#the way she uses 'our baby' and 'my boy' and 'your son' to rub more salt into rand's wounds
oblako · 1 year
the latest i love yoo episodes... i'm shaking oh my god
#x#this is about the fast pass episodes so#i love yoo fp spoilers#first of all yui makes my skin crawl WOW she is such a well-written antagonist#second of all ilyoo isn't horror but with yui sitting in this dark room sipping her tea smiling to herself like some kind of witch#and rand suddenly appearing covered in blood looking completely haggard#while kousuke is laying there unconscious in this awkward pose with an uneasy expression on his face after yui drugged him#it really could be labelled as horror like damn...#and the way yui positions herself over kou and places her hands on him like she's claiming her territory#like she's some kind of predator claiming her prey#while not allowing rand to even get close and touch kou's hand... jesus CHRIST that sent shivers down my spine 😶#and when she's like 'i love this look on you!' and the 'look' is nol's blood all over him like excuse me???#'red is your color i'd love to see you wear more of it' is she threatening murder now?????#seeing yui go full yui is terrifying and i love it#to see her manipulation on full display the half-truths the thinly veiled threats the gaslighting#the complete lack of concern for her own child...#the way she uses 'our baby' and 'my boy' and 'your son' to rub more salt into rand's wounds#calling him cold and neglectful honing in on his guilt#as if he's not been running from hospital to hospital all night making sure his sons are ok#like listen i have very little sympathy for rand. yui this yui that rand still made his choices#but knowing he had to deal with this for 25+ years really makes me understand more why he does the things he does#why he ultimately became an absent father for both kousuke and nol#because yui sees him getting close to either of them as an attack and takes it out on him or nol#so rand doesn't get close to anyone to keep those he cares about safe#and the rand/nol parallels in that?? this is exactly what nol has been doing!!#when yui says 'without me nobody would be by his side' we know nobody = nol and that's exactly it#without her manipulation kou wouldn't see his own brother as an enemy#without HER they could've been a team... so much pain and suffering could've been avoided.....gOD#there is so much to unpack in this episode alone the drama really is drama-ing#to think that this started out as a lighthearted little story and now we're getting into all this serious and dark stuff god i love it
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seresinhangmanjake · 1 month
The Harkonnen's Claim
Feyd-Rautha x Atreides!Reader
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Summary: Your brother, Paul, took you from Feyd in a vulnerable moment, and if he wants the woman he loves back, he will have to give your brother something in return.
Notes/Warnings: this is part 2 of 2. Ignore canon ages in the timeline. I don’t know what they are, but everyone young is in their twenties, cool? Cool. Dune inaccuracies. Mention of pregnancy (present) and miscarriage (past). Jessica and Paul kind of (very much) suck. Feyd’s a soft boy for our reader. Smutty-ish (18+) and fluffy stuff, tidbit of angst. I'm sure there are spelling mistakes. I read it twenty times, but you know how it is. I think that’s it.
Words: 3300
Feyd Masterlist Part 1
You can’t see him—your eyelids are too heavy—but he’s shouting. Cursing. With each of his grunts glass shatters and metal clangs against the walls. Feminine voices are shrieking in sync with the rageful sounds coming from your lover and his actions. He is scaring them. He shouldn’t be scaring them. It isn’t their fault. 
“Get out!” he yells. 
More shrieks. Multiple pairs of feet rapidly shuffle about. The door slams and then Feyd is sitting beside you on the bed, one hand brushing your hair back from your forehead, the other rubbing up and down your forearm and pulling it onto his lap. 
“My love…” he says, “It’s ok. You’re ok.”
You swallow hard and peel open your eyelids to see his face hovering above you. A sigh leaves his lips when his eyes connect with yours.
“They were only here to help,” you mutter. 
Feyd bites down hard, sharpening the line of his jaw. He has much to say, you know, but he struggles to release his frustration in any manner other than shouting or fighting in the arena. Right now, he can’t do either.
“They did nothing to help,” he softly snaps. 
But he’s wrong. The women he brought in to examine you did exactly as they were told. It’s just that their conclusion upon taking a look at you was not what he, nor you, expected to hear. 
“Considering the excessive bleeding, she seems to have—” the woman paused; you could hear the tremble in her voice “—lost the baby, my Na-Baron. I’m very sorry.”
Neither of you has spoken about heirs or lineage or combining the genetics of Great Houses. You hadn’t even known of your pregnancy until you heard them tell Feyd that you are no longer carrying the child, and yet, you feel a tremendous loss. You instantly wonder what that child would have been. A boy? A girl? Would they have been a warrior like their father? Or more level-headed like their mother? Maybe a combination of both—that would probably be best for everyone.
“We’ll try again when you feel better,” Feyd tells you, leaning down and pressing his forehead into yours. 
Slowly closing your eyes, you reach a hand up to rest on the back of his neck, your thumb caressing between his ear and the curve of his jaw. “Feyd, we weren’t trying to begin with.”
“Does that mean we shouldn’t?” he asks. “You are meant to be the mother of my heir.”
You sigh. “Feyd–”
“You are,” he demands, but you can detect his hidden plea. “You will be.” 
They are scared of him—your son—or, at least, she is. 
With your ear pressed against the door, you can hear them in the halls. Mother and son arguing over your value. 
“Get rid of them, Paul, while you still can,” Lady Jessica implores him. “It’s in our best interest. You have no idea the kind of man she will raise that baby to be.”
But Paul has embraced his new role. There’s no hesitation in how he speaks to her anymore. His words are firm, but well-chosen. He truly was born to be a leader, just not the leader the Universe agreed on.  
“The boy will one day be the Baron, and by then, he will have grown stronger than most, his father included,” Paul confirms. “But we only benefit from having that on our side. From Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen’s need for my sister, an alliance will be formed that could last decades, maybe centuries. But if you harm her, he will come at us in a way his House never has before. And if he finds out you also took his child from him then he’ll spend the rest of his life hunting you, me, Alia…Chani…your future grandchildren—he won’t stop.”
Paul sighs. You can picture him running his hand through his curly locks. He’s done that ever since he was a child. From the moment his little hand could reach above his head, his fingers would be playing with that hair. His mother scolded him wherever he did it in front of the other families of great Houses. ‘Makes you appear anxious,’ she would say, and no son of hers was permitted to come off as anything but respectable in front of their equals. She knew of the man he would one day become. But her nagging didn’t help him in the end. 
“Paul, listen to m–”
“QUIET,” he commands in the Voice that seems to ripple through the halls. “You act as if I won that duel without effort. As if I could do it again in my sleep. But not only did he survive what should have killed him, he almost killed me,” he reminds her. “So do not let your hatred for my sister lead us down a vulnerable path.”
You pull your ear away from the door. How strange that you always knew she hated you and yet never heard it from anyone’s lips until now. You can’t say it hurts, but it does affirm that the only thing keeping you alive is the one thing you didn’t want to be: Feyd’s weakness. He’s saving you even though you’re out of reach. You and the baby he put inside of you. 
You run your hand over your clothed stomach. There’s no physical evidence of your pregnancy, but now that you know he’s there you can feel him…somehow. You feel his strength. You feel his grit. You feel what Lady Jessica fears, and you love it. You hope she lives in fear for many years, always keeping one eye on the half-Harkonnen child that her son commanded her to spare. 
The doorknob twists and you quickly back away as Paul steps into your bedroom. His brows pinch when he sees how you’re standing in the middle of the room. You’re not resting, you’re not admiring the scenery outside your window, there’s no book in your hand—you look suspicious. You can practically hear his thoughts. What were you doing, sister? 
“It’s time to go,” he tells you, stepping closer. You don’t have a chance to reply before the command “SLEEP” weaves into your brain. Your eyes close. Your body goes limp into your brother’s arms. Your mind shuts down. You’re gone. 
It’s bright. The inside of your eyelids are glowing the same orange shade as the flower your father traditionally gifted you on your birthday. It’s brighter than Caladan and Arrakis. A brightness you know only comes from Giedi Prime’s midday sun. 
You're moving but not by your own feet. Your eyelids flutter to adjust to your surroundings, and when they open, you find yourself tucked against a chest. An Atreides soldier, once your father’s, now sworn to serve your brother. 
“Put me down,” you mumble, but he doesn’t. “Put me down!”
“Put her down if she wants to be put down,” Paul says. “She won’t go anywhere. This is exactly where she wants to be.”
You’re set on your feet, but the soldier’s hand wraps around your bicep as the group comes to a halt. You do a quick glance around. Sixteen soldiers, suitably armed and shields activated. More on the ship likely, ready to attack if necessary. One Bene Gesserit bitch. One intended emperor with the skin of your brother. And you, anxiously awaiting him.
Feyd steps out of the Harkonnen fortress alone. He walks down the lengthy walkway alone. He has a blade at his hip, a shield, but no soldiers. You know they are somewhere, though, hiding, waiting for his call if needed.
As the distance between you lessens, tears attempt to blur your vision, but you blink them away. Your legs quiver, and you would collapse to your knees if not for the vice grip on your arm. He’s alive. He’s so beautifully alive. He’s broad, and strong, and he’s stomping toward your brother like a predator honing in on its prey. You didn't know for sure what he would look like after near death, and the last two weeks gave your mind the will to run wild, but he's perfect. Like it never happened.
“Paul, you must reconsider,” Lady Jessica whispers from behind him. “We do not need him.”
“I decide who and what we need,” he says. “My sister, my negotiations.”
She tips her head and steps back into place before shooting you a glare that you refuse to acknowledge.
Feyd is closing in, but his next step is deemed too close for Paul. Weapons are drawn. A blade presses into your neck. Feyd pauses. 
“Give me what's mine, Atreides!” he snaps. 
He’s seething and makes no attempt to hide it as he paces along the invisible line your brother has drawn. His brow is low, a shadow over the blue eyes piercing through Paul’s head. He hasn’t looked at you, but you know he won’t. Not directly. He already knows what your brother has over him and there’s no need to remind him by giving in to the internal panic he’s fighting. 
“Yours?” Paul returns. “She’s not yours yet, Harkonnen, so it would be wise of you to cooperate.”
Feyd practically growls, pale lips splitting to reveal black teeth as Paul gestures for you to stand beside him. The soldier shoves you forward and you turn to smack at his wrist. 
“I know how to walk,” you grumble. “Bastard.”
Paul clasps his hands behind his back. “You want her; that is understandable. She wants to be with you, too. You should have seen how she fell apart when she thought you were dead,” your brother taunts. His tongue clicks to make a tsking sound.
Feyd’s fingers twitch at his side, itching to grab the hilt of his knife. You know a layer of red bleeds across his vision. His thoughts are a jumble of demands bouncing around his skull. Kill. Maim. Destroy. Take what’s yours. But he can’t. And, excluding his uncle, Feyd hasn’t ever faced a situation where he can’t do as he pleases with whatever stands in front of him.
“Do not push him too far, Paul,” you mutter in warning. “He's not alone, either.”
Your brother ignores you, voice raising as he says, “And your son? You would like to have him as well, yes?”
The pacing stops. Feyd’s lips softly part. His eyes widen ever so slightly and he finally looks at you. When you lightly nod, his jaw clenches. 
Paul doesn’t miss the silent communication. “So,” he says, lifting his chin a half-inch, “are we calm now?”
Feyd inhales a deep breath and huffs it out through his nose. He does it again and again, chest puffing out then deflating like an animal desperate to strike. ‘Calm’ isn't exactly how you would describe him—good, you expect nothing less—but he’s not displaying the same heightened level of fury.
“What do you want, Atreides?” Feyd grunts.
“Loyalty,” Paul doesn’t hesitate to answer. “You are my cousin. You love my half-sister and the two of you will share a child, assuming you can behave yourself. Family should inherently be loyal to family, I believe. That’s a fair place to start.”
“To start?” Feyd spits. “Do not play with me, cousin. Tell me all that you want from me now.”
Paul’s lips curve in a slight smile. The same modest smile he used when greeting guests of your father’s. You have your own version of that smile. They are smiles capable of hiding secrets. Like the smiles you would give Lady Jessica in front of your father, and the smile Paul gave Princess Irulan when he formally claimed her hand days after the duel.
However, there are no secrets behind the smile this time. He knows exactly what he wants from your lover and takes pleasure in revealing the totality of it.
“This war is just beginning,” Paul tells Feyd. “The other Houses reject my leadership. You will not. You will make a public declaration that the Harkonnens will fight for me, alongside the Fremen,” he says. “If you refuse to fulfill this, I will return with every fighter I have. My sister will be our primary target and you will fail to protect her…again.”
The disrespect lingers in the air. To force a Harkonnen to kneel to an Atreides is a power Feyd once told you only you possess. But it appears Paul has forced an unexpected exception.
“There's nothing for you to debate, I imagine,” Paul says. “Not when it comes to the woman you love and your child.”
Paul gives a winning smirk at your lover’s silence—Feyd’s glare is answer enough. 
With a hand firmly on the center of your back, your brother guides you forward. “Go on,” he instructs. “There's no reason to keep him waiting.”
You turn your head back to Paul, expecting a trick, but when he nods in encouragement you rush over to Feyd in a light jog so as not to get tangled up in the skirts you can’t wait to tear off your body. A pale hand reaches out for you and curls around your waist when you’re close enough to be pulled against his chest. A kiss lands on your hairline before his forehead falls to rest on yours. 
“You're not hurt?” he asks. 
“I'm fine,” you promise him. 
“This will never have to become complex, Harkonnen,” Paul calls from his side. Your heads raise to look at him. “Your House now fights for mine. If loyalty is upheld, personal lines will not be crossed. In other words, your child and woman are safe from me as long as my empress, concubine, and children are safe from you.”
Feyd’s Adam’s apple bobs harshly with his hard swallow; another practice in tamping down his rage.
“I’m glad we can all walk away from this satisfied,” Paul continues, grinning ear to ear. “Except for my mother, of course. Were she given her way, my sister would be cut open on the floor and her womb ripped out of her. She doesn’t believe a Harkonnen can exercise restraint and respect agreements. I’m sure you’ll prove her wrong.”
Your dress tightens at your waist from Feyd’s fingers fisting into the material. “Keep your head,” you gently whisper. “Let him go.”
“You have three days to officially announce your allegiance,” Paul tells the two of you before turning to his ship. He enters first, followed by his mother who gives you a final look of disapproval, and then, two-by-two, his soldiers. Not until they’re a speck in the sky does Feyd place a hand on your cheek, guide your face to his, and seal his lips to yours. 
He intends to burn the dress to ash in the built-in incinerator that the Harkonnens consider a fireplace. Before now, you haven’t seen it demonstrate its purpose. Feyd refused. “We do not need that,” he would tell you, somewhat offended when you would request a bit more warmth in the middle of the night while he was next to you. He’d strip himself of any clothing he might’ve been wearing and tuck you into his side. “See? You’re fine now.”
Tonight, however, he’s quick to turn the thing on and let it heat up as he takes his knife to the back of your gown, slicing through the buttons that trace along your spine until the material slips off your body. He helps you out of the ring of destroyed fabric at your feet before wadding it into a ball and tossing it into the flames. 
Feyd hums, satisfied, then piece by piece the armor falls from his form until he’s bare with his body to yours, his lips sucking and nibbling, fingers kneading and exploring, cock easing in and out of your core. You cry as he bites into your neck, and soak in the moment for what it is compared to what it could have been had he not survived. How alone you would be. How distraught over what would become of you.
But he did survive. He’s here. You have him. His lips and teeth and touch and cock and heart—all yours. You have the warmth of his breath that brushes your face and neck and shoulders. You have his groans and moans; the perfect sounds he makes when he first enters you and when he cums. Everything you thought you’d lost is wrapped tightly in your arms. Safe. Protected.
He finishes inside of you twice, and as he begs for one more, the ache between your thighs tempts you to remind him he already got you pregnant. But when you study the tenderness in his eyes, your desire refreshes, the pain washes away, and you can’t get enough. You take until he can no longer give—when all he has the energy for is holding and kissing. 
Feyd leans over you in the bed, your legs intertwined under the sheets and his hand at the back of your head as his mouth moves with yours. 
“W-Wait,” you say between kisses. He hums against your lips and when you tilt your head back, he makes a noise of protest before joining them again. “I-I’m ser-ious.”
With his brow pinched, he pulls back to stare into your eyes. “What’s wrong?”
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth as you search for a delicate way to question the effectiveness of his new authority. “Feyd, what’s going to happen? What will everyone think?” you ask. “Your people? Your soldiers?”
“That’s what bothers you right now while in this bed with me?” You nod. He sighs. “I observed my uncle in his time as Baron. I’m capable of explaining these changes in a manner that will have them think nothing of it. Should an outlier take issue, they will face the known consequences. The rest will do as I command,” he says, emphasizing his words with another kiss. “Just as they will do as you command and as our son will one day command.”
You shake your head. “Don’t be silly. No one on Giedi Prime will listen to me,” you tell him. “My voice doesn’t mean anything to them.”
“They'll respect the voice of their Baroness.” 
Your brows raise. “Your wife?”
Feyd smirks and dips his head into the curve of your neck to lick and suck at sensitive skin. “Do you have objections, my love?”
It would be a lie to say you haven’t imagined being Feyd’s wife. It didn’t occupy your every thought, but it crossed your mind. Like when he would pluck out the eyes of the men who leered at you or remove the tongues of those who scoffed when you spoke. Or when you would watch him sleep and his face was unable to maintain the hard, stony stare that he brought back with him after dealing with his uncle. He’d be serene, the epitome of peace, and it was so lovely that sometimes you couldn’t help yourself. You would kiss his puffy lips until he woke to reciprocate, which led to him spreading your legs wide and stuffing his hard column of flesh between your folds. His ability to be gentle in his cruel world was how you knew he would be a good husband—to you, anyway. You have no idea the fate of his marriage were there a different bride.
His tongue runs over the bite mark and you gasp. “N-No.”
Lips trail along your jawline as his hand slides from the base of your neck between the valley of your breasts to settle on your stomach. 
“He'll be strong,” Feyd says, looking at you. “Our boy.”
You chuckle. “Stronger than you, I heard.”
Feyd swallows, then nods in acceptance. “Good. He’ll need to be,” he says, thumb stroking just above your navel. “The only Atreides my son will answer to is his mother.”
A/N: i'd be open to doing future fics for them if anyone is interested. you can send in requests if you want, no pressure. I have a different feyd fic in the works atm as well
@unicoreads @haehwasworld @moonsoulk @lothiriel9 @landlockedmermaid77 @vintageroses10 @mamawiggers1980 @mrsjobarnes @aoi-targaryen @buckysteveloki-me @pao-prazz @skel-skell @barnes70stark @pekusofixus @vanilla88 @niragiswhore @benwishaw
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mina-saiyat · 1 month
Mommy's little boy Part 2 (Tzuyu)
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A/N: It's real mum this time, stay away if you can't accept Incest.
My body has recently entered puberty, my hormones are surging, and I have strong sexual urges every day. As the only woman in the family, My mum, Tzuyu naturally became the object of my desire. Although our mother-son relationship is close, I still feel a little embarrassed to ask my mother to take care of my physical needs.
But every time I have an erection, Tzuyu will still considerately help me solve the problem. She would gently hold my penis with her soft hands and move it up and down slowly and rhythmically until I ejaculated on her hand. Tzuyu's technique is very skillful and she can give me the ultimate pleasure every time.
"Mom, I'm hard again..." I called softly in the room. Soon, the door opened and Tzuyu walked in with a glass of hot milk.
She sat next to me gently, stretched out her little hand and groped in my crotch for a while, and found the erect bulge without any error. I immediately felt a numbing current spread from my lower body to my whole body, and I almost screamed with pleasure.
"It's so good, Mom, you really know how to play..." I moaned, enjoying the pleasure brought by Tzuyu's nimble fingers.
A shy blush appeared on Tzuyu's face, but she still served me wholeheartedly. Soon, I sprayed a large stream of thick white turbidity into her delicate palm, letting out a low growl of satisfaction.
Tzuyu took out a few tissues to wipe the liquid on her hands, with a doting smile on her face: "If you need it in the future, remember to tell mom~"
Since I got Tzuyu's "help", I have become more and more eager for her body, and the frequency of erections is as high as several times a day. Although Tzuyu was initially worried about whether my body could handle it, she could not refuse my requests.
Gradually, Tzuyu completely let go of her bottom line at my request. At first she would serve me in her underwear, but soon she couldn't resist my begging. She stripped naked and knelt in front of me, using her naked breasts and thighs to rub me to orgasm one after another.
Tzuyu's soft skin slid across my crotch, arousing waves of pleasure. I couldn't help but knead her round and erect nipples. Tzuyu groaned, but she focused more on swallowing my cock. Soon I reached climax with a long cry, and poured all the white fluid into Tzuyu's little mouth.
"Mom, you are so powerful...I will not be willing to cum until I cum in your mouth..." I gasped, watching the way Tzuyu's throat squirmed.
Tzuyu wiped away the spilled residue from the corner of her mouth and gently stroked my chest: "Good boy, of course mommy will give you the best things~ Just tell me where you want to ejaculate in the future."
"Hmm... I want to cum underneath you..." I couldn't help but fantasize, looking at Tzuyu's pink petals glowing with water, just waiting for me to come.
Tzuyu was shocked after hearing this, and then blushed: "How is this possible! We are mother and son..."
"But mom, you can even let me penetrate your mouth..." I said aggrievedly, and inserted my fingers into Tzuyu's vagina, feeling the moisture and tightness inside.
Tzuyu bit her lip, obviously there was a war in her heart.
Tzuyu was silent for a moment, and finally made up her mind: "Baby, I know you are in full swing right now, but I really can't accept letting you go in there... That's mommy's final bottom line."
I was eclipsed, but Tzuyu immediately added: "But apart from there, mom can let you play anywhere else... just like now..."
After saying that, Tzuyu moved her body and opened her two plump thighs in an M shape, with the pink petals clearly visible. My eyes lit up, and I immediately leaned down and hugged Tzuyu's thigh and started sucking hard.
Tzuyu screamed, her slender fingers embedded deeply into the sheets, letting me use the tip of my tongue to wreak havoc on her sensitive clitoris. Soon, the sparkling love juice flowed out from Tzuyu's lower body and wet my lips and tongue.
"Ahhh... good son... you lick mommy so well... go a little deeper... yes... right there..." Tzuyu kept moaning, my lips and tongue were in her private parts Lingering, bringing wave after wave of climax.
When Tzuyu's screams gradually subsided, I raised my head and saw that Tzuyu's pussy was already covered in mud. I eagerly held my cock and pressed it between Tzuyu's thighs.
Tzuyu seemed to understand my intention and hurriedly stopped me: "Wait...you can’t put it in!"
"Don't worry, I'll only fuck your thighs." I replied with a smirk, then straightened my waist and pushed my penis deep into Tzuyu's soft thigh flesh.
"Oh——" I gasped, this feeling was more refreshing than I imagined. Tzuyu's thighs are white and tender, with a delicate and smooth skin surface, but the inner muscles are elastic, wrapping my body tightly. With every thrust, Tzuyu would moan softly, the sound that sounded like pain but not painful was sultry.
"Baby...slow down...mom's leg is going to be broken..." Tzuyu begged, but I didn't care, and speeded up my movements, only focusing on my own pleasure.
Seeing that the she could not stop me, Tzuyu simply gave up resistance and concentrated on clamping the roots of her thighs. I immediately felt an unprecedented sense of oppression. Tzuyu 's thigh flesh was like a living thing, tightly wrapping my penis in it. With every thrust, I screamed out in pleasure and almost burst out between Tzuyu's thighs.
At the same time, my glans was rubbing against Tzuyu's labia again and again. The two petals were already wet with my semen, and now they were like two thick flesh lips adsorbed on my front, making me even more excited.
"Ah - Mom, you are really good at playing..." I yelled in a daze, while Tzuyu was trembling with my impact. More honey flowed out of her vagina and wetted our intercourse parts.
The feeling of being wrapped in her clit made me crazy. I grabbed Tzuyu's ankles and pulled her legs further apart. Tzuyu understood, she let out a sweet cry and clamped her thighs tightly, trapping my whole body inside. All my weight was focusing on the clone. I was so happy that I raised my head and let out a long sigh.
Tzuyu's thighs were like a tight paradise, tightly wrapping my penis, and every inch of the texture was rubbing against the most sensitive parts. The position of my glans was just stuck between Tzuyu's slightly open petals. Every time I straightened my waist, it rubbed against her most private entrance.
"Mom, you are really good at playing... If you keep going like this, I will cum all over your legs..." I tried my best to hold myself up so as not to be squeezed too tightly by Tzuyu's thighs and cause me to climax directly.
But Tzuyu smiled proudly as if she had been praised: "Isn't that exactly what you want? Good boy, keep fucking mom's thighs..."
After saying that, Tzuyu tightened her thighs again, and my penis was trapped in them and there was no way to escape. Tzuyu's petals kept squeezing my glans, and my tips soon secreted precum, which mixed with Tzuyu's honey, making our intercourse smoother.
