing Ganyu, Beidou on her shit once more, fluff, so much fluff, violence, stalking I guess(?)
•First encounters, Ganyu would be terrified of you, and for an understandable reason. You are the sin of wrath who has manifested into a physical human form. She would treat kindly but would be very wary of you, since you would likely be quick to anger.
• Also so would everyone else in Liyue, if someone angers you on an already shitty day, you will likely at bear minimum try to attack them with a deadly weapon.
• However you two would likely get closer together, either sharing similarities, like feeling like outsiders, or just you two getting along with each other.
• Ganyu, the sweet, shy, and kind hearted soul who works hard to give Liyue a good future. And there is Y/N, who just destroyed a Ruin Guard with their bare hands because the thing walked a little too loud.
• She loves you with all her heart, extremely grateful that you love her back, but sometimes your anger is hard to handle. You would never get mad at Ganyu, but rather at people who do any from or wrong towards Ganyu.
• The two of you shopping at the harbor, and someone bumps into Ganyu on accident, S/O would start to get a bit annoyed at that, confronting them about it.
• And poor Ganyu beside you telling you to calm down and it wasn’t their fault 😭
• S/O would also be the one to tell the waiter that they got Ganyu’s order wrong anytime you guys go to eat out.
• But she still loves you at the end of the day. Now onto love language (pls pretend it said that in a overly French accent). Ganyu loves getting you small gifts.
• The two of you have matching custom made bracelets :) A Blue Qilin for Ganyu and what ever you imagine to match :)
• Also physical touch. Not much PDA since Ganyu is quite a shy person, being self conscious, but in private she loves cuddles. She won’t initiate or directly ask for them, but she’ll hint at them.
• Also cuddles with her, and you take a nap with her?! CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE WON THE THE GREATEST JOY IN LIFE.
• To simplify, naps with her are the best.
• Kisses? The half Qilin will be extremely shy of them, she would hesitate so much. So uhh, you gotta give her the kisses, but I’m sure she will get more comfortable with some time.
• The same goes with her horns, they are very sensitive. You would to be with her long enough that she wold become comfortable with you touching them, and you would probably need to ask to touch them.
• But the euphoria she feels when you pet her horns, if you pet her horns after a long day she would fall asleep in seconds. Be sure the pet them gently, if you pet her horns too roughly you might have her excited.
• A negative trait about Ganyu is that she over works herself to the point of exhaustion. S/O would barge into her office where is working to take her out on a date as a break.
• Also the fact when she often neglects eating because she feels insecure about her body and also again, her over working herself. Please tell her that she is beautiful and bring her snacks to eat during work.
• Her co workers would be on edge anytime you were around at first. Ningguang would have on on several watch lists, personal investigators, and have Yelan get any info about you.
• But this is for the safety of Liyue, she would be more lenient on you. Maybe even have a few chats with you! But she would tease the shit out of Ganyu. When Ganyu arrives to work with your matching bracelets, Ningguang would ask where she got them from in a teasing tone I just now it. She would be so nosy, but she wishes the best for you two.
• Keqing, she would be so cautious around you. Making sure to not piss you off and remembering your behavior patterns. You two probably had some form of rivalry with each other, but things would likely mellow down after a bit.
• When the news that S/O and Ganyu were dating, it hit her like a truck. But was happy on the behalf of her co-worked since she deserved happiness.
• She would still be on edge of you, but would mask her distrust well. Time will pass and she will learn to trust you, but it’ll take some time.
• Beidou’s chaotic energy likely caused several brawls between you two. You get pissed off, and now suddenly you have set several vendor shops on fire.
• Each time Ganyu has been called to go over and calm you down.
• How er your two would get along with your shared love of combat. She has likely taken you on several trips just so you can help her kill some monsters for shigs and shiggles.
• Now her mother. Xianyun.
• She fucking hates you.
• Again, you are the manifestation of wrath that walks upon the surface. AND HOW DARE THOU SPEAK TO HER DAUGHTER!
• She likely has heard of S/O’s reputation of having the rage of a bull. First introductions would be awkward. Poor Ganyu needing to calm things down.
• It would take months of convincing and needing to prove the fact you will treat her daughter like royalty.
• My god, after that however, things will be good so WOOHOO
• Zhongli would honestly be the same as Xianyun but likely more calm about it.
• But his questions would be like those horror games where you take a survey but the questions are disturbing but then ask if you like Taylor Swift.
• He would ask. “What would be your greatest fear if you lost control of yourself?” Then ask if you prefer dark chocolate or milk chocolate.
• Now onto Xiao. Yeah first encounter he attacks you on sight. And once more poo Ganyu would have to break up the fight.
• This guy would be stalking you for months on end from afar, and you two several times have been in a staring competition.
• Even when you and Ganyu got together, this guy still side eyes you. He might even show a facial expression, which is a mix of distrust and slight hate.
• Again, things will take time, you’ll grow on him eventually.
• I still have done much research on Shenhe (FUCK I DONT PLAY GENSHIN I ONLY LEARN LORE FROM INTERNET AHH)
• Shenhe would be a healthy mix of Zhongli and Xiao. She would definitely be calm about you but heavily distrust you.
• She would go to Ganyu weekly and ask on how things between her and S/O have been. And then ask you.
• She would like the hear both sides of the story. And perhaps from some watching you from afar, should give give the green flag for you.
OHH GOD. I’m drained dude. I do apologize for taking forever. I forgot I had this draft for a while and got help up by a lot of things since I decided to start going to the gym. But anyways, love you guys <3
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Quinn Hughes Edition (Part Twelve)
previous: eleven
next: thirteen
this is so short so sorry but i’m posting sunday’s game at the same time!
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liked by _quinnhughes, canucks, and 9,773 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update: i actually attended my best friend’s game edition! the canucks not only got the series sweep against the stars this season, they now have six straight wins against them!
in quinny baby’s 27:30 minutes of ice time (the longest ice time for both teams, stars’ d-man miro heiskanen is second with 26:40) he did NOT recieve a penalty, which brings his streak to two games! he didn’t receive a point, but his +/- went up by one, and quinny is very proud of his +/- !!
quirky notes: slide four is quinn after suter scored for the stars, and that was also my emotion when he scored because he is not my fav and i was truly perplexed he made it in. slide five is quinny in warm ups doing his quinn hughes thing shootin pucks into the net! very fun to watch but he would not pay attention to me which was rude.
slide eight is the lighting making him look like an angel (because he is), and slide NINE is my favorite ever!! slide nine is benneguin (benn+seguin) sitting in sin together because they’re besties just like me and quinny!! (okay, maybe not exactly like us, but still besties!) (jamie looked very distraught in there and he has the cutest bambi eyes and i’d trade all three hughes brothers plus my boyfriend just to look at him up close) p.s. i didn’t have enough room to post a max domi pic but he also looked very good tonight!!
so ecstatic that i got to see you win in person, quinny baby!! here’s to many more🥂💙 i love you!!!
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 211 comments
_quinnhughes how is it that we won and you still turned this into a stars post??
yourusername hey now, i said i love you and i did NOT say i love anyone else!!!
