#the working title for this was VALIDATION STATION
You want to know the worst thing about Ralph Breaks the Internet?
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It wasn’t the already-dated Internet jokes & references - we all knew going in that stuff was never going to work.
It wasn’t the new characters - honestly, they’re all fine (except maybe Double Dan - Alfred Molina deserves better!).
It wasn’t the exclusion of Felix & Calhoun (my delusional ass is still waiting for a short film about the two raising the Sugar Rush racers.)
It wasn’t even the thousands of details they ignored, retconned, or forgot from the original Wreck-it Ralph (Fix-it Felix Jr. was THIRTY years old when Ralph met Vanellope, Vanellope ABDICATED HER THRONE in favor of a constitutional democracy so everyone in Sugar Rush would have a say in how the game was run, Sugar Rush was a two-seater racing game, etc.)
No, the absolute, positively, undeniably worst thing Ralph Breaks the Internet did was tarnish & distort Ralph so thoroughly it made us all question if the original movie was even that good to begin with.
Everything else in Ralph Breaks the Internet could be forgiven or overlooked. But what they did to Ralph is just baffling. He was never going to be mistaken for a Rhodes scholar in the first movie, but he WAS smarter than the doofus who couldn’t even name a graduation cap in the sequel.
Wasn’t he?
And he wasn’t a gross slob by choice - he HATED living in the dump (I believe his exact words were “NOT cool! Unhygienic, and lonely! And boring.”) but he was kind of stuck there because the game literally left him nowhere else to stay. That’s why in the epilogue he decided to finally make something of his situation by building himself a proper shack instead of just camping on the bricks.
Wasn’t it?
And Ralph had many flaws in the first film - he had a short temper, he was a little clumsy, he broke things by accident just because he was a little too strong or things weren’t made for someone with his physical abilities in mind, he was stubborn, he had a one-track mind and couldn’t be deterred from his short-term goals no matter the long-term consequences. But the one thing he WASN’T was insecure. He knew his own strengths & weaknesses, and he wasn’t trying to change himself to win anyone’s approval. He was just trying to find VALIDATION, a way to satisfy the small-minded Nicelanders and prove to them (and himself) that he had value as he was.
Wasn’t he?
I’m terrified to rewatch the original movie now because I’m afraid the Wreck-it Ralph in my head is based on lies & fanfics, and the real Wreck-it Ralph was ALWAYS some insecure doofus with no accountability or self reflection.
And you know the absolutely insane part? Disney is doing their absolute darndest to pretend Ralph doesn’t exist. AND HE’S THE TITLE CHARACTER OF HIS OWN IP!!!!! There’s a new chapter book series about Vanellope & some of the Sugar Rush Racers getting stuck in a little girl’s tablet, and Ralph’s ONLY appearance so far is a line-drop in the first book when Vanellope says she left him sleeping in Game Central Station while all the consoles were unplugged for a remodeling of Litwak’s Arcade. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Remember how EVERYONE in the first movie lost their shit at the possibility of their game being unplugged, treating it like an Apocalypse? Remember how even the sequel did a halfway decent job reminding folks that having a game unplugged was a Big Deal? Now everyone’s just chill axing on vacation in Game Central Station (which is NOT BIG ENOUGH to hold every single game character - it could barely fit the Sugar Rush citizens when they got unplugged) and Ralph is snoozing in a corner while his daughter is accidentally whisked away to some girl’s tablet.
The Wreck-it Ralph from the first movie wouldn’t be asleep in a corner when he could be spending time with Vanellope. And THAT man would go through Hell & high water to find her! While Vanellope & her gang are helping Molly (the kid with the tablet) learn about friendship & camping or whatever, Ralph should be an absolute MENACE online, tearing through every website, personal device, and Cloud account looking for his little girl!
Right? Wrong?
Did we all delude ourselves into thinking Ralph was deeper than he was intended to be? Or does Disney just hate Wreck-it Ralph now? And if it’s the latter, why? WHY do they hate him? Why do they want US to not care about him? Is it because he’s the last of the Lasseter projects? Did John C. Reilly and Bob Iger have some sort of falling-out? Did the FANBASE do something to put Disney staff off from ever wanting to do anything with Wreck-it Ralph ever again?
I think I could move on if I knew for certain whether Disney actively sabotaged Wreck-it Ralph with his sequel & subsequent exclusions from merchandise & multi-IP projects, or if I was just crazy for ever liking this character or his movie to begin with. It’s the not knowing that kills me.
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frangipanilove · 5 months
Señor Dixon Goes To Spain?
Let’s indulge in some wild speculating, based exclusively on hypotheticals and wishful thinking.
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Well well well! Daryl might be going to Spain! Excellent choice, it’s a beautiful country, I highly recommend, 10/10. And while it seems to have been officially confirmed just now, it’s not entirely surprising for people who’ve been paying attention.
We heard a reference to Spain already back in TWDDD 1x1 L’âme Perdue, when Isabel showed Daryl around the convent, and they came across a radio. Isabel mentioned that the last person she’d been in contact with was a Spaniard a few months ago:
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When seemingly random stuff like this gets brought up, it’s normally fair to assume it’s symbolism or foreshadowing, and I felt pretty certain Spain would come up again sooner or later.
Then later, we meet Losang. He’s the leader of the Nest, and he first came in contact with the nuns and Laurent on his way back from a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. "Compostela" refers to "the field of stars" under which the pilgrims traveled, a reference to the Milky Way.
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That certainly tickles my TD brain, concidering how many astronomical references we have had around Beth, such as Sirius and Venus, satellites and eclipses to name a few.
Camino de Santiago to Santiago de Compostela is one of the world's most famous pilgrimages, and can be reached through a number of different routes. Isabel's convent was situated relatively close to the starting point of the French Way:
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I have a whole theory in my drafts on potential references to El Camino de Santiago from years ago, which I might have to revisit now. Also, keep in mind that the working title of TWDDD was "Pilgrim":
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But the most compelling thing about filming in Spain is an absolutely brilliant discovery made by @galadrieljones back when the final season of FTWD aired. We see Dwight, Morgan and Sherry share a scene, and a series of coordinates were given, supposedly to a P.A.D.R.E repeater station.
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In reality, the coordinates corresponded with an area of the Atlantic Ocean near an archipelago called the Canary Islands. The islands, though situated off the coast of west Africa, are Spanish territory, and are famous (and slightly infamous, to be honest) for hordes of pale, vitamin D-deficient, sun-deprived north Europeans like myself as a holiday destination.
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The part of it that’s particularly interesting for TD is that the etymology of the word Canary/Canarias shows it is derived from Latin “Canis”, meaning dog.
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And as we know, that’s Sirius symbolism. Sirius means return/rebirth/resurrection. It refers to Sirius the Dog Star, who returns to the sky one morning right before dawn, after having been “just gone” for some time. I've written many posts on that, here's one.
There’s even a particular type of dog breed that’s associated with the Canary Islands, Presa Canario:
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As a fun fact, in TWDDD season 1, Daryl’s original plan to get home involved getting on a boat that would eventually take him to Newfoundland, Canada. That’s also a dog reference, it refers to Newfoundland dogs:
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As I’ve been saying, dog symbolism is Sirius symbolism, we learned that from 4x13 Alone. It means return/rebirth/resurrection. Daryl’s plans to return via Newfoundland fell through when he had to save Laurent from walkers, but the symbolism of it is still valid.