"Oh - I'm going to die... Mom, your clit sucks me so much... deeper... I want to fuck them all in..." I thrust wildly, attacking again and again. The whole tips was swallowed by Tzuyu 's clit.
Tzuyu also followed my movements and swung her waist, cooperating with me to fuck her thighs. Her juice flowed non-stop, soaking the sheets.
I was so stimulated by Tzuyu's soft thighs that I lost my mind. I raised my waist and pushed deeper again and again. My glans kept rubbing against Tzuyu's clitoris and sex center, eliciting sweet moans from her.
Tzuyu's thighs seemed to have a life of their own, tightly clinging to my body. Whenever I pulled out, Tzuyu would relax a little, and then she would tighten when I thrust in. The contrast brought me so much pleasure that I was soon on the verge of ejaculation.
"Mom... I'm about to cum... loosen up a little..." I gasped and begged for mercy, but Tzuyu smiled coquettishly and squeezed her thighs tighter: "Cum... cum all over Mom. On the legs..."
I fucked Tzuyu's thighs like crazy. Every time my glans connected with Tzuyu's petals, a deadly wave of pleasure swept through my body. I don't even need to actually penetrate Tzuyu's pussy, just relying on this position can give me supreme pleasure.
Tzuyu felt the cock between her thighs begin to twitch, and she immediately understood that I was about to cum. Instead of relaxing, she clamped her thighs tighter, vowing to squeeze me dry until every drop was left.
"Baby son... don't mommy's thighs feel so good... you are just a little bit close to being able to penetrate mommy's real hole... Do you want to try it?" Tzuyu teased me wildly, then such obscene language directly pushed me to bliss.
My sanity finally completely collapsed at this moment. I grabbed Tzuyu's buttocks and thrust hard. Every time I thrust in, My tips was fully swallowed by her clit. Tzuyu 's labia were stretched to the maximum by my penis, and the pink petals almost turned white under the rapid friction.
"Ah... I'm going to cum... Mom, you're so good at sucking... I'm going to... Oh - I'm going to cum... Mommy, I'm going to cum -" I stiffened and yelled At the climax, Tzuyu's thighs clamped down on me, and my penis exploded in her thighs. White hot water spurted out from the eyes, all of which ejaculated on Tzuyu's body.
"Mommy...I cum for you..." I was exhausted and fell on Tzuyu's body. Tzuyu felt my orgasm and tightened her grip even more, making my ejaculation last longer. She stroked my sweaty back, and at the same time teased me verbally: "Baby... you fuck me so much that I'm so satisfied... cum more... fill mommy's legs..."
These words directly hit my vitality. I was so happy that my whole body was shaking, and the amount of ejaculation was far greater than usual. Tzuyu 's thighs were soon covered with my semen, and some even seeped into her petals.
Tzuyu laughed and let me cum all over her thighs and belly. She wiped some of the white turbidity with her fingers and put it in her mouth, savoring my taste.
"Baby son, mommy drank your milk, it's so delicious~" Tzuyu said, looking at me with seductive eyes. My penis that had not yet faded became hard again under her sight. It seemed that there were more good shows to be performed tonight...
I looked at Tzuyu, her expression was both intoxicated and proud, as if everything that just happened was just a trivial game. A ridiculous idea came to my mind, so I raised my penis again and pressed it against Tzuyu's thigh.
Tzuyu's eyes widened in surprise, and I couldn't wait to start thrusting. The penis I had just ejaculated was still very sensitive, and Tzuyu's thighs were so beautiful, I was quickly aroused again.
"Baby...you still want to come?" Tzuyu was a little flattered, and then she smiled very charmingly: "Then mom will play with you to the end..."
Tzuyu tightened her thighs again, and we seemed to be in an endless obscene game.
I grabbed Tzuyu's waist and thrust hard, as if I wanted to crush her under my penis. Tzuyu was knocked forward and backward by my offensive, and her breasts kept shaking in front of her chest. Her clit was also crushed by me again and again, causing more honey to flow out.
"Ah...baby...you are too cruel...Mom can't bear it anymore..." Tzuyu gasped and grabbed my arms with both hands for support. However, her legs tightened tighter and tighter, as if she wanted to completely confine my penis between her legs.
My scalp was numb from the stimulation of Tzuyu's tight legs, and a trace of precum leaked out of my tips again. I knew I was on the verge of losing control and could only sprint harder to reach climax as quickly as possible.
"Mommy, I'm almost there... Your legs squeeze me so much..." I groaned, my waist twitched a few times for the last time, and then my penis twitched, and I ejaculated a thick white fluid.
Tzuyu felt my ejaculation and actually increased the strength of her legs, as if she wanted to squeeze out the last drop of my essence. I roared, reaching an unprecedented peak of bliss, and my whole body went limp, except for my clone, which was still as hard as iron and embedded between Tzuyu's legs.
We stayed in this position, Tzuyu gently stroking my hair with a doting smile on her lips. Her legs were already covered with my bodily fluids, and the white turbidity mixed with her own vaginal fluids formed an extremely lustful picture.
Tzuyu held my face and kissed my lips. The tip of her tongue slipped into my mouth and swam around like a little snake. "Good baby... Mom is very satisfied... Your performance is even better than before..." Tzuyu licked the saliva from the corner of my mouth, her tone full of doting.
I kissed Tzuyu back and wrapped my arms around her neck. My fingers searched her back and soon found her anus. I pressed it as if to be a prank, causing Tzuyu to exclaim.
"You bad boy! Don't touch there..." Tzuyu was ashamed and angry, but the next second she was blocked by another passionate kiss from me.
I grabbed Tzuyu's hips and turned her over to face me. Tzuyu lay down knowingly and opened her legs wide, revealing the petals inside that were red from my fucking. There was a hunger in her eyes, expecting me to take her again. She seems forget about she is not allowing me to enter her.
I held my penis and pressed it against Tzuyu's entrance. Under Tzuyu 's gaze, he slowly pushed in, feeling the tightness and moisture in her cavity. It’s the first time I entered my mum, and the heat and tight nearly get me cum instantly.
"Hmm...slow down...it's too thick..." Tzuyu bit her lip and moaned, looking at me with surrender written all over her eyes.
I leaned down and kissed Tzuyu, my penis going deeper into her body. It wasn't until I was completely submerged that I raised my head and saw that Tzuyu had closed her eyes in confusion.
"Baby... move..." Tzuyu invited enthusiastically. I couldn't bear it anymore and immediately started to play with her pussy aggressively.
My penis quickly shuttled in and out of Tzuyu 's honey hole, reaching the deepest point every time. Tzuyu 's whole body trembled due to my impact, and her heart kept secreting new nectar.
"Hmm... baby... go deeper... I'm going to be penetrated by you..." Tzuyu moaned wildly, hooking her legs around my waist and rocking her hips back and forth in line with my progress.
I was so aroused by Tzuyu's wild performance that I lost my mind and fucked her pussy even harder. Tzuyu 's body was warm and wet, tightly wrapping around my body. A large amount of clear mucus leaked from the place where our genitals met, soaking the sheets underneath her.
"Mom...you know how to suck...I'm going to cum..." I gasped and growled. After hearing this, Tzuyu accelerated her hips, and her pussy kept squirming, as if she wants to squeeze me dry.
"Then cum... cum all for mommy..." Tzuyu 's eyes were confused, and her lips were soaked with her own body fluids. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I suddenly increased my speed, and with one final hard blow, my penis was buried deeply inside Tzuyu, and at the same time, white turbidity surged out, completely filling her cervix.
Tzuyu felt my ejaculation, her whole body stiffened, and then she shuddered like a spasm. She screamed loudly, reaching the highest peak of lust. The two of us climbed to the top together, the aftermath of our climax lingering for a long time.
After the climax, I held Tzuyu in my arms and lay on the bed with her. Tzuyu 's fingers still stayed on my back garden, as if exploring some novel territory.
"Baby... you are such a genius... you bring mommy unexpected surprises every time..." Tzuyu whispered in my ear, and I felt a sense of pride well up after hearing it.
I kissed Tzuyu's neck and stretched my hands to her breasts. Soon, Tzuyu's nipples stood erect in the palm of my hand. My fingers twisted the two sensitive protrusions from time to time, causing Tzuyu to gasp softly.
"Baby... don't... Mom was about to die just now... Let mom take a rest now..." Tzuyu begged, but I knew she was not satisfied yet.
I turned over and pressed on Tzuyu, with my once more erect penis pressed against her entrance. Tzuyu was taken aback, but quickly faced me resignedly.
"Then let mommy see... what else my little boy is capable of..." Tzuyu smiled seductively. I couldn't hold it in any longer and penetrated her hard.
We started another round of passionate sex and fell asleep late at night.
Since that affair with Tzuyu at home, the erotic relationship between us has become increasingly widespread. Whenever my father was not at home, Tzuyu would always find various excuses to pull me to her room, and then she could not wait to unbutton my pants, and use her charming little mouth and hands to push me to the peak of bliss.
Even when my father was at home, Tzuyu would take the opportunity to tease me, such as secretly touching my inner thighs with her hands, or blowing and whispering in my ear to make me hard. Whenever this happens, I can't help but push Tzuyu down on the bed and cum everything for her.
Gradually, I found that my body was increasingly unable to bear Tzuyu's enthusiasm. I often felt pain in my back and lacked physical strength.
Tzuyu didn't seem to be aware of my physical troubles. Whenever she had a chance, she would grab me and ask me to help her reach climax. Several times I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself covered in Tzuyu's bodily fluids, and the sheets were in a mess.
But every time I face Tzuyu's temptation, I can't refuse her, because her body is the strongest aphrodisiac to me. A look from her could turn me on, a whisper from her could arouse my lust. I fell deeply into this twisted lust. I knew it was an immoral relationship, but I couldn't extricate myself, and I can give everything for her.
"Baby... Mommy wants you again... Come and help mommy vent her lust..." Tzuyu's voice was charming and sweet, and my penis instantly became engorged with blood and stood straight up.
"Mom...I've ejaculated several times today...my body just can't take it anymore..." I begged with a wry smile, but my hands began to caress Tzuyu's breasts involuntarily.
"Then let mom see how powerful my little baby is..." Tzuyu smiled and opened her legs, revealing her already wet private parts.
My reason completely collapsed at this moment, and only animal desires dominated all my actions. I rushed forward and got entangled with Tzuyu,
"Baby...come on...Mom is about to climax again..." Tzuyu twisted her waist, kneading her breasts with one hand, and thrusting into my backcourt with the other.
"Mom...wait a minute...I just cum..." I gasped and begged, but Tzuyu ignored my pleas and just urged me to penetrate her pussy again.
I could only reluctantly follow the instructions and enter Tzuyu's body again. The two of us are entangled together, as if there is only each other left in the world, and everything else has nothing to do with us.
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quicktosimp · 7 months
Little Teeth
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Warnings: Birthing, Jake being a slight perv, and excessive use of the word "fuck", otherwise it's pure fluff
Words: 9k
A/N: Finally got around to finsihing this fic! I have had so much fun writing this. Thank you so much @loaksxhoe, for giving us your headcanons on @pandoraslxna, when you were still an anon. I love you so much Roomie 😘
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Jake and Neytiri didn’t take long to have a baby, and then right after Neytiri fell pregnant, we found that Grace’s avatar had also become pregnant. No one knows how, but what we do know is that two little babies will be born soon. Jake and Neytiri had already agreed to take in Grace’s baby, and as their third mate, I will be right there with them, helping along the way with two little ones. The firstborn was little Neteyam, a boy, followed quickly by Grace’s baby, a little girl named Kiri. Life with two infants is exhausting in all the best ways. Even though every moment is spent with one of the two little ones, it couldn’t be more perfect.
And then Neytiri announced she was pregnant. I made plenty of jokes about na’vi contraceptives, but I was elated about there being a new member of our family soon. Now, with a third on the way, things have been put into overdrive. Thankfully, with preparing for the first two, we didn’t need much more, but by Eywa’s grace, would Neytiri please slow down! She’s seven months pregnant, Neteyam strapped to her back, and is bow fishing! I demanded her to either sit down or hand me Neteyam…
“Neytiri love, you are heavily pregnant and carrying Neteyam; please let me take some of the load for you!”
Without seeing her face, I know she’s giving me that glare full of fondness, “I am well aware that I am pregnant, but that does not stop my duties.” she draws her bow, and the beautiful yellow and green feathers fan her cheek.
Rolling my eyes, “Oh wow, I didn’t remember seeing any of the other pregnant women hunting or fishing. I also don’t remember seeing anyone hunting or fishing with their babies strapped to their backs at all. Maybe I’m just blind.” I walk up, and Neteyam notices me. I started to play with the little foot that I could reach, “Let me take Neteyam, and you can have your fun fishing to your heart's content.” I bargain, Neteyam’s little giggles doing wonders for my case. 
With a sigh, Neytiri slowly drops her bow and slides Neteyam off her back. I grab him and cradle him to my chest. His big eyes stare up at me with glee.
“Hello, little mister,” I coo as Neteyam babbles happily, “Have you had fun fishing with Sa’nu?” I asked him, knowing he didn’t understand. But enjoying the attention, he continues to babble excitedly and squeal, communicating with me in a language only he understands. His bright green eyes stare into mine with the love and devotion only a child can hold.
A large hand cups my face, and Neytiri gently leads me to look at her, “You are perfect with our kids, and every day, I fall more and more in love with you,” She lays a gentle kiss on my lips.
I smile into our kiss, bringing our lips to meet again until a tiny hand smacked at my face. I looked at Neteyam; he was disgruntled, like I had ruined his little baby life. 
“It seems our ‘Itan is jealous. He doesn’t like Sa’nu taking all of his Mama’s attention,” Neytiri cooed at our son.
Neytiri and I turned our heads to look at Neteyam, surprised and joyful.
“Did he just?” I cut myself off.
“Yes, he did, Syulang. See if he’ll do it again!” She exclaimed, her hand covering her smile.
I look at Neteyam excitedly, “Neteyam, are you saying Mama? Mama!” I emphasized to him.
“Ma! Ma! Ma-ma!” His little fists raised in the air as he chants my name.
“Oh my goodness!” I squeal as tears prick at my eyes, excited to hear and be his first word. I kiss his cheek repeatedly, causing him to erupt in giggles.
“Oh my ‘Itan, you have always been a Sa’nu’s boy, yet you say Mama first,” Neytiri teases him, rubbing her nose against his cheek. 
Happy that the attention is back on him, he throws his head back in giggles as he claps his hands.
“I can’t believe it! Neteyam’s first word!” I gush over him.
“He is blessed,” Neytiri muttered, holding the two of us.
A thought suddenly hit me, “Jake’s going to be so upset. He missed Kiri crawling for the first time, too.”
“Ba, I told our Skxawng that she was going to start moving soon, yet he still went on that hunting trip,” She exclaims, rolling her eyes.
“Still, I feel kinda bad,” I worry, continuing to kiss Neteyam’s cheek, not wanting him to be upset after such a big thing.
“Jake will just have to work harder with this one.” Neytiri rubs her taunt stomach. 
“I cannot wait for this little one to join us,” I bring my hand to her stomach, feeling the little one inside.
Looking at the two of us, Neteyam lays his chubby hand on Neytiri’s stomach, “Your tsmukan prrnen is in there,” I explain softly.
Neteyam softly coos as he holds his hand on his Sa’nu’s belly. Suddenly, Neteyam yanks his hand back before angrily babbling, scawolling at her stomach. 
I looked at Neteyam questioningly as Neytiri laughed, “Our youngest just kicked Neteyam’s hand.”
I can’t stop myself from laughing as well, seeing Neteyam scold his unborn brother, unknown babbles and grizzles leaving him, making him sound like an angry bee. 
“Alright, my little buzzing bee, it’s time for us to go home,” I comment to Neteyam, caressing his cheek bringing his attention back to me, “Enjoy your fishing, my love,” I lay a kiss on Neytiri’s lips.
“Thank you, Yawne, you two enjoy your day,” With that, we go our separate ways.
The walk back to the village was long, as Neytiri likes to fish in more remote areas, but Neteyam and I enjoyed our stroll. I showed him many different plants and rocks. If they were safe, then I’d put them in his little hands as he learns to move them properly. Feel the texture in his hands and mouth as he learns.
Nearing the village, I hear the sound of pa’li and their riders nearby, “Do you hear that, Neteyam? Those are pa’li and their riders. The riders are brave warriors who protect the clan,” I explain diligently. 
Neteyam’s ears flicker, his eyes shifting between me and the sounds he hears. Soon, the pa’li riders show themselves, led by Tsu’tey.
“Oel ngati kameie, Tsu’tey,” I greet friendly, doing the movement the best I could with a squirming Neteyam.
Tsu’tey returns the gesture, “Oel ngati kameie, (Y/N), Neteyam,” Tsu’tey turns his attention to the wiggling baby, “He seems active today,” A grin shows on his face.
“I think he woke up from his nap just in time to see me. Gives his Sa’nu peace and quiet, leaving his Mama with a wiggle butt,” I joke.
Neteyam turns his head to me, “Ma! Ma ma ma-ma.” He babbles on.
“Well, he wasn’t doing that yesterday,” Tsu’tey commented, “Does Neytiri and Jake know that you’re Neteyam’s favorite?” He teases.
“I don’t know if I’m his favorite. It’s just easier for babies to use an ‘M’ sound than the ‘S.’” I shrug off, “But yes, Neytiri was there to hear his words. Unfortunately, I have not yet seen Jake today,” I explain.
Tsu’tey slowly shakes his head, “I swear those two wait for Jake to leave before doing something,” 
I laugh at his reasoning, “Neteyam, I believe it is bad timing. Kiri, on the other hand, I see the look in that girl's eyes. She’s doing it on purpose.” I laugh joyfully.
“Is that why Jake takes her with him everywhere? Now, Jake has always been good at caring for the babies, but I feel like I haven't seen him without Kiri attached to his chest for the past two months.” Tsu’tey asks, picking fun of my mate.
“I believe so. Jake had Kiri for 48 hours straight, with plenty of playtime and cuddling. Now Jake had Kiri on her back, playing with her. The moment that he went to go to the bathroom, she rolled herself over and started crawling!” I exclaimed, telling my favorite story.
“No wonder my brother refuses to let go of her! But now he may do the same with this little one,” Tsu’tey comments, laughing at my mate's plight.
“What will he do when our third is born? He can’t carry them all,” I enjoy the mental image that gives me,
“He will try, that is for sure,” Tsu’tey grins as he looks around, “Where is Neytiri? Surely you are not by yourself?” The grin slowly faded from his face.
“Neytiri is restless. She is bow fishing down by her favorite creak.” I shrug.
“She should still not leave you alone. The animals have been restless lately.” He pursed his lips, “Come here and hop on. I will bring you back to the village.” 
I thought to argue, but I was already tired from the walk, and Neteyam was getting restless, “Thank you, Tsu’tey,” I walked towards him, and he easily picked the two of us up, settling us in front of him.
“Of course, I am glad to be of help,” He responds before he urges his pa’li onward at a slow pace.
Neteyam, interested in the pa’li, reached out and patted the fin atop its head, “Yes, Neteyam, this is a pa’li, Tsu’tey’s pa’li. Tsu’tey is your uncle,” I ramble on to Neteyam.
“Uncle? I am not familiar with that word.” Tsu’tey inquired.
“It is an English word, an honorific; it is what children call the brother of their parents. I explain to him.
“And you are teaching Neteyam to call me that?” His tail swished joyfully.
“Yes, you were a brother to Neytiri first, growing up alongside her. Then you became a brother to Jake and me. We all proved ourselves during the war. You are our brother, and we agreed we like the name and want you to be called that by our kids,” I offered.
“This is a great honor, thank you,” Tsu’tey reaches around, placing a hand on Neteyam’s head.
“It is an honor for us to have you as a brother. I am always thankful to call you brother, and I am honored for my children to grow up with you around.” I explain heartfully.
“I promise to always live up to that name,” He responds dutifully.
“I know you will, Brother,” Looking back, I smile at him.
The rest of the ride back to the village was filled with idle chatter, Neteyam babbling along with us, believing he was adding to the conversation. Tsu’tey and I indulged him; every time he babbled, we would respond to him with wows or agreements, encouraging him to babble more.
Tsu’tey brought us to the village entrance before helping us down, “You two enjoy your day. I will be back later, hopefully with one of your run-away mates,” He explains, turning his pa’li around.
I give a small laugh at his choice of words, “Thank you, Tsu’tey; however, I will enjoy my time with Neteyam. It has been a while since he has had one one-on-one with his Mama,” I explain cheekily. 
“Got it. I will not look for them too hard,” He agrees, matching my grin. 
“Stay safe, Tsu’tey.” I nod before heading to my kelku.
Being mated to the Olo’eyktan meant our kelku was in the center of the village. It was also larger than the average, but that is fine as we will have three kids in under a year. It was decorated with beautiful tapestries, woven garments, and pillows. It had taken some convincing with Neytiri, but she ended up loving the pillows and the many uses they have, especially the one made to wrap around her front, helping hold the babies and letting her rest her arms.
Looking down, I hear Neteyam grizzling, with it being time for a feed and a nap. 
“I know Teyam, Mama’s going,” I soothe, preparing his bottle, another human invention I had to convince Neytiri of. 
Warming his milk, I check it on my wrist before pouring it into his bottle. I walk over to the pillows, situating myself and Neteyam as his whines increase in volume, “Shh, lovey, I got it right here,” I coo, placing the tip in his mouth. 
Neteyam eagerly latches on, suckling the milk into his mouth and swallowing greedily. He rests his arms on his stomach as his eyes grow heavy. I rest Neteyam on a pillow, angling him towards me, as I use my now free hand to rub over his head. He continues to suck at his bottle like it’s his last meal until it’s finished. Sitting him up, I hold him under his chin before patting his back gently, forcing the trapped wind out. After the wind came up, I brought him back to my chest, cradling him close to me as he readied himself for a nap. Smoothing his hair and running a finger over his face, Neteyam’s eyes droop further as sleep calls him. I chuckle softly as I watch him drift to sleep. With nothing else to do, I sit there watching his beautiful face as he rests peacefully, his chest rising and falling with every breath. I can’t help but reflect on everything that brought me here, and despite the losses, I wouldn’t trade this moment for the world. Knowing that I will be here for a while, I grab my last weaving project, another sling, as we’ll need it with the new little one, as they’ll be here any day.
Jake named Neteyam, wanting to honor Neytiri’s side of the family, and with Neteyam being a mini Neytiri, it worked perfectly. Neytiri named Kiri, naming her after her biological mother. I am unsure of who will name the newest one, but thoughts have circled in my head. One particular name stays around, refusing to leave.
“Darling, why must you look at me like that?” I hear Jake as he enters our kelku.
I turn to see him wearing the Olo’eyktan ornaments, with Kiri strapped to his chest, staring at her father without blinking.
“Please, baby girl, just blink,” Jake’s voice turns to pleading.
I laugh quietly at Jake losing a fight with his infant daughter, grabbing his attention.
“Hey, Sweetheart, how has your day been?” Jake asks, lowering his voice when he notices Neteyam sleeping.
I smile at him, bemused, as Kiri has yet to blink, “It’s been good. Got some time with Neteyam, saw Tsu’tey, now what is this about Kiri and not blinking?” I ask, giggling softly.
A groan escaped Jake, “I swear to you, she hasn’t blinked in over five minutes. She just stares at me blankly.” Truth be told, I still haven’t seen Kiri blink yet.
I have to restrain myself from laughing, “Gosh, I love that girl,”
“You say that like she hasn’t been purposely tormenting me,” Jake exaggerated.
“While that may be true, you did miss something important today.” I tease him.
Curiously, Jake’s face furrows as he smiles hesitantly, “And what did I miss?”
“Well, you see, I went to go and force Neytiri to chill out because I found her bow fishing with Neteyam again. After convincing her to hand over to Neteyam, she gave me a quick parting kiss.” I pause for dramatic effect, “Now Neteyam didn’t like that the attention was off of him, and Neytiri pointed out that he didn’t like that his Sa’nu and Mama were getting more attention than him. Apparently, Neteyam needed to get his point across, and he did that by saying ‘Mama,’” I grin triumphantly. 
“Neteyam, Neteyam said his first word? He said, Mama!” Jake’s ears and tail flickered in glee as he fought to keep his voice down. “I can’t believe it!” Jake paused briefly, his tail drooping, “I can’t believe I missed it!” Realizing he missed another milestone. 
I chuckle at his actions; poor Jake kept missing things, “Well, if you want to switch, maybe Neteyam will speak for you when he wakes, and our little miss will finally blink.” I reach my free arm out.
Grumbling, he unwraps Kiri from her sling, and we switch babies; Neteyam snuffles a little before settling in Jake’s arms, while Kiri finally blinks, realizing that she’s with her Mama a gummy smile stretched over her face, two little white spots on top of her gums.
I laugh, realizing that Jake missed something else, “Jake, my love,” I look at him, grinning.
He looks at me, concerned, “What is it this time?” 
“Our daughter has two teeth coming in,” I grin triumphantly.
