#the trees especially gave me hell
victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->So -- after having some of their Winterfest spirit literally go up in smoke, it's no wonder that the trio wanted to go chill out -- somewhat literally. Victor retreated into his greenhouse to do the daily harvest, while Smiler made sure the chickens were well-fed and Alice did a little snow-shoveling to build up the old muscles. I'd just had them drop and make a couple of snow angels to try and recapture the fun they'd been having before the tree fire --
-->When who should I spot inside but one Clement Frost, adding presents to the present pile! I sent Smiler to go say hi to him and tell him about their weirdass day (though they ended up having to chase him to the foot of the front porch stairs, as for some reason he decided to hang out there molding some clay) while Alice joined Victor in the greenhouse, chatting with a gnome while Victor finished off his harvest. And then getting a lovely mistletoe kiss from him, as we can't do one couple and not the other! :) No matter what else happened today, at least everyone in the trio got their seasonally-appropriate smooches!
-->And then it was time to start asking Clement Frost for gifts! ...a process that took far longer than it should have, because the FIRST time Alice and Victor asked for their gifts, while the tradition completed, the interaction did not. I'm not ENTIRELY sure what broke it, but I think it had something to do with Alice and Victor standing at the TOP of the stairs to the porch when they asked, with Clement standing at the BOTTOM of the stairs and refusing to move at all. All I know is that Smiler, standing next to them, got theirs right away, while it took me trying to get everyone to go to the present pile to prompt Alice and Victor to receive theirs -- which only happened when Clement actually got up on the porch. *shakehead* This game, sometimes...but everyone DID get a gift from Clement in the end! And what did they receive?
...Smiler got ANOTHER big-ass karaoke machine; Alice got the giant microscope; and Victor got a fancy fridge that was not as good as the one they currently own. *facepalm* Clement, Smiler only needs ONE karaoke machine, Alice has no room for a giant microscope, and we already have all the fridges we could ever need, both at the store and the house. I guess we can safely say that Clement does NOT check HIS list twice! At least, not when it comes to figuring out what people already have or not.
-->Okay, well, that didn't go great -- surely the trio would get better presents from the present pile? I had them all gather around said pile (which took a couple of tries, as poor Victor was exhausted and Alice kept trying to wander off to play with clay) and open some presents. Smiler got a bowl of fruit (another thing we already have in the kitchen); Alice received some alcineat (either a new metal or mineral, I'm not sure -- at least it's not something she had before!); and Victor --
Uh. No clue. He had a disappointed face after opening the present, and no pop-up ever came up for him that I could see. As far as I could tell, the poor guy got an empty box. :( This Winterfest had gone pretty much completely from "awesome" to "awful."
-->However, I was determined to go out on SOMETHING of a high note, so Smiler and Victor got some heartfelt smooches and Alice and Victor some loving cuddles before the holiday was through. Because I WAS going to get my Valicer cuteness, damn it. Victor and Alice then slumped off to bed as Clement Frost took his leave, and I left it with Smiler transferring the Sim Scuffle LP they'd recorded earlier off the drone and into their media production station so it could be edited. Because when in doubt, work on SimsTube. :p
And that's it! Join me next time when, despite MULTIPLE blizzards and other sundry problems, WE FINALLY OPEN THE FUCKING GROCERY STORE. See you then!
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polakina · 3 months
how they fuck you
red dead redemption headcanons #2
hc masterlist // masterlist
on my third playthrough of rdr2 and i cannot bring myself to play low honour. why do i put myself through this?
also this is ridiculously long, got a little carried away but i shall not apologise
rating: explicit
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is always gentle with you at first
delicate touches, lingering kisses, gazing eyes at your every movement or ministration
"what do you want, mi amor? tell me"
loves to hear you beg for him, want him
it just turns him on even more
dirty talk through the ROOF
this man knows how to talk you through it
"fuck you feel amazing, hermosa. yeah, just like that, huh? anything for you"
will eat you out for days if he could
never really tried it before, even when he lived in Mexico, he never really gave it a go
but with you, he wanted to try everything. whatever you wanted, he was up for it
so when you first asked him, he was nervous as hell, but willing to try
he found out he loved it and does it every single fucking time he had you all to himself
buries himself between your thighs like a man starved, his arms wrapped tightly around your thighs to keep you still
his tongue worked fucking wonders on your pussy, knowing exactly where to focus his attention, loving how you always moaned a little softer when his tongue dipped inside your cunt
fucks you slow, savouring the moment when he can
loves to have you riding him. seeing you on top spurs something inside him
his hands grip your waist fiercely, guiding your hips to grind against him, pulling sweet, elicit moans from your throat
loves to cut your clothes from your body with his knife
it's so much more satisfying than just taking them off with his hands
kinda likes quickies. prefers taking his time but there's something about pulling you away for a few minutes to have his way with you behind the protection of a tree or something that he loves
usually happens out on missions, so there's risk of the gang seeing you guys, but what's life without a little risk?
you could be on watch beside your tent while everyone sleeps, and javier will come over to keep you company
but it doesn't take long for his hand to slip into your pants as he whispers all sorts of things in your ear as he sits behind you while you try and continue your watch duty
was terrible at aftercare before, never really understood the in's and out's of it
but learned eventually with you, when you explained it to him
now he's at your beck and call whenever you need it
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wear this man's hat around camp and that's all he needs to pull you to a secluded tent
but wear it while you fuck him? arthur would die happy in that exact moment
likes to call you 'cowgirl' when you ride him. you always roll your eyes at how stupid it sounds, but it doesn't stop him
the two of you don't have all the time in the world. being one of dutch's most trusted members, he's needed away from camp a lot more than anyone else
so you've both learned the art of being fast
and it doesn't take long for him to make you cum
never asks for them, but loves blowjobs
he likes to draw in his tent when he's got time to himself, so when he sees you come in and sink to your knees in between his lap, he can't think of a better sight
the absolute king of praises (have you heard how he talks to his horse?? imagine him talking to a woman oml)
not a fan of degrading, he never saw the appeal, but uses other methods to 'punish' you
"what do you want, darlin?" he'd say as he's fucking you from behind, your face pressed into the pillow to stifle your moans, your ass in the air held up by his hands on your hips. "oh babygirl, you wanna cum, huh? then you can beg me for it, can't you?"
will edge you for days
especially when he knows he's going to be away for a few days afterwards
definitely grabs the headboard
mainly for his own stability to be able to thrust into you harder as you moan his name into the room
has his hands on you at all times
holding your hands above your head by your wrists, holding your face against the mattress with his hand on the back of your neck, curling his fingers in your hair and gently yanking your head back when he pounds into you
when you do get a night away from camp, he wants to make it last the whole night
takes his time with you to the point where he's practically teasing you for hours
takes his time undressing you, kissing every part of your body, touching every part of you until his fingerprints were practically imprinted into your skin
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give this man some guidance or it's like walking through a maze blindfolded
learned a lot with you
figured out really quick what you liked and what you didn't like, what places he could touch you that would send your head spinning
this eventually led him to learn how to be very sneaky in public
he could touch you in such simple places, in such an innocent way that no one else would think anything of it
but you'd know, and you wouldn't stop it
you like the way he touched your neck? he was all over that shit, cupping your cheek, his fingers tickling your neck
you liked his hands in your hair? his fingers tangled at the base of your neck, pulling your hair slightly to tease you
his hand would rest on your thighs, fingers slowly creeping up your thigh while you were all sat around the campfire
you'd always give him a little glare, which he would ignore, a goofy smirk on his face
and the way he fucked you was no different
he had mastered the art of teasing your body and your limits, and put that knowledge in every time he had you alone
"come on, marston. stop teasin' me like this"
he'd always smirk, working his way down your body in a painfully slowly manner
"i'm takin' my time with you, sweetheart. you just lay back and relax. lemme take care of you"
loved to make you feel good before he even thought about himself
but when he was too pent up, he came a lot quicker than he wanted
but he made up for it when tending to you afterwards until you were practically pushing him away, too sensitive for his expert fingers
not the best at going down on you, but makes up with experience
but what he's really good with is his hands
his fingers
they know exactly what they're doing when he pushes them inside your soaked pussy
curling at that devastating spot inside you that makes you crumble to your knees
loves to be on top of you, seeing your face contort when he pushes inside you slowly, deeply
he's basic, a lover of missionary, but seeing your face and watching your body writhe under his grip is really what turns him on
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rustytrident · 2 years
time for the token pact mark hcs every obey me writing account has!!
kinda 18+ on asmo's section but not in the way u think.
mammon's pact mark came first, and you couldn't say you were surprised when it showed up on the palm of your dominant hand. circular, not too intricate, shining yellow; it wasn't exactly hard to miss but it wasn't too obvious, compared to the ones you would gather along the way. mammon still finds every chance to hold your hand, trace his sigil – hell, even high five you – so he can feel his power merged with your energy (his favourite is when you cup his face with that hand, but of course he won't admit it).
leviathan's showed up on your sternum – an interesting spot, you thought, but rolled with it either way. it was only when you felt envy for the first time after your pact that you realised it weighs down more on your chest than any other spot on your body. did you kinda feel like iron man, walking around with an orange circle in the middle of your chest? yeah. did you thank whoever decided the mark would show up there when levi cuddled his face into your sternum to feel your combined energy before he fell asleep? yeah <3.
beelzebub's showed up on your tongue, and no matter how obvious the spot is you just couldn't find it the first few days?? like okay pact is here but here where?? then you yawned in front of a mirror by chance and almost gave yourself whiplash cause why was your tongue bleeding?? upon further inspection, you concluded it was just a pact mark! long, branching out like the roots of a tree, like lightning, from the back to the front of your tongue, it looked sick. now, did you start taking selfies with your tongue out because of a newfound bad boy look or was it because you wanted to show off your demon – that is up to the audience's interpretation.
asmodeus gave you a tramp stamp. a fucking tramp stamp. you don't even know whether to laugh or cry the first time you see it in all its pink glory, so you do neither. you call solomon. you ask him where his pact mark is. he answers "on my lower back, right above my ass". you hang up the phone. asmo later on explains that he's doing you a favour by getting you into 2000s fashion, and that you should be glad the pact mark showed up there, and not on the spot the beings he doesn't have romantic feelings for get it. you don't ask where that is, but you do start wearing more low rise clothes. asmo's home screen after that is him hugging your ass after he put you in his juicy sweatpants with the bedazzled JUICY on them, pact mark on full display.
satan's pact mark is on your temples – two small, spiked circle sigils, green as his sin's colour. he says you look hot when you get mad and they light up, and when you roll your eyes at him he reassures you that you look just as badass, too. the one time you watched back a video leviathan took of you failing to beat a boss for what felt the hundredth time on the newest game he bought, you understood what satan meant. if you're the type of person to cry while angry, your red eyes make the green marks show up even more – satan says during those moments you look like a siren, and you accept it with a bashful nod. it would be improper to deny a compliment from a demon lord, anyway.
belphegor's mark showed up on your nape. you're bummed out about not being able to see it when you'd like, but he says it's fine. really, who wouldn't be overjoyed about having purple, star-like freckles at the back of their neck, right? especially when your demon says they remind him of the sky in the human world, hence the design and detail that was put into it. sometimes, belphegor likes to fall asleep while spooning you and kissing the stars on your nape. will he admit it? nah. but you know, and he knows, and that's enough (he's usually asleep after the 11th star. yes, you counted).
lucifer gave you the longest mark you had, starting from the top of your neck, and dropping down between your collar bones. it looked like a very intricate dagger, with a carved blade, the tip of it resting at the spot where your ribcage starts. when you asked him about it, he told you that pride, the sin and the feeling both, demands of you to keep your head up. hold your head down, submit, show humility, and you miss it. and so, you kept your head up. it wasn't like lucifer carelessly handed out pacts and emotional bonds with the beings of any realm – and you couldn't say you disliked when his eyes trailed down to your neck before returning to your eyes again, with a softer look this time.
gonna close this by saying that the only pact mark placements I've seen are on mc's back, placed in a sigil wheel, or one atop the other in a line on their spine. still, if someone has said what I said before me, tell me so i can credit them!
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imbored1201 · 6 months
can you please do an arsenal x young r where r gets an injury and has to get the green whistle. Steph is worried, Caitlin is filming and pissing herself laughing, Kyra is being supportive (r is a Tillie), Katie is writing stuff down and Alessia feels bad
Climbing Trees
Arsenal x Teen Reader
Word Count: 1,203
"Y/N! Get down from that tree!" You heard Steph yell; you looked down at her, "I can't! I made a bet with Lessi. I have to stay up here for an hour," you told her as you swung your legs back and forth and hummed. 
"You're doing great kiddo! 30 more minutes!" Katie yelled at you, looking at her timer. "You cannot seriously be encouraging this McCabe," Katie shrugged.
"They were arguing nonstop this morning; I needed to somehow separate them, and Alessia can't even step over a bench without falling, so the safest option to climb the tree was Y/N."
"Hey!" Alessia said offended, although she was happy she wasn't the one up there. 
"If you don't get off, I'm telling Tony and Sam!" You perked up at that; nah, Sam would forget after a day. Especially with Kristie being there to distract her now, and Tony was used to your nonsense. 
"I'll tell Leah!" Now you were really listening. "Screw this," you mumbled, starting to climb down. You refused to lose your dinosaur nugget privileges again. 
"Fuck!" You yelled as you slipped on one of the branches and fell. "See, that's what happens," you heard Caitlin say, and usually you would laugh it off, but this time you couldn't.
"Ow!" You yelled as you held your arm, "What happened?!" Steph rushed over to you, grabbing your shoulder. Once she saw your arm, she freaked out. 
"Sam is going to kill me," Steph mumbled and glared at Caitlin, who was recording this moment. She grabbed a small rock that was near you and threw it at Caitlin, hitting her straight in the stomach. 
Caitlin groaned as she held her stomach. "Stop being useless! Go get the medics!" She yelled, and Kyra and Less were quick to run and get the medics, dragging Caitlin with them. 
They were back in under a minute, Kyra running with a green whistle in her hand. "They are coming; Gio had a little accident on the treadmill," Alessia said, and Steph groaned. Why right now?
