#the way i was just casually listening to sadistic when i thought ‘hey this could work for friend! darling’—
jessamine-rose · 7 months
Boss x Friend! Darling Playlist ♡
Every time I listen to these songs, I think of Boss x Friend! Darling’s dynamic (*´ω`*)
♡ Sadistic - Kanon69
♡ Addictive Kiss - Surii + lyrics
♡ Power and Control - MARINA
♡ Love Dramatic - Masayuki Suzuki ft. Rikka Ihara (Kaguya-sama: Love is War s1 op)
♡ DADDY! DADDY! DO! - Masayuki Suzuki ft. Airi Suzuki (Kaguya-sama: Love is War s2 op)
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hey girl same anon from earlier. I wanted to come back and ask if we could get some tmnt? Like a basic 2012 raph with prompts 11 + 16 ? Btw I'm so sorry, I forgot to say wb! And I done scrolled through your blog looking for the prompts but of course they were in the pinned post 🤦‍♀️
I put essentially everything in the pinned post, LOL. Anyways, tysm for the Welcome Back! Makes me happy :). Sure, I'll see what I can do with these! Sorry you had to scroll so much ^^;
More sadistic Raphael time. Aged up as usual.
Yandere! Raphael (2012) Prompts 11 + 16
Pairing: Romantic
"I'd crush their heart in front of you if it meant you'd only love me!"
"Do as I say or I may just have to press this weapon closer to your back...."
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Threats, Possessive behavior, Isolation, Extremely toxic behavior, Jealousy, Manipulation, Forced relationship, Threats of injury/death, Slight sadism, Trust issues.
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"Do you even know how much you hurt me when you talk to them!?"
You say nothing, letting the aggressive mutant rant. It didn't sound too smart to butt in anyways. Not when he's one of the most violent of his brothers.
"They're just a friend, Raph. I get along with them like you do your brothers."
You're trying to be reasonable, but it doesn't seem Raphael wants to listen to reason. He glares at you with venomous green eyes. His gaze scares you.
"How am I supposed to believe you!? I hate it when others get to talk to you so casually! What if you like them more than me?"
"You know that isn't true, Raph! Please, just listen to me-"
"Do you even know how much I love you?"
He steps forward, staring you down.
"I'd crush their heart in front of you if it meant you'd only love me!"
"Raph, you're scaring me-"
You had been dating Raphael for months by this point. He was always one to get jealous but you thought with reassurance you could keep it under control. It turns out, even with the kind and loving affections, Raph still hated your friends.
He always got jealous, emotional even when he saw or heard of your friends. While he does enjoy your kisses and hugs, there's always something that nags at him. He can't trust them... he can't trust you with them.
"Scaring you? Oh, baby, you have nothing to worry about. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at THEM. Why do they get to spend so much time with you, hm?"
"Come on, Raph...."
"I should be the one that gets the most attention... doesn't that sound right?"
"Of course, you're my boyfriend. I DO give you the most attention, I'm around you all the time."
"Well... Distance yourself from them."
"You heard me, (Y/N). I don't like you around them when I'm not around."
"That's too controlling, Raph-"
He spins out one of his sais from his side, glaring at you. You stare him down, fear settling heavy in your stomach. You know he won't hurt you... right?
You sharply gasp when you feel him lunge at you, cold metal pressing to your back. His eyes don't leave yours. He isn't too keen on hurting you, he just wants to scare you.
After all, he was still only angry at your friend.
"Do as I say or I may just have to press this weapon closer to your back...."
"... You won't hurt me, I know you won't."
"You sure I won't? I can be pretty mean when I don't get my way, baby...."
He pushes you closer to his chest, at this point just holding you.
"I want you all to myself... you can either stop talking to them willingly, or,"
He grins at you, eyes devoid of any sense of rationality.
"I'll get rid of them myself."
He pulls away, rage still burning in him.
"So what is it? You only need me, don't you?"
You look at him with an uneasy gaze before gulping strongly. You look away briefly to escape his harsh looks before answering.
"Okay, Raph. Just for you I'll cut contact with them. Just... don't hurt them."
Raph smiles, kissing your face softly as some sort of praise. You hold your tongue, wanting to cuss him out. Yet you felt it would only get others hurt.
"Good. I knew you loved me."
Raph refuses to let you go, wanting to hold you longer. You just hope Raph keeps his promise...
However, you couldn't get your hopes up.
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valdomarx · 3 years
La Campanella
McShep + Rodney plays the piano Rodney never could resist a challenge, especially when it’s set by Sheppard.
Atlantis is a place of many wonders, but Rodney's favorite is this:
In a distant part of the northern pier is a short, squat tower which he and Sheppard investigate on a routine patrol.
And in that tower is a large, unassuming room like a lecture hall.
And in the center of the room is an object seven foot long and three feet high, elegant, delicate, and familiar.
“Is that…” Rodney practically runs over to touch it, as reckless as that urge can be in Atlantis, but he knows this isn’t a weapon or a piece of broken technology or some dangerous machine. It’s a thing of beauty.
It’s an instrument remarkably like a piano: white and black reversed, keys slightly different lengths, but the same 12-step configuration making up an octave. Keys which strike strings stretched over a wide frame with soft hammers, and this can’t be a coincidence.
“How... ” he starts, and then he answers his own question. “The Ancients must have invented this instrument and brought the concept with them to Earth. But that would overturn so much musical history they’ll have to rewrite the textbooks, can you even imagine the implications -”
John does not look as fascinated by the profound repercussions of this discovery on the history of western classical music as Rodney is.
He waves questions of history aside and sits on the low stool in front of the keyboard, blowing away the years of accumulated dust. His hands instinctively settle into arches, his wrists loose, and he plays a few simple scales. The notes sound out clear and true, but -
He frowns.
“Something wrong?” Sheppard is leaning over the instrument, studying him and it with interest.
“This is tuned half a tone lower than an Earth piano. Feels a bit weird, that’s all.”
“How do you know that?”
Rodney affects his smuggest smile. “Perfect pitch, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Sheppard says, rolling his eyes.
Rodney looks around the room furtively, keen for reasons he can’t articulate that no one else should observe them, and he starts to play.
It becomes a habit, a place to unwind, somewhere they visit on off hours and in quiet moments.
Today Sheppard is flicking through a golf magazine while Rodney warms up with some Bach. The music is pleasing and orderly, and the sparse, bright notes explode in fractal-like patterns, unfurling and changing and becoming more complex the closer you look.
John tilts his head to one side and says, “You know there’s a whole bunch of classical music on the Atlantis server?”
Rodney grins. He did know that, in fact. Never get between a team of scientists and their file sharing. “I may have heard.”
“I listened to some of the Chopin you like. Then some other piano stuff as well.”
“Yeah?” Rodney picks at a fingernail. Something about the idea of John listening to music just because Rodney likes it makes his heart beat a little faster. “Find anything you liked?”
“A bunch actually. Have you heard of a piece called La Campanella? By a guy named Liszt?"
"Have I…" Has he heard of the single hardest piece in the entire solo piano repertoire? The fact he could never get those double stops right haunts him to this day. "Yeah, it rings a bell."
"I like that one," John says decisively. "It's nice."
Nice??? Sheppard thinks the most epic and demanding piece of all time is nice? Of course he does.
"You should learn to play it," John says casually, like he's suggesting they watch an action movie instead of a scifi.
"I should -" he splutters. "Do you have any idea how difficult that is? It's practically impossible."
John smirks and says, "I thought practically impossible was your specialty?"
Rodney is still spluttering when John throws him a wink and walks out.
And then, because despite being the finest mind in two galaxies, on some level he truly is an idiot, he stretches out his fingers and starts to practice.
It's not like he had copious free time to start with. But he makes space whenever he can to come to the piano room, chipping away at this ludicrous piece, bit by bit, phrase by phrase, over and over and over.
People think that learning to play is artistry, and maybe it is that too, but mostly it's a grind. You keep doing it again and again until you get it right. It's as much about stubbornness as about skill.
And stubbornness is something Rodney McKay has in abundance.
Liszt really was a sadistic old bastard, Rodney thinks sourly as he works on the right hand jumps until his fingers turn to lead.
Sometimes Sheppard comes and sits with him while he practices, and on those days he plays easier pieces, things which are familiar and casual. Not that John seems to pay much attention, but Rodney has the urge to impress him all the same.
He’s always having that urge around John.
He spends an entire week working on his goddamn trill.
It shouldn’t matter and it’s not like anyone will really listen to it. But it seems to represent something important — a sequence of paired adjacent notes, next to each other but never quite touching, bouncing off each other time and time again, a dance of two — though he doesn’t want to examine that too closely.
He doesn’t tell anyone else about the piano. He tells himself that’s because it’s convenient that he doesn’t have to share and can use it whenever he wants.
But really, he likes that it’s his and Sheppard’s; their own tiny secret in this vast and sprawling city.
He hears the piece in his sleep, and on missions, and when he’s working in his lab. It becomes a background hum of his brain, always there, a sort of yearning for the possible, the platonic ideal, the way that things could be.
He tries not to examine that too closely either, though the weight of the realization is becoming harder to ignore.
Eventually the piece is as ready as it's going to be. He scribbles a quick note during a meeting, folds it into a paper airplane, and throws it at Sheppard's head. He hits him right in the temple, and he manages to avoid cheering when Elizabeth glares at him.
I have something to play for you, the note reads. Meet you at 7? You know where. - R
He jots it down without really thinking, and only once he's thrown does it occur to him how soppy it sounds.
John doesn't seem too perturbed though. He smiles down at the note and meets Rodney's eye with a little eyebrow wiggle which Rodney takes to mean, Gonna impress me?
By the time John arrives, Rodney is all warmed up and more nervous than he's ever been about a performance. His heart is racing, and when John gives him a fond look and says, "Hey," it trips even faster.
Once he settles in to play though, there's a certain kind of mental clarity that settles over him. His hands know how to do this, he just has to sit back and let them.
His wrists are still tense as he sounds out the first few bars and then, all at once, he relaxes into it and lets the music carry him. Hours of repetition have made every chord, every melody, every insane and unreasonable jump into something almost effortless. He even forgets John is there: there’s only him, and the piano, and the music.
The music builds and builds, each section becoming more and more ornamented, more complex, more physically demanding, all at a relentless pace that sends most players reeling. But he's got this, he can do this, it turns out all he needed was a bit of motivation.
The penultimate section is his favorite: The technical parts are done and here he can throw himself into the wild, over the top glory of the final melody. And perhaps he shows off a little bit, catching John's eye and grinning at him, but that's all part of the fun.
The piece ends with a crashing, massive finale that makes him feel like a virtuoso, and then in a last few epic chords it's done, as tight and perfect a five minutes as you could wish for.
The final chord reverberates on and on through the stillness of the room, glowing out beyond the city and into the night.
"Wow." John's eyes are wide. "That was great."
Rodney preens, because that ineloquent little comment somehow means more to him than an auditorium full of ecstatic applause. Having John look at him like that makes the months of practice worth it.
"You liked it?" He's fishing for compliments, but he figures he's earned it.
"I did," John says, staring at Rodney's hands like they hold the secrets to the universe.
He looks up and blushes at having been caught staring. Then he deflects and shrugs one shoulder. “Honestly, though, it’s not my favorite piano piece.”
Rodney narrows his eyes. He has the distinct impression he’s been played. “What was your favorite then?”
"I prefer Songs Without Words."
"Mendelssohn?" he explodes. "You wanted Mendelssohn? Jesus Christ, I learned to play that when I was eight!"
John grins. "I appreciate simplicity in music."
"Then why on earth did you make me learn Liszt?!"
John has this joyous, manic light in his eyes, like he's having the time of his life here, messing around with Rodney, of all the things he could be doing. "I like watching you do impossible things."
He sucks in a breath. "I hate you."
"No you don't." John leans in, smug and delighted, and oh, Rodney is so in love with this ridiculous, infuriating man that he could burst. "You learned La Campanella for me."
"It wasn't that hard," he says quickly, because he has a reputation to maintain here. But John laughs and gives him this soft, teasing look, one eyebrow quirked at a ridiculous angle beneath the chaotic mess of his hair, and Rodney is defenseless.
"Whatever you say, McKay," John says, and Rodney has the feeling he sees straight through him. "Now play it again."
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enchantedblackrose · 4 years
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
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**Not my picture. Google Images.**
This Thing Between Us
Pairing: Jay Halstead/Reader
Warnings: 1 F bomb near the end
Apologies, this has not yet been proofread by someone else. I was just too anxious to get it posted.
There's a knock on your apartment door which causes you to groan. You struggle to find the will to get off the couch and leave the warmth of your favorite sherpa blanket. In fact you contemplate not answering the door. You check your phone to make sure no one sent you a text about coming over.
0 new notifications 
Then there's another knock with a little more force behind it this time. Sighing, your curiosity is getting the better of you. You pause your favorite Christmas movie before standing up. 
'Ugh, Christmas,' you think to yourself. It is a large contributor to your current funk. But it's not your fault you find the holiday incredibly romantic. You can blame Hollywood and American commercialism for that. A constant string of movies, songs, and commercials are crammed down your throat before Halloween every year. Most depict having someone special, someone to cuddle, to sip hot chocolate with, to take you ice skating, or decorate the tree and bake cookies, someone to love and loves you back. You're painfully single and apparently sadistic, self sabotaging yourself with that movie.
You open the door and are met with those familiar piercing eyes belonging to your partner. The other leading cause of your pathetic state.. You met at work, both being a part of the elite intelligence unit for the Chicago Police Department. You're fiercely dedicated to the job, as is he, but that didn't stop either of you from hooking up. You've been sleeping together for a few months. You thought you could handle it all. The friendship, the casual hook ups, working closely together, the undeniable chemistry you two shared, but somewhere along the way you found yourself falling in love. 
Scared of falling alone, of ruining everything, you've kept your feelings a secret. Instead you have, rather unsuccessfully, attempted to limit the hook ups, vowing to make a clean break.
You truly don't even know how you get yourself into these positions, but then you see him smiling at you as he leans on your doorframe and the how becomes a lot clearer. 
"I have a candy cane for you."
"Ugh, Jay," you groan. "I'm really not in the mood. You should have called. I-"
"No, I have an actual candy cane for you." He pulled the curved peppermint stick out of his coat pocket offering it to you.
"Oh. Uh...thanks." You take the candy cane, slightly confused.
"I'm on the way to meet a CI about the case.I thought maybe you'd wanna come along?"
"Yeah, sure. Let me get changed real fast." You indicate for him to come inside. He steps through the doorway, accidentally brushing against you. You catch a whiff of his familiar scent and you find yourself thinking about pulling him to you. But you remember he's here for work. 
Having been at your place quite a few times, he knowingly heads for your couch.You make your way to your bedroom. You're halfway undressed when you hear Jay laugh. You peek your head out to see what sparked the laughter. He sees you and points to your Christmas tree.
It's about 2 feet, strung with multicolored lights, topped with a star that's too big. It's pathetic and the whole thing looks like it could topple over at any given moment.
"What is that?" He exclaims, still laughing.
You huff and cross your arms. "Stop it. I haven't exactly had the chance to go out and buy a new tree." It's true. The case has you logging more hours than normal and your current mental state wasn't exactly inspiring your Christmas spirit, either. As you finish getting out of your sweats and putting on "real" clothes, you hear Jay still chuckling softly. As much as you want to be annoyed by him, the sound makes you smile slightly.
Jay's informant has information that proves to be useful. You put in a call to the other members of the team. Soon enough there's a successful bust and several collars. Voight commends the team for a good job, then dismisses you all, rather quickly saying something about enjoying the start of the holiday when given the chance.
Jay takes you back to your place. You hesitate before getting out of his truck, struggling with your own conflicting wants.
"Do you wanna hang out for a bit?" You ask, losing your willpower.
He smiles and kisses your cheek almost brusquely. "I have some things to take care of."
You nod showing you understand, but hope the small smile you give is enough to hide your disappointment you can't help but feel. You slide out of his truck and give a careless wave bye. 
'It's fine,' you tell yourself repeatedly as you make your way up to your apartment. 'This is good even'. Obviously you were failing at breaking things off. This could be your chance. You start getting ready for the long, hot shower your body desperately needs.
Feeling better than you have in awhile, you settle into your couch beginning your search for something to watch. A knock on your door interrupts. Unbelievable.
You open it to once again find Jay standing there, this time donning a red santa hat and holding an oversized box.
"What are you doi-"
He cuts you off. "Do you mind?" You step aside and he comes in placing the box down in the middle of your living room. For the first time you can see clearly what it is he's brought you.
You feel a wide grin take over your face. "You bought me a tree?" He notices your bright smile and beams back at you.
"I bought you a tree. And some decorations. They're in the boxes still in the hallway. I didn't know what you had." You rush to bring them in. Jay begins removing pieces of the tree from the box as you look through the ornaments and lights he's brought. You inspect each one thoroughly and with a smile. Occasionally Jay stops assembling the tree to look at you. When you feel his eyes on you, you turn to him.
"What?" But he just shakes his head and returns his focus to the tree. "You know," you start carefully, not wanting to appear ungrateful, "I do have a few ornaments from when I was a kid downstairs in the storage unit."
"Well, go get them," he grins."I'm good here."
You return a few minutes later. Jay turned on Christmas music while you were gone, as well as finished getting the tree up. The artificial evergreen stands at 6 ½ feet. With it's big, full branches it's easily the nicest tree you've had as an adult. 
Before he starts to string the lights up, he follows you to the couch where you sit with your small container of ornaments. You lift the lid carefully and begin showing them to him. There's an ornament with your name and date of birth on it. One has your kindergarten picture in it. You save your favorite for last and explain the sentimental value behind it. Jay listens intently as you speak and you swear you love him more for it. 
Together you both start decorating the tree, stopping only to make hot chocolate. Soon the tree is fully decorated and there's nothing more to do than admire it. You both sit on your couch taking it all in.
You curl into Jay and almost automatically he wraps his arm around you. "Thank you," you say softly. "For all of this." He pulls you tighter in response and begins combing his fingers through your hair, but the sweet action stirs something in you.
