#the taming part one
lambtotheslaughterr · 4 months
The Taming : Part One
A Clark Kent Mini Series
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WC: 6k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
IMPORTANT NOTE* now that i have the 10 spots filled from the 500 followers celebration request opening, the taming will be paused. but i didn't want to get started on those before giving at least the first part to this series. so, please be patient as i complete those requests. i am way too excited about this new series & am antsy to get back to it.
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            An innocent yet coy smile appeared on your face as your three closest friends raised their glasses in your honor. The four of you were seated at one of the most sought-after tables in Luna Lounge, a fine dining restaurant at the top of one the tallest buildings in Metropolis with views to die for. The restaurant was dimly lit to ensure an intimate setting, the tablecloths were finely made & imported from Morocco, the head chef a Michelin renowned creator who hailed from Croatia. Most people made reservations at the restaurant a year or two in advance, but the four of you only made one an hour ago. It was power to have your name mean something.
            “Happy birthday, baby!” Your oldest friend, Nicola, cheered as she clinked her glass of white wine against your own.
            Ariana & Olivia in turn clinked theirs together in celebration. You smirked at your three best friends as their eyes caught your own. Friends like these were hard to come by. Of course, it helped that they were of the same class as you. Olivia was an influencer with over 5 million followers & she achieved this goal by learning the ropes from her public relations father. Her mother, an art director at one of the most sought-after art galleries in the city, inspired Olivia’s content to travel the world & model for famous artists alike. She was the muse of many. And she loved to use that to her benefit, stealing the hearts of men & women alike. But while she was a heartbreaker, she too was hardly ever single, couldn’t be. Olivia didn’t know how to be alone. It was her only flaw.
            Nicola as well was no stranger to the finer things in life. Her world-famous architect father built the building the four of you were currently dining in & her mother was a former socialite from her younger days turned Pilates instructor for the rich & famous. A lot like Olivia, Nicola was in the social media field but she was only managed accounts of the up & coming influential. Everyone wanted Nicola as their manager. Yet she was hard to get to. Nicola was a complex character that could bounce back easily from being playful to dead serious & tough on her clients. No one knew which direction she would go in. Of course, except for you.
            And then there was Ariana. Unlike the three of you who grew up in wealth, Ariana’s mother walked away from it. Your aunt, Ariana’s mother, was thick as thieves with your mother, but as she grew older she rejected the silver spoon lifestyle. She wanted a normal life. A boring life. So, she fell in love with a mere mailman & lived in a two bedroom in the Metropolis suburbs. But you never faulted Ariana for her mother’s choice. As soon as Ariana turned 18 & moved to the city to attend university, you took her under your wing. You moved her into your condo apartment & introduced her to the life her mother deprived her of.
            But Ariana, even after four years, still struggled with the change. She was too shy, humble, non-confrontational. You almost pitied her, but never showed it. She looked up to you despite being a couple months older than you. It was a shame her mother kept her from a life that would make her as tough & confident as it had the rest of you.
            Then there was you. Your father was a name that meant something in the medical field. You knew he was a pathologist but, did you know what that entailed? Absolutely not. You only knew he travel all over the world & lead the fight against cancer. It was admirable, sure, but boy, you thought it had to be quite mundane. Your mother, on the other hand, was a retired equestrian who competed in the Olympics & won all her events. Thanks to their successes, you were given everything you could ever want in life. Even men. But those you could do without. The only thing men ever did for you was act as a form of amusement. Your guilty pleasure.
            The only people you needed in your life, apart from your parents & siblings, was the three girls at your table. They were the only ones who loved you unconditionally. Everyone else either wanted to be you, be with you, or loathed your existence entirely. You were a Metropolis princess blissfully living her life in her ivory tower. And as long as your three closest friends were with you, there was nothing the world could say or do to hurt you. They made sure of it.
            Now, the four of you celebrated your 22nd birthday. Your birthday was always a night to remember. There was order to it. You always slept in to get your beauty rest & when you woke Ariana was there with your favorite black coffee, the beans personally roasted & imported to you from Colombia. After Ariana & you were served breakfast by your kitchen staff, the two of you would meet with Olivia at a famous luxurious spa for manicures, pedicures, deep soothing massages, all followed by the full body organic exfoliation glow package. Then Nicola would meet the three of you at your favorite bistro for lunch. After lunch, the four of you would go shopping for your birthday celebration festivities.
            Tonight’s outfit’s were another for the books. All of you were impeccably dressed for dinner & then the club after. You wore a $300 dress that you knew you would surely only wear once. But the color & fit of the dress made you appear as angelic as you felt. And the cape-sleeve wool jacket you wore was $3000. It looked as divine as it felt. The girls wore dresses fitting to their personalities. Ariana wore a dress that you insisted on purchasing for her. It was $900 & only one of the few items in her closet that whose retail price was over $100, but it was to her French country style tastes. How could she say no? And she didn’t. Ariana never said no to you.
            Olivia’s dress was less than $200 but the real money came from the 100% Alpaca wool coat she wore, a $1700 purchase. Nicola’s dress was $500 & framed her tall, slender body agonizingly so. She would be the belle of the ball. Which you were okay with. It was always between the two of you who stole the attention in the room when you both walked in, & as long as it was one of you, you were unbothered, your birthday be damned. Nicola’s birthday would be in a couple months, you would just return the gesture & outshine her. She would think it cute & devious. Just like you.
            “Uh oh.” Olivia mouthed, turning her phone towards you. What you saw forced you to roll your eyes. “Andrew & Jane are at Club 22 tonight.”
            “What a snake.” Nicola commented, sipping from her glass of wine, “You know she knows it’s your birthday. She just wants to get under your skin.”
            “With your ex, no less.” Olivia added.
            “Calling him my ‘ex’ is an insult, Liv.” You narrowed your eyes across the table towards her, “He was a quick & disappointing hook-up from high school. Nothing more, nothing less.”
            Olivia giggled at that as she peered at the selfie Jane had posted to her social media account, “He likes to spin the story another way.”
            “Yes, I know.” You breathed out, recalling how Andrew Wong used your alleged romantic relationship to land his first modeling gig. The designer was a fan of your mother & hoped to use you as the face for her debut collection that year. “But only those who matter know that all Andrew is to me was a waste of five minutes of my life.”
            “Besides,” Nicola began, “everyone also knows that if _____ truly wanted him back he would bend over backwards like a circus clown to please her. Andrew Wong is Andrew Whipped.”
            You made a face of disgust, “Can we not talk about him as if he was actually my ex, do you mind? I have better things to do tonight then talk about one of my fan boys.”
            Olivia & Nicola shared a laugh at your reaction. But it was Ariana who softened the moment, like always.
            “He is a nice guy, _____.” She stared at you with her doe-like blue eyes, “Would it be that awful to give him a chance?”
            Nicola & Olivia traded knowing looks at Ariana’s suggestion.
            You smiled softly at Ari, placing your hand on top of hers, “Yes, Ari, it would be. Andrew Wong is nothing but a wanna-be fuckboy with mediocre good looks.”
            “I’d sleep with him.” Olivia pursed her lips playfully.
            “You already have!” Nicola slapped her arm.
            “I don’t remember it though!” She smiled in response.
            “Ugh, have at him, Liv, but we both know you could do much better.” You reminded her. But Olivia always shot well below her worth.
            Ari was silent as the three of you laughed jovially among yourselves. You eyed her, growing mildly irritated at her solemn energy. Clearing your throat, you eyed Liv & Nic, “Girls, Ari & I are going to the bathroom really quick. Meet in the lobby?”
            “Oh?” Nicola raised her brows challengingly, “And whose footing the bill?”
            The three of you cackled in wealth.
            “The restaurant, of course!” You & Liv replied in unison.
            “Ari.” You caught her eyes, nodding with your head for her to follow you. She quickly stood & followed after you.
            Once in the bathroom, you shut the door & locked it shut. It was a communal bathroom but you didn’t want to be disturbed as you reminded her cousin of what being in your world entailed.
            “I’m sorry, alright.” She started as she leaned against one of the sinks. You stood beside her, looking at yourself in the mirror.
            “Don’t apologize.” You replied firmly, eyeing her in the mirror, “Women like us don’t know the word ‘sorry’.”
            “You seem to always forget I’m not like you.” Ari mumbled, running her hands under the touchless faucet.
            “Yes, you are.” You finally faced her. Then you took a step closer, “You could be even better than me if you gave a damn once in a while.”
            She sighed heavily, shaking her head, “Have you ever thought that maybe I don’t want to be better than you? Or like you, in general?”
            “No.” You quipped back, unbothered by her attempt to humanize you. “Because being me is…everything. Why wouldn’t you want that? Why wouldn’t anyone?”
