#the whole thing is soooo nostalgic to me
lakemichigans · 2 years
i’ve been rewatching queer as folk and it's wild how a show can age so poorly but still makes me kick my feet and giggle into my pillow
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evilminji · 2 months
I woke up to this thought? And it made me smile~
Wrong way Au?
It's EASY to fly from point A to point B. Linear. Just on long, no traffic, straight line. And if you get lost? Go higher! There you are! But "normal" reporter families with Totally Human genetics can't exactly DO that.
Plus? It's part of the whole Americana thing!
Gotta do a road trip, see weird road side attractions, camp and hike a bit. Go somewhere other then the farm for once. Soooo~ everyone into the car! Yes, you too, Kon.
And don't look at Lois, kids. She hates this idea as much as you do. But it's for Dad. So we're doing it. Get in the car. Some times loving people means "suuuure, honey! I TOTALLY want to sit in an uncomfortable car for hours for your nostalgic dream trip!", so get comfy.
Problem is? He either can't navigate for SHIT (unlikely) or this patch of nowhere? Possibly haunted? Cursed? Fuckey. Very, very Reality Fuckey. Far more likely, honestly. They THINK that was the a same barn the passed four times now... but it looks... wrong? Off. Worse each time, in ways that are hard to place.
Where the FUCK are they Clark?
According to the GPS?
(You are Here. You are Here. You are He-)
Oh, THAT'S not cursed! She fucking KNEW they shouldn't have left the city. FUCK the countryside. She likes ONE(1) small town and it's where her in-laws live, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! If they die, she swear to GOD-!!!
Then Jon points to colorful tents up the road. A mix of the kind you buy at big box stores and Ren fairs. Balloons. What the fuuuuuck? "Fenton Family Reunion"?
Was... was that THERE a second ago?
Clark's very deliberate Not Too Tight Grip Of Panic ™ on the steering wheel? Confirms that No Honey, it was not. Kon points out? That eventually they ARE going to run out of gas. They should stop.
Words can not express how little the Kents want to do that. They have KIDS to protect. This feels "magical fuckery" to them. AKA? One of the few things Kryptonians very much CAN NOT handle.
And luck getting ahold of anybody back there kids? No? Emergency lines too?
Fuck ™.
Okay! Guess we're stopping! Stay behind us.
They park.
There are campers and trucks, modified tanks and trackers. A few horses grazing side by side with an honest to God moose and two mules. A Llama. Someone's anchored a dirigible. A boat with spindly chicken footed legs, like it's the house of baba yaga's sea faring love child. The name Fenton is slapped on everything. Peoples faces.
Everything grinning.
As they get closer, the racket gets louder. Crashes and smashes. Roaring laughter. Explosions. The screech of metal failing and the whine of energy overclocked. Fatty meats cooking. Spices from around the globe. Radios and instruments, at least one of which violently cuts off in a smash.
They pass an almost violently balloon choked arch, into chaos.
Grinning giants, everywhere. Every color, every shade, every race imaginable. The spectrum of humanity laid bare. Made large. Grinning, Grinning, Grinning. Crashing into each other, against, through. Smashing and laughing, as everything breaks around them. Titans.
Darting underfoot, children. Fast with wild eyes. Mad grins and fae laughs. Wives and husband's, partners and friends, dancing in and out of the chaos. Just as destructive. Perhaps MORE so. Grabbing meals from grills, laughing and joking, tossing children into the fray, all as they effortless hold conversations of their own.
Like a Dionysian revelry, all madness and joy.
Then they are noticed.
One of them booms. Locking eyes on Clark. He doesn't even have time to move, doesn't realize until too late, in all the chaos, that the man meant HIM. A running start is followed by a brutal, full body, flying tackle. Clark is taken skidding to the ground and into a headlock.
He watches in helpless confusion as, with high-pitched war cries, a pair of twins jump Jon. They are wearing war paint. Krypto already taken out by a glowing green dog, now confused and wrestling off to the side. Lois has whipped out her tazer. Kon between her and who ever comes next.
By the time he wrestle his "cousin" off of him, he's lost sight of them both.
Dives into the fray.
Magic be damned, that's his FAMILY!
It... It's the most fun he's had in years. That any of them have. He finds Lois in a breathless, screaming, debate/fistfight with her new best friend. Samantha "call me Sam Or ELSE" Manson-Fouley-Fenton. Kon is in the mud pit, wrestling other teenagers in some sort of battle Royale. Jon? Has become king of the ferals. The other parents are impressed.
His years of Damian wrangling finally paying dividends, apparently.
By the time Clark FINALLY tracks down Krypto, there is already crowd and it apparently six heel turns deep into the WWE Grand Saga of the Fenton Pet's League. Krypto, what the hell. No. No you may NOT "form one last alliance against my sworn wrestling enemy, to prove the true meaning of Christmas!" It's the middle of SUMMER!
Clark... Clark is so tired.
He's also a Fenton now. Yes, he KNOWS that's not how anything works. YOU try explaining that! He's on the call list and card list. It's like the Addams family out here! They just... just DECIDED him and his family were related! They've apparently DONE THAT BEFORE!
They leave with directions, fudge, more leftovers then anyone could possibly eat, and a massive new extended family. One that honestly? The Justice League SHOULD have known about. The sheer destructive chaos they get up too? EVERYONE should be aware of them. It seems impossible NOT to be! But? According to THEM, it's a "family thing". Reality tries to ignore them for "it's own sanity"? What???
So yeah.... no more road trips.
How was YOUR weekend?
@hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @lolottes @babbling-babull @dcxdpdabbles @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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uyuforu · 2 months
People enjoying their last hours before Mercury enters retrograde tomorrow in Aries
Wht happens during this time ;)) and 4th and 7th house are more affected by it I g
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Aries Mercury Retrograde through the Houses
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Soooo first of all, this is about transits. Mercury is being in Retrograde, and depending on where it falls in your Natal Chart, as a transit, it can have a different meaning. I wanna say before telling more that @loveemagicpeace just made two posts about transits through houses that I loved very much!! So go check it out, it can help much!
Now let's talk about Mercury Retrograde through the houses!
જ⁀➴ Their first part of Transits through the Houses (1H to 6H)
જ⁀➴ Their second part of Transits through Houses (7H to 12H)
Pictures found on Pinterest
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‧₊˚✩彡 What is Mercury Retrograde?
⟡ Mercury is the planet of communication, our voice, the way we communicate our feelings, ideas, etc. This planet is all about communication in the end, so depending where it falls in your chart, it can tell a lot about what you talk the most about, how is your voice, how you express yourself, etc.
⟡ When a planet is Retrograde, that means they are going backward instead of frontward. It happens sometimes, but it then have an impact on the way we live and the events that can happen to us in our life. It can have an impact on us, for example for Mercury Retrograde in Transits usually things can be delayed, things can go more slowly. Things from the past can come back too, and you could also feel more nostalgic and wanting to come back to things or people from your past. Technologies can be grumpy too for example.
⟡ Mercury in Transits will tell usually about our conversations, how we will probably feel about talking, communicating, etc. Depending where Mercury transits will fall in your chart, in which houses and your personal planets it will touch, it can tell a lot about what you will probably want to talk about about and how you will communicate.
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‧₊˚✩彡 Mercury Retrograde in Aries
⟡ This Mercury retrograde will be in Aries, and it will take place from April 1st until April 24th 2024. Many people think it will feel a bit chaotic and in a way I agree? lol.
