#the way carlos is so confused and knows tk is up to something but is like eh whatever im gonna enjoy this and just clutches onto him
guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 3.15 Down to Clown
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alrightbuckaroo · 4 months
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Happy Wednesday, everyone! While chapter four of the time loop au is now up, I thought I'd switch it up a little. Here's a snippet from that little something I've been working on every now and then that, again, is not the safest for work:
“I think it might be time to greet our guests,” Carlos murmurs into the shell of TK’s ear.
Despite his own suggestion, he leans down and begins pressing kisses down TK's neck. He can't help it, it looks just so inviting. TK prods, “Do you think they’re up?”
He almost regrets the question as soon as he asks it. If he’s invited a conversation, that means Carlos will need his mouth free for talking, and TK’s neck is starting to get to used to the feeling of his lips again.
“That and then some,” Carlos answers, passively.
He looks up at TK’s response of silence, wondering why the conversation that just started has suddenly stopped. At the sight of TK’s confused face, Carlos continues. “I’m going to wager that Lou II wasn’t the one that was just whimpering ‘Daddy’ for the last who knows how many minutes.”
“You heard it too?” TK asks, his voice trailing off as he rounds off his question, becoming more and more consumed by the way Carlos continues to pepper kisses in every nook and cranny of his body.
“Of course,” Carlos mutters in between kisses, when he comes up for air. “I’m like Peter Parker, it’s my spider sense.”
“It’s Spidey sense, babe” TK corrects while shiver ripples through him as Carlos sinks his teeth into his left nipple. Pleasure masquerading itself as pain, coloring his world with thoughts of lustful red.
“Nerd,” Carlos mutters before sitting up and catching TK’s lips in another kiss. When they pull away, TK's looking at him with stars in his eyes.
“So, does that non-conventional spidey sense tingle when I’m around?” TK's inquiry is filled with a wayward air, implying he already knows the answer.
“No,” Carlos admits as he begins trailing kisses down TK’s chest. He continues further down before stopping himself right above TK's crotch. “But that’s only because I know you’d prefer to call me ‘Sir’," He pauses again. "Or ‘Officer’, when I let you.”
“Speaking of which,” TK begins, hoping that Carlos had a change of heart he hasn’t yet told him.
“Never again,” Carlos interjects, clarifying his stance. He sits up as TK smiles, noticing the way Carlos' face begins to turn his favorite shade of pink. “Not after last time.”
open tag +
Thanks for the tags!
@honeybee-taskforce, @heartstringsduet, @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @paperstorm, @bonheur-cafe
@lemonlyman-dotcom and @ladytessa74 :)
No pressure tagging:
@ambiguouspenny, @americansrequiems, @actual-sleeping-beauty, @bonheur-cafe, @basilsunrise
@carlos-in-glasses, @carlos-tk, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @captain-gillian, @freneticfloetry
@herefortarlos, @lightningboltreader, @literateowl, @orchidscript, @nancys-braids
@never-blooms, @reyesstrand, @strandnreyes, @sanjuwrites, @safeaswrites
@three-drink-amy, @thisbuildinghasfeelings, @theghostofashton, @vineofroses, @your-catfish-friend
@welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, and @whatsintheboxmh :)
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emsprovisions · 3 months
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Hi y'all! I read so many Tarlos fics this past month so I wanted to do a little highlight of some of my favorites! It was honestly very hard to narrow down the one shots but I tried 😂
Rain on Me by @ironheartwriter Rating: Explicit Word count: 6,622 Why I liked it: Lana has become such a dear friend in such a short time and I said one little thing in a tumblr ask response and something like two days later she busted out 6k words of pure magic! I love this fic, it's so sweet. We get to see our boys have some downtime to themselves and they truly truly deserve it!
breathing deeper than i've ever done by @your-catfish-friend Rating: Explicit Word count: 4,693 Why I liked it: This fic is so hot! This fic is heavy on senses, particularly the sense of smell. There's a part towards the end that really makes me insane where TK and Carlos are taking a shower together and it smells like "TK-and-Carlos" which makes me insane because they really are One.
Butterflies and Sky-High by @paperstorm Rating: Teen and up Word count: 8,031 Why I liked it: Demi!Carlos my beloved. I strongly subscribe to this headcanon and Andie, as always, you have executed it so beautifully! I loved this exploration of Carlos's labels, his spiral, his conversation with Paul, how he finally talked to TK about how he feels, it was all so beautiful.
This is The Sound of You Here and Now by @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut Rating: Mature Word count: 3,040 Why I liked it: I was sick with a cold and asked for sick fics of my boys to get me through those trying times. J, thank you so much for delivering! This was beautiful and genuinely it made me cry. I love how they take care of and love each other.
Long fics
Right Before Your Eyes by Goody Rating: Teen and up Word count: 19,894 Why I liked it: This one is so much fun! It feels like watching an episode, it is that realistic. Your characterization was amazing! Also poor TK, he suffers so much already and we just put him through more! But this was still really good! (and if anyone knows their tumblr, please let me know so I can properly tag them!)
to build a home by @freneticfloetry Rating: Explicit Word count: 63,872 Why I liked it: I don't think I will ever recover from the feels this one gave me. I love Carlos exploration fics. I love how well the angst was balanced with fluff and spicier scenes! I'm working on a wip rn that has definitely been influenced by the layout and flow of this gorgeous fic. It's melancholic in the best way, beautiful, and true to character. I won't stop thinking about it any time soon.
Missing Moments by @paperstorm Works: 34 Complete: no Why I liked it: special shoutout to the fic from this series, Homeward Bound because I think about it often. I really, really love this series. Sometimes I confuse details from canon with details from these fics because they feel so canon to me. We needed the background scenes and you have more than delivered, Andie! Love this series so much and I can't wait to see what you do with the rest!
wherever you stray, I follow by @strandnreyes Works: 2 Complete: no Why I liked it: My latest obsession is this series. TK and Carlos are soulmates and now they get to live for eternity. Sometimes it's a bit bittersweet, especially in the second part, when Carlos thinks about all the changes that will happen to them someday, but they have each other and all the love and time in the world and it is beautiful. I love the setting, I love author Carlos, and I love how you adapted all the other characters and how seamlessly they fit into their roles in Castine. This au is gorgeous and I found myself wishing I didn't have to leave that world so soon. I can't wait for the next installment! I am excited to see where you might take it.
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Missing Moments I Want to Know About in 1x09/1x10
The show leaves us to fill in a lot of blanks for TK and Carlos during season 1. I always want to know more, but I think the blanks I want filled in most are the ones that occur in 1x09 and 1x10. Here are the ones I think about the most:
1.How does Carlos find out that TK is awake?
Does he find out through the first responder grapevine that the firefighter who was shot is going to be ok? Does someone from the 126 (Paul maybe?) call him? Does TK call or text him himself?
If I had to guess, I'd go with Paul letting Carlos know. Maybe before Carlos leaves the hospital he gives Paul his number and asks him to update him if anything happens.
2. What is TK told about Carlos after he wakes up and how does he feel about it?
We see TK's reaction to Owen asking about how long he's "been seeing the cop," but we don't see any further than that. I think TK can assume from Owen's comment that Carlos was at the hospital...otherwise how would Owen know about them? But does anyone say anything more to TK? Does Owen/Paul/Marjan/Mateo/Judd mention how upset and worried Carlos was or ask TK if he wants them to call Carlos to let him know he's ok? How does TK feel once it sinks in that Carlos, his "boyfriend who he doesn't even really know is his boyfriend boyfriend" was sitting by his hospital bed?
