#the things you said to Kalim in the last are so much more vile but he immediately apologized for being rude even though he was possessed
vanilla-poisons · 1 year
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thesunshinebunny · 2 years
Hello! I love your stories❤️. May I request an angst/fluffy scenario with the dorm leaders reacting to their s/o telling them that their mother wished she never gave birth to them and comforting them. I just watched the anime Higehiro and there’s a scene where the mother says that to the main MC and it affected me so much. Thank you ❤️
Uffff, I remember when I saw that scene for the first time many years ago. It also affected me quite a bit, I almost started crying. I am going to do the order in two parts because I ended up making it quite long. This part corresponds to Riddle, Leona and Kalim. I hope you are well, I am very sorry for the delay.
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The tea party wasn't going well. Specifically for you. You had avoided talking about the horrible conversation you had with your mother days ago, but not being able to bring it to the surface was taking its toll. You couldn't console an eight-hour sleep, if you made it to three was a miracle. Your appetite was diminishing to the point of not appearing in the cafeteria because the slightest smell already made you gag. You couldn't concentrate in class and the tasks were impossible to solve. You tried to put the best face in front of your teammates, but every day, every hour it was worse. The dark circles under your eyes, red from crying so much, began to be noticed much more precipitously, your voice had disappeared and your vocal cords were mistreated. Terrible days spent alone, and it wasn't even the middle of the week.
And all that mental and sentimental heaviness ended up exploding at the unbirthday party on Wednesday. You saw multiple mates having fun, talking calmly, full of joy and energy. And there you were, holding on not to shed any tears… it was all in vain when you felt fingers gently brush your hand.
Riddle was trying to approach you quietly, he intended to hold your hand for a couple of minutes while the party went on, but it was that light touch, so gentle and innocent, that made your eyes shine and tears began to flow like a waterfall. Those around you were worried to see you in such a deplorable state, Riddle the most, and without raising any more suspicions, excused himself from the table and took you with him to the lounge, putting an arm around your shoulders and hiding you with his cap.
As the two of you sat down in one of the large armchairs, you burst into tears. All the stress that you have been accumulating these last days, all the sadness and anguish that the conversation with your mother had an impact on your mental health. The hands of the clock stopped before such a sad scene, time had frozen and the only thing that kept you in orbit was the amount of tears that ran down your cheeks. Riddle dedicated himself to holding your hands, to give you little consoling cuddles, while he waited for you to calm down a bit and explain the situation to him.
With all the possibilities, the last thing he expected to hear were those cruel and vile words your mother spoke to you. Even his mother wasn't capable of such hatred and contempt.
"I understand what it's like to have a bad time with your mother, but I can't put myself in your shoes" his hands went up your arms until they reached your shoulders. He gave you one, two, three little massages, and brought you to him. The hug was a bit inexperienced and careless, but it conveyed the affection and appreciation that Riddle had towards you, towards your being, your essence and soul.
"What I can do is hold your hand for as long as you need to feel better, whether it's days, weeks or months"
What is more annoying to Leona than not being able to take his daily nap in the botanical garden? Not sleeping said nap with you next to him.
You were arriving an hour late and Leona couldn't smell your scent near the place in question. Every minute he passed he became more irritable, his tail wagging erratically and his ears kept flexing as he tried to find you through all the screeching. Not being fruitful waiting for you, Leona reluctantly stood up, anyone who passed by his side will see his face upset and ready to rip out the jugular to anyone who tried to bother him.
He walked to Savannaclaw with the intention of going to his own bedroom and not getting up until dinner time. But to his surprise, and his bad temper, he found you in his own dorm, sitting on the edge of the large pool, feet in the cool, cool water, head down and with no intention of lifting it no matter how many people passed by your side.
Your head only rose to look at that lion whose figure was imposed on your side, letting him see your red and swollen eyes and your cheeks wet from crying so much. Neither of you said anything for a couple of minutes. Leona sat next to you, trying inside him to give you your space, he didn't either deign to put an arm around your shoulders or hips, he didn't ask what was wrong with you, he just stood there. Reserved.
When the sun was about to set on the horizon, your words came timidly to the surface. New tears ran down your cheeks as you recounted the terrible experience you had with your mother days ago. “Tsk, how troublesome” was the only thing Leona said before pulling you towards him. He let your face hide on his shoulder, he didn't care if his shirt got wet, he placed his tail on your waist, trying to give you a little more protection.
