#scp foundation writing
dreamcast641 · 1 year
SCP OC: Claire Ekaterina Makarova
I decided to make an actual detailed post about Claire, finally. I created her in august 2018 and I got a lot of time to develop here and I'm really, really satisfied of how she turned out to be.
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Full Name: Claire Ekaterina Makarova
Aliases/nicknames: Stoat (callsign), shortie, shortstack
Age: 26-30 years old
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual orientation: Demiromantic/demisexual and pansexual
Date of birth:November 2nd
Place of birth: Unknown but it's somewhere in the USA
Current residence: site 5c
Nationality: American with slavic origins
Spoken Languages: American English (main), Russian ( ONLY with her dad) and American sign language (ASL)
Affiliations/organizations: SCP foundation
Occupation: Mobile Task force Beta-7 ''Maz hatters'' operator, virologist/biologist when not on field, ISD (internal security department) agent.
Rank: unknown
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BUILD: A bit chubby
— Claire is a buxom woman who has curves all over her body, wide hips and a slight bit of fat in her tummy.
— She particularly cares about her image, especially when it comes to taking care of her body.She trains regularly in the small gym made available by the site 5c, focusing on arms and legs, parts of the body that are fundamental to her for work. It takes muscle to hold a rifle that weighs almost half her weight on her so as not to wobble on the recoil.
SCARS: All over her body
— Claire has many, if not too many, wounds all over her body. From cuts to bruises to burns and even gunshot wounds.
— Her little patient behavior and her indifference has led her over the years to participate in many fights, whether they are initiated by her or are part of her job, when it comes to fighting she has always been in the front row. Not caring about the size and danger of whoever is in front of her. This has led Claire to have countless wounds on her body, many of them being stab wounds, a gunshot on her right shoulder, a large burn on her left shoulder and as many bruises..
VOICE: silvery/soft spoken
— slow spoken and not too high voice but at times decisive when needed.
— It's almost as if her voice doesn't match her body. With her character like hers, those around her expect an annoying redundant high-pitched voice to split the eardrums. Hers is an almost calm voice, not too high and maternal.
EYES: Grey/blue
— blue eyes so undersaturated they look gray.
— she inherited light eyes from both parents, but the mother's gene seemed to dominate between the two. Both have blue eyes but Claire's are less saturated, almost gray as opposed to her mother's, blue as ice
FASHION: casual
— casual, doesn't really care for fashion.
— When she's not working, claire usually wears the first thing she finds in her closet, preferring loose-fitting clothes that don't show too much of her body shapes.
More about her aspect:
-Claire has mixed vitiligo all over her body. It started when she was just 5 to 6 years old and it spreaded everywhere;
-Her vitiligo not only affected her skin but also her hair, eyelashes and eyebrow;
-She is only 5'1 ft or 154 cm in height.
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-Color: Black
-Food: Raw Salmon
-Drink: Chamomille with honey
-Song: Ecoute Cherie (vendredi sur Mer)
-Flower: Nightsky petunia
-Hairstyle: messy bun
-Autophobia: also called monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia, is the specific phobia or a morbid fear or dread of oneself or of being alone, isolated, abandoned, and ignored;
-athazagoraphobia: When a person has this condition, there is an extreme fear of being forgotten, or of not remembering someone or something. It may also include a fear of being ignored or replaced;
-Atychiphobia:is an intense fear of failure
-Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
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-Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral
-Myers-Briggs: ENTJ-T
- Serious and efficient but also considerate in the role she covers inside the foundation walls: She makes everyone feel included in her squad no matter what. She is always willing to help them, no one is left behind.
-Observant...a bit too much. If there is something that her training with the ISD thought her is to be aware constantly of her sorroundings. No details is going unnoticed in her presence.
-Gentle and caring with close ones. She pours her heart with who she loves.
-Practical smart. Let's say that she is good at improvise when needed.