            Ari rolled her eyes before raising them to meet yours in the mirror, “Being rich & famous isn’t everything, _____.”
            Now, it was your turn to roll your eyes. You bit your lip in frustration, turning back to stare at yourself in the mirror. You admired the blemish free glow of your skin, how your hair was perfectly kept, that the jewelry you wore tinkled. But the look in your eyes betrayed you. Fluttering your lids closed, you allowed yourself this one moment to sink to Ariana’s crudely middle-class behavior.
            “I know.” You opened your eyes to look at her, “I know that, Ari. But it’s all I know. And I’m not ashamed of it.”
            She smiled sadly, “I didn’t mean you should feel ashamed. Just, open your mind more.”
            “I’ll try, okay?” You lied straight through your pearly whites. Pretending to be anything less than you were was a waste of your time.
            “Maybe you can start by coming to visit mom with me one of these days.”
            Alright. Middle-class thinking attempt aborted.
            “Ari. No.” You hardened your eyes, “I’ve told you to not ask me that. Ever.”
            “I don’t understand why you won’t see her! She’s family. She’s your family.”
            “She’s a fucking fake.” You hissed, stepping closer to Ari. She stared wide-eyed at you, her whites beginning to water as you dug her mother another hole in the ground. “She ridiculed my parents publicly. Revealed the problematic nature of their marriage. Do you know how long it took my parents to recover from that?”
            Ari parted her lips to respond but you cut her off, “No, you don’t, because your mother wrapped you up in bubble wrap & spoon-fed you lies about us. She is not my family. Do not ask me again.”
            “Okay…” Ari whispered. “I’m sor—”
            “Don’t. Apologize.” You glared at her.
            The two of you stared at one another, though Ari’s was one full of regret. When she finally looked away, you inhaled sharply. Facing the mirror once more, you calmed your nerves down, shaking off the negative energy, “Now, can we have a good rest of the night? It’s my birthday, after all.”
            “Of course, _____. Wouldn’t have it any other way…”
            “Good.” You turned back to her before placing your finger under her chin & lifting her head to make her look at you. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
            “Don’t cry.” Your voice softened but still carried the firm lilt, “Women like us don’t cry, either.”
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            Club 22 was at full capacity when the four of you arrived. It brought you great joy, though, as the four of you surpassed the line of people waiting to get in & walked directly up to the red rope.
            “Denny!” Olivia hugged the 6’6”, 300 lb. bouncer that stood before the rope.
            Denny, the bouncer who had been letting you all in since you were 18 & appeared intimidating to everyone who laid eyes on him, grinned widely, wrapping his large arms around Olivia’s thin frame.
            “Evening, ladies.” He greeted all of you, “Your table is already set & ready for you in the loft lounge.”
            “Thanks, Denny.” You raised onto your tip toes to kiss his cheek. He blushed like a schoolboy, “You’re a gem.”
            “And you look like an angel, Miss. _____. Should I call in extra security to secure the boys in their keep their paws off?” He jokes.
            You laughed in return, but shrugged, “Maybe. But the only prince I need to save me is you.”
            Denny was one of the very, very few men outside of your family that you enjoyed. He was kind, genuine, & made it duty to protect the reputation of the club, & most of all, the four of you. He was also gay. So, you never worried about his thoughts growing worrisome towards any of the female population.
            “You ladies have a good night.” He reattached the rope to the metal bar as the four of you approached the door, “And happy birthday, _____.”
            “Happy, indeed.” You grinned back.
            The inside of Club 22 was packed, but despite that, another bouncer led the four of you through the sea of people & to the stairs along the right wall. He unlatched the deep purple rope there & the four of you climbed. At the top, in the loft lounge, was three sets of private tables that overlooked the main floor of the club. The loft lounge even had its own bar. A waitress at the top of the stairs greeted the four of you before leading you to the furthest table. At the center of the table was a 3 liter bottle of Belvedere vodka. Your favorite.
            “Awh, Nic.” You slinked your arm through hers, “You shouldn’t have.”
            “Nothing but the best for my baby.” She kissed your temple as the four of you slid into the booths, you & Nic on one side, Liv & Ari on the other. The waitress was quick to remove the cap from the bottle & poured each of you a shot.
            “If you need anything else, ladies, I’ll be nearby.”
            “Thanks, Anais.” Nic smiled after her. Olivia followed her as well, but her eyes were filled with desire instead.
            “God, Liv, you’re no better than our lesser sex.” You commented as Liv feigned innocence.
            “What?” She laughed despite being caught ogling the waitress, “She’s beautiful.”
            “She’s also a finance student at M.U.” Nic informed her.
            “Oh.” Liv frowned, “Boring.”
            Nic shook her head in disbelief but was still smiling. Grabbing her shot glass, she raised the liquor & the three of you followed suit.
            “To a very happy birthday for my dearest friend.” Nic eyed you lovingly, “You are a good person, despite your appearances.”
            You feigned offense but winked in return.
            “And we couldn’t be prouder to call you sister. I love you so very much, & I would end the lives of everyone in this club if it meant you were happy.”
            You saw in the corner of your eye as Ari’s eyes widened in concern at that. But Nic was joking. Ari knew better, & you didn’t have the energy nor time to remind Ari to woman up.
            “Well, what are you waiting for?” You teased.
            “We love you, girl!” Liv cheered, “Happy birthday!”
            The four of you took your respective shots. The smooth burn of the vodka gave you chills & warmed your blood at the same time. You felt completely & totally in bliss. Tonight was your birthday. And you’d make the most of it.
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            Your birthday was going as perfectly as possible. After a few more shots, Liv finally convinced you to follow the rest of them down to the main floor to dance among the less fortunate. Most of the time, you were happy enough to dance against the loft railing, smiling wealthily down at those who wished they could be where you stood. But for tonight, you felt it was more important to dance with your girls & let loose, class system be damned.
            Devilish by Chase Atlantic was blaring over the speakers as the DJ for the night remixed the music, making it slightly more club-sounding for the partiers. Liv was quick to find a man to dance with, who she shamelessly grinded against, & so you were quick to turn your back on the sight. You had given up a long time ago on leading Olivia down the anti-men path. She was a sucker for attention & most men were more than happy to give her as such.
            So, it was you, Nic, & Ari dancing with one another as the music moved your bodies. Ari, finally, had loosened up thanks to the alcohol coursing her system. Her face was flushed but in all the right places, making her look like a perfect antique French doll. You reminded yourself you’d have to keep an eye on her. She was an easy target for the pool of predators in the club. Nic, on the other hand, took as much pleasure in turning her back on the men who attempted to dance with her as you did watching it happen. Nic, unlike Liv who starved for attention & Ari who didn’t know what to do with it when it happened, used it as only an example for anyone nearby who thought they could approach you all. It was your favorite thing about Nic. She was a girls’ girl, & tonight was her number one girls birthday. No man would be infiltrating the night.
            That was until you felt a pair of hands on your hips.
            The fucking audacity of these boys.
            Spinning around where you stood, you were prepared to tell off the idiot who had the gall to put his hands on you when your eyes met familiar dark brown ones.
            Andrew smirked knowingly, his eyes shamelessly casting the length of you.
            “You look beautiful, _____.” He leaned closer to say into your ear as the music reverberated the whole room.
            “I know.” You returned snarkily but gave him a winning smile, nonetheless.
            “Can I buy you a drink?” He asked, his hands trailing further down to your butt.
            You were quick to snatch his wrists, “You shouldn’t have come over here without one.”
            He licked his lips, hungry, but nodded, “I’ll be right back.”
            When he disappeared among the sea of the people, you rolled your eyes & turned back to Nic. The look on her face revealed that she had seen the whole interaction. You leaned into her, “I’ll be in the loft. When Andrew returns, pour my drink on him.”
            “It’ll be my pleasure.” She smiled devilishly.
            As you turned to leave the floor, you snaked your hand around Ari’s wrist & dragged her behind you. She didn’t resist, still dancing as she blindly followed behind you. The two of you climbed the stairs to the loft lounge & returned to your reserved booth where your coats & clutches waited. There was still half a bottle of Belvedere left. Ari made to move towards it but you stopped her. She had had enough. Anymore & she would likely stumble into the arms of the worst kind of guy.
            You spotted the waitress at the next table & raised your brows. She was quick to come to your table, “What can I get for you, ladies?”
            “Water, please.”
            “Right back.”
            When she disappeared, you watched as Ari stood against the railing, dancing out of time with the music but she was happy. A wide smile on her face. It wasn’t often that you saw her smile that big so you didn’t care if others snickered at her dancing. She was, quite literally, living her best life. And who were you to stop her when you were only wanting just that for her.
