#the tra-la-la song
sohannabarberaesque · 6 months
Imagine, if you will, this setup:
Per Kermit Schafer's "Pardon My Blooper!" collations of broadcasting erratum:
"Tonight, your civic station brings you a summertime treat! We take you to Central Park, where you'll hear an appalling programme of dance music."
(The original delivered in a somewhat posh-sounding voice, know)
Followed by a quick cut to The Banana Splits' "One Banana, Two Banana" theme, a/k/a "The Tra-La-La Song."
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Me watching Nimona the other night:
This is such a great movie I love it!!!
When “The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)” by The Banana Splits starts playing
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solbit-fox · 9 months
German My Little Pony G3-3.5 covers
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mytastessuck · 2 years
The Dickies: The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)
Would you believe I knew the original version of this song before I caught the cover?
I used to watch Boomerang back when, you know, it was fulfilling its actual purpose of reintroducing old cartoons to younger generations. They liked to play old cartoon songs during commercial breaks and they liked to play the Banana Splits song a lot. First thing I noticed: "Wow, those outfits are weird." Second thing I noticed: "Damn, this song is catchy." So I was more than pleasantly surprised to find a punk but mostly straight cover of this song by the surely upstanding young men The Dickies. As deliberately chaotic they were being, I find it wholesome when guys like this pay unironic tribute to something from their childhood. Oh, what did I think about The Banana Splits movie? Well, you'll have to wait and find out...
Song Score: 31/10
Didn't really like it.
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katagawajr · 2 years
if i could get the patrick stump cover of the banana splits theme song out of my head that’d be great 😭
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astuteobservations · 1 year
read the inspo for the song fitzpleasure by alt j and came back wrong
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nerdanelparmandil · 12 days
Upon further inspection, I think all, and I mean all of Tolkien's elves are absolutely feral. Don't be fooled, they could rip your guts apart with their bare hands while singing their tra-la-lay songs. They just choose not to, most of the times.
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therealmairon · 4 months
first age singers were soooo dramatic like they fr just ran away to wander along the shores and wail and sing for the rest of eternity at the slightest inconvenience and then the third age minstrels are just like "oh tra la la lally!!! " and "bilbo omg sing that longass song again we totalllyyyyy haven't been listening to you for the last hour wink wink please get us out of here"
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a-couple-of-bees · 2 years
Hello!! To those who have watched the show already, I hope you understand when I say The Lords in Black's song has been stuck in my head since… but I’m desperately trying to work out the lyrics.
(Edit; me and another fan have figured out what I was missing! These may not be 100% but here are the completed lyrics)
So far I have:
Out of the depths of hell and back, us spawn of the black and white
Cover our souls with robes of black and take up the arms of night.
Nibbly wants his sacrifice, and Wiggly wants his wrath
We dance around the pentagram and take all our kingdoms back.
Babble the spell that gets it done, babble it on command
Won’t stop until all the blood is drawn, the lords in Black demand…
You summon us once, you summon us twice, you gamble it on the roll of the dice.
The devil has won, It can’t be undone, the book has all but closed on your life.
(BLINKY: We’ve been watching you Gracie…Someone’s been a little naughty
TINKY: (laughter) Oh boy! A Spankoffski! I can have the whole set in my toybox.
NIBBLY: Stephanie yum yum.
STEPHANIE: Are you the Lords in Black?)
Out of the depths of hell and back, we travel very far
Cover our souls with robes of black , the lords in black we are.
(WIGGLY: Don’t be so formal Stephanie, we’re all pally wals here. I mean look at us, we even hold court in your own tongue and form. Go Nighthawks!
All Laugh
POKEY: Our true forms would melt your minds
WIGGLY: Don’t frighten them Pokey, you nasty boy.
STEPHANIE: We need to stop Max Jagerman. We heard you can help us)
The lords in black will help you yes, you stupid silly girl.
By helping rid the Jagerman, we can help the world.