-Respected without using fear
-Claire's past and experiences have led her to be inconsiderate of herself, and those closest to her tend to see it for how expressive she is, without needing her to be alone to show how she really feels. she is a woman with a thousand complexes, her self-esteem has been destroyed and under her feet. She can't be really sure about anything she does especially if it affects those around her too. She refuses any leadership position, unwilling to take responsibility for any deaths that may occur under her leadership.
-So low is her self-esteem that she can't even see the value of her life, risking it every day to protect others at the expense of her own. She has seen death right in her eyes so many times that she no longer fears it. She is not afraid to die but at the same time the idea of being forgotten and replaced, as she has already seen happen to her other deceased colleagues, puts a shiver down her spine.
-Claire gets heated pretty easily, leading her to not think straight when she is outraged.
-She tends to distance people from herself due to her trust issues. It really takes time for her to open up to someone.
-Absolute stubborn. Claire does not listen when she is convinced of something.
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-She absolutely love when her friends makes hand-made stuff for her. She keep them like it's the most precious thing in the world;
-It happens that Claire goes for some days to negaseattle to visit her adopted brother Ira and helping him with the clone kids (check more on Raddagher's author page on the wiki);
-She has a yellow ringneck parrot named banana. He is her emotional support animal;
-BPD (bordeline personality disorder) that she is getting treated for and is under enough control for her to be operative;
-She loves reading almost everything especially if it's related to her job;
-One hell of a cook. She is very, very good in the kitchen;
-She smells like peaches and chocolate;
-Aggressive and very skilled in combat. Knife is her specialization;
-Uses stealth, skills and the enviroment over the strenght;
-Good swimmer, loves using water to her advantage in fights by drowning or exhausting people;
-Survivor's guilt.
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It is not known for certain where Claire and her twin brother Dmitry were born, it is only known that they came to light somewhere hidden in the United States of America.
Raised in the hostile environment of the foundation but with the loving care of their mother Mandy Ross, a former nurse in the US Navy. Their father? Locked in the same site where they were born, metal walls separating this potentially dangerous man due to the toxic, potentially lethal nature of his body.
In the early years of their lives, the twins immediately reveal themselves as curious troublemakers, always looking for other children like them to socialize with and will end up bonding closely with one of them in particular: Ira Watts, whom they will consider for life as a brother.
Mandy, for reasons still unknown to them, decides to leave them and the foundation to join the GOC. it was this event that unleashed in her an immense fear of abandonment. Left to their own devices, Claire was the one she had to mature early to take care of her two brothers.
At just 14, the three were separated by the foundation to be introduced to their respective careers.
While Dmitry continued his medical and psychiatric studies, Claire had to stay on that site with Ira to begin her training to join one of the mobile task forces.
''Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed. Mobile Task Force personnel represent the "best of the best" of the Foundation.''
And with this clarification, let's say that the training Claire had to undergo was hard and exhausting. She pushed to her limits so many times by her serious and rigid mentor that she was assigned to reach high, real high expectations.
To be ''the best of the best'' she had to shed all of her blood and her will. She failed many times but thanks to this she also managed to learn from her mistakes and correct herself, perhaps becoming probably one of the best students on the site...if not for her rebelious behavior.
Training wasn't Claire's only focus in those years: she was studying biology and virology because of the task force she decided to join, the beta-7. Her knowledge will prove to be fundamental in the future.
Her training and studies ended as soon as they began. At just 22, claire was already serving as a member of mobile task force beta-7 at a different site.
During her years at the site, now with her brother Dmitry, the two were approached by a man from the Internal Security Department (ISD) who was determined to recruit them as they were loyal members of the foundation. The two naively accepted and it was that meeting and that assignment that led them to site 5c where they still reside nowdays.
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(coming soon)
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lynxtopia · 2 months
Will the SCP fandom execute me for lore dumping an OC site on ao3 or will I be safe
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saturncodedstarlette · 6 months
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“You were a wonderful experience.”
“You were… everything.”
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scary-lasagna · 4 months
Scp 096 (established relationship) where the scp researchers found that if someone sees his photo and comes running at them, if they put a photo of reader (another researcher) in front of their face, 096 gets confused and doesn’t kill them, and so reader can come in and take 096 back to his room?