Sighing, you sit up. Jay looks up at you in alarm. "Hey. What's been going on with you? Hmm?" He nudges you playfully, but when you don't speak, he looks dejected and runs a hand quickly through his hair. He says your name softly. "C'mon. You know you can talk to me about anything and it's not like I haven't noticed you pulling away lately."
You look at him and swallow hard, unsure of what to say. "This isn't enough for me, Jay. I'm sorry. I thought it would be, but it's not."
"What's not enough? The tree? I thought you liked it?"
"No, not the tree! The tree's perfect. I love the fucking tree, okay?" Tears are starting to form as your emotions get the best of you.
"Then what? I'm gonna need a little more information. I'm sorry."
"I don't wanna be the coworker you screw around with. I wanna mean something to you, Jay! Not in the we're partners way, either."
"Aw, baby girl." Your heart aches at the endearment he's only ever used in your most intimate moments together. "Come here." He pulls you tight to him and as much as you don't want to, you welcome his strong embrace. He's quiet for a moment as he holds onto you and you're begging the tears not to fall. "I'm gonna need you to look at me." He gently pulls away and cups your face. He stares deep into your eyes. "This thing between us, it's for real; it's never just been casual for me and I am so sorry I didn't tell you that before now. I'm so in love with you."
There's no stopping the tear rolling down your cheek. Jay wipes it away with his thumb. "You mean that?" You ask, your voice hardly above a whisper. He nods. You smile. "I love you, too." The words are hardly out of your mouth before his lips are on yours. He pulls away after a moment, gently resting his forehead against yours.
Your eye catches the clock on the wall. 12:01 in the morning. It's officially Christmas Eve and the man you love, loves you. An almost inaudible laugh escapes you.
"What?" Jay asks, clearly puzzled.
"Nothing. I'm just happy."
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
who in nct 127 would agree to platonically kiss you
i see you're back, you weirdo. finished with seventeen, now let's move on to nct 127!! i would do all of them but 21 members is a bit too much for my dried up sea sponge imitation of a brain, don't you think? anyways, let's get this show on the road!!
dream ver. / seventeen ver.
taeil: listen here, man is already used to hyuck constantly trying to get a bite of his face, do you think asking for a kiss will phase him? he'd give you a nonchalant sure and get on with it. hurry. chop chop. being a wanted man is tiring make it quick. downside is it will turn into his way of greeting you when you see him again. he will not let you live it down | rating: 8/10 because "hey y/n no kiss today?" "oh why are you pouting, want a kiss?" and you're like STOP. PLEASE. but does he stop? no.
johnny: "try your best lol" yeah he wouldn't mind. yeah he'd let you kiss him. that is if you could actually reach him lmao. it will turn into a game with you constantly trying to jump/climb/chop off his legs just so you can kiss him, but johnny is unbeatable even if you're taller/as tall as him. if you're persistent enough he'd eventually give in. he'd stop and actually let you get near him, that shit eating grin on his face but then SIKE. bitch you thought | rating: 3/10 because it's good exercise.
taeyong: lmao this one's another fun game. he'd say yes sure ofc but he's nervous poor baby. and you were about to give him a lil smooch but all of a sudden— fight or flight instincts: activated. OOPS i didn't mean to swerve away haha my body moved on it's own sorry let me try that again. OOPS shit are you okay?? omg i didn't mean to push you off the couch and into the coffee table and injure your back i'm sowwy huhu ; - ; | rating: 2/10 all you wanted was to test if your new lipstick was gonna smudge but what you got was a fresh purple bruise.
yuta: ask and you shall receive. actually even if you don't ask, you'll still receive because if you're friends with him, there's a ninety-nine percent chance that you've already made out with him before. drunk or sober doesn't matter. no words needed, just give him a look and he'll be like "that's my cue" and within seconds his tongue is all over yours like a maniac | rating : 10/10 psh this is all in a days job for yuta.
doyoung: he'll think your crazy (you are crazy) absolutely mad. a brute. he isn't dealing with your bullshit, who do you think he is? you think you're hot shit huh? think you can just get a kiss from him if you ask? god the disrespect. try sending him 18th century-esque love letters, first. balcony serenade him. stare at him longingly across the palace ballroom. send him a fresh rose every single day at his doorstep then maybe by then he'll let you hold his hand | rating: 6/10 the effort is worth it, i promise.
jaehyun: to everyone who still has the fratboy persona pinned on jaehyun, you're wrong shut the fuck up. you'd casually ask him if you can kiss in this picture perfect, out of a movie scene scenario for your story or whatever the fuck and he's down for it. absolutely down. haha his nerves aren't going crazy at all. he acts so confident and carefree and you actually think he's chill with it and you're like cool let's smooch. but on the inside he's like what??? is this??? oh my fuckindhshhdj | rating: 8/10 jaehyun is a good kisser and just as good at falling in love easily oops.
winwin: you're gonna die. you've signed up for death. he is going to throw you into the 5th circle of hell. did i mention that you're gonna die? also did you forget how strong sicheng is? my god what a mistake you have done. he won't even say anything throughout. if you even get a CENTIMETER closer into his safe zone, he will destroy you. he will make you perish. you will regret this please reconsider | rating: 0/10 you're a dumbass for even trying. my god what is wrong with you.
jungwoo: oh? you want to kiss him? you really want to? congrats! because he wants to too!! the only problem is he's gonna take this as permission to never stop kissing you. you're eating cereal? oh! a kiss for you uwu. you just happened to pass by him? surprise smooch! you've just subscribed to jungwoo's eternal scmooching services. sorry, there is no cancellation. thank you | rating: 9/10 minus one point because you're like jungwoo stop i think this is enough and he's like no ❤
mark: oh my god you're gonna break him. he's gonna start foaming at the mouth, eyes twitching, and steam is gonna escape from his ears. oh that's what you're trying to do? okay then (you monster). the moment you ask him he is gonna break and he won't have the receptors to even say yes or no my god. why would you want this | rating: 1/10 are you a sadist? do you like seeing others in pain? because if that's the case then 10/10.
donghyuck: "you want to kiss me? are you in love with me or something? damn you're in love with me aren't you haha guys y/n is in love with me can you believe that" we all know how much of a little shit he is. but in actuality he's too much of a loser to actually pull through it. he'd be like yeah psh a kiss? that's all you want? WEAK (you're the weak one, hyuck) will start burning up once you actually do, and all that happens is your lips slightly grazing against one other and he'd be like "CUT. END SCENE. THANK YOU" | rating: 5/10 that wasn't even a kiss rip.
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watevermelon · 4 years
Cheater!Akaashi x Reader
✧ Summary: (Continuation) Akaashi apologizes to the reader, seeing her genuinely happy without him (MSBY Black Jackals Era) [forgiving/peaceful end]
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A/N : Slight spoilers if you aren’t caught up to 392 ;) (reader ends up with our home-boy Konoha) ➳  Masterlist ➳  Part One
Walking away from Akaashi was one of the hardest things you had ever done in your high school career. He was the picture perfect boyfriend, the one you even wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Everything about him, from his kindness to his charming good-looks, you wanted to wake-up to it every day for the rest of your life.
Until one day, you just didn’t.
And from then on, so much as a thought about Akaashi set your heart aflame, ready to fight the setter with your bare hands. You had your friends to guide you through it all, even Konoha had drawn closer to you in your circle. And with time, it was easier to breathe in the halls of Fukurodani. Some people had pushed for details regarding your separation, especially since Akaashi was suddenly romantically attached to a certain captain, but the setter had adamantly requested for the others to leave you alone.
He had pursued you three times since your break, basically pleading with you to listen from his perspective.
You always said no.
And life moved on. Akaashi became the captain of the Fukurodani Volleyball team, both Konoha and Bokuto graduating to attend college nearby. Yukie, Haruki - all the older faces that you had come to know had finally left the school for good. And while some members of your friend group also graduated, it was bittersweet goodbyes for your worst year of high school.
Time really does heal wounds and you found yourself often forgetting all about the setter that broke your heart.
In high school, everything can feel like the end of the world. Whether it be a low grade, drama within your friend group, or even breaking up with some stupid person you called a boyfriend - it incited that deep curling feeling that just felt like: that was it. The end of the world as you knew it.
And in some ways that was true, but that wasn’t always a bad thing.
Now as a graduate-school senior, you had long accepted that there were still plenty of moments that felt like that. There was always going to be drama somewhere and some absolute sadist of a professor who liked to hand you a new asshole.
And it was not like you were suddenly a pro at handling these feelings. You still had doubts, worries, but this was all pushed back with your own brand of confidence built on the foundation of your earlier teenage years. With your friends, both new and old, you were ready to take on the world.
But first, final exams.
You were basically shut out to your roommates, either sheltering yourself in your room or in the library to get some good studying in. One of them was trying to follow a similar route, but she often got distracted by social media or newly released video games. The other had accepted her faith long ago, joking that the most she studied was during the breaks of the test.
And after having shared a class with her last semester, you found out it was not a joke.
There was only one class that you were particularly worried about and the final was tomorrow night. There were minimal distractions throughout today, even your boyfriend of almost a year was busy with his own classes and so the both of you were cooped up, mutually suffering at different colleges. 
It was only until this afternoon, did your focus break, nothing helping what you received today. On your coffee table was a simple letter, but you recognized the hand-writing even after all these years.
It was a personally written invitation to a professional volleyball game, home-court to the MSBY Black Jackals.
Bokuto and Akaashi had invited you.
The moment you received it, you called your boyfriend to see if he got one as well. Apparently, everyone from the old Fukurodani volleyball club got an invite. And, in addition to their crew, you had gotten one as well.
Your boyfriend assured you that if you were not comfortable with going, then that was it. Neither of you would attend. But you smiled at him surely, saying that anything regarding the two was long behind you. That was honestly the case, any memories of Akaashi brought forth a sad numbness, but nothing else. There was nothing you had to say to him, but you didn’t exactly want to hold back your boyfriend from being present at their reunion.
Slapping at your cheeks, you reminded yourself that you needed to focus on studying.
And so a week later, excelling with flying colors on that absolute bastard of a final, you mentally prepared yourself to see Akaashi and Bokuto for the first time in years. There would be no easy way to have that conversation, but with a group this large, you hoped that there would be no one-on-one time with either of them.
Sporting a loose denim jacket and leggings, you tried your best casual look for the night. Pulling it up into a high ponytail, you rushed over to the front of the dorm when the doorbell expectedly rang.
“Hey.” Konoha greeted you warmly, pulling you into a light peck in greeting. You murmured it back against his lips, happy to feel it curl into a smile against your own.
You hadn’t started dating until you were both in a few years into college, having kept in touch long after high school as you both attended schools in Tokyo. You went to the same college as Haruki and that was the silent lifeline between your relationship. From college parties to general hangouts, Haruki was a true bro and Konoha was relentless in his pursuit of your friendship.
It wasn’t like a sudden rush overnight or like the clouds had shifted to rain sunshine down on Konoha. It was simple, you liked Konoha and wanted to go out with him. He was more than just a friendly face or a wielder of cold humor. The previous volleyball player had a genuinely kind-soul that was more than just another person from Fukurodani.
You remembered how easy it was to be genuinely happy with Konoha. It made you want to do the same for him, to put a smile on his face and remind yourself what it was like to truly be needed.
The first time the two of you kissed, it was before you were even officially dating. You two had separated from the cluster of college teens, far away from the bustle of the house-party as you sat on the edge of the property. There was a pool a ways behind you, but you had sat together under a tree together and looked up at the night sky.
The stars weren’t visible from Tokyo, the lights of the city keeping them hidden from view. But that hadn’t stopped the two of you from thinking the sky was beautiful that night, laying back side-by-side as you talked to each other candidly.
“Professor Magnolia puts the mystery in chemistry.” You complained to Konoha.
He chuckled at your awful pun, probably more out of pity than actual amusement, you wondered. Replying back, “You still did pretty well in that class.”
“I don’t want to hear it from you, mister 4.0 GPA.” You quipped, a teasing smile on your face that he recognized.
“I could always give you some private lessons.” Konoha joked, but you both knew the suggestive line that was there. He seemed to recognize it and back off immediately, “Unless, of course -”
“I want you to.” You interrupted him.
Yes, you were the more aggressive party when it came to your relationship. At least, at the start. Konoha has been your friend forever. And there was no denying that the young man was plenty attractive and very handsome. But you tended to wonder if he was ever interested in bringing it to another step.
Whenever implications got too serious, or your mutual teasing had lingered a little too long, Konoha would make sure to put a wide berth of space between and the line. You honestly appreciated this very much, since Konoha was aware of your space and never encroached on your friendship. And it was not like he had put a complete damper on your relationship either, openly flirting back with you when you tried. 
Instead, Konoha put the ball entirely in your court.
You wanted this? You had to come and get it.
“Are you being serious?” Konoha asked as he sat-up, face serious as he contemplated your last statement.
But you smiled at him as you leaned closer, “Yes.”
He reflected your expression back at you, the both of you rising to stand for whatever reason. Konoha always towered over you, but now you were more aware of that fact as you looped your arms around his neck. You gravitated toward one another, lips meeting in a chaste peck before you deepened the kiss.
But it was not like your relationship depended on you making the first move, no way. Konoha was very attentive to the communication within your relationship. Once you made it clear that you were comfortable, he would make the move you both wanted.
From your first kiss to the first night you shared together, you nearly whipped your bra at him the week before to make sure he got the message.
And he definitely got the message.
Konoha went from your sudden high-school protector to the one you desperately wanted to spend your life with. You would do anything to keep your relationship steady and would feel your heart surge when he would whisper back similar thoughts.
And now here your boyfriend was, picking you up at the dorms before the both of you attended a MSBY Black Jackals game. You honestly never thought that this would happen. Konoha had attended some in the past, along with Haruki and the rest. It was never something that bothered you either, they were his best friends and he hadn’t done anything wrong.
You just never thought you’d be attending one together, at the invitation of your ex-boyfriend no less.
But you continued on anyway, waving goodbye to your roommates and taking Konoha’s hand as he guided you through the bustle of Shibuya. He held your hand tightly and you would squeeze back when you got closer to the arena, the large poster of current volleyball pro’s coming into view.
You had seen lots of images of Bokuto in his professional career. He was basically a household name now, a reliable outside hitter to one of the best Division 1 teams in all of Japan. There were highlights of him on social media and he had even starred in multiple commercials by now.
But the image of Bokuto never really lingered in your mind. He was always a passing thought, like you knew that he existed, but never really registered it that it was true. Seeing a huge poster with many unknown faces except the owl-haired man really brought back this fact.
Scanning your tickets, you were surprised when you were guided to another area. You and Konoha were being guided to a club box, a reserved area for larger groups to mingle together during sports events.
Many of the others during that Fukurodani volleyball club golden age were already present. You had caught up with Yukie in the past year, the nutritionist still as insatiable with food as ever. Haruki was probably the one you were closest to, since the actor and you kept in touch after receiving your undergraduate degrees in college.
He had even called you a few days before, saying that he heard from Konoha that the Akaashi and Bokuto had invited you as well. Your well-intentioned friend suggested doing something to their kneecaps even now, after all these years, but you said it was not necessary.
You had a feeling of why they wanted you here.
It was written out plainly in Akaashi’s letter: to apologize.
That was when you realized that you had never actually received one before. Akaashi was quick with excuses and even more desperate to have you hear his side, but never had the setter actually said the words, ‘I’m sorry,’ over what he had done to you.
And it was not like you need to hear it after all these years. It was something you were long over at this point, not even an issue.
But it made you wonder why now of all times was Akaashi asking to do this.
It was more like, if he needed to say it, then you were patient enough to finally listen.
Konoha said that the moment you needed an out, he would give it. There was already a back-up plan that could be in motion the very second you think it would be necessary. The two boys had made it the night before - Konoha getting a bad call from his family (actually Haruki calling him) and, if need be, he could cry on cue to get you two out of there.
You laughed and called them idiots.
And to your ultimate surprise, neither Akaashi nor Bokuto made an appearance before the game. You were mingling with the group when the announcer started introducing the teams. Those around you were making comments, talking about the young Hinata Shoyou from Miyagi or how the absolute bane-of-their-high-school-existence Sakusa Kiyoomi was now ironically on the same team as Bokuto.
You watched a volleyball game for the first time in seven years. The last game ever being the one before you broke it off with Akaashi. This was different in every way possible - the quick calculate looks of the setter Atsumu Miya. It was nothing like how Akaashi used to look at Bokuto, not how you remembered at least.
And you were actually enraptured in the game, interested eyes watching as the ball launched at high-speeds to each side of the court. At some point, Konoha placed a casual hand across the back of your seat, joking with Haruki that nothing less than food would get your attention.
It was only seven minutes into the first-set that Akaashi made his appearance.
You heard him before you saw him, some of the others greeting him as he strolled in late. In his hands was a box covered by a large plastic bag, apparently an order from Onigiri Miya that ended up taking longer than expected. He greeted everyone individually in his cool, yet quiet voice.
Konoha and you stood together, walking over to greet him with your hands clasped together. Akaashi greeted the both of you warmly, a half-smile at you before his eyes dropped to your hands. There was no hiding the length of his gaze before he was called to the side by someone else, thanking him for the invitation.
It was strange and felt like anything but normal, but at least this wasn’t the catastrophe you were somewhat expecting.
Akaashi turned to the both of you once his attention was freed, “Thank you both for coming. Let’s continue this later after the game, once Kōtarō is free as well.”
You nodded, mustering the best neutral smile you could. Konoha did the same before you made your way back to the seats. Akaashi continued to mingle with the others from high school, never taking a seat and standing watch over the game. One thing that hadn’t changed since your teen days was how much Bokuto stood out, on the court and just simply in person.
While you would’ve liked to have shouted or yelled at either boy at the time, you did not hold any malicious intent after. Never had you thought of outing them to the school or ruining their reputations. Life was hard enough with high-school drama, this was not something you wanted to draw out.
Once it was all said and done, you just wanted to move on.
And seeing Bokuto did not bring back a sudden surge of unhappiness or fight in you. Rather, you felt a small drop of happiness that he was pursuing his dream. But that was quickly squashed down when you remembered the last time you saw him on a volleyball court.
