#their affection for Black characters is extremely conditional
literaryspinster · 1 year
I do believe that Black characters can be set up by the creative team to be disliked by the dominant audience, I’ve seen it, but if you’re applying that to every Black character with a complex personality then you’re skewing closer to respectability politics than thoughtful media criticism.
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budd-ie · 3 months
Back at the end of this post I said that Mu Qing's mindset reminded me a lot of Jun Wu but didn't have any insight for why at the time. I think I figured it out now though!
To establish some context, this post explains what Mu Qing and Xie Lian's answers to the riddle reveal about them as opposites, which I believe is relevant to understand for this explanation. In short though, we know this:
Mu Qing is someone who is willing to make realistic cost-benefit moral choices for what he believes is the greater good.
Xie Lian is Not willing to make cost-benefit choices and will always try to idealistically achieve the greatest good for everyone.
Jun Wu, the crown prince of Wuyong, once wanted to save everyone, make no sacrifices to the volcano, and find that third path to victory. Unfortunately, this path crumbled beneath his feet, and in the end he gave in to choosing one path—making the sacrifices. On the first side of this, he desperately tried to find that other cup of water, and when he found none, he inevitably chose who to give it to. From this perspective, he sees Xie Lian’s moral dilemma of choosing the greatest good over his own wellbeing and wants to find Xie Lian’s breaking point. Bitterly, he wants to know if his aspiration really is impossible and if all good in the world really must die eventually, as he’s observed. Clearly, it’s impossible to give up so much of yourself without losing yourself eventually.
On the other side of this he sees Mu Qing, who isn’t afraid of the cost-benefit decision and is not only willing but conditioned to chase the greater good like jun wu did. Mu Qing is a very important character because his position compared to Xie Lian makes him the perfect manipulation target for Jun Wu. He already understands cost-benefit and holds previous grudges, so all that’s left is to further incite that hatred inside him use him for all he’s worth.
Mu Qing refuses.
He refuses to be incited, he refuses to hurt no matter what kind of negative emotions have been festering all these centuries, and suffers the extreme punishment of banishment for it. Why doesn’t this incitement work? While he may be petty and spiteful, he’s never actually been malicious. Mu Qing’s resolve is extremely significant, because this is the event that sets in stone that Jun Wu is wrong. Suddenly this quote from Yin Yu becomes less incidental and much more thematically significant:
“I only wanted to hate him. I never wanted to hurt him”
Mu Qing may have held a lot of ill regards, but he himself even said he never wanted to hurt Xie Lian all those years ago on the cultivation grounds. Was he still in the wrong? Sure, the outcome was still negative, but he learned a real lesson about the two of them that day and absolutely regretted what he did. Isn’t that what matters most? All these negative emotions don’t need permanent dire consequences, and it’s okay to learn and grow after adversity, not only admitting mistakes, but accepting realities, perspectives, and choosing to move forward too. On top of that, the emotions both Yin Yu and Mu Qing felt were never even true hatred, just years of pent up frustration mixed with misunderstanding. As easy as it would be if the world was so black and white, that really just isn’t the case.
And so, all these centuries later, despite it all, Feng Xin and Mu Qing still choose to support Xie Lian. Not his highness the crown prince of Xianle, not the flower crown martial god, not the prince who pleased the gods, but Xie Lian himself. He still believed in them, and they believe in him, too. Jun Wu believed that betrayal is inevitable, but he didn’t understand that this doesn’t eliminate reconciliation. That’s why Mei Nianqing chooses to stay this time. His spirits were crushed back then, but his affection never wavered, and regret formed in the cracks, so he wants to try again. You don't have to, but as long as you want to, you’re allowed to try again.
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dreamcast641 · 1 year
SCP OC: Claire Ekaterina Makarova
I decided to make an actual detailed post about Claire, finally. I created her in august 2018 and I got a lot of time to develop here and I'm really, really satisfied of how she turned out to be.
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Full Name: Claire Ekaterina Makarova
Aliases/nicknames: Stoat (callsign), shortie, shortstack
Age: 26-30 years old
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual orientation: Demiromantic/demisexual and pansexual
Date of birth:November 2nd
Place of birth: Unknown but it's somewhere in the USA
Current residence: site 5c
Nationality: American with slavic origins
Spoken Languages: American English (main), Russian ( ONLY with her dad) and American sign language (ASL)
Affiliations/organizations: SCP foundation
Occupation: Mobile Task force Beta-7 ''Maz hatters'' operator, virologist/biologist when not on field, ISD (internal security department) agent.
Rank: unknown
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BUILD: A bit chubby
— Claire is a buxom woman who has curves all over her body, wide hips and a slight bit of fat in her tummy.
— She particularly cares about her image, especially when it comes to taking care of her body.She trains regularly in the small gym made available by the site 5c, focusing on arms and legs, parts of the body that are fundamental to her for work. It takes muscle to hold a rifle that weighs almost half her weight on her so as not to wobble on the recoil.
SCARS: All over her body
— Claire has many, if not too many, wounds all over her body. From cuts to bruises to burns and even gunshot wounds.
— Her little patient behavior and her indifference has led her over the years to participate in many fights, whether they are initiated by her or are part of her job, when it comes to fighting she has always been in the front row. Not caring about the size and danger of whoever is in front of her. This has led Claire to have countless wounds on her body, many of them being stab wounds, a gunshot on her right shoulder, a large burn on her left shoulder and as many bruises..
VOICE: silvery/soft spoken
— slow spoken and not too high voice but at times decisive when needed.
— It's almost as if her voice doesn't match her body. With her character like hers, those around her expect an annoying redundant high-pitched voice to split the eardrums. Hers is an almost calm voice, not too high and maternal.
EYES: Grey/blue
— blue eyes so undersaturated they look gray.
