#the way they both wanted to go on adventures and it went So Wrong ;u;
zan0tix · 6 months
Hi tumblr user Zan0tix, I have to say that I love that you draw Jake as big and hairy AND fem. It's such a rare combination outside of mean-spirited caricatures, every time I see your Jake I get a big smile on my face. :)
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Hi tumblr user HermitCyclop ^u^ here is a jake drawing for you 🫶
The transmisogynistic demonisation of these features is so maddening!!! I agree! Im glad that the intent (appreciating these features) of my jake design reaches you c:
GOING TO PUT IT UNDER THE CUT BECAUSE I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. But jake english gender meta because i think about it Too Much and am taking this as an excuse to infodump abt it. 😁
The alpha kids and their specific defiance of both homestucks gendered narrative AND real life societal expectations are so fun to think about to me!! but since we are talking about jake, his specific defiance of both homestucks models of masculinity and femininity in the context of his queerness is like the reason he is my fav character.
He props himself up that he wants to be the adventure "hero" in the homestuck sense (the hardheaded blue femme fatale) and the western media sense (the hardheaded action man) yet whenever pressed to actually act on what he says he always refuses or obfuscates. Because really what he wants is to just be himself! I really love the alpha kids because they all just want to be Themselves, not be restricted and defined by what is expected of them, (all the characters have this but the alphas particularly really hammer this home for me)
The heavy emphasis on their beta selves, the heteronormative archetypes they embodied and what went wrong in their lives that manifest as fears in their alpha selves... im always thinking about it. How differently society affects queer ppls choices in life and then the fact that they all get a second chance and getting to watch them live out that second chance and realize their queerness and them all caring so much abt eachother and wanting to aspire to be better FOR the ones they love!!!!!! it always tugs at my heart strings to ponder😢😢
IM SO GOOD AT GOING ON TANGENTS MY BAD but basically. The alpha kids explicit queerness and how despite the comic itself protesting, they are all shown to be deserving of love (of all kinds) And as a person who super heavily relates to jake, his experience with his own identity (and dirks unending adoration and love for him and likewise jakes belief and admiration of dirk) serves to me as a reminder that yknow! We are all worthy of love!! Even if we dont think ourselves to be (this is just the message of shrek.) and there is always hope to be found in things improving!!!!
But in a text thats explicitly queer and not shy about letting its queer characters do wrong in realistic ways i think this message is incredibly powerful and certainly one of the best things about the comic in my eyes. And i love embracing that in my art of the characters! Drawing queer (but here specifically trans) characters all getting to be proud of themselves and their appearances makes me feel proud of myself alongside them and I think its wonderful to be able appreciate other trans peoples experiences and looks through it too!!
I specifically in homestuck fandom dont really see anybody but twinks (usually dirk or eridan LMFAO) portrayed to be fem in any manner 😢 when jake is the most explicitly feminine man in the comic. (I think the transmisogyny thats kind of rampant in this fandom means people dont want to consider those outside conventional attractiveness being feminine or transfem identities outside binary transwomen if even that😭😭) I am being the change i wana see in the world 🙏 The amount of transfem fat gay bear jake in the world increases by one every time i post
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throughtrialbyfire · 4 months
HEHEHEHHEE OKAY since u sent three i'll pick three scenes bc i love. rambling. okay.
this one is going to be a slight continuation of the answer here, as this scene is from chapter 16 and relates directly back! this got long (like, REALLY long), so i'm gonna put it under a readmore. i'll be putting my notes between the paragraphs of the scene!
He narrowed his gaze down at them. Athenath shrunk back. Looked away. Every word that fled from the Bosmer's lips burned their ears. His voice, low, sturdy as an oak, varnished by years of what must have been an adventurous life, to have such a charisma to his words, to himself, no matter who he spoke to or where he went- It made Athenath realize just how small their own life was in comparison.
[Athenath is the youngest of the trio, and Emeros is the eldest. this creates an interesting dynamic between them when they get into spats like this one, over something fairly serious and fairly personal. athenath feels small in this moment because after the fight (and athenath was left to cool off a bit), emeros came to check on them and directly asked them what was wrong, and told them that he needs to know what set them off since they're gonna be traveling together. the fact someone he fought with sought him out after and checked in, was calm, considerate, and still stern… it's not something athenath is used to, to put it lightly.]
A beat passed, maybe two. People milled about in the market square, and Heimskr cawed on with his sermon, a bird hopping around a bear trap and daring it to snap shut on him. [you know. talos worship and the white-gold concordat and all that *waves hand*] "Maybe."
Emeros hesitated, leaning back against the bench, the sun-warmed wood meeting his spine through his clothes. "I suppose that's a fair answer. Perhaps I'm just surprised, is all." "You shouldn't be," Athenath snorted, the tinge of a sneer against their mouth, "one of the first things we did after that dragon bullshit is go up to those stones. I chose Thief, remember?" "Is that what you are, then? A thief?" If they said yes, then what would he think? And if they said no, then would it be worse to lie? Would it be easier to swallow the concept of a one-off impulse, or to see him and what he was? To lay bare the fact of their less honorable profession, Bravil's dirt-caked streets a bittersweet memory that gave them these quick hands, this sharp tongue? Athenath didn't look to the other Mer, instead drawing their focus somewhere on the horizon as they said, "yeah. Sort of."
[athenath has never mentioned having been to, or spent lots of time in, bravil. he's always told his friends he's from anvil and leyawiin, because they KNOW what reputation the city of bravil has, and that he spent a good few years there and learned how to be a better thief… it's a lot. and it would be a lot to admit to all of this, especially in the middle of this whole situation. also, not being able to stand looking directly at emeros. to face the fact they hid something they stole in his belongings. that they did something wrong and wronged someone he's starting to care about. AUGH………….]
Emeros pulled his ankle over his knee and drummed his fingers along the side of his boot. He sat a moment, eyes avoiding the other now, as well, his breaths slow. Steady. Controlled. "Well." "Well." Athenath repeated. "I'm going to presume that this isn't a recent development?" "Nope." "Then why," he leaned forward, worry etched into the lines of his mouth, dimpling at his cheeks, "why did you hide this? If we had known, we could… We could have-" "What, stopped me?" Athenath scrunched up their face. "It's not like this was some random urge. I did this 'cause I wanted to, y'know." The further admissions of guilt alarmed both of them, in a way. Emeros tugged his cowl from his head, letting it drape loosely over his strong shoulders. He set his jaw, as though he were struggling with a potion he'd only been taught once many years ago by a mentor he'd rather ignore than heed, the evident confusion melting into his features, the lowering of his brow and the tension in his jaw and the burden of concern in his eyes. He shifted his torso to face the bard further. "While not an impulse, it was still dreadfully impulsive, Athenath. And hiding it among my belongings, I assure you, will not earn you any favor with me. Quite the opposite, in fact."
[haha, the conse's are quencing.]
Athenath grit their own jaw and rolled their eyes in a wide arc. Emeros caught every inch of the expressions they made. The Altmer was on a ledge in their mind, balling their fists. The smallest fragments of places, people, actions long-taken, long-gone, all of it bled into him now, here, worn and tired from the tension. The bard bounced his leg, boot making tiny tapping noises against the stone as he avoided Emeros' gaze. Wouldn't even look him in the face. "He sold it to a Justiciar. If I can keep even one thing out of the Dominion's hands, I'll do it." "You didn't know who the customer was when you stole it, though." "And? Now that I know-" "Athenath." "Emeros." They shot each other's names out like darts. They sat, staring into one another's faces, both searching for an answer that wasn't there.
[i want to expand on this whole scene one day but for now this snippet gives a good overview of the situation - athenath made a mistake that is also a habit/profession. they did something wrong, and hid the evidence in the belongings of someone he's traveling with. who's to say the guards wouldn't have searched emeros' belongings? or wyndrelis'? who's to say if they hid it in wyndrelis' belongings, that the mage would even be mad? i mean, he wouldn't be happy, but he doesn't have the same hatred of the thalmor (on a deeper level than just thinking they suck) that emeros and athenath have, so it wasn't a random decision for me to make athenath hide stolen goods in emeros' bag.
now, emeros is confronting them on that mistake. he's setting boundaries and saying he won't tolerate that, and the fact that he's being stern but still trying to be friendly, trying to not let it show how betrayed he feels (he defended athenath from belethors accusations, after all) and still trying to make it all work even when athenath seems like he's pushing him away… it says a hell of a lot about emeros, i think. and it says a hell of a lot about athenath, too, that after this, he apologizes and makes a joke and finally looks emeros in the face. AUGH.]
oh that was a lot of typing im so sorry HAHAJKHGDFKJGHFDHG
i've focused a lot on these two, but we GOTTA give everyone's favorite anxious mage some love!! so i'm gonna focus on wyndrelis here >:3c this is from chapter 21!!
It bothered him, how much space this occupied. Not the image of someone bloodied and in need of help, that much he could handle. No, it was the nagging suspicion of something wrong. Someone pulling a trick, sleight of hand like a jester in the streets of the Imperial City, deceiving himself and his companions. That moment the scraggly Altmer had made the tiniest flick of a weakened wrist - the smallest thing that Wyndrelis seemed to be the only one to notice - the sour taste of metal latched to his tongue. Magic cast when someone was desperate. A spell from a mage without much left to give. And when he'd held a hand near the other, his own magicka had been met with a repelling force like the Dwemeri magnets he'd studied once with an old colleague. The ends opposing. A force meeting force, an uncomfortable sensation that pushed back against his hand. And what had he said about Illusion magic?
[this scene… ough. it's fair to say wyndrelis doesn't think highly of himself, which will show up later. but right now, let's focus on the magic: it's a tangible thing, it's an intangible thing. to me, magic is like the mycelium of energy - it extends outwards towards sources, it bumps into other sources, it changes course. when it's used, it can be felt by others proficient in the craft. hell, it can be tasted, smelled, and touched, depending on what the caster has done with it. and this scene is wyndrelis mulling over the events of chapter 19, the injured person they found off the road, and the fact that not all was what it seemed with that man. i think magicka can touch other magicka, and either be pulled in, muddled together, or repelled. and in this case, wyndrelis is wondering why there was such a strong, repelling force.]
The thick, dark clouds lowered into their slow graves in the hills, ground marshy and squelching under the boots of the farmers who checked now on their animals and their crops, returned to duties put off for the weather. Wyndrelis preferred to stay in the trio's room for the day, the sight of the hearth so near to him making his palms shake. He laid there in the dim, a book left behind by a former patron of the inn propped against a bent knee, reading silently as he struggled to distract from his unease. The sun sloped into the inn's high windows, or the half-alive vestiges of it, the light weak against the forces of the torches and hearthlight. Footsteps interrupted his thoughts, but he kept his eyes locked on the book, turning a page quietly.
[the trio had, only days prior, dealt with the fight at the western watchtower. and then wyndrelis and farengar's attempt at figuring out a staff in chapter 17 went wrong and caught the floor on fire. and of course, wyndrelis' personal history with fire is not a good one, so it's safe to say he's enjoying being away from the hearth and just… trying to relax.]
"You okay?" Athenath asked, leaning casually against the doorframe. Their arms folded over their chest and dark eyes locked on him, the Altmer gave the mage a quizzical look as he faced them momentarily before his gaze once more landed on the pages before him. "Yes." Athenath looked to be suppressing the momentary twitch of a frown. "You sure?" The Dunmer waited a moment before pushing himself up out of his recline, shoving his fingers through his dark hair until it was tousled and feathery. Explaining to the younger elf the situation seemed like an effort not worth taking. He doubted they would understand why he was concerned. The sights of the bodies, the putrid stench of death, all of it had jostled their nerves enough, no use telling them anything else, let alone that they may have sent something awful Whiteruns way with a handwritten note and a wave.
[this is a recurring theme of the other two elves underestimating athenath, frankly. it's both to do with their age - he's 24, which is still an adult to elves, but its also an age lacking a shitton of life experience among them - and their personality, where athenath tends to act very youthful, light-hearted, and cheery.
all of this congeals into the other two's underestimations of their bard friend. wyndrelis, being the middle of the trio, still falls into this trap himself despite not being that old compared to most elves. he's probably in his 50s-60s, chronologically. in a way, wyndrelis does want to protect both of his companions. he's actively healed them in dangerous situations before healing himself (bleak falls barrow, for example) and defended them with wards. but here, that protection also carries the weight of underestimation, which wyndrelis falls into subconsciously.]
He combed the strands into place with his hands. He couldn't find anything to occupy his attention other than the questions that burned holes in his ears no matter how hard he struggled. Could he even begin to explain the thoughts worming through his mind, burrowing deep into the subconscious parts, eating their fill on his suspicions? He couldn't. He rubbed at his shoulder. He shut his eyes and breathed in the warm air. His mind stagnated on the idea, how to explain, what to say. He wondered if Emeros held the same discomfort in his chest about the blond elf.
[a LOT of the imagery i use for wyndrelis has to do with things like death, decay, bones, ravens/crows, and etc. i love just pointing that out because it's a hell of a lot of fun. all three of them have their unique themes in imagery (emeros gets a lot of hawk/wolf imagery, and athenath gets a lot of cat imagery, for example), and this is a great example of it. and a continuation of his thoughts on the previous day, and his inability to just ask emeros or athenath if either of them have the same feeling. to say wyndrelis has low self-esteem is putting it lightly, and fears a negative response and a "what are you talking about? it's nothing" reply to his concerns.]
"It's a long story." He settled on his reply, words dripping out from his lips on the trail of a long exhale, Athenath traipsing easily over and plopping down into one of the creaking chairs in their room. Slinging their arms on the rests, he craned his posture lightly forward, intrigue in the knit of his brow. "Wanna get into it?" The offer could have been genuine, but the Dunmer had no faith in it. Mostly, he had no faith that they would even listen, or be interested. Wyndrelis shook his head. "No, no thank you."
[POINTS AT MY PRIOR POINT. wyndrelis' low self-esteem is a huge issue for him that he'll need to work through for the good of all three of them. he's an incredible mage, but that's all he feels competent with. and even when someone offers to hear him out, he rejects it, and even redirects the conversation after this.]
and now, this scene from chapter 6, which is hilarious and very telling, and relates back to the scenes i've commented on above in a way. its very light-hearted overall, so its a good piece to end on!
"I'm just glad we're not traveling during the Great War. Horrible time to be on the road, that was." "Really?" Wyndrelis arched a brow as he shut his bag and set it under his seat. "I wasn't traveling then." "You weren't?" The Dunmer shook his head again as Emeros leaned back in his chair, an arm slung over the back. "What were you doing during that time?" "I was still at home, working on my studies." Wyndrelis waved the admission away with an absent hand. "Gods, it was a mess. Every opportunistic bandit in all of Tamriel set upon some of those truly isolated roads. Not to mention, having to skirt battlefields and navigate around all of that… Well, I'm just glad that whole affair is done with." After a long pause, all eyes landed on Athenath, who shrunk back. "What were you doing during the Great War? Gallavanting about with your tambourine?" He teased, light-hearted in his tone.
[emeros spent most of his younger years traveling. he left home at 16, and traversed Valenwood until he decided his call to alchemy - difficult to practice with the green pact, y'know - was more important, and he went to cyrodiil for a while. then hammerfell, high rock, cyrodiil again, and now skyrim. he's got a hell of a lot of experience on the roads, and was actively traveling during the great war!
meanwhile, wyndrelis was working on his studies to join the synod one day. he is the only mage in his family for various reasons, and he was discouraged from pursuing magic. however, he still did, and he taught himself the basics at home. then he wound up in the college of whispers for other reasons, and there, he excelled. during the great war, he was studying, though.]
Athenath sat there, quiet. "Well, no, not exactly." The Altmer sat on the bed, the shaggy cut of their hair more apparent now that it was no longer neatly combed, curls running past their shoulders. His dark eyes were round and curious, but now, they tried not to look directly in the faces of either of his companions, flitting between the other two's hands or torsos, chin tucking to their neck. Emeros narrowed his gaze, his intrigue clearly piqued by the awkwardly mumbled statement. "What do you mean, 'no, not exactly'?" The alchemist questioned slowly. Athenath dragged their palms down their face, as though he'd been dreading this. Wyndrelis carefully observed as the bard heaved a loud, dramatic sigh, fiddling with a corner of their vest. He mumbled something the other two couldn't hear. "What?" Wyndrelis asked. Athenath looked up, frown creasing the edge of his lips. "I'm twenty-four. I was born a few years after the Great War." They uttered the admission with a level of embarrassment, and Wyndrelis understood why. An elven childhood lasted about the same length as any humans, the shortest period of their lifespans and often marked with celebrations, then their lives slowed, all things eased to a stroll as they grew older. This placed Athenath squarely in adulthood, but among other Mer, a young adult was treated as naive and lacking in the knowledge of their peers. Among humans or Khajiit or Argonians, this was grown out of quickly as responsibilities and families cropped up in those years, but among Mer, this was a particularly scathing presumption, treated less like capable adults and more like overgrown children, weeds among oaks.