Konoha held your hand the whole way through, you could feel his gaze in the corner of your peripheral. It was sweet, he was making sure that you were truly okay with this, not just saying that you were. Haruki teased that the two of you were too disgustingly cute, to which Konoha just lifted your joined hands and placed a light peck to the side of your head.
You felt Akaashi’s eyes on you then.
You begged yourself not to look, there was nothing in the world that could ever excuse what he did to you. You told yourself that you were over this, that this toxic feeling would not engulf you back then and certainly not now. There was nothing that would grant him mercy.
You looked anyway.
His bright blue eyes were looking right at you. There was no pretend smile this time, no mask he could put on in time to show that he was as neutral as he was before. Instead, you knew what was crawling at the edges of his expression - sadness, jealous, regret. 
It was only when you shared eye-contact that it lit your nerves aflame. He was openly staring back, his eyes almost pleading with you to say something. The look made you tighten your hold in Konoha’s hand. You were filling with something from the pit of your stomach. Not with hurt, but more like worry. Why would Akaashi and Bokuto even invite you here if he was still lingering on those feelings?
You had to wrestle your gaze away, turning back to the gaze and leaning further into Konoha. He wrapped a lazy arm around your shoulder, pulling you and steadying you toward him. You were able to remind yourself that, this time, you were definitely not alone. Even though Akaashi was still looking at you, you refused to turn back and it was only when Konoha turned did you wonder what was going on.
You watched your boyfriend turn to Akaashi and wave, shooting a kind smile which served as a placating look of feigned obliviousness, before lightly kissing the side of your head.
Akaashi turned away then.
You smiled to yourself, thinking no one else had seen the interaction. But Konoha knew you well and even playfully called you out in a low voice, “Oh? You liked that?”
“What? I can’t appreciate my own knight in shining armor?” You teased back, earning you a teasing pinch to your side.
“We’re here for a couple more hours, try not to seduce me any further.”
“Wha!” You contested as he flicked your forehead, “I was not.”
But Konoha just smirked at you, a fond expression on his face before turning back to the game. “You’re cuter than you give yourself credit for.”
You felt your cheeks flush, this was hardly the first time that he had said something like this. But somehow it always lit your cheeks aflame anyway.
The rest of the game went by very quickly, with your attention distracted to your boyfriend on your right. It was the simple things that you found so attractive - even so much as the small veins protruding in his arms when he flexed.
It was hot, ngl.
When the game ended, you were bracing yourself for something. Bokuto made his way to the reserved box, his loud voice above the crowd as many moved forward to greet him. You waited to the side, only moving when there was space to actually get a word in.
“(L/N)-san.” Bokuto greeted back, “I’m glad you came.”
He gave Konoha a high-five that progressed into a side-hug, boys. Somehow they had this handshake that you had never really seen before between the two.
“We hope to move this reunion back to our apartment.” Akaashi announced, many of the group agreed since it was a night before the weekend and no work the next day. They filled out individually, the rambunctious group loud against the cold walls. Haruki and Yukie lingered, you were sure since it was because you were still there.
You looked toward Konoha, there was no doubt that he would want to join in with his old-friends. Not that you really minded, it was just that now it was going to be taking place in the shared home of the two people who cheated on you. Were you mentally prepared to sit in a place that showcased all of their memories?
With the box emptying out, Akaashi approached the two of you first, “This may be the only semblance of quiet we have for the night.”
“Yeah.” You replied dumbly, unsure what to say. Konoha did not let go of your hand.
Yukie edged out of the room, but held-up a cell-phone motion as if she would call you to give you an out if needed. Haruki followed, but their pace was slow and their footsteps halted outside the door. They were probably going to wait, but just gave you your privacy. Bokuto was leaning against the wall by the door, waiting for the three of you.
“This has been drawn out for too long.” Akaashi continued once the door closed behind them, “I wanted to apologize for everything I did to you.”
“You didn’t deserve it.” He stated, his kind-eyes now reflecting determination toward you, “I’ve long realized how selfish I was, trying to have both of your feelings. And it made me ashamed to think that I had never even properly apologized to you. I was so eager to speak, but never the right thing back then.”
You smiled, but said nothing. Not that you were unhappy, just overwhelmed with how earnest his apology was. You hadn’t expected Akaashi to be so genuinely repentant.
“You deserve all the happiness I could never give you and more.” Akaashi continued, his eyes lifting toward Konoha before dropping back to you. “I am so, so sorry.”
“Accepted.” You replied with an uneven smile, out-stretching a hand for him to take. Akaashi jumped at the chance, eagerly shaking your hand before shooting a grin back at you.
“Hey! Hey!” Bokuto started as he clapped a hand on Akaashi’s back, “And I’m sorry for keeping it a secret also, but...”
“But you loved him.” You finished for him. There was a time you wanted to step on Bokuto’s neck, but now you just felt nothing but understanding.
“That was a pretty dick move of me.” Bokuto continued.
“No hard feelings.” You replied back, earning a playful slap on the back from the wing-spiker that definitely hurt more than it was meant to.
“You were always the nicest one, (L/N)!” He said with a smile before turning to Konoha, “You’ve got a real catch here.”
Konoha smiled as he moved his hand to your waist and squeezed, “And I’ll never let her go.”
You gave him a similar smile, looking up at your boyfriend at feeling a fondness settle in your stomach over his kind yet protective nature. He looked down at you and couldn’t stop himself from lightly pecking you on the lips at that moment.
Bokuto let out a playful bristle and Akaashi shot you another one of his wistful smiles, but that was the least of your worries.
It had been a long time since you put those high-school days behind you. But there was a certain happiness, a content feeling inside you that had suddenly fostered at hearing his apology. You were more than ready to move onto your future, this toxic memory nothing but a stepping stone from your past.
➳  Masterlist ➳  Part One
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kittenwhiskers · 3 years
Smartass - Peko x gn!Reader x Fuyuhiko
Peko and (y/n) have been spending the past few days pestering their yakuza boyfriend. Though they were fully expecting consequences, they would never have predicted the results!
A/N: Yes, this is a "no one dies" AU. Because we like it better that way.
!This is a poly gender-neutral reader-insert tickle fic that contains a bit of swearing!
It had been a rather chaotic morning on the island on this particular day. The majority of the class had decided today would be a beach day, and so, the morning was spent by (y/n) and most of their classmates on the golden sand. The early hours saw sandcastle competitions, water fights, and much more. By the time the afternoon rolled around, much of the class had dispersed. A few stayed behind at the beach, while most went to their cottages to rest before returning. There were only a handful of students that actually showed up to the restaurant, that being (y/n), Akane, Chiaki, Byakuya, and Teruteru. Everyone could tell the little chef was worn out from that morning’s activities, but he still insisted on preparing food for the handful present. No one was about to fight with him on that one.
(y/n) had been engrossed in some conversation they were having with Chiaki in between bites of food, when they felt a gentle hand lay on their shoulder.
“(y/n), are you almost finished with your meal?”
(y/n) turned around to see a pair of sharp red eyes staring back at them.
“Yeah, Peko, I guess I’m pretty much done,” (y/n) said with a smile, placing their eating utensil down on their plate, “why, what’s up?”
“Fuyuhiko-sama has requested us at his cottage right away,” she explained very matter-of-factly, though (y/n) could sense a tinge of dread behind her words.
The request confused (y/n) at first… until they remembered. They were filled with the same dread as they remembered all the pestering they and Peko had subjected the yakuza to over the past couple days. The three of them all understood it was all in good fun, but pestering was called “pestering” for a reason. (y/n) and Peko both knew this was coming, it was inevitable.
With a sharp inhale, (y/n) rose from their seat and nodded.
“Right then,” they said, pushing their seat back into place, “let’s go meet him, we shouldn’t keep him waiting.”
Peko nodded without a word, and headed for the stairs leading to the lobby, expecting (y/n) to follow behind, however, they were stopped by Chiaki clearing her throat. They turned to the gamer girl, who proceeded to mouth the words “good luck”, and gave them a subtle thumbs-up. (y/n) returned the favor with a half-smile, before turning back and quickly following Peko down the stairs and out the doors of the building.
On the walk to the cottages, (y/n) tried their best to prepare themselves for a fight of some sort. They knew Fuyuhiko wasn’t going to actually hurt either of them, but whatever he had planned in retaliation was probably going to be intense. Peko already knew she was going to accept whatever was coming her way, she would never fight back against Fuyu… but she also knew (y/n) well enough to know that they wouldn’t go down without a fight, and she wouldn’t hold them back from that either.
It only took a few minutes before the two students had arrived, and were now standing outside of the short-tempered blonde’s cottage. They both stood tensely, looking at the wooden door, then at each other.
“So, are you gonna do it, or am I,” (y/n) asked Peko softly, referring to which of the two would knock on the door.
Peko seemed to grunt nervously, looking back between the door and (y/n). There was a moment of silence between the two of them, before Peko’s eyes finally stopped on (y/n) again.
“I don’t wanna do it,” (y/n) finally said with a laugh, which in turn caused Peko to laugh as well. If there was one thing (y/n) could be counted on, it was lightening a tense situation.
Peko finally stepped up and knocked on the door. As she stepped back next to (y/n), footsteps were heard inside the cottage. The two practically winced as the door finally swung open, revealing the smug-faced yakuza standing on the other side.
“Thought you two had pussied out or somethin’,” he said with a grin, motioning for them to get their asses inside, “what took so long?”
“My apologies, young master,” Peko apologized as she walked inside, “I had to retrieve (y/n) from the-”
“Hey!” Fuyuhiko snapped, cutting her off, “what’d we talk about? No more calling me that.”
“M-my apologies, Fuyuhiko-sama,” Peko corrected, nodding in understanding, “it’s a force of habit.”
Fuyuhiko grunted softly, shutting the door behind him once the two students were inside. He then turned back to them, stuffing his hands in his pockets and smirking a little.
“Well, I’m sure you two know why I called you here,” he said rather casually.
“Mm, beats me,” (y/n) said, waving their hands around their sides, “I got no clue!”
Peko had to fight back the urge to smile at her partner’s sarcasm as Fuyuhiko shot them a deadpan glare.
“Really?” he asked flatly, “no clue whatsoever?”
“Nope,” (y/n) continued, “but it must’ve been bad to make you drag us all the way out here! God, we must be awful!”
Fuyuhiko sighed, taking his hands out of his pockets.
“I shoulda’ seen this coming,” he growled. (y/n) didn’t know when too far was too far.
Peko was now giggling up a storm at (y/n)’s remarks, and (y/n) couldn’t hold back their own cheeky grin as they continued to tease the Yakuza.
“Or, maybe, we’re totally innocent, and you just wanted an excuse to get time with us to yourself-”
(y/n) was cut off by the wind practically being knocked out of them as Fuyuhiko tackled both them and Peko to the bed behind them, pushing them down on their backs and hovering over them.
“You think you’re real fuckin’ funny, huh, smartass?” he growled, pulling the two students close together on the mattress, “if you’re really as dumb as you’re acting, then lemme spell it out for ya. I brought you both here to show you why you don’t fuck with a yakuza…”
With wide eyes, (y/n) tried to make a break for it, wiggling to get up off the bed. Unfortunately for them, Fuyuhiko had faster reflexes than they could’ve anticipated. He grabbed them by the shoulder, pushing them down into the bed and keeping them pinned in place as he crawled up onto the foot of the bed, sitting up on his knees, and using his legs to pin Peko’s left thigh and (y/n)’s right thigh together, effectively trapping both the students in place at once.
“It took me a while to think of just the right punishment for you two,” he said, leaning over the two ultimates beneath him with a sadistic grin, “but I think I have something perfect planned out here…”
Faster than they could blink, Fuyuhiko’s hands shot down to (y/n’s) and Peko’s sides, squeezing with a purpose, causing both the students to break out in frantic giggles, and attempt to either wiggle out of Fuyu’s restraint, or swat his hand away. Perfect, Fuyuhiko thought, everything was falling into place.
“Neither of you are going anywhere,” Kuzuryu sneered, working his way up to Peko’s ribs with one hand while the other shot up to (y/n)’s armpit, “don’t waste your energy on trying to get away~!”
Peko only managed to cover her face with her hands, somewhat muffling her laughter as she arched into Fuyuhiko’s touch, meanwhile, (y/n) pinned their arms to their sides (which only trapped Fuyuhiko’ hand in place) and squealed loudly. This earned an amused laugh from the yakuza, who drilled his fingers further into their underarm.
“Jeeze, (y/n),” Fuyu chuckled, “You might be even more sensitive to Peko, listen to you!”
“SHUHUHUT AHAHAHAP!” (y/n) cried, twisting to pry Fuyuhuko’s hand away from the sensitive area. Fuyuhiko narrowed his eyes at this.
“Shut up, huh? Shut up, huh???” Fuyuhiko growled, lowering his hand just enough to drill his fingers into the top of (y/n)’s ribs, forcing their laughter up an octave, “you think you’re in any position to tell me to shut up, huh???”
“NOHOHO NOO, I’M SAHAHARRYYY!!!” (y/n) squealed, only earning a small chuckle from Fuyuhiko in response. He seemed like he was about to say something, before he was cut off by Peko’s pleas.
“Young master, plehehease!” The swordswoman cried through her hands, “n-nohoho mohohohore!”
“What did I say about callin’ me that, Peko?” Fuyuhiko warned in a low tone, moving his hands up to gently tickle Peko’s neck.
“NAH! F-FUYUHIKO-SAHAHAMA, NOHOHOT THERE!” Peko squealed, craning her neck to avoid Fuyu’s merciless fingers.
Fuyuhiko continued to tickle the two students like this for another minute or so, before pulling back and allowing them to breathe. He smirked at the mess of giggles on the bed beneath him, nearly satisfied with his work, before cracking his knuckles in preparation for his next move.
“Now, I got one more thing I wanna try here,” he said almost excitedly, “but since I ain’t got any straws to draw, it’s gonna come down to this, whoever laughs first, gets it first.”
“Fuyu, nohoho,” (y/n) whined pathetically through their giggles, “I cahahan’t take much more of this!”
“Aww, is that so?” Fuyuhiko cooed mockingly, bringing his hands down over each of their bellies, spidering at them through their shirts, “then it’d do you well to keep your mouth shut, huh?”
Almost simultaneously, Peko and (y/n) slapped their hands over their mouths to fight back the giggles threatening to bubble up from their throats.
“Nah-ah, hands away from your faces, that’s cheating,” Fuyuhiko scolded, “if you don’t follow the rules, I’ll just pick randomly!”
Upon hearing this, both the ultimates hesitantly pulled their hands away from their mouths. Peko raised her arms above her head obediently, while (y/n) reached down and gripped at the bedsheets. Both of the yakuza’s victims strained and whimpered to hold back their giggles as Fuyuhiko’s hands freely explored their tummies. This only lasted about 30 seconds before (y/n) thought they’d break… but relief washed over them when they heard Peko titter with giggles.
“N-nohoho, Fuyuhiko-sama, I’m sohohorry,” Peko begged as Fuyuhiko grinned down at her, “plehehease dohohon’t!”
Fuyuhiko only shook his head at her, still wearing his menacing grin as he reached over and pulled Peko’s shirt up enough to show her tummy, before firmly taking each of her wrists in one hand, and leaning down to pepper her belly with kisses! (y/n)’s eyes went wide at the sight before them as Peko squealed with high pitched laughter and giggles, wiggling every which way to avoid the ticklish sensation. (y/n) turned their head to the side and looked away, not being able to handle the anticipation of knowing they were next. It didn’t help much, though. They could only listen as Peko’s laughter grew louder and more frantic with each passing second, indicating that Fuyuhiko was doing more than just planting little kisses now. Still, they couldn’t bring themselves to look!
(y/n) practically jumped out of their skin when they heard Fuyuhiko deal a raspberry against Peko’s skin, followed by Peko’s squealy laughter hitting an all-time high!
(y/n) couldn’t help but try to wiggle their way off the bed, but was only met by a warning squeeze to the side by Fuyuhiko’s hand, causing them to yelp and recoil.
It wasn’t long before Peko’s hysterical laughter was reduced to a feeble wheeze, at which point, Fuyuhiko finally released his restraint on Peko, allowing her to curl over onto her side.
“You’re up, (y/n)~” Fuyuhiko taunted, straddling both of (y/n’s) thighs, and reaching for their shirt to pull it up. He was stopped by (y/n’s) hands grabbing his own, but the yakuza only chuckled and began to wrestle their hands away. He looked over at Peko, who had now sat up and wiped the tears away from her eyes, and smirked.
“Hey, Peko, babe,” he said, “come help me get this little brat under control, will ya?”
Peko looked down at (y/n) reluctantly, who looked back at her with a pleading look in their eyes as they continued to fight Fuyuhiko off.
“I could always tickle you again,” he hummed with a shrug. This caused Peko to jump, and crawl over behind (y/n), grabbing their hands and pinning them above their head.
“I’m sorry,” she mouthed down to her partner. Though (y/n) felt completely and utterly betrayed, they understood. It was clear now that Fuyuhiko was a ruthless tickler… and unfortunately, they were about to face his finale.
Fuyuhiko smiled wickedly as he rolled up (y/n)’s shirt, and leaned down to their tummy, planting light, ticklish kisses across every inch of it, making (y/n) throw their head back with laughter and drum their heels against the bed frame. They had no idea kisses alone could tickle so much! Little did they know, it’d only get worse from there…
Their laughter rose to frantic squealing as Fuyuhiko focused most of the kisses around their navel, and used his thumbs to pinch and massage the sides of their tummy.
“FUYU I CAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE IT!” (y/n) cried, fighting as hard as they could to fight out of both their boyfriend’s and girlfriend’s restraint, “PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP!!!”
Fuyuhiko only scoffed a little as he pulled his face away to look at (y/n), his thumbs still drilling into their sides.
“You can handle it,” he sneered, “a little tickling’s never killed anyone.”
(y/n) froze and tensed up as they heard Fuyuhiko begin to inhale, but before they had time to react, the yakuza had already buried his lips into their flesh, blowing raspberry after raspberry into every inch of their tummy, driving them up the wall! Poor (y/n) shrieked and howled with laughter, making the other two swear the others could’ve heard them all the way from the beach!