⟡ Most of Astrologers think and say this because Mercury will be in the energy or Aries for almost whole April 2024. Aries energy is quick, unexpected, spontaneous, fast, strong, chaotic, etc. It just reminds me of a fire ball lmao.
⟡ Mercury Retrograde in Aries will make you perhaps take actions impulsively, you could take actions and think after, so be careful about it. But it can mean that unexpected things can also happen. Because it is Mercury, some people from the past can come back (it's something well known) so depending on which houses it is, you can know who it will be. It is a time to be brave, you will probably speak up more for what you want. Show that voice in the energy of Aries, but still try to slow down things. We can say things, and take decisions during this time a bit too fast, so you need to control yourself and try to really think before acting.
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‧₊˚✩彡 Mercury Retrograde through the Houses
To see where Mercury Retrograde falls in your natal chart, just check your natal chart on astro.com, and click on "+ with Transits". The green placements are your transits, and so check where is green Mercury in your chart!
⟡ In the 1H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 1H will be all about you. Perhaps during this transit, you will spend more time to reflect on you, as a person, as an individual, etc. You will think more about who you want to become and what you have done/ achieved already. It's a self reflexion right now. You could have a confidence boost about yourself and your decisions, but please slow down a bit! This Mercury Aries retrograde makes most of people act quickly without thinking twice. Your mind will perhaps be overflowed with ideas and thoughts, so maybe headache will happen more, you need to watch out for your head in general. Mental health will possibly be a thing during this transit. You will also probably have interesting conversations with people, and connecting with them will help you have more ideas about your personal projects. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: someone related to you, someone you have been intimate with, an enemy, someone you had a fight with, a relative, someone you talked to a lot, a best friend, a sibling, a relative, etc.
⟡ In the 2H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 2H is a perfect time to reflect a lot about your life and your long term decisions. You will perhaps live an intern conflict about your desires for your life, and you will need to stop and think about what you really want. You could think a lot about money in general, so it's a good topic to think about in this transit. You could perhaps have some urge to shop, probably more expensive things, so be careful about that and think about giving that cash! You could indeed use this transit into a better way to make more money rather than to spend it. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: A colleague, a classmate, a childhood friend, a friend, a flirt, a love interest, someone related to money, someone related to real estate, etc.
⟡ In the 3H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 3H will have an impact on your way to communicate. You will perhaps have fights and arguments with people in general, or you will gossip a lot, or will be gossiped about. You need to watch out about what comes out of your mouth during this transit, so please really think about talking! It could get you in more trouble. You could have new ideas during this transit, and you could also talk more in general. You could have an easier time to study or to work. You can indeed solve little problems in your life, but do not step in the bigger ones during this transit. You can be prone to bigger problems with transports or technologies than other people. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: someone who gossiped about you, an enemy, a childhood friend, a sibling, a relative, a neighbor, a classmate, someone with whom you used to talk a lot, etc.
⟡ In the 4H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 4H will have an impact on your home and family. In this case, you could have sudden fights with family members, you could argue easily with them, this could happen with friends too, people you are very close with in general. You will feel very emotional and mostly take decisions based on your feeling rather than on a certain logic. You will have a lot of issues with family members. It could also be issues with a home. Try to spend time with family members you feel comfortable with, don't waste time with other members with whom you know it will explode. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: a family member, a friend, a childhood friend, a neighbor, a sibling, a relative, someone related to real estate, a soulmate, etc.
⟡ In the 5H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 5H will have an impact on your love life, children (if you have some), siblings can be a thing too here, but also flirts, or situation ships you can have, romance in general, and your creativity, your fun. You could have a hard time with creativity during this time, you could also perhaps want to talk more about this, what excites you, and you will perhaps want to have more fun too. You could want to flirt more. You could talk also about children, or more about child psychology for example. Art and creativity in general will be more your thing, but with Mercury you could want to write more, it can also be journaling. You could want to communicate your thoughts too. You could want to reflect on your inner child a lot too, but also on your flirts and situation ships, and even relationships. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: situation ships, love interests, a friend, a childhood friend, a sibling, a child, a crush, an ex, a karmic, a soulmate etc.
⟡ In the 6H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 6H will be about your mental health. It can also be related to your work and career, perhaps more ideas to improve your daily life at work can happen, or you could find yourself work or study more. With this transit, watch out for arguments and fights at your work place. You will perhaps also talk and have more contact with clients (if you do have some) and so signing contracts are more prone these times. So you could find yourself be more prone to work. You could also think of more way to become more healthy (physically or mentally). Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: a colleague, a classmate, someone related to a job, someone related to health, a friend, someone you had a fight with, etc.
⟡ In the 7H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 7H will have an impact on your love life, mostly long term or serious relationship, your marriage life if you are married, your contracts, but also enemies! I noticed that Mercury 7H Transit usually could you will have more conversation about your love life with your partner (if you have one), or if you are single, you will think often more about what you want in a relationship. It can be a time for proposing too... just saying! More with the energy of the Aries, things are spontaneous, unexpected, lol. Otherwise, watch out for fights with your loved one. You could also have unexpected love interest coming to you during this time or coming back! Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: a love interest, a crush, an ex, an enemy, someone you had a fight with, a flirt, a situation ship, a soulmate, etc.
⟡ In the 8H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 8H will make you perhaps stay in your thoughts often. You need to watch out for deep thoughts and your mental health during this time. You could catch yourself having a lot of alerting thoughts, so please take care of yourself. You could also have an easier time to manifest, and you could attract money easily for example. Set your intentions well during the transit. Because Mercury is about communication and the 8H hidden truth, you could discover some secrets too, and it can be unexpected, or happen quite fast. You will perhaps take an interest in the occult too. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: an ex, an enemy, someone you had a fight with, a flirt, a situation ship, a crush, a love interest, someone related to money, someone you have been intimate with, a karmic, a soulmate, etc.
⟡ In the 9H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 9H could mean you will spend this time to study and learn new things! If you are in college, use this transit to study! It could also be a good time to find a job. You could meet new friends and you could also think of traveling often. You could want to plan your new trips. Some people could also go on a trip very spontaneously lol. Otherwise, you could find yourself be more spontaneous in your ideas and way of living? This could also be a good time to learn a new language or a new skill! Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: a friend, a childhood friend, a classmate, a colleague, someone you talked a lot with, a travel buddy, an internet friend, a sibling, a relative, someone related to a job, etc.
⟡ In the 10H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 10H will make you want to think more about your career and your desire for your future long term plans. You will probably either talk or will want to talk to your boss about a promotion. It could be a great time to also get a job, and if you applied to some posts, during this transit you could get unexpected returns! It could come fast and out of the blue. You could feel very invested in your career life, and more ambitious too. Be careful of arguments and fights with colleagues or even bosses. Your reputation could also be something to watch out during the transit, so be careful about what you say. Some people could also gossip about you more during the transit. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: a colleague, someone related to a job, a friend, a classmate, someone related to money, just a lot of random people because this house is the house of popularity and reputation, a relative, a family member, etc.
⟡ In the 11H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 11H could be a good time to set intentions and manifest, as the 11H is also a house related to our dreams and wishes. You will think more of what you want in life and you will perhaps be filled with new ideas and dreams. So it's a time to re think about your desires. You could want to talk to a lot of friends, people in general. You could also chat a lot online, perhaps make a new online friend? You could post more often online too. If you work with technologies, this is a good transit to get new ideas. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: a friend, an internet friend, a relative, a sibling, a childhood friend, someone with whom you talked a lot, someone with whom you had a fight, someone you never expected to come back, someone related to social medias, a travel buddy, a flirt, a love interest, a soulmate, etc.