And as an extra fun fact, there’s even a location on Newfoundland, Canada, with the name Canary Islands…
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…do with that what you will...
Another really interesting thing about the Canary Islands is that they provide an excellent starting point for transatlantic crossings. This is due to the consistent trade winds that blow from east to west, and sailors have taken advantage of this phenomenon for centuries.
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Of course, we don’t know if Daryl will make it to the Canary Islands, and even if he doesn’t, I’m still exited about Spain, for the reasons laid out above. But the potential reference to the Canary Islands through the coordinates from FTWD is a super interesting clue, and it involves dog/Sirius symbolism, which makes me very happy.
Also, the coordinates from FTWD supposedly led to a repeater station, which is a radio reference. That means, the repeater station is a Sirius symbol both as a radio reference, as well as a dog reference, in that the coordinates in reality points to a stretch of ocean near the Canary Islands.
Whatever the coordinates were meant to signify, they sure as hell didn’t point to no repeater station in Georgia.
So yeah. Might be nothing, but could be something. The off-season is for speculating.
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
One Piece Chapter 1114 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back
TCB uploaded on a Thursday for the first time in yonks, but it had to be midway through my trip back from work
but anyway, GLOBAL WARMING! Vegapunk is pouring the tea, the world is sinking, so what more does he have to say and how will the world react?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release Also!
Yamato's pilgrimage involves taking the long way around Wano to bring Yasuie's sword to the Enma shrine (the god of the underworld not Zoro's sword)
We'll likely encounter a bunch of characters on the trek but it surprises me that he's bringing back Yasuie's sword and not Shusui to Ryuma's grave. Either are still fine but I feel like that had more narrative significance, though if that was the task then Zoro wouldn't have been able to visit his grave off-screen - which should've very much been on-screen!
You know the tea is spilling when the chapter title is 'The wings of Icarus'
Naturally, the world takes in the revelation we left off on
The Navy reacts first, the Vice Admirals in disbelief but Akainu silent
Mock Town of all places is next, filled with nonbelievers of dreams, they mock the smartest man on the planet and deem themselves wise
Water Seven are shocked too, finding it difficult to believe that it's the whole world and not just them
Paulie and Pepe Lulu cameo too (love Franky but in another life I would've liked to have seen Paulie as a Straw Hat, would've been a perfect foil for Sanji too since he's a bashful perv, plus Nami would totally abuse how bad he is with gambling)
Doflamingo of course is revelling in the news, mocking Magellan about how this affects Impel Down
It's so surreal to me how we all know that Doflamingo is a menace, his debut literally involved him pitting marines against one another, but now he's in Impel Down he's just chilling, on his back just vibing with people like Magellan and Tsuru
It seems the Mother Flame's flooding did cause some problems for Impel Down
Doffy predicts that it'll take 5 more meters for most of the world to be flooded
He also implies evacuating 'somewhere high up' - like the Red Line maybe?
Fishman Island also reacts to the news, like everyone else they find it hard to believe
Back at Egghead though, the Buster Call don't care if it's valid, it's coming from Vegapunk so it holds weight but either way it's bringing unrest and discourse
The Gorosei meanwhile are livid, even considering going scorched earth to stop it
York is also annoyed, suck on it
Vegapunk makes a prediction, accurately pointing out the weather effects of Lulusia being wiped out
That for sure has got people more convinced, given how it's pre-recorded
Surprise Smoothie and Mont D'or cameos too!
And another already flooded island is surprised how much to a tee Vegapunk got the prediction right
Damn even Tonjit from Long Ring Long Land is getting a cameo!
Aokiji bandaged up also listens from Fullalead
Vegapunk also calls out that the earthquakes were not natural, which really sets the Gorosei off
The Straw Hats continue to fend off Saturn to protect Robin, with Lilith also in on the fight
Most of them get knocked away though, being caught by Robin's Spider Web
Saturn does still appear to be showing some damage, so still props to the crew for doing the job
Because Saturn has shifted his priority from Robin, making his way to the power station to protect it
Saturn crashes in, as Vegapunk explains his obsession with finding an unlimited energy source
Back to his 'human' form, Saturn basks in the Mother Flame
I was expecting something different, but it is a tiny flame kept in a giant tank
I wonder if the S-108 and the A&Mu stand for something? The latter are not elements on the Periodic Table
Also it's a flame inside liquid, A FLAME INSIDE OF LIQUID!
The Sleeping Giant still is on the move, passing unfazed through fire and flame
Even the Giants are struggling in the flames, still in pursuit by Warcury
Luffy however is back in Gear Fifth, that fermented shark meat must've done the trick
Marejois is stirring though, because Vegapunk has just brought up the void century
Most of the Celestial Dragons are in uproar, blaming the marines and feeling big enough to take on Vegapunk to kill him themselves
Though, interestingly, Saint Shalria - Charloss' sister - seems almost intrigued, it appears not all the Celestial Dragons know about the Void Century
Vegapunk goes on to talk about how the Poneglyphs are key to the void century
In a woodland a giant lounges as he takes in the news, the familiar laugh of Dereshishishi coming from him
I'm still not certain it's Jaguar D. Saul mind you, why hide his face for so long?
Man we're even going as far back as Orange Town!
With the Mayor and Chouchou!
The benefits of having a 20+ year manga is how you can bring back so many minor characters briefly to just show the entire scale of the world that's been built
We also see Margaret from Amazon Lily, her face seems conflicted
Vegapunk however explains that his second sin was trying to decipher the Poneglyphs, using documentation gathered from Ohara
Since Luffy could hear the broadcast I'm sure Robin is hearing it too, I wonder how she feels about Vegapunk about to lore drop a bunch of Poneglyph stuff she didn't get to discover herself
Brook is also calling for Zoro and Jinbe, not sure what their status is, same with Franky, Bonney, Atlas and Sanji vs V. Nusjuro
'History is a story, after all' is a lowkey banger line
But the Labophase is behaving differently, the clouds are stretching
Edison's plan has come into action, making the clouds wider so the Sunny can drop off into the ocean
Credit to Usopp for figuring it out too
Seems like the little tyke isn't making it out, it may end up being just Lilith at this stage
Vegapunk keeps going, stating that he only knows little about the void century, so he'll give the world some of the only facts he knows
Luffy strikes Warcury again with a Gear Fifth big punch, but the result hurts his hand all the same
Meanwhile Vegapunk details the story of a person born 900 years ago to a bountiful and advanced kingdom
Just like Nika, he had an elastic and stretchy body - which the world will very much connect to Luffy - called Joy Boy
Joy Boy was the first man to take to the seas: The First Pirate
But a break again next week, I know last week was a SJ break than an Oda break but c'mon I feel like he does this every year!
Oda sure loves to set a stage huh? What do you mean Joy Boy was the first pirate? That'd imply he's rebelling against something right? Was the advanced kingdom too restrictive maybe? So much still yet to be said
For the most part, what the characters were doing this chapter were secondary to this announcement built up, it's still cool that the Straw Hats deterred Saturn away from Robin - though we are overdue seeing Jinbe and Zoro do something of substance. Ju Peter and Mars are still kinda floating around, Doll and Bluegrass were circling the island last we saw them too. But yeah, lots of unique and surprising cameos, the mystery deepens as the plot continues somehow to thicken.