After about half an hour, when the water was already getting too cold to enjoy at night, the brunette carried you to his room, snuggling your head on your chest, thus preventing any student from seeing your afflicted face. All the way he thought of ways to make that person, if you could call them a person, who called himself your mother, pay. Maybe Ruggie could do him a couple of favors… but it wasn't worth it, no matter how much his blood boiled and wanted to sink his claws and fangs into every part of their body, it wasn't worth it. Not when it meant putting you in even more pain.
Being already in his room, he laid you on his bed as if you were a feather, a completely defenseless and fragile little thing. He laid your head on a pile of pillows and covered you with his sheet, preventing the cold of the night from chilling you even more.
“Look” he started stroking your head, moving the little strands that were stuck to your cheeks thanks to your salty tears “Your mother misses having a relationship with a person as brave and incredible as you”
Noticing you a little calmer, he got under the sheets, trapping you again in his arms and placing your head on his chest again, this time completely covering you with his figure, without ever stopping patting your head. Your breathing became calmer, more controlled; your arms were strong again, enough to wrap even a little around his shoulders. Leona supported his hand under your chin in the most comfortable way possible, and little by little he raised your face, until your gaze was in contact with his. “Hold your head up high and show her what you're capable of. Bust her ego”
Your little sobs echoed through the halls of Scarabia. Today was a cold and sad night compared to the normal warm and partying ones. Today there was no banquet, no exuberant food, no party. Today there was nothing; just a cold starry sky that accompanied the dinner of worried students.
They knew Kalim was present in his chambers, worrying not about planning new activities for the bedroom, but trying to calm and support his partner. Nobody knew what had happened, but it must have been something very ugly and shocking for even Kalim's cheerful and outgoing aura not to be felt in the air.
“I can't understand the feeling you're going through, but I'm here for whatever you need.” Kalim's voice came out as a whisper between his own sobs. He was sad, very sad. He was sad for you, for your situation.
The one with ruby ​​eyes didn't understand what the indifference of a relative was, and one as important as parents. His parents had wanted him, he was the firstborn of his lineage, but that didn't stop him from feeling empathy for the people around him.
Kalim caressed your back slowly while he kept your head resting on his chest. Your tears wet his shirt, but he didn't care at all. The only thing he cared about was keeping you calm, stable. "Please don't cry, it breaks my heart to see you sad"
When the first tears began to roll down your cheeks, Kalim almost panicked. It's not like he was oblivious to tears, even he cried from time to time, but he didn't like to see his friends and family, the people he loved, cry. And when you told him the reason, you could hear his heart break into a thousand pieces.
Minutes, maybe hours passed for you to calm down or at least for you to stop crying. It was already early morning, felt the cold air of the desert. You began to tremble, perhaps from the spasms from crying so much or from the cold, it wasn't clear. Kalim covered them both with a blanket, a little light, but did the job perfectly. “Smile for me, you are part of my family” and with that, you were able to end the night with some peace. Maybe starting a new family.
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yan-twst · 4 years
Yandere prompt 4 for Kalim please.
 prompt 4: “i’m sorry for stealing your personal belongings... now that you’re here forever, i can return them!
warnings: general yandere themes, implied drugging
“Are you awake...?” Kalim’s gentle voice was the first thing his fellow classmate heard as they groggily opened their eyes, rubbing their head. They felt... Like they’d been asleep for a long time, and there was a dull ache in their forehead, as if they’d banged their head against something. Their mouth felt dry and oddly bitter, and their whole body felt a bit numb.
“I- yeah... Where am I?” they asked, blinking the sleep out of their eyes. Well, they had a clue of where they were; the architecture and decorations of the room they were in clearly indicated they were in the bed of a Scarabia dorm, all tucked in. Their last memories were of being at a party in said dorm- had something happened there...? Trying to remember was no good, it felt as if after a certain point, their memory went fuzzy. 
“Oh, you’re, um- in my room!” said Kalim, sat on the edge of the bed. He was still dressed in his party attire, but it was clearly daytime already. Had he not changed out of his clothes...? “Ah, but it’s not anything bad! You passed out during the party, so I brought you here so you’d go home when you woke up, but, um... You kinda slept through the whole party!”
“I... Did? Huh...” Kalim watched his crush try to piece together the memories from last night, but he knew they wouldn’t be able to- he’d made sure that his darling had a... Very special drink. “I... Kalim, can I have some water? My mouth’s kinda... Dry, and bitter.”