(WIGGLE: Hm We could, we could take home little Maxy and pull him right down to Drowsytown.
NIBBLY: Swallow his soul, I wanna lick it.
WIGGLY: But why? Maxy poo’s about to get you, tear you all to bloody bits!
BLINKY: I wanna see that.
STEPHANIE: How about a bargain? We’ll give you whatever you want. Just get rid of Jagerman.)
WIGGLY: Whatever we want?!)
Whatever we want, we want, we want,
Whatever we want we get.
Whatever you want, you want, you want, forever in our debt
(WIGGLY: Hm, what could you give to me? Let me check my Christmas list. (gasps) there is something.
STEPHANIE: What? What do you want from us?
TINKY: Something fun!
NIBBLY: Something tasty.
WIGGLY: Oh, you’ll hardly miss it. We just want what you cherish most. That’s all
STEPHANIE: What we cherish most? What do you mean?
POKEY: What do you want, Steph…?
WIGGLY: One of you must give up the thing you treasure above all else.
POKEY: Do it or die!
STEPHANIE: What I treasure above all else? I know what it is! My phone! My whole life’s on this thing! It has my contacts, my pictures-)
(WIGGLY: We want what you really want…you can’t lie to us Steph. You can lie to yourself but not to me. Think about it…
(Steph looks to Peter)
WIGGLY: Ah, there he is
PETER: Steph?
WIGGLY: What’s in your pocket Steph-O-nie?)
Stephanie has got a gun, tra la la la, how fun
Stephanie has got a gun, she knows what must be done.
(WIGGLY: Put a bullet in his brain and we’ll take Maxwell off your plate.
WIGGLY: Pay the price or fuck off
Out of the depths of hell and back, us spawn of the black and white
Cover our souls with robes of black and take up the arms of night.
You summon us once, you summon us twice, you gamble it on the roll of the dice.
The devil has won, It can’t be undone, the book has all but closed on your life.
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sohannabarberaesque · 11 months
Scenes from extremist political rallies targeting the Lower Classes we'd love to see
Some misguided "patriot" organisation hires a sound engineer who turns out to be so incompetent, he drives the mostly "poor white trash" audience (more than likely bussed in from rural areas with Walmart or Dollar General gift cards as inducement) into utter confusion when, for some reason, he winds up playing "The Tra-La-La Song" (otherwise familiar to many of you as The Banana Splits' theme) on the tannoy rather than some strident patriotic ballad aimed at stoking latent hatreds in service to God and Country on a par with the Horst Wessel back in Nazi Germany or "Die Stem van Suid-Afrika" in apartheid South Africa.
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citlalya1311 · 10 months
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IDK, yesterday's thingy kept me thinking on this xd
(I found that audio randomly and then said "THEEEEM!")
*c regresa a su esquina xd*
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mikus-socks · 10 months
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I started this at the beginning of June, forgot about it, remembered it, that happened like thrice, opened yesterday my notes app, found the beginning of it, ended it, polished it up, kept on polishing it up this morning, didn't give a single fuck about the syllable unless once or twice, tried my best with the rhymes but massively fucked up, so here you have this little shit!