⟡ In the 12H
Mercury Retrograde in Aries in your 12H is a time to reflect on who you are and who you want to be, what is not serving you in your life anymore. It's also a wonderful time for manifesting. This transit will perhaps make you spend time mostly by yourself, and you will think a lot about you and your life. It's a time of self reflection. You will be very private too. You could discover something too, a secret perhaps. But overall, meditate a lot, and don't be scared to spend time on your own. Relax also by painting, doing things that will cut your mind from unnecessary thoughts. Who can possibly come back in your life at that time: someone who you dreamed about recently, someone you wanted to manifest, a relative, a sibling, a family member, someone you didn't talk to in a long time, a travel buddy, someone you had a fight with, a soulmate, an enemy, a karmic, a flirt, a situationship, etc.
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campbyler · 1 month
I have some questions about your wonderful Camp summertime fic (I am new to byler tumblr and discovering all these AU's hi!! 👋👋)
was Will inspired by the pillow princess never done a day's work in his life headcanon of the show? i'm thinking of the scene in s3 when he doesnt help lift the car in that one shot looool (even tho he helps later hehe)
is it just will el and max who live out in hawkins, and the boys are in downtown or suburban indy? i wonder if this divide is a sort of 'wrong side of the tracks' motif to make will and mike's romance more sort of 'forbidden' in a modern way :) or is this a spoiler that will be revealed later in the story 🤗
love it so far, esp the parent trap vibes!! very nostalgic for me!
welcome to tumblr!!! and to camp whiteman 😎
to answer your questionssssss:
1. yes will was def based on that! also will is Not Like Other Boys by the show’s definition (he’s called sensitive and quiet several times and obviously a huge part of his arc is how he is Different, and that applies both to his sexuality and just his nature in relation to boys his age) so we wanted to make sure we kept that so that we stayed in line to the integrity of his character. so he doesn’t like getting dirty, he doesn’t like bugs, he likes soft things like stuffed animals and blankets — all of that is trying to make sure will still feels like will despite it being a modern au!
2. that is the correct grouping, yes! i wouldn’t necessarily say we thought of it being the wrong side of the tracks type thing, but that is a really cool interpretation! honestly we just needed mike and will to only have interaction at summer camp and the few whole-party events they have throughout the year — if they went to the same school, they wouldn’t have the conflict they do. and That conflict is a spoiler :^)
thanks for the ask and welcome again!! glad you are enjoying it (and esp the parent trap vibes bc SOOOO TRUE)
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sillypiratelife · 5 months
You need to read the live action, the manga and the anime as different canons. It's healthier to the fandom's brains AND it's also better for analyzing properly what is going on.
One Piece is the type of story that relies heavily on the medium it is presented on. Hm actually, let me correct myself: One Piece is the type of story that celebrates and understands and was born to be told in that specific medium. The form and the content don't exist as separate entities, but are rather intertwined to elevate the narrative. That the characters are soooo cartoonish is not a mere style choice— it holds meaning, it complements what the author is trying to transmit.
One of the first things that I learned in college while studying storytelling was that there's a max point for tension in any story. There's a top to how tense you can keep the audience. If you reach that point, you won't be able to intensify the emotions; that's it, you need to introduce a breather or you'd end up with a stagnant narrative.
In manga/comics and cartoons/anime it's easier to walk that line. The power to make some silly joke or have the characters acting stupid is in the hands of the mangaka. I bet any manga reader or anime watcher can think of a moment in their fav series when the characters were in the middle of a seriously important moment, just to be involved in something ridiculous that breaks the tension.
It's fantastic. Mangas and animes love to make fun of their mediums, introducing satire to allow the audience some laughs. It's not until later when the reader/watcher sits and realizes how fucked up the whole situation was. A delayed punch to the gut, something to keep the mind working and thinking of their series until they wait for the next chapter/episode.
How to make the audience feel the impact of a character? Well, you can allow the audience to empathize with the character by explaining their reasons or backstories, you can show the world through their eyes. You can also show them all goofy and happy, so when the hammer strikes the readers/watchers will be nostalgic for the good times, mourning the fact they will not get more of that and becoming nostalgic. There are so many ways to keep a character haunting a story...
Oda is aware of all the manga medium can and cannot do. For people like him, the limitations are actually just more tools to play with. If you want to double check what I'm saying, go reread the panels where Luffy awakened Gear 5. Only manga could offer what went down in those panels; when the very nature of Luffy's powers are revealed to the audience and the characters, the manga gets self-aware and voices it out: "hey, this is the type of thing that only happens in comics, right?"
The anime allows a different range of tropes and shapes the story, correctly translating it. It's true that the best translations mind the public and the medium, adapting the jokes and references. It's also true that every translation is a little betrayal to the original, a unique creation in its own right. A good example of that is the way that the fillers shape the perspective of the watchers when it comes to the characters' dynamics. If the anime has a filler arc where the fight, a new tension will be present in the next manga canon arc. If the anime shows a filler where characters are close friends, it's gonna be weird when they start acting all distance back at the manga canon events. Not all fillers are meant to be considered part of the main storyline, of course. You have OVAs and you have movies and fillers and all types of media that are considered separated.
On the other hand, you have the visual changes: imagine that the anime changes the angle of a scene where two characters used to stand close and put more distance between them. What the manga could mean as a subtle implication that those characters cared about each other could turn into cold tolerance of the other's presence. Even the best of animes have those changes!!!!
In One Piece's case, turning the story into a live action series must change almost everything. It'd be impossible to maintain the cartoonist aspects of the story (unless they decided to go full Looney Tunes in that movie with Brendan Fraser lol). The choice was the following: we can try to keep the original elements even when they translate poorly to the new medium so we can please the original fans that are used to the story —OR we can try to translate the essence of the story and change all that needs to be changed, so that we keep the storyline and storytelling coherent and cohesive, at the cost of creating something not necessarily alien, but still new.
Violence in OPLA is way more serious.
You know how in the manga/anime characters would get fatally wounded and come back like it was just a minor injury? Or how they'd heal with no major medical intervention? That's a liberty of the medium. Your brain doesn't process the same way when you see a drawing wounded and when you see a real life person wounded. In OPLA, the suspension of disbelief is harder to achieve. Even and because the story was already introducing Luffy's powers and other fantastic elements, they needed to be careful to not overdo it. One option was to make people actually die— to know that in the live action not everything is so silly? It raises the stakes. OPLA discards some elements that are natural of a manga and in consequence, the story turns out to be darker. You have no fillers or little stripes of silly drawings or author comments or openings and endings. You'll have to do with what you do have and tell a story worthy of being told in that new medium.
That's a good translation right there, made by someone who understands that you cannot copy and paste things recklessly. That's the formula that made so many live actions fail, in fact.
You'll see many fans complaining because they don't understand any of what I just explained. For them it's easier to justify their opinions by saying that "they did this bad and that's why I don't like it" than admit that "they did this correctly but it's not my thing anyway".
One big example? Fanservice cannot be carried out from manga/anime to a live action. It's not the same to exaggerate the proportions of a body in a drawing (we can discuss the morals of this later) than ask of it from a human person. It's not the same to use some sexual traits in fiction as a way to appeal to the audience than to carry out those implications to a live action (again, I'm not saying it's good or bad because that's a discussion for another time).