Kalim jumped to his feet, saying he’d be back right away. His crush watched as he left and closed the door behind him- was that click the sound of the door being locked...? Well, whatever it was, his darling didn’t care much. They were a bit out of it, still, so they had no plans to leave yet. But... They did want to stretch their legs a bit, since their whole body did feel a bit odd. They rolled out of the plush bed, stretching their body and cracking their back. How long had they been asleep...? Well, it didn’t matter. They’d feel better once they stretched a bit.
Kalim’s room was lavish, as expected of someone of his wealth- it was well known his family let him use their riches quite liberally. It wasn’t super neat (perhaps because Jamil wasn’t around to clean up after him anymore), but it was still rather nice. They noticed something hanging off a drawer; a sock...? No- their sock?! Why would Kalim have their sock? .... Well, now that they noticed, they weren’t wearing shoes or socks- perhaps Kalim had taken them off so they could sleep more comfortably and then accidentally put them away...
Well, it was a bit odd, but Kalim was a bit eccentric. Hopefully he wouldn’t mind if they took their sock back? The drawer was closed, so they just tugged the sock away. ... Ugh, but that was just one... The other one was probably inside the drawer. Was it snooping if they opened it to get their other sock...? Well... Urk, it probably was a bit creepy of them, but the floor was a bit chilly, and if they didn’t get it back it was probably gonna stay there and they’d both forget about it... Whatever, it wasn’t a crime to get their sock back, right? It was probably just Kalim’s own sock drawer, so it wouldn’t matter too much if they opened it.
“W-what the hell?!”
It wasn’t a sock drawer. Their soul dropped to their feet as they stepped back- that wasn’t a sock drawer. Their breath sped up, hands trembling- what they saw in there was things they’d lost. There, arranged in a haphazard manner, were a lot of objects that belonged to them. Chapstick, bitten pens, scarfs, keychains, jewelry- just, so many little things that they’d thought they lost, all collected there in Kalim’s room. There were pictures of them, small pictures printed off their magicam and some taken without their knowledge. Taking a few steps back, their head felt faint- why... Why would Kalim...?
“I’m back with the water, you didn’t mention ice so I didn’t-” Kalim’s cheery voice was the only notice they got, so in shock over their discovery they didn’t even hear the door open. “... Oh. You found that, huh?”
Kalim watched as his darling backed away from him like a startled foal; they looked as if they could jump and run at any moment. They were... terrified, clutching one of their socks, eyes flickering from the open drawer to him; it... broke his heart. He knew it was wrong of him to keep those things, but- but...! He just loved them so much, and he just- he just wanted to feel closer to them, keeping all these little items that had their essence...
“Kalim, what- what is... Going on...?” they said, voice shaky. Kalim’s mouth pressed into a small pout at the sound of their fear. He didn’t mean any harm...! Why were they so scared...? He hated the dark, vile emotions mixing in his gut- a side of him did like the fear in their eyes. He locked the door behind him, and took a step forward.
“I’m sorry for stealing your personal belongings... Now that you’re here forever, I can return them!” he said, smiling. He didn’t notice how his darling flinched at his words, their eyes widening.
“What do you mean- forever?! Kalim, I’m- I’m scared, let me go home!” his darling said, backing away until they hit the wall. The heir’s gentle smile was suddenly terrifying, as he stepped closer to them. 
“I... I’m sorry, I just- I like you a lot! It’s... No, it’s not like, I love you!” he said, blushing a bit- as if the situation wasn’t what it was. “And I... I’m sorry, but... The fact you’re so dear to me puts you in danger, and there’s bad people out there who- well, who’d try to hurt you because of that... But it’s ok! Now that you know, I can protect you! While you’re here, I can protect you...! Oh, and, ahaha, I guess you’re also getting all your little knick knacks back!”
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capricities · 4 years
Chapter 2
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(Happy Reading! Here’s the masterlist cc:)
In a world where everything is at the touch of your fingertips, where you can have access to information from all across the globe with a push of a button, it was no surprise that the world soon found out about his Sobo’s unfortunate death.
Sobo’s death spread like wildfire, with multiple people from around the world sending their condolences, both half-hearted and not. Sobo’s wake was equally as full, with several families paying their respects, from world leaders to other oligarchs and matriarchs.