I see TK in this post-coma moment as being very much in crisis, and not just about the question of his relationship with Carlos. TK feels lost and confused about where his place is and what he wants to do with his life. I like to believe (though we don't actually have much evidence of this since there's no Tarlos interaction between 1x05 and 1x10) that TK was starting to come around and let his walls down a bit more in the time leading up to him getting shot, but then, post-coma, his crisis makes him take a step back from all that until he figures out where he's supposed to be. I think TK probably felt things when he found out that Carlos sat by his hospital bed, but I think he shoved those feelings down while he dealt with the crisis at hand.
3. What led them to the juice bar in 1x10 and how did they both see the situation at the time?
Whose idea was it to go there? Did TK call or text Carlos or was it the other way around? Had they been texting or talking back and forth at all since TK woke up or was this their first contact? What was said in the conversation that led them there? What were their expectations?
TK seems to be the one most passionate about boba so that makes me think he chose where to go. Or maybe it was a place they were planning on going together before he got shot, like TK had mentioned it in passing weeks ago and Carlos remembered and suggested that as the place they could go.
I wonder if TK thought from the beginning that he'd be essentially breaking things off with Carlos. Perhaps that perceived inevitability was why he filibustered a solid 6 minutes on boba? I get the impression that they both knew there would be a conversation about their relationship because when Carlos brought up the "elephant in the juice bar," TK immediately knew what he meant. Also, in hindsight, it is HILARIOUS that Carlos calls TK out here for avoiding talking about something. Oh, Carlos.
Side note: I wonder what Carlos' reaction would have been if TK had said that he liked Carlos and wanted to continue hooking up but still didn't want anything more. Would Carlos have said that wouldn't work for him? Because I really think at that point it wouldn't have. After the strong feelings he felt while sitting beside TK's hospital bed, could Carlos have continued being casual? Or would he have agreed to it just to keep TK (HIS SOULMATE) in his life even if it would have caused him pain?
4. What happened between the juice bar and the firehouse hug?
I feel like it's obvious that we're missing a pretty big conversation in there. The best evidence for this is the way Carlos goes face first into TK's neck when he shows up at the firehouse. That is not a man who isn't sure if they're even a "we" or who is solemnly accepting that they might not be meant to be. So what happened?? There's some great fic exploring this moment (SEE BELOW), which is where a majority of my headcanons on it come from.
I think it's clear that TK had to reach out first here. Both from Carlos' attitude at the end of the juice bar scene and from what we know about Carlos in general, there's no way Carlos was going to push any further without TK making it clear that's what he wanted. HOWEVER I could possibly see Carlos going to the hospital to check up on TK as he got his stitches fixed. I don't think he would go with any motive of getting TK to agree to a relationship with him. It would solely be about making sure that TK was alright. Even then, I'm not sure if he would do it. He certainly would have wanted to, but he might have held back based on TK's attitude at the juice bar. Carlos likely would have felt that TK might not want him there. I've definitely enjoyed fic that has him doing this, though.
Probably the most likely possibility is that Carlos simply went home after the juice bar/solar storm incident. His heart was surely shattered after being essentially rejected by his soulmate after putting his feelings out there in the most direct way he'd done so far. We know so much more about Carlos now and it just makes it even more apparent how much it took for him to sit there in front of TK and tell him how he was feeling like that when he thought it might not be reciprocated! And then, when it wasn't (at least from Carlos' perspective in that moment)...HEARTBREAKING.
Ultimately, I believe that TK had his epiphany and reached out to Carlos wherever he was (either at the hospital with him or Carlos' house or somewhere else). The conversation they had is something that I would like to see more than perhaps any missing moment in the entire series. Imagine the look on Carlos' face when he realizes what TK is telling him! As his previously-shattered heart is mended in an instant 😭 I want to see it so bad! Thankfully I have fic to fill the void. Speaking of, here are just a few excellent examples of fic that fills in this and some of the other moments I've discussed here:
silver in the night by @reyesstrand
the elephant in the juice bar by @taralaurel
Simple and Plain and Not Much to Ask from Somebody by @howtosingit
Steady up ahead by @paperstorm
Still Waters Run Deep by @welcometololaland
Just Let Me Hold You by tkstrands (is this writer on tumblr?? If so let me know and I'll @ them!!)
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 10 months
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October September August July June
Tío T.K. by @chicgeekgirl89
M | 6k
Another banger from writeallnight, y’all! I was so excited for this fic and it did not disappoint. This whole story is so soft and sweet, I love every single thing about it! Love this little glimpse of TK being competent and taking care of his loved ones, and Carlos’s family getting to see how well he takes care of his people. It’s so beautifully evident how much TK already means to Carlos’s family and how much they mean to TK.
Think It Over, Think It Under by @liminalmemories21
T | 13k
Six conversations TK has with one of Carlos’s sisters and one Carlos has with both of them. This was such a sweet look into Carlos’s complicated relationship with his family, and how his perceptions of his coming out are probably a lot different from his family’s. Also a really lovely outsider point of view into the Tarlos relationship, and watching Ana and Luisa grow to know and love TK not just for the adorable sweet person he is, but for how fiercely he loves and protects their Carlitos in a way that they have maybe neglected to.
Love From the Other Side by @lightningboltreader
E | 32k
Char, oh my gosh how I love this one!! Exes to lovers with only one bed!?!!? Misunderstandings! MEN CRYING!! This one’s got it all, folks. It’s a fun, funny yet angsty take on all of these tropes. Love the exploration of TK’s thought process leading up to and right after the break up, the insecurities he feels about not being good enough for anyone to stick around. And poor Carlos is just confused and mad and hot and sweaty about it. You know?
The lovely April by @ladytessa74
G | 10k
You already know I love Tessa’s Elijah universe! This one is a very soft little story about Carlos learning he needs to take care of himself in order to take care of the people he loves most. Carlos has let his fitness slip a bit in fatherhood, and his own father’s health concerns begin to creep up on him. Will he get it together so he can be the partner TK needs and the father little Elijah adores to run around with?
my beatin' heart belongs to you by bartsy
M | 9k
Really lovely look at Carlos’s anxiety after the loss of his father, and TK’s struggle to support him through it. TK is hurt at work a few months after the wedding. Carlos must come to terms with the fact that his anxieties are affecting TK and his other loved ones, and accept the fact that sometimes he needs to allow others to take care of him.
in the woods somewhere by @mooshkat
NR | 4k
This is a very sweet fic with a concept that I’ve never seen before, certainly not in this fandom. TK and Carlos are shapeshifters. TK is a playful fox who is drawn a handsome man who lives in a cabin in the woods. When TK gets caught in a trap he’s rescued by a beautiful wolf. What happens next?
Something Blue by @orchidscript
T | 10k
So cute and sweet and funny. Carlos goes to a tailor for a suit, but does he end up finding his soulmate instead? Carlos goes from wallflower, wanting to blend in at a family wedding to agreeing to wear a beautiful suit with an even more beautiful man on his arm. TK bringing Carlos color and confidence in every universe? Sign me up!
Where All This Love Comes From by @carlos-in-glasses
E | 17k
Listen. Cig does not miss. Just call her DJ Khaled, because we got another one! It is banger after banger from her and, I swear, they just keep getting better. In this one, after making an alarming discovery TK attempts to have a conversation with Carlos about some concerns and opens up about his rough history with substance abuse, reflecting on a cold turkey detox, his parents’ complicated history with being there to support him and why meeting Carlos after all that trauma was hard for him to grapple with at first. Carlos reflects on his own complex relationship with his dad while attempting to find his killer.