“What? No way!” He rushes over the best he can with a sleeping Neteyam.
I turn Kiri around, moving her top lip to show the two white spots, “Looks like her fangs are coming in first. Is that normal for na’vi?” I ask while feeling the spots, seeing how far along they are.
“I don’t even know what human baby teeth come in first, let alone na’vi,” He admitted sheepishly.
“I’ll have to ask Neytiri or Mo’at, depending on how long Neytiri decides to stay out. Kiri’s teeth are coming along.” I mention.
Jake feels Kiri’s gums, much to her ire, “I’d probably do it sooner than later. Those teeth aren’t waiting for anyone,” He explains, removing his finger as Kiri goes to chomp down.
I laugh as Jake looks at our daughter fearfully, “Alright, scaredy cat,” I sit up and move towards the door.
I struggle to put on the sling for Kiri, but after successfully trying it, I wave back at Jake before heading back out.
The healing tent, thankfully, isn’t far from our marui, a brisk walk. The longest part of it was when I stopped digging up a plant for Kiri to hold. The plant seemed to react to her presence, but that was a topic for another day.
The healing tent isn't really a tent. It’s underground, beneath the roots of a tree, giving a warm and cozy vibe when you walk in, bringing warmth and peace as the scents of herbs and tinctures brush my nose. Mo’at stands in the middle of the undergrowth, grinding petals into her mortar. 
“Oel ngati kameie, Mo’at,” I call out respectfully. 
Her head swivels to look at me. A soft smile brushes her face as she spots Kiri and I, “Oel ngati kameie. I trust that you two are alright?” She asks, eyeing us for injuries.
“We are fine. Just came to show you Kiri’s new teeth,” I return her smile.
Mo’at’s ears and tail flickered in joy as her face lit up, “Bring her here! I must see,” She quickly abandons her work.
Laughing, I untangle the sling, happily handing over Kiri to her grandmother. Mo’at eagerly took her granddaughter, placing a finger inside Kiri’s mouth, feeling at the emerging teeth. 
“Two little fangs; it seems they’re coming in just fine!” She spoke excitedly, her voice soft to not bother Kiri.
“Jake and I  were wondering, is it normal for na’vi babies' fangs to come in first?” I ask, seeing that Mo’at is happy with the progress.
Removing her finger from Kiri’s mouth, she explains, “Hmm, yes, one or two top fangs come in at a time, then the bottom ones. After that, the front teeth fill in.”
I nod my head, happy with her words, “That’s a little different than what I am used to, but I am glad that everything is normal.”
“Is that not how humans work?” She asks curiously.
“Sa’nok! Do you know where Jake and (Y/N) are?” I hear Neytiri call.
“I am here, Love!” I called back to her.
“What is the matter ‘Ite?” Mo’at answers as Neytiri comes into sight, Tsu’tey at her side.
“I am in labor; our newest one is early,” She explains calmly as she shuffles her way into the healing tent.
Looking at Tsu’tey, I grab Kiri from Mo’at and hand her to him, “Ready?” I ask him.
“I have been waiting. We knew the day would be soon.” Tsu’tey accepts Kiri from me.
“Jake is at our kelku with Neteyam. If you could, please send him our way, that would be amazing,” I comment as I go through the mental birthing plan. 
“Do not worry. I will send Jake your way and care for the little ones,” He calmly states, noticing my incoming panic. 
“Thank you, Tsu’tey,” I give one last kiss to Kiri’s cheek before turning and joining Neytiri and Mo’at further into the tree roots. 
The deeper underground is only illuminated by the surrounding plants. As I walked down, it became warmer as steam poured upward, and the healing pools were heated, creating the perfect place for birthing. The area brings a natural peace, helping calm me.
Neytiri was already resting in a pool, her garments folded neatly off to the side, as she relaxed with her mother next to her. I sit next to the pool, grabbing Neytiri’s hand and placing it on my face.
“Are you calm now, ‘Ite?” Mo’at asks me.
Sighing, I reply, “Much better now. I’m sorry for panicking,” I mutter to Neytiri.
She laughs softly at me, “Jake was much worse when Neteyam was born. I thought he was going to pass out on me,” Her large thumb caresses my face.
“In our defense, human births are an ordeal. Sometimes it takes several days, and surgery is still needed to remove the baby,” I mumble, eased as I remember na’vi births are relatively simple.
“Several days? That seems excessive,” Mo’at questioned.
“Human births are not easy. It's excruciating. I know my mother was in labor with me for 29 hours before the doctor agreed to remove me surgically.” I explain, grimacing.
“Surgically?” Mo’at mutter aghast.
“Yes, my mother didn’t dilate enough for me to pass through, so instead, they cut open through several layers of flesh and into the womb to remove me.”  I wince at the idea, “The only other option would be to attempt to force me out, which would have either gotten me stuck, most likely killing both of us or my mother would have torn, causing her to bleed out.”
The two women looked at me fearfully, unable to process what I explained to them.
“And this is common for humans?” Mo’at asked softly, slightly pale.
“Yeah, around 1 million births a year are c-sections,” I struggled to remember the average number.
“Would you be at risk for those?” Neytiri asked concernedly.
I look at her earnestly, “Oh, definitely, that’s why Jake and I are so careful because a na’vi baby would be so large that I would be on bed rest from about the 4th month and would need a c-section. Although we do have several human doctors who can perform the surgery, it’s really just the pregnancy that has us concerned.” 
Neytiri goes to speak, but a wince cuts her off. I look down and notice her slit is swollen, symbolizing that her cervix is moving forward slowly. I place my hand into the water, gently rubbing at the side of her slit, trying to help ease the tension building there.
“After hearing that, this seems easy,” She groans.
“Hey, don’t play down your pain. Your body is literally rearranging itself for birth; you get to complain, groan, and moan, and I will personally help you if you threaten Jake, and Jake will as well.” I scold her gently but firmly.
“Threaten? Is that normal for human births? Neytiri’s giggles were infectious.
“Yeah, just the standard things though, ‘You’re never touching me again!’, ‘I’m cutting off your balls and feeding them to the dog!’ you know the normal things.” I comment, remembering some of the things I had heard before.
Mo’at and Neytiri burst into laughter, their giggles echoing to the top of the healing pod.
Jake walked into the birthing room smiling, “It seems I’m missing out.”
“Oh, you know, just threatening humankind by castrating men,” I smile sweetly.
Jake winces, pushing his legs together at the thought, “Babe, I don’t have those anymore, and that’s still terrifying.”
“I still find it odd that human sex are outside the body, males in particular. It literally sways as they move,” Neytiri muses, furrowing her brow.
My head tilts back in laughter, amused by her disgust, “Love, I was terrified when Jake showed me his slit and a giant dick covered in spikes came out! Human genitals are tame compared.”
I quickly shut my mouth, remembering that Mo’at was in the room. I sent her an apologetic look, apologizing for my language. She merely chuckles, shaking her head.
“Now that your mates are here, I will go upstairs. I’ll come back after you are finished together.” With that, she left up the stairs.
Jake takes her spot, kneeling on the other side of the pool, his hand rubbing at Neytiri’s neck, easing her muscles, “How are you feeling?”
“Sore and uncomfortable, this one is ready to leave,” She mutters, and I can feel her inner muscles contracting and moving around.
“I can feel it. Baby wants out now,” I chuckle lightly, realizing something, “All of our kids are eager today: Neteyam’s first word, Kiri’s first teeth, and now baby three is rushing their own birth.”
Neytiri’s face lit up, “Kiri has a fang now?” She asked excitedly.
“Two little teeth are pushing through, two little white spots on her gums,” Jake explains, cupping warm water and trailing it over her shoulders.
“Ahhh, I can not wait to see them,” Her face is aglow.
“And despite Jake having her all day, he still managed to miss them. I spotted her teeth,” I giggle at Jake’s luck.
“Ma Jake, what is with our children and avoiding you,” Neytiri’s laugh brought joy to us as we successfully distracted her.
“I held her all day! There is no way I could have missed that!” Jake whines.
“You also held a staring contest with her and lost,” I pointed out.
“She wouldn’t blink! Five minutes!” He exclaimed.
Neytiri’s head fell back as her laughter rang through the underground. 
“Our ‘Ite will walk all over you when she is older,” Her giggles trail off.
“I can’t fight an eight-month-old baby,” Jake’s pout was evident.
Neytiri and I look at each other, smiling, knowing that our husband was thoroughly whipped for his daughter. 
“Oh!” Neytiri exclaimed.
I press around the sides of her slit, feeling the baby's head was close, “I’m going to start prepping you, Love,” I explain to her.
I wait for her nod of consent before gently rubbing at her slit. The opening is swollen from the moving blood. I press down with easy pressure, moving my fingers from top to bottom, urging her slit to open. A sharp hiss leaves Neytiri’s mouth as she grabs Jake’s hand.
“Easy, it’s okay baby, we got you,” I can hear Jake hold back a wince of his own from her firm grip on his hand.
“Is this where humans would start to threaten their male mate?” Neytiri asked through clenched teeth.
“Yes, Love, this is typically that time,” I send a knowing grin to Jake, excited to hear the explicit that will fall from her mouth. 
Jake gives me a dark look but otherwise doesn’t say anything.
“Jake! You bastard!” She starts off strong, “If I didn’t like it so much, I would cut off your dick and feed it to the Ikran’s!”
With that, I had to duck my head, hiding the smile that couldn’t stop. I focus back on my task, feeling her muscles giving in to my touch. I push a little harder, needing to break the seal that her pregnancy caused.
“Fuck you, Jake! I’m trying your dick to an Ikran and having it take flight!” Her scream was shrill as I broke the seal.
“You’re doing such a good job, Love. The seal’s broken. The worst of it is over.” I coo to her.
“By Eywa, that seal is horrible,” Neytiri mutters breathlessly, the sharp pain of the seal breaking causing her to lose her breath.
Now that her slit is open, I can see the fluid from her womb flow out, tainting the pool in a soft blue glow. I dip my fingers inside, feeling for the baby’s head. Their crown was near but not properly aligned yet. 
“Almost there, Love. Just a couple more minutes, and we can get them out,” I explain softly, my fingers never leaving the baby’s head.
Neytiri chuckles through her groans, “This one is eager, a week early, and not even an hour in labor.”
“Neteyam was average, right? Three hours?” He questions.
I look up at Neytiri’s face, wondering what the answer is, “Yes, three to four hours is average. And I now know why. I can feel this one moving my organs at their whim.” She hisses as the baby moves again.
Their fuzzy head is beneath my fingertips as their crown aligns some more. I shot Jake a pointed look, so I could continue to ease the rest of her slit open. 
“So what are the names we had listed?” He asked lamely.
“Well, for a girl, we all agreed on Mi’niri or Tuktirey,” Neytiri reminded him.
“If she’s named Tuktirey, the kids may have a hard time with her name until they are older,” I warned as I used the warm water to gently ease away the remains of the seal.
“Mhm,” She groaned as more the seal was parted, “I don’t think any of us agreed on a boy name,” Wincing as more of her slit parted.
Noticing that the baby was trying to push itself out early, I placed a bit of pressure on their head, needing to open Neytiri’s slit fully; otherwise, it could hurt both Neytiri and the baby.
“Jake, this is 100% your child,” I mutter, trying to hurry but not wanting to hurt Neytiri anymore.
Sputtering, Jake managed out, “What did I do?”
“Your child likes to finish early,” I muttered blankly.
“I do not finish early!” Jake protested.
“Then why do I always make our, Paskalin cum?” Neytiri joins in.
Using Jake’s bruised ego as a distraction, I finish peeling apart the bottom of Neytiri’s slit, allowing our baby to come out.
“Ready, Tiri? Our baby is ready to come out now,” I explain to her softly, my joy barely contained.
I remove my hand from her slit; instead, I place both my hands outside and around, ready to catch our baby. Neytiri grips onto Jake’s hand, takes a deep breath, and pushes. As she strains, her slit parts wide, showing us the baby’s head.
“You’re doing so good; they’re almost here,” Jake cooed into her ear.
I look and see Neytiri struggling. I pat her hip and say, “Breathe, my love, you need to breathe.” I rub at her hip as she follows my words, “There you go, good job, just breathe,” I praise her.
I watch as her breathing regulates itself and that she’s ready to try again, “Ready, baby? They’re almost here; I can see their head. Just give me another push.” I explain softly, readying myself again.
One more breath, and she started to push, grunting as our baby’s head slowly went past her slit, letting us see their head to the top of their eyes.
“Almost there, Love!” I exclaimed as their head finally popped through, “That their head, good job, Lovie, one more push for the shoulders, and then our baby is here.” 
With that, Neytiri pushed as hard as she could, forcing the shoulders out, and the rest of our baby slid out. I grabbed the baby, bringing its face above the water as I cleaned the membrane off its face. 
Their little face scrunched up as they took their first breath before crying out their displeasure. I coo at them as I finish cleaning them off, looking for any abnormalities or injuries. As I washed them, their slit that hides their internal genitals didn’t have the strength to close and won't for many months. 
I slowly had them over to Neytiri, “Say hello to our son,” I whispered over his cries.
The three of us crowd together, our arms all coiled around each other, each touching one another and our new son. Tears were in all of our eyes as Neytiri brought our son to her teat, and his cries died off as he quickly latched on and began to drink. 
“He’s got a good appetite,” Jake softly chuckled, not wanting to startle the baby.
“He just wants his Sa’nu,” I chuckle back.
Slowly, I reach around and grab Neytiri’s kuru, bringing it forward as Jake goes for our son’s, the bare neural whip, tiny in his large hands. We both look at Neytiri, waiting for her to say something, but her eyes could leave our son's face. He was content where he was, laying snuggly against his Sa’nu, eating his first meal. 
Jake clears his throat, trying to grab her attention. Neytiri is slow to look away but eventually meets his eyes. Recognition faces through her face as she sees the kurus in our grasp.
“Please,” She whispers. 
And we obey slowly; we bring them together, the glowing strands wrapping around each other as Tsaheylu was formed. Slowly, Neytiri’s eyes closed as she relaxed into the bond, feeling everything that our son felt, the first bond being made.
Jake and I looked at each other, knowing that everything we had gone through was worth it for these moments. We slowly brought our faces together, and our lips met softly just over our baby’s head. It was sweet and passionate, full of love.
“I love you two, but do that somewhere else,” Neytiri gripped at us, her eyes remaining closed.
We part quickly, like teens caught by their parents, before we laughed quietly. I go back to finishing my job, cleaning Neytiri, and clamping the umbilical cord, severing one of the internal bonds. 
We all sat there quietly, Jake and I watching our son eat his fill, snuffling as he suckled. By the time he was finished, his little tummy was rounded full from his meal. I reached over and placed my hand on his stomach.
“Look at his tummy, Jake,” I coo, loving the feel of a newborn.
“Our little one is a good eater,” He responds, smiling, his hand rubbing at our son's head. 
“He enjoys your attentions,” Neytiri mumbles, a soft smile on her face. 
“He knows who his parents are,” Jake comments, his voice deep rumbling in a purr. 
A little squeaky sound follows, a little chirping noise that our son is making, the purr of an infant. The continued squeaking purr filled the underground, mixing with Jake’s comforting rumbles. Slowly and slightly reluctantly, Neytiri disconnects from our baby, handing him over to Jake. He grabs him and cradles our son to his chest, their purrs syncing. I grabbed Neytiri’s hand, linking our fingers together. 
We stayed down there for what seemed like hours, simply holding the baby and comforting each other. It was once again my turn with our son. He lay curled with his head resting above my heart. I smoothed a hand down his fuzzy head and down his back before doing it again, memorizing the sanhì that covers his body. This time, he was asleep, so it was quiet in the underground once again.
“Ma Yawne,” Neytiri called, “Jake and I have been discussing, and we agree it’s your turn to choose the name,” Her smile was soft as tears stung my eyes.  
“We’ve both named a child. This time, it's yours,” Jake added as he wrapped an arm around me.
“I-I never-I haven’t.” I stuttered out as tears poured out of my eyes, trailing down and dropping on my son's head.
Neytiri crawled out of the pool, sitting herself next to me. She grabbed my face and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, “You are one of us, Yawntutsyìp; you are our Syulang, never doubt that.” Her voice was full of passion as I leaned into her touch.
I have never doubted they loved me, but being the only human in this relationship comes with hardships and worries—fears of never being enough for them. But this was real and couldn’t be taken back.
Choking back my tears, I look at my son's face again, wondering which name to go with, even though I already knew the answer.
“Lo’ak,” I whispered, “His name is Lo’ak,”
“Like Lo’akur Toruk Makto Amulet, it’s perfect, Yawne,” Her voice wobbled as she held me closer.
I lean up and lay my lips on the underside of her jaw as Jake wraps himself around my other side. 
“I think it’s a perfect name,” But then he whispers quietly enough that Neytiri can’t hear, “It is Lo’ak and not LOAC, right?” 
I refused to respond to that with words. Instead, I leaned to the side and bit his ear.
“Hey! Let go. I was just asking,” Jake whined quietly, trying not to wake Lo’ak.
I continue with my hold on Jake’s ear, laughing as he attempts to get away from my teeth. 
On my other side, I can feel rumbling, Neytiri’s laughter, “Children, I’m mated to two children,” A grin overtook her face.
I quickly let go of Jake’s ear and turned to her, “You love us this way,” I smiled cheekily. 
She said nothing as she kissed my lips before doing the same to a pouting Jake.
And I know that this moment couldn’t be better.
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“Ma Syulang, I will be patrolling today. Jake should be back soon, but if I see Tsu’tey, I will send him to help you,” Neytiri rambles as she places her ionar.
I picked up Neteyam before he climbed onto our cooking spot. 
I turned and put on my best smile, “Don’t worry, Love, I’ll be fine until Jake gets back,” With that, Lo’ak started crying; growing in four fangs at once was painful.
Based on Neytiri’s face, I don’t think I did a good job in convincing her I was indeed fine, “I think I will wait for Jake to return before leaving,” She explains as she stops Kiri from putting a random leaf in her mouth, causing her to cry. 
I quickly placed Neteyam into the front of the sling, as Lo’ak was tied to my back, before moving over to Kiri, grabbing her wooden Ikran toy. Showing Kiri the toy, she quieted down, and I went to take her from Neytiri as Neteyam wiggled, becoming frustrated from the lack of mobility. 
“I’ve got them. You go on patrol,” I demand, as Netyeam grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked.
“Neteyam!” I scolded, a burning, sharp pain radiating through my skull. 
My shout scared the babies, causing all three to tear up and cry. Lo’ak’s cries turned into squeals, even more upset on top of the pain. Neteyam pulled again in his frustration, and I quickly put him down into the gated play area, “Neteyam, that is not okay. I know you’re upset, but you hurt Mama. You’re going to sit in here until you can use gentle hands. Mama loves you, but you can not hurt people,” I scolded softly but firmly. 
I sat down near the gate but left it out of reach; I pulled Lo’ak to my front, setting him next to Kiri as I shooshed them, trying to calm the two of them.
Neytiri walks urgently to my side, “Here, let me take one,” As she goes to grab one of the kids.
“No, Neytiri, I’m the one that scared them. I need to be the one to calm them and reassure them. I will do the same once Neteyam is out of timeout.” I sighed as Kiri’s cries trailed off into sniffles.
“I’m sorry, babies, Mama shouldn’t have yelled. I’m sorry for scaring you. Mama loves you,” I coo to them, apologizing for my actions. 
I continued to coo and rock them as Neteyam’s time came up. I walked over and stepped over the gate, sitting next to Neteyam. I pulled him into my arms, and he wrapped his chubby baby arms around my neck.
I kiss his head gently, “Neteyam, I love you so much, but you can not hurt people. Can you tell Mama you’re sorry?” I ask him gently.
“Sorry, Mama,” He sniffles, his little fingers clawing in distress.
“You’re forgiven, baby. Mama loves you so much,” I curled Neteyam closer to me as I leaned back against some pillows against the gate. 
“Love Mama,” He grizzles, rubbing his face in my neck.
“Mama loves you too, Teyam,” I whisper, noticing that the three of them are starting to settle down. 
Seeing that Neytiri was still standing there watching us, I used my face to gesture to the blanket nearby. Understanding what I wanted, she grabbed the soft blanket, covering the four of us in the soft fur. 
“Mama loves all of you so much,” I whisper again, kissing each of their heads.
Noticing that the situation was handled, Neytiri blew me a kiss before strapping her quiver on, her bow in hand, “Do you need anything, Yawne?” She asked one last time.
“Thank you, Love, but I’m good,” I whisper as I hear Kiri’s little snores. 
Giving us one last soft look, she left the kelku, leaving me with a snoring baby, a dozing baby, and a grizzly baby. I mentally curse at myself, realizing I should have asked for one of the baby sleeping mats to be placed next to me instead of where I spot it on the other side of the gated area. 
Accepting my fate as a baby bed for the time being, I slouch a bit more, getting myself comfortable. 
“Mama?” Neteyam asked drowsily.
“Yes, baby?” I hum, petting his hair.
“Mama?” He asks again, slower than the last time.
“Mama loves you, Netyeam,” I whisper again.
Slowly, his breathing eases out as he falls into a deep sleep.
Now that two of the three kids were sleeping, I turned to the third baby. Lo’ak was lying there resting, chewing on the strap to the sling, grizzling sleepily as he fights sleep and the pain of the emerging teeth. I kiss his forehead, bringing his attention to me.
“Mama loves you, Lo’ak, just as Mama loves Neteyam, and how Mama loves Kiri. I wish I could take the pain from you and help you rest, just as I wished I could do it for your siblings.” I ramble on, holding eye contact with Lo’ak, “Your Sempu is getting something to help with your teeth from your grandma, but he’s taking a long time, isn’t he? I love your Sempu, too, but he can be such a skxawng sometimes,” I smiled at Lo’ak, and in return, he gave me a watery smile before returning to gnawing on the straps of the sling.
He turned his head left to right, switching sides to alleviate the pressure. Using my not-so-free hand, I place my hand on his head, rubbing his cheek with my thumb, trying to give him the comfort he needs as he grizzles. Feeling something on his face, Lo’ak turns, sucking my finger into his mouth and gnawing on my thumb. He grinds his teeth and gums into my thumb, and I can feel my thumbnail crunching under the strength. I maneuver my thumb out of his mouth, trying not to curse at the pain. Looking at the offended limb, I see cracks in my nail from where he bit.
“You got a strong jaw there, baby. Gotta make sure nothing breakable goes in your mouth,” I laugh at Lo’ak’s disgruntled look, “Now, don’t give me that look. I like my thumb in one piece,” I say, wiggling my thumb, trying to ease the pain. 
Lo’ak’s eyes filled with tears as his new teething toy disappeared. I quickly leave small kisses all over Lo’ak’s face, distracting him from the loss of my thumb. Soft little baby giggles fill the kelku as the onslaught of kisses amuses him.
“Now that’s one of my favorite sounds. My other favorite is when you and Neytiri scream my name,” Jake’s face was stretched in a smirk.
Without looking away from Lo’ak, I calmly mentioned, “If you like us yelling your name, I’ll make sure to tell Neytiri it was you who lost the feathers she gathered for her arrows.” I quickly blow a raspberry on Lo’ak’s face, bringing forth more of his giggles.
“Easy baby, it was just a joke; please don’t sign my death warrant,” I hear him plead as he kneels next to the gated area.
“See, Lo’ak, I told you he’s such a Skxawng,” I explain to Lo’ak, his eyes attentive to me.
“Is this what you do while I’m gone? Teach them propaganda against me?” Jake teases, baffled.
“Yes, I’m staging a coup. Neytiri is my bodyguard, Neteyam is my recruiter, Kiri is my lookout, and Lo’ak is my second. Fear me, Jake Sully, your time is limited.” I drawl.
“Ha! You forgot Mo’at! She won't betray the Olo’eyktan!” Jake exclaimed quietly. 
“She will if her daughter is on my side, idiot,” I snark back at him, a smile threatening to cover my face. 
“Hmm, that is true, but I also have the numbing paste for Lo’ak,” He teases, hanging the bag over my head.
Interested in his father's actions, Lo’ak tries to reach for the bag above us.
“You would stoop so low as to threaten your own son's comfort?” I gasped dramatically. If my hands weren't full, I would place a hand over my heart.
“Anything to keep my lovely mates by my side. Now kiss me,” Jake demands, smiling at me, leaning down.
“You’re such a tease. We should role-play this some night,” I comment, leaning up to meet him. 
“I love that idea. You think Neytiri would be on board?” Jake asks concernedly, stepping over the gate, taking the two sleeping babies from me and cuddling them to his chest.
“Well, first, we would have to explain what role-playing is, but I have heard her say she wished you would command her in bed more often. As long as she knows that it won't change in our day-to-day life, I think she’ll love it,” I reply, explaining what I had heard.
“I hope she likes it,” He smiles, his tale swishing happily behind him.