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dorkydiaz · 2 years
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BIG LOVE AHEAD [1.2k | cute| small town/coffee shop au] {ao3}
for @firemedicdiaz- I hope this can be a soft blanket of distraction <3. and for @singlethread- happiest of birthdays <3
surprise i wrote an au that didnt turn into a 20k+ saga lol. Title from Big Love Ahead by Mon Rovîa. enjoy!
Evan Buckley is absolutely soaked. Standing in the rain and miserable If he’s being truly honest with himself. But that’s the thing. He should be miserable. Because he just had his heart broken. He was supposed to have had the cinematic love story— from the meet cute while he had been helping Bobby host the annual toy drive to a kiss in the rain after they decided to exchange keys and each have a drawer at the other’s place, cheesy keys in a jewelry boxes, contact paper and all. But the box is in his jacket pocket and it’s pouring rain.  and Alex was the one with the car that night so Buck trudges towards home. Trying not to think about how this news will spread throughout town, for lack of a better term, like wildfire. 
Sure he could have called a cab had his phone not died of course. So yeah he was pretty much stuck walking through town, completely soaked. 
He's not sure why he stops on the corner that he does, maybe to take a break under the awning of the little coffee shop that opened recently. He had been meaning to stop by, but it felt like a betrayal against the old machine that sputtered out the perfect cup at the station. 
He runs a hand through his sopping curls. And he hears a crack of thunder and sees a flash of lightning. 
“Fucking hell,” he mumbles to himself. 
“You wanna come inside?” 
Buck jumps as he turns towards the door, where he finds a man about his age leaning out of it. He's wearing a henley and a flannel— both of which look impossibly soft. He has a towel sling over his shoulder and gentle eyes. 
“Aren’t you uh, closed?” 
“Technically, but when I see cute guys walking through severe weather I get concerned.” 
“I- um, I don't want to keep you. I really don’t live too far.” 
“I live upstairs,” The man says and shrugs, “and I can make you a hot beverage so you don’t get sick.” 
Buck swallows the fact that standing in the rain doesn't necessarily get you sick and accepts the offer. 
Once they are both inside the other man takes stock of him and how he’s dripping onto the welcome mat. 
“Uhh let me get you a towel— and maybe a change of clothes?” 
He’s gone before Buck can protest. 
He looks around the cozy shop and then locks eyes with a pair behind red glasses. The gaze scrutinizing. 
“Who are you?” the boy demands  
“Uh, my name's Buck.”
“That's a funny name. Why are you all wet?” 
“Christopher, what have I told you about rude questions buddy?” 
“It was a valid question. I just didn't know how to explain getting brutally dumped to a six year old.” 
“I'm seven!” Christopher pipes up. 
The man laughs shyly, “I'm Eddie Diaz by the way.” 
“Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck” 
“You’re the…firefighter right?” 
Buck just buries his face in his hands, “Sorry there are approximately 10 queer people in this town and we must all know each other.”
“It’s okay. There’s a bathroom around that corner.” Eddie holds out a fluffy towel and what looks like a neatly rolled t-shirt and pair of basketball shorts, “sorry this is all I had that I  thought might fit.” 
“Hey, it’s better than what I've got on.” 
He exits the small bathroom feeling a bit refreshed and finds Eddie behind the counter seemingly hard at work at a new chalkboard sign. 
“Pick your poison—tea, cocoa, or decaf?” 
“Cocoa!” Buck brightens. 
“Are you really a firefighter?” Chris asks with the pure wonderment only a seven year old can have. 
“Yeah, I am!” 
“Can I come visit and slide down the pole and sit in the truck? Please?” 
Buck smiles so much it hurts his cheeks a little bit. 
He lowers his voice down to a conspicuous whisper, “You ask your dad and I'll ask my captain and we’ll see what we can do.” 
He knew Bobby would say yes, he loves having kids at the firehouse as long as they are respectful if they have to rush off. Which doesn’t happen all that often anyway. 
Eddie comes back to the table tray in hand, loaded up with two hot chocolates and a black coffee along with a cookie split into thirds. 
“Thank you, you really didn't have to do this.” 
Eddie waves it off as he brings his mug to his lips and takes a long sip of coffee. 
“Can we please visit Buck at the firehouse Dad?” 
Eddie smiles down at Chris and ruffles his hair, “Sure kid.” 
The beaming smile that comes in return nearly blinds Buck– and only makes him smile harder too. 
It’s two days later when Bobby texts that Marie (the coffee maker) has finally and officially shorted out (RIP) and asks Buck to bring a round of various coffee concoctions into work for the crew. 
So of course he stops by Eddie’s shop– which is of course swamped, because it's 7:30 on a Monday morning. 
Ravi, a kid he recognizes from one of their community events is behind the register while Eddie seems to be the one focusing on the drinks. 
“Hey um Ravi?” he asks while handing over the cash for the drinks, “Could you tell Eddie that I'm asking about my suit? He’ll know. Thanks.” he smiles as Ravi nods. 
It's later that day, they've cleaned the entire station, as per the Monday schedule, and even went on a few calls. 
“So,” Chimney pops his gum, “I hear that you had quite the roller coaster weekend in the relationship department, Buck.” 
Buck raises his eyebrow with uncertainty. 
“Well I heard that–”
“Stopping you right there Henrietta.” Buck replies holding up his hand. 
“Yes, Alex and I broke up. And yes I met Eddie who owns the coffee shop. That's it. Happy?” 
“Then what is Eddie doing here with a child and what appears to be your date night suit?” Chimney asks eyebrows climbing rapidly. 
“Just because that's all that happened doesn't mean- Hey you two!” 
“Ravi got your message to me, I took it to the dry cleaner. And I, um, thought you would want this back too." Eddie holds out the box tentatively. “I didn't realize it was that-”
“Oh,” buck smiles, opening the box, “it's just a key- it wasn't”
“Oh!” Eddie smiles, “well regardless. It's yours.” 
Buck glances over his shoulder to see that Bobby is entertaining Chris with a plastic firefighter helmet and the different parts of the engine. 
“Come here,” Buck takes Eddie's hand and pulls him further away from the prying eyes of his well meaning but nosy family. “So, I know I was just broken up with, but I would really like to take you out on a date sometime. Or just for dinner, as a thank you. Totally fine if-”
“Yes, I'll go on a date with you.” Eddie encroaches further into his space and brushes a light kiss over his lips. “Wanted nothing more since I saw you sopping wet under the awning.” 
Buck rolls his eyes and laughs. 
“So Buckley, are we gonna get free coffee out of this whole deal or what?” Chimney asks, leaning against the engine. 
He looks up at Eddie and whispers, “you can say no,” in his ear. 
“Dad, Dad, Dad, can you and Buck help me down the firefighter pole?” Chris asks, rocking excitedly on his crutches. 
“Let’s do it!” 
Eddie looks over at Buck, smiling in a way that makes Buck realize exactly where Chris gets it from, and just reflects it back.
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harmonysanreads · 4 months
So question. I started playing Star Rail because of you and some other tumblr people, and I want to know your thoughts on something that caught my eye in the beginning of the game.
I've spoiled myself on the main cruxes of Penacony's story quest already, but what I do want to draw attention to is the memory bubble for The Family that you find on Herta Space Station. (https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Memory_Bubble:_Family)
When I interacted with it, there's specific mentions made of The Family and Penacony. I'm still at the beginning of the game.