His Royal Highness by @itsrandomnobody7
T | 7.6k
I’m really enjoying this Ever After-esque Tarlos AU! Carlos is a prince and TK is a commoner, they were childhood friends torn apart when evil Lord Billy Tyson (😝) discovered their friendship and put an end to it. Now as young adults TK is caught stealing food for his family and is sentenced to be a servant in the royal household. What will happen??
a chain reaction of countermoves by @strandnreyes
E | 23k
What a fun mystery! Set in canon, a few weeks after the fire that took the townhouse, the 126 gang takes a getaway trip to a lakeside cabin resort in hill country. Shortly after arrival Carlos notices something is off about the place. Is it his recent trauma that’s making him paranoid or is there really something sinister going on? LET’S FIND OUT! The tension is heightened by the looming breakup, and I’m loving all the winks to future canon that Jen’s weaving in to the story.
in uncertain terms by @iinryer
G | 37k
One of my favorite fics of all time updated for the first time in a year. Cue me losing my mind a little bit. I cannot tell you how much I love this fic. It’s a glorious exploration of Marjan as a character, her perception of herself and (my favorite part) her friendship with TK. Give me ALL the Marjan TK besties fics. I live for it. This is set in canon shortly after Salim breaks off their engagement. Marjan is injured at work and has a lot of down time to do some self exploration. This author really, really gets Marjan and gives us god-level characterizations all around but especially Marjan, TK & Nancy.
As always, this is not in any way a comprehensive list of all the good stuff that came out in Novrmber. This is the stuff that I was able to read and vibed with. This is a way for me to hype the stories that got me excited this month, and I encourage everybody to be intentional in reblogging fics and screaming about the stuff you’re reading and enjoying all month long. Let’s work to build this fandom into a more inclusive and encouraging place to create!
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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 4 months
Music Monday
Thanks for the tags @sznofthesticks @lemonlyman-dotcom @strandnreyes and @tellmegoodbye and thank you for starting this tag game yay!!
I sometimes get the need to listen to nostalgic feelsy 90’s pop and last time I sang loudly along to these I had Tarlos on my mind and it made me form this silly lil’ headcanon that TK sometimes get the same need and listens to Dido in the Tarloft, like when he’s cooking in the kitchen, swaying a little bit and loudly singing along while Carlos just does his thing somewhere else!
Even though TK in some ways is a ‘committed-relationship’-guy, and even though it’s meant as a metaphor something about the lyrics
“If my life is for rent
And I don’t learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
‘Cause nothing I have is truly mine”
Makes me imagine TK singing along to those lyrics and reminiscing about how happy he is that he dared to let Carlos push him to ‘buy’ and that even if he ran away at first he took the leap to come back and commit to Carlos and the permanency of owning the Tarloft together!
And even though it doesn’t fit exactly because TK and Carlos are together and his love is reciprocated, he’ll sing loudly along to
“I will go down with this ship
I won’t put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my tomb
I’m in love and always will be”
Thinking about how in looove 💕 he is with Carlos and maybe when he’s in a certain mood a little about the breakup and how messy he feels like he made things.
(Bonus about this song is that it’s so fitting to fandom and shipping culture - be it Tarlos or any other ship, we’ll all ‘go down with this ship’🤣)
I also in this lil’ headcanon of mine, I imagine that both Carlos and TK would recognize these song from their childhoods as there both 90’s kids.
I can both picture both Gwyn and Andrea (and Owen tbh) liking and listening to Dido. While I picture TK having memories of him and Gwyn singing along with it together in the Car, Carlos would maybe secretly like it and borrow the CD (this is the 90’s and 00’s after all) from Andrea or his sisters and put it on his room bc a lot of kids like the same music that they grew up with or that their big siblings listen to, but Carlos would have felt like it wasn’t cool to like bc it was ‘girls’ music’.
Which make him like it even more when TK sings badly along with it in their kitchen - it reminds him of Andrea in the kitchen or being allowed in his sisters’ room and listening to music, but it also reminds him how his past insecurities has diminished so much since meeting TK who has brought this more free way of being allowed to be masculine into his life 🥹
Carlos will find it adorable and freeing even if TK’s singing is as good as his impressions🥰
I want to add one last song because it’s such a beautiful love song that also makes me 🥹🥹 when I listen to it while in my Tarlos feels - thinking of one of them being away or working a 24-hour/night shift and thinking of the other being about to wake up and start their day and they won’t be able to kiss good morning and goodbye as usual🥺:
“My mind’s distracted and confused
My thoughts are a million miles away
They lie with you in your sleep
Kiss you when you start the day”
Open Tag!
Plus tags under the cut (tagging everyone who follows me just in case you want to participate and are too shy to use the open tag - but if you don’t want to, please don’t feel any pressure to, and if you don’t want to tagged next time please let me know!! (Or, just don’t like this post and I promise I’ll leave you out next time, and you can let me know if you did want to be tagged)☺️🩷 (if you aren’t tagged it’s because I couldn’t find you in the mentions and you can always let me know if you want to be tagged another time!! (And know that the open tag is for you this time!)))
@storms-s @vineofroses @goldenskykaysani @feministteapot @nancygillianmvp @ladytessa74 @alrightbuckaroo @dramalets @certifiedflower @leave-a-whisper @carlos-tk @herefortarlos @radootti-tippins @whatsintheboxmh @wymyhr @shyfannickelplaid @inkweedandlizards @heartstringsduet @kiwichaeng @craftytragedysalad @paperstorm @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @carlos-in-glasses @curly-fangirly @thisbuildinghasfeelings @thoughtsickles @mentallyill-gremlin @never-blooms @catanisspicy @lightningboltreader @constructiononsunsett @firstprince-history-huh @zenschin @welcometololaland
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strandnreyes · 6 months
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thank you @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @sznofthesticks @three-drink-amy @lemonlyman-dotcom <3
“Just a sec,” TK mutters as he uncaps the lube.
Carlos’ look of confusion is not what he’s expecting. “Huh?”
He laughs a little, lowering himself so Carlos rides against his ass in a teasing motion before he’s up on his knees again. “I can’t take you without at least some prep. Just give me a sec.”
“No, I know.” Carlos is still frowning and TK’s not understanding what he’s doing wrong. “You’re saying it like it’s something to get over with.”
Their momentum has considerably slowed, the two of them now entering a conversation that doesn't feel necessary right now. “Well… I don’t know. Most people don’t care.” TK shrugs, trying to convey how many times he’s done this before so what’s one more. But Carlos is still looking at him in a way that makes TK second-guess himself. “I’m used to doing it.”
Carlos’ tongue darts out to wet his lips and then his hand softly curls around TK’s, taking the bottle from him. “Let me.”
tagging @alrightbuckaroo @bonheur-cafe @basilsunrise @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-tk @doublel27 @freneticfloetry @lightningboltreader @louis-ii-reyes-strand @liminalmemories21 @mooshkat @orchidscript @paperstorm @reyesstrand @rmd-writes @safeaswrites @theghostofashton @welcometololaland + open tag!
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mooshkat · 7 months
wrap me in your skin and bones
Carlos' rut comes, and despite his worries over scaring him away, TK sticks by his side to help him through it.
explicit | 4k words
“My rut is going to happen soon,” Carlos says out of the blue one morning, startling TK from his morning ritual of scrolling through his social media feeds while sipping on coffee.