You started sobbing now; this is when the girls knew it just got real. Right away, Katie dropped to her knees and stroked your hair. Kyra guided the whistle the medics gave her into your mouth, and Steph was on the phone with Leah. 
"What the hell happened?" Everyone scurried away from you as Jonas came running with the medics. Steph glared at Katie, who started explaining the situation. 
After a few minutes, your hand was wrapped, and you were giggly. Kyra smacked Caitlin's shoulder as a sign to start filming again, so she did. 
"Stephyyy" you whined, sitting up, "yes?" She questioned, "How come Lessi could go on a date but I can't?" You whined, Alessia's smile dropped, and everyone turned to her. 
"Russo went on a date." Katie smirked, pushing Less teasingly. "I have no idea what she's talking about," Less said in defense. 
"Yes you did. Remember when you were supposed to be watching me, but you left me home alone to go to it, and you even brought me back a little piece of cake and gave me chocolate and told me not to tell anyone" You muttered the last part, starting to wonder if you were going crazy or not about the fact Less went on a date. 
"I'm surprised Lessi was even able to talk to someone without tripping," you heard Leah say. You jumped up and looked around. "She's on the phone bones," Steph told you, handing you the phone. Kyra giggled at the new nickname. 
"Leah!" You yelled happily, "Hey kiddo, how are you?" "My arm still hurts; can I ask you a question?" "Yes." "How come you're allowed to have so many girlfriends, but I can't even have one?"
Katie tried to hold in her laugh as Leah went silent for a bit. "What do you mean so many girlfriends?" Katie asked, and Leah muttered a little 'screw you' to her. "In the car, she's always on the phone with someone new, always flirting with them."
"You are a naughty girl Williamson," Caitlin said, wishing she could see Leah's reaction right now. Steph just wished the ambulance would hurry. Jonas demanded you'd be taken in an ambulance since he knew something would go wrong if the girls drove you to the hospital. 
"I quite like her like this; what else do you know?" Katie asked you, and your eyes fell on Steph. "Steph-" 
"Look at that! The ambulance is here; let's  go."Steph quickly said, lifting you up, You waived bye to everyone with your good hand. 
"Oh come on! She's my only entertainment," Kyra whined, chasing after the two of you. "Kyra! Don't let her take me!" You yelled, you noticed Less following you two, and you reached for her. 
She grabbed your good hand and squeezed it. Steph put you on the stretcher. "I don't like this thing," you told them. "The hospital is close kid; you'll survive," Steph told you, sitting down. 
"Lessi!" You yelled and reached out for her, but Steph pushed you back. "I'll see you at the hospital, I promise." Less reassured you, and that made you feel better. 
Surprisingly, you behaved the whole trip to the hospital. Mostly whining about how the ambulance was unnecessary. Then you passed out from the drugs in your system. 
When you woke up, you were surprised to see your arm in a cast. "Aw, I didn't get to choose my color." Steph jumped up upon hearing your voice. "Next time kid, trust me, you'll be here a lot now." You pouted at that. 
"That's boring; I can still play football, right?" Steph shrugged. "I don't know; I mean, I'd let you; I don't know about Leah, though." Your heart dropped at her name.
"I'm dead." Steph smirked and nodded. "No one will be able to save you this time, not even Wally."
You always went running to Lia when you were in trouble; she always defended you and babied you the most. "Where's Lessi? She promised she would be here."
"Her and Katie went to get you food, your favorite; Kyra is at home making you a get well soon card; Caitlin is too busy showing the video to everyone; oh, and Alanna and Mac said that you have to work on your climbing more." You scowled at that. 
"They act like they could do better." "I'm sure they can, and I can’t be joking around with you right now. Leah said, I have to be strict with you." You bursted out laughing. "You? Strict?"
"I'm serious kid. You have to stop listening to Katie; you're going to give me gray hairs. I can't have gray hairs for my wedding."
"Stephy, you're old; you have to accept your gray hairs," you told her, but quieted down at the glare you were receiving. "You know what? I can't do this tough thing. I'm leaving Leah to do this."
You did, in fact, get a yelling through FaceTime from Leah. Then you got another one from Sam, but that shut down quickly when you threatened to tell Kristie about Sam breaking her favorite vase. Sam blamed it on the cat. 
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greenishghostey · 2 years
Peppermint Haze
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ content MDNI, bath sex, p in v, unprotected sex, handjob, hair pulling, fluffy smut, established relationship, Eddie getting to chill out, dirty talk, creampie, soapy boobs, winter themed porn, lots of grinding, this is really just mushy fluffy porn so yeh
Word Count: 3,361
Author’s Notes: Please pretend that bath sex is not a logistical nightmare and that bubble baths aren’t terrible for vaginal health. The cosy, comfy vibes were too good to pass up so here we are :))) DO NOT REPOST OR EDIT MY WORK
Hawkins always got indescribably cold by the middle of November. Snow would pile up on tree branches and sidewalks - becoming less of a Christmas card backdrop and more of a slushy inconvenience.  
That was definitely the case at Forest Hills Trailer Park. The dirt track roads were frozen solid and covered in a thick layer of powder and wintery mush. A lot of the park’s residents took turns digging out sections of the roads since everyone still had to get to work. Winter wouldn’t stop the likes of Wayne Munson from making it to his Friday night shift. 
Eddie and Wayne had been shovelling out Patty, their hippy elderly, neighbour’s grey hatchback when you showed up at their trailer. Friday night was date night, and the shitty weather meant it would be an evening in Eddie’s trailer. 
Both you and Eddie had planned an extremely relaxing night since the week had been hell for you both. Eddie had been working late at the craft store because the holiday rush was beginning - he‘d kept you updated on his projects that mainly consisted of measuring fabric and lifting all of the heavy boxes. You had been dealing with an influx of school kids at the library - rushing to get books for their last-minute assignments and begging you for help finding specific titles. So, a little indulgent date was much needed for the pair of you. 
Gloria, one of your coworkers, had gifted you with a small Christmas “spa” hamper as a thank you for all your hard work. It consisted of peppermint bath oil, vanilla body wash that doubled as bubble bath, and a cocoa butter lotion. It was all super nice stuff which made you feel a little bad for only having Christmas cards to give to your colleagues. However, the festive kit led to you and Eddie agreeing on your main date night activity. 
A really really long bath. He was the one to suggest the idea after you gushed over the gift - the suggestion was mostly innocent, surprisingly. Honestly, you both just wanted to be all cosy and gross in the privacy of his home. 
That’s how you found yourself submerged in an amazing soapy bath that smelled like heaven. Only your face was poking out from the bubbles as you breathed deeply - floating and listening to the muffled sounds of Eddie rummaging around his room for tapes. He said he’d made a tape, especially for the evening, making you melt even further into the minty bliss. Your sinuses were going to be so clear after this. 
Eddie barged into the steamy bathroom in his usual loud, sort of clumsy way. The tile floor was more slippery than he’d anticipated so he had nearly crashed into the room. You poked your head up and gave him a little wave from the bubbles - hair soaked and a touch of foamy stubble on your jaw. 
Once your sleepy eyes focused on him properly, you saw that he was butt naked while fiddling with his stereo on the counter. 
You leaned on your forearms on the edge of the bath. “I don’t tell you enough how nice your butt is.” You sighed, smiling up at him when he glanced at you.
“I’d say it’s a little better than “nice”, at least “premium goods” status.” Eddie huffed jokingly, now slapping his stereo in an attempt to get the tape deck to stay closed. He was a firm believer in if you smacked technology around a little and showed it who’s boss then it would work. “Babe, you’re objectifying me while I’m trying to set a romantic mood, all for you.” He shot you an exaggerated pinch glare over his shoulder. 
In reality, he really liked when you ogled him and made him feel hot. “This is a small bathroom and your ass is right at my eye level. Get over it, dude.” You smirked, sinking back into the warm water. 
“-I bet you say that to all the boys,” purred the voice from the stereo. Damn, Eddie knew how to set a weird, but really good mood. Meat Loaf wasn’t exactly his usual music choice, but he knew you loved a good ballad. 
“Hey hey! See? A few loving taps and viola, she sings.” Eddie grinned, turning to you with a flourish of his arms, “kinda like you.” He sniggered as you splashed some water at him. 
“Hurry up and get “the goods” in the water. I’ll give you a head massage.” You sighed, letting your body sink back into the water. 
Eddie laughed again, softly, and dipped his foot in the water - testing the temperature so it wouldn’t burn his balls. He slowly sank down, the warm water being a stark contrast to the chilly trailer outside the bathroom. 
“By all means, take your time there.” You chirped, forming a bubble beard while you watched him. Eddie was so pretty in the steamy, honey light. A small sheen of sweat painted his chest, and he couldn’t hold back a giggle when he saw your foamy facial hair. 
“Once I’m balls deep, I’ll be all good. Don’t rush me.”
You snorted, “not the first time I’ve heard that.” 
“Give me like… ten minutes and you might be so lucky, sweetheart.” Eddie winked, finally sitting down fully in the bath with a deep, satisfied groan. The sound shooting down your spine and fuelling the budding ache between your thighs. “I’m a fucking genius for this idea. God.” Another groan faded into a purr. 
“You’ve really outdone yourself. Using my work present for your benefit. What a gentleman.” You sniggered, hiding behind the suds when he lightly kicked your leg. 
“Let me soak in peace, woman.” He grumbled, trying to hide his sleepy smile and failing. 
You watched Eddie quietly and full of adoration. His eyes were closed and his face had relaxed significantly, any harsh lines or fatigue melted away with the steam from the bath. Eddie allowed himself to slide fully into the water, soaking his wild curls and pushing his bangs out of his face. He started working his calloused fingertips into his scalp. You watched, unblinking, as his large brown eyes rolled back into his skull and he sighed. 
Eddie had said he needed ten minutes but you weren’t going to be able to wait that long. 
You wiped away your soap beard. As much as Eddie adored you being a goof with him, you knew when it was time to get serious. Both of you knew where the night was heading, so you may as well speed things up a little. The cosy air and the melodic cries of Meat Loaf were perfect. 
“Eds? C’mere. Said I’d give you a head massage, and I’m a lady of my word.” You stated, giggling as he quickly started to twist himself around, making the porcelain squeak. 
Eddie situated himself between your legs and rested his wet hair on your chest. The bastard even started twiddling his thumbs while he waited for you to start, “I’m ready when you are.” He shot you a bright, toothy smile, swaying a little to really drive home his oh-so-innocent intentions. Eddie was always such a tease. 
You gathered some of the vanilla and peppermint-scented foam and started lightly massaging Eddie’s scalp. Your blunt fingernails slightly scratched him as an added luxury, but mostly because you wanted to make him feel extra special. Eddie’s hair was such an integral part of him. Not only was it for his own self-expression, but he fucking loved when you played with it and pulled it just enough that a shot of pain coursed through him. 
“That good?” You whispered, one of your hands wandering down his chest to caress his spider and demon head tattoos. The spider was your favourite. One time when he had picked up from a party after getting too drunk, you’d named it Edith, and kissed her goodnight. Eddie had damn near melted under you when you did that. You were just too sweet to him sometimes. 
“I’d even go as far to say it’s nice.” Eddie breathed. The feeling of you rubbing his hair and scalp was the greatest high he could ever experience. 
“Oh my god,” you groaned, pretending to be annoyed. “Change your tune and I’ll keep this hand going lower?” You breathed into his ear, your wandering hand now grazing the wispy dark hair on his belly. 
“See, I don’t think you’re gonna stop either way.” Eddie groaned. He started nuzzling his head against your tits, leaving a few small pecks between them. “Promise I’ll make it worth your while later.” He sang. 
“Aw, aren’t you just my best guy.” 
“Would hope that I’m your only guy - oh f-fuck.”
You finally traced your hand down Eddie’s thick cock. He twitched under your touch, your pruned fingertips dancing along the prominent veins on the underside of his shaft. Eddie’s pleased whining and soft panting showed you that he wanted you to wrap a hand around him and drive him crazy. But your goal was lower. 
Your warm hand caressed and massaged his balls as he let out a surprised moan. “God. Harder.” 
The pressure of your hand increased as you rolled his heavy sack in your hand. “You’ve been saving these for me, haven’t you?” you purred, Eddie having shifted to starting mouthing at your hard nipples. “Neglecting your balls when you're jerking off because they’re all for me, yeah?” 
“They need a woman’s touch, what can I say - shit, yeah, don’t stop.” Eddie groaned, almost shouting. Your hand that had been massaging his scalp was now slowly pumping at his cock. All teasing, soft touches - you knew it wasn’t enough for him. Eddie liked to be handled with an intimate roughness that only you could give him. 
Eddie’s large hands were moving everywhere. Massaging your legs, squeezing your arms and running up your neck blindly. The distinct warmth and softness of your body were addictive to him. You were the first person to let him touch you everywhere - no grimacing, no catch. Just encouragement and admiration. Said admiration came in the form of a low moan when Eddie’s fingers caught on a piece of your hair and tugged. 
“Babe, babe. We gotta stop or I’ll blow my load too fast.” Eddie huffed, pushing himself up and back to his original position across from you. He held out his arms wide, gesturing excitedly for you to come to him. 
You really loved how excited he still got when it came to you. In any scenario, he was always happy that it was you. 
Eddie grabbed your ass as you straddled him. Reaching up to bring you into a hungry, wet kiss. His mouth was restless. Lightly chapped lips pressed to yours, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip, tongue massaging yours just enough to drive you crazy - he always drove you crazy. 
The flushed, hard head of Eddie’s cock rubbed against your clit as your hips wiggled in his lap. “Fu-fuck yes.” Eddie groaned, pulling you down on him more. Your warm-up was one of his favourite parts. “You want your cock? You gotta wait, sweetheart. I’ve barely gotten my hands on you yet.”
You whimpered, hips still grinding with more impatience. “But you're all wet and warm.” 
“And now I’ve got to get you like that,” Eddie chuckled with a smirk. “Do me a favour. Get some of the bubbles and play with your pretty tits for me?” 
