#the witch and the wardrobe
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same bitch
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alexasolliday1969blog · 4 months
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seasonplacko1973blog · 4 months
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petaltexturedskies · 9 months
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C.S. Lewis, from “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”
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The Pevensie children are too old for their age.
Their mom notices, at the dinner table. She sees no nagging children, no stupid fights. She sees Lucy eating and speaking with perfect manners, Edmund analysing the economy and war with concerning skill, Susan being gracious but poised, like a diplomat.
Their father sees it in Peters eyes the first time they get into a fight. When he moves to punish Edmund for speaking out of turn, Peter calls him out on it. When his gaze meet his eldest son's, he's leveled by the war he sees behind it, the tensed muscle in his arm, the knuckles white around his knife. He's seen that before, in other soldiers. He doesn't know how to react.
Other children notice, too. Talking to all the Pevensie kids at the same time is like being the only one left out of a secret, and the way they touch and tease each other speaks of a history far deeper than their polite demeneor lets on. And when they walk they fall in line, as if there is a natural hierarchy between them.
The first time anyone picks a fight with Edmund, Peter comes home with a three week suspension and blood around his mouth. He looks more alive than you've seen him in weeks.
When Susan gets back in the pool after Narnia, she wins all the contests. Coaches can't explain how to beat her, because they don't understand how she's doing it, either. She seems to almost disappear when underwater.
Lucy, always gay and golden-haired, starts dancing, and never misses a step. She moves with an elegance that no 10 year old should have, and all the girls want to be friends with her
Edmund soon becomes the best student in his faculty. He always seems to know the right thing to say, and teachers laud his ability to think through complex problems. His mouth does get him in trouble sometimes, but the boy seems uncatchable, always talking his way through the cracks. And if not?
No one actively fears Peter, but everyone is a little scared of him sometimes. He's tall for his age, sure, but there is something else, some other air that seems to give him an authority far beyond what's normal for a teenage boy. He's nice enough, but teachers can't stand it, and bullies learn very quickly that pissing him off means missing teeth and black eyes.
The Pevensies are not quite inhuman, but not fully mortal, either
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thirstywaffles · 10 months
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Got bored and doodled older Pevensies
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tenaciousgeckos · 6 months
Shakespeare: So, in Macbeth, the forest doesn't actually move, it's just an army holding branches
C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien: And we took that personally
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goldenvulpine · 2 years
Yearly Reminder that C.S Lewis encouraged his fans to write fanfiction about Susan Pevensie becoming a friend to Narnia and reuniting with her family once again.
Literally inviting his fans to write Susan’s adult, angsty character development with a happy ending.
Do your duty fans. Write that fanfiction.
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rosettyller · 6 months
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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005)
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avengerraven · 9 months
My favourite thing about The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is that CS Lewis very obviously knew that kids were going to go hunting in cupboards and wardrobes for Narnia because multiple times he very clearly states that the kids did not close the door behind them when they climbed in the wardrobe because that would be stupid and dangerous. He knew some kid was going to lock themselves in the closet and he obviously didn’t want to be responsible for that.
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centrestagereviews · 2 years
Shows to see this Christmas
Shows to see this Christmas 🎄🎭 Looking to spend some time in the theatre this Christmas? We’ve put together a small guide of some of our top picks for the festive season!
Looking to spend some time in the theatre this Christmas? We’ve put together a small guide of some of our top picks for the festive season and some tips and tricks on how to get discounted West End tickets! Shows we’re recommending this Christmas: Regional: The Wizard of Oz – Leicester Curve The Wizard of Oz will run at the Leicester Curve till 08/01/23 Click your heels together three times…
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rainintheevening · 4 months
Every rewatch of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe I pick up on new things.
The second sword the Witch fights Peter with is Edmund's.
In the train station scene there's a man's voice in the background saying, 'Hold onto your brother's hand, and don't let him go. I love you!'