I sat there thinking for a moment as I rubbed the paste into Lo’ak’s gums, careful not to let his jaws clamp on my finger again, “Gosh, I don’t think we’ve been intimate since before Lo’ak was born. It has been what, ten months now?” I ask Jake, really wondering if it had been that long. 
“324 days, to be exact,” He replied in a snap.
“Babe, have you wanted it that long?” I asked him concernedly.
Jake slowly shakes his head, “It’s alright, I have a working hand. We were all so tired, three babies right back to back. I didn’t want either of you two to feel stressed or pressured, so I kept my mouth shut,” He shrugged like it was no big deal.
Tears sprung to my eyes hearing this, wishing that Jake understood how much this truly meant. I stand to my feet, shifting Lo’ak so he is lying against my chest as he drifts to sleep now that the pain is gone. I cradle Jake's face in my hand as I kiss him passionately, pouring my love for him into the kiss. 
Parting slowly, I rest my forehead against his, “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Jake smiles softly, “The first time we met, I was in a wheelchair and got pushed down a hall. The force of the push caused me to hit you, and you fell into my lap. You could have yelled at me, blamed me, and so many others had.” Jake’s voice breaks as he licks his lips, “But instead, you took one look at the situation, and you apologized to me, even though you were the victim too before you hunted down the bastard and broke their nose, before chewing them out in front of everyone around. I knew right then and there that you were the one for me.” Jake rubbed his nose on mine as he couldn’t hold me with the two babies in his arms.
I curl into Jake’s arms the best I can, tears trailing down my face from the mixed emotions swirling inside me. 
“That long? And you didn’t say anything?” I whispered, my voice cracked. 
“You were so pretty and firey, way out of my league. I was just a dumb jarhead stuck in a wheelchair. I was just happy to be in your presence.” Jake wrapped his tail around, laying it on my lap. 
“You were always so much more than that. You were my first friend there, so kind and funny. I always had to stop myself from laughing when you snarked at Grace. You were always so strong and never took any shit. I knew I was falling in love with you, but the day you chose the na’vi over the humans, the day you betrayed your own species for the greater good, I knew I wasn’t going to let you slip away.” I explained to him, kissing him again softly. 
“Who would have thought we were both such simps,” Jake smiled into our kiss.
I giggled a bit, “Neytiri did. If it weren't for her, I doubt any of this would have happened,” I gestured to our kids. 
“That is tru-AHHHHHHHH!!!” Jake screamed, waking the babies and filling the air with their screams.
Panicking, I back away, trying to see what’s wrong.
“Don’t do that!” Jake yelled again.
“Don’t do what?” I scream in return.
Both the babies in Jake’s arms were squealing, terrified of the noise, as they waved their fists in the air. But Lo’ak was quiet. Looking down, I see the culprit of Jake’s pain. Right in Lo’ak’s little mouth lay Jake’s tail, clenched between those strong jaws and little teeth.
“Lo’ak’s biting your tail!” I screamed, trying to pull Jake’s tail out of Lo’ak’s mouth.
“I see that! Now stop pulling!” Jake's teeth were bared in a natural defense to the pain.
“Well then, how would you like to handle this?” I yelled back, barely hearing anything over the screaming babies.
“I don't know! Just do something!” He yells, trying to pull his tail out of Lo’ak’s mouth.
“Stop yelling! You’re scaring the babies!” I screamed back, trying to push on Lo’ak’s jaw to get him to let go.
Lo’ak’s squeaky growls add to the mix of screaming and whiling. Lo’ak does not want his new chew toy taken away, and he learned the last time to not let go.
“Fuck! Lo’ak! Let go!” Jake’s voice started to slip into a growl, fighting the challenge that Lo’ak started.
“I love you, but don’t you dare growl at the baby,” I hissed at him while still trying to pry Lo’ak’s jaw open.
“He started it!” He hissed back.
Kiri, either from fear or simply being done with shit, reached out and sunk her teeth into Jake’s shoulder, her growls adding to the mix.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Kiri, let go!” Jake yelled out.
“Da fuck? Why Kiri?” I asked no one in particular. 
“Is everything alright in here,” I hear Tsu’tey call.
Jake and I snap our heads over to him, “NO!” We yell in tandem.
“What is going on?” Tsu’tey’s deep voice asked over the chaos.
“Lo’ak bit Jake’s tail, and Kiri bit his shoulder, and we can’t get them to let go!” I rushed to explain while my hand started to cramp.
“Tsu’tey, seriously, help us get them off!” Jake demanded as nicely as he was able to.
“Have you scruffed them? That usually works,” Tsu’tey asked, baffled.
“Why would we scruff a baby?” I asked, bewildered and slightly hostile. 
“Be-because it calms them and will make them let go?” He answered, questioning us and himself.
“You know what, I don’t care, as long as it gets them off!” Jake hissed again.
Slow Tsu’tey walked over as if we were aggressive animals waiting to ponce. Spotting Kiri first, he slowly moved his hand over the back of her neck, gently rubbing before holding onto the skin there. A confused noise left her as she let go. Quickly, Tsu’tey grabbed her and held her properly. 
“You scruff them,” He explained calmly.
Looking down at Lo’ak, I move my hand from his jaw and copy the same movements that Tsu’tey did, and with a bated breath, Lo’ak let go. Jake grabbed his tail in relief as we all started to soothe the distressed babies. All of us are now mindful of the little teeth in their mouths.
“Brother, I thank you for your help in this, but if Neytiri ever finds out about this, I will personally make sure you and Ninat cannot have children,” Jake murmured while rocking Neteyam.
“No need for that, JakeSully. It is a right of passage in parenthood. Neytiri will be thrilled to see those scars!” Tsu’tey laughed, “Eytukan wore the scars Neytiri and Sylwanin gave him with pride. He would decorate the marks on the day of their birth.”
I look at Jake, bewildered that this is normal here, and based on the look that he gave me, he was thinking the same thing. 
“How-how often does this happen?” I asked tentatively.
“About once or twice a child,” Tsu’tey shrugged like it was no big deal.
“I’m going to tap out of this tradition as a human who is highly susceptible to infections, and I know that those teeth can and will do severe damage to me. For my safety, that isn’t gonna happen,” I deadpan.
I hear them both wince at the thought.
“That may be a good idea,” Tsu’tey, the biggest stickler for traditions, admitted. 
All eyes turned to the shouted curse.
“Please tell me-”
“Fuck!” Followed by little giggles.
“We’re so dead,” Jake muttered, all the color draining from his face.
“We have to hide this from Neytiri,” I whispered back.
Neteyam looked at Kiri from across the room, “Fuck!” He shouted at his sister, followed by giggles.
Kiri waved her arms excitedly, “Fuck!” She giggled back.
Tsu’tey slowly stood up, gently passing me Kiri like she was an atomic bomb, “You two seem to have a handle on this. I will take my leave now,” With that, he ran away with his tail between his legs, like a coward. 
“Did we ever finish writing our wills?” I ask, as Neteyam’s responding ‘fuck’ travels through the air.
“The na’vi don’t have wills,” Jake answered, accepting his fate.
“Maybe she’ll kill us quickly,” I whispered hopefully.
“Uck!” Lo’ak shouted his first word.
Slowly, we looked at Lo’ak before looking back at each other, dread filling our souls. Neteyam and Kiri were thrilled at their baby brother joining them. Their laughter and shouts of ‘fuck’ echo through the room, all three of them filled with glee. Not understanding that they were going to be raised by a single mother soon.
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Dividers by: @cafekitsune
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Hell Hath No Fury | Aemond Targaryen | Two
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Requested: yes
Summary: Aemond learns things have changed since he’s been away. (Part One)
Warning: emotional affair, BAD WRITING!
When Aemond made it to the dining room you and Beth had already entered.
"This is Armon," You smiled while handing the babe to Luce before taking the other babe from Beth. "And this is Aemon." The two of you held the babies side by side smiling down at them.
"Well we certainly didn't plan for two." Lucerys says looking between you and the babies. "I wish I could have been there for you."
"you have been there Luce, we never could have predicted the exact time when the babies would come or the fact that there would be two." You assured him as he walked you towards the table. Pulling our a chair for Luce didn't hesitate to take the one next to you.
Aemond looked on as you two talked animatedly about the babies with the rest of the family.
"Hmm." looking away and walking to the opposite side of the table to the seat he assumed Luce once occupied.
The next morning Aemond woke in the library, he had fled there after the meal in order to take is mind off what you had said before. There was no way that you knew about Alys, how could you? if not then what did you mean by that? Maybe he misheard you, yes. he had misheard you.
"Though it seems you have grown quite fond of strong bastards as of late."
"Though it seems I have grown quite fond of strong bastards as of late."
Of course! of course that has to be it, you did seem overly fond of the 'Velarian' boy."
Walking through the halls Aemond comes across the Godswood, where he hears the familiar sound of your laughter.
A blanket laid out on the grass he sees you and Lucerys once again, with each of you cradling one of his children.
"Wife, here you are." He announced as he approached the small group. "You must have begun the day quite early, I could not find you in our chambers."
"Yes, Lucerys was just too excited for the boys to meet Arrax, so we all took a little trip to the dragon pits before we came to have our picnic."
"We spent quite some time here before the twins were born, it always seemed to calm them whenever they decided to kick up a storm." Luce informed his uncle.
'Hmm, Well mayhaps you would not mind another trip the the dragon pits so that my sons would meet Vhagar while we choose two eggs from the clutch that was just laid." Aemond suggests with a small smile.
It had always been important to you for the your children to be dragon riders or swordsmen or scholars, because Aemond could spend time with them as these were all things that he enjoyed. You two had talked endlessly about these things, choosing eggs for your children, Aemond being the one that would teach them to handle a sword, reading to them every night about the history of their great house.
"Actually Lucerys has done us the honor of choosing two eggs for the twins, they were placed in their cradles last night." You informed your husband smiling to Lucerys before looking to Aemond once again. "Besides I think the boys are too young to be introduced to Vhagar just yet, she is quite large. What if she hurt the boys?"
"I'm sure they will enjoy the experience much more when they are older." You added as Luce nodded in agreement.
"Hmm." Turning around and walking away, Aemond hears as Lucerys begins to talk about the boys learning to sail with him and Lord Corlys. 
"Emagon gevie se dōna dreams se skori ao wake va se ñāqatubis, muña kessa jorrāelagon ao sesīr tolī bona tubī. Kostilus skori ao sīmonagon kesā rhaenagon aōha olvie own zaldrīzes" You soflty whispered rubbing your finger along Armon's cheek before moving to his brother. 
"Are you speaking High Valarian?" Aemond asked as he entered your chambers while coo to Aemon laying him into his cot.
"Lucerys has been teaching me, he thinks speaking valarian to the boys as they grow older will help them when they begin their lessons." You replied walking over you the vanity talking a seat in front of the mirror.
"Yes it seems that my nephew has a great many opinion on what would be best for my sons" Aemond says coming to stand behind you looking at you're reflection through the mirror.
"Yes Luce cares very much for the boys," You confirmed picking up your brush. "I think he was the only person that was as excited as me for the baby."
"He seems to care very much for the boys." Aemond pointed out.
"Of course her cares, they are his cousins." You pointed out narrowing you eyes at him.
"Hmm, but his care seem to be that of someone closer such as a brother or perhaps a fath-." Aemond words are cut of as you quickly stand, turn around and strike him across the face.
"Don't. You. Dare." You seethed glaring up at your husband. "It would seem you learned more from Ser Criston than just combat." Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath you look back up at him before you started to let out a chuckle.
"I honestly don't understand why you are so upset." You spoke sitting back down in front of the mirror and continued to brush your hair. "Why you would accuse me of something like that, You should be thankful to Lucerys for taking over your duty as husband and father so that you might have more time to comfort your mistress."
Any delusional thought that Aemond had misheard you yesterday. "I mean I couldn't imagine loosing a child that close to birth, Lucerys provided me with such comfort during my pregnancy I doubt he would leave my side if I had gone through such a thing. Oh how Alys must feel to not have the comfort of my husband during this trying time."
"You know." Aemond stated keeping his eyes glued to the ground.
"Ironic isn't it. How you accuse me of treasons that would not only lead to my death but the death of our children, how you're the one who has been unfaithful yet I am willing to forgive you, I am willing to put this all in the past...as long as you keep it in the past."You assured him placing your hand on the cheek you had struck. "Or you might find the next thing lucerys takes from you is your wife and children."
Pulling a piece of paper from the table you hold it out to him. "This arrived today, from harrenhal." He slowly reaches out and grabs the letter. "Make your choice Aemond, her or us." You say letting go of the paper as you make your way to the twins resting in there cots.
Aemond watched as you made your way across the room before you turn and lock eyes with him. Making his way towards the fireplace his eyes never leave yours as he drops the letter into the flames.
With a small smile you hold out your hand towards your husband. Walking over Aemond takes your hand before placing a soft kiss on the back.
"You have no idea what I've done for this family." You say placing your head on his chest, wrapping you arms around his waist. "And it would be in your best interest, to not give me a reason to show you.
Part Three
Taglist 🏷: @watercolorskyy
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ell-alexanderarnold · 4 months
hiii could you please to a dad!trent fic where his son/ daughter is in the academy and one day they get upset in training, then trent finds out that they are scared that they won’t be as good as him when they’re older so he re assures them? i love your fics btw :)
Our Starboy
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Summary: As the request says :)
dad!Trent & Fluff
Note: I’ve had this request in my inbox since MAY😭 So here it is ta-da🤗
Your son who usually looked rather happy when you come to pick him up from training now looked bothered. Just like his dad he’s not good at explaining his emotions when something’s wrong. But your mother instincts knew something was up.
“Hiya, how was training my boy?” You said and pecked his cheek as he entered the car, visibly disappointed.
Leo hummed in response and you took it as he was tired and not in a chatty mood. Until a few minutes later, he spoke up.
“When is Daddy coming home?” Leo asked.
“He should be home just before your bedtime.” You answered.
Trent has been away due International duty a few weeks. You thought you’d cope alright without him but then you find yourself laying awake at night, wishing he was next to you.
When you came home Leo went up to his room quickly, your attempt at trying to find out what was bothering him in car didn’t work. You could really use Trent’s help right now.
Right when you thought of Trent, you heard the front door open.
Trent searched the room for his two loved ones, only to find you. He walked towards you, no words, just the two of you in each other’s arms again.
“Oh my love, I’ve missed you so much Y/n.” He cooed and kissed your forehead.
“I’m glad you’re home again T, it’s been a bit lonely without you.” You said and smiled at him.
“Alright, where’s the kiddo?” Trent implored as he again scanned the room for his little one.
“In his room, he was not in the best mood earlier.” You explained as you watched Trent furrow his brows.
“What do you mean?” He wondered.
“I don’t know Trent. I tried to talk to him but he wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, something might happened at the academy. Could you try talk to him?” You grumbled and sighed as Trent rubbed your back to calm you down.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll talk to him.” Trent comforted then made his ways up the stairs.
Trent knocked on his door and heard a ‘yes’ in a tired tone.
As Trent walked in he could see Leo watching highlights of Trent himself on YouTube. Leo watched closely how he crossed the ball, how he took a free kick and so on. And he immediately knew what was on Leo’s mind.
“Daddy!” Leo beamed and his face lit up as soon as he saw his daddy.
“Hey little man!” Trent chuckled and hugged his son.
“What’s up?” Trent began and Leo put his ipad aside, turning all his focus to Trent who was his role model. All Leo wanted was to be a footballer like his dad. He tries to copy every move the 66 does on the pitch.
“Daddy I’m scared.” Leo revealed and Trent looked at him in awe.
“Worried about what Leo?” Trent asked, wanting him to open up more so he can get the whole picture.
“That-“ Leo stuttered.
“Go on.” Trent soothed.
“That I might not make it through the academy.” Leo said and bursted into tears. Trent felt his heart break a little when he heard what his son said. He put his arm around his little shoulder and comforted him, he wanted nothing more for him to be okay.
“Shh, don’t you worry. I’ve been exactly in your shoes.” Trent stated and Leo looked up at his dad.
“Just focus on the now. The coaches know how good you are. I know how good you are, okay? You’ve got talent Leo, they see that.” Trent explained and watched as Leo’s eyes lit up with hope.
”And don’t be afraid to tell Mommy, she used to play footy back in the day. She will understand too.” Trent added and heard the door open, seeing you standing there admiring them both.
“Aw you two!” You whispered and tried not to get too emotional of seeing Trent and Leo together.
“Mommy I didn’t know you used to play football!” Leo said and giggled whilst you widened your eyes at Trent.
“Oh yeah I did, a long time ago.” You claimed and laughed, thinking about the memories when you and Trent used to play in his garden when you two were young lovers.
After finding out why Leo was upset you all three cuddled up together in yours and Trent’s room and watched a movie.
“You know what Leo, Daddy helps past academy players to not give up on their dream after being dropped.” You spoke up, mentioning The After Academy.
“So you’re in safe hands.” Trent chimed in. Neither of you and Trent was worried about Leo not making it professional because you both see the hard work he puts in everyday at such a young age.
A few days later
“Look at him Trent.” You whispered to Trent as you both stood watching Leo’s U6 match. Leo was absolutely brilliant, scoring two goals already in the first half.
“Our starboy.” Trent cooed and looked at you, smiling.
Thanks for reading ♡
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mrsevans90 · 30 days
Puppy Love-Epilogue
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 19
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: Flash forward, fluff, smut, handjob, fingering, squirting, P in V intercourse, oral (f), creampie, innuendos, language, pregnancy romantic love making.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading!
Part 18
Flash Forward in Time:
I wake up with a gentle bump against my side and hazily blink my eyes to allow them to adjust to the darkened room. Emma is still blissfully unconscious as her head rests against my chest and her nude body is draped against mine. I tend to get warm but this woman somehow always seems to be cold. I don’t mind one bit as I’ve spent the majority of my life sleeping alone and I sleep so much better with her body against my own. I smile at my perfect woman and gently move her disheveled hair from her face before I feel another gentle nudge against my side. Our baby boy seems to have woken up and it won’t be long until he wakes his mother up too. Luckily, she’s a heavy sleeper but I’d imagine having a human being rolling around in your abdomen could wake up most anyone. I reach down and caress her swollen belly to acknowledge my little boy and hopefully soothe him back to sleep by rubbing her tummy. Emma is almost eight months along now, and needs every bit of sleep she can get. As I touch her tummy, I think about what life will be like once our little guy finally makes his appearance. We haven’t nailed down a name for him yet, but Emma keeps admitting she likes the idea of naming him after me and calling him AJ, for Austin Junior. I’m pushing for him to have his own name and identity, certainly not wanting him to feel like he has to follow in my shadow. I like the names Luke, Hudson, Grant, and Bradley, but ultimately, I’m going to leave it up to Emma to choose her favorite. She’s doing all of the hard work after all. After a bit of gentle caressing on her belly, our son seemed to calm and Emma messily rolled over and wrapped herself around the giant pregnancy pillow that’s taking over her entire side of the bed. I won’t complain because I’ll give her anything to help her be more comfortable. I decide to ease out of the bed and get the day started because somehow in all my years I can’t shake the early wake up times that the military instilled in me. I quietly corral Mills and let him out in the backyard to use the bathroom. Aika passed away early last year and I’ll be honest, I took it hard. My nightmares started coming back more frequently and Emma convinced me to talk to my therapist at the VA about it. I still miss that sweet girl but know that she had such a fulfilling life here with us. She’s buried out in the backyard under a large oak tree so that we still feel her spirit close by. Mills also really struggled in the first month after her passing, constantly looking around the house for her. He always adored her and was used to following her lead but he’s doing well as he’s matured from the puppy stage. I spent some time training him after our wedding and now he knows all of the commands that I had taught Aika which is helpful, especially now with a growing family.
I start up the coffee pot and know I’ve only got a short window of time before responsibilities call, so I sip on a cup of coffee while I start making breakfast. As I’m plating the pancakes at the table, I hear movement upstairs and know I need to intercept quickly. I bound up the stairs and open the bedroom door to our three-and-a-half-year-old twin girl’s bedroom. Molly Grace and Maggie Kate are out of their toddler beds and already digging in their princess box regardless of the fact that it’s not even half past six on a Saturday morning. They squeal when I scoop them up and place kisses along each of their cheeks.
“Da Da! Ouch!” They giggle as my beard scratches against their cheeks. 
“Sorry little darlins” I respond before tickling their tummies. 
“Now what do we have here, already getting into the princess box?” 
“I want to be Tiana!” MG says followed by MK who declares she is going to be Ariel. “Well, if I get you girls dressed in your princess gowns, y’all gotta promise to be quiet on the way downstairs so we can let Mama sleep in. Is that a deal?” I ask.
Both curly headed girls nod their heads fervently. I’m certain that won’t last long as my daughters tend to be a bit exuberant, but I’ll take what I can get.
“Alright then, bring me the dresses and then we have to brush your teeth before your dragon breath knocks me out.” I joke. 
A somewhat endless feeling half hour later, I successfully have both girls dressed and with clean teeth. Their hair is still a disaster but I’m working on learning. God, if the old me could see myself now. Googling videos of how to braid hair or make a ponytail. Emma usually does their hair and tries to show me a thing or two when she has time. The girls have dirty blonde hair, not quite as light as Emma’s, but they both got my wild curls which Emma adores. 
I’ve got them set up with chocolate chip pancakes, fruit and milk cups as they tell me about what movie they want to watch later and constantly interrupt each other as they ask for this and that. 
“Nana and PawPaw want y’all to come over today to help Nana bake a cake. Does that sound good?” I ask knowing that the girls are over the moon anytime they get to go to my grandparents’ house. It’s hard to tell who loves it more, the girls or my grandparents. I’m grateful for a potentially quiet afternoon with Emma, since we won’t have too many of those in the future anytime soon.
“Oh yeah! I want to do that! Can we make cupcakes?” 
“That’s all up to Nana. Y’all just remember that she’s old and y’all don’t want to wear her out.”
“Yeah, Nana’s real old but PawPaw is even older. He’s like 104.” Maggie says.
“No he’s not! He’s only like 23 I think.” Molly retorts. 
“Y’all really have no idea about numbers yet and I find that adorable.” I chuckle to myself as I hear Emma making her way down the hall.
“Good morning, Sugar. Hope we didn’t wake you, I was trying to let you rest.” I kiss my girl sweetly while rubbing her swollen belly.
“Wasn’t you, your son decided to dance on my bladder.” She grumbles and I chuckle. Even all this time later, she still isn’t a morning person. She shuffles further into the kitchen and the girls jump up and give her what I’m sure are sticky syrup covered good morning hugs and kisses. I pour Em a cup of coffee, adding her creamer and she holds it with both hands with a grateful sleepy smile.
“So Ariel and Tiana, what are we talking about this morning?”
“How Nana’s old.” Molly announces and Emma almost chokes on her coffee.
“Who told you that?” Emma asks and both girls point directly to me. Little narcs.
“Well, she is! I was just telling the girls to take it easy on her today.” Emma rolls her eyes at me before walking to the table
“Don’t tell Nana that she’s old.” Emma tells the girls.
“But she is old, mama.” Maggie refutes.
“Yes, but it’s still not nice to say. We don’t want to hurt Nana’s feelings.”
“Does Nana not know that she’s old?” Molly asks inquisitively.
“I’m sure she does baby, but spending time with you girls helps her feel young. Now, how about you girls work on making Nana and PawPaw some more drawings for their refrigerator? You know how much they love those!” Emma directs.
“I want to draw Mills chasing chickens!” Molly shouts.
“I’m going to draw PawPaw riding a cow!” Maggie exclaims.
I chuckle as I watch them scurry over to the little kiddie table off of the kitchen that Emma has made as their art station and get to work.
Emma has shifted to working part time and it’s been great. She stayed home with the girls at first, taking an extended maternity leave after they were born but found that she missed the vet clinic and working with animals. We decided on sending the girls to a “Mother’s Day Out” program where they attend half days so that Emma and I can both work. Our jobs give us the flexibility to be able for one of us to pick them up at 1pm each day and have them home in time for an afternoon nap.
Emma relaxes back at her chair at the table and starts eating some breakfast.
“Little man let you get decent rest last night?” I ask her and she shrugs while chewing her food.
“I felt like I got up more times to pee or roll over than I actually got rest, but I suppose that’s just going to prepare me for the newborn stage of having him up every two hours.”
“Hell, just think about how much easier it’ll be with only one baby this time.” I think back to how exhausted Em and I both were in the first few months home with the girls. We struggled to get them on the same feeding and sleeping schedules. It felt like as soon as we got one to sleep, the other was screaming and waking everyone up. Em and I were so tired we basically just roamed about the house like zombies during the night. I feel like I coped a little bit better than Emma since I was used to insomnia, but she was determined to breastfeed and didn’t want to mess up her supply. After a few months, I finally convinced her to pump some milk for night feeds so I could help more with a bottle feed during the night and let her rest. 
“Gosh, I hope so. They were worth it all, but damn I hope this baby sleeps.” Emma sighs.
“Given any more thoughts on what you’d like to name this handsome fella?” I ask. 