Fuyuhiko smiled through all the raspberries he delivered as he spidered his fingers up and down (y/n)’s bare sides, before focusing the last few raspberries directly on top of their incredibly sensitive bellybutton.
This seemed to throw (y/n) over the edge, as their laughter quickly turned into silent wheezes. With a final amused chuckle, Fuyuhiko sat up and patted (y/n)’s tummy, rolling their shirt back down and scooping them up, allowing them to lean against him as they recovered from the tickle-attack. As the yakuza stroked their hair, he patted the bed to his left side, inviting Peko to snuggle in on his opposite side, to which she complied, allowing Fuyuhiko to wrap his free arm around her.
“You two know I love you, yeah?” he asked with a smile, resting his head against Peko’s shoulder while keeping (y/n) wrapped in his other arm.
Peko chuckled and smiled down at her shorter boyfriend.
“Of course we do, Fuyuhiko-sama,” she replied. Even though Fuyuhiko acted all big and tough, he still needed reassurance from time to time. Peko and (y/n) were more than okay with that.
“Wehehe’re still getting you back for this, though,” (y/n) giggled weakly.
“Oh, most definitely,” Peko agreed.
“H-hey, that’s not how this works,” Fuyuhiko argued, “This whole thing was supposed to be getting us even!”
Kuzuryu would never catch a break with these two, he should’ve known that by now...
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fanficflaneuse · 4 years
Hardly A Date
A/N: Hello lovelies! I’m sorry this took me so long. This has been a very awkward week. I was sad and I tried to dump my feelings into writing, but sometimes it’s not that easy...ugh I’m sorry. I hope you like this one. It was requested a while ago. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. Also, I gave reader the physical characteristics of Lily Potters for (insert some good reasons). So, I am sorry if it’s not as immersive as it could have been. 
Dearest anon requester, I’m sorry this took me so long. Let me know if you read it and like it (I really wish you do). 
Draco x Potter! Reader (she/her) Word count: 2735 Summary: Draco has a crush on Harry’s twin sister, who resembles Lily Potter.
Harry sulked all the way to potions class. It was the first day of fifth year and his twin sister, (Y/N), was getting too much attention for his liking. He had always thought his sister was beautiful, but now every boy in school seemed to have realized it as well. Over the summer, she had grown taller and curvier. Her red hair had darkened a bit more. She wore it long, which framed her face delightfully. The resemblances to their mother was such that not even aunt Petunia could deny it. It made her harsher towards (Y/N), but not even that dampened the girl’s spirits.
(Y/N) felt confident as she walked by her brother. Since they set foot on Hogwarts, she had been the more popular twin thanks to her kindness and vivaciousness. She paid no mind to the looks and laughed at her brother’s overprotectiveness. As the Fab Four sat at the very front, as per Hermione’s request, (Y/N) felt something hit her in the head. Her hands searched the back of her hair and grabbed the paper crane that landed on her head. She turned around to find the one and only Draco Malfoy staring at her wide-eyed. He had sent the bird as a taunt to her twin brother and in no way had intended for it to hit her. The thought of her seeing the cruel drawing inside the bird made his stomach churn.
Draco was transfixed. It was the first time he saw her since last year and her striking green eyes were doing wicked tricks to his heart. Since year one, he had a crush on her. He thought those who didn’t acknowledge her beauty should be burned at the stake. A year before, the blond had simmered in jealousy when he saw her at the Yule Ball with her brother, but that image paled in comparison to seeing her now. He cringed as she turned around, opening the paper crane.
Just as she did, Snape came in to the classroom. He was not in a good mood and it only got worse when he saw (Y/N) Potter sitting on the front row. She was scribbling something on a piece of parchment. She was the spitting image of Lily Evans during her schooldays, back when they were still friends and he clang to the sliver of hope that she’d love him like he did. It was almost painful to see his student. Her presence soured his mood even more, so he decided he was not putting up with it.
“Eva– I mean, Potter,” he said, motioning to (Y/N), “change places with Goyle.”
(Y/N)’s gaze went back, once again, to the back of the room, where the Slytherins sat. Gregory Goyle was sitting just besides Draco. She stood up silently and put her things in her bag. Harry groaned lowly.
“I’m definitely failing now,” he murmured.
(Y/N) gave him an encouraging smile. “It’s going to be alright, Harry. You’re good at this.”
“Never as good as you, sis,” he countered, “And if that prick does something to you I am going to kill him.”
She rolled her eyes in response and dramatically bid her brother goodbye. She walked all the way to the back of the room, where a very embarrassed Draco Malfoy waited for her. She greeted him cordially as she took her place. Draco and (Y/N) hadn’t crossed more than ten words at a time. She was not a hothead like Harry, so she hardly gave in to the taunting. At times, when he said something particularly nasty, she’d snap. Her comebacks were intelligent and sharp and often than not he’d be to flustered to answer. So, they were not on good terms, but not on a “I want to burn you alive and dance over your ashes” basis.
“I believe this is yours, Malfoy,” she said coolly after handing him the paper crane.
The Slytherin swallowed hard and took the bird from her hands without saying a word. He listened intently as Snape gave the instructions. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed her flipping through the pages in her book until she settled on the one with the recipe for the draught of peace.
They brewed the potion in silence. Draco was enamoured by (Y/N)’s gentleness and the way she’d handle everything with the utmost care. She was also unnaturally kind, as she didn’t seem bitter at him for the paper crane or anything, really. It was a relief.
“Are you sure we have to powder the unicorn horn?” He didn’t intend for it to come out as mean, but it sure sounded like that.
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, as if challenging him, and theatrically put more pressure on her mortar. Her lips turned into a mischievous smirk and Draco had to stop what himself from putting too much powdered moonstone into the cauldron.
“I recall you saw me read the instructions,” she answered matter-of-factly.
Draco scratched the back of his neck. He took a deep breath and nodded at her sheepishly. “Just checking,” he murmured.
“You should check your hands before adding the ingredients,” she teased as she pointed at the moonstone.
He smiled and raised his hands in mock surrender. “Are you suggesting that I don’t know what I’m doing?”
“I suggest nothing, Malfoy. I affirm.”
Draco was about to answer, finding the playful banter amusing, when Snape scolded them from his desk. Assuming they had been bickering, Harry turned around, shooting daggers at the blond and giving her sister encouragement she didn’t need. (Y/N) shrugged and, after her twin turned around, smiled kindly at Draco. After that, they worked mechanically. As their potion turned into the desired turquoise blue colour, (Y/N) even concluded that they were a good team.
As Snape approached to their desk, (Y/N) noticed how he didn’t even spare her a glance. He talked to Draco and asked him questions about the process. And when he gave them their well-deserved O, it was Draco he congratulated. (Y/N) said nothing of it, but found it frustrating. When he walked away, she released the breath she always held when he graded her and started packing.
Before she left, she flashed her classmate yet another impish grin. “I exhort you to open that paper crane.”
Once she was gone, the Slytherin opened the folded bird to find her intervention to his work. He had drawn Harry being hit by a thunder and falling off his broom. She had altered it for it to be him, falling and hitting the ground wrapped in a cloud of dust. It was so well done, Draco couldn’t be offended.
For the next two months, (Y/N) and Draco worked together in potions. Every time, they’d engage in small talk and friendly banter. He marvelled at her wittiness and her sense of humour. He loved it when she got dramatic and made theatrical gestures or used aristocratic language just because. Draco was falling hard and fast for the redhaired Potter.
It actually made him wonder over the nature of his hatred for her twin brother. He found her funny and charming. He felt so at peace when they spent time together. And then there was Harry Potter, who he found utterly irritating, brash and self-righteous. He didn’t understand how they could possibly be related. She was amazing in absolutely every way he was faulty.
Maybe he didn’t particularly hate Harry? And why didn’t he ‘hate’ (Y/N) anyways? She was just as self-righteous as her brother. They were practically joined at the hip and she was always involved in the same shenanigans as Harry was. They had the same eyes. Why hate them in one and love them in the other? What was the real reason for him to go out of his way to torment (Y/N)’s twin and friends? 
Deep down he knew.
These thoughts consumed him as he did his rounds for the inquisitorial squad. At first, he had joined Umbridge’s team because he wanted the authority and for a while he enjoyed it. Then, (Y/N) and Harry got punished by their sadistic teacher and he no longer wore his badge with pride. He knew they were up to something, but seeing (Y/N)’s swollen hand during their next potion class was enough to feel ashamed of his position.
Draco was just about to go to his common room, when somebody collided with him. He was too deep in his thoughts to feel the rush of getting someone in trouble. And then noticed the deep red hair and the scared green eyes. His heart started beating hard on his chest.
(Y/N) was absolutely terrified. She hadn’t realized it was Draco at first; she was running as fast as she could from the room of requirement. Usually, she left D.A. meetings with Harry, but today he was playing Don Juan with Cho Chang and everyone else was gone. She was good at sneaking around. She was halfway there when she saw Peeves and decided to make a run for it before he saw her and woke the whole castle.
That’s how she had ended practically in Draco’s arms. She was sweaty and out of breath and now she had to deal with the Slytherin prince. He was nice to her in potions, but she wasn’t sure that was enough to get her off the hook. (Y/N) imagined herself getting another detention with Umbridge and it made her want to cry.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said as he grabbed her face tenderly.
For a second there, she thought she was hallucinating. She looked at him, eyes still teary, but also full of confusion. He smiled awkwardly, suddenly self-conscious of their position.  
“A-Are you alright?”
“Just a bit agitated.” She tried to be as casual as possible.
“Let me walk you to your common room. That way nobody else will get you in trouble,” he said, offering her arm to her.
Draco knew that she was up to something. If he wanted to, he could’ve gotten all the dirt on their little secret society. She would’ve been in a lot of trouble and he’d be the hero of the school. He said nothing, though, especially because she was holding onto his arm for dear life. They walked peacefully towards the Gryffindor common room and with every step he could only think about the idea that had been brewing in his mind for a while.  
(Y/N) thought she was in the most ridiculous situation. She was a member of Dumbledore’s Army and he was Umbridge’s minion. He could’ve gotten her, her brother and friends in trouble, which was what he had wanted to do since their first day in Hogwarts. And here they were, arms linked as he escorted her to safety.
Suddenly, they stood in front of the Fat Lady’s portrait. (Y/N) looked at Draco with gratitude. He nodded and offered her a smile. With trembling fingers, he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Draco noticed (Y/N) blushing a little.
“(Y/N)…there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” he said, the sudden rush of confidence making him lightheaded.
“Would you go to the next Hogsmeade trip with me? On a date?”
(Y/N) was speechless. She didn’t know Draco thought of her that way, but suddenly the fact that he didn’t rat her out made sense. Of course, he wouldn’t be as lenient had he found Harry or Hermione. She thought about it for a second and smiled when she noticed him getting uncomfortable.
“Let’s make a deal, Draco. The next Hogsmeade trip is a week from tomorrow. If you don’t bully anybody during the week, I’ll go out with you,” she proposed.
She noticed his eyebrows knitting in confusion. “What does that have to do with anything?” he groaned.
(Y/N) crossed her arms, amusedly. “Why would I want to go out with somebody that messes with my brother and my friends?”
He considered her for a while and then sighed in defeat.
“Is it true that you agreed to go out on a date with Malfoy?” Ron asked in alarm the next morning.
“I didn’t agree,” (Y/N) shot back as she put food on her plate.
Harry was looking at her disapprovingly and she was doing her best to avoid his gaze.
“You agreed to go out with him if he went a week without bullying us,” Hermione interjected with a reproving tone.
“That I did.”
“(Y/N)!” Harry roared.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to not be bullied for a change?” she asked him innocently.
“If the cost is that git snogging my sister then no, it wouldn’t be nice.”
(Y/N) gave him a stern look.
“What? That is what happens on dates, (Y/N).”
“Then you should hurry up and ask Cho Chang to one as well.”
She tried to be humorous, but it clearly didn’t work, so she tried to reason with him instead.
“Come on, Harry. It would hardly be a date,” she said while holding her twin’s hands, “besides, I know Draco can be a nice person if he tries. He has been to me in potions. Why not give him a second chance?”
Harry scoffed. “Why would I ever give that tosser a second chance? He has been messing with us since our first day here!”  
They looked at each other and for a moment they had one of their silent conversations. Hermione and Ron stared as Harry failed to be stern and (Y/N) conveyed compassion in her eyes. As always, Harry gave in.
“You’re too kind for your own good, you know that?” he sighed, “and I mean it this time, if that prick does something to you I am going to kill him.”
“Which one’s better, ‘Mione?” (Y/N) asked as she held one dress in each hand.
Hermione helped her best friend get ready for her date. As much as she disliked Draco, the week events had made her realize he truly wanted to go out with (Y/N). Throughout the week, Harry and Ron taunted the Slytherin in hopes that he snapped at them, thus ruining the date before it even took place. Hermione had frowned upon their Machiavellian plan, but had not intervened nor rat them out. As the days went by, though, she noticed how hard he was trying to be good. He looked the other way as the Gryffindor boys laughed and teased. He avoided making snarky remarks in class. Once, he even helped Hermione when she tripped and fell.
It had been a very hard week, but he had succeeded. Now he waited awkwardly by the portrait for (Y/N), who arrived a few minutes later. She looked as beautiful as ever with a pretty floral dress. They smiled at each other and walked out of the castle, this time with the regulatory distance according to Umbridge’s decree.
As they made their way to Hogsmeade, (Y/N) thought this could possibly be the most awkward date of her life. It didn’t help that it would probably her first real date ever. What could they have in common apart from their shared space in potions? What would they talk about? Then, she noticed how Draco was fidgeting with his fingers. She found that cute and it made her instantly relax.
As they sat at the Three Broomsticks, all of their collective fears of a bad date were soon proved wrong. They had a great time together. They talked about their favourite candies, their favourite pastimes, quidditch. Draco asked about her life as a muggle with genuine curiosity. She was actually very blunt about her situation at home, something that both marvelled and unsettled him. They laughed and made jokes and got theatrical together.
They walked back to the castle hand in hand. Once they reached the school, Draco dragged (Y/N) through some less frequented corridors. Engrossed in their conversation as they were, they failed to notice the Gryffindor trio following them. Harry and Ron were absolutely enraged as they saw the couple stop behind a column. Hermione had to restrain them when Draco put his hand on (Y/N)’s cheek. She squeezed their arms as the blond boy leaned in and gave (Y/N) a kiss she happily corresponded.
Harry was livid. His baby sister had her arms around that slimy git’s neck. He wanted to rip his head off.
“Hardly a date my arse,” he muttered under his breath.  
tags: @cleopatera @okaydraco @naomi02hook @the--queen-of-hell @honeymarvel @the-hufflefluffwriter 
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dawn-aethwyn · 3 years
Sleep Tight
Knock, knock.
She stirred and shook her head to gain her bearings. Dawn seemed to be wearing a shirt a size too large for her that she didn’t remember putting on.
Knock, knock, knock.
“Oh!” she bounded down the stairs of her loft bed, almost tripping from a mix of her rush and clumsiness. She caught her footing toward the end. “Nailed it.”
She opened the door, “Nijah? Adventure time-?...”
It was a black void before her. The smell of sea salt and ocean waves sprung to life, the scenery around her shifting to the Kugane markets.
Before she could understand what was going on, the scene shifted again. She appeared to be sitting in a fancy Hingan bar, a table reserved for three. Dim lights were scattered throughout the establishment. Something clicked in her head and she realized she could see clearly; she must have been dreaming. She pursed her lips at the disappointment. To her left sat someone who she knew was Carrera in an elegant raven gown, and to her right, a Xaela in a suit. Both of them fixated across the floor.
“K-Khair?” she muttered out.
The Xaela shot her an annoyed glance. “No.”
Off in the distance, a Hyur gentleman sat at a piano, playing a gentle and alluring tune, haunting, even. “Hadriel?” she asked.
“Well, at least you got one right, you’re shooting with fifty percent accuracy right now.” the Xaela muttered.
“Wait, where am I?” Dawn asked, confused.
The Xaela sighed, “Some way, somehow, you’re sitting in my memories. I would ask you to leave but I have the feeling you don’t know the way out.”
“Ah.” she swung her feet and hummed, listening to the music.
Adala perked a brow, “So what are you doing? Are you just going to sit there and annoy me?”
Dawn thinned her lips. “I was trying to be quiet and not annoy you.”
A hand ran through the Xaela’s hair as she sipped her drink, “Your very presence grates on my nerves. And here I thought you might’ve wandered in here for some actual reason. An existential crisis perhaps. Some grand question as to who you are now or what to make of the predicament you’re in.”
The White Mage gave a cheesy grin to Adala, “Nope. Just looking around. I… I don’t know how I got here, to be honest.”
“Probably the brain damage. But what do I know?” she shrugged, drink in hand.
Deadpanned at her, “Hey, wasn’t that your fault? What was it you said? ‘Let me take the helm.’.” she voiced mockingly.
“I’ve never met you before, but I hate you. I want you to know that. I hate you to the very core of my being.” Adala retorted.
Dawn tried to control her smirk and ended up with a scrunchy face. “Oh well. Since I’m stuck here, might as well enjoy the company and music.” She stuck her tongue out teasingly, then looked to the pianist. “He looks younger.”
“Well, by your recollection, he’s a great many years older now. But he wasn’t always.” Adala commented.
“So he always wore those bandages? And the eye patch?” she replied.
Adala laughed, “No, not always. He didn’t always play sad music either.”
Dawn tilted her head as she regarded Adala, “What changed?”
“He lost things dear to him. Things he could never replace. Since then he’s been a solemn man, alone and spiteful. But as I understand it, things have changed now.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” she scoffed, “He has that new little wife of his and whatnot.” she waved casually, her tone grew a bit disheartened, “And he’s rejoined the organization. Killing us one, by one. Must be true love.”
“Why would killing anyone mean true love? That sounds insane…”
Adala tapped on the table and took another sip of her imaginary drink. “I guess you don’t understand. As long as we exist, we are a threat to each other. To people we might love. He’s smart, moved from the bottom up and is collecting our respective soul crystals. Though why he gave you mine is beyond me. The Hadriel I know would’ve kept it to hedge his bets. He’s a sentimental fool.”