I love how they made the Witch's throne of ice, because ice can melt, but the throne Edmund is given by Aslan is made of stone. Feels like a 'house on sand vs house on rock' allusion.
I get goosebumps EVERY TIME Lucy enters the room with the wardrobe and the swing song cuts out into a ringing hush, and then when the cloth comes billowing down, the music swells, and it's one of my favourite little moments.
I also love how the camera angles show Lucy's face, and her wonder, before you, the viewer, see the wardrobe.
Susan is so so sweet to Lucy when they find Mr. Tumnus in the Witch's house, the way she holds her little sister close, and kisses her hair.
I think it's brilliant how terribly tall the Witch feels at first, particularly in her house, when she's standing over Edmund. She feels enormous.
And of course the costume changes, how her crown melts down, and her dress gets smaller and greyer, till it's almost black at the Stone Table, and then in the battle she's wearing a complete chainmail dress (very cool btw), like all her ice has melted down to stone, like she was really just a knife blade under all those frozen layers the whole time.
How the music dies out right before the first clash of the armies, so all you can hear is Peter’s heartbeat, and then again after Edmund gets stabbed by the Witch, but that time it's only Ed’s breathing you can hear.
This turned into me just raving about this movie in general, but it totally deserves it.
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keanureves · 9 months
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
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narnianskys · 2 years
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The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
By C. S. Lewis
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months
the pevensie siblings find, when they return to england after being in narnia for so long, that it's not the fact that they're twenty years younger that is the most difficult to adjust to, but the clothes.
not in a "i wore expensive fabrics and jewels and silks and velvets for twenty years and now i have to go back to wearing inexpensive fabric?" way but in a "i spent twenty years wearing layers of comfortable heavy clothes and cloaks and soft fabric that didn't scratch and the feeling of loose clothing is a sensory nightmare" way.
edmund, who is perpetually cold, and always had at least three layers + a cloak on, and who the narnian tailors learned preferred inner linings of velvet because any other fabrics let too much of a chill in, and cloaks made of a study fabric meant strong protection against the elements
lucy, who can feel every little scratch and out of place tag in her clothes, always having narnian clothes fit her just right, made of soft fabric that never scratched her skin, and the narnian tailors knowing exactly what to use, and how to stitch the clothes so no loose threads ever bothered their beloved valiant queen
susan, who hates being restricted by her clothing, who loved the looser, softer-fitting arms of her gowns, because it meant that she could draw her bows faster, and tailors being able to pick which fabrics were the sturdiest and could withstand susan's draw, while still giving her the gentle appearance that perfectly hid her true abilities
peter, who can't stand anything tight around his neck, who only wore close-collar shirts when he had to, and who the narnian tailors knew to make the shirts a little looser around the neck, making sure that nothing closed too tightly, and making sure that his battle wear, though protective, never felt too constricting
and lucy and susan begin wearing headbands when they're back in england, every single day to mimic the comforting sensation of wearing their crowns that they're desperate to maintain
edmund and peter missing the weight of their shields on their backs, so they carry their school bags around as long as they can just to feel more balanced out as they walk alongside their sisters back home
just all four of them growing so accustomed to the weight of their narnian clothes and gifts and crowns, the lengths and layers of fabric, that when they are back in england, their old clothes are the biggest sensory nightmare to all of them, and they're just desperate to get their comfort back
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de-meerpeen · 2 years
Audities voor de musical Narnia bij Musical Talent in Wieringerwerf
Lokaal nieuws: 'Audities voor de musical Narnia in Wieringerwerf'
WIERINGERWERF – Musical Talent speelt dit seizoen de musicalproductie ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ dat zich afspeelt in het betoverende Narnia! Een prachtige productie die op dit moment ook in Londen te bewonderen is op West End.  Musical Talent doet momenteel nog audities voor een aantal rollen. Musical Talent zoekt jong musical talent (7 t/m 21 jaar) voor o.a. de rollen van: – Peter…
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