#the toxic far left
raytorosaurus · 1 year
we need to string up the guy who popularised taking headphone jacks out of phones by his intestines. wait actually by old headphone cords. sic the bastard with death by irony
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surreal-duck · 1 year
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more oc stuff 🎉 i love divorce
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akkivee · 2 months
dear god is the ice skating joseimuke you're referring too.. king of prism? I'm so sorry if youve watched KoP LOL I say this as a huge fan of the franchise it spun off of. kop is. a lot 😭😂
that was the name yeah LMAO like i decided to check out the anime after the hypmic x kop april fools crossover and it sure was an experience lmao!!!!!!!! unironically looking forward to its comeback tho LOL
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misojohnist · 10 months
something something the fact that john is so unwilling to face his own sins that he will consistently choose to kill those who hold him accountable, more willing to destroy his family and friends entirely than to have them look on him with any amount of disgust or disappointment or anger
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
personally I think it's an improvement that we've evolved enough to care about the morals and personal views of the celebrities. I'd take people asking genuinely if so & so is problematic or has done anything questionable over people not caring at all. Indifference isn't a good when it comes to these influential people, especially because their views will be broadcast to a much larger audience regardless. It's a good thing to question the intentions of the richer celebrity folk in our world and to not trust in them blindly.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Like okay. I’m glad I’m my father’s daughter but also do I have to, on every level, be my father’s daughter
#like okay. looking Exactly Like Him i can deal with. the round face and chubby cheeks and dark eyes and thick hair? good#the height and the massive shoulders are extremely useful when weird men try anything. i just stand up and end their careers#but did i HAVE to get his hypermobile knee joints?? is that something i really had to be dealing with????!???#also i just want to point out that he fucked them up playing cricket. i didn’t even get to play cricket. i have so far dislocated my right#knee four times just by falling down in my house (thrice) and at work (once)#the whole thing where i’ve inherited his habit of sitting in the corner with a book and a cup of tea and not resurfacing is fine#i can deal with it. also lurking in the doorway watching tv and forgetting about the food i was making. and taking a bath for like 2 hours#with a book. regular. and liking dogs#did i have to be oblivious with money though? did i have to be incapable of budgeting??#did i have to get his temper?? i mean i haven’t thrown anybody through a glass door yet but liiiiiike#i’ll catch myself in a cold rage doing something toxic or petty or just downright unacceptable and be like hmm. who does THIS remind me of#perhaps my father politely asking his neighbour to not mow his lawn at 5am and them; when the neighbour refused; leaving the radetsky march#playing full blast on repeat and going away for a weekend#also!! the competitive bullshit. what kind of father NEVER lets his kid win a game. like not even once#my dad that’s who. i don’t think i ever once beat him at anything. maybe one day i would have#i just miss him. but in a way he’s not really gone. he passed on so much of himself to me and then left#personal
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medicinemane · 9 months
Everyone's against cringe culture and shit like that, but pretty much everyone seems to have an arbitrary line they draw in the sand
I'm not talking concrete lines where like you have some quantifiable metric for it. You think I don't have lines? Of course I do, there's stuff that's blatantly stuff that causes direct harm to people, though at that point it's not about someone being weird, it's about someone doing actual bona fide harm
But that's the thing, a lot of people it's just they'll be like "no, we shouldn't make fun of people... but this person's being weird"
And it's like... you can say anyone's being weird. If that's where we draw the line then literally there's no reason for people not to make fun of you for innocent but slightly weird shit, and we're right back where we started
"Yeah, but this person's being weird", yeah, not shit, I think they're weird too but like... that's not the point, that's irrelevant. The point is that you can't just shift the rules. If it's wrong to shit on some people for being weird, it's wrong to shit on any people for being weird. You need to produce some quantifiable bad they're doing like say... going in to strangers in boxes to say stuff that makes them uncomfortable, now we've got a clear reason why what they're doing isn't ok
Though to be clear here, they're still not bad for being weird, they're bad for their other actions
Like... I don't want to give an actual examples, cause it honestly doesn't matter, but do you think I don't browse the internet and find all kinds of stuff where I think "could you fucking not"?
