#the story teller
fawnvelveteen · 6 months
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Anonymous The Story Teller
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theadventureto-be · 2 years
Tying strings around the
numbers I shouldn't keep
I tie them to my fingers -
A shadow puppet show of things
I should forget. Does it
entertain you? Encore. Give me
your shadows in return. I'm tired of performing
for those who leave before the show is
over. What will make you stay
through the final act?
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084392 · 15 days
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my interpretation of rt ninetales...
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ineffable-suffering · 7 months
Why Aziraphale is an unreliable narrator
Part 2: The Story of wee Morag
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This is Part 2 of 3 total metas. Here are:
Part 1, in case you want to read about my analysis of the Story of Job first
and Part 3, in case you're impatient and want to jump ahead.
Fair warning though, for the sake of understanding some of the references, you're probably better off reading this chaptered meta chronologically. However, every part should work just as well as a standalone! I'll do my very best to make it so.
Alright, off or on you go beyond the cutty cut!
I'll start this second part off with a very brief summary of the main take aways and points from Part 1, which go as such:
Memory, as opposed to a third party's narration, is not a factual, objective retelling of a story or event. It's mingled and mangled with emotions, imaginations and exaggerations, projecting both the feelings and impressions you had back then as well as those you might have now in the present time back on whatever it is you are remembering. (Which is why we need to put everything that Aziraphale is remembering into the context of what he might have felt in the past, as well as what he's feeling right now.)
While this doesn't mean his (or anyone's) memories are lies, it does mean they're a very subjective and sometimes factually distorted representation of what actually happened, which, in our case, gives us a lot of subtext and a lot of not-there furniture to figure out and look at.
So, let's continue with S2E3 and the Story of wee Morag. We start our flashback with a scene of Aziraphale writing his diary entry on the 10th of November, 1827. Immediately, it's firmly established that this is once again not an outside-point-of-view narration, but rather what Aziraphale remembers and wrote down.
One thing that immediately stuck out to me here, is how helpful and kind Crowley is to Elspeth, pretty much from the very beginning when they meet her in the graveyard. Not only does he take on a Scottish accent so she won't perceive him as English (as she does with Aziraphale), but he also helps her drag the barrel that has the fresh body in it and, in the end, even pulls it all by himself while Elspeth simply follows behind them. Here's a rather poor-quality picture, for reference:
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Now, we know that despite not showing it very often, Crowley has always been very fond of the humans and never really put himself on a pedestal simply because he's an immortal being himself. He likes humans, just like Aziraphale does. But, just like this story will tell us, Crowley knows that on top of liking humans, you can't just put them into boxes of good and evil and expect them to always do what is supposedly the "right" or "divinely good" thing to do. (Which is what differentiates him from Aziraphale in the way he understands and treats them, as we're shown in this minisode).
Him immediately and unspokenly helping Elspeth with dragging the barrel therefore might also be a first sign of a tiny projection from present day Aziraphale, as opposed to what Crowley might have actually done (probably just walked beside her, like Aziraphale) because he has the knowledge that Crowley really was so very kind to her in the end, wasn't he? And that he's kind to humans in general. ("Not kind! Off my head on Laudanum!" Sure, babe.)
Most of this minisode, in my opinion, is actually there to establish how Aziraphale's view of morality and good vs. evil used to be quite flawed and elitist –– and how Crowley has always been there to gently nudge him towards questioning his black and white view of heavenly right and hellishly wrong. That's why I think there's not as many hints in this minisode about Aziraphale's memories not being an accurate portrayal of what happened, as there are in the Story of Job or the magic show in 1941. (And, fear not, the latter will definitely be the most hint-heavy one). Alas, there's still a few bits and bobs in the Story of wee Morag that stuck out to me, that make a brief yet good case of the whole unreliable narration thing.
First of all: The way Aziraphale describes all of it in his diary is so different from the way we see him actually remembering it. It's almost like he tried to write this entry (and possibly all of his diary) as a bit of a thrilling short story, with himself as the main character. Which makes sense, given the fact that he adores books and would certainly be keen on dabbling in the art of capital-w Writing himself. It's yet again hinting at the fact that sometimes people (and angels) try to polish and bedazzle stories (and memories) to make them seem more exciting and adventurous, often to distract from the not-so-fun parts of it.