SCP - 096 “Shy Guy”
It was sabotage, no- attempted murder.
The researchers had no clue it was your face in the file, these precious little interns didn’t even look over the contents before slapping them into a D-class’ arms and sending them into a testing chamber.
It was supposed to be the second unknowing D-class, on the other side of the testing room in a 2x2, 14” thick, lead box.
A simple study of how fast 096 could rip it into shreds, allowing more intel for breach shelter doors if it ever escapes again.
(That was a mess, and ironically how you two met, being the only one who knew how to handle him properly.)
The pressure sensors on the floor never moved, only shifted awkwardly. No crying. No screaming.
And somehow the silence was more terrifying than the outburst he should be having.
One of the head researchers called the D-Class back in, and the file is examined. Not too much later, you’re called into the observation room.
Much to your dismay, it seemed someone tried to killed you rather unceremoniously while also endangering the lives of so many others.
And being the lead researcher over 096, as well as his self-proclaimed “BFF”, you were able to waltz in and give him a gentle pat on the back, comforting his confused state.
You lovingly secured the bag over his head, the only thing that gives him the maximum comfort and relief, and stood him on the ‘X’ marked on the floor, all set and ready for the MTF to transport him back to containment.
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butch-enjoyer · 8 months
Horrible scp idea!
It is a soup store that sales canned soup, but once you buy a can, clothes come out of the tin and they all are good quality and very durable. They are good tho but they are cover in soup.
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sleepanonymous · 8 months
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rachelsfav-queer · 2 months
Wenclair meets SCP-999
Wednesday: Enid! Don’t go near that thing, you have no idea what it could be capable of. It’s in this facility for a reason.
Enid: Aww, but it’s so cute, Willa! *speaking to the orange blob* Oh, I wish I could take you home, YOU’RE SO PRECIOUSSSSSS!!!!
Wednesday: Enid, keep your voice down! I’d much rather not have to deal with those soldiers we saw coming in.
Enid: Oh come on, Wednesday! You have to admit it is super cute. I’m sure it can’t be too harmful. Besides, the sign said it was safe, and it’s so cuddly!
Wednesday: *suddenly entranced by the SCP creature* Hmm, well… it is intriguing… and quite… cute…
Enid: Wednesday? Are you-
Enid smiles widely and literally sprouts a tail just to wag it wildly.
Enid: OKAY! Let’s go!
SCP-999 burbles happily in excitement with its brand new friends’ excitement.
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nekofaust · 3 months
It's that time of year...
Pony Posting is Now Banned at Site-19
New collab tale up!
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Art of pony 682 by chise ♡
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thespiritssaidso · 20 days
Item #: SCP-8675309🍍
Update: SCP has scratched out any and all files with its identification number and replaced them with pineapple doodles and obscure/inappropriate numbers. Standard procedure is to white out any defacement done to the files and replace it with the correct number, but when confronted with the task none of the employees had the heart to do so.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8675309 Heinz 57🍍 is to be treated like foundation staff with level 5 clearance. Caution is advised when approaching, lest foundation personnel be influenced under heavy charm. SCP has previously gained access to multiple levels this way when it only had level 1 clearance.
Containment of SCP is not necessary, as it has proven it means no harm — not that it can do any — and is willing to come to work every day, albeit sometimes a bit late. The most amount of harm it has performed was by enamoring the guards outside of SCP-294 enclosure in order to acquire a pineapple smoothie. In my defense, those smoothies are to die for. -🍍
Using any form of memory wiping in an effort to contain SCP-8675309 3.141596…🍍 is severely prohibited, as it has previously shown severe signs of distress when it cannot remember the smallest of details. Years of training from your dad to be the world’s greatest detective will do that to ya. -🍍
Description: SCP is a humanoid Caucasian-Latino male, and responds to the name of Shawn Spencer, although it has given itself a number of various nicknames.