[THIS okay this is what i was talking about earlier. okay. so the point made here is that while for non-elven people, these years would be marked by already having children, marriages, careers, or being in their studies and having sufficient experience in at least some fields (apprenticeships in early life, for example), among elves, this is seen as the time period where you're off to your studies/starting apprenticeships or getting out into the world. this is the time period where elves are expected to be quiet and learn their shit. athenath had a pretty rough start to being out on his own at 16, so they've had to figure things out and do their best, and he's encountered a lot of other elves who, upon learning they're not even in their 70s yet, discredit everything he says and brush away their opinions as those of a young lad who still has too much to learn to be taken seriously. and it gets to athenath a lot, and they don't like bringing up that he was born after the great war.]
"What?" Emeros' eyes widened, laughter brimming in his voice as he cupped his hands over his mouth. "My gods, I figured you looked a little young, but-" "Oh, shut up," Athenath plucked a coin from his own pocket and tossed it feebly at Emeros' shoulder, watching the glittering septim bounce off his form, the Bosmer laughing. Wyndrelis considered stepping in, but there was a humorous grin at the edge of the bard's mouth. Emeros picked the coin up off the floor, holding it between his thumb and forefinger. "Aw, is the infant feeling fussy?" He cooed in a mocking-sweet tone as he linked his fingers together, Wyndrelis stifling his own laughter. Athenath heaved a monumentally dramatic sigh, throwing their head against the mattress of the shared bed. Emeros chided, "none of that, now, you don't want to injure your soft spot." After the Altmer gave a strangled groan of frustration, Wyndrelis couldn't fight his urge to follow in the teasing. "Do you need a nap?" The Dunmer managed through his own tittering. Athenath's eyes locked on him and he plucked another coin in a slow, menacing manner. Wyndrelis held up his arms in defense, prepared for the gold to be tossed his way. Athenath plopped the coin back into his pocket with a sigh.
[this scene is so much fun for so many reasons. athenath expected the other two to treat them as lesser, but instead, they've taken that presumption all the way to its extreme for a joke. the trio JUST went through helgen and bleak falls barrow together, the respect for one another is already solidifying, and while this will have an impact that bites them all in the asses later, right now it's all jokes because how could they really see athenath as incapable of handling himself when they all JUST fought draugr and solved ancient puzzles together??]
"Come on, you don't even look much older than me. Weren't you a kid during the Great War, Wyndrelis?" Wyndrelis ticked his tongue. "I was in my twenties." Athenath pressed his face into their hands. The look he gave Wyndrelis through his fingers was a pouting plea for the other to help him out here, a little. "And I was already in my thirties when it ended," Emeros tutted, "so you can do the maths on that." Punctuating with a wink, he leaned back in his chair comfortably, the bard's grin sprawling wider.
[this scene still feels clumsy to me every time i read back, but i wanted to clearly establish all of this because it is important to how the trio react to events down the line. emeros will obviously, due to his own age and life experiences, have different reactions to situations than wyndrelis and athenath. the same can be said of the other two. and when those events happen, and when things get either hilarious or intense, they will have their own reasons for reacting the ways they do. after all, the experiences of someone on the road during the great war, vs someone studying at home, vs someone who wasnt born until like 6 years after are vastly different, and i felt the need to establish all of this. well, it still feels clumsy, but i'm not rewriting it again, damn it HAHJKHGJKF]
Linking their fingers together under his chin, he batted his lashes and put on a saccharine smile, coated in barely-concealed mischief. "Aw, then how was the Oblivion Crisis, pa?" Emeros sputtered and coughed, head jerked wildly at the question. "I'm not that o-"
[dont dish out what you cant take, emeros!! HAHAH]
"Terrible, Mannimarco was a nightmare for Mages' Guild recruitments," the mage replied dryly, pushing his glasses up his straight nose. The sound of Sven tuning his lute rummaged under the door, Orgnar making a droning comment somewhere in the middle of it all. Wyndrelis stood and stretched, the sound of the Altmer's laughter died out moments ago. "Let's have a look around town, then we can plan for tomorrow."
[i love throwing in a little mages guild reference. mannimarco my beloved <3 and its fun because, well, of course a mage would bring up the mages guild as a reference to the time of the oblivion crisis.]
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK TEN MILLION YEARS. but i hope you did enjoy skimming through the commentary on these, i have a billion notes on all of these scenes and getting any chance to infodump about them will always leave me thinking things over for hours. thank you so much for sending the asks and i hope you enjoyed this absolute wiki article of an answer AAAAAAHKHDKJSHGF
director's commentary
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002yb · 1 year
I know that most Dick/Jason stories are mainly set in post crisis, but what about an au set in pre crisis continuity (blonde circus kid Jason)? DickJay bonding over their similar backgrounds, Jason reminding Dick so much of lost memories of the circus, memories that he tucked away to deal with the grief over his parents' death, with Dick unknowingly falling for Jason first after spending time with him and how he feels so conflicted about it given their age difference, the guilt he feels from the death of Jay's parents and how he initially wanted to take a more parental place in Jay's life. It's just that Dick did not expect to feel this way about the kid, and he hates himself because he thinks it's inappropriate and disgusting. So Dick distances himself, less visits to the manor, less communication with Jason, and even during Jay's occasional run with the Titans Dick hardly speaks with him. Jay and the rest of the Titans notices but when he confronts Dick about it it turns into an argument and both parted in anger.
Then the next time they meet it's either Dick on his knees crying in front of Jason's grave or Dick at the side of Jay's hospital bed looking over a comatose Jason (cause I love suffering).
Ngl, the idea started with me suddenly obsessing over Zendaya and Zac Efron's Rewrite the Stars scene in The Greatest Showman and I just can't help imagining Dick and Jason in their place. I could just imagine Dick first realizing his feelings when he's swinging around with Jason, everything seems to be going in slow motion and it's like there's only the two of them in the entire world, and his blue eyes focused on Jay's face, appreciating the blonde lashes, the precious smile and the unadulterated look of joy. And Dick thinks to himself that giving Robin to Jason, has become more than just making up for the guilt he felt over the death of the Todds, Jason has become what Robin should be, a light in the dark, the hope in the time of despair and the beacon of everything good and right in the world. And Jason, to Dick, is just that.
(Sorry for the corniness)
Oh goodness, this was a harrowing adventure of a read. My heart simultaneously feels all the warm and tormented feels. ;U; Thank you so much for sharing, anon! I'm one of the many that goes the post-crisis route with Jason, but this is really sweet!!
Fair warning coming from after writing this, but idk how this version of events goes to tie it into everything and I unwittingly went the usual post-crisis route omggggg I think I've clowned myself I'm so sorry I need to read some comics ahhhhhh
Jumping in at the ending point of the above -- but Jason either resurrecting or coming out of that coma and being so damn frustrated with Dick. Just that upset from before carrying over on top of Jason being distraught because of everything that happened.
Because Jason cried for Dick when Jason was dying, but Dick wasn't there. He stopped being there, but now he's here (at Jason's beside when Jason wakes/at Jason's grave when Jason disturbs the ground of his plot and Dick helps him dig and pulls Jason out and into his arms and won't let go and--) and what the fuck is it that he wants? Choose.
But also, what the fuck did Jason do so wrong? He thought he would or did die and all Jason could fixate on was where he fucked up with them.
And Jason has all the pent up, frustrated tears because, 'I love you,' and Dick must have known and hated it. Only Jason loves him still, so hate him/leave him because Jason can't stop.
It's such a heartbreaking and sincere confession and for once Dick's mind is quiet, no doubts or insecurities -- just a heart full of hope and his body moving all its own to grab Jason and pull him close and kiss him like Dick has wanted to do for ages and ;3;
Reason comes back to him at some point, obviously. They're concerns Jason gives due consideration if only because Dick is trusting him with some heavy insecurities and communication/trust is something they're actively working on after everything, but at the same time? Jason will call Dick 'daddy' if he wants and Dick dies a bit because 'too soon,' ahahahaha.
Thank you again for sharing this, anon!! No need to apologize for any corniness, either. That's the bulk of my content anyhow LOL. I've got a whole series where Jason becomes the Robin Dick lost along the way and more importantly needs (in the sense of Dick lost his own light/hope/ability to see most good and right things in the world during his time as Robin but finds it in Jason over time --- also with Dick cherishing that dearly and it healing some wounded part of himself so he's more him), well. We've got similarly corny taste in this regard so no need to apologize, I'm having a great time hahaha.
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Willow I wanna hear you talk more about babby Jing Yuan because the lil' doodles you drew of him as a kid are so freakin' cute AAAA
Unprompted. Always accepting!
Gosh idk where to even BEGIN. I'll say that Jing Yuan as a tiny child was. wild. Very enthusiastic! It doesn't seem like he's a Foxian or has Foxian ancestry, but his character story suggests that Foxian traditions for "determining" a child's future (setting out various toys representing career paths to see which the infant cub chooses) were adopted by his parents regardless, in which he grabbed the toy sword. Of course, this could all also be rumor! We actually have little idea about what all is truth or not from Jing Yuan's past, aside from his military records.
But I digress- wild child. He was very very brave and also incredibly smart even at a young age, learning how to master puzzles and logic problems very quickly. SUPER restless boy. He needed to be doing something physical at all times, which stressed his parents out because they were both the quiet scholarly type, preferring to spend their days reading indoors rather than going outside.
I don't want to say Jing Yuan had a bad childhood, because his parents did love him very much, but they did not, ah, appreciate his interest in adventure, weapons, and the Cloud Knights. This caused their relationship to become pretty strained by the time Jing Yuan started approaching adolescence. The things his parents were content with and even enthusiastic about bored him terribly, and they could not understand why he would want to travel beyond the Luofu. It's dangerous! He could die!!!
I think Jing Yuan learned fairly quickly how to be independent as a result, as it was from this point of contention that he learned concealment. The way of life his parents led was so unfulfilling to him that he started sneaking out at night, slipping more interesting books between his textbook pages to read in class, etc. He was the kind of gifted child that didn't need to put effort into his schoolwork in order to ace it; top of his class and everything. It was all too easy for him and he was bored. He pretended to give into his parents wishes and study to get them off his back, so they wouldn't suspect his long hours away from home watching the Cloud Knights and pestering Jingliu to train him.
I've mentioned this before vaguely, but it was about the time when he'd be transitioning to the equivalent of high school that he basically just. announced he was leaving to train under the Sword Champion. And his parents blew up. I don't really blame them. I mean, you live thinking your prepubescent teen has learned some sense and is doing wonderfully in school and is gonna follow in your footsteps and you're so proud, and then he pulls the rug over your eyes by pretty much walking out the door with his bags packed, like??? what happened???? what went wrong???????
Of course, he didn't say anything that'd have indicated to them that he'd never let go of his dreams. In that moment, to him it was either fulfilling his life or rotting away behind a desk, and of course he chose the former.
Funny how that turned out, isn't it? :)
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tlcartist · 2 years
Thinking about how I consumed both The Lord of the Rings and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure in the wrong order when I viewed them for the first time. LET ME EXPLAIN
So I grew up SUPER religious and there were a lot of things I wasn’t allowed to read or watch because it was considered “witchcraft”. Basically anything in a fantasy setting was off limits no matter how tame the story was. When I turned 15 I left the religion I grew up in and suddenly the world was my oyster. I could read anything I wanted! This was during the height of the LOTR films so I knew that was the first formerly forbidden thing I wanted to read.
So I do what any poor teen in the mid 00’s would do and I go to my local library. Problem was that, again, since LOTR was still really popular at the time every copy of the books in that series was checked out. Except The Return of the King. So I go sweet let’s go read this and I had literally no idea what was happening the whole time. It was a fever dream. But in spite of it all the book had my complete attention and, though I did realize my mistake while reading it, I was too engaged in the story to stop. I did eventually finish it and then went back to The Fellowship of the Ring and reread it in the correct order lmao.
JoJo was a different story. I’ve been a fan of anime in some capacity since I was a teen and I’ve known about JJBA for a really long time. I’ll admit it, I judged it pretty harshly before I got into it. The art style is just so insanely different than basically any other mainstream anime series and I didn’t get it. There were even a couple of times that I tried reading the manga but I noped out half way into the first volume because the art style was very 80’s and the writing was so over the top. Figured that was the end of it and that the JoJo fans could just keep it and do their thing but I was very much Not Interested thank u very much.
Then about a month ago I got the idea to try watching some anime that I’ve never seen before because I have plans to do anime conventions next year and I wanted to expand my knowledge a bit. So I thought, ehhh let’s try JJBA again. I’ll give it a couple episodes and if I hate it I can dip. Pull it up on Netflix and didn’t realize that it was playing season 5. I was confused because it wasn’t the setting or character that I’d read briefly in the manga but I shrugged and kept watching. And watching. And watching. I fell in love with Jolyne and the supporting characters. Needless to say that by the end of S5 I was thoroughly hooked and immediately went back to S1 and watched it in the correct order. I was so hooked that I watched all 5 seasons in a week and a half.
Moral of the story is don’t judge a manga by it’s first chapter and maybe doing things in the wrong order is actually a good thing sometimes.
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mad-die45 · 15 days
Jealousy & confessions
Please don’t steal my work! Don’t forget to like
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Background: after bumping into your crushs brother he decides that you both have to meet since he isn't in town for 2 weeks. Wht will happen when he comes back and sees how close u are with his brother.
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L was 16 years old and known for her adventurous spirit and lively personality. On a sunny day, L decided to go out to the downtown area with her group of friends. They were all excited to spend the day exploring the bustling streets and enjoying each other's company.
As L and her friends strolled through the vibrant crowd, something caught her eye. Across the street, she spotted A, the brother of her friend C. Their eyes met for a brief moment, and a spark of recognition flickered between them. L knew that A had recognized her as well.
Later that evening, L received a text message from C. It read, "Hey, my brother told me he saw you downtown today!" L replied, "Yeah, I saw him too!" C then suggested that since both A and L had crossed paths, they should meet up downtown themselves. Excited about the idea, L and A agreed on a day to hang out.
On the chosen day, L and A met downtown, ready for an adventure. To their surprise, they found that they had more in common than L and C did. They laughed, shared stories, and discovered a genuine connection between them. Before parting ways, they exchanged social media handles, promising to keep in touch.
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Two weeks later, when C returned, the three of them decided to go out together. However, C started feeling a little jealous. Even though he and L weren't dating, he couldn't help but notice the bond forming between her and A. Desperate for L's attention, C began hugging her, intertwining their fingers, and trying to stay closer to her during their outings.
Unbeknownst to C, A's intentions were different. He wanted to make C realize his feelings for L, so he played along and made C jealous, hoping it would encourage him to confess his emotions. One day, while they were all out for lunch, A discreetly signalled C to have a private conversation with L. Misunderstanding the signal, C put his arm around L, surprising her since she had developed feelings for him, he then said “the girl right their looks good”.
Feeling confused and hurt, L distanced herself from both C and A after they finished their meal. A noticed L's withdrawal and approached her, concerned about her well-being. L, feeling vulnerable, opened up to A and shared her disappointment with C's actions. A realized that C was oblivious to L's true feelings.
Meanwhile, C could sense that something was wrong. He tried to approach L and talk things out, but she brushed him off, feeling hurt by his previous actions. Seeking some solace, L excused herself and went to the bathroom.
In L's absence, A approached C and confronted him about his behavior. A explained that L had developed feelings for him, and C's actions had inadvertently pushed her away. Finally understanding the gravity of the situation, C felt a mix of regret and realization. He knew he had to make things right.
When L returned from the bathroom, C pulled her aside for a heartfelt conversation. He confessed his true feelings, apologizing for his obliviousness and for hurting her unintentionally. L, surprised and touched by his confession, felt a glimmer of hope.
In the background, A found himself 3rd wheeling during this intense moment. Realizing that his job was done, he smiled to himself, content with the outcome. L and C's connection had been rekindled, and it was clear that they both had strong feelings for each other.
With newfound clarity, L allowed herself to forgive C and began to open up to him again. Their bond grew stronger as they walked hand in hand, leaving A to wander behind, satisfied with the part he played in bringing them together. The trio continued their day, cherishing the friendships they had built and the lessons they had learned along the way.
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iloveabunchofgames · 1 year
Week In Review - 04/23/23
#JakeReviewsItch Week In Review Archives
This week's reviews:
🧡🧡🧡🧡🤍 Antecrypt⚡ 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 Antistatic 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 Arachnopunk 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 Arcade Spirits 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 The Arcade Tower 🧡🤍🤍🤍🤍 The Archives of Evil Dr BA 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 ARGH-P-G 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 Arigatou, Ningen-san! 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 Arlo The Rabbit
Thanks to my unexpected hiatus, this is more like a Week-and-a-Half In Review. What does that mean for this column? It means there are 10 nominees for Game of the Week, but beyond that, it's going to be business as usual. Oh, actually there's one other difference today. Usually, I write both a Week In Review and a new review on Sundays. It's a lot of writing! I'm skipping the review today, just to see how that feels. Later in this post, I'll share my thoughts on former Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé's business memoir. A few weeks ago, I came across a 2021 presentation by Meghna Jayanth that raises fascinating questions about the default structures and values in game design.