Dawn squeezed her eyes shut and thought really hard about orange juice, trying to wish it into existence. It was a dream, so why not? A cold glass of Lominsan OJ sat in front of her, condensation running down the sides. She gasped, a giddy smirk wore on her face as she giggled and wiggled happily before taking it in both hands. Adala’s brow twitched as she watched her.
“What are you? Twelve?” Adala hissed.
“Hmmmmn, what do you mean by sentimental?” she swayed at the music.
The bitter Xaela drank some more before answering, “Oh, I think he knew you were going to draw from the stone. He’s a sucker for helping the helpless. Put a little injured gaelicat with a broken wing in front of him and see just how quickly his cold demeanor melts.”
“Am I the gaelicat in this story? What does that have to do with being sentimental?” she sipped from her straw and swung her feet one after the other while sitting along the stool.
“Well, he knows I would side with the organization. It’s nothing personal, just business.” she shrugged, “Probably feels some measure of guilt for letting me die. Coward couldn’t even do it himself; he’s killing his friends and doesn’t even have the courtesy to do it in person.” she huffed a heavy sigh, “But… I don’t blame him. We’ve all seen enough of our friends die. Killing a friend, I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”
A wry smile came from the Xaela. “Of course he hasn’t bothered to kill Rina or Carrera yet.” she grunted and rolled her eyes, “Ugh. The man’s so soft.” she lamented, “ At least Hikaru is dead, I never did like him. But, to answer your question, I think he knew you would use the crystal wrong. You’re supposed to use the memories to learn and be better, not suck in the rich aether. A part of my soul was left imprinted on this, hence the name: Soul Crystal. And you’ve absorbed that. So in some small way, I live on. And here we are; you’re sitting here, invading my private time.”
“Sounds like a personal problem.” She jabbed playfully.
“Like when you almost died without me? You really need to learn how to fight. You’re weighing everyone around you down.”
Dawn felt that one. It was personal, and as much as she was invading into Adala’s world, she in turn had access to Dawn’s. Perhaps even more.
“I… I’m trying. It hasn’t been easy these last few months…” her eyes were downcast and the mood shifted immediately. 
It was Adala who laughed now. “Look at you. So soft that mere words pierce right through you. Anyway, what are you going to do about that little parasite in our chest, hmn?”
“Our chest? Anyway, I have to deal with one problem at a time. Right now it seems like I have to deal with trying to find a way to wake up.” she huffed with puffed cheeks.
“Did you want to wake up?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” she asked incredulously.
Adala chuckled and bore a sadistic smile, “Okay.. let me help you with that.” She summoned her odachi to her side and violently cleaved into Dawn.
Her eyes shot open as she looked around the clinic. She could see the plants in the waiting room and recognized the familiar, sterile scent. She moved back against the pillow gingerly so as to not rattle her brain any further.
“Oh. Well, then.”
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robbyrobinson · 4 years
Tumblr media
Boscha threw her brush against her mirror, smashing it. Shards of glass rained down to the floor, but the three-eyed girl was too enraged to take note of it. Her dark pink hair was in disarray from Boscha savagely tearing her bow from her hair.  
“That blasted half-a-witch...” she groaned.
She collapsed on her bed with a thud. Why, why does her thoughts always go back to that glasses-wearing nerd? Even though she and her team the Banshees won the Grudgby match between Luz and her friends, Boscha’s victory felt hollow. Sure, she may have won, but her real intention was to make Willow and her friends new target practice. With that goal in mind, she hoped that it would dissuade people like Willow for even dreaming of climbing up the social ladder set into place by the Boiling Isles. And yet, Willow was becoming even more liked by the students. To rub more salt on that wound, Boscha’s teammates had gone out of their way to compliment Luz and the others on their teamwork.  
It all started with Amity who, for a long-time passively encouraged Boscha to torment her former friend, suddenly changing her tune and actively opposing her. That by itself was on the three-eyed girl’s mind the longest: they both wanted to be the most powerful witches in the Isles ever since they were children, and yet Amity was now saying that she no longer had those aspirations? What preposterous nonsense undoubtably the result of that human girl’s influence.  
“What does that round-eared girl have that I don’t?”  
Boscha was so enraptured in her thoughts, she nearly failed to her a knock on her door. It was a soft pitter patter one that was nigh-untraceable. Boscha rolled her three eyes in annoyance.  
“D-dear,” the voice began, “you’re almost going to be late for school.”  
The door slowly droned itself open enough for Boscha to see who it was. It was a woman with the same hair and set of eyes that she had. She was a notably timid woman who appeared to realize at the last minute that disturbing her daughter would be similar to trying to awaken a sleeping lion if not worse.  
“Yeah, yeah, I heard you loud and clear,” Boscha replied in a snarking fashion.  
“What’s the matter, dear?” her mother asked, “I thought you would be happy to have won that match yesterday with that human girl and her friends.”  
Before she could speak again, Boscha tossed one of her pillows at her. Her mother’s instincts kicked in and she slammed the door shut before the pillow could strike her. Boscha groaned in defeat before pulling herself off her bed.  
Willow, much like last time, was again being crowded by a flock of classmates. Much like Willow, there were a select few who were also in the plant coven. They all had flowerpots containing otherworldly plants. She was bringing the plants to life and those plants took on the visage of their owners.  
Skara and the rest of Amity’s clique were by their lockers waiting for Boscha to arrive. Skara casually browsed Penstagram for any hot subject to catch her eye. After looking for a few minutes, she waved her finger causing her purple scroll to disappear.  
“Where is that girl?”  
The other girls of the clique shrugged. They too turned their attention to their purple scrolls. Skara tapped her finger on her chin. Sure, she did recall that Boscha was pretty steamed when her victory proved to be fruitless, but it was, after all, a game. There was little reason for Boscha to be enraged at Willow or Luz for that matter. As she contemplated further, she saw Amity walking with Luz. Like always, she had one of her books plastered against her face. Her movements were more fidgety than usual as well; once she even carelessly walked into one of the lockers when she was around Luz. Skara rolled her eyes at the sad sight.
“It’s so obvious.”  
One of the girls perked up. “What is?”  
“It’s pretty obvious that Amity is crushing hard on that human girl over there,” Skara said. She pointed her finger towards the two.  
“Well, she had been hanging around with Luz an awful lot lately,” the girl noted, “do you think that Luz will figure it out?”  
Luz and Amity finished their chat when they got closer to Willow. Willow was working on a Venus flytrap for a student with a large mouth full of teeth when she noticed her friends coming over.
“Oh, hey, guys!” she said.  
Luz goes in for a hug and Willow reciprocated it. “So, you’ve been practicing on your magic, Willow?”  
Willow chuckles and rubs the back of her head. “I hadn’t completely mastered it yet; it only really lasts for about 24 seconds.”  
Luz smiled at her friend reassuringly. “Oh, don’t worry about that; I am just happy that you’re not being bullied anymore!”  
Willow shook her head in agreement. “You should thank Amity for that.”  
Amity yelped when Luz directed her glance at her. “I-It’s just me...keeping my promise.”  
Luz laughed at how bashful Amity was behaving. For some reason, Amity looked cute in her position, but she could not fathom why. Willow giggled lightly at her best friend’s ignorance. She was very well aware of how her childhood friend felt about the human girl, but it amused her to watch Amity have a mental breakdown over her crush. Call it being sadistic, but she nevertheless desired that she would confess.  
“Hey, Luz,” Willow started, “there’s something I need to tell you.”  
Luz was speaking to Amity again, but she turned back to listen to Willow.  
“Yes, Willow, what is-”
The doors to the front of the school were kicked open alerting everyone. From the pure hatred radiating from her three eyes, everyone knew who it was that disturbed the peace. It was Boscha. Her hair was still in disrepair, but most alarmingly, her school uniform was improperly put on. Her hood was upside down and compressing her neck. The belt around her waist was missing; she even came to school without her shoes.  
“B-Boscha?” Skara said.  
She ran up to her out of concern. However, Boscha quickly swiped her hand away. Skara groaned and rubbed her sore hand. Before she could say anything else, Boscha darted towards Willow.
“Willow!” Luz screamed.  
She tackled the three-eyed girl to the ground holding her in a headlock. Boscha yelped underneath Luz’s grasp but kicked repeatedly to loosen her grip. Luz looked up at Amity who was frozen in place out of shock. When her gaze met her crush’s, she blushed a deep red again, but she was able to knock herself out of it seeing that she needed to act quickly.  
“Abomination, shield!” she said.
Her large, gelatinous abomination arose from the ground and lifted its massive arms to completely obscure Boscha from getting to Willow. Amity ran in from of the abomination and did the same gesture. She looked deep into Boscha’s beady little eyes disgusted at what she was trying to accomplish.  
“Boscha, what is the meaning of this?!”  
Boscha’s struggles subsided, but Luz still retained her hold on Boscha. Boscha’s eyes pierced into Willow like a pair of daggers. “It is all her fault,” she finally said after panting from the shortness of breath.  
“Willow’s fault?” Amity repeated “don’t be ridiculous; you are to blame for your own mistakes.”
Boscha slammed her hands to the ground in defiance. “My fault? You are the one that ruined your social life by deciding to hang out with half-a-witch and that round-eared human who’s not letting me go!”  
Amity bent down. “That human has a name, and I think her ears are really cute!”  
Luz nodded with approval. “Yeah, what she said! Wait, what was that last part?”  
Amity fidgeted her fingers at the realization of what she allowed to slip out of her mouth. “I mean...gross..no, no, wait, that isn’t what I...”  
Boscha opened her mouth and bit down on Luz’s arm. Luz screeched for a split second unwittingly releasing Boscha from her grasp. Boscha resumed her rampage and went past Amity and prepared to pounce on Willow. Luz rubbed her arm to ease the pain enough so she could to make a charge for the three-eyed girl. “Willow!”  
Willow stood firmly frozen in place not knowing what to do. She looked over and heard a whistle. Looking over, she saw that it was the student with the Venus flytrap. Holding the pot in his hands, he tosses the plant at Willow. Willow saw what he had in mind and used her powers to conjure a large vine from the potted plant that wrapped around Boscha’s left leg.  
Boscha clasped the vine in an attempt of prying it from her leg to no avail. Before she knew it, Willow moved her hands propelling the vine to smash Boscha against the lockers. Boscha screamed in pain from the collision and dropped to the ground once the vine was sent back and retained its normal size. A crowd of students surrounded Boscha curious about what she was going to do.  
Boscha saw that the crowd was expecting her to react, so she started to struggle to get back onto her feet. However, a shot of pain pulsated up her leg making her keel over. She sucked in her breath and rolled over on her bottom. Tears were trickling down from the eye at the top of her forehead. She was wincing in an immeasurable wave of pain.  
“You...you half-a-witch broke my leg!!!”  
Willow backed up at the sudden shouting. “Bo-Boscha, I didn’t mean to...”  
Boscha bent her arms behind her back as far as they could go and pushes herself forward. With her leg broken, she had to balance herself on her right foot. Wobbling, she pointed her finger at her in an accusing fashion. “I don’t care about your excuses; I am going to kill you!!”  
She lunges again at Willow, but some larger force was firmly holding her arm back. She turned around to see the Abomination Teacher looking at her disapprovingly. His personal abomination was holding her arm in a slightly less-gentle fashion.  
“Boscha, please report to the principal’s office.”  
Boscha jolted. Report to the principal’s office? Her? Never once was she ever ordered to do that; namely because she always used her status as the star player in her favor. She could very much get away with anything her heart desired and she would never be held accountable for any of it. Boscha’s three eyes widened in astonishment.  
“But I am the star player of the Banshees for Titan’s sake! I never get in trouble with-”  
The Abomination Teacher was having none of it quietly ordering his abomination to carry the rebelling girl to the principal’s office. Boscha squirmed and beat at the monster but the abomination only tightened its grip in response. Boscha turned to look at her hated rival and pointed at her.  
“This isn’t over!”  
The halls became silent again so much so one could drop a pin. Willow ran over to Luz and helped her back to her feet. “Are you okay?”  
Luz shook her hand. “Yeah, yeah; she bit me real good there, but it was worth it to keep you safe.”  
Gus ran up as well. “You think that Boscha will keep her word?”  
“Psh,” Luz said rather in an underestimating tone. “What is the worse that she could do?”  
“That wretched half-a-witch and that human pet of hers!!”  
Boscha was leaving the school now having to wear a cast and propping herself on crutches. She couldn’t help but take note of the irony: she had injured Amity’s leg during her match in the Grudgby game, and now she also sustained an injury. She was walking through the woods alone not really concerned about where her direction would lead her, but it would at least help her blow off some steam.  
“How can Amity choose those losers over me? I have known her since we were both getting started...we both promised each other that we would be the most powerful witches on the Isles, and yet that glasses-wearing nerd stole my Amity away from me...”  
She threw one of her crutches down in blind fury. It slid a good length away from her that she almost fell over due to her inability to maintain her balance. “Oh, great.”
“My, are you rather clumsy, my dear?”  
Boscha tensed up. She rapidly scanned her surroundings for the source of that voice. “Who said that?”  
From the corner of her eye, she saw something manifest from behind a tree. She rubbed her eyes doubting what she was seeing. It was a hunched man slowly trekking his way towards her. Boscha grabbed her crutch and held it out defensively.  
“Stan-stand back, I’m warning you, old man!”  
The hunched man stopped in his tracks, but he was close enough for Boscha to make out what she was seeing. He had long, curled horns protruding from his head. He was a walking mass of darkness blacker than night, and yet his eyes glowed a dim orange. He had a grey, spindly beard reaching down towards what should be his feet, but instead of seeing the five digits of his toes, he had hooves. The hooves of a goat. That would very well explain his strange walking that was not like a pitter patter but more of a galloping. On his head was a top hat accompanied with ancient scraps of what used to be a robe. He smiled at Boscha presumably to ease her tensions, but instead it was an artificial smile that only further disturbed her.
“Listen, freak, whatever you have to offer me, I do not want,” Boscha said.  
The goat man placed a hand on his chest. “Oh, you pained me, young lady.” He said it in a way that was blatantly over-acting at its most sarcastic. “All of you people on the Isles are simply ungrateful for the gifts I have bestowed on you.”  
“Gifts? What are you blabbering about?”  
The goat man smirked again. “Ah, I see; things have changed quite a bit since the last time I have reigned over this land; forgive me for being an old man and reminiscing on how your history books likely smeared me out of your history.”  
Boscha didn’t know what to think on what he had just said. “Are you saying that you know Belos personally?”  
The long-bearded man laughed once more. “So that’s what his name is; but no, my child, I have lived long, long before you were even conceived. Even before the world as you know it was formed; everything you have thought you have experienced, I have seen it and felt it all for eons.”  
Boscha was slowly inching herself away from the creepy, raving man. “Well, I have to get going now...”  
The tone in the man’s voice changed its tone. “You are upset that you are not getting what you think you deserve I assume?”  
Boscha stopped in her tracks and her ears peaked up. “I’m listening.”  
The goat man was now in front of her and despite hunching over, something indicated to the three-eyed girl that this wasn’t his true height. He felt more massive and cosmic in ways her primitive mind could never hope to understand. He grinned again revealing that he had rotting yellow teeth with nightcrawlers burrowing inside them. They plopped on the ground every time he spoke. His breath was also ungodly. It smelled of rotten eggs and a hint of sulfur.  
“You were the leader of a ball team, but you feel second-rate to someone who is lower than you in the order of things.” He extended his skeletal arm towards Boscha and pat her shoulder in assuring fashion. “But fret not, for I can help you learn your true potential.”  
Boscha squinted her eyes together in disgust from feeling the strange man’s hand rub her shoulder. She quickly smacked his hand away. “You will help me?”  
“Yes, of course; I have helped the Boiling Isles a thousand years ago back when the first witches had no clue what magic even was before I showed them the way. I will assist you...but you would have to do something for me as well.”  
Boscha thought deeply on it. If she were to allow this man she just met to help her, she could easily have her revenge on all those who wronged her. But she also was hardly what one could register as stupid seeing that the goat man was undeniably shady.  
“I don’t know...I feel like this is wrong...”  
The bearded man tilted his head in amusement. “I could tear out your conscious mind and fling it into the furthest depths of space towards the center of Ultimate Chaos itself. As much as I would love to reveal one of my thousands of forms to you and drive you to mind-numbing madness, I earnestly need your assistance in accomplishing my goal. Think of this as a mutual partnership.”  
More pressure was tossed in Boscha’s direction. She was now more than convinced that the man she is talking to is criminally insane and if she tried to make a run for it now, he could maul her to death with those large ram horns of his. Her mind thought back to what brought her to that point: Willow. It was always Willow. That girl that she relentlessly tormented for years and never once felt intimidated by, but ever since she was slowly breaking out of her shell, she could may as well be even better than she is at being a witch. And then she would be hurled towards the bottom, lower than the worms or any other spineless creature.  
The man spoke again breaking her concentration. “Tick, tock, Boscha. Tick, tock.”  
Boscha clenched her fists in dejection. “Titan, please give me strength.”  
Boscha extended her hand towards the goat man. “I accept the deal.”  
The goat man grinned and grabbed ahold of Boscha’s finger. This rejuvenated immense concern from her.  
“Buddy, what are you doing?”  
He withdrew an ancient book wrapped tightly in an alien texture. “I need you to sign your name in this book.”  
He opened the book before her seeing that a slot was vacant for her name. He withdrew a pen fashioned from bone and placed it in Boscha’s other hand. On the tip of the pen was a thin scrap of the same bone material.  
“So, how do I?”  
“You need to write with your blood,” the goat man clarified.
Boscha’s eyes lit up. “What? No, no, I am not doing that.”  
“But, my dear, think of what you are saying; if you refuse my offer, you will return to being second-rate.” He held out his hand and rubbed Boscha’s head. “You know that you deserve better, do you not?”  
Boscha nodded in agreement. “Yes, yes, I do deserve the best, don’t I?”  
With no further reservations, Boscha pricked her finger on the sharpened end of the bone and applied her finger on the page of the ancient book. The page became wet with the three-eyed witch’s blood. The man watched patiently until she finished signing her signature and he held out a finger and waved it making the book disappear before her eyes.  