_quinnhughes you can’t root for three western conference teams!
yourusername watch me, quintin!!
user1 so kind that the benneguin renaissance paused this game to let the canucks win
trevorzegras you would sell me??? to look at the stars’ captain???
yourusername i’d pimp you out to look at the stars captain
trevorzegras immediate divorce
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras she’s my wife??? you’re our son???
trevorzegras I HATE THIS JOKE
yourusername @_quinnhughes no <3
user2 quinn really do be looking like an angel in slide eight 🥹
jackhughes i thought i was your favorite hughes? and now you want to sell me? to look at a 6’ 33 year old?
yourusername he’s 6’2 mr. 5’11
jackhughes @_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 do you guys think we can sell her first??
lhughes_06 we can’t sell my mom!
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 your mom said she’d sell you first
yourusername @/lhughes_06 i’ll just sell quinn and jack i couldn’t bare to separate you from ethan!
jackhughes i’m not having a good time
yourusername @/jackhughes good
user3 quinny didn’t get a point tonight :(
lhughes_06 will i get my own posts?
yourusername you’ll get one for your first and more if you frequently commit sins
_quinnhughes careful what you wish for, moose
trevorzegras it’s not all sunshine and rainbows
yourusername cry babies
user4 the question is did y/n wear stars gear or canucks??
yourusername that’s a secret i’ll never tell
jamie.drysdale no one else has said congrats on your two game streak so i’ll do it— congrats quinn! on your win and your lack of penalty!
_quinnhughes thank you😂
yourusername ur so sweet, hubby
jamie.drysdale anything for my wifey’s bestie
_quinnhughes so sorry i didn’t say i love you in my original comment! i love you, too, y/n/n💙
trevorzegras good boy
jamie.drysdale much appreciated
yourusername i feel the love boys💙
user5 that first picture of quinn>>>🤤
_alexturcotte nice game huggy!
_quinnhughes thanks turc!
yourusername aw i didn’t even have to tell you to tell him!! you’re my favorite hughes now<3
jackhughes i am appalled
_alexturcotte and i am eternally grateful!
user6 how many honorary hughes’s are there??😭
user5 i’ve lost count
canucks congrats huggy!
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feroshgirlsims · 3 days
Chapter 4.4 - Dating for Weirdos
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After dinner, they wander into the record store next to Annie Jo’s. Alice doesn’t mean to confess her every sin while some chick in a flower crown browses records, and Vlad stares at her like she’s from another planet, but it happens.  
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“I have a temper,” she says, “Just so you know the true me. And I don’t have good follow-through. I promise things, but my brain is like Swiss cheese. I get bored really fast, and I’m overly ambitious.”
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She means to keep things light, to make her absolute hot-messness into a joke, but in her rush to address Vlad’s silent stare, what pours out of her mouth is more akin to a holy unburdening—
—Everything about herself that she thinks is wrong, every deviation and odd habit. 
And the worst part is that Jeffery’s snide tone is narrating it inside her head. 
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Why? Why did she say those things? This is not the real her. The real Alice has a good sense of humor! The real Alice can get through an evening without trashing herself! 
“So, amongst the other things you named,” Vlad begins, speaking slowly as if he can’t believe how fucking crazy she is. “You want me to know that you’re not a hoarder or a thief, but you do like shiny things and saucy toys, and so you keep any items you come across hidden in a hollowed-out book along with your vibrator like some sort of sex-addled magpie.”
Behind him, the woman in the flower crown winces. 
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“I’m pretty sure I just said sex magpie,” Alice argues weakly.
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Vlad nods. “You’re right. The ‘addled’ part was my own narrative flourish. Specificity is important.”
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“I’m sorry,” she croaks. “You can go if you want.”
“Go where?” 
“Away from this date. I told you I was chill, but I made it weird, and if you couldn’t already guess, I’m a total fucking shitshow.”
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Vlad pauses and then walks back to the record table and leans on it, beckoning her closer. “Ask me a question.”
Behind him, the chick in the flower crown inches towards the door. 
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Alice pins her with a glare. She doesn’t get to end her eavesdropping before Vlad shares his own dark, embarrassing secrets. And if he wants to be that close while he does it, then so be it. Satisfied that she won’t make a run for it, Alice focuses on him. “Do you hide your sex toys?”
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“No. My preference is to masturbate after a long bath with a copy of A History of the War of Willow Creek and Untamed Treachery of the Heart.” 
“Excuse me, what?” Alice laughs, forgetting her earlier outburst, “A history book about a war can’t possibly be good jerk-off material.”
“General Payne won the battle. It was a violent and prolonged campaign. It puts me in a good mood.”
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Alice is cackling so hard she can’t breathe. “What about Wands of Desire? Or The Wolf Next Door?”
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“Nowhere near enough murder to get me off.”
He is completely unhinged. It’s an insane answer. It takes Alice a full five minutes to calm down. 
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“I’m laughing with the true you, not at you,” she assures him.
“You’re laughing,” he replies, stepping closer to her, “And while you included it on your list of faults, I like the sound of it.”
The butterflies flutter. He’s giving her that look again. For a second, she worries he’ll try to touch her, and she’ll have to suppress her flinch or else explain why sometimes, even after a whole year, it still happens.
But he doesn’t. He just watches her, drinking her in like his thirst is quenched simply by looking. 
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“I should warn you upfront that my murder count is very low. Technically zero,” she replies, her voice breathless.
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“For you, I would make an exception.” His gaze flicks to her lips, “And don’t worry, Magpie. I like the true you, too.”
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(Part 4 of 4)
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anyxis · 11 months
In the idea that Steve and Tommy are childhood friends raised by horribly strict (abusive?), rich parents
They were both raised catholics.
(Not saying catholic people are horribly strict, abusive, rich people but just that Tommy and Steve were raised catholic BY horrible parents… correlation does not mean causation so yeah)
It wasn’t by choice mind you. Their parents forced them to go to Sunday school and follow EVERY single ritual the catholic religion has (I don’t know them I’m sorry). They would also probably use the excuse that their sons sinned in order to punish them.
So, because of that, Tommy grew to absolutely HATE Catholicism. It was forced upon him in the most horrible way and he was done having it shoved down his throat.
He would have stopped had it not been for Steve.
Because Steve didn’t want to stop being a catholic. He felt that if he had, They would have won and, besides, Steve actually liked real Catholicism that wasn’t based on hatred and punishment. The religion’s REAL beliefs.
So he kept going to church on sundays (no shows on Saturday nights in case it ended really late or early depending on how you see it) and celebrating catholic rituals (again… don’t know them…).
He did everything so that Catholicism would be HIS religion and not his parents.
BUT it was still linked to a lot of trauma. So Tommy, being the good friend he is, decided to keep doing it with Steve, for Steve. He didn’t want him to be alone in this, even if he was walking backwards into the church.
(Does that exist in English? It means really not wanting to go somewhere in French. Like you’re walking into a place but facing the exit. It’s not literal)
And of course, first time Steve and Eddie hook up is on a Saturday and Eddie is really pissed about waking up to an empty bed up until someone tells him that Steve is at church.