My question to you is, what do you think that Memory Bubble Scene conveys?
I'm of the mind that this likely occurs before the Charmony Festival, but the ending part kinda reads like that whole bit with Sunday and Adventurine's battle of wits. I'm not quite sure what to think about it, if it's more like the beginning of the end of Penacony?
Hi nonnie! Hope you're enjoying hsr so far <3 This is the text of the Memory Bubble in question btw :
You make a valid point honestly, the ending seems quite similar to Sunday's ‘execution’ of Aventurine. Though I personally think the message of this bubble is hidden in its title, aka, “The Family”.
Now since this is a rather obscure memory, we can mostly surmise. I think the bubble ultimately symbolizes the hypocrisy of the Family more than anything. Notice how it begins by describing lavish cushions, the Grand Theater and a tasteful opera — all telling us of the outward extravagance of the Family. I searched "The King's Pleasure" randomly and the books that popped up mostly seemed to be talking about the life of king Henry VIII, who is notorious for his extravagant lifestyle and wife killings.
As you can see, ‘Mr Renoir’ doesn't answer the question directly but instead, leads the viewer to open the mysterious box. I'm not entirely sure why he specifically said ‘put it in’ but it seems to be the metaphor to expose the Family's inner, darker and chaotic workings. Which, of course, aren't directly exposed, but rather the viewer is manipulated and criminalized. Not explicitly stating but telling us this much that the Family does exist, just not in the way we think it does.
Anywho, entering super theoretical territory here : the question, “Do you find the opera boring?” could perhaps mean, “Do you find the opulence of the Family boring?” to which the viewer answers with “I'm just curious... Does the Family truly exists?”. Following the lead of the previous question, this could perhaps be as well saying, “Are all these grandiose displays of the Family true? Is it really as united as we hear?”
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tamorisana · 7 months
This is stupid.
He stands on the cold floors of the train station, cold and late. The smell of petrichor is awfully strong. It just rained and it rained heavily. The usually-typical weather for London.
When was the last time he looked around? Looked at his work?
Ghost still keeps the carefully drawn layouts of the building before him. He knows, to this day remembers every single office space he made on paper, every single rosette in the waiting area, and every single trip he had to choose the best materials out of the best. Front of the main traveling station is a majestic mix of Renaissance and Gothic styles, his favorite, completed with matching landscaping and interior design to which, he has to give credit to whomever Price found for the job. His favorite project was the biggest project after the wars.
The robotic hand takes his ticket, checking, making sure it corresponds with the existing entry. "Good evening." The mechanical voice doesn't sound mechanical at all. Since when? "Please move forward, to your train №29636 "London — Glasgow" is stationed on track 7." The ticket is partially ripped but still valid for him to pass.
He hoped it would fail.
Price is stupid for even suggesting it.
"You should take a vacation." Is said between the huffs, voice is heavy with overnight coffee drive, the unfinished project laying before the bearded man. He still kept those stupid mutton chops. "You'll work yourself to death and I need my best lieut—" The cut-off is sharp. No more titles.
"Architect. I need you in a full working condition, Simon, not living on coffee, cigarettes and hope of maybe getting a new tattoo." Since when did he care so much? A long time. It's very... touching? but he's right.
He's right, like always right. That never changed, from the moment Price found him tied to the wall in that fucking basement, through the trenches and heli travels, to now. Now being in a good, famous even, studio? Office? God knows what they are.
Rejuvenate Structures.
"I have a place. Calm, far away from people, just how you like." he doesn't remember when Price wasn't this warm man who needs help with small details on the showcasing models, man who hated asking for help when he couldn't even close his hand into the fist. Man who sometime ago killed and destroyed in mourning.
War destroyes everything. Buildings, villages and cities, countries, people and their lives. Everything. Including you. Something inside you dies with people you kill or couldn't save. It's different when you didn't see the destroyed housing and rotting bodies, it's as if all of these are far away, with people who you don't know.
They can't bring back people.
But they can repair at least something. Make a better place and keep the guilt away. Keep the stupid figures of dead people he sees in his office during his all-nighters out of these walls.
"Sure. Whatever." You'll never be able to regret a decision so much.
Hope of getting a new tattoo with his initials or stupid soap stuff always dies last. It died once for sure.
Gaz is stupid for supporting it.
Messenger bag lands on the floor, heavy with the textbooks, notebooks and laptop. How does Kyle even manage to survive five classes with such heavy bag? How do you run from campus to campus with that thing?
Kyle always liked the feeling of the heavy gear, made it even more heavy with extra stuff that they almost never needed. "It's grounding." no one says otherwise.
"You look like death sometimes." he was the death at some point. "I think Price is right for sending you for a vacation." He sips his tea out of cup their Captain Boss made during the physical therapy for hand nerve damage.
Simon doesn't remember how they started these tea drinking parties. Stupid Fucking brits and things you do. It just happened. Kyle was exhausted. Simon was on edge and out of coffee. It happened once. Then again and once again. What do they say? Once an accident. Two coincidence. Three is a pattern. Fifty Sixth this year is a tradition.
You'd need five cups of tea to substitute a cup of coffee. A scientifically proven fact.
As long as you call Simon McTavish a science.
"You're just bitter he can't and won't do the same for you since you are in school."
"Oh shut the fuck up, Riley." Not a Riley anymore. Riley is dead. MIA. Would probably be presumed KIA for sure.
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
thinking about how my husband lamented that Rings of Power doesn't do much with the Valar. thinking about how the Queen of Numenor says faith is a thin thread to hang a nation from, which runs counter to... most of recorded human history, not to mention Tolkien's works, where multiple nations of men awaited their True King to deliver them into a golden age, and Boromir's declaration that "Gondor needs no king" signified faithlessness and that was a negative thing. thinking about how there are articles out there to explain why Galadriel was upset in Rings of Power, to explain that she turned her back on elf heaven, on the selfsame far green country with whose description Gandalf moved us all to tears in Return of the King, and she chose ruin and the world
thinking yet again about how Cersei Lannister blows up a whole church because the Sparrows had become more influential than the crown, and a handful of episodes later she says "hey smallfolk, come into the castle keep to stay safe from this battle" and the smallfolk... do it, instead of saying "fuck no, that's the lady with the wildfire who killed our beloved priests and committed the worst possible blasphemies, and this matters to us because we are peasants and the only thing in our lives is work and religion" and there were no further repercussions because apparently the influential state religion of Westeros was one building and a cool catchphrase
thinking about Tess of the Road, which I almost did not finish because wow it's grueling to be a woman in a fantasy novel isn't it? thinking about the spiritual epiphany it grants its title character in the midst of a kneejerk "Catholicism but even more oppressive" setting because it reads easily I guess (see also all the Dragon Age games). still haven't unpacked all my thoughts from that one tbh but it's rolling around in there and it will be for a while
thinking about how almost nobody wants to write characters who have relationships with their gods, even in fantasy, a genre where characters could have very literal relationships with their gods, be they adversarial or positive or realistically messy. thinking about how writers seem not to want to touch that, either because it's too messy or because of an impression that society is beyond that. thinking about how this extends beyond the fantasy genre. thinking about how sterile Station Eleven's post-apocalypse felt and how part of that was a lack of folk practices or any spiritualism apart from the antagonist's obviously bad oppressive pseudo-Christianity. thinking about Anne McCaffrey insisting there is no religion on Pern in the far future, versus, like, everything about Deep Space Nine. thinking about how Battlestar Galactica felt ballsy as fuck for having monotheistic Cylons and polytheistic humans, but in the end that thread and the implications of robots worshiping a god just... never went anywhere
thinking about how, when religion is included in a work of fiction, it’s almost always with a wink wink, nudge nudge, you know and I know how backward and bogus this is, but it’s almost never played straight, much less validated in the narrative (I love you Netflix’s Shadow and Bone). and when it is portrayed as a positive influence in people's lives, it's in the vaguest, always culturally-Christian, terms of "light" and "darkness" and "hope". thinking about how Midnight Mass told a story about people who took so much comfort in their religion that even after it turned them into vampires and destroyed their community they sang hymns as the sun rose, and how that was such a foreign thing that a lot of the audience found it unbelievable
thinking about the extra layer of hypocrisy in defending a work of fantasy by saying "it was just like that back then" when a) there was no back then because it's fantasy, and b) the work in question ignores the foundational role religion played throughout the medieval Europe all these fantasy worlds use as a template
thinking about how art is meant to nurture the soul, but increasingly neglects to grant one to its characters
thinking about how if we can't imagine a world where people have a spiritual life that isn't just a tool of oppression, how can we create one
thinking about how much I love the Queen's Thief series and Arthdal Chronicles
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DS9 4x03 Hippocratic Oath thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
So excited for this episode, love me some Miles&Julian
"I believe the Ferengi bartender is plotting something with him." Oh Worf, you are new here, aren't you?