“Excellent work, Boscha, the contract has been divined. Now, let us begin.”  
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reminiscing-writer · 5 years
Warning: self harm, depression
This story involves very detailed descriptions of self harm behaviors, and the mentality of a mentally ill person- as reference; me lmao.
Reader descretion is advised.
If anyone you know, or you yourself are having self harm or suicidal thoughts please do not hesitate to call the number below- or even just send me a message. I am always willing to listen. I have had a past of very bad self harm/depression, and I am always willing to lend an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on.
Suicide Hotline- 800-273-8255
Self harm Hotline- 800-549-4266
Or message me on here :)
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Y/n was always really cautious about her scars. Wether that be the ones on her arms, or legs, or stomach or hips. Having hidden them for years made her almost expertly on quickly pulling down her sleeve, or making a distraction to divert someone’s mind elsewhere.
But, it took just one small slip up for her secret to be out to Dr. Spencer Reid- her fellow friend and colleague.
The night before was a rough one. Nightmare filled, and absolutely no sleep to help keep y/n awake on the flight the next morning. The team was leaving for a case in Oklahoma, so the flight was at least a few hours.
As soon as y/n settled into the seat, it took no more than 15 minutes for her eyes to shut, and her breathing to steady, signaling a rather peaceful slumber.
She was asleep- so it wasn’t at all her fault. Her sleeve had rode up as she rested her elbow on the arm rest and her head in her hands. Her some fading- and some freshly red- scars were on display.
The only one seeing this view, being sat across from her, was Spencer.
He had ingulfed himself with reading One Thousand And One Nights, rather- rereading it. He had come across a sentence which reminded him of a joke he wanted to tell his friend. He looked up, the joke already rolling off his tongue, and a smile already playing at his lips.
That’s when his eyes saw it.
His words got stuck mid-throat, and his mouth dried so fast, it alarmed him. He blinked, and blinked and blinked again, hoping it was just a trick of his mind. Maybe he was just so tired he was seeing things.
He wanted to say something, but silence played at his lips. He wanted to look away, but he couldn’t. His eyes were stuck to y/n’s exposed arm. Diagonal cuts, and horizontal scars. Freshly made red ones. Some scarred, some puffy. Some faded white.
It wasn’t until the captain announced that the jet would be landing soon that y/n began stirring in her seat. She shifted and slowly stretched out in her seat. Yawning, she rubbed knuckles at her closed eyes, slowly opening them.
She was greeted by Spencer watching her. She simply sleepily smiled at him, thinking nothing of his blank expression.
The team got to the police station and Hotch quickly paired them as suited. Emily and Morgan were told to go to the scene of the latest crime, JJ and David were instructed to head over to the coroners office, and y/n and Spencer were instructed to stay at the station and make a geographic profile while Hotch spoke to the Vic’s families.
Y/n stood at the map, pushing in a pin at the locations of each attack. Spencer stood at a distance, watching her. He tried to behave as casual as possible. But, that just wasn’t like him. To ignore something as big as this, he just couldn’t do it.
He kept finding himself glancing at her wrist, or shifting uncomfortably when she played with her sleeves hem.
“You okay?” He heard her voice break him out of yet another trance.
“Huh?” He blinked blankly.
“I said, are you okay? You’ve been kind of distracted ever since we landed.” Y/n inquired, placing the tiny tub of pushpins on the table covered in papers.
Spencer, scratching the back of his neck, answers, “Yeah, I’m fine.” He fiddles with file in his hands. Y/n turns her back to him again, and gets lost thinking about the case while looking at the map before her. “I was actually, uh- I was hoping we could talk about something, actually.” He stumbles over his words.
“Mmhmm?” She hums distractedly, licking her lips
He takes far too long to form a sentence, just to get interrupted by Hotch. “They found another body.” He states, rushing into the room, having y/n spin around instantly.
She furrows her brows, “Same MO?” Her eyes look upset.
He nods, “Morgan and JJ are on the way, but we’re closer.” He turns back out of the room.
Y/n and Spencer nod, grabbing their coats, and following behind. The ride from the station to the crime scene- yet another small suburban home, was only 15 minutes.
All 15 of which y/n spent shooting ideas around with Hotch, and Spencer sat staring out the window.
He couldn’t quite understand why this was upsetting him so much. Yes, y/n was a dear close friend of his. But, he didn’t even know the full story. Those marks on her arm could mean tons of different things. They could be a part of her past, which she’s recovered from. They could be scratches from her cat. Does she have a cat? Maybe, she went to Emily’s and Sergio scratched her. Maybe-
The car pulls up in front of a small pale yellow home. The house was swarmed in police officers, a few men in CSI jackets, some EMT’s running in with a gurney.
All three FBI agents get out of their SUV and start walking towards the house to be greeted by the head officer. A short blonde man, slightly on the chubby side, Chief McClain.
“Agent Hotchner,” he nodded, shaking the hand of the leader of the trio, “her name was Cassidy Williams. A sophomore at the local community college.”
“Are they ruling this as a suicide too?” Y/n asked, trying to look over McClains shoulder into the house.
“Yep,” he sighed, “seems that way.” He turns, motioning for the agents to follow him. As they enter the house, they walk around broken glass, very obviously shifted furniture, and a few shattered photo frames. “This is where it looks like the killer tried to subdue her, but she fought back.” He keeps walking down a hall, and into a bathroom, “And, here,” He scrunches his nose, and turns, not wanting to see the scene, “is, well... where it happened.” He swallowed hard, walking back to the front of the house, leaving Spence, Hotch and y/n in the bloody bathroom.
Hotch gets straight to business, and starts looking into the cabinet above the sink. Before Spencer can get closer to the tub, he feels y/n turn and rush past him. He sees her head out of the bathroom into the living room, instantly getting busy with the broken pictures and glass on the floor.
Y/n had an uneasy feeling about this case from the get go. She debated wether or not she should ask Hotch if she could sit this one out, but decided against it. She could handle this one just like any other.
But this wasn’t like any other case.
This case involved girls in their mid-to-late twenties, who were being held captive in their own home. They would be blackmailed by the unsub with some personal information, and then coerced into what seemed like killing themselves.
So far, three girls, now four, had been found. One hanging, one with bleach all down her system, one drowned in her bathtub, and now the latest victim, shot on her own bathroom floor. The blood being splattered all over the walls and tiles.
It took one split second for y/n’s stomach turn when she saw the body on the bloody bathroom floor. She quickly turn and distracted herself with the scene in the living room.
As she picked up glass shards off the floor, she acted as if she were looking for fingerprints. In reality, her mind was racing, her breathing was getting unsteady, and her eyes couldn’t focus on anything no matter how hard she tried.
“1, 2, 3, 4,” She slowly whispered to herself, trying to calm her breathing, “1, 2, 3, 4.” She shook her head, taking in a shaky breath through her nose, and out through her mouth.
“Hey,” a hand on her shoulder caused her to jump, “I was going to head back to the station,” Spencer looked at her intently, “I’d like the company, if you don’t mind.” He offered.
She swallowed hard, and simply nods.
He noticed. He noticed how her face turned when she saw the blood on the bathroom floor. He saw her having a panic attack in the living room. He saw how desperate she was to get out of there. He saw her physically calm as they drove back to the station.
He saw all that, and couldn’t help but wonder how many times in the past she felt this way, and he hadn’t noticed.
When the pulled into the parking lot of the police station, y/n sat quietly in the passenger for a second. “Thank you.” She said barely above a whisper.
Spencer looked over to her, “For what?” He asked innocently.
She looked at him with almost sad smile, “Nothing,” she brushed off, “c’mon, let’s go crack this case.”
Y/n knew she wouldn’t last this whole case. She could feel it in her bones. She would slip up, or have another attack, or say something. But, she had to try. Her coworkers couldn’t find out. They couldn’t ever know that she had tried to kill herself years ago. How even just before they left for this case, she had a breakdown in the bathroom, and made a few fresh cuts on her arms and thighs.
The team was all seated around a table in a conference room which was wafting in the aroma of coffee grounds. Spencer purposely seated himself next to y/n.
“Well, what are we saying? This guys a sexual sadist?” Morgan scratched his head with the back of his pen.
“That doesn’t make sense though, he’s not the one hurting them.” JJ sips her steaming coffee.
“But, these girls are still suffering,” Rossi interjects, taking a bite of his chocolate croissant, “all these methods of death are painful. If he is a sexual sadist, he wouldn’t need to be inflicting the pain first hand.”
“David’s right.” Hotch nods, “Spencer, y/n,” he calls both of your attention, “where are you with the geographic profile?”
Spencer stands up, his hands taking the weird positions they usually do when he’s explaining something. “We’ve managed to get a 5-mile radius which all the victims houses overlap in. The unsub’s safe zone,” he points to one of the many circles on the map behind us, “is right here. It’s almost garunteed that his next attack will be,” he points to a smaller circle within the first one, “here.”
Hotch nods, dialing Garcia and stepping out of the room, “Let me get this to Garcia. Let’s see if she can get an address of one of our suspects from that area.”
The room is silent for a moment before JJ speaks up, “Imagine how terrified these poor girls must have been.” She sighed sadly.
Y/n had said nothing this entire time. She sat quietly, not even daring to open the file before her. She couldn’t handle seeing the bodies of these girls.
“I don’t mean to sound harsh, but her’s was probably the quickest.” Derek says, pointing to Karina Vega, the gunshot victim.
Y/n swallowed, pushing her seat back, silently excusing herself from the group.
“What about the hanging?” Rossi asks.
“Approximately, it takes 13 seconds to just lose consciousness, but around 4 to 5 minutes to actually die.” Reid explains.
Y/n grabs her bag, and heads for the door, before bumping into a uniformed officer. She tried to walk around him, but gets stopped by him, “They found another girl.”
Y/n’s heart sinks further than it already was. Morgan throws his pen across the room, frustratedly.
“Same MO?” Emily asks, looking at the officer.
“Slit wrists.” Is all it takes for y/n’s shoulders to sink, causing the strap of her bag to slip off and fall with a thud, catching the attention of her teammates.
“Y/n,” Spencer slowly walks towards her. “You okay?”
She turns to face the rest of the team, but she’s already got tear streaks down her face. “I- uh, I have to go.” She breaths out, quickly wiping her face.
“Hey, slow down,” JJ quickly stands up, trying to grab her friends bag off the floor, but y/n beats her to it. Y/n runs out past the officer, and straight to the bathrooms. The conference room looms in silence. “Is she okay?” JJ asks Spencer, who had the same worried expression as her on his face.
“1, 2, 3, 4,” y/n sobbed to herself, pacing in the bathroom. “Please,” she shook her head, “1, 2 3, 4.” She was counting the same way her therapist had told her to when she needed to calm herself.
It worked a majority of the time, except now her lips were uttering numbers, where her mind was playing flashbacks of her own suicide attempt. Her mind was telling her lies. Her mind was her worst enemy- it always was.
She kept seeing herself back on her bathroom floor, tiles covered in her own blood. She could feel the sting of cold air on her deep cuts. She could hear the EMT’s break down the locked door to try to get to her.
Y/n stood against the wall, letting herself fall down, sobbing into her hands.
Just a few cuts, her mind coerced her, you always feel better afterwards.
She sniffled, knowing that was the truth. She reached for her bag, and opened a tiny pocket in the bag. Grabbing out a small box, she opened it and pulled out a small blade.
She always felt a high before she cut. And, after, she felt like she was floating. She hastily lifted her sleeve, and as she aligned the blade across the many previously residing scars on her arm, she breathed in deep, readying herself.
The door to the door to the bathroom quickly slammed open, startling y/n, causing her to drop the blade.
Spencer entered, and looked around a second, before spotting her on the floor. His eyes widened at the scene of her crying on the floor, he sleeve raised, and a blade laying a few inches away from her.
“Y/n,” he dipped down next to her, as she cowered in her own hands. She cries into her knees. He quietly hugs her close, simultaneously kicking the blade further away from her. “Hey, I’ve got you.” He quickly blinks away his own tears, as he sees all the cuts and scars that littered her arm.
“I’m not crazy.” Y/n hiccuped, here nose still stuffy from crying.
“I never said you were.” Spencer didn’t take his eyes of her.
“Then, tell them that.” Y/n nodded to the doctor who was looking at her through the glass, as he spoke to a nurse.
After finding you on the floor of the bathroom, Spencer convinced you to go to Hotchner, and if not come clean, at least have him send you back home. Since the unsub was as good as caught anyways, Spencer requested to be sent home also. (He had also let it slip into Hotch’s knowledge about your wellbeing- or rather, lack thereof.)
“I’m not crazy.” Y/n repeated, looking down at her hands in her lap.
Spencer looked at her, “I know.” He softly put a hand on her shoulder, “You’re brain is just a little sick. I know what that’s like.” Y/n looked up at him quizzingly, “I wake up everyday, afraid that it might be the day I see something that my minds made up, or hear voices that aren’t real. I know what it’s like to be afraid of your own mind.”
“Well, what do you do?”
“I sure as hell don’t do any of it alone.” He put his hands on top of hers, “And, neither will you.”
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop...” y/n quietly admits.
“It’s an addiction,” Spencer agreed, “but, an addiction in no way defines you. You can stop. Just watch,” He softly smiles to her, “I believe in you.”
He believed in her.
And that’s all the belief if it took for her to have the courage to go through with her recovery.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
100 Buffy Prompts
I had a lot of fun compiling this list. I was cracking up more than once and now I want to binge Buffy. If there is a show you want let me know because these seriously help me shut of my brain during this covid hell.