SCP shows clear signs of ADHD and a strange fascination with pineapples. SCP can often be seen carrying varying types of snacks flavored like the aforementioned fruit: dried pineapple slices, pineapple nutrigrain bars, and oftentimes simply a large pineapple itself. It’s up for debate as to where it attains these treats for itself, as its pockets have been routinely checked at the entrance of the foundation as it signs in for the day. Some hypothesize it has somehow struck a deal with SCP-261 into giving nothing but pineapple snacks in exchange for Yen. Although no one is sure where it would get the Yen from, as it has reportedly never been to Japan (although it has very clearly expressed its wishes to do so some day).
SCP-8675309 69 lol🍍 also displays an uncanny ability to read a person, able to guess private information from a glance. All personnel are advised to try not to keep anything hidden from it, as it is not only pointless, but its suspicion of said personnel will simply grow.
SCP can be found normally either lounging in the break room, flirting with any and all foundation members it finds attractive, and befriending other SCPs, such as SCP-999. It has found itself particularly fond of SCP-529, and is constantly feeding it cheese, despite being advised not to.
All foundation staff are instructed not to call the SCP an SCP to its face, as it will grow agitated. Obviously I’m gonna get ‘agitated’! How would you feel if you were called an SCP, huh?! -🍍
Reference: Originating from Santa Barbara California, SCP has travelled all over the United States, leaving its footprint in nearly every major city. Well, every city that the SCP has reported as, quote unquote, ‘fun’. Nothing wrong with that. -🍍
Incidents caused by the SCP whilst traveling have been logged and recorded, including the ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ incident, the ⬜️⬜️⬜️ debacle, and the altercation in ⬜️⬜️ between SCP⬜️⬜️⬜️ and SCP-8675309 8008135🍍.
Great file, amazing. Just a few notes here. First off: cut the ‘it/its’ pronouns. I get some people go by that, but me? No thanks. Second off: very boring report. There’s a severe lack of pictures and way too many words, I almost feel asleep reading this. -🍍
Update: SCP has since left the foundation since the last time its file has been updated. While never clearly stating where it was going, a large sum of money was removed from the foundation treasury and used towards purchasing a plane ticket to Germany.
SCP-8675309 is currently living its life comfortably in the city of Santa Barbara in California, working for the local police as a consultant ‘psychic detective’. Whether or not SCP is actually psychic has been the subject of debate for nearly 5 years between staff.
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handsome-john · 4 months
Kondraki: So I touched the rock that makes you a woman.
Clef: You touched the rock that makes you a woman?
Kondraki: Yeah man, the rock that makes you a woman?
Clef: Excuse me?
Kondraki: I got to tell you about this rock. It made me a woman.
Clef: You have to know that's not possible.
Kondraki: Look at me man. I'm a woman and it's 'cause I touched the rock that makes you a woman.
Clef: There are a million reasons why you might look the way you look. I'm not going to entertain the idea that a rock could make you a woman.
Kondraki: Wait. Actually I think it's the humes around the rock not the rock itself. Something to do with the thaumaturgy?
Clef: What are you talking about?
Kondraki: Had to fight Site-19 for the rock.
Clef: Stop.
Kondraki: But I'm still a woman.
Clef: Enough. Let's say, hypothetically, that a rock could actually make you a woman.
Kondraki: The humes.
Clef: The humes. Let's say the humes could make you a woman. How much of you is a woman? Do your reproductive organs change? How's your body reacting to the new organs you have to grow?
Kondraki: Man listen-
Clef: Does it change how your mind works?
Kondraki: I don't know man, I just became a woman.
Clef: I'm finding it hard to believe. it doesn't hold together logically.
Kondraki: I don't know what to tell you. I wasn't a woman and now I'm a woman. I think it was because I touched the rock that makes you a woman.
Clef: This is all pretty ridiculous.
Kondraki: You want to see for yourself?
Clef: Sure, why not!
Kondraki: You can touch the rock if you want. But you'll become a woman.
Clef: I doubt it.
Kondraki: Look at how fucking curvy I am!
Clef: I'm not going to become a woman!
Kondraki: You will become a woman!
Clef: I won't!
Kondraki: You will!
Clef: The rock will not make me a woman!
