#the way i immediately grabbed this like a squeaky toy THANK YOU
vindictes · 1 year
what would you consider your muse's lowest point so far? would they say the same? would they just pretend that it wasn't that bad?
i really can't even describe how MUCH it changed him as a person. pre-gen-1 giovanni was very egotistical, shamelessly undermining his opponents in battle and living under the delusion that he, and rocket in extension, is invincible. he literally dubbed himself as the "self-proclaimed strongest trainer" (which he nowadays absolutely does not). by losing, he was taught a valuable lesson and following it, he spent those years in solitude reflecting on himself.
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his decision of disbanding rocket was not a decision made out of humiliation, but guilt.
he never expected to return because he had let his underlings down in a way that couldn't be forgiven. and even post-return, even if his underlings did forgive him, he never fully forgave himself. and i doubt the whole ordeal is ever talked about and that'd be so fun to explore with any rocket muses because it really is a character-defining arc and it'd be fun to have giovanni have the TALK with someone.
not only did it change him as a person, but it really did rebuild rocket from the ground-up. there's no hastily planned public heists anymore. they work so subtly that many regular people may think they haven't been in operation anymore, or not at least in the same caliber as they used to be pre-gen-1 events, despite of having grown exponentially bigger since.
i go canon divergent post-hgss because duh, he did came back. and he'd grown as a person (literally for the worse in terms of threat), therefore losing a battle wasn't the end of the world anymore. rocket went underground for a year or two, only to emerge more dangerous than ever before.
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shae-mermaid · 4 months
You Are A Queen, Part 2
Part 1! | Part 3!!! | Part 4!!!! | Part 5!!!!! | Part 6 (FINALE)!!!!!!
A/N: Thank you SO MUCH to anyone who licked/commented/otherwise interacted with this! It makes me so relieved and happy to know that others are enjoying my ramblings @u@ I can't thank you all enough!
Now, let's get closer to the good part, shall we? c;
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Lucifer had in fact been in his room on the day that you arrived, he was just so engrossed with his rubber ducky hyperfixation that he didn’t even hear the high pitched “Hi there!” you gave to Keekee. Or the floorboards creaking as you and your new Landlords (and hopefully, future friends) walk back down the stairs. He was working on a replica of a little duck he had made for Charlie when she was still a baby. A giant one! Or, at least, it was big enough so that baby Charlie could sit on it. She used to try and rock around on it, so Lucifer had the idea of turning it into a little rocking horse….duck…thing. He decided to make a miniature replica of the childhood toy, with an even tinier Charlie duck on its back!
He let out a frustrated sigh. “What was I thinking?! This sucks!” he shouted at himself, throwing the squeaky replica onto one of the many giant piles of previous ducky projects he’s done over his long, long existence. “Charlie already has SOO many of these!” He gestures at the closest pile of ducks to his desk. “I need to think of something different…”
Lucifer kept pondering for a while, until he finally gave up, thinking he would just step back from brainstorming for a little while, so he could start refreshed and anew in the morning. Look at him, figuring out healthy ways to deal with his frustrations!...Well, he had a looong way to go, but it’s a start!
He decided he would grab something to snack on from the hotel kitchen, and see what Charlie and her friends were doing in the lobby. Yeah! Hanging with friends! Two healthy coping mechanisms in the span of FIVE minutes! He’s on a roll! 
He’ll take any bit of pride that he can get. Well, obviously he was already like that, but especially now, with how these past 7 years have been…
He immediately portalled himself into the kitchen, grabbed a croissant out of the fridge, and started to walk through the doors that lead into the lobby. However, something stopped him pretty abruptly. 
It was Charlie. She was standing really close, when she suddenly went in for a hug. “Oh, dad! I thought you were out working. Sorry I kinda bumped into ya there!” she said, while stepping a little farther back. She was always mindful of peoples’ personal bubbles. Lucifer was always so proud of her.
“Oh! It’s ok, sweetie! I was just grabbing a little snack, is all.” He looked nonchalantly around the lobby, taking an absent-minded bite of his croissant. Suddenly, he notices something completely different, sitting with the usual suspects at the bar. No, someone. 
That someone, who was a refreshing palette of light blue in a sea of red. His eyes widened a little, just to get a better focus on the new presence. “Who’s your new friend, Char?” he asked, trying not to make a stupid face as he took a bite of his snack.
Charlie immediately started doing little jumps in place, as always, being so excited that she could barely contain herself. “Oh! Dad! I was just about to text you about…,” she stalled for dramatic effect. Finally, stretching her arms out like demonic Vanna White, “...Our newest guest! Dad, this is Y/n!” 
She paused once again, to give you a chance to turn around in your chair and meet the man Charlie was talking to. You tried to control your slightly shocked expression, quickly turning at a slight angle in your chair, to attempt to hide the slight blush you were feeling tingling on your cheek. THIS is her DAD?! you thought, Seeing the man in a dashing white and red suit and matching top hat, with a snake motif acting in place of a halo. You shouldn’t have been so surprised that the king of Hell would dress so formally.
…No, you weren’t surprised about that. You were surprised that he looked that good.
After that awkward pause, you shrug your shoulders in a shy way, giving a hesitant wave and a sweet, barely-squeaked-out “Hi,” to the man as you stood up to offer a hand to shake.
Charlie finally chimed in. “...She’s shy, but she’s really nice, I can tell. Even Keekee likes her!” 
Lucifer finally tried pathetically to hide his snack behind his back, awkwardly giving his other hand to shake. “Nice to meet you, too.”
Charlie and all the regular hotel patrons gave a slight cringe at the two’s interaction. Husk rolled his eyes, mumbling “I’m too old to deal with this shit,” as he turned around to pour another shot of whiskey for Angel.
“...We just got back from showing her her room, and we thought we’d hang out with her for a bit. Get to know her a little better!” said Charlie. 
So Lucifer, and Charlie, sit in the comfortable armchairs Lucifer conjured up just in front of the bar, while you sat back down in your bar stool. 
Husk offers you a shot of whiskey, sliding it down the counter towards you. “Here. It’ll help you relax,” he said. 
You don’t normally drink, especially not strong drinks, but you thought fuck it, and chugged the whole thing down, to everyone’s shock and amusement. 
Angel chimed in with “Didn’t take you for a drinker, toots.”
“I’m usually not,” you respond. “But this is a special occasion, I guess. First day in Hell, first day at the hotel. Might as well let loose a little,” you say with a cute giggle. Angel cheers you on, giving you a high-five as you all start your evening of bonding. 
You pretty quickly start to feel the effects of that shot, quickly starting to feel comfortable enough to tell mostly the same story you gave Charlie and Vaggie earlier. Mostly. You told them about your parents being musicians. Just not the whole -you participated- part. That is something you usually keep on the down-low, for obvious reasons. 
The rest of your night went splendidly well. Everyone telling little tidbits about themselves, saying you should hang out again sometime, to which you hesitantly yet excitedly agreed. 
Lucifer listened intently, while trying to seem like he’s distracted by his phone. He was always so bad about hiding his reactions. He was a little suspicious, admittedly. You seemed a little too nice to be down here. But he also couldn’t help but be captivated by you. Despite your shy body language, you still lit up the room, somehow. You reminded him of those goddess statues he’d seen humans make, so many millennia ago. 
You were…beautiful.
Hours of talking and laughing went by in a flash, when finally everyone decided to turn in for the night. Charlie, Lucifer, and you, were the only ones left.
Charlie let out a yawn, “Well, I think I’m gonna turn in too. Y/n, you remember where your room is, right?” you nodded. “Ok, just making sure. Night Y/n; Night dad!” she said, while turning down the lobby lights, and scurrying up the stairs, seemingly a never-ending ball of energy.
“Night, Candy Apple!” Lucifer said absentmindedly while Charlie let out an embarrassed sigh, which made you giggle a bit. Lucifer blushed a little, forgetting he was with new company. 
“Is she always going at, like, a million miles a minute?” you ask, trying to break the awkward silence. 
“Yeah. She’s been like that all her life. Well, except in her goth-y teenage phase,” he admitted, with a chuckle.
You laugh wholeheartedly at that, finding it difficult to imagine someone normally so bubbly, trying to act more like a Husk, than a kid that ate too much candy. “That’s hard to imagine!”
“Oh, I got the receipts!” Lucifer laughed along, pulling out his phone to show you the portrait of teenage Charlie hanging up at Pride Manor. 
You take a couple steps closer, throwing your head backwards from laughter. “That’s adorable!” 
“Hehe-yeah” He pauses, giving a soft, reflecting smile at the picture. “That’s my Char-char.” More thoughtful silence ensued. 
“I can tell,” you said out of the blue.
“Tell what?” Lucifer replied.
“That you’re a good dad.”
Lucifer let his smile turn into a small frown, sighing to help him relax as he looked to the floor. “Well, I’m trying to be, anyway…”
You decided to try and be bold for once, and sat in the armchair beside Lucifer, gingerly putting your hand on his shoulder. Without even saying anything, you could tell Lucifer had a complicated past that he’d rather not talk about. You completely empathized with that. “What matters is that you love her, and you’re trying. That’s more than a lot of parents can say, believe me,” you said, with a soft and thoughtful smile, slowly attempting to look him in the eye.
Lucifer caught a glimpse of said smile, and quickly tried to turn his head more aggressively away, to hide the warm blush spreading on his face. 
Now, he thought, he knew how you shined.
 It’s in your eyes. They shine like jewels.
He tried to break the silence by giving an obviously fake cough, and standing up as straight as a pole. “Welp! I should probably go to bed too. Big day tomorrow, being King and all!” he says while snapping his fingers, making a portal taking him back to his suite. He turns and frantically starts walking to the portal, almost like those nutcracker soldiers from the aforementioned ballet. He catches himself, though, right as he steps one leg through the portal. 
He looks back at you, reminding himself to be a gentleman, and says “Oh, and Y/n?”
You look up at him, shocked that he didn’t just up and leave you high and dry after your bold remarks. “Yes?” you ask softly.
Lucifer turns towards you, and gives you a dramatic, low bow, then looking at you with a soft, appreciative smile. “Thank you. Goodnight,” he says as he turns back around in one smooth motion, with the portal slowly shrinking into nothingness.
You sit there, eyes wide, and feeling that warm blush spreading over your entire face now. Did I just do that?? I can’t believe I did that, you thought, taking deep breaths in a futile attempt to calm yourself a little. You start up the stairs to your room, thoughts going just as fast, if not faster, than Charlie on a sugar-high. You really hope you didn’t already mess things up with the king (your new friend?) But at the same time, you were proud of yourself. You were never that bold in your time on Earth. 
You will surely have sweet dreams tonight. If you can get to sleep, anyway.
You think you’re gonna like it here.
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A/N: Well well well, looks like we're more bold in Hell than we EVER were on Earth!
What did you all think? Please leave your thoughts, positive or negative, in the comments! I'd love to hear what you think!
~Shae <3
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dysfunctionalcrab · 4 years
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pairing: georgenotfound x reader
pronouns: gender neutral
description: george is left to babysit your niece
warnings: mentions of a future family? just in case that makes you uncomfortable.
[y/n/n] - your nieces name
[y/s/n] - your siblings name (gender neutral too)
note: i’m not too sure about this imagine, please a like or reply if you actually enjoyed! - niss
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you woke up to the sound of your alarm blasting your ear off, if you hadn’t turned it off right there you probably would have gone deaf.
george was sleeping like a baby beside you, you could hear his quiet snores. you were surprised he didn’t wake up to the sound of your ear-piercing alarm.
turning on your phone, you glanced at the time that read 12:30. you sighed in annoyance as you registered that you only had half an hour before you had to be on your way to university. so you got up and began your normal morning routine, brush your teeth, shower, have breakfast and finally get dressed. however, as you were packing your bag, almost ready to go, you received a notification from your [sibling]
[y/s/n]: we’re 5 minutes away!!!
[y/s/n]: thank you so much for agreeing to do this :)
it completely slipped your mind. you had promised to take care of [y/n/n] for today, your 7 year old niece, while your [sibling] was at their job interview. regardless, you texted them a quick ‘no problem’ before rushing upstairs to wake up george.
he was still sleeping, but now he was completely hiding under the covers with one arm sticking out. you hated to interrupt his beauty sleep but this was more important. you began to shake him awake.
“babe,” you shook him
“wake up,”
“george,” you removed the covers off his face
“wake the fuck up!” you started poking his sides. usually, you would be a little less... harsh, but you were panicking.
finally the boy rose from his slumber, groaning and stretching all his limbs. he blinked a couple times before meeting your eyes
“good morning,” he said softly, as if he completely just disregarded your tone of desperation and worry.
you pulled him by his arm and he sat upright,
“you need to get up right now,” you told him
“what’s going on?” he questioned, clearly confused as you weren’t giving him any context
“you need to take care of [y/n/n] for today, i have classes today, and i need to leave in 5 minutes and [y/s/n] has a job interview and there’s nobody else to take care of her,” you rushed out all in once sentence.
“are you serious?” he narrowed his eyes at you. “you know how bad i am with kids, especially [y/n/n] , she hates me,”
that was partly true. unfortunately, your niece wasn’t exactly fond of george. ever since you even started dating,m, [y/n/n] acted cold towards your boyfriend, it only got worse when you moved in with him. she always refused to play a game if george was going to participate, or never accepted any high fives or hellos from him. you felt sympathy for george. this child despised him and now you were asking him to look after her.
“please, i’m begging you,” you looked at him with pleading eyes. his eyes softened up after recognising the urgency of the situation.
“fine,” he agreed. you sighed out of satisfaction that you didn’t have to stress out [y/s/n] over finding a new baby sitter.
“thank you so much,” you pressed a small kiss to his lips appreciatively.
right at that moment, you two heard the doorbell ring. you urged george to get ready as fast as he could while you went down stairs and greeted your [sibling] and your niece.
“auntie/uncle [y/n]!” [y/n/n] yelled as you opened the door, immediately rushing into your arms. she looked a lot taller than the last time you saw her
“how’s my favourite girl?” you picked her up and swung her, before placing a little kiss on her head
you gave your [sibling] a quick hug. they handed you a bag full of toys, teddies and colouring pens, along with a spare set of clothing just in case [y/n/n] got a little messy throughout the day. and some quick reminders about her favourite foods or how to get her stop crying. you’d looked after her before, so all of it was pretty familiar to you
“again, thank you so, so much, you have no idea how much you’re helping me.” they told you. your [sibling] gave [y/n/n] a kiss on the cheek and told her to be a ‘good and kind little girl’ before finally exiting the household.
george, at last, made his way down. wearing a decent pair of jeans and a hoodie, giving an awkward wave to [y/n/n]
you checked the time and knew you had to get going. you had to explain to her that uncle george was going to be the one looking after her today. and after one whole tantrum, you managed to convince her to be a good girl by promising to give her a big reward afterward.
finally, you kissed [y/n/n] and george a goodbye , then shut the front door behind you.
george and [y/n/n] stood opposite each other. there was an uncomfortable silence in the air. george felt so...he didn’t even know. what do you say to a child who hates you? [y/n/n] tightly clutched her bag of toys.
“so, [y/n/n],” george cleared his throat, he bent down to her level. “i hear you like toy story?”
[y/n/n] pouted “i don’t like you” she said, and stomped away.
george sighed. this was going to be a long day.
and it was.
it started off with [y/n/n] innocently using her colouring pens and drawing random things, you know, as children do. but when she ran out of paper, she made her way to your office, where all your uni work was. she grabbed the closest piece of paper that was sitting on your desk, deciding it was going to be the next canvas for her art. this paper just happened to be a very important assignment.
when george caught her in the act, he had to physically tear her away from your office, in defiance of all her kicking and screaming.
then, when george accidently left the door to your shared bedroom open. [y/n/n] waddled in without him noticing, she started playing with all of his devices. his computer, his microphone, and somehow she got a hold of his headphones, and took out the battery. george didn’t realise until he noticed the cover missing. he tried to ask her nicely where she threw the battery. but she insisted that she wasn’t going to give it back unless he stopped being ‘mean’
when lunch time rolled around, george put a pizza in the oven, he remembered clearly that [y/n/n] loved pizza, specifically pepperoni. nothing could go wrong here.
but when he called her to the kitchen so she could receive her lunch. she just stared blankly at the pizza, and then at him. she crossed her arms
“[y/n] usually makes a smiley face with the pepperoni”
george just felt all his will to live just disappear
coloured pens and toys were spread out all across the living room floor, [y/n/n] was sitting in front of the tv, george put on one of her favourite shows which thankfully distracted her for a bit, allowing him to relax. he pulled out his phone and texted you
to [y/n] <3 : help me please
to [y/n] <3: i cant take this anymore, i’m literally dying rn
to [y/n] <3: come home quick
he exhaled heavily, throwing his phone to the side. he was so exhausted.
[y/n/n] was roleplaying with her toys, making them move around and doing squeaky little voices. george smiled at the innocence
“purple bear doesn’t play with us anymore. princess giraffe, mr. george took her away from us,” she spoke in a high pitched voice
george’s ears perked up. how funny that she had a teddy named ‘mr. george’. curiously, he watched the little girl.
“koala george, is a meanie, he stole purple bear and now they don’t want to hang out with us!”
it didn’t take a genius to find out what [y/n/n] was displaying through her role playing teddies.
that was why she didn’t like george. before they got together, [y/n] mentioned they almost spent every weekend with [y/n/n], playing with her and having fun with her.
she felt abandoned by [y/n] and felt as if george had taken them away from her .
george felt at fault as he noticed the girls eyes started to water.
“does purple bear love us any more?” she continued to play.
george decided it was enough and he switched off the television. he joined [y/n/n] on the floor and grabbed the teddy that was supposedly ‘koala george’
“[y/n/n]” he spoke softly. the little girl looked up at him expectantly. he held up the teddy.
“is this supposed to be me?” he questioned her.
“that’s a koala bear,” she answered
“no-, [y/n/n],” he said. he thought about how to ask her, and just chose it was best to be flat out with the child,”
“did i steal auntie/uncle [y/n] away from you?”
the question took her by surprise. she gazed at him with big wide eyes. she thought about her answer and grabbed the purple bear, which was supposed to be you.
“they don’t play with me as much anymore, they’re always with you, because of you, they don’t love me anymore,” she pulled a face, it wasn’t angry, it wasn’t annoyed.
it was a genuinely sad face.
george was sure he physically felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. he never even comprehended the fact that a child could feel so rejected.
“listen... [y/n/n],” he said gently. he thought about his words. comforting someone wasn’t exactly his strongest point, particularly not a child who detested him “[y/n] will never stop loving you, okay? they love you very much, and i’m sorry you feel like i stole them ”
[y/n/n] continued to listen.
“but don’t forget that [y/n] has so much love to go around! look, they love you, and they love me, they love grandma and grandpa too! they will always love one another even if they can’t see each other often,”
[y/n/n] stayed silent. she fiddled with the purple teddy, folding its ears and patting its head. she loved that bear. it was actually gifted to her by you, when she was first born. she brought it to her chest and hugged it. george tried a different approach.
“listen, how about- this weekend, we can all go to the park together, and have a picnic. you, me, [y/n], and your parents too,”
she continued to just stay silent. george didn’t know what to expect, she was unpredictable, was she going to throw another hissy fit? or start to cry? he wasn’t sure
“can we also get ice cream?” she asked
george smiled and felt himself relax. thank god. “all the ice cream you want,” he told her
[y/n/n] stood up and giggled. like her whole entire mood did a whole fucking 180. “okay! let’s go play dress up now!”
7:45 pm. you finally arrived home. you were tired out of your mind. [y/s/n]’s interview was delayed by two hours and was currently half way back home, meaning you had enough time to spend with [y/n/n]
you unlocked the door, expecting to see a giant tsunami of toys and colouring pencils and pens, but what you saw was the most heart warming thing ever.
george was sleeping on the couch, his head resting on the armrest. he had a couple pink bows in his hair, his lips were painted a hot pink, he was wearing a couple sparky bracelets and a purple floral necklace.
in his lap, [y/n/n] rested her head, she was wearing a fairy costume with matching pink bows and sparkly bracelets.
you quickly snapped a photo of this wholesome moment. because, who wouldn’t? you spent a few minutes just watching the two sleep, they were probably just as tired as you.
moments like these made you really appreciate the people you had in your life. the people you love so dearly much.
you didn’t want to disrupt the ambience but you felt it was better for your [sibling] to collect your niece when she wasn’t covered in glitter and an overload of pink accessories.
you quietly woke george up,
“baby, wake up.” you shook him awake, gently. in a very different way than you did this morning. he opened his eyes. and immediately smiled upon seeing your face. you ran your thumb across his cheek
“it looks like you two had a lot of fun,” you teased.
he quietly chuckled. “she’s okay,” he told you. looking down at the little girl sleeping in his lap.
you slowly and carefully picked her up, removing any accessories you thought may seem uncomfortable to sleep in. she was a heavy sleeper.
you carried her upstairs, tucking her into you and george’s bed and placing a kiss upon her forehead. you turned back to george and rushed in for a bear hug
“thank you so much for doing that,” you said. “i love you so much, i know it probably wasn’t easy, she can be quite the handful,”
george chuckled. “handful is an understatement,”
“you’d better be willing to dress up like that with our own kids one day.” you stated, hugging him tighter.
his face broke out into a small smile, having thought of an image of you two playing with you future kids. he kissed top of your head and then your nose
“maybe one day”
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blahkugo · 4 years
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Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader 
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: 18+, smut, slight overstim, all characters are aged up, ofc. 
A/N: Happy birthday to the woman that literally birthed my blog, the writer of the best fics I’ve ever read-- *cough Notice, Seven Minutes, Of Love and Lemons, etc.*-- @lookslikeleese​. It’s 5 am right now and my brain cannot come up with the proper words, but just know I love you so much. Thank you for creating our entire friend group. I LOVE YOU. 
omakase (noun): 
(in a Japanese restaurant) a meal consisting of dishes selected by the chef; chef’s choice. 
Thirty minutes into supper with the Todorokis, you think your heart may actually stop beating. It’s not the awkward silence, nor the snowstorm of icy glares traveling across the table. You’ve long since made your peace with the scents of charred leather couches and melted silverware that linger in your hair whenever one of the men gets riled up. 
No, it’s an issue far more pressing than the typical family drama, a matter that needs to be resolved with stealth— immediately. 
It’s Shouto’s fingers, darting into his pocket and pressing a single button. It’s your heels digging into the cool tile beneath you. It’s every nerve standing on end, every passing second sending a wave of heat to your core. Your knuckles blanche, gripping the oak table with such ferocity that it may just snap, and your thighs shake, overwhelmed.
The issue is that there’s a little pink vibrator pressing against your clit and the bi-colored bastard chews his food as though this night is no different than any other. 
It doesn’t matter that the toy’s been placed at the lowest setting all night, doesn’t matter that your fingernails relieve a bit of the pressure every time you dig them into your exposed thighs. The only thought crossing your mind is your impending orgasm. How are you supposed to stifle euphoric pleasure when you’re barely able to hold it together now? 
“So, how’s that new job going?” Enji asks more out of courtesy than interest. While you typically humor his attempts at placid conversation, you’re too troubled to speak to the stoic man in front of you. What if your juices seep through your soaked panties right onto the chair? 
“It’s— ah- it’s really good.” 
And this has been your entire night thus far. Feeble efforts to remain coherent, whines and gasps hidden behind awkward coughs— anything and everything you can possibly do to maintain your dignity in the presence of your boyfriend’s father. 
“What was that funny story you were telling me earlier today?” Shouto doesn’t miss a beat, sending a quick slant your way before stuffing another bite of rice into his mouth. He knows precisely what he’s doing, can feel the pointed daggers you dig into the side of his head, but his relaxed smile reveals nothing to the three pairs of eyes gazing intently at you, awaiting your response.
“Oh, Mt. Lady, she— oh my god,” As soon as you begin speaking, he cranks the toy up to a new level. Though it’s only for a second, the sound that leaves your body is inhuman, a mortifying cross between a sob and a choke that has your palm slamming onto the table fiercely.
All at once, the table is bustling with concern for your safety. To their naive eyes, it seems you choked on a bite of food, and Fuyumi hurries to grab you a glass of water. Shouto simply remains seated, a slick grin plastered across his face at the sight of your heated cheeks and teary eyes. What the fuck could have possessed you to agree to this in the first place? 
“I-I’m okay,” you mumble out, embarrassment shaking you far worse than any sex toy ever could. And that fact— the way your eyebrows knead together in discomfort as you squirm in your seat— is precisely what Shouto wants. You’re no stranger to humiliation, no stranger to the tugging deep in your gut or the heated flush that darts onto your mattress and makes its home on your cheeks.
But this? This type of shame is foreign; it makes your head spin and refuses to waver no matter how much you silently gripe and plead. “Honestly, I feel a bit—” another pulse, another pained gasp from you, “ill.” The words barely make their way out before you’re gritting your teeth, thighs pressing together so tightly they may leave pretty purple marks. 
“Maybe I should take her upstairs,” Shouto sighs, faux apology slipping through his mouth with ease. When did the fucker get so good at lying? 
And then he’s helping you up from your seat, rubbing tender circles into your back, like any good boyfriend would. But every graze is unbearable, sends a tidal wave of warmth rushing through your core. The most innocent of touches has become obscene, twisted in a way only you and the cool man next to you are able to acknowledge. 
As you climb the stairs with shaky legs, you can only pray that the rest of the family doesn’t notice the slick juices trailing down your thighs. 
“Who knew dinner and a show could be so entertaining?” He teases, just barely dodging the fist you throw half-heartedly at his shoulder. His supple lips are glued into a smirk, one that probably won’t drop until the night is long over. 