            You joined her at the railing. You stood proudly, overlooking the crowd below you as they all danced & only grew to be more drunk & as in bliss as you. It was the only time people like them could forget that they would never be where you stood.
            A movement near the center of the floor below you drew your attention, & a coy smile appeared on your lips as you watched Andrew return to where Nic danced, two drinks in his hand. You watched as his mouth moved & Nic turned to face him. She accepted the drink before saying something in return. You knew she was only souring the blow she was about to deliver. Then, Nic raised the cocktail Andrew had brought over & poured it over his chest. His maude colored button up became soaked & three shades darker. He snarled at Nic, tossing his other drink onto the floor. The sound of glass breaking drew the attention of everyone.
            Security was quick to circle your ill-fated high school hook-up & yank on his arms to haul him away. Nic only laughed as she watched him get pulled closer to the exit. She waved good-bye. Then Andrew’s eyes rose to yours, finding you perched on your throne. Though you couldn’t hear him over the music & distance, you knew well-enough he mouthed ‘fuck you’.
            You blew him a kiss.
            Your eyes returned to Nic’s on the floor & she winked up at you. Fortunately, Ari was too inebriated beside you to know what had just occurred, & for that you were grateful because you would’ve had gotten an ear full for being a ‘mean girl’. But you would, of course, argue that you weren’t mean. Just real. And silly little boys like Andrew needed to be reminded of the reality that he would never be good enough for you. No one was.
            “Here’s your waters, ladies.” The waitress returned with two chilled glasses of water along with a carafe for refilling. You smiled a thanks towards her before she returned to her other tables. You snatched Ari by her wrist yet again & forced her to sit down. You handed her a glass of water, “Drink.”
            She brought the glass to her lips but never stopped moving her upper body to the music. You were glad she was enjoying your birthday as much as you were.
            While Ari nursed her hydration, you returned to the railing. Nic was still dancing by herself, feeling the music. But you had yet to see Liv. Your eyes searched the sea of people for her silk orange dress. However, as you did, your eyes met those of another.
            He was sitting in a booth near the dance floor, but the booth was empty. He was the only one sitting there, & judging off how there was no sign of others sitting with him: cellphones left on the table, a bottle at the center of the table, thrown about coats, nothing of the sort, you wondered what the hell he was doing. And why the hell he was looking at you.
            What threw you off most was that he was already looking at you when your eyes met his. Like he had been watching you. Normally that wouldn’t bother you. You were used to men watching you, longing after you, but he was different. Annoyingly so. He wasn’t smiling up at you in an attempt to draw you towards him. He wasn’t even eyeing you like he wanted to undress you. He was simply…staring. Watching. Like one does when they’re at a museum & are unimpressed by what they see so they just look at the barren walls in between art pieces.
            His hair was dark, tussled & curling near his forehead. He wore a black button up, though the top three buttons were undone, revealing, even from this distance, a well-sculpted chest. To most, if not all, women he was a dangerously sexy man. The aura that surrounded him was without a doubt the kind that drew women like Olivia towards him. Yet there was no woman on his arm.
            You were unable to look away. Your eyes locked on one another. But there was no desire or need you were picking up from him. And it was unsettling you. But you were never one to lose a stare down, especially when it came to the perfect stranger. If this man wanted to challenge you on your greatest strength, you were more than happy to show him that you weren’t intimidated by him. As you two continued staring at one another across a sea of people & a level in height between you, neither of you blinked. You had each other in a vice-like grip. And neither were letting go.
            A squeal sounded behind you, breaking your reverie. You spun around as Liv appeared, having stumbled into the booth, an unknown male on her arm.
            “Who the fuck is this?” You questioned, glaring hotly at the guy who had his cast over Liv’s shoulders.
            “Um.” Liv pressed her lips together as she stared at the person in question, “Ethan?”
            “Eddie.” He laughed, unbothered that a drunken woman couldn’t even recall his name. It was a disgusting name, regardless.
            “Eddie.” You announced his name, stealing his attention, “Beat it.”
            “What? But she—”
            “And I say beat. It.” You repeated, crossing your arms over your chest.
            Liv sighed by waved him away, “Thanks for the dance.”
            Eddie glanced grossly between you & Liv, likely waiting for you to say, ‘just kidding’! But you were not a kidder.
            He ultimately left but not before mouthing under his breath, “Bitches.”
            You rolled your eyes, before eyeing Liv.
            “What?” She shrugged, “He was hot.”
            “His name was Eddie.”
            “I don’t need to know their names to have a good night.” She returned playfully. She reached for the bottle of Belvedere but you smacked her hand, pointing at the water.
            “We’re leaving soon. Drink up.”
            Liv rolled her eyes but did as you told. It wasn’t unheard of for you & Liv to get into your tiffs but fortunately an alcoholic state of mind made her more suggestive. That was good for you, but bad for her & her taste in men. You were only looking out for her.
            Ari & Liv fell into a light conversation that you couldn’t care to be a part of so you turned back to the railing. It was only then that you remembered being in a stare-down with that stranger. Your eyes flicked back to his table but it was empty. You then searched for him among the people but never found him. He was gone. You sneered internally to yourself. He had won. And being a loser never sat well with you.
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            The subway jostled as it sped through the underground tunnels of Metropolis. The car was packed with Friday night partiers as most were either returning home in a drunken fit or in search of a party that would continue to morning. But you were determined to get your girls home safe & sound.
            Liv was sitting on a bench, her head resting against the window as she drunkenly slept with her mouth hanging open. You shook your head, your eyes meeting Nic’s.
            “You sure you can handle her?” You questioned, holding onto a pole for stability as people moved to & fro within the packed subway car.
            Nic rolled her eyes, “Yes, I already called my driver. He’ll be waiting for us at the entrance once we get to our stop. She’ll be in bed within 20 minutes.”
            You nodded. As long as Liv went home alone. As long as man didn’t go home with her to take advantage of her.
            Beside you, Ari loosely held onto a pole herself. She was sobering up at this point but still had reddened cheeks, evident of her night of fun. You watched her in the corner of your eye. Your own driver would be waiting for the two of you at your stop that was three after Liv & Nic’s. It was hell to get your driver’s down to the clubbing district on the weekends. The local law enforcement closed down multiple streets so bar & club hoppers alike could freely walk, stumble, fall across streets without worrying about getting maimed by another drunk driver. The city’s heart was in the right place, looking out for the regular civilians, but people like you & your girls needed your drivers. Because when you didn’t, you were forced to take the subway with the rest of the Metropolis population. It made your skin crawl but you had gotten used to it.
            You checked the time on your phone & it was nearly three in the morning. You were looking forward to getting Ari into bed before taking a hot shower & crawling into your own. Tomorrow you would sleep for as long as you wanted before getting ready for another night out at the clubs.
            “You have a good birthday, baby?” Nic asked, stealing your attention.
            You gave her a closed smile, nodding, “Yes, darling, I did. Thank you.”
            She scrunched her nose cutely up at you.
            The subway shifted suddenly & everyone who was standing stumbled along with it. In your peripheral, you watched as Ari’s fingers slipped from the pole & she fell backwards. You threw out an arm to try & catch her but before you could, another caught her. Ari oof’d as she fell into the lap of a man sitting opposite you & your friends. He wore a plain black baseball cap that hung low, covering half of his face.
            His hands caught Ari by the waist but she was sitting fully in his lap. Like a fucking kid asking for a gift from fucking Santa Claus. Your blood boiled over. You were quick to snatch Ari by the wrist & yank her upwards off the creep’s lap.
            “Sorry.” She slurred, clinging to you as you pushed her backwards towards Nic.
            “S’okay.” The man looked up to smile at Ari.
            You glared past his thick framed glasses. He must’ve feel your stare because then shifted his eyes toward yours. You felt your heart hammer in your chest. The stranger from the club?! But he…
            Your eyes cast down his body as he remained sitting on his side of the subway car. He wore a black bomber jacket zipped all the way up to his neck & a pair of plain black denim jeans. His shoes were all black as well. He looked normal. Perhaps a bartender one his way home from a late night. But when your eyes returned to his face, you continued to peer past his glasses.
            He looked eerily like the man from the club, yet so different. You watched as his thick brows creased in confusion, “Are you okay?”
            His questioned snapped you out of your inspection.
            “Don’t touch her.” You bit out.
            The man scoffed, returning your glare, “She fell into me.”
            “I don’t care, keep your filthy hands off.”
            “_____.” Nic voiced behind you. You whipped your head in her direction, “He was just helping.”
            “Yeah.” You turned back to glare at him, “Helping himself to a handful.”
            “Alright.” He raised his hands in defense, “I see where this is going. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t lay a finger on someone like you.”