— she inherited light eyes from both parents, but the mother's gene seemed to dominate between the two. Both have blue eyes but Claire's are less saturated, almost gray as opposed to her mother's, blue as ice
FASHION: casual
— casual, doesn't really care for fashion.
— When she's not working, claire usually wears the first thing she finds in her closet, preferring loose-fitting clothes that don't show too much of her body shapes.
More about her aspect:
-Claire has mixed vitiligo all over her body. It started when she was just 5 to 6 years old and it spreaded everywhere;
-Her vitiligo not only affected her skin but also her hair, eyelashes and eyebrow;
-She is only 5'1 ft or 154 cm in height.
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-Color: Black
-Food: Raw Salmon
-Drink: Chamomille with honey
-Song: Ecoute Cherie (vendredi sur Mer)
-Flower: Nightsky petunia
-Hairstyle: messy bun
-Autophobia: also called monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia, is the specific phobia or a morbid fear or dread of oneself or of being alone, isolated, abandoned, and ignored;
-athazagoraphobia: When a person has this condition, there is an extreme fear of being forgotten, or of not remembering someone or something. It may also include a fear of being ignored or replaced;
-Atychiphobia:is an intense fear of failure
-Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
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-Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral
-Myers-Briggs: ENTJ-T
- Serious and efficient but also considerate in the role she covers inside the foundation walls: She makes everyone feel included in her squad no matter what. She is always willing to help them, no one is left behind.
-Observant...a bit too much. If there is something that her training with the ISD thought her is to be aware constantly of her sorroundings. No details is going unnoticed in her presence.
-Gentle and caring with close ones. She pours her heart with who she loves.
-Practical smart. Let's say that she is good at improvise when needed.
-Respected without using fear
-Claire's past and experiences have led her to be inconsiderate of herself, and those closest to her tend to see it for how expressive she is, without needing her to be alone to show how she really feels. she is a woman with a thousand complexes, her self-esteem has been destroyed and under her feet. She can't be really sure about anything she does especially if it affects those around her too. She refuses any leadership position, unwilling to take responsibility for any deaths that may occur under her leadership.
-So low is her self-esteem that she can't even see the value of her life, risking it every day to protect others at the expense of her own. She has seen death right in her eyes so many times that she no longer fears it. She is not afraid to die but at the same time the idea of being forgotten and replaced, as she has already seen happen to her other deceased colleagues, puts a shiver down her spine.
-Claire gets heated pretty easily, leading her to not think straight when she is outraged.
-She tends to distance people from herself due to her trust issues. It really takes time for her to open up to someone.
-Absolute stubborn. Claire does not listen when she is convinced of something.
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-She absolutely love when her friends makes hand-made stuff for her. She keep them like it's the most precious thing in the world;
-It happens that Claire goes for some days to negaseattle to visit her adopted brother Ira and helping him with the clone kids (check more on Raddagher's author page on the wiki);
-She has a yellow ringneck parrot named banana. He is her emotional support animal;
-BPD (bordeline personality disorder) that she is getting treated for and is under enough control for her to be operative;
-She loves reading almost everything especially if it's related to her job;
-One hell of a cook. She is very, very good in the kitchen;
-She smells like peaches and chocolate;
-Aggressive and very skilled in combat. Knife is her specialization;
-Uses stealth, skills and the enviroment over the strenght;
-Good swimmer, loves using water to her advantage in fights by drowning or exhausting people;
-Survivor's guilt.
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It is not known for certain where Claire and her twin brother Dmitry were born, it is only known that they came to light somewhere hidden in the United States of America.
Raised in the hostile environment of the foundation but with the loving care of their mother Mandy Ross, a former nurse in the US Navy. Their father? Locked in the same site where they were born, metal walls separating this potentially dangerous man due to the toxic, potentially lethal nature of his body.
In the early years of their lives, the twins immediately reveal themselves as curious troublemakers, always looking for other children like them to socialize with and will end up bonding closely with one of them in particular: Ira Watts, whom they will consider for life as a brother.
Mandy, for reasons still unknown to them, decides to leave them and the foundation to join the GOC. it was this event that unleashed in her an immense fear of abandonment. Left to their own devices, Claire was the one she had to mature early to take care of her two brothers.
At just 14, the three were separated by the foundation to be introduced to their respective careers.
While Dmitry continued his medical and psychiatric studies, Claire had to stay on that site with Ira to begin her training to join one of the mobile task forces.
''Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed. Mobile Task Force personnel represent the "best of the best" of the Foundation.''
And with this clarification, let's say that the training Claire had to undergo was hard and exhausting. She pushed to her limits so many times by her serious and rigid mentor that she was assigned to reach high, real high expectations.
To be ''the best of the best'' she had to shed all of her blood and her will. She failed many times but thanks to this she also managed to learn from her mistakes and correct herself, perhaps becoming probably one of the best students on the site...if not for her rebelious behavior.
Training wasn't Claire's only focus in those years: she was studying biology and virology because of the task force she decided to join, the beta-7. Her knowledge will prove to be fundamental in the future.
Her training and studies ended as soon as they began. At just 22, claire was already serving as a member of mobile task force beta-7 at a different site.
During her years at the site, now with her brother Dmitry, the two were approached by a man from the Internal Security Department (ISD) who was determined to recruit them as they were loyal members of the foundation. The two naively accepted and it was that meeting and that assignment that led them to site 5c where they still reside nowdays.
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(coming soon)
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Best Siblings Semifinals: Black & White (Not Me: The Series) vs Minoru & Tane (Our Dining Table)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Black & White: "White literally takes on Black’s life in order to figure out who hurt him, and when Black wakes up, he does everything in his power to make sure White is safe (even if it isn’t necessarily what is right or what White might want, but Black gets there eventually). They have an established twin connection that’s so strong that Black wakes up from a coma when White fucks his nemesis. Even with their separation at such a young age, it’s clear that they are some of the, if not the, most important people in each other’s lives. Also, I think it’s really interesting that White learns so much about who he is and what he believes through posing as Black, and a lot of their individual strengths and weaknesses balance each other out super well."