“I still like AJ, but I’ve been thinking about it and I also really like the name Grant ever since you brought it up. Grant Syverson just sounds like a future star quarterback.” She says and I smirk as I munch on a few berries.
“I like that a lot, Sugar. It’s a very strong name. One he can be proud of. Perfect for our boy.” 
“I was thinking the middle name could be Joseph after PawPaw?” She suggests and I have to take a moment to just awe at this woman. PawPaw was always a taciturn man with a steely exterior but when Emma became part of the family he opened up to her more than I ever imagined. Always imparting words of advice and stopping by to check on her when she was pregnant with the girls and I was working. Nothing could have prepared us for the absolute mush that man turned into when the girls were born. PawPaw seemed to get a new lease on life as he dropped everything to spend time with his “grandbabies”. He wanted to teach them all about the farm and loved showing them all the animals. He was wrapped around their fingers and we all joked about it. 
“I don’t think anything could make him prouder. I love that idea, baby girl.”
“Let’s wait until he’s born before we tell him.” She suggests and I agree.
“Walt doing okay now that he’s back at work?” Emma asks.
“He’s having a hard time focusing, which is understandable. He’s itching to get home every night to Cassie and baby Carter.”
“Yeah, Cass mentioned he’s got terrible FOMO when I was over there last week. He’s afraid he’s going to miss something.” Emma responds.
Walt and Cassie really hit it off at the wedding and before long were in a serious relationship. She moved to Texas with him about eight months into dating. They got married a little over a year ago and just had a little boy, Carter, who made Walt light up in a way he hasn’t since Faye was little. Emma loved having Cassie close and it was nice having Walter so happy and working more reasonable hours. Faye came to visit as often as she could which was also good for Walt. They only lived about ten minutes from us and Emma had been over every day last week to help Cassie since Walt was on his first week back to work from paternity leave. I remember how hard it was to leave Emma and the girls to go back to work.
“It’s tough to leave your wife and new baby and go back to work but I’m sure he’ll adjust. I remember facetiming you like every hour that first week just to check in.” I reminisce.
“I remember.” Emma giggles. “My big strong army man was a nervous wreck about missing any moment with his girls. It took some time but I think we found a good family/work balance that keeps us fulfilled.” 
“I keep you filled.” I mutter with a smirk.
“Austin!” Emma feigns shock. “Clearly you have.” She murmurs as she pats her round belly and I look at her with smug pride. 
“Think Nana and PawPaw would keep the girls for a night?” She wonders aloud even though we both know that they jump at the chance to keep the kids.
“You know they would. Got something in mind?”
“An impromptu night alone with my handsome man sounds pretty perfect to me.” Emma bites her lip and I feel the surge run through my body as I quickly grab my phone to call Nana and confirm that the girls can sleepover with them tonight. Emma heads upstairs to pack the girls an overnight bag and before we know it, we’re loading them up in the truck and headed to Nana and PawPaw’s.
After a lively drop-off and quick visit with Nana and PawPaw, Emma and I were back in the truck and driving out of their long driveway. 
“I feel like we’re teenagers who just got permission to go out for the night.” Emma joked. 
“That mean I get to cop a feel? I ask as I pull Emma closer to me and run my big hand across her exposed thigh gently dragging her sundress higher.
“Thanks to these pregnancy hormones, you’ll be feeling more than that.” Emma smirks and I groan. Our sex life has always been incredible, but having two toddlers that seemingly always want something, and a very heavily pregnant wife who struggled with morning sickness longer than expected made us slow down a bit. Emma finally got to feeling better and the hormones lately had been keeping her extra needy which I was more than happy to accommodate. 
“Lunch date at Gia’s?” I asked and she nodded enthusiastically. Baby boy had Emma craving pasta all the time so I knew she’d be excited. 
After eating a nice meal, we made our way home and smiled at the rarity of quietness inside our home. Even Mill’s seemed excited about staying with my grandparents for a night of chicken chasing and homemade treats from Nana. The house was all to ourselves and I was ready to get Emma naked and spend the rest of the day in the bed.
I reached for Emma and pulled her into a kiss. 
“I love you, beautiful darlin’.” I told her between kisses. Her swollen tummy had me leaning a little further than I usually do for these types of kisses, and I couldn’t help but lean down and place a soft kiss on her belly too. 
“I love you too, baby.” She replied as she pawed at my abs in an attempt to take off my shirt.
I pulled my shirt over my head and Emma’s nails immediately sunk into my chest hair as she gently scratched up and down my torso.
“Let’s get to our bedroom so I can properly get you naked, Sugar.”
I led her upstairs to our bedroom and took my time undressing her slowly before laying her down on the bed. She has been feeling a bit self-conscious lately as her body stretches and swells to accommodate our growing son, but I do my best to reassure her.
“You’re so pretty, Darlin’. Every bit about you is perfect.”
“Sy, I’m huge. Be truthful.” She sasses.
“No, you’re pregnant and growing my kid. That I put into you. Something about that turns me on even more. Plus, your tits are huge and I can’t wait to sneak a taste of them when your milk comes in again.” I smirk at her devilishly.
“Austin, you are downright depraved.” She giggles as my hands paw all over her body.
“Only for you, Sugar. Now, let me finally make love to my bride without any interruptions.” I say as I plant kisses along her collar bone, sliding down to her belly and then the juncture of her thighs where her perfect pussy is already glistening in anticipation. I rub my calloused hands along her thighs and spread her open for me as I lick a long stripe up her folds. Emma is extra sensitive lately and jumps at the sensation with a loud moan before her hands find the short strands of my hair and grab on. I lick, kiss, and suck on her delicate pearl before sliding two fingers gently inside her and curling them. A few minutes after I began my ministrations, Emma screams her release as she squirts and her fluids coat my chin and forearm. I drink down everything she gives me so I don’t waste a single drop of her honey. I begin to place gentle kisses on her thighs as I work her through her high before I kiss up her body to check on her. I’m greedily tempted to work her to another orgasm, but know that she’s extra sensitive right now and it might be too much for her. I make my way up to her neck and place soft kisses under her ear as she reaches and grabs on to the scruff of my beard.
“Fuck, Austin. That was amazing.” She mewls with her eyes still closed as I place gentle kisses on her eyelids.
“Yeah? Feel good, Sugar?” I ask as she catches her breath.
“The best. Now I need your cock.” Emma almost whispers as her fingertips trail down my abs before wrapping around my raging erection. She squeezes just like I like before running her thumb across my slit to collect the bead of precum that’s already dribbling out in anticipation and I thrust myself further into her grasp with a groan. I watch as Emma removes her hand, spits into her palm before grabbing me again and jerking me. Between deep kisses, I glance down at her delicate little hand working my large member and can’t help but thrust against her. If she keeps going, I’m going to blow my load before I even get inside her warm cunt.
“Darlin’, I need to be inside you.” 
“Fuck me, Austin. Please baby.” I grunt as I manhandle her onto her side, conscious that this may be the best position to keep any pressure off of her growing womb and slide up behind her before lifting her thigh around me. I gently ease the tip of my cock into her warm channel and Emma pushes down against me, sucking my cock inside her wet heat in the best way. When my pelvis is fully seated against her ass cheeks, I groan and Emma arches her back which gives me the perfect angle to her g-spot. I start thrusting slowly as I suck and lick against the spot under Emma’s ear and she wraps an arm around my neck thrusting her fingers into my hair and tugging. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. So wet and tight. Just like the first time I ever fucked you, baby girl.” I grunt against her neck.
“Mmm, Austin! You feel so good inside me. So big and full.” She mumbles as I thrust into her.
“God, we fit together so good. You were made to be mine.” I murmur as I appreciate the tight, wet heat surrounding me.
“Harder, baby.” She moans and I’m so tempted to start jack hammering into her perfect cunt but am worried about hurting her more than my desire to fuck hard.
“I don’t want to hurt you or the baby, Sugar.”  “You won’t, I promise. Fuck me please!” She moans and I can’t help but pound into her a bit harder as she claws down my arm that’s holding across her perfect tits. I have the perfect view to watch them bounce over her shoulder as I fuck her from behind and can’t help but start gently tugging at her nipples which earns me a louder moan from her.
I remove my arm from her breasts before I shove two of my fingers in her mouth. She sucks fervently before I reach down past her tummy and start rubbing them against her swollen clit. She’s so easily stimulated that I have her cumming in a matter of moments. Her tight pussy clenched me so hard that I couldn’t hold back my own orgasm and found myself releasing deep inside her before I had intended too. I stilled my hips and shoved my cock as deep as I possibly could as I finished before collapsing back down onto the sheets, not caring how sweaty we were. Emma and I laid perfectly still basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking as the ceiling fan whirled above us before I slid my softening cock from her body and she whined at the loss.
Emma clumsily rolled over to face me and laid her head against my chest, her fingers combing through my chest hair as my fingertips trailed up against her spine.
“What are you thinking about?” I asked her as we basked in the silence.
“I’m thinking that I want you to fuck me like that again before the night is over… and I want to take a bath with you… and I might also be thinking about the chocolate chip cookie dough in the refrigerator.” Emma replied as I croaked out a hearty laugh at how her thoughts were all over the place.
“Why, what are you thinking?” She asked.
“I was honestly just thinking about how grateful I am for you. I never thought I could have any of this. I was just this broken, shell of a person who went through the motions of everyday life. I swear, I never really thought I’d find love like my grandparents and then I met you. I’ve always been so independent and now, I swear to God, I can’t imagine being away from you for a single day. You completely changed me for the better and gave me so much love and passion. It’s like you woke me up and I started finally living life. Oh, and not to mention our babies. God, I love them so much even when they are being little brats. You and our kids just complete me. I can’t wait to see how our son joins in the mix with our baby girls. I’m just so glad I found you. I’ve never been this happy in my life.” I tell her honestly as I think about how my life has changed in just the past 5 years before I hear her sniffle.
“Now I feel like an ass for thinking about eating cookie dough when you were making this big declaration of love.” She sobs as the tears flow down her cheeks and I can’t help but laugh out loud.
“It’s not funny, Austin! That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever heard and you know I feel the same way.” She laugh/cries as I bite my lip to keep from chuckling at the absurdity of her pregnancy hormones. She looks up at me with tears still in her eyes and can’t help but start laughing herself. I finally allow my laughter out and we spend the next few minutes laughing so hard that Emma has to get up and waddle to the bathroom to pee which just makes me laugh even harder.
I head to the bathroom after her and start filling the bathtub and lighting candles before helping Emma step in. I make a quick run downstairs to the kitchen and get us some waters and the entire roll of cookie dough with a spoon before I head back up and present the princess with her snack. 
Her eyes fill with tears of gratefulness that her beloved craving is about to be satisfied which has us laughing all over again as I join her in the tub to what we jokingly still call marinating in our ‘body juice soup.’
Emma rests her back against my chest as she feeds me bites of her dessert and I can’t help but feel more fulfilled than I ever have before. My future now is not some bleak possibility, but filled with excitement and joy. I owe it all to a bit of puppy love that became the love of my life.
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Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar, @wetzilly, @ashbrat488
A/N: Y'all, it's finally here! I'm so so sorry that it took me so long to get this written and posted but #lifehappened and I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I wanted it to be right. Thank you all so much for following along on Sy and Emma's love story. Your support and encouragement has lifted me up more than you realize. I'm so grateful to everyone that's followed along! I'm super sad that it's over but there may be a one-shot or two in our future for them! Love you all!
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nycbaby21 · 10 months
date crashing w/ Quinn
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prompt: Jack and Luke crash your and Quinn's date
word count: 1.901
“Hey you guys are on your own tonight for dinner,” Quinn says grabbing water from the fridge and then walking into the living room joining his brothers. “What are you talking about,” Luke asks pausing their game as Jack protest,” hey I was winning you ass.” Luke laughs as he jokes,” Yeah sure you were Jacky.” Quinn shakes his head at his younger brothers taking a sip of his drink. “Quinny is taking me out for a date night,” I smile rounding the corner and plopping down on the couch throwing my legs in my boyfriend’s lap. He subconsciously moves his hands to begin rubbing them up and down. I smile at the small gesture and lean up and kiss his cheek. “Gross stop, What did he talk about pda in shared living spaces?” I roll my eyes at Jack’s joke tossing the pillow behind me at him.
“You promised us you were making that pasta thing tonight from TikTok remember Y/n,” Luke whined turning to face me and giving his best attempt at puppy eyes. I reach over and pinch his cheek,” I’m sure Jack will feed you Lukey.” The younger boy gasps and puts a hand over his heart,” I thought you loved me.” I laugh at his dramatics, which must be a Hughes-shared trait because Quinn can be the same way. “Luke you are nineteen years either eat what Jack cooks or do it yourself,” Quinn rolls his eyes. “Great so either starve or get food poisoning from Gordan Ramsey over here,” he huffs sinking into the couch. He kind of looks like a toddler who has just been told they couldn't have ice cream after dinner. “I do love you guys,” I say looking between the two boys,” that’s why I already made the pasta and put it in the fridge. Just reheat it later. You big babies think you can do that?” 
“Our children are going to be absolute brats you know that right,” Quinn squeezes my leg getting my attention. I lightly smack his chest saying,” They will not be.” He laughs,” As much as you spoil these two, I can’t even imagine how you will spoil our actual children.” I roll my eyes at him and smile slightly. Even as a little joke, Quinn thought about us having kids one day. “Unpause the game,” I say ignoring Quinn who is poking my calves. The four of us hang out for a couple more hours until it’s time for us to get ready. 
As I am getting out of the shower I hear voices in the hallway. I ignore them because I have learned with this group of guys that it’s best to mind your own business. I quickly throw on one of Quinn’s shirts and shorts starting to do my makeup. “I know it does kinda suck,” I hear Jack say. “I mean I know they want time together, I really do but I just miss them so much during the year mom,” he continues on with a big sigh. My lip immediately pokes out into a pout and he has my full attention now. “I know you do baby. You just have to understand they love you guys but every once in a while they want a night to themselves,” Ellen tries to help her son understand. “Yeah, I know. It’s just it would be different if it was Luke. I see him all the time, but I miss them. I miss Y/n just as much as I miss him. Maybe a little more because she cooks better than him,” he laughs and I hear Ellen join in. After a little, they end the phone call and I hear Jack make his way down the hallway.
“Hey J could you come here for a second,” I call out already thinking of the reward I am going to have to give Quinn for what I am about to do. The brunette boy tumbles in and jumps onto the bed. “Wait is it safe to be on here,” he asks raising his eyebrows suggestively. I laugh and throw one of my makeup brushes at him. “You’re good J,” I say locking eyes with him in the mirror. “So what are you guys doing tonight,” he asks twirling the brush around in his fingers. “Top Golf. Quinn is tired of being chirped for losing games, so he said we needed practice,” he looks at me as I speak. “Yeah, he always loses because he is such a boyfriend and partners with you. I mean this in the nicest way possible but you suck Y/n,” his eyes crinkle as he laughs at bullying me. I laugh and shake my head at him.
“I was thinking maybe you and Lukey could come and keep me company? Between the two of us, Quinn gets a little intense when he is trying to teach me things. Like, remember my first winter in with the family and him trying to teach me to skate,” I shudder at the memory. “Do I remember him making you cry or do I remember dad handing him his ass while mom taught you to skate,” he smiles at the memory. “See you know what I’m talking about.” We lock eyes again in the mirror and I see his soften. “Y/n we are fine really. I know you and Quinny haven’t had any alone time since last month when Cole, Trev, and I went to those races,” he sits up and comes to lean up against the dresser next to where I am sitting on the floor doing makeup handing me my brush back.
“I know you guys would be fine. As much as I baby you, I know the two of you are fully capable adults,” I do a quick swipe of lipgloss and close it. Turning and looking up at him,” You don’t have to obviously but I don’t know I kinda miss you guys while we are back in Vancouver. I even have a little countdown til you all play each other. The devils, ducks, kings, and habs.” His eyes light up at that and he jumps up to a standing position. “You sure Q won’t mind,” he asks excitedly. “Don’t worry I handle Quinny. Go tell Luke and you guys get ready. I can talk him into you guys crashing but not if he has to wait on you,” I say rushing the boy out. He gives me a fast nod and leans down to give my head a quick kiss. “Thank you. Love you,” he rushes out of the door yelling for Luke on his way out. 
I walk down the stairs to find the youngest two brothers sitting on the couch. They looked like two kids waiting for their parents to load up the car for a Disney trip or something. “You look really pretty Y/n,” Luke smiles up at me. “Why thank you. I think you look very handsome. You both do,” I reach over the couch and give each of their shoulders a small squeeze. Before we could say anything else Quinn walks back in from outside. “Okay, I have the car warming up for you. Ready to head out,” he asks walking over and giving my forehead a chaste kiss. I nod and stand on my tiptoes to give his nose a small peck. He turns to his brothers waiting for a pda comment. They both just give him a smile and he throws his head back groaning. “Y/n are you serious,” he asks finally looking at me. “C’mon Q they miss you and want to spend time with us. You always complain during the season about how much you miss them so why can’t they tag along,” my words make a small blush rise to his cheeks. “Aw does Quinny miss us while he's all alone up in big Vancouver,” Luke jokes standing and walking over to us leaning against the back of the couch.
“Do you wanna come or not,” Quinn threatens the younger defensemen. Luke quickly throws his hands up in a mock surrender. Jack walks towards the door and looks at Luke,” Shotgun.” The two boys rush off outside and to the car. I could hear cursing and assumed one of them had fallen. I turn to Quinn and give him the sweetest face I could. “They do know there is no way you aren’t riding in front with me right,” he asks wrapping his arms around my body. I laugh and I nuzzle myself into his chest. “I know you wanted tonight to just be us, but you should have heard Jack on the phone with Mama Ellen. Q he was breaking my heart,” I say into his chest. “You know what? I hope our bratty kids get your big heart,” he smiles down at me. I pinch his side,” Stop calling our kids brats Quintin.” His laughs vibrate my whole body and he mumbles a quick sorry. “You look amazing by the way,” he dips down to give my lips a sweet kiss. “About time you said something. Was thinking Luke was gonna be the only gentlemen tonight,” I joke unwrapping myself from him and walking to the door.
As the night went on the four of us had a blast. The brothers having another friendly competition while I sit back and smile snapping a couple pictures and sending them to Ellen. “Can you guys please hurry up? I’m cold and want to get a hot chocolate,” I say gaining their attention. Luke quickly sheds his jacket and gives it to me while Jack goes to the concession stand grabbing me a drink. Luke goes to take his shot when Quinn comes over and sits down beside me. “I’m glad that you invited them. As much of a pain in the ass they are I really do miss them,” he says into my neck pressing his cold nose against my skin. I let out a small squeal and tried to push him off. This only makes him grab me and nuzzle in deeper. After my hot chocolate and Jack winning, we decided to head back to the lakehouse. Some of the other guys were getting in tomorrow so we had to get their rooms ready.
Not even ten minutes into our drive home, the two New Jersey Devils players were passed out and cuddled up in the back seat. I only turn back around when Quinn places his hand on my knee. “Thank you for today. You were a very good sport Q,” I smile lacing our fingers together. “As annoying as it is sharing you with them,” he starts and quickly glances at the two sleeping beauties,” but it’s the best gift to see how easily you fit in with them and how much they all love you,” he raises my hand to his lips. I let out a small giggle because his facial hair tickled the back of my hand. “Well if that is the best gift I don’t have to worry about how I was going to reward you for letting them come,” I say squeezing his hand. “Okay now let’s not be hasty Y/n. I think I was so good I deserve a reward, don’t you,” he asks giving me a look. I roll my eyes at him smiling and give him a nod. He sped up a little trying to get back as fast as possible.
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allkordelia · 2 years
An Unrequited Love
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You were finishing putting own your ruby earrings when you heard the door opened to your chamber, you turned and smile seeing your baby boy in the arms of your husband. The king walked further in the room walking over to you, he planted a kiss on your lips before you moved to grabbing your son. You made silly faces at him making the little boy coo, viserys stood behind you watching as you played with your son.
"Are you ready for today." He asked sitting at the end of the bed.
"Yes, I am. How about you my love are you ready to waste an afternoon with these boring people." Viserys chuckled lowly as you talked to your son in a baby voice.
"Those people are our friends." You bounced your two year old in your arms gently as you turned to viserys.
"No, they're not. They're your friends they despise me...yes they do...they despise your mommy." You smiled looking at Aegon as he giggle not understanding what his mother was saying to him.
"Are you going talk like that the whole time." He asked.
"If I have to." She song before giving aegon a big kiss on the cheek.
"Where were you earlier you missed daemon's welcoming ceremony." You didn't look at your husband as you rubbed your sons back.
"Oh, I had to feed helaena. She was getting little fussy so i had to put her to bed." The first part was true you usually don't lie to your husband, but when it came to daemon it seemed like a natural thing to do.
"He asked for you." You mentally sigh as you walked over to the cradle to look and see your baby girl still sound asleep.
"Hmmm." Viserys shook his head before getting up and coming up next to her.
"How long will you go without speaking to him, he was once your dear friend and now you treat him as if he is a stranger." He was also my lover you thought, viserys didn't know about that little detail nobody did.
"He was the one who stopped talking to me, husband. Not the other way around." He sighed.
"True, but you know how my brother can be." You hummed nodded your head knowing how petty and childish he can be when he don't get his way.
"We should get going don't want our subject to wait." You said ending the conversation, he nodded before grabbing aegon from your arms as you went to get helaena.
You both hold hands walking out of your shared chambers, as you walk in silence only sounds of the guards heavy footsteps following made your mind go to Daemon. The man who captured your heart and held it in a chest for nobody to take, he was your bestfriend in ever sense of the word he was always by your side and always taking you to extravagant places. You believed when you two were mere teens that he was going going ask your brother for your hand in marriage, and you waited like a fool for him to see more than just a secret lover. But, it never came even when you got married to your first husband he didn't look jealous or angry, he looked calmed as if he knew he had nothing to worry about because you were his but he wasn't yours.
You blinked coming back to reality as the bright sun beamed down on you, before you and your husband could take a step he was pulled away with aegon still in his arms by lords. He gave you an apologic look as you gave him a small smile watching him walk away following by the others, your eyes scanned for your daughter, Bhaera, only to catch a scene that made your blood boil and stomach turn. Daemon stood across Rhaenyra near the tree as he look alluring at her as he touch the necklace he gave long ago, the way she looked back at him made your heart break as she looked at him with admiration and love just like you use to do.
"What you looking at?" Your heart jumped in her stomach as your whole body froze up at the sound of your daughter's voice.
"Damn you, child. Are you trying to send me to an early grave." You turned your head towards her, she smiled widely at how easily you are frighten.
"Me? Never." She moved so she was now in front of you, she moved her hand to wiggle her fingers at helaena as the baby girl just stared at her.
"You still didn't answer my question." She glanced back at you making you raised your brow.
"Nothing, I was lost in thought that's all." She narrowed her eyes at you, Bhaera always knew how to read her people sometime even her mother which made you curse the gods for giving her your brains.
"No, I don't buy it." She says making you roll your eyes.
"Okay, Bhaera." You said nonchalant turning to walk away with your daughter in toe right beside you, she always was a observant and ambitious little girl always watching and listening taking things in account to use later.
"Why were you looking at rhaenyra and prince daemon?" She asked.
"I wasn't i was thinking and they so happened to be in my visual." You look at her with a neutral look making her try to read you, she ended up sighing in defeat making you smile on the inside.
"Fine keep your secrets. One of these days, I tell you I will know how to read you good enough to catch you in one of your lies." You laugh with her but on the inside you pray to the seven gods that she doesn't, as much as she loved her daughter she didn't need her knowing things about her past with daemon.
Without warning Bhaera put two of her fingers against her lips whistling making you look at her as well some of the guest looking their way especially daemon and rhaenyra, you watched as she waved at them and started to walk over making you follow after her with dread.
"Hello, prince daemon. Glad to see you still alive." Bhaera says with a grin making daemon chuckle.
"Thank you, princess. Didn't I tell you to call me uncle we are family after all." He moved over pressing a kiss to her cheek, you watched as his hand linger on her waist making your eyes turn up to their faces. The feeling of disgust was now added as you watch him stare down at her with a seductive smirk, Daemon's eyes caught yours only for second before looking back at the girls.
"That is true, but uncle daemon just don't have the nice ring to it like prince daemon." Bhaera said giving him her best dazzling smile that make the boys of king's landing drool, you and rhaenyra looked at her in shocked as she bluntly flirt with daemon. You kick Bhaera leg scowling her making the young girl frown at you as she rub her leg.
"Girls. Why don't you go save your father from those leeches, hmmm?" You looked at bhaera and rhaenyra, the future queen frown a bit as her uncle just got back and wish to spend more time with him.
"He'll still be here when you get rhaenyra." You said looking at her the young girl nodded before daemon nudge her shoulder with his own.
"You should hurry I heard that the queen has a bit of a temper." Daemon said mockingly looking down at the princess as you send daggers at him.
"I can vouch for that..." bhaera said as your eyes snapped to her making her act afraid as she pulled a giggling rhaenyra to found the king. You looked after them with a small smile before turning back to the man.