...but then I move on cause it's honestly not worth my fucking time. Either there's an actionable offense that needs reporting or I can just move on (or a need to change things so certain destructive or dangerous behaviors can be reported, though that requires being able to say why this needs to be a thing in concrete terms)
Just... I don't know... drives me nuts how people, including people I like, will talk a big game about cringe culture needing to die, but then do the exact same shit
"But you don't get it, this time they we're being too weird, it was creepy", yeah, but they weren't actually hurting anyone, and guess what? There's someone out there who'd be happy to use that excuse to shit on you
So there it is
#spent far too long with people shitting on stuff I like; fuck; happens to this day randomly#can't fucking get away with it; twists stuff I love in to being a sore point for me that I recoil if people mention#but you know something? fucking stopped making fun of people who like Twilight after that started happening#might still laugh at the book itself cause fun if there isn't some bad writing there#but honestly even that isn't worth it most of the time#but like the fans... unless they're harassing the cast for the movies or something... whatever#have fun with it even I don't like it#it's either actionable harm or you need to not be a dick to people#not even cause like... 'everyone has their own story or something'#nah; they could legit just be a nasty toxic little weirdo#it's just... being an awful person with fucked up thoughts in your head shouldn't be a crime; I'm serious about that too#so long as you don't do anything actionable and concretely wrong; you should be left to it#and it's not for their sake either#it's because I bet I could come up with a reason to twist any one of you in to being 'an awful person with fucked up thoughts in your head'#I can smear; and lie; and twist; or just kind of be an asshole thing thinks it's wrong that... you like 80s pop; whatever#doesn't have to be something actually wrong; anything can be twisted if the only bar for it is being weird#behavior and actions trump everything else#if you can't show me bad behavior or a direct link to intent to cause harm in the future#then sorry but I think you should just leave it#...then again maybe I'm just a monstrously awful person myself; you don't know what might be running through my head#why the fuck should you listen to me?#think for yourself; but that's why I think what I think on this
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takhayyul · 1 year
i hate being the only cousin living in canada, its my cousins wedding in the coming weeks and they be having so much fun rn while i gotta go to my 9 to 5 tmrw
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lesbianwillbond · 1 year
You don't post/reblog about Louis anymore :'( I always loved your tags
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Sometimes I think about what if Jon was marked by the Extinction. It happened so long ago that he can't remember; he was only a toddler. Still, he had spent so much of his life dreaming about the smell of poisoned air and the silence of an absence of all other life that it was when he stopped having it he finally understood he was not human anymore.
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jimkirkachu · 2 years
I miss having things in common with my friends and family members who are now married and/or have children
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songtwo · 2 years
yk like ive always been grateful i grew into a really loving and healthy family esp bc im aware my mom grew up in the most horrible environment and i love her so much for breaking all those vicious cycles but ive been reading all about love by bell hooks and idk each page makes me throw up and die in both a good and a bad way
#like ok maybe it wasnt the Healthiest environment when i was a child but it also was never abusive or toxic or anything#my parents just werent fit for each other and that was basically it#and my dad too he also grew up in a basically loveless family and though it wasnt abusive it wasnt nice either#and i see the ppl his siblings became and the way they treat their children and it rly shows just how lucky i was#and my mom like her life was awful just awful i dont know how she managed to become the person she is bc shes like a perfect mom and friend#and everything#and yesterday a cousin she hadnt heard from since they were teens bc he went 2 the usa at 15 called her#and its crazy yk like hes doing good now but everyone knows they treat undocumented immigrants like literal garbage#let alone a 15 yr old child#and the thing is my mom's family was far poorer than his#and its insane and unbelievable 2 everyone how my family who would go days without eating and where everyone had to work from age 7 or so#would go on to become professors and idk like his family wasnt rich but they definitely werent as poor as them#and like his children grew up in completely different conditions than i did#and like that could've easily been me#and its so weird thinking of my life#like i can be here making silly posts everyday in a completely different language and talk about work and school and silly old men#when my mom at my age was working her ass off at the only school they could afford and would be married in a few months#and my grandma at my age was already married and expecting a child bc she left her home at 18 bc she couldnt keep handling the abuse#and like i lead a completely different life just bc . my mom made good decisions#and its just . ive had a rly good life despite not doing anythign to deserve it#like i dont mean in order to have a good life and a loving family you must earn it ofc not#but i just think about my mom and my grandma and my aunt and all of my relatives however distant or close they might be#and im still the only person in my entire family to ever go to college and i mean i did work hard to get in but my mom and any of my uncles#were far more hardworking and smarter but they just didnt have any money#and i mean thats the case w a lot of ppl#and again its not that u have to earn it everyone should have access to education and a home and have their basic needs meet basically#but thats sadly not the case#and im just too close to this#i really just got lucky#and its like . what if my parents never broke the cycles
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kitttwilight · 11 days
yes i know tumblr is insane and kinda toxic sometimes but these days it's nice . no scary things that stress me out on here. just funny posts and cool art and talking abt games and anime and etc. Man I hate twitter.