Actors are humans. They will never have the same characteristics as an animation or a drawing, no matter how advanced technology is. The sooner you understand that, the sooner you appreciate art for what it is in its medium.
So really, what's the healthiest option? It'd be to approach each version as exactly that, a version of the story. As foreign as it can sound to some fandoms, the audience doesn't have to justify their opinions on something. Opinions are not professional reviews or art analysis. You can be as subjective as you want! To perceive each version as its own little world is easier: you can say "I like this better" without invalidating the opinion of anyone else. There's also the fun in exploring the different implications (they look like friends in this version but like lovers in this other) and playing with the divergences. Fans do that all the time in their art (literature, visual art, music, etc)
You can also analyze different versions of what is going on and contrast them. Do the differences change the form and content of the story or just one of those things? How does this new element change the dynamic between these characters? Are the characters written well but get thrown into a new setting? Is the setting the same but the characters feels more like ocs than the characters from the original story?
Knowing how much One Piece values symbolism, it'd be interesting to see how they could translate the constant influx of symbols in the manga or in the anime to the live action. The live action might show just the most important parts, cutting all the rest for lack of both space, time and budget. What does the author consider to be vital to the story and what can be cut down?
To have three parallel Luffy's in different stages of the story is fascinating to me, more so than the idea of trying to mix three formats that won't even match, mind you.
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wildflowerteas · 2 days
we finally got elli booksandpaperss to start tsp and it took them literally 4 hours to read chapter 1 (cause we went off on a multitude of unrelated tangents frequently) BUT HERE ARE THEIR REACTIONS
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ooohhhhh the nostalgia. i was talking 2 a friend the other day about this, but reading the first chapter of TSP in my google doc makes me soo so nostalgic. things were just so much simpler then 😭 Mark calling Atsushi 'Tiger,' Akutagawa being, well . . . Akutagawa. On that note, I always get so nervous about sskk's dynamic here, because they don't have the whole 'rival organizations' thing going on, and once that's taken away they're actually quite compatible, friendly, and in-tune with one another ( see: BEAST ) but it's just a leap away from Canon that i feel sick every time i think about how it'll be received.
POOR ELLI 😭 I forgot just how much happens in the pilot chapter. It's almost 13k words, but that fact never seems to stick in my brain.
OOhhhghhghhhh dazai's absence being physical. Only to Fukuzawa, though ( I actually haven't shown much of how Kunikida and Sasaki and Tanizaki are dealing with him being gone in the present ), but that's because Fukuzawa saw Dazai less as a subordinate and more as a ward. The empty physical space ( his desk ) is also filled by Akutagawa, who doesn't even know he's sitting where Dazai did twenty years ago.
THE CONSES ARE QUENCING. Stealing that!!!!!!
This is why the atsushi art was getting rb'd . . . man i don't even blame you guys. i don't have access to Clip Studio paint right now ( because I'm abroad without a subscription on my tablet nad away from my wacom u_u ). but when i get back, and when I'm settled in Australia for next semester, there WILL be more of him!!!! provided the burn out of finishing the fic by then doesn't absolutely kill me.
oh GOD i have to update that reference post. It's not up to date at all.
Nyxi . . . (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )<3
phew this was wild. I'm so glad Elli is enjoying it so far ( also I'm having a very visceral reaction to all of your messages back--if i could reach through the screen and cover your mouths to silence you i would. no spoilers!!!!!!!!! spare Elli please!!!!!!! )
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cutiecorner · 1 year
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Happy Holidays everybody! I hope everyone is having a wonderful season! Since I recently got an ask about my personal reqs for where to start with batman, as a Christmas gift to me and y'all I'm finally making a curated list of my favorite batman media! This is 100% skewed to me, it's essentially just a list of all the batman stuff I've consumed, but I might throw in a few others for folks with different tastes! Also, most of these can be found on HBOmax as of now, but I'm including links to where you can watch online where possible! See you under the cut for a very, VERY long guide! Enjoy!
Hands down, the definitive piece of batman TV is Batman: The Animated Series. Soooo much iconic batman stuff was coined in this show. Also, it has hands down the best characterization of Bruce himself imo. If you're getting into Batman due to dadfred & babybat, here's a list of standout episodes for you!
Beware the Grey Ghost: A whole episode about Bruce's childhood special interest. You even get to see actual baby Bruce!
Eternal Youth: Absolutely precious Alfred episode, with Ivy as the villain no less. Sooooo many adorable moments, like, I don't even wanna spoil it. Just watch it.
Heart of Ice: For one, an absolutely excellent episode of television, and also a tooonnn of cute Alfred and Bruce moments!! Real dad moments for sure.
Harley's Holiday: 100/10 episode in general, and full of Harley and Bruce moments!!
The Lion and the Unicorn: Another Alfred focused episode!! Bruce Dick and Al being famiwy...
I have more, but those are a good place to start. Have a fave villain? Watch all their eps!! Discover new ones! Watch it from the beginning! Watch around and see what floats your boat. There's a redesign in season 3 (The New Batman Adventures) and they bring in a littler robin, Tim Drake. Warning for TNBA in general though, they tease at some really uncomfortable relationships here and there. But overall it has a lot to offer!
After btas I started on Justice League (2001)! I super love it, I adore the other members of the league so much and there's plenty of interesting stories. Justice League Unlimited is great too! Fantastic Bruce/Diana stuff, even though I'm not big on the ship their interactions are beyond precious. These are ensemble pieces so they're not all bats, but they're highly recommended if you're interested!
For some quick silly adventures, Justice League Action is fantastic! It's super funny and cute. There's plenty of batman centric episodes, and it's super lighthearted and fun! No robins or alfred in any of the Justice Leagues (very sparcely in JL/JLU) though, unfortunately. Speaking of silly fun batman shows: Batman the Brave and the Bold is a total blast! There's soooo many heroes in it, if you like any other DC characters there's a good chance they appear!
I just recently got into The Batman (2004), and it's really growing on me! The first season especially is really creative and cool. It's a younger take on batman, and it has seeerrious early 2000s boy/Ben ten/bionicles energy lol, but if that's nostalgic for you you'll LOVE it.
If you like adult cartoons, Harley Quinn is pretty good and funny! Of course it's about Harley and her gang over the bats, and the first season especially can get kinda ick in the adult cartoonyness, but by the third season it gets great (VERY good Bruce stuff in the third season! Honestly in all the seasons). Overall I definitely think it's worth a watch. It is not appropriate for kids though, make sure to look up warnings! If you're especially sensitive to gore/violence maybe skip it.
I haven't watched much of these, but I've heard good things if live action is your style! Gotham follows the villains and older generation before Batman came along. Supposedly very good Alfred and Bruce content, with kid Bruce! For my Alfie lovers, Pennyworth follows the adventures of Alfred along with the Waynes, taking down conspiracies back in England during the 60s. As completely up my alley as those sound, they're not really my thing because they are pretty violent, so beware!
Starting off with animated movies, the btas movies come very highly recommended! Especially Mask of the Phantasm! I was super not excited for the romance plot, but it 1000% won me over, it's fantastic. Lots of young Bruce stuff (like early early 20s), which is wildly endearing, and very good dadfred moments!! The Mystery of the Batwoman isn't as great, but it's good fun. Sub-Zero is really good if you like Mr.Freeze! For The Batman 2004, there's the Batman vs Dracula! It is wild but so much fun!
On the animated movies front - Batman and Robin: Return of the Caped Crusaders and Batman vs Two Face are absolutely delightful. They're based on the 1960s Batman show, and they go all in on the campy goofy energy!! They're such a good pick me up if you're having a rough day.