Game of the Week
This crop of games contains so many that were almost onto something, but there's no question which one was best.
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Antecrypt⚡ is a twin-stick shooter where movement stick works exactly the way you'd expect and the aiming stick does not. It drifts here and there, totally at random, landing in the right place about as often as a stopped clock. It's a weird, maddening hook, made all the more frustrating by a weapon that burns through its batteries quickly when fired, which can only be recharged by standing in the range of the aiming reticle. It's a skill-based game with the compellingly random highs and lows of a slot machine, all wrapped in a cool, confident package. Great visual design, great enemy design, great level design, great progression system—if you haven't already read the review or given Antecrypt⚡ a try for yourself, get on that. Special mention also goes to clever metroidvania Arachnopunk, which is an admirable effort, even if it's not so hot in execution. Arigatou, Ningen-san! is nothing revolutionary, but parents of toddlers should check out this interactive picture book.
Disrupting the Game by Reggie Fils-Aimè
The local library finally got a copy of my old boss' book.
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Reggie leveraged key differentials to push messaging in new markets. This disruptive way of thinking, and his decisive execution, drove sales in categories that were not previously thought of as receptive to high-margin product. Disrupting the Game is not a tell-all from a video game insider. It's a book by a business executive, aimed at those who wish to follow a similar path. Reggie (he often insists on being addressed by his first name) is a man with an incredible breadth of experience, from hocking Crisco to nearly making Shigeru Miyamoto cry by insisting that Wii Sports be included at no additional cost with every Wii in North America. He's heavy on business buzzwords, which I generally find off-putting, yet there's no denying that the man is an efficient communicator. The major events of his professional life make for a breezy read. That's my biggest complaint, actually. The book is a bit too general and optimistic. I'm still not sure Reggie understands what Nintendo had with Wii U or what went wrong. He spells out the lessons aspiring business leaders should take away from each of his anecdotes, but even in the stories where he admits fault, he seems to come out ahead. I want the lessons that come from abject mistakes. I want details. But Reggie is a slick businessman, and big business keeps details close to the chest. Reading this book won't teach you anything about a typical day in the office for NOA's president. Instead, he focuses on events that have already been covered extensively, like E3 presentations, and console launches. That, and his relationship with the late Satoru Iwata. This is the stuff that makes Disrupting the Game worth reading, whether you care about business or not. It feels like the reason the book was written. While Reggie obviously cares very much about passing on his professional wisdom to the next generation, he needs to preserve memories of his late friend and colleague. I'm glad he has. If you just know the Regginator as the funny "my body is ready" meme guy, I'm not sure you'll get much out of his book. If, like me, you were closely following Nintendo news throughout Reggie's reign (and occasionally seeing him in the hallways at work), you already have a good sense of how he reshaped the company. And if you're really like me, you'll enjoy taking another condensed trip from the days of Bigfoot Pizza to the launch of Nintendo Switch. If you've already read the outstanding Ask Iwata and still miss that lovely man, Disrupting the Game is a must. I just hope the next book approaches all its subjects with the specificity and range of emotions afforded Iwata-san. There's a brief story in the epilogue about teetotaler Shigeru Miyamoto joining Reggie at a New York bar before losing his mind over the establishment's collection of pipes. It so wonderfully captures the magic of the man's curiosity that I now want Reggie to drop whatever he's doing and write Miyamoto's biography. I've always thought he was too shy to allow anyone to write such a book, but if there's anyone who could wear him down, it's Reggie.
Meghna Jayanth: White Protagonism and Imperial Pleasures in Game Design
I'm going to skip the recap and just let Meghna Jayanth speak for herself, either through the above video or the written word. I am not opposed to "imperial pleasures" in games. I regularly commit atrocities in games, and I enjoy it. Conquering digital worlds and amassing absurd in-game wealth isn't hurting anyone, and it's not hard to understand why it feels rewarding. A good game designer, however, does not say, "Let's keep doing the same stuff we've liked in other games." A good game designer questions everything. What's been done before? Why was it done that way? What are the alternatives? Since listening to Jayanth's speech, I can't stop noticing imperialist measures of success in everything I play. It doesn't dampen my enjoyment. I'm just noticing. Noticing and questioning.
Beyond Blue is one of this week's free Epic Games Store games. It's an Endless Ocean-style scuba game, produced as a tie-in with nature documentary series Planet Earth: Blue Planet II. I went for a few dives this weekend and immediately found it weird that my goal was to head beneath the waves and get everything. In fairness, you're not actually removing anything from the ocean. You're vaguely "scanning" animals, but the way it's presented is so aggressively targeting the need to tick every box and earn every unlockable that the splendor of our world and the save-the-whales message of the narrative are quickly lost to find everything, mark everything, own everything, and master the one place on our planet not yet 100% mastered by man. Um, in the name of understanding and conservation, of course.
#JakeReviewsItch is a series of daily game reviews. You can learn more here. You can also browse past reviews…
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I am Boruto Uzumaki, and I am Hyuuga by PeacefulWarrior82
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Adventure, Naruto U., Hinata H., Boruto U., Himawari U., Words: 13k+, Favs: 139, Follows: 92, Published: Dec 15, 2014 Updated: Dec 28, 2014
52Chapter 1
Naruto Characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto. Many people speculate how Boruto and Himawari could follow in their father's footprints. For a while I felt that also. but then i realized, it was right in my face the entire time of how they can deal with personal struggles. This short story is one such tale, It takes place between ending of Naruto the last movie and chapter 700.
It was a bright sunny day in Konohagakure, one Hinata Uzumaki was seen with sweat dripping off her face as she reached her last pull up before letting go of the bar in her room. She proceeded to rub her arm and stretch it out. After showering she got dressed and went on about her day. She walked past a family portrait. Himawari was sitting quietly on her lap smiling. Boruto on the other hand was seen struggling and uppercutting punching his father in the throat.
Upon seeing it, Hinata laughed so hard she begged Naruto to let this be their family portrait. Naruto clearly agreed after promptly grounding his son.
" Nee-sama?" Hinata heard from downstairs. She walked down.
" Hanabi! Hi!" Hinata walked over to see that both Hanabi and Hiashi standing in the foyer area. "Hi what's going on?" Hinata asked.
" We decided to stop by, we have something of a rather large matter to discuss. Is Naruto here?" Hiashi asked.
" He took the kids with him to the store, he should be back very soon." Hinata said. " So what's this large matter?"
Hanabi looked to her father who's eyes dimmed. Hinata looked at them.
" What's wrong?" Hinata asked.
Hanabi appeared to be getting emotional. She tried smiling as she spoke " Well…..I'm pregnant…."
Hinata's eyes lit up. " Are you serious!?" She said ecstatically. " That's great news!"
Hanabi looked at her father.
" What is it?" Hinata asked. "*gasp* is the baby ok?"
Hinata looked down at Hanabi's abdomen and activated her Byakugan.
That was when she saw it. She looked back up at Hanabi.
" Oh…" Hinata knew right away why Hanabi was upset. " ...I see."
" I won't do it…" Hanabi said, beginning to cry. " i can't do it."
She reached to hug her sister " Nee-sama don't let them do it!" She cried.
" Hanabi!" Hinata said as she placed her hands on her sister's shoulders, making sure she looked her directly in the eye. " Naruto-kun and I are NOT going to let that happen, do you understand?"
Hanabi shook her head yes, tears still in her eyes.
" Does the council know?" Hinata asked Hiashi.
" No."
" Good, let's keep it that way. The less they know , the better."
Hanabi smiled as tears still came down her face.
" Don't worry about that. Be happy! You're gonna be a mother!"
Hanabi laughed.
" "Jii-san!" Boruto yelled as he dashed towards him.
" *gasp* jii-san! Hanabi baa-chan!" Himawari came running after her brother.
Boruto leapt into his grandfather's arms.
" Boruto!" Hinata said.
" It's ok, these 2 keep me young." Hiashi laughed.
" Let's train!" Boruto yelled. Himawari ran up and hugged her grandfather's leg.
" Maybe later Boruto, Hanabi and i have to talk to your parents about something."
Himawari ran and hugged Hanabi's leg. " Hanabi 'baa-chan, will you play with me today?"
" Of course I will sweetie." Hanabi said.
" Yo!" Naruto said walking in with a bag of groceries.
" Good morning Naruto." Hiashi smiled.
Hanabi bowed.
"Hey guys what's up?"
" Twins?" Naruto said.
" Hai." Hiashi said.
" I see…"
" Naruto…" Hanabi started. " I always wanted to have just one child so I would never…..but I didn't anticipate this…."
" As you know Naruto, I myself am a twin. But I was the first born, so I was made future head of the clan. My brother Hizashi on the other hand was branded with the caged bird seal, and forced into the branch house. If we allow the council to have their way, it will be the same case for Hanabi." Hiashi said.
" I wanted to do this when I became Hokage, but it looks like it can't wait. Let's go see Kakashi-sensei. He'll help." Naruto said.
" Naruto, that won't work. Kakashi-sama won't be able to do anything." Hiashi said.
" He's the Hokage, he can fix this." Naruto said.
" Naruto…" Hiashi started. " Don't you think the previous Hokage tried to put a stop to this for generations?"
" Well if they had, why is it still around?"
" Naruto, when the fore fathers wanted to build the Hidden Leaf what they needed more than anything was finance. That is why the came to the Hyuuga with their proposal, since they were trying to unite the clans anyway. When they agreed to pay for most of the resources they had stipulations, namely that when the Hyuuga join the Hidden Leaf, the governing bodies stay out of their affairs. This was a stipulation that was to remain intact indefinitely. This in turn explains why no Hokage has been able to do anything." Hiashi said.
" I didn't know that." Naruto said. " But then why come to us?"
Hiashi was silent for a moment. He brought his hands together in front of his face. " Naruto…tell me, how much have you learned about the Uzumaki clan?"
Naruto was silent. " Hiashi, if you know something please tell me and don't dance around it."
Hiashi took a deep breath. " Naruto, the Hyuuga have been around for a very very long time. During that time there was much civil unrest which led to infighting in the clan, Branch and Main families fought constantly. A generation came where the head of the Hyuuga clan at that time realized that this would lead to the extinction of the clan. So he sought out a means to keep the branch members under control. The threat of execution clearly did nothing. So he needed a way to physically disable them from attacking the Main branch. That was when he was approached by a member of the Uzumaki clan."
Naruto and Hinata were shocked.
" You should know by now Naruto, The Uzumaki were masters and innovators of sealing jutsu. The one who approached the Hyuuga was a warden at a prison for the most vile of shinobi criminals. The Uzumaki created this seal to place on the heads of criminals upon admittance to the prison. If an inmate were to attack a guard or a riot broke out. They would simply activate the seal to subdue them."
Naruto looked down at the table, he didn't want to believe it, but everything made sense. " Oh my God, I told Neji I would change the Hyuuga clan, but my ancestors are responsible for his pain.
" Naruto, you cannot blame yourself, nor your clan, it was this one Uzumaki who for all we know desperately needed the money."
" I can't…no…" Naruto stars at the table below him.
" Naruto-kun…" Hinata held his hand. " That Uzumaki was not you. There's nothing we can do about that but we can do something now."
" Like what?"
" Naruto, the Uzumaki always made it a policy to never create a seal without a way to release it." Hiashi said. " You might be able to find out a way through your lineage."
" Gah! I wish my mother had told me more about our clan with the little time we had."
" Well for now, Hanabi you will be staying here. We don't want the council activating their Byakugan and accidentally seeing the babies."
" Nee-sama I can't do that! I don't want to impose." Hanabi said.
" Nonsense!" Hinata said.
" Hanabi baa-chan can sleep in my room!" Said a voice from behind a wall.
" Gah! Way to go sis!" Boruto yelled.
" You 2 were eavesdropping !?" Naruto said, his eyes white with shock and frustration.
The next day….
Boruto was wearing Hyuuga training attire as he attacked his grandfather with a palm strike which Hiashi parried.
" Excellent Boruto!" Hiashi said. He launched a kick to Boruto, He quickly blocked it.
Boruto had been training in Gentle-fist for almost 2 years now. Hiashi couldn't believe his grandson had gotten as far as he did despite not having the Byakugan. However, he managed to adjust thanks to a new style Hiashi travelled abroad to learn so he could teach it to his grandchildren, but that's a story for another time.
As Hiashi trained with Boruto , a young Hyuuga maybe about 7 observed them while he was training with an adult Main family member. He sported brown short hair which he kept parted to one side.
" Kinjo." Said the Main branch member. " Focus on me, nobody else."
Later, A Main house member performed the 8 Trigrams 32 palms of divinity on a striking post.
" Who would like to attempt this technique?" A Main branch member said to the Hyuuga students with Boruto standing alongside them.
All were hesitant.
" Me!" Boruto yelled as he raised his hand, which prompted snickers from the other children.
" Boruto…" Hiashi said walking up to him. " This might not be right for you. You have to be able to see your opponents' Tenketsu for it ti work
Boruto groaned. " Come on Jii-san, let me try!"
Hiashi was hesitant at first. " Ok, now this is a very complicated technique so don't worry if you don't get it the first time."
" All right! Here it goes!" Boruto got into stance. " 8 Trigrams 32 palms!" Boruto struck the post. " 2 palms!" He went back for another round " 4 palms!" He went for another round, " 8 palms! Gah!" Boruto yelled in pain.
"Boruto are you ok?" Hiashi quickly aided his grandson, he saw that one of his fingers was broken.
The Hyuuga children cracked up laughing. Boruto glanced at them angrily in embarrassment.
" Enough of that!" A Main branch member said. " This is a complex move to do and that is a common injury that happens."
" Sir…." Kinjo said raising his hand, " I'd like to go next."
" Very well Kinjo."
He walked up to the post as Hiashi and Boruto backed away.
" 8 Trigrams…" Kinjo started as he activated his Byakugan. He glanced at Boruto and smirked. " 32 Plams!"
" 2 Palms!" He said striking the post.
" 4 Palms!"
"8 Palms!"
" 16 Palms!"
It was then Kinjo stopped.
The Hyuuga children looked on in amazement
" I'm sorry, thats as far as I can get right now."
" Not bad Kinjo, not bad at all." Said the Main branch member.
" gh! show off…." Boruto muttered.
Hiashi looked at Boruto sympathetically. " Boruto…."
Later, Boruto was seen leaving the dojo, his training bag in his hand, his other hand bandaged from his earlier injury. " See ya later Jii-san."
He saw Kinjo sitting on the steps.
" Hmph" Boruto walked by down the steps and onto the courtyard.
" You don't belong here…." Kinjo said.
Boruto turned his head back. " Come again?"
" You heard me." Kinjo stood up.
" The only reason they tolerate you here is because you are Hiashi-sama's grandson. Otherwise you would be laughed out of here."
Boruto looked at Kinjo with a little anger in his eyes.
" You even wear that jacket that displays our clan's symbol, yet you don't even have the Byakugan, aren't you just a little ashamed?"
" kssh! Like I care what you think." Boruto said.
" I don't get it, you can be anything as a ninja. Why go into a form where you have such a clear as day disadvantage?"
" I don't have to explain myself to you. And for your information, my grandfather gave me this patch on my jacket." Boruto said.
" If you had any respect for your grandfather or this clan you would stop trying to be like us. Because no matter how hard you train, no matter how flawless your form becomes, the fact is you will never be one of us."
Boruto was silent. He simply turned and walked away.
Later, Hanabi was seen walking alongside Himawari and Hinata in town. They were headed to Yamanaka flower shop to pick up some flowers for Neji's grave.
A Hyuuga was seen shopping and saw Hanabi alongside her niece. He decided he would come say hello.
That was when he saw Hanabi stop and cradle her midsection, Hinata immediately came to aid her.
" Are you alright?" Hinata asked.
" Hanabi baa-chan are you ok?" Himawari pleaded.
" I'm fine honey." Hanabi ensured.
The Hyuuga stopped, he wondered what made her react that way. Upon activating his Byakugan, he discovered why.
Hiashi was approached by a Hyuuga maid.
" Hiashi-sama. The council wishes to see you."
" Wonderful…" Hiashi said with some sarcasm."
Hiashi slid open a door and saw the council waiting for him.
" I was busy, I hope we can make this quick."
" Hiashi, when were you planning to tell us Hanabi was pregnant."
Hiashi was shocked.
" With twins no less." The elder said.
" Elder, I don't know…"
" Hiashi, last month you are offered a position on this council and you betray our trust?"
" This would make sense as to why Hanabi has not been here lately. She's been staying with her sister if I'm not mistaken."
Hiashi was silent.
" Tell Hanabi her presence is requested here. We want to talk to her."
More to come….Please Read and Review.
Naruto is property of Shonen Jump and Masashi Kishimoto.