“Please– I-” you attempt to stifle your moans, but in the comfort of his childhood bedroom you find yourself slipping into a high-pitched whine. “Turn it off.” He seems to debate the plea internally, slender fingers brushing over the buttons until you grip harshly at his bicep. You’ve endured enough misery to last you months. 
When he finally switches it off, you feel your entire body slacken and relief wash over you; however, it does nothing for the throbbing in your clit or the pool of desire still brimming in your core. What you crave is his touch, the warmth that pokes and prods at your every muscle, loosening each nerve until you’re a babbling mess— wholly at the mercy of his lithe fingers. 
“Shou,” you mewl, voice dripping with desperation. His eyes widen for a quick second, brows raised and shocked by your blatant come-on with his family only a level down. “I need you.” 
Those three simple words have him springing into action, shoving you against the mattress. Pinning you beneath him with ease, he hikes your skirt up to your hips before running a slender digit against your clothed slit. 
“You made a mess,” his words carry no weight, only amazement at the juices flowing freely through the thin panties and down your thighs. “Probably made a mess all over your chair too.” 
With that comment, your shame is back with a vengeance, tinging the tips of your ears and causing you to cry out. Before Shouto, you’d have never thought this sort of depraved commentary could have you shaking. Hell, you’re not sure he even knew what he was doing to you at first; ever oblivious, Shouto simply speaks his mind. 
Only when he noticed the effect of his words, did he begin using those passing observations against you. Now, he lives for your reactions, spurs you on if only to see how far a gruff remark can push you— and typically, your limit is reached in wanton sobs and bright red scratch marks down his back. 
He doesn’t bother with removing the lace panties, only tugs them to the side so he can brush his fingers against your naked slit. When he pushes a thumb against your clit, you can’t help the loud cry that escapes you. “Bite,” he offers up his wrist so that your moans don’t carry through the thin walls. 
Your teeth sink into his flesh, eliciting a sharp breath at the sudden pain. And he enjoys that part too— the lengths you’ll go to achieve pleasure, the stinging reminders of your desire. “Stay quiet for me, yeah?” He tests a finger, then two, knuckles deep in your doughy walls as you writhe on the bed. “Good girl.” 
“Mmph,” you feel your eyes roll back at the soft praise, thighs tensing as he begins to pump his digits in and out. “Faster, ah– please.” Your moans are muffled against his arm, but he complies nonetheless, fingers curling and hitting the spot that drums against your heartbeat, that rattles through your brain.
The second he brings his lips to your clit, you feel the coil in your stomach about to snap. Hair slick with sweat, your hands roam through his own wet strands, gripping and tugging him closer, closer, closer. He suckles hungrily, his last meal long forgotten as he pushes you further over the edge. 
All at once, you see stars. You’re unsure whether you’re keeping quiet like he asked or sobbing loudly, the tidal wave of pleasure consumes you whole, stomach going taut and twisting as he allows you to ride out your orgasm. With the toy slowly edging you all night, this bliss feels fully merited— is exactly what you deserve after being subjected to his teasing for so long. 
Shouto only lets up when your entire body has gone slack and you push his head away. Bringing his fingers up to your supple lips, he watches hungrily as you slurp at your own slick. 
His eyes are the darkest you’ve ever seen them, pooling with eagerness and a longing for more; he brings a thumb to his chin to wipe at your juices— licks a long stripe up the digit to fully savor you. The image is immodest at the least, animalistic at most.
It reignites your own thirst immediately. 
Though you’re exhausted, core spasming from overuse, you find yourself tugging at his waistband, pulling him close so he can sheath himself inside you in one fell thrust. 
“Fuck,” his voice is husky, groan stifled in the nook of your shoulder. “Still so fucking tight for me.” The only sounds that fill the air are your joint moans, the squeaky springs of the mattress, and the headboard clanging against the wall— sweat soaked skin as his hips snap against you. 
“Ah— please, please, please,” it seems to be the only phrase that falls from your loose lips. Every jerk sends shocks across your damp flesh, vision going foggy as he sends your brain spinning. Once again, you teeter at the edge, so close. Your legs wrap across his back, digging into the globes of his ass to pull him impossibly closer. 
“What do you want?” He grunts into your jaw, peppering wet kisses down your neck and across your chest. It may leave a mark or two, but it’s something to worry about later. 
“I–”At this point, you’re just a teary, blubbering mess, “please, Shou– need your cum.” You manage the words, knowing exactly what effect they have. His movements quicken, pace faltering as he chases his own high. 
And then, you’re both seeing stars. With one final shudder, his cock twitches, and then he’s spilling into you. Your groans intertwine, his a loud sigh of your name, you sobbing helplessly. 
Once he finally stills, he collapses on top of you, both of your chests heaving. His fingers smooth at your matted hair, whispers of ‘so good for me’ and ‘fuck, baby’ into the shell of your ear as he allows your body— still trembling uncontrollably— time to regain composure.  
Now you remember why you agreed to this little game of his.
“I hope you feel better,” Fuyumi hugs you goodbye, though your eyes are glazed over in post-coital bliss. Her gaze doesn’t quite meet your own, anyways. But they couldn’t have heard; you were quiet. Weren’t you? 
As you stumble into the passenger side of Shouto’s pristine Model S, you catch the gruff comment Enji murmurs to Shouto, 
“You two could stand to be a bit less obvious next time.” 
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
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Yakuza!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Sugar and Spice (Mafia!AU, NSFW Series) [Chapter 1]
Summary: Kyōjurō and (Y/n) meet at a party, only to find out that their lives would change forever— since they had been arranged to be married. To make matters even more difficult for them, they were from two different walks of life, with (Y/n) being the Prime Minister’s daughter, and Kyōjurō being the heir to his clan’s Yakuza group.
Warnings: Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Teasing, Dirty Talking
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Hot and heavy breaths meshed together in hefty puffs, as needy hands traced every contour of (Y/n)’s body beneath her dress. She felt fingers digging into her left thigh, and a few others pushing her panties aside— just so they could trace up her wet slit, before toying with her sensitive clit.
A gasp of pleasure escaped her mouth then, which was soon followed by another needy kiss from her partner— a cute blond that had been eyeing her from across the party that they had been at. He was so smooth with his words, and that laugh of his felt like it had melted her panties right off earlier— so it didn’t take long for her to give in and follow him up to an empty room on the second floor of the mansion.
“Fuck, you’re so wet for me, baby,” The man rasped against her mouth, before nipping at her bottom lip and tugging on it lightly; which caused a tingle to shoot up her spine. “You better remember my name, baby, since it’s the one that you’ll be screaming until morning.”
That had (Y/n) opening her eyes a little, feeling her snarky attitude come to her with some clarity, since she didn’t even have a clue as to what his name was.
However, she was beaten to the punch when the blond pressed a light kiss to the corner of her lips, before trailing kisses down her jaw— eventually biting down on her neck, which had her moaning. Especially since he had partnered that bite with his fingers pinching her clit.
“Kyōjurō. Rengoku Kyōjurō. Say it for me, baby.”
“Kyōjurō,” (Y/n) gasped out, inadvertently arching her chest up into him when he began tugging on her clit. And, as if that wasn’t already overwhelming enough, he slid his fingers down to her entrance and began to push a finger inside her— groaning at how tight and wet she was because of him; for him.
She was so blissed out by his actions that it hadn’t sunk in that she was laying in bed with the next heir of the Rengoku Group— the biggest Yakuza clan in the Kanto region. And, little did she know, that her negligence was going to come back to bite her in the ass sooner rather than later.
The blond then curled his finger up against her g-spot, watching (Y/n)’s face as it twisted up in pleasure— as one of her hands reached down to grab hold of his wrist.
Instead of getting offended, a smirk crawled up onto his lips as he pulled his finger back from inside her; all so he could add in another digit. That motion had her moaning aloud, with her hips bucking up into his hand; which more than stroked his ego, and made his cock throb even harder in his pants.
“You like my fingers inside you, baby?” Kyōjurō cooed, smirking all the while, as he kept on with thrusting his digits up against her g-spot. “Just wait until it’s my cock fucking that cute little pussy of yours.”
However, before Kyōjurō could even take his free hand and unzip his pants, his phone began vibrating in his back pocket— making him click his tongue in irritation, as he regretfully looked down at his flushed bed partner.
He knew full well who she was, which had surprised him when she had accepted his less than subtle advances throughout the night. He had always thought that she was a goody two shoes, what with her steering clear of any unsavory headlines— since her father was the current Prime Minister of the country; but it appeared that he shouldn’t have judged her so quickly.
Regretfully, he sat back up on his haunches, gently taking his fingers out of her cunt and bringing them up to his lips to lick them clean— which had (Y/n)’s eyes widening in surprise and arousal at the sight.
In turn, he gave her a big grin, as well as a cheeky wink, before fishing his phone from his back pocket. “This better be important.”
The young woman took that phone call as a sign that their little rendezvous was coming to a close, albeit with neither of them being remotely close to orgasming. It was frustrating as hell, but it couldn’t be helped— since she also knew what it was like to have priorities other than your own pleasures.
So, gingerly, she sat up on the bed and swung her legs off the side of it— making sure to avoid hitting the man that had been pleasuring her a mere few seconds before. But, before she could get up and dismiss herself, she felt his hand on her thigh— as he leaned in to brush a kiss against her lips; one that began as a soft and light one, that gradually delved into something deeper; his tongue snaking into her mouth and coaxing hers out to play.
That was, until she overheard the words “boss” and “group” coming from the phone that was still pressed to his ear.
And it was only then that it came crashing down on her: her bed partner wasn’t just any normal, handsome man. He was far more dangerous than that, and she wanted to kick herself for not realizing it any sooner.
Because if she got caught with him, it would spell such a huge scandal for her father. He could potentially lose his job, all because she had been too neglectful.
Cold fear washed over her then, and she immediately jerked herself away from him— even slapping his hand off of her thigh— which obviously irked Kyōjurō; judging by the way that his eyebrows furrowed together, as he pinned her beneath his fiery gaze.
(Y/n) wasted no time then, not even giving him another glance as she got up off the bed and quickly slipped her shoes on; chalking the night up as some fever dream that she never wanted to revisit again.
As much as she hated judging others right off the bat, the Rengoku Group’s reputation was notorious enough to land her on the front page of a tabloid— or worse, a gossip rag. And that was the last thing that she wanted to happen, as she had worked so hard to keep her image so squeaky clean that she appeared so boring to the media.
It was the consequence of having a father who ran an entire country, after all.
The moment the door closed, however, Kyōjurō felt irritation bubbling up within him; something predatory in him being stirred up— especially at the memory of her slapping his hand away.
Still, he kept on listening to his father’s secretary— whom had kept on prattling about useless things, which shortened his fuse even more.
Normally, he would have been very indulgent, but being shut down the way he had been was making him feel less than lenient. “Can you get to the point, Matsutaka?”
“I- yes, sir!” The other man all but squeaked at Kyōjurō’s curt tone, before continuing, “The boss is summoning you tomorrow at seven in the morning; so you can meet your omiai partner.”
The blond couldn’t help but feel fed up at the news, even though his father had kept on reminding him that he was trying to work out a suitable marriage arrangement for him. He couldn’t care less about that before, since his heart hadn’t been set on marriage yet; and even more now that his attention was piqued by the woman whom he had beneath him minutes ago.
Not wanting to stay there for longer than necessary, (Y/n) made her way back down the stairs— after ducking into one of the bathrooms on the second floor, and straightening herself out as much as possible— and melted back in with the crowd; faking smiles, and taking a glass of champagne from one of the passing waiters.
She knew that she just had to fake feeling faint with her earlier group of acquaintances, and she could go home without being it construed as rude.
So, she made her way back towards the same old ladies— hearing them still gossiping about some other unfortunate woman— and deciding to just hold her comments by taking idle sips of her champagne.
“You’re back already, (L/n)-sama!” One of the women exclaimed with a smile, eliciting a polite smile from (Y/n) in return.
“Oh yes, I was feeling a little faint and had to get some fresh air.” Which was a complete lie, as she had been pinned under such a beautiful man earlier, but no one needed to know that.
One other woman laid a hand on her arm, under the guise of sympathy, which had her skin crawling from the clammy skin lingering on hers. But she said nothing, and only smiled further— even batting her eyelashes at the obviously two-faced women.
(Y/n) had no doubt that she had been one of their topics when she had excused herself earlier. It was just how these social circles worked; and she was more than well-versed in that world’s language, having grown up in it and all.
She was just about to thank the women for their ‘heartfelt’ words, but she caught sight of a head of fiery blond hair coming down the stairs from the second floor— all while adjusting the blood red tie that matched his eyes— and felt her heart begin beating faster in her chest.
No one could know that she had even looked his way for the night, because to let everyone know that would be more trouble than her almost-orgasm was worth.
“Ah, but I still feel a little under the weather. So I might be bowing out early for tonight,” The young woman tried for her sincerest tone, but only barely managed to be convincing— what with her mind being solely focused on the blond that was steadily making his way through the crowd.
And, to make matters worse, he was heading right for her with a predatory glint in his eyes.
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ghostgothgeek · 3 years
My first for the Phic Phight! 1,685 words.
Danny's been summoned. But not by who you'd expect. In fact, not by an actual person. Prompt by Greyheartwriter.
Danny had been summoned before. Or rather, Phantom has. Usually by Sam, with Tucker occasionally tagging along. Typically when he was grounded. His two best friends always got a kick out of it. Grounded or not, they were going to hang out with their friend, especially when he insisted he should probably stay home “just in case”. He hadn’t gotten caught yet, but there have been a few close calls. Regardless, summoning Phantom was one of the rare moments the trio had to goof off and be regular teenagers. Well, regular enough anyway. 
Danny sat with his elbows on the desk, hands gripping his hair in frustration. Falluca had assigned a large problem set to be done overnight. Like Danny didn’t have anything better to do - rest, catch ghosts, nap, hang with his friends, sleep. At 10:30 pm, he was almost done, he was just stuck on this one problem. He thought about calling Sam and asking for help, but he really wanted to try getting this on his own first. 
He grabbed his pencil and tried writing out the problem for the 400th time when he felt the pull. “Oh no,” Danny muttered and looked around his room before trying extra hard to focus on his math homework and not the pull. It always failed, but he had been trying to train himself to ignore the pull. “Not. Now.” 
Danny put his face closer to his paper and tried to focus, but the pull was getting stronger now. Ugh, why him? Why can’t people summon other ghosts? Well, that could get ugly and dangerous real fast, but come on! He was gonna kill Tucker and Sam. Or maybe…
Maybe his friends were struggling with the same problem as him and they wanted to put all their brain power together. But they could have just called. Regardless, he was still resisting the pull. 
The pull was just a feeling of needing to be physically somewhere else. Or it started out that way, anyway. It was like holding your breath and forcing yourself to not hiccup again. You could try to deal with it absentmindedly, but usually it was all you could focus on until you were satisfied. And that’s where Danny was at now, the pull was beginning to consume all of his thoughts, it was beginning to cloud his brain of anything else. He gripped his desk as he felt another strong pull. Whoever was calling him had done it at least 3 times now. Again, Danny tried to focus on his paper. 
Another pull, and Danny’s vision became cloudy. He felt anxious. He needed to be somewhere. What about math homework? That was supposed to be his top priority, they had a test on Friday. He gently started shaking as he tried to refrain. 
He fell out of his chair at another pull, another call. Fuck it. He couldn’t hold on anymore. 
He sighed, took a deep breath, and focused on the pull. He felt immediate relief as he answered. He felt the familiar feeling of following the call, like riding a waterslide or a rollercoaster in the dark. You had no idea where you were going, you couldn’t see anything in front of you. You didn’t know how long the ride would last and you had zero control. You were just being forced in a different direction, sometimes feeling the whiplash of the unexpected. 
He could feel his core becoming colder. He felt his transformation into Phantom, and soon enough, the blackness was beginning to fade, and he tried to gather his surroundings. “Sam, Tucker, if it’s you I swear I’m gonna-” 
Oh, OH. This was new. Danny didn’t even know that this was possible. He guessed it made sense though. Maybe Ouija boards were like cell phones in the Ghost Zone. Ghosts had to get a hold of each other somehow. 
He turned his body as he slowly looked around. He didn’t know this part of the Ghost Zone. He didn’t even see any ghosts around. He started to panic. He didn’t know where he was, or who called him, or if anyone even actually called him at all. Was this some new stupid ghost power he had to learn to controll again? He just figured out how to keep his pants from falling down when he tried to flirt with girls. Not important right now, he reminded himself. He formed a small ectoball of energy in his hand, preparing himself for any attack. 
But no attack came. Instead, he just felt a little nudge at his feet. Looking down, he sighed and dropped his ectoball. “Really?” He glanced down at his caller. “First of all, how did you even learn to do that?!” 
Headbutting his ankle was the small green fluffball nicknamed Cujo, in his puppy form. To answer Danny’s question, he used his nose to nudge the planchette on the board, moving it around until Danny began to feel the pull again, though this time the pull wasn’t as strong because he was already in his destination. 
Danny chuckled and scratched the pup’s ear. “What’s up buddy? I gotta finish my homework.” 
Cujo barked and wagged his tail ferociously, sticking his butt up towards the air as he bounced around. Eventually, the dog dragged his squeaky toy towards the halfa and barked again. 
“I can’t play! I have to finish my homework so I can try to get a few hours of sleep in a row tonight. Sorry dude, but no.” 
The puppy’s excitement level deteriorated quickly. He let out a little whine, and gave Danny his best puppy dog eyes. Danny sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. Cujo was adamant on playing, that much was clear. He called him 6 times already, what was going to stop the pooch from doing it again until he got what he wanted? Maybe just for a few minutes…
Cujo’s tail began wagging again as he could see Danny caving in. “Alright, alright. I needed a break anyways.” He formed another ectoball and threw it as hard as he could. “Go long, Cuj!” He smiled as the pup darted after the ball at lightning speed and stretched his muscles for the few seconds it took for Cujo to return with the ball. The pup barked excitedly. 
Danny smiled, he always wanted a dog anyway. He threw the ball for Cujo for another few minutes, before playing tug of war and teasing the dog with the squeaky toy. “Who’s a good boy?” Danny said in a voice only reserved for Cujo and other animals (except for Sam’s pet snake...he couldn’t use his little baby voice on that thing, it was too weird). He rubbed the dog’s belly, laughing when Cujo’s back leg would twitch in response to the belly rubs. 
The phantom yawned as he laid down on the ground next to the pup, using one hand to prop his head up and the other to scratch Cujo’s chin. “I’ll admit, you are making me feel more relaxed.” 
Soon enough, Danny was snoozing with the little puppy curled up into his side, snoring softly. Though, the moment of peace didn’t last more than 15 minutes as Danny woke up to the feeling of being pulled again. He groaned, gave Cujo a little kiss on his head, and answered the new call. 
Sure enough, he was in the middle of Sam’s room, falling to her rug as he was still too drowsy to make a better landing. He heard Tucker’s laugh and jolted up, shaking the remaining grogginess out of his head. Danny groaned, “what?!” 
“Look who woke up on the wrong side of the...rug…” Tucker tried. Danny could feel Sam rolling her eyes as she offered him a hand so he could stand up. 
Danny couldn’t help but let out a low growl, “Tucker…” 
“We’ve been trying to call you for 25 minutes already! Guess you didn’t have your phone on you. Thank the goddesses for Ouija boards,” Sam stated as she straightened out her skirt. 
“Why? What’s wrong? Is there a ghost?” Danny examined her room, making a face at the snake that he swore was glaring at him. 
“School starts in 4 minutes, dude,” Tucker explained as he grabbed his backpack. 
“You gotta fly us to your house to get your stuff then fly us to school, and maybe we won’t get detention this time,” Sam put her backpack on as well. 
“Ah, fuck,” Danny quickly grabbed his friends’ arms and flew as quickly as he could to his room, grabbing his backpack and flying to school. His parents were already in the lab working on stuff, and Danny doubted they even noticed he was missing and almost late for school. A bomb could go off in the town and they would be so immersed in their work that they wouldn’t hear it. His overattentive sister, on the other hand, had apparently been trying to get a hold of him for an hour now, only stopping when Sam texted Jazz that they had Danny with them. 
The trio landed in the bush as the first warning bell rang. Danny transformed and they ran into the school together, making it to their homeroom late, but for once luck was on their side as the teacher wasn’t paying attention...her car alarm mysteriously went off. 
Danny pulled out his notebook and realized he still had to finish that math problem. Shit. 
He turned as Sam tapped his shoulder, handing him her homework. He smiled gratefully. 
“Don’t worry, Tucker had to copy mine too. That problem took me 5 hours to solve. You both owe me.” 
Danny sighed in relief and nodded. He had 10 minutes to copy this down, and it was two pages long. It should be a crime to assign problems that long. He pulled out his pencil and started scribbling down the solution when he felt it. 
Another pull. Damn that dog. No, he loved Cujo. Damn that Ouija board. “Remind me to find Cujo a puppy friend,” the halfa muttered to his friends.
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shy-and-bubbly · 4 years
Summary: Local demon boy had absolutely no idea what tickling was until he saw it in action. Confused, he couldn’t understand what was happening. Perhaps his best friend will know what he’s talking about if he asked. Nothing wrong with asking, right?
Warning: If it wasn’t obvious, this is a tickle fic featuring my favorite mcyt duo. It’s my first tickle fic to be exact, so I hope I did well lmao.
Bad stepped out of the nether portal appearing back to the outside world. He was busy collecting quartz to make some repairs to his and Skeppy’s mansion. Walking along the bridge path, he went to a nearby crafting table to craft the quartz into quartz blocks.
His crafting was disturbed however when he suddenly heard a shriek. He whirled his head to the right, alarmed that something terrible was happening.
...He was bewildered to say the least from what he saw.
Bad only stared at Tubbo and Tommy, tilting his head in confusion. He was far enough away from them to not catch their attention.
Tommy was rolling on the grass, spitting out cuss words and laughing his head off, while Tubbo… he has no idea what Tubbo was doing. He sees that he has his hands on Tommy's sides, but he can't tell what's happening or why Tommy was acting like that.
Tubbo had a grin on his face. "So are you going to take back what you said to me, bitch?" His hands moved to Tommy's stomach area, almost getting kicked by Tommy in the process. "FUCK! NAHAHA!"
Bad's tail swished from side to side for a moment. Even though he has no idea what's going on, he was intrigued. Whatever they were doing, it looked like they were having fun. Especially Tommy, judging by how hard he's laughing.
After a few more seconds passed, Bad finished crafting what he needed and walked back to the mansion. Skeppy was already there and was making progress with the repairs on the roof.
"Geppyyy, I'm back!" Bad greeted with a sing-song tone in his voice. Skeppy looked at Bad, smiled, and came back down to see him. "Hey! Did you get more quartz?"
"I got more quartz!" Bad happily announced while his tail swished about.
"Finally! I was running low on slabs. What took you so long?"
"Hey! I was getting as much as I can, you mutton chop!"
Skeppy giggled and thanked him when Bad split the amount of blocks between the two. They talked for a long time while building together. Skeppy would bring up random topics to talk about, and Bad brought up potential improvements on their estate.
During a period of silence between the two, Bad thought back to that scenario he saw with Tommy and Tubbo. He paused in thought, wondering if he should bring it up.
A part of him didn't want to, because he himself wouldn't even know what he's talking about. Then again, maybe Skeppy can clear up any confusion if he talks about it as best as he can.
"Hey, Skeppy?"
"Mmm?" Skeppy was only half paying attention, trying to make a nice staircase to give their mansion a more modern look.
"So.. you know how on my way back, I stopped by a crafting table to turn the quartz I mined into blocks?"
"Uhh yeah?"
"Well, while I was crafting I saw Tommy and Tubbo on the ground. And I saw something very peculiar.."
Skeppy paused with his building for a moment and looked at him. "Go on?"
"Tubbo was doing something to Tommy, but I don't know what he was doing. I don’t know how to describe it other than he had his hands on him."
Skeppy frowned a bit, not knowing where Bad was getting at. "What? What do you mean? Was he hurting him or something?"
Bad eyed to the side and thought about it. "No, I don't think it was anything like that. Tommy was laughing a lot so he didn't seem like he was in pain.. I guess?
"Laughing.." Skeppy started slowly, trying to put the pieces together. "So you mean that you saw Tubbo tickling him?" He watched as Bad tilted his head in confusion.
"Tickling.. You know, when someone tickles another person and..?"
A moment of silence has passed as Bad still held that confused look on his face. "Wait a minute. You don’t know what that is?"
Skeppy was absolutely dumbfounded. "What?! You seriously-.. How?!"
Bad's tail twitched nervously as a tinge of red appeared on his face. "I-I don't know! This is probably the first time I'm hearing this word Skeppy!"
Skeppy took a moment before continuing. Now that he thought about it, Bad did grow up in the Nether. It may not be too far fetched to assume that stuff like this just never happens. On top of that, English isn't the demon's first language either. It's believable that he's never heard the word "tickle" either.
"Does this mean you've never been tickled before? Not even when you were a child or..?"
Bad shook his head. "How does tickling even work?" He asks ever so innocently.
"Oh god how do I even.. Uh, you see.. tickling someone basically means that you.." Skeppy warily puts his hands up, struggling to come up with an explanation "..use your fingers.. to touch someone where it makes them laugh."
Bad thought back to when he saw Tubbo tickling Tommy. "Okay.. but why do they laugh? I don't get what's so funny about someone's touch."
"It's not that it's funny. It's because it feels.. tickly or tingly or.." Skeppy lightly facepalms. "I'm really bad at describing it. It's like one of those things that people generally know about, that it doesn't need to be explained."