Also, why Catholicism specifically? Because, in this au, they’re Italian and Catholicism is still to this day an important religion in Italy so… yeah
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listener-symphony · 5 months
Sorry for being so inactive, I’m going to do another “randomly generating pairs of every single character” here just for some interactions, also I’m still not 100 on what to do with Real Life so we will just pretend it doesn’t exist until I have an idea I’m happy with and prepared to use.
SL!BigB: Hello Ren it’s me your soulmate!
DL!Ren: Hello! You’re not… my actual soulmate, but, technically you are..? It’s complicated.
Gem: I wonder what it would be like if I had a soulmate… Like, who would that be?
SL!BigB: It’s me.
DL!Ren: But you just said you were MY soulmate!
SL!BigB: I’m cheating on you
3L!Ren: I’m jealous. I wish I was stuck to a giant werewolf.
DL!Scott: …No, you don’t. Pearl is a nightmare and she’s even more terrifying now that she’s bigger.
3L!Ren: But she’s so cool! Okay, maybe I’m not jealous of you, I just want to be her.
DL!Scott: You want me attached to you? I’m honored…
LimL!Pearl: So, your wife can talk now! How’s that been?
SL!Joel: Um, been pretty good honestly, not many ways for this to go wrong.
LimL!Pearl: Cool! Has she said anything about possessing anyone?
SL!Joel: what
SL!Martyn: 🚨‼️ASK FORCE COMING IN‼️🚨 I’ve noticed no one has asked you any questions?
SL!Mumbo: This tower is DEFINITELY bigger than Gem’s was, right?
SL!Pearl: Yeah, I’m sure, especially cuz we don’t have a model of Gem’s to compare it to.
SL!Mumbo: Hey, we don’t need one! It’s so indisputable!
LL!Cleo: You chopped a guy’s head off right? Was it fun?
3L!Martyn: …
LL!Cleo: Was it fun?
3L!Martyn: …
LL!Cleo: Sounds fun. Did you have fun?
3L!Martyn: …
LL!Cleo: You look like you had lots of fun doing that.
3L!Cleo: I just want to say, thanks for winning instead of Dogwarts.
3L!Grian: Oh, yeah, no problem… couldn’t let those guys win.
3L!Cleo: Yeah, not with the way they were acting. I don’t know what I would be doing with myself if the guys worshipping Ren actually won.
DL!Impulse: Hey, you’re married to Joel right?
LL!Grian: ? no?
DL!Impulse: Great, so I was wondering if you had any advice on being married to Joel..
LL!Grian: We’re not married.
DL!Impulse: It’s just been really difficult for me to figure out what to do with Joel, you know? So I’d like some tips from an expert..
LL!Grian: I’m not married to him why would I be the expert on being married to him
LL!Scar: Oh, why hello there! Welcome to my lovely magical wizard tower! It’s not often people visit, especially not by flying in through the window!
DL!Scar: Oh, I get complaints about doing this all the time around here, so I’m glad this tower is different! You said you don’t get a lot of visitors?
LL!Scar: No, I’ll be honest with you because you’re me from the future… I am extremely lonely.
DL!Scar: Ohhh, well that’s fine! Who cares, right?
LL!Scar: I care! I want friends! We finally don’t have to murder each other and I still hardly have any friends!
DL!Scar: You don’t need them! This amazing wizard tower is all you need!
LL!Scar: Well, thank you, but I’m not so sure…
DL!Cleo: I am very shocked and disturbed by the fact that you decided to make yourself responsible for some… rowdy kids.
LimL!Cleo: Bold of you to assume I chose the mom life.
LimL!Scar: Can you perform “I Killed Bdubs With A TNT Minecart”? Because the Impulse I know killed Bdubs with a TNT minecart.
SL!Impulse: Okay :D *starts playing the drums and improvising a song about killing Bdubs with a TNT minecart*
LL!Bdubs: I looove Etho
SL!Cleo: …Okay? Well I already knew you were the number one Etho fangirl.
LL!Bdubs: That’s true.
DL!Joel: BOO! 👻
3L!Jimmy: AAAAAAAHH!!! Oh my gosh dude you scared me!!
LimL!Scott: What’s that?
SL!Lizzie: [It’s a device that lets me talk]
LimL!Scott: Oh cool! I want a cool little device!!
SL!Lizzie: [Well not this one. You have a face.]
LimL!Scott: I dunno, saying two things at once would be pretty cool…
SL!Lizzie: [I can’t think of a single reason you’d ever want to do that]
DL!Jimmy: Tango 🥰 Rancher 🥰
SL!Tango: Oh my goodness. Hello??
LL!Etho: Hey Skizz.
LL!Skizz: Hi! Where’s the rest of team BEST?
LL!Etho: I think I saw Bdubs go to that human Cleo, and Tango’s talking to himself.
LL!Skizz: …Huh?
3L!Scar: Hello Scott, I was wondering if I could have those crystals?
LL!Scott: …I… don’t think so? Why do you want them?
3L!Scar: They look nice!
LL!Scott: I thought my Scar was supposed to be the crystal guy… well, you can try to take one, but they might be stuck around my head.
3L!Scar: Let’s find out! *tries to pull one of the crystals away, but it won’t move past a certain distance from Scott’s head*
LL!Scott: …Well, this is pretty entertaining.
LimL!Skizz: …I kind of miss being in just my underwear.
LimL!Tango: Please don’t tell me you died really embarrassingly
LL!Tango: 😬 …
LL!BigB: yo.
LimL!Grian: I’m a bad boy
DL!Pearl: You better not mess with this place…
3L!Skizz: I’m sorry for killing you.
LL!Jimmy: ? I’m not the Jimmy you killed.
3L!Skizz: Oh I know, I just figured I’d apologize to all of you, cuz apparently I started something.
LimL!Martyn: Gatekeep because I’m going to crush you if you get any closer.
LimL!Martyn: No he’s Gillboss
LL!Ren: Dude I swear someone is singing songs about killing you
LimL!Bdubs: WHAT
3L!Etho: …hi?
SL!Jimmy: You gotta say it back, dude!
3L!Etho: Oh, uhh… do I have to?
SL!Jimmy: YES!!!
DL!BigB: yo I’m Terry
SL!Skizz: So, you love Jimmy?
DL!Tango: Yes he’s my Rancher 🥰
SL!Skizz: Aww, that’s sweet!!!! I hate him.
DL!Tango: 😨
LL!Impulse: For a CLOCK???
3L!Bdubs: Yeah! 😁
LL!Impulse: …… you know, that explains a lot.
LimL!Joel: Ew 🤢 Boat boys? 🤮 Disgusting 😒 Etho you suck 😡
DL!Etho: …what… happened between seasons…
DL!Martyn: Do you have fairy magic that could help me win over Cleo
LL!Lizzie: n- CLEO?????????? I DON’T THINK YOU WANT THAT…
DL!Martyn: But she’s my soulmate!
LL!Lizzie: I’m so sorry to hear that
SL!Etho: *bumps into 3L!Joel* Oh sorry! I wasn’t looking! Boat Boys!
3L!Tango: You having fun up there?