He continues talking, idly handing TK a hand towel to wipe up the spilled coffee that had splashed out of his cup. He avoids TK’s eyes like he’s ashamed of what he's said, or rather, what it is.
“I’m not sure if you—or any shifter, really, experience something like that but werewolves do. This will actually be the first time I, uh, am seriously dating someone when it hits. Not that I’m expecting you to stick around for it!” he rushes to add, beginning to look like he’s regretting bringing it up. “It can be a lot. I just…wanted to let you know.”
TK’s confusion quickly gives way to heartbreak and he reaches out for Carlos’ hand, holding it tightly. “Of course I’ll stick around, Carlos. But shifters don’t go through anything like our animal counterparts do, so why don’t you tell me more? What do you mean by it’s a ‘lot’?”
continue reading on ao3 !
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How happy I am to see you 🥰.
❤️‍🔥💌🏥 if you want for the ask game 🤗.
Ahh thank you so much, wonderful anon! I’m happy to see you too 💛
❤️‍🔥 When and where was TK and Carlos’ first time? Are you a Bathroom Blowjob™️ truther? Do you have a different take on how things happened?
I feel like this is a dull answer haha but I am indeed a Bathroom Blowjob truther! I just love the idea of the spontaneity of it, of neither one of them expecting it to happen when Carlos invites TK to dance. Their dancing just sparks such natural chemistry between them that the notion of sneaking to the bathroom together, while their friends and loved ones are still locked in on dancing, feels like something cosmic between them, an agreement made with pounding hearts and very few words. I also feel that Carlos is not usually a casual sex guy, so it’s an Event for him and he’s nervous and excited, already knowing there’s something about this guy. TK is better versed in casual sex, but cannot fully ignore that he feels something for Carlos not just in his jeans but also somewhere surprisingly deep in his chest.
💌 What was Carlos’ first crush on a boy? TK’s?
Oooh I love this question. I feel like Carlos’s first crush might have sparked instant confusion and guilt for him among the joy of it — one of his sisters’ boyfriends. He saw him a lot, the boy was good with younger kids and made an effort with Carlos. Carlos used to blush about this attention, used to stutter and smile and laugh at his antics. He liked when he came over, once got caught by his sister trying to style his hair like her boyfriend’s, and she made fun of him in a kindly sort of way, but Carlos felt like he’d been caught out for something deeper. He didn’t see the boy so much after he broke up with his sister, but the boy would always nod hello in passing, even though he never really stopped to chat. TK’s first crush was a boy in his year at school, when he was maybe six years old. The boy was new at school, and part of a family that travelled around a lot. Maybe his father was in the army. The boy was shy but friendly. TK had lots of friends and invited the boy to play with them. TK really liked looking at this boy, and playing games with him on the schoolyard, maybe even after school sometimes too. Maybe there was a little bit of jealousy when TK’s friends liked the boy so much that they took up a lot of his time, but they still played together a lot. Then one day, without warning, the boy was gone. He lingered in the classroom after school one day and asked his teacher where his friend had gone. They told TK that the boy’s family had had to relocate suddenly, due to his father’s job. TK ran outside to the spot where his mom always parked to collect him, and burst into tears in the car. Just imagine little TK, inconsolable, telling Gwyn that he’d liked that boy so much, just really really liked him. (God now I want to write a fic about TK and Carlos as adults running into their respective first crushes).
🏥 Let us finally solve the mystery of TK’s first coma. How did it happen? How serious was it?
Oooh so personally I like the idea that it may have had something to do with his path towards addiction. Maybe he was spending time with some friends who were good to him and fiercely loyal to each other, but could be reckless sometimes too. He was a teenager at this point, and they all went out for a drive, and ended up racing another car or just speeding for the hell of it and getting into an accident. TK was the most seriously injured of them all, and ended up in a coma for a few days. Then he became dependent on the pain pills during his recovery, which really made his typical teenage angst spiral into something more chronic and life altering. Maybe some of his friends were too guilty to speak to him after the accident, and others were still there for him but he was beginning to feel increasingly lonely and grey inside. Maybe his parents were arguing A LOT about how to “deal with him.” The effects of the pills blocked it all out, became his escape. When the doctors wouldn’t prescribe them anymore, TK was restless and anxious and prone to spiralling. He knew he needed something else, and he quickly learned how to find it.
I didn’t mean to turn all of these into potential fics but there we go! Thanks again, anon! 💛
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WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag, @lemonlyman-dotcom @thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @sznofthesticks @carlos-in-glasses @sugdenlovesdingle @birdclowns @heartstringsduet @actualalligator 💝
This is the beginning of a very self-indulgent fic that I have no idea if this will go anywhere-
“You want us to help?” TK asked.
His dad shook his head. “That’s okay. I think we got it between the two of us”. He lightly punched Judd on the shoulder. “Let’s punch it, Chewie”.
“I did not agree to that!” Judd called as he got up to follow Owen. “And this doesn’t make you Han!”
TK rolled his eyes- his dad could be such a dork- when he noticed the look on his boyfriend’s face. “Babe, you okay?” TK asked. “Does your lemonade taste alright?”
Carlos nodded. “It’s fine. I was just trying to decipher why your dad called Judd ‘Chewie’”.
“Chewie like Chewbacca,” TK told him. “It works cause Judd is so big, but my dad will call anyone that who’s taller than him- he wants to be Han Solo so bad”. This made TK chuckle, but the look on his boyfriend’s face told him that he had no idea what TK was talking about.
“What’s a Chewbacca?” Carlos asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
TK bit down on the inside of his cheek. He didn’t want Carlos to think he was laughing at him, but the way he asked that was the cutest thing TK had ever heard.
“Chewbacca, like from Star Wars, babe,” TK explained. “Big tall furry creature that walks on two legs”.
“Oh”. Carlos nodded. “Gotcha. I don’t really have a lot of Star Wars knowledge”.
“Thats okay, baby” TK said as something else occurred tk him. “Hey Carlos, what’s your favorite movie?”
“Ummm….” Carlos thought about it for a minute. “I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it”.
“Really?” TK asked. “Is there anything you’ve seen a lot?”
“Not really”. Carlos shrugged. “I guess I don’t have one”.