"Odo keeps him in check." "Yes, but not in prison." Maybe - just maybe - there's a reason for that? Given Odo's been Chief of Security for three years, and Sisko's a very competent commander?
"We're on course back to the wormhole and should arrive at the station two days ahead of schedule." Hah, no you won't!
Julian just completely bullshitting "by spending your free time in the bedroom, a place you intimately associate with Keiko, you are actually expressing a desire to be closer to her during her absence." like he's a student with a word count to reach
"Why can't she be more like...[you]" "More like... [me?]" "Well, a man. More like a man." I cannot with this conversation, ever.
The two of them bouncing around in their seats is so ridiculous to watch XD
I was so confused about how Miles is a non-com until recently - in LARP it means non-combatant, and I kept thinking that no-one ever respected that Miles should not be fighting!
Miles' non-reaction to "We will kill you first."
"Human, rank of lieutenant with a specialty in the sciences." "Doctor, actually." If he's going to die, he's going to go down with the right title, thank you very much!
Loving this conflict between Odo and Worf. You go, Odo! (Is it bad I'm looking forward to Worf losing this battle?)
"They need a doctor. Someone's injured, or sick." "If that's true, Julian, don't help them." But he's gotta, it's what he dies, Miles!
" And you need to understand that I'm a Starfleet officer, and I won't do any work for you that might potentially be used against the Federation or any other race for that matter. Now, if that's what you want, you'll have to kill me." Julian you are incredible, you know that?
"Now give those men what they need, please." ohhhh, the tight desperation in his voice 💔
Odo is being much calmer about Starfleet poking their nose in his security matters than usual - maybe because Worf doesn't actually have any security jurisdiction, unlike Primmin and Eddington did?
Miles' "Sir" and "Lieutenant" playacting (foreshadowinggggg)
Julian's suddenly gone even posher??! Somehow stress brings out RP in extremis?
I love Miles and O'Brien both having perfectly valid different opinions. This argument is fantastic and I love Julian's impassioned "They're not animals. They're people being used as slaves. And this is their one chance at freedom."
"I am the senior officer here and I have decided what we're going to do. Now, I need the bio-spectral phase discriminator from the runabout's sensor array. I haven't got the technical skills to remove it, so I'm ordering you to do it. Is that clear?" Oof, I don;t think he likes taking this role, and having to give orders, but he's clearly very frustrated with Miles' opposite beliefs
Julian's demonstrating his determined belief in Goran'Agar's goodness by trusting him to find O'Brien for him <3
"You are a soldier?" "I have been." "Then you explain." Finally, something that might resonate with Miles. Just too late.
"Let's just say DS Nine has more shades of grey. And Quark definitely is a shade of grey." Yessss exposition the premise of DS9 to the newbie :P
"You had a choice and you chose to disobey orders, override my judgment, and condemn those men to death." Ohhh, this gave me some genetic engineering feels... (so many in fact, that there is more on that here!)
"Maybe in a few days." I don't know what that smile's doing, Julian, but I'm glad you're hopeful.
This is such a great episode, I really do like it - and Miles and Julian acting as foils to each other and both having incredibly convincing points of view is phenomenal, more please! :P
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phoenixculpa · 1 year
intersecting lack with weeks on bend, interesting cordial function of companion, an opportune impression left where one rights hands, dutifully knightly to say no within reason to infiltrating pawns from checkered spots,
like absence necessitated every connection, its own solo rendition not much different but in dreams, wake up pleased. another uphill day for a power to be, boisterous voice, a clamorless stay over, searching digital roads paved to another, rubbing the magic genie lamp of title,
a hetero paternal rejection its own qualm in another world one may never understand, calamity mixed with obsessive compulsion, what fills the loss, or whom, achilles’ arrows still green, but only ever more numb, to limp on a pitfall,
repeat professional advice to one’s new boss, what is missed besides the body feeling foreign in difference, no regret more than remorse, or making sense of it, do you feel bad, why does it matter,
walking with her like my mom and her work friends before retirement, speeding off to try to drag race, get a smile, only widened technicolor to a free way turn, daredevil to the gas station alone for cbd unicorn, air head island, releasing someone without a validated parking ticket, good samaritan
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svnshone · 1 year
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( Nurgül Yeşilçay, cis woman, she/her, 46) ** ♔ announcing MIHRIMAH OSMAN,  the HASEKI SULTAN ! in a recent portrait they seem to resemble Nurgül Yeşilçay. it is a miracle that SHE survived the last five years and for that reason, they are FOR the kingdoms working together. reflecting on them now, they remind me of the crisp sound of silk skirts, the glitter of jewels on a necklace, sliding a brush through your child's hair.
name: mihrimah osman title: haseki sultan age: 46 gender: cis woman sexuality: bisexual
you are not born a princess but rather a daughter among a handful of children of a lesser son with a distant uncle has money and station, but your father has little.  you’re barely more than a girl when you enter the harem, a gift for a man you may never meet from an uncle you hardly know. you will get to live in a palace, they tell you. one less mouth for your father feed, they whisper. 
 an odalik for most of your teen years. you wait upon the valide sultan, waiting for the chance to advance higher in the hierarchy of women. the valide sultan is strict yet kind- you learn the way this world works at her feet. 
you become a concubine, a consort, and haseki sultan. you love the sultan, of course you do, and you love the children he gives you even more. 
you expect to live the rest of your life in relative peace, your needs taken care of, your children to dote on. 
then comes the sickness. you pray it does not come into the palace, but with so many people entering and exiting there was no chance of the walls protecting you. so many fall ill, so many fall dead.
but defne, your sweet daughter, your youngest. she is a victim to the seemingly endless sickness. you pray as you have never prayed before. you fall ill from your vigil at her bedside. you recover, she does not.
your child is ripped from you and it hurts- but you must pull yourself together. you have other children to care for. a sultan to help guide.
they call for a peace summit and you are hesitant to go. you must remain strong.