Minoru & Tane: "Minoru and Tane are both wonderful characters and they bring so much complexity and sweetness out in each other. They've been through one of the most difficult losses imaginable together, the death of their mother. Being a parental figure to his younger brother isn't always easy for Minoru, and it doesn't always come naturally. But he always puts Tane first. When their mother died, everything else in Minoru's life was put on hold so that he could help care for Tane, including his social life. But he never resents Tane for this or takes it out on him. This might seem like a one-sided relationship, but it isn't. Tane has a lot to offer Minoru in return. He's an extremely sweet little boy who absolutely adores his big brother. His creativity, his humor, and his absolutely lethal level of cuteness bring joy to Minoru's life in a way nothing else does--until they meet Yutaka. Even then, Tane is the reason they got to know Yutaka in the first place. In lots of different ways, he creates the conditions needed for Minoru's relationship with Yutaka to be established, not least of which is the way their shared affection for Tane gives them something to bond over. But that's only one of the ways that Tane brings happiness, liveliness, and charm into Minoru's life. Bottom line, these brothers love each other immeasurably, are incredibly adorable together, and make each other's lives better every day."
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cadejos · 2 months
in regards to BLACK FASHES
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while it's been stated that there are several factors that affect black flashes, I still think the main one comes down to resolve. resolve and focus so intense that they basically mold the surrounding circumstances into the ideal ones for the occurrence of the BF. this is why, in my opinion, it's easier to pull off another BF the moment after you have pulled off your first one. you have already terraformed the environment and brought about the proper conditions for another one to occur + you have already successfully entered the zone. the temperature and humidity factors that gojo mention come not from the environment, but from the physiological changes endured by the body during a moment of high stress. adjustment of thermoregulation centers, perspiration, tachycardia, etc. and a black flash, in my opinion, is about being able to harness them properly to achieve the desired result. There's certainly luck involved, but I would argue luck is not the main factor. It is insofar as the narrative needs a character to perform one. when I look at the characters who have been capable of doing BF, I see characters who are under extreme duress, or who are facing extremely dire circumstances. Their sympathetic functions are going on overdrive, they are not thinking at all, they are going off raw instinct. Gojo is an interesting character because he himself admits his fights don't last enough for him to need to enter the zone. I feel like, if I had to imagine an scenario for how a BF took place for him prior to the Sukuna fight, I would, oddly, look at Nobara's BF. They're both similar, bombastic fighters who like to mock and taunt opponents. They love the thrill of the fight, the bloodsports. However, nobara only managed to do the BF once she felt and understood "Itadori's sincerity"; aka the visceral need to stop an enemy at all costs. The "sincerity" is described as Yuuji's greatest weapon, and I think it's the main factor required to pull off a black flash. It's why Nanami and Yuuji are the two characters most closely linked to the phenomenon. Yuuji and Nanami do not play games when they fight. They invest themselves fully into their roles, they're here to do a job and perform it. They strip themselves of their personal needs, desires, whims, and fight exclusively driven by an almost mechanical sort of conviction. That makes them more likely to be capable of performing them. Yuuji, in particular, is fighting with one singular goal in mind; it doesn't come off as a surprise that he can perform so many black flashes in a short span of time. Interestingly, what's necessary to do a BF stands mildly at odds with what I think is necessary to perform a domain expansion, which is a deep understanding of the self. It's why I think we have yet to see even a hint of Yuuji's (although maybe we be getting one soon); he's very capable of stripping away all parts of himself and being driven by pure will. But to do a domain expansion, he will need to come to terms with who he actually is, as I don't think his self imposed role of "cog" is truly the end all of his identity.
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roachymochi · 22 days
Just finished a re-read of Siegfried, by Alex Alice, which is a graphic novel adaptation of the Ring of the Nibelung. And, as expected, it gave me the Elden Ring brainworm, specifically with the two Nibelung brothers, Mime and Fafnir :
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Mime (with soup) on the left, Fafnir on the right
The two are underground creature, as Odin's law forbid their kind to ever see the light of day, lest they be turned to stone.
Mime is, despite this, a surface dweller. As such he is constantly held back by is nature, and end up bowing to the rule of Odin. He's in charge of raising Siegfried, a human child who, free from Odin's influence, will be able to slay the Dragon and free the world of his tiranny. Mime as an extremely bitter attitude about all this, and berates Siegfried constantly.
Fafnir, used to be the vilest of all Nibelung. Hated by everyone, he manage to steal the Gold and, cursing love in all its forms, use its power to become the tyrant of the underground world. He amasses countless riches, and the bigger his treasure, the monstrous he gets. He end up swallowing all the riches of the Earth, and turned into a dragon he slowly kill the Earth from the inside. Despite the threat he represents, Odin can't kill him because of his own divine Law.
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Their general design, attitudes, and contrast remind me so much of the Omen twins.
Both underground creature forbidden to see the light of day as per the Golden Order's Law.
One is poor and dressed in rags, and turned bitter by is nature yet serving the very Law that cursed him.
The other fleeing his condition by digging even deeper underground and rejecting all his humanity in the search of power and "freedom", which is really just greed and vanity.
It's the "clinging to love and humanity despite all the pain it brings" vs the "reject love and humanity and become the monster that won't have to bow down to anyone, no matter how many will die". It's making me emotional okay.
Also the graphic novel does this really cool visual Leitmotiv thing where the color of character eye change if the gold is influencing them (like the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings movies).
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You can just tell when it's the gold making him act and when his humanity and love for his adoptive son is holding him back, it's so cool.