"So what you're saying is if I touch, um, if I tickle your shoulder, that means you're going to start laughing?" Bad curiously put a hand on Skeppy's shoulder.
"Uhh that's.. not exactly how it works."
"Hmm.." Skeppy can see the genuine confusion in his face. Bad doesn't even know how to tickle, or what it even felt like. Skeppy’s eyes widened as a smile appeared on his face. This gives him an idea!
"Actually, why don't I just show you! That would be way easier than just trying to explain it!"
"Show me?" Bad's tail wavered in the air for a bit.
"Yeah! I'll show you by tickling you! ..If you're okay with that?"
"Oh! ..Hm.." Bad wasn't sure about it. He thinks he feels okay with it, but he's never been tickled before, so he doesn't know. Then again, it didn't look like it was a bad thing. Right?
Skeppy could tell that Bad was uncertain, so he gave him a patient smile."If you end up feeling uncomfortable, I'll stop tickling you. All I'm going to do is a demonstration, okay? Think of it as a test! Do you trust me?"
Bad smiled and nodded as his tail continued to swish from side to side. A demonstration sounded fine to him, and he trusted Skeppy. He would never purposely harm him. "Okay, I'm okay with it."
"Alright then! Keep your arms up and try to stay still!" Skeppy grinned wanting to jump right in.
"Just lift your arms up a little bit." He giggled.
Despite not seeing the point of this, he did as he was told, standing still while Skeppy was contemplating where he should start. "You see Bad, when you tickle someone, you have to go for specific areas like riiiiight here."
He began by lightly poking and prodding Bad's stomach. Bad didn't know what he was expecting, but he let out a small gasp when he started feeling.. a strange sensation.
This new sensation was pleasant yet somehow unbearable. For some reason he had the urge to laugh, feeling the sniggers build up inside his chest.
Skeppy observed Bad. Seeing that he was slightly squirming with a wobbly smile on his face, he beamed. Bad was ticklish!
"Come on Bad hold still! I'm trying to show you how this works!"
"I'm t-trying." He broke into a grin. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand still. He was slowly moving backwards, not that it mattered anyway. Skeppy would follow, not making the tickling disappear.
"Skeppy, ihit feels strahange." Bad felt his back being pressed up against the wall as titters started to pour out of his mouth.
"Good strange or bad stange?" Skeppy chuckled a bit while scribbling his fingers on Bad’s stomach.
"I.. Ihi dohon't know?" Bad answered truthfully. Skeppy only smiled at him. Since Bad didn't ask for him to stop, he took it as a sign that it was okay to continue.
"Hmm.. Let’s try another spot then?" He stopped tickling his stomach and moved to his sides. The reaction was almost immediate.
"Oooo now we're talking!" Skeppy couldn’t help but smirk.
The tittering turned into squeaky giggling as these tickly sensations became stronger. His face was starting to flush up and even his tail was being twitchy. Skeppy started giggling along with him, seeing the adorable state that he’s in. “It looks like this is a good spot for you Bad!”
"Skehehehee! Ihihihi cahahan't!" His knees gave up as he slowly slid down to the floor. “Curling yourself up on the floor isn’t going to help you Bad.” Skeppy teased, and it turns out that he was right. He was still helplessly giggling as Skeppy was attacking his sides.
“Hey wait a minute. Didn’t I tell you to keep your arms up mister?” Skeppy decided to grab one of Bad’s hands, lifting it up above his head. He was tickling his now exposed side with the other hand.
“Wahahahait! I'm sorreheehee!” Bad squirmed for a bit and tried to pull his lifted up hand away from Skeppy’s clutches. He was also trying to bat Skeppy’s merciless fingers away with his other hand. None of that was very effective.
Skeppy couldn’t really help himself. He always loved toying with Bad, and this was a fun new way to do it. “Uuuup annnd dowwwn annnd uuup annnd dowwwn and-” Skeppy felt Bad go limp, his giggling becoming more squeaky and high pitched. Even his tail was wagging on the floor.
“Are you enjoying yourself Bad? I’m gonna move to the next spot now. You’re okay with that?” Bad was covering his face with his free arm, but he saw him nod even though he was such a giggly mess. That was surprisingly adorable to Skeppy, giving him permission to tickle him silly.
Skeppy was caught off guard and, cackling at that embarrassingly loud squeal. "What the fuck was thahahat?!" Skeppy apparently found a sweet spot. He was pinching both of Bad’s hips. Bad let out another squeal before dissolving into hiccupy high pitched laughter.
"LAHAHAN- *hic* AHAHAHA!" The poor guy couldn't even get his language remark out. His tail was spazzing out, hitting the wall and floor repeatedly with small thuds.
"Awww Baaad!" He cooed. Skeppy didn’t know what was cuter. Bad’s hysterical laughter or the fact that Bad is holding still while covering his face with both hands. “You know, I think you should laugh more often Bad. It’s cute.” Skeppy started drilling his thumbs into Bad’s hips, making Bad’s laugh nearly silent.
"Awe does it tickle too much for youuu? Is the wittle badboyhalo too ticklish?" Bad swears that Skeppy was making this worse the more he talked as he felt his face get even warmer.
"YeheHEE YEHEHEHEHES! ..*hic*"
Skeppy giggled a bit at his honesty. "Aw, how cute." His fingers skittered across Bad's stomach and sides, making him let out a whinny squeal. It was a little bit of break for him since his laughter became less intense.
After a few more seconds, Skeppy slowly came to a stop. "Okay okay, I think you had more than enough.”
Bad was catching his breath, slightly laughing because of the ghost tickles. He was hiding his face in his hoodie, leaning against Skeppy. "You were having fun, weren’t you, you muffinhead."
Skeppy giggled in response as he hugged him. "I'm sorryyyy. Did I go too far?"
“That was.. a lot. But I guess that wasn’t so bad..” Bad admitted. “So what you’re saying is, you liked it?” Skeppy grinned. Bad peaked out of his hoodie before responding. "I uh.. I thought that it was interesting and I didn't.. hate it."
"Dude you totally liked it. It was kind of obvious since your tail kept wagging."
"Wh- No it wasn't!"
Skeppy laughed as he saw Bad's flustered face. "Yes it was. Now come on, let's finish building already!" He pinched Bad’s side making him squeak before standing up and offering a hand.
Bad let out an embarrassed “grr” before he took Skeppy’s hand to help him stand up. A few more seconds of silence and passed. Then, Bad suddenly had an important question in mind. He asked Skeppy the moment he thought about it.
"Hey Skeppy, are you ticklish?"
Skeppy hasn't denied something so fast in his entire life.
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uglypastels · 4 years
To the Beat // drummer!Tom 2/2
(a/n) and, as promised, here’s part 2! again big thanks to @duskholland and @captainpeggy40 <333 but a quick reminder, that i don’t often write smut, i don’t really know shit about writing smut so i actually had no business doing it... but i did it. so enjoy :) just, if its bad, don’t come for me
word count: 9117 words of filth tbh
warning: SMUT, i don’t even know what to specify. just.. 18+ okay but also, some fluff and humor cause i live by that
Please reblog if you liked it so more people can see it <3 and if you want to see more of this au, send an ask or dm <3
Read part 1 here <---> extra headcanons here
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“It looks good on you,” he commented when you met at the door. 
“Thanks,” there was the heat up your cheeks again. “And thank you for everything else, I had a really great night.” you were about to take the hat off to give it back, but he stopped you.
“It doesn’t have to end here, darling.” He said softly. For a second, it felt like your heart had stopped altogether. How you hoped he would say that, and then he did. 
“What do you want to do?” 
“I live a block away. We can- I don’t really know what we can do, to be honest.” He admitted, making both of you laugh. 
“Your place sounds good,” and you stepped aside for him to lead the way. Tom opened the door but almost stopped when he saw it was raining. And it was raining hard. It had escalated from the moment you had looked out the window. Then you realised he didn’t have a jacket and was only wearing that tank top. 
“I would offer you my jacket,” you said, “but I don’t think you would fit it… and I don’t have one.” You came to realise like the genius you were.
“I guess we’ll have to run for it, then.” He held out his hand. You didn’t even hesitate and grabbed it. Clutching on to the shirt and CD, you ran alongside Tom, across the street and then following it to the next right. It wasn’t really a run, but definitely a trot. The rain poured down on you, quickly soaking through all your clothes. By the time you had reached the door of his apartment building, your hair was sticking to your face, and you both looked like drenched cats. Tom grabbed his keys and unlocked the door as quickly as possible, letting you go first. 
You leaned against the wall and let your breathing calm down. He did the same against the door. There was a second of silence before you started laughing. What was so funny? Neither of you knew. It just felt nice and like the right thing to do after running through the rain like idiots. Oh, so that’s what was so funny.
“Right, this way,” he pointed up the stairs. “I would suggest the elevator, but it hasn’t worked in like five years, I think.” 
“Stairs are fine,” you said, already walking up. 
“Wait until the fourth floor. Cause I’m not carrying you.” He joked, and you giggled, putting away the thought of him holding you in his arms and carrying you up the stairs into his home… and kissing you… throwing you onto the bed… FOCUS! 
“Woah!” you almost missed a step, but luckily Tom caught you just in time. 
“You okay there?” 
“Yeah, just a bit slippery,” you tried to excuse your clumsiness, hoping that the fact that you were soaked from top to bottom would help. It did. Still laughing at you though, Tom helped you up and from then on you walked side by side. All the way up to the sixth floor. As exhausted as you were, you tried to play it off cool. 
“Here we are.” He tapped on the door with his whole palm, and for a second you thought someone would open, but then he pulled out his keys again. A moment later you were walking into the flat. You couldn’t see much in the dark, but Tom quickly turned on the lights. It was a nice looking place—big living room with an attached kitchen. On one side there were two doors, which you assumed were his bedroom and bathroom. It was clean, but here and there some items were misplaced or left behind, making known that there was indeed a person living here. 
On the wall closest to the entrance, you noticed pictures hanging. Most were of Tom and his friends and family. One stood out to you. It was an adorable little dog, smiling at the camera. When you looked over to the living room again, you noticed a red dog bed next to the couch with a bunch of squeaky toys. 
“You have a dog?” you asked, already excited to see a puppy. 
“Yeah, she’s called Tessa, but she’s staying with my parents and other brothers for the weekend since I would be out of the house for most of the time.” 
“Ah yeah, that makes sense-” you had been looking around, not paying too much attention to Tom himself in all honesty. But then you had turned around and froze. There was Tom. Shirtless. He looked at you, slightly concerned and confused as to why you looked like that. You just had no idea what to respond with. There he was… six-pack and- and everything, in all its glory. His arms were still shining from the rain. Was this actually real? 
You hadn’t noticed it before, but without the shirt, you saw how he had been wearing a necklace. A thin silver chain with some sort of charm on it that from a distance looked like a coin. He had been in the middle of fixing it when you turned around. So, there was that flexed arm to add to the things that broke your mind momentarily. 
Tom stared at you, looked down at himself, then back at you. He was about to look behind himself, probably to check if there was something wrong, but then realised. 
“Oh..OH. Shit.”
You were still speechless. 
“See, I did not think this through. I was just gonna change my shirt.” He showed you the wet piece of cloth that was once his loose tank top. “Do you want something to wear? I don’t want you to catch a cold.” Now that you mentioned it, you were starting to shiver. 
Your throat dry, you tried to mutter out, “uhh, yes. Thank you.” He nodded, walked past you and disappeared into the room you suspected to be the bedroom. He was gone for a bit, but when he came back, he was already changed. You had to hide your disappointment that he had put on a shirt, but the grey sweatpants made up for it in a way. Fuck. 
“Here,” he handed you some clothes. “It’s probably not the best outfit, but it should keep you warm.” 
“Thank you.” you grabbed the clothes from him. “Can I change in there?” 
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead.” He got out of the way, but you only took a step before he repeated something. “Do you want anything to drink?” 
“Uhm, sure. Tea?” 
“Coming right up.” and he went off to the kitchen to set the kettle. You walked, uninterrupted, to the other room. It was, like assumed, the bedroom with not much there except for a closet and a large bed. It did look really comfortable though. And made up. You wished your bedroom looked this clean. 
You took off your wet clothes, which was quite the challenge since it all stuck to your skin and your jeans wouldn’t budge from their place. The clothes Tom had provided were some shorts that seemed like he used for training or whatever exercise he did and a sweater. You had wanted to wear your new Winter Solstice t-shirt but, of course, that had soaked through as well. So, you put on the sweater and knew immediately that that was the better choice. It was soft and warm. Plus, the idea of wearing his clothes was also touching to the heart. 
You walked out of the room as Tom was pouring the boiling water into two mugs. He looked over at you with a smile.
“How do you take it?” He was opening the fridge, ready to take out the milk. 
“Honey and lemon, but it’s fine if you don’t have that.” you quickly added. 
“Please, you’re talking to the tea expert here.” He took out a bottle of lemon juice, the same out you always buy you noticed, and a jar of honey from the cupboard. As he did that, you looked around some more in the room. The large leather couch was definitely the centre point of the room, with the large tv in front of it, accompanied by a PlayStation. There was a bookcase filled with… well, books, but also CD’s, records and different little things between them. You looked around, hoping to find a drum set somewhere, but there was none. Which made sense. You didn’t expect the neighbours to be too fond of drumming as a pastime hobby. 
“We practice at Harrison’s place. He soundproofed his place.” Tom explained, seeing how you were looking around cluelessly. He handed you your cup as you both sat down on the couch. Fearing for your tongue, you carefully took the first sip, but it was surprisingly pleasant. He must have poured in some cold water to cool it down, just the right amount too. As soon as the tea got into your system, you felt the warmth go through your entire body. It was absolutely fantastic.
Still, you had to admit, it was a strange situation. Never would you have imagined to go to a concert and then, later on, go out for a late-night meal with the drummer, and now to be drinking tea on his couch. 
“You don’t do this often, do you?” You quizzed. Tom looked up from his mug. 
“Do what?” 
“This. Take a girl out to eat, bring her home, undress in front of her… make her tea.” you elaborated on your question. 
“The tea making, yeah, that’s new.” He sipped his tea with a slurp. 
“Well, I’m glad to be the first then.” You knew he had meant it jokingly, so why not just go along with it? 
You drank your tea together in silence. It all had this strange domestic feeling that was very nice, but by far not what you thought would be doing with Tom that night. But eventually, the tea had been drunk. You were sitting on opposite ends of the sofa. At one point you had put your legs on top of his. You could see that he was thinking about something. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” you asked. He had been staring at the coffee table, mumbling the Flintstones theme song to himself and tapping his fingers along to the melody on your leg. You had clearly pulled him out of a trance. 
“Do you wanna dance?” 
“Sorry, I was just thinking, we can sit here the whole night until we fall asleep, or we can put on some music and dance. Just a suggestion.” He was full of surprises, this guy. 
“Yeah, sure.” You got up and pulled him by the hands to follow you. “Sounds fun. Pick a song” You thought he would just get out his phone and get a Bluetooth speaker, but boy were you wrong. He moved over to the bookcase with his music collection. You tried to look over his shoulder at what record he had picked, but he pulled it out of the sleeve quickly and put it under the needle of the record player. 
As the needle scratched between songs, he walked back to you. The music that he picked was slow, and it felt perfect for the moment as he took your hand in his and let the other softly touch your side. You weren’t the most excellent dancer but knew enough that you had to put your free arm on his shoulder. 
The two of you moved around the room slowly, to the beat of the song. You put your head on his chest and could hear his heart beating along, well a bit faster. You could see his necklace poking out from underneath his shirt, so you let go of his shoulder to pull it out. 
“It’s nice,” you smiled, a bit dazed, playing with the charm between your fingers. You could hear him chuckle a thank you. 
The song was new to you. It was a simple melody, the singing was soft and intimate. As you spun around in Tom’s arms, it felt like the words were speaking to you directly. What was it again? You couldn’t remember exactly. Feeling him so close next to you, everything else was just a blur. Just like when he sang- 
“Wait, is this you?” you looked up at him. He just smiled. 
“Oh my god, it is!” Way to ruin the moment, but the song had already ended, and it was the only one on that side of the small record. “You guys have records?”
“We got ourselves an EP copy each,” he explained, scratching the back of his head. “I hoped you would like it.” 
“I- I do.” 
You looked into his eyes, trying- hoping- to see what he was thinking. They were flickering golden brown in the soft and warm light of the room. Then you saw it. That one sign you were looking for. It was just a fracture of a second. If you had blinked, you were sure you would have missed it. But you did see it. You saw how his eyes quivered down to your lips and back up to meet your eyes again. 
He held your hand in his, the other was on your waist. He pulled you in closer—your chest against his. You could feel how shaky his breath was against your cheek. You lost your battle with self-control as you dared to glance down at his lips. They looked so soft. So inviting. 
And you took that invitation gladly. Pressing your lips against his. He stumbled back a step, not expecting the push. He let go of your hand so he could hold you firmly against his chest. In the meantime, your hands wandered off to his hair. It was still wet from the rain, making it easier for you to comb through it. The kiss itself intensified with each lasting second. 
A sound escaped you as he grabbed onto your leg, just to drag you off to the couch. He sat, giving you easy access to sit on his lap. You sat down with great pleasure. 
If the air wasn’t such a necessity in life, it would have been likely you would have never pulled away, but alas. You parted your lips just enough to stop your lungs from burning. Tom took that moment to brush off a strand of hair behind your ear. A classic little move but you fell for it immediately. The feeling of his fingers against your skin. It felt sinful. It was only your cheek. Just thinking about his touch all over your body gave you that rush to kiss him again. 
As he kept on holding your waist with one hand, the other made its way to your thigh, squeezing it gently. That little gesture made you jump up. Unplanned, was the friction between your and his hips. You couldn’t hear it, but you felt him hold back the moan. 
“Fuck, don’t hold it in,” as frustrating it was to pull away, it had to be said. “Please,” you panted. 
“Whatever you want, baby.” He leaned in to kiss you again, but this time he went lower down to your jawline. You held on to the back of his head and shoulder for support as he kissed and nipped at your skin, moving down to your neck. 
Your body was starting to feel hotter and hotter. The once so comfortable sweater was just an inconvenient restriction at this point. And Tom felt that too. To your disappointment, his hands left your body to tug at the hem of the sweater. Before taking it off, however, he looked you in the eyes. 
“You sure about this?” 
“Yes,” you breathed out. 
“But, if you ever wanna stop, just tell me, okay?” 
“Yes.” How he managed to form full sentences, that was a mystery. You put your arms up, letting Tom take off the sweater. He threw it over the edge of the couch. Not a second later, your lips were together once again. Even though it only had been a minute, two max, it felt like an eternity that you had to get through to touch him again. 
His fingers moved slowly over your body. Every inch he moved, followed with a burning sensation as if he was on fire. Burning you gradually, in the best way possible. One thing just felt off. So, you tugged at his shirt. 
“I’m not doing all the work, babe,” he said with a grin. You rolled your eyes at his comment, but it wasn’t as if you really minded undressing him. You grabbed the shirt and slowly pulled it up to his chest. One by one, his muscles showed themselves, and you had to control the urges that started building up in the pit of your stomach. You pulled the shirt. Tom already had his arms up, ready to get the fabric off. If only he knew about your plan that started forming in your head.
The hem of the shirt just touched his lip when you put it in his mouth. He was about to spit it out, but you stopped him. 
“Just wait, okay.” He kissed his cheek sweetly, making him roll his eyes at you. As slowly as possible, you slid off his lap. He wanted to make a grab at your hips, but you pushed his hands off… with difficulty, cause fuck, if it didn’t feel right to have him touch you. 
The only way to let him leave you alone was intertwining your fingers, and letting your hands fall to his sides. He saw how you planted your feet on the ground so to make it easier for the both of you he spread his legs. It was a golden sight. With a big smile on your face, you leaned in, kissing his chest. It immediately received the reaction you hoped for. With the fabric in his mouth, Tom groaned softly, but still very audibly in the quiet room. When you looked up, you saw him tugging at the shirt as he tried to pull his head up, tensing his jaw. He could have just spit it out if he really wanted it gone… but he didn’t. 
Thought it safe, you let go of his hands. They stayed in place next to his thighs. You moved closer to him to continue the feather-light kisses along his smooth skin. With each touch, his chest heaved in deep and heavy inhaled. You kept going. Kiss after kiss, moving lower and lower. You couldn’t help it but lick down that line of his abs, across that gorgeous tummy of his. And it was good too, rewarded with a beautiful growl from Tom. You could have said it was the best thing you had heard that night, but you had listened to a lot of good things that night… and who knew what was still to come. 
You left one last kiss below his belly button, exactly to meet the elastic band of his underwear. A part of you wanted to snap it, but that felt a bit too cruel considering you almost made him swallow his shirt. You looked up again. It was a magnificent sight, Tom holding that hemline in his mouth, gritting his teeth as his chest moved up and down, needing and hoping for a release. He looked down at you too, and his eyes were black with lust. You could see him clenching his fists. 
That was a sign of continuing. Unlike before, you quickly started to unbutton his trousers. You were too focused on your little task to look at Tom, but you saw him roll his head on the backrest of the couch. You unzipped the pants and pulled them down with a few tugs. 
You almost felt bad seeing how hard he got in those few moments. Almost. Just a little bit more teasing wouldn’t hurt, right? Tom had other ideas. He pulled out the shirt from his mouth, tugged it off in one swift move, and threw it behind him. He glared down at you. “I swear if you don’t suck me off right now-”
“Or what?” you challenged him. This clearly took him aback, but only for a second. Then, this twinkle in his eye appeared, telling you that there was not a saint thought in his mind at that moment. He leaned over, only an inch away from your face. His words were like a high, each one giving you precisely the right rush of adrenaline you needed. 
“Suck my cock, Princess, or I’ll just have to fuck that pretty mouth myself.” 
And you were gonna let him, but a more significant part of you didn’t want to give up that easily. So, for now, you let out a soft whimper and nodded. Tom kissed you softly on the lips before sitting back up straight. He looked like a king on a fucking throne, with that proud and smug grin. It was giving you the greatest pleasure to ruin that little moment of his. 
You palmed him through his boxers, moving your hand up and down, then leaned in yourself to kiss it, still through the fabric. Tom hissed out a moan, and right then, you knew you were golden. One more little kiss and you reached out for the border of his underwear. You were about to pull it down- 
And then you got up. 
“What the fuck-”
“I’m gonna get some water, I think.” And just like that you hopped over to the little kitchen and grabbed yourself a glass. As you were pouring yourself the water, you could hear him shuffling his feet out of his trousers. You could hear him walk up behind you. As you were about to touch the brim of the glass against your lips, you felt him push against your back. His hard-on was more than evident. He moved his fingers into your hips as he whispered into your ear, making your body shake from anticipation. 
“So, you wanna play games, huh?” His tone was nothing but filthy. “You could have just said so, I mean I got Monopoly somewhere in the closet.” His left hand drifted off, moving up your side. You were still holding that damn glass of water, body frozen. 
“Or I could turn on the PlayStation, whatever you want darling.” He kissed you just below the ear. His hand was sliding across the valley between your breast, tracing up to your neck. 
“Hmm, tell me, what do you want?” 
“I- I-” you couldn’t think straight. With him talking like that and his soft touch, it was too much. 
“Speak up, baby.” 
“I want...Aah!! What the fuck!” Suddenly his touch was gone, and you felt something ice-cold cover your torso. You had still been holding up that glass of water, and when Tom got close enough, he tipped it over with his finger, letting all the cold content spill out on you. Goosebumps formed all over your body, and you shrieked out in pure shock. 
“Oops,” he giggled and pecked you on the cheek. Before you could say another word, he was walking away, in the direction of his bedroom. Not looking around, he held up his hand. 
“Counting to four and then you better be here, without those ugly shorts.” 
“They’re yours,” you said as he opened the door, still shivering from the cold water. He opened the door and was gonna close it but then quickly said-
“So? I have horrible taste. Take ‘em off, darling,” and he closed it. You could hear him count from the other side. 
You quickly pushed off the, indeed, not great looking shorts. 
You started walking up to the bedroom. The butterflies in your stomach had left the cage and were going crazy. 
Almost at the door. 
You opened it. There stood Tom. He didn’t even hide the way he was checking you out. In only a bra and panties, there was little you could hide behind, but you tried to fight the insecurities. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” He said before striding your way. Grabbing on to you, he kissed you passionately. You felt his hand in your hair, so you mimicked it. For the rest, you had no idea what was going on since you had closed your eyes. You let all the other senses speak for themself—his soft but harsh touch; the way you could still smell the rain on him—the sweet taste of honey and tea on his lips. You could hear the little grunts and whimpers escape the both of you as he slammed you against the door with a thud. 
Then he grabbed your leg, signally for you to jump. You did without hesitation. Arms around his neck, fingers tangled into the hair at the nape of his neck. You kissed him feverishly. The fact that he was holding you up with only one hand hadn’t even caught up to you. The hand that was leaning against the door next to your face was not even registered by your addled brain yet. 
Feeling the need for air again, you pulled away. Your foreheads were leaning against each other as you both inhaled deeply. 
“What happened to fucking my mouth, Tommy?” You quipped. Tom was staring down, looking at how your chest heaved deeply with every breath. 
“Would take too long,” he said, now looking up into your eyes. “I thought it would be better to just straight up start with your sweet little cunt.” He growled into your ear. Before you could say anything in response, he kissed you again. 
His words were still spinning around in your head as he pushed the two of you away from the wall and carried you across the room to the bed. You could feel his erection against you, hard as a fucking rock. Why did you pull away from him on the couch? 