“You just wanna see soapy boobs.” You quipped, already gathering large handfuls of foam in your palms. The mint and vanilla scent had weakened, but it was still comforting. 
“I do. Now, get to it.” 
Eddie had moved one of his rough hands down to your aching cunt. Pinching your clit between two fingers, and rubbing it with his thumb. 
God, yes. You could feel yourself becoming slick under Eddie’s touch. Your clit slipped under his calloused thumb as your wet hard nipples rolled between your fingers. Both of you released any and all noises that felt right. The needy moans and heavy pants harmonised with the lapping of the bath water. Eddie loved watching you play with your tits for him, applying just the right amount of grip to the soft mounds to make you whimper and hiss. 
Such pretty, sensitive tits were a heaven he wasn’t sure he deserved, so he was going to make sure they were looked after. 
“Someone’s having fun,” Eddie chirped, picking up the pace of his massage to your clit. God, he was evil. How were you going to hold a conversation under this level of pleasure? 
“Woman’s touch, right?” You moaned and ground harder onto his hand, catching the hot tip of his cock at the entrance of your weepy cunt. Eddie whimpered and his smirk melted into a delirious smile. 
The grinding, the moaning and the messy kissing continued for some time. Both of you basked in the intimate little world you had created in the steamy, trailer bathroom. There was nothing but time for relaxation and ecstasy - the night was still young and outside was just so cold, it was too horrible to think about. 
Eddie had started to angle his hips and yours so that the head of his swollen cock prodded your hole. When your movements synced up perfectly, his tip slipped into you - providing a delicious tease. 
Large hands were now groping and spreading your ass cheeks. The occasional short, sharp slap joined in. “Can I fuck you? Please. I know we got time, but I need it.” Eddie panted, his eyes laser-focused on your soapy tits that were in his eye line. “Promise you won’t be walking for the rest of the night. Fuck, rest of the weekend if you let me.” 
Now that was a tempting offer. “If you get to be inside my pussy now, then you won’t be leaving any time soon.” You smirked, playing with his soaking hair and twirling it around your fingers. 
Eddie didn’t respond to you. He lifted your hips up, thumbs massaging your love handles and slammed you back down onto his cock. Your gasp fizzled into mewling as Eddie started moving to grind into your sweet spot. He really wasted no time when it came to making you feel incredible.
“Aw, there she is.” He teased, one hand running up your back to tangle in your hair. “You were getting a little mouthy there. But I’m gonna help you turn that brain off, isn’t that right?” 
“Mhmm, please.” The sensations coursing through your sweating body were exactly what you needed. Big hands tugging lightly on your wet hair, Eddie’s fat cock fucking into your g-spot and his growling breath tickling your chest. You needed to stop thinking for at least a little while. You needed Eddie. 
Eddie needed you - maybe even a bit more than air at that moment. The embrace of your hot, spongey walls always had him reeling. You allowed him to see you in a vulnerable light, and he did the same. It was like a small weight off his shoulders that he hadn’t fully noticed was there. 
“This pussy - my pussy. F-fucking god. Lean back for me, I wanna see you, pretty girl.” Eddie had started to work you on his cock, thrusting slowly and so deep into your cunt. 
You gripped the rim of the bathtub and leaned back, an amazing tension forming in your thighs. “Want - sh-shit - more, Eds.” 
“Fuck yeah, I’ll give you everything, baby.” A thumb started flicking your puffy clit again and Eddie grinned up at you. “Uh-huh? Taking such a big cock so well, like a good girl.” Christ, he was almost too good at speaking absolute filth. 
“Can - can you cum in me? Please. Please, oh my fucking god.” 
The entire image of you on top of him set his blood on fire. Tousled, wet hair. Soap-dripping tits. Heavy-lidded eyes trained on where he was fucking you down onto his cock. You sparked something almost animalistic in him, and now you wanted him to empty his balls inside your cunt. 
Huff. Huff. Groan. Eddie couldn’t find the words to respond to you. So, he fucked you harder, causing desperate pleasure to pulse through both of you. He tugged your head back and began sucking along the column of your throat. 
“Gonna fill up my gorgeous girl. God, your pussy’s gonna be so fucking messy.” Eddie was essentially delirious by that point. The only thoughts in his head were fucking you, cumming in you and suggesting that bath sex became a regular thing. The vanilla-scented stuff had you smelling like some fancy dessert, the poor guy was losing his mind. 
You wanted to be messy. Eddie was pounding into you so well that your mind was calm and blank. The bathroom could be swimming with sudsy water and you wouldn’t even know. 
“Oh fuck, fuck,” you squealed. “Want to be full all night. Need it, Eddie. You need it too. Uh-huh?” 
“That’s right, babe. Always so smart for me.” His voice sounded far away, but in the best way possible. Eddie had a single goal in his sight and the tightness in his balls felt so fucking amazing. 
The way you begged always short-circuited Eddie’s brain. You were so lovely, so amazing. Hearing you say his name in your hoarse, needy tone made his cock twitch violently. 
Your cunt clung to his thick cock, trying to milk him dry and chase your own orgasm. Your release washed over you in a pulse of heat and electricity - momentarily making your body go limp from the euphoria. It didn’t stop. It wouldn’t stop until Eddie did. His cock was splitting you open roughly as he used your sopping hole to cum inside. 
“I’m gonna fucking cum.” He groaned, his jaw hanging slack. “Can you say my name, babe? Tell me who’s gonna fill you up.” 
“Eddie - you, Eds.” A fucked out whimper is all you could manage. But it worked just as well, if not better. 
Eddie came deep inside your slick cunt with a deep scream and a slurred string of curse words. Panting and water lapping were suddenly the only sounds in the green-tiled room. It was a sticky but not unpleasant atmosphere. You loved it. 
You had collapsed onto Eddie’s chest as he ran a weak hand through your hair. “I feel all tingly.” You sighed. 
“Like good or bad? Swear my jizz isn’t radioactive or anything.” Eddie snorted, his voice sounding sleepy. Christ, he was almost too warm, but like hell was he moving from his current position. 
“I meant good tingly, like romantic tingly. Way to ruin the post-sex mood.” You huffed, flicking one of his nipples until he let out a little shriek. 
“Okay, okay, easy there.” Eddie splashed some water up into your face. He was lucky he was so cute. “That was an incredibly romantic start to the night, in my humble opinion.” 
You hummed in agreement as you lifted yourself off of Eddie’s softened cock, settling back to straddling his thighs. Bath or not, you were getting your post-sex cuddles. 
“Want to be full all night. Need it, Eddie.” Eddie whined, mimicking your high-pitched moans as best he could. As much as you hated when he teased you like that, the impression was actually pretty solid. “That’s what you said. That’s love right there.” 
“And I was being entirely honest.” You replied. “Bear my horny little soul to you and look where it gets me? Bullied.” The next few seconds moved by quickly. One second, Eddie was fixing you with an eye roll, and the next he was pouring foamy water over your head. “Dick!” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll blow dry your hair before round 2.” Eddie grinned, moving close to you and pressing a kiss to your now dripping face. 
“I want some of that conditioner stuff you use in your hair too.” Demands would have to be made as a form of repayment after your boyfriend tried to waterboard you. “The one that smells like coconuts.” 
“I’ll braid your hair too, how does that sound?” 
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leighsartworks216 · 8 months
A Spawn Could Get Used To This
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Wrote this on 1 hour of sleep. I did proofread it. I am so so sleepy. I'm going back to bed after this
Warnings: embarrassment
Word Count: 1,163
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First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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In the few weeks he’d been traveling along with this not-so-merry band of weirdos, Astarion got used to a lot of things very quickly. Gale loudly explaining anything at the drop of a hat, Lae’zel and Shadowheart fighting, the smells. Some things were positive, too. The sun was always nice and warm, and the odd sort of comfort being with a group of weirdos brought was nice. And, of course, some things were neutral.
One of the neutrals he’d adjusted to came in the form of you, their leader, and in fact the forms you could take on. He wasn’t sold on the whole druid thing before - all of them were tree huggers who cried over a crushed blade of grass - but, well, being romantically involved with one came with some quirks.
Quite often, almost any time you weren’t busy exploring or risking their lives, you would transform into a cat and go about the camp. If Scratch and the owlbear cub were any indicators, small fluffy things raised morale. Most everyone would scratch along your spine or behind your ears, all their woes forgotten for even a brief moment. It became rather commonplace. Mundane. What an odd thing to be called mundane.
Along with this came another little quirk.
After you did your rounds, getting pets and listening to their smaller issues, you’d come back around and rub against his leg. This very quickly became a way of asking for him to pick you up. You rather enjoyed being close to his chest and purring as loudly as possible.
Today was just like any other. You’d come back with a sack of stolen goods and bloody armor, drop everything unceremoniously in a pile, and transform to make your rounds. Well, he assumed that’s what you did. He was a little preoccupied when you disappeared, but he didn’t think much of it when a cat started wandering around the tents.
So he stood and flipped through his book and busied himself, waiting to drop the act and pick you up and cuddle. It was a rather good act, he thought. He’d furrow his brow or lightly chuckle, and become so engrossed in pretending to read he stopped noticing the passage of time, until something small and fluffy rubbed against his leg.
He closed the book carelessly as he looked down at his feet. Sure enough, a cat rubbed its cheek against him, already starting to purr. He grinned, though not too wide, lest the others begin to think he went soft. “Hello, my love,” he cood. “Want me to hold you?”
The cat meowed, head butting him. He chuckled and tossed his book onto a pillow, before bending down and lifting the darling creature - his darling creature - into his arms. It flipped to its back to be cradled like a baby in the crook of his elbow, paws stretching out and claws latching lightly to the fabric of his shirt. It purred so loud he was sure everyone else for a mile could hear it.
Unusually, it didn’t seem to like when he tried stroking its belly. He thought, perhaps, you just didn’t want that kind of contact today. He’d been getting used to the boundaries touch should have, and the fact you would respect them. It was only natural to have the same grace in return.
“Awe, you got yourself a little friend!”
Astarion startled at the voice, jostling the cat slightly, who mrowled at the movement. Sure enough, standing beside his tent toweling their hair dry was his beloved druid. Not in cat form. He gaped in confusion and awe.
“Darling, don’t take this the wrong way but, where the Hells were you?” The cat rolled to its side to knead biscuits into his chest. He barely felt the pinpricks of nails.
You gave him an odd look. “I went for a wash. Our battles were a bit bloodier today, and while you may like the smell of blood, I, personally, don’t. Especially when it’s up my nose.” You scowled, rubbing your nose at the memory. “Why? Did something happen?”
His frown didn’t disappear as he slowly replied, “No, nothing at all.”
You gave him another odd look. “Are you alright?”
He blinked, shaking himself out of his dumbfounded stupor. “This is going to sound ridiculous, but…” He looked down at the cat in his arms that seemed to settle down and prepare for a nap. “Well, dear, I thought this was you.”
The laugh bursts out of you unbidden, and Astarion glares embarrassed at you. You try to bite down the giggles trying to escape. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s just,” you giggle and step forward to pet the cat. You have a bubbly sort of mischief in your eyes. He prepares himself for the worst. “You can’t tell the difference between us?”
“I didn’t think I had to memorize the precise hairs, no,” he bit. “It looked like you - why would I have any reason to believe it wasn’t?”
“You don’t need to be defensive,” you assure sweetly. “It’s cute! And it seems to like you.”
He huffed and looked down at the creature. The points of its fangs peeked out as it drifted off into sleep. The purring persisted, now almost reminding him of snoring. He pouted, though he hated when you called it that. He preferred the term brooding. “Yes, well, I was rather hoping it was my darling druid come to join me for a lazy evening.”
You chuckled and kissed his cheek. “I can do that. But I don’t think your new friend is going to want to leave you alone.”
He peeked at you from the corner of his eye. “I could be persuaded to share myself with both of you.”
“What if I turned into a cat and purred, too?”
He hummed, pretending to consider the deal, but the slight lift of his mouth gave it away. “I don’t know, darling. You know how much I simply loathe sharing. I think you can do better than that.”
You smile. “Okay, what if I throw a kiss into the mix?”
He grinned, the points of his fangs peeking out just like the cat’s in his arms. “That might even it out.”
You do your best to avoid disturbing the cat as you lean in to catch his lips. You taste of fresh spring water and the barest hint of a health potion. And he loves it. The kiss doesn’t last nearly long enough before you pull away and kiss his cheek. “Get comfortable. I’ll be back in a moment.”
“I’ll count the seconds,” he teases, though there’s no hint of a lie in his voice.
You chuckle and walk away, back to the pile of stuff that Wyll and Gale are already sorting through, counting 1, 2, 3, 4… And 97 seconds later, when you and this stranger cat are both laying atop him, purring incessantly, he finds he could get used to it.
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He Visits You At The Salon : Jey Uso
JEY. You had told your husband not to even try to make plans for you today because you already knew you'd be spending the entire day, or almost the entire day at the hair salon. But he already knew the deal, especially when you were getting your hair braided. Today you're getting a shampoo and conditioner treatment and some medium knotless braids down to your calves. It was already one in the afternoon and your stylist was less than halfway done.
You're sitting quietly as all of the women engage in conversation, some about relationships, men, politics, the culture etc.
"Girl so yeah, she caught his trifling ass cheating with his ex. I knew he wasn't done fucking around with her." One of the other women says as she gets her hair done. You sit quietly just taking in your surroundings.
"But are we really surprised? That's how some men are. They throw a ring on these little girls hands, but be missing what they had in other women. Like, come on sweetie, you know where home is. Chile, my ex's still be hitting me up trynna talk to me. I'm like, if your girl only knew. But I get why you're missing me, cause I'm the standard." You hear Jakayla say as you can't help but let out an inner laugh.
Long story short, she's your husband, Joshua's bitter ex-girlfriend. She cheated on him with a old friend of his and when he leveled up to you, she's been bitter and delusional ever since. Shading you every time you come in the salon, on social media posting cryptic messages etc. But you never gave this bitch an centimeter, hell an inch of your damn time. She wasn't worth it because at the end of the day, you knew your man loved you and was 100% loyal to you. And he wasn't going any damn where.