And the exact same process is used in Elden Ring ! the demigods went mad from the taint of their newfound greatrune (paraphrasing the intro) and when we meet them several have this very unnatural golden eye and black sclera look to them. I think only the most mad with power are affected ? Radahn and Ryhkard have it, at least.
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yeahmiknight · 5 months
Bloozermy! A TADC Oc!
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I might end up changing the name but this is Bloozermy! Made because the second episode dragged me right back into this community! Heres some stuff about them!! Based off of Kooky The Cat Beanie Baby T-Cat or Robo Kitty Zoomer Kitty Design notes -Their joints are designed similar to the Zoomer Kittys however its a little modified. They basically have ball-joints with the hands and feet attached, they can only move forward and backwards though. -Plastic and Metal!!! Everything aside from the ribbon is plastic and metal!! The eyes are light up. They cant move their eyes normally, only flip through certain expressions, they have a medium range of emotions! -Tail can bend and curve but not naturally like a rail cats, rather only at certain points. Ears cant move. -Would certainly be one of the first to abstract under certain conditions if Bloozermy was in an episode of TADC they would probably serve as a tipoff to mental illness or would be a major narrative pint towards handling mental illness. Bloozermy has BPD and Autism. Their mechanical attributes could contribute to this as their emotions are on a very black and white scale with little to offer in terms of multiple emotional expressions or 'gray' areas. Bloozermys symptoms could basically also be considered 'mechanical glitches' Bloozermy would probably display a down-and-up relationship with any character they meet npc or not, allthough they probably would be alot happier with npcs as they arent really human and perhaps that would make them feel better about expressing things to something that also has a somewhat limited range of emotions/generalizations. Bloozermy would also probably do extreme things that they would regret later. I feel like the episode would mainly be about learning to understand the things that go on in the minds of people with said illnesses, to understand whats going on and possibly find ways to make it easier or to send a message about in general dealing with things like these and how it affects said person and people around them. And the usual tadc shenanigans sprinkled overtop :P Feel free to ask questions!!
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blackboxbattalion · 3 days
Last updated: 20/9/24 (UK format)
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pronouns.cc (link) ♪ spam side blog (link)
divider source (link)
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[pt; about us /end pt]
We are bodily 19, intersex, and medium support needs autistic. We have hearing loss and a limb difference. We are also fat.
We have ADHD-C, ARFID, AvPD, BPD, dysgraphia, dyslexia, episodic migraines, GAD, hypochondria, insomnia, MDD, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and PDD. We also suspect more physical conditions, but doctors are unwilling to listen.
In short, we are disabled, and our disabilities give us extremely low energy. Please have patience.
As for boundaries:
• Please ask to be mutuals or DM us.
• We love asks and gifts from anyone.
• We enjoy being asked questions about our disabilities.
• Please only ask for our Discord or vent to us if we're friends or close mutuals. (Also, ask before venting, and respect our answer to either question).
• We do not consent to affection, flirting, or sexualization, unless we say otherwise.
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[pt; frequent fronters /end pt]
Bill (link)
Jinx (link)
Kodi (link)
Mabel (link)
Mercury (link)
Pest (link)
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[pt; dni (do not interact) /end pt]
This does not list things like those who are anti-LGBT, ableist, ect. This is because we don't believe those types of people listen to boundaries, and it feels redundant.
• You do not support endogenic/non-traumagenic/non-disordered systems
• You are a radqueer *
• You are here to argue or start discourse
As well, there are some characters we are uncomfortable interacting with doubles of.
• Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
• Gir (Invader Zim)
• John Ward (Faith: The Unholy Trinity)
• Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
• Smile.jpeg (Creepypasta)
• Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls)
• The Prince/Snatcher (A Hat in Time)
• Toriel (Undertale)
• Zim (Invader Zim)
* We are strictly anti-radqueer. We support transspecies and transage terms (though we think you should disclose your body age for safety's sake). We also think that transIDs that wouldn't harm anybody (eg, transfreckle, a transID where you want to transition to having freckles) are fine. (Do NOT misconstrue this. Transabled, RCTA, and transharmed/transharmful are inherently bad.)
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shadowseductress · 5 days
Do you think there would ever be instability between time and space and if that happen who will stop Dialgla and Palkia ? Darkrai will come again ? what do you think ?
Pokémon Questions
So as per the scenario you’re referring to seems to draw from the Pokémon universe, where Dialga and Palkia are legendary Pokémon that represent time and space, respectively. In this context, their actions could lead to instability between time and space, which is central to various Pokémon storylines.
In the Pokémon games and media, characters like Darkrai and others often intervene to restore balance or resolve conflicts involving these powerful Pokémon. If there were to be instability between time and space, it’s likely that similar characters or forces within that universe would step in to address the situation.
In real-world physics, time and space are understood to be interconnected in the framework of general relativity. While we do not anticipate "instability" in the same sense as in Pokémon, scientists continue to study how extreme conditions, like those involving black holes or the early universe, affect the fabric of spacetime.
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I'm gonna need people who write characters with albinism not to go all Dan Brown and do some damn research.
Albinism is extremely rare in vertebrates (including humans). The most common and recognizable kind is oculocutaneous albinism - aka affecting the eyes, skin, and hair.
Not every human with albinism has white skin and white hair. Depending on ethnicity, their hair can be white, pale yellow, orange, brown. Albinistic skin can freckle pink or brown, develop pink moles, or display lentigines (large freckle-like spots), or be completely intolerant of sun exposure and burn almost immediately.
There are several genes that can be affected and cause albinism. The general outcome, though, is a lack of melanin (pigment) production. Melanin also affects eye development, so vertebrates with albinism have low vision or no vision at all. This typically means legal blindness in humans...so no driving, sharpshooting, or becoming highly trained assassins
Apes with albinism - including humans - generally have pale blue eyes, not pink or red (though they may look it in certain light). Other albinistic mammals do have pink or red eyes. This is how you can tell albinistic animals from leucistic animals: leucism doesn't affect the eyes, so leucistic animals can have pigmented eyes.