He put his knee on the mattress before letting you drop. It made you think back to just a few hours ago, how you had fallen down on to your own bed, contemplating whether or not to go to some dumb concert… now look at you. 
Your head touched the soft bedding, but your legs were still around Tom’s middle. He grabbed your legs and spread them just the right way so he could lean closer to you. 
“You look so fucking hot, right now.” He groaned as his teeth grazed your neck, making you arch your back. He pinned you back down on the bed. 
“Seeing you in that crowd, you know how hard it was for me to concentrate?” At this point, he had your arms above your head, holding them tightly. He kissed your jawline and moved up to your ear, tugging at your earlobe just that little bit, enough to make you quiver. You didn’t realise he actually wanted an answer until you felt the harsh sting of him slapping your thigh. Just enough to send that spark up to where you needed him the most. 
“Fuck,” you moaned, “No, Tommy, I didn’t.” 
“Hmm, thought so. But I saw you staring at me. Checking me out, huh? I had to really control myself to not just grab you and fuck you out there, right on my drumset.” His free hand, the one that wasn’t holding back your arms, was getting closer to your pussy. Your entire body was pulsing and shaking, needing for him to do something. Anything. 
“Just imagine that, Princess,” he was whispering into your ear again, “you bouncing on my dick, in front of all of those people.” 
“Fuuck,” you had never been much into exhibitionism, but hearing him speak like that, everything sounded good. 
Suddenly you felt his fingers move over your underwear. It was just for a moment, him passing through from one thigh to the other, but it was enough to have you moan out his name in need. 
“Tsk, behave, darling,” he kissed your forehead. So sweetly, it almost seemed as if he wasn’t about to fuck the complete hell out of you. “You’re gonna behave for me, right?” 
“Yes. Just please- please do something.” You pleaded, which gave great pleasure to Tom. 
“Good to know we got that little attitude from earlier sorted out, huh? I really didn’t want to punish you.” He didn’t? So what the hell was this torture? Of course, it all felt amazing, but if he would cross his fingers one more time next to your clit, you might actually explode. 
“Now, I think I’m going to finger your little pussy, okay Princess,” He asked with that sweet tone. You could feel his fingertips move across the fabric of your panties. “Yeah, I think you’d like that huh, look how fucking soaked you are.” With his thumb he pressed over your clit, moving down through the slit. You moaned out, finally feeling some kind of relief from him. 
He kissed your neck as he finally moved your underwear to the side. 
“You’re so pretty and needy, you know that?” he said, smiling. You nodded your head, biting your lip in anticipation of what he was gonna do next. You had your eyes closed and opened them for a moment. Tom was right above you. He sent you an air kiss for extra measure. You tried to focus on his eyes instead of the sensation you felt every time one of his fingers was getting closer to push into you. Still, whimpers escaped you. Which he enjoyed immensely. 
Then he finally did it. Two fingers, deep inside, stretching your walls. You moaned out in pure relief, ecstatic to finally feel something inside you. Tom let you adjust for a second until he started to move slowly in and out, making momentum. Not that he forgot about your clit. Oh no, he rubbed it until you were seeing stars in front of you, 
“I’m going to let go of you, alright?” You were ready to nod at his question, but he added more on to it. “But since you do like playing games so much-” here it comes, you knew it, “let’s make it a bit of a game. I’ll let go of you, and then you got, let’s say, three seconds to pick a new place for them. And then you better stick with it too, cause I don’t want to see you move until you come, understood?” 
“Yes, Tommy.” you gasped more so than said. 
“Good.” He kissed you but quickly started to move down. You knew what was going to happen, you had been waiting for it. But he was still holding on to you. Right as his mouth had passed your stomach, he let go of your wrists. Without thinking about it, you planted your fingers in his hair. 
“Hmm, good choice, darling.” He mumbled against the skin of your hip. You brushed your fingers through his hair, not sure what else to do while waiting for him to- 
Then, he pushed your panties aside completely. You felt his tongue, and it made you roll your eyes to the back of your head. He held on to your leg with one arm, the fingers of the other were still moving in and out of you. You held on to his hair, holding on for dear life. For a second that thought of possibly hurting him flashed through your mind, but then that melodic groan went through him, and the vibrations of his voice passed through your body like an electric shock. 
He kept moving his tongue in a way that made you sure he was trying to spell something out, possibly his own name, but you simply couldn’t make anything of it. You could barely concentrate on your own breathing, let alone words. 
Tom pulled you closer to him, deeper, making you moan like you never had before. Now, you had your fair share of experience, but he was… extraordinary. He took his time, made sure to give every minuscule part of you the attention it needed. Almost as if he wanted to hit every single nerve and cell individually. You weren’t even sure if he did it for your pleasure or because of his own. 
Did it matter? 
From the way how you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten, clearly not. 
“To-tom.” you gasped out. You were close. So close. But he didn’t need your words to know that. But it wasn’t enough for him. So, instead of going deeper, harder, faster, he sucked at your clit one last time before licking his way over to your thigh. You could have screamed in agony. 
“Tom!” you did. 
You wanted to let go of him and get up. Pull him up to you, maybe get on top even. But you remembered his words. I don’t want to see you move until you come. As much as you wanted to know what would happen if you broke that little rule, you also wanted to listen.
And so, you let out your frustration through digging your nails into his hair, but it had the exact opposite effect on Tom that you hoped for. Any time you would pull, even the tiniest bit, he would grab your thigh even harder, pulling himself to you. And he just kept on toying with you. Playing with your clit until that familiar knot was tying itself up in you, only to pull away and suck another perfect little hickey on your thighs. You had lost count how many times he had already marked you. On top of that, every time his lips would pull away, so would his fingers. Pull out just enough, only leaving his fingertips in you, to get you on that next edge of frustration, to make you beg for more.
“Tom, pleeease,” you begged. Tears were already forming in your eyes. It didn’t help that he would take that stupid necklace of his and put it against your burning skin. The cold metal of the charm always managed to come up against a new mark that Tom had left behind. 
“Tell me what you want, darling,” he said, kissing your sensitive skin between the words. You had to take all the power left in you to form the semi-coherent sentence. 
“I want- want to come. Please, Tom.” Your head was spinning, body flushed and hot, sweat and tears mixing at your temples. 
“You only had to say so.” His voice was the opposite of yours, composed and relaxed. You felt his smirk against you as he left one last kiss on you. The finally- 
The easiest way to describe it was that he had gone wild. Animalistic. He devoured you as if he was a starving man, and you the last meal on earth. Then there were his fingers, moving at a rapid pace, but still so steady. You could feel it nearing. So fucking close. You couldn’t hold it in any longer. Your legs were shaking, and all your other muscles were practically rigid from how tense you were. You needed to let go now. Feel that release at last. 
At last, yes. With a scream, you felt it all relax. Your body came undone in a wave of pleasure. You were melting into the bed, Tom being the only thing keeping you somewhat conscious of your surroundings. 
You tried to concentrate on the feeling of his lips, licking one final line over your clit. It shook you to your core. You whimpered, not being able to take much more. Your body went limp, you let go of his hair. 
“Shhh,” he was moving up. Kissing your body, snaking his way back up to look into your eyes. The cold touch of the necklace followed behind. You opened your eyes, but everything was blurry. After blinking a few times, you could finally see him, drenched in your juices, with the biggest grin on his face. 
He parted his lips just the tiniest bit, and you followed him blindly. You felt his fingers on your lips and without thinking, put them in your mouth. The taste of yourself, together with the feeling of his fingers tasted like the best damn thing ever. 
“That’s right,” he kissed your tear-stained cheek, “you’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
You nodded, closing your eyes. It was all too much, you had to cut off one of your senses before it was too late.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you looked right now. So fucked out- and I haven’t even had my good fun with you yet.” 
You wanted to protest, but it was too difficult to speak. Besides, your fingers felt too good in your mouth to let them go for some pathetic little words. It wasn’t worth it. 
But like all good things in life, it had to end. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth. Having no control left over your body, you let a whine escape you at the loss of touch. 
“Christ, you’re needy,” he said before kissing you deeply, but shortly before he finished his statement. “I love it.” His hands were roaming your body. He held up your leg just so he could get in the position to squeeze your ass. 
“Hold on to me, baby,” he murmured between another kiss. You did your best, still feeling no energy in your limbs. You crossed your arms behind his neck, feeding on the kiss for the strength to move. He held you as he pulled the both of you up to sit on the bed. And he kept holding on to you when he thrust his right hand to your back, to the strap of your bra. He moved his fingers around, looking for the clasp. Even in your dazed state, it made you laugh a little. 
“It’s upfront,” you mumbled, kissing the corner of his mouth. He moved away to look at you, confused. You pointed down at the front of your bra. 
“So you’re telling me,” he flicked it open, letting your breast basically spill out in front of him, “I could have had this view this whole time? Fuck!” He pulled the straps down your shoulders to take it off.
“Sorry?” you said, not sure if you really needed to apologise. 
“No, don’t be.” He threw the bra to the floor. Almost on the spot where you had changed. It really wasn’t that long ago, but it felt like it. Had you thought of this happening when you put on his sweater? Maybe? In a sense. It was an option. But nothing would have prepared you for this. 
How could you have even thought about sitting on his lap, your legs around his waist, your arms on his shoulders, as he held you? Because of this, this wasn’t just some simple fuck. You hoped it wasn’t, at least. The way you held each other and how there was nothing but the passion between you- or was it possible that it didn’t mean that much to him? 
Still, that orgasm he gave you was the best you have had in a long time. So if it was only for the night, then let it be. You could still get a good time out of it, and you would not let your mind ruin this. 
Luckily for you too, Tom’s kisses made you shut off your thoughts reasonably quickly. It wouldn’t even matter if the world had been ending. 
But kissing could only get you so far. And he clearly had the same thought. Panting, his hot breath hitting your neck, he asked you. 
“Are you ready for this, babe?” You nodded. “I need to hear it, please.”
“Yes. Just fuck me already.” 
“Perfect.” with a peck on the cheek, he let go of you and let you slip off his lap. He got off the bed. You sat on your knees, hands next to your legs, looking at him in anticipation. It was insane how he had managed to eat you out while his cock was rock hard. You could see the outline of it through his underwear, leaving nothing, but really nothing, to the imagination. 
You watched him do a little jiggle, making you laugh, before taking the band off his boxer shorts and pulling it down. To say your mouth started to water, would sound ridiculous, but you weren’t so far from that state. He wasn’t too long, or too thick, you didn’t expect it to be anyway, but it looked just right to send you over into another dimension. There was that one vein going along his shaft that you couldn’t get enough of. Unconsciously, you were moving over to the edge of the bed. Just seeing him completely naked in front of you, send your mind into a frenzy. It was a magnificent view. 
What couldn’t go unnoticed was how red the tip had gone, from pure arousal and frustration that he needed to relieve. How badly you wanted to help him. You moved closer to the bed end, he took a step closer to you. He had his hand on his cock but didn’t move a muscle. If he did, you thought, he might have exploded right there in the spot. And what would be the fun in that? 
“Fuck,” he groaned, standing in front of you. “You look so fucking perfect on your knees.” 
You didn’t say anything, just smiled. The energy was coming back into your body, slowly, and you could feel getting that independence back that Tom had so rudely taken away from you. So, without saying anything, you took him in your hand and started to move up and down, not breaking eye contact, well, until Tom’s head rolled back. You couldn’t blame him. 
You kept on stroking him, steadily, leaving kisses every few seconds on his tip. The pre-cum started leaking almost instantaneously, which you gladly used to spread all over his tip, making it much easier to move your hand around. Your kisses in the meantime got sloppier each time, longer. Until you were basically just kitten licking that vein that was taunting you before. 
The sounds that were coming from Tom were adding to the whole experience in the best way. His moans and grunts were sending you to the edge, so far that you couldn’t help but let your free hand wander down and rub your clit. And it didn’t go unnoticed by Tom. 
“Even when sucking my dick, you need more, huh?” He asked as he looked down, right when you had finally put the tip in your mouth, twirling your tongue around it. The fact that you tried to look up into his eyes all innocent like should have sent him flying from laughter, but instead, he put his hand on your head and softly started to stroke your hair. 
“Thought so,” he grunted. His hand stayed in your hair as you let your jaw slack and you made your way down his shaft, all the way till you could feel him touch the back of your throat. His grip got tighter, he didn’t move anything, but you just felt him grab your hair in his fist. Just enough to tell you to move without hurting you. He would have probably said it in words, but when you looked up, you saw how twisted his face was in pure delight. 
You started to move in a paced way, but eventually, it felt too slow for Tom. That hand in your hair came to final use as he began to guide your movement. Letting you practically choke on him every time he moved up with the tempo. You felt the tears coming again as the drool fell from your mouth. You were an absolute mess, but it didn’t bother you one bit. 
He kept going, fucking your mouth just like he had promised on the couch earlier. 
“You know,” he said between pants, “As much as I’d love to cum in your mouth-” he hissed in pleasure when he hit the back of your throat again. “I swear the things you do to me, darling.” 
He let go of you and pulled out. You gasped for air, finally having a free passage of air to come through to your lungs. Tom wiped some of the drool from your mouth before leaning in to kiss you. He closed you in by placing his arm next to you and slowly let you fall on your back again. 
“Jesus,” he panted after the kiss. He looked at your mouth before gazing into your eyes again. You couldn’t imagine that it looked great, with your makeup completely smudged, but he smiled. “Would it be crazy to say that I love you right now?” 
“I’ve heard crazier,” you said back, also out of breath. 
“Oh yeah?” 
You just shrugged. He let out an airy laugh that you could feel against your face. You closed your eyes, just for a second, to enjoy the moment. This small speck of time in the universe, where it was only you and him, where nothing else mattered. Just two strangers having a great time. Would there be more after this? Who was to say? It didn’t matter. Not to you, at least. 
The little moment was ruined when you heard him curse. Suddenly the weight of the bed shifted, as he moved from hovering on top of you. You opened your eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” 
He was already on the side of the bed, leaning out to reach the drawer of the bedside table. 
“Condom,” he muttered out, still trying to reach it. Not that he could just move up a bit and slide the thing open with ease. He liked feeling you underneath him. And you did too. 
Finally, he managed to open the drawer and had to move up a bit to reach into it. You could hear his patting on the wood, but there was no sound of packaging. 
“Fuck, wait a second.” He got up with a small jump and ran off, leaving you basically naked and alone on the bed. You sat and finally took off your panties. It was no surprise that they were completely soaked. You threw them on the ground next to your bra. 
The drawer was still open, and you bit your lip at the thought of looking inside it. You could tell a lot by a person’s bedside table. And it was already open… just a peek wouldn’t hurt? Right? 
You moved closer to the table and leaned in to look. There was not much inside-just a charger, a book (but it was too dark in the room to read the small print of the title), a glasses case and a small notebook and pen. On the notebook, you saw scratched “WS”. Winter Solstice? Was it possibly lyrics? You didn’t go as far as going into that. 
As you had been looking, you could hear him rummaging through stuff in the room next door, the bathroom. 
Having seen everything there was to see in the drawer, you decided to just lie down on the bed, looking for a comfortable position, but also something that Tom would enjoy seeing when he walked into the room. Right then, the door opened, and Tom walked in. His one hand over his crotch and the other holding a box of condoms. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t find them at first, turned out they were- fuck.” He was looking at the box and hadn’t seen you lying there immediately. When he finally did, he almost dropped the condoms, only catching them with his other hand at the last second.
“You think you can get on your knees for me, darling?”
“I can try,” you shrugged, already turning around. You could hear him curse to himself as he saw you sit there. Then the ripping off the wrapper. He was taking his time for sure, which you didn’t really mind. You just weren’t really sure if your arms would be able to hold yourself up. You could already feel them shaking. 
“I really fucked you up, didn’t I, love?” You felt his cold hand on your ass, squeezing and kneading gently. 
“Yeah, I guess so-Ah,” you moaned as he slapped the spot he had been so gentle with just a second before. At that touch, your left arm gave in, and you lost balance, falling with your face into the blanket. The nicely made up bed now only smelled of sweat and sex and you really weren’t mad at it. 
“Fuck, c’mere,” he groaned, pulling you in by your waist, so your back was against his chest. You yelped out at the sudden movement and looked over your shoulder to look at his face. He was looking down at your chest. Hard nipples begging for attention from his hands and then they finally got it. As he kissed your shoulder, he started to play carefully pull at them, making sure your reaction was nothing but good. He got what he looked for when your hand reached out for his while you moaned. 
Then there was that cock of his, between your legs at this point, teasing you. Tom let go of your chest, allowing you to replace it with your own hand. You tried to ignore the tickling sensation as his fingers danced over your naked body, moving down to your legs. He grabbed his shaft and, for worst or best, slapped your pussy with it. 
“Tommm,” you whined, just needing to feel him inside you. 
“Alright, sorry. I just couldn’t help myself.” He kissed your neck as he finally slid into you. Those two feelings together made you roll your eyes so far back you thought you had gone blind for a moment. He spread your walls and filled you up perfectly, like the strangest fucking puzzle. You reached up to grab his hair again. There was just something about it, how it was so messy and you were the cause of it, that turned you on. And by the way, he smiled as you tugged at it, you could tell he loved it as well.
Tom kept on pounding into you at this perfect rhythm, to no surprise. You wouldn’t have expected anything less from a drummer. He was rough, deep, hitting every spot he needed to at just the right time.  And with every thrust, you felt yourself getting closer. Already so sensitive from the previous orgasm and the way he had utterly destroyed your mouth, there was really not much you needed to get there again. 
But it didn’t mean that he put in any less effort. Tom took each and every thrust with the precision you deserved. He kissed every inch of your skin available to his lips. 
It didn’t take long for you to come undone again. The moans coming from your mouth were all he needed to get there too. The way he groaned into your ear as he came could have sent you going for another round, but your legs were shaking like crazy. If it wasn’t for the way he held you, you would have most definitely fallen. 
His hand fell to your stomach, holding you tightly. Out of reflex, you reached out for it, intertwining your fingers. He pulled out of you. The sudden emptiness in you was the final straw for your legs to give up, your knees spread, making you slide down past Tom’s body a little. Heavy breathing from both of you filled the room—his chest against your back. Your heart beats mixing together into one. 
He held you close to him until you could somewhat control your breathing. He sat down and carefully put you down so you could lay down on the bed. You watched as he took off the condom and threw it into the small bin in the corner of the room. He grabbed his underwear and put it on quickly. 
“Let’s get you something to wear, shall we,” he smiled at the sight of you lying in his bed, exhausted, naked, with the most sheepish smile on your face. You nodded, expecting him to grab the sweater from the living room, but instead, he opened the closet and took a shirt that was folded on the top shelf. He sat down on the bed and helped you sit up as you got the shirt over your head. 
You noticed it was another Winter Solstice shirt, but it had a different design on it. It didn’t have that scratchy writing on it. Instead, the letters flowed smoothly into each other in an intricate cursive pattern. Underneath it, there was a sketch of a crescent moon. 
“It’s a design we think about using if we do any other shows,” he explained before you could ask. “The other one was cheaper so we could get more.” 
“I do hope you’ll play more shows,” you admitted as you lay down on the pillow. You thought he would join you, but instead, he got up. Clearly, he saw the panic in your face because he quickly explained: “I’m just gonna get you some water.” 
“No, stay,” it came out a bit more whiny than you intended it to, “I’m fine.” 
“You sure?” He raised an eyebrow but still sat down next to you. You patted the other pillow motioning for him to join you in the horizontal position, which he eventually did with pleasure. You scooted over to be closer. By doing so, though, the shirt moved up, only just covering your breast. 
Tom put his hand on your side, tapping mindlessly, you focused on it, trying to figure out a pattern, but nothing came to mind. You put your arm under your head for some more support, and you looked at him while his eyes were on your body. He seemed to be deep in thought again, just like back on the couch before you started dancing. His tapping transformed into his fingers moving around over your skin in small shapes. 
“You know,” he said, still drawing little pictures on your side, “I’d really hate for this to just be a one-night thing.” He looked up into your eyes. 
“As long as you make me some more tea again, we’re good.” you leaned in to kiss him through each other's soft laughs. Of course, it wouldn’t be a one-time thing. You didn’t want it to be. You were completely hooked on him. Ever since you had seen him sitting at that bar. To think it was only a few hours ago.
> Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed > please reblog and leave a comment or ask with your thoughts. i love reading them >masterlist and link to taglist in bio
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we-have-bangtan · 3 years
BCO (Bulletproof Crime Org.)
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Theme: Mafia au, poly au, smut, gore
Warning: Swearing, smut, gore, Hobi and Jimin smooch.
Chapter 1 || chapter 2 ||
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She was tempted to smash the window with the tennis ball she had been given in order to stay entertained. She hadn’t realized how boring house arrest was in all these years, she vowed to never let any of her victims go through this.
               She stood up, going to look out the window again, gang members littered the lawn, 2 to the right, 3 towards the corner of the building and 2 more directly across from the window. She’d have a tough time running away, not that she had any plan to do that.
  She felt like Rapunzel in Mother Gothel’s castle, just that here she had 7 mother Gothels. She considered throwing the ball as hard as she could at the two men, one with pink hair and the other with black hair, to the right of the window; just to practice her aim. She decided against it, picking up an apple from the fruit basket Taehyung had delivered to her this morning, preferring to chuck an apple at them instead. 
    She leaned out of the window, aiming with one eye closed and threw it with all her might, the apple she had thrown meeting the head of the one with pink hair, “Heyyyy” the boy yelped in shock, looking all around to look for where the apple came from, he didn’t notice her in the window right behind him.
   The boy with black  hair seemed to convince the guy that he was imagining stuff. The two of them went back to their conversation as Yn smirked to herself, finally some entertainment, she thought as she grabbed the smaller basket on grapes, tossing one of them at the pink haired one again before quickly moving away from the window just as someone knocked on the door. 
   “Come in” she yelled, hurriedly moving away from the window as Jungkook peeked into the room before entering, “Supp” he asked, looking around her room, it was nice, comfortable and bright, it had a very comfortable bed and an arm chair that was a little squeaky, “Same ol’, bored, how long will I be under house arrest?” she asked making the youngest of the boys raise an eyebrow at her.
   “You’ll be under house arrest till your injuries have healed, and the fuck you mean bored, I could literally see you throwing fruits at Yeonjun” he said, calling her out on her bullshit, “yah, what am I supposed to do when I’m bored” she defended, Jungkook walked over to the window as he spoke, “I didn’t say you had to stop, I actually came to join you” he admitted, his eyes fixed on the black haired fellow.
      She quietly dragged a chair towards the window, taking the fruit basket with her as well, handing Jungkook an orange before taking a grape for herself. Jungkook aimed at the dude’s head with all the concentration that he had before throwing the fruit which met with the poor boy’s forehead. 
   “Aish, you blew my cover” Yn huffed as the guy looked up at them. “Ah, don’t worry about it, I can entertain you instead” he assured as he saw Soobin take Yeonjun away from the window to a place out of their range. 
     Soobin would have given anyone else a piece of his mind if they had done that to him but now that it was Jungkook and the boss lady, he would lose his life if he even looked at them wrongly. He’d complain about it to Jin hyung later he decided before going back to his conversation with Yeonjun.
    Jungkook fell back on Yn’s bed as she too moved away from the window to join him, making sure not to put any pressure on her injuries. “I need clothes of my own don’t you think?” she said, looking down at the clothes one of the girls in the compound had lent her, they were nice but not exactly her style.
      “Why, are the ones you have now not enough?” he question taking a moment to look over the shorts and t-shirt she was wearing, “It’s not they aren’t enough, it’s just that they aren’t my style” she admitted as she toyed with the hem of her sleeve. 
  She and Jungkook had come to a mutually understand each other in the past three days. He’d come to the room to check up on her and somehow managed to stay back to entertain her for a while before he’d have to go again. He was a few months older than her and was constantly bugging her about it, he’d whine and groan when ever she didn’t use any honorifics but he had come to the understanding that she was not going to use honorifics with him or anyone in the group.
He was comforting and entertaining and a dumbass at times, but he was nice, he wasn’t the 7th leader of Bulletproof crime org, the biggest criminal organisation in Korea. He was Jungkook, a goofy 24 year old with an addiction to banana milk.
      “We’ll see, I’ll as Namjoon hyung if we can go to the mall, do you have money?” he asked as he got up from his spot to strecth his body a little. “Ayaaa, my card is at the compound back home, I need to sneak in to get it” she huffed, already devicing an action plan on how she would get it back. 
              “You can just open another account you know, no need to go back home, how much was in it anyway?” he asked, worried for her safety although he knew she could handle herself.
        She really didn’t have to risk her life to get a dumb credit card, plus, cash was better than car, it didn’t leave tracks anywhere. Jungkook looked at the pretty girl in front of him, she looked like she was contemplating whether to go or not. He didn’t want her to go, honestly. It was a waste, what if she got caught by her old gang, they’d behead her themselves. “20 million won, and I need to end them anyway, might as well get some work done when I go to get my card” she answered leaving Jungkook’s jaw hanging.
    “20 MILLION WON??????” he exclaimed, “does the bank not get suspicious? how did you even get that much money?” he questioned, eyes wide with concern for the 23 year old. “It’s a bank run by a close friend who will be relieved if I show up there, but I cna’t go to the bank yet, I’m wanted” she explained, popping a grape in her mouth before continuing, “And i get money the same way you do, through deals and private missions” she answered. 
 “Do you have private clients?” he asked, he had never been a private assaissin nor had he ever met anyone who was a private assassin, he was curious about it. “Yeah, most of them are politicians or other gang leaders” she answered, “anyway when is the earliest that I can get out of here?” she questioned, successfully diverting the topic. 