Your best friend Brenda looked at you from the corner of her eye and you immediately knew you and her were thinking the same thing. How desperate she was trying to make you feel insecure, but it sure as hell wasn't going to work. You not only had the ring, but you had his last name and you had his heart, which is more than what this bitter bitch can ever say she had.
Another reason you weren't going to entertain it is because you knew some of these bitches in here were messy and loved drama. If it weren't for you having the same stylist for the past ten years, you'd be going else where. You continue scrolling on your phone, texting in the family group chat.
"Aye y/n, ain't that your man?" Everyone looks up to see your husband, Joshua heading towards the salon with food and a small flower bouquet in his hands. Your best friend looked at you with a smirk on her face. You smile as he walks into the salon.
"Hey ladies, how's everybody?" He greets politely.
"Heeey Jeeeey." They all say collectively except Jakayla. She sat there with her arms folded and a stank look on her face, along with her stupid ass friends.
"Hey baby." He says walking over to you and bending down to your level and pecking your lips multiple times. The coolness from his gold chain lightly hitting against your skin. You remember being in this position last night as he was eating the fuck outta..nevermind chile. You could feel all eyes on you and your man, but you didn't care. You loved kissing him.
"Hey baby, this for me?" You squeak with a huge smile on your face. He hands you your food and flowers. "Thank you. Where you just coming from?" You ask trying not to look down at his dick print in his grey hoochie daddy shorts. He knew those were your favorite on him.
"Just coming from Mike's, I got another tattoo." You playfully roll your eyes.
"You and your tattoo obsession babe." You joke diving into your food. Your stylist walked away momentarily for you to eat. "What you get this time?" Last month he'd gotten a beautiful palm tree tatted on his side.
"I got your name." He says pulling his shorts down slightly for you to see your name tatted on his v-line. Lord knows you were getting damp just thinking about how nice that was gonna look as you gave him hea....nevermind! "I didn't come to stay I just wanted to bring you something to eat since I knew you were gonna be here all day Mrs. Fatu." He says locking you in as he placed his hands on both sides of your chair and bending down in your face. You could smell the mint on his breath as he smiled down at you. You were so in love with this man, he just didn't understand.
"Why you all in my breathing space? Back up." You smile looking up at him.
"Oh so now I'm bothering you? I'm in ya face, now what? What...you...gon...do...bout...it?" He says each word in between kisses, causing you to break into a laugh. 
"Stooop bae." You say even though you really don't want him too. You're lost in his eyes.
"I'll see you at home okay? I'm gonna go shoot some pool with the bros." He says grabbing your hands and kissing your knuckles.
"Okay, I'll see you later. Gimme kiss." You say standing to your feet as he wraps his arms around your waist so delicately as if you're some fragile doll. He captures your lips in his in a passionate kiss. You bite his bottom lip playfully as he squeezes your hip in a warning tone.
"Don't start y/n, I'll have you bent over this damn chair knockin them braids loose." He smirks. You throw your braids over your shoulder laughing.
"I'll see you at home silly bye. I love you."
"I love you too. Alright ladies I'm out, y'all have a good one." He says throwing up the peace sign.
"You too Jeeeey." You playfully roll your eyes. As you watch him leave.
"I love that man." You mumble.
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zombieplaygrounds · 1 month
cw: slightly obsessive yandere! price, afab!f! reader, literally me rambling about a good price breeding. dumbification ??? smut MDNI
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Price growls during sex. Not something he does intentionally to make you giggle or anything; but something deep and innate within him as his balls slap on to you. So fat with the desire, the need to breed you, trap you two together with a manifestation of your "love". He never saw himself as a man who wanted a family, hell, he doesn't want a family.
But he wants you. So it becomes all the more tempting to get you plump with his seed, to fuck you until you ooze his sperm and soon the product of your affair shows as a baby in your belly. Something to grab on when he lets you curl into him on sleepy mornings while you were still submissive and dumb from the night before. He'd probably post you up in a pretty little house in a remote location - god forbid you run away with miles of nothing but trees and bears that would kill you.
Oh, but you were too good to him. A total pup for his love, practically could see the hearts in your eyes when you stared up at him like he was a god; chin tucked into his sternum while he gave you his hello hugs.
"Miss me, gorgeous?"
Cheeky bastard, loved your devotion and loyalty. especially in bed, when you were all sweet and kittenish. Probably sat right up on his lap with his cock deep inside of you, kissing your womb while he taunted you with the probability of never pulling out. A thick, creamy ring of your arousal built up around his balls while your clit grinded against his pubic hair.
Your eyes rolled back, hair frazzled and sticky, clinging to your face and body. Your hips seemed to roll in endless waves of pleaded orgasms. And that cruel bastard of a man would do nothing but occasionally buck his hips to snap you out of your blurred greed and delirious loving whispers. Hands clawing down from his hairy pecs to the hairy belly of soft abs and muscles, grown spoilt from your warm meals.
Of course, every man had an end to his patience, Price was no perfect creature. If you took too long to reach your climax it was nothing but a quick flip to switch position. Forceful thrusts making you cry and drool out slurred profanities. He made you vulnerable in the ways he reminded you of your own weakness, so strong, slamming your arms above your head and making your eyes water as they stared into his own.
"Pretty." You would speak in a raspy, weakened voice, and Price would growl, a low guttural noise that came from somewhere much more animalistic than his sound conscious. He'd finally lean down to your level, hovering over you and caging in the cocoon of his own body, gripping onto the roots of your hair with gentle tugs as his lower half made sloppy and eager thrusts, a mind of its own. Couldn't even respond as he panted the sweet scent of your pheromones right from your neck. Even as you were already orgasms in, he had still only just cum. Easing to rest his face between your bare breasts with muffled praises.
"Good girl. M'pretty miss you are, ain't ya?"
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arimiaromage · 1 month
thoughts about dgm chapter 251
gonna throw my thoughts about these new revelations here.
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bookman jr or past!allen?
she got us good! I was in shock when I first read it (all my headcanons about pasta, out the window! thrown! chunked!) but now I'm more fine with it.
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I believe what happened was that hoshino drew the bookman jr in those flashbacks with nea on purpose - she wanted us to think that was allen and bookman jr. the flashbacks aren't past!allen with longer hair, this is definitely the bookman jr, as we can tell now.
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it also makes more sense now why "allen" was talking about high concepts like the spiral being the force for life - it really was a bookman!
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I fully think she did this switcharoo on purpose. if we look at her most recent livestream (translated by ponkotsubluuues), someone comments that they were shocked past!allen and bookman jr weren't the same person. her response is basically "yes, I know". she's not surprised people would think that, this was probably deliberately on purpose.
bookman jr & past!allen
okay, now on to some thoughts on who they actually are. I won't stick long here as we'll probably find out in just a few months and we don't have much to go on right now.
personally, I don't really care to ever meet allen's blood relatives. it's never interested me who he's "actually" related to and I always felt it would add even more complicated feelings for him and even more complexity to an already messy as hell family & relationship tree.
that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if bookman jr and allen are some kind of family unit, be it blood related or not. when they begin talking about the two of them as separate people, lucia refers to them as "two young men". so they're probably not father and son, but I could see them as brothers or some sort of brotherhood if they're not blood related.
maybe past!allen is a traveling clown who toured the world with bookman jr LOL.....?
either way, bookman jr was so compelled to protect allen & nea that he gave his life for them. I'm so, so eager to see their bond.
cross marian
who the hell is cross marian in all of this?
we know the cross has been around since almost adam's time, having been with mana and nea since they were children-
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so we know that regardless of who is he, he's known about and visited the campbell manor for decades.
in this chapter, they even bring him up by name.
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not only does allen ask about him, but lucia talks a bit about him as well.
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and note that they're not saying something like "my master left a message for me" and lucia just goes along with it- allen says "my master cross" and lucia continues by saying his full name. she knows exactly who he's talking about.
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(allen specifically says "cross shishou" = "master cross" but lucia called him "cross marian")
to me, this is one of the main reasons I don't believe cross is bookman jr. I believe he's somehow tied to the bookman, but I don't think he's the missing jr. if he was, why does lucia refer to him as cross here but not later? she clearly knows who allen is referring to, so wouldn't the bookman have searched for cross and found him with relative ease, given he was at the order for quite a while with bookman & lavi up until apocryphos attacked him?
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lucia and the master only refer to bookman jr as "junior", not cross marian. if you're desperately looking for cross marian and are fully aware allen knows who that is, then why not call him that? what do you have to lose at this point?
and furthermore, if cross was this bookman jr, how did he forget who HE made the host? how did he lose allen? redarm!allen looks a lot more like this new past!allen and they both have redish brown hair - if you were traveling with this guy, you should be able to recognize him even if he's de-aged like 8 years, ESPECIALLY once mana takes him in and his hair becomes styled the exact same way.
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I know we always have the deus ex machina of apocryphos' memory changing but I really don't want that to be the case for every character, the more you do it the more it becomes a contrivance.
cross definitely has SOME connection to the bookman, I don't feel like his mask and knowledge of bookman things is entirely a red herring. lucia makes it sound like cross reached out to them regarding the campbell manor, but I'll get to that in a bit.
the other leading theory is that cross is cyrus campbell, katerina's brother and head of the family. I feel like this holds a bit more water than him being a bookman, as it'd explain why he was the campbell manor when mana and nea were so young (and presumably before nea became a noah) and why he has worked so tirelessly for both of them.
remember, his innocence maria greatly resembles katerina. it's possible this is katerina's corpse, being infested by innocence. maybe this is from innocence cross was carrying finding its way to her corpse or maybe it was a failed attempt to save her, we don't really know yet.
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(I'm not fully convinced about the cyrus theory either though, as why does nea refer to cross as cross instead of cyrus or uncle? how would the order not know about his family and how obviously tied to the noah he is? how could he not recognize allen, his nephew's most trusted friend?)
there have been some theories that maybe the campbells are a bookman family, which may be the case and would help explain why cross has a connection to both, but the way lucia words this part makes me think otherwise.
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she makes it sound like the campbell manor wasn't always under their jurisdiction, that it came to be that way but wasn't always. but that might be pulling at straws. I just don't think she'd word it this way if cross = bookman jr.
I'm not fully convinced about either theory about cross as I see holes in both of them. just have to wait and see~
personally I'd still like it if cross was just a childhood friend who got way too attached but we'll see 😂 or maybe he was just pining for katerina from afar....
crown clown
I feel pretty confident now that this is past!allen being hugged by bookman jr, possibly for the last time / as bookman jr's way to protect him.
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but I also can't help but feel.... it reminds me of crowned clown, you know? the way it wraps around allen, covering him in an attempt to protect him. even the cut off tips. it really reminds me of that.
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the bookman are no stranger to innocence. we also don't know when allen acquired his innocence- did past!allen have it? or...... did bookman jr give it to him as he was dying? did he think it would protect him and nea (and why would he give a noah innocence)?
I would not be surprised if there was some connection between bookman jr and allen's innocence.
I absolutely loved this part.
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the pure conviction in his face. no regrets. he finally has a chance to clear up his mind, to cast away the fear he's dealt with for so long about who he actually is. so, so good.
but........ WHO IS ALLEN WALKER????? the burning question. who knows at this point.
I'm very excited to see the next parts, even if it apparently isn't the 35 year flashback (her own words, from the aforementioned livestream) - I assume it'll be a flashback to past!allen meeting nea possibly, or them finding out nea isn't a typical noah, or some major event that happened before shit went down.
yeah that's about it, see yall next time ✌️
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lucvly · 6 months
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— christmas headcannons with chris. ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: fluff, cursing, mentions of sex, not proofread as always.
a/n: this is soo self indulgent help !! i love christmas fr.
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— he’ll act like he literally doesn’t give a shit about christmas but on december 1 he’s already staying up late thinking about what he’s gonna give you.
— i don’t even wanna hear discourse about this but this man acts like a child around the holidays. he’ll enjoy december like he’s a 10 year old child who still thinks santa’s real.
— my man is quick to hang up those lights. it’ll deadass be mid november and he’s already asking you when you’re gonna decorate because he wants to help you.
— gingerbread house making is a must. he loves it. you do it at least three times in december because it’s by far one of his favorite traditions. of course he ends up building something that doesn’t look nearly close to a house but A for effort.
— you get matching ugly sweaters obviously. it’s your job to get them every year, and they progressively get worse. chris always complains about how itchy they are LMFAOO.
— baking christmas cookies with him is such a chore for real. you can’t even let him open the flour because it either ends up all on the floor, or on your face. don’t even ask him how to preheat the oven because those cookies will end up burnt.
— most times you have to make three or four batches of cookies because the first batch turns out awful, the second one: burnt.
— once your relationship gets really serious, you two make christmas cards and send them to your close family and relatives. it’s corny, sure, but you both love doing it.
— once every year, you go with him and his brothers for a late night drive just to see how people decorated around the neighborhood. chris always ends up falling asleep on your shoulder in the backseat while nick is yelling about how the lights should’ve been hung higher or how the reindeer is out of place.
— you best believe you’re writing letters to santa. it’s unserious but chris loves doing it, especially because he gets to write something along the lines of: “santa, all i want for christmas is my girlfriend under the tree. thx. — C” LMFAOOAOA sorry.
— you’re absolutely making matching ornaments. they have your initials on them it’s adorable. though decorating them is painful as hell because chris always ends up throwing glitter at you.
— takes elf on the shelf so serious like calm down!!! he better not catch anyone laying a finger on that dumbass elf or he’ll go absolutely insane.
— going christmas shopping with him is adorable. he gets so excited over what to get his brothers and his parents AWW, and he also gets a present for trevor obviously.
— you are never gonna know what that man gets you for christmas. he hides it so well it surprises you each year to be honest. you’re out here thinking he didn’t even get you a present and he’s already packing up at least three.
— definitely an expensive gift type of boyfriend, i’m talking tiffany necklaces, chanel bags, dior, ysl. and he doesn’t even care because seeing you happy makes him 10 times happier. (“baby, you didn’t have to– oh my god.” “i know, but i wanted to. you deserve it.”)
