vexic929 · 8 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! (Only if you want to. No pressure.)
love these thank you! <3333
my godkids
my lovely friends and mutuals <3333
DC comics (esp the TV shows and movies)
discussing fics and OCs and headcanons with people
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toytle · 4 months
Tumblr media
my contribution to @flashfambigbang !! accompanying @thefastestqueeralive’s cause and effect ⚡️
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tricksterrune · 7 months
Flash Rogues Advent Calendar
So, looks like @nogloryart , @thefastestqueeralive , @roguesrevenge are in as well as @tooattached2fictionalcharacters @bramblemouse @jacenpetertodd and @g0ldenglider are in, as well as myself. @underthedeepdark-ink and @t-bombs
So far we have 10 people, meaning almost everyone would have to do 3 pieces each to get the full set
The plan is to an advent calendar community event, meaning from the first of december to the 24th, one piece of fanwork gets posted each day, making it 24 in total.
Please signal boost, hopefully more people would like to join
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Wip Wednesday
Thank you to @vexic929 for tagging me <3
His hair is still a little humid, and he’s wearing one of Len’s black thermal shirts, soft and long-sleeved, but it’s just slightly too big for him that the neckline shows the hollow where his collarbones meet. Len feels a little prickle of yearning. It’s amorphous, almost nostalgic; he has a hazy awareness of having spent a lot of time running his hands through that unruly hair and he feels strange, warm and tipsy and delirious on that image, him and Barry pressed up close, Len’s fingers tight in Barry's hair.
A small snippet from Chapter 5 of What Happens in Vegas :) I swear I’m getting closer to finally being able to post it! (Only took me half a year…)
Tagging @softboydepot @leatafandom @thatsnotmygunflash @writing-desk-rae @thefastestqueeralive @starstruckpurpledragon
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wolfiepyxie · 23 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on AO3? 14
What's your total word count? 613,957
What fandoms do you write for? Mainly Supernatural but I want to branch back out into some of the other fandoms I love
Top 5 fics by kudos: Necessities for Survival (WIP): 428 kudos, Winter's Spider (WIP/on Hiatus): 265 kudos, A Supernatural Adventure (WIP): 152 kudos, A New Way (WIP): 121 kudos, and Skin Deep (WIP): 57 kudos. Notice the pattern yet folks?
Do you respond to comments? I try to but I know that I don't get around to answering them all
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't have very many fics that are completed, so at the time of making this I can't really answer this question.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again I don't have many completed fics, and the ones that I do have completed have kind of happy endings but I wouldn't call them the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics? Not that I have seen, but I do have the comment moderation on for if that should ever happen as I do not check my AO3 inbox all that frequently
Do you write smut? I've only recently started, so there are only two of my fics that have some form of smut in them
Craziest crossover? None that I would necessarily call the craziest but I have some that cross over with Marvel and one that is a crossover with the TV show Lucifer
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I did have one stolen back in my publishing on Wattpad days, but I have yet to see any evidence of my AO3 fics being stolen (pls don't let be the thing that jinx's me)
Have you ever had a fic translated? Haven't had the opportunity or the pleasure yet
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I'mma pull a Doctor Who and say spoilers 😏
All time favorite ship? That is a tie between Destiel and Drarry
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Uh I'd have to say maybe Winter's Spider. Mainly because at one point I wanted to give it a complete rewrite in order to flush certain things out but I've just never had the energy to do it
What are your writing strengths? I'd have to say world building and fight scenes, I do pretty good at those
What are your writing weaknesses? Staying in the same tense while writing, I'm all over the place with that (sorry to my beta reader for that)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I think it's cool, but translations at the bottom would be appreciated (this is not meant to be hateful it's just that google translate is kinda unreliable 😅)
First fandom you ever wrote in? I can barely remember half of the things I've written in a current fic after I've written and published them, I have no idea what was the first fandom I ever wrote in. Cause again, I started on Wattpad and ended up deleting most of my old, sucky works
Favorite fic you've written? That's like asking me to pick my favorite movie, there are too many
To pass on the fun I tag @anyreiart, @celestialstarlight27, @avonlady42, @friendofcarlotta, and @thefastestqueeralive. Sorry to those of you who didn't want to be tagged! I am only following so many authors on here (which is not many, sadly)
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thefastestqueeralive · 8 months
TheFastestQueerAlive wrote a thing
So I posted my first Flash fic on AO3!
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skydrag0n · 5 months
My fic for @superfamsecretsanta
I hope you enjoy @thefastestqueeralive
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hardwiredweird · 9 months
9 people you would like to get to know better
Both @thefastestqueeralive and @nytephox tagged me in this, so I GOTTA do it, right? ;)
1. 3 ships - ColdFlash, SteveTony and let's pick something obscure ToMarcus (The Exorcist)
2. first ever ship - Oh BOY .... I'm a Fandom Old with memory issues. I don't fucking know. Probably Jack O'Neil and Daniel Jackson because Stargate was kiiiinda how I discovered fanfic.