Later that night, Hanabi sat before the council. Hiashi was in the back with Naruto, Boruto and Himawari, Hinata had to use the rest room.
" Hanabi, when were you planning to tell us?" The Elder said.
" Hey Elder? Sorry but my wife kind of asked if you could wait 'til she got back before grilling Hanabi." Naruto said.
Meanwhile, Himawari climbed on her grandfather who proceeded to tickle her. Boruto not wanting to be left out joined in on the fun.
As the Elder was trying to speak he found Himawari's laughter overshadowing his voice.
" As I was saying…." The Elder tried to continue.
" I'm gonna get you…" Hiashi laughed as he tickled Himawari. Boruto climbed on his grandfather's back.
Boruto laughed as he wrapped his arms around Hiashi trying to wrestle him.
" Hiashi! Do you mind?"
" Not at all, you're not bothering me." Hiashi quipped.
"That's not what (sigh) any way Uzumaki-san, I don't know what you're doing here. This is a Hyuuga matter."
" Wrong, I got some nephews or nieces coming and that makes it my business." Naruto said.
" Nailed it Tou-chan!" Boruto declared.
Naruto gave Boruto a thumbs up.
" Uzumaki-san, if your children possessed our Kekki-Genkai and had a chance of succeeding our clan, perhaps we would consider your opinion but seeing how it is that is not the case…"
" Wow, hey at least you waited a whole 5 minutes before bringing that up for the millionth time." Naruto said. " And like I said the million times before that, so what?"
" Which also begs the question, what are they doing here? This is not a day care center?"
" Hey we aint babies!" Boruto yelled.
" Will you keep it down!" The elder said.
" You're mean!" Himawari said to the elder in huff.
" Hiashi! Will you keep you God Damn grandchildren under control!" The Elder yelled.
Suddenly a slam was heard from downstairs.
" WHO'S CURSING AT MY KIDS!?" Hinata yelled, which shook the house.
" Oh God…" Naruto said. He quickly turned to his father-in-law " Hiashi!"
" Already on it, come on kids…" Hiashi said in a haste, at this point he didn't want to be within 200 feet of the Elder. " Elder, nice knowing you."
Hanabi was quick to get up as well, she has seen this before and knew what was coming.
The council was shaken by the bark. But what Truly shook them was what happened next. The door to the room flew open and a dark radiating figure appeared in the doorway, her eyes glowing purple and her hair wild and flailing. This was Hinata Uzumaki in a rare form usually when it came to her family, her kids in particular.
The head Elder was particularly startled as a few beads of sweat came down the side of his face. he tried to regain control of the situation. " h-Hinata we are conducting business so I sugg-"
" You Suggest What!?" Hinata said.
The Elder was at a loss for words.
" I Do Not Like Foul Language! Especially Around My Kids! Much Less At Them!"
" Honey…" Naruto interjected.
Hinata looked back at him.
" Just wanna mention, he also brought up the whole no Byakugan thing again." Naruto said as sweetly as he could.
" Oh! Here We Go Again! My Kids Are Great Elder! Byakugan Or No! If You Have Something To Say About My Kids, Say It To Me!"
" I….I…I" The Elder was trying to string a sentence together. The Council shook at the sight of this mother of Uzumaki.
" Ka-chan I think you scared the jerk out of him Datte-bassa!." Boruto joked.
Hinata turned and clapped her hands together. " Were you 2 making noise while they were trying to talk?" Hinata said firmly.
" …hai…" Boruto and Himawari said in unison.
" What have I said about that?"
" Don't do it…." They said in unison.
Hinata pointed to a part of the wall. " Come over here and sit."
Nearly everyone in the room got up to follow Hinata's order, even some of the elders.
" Not you! The Kids!"
Boruto and Himawari ran over to the wall and sat. Hinata and Hanabi came to the same area and sat together. Hiashi and Naruto joined them.
The Elder took a deep breath to regain his composure. " Hanabi, I don't see why you kept this from us."
Hanabi took a deep breath. " I don't want the seal placed on one of my children."
" Hanabi, I know it's difficult, your grandfather also had a hard time accepting this with your father and uncle. But Hanabi, it is this seal that has allowed our clan to survive for as long as it has. We cannot simply choose who is to be sealed and who is not solely based on sentiment."
" But…." Hanabi's eyes dimmed. " What good has this seal really done? It has caused complete bitter resentment with in the Hyuuga."
" Hanabi, we have to maintain a level of control, otherwise we would be attacked and over run. Down the road we simply must place the seal on the second-born."
" You're not putting that on my cousin!" Boruto yelled.
Hinata looked at Boruto, her face showing she expects him to quiet down. Boruto saw this expression on her face. He crossed his arms and looked down to the side with a scowl.
" Please Elder, there must be another way." Hanabi pleaded.
" I'm sorry, but there is not."
" Neji nii-san…." Hinata began. " Lived half his short life in hatred because of this seal…..he came to resent the Main branch, you saw this, yet you continue to do it no matter whose lives you destroy. You say it's to maintain order, but let's be honest….you do it this because you fear the branch families might rival or surpass you.
" Hinata that is ridiculous, we fear the cadet branches may attack us yes. But it's absurd to think they could surpass us. Neji was a different story."
"All deserve a right to choose their own destiny when brought into this world. Not have it forced on them." Hinata said.
" Hinata, the issue is closed."
" Like hell it is!" Naruto yelled.
" The issue is not closed Elder." Hiashi said.
" Hanabi, understand something. It is a heavy burden to be head of the Hyuuga, every head in past generations has had to make sacrifices, I'm sorry that you had to make this one." The Elder got up.
" We are not done here." Hinata said.
" Hinata, you were originally supposed to be the head of this clan. I tried to help you reclaim that right, but you refused. You are partially responsible for Hanabi's burden." The Elders took their leave.
Hinata was in a state of surprise.
" Hey ! What did you say to my wife!?" Naruto stood up.
" Naruto-kun, let it go." Hinata said.
Hinata was walking with her family.
" Hinata…." Hiashi said. " The Elder had no right saying that."
" I….I understand." Hinata said.
Himawari seeing her mother upset grabbed her hand.
The Next Day…..
The elders were sitting on the porch of the courtyard.
" Well that escalated rather quickly."
" Yes I thought you were going to cry when Hinata yelled at you." One of the elders teased.
The head Elder crossed his arms and closed his eyes in annoyance." I didn't see you standing up to her last night."
" This isn't the end is it?"
" No, it isn't…..curse those Uzumakis. I'm growing tired of them constantly sticking their noses into our affairs. It's bad enough they have their loser son hanging around here all the time trying to play Hyuuga."
" Well you have to admit. He's come quite far despite not having the Byakugan."
" Spare me….." The Elder said as he watched Kinjo practicing with a Main branch member.
" He can train all he wants, but the second he faces a Byakugan user he would fall . Spirit only gets you so far. Yet Hiashi continues to train him. Making him think he could actually be one of us."
" It can't be helped I'm afraid. Hiashi won't budge on it."
The Elder continued watching Kinjo.
" Kinjo now…..he's quite amazing. A true beacon of a promising Hyuuga future."
The Elder watched Kinjo for a while. He turned to the other Elders " I might have an idea."
Boruto and Hiashi were sparring in the dojo when the door slid open.
" Hiashi. I thought i might find you here. Am i interrupting?"
" Boruto and I were just sparring."
" I beat 'Jii-san like 4 rounds already."
" Hm, well maybe I should stop letting you win." Hiashi smiled.
" You stopped letting me win after 2 rounds." Boruto quipped.
" n-Nani?" Hiashi laughed.
" Hiashi, I would like a moment of your time." the Elder said.
" Hm, Boruto I think now is a good time to call it a day." Hiashi said.
" Ok 'Jii-san!" Boruto ran over to pack his stuff.
As Boruto packed his things he saw the Elder and Hiashi conversing.
" Are you out of your mind!?" Hiashi said a few moments later.
Boruto stood there, not sure what was going on.
" Naruto already knows that the Uzumaki created the cage bird seal, he will find a way to undo it! We don't need this ridiculous proposal!" Hiashi said.
"But who knows how long that will take." The Elder retorted.
" 'Jii-san?" Boruto said as he walked up beside him. " What's going on?"
" Nothing Boruto, let's go I'm taking you home."
" Discuss it with the boy's parents. He wants to be a Hyuuga so bad, let him act like one." The Elder said as Hiashi and Boruto left.
" 'Jii-san, what's he talking about?"
" Nothing Boruto."
" He what?" Hinata said. " Boruto is only 6!"
" The boy they want him to fight is only 7."
" Absolutely not." Hinata said.
Boruto was upstairs listening in.
" Go back and tell the Elder if he would like a match between myself and him, I'll gladly accept."
" You know he won't adhere to that."
" So if Boruto were to fight this kid, and win, they would agree not to seal either twin?"
" Naruto-kun why are you even entertaining this?" Hinata asked.
"Hiashi…." Naruto began. " This kid the elders picked. Is he good?"
" Naruto, I won't lie. He's the best in his generation amongst the Hyuuga."
" Can Boruto beat him?" Naruto asked.
Hiashi was silent for a moment. " Boruto has surpassed the expectations of everyone who doubted his ability in our style, he does not have the Byakugan, but that never stopped him from trying. But Kinjo Hyuuga is also very skilled, the Byakugan I'm sad to say does work in his favor, I don't know if Boruto can defeat him."
Boruto's eyes widened when he heard his grandfather's words. His eyes gleamed as though he were about to cry as a scowl came across his face. his fist tightened.
" The answer is no." Hinata said.
Boruto sneered, he walked into his room looking out the window. He let out an angry sigh.
4 year old Boruto is learning palm strikes with his grandfather while wearing Hyuuga training attire. He looks around to see other Hyuuga children around his own age training. He sees Byakugan eyes around him everywhere. Some of the other children shoot him smirks of superiority.
Later Boruto sees some of them sitting on the porch in the courtyard eating lunch. He quickly runs over and sits next to them.
" Hi!" Boruto says as enthusiastic as always, he did take primarily after his father after all.
The Hyuuga children look at him with complete indifference. Not even offering a courteous hello back. Boruto just simply ate his rice paddy beside them. One of the Hyuuga children let out an annoyed sigh. The Hyuuga then walked off the porch to train some more, leaving Boruto behind.
Later, Boruto walked through the hallways of the Hyuuga house hold trying to find his grandfather.
As he did, he passed along many members of the Hyuuga house hold.
" Hey do you know where 'Jii-san is?" Boruto asked a Hyuuga.
The Hyuuga shot him an irritated look and continued walking.
Boruto didn't understand why.
(((End Flashback)))
Later, Boruto was eating dinner with his family. Hiashi and Hanabi were over as well. Hinata looked over and saw the look on her son's face as he looked down at the table. Her son had been quite uncharacteristically quiet all day today.
" Honey?" Hinata asked. " Are you ok?"
Hiashi who was sitting next to Boruto looked at him with concern.
Boruto's fist tightened. " 'Jii-san…." he said as he looked Hiashi dead in the eye." When you go back tonight….tell them I accept."
More to come, please read and review.
Naruto Characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto. Many people speculate how Boruto and Himawari could follow in their father's footprints. For a while I felt that also. but then i realized, it was right in my face the entire time of how they can deal with personal struggles. This short story is one such tale, It takes place between ending of Naruto the last movie and chapter 700.
Naruto stood atop his household with his back against a wall and his arms crossed looking at his son. Boruto sat across from him staring at the ground.
" What is this about?" Naruto asked.
" Nothing, I just wanna do this ok?" Boruto said. " Why ya making such a big deal about this?"
" Boruto! You could get hurt!" Naruto said.
" I know Juu-ken to!" Boruto said.
" And you're really good at it. But this kid has the Byakugan, and when it comes to Juu-ken, that's a big advantage."
" I know where all the organs are. I know if I hit that area it will get hurt. I don't need x-ray vision for that."
" Son, you know fully that the Byakugan is nowhere near that simple."
" Point is, I don't need it to fight." Boruto said.
" Boruto, what is this really about?"
" I also wanna make sure none of Hanabi baa-chan's babies gets sealed."
" Boruto, I can figure out a way to destroy that seal. I have to just find out which ancestor created it and see where it goes from there."
" Tou-chan that might take forever, and you may not find it."
" Do you understand that this kid is not gonna go easy on you? He's fighting to win."
" So am I!" Boruto yelled.
Naruto sighed.
" I just have to do this Tou-chan."
" Why do you think you have to do this?"
" Because they said I don't belong there!" Boruto yelled.
Naruto was shocked.
" The whole reason I even started Juu-ken was because someone told me I'd never be able to do it. But no matter how good I get all anyone talks about is how I don't have the Byakugan. That's all they ever talk about. I'm gonna show them that I don't need to Byakugan to be a great fighter. I'm gonna show them that I do belong there."
" Boruto…." Naruto began.
" Tou-chan, I don't just want to prove it to them….." Boruto said.
Naruto looked at his son. The day Boruto was born, Naruto swore that things would be different for his son than they were for him. But now after only 6 years here was his son, struggling for acceptance. Even willing to go this far to gain it. Naruto's eyes dimmed as he looked at his son sympathetically.
Naruto walked into the room where Hinata, Hanabi and Hiashi were waiting for him.
Naruto came and sat down. He looked downward. " Let's let him do this." He said.
The 3 Hyuuga were shocked.
" I thought you were going to talk him out of it." Hinata said.
Naruto breathed deeply. " Boruto has something to prove. I can't deny him this."
" Naruto, this is not like a Chuunin exam match. In Hyuuga matches genjutsu, ninjutsu and weapons are prohibited. It is strictly hand to hand combat." Hiashi said.
" He knows that." Naruto said.
" Naruto-kun, he could get hurt." Hinata said.
" He knows that to." Naruto said.
" Naruto-kun , we can't let him do this. He has nothing to prove. Shame on the council for even thinking about this match." Hinata said.
" To put the freedom of his cousin on the shoulders of a 6 year old boy, Naruto that's just too much to put on him. He does not need to do this for me. We can find a different way." Hanabi said.
" You all didn't see the look in his eyes." Naruto said. He looked to Hinata. " He had the eyes you and I once had."
Hinata was shocked.
" Growing up….being left out or outcasted. I swore that when I had children they would never feel this…but here it is." Naruto said. " Hiashi…you have been training Boruto for almost 2 years now. Do you feel Boruto may have a shot at winning?"
" (sigh) he's too damn stubborn to admit defeat. Takes after his father." Hiashi said.
Naruto looked to Hinata. " Honey, Boruto wants this. We have to face facts that he's not a baby anymore. He's trying to make his way in this world now."
Hinata crossed her arms and looked to her side. Her eyes quivered. She would never admit that, she couldn't face the idea of Boruto facing a Hyuuga in battle, no matter what age.
" He wants to prove something to himself."
" And what if he loses?" Hinata asked.
" If he loses, he loses. That's not the end of the world for him. He'll learn from a failure, that's never a bad thing." Naruto said. " We'll be there to help get him through it."
Hinata clearly showed she was getting emotional as she slowly nodded her head.
" Hinata, if you don't want to let him, we won't. But Boruto is going to have to grow up some time."
Hinata said. " You want me to just say ok son go fight a Hyuuga who might seriously hurt you? I'm his mother…."
That was when they saw Boruto standing in the doorway.
" Honey…" Hinata said.
Boruto walked up to his mother. " Ka-chan…let me do this."
Hinata's eyes quivered. She put her hands on her son's shoulders " …..ok…." she said.
Boruto put his hand atop his mother's as he smiled at her.
" Jii-san, how long do I have?" Boruto asked.
" 2 weeks." Hiashi said.
" Let's train now." Boruto said.
" Hai." Hiashi said.
Moments later Boruto and Hiashi are seen in the back patio training.
Hinata sat up in bed as Naruto sat beside her. She lowered her eyes, thinking very hard about the path Boruto is taking. As his mother she knew what she had to do next.
The next morning, Hiashi was training Boruto hard. Sweat dripped off the young Uzumaki's face as he was being pushed to a new level in his training. That was when the dojo door slid open.
Hiashi and Boruto looked to the side to see that Hinata had arrived, donning Hyuuga training gear.
" Ka-chan." Boruto said.
" I will be helping you train. If that's ok with you Oto-sama." Hinata said.
" Of course." Hiashi said.
" Hinata-sama." Hinata looked over to see Ko sitting to the side. The years passed didn't seem to take too harsh a toll on him. His hair however was much shorter. " Good afternoon."
" Konichiwa Ko." Hinata said
" I am just going to observe you for now . " Hinata said to her father.
Hiashi nodded.
Hinata went and sat next to Ko. They then watched Boruto train with Hiashi.
" Hinata-sama, I have never seen anyone who trains quite as hard as your son. You must be very proud." Ko said.
" More than you realize Ko." Hinata said.
" Boruto is so determined." Ko added.
Hinata continued watching. Suddenly she began picking up the weaknesses in Boruto's technique after 5 minutes.