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(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
Alcuni diran che ne siam fuori Muovendo margherite, dopo che muori Ma i vermi necessitan dei nostri cuori C'è solo una paura ricorrente Qui, l'anima mia, è presente O sta marcendo in trappola tra i miei pori? Anima mia Anima mia Anima mia Anima mia Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ah-ah Ahh-ahh-ah Senz'anima mia, corp'innominato Niente storia, che peccato Crudel'esistenza fu sol'una farsa Oh, San Pietro, famm'entrar Saprai dove la mia testa può star Non mi dirai infine chi son io? Chi son io Chi son io Chi son io Chi son io Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ah-ahh Ahh-ah-ah E dal terreno, dove vivrai Sento l'angoscia di chi non sai ('N cor che completo è mai) E com'una vecchia dimenticata melodia Una canzone che nessuno sa Dimenticato come fa Solo John ed io Sempr'e per sempre una, Jane Doe E mi chiedo, "Perché, Dio? Se quest'è come muoio, Dio Perché rimaner senza famiglia E amici?" (Ooh) Non'ho avut'una celebrazione Solo 'sta consolazione Crono mangia tutt'i suoi figli alla fine 'Na melodia l'aria'ttraversa Quando cade il silenzio, chi s'interessa? (Chi s'interessa?) 'N'altra triste, dimenticata melodia 'N'altra canzone che nessuno sa Quindi quell'è come fa Solo John ed io Sempr'e per sempre una, Jane Doe E ti chiede, "Perché, Dio?" (Perché, perché, perché, perché?) "Non'è modo di morir, Dio!" (Nessun'a cantar, nessun'a sospirar) Ora che tutt'è dett'e fatto Non c'è nessuno a dirmi chi sono io? Niente canzoni di celebrazione Solo 'sta triste speculazione Come John, sarò eternamente Un nome dimenticato, che qualcun'ha'bbandonato Solo "Jane" Jane Doe ('Na melodia l'aria'ttraversa) (Quando cade il silenzio, chi s'interessa?) (Jane) (Doe)
So, direct translation! (used in this [and in this sometimes!] to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices)
Some might say we're out Moving daisies, after you're dead But we all know the worms need our hearts There's just one reoccurring fear Here, my soul, is it present Or is it rotting trapped within my pores? My soul My soul My soul My soul Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ah-ah Ahh-ahh-ah Without my soul, unnamed body Wihout a story, what a shame Cruel existence was only a farce Oh, Saint Peter, let me in You must know where my head could be(/stay/reside) Won't you tell me at last who I am? Who I am Who I am Who I am Who I am Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ah-ahh Ahh-ah-ah And from the terrain, where you will live I hear the anguish of who you don't know (A choir that's never complete) And like an old forgotten tune A song that no one knows Forgot how it goes(/does) Just John and I Forever eternally(/Forever and for forever/forever and ever) a, Jane Doe And I'm askin', "Why, Lord? If this is how I die, Lord Why remain with no family And no friends?" (Ooh) I haven't had a celebration Just this (but a "this" you say in a quick way [because 'sta is short for questa, yup you take away one entire syllable], almost angry or if you're without patience or at times simply because it's shorter) consolation Chrono (get it? Because they say time [but for time in italian you'd better use an article (]a, an, the, those ones) or it'll sound weird] and Chrono wasn't the Titan of Time? And didn't he eat his all his children-Zeus? I might be wrong [I doubt though] but I think this works ok) eats all his children in the end A melody passes through (it literally throughs the air how do I say that) the air When silence falls, who's interested (in it)? (Who's interested?) Another sad, forgotten tune Another song that no one knows So that's how it goes(/does) Just John and I (to try to rhyme it []rather uselessly because it wasn't needed but it's alright anyway] with Doe and God [in Italian it's Dio]) Forever eternally(/Forever and for forever/forever and ever) a, Jane Doe And she's askin' you, "Why, Lord?" (Why, why, why, why?) (why not put the "Oh"? Because in Italian Why [Perché] has two syllables and I need to try my best to fit everything [I literally haven't counted the syllables for anything but oh well]) "("This" is implied) is no way to die, Lord!" (No one to sing, no one to sigh) Now that all is said and done Isn't there anyone to tell me who I am? No songs of celebration Just this (the "this" in Italian, just like the last time in a similar verse, is missing a syllable) sorry speculation Like John, I'll be eternally A forgotten name, that someone abandoned Just "Jane" Jane Doe (A melody passes through [is "throughs the air"something you can say?] the air) (When silence falls, who's interested [in it]?) (Jane) (Doe)
OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
Some might say we're released Pushing daisies, deceased But we all know the worms must be fed There's just one lingering fear Oh, my soul, is it here Or is it rotting somewhere with my head? Oh, my soul Oh, my soul Oh, my soul Oh, my soul Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ah-ah Ahh-ahh-ah Oh, no soul, and no name And no story, what a shame Cruel existence was only a sham Oh, Saint Peter, let me in You must know where I've been Won't you tell me at last who I am? Who I am Who I am Who I am Who I am Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh Ah-ahh Ahh-ah-ah And from the ground, beneath my feet I hear the anguish of the street (A choir never complete) And like an old forgotten tune A song that no one knows Forgot how it goes Just John and me Forever eternally, Jane Doe And I'm askin', "Why, Lord? If this is how I die, Lord Why be left with no family And no friends?" (Ooh) I've got no celebration Just this consolation Time eats all his children in the end A melody floats through the air When silence falls, does no one care? (Does anyone care?) Another sad, forgotten tune Another song that no one knows So that's how it goes Just John and me Forever eternally, Jane Doe And she's askin', "Why, Lord?" (Why, oh why, oh why, oh why?) "This is no way to die, Lord!" (No one to sing, no one to sigh) Now that all is said and done Isn't there anyone to tell me who I am? No singing songs of celebration Just this sorry speculation Like John, I'll be eternally A forgotten name, some lost refrain Just "Jane" Jane Doe (A melody floats through the air) (When silence falls, does no one care?) (Jane) (Doe)
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starlightrunesgang · 3 months
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**Subtertale Cover of The Amazing digital circus: "Digital Hallucinations")**:
-**The song is called: "Underground Hallucinations-Alucinaciones subterráneas".
Song credits to OR3O.
-Here we will put a version of Lyra turned into Pomni. We have only made this version so that you can see what a Lyra version for this song would look like. Here we show you the design of her:
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One, two, three, four.
Counting the passage of time.
Here I am trapped underground, can someone help me escape from here?
Five, six, seven, eight.
Time is just a vile deception.
In a dark world full of monsters and uncertain paths.
**Flowey (Caine): You must believe you are dreaming.
**Lyra: Just tell me what you are up to.
**Flowey: It seems that you saw a ghost.
But you are very lucky to have a host as kind as me.
**Lyra: I fear I will get lost here.
*Flowey: But you must not be afraid.
*Lyra: I can't stand it anymore. Is that an exit door? *Lyra approaches the door of the ruins*.
**Chorus (All):
It's just your imagination.
The exit is fixed in your mind.
Place after place, you discover it's just an underground hallucination.
You try to find a way out.
But you're trapped here until dawn.
Inside an underground hallucination.
A B C D.
I don't remember my name.
Tell me if I'm really dead or if I just lost all my sanity.
X, D, D, C.
The inscriptions on the wall.
The vowels and consonants say: Save us all.
**Sans: Listen girl, you think you're dreaming.
Everything will be okay my child, believe me.
**Asgore: It seems you saw a ghost.
**Sans: You're lucky to keep some of your sanity.
**Mettaton: And some might call it tragic, darling.
**Undyne: When the underground lost its magic and hope.
Lyra: I can't take it anymore. Where's the way out?
*Chorus (All):
It's just your imagination.
The way out is fixed in your mind.
Place after place, you discover it's just an underground hallucination.
You try to find a way out.
But you're trapped here until dawn.
Inside an underground hallucination.
-At the barrier:
Is that an amalgam?
Of my own obsession?
Place after place, I discovered it's just an underground hallucination.
I want to find a way out.
But I'm trapped here until dawn.
Inside this underground hallucination.
*Chorus (All):
It's just your imagination.
The way out is fixed in your mind.
Place after place, you discover it's just an underground hallucination.
You try to find a way out.
But you're trapped here until dawn.
Inside an underground hallucination.
Underground hallucination (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh).
Get me out of here.
**Here we will put the Spanish translation of the song**:
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
Contando el pasar del tiempo.