            “And what does that mean?” You stepped forward so you were standing directly in front of him.
            “Means I can’t afford women of your stature.” He replied cooly, returning your stare from behind his lenses.
            “You’re right.” You snarled, “You can’t.”
            “Women like you cost much more than you’re worth for a night.”
            The insinuation pushed you over the edge.
            “We are not whores!” You yelled, drawing the attention of other late night travelers.
            “Whatever you say.” The man responded, unfazed by your offensive stance.
            “_____!” Nic said your name firmly, “Leave it alone.”
            “This guy thinks he can call us prostitutes & get away with it.” You argued back but your eyes never left his.
            The man stood then & you were forced to take a step back. When he was sitting down, he didn’t look to be so large. But when he rose to his full height, his head was only a few inches below the ceiling of the subway. He stepped closer, closing the distance between the two of you, his voice lowering, “I was calling you escorts. Classier.”
            “You motherfuck—”
            “_____!” Nic raised her voice, but something in her tone made you finally look at her. When you did, she nodded towards the rest of the subway train. You followed her line of sight & noticed how a handful of people had their cellphones out & were recording your heated debate with yet another perfect stranger.
            The last thing you wanted was to have a video of you drunkenly fighting with a nobody in public & having it posted to social media with your username tagged. You would ever hear the end of it from your parents.
            Swallowing the bitter taste of your anger, you backed down. But only for your parents. If it was just you & the man, you’d lash him with your tongue.
            “Careful.” He said lowly, low enough for only you to hear, “_____.”
            The sound of your name coming from his mouth made your spine tingle. You turned to glare at him but felt as Nic pulled you back to your side of the subway car. The man remained standing, his eyes never leaving yours.
            The subway stopped then & the doors hissed open. The man reached behind him to gather a messenger bag he had left on the bench.
            “Ladies.” He nodded once in your direction before making way for the doors. But as he did, he looked at you once more. And there it was. You saw it.
            That same look from the man in the club. He was staring unfeelingly. And you were the wall between pieces of framed art.
            It was him!
            But as quickly as you realized who he was, the doors hissed closed & the subway began moving again.
            You felt your heart racing, & sweat had began collecting in the pits of your arms. You shuffled out of your coat, tossing it into Liv’s unconscious lap, frustrated.
            “Calm down.” Nic ordered as she still kept Ari tucked against her.
            “I am.” You bit back.
            “No, you’re losing it.” Nic shook her head, “Remember, women like us don’t lose control.”
            You nodded but said nothing more, unable to trust yourself. Nicola was right. Women like you didn’t lose control. Not ever, not for a second, not even when having been drinking. But that man, that fucking perfect stranger, he made you lose all control. You felt jilted, made a fool of.
            That would never happen again.
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okay, my loves! part one to my new stalker!clark kent mini series. i have so much planned for this series & it's going to be a delectably good time.
as always, please share your thoughts w me. i especially need them with this first part so i know that i'm not the only one excited about this series lol. drop a comment, reblog w reviews, or talk to me in the ask box. i'm thirsting.
thank you for reading!
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taglist: @rosecentury
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hinamie · 2 months
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for @cherryys who (rightfully!) hcs lategame megumi as having a bunch of scars befitting his status as resident punching bag
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#megumi fushiguro#fushiguro megumi#fanart#jjk fanart#megumi#guess who hasnt slept its meeeeee#finding refs fr this took forEVER#mostly bc all the pinterest boys are too gd beefy to use as megu ref#but even once i found good refs i am so used 2 drawing beef!!! so used 2 shirtless torsos tht look like yuuji's!!!!#had to keep Undefining my lines n slimming him down#n then he didnt look toned enough!!!!!!!!#constant too hot/too cold . endless suffering .#bangs head on desk all i know to draw is BEEF and this boy is 100% sinew........#but we got there . th render helped a LOT#but then right back 2 suffering bc i asked sam fr Scar Recs n they had th idea 2 give him a lightning scar from when he was taming nue#and i was like omg ya!!!! (voice of some1 who did Not know what lightning scars look like)#so to say i looked them up and uh . new least favourite thing 2 draw just dropped :)#th more accurate i tried to be the more it looked like a weird artsy tattoo#n that scar wasnt even part of what cherryys mentioned they envisioned !!! optional hurdle !!!!!!! i torture myself but fr naught!!!!#th scars tht they mentioned are the glass eye/eye scar from th sukuna/gojo fight + burns up the jaw + abdomen stab wound a la toji#everything else is just visual flavour#sighs at least i got some good shameless torso practice out of this#once i got 2 painting i took my sweet time with him and i am happy now . sleep deprived but happy <3#one of my megumi mutuals(tm) says jump i say how high
605 notes · View notes
You wanted a stalker boyfriend yet when I sent you your own coordinates in your messages, you call me a freak? Here I was going to show up at your doorstep with the heart of the man you looked at today.🔪🌹
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whoreish-behaviour · 1 year
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Steven Grant + Marc Spector x Reader
Warnings >~< = Hair pulling, mild brat taming
Not proof read
Shutting your eyes, you attempted to breathe normally - anger radiating off you in waves as you sat criss cross on the sofa - gaming controller almost on the brink of breaking in your tight grip.
It's just a game, it's just a game, its-
Marc's scolding words repeating in you head as you (forcefully) dropped the controller on the floor, the satisfying sound of the plastic doing little to ease your frustration.
'Just a game.' You murmured, shutting your eyes momentarily so you didn't have to keep staring at the DEFEAT! on the tv screen.
However, as soon as you reopened them - the anger flew right back.
'Fucking assholes! Spamming the same controls doesn't make you a better player-.' You rambled, face flushing as you felt yourself getting worked up.
'And my stupid fucking team, like seriously-'
You snapped your mouth shut at the sudden voice of Steven, turning your head to look at where he was stood by the front door. He was dressed in his usual oversized attire, brows pinched together.
'You okay there?' His voice was soft, head tilting in that adorable way when he was unsure.
You pursed your lips, one side of you knowing that you should just take your loss and move on. But, you couldn't shake it off, it was too fresh.
'I'm fine.' You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back against the sofa as you looked back to the tv.
You heard Steven's footsteps as he migrated through his apartment, the sound of something heavy dropping on the counter before the tapping of his shoes made their way to you.
You felt slightly stupid for staring at the unmoving tv screen but made no move to change the channel or start a new game.
You felt him loom over you from behind, hand coming up to rub the top of your head lovingly.
'Aw darling, you know its-'
'I know Steven.' You yourself almost winced at the bite in your tone.
He didn't respond, a pregnant pause hanging in the air before he gently removed his hand from your head.
'Okay, well let me know if you-'
'Uh huh.' You cut him off, the rush of being an utter brat going straight to your head.
While Steven was sweet, you also knew that he loved to ring you back and put you in your place - problem was that it took a long time before that switch would set off inside him.
Giving you the perfect open window to let your frustration spew with no consequences.
Uncrossing your arms, you leaned forward and away from Steven to reach for the remote - lips set in a pout.
You weren't expecting the tight grip your hair was succumbed to, fist unforgiving as you were yanked back to your original position, back flat against the sofa.
'That any way to talk to Steven pretty girl?'
You swallowed thickly at the sound of Marc's unmissable American accent, throat bobbing at the sudden nerves racking your body.
'Hm?' He probed, hand pulling your hair even more taught as he leaned down into your space, running his nose over you jaw and then down to your neck.
Your body immediately shut down, Marc's intimidation and dominance usually having that effect on you.
'And now you're ignoring me, just digging yourself a deeper hole.' He reprimanded, using his hold on your hair to give himself more access to your neck.
'I'm sorry.' Your voice was quiet and meek, complete opposite to your earlier coldness.
Shutting your eyes, you accepted your fate when you felt him chuckle into you - lips brushing your skin and making you feel like an exposed nerve.
'No you’re not.' He pulled away, cold air cooling your warming skin.
You gasped, eyes shooting open when the hand in you hair somehow tightened, pulling your head back until it was rested over the edge of the sofa, Marc's displeased upside down face coming into view.
'But you will be sweet girl.'
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bookinit02 · 11 months
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After months of radio silence, Vecna finally starts to show his hand. Passions ignite, secrets are exposed, and Will makes a decision that could put everything at risk. Dead dogs tell no tales… or do they?
click here for the playlist!
click here for the comment-free pdf.
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itsthislake · 1 year
Shen Yuan transmigrated as a Spirit Cat AU (part 2)
First chapter.
The rest of the examination, all dutifully narrated by Mu Qingfang, passed in something of a blur comprised mostly of internal screaming and a great deal of cursing, and he only came back to reality when he was picked up by a pair of warm hands.