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Like when Aziraphale's diary narrates:
"It was with heavy heart we arrived at Elspeth's destination. I was determined to thwart her monstrous plan!"
... and yet we see Crowley and Elspeth casually walking down the alleyway, very obviously not heavy-hearted in the slightest, while Aziraphale nervously scurries on behind them, very obviously not determined to thwart. (Timestamp-wise, it's around 17:38 in S2E3, in case you want to see for yourself.)
We get another cinematographic/auditory hint at the fact that Aziraphale's memory is heavily influenced by what he's feeling that very moment, when Dr. Mister Dalrymple –– FRCSE, thank you very much –– shows him the tumor he removed from the seven year old boy. You can see the shock and horror on Aziraphale's face once he learns of this child's cruel fate. We then proceed to hear Mr. Dalrymple's voice grow sort of echo-y and far away as the sad music swells up and drowns out his voice almost completely. It's awfully similar to what it feels like when really horrible news are broken to you and you dissociate and drift into a state of shock. Here's the clip of it, so you may listen for yourself:
It's clear that this is a very subjective portrayal of what Aziraphale is going through during this part of the memory. He's deeply horrified and saddened about the little boy having passed away so early in life – and we hear and feel this shock with him. Through him, because this is his memory. Whatever it is he's feeling and thinking, we're feeling and thinking it too because we're seeing it through his lense.
Another (less sad) hint at a possible exaggeration is the abnormally deep hole Crowley makes the two graveyard watch keepers fall into. I'm pretty sure he's very much in charge of his miracles, making this random slip-up seem a little silly – which is why I'm also pretty sure the "Might have slightly overdone it on that hole" is a wee bit of a meta hint at this just being another one of Aziraphale's dramatic bedazzlements of this story. For the *flings feather boa around neck* drama!
You know what else might be exaggerated? Hm, I dunno, maybe Crowley growing into the size of a tree for no apparent reason. Sure, yes, he's pretty high on Laudanum which is making him a bit loopy. But apart from that, it does seem an awfully big cinematographic euphemism for him being the metaphorical (and, once again, for the drama of it) literal bigger person in this scenario. He's the one who ends up saving Elspeth and who manages to secure a safe life without poverty and grave robbing for her. While Aziraphale was so tangled up in his own moral journey and main character-ism, missing that wee Morag was seconds away from death already, Crowley is the one who actually ends up growing stepping up for the human in need and saving them for good (pun intended).
In a way, it might just be Aziraphale's view of/feelings for Crowley in this very moment. Watching the demon outgrow what, according to Aziraphale's heavenly logic, is supposed to be a foul fiend, bestowing evil upon humanity – and growing into someone who does the exact opposite and saves Elspeth instead. Another larger-than-life character development, in Aziraphale's eyes. Literally.
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Let's switch back to the topic of the diary entry one last time, so I can make my final point of the this minisode's unreliable and a smidge over-dramatic narration of Dr. McFell. If you pay close attention, Aziraphale starts the entry we're all getting to experience with: "Last month, Crowley and I both happened to be in Edinburgh." Which means it didn't actually happen on the 10th of November, but rather at some point in October, 1827. Once we see Crowley get hydro-pumped back to Hell after rescuing Elspeth, the minisode ends with, presumably, the last sentence of Aziraphale's diary entry: "And that was the last I would see of Crowley for quite some time."
Take my hand and let's look at where the furniture isn't: This very clearly means that Crowley couldn't have been gone for more than a month, at best. Read again: "It happened last month and that was the last I would see of him for quite some time." This, albeit indirectly, clearly implies that when Aziraphale had sat down to write the diary entry, he had already run into Crowley again. Otherwise his phrasing would have probably been more along the lines of "... and I haven't seen Crowley since" or "... and Crowley has yet to return from wherever it is Hell's currently keeping him".
What's the point I'm trying to make? Good question. I guess my main point of storyteller Aziraphale being a bit over-dramatic in his narration is simply backed up by this, since A Single Month would barely pass as "quite some time" for an immortal being like him. And yet that's how he puts it, in his little Confidential Journals of A.Z. Fell, Vol. 603.