Aquí estoy atrapada bajo tierra, ¿alguien puede ayudarme a escapar de aquí?.
Cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
El tiempo es solo un vil engaño.
En un mundo oscuro lleno de monstruos y caminos inciertos.
**Flowey (Caine): Debes creer que estás soñando.
**Lyra: Solo dime qué estás tramando.
**Flowey: Parece que viste a un fantasma.
Pero tienes mucha suerte de tener a un anfitrión tan amable como yo.
**Lyra: Temo por perderme aquí.
*Flowey: Pero no debes tener miedo.
*Lyra: No lo soporto más. ¿Es esa una puerta de salida?. *Lyra se acerca a la puerta de las ruinas*.
**Coro (Todos):
Solo es tu imaginación.
La salida esta fija en tu mente.
Lugar tras lugar, descubres que es solo una alucinación subterránea.
Intentas encontrar a una forma de salir.
Pero estás atrapada aquí hasta el amanecer.
Dentro de una alucinación subterránea.
A B C D.
No recuerdo mi nombre.
Dime si en verdad estoy muerta o simplemente perdí toda mi cordura.
X, D, D, C.
Las inscripciones en la pared.
Las vocales y las consonantes dicen: Sálvalos a todos.
**Sans: Escucha niña, crees que estás soñando.
**Toriel: Todo estará bien mi niña, créeme. **Asgore: Parece que viste a un fantasma.
**Sans: Tienes suerte de mantener algo de tu cordura.
**Mettaton: Y algunos podrían llamarlo trágico cariño.
**Undyne: Cuando el subsuelo perdió su magia y esperanza.
Lyra: No lo soporto más. ¿Donde esta la salida?.
*Coro (Todos):
Solo es tu imaginación.
La salida esta fija en tu mente.
Lugar tras lugar, descubres que es solo una alucinación subterránea.
Intentas encontrar a una forma de salir.
Pero estás atrapada aquí hasta el amanecer.
Dentro de una alucinación subterránea.
En la barrera:
¿Es eso una amalgama?.
¿De mi propia obsesión?.
Lugar tras lugar, descubrí que es solo una alucinación subterránea.
Quiero encontrar una salida.
Pero estoy atrapada aquí hasta el amanecer.
Dentro de esta alucinación subterránea.
*Coro (Todos):
Solo es tu imaginación.
La salida esta fija en tu mente.
Lugar tras lugar, descubres que es solo una alucinación subterránea.
Intentas encontrar a una forma de salir.
Pero estás atrapada aquí hasta el amanecer.
Dentro de una alucinación subterránea.
Alucinación subterránea (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh).
Sacadme de aquí.
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anneangel · 6 months
Because I imagine this scenes of The Hobbit book with Elrohir and Elladan, you know, Elrond's twin sons. And it looks like this:
Elrohir: What brings Mister Baggins. Elladan: And Balin and Dwalin. O! tra-la-la-lally Elrohir: down into the valley. O! Tril-lil-lil-lolly. Elladan: in June, ha! Ha!
So they laughed and sang in the trees; and pretty fair nonsense.
“Well, well!” said Elrohir.
“Just look! Bilbo the hobbit on a pony, my dear! Isn’t it delicious!” said Elladan.
Elrohir: “Most astonishing wonderful!”
“Don’t dip your beard in the foam, father!” they cried to Thorin, who was bent almost on to his hands and knees. “It is long enough without watering it.”
“Mind Bilbo doesn’t eat all the cakes!” they called. “He is too fat to get through key-holes yet!”
“Hush, hush! Good People! and good night!” said Gandalf, who came last. “Valleys have ears, and some elves have over merry tongues. Good night!” And so at last they all came to the Last Homely House, and found its doors flung wide.
Bilbo would have liked to have a few private words with these people that seemed to know his names and all about him, although he had never seen them before. He thought their opinion of his adventure might be interesting. Elves know a lot and are wondrous folk for news, and know what is going on among the peoples of the land.