Shen Yuan flinched and looked up at the man who could only be Liu Qingge, the War God of Bai Zhan and older brother of Best Wife, Liu Mingyan. Living proof that this was a time before the protagonist joined Qing Jing Peak.
Liu Qingge died by Shen Qingqiu’s hand sometime around then, after all.
“Come on,” he said, easily settling Shen Yuan on the crook of his arm and starting to walk like this was an established routine of many years instead of something that had happened twice so far and once under duress.
Distracted as he was, Shen Yuan didn’t bother to question it until they were already flying on— on Cheng Luan again. This sword was as cool as he had imagined, now that he looked at it properly. He smacked Liu Qingge’s arm with his paw until he got his attention, then meowed in question.
Liu Qingge stared for a second before seemingly realizing what he was asking.
“We’re going to see the sect leader, Yue Qingyuan,” he explained. “I need to give him my mission report. And inform him of your presence on the mountain.”
“Cang Qiong has a rule about bringing in any Spirit Cats that we find. For protection,” Liu Qingge clarified, giving him an unreadable look. “There aren’t many left, so Spirit Cats sell high in many circles. None that our sect supports, of course.”
Huh. Shen Yuan hadn’t known that, even after jogging his memory post realizing which world this is.
He remembered Colored Claw Spirit Cats being mentioned in one of the later chapters of PIDW, something about how they had all gone extinct because of human greed and whatnot. He thinks it might have been wife #629 who complained about how tragic it was to Luo Binghe before the protagonist comforted her with his tried-and-true heavenly pillar. In hindsight, that was probably the last bit of actual worldbuilding Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky had given them before deciding to write terrible papapa and needlessly convoluted harem shenanigans for the next sixty or so chapters before the end of the novel.
What Shen Yuan hadn’t known, however, was that Cang Qiong Mountain Sect actively rescued and protected Spirit Cats. Of course, with the sect long since destroyed and most of the Peak Lords dead or integrated into the harem and promptly abandoned, there was no reason whatsoever for that to come up at that point in the novel.
Regardless, it was an interesting detail of this world, as well as an incredibly convenient fact for him now.
“Liu Qingge,” Liu Qingge said abruptly. Shen Yuan blinked at him, watching the red slowly creep up his ears with slight fascination. Woah. He even blushed prettily, how unfair. “My name. It’s Liu Qingge. I realized I didn’t introduce myself earlier.”
Oh, that was very polite of him. Which was a little strange coming from the guy who chased him through a village for almost four hours earlier that day and who he just saw kick his shidi’s office door in for no real reason. Shen Yuan huffed, then rubbed his face on the man’s arm, purring pleasantly.
“Hmm. Do you have a name?”
“I see.”
What do you see? Shen Yuan wanted to ask, genuinely confused as to what Liu Qingge thought he understood. Alas, for lack of the vocal cords necessary for human speech, he just settled back down instead and decided to enjoy the ride.
Flying was kind of fun, he was learning.
Yue Qingyuan met Shen Yuan’s sudden presence on his mountain with a not inconsiderable amount of polite confusion.
Then, after Liu Qingge explained the situation, including the results of Mu Qingfang’s examination that Shen Yuan had missed almost entirely and was thus glad to hear summarized now, the sect leader just rolled with it with as much grace as his character in the novel took anything unrelated to Shen Qingqiu.
So far, Shen Yuan’s first impression of the sect leader was very much in line with what he already knew from PIDW.
Afterwards, Yue Qingyuan helpfully elaborated on Cang Qiong’s policy on Spirit Cats that Liu Qingge had mentioned earlier. Apparently, the claws of adult Spirit Cats sold very high among a significant number of cultivator circles because of their special properties, and the declawed creatures were usually sold as ‘exotic pets’ to nobles, where they would inevitably die from either improper care or health issues brought on by the loss of their claws. If caught by the wrong people, young Spirit Cats like himself would most likely be caged and tortured to quicken the awakening of their special abilities.
Because of this massive traffic that was both somehow legal and absolutely horrid to think about, the number of Spirit Cats left had been on the decline for many decades now, and none had reached a point in their cultivation where they could take a human form in over three centuries, as far as anyone was aware.
Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, as well as a number of other sects, strictly forbade the abuse of Spirit Cats and the use of their claws to further their cultivation, as well as offered sanctuary for any that they found in the wild or rescued.
“It has been many years since the last time a Spirit Cat resided in Cang Qiong,” Yue Qingyuan said regretfully, tone somber. “When this lord was still head disciple, he had the privilege to meet with one. Master Zhou’s meridians had unfortunately been crippled before he came to our sect, so he never managed to cultivate to a human form despite achieving immortality. This one was told that he was the youngest of a trio of siblings who were rescued together, but that his older sisters had already been declawed and thus did not manage to survive long even in our care. Lan Qingyi, the current Lord of the Shan Shou Peak, was the one who took care of Master Zhou during his final years.”
Listening to Yue Qingyuan’s recounting felt like a bucket of cold water had been dropped on him. All the terrible, horrible things that had made PIDW’s worldbuilding engaging were now real. It was his reality, and that of the people who were here now and had been here before him. The reality of Master Zhou who in the end was unable to reach Ascension, of his sisters who suffered so much and died long before their time. It caused Shen Yuan’s fur to stand on end as he listened to the sect leader speak.
It also felt a little bit like hope. Because, see, for every trafficker out there, for every cruel bastard out to get his kind, there was also a person willing to protect them. Willing to give Spirit Cats a place where they could grow and live peacefully. 
And those people were here, in Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, offering him that help now as well.
Huan Hua Palace, on the other hand, was perfectly fine with capturing Spirit Cats and using them as they saw fit. There were even rumors that the Old Palace Master had kept one or two declawed Spirit Cats as pets not so long ago.
Needless to say, Shen Yuan had dodged a massive bullet there. It was nothing short of a miracle that Liu Qingge was the one the villagers asked for help and not a cultivator from Huan Hua Palace, seeing as it was literally their territory.
Shen Yuan had seen Huan Hua Palace disciples flying around, for fuck’s sake.
Liu Qingge’s other hand had come up to rest lightly on top of him at some point during the story and Shen Yuan silently leaned into it, rubbing his cheek against his palm in an instinctual, soothing motion as he tried to burrow his body deeper into the crook of his arm.
“This conversation has taken a dark turn, my apologies,” said Yue Qingyuan softly, when the silent became too heavy. “I’m afraid that this topic is not one that can be avoided for long and it is better to be aware of the dangers sooner rather than later. This master would like to formally extend Cang Qiong Mountain Sect’s protection to the esteemed spirit, as well as an invitation to stay here for however long he wishes.”
Shen Yuan meowed quietly in agreement, and watched as the sect leader smiled gently at him. Then the man nodded, reaching for a brush and some paper.
“We’ll need to record your arrival and arrange everything for your stay,” he informed them. Even if the heavy thoughts lingered in his mind, for now the dark atmosphere seemed to have lifted as they moved onto another topic, for which Shen Yuan was grateful.
Yue Qingyuan paused, as if only now remembering something, and looked up at them curiously.
“Ah. We require a name for the paperwork. Since it was Liu-shidi who found and brought him to the sect, perhaps he could name the esteemed spirit as well?”
Without a moment of hesitation, Liu Qingge shook his head.
“He already has a name,” he informed solemnly.
“Oh?” Yue Qingyuan raised his eyebrows, looking expectantly at him. Shen Yuan also stared, wondering what he would answer. He obviously never told him his name and he was certain that the War God couldn’t read minds.
(Well. Mostly certain, anyway. Great Master Airplane was hardly reliable when it came to developing characters who weren’t wives or Luo Binghe past a certain point in the novel, or any characters at all past another point just slightly ahead in the novel, and Shen Yuan wouldn’t be surprised if he’d somehow forgotten to mention such an important aspect of this awesome character that he’d killed off-screen.
Would he be angry? Of course. Disappointed by the wasted potential? Most definitely. But surprised? After reading that whole godawful story? Ha! As if. Shen Yuan knew exactly what he was in for when he paid for each chapter.)
“He did not tell me what it is,” said the man who, as expected, could not read minds.
Liu Qingge! Shen Yuan cried in his mind, a little exasperated.
“Ah. Of course,” said the sect leader, smiling politely at both of them. He looked like he wanted to sigh but was too polite to do so and had instead defaulted to smiling. “However, I still need a name for the report. Until he can tell us his name, how does the esteemed spirit feel about having a nickname?”
Liu Qingge frowned at the same time that Shen Yuan perked up.
“A nickname?”
“Yes. Something simple and easy to remember that we can use in the meantime.”
Shen Yuan meowed pointedly, tapping Liu Qingge in the arm. The man just stared back silently, clearly deep in thought, before he nodded.