And another point that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this meta (but I'm still gonna make it 'cause this is my memory post): The meeting at St. Jame's Park in 1862 that so many, post-S2, took to be their first run-in after the Story of wee Morag, actually wasn't that at all. They saw each other at least once only a month later, as Aziraphale's diary lets us know. Which explains why he wasn't very surprised or concerned when he met Crowley in London, 1862. If there really had been 35 years in between those two events, the first one ending with Crowley being sucked back Downstairs to receive more than three decades worth of hellish punishment, wouldn't Aziraphale have been at least a tiny bit worried or more interested than:
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Just saying.
Alright, let's string this inflated hot air balloon of a post back together so we can outline some invisible furniture. This time with only two humble points:
Crowley through Aziraphale's lense Backed up by how we are introduced to Bildad the Shuhite in the Job minisode (suave, cheeky, smart, passionate in shoemaking and obstetrics), it's growing quite clear that Aziraphale's memories and impressions of Crowley are very fond and impressed ones. He sees him as someone who's not only witty, funny and cool, but also as someone who has figured out way sooner and faster than him that nothing's ever black and white. Not God's plans and not the human's choices either.
Aziraphale as a bit of an exaggerating adventure author With the direct parallel we get of inkslinger journalist!Aziraphale in the present day, it's quite apparent after this minisode that Aziraphale's memory is not only deeply influenced by his emotions, but that he also tends to have a bit of a dramatic touch to him. Although, you gotta give it to the guy: A month without seeing the love of your life, even if said life is eternal, can indeed seem like "quite some time".
Well, would you lookie here, we've reached the end of Part 2! What a journey it was. I hope you forgive me for the fact that I drifted off-course a few times. I just can't seem to reel in my silly little observations, even if they've got nothing to do with the point I'm trying to make. But hey, doesn't that just make me a little bit like Aziraphale's storytelling, in a way?
I'll let you be the judge of that.
See you in Part 3! And in case you haven't snuck a peak yet: here's Part 1 again.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 5 months
I genuinely like to believe that Bruce’s natural state is Brucie. His resting persona. I think Bruce is smart don’t get me wrong, but you can be smart and ditzy. My citation is Legally Blonde.
I think the Batman persona for him is ultimately a flexing of the mental muscles. Like he read one article on how to be a serious adult and was like I’m gonna do that at 9000%.
I believe that after Jason died is when Batman stopped being the mask, at least for a while. And yeah trauma, dead kid. But it’s also because Bruce was in the reverse position to when his parents were murdered. He was the parent who outlived his child. So he couldn’t afford to not be on edge, the vulnerability it takes to be silly and mess wasn’t going to keep his other son safe. It wouldn’t keep Dick or Tim or Damian safe.
I think if they steered back to Bruce learning to be vulnerable around his friends and especially around his family the comics could be so much better and set the base for many more stories that weren’t a repeat of the same cycle of abuse. It feels like the comics have been hell bent on breaking these characters for so long. Chipping them down to the worst, darkest parts of themselves. And that’s fine. But the writers don’t know when to stop. They can’t see that there is nothing left to break anymore.
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holylulusworld · 8 days
How can the conversation be serious with him if the reader is shorter than him and he wants to maintain the eyes contact and tilts his head all the time?
The dirty thoughts ...
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Jax smirks, and dips his head to hold your gaze. You struggle to maintain eye contact because he's taller than you.
He likes that about you.
The biker loves to imagine all the dirty things he could do to you to make you scream his name.
His favorite fantasy is you on top of him. Riding the life out of him.
He holds back a chuckle when you point your index finger at him. Explaining all the laws he broke again, and again.
Jax drove too fast, and you couldn't help but walk over to him when he parked his bike to scold him.
He nods while you tell him it's important to drive carefully. Jax tilts his head again as you crane your neck to look up at him.
"How about I promise to never ignore the speed limit again, and you go for coffee with me. You're invited."
You put your hands on your hips and search his face. "Pinkie promise?"
Jax smiles at your reply. "I guess we have a date!" He wraps his arm around your shoulders to guide you toward the bakery nearby. "What do you like. Cake, pie, or something saltier..."