It’s late- but open tag if you haven’t posted something and still want to 🫶
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heartstringsduet · 11 months
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Can you believe it's another snippet of First Aid (yeah me either). Thanks for tagging me all you wonderful wonderful writers. I still have to catch up on it all after digging myself out of the writer's hole. @lightningboltreader @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @inflarescent @louis-ii-reyes-strand @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @alrightbuckaroo @orchidscript @birdclowns @strandnreyes @three-drink-amy @jesuisici33 @welcometololaland
Once a booth gets free they slide over into it. In the back corner, where the lamps are dimmer and ancient smoke waft from the seats from a time way before theirs, they limbs start a game of catch. Each time Carlos pulls back and each time TK catches his hand. When he's has had enough, TK interlaces their fingers and hooks one leg around Carlos' ankle to make sure Carlos won’t get out easy, won’t snatch what has just started away anytime soon. Carlos lets him. The ice in his Manhattan has watered it down too quickly and TK thinks about ordering another when someone slides into their booth on Carlos’ side. “Carlos?" Arturo asks something and TK’s head is trying to catch up on the foreign language until the Spanish vocabulary clicks into his memory. “You didn't tell me you were coming tonight.” For a split second, Carlos looks caught offguard, but his face quickly schools into a smile that won’t smooth out the wrinkle between his brows. Underneath the table, he pulls his leg and hand away and this time it’s TK who has to let him. In English, he returns, “It was a spontaneous thing. We were actually about to head out.” Arturo looks over the table at TK, confusion settled into his forehead, then the waves on his skin even out. He grins and it looks genuine. “Wait, we met before, right? TJ, isn’t it?” “TK,” Carlos corrects before TK has to, but looks like he regrets his instincts when Arturo’s eyes snap back to him. “Right,” Arturo draws out, “TK.” He switches to Spanish again with a grin that's now sharpened on his lips. “Haven’t seen you out with friends here outside of our group. Am I interrupting something?” “No, he's just a friend from work.” A friend from work, huh? TK sips the cold water leftover in his glass, hoping to hide that he understands. He’d taken Spanish, French and an Introduction to Mandarin at Trinity. It’s gone a bit rustic with disuse, but he’d had straight As in all of them. And comprehension was always easier than holding a conversation. He had thought about telling Carlos many times. Maybe surprising him with dirty talk one night. But something had told him that it would be better to hold this secret to unlock Carlos’. It’s one of the things Carlos doesn’t know, one more thing to feel guilty about.
super late and I haven't checked if you have done it already but if not then feel tagged and so should anyone I forgot or don't know about <3
@decafdino @thebumblecee @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @ladytessa74 @whatsintheboxmh @inkweedandlizards @fitzherbertssmolder @theghostofashton @liminalmemories21 @freneticfloetry @goodways @ambiguouspenny @bonheur-cafe @reyesstrand @herefortarlos
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Commiseration Monday
Thank you for the tag @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut (and the idea!), @reyesstrand @theghostofashton @lemonlyman-dotcom @heartstringsduet @catanisspicy @alrightbuckaroo ❤️
The rules: While Ao3 is temporarily down, share a little something from a WIP to keep us going through the downtime! Preferably something we haven’t shared before, but whatever works for you!
Please have some Owen and TK time from a WIP (that in my head is called Flashback Fic), which expands on my fic Chasers.
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Owen leads TK into the kitchen and sits him at the breakfast bar. "I'm going to make you a spring smoothie, and then you're going to tell me what's up. Is it about your mom? Or did you and Carlos have a fight?"
"I wish," TK says.
"What does that mean?"
"A fight is simple. This is way more complicated." TK shakes his head. A fight would also mean make up sex later, so there are certain pros. "And what is a spring smoothie?"
"Spinach, apples, almond milk, basil, chicory, arugula, fenugreek, and bananas of course."
"Of course."
"Don't knock it until you try it." Owen smiles. "And talk to me."
TK watches his father practically dance around the kitchen, gathering ingredients – and it rocks him, because no matter what’s going on in his life, Owen is always there to make smoothies and talk. He thinks of himself coming out at fourteen. Gay bashed behind the bleachers at fifteen. An addict at seventeen. At twenty-six, relapsing after a failed marriage proposal. Overdosing on his apartment floor. But within all of it, for his whole life, love knelt by his side in the form of his mom and dad.
"Last night, I was in a bad way."
“After that call?”
“I thought you were. Why didn’t you talk to me?”
“I don’t know. But Carlos called Cooper, and Cooper came over, and we talked it out. But when Carlos came home, I told him about, um–” Deep breaths. Deep, steady. “I admitted I almost relapsed the day after mom died.”
Owen stills, hugging two green, shiny apples in his hands like they’re precious. “Did he react badly.”
“No. I kind of freaked out. Kind of cried all over him.”
Owen smiles, sets the apples down and picks up a paring knife. “I’m familiar with your style.”
“Yeah. Well. At the risk of crying all over you and probably Buttercup right now, I keep thinking about you.”
"Me?" Owen asks, flattered but confused.
"And mom. And everything I put you through."
Owen looks at him seriously. Then he opens a drawer to retrieve a second small paring knife that matches one he already holds. He places it onto a thick wooden chopping board next to the two green apples and pushes it across the breakfast bar towards TK. "Wash your hands and help me make this," Owen says.
TK gets up, doing what he's asked without question, smiling to himself because he's a paramedic and doesn't need to be told to wash his hands before food prep, but they've gone back in time to his childhood, when Owen would tell him important things about life while engaging him in something practical. When TK was twelve, Owen came over to TK's new apartment with Gwyn on Canal Street and helped strip orange floral wallpaper from TK's room. While working away at the tired old flowers, which an elderly lady had once loved, Owen gave TK the sex talk. It was hetero in focus, but even then it was like Owen was nudging TK to tell him to stop if he wanted, if it didn't apply to him, or if he needed to discuss it in a different way.
TK shunted his wallpaper scraper up and down to remove a patch with particularly firm adhesive, taking a little plaster away with it.
"Anyway, if there's anything you need to know, or just want to know – if you're ever curious or upset or you have feelings for someone, I'll always want to talk to you about it. You don't need to be worried or shy."
"Okay," TK said, "Can I have some lemonade now?"
When TK cores the first apple, his hands begin to shake. He has to put the knife down. "Dad."
"I'm sorry. I'm just so sorry."
Owen looks at his tearful son understandingly. He takes the apple from him, finishes slicing it, and waits for TK to carry on.
I'm late to this so I'm just going to tag @ladytessa74 because I was going to read your new fic tonight :( Otherwise this is an open tag to anyone who wants to do it - please genuinely take it as a tag and tag me back if you post!
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sanjuwrites · 1 year
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday
thanks to @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @birdclowns, @alrightbuckaroo, @inflarescent, @bonheur-cafe, and @chaotictarlos for the tag!
i'm so far from seven sentences on any of these, and i am so excited for all of these <3 enjoy!
illicit affairs - rwrb
Dear H, 
I never really understood why people say that being away from their partner felt like they were missing half of themselves, or that there was something empty in their lives until they reunited. 
I get it now. 
I feel like half my soul is on the other side of the ocean, and I don’t know how to stop feeling the ache of missing you. I wish I could bring you out here, show you the States through my eyes and not the bullshit royal agenda they craft every time you’re here. I think I’d take you to the Grand Canyon, and watch you as you watch the sun rise over the canyon. Your face lit with the warm golden light, sweetheart, I know there’s going to be nothing like it. 
I miss you so much, H, and I can’t wait to see you again. 
I love you.
– A 
Do let me know when you’re back in town, dear. I will make some time to see you. 
senator AU
“What?” TK tries to play it off as confusion, but he knows he isn’t fooling anyone, least of all Judd. 
“How long, TK? We ain’t playing this game today. How long have you been using again?”
TK sighs, picking at his hospital bracelet. “Since Carlos left.”
Judd swears under his breath. “Two months? You’ve been using two months, and I didn’t fucking notice. I knew something was wrong, but I thought you were just depressed after everything. I should have known better.” Judd looks so guilty, and TK can’t handle it. 
“No, you shouldn’t have. I made sure you shouldn’t have. I hid it really well, Judd. You couldn’t have known, Judd, because I made sure you didn’t. This isn’t your fault. This is mine.” TK rushes through it, making sure Judd actually hears him. He waits a minute before asking in a small voice, “Does Carlos know? Has he been by?”
Judd’s lips press into a straight line, and TK immediately knows the answer. “No one’s been able to reach him, TK. He went to the event alone, shut his phone off and went into a meeting. He hasn’t come out yet.”