As for live action movies, I honestly cannot recommend the 1990s Batman movies enough. Yes, they don't have a great reputation among mainstream comics fans, but they're straight up just wrong. Batman Forever and Batman and Robin are some of the most fun batman content ever created! There is so much creativity and energy and love in these movies, they are the definition of a good time. Absolutely guaranteed to provide childlike wonder, 1000/10.
If you're into the more gritty stuff, The Batman (2022). It's a cool new take on Bats, I think it's an interesting direction artistically. Once again violence isn't super my thing, but I appreciated the Alfred moments and Bruce's potent autism swag. Also, though it's probably a genuinely good movie, I am physically unable to take anything seriously and really enjoyed watching it ironically (there are so many serious moments that land as... pure comedy). Though please be sure to look up trigger warnings first, it's a lot.
Full disclosure, I'm not a big comic book reader "^^ I really just read the comic versions of the shows I like and a few miscellaneous others I run into. Here's a list of some of the comics I've enjoyed, but they have no rhyme or reason, they are not cohesive lol. If you're more into comics you want to look elsewhere for advice "^^
All Star Batman: First Ally - I have no context for this series as a whole and I do not care: I'm here for pretty art, Alfred backstory, and father and son behavior. I own a hardcover copy.
Batman: Zero Year - Stumbled upon by accident but thoroughly enjoyed. I don't agree with everything in these (batman writers obsession with characters slapping each other my BEHATED) but its pretty cool overall. Featuring my The Alfred Ever and baby Duke Thomas! There's Dark City then Secret City!
One Bad Day: Mr Freeze - I'm not gonna lie this comic is like... bad. Okay so that's not entirely fair: I adore the art, the baby Dick Grayson content, the Alfred content, and honestly most of the story until the end. Spoiler, but they nerf the daylights out of what makes Freeze such an iconic character. Like, I get what they were doing but... come on. Insinuates a bizarre message too. Still worth a peruse for the good moments.
Batman: the Adventures Continue - a continuation of the btas comic series (the batman adventures)!! It's interesting to see them put more modern storylines in the btas universe. The last few issues (holiday special!) Are at very least worth a read.
While I'm here, The Gotham Adventures is also cute and cool, takes place in the btas universe with the tnba style + continuity.
Same as above, if you like the Justice League cartoon check out the tie in comics, including the recent continuation Justice League Infinity!
Oh I guess this do counts: The Wayne Family Adventures is a very cute comic on tapas! It's very cute, and actually published by DC comics!
My best word of advice: follow your interests! Indulge! There is no right way to explore this franchise! There's so much to discover and there's a little something for everybody. There is no obligation to know every little thing about the mythos, you do not need to read from issue 1 or know all the current updates to be a "real fan". Actualy, do us all a favor and stick it to toxic comic fanboys by having as much fun as you can! Pick and choose! Try it all! Be gritty! Be goofy! Be both! Spend hours poking around on fandom wikis to learn about what you want to learn! There's no wrong way to play, I'm just so happy youre here. Now go forth and be batfans!!!
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dramaphan · 7 months
God drama where do we even begin?
So! The Sims came back and dnp made Dil & Tabitha young again. Dalien is an emo teen now. Dab and Evan are going to get married by the end of the year. They decided their house desperately needed a makeover, so they bulldozed the whole thing and are planning to start from scratch in the new high school world.
Then after that spooky week happened. They played a game called "Don't Scream" where the objective is to well...not scream when the game throws various jumpscares at you. Dan grabbed Phil's hand after getting jumpscared and they replayed it not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES. They played Poppy Playtime, a weird indie golfing game, another indie horror game called Elevated Dread, Five Nights at Freddy's. THEN to conclude spooky week, there was The Baking video. Omg drama the baking video...it still feels like a fever dream.
So they baked spooky cinnamon rolls & Phil (dressed as the devil) convinced Dan to put on his nun costume. He completely LOST it when Dan came out. He turned bright red and was giggling like a schoolboy. Dan kept making it worse by flirting with him too. He ran his hand down Phil's arm suggestively, which already had Phil struggling to keep it together (God this sounds like a phanfic but I swear that's how it happened), but THEN Dan flicked his devil horns and Phil totally lost his cool and had to go squat down behind their kitchen island for a minute. Dan's ass cheeks were fully on display in several shots bc the dress was so short. Dan really leaned into the bimbo persona in the nun costume, and Phil embraced the himbo and as a result, they were the stupidest they've ever been. They don't know how to do basic math, or spell or know who discovered gravity, but that's ok bc they're hot. At one point they pressed up close together and made one of those "me and my partner saw you across the room" jokes and it was genuinely funny but also totally wild. Then the video ended with Dan stripping completely naked. I can't believe what I just typed either.
THEN when spooky week was done they came back with a video where they looked at a fan-recreation of their first London apartment in Roblox. It was nostalgic, impressive and incredibly creepy at the same time. Dan probably had to go lie down on the floor and think about his life choices after it.
THEN google feud came back. It was dumb as always. Dan called Phil cousin, so now I'm on cousin hill. They used the video as an excuse to bring back Dan vs Phil so we can look forward to that in the near future.
And THEN they dealt the ultimate psychic damage with the cat video, which you saw so I don't need to give you a summary. Queenusagi of Lazy Days fame designed their legalize catboys sweater, which is really cool. I love how they're commissioning phannie artists now, but also Why are they doing that?
THEN they went back into Roblox and looked at more disturbing creations that were probably made by some poor 12 yr old in 2018. There was a ladydoor room where the song was playing and it was II themed. They went into a room that had recreations of several of their most ironic moments throughout the years including the pinof tackle. To which Dan said "what are they doing honey? Wrestling.... they're wrestling..."
And that's what you missed on Dan and Phil. I probably forgot some things bc soooo much happened. But yeah Drama. it's been a weird and wild ride. Glad to have you back.