  “Probably in a few days” he answered, being vague on purpose. “Be more specific” she demanded making him chuckle, “Aish, so demanding” he teased, before continuing, “The day after tomorrow, if all your injuries heal properly” he finished, heading to the door, 
   “ Ynnnn holding Jungkook us again I see” Hobi playfully scolded as he brought a bag of snacks to the table, giving her a bag of shrimp crackers that she had asked for when he had told her that he was going to town for business and asked if she needed anything. “Thank you!” she said, grabbing the packet before ripping it apart, “Aish, I didn’t know you liked them that much or I would have bought more” Hobi said watching as the young assassin devoured the crackers two at a time. “You guys literally gave me fruits, which sane person would have fruit as a snack” she accused as Jungkook left the room quietly so he didn’t have the patience for her whining right now.
                      2 DAYS LATER
“I’m free, I’m free, I’m free” Yn yelled as she went into Namjoon’s office, Namjoon just groaned at how noisy she was before asking her to take a seat. “Do you have somewhere to be immediately?” he asked her as the rest of the boys filed in to join the discussion. 
       “No where important, but I need to get my money” she answered, Namjoon nodded, Jungkook had told him about it earlier. “Will you do that before or after your test? and when do you want to take your test?” he asked making her look at him with a raised eyebrow, “can I finish the test now and I can leave for a short while to get my shit done before I come back” she asked, he nodded.
       A gunshot echoed through the compund as Yn moved out of the way, Jimin had fired a wax bullet at her, it wasn’t meant to hit her. Just to warn her. She quickly climbed onto the chair as Namjoon yelled the rules, she could run anywhere in the mansion at the count of three, but the moment she was hit with the bullet she was out, 30 men were out there to catch her, she had an hour and if she passed the test she was eligible to join the gang.
 It was basically a game of tag except that it was 1 against 30 and she didn’t have any weapons either, “Do I get a gun too?” she asked, scanning the room frantically for a way out. “Sure, if you want but it will have only 5 bullets, anyone who gets hit cannot hunt you anymore” Namjoon said, laying out the conditions out for her, she nodded and was quickly tossed a revolver, she checked her ammo before tucking the gun away in her waist band. “Do I get to hurt anyone?” she asked again, gaining a nod from Namjoon.
          She held her breath, hearing multiple guns being loaded, which way to go? should she make for the door? no. Taehyung was guarding it, what about the table? no again, Namjoon was staring at her with a revolver in hand, casually spinning it like it was a toy. She never thought a man with a revolver, ready to shoot her would look that sexyy.
She looked left and right, Jungkook and Yoongi were on one side waiting for Namjoon’s count and it was the same case for Jimin and Jin. “1!” Namjoon hollered as she looked all around the room, she should be prepared, “2!” he counted as her eyes landed on the window, her mouth curved into a smirk, she found her escape. 
  “3!” Namjoon yelled as she leaped out off the chair as high as she could, landing directly in front of the window before jumping over, “GET HER!!!!!!!” Hobi yelled as he barged out of the office chasing after her. 
    Yn’s thigh stung as she landed in the floor below the office, it looked like a sort of library with rows and rows of floor to ceiling shelves full of books, she quickly jamp atop a shelf, laying herself flat aginst it as she dragged herself by her hands to the end of the row noticing Beomgyu not very far away from her. She silently crept down, using the shelves as a ladder to climb down from the top, she clenched her teeth when a few books fell from the shelf she was holding on to.
   Beomgyu turned around to see what the sound was, he looked down at the fallen books with confusion, ‘must have been the wind’ he thought with a shrug turning around when a sharp pain went through his head before blackness enveloped him.
    ‘Heh, weak boi” Yn thought as she rubbed her knuckles, despite how effective temple punches were, they were a bitch when it came to the pain to her knuckeles. Just as she was going to relax from this dumb game she heard Hobi’s voice outside. He was loudly talking to Jimin who was being just as loud. 
    She climed the shelves when she heard them some closer and almost lost her shit when she saw them enter the library, she didn’t want to hurt them or shoot them, yet. She peeped down at them watching as Hoseok went through the library never once looking up before he stop right under the shelf she was on. 
  “Yah, Hobi hyung, what do yout think of her?” Jimin asked as he leaned against the shelf, they didn’t seem to sense her presence in the room. “She’s nice, she’ll fit in well with us” Hobi admitted as he moved closer to him, pushing Jimin against the shelf, Yn almost popped an imaginary boner when she saw them roughly kiss each other. She wanted to look away, she really did, but she couldn’t tae her eyes away from the two of them.
     She made the mistake of trying to get more comfortable, caying the shelf to creak making the two lovers move away from each other, she quickly grabbed her gun, moving as silently as she could as Hobi and Jimin looked around to find her, “Ynnieee, I know your here” Hobi sang as he walked into the row a little away from her, “click, aim, shoot” she whispered to herself as her hands followed the actions watching with glee as Hobi yelped attracting Jimin’s attention.
    Yn quickly jumped out of the window again, climing up the water pipe to Namjoon’s office only to see Yoongi relaxing in Namjjon’s boss chair, a glass of bourbon in front of him, she hung by the window sill, trying her hardest not to be seen as but she felt someone grab onto her leg, pulling her down. She quickly kicked the hand off, looking down to see Jimin with a mischevious grin on his face,   
    “Yah, Jimin-ah let go!!” she yelled as she struggled to maintain her grip on the window sill, Yoongi heard her yell and grinned as he walked towards the window , he looked down at her with a sadistic grin on his face, he looked like Scar from the Lion ing for a moment there, with his hands on Yn’s, ready to push her off just like how Scar had done to Mufasa. 
   “Okayyy super villain, pull me up and I’ll give you like 2 million won” she bribed, kicking at JImin’s hands aggressively, “Make that 4 million and you have a deal” he countered, “how about 3 million instead?” she bargained, giving him an almost blinding grin when he pulled her up. 
   “You better keep that bargain up and don’t kill anyone” he said as he dusted his hands off before retaking his seat.”I swear I will! and I can’t promise that I won’t kill anyone” Yn yelled as she casually strolled out of the office only to come face to face with Taehyung, he gave her a naughty grin, “Gotcha” he said, grabbing her arm, she quickly jabbed at his neck and the unsuspecting fellow fell to the ground with a thud. 
  “I told you not to kill anyone” Yoongi said, peeking from a crack in the door. “He’s not dead” she assured as she made for the staircase, crawling up so no one can spot her. She checked the time in the fancy Rolex that she had stolen from an unconcious Tae, 30 minutes had passed, 30 more to go. 
  She snuck up the stairs when she saw Yeonjun on the other end of the sprawling corridor, quickly preparing her gun she set her aim, steadying her hand before she pulled the trigger, the gunshot was loud and echoed through the compund as the bullet hit Yeonjun in the side, he didn’t seem surprised infact, he tured towards her with a smirk before gesturing for her to look up.
       She tilted her neck to look above her to see seventeen men staring down at her, their guns aimed straight at her, she held her breath as she jamp down thw stairs right as they all fired their guns, she almost got hit more than once but she was quick enough to get out of the way before they could touch her.
  She huffed as she ran down the stairs, scolding herself for not hitting the gym as regularly as she could. She could feel how unfit she was, she was out of breath and panting, she was hungry from all the running around and she realized just how much of her stamina had gone down in the last few days.
   She huffed and cursed as she ran downstairs, but hurriedly crept away when she heard footsteps, she cursed to herself as she hid, holding her gun out incase she might need it. She took a deep breath, waiting for the person to pass her when pain shot through her arm, Jungkook stood next to her, his grip tight on her elbow causing her great pain. She quickly jabbed at his stomach making him let go of her before she grabbed his gun from his pocket, he seemed to be unprepared to catch her explaining why his gun was still in the hollister.
          She pointed her own gun at Jungkook’s head, a grin taking over her tired and sweaty face, Jungkook almost fell for her in that instand, seeing her hold a gun to his head, looking fucking gorgeous with at smile on her face. He steped closer, pressing his head against the nozzle of the gun, Yn instinctively took a step bac only for her back to hit the wall when a sudden yell made them junp away from each other. 
     “You’re supposed to shoot each other, not make out you know” Jin yelled looking down at them from the top of the stairs, he wasn’t gonna lie, he had felt thirsty when he had seen the two of them in that position. Yn pointed Jungkook’s gun at Seokjin and pulled the trigger only for Jin to duck away fromt he bullet, “Stay fucking still” Yn growled as she took aim again.
      Jungkook almost went feral at the sound Yn made. Her gun still pressed to his head. The next shot rang out, hitting Jin in the chest and Jin dramatically fell to the ground holding his heart, “What a damsel,” Yn scoffed as she kicked Jungkook away from her before shooting him with his own gun. 
   Jungkook wasn’t even offended that he had lost the game, he happily hopped up the stairs to join Jin hyung who was going to the kitchen to make a snack for himself, the bright orange stains on their clothes, a batch of both honor and shame.
  Yn looked around the mansion when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around to see Soobin standing behind her with an unimpressed look on his face, “Supp” she said with a wave, “everyone is looking for you, Jimin hyung is convinced that you ran away”  he said, rushing her to Namjoon’s mansion. 
   The boys were quiet surprised to see Yn being shoved into the office, her face puffy and her hair sticking out in every way, thry thought she had ran away. “Where were you,we’ve been lookig for you everywhere” Namjoon said as Seokjin walked towards her to take the revolvers from her, tossing the purple one to Jungkook and tucking the other one in his own holister.
   “Taking a nap” she answered cheekily as Namjoon got behind his desk, “Did you hurt yourself anywhere?” he asked as he pulled out a box from one of the drawers, she shook her head, craning her neck to be able to see what was in the box.
   “Good, because you have a mission” Namjoon said, pulling out a sleek dagger from the box, its handle had a snake design, making it look like the snake was coiling itself around the handle, the sharp blade, glinting in the light. 
    “Yahh, so pretty” Yn said as she reached for the dagger only for Namjoon to pull it back, “not for you, I’m supposed to take a blood oath of loyalty” he said, as he took a hold of her wrist, “Don’t cut too deep” she said as he placed the blade on her thumb, he pushed down on it causing it to bleed before letting a few drop trickle down her thumb onto the paper with the oath written on it, right next to her name.
“Congratulations Yn, you are now a member of the Bulletproof crime organisation, I’ll give you a week to settle all matters outside the organisation.” Namjoon said, putting the paper away.
  “Can I still continue with my private assassinations?” she asked, sucking on her bleeding thumb, “Yes, on the condition that you give 10% of whatever you earn to the mafia and we have a say in which missions you accept” Yoongi said as he too got up to go have dinner. 
 “As long as you don’t push too much, we’re good.” she said, before following him to the dining room. 
    She needed to eat up, she had work to do tomorrow.
A/n: Next chapter will be up whenever I find time to write. <3
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jetaime-jespere · 3 years
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
This is for the lovely @sequinsmile-x on her birthday. I started reading her stories back in December and was a huge fan from the beginning. Fast forward a few months, and I am somehow lucky enough to call you my friend. For all the pep talks, the inspiration, and the laughs- you have been a bright spot of 2021. But I stand true to my word if harm ever comes to Theo Hotchner, you know what’s coming your way ; ) Happiest of birthdays, my friend! Enjoy every moment and all the cocktails.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
The Day After Thanksgiving
The fragrant aromas of hazelnut and vanilla waft through the air as Aaron precariously grips two full mugs of coffee in his hands. He sidesteps a few toys and a pair of shoes that were somehow missed in last night’s cleanup as he carefully ascends the stairs. The coffee threatens to slosh over the edge of the mugs and stain the hardwood floors; he slows his steps and tiptoes past closed bedroom doors. He avoids the squeaky floorboards - he knows exactly where they are by now - and kicks another stray toy against the wall in his haste to get to Emily before she wakes up.
Coffee in bed is a sacred routine for them, one they haven’t abandoned even balancing the demands of three children and two grueling careers. It’s one of Emily’s little pleasures, an act so simple Aaron can’t deny her whenever he gets the chance. That alone is how he found himself awake before the sun rises, rearranging the various pyrex containers of Thanksgiving leftovers to locate the coveted bottle of Emily’s favorite creamer in the fridge. It was wedged behind the cranberry sauce and macaroni and cheese they made for Nora, who vehemently refused to eat turkey. Of course, she’d eaten maybe five bites of her specially prepared dinner before she’d crawled into Emily’s lap in the middle of dinner. Yet it still brings a smile to his face; it’s their first holiday season as a family of five - something they never expected, something they’ll never take for granted.
Read the rest here or on ao3
When he shoulders the door open, Aaron finds her awake, feeding Leo. She holds him at her breast, her head tipped back and her eyes closed. She senses his presence innately, attuned to the softness of his steps as he steps over the threshold of the sanctuary of their bedroom. Emily’s face stretches into a brilliant smile when she sees him, but it doesn’t hide the exhaustion that paints her features.
“He’s awake again?” Aaron sets the mug on the nightstand and kisses her cheek then the top of Leo’s head. “I thought you’d at least get another hour of sleep.”
“He had other plans,” Emily murmurs, lovingly shifting their son in her arms. “He’s almost done.” She reaches for the coffee with her free hand, lifts the mug to her lips. “Thank you for this.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” Aaron watches her finish Leo’s feed with unabashed awe. There’s nothing but adoration in his eyes, amazement at how she handles motherhood with an abundance of patience and grace. There have been ups and downs, tears. arguments and fights, her nerves stretched thin and his worn down. But these moments make it worth it, ones he wouldn’t trade. He leans down to take Leo to give her a break. The little boy’s eyes are already closed, contentedly asleep once again.
“You’re spoiling me.” Emily says with a grateful smile. She rests back against the pillows, eyes closing again. “What was I thinking when I agreed to go Black Friday shopping with JJ and Garcia?”
“Might be good to get out of the house. Away from the chaos.”
“Into a whole new kind of chaos. Garcia means business. I’m afraid of her ambition.” Emily rolls her eyes at the thought of the shared document Garcia had sent to her and JJ - essentially a shopping itinerary, with all the best deals and discounts clearly marked.
“You say it like you’re surprised.” Aaron gently places Leo into the bassinet before crawling back into bed with his wife. “It is Garcia we’re talking about.”
“Maybe I’ll learn my lesson next year.” She snuggles against him, seeking a few extra moments of peace.
Christmas Tree Shopping
It’s scarcely a week after Thanksgiving when Aaron caves to the persistent demands from Nora and Jack, unable to hold them off any longer. Less than an hour later, as the sun starts to go down in the early December sky, the Hotchners find themselves at an idyllic Christmas tree farm in Loudoun County. They’re not the only ones, as families make their way through the maize of evergreen, the air thick with the cloying, yet not unpleasant, scent of pine needles.
“We’re becoming those people,” Aaron grumbles good naturedly, Leo strapped to his chest in a baby carrier. “Jack, please watch your sister!” A few feet ahead, Nora runs excitedly through the trees, clapping her tiny mitten covered hands with joy. But Jack looks just as excited and takes off behind her as they search for the perfect one. It’s a tradition he never had growing up; one he’d only ever heard stories about from his classmates as he swallowed an emotion he only identified many years later as jealousy.
“What kind of people?” Emily carefully picks her way through the grass, her hand enclosed in his. Her head falls onto his shoulder every few feet; they quietly murmur to each other in broken sentences, interrupted every few seconds by one of the kids, yet it’s a language they’ve mastered over the last few years. Glances and smiles, words that speak volumes, little touches here and there.
“Those Christmas crazed people. Pretty soon we’re going to have an inflatable Santa on the lawn or something.”
“Don’t say that too loudly.” Emily gives him a quick kiss, stopping for a moment to adjust Leo’s hat to cover his tiny head. “Nora said one of her classmates has one. She’s already talking about it.”
“Great.” Aaron rolls his eyes. “I bet Garcia has one we could borrow. Probably more than one.”
Emily laughs, lightly smacking him on the shoulder as Nora grabs her hand. “Mommy, Jack and I like this one!” They all stop in front of a tree on a corner. It’s bigger than Aaron anticipated - he has visions of vacuuming pine needles for the next four weeks - and slightly lopsided, with uneven branches and a few gaps in between. Certainly not what you might see in a magazine, and in no way picture perfect, but Nora and Jack are beaming, their cheeks flushed pink in the chilly early evening air.
“Oh, you mean you two finally agree on something?” Emily quips, letting Nora drag her around the base of the tree, listening as their daughter explains where she wants to put her collection of superhero ornaments. “Who would have ever thought?” But when her eyes meet Aaron’s, it’s clear they’re thinking the same thing too.
It’s perfect.
A Lesson In Gift Wrapping
“Damnit,” Emily swears under her breath as the wrapping paper seemingly shreds in her hands. How does Aaron make this look so easy? With her bottom lip between her teeth, she folds another piece of paper around the box, trying to mimic the process she’s seen him do so effortlessly time and time again. It’s not quite enough paper to wrap around the box, and she shakes her head in defeat.
“Of all the places I looked, I didn’t think I’d find you here.” Aaron’s baritone voice shakes her from her trance. He’s leaning in the doorway of the guest room, an amused but loving smirk on his face. The remnants of the day are there - a hint of shadow on his chin, tie loosened and sleeves rolled to his elbows.
“Thought I might get some of this done.” She looks up at him briefly before her attention goes back to the mess of wrapping paper, twisted balls of tape, and gift bows. “There’s a lot still left to do.”
“Did the North Pole finally accept your elf application?” Aaron teases lovingly, pushing the door  open and side-stepping a large pile of gifts that still have yet to be wrapped. “Looks like we’re a little behind schedule this year.”
With a roll of her eyes, Emily pushes a piece of hair out of her face. “You’re home earlier than I  expected.” She glances at the mess around her with a sigh, and her voice softens. “Leo needs to be fed when he gets up. I need to pick up Nora from school and Jack will be home in an hour.”
He immediately catches the tension in her voice. As the early days of December melted into weeks, the never ending hustle was clearly starting to get to her, especially since cases took Aaron out of town most of the workweek. Evenings were full of obligations - practices and errands, weekends packed with as much family time as they could manage. All the rest was pushed to the side, a never ending list of chores that was only added to, never subtracted from.
The team had spent almost a week in Bethlehem Pennsylvania, ironically called the Christmas City, searching for an arsonist that had the entire city on edge. Perhaps the nickname was an eerie coincidence yet nonetheless it was a grueling case. Since he’d gotten home he could sense the stress emanating from her, curling like fog around her. She couldn’t hide it from him; she couldn’t hide anything from him. And while he didn’t ask, he somehow already knew.  “I asked Garcia to pick Nora up to give you a break.”
“What about dinner?”
“It’s already been ordered.” Aaron says easily, settling beside her on the floor. “Pizza sounded good.”
Relief floods her face. “Pizza always sounds good.” She kicks the abandoned box out of the way to wedge herself against him, lacing her fingers through his. “We’ve missed you around here.” It’s honest, an understated relief that only years of intimacy can bring. Her head finds its way to his shoulder; she leans against him.
“We’re finished until after New Years.” Aaron holds their hands up to the light, staring at the bouncing reflection of their wedding rings. “You have me here until January.”
“Lucky me,” Emily says dryly.
Aaron picks up a stray ball of abandoned wrapping paper and chucks it at her. “What do you say we finish wrapping these together?”
“I say,” she begins slowly, eyes darting between the neatly made bed and his own. “We take advantage of having the house to ourselves.”
He makes her come three times before they hear Garcia’s car in the driveway, and twice more after the kids are in bed, for good measure.
A Deal With The Devil
The name that appears on the screen of his ringing phone is one Aaron can’t ignore. It’s terrible timing, but he’s not at all surprised. His mother in law had an uncanny knack for calling at the most inopportune moments.
“Hi, Elizabeth,” Aaron says hastily, pressing the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he wedges the final plate into the dishwasher. He barely got to the phone in time before it went to voicemail, and something tells him she’s only a little miffed about that fact. Elizabeth Prentiss has an abundance of patience for her grandchildren, but not much for anyone else, he’s come to learn.
“Good evening, Aaron,” she says crisply yet not unkindly. In the background he can hear the mellow crooning of Bing Crosby. He imagines Elizabeth with a glass of wine in one hand, a thick book in her lap. “Is Emily around? I tried to reach her earlier. She didn’t answer my call.”
“She’s giving Nora a bath.” He glances upward, the muffled squeals and giggles coming from the bathroom just loud enough to hear from downstairs. At least things have calmed down since dinner . He decides not to mention it’s already been quite an evening around their house, thanks to unfamiliar vegetables and a long day in preschool. “Is there something you’d like me to pass along?” Of course Elizabeth would call on the one night this week he isn’t away on a case.
“Actually, Aaron, maybe you can help me,” Elizabeth presses, and he knows whatever she’s about to say is something that’s already caused a disagreement between her and Emily.
“I can try,” he offers tentatively, choosing words carefully. The very last thing he wants to do is get caught between their fires. It’s never ended well for him.
“You sound tired, Aaron. Are you not sleeping well?”
“We have three kids, Elizabeth,” he counters back. “I haven’t slept well in years.”
He hears a soft laugh on the other line; for a moment he has to remind himself he’s not talking to his wife. Sometimes the similarities between them are uncanny, much to Emily’s chagrin.
He’s wrapping up the call, assuring Elizabeth they’ll figure out a plan that works for everyone yet doesn’t add any additional stress, while simultaneously cleaning the rest of the kitchen when he hears soft footsteps on the stairs.
“You’re on bedtime duty.” Emily appears behind him, leaning against the counter with an exasperated huff. “She’s in a mood tonight.”
Aaron comes to stand behind her, circling both arms around her waist. Her hips fit snugly against the cradle of his own; he rests his chin over her shoulder to nip at her ear. “I just made a deal with your mother.” He doesn’t miss how she tenses against him, a combination of frustration, annoyance, and exhaustion seeping through her body. It’s the first time they’ve been alone all day. He presses a palm against her chest, feeling the beat of her heart under the warmth of his hand.
“She called again? I let it go to voicemail earlier.”
“Just now. She wanted to talk to you. Luckily, you’re off the hook, because I talked to her.” He kisses her neck. He swipes at a few stray bath bubbles that have somehow found their way into her hair. Of all the versions of Emily he’s loved over the years, this Emily might just be his favorite.
“Let me guess. She wants us to come to her for Christmas Eve dinner instead of her coming here.”
“Something like that.”
“Does she not understand we have three children?” Emily grumbles. “I’ve been over this with her. She’s not the one who has to put them to bed on Christmas Eve, you know. It’s a whole different kind of chaos.”
“I think we can figure it out, Em.” Aaron chuckles. He holds her a little closer, voice reassuring and calm. “I made her a deal.” She noticeably relaxes, her body melding against his. Proximity is one of their love languages, the subtle touches an endless source of comfort for them both.
“ Mommy!” Nora’s voice is an insistent, urgent interruption, one they can’t ignore. “Mommy!”
Emily sighs in defeat, the moment of peaceful bliss abruptly over.
“I’ll go,” Aaron says immediately, leaving a trail of kisses down Emily’s neck. “I haven’t seen you sit down all day.”
“Have I told you lately how much I love you?” She presses her hips into his teasingly and turns her head to kiss him. It’s a promise of later, another little luxury they still manage to make time for.
“No, but you can show me once the kids are asleep.” He reluctantly lets her go as he heads in the direction of the upstairs.
“Only if I don’t fall asleep first.”
Visiting Santa
“This is not the smartest idea we’ve ever had, clearly,” Emily mutters under her breath as the crowd around them seems to thicken before their eyes. The mall is packed, full of shoppers and families lined elbow to elbow around a colorful, elaborate display to meet Santa. There’s fake snow everywhere, teenagers dressed up as elves supervising the line and a kids’ rendition of a Christmas song blasting from speakers. “What were we thinking?”
“The same as everyone else in Northern Virginia, apparently.” Aaron finds the small of her back through her coat, rests his hand there gently as Emily pushes the stroller a little to soothe Leo. “Not like we had much of a choice, sweetheart. I’ve been gone all week. When else were we supposed to do this?”
“I could have taken them myself one night.” She looks annoyed and rightfully so, as one of the elves announces it’s time for Santa to take a fifteen minute break.
“And miss all this fun?” Aaron jokes. He’s doing his best to hide his own annoyance, yet the flex of his jaw is a tell-tale sign that Emily spots immediately. “Not a chance.”
They’ve been in line for over a half an hour, and will be for at least another half hour. Beside Aaron, Jack grumbles under his breath and rolls his eyes without even looking up from his Nintendo Switch. He’d obliged reluctantly, partly because Aaron had promised him a new video game if he didn't complain. And from where Nora is nestled in the safety of her mother’s arms, she presses her cheek against Emily’s shoulder. “What if we miss Santa, Mommy?”
“We won’t, honey,” Emily soothes, catching Aaron’s eyes over their daughter’s head of dark hair. It’s the third time she’s asked the question, her dark eyes widening as Santa waves to the crowd before disappearing. “He’s just taking a break.”
“I can’t imagine why,” Aaron mutters under his breath. “Even Santa is over it.”
When they finally emerge from the mall almost an hour later, with three cranky children in tow, Emily passes over the photograph to Aaron. “This is an awful picture,” she snickers behind her gloved fist. It’s true. It was taken at the worst possible moment - seconds after Leo started screaming, Nora’s attention anywhere but the camera, and Jack’s eyes closed. “This is even worse than last year’s picture. We can’t actually display this anywhere, you know.”
“We can give it to Dave. He’ll love it,” Aaron jokes as he tucks the envelope under his arm. “Trust me.”