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
I don’t think Seb meant it badly. I do actually think it is a good and an important point to make here. If there’s a 7 year old kid out there who wants to be an f1 driver and being emotionally and/or physically abused by one/both of their parents, hidden behind a ‘tough love’ facade, seeing max being successful and seeing that “oh tough love works! look at max verstappen” it is important to also see that you don’t have to have been treated like shit to be successful. Sebastian Vettel was incredibly successful with the same team but with a completely different upbringing. He was supported and loved no matter what his results were and managed to live a fairly normal life before he went into f1. It says, you don’t have to be treated like shit to be given the drive and resilience to make your dreams possible. Also, if I heard a kid say in school “oh my dad left me at a petrol station because I came second in my race” I would absolutely report that to authorities it’s not fucking ok? That’s child endangerment, abandonment and emotional abuse? Why would anyone even try to entertain that that is a healthy relationship. Maybe it’s better now between Max and Jos, and they were the 1% that it worked for and we will never hear the 99% of other stories where kids were abused to be successful in their sport and the traumatised kids who didn’t make it and were broken by it will remain unheard. And if it’s never called out how do we know that the cycle won’t continue.
You have very valid points. And yes, we absolutely should call out abuse and advocate for victims but it's important to take care not to speak over or to re-traumatize the victims in question. Recovery and healing is a lifelong process. It's a long journey and it takes some victims decades before they can even acknowledge that what they went through was abuse and that what happened to them, what was done to them, wasn't their fault. There isn't a step by step guide to healing, every victim has their own journey.
I'm not going to speculate on Max's private life or his relationship with Jos now. But Seb (allegedly) discussing the things Jos did to Max as a kid to a journalist, isn't going to magically make Max's entire perceptive shift. Publicly he has never said he regarded what happened to him as abuse. If anything Max will probably double down and say that he's glad it happened because of where he believes it got him, if asked about Seb's alleged comments.
I'm not defending Jos or condoning his behavior in any way shape or form or saying his relationship with Max was healthy in anyway. We've heard those stories, heard the allegations regarding Jos' behavior and conduct towards his partners and towards others. Jos should've been held accountable years ago. It's says so much about our society that he wasn't. Our society has been closing our eyes to this sort of abuse for decades, whether it be parents of athletes or performers etc, time and time again they've gotten away with it so long as there's a new talent, a new prodigy in the industry in question. And you're right, we don't talk about the kids who endured the same abuse but didn't make it. That has to change, it all has to.
We absolutely should call out abuse but by centering that quote on Max, the focus is shifted away from the issue and onto "oh how Max will react!" By shifting the focus onto Max, he is going to be made to answer for what happened to him. The media doesn't actually care about victims. The media only cares about the story they can get out of them, about how they can exploit that story for views. Max was likely only referenced for the click bait, as he one of the most recognizable drivers on the planet and is likely to claim his second world title soon.
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doorsblacksea · 17 days
From Barcelona to the Black Sea in the hunt for marine litter
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As part of the DOORS Early-Stage Researcher Exchange (ESRE) programme, Leidy Castro from the Maritime Engineering Laboratory of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (LIM / UPC) and the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), undertook a collaborative research project with GeoEcoMar (GEM) in Romania, aimed at tackling marine litter in the Black Sea.
Leidy’s research proposal was titled "Analysis of spatial distribution of marine litter pollution in the western Black Sea through numerical model integration and in situ measurements.” The exchange was supervised by Dr. Iulian Pojar Vintilă of GeoEcoMar and began at their facilities in Bucharest to learn about to learn about microplastic sample treatment, digestion, and final counts.
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She says, “I had the pleasure of sharing time with Teodora, who guided me through all the laboratory processes. Following this, I joined an oceanographic expedition aboard the R/V Mare Nigrum from Constanța, led by Dr. Dan Vasilu as Chief Scientist. The team of researchers onboard was very welcoming and taught me about all the processes and measurements involved in a scientific oceanographic campaign.”
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The research addresses the pressing issue of marine litter pollution in the Black Sea, focusing on both microplastics and macroplastics. In addition to the surface microplastic (plastics smaller than 5mm) sampling, the team conducted observations of microplastics (plastics greater than 5mm) from the bow of the ship during specific transects between predefined stations. This allowed them to gather in situ data on plastic density per square kilometre and identify possible "hotspots" of marine litter accumulation. These findings can be compared with numerical model predictions, specifically using the LOCATE model adapted for the Black Sea. The ultimate goal is to create a baseline of current pollution levels and to validate models that predict the movement and final destination of marine litter. This is crucial for decision-makers to develop strategies that prevent further accumulation and contamination of both open waters and coastal areas.
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This is just one example where we have matched early stage research interests with the scientific work ongoing in the project. This summer we have funded and supported 5 other placements through the DOORS Early-Stage Researcher Exchange (ESRE). This is an international programme of collaborative research mobility activities, to foster and deepen connections within and between Black Sea countries, and international partners across Europe.
The placements have covered a range of topics supporting students from universities all over Europe:
Olga Schmitz (Germany)- Collaborative Initiative for Enhanced Water Quality Monitoring in the Black Sea Region.
Leidy Maricela Castro Rosero (Spain) -  Analysis of spatial distribution of marine litter pollution in the western Black Sea through numerical model integration and in situ measurements.
Tatiana Sitchinava (Georgia) - Towards Sustainable Coastal Communities: Understanding and Mitigating Marine Litter in Romania’s Black Sea Beaches.
Alessandro Galdelli (Italy) - Advancing Marine Research through Strategic Collaboration: Integrating Cutting-edge Algorithm for Enhanced Fishing Effort Estimation in the Black Sea,
Florin Miron (Romania) - Analysing Coastal Hydrodynamics and Discharge at River Mouths: The Impact of Winds and Waves on Hydrological Processes Using SWOT Satellite Data,
Sofia Sadogurska (Ukraine) -  Taxonomic studies of the Black Sea brown algae (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta).
Remarking on her placement, Leidy said “This experience has been incredibly meaningful to me, both personally and professionally. It was my first time seeing the Black Sea, which holds special significance as I've spent the past three years studying it from behind a computer screen. Being part of this oceanographic expedition allowed me to witness first-hand the marine environment I've been modelling for so long, making the research more tangible and real. I learned a lot about the logistics and challenges of conducting an oceanographic campaign and was able to build valuable connections with fellow researchers and fellow cruisers like Bianca, Mihaela (both of them), Rok, Sorin, Stefano, and others. The warmth and support from both the scientific team and the ship’s crew made this experience truly memorable.”
You can follow Leidy’s journey on Instagram , LinkedIn and X, and learn more about her research.