Several faces came and went, most of which Yuu barely even recognised —with the exception of the Shroud’s once again, he really liked them, though their appearance to such an event when they were manifestations of the god of the underworld was questionable at best. He was glad Hatsuko was doing most of the talking, even though he had to occasionally interact with one of the more —for lack of better term— stuck up and bratty types. 
The wake would only be held for one day before they cremated her body. They mainly passed their condolences to the head of the clan, his Sofu, who hadn’t left his wife’s body. His Sobo was laid in a bed of chrysanthemums, and if Yuu didn’t know any better, he would have assumed she was just asleep.
It was sad to know that only death could bring the entire Eshima clan together. Most of which were probably waiting for the release of Sobo’s will apart from actually weeping and grieving. It was rather vile and twisted, but it was the family dynamic, had been for centuries.
Yuu ended up staying in the corner of the room, sitting beside an already sleeping Kalim, who arrived a few hours later. He only interacted when someone asked —just as Hatsuko had instructed, and only during his mother’s insistence— and honestly, preferred talking to Kalim. But he couldn’t do that when said boy was off in dreamland.
He was tempted to walk around, maybe he’d be lucky enough to meet another person his age? Maybe he’d bump into a few people he’d met before. He just...wanted to leave this place. It was suffocating if that made sense, even though nothing was keeping the air from his lungs (He never was good at describing his emotions). He carefully repositioned the sleeping Kalim into a more comfortable position —which was essentially anything that didn’t strain his neck— and motioned for Jamil.
Jamil nodded as he approached Kalim, who had immediately cuddled into Jamil the moment he sat down beside the young Al-Asim. Yuu could feel Jamil’s soul leave his body. Being Kalim’s retainer must’ve been a lot of work, and they were the same age!
Yuu scanned his surroundings for his sister. She would stop him from doing anything, from talking, playing, running out to get fresh air…and he really needed that. He slowly sidled out of the room, following a few people out with him (it was by luck that there were people leaving, it was some family from the Rose Kingdom he never really talked too).
As he stepped onto the cement pavement, feeling giddy that he managed to pull it off, he ran towards the foyer which overlooked the oceans of the place. It was tradition to let the family lay with the elements related to their sign. Since his grandmother was born on the year of the water dragon, it sort of made sense why the wake was being held by the ocean.
 Yuu leaned on the railing as he stared at the way the waves crashed against the rocky shore --no one ever said the beaches here were covered in fine white sand-- watching the way the seagulls dove into the ocean, successfully catching fish, squawking in delight.
He brought out a hand and outstretched it towards the ocean, letting the magic within him flow out as he visualised a bunch of snowflakes. He closed his eyes and pursed his lips as curled his hand into a fist before opening it once more. He opened his eyes and smiled to himself as he succeeded. A small flurry of snow surrounded the boy.
“Sobo...may you rest in peace.” He whispered as he shaped around the snowflakes into the silhouette of a dragon, turning his hand into a fist once more. Slowly taking shape of the all too familiar sign, he moved his hand to make the dragon slither around him. “May you guide me-” The flakes of snow stopped haphazardly, suspended in the air before Yuu could finish his sentence. 
Yuu blinked as the dragon slowly disintegrated, turning into...sand? Yuu rose a brow as he tried to create the dragon once more but frowned as it turned into sand faster than before. He turned around and met the gaze of a familiar lion, who was deadpanning at the Eshima.
“Minors can’t use magic in public places without a permit, it’s against the law.” Leona yawned as he brought his hand down, placing it on his hips. Honestly, the kid was going to get in trouble if he didn’t do anything.
Yuu decided to ignore Leona’s warning and focused on asking about his magic instead. “Was that elemental magic? Earth right! C-can you teach me how to-” Yuu rambled. His magic was cool, even though it did stop him from casting his own.
Leona sighed. “It’s my unique magic...” He trailed as he set his gaze anywhere but the curious 8-year-old. 
Yuu perked. Hatsuko had told him about Leona’s unique magic is dangerous, but what was so dangerous about that! It was cool! Amazing! Powerful! Maybe Hatsuko was just jealous since she didn’t have her own unique magic yet. “That’s so cool!”
Leona felt his soul leave his body. Did he really not get it? He could kill with his unique magic and he calls it...cool? Just what world was this kid living on? He sighed, bringing a hand to massage his temples. “It isn’t cool, it’s dangerous. I- I hurt someone with it, and people hate me for it. Everyone does.” He stated, remembering how he had used it on his nanny. 