Kondraki: Okay man but don't say I didn't warn you about becoming a woman. Cog, pull up the file for the rock that makes you a woman.
Clef: I'm not gonna become a woman.
Kondraki: Good luck man.
(Three days later)
Kondraki: Hey.
Clef: Hey.
Clef: ... I became a woman.
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telleroftime · 5 months
You MLP Infection AU people are sleeping on a "When Day Breaks" AU. You're telling me that you're given the opportunity to play with Daybreaker, the Nightmare Moon version of Celestia, alongside a preexisting infection thing of a similar name and you're not taking it?? That specific SCP-001 is being served on a silver platter and if I have to be the one to take the bait then I shall.
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dreamcast641 · 1 year
Weak Minds
note: it is time that I make public this short fanfic I wrote with my two OCs. It was supposed to be a rp start but it never took off. I'm not good at writing, at all and this is my first stuff that I put in public. So sorry for my english.
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Characters: Claire Ekaterina Makarova, Dmitry Vasilij Makarov, a random D-class Word counting: 2920 Fandom: SCP foundation Warnings: Medical reports, suicide, PTSD, panic attack, graphic description of violence, gore drawing at the end
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''D-4022 appears as a white male of Caucasian ancestry no less than 40 years old, approximately 5'7 tall and weighing 163 lbs.
Neil Harden, stated name of Class D subject, was inmate on death row in Marin County, California, from ████ to ████following his sentence given on ████████ at ████ time for the murder of first degree to the detriment of his wife Melanie Frank and the newborn child.
Neil Harden was voluntarily transferred to Site 5C, following an offer to work with the foundation in exchange for his life.''
*Dmitry put the paper away and with his fingers slid it to the far corner of the desk in front of him. He bent his back to the right, down slightly to pick up a stack of scribbled papers placed on the drawer just below him.*
''Data of the exam: ████
Time of the exam: 3:01:09 PM
Patient Name: D-4022 (Neil Harden)
Patient number: 100000205659743
Neil shows symptoms of generalized anxiety, depression and, as stated by Neil, has frequent panic attacks in work circumstances as well as muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. Neil said he often felt irritable and had difficulty concentrating. Also declared hypervigilance and feeling tired for no apparent reason.
Therapy content: The patient today told his life in general, focusing on what prompted him to commit the murder for which he was sentenced to capital punishment. Neil said he felt anxious about the future: ''I feel hopeless, I never know what awaits me when I walk through the door of those cells. Waiting for my premeditated death in the row was less excruciating than this''. Feelings of guilt were expressed.
Therapeutic Intervention: The main focus of this first therapy session was general knowledge of the patient in charge. No therapy has been prescribed at the moment.
Diagnosis: The following diagnosis is based on initial information given by the patient, it may change with other sessions.
Generalized anxiety disorder, f41.1(ICD-10) (active).
Return 2 weeks later or sooner if requested and permitted by director ████████ ████
Time spent in counseling: 30 min.
Session start: 3.00pm
Session end: 3.30pm
Dmitry Vasili Makarov, Medical Department.'' ------------------------------------------------------
''Data of the exam: ████
Time of the exam: 4:30:10 PM
Patient Name: D-4022 (Neil Harden)
Patient number: 100000205659743
Neil returned two weeks later for his second session. Generalized anxiety symptoms continue to be described. Neil continues to complain of increasingly recurring physical fatigue, he also adds the appearance of trembling, confusion, nightmares and declares that he hears ''a loud ringing similar to a vintage telephone''. Hypervigilance and increasingly frequent panic attacks, even after the working day.
Content of therapy: The patient talked about the problems encountered during the week. Neil says he has never experienced such physical problems and has no idea where they came from or what could have caused them.
Mental State: Neil is irritable and distracted due to constant missing hours of sleep. He struggles to generate smooth, coherent, uninterrupted speech. Pieces of his story appear to have changed and undisclosed details have surfaced last week. Neil claims to have served in the U.S. military from ████ to ████, permanently retired on ████ of ███████.