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1 “NAME, your mouth is open, sound is coming from it. This is never good.” – Buffy Summers
2 “I just want to be alone and quite in a room with a chair and a fireplace and a tea cozy. I don’t even know what a tea cozy is, but I want one.” – Buffy Summers
3 "They were supposed to be my light at the end of the tunnel. I guess they were a train.” – Buffy Summers
4 “I don’t know what’s coming next. But I do know it’s gonna be just like this – hard, painful. But in the end, it’s gonna be us. If we all do our parts, believe it, we’ll be the one’s left standing.” – Buffy Summers
5 “I don’t handle rejection well. Funny, considering all the practice I’ve had, huh?” – Xander Harris
6 "Just because you’re better than us doesn’t mean you can be all superior.” – Xander Harris
7 “I’m leaning towards blind panic myself.” – Rupert Giles
8 “Since the picture you just painted means that I will never touch food of any kind again, you’ll just have to pick it up yourself.” – Rupert Giles
9 "With all the rubbish people keep sticking in my head, it's a wonder that there's room for my brain." – Spike
10 "Oh, I don't know. Looking in the mirror every day and seeing nothing there...it's an overrated pleasure.” – Angel
11 "Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir. Open it's jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us. Passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have?" – Angel
12 "Anyway, for real now, I'm gonna ask you something, and you gotta promise you'll be honest and not spare my feelings just 'cause I could kill you. You promise?" Faith
13 "You gotta give me something to do. There's no way I'm sleeping. Don't you need anyone dead? Or maimed? I can settle for maimed.” – Faith
14 "You know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me.”- Glorificus
15 “I’m cookie dough. I’m not done baking. I’m not finished becoming whoever the hell it is I’m gonna turn out to be. I make it through this, and the next thing, and the next thing, and maybe one day, I turn around and realize I’m ready. I’m cookies. And then, you know, if I want someone to eat m — or enjoy warm, delicious, cookie me, then that’s fine. That’ll be then. When I’m done.” — Buffy Summers
16 “Seize the moment, ’cause tomorrow you might be dead.” — Buffy Summers
17 “The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live.” — Buffy Summers
18 “No weapons. No friends. No hope. Take all that away and what’s left?” “Me.” — Angelus & Buffy Summers
19 “Don’t you have an elsewhere to be?” – Cordelia Chase
20 “God! What is your childhood trauma?!” – Cordelia Chase
21 “Gee, can you vague that up for me?” – Buffy Summers
22 “I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away.” – Xander Harris
23 “I don’t know what your problem is, what your issues are. But as of this moment I officially don’t care.” – Xander Harris
24 “You’re really campaigning for bitch of the year, aren’t you?” – Cordelia Chase
25 “I mock you with my monkey pants!” – Oz
26 “Funny how preparing looks an awful lot like sitting on your ass.” – Spike
27 “That’s fairly freaksome.” – Oz
28 “Do you have any tact at all?” – Giles
29 “I’ve known you for two minutes and I can’t stand you.” – Spike
30 “Great. Now I’m gonna be stuck with serious thoughts all day.” – Cordelia Chase
31 “You didn’t happen to take a lot of drugs, did you?” – Willow
32 “I’ve seen honest faces…they usually come attached to liars.” – Willow
33 “Can I be blind, too?” – Xander
34 “Gee, I hope I’m not interrupting anything really depressing.” – Riley
35 “And you just accepted that? I only said that because I thought that’s what you wanted to hear.” – Anya
36 “This is the crack team that foils my every plan? I am deeply shamed.” – Spike
37 “We’ve got to face it, we’ve changed. Well, not you—you’re still sadistic and self-centered.” – Giles
38 “Sometimes the most adult thing you can do is ask for help when you need it.” – Giles
39 “Did everybody have their Crazy Flakes today?” – Xander
40 “Do you love me?” “What?” “Do you?” “I love you. I don't know if I trust you.” “Maybe you shouldn't do either.” “Maybe I'm the one who should decide!” — Angel & Buffy
41 “Six a.m.!" NAME cried. "I know that's a number on my clock, but I've never actually been awake to personally witness it!” — Xander
42 “Bored now.” — Vampire Willow
43 “We’ll go be heroes.” — Spike
44 “You have a plan?” “I am the plan.” — Giles & Buffy
45 "Strong is fighting. It's hard and it's painful, and it's every day. It's what we have to do. And we can do it together." — Buffy
46 "I make it through this and the next thing and the next thing, and maybe one day I turn around and realize I'm ready." — Buffy
47 "You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. NAME, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live, for me." — Buffy
48 "Make your choices. Are you ready to be strong?" — Buffy
49 “Weird love’s better than no love.” — Buffy
50 “The who having wha with huh?” — Buffy
51 “Whatever you choose, you’ve got my support. Just think of me as… as your… You know, I’m searching for supportive things and I’m coming up all bras. So, something slightly more manly, think of me as that.” – Xander
52 "A lot of things that seem strong and good and powerful, they can be painful." Angel
53 "To forgive is an act of compassion, NAME. It's-it's... it's not done because people deserve it. It's done because they need it." — Giles
54 "In the end, we all are who we are, no matter how much we may appear to have changed." — Giles
55 "I don't have time for vendettas. The mission is what matters." — Buffy
56 "I don't want to protect you from the world. I want to show it to you." — Buffy
57 "Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong?" — Buffy
58 "Recognizing power in another does not diminish your own." — Joss Whedon
59 “Out. For. A. Walk… Bitch.” — Spike
60 “You can’t see the stars, love. That’s the ceiling. Also, it’s day.” — Spike
61 “Is everyone here very stoned?” — Spike
62 “I feel safe with you.” [Chokes] “TAKE THAT BACK!” — Dawn & Spike
63 “I love you.” “Oh, my god.” “Hey, no. Look at me. I... love you. You're all I bloody think about... dream about. You're in my gut... my throat... I'm drowning in you, NAME. I'm drowning in you.” — Spike & Buffy
64 “Just... give me something. A crumb, the barest smidgen. Tell me maybe, someday there's a chance” “NAME ... the only chance you had with me was when I was unconscious.” “Oh, wha-“ [screams, then shouts]  “What the bleeding hell is wrong with you bloody men/women? What the hell does it take? Why do you bitches torture me?” “Which question do you want me to answer first?” — Spike & Buffy
65 “You can't deny it. There's something between us.” “Loathing. Disgust.” — Spike & Buffy
66 “Could do without the laugh track, NAME.” “But it's so funny. I knew... before you did. I knew you loved the NAME. The pixies in my head whispered it to me.” — Spike & Drusilla
67 “Damn right I’m impure! I’m as impure as the driven yellow snow.” — Spike
68 “I love you.” “No, you don’t. But thanks for saying it.” — Spike & Buffy
69 “This with you, it’s wrong. I know it. I’m not a complete idiot.” — Spike
70 “You always hurt the ones you love, pet.” — Spike
71 "When I say ‘I love you,’ it’s not because I want you or because I can’t have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I’ve seen your kindness and your strength. I’ve seen the best and worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are." — Buffy
72 "I’m just gonna go home, lie down, and listen to country music. The music of pain." — Buffy
73 "I have feelings for you. I do. But it's not love. I could never trust you enough for it to be love." — Buffy
74 "Weird love's better than no love." — Buffy
75 “People don’t fall in love with what’s right in front of them. People want the dream — what they can’t have. The more unattainable, the more attractive.” — Buffy
76 "Trust is for old marrieds, NAME. Great love is wild and passionate and dangerous. It burns and consumes." “Until there's nothing left. Love like that doesn't last." — Spike & Buffy
77 "This isn't some fairy tale. When I kiss you...you don't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after" — Angel
78 "I love you. I try not to, but I can't stop" — Angel
79 "If I may suggest, ‘This time it's personal.’ I mean, there's a reason why it's a classic." —Oz
80 "Well, to the casual observer, it would appear that you're trying to make your friend NAME jealous, or even the score, or something. And...that's on the empty side. See, in my fantasy, when I'm kissing you, you're kissing me. It's okay, I can wait." — Oz
81 "NAME’s our friend...except I don't like him/her.” — Xander
82 "What am I gonna do? I think about sex all the time! Sex ... Help! Four times five is thirty ... five times six is thirty-two ... Naked girls. Naked women ... Naked NAME ... Oh, stop me!" — Xander
83 "Man, NAME! My whole life just flashed before my eyes. I gotta' get me a life!" — Xander
84 “NAME. You're really campaigning for bitch-of-the-year, aren't you?” “As defending champion, you nervous?” — Cordelia & Buffy
85 "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." — Cordelia
86 “Oh please. Like shame is something to be proud of.” — Cordelia
87 “I’m going to give you some advice: get over it.” — Cordelia
88 “Oh, and you’re welcome.” — Cordelia
89 “I’m not a sniveling little cry-NAME. I’m the nastiest guy/girl in PLACE history. I take crap from no one.” — Cordelia
90 “I think it. I say it. It’s my way.” — Cordelia
91 "I don't like spiders, okay? Their furry bodies, and their sticky webs, and what do they need all those legs for anyway? I'll tell you - for crawling across your face in the middle of the night." — Willow
92 "I don't want danger. Big 'no’ to danger.” — Willow
93 "Let's get this straight. I don't understand it. I don't wanna' understand it. You have gross emotional problems. And things are not okay between us." — Willow
94 "NAME, I got so lost." "I found you. I will always find you." — Tara & Willow
95 "But you like him/her, and when you think about him/her, you get that good down-low tickle, right?" — Faith
96 "You hurt me, I hurt you. I'm just a little more efficient." — Faith
97 "Just relax ... and take off your pants." — Faith
98 "I am, you know." “What?" “Yours." — Tara & Willow
99 "I don't have time for bondage fun." - Buffy
100 “It's fine, I don't need to be snuggled.” — Willow
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writerbyaccident · 5 years
Snared: Part Four (Yandere Tomura ShigarakixReader)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Five Part Six Part Seven
           Biting the inside of your cheek, you stared anxiously at the front door of your apartment. With each second that ticked by you found yourself swinging back and forth between hoping everything would just stay quiet and wishing that you’d just hear the damn knock already. You were like the world’s most terrified pendulum, you thought to yourself, just barely shoving down the stream of hysterical giggles that bubbled within you. Falling apart was not something you could afford right now, no matter how tempting it felt. The idea of just letting go, of no longer being lucid enough to be scared was an enticing one, but your life was not the only one on the line here. The world you lived in was full of heroes, and while you might not have been one of them, you would do your best to try and act like one.
           As you made that promise, repeating it over and over in your head until it was just a random collection of sounds, you heard the floorboards creak behind you. Shoved out of your thoughts, you tried unsuccessfully not to flinch as a rough hand settled itself on your head. Chuckling rather smugly at your frightened reaction, Shigaraki began stroking the top of your hair with his thumb. Some childish instinct forced you to freeze where you stood, insisting that so long as you didn’t move, so long as you didn’t look at him, it wouldn’t be real. Even though you knew logically that it wasn’t true, you also knew just how volatile the leader of the League of Villains was said to be, and you didn’t want to do anything that could set him off, not even moving. As it turned out though, your attempt to keep Shigaraki from growing angry had the opposite effect. Shigaraki did not appreciate being ignored.
           “Hey,” his hissed petulantly in your ear. “Not having second thoughts, are you?” To emphasize his displeasure, Shigaraki weaved all but one of his fingers into your hair, yanking your head around so that you faced him. Swallowing thickly as you realized your mistake, you glanced quickly at his eyes, the red of them seeming to burn into you. The intensity there, with its lethal mix of emotions, was too much for you to bear, and your gaze fell towards the floor.
           “No,” you answered timidly. “I—I’m just nervous, that’s all.” Smirking at your submissive attitude, Shigaraki loosened his grip ever so slightly. He still kept his fingers laced in your hair of course, enjoying the sensation far too much to let go.
           “Aw, it’s okay, you’ll be fine,” he rasped patronizingly. “So long as you stick to the script.” The last bit he punctuated with moving his other hand under your chin, tilting your face back up to his. Knowing better than to try to look away again, you let him.
           “I—I know.”
           “And I’ll be right here in case you forget what you’re supposed to be doing,” he crooned threateningly. You nodded frantically, any words you might have used evaporating in your throat. Red eyes smiling down at you, Shigaraki ran his thumb gently over your lips, relishing the way they softly trembled beneath his touch. Finally releasing your hair from his grasp, he slipped his now free hand into his pocket.
“If you seem like you need a reminder, don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll send you a cheat code,” Shigaraki said with a sickly grin, taking out his phone and waving it almost teasingly before you. Fingers twitching reflexively, you longed to yank the damn thing from his grasp and throw it out the window, but you knew it would be no use. Even if you somehow were able to do so, Shigaraki had made a point of showing you that he sent the list of your friends’ and family members’ addresses to one of his fellow villains. Shigaraki noticed the distress swelling in your eyes, an image that caused his sadistic smile to stretch even further. A fierce hunger growing within him, a craving to give you one last reminder, a need to taste you roaring through his body, Shigaraki began to lean down towards your lips.  But before he could meet them, a knock sounded on the door.
Throwing an annoyed glance at the door, Shigaraki let go of you, pressing a single finger to his lips before moving away. Treading silently towards the closet, the one only separated from the next apartment by a paper-thin wall, Shigaraki nudged the door open and stepped inside. The image of a fully-grown man slipping into a closet might have been amusing in normal circumstances, like a funhouse mirror version of hide-and-seek. But this time, no frenzied giggles threatened to escape from you. No, now you were deathly quiet, watching as Shigaraki pulled the door until it was almost completely closed. Once there was but an inch of an opening left and the movement of the closet door ceased, you dragged yourself slowly over to your apartment door.
           Leaning over to see through the peephole, you saw Chief Kaneko standing on the other side, an unfamiliar figure beside her. You forced yourself to take a deep breath, plastering on an expression of what you hoped was resignation and guilt, rather than one of abject terror. The guilt at least wasn’t too hard to conjure up, as the sight of the chief had brought to mind everything she had done to help you. She had worked so hard to get you to a place where you felt okay enough to go into witness protection, and now you’d have to throw it all away. You wished you were braver, smarter, stronger, so that you could figure out a way to let her know what was really going on, but the threats Shigaraki had made silenced any possible ideas. So rather than crying out as you longed to do, you swallowed your instincts and opened the door.
           Kaneko nodded at you as she and her companion walked inside, their steps not seeming rushed exactly, but definitely brisk with purpose-driven efficiency. Both the man and the chief were dressed casually, in jeans and short-sleeve shirts, looking much more like they were about to go run some errands as opposed to sneak someone away to a secure location. Though, you thought to yourself wryly, how was someone even supposed to look in that situation? But no matter what she wore, there was something about Kaneko that was almost inherently reassuring. The way she stood so tall, hands still at her sides and brown eyes glowing with resolute determination, it was as if she was trying to tell you only through body language that she would make sure you were safe. Guilt now weighing you down even more heavily, you wished she hadn’t decided to waste her time attempting to help you. But you would try to repay her as best you could, making your performance as convincing as possible so that Shigaraki would leave her alone.
           “This is Officer Kimura,” the chief explained, the eponymous officer reaching out to shake your hand. “He’s the one who’s going to escort you to where you’re going, I’m just here to make sure you two leave okay.” You made no acknowledgement of this detail, instead staring transfixed at Kimura’s hand, which eventually fell back to his side when you failed to shake it. Noticing your distraction, Kaneko smiled sympathetically.
           “He’s been on the force for over ten years,” she continued. “He’s a great police officer; he’ll keep you safe.” You remained silent for another moment, trying frantically to remember what you were supposed to say. Although there was no way for you to know for sure, you could have sworn that you felt Shigaraki’s hand inch closer towards the wall of your apartment, getting ready to disintegrate it and run into the apartment next door, where you happened to know that a family of four lived. Your instincts weren’t far off, as Shigaraki was listening carefully for any sign that you had chosen a dialogue option that he didn’t approve of. Eyes narrowed at the door that separated you from him, Shigaraki hoped that those police officers weren’t giving you any stupid ideas. He wasn’t about to let them take you away from him. So, sensing the aura of growing impatience radiating from the closet where Shigaraki hid, you opened your mouth to speak.
           “I—I’m sorry,” you whispered, doing your best to echo Kaneko’s look of determination. “I’m sorry but I just can’t do it.” Officer Kimura flashed the chief a questioning look, but she paid him no mind.
           “We talked about this,” Kaneko said with a gentle firmness. “This is the best way for you to stay safe. Shigaraki can’t hurt you if he can’t find you. The best thing for you to do is leave.” Digging your nails into the palms of your hands, you shook your head.
           “And what about all of the people who can’t leave?” you asked, voice heavy with guilt. “What about them?”
           “Your friends and family—”
           “But it’s not just them he might go after! Even if the protection you gave them is somehow enough, what about the rest of them? The people at work, the barista across the street, the people right in this building? If I leave now, I’m leaving them to take the fall.”
As you spoke, you could feel the tears beginning to pool in your eyes, confirming that every word Shigaraki had told you to say was utterly true. You had been ready to risk so many lives just for yourself, and it had turned out to be pointless. Within his hiding place, Shigaraki smirked to himself. It turned out that you weren’t dumb after all.
           “You’re just having last minute doubts,” Kimura tried to reassure you.
           “They’re doubts I already had, doubts I made myself ignore! But if I keep forcing myself to ignore them and then something happens, I’ll be to blame.”
           “No, you won’t,” Kaneko insisted. “If something happens, Shigaraki will be the one to blame. You’re not responsible for what that maniac does. With someone like him, even if everyone gave him exactly what he wanted and did exactly as he said, it wouldn’t stop him from hurting people. And even if it did, that doesn’t mean it’s right to give in.” Struck silent by the chief’s words, you gazed searchingly at the ground. Maybe it was just because she was unwittingly offering you a way out, but Kaneko’s speech rang true to you. Shigaraki was the leader of League of Villains, after all. He hadn’t even shown reluctance when it came to killing children, so why should you believe him when he said he wouldn’t hurt anyone if you just did as he said? Kaneko and Kimura must be armed, you thought rapidly, so maybe if you were to signal them towards the closet they could stop your tormentor right here and now. Gathering as much courage as you could find, you were about to point to where Shigaraki was hiding, but before you could, you felt your phone vibrate.
           Schooling your expression into one of slight confusion, you reached into your hoodie pocket and opened up your phone. You had a new message, and although the number wasn’t one you recognized, you knew who it was from. A picture was waiting for you, and while it was dim, it was easy enough for you to understand. In it, a pale hand was reaching out towards a wall, all but one finger resting on the surface. There might not have been any words to go along with the picture, but they weren’t necessary. Your newfound hope crumbling as quickly as if Shigaraki had touched it, you felt resignation close in on you once more.
           “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I wasted your time, sorry that I’m not braver, but I just can’t do it.”
           “Are you sure?”
           “Yes, I’m sure,” you said, hoping that Shigaraki could hear.
           Luckily for both you and the family next door, Shigaraki heard your final decision. Relaxing ever so slightly, he let his hand fall from where he had been scratching his neck. He had sensed your temptation to try to run from him, to let the police protect you, and had been near frantic in his rush to send you that little reminder, but thankfully he had kept you from making a truly idiotic mistake. Now that the risk had passed though, Shigaraki couldn’t help but find the whole incident kind of cute. It was like you were a confused little avatar, not knowing which routes to take or which moves to use. You needed him, needed him to guide you with a threatening hand, since it was fairly clear that you couldn’t be trusted on your own. Tongue dashing out and wetting his lips, Shigaraki pictured it: you, completely submissive and docile, obeying every command he gave you. He knew it wouldn’t happen right away, not when you were still so confused, still trying to listen to your own voice as opposed to his, but with time Shigaraki was sure he could fix you. He would have you perfect soon enough, and then he would have you in any way he wanted.
“Well, I can’t force you to go,” Shigaraki heard Kaneko sigh from the other side of the door. “But if you change your mind or need anything, you have my number.” Twitching with excitement, Shigaraki listened as she and her fellow officer walked disappointedly out of your apartment, shutting the door behind them. He waited a minute, and then another, before slipping out of his hiding place. His eyes immediately landing on you, Shigaraki watched for a moment as you simply stared at your apartment door, as if willing for the chief to run back and save you. Savoring just how defeated you looked, Shigaraki chuckled amusedly and moved so that he was right behind you.
“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” You remained quiet though, a fact that soon had Shigaraki scowling.
“It’s rude to ignore people you know,” he hissed into your ear.
“Shut up,” you mumbled, still staring at the door.
“What did you just say to me?”
“I said shut up,” you repeated, voice stronger this time. “I did what you wanted, so can’t you just leave me alone for one damn minute?”
“That’s not how this works, precious. I told you before, you don’t get to pause this game. You don’t get to do anything that I don’t want you to. I’m the one holding the controls here, not you.”
“So what, I’m no longer a player in my own fucking life?”
“Pretty much,” Shigaraki grinned, pleased that you were beginning to catch on to the rules. The game was finally getting started, and now that Shigaraki had taken care of those annoying first-level bosses, there wouldn’t be any more interruptions. They were lucky he had let them walk away, Shigaraki thought bitterly. They had messed with something that belonged to him, and so the temptation to kill them for it had been extremely strong. But no, holding their lives over you was too much fun to pass up. If anyone tried to take you away from him again though, he wouldn’t be quite so merciful. A cold hand was then laid on your shoulder and an even colder kiss was pressed against your temple.
“Now come on, you need to unpack.”
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The Christmas that Wasn’t-Ch. 2
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A/N: Written with @mox-made-me-do-it​
Chapter 2: Allie
           “Umm yeah…” I said slowly, feeling my heart pounding against my ribs. “Cowboys are supposed to be lucky. As long as they aren't from Dallas at least."
           Oh my God did I just say that? Surprisingly, my unfunny and awkward football joke earned a definite chuckle from Adam. But, oh, the way he smiled. Those eyes, I swear, could glow in the dark.
           The voices at the table seemed to fade away. I could just make out Leigh’s voice as she kept the conversation going. She was talented like that—able to talk up everyone she met. It was how we met in freshmen year at in the first place. She and Kenny seemed to be hitting it off, propped on their elbows and talking over the cheese fries and cookie skillet. I sat there in a stunned sort of silence every time I thought about trying to talk. Maybe not to Kenny, but definitely to Adam.
           I was suddenly jerked back to reality when I realized Leigh was poking my leg. She was watching me from the corner of her eye, lips turned down in a worried frown. Across the table, Kenny tapped his spoon on the skillet.
         “Hello? Anybody home in there?" Kenny said with a teasing smile.