" Oto-sama." Hinata said. " I would like to switch with you."
" Very well. I could use a break anyway." Hiashi said.
Hinata walked onto the floor facing Boruto to whom this was a little awkward since he had not really trained with his mother before. Hinata took up her stance and Boruto took up his.
10 minutes later….
Sweat was dripping off Boruto's face profusely. He took a knee as he looked up at his mother, breathing heavily. Hinata's arms were covered with scuff marks. She looked at her son, this had been the first time she had actually pushed him to such a limit in training.
Hinata's eyes quivered looking at her son. As a mother it was only instinct to want to protect your child. But her child insisted on facing the challenges of the world. So her next option was that if she could not shelter him from the world, she could prepare him for it.
Hinata's eyes became firm once more." Stand up Boruto." Hinata said.
Boruto looked up at his mother. A smile came across his face. He stood up.
" Ok….now that we got a few practice rounds out of the way, how about we train for real?" Boruto declared.
Hinata nodded. " Of course."
Ko and Hiashi smiled.
Hinata was walking home with her son. " We'll have to do it like this every training session Boruto."
" What are you talking about? This was light for me. We gotta get more serious." Boruto said, putting up his tough facade.
Hinata smiled. " You really are your father's son." she thought.
Suddenly she saw Boruto sitting on a park bench. He was fast asleep. Hinata smiled as she shook her head. She hoisted her son up on her back and carried him home.
The Next Day…...
Boruto was walking home from the Hyuuga compound. His training bag in tow. He kept his other hand in his pocket. He looked out across the streets of Konohagakure. As he walked by, there were 3 Hyuuga children eating at a dango shop.
One saw Boruto and notified the other 2. They followed him. As they walked away, ChouChou Akimichi was also enjoying a dango that day. She saw the 3 boys follow after Uzumaki. she in turn followed after them.
She almost lost track until she heard. " You're really gonna fight Kinjo? Baka! Stupid Baka! Who do you think you're fooling?
ChouChou walked up and peaked through a hole in the fence. She saw the 3 Hyuuga boys confronting Boruto.
" You don't even deserve to train with us, and you think you can take down our top guy? Baka!" One of the Hyuuga boys said.
" So is that your word for me today?" Boruto said annoyed.
" That's our word for you everyday!"
ChouChou was getting nervous. She was afraid a 3 on one fight was going to break out.
" Look whatever, I got stuff to do. So if you're done wasting my time…." Boruto walked past the Hyuuga boys.
" If this Baka continues to keep training with us, soon his Baka sister will want to try to." One of the Hyuugas said.
Boruto stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around staring at the hyuuga like the grim reaper.
" I dare you to say that again…." Boruto said, losing control of himself. He dropped his bag.
" You think we're afraid of you?" All 3 Hyuugas activated their Byakugan.
Boruto got into stance.
One of the Hyuuga jumped in with a kick but Boruto quickly parried it. A palm strike, the Hyuuga boy was caught by surprise and had no defense for the attack coming at such a speed. Boruto however, stopped his strike at the last second when he remembered one of the conditions of the match.
"One of the conditions is, you will not attack Kinjo, or any Hyuuga for that matter until the day of the match. If you break this condition, the deal is off." The Hyuuga Elder said.
Boruto retracted his hand. He looked the Hyuuga square in the eye. " Never talk about my sister again." Boruto picked up his bag leaving the Hyuuga boy frightened and relieved that he did not catch a palm strike to the face. The other 2 Hyuuga boys after seeing their friend almost get pummeled were in no mood to attack Uzumaki.
" Man, Boruto's fast…" ChouChou said.
" pretty fast…" Kinjo said.
ChouChou was stunned to see Kinjo was observing the entire incident with his Byakugan through the fence.
Kinjo walked away, his hands in his pockets. " Boruto Uzumaki, come that day I will break you."
More to come… Please read and Review.
Naruto Characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto. Many people speculate how Boruto and Himawari could follow in their father's footprints. For a while I felt that also. but then i realized, it was right in my face the entire time of how they can deal with personal struggles. This short story is one such tale, It takes place between ending of Naruto the last movie and chapter 700.
Boruto stood at a striking post in the genin training grounds. His focus unwavering.
" I saw you there other day..." said a voice from behind him.
" Boruto turned to see Kinjo Hyuuga standing there. " ...With those 3 clansmen."
Boruto shot him a glare then went back to striking the post. " What about it? They attacked me first, i didn't even hit them."
Kinjo walked to the side of the post Boruto was striking. " You are so selfish."
Boruto stopped immediately and looked at Kinjo. " What the hell are you talking about? You trying to start a fight!? Can't you wait a week?"
" I'll explain." Kinjo said. " When Hanabi-sama's children are born, they're going to have the Byakugan."
" No kidding!" Boruto said.
" And since their father died on a mission, it's going to fall on Hiashi-sama to train with them."
" So you're saying I don't wanna share Jii-san with my cousins? That's crap! I share him with my sister all the time!" Boruto argued.
" You're missing the point." Kinjo said.
Boruto looked at him his eyes wincing.
" When Hiashi-sama starts training with them, they're going to start performing techniques that you need the Byakugan for." Kinjo said.
" I am sick and tired of hearing about..." Boruto began.
" Can you do the Heavenly Whirl without the Byakugan?" Kinjo said.
Boruto was caught off guard, he had no response.
" What about The 64 palms of divinity?" Kinjo said.
Boruto stood there.
" you can estimate where a person's vital organs are. But striking the Tenketsu requires absolute precision. Without the Byakugan, it's useless."
Boruto said nothing, he stood there having taken in all of Kinjo's statement.
" He's going to have the opportunity to have real grandchildren, and you're taking that away from him." Kinjo said.
" How am I..."
" Hiashi-sama will want to teach them techniques, techniques you won't be able to do. But he probably won't because he won't want to make you feel bad."
Kinjo walked away. " Thanks a lot for holding back our clan...selfish..."
Boruto stood there, he brought his hands up to the post as he looked down. He had never once thought of that.
Boruto is seen sparring with Hiashi. Hiashi knew something was wrong.
" Your chakra's all over the place." Hiashi said.
Boruto didn't respond. He threw a leg kick to which Hiashi dodged and backed away.
" What's troubling you?" Hiashi asked.
" Nothing, let's keep going." Boruto said.
" We are not moving another step until you tell me what is wrong." Hiashi said.
" Fine! Then I'm going home!" Boruto walked over to get his training bag.
He turned around to see Hiashi stand before him.
" Boruto, why will you not talk to me?" Hiashi asked.
" Just..." Boruto was getting emotional.
" Just what? Talk to me." Hiashi said.
" Just maybe everyone's right ok!?" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was shocked. " Right? About what?"
" Maybe I don't belong here!" He said.
Hiashi looked at his grandson in disbelief. " Boruto, what happened? Who has been talking to you? Tell me who told you this!"
" Nobody!" Boruto said. " When my cousins are born, they're gonna have the Byakugan. And you're gonna want to train them."
" And you think I'll forget about you."
" No! That's the point!" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was shocked.
" You're gonna limit your training with them, just so I won't feel left out!" Boruto looked to the side scowling. " ...I don't wanna slow you down." he muttered.
Hiashi was dumbfounded by this.
Boruto angled his eyes at his grandfather then back to the side. "(sigh) I know you love me. And I love being here with you. But I want you to make my cousins as strong as you possibly can. I...would just be a burden."
Hiashi was speechless.
" No matter how strong I get, no matter how many jutsu I learn, I don't have the Byakugan and without that I can't learn the best techniques you can teach."
" Boruto I..." Hiashi tried to bring a sentence together.
Boruto faced his grandfather. " Happy? Can I go now?" Boruto then walked around his grandfather out of the dojo. " Next week I'm gonna drop this clown and make sure my cousins don't get sealed. After that, focus on them when they're born so they can become strong."
Hiashi turned and watched his grandson go out the door, still distraught by what he said.
Hiashi was sitting on the porch as the sun began setting.
Hiashi waits in the waiting room of Konohagakure hospital along with Hanabi, Natsu and Ko, Naruto walked out, a smile on his face bigger than the moon.
" It's a boy!" He said.
" Congratulations!" Hiashi placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders.
" Now...he doesn't have the Byakugan."
" Hiashi didn't expect that comment. He was surprised for a second. The smile came back on his face. " That's fine, can we see him?"
" Sure!" Naruto smiled.
Later, The Hyuugas observe alongside Naruto through the glass his son.
" Which one is he?" Hanabi asked eagerly awaiting to see her new nephew.
Her question was answered right away by the sounds of powerful cries coming from the baby in the far left. Seeing 2 whisker marks on each side of his face , the tiny strands of blonde hair and the strong spirit it was no doubt whose son it was.
" Naruto, he looks just like you!" Hiashi stated proudly.
Naruto smiled with joy.
Hiashi smiled as he gazed upon his grandson. Words could not express the pride he felt.
4 Years Later...
4 year Old Boruto Uzumaki ran down the hall of the Hyuuga compound. He looked through the opening of a door to see Hyuugas practicing Juu-ken.
" Wow..." Boruto said.
" What do you think you're doing?" An older Hyuuga boy said from behind him.
Boruto turned around. " I was just watching..."
" It's not for you to watch, it's not like you can do it." The Hyuuga said.
" I can to!" Boruto yelled back.
" You don't have the Byakugan. You'll never be able to do it." He said.
It was at this point all the Hyuuga who were practicing stopped as they heard the commotion going on.
" Boruto..." Hiashi said walking up from the hallway. " There you are, you shouldn't run off like that." He looked to the Hyuuga boy standing by him.
" Can I help you young man?" Hiashi stated.
" I caught him spying on our Kata Hiashi-sama." The boy said respectfully.
" I wasn't spying!" Boruto said.
" You can't do it. It's pointless to watch." said the boy.
" Yes I can!" Boruto yelled.
Hiashi was stunned.
" You may leave now..." Hiashi said to the boy. " I will talk to my grandson."
The Hyuuga boy took his leave.
Hiashi saw the Hyuuga in the dojo staring at Boruto, some quite venomously. " Don't you all have training to do?" Hiashi said.
The Hyuuga continued their training. Hiashi smiled at his grandson and extended his hand. Boruto took it and walked alongside his grandfather.
" Boruto, do you like what you saw in there?"
Boruto took a deep breath and shook his head yes.
" You know... all the people in there using that form. They have the Byakugan, which means they can see all the parts inside the body. Do you know what I mean by that?'
Boruto pointed to parts on his body. " Heart, liver , kidneys, stomach..."
0 notes
keeps-ache · 2 years
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80 notes · View notes
angel4astraea · 2 years
ft. Timothy Wright, Brian Thomas, mentions of Jay and Alex.
cw. smoking, mentions of death & pills, fem!reader.
a/n. i miss brian so much, can’t even tell u how much. when i finished the series, i sobbed so hard. poor timmy :((((
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When it comes to falling in love with Tim, it'd be in college before Marble Hornets. You two might have met through Brian when the three of you met for a cheap dinner. Being college kids means that money is tight and fresh foods might not be all that accessible all the time.
When Tim first met you, he was admittedly a little timid. He never really had a heart struck moment like then. The way you joked around, your smile and overall being had brought him butterflies and sweaty palms. Of course, Brian knew what he was doing when he brought you along for dinner that night.
After that night, the two of you communicated over the phone and sometimes met up. The three of you, Brian, Tim and yourself, had formed an unofficial friend group. It was lovely having two friends that would make your life a little more interesting. With Tim, he tried to impress you a little by showing you what he was studying currently and topics within the subject. He wasn't one to show off his collections that he didn't own or even go on thrill seeking adventures. He was realistic but had hope that you'd accept him for who he was. In the end, his subtle charms worked when the two of you went on a casual date.
Tim was content for the first time, pushing the negativity from his fucked up past away. He couldn't ruin the second good thing in his life. The first was Brian becoming his friend, his first true friend. Now, you came into his life and lit his heart on fire with intense emotions. He wanted to protect you, hell, he wanted to stay with you forever if he could feel like this.
The dates became regular. Between classes, you'd make a quick coffee run a date. Even though the both of you were undoubtedly tired, you two still made the best out of what you had. One thing that wasn't a date was his doctor visits.
It was odd, he wouldn't tell you about what was going on. The weekly visits were always hush hush. When you asked about how it went, he would say good. Period. Nothing else about it. The topic must have been sensitive, you could tell from a mile away. In the end, pushing him would only end up with Tim either ignoring you for a short period of time or snapping at you to stop. That was the only untouched topic of the relationship.
Despite that, Tim is a loving man. He cares for you when you're sick, on your period or when you accidentally sprain your ankle. He does the best he can every time, kissing the top of your head with such endearment. He'll cook the most basic things but the effort is what he masters at. He puts energy into the things that will affect you, he wants you to shake off this illness unlike him. He still suffers from his, making him protective over you.
When Marble Hornets is being filmed, there was a shift in Tim's behaviour, Brian as well. This Alex guy must have irritated the both of them, you think. You decide to ask Brian about what's going on and he can't even give a straight answer, shrugging it off. The confusion will set in however it would be forgotten until Jay reappears in your lives.
It had been years since the filming, why now? Apparently Jay had been snooping around for quite some time now. Tim had come home more aggravated than usual, pulling you in for a tight embrace after dry swallowing a pill. Something was wrong, very wrong. You could smell it in the air, in his cigarette smelling shirt. You had begged him to let you in for once, pleading to tell you what had happened that left him so traumatized.
Tim will only explain it so that you won't go off on your own or to Jay. Either choice would end up with you getting too deep into something you shouldn't have even looked at. He'll explain why he goes to the doctors, the pills and then what Jay is doing. He'll tell you to avoid Alex Kralie, do what you have to do to stay away from him. He'll even encourage you to buy a gun if you have to as Alex has that height on you, weight even. He could take you just as easily as a small rock without remorse.
You wanted to ask Brian about this but he was gone. Just. . gone. There wasn't a note, text message, phone call, voice message. . nothing. One of your best friends disappeared into the wind. It confused you, why would he leave everyone behind? Tim could only tell you that he will be fine, Brian finds a way out always.
The next step was taken when that hooded man broke into your's and Tim's house while you were asleep. Tim was thrown into a coughing fit and seizure. Yet, you didn't wake up until you heard the door slam behind him. Shaken by the bizarre action, you search the house and find the small bin that held his medication knocked over. The bottle was missing, his bottle of pills. The only thing you could think to do was call Jay and ask if you could come over to his motel room.
When you arrive at his room, you told him what happened or least what you think happened. Breaking down, you sob to your new friend and admit your fears of what Tim had shifted into; the mood swings, the pills being taken more than usual, chain smoking. . it made you so scared for the future. Jay had comforted you the best he could, allowing you to sleep in the extra bed until later. He had woken you up and then the unimaginable happened after a brief tracking. .
Timothy had attacked you and Jay.
It was a moment you never forgot, bits and pieces still foggy in the back of your mind after you woke up in the shed with Jay, Tim not too far off. You were disoriented and relied on your lover to carry you back to the car, legs too sore from whatever happened. In some sort of natural alarm, your body told you to run away. You didn't.
The entire time Jay was with Tim, you had fallen 'ill' to the sickness. There was these hallucinations, the bloody noses, confusion. . Tim had been stretched thin, so, you didn't tell him. He knew something was off but he pushed it aside, telling himself that you were fine, everything was fine with you.
Everything was fine when he made love to you when he could but it was few and between movements of motels. Tim still loved you, despite his night and day 'mood' changes. He tried to give you everything but everyone was just. . messed up. He just wished he never signed up for that stupid little thing. Maybe he wouldn't of infected everyone.
But when the end was near, when he almost escaped clean, he broke. Tim had killed not only Alex but his best friend, Brian. Everything was in shambles, he just hoped--hell, prayed that you were still at the motel room that you rented for the time being.
When he returned from that life changing scene, he was covered in blood and disoriented. You had assumed the worst and began to silently help him out of the clothes that smelled of iron. You made him shower, sitting in the tub while you wrapped your arms around his torso, wondering if the shower would hide your own warm tears. He was numb, you were a little numb too. Yet, you were withholding something that might help him regain a little humanity. You felt guilty, face pressing into the shoulder blade of your lover.
The following days, you packed up whatever you had left from your bag, ready to move on from this town. Tim was silent, unwilling to speak unless it was easy answers. The acts of affection had been soft yet fearful. He didn't want you to disappear or he didn't want you to get hurt by him. Even though you forgave him, Tim still felt his guts twist.
He threw away the mask, the two of you said goodbye to Jessica and made your way away from the town.
On the drive, after he flipped the camera around, you took his free hand and placed it on your stomach. With such tenderness, you smiled and hoped he would understand.
Maybe a baby to light his way would help him heal.