— of course you also get him cute and expensive gifts but you could seriously give him a rock and he’d cherish it as if you just gave him a gold bar.
— you two will absolutely watch christmas movies together, especially romcoms. he loves christmas romcoms LMFAOO. he’s the type to complain about the main character idc.
— he hangs up a mistletoe on his door just so he can tease you and give you a kiss every time you walk into his room. (“look, mistletoe, you gotta kiss me.” “chris i swear to god.”)
— christmas dinners are hilarious bye. he’ll deadass be eating 3 or 4 plates with no shame at all. you’re staring at him in disbelief and he just looks at you with his mouth full like “😊”. at least he’s happy LMFAOO.
— he gives you at least three presents. the first one is marked “from: santa, to: y/n” obviously you know it’s him LMFAO he thinks it’s cute and you just leave him be. second one is marked “from: chris, to: his girlfriend.” as if he wasn’t the one marking up those presents BYE. third one is “from: the best boyfriend ever, to: the prettiest girl.” he’s so cute somebody sedate me !!
— one hundred percent asks nick and matt to figure out what you got him for christmas. you’ve figured this out over the years so you don’t even give them hints anymore LMAOO.
— the worst jokes over the holidays seriously. (“hold on. babe, which cooking seasoning is the most festive?” “chris–” “christmas thyme.”) he needs to be stopped lord have mercy.
— secretly loves decorating. he’ll decorate with you all day fr. ornaments, mistletoes, the tree in general is his favorite. he cannot deal with putting up lights though. it pisses him off so badly– (only because he ends up tangled in them).
— i just know he makes hot chocolate with water. nuh uh. you had to teach him the correct way (with milk) because it was seriously getting on your nerves LMAO.
— he gets so lovey dovey over the holidays. he’s also horny 24/7 but that’s completely besides the point HELP. hands around your waist, arm around your shoulder, hand holding, everything.
— matching pjs YUP. he loves matching christmas outfits with you LMAO especially pjs. y’all have like four matching pj sets every year it’s so cute.
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grimoireofhayley · 11 months
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, eventual Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ Content, Stalking (let me know if there's more that needs to be added), Possessiveness
Word Count: 0.7k
Summary: You have been best friends with Billy Loomis since you both were in diapers, however, when high school hit, Billy's mom had filed for divorce and had left his father. His dad was miserable even in marriage, hence his continuous affairs with Maureen Prescott. Though, after the divorce and his mother leaving, Billy has been different since; He started dating Sidney Prescott, the late Mrs. Prescott's daughter. He never showed an interest in her until now… But why? 
You had a crush on him forever, but decided to make it dormant since he’s in a relationship…  but his head was elsewhere even after he got with Sidney. His heart wasn’t in it and you can tell. He was void with any empathy with her and lacked the emotion in his friend group, but when he is around you his true self would show, which sent you mixed signals, often making you question yourself. He was toying with you and he knows it, but he can't help himself, he has to have you one way or another, but not just yet...
On the other hand, there’s Stuart ‘Stu’ Macher, another taken guy. You met him during your first year of high school when Billy went through a stage of not talking to you. Stu was quick to befriend you during your time of strife and he never failed to miss an opportunity to flirt with you or grab at you, even in front of his girlfriend, Tatum. You took it as a sign he was playing around, but what if he wasn’t? What if he couldn’t have you just yet, either?
Both seem interested in you and both have been obsessing over you in their own ways, but they can’t let the thought of having you get in the way of their plan… Neither of them know about one another’s fixation with you… 
All chapter links! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 1
Your fingers flew across the keyboard, typing away at your English Assignment that was due the next day. 
You sighed, hearing a loud crackling sound outside.
…A storm…
Lightning flashed, filtering the already darkened-sky as you pushed away from your desk. Wandering across your room, you opened your window. Pellets of rain hit against the chipped-frame, splashing up your arm as you leaned outside. 
“God, what a sight.” You smiled, fluttering your eyes. 
Storms always make you happy, especially during times of stress.
You loved how the sky would light up in different shades of white, yellow, and even purple when the lightning strikes. How the rain sounded when it hit the pavement, windowsill, or cars. The way the wind caused the trees to dance and how it whistled and tousled your hair. It was pure bliss. 
You closed your eyes, the smile still on your lips, droplets of water began to run down your face, and your hair was beginning to damp. 
“Oh, how I wish I could be reading The Shining right now.” You chuckled, “Too bad the school has other plans..” You whispered, blinking your eyes open.
You turned around to head back to your computer to finish your assignment, though, something or somebody had grabbed your arm. 
You screamed, jumping back. Only to laugh at the realization of who it was.
“Billy! What the hell are you doing here?” You whisper-shouted, stifling a laugh, “You nearly gave me a heart attack…” You trailed, running a hand through your wet-(h/c) locks. 
A look of amusement fell on Billy’s face, “I’m sorry, (Y/n).. I couldn’t help but make my way over--” “Through the window?” You spoke, quirking a brow, folding your arms over one another, cutting your friend off. 
He rolled his eyes, “Of course.. What better way to scare my best friend?” 
You stuck out your tongue, letting your arms fall to the side. 
“Alright, loser, what do you want, really? Because I know it wasn’t just to scare me..” 
Billy was baffled, how could you possibly know he came here to talk to you about something? Was he that obvious?
“You’re obvious, Bil.. What is it?” You pouted, jumping onto your bed, patting the spot next to you for him to sit down.
Billy groaned, “How do you do that?” He muttered, sitting next to you. 
“Do what?” You tilted your head to the side. 
“How do you know when something is wrong?” 
“Look, man, I’ve known you for how long?” 
“Since we were in diapers..” He rolled his eyes, looking up at the ceiling. 
“There’s your answer.” You giggled, “It’s Sidney, isn’t it?” You frowned, staring at him with big-doe eyes.
“Yeah..” He looked down, fiddling with his thumbs, “We used to be so hot and heavy, now it’s like I’m in a PG-13 movie, I can’t stand it.” 
Your heart ached, not because of how he was feeling, but because you’ve had the biggest crush on him since the first year of highschool. You never understood why he went for Sidney, she is the complete opposite of him and is such a prude. It hurt hearing about their relationship…
“Ah, I see… Relationship problems… Lucky me…” You scoffed, Billy only chuckled, playfully punching you in the arm. 
“Oh, C’mon.. You’re usually good at the whole… you know, advice stuff..” Billy spoke, getting up from the bed. 
You licked your lips, averting your gaze elsewhere, not wanting to continue the conversation, “Look, Billy.. I really don’t know what to say that will help you, you’re talking to the wrong person, have you asked Stu?” You mumbled, and he shook his head. 
“Oh..” Was all you could mutter, “I’m sorry, Bil, I wish I could help, but you should really get going. I have homework to finish.” You forced a smile, shoving him back towards the window, “And you really need to go..” 
“(Y/n)?” Billy asked, noticing the change of demeanor. “Everything okay?” 
You grinned, void of any emotion. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. My assignment is due tomorrow and it’s really kicking my ass…” You lied, well, not really. It truly was kicking your ass, but that wasn’t the reason your mood suddenly changed, it was the jealousy you felt. 
“Oh, okay.” Billy laughed, nervously. “I guess I should have called first, I didn’t know you were busy..” He looked at you, studying your posture; trying to see if it was really what you said that was bothering you, but you were stoic, stiff like a cardboard box. You were hard to read. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” 
You nodded as he climbed out your window.
“Goodbye, Loomis…” 
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persefolli · 1 year
𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐅𝐒
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐭, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐬. 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫. 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭(𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧?,𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 "𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲", 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦), 𝐚𝐠𝐞-𝐠𝐚𝐩, 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲,𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧!𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞
“FUCK!” You slapped your hand against your head. You had failed to train your ilu properly, resulting in 3 rounds of losing the race against the Sully kids and the Metkayina kids. 
“Hit me.” You stretched out your arms, ready for the punishment. They looked at each other mischievously. 
“Every month our dads go to the forest.” Lo’ak started.
“They always force us to go camping. And it's really, really boring.” Kiri said, sticking her tongue out and rolling her eyes.
“We wanna stay at the reef for the big bonfire we always miss when we go. So you're gonna cover for us.”
You huffed, “How am I gonna substitute for 6 kids?!”
“Don't know, make it happen. Ao’nung said.
You managed to build the courage to ask Tonowari to accompany their trip to the forest, a little lying sufficed, saying that you had never seen the forest and you wanted to gain a broader experience. You opted to ask Tonowari since Jake was the scary one.   He agreed, saying you could take over the jobs the kids usually did,  “so you would be occupied.”
The ride towards the forest was silent, especially since you were upset knowing you were missing the bonfire for the first time. Kiri and Tsireya would be out there dancing and having fun while you were in the middle of the forest carving sticks. The arrival was just as bleak as you imagined, well, the forest was beautiful, the plants and the trees were really different from those on the reef.  But you were immediately tasked with building a tent, you didn't even know what a tent was.
Jake explained it came from the ship of one of the Sky People, and it's a temporary shelter for those who chose to stay out at night. Easy enough, right? Nope. All day, you struggled with setting up the tent, because it would eventually fall down back into pieces. “You have to nail it into the ground!” Jake snapped at you. You flinched and allowed him to take the tools from your hands, simply nailing the ends of the tent into the forest ground. When he finished he threw the tools to the side and sent you to Tonowari, who tasked you with getting dinner.
You weren't bad at fishing considering you were from the reef, but maybe Eywa had other plans. The fish were skinny as hell, so it wouldn't be enough to fill two grown na'vi warriors and a glutton like yourself. You ended up catching around 6 fish,  which you allowed Jake and Tonowari to eat on their own while you opted for the fruit you had packed.
So far, not good
Tonowari noticed as the days went, the more sluggish you got. You became less vocal, and became more autonomic with the tasks they gave you. “Y/n it's not that bad. You were due to learn survival skills eventually.” Tonowari approached you while fishing. You stayed silent, and treaded your hands in the water.  “We know you don't wanna be here but we want you to leave here with something.” 
Tonowari sighed and walked to the edge of the riverbank, squatting really close to you. “Why would you accept the bet if you were gonna be like this?” You snapped your head up to look at him. You had no idea he knew that it was all just a bet, but if he knew it was no harm in telling him.  “Well,  first off I didn't have a choice.”
“You could've always chickened.”
You glared at him before continuing. “I would've been more than happy to come if it wasn't just me. But I guess they knew how much of dick Jake was and threw me under.”  Tonowari shifted his head then nodded in understanding. You felt a little bad for calling his best friend a dick, but it had to be said. 
Things seemed to shift in the next few hours. You came back from fishing and Jake couldn't be bothered to fool with you. He didn't snap at you to do anything, build anything, or retrieve anything. Maybe Tonowari talked some sense into him. The newfound free time was spent scavenging around the forest, grabbing at new plants and animals. The forest was amazing, no wonder the Sully kids rejected the reef at first.
“Y/n!” Jake yelled in the distance. You groaned and made your way back to the campsite, where Jake stood holding a bow and a few arrows. “Let's go.”  You followed him through the forest, where he was seemingly tracking some creature. “Here.” He stopped, and made his mark behind some brushes. He pointed past the brush at a viper wolf, and handed you the bow. You rolled your eyes and practically snatched the bow from his hands. As you aimed at the wolf,  Jake began talking. “You're not enjoying yourself?” He said more as a statement rather than a question.  You ignored him, and kept your focus on the viperwolf.
“You would really rather be back on the reef having random guys feel you up at a stupid bonfire?”
You shot, and missed, “It would be better than being stuck in a forest with two grandpas, who think staring at trees all day is a valuable life skill.” You snapped at him. Jake's lip twitched, eventually breaking into a smirk. “Grandpas?”
“Old men! Grandpas! Whatever you call it.”
He grabbed the bow to your hands and began walking again, tracking another scent. He finally stopped again, handing you the bow and pointed at a bird-like creature. You squatted, legs slightly parted as you held the bow in your hand. Jake crouched right behind you, breath tickling the back of your neck. Admittedly he was making it very hard to focus. You took in a deep breath, and focused back on the animal that sat peacefully ahead. Before you could draw the bow, you felt Jake's hand on your ass. “Mr. Sully.” You gasped.
“Focus on the target!” He hissed. You did as told, and drew your bow, releasing it and missing the creature. The creature remained unphased, not even noticing the near missed arrow. “At your age, I didn't miss.” He said sourly into your ear. The warmth his hand radiated on your backside sent feelings coursing through your body. Slowly beginning to get turned on. “Again.” You placed your arrow against the bow again, and took in a deep breath. His hand moved to rest on your thigh, and his other hand began cupping your ass. You turned to look at him, but he nodded his head forward. You drew your arrow back, released it, and hit the creature right in its head. “Now that wasn't so hard was it.” He said, not moving from the very inconvenient position you were in. 
“Jake.” You muttered. “What? This isn't any different to the bonfire.”
“At least the guys there knew how to touch me.” You egged him on. You saw his face drop, wrinkles around his eyes smoothing out.
“Knew how to touch you like this?”  His hand reached beyond your loin cloth and grazed your folds. “Mhm.” You groaned silently. He ran his fingers over your pussy, eventually teasing your entrance with his index finger. “Do you usually get this wet? Hm?”
“No Mr. Sully.” You whimpered.
“That right? Getting creamy and wet just off my fingers. Thought those other guys knew how to touch you.” Your heartbeat quickened as you made eye contact with the aged man.  This was wrong, all the way wrong. Especially for someone who was old enough to be your own father. He inched his middle  finger inside of your hole, pumping it in and out as he coaxed you. “That's why you came on this trip right? So I can play in this pussy?”
“N-no.” You stammered. You had never heard Jake get so vulgar, never in front of you. You now knew how he got so many kids out of Neytiri, he was a natural. 
Jake  removed his fingers and sucked your slick off of his two fingers, leaving you weak and whiny. “Come.” He yanked you by the wrist and led you back to the single camp site, where Tonowari sat throwing wood into the fire for the night. Jake dragged you right into the tent, and threw you down onto the mat. He then walked outside, and said something to Tonowari, which you didn't hear due to the blood pumping in your ears. Jake entered, then Tonowari, zipping the tent closed behind him. Tonowari stood waiting. Jake then kneeled and flipped your cloth over, exposing your pussy to the older and taller na’vi.  “She calls me a dick behind my back, and calls us old in front of my face.”