"Daemon, nice hair cut." He smiled raking his hand through it before shrugging as he took a step closer.
" Thank you, your highness..." he peered down in your arms looking at the bundle, "...this must be the son I heard so much about." He said flatly.
"No. This is your neice, princess helaena." He furrowed his brows before moving the blanket a bit to see the baby.
"Two childern. You two must got right to it pretty quickly, then." You rolled your eyes.
"That is my duty is it not, to bear childern for the king."
"True except that your son won't be king." You shrugged your shoulders.
"I know."
"And your...okay with that." You nodded.
"Of course, I accepted rhaenyra as the future queen long ago and my childern will too." You looked down at your baby with a smile thinking how proud you are of rhaenyra she would be a good queen she has the heart and spirit for it, daemon looked at you with an unreadable emotion before speaking up again.
"I misread you, cousin. He must fuck you good for you to let him impregnate you again." You looked up at daemon with distan as he wore a small smile.
"Especially, after promising me you would never let a men touch you in a way." He said lowly looking at the baby before back at you, "...three broken promises." You rolled your eyes.
"Same old daemon targaryen always making everything about himself."
"So, you don't deny that my brother pleasure you in the bedroom, interesting." He says.
"What I do in my chambers with MY husband, the king is none of your business, cousin." You states in a stern voice.
"Right, of course..." you sigh turning to see where the girls and your husband are as you grow frustrated with daemon, "...but in the end I was always better at making you cum wasn't I." You turned towards him with a pissed look.
"What is the matter with you honestly, why can't you just be happy that you have two healthy neice and nephew or that I'm okay and well." You asked as he looked at you with a blank stare.
"Why would I be happy that my position in the line of succession is getting lower and lower with every heir you pop out of your cunt." Your mouth fall open and your eyes widen at his response.
"Child." You whispered making him furrowed his brows, "...that is what you are a spoil miserable child that throws temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way." Daemon glared at her.
"You did it when you were replace as heir, you did it again after your brother offered help only for you to end the war in a second, and now this." You moved your free arm around motioning to this.
"Have you forgotten who are talking to–"
"No, but it seems like you have. I am queen, so listen to me very very carefully." You stepped closer to him her index finger pointing at his chest.
"Ao issi nykeā riñnykeā se syt tolī bōsa emagon ao issare acting raqagon mēre," you could feel the anger radiating off of him as you speak. (You are a child and for too long have you been acting like one.)
"...nyke ēdan enough ziry iksos jēda syt ao naejot mazverdagon se fuck bē." You hissed in valyrian. (I had enough it's time for you to grow the fuck up.)
You both glared at each even when viserys and the girls return, "Is everything alright?" He asked looking between his brother and wife, you turned towards viserys with a small smile.
"Yes, husband. Everything is alright, but I am no longer in a celebrating mood." You glanced down at your son taking his hand, Viserys was about to open his mouth as you walk away.
"I'll be in my chambers if anyone needs me." You said not soaring no room for a respose as the guards followed you the whole way to your chambers.
You put the baby in her cradle not too long one of ther servants that usually come to get aegon for his bath knocks before walking inside, you smiled at her as aegon waddled over to her making her pick the toddler up.
"You two go without me I be there in a bit." The servant girl nodded before leaving, you move to take a seat in front of the mirror as you take your earrings the words that daemon's said early echo in your head.
"Why would I be happy that my position in the line of succession is getting lower and lower with every heir you pop out of your cunt." You threw the earrings to the side making them slide away from you before knocking some of your stuff to the ground, how you fell in love that man will be a mystery to you. You put your head in your hands breathing in and out trying to calm down you sit up picking the stuff that fall before taking off the rest of your jewelry, you heard your daughter whimpers making you get up and walk over to her. You take her out rocking her in your arms, as you stare at her you smiled admiring her beauty and sweet eyes.
"My beauty..." you kissed her head, "...let's go see what your brother doing, yeah?" The baby made a noise causing you to giggle, you left the room not too long to found aegon getting his bath. After getting them clean you and the nanny retreat to helaena's room that was just a door away from yours and next to aegon, you watched aegon played around with his many toys with the nanny.
Not too long after the sun was setting aegon was sleep on your shoulder as you wait for the servant finish cleaning, you got up with both of your childern in your arm first laying aegon down in his bed. He shifted a bit before you kissed his head and tuck him in, you left his room going to your daughter's room next to get her settle in and soon moved to close the curtains. You go to your room to undress and get into your nightgown you grabbed the book on the side table by your bed as you waited for your husband, your knees were against your chest as the book lay on top as you flickering to the page you were last on.
The door to your chambers were opened not long later in the night you didn't look as you continued to read, viserys looked at you before noticing the earrings he got not that long ago was on the floor.
"What are these doing on the floor." He asked picking them up and turning to you.
"Must have fall." Your eyes was still trained on the book when you spoke.
"All the way over here." You shrugged turning the page, viserys sighs putting the rubies back to their original place before walking to your side of the bed and taking a seat on the edge.
"Does this have to do with what happened earlier between you and daemon."
"Nope." You said.
"Do you wish to talk about it?" He asked.
"No." You said again not in the mood to speak about daemon ever again, your eyes moved to his hand settling on your knee.
"You know you can talk to me about anything, I been told I hive decent enough. advice" he said looking at you with a sincere look, you sigh thinking about what you could say without making it into a big deal.
"I know...it just daemon being daemon, it wasn't serious."
"The way you stalk away says other wise..." you look up at him for a moment before sighing putting your book aside.
"He said something I didn't like." Viserys moved getting up heading over to his dresser.
"What about?" He asked pulling out a loose linen tunic.
"Us and something about the succession." You moved your book to your side table as viserys walk to his side of the bed.
"Like?" You side eyed viserys not saying anything, he said your name making you turn to him.
"It's nothing I do not wish to speak on it again, I wish to rid my mind of him and focus on something else." You said as viserys got under the covers, your hand went to his chest with a small smile.
"Is that your answer whenever you do not feel like talking, sex." He asked turning on his side.
"Yes, but if you don't wish for me to continue then–" he shushed you with his lips pulling your hand under the covers, he moaned against my lips as his hand move to your waist before sliding down to your thighs clenching your nightgown before pulling it up. Your moved your hand back up to his shoulder pushing him to lay on his back, you threw you leg over his waist pulling you gown up a bit so they pool around his waist to straddle him.
"This position makes me feel old." He comments his hands caressing your thighs, you tilt your head to the side with a small smile.
"I know but atleast you can still pleasure a woman, not many lords can say that." He rolled his eyes chuckling as his hands go further up your thighs.
"Rumors you heard I presume?" He asked.
"Nope heard it from their own wives." You both chuckled as you bend forward capturing his lips, you grew wet at his thumb against your pearl moaning softly.
Your body begin to react to viserys touches as you move on top of him, when you first married viserys you didn't hold him in the same light as you did daemon. So, when it was time to consummate the marriage you laid their expecting nothing more than him chasing his own peak, but the first night he surpised you he was gentle and considerate making sure you were okay throughout it all. He knew what he was doing unlike some men you heard about from their lovers, he took his time and at the end of the night you were satisfied.
After that you thought that would be the end and you both part ways to your separate chambers, but he wanted to see you again to just talk but sometimes you would refuse out of respect for daemon. Yet, still daemon haven't came back to king's landing you could take a month even three but almost a year was too long, so you started thinking about yourself for once and you let viserys in. So much so that he asked you to move into his chambers and you accepted, but it took you a well to get used to seeing viserys in a way especially since he knew you since you were a teen.
You panted with your head thrown back feeling close as your hands were clawing at his chest, one of viserys hands were massaging her breast well the other was playing with her heat. As you both we close a knock came from your chamber door, you both ignore it as viserys fuck up into you but another came causing viserys to sigh.
"Just tell them to go away, my dear." You whimper out still moving on top of him, viserys was about to tell whoever the hell was disturbing them to go away when otto yelled through the door about a urgent matter.
"No, no, viserys..." you growled lowly when he shift causing you to move to the side and cover your body with the covers, you watched annoyed as he stalk over to the door swinging it open.
As the door opened Otto's word caught in his throat when he saw you, you sat up on your right elbow giving him a small smile and little wave. I guess viserys notice otto's eyes and blocked your veiw of the man, you could hear whispering so you couldn't make out most of the words they were saying. The only words you caught were "fleabottom" and "daemon" making you roll your eyes making you to lay on your back, if it had something to do with daemon in fleabottom that was not urgent news.
You heard viserys say your name as he closed the door, and walk to the bed to pick up his pants.
"I have been summon." You rolled your eyes again sitting up.
"Can it wait? We were kinda in a middle of something." You motion with your hand as viserys didn't stop as he sat on the bed to put his boots on.
"I'm sorry, my dear. But, its very urgent I'm promise I'll make it up to you." He got up looking at you.
"Daemon in fleabottom is not a urgent matter, he goes there evey chance he gets it's nothing new. " You said getting fed up, Viserys look at you with hesitant look as he conseplating if he should tell you or not.
"Viserys...what is it?" You notice how his eyed held worry and a bit of anger.
"I'll tell you more when I found them." You looked flabbergasted as he kissed you hairline.
"Wait, what? Who is them? Viserys!" He didn't respond back as he made his way out the door, you move out bed and pulled your discarded night gown over your head. The knee high socks you were wearing didn't help with the cold floor as you walk to your door, you saw that the guards were gone and their was no one in sight. The words them circled in her head as you panicked as you rushed to your son and daughter rooms to check on them, you go helaena first to see she still asleep in her cradle you sigh putting you hand lightly on her belly in comfort.
When you opened the door to aegon he was still asleep you look around as you walk in before kneeling at the side of his bed, you moved your hand to his hair caressing it before stopping as he shifted you quietly planted a kiss on his head before walking out the room. You walked back to your room with furrowed brows trying to think of who he was talking about until it clicked, the girls must have went to fleabottom with daemon or daemon convinced them to go with him. The moment you sat down their was a knock at the door you quickly got up and snatched the red shawl from the chair and wrapped it around to cover yourself before answering the door, you look at one of the knight that accompany you earlier.
"Ser Hallaw. What can I do for you?" The knight looked over your shoulder before looking at you.
"I was looking for the king, your highness. Is he not here?"
"No, he was pulled away from urgent business. What is it you need." You asked patiently.
"O-oh, I can just wait for him or if you don't made telling me where I can–" you cut him off with your hand.
"Is it anything that has to with my daughters and daemon?" He hesitated for a second before nodding.
"I saw them all heading towards the east wing of the castle," Your heart started beating fast.
"Did you see a bronze armor with a sword in front of him and his hand pointing to the right." He nodded again making you step out your door closing it behind you knowing exactly where to go.
"Do you know what happened in fleabottom?" You asked.
"Ummm..." The young man seemed unsure he should tell making her grow impatient.
"Your queen asked you question, do you know what happened?" The man swallow thickly.
"...s-ome of the knights saw the prince bring the princesses to a pleasure house, and some say that he was defiling both princess rhaenyra and bhaera." You held your composure at how disgusted and pissed you were.
"Ser Hallaw, do you wish to be a lord someday." You asked calmly.
"Yes, my queen."
"Good. Because it be a terrible fate for a man like youself to be spreading such a rumor like that around, wouldn't it." You smiled as fear over took the man face.
"Y-yes, my queen." She nodded.
"Good that you know. I'm going for a walk stay here until my husband returns." You walked around him making him look after you.
The thoughts of what you were going to do to daemon played over in mind at evey turn you made, you thought of him as a disgusting bastard but now you see him for what he really is a despicable monster. He surely isn't down with his temper tantrum now crossing the line in taking your daughters one is whom to be future queen and one to be married soon to a brothel, and now he took them far east to the castle where they used to hide away from everybody else to fuck. The more you thought about the more you knew you should have never ignore your gut, you should have payed more attention maybe you could have stop him for ruining your daughters' reputation.
But, no more you didn't care as much as you care for viserys his brother was a danger to this family, and you didn't know how you were gonna make him go away but he gonna have a choose between walking out or leaving in bloody peices you were hoping for the latter. You walked past the bronze armor and twisted the knob to see if it was knock, you huffed in gratitude as you bust into the large room.
"Bhera? Rhaenyra?" You shouted looking around, you looked see nobody before you heard a soft moan coming from the bed that was blocked by the curtains that surround it. You stomp over to the bed flinging the curtain apart ready to drag either daughter out, only to found daemon alone without a shirt and smelling of alcohol.
"Where are they." You snapped at him, he stretched rubbing his face before tilting his head at you with a smile.
"Who?" You launched at him only him to roll of the bed away from your clutches.
"Too slow." He said making you scramble off the bed and grabbed the heaby candlestick.
"Don't play dumb with me, you fool. Where are my daughters." You hissed rounding the bed as he back up.
"Last time I saw them. I think they were on their back with some who‐" Daemon ducked his head to the side as you threw the candlestick at them.
"Liar! The knight said he saw you lot coming this way, now where are they." You picked up his boots ready to throw them at him.
"Ser Hallaw. Oh, I told him to say that to get you here." He smiled widely putting his hands in his pockets, you looked perplexed and shock.
"Why?" You held up your arm ready to throw his own boot at him.
"I wanted be the one to tell you myself, how much they enjoyed when I fucked them like filthy whores and how they moan like bitches in heat." He ducked again as you threw one of his boots near his head.
"You vile thing I hope the gods strike you." You grunted launching the other boot at him only to miss, you looked around for anything else to throw at him.
"They favor me too much to do so, I am invincible." He chuckled before it turned into a painful groaned when you threw a book at his abdomen.
"How about now you son of a bitch, you still feel invincible." He glared daggers at her before stalking towards her making her back up.
"Get the fuck away me." You launch another book at him only for him to swat it away, you stumbled a bit as you walk backwards trying to put as much distance between you two.
He grabbed your arm pulling you towards his body as he grin down at you, you moved your knee up hard getting him in his jewels. You pushed him off you making him fall backwards onto the rug as he held his hands between his legs, you weren't finish with your assault when you started hitting him.
"You bastard...how could you do this...their only childern." He put his arms up blocking your hits.
"Please, their women and time for you and my brother to see that." You stopped briefly at what he said you glared down at him with anger.
"You disgusting creature do you have any idea what you done." You yelled at him as he looked up at her.
"Bhaera is to be married to a good man to a stark boy and rhaenyra is to be queen who would want them now." You scream getting off him and turning away you cried in your hands, you worked so hard to make sure that your daughter had a good life after her father passed. One of the reason, you said yes to viserys offer to marriage she needed a good father figure,and now everything she worked so hard for her daughter is not ruined because of this scum.
"This must put you and my brother in a tight position now, for all we know one of them could be pregnant with my child." You couldn't help but cry more at that revelation, by the gods your poor babies.
"But, their is a way you could still save their reputation, by simply marry them off to me." You snapped around at him.
"No, you vile pig if you think for second this is how you get the iron throne, then your dumber than you look." He wore a light smirk as he stood merely a few feet away from you.
"What?" You snapped.
"Just admit it." You looked at him stern not knowing what he was talking about.
"Bhaera is my daughter, isn't she." He said with a smirk you looked at him with distan and defeat.
"Please, tell me you didn't touch her, daemon." He walked up to you looking down at you he moved his thumb across your cheek wiping away your stained tears.
"No, but you would be unhappy to hear how grand she was when she found out that I am her father," you hanged your head in sorrow.
"You should have saw the look on her face first shock, then confusion which turned into anger, and finally acceptance. Who knew growing up could be great." He caught your wrist before you can punch him in his stupid smug face, he grabbed the hold of the other one pulling you close.
"I hate you." You hissed.
"Your get over it after a good fuck." He smirked before putting a arm around your shoulder and pushing his lips against yours. You free arm pushed against his chest but his hold on you was a iron grip, he sucked and bit your bottom lip before shoving you on the ground you kicked you legs at him only for him to grab them pull you forward.
He laid on top of you planting wet kisses against you neck as he pulled up your nightgown, you shudder when his fingers swipe against your folds he moan in your neck.
"...soaken wet...all for me, my love." He whispered in your ear.
"No, it was from your brother before you interrupted us." You said snarky making him pull away and louring at you with a mixture of anger and detest, you made a noise when his hand wrapped around your neck making your hand go to his wrist.
"Didn't your mother teach you if you can't say nothing nice, you shouldn't say nothing at all." You watched as his head snapped to the side after you slapped him getting tired of him talking, he leered down at you making you glare back up at him.
"Your gorgeous when your angry." Was the only words he said before moving back to capturing your lips, He hastily pulled the strings apart from your nightgown before shoving his hands in to massage your breast. You let a small moan slip past your lips that was all daemon needed for you to twist you on your stomach, you heard him quickly unbutton his pants you felt the cool air hit your backside you laid your head down moaning at daemon's fingers making you grow wetter.
You clenched your fist feeling him slowly push inside you, you heard curses fall from his lips as his hand settles on your mid back.
"I forgot how magnificent your cunt feels, my love." He mutters out as he slowly pulled out and push back in.
"...stop talking." He chuckled lowly before using his strength to pull on your knees so you could be on all fours.
His hand slides from your back to your shoulder grabbing hold as his other hand stays on your waist, daemon fucks into you his hips smacks against your ass making you whimper at the pace. It been so long since you both been togther so long since you both touched one another, daemon grabs your ass squeezing them as he fucks harder into you. He watched as you slowly unravel as sweet whispers fall out of your mouth in waves, he groan softly as you squeeze around him as you was close to coming as was him. You was pushed back down flat on your stomach with your hips a bit in the air as daemon lay on top of you grasping your balled up fist, he moved your white hair away from your face as he planted kisses on your cheek and shoulder. His short hair fall from it neat slick back hair style as you vibrated under him as you came with a silent cry, daemon didn't stop pounding until he came himself he collapse on top of you still spouted his seed inside you to take and hold.
Neither of you moved your head was flat on the ground with your eyes shut tired, daemon's legs was tangle with yours he moved his foot to caress your own making you lazily do the same making him smile a bit. He finally pulled out and laid beside you on his back putting his arm under his head he looked to the ceiling feeling a bit nostalgic, memories of you both coming here fucking and making love still play fresh in his mind from time to time. He looked over at you with your eyes still close and hand against your chin taking in the quiet, he turned on his side to face you moving his hand to put a strand of hair behind your ears. You crack your eyes opened to see him how close he was to you, making you turn your body to face him as you put your hands under your cheek laying on them.
"...run away with me." He whispered.
"Where will we go?" You asked quietly back.
"...anywhere far from here, we can go to braavos or pentos...hell we can even go to the isle of love." His hand moves to hold your cheek as he tell you all the things you can do togther as if you never heard these promises before.
"This time would be different, you were right about me and I want you by my side..." he could see that you were sure about all this so he said something you never imagined him saying to anyone.
"...I love you, and I want you be my wife and bear more of my childern." You stared at him for a minute.
"No." You sit up leaving him stunned on the floor, he let out a huff before turning to sit up and look at you as you fix your grown.
"So, that's it." You nodded.
"Yep. That's it." You moved to get your shawl that fall on the bed when you tried getting daemon.
"I don't understand this is what you always wanted–"
"Yeah, when i was single and childless." You tied the shawl around your shoulder before looking at daemon who was still on the floor.
"Now, that you have all of that you don't need me anymore. What the fuck was this then." He said getting angry, sometimes daemon couldn't tell what he was feeling was real or not he made a habit out of faking things a lot to get his way. Including, promising naive women that he was going to make them his queen and that they would be togther forever, but in reality it was a game for him to play.
"A farewell to my old life with you," you walked over to the door only to stop when he call your name.
"Don't turn your back on me, I gave your life meaning...you owe me." He was right he did give your life meaning he gave you a daughter, he abandoned you which turn you married his brother which gave you two more beautiful childern but...
"I don't owe you anything." You opened the door before slamming it shut behind you leaving daemon all alone in a full of nothing more than memories.
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holylulusworld · 1 month
Designed by pain (9)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, past break-up, arguments, daddy Dean
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (8)
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Dean couldn’t find sleep that night. He tried to close his eyes, but all he saw was the ring on the bed while the words from your note echoed in his mind.
You wanted him to stop you from leaving, and he didn’t even know about it. 
His mother stole the only chance he had to see you swollen with his child and hear the first cry of his baby boy.
She stole everything from him. And he let her. 
It’s the first time in his life he doesn’t know what to do. Dean has lost his way, and he’s not sure there is a way to fix what he and his mother destroyed years ago.
Coming here was an act of desperation, nothing else. He didn’t think this through. All Dean wanted was to meet his son, and somehow, he had hoped there would be a chance you’d forgive him. 
Wishful thinking. A daydream he had hoped would come true.
A lie he sold himself so easily while he was clawing at the seat on the plane. Dean is a great pretender when it comes to his feelings. He pushes them away, pretending to not feel the emptiness inside of him since you left his side.
“Can’t sleep?” Sam yawns and slowly sits up. “Dean, you should try to get some sleep. Y/N allowed us to stay and agreed to talk to you in the morning. That’s more than you could’ve dreamed of.”
“I fucked everything up,” Dean sighs, and rolls to the other side to hide the tears well up to his eyes. “I could’ve had a life with Y/N. Sammy, I’ve missed her pregnancy, and the birth of our child. I didn’t see his first steps. His first word wasn’t daddy because I wasn’t around. Do you know how this feels? Do you?”
Sam fights the tears and the lump in his throat. He doesn’t know how it feels because he was there, watching his baby boy's every step. “No…I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Dean huffs. “I got drunk and hurt Y/N. I let Mother walk all over her and didn’t even try to contact Y/N. You wanted me to find her, but I let my doubts and issues get in the way.”
“You didn’t know about the note, and her pregnancy,” Sam slowly sits up. He slips out of the bed to place his hand on Dean’s shoulder. “I know Y/N is still hurt, but Mother played you both. If there is a slight chance Y/N will at least let you be a part of your son’s life, take it. Don’t chicken out. Just take it.”
“Fuck’s sake, I’m trying to do the right thing. It’s just…” Dean sniffs. “It’s all so fucked up. Our mother ruined my relationship out of spite. Father tried to hit on my fiancé and still drools all over her. I’m a father and don’t know how to tell my son that he grew up without a father because I was the one fucking things up between Y/N and me.”
“Can you not say fuck all the time?” Sam grunts. “You can’t cuss all the time while a kid is around. Dean, you need to learn to control your mouth and use your brain as a filter.”
“I can curse as much as I want to as long as Michael is not around,” Dean argues. “Now lemme sleep.”
“You didn’t sleep at all. Your grumpiness kept me awake,” Sam bites back. “But fine. Go ahead and ruin your chance. I’ll fly back home tomorrow.”
“Sammy…I…I need you here. I don’t know what I’m doing here,” Dean sits up to look at his brother. “Can she ever forgive me? It was all my fault…my fault alone…”
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“Arthur, not now,” you rub your tired eyes while arguing with your boss and best friend. “I know you don’t like Dean, but this can’t be helped. He’s here, and I need to find a way to handle the situation. Michael deserves to know his father…doesn’t he?”
Ketch shakes his head. He stares at the closed front door while you nervously run your hands up and down your arms. “I came here to check on you because you cried last night, Y/N. He’s in town for not twenty-four hours and already made you cry. Let me throw him out of your house.”
“Ketch…” you grab his wrist and stop him from entering your house. “I love you like a brother, but this is something you can’t do for me. Michael needs to know, and I need a conclusion too. Let me handle Dean.”
“Do you trust me?” You look him straight in the eyes. “Do you believe I’m a smart and independent woman able to make my own decisions?”
“Yeah… I mean…” He stammers now. “Of course, my dear…”
“Then let me make my own decision,” you pat his hand. “You’re a good friend, and I—”
You can’t end your line because Dean storms out of your house. He immediately attacks catch, landing a blow to your friend’s cheek. “YOU! You kept her away from me! You sonofabitch! Now you come here to get her? Forget it!”
“Dean! No!” Sam tries to stop his brother, but Ketch and Dean are already throwing punches at each other. You can only watch them fight over you, or whatever they believe they are fighting for.
You and Sam yell while the men fight and argue. Ketch yells at Dean for leaving you and his baby, while Dean calls Ketch a girlfriend-stealing gremlin.
You’d chuckle at Dean’s choice of words but they are about to seriously injure each other.
“STOP THIS NONSENSE!” Sam yells. He wants to get in between the men. “DEAN!”
“He’s my dad?” 
You turn around like in slow motion to watch your son’s eyes widen. His face falls, and he sniffles. 
“Baby…I—” you try to find the words to explain why you never told your son about his father. “We should head back inside.”
“He’s my dad?” He says again, a little louder this time. “But…” Michael shakes his head. “I hate you! All of you!” 
“No…I…” You sniffle. “Great! I hope you are both happy now!”