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julsvu · 3 years
teen romance — camilo madrigal
synopsis : how i imagine dating camilo would be like <3 also my 1st post :o
contains : camilo having identity issues, some cuss words
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the fluff :D
oh boy, the moment u agreed for him to be ur boyfriend, ya better be ready for an adventure.
camilo would be smiling so hard once u accept his confession skfbske, like the mf just won the lottery. (i mean he kinda did but yk /hj)
ok so like
i feel like he would smother u in affection everytime he sees u
but he'll respect it if u aren't comfy w that
he would be lowkey nervous abt pda but at the same time he has u as an s/o now, he has a good reason to flex and shower u in affection 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
mf was whipped and will always be whipped for u
ure prob just as whipped as him tho
maybe more than him /j
he would def like dancing with u, just jamming to random music in his room or dancing in the town, not caring if a ton of ppl r watching u guys 😍😍😍
literally hes so romantic and such a gentleman during ur relationship :((
felíx raised him well
constant cuddling sessions w him :((
also a warning; just bcs u guys r dating doesnt mean he would stop pranking u LMAOOO
during dates, he would literally make u go to his room and have a romantic ass date there by him shifting the room into a romantic theme or sumth
like OMG??
he would be such a gentleman bruh :((
also when you meet his family or when he introduces u to them, they would accept you immediately.
they would tell u embarrassing childhood stories abt him
and how annoying camilo was gushing about u when u two werent dating (dolores def said that as revenge when camilo was teasing her for mariano LMAOO)
pepa and felíx would be vv happy that u make their son happy
literally a bit of rain would drop on u bcs of pepa's tear's of joy, but felíx would ofc calm her down
they're so proud that camilo found the love of his life :((
they also sometimes see themselves in u guys when they were younger
and alma would prob be hesitant, but she will accept u after sometime, dont worry :D
overall his family would accept u, and would see u as their family as well 2!
the angst D:
when he is experiencing identity issues, he most likely wouldn't be that open abt it, like he would lock himself in his room, wondering if the reflection he's looking at the mirror is rlly him or not :(
and u would wonder where did camilo go throughout the day, cuz usually u guys hangout w eachother after chores.
so u go to casita, and went to his room, finding himself staring at the mirror and tears in his eyes.
the sight broke you.
and once camilo heard his room door open, he looks at u with a shocked face, tears still in his eyes
and you didn't hesitate to run to him and hug him, rubbing his back, asking him whats wrong.
"why do you love me, (name)? when I don't even know who am i.."
"camilo, i love you because of the way you smile, the way your eyes brighten up when you see something you like, the way you're so brave, not hesitating to do anything risky, the way you let me out of my shell, the way you make people laugh — the way you do everything. you're camilo madrigal. the boy i fell inlove with, the boy who makes me happy, and my first and forever love."
yeah he cried more after that,,
he was just so glad he has a partner like u :((
ok anyways moving on for the arguments
i actually dont know what u guys would be arguing abt but ig imagine u guys argue and yk big fight and stuff sad
fortunately, the both of u prob wouldn't stay mad for eachother that long
the only thing unfortunate was for dolores, she heard the sad ass argument while she was just trying to talk to mariano ☹️☹️
so like camilo would prob try making up to u by forcing u to talk to him once he sees u in town again, he does not care if ure talking to someone else or sumth
so like u guys go to somewhere private, and a silence fills the air until u say: "what do you want, camilo."
but, camilo was determined to apologize and fix everything alright?
he looked at you, and said sorry about the argument and how he wasn't really thinking about what he was saying, and promised to do better and be much more aware next time, instead of being careless.
ofc, u apologized as well and accepted his apology :D
the end !! hope ya enjoyed it hehe <3
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© 2022 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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nemeseos-noctua · 3 years
I remembered you writing about how Aether quickly falls asleep when you play with his hair and my brain went ➡️⬅️↘️↕️➡️↪️⤵️↗️, so may I request Razor, Aether and Xiao snoozing off on their s/o after their hair gets played? (imagining Xiao turning 10x more affectionate, subconsciously nuzzling into you has me sobbing—)
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: razor, aether, xiao (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: not proofread
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: Do you see the xiao bias? Yea u do.
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honestly? his hair is kinda tangled
ok. not kinda. it is very tangled. he does not maintain it, occasionally washing it just because it smells and he doesn't want to attract animals with it
so when you came into his life? and actually brushed his hair? wow. he's in deep. this is love... love is brushing hair
BUT OK SERIOUSLY: he really appreciates that u brush his hair! he thinks it's so cool... because now he can actually?!!? wash?!!?!?!?
one day, u were just brushing his hair and telling him about your day (though he can't really keep up with the rate that words kept leaving your mouth)
and. he fell asleep. HE DIDN'T MEAN IT! but the way you ran ur fingers through his hair and so kindly untangled each knot that'd appear every 5 seconds? wow.
"yeah, and then there were three mitachurls! isn't that crazy?"
". . ."
peeking over to look at the boy who laid in between your legs with his head against your stomach, you were met with the sight of a lightly snoring wolf boy
you swore there was a comical air bubble inflating and deflating from his nose
when razor woke up, he was thoroughly confused once there were a bunch of sweetflowers in his hair... and those silver locks of his were actually untangled?!
he's going to repay you by playing with your hair next!
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aether... has a braid on 24/7. he doesn't usually let it loose because he doesn't have the time to maintain it, braid it again, wash it, etc. every single day
but one night! one night where he had 0 commissions! you asked him while he was roasting some mushroom skewers up:
"hey, can i play with your hair?"
he blinks
and then gets to removing the band at the tip of his hair. HECK! you don't even have to ask! he's all down!
though he gets a little sullen :( his sister used to do his hair for him before they got separated
but he has no time to think about that. right now, it's about you. you running your hands through his hair as he gets flustered at how tangled and unkept his own hair is
"ah, sorry about that..."
"it's no biggie!"
once you untangle it (it wasn't that hard) and separated his braided hair, you had to take a deep breath.
wow. aether with his hair down. wow. thank you for this blessing lord barsibatos 🙏🙏🙏
he feeds u while ur styling his hair however u'd want. he's the sweetest ever <33
when he feels the drowsiness kicking in, he'll literally tell you. "i think i'm going to fall asleep." just a headsup before he actually does, yk?
and once he says that? he's out like a light. this is what happens when you adventure for a living (and for your sister)
though you're both out in the middle of the wilderness, the only heat coming from a dwindling fire, you swore that this. this was the warmest you could ever get.
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you'd have to persuade—no, beg xiao to even come close to his hair. he's not used to physical affection, and touching his hair is way out of that little bubble
it's not that he doesn't trust you. if anything, he trusts you the most. but xiao hasn't been very open and you asking to play with his hair isn't going to change that...
this one time. xiao is feeling his best. his touch-starvedness is kicking in and he longs to... hold your hand. or for you to hold him
nananana! your time to shine! confetti! sprinkles!
he stares at you, menacingly. expecting you to catch on because his stare tells a story
(it tells a story of how you'll die if you wrong him. /j)
"xiao, is something wrong?"
"... no," he grumbles, turning away. he's conflicted, does he feel good that you noticed? or does he feel bad that you did?
he gives in, holding his hands out stiffly. if you weren't so adept in the language of 'Yaksha x Mortal', you would've thought he was t-posing
'he wants a hug!!' you exclaim internally, dramatically walking forward to embrace your boyfriend. of course, you're doing this in the safety of your room at wangshu inn
bringing your hand up to the back of his head, you quickly stroked his turquoise hair, melting once he nuzzled his face into the bottom of your neck, his forehead meeting your skin
this. this my friends, is what you call the adeptus jackpot
xiao enters this state of. "My Touch-Starvedness is Getting Cured" as you continue to fiddle with his hair, occasionally twirling the strands as he swears his eyelids just gained a few pounds
once xiao is back to normal and not in a state of pure euphoria, he will doubt those events ever happened.
"u were so cute yesterday."
"i was not."
"was too."
"was not."
"was too."
". . ."
"caught u in 4k 😳📸"
"what is a 4k?"
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atsumwah · 3 years
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too little too late
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featuring : suna rintaro x reader (they/them pronouns used. correct me if there's a mistake!)
genre : angst
notes : hello !! so this is my first piece of @rintah0e 's and mine fic collab! it was fun getting out of my comfort zone and writing angst, especially for the master of angst aka bby senn🤧 anyways i hope u enjoy it <33 reblogs are appreciated bbs mwahh
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suna hates this.
he hates the way he always catches your figure from across the room, hates the way you don't even notice his eyes trying to meets yours, hates how he can vividly see you intertwining your hands with the man he wished he could be right now. 
he hates how he shouldn't be feeling this way but he can't help it. even after all these years, he can't help but still be in love with you. 
and to top it all of, he hates how unfair it was for all these feelings to emerge from deep within him on the most important day of your life.
"want another drink?" he turned his head towards atsumu who was holding two drinks in his hand. he didn't hesitate to take it.
"don't mind if I do." he gulped it down in one go, then wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. 
"you need to let them go, man." his body stilled at the blonde's words. "it's not fair for them or for you."
"I can't." he sighs, admitting it out loud. it's not like I wanted to feel this way. 
"you had no problem doing it before."
"don't."his head immediately turned towards the blonde setter, holding a finger up as a warning, "not now."
"why not?" atsumu faced him with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "look, I get that I'm your friend but what you did was a dick move and you know it. and suddenly now you're finally realizing that you're gonna lose them forever? where was this realization all those years ago?"
"miya, i said don't." he replied, trying to mask out the aching that's burning his chest now. 
"or what? you're gonna tell me to fuck off too?" he said, poking his tongue at the side of his cheek before continuing. "you know what, forget it. I don't know why I agreed to bring you here anyways." he said before walking away from the brunette.
suna rolled his eyes at him but knew that atsumu's words were true. why didn't he feel this way when he broke it off between you both years ago? why did he feel betrayed now, after seeing you with another man ready to start your new adventure in life? 
maybe it's finally hitting him that there's zero chance for him to be with you. maybe now there's absolutely zero chance for you to accept him in your life. maybe it's finally hitting him how stupid he was.
falling in love with you was unpredictable. for starters, you two hated each other. you both got off to the wrong foot and since suna had a way to push people's buttons— he made it quite easier for you to hate him. 
but that didn't stop him from finding your teasing self bearable the longer he knew you. it didn't stop him from looking forward to your presence each and every day in class, even if it was to annoy him.
and frankly it didn't stop him from looking at you differently as the days went by. 
maybe it was the way you styled your hair or the way you got so happy at a test result you got that day. maybe it was the way you smiled that made him involuntarily smile too. maybe it was the way he finds himself muttering "pretty" under his breath and realizing he said it when he was looking at you.
before he knew it, he fell in love with you and miraculously, you felt the same way about him too. 
he still remembers that particular day of how it all started. it was pouring when he spotted you walking home with an umbrella in hand. he remembers calling out your name and you stopping in your tracks to turn towards him. he remembers telling you he was in love with you. he remembers your goofy smile before you pulled him in a searing kiss.
he remembers being yours and thought that that was all he wanted in life. 
keyword : thought. 
as you both reached adulthood and were ready to take another step into your life, suna was beginning to have doubts. you were both in a happy place, yes, but for how long would that last? 
just as he remembered how it all started, he still remembers how it all ended.
"what the heck are you talking about?" you said, ways furrowing and lips in a tight line. "rin, you're joking right?"
"do i look like I'm joking to you?" he said, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm just saying, maybe a break would be a good thing. we're both going different directions anyways so it won't be hard for us to go." 
"hard? that's what you're afraid of? that it's going to be hard?" you said exasperatedly. "rin, of course it's going to be hard but that doesn't mean it's not possible.”
“I'm just being realistic here, y/n. one of us has to be.” he says, sighing as he faces you. 
you tensed as he used your first name, an occurrence that only happens when he’s deadly serious. 
“why are you so stubborn?
“If anything you're being stubborn here. you don't want to face the reality of—"
“of what? of you giving up on us?
"yes.” he said almost immediately. “If that's gonna make you get it then yes I am. just fuck off, y/n, jeez. " he snapped before he could even stopped himself to think about his words carefully.
he saw the way your eyes flickered to the ceiling, how your lips started to tremble and felt like he had gone too far. he sighed before walling towards you, reaching his hands out to hold onto yours— but the moment he was in your personal bubble, you backed away. you backed away as if he was something disgusting you didn't want to be near with.
a part of him shattered seeing you do that but he was just giving you the honest truth. it wasn't like he wanted for you both to break up. it was just inevitable. you were going off to college and he was starting his career and there was no way it could be worked. 
you were convenient to him.  you stayed around the same area, you meet each other at school everyday and all your dates were the places he's used to going anyways. but now, moving to another city, preferably having another life? how could it still work?
“I thought you loved me." you whispered, looking at him in disbelief. "after everything we did to get here, you're just gonna throw it all away?”
“we were teenagers." he said simply. "it's different now."
you forced out a chuckle. “that's your excuse? you're a coward, suna."
the sound of his last name coming from your lips sounded so foreign but he didn't back down. he couldn't. he was being rational. 
he walked over to you again and tried to reach for your hands but you kept stepping away from him. 
“I love you.” he said, voice barely a whisper. "I love you but it's just—"
“bullshit. if you loved me, you would have fought to make it work.”
you would've fought for us.
and those were your last words before you went on with your life. 
after that, he tried contacting you but you had his number and every social media account blocked. he didn't even know where you had moved and all of his friends refused to tell him your whereabouts too.
that was when it hit him that maybe he should have taken your advice and tried harder. 
because no matter how hard building his career was, it didn't come close as to how hard it was for him to forget about you. 
and maybe some part of him hoped to meet you again. some part of him hoped that one day he'd see you walking down the street and catch up to you like he always did when he was sixteen. maybe you wouldn't be mad at him anymore and you two could go grab a coffee to reconcile your relationship.  maybe you could've continued what you had and made it stronger because he knew now to never let you go. he won't. 
but it was too late. he was too late. 
because standing in front of him now is not someone he can hope for a future with. 
in fact, it's someone who's already planning on having a future— and he was nowhere in it. 
the big 'congratulations' banner hung on the wall was a painful reminder to him of how you're getting married soon. it was a reminder that you're officially someone else's. that you're officially unobtainable. you were on the verge of making memories with someone new, and he's stuck with the memories of the past. 
even when he looks at you now, it's nothing but an ache in his chest. the sight of you used to be something that brought him joy. whenever he came home to you back at his apartment, all worn out and tired from the day, just the sight of your open arms brought the biggest smile to his face. he used to bury his face in the crook of your neck, taking in your sweet scent and clinging onto you like a koala— a routine whenever he came home to you. even if he never verbally said it, you were his home.
and he took that for granted.
because whenever he sees you now, he wants nothing more than to desperately kiss and tell you how wrong he was to let you go. he wants nothing more than to resume what you both once had, resume his version of a fairytale romance that only you provided him.
once upon a time he was everything to you— but that chapter of the book had closed and suna wished he tried rewriting it way sooner. 
he wished he realized it way sooner. 
"I didn't think you'd come." 
his eyes snapped towards you, who suddenly appeared in front of him. you still looked as beautiful as he remembered. 
"wouldn't miss it for the world." he said, eyes darting from his empty glass to you. "it's been a while." 
"yeah. I heard you made it to the national team. congrats, suna." you said, giving him a nod after too.
he forced a smile, still processing in his brain that he wasn't anything but suna to you, atsumu's friend that he dragged here and your future husband's teammate. 
"I hope you don't take this the wrong way, though. tsumu wanted you to come and well, my fiancé thought it would be a good idea too, you know, since you two would be playing together." you composed yourself in saying. "and I thought by now we could be civil with each other so yeah."
"no, I get it. you don't have to explain yourself." he says, downing the last drop of what was left in his cup. 
"alright then, I hope you enjoy the rest of the party." you said, already turning on your heel to leave.
"wait," he says immediately, "I—"
I still love you.
I should've tried harder. 
don't choose him. let me have another chance.
"I...wish you both the best." is what he says instead. "I hope you'll be happy with him."
"I am." you said, a familiar look appeared on your face and he was silly it was only ever reserved for him. "I truly am. thank you, suna. I hope all the best for you too." 
he watched as you walked back to the center of the party with a pair of arms draping themselves around your shoulder as you reached there. he watched as a pair of lips kissed your temple softly, making you scrunch your nose in a cute way he remembered you used to do. he watched as you leaned in and made yourself comfortable in his hold, looking as if you belonged there. he watched as you got father away from him, indefinitely slipping away from his reach.
suna hates this but he hates himself more for letting you go in the first place. 
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a/n : atsumu isn't ur fiancé btw so feel free to imagine who it is
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travellingarmy · 4 years
║Venti║ Stars (R)
Requested from Wattpad.
Female reader as requested.
Warning: •Those who does not know what R-rated means, it simply means that it is restricted to children under 17 (according to google).
•This will most likely be crap because I still don't know how to write NSFW oneshots.
Word count: 2.1k
"Just - hic - one more, Master Diluc!" Filled with the nightlife atmosphere in Angel's Share, Venti decided to join as well for the sake of sharing the same joy every Mondstadtian holds.