3L!Impulse: What the?! Yes, yes I’m having lots of fun up here in exile.
3L!Tango: Okay, just checking.
LL!Martyn: Can you perform a song about winning Last Life? Because the Scott I knew won Last Life.
SL!Scott: Sure!
LL!Mumbo: Why didn’t you invite ME to team TIES?
LimL!Etho: …There’s a lot of very obvious answers to that question.
3L!BigB: Dude I think there’s a song about you killing Bdubs
LimL!Impulse: what
LimL!Jimmy: Flower Husbands 🤢 Hashtag Not Saying I Love You Back 😎
3L!Scott: Okay, rude!!!
LimL!BigB: Maybe I will go see what everyone’s up to
LL!Joel: hey 😁
LimL!BigB: Oh no. Okay I’ll see what everyone in the opposite direction is up to.
LL!Joel: oh come on!
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awideplace · 11 months
I’m struggling over bitterness towards someone who sins against me. I wanted to forgive. I decided to forgive. There are days I was sure I already forgave but there are days I will remember how this person never apologized or even showed remorse to what she/he did to me makes me feel angry & bitter all over again. I wanted to let this person know how horrible she/he is for that. But then I don’t want to control this. I’m asking God for peace and freedom for this.
I am so sorry for your pain. One thing I noticed while reading your email: "who sins against me" (present tense) & "I wanted to forgive" (past tense). When someone has sinned against us, it is a posture of the heart to forgive, and it is difficult, and oftentimes this must be done repeatedly as a posture of the heart and sometimes when things come to heart even years later. I know what it is to feel pain towards a vile wrong done to you, and by the grace of God I extend that forgiveness to others because I myself am forgiven by Christ ("If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:14-15).
Forgiveness for me is a posture of the heart and choosing to obey God's Word despite my feelings. I take the hurts to Christ. I do ask for Him to do a transformative and convicting work in the person so they can repent of their sin and know the Lord as their Savior. So I don't just say, "I forgive them" flippantly–I pray for their soul and seek God, asking Him to help me forgive and sometimes, yes, saying "I forgive them" to the Lord despite what I feel. It is a choice and I believe the Lord honors when our heart posture is in the right place, despite what we feel, but we want to obey Him. Despite what we feel.
If the person is a believer (or professing believer), then take into account Matthew 18:15-17, "If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector."
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Sins of the Father - Chapter 36
Summary: Din makes a decision about his future
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
I’m sorry for not posting last week, but it has been absolutely hectic since we came back to work from the winter break. 
I’m currently working on a request from AO3 for a continuation of It’s Over focusing on Hunter, I’m not sure if I’ve said it before, but if anyone would like to submit a request, please feel free to. It just might take some time for me to complete it. 
Anyways, enjoy this very Boba-Din centric chapter. 
FYI: Special treat below
Italics - Din’s thoughts
Italics and Indent - Flashback
Warnings: derogatory remarks regarding clones and Jango Fett, threats, I think that’s it, if I miss anything please let me know. 
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Din had been silent since he entered the room. Simply taking his seat across from Bo Katan staring at her without shifting or showing any indication it bothered him to see her again. He watched her every move from behind his visor, every flick of her eyes, the appearance of calmness and authority she liked to exude, just like before she seemed unmoved by seeing him once again. Yet in between the fringes of appearing calm, there was the subtle hint of irritation, either from the heat of Tatooine’s suns, the damp and coldness seeping in from Boba’s palace, or just the fact she had to sit there with him and Boba.
Time eased on between the three of them, none speaking as though it was a mere contest between Din and Bo, to see who could outlast the other. The only sounds filling the room was the creaking from their gloves, as they all clenched and unclenched their fingers, and the whirring from Boba’s droid assistant. 
Boba glanced between the two stubborn wugav (leaders/cheiftains), and as enjoyable and delicious as the palpable tension between the two had been, nothing would progress during her stay if they refused to speak.
“Well” Boba clapped his hands together gaining their attention and the slight surprise from his droid assistant at the loud noise, “as enjoyable as the silence has been between all of us.” Truly, after thirty minutes of unspoken tension, enough was enough, he had other things to contend with, namely making sure everything was going well on Kashyyyk. He was no stranger to how Czerka operated, and he wanted to be able to do more than sit here watching these two make an even bigger fool of themselves, “One of you needs to start speaking in order to progress these negotiations.”
“Negotiations?” Bo narrowed her eyes as she focused on Boba, scoffing at the term. She wasn’t there to negotiate. She was there to give a simple ultimatum, and frankly being on the disgusting hot and dry planet was more than she had bargained for. “There is no such thing as negotiations for something that is rightfully mine. Has been mine. Will always be mine. Not to mention …” she turned to look at Din, “I recall you were suppose to join our ranks to help us reclaim Mandalore?”
“If I recall correctly, that was suppose to be a request, not a demand.” Boba answered on Din’s behalf, “And now that’s he the Mand’alor, should he really be following what you have to tell him? Or that’s right you don’t have authority over him.”
“As I said before, some of us serve a higher purpose” Bo slowly turned her head back to Boba, narrowing her eyes at the man. 
He simply laughed to himself, “Yet, you never actually won the right to wield that authority. Have you?” Boba responded, his fingers tapping in front of him, Bo didn’t acknowledge his statement, nor did he expect her to, especially since he knew all about her history. He’d heard all the rumours while he was on Concord Dawn and seen proof of Death Watch’s destruction. The only reason he held back for now, was because Din may not have been aware of what that meant, but he was, “Am I wrong, Lady Kryze?”
“You certainly picked up quite a few annoying habits from your donor, didn’t you?” She tilted her head towards him. She had enough of clones, had enough of Jango Fett, looking at Boba’s face just irritated her even more. 
“Feeling mighty brave aren’t we?” His hand clenched against the table.
“Well I heard your guard dog was on holiday” the last thing Bo wanted to do was face that annoying woman she had met previously. What was her name again? Adar? Alar? Who cared?
“She’s not the only guard dog in this place” Fennec’s voice echoed throughout the room as she walked down the stairs as silent as a tooka, moving to stand beside Boba. She couldn’t stand Bo-Katan, though she respected her abilities to lead and to fight, she was definitely someone she had no desire to see again. 
He turned to look at Fenn, only reason she’d interrupt the meeting was because something urgent came up. 
Bo didn’t say anything in response, simply eyeing the assassin’s movements. Preparing herself in the eventuality of an ambush. Though her weapons were confiscated and stored before coming into the conference room, however unbeknownst to the others she still had two hidden vibroblades on her. 
Fennec leaned down, narrowing her eyes at the red-headed Mandalorian, whispering into Boba’s ear without losing eye contact, “Just heard from them, they arrived, things are worse than they imagined. Asks if you could come sooner rather than later.” He simply nodded, he didn’t need the ins and outs of the message, he could already guess it was from Mara, and if she was asking for assistance then things were rather dire. He cleared his throat, their pleasantries were clearly going nowhere, it was time to get down to business.
He simply nodded sending Fennec away, he cleared his throat drawing the attention of Din and Bo once again, “Let’s get to the point at hand, the reason you two are here. Kryze, let’s begin with you, why don’t you tell us what you want?”