Not all leucistic animals are pure white - they may have patches of white skin or fur. This includes humans, in whom it's called vitiligo. Leucism and oculocutaneous albinism can be traced to differences in the same gene.
The opposite of leucism is melanism. Very dark-skinned humans are not, however, considered "melanistic." Nor are extremely pale-skinned people considered albinistic without the associated gene mutation(s). There's just an amazing and wonderful variety of human skin tones - from deep blue-black to palest pink-white and every beautiful shade in between.
This has been a PSA from someone who has a friend with albinism and who herself has "spots" (melasma - hormonal pigmentation, not a genetic condition).
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ok ok for any/all of your ocs <3
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself?
Cylas!!! *Squee* I can't thank you enough!!! I cherry pick OCS so some might show up for answers, others might not...eh...
Question One: Stillness
I think the one OC I have excluding AU versions to be fidgety, is most definitely, Izzy.
I HC her to chew her tongue, it's a rare quirk and she won't even notice she's doing it but it sounds like she's chewing gum. Her clothing which is rather outdoor casual, something light and breeze like open flannel shirts and tank tops which gives her plenty of room to move around in so she's comfortable when she's sitting down or laying down. I'd like to say yeah she fidgets. Girl constantly has at least one cosmic quandary on her mind at all times so, she's always thinking.
Question Two: Texture
Let's see.....Percy (AoA AU, normal timeline) definitely has some interesting clothing tastes because of where she's decided to take root, which is in Louisiana. She likes open flowy blouses, usually made of a lighter cloth close to silk. Definitely in more autumn colors because the shimmery tops make her feel under dressed. Her pencil skirts are usually a medium weight stretchy fabric. She likes the free feeling of a skirt in any fabric except for Leather.
Question Three: Favorite
I have multiple answers for this Question,
Percy's bracelet from Ava, Johnny's lucky lighter from his time in Vietnam, Archie's first computer chip when he was just being created, Izzy has her Dad's telescope....
Percy has a matching charm bracelet with Bo, one she wears very often because she loves it so much and wants to keep her sisters, brothers in law and fiancee close in her thoughts.
Johnny May, my zombified radio broadcaster did time in the Vietnam War, the lighter he carries with him at all times was given to him by a deceased friend of his while they were in the war together. He carries it and refills it even while undead.
Archie was created by Mathias Madison after fleeing the Organization. The computer chip he was first made with is always with him especially while human. He turned the chip into a bracelet.
When Izzy left home, her father, Dr. Mathias Madison, gave his daughter his old telescope to keep with her while on her travels. It's got a few scuffs and scratches but is in fairly good condition.
Question Four: Change
All of my OCS have gotten some change one way or the other but the main ones are:
Percy's biggest change was swapping out half of her secretary-esque wardrobe for flannel shirt, jeans and sneakers whenever there's gruesome work to be done. (Getting blood out of a blouse and having it stay nice is a pain!) She's also dyed her black hair, a cobalt color for a while and enjoying that. She's definitely felt more free and less constricted not wearing business formal attire.
Izzy's change was more biological instead of fashion based. The unusual biology of her body when she goes into her alien form, she's equated to that of the Pokemon, Eevee. In which certain moods crop up in sense, like for example Extreme Bloodlust; Her body will take on an eerie more Eldritch form if she cannot contain it. 9/10 she can. And has learned to change her form on her own and finds it cool that her body can do this!
Johnny May
Johnny was once human, but after being horrifically murdered, was dumped in a grave. Some Eldritch force woke him however and he became undead, eating the grey matter of other humans will allow him to gain back his mental faculties until he gets hungry again. He's thankful that his voice has not been altered and is no stranger to the supernatural, so he's alright with his change.
Question Four: Alternate part 1
Percy herself has a few alternative versions of herself including Bunny from the Fallen Angels Band AU with the Sinclair's which spawned Claudia, Thalia from the Alt Darrell AU, and The Olympian AU where she is a teenager and a daughter of Hades.
Izzy has an Olympian AU self becoming a Daughter of Zeus
Archie is also in the Olympian AU as a son of Hephaestus
I would like to add Johnny in the Olympian AU as a son of Ares returning home from war.
Question Four: Alternate part 2
I would love to have Percy in a Pokemon AU as an Ice type gym leader!!! I've thought about it long and hard and am 100% set on having her Partner Pokemon being an Alolan Ninetales. (ice/fairy) it's a perfect contrast to Bo's partner Pokemon being a Houndoom (fire/dark).
Thank you Cy for sending me these I'm sorry it's so late! I love you you adorable blue haired goober!!!
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sonderrow · 1 year
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Archer is a case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), which is not just having self centred personality trait. Just like any mental disorder, it doesn’t define one person and has multiple variants. This post will be highlighting and summarizing the NPD symptoms which affect Archer’s case in particular. Fun fact: I didn’t wrote Archer thinking he had such a disorder… but he fitted the bill to an A. Last edit XX/XXXX.
Archer’s NPD most likely comes from an environmental cause. Which comes as a mix of the following:
     An oversensitive temperament at birth. Which is the root of Archer’s depression as a child, which was never taken cared of and left scars.      Excessive admiration that is never balanced with realistic feedback as well as being praised for perceived exceptional looks or abilities by adults and overindulgence or overvaluation by one’s entourage. Those were constantly given during Archer’s formative years, as he was told to be part, vulgarly speaking, of an Elite group of gifted individuals above the rest of society and, to some extent, the rest of the world. This exaggerated point of view, which was the conclusion of his child self, was never corrected or given nuance.      Excessive praise for good behaviours mixed with excessive criticism for bad behaviours in childhood. Drew Archer’s judgement to be black and white, and see mistakes as things you couldn’t live with and brought great shame on every part of your character. This greatly affected him as a child.      Severe emotional abuse in childhood and unpredictable/unreliable caregiving from parents. Archer’s parents were extremely practical, and the same was for the reason of his birth; not out of love, but out of social expectations and the need for a successor. Archer being treated like an adult at as young as seven years old didn’t help. Very soon, he was heavily exposed to sex out of abuse and not love, money made not out of survival but greed among other things. On top of this, he was never given careful parental love, such as hugs and kisses. Only, as said earlier, overdone praise and criticism on top of being drowned in impossible expectations.      Valued by parents as a means to regulate their own self-esteem. Sadly self explanatory.