"You do know that these aren't free.." Diluc grumbles, a look of irritation visible on his face. "And don't you think you've had enough? You've had 33 glasses now."
"Ah, I can never get enough of Master Diluc's amazing brew!" the small bard exclaims. Diluc's face remained unchanged by the complement and went to make another glass for him. "You better pay for these."
"Haha, oh, Master Diluc, aren't you the jokester." Venti giggles. "I'm not joking," Diluc plainly said. "Haha, oh well.. Anyway.." Sounds of chatter drown out the taller male's warning that night by a loud bard who was starting to become tipsier with each drink.
After a couple more drinks- actually, it totalled to 50- Venti was now showing signs of passing out with his head on the counter, aside from occasional giggles and hiccups. Diluc grumbles in complete disbelief. Now that the bard was drunk, there was no way he would listen to his words.
An irritated sigh left the tavern owner's lips, seeing as he could do nothing about it. "I'll make sure you pay for it tomorrow so just go home," Diluc said to the bard who luckily listened, walking drunkenly out the tavern. "Thanks, Master Diluc!"
The cold air of the night brushed past the skin of the male, giggling as it tickles him. Oh how much he loves the wind so much.
Tonight, Venti did not go home- if he even has one- and instead, walk straight out of the city's gate; heading towards Starsnatch Cliff where he knew someone was sitting there all in her lonesomeness.
"(Y/N)!" the bard cheery voice made its way to your ears, making you turn to look at him. He waves and drunkenly giggles. "Venti, what are you doing here?"
"Hehe, I thought that my goddess wouldn't be asleep at this time and was here~" he answers, sitting down beside you. One sniff of him and your face wrinkled as if you were smelling a garbage site. "Ew, you went to the tavern again!?"
"Ehe." He shrugs, eyes closing into crescents as he smiled. You shook your head and brought your knees close to your chest, hugging it. You did not want to further push about the boring topic as it was quite often he would try to get wine from Diluc so silence was the only thing you could do.
You look at the stars in awe, a small smile tugging the corner of your lips. "It's quite nice today-- even the weather," you stated randomly. Venti leans back, using his arms as support. He took a glance at your soft figure before averting it to the sky you were seeing. "Even if it was cold, I would control the wind to make it warm for you," he points out, a smile of his own visible on his face.
In the midst of another silence, Venti's drunken state had his eyes started to wander on you, eyes tracing your face down to every detail. Your eyes that were half-lidded, your nose that was ever so his favourite feature, your lips-- oh let us not get into detail as to how much he loves those lips. Soon, his eyes wandered down to your neck and the strands of hair resting on it to tease him.
It might just be him being drunk and deluded or the atmosphere, but something in him wanted to do more than just looking at you.
With that being said, his hands slowly encircled your waist and drew you closer to him so that he could rest his chin on your shoulders. To you, it was just him wanting to hold you; nothing too suspicious and you continued to dismiss him.
However, that innocent thought was no longer when you felt his hands rub your sides in a slow and lustful manner. "V, Venti..!" you stutter, eyes widening as you look at him from the corner of your eyes.
He hums, eyes closed. "What is it, (Y/N)?" his voice still holding the same cheeky persona as his smile just grew wider. "U, um..!!" Your words died out on your tongue, the sudden rise of heat too overwhelming for you.
His lips made their way to your earlobe. "What's wrong, (Y/N)? Are you unwell?" he asks, a smirk replacing his playful smile. You bit your bottom lip and closed your eyes, unsure of what to do as you felt something in your stomach. It was like a fluttering feeling when you see your crush, but quite different.
"Do you.. Want me to help you, (Y/N)?" he breathlessly asks and went to nibble the sensitive part of your ears. A whimper that escaped your throat failed you which just urge the male further. His lips then slowly made their way to your neck and he was suddenly washed with the intoxication of your smell.
Not waiting for a reaction, he starts off by licking your neck and soon, sucking it hard enough to leave a mark. Once again, another whimper left you. You felt embarrassed by the sounds you had made, but the growing heat in the atmosphere was too much for you to fight.
One of his hands made its way down your body, rubbing your thighs as the other massages one of your breasts. Your chests start to expand wider with each breath you take.
Venti's hands soon returned to your chest and began to unbutton your shirt ever so skillfully. Once it was fully undone to the last button, he moves in front of you, pushing you down the grass and hovering on top of you.
His eyes were filled with lust and craved for you and your body. Hungrily, he smashes his lips onto yours and had a full heated session. He licked the bottom of your lips and you obliged, opening your mouth to allow his tongue to adventure inside, winning dominance.
He went back and suck the other side of your neck, also leaving a mark there as his hands unclip your bra, kneading your breast between his fingers.
At that point, heat, too, filled your body and made your mind hazy, letting out a moan. Soon, his lips trailed downwards and took the other breast in his mouth. He continued to do so and switched to give the same attention to the other.
His hand went lower, pulling your skirt down to your thighs. Teasingly, he rubs his fingers on your clothed cunt and you moaned yet again. "Hehe, you are so naughty, (Y/N)~ Already this wet for me?" he says, continuing to run through the article.
Soon, he had enough of the teasing and pulled down your last piece of clothing, leaving you fully exposed to the cool air of the night while he was still fully clothed.
"Tell me, (Y/N), what do you want me to do~?" he asks, pressing his cold fingers on your cunt, making you whimper. When you didn't say anything, he leaned closer to your ears and whispered, "If you don't tell me.." He moves his fingers teasingly. "I could just leave it here~"
"N, no..!" You shot your eyes wide open, revealing your desperation and lust. "Hm~? Then tell me, what is it that you want me to do?" He smiles and his eyes were overshadowed with a dark playfulness.
"P, please.. I, I want your fingers.. In me.." you say, a bit embarrassed at the dirty words that left your tongue. Venti chuckles, but answered to your wish, plunging one finger inside which made you moan. Urged on by the sound, he entered a second one. "Look at you~ So greedy for my touch."
You weren't listening to his words as he starts pumping his fingers, slow at first to make you just whimper. "What do you want me to do now, (Y/N)?" he asks once again. "Is this too slow for you?"
"Please.. G, go faster..!" Again, listened to your wish and started to pump faster, adding two more fingers in the mix. He returns to attack your breast and bit your nipples and his free hand went to massage the other.
The stimulation was too much for you, being touched everywhere soon made a knot inside of you that was waiting to be snapped at any moment. "V, Venti..!" That was all he needed to hear for him to stop, moving away from you.
You look at him, confused and upset, but that was soon answered as he stood up and pulled both his pants and undergarments down. "(Y/N), why don't you be a good girl and repent?" he beckons you to go on your knees.
You listened, getting on your knees and bringing your face closer to his cock that was dripping with precum. "Well? Don't tell me you don't wish to repent." You gulped and slowly bring your lips to the tip of his dick, licking the precum off of it.
You felt him shudder from above which urged you on. You opened your mouth and brought half of it inside your mouth, earning a groan from the male.
You then started to suck on his cock and another moan erupted from his vocal cords, putting a gentle hand on your head. You only sucked halfway of it and pumped the rest, not wanting to choke.
When it has gotten to a point that was much to his pleasure, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pushed your head; pushing his cock deeper into your mouth. You moaned on his cock, feeling it touch the back of your mouth and made you gag.
"Don't stop now, (Y/N). After all, you want to be forgiven right?" He tugs on your hair and you continued. Venti became a moaning mess, guiding your head as he does so. And soon, you felt his cock twitch inside you. You suck him faster, wanting to help him in his release.
Followed by a long moan, he fills your mouth with his juice, keeping your head locked on his dick so that you don't waste a single drop.
Once you gulped all of them down, he pulls away. "Aren't you a good girl~?" he coos. "You deserve a reward so why don't you get on your hands and knees for me, hm?"
You listened, wanting to get your own release as well. He got behind you and you felt excitement wash through you and the knot that was still there.
He put his hands on your breasts, giving it a little squeeze. "Are you sure about this, (Y/N)?" he whispers in your ear. "You can always tell me to stop, okay?" You nod.
With that, he moved his wet cock inside you. You whimpered at the overwhelming foreign heat that entered you. Venti was patient with you and waited for you to adjust to the feeling.
"P, please move.." you say breathlessly after a while. Venti listened and started to enter and leave your hole, building up his stimulation once more.
Moans, pants, and lust filled that night and at each thrust, he went faster and faster as you grip onto the grass, feeling your legs numbing. "Harder, Venti..!" you cried out, the knot close to breaking.
His grip on your waist was for sure going to leave marks on your skin, but that didn't matter to your right now.
He pulls out completely but quickly slams it back inside you. Your head jerks up and moaned loudly. The sight of the was stars blurring as you were being pounded into and drool went down the corner of your mouth.
Venti's thrust became sloppier and sloppier by the second. He buried his face on your shoulders and bit it hard enough that it drew blood, but you were too focused on the pleasure that you hadn't noticed.
"V, Venti, I--" At that moment, the knot snapped and you came on his dick. Venti thrusts a couple more times before he, too, came inside you, groaning as his second wave was finally released.
He fell on top of you, both your legs too weak to carry the weight of your bodies. He didn't take himself out just yet and listen to the two of you pant.
"Let's go home, hm?" he suggests between heavy breathing. You nod and watch as he pulls out, letting out a whimper at the sudden emptiness inside you.
He dresses himself up first and later helped you since you were unable to do it and carried you home. "I love you, (Y/N)." He kisses the side of your head, watching you slowly fall asleep.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Hi! I love your work and I’ve been binging it for a while! <3 I was wondering if I could have some angst and a broken heart since it seems I like to suffer. ;’) Can I have headcannon with an insecure adventurer reader who’s in a relationship with one of the Mondstadt boys (or just the dark night because I’m down bad since he didn’t come home). They are insecure because while they are a great adventurer, ever since the traveler came, they’ve been living in the traveler’s shadow with everyone, even possibly the readers lover, praising the traveler. The reader takes on increasingly difficult missions, even putting their life on the line since they feel as though they have to prove themselves. In an attempt to stop the reader, the Mondstadt boys tell the reader that they aren’t the traveler, but instead of the good intent behind it, the reader takes it as if their lover prefers the traveler and decides to try and give up adventuring since they realized that not once did their lover go on an adventure with them, but they did with the Traveler. This was long, I’m sorry, but feel free to reject it! Stay safe and healthy!
hey!!! a few little notes: i ended up going with just diluc and instead of hcs, i wrote a little one-shot. i hope you enjoy it and i hope i nailed your idea lol <3 enjoy! (requests are open)  also: u will pull diluc!!! and thank u for ur support :3
before reading: 1.8k words, little mentions of blood but nothing graphic, kinda angsty w feelings of despair (tw?? idk), under cut for length
The first time you realized you had fallen into Lumine’s shadow is when your weekly commissions are given to her. Jean didn’t give you much explanation when she sent you home for the day but you could only assume it’s because Lumine could do them better
The second time is when you were absent for a weekend to clear out Hiluchurls from Wolvendome and when you returned back to Mondstadt to share the news, everyone was preoccupied helping Lumine find her brother.
The third time is when, despite your tireless efforts to protect your hometown this year, Lumine was chosen as the Windblume Star.
You had gone from the Knights of Favonius' greatest knight to a mere shadow. Your accomplishments and achievements felt like nothing when compared to Lumine’s and you became desperate to be known again. You watched your teammates pick Lumine over you, choosing to accompany her on adventures, and your friends constantly chatting about how amazing she was.
And, well, she was.
Lumine was beautiful. She was delicate and soft and fought gracefully, while you often came home covered in dirt or blood. And she was kind - so, so kind. She offered her hand to you on multiple occasions, never once seeing you as the threat you saw her as. And beyond her looks, Lumine was passionate and strong and everything you were not. She had everything you had and more except for one thing.
But when you saw Lumine sitting at the bar in the tavern, sharing a daring story with your boyfriend, you became doubtful.
From your seat on the second level of the tavern, you had a perfect view of the pair. Diluc looked happy - perhaps even happier than with you - and your heart broke. Would Lumine be the end of an era between you and Diluc? You loved Diluc to death and all you wanted was for him to be happy.
The truth was, you were running out of patience, running out of fake enthusiasm and fake laughs and fake smiles when Diluc bragged to you about what Lumine did that day. The constant praises and compliments towards a woman who wasn’t even in the room tore you apart bit-by-bit. You were finding it harder to get through each day as Diluc slipped through your fingers.
When you finally broke your silence, you talked to Kaeya.
It was an accidental breakdown - Kaeya had made a cheeky comment about how his brother was spending an awfully lot of time with the traveler and you just broke down. Realizing the severity of the situation, Kaeya pulled you into his office and closed the door. He let you sit at his desk until you calmed down.
“What’s going on?”
So, you told him. You finally let out the bottled up despair and, frankly, jealousy you had been holding in for the past few weeks. You told Kaeya about how you went from ‘hero to zero’ and how you didn’t even deserve to be a knight anymore.
“If I’m not a knight, I don’t have a purpose,” You said solemnly. “I haven’t picked up my sword in a month, Kaeya.”
Kaeya makes a noise of acknowledgement and urges you to continue.
“And I can’t stand how she’s better than me! I’m the Revolutionary Knight - not her!” Despite your angered words, you’re suppressing panic deep in your chest. “She’s already taken so much from me and she’s going to take Diluc.”
“Diluc loves you,” Kaeya reassures you. You’ve never heard his voice this soft and serious before. “Nothing Lumine can do is going to make Diluc ever stop loving you.”
Deep down, you knew that. You knew that Diluc loved you and planned to marry you one day, you knew that. It was just hard to convince your heart of that. As you stared down at the floor, you heard Kaeya sigh.
“Maybe you just need to show him you’re just as good at Lumine.”
That night, you packed a bag before Diluc got home from the tavern and left for Liyue. You would fight the Cryo Regisvine and bring back Diluc a hoarfrost core. He would see your heroic nature and forget all about Lumine - they all would.
When Diluc came home that night to find your absence, he began to worry. You were never one to leave without saying anything so Diluc rushed to the Knight’s Headquarters quickly. He was fortunate that Jean and Kaeya were still there finalizing some paperwork.
“Master Diluc?” Jean asked, rising from her desk as Diluc rushed inside her office. “Is everything alright?”
“Y/N is missing,” He said quickly.
“Missing? Are you sure?”
“Yes! They never go anywhere without telling me,” Diluc continued. He noticed Kaeya avert his gaze and snapped his eyes over to his brother, “Kaeya, what do you know?”
“I may have told them to do something heroic to win you back,” Kaeya said, realizing his idea may not have been the best.
Diluc’s eyes widened, “Win me back?”
Kaeya sighed and explained what was going on with you. Diluc’s heart dropped into his stomach and he couldn’t believe how stupid he had been. He should have been praising you, not Lumine. “They mentioned something about the Cryo Regisvine-”
Diluc didn’t let Kaeya speak another word before he took off. You couldn’t have gotten that far and when Diluc noticed the darkening weather, his feet picked up their pace.
A fierce gust of wind made you cover your face with your arms. Out of nowhere, it started pouring rain but you wouldn’t let that stop you. You pushed through the impending storm and made your way down into the cave where the ice monster lived. You gripped your sword tightly as the monster sensed your presence and unraveled, turning the downcoming rain into shards of ice that landed on your skin like needles.
Without much delay, you charged the Cryo Regisvine and landed three hits on its corolla before one of its leafy arms wacked into you, sending you hurdling backwards. Your sword was knocked out of your hand and you struggled to catch your breath.
More sharp icicles pierced your skin and a spray of freezing air coated your skin. Yet, you still managed to grab your sword and stand. Your hobbled toward the monster again and when the same leafy arm came towards you, you slashed at it.
The monster let out a screech and retracted itself before slamming it’s head down towards your body. You dodged the first hit but were caught off guard when the second hit knocked you off your feet. You barely had time to roll away when it slammed it’s head down a third time.
Diluc surged forwards, grabbing your arm and forcefully pulling you to your feet. Your sword became lost from your hold and the sudden movement caused the blade to scrape down your leg before clambering to the ground again. A nasty gash was left and you seethed.
He couldn’t even think as he pulled you away from the monster. You had never seen Diluc move so fast. He didn’t let you go until you were both far enough from the cave to feel secure. Diluc’s arms wrapped around your shoulders tightly and you were too stunned to say anything.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
Your mind felt foggy. You tried to open your mouth and speak but no words came out.
“Do you realize how dangerous that was?”
“I just...Lumine…”
Diluc pulled back at this and stared in your eyes. You couldn’t quite match the emotion on his face. “You’re not Lumine!”
His words cut deep and you felt tears soak your eyes. Maybe if your head was clearer and you could actually hear your thoughts, you would have realized Diluc didn’t mean it that way. But the only thing consuming your mind was that he was right. You weren’t Lumine and you would never be Lumine. “I know!” You cried out suddenly, “That’s why I have to go and kill that thing! So I can give you a hoarfrost core and you’ll love me again!”
Diluc only looked at you. His hands ran down from your shoulders to your hands and he brought your left hand to his lips. You heard him sigh before kissing your knuckle gently.