Twas the Night before Christmas
“Move over, Nora!” Jack elbows his sister squarely in the stomach in an attempt to crawl over his sister to get closer to Aaron. “You’re taking up too much space.”
“Ouch, Jack! Daddy, Jack is being mean!”
“There’s more than enough room for everyone,” Aaron says neutrally and cheerfully. It’s clear he won’t pick a side. “Santa doesn’t want to hear the two of you fighting on Christmas Eve. Last time we checked the radar, he was headed to the United States, wasn’t he?”
From where she cradles a milk-drunk Leo in her arms, Emily stifles a laugh in her fist. She makes a mental note to thank Garcia for showing it to the kids earlier that evening. It’s been the only thing to keep them from completely losing their minds with excitement ever since.
“Nora, why don’t you come sit over here next to Mommy and Leo?” He pats the sliver of space between his thigh and Emily’s, covered in matching flannel pajamas as Emily shifts over.
“Okay, Daddy,” she beams, scrambling off the couch and making a point to stick her tongue out at Jack along the way.
“Nora, apologize to Jack,” Emily cuts in smoothly with a sharp look at her daughter.
The little girl pouts even as guilt spreads across her face. “Sorry, Jack.” She breaks off a piece of the frosted cookie in her hand - the one she isn’t supposed to have on the new couch - and hands it to Jack. “Here.”
“Is everyone ready?” Aaron asks once Nora is settled and Jack has stopped kicking his feet underneath one of the many blankets flung around the couch. “No one needs anything?” He grins at the insistent pleas of both kids, hushes them quietly to avoid waking the sleeping baby on Emily’s chest. “Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…” He begins, as a silence falls over them all.
Emily watches him read, transfixed by the sight of Jack and Nora completely engrossed in the story they’ve heard dozens of times, as if they never have before. Sometimes it still doesn’t seem real that this is their life now. She would have laughed ten years ago if someone predicted her future.
“A happy Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.” Aaron closes the book in his hands, looking between Nora and Jack. “I think it’s bedtime, what do you think?”
There are grumbles from them both as they trip over each other on their way towards the stairs, not without frequent peeks over the shoulder to see if in fact Santa somehow materialized behind them.
“Maybe Santa will bring us a puppy, Jack!"
Christmas Eve
“You think they’ll be disappointed when none of these presents bark?” Emily jokes once they’ve finished setting up the pile of gifts. There’s a bottle of wine between them, and It’s A Wonderful Life plays in the background on low.
“I told them Santa doesn’t carry pets on the sleigh.” Aaron tucks his arm around her and brings her into his chest, dropping a kiss on the crown of her head. “Said it was too dangerous.”
“Did they buy that?”
“Seemed to.” He shrugs. “We might have some explaining to do if Allison and Shane end up getting Jude a puppy, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” In the easy silence the movie stretches on; they share sips of wine and leftover cookies and murmur soft whispers over the final few minutes.
“I love this part,” Emily murmurs as George Bailey reunites with his family in a joyous, tearful reunion and the opening measures of Auld Lang Syne begin to play. She doesn't look away from the screen.
“You love this whole movie,” he teases gently. “You always have.”
“You don’t?”
“I have other favorites. But I’ll always watch it with you.”Outside, the snow has started to accumulate; it’s already formed a blanket of white across the grass, and is covering the trees. It doesn’t look like it’ll be stopping anytime soon.
“This never gets old,” Emily says from where they’re snuggled together on the couch, staring at the Christmas tree and the falling snow out the window. It’s been their tradition to do this since having Nora - set up presents and watch the movie.
They watch the falling snow in silence once again, their fingers linked, heads bent together, enjoying the few extra moments of peace. It’s only when Emily’s eyes drift shut does she realize just how exhausted she really is.
“Don’t fall asleep on me,” Aaron murmurs as she opens them. “There’s one thing left to do.”
“We did everything. We even answered the note they wrote for Santa. We forgot that last year.” Emily stretches as she stands, her limbs aching. “It’s time for bed, Aaron. I’m so tired.”
“Not quite yet, sweetheart.” Aaron is reaching behind the decorations on the mantle for the small hidden speakers, flicking a button. “I think you’re forgetting something.”
“What?” She yawns, not even bothering to hide it. “It’s so late.”
“You remember,” he says, holding out his hand as the music starts.
Emily rolls her eyes good naturedly, remembering just what he means. “Really, Aaron?”
“One dance, sweetheart. Please?”
“I'm tired.”
He rolls his eyes. It’s a line she’s used many times, yet for some reason, she always gives in. In fact, she’s stepping into his arms before she even stops talking.
“That’s what you always say.” He takes her hand and wraps his other arm around her back, drawing her in close. “Yet you always end up right here.”
“Because I love you,” she whispers, following his steps as he takes the lead.
Some soft Christmas jazz starts to play, a sultry sounding medley that might just lull her to sleep. “This is the song you picked?” Emily rests her head on his shoulder as he sways them in time to the music. “You couldn’t have picked anything more lively?”
“Shhhh,” he murmurs, his hand bracing against the small of her back as he dips her down and brings her back up. “Just go with it.”
So she does, letting him move them both around the living room in a series of smooth, even steps. When the music stops, they still for a few blissful, silent moments. Still wrapped in each other’s arms, they’re close enough together to feel the other’s heart beating in sync. “Merry Christmas, Emily. I love you.”
“I love you too, Aaron. Merry Christmas.”
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Painted Nails
Spencer x Female Reader
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Big thankies sent to @zhuzhubii and @clean-bands-dirty-stories for beta reading this!!! Go check them out! This also fulfills my request from @thatsonezesty13 for more sub Spencer!! I have more coming for him as well, stay tuned.
Summary: Spencer’s dom paints his nails for date night and she goes crazy at the sight of them.
A/N: Y’all asked for it!!! This is the one out of three fics people voted to come first. Next up is mismatched then car wash to round out the three.
Warnings: femdom, bruising, marking, leg spreader bar, spitting, begging, praise kink, slight choking, slight edging, cream pie, blanket consent (in the beginning)
Masterlist Word count: 3.5k
The bottle of deep plum colored nail polish sat open on my white vanity, though I wasn’t using it for myself. Spencer’s hand sat delicately in my palm as I painted each nail perfectly, getting him ready for date night. He patiently sat naked on my fluffy white stool as I alternated each finger while standing over him in a black lace lingerie set and stilettos. He was always so good for me, never daring to break any rule that I set for him; he lived to please me. As I finished his last nail I set each palm to sit carefully on the vanity with his fingers spread apart.
“Don’t move sweet boy” I whispered into his ear as I went to go pick out his outfit for the evening. Our walk in closet was mostly filled with my fancier clothes, but to the left side hung Spencer’s nicer cardigans and button ups. My plan was to drive him crazy by wearing a violet colored dress as it was his favorite color, so I decided to go with a similarly colored button up and black cardigan. Moving to his dresser on the other side of the room I searched through the neatly folded clothes to find perfect slacks, socks, and a tie to all match.
He hadn’t moved an inch from where I placed him, being the best sub he could possibly be. I waltzed back over to him with the clothes in my arms ready to dress him and he surrendered his body to me, letting me slip his arms through his shirt and slowly button it up. Draping the tie over his shoulders I expertly knotted the fabric into a perfect half Windsor knot. I always did this every time he wore one, I loved taking care of my sweet boy.
“Thank you m’lady.” He mumbled under his breath almost inaudibly as I finished tying the knot on his solid black tie. My hands wound around the length of the tie and yanked him to my eye level so he could initiate eye contact with me.
“Now I know my sweet boy didn’t just mumble.” My eyes formed a glare as I grabbed his chin with my other hand to reposition him as he tried to escape my eyes.“You know to use your big boy voice when you want to speak to your Duchess.”
“Yes, m’lady. Sorry, m’lady. Thank you, m’lady” His cheeks heated up to form a beautiful blush along his cheeks, he often got embarrassed when I reprimanded him for breaking my rules, he just wanted to be a good boy always.
“Good, sweet boy.” I cooed, loosening my strong grip on the fabric. He let out a slight puff of breath, a silent tell that he was relieved that he wouldn't get a punishment from me tonight.
The silence between us once again surfaced as I finished dressing him, getting him to be the picture of perfection for our date tonight. I stepped back to admire my work, the purple button up I had chosen was set off perfectly by the darker hue of his pretty painted nails. The combo of colors stirred something deep inside me, desire, and I hadn’t even meant to match them so perfectly.
My hands tangled themselves in his hair pulling him down to capture him in a heated kiss, he was caught off guard for a moment, but soon melted into the exchange. Even though my stature was smaller then his I swiftly dominated the kiss, slipping my tongue into his mouth and pulling a deep seated groan from his chest. It quickly devolved into sloppiness, our noses bumping into each other as it became more heated, though he didn’t dare touch me without permission.
Gripping his jaw into my hands I forcefully cocked his head to the side so I could gain access to the column of his throat and suck dark bruises into his neck, adding yet another shade of purple to his attire. When I became unsatisfied with the amount of skin that he was showing I started to forcefully tug at his tie, undoing the impeccable knot I had made earlier. The clothes weren’t coming off fast enough so I tore his shirt open, the buttons popping around me. I did like the shirt, but I needed to gain access to him faster. Soon after he was completely naked besides his boxers; all of the progress I had made to get him dressed was completely nixed, though there was no way we were getting dressed again tonight. In my mind dinner was already cancelled.
I backed him into the edge of the bed and started to pepper hickies further down, covering from the bottom of his sternum up to the edge of his jaw. I pushed down on his shoulders to make him sit perched at the edge of the bed with his feet rooted to the floor. Towering above him I explored his form, adding as many marks as I could to his tan skin while still being careful to not give any relief to his half-hardened bulge, wanting to make him as desperate as possible for my touch. His chest was now laden with hickies, enough that he would have to dig out the concealer I had bought him when we first started dating to avoid teasing from Derek later.
“You look so pretty in purple, I just had to add some more.” The smirk was evident in my voice; I was proud of the petechia that speckled his skin to mark him as my own.
Once I was satisfied that I had painted his chest enough, I moved to capture one of his nipples into my mouth, drawing the second moan of tonight out of him. I carefully bit on the hardened bud while I moved to pinch the neglected other, beautiful whines escaping freely from him now as his hips jutted up from the bed trying to find some relief.
I caught a glimpse of his nails again when he fisted the sheets of the bed. Moving away from his chest, I grabbed one of his wrists letting my gaze fall onto the polish. Instinctively I lurched forward and captured his pointer finger into my mouth as I moved my hips to straddle his. He gaped at me in awe as I began to rock my hips into his own, matching the rhythm with my bobbing head around his fingers.
His bulge was hitting perfectly against my clit building an orgasm slowly from my core, though I decided to pull off and stop before it got anywhere. I still had plenty I wanted to do to him before giving him any release. He sat patiently awaiting my next move, even though I’m sure he would’ve loved to get his release now. The excitement was always better with a significant build up.
“I know I usually tie your hands, but I need them free today to have my fun so we’re doing something different,” I told him while maintaining a stare at his beautified nails. He flashed me an anxious look that would’ve worried me if I didn’t see his pupils deepen in want. I simpered at the look on his face, relishing in the fact that it took almost nothing for him to do anything I wanted. My heels clicked against the hardwood while I sauntered back over to the closet, I shifted through to locate the trunk of toys I had stashed. The trunk held something I had been saving for the perfect day - a leg spreader bar. It suited my mood impeccably. The stainless steel bar was adjustable so I could make him as pliable as I desired. Black leather cuffs were at each end attached to the bar with a delicate but unbreakable chain.
I took a slow walk back while hiding the surprise behind my back; I wanted to build the anticipation for him to an almost unbearable degree. When I finally made my way back in front of him he was sitting at the edge still waiting in bated breath for my surprise. My dominance remained unquestionable even as I sank to my knees, the object still hidden behind my back. I started to press dainty kisses and love bites to his inner thighs causing the bulge in his boxers to grow till he was painfully hard. Swiftly I pulled the surprise out, letting the cuffs dangle in front of him in all its glory.
“This ok Spencer?” Sometimes Spencer got lost in his headspace when I checked in with him, so I always made sure to ask firmly and use his name so he acknowledged me. Anytime I pulled something new for him I always triple checked that he was ok with my actions; I never wanted him to do anything he didn’t want to do just to please me.
“Yes, Duchess.” he whispered breathlessly almost inaudibly with his mouth slightly hung open in the beginnings of a gasp and eyes blown wide with lust.
“What did I say about muttering?” My tone wasn’t aggressive, rather it just held a slight edge to let him know that when it comes to consent I want to hear every word clear as a bell.
“Sorry again Duchess.” His voice clear but squeaky as he cowered at my reaction.
“Do that again tonight and you won’t get a reward.” I simply stated whilst I pulled his boxers down and began to attach the cuffs around his ankles making sure they were snug but not uncomfortable.
“Not too tight?”
“No it’s perfect Duchess.” This time he made sure to keep the volume of his voice up and steady. I started to adjust the bar, leaving it just under its widest position so he could still move his legs inwards just barely.
“Not too wide?” I asked. We had never used this type of apparatus before and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t hurting his hips by pushing them too wide.
“No, it’s perfect Duchess.”
I pushed his chest immediately after his final verbal confirmation until he was laying flat on the bed with his hands at his sides. I made sure to step out of his view as I stripped out of my lingerie and heels slowly; he wouldn’t get to peak just yet.
Sauntering back to face him, I let him stare at me in all my naked glory. Every time he saw me naked, he looked like he was seeing me for the first time, his face awestruck and filled with admiration. I straddled his hips once more, sitting further back this time so his bare cock couldn’t reach any of my skin.
“I want you to please me sweet boy, you always do it so well.” I pulled his hand up as I stated my decree, slowly licking up the outside of his pointer finger.
“Yes, m’lady.” He affirmed with a groan of understanding  before pulling his hand back down and getting straight to work. His perfectly manicured nails slipped between my folds starting to rub eager circles on my sensitive button trying to please me the best way he knew. A gasp slipped its way out of me when he moved downwards to slip a finger inside, bringing much more stimulation then the intiatial movements. I was dripping at the feeling of his singular finger crooking upwards to hit my g spot and he soon added another, barely fitting them together into my tight heat.
My hips started to rotate to help stroke the fire building in my core. His fingers pumped diligently with the same tempo that my hips bounced in, making sure to hit that special spot inside of me every time to please me perfectly. We maintained the rhythm for a while until I started to falter as my release approached. He picked up the pace to make up for my floundering, his eyes looking in wonder as I was worked into an earth-shattering orgasm.
When he removed his fingers from inside of me they were glistening with my arousal. I grabbed his wrist roughly and brought it up to my eyeline to get a good look at the salacious sight. My tongue darted out, wetting my lips in hungry desire. He eagerly wrapped his lips around his own fingers as I pushed them to his mouth, bobbing his head ever so slightly around them to drink in the taste of my juices. I reveled in the sight before me, his eyes glazed over in lust, sucking eagerly on his own fingers that were adorned with the pretty plum polish.
As I pulled them out of his mouth strings of his own spit escaped, giving me a perfect idea. I thumbed the bottom of his chin, wanting him to open his mouth again for me, he opened obediently understanding my nonverbal queues with perfection. Pulling at the root of his hair with my other hand to tilt his head back to give me the perfect angle. I spat into his mouth letting it drip into the back of his throat before forcing his mouth shut with my thumb.
“Thank you m’lady.” He garbled out unprompted as he tried to swallow. A grin graced my face at his thanks.
“Good Boy Spencer.”
I spit again into my hand and wrapped my palm around his length, slowly pumping which in turn pulled beautiful whines from his bruised throat. My pace quickened as I jerked him off with expertise, precum pooling around my fist as a testament to his arousal. His hips tried to meet my strokes even though the bar was barely giving him any leeway, still I decided to squash his movements with a rough shove back down to the mattress. He was steadily reaching the precipice of an orgasm, though I refused to give him the satisfaction and pulled away briskly.
“Please Duchess, I’ve been a good boy for you!” He complained loudly which made my eyebrows shoot up into my hairline. He wasn’t one to beg, usually he just sat like a good boy and took what I gave him with no qualms.
“Well I was going to fuck you as a reward…” My voice taking on a sing-song cadence just to tease him further. “But, I could just do this instead.” I said with an exaggerated sigh as I began to jerk him off again albeit more lazily this time.
“Please Duchess, I’m sorry. C-can you please fuck me?” He flashed me his perfect hazel colored irises which had taken on the infamous puppy dog eyes. The combination of his pout and glistening eyes made me relent. I positioned my entrance so the head of his cock was rested right at my opening, but not before dragging my soaked cunt along the outside of his shaft, eliciting a soft gasp from Spencer even though it was the lightest of touches.
We groaned in unison as I slowly sank down onto his cock, letting every ridge catch onto my walls. I sunk down to the base, keeping still at first to take pleasure in the fullness I felt from being with him. He always hit the deepest parts of me that no other man could reach; I truly believe he was made for me. His hands once again fisted the sheets while also trying to pull his legs apart in vain, trying to fight the primal urge to thrust upwards. I rewarded his good behavior by a languid roll of my hips, his legs jerking against the bar at the stimulation gained from the motion. As I started to build a slow but steady pace I traced up one of his arms like a ghost with the hand that wasn’t busy keeping me balanced. Lacing my fingers through his own I pinned his hand swiftly above him in a firm grasp causing a desperate whine to come from Spencer.
“You looked so pretty I just had to have you, sweet boy.” I said softly which was in stark contrast to my rough movements to pin his other hand above his head.
“Oh my God…” He continues to gasp out declarations of disbelief at his pleasure being completely lost in it. I bit hard into my lip as I let myself quicken my hips, rolling in fervor and attempting to gain as much pleasure as possible. My eyes raked over Spencer’s debaucherous appearance, his eyes glazed in a lustful daze, mouth open in a permanent gasp, sweat glistening over his entire figure, and beautiful nails gripped around my own digging into my flesh. I inwardly groaned at the sight of him lost in the throes of passion; he looked picture perfect to me.
“I just couldn’t look at your fingers without thinking about them being inside me,” I was dazed with euphoria, a slew of raunchy comments falling from my lips joining in with his muddled words.
A sudden orgasm took what little breath I had away shocking my core blissfully. The coil in my stomach snapped into a small but powerful high, though my hips continued to shift to ride out the end of my out of the blue orgasm.
I completely focused on bringing Spencer to his ultimate pleasure fervently rocking my hips in a fury. Only little squeaks were escaping him now.
“Say thank you to your Duchess for fucking you.” I said to assert my dominance again.
“Thank you Duchess!” He yelled out into the air, loud enough that our neighbors could definitely hear. Another orgasm was coming around the corner for me, my body getting off to Spence’s desperate pleas.
My hips started to stutter as I teetered on the edge of my release, I could tell he was close too, the gasps from his lips increasing in volume at each time I rocked my hips.
“You’ve been such a good boy Spencer, I just want to give you the biggest reward possible.” I gasped out, his eyes widening in understanding as I let go of his hands and repositioned them to rest on my hips. “I’m going to let you cum inside tonight.”
Spencer's eyes rolled back into his head at my words while arching his back to the steepest angle he could manage causing my nipples to rub against his chest in blissful friction. He started to meet the bounce of my hips as best as he could while restrained with his own thrusts, causing a jingle from the cuffs around his feet. Normally I would berate him for the act, but I was so close to shattering into a million pieces for the third time tonight that I didn’t find myself caring. As I leaned forward to be as close as possible to his body my hand wound around his throat like a necklace applying pressure that I knew would send him over the edge.
“C’mon my sweet boy cum for me” My hot breath caressed his skin as my whisper hit his ear. One last whine fell from him and with one last swirl of my hips he filled me with his warmth, his nails digging into the sides of my hips as he rode out his high.
“Thank you Duchess.” He incoherently whined as his release flooded through him in waves. My teeth sunk into the shell of his ear as the last rope shot into me it caused me to be shoved over the edge for the final time. Our bodies were shaking in pleasure as we finished our respective orgasms, our breaths intermingling as we tried to catch them.
Once I steadied my breath, I guided his fingers to dip between my folds to collect our cocktail of juices, then I pushed them up to his lips to mimic my earlier actions. This time, however, he got to taste the culmination of us together. He swirled his tongue over his own fingers that were manicured to perfection, sinking his lips down as far as he could take them, only stopping when he reached the back of his throat with a choke. He pulled off his own fingers with a pop, flashing me a smirk as he did, which I then matched.
My body was still shaky as I got up to go to the bathroom, preparing to pamper Spencer with aftercare. I went to the bathroom to clean myself up and got redressed, though this time in a much less form fitting outfit, just a simple flowy robe. I got my little collection of aftercare items, a wet washcloth for cleaning, some snacks, lotion for his inevitably bruised ankles, and the softest blanket we owned. Spencer whimpered quietly when I cleaned his length, the overstimulation a bit too much for him. Squirting some lotion onto my palms I massaged the areas I had abused with kisses, then I squatted down to rub the lotion over his bruised ankles as well.
“Sorry for ruining date night Spencer.” I giggled out as I finished. I pulled the large fluffy blanket over us enveloping us in warmth.
“Don’t worry, I thoroughly enjoyed it.” He said pairing it with a characteristically Spencer kiss to my forehead. “Though I am a bit hungry now.”
“I'll make pancakes for dinner.”
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
The Unwanted Pet // Draco Malfoy
A/N: Hello! This was a request from one of my friends, I thought it was such a cute idea and I knew it wouldn’t take more than a couple hours so I wrote it! I find it adorable and I hope you do too!
Summary: Y/N wants a crup (a jack russell like creature) but Draco most certainly does not. What happens when Y/N gets one anyway?
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 2.7k
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“But Draco, it’d be so cute!” Y/N pleaded with her husband. She was leaning on his back while he tied a letter to his owl to send to his coworker at St. Mungos.
A soft wind blew through their open window, bringing the sweet smell of daisies with it. One of Y/N’s favorite things about living in the countryside was the variety of flowers surrounding their home, which was by no means a modest one. Draco would’ve felt too out of place if they had purchased a small abode, so Y/N caved and allowed him to buy a big Irish style house surrounded by thick greenery and rolling oak tree forests. However, Y/N had grown to love the rather big dwelling. But she’d felt a bit lonely whenever Draco would go to work in the early morning, leaving her alone until he returned at nearly midnight.
She had her own job working on the Hogwarts Express, but that only required her to leave the house a few days out of the year. Even though there wasn’t a need for her to work since Draco had inherited all the Malfoy fortune when his father passed a year ago, Y/N found comfort in driving the train full of young and eager students to and from Hogwarts. It reminded her of her days at the school; it was where she had met Draco, the man she’s been married to for seven years.
“Love, they’re high maintenance and a big responsibility. I don’t know if it’s a good idea,” Draco replied as he sent off his owl, Biko, and turned around to embrace his pouting wife. He kissed her on the head and gently swayed her back and forth before removing himself from her embrace. He then sauntered to the kitchen to nibble on some jelly slugs; he had quite a sweet tooth.
“But Draco, they’re so cute,” Y/N whined. Draco shrugged. “So what? If you want a pet so badly, go find a toad in one of the ponds...On second thought, don’t. Slimy little creatures they are.” Y/N rolled her eyes as she pushed back a long green curtain to allow more sunlight to stream into the cozy living room. “I don’t want a toad, I want a crup, and I don’t see why we can’t have one.”
Draco shook his head and wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin. “I’ve already told you, they’re messy, you’d have to get a license from the ministry, and they’re high maintenance.” He began gathering his coat and satchel. He had to be at St. Mungos in nearly half an hour. Y/N sighed as she watched him slip on his shoes. She sunk further into their brown leather couch, which once belonged to Y/N’s mother. Draco gave her a pitiful glance. “I’m sorry, my beautiful wife, but I do not wish to have a mangy mutt running around our home. Perhaps something a bit more manageable? How about an owl? I’m sure Biko would love a friend,” Draco said while gesturing to the window his owl had flown out of just minutes ago. Y/N sighed and nodded, “Yeah, perhaps I’ll take a trip to Diagon Alley and see what kinds of owls they’ve got. Would you fancy a barn owl? They’ve got quite a striking face.”
Draco walked over to her and pressed a sweet kiss to her lips. “Any owl you want, I’m fine with. I’ll see you tonight; maybe we can have dinner outside, it’ll be perfect picnic weather.”
Y/N smiled softly and watched him stumble into their brick fireplace and throw floo powder down, disappearing in the green flames it created. Once Y/N was sure he had gone, she sprang to her feet and ran for the closet where her shoes were located. She grabbed the first pair she saw and promptly shoved them onto her feet. Little did Draco know, Y/N had already obtained a license from the ministry and was fully certified to own a crup.
She stepped into the fireplace and dropped her floo powder while saying, “The Ministry of Magic Headquarters!” and in a flash, she appeared in the massive dome-shaped lobby of The Ministry building. The hustle and bustle of employees finding their way to elevators and offices intimidated her initially. Nevertheless, after a few moments, she gathered her composure and began walking towards the Department of Magical Creatures. She’d already sent an owl to the Beast Division and made arrangements to pick up her new pet, so all she had to do was get there. And she did; after many twists and turns and pauses to stare at the fancy plaques on the walls, Y/N found herself outside the door. She wasn’t sure whether or not she was supposed to knock, so she put her tentative hand on the knob and turned it slowly.