Agent Reyes
Marjan smiles tiredly, sipping at the mug of coffee Nancy hands her. “Babe, I think coffee is the last thing I need right now, but thank you. I love you very much,” she says while pressing the mug into Carlos’s hands, “but Paul and Carlos are going to play now. We,” Marjan says, pulling Nancy close, “are going to go to bed now. ” Judd whistles from where he is in the kitchen, drawing a laugh out of everyone in the room. 
Nancy wraps her arms around Marjan in reply, “You heard her, gentlemen. I will be taking my girlfriend to bed now, and I expect no interruptions. My girlfriend needs her beauty sleep.”
TK sits in the chair Marjan left vacant, holding a legal pad and a pen in one hand and a plate of avocado toast in the other. “I figured you’d want to take notes, and you also didn’t eat dinner last night.” 
Carlos snorts before he can stop himself, “They were burnt, TK. I was not going to eat burnt grilled cheeses, no matter how hungry I was.”
“Hey,” TK says indignantly, although there’s a small smile playing on his face, “they were not burnt, they were just …well done.”
“Well done? It’s not a steak, TK. It’s a sandwich.” 
“Yeah, well it’s the way my dad used to make them…” TK’s eyes widen as he realizes what he said, a silence falling across the room. TK’s face cracks open as he realizes that he used past tense while referring to his father and Carlos takes a step forward, his motions aborted when he realizes he can’t send mixed signals like that.
Not when TK is so vulnerable.
i'm gonna tag @theghostofashton, @detective-giggles, @lightningboltreader, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @mikibwrites @freneticfloetry, and @hoko-onchi-writes!
(if any rwrb authors end up on this, please let me know! looking for some rwrb moots <3)
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three-drink-amy · 11 months
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Thank you for the tag @strandnreyes!
Carlos gets a message from TK trying to reassure him that everything’s okay. It feels so far from okay that he can’t even acknowledge the text. Another one comes in a few hours later. And another. And one more before bed. He just can’t answer. His mind is a swirling eddy of stress, Jonah’s confused and excited face from the morning popping up unbidden every few minutes.
He genuinely doesn’t know what to do. And so he can’t reply to TK. He can’t agree that everything’s okay if it’s not going to be. He can’t brush off what happened while it’s still nearly giving him stress hives. And he can’t tell TK that things are over if he’s not sure it’s what he wants.
His head is a mess and the worst part is, he doesn’t think he can go to anyone about it. He has to sort it out himself and he has no idea how to.
For the same reasons, he ignores all of TK’s messages on Sunday. When he texts his family and claims to be sick so he can miss the weekly get together at his Tia Lucy’s, he has nothing to distract him. But he also doesn’t think he could convincingly be around his family without sending up alarm bells. Elena knows some. Valeria knows some too. There’s no way neither of them wouldn’t put at least something together if they saw him in this state.
Logically, it makes sense for him to talk it out with TK. He should go over to his house and ask to discuss what happened. But he needs to know what’s going on in his own head before he brings TK into it. And his head has never stopped wildly tilting from one nightmare to another.
Somehow — probably because he barely slept the night before — he falls asleep on the couch, waking up in a sweat from a dream where he’s fired because one of his students walked in on him naked. Granted, the dream was different from reality and he was still naked in his boss’s office as he was fired, but it hits at his main concerns.
No pressure tagging: @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @cha-melodius @indomitable-love @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks @dumbpeachjuice @orchidscript @alrightbuckaroo @bonheur-cafe
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 years
Loved (AO3)
Everybody Loves Carlos Reyes
Written for @tarlosweeklyprompts word of the day: Fond
“Hey Carlos, TK is in the shower, he got puked on.” Nancy greeted Carlos when he walked into the firehouse. “How are you?”
“Bored at home mostly. My medical leave is almost over though thankfully. Back to work on Monday.”
“Ah so that’s why TK is all...” she made flapping motions with her hands and Carlos laughed.
“Yeah, pretty much. So I’m coming to check in and show him I’m ok. And just hang out until the end of shift so we can leave together to have dinner with my parents.”
He leaned against the open ambulance doors.
“You’ve been summoned by the momster huh?”
“Oh yes. It’s either us going over there or her being at our place every waking moment. This is the lesser of two evils I suppose.”
“I don’t know dude, a homecooked meal and no dishes? Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.”
“Yeah but between my mother and TK, I’ll barely be allowed to lift a fork.”
“Again, I don’t see the downside.”
At that moment the alarm sounded and Nancy groaned when it was a medical call.
“We’ve been getting non-stop calls today. It’s like everyone in Austin needs medical assistance at the same time.” She jumped out of the back of the ambulance to make room for Tommy who was already coming down the stairs, closely followed by TK, fresh out of the shower.
His uniform shirt was hanging open, his hair was still wet, and he had his shoes in his hand.
“Hi baby, bye baby.” He quickly kissed Carlos in passing before jumping in the passenger’s seat. “We’ll be back soon! Paul is upstairs!”
“What does he need Paul for?” Carlos heard Nancy ask right before she turned the lights and sirens on and pulled out of the firehouse.
He knew what TK’s reply would be, and he had a feeling he knew what Tommy would be dealing with the rest of the shift. He made his way upstairs where he found the fire crew in the lounge area.
“Hey, look who it is! Good to see you upright, buddy.” Marjan noticed him first and got up from her seat to give him a hug. “You scared us when you disappeared like that!”
“I know, I’m sorry. I’ve had to promise both my parents and TK not to go on investigations on my own again. And Iris called me an idiot.”
“Can’t say I disagree with the lady.” Paul commented, putting his book down. “But I’m with Marj, it’s good to see you man.”
Carlos nodded and sat down next to Paul.
“I know I scared everyone, especially TK. He keeps checking my pulse and we both pretend I don’t know what he’s doing.”
“That’s because you died dude.” Mateo said then paused to think. “Did you see the light at the end of the tunnel?”
“That is not a thing, Mateo.” Paul cut in. “That only happens on tv.”
“And how do you know? You had a heart attack, you didn’t die like Carlos.”
“I didn’t see anything actually.” Carlos said, deciding to humour Mateo. “All I remember is the needle prick in my shoulder… and then everything went dark. And when I woke up there were TK and my dad… and I was confused and disorientated mostly. So no lights.”
“See? Only on tv.”
“Did you see a light at the end of the tunnel when your car went off the bridge, Judd?” Mateo asked Judd who had just walked in.
He stopped in the doorway and looked at the four of them, before raising his hand and giving Carlos a half wave and turning around to go back to where he came from.
“Ok can we just change the subject? Surely we can find something less deadly to talk about?” Marjan interrupted. “Like the wedding! How is the wedding planning going Carlos? Let’s talk flower arrangements.”
“It’s going alright.” Carlos said, happy to go along with the subject change. “We’ve been looking at suits the past few days, we’re thinking of getting the same so we match. Because we’re spending the rest of our lives together. You know, us coming together as one.” He scrunched up his face. “It sounds so cheesy when said aloud like this.”
“No, I think it’s sweet. And you guys should totally do whatever feels right to you. It’s your wedding after all.”
“Yeah, she’s right.” Paul agreed. “Matching suits, traditional vows, you promising to love, honour, and obey TK, first dance to a Coldplay song.” He continued, doing his best to keep a straight face.
“Ok now I know you’re mocking me.” Carlos laughed. “It’s all still a work in progress, ok? We’ve got 8 weeks to figure it out.”