“The children at the village called him Xiao Maomi,” he declared.
“Xiao Maomi?” Yue Qingyuan repeated, looking at Shen Yuan for confirmation.
Shen Yuan considered it. It was very on the nose for a nickname, likely because it was a bunch of little kids who thought of it in the first place, but ‘little kitty’ wasn’t too terrible all things considered. He could have gotten stuck with a name like Doudou or Danhuang. Now that would have been embarrassing.
Therefore, he meowed positively. It was only temporary anyways so he didn’t care much.
Yue Qingyuan smiled politely, reaching for a brush. “Very well. We’ll put ‘Xiao Maomi’ down in the paperwork for now. It can always be changed at a later date.”
While Yue Qingyuan wrote, Shen Yuan looked up at Liu Qingge, considering. Then he wiggled out from under Liu Qingge’s hand, earning himself a curious look that he ignored, and used his claws to quickly climb up his arm and settle on the man’s shoulder, head resting on the collar of his robes.
The reason why the children of the village had taken to calling him ‘little kitty,’ as opposed to only ‘kitty,’ was immediately obvious to anybody with working eyes. This body of his was quite small even for an average cat’s, even a kitten’s, which had worked in his favor while he was sneaking around the village and against him during fights.
Shen Yuan had originally attributed this to a lack of proper nutrition coupled with a young age, but even after months of stealing food he remained around the same size. Now he wondered if maybe it had something to do with him being a Colored Claw Spirit Cat. He made a mental note to find more information on them later.
Right now, however, his small body meant that he was the perfect size to lay down on Liu Qingge’s shoulders and not have to worry about falling, something he intended to take full advantage of.
Liu Qingge huffed quietly, but made no moves to stop Shen Yuan.
Eventually, the sect leader set down his brush and looked back at them with a considering expression.
“In regards to Maomi-xiansheng’s new living arrangements,” he began lightly. “Normally, all Spirit Cats would be sent to the Shan Shou Peak where they’d be able to settle down and live their lives comfortably. However, Peak Lord Lan is currently in seclusion, and this master is uncertain whether any of her disciples are equipped to house and care for Maomi-xiansheng, as they are all quite young and inexperienced still.”
Ah, Shan Shou Peak, the Beast Taming Peak. One of many places that only got one or two lines when Luo Binghe joined and later destroyed Cang Qiong in PIDW. Shen Yuan had always been curious about this particular peak and all the (obviously wasted) potential it held, something he had ranted about on many occasions in the comment section. Infuriatingly, that hack author had once replied to one of his comments with, “okay okay chill dude, I’ll describe more of the sect in the next chapter,” and then spent six whole paragraphs describing Xian Shu Peak’s bathhouse and all the shijies in it.
Shen Yuan had never genuinely considered murder in his past life, but by god did he get close that day. He was sure his comment, written in a fugue state of pure rage, had reflected that.
“Doesn’t Lan Qingyi have Hall Masters on her peak?” Liu Qingge said, and though Shen Yuan couldn’t exactly see his expression from his position, he got the impression that the man was scowling as he said that.
“I believe they are occupied caring for all the creatures already in-house and teaching the disciples during Lan-shimei’s absence,” Yue Qingyuan answered, tone as close to exasperated as possible while still remaining polite. “Lan-shimei’s approach to her duties as Peak Lord is very different to Liu-shidi’s, after all.”
Shen Yuan had no idea what that was about, but he could almost feel the self-restraint it took Liu Qingge not to huff. The sect leader continued before he could question it.
“Nonetheless, with Shan Shou Peak not being an option, Maomi-xiansheng will need another place to stay, at least until Lan-shimei is back. Since it was Liu-shidi who brought him here, perhaps he wouldn’t mind housing Maomi-xiansheng until then?”
“En,” Liu Qingge nodded, after a moment of thought. “I do not mind.”
Yue Qingyuan smiled in response.
“Thanking shidi.”
And thus, Shen Yuan moved in with Liu Qingge.
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antiphan · 7 days
oh no it wasn't the doll being bent over, it was actual dan, during the "wrestling", right in my face
my brain chemistry is altered permanently
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Oh. Oh.
No i get you. No for real that was insane. I can't even like, say anything on that one. Of course you sent that to me. It's the fucking gay sex part. Yeah no that was gay porn.
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l-in-the-light · 10 days
(Mis)adventures of Law with the Strawhats [fanfiction snippet, part 1]
"Torao!!" he cries out way too loudly. "Let's play that game again!!"
Law turns towards him, but doesn't answer immediately and it's not even because his mouth is full at the moment, he doesn't care about that.
"Again…?" he finally voices out, looking at no one in particular.
"What game?" asks Chopper. Usopp also curiously looks between Law and Luffy.
"We played that funny thing yesterday when you zoom up and down and throw a stone with dots on it!" Luffy exclaims.
"Is that why you missed breakfast today?" Usopp asks and Luffy nods fervently.
"I wish I didn't. Sanji, can you make me a breakfast now??"
"Breakfast after lunch, huh?" Sanji muses from behind the counter. "Sure"
"Thanks, you're the best!!"
Law frowns. "Just play it by yourself this time" he grumbles between bites.
"No way! You said it can't be played alone! Also I already forgot the rules…"
"There's no way you already forgot them!" Law protests, takes a look at Luffy, then his eyes dart to completely opposite direction. "Fine, but gather more people. It's boring with just two. Get four more"
"I didn't think it was boring with just the two of us" Luffy beams at him, takes bigger bite and shouts "So who wants to play with us??"
"You didn't exactly tell us what type of game it is" Usopp frowns, while Chopper is already shouting back "Me, I want!!"
"It's just a regular snake and ladders board game" Law answers despite the question not being directed at him.
"It's yours?" Robin asks. "Didn't take you for the type to keep board games around"
"My crew often dragged me to play with them"
"But isn't Snake and Ladders a game for kids?" Franky butts in. "It takes me back… Tom bought it for us once, but Iceburg was a party pooper and said he's not a kid anymore and in the end I had to teach Yokozuna to play with me instead"
Law has no idea who all those people he mentioned were, so he just ignores that part.
"It is. It's not like he would be able to understand any more complicated game" he says while gesturing towards Luffy, who just laughs in answer and says with his mouth still full: "That's right. Can't wait to play!"
"You still miss three more people" Law reminds him.
"Oh, right. Guys, who wants to play? It's gonna be fun!!"
"I guess I could make you the honour of God Usopp joining in, just so you have enough people. Know my mercy!" says Usopp while his nose extends all the way up to the ceilling.
"ME!" repeated Chopper.
"I already counted you in" says Law which made Chopper exclaim some loud, possibly not malignant noises.
"I would love to try!" Yamato exclaimes after swallowing a whole plate of food at once.
"Great! Then we have everyone!"
"You're one person short" points out Law and smirks when Luffy grumbles at that.
"Come on guys, Robin, join us! Nami? Zoro??"
"I want to relax reading a book" Robin replies, smiling.
"I have plans already. I need to catch up on my map drawing" Nami exclaims as she gets up from the table, already having finished her meal.
"I'm gonna train" answers Zoro shortly.
Luffy frowns, looking around the table again. "Franky? Brook? Sanji? Jimbei?"
"I'm too old for that" Jimbei answers. "I will leave you youngsters to that"
"Same here" Franky adds.
"I will be busy making desserts for the ladies" Sanji chimes in.
Brook looks around the Sunny's kitchen back and forth, till finally answering as well. "I will gladly join"
"GREAT! Now we have everyone, you can't say no anymore!!" Luffy turns to Law and extends his hands high up, like in a victory pose. Law eyes dart to him for a second, but he doesn't say anything, just gets up and walks towards the door.
"Torao?" Luffy asks after him.
"Gonna go fetch the game"
"So, how do we play it exactly?" Usopp asks. "Not that I don't know already, mind you, I'm just asking because there's no way Luffy remembers the rules!"
"It's true, I don't" Luffy says.
"We all start from this place" says Law, pointing his finger to the starting position on the board. "We take turns rolling the die till we reach the goal, which is here" his finger moves all the way up on the board. "Whenever you land on a field with a ladder, you go up, till you reach the top of it. When you land on snake, you slide down instead. That's all there is to it"
"What's a die?" asked Chopper. Law looks at him, then looks at all of them looking back at him, he pauses and closes his eyes for a moment, and then takes a square-like object in his fingers.
"This is a die. You roll it like that" he says and flips it in his fingers and lets it fall to the board, the die making a short wooden noise when it meets the surface. Everyone stares at it before the object finally stops, showing five dots on top.