3. last song - Villain by K/DA with Kim Petras
4. last movie - The Friday the 13th remake (it's terrible, but Danielle Panabaker is in it, so...)
5. currently reading - When Lightning Hits Ice by @zemkzone
6. currently watching - Just about to finish season 2 of 9-1-1
7. currently consuming - A juicebox. I am an adult!
8. currently craving - A drink.
9 people to tag - @zemkzone @ive-fallen-and-i-cannot-get-up @unwanted-animal @petty-d4bblr @t0nyst4rkssn4p and whoever else feels like it!
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scheherezhad · 5 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @moriavis
How many works do you have on AO3? 60
What’s your total A03 word count? 108,021
What fandoms do you write for? Pretty much only the ttrpg campaigns I play with my friends, anymore.
What are your top five fics by kudos? Tumble, Fit, Sorry-Grateful, Kindly and Forgivingly by the Hand, Although My Eyes Are Open
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, since I get so few.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I have written too much angst and death and depressing nonsense to pick just one.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? ... uh. *frantically searches ao3 works*
We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun. I guess???
Do you get hate on your fic? That would require people to give a shit about what I write, so no.
Do you write smut? I have done, but it's been years.
Do you write crossovers? Not particularly, since I also don't care to read them much. If I do write them, it's likely to be crackfic.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic? Yes! @saekhwa and I successfully finished our au Graves/Reese Hustle Cat fic, No Words Could Ever Do, a whole five years ago. And we have an unfinished Nacht/Reese au languishing that was very self-indulgent. I also have an unfinished thing with @moriavis we started around this time last year that I'd eventually like to go back to if we can.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? Don't ask silly questions. I don't have an all-time favorite anything, because I'm indecisive and also I can't pit seventy bad bitches against each other like that.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The massive post-game Hustle Cat fic where Reese moves across the country and gets to mature and grow into his magic and find his community and have crazy sex with Nacht. <.<
What’s your writing strengths? Brevity
What’s your writing weaknesses? The fact that I kinda just don't anymore?? idk
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I prefer these days to simply use indicators, rather than outright switching unless the language change is necessary to the plot. It's much easier this way when the languages your characters are speaking don't actually exist.
First fandom you wrote for? Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers is the first one I can pinpoint. I may have written other things at a younger age that could be considered fic, but I don't recall anything specific before the self-insert MMPR story I wrote during study hall for pretty much an entire school year.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? tbh, I remain pretty fucking fond of Tumble even 10 years later. Jin/Yusuke is such a fun pairing.
no-pressure tagging @onemuseleft @bathyssal @blakelivelysbigtoe @thefastestqueeralive and anyone else who wants to do it
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ftl-faster-than-life · 7 months
Title: Paralysis Demon My synopsis: Barry struggling with his injuries and limitations while his broken back is healing. Deals intensely with pain, limited mobility, and medical themes. Highly recommend this work from @thefastestqueeralive
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vexic929 · 4 months
Getting to know you
Tagged by: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster thank you! <3333
Last Song I Listen To: Get it? Got it? Good (feat. Amber Liu) by Jessica
My Favourite Colour: Purple <3333
Last Film/Show I watched: The Mario Movie
Sweet, Savoury, or Spicy: Spicy!
My Relationship Status: Single
Last Thing I Googled: supervillain name generator (I wanted inspo lol)
My Current Obsession: The Flash
Last Book I Read: do comic books count? otherwise I don't remember lol
Looking Forward To: my birthday in 10 days!
Tagging: @negative-speedforce @practically-an-x-man @alittleflashvibe @autisticharrywells @zeroducks-2 @ftl-faster-than-life @thatsnotmygunflash @thefastestqueeralive @shrinkthisviolet @myxmentrashblog
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frosty-the-killer-doll · 11 months
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by the lovely @icedteaandoldlace
1. Are you named after someone?
I MEAN. I have four names, not including dead ones. Two are taken purely from fictional characters uncaring of the meanings beyond that (Alice as in Alice Kane and Caitlin as in Caitlin Snow), one is partially from a fictional character but not really considering I felt a connection to that name long before hyperfixating over that guy when I was like 13 (Leo Valdez), but my most prominent name, Aidan, comes from nobody.
2. When was the last time you cried?
i forgor��️ i think it was when rewatching legends of tomorrow s7e3 WVRDR_ERROR_100 Oest-of-th3-Gs.gid3on notFound a month ago
3. Do you have kids?
rao no. i'd sooner die. these eggs are being donated and these tubes are getting tied and a biological child will never be born of my loins. foster kids when/if i'm an old bat and that's it<3
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What's sarcasm?