“Yeah but you have to plan everything before that. When my cousin got married they spent two years planning it.” Mateo told them. “My mom and my tía went crazy. They made the dresses themselves but then my cousin got pregnant and they had to change it so she would still fit in it.”
“I don’t think that’s something TK and Carlos will have to worry about.” Marjan said and they all laughed.
“No, but you’re right. It’s a lot of stuff to take care of in under 8 weeks.”
“Well if you need any help, just say the word.” Paul offered.
“Thanks. That’s actually why I’m here.” Carlos started and all three of his friends gave him a questioning look. “I wanted to ask you something.” He turned to Paul. “You specifically.”
“Yeah, you.”
“Ok. Shoot.”
“Well… like I said, we’re busy working out the details for the wedding… And I was hoping you would be my best man.”
“What? Me?”
“Yeah, you.”
“Are you sure? Don’t you want your dad or a relative or something?”
“No, I want you to be my best man. You’re one of my best friends, man.”
“I… I’m honoured.”
“So you’ll do it?”
“Yeah, of course! I mean I wasn’t expecting it at all, but if you’re sure then I’d be honoured to be your best man.” Paul said and Carlos pulled him in for a hug. “But this doesn’t mean I have to go suit shopping with you, right?”
“No, just show up on the day wearing something nice and you’re good.” Carlos laughed.
“Who is TK asking?” Marjan wondered. “His dad?”
“He was one of the options that came up.” Carlos told her. “But he decided on someone else.”
The conversation was interrupted by the sound of two pairs of boots coming up the stairs.
“Why are you being so secretive?” they heard Nancy say.
“I’m not, I’m just waiting for the right time.”
“The right time for what?”
“Hey baby.” TK ignored her and went straight to Carlos to kiss him hello.
Nobody mentioned the fact that his fingers lingered on Carlos’ pulse point a little too long.
“Hey. You’re back soon. Quick call?”
“Yeah, just a fender bender. Some scrapes and cuts, nothing major. We treated everyone on scene and let PD deal with the rest.” He sat down next to Carlos. “So… what did we miss here?”
“I got my best man.”
“Oh you said yes?” TK leaned forward to look past Carlos to Paul.
“Of course. I can’t let the world miss out on seeing me in a suit.” He joked.
“You know you’re not supposed to look prettier than the groom, right?” Carlos cut in.
“Pretty sure that’s only for brides. And since there’s none of those involved, I’m good.”
They all laughed and Carlos put his hand on TK’s knee and gave it a squeeze.
“Your turn now, babe.” He said softly and TK nodded.
“Hey Nance, do you own a nice suit?”
“A suit? What do I need a suit – oh my god!”
TK grinned and got up from his seat and got down on one knee in front of her.
“Nancy Gillian, you are the sister I never thought I wanted, and sometimes still don’t.” He joked. “But I would be honoured if you would be my best man. Woman. Person.”
“Of course!” Nancy replied and dragged TK up from the floor and hugged him. “But I’m not wearing a suit. You wouldn’t be able to handle the hotness that is me in a suit.”
“You can wear whatever you like.” TK assured her. “You too Paul.”
“No, no, Paul, we have to match.” Nancy insisted. “What are you wearing?”
TK sat back down next to Carlos and looped an arm through his, resting his fingers on the inside of his wrist.
“I think I’ve created a monster.” He whispered and Carlos laughed.
He looked around the room and just felt a sense of happiness and belonging. Before he’d met TK, he had friends, colleagues, acquaintances. People he’d talk to at work, people he’d even take up on their offer of after work drinks, he’d even been invited to a birthday party or two, but no-one apart from Iris who really knew him. Who just got him.
Now he had a fiancé he loved more than he’d ever thought possible, and a group of friends who were like family.
“What are you thinking about?” TK asked, noticing the smile on his fiancé’s face.
“Nothing.” Carlos replied and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Just happy.”  
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chicgeekgirl89 · 2 years
I Get it From You
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand, Andrea Reyes, Gabriel Reyes, Lexi Mitchell, OC Cousin Adriana
Rating: K
For @tarlosweeklyprompts Prompt #2: 5+1 of habits that Carlos picked up from TK and 1 that TK got from Carlos. 
A/N: I may have played a little fast and loose with it, but 🤷‍♀️.
Read on AO3
“I noticed you started wearing this recently,” Andrea says, reaching out to finger the tiny cross hanging around his neck. “It’s pretty.”
“Thanks,” Carlos says a little numbly, eyes trained on T.K.’s nearly frozen, lifeless form. 
“You’ve never been much of a jewelry person,” Andrea says, her unasked question hanging in the air between them. 
“T.K. wears a medallion around his neck,” he tells her.
“I’ve seen it,” Andrea says. “With his number from New York on it.”
Carlos nods. “He says it reminds him that he’s part of something bigger. That he’s got people to watch his back. That being on that crew probably saved his life, because even when he was…” Carlos hesitates, remembering that his mom doesn’t fully know how deep T.K.’s struggles with addiction have gone. “Even when he was struggling, he knew he had a responsibility to be there and help people. He never takes it off.”
“A good reminder of the support he has, then and now,” she says softly.
Carlos reaches up and brushes his fingers over the cross. “After the fire…everything was just so hard. I felt lost, I was kind of spiraling and one day we were out trying to replace stuff and I saw this and I felt like it kind of called to me. It reminds me where I come from. That I have roots, and a purpose.” He looks up and gives her a wan smile. “That’s probably a less religious answer than you were hoping for.”
She shakes her head, leaning forward to cup his cheek. “It’s a perfect answer.”
“Oh my god. What the actual fuck are you doing to that pizza?”
Carlos freezes, pizza halfway to his mouth. “Eating it?” he says in confusion.
Adriana looks at him like he’s crazy. “Eating it? You’re murdering it!”
He looks down to see that he’s mindlessly folded the slice in half. “Mind your own business.”
“Um, you turning a delicious slice of Texas’ finest into that hot mess is my business.”
“How about I eat the pizza I bought and paid for and planned to eat by myself tonight however I want and you shut up?”
“Where did you even learn to do that?” she persists. “I’ve never seen you do that before.”
“It’s how T.K. eats his. It’s a New York thing. I must have picked it up from him.”
“Well can you send it back where it belongs? You look ridiculous.”
He starts to pull the pizza box away from her but she grabs on. “No! Okay! I’m sorry! You can commit pizza homicide all you want!”
He rolls his eyes and lets the box go. “It was so nice and quiet before you showed up here unannounced.”
“You’re welcome, by the way, for saving you from that sad loneliness. Where’s T.K.?”” Adriana asks around a mouthful of cheese and peppers. 
“He has a shift.”
She nods in understanding. “Down at Hunk-O-Mania. Gotta get his last dances in before you two get hitched. Nobody wants a lap dance from a guy with a ring on his finger.”
“It is unbelievable that you think that joke is still funny after like three years,” Carlos tells her with a glare.
“God he and Magic Mike both hanging up their tear away pants in the same year,” she says with fake wistfulness. “The stripping world is losing two of its greats.”
“Don’t ever show up here uninvited again.”
“God I love this place,” Lexi says as she bites into a donut. “I will admit I thought gourmet donuts were a stupid idea, but I have seen the light.”
Carlos breaks off a piece of his matcha donut and nods in agreement. “Have you had their mocha one? That’s T.K.’s favorite. They had that lavender one too, a couple weeks ago and it blew my mind.”
“I would usually say flowers and donuts do not go together, but after this?” she holds up the orange cream donut that’s half gone already. “I’m willing to try it.”