"So that's the legendary die… Of course I already knew that. I had a dozen, no, two dozens of them back in the village. It's the first time I see one made out of wood" Usopp blabbles.
"So what do we do? Do we just add all the dots on each side of it?" asks Chopper, inspecting the square and poking it with his hoof. "It's kinda hard to see all the sides though"
"No, wait, Chopper, that wouldn't make any sense" said Usopp, putting on his serious face and poking his own nose. "It wouldn't matter then to roll the die, because the sides never change, so the result would be always the same"
"Oh" Chopper comments.
"I think I get it. It must be the result on the top that counts. So, five dots!" Usopp concludes his deduction.
"Ooooh, you're so smart, Usopp!!" Chopper cries out.
"Of course" Usopp exclaims, smashing his hand to his chest. "After all I played many games before and flipped dozen of dies"
"Dice" Law corrects him.
"Right, this one is actually special, because it's wooden and called a dice. I knew that" Usopp says, raising his voice just a bit. He looks at Law, moves his eyes from left to right, and finally makes some random gesture of flipping his fingers. Law turns to Luffy instead. "Choose the order"
"Of who goes first, second, and so on, all the way to the last person for the round"
"OH. Easy, I'm going first, because I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates and I'm the captain!"
"Unfair!" Usopp protests immediately. "Let's decide by luck, we can draw lots"
Luffy makes a face, but before he can say anything, Yamato already extends scraps of paper in their direction. "Let's do it! That's how you do it, right??" he asks.
"When did you manage to get that?" Luffy exclaims. "You're so fast!"
Yamato snickers at him, quickly scribbles something on the papers, and holds the pieces in her fist, so that whatever is written can't be seen, only the tops of paper. "Choose one!"
Everyone but Law extends their hands to draw one. Yamato looks at him expectantly.
"You draw first. Whatever will be left is mine" he explains.
"I can?? Really??" Yamato chirps, eyes sparkling. "Thanks!!" pulls one lot out. "Oh, I have number 2" and looks apologetically at Law. "Yours is six" and shows him his number. "I can trade with you if you want!"
"I can trade with you too, Torao!! Though I think I got the worst number…"
"It's fine, I don't really care"
"You're so kind!" Yamato cries out over everyone shouting their own numbers over each other.
Law just quickly proceeds to put down pawns on the starting point.
"So, who is the first?" he asks no one in particular.
"God Usopp!" says the man, flashing his teeth and showing off his scrap of paper with number 1 on it.
"Good. You will be yellow then"
"Wait, I don't get to decide?!"
"Why?! Who gave you the right?! This is important, the most important decision to make, the colors will change everything about the gameplay!"
"I'm the last one to go, the rules say I get to decide the pawns for everyone"
Usopp looks at him and narrows his eyes. Finally he says, while pointing his finger at him. "I will still sue you if I lose because of that"
"I will sue you too!!" Luffy exclaims, pointing his finger at Law as well.
"You? What for?"
"I don't know!" Luffy frowns. "Why should I sue Torao?"
"I dunno-" starts Usopp.
"For not trading with you" Brook says instead, trying to be helpful.
"Thanks Brook! I will sue Torao for not trading lots with me!"
"Do you even know what that word means?" Usopp asks, just in case.
"Nope! Shishishi!"
"I also don't know!" Chopper says, raising his hoof high in the air.
"Then you won't know" Law butts in which earns him another loud cry from Chopper.
"It means to force a person that has treated you unfairly or hurt you in some way to give you something or to do something for you to make up for it" Brook explains, which earns him a sideway look from Law.
"Eh, then I don't want to sue Torao" Luffy says. "It doesn't sound fun. Forcing people isn't fun" and Chopper shouts "I also don't want to!", just a heartbeat too late to be in unison with Luffy.
"Said someone who forced me to play" Law counters, leaving Luffy speechless for once and immediately looking away.
"It's all Usopp's fault anyway!" the captain finally says, showing a tongue in sniper's direction.
"How is it my fault?! Keep me out of it! I know nothing of it!!"
"Are we playing guys??" Yamato butts in, quickly moving his arms up and down and looking from the board to everyone.
"YES" Luffy, Usopp and Law answer a bit too loudly in unison, and Chopper just a moment too late, while Brook just laughs.
(I guess? Should I?)
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momett · 7 months
tumblr users, 2014: i am going to STEAL your KNEECAPS and use them as BOWLS FOR MY SPAGHETTI O'S YOU INDIGNANT APRICOT
tumblr CEO, 2024: posting about my death in a hammer related explosion is a credible threat to my safety, actually.
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onceuponapuffin · 5 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 10!!
Part 10 whaaaaaat??
Alright, so idk if any of you have actually been to NYC, so I played it safe on that end. But I have been (just once), and if you haven't ever heard of Ellen's Stardust Diner, I highly recommend you run (not walk) to Youtube or TikTok or something and search it up. Those folks are amazing, and I had to give the place a nod. Because come on, Aziraphale would LOVE to be served by singing waitstaff.
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You had all gone downstairs for dinner that night (you were not dressed fancily enough, but no one noticed so you pretended you weren’t feeling inadequate the whole time). Aziraphale ate, Crowley watched, you watched them while you ate, Anathema just ate because she’s the only rational one in the group here, let’s be honest. The second you got back into the room apartment suite, you crashed and were dead to the world until morning.
And so, you wake up, yawning and needing coffee, but otherwise alright. You make your way out of your bedroom, and find Anathema sitting at the large dining room table surrounded by papers, tarot cards, rune stones, crystals, a pendulum, and books. She’s frantically writing on a piece of paper.
“Good morning!” You say as you approach her. She looks up from her work.
“Oh, good morning. How are you feeling?”
“I’m alright thanks. What time is it?”
“Um...about 12:30.”
“Gosh, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. A lot happened yesterday and you needed to recoup,” she replies with a shrug. You are so grateful for her understanding, but decide to put the effort into not dwelling on it.
“How’s it been?” You ask, nodding at her papers. Anathema sighs.
“Well, I haven’t made any headway yet.”
“Anything I can do?”
The doorbell rings. There’s a doorbell?? Of course there is.
“Oh!” You hear Aziraphale call from one of the living rooms. “That will be the crepes! ENTAAH!” You snort a laugh through your nose. From here you can’t tell if there’s a feather boa, but you can practically hear a feather boa in his voice – you don’t need to see one. Anathema sighs.
“I need...I NEED for you to get one of them out of my hair for a bit. If one isn’t ordering room service, the other one is prank calling the front desk. There’s a mountain of toiletries in the living room, and the doorbell won’t stop ringing. It’s driving me crazy.”
As if on cue, you hear Aziraphale calling from the door: “Crowley! We have enough shampoo!”
Well, babysitting supernatural entities wasn’t exactly the way you thought this would be going, but who are you to argue with Anathema? You nod.
“Any preference which one?”
“No. Just...one of them.”
“Yeah, okay. Give me five minutes.”
“Thank you.” She puts her head in her hands for a moment while you go to get yourself ready.
You and Aziraphale walk down the sidewalk towards Times Square, sipping on frappucinos. Aziraphale had been skeptical about the drink until he saw the mountain of whipped cream and the caramel drizzled on top.
“Have you been here before?” He asks you casually. You shake your head.
“No, but I spend a lot of time on the internet. So I’ve heard things. You can learn a lot just by lurking.” You swirl your straw around the frozen coffee to mix in the last of the whipped cream. “Have you? I mean you and Crowley have been practically everywhere, right?”
“I’ve been once. But it was a very long time ago now. I came for the World’s Fair in 1939. Marvelous, really, the technology at the time. Not nearly as fascinating as how technology ended up evolving of course.”
“Technology isn’t your thing, though,” You say, raising an eyebrow.
“I prefer to admire it from a distance, but I can appreciate it all the same.”
You think about how he has a driver’s license, and the ancient computer in his bookshop. Besides, how would he make tea without a kettle. It makes sense.
“So,” Aziraphale begins, “What is this venture that you need me to accompany you for?”
“Oh I think you’ll like it,” You say with a smile. Aziraphale raises his eyebrows quizzically.
“Oh?” He asks, intrigued, as he takes another sip of his drink.
“Broadway,” You say. Aziraphale’s face lights up.
“I figure,” You say, “What a shame it would be to spend time in New York City without seeing a show on Broadway. And I’m not sure I trust Crowley’s theatre manners.”
“I understand why you would have that opinion. He can be rather a handful,” Aziraphale says thoughtfully, as though he hadn’t been driving Anathema to insanity himself. “But I assure you, I’ve seen nothing less than exceptional behaviour from him when the two of us have gone together.”