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oshiawaseni · 2 months
Alright guys here’s some Hori-brand freshly juiced bkdk meta.
Before chapter 415, I was writing a post on twitter about how I really love the “Dokun” of Shigaraki’s heart beat when Izuku punched him and how it’s the same sound effect for Izuku’s panic attack and also when Katsuki’s bead of sweat brought his heart back to life.
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at the end of my post I casually wrote: It definitely feels like this is being written in a way that gives: “memories are bringing Shigaraki’s heart back to life.” and then it just freaking hit me about the other place DOKUN showed up… chapter 403… Katsuki’s first appearance after reviving.
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I realised OH. OH SHIT!! “DOKUN” is the onomatopoeia Hori has been using for their hearts being brought back to life…
Katsuki in the literal sense, Shigaraki in the spiritual sense, Izuku in the ROMANTIC sense.
Now that we have Shigaraki's example of it, we can see this pattern that “DOKUN” is Horikoshi's chosen sound for hearts being revived.
And if we look back to after Izuku's panic attack, with this retrospect, we can surmise that the one last big “DOKUN” was drawn when Katsuki was finally revealed alive because Izuku’s “heart” had revived.
And so through the narrative’s subtleties, we are once again being told that Kacchan is Izuku’s heart. 🧡💚
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timtimtara · 4 months
Why has Sam Wilson not been a main character in any of the What If stories? The most they had of him was as a freaking zombie. Like the disrespect is just glaring.
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transomo · 5 months
almost had an accident coming home from work today 😭
i didn’t pee before i left bc i didn’t think i had to go that bad. traffic ended up making my commute a little over 30 minutes, and of course there was no parking close to my building so i had to park across the complex. the second i got out of the car i could feel it jump from a consistent urge to oh my god you need to pee RIGHT NOW.
started speed walking to my building but there were people all over walking their dogs so i couldn’t grab myself and i felt a tiny leak spurt out. i panicked and started walking faster, the second i got into my buildings hallway (thankfully empty) i grabbed myself HARD and started squirming around to get control. then had to power walk to my door. and wow the latchkey incontinence is real. was holding myself and dancing while opening the door and THREW my bag and jacket onto the floor.
the worst part (best?) is that i have an alarm system in my apartment that i have to disable when i get home, because if it goes off for too long it automatically dials the security company 😭 so i had to stand there clenching my hand against myself and squirming like crazy while putting in the security code and it was leak after leak dribbling into my underwear i was so fucking close to peeing myself right there.
but somehow got the code in and sprinted to the bathroom, pulled down my pants as i started actively peeing and just. holy shit. there was a huge wet spot on my underwear and i was breathing so hard. touched my dick a little as i was peeing and it was already so hard from how turned on i was from the whole thing 🫣
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polutrope · 8 months
Míriel forever weaving tapestries in the halls of Vairë, not quite living or dead, stitching meaning into the unravelling of a history over which her spectre looms so large...
...and her grandchild Maglor, actor in that very drama that he narrativises and memorialises in song, forever wandering the liminal shoreline singing his regret.
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justhavinfunnn · 3 months
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Miles and Bugsy 🐶
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jeeaark · 1 month
i’m sooo normal about how greygold doomed their relationship with the emperor for lae’zel and then doomed their relationship with lae’zel in hopes of saving the emperor, squid buddy cannot catch a break
Gonna dig out an old doodle to reiterate-
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bradshawsbaby · 2 months
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He looks so happy!