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sudheervanguri · 4 months
Malabar Cancer Centre: Temporary Positions in Clinical Trial Units and Data Entry Malabar Cancer Centre (Post Graduate Institute of Oncology Sciences and Research), Thalassery, is inviting applications from eligible candidates for temporary positions in various research projects. These positions are part of short-term research initiatives funded by notable agencies. About the Projects Project No 1: Title: Establish a ready network of clinical trial units across the National Cancer Grid to promote multi-centric collaborative research in drug and device development. Funding Agency: Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Govt of India. Project No 2: Title: Phase III open-labelled randomized controlled study to evaluate the optimal dose of all-trans retinoic acid in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Funding Agency: Hematology Cancer Consortium – Association (HCC). Project No 3: Title: Hematology Cancer Consortium – Registry. Funding Agency: Hematology Cancer Consortium – Association (HCC). Job Opportunities 1. Clinical Trial Coordinator Project: Project No 1 Qualifications: Pharm D, MPharm, BDS, MPH, MSc (Biostatistics), MSc Clinical Research, MSc Nursing, MSc Life Science, BTech Biotechnology with Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Research. Experience: 1 year in clinical trials or a research project (funded research project, pharma-sponsored, or industry-supported trials). Age Limit: 30 years Remuneration: ₹30,000 per month Vacancy: 1 position 2. Data Entry Operator Project: Project No 2 and Project No 3 Qualifications: Degree from a recognized university and PGDCA/DCA or equivalent from a government-recognized institution. Experience: 1 year working as a data entry operator. Age Limit: 35 years Remuneration: ₹18,000 per month Vacancy: 2 positions (one for each project) [caption id="attachment_42361" align="aligncenter" width="930"] Clinical Trial Coordinator Job opportunity at Malabar Cancer Centre Opportunity for Pharm.D, M.Pharm, MSc candidates[/caption] Terms & Conditions The tenure is for one year or till project completion. The post is stationed at Malabar Cancer Centre, Thalassery. No claim for regular posts or benefits due to the temporary nature of the job. Selection is based on written tests and/or interviews; shortlisted candidates will be informed. Attempts to influence officials will result in rejection and a 5-year application ban. No TA/DA for interviews or joining. Qualifications and experience must be from recognized institutions. Age is calculated as of January 1, 2024. The Director's decision is final. Canvassing leads to disqualification. How to Apply Apply online at MCC's official website. Ensure you have a digital photograph with: Maximum size: 30Kb Dimensions: 150W x 200H pixels Format: .jpg Application fee: SC/ST: ₹50 Others: ₹250 Last date for online application: June 15, 2024. Fee concession claims require SC/ST Certificate at the interview. Incomplete applications are rejected. Selection based on qualifications, experience, and interview performance. Provide a valid email for communication. Visit MCC's website for updates. For more details and to apply, visit Malabar Cancer Centre Jobs.
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mrsmanoi1 · 1 year
Title: Identity Theft of Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr by ID.me, California EDD, and CHAMP US Government
- Plaintiff: Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr
- Defendants: ID.me, California EDD, CHAMP US Government
1. California EDD was notified of the identity theft of Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr during the first week of January.
2. California EDD did not contact Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr until late August of 2021.
3. Copa contacted California EDD after Bank of America ceased all cards connected to fraudulent accounts opened in Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr's name.
4. Unemployment benefits were being paid out to individuals such as Avondesta Fuller, Donald Fuller, Lily Hernandez, Teresa Hernandez, and others affiliated with an address in Fresno, California.
5. A representative named Christopher from California EDD provided Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr with the physical address and phone number associated with her benefits.
6. California EDD informed Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr that they would not support her efforts in locating the individuals who fraudulently used her identity.
7. California EDD has denied numerous requests from Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr for assistance and has not responded to phone calls or emails.
8. Other of identity theft include military personnel stationed at Florida and California Marine Corps bases, such as Frank Thomas Fuentes, Michelle Fultana, and David Busano.
9. Deborah Cox, Shannon Yuan, and countless others are also affiliated with military personnel at these bases.
10. Crystal Watson, girlfriend of Joshua Manoi, is employed as a tier 2 CHAMP personal data collection agency, which works with California EDD and ID.me.
11. Joshua Manoi, a former US Marine stationed in California and originally from Florida, has connections to Michelle Botana, Donald Fuller, Vandesta Fuller, and the house in Fresno, California where fraudulent unemployment benefits were sent.
12. By ignoring Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr's pleas for help, the defendants assisted in the illegal actions of identity theft, fraud, forgery, wire fraud, and defrauding of the United States government.
1. Did California EDD and ID.me fail to promptly respond and assist Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr in addressing the identity theft?
2. Is there evidence of collusion between California EDD, ID.me, and CHAMP US Government in facilitating the fraudulent activities?
Rule of Law:
1. Organizations such as California EDD and ID.me have a duty to promptly address and assist victims of identity theft.
2. Collusion between government agencies and contractors in facilitating fraudulent activities is illegal.
1. California EDD failed to contact Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr for several months after being notified of the identity theft.
2. The defendants, including ID.me and CHAMP US Government, have ignored Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr's requests for assistance.
3. There is evidence of connections between individuals involved in the identity theft and fraudulent activities, including military personnel and employees of CHAMP US Government.
Based on the facts presented, it appears that California EDD, ID.me, and CHAMP US Government have failed to promptly respond to Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr's requests for assistance in addressing the identity theft. There is also evidence suggesting collusion between the defendants in facilitating fraudulent activities. Copa Espanola LoganMcMainsJr may have a valid claim for identity theft, fraud, forgery, wire fraud, and defrauding of the United States government.
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dalanmendonca · 1 year
The Enlightened view on productivity
I've been productivity geek for 20 years now. A geek and straight A right student from the time I slid out from the womb - I always loved organizing things and naturally developed a hobby around productivity tools. As I've journeyed from A student to professional over the past ; I've gone through the whole dance of planners, diaries, to-do apps, frameworks, etc. across various phases of life. Here's are my lessons hot takes on productivity followed by attempt to create a coherent perspective from it all.
Hot takes
Most common advice is focused on tools, this is the wrong level of the problem for 90% of people
If you stumble into productivity and self-help parts of YouTube (or even a bookshop), you'll find that people point to a certain tool as THE WAY to get organised.
Use Evernote, Notion, Obsidian, blah blah, … no no on go back to "good ol mindful pen and paper".
This is the wrong level of the problem for 90% of people. Because it assumes that everything else leading up to the tools is sorted out - which is usually not the case. If you're a student struggling to grasp a subject because you didn't attend lectures or read the textbooks, better note-taking might not help. If you're a professional stuck on project - changing your mailing app mostly won't do anything.
This advice is seductive because you can immediately apply it - it feels like Mario eating a mushroom and instantly becoming Super Mario!
This is an illusion.
90% of people will do fine using the default note-taking and to-do app their phone or PC came with. The things that matters more are factors like motivation, discipline and focus. Diagnosing, understanding and fixing your actual problem is a process full of uncertainty and (potentially painful) reflection.
At some point you have to decide focus on the output and forget about the tools. No tool is perfect and you can make most tools work. It's the habits and workflows that you build around the tool that matter much more.
Whatever we call productivity advice is actually a backward projection from success; and seeking productivity reflects a desire to be successful. Here success can be many things; being the smartest kid in class, or the wealthiest child in the family or having lots of followers.
The desire for productivity is a veiled desire for success. People haven't admitted it to themselves or are afraid/ashamed of saying it publicly. But anyone chasing productivity has an image of who they want to be/become.
Example, People report a complete flip in life priorities once they become parents. Things like work, titles, career, etc. that they chased for decades suddenly melt away. Why? Because having a child completely upturns what gives meaning to their life. Their definition of success changes from becoming Vice President to raising a child well.