“Well yeah, but that’s with you. There’s a difference,” You tilt your drink towards the angel to emphasize your point. He hums thoughtfully. “So,” You continue, “I figure you and I go see a couple shows. I think we have time for two of them so how about I pick one, then you pick one?”
“I think that sounds like a rather splendid day, in fact,” he says, finishing off his drink and disposing of it in the nearest recycling can.
“Great,” You say, “My pick first.” You dispose of your empty drink container as well, and pause to let the suspense build. “And I choose The Lion King.”
Aziraphale’s face scrunches up.
“Is it bebop?”
Dear Reader, Aziraphale likes Lion King. He does not, however, like I Just Can’t Wait to Be King, or anything to do with Timon and Pumbaa. He is an angel that can forgive many things, but apparently he draws the line at “bebop” and fart jokes.
“I just don’t understand why it was necessary,” he says with a wince afterwards, “And in an adaptation of Hamlet of all things!”
“You say that like your friend Will didn’t write a thousand dick jokes.”
“I suppose,” Aziraphale doesn’t sound convinced. “The rest of it was lovely though,” he adds in a brighter tone, “Breathtakingly artistic, in fact.”
“It really was, wasn’t it?” You say with a sigh. In your hand you hold a bag full of merchandise from the show’s gift shop. Aziraphale bought an artbook. “Do you have a choice lined up?”
“I do indeed,” Aziraphale smiles and waves his hands in a rainbow-motion, “The Phantom of the Opera.” His face has so much joy in it.
Watching Aziraphale experience things is mesmerizing. The ways his face moves, the way his voice shifts around when he gets all excited, the way he gasps so audibly when the performance surprises him. It’s an incredible thing to behold, and you absolutely understand why Crowley spends so much time doing it.
“Well before we go see Phantom, I need some food.”
“Oh! Do you have any ideas where to go?” He leans towards you conspiratorially. “Any secrets you heard while Lurking?”
“Well,” You reply, playing into his game, “I have heard stories of a place called Ellen’s Stardust Diner, and I think you’ll like it.”
“And what makes you think that?” His eyes are sparkling with intrigue. Damn. You have to try and keep your knees from buckling, it’s so intense.
“Two words,” You say, “Singing. Waitstaff.” You hadn’t thought Aziraphale’s face could get brighter, but it does, and so you add the cherry on top, the trump card, the finishing blow: “And they take requests.”
Dinner was great, dessert was fabulous, Aziraphale was willing to put up with the bebop. Especially after you suggested he request a ballad, and they not only took it, but did a wonderful job of it. Phantom was long, but you both enjoyed yourselves.
Why am I suddenly speeding through this, dear Reader? I’m glad you asked.
When the both of you finally return to the hotel, it’s late. Anathema is still hard at work and you notice a definite...lack of Toiletry Mountain. Crowley is sat demurely at the kitchen table with a glass of whiskey.
“Are you okay?” You ask him carefully.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Crowley replies. You look at Aziraphale and shrug. The angel shrugs back before going to grab himself a drink, and you go see Anathema.
“Hey,” You say, “How’s it going?”
“Oh, much better!” She says, looking up at you brightly, “I managed to get things under control, and I got some very promising readings from the top of the Empire State Building.”
“I’m sorry, you went where? How??”
Anathema smirks and glances over at Crowley, then back at you.
“A witch has her ways.”
“And what happened to all the shampoo?”
“I made him give it back and apologize.”
“I...what….” You sputter. It takes all you have to sit down in a chair instead of just fall over. “How do you do this?” You ask, impressed.
“What do you mean?”
“In every fanfiction, in every alternate universe, how do you do this?” You gesture at the kitchen where you know Crowley is still quietly sat, listening to Aziraphale recount your day. Anathema smiles broadly and slides her glasses back up her nose.
“You can’t expect me to give away all my secrets, now.”
Have you ever before been in a room where you so intensely love everyone in it? If not, you have now.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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wip whenevertuesday
tagged by fellow enlightened Roach Enjoyer™️ @patchmates thank you so much 🫶🪳🫶
Roach impatiently tugged at the waistband of Soap's jeans, desperate to get more of him into his mouth, and as Soap obliged and helped him push them down to his knees, the captains cell rang.
They both looked at the mobile phone for a second and then back at each other, Roach holding Soap's cock, slick with saliva, slowly running a hand up and down while he waited for further instruction.
Soap picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. He smirked and looked back at Roach. "Keep goin', love," he said as he picked up the call.
Roach kept a hand on Soap's dick, holding it at just the right angle to let him lick up his captain's balls, earning an appreciative grunt from Soap as he brought the phone to his ear. "Ghost."
this is for part 4 of my sweet tooth series hehehe
tagging: @lokibuswrites @roachsideblog and anyone who sees this and wants to post a wip snippet!!!!!
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cutest-silly-nb · 3 months
Cruelty Squad is amazing because it's best described as an immersive tactical shooter with extremely anti-capitalist messaging and you hear that and you think "oh sweet where do i buy" and it looks like thisc
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alangdorf · 7 months
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Finally, my (min qty: 1) requisite Funky Yabusame Drawing. Like with the Tsubakura pic, you don’t gotta read too hard into the symbolism; I was mostly just doing whatever looked cool lol
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didsomeonesayventus · 10 months
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sometimes u just gotta think about the shit this kid went through. what the hell man.
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musical-chick-13 · 3 months
The problem is. When I go, "Oh, this system is bullshit" and try to live outside it. My choices are still defined by that system. And that makes me feel really weird.
#I love being a woman so much but jfc am I having strange feelings about what that means in a societal sense lately#and like. obviously the most important thing is to unapologetically be my authentic self. which I try to do every day.#but sometimes it's VERY hard to tell what my authentic self is versus what I'm rebelling against versus what society tells me I am#and it would be GREAT if I could find OTHER PEOPLE who felt like this but that would require me airing out all my baggage and#no one wants that.#(okay. like. tame example. I think it's absolute bullshit that women are expected to shave. and for the most part I don't. and I don't care#whether other people do or not. but I HATE the way that armpit hair feels on my body. so I do usually shave that. I would shave that even i#there was no cultural expectation for women to shave at all. but I feel like a bad person for complying with this cultural standard even if#the reasons for it have nothing to do with gaining general acceptance or appealing to some Standard of Femininity.)#(and it's not that me making this choice is like. Inherently Feminist™ it's not. but it feels ANTI-feminist. and then if you map this to#a bunch of other more serious shit..............)#it's rough out here!#(and then there's the fact that I'm CONSTANTLY bombarded with '''''takes''''' claiming that women don't actually suffer under the patriarch#and that misogyny isn't real. but the t/rfs keep trying to have a monopoly on THAT conversation and I do NOT want to be associated#with them because THEY ARE ALSO WRONG. AND THEY DON'T ACTUALLY SUPPORT THE LIBERATION OF WOMEN LMAO)#(so then it's just like wow! I really do feel incredibly alone! nothing resonates with me at all!)#In the Vents
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vicontheinternet · 4 months
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You should’ve see my face when I read ‘feminine’. This is why you will never get me to join that fandom. Do they not know that Shonda Rhimes is a BLACK woman who has made it her mission to be the sole reason why loving v Virgina doesn’t get overturned that woman lovers her a swirl. You’re not going to get a same race relationship out of her for main character. Also Micheal is John’s cousin why would he be white.
And let me stick this one here talking shit about this fandom I’ll drop this screenshot here. Let’s not try to remember what twitter thread or tweet this was from it’s two years old. Saying that Simon was a dark skin lead is crazy and they knew that not what op meant by dark skin women
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#anti bridgerton#anti bridgerton fans#bridgerton#fandom racism#don’t read to much into to the tags#and ppl wonder why rege jean page left and won’t come back hell marina left because she had to put herself in a mental hospital#but this is the fandom she cultivated and wanted ig#if she wanted a more ‘tame’ fanbase she would’ve adapted a regency era book from a black author not one that was racist#but then again she did create greys anatomy and we all know how that fandom is#they wanna say the quiet part out loud with tiptoeing around so bad#every regency era show with black fans are racist because the buccaneers ppl hate alisha bø’s character for breathing#and someone on tiktok just abt called the mixed dude a slur and told the main character to go with theo so she could live a fantasy#remember when ruby baker (marina) said that the ppl behind the show did nothing to protect amongst other things#and ppl said she was being ungrateful and were chewing her up unintentionally proving her point#you can only see ppl calling and being excited for you characters to die of suicide for so long before it gets to you#remember when ppl were arguing with ppl who said it would be in bad taste to kill off marina via suicide#when her actor was going through mental health struggles then those same ppl when they found out she was leaving#got excited because it meant that the show was sticking to the book and going to kill her off even tho she left for mental health reasons#possibly brought on by this horrible fandom
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