-The Hobbit Book - Chapter III, A Short Rest ⤴️
P.s: They are silly, but are intelligent enough to know the visitors' names and that Bilbo is with them on a mission where he will have to enter through a lock, and they still don't know about the map, and the secret door. Which only proves that Elrond's sons are so much intelligent.
...And then, I imagine it's them singing this, in that scene on Bilbo's journey home, when he and Gandalf stop again in Rivendell:
"Sing all ye joyful, now sing all together!The wind’s in the tree-top, the wind’s in the heather; The stars are in blossom, the moon is in flower, And bright are the windows of Night in her tower. Dance all ye joyful, now dance all together!" (...) [Elrohir and Elladan sing the song].
“Well, Merry People!” said Bilbo looking out. “What time by the moon is this? Your lullaby would waken a drunken goblin! Yet I thank you.”
“And your snores would waken a stone dragon—yet we thank you,” they answered with laughter. “It is drawing towards dawn, and you have slept now since the night’s beginning. Tomorrow, perhaps, you will be cured of weariness.”
“A little sleep does a great cure in the house of Elrond,” said Bilbo; “but I will take all the cure I can get. A second good night, fair friends!” And with that he went back to bed and slept till late morning.
-The Hobbit Book -Chapter XIX, The Last Stage ⤴️
And so, in me headcanon, Bilbo kindly chose not to mention in his accounts when Elrond apologized to him about his children, with a certain guilty pleasure, because after all he loves his children and likes to see them happy. And Bilbo understands perfectly, because he also loves Elrohir and Elladan.
And somehow Bilbo thinks they look like Kili and Fili, and it brings tears to his eyes, and Elrond feels like he should be offended that his children are compared to dwarves, but in fact he is smiling kindly.
After Bilbo left Rivendell, Elrohir and Elladan fully told little Estel/Aragorn about him, who was eager to meet him ever since.
Years later, Elrond reads Bilbo's drafts about his adventure, and wonders if Bilbo left so much of his relationships out, just narrating and telling the basics, because it still hurt him to talk or write about it in more detail.
And anyway, everyone in Rivendell loves Bilbo, for reasons we will never know because Bilbo left out of his writings most of the lovelly dialogue and cute and greatest interactions he had with the elves (and also with Thorin's company).
Because it hurt him to put it on paper, or even talk about it, and that's why it took him years to write the most succinct and summarized book about his adventure.
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sciatu · 1 month
L’hai desiderata nei tuoi inverni senza luce, nelle lunghe riunioni in una lingua che non è la tua, nelle notti in cui il gelo ti ricordava il vuoto d’amore che riempie il nostro tempo opportunista ed egoista. L’hai vista di sfuggita negli occhi di chi ami, nei suoi desideri, nelle sue canzoni. Ti sentivi un alveare vuoto, un fiore di plastica impolverato, un ricordo finito in fondo ad un cassetto. L’hai chiamata in ogni verso e raccontata in ogni fiaba. Ora è qui. La vedi racchiusa tra l’azzurro del suo cielo e il blu del suo mare, sfumata dall’afa, immobile come una regina, immensa quanto un sogno, silenziosa come il destino. Il cuore si ferma e l’anima sorride, di la del mare incomincia il paradiso.
You longed for her in your winters without light, in the long meetings in a language that is not yours, in the nights when the frost reminded you of the void of love that fills our opportunistic and selfish time. You saw her fleetingly in the eyes of those you love, in their desires, in their songs. You felt like an empty hive, a dusty plastic flower, a memory that ended up at the bottom of a drawer. You called her in every verse and told her in every fairy tale. Now she is here. You see her enclosed between the blue of her sky and the blue of her sea, shaded by the heat, still as a queen, immense as a dream, silent as destiny. The heart stops and the soul smiles, beyond the sea paradise begins.
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