“But look at how wet she is.” Tonowari said, dropping to his knees. 
“Exactly. See how wet this grandpa made her. She didnt want to learn shit she just wanted to be fucked.”  Jake said sourly, almost angry.
“I figured something was off with her.” Tonowari said. He leaned forward and positioned himself so he was laying down with his face between your legs. “Well this old man is gonna show you how to get things done.” Tonowari buried his face in your pussy, catching your clit between his lips. You yelped, feeling the wet warmth and pressure being applied to your bud. You closed your eyes and pathetically spread your legs more, allowing Tonowari to bury himself deeper. “So good.” He licked up your entrance, placing a kiss on your clit. “How tight is she?” Jake asked from beside you. Tonowari pushed his thick wet tongue inside of your entrance. “Wari!” You exclaimed.
“So tight.” He responded to Jake. He continued to thrust his tongue in your pussy, slobbering and animatedly kissing all over your folds. “Mmm…wari…gonna come!” You grabbed the back of his head and began bucking your hips into him. He removed his tongue from your hole and rested it on your clit swiftly, beginning to flick his muscle against your clit in a battle to make you come. “Ooh! Fuck just like that!” You shrieked, raising your legs high in the air and shaking. “Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm gonna fucking come.” You screamed one last time before convulsing and cumming on his face.
Tonowari rose to his knees and looked at Jake, shamelessly with your slick all over his face. The two of them said nothing, but seemed to communicate with just their eyes. Tonowari moved to sit above your head, and Jake took refuge in the spot between your legs. Jake flipped you around, so that you were now on your hands and knees, facing Tonowari. 
Tonowari smiled at you, before whipping out his thick cock and slapping the tip against your nose. Jake took hold of your tail and moved it aside as his hand grazed along your ass. “Look at what you've gotten yourself into.” Jake snarled. “Alone in the middle of nowhere being slutted out by your best friends' dads.” He began running his thumb over your wet hole, teasing it. 
“For your sake I hope they never find out.” Tonowari joined in. “They won't!” You whimpered. The flutter in your stomach was jumping from guilt to horniness. The confusion made you all the more wet. “I know baby girl. you know how much trouble we would get in? We don't want any trouble do we?” Jake pulled your head back to look at him. “No. No trouble.”
Jake laughed and pushed your head back down to Tonowari. “Had her pussy eaten once and lost all common sense.” 
Tonowari grabbed your hair and pulled upwards so your mouth hovered right over his dick. “Be a good girl and suck it.” He pushed his cock between your lips and you gasped. You placed one hand on his thigh to hold yourself up, and the other wrapped around the base of his cock. You began to swirl your tongue around the tip, feeling the shudder in his thighs, but he yanked you up by the hair and snarled. “I said suck, not this licking bullshit.” 
Jake on the other end was playing in your folds with his tip. Slapping your pussy with it a few times before snapping his hips forward, you gasped, and opened your mouth wider which Tonowari took advantage of.  Jake began thrusting, holding your hips tight. “M’Jake!” You moaned around Wari’s cock. A burst of energy flowed through your veins and you began sucking on his dick more passionately. “Take your time baby. Don't let him provoke you.” He moved a few strands of hair out of your face and guided your head to slowly bob against him. You tested your luck, and pushed all the way down so your nose was buried in his pelvis. “Oh fuck!” He hissed, feeling his dick curve around the shape of your throat.. You rose again, releasing his dick with a pop. “You’ve done this before haven't you?”
“Mhm.”  You  tilted your head around him and began suckling the side of his dick, flashing your tongue every once in a while. 
Jake groaned behind you, thrusting harshly and digging his fingers into your sides. “You're so fucking tight.” He seethed though his teeth. He slid one of his hands over your ass and dipped his thumb into your other hole, emitting a gasp from you. “Ah fuck such a pretty little slut.” Jake closed his eyes. “Letting me fuck the shit out of your sloppy little hole.” You moaned,  beginning to bounce harder off of Jake and his dick. He spat more discrepancies, making you more wet and easy to slide into. You felt so nasty, so fucking nasty.
“You like that? having Toruk  Makto fuck you?'' Tonowari cooed. You nodded your head, bobbing on him in the process. 
“I can’t hear you.”
“I love Toruk Makto fucking me!” You said muffled on his cock. “Really? and what else?”
“I love sucking your dick.” You smiled and licked around his tip,  causing him to grumble.
“Fuck! Need her.” Jake said to Tonowari. Tonowari pulled you off his dick, and allowed Jake to pull you away from him. He pushed you down into the mat, so that your ass was now up and at em. He began rutting into you, pulling you back against him harshly. “Fuck!Fuck!Fuck! Jake! Fuck me!” You changed as you felt a ball of tightness build in your gut,  ready to burst at any moment.
Jake let out a loud and long groan. “Want me to fill you up, huh? wanna walk around with my cum in your pussy?”
“Yes Mr.Sully! Please fill me up daddy!” You whimpered as he thrusted harder, blurring the pauses between each bounce against each other. A loud yell, and a groan, and he had came. You felt him fill you slowly. 
He pulled out, making you shudder from the loss of contact. You felt his seed dribble down your pussy and onto the mat below. Once again your head was being yanked up,  and this time Tonowari was standing. He smacked his dick against your lips before tugging at himself. “Fuck you're such a good girl for me.” He moaned and dragged your bottom lip down with his thumb. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his thighs tense. “Tell me you've been a good girl.”
“I've been a good girl Wari.” You moaned, watching him begin to leak in front of you. “Tell me again.”
You purred and leaned into him so his fist was pumping right above your face. “I've been such a good girl daddy.”
“Yes you have.” he managed to groan before cumming. He grabbed your face and slowly tugged his dick to milk himself dry.  You smiled and happily accepted his thick ropes of cum on your face. 
Jake walked over to you, having cleaned himself up. He smiled and looked at you adoringly, ignoring his friend's release on your face. He bent down and traced his thumb along your lips. 
“Now, camping isn't so bad isn't it?”
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
My [completed] CodyWan Fic Masterlist
This is going to be a very long list of all my favorite CodyWan fics that are completed. Later on today or tomorrow I'll make another list for all of the CodyWan fics I enjoy that are currently ongoing/incomplete (because we, in fandom, need to start supporting authors during the writing process instead of only after, but that's a whole other post).
The fics are gonna be separated by Modern AU, Canon-Divergent/Canon-ish, Crack, and Canon But a Little to the Left. Full Disclaimer: this is going to be a very long list, so the triggers and descriptions will be brief--make sure you read the tags and warnings before reading!
I don't know who these authors are on tumblr, so I can't tag them, but I recommend that you guys tag them if you recognize them--because they deserve all the love <3 and I think, especially now, we need to let fic authors know that we appreciate them.
Modern AU
212th Street Coffee by thosewhowanderwithfire 
Cody runs a coffee shop, Obi-Wan comes in frequently with a different members of his friends/family and Cody learns a lot about his crazy life by eavesdropping.
bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child by stormwarnings 
Obi-Wan's family life is messy, to say the least. Cody and his family work as firefighters/EMTs/etc. and Obi-Wan kinda just gets adopted into the family by constantly needing to call the firefighters/EMTs/etc.
Coruscant Story by TyeDyeBoogers
A mafia AU thing where Obi-Wan and Cody are both in different mafia families, but then they date each other pretending to be regular normal people (bc neither of them know they're in the mafia, much less different families), and then a bunch of stuff happens and drama ensues.
TW: Murder, Violence
cradle my name on your tongue by jynx 
Running from an abusive ex, Obi-Wan and Anakin move to a small town where they set up their tattoo and piercing shop. Obi-Wan quickly falls for Cody, the florist across the street, but bad things happen when Obi-Wan's ex just won't give up.
TW: Violence, Abusive Relationship, Drugging, Attempted SA (this doesn't go into detail, but it's still there)
Foreign Affairs by ro_moray 
Obi-Wan and Anakin come to America as foreign ambassadors, Cody is one of their bodyguards. Both Obi-Wan and Cody fall head over heels quickly, and there's some political drama via Maul.
TW: Violence (I think?)
Hey Bartender by Wxlves 
Obi-Wan and Cody both work as bartenders at Dex's, they become FWB, and feelings ensue.
I've Served My Time In Hell by TheSleepingOne (SleepingNebula) 
There's a zombie apocalypse going on and Obi-Wan is repeatedly fucked over by the universe in the form of being forced to spend time around his ex, Cody, and Cody's very protective family.
TW: Violence, Gore
Liminal Beings by ChubbstheFish 
Cody is the lighthouse keeper in a small town with his family. Obi-Wan and his family move into said small town and become close with Cody's family, but it quickly becomes clear that Obi-Wan and his family aren't exactly what they seem--aka human.
Not Denial by spqr 
Obi-Wan is a PI and Cody is the sorry moron who falls head over heels for him after meeting him exactly once.
TW: Violence
Seeker Prospector by brigitttt
Cody is a bounty hunter looking for his father, Obi-Wan is just trying to study dinosaur bones. The two meet, fuck, and then catch feelings.
TW: Violence, Mild Gore (I think)
We’ll Do This Together by MageOfCole 
Obi-Wan and Cody have a one night stand and Cody accidentally gets Obi-Wan pregnant (of the trans variety, not the a/b/o variety). Obi-Wan tries to hide this from Cody and his family, but Obi-Wan's family doesn't know how to mind their own business. Family hijinks ensue.
What…a sleep over? by Wixiany
Cody's family decides to host a party, but he needs to study, so he heads over to Anakin's brother's house to get some peace and quiet. He wasn't ready for how pretty Obi-Wan was.
You Gave Me the World that I Wanted by Legogirl22 
Cody has to take care of his family, so he swears up and down that he won't fall for the cute bookkeeper he keeps seeing. He fails. Miserably.
Canon Divergent/Canon-ish
A Ghost or a Man by smallandangry 
Obi-Wan makes a life for himself on Tatooine, eventually Cody finds him, and the locals get attached to both.
A New Life by cwiptids 
Rex and Echo hear about a clone on Tatooine...guess who they meet and take another guess as to who they're married to.
end of the road by adiduck (book_people)
Obi-Wan and Cody spar before Utapau and make unfulfilled promises.
Glimpse Of Us by fingerstripesofchaos 
Post-Order 66 angst fic, just like...loads of angst. This is not a happy fic at all, it made me cry.
TW: Suicide Mention/Reference
Haven’t Felt Like This My Dear by Bluebellstar
Cody gets a hangover and is a total baby about it, Obi-Wan is very amused.
little white truths by imperiousphasmid 
Obi-Wan gets injured and only family and spouse(s) are allowed to see him...I think you know where this is going.
Made by Walking by piotsa  
After Order 66, Quinlan finds Cody and then Cody finds Obi-Wan.
not dead yet by keylimemagpie (QuickSilverFox3)
✨ smut with emotions ✨
Our children our future (that we didn’t know of) by Feniksiara   
After Order-66 Cody finds out that the Kaminoans decided to use Obi-Wan and Cody's DNA to make Force-sensitive clones...then the Mandalorian dad genes kick in.
Standard Operating Procedures by galateaGalvanized
A mission goes wrong and suddenly almost the entire 212th is in love with Obi-Wan...except, it appears, Cody. Y'all know exactly where this is going.
all the world in my arms by biscuityskies 
Obi-Wan has nightmares after Kadavo, then shit goes to hell on a mission, and Cody worries--also Anakin and biscuityskies' OC Hex are little shits.
where the fields are painted gold by biscuityskies
The 212th end up crashing in the forest, so Obi-Wan and Cody get some "camping out in the forest" cuddles and also banter.
night spar by cabezadeperro (minigami) 
Obi-Wan and Cody spar at night, and there is a lot of tension. Not of the fun kind, though.
chain of command by cabezadeperro (minigami) 
Obi-Wan and Cody are undercover and eventually have to find some way to keep the people tracking them from finding them. If you've watched Marvel, you know where this is going.
In the Treetops by ebw_writes499 
After a mission on Kashyyyk everyone needs to go to bed, which they do...all the way up in the trees.
Caretaker by ebw_writes499 
On Tatooine, Cody gets sick and Obi-Wan has to take care of him. Obi-Wan is a worrier.
Love Despite the Distance by ebw_writes499 
After the war, Cody and Rex comm each other to catch up. Also Cody became a senator against his will.
Overworked by ebw_writes499 
Obi-Wan and Cody both had the same idea and that idea was "sneak off to take a nap."
Compartment Syndrome by elwenyere 
After a bad crash, Obi-Wan is knocked out and Cody is injured. Cody carries Obi-Wan through all the danger while reminiscing, certain that he'll be decommissioned after due to his injury.
TW: Mild Gore? (of the "description of injury" variety)
Good Soldiers by elwenyere 
A story about Obi-Wan and Cody throughout the War and after Order 66, with a happy ending.
Don’t Worry It's A Very High Threadcount by goldleaf1066 
Obi-Wan uses a blanket to warm up instead of Cody and Cody is very fussy about it. It gets a little angsty near the end, but things end good.
And Our Faces Toward the Sun by goldleaf1066 
The War ends and Cody and Obi-Wan share a kiss.
I'll Bend Your Light Around Me (A Sunrise At My Back) by goldleaf1066   
A sweet little story about Obi-Wan and Cody throughout the war, with a happy ending!
Stepping In, Stepping Out by goldleaf1066   
Cody and Obi-Wan take turns covering for each other when they oversleep.
With Both Our Hands Around It by goldleaf1066
Obi-Wan and Cody discuss their relationship while also participating in some extracurricular activities.
Crack Fics
Compulsive Honesty by afoundling 
Cody, Obi-Wan, and some of the 212th get dosed with truth serum and just have to let it run its course.
Fools and Idiots by BehindBrokenWindows 
Somehow everyone gets it in their heads that Obi-Wan and Padme are fucking, and Anakin is not happy when he finds out. We all know who he's really fucking.