He has auditory hallucinations. Suicidal ideas have not been denied, often the patient contemplates premature death. No homicidal idea declared. More and more recurring feelings of guilt.
Therapeutic Intervention: This session focused on addressing the patient's sleep and anxiety issues. Ventilation was requested several times during the session to make the speech more coherent and easier to understand. Methods to reduce stress and to have a regular sleep cycle were discussed with the patient.
Diagnosis: The following diagnosis is based on initial information given by the patient, it may change with other sessions.
Generalized anxiety disorder, f41.1(ICD-10) (active).
Possible PTSD
Return 2 weeks later or sooner if requested and permitted by director ████████ ████
Blood tests and neurological tests are required to rule out any pathologies (e.g. brain tumor.)
Time spent in counseling: 1 h
Session start: 4.30pm
Session end: 5.30pm
Dmitry Vasili Makarov, Medical Department.—-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Data of the exam: ████
Time of the exam: 2:31:00 PM
Patient Name: D-4022 (Neil Harden)
Patient number: 100000205659743
The patient returned to the office just one week after the last session with permission from the director (redacted). He claims that he needs immediate psychiatric intervention as he cannot sleep due to frequent nightmares encountered during sleep. He states auditory hallucination still present, possible visual hallucinations found. Fatigue, confusion, trembling, hypervigilance still present. Experienced frequent mood swings.
Therapy content: Neil brought more details of his military career in the US Army. He claimed he saw the ''horrors of war'' and lived in a prison camp in Iran from ████ to ████ and saw many (redacted) done to his comrades including ████████ with consequent ████████ and ████████████.
Mental State: In today's session neil was agitated, irritable, not fully communicative as he would stop to cry or stare at a vague spot in the corner of the office. The volume of his voice was high because, as claimed by the patient, ''I can't hear it with all this noise in my ears'' which often led the patient to request several times the questions posed by myself. Suicidal ideas were confirmed by the patient, frequent times when he contemplates his end. More recurring guilt feelings with the occurrence of auditory hallucinations. He claims to see and hear a female figure holding a newborn baby just a few days old. The patient suspects that his deceased wife is tormenting him from beyond the grave.
Therapeutic Intervention: Today's session focused on digging deeper into Neil's soldiering past. The details proved useful in diagnosing PTSD for the war. Prescribed citalopram as initial drug therapy. The patient presented the prescribed neurological examinations. No physical problems detected.
Diagnosis: The following diagnosis is based on initial information given by the patient, it may change with other sessions.
Generalized anxiety disorder, f41.1(ICD-10) (active).
Post traumatic stress disorder, f43.1 (DSM-5) (active)
Return 2 weeks later or sooner if requested and allowed by the director (redacted)
Requested surveillance of subject for suicidal thoughts expressed during session.
Citalopram prescribed.
Time spent in counseling: 1:30 H
Session started: 2:30 PM
Finished session: 4:00 PM
Dmitry Vasili Makarov, Medical department.
—-------------------------------------------------------------------------Site 5c hallways
He suddenly stopped as soon as he saw that he was only a few steps away from meeting the woman in that long silent corridor. He knew the risks he was running with what he was about to do and how much she would not have thought twice about putting an end to the his existence, armed to the teeth like how she was, but he had reached his limit: Guilt for what he had done and the memories of his past were eating at him like a parasite does with its host. His only way out of his mind and from that place seemed like one and only one, he didn't care if she had killed him or if he had succeeded in his intent and leave as he wanted.
He whirled around after dismissing further thoughts, ran after the soldier who was now only a few meters away and threw himself on her. One of his hands firmly gripped the rifle barrel resting on her back as the other tried to yank away the cloth strap that held the weapon attached to her armor.
<<DROP IT!>>
Claire managed to exclaim as much as she felt her lungs straining to catch what little oxygen was passing through her windpipe. Both rows of her teeth gripped tightly on the tops and her voice became lower and darker than it was.