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freakurodani · 9 months
thinking about how hinata and kageyama's high school careers are bookended by kageyama making a serve and hinata going for the receive
how hinata absolutely and spectacularly failed during their first little competition
how hinata learned to love more than spiking, how it was a perfect receive that made him fall deeper in love with volleyball
how kageyama and hinata are known for their freak quick, this thing they do together
but kageyama's killer serve, and hinata's receives (no matter how late they arrive) are the ways they fight on their own, apart from each other
and its how they say "see you later"
they work so spectacularly together, truly each other strongest allies, but they are *rivals* first, and their high school career kicks off just like a game would, with a serve and a recieve
and then thats how they kick off their volleyball careers apart
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visionarystoryteller · 7 months
Samoan Dessert || Jey Uso
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Part 2 to He Knows
X/Reader - YOU
Jey Uso - Joshua Fatu
Warnings: Minors DNI, NSFW, Smuttttt
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Later that night after the show had closed out, you walked the halls to find Josh. You had found him just as he and Cody were coming out of the locker room. He was freshly showered and smelled divine, you knew it wasnt Cody because he used a different product that was as potent. You looked Josh up and down and bit your lip, man was he fine as hell. He had on white joggers and a black t-shirt that accentuated his very lean and fit body, his bag slung across his shoulder. Josh was doing the same to you. Even though you were still dressed how you came, in a skirt and a blouse with heels, he still couldnt get over how well you made it look. His eyes roaming your body made you very warm and cheeks heat to a red hue. You looked over a Cody and he was smirking at the two of you. You gave him a scowl, still a little annoyed that he had told Josh about your crush on him.
“Runnels” you said with a scowl. Cody pretended to look offended, while Josh stepped up and pulled you to him.
“Damn y/n, it’s like that” Cody fakes hurt. Josh holds you to him.
“Chill ma, you got me, dont need to rip his head off,” Josh whispers in your ear. You looked up at Josh pouting a little, which only drove Josh crazy, you looked so innocent and sexy pouting to him.
“But he took something private and told” you pouted. Josh took his one and and put his thumb on your lips.
“I know ma, but look what happened, your about to go and have dinner a dessert with me, so stop your pouting, he did it out of love for his best friend, which is you” he tells you quietly and he points to your chest to emphasize that Cody was looking out for you in some weird way. Which you guess worked. You took a deep breath and nodded. You looked over at Cody and shook your head.
“Im still annoyed but i guess you where just doing it or me, in your own weird way” you say letting out a sigh. Cody smiled at you sympathetically.
“I did, i didnt mean to break your trust, honest, but i knew Josh had been always looking at you and I Knew…im sorry” he says. You look at Josh then Cody.
“Your forgiven, but your still an ass” you laughed. He stepped toward and pulled you into a hug.
“I know, Brandi tells me all the time, trust me. You two have a good night” Cody says as he pulls away and slaps up Josh. Once Cody is gone Josh looks down at you and licks his lips.
“I believe we have some food to get” Josh smirks. You look up at him and nod.
“As long as i get to have you for dessert” you wink. Josh lets out a low growl, pulling you back into him, kissing behind your ear, driving a shiver down your spine.
“Try and stop that from happening” he growls out into your ear. You let out a small giggle.
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The two of you had dinner at both of y’all favorite place, the Waffle House. When you both were walking to the car, he had his arm was around you, holding your hand. His warmth was so comforting to you. When you guys got to his rental, he opened the door for you, like he’d been doing the whole night, and smacked your ass to get in. Once you were seated you turned to him and put both of your hands on his face and pulled him into a kiss. After a few minutes of kissing, Josh pulled your hands off his face and held them in his.
“Let’s get to the hotel so we can have dessert” he says almost out of breath. You nod and he straps your seatbelt, kisses your cheek, then closes the door going to his side of the truck.
While Josh was driving, he had his hand on your thigh, his thumb brushing against your skin every few minutes creating a delicious tingle on your skin. His other hand was gripping the steering wheel, his forearm muscles constricting and contracting with each movement. He looked sexy as fuck, all focused on driving. When Josh stopped at a red light he looked over at you and gave a sexy smirk. You took the opportunity and leaned over the console and put your lips on his. You proded your tongue in his mouth, the kiss growing slipping quick. His hand that was on your thigh squeezed your thigh but you both were broken from your kiss when a car behind yous honked. Josh focused back on the road but let out a short breath.
“Mamas, wait till we get to the hotel” Josh says straining himself. You put your hand on his, that was still on your thigh and caressed it. The drive was silent for a few before he pulled into the hotel parking lot. Josh shut off the engine and looked over at you.
“Just one thing we should talk about before we continue” Josh says. You nod a little nervous. Cody had said he had been feeling you, but was it only sexual?
“What’s up?” You ask a little hesitant. Josh looks at you and bites his lip.