Operation “who’s kriffing the General” by Sweet_bubbs 
Everyone finds out that Obi-Wan is in a relationship with someone, but they don't know who--but boy do they want to find out.
Resignation in more than one sense by BitterChocolateStars   
Obi-Wan tries to resign, Mace is a little shit (affectionate) and says no, and hijinks ensue.
Time to Celebrate by Kurosaki224   
Kurosaki's OC just wants to talk to his superiors after the war and ends up seeing a lot more than he wants to.
Rex finds out by The_neurodivergent_nerd   
Exactly what it sounds like.
The Trickster by The_neurodivergent_nerd  
A long dead Sith lord has a great sense of humor.
Canon But a Little to the Left
closed together by numbika 
Obi-Wan is blind AU where Obi-Wan and Cody get stuck in an elevator together.
I Got My Head Checked by frostbitebakery   
Sith Obi-Wan AU where Cody falls in love with Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan changes the course of the War because Cody and his brothers make him realize he still has his heart.
TW: Violence, Self Harm (of the "making a sith" variety)
Marriage in Disguise by bjjones   
Oops! Looks like to make peace with Mandalore, the Jedi will just have to send Obi-Wan to get married to Cody, son of Manda'lor Jango Fett. They totally weren't dating before this.
We’ll Meet Again by little_dumpling
Obi-Wan doesn't become a Jedi Knight and instead works in the MediCorps and becomes a doctor, then he ends up meeting Cody on Geonosis.
TW: Medical Gore (I think?)
What came after by galateaGalvanized  http://archiveofourown.org/works/29595831 
Obi-Wan has gone full Sith and is on Mandalore, Cody and the 212th go to get their general.
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skipper1331 · 11 months
A Bronze // Esme Morgan
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Being Lucy Bronzes younger sister was fantastic yet hard at times.
Lucy was a loving, caring and proctective (!!) sister - she would do anything for you. You loved her with your whole heart and playing football at a professional level together has always been a dream of yours.
When you got your first call up, she was the first person you called. Same thing with your call up for the euros and same thing now with the world cup.
You were beyond excited. There was only one problem.
With Lucy being in Barcelona and you being in Manchester you haven‘t had the chance to tell her that you were in a relationship. It wouldn‘t feel right telling her through the phone - your excuse. At some point there was a (high) chance that she would jump into a plane and fly straight to you.
To be honest you haven‘t told her yet because you‘re scared. Scared of her reaction or rather of her behavior towards Esme. She would rip her head off. And you really-really liked Esme. Nobody besides a few of your City teammates knew about you.
"Not kissing you all day long will kill me" Esme whined as she pulled at the hem of your shirt. Your arms looped around her neck "Don‘t be so dramatic" you chuckled. Esme fake gasped while clutching her heart, making you laugh. Her favorite sound.
Arriving in camp was a relief. You and Lucy were glued to the hips, updating on your lives. It was nice to see and talk to her in person again. Until now you never realized how much you missed her.
The first few training sessions went smooth. Esme and you kept things professional - acting like friends. Yet sometimes you caught yourselves staring a moment to long at each other. You would sneak lingering touches when nobody was watching or kiss in empty rooms. You couldn‘t help it you were just so in love with one another.
"What would you think about if we told Lucy?" you asked as you sat down at the table. The table was still empty only Esme and you already sitting there with plates in front of you. "Tell Lucy what?" Said person asked. Esme chocked on her water. She didn‘t mind telling her yet she feared Lucy kind off. "Luce! Hey" you smiled through your nervousness. "Tell Lucy what?" her tone was rough. She hated when she didn’t know things- especially when they involved you, her little baby. "Oh nothing! No worries" smiling, you tried to convince the defender. Of course with no luck. "Y/n" she grumbled. "I‘m dating your sister" Esme blurted out. The whole dining room went silent. "Does she have death wishes?" someone gasped. Jordan was standing behind Lucy who was about to explode. "Come again?"
"I am dating Y/n" she took your hand to emphasize her words.
Something clicked inside Lucys mind. You dating someone? No absolutely not. "Do not touch her!" aggressivly, she parted your hands. "Y/n? Is this true?"
"Yes" you looked down, not because you were ashamed but because you felt horrible. You knew Lucys eyes would tell you that she‘s hurt because you didn‘t tell her. And you also knew that her eyes would be full of fury. "Lucy I-" abruptly, lucy shoved her plate to Jordan and grabbed Esme by the collar of her shirt. Even though the blonde was tall enough to have her feet on the ground it was still intimidating as hell. "Lucy!" you yelped. "You better leave my sister alone or you will have some real trouble. Understood?!" your attempt to break them apart was as successful as a shark trying to climb up a tree. pretty much impossible. "I'm not afraid of you" the audacity to talk only made Lucy angrier and made you smile bright. Nobody ever tried to fight your sister for you.
"That‘s enough!" Millie and Rachel grabbed Lucy and shoved her the other way. Lunch was over for her. "Fuck. Are you okay?" Worry laced your voice as Esme was free. Her hand rubbed her neck while the other one was shaking. "Ye-yeah" you pulled her down to sit. "Jordy, could you - you know?" Jordan gave you a nod before your attention was back on Esme.
Lucy was sitting in the gym trying to calm herself down. It was hard. You‘re her little girl how could she not be mad. She was hurt that you didn‘t tell her. She was mad at the fact you were dating someone. not because of a relationship but of the risk of you getting hurt. The worst pain for her isn‘t any physical, seeing you cry/hurt that‘s the worst pain.
One of your first matches for the senior team ended with you being hospitalized due a head injury. The cry of pain which left your mouth was horrific. It haunted Lucy for months. "Hey" a calm voice said. Jordan. "Here‘s your food" carefully, she sat the plate down. "Thanks"
While they ate in silence Lucy appreciated Jordan being there. "I‘ll tell you that because i'm your friend", the villa player started as they finished their meals, "that was such a shit move" which ended with a smack to the head for the Barcelona player. "It’s your sisters girlfriend"
"She‘s too young for a relationship" Jordan looked at her with her 'seriously?' expression. "Esme is not good enough" again, Jordan looked at Lucy with the same expression. "Well. Let‘s look at it from this perspective: would you rather have a total stranger to be with y/n?" No reply. "That‘s what I thought."
"Doesn't mean I approve it"
"You don't have to approve it, at least for now but for starters you can respect them."
Only a grumble was heard.
"For what it’s worth, I think they‘re good for each other"
"I don't"
The next few days Lucy didn‘t talk to either one of you yet she watched from afar. It stung. After not seeing each other for months she was now ignoring you for who knows how long. It made you sad and angry.
"You look hot" you said to Esme as there was a water break. "Than-" she started, her cheeks turning crimson. you didn‘t mean that kind of hot in the moment. Yes, Esme was hot in your eyes but - "Let me help you" with a quick squeeze of your bottle you splashed her face with water. "Hopefully, you don‘t become a mermaid" you laughed referring to H2O, a series you love. A loud gasp escaped the blonde who was chasing you by now. "Arghh come here" the defender smacked her arms around your hips, turning you around so you could face her "that wasn‘t nice, baby" she tried to have a stern face but was failing miserably. "ooopsie" catching her off guard as you pressed a kiss to her cheek, you entangled your body from her arms and ran away again.
Beach day with the team; while some of your friends were walking to the ocean others were talking or playing in the sand (tooney and lessi) whereas Esme and you sat in the sand enjoying the sun. The blonde was hugging you from behind as you laid your back on her chest. Under the sun rays she looked like a goddess. You fell in love with her all over again. "You should stare at the ocean not at me" your girlfriend whispered so she wouldn‘t ruin the vibe "you‘re way more beautiful" was your only reply. As she locked eyes with you you saw the way they lit up after your confession.
Even though you were with Esme and/or the team most of the time your heart was still broken. You missed your best friend. And your girlfriend could tell. She saw the way you would look at Lucy - she would never look back at you. She saw the way your mind was spinning, thinking about If you should approach Lucy. When Chloe (your roommate) told Esme that she heard you crying in the night the defender decided to take the problem into her own hands. It was hurting you - so it was hurting her.
"Lucy! Wait" the blonde pleaded as she saw Lucy alone. "What?" her voice wasn‘t angry or rough, it was normal yet her facial expression was stone cold. "Look, If you don‘t like me that’s fine but ignoring y/n isn‘t. It‘s her first world cup.. you should support her." Lucy didn't want a lecture so she turned around, ready to walk away. "Do you know she requested number 12 on her jersey because of you?" That statement made her stop in her track. "It was your number at the World Cup 2015. She admires you and it hurts her that you don‘t talk to her." Deep breaths, Esme, you can do it. What Esme was about to say took a lot of courage to say out loud but she knew she had to tell Lucy. "I love her, okay? I really do. She- she doesn't know that I do but I do. And I want to make her happy but she‘ll never be fully happy If you aren‘t in her life. So please.. just talk to her."
Lucy thought about Esmes words and how true they were (If someone asked her, she would never admit it). As well she talked to Jordan about them who agreed with Esme (like everybody would) and as the night went on Lucy was determined to work things out with you.
After training was finished the next day you found yourself sitting on the pitch, staring into nothing. You were exhausted. Physically and mentally.
As soon as you felt a presence beside you, you knew who it was. It was the one person you desperately wanted to talk to you. There was a silence for a few minutes. Lucy had to sort her thoughts before she could start her apology.
Esme was standing with Hempo, Chloe and Alex. Even though she knew that Alex was talking, she couldn‘t listen. She tried but her gaze kept glanzing to you. "Are they gonna make up?" Lauren asked as she saw Esme looking towards you. "I hope they do."
"I‘m so proud of you." the Barcelona player started "and i‘m sorry" she wasn‘t looking at you and you weren‘t either. You both stared straight forward. "You were a bitch" you stated. "All- all I wanted was your support" tears started to build up but you didn‘t dare to let them leave your eyes. "I know and i‘m truly sorry but you have to understand-"
"What?! What do I have to understand?! You should love me unconditionally! Not matter what," your voice started to get louder with each word.
"Stop right there! I won‘t be accused of not doing so. I was there when you had your first football match. I spent hours playing with you. I was there at every important game of yours." by now her voice was also loud. "It was me who was there every step of the way. It was me!" Well, the tears you tried not to spill were running down your cheeks faster than you liked. "Then what do I have to understand?" your voice was back quiet. Small. "I am your big sister. I need to protect you" her voice level back to normal. "Esme won‘t hurt me" you laid your head on Lucys shoulder while her arm went around your back. "I know. She‘s a good one" your gaze wandered to your love who was already looking at you with a smile on her face. "She is"
Maybe things weren‘t fully solved yet, but for the beginning it was a step in the right direction. And with the Bronze sisters back as a team and a World Cup ahead it could only get better.
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freak-accident419 · 7 months
File Room Confessions
Josh Futturman x GN!Reader
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Summary: You and Josh snoop into the employee records room to find more information about his biotic co-workers. However, one conversation leads to another.
Word Count: 1.5k
Content: fluff, gender-neutral reader (no pronouns used), ’pretty’ is used in a gender-neutral way (as it should), set in S01E05 “Justice Desserts” of Future Man—you may have to know more about the show to understand what’s going on, and you’re basically taking Jeri’s place in this scene. Enjoy :)
“See, there’s always at least one common denominator when it comes to sniffing out these Biotics,” you tell Josh as you point to Janis’s file. “Zero medical conditions. And zero allergies.” You took out Carl’s file and showed him those records as well.
You and Josh had snuck into the file room to look for any specifics of the Biotic employees that Wolf and Tiger had killed. Perhaps any patterns or connections that might help with your mission.
“You know, I still can’t believe that ‘pretty smile girl’—or, well, Janis—was a Biotic! She was really nice,” he sighed as he looked over her file.
You were sitting next to each other on the floor against the file cabinets with a bag of Cheetos in between you two and a box of employee records beside you as you looked through everyone’s files.
You scoffed at Josh’s claim. “Dude. You barely knew her,” you said as you grabbed another Cheeto to eat.
“Well, yeah, but I knew that she was ‘yogurt cup, banana peel, pretty smile girl’,” he replied in a pensive tone, which made you let out a soft giggle. “What?”
“Nothing, you’re just… You’re such a dork,” you said as you let out a chuckle under your breath. You looked at him for a while and he smiled at you, seemingly appreciating you. He was so inexplicably charming.
For a while, you had crushed on Josh. You weren’t sure why or what is was—he was just… admirable. Sure, he was a janitor who gave off total loser vibes as he still lived with his parents, playing video games 24/7, but ever since you got mixed up into this mess, you were able to get to know him better. He was caring, selfless, thoughtful, cute, and funny. Definitely very charming—almost charmingly dorky. He was a good guy. He was doing everything he could to make sure that Tiger and Wolf wouldn’t kill Kronish. He was probably the most genuine person you ever knew.
After a while, you two had—instead of trying to look for any important biotic information—made fun of people’s files. Especially Stu for having his emergency contact as 9-1-1, because nobody loves that asshole of a guy.
You chuckled softly and continued to look at the rest of the files until one caught your attention. You took it out and gasped, looking at it with wide eyes and an open mouth. “‘Joshua Sasha Futturman’?”
He realized you had found his file and sighed in defeat. “It’s—It’s my grandmother’s name. It’s sentimental. Please give me—”
He attempted to grab it from you, but you laughed and pushed his grabby hands away from you, continuing to scan his file. “Hey, back off, buddy, or else I’m gonna… rub some ‘tree nuts’ on you…? So you can get… ‘golf-ball size hives and welts?’” You giggle as you looked at his list of allergies.
He looked at you with playful annoyance, frowning as you tease him. “Alright, alright, I’m sorry… Joshua Sasha…” You giggle, making him roll his eyes.
“Come on! I… I have nothing against you, it’s not fair!” He complains as you hand him his own file. He grabbed it, but didn’t take his eyes off you. “Just… Tell me something that I can make fun of you for too.”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow and scoffed. “Uh? Hell no,” you replied, with a slight chuckle. “You’ll use it against me, like, any time we argue! I am not compromising—”
“C’mon, Y/n, please? Just to even it out?” He requested, in which you couldn’t help but finally amuse him.