           Leigh poked my thigh again. “Hi...sorry… the mimosas we had on the plane are kicking my ass." For a second, the world went fuzzy. Without warning, I jumped to my feet and excused myself, grabbing my backpack as I dashed off.
           I hurried to the ladies’ room. My ribs were tight, making it hard to breathe. I swore I was going to either throw up or pass out before I made it into the bathroom. I heard Leigh’s faint voice in the background, apologizing behind me as she followed behind at a run.
           “Als? You ok, babe?” Leigh asked, following me to the sink. The panic was so thick that I couldn’t think of anything else to do but giggle… almost maniacally.  “What's going on? What’s wrong?”
           I threw my bag on the counter, searching through it for one specific thing. Half a dozen things came out as I dug, finally pulling out what I wanted. I held up a smooth grey rock with the word courage engraved in black on the top.
           “Remember this?" I asked, holding it up. “You gave it to me at the airport when I moved to LA. It hasn't left my bag since.”
           Leigh stepped close and put her arm around my back and dropped her head against my shoulder. “Als…”
           “Jon made fun of me for keeping it with me, but I can't imagine not having you by my side, Leelee.” My voice broke. As much as he’d royally screwed me over, it still hurt to think of all the time I’d wasted with Jon. When I thought things were going perfectly, when I thought we were two steps from happily ever after… I squeezed my eyes shut to keep from crying. I refused to give him that satisfaction.
         “I can't believe you keep that with you,” my friend replied, hugging me tight. I turned and wrapped my arms around her. For a moment, we just stood there as the panic bled out of me. “I know things are hard, but there is a super hot, super confused cowboy and out there with our loaded cheese fries. If we leave them alone too long, they’ll eat all of them. And the cookie,” Leigh said with a nudge and a wink. 
         I grinned, relaxing with my friend’s presence. “What about Curls—Kenny? I think he likes you…” We parted and I leaned against the counter, raising a brow as I looked at her. We were almost the same height, but her hair was shorter and dyed a deep ruby red. “Maybe it’s time to jump back on the pogo stick?”
           Leigh blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears. She looked over her shoulder at the door. “He's so fit… and hot. I mean, look at him and look at me. I doubt he goes for the thick girls.”
           I knew the feeling. The doubt. I thought I’d found someone who accepted and loved me just for me, but I’d been wrong. I suppose it had been the same with Izzy and Leigh. They were like Jon and I… happy on the outside but broken deep down.
           As doubtful as she sounded, Leigh had a faraway dreamy look in her eyes. “Man… his smile, though. And those eyes…but I don’t know, Al… But I guess we’ve got to leave the ladies first so we can find out. Remember a week away from reality.”
           I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. Whatever tan I’d gotten living in California had washed out beneath my panic. My hazel eyes looked shell shocked. I splashed some cool water on my face and behind my ears, the surprise bringing color back to my cheeks. Leigh handed me a paper towel.
           “You good?”
           “Yeah, I'm good.” I smiled and hugged Leigh again, glad to have her with me. I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Seriously, though. Kenny looked at you like we looked at that cookie skillet. I can't believe you don't see it. He is definitely into you. You deserve it after Izzy—go for it.”
           Leigh rolled her eyes and snatched my backpack up from the counter.  “Come on, our fries are probably cold.”
           We laughed as we exited the ladies’ room arm-in-arm. As soon as we opened the door, I was surprised to find the cowboy leaning up against the wall. His brow was furrowed, and his blue eyes were dark with worry.
         “Is everything okay, Allie?” Adam asked with concern. His southern accent seemed to get thicker and desperately more adorable “You turned pale as a sheet.”
           Something warm settled in my chest. “Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks,” I replied, smiling a little. I thought of that stone in the front pocket of my bag. “I guess I shouldn't have had that last mimosa. Got a little light-headed.”
           Adam nodded and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans. I tried hard not to think about how good he looked in them. “Let’s get some food in you. Always helps when I’ve had a few too many.”
           I felt Leigh bump me lightly in the hip as she unwound her arm from mine and slipped in front of us. Adam shortened his stride to match mine and I could have sworn he turned just a little bit toward me.
           “Hey… half the fries are gone,” Leigh exclaimed from the table. Adam and I sidled up to the table just in time to see Kenny look up at her sheepishly, melted cheese and bacon bits still on the plate in front of him.
           Kenny looked around, as if he were searching for someone even as he tried to casually wipe the grease and cheese onto his napkin. “Yeah, I looked away for one second, and somebody just swiped them.”
           Before any of us could say anything in response, Leigh’s phone went off in her pocket. I watched her face go grey as she recognized the ringtone. Don’t answer it. Don’t answer it, I thought, wishing she could hear me inside her head. But she couldn’t, and I watched her hands shake as she put the phone to her ear.
           “Hello, Itzabelle,” my friend said, her voice barely trembling. I could feel the fear spilling into her veins.
           I could hear her ex’s voice on the other end. She was shouting and screaming, clearly upset about something. What does she want now? Hasn’t the bitch done enough?
           “It’s none of your business if I am in Tahiti with Allie. You gave up having an opinion about what I do a long time ago.” Leigh was starting to go pale and I dashed over to slip a chair under her, guiding her to sit down. “I’m not telling you a damn thing, Itzabelle. You’ve broken my heart enough. I’m not letting you do it again.”
           Leigh dragged the phone from her ear and ended the call, clutching the device tight in her hands. She looked sick. Adam handed her a glass of water. “Head between your knees if you’re gonna pass out.”
           My earlier panic had been quickly burned away by something like rage. Itzabelle Parker and I hadn’t exactly gotten along while she and Leigh were together, but I’d done my best once they got serious. But I’d be damned if she tried to ruin my friend’s life after they’d broken up.
           The high ring of my phone made my heart jump a beat. I dug it from my bag and grinned sadistically when I recognized the number. I answered without hesitation.
           “Listen here, Itzabelle Parker,” I spat, the words drawing out. I paced a few steps away. “You don’t get to speak to her like that. You made your choice the minute you touched her cousin, and you don’t get to be pissed off at her for going on a vacation with me.”
           She snarled back at me, hurling insults and insinuations. I couldn’t help but laugh. “You never deserved her. How many times was it, Izzy? And don’t just say the once because we both know you are a lying bitch who broke my best friend’s heart.”
           The angrier I got, the more I could hear the southern Alabama slipping into my voice. I’d lost all but hints of it when I moved to LA, but it seemed pure and unadulterated rage could bring it right back. “She’s moved on to better and definitely bigger than you. My girl will be well taken care of by one of the hottest men I have ever seen if I have a vote in it. She deserves some happiness after everything you’ve put her through.”
           I hung up on her without another word, feeling some vicious glee at how she sputtered at the end. It never occurred to Izzy that Leigh might find a guy who could make her happy. “Gimme your phone,” I commanded, holding out my hand to Leigh. She dropped passed it over without complaint. I powered both of them off and stuffed them into the bottom of my backpack. “Now…”
           I finally looked up, drawing a deep breath. The anger I’d felt at Izzy had completely torn away at the panic I’d felt moments before. Leigh was looking up at me with a mixture of awe and embarrassment. Across the table, Kenny had turned a horrible beet red and was suddenly very interested in counting the bacon bits on his plate. But Adam…
           Adam was looking at me with an awful appreciation in his eyes. He grinned and nodded, bracing his hands on the back of his chair and leaning forward. “You, Allie Mason, are as full of surprises as a hellcat.”
           “I’m sorry. That woman just…” I growled, still caught up in the rush of adrenaline. “She thinks she can dictate everything Leigh does even though she’s the one who royally fucked up. I’m not having it.”
           As I watched, Adam looked over at Kenny and burst out laughing. I finally stopped long enough to realize how I might have embarrassed him. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Kenny. I didn’t mean… That woman is horrible, and I wanted to shut her up. I’m so sorry I embarrassed you!”
           He took a deep drink of the soda in front of him. Then he downed the water next to it. “It’s fine,” he said, waving his hand in the air. “Flattered really. I mean… surprising that I would… you know… make her… jealous? But… yeah… um…”
           For a moment he sat quiet, then looked down at the iPhone on the table. “Hey Hangman, our ferry leaves in like 10 minutes. Unfortunately, we need to bid these lovely ladies adieu." Kenny said, the slight sadness present beneath his lingering embarrassment.
           Leigh glanced over as well. "Shit! Allie, ours leaves then, too. Grab a box from the server for the fries.” She glanced up at Kenny—who was still a delightful shade of red—and Adam—who was trying not to laugh at his friend—and queried, “Where are you guys off to?"
           “The Four Seasons resort at Bora Bora,” Adam said easily.
           I looked at Leigh, my heart beating hard against my ribs. No. It wasn’t possible… She looked quickly between Adam and I and smiled. “So are we.”
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It’s just Teasing
“You two both know I don’t really celebrate my birthday, right?”
“Nonsense. That’s the same excuse that Saeyoung gave last month for his own birthday and we didn’t let him get away with that.” 
“So, we’re not going to let you get away with it, ether.” 
Judas huffed. Even though he tried to stand his ground and disregard everything that they were trying to do, he couldn’t do that much for long because they would not let him simply enjoy a peaceful day as if it were like any other. He would joke and jest all day long that of course, they wanted to celebrate him. But, in all real actuality, he wasn’t sure that his birth was a blessing. 
His childhood had never been great and although he could remember a time when a birthday was a good thing, he could also recall the birthday when his mother left and never looked back. It thrust him into the life that he was now living and while he wasn’t upset about the way that things had turned out, a part of still angry and bitter about it. 
Angry that he could be thrown away when he wasn’t useful to people. Angry that it happened twice in his life. First it was his parents, and then it was the one man that he thought loved him. It had been his naive folly to expect that a man of that caliber would ever love one person more than he loved himself. 
He knew that feeling all too well. 
If he lied and lied and said he loved himself, and prattled on like he was real piece of royal work, he would believe it. On his good days, he did believe it and he acted like it. But on the bad days? You would never hear him utter those very words. 
Given his size, both Saeyoung and Minji could easily cart him around. He made a face the entire time, but Minji not-so-casual hoisted him off of the couch where he had been having his mope fest. He whined and complained, “Minji, as much as I love to be treated like the prince I am, you have to give a man a little head straight before you chuck him over your shoulder!” 
His protests were not listened to. 
She had only scooped him up so she could take his spot on the couch while he pouted. She let him adjust himself between her legs, fortunately not facing her as tucked her arms around his waist. Minji was made to be the big spoon and there was no denying that. 
When she did this, Judas nearly lost of his composure. He was often a confident man who knew what to say, but when Minji did this, he could say that he was oh so very proud that she had come a long way from the unsure girl that he knew when they first met. 
She had so much sexual prowess—
He really didn’t need to think about that right now. A heat rose to his cheeks and he was almost mortified that he, Judas Choi, had let himself become so unraveled in his own emotions and docile in recent months that it was so easy for someone to catch him off-guard.
He could swear that both Minji and Saeyoung were Sadists. He would stand by that, and God, in the right circumstances, he loved that. He loved making people cry too, but he loved it when someone throttled him around and knew what they were doing.
“Relax,” she told him, simply. “And I didn’t toss you over my shoulder, I think we need to check out your eyes, old man, you must be losing clarity already! Quick, Saeyoung, he needs a nurse’s touch.”
Judas’ blue eyes darted to the side to catch Saeyoung hop down in front of him, hands going to his shoulders as he leaned in rather close. So close that he could feel the ghost of his breath against his cheek. “H—Hey! Two against one is not a fair fight! I didn’t order you to—”
Saeyoung’s hands were very gentle for once. He gripped Judas’ chin in between his forefinger and thumb, ensuring that he wouldn’t truly be able to quickly look away from those golden eyes of his. His heart began to speed up and his mind began to race with all kinds of ideas. 
Oh, fuck, caught between two people that had stolen his breath. 
“Hey, I know you’re a brat,” he said. “But, why don’t you let yourself be spoiled for once in your life? We love you. You’re always doing everything for everyone in this house, so we’re going to take care of you today, Judas.”
Judas couldn’t stop the visible shiver that ran down his spine at the tone that he had chosen to use. Minji was no better than Saeyoung, because she leaned to press her lips against his neck. He let out the most unmanly squeak that he had ever heard out of his mouth. 
She snickered at him, “It was just as kiss, Juju.”
“A kiss from a beautiful woman!” He countered with a huff. “I can’t imagine how many men had died from your kiss.” 
Him being caught off-guard by Minji was enough for Saeyoung to lean in and steal a kiss from his lips. Judas stared at him with wide-eyes, not believing that he did that when he knew very well that Saeyoung was capable of doing such things to bully and torment others. 
“There, how’s about a kiss from your boyfriend too?” he chuckled. “That make it even?”
“Oh, I know how many have fallen to your charm,” Judas swallowed his pride and maintained his demure composure. “At least, I know two people who were great casualties to your hand. No match for those smiles, really, you should be careful with that.”
He lifted his hands and pressed them against Saeyoung’s chest. His blue eyes darting down to look at his lap. “I really don’t like my birthday, Saeyoung. I just don’t. Every time I let myself have something that I wanted, it was taken away from me on this day.” 
One of Saeyoung’s hands intertwined their fingers together, “That’s not going to happen again.” 
“Yeah,” Minji agreed, softly. “Nobody’s going to hurt you anymore, Judas. I would never let that happen, and neither would Saeyoung. You’re the most selfless guy I’ve ever met, you should really let yourself be spoiled for once. It doesn’t have to be your birthday, either, but this is a day that’s all about you. We want you to know how much you matter.” 
Judas was trying to hold them back, but he knew that his eyes were starting to well up with tears. 
“We’re both happy that you were born,” Saeyoung murmured. “I hope that you learn that you should be happy for it too. You’ve made my life that much better and I know Minji can say the same. Let us take care of you, okay? You don’t have to pretend to be okay anymore.” 
And, Judas didn’t. 
He just let himself cry it out for the first time in a decade. 
His birthday may always sting, but he realized that from now on, it would be something that he could share with those that he loved the most. They would never hurt him, not like those that had hurt him in the past. Learning this wasn’t easy by any means, but he was happy they were so patient with him. 
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Keith: It’s time for another match-up :3 For @aiya-chan03​ I literally had this person with Ayato, until I read their dislikes (they could have practically put down ‘don’t like Ayato’ there) XD I mean no offense by it, I just love how everything checked out for Ayato and then the dislikes list is literally half the boys personality ^^’
Personality: ENFP-T, aquarius, compassionate, highly empathetic, I have an adventurous and curious nature, very friendly, funny; also a mood-maker, I tend to over-think literally anything, open-minded, a little lazy, I know how to speak for myself and I mostly say what I'm thinking, have been told I'm kind and that I always help people, I act tough and confident in public ( like some sort of shield) but around people I know I'm always laughing and joking (I especially do and like dirty jokes), but also love being cute, I have a diverse sense of humour, rebelious at times, I know when to give people space and when they actually need someone to talk to even though they deny it, I like listening to people's thoughts and what's bothering them, I am understanding ( I made a lot of people open up to me thanks to these 2 last skills)
In a relationship: I like getting teased (especially in a perverse way), I enjoy skinship, would want an affectionate, honest relationship, with a good balance between cuddling and sex, would like him to confide in me when something's wrong, I would enjoy a more dominant partener
Likes: For food; meat and sweets, I enjoy drawing, singing, writing and photography, I love languages (though I started learing many, I didn't get too far with any, but hey), I love listening to music (quite an addict), I admire art, I adore animals and worship nature, I especially love the night (and am particularly interested in the moon)
Dislikes: I am picky when it comes to food, rudeness, I hate to be given orders ( I might like it in a lewd way), narcissim (I tolerate it, but I don't particularly like it), strict people and people that only follow the rules, people who grew up spoiled and think they are worth everything
Dressing style: For my style, I dress in any way really, depending on my mood; since I'm in school, most of my outfits are casual, jeans on the larger type (boyfriend/barrel kinda fit) with the ends rolled up a bit + a tshirt/blouse tucked it. I own a pair of grey Buffallo's and used to wear it a lot but then it got cold. I also wear the larger kind of jeans since I have low self esteem and I really don't like my body that much.
・.━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
~ Subaru ~
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Alright, hear me out. There is some things here that might not be ideal. But I think you guys would be totally valid together. The vibe I got from you was, ‘a strong individual that isn’t afraid to care for others’. You would be good for Subaru, because you wouldn’t allow him to just push you around. Now taking into account that you don’t like being told what to do/ given orders, Subaru was also the best bet. Apart from his slightly sadistic nature, he is alot less demanding and pushy than the rest of his brothers. (Not counting Shuu) Also, you know when to give him space and when to be there for him. Your outgoing and adventurous nature might not be the most ideal combo, but you more than make up for it by being compassionate and empathetic for how this boy feels. He might find some of your behaviour annoying, but I do believe that it’s that curiosity, compassion and adventurous spirit that would drive you to stay by this boys’ side. And I quote the game: ‘You’re still annoying, I’ve just gotten used to it by now.’ 
As for how you are in a relationship, you might as well have Subaru written all over that as well. An open, honest relationship with a good mix of cuddles and sex. A more dominant partner that likes to get a bit sadistic and teases you in the bedroom? I mean, it’s all right there, isn’t it? Of course, the fact that you want a partner who confides in you isn’t the most Subaru-esque thing, but with some patience, this boy is capable of becoming very loving and trusting toward his partner.
As for you likes, I see no real ‘issues’ there. And I say issues, because I’m always looking for things or activities that could break the bond with one of the guys. Subaru isn’t the kind of guy to take interest someone’s hobbies or preferences to begin with. He’s really someone that loves his s/o for who they are. So as long as all their hobbies and activities are tolerable, he’ll be fine with whatever. Of course he shares your love for the moon. 
As for your dislikes; narcissism, rule followers, spoiled people? None of that to be found with Subaru. In fact he is quite the opposite of everything you seem to dislike in people. An insecure boy who doesn’t care much for the rules, had a tough childhood... The rudeness could be one issue, but we know all of Subaru’s rudeness comes from a very emotional and kind place, so I’m sure you’d be able to see through that right away.
As for your clothes, it’s pretty much the same as your likes and hobbies. Subaru isn’t the type to care much about what his s/o wears or looks like. As long as you are you.
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