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Why must it be 3 am I found a rly good rabbit au Jackie song and I desperately wanna draw smth based on it but if I did that then Id be going to bed at 5 am tonight and Id rather not. You guys should go listen to ofelia by kiltro tho it's pretty good 👍
#rat rambles#oni posting#Me when the toxic codependency that leads to an increasingly downward spiral of two women bending their morals and themselves beyond#recognition for each other only to grow more and more distant because of said efforts anyways#To be clear jackie still has shit morals in this au that is in fact why olivia also has shit morals#But jackie actually is on good terms with olivia for most of the story and loves her deeply#So she does notice olivia's downward spiral even with olivia actively hiding things from her and she notices them both becoming more distan#She gets freaked the hell out by olivia hiding shit from her but she's become so emotionaly dependent on her that she ends up loosening her#boundaries and as things get worse and worse she ends up taking it out on the staff that have been desperately trying to stop olivia#basically taking it upon herself to double down on olivia's downward spiral and jumping right in alongside her#Which in turn feeds into the whole reason olivia started down this path in the first place in a way that kind of makes her actually feel#Crushing guilt again as she's forced to watch the woman who she sacrificed her sense of self for end up sacrificing her own self back#Rly calls into question the justification for olivia doing basically everything she'd been doing for the whole plot#She hasn't been walking alongside jackie this whole time and now shes so far deep that jackie is left clawing after her#And once olivia 'dies' jackie is left behind to stew in her own grief and regrets#As much as she doesn't tend to question her morals it's hard to not think abt what must have went wrong
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psychosodomy · 5 months
Reading wuthering heights via audiobook bc i gotta figure out why the fuck is heathcliff not letting cathy into his window?!
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mareestoermers · 2 months
i think we are all forgetting something when we talk about how toxic patrick, tashi, and art are — or when we decide one is “worse” than the other. they all have moments of seeing right through it, seeing each other’s toxic behavior for what it is, and STILL want and need each other in this possessive, envious, visceral way.
1. in the way beginning, tashi is clearly flirting more with art than patrick, and patrick is visibly annoyed. art sees right through it and even challenges him like “okay, let’s leave”, and has this little smirk on his face because he knows patrick won’t give up on tashi.
2. tashi immediately sees the visible tension and love between art and patrick, and literally orchestrates their first kiss. she sees right through their repression, and even calls herself a “home-wrecker” but still entangles herself with them, especially patrick because he’s clearly the better tennis player at that point and that is tash’s ONLY true love. tennis. that’s what she desires most in him, and patrick knows that. he even calls her out on it in the dorm room scene. but they have this mirroring fire in each other that neither of them can give up, not until patrick breaks the balance and bails — tashi’s injury is literally a metaphor for the balance shattering between all three of them when patrick leaves her.
3. before this, patrick sees right through art trying to break them up, and even admires that quality — maybe even feels smug and flattered because art is jealous and feels left out from both tashi and patrick. patrick has known this all along, we saw it in the “tick-serve” scene, where he even swears to tashi he won’t tell anyone but he still tells art, who is desperate to feel a part of them and patrick wants that, too — even keeps that close intimacy with art that we see in the churro scene (swoon swoon swoon).
4. haven’t you noticed that arts desire to be great is only ever tied up in patrick and tashi? how he needs to beat patrick to win tashis affection, how he needs to win in tennis so that tashi can live through him, how he lives up to his potential in the ending only because tashi and patrick push him to it, in their little fucked up ways? he knows this — he even admits that he’s playing for tashi, that he knows she’s living through him. he even admits he’s playing a fucked up little game with patrick when they’re in the sauna. yet he still does it. again, he knows what’s happening, sees right through them — still does it, still loves them.
5. when tashi calls patrick to come pick her up he knows it’s not just to tell him to throw the match — and despite how she battles him about it, they still have sex in the car, because he already knows. he’s so fully aware of her and her game and he’s so willing to be caught up in it, the same as art.
just some examples of how they all have moments of clarity and agency and yet they still choose to be entangled in one another because they’re all fucked up in their own, individual ways, and they’re all living through each other for their own specific needs. arts is to be seen as worthy, as great, but only through their gaze. tashis is to have the career that was stolen from her. patricks is truly to be in love and in lust with both of them, because we even see that from the beginning that tashis love alone will never satiate him; it has to be arts love, too. that scene in the sauna when he thinks he’s lost it from art is the most sad and fucked up we ever even see patrick. on top of tashi asking him to throw the game — he’s so defensive of arts feelings.
in short this is an actual love triangle (and i would go as far as to see it as a polyship). you can’t erase one without the whole thing unraveling, and you can’t say one character was the “worst” without picking apart the motivations and pointing to the fact that their bad behavior was never a secret or left unchecked.
even at the end, patrick signals to art that he slept with tashi — art knows and they still have that intimate completion at the end, all three of them. art living up to his potential and embracing patrick fully (id argue this could even be a metaphor for embracing his bisexuality), patrick having both tashi and arts affection again, and tashi playing a phenomenal tennis match through her little white boys — in such a visceral, emotional way that she cries out like she did in the beginning and the last frame is her smiling.
in a fucked up way, they all get what they wanted out of each other.
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