A personal turning point for me was experiencing burnout while working at a startup. The burnout caused me re-evaluate my life priorities and detach my identity from work.
So what is your image of success that makes you want to be productive in a domain? Is that image of success something you chose yourself? Or are you chasing out of societal validation? The process to be productive changes completely when you start with questioning your identity and values.
The productivity industry preys on knowledge workers intellectuals like the beauty industry preys on women
Today there is a recognition and understanding that the beauty industry creates artificial scarcity of "beauty" by narrowing down the definition of female beauty through artificial standards and fake examples.
The same happens with productivity.
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Sadly these are just ex post facto rationalisations. We have a tendency to mythologise people (and their choices). These articles feed that hunger. People who don't feel good about their station in life are vulnerable to any hock of shit that can improve their life. Young people who haven't seen how things work are especially vulnerable to this. I was once young people. And I have fallen for this, obsessing whether I should wake up at 4 AM to become like Tim Cook.
Task scheduling is a intellectually satisfying luxury
When I was in business school, we had an ultra-packed schedule. We had lectures, assignments, quizzes, group project, alumni visits, career mentoring sessions, club meeting, parties, blah blah. You want I didn't have time for? Taking in the serenity of life and setting up my todolist. We would fight tooth and nail to get in the asssignments of the day and maybe make some prep for whatever assignments, etc. were due tomorrow. My harsh realisation was my cool task planning during peacetime was just a way of entertaining myself because I didn't have HARD pressing issues in life to handle.
Your best productivity hacks is health (and sleep)
Good sleep is correlated with a longer life. So by sleeping more you can have more time … to be productive … and sleep more :D
Anyone who's worked more than few years understands that you can only stretch yourself so much until it becomes counterproductive and results in burnout.
Productivity advice assumes you are person with infinite willpower who never feels hungry, sad, horny, etc.
It also assumes your attention doesn't wander. But for the few of us; we are all distracted by Reddit, TikTok, TV, whatever.
It took me a long time to realise that most people aren't working 8 hours day. Between scrolling through mindlessly, meetings, etc. there's a lot of activity and filler work that … isn't quite work.
Macro/geo/other factors affect productivity more than your note-taking app or your reading speed
Things that affect productivity but don't count classic productivity
Being healthy
Being well read & educated
Having safety - economic/physical/
Being in harmony
Your salary and job security
What you choose to work on
Somebody chooses to go work in finance vs technology in 2008, who do you think has a better career.
Whatever flaws you have, people have done great things with those same flaws. RELAX
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You're not a morning person who - oops you're doomed to a life of failure. Sorry those are the rules.
Actually, now. People have studied the habits of great artists and authors. Half of them are night-owls, the other half are early birds. Your preferences are not a character flaw.
Hemingway was a drunk, Einstein a smoker, and Euler was blind (towards the end of his life). Didn't stop them.
Doing what works for you, even if it works for silly/stupid/childish reasons is fine.
How "productivity" actually works
The facts about are life sadly painful - I am a diligent person making meticulous notes with all my work captured in notes and todo-list. I have elaborate nested folders for my documents, yada yada. A close friend has their work and life things strung together with ducktape and glue. Only when work pressure got super high did she starting a todolist. faints in disbelief
Yet on most common measures, health, wealth, salary, etc. me and My friend and I are pretty indistinguishable. One definite undeniable upside is when we travel or have present our papers somewhere - I am able to find and present my documents stylishly in a breeze. While my friend will scamper around and get flustered but somehow produce the documents.
The underlying metaphor for all of modern productivity is that of a machine. Faster, cheaper. Oddly, no one on their deathbed has been heard saying "I wish I had read my emails faster"
As if productivity is a system; but productivity is an ecosystem.Relying on often balance of relationships, tools, processes and temperaments.
Principles & tools to keep in mind
Still a few principles remain
Set realistic expectations with room for error
Focus on the habit for starters
Good times are precious and rare. They are a metastable state and we shouldn't think about getting there but focus on not getting into a rut.
Failure and gaps will come. So don't dwell on it and just focusing on bouncing back
If you have the luxury of it, Do things your intrinsically motivated about
Small consistent output is the rocket fuel for anything
this is because it gives a SHORT feedback loop
Show someone your work regularly
Follow your intuition on tools
hardcore tool refinement is a luxury for those who made it and a distraction for most. You can get 80% with everyday tools.
A fixed place and time can work wonders
link a frequently occurring trigger to it. After work; after my first coffee.
Winners are made in training, not on the field
We see the outcomes on the field. But those outcomes are a result of training.
E.g. How to be a creative writer >> Read a lot, write prolifically
E.g. How to be great sportsperson >> Obsess on progress during training
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cdkeystations · 1 year
The Power of Price Comparison Software: Choose the Best Tool for Competitive Advantage
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Price comparison software is a valuable tool for retailers implementing competitive pricing strategies. It allows businesses to track and analyze competitor prices for their product portfolio. By staying informed about competitors' pricing, retailers can proactively adjust their own prices, plan tactical steps, and develop strategies to attract new customers.
The speed of a price comparison tool is crucial for timely data updates. An effective solution should deliver real-time information to help retailers make informed pricing decisions.
Data and Crawling Accuracy:
Accurate data is vital for reliable price comparison. The software should collect and analyze comprehensive information, including prices, EAN, UPC, images, titles, descriptions, and units of measurement. The data should undergo rigorous verification, confidentiality scoring, and manual quality assurance to ensure accuracy.
An excellent price comparison tool should work seamlessly across various platforms and websites such as Google Shopping or Amazon. It should be capable of handling diverse product data and provide flexibility for retailers to customize automatic or manual product matches.
Downloading Steps:
To start using a price comparison tool like Competera's Competitive Data solution, follow these steps:
Provide the necessary product data for monitoring.
Configure the comparison criteria, such as prices, EAN, UPC, images, etc.
Choose the preferred level of product matching (automatic, manual, or hybrid).
Verify and validate the received data.
Access the data and matches conveniently from your user dashboard or store them in your preferred cloud project or server.
Choosing the right price comparison tool like CDkey Stations requires careful consideration of several factors. It's important to assess the accuracy and frequency of data updates, customizeability according to your needs, and the user-friendliness of the software. Additionally, profitability should be evaluated through trials or demos to ensure the tool aligns with your pricing strategy.
Q: How can price comparison software benefit e-commerce retailers? A: Price comparison software provides valuable market insights, helps retailers stay competitive, and enables monitoring of competitor prices, thus maximizing sales and profitability.
Q: Can price comparison tools handle unique products or only similar ones? A: Modern technology allows price comparison tools to match and compare even similar products, including variations in color or functionality, providing a comprehensive market overview.
Q: Is price accuracy important for effective price comparison software? A: Accurate pricing data is crucial for reliable price comparison. Inaccurate data can lead to incorrect price comparisons and hinder effective pricing strategies.
Q: How can user-friendliness impact the usefulness of price comparison software? A: User-friendly software saves time and enhances efficiency in implementing pricing strategies. Difficult-to-use platforms can be counterproductive and may not justify their cost.
Q: Is it necessary for offline businesses to use price comparison software? A: Offline businesses can explore other advanced pricing strategies that don't rely on competitive data. Price comparison software is particularly beneficial for online retailers.
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