Okay first of all forget kissing you with tongue I am sucking you off for this. Second of all hey, what the fuck? And third of all I forgot all about the catboy comic did Phil ever fuck the cat
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winterrhayle · 1 month
rank all of the 6 lunar chronicles books! i've asked a few of my friends irl this and ive seen very differing opinions so im curious (and ive seen how much you like ranking so..😂)
LOLLLL yeah ranking is my favourite thing ever ever ever ever ever ever its so fun okay (this is kinda long sorry hahaha) :
winter - this probably isnt a shocker, bc well ^^^ my url😭 literally what does this book NOT have. its 800+ pages, it contains so many perspectives, every single ship, every character dynamic is fully formed, the plot is insane and weaves together so well, the drama, the luna visuals, JACINTER, MISS WINTER HAYLE BLACKBURN.... like......... name a better book.... exactly. winter > everything. this is my go to book to reread and i think that its actually etched into the grooves of my brain. i have 2 copies of this book and they are my prized possessions
fairest - okay this ranking might be controversial, and i hate levana as much as everyone else does(just a disclaimer lol). but I LOVEEEE a character study, specially when said character is a villain. i read fairest after i'd completed all of the main 4 books and it just added so many more layers to the lunar characters (winter, levana, jacin etc), and also introduces us to evret, who is talked about in the main series but as we know he dies before the events of tlc :( but i loved his character and i found this book so interesting, also as a winter girl it was cool to see her parents, and her as a baby / toddler,, and also the og trio winter, jacin and selene / cinder own my WHOLE soul bc they are soooo <33333333333333 this book actually breaks my heart soo bad every time but i still crave rereading it bc its so good
cinder - ahhh when everything was somewhat simple, i like rereading this one to just go back to square one and like. reminisce on how everything begun and look at all of the seeds marissa planted (like that brief mention of winter and the descriptions of jacin aka the blond guard or whatever it was they described him as) . and i just love the kaider of it all of course and idk this one is just so nostalgic to me
scarlet - something about this book just keeps me on edge every time i read it. i literally cannot put it down once i start it and even though i know all of the plot twists and everything now im just constantly hooked. i love the visuals of this book, with the farm in rieux, and futuristic paris, and the fight in the abandoned opera house, soo cool. also i love how well this book in particular ties into little red riding hood because every single time i read the part about michelle actually being ran under glamour, aka the wolf disguised as the grandma like in the og fairytale, i am GAGGED its such a cool way to tie it into the lore of this series. annndddd i feel like i do talk about scarlet on here a lot because of winlet but i do NOT talk about wolf enough so let me just say something: wolf is such an interesting and complex character andi loveeee him and i love how much his personality varies from babygirl to actual killer hahhah
cress - i love this book to death BUTT i feel like some of the desert chapters kinda did drag on a little, especially as ive read this book so many times they're the scenes i tend to skim through (and this was true even BEFORE i became a cresswell hater tbh), but other than that this book is 10/10, i love the farafrah chapters especially, and i loved watching jacin be annoying and also i loved watching the rampion crew start to fill out and become bigger, ALSO this book has that iconic miscommunication scene where thorne and cress reunite with the others but thorne is blind so he didnt know that 'the wolf' cress was talking about was just our wolf (ze'ev) and the chaos of all that and cinder and dr erland and them almost getting arrested and escaping on the rampion / iko was pure chaos ALSOOOO this book had the technical introduction of winter bc you hear her adopting scarlet to save her which is fun so yeah !!! if they took out the cresswell of it all this book would be higher bc theres so much to love (and i mean this literally, this book is SO LONG)
stars above - this feels weird to rank because it isnt one full book, its a set of short stories, and the reason why its down here is because the only ones i consistently go back to are something old something new and the princess and the guard, if those two were full books they would probably be in the number 2 or 3 spot tbh (specially princess and the guard), but the thing is with stars above is that theres just a little too much filler for me,, like thornes chapter is pointless and is not interesting at all, and the little andriod actually is really sweet but i wouldve happily sacrificed that and thornes chapter to get more content with the other short stories, as i feel like they had a lot more to say (i do love cinders cameo in the little andriod tho)
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wave2tyun · 5 months
sooo, hello!!🥹💞 or welcome back!!!!
i don’t really know how to start this, at first i prepared a pretty long text because i wanted to explain why exactly i deactivated and what has been happening, but in the end i chose to scrap that and not get into in detail because it’s all related to my personal life and it's probably better to just keep that private, plus it’s some pretty heavy stuff as well, and i don't want to load that onto you. so this has kind of turned into a ramble instead amdbjdn
truth is that i have been struggling, a lot. october was one of the worst months mentally for me, which is when i chose to deactivate. at some point i did start slowly feeling better and i wanted to come back on here earlier than this but then things got worse🙂 like so much fucking worse😭😭 it’s still hard to believe and it still hurts and i almost can’t stop thinking about it, but looking back, i’m at least glad about getting through things the way i did- because i feel like the me one year ago would have acted and handled those situations so differently, or maybe i would have barely been able to handle them at all.
in the midst of it all, i started to lose my passion for writing. writing stopped being a form of escapism or a way for me to use my creativity. it just felt like a burden. whenever i wanted to write and opened up a doc i just felt paralyzed only by looking at it. i couldn’t get anything out, nothing for days on end. i felt like i was losing myself, in multiple aspects, not just writing, and the disappointment that overcame me only added more and more to my stress.
and i’m not going to lie, i’m still struggling a lot to write again :’) but i do want to give it another try. maybe it’s the fact that i first started out last year in december that is kinda making my heart tingle for it again andbjsns this period of time feels nostalgic:(
however, due to personal reasons (not regarding anyone on here, just to make that clear) i’d feel much safer and much more at ease to continue with a different username, i hope you guys can understand. i do feel very attached to my previous one but i really want to be able to post comfortably.
i do kind of regret deleting my other blog because of all the memories i’ve lost, but at the same time i’m also happy i did it because in a way it allowed me to fully choose to work things out and focus on myself without feeling burdened or rushed.
i don’t know how long it’s gonna take for me to post something new. i’ve been working on multiple things at once but the progress has been quite slow ambdkdn but at least it’s something!!!! so it might take a long time, it might also not. i don’t know, i’m just gonna let things be and let them happen whenever they happen. maybe you guys can also tell me some of the fics i should repost?? i won’t do them all at once cause they were quite a lot and that would clog up the tags anbdjdnd + i also need to proofread them again cause most of the time i’d do that directly on tumblr before posting🥲
soooo yeah. if you’ve read through this whole post, i really appreciate it!! :(<33 i’m happy to return on here while being in a better state, and if there’s anybody who would like to talk, do feel free to send me a message or an ask!! i’m still at home on winter break, but i will go on a trip pretty soon😔✊🏻 just so you know in case i might be slow with posting/replying!!
i hope 2024 will treat both me and you well. i hope it can be a year of growth and love, a year where we can freely let go and start anew. in a world where you constantly get beat down for everything i still want to choose to be gentle, sensitive, and soft. i love you guys!!!! :(💞💓💖💘💞💓💞
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heyy ari!!
i hope you're having a splendid and enjoyable day today. wanted to ask a very important question‼️
what are your five current favorite songs and/or artists?
very curious to see your favs!!
- 🍒
HI 🍒 ANON !! it’s nice to meet u!! this is a great question…. i’m gonna b honest though when it comes to music i. kinda live under a rock? 😭 i didn’t even start thinking abt my favorite artists until a couple years ago… so that’s. a thing.
i can never keep track of my favorite songs but i do have a couple artists i love that come to mind!! :33 so!! in no particular order……
1/ yorushika
actually i lied yorushika is in fact my number one always and forever if yorushika has a million fans i’m one of them if yorushika has one fan that’s me if yorushika has no fans that means i am no longer on this earth. yorushika is a jpop/jrock band consisting of n-buna (songwriter/musician) and suis (vocalist) and they mean the whole galaxy to me their lyrics are so insanely good i use them for writing inspo all the time and in general they’re just?? so good??? their songs always feel so bittersweet and nostalgic and the instrumentals are soo incredible…. this is my favorite band of all time they fr changed my life i highly recommend checking out any of their songs/albums bc they have literally never missed. I Fucking Love Yorushika.
my favorite songs of theirs are blooming in that summer / hachigatsu, bou, tsukiakari / replicant !! :3 i have a million other favs but i’ll leave it at that..