“You may not think I’m the type of guy that commits to just one person or has a bunch of people…whatever the case…that’s not me. If we wanna continue this, I wanna know we gone be exclusive, just us. No one else on the side for either of us. I don’t think you’re the type of girl to have more than one man, hell I’m positive you ain’t like that…but I gotta know we gone be an us” Josh says laying it all out. You look at him a little shocked about his bluntness but relaxed that the feeling was mutual.
“So exclusive like dating?” You ask almost timidly. He looks at you and nods.
“Yea mamas, like I said earlier, if I wasn’t on smackdown so long, we woulda happened sooner” Josh says.
“I’m down with that” you say almost immediately. Josh leans over the console and puts a hand on your cheek to pull you to him. You two begin a slow kiss that turns wet and full of tongue. He still tasted of whipped cream and syrup and it made you dizzy. You unbuckled your seatbelt and climbed over the console, your lips still attached to yours. You straddled his lap, your skirt hiking up, showing a peak of your laced underwear. Josh brought his other hand up to your neck and held you close by your jaw and his other hand tangled into your hair. You wanted Josh to swallow you whole. He lips felt so good in yours. He leaned forward a little and you bent into the steering wheel, causing the horn to go off, scaring you two into pulling apart. Josh let out a sexy chuckle and moved a hand down to your waist.
“Let’s go feast on some dessert” Josh growls out. You nod. He opens his car door and lifts you off his lap and sets you on the ground, then he gets out as well. He goes to the truck to grab y’all’s bags and you two walk into the hotel. Once you two were in the elevator, you looked across at him. He quickly moved to be in front of you and took his hand to lift your head up to bring his lips to yours. You let out a tiny moan into the kiss and wrapped your leg around his thigh. Josh growled as he moved closer and pressed himself into you.
“I can’t wait to taste you” Josh growls between kisses. You moan again and he lets out a deep chuckle. He turns his head and sees that you guys are almost to his floor. He backs away and grabs your hand. Once the elevator stops, he pulls you out of elevator, quickly making it down the hall to his room. He takes out his key and unlocks the door, opening it. You’re about to walk in but he grabs you by your waist pulling you back in.
“I want you on that bed, undressed, and spread eagle for me. Got it mamas?” Josh growled out. You look back at him letting out a small squeak at his assertiveness but nodding. He lets you go with a smack on your ass and you walk into the room.
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You had undressed with your back to the door, your heart beating out of your chest. Josh stood in the doorway quietly, watching as your got naked and he nearly growled out and took a few steps to throw you on the bed. You yelped as you felt Josh turn you and throw you on the mattress. He hovered over the top of you, caressing your face with his hand.
“Mamas you where taking to long for my liking.” He says.
“I-I’m sorry” you squeak. He chuckles and plants a kiss on your lips.
“I know mamas. Now lay back and relax, papis got you” he growled. You tried to close your legs to get some relief and let out a small moan but Josh wasn’t having it. Josh kissed, licked and sucked down your body, till he got to your sensitive bud. He blew some air on your folds before bringing his fingers to them. He ran his fingers through them, collecting the wetness that had accumulated.
“Mmmm mamas your sooo wet for me, I bet you taste delicious.” He says. He immediately dives his head in and lick a long stripe through your folds with his tongue. You let out a long moan, closing your eyes in pleasure. Josh looked up and smacked your thigh before pulling away.
“Look at me mamas…wanna see your beautiful eyes watching me” he says. You nod your head weakly and open your eyes to look down at him. He dove back in, his eyes piercing yours. He moaned as he got more licks and sucks in. Your moans spurring him on, eyes trying hard to stay on his. He reach a hand up and grabbed your hand for you to hold and you squeezed his hand as he sucked your sensitive bud.
“J-Josh….fuck PAPI!” You nearly scream out. He smiles deviously as he licks through your folds again and pulls himself out. You looked up at him and he quickly shredded off his shirt, joggers and boxers. Your eyes scanned over his physique nearly drooling out.
“Mmm papi you’re so sexy” you almost sobbed out looking up and down at him. Everything about him was perfect. He chuckled and moved back closer to you. You sat up quickly and took a hold of his girthy long appendage. He moaned at your touch. You looked up at him.