“Simple” her eyes focused on the shiny armour in front of her, “You” she pointed to Din, “Come back to Mandalore and face me in a duel or take up the mantle as Mand’alor. Either way I need you to come back to Mandalore.”
Din listened as Bo laid out her terms, there were so many things he wanted to say, especially with her attitude towards Boba. He could already hear Oyar’e’s voice in his head.
‘You’re the Mand’alor, Din, you’re the one your people are waiting for. You know what it’s like to struggle, to live on the outskirts, to not be viewed as a Mandalorian. You know what it’s like not to have someone to count on. You’ll be able to understand your people better than most leaders, and because you understand that pain, you can be all those things for your people. They deserve a good man like you as their leader. Not that woman.’
Even in his own mind he couldn’t really argue against her, not that he wanted to, at least not for something they both agreed on, even if at times he still didn’t think he was the right person to be Mand’alor, one thing was for certain, Bo-Katan was definitely not the right person. In fact, he could almost see O’yare sitting there beside him, narrowing her eyes at Bo-Katan, mocking her in some way about wanting to be Mand’alor. 
“Why Mandalore?” He finally spoke, tapping his fore finger against the table in no particular pattern. She didn’t answer, simply a quizzical look on her face. “I mean if you’re so eager to prove you can take on the mantle, and be Mand’alor, why the song and dance of going back to Mandalore? Let’s just get to it, face me now.”
‘That’s it bare (dear), tell her where you stand. Be the Mand’alor, I know you to be’
Again she didn’t respond to his statement, “It seems to be me we should simply just get this over and done with,” though he knew Ara would have supported any decision he made, the longer he thought about, after everything she’d been through recently, the last thing he wanted to do was uproot her. He was genuine, when he told her he’d rather stay here with her, Adi and Grogu, to live out his life helping out where he could. 
‘Do you think I’m weak? I am able to handle more than enough.’  
Bo simply smirked at Din’s statements, both he and Boba were Mandalorians who hadn’t been taught anything with regards to customs or even how a true Mand’alor should behave, she wondered how much she could twist to her advantage. How much she could get him to give up, in order to have the power and authority she desired. 
“As much as I would love to beat you now, there are many things to consider with regards to the customs of becoming Mand’alor. Namely, our people deserve to see the rightful Mand’alor take their place; that can only be proven by winning the sword. In short, when I do beat you, I want it to be front and centre, in front of all my people. Leaving no room for doubt as to how the title was won and by whom.”
Din simply shook his head, as his visor focused back on her, “Is that truly the custom?” He glanced over to Boba, he seemed to not think much of what she said, he tapped his finger against the table again, Boba simply leaned back against his chair, nodding slowly. 
Bo didn’t answer simply letting out an exhausted sigh, at his lack of knowledge. 
He ignored her flippant and arrogant attitude, “If I understand correctly, rather than lose in private, you wanna do it in front of what …” he motioned with his hand, “… five people? After all the last time I saw you, you had what two people by your side?”
Boba stifled the laugh that wanted to erupt, simply biting his cheek instead, keeping a stoic countenance as much as possible. 
“You really think you’re worthy of being Mand’alor? To handle the responsibility or even what it truly means to lead Mandalorians? Remind me, how many are following you?” She motioned with her hand, “Let’s see …” she glanced around the room, “none.”
Din wanted to rebuff her statement, wanted to show her that she was wrong, but as he reflected, who could he say was following him. Was he meant to be the Mand’alor? He thought back to all those times he had wanted to get rid of the sword, and now here he was ready to battle for it, but yet no one to actually follow him. When did it all change? When he first arrived on Tatooine?
His mind flashed back to his first meeting with Boba.
“You should get use to not being able to see your desk, when you decide to take over your rightful place as Mand'alor, you’ll be buried in more than just paperwork, you’ll be buried in political and governmental issues too, and I shall have the last laugh.”
“I don’t want the throne, Boba”
“That much I know, but you have to think about what Mandalore would be like with someone like Bo-Katan as the leader. She may be a warrior, and the rightful heir, she may even be schooled in the way of politics, but there is a certain air of arrogance, of elitism coming from her. Would you think that such a ruler would be beneficial to reunite the clans?”
“I don’t care. I don’t want it.” 
“Maybe or maybe you don’t think you deserve it, as a Child of the Watch, as a foundling, or as a bounty hunter.  Maybe you feel you are unworthy. I’m a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe, but you, you are thrusted into greatness again and again, and are destined for more.”
Maybe it was when he learned how Boba’s people viewed him, when he first spoke to Aola. 
“Great Boba and Mistress Fennec are the best masters … masters is wrong, they are the best leaders to ever grace this place. They treat the servants, as workers, they make sure we all are treated with dignity and respect, not as slaves or playthings, the same way they treat the guards and bounty hunters. I would and will gladly die for either of them. A good ruler or leader, makes those under him feel elevated they feel dignified, safe, protected. Before Great Boba, many of the servants were harassed and abused, when he took power, Great Boba removed all the undesirables, he gave them one chance, they could either follow his rules or end up on a one-way trip to a sarlacc pit.”
“A great leader respects and understands the power behind those who follow him. For without them, he is a man talking to the wind”
“I think you would make a good leader, the people of Mandalore will be blessed by having you as their ruler.”
Yet, there were times when it felt as though the galaxy wanted to make sure he didn’t give up on himself, that’s how it felt, when Amara first told him he’d be a good leader. 
"Honestly, I think you would be a good ruler for Mandalore, if that is something you choose.  There are not enough leaders who understand the struggle their people face, it's what makes Boba such a good leader.”
He almost wanted to chuckle, when he thought about the time he accused Oyar’e as a drug dealer, only to have her reaffirm how she thought of him.
“You did what you thought was right, Roe, you were trying to save me, and not just me but Adi too.  How could I be mad at you for that, and on top of it you were so upset on Adi’s behalf.  That …that’s exactly why I know … why I know you’ll be an amazing Mand’alor”
If he was being honest it was probably at that moment when he fell in love with her. Yet, despite how much he thought about giving up, once again Amara showed him why he was the perfect Mand’alor even if it scared her. 
“You really want me to be the Mand’alor, don’t you Ara?”
“No … not at all”
“You don’t?”
“Well, … would you be a great Mand’alor, if you decide to take up the mantle? Absolutely.  Do I personally want you to be the Mand’alor? That’s … that’s harder to answer”
“I … I don’t want to see you hurt”
“Ara, being the Mand’alor doesn’t mean I’m going to get hurt”
“Din … seeing you … when the Vurk jumped on your back, seeing him stab you over and over again, I … that was one of the hardest things for me to see. You’re my friend, I don’t want to see my friend injured. When you didn’t wake up right away, I was freaked out. I know I tried to play it off like it didn’t bother me, but I … what happens if something happens to you? I … need you safe, Din. I know there will always be someone who wants to challenge you for the title. Do I think you’ll be a great Mand’alor? Yes. Do I want to see you in a position where you are constantly fighting for you life? No, you’re my friend, Din. I don’t want to see my friend hurt or worse.”