Part 10
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thexmistress · 8 months
Happy Anniversary Ch. 2
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5 years later Friday. March 20, 2023, 8:05am
It would be a lie if Satoru said he felt any regrets at this moment laying in bed with Utahime while their son came barging in their room and jumping on their bed making them laugh at his hyperness. “Look what I made dad! I drew a picture of me,” the boy pointed to the small blob on paper, “mommy,” pointing to the bigger blob in the middle, “and you!” Pointing to the even bigger blob making Satoru chuckle taking in the family portrait. Satoru sat up and placed Ren in the middle of him and Utahime.
He took the picture from the snaggle tooth child and examined it closer “This is a masterpiece Ren! I knew you took after me in many talents but this just takes the icing on the cake…. but why do I have black hair?” Satoru questioned the boy making the raven-haired child smile at him sheepishly “uh... I can’t find my white crayon, so I just made your hair the same as me and mommy” Utahime giggled and snuggled their child closer to her “well it’s perfect honey” she peppered kisses over Ren’s face making him giggle.
At that moment Satoru felt free watching the woman he loves with their child. He wanted nothing more than to savor this moment forever. Getting out of bed he looked towards them “Well how about we celebrate our son becoming the next Picasso and go out to eat for breakfast! I can call Uncle Suguru too so he can join us.” What Satoru thought was going to be another good day turned out to be the worst day ever in his life.
Breaking News: A car accident reported in Tokyo, Japan at 10:46am. A side-impact collision between 2 cars leaving 1 child in critical condition. The remaining passengers have been reported to face minor to no injuries.
JR Tokyo General Hospital 4:35pm
It has now been hours since they been at the hospital. Satoru never felt so scared and guilty in his life. It all happened so fast he didn’t see the truck coming from the side of them he blames himself for being too busy singing on the top of his lungs with his son and Utahime that he didn’t even had time to register the truck speeding towards them, towards Ren’s side. He had his face in his hands the entire time his son was in the operating room.
Utahime was embracing the sobbing man telling him it’s going to be okay trying to ease the pain they both were going through. They were so engrossed with one another they didn’t even notice Suguru running towards them looking frantic. Suguru stood in front of them and crouched down in front of Satoru before taking one of his hands, he turned to look at Utahime “Where is he? I came as soon as you called, what happened?”
Satoru was still looking down at the ground with tears that were silently flowing, face masked with guilt and anguish. “I-I… I didn’t see the truck Suguru, I swear I didn’t… we should’nt have left the house... it’s all my fault.” The man in front of them broke down again causing Utahime to reach out to him and pull him towards her into an embrace, rubbing her hands up and down his arm trying to console him. Suguru let go of his friend hand and looked at Utahime. They locked eyes for a few seconds sharing a moment of grief before she focused her attention on Satoru.
Another hour passed and the doctor came to them telling them their child was in stable condition but would need a blood transfusion due to the loss of blood during surgery. Satoru being the father hastily agreed to donate blood making Suguru glance at Utahime who was refusing to look the raven-haired man way. Satoru gave a quick kiss to Utahime before following the Doctor to do the blood transfusion while one of the nurses came to escort Utahime and Suguru to the new room Ren was transported.
Entering the room Utahime almost broke down seeing her child hooked up to an IV bag and a breathing tube. She quickly went to the side of the hospital bed and embraced her child’s hand tearing up at the sight of her baby. Suguru who was quiet this whole time was soaking everything in. It pained him to see Utahime and Ren in this state and he walked to the same side Utahime was on looking at her before glancing at the child that was unconscious……. “Is this our Karma?”
Blood transfusion denied. Reason: Not a match
“What?” Satoru srunched his face in confusion as he looked between Utahime, Suguru, and the nurse. Only two of them was refusing to make eye contact with him while the nurse looked at him with a look of pity. Utahime continued looking at their son laying in the hospital bed with tears threatening to flow down. “What do you mean it’s not a match? Is this a prank?” Satoru took a step towards the nurse “How am I not a match when that’s my son?!” Satoru yelled at the nurse who only looked at him with that same look that he didn’t want. She took a step towards him and placed her hand on his arm before saying the very thing Satoru was too blind to see. “It means you are not the father Mr.Gojo, I am sorry. But we need to find a match soon... When you all find a match, please come get me or the doctor so we can arrange the blood transfusion as soon as possible.”
With that the nurse left the 3 adults in the suffocating room. The tension in the room was unbearable and with Satoru still standing in the same position for the past 3 minutes the other 2 adults were starting to squirm in their seats. Suguru foot was tapping the moment the nurse told Satoru the news and it was at that moment Suguru realized he had enough, he couldn’t do this anymore so knowing the next few words that would come out his mouth would ruin the friendship him and Satoru shared he knows he couldn’t keep living in this lie. So, he stood up and faced Satoru who only looked at him with teary eyes and opened his mouth to say “It’s me. I’m the father of your child.”
It all happened to quick for Suguru to react because next thing he knew he was on the ground after getting punched in the face by Satoru. Security was called after many of the nurses tried to get Satoru to let Suguru out of a chokehold and soon after the white-haired man whose strands were painted red with blood had to be escorted off the premises. As he was being escorted out the room by police Utahime was clinging on to his arm rambling her sorries to him.
Her crocodile tears were making his ears ring and at that moment for the first time he truly felt regret, he couldn’t believe he was living in a lie for 5 years. He yanked his arm from her grasp and looked down at her with a look that made her stop her ramblings, “I don’t want to hear shit from you anymore, we’re done! I wasted 5 years! 5 years! That’s not even my kid in there! If you can lie to me about that, what else were you lying about?!” Before she could answer the police nudged him to continue walking out the hospital doors leaving the tear faced woman alone watching his silhouette grow smaller in the distance.
(Y/n)’s Apartment 11:20pm
You were glad you finally had a night off and Aimi was fast asleep on the floor with her blanket wrapped around her. Her white hair (that unfortunately she took after her father) was sprawled out in a tangled mess from all the playing she did at Yuji’s 6th birthday party earlier. You groaned because you could’ve sworn you dropped her off with a nice ponytail and was mortified when you came to pick her up and watched her running out the house with a bird nest on top of her head.
‘It’s going to be a pain to brush her hair tomorrow’ you thought to yourself. ‘She’s still adorable though… even with that bird nest on her head.’ You giggled to yourself before turning your attention back on your show taking a few sips of your wine. You hate to admit it but ever since you gave birth to Aimi you’ve been drinking a lot more and now it became a habit, a routine. If you didn’t have at least 1 glass of wine before going to bed you were going to get a little cranky.
Your parents mentioned going to counseling because they were convinced you were depressed…. which they’re right of course but you felt like talking about the hurt you went through with your divorce and the 2nd half of your pregnancy wasn’t going to change anything. You just wanted to stop feeling hurt, but you wouldn’t even say you’re still hurt…... oh, who are you kidding, you’re still hurt but it’s more on the numb side. You don’t feel your heart leaking but it’s leaking.
Having to take care of a spitting image of him doesn’t help either and don’t even get you started on how Satoru’s instagram was filled with the birth of him and Utahime’s child but none of yours…. he didn’t even show up to the labor. He came the day after and in the words of Satoru “I guess that counts for something right?” You started feeling irritated again thinking about that while you take another sip or four of your wine. You weren’t even paying attention to your show at the moment. Just thinking how lousy of a baby father he is. He barely even sees his daughter, the agreement between you both was you have her on the weekdays, and he would have her on the weekends. Before she could even turn 1 the agreement of him having her on the weekends turned into every other weekend which now turned into once a month or whenever he can “make time”. ‘That lousy son of a-’
*ring**ring* *ring* your phone going off interrupted your thoughts and your face immediately sours after reading the name. Now what business do he have calling this late at night? “What is it Satoru?” You asked answering the phone. You were met with silence and white noise. You were starting to get impatient and almost hung up until he sighed and spoke in a low voice. “Sorry to call so late.. I-I was wondering if I can come over tomorrow night to see you and Aimi… I-I want to discuss some things… there’s some things I need to apologize to you for. To apologize to both of you.” It was now your turn to be silent. He wanted to apologize? ‘Aren’t you about five years too late?’ Is what you really wanted to say and end the call right then and there but at the same time it’s been about 4 months since Aimi got to see her dad and she has been asking about her “Toru-ru” (a nickname she came up with since she learned to talk) you sighed and internally rolled your eyes before saying “okay, come over around 7pm.” You hung up tossing your phone beside you and eyed the wine that you still had in your glass…. After 5 years now he wants to apologize. You gulped down the rest of the wine feeling it warm your belly. ‘I guess that counts for something right?’
Saturday. March 21st, 2023, 6:52pm
“Mommy! Are we really going to see Toru-ru?” Your daughter was excited, her blue eyes were gleaming as she swayed in her seat. You never thought to correct your daughter into saying daddy instead of the nickname she came up with because in your eyes he was never really a good father to her anyways. “Yep. He’ll be over here in a few minutes, and we’ll spend some time with him, he wants to see his little princess.” You gave her a kiss on the forehead and finished adding the final touches to dinner.
You made creamy shrimp pasta with sun-dried tomatoes since pasta was Aimi’s favorite meal to eat. She loves pasta so much you always tease her that she’s going to turn into one which she would reply “That would be the best thing to ever happen!” You turned the stove off and started to wonder to yourself if you were really cooking this for Aimi or for yourself. Well…. you’re really doing this for yourself. You hate to feel this way but you long for the look in your daughter eyes when the 3 of you are all together spending time even though it doesn’t happen that often. You can’t help but to feed your crazy delusions in having that family moment of just you 3 eating dinner together because you felt like you were robbed of it. Of everything. And it hurts you that you couldn’t provide Aimi with that stable family environment like her friends. She may not mention it, but you know deep down it affects her.
The doorbell to your apartment broke your thoughts and before you could react your daughter is already opening the door yelling “Toru-ru!” Holding her hands out for the blue-eyed devil to pick her up. He chuckled and tried to match her enthusiasm as he picked her up giving her kisses all over her face “Hey my princess, now why are you answering the door?? What if I was a stranger? That’s not safe” He gave her more kisses to her face making her giggle “But you’re not a stranger to me dad” She gave him a toothy grin. ‘Bullshit. He damn near is’ you thought to yourself before setting up the dinner table.
Satoru walked into the kitchen looking at you and taking the sight of you in. It’s been about 4 months since y’all seen each other and he can’t help but to feel a little awkward, not knowing what else to say he put Aimi back on the ground before walking closer to you making you look up at him. He smiled at you, and you noticed his eyes were a little puffy. ‘Was he crying?’
“Hey (y/n) thank you for allowing me to come over and spend time with you and Aimi” he took a seat at the table and you placed a plate in front of him, “I mean you are her dad, you’re supposed to spend time with her right?” You couldn’t help but to let the attitude show through your voice and you scolded yourself because you didn’t want Aimi to catch on, it wouldn’t be healthy for her to know you absolutely hated her dad’s guts. Aimi took the other chair and scooted it closer to her dad so she can soak up as much quality time with him as she can. “Toru-ru! You wouldn’t believe what happened at Yuji’s birthday party yesterday!” She started rambling to her dad and as you were placing the food on their plates you were started to relish this time
With Aimi catching up with her dad you glanced at Satoru who was giving his daughter all his devoted attention laughing when she would say something ridiculous. You started to feel your heart leak again. You took your seat at the table near them after you filled your plate with food telling them they can eat. “And one time mommy had a friend over, and he was helping make spaghetti, but they spilled ALL the sauce on the floor, and they fell! It was so funny!” At that Satoru head perked up from his plate and he glanced at you “Mommy has a friend?”
The question was geared more towards you, and you couldn’t help but to feel irritated of that accusing tone. “Yes, I had a friend over last week and his name is Toji. He came over with his son for a play date.” Satoru only looked at you as his ears perked up at the name and couldn’t help but to feel jealous. Throughout the whole 5 years he knew you were single so hearing you have a new ‘friend’ and it’s a guy that also has a kid was kind of eating at him as selfish as it sounds, he knows he has no place to say anything but Satoru being Satoru couldn’t help but to let his jealousy show. “So, you’re setting up my daughter on play dates with boys now?” You scoffed because you couldn’t believe the audacity this man has. “You’re daughter? Do you even have the right to say that?”
You both were glaring at each other and Aimi wasn’t a dumb child she started to have a feeling this family time wasn’t going to go well so she sneaked out carrying her plate to the living room with her iPad trying to hold in her tears. You noticed the change in your daughter demeanor which made you even angrier at the man glaring at you. “Do you see what you are doing? She wants to spend time with you and you’re just letting yourself absorbed feelings get in the way of that!” It was now his turn to scoff
“me? You’re the one who just denounced my fatherhood in front of our child!” You rubbed your forehead already getting tired. You’ve been so tired for so long and the emotions your heart was leaking was starting to get a bit too much for you to handle. You got up grabbing your plate “you know what, you’re right I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that in front of her. I’m going to go upstairs you can still spend time with her.” You put the scraps of food in the trash and the plate in the sink and began to head out the kitchen until Satoru grabbed your hand softly turning you to face him. You looked up at him trying to hold back tears. He looked at you with so much emotion and he bit his bottom lip to keep him for crying for the 10th time today.
“What is it Satoru?” You softly asked as you glanced away. You were suddenly taken aback when he embraced you into a hug. You felt him place his hand on the back of your head while his other arm was wrapped around your torso. He held you so close to him that you could hear his heartbeat and you swore you could hear his heart leaking like yours. “I’m so sorry (y/n), for everything, for cheating on you to abandoning you when you were pregnant, God, for not being there for Aimi,” he started sobbing on your shoulder and a part of you wanted to console him, but your arms just laid to your side. “Satoru please let me go so we can sit down and talk.” he didn’t want to let you go but he listened and sat down at the same table where he left you 5 years ago. It felt like déjà vu for him and if he could rewind time to stop himself from betraying you, he would. At this moment he would give up his kidney to be able to go back in time. He couldn’t help but to feel like this was his Karma and he never felt so wrong in his entire life.
“Why now? Why after 5 years?” You broke his train of thought as you stared at him from across the table with a stoic expression and arms crossed. “I –“ He began to answer but you cut him off, “why didn’t you show up when I was in labor? Why didn’t you keep your promise to see your little princess every weekend? How could you cheat on me while I was pregnant? While you were living with Utahime in her big house playing daddy I was here working overtime as a single mother…. And I still am, we would’ve got evicted out of this apartment if it wasn’t for Toji who paid our rent 3 months in advance to give me breathing room. God! I’ve only known him for half a year and he’s already been more of a father to Aimi than you ever been for the whole 5 years she’s been on this earth. He’s spent more time with her than you ever did, and I’m not even dating the guy, he does it because he wants to!” You sighed rubbing your face with your hands feeling the tingling sensation of your eyes water,
“I just felt so abandoned and alone Satoru. The trauma from the pregnancy to the birth to now is just too overwhelming for a simple Im sorry. I honestly don’t even want to hear it because it’s not going to change anything that I went through. It’s not going to change the hurt Aimi would feel when she can’t spend time with her dad cause she doesn’t ‘fit in his schedule’…. So why now after all of that are you here to apologize?”
You were breathing a little heavy after your rant and you still sat across from him waiting for his response. It was like your words knocked the wind out of him. He was so riddled with guilt and regret that he couldn’t keep his eyesight from blurring due to the tears. “I wasn’t a man… I’m not going to make excuses for my actions because there are none…. I found out yesterday that Ren isn’t my son. Suguru is the father and at that moment I felt so betrayed by both of them that I thought about you and how I betrayed you. I’m sorry that it took all this time for me to see that…. I... came here to apologize to you and I want to do better for our daughter. I wasted five years raising a son that wasn’t mine when I neglected my own daughter. I know what we had is over and what I did to you is unredeemable but,”
Satoru got up from the chair and walked in front of you and started to get on his knees keeping eye contact with you before bowing to the ground with his head touching the floor. “Please let me redeem myself to our daughter, please let me show you both that I will be a better father for her, please.” He was still bowing on the ground, and you couldn’t help but to feel a little pity for him…. But at the same time, you felt like why should you give grace to the man that was literally the cause of your depression until you remembered the sight of your daughter when Satoru came and how happy she was. You may not be as forgiving but a child seems to always forgive their parent for their shortcomings. You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed before giving in. “Okay... let’s start with you having her on the weekends.”
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(A/N: “Fuck it let’s do it, fuck it let’s do it.” We making this shit into a series, fuck it lol! But please excuse any editing, grammar, or whatever mistakes I may have in this chapter…. I may or may not have been writing this while sipping wine :P ANYWAYYSSS With the news of Ren actually being Suguru’s and Utahime’s child and the addition of Toji being in y’all’s life I just can’t leave the story with too many loose ends like that lol. I was writing this with the intention of this being the finale, but we still got a few questions and topics that need to be answered. So, I’m giving this series at least 10 chapters. And I don’t even know what will happen. Did Ren survive? Why was Satoru such a deadbeat father? Will Suguru and Satoru friendship ever return to what it was? Will Satoru and Utahime get back together? Will you and Satoru get back together? Will Satoru still see Ren as his own? And what is the truth behind this ‘friendship’ between you and Toji? Ugh. I just opened a can of worms yall…. I made more work for myself lol. But I hope y’all enjoyed this chapter!!!! I will try to update on my off days this week. So, chapter 3 and 4 might come out this Wednesday and Saturday? All I know is we might need a Valium and 3 shots of tequila once we get finished with these people)
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suekeyyyy · 7 months
If your requests are open. Could you do a homelander smut with a female reader where she already has a baby and he see her breastfeeding the baby and i would like it rough and hard only if you're okay with writing if not i will take anything. Thank you
I got you bro.
Long days.
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Homelander x fem!reader
Summary: Vanessa has been Ashley's assistant for about Six months and has become pregnant and has her baby Skyler a baby boy.
Warnings: bad words, groping, babies, Smut, Breastfeeding, nipple play, Oral, breeding, Gass lighting.
- Vanessa sat in her office, typing an email for black noirs. Accepting the new sponsorship as the face of some serial brand when she hears the door of her office open, she looks up and sees Homelander in smiles. " Homelander, it's nice to see you again." She smiles back at him, tilting her head to the side a little.
" Ms. Holland, it's nice to see you, to how is the baby aaa Sky was it?" He asked in a sarcastic way she gave him a dry chuckle." Skyler, and yes, he is well." Homelander insisted on meeting the boy when he was first born, but he only met him when he was 4 months old.
Homelander looked down at Vanessa boobs they were bigger, and her hips were wider to he bit his lip. " Do you need help with everything, Homelander?" Are you trying to get rid of me?" He smirks. " Not at all." She says, finally fullly looking him in his face, her glasses Reflected her screen and the email she was sending.
" Well, Ashley sends her best wishes to baby Skyler. The little guy is so adorable, right, Ms. Holland?" He was jealous of the baby she could hear it in his voice. " Oh yes, he is."
Homelander stares at her. " Is there any way I could see you in private? Maybe we could discuss it over lunch, or maybe dinner? Or if it’s more comfortable for you, we could meet in room 204 in the next hour? I just find that the privacy of a hotel room really makes for a much more relaxed, honest environment." She chuckled at his sweet yet childish request. " I only have two hours of work left. Why can't you just visit my house like normal?~"
" Oh, but don’t you see? That's precisely the point. I want us to have a private discussion, an intimate encounter, something that'll leave a lasting impression. Just imagine us... alone at a table, enjoying the company of each other over a delicious meal. a romantic night, just you and me." Goes behind her chair and rubbed her shoulders.
" I have to pick up Skyler from daycare, so I have to say no. Even if I want to do it, just come over after my shift, it would be easier. " He sighed Aggravated by her.
" No, no. You don’t understand, dear. What we do together will have to be a secret. I can not just pop over to your little house for a casual visit. I need total privacy. That's why I need a hotel room with soundproof walls where no one will bother us. It's the perfect place to have deep and rough-"
He rubbed her shoulders harder, but she cut him. She smirked that him " I have soundproof walls.~"
"And a nice big mattress, too?" He asked a smirk on his face, and she nodded." Well, then, may I come over after you pick up Skyler?" "mhm." She smiled he was so cute.
" Excellent. And don't worry, my lips are sealed. Our little secret is going to stay exactly that. A secret. I swear. I'll see you soon, sweetheart. And call me John." She waves him out.
About two hours later, Vanessa clocks out and divers to Skyler's daycare. She walks into the building and signs, and that's usually does writing her son's name, then her name, and how she was related to him.
She walks to the newborn, an infant room when she sees a Sister Cassie. She was classified as a nun, the only one at the daycare.
" Oh, Ms. Holland Skyler is in play pin with the other babys." Sister Cassie loved Vanessa she was a powerful woman in her eyes. Taking care, baby, by herself with no man to help her. "Thank you, Sister." She walks over to the huge play pin and sees Skyler and smiles,"My baby boy. " She says and reaches out to grab Skyler, Skyler smiles, and when he sees that, it's his mommy.
She walks out with Skyler spitting up on her power suit. She sits her Skyler down, making sure he is safe in his blue monster ink car seat.
The fit.
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[ A/n: With socks with no kevonn on it. ]
- Vanessa pulls up to her home and goes to the back seat, grabs the car seat, and walks it to her house door. Opening it and locking it behind herself, she walked straight to Skyler's room just as she sat his car seat down he started crying and yelling.
She picked up the boy only for him to yell louder she started to unbutton her shirt, slow sitting down, showing her black bra she pushed down her left side of her bra.
Revealing her tit to the boys, Homelander sat in the room next door face to the wall watching, and he was turned on.He had a bin there for about an hour sitting and walking around her room sniffing her stuff her bras just be closer to her.
Skyler was already lached to her boob his right baby holding her hand while to others holding her boob she really loved her baby Skyler.
"Shh.. It’s okay, Skyler. Mama’s here." Vanessa gently rubbed her son’s head as he latched to her breast, drinking in her milk. "Shhhh... It's okay. Everything's is fine. Mama's is right here." A contented smile spread across Vanessa’s face as her son fed. She sat there for a moment, rocking back and forth, gazing down at her newborn and savoring this precious moment.
Homelander drolled. Only slightly wiped his face, not carrying that much about the drol ' Hmm, the little bastard doesn't seem to notice me at all. He only has eyes for those boobs. Just as he should. I can't wait to put my own lips on those things. I'll suck those things dry, and when she'll begs me for more, It's going to be so... Satisfying I'm going to have so much fun with that woman.'
about two minutes later. Skyler was a sleep in his crib. Vanessa fixed her shirt and walked into her room only to see Homelander.
"Ah, there she is. What a beautiful mother you are, Ms. Holland. It's so sweet watching you take care of a child. An seeing you're with an all-you-can-eat buffet. I mean wow."
She only chuckled it wasn't the first time he had done this she it was normal of her. " Well, thank you for the compliment." She pats his cheek.
Homelander smiled. "I have a request, Ms. Holland. I'd like to taste your milk. May I drink it fresh and warm? Straight from the source?"
Vanessa had Surprise looked on her face he had watch her nurse before But he never took it this far. She bit her lip.
' what the fuck am I doing?'
" Sure, why not? I mean, there's a first time of everything." She slowly walked to her queen size bed Revealing her black bra once more."Mmm, looks delicious." Homelander was enjoying every moment he walked up to the woman Bending down to her Torso unbuttoing her heat belt and pulling her pants down.
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- She had white underwear on Homelander Roughly pushed her back into the bed she yelped as he pulled down her underwear. He got in-between her legs and kissed her biting her lip.
She raped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer he unbuttoned her bra. " Shit." He said, looking her her boobs the bare light brown skin of Vanessa's boobs and the Hazel of her nipple as it strained against the air making them hard. He took the the buds into his mouth making her moan out.
An hold his face closer, she slowly pulled down his plants showing of his horse cock he bit her nipple she jolted and before she could protest Homelander had her on her Stomach and he whispered " Did I say to take off my pants?" She was surprised by his reaction." Answer me slut." He sounded cold in his voice.
' Slut who is he talking to?'
" No you didn't." "So why did you do it?" She gasped as her Felt his dick going to her body " Oh John!"
He whispered to her as he pounded into her. Relentlessly, one of his gloved hands grabbed her as wall the other held her boob as milk as slow came out. She grabbed for the head borders of her bed, trying to stabilize herself as she moaned and cried out for Homelander.
"Oh, that's good and you're good milk-maker, aren't you, Vanessa?" He said into her ear. "You've been pumping it out just for me, haven't you? Because you know I want as much of it as you can give me. I want it all, Vanessa. I can't get enough of it. You belong to me, now Vanessa. " He whispered to her.
She moaned out louder she moaned longer as she felt him hit her G-spot."Oh, John, yes, right there right there!"
" Right here!?" " Yes!" She yelled out as he hit it harder. Homelander griped the back of the hair, pulling her head back, and he kissed. She melted in his hands like slime.
Wall in the next room, baby Skyler sound a slept peacefully with his blanket kicked off.
" I'm gonna - " go ahead, dear, come for me." Vanessa and Homelander both came at the same time, and her hole body went limp.
Homelander's satisfied smile grew wider. He slowly pulled out of Vanessa's body. He flipped the woman on her back and gave her breast, and gave a final squeeze before releasing it. He leaned back, his body relaxed.