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
none, amen hallelujah
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
i suppose height because i'm small
7. What's your eye color?
Blue, but others have called it gray and who am i to argue
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I don't think they're mutually exclusive. Happy endings in scary movies!
9. Any special talents?
Drawing, writing, poetry, I'm told I type fast and I'm really good at being nocturnal
10. Where were you born?
i don't remmy:3
11. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, writing (fanfic, original stories, poetry, songs, yeah), binge-watching, comics reading, playing transformice, drinking ungodly amounts of pepsi, making my silly little posts about silly little faves on tumblr dot cum
12. Do you have pets?
Many, yes. We've currently two cats (used to have six), a bearded dragon, two bunnies, and a doggo.
13. How tall are you?
short, i'm bad at numbers
14. Favorite subject in school?
English/Literature my beloved
15. Dream job?
Author, screenwriter, just anything that's a paid fiction writer. god won't let me into a writing room bc he knows i'll make every fucking character an aromantic bisexual
Tagging (let's see if i count right here): @phoenix @mossyisme @dance-is-life27 @wolfsong02 @forthehonorofgrey @lilliannarose13 @laurenxreynoldsisdead @nblizzieforbes @bisexual-enby-jellyfish @star-cadaver @ashetheshade @thefastestqueeralive @gingrrsnapped2002 @malevolentcrow @stereksouls
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tricksterrune · 6 months
Posting Schedule for Flash Rogues Advent Calendar
I've come up with a schedule for the Rogues Advent Calendar with a very sophisticated system of: rolling dice and then re-rolling if the number I rolled was already taken. Half of the people have two dates, the numbers don't work otherwise. I've used an incredibly precise system for that as well: another die.
If the actual date or the numbers of fanworks required don't work for you, please contact me as soon as possible. We'll find a solution.
1 completed @bramblemouse
2 not yet @howtokillavampire
3 completed @t-bombs
4 completed @tricksterrune
5 not yet @howtokillavampire
6 completed @nopes-and-dreams-and-nightmares
7 completed @underthedeepdark-ink
8 completed @t-bombs
9 completed @thefastestqueeralive
10 completed @roguesrevenge
11 completed @tiger-in-the-flightdeck
12 completed @t-bombs
13 not yet @nopes-and-dreams-and-nightmares
14 not yet @underthedeepdark-ink
15 not yet @nogloryart
16 completed @tooattached2fictionalcharacters
17 not yet @g0ldenglider
18 not yet @nogloryart
19 not yet @roguesrevenge
20 not yet @howtokillavampire
21 not yet @jacenpetertodd
22 not yet @bramblemouse
23 not yet @gorogues
24 not yet @tooattached2fictionalcharacters
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I got a little list, hope thats okay lol
3, 6, 21, 26, 33, 41, 42, 46, 48
Hi, friend! That’s totally okay, haha, thank you so much for asking <3
3.) What was the last song you listened to?
6.) Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
Writing. I never learned to draw and have very little natural inclination for it, lol. I like looking at other people’s drawings instead^^
21.) How was your day today?
It was good, thanks! Work was whatever, and the part of my shower that holds the shower head when you put it down (I have ZERO clue how you call that in English XD) broke so I had to go to the store to buy another one, BUT I finally finished chapter 4 of my fic after being stuck on it for 3 months, so. Overall still a pretty good day!
26.) What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
Oh, I don’t know. I like reading children’s books even though I’m way over the target age.
33.) Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
Closed. I have older brothers who’ve never heard of knocking so when I was living at home a closed door was pretty much a must-have XD
41.) What’s your favorite cartoon?
This made me google whether Avatar: The Last Airbender counts as a cartoon. It does!
42.) Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
I’m just gonna pick people I’m always happy to see on my dash^^
And many more!
46.) What do you need when you’re sad? 
Something to watch that’ll turn off my brain.
48.) Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
My best friend and my brothers.
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cosmiccowboycass · 1 month
Cosmic Cowboy Cass
Likes/follows may appear as from my main blog @thefastestqueeralive
My AO3 can be found here:
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thefastestqueeralive · 7 months
Supernatural sideblog @cosmiccowboycass
The Sound of Lightning - deaf!Barry AU [WIP 9/?]
If Your Lightning Lips Aren't Mine - ColdFlash [WIP 6/?]
Paralysis Demon - paralysed!Barry oneshot
Chill, Spark, Burn - a short ColdFlashWave series [2/3]
How to Breathe - a Savitar story
you will need an ao3 account to access my works because we do not approve of AI sweeping in this household
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