Narcissists shows a high rate of comorbidity with other conditions such as depression and substance use disorders, especially cocaine. Even when they do not show signs of being overly depressed, narcissists can become unexpectedly suicidal and act very dangerously, injuring themselves.
Archer fits two types of narcissism, as psychologists suggest different subtypes of the disorder.
     Unprincipled narcissism. Deficient conscience; unscrupulous, amoral, disloyal, fraudulent, deceptive, arrogant, exploitive; a con artist and charlatan; dominating, contemptuous, vindictive.       Amorous narcissist.  Sexually seductive, enticing, beguiling, tantalizing; glib and clever; disinclined to real intimacy; indulges hedonistic desires; bewitches and inveigles others; pathological lying and swindling. Tends to have many affairs, often with exotic partners.
Archer having a very low self-esteem doesn’t mean he isn’t narcissistic, aka loves himself. The narcissistic love he expresses towards himself is different from liking your traits and accomplishments. It means that Archer sees himself as superior to others through achievements which often actually have nothing to do with other people’s ambitions. The feeling of being privileged, lucky and unique. Which puts him into great distress when he is put with the reality that he is not the protagonist of the universe. At the core of NPD itself, those suffering from it actually have an extremely low self-esteem.
To see others as under him, a narcissist will exhibit an antisocial behaviour. They will show arrogance and be uncooperative when asked to take a path they didn’t choose. They are disloyal, shifting to the winning side or their own.
They are deceptive and exploitative. Using others doesn’t faze them if it is for their own ambition. Narcissists will not mind doing so as they lack empathy towards others. They only see and mind themselves, unless prompted so. It was shown that, when suggested to put themselves in another person’s place and witnessing key events, narcissists would empathize more with another person.
In the particular case of Archer, with his personal life events, he quickly and is often attempting to soften himself to others’ situations by putting himself in their shoes. However, this doesn’t help his judgement a whole lot, as he happens to overdo the what if I was in their place thing and… not do something entirely appropriate about it, or interpret the situation in a twisted way. Influenced by certain people important in his life, there is the will to try, but this includes fighting the constant contradiction with his condition, which defines key traits in his character. It is extremely difficult, as fighting your core being only because of suggestions from certain people that just maybe you’re not as great as you think while always believing you’re right is as struggling as it sounds.
A narcissist will inherently have toxic leaning relationships as they are very self centred, egoistical, etc. They enjoy the power and control from their partner more than the company itself. They put blame on others and constantly have an ulterior motive, creating relationships as a mean to an end. A narcissist doesn’t want to grow as a person, change themselves or be accountable for anything. They know exactly what they want to fill from another person and that is all they want. The second the other individual will show signs of demands or negative feedback towards a narcissist, they backslash and/or will end the ties to find another person. They do not wish for compromise and, when confronted by this, tend to stray and more prone to cheating to an extent.
However, it is possible for a narcissist to feel very strongly for someone, emotionally. That when they mean they love someone, they are not inherently lying. However, since they often pair themselves with someone they admire, they have this perfect view of them which is very fragile, and prone to complications when broken. As narcissists have whole of personal unsolved issues, they tend to take the destructive solution to their problems.
It could be said that narcissists lust for someone and doesn’t really love them. And, to live full, true love, they need to not be narcissistic?
Like certain disorders, NPD can be treated through therapy and with the help of certain antidepressants, antipsychotics and/or mood stabilizers.
There exists two types of psychological approach for NPD. “In Kernberg’s approach, the job of the therapist is to actively interpret the patient’s narcissistic defenses while at the same time illuminating the patient’s negative transferences. Kernberg believed that the end goal of therapy was to eradicate or diminish the patient’s pathologic grandiose self through direct confrontation. By contrast, Kohut advocated a more empathic approach, with the therapist actually encouraging the patient’s grandiosity and promoting the development of idealization in the transference. Kohut’s end goal was to bolster the patient’s inherently deficient self-structure.”
As seeking therapy is to admit something is amidst and that you need help, it contradicts the narcissistic personality, making numerous narcissists untreated, denying they are and/or taking therapy as an insult. To admit they think they are above everyone, that they are wrong, is a hard blow.
References: x x x x x x x
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abookishdreamer · 10 months
Character Intro: Ponos (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nickname- The Coal King by the people of Olympius
Abs of Steel by Dione
Age- 40 (immortal)
Location- Macedonia, Olympius
Personality- He has an unbreakable tiresome work ethic. He's also totally uncompromising, stubborn, & blunt. He's currently dating.
He has the standard abilities of a god except shapeshifting. As the god of hard labor & toil his other powers/abilities include being extremely proficient in melee weapons (like clubs), super enhanced strength, enhanced endurance, near-invulnerability, and anthracokinesis (coal manipulation/generation).
His immediate family includes his younger brother Porus (god of resourcefulness). There's also his sister-in-law Penia (goddess of poverty).
Ponos' main place of residence is his estate in the state of Macedonia. The mansion (which he built himself) is an overwhelming display of brick and stone. Inside the color scheme is mainly dark hues of burgundy, brown, gray, & orange. There's also seven fireplaces, brick & wood flooring, black onyx countertops, a guest cottage (rarely used), a stone pool pavilion, and a home gym. Everything is kept painstakingly clean and orderly. For his convience to stay close to his job, Ponos sometimes stays over at an apartment he's renting in the Forgia neighborhood of New Olympus.