Vanessa sleepaly climbs up to Homelander's chest, holding him close to her. He looked at the sleeping Vanessa, then in the next room sleeping baby Skyler. Both of them were his to pamper now. " I love you, John." Vanessa whispered, and he only kissed her forhead. " Yeah, of course you do."
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lizstory · 1 year
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Ethan Landry x fem reader (Stu Machers niece)
warnings- Scream 6 Spoilers! death
summary- Ethan wasn't the person you thought he was. He was your boyfriend, the loving, sweet, awkward boy you met when you came to New York, but that wasn't the case. He was someone else, something else.
wordcount- 1,400
A/n- I want to write more Ethan stories. some preghostface and some during ghostface killing. I also will be wrtiting more marvel characters so if you have any request please leave some!
To keep the last name Macher was a mistake. You had never thought about it before till this very moment. Standing before Quinn and Ethan, or so you thought, who Ethan was. He was your loving boyfriend there for you when people approached you asking if your uncle was still alive and if you would turn out just like he did. Stu Macher had died way before you were born, so you never got to meet him, but you did take an interest in learning about him. He was family, after all, despite being a serial killer. THE serial killer that partly inspired the rest of the Ghostface killers. 
"Maybe my mother was right," You sighed, closing your laptop. 
Ethan rubbed his hand up and down your back, soothing your pain. He knew about your past no matter how fast you tried to escape it. You trusted him. He placed a soft kiss on your temple. "Don't be too hard on yourself, baby." 
You rubbed your face. All you wanted to know was why your uncle did it all. He and Billy Loomis created a world where everyone had to double-take over their shoulder to ensure no one was following them. Was he indeed just a psychotic like your mother described? She always hated when you took an interest in what happened all those years ago, saying that becoming a killer runs in the family. 
"He was just a sick fuck. Doing all of this just for fun" Your heart ached, he was a killer, but he was your uncle. You created a version of him in your mind, where he was alive and well. He was the fun uncle that took you to eat a shit ton of junk food and always got you in and out of trouble. 
Ethan pulled you closer by his side, your head leaning on his shoulder. "You aren't like him, love." 
"Y/n right now is not the time to zone out!" Sam yelled
Quinn burst laughing, and the knife pointed at you. "And the funny part is that you believed Ethan got with you because he loved you." 
You stared at him. This whole time your eyes were glued onto him. He didn't smile when his gaze met yours. You had no idea what to feel at the moment. You were mad that he did this but wanted to burst into tears because, finally, someone knew the true you and loved you. 
"His favorite was Stu Macher, so you don't even know how excited he was to find out that the girl that was crushing on him was actually related to The Stu Macher" Quinn was satisfied with the fear in your eyes. She needed everyone in that room to feel the pain she was feeling. "He was so fascinated to hear about your family's details. You took him in and trusted him with everything." 
Your eyes prickled with water. They found their way back to Ethan. "Fuck you" 
"You all deserve this. You killed our fucking brother!" Quinn screamed 
Realization hit everyone. This wasn't the family that they pretended to be. This was a grieving family, and if they were after Tara and Sam, their brother's death had to do with what happened to them in Woodsboro. 
"Your Richie's family," Tara whispered. 
Sam stared at Bailey. His eyes filled with anger. His son was killed, and he was standing before his murder. "He was so pathetic," Sam whispered, gun pointing at her head. "He made his girlfriend do all the killing, then cried like a baby when I slit his throat," she spat with venom.
Bailey was inches from pulling the trigger, but Sam jabbed the knife in his hip. Quinn ran to help her dad. You tackled her to the ground before she could reach your friend. You pulled the knife out of your back pocket—the knife your uncle used to kill all his victims. Quinn's knife fell out of her grip when you tackled her.
"My mother always said it was in my blood to become a killer," You whispered. The knife was high up in the air and came crashing down to the middle of her chest. Before it made contact, arms were wrapped around your waist and pulled you up, then backward. 
"Y/n!" Tara yelled
You wanted to reach out to her hand and have her come and help you, but she would already be occupied. "Tara, watch out!" You screamed before being pulled behind a curtain. 
Ethan let go of his grip. You quickly turned around, and the restraint on the knife's handle only tightened, finally being face-to-face and alone with Ethan. He didn't run to attack. He didn't even take a stand to protect any vulnerable areas. You were relieved he wasn't attacking. You had no idea if you could even go through with hurting him. He was sick and used you to learn about his favorite fucking killer, but he was still the loving boyfriend you had all those moments with. 
"You have to understand why we are doing this" His voice was shaky. 
"I don't" You wanted to yell at him but also wanted nothing more than to run into his arms, bury your face into his chest, and wake up from this nightmare. "My brother is gone because Richie was so involved in scary movies, but you don't see me becoming a killer." 
Ethan stayed silent. He wasn't the only one grieving the loss of an older brother. He never understood why you didn't get revenge, why you didn't crave the feeling of the blood being splattered all over you as your victim screamed for help, but they'd be too late. 
You drop your knife on the ground as your tears fall down your face. "I trusted you." 
Ethan stepped closer, but you only moved back. He stayed still, knowing he couldn't hold you anymore. "What I felt was real." 
"Fuck you, Ethan" Your voice couldn't even be at its average volume no matter how hard you tried. "I believed you loved me. That performance deserved a fucking Oscar" You wiped the tears that screamed down your face. It felt wrong to wipe them away. Ethan always did it for you. 
"Baby, I did love you. I loved you so much" He stepped closer again, and you didn't step away this time. It looked like your body was fighting itself from going to him. He walked in front of you, his figure hovering over you. He placed his hand under your chin, forcing you to look up. "I still love you. You can walk away, and nothing will happen to you. We can live the life we were building together"
It sounded nice, but it could never happen. Ethan and his family hurt too many of your friends. He made a wound that could never be recovered. You placed a hand on his jaw, pulling his face in closer. He stared at your lips. Was this you accepting his offer? You closed the gap. His hand snaked to your waist while your hand was placed onto his shoulder, stabilizing your balance. The kiss was deep, salvia connecting your mouths in the moments you pulled away. 
"I'll love you forever." 
That was the last thing Ethan heard. The next moment, him falling to his knees. He looked up, tears streaming down your face and a knife in your hand. When had you grabbed your knife off the floor? He looked down and saw his hip was impaled. You fell to your knees, holding his weight in your arms. He didn't try to attack you too. He could never hurt you like that. You were too pretty to be harmed. He just sat there, finding comfort in his last moments being in your arms, the arms of the one person he loved. Your heart was pure, and he would forever hate himself for tainting it with this situation. 
He strained a smile, your sobs hurt him, but he liked to think about what kind of life he would've had with you if none of this had ever happened. If Ghostface wasn't real and his family wasn't influenced by it. Would he still have met you? He would have. Quinn was wrong. He wasn't with you just because you were Stu Macher's niece. He was with you because you were you. 
You placed his body on the ground. His breathing was gone, and his heart stopped. He was gone, and the blood was on your hands now. You wanted to stay there. Crying into your dead boyfriend's chest, praying that he would magically come back and tell you this was just a joke. At least then, he would hug you and tell you everything was ok. You forced yourself away from his body. He wasn't the only killer, and your two friends were still left alone with them. 
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bellarkeselection · 5 months
Our Little Kenobi part 2
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Part 1
Part 3
Request from @starvingbrokestudent Can you do a super sweet pregnancy fic with Obi Wan? Like the reader finds out she’s pregnant after fertility issues and Obi Wan is just so excited?! And how they try to keep it a secret from the council and eventually she has a baby boy?
Sitting down in my chair in the council room I was currently the only person in the room. The meeting didn't start for another few minutes and I was getting slower with the pregnancy. My reflexes weren't as sharp and sooner or later others would notice too. I heard footsteps coming around the corner but my shoulders loosened seeing Obi-Wan. He sits down next to me sending me a look. “How are you feeling today, Y/n?”
“I have been throwing up all morning to be honest. I barely made it to this.” I responded to him rubbing my eyes trying to wake myself up.
Obi wan sent me a sad smile. “I'm sorry for causing you discomfort.”
“I don’t regret the night we spent together. I just wish it didn't make me sick every morning.” I reassured my fellow jedi master.
He nodded, clasping his hands together staring at me until we heard more footsteps coming towards the large and open room. I saw Yoda and Windu come inside and the other Jedi master members followed their heels. They sat down in their chairs where I began feeling nervous and twiddled my fingers together in my lap. “Looking at the war effort we have. Need someone to rescue Jabas son we do.”
“Master L/n, we have considered you since you are the most fluent in his language.” Windu explained looking in my direction.
Yoda pointed his finger at me. “Most useful you will be on this you will be.”
“Oh masters, I am not sure I can go.” I stuttered running a hand through my hair feeling my face turning red trying to not make it obvious of the reason why.
Obi wan kept his cool, sitting more upright on his chair. It had been a few months since I had told him I was pregnant with his soon to be child. We knew the rules that we had vowed to the council and the laws that were in place. “Do you care to tell us why that is exactly?”
“Oh uh…I have been feeling sick the last couple of weeks. I suppose it must be a stomach bug.” I clasped my hands together in my lap.
Yoda tapped his fingers on his chin. “Understand it is. Rest and get better you should. Send Kenobi in your place we shall.”
“Forgive me, Master Yoda. But I must back out as well. I have sworn to train some of the younglings months before the war started.” He held his hands up placing his hands on his knees praying that they couldn’t sense his nervousness.
Master Windu rose to his feet but he doesn’t seem angry or suspicious of the responses we had given him. “We understand you’re commitment, Master Kenobi. We will decide someone else to begin the search for Jabba's son to prevent a war with his army against the Republic.”
“Thank you for understanding, Masters.” I bowed my head rising to my feet before leaving the room.
Obi wan had got to his feet too doing the same but he would go in the opposite direction of where I had and wait a few minutes for them to clear the room. Then he would follow me back to my quarters like we had talked about the night before. I sat down on the edge of my bed burying my face in my hands. “We can’t possibly keep this up forever…it’s just not possible.”
“I wish that you weren’t right about that.” Whipping my head towards the voice I saw Obi Wan had slipped his way into my room without me knowing.
Slumping my shoulders I signed laying down on my back counting the lines on the ceiling till he came over and the bed dipped at his new weight. “Obi wan…I didn’t hear you come in.”
“That’s not a bad thing when we have something to hide from the council. I am just glad that they don’t seem to suspect anything.” He responded by running his hands through his locks.
Turning my head in his direction I said what we were both trying not to think about. The fact that we may have to abandon our entire lives here because of the infant. “Obi-Wan, we'll have to leave here won't we?”
“If anyone on the council suspects us. Yes we will have too. I'll have to break my promise to Qui Gon to train Anakin…to honor my promise to remain by your side now and for however long our lives may last.” He interviewed his hands together in his lap.
I paused just watching him take in a few breaths. Obi-Wan and I had been friends for years so it was almost impossible for us to not fall in love with each other. We knew the other inside and out. We were bonded together, possibly even for life. But not yet in marriage. Over the past few weeks I had been deciding I wanted to be given his last name. I wanted my child to be able to address as a full born Kenobi. Reaching up I touched his shoulder making him look at me. “Obi, there's something I wanna do.”
“What is it, my darling?” He asked softly.
Leaning forward I kissed him quietly for a moment and he leaned into the kiss smiling till I drew back. “I know you already asked me to marry you so let’s do it this evening. I wish to become your wife tonight.”
“Who would we get to perform the ceremony?”
“Padme, she and Anakin had R2D2 and C3po do their wedding.” I replied.
Obi wan paused before rising to his feet and he held his hands out to me helping me stand up with him. I squeezed his hands before he leaned down kissing my forehead leaving the room going to find the members that we needed. “I’ll get everything set and ready. I’ll see you in your dress later, Y/n.” As soon as I had told Padme she was over the moon even giving me one of her very first princess dresses to wear as my wedding gown. Obi wan decided that we should get married on the temple roof at sunset which I found very romantic in my opinion.
Padme and Anakin were standing in the center of the roof with Obi wan by his padawan. C-3PO was standing in the center of the group. R2D2 was rolling in front of me, throwing some flowers until he reached the others. Obi wan lifted his head and immediately was at a loss for words seeing me before him. The dress I had on had long sleeves that were made of lace and I had a short heel on with my hair loose except for two strands tired back. Padme wiped away some tears. “I don’t think much needs to be said here. All of us who are here right now know that these two wouldn’t be doing this if they didn’t really love one another. So the vows if you would.”
“Y/n, I love you more than I thought I could anyone. And I have to say I am so grateful that I now join my life with yours.” Obi wan intertwined my hands with his, slipping the wedding band on my ring finger.
Squeezing my hands that were holding mine I chuckled, slipping the band on his finger trying to not cry too much on the borrowed dress from my best friend. “I love you to the stars, Obi. I know we didn’t plan the baby. But we have always been a good pair together so I am so excited to be your wife after today.”
“It is my great pleasure to now pronounce you husband and wife.” Padme declares looking at Anakin.
He smiled between the two of us. “Obi-wan and Y/n Kenobi sounds rather good to me.”
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ladylooch · 11 months
Omg it’s okay!!! My request was a smut with Nico and she has a breeding kink after playing with timo and Emma’s kid. And he sucks her tits a LOT. 🫠 and while they’re fucking he dirty talks about having a baby
-🌸 anon
A/N: Message me when you see what I did ☠️ Everyone say thank you 🌸 for smutty Nico and Lexi making our baby, Lucie.
Word Count: 2.0k
From this lil AU.
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I am not sure how much longer I can take this. 
Our nephew, Lio, is in love with Nico today. He wants nothing to do with either of his parents. The result of Nico carting this baby everywhere is my fertile ovaries bouncing in my body. They ache for Nico until it spreads like consuming wildfire across my skin, burying deep into my bones. The only cure is getting railed.
I push out a heavy breath, catching Emma’s attention.
“You good? You seem like you’re anxious.”
“I- uh.. Yeah. Your brother with Lio is really cute.” Emma shields her eyes, looking to the pool where Nico and Timo supervise Lio’s swim time. He’s wearing little floaties and a floppy, fish bucket hat. Nico is holding him outwards, trolling him through the water as he laughs. 
“Yeah that is precious.” Emma whines. “If I didn’t remember labor so distinctly, I might pull the plug and beg for another.” She shrugs, going back to her magazine.
Pulling the birth control plug would be so easy for me right now. I just wouldn’t start my new pack. We could dive right into bed together and he could… My mind gets lost in the fantasy of him and I working together for something so special in our fancy hotel room. Nico has been talking about babies more and more the last few weeks. We have been spending so much time with Timo, Emma, and Lio. The endless baby snuggles and giggles have turned into a craving for us both. Our apartment feels too quiet. Our life has something missing. But babies are a big change. And neither of us has had the courage to spit it out loud yet.
Lio’s crying pulls me out of my daydream. The three boys walk towards us. The upset baby reaches out for his mom with big, crocodile tears, trying to wiggle from Nico’s grasp.
“Oh sweet boy. Come here. Are you tired?” Emma pulls her son into her chest, stroking at his cheek as she gets him ready to nurse. Timo tosses a thin blanket onto the two of them and sits beside Emma on her chaise.
“He’s really tired. He keeps getting water in his eyes from rubbing his fists into them.”
“Yeah, we should go back to the room for a bit.”
“Honestly, I could use a nap too. This kid tired me out being his chauffeur all day.” Nico tells us, yawning at the end.
“He loves you so much.” Emma smiles at her little brother. “You’re daddy material for sure.” Her distinct wink at me has my lips pursing with a giggle.
We all head towards the bank of elevators. Nico asks if I want to grab a drink at the bar, but I shake my head. I am also sleepy from laying in the sun doing absolutely nothing, and laying with him in bed sounds like pure perfection. He is relieved when I say no. Inside our room, I run to the bed, jumping under the covers as Nico puts our pool stuff to the side. I snuggle in deep on his pillow. He chuckles, pushing me over so he can climb in.
“I wanna share this with you.” It’s a California King and fairly feasible. He settles on the other side, turned my way so we can look at each other. I think about telling him my desires from the pool, but his black lashes are battling sleep and it’s not the time.
Nico wakes me up an hour later with a gentle squeeze of my butt. Then, his lips begin to pepper kisses along my cheeks. 
“Hey, Emma just called. They are ready to head back down. Do you want to go or stay here?”
“Let’s go.” I nod, stretching out. I feel recharged from my nap and ready for another margarita. 
Nico heads to the bathroom then comes out, double checking the pool bags.
“Oh, Lio’s hat is with us.” He picks it up, showing me the floppy bucket hat that was responsible for the ovary bouncing. “I can’t wait to buy our kids cute stuff like this. I mean, come on.” He chuckles, tossing it to me. I catch it, tracing an orange fish with googly eyes. My eyes go back to his as he ruffles around in the bags some more, checking the sunscreen supply. He does a double take when he sees the look in my eyes.
“Neeks, I want you to get me pregnant. I want your baby in me like now.” The words fly out of my mouth suddenly. I clasp my hand over my mouth in shock. Then force myself to continue because the words touched air and I have an ache that will not let me breathe if he doesn’t soothe it. “I want our babies to grow up with Em and Timo’s kids. Let’s just have a whole parade of them together.”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m so serious. Drop the bags and put a baby in me.” 
With no hesitation, Nico empties his hands. He rushes across the room to me, lifting me up into his arms as we aggressively grope at each other. Tongues lap at each other as Lio’s fish hat falls to the ground at our feet.
“Please. Please.” I beg him again. “Watching you with Lio. It’s… done something to me. My brain chemistry is fucked. I don’t know.”
“Damn, Lex.” He moans. “This is so hot.” He groans back as I rub against him, squeezing him over his swim suit. “Are you sure? I need you to be so sure.”
“I am, babe. Please.”
“God, say ‘please put a baby in me’.”
“Please.” I whine earnestly. “Put your baby in me. Wanna make you a daddy, Neeks.”
Nico grunts out in earnest, then puts me on the edge of the bed. He reaches for my bikini bottoms, pulling them off and tossing them behind him. They land on the corner of the TV. I laugh, then suck in a surprised gasp as Nico strokes a finger through my slick flesh.
“Soaked. Baby.” He moans. “Are you off the pill?”
“Um, well, I was supposed to start today but I haven’t taken it.” 
“So this is… no birth control at all?”
“Fuck.” He moans, then pulls himself out of his blue swim trunks. He is rigid, veins protruding against the taut skin. His fingers stroke his hard length, oozing pre-cum out of his head. I untie the white cover up for him. He leans down, stroking himself still while sucking on my nipple through my bikini top. His fingers brush my clit, rubbing gracious circles while I press against his hand.
“Want you inside of me.” I moan, tangling my fingers through his locks as he sucks my other nipple. His mouth opens wider, sucking so much of my flesh into his mouth until his teeth tighten into a gentle bite. My ohmygod is lost in the air of the room, stifled out by the lack of oxygen in my lungs from Nico’s touch. I reach my hand down, encircling his throbbing cock with him and stroking in rhythm together. 
“Gonna cum on your stomach if we keep going.” He says, pulling away from my grasp to run his engorged head along my clit.
“We can’t have that. Need you to cum inside of me.”
“Lex, I did not think you had this in you.” He chuckles, poising at my entrance as he rests one hand on the bed by my head. 
“Look what made me into, Nico Hischier.”
“I’m so lucky.” He says against my lips as he beings to move inside of me. The intensity of his entrance is dulled by the sweetness of his lips on mine. He consumes my moans. “Gonna have the best mama for my baby.” I reach for the hem of his shirt, shoving it up his abdomen and trying to get it off his head. 
“Help.” I am desperate to touch his bare skin. He pauses inside of me, taking his shirt off and knocking his hat off too. I bite my lip as he comes down to kiss me again. His hand shoves my bikini top up my breasts to expose them. 
“I love your tits. I hope they get bigger.” 
“They will.” I moan. “And then you can’t have them.”
“Fuck. That’s gonna be tough.” He works himself deeper into me, watching my face for my head to do… that. It falls to the side as my face scrunches up in need. “Need your help to cum, sweets.”
“Don’t stop…” I whisper as my hand falls to my clit, rubbing in sync with his thrusting. “Nico.”
“I love you, baby. Come for me.”
His words make the ache explode into white hot heat in my core. My legs shake against his sides where he has my knees pressed back. His hands come up, shoving my thighs into my stomach as he fucks himself deep. I reach down, gripping his shaft and stroking forward as he releases cum inside of me. Nico squeeze my hand as we pull more out of him, bucking his hips with a wide open, gasping mouth. He exhales sharply, gently easing out, still dribbling a bit from his tip.
“I love you too.” I finally say, panting in unison with him as my hands grip both his forearms. His hands hold my hips in place as he works towards recover.
Nico crawls onto the bed with me, laying beside me as his right hand covers my belly. I hold his hand there, all three of them rising and falling with my fast breathing. We stare at the ceiling together. Nico’s thumb begins to trace over my skin. I feel emotional tears pinching at my eyes. Nico and I are trying. This is real. We are going to make a baby. Our baby.
“I want this with you so bad, Neeks. That wasn’t just talk.”
“I know. I do too.” He assures, rolling to his side and kissing my shoulder. I turn my face to him so he can kiss my lips. “We should do that a few more times.”
“Yeah. Like at least nine before we leave.” Nico grins.
“Let’s make it 12 for lucky 13 total.” I laugh as he strokes his fingers along my belly again. “I’m going to spoil you.” 
“You already do.”
“Get ready. It’s going to be even more.”
Nico’s phone begins to ring in the pool bag. He tucks himself back into his shorts, then goes to grab it.
“What the fuck are you two doing?” Timo’s voice comes through the speaker. Nico makes eye contact with me and we share a silent laugh. 
“Sorry, we fell back asleep.”
“Hurry up, Lio is crabby because he wants Uncle Ni snuggles.” 
“Okay. Five minutes. We’ll be back at the pool.”
He clicks the end button, stuffing his phone into his swim trunks.  
“Uncle Ni gonna be Daddy Ni.” I grin, grabbing my swimsuit bottoms from the TV corner and sliding them on. Nico closes his eyes, shoulders drawn down while his hands go to cover his lap. “Did daddy get you?”
“Nico Hischier, my baby daddy.” I sing-song as I dance across the room to him. He pulls me into his arms as I go on my tip toes to kiss him. He helps me retie my bathing suit top on and close my cover up. His fingers splay out on my ribs as he looks down at me when we are done re-dressing together. 
“Today is another moment in my life I couldn’t imagine not having you a part of.” I soften, melting into his body at his sweet words. “No one else I want to do this with but you.”
Life with Nico is an unbelievable dream. Nobody wake me.
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sea-owl · 8 months
I just wanted some modern besties Phillip and Penelope vibes being single parents and raising their kids together with occasional visits from crazy uncle Michael. Kinda like Full House style.
Phillip and Penelope met when her cousin Marina and his brother George started to go out with one another. Both being the quiet introvert types they got along well. When they both realized they were going to the same university they started to hang out more.
Sadly tragedy struck when George, who was a solider, was killed in action. This news made Marina, who was already suffering from postpartum, fall into a deep depression. So bad that she ended up taking her own life. The parents left behind a pair of twins Oliver and Amanda Crane.
Phillip ended up stepping up and adopting the twins. He didn't trust anyone else to take care of them despite the doubts he has for himself, and he felt like he owed George for taking care of him all those years ago.
Penelope herself also ended up having twins, Agatha and Thomas Featherington, after a drunken one night stand with "a random man in London."
"Penelope!" Michael laughed. "How scandalous! You don't who your baby daddy is?"
"Nope," Penelope said, rubbing her pregnant belly. "Black out drunk. My mother is not happy either."
The three friends were at Phillip's ancestral home visiting. Well, Penelope was actually hiding out after revealing to her mother her pregnancy, and Michael likes drama, so of course, he had to come hear the story.
"You know you could just stay here," Phillip offered later that night. "This house is too big its not like three more will make a difference and the twins love having their Aunt Penelope around."
Penelope happily accepted her friend's offer. The two friends happily live with one another doing their best to raise the kids. Michael came to visit every once in a while. Making sure to bring gifts and sweets for the children.
Things took an interesting turn, though, when the Crane twins were 8 and the Featherington twins were 6.
The cousins were playing in the park when Penelope heard another mother say. "Did I have another son?"
Penelope looked over. A pretty blonde, pregnant woman who could be Cinderella come to life was looking down at four boys. One of those boys being Penelope's son.
Penelope sighed. While both her children could be little troublemakers, just like their older cousins, Thomas has this charm about him that could get him almost anything he wanted.
Picking up Agatha Penelope made her way over to the other mother. "I'm sorry, I think our sons are playing a prank."
Penelope looked down at the four boys and whoa. They really did look a like. If Thomas eye's weren't emerald green, Penelope might not have been able to tell them apart, especially with the oldest boy.
"Oh, it's alright," the blonde woman laughed. "You think I would be used to this. My children's cousins all look alike to some degree and some could potentially switch places with one another." She held out a hand. "I'm Sophie Bridgerton."
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