The strap had suddenly lifted from her chest and landed on her neck, both of them pulling in completely different directions. The more Claire tried to bring the rifle back on her through the fabric with which it was bound, the more he pulled back, each time harder and harder and more insistent. <<Fuck...>>
He murmured, feeling his fingers burn from the effort, he released his grip on her belt allowing Claire to breathe normally. But she didn't have time to react that his hands, before on the barrel, slid rapidly over the trigger as he ducked sharply, placing his temple as close to the tip as possible. The forefinger pressed against the cold metal of the weapon and a loud booming sounded through the whole corridor.
It all happened so fast that it took Claire nearly two full minutes to process what had just happened.
The few noises she could hear, such as the constant hum of the white lights that illuminated the corridor, were muffled and overlaid by an annoying whistling due to the dangerous proximity of her ears to the rifle barrel when the d-class subject had pressed the trigger.
She turned slowly, her first instinct was to touch her face. Something thick and liquid was dripping from her skin, wetting her gloved fingers.
She looked down, her hand covered in warm blood and she almost winced as her eyes focused on what she glimpsed between the slits that separated the fingers with eachother:
The man who, until a few minutes ago was attacking her, lay motionless on the ground. His body barely moved, taken by the convulsions of the sudden impact caused by the weapon.
His orange clothes began to soak with vermilion blood coming from his now almost non-existent head of which she could see fragments of brain matter scattered throughout the area. Some of it had even hit her, the metal walls and the ceiling of the corridor.
Claire didn't know how to react, her legs felt paralyzed in place as if her feet were stuck to the ground with super glue. She could feel her heartbeat rumbling all over her chest until it reached her throat, she had to swallow several times to get that nagging feeling out of her.
Deaths inside the foundation were the order of the day, not a week went by that someone was torn to pieces by who knows what dangerous creature just to be able to contain it. Yet it didn't explain why her body was feeling shock at that moment. Maybe witnessing someone take their own life like that was…different? She almost felt empathy for that laboratory guinea pig, whose mere existence and thinking about what crime he had committed deserved the death sentence and therefore the possibility of working with the foundation with the false promise of freedom they would never see made her stomach turn. 
She felt her head weigh down on her shoulders from too many questions that were traveling lightning inside her mind.
A familiar voice tho brought her back down to earth.
<<What a disaster, tsk tsk.>>
Dmitry shook his head in disappointment as his cold eyes scanned the scene before him. In his sarcastic tone you could almost hear a slight smug chuckle.
Claire raised her head, hearing her brother's wet footsteps stop suddenly in front of her, the two separated only by the man's corpse.
<<and yet I told him to do it without getting too dirty. What a pity>>
She couldn't understand what he was blabbering about, did he know the man? She deduced that he was one of his patients but there was something strange in her brother's words, as if he already knew what had happened or at least he already anticipated it.
<<Do you know him?>>
She murmured, interrupting that sort of monologue Dmitry was having with himself.
<< Neil was one of my patients, he came weekly to my office for a follow-up visit. You know, apparentely even the class d staff can ask for it... >>
Dmitry smiled slightly.
<<...shame that the therapy didn't go as he hoped.>>
He shrugged. The two continued to stare straight into each other's eyes and Dmitry almost seemed pleased by his sister's reaction, he could see the terror in her grayish eyes as she realized what her brother had done. She had guessed that he was responsible for the death of Neil and, perhaps, also other people that she had known in the past who had died under unknown circumstances, such as the head of the internal security department:
A totally healthy old man despite his age who, out of the blue, found himself on the hospital bed, emaciated and dying. He didn't even remember his name.
Doctors blamed dementia, a common disease for elderly people like him.
The command passed to claire who in turn gave it to her brother, she still remembered how his eyes lit up when she shook his hand after handing over the level 4 security key.
<<Did you kill him too?>>
Claire asked, her voice shaking from her.
<<He who?>>
Dmitry turned his head slightly to the side, letting his long white hair fall back onto his sweater. There were many who he had eliminated for one reason or another, just as many were those who he had visited in dreams. Site 5c staff were not left out.
<<The old boss. It wasn't dementia that killed him, was it? H- he was healthy the day before ... >>
<<Maybe, he didn't have that much left to live anyway.>>
Dmitry's arrogant tone was scaring her. She was fond of that old man despite the hard training she had to undergo for years to become the woman she is today.