He has an extremely disciplined work out regimen twice a day every day. He takes pride in his peak physical condition.
Ponos has an animal companion- a beast of a dragon named Shadowsteel. He's a hulking mass of black scales, horns, teeth, & claws as sharp as swords and wings almost too big for his body. It's said that Shadowsteel was hatched from the same clutch as Darksmoke.
Go-to drinks for him include roast coffee, water, and earl grey tea. As for alcohol, he doesn't mind a glass of scotch, whiskey, or red wine every once in a while.
Since Ponos flies to work, he'll sometimes stop for breakfast along the way- getting four whole wheat breakfast burritos (added with bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, red onions, red peppers, mushrooms, & spinach) along with a homemade oatmeal protein shake he brings from home.
He considers his cigar smoking to be a nasty habit.
Ponos as a deity is quite loved among the oreads as well as the mountainous satyrs and centaurs. There has even been a petition for a temple to be built in his honor in Macedonia.
Most of his acquired wealth comes from the many coal mines he owns throughout Olympius.
Ponos' main job is being the warden of Chlotonius Prison- the most notorious prison in all the realms. The maximum security is infamously known for housing male inmates of all creeds deemed the most dangerous. It's also generally said that the prison is a precursor to the eternal punishment one may face in Tartarus. He took the job over from the fearsome giant Geryon (whose rule brought into the open many controversies- including inmate abuse & corrupt officers).
The prison is situated on a volcanic island mass near Tartarus Bay, the Lightning Harbor some 200 miles away. The inmates are confined for the most part of the day in single cells with facilities made of poured, reinforced magma to deter self-harm, and are under 24-hour supervision- carried out intensively with high staff-inmate ratios.
He oversees the prison with an iron fist, expecting nothing short of any weakness from the correctional officers and all the other employees. One employee Ponos has taken under his wing is a young CO, a cyclops named Ionas.
Even though Ponos is a supporter of prison reform, he doesn't expect to grant dangerous criminals certain privileges. At a council meeting, he struck down a potential bill brought up by Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection)- which would grant conjugal visits to married inmates.
His favorite dessert are the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from Hollyhock's Bakery.
Though he finds it difficult to be vulnerable, Ponos truly cares for his younger brother, taking on the mantle as his protector. Often times his bleak pessimism would clash with his brother's idealistic optimism.
In the pantheon he's friends with Anytos (Titan god of anonymity & secrets), Draco (god of dragons), Lelantos (Lantos) (Titan god of air, the unseen, & hunting), Ktesios (god of the household), Menoetius (Titan god of rage, violence, & rash actions), Alastor (god of blood feuds & vengeance), Homadus (god of the battle-din), Axiótimos (god of honor), Polemos (god of the war cry), Horkos (god of oaths), Psionikós (god of the mind), and Isorropía (Isorro) (god of duality, balance, & equilibrium). Ponos also has a working relationship with Poena (goddess of punishment).
Ponos' official mentor was Hecaterus (Titan god of manual labor).
He dislikes Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought).
It's no surprise beacuse of his demanding schedule, there was little space in Ponos' life for romance. He has taken up use of an exclusive escort service at times. No one in the pantheon was more flabbergasted than him when he found himself powerless against the enchantment of Argía (goddess of holidays). Everything in Ponos' body was telling him to run the other way, but he found himself unable to pull away from her magnetism. A major avoidant of prolonged eye contact, he finds it hard to look away from her sparkling gold flecked blue-green eyes. Ponos likes the fact that she always smells different, how engrossing their conversations are, & how he's left in a breathless heap every time they kiss. They haven't slept together yet and Ponos is thinking about inviting her to Macedonia for a long weekend.
He loves getting the roast beef sandwich (on rye bread with extra mustard) from The Bread Box.
His favorite dish is moussaka served alongside grilled fish.
In his free time Ponos enjoys boxing, martial arts, rock climbing, reading, chess, basketball, checkers, jogging, playing pool, football (soccer), bowling, swimming, and baseball.
"Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice."
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aleksandrdubrovin · 1 year
Innovative marketing strategies
Currently, demand for Class A warehouse real estate exceeds supply, resulting in a shortage in the market. As a result, the vacancy rate dropped to a record low of 1% last year, while a balanced industrial real estate market requires vacancies of about 5%. Despite this, the market remains disequilibrium in favor of owners rather than tenants. Large developers can choose tenants and determine terms, affecting developer companies' marketing strategy.
Previously, developers have actively pursued marketing strategies to attract attention to their brand, increase market share, and establish customer contacts. With the right approach, these strategies significantly impacted the company's results. The developers used various methods such as creative banners, television commercials, Internet marketing, etc.
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To promote their warehouse facilities, PNK Group has resorted to the help of marketing innovator Aleksandr Dubrovin, who led the creation of several videos. World-class celebrities were invited for the filming, including Samy Naceri - the main character of the movie "Taxi" - and Jean Renault himself. The videos were made in the format of extreme tours, in which the warehouses offered by the company were subjected to a kind of crash test organized by retired superhero tour guides.
Media trends have become increasingly demanding, showing that content must be high quality. A viewer spending more and more time on the Internet quickly loses interest, so more effort must be made to make your product stand out. One method that can work 100% is the use of celebrities. Aleksandr Dubrovin used this approach, got over 30 million views, increased brand awareness, and attracted new customers. Compared to boring advertising, which focused on the facility's deadline and area, extreme tours were a breath of fresh air.
In 2021, marketing strategy remains essential for commercial real estate developers, but experts advise shifting the focus to product quality. Aleksandr Dubrovin, a famous marketing expert and trendsetter in promoting industrial real estate, says that under conditions when the developer sets the requirements, maintaining the quality of the product is extremely important. There is often a temptation to go for quantity, but the demand for Class A industrial real estate continues to grow along with the growth of the online segment.