2/ the front bottoms
i love these guys so bad i do….. i actually know literally nothing abt the band itself but i adore their songs and just. how scratchy and cool the vocalist’s voice is!! idk i’m not good at explaining it i just love their songs sm!! :’3 they have a very specific vibe to them that i can’t pinpoint but it does make me feel like a rabid dog so there’s that <33 if u have any form of daddy issues i’m sure u’ll love them (they’re also EXTREMELY stsg coded hello…)
my favorite songs of theirs are be nice to me / father / funny you should ask !! :3
3/ mitski
we all saw it coming let’s be real i don’t know a single queer jjk fan who doesn’t love mitski we literally owe her everything? jokes aside it actually took me some time to warm up to her songs, at first i only loved her lyrics but eventually i saw The Light. her songs have this specific melancholic vibe that i’ve never found in anything else and i eat it up every single time ….. i adore her instrumentals and her voice and obv her lyrics !! i resonate a lot with them AND i associate them w lots of jjk characters (especially sugu wbk he’s a mitski girlie).. i just really love her !! she’s Mother always and forever :)
my favorite songs of hers are goodbye, my danish sweetheart / a pearl / i’m your man !! :33
4/ ricky montgomery
RICKYYY MY ANGEL ON THIS EARTH i love him so bad. :( he makes me happy. his songs are so comfy so cozy so lovely i just adore them……. they’re very winter-y but also very summer-y i just love them a lot!! and i think his interactions w the jjk/sk8 fandoms are so funny he’s my emotional support artist i think i would probably kill if he asked me to
my favorite songs of his are cabo / california / line without a hook !! :3
5/ beabadobee
what can i even say abt her…. she’s my goddess i think. beabadobee is like mitski in that her songs just have this specific Vibe that nothing else has and it makes me yearn so bad… sooo nostalgic and vibrant i just think she’s so ridiculously good !!! her songs never fail to make me lose it entirely i listen to them often while writing too !!! they’re soooo catchy and wonderful <333
my favorite songs of hers are don’t get the deal / apple cider / cologne !! :3
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placeinthisworld · 5 months
sucks to unstan someone you spent 15+ years supporting - yeah, I feel ya. I unstanned at the beginning of the month. It is weird. I have a weird yearning sometimes to listen to the music but I needed a clean break. I am not saying this will last forever, but this past year has made me kinda hate her in a weird way? Hate is too strong a word. But I just am not into it anymore. I have never idolized her. She has always been a pretty obvious white woman feminist only angered by stuff that affects her. But this year has been on another level. I think becoming an official billionaire was definitely the tipping point. There is no such thing as an ethical billionaire. She is hoarding her money and I can't rage on the guys who do that while giving her a pass. It also seems to have affected the aura around her. Even around Midnights release there was still something refreshing and down to earth about her. That has really vanished. I've been here since Fearless so it sucks but also has allowed me to put more energy in discovering other talent.
yeah exactly. it’s not hate, i don’t think i could ever hate her like ill always have this nostalgic love for her bc she’s always been my safe space. but it’s kinda similar to finding out that santa isn’t real. like oh! all that love and respect and support just….not the same a year ago. the release of midnights definitely brought a shift and i didn’t want to feel it. but it definitely become more evident last year. i literally would defend her to the ends of the earth but she doesn’t feel like the same taylor anymore, and im not about this high school popular girl persona at over thirty years old it’s just annoying. i was so afraid of the taylor swift overexposure during folklore- but damn i guess i didn’t expect it to get to her head. but it feels like it has. the disappointment is so real and it hurts lmao. like i have a whole ass shrine dedicated to her and it used to bring me soooo much joy and happiness and i now i literally don’t even like to look at it (ill prob end up selling most of the expensive items and keep only a few sentimental things) but bro being a swiftie was such an big part of my personality- and snd it feels like it died! there is no such things as a ethical billionaire, but i thought for sure taylor would be the one. but the fact of the matter is that at the end of the day she is no better than any other greedy billionaire.
ugh soooo true, if it’s one thing i’m thankful for it’s the freedom to explore other artists and musicians. i still listen to some taylor here and there, but a year ago today she would have been my #1 still, and she has definitely fallen down the ranks (but hey, maybe it’s for the best!)
anyways, i’m glad someone else is feeling similarly so i don’t feel like a huge bitch 😫 🫶🏻 like genuinely with the mix of meathead, palestine, the environment, and petty rich people drama…taylor has shown where her priorities lie and it’s unfortunately not aligned with who i choose to support
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sugarandspisces-writes · 10 months
Abbott Rewatch (1.03 — Wishlist)
jacob, the slurping pLEASE
referring to left handed ppl as southpaws?? never heard of that
the barbershop magazines omg
ma’am… that printer is like 100 yrs old
melissa and her many plugs. she quite literally has a guy for everything.
“and that’s a few too many questions” lmaoo love her
“the young man with an earring in his cheek”
“until you wake up and your kitchen is across the street”
“oh lord, the boy is in the trash” 😂
that room is soooo bare
“i like clean :)” oh, gregory
jacob bring unimpressed and janine being so proud of her video
“that thing” *rubs fingertips together* idk why but that made me laugh so hard
“is that european?”
ava turning the hello sign away from everyone and completely defeating the purpose of it HA
“is this an iphone 9? it’s like a walkman”
“can you twerk? it don’t look like you can but i could be wrong” this woman is so FUNNY
look at them all standing around watching the video. so cute.
janine and barb being a mother-daughter duo
child: “i drew a picture of you!” gregory: “oh wow” *in the most unenthusiastic tone ever*
him trying to hide the bag under the desk 😭 please
“maybe the giraffe”
janine being disappointed in gregory for not trying
they really made ava do everything but her job in these first few episodes
i want one of those massage guns!!!
in between the bones?!!
watching janine give out the stickers was so nostalgic 🥺
ava trying to do barb’s voice i’m cRYING
not the the black and white filter 😂
“little johnny” she didn’t lie though, that does have an affect on people
“i pulled out a dollar and she was like viola davis”
ava having an OF 😭
janine’s plan to move to a small town with a tomato stand to escape ONE person is so real
“a comment from luke 14:13” “oooh, what’d he say?” pleasE ma’am
her just dropping the packages right on the table lmao like okay i guess??
“would you just enjoy something? you’re gonna get an ulcer” i can’t 😂
janine panicking like that is so funny to me. that guilt was eating her ALIVE.
janine getting sad at gregory saying he’s only a substitute
“not that i keep count — 27”
aw @ gregory saying he has 26 drawings
lmao not a space durag
no but honestly kids drawings can be so hard to decipher
janine being ready to fight these people for barb LOL
“if you went to the top you wouldn’t be able to find it”; bc ava really said, “let me make the most melodramatic tik tok ever”
“are you gonna give that stuff back?” “oh hell no” i know that’s right, barb!
“your hyperactive little heart was in the right place” this might be the sweetest insult ever??
“i’ll help you decipher” mhmm we know you will ma’am
am i the only one who doesn’t know who don cheadle is? yes? oh, okay.
“where are you seeing santa?” sir in the whole entire picture
jacob trying to make the most out of the printer is so janine of him
mr. johnson just saying “trash” for the whole ep
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citnamora · 6 months
Aromantic is trending soooo as an aro who is full to bursting with funky music taste HERE'S AN INCOMPLETE LIST OF MY FAVE ARTISTS!
•Coldplay (Parachutes is my go to album by far but Paradise was MY SONG growing up. They're very nostalgic for me :"D)
•Gregory and the Hawk (Relatively new addition but I'm falling for the lyrics and musical composition. I watched a fanmade music video and had to hear more!)
•Strawberry Launch (I found them through tiktok and I really, really like listening to them. They're one of my go to artists for several reasons, one being they're queer <3)
•Tahiti 80 (I found them a couple years ago when one of their songs was playing in the background of a video. I loved it so much I had to find it and listen to the whole thing!)
•Jomm (Another tiktok find but this guy's songs are groovy!! They're just a bop for me. I can't describe it. I think they're really catchy!)
•TWICE (Saw the small animated video that circulated around here for Heartshaker, listened to more of their music, fell in love.)