“Okay, okay. Fine,” you groaned as you rested your head back completely against the file cabinet. “What do you want to know?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Like… Any allergies or—?”
“Nope, I am actually not allergic to anything,” you chuckle, smiling at him.
Josh grinned at you and joked, “Oh? So is it safe for me to assume that you’re a biotic?”
You laughed at that, shaking your head. “Oh, please. Aren’t they supposed to be these perfect, really good-looking super-people? Like, you really think I could pass off as that?”
He gave a friendly smile, turned his head as he decided in his mind, and finally said, “Hm, maybe, yeah. Like, you could actually convince me.” You raised an eyebrow in disbelief and he took notice of your reaction. “I’m serious!”
“No, no, enough, Josh. I get that you’re just being nice, but—”
“No, Y/n, I’m serious, believe me!” He exclaimed with authenticity. “You’re actually really attractive!”
You found yourself really flustered as you heard this, trying to hold back a smile. Was he being for real? “What? No, you’re… You’re just saying that, shut up, Josh,” you scoffed, still not believing him. “Besides, I thought you were trying to find something that you can make fun of me for?”
“Y/n, I swear to you, I am not kidding! Like, if I were Tiger, I’d probably straight-up assume that you’re a biotic! Because of how unbelievably hot you are!” He pleaded, trying to get you to believe him. “Come on! Tiger and Wolf, they literally call them ‘perfs,’ Y/n, short for ‘perfect.’ And you…”
This made your eyes widen. And you tried your best to detect any eye twitch or fake smile on his face to find out if he was lying, but it was clear he wasn’t. After all, he was the most genuine person you ever knew. He was being true to every word.
“Wh-really? You… You think I’m perfect?” You asked him in a breath of disbelief, and a smile slowly tugging at your lips.
“Well, yeah, I mean of course! You are so pretty! And it’s not just your looks, but… I mean… Who else would agree to go on this mission with me and those really, unnecessarily mean assholes? Like, you had a choice to just leave, but you wanted to help me because you were my friend. You knew the consequences, but you stayed by my side anyway,” he said tenderly, smiling at you with a specific softness that tugged at your heartstrings. “And not only that, but, you’re funny. You’re smart. Like, really smart. I don’t think we would’ve made it this far without your ideas. And you’re kind. Super kind! Every time those two insult me, you immediately back me up! And you’re just… perfect. Like, sometimes I think to myself if I even deserve you because you’re just so… good.”
You were speechless. You didn’t know what to say, you didn’t know this was how he felt about you. Everything he said had made you feel so appreciated and so admired.
Instead of saying anything, so overwhelmed with affection, you took one of your hands to cup his face and pressed your lips to his, softly, in an innocent, tender kiss, that he immediately returned. You felt him smile in the kiss as you felt his hand lightly hold the side of your waist, bringing you closer.
Your eyelashes fluttered as you slowly opened your eyes after pulling away from the kiss, and your faces were still close, the two of you slightly laughing and smiling at each other so very intimately.
“Josh, I… I like you. Like, a lot,” you felt giddy as you chuckled, looking into his eyes deep with admiration. “You’re just… You’re so sweet. And charming. And.. cute. And so thoughtful! And fuck everything that Wolf and Tiger say about you, because I think you’re perfect the way you are. If you’re not their savior, then you’re definitely mine. ‘Specially back at the meth lab,” you two laughed as you remembered the time he punched someone for you. “The point is… I’ve really enjoyed the past few days with you… No matter how crazy they’ve been. And I don’t mind spending more adventures with you. Wherever you’ll be, I’ll be by your side. Whether it be through time and/or space.”
Josh was also slightly taken aback because even though he had liked you as well, he didn’t expect that you’d like him back, no matter how obvious you made it. He just didn’t expect anyone in general would like him romantically because he was always just sort of a loser.
“I… I really like you too, Y/n. I mean, I probably made it really obvious already, but… I really like you too. And you seem to nearly never believe me, so I swear to you, genuinely, Y/n, that I like you. Like… like honest to god,” he said, grinning softly, and you two leaned in to share another kiss, one that was less hesitant and bolder than the first.
“We should, um… We should probably get going,” you suggest as you look at the mess of all the files with a soft laugh.
“Oh yeah. And, um, clean these up and everything,” Josh agreed looking at all the papers on the floor, then back at you.
You looked at him with a slight smirk in your smile. “We could… We could do one more,” you offered as your smile grew wider.
“One more?” He asked brightly.
“We’re here,” you pointed out.
“We could,” he raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “Let’s do it.” You grabbed another file to poke fun at one more employee for their personal info with Josh. Because really, anything else could wait.
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casterousaudrey · 9 months
Healing Touch
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: Astarion/Cleric!Tav!reader
Theme: tooth rotting fluff, some religious themes due to reader being a cleric.
Note: I think I made the reader and Astarion too obsessed with each other.. but in a good way!! Also this was inspired by the time I gave offerings in the stromshore tabernacle and I just see the 'Astarion disapproves', what the flip man! Sorry to those who were waiting for this, It took a while because of my busy sched!
"I’m never going to accept any kind of healing that doesn't end with a kiss after"
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Fighting with Astarion never escalated far. It was usually just small jabs at each other or teasing gone too far but then there are times like these when neither one of you would back down it just kept making the fight more heated.
"I bring you once. One time to the stormshore tabernacle, and you can't even hold your tongue when I'm trying to commune with my God!"
"I just thought that you weren't the type to bow down to anyone, my dear."
"I'm a cleric, Astarion! Yes, I'm a devoted worshiper to my God and they give me strength! Apparently, strength I need to deal with you!" 
Astarion sneers and crosses his arms at you. Worshipping another being doesn't exactly sit well with him, he feels that it controls you and makes you too dependent on them. It was probably due to how Cazador treated him but in his mind, any being asking for worship was self-admiring.
"You have your own strength, darling. So pardon me if I don't think you need some God for that."
"It's not that I don't trust my skills, Astarion. I worship my God because I choose to. Was it too much of me to ask my lover to respect that holy place? If not for the Gods then at least for me!"
At this point, you were screaming your lungs out not caring that the others in camp were glancing at the commotion. This wasn't the first Astarion had expressed his distaste for your faith, it never escalated this far because you tried to understand his situation with Cazador and all. But the constant disapproving stare and look of disgust, whenever you would pray to your God or gather some offerings to bring to the stormshore Tabernacle slowly, got to you.
After all the times you saved him from life-threatening wounds, you thought that maybe he'd warm up to your faith- but he remained unshaken. 
"I'm going to take a walk... It's better if you don't follow me for now....., dearest" Your heart jumps a little at the nickname but then anger eventually pops your lovesick bubble. Astarion gets up and leaves camp, his definition of laying off steam was to walk through the woods and terrorize whatever animal crosses his path. You were about to say something about how you were the one who was supposed to storm off but instead, you held your tongue and went back to your tent making sure to close the opening. 
You loved Astarion- and there is no doubt in your heart that he loves you too, but you didn't want to have to choose between faith and love because you believed that they are the main pillars that keep your spirit strong.
As Astarion was walking through the woods he reminisced about the argument you both had, he couldn't understand why anyone would worship a being without being sure that they'd get a reward in return. The only thing close to God he had in his life was Cazador- oh and how much he wanted to rip his face apart.
Astarion ponders all of this unaware he is dangerously close to enemy territory and suddenly senses another presence- maybe four around the trees. "If you're going to spy on me all day at least make it less obvious" Just then two goblins jump down from the tree, their weapons craving for blood. 
"Hells, there must be quite a bounty on my head" Astarion smiles as he brings his weapons out. He strikes at the first goblin. "You fiends are making this stress reliever way easier for me. I can do this all day!" Astarion did occasionally love the thrill of the hunt, especially when he gets something in return. A thought comes across his mind that he feels rather... alone in this fight, although he could handle this on his own he couldn't help but crave your helping hand and your smile that shines when he saves you from danger. 
Unfortunately, Astarion didn't realize how distracted he was until one of the goblins blew a horn, a signal for backup.
 "Well, shit.."
Astarion killed the first two goblins but he sees backup quickly replacing them. The grip on his dagger tightened, this was supposed to be a nice relaxing walk to calm down or even hunt for other creatures. He guesses that trouble always did find a way to follow him. 
The goblins fall one by one but not after Astarion gets injured by their bows, axes, and maces. As the last goblin loses, Astarion clutches his side. He was hurt and it's been so long since he's felt hurt in combat, his mind jumps again to your hands that always healed him at an instant or your ability to heal the entire team within seconds. God, he really missed you- he didn't even feel angry anymore, he just wanted to be in your arms as you kiss every part of his injuries after you healed it. 
Just then he hears a footstep, and he groans in annoyance, more of this and he'd actually collapse- either from his injuries or his need to hold you again, he isn't sure. 
"Look if you're looking for gold, you're out of luck..."
"Oh Gods.. what happened?"
He quickly glances to his side where the figure had approached from where he was sitting. Astarion half expected it to be you, The thought of you running after him made him smile but then it quickly disappeared when he realized the fact that the female human in front of him may be a cleric but it wasn't his beloved cleric.
"We should get you back to the church! They'll help heal your wounds!"
"As kind as your offer is, I'm afraid I have to decline. I can't these injuries for myse-" Just as Astarion tries to stand up, he feels pain in his side. He now just felt annoyed that he was displaying this kind of weakness to some stranger.
"Nonsense! I'll help bring you there!" The cleric smiles as she wraps Astarions arm across her shoulder. Astarion couldn't protest as much because of his condition but he'd be damned if he'll let himself get healed by some cleric.
The sun was about to set and Astarion still hadn't come back to camp. You were getting worried, you weren't even mad at him anymore you just wanted him safe and back in your arms. You really did fall hard for this man. 
"Hey soldier... are you okay?" Karlach has seen you pacing back and forth all over camp, fiddling your weapon nervously, and even stress-eating your favorite sweets. 
"Yeah, sorry if I'm being all jittery today it's just.."
"Astarion, yeah I know how much you care about each other. I'm sure he'll come back safe!"
"Thank you, Karlach. You're the best" 
You softly smile at her as she waves and walks back to her tent. Just then you hear Gale laughing walking towards you, he just came back from town to fetch new ingredients for tonight's meal. He always loved cooking for the group.
"Ok you won't believe what happened"
"Spit it out, Gale. What's gotten into you?"
"Ok, so I was walking around the city and I stopped by the church. Guess who I saw there sneering at every cleric on-site..."
"Astarion! Gods, if you saw the furrowed brows of the clerics trying to help him you'd laugh too"
"He's hurt?!"
"Not badly, I came to tell you about it. Figured the only cleric he'd let touch him was you"
You started to flush but quickly remembered that your partner was hurt. "Oh Gods, I need to go there Gale before he loses his mind. We'll be back for dinner!" You grabbed a few of your belongings, as well as some healing ingredients, and sprinted out. You wave quickly at the others before reaching the path to the church.
You have no idea why you were nervous to see Astarion, you see each other every day and sometimes even every night. You were scared if you got there and he was still mad at you. You push those thoughts away because all you wanted was to see and help him (maybe to also give him a little smooch but you won't tell him that).
As you open the door you hear the clatter of equipment being thrown to the ground, You greet the other people you know at church as you hear another glass breaking. You already know who would be acting hysterical in a church so you followed the sound and opened the door to reveal your one and only lover sitting up on a bed and a cleric who had been trying to help him.
"Oh sorry ma'am but this section is strictly forbidden to outsiders"
"It's ok I'm a cleric, and he's my husband"
"Oh well... if that's the case I can hand his case to you!"
The female cleric quickly picked up her equipment and left the room, she seemed a little too eager to finally leave. You turn to face Astarion whose eyes are already on you, his lips curled to a smile- at least you know he isn't mad.
"Husband? You could at least take me out for dinner first, darling"
"Oh hush, that was one of the only peaceful to get her to leave us alone"
The other beds in the room were surprisingly empty, leaving the both of you alone. You walked towards his bed as you set your bag on the side table. You place yourself in between his legs as you softly caress his face with your hands.
"How's my favorite vampire doing"
"Better now that you're here.... look darling, I just wanted to apologize for my actions earlier. It was completely uncalled for. The closest thing to a God I knew was Cazador... you saw firsthand how much I hate the beast.. but I also understand that it wasn't like that for you, I can live with you being faithful to a God and it also makes you kind, sometimes too kind"
"Too kind, eh? Maybe I should just leave your injuries unattended then"
"I would appreciate it if you won't"
You laugh softly at him as you place a kiss on his lips and at his lashes. You've always loved his eyes and how easily you could get lost in them. Astarions hands were on your waist as you lifted his shirt to finally tend to his wounds.
"I'm also sorry for screaming at you. Wasn't very kind of me to do... but also you were an ass"
"What an apology, my dear"
"Only the best for you"
Still in his hold, you grab a few medicines in your bag and quickly healed him with your magic. In no time Astarion was all healed, all that was left was to clean his bloodied clothing. You loved times like this- intimate and calm, You thank your God for the power to help him because he does get into trouble quite often.
"And there, you're all set. We can go back to camp now if you want"
"It still hurts right here, love" 
You glanced at where his fingers were pointing only for it to be pointed at his lips. "Want me to kiss it better?"
"I wouldn't want nothing more, my sweet"
You chuckle as you kiss him on his lips. Even before you got together he always had this flirtatious attitude, you could argue that it only became more frequent when you got together. Always the charmer.
"Now let's go home before the others get worried" He released his hold on your hips as he stood up and stretched a bit. "Anything you say, darling"
"Why didn't you want to get healed by the other clerics?"
"Oh well they aren't as attractive, strong, smart, and quick-witted as you.... besides"
Astarion turns to you holding both of your hands in his as you look him in the eye. 
"You're my one and only cleric. I’m never going to accept any kind of healing that doesn't end with a kiss after"
"You could ask Shadowheart next time"
"Ughh don't even get me started, I was trying to be romantic..."
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Taglist: @severusminerva, @sarahskywalker-amadala, @ghostinvenus, @veethewriter. Hope you guys enjoyed this!! xoxo
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