She understood better then most how dangerous being Mand’alor could be. Yet she still was willing to follow him and support his decision. 
“Wherever your future leads, I’ll be by your side to support you.”
Even when he had finally admitted not only to himself but to her that he was considering taking up the mantle, she was still supportive. 
“Does that mean you're going to take it up?”
“Not sure yet, but I'm leaning more towards yes. Seeing how you help the people of Mos Eisley, inspires me. You do so much for those who need help, with barely any resources. I can’t help but wonder, how much more can I do for my own people? For others in the galaxy who need it?”
“You'll be amazing at it, I have no doubt people will appreciate your kindness." 
Even in her last message to him, when she thought she’d never see him again, she made a point to remind him of who he was and to not forget.
“…There are so many things I need to say, but my time is running short … I should have said this when you were leaving to meet Grogu, but I thought … I thought I had more time. You’re the best man I’ve ever known, I know you think your past defines you, makes you unlovable because you’ve done things you’re not proud of, however that’s not true. I know it’s not true because … because I love you. I love you, Din. I’m so proud of you, of the man you are, despite all that has been thrown your way, you didn’t allow it to defeat you, you got back up. I should’ve told you when we were on Sorgan, should’ve told you when we were on Papsr. I think I realized it that night at the orphanage, how deeply in love with you I am, I’m sorry for wasting so much time. I love you, Din. With all my heart, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same because … because you gave me something I didn’t think I’d ever have again. Hope. Thank you, Din. Look after Adi for me, tell him I love him. I love you both. I have to go, but never forget you are a good man, and I love you, cyare.”
Throughout his time with Amara, his time on Tatooine, he’s been able to see what a good leader is, what a true ruler should be like, and Boba was right about one thing, this woman sitting in front of him was definitely no ruler. 
“Well you’re certainly charming in your own right aren’t you?” The sarcasm flowing out of Din’s mouth oozed down the walls and all around them. “As clever as you may think you are, I will not simply lay my hand down and give you the sword. Not anymore.” If he could regain his Manda status by swimming in the living waters underneath Mandalore, then his own people wouldn’t need to hide anymore, they’d be able to be recognized and accepted. 
Boba couldn’t have been prouder of his friend, he didn’t falter simply because she tried to provoke him. 
Bo simply shook her head, “How an ungrateful useless piece of osik like you became Mand’alor …”
“Say one more disrespectful word to the real Mand’alor in my presence and you’ll see what my father truly taught me” Boba cut off her disrespectful uttering mid-sentence, he may not buy into the whole Mandalorian custom with a burning passion these two seemed to possess, however it didn’t mean he would allow someone to disrespect his friend and the King of a Sovereign nation before him. 
“Who knew Jango’s DNA could hold such passion?” she teased, “… Or such loyalty that wasn’t programmed”
“Keep that mouth going and I’ll show you what loyalty is” Din responded on behalf of Boba, his hands clenching against the stone table, his disgust of her attitude and disrespect rang through in his tone. This woman most definitely could not be Mand’alor.
“Just when I think maybe … just maybe you might have a chance at being a somewhat passable Mand’alor, you go and open your mouth and stand up for this …” before she could finish her sentence, Din moved in one motion pushing the chair back and igniting the sword.
“I told you …” his adrenaline coursed through his veins like a stampeding force, his breathing quickened as his anger began to build. He wanted to knock of her head, cleanly from her shoulders, before anything could happen, Boba knocked his gauntlet against the table, the sounds of it echoing through out the room. Din turned to look at Boba.
“I was clear” his voice was strict, firm, and commanding, his full authority as Daimyo of Tatooine displaying itself as clear as day, “when I commanded everyone to leave their weapons. Was I not?” 
Din bowed his head towards his friend, “I apologize Great Boba.”
Boba didn’t say anything more, simply holding out his hand towards Din, almost like a father scolding his young son. Without any more words, he turned off the shimmering blade and handed over the darksaber. 
Once Boba laid it, in front of him, Din retook his seat. Boba looked over to Bo-Katan, “As for you, Lady Kryze, regardless of what you may or may not think of me, I am Daimyo of Tatooine. I am the one who allowed you to come here and discuss terms in a civilized manner, yet you rather throw barbs and insults at me. My father was Jango Fett, the previous Mand’alor, he raised me, he trained the clones in his care, with determination and a sense of pride, teaching them the ways of Mandalore. Yet, you disrespect his memory! Simply because of your own willful conceit and arrogance!”
“You’re father was a poor excuse of Mand’alor”
“Watch your mouth, Death Watch princess”
Din’s head swivelled quickly, “What did you say?”
Bo let out a sigh of exhaustion as she leaned against her chair, “Well damn. You just had to open your mouth, didn’t you Lord Boba.”
“You … you’re Death Watch?” Din asked shocked at the revelation.
“Correction, was. I was Death Watch.”
Somehow that made him dislike her even more.
“I see”
“You see?”
“I knew you liked to adjust the deal whenever it was convenient to you, didn’t realize that expanded towards your oaths too.”
“Need I remind you despite my faults, I am still more qualified than you to be Mand’alor. You on the other hand, have no lineage, betrayed your own to work for the remnant Empire, the very people who are responsible for the death of Mandalore. Yet, I suppose that’s something the two of you have in common, isn’t it?” She used her finger lazily pointing between the two of them. 
Neither responded simply keeping their eyes on her. All Din could think was, how in haran (hell) did she find out who he worked for? 
She put a smile on her face, “Then again what can I expect from a Child of the Watch, you all turned on your own, when we needed you the most.”
“They did what was right, Death Watch strayed from the Way of the Mandalore, only to allow an outsider to lead them” Din did his best to defend his people, remembering the way the Armourer used to tell them about the history of their people.
“Oh so you do know a little something”
“We all know the failings that had been Death Watch”
“There wouldn’t have been failings if more people rallied to our cause”
“You mean without creating your own way to rally people?” Boba shifted
Bo glanced over to him, narrowing her eyes, “Aren’t you suppose to be a mediator?”
“It’s my job as mediator to make sure everyone knows what they need to be aware of before making a decision” Boba pointed towards Din, “and he needs to be aware.”
Din was lost in the conversation, what exactly did he need to be aware of?
“There are things that outsiders won’t understand”
“Who are you calling an auretti (outsider)?” Din narrowed his eyes as his hand clenched against the table.
“I didn’t call you an auretti, I said outsider. Someone who is outside of the Death Watch is unable to understand how things were conducted and planned.”
“Oh he may not understand but I do” Boba clenched his fist, “My father told me all about Death Watch’s treachery. I mean let’s face it, it’s not the first time, you’d let innocents suffer just to make Death Watch appear more valiant.”
Bo gritted her teeth, there were things that had been done in the name of Death Watch that she never full agreed with, yet, she still went along with Pre Vizsla’s plans. The last thing she needed was for Fett’s DNA to inform this man about past deeds that didn’t need to be brought to light.
“What are you two talking about?” Din refused to be left in the dark, any longer; there was clearly something she didn’t want to reveal, something that would affect him.