•The Weepies (This band carried me through middle school and high school. My yearbook quote was quite literally lyrics from Can't Go Back Now. They shaped me into who I am. Not even joking.)
•NMIXX (Came for O.O stayed for Roller Coaster. My sister says I'm a JYP Stan. I didn't realize them and Twice were both under the same company, HAHA)
•Mort Garson (Very different from the above choices but I started listening to this guy's Mother Earth Plantasia album and I am HOOKED.)
•Crumb (My first step into psychedelic rock and I am NEVER going back. This band produces incredible music. It's an experience)
★Fifty Fifty [If you listen to this band be sure to download the songs and avoid the music videos. There's a lot of things that came out about their treatment behind the scenes. Boycott.]
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notetaeker · 2 years
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November 6-9, 2022 - Sunday to Wednesday | Lunlun's Autumn Challenge 27-30
I was cleaning up and found a little box of some of things I've kept over the years and it made me so nostalgic. It was a mix of things from high school and college and just reminded me of all the things I've done. Sometimes nowadays I feel like I haven't done much in life, but I see these things and remember that I have! I have lived!
📚 book are you reading right now / do you like it? Trevor Noah's Born a Crime. I started it years ago but am only finishing it now but yeah as expected it's really informative and funny and meaningful. I really love memoirs because people talk about real things that happened to them and all the life lessons they learned from it. So many of the things we know to be truths in our head but we can't really truly understand them with our heart until it comes paired with actual events in our lives or the anecdotes of others.
🎧 playlist you listen to while studying well back when I listened to music I used to be an insane kinda girlie… and listen to like those playlists of the whole discography of an artist fhfhfhf I wish I was joking. Nowadays I watch art vlogs / draw with me / paint with me videos that go on in the background while I study
🥧favorite autumn food apple pie 10/10 so much and those apple donut thingies you can buy at apple farms not to be THIS much of a new yorker but !!!! apples !!! (not just by themselves tho sdkfj only as pie or donuts or with peanut butter)
🍁It’s been a month already! How are you feeling? Is keeping up with the challenge tiring? Have you enjoyed it so far? I just want to thank u lovely lunlun for having this challenge it was soooo much fun and I really enjoyed posting and taking pics of all the pretty colorful trees and answering your questions :') Honestly you have no idea how grateful I am. Autumn for the past few years has only meant impending winter, but thanks to your challenge I had a chance to appreciate the beauty of it 💕💘💓
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solar-tl-27 · 9 months
You said you have a collection of old electronics, can you show some?
I can! It’s very small and not that impressive but i’m a bit of a nerd. (It’s…. It’s all Nintendo lol and not old old)
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I personally own
An original gameboy i recently got from a family member because they were clearing out stuff and knew i liked old stuff. It’s coroded and needs a good clean for it to properly work again but I honestly just want it for show because i own the gba sp which hurts my eyes less.
My gameboy advance sp i have owned since i was little this thing is a champ! It doesn’t power on normally and i have to do a whole start up ritual but she’s strong!
Then we have my ds lite. Iiii used to own like 3 of these but my last remaining one recently decided it had seen enough and …. Snapped in two. It survived a very rough life for a while i was an extremely clumsy kid and that thing got dropped… so often. I actually managed to score this new one for like 25 euro’s at a con. Cuz it didn’t come with a charger or stylus, but thankfully i own plenty of stylus’s. And another fender SOLD THE CHARGERS FOR CHEAP! I also got 2 games and ended up with a whole new ds lite for like 50 euro’s!
And finally my baby my problem child… my new 3ds xl. I was originally gonna get a 3ds for my birthday but when at the store the guy told us that if we waited just a little the new 3ds would actually come out so waiting for that would probably be better (and more expensive) so we did! This bad boi has survived sooo long. The paint on the back started to chip so I actually got an accessory that works as a stand and a hand grip so your hands don’t cramp up. and it has had a screen replacement and a joystick replacement. But he’s still going strong!
I also own a switch but it’s not really old and didn’t have it on hand.
Next up the games
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I got these with the og game boy i got from family so tbh they aren’t my choices tbf
Out of all of these I’m probably the most interested in kirby. So these are also more to look at in comparison to my other games.
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Then we have my gba games! And Pokémon silver but I couldn’t find it.
First up my copy of Pokémon fire red! I got it for cheap plated it a bit then restarted and for a second I thought my screen had finally quit life because i was face to face with a yellow ratata THANKFULLY I actually like ratata and raticate on my team so i threw a ball at it… only to be transported to the pokedex menu and go…. Wait a minute…OH MY GOD! So I accidentally caught a shiny 😅 i named her Shimmer and haven’t touched that save file since.
Then we have 2 games I bought PURELY for nostalgia
A barbie game to get hyped for the barbie movie
And disney princess royal adventure I LOVE THAT GAME honestly if anyone wants to just play a feel good cozy walking game with little minigames this is such a nice game the graphics are fantastic and it’s just soooooo cozy (it is a glorified walking sim though…. It’s mostly walking walking and more walking)
A true delight tho!
Next up
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DS GAMES here my true personality shows!
Pony friend and professor layton I owned since i was little and I finally completed professor Laytona few years ago! I’m not a puzzle person but godddd i love prof layton games!
Furthermore lps beach friends, lps garden and style boutique are recent purchases!
I got back into lps a while ago and am very excited for the new 2024 peta but they made me soooo nostalgic for the games so at a local con I basically ordered my friends to help me look for the games! I ended up finding lps beach friends together with style boutique another franchise i adore and later purchased lps garden online! The games are great! You also may have burned down a bakery in the friend’s series BUTTT THATS NOT IMPORTANT lol
Style boutique I purchased because i am on a quest i’m on the hunt TO OWN EVERY VERSION i own 1 and 3(technically 4) so i just need NEW style boutique and new style boutique 2!
And finally
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The 3ds games (i also used to own Skylanders trap team 3ds but I LOST THE GAME)
Not including tomodatchi life and new style boutique 3
I was a Pokémon guy i loved it a lot
Pokemon x y is definitely my favorite from the 3ds era… not cuz it’s good…. But because lysandre and sycamore are just the best characters pokemon has eve made lol and i can see the potential in it (also furfrou my favorite Pokémon)
Oras is definitely the game i replay the most because it is a really good game
I love moon and ultra moon a lot aswell!
Zelda actually funny enough i … ended up bugging the game so hard in the first 30 minutes of playing…. I hard locked the game and I couldn’t progress 😅 that’s ehen I knew I wasn’t a zelda guy
And monster hunter story OMG ITS SO GOOD the anime was better at the execution of the story BUT THE GAMEE OOOOOOOOOO i wanna replay it so bad BUT I’M SO ATTACHED TO MY CHARACTER I JUST CANT RESET he’s my boi! MY SON!! I love the game and I’m playing 2…. But i never finished it due to reasons but from what i did play ITS GOOD but it destroyed the ending of the first anddd i dont like that.
Also i’m so excited for fashion dreamer to come out and i will get it(probably for Christmas as a little treat) and i will be super inspired and use it as outfit inspiration forrr my winx stuff! So that’s exciting!
I would own a lot more old old stuff if it wasn’t for the fact that static hurts my ears and my eyeballs also don’t like old screens SO MOSTLY JUST MY NINTENDO STUFF cuz i was the Nintendo kid from my town. My brother had a playstation my neighbors a pc and a close friend and xbox the great divide!
My favorite playstation game was tony hawk pro skater 2 lol
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