Your wet hair was dripping water down your face in freezing cold droplets. At that moment you felt useless. You weren’t able to fight the Cryo Regisvine and bring Diluc a hoarfrost core. He would leave you for Lumine and there was nothing you could do about it.
“You’re hurt,” Diluc said, motioning to your leg. In your desolate state, you had forgotten about the gaping wound on your leg that was pouring blood. “Come on - we’re going home.”
You were too upset to protest and let Diluc maneuver your body onto his back. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck and relished in the warmth his vision released. You held onto Diluc like it was the last time you ever would.
The walk back to Mondstadt was silent and when you two arrived at your shared house, Diluc let you down on the couch. You could only stare at your lap.
“I’m sorry,” You finally mumbled, “Next time I’ll finish what I started.”
“There won’t be a next time,” Diluc said sternly, “No way you’re ever going there alone again.”
Your face stiffened into annoyance. “I’m the Revolutionary Knight - I can do it.”
“No, you can’t.” His words seemed cold and unusual but they were coated in concern. Diluc reached up and cupped your face with his large hands. You tried to pull away but his grip was firm, “It’s okay.”
The situation was suddenly overwhelming and far too much to deal with. The tears you had been holding back tumbled down your cheeks and your words were choked between sobs, “Lumine is so perfect and I’m not...I don’t want you to leave me...I know I’m not good enough but-”
He stopped your rambling with a kiss. “Don’t ever think you’re not good enough,” He whispered, taking you into his arms. You hid your sobs in Diluc’s chest as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. Eventually, your cries settled.
Diluc spent the rest of the night dressing your wound and laying with you in your bed. He didn’t stop comforting you until every horrible thought about yourself was gone from your mind. In the morning he would talk to you more but for now, his job was to make you feel strong again.
And it would take a while but one day you would come to realize that you were just as good as Lumine and no one could truly compare to you. Like the storm on that horrifying night, this too would pass.
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page150 · 3 years
Not A Friend - (Sister to Oscar "Spooky" and César Díaz)
Request: "i was wondering if u could do a fic where oscar and cesar have a teen sister and she’s sexually assaulted and tells oscar??"
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3181
Warnings: Sexual Assault, Guns, Cursing
A/N: I usually don't do a author's note before the imagine, but this is a sensitive topic so if this might be triggering please click away.
Y/N - Your Name f/c - favorite color
Y/N sat quietly in her room, reading a book, illuminated by a white lamp sitting on her dresser.
Outside her brother, Oscar laughed with some men and her other brother, César had left a while ago on another adventure with his friends, leaving Y/N by herself in her room. Placing the book down, she moved the curtains away from her window. She looked at the gathering of Santos socializing in the backyard. Red solo cups in hand, dancing and eating. She remembered how Oscar had let her help decorate the backyard for the party only to be later excluded from it. Looking at him laughing with a with his arm around someone she betted that he had forgotten that she was inside.
She had gotten used to being forgotten and treated differently by people. Ever since she was born her brothers didn’t know what to do with her. Oscar had never expected to have to raise a brother by himself and especially not a sister. Even though she was only a year younger than César, Oscar's idea of keeping her safe was keeping her hidden.
She was only allowed to go straight to school then straight home, never alone either. If César or Monse weren’t going to a place neither was Y/N and that’s how it always was. She was especially not allowed to hang out with any of Oscar's friends, making life extremely lonely.
Glancing at a photo that was taped next to the window, she smiled at herself situated between Jasmine and Monse with Jamal, Ruby and César in the back. César’s friends were nice, but they were his friends not hers. He was the one invited to all their parties. He was the one they had tried to save, not her.
This left school to be the only place Y/N could socialize, but no one wanted to be friends with a girl from a gang. She was labeled dangerous before anything else, leaving her by herself. Always forgotten, and always alone.
That night she went to sleep feeling sorry for herself and woke up the same way. It continued the next few days until one day when while sitting in her algebra class, a new student was introduced. He was placed next to her and, ignoring the strange looks the class gave to him, he introduced himself.
“I’m Luke. Can I sit here?”
Y/N looked up at the blond haired boy. Her table partner had moved schools a few months ago and no one bothered to sit with her since. He looked nice, he had a nice smile and it made her want to lower her guard slightly, “Yeah, you can sit here.”
Luke sat next to her and immediately tried to start a conversation. He talked about how he moved from Florida. She noticed, as they talked more, how similar they were. They both had interesting families. He had two brothers, she had two brothers and they both lived near each other.
Y/N found herself laughing more than usual at his jokes. This led to the teacher having to stop class multiple times to scold them. Y/N never had a connection to someone like this, especially not on the first day. At lunch Luke went to sit with with her and -
“Who’s this?” César asked, suddenly sitting down at the lunch table next to his sister and wrapping an arm around her. Jamal, Ruby, and Monse also sat down. The table that previously consisted of two people quickly turned to six. Other kids nearby, eyed the two “dangerous” siblings sitting together.
Y/N rolled her eyes at the unexpected attention that was now forming. “This is Luke, he’s new.”
“Lukeee,” César trailed, “I’m Y/N’s older brother-”
“By a few months,” Y/N butted in.
“Whatever, I’m César, these are my friends Jamal, Ruby and my girl Monse.”
Monse laughed, “I’m not your girl.”
“Not yet,” César winked.
Y/N sighed and threw César’s arm off her. She turned to Elliot and apologized.
“Sorry for them.”
“No they’re cool,” Luke grinned. “Any friend of mine is my friend as well.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows, “We’re friends now? It’s only been a day.”
“Of course, you’re cool.”
With the compliment Y/N cheeks turned red. As childish as it was, having an established friendship with someone made her feel nice.
“This must be how César and Oscar feel all the time.” She thought.
“I don’t know if Oscar will like you having a friend that is a boy.” Ruby remarked. “No offense, Luke.”
“None taken.”
“Oscar doesn’t like anyone anyways.” Monse muttered, taking a bite into her sandwich.
“Don’t worry” Luke smiled, “I’m one of the good guys.”
“That’s what they all say,” Jamal said suspiciously. He leaned in close to Luke’s face and gave him some crazy faces.
“Okay, great talk guys,” Y/N said sarcastically, “I would love to chat with you more but lunch is about to end and I have to show Luke where his next class is. I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah I have to go, but it was nice meeting you guys.” Luke stated, before he was dragged away by Y/N.
The next few weeks Y/N spent all her time with Luke. He sat next to her in the classes they shared, they talked at lunch and while walking home after school. They even stayed up at night so they could talk on the phone. She found herself smiling every time he talked to her. Every time he offered to carry her books. He was just so nice.
One Friday afternoon, Luke came running up to Y/N, putting her items in her backpack after her last class. He put his hands around her eyes, trying to hold back his laughter.
“Guess who?”
“Mrs. Kurt, I told you we can't see each other here.” Y/N whispered.
Luke removed his hands and his face went white. Y/N turned around and started crying with laughter. She had to sit down, her face turning bright red as she continued to laugh, gasping for air.
“I don’t even want to think about you dating my mom.” He trembled, before returning to his cheerful self. “Stop laughing, I have important news. There’s a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.”
Y/N stopped laughing and thought about it before responding. “I don’t know. I don’t think Oscar would want me to. You know how he is about stuff like that.”
Luke smiled and picked her backpack off the floor. He then put out his hand and helped Y/N to her feet.
“Which is why César and his friends already said they are coming too. Oscar doesn’t have to know you're going as my date.”
“Your date?”
“If you want to be. I want you to be my date.”
Y/N smiled, a pink blush covering her cheeks. “I can be your date.”
“Great,” He took her hand and began to lead her out of the classroom. “It’s going to be amazing, don't worry.”
That night Y/N drank water out of a red solo cup, while sitting on the couch of a kid she had never met before. This time she was the one laughing and partying. Colors flashed around the room as more and more kids came into the house. The air was foggy with smoke and smelt like a mash of perfumes and colognes. Y/N nodded her head to the music enjoying the energy in the room.
To her surprise Luke pulled her up to dance with him. She giggled feeling his hands go around her waist. She put her arms around his neck just like she saw in the movies. Rap was blasting out of speakers placed on the ground. Somewhere someone joked about getting a noise compliment to which the crowd began shouting the rap lyrics louder. Taunting the idea, almost hoping for it so the party could gain extra excitement. Y/N shouted along with them in bliss. Ignoring the past fear she had felt once she noticed César had left. Ignoring the looks she had gotten when she first walked in the party. Ignoring how Luke had moved his hands past the dip in her back...
When she felt his hands squeeze her butt she whispered for him to stop which he did, but she still felt weird. A sinking feeling sat in her gut that this was a mistake. Suddenly the small action made the party feel like too much now. She could smell the stink of alcohol on Luke’s breath and weirdly on herself as well. How did she get drunk?
Y/N moved from Luke to where she had placed her cup. Now she could see scribbled on with a black sharpie, someone else’s name. She must have grabbed the wrong cup sometime during the party. Swaying slightly, she moved back toward Luke.
“I need to go home,” She hiccuped. “I drank someone's drink.”
In the darkness she didn’t see Luke’s small smile. “Wow, I’m sorry. Let’s get you home.”
The two exited the party and began to walk home. Y/N felt more tipsy as she walked, eventually having to lean on the blond boy. She didn’t feel really drunk, she could still tell what was happening, it was just her body felt a little out of balance. Luke seemed the same way, but before they reached Y/N house he grabbed her hips. The sudden movement left her in shock.
“You looked really nice tonight, babe.” He said, pulling her into a kiss as he ran his hands on her back, slowly moving lower onto her butt, then up to her breasts.
Immediately Y/N pushed Luke off of her, moving to wrap her arms around herself. “What the hell? I’m a Santo, pull that shit again and it's over” She yelled, backing away from Luke.
“Like you would, I’m the only one who cares enough to pay attention to you. Do you really think anyone else wants to be around you? I’ll do whatever I want. You would be an idiot to lose me.” He fumed.
Y/N froze. Luke had never acted like that before. He couldn’t truly mean what he was saying. She ran into her house and locked the door behind her. She waited a few minutes to check that he had left, which he did.
After her shower she convinced herself that Luke must have been really drunk. That’s why he acted that way, but on Monday he proved that that was not the case.
At the beginning of algebra it started off okay. Luke kept his eyes on the board and focused on his work. It was okay up to the point where he started rubbing on Y/N's leg. She told him to stop but he ignored her. First rubbing small circles on her knee. Then moving up to her thigh moving closer and closer upwards. No matter how many times she moved his hand he kept putting it back. Eventually she had to stay quiet out of fear of distracting the class, but he kept going. She begged silently for it to stop. Suddenly feeling powerless as he continued to do as he pleased for more days.
At lunch even though Luke continued to joke with César she started to go silent. It was a constant internal battle. If she pushed Luke away more, it would cause her to lose her only friend. If she didn’t she would continue to feel uncomfortable. She told herself it would stop eventually, that things would go back to normal, but they didn’t.
As more days went by Luke tried to do more things. The more he tried to do the quieter Y/N got. But luckily César began to notice. He noticed that Y/N wanted him to sit between her and Luke more. How she stopped laughing at his jokes and how Luke changed his tone when talking to her. It wasn’t always playful like it used to be.
Even though César wasn’t really close to his sister he acknowledged that they had to look out for each other. Y/N had been the one to get Oscar to let him back in the house many times. She looked out for him, and he had to look out for her.
Which is why when César and Monse accidentally walked in on Luke kissing her in an empty classroom while she tried to push him off, he freaked out.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He shouted, pulling Luke off of her and close to his face by the collar of his shirt. “I'm Lil’ Spooky I’ll have your face in the dirt if you do that shit again.”
“César, stop what are you doing here. You’re going to hurt him.” Y/N yelled. Monse gently pulled her away from Luke, but she pushed Monse back.
César punched Luke in the eye and he fell down, crumbling into a fetal position. César continued to kick him in the stomach until Y/N pulled him away.
“You’re hurting him! You can’t do this here! César stop please!”
César turned and grabbed Y/N's arm. He led her out of the classroom and out of the school with Monse trailing after them. Y/N’s items in hand.
“I can’t believe he was on you like that. Shit, Y/N. Wait, don't cry, don’t cry, it's okay.”
Y/N hadn’t realized she was crying until he said that. Tears were falling rapidly down her cheeks. She choked back sobs, trying to keep herself somewhat together.
She was thankful for César stopping it, but afraid for what would happen next. Once they reached their house César guided her up the stairs and inside where Oscar was smoking a cigarette at the dinner table. Hearing the door burst open and crying he instantly got up. He reached for his gun, but seeing that it was his siblings he stopped.
“Shit, what the hell happened César. Why is she crying?”
“Tell him,” César said softly. Monse ran in and went to Y/N’s side pulling her into a hug.
“Tell me what. Why are you crying?”
“He 's not mad at you hermana. Él va a ayudar.”
Y/N sniffled and buried herself into Monse’s shoulder. Trying to hide her embarrassment she whispered, “My friend at school was touching me in a weird way, Oscar. He wouldn’t stop. I told him to stop, though. I did. Please, don’t be mad at me.”
“We’re not mad at you and he’s not a friend anymore, Y/N. That should’ve never happened to you.” Monse murmured.
The room went silent. Monse still slowly rubbed Y/N’s back and César stood tense. Oscar looked from César to Y/N.
“César, do you think he left school yet?”
“Uh yeah, school ended right after I pulled her out.”
“Come on,” Oscar grabbed his gun and began to walk out the door, César following after. Y/N ran after Oscar begging for him to stop.
“Don’t Oscar, don’t hurt hm. He’s my only friend. He’s a kid, it was just a mistake.”
“No no!” He shouted. Oscar turned and placed his hands on Y/N’s shoulder’s. Looking into her teary eyes.
“It’s not your fault. It’s never your fault hermana. My job is to keep you safe. I've failed at a lot of things, but I refuse to fail at that again. Get in the house and rest. He just needs to be taught a lesson. Stay with Monse. Te amo como una hija bebé espeluznante.”
He left with César, leaving Y/N on the lawn. Monse guided her back into the house. She remembered what her dad did whenever she was going through a lot. She treated Y/N the same way. Reassuring her that it will be okay. That it wasn’t her fault.
César and Oscar didn’t come back until later that night.
“We got you this,” Oscar muttered, walking into the house and tossing a stuffed bear to Y/N. “We saw the idea online.” It was a f/c bear with a heart on it that said ‘Te Quiero’ with little messages César and Oscar wrote on the back. There weren't a lot, but the few ones there were were heartfelt.
“Thank you, I love it” Y/N smiled, holding the bear close. Her eyes were still slightly red from crying.
“And pizza,” César quietly cheered. On his face was a bandage, but he moved his face so Y/N couldn’t see it. “Monse do you want to spend the night?”
Monse looked at Y/N, “Yeah I already have clothes here so I’ll stay,”
She picked up a slice of pizza. “Soo, what did you guys do?”
“We took care of it,” Oscar said, sitting on the couch next to Y/N. “He won’t mess with you again. If I didn’t have a reputation I would’ve reported it.” He lowered his voice. “You can always go to us Y/N, we’re going to protect you. If that cabrón messes with you again I’m coming for him. ”
“I know,” Y/N mumbled. “I just wanted a friend, how dumb is that.”
“You can always hang out with us,” Monse added, “We’re your friends. We love having you around.”
Y/N sighed, “I mean my own friend. I love you guys too, but it gets so lonely. No one at school wants to be near me. Soy un marginado.”
The room went silent again. Before Monse spoke up, “You know you’re really smart Y/N. There’s a school in BrentWood that might offer you a scholarship to go there. I know you could pass the entrance exam. ”
“I could get a job for the tuition,” César added, rising from his seat at the dinner table. “Oscar what do you think? You’ve been making more money lately. It would keep her safe. She is really smart.”
Oscar looked at the ceiling, a good sign that he was thinking about the idea. Y/N kept her mouth shut, trying not to get too excited.
“How would she get there?”
“It’s a long bus ride,” Monse remarked, “But it’s safe. Only a bunch of rich kids. Most of them will be nice to you, Y/N. You’re smart, you’re funny, and you’re strong. Not a lot of them are like that there. No one will know who you're related to. I can get my mom to help get you in.”
César, Monse, and Y/N looked at Oscar. He took a deep breath and released it. Pulling a cigarette out his pocket, he lit it. Breathing deep he puffed out the smoke.
“I failed you today as a hermano, if I can keep you safe I will. I’ll work on getting you there.”
Y/N smiled and hugged Oscar, feeling César join as well.
“Thank you Oscar. Thank you Cesar. Thank you Monse. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah” Oscar grinned. “Get off me I’m going to bed. I think I’ll go to the beach tomorrow. Want to come?”
Author's Note: My DMs are always open to anyone who needs it. I am also on twitter to anyone who wants to talk @/thepage150. Requests are open. You are important. You are valued. You are loved. Have a wonderful day ~c'k
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