“There were rumours I heard back in the day. Death Watch was in dire need of public support, especially after the separation of the Shadow Collective and Death Watch …” Boba turned to look at Bo, “I imagine recruitment was low.” She didn’t answer simply glared at him further, if that was even possible, yet he could imagine all the things she was saying in her head.
“What are you trying to say Boba?”
“Death Watch staged some - how should I put it - much needed rescues, isn’t that so, Lady Kryze?”
“I wasn’t part of Death Watch at that point.”
“Maybe … yet, you were and are working with the remnants of Death Watch, no?”
“Are you really that petty?” 
“Excuse me, can we get back to the topic at hand?” Din interjected into this weird conversation of speaking without talking. It was as though there was some great secret everyone was aware of except him.
“He’s right, we should be discussing the rightful ruler of Mandalore. Not petty past squabbles.” Bo simply let out an exhausted sigh.
“No, we should be discussing whether or not he should even listen to your demands.” Boba clarified. 
“Enough!” Din lost it with those two, he’s not sure what the problem was between them, he could guess what the issue was, but none that currently dealt with the topic at hand, “I will go to Mandalore, yet I do not agree with the need for a showy display. It seems more that you want to make sure of your own name sake, and not what is best for the people of Mandalore. We’ll meet on Mandalore and have a duel, however, I need time. I need to finish wrapping up some pending work and get certain things in order.”
“That’s fine by me, I don’t need you to like it, I just need you to show up. I expect to see you in two months, or else the bounty goes back on your head.” 
With that Bo stood, thankful Din had agreed to her terms, however reluctantly, before actually learning the truth of what Boba was hinting at. She stood, putting on her helmet and walking out of the room, as guilt began to eat away at her. 
She hadn’t been lying about leaving Death Watch. She wasn’t there when the remaining members  decided to stage attacks on Separatists planets and cities yet untouched by the war; hoping the oppression, deaths, and destruction would move many to join their ranks, as they swooped in like heroes to ‘save’ the survivors. She simply hoped by working together with Death Watch, some may have chosen to join the Nite Owls instead. Who could have predicted the Mand’alor would have been from a planet subjected to the same opportunities. The only difference was instead of Death Watch or Nite Owls rescuing the people on Aq Vetina. After the incident on his planet, the Children of the Watch had received a call for help, arriving just in time to save many.
Din retook his seat, annoyed with Bo even more than possible.
“Good thing Amara wasn’t here huh?” Boba smirked at Din, sliding back the darksaber towards him.
“Agreed, I have no doubt Bo would’ve been dead.”
Boba nodded chuckling to himself, turning his attention towards the droid, and motioning for it to be on its way. “The message I received earlier was from Amara, things aren’t what she expected when she arrived on Kashyyyk, she needs us to go. Sooner rather than later.”
Din nodded, “I brought everything with me, everything else is on the Sintas, so I’m good to go when you are.”
“Then let’s go” Both stood as one unified force heading towards Boba’s ship, “You know she’s gonna smack you, when she learns of what you agreed to.”
“I know, but either I become the Mand’alor in more than name only, or I find someone to become the Mand’alor. Either way, I’ll let her know I’m not agreeing to Bo’s terms because I want to, rather, if I want to be able to see my covert again I need to swim in the living waters below Mandalore. I’ll be able to resolve everything once we’re there.”
“Either way you have my support.”
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A Special thank you for loving the SOTF:
Adi in his armour
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baura-bear · 1 year
Welcome to newsie’s big king rant!! *cracks knuckles* i apologise for spelling mistakes or grammar innacuracies
i’ll start with AKB but i’ll do it in three parts ranging how much knowledge i have on the subject
andrew keenan bolger was born on the 16th may 1985 in detroit. he has 2 older sisters, maggie and celia ( who won a tony award for “to kill a mockingbird”!) he’s married to scott bixby since 2018 and their relationship is so nice and wholesome it’s so cute.
HES 5’4. IM 5’5. it’s so funny to think he’s shorter than me but whatever 😭😭
his first broadway role was in the OBC of seussical as alternate Jojo in 2000-2001 of which he did ONE broadway show then got kicked coz he hit puberty LMFAO poor 15 year old andrew
he then went on to be robertson ay in mary poppins THEN went in a woekshop for newsies and papermill and broadway( fun fact i think he’s the only actor who stayed in the same role for the workshop, papermill then obc of newsies )
during newsies he got a lot of fans which honestly yeah real but in march 2013 he left newsies to begin rehersing for tuck everlasting which didn’t make it until 2016 bc there wasn’t a suitable theatre for a transfer to broadway yet ( another fun fact if it had stayed in the realm of 2013 sadie sink would have played winnie instead of sarah charles lewis )
then in 2017 he was in kris kringle the musical playing kris kringle and in 2021 he was in seven deadly sins the off broadway musical playing phillipe
in september ( not sure if going ahead due to sag aftra ) he’s gonna star in “dracula a comedy of terrors” which seems very fun!! he posted a rlly funny photo of him wearing vampire teeth
ok other things than theatre he’s done i’m so sorry gang
so in 1997 he was chip’s singing voice in that lovely enchanted christmas beauty and the beast spinoff which i watched ALL OF IT just to find he’s in ONE FUCKING SONG and he’s only in the credits ONCE
( however tim curry is in it and he’s a fat smash so 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
he was in this show called looking in 2014 don’t watch it if ur under 18 i’m fucking traumatised from it don’t curse yourself with that PLEASE GOD DONT SEARCH ANDREW KEENAN ON GIFS EITHER
he had like a miniseries called ‘submissions only’ which also performed at 54 below
he has a podcast called ‘that sounds right’ which is SO FUCKING FUNNY PLEASE GO LISTEN TO IT I LOVE IT SO MUCH
OH SHIT YEAH HE WAS ALSO IN ( these are all like regional theatre ?? )
high school musical as ryan
perez hilton saves the universe…😬 as a shit ton of different ppl
a really funny parody video called ‘sherlock the musical” it’s so funny bc my irl friend robin thinks he looks like martin freeman
he’s not afraid to post whatever on his socials 💀 like i’ll be scrolling and that one pic of him licking the screen is there and i’m like 😀 ok andrew
hes really funny
hes honest and open about not being the best dancer which is so real ( so he showed up to newsies to audition and , in his own words , apparently the directors thought he was a good enough dancer to play a boy with a crutch BAHHAHA WHICH IS SO RELATABLE OH MY HOD )
i think that’s it!! please enjoy i’m soo tired i’ll do some more ranting soon :3
thank you for all the knowledge! fun fact: I saw Celia perform in TKAM (very good) and my grandma used to baby sit Jeff Daniels' (Atticus) cousin because they grew up in the same town
also the note about his lack of dancing skills reminded me of his old youtube videos and one video he was talking about an audition he botched (there was basketball choreo he was supposed to learn) and instead, because he didn't know what to do, he just put the basketball in his shirt and pretended to be pregnant??? hey directors like a strong acting choice and he delivered.