Commercial real estate marketing specialist Aleksandr Dubrovin is unfamiliar with an approach where objects are built randomly only to gain space and sell. Today the first place in marketing strategy is to develop new products that meet the needs of a rapidly growing market. For example, Aleksandr Dubrovin, as a trendsetter in promoting industrial real estate, recommends building two-story warehouses or small multi-user warehouses of a light industrial type suitable for small, medium, and large businesses. Statistics from significant retailers confirm Dubrovin's words about the continued growth of the online segment. Analysts at the largest online marketplace provided data on Black Friday results and compared them to last year's results. This year's total amount of orders exceeded 43 billion rubles, which is 2.6 times more than last year. Another major retail giant reported a significant increase in sales compared to last year - on its platform, the volume of orders on Black Friday increased fivefold. Such companies are buying Class A warehouses for their distribution centers, where goods are stored, sorted, and shipped directly to customers.
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sitarchive · 1 year
Report CI:JG:13052011
A report from Investigative Analyst Josie Gorecki on the nature of ‘space clowns’ published 13/05/2011.
The report of Hendel Meer in Case #1657 gives us more information about the uncommon parasite referred to as space clowns. Despite their informal name, their official designation is corydon arthropoda and they are considered to be part of the more complex group of macroparasites. 
Meer described the clowns’ eyes as “bulbous, black and shiny - not dissimilar to insect eyes” which is an accurate description of their appearance but an imperfect one for their actual construction and function. Their eyes are much more focused to particular stimuli than our own; they hunt for victims primarily based on light and movement. The structure of their eyes allow them to spot sources of light from lightyears away, while movement is used to identify victims while closer in to their meal. It’s fascinating how they’ve clearly evolved for their environment - corydon arthopeda are generally found in deep space, as far from sources of gravitational pull as possible, so they’ve evolved ways to spot their prey in an extremely wide range. Their eyes are composed of an interesting transparent material similar to bone with two layers of it acting as a sort of telescope, thus allowing a form of sight without exposing their vulnerable insides to the void of space. Furthermore, they spend years at a time completely motionless to preserve energy until they spot a source of food at which point they can move with extreme speed and strength to take it down quickly. 
The astronaut Hendel Meer was very lucky in his encounter with the clowns. It was unusual for him to encounter the parasites so far into our solar system and I suspect this greatly affected their ability to hunt. He described them as moving slowly and spending an inordinate amount of time simply watching him during his time spent trapped inside the shuttle, which is incredibly out of character for their usual ambush predation. This could be due to the increased gravitational pull of our system compared to deep space - these are unusual conditions for them and it could be making them sick. Moving around would take much more energy than they are accustomed to, and this would be particularly worrying for a creature such as corydon arthopeda which eats so sparsely and spends so much of its’ time conserving energy. I would hypothesise that Meer not only survived through luck but through certain choices he made - his decision to breach the seal on the remaining pressurised areas of the ship with an improvised explosive as he fled on the escape pod was very effective, as it exposed the clowns attached to the ship to the force of the ship attempting to equalise with the non-existent pressure of space. Examining the bodies of the clowns present on the ship’s remains showed that they imploded under the sudden increase of pressure, as they were evolved to withstand the lack of atmosphere in space and even that momentary rush of air pressure was too much for their structure. It is evident that at least some clowns survived this event since only three bodies were found on the ship and Meer described seven parasites watching him. Meer shut down every single system in the escape pod that emitted any kind of light after he hypothesised that the creatures were attracted by the light - based on the evidence that they had mainly congregated around the windows of the ship. This did remove his ability to pilot the pod, instead having to wait for rescue, but prevented the parasites from following his trail. 
The official recommendation of S.I.T is that any ship travelling through a location where corydon arthopeda have been sighted or are likely to be should have no windows in order to prevent any light from attracting them. Furthermore, any thrusters should be turned off at an appropriate distance from the location and the ship should glide through on vestigial velocity. There is no friction, so the ship should not slow down. If you are planning to change direction while in this zone, we would recommend you simply take another route. 
N: The FCSP has drafted some sketches of the corydon arthopeda based on Hendel Meer’s descriptions.
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The FCSP has asked for feedback from Hendel Meer on the accuracy of said sketches, and what parts of the sketches may be correct. He was unavailable when we reached out to him.
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Short description: Magically transported to another world, young space pilot, Shiro find himself in the world of Altea, a magically dimension full of creatures called daemons, arm with a magical sword and lead the group against the evil Galra empire. Calm, thoughtful and wise beyond his years, it takes more than a fleet of Galra soldiers to get a rise out of Shiro.
Role: Protagonist
Private goal: To return home with his boyfriend, Adam.
Personal (inner) goal: Shiro transforms from outside to Hero as he discovered the first true love of his life.
Professional goal: To defeat the Galra Empire and Zarkon and his family.
Occupation: Samurai
Leader of team Samurai
Exploration Pilot
Age: 21
Birthday: February 29
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexual orientation: Gay
Strengths: Shiro is a natural pilot of legendary reputation.
Weaknesses: Due to him having a Daemon arm, Shiro has a condition called Sleigh Beggy effect, cause him to be extremely tired.
Skills: The power of Balance
Consolations breathing
Altean Alchemy
Biggest flaw: Shiro is constantly worried about Adam.
Height: 6ft 3in
Ethnicity: Human (Japanese)
Hair color: Black and white
Eye color: Gray
Distinguishing features: Shiro has a scar on his nose and has a daemon arm.
Disabilities: Shiro has a disease called the Sleigh Beggy affect.
Weapons: Ryou's sword.
This is the bio of Shiro, a character from the samurai: an legendary adventure tale.
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