It opened to reveal a nice looking woman sitting at the chestnut-colored desk. A fairy was fluttering around her head and putting flowers into her hair. She looked up upon hearing Y/N enter. “Hello! Would you happen to be the person who requested a crup?” she asked. Y/N shifted from her left foot to her right foot, trying to expel the excitement jitters from her body. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Wonderful! Y/N Malfoy, yes?” the woman asked. Y/N nodded, and the woman wrote something down on a piece of parchment. “They brought him in an hour ago, so he should be fed and ready to go! And his tail has already been removed as he is seven weeks old. I’ll check in the back and see if he’s all set. You just wait here, alright?” the lady asked.
Y/N grinned and nodded eagerly. She was a bit sad that her crup’s tail had already been removed, it had to be so that muggles wouldn’t notice it was a magical creature, but it still saddened her. Soon enough, however, she heard scampering behind the door. Her heart leaped in her chest, and she fiddled with her fingers anticipatedly. She held her breath as the golden door swung open. Behind it was the woman and a little crup in her arms as well as a carrier by her feet. Y/N’s hands flew to her mouth as she gasped. “He’s so cute,” she whispered. The crup seemed to notice her and suddenly jumped from the lady’s arms and onto the floor where he raced towards Y/N. She looked down at the dog-looking creature. He was staring straight up at her, and when they made eye contact, he barked.
The lady laughed. “Look at that. He already likes you!” Y/N smiled and hesitantly knelt down to greet the fluffy beast in front of her. “Hello there, would you like to come home with me?” she asked. The crup barked happily, his little butt wiggling as he did so. Y/N giggled and opened her arms for the crup. He ran into them and nestled himself against her chest. Y/N stood back up and gently stroked her new pet. “Do you have a name for him yet?” the woman asked. Y/N nodded her head and glanced up to look at the lady. “I’ve decided on calling him Styx,” she said.
“How cute! Well, I don’t want to waste any of your precious time with Styx, so let’s have you pay so you can be on your way.” Y/N reached into her pocket, pulled out two hundred galleons, and placed them on the woman’s desk. After doing so, she put Styx in his new carrier and zipped him up so he’d be safe and secure. Waving goodbye to the nice lady, she reopened the door and took a deep breath. The easy part was over, now she had to face Draco.
Y/N and Styx had spent the entire day playing with all the new toys she’d bought for him at Diagon Alley. He particularly liked the bright purple rubber ball, as well as his squeaky spider plush. It was nearly ten pm now, and Y/N and her pet were sitting on the couch. Styx was chewing on his bone as Y/N read the Daily Prophet. She was scanning an article about Hogwarts’ new Herbology professor, Neville Longbottom, when green flames erupted from the fireplace. Styx immediately jumped to his paws and began growling at the fire. And suddenly, there was Draco. He was smiling until he heard the low rumble coming from the crup. He glanced down at it and then up at Y/N.
“Tell me that this mutt doesn’t belong to you,” he said sternly. Y/N smiled; it looked more like a grimace. Draco ran his hand down his face in disappointment. “I thought we discussed this. I don’t want a Crup,” he whined, the exhaustion from his workday coming to the forefront. Y/N stood up and walked towards her distraught husband.
“I know you said you didn’t want one, but I’m just so lonely when you’re not here all day. I’ve got no one to talk to and nobody to snuggle with. I just thought having this little guy would give me something to do as well as provide company,” she said quietly, now feeling a bit foolish.
Draco examined her expression intently. She looked remorseful and ashamed; she couldn’t meet his eyes. He sighed and shifted his gaze to the little creature by his feet. Not even Draco could deny the mutt’s inherent cuteness. He looked back up at his wife. “Fine,” he caved, “We can keep him. But I swear if he causes any trouble, he’s going back. I will not tolerate any misbehaving.” Y/N gasped and wrapped her arms around Draco’s neck.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won’t regret it, he’ll be the sweetest boy ever. I bet you’ll even grow to like him,” she argued, arms still around him. Draco huffed. “Yeah, right, I don’t think so,” he retorted. He was convinced he’d never learn to genuinely like the crup. Sure he’d probably be able to tolerate him but never enjoy having him around.
“Are you sure? You’re already acting like a dad with all your ‘I will not tolerate misbehaving’ nonsense,” Y/N remarked. Draco rolled his eyes. “I’m serious. If he chews my shoes, he’s out.” Y/N withdrew her arms and crossed them on her puffed up chest. “You’re on, Malfoy.”
Over the next few months, Styx had become a constant within the Malfoy home. It took Draco a little over two weeks to allow him to sleep with him and his wife on their bed, but when he finally caved, he instantly regretted it. More often than not, Y/N slept with her arms around the Cruppy instead of around Draco. The blonde man would always get angry and shoot death glares at the creature while his lover slept. How dare the mutt take his place in her arms?
However, what Draco was unaware of was the fact that sometimes during the night, Styx would wiggle out of Y/N’s arms and settle himself in the crook of Draco’s neck where he’d give him a few soft licks before falling back asleep. And since Y/N would often rouse in the middle of the night, needing to use the restroom, she’d be greeted with the endearing sight of her husband cuddling with Styx. She’d never tell him, but she had quite a few photographs of the scene.
Styx was generally a well-behaved pet. He didn’t chew Draco’s shoes like the man had feared, but he did, however, eat their food when they weren’t looking. This infuriated Draco to no end. Y/N, on the other hand, found it rather funny. She knew that underneath all his fury, Draco found it amusing as well. She was sure of this because one afternoon, when Draco had the day off from work, she’d gone to fetch a book to read to her husband and pet. When she returned, she found Draco smiling down at the crup. She stopped in her tracks and hid behind a wall to listen in on the conversation.
“Look at you, you little scoundrel, stealing my roast beef. You think you’re clever, don’t you?” Draco asked the dog-like creature. Styx barked in reply, making him chuckle. “No, no. I’m afraid you’re nothing compared to me, Styx. You see, I was in Slytherin.” Styx barked again. “Mhm, I was, and you were not so truly who’s the more cunning of the two of us? I think it’s quite obvious.” Styx barked again and pawed Draco’s calf. “Exactly right, my boy, it’s me. Although you’re definitely the cuter one, I’ll give you that.” Y/N watched this exchange from her hiding place. She knew Draco was rather fond of talking to himself, but it seemed as though he enjoyed talking to Styx as well.
Now, Y/N was writing a letter to her sister in the study when she heard a knock at the door. She put down her quill and turned in her chair. “Come in,” she spoke softly. The door opened, and there stood Draco. “You got off of work this early?” she asked. Draco grinned sheepishly. “I may have asked to leave early,” he said while leaning on the doorframe. Y/N was immediately suspicious of her husband. She kicked her leg up and over her thigh and crossed her arms. “May I ask why?” she inquired. Draco shrugged and reached into his back pocket.
“Oh well, it’s only because there’s a quidditch match tonight, and I got us two front row tickets,” he said as he pulled out the two slips of silver-lined paper. Y/N gasped and clapped her hands excitedly. “Draco! That’s brilliant. It’s been so long since we’ve gone to see a game. What teams are playing?” she asked as she rose to her feet. “I have to go find an outfit that matches the colors!” she shouted happily.
Draco laughed at his wife’s eagerness. “Wimbourne Wasps and Chudley Cannons are the teams. And you can go plan your outfit in a moment; I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to take Styx for a walk before I take you Hogsmeade for lunch.”
His words stopped her in her tracks. She looked up at Draco skeptically. “You’re taking Styx for a walk?” He nodded. “Willingly?” she asked. Draco nodded again. Y/N’s mouth fell open in shock. Her husband’s face turned red. “You’ve taken a liking to him, haven’t you?” Y/N asked incredulously. Draco rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and looked at the window. He noticed the parchment on the desk. “Who are you writing to?” he questioned, trying to change the subject. Y/N moved into his line of vision, forcing him to look at her. “Nuh-uh Mr. Malfoy. You’re not getting out of this one. Answer my question, and perhaps I’ll answer yours.”
Draco muttered something under his breath. “Didn’t catch that; speak up.” Draco sighed and covered his face. “Yes,” he mumbled. “I like the mutt.” Y/N squealed and threw her arms around Draco’s torso and squeezed him tightly. He was surprised by this and looked down at his wife quizzically.
“I knew you’d come around! I told you getting a crup would be a wonderful idea, and now look at you. You’re taking him for a walk willingly,” she declared. Just then, Styx himself came strutting down the hallway, his butt wiggling. He sat by Draco’s foot and barked up at him, almost as if he was asking what was taking so long. Draco smiled down at him. “Yes, I know it’s just that your mother and I were having a discussion,” he said to the fluffy creature. Styx barked once more. “I know, right? How rude of her to delay your walk,” he replied in an exasperated tone. Y/N couldn’t fight the smile that crept onto her face.
“Oh, so now you’re talking poorly about me to my son?” she asked. Draco looked up and smirked at her. “I am,” he said firmly. “Come along now, Mr. Wiggles, let’s find your leash.” Y/N was in disbelief as she watched her lover walk down the hallway with Styx in tow. She shook her head and chuckled lightly. “Unbelievable, those two,” she mumbled to herself before retreating into the study.
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Warmness [Ron Weasley x Reader] - Heloise’s Christmas Calendar - Challenge
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December 2 – Warmness [Ron Weasley x Reader]
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Title: Warmness Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader Word count: 1.7k Published: 2 December, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Summary: On a dull, rainy winter day, the only thing you need is your boyfriend, Ron Weasley and a cup of hot chocolate. Challenge: [x] [x] Notes: It’s part of Heloise’s Christmas Calendar where I post something each day from 1 - 25 December. I have also written this piece for @jamilelucato​ and @whack-ed‘s A Very Harry Potter Christmas Challenge with Day 2′s prompt 
Warming up with a hot chocolate. 
Heloise’s Christmas Calendar Masterlist
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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It’s been quite rainy and dull in London recently. Everything seemed grey, dark clouds taking over the sky, bright colours long gone from the horizon, no sun to warm up the coldness, to dry off the wet grounds.
In the winter, people expected snow and colourful lights hung around the city. Roads covered in white silk, trees holding the heavy white substance, fairy lights decorating the houses, shops covered in all the Christmas ornaments.
But instead it was grey, dark and dull. You didn’t start decorating, nor did you start preparing for Christmas. It was too early for you and the weather didn’t give you the usual Christmas joy just yet.
It was freezing outside and so was inside. The heating was barely working, and it didn’t seem to want to budge even when you used magic against it. You wrapped yourself up in two layers of your boyfriend’s sweaters and a burgundy blanket that usually laid across the end of your bed. You cupped the hot chocolate in your hands, enjoying the warmness it sent through your nerves, its steam heating up your face as you took a sip of the hot beverage.
You sat on the window-seat in your room, listening to the heavy rain outside, the raindrops furiously attacking your window-seal. You held onto a cup of hot chocolate, warming yourself up from the spreading cold weather.
You liked rain, it made you feel melancholic, it made you think, it made you remember all your stupid little decisions, all your happy moments and what would come in the future. For some reason the rainy season always offered you a dull, but calming time in your life, where you just sat down and reflected on the decisions you have made, the feelings you have harboured, the happy memories you have experienced.
Although it was dark and colourless, it relaxed you, it gave you a silent comfort, which you gladly accepted as busy thoughts were swirling around in your head.
You weren’t particularly sad or lonely, you weren’t happy or enthusiastic either. You were just lost in your thoughts and it seemed to be the right thing to do.
You didn’t realise another presence in the room, nor did you hear him clear his throat. The only time his presence seemed obvious to you was when his arms wrapped around your torso and he hinted a small kiss on your temple.
You smiled at the feeling of his hair tickling your cheek, his lips gently touching your skin, his arms tightly wrapped around your body, his natural scent finding its way into your nostrils, making your body relax against his naked chest. In contrast to the cold you felt, shooting through your bones, his body was warm, almost too hot for such cold weather.
“Are you alright, love?” He asked, his voice hoarse from waking up late. Indeed, it was a lazy day. It was dark and least productive. You didn’t have work, nor did Ron, both of you looking forward to a day of doing nothing, which was long awaited.
“Of course, just thinking.” You replied with a sweet smile as you turned back to meet his curious blue eyes and messy ginger hair.
You loved his hair when he woke up, his locks reminding you of a bird’s nest. It was comical, but somehow it also meant home to you. Each time you saw his messy morning hair, his subtle stubble, his wrinkled pyjama bottoms and the way he rubbed his tired eyes, made you feel home. His mere presence made you feel as if you have had everything in one person. A friend, family, love, partner and home. He didn’t even know, but he was your everything.  
“About what?” He asked as he moved around you and held your hand to help you off the window, taking your hot chocolate and placing it on the side of the window-seal.
“Just memories, feelings. I guess I’m just thinking about everything.” You chuckled, scratching the back of your head awkwardly. “I am making no sense at all, am I?” Ron chuckled at you as he lifted your head with his index finger, his sweet smile making your lips curl involuntarily.
“Nope. Not at all. But if it makes you feel better just keep on thinking about whatever you want.” He chuckled as his arms sneaked around your waist, his face hidden in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent as you placed your hands on his naked chest. “Can you just come back to bed and keep thinking there?” He asked, his voice muffled by your skin.
“Don’t you want to do something more productive?” You asked and he lifted his head, looking out the window, his face turning into a grimace.
“I’m not leaving this house today.” He shook his head, his face still deformed.
“We don’t have to leave, but we could do something, we could come up with something.” You tried to convince him, but he didn’t seem to want to agree.
“The only productivity I plan on doing is holding you in my arms. Love, I understand you want to do something, but it’s been weeks since we have had the same day off. Can we just lay in bed all day and-“ you waited for him to continue, but the boy froze. You frowned at his unexpected behaviour, even more so as a large grin started appearing across his face. “Love, just stay here.” He instructed you and quickly let go of you, grabbing his bathrobe from the hook on the door and running down the stairs of your house.
You stood in your room, looking around, complete confusion taking over you. You walked to the bed, sitting down on the edge, your foot slowly tapping on the ground, waiting for Ron. The minutes seemed to pass rather slowly, your boredom making you groan. You let yourself fall on to the bed, your hands laying across the silky cover, your eyes fixed on the ceiling.
What Ron was planning seemed to be getting to you and you just wanted to investigate. You stood up from the bed, wrapped your bathrobe around you and started tiptoeing over to the door, the wooden floorboards creaking under your weight. The door was loud as you tried to slowly open it, avoiding being caught by the ginger boy.
You pushed your head out of the little crack between the door and its frame, hoping to hear or see something, but instead a loud squeaky sound left your lungs as you found yourself face to face with Ron.
“I knew you would be spying, love.” He chuckled as he got hold of your hand and started gently pulling you after himself.
“What were you up to?” You asked, but the boy just shook his head and chuckled at your curiosity.
“That’s for you to find out.” He snickered as he led you towards the living room. You frowned at the secrecy, knowing Ron wasn’t keen on keeping secrets. You let him guide you, waiting in anticipation of what made him so abruptly disappear, but you didn’t have to wait for long to find out.
He stepped aside as he walked into the living room, leaving you with a clear view of the place. Your eyes widened in surprise, your lips parting involuntarily.
The room was originally warm, it’s colours mainly consisting of red, burgundy, orange and gold. But this time, it was more than that. Ron placed tiny candles around the room, lighting up the place in a warm yellow and orange colour, reminding you of the sun. The fireplace was heating up the room, the wooden logs crackling in the fire. A yellow and red plaid blanket covered the carpet in front of the burgundy couch, two cups of hot chocolate and little sandwiches placed on the tiny table beside the blanket.  
It was warm and romantic, something you didn’t know you needed, but now that it was right in front of you, it made you break into a happy smile as a tiny teardrop left your watering eyes.
“Are you okay?” Ron asked worriedly as he saw the tears appear in your eyes. You nodded furiously and pulled him flush against you, kissing him lovingly, enjoying the feel of his lips on yours and his arms around your body. It was an intimate moment each time you kissed him, but the warmness surrounding you made it even more cosy.
“I’m just very happy, Ron. This is beautiful.” You smiled again as you looked around, your cheek laying against Ron’s chest.
“I hoped you’d like it.” He spoke. “I even prepared some muggle board games.” He pointed at a little box on the table, making you chuckle. You remembered the muggle toys as you played with your family on a similarly dull day. “Both lazy and productive.” He grinned happily as he kissed the top of your head.
“I love it, Ron. I really do love it.” You lifted your head from his chest and stood up on your tiptoes to kiss him again, trying to convey how much it all meant to you, how proud you were of him and how much you loved him.
You walked over to the blanket and waited for Ron to sit down, before you got comfortable between his legs, your head laying on his chest. He offered you one of the cups of hot chocolate and you immediately took it from him, enjoying the hot beverage sliding down your throat. You didn’t feel the coldness anymore.
Ron reached for your hand, interlocking your fingers as he placed a tiny kiss on your temple. You turned back around, looking into his loving eyes, before you closed the gap between you, enjoying the feel of his lips on yours.
“Thank you so much.” You whispered against his lips as you turned back to watch the fire battling with the wooden logs, swallowing them gracefully.
“Anytime, love.” He replied as he hinted a small kiss on your cheek, making you smile.
The moment was just perfect, and you were happy to add another beautiful memory to your collection for another dull and rainy day.
Harry Potter general taglist: @inkhearthes​ @hufflefluff-writer​ @fific7​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @kalimagik​ @accio-rogers​ @queendcnn​ @harrypotter289​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @iliveiloveiwrite​ @mytreec​ @chaoticgirl04​ @idont-knowrn​ @mayaaa-l​ @imboredandneedalife​ @pregnant-piggy​ @prongsies​ @holdupwhat​ @ravenclea​ @kashishwrites​ @izzytheninja​ @timogtrrz​ @wassup-peoples​ @levylovegood​ @msmimimerton​ @bbeauttyybbx​ @kiwi-sloan​ @moatsnow​ @pandaxnienke​
Christmas Calendar taglist: @a-classic-eye​
Harry Potter - Golden trio era taglist: @nhcwdw​ 
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Thank you ^^
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Chris's Cuddly Mother
Chris has been fixing the animatronics for months and months now, and has been taking advantage of Chica's loving, cuddly nature throughout all of it. One day, Chris ends up working late and accidentally gets too comfy. This ends up changing up his night quite a bit.
Part 2 of The Repair Man's Reward.
This fanfic is dedicated to Chris: my great friend and long lost 'brother'! I hope you enjoy the sequel! You deserve it!
Chris walked into the pizzeria later in the night than usual. Truth be told, he was watching TV at his house when he realized how quickly the time went by. By the time he had driven up to work, it was 10:30 at night. He felt a little bad that he was late for work, because he would usually be cuddling Chica right about now. He wondered if Chica had enough of a concept of time to remind him that he was late. Probably not. And even if she did: late is better than never coming at all.
Chris headed up the stage with his toolbox. One of the downsides to being late, was that the stage stairs were put away already. He’d have to climb onto the stage instead of walk up the stairs like he usually did. Chris placed his toolbox onto the stage and hoisted himself onto the stage with only a little difficulty. Then, Chris stood up, grabbed his toolbox and walked up to the animatronics.
“Good evening everyone. Cool evening, but no complaints.” Chris greeted. The animatronics didn’t reply, like he predicted. So, he opened up his toolbox and started with Bonnie first like usual. Going through the usual cleaning and tuning routine, Bonnie proved to lose some of his tuning this time. He gave it a quick fix and smiled at the satisfying sound of a properly tuned guitar. Closing him back up, Chris moved onto Chica.
To Chris’s surprise, Chica didn’t have any pizza slices on her! So, Chris put on his dust mask and opened Chica up to check for infestations. Much to Chris’s surprise, there was still an infestation of cockroaches! And this time, he thought he saw some ants too. This place was slowly turning into the other pizzeria. Chris gave Chica a couple doses of the chemi-spray (the stuff that’ll burn your lungs from the inside out), and closed Chica up. “There. Feeling better now, Chicky choo?” Chris asked, placing his hand into hers. Chica looked down at him and widened her eyes a little more. Her pupils quickly displayed a pair of white hearts as she dropped her jaw and tilted her head to the side, to show she recognized him.
Chris’s smile grew bigger as he rubbed her arm. “I still have one more animatronic to do. Then we can cuddle.” Chris told her as he moved onto Freddy. Freddy was a quick one to do. Only 2 toys were found on Freddy this time, compared to yesterday. Yesterday there were around 7 separate toys hidden in Freddy’s body! How Freddy kept getting these toys, Chris will never understand. Chris removed the two toys and placed them into the lost and found bin. When the eye cleaner spit out Freddy’s eyes, Chris put Freddy’s eyes back and clicked the jaw buttons to close him up.
With Freddy all finished, Chris walked back to Chica again. “Hi Chica! I’m ready now.” Chris told her. Chica looked down at Chris with her heart eyes again, and put down the cupcake and the plate. With her hands completely free, Chica picked him up and gave him a big hug. Chris wrapped his arms around the yellow chicken as well and rested his head onto Chica’s shoulder. It felt nice. The coolness of Chica’s metal plates felt satisfying to him. Truth was, Chris is a naturally warm guy, so coolness felt quite comforting to the warm man.
Chica rubbed her pink cheek into the side of Chris’s face in a loving way, and let out a little happy whine sound. Chris widened his eyes and just about squealed from cuteness overload! Did Chica just coo?! Chris giggled and kissed her cheek. “You’re such an adorable creature.” Chris told her. “I wish I could take you home and make you my roommate.”
Chica removed one of her hands and patted his head. Chris smiled and closed his eyes, and let her play with his hair. Chris usually enjoyed the feeling of people playing with his hair, and especially loved it when people (and robots) he knew so well, played around with his hair. Chica could understand this to be enjoyable, thanks to his never ending smile and his leaning into the touch while his hair was weaved in between her big fat fingers.
Chica then moved her index finger towards his chin and started lightly scratching his chin and jawline. Chris’s reaction was immediate: He immediately started purring and showing off his toothy smile! Chica’s eyes dilated, making the hearts a size bigger and leaned in a little as he purred. Then, while she scratched and tickled his jawline: Chica placed the side of her head onto Chris’s chest to better feel and hear the purring sound. Chris stopped immediately, growing really confused. Chica continued to scratch his jawline despite stopping, and soon lifted her head up off his chest. She tilted her head in a way to ask him what’s wrong.
“I...Why are you laying your head on my chest?” Chris asked. “It’s just purring.” He added.
Chica moved her hand up to Chris’s ears and started scratching there. Chris immediately smiled and resumed purring all over again. Eager to feel it again, Chica laid the side of her head onto Chris’s chest and listened. It felt strange, and sounded a little like the running ventilator. Chica removed her head from his chest and looked at him. She tried to imitate the sound, but it sounded like autotuned gurgling water rather than purring.
Chris bursted out laughing at the attempt and clapped his hands. “Clohohose enough!”
Chica opened her jaw in an attempted smile and changed her pupil picture from hearts, to feathers. Chris gasped and shook his fists in front of his chest. Oh boy! He’s been waiting for this! Bring it on, Chica! Bring on the tickles!
Chica looked down and started tickling his covered up belly. Chris leaned over and instantly started giggling. “Hehehehehehehe! Yahahahahahay!” Chris cheered! Chica kept looking at Chris’s work uniform and continued gently squishing his belly. “Hahahahahaha! Ihihihit tihihihihicklehehes Chihihihicahaha!” Chris told her.
Chica didn’t really understand what Chris was saying due to the laughter obstructing his words. Chris knew this from the many times they’ve cuddled and had tickle fights. But if Chris seriously wanted her to stop, he would’ve worked extra hard to force it out of himself. But: he didn’t want her to stop. So: he didn’t need to worry about robot linguistics.
Chris allowed himself to laugh freely without any sort of resistance. Chica could easily tell he was enjoying this like he always did. So, Chica decided to move her fingers to his waist, lift him up and press her beak into his belly! Then, Chica started almost pecking and ‘nibbling’ her beak all over his belly.
Chris snorted and threw his head back at the same time! “OHOHOHO NOHOHOHOHO! *snort* GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- *snort* NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Chris laughed.
Chica looked up at Chris with the feathers in her eyes, and continued pecking her beak near his belly button. Chris was pressing his hands against Chica’s head, and shaking his head while laughing more and more hysterically than before. He was even swinging his feet between either side of Chica’s head and shoulders! He had never been pecked or nibbled like this before! and he’d especially never been nibbled by Chica the chicken! This was a completely new feeling! And the coldness of the beak didn’t exactly help either.
To add on top of it, Chica started gently scratching Chris’s lower back. Chris squealed like a super squeaky door, and kicked his feet a little bit harder. “WAHAHAHAHAHAIT! NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAWP!” Chris begged. Both his squishy belly and his vulnerable back were being tickled at the same time, and it was starting to drive him nuts. Which wasn’t a bad thing, but...it was doing something to him. Probably overwhelming him.
Chica soon had mercy on the guy and stopped tickling him for a bit. Chris leaned his head back and breathed heavily to make up for the oxygen lost in the tickle fight. Chica could tell he was tired, and decided to lay the front of his heating body onto her chest. Chris smiled nicely and snuggled his face into the bib. She was so cool compared to him, and it felt so relieving to be laying on something that’ll cool him down. Chica soon started petting Chris’s head again and playing with his hair like she usually did.
While Chica was distracted by something so simple, Chris began to wonder if Chica was capable of physically feeling his hair. And if not, then why was Chica so mesmerized by his hair? Was it the color? Was it the tiny pieces that fell out of the clumps? Was it the layers that flowed through his hair? Or was it something else entirely that was failing to come to his head? Chris had no idea.
Soon, Chris turned himself onto his back and laid his hot back onto Chica’s cool chest and belly. He leaned himself into the animatronic and started to get cozy in the comfort of her armor. Chris started to smile more as Chica wrapped her arms around him to somewhat ‘cocoon’ him while he started to sleep. Getting to the Pizzeria so late in the evening was starting to get to him. He could feel sleep growing harder to resist as it coated his brain and body. Chris was able to feel one last head pat on his head before he finally dozed off.