Yuu paused before raising a brow up. “Did you mean to hurt them?”  He asked curiously. Crossing his arms on his chest.
Leona tilted his head, his ears twitching slightly. “Well no-”
“Then why are they so afraid. It’s not as if you wanted to do it. You don’t seem like the guy who’d hurt someone.” Yuu stated matter of factly.
“It isn’t that simple herbivore-”
“How is that not simple, a while ago you seemed like you had perfect control over it. And you said it yourself, it was an accident, which means it would’ve only happened if you just manifested it.” He shrugged. “They’re just being idiots since they’re scared of it. It’s rare to have magic like that after all.”
Leona sighed for what would be the umpteenth time. “You don’t understand.”
“Well, I don’t understand how someone can be so dumb. It was manifesting. You wouldn’t know how to control it. And then they blame it on you for being unable to control something so foreign. That’s wrong.” Yuu said.
Leona blinked, his tail swishing against Yuu’s leg. “Unique Magic manifests during your most desperate time. Keep that in mind, herbivore.” Leona said as placed his hand on Yuu’s head, lightly ruffling his hair.
Yuu huffed. “Eh, your magic is still cool, and my point still stands. You sound like Jamil-san. Always being so…pestic” He announced. 
“Pessimistic.” Leona said with an amused chuckle.
“Yeah that. ” Yuu declared as he brought his gaze to his shoes.
Leona’s ears perked at the sound of other footsteps, the characteristic tap of heels against the concrete in a strict pattern. A sound distinct, yet masked. Leona was aware that he may have overstayed his welcome, or at least with how much he was allowed to be near the kid. 
Leona removed his hand from Yuu’s head. “I have to go.” 
“Ehhh, but I still want to ask more about your unique magic.” 
Leona paused. “Your naivety is going to get you killed one day.” He sighed. 
Leona had put a good amount of distance between him and Yuu, and Yuu was confused as to why he had done so. He turned his head and the realisation hit. Right..Hatsuko didn’t like him talking to Leona...or anyone except Kalim, for that matter. But he still wanted to talk to him.
Hatsuko approached her brother, head held high, glaring at Leona but not quite at the same time. A rather intimidating aura surrounded her. “Yuu, the ritual is about to start, as the next heir, you need to be there.” She said as she patted his shoulder, a hint of venom in the way she stressed the word heir. 
Yuu felt afraid of his sister, a feeling he hadn’t felt since last year. Leona’s presence was a bit comforting, but they weren’t close like he was with Kalim, so his anxiety was evident. He silently nodded, head downcast. “Yes, niisan.” He said weakly, not wanting to protest to an evidently mad Hatsuko.
Hatsuko smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes. She took her brother’s hand and gently tugged him. Yuu hesitantly followed. His eyes still trained on the floor. Another meeting cut short, once again. 
Yuu turned to look at Leona, who was looking at him with a small smirk on his face. “Next time, I’ll teach you how to play chess.” Leona mouthed, hoping that his simple message could be received. 
Yuu smiled before turning back to face forward. All he understood was “next time” but that was enough to give him a bit of hope. As he followed Hatsuko obediently, he couldn’t help but wonder. 
When was next time?
Kalim yawned as he sat up. Jamil had shaken him awake, saying something about how they were going to start some eulogy or something. Kalim rubbed his eyes as he took in his surroundings. Everyone was seated now, but he could still hear their faint whispers, the murmurs, and the incessant chatter.
“Ryoichi is missing, isn’t that kind of disrespectful considering he’s the first son.”
“Maybe that’s why his son is the next heir.”
“Skipping a generation, he must’ve done some pretty bad things.”
Kalim didn’t understand what they were talking about, then again, he never paid attention. Most of the time he was just there, happily going on about his day, pestering Jamil. Talking with his dad’s multiple wives. Generally just being him. He never really heard about rumours like this.
“It’s a rumour, but they might divorce.”
Jamil looked at Kalim, who was visibly saddened at what he was hearing. Jamil usually let these rumours go through one ear and out the other, so he sort of expected Kalim to do the same. Maybe it was because he cared about Yuu. They were pretty good friends after all.
Jamil already knew that the world he and Kalim were seeing was just a sliver of what was really there. They were just scratching the surface, and quite frankly, Jamil didn’t want to know what underneath.
Asks are highly encouraged! You can even submit a post if you want. Once again, I hope you enjoy reading. I’ll be able to post again in about a week or two cc:
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