They end up cramming their remaining donuts down as fast as they can when a call comes in and they have to go break up some fighting parents at a high school basketball game. It’s nasty and several people have to get seen by EMT’s for bloody noses and black eyes, but no one ends up pressing charges, so they head back to the station to do paperwork before their shift ends.
“You’ve got some donut schmutz on your collar,” Carlos tells her when they get inside and the harsh florescent lighting of the station illuminates them both.
She raises an eyebrow. “Some what?”
“Schmutz,” Carlos says. “It’s like…dirt. Mess.” 
“Somebody’s been hanging out with their fiancé too much,” she tells him with a laugh as she reaches for a tissue to wipe off her uniform. “Are you headed home to cook up a brisket tonight too? Going to hail a cab to get you there?”
“Shut up,” Carlos says, feeling his face redden. 
“Are you going to stop smiling at people in the store too? And start cutting people off in traffic?”
“Oh my god stop.”
“T.K.’s east coast ways have rubbed right off on you. I would have thought the Texas blood ran deeper than that. Oh god,” she puts on a fake horrified look, “do you think Chipotle is real Tex-Mex now?”
He shoots her a glare. “Don’t you have paperwork to do?”
“I’m teasing Reyes,” she tells him. “I think it’s nice actually. Being with the right person should change you a little. And you and T.K. have changed each other in all the right ways.”
She sends him a smile and starts on the pile on her desk, leaving Carlos to contemplate the warm glow her words have put into his chest.
“Carlitos, thank you for coming on such short notice,” Andrea says when Carlos steps through the front door of his parents’ house.
“No problem,” Carlos says. “Sorry to hear Frankie is sick.”
One of their ranch hands had called out unexpectedly and Carlos was a quick and easy replacement. It wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind for his day off, but family duty wasn’t something he ignored if he could help it. “Where’s Dad?”
“He’s out back,” Andrea tells him. “I texted him and told him to come up to the house. He’ll be here any minute.”
Carlos shrugs out of his jacket and hangs it on a peg by the door before turning around to give his mom a hug. Andrea’s face immediately drops and she sighs. “Oh Carlitos.”
“What?” he asks, confused by her bizarre response.
She shakes her head. “You’re wearing a Mets shirt.”
“Yeah, I think T.K. brought it back from New York the last time he went out to see Jonah,” Carlos says, glancing down at the offending blue t-shirt.
“Carlos, you know how your father feels.”
“It’s a shirt Mom. It’s what I had on when you called.”
“You couldn’t have taken a few minutes to change?”
“You made it sound kind of urgent,” Carlos says in annoyance.
The back door opens and Gabriel walks in, a smile on his face. As soon as he catches sight of Carlos he sours immediately. “What are you wearing?”
“A t-shirt that my fiancé gave me,” Carlos says.
Gabriel’s voice goes low, dark like thunder. “In this house we root for the Astros. And only the Astros.”
“It’s a shirt dad. It’s not a big deal,” Carlos says. “T.K. likes when I rep his team.”
“Don’t tell me he’s got you cheering for them too?” Gabriel says, looking outraged. “Oh my god, where did we go wrong?”
“They have some really good pitchers dad. You respect a good team, they’re a good team.”
Gabriel scoffs. “I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation.”
“I can’t either,” Carlos tells him.
“Enough Gabriel,” Andrea calls from where she’s returned to the kitchen. “He came to help. Leave him alone.”
“What you do in your own home is your business,” Gabriel says tightly, ignoring her. “But I will not allow those colors to be worn in my house.”
Carlos claps him on the shoulder. “Good thing we’re going to be outside then.”
“Hey babe!” T.K. calls as he walks through their door.
The TV immediately turns off and Carlos whirls around to look at him over the back of the couch, eyes wide and innocent. “Hey,” he says back.
T.K. pauses, eying him closely. Carlos is trying for nonchalant, but T.K. can smell guilt in the air. He sets down his bag and puts his hands on his hips. “What were you just watching Carlos?”
“A documentary,” Carlos says quickly.
“A documentary.”
“Yep.” Carlos pops the “p” in an effort to seem casual.
T.K. dives over the back of the couch and snatches the remote out of his fiancé’s hand, flicking the TV back on. “A documentary about six friends living in New York in the mid-nineties?!” he yells.
“Okay, hear me out,” Carlos says, holding up his hands placatingly.
“You watched without me!”
“I didn’t mean to!” Carlos cries. “I was watching a documentary and then it rolled into the episode when it ended and—“
“You could have turned it off!” T.K. tells him sternly.
“I was going to!” Carlos says. “But T.K., Chandler and Monica?! What the hell?!”
“You said you didn’t even like it,” T.K. points the remote at his chest. “You said it was ‘fine.’ And then you went and betrayed my trust.”
“Well…I got a little invested,” Carlos says sheepishly.
“I’m glad my good taste in television is finally rubbing off on you,” T.K. grumbles. “But next time you decide to watch a pivotal episode of one of America’s greatest sit-coms, you’d better wait for me.”
Carlos is so tired he’s not sure he’s going to make it down the hallway. Every part of his body aches to be in bed though, so he trudges onward, one foot in front of the other until he finally fumbles his way through the door. 
He can’t remember the last time a shift was this bad. They hadn’t had a single second to slow down, one call after another, nearly all of them resulting in a physical altercation or take down, and the final call of the day had been a shootout at a bank with multiple casualties. He’s bruised and sore and completely wiped out.
His bag hits the floor and he’s tempted to drop down next to it, but the next thing he knows arms are wrapping around him and T.K. is pulling him tightly into his chest. “Hey,” he breathes into Carlos’ hair. “I was so worried.”
The 126 hadn’t been called into the bank situation, but T.K. must have found out about it from someone because he’d sent multiple concerned texts. Carlos had answered as soon as he could, but there was a big difference between being reassured in a text and being reassured in person.
“I’m okay,” Carlos mumbles into T.K.’s shoulder.
T.K. pulls back and gives him a critical look, fingers brushing over a bruise on Carlos’ forehead and then a minor gash on his arm. “I’m glad you’re home,” he says, a silent acknowledgement that Carlos isn’t actually okay, but he will be now that he’s here.
“Me too,” Carlos sighs. His eyes feel like sandpaper and he desperately wants a shower, but he’s not sure he’ll stay awake long enough.
“Are you hungry?” T.K. asks. “I made dinner.”
“I think I’ll just—“ Carlos stops his response abruptly as he looks at the kitchen. “T.K. what—?”
Every flat surface is covered in pots and pans, cooking utensils, or food. The sink is piled high with dirty dishes and something is still bubbling on the stove.
“I um, I might have been a little anxious waiting for you to get home,” T.K. says sheepishly.
“So you cooked enough for an army?” Carlos asks.
“I’m going to clean it up,” T.K. says quickly. “I know the dirty dishes stress you out, and I planned to have it all done but then the fish took longer than I thought it would and the sauce wouldn’t thicken so…”
Carlos’ brain is still trying to catch up with what he’s seeing. “You don’t usually cook when you’re stressed.”
T.K. shrugs. “I couldn’t sit still so I asked myself, ‘what would Carlos do’? And then I did it. It’s surprisingly effective.” His face softens and he runs a gentle hand over Carlos’ curls. “I can’t fix your day, but I can at least make sure you’re fed. That’s the Reyes Family Motto, right?”
Carlos’ face relaxes into tender smile. “Yeah. Something like that.”
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