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urheartsamess · 2 years
hey i’m really curious and looking for recommendations so can i ask what are ur favorite korean dramas? 🙏🏻🥺
hiii sorry it took me a moment to answer but *deep breath* sure hehe! gonna give u my top 5 and try to not scare u away by diving into deep analyses on why i love those so much! i tried to keep it simple!
my all time favourite is beyond evil it’s a thriller romance drama where a hot young man (juwon) is being coaxed towards the brink and almost ruins his life for a 40yo man (dongsik) who suffered more than jesus himself and the two of them occasionally solve crimes! im making a joke out of it but their dynamic is very meaningful and profound! it’s bitter it’s sweet it’s full of tension and compassion and understanding and Love is at the core of it all. it shows u that despite the misery despite the cruelty despite the sins and despite the violence choosing love but also life is the bravest thing u can do. it will change the trajectory of ur life! also acting legends yeo jingoo and shin hakyun deliver thrilling performances in it which will make u unable to look away! this show means the world to me!
then nr 2 comes my mister! it’s a drama to watch for healing and hard times! it’s a quiet and delicate love story between a man (donghoon) and a woman (jian) who make the other one want to Live again. it teaches u that u don’t need a reason to be kind in ur life that a simple act of kindness could mean so much to someone. their love is shown through actions through listening through subtle glances. it’s very poetic it also deals with universal themes like brotherhood friendship loneliness altruism depression vulnerability and perseverance. it fundamentally changed me as a person when i watched it the first time and it also solidified the immense love and admiration i have for iu.
nr 3 the red sleeve! the best sageuk ever made it’s abt a court lady (deokim) who values her freedom and making her own choices above all else and the future king of joseon (san) whose duty always comes first and the two fall intensely in love. it’s harrowing bc wanting them together u know u’re inevitably pushing deokim towards her downfall to sacrifice what she values most which is her free will so the drama tackles the power play btwn them bc san is often a fool and their respective love language is the opposite of what the other needs hence it’s just so good so tragic so heartbreaking! lee junho even won a baeksang last year for this role hes just so graceful and mesmerising in it and genuinely too good at acting! also deokim (played by lee seyoung) is one of my all time favourite female characters she will stick with me forever!
nr 4 strangers from hell it’s a horror romance drama where a tall hot dentist (moonjo) (played by our one and only god lee dongwook) gaslights and gatekeeps a broke aspiring writer with violent tendencies (jongwoo) into joining him so they can become gay cannibals together barely a day after jongwoo moved into their very shady residence full of psychos! closet made of glass for moonjo since he even makes jongwoo a wedding ring (a musty human teeth bracelet)! it’s insanely good i havent moved on since 2019! deliciously gory and creepy it’s aesthetically flawless on that part as well!
nr 5 is the guest! a little bit too underrated if u ask me which is a shame because it does so much for the horror genre! im grateful that the show introduced me to the ot3 of all time: a girlboss detective an overly kindhearted taxi driver and a hot priest (kim jaewook!!! screams!!!). the characters slowly bound with each other through their shared trauma and dedicate their whole life to defeat an ancient and powerful demon. so the power of their friendship is kinda everything and is the heart of the show. also the men are a little….. u know……. like episode 16 has one of the most beautiful scenes i’ve ever seen that is forever engraved in my memory! i hate them! i love this show so much just. so much!!!!!
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atrodonna · 2 years
Another question game that I actually love. Anyone can find it on ig under the account @bsd.4.life, so knock yourselves out.
1. How did you find out about BSD?
Aha… so as a child I used to watch some MEP videos on youtube and Chuuya appeared in one of them. He instantly gave off the mafioso vibe and as a fan of The Godfather and Goodfellas, I was interested.
Indeed, this was nothing like The Godfather or Goodfellas. Additionally, Chuuya is not a character I’m fully interested in.
2. What is one character you love that is underrated?
Louisa. The smartest most sweetest most hardworking character in this whole anime and I don’t see her getting the recognition she deserves. Though I will admit, her only using her skill when someone orders her to (Mr. Cash Money) is kind of irritating.
3. What is one character that you dislike from the ADA, PM, Guild, Hunting Dogs and Decay of Angels.
ADA: Naomi. People, I rarely wish death upon someone, but when Higuchi turned her into Swiss cheese on that third episode, I was hoping so very much that she was dead.
PM: Kouyou. I don’t care who worships this woman, I find her close minded, controlling, cruel, selfish, and absolutely irritating. Other than that I will give kudos to her for being the only one during the Cannibalism arc to say “Hm… maybe we shouldn’t attack the ADA since it is CLEARLY what the mastermind wants and will most likely seal all our fates. Not to mention we’ve never even won once against them.”
Guild: Hawthorne. Um, yeah, he’s boring. And I laughed when Margaret saved him from Akutagawa.
Hunting dogs: Jouno. Sorry, sorry, Ik all the simps are going to want to see me hanged, but it is as Tecchou said: underneath all that evil is his soft heart. Well I count the evil too, and personally, tormenting poor Aya did not sit well with me. And if he had dared speak so ghastly to the coolest man alive, the Agency’s barista, I would’ve laid his ass out, idc idc.
Decay of angels: Fukuchi. Oh, boohoo you had to kill people in war, like mf what did you think was going to happen? Fukuzawa literally told him but hey, that’s his life ig. Now he’s taking it out on the world; that’s between him and God, honestly.
4. What is your favorite quote from BSD?
“People can be so simple… They truly believe they are thinking for themselves.” - as told by my dearest
5. If you could make any fanon ship canon, which ship would it be?
Gin and Tachihara. Please! I love them. Simply.
6. Who is smarter, Dazai, Fyodor or Ranpo?
There is literally no debate here: Dazai. Now I am basing this off the 8 intelligences, and frankly, Dazai and Fyodor are equal in nearly all of them, except intrapersonal. Even though Dazai is not fully self-actualized yet, he is far more open into exploring himself and knowing himself while Fyodor will claim that there is no need for that because he knows all there is to know: he has surpassed humanity and is now “the chosen”. And that is exactly why Dazai is going to roll him like dough.
As for Dazai and Ranpo… well, Ranpo couldn’t really use the sufficient amount of “cunning” to handle Fyodor. I’d like to say he is led off more evidence based than Dazai and Fyodor, and using only that, he will try to piece together what makes sense to himself, not the other person. Even so he is a genius and I adore him.
7. How do you think you would react if your favorite BSD character appeared in front of you?
I would be so confused. Just like a “Heyyy… Do you need something?” Of course, all of this would be after recovering from the major shock of seeing my beloved Russki.
8. What would you tell your favorite BSD character?
“…Isn’t sacrificing yourself for nothing the greatest sin of all?”
9. Create your own ability. Give it a name, explain how it works and explain a negative aspect of it as well.
I will just use Irving’s skill in this scenario: Rip Van Winkle. The ability to manipulate matter itself, rearranging atoms and molecules, shifting from one state to another, in all, almost godlike (wink wink). Besides the insane amount of physics, biology and chemistry this ability requires to work, it takes up a whole lot of energy from the user, usually only giving a limit of nine minutes. However, this is the best scientific explanation from what can be observed from this ability; there may be something more to it because, as we all know, if matter cannot be created or destroyed, how are these creatures bred from the water?
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