While Chris was softly sleeping, a door had opened several feet away. A person had walked themself in and was walking down the hallway near where Chris and Chica were laying. Not noticing Chris hidden within Chica’s arms, the person walked themself into the office room and closed the door. The person placed their stuff down, and started clicking through the different cameras. Soon, the sound of walking animatronics started to fill the building. Low, deep laughter could be heard once in a while in the distance, and the dented metal of the ventilators started to move and add noise.
Chica opened her black eyelids and looked around. It looked like an animatronic was getting closer and closer to her and Chris. Worst of all: It looked like it was an old animatronic. The old animatronics were known to be old fashioned and more creepy-looking. They also behaved more cruelly than the toy animatronics. This specific original animatronic was Freddy. If Freddy looked down and saw Chris in Chica’s arms, Freddy just might take him away from her and stuff him into something he can’t fit. Old Freddy, Old Bonnie and Old Chica always attempted this behaviour. Every night.
Chica simply looked at Freddy and the originals as old models with errors in them. Old machines that glitched and started to forget things long ago. So the best they could do is take over the doors to prevent them from finding the working humans. Thankfully, this seemed to help limit their entrance options to the hallway only. And thankfully, the security guards were required to have a flashlight. So they were all set. The unfortunate part about the door plan was that the new security guard was a fearful individual who was scared the toy animatronics would kill them too. If only she could tell them that’s not the case.
Chica looked near Old Freddy and covered up Chris’s face with her big hand. Their eyes were getting worse as well, which helped deter them from hurting a human if they covered up the suspicious evidence. Chica believed that simply covering the face was enough. But she would quickly learn that is not the case. Old Freddy looked down at the smaller extra legs that were in Chica’s lap, and immediately got suspicious. Freddy bent down, snatched up Chris’s legs and held Chris upside down!
If the sudden movement wasn’t enough to wake the repair man, Chica’s shriek out of fear and anger would certainly do it! Chris’s eyes flew right open and immediately, he did not like what was happening. Chica was upside down in his view, and was able to feel a pair of hands around his ankles! He yelped and turned himself around enough to notice the brown, fuzzy looking leg. Freddy!
“aaAAAH! FREDDY! WAIT- LET GO!” he begged.
Chica let out an angry screech and picked up Chris by his wrists to get him back. Chris yelped and looked up at Chica, who’s pupils had their hearts in them again. Chris let out a breath of relief as he quickly realized Chica still had his back. Chica picked up Chris by the ankles as well, and gave Freddy a quick shove with her leg. Freddy, in his tumbling, let go of Chris and let Chica have him. Chica grabbed up Chris’s legs, flipped him over and pulled him up onto her hip like she would a toddler. Chris gave Chica a thankful, loving hug and allowed Chica to rub her cheek against his head.
To try and keep Chris safe, Chica carried Chris over to the office and attempted to walk in to drop him off. But the door quickly slammed shut on them! Chris jumped at the sliding door, but chuckled as he shook his head. The security guard must believe all the animatronics are evil. Chris patted Chica’s shoulder, and felt himself get put down safely onto his feet again. Then, Chris knocked on the door. “Hello? Anyone in there?” Chris asked.
Whoever the security guard was, didn’t want to open the door right away. All Chris could hear was “This is just a trick, this is just a trick, this is just a trick…” Chris sighed and walked up to the window beside the door. He knocked on that as well. “Yoo hoo? Hello?” Chris called.
The light above the window turned on, partly blinding the guy. Ow… Then, the door finally opened. Chris ran into the office and ran into a guy with dirty blond hair and a goatee. “What the hell are you doing here?! It’s 2am!” The guy asked immediately.
Chris bit his lip and looked away awkwardly. “I...Fell asleep.” Chris admitted.
The guy let out a breath of relief and hugged him. “Thank heavens there’s another human being in this horror shit show.” the guy reacted thankfully.
Chris smiled a little and hugged him back. “I...Who are you?” He asked.
The guy quickly let go of him and looked at him awkwardly. “Sorry, sorry, sorry. I’m Jeremy.” He offered his hand out to shake. “The new security guard.”
Chris nodded and shook his head. “Chris. Animatronic repair guy.”
Jeremy gasped and let out another big breath of relief. “Oh my goodness the world is on my side now! Can you fix these animatronics so they’re not trying to HUNT ME DOWN AND KILL ME?!” Jeremy begged, grabbing his arms and slightly shaking him.
Suddenly, one of the animatronics’ footsteps could be heard. Jeremy let go of Chris, zoomed right past him and turned on the light. “FAAAACK!” Jeremy punched the door button and watched as the door slid closed, trapping the animatronic outside. “WHY DID I TAKE THIS JOB?!”
Chris just bursted out laughing at the scene in front of him. Chris walked over to the lights, and turned it on: Toy Chica was standing on the other side of the window, pressing her hands on the glass. “Dude! It’s just Chica.” Chris told him.
“Can I just take a moment to mention that you have the greatest laugh, I have heard from a human being ever? Also, CHICA GET AWAY FROM THE GLASS!”
Chris’s face immediately flushed a bright pink color, before looking over at Chica. “Thanks...But you don’t need to worry about Chica. He’s just checking up on me.”
“He’s also threatening my life. And I would rather he...ya know...didn’t.” Jeremy added.
Chris just laughed at him and opened the door. “Hey Chica!” Chris greeted, waving at her. Chica gave a mostly still wave right back, while tilting her head to the side and opening her jaw. Chica then took Chris’s hand and pointed down the hall.
“Yeah...you’ve got a point. I need to get going.” Chris admitted. “Bye Jeremy! Try to survive your shift! And remember: Chica’s nice!” Chris told him.
Jeremy gave him a small, confused and nervous smile as he waved back. As Chris left out of view of the window, Chica looked through the window glass and shot him a stare with deep red skulls in her pupils. Jeremy’s slight anxiety suddenly skyrocketed as he realized something:
Either Chris doesn’t realize she’s secretly a robot killer, or Chris is walking away to his own doom…
...Which one will it be?
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raibebe · 4 years
Puppy love
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Genre: Fluff Words: 2k Prompt: Dog Dad Xiaojun Warnings: You might get diabetes or severe second hand embarrassment... 
A/N: Something self-indulgent again who would have expected that from me?? Basically Xiaojun is Bella’s favorite Dad and they have been way too cute in the WayV lives we’ve been getting. This is kind of a little present for @burtonized​ who always encourages me and tells me my writing doesn’t suck. This isn’t much but I hope you like it.
“Pepper! Pepper come here!” You called out to your puppy. Well he wasn’t really a puppy anymore. The Labrador-mix had grown up quite a bit since you first got him about half a year ago but to you he would always stay the little puppy that used to be afraid of squeaky toys. But right now he was growing up the be a dog with a lot of pent up energy which was why you had decided to take him to a nearby dog park for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it had been the best decision you had ever made. Pepper could not only let out all his energy that had pent up during the week but you also hoped that he could make some friends. So far he seemed to play with a bunch of different dogs but he was still a little intimidated by the bigger dogs and the smaller ones couldn’t really keep up with him and his long legs. But today he was zooming around all over the place and you had lost track of where he had went, his chocolate brown fur nowhere to be seen.
You quickly grabbed your bag and Pepper’s leash to go and search for your little boy. What if he had gotten into any trouble with some of the bigger dogs? Or ha picked a fight with some of the feisty Schnauzers? “Pepper!” You called out his name again as you walked around the perimeter when you heard a familiar bark and you little ball of sunshine came running for you, almost tackling you to the ground when you kneeled down to embrace him. “There you are my little boy. Where have you been?” You laughed, trying to get his face angled away from you. As much as he liked to give you kisses, you didn’t know where he had his face today. “Yes I missed you too, baby.” You giggled when you finally managed to detangle yourself from the hyper dog to stand back up again. “You wanna go home?” You asked him but instead of coming back to you, the Labrador-mix ran back over to the edge of the park where a bunch of big trees were providing shade from the afternoon sun. Sighing you followed your dog to see what he was up to. What you didn’t expect was for him to be playing with what seemed to be a beagle that was just a little smaller than he was, energetically jumping around before running over to you, bringing his new friend with you to show them off. “Well hello there pretty,” you smiled, carefully extending your hand so the other dog could smell it first before you petted their head. “Is this your new friend, Pepper?” You asked your dog who was bumping your other arm with his snout, also demanding cuddles now. “Let me see your tag, baby,” you cooed at the little beagle. In pretty cursive lettering it said ‘Bella’ on the tag of her pink collar. “What a pretty name for a pretty girl,” you cooed at her, scratching the fur beneath her chin which she seemed to like.
“Bella!” A deep voice called over, making you turn your head to who you assumed to be Bella’s owner. You didn’t know what kind of person you had expected it to be but it wasn’t this. The man didn’t look like he was not from this world. You wouldn’t be surprised if you found a sculpture that had his exact face. His cheekbones seemed to be carved by the most talented sculptor there had ever been, his lips must have been drawn by the most delicate hands and his eyes had to be made from fallen stars. He was absolutely gorgeous. His face was framed by silver strands that fell a little into his eyes, hiding a pair of strong eyebrows. With how stunned you were by the handsome stranger, you forgot that Pepper was still very much hyper and eager to play, so the dog easily tackled you and attacked your face with wet kisses. “Oh god, Pepper, get off,” you laughed, rolling away from the sloppy display of affection. “Bad puppy,” you grinned, ruffling the fur on your dog’s head.
“So Pepper is your dog?” The deep voice of the stranger asked. He had also kneeled down and was currently petting Bella who had rolled onto her back, asking for belly rubs. “Yes, I’ve lost him for a second there. He has gotten so fast when he has the zoomies. I was worried he had picked a fight again.” “Oh no, he was making friends with Bella. She is a little shy when it comes to other dogs but he approached her very calmly,” he smiled. “Calm? That must have been another dog,” you laughed, tilting your head out of reach for Pepper to kiss. “He is really cute,” the stranger said, “They played together really nicely.” “That’s great. He hasn’t really made any other friends here and we’ve been coming here quite often,” you smiled, getting up to pat the dirt off your clothes. “I am Dejun,” the stranger introduced himself, holding out a hand for you to shake. Smiling, you introduced yourself as well, quickly shaking his outstretched hand. “I’ve never met anyone with that name,” you blurted out when the silence began to stretch between you two and you immediately just wanted to slap yourself for such a statement. “Oh, yeah. I’m originally from China,” Dejun explained, running a hand through his fluffy looking hair. You briefly wondered how fluffy it really was when it was bleached to such a light color. “I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable,” you quickly apologized. “Oh no, it’s fine. I get that a lot,” he assured you. “So what brought you here?” You asked to fill the silence between you while your dogs were playing between both of your legs. “I’m here on an exchange program for university,” he explained, “You want to go sit down and let them play for a bit?” Looking at your dogs playing, you couldn’t help but smile at the two puppies. “Sure, I have some time left,” you answered, picking up your bag and following the Chinese man to where he had his own bag on a bench. But it wasn’t a normal bag, it was a guitar case.
“You’re playing the guitar?” “Yeah,” Dejun replied, flushing slightly when he picked up the instrument, sending some pages of notes flying that he quickly grabbed. “I was just practicing and debating if I should rearrange some parts of the song.” “So you’re studying something music related?” “Yeah, I’m mostly focused on singing though.” “Are you comfortable with singing a little for me?” You shyly asked. “Sure, I can show you what I’ve been working on but it’s a Chinese song.” “That’s fine, I probably can’t tell you much about the quality of the song though. I’m not really artistic,” you smiled. “It’s fine. I don’t know too many people here yet outside of my program. Even less people who would volunteer to listen to my singing,” he replied, carefully plucking the strings of his guitar. “I’m sure your singing is great.”
“You haven’t even heard me yet,” Dejun mumbled, his face turning red. He quickly cleared his throat and strummed his guitar a couple of times before he gently started to hum a melody. Shortly after he took another deep breath and played his first cords before he began to sing. You were immediately captivated by the smoothness of his voice and even though you couldn’t understand a single word he was singing, you could feel the emotion and desperation dripping from his lips. Every other sound despite the softness of Dejun’s voice and the clear sounds of his guitar seemed to become quiet around you. You couldn’t hear any of the dogs barking or cars honking in the distance. The world seemed to have shrunken down to the little bench the both of you sat on.   When Dejun sang the last note and looked up at you again, you couldn’t stop the tear that escaped your eyes. His eyes grew twice the size when he saw the little drop roll down your cheek before you could quickly wipe it. “I’m sorry, that was just so beautiful,” you choked out, rubbing your eyes. “Thank you,” Dejun whispered with a small voice, fiddling with his fingers before putting down his guitar and pulling out a packet of handkerchiefs that you accepted gratefully, pulling one out to dab your eyes dry. “I have never had someone cry because of my singing,” he mumbled, not really meeting your eyes. “It was just so emotional,” you choked out.
“Look at the dogs,” Dejun suddenly whispered, pointing to the ground. There, right between yours and Dejun’s feet, your two dogs laid, all curled up against each other, looking up at the two of you with their big dark eyes. “Oh god,” you choked out. There was no way you could hold back your tears anymore. “I’m sorry,” you sobbed, hiding your face behind your hands. Dejun was clearly overwhelmed with your reaction, helplessly looking down at the dogs where Pepper had gotten up to rub his face against your leg, quickly followed by Bella who sat down at your feet as well. “Do you... Do you want a hug or something?” He slowly asked, awkwardly shuffling in his seat. “I don’t want to make you feel even more uncomfortable than I already am.” “It’s fine,” he assured you, scooting a little closer and opening his arms, “I was the one who caused it after all.” “Really?” After he nodded, you closed the distance between your bodies, gently wrapping your arms around his waist when he circled his arms around you, somewhat awkwardly patting your back.
“This is so awkward,” you laughed when you managed to stop sobbing, hiding your face in his surprisingly strong chest with how lean he had looked. “Yeah,” Dejun laughed with you, making your head shake on his chest. “I’m so sorry,” you chuckled before you detangled yourself from him and wiped your eyes from happy tears this time. “You still look really pretty,” he blurted out, seemingly shocked at the words that had just left his mouth, his face turning bright red. “Thank you,” you stuttered, blood creeping to your face as well. “Wow,” Dejun cleared his voice awkwardly and picked up Bella who had been pawing at his legs, hiding his face in her fur. “Can I... Can I invite you for lunch or something to make up for crying into your shirt?” You stuttered, not daring to look at Dejun and instead petting Pepper who had been pawing at your legs to be picked up ever since he had picked up Bella. But sadly Pepper was getting too big to be picked up by you anymore but he hadn’t caught onto that yet. “You don’t have to, it’s fine,” Dejun politely declined, still hiding behind his dog that he was now holding like a baby, cradling her in his arms. You just barely held in the urge to coo at the pair, Bella really seemed to love him. “But I want to,” you said, “We could bring our dogs, they seemed to enjoy playing with each other.” “I... I guess that would be nice,” he stuttered. “You don’t have to.” “I would... I would like to get to know you better,” Dejun admitted, his face still tinted red, “And it’s good for the puppies as well I guess.” “Then it’s settled,” you beamed, petting an excited Bella when she jumped from his arms before she chased after Pepper who had gone running again. “Are you going to sing more while they’re playing?” You asked, motioning to his guitar. “Only if you promise to not cry again,” Dejun chuckled, picking up his instrument again.
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dented-nado · 4 years
Blanket/cuddling with superbat if you want!
This turned into heavy angst that turned into comfort despite this being a fluff prompt I’m so sorry , but I hope the hurt/comfort pay off will be worth it.
 Batman had pushed himself through pain, refused to acknowledge how much yet another knife ripping through his suit, another bullet that would have to be dug out, really hurt. Deep down, there was a voice that screamed every time, that wanted to cry, yell, anything, but he buried it. The way the cold air whipped at his face as he fell from the tallest buildings into the city and landed in a glide. The way every new tragedy, every new loss would shake him to his core.
How much more before he broke? Even the heaviest, strongest, steel would bend under enough pressure.
What if he lost someone dear to him again?
Could he handle it? Could he go on?
He hated thinking about it.
 That kind of heavy emotion couldn’t stay buried for long. Bruce had it explained to him many times. The way he lived and treated himself was much like a dormant volcano. It may stand tall and seem like any other mountain from an outsider perspective… but inside, the pressure was building, and the longer that pressure built with no way to vent or release that energy? The more dramatic and disastrous the inevitable eruption would be.
He knew it. He had seen such an eruption happen to those closest to him. Witnessed as all the repressed trauma, both physical and mental burst out after hiding behind a mask under the surface for so long, watched it rip a person apart, disrupt their life completely.
Deep down… he knew.
He knew he wasn’t dealing with what he needed to. He knew he knew, everyone had told him. He had told himself. He knew he was pouring the wrong kind of energy into Batman that had brought him a little too close to a place he didn’t want to go. He knew… eventually, his body, his mind, wouldn’t be able to physically take it anymore.
He’d already pushed himself so far… so so far.
But he made excuses. “Gotham needs me.” “Just one more night.” “Once this one case is solved…” “Maybe when (x) is older, they need me to be strong right now…”
Clark… Clark was… different. While he certainly hadn’t opened up very quickly… It was clear he trusted Bruce to tell him about his deepest insecurities, fears… the feelings that he had that he’d never really belong anywhere.
Bruce would listen, he always did, knowing these words were ones Clark didn’t share with just anyone. But it always baffled him in some way… because to him, Clark was not only a man he admired… loved… cherished… but a man he also wished he could be more like in a lot of ways. Because at least Clark talked about it. He had wiped tears from Clark’s eyes when he finally opened up about the life he had been ripped away from during the Black Mercy incident.
But when he tried to relate., tried to say he knew the horrific feeling of loosing a child… understood what it was like to have the life you always wanted, the acceptance, and love you always wanted… the people you wanted to be in your life teased at you, convincing you they were real only to come to the horrific conclusion that it was all a lie…. He couldn’t say it. He’d find when he wanted to speak, it felt like all of it wanted to come out of once.
And too often it came when he really didn’t want to make it about him. Or even just… he panicked at the feeling of everything being ready to come pouring out and swallowing it back down into the pit of his stomach, into the crevices of his mind to be saved for nightmares. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Clark to tell him… god, he trusted that man more than anyone, and adored him so. SO. Much. But he was terrified what might begin to spill if even one thing shook loose. He was afraid speaking even one word would make him fall apart and not know how to pick the pieces back up… or if he even could.
There wasn’t anything particular different about that night. And yet… halfway through his patrol in the Batmobile, he found himself pulling over due to having trouble breathing. He felt dizzy, his mind had gone blank. He’d just fought and turned in a gunslinger hiding in an alley… it’s not as if he hadn’t done that so… so many times already… so why now?!
The fact he was starting to panic as his body and mind had reached a full on shut down only panicked him more. His hands were shaking as he tried to call Alfred, finding himself having trouble just trying to remember what the damn right button was. He’d helped design the damn thing himself and yet suddenly he couldn’t remember what was what. Finally he found it and felt his eyes grow wet.
“Alfred…” He heaved.
He knew Alfred was asking him what was wrong in alarm, but he barely heard anything, it felt like his ears were stuffed with cotton and his heart was pounding in his head.
“I… I need you to remotely … I can’t…. remember how I’m…”
I’m not okay.
He leaned against the back of the seat in relief as the Batmobile’s auto-navigation took over, he ripped off the cowl and covered his face with his hands. Despite no one able to see him, he still felt the need to cover up his expression, a mix of pure panic and despair as tears he hadn’t let out almost his whole life were bursting out like a damn breaking after a flood. He hated it. He hated feeling, he didn’t want to be this way…
The only comfort that made it through in the moment is hearing Alfred’s voice through the communicator.
“It’s going to be okay son… you’re going to be okay, you’ll be home soon.”
 When he stumbled out of the Batmobile he could barely stand on his own two feet, He was starting to feel lightheaded, like he may pass out from the breathing he’d been unable to calm down despite numerous attempts.
Alfred had rushed over, grabbed his shoulders, so gently encouraged Bruce to look his guardian in the face and breathe with him.
Bruce didn’t know how long it took but he finally finally was able to start catching his breathe again, and allowed himself to be gently taken to sit down. His father figure never letting go of his hand that had ended up ungloved at some point Bruce didn’t remember.
“I-I don’t know what happened or why I-!” Bruce rambled feeling like he had to explain.
“You don’t have to talk about it right now or try and explain it. We don’t need to solve anything right now… what we need is for you to give yourself time…”
“But I left in the middle of a patrol! How could I do that? What if something happens because my own mind betrayed me?!” Bruce insisted, feeling his chest heave again.
“Your mind is not betraying you. It’s doing exactly what it’s meant to, it’s reacting to high levels of stress that you’ve tried to put aside for years and it’s trying to keep you safe. There is nothing wrong with that. There are other people out there working to help save lives, you cannot continue to do this to your detriment.” Alfred replied firmly, his own worry that had been present for years over his son’s wellbeing clearly had been boiling under the surface as well.
Bruce knew he was right… but he wished he could somehow just be better, not have to face any of this…
Alfred took a deep breathe. “Bruce. You are a stubborn, stubborn man with a good heart and so much drive… but I know you also appreciate practicality, and the kind of heroism you do is incredible, but it is not practical. You need to put yourself first. I know you know that in principle, but you have to start letting the rest of us help you make the steps you need to take. I am so proud of you… but I’m worried.”
Bruce looked down at the ground, eyes feeling heavy again. “I know… I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, not at all.” Alfred soothed, giving his boy a hug. “Just… for a little while, allow me to be a parent and help you re-learn habits to take care of yourself?” He asked with a slight teasing tone.
Bruce finally managed a huff of a laugh as he hugged him back. “I guess I need a little bit of that…” He conceded.
He still hated it. But he knew… deep down the path he had been on would lead him here eventually… but this was his chance to take a new path instead, now physically knowing he couldn’t brute force himself down the old path.
He stood slowly, wiping at his face as he let go of Alfred. “Hiding in bed for a while does sound nice.” He admitted.
“I’ll bring up some hot chocolate in a while if you’d like, perhaps an extra blanket?” Alfred offered.
Bruce sniffled, face feeling gross from all the panic and crying. “I’d… like that a lot actually… thank you..” He admitted.
He began stripping out of the batsuit, ready to go upstairs to collapse for a bit before pausing.
His first thought was not to bother him, Clark had been on a outer space mission…. But well… he may have already tried to check in at hearing Bruce’s heartbeat become irregular.
Maybe… maybe just this once…
“Alfred… could.. could you also call Clark for me? If … he’s around… I… um…”
“Of course… I’ll notify him immediately.”
“Thank you Alfred.”
Bruce finally went upstairs, finding his bed and collapsing onto it, only groaning as he realized he forgot to take his shoes off and change clothing.
 Bruce had drunk his hot chocolate and buried himself in a cocoon under the blankets, curling his knees up to his chest and hugging them. He’d completely pulled all of the blankets from the edge of the bed to cover himself in a sort of mini-cave. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been buried under there, alone with his thoughts when he heard familiar large footsteps enter the room and the bed dip as Clark sat beside him.
 “Hey B.” Clark said so sweetly and softly
Bruce physically let out a sigh of relief at his presence. He couldn’t will himself to speak but he moved his hand and lifted the edge of the covers, unable to help a small smile as he saw Clark’s head tilting to look down at him like a giant puppy dog that had just heard a squeaky toy.
He wanted to say “I’m glad you’re here, I missed you.” But he was once again having trouble speaking, so instead he reached his hand out and slowly put it on top of Clark’s hand.
“Hi.” He said, realizing his voice sounded a little weak.
“How are you feeling?” Clark asked, taking Bruce’s hand tightly in his.
“Not good.” He mumbled honestly.
He felt Clark kiss his knuckles. Why was this man just a walking beefy bag of sugar???
“What do you need?” Clark asked quietly.
Bruce thought about it for a moment. He didn’t really know… but then…
“…get under here with me?” He mumbled, grateful Clark had super hearing because his voice was starting to go somewhere else.
Without another moment’s hesitation, Clark and his warmth wiggled under the covers with him. He was wearing a flannel shirt that Bruce had stolen quite a few times because it was unfairly soft and comforting. Clark poked the tip of Bruce’s nose with his own nose before moving up and kissing the Bat’s forehead.
Bruce then immediately put his arms around Clark and buried his head in the man’s chest. Yes… yes this was what he needed. Warmth… someone in the space he usually isolated himself in… He needed Clark by his side.
“I guess you want to know what happened.” Bruce said, voice muffled but once again feeling he had to explain himself.
“Not now… later… just relax B, you can tell me after you’ve had some time. I know you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”
Clark was now running a soothing hand up and down his back. He was so massive, could seem to other so imposing and intimidating… but really, he was so gentle… so patient, so loving…
Bruce didn’t know how he got so lucky.
“I love you so damn much…” He could have sworn he thought to himself.
Clark hugged him a little tighter. “I love you too B, Always, no matter what.”
He felt himself about to cry and have a release of pent up emotion again, but this time he didn’t try to hold back and let himself fall into what his mind was trying to tell him he needed to do. This was what he needed to allow himself space to do. It was terrifying… but it was necessary.
Clark was here, Clark was holding him, and he wasn’t going anywhere. It was warmth in every form. He wasn’t alone anymore; he didn’t have to be… it could be different.
And once again Clark had gifted him with the very thing that Superman stood for, on a deep level that caught him as he landed in this spot where he could no longer push himself into pretending he wasn’t affected.
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