“I get to taste you too remember, Samoan dessert” you pouted. He looked down at you, his hand coming to caress your cheek and jaw.
“Yes mamas” he breathes out. You take your opportunity and bring your face to his dick. You take a long lick from his head to his base and moan out at the taste. Josh also moaned, moving your hair to the back of you and holding it lightly in his hands.
You take him whole in your mouth, shoving him as far as you can and you feel Josh’s hips stutter.
“Fuck mamas” he moans out. He gently tugs your hair back and pulls you off him. You look at him and he breathes before chuckling.
“I have to feel you mamas” he says. You nod and he lays you back caressing your sides as he hovers over you, position in himself between your legs. He looks down at you and you look up at him and nod. He takes his dick in his hand puts it to your folds, running up and through them a few times. You both moaned out feeling so good. He poked his tip at your entrance and slowly pushed in. He held your hips tight in one hand as he pulled one of your legs up to his hip and around it. He continues to push in, your walls squeezing and sucking him in.
“Fuck mamas” he says when he’s halfway in.
“Feels so good papi, please go deeper” you moan out needily. He moans out and continues to push in again. He looks down at you and sees you looking up at him trying not to close your eyes. He takes both of your hands in both of his and pins them to the mattress. He finally pushes all the way in and you let out a small scream. He plants kisses all on your cheeks, forehead and lips.
“Mamas, fuck” Josh moaned. He pulled out a little and thrust back in a few times before he decided to take longer strokes. Your moans had grown louder as he deep dicked you.
“Papppiii faster!” You say as he hits your g spot. He throws his hips back and forward faster, hearing the squelching sound of your juices coating him, his tip always hitting your spongy spot with each fast, deep thrust. Your hands squeezed his, back arching forward so your torsos where touching. Your chest heaving and your eyes trying not to close. Josh looks at you and leans down into your neck and sucks on your neck, earning a scream of pleasure from you. You started feeling the coil within you, tighten.
“Papi!” You try not scream.
“I know mamas, I feel you squeezing, I’m close to, we gonna cum together okay mamas” Josh moans. You let out a moan in response and Josh lays his forehead on your, your eyes locking on each others. His thrusts deep and sloppy. He take one of his hands back and brings to behind your back to arch up into him more, foreheads still together. Your eyes brimming with tears of your impending orgasim.
“Josh, fuck! Papi! I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum!” You sob out, tears escaping the sides of your eyes. Josh leans down and kisses your lips.
“Fuck, mamas, cum, cum all over this dick baby. Fuck, milk me mamas, I’m gonna cum” he moans on your lips. Your coil and his both snap at the same time and it’s like hell broke loose. You arch so far up into him letting out such a loud and long scream as your body shook and convulsed. You and josh both looked at each other as it happened his moan deep and loud as his dick released long strands of hot cum into you, his thighs weakening just a little. Once both of your body’s calm down from convulsing, Josh slowly pulls out of you, looking down at you, caressing your face. Your eyes flutter closed as you tried to gain your breathing back. You were still squeezing Josh’s one hand.
“Mamas…holy fuck” Josh says, giving your hand a squeeze. You reopen your eyes and let your hand slowly let go of Josh’s. He was still hovering above you, watching you come back to earth.
“I’ve never, fuck, I’ve never had an orgasim that good before Josh” you breathe out. Josh put both his hands on your face and wiped the tears that had fallen down your face.
“Me either mamas, me either. God you sounded so beautiful. Fuck mamas” Josh says leaning his forehead back on yours before going in for another kiss. It was a slow sloppy kiss but was still amazing.
“I’m gonna run us a bath and then we going to bed, okay mamas” he asks running his hands up and down your body.
“Sounds nice” you say.
“Okay I’ll come get you when it’s ready. Relax for a few” he says, getting up and walking into the hotels suite bathroom.
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tempestuous-lush · 10 months
Crimson & Clover Masterlist || SoA
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jax teller x f!reader
chapter one - take me down
bonus chapter - shiv
chapter two - cherry bomb
chapter three - crimson and clover
chapter four - white balloons
bonus chapter - wild side
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
363 notes · View notes