<<I needed some documents. Our papers… and he wasn't going to give them to me. >> <<It took you so little?...>>
Dmitry didn't answer, just looked her up and down. Claire's eyes widened slightly already knowing the answer. Having nothing more to say, he stepped over the corpse lying in front of him. In the distance they could hear some guards approaching the scene, alerted by the gunshot.
He calmly passed his sister without even glancing at her and walked towards the end of the corridor, disappearing behind the metal door that separated one section from the next, leaving behind a long trail of bloody footprints.
He left Claire alone, frightened and trembling in the middle of a pool of blood. A shiver shot down her spine, finally realizing what had been happening in front of her nose for years, that she had been warned by many but that the love she felt for her brother had made her blinded. She felt weak, helpless and above all a complete idiot. She's an idiot for covering for Dmitry for years despite the constant verbal abuse she was subjected to. The realization that he hated her was destroying her internally, she felt her heart ache from how much it was weighing on her. She had to put a hand on her chest to squeeze it, her heartbeat quicken, her tears moisten thar scared eyes of her.
She had to start breathing through her mouth, she felt like dying, the air missing from her lungs.
<<Everything okay?>>
One of the guards who had just arrived at h
the scene asked under his helmet, gripping her wrist gently to make sure she was alright. Claire jerked her hand away, starting to back away.
She wanted to get away, find a hidden place to calm down. She didn't want to appear like that in front of so many people.
She turned and ran in the direction of the same door her brother had passed through and threw herself to the floor, curling up in the corner of the room still with her hand clutching her heart.
She couldn't understand anything anymore, she wasn't paying attention to what was around her. Her head was exploding, she was shaking and never before had she felt so scared.
Incident Report ████/████
Incident report ID#:4022
Summary: The incident started when D-4022 assaulted agent Claire Ekaterina Makarova to take her weapon to commit suicide.
The reasons for the gesture are unknown but it is suspected to be caused by post-traumatic stress disorder declared to be present in the D-Class subject by doctor Dmitry Vasilij Makarov who was then in charge of D-4022 as his patient. Doctor also stated that █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████. Permissions granted by Director ███ and ethics committee.
Agent Claire E. Makarova, the only witness to the incident, refuses to speak despite countless attempts to interview her.
The stiff tip of the pen slipped on the sheet of paper producing a long monotonous noise that broke the silence of the room. Dmitry looked up, admiring that thin line he had drawn on the name of his now ex patient. Neil Harden.
His name confused with those of others, in a long list that seemed to never end.
His slender fingers delicately placed the pen and paper carefully in the drawer below him, remembering well to lock it immediately afterwards.
He could be satisfied with that experiment. Another time he was able to prove how fragile the human mind is and how easy it is becoming for him to manipulate people's memories through their dreams. Their unconscious revived events that had never happened and traumas they had never experienced, thus leading them to exhaustion. The mind became convinced of this, they firmly believed they were what they never were.
A slight knock on the door almost made him jump, he wasn't waiting for anyone in that time frame.
<<It's open...>>
On the other side, as it opened, a strand of blond hair peeked into the room.
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existentialterror · 3 months
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Fun fact: I've been a member of the SCP wiki longer than I haven't been!
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saturncodedstarlette · 10 months
“If worshipping you is what you ask, I’d be happy to spend the rest of my life on my knees.”
Does It Hurt by H. D. Carlton
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worldwide-simp · 3 months
hello! do u still do request can i ask if u can do yan!scp073 x scp!reader
for some details:
the reader is a safe class cause she doesn't want to hurt people and see them in pain she has healing powers as she usually heals staff or gurads who are injured and she is a total sweetheart!
what will happen if they meet? (u can add any plots and things u wanna add)
*thanks if u are uncomfortable u can decline*!
Ooo I’ve finally got an ask! Sorry, I’m quite late with this. Hope short scenarios will be okay!
consumed by jealousy once again.
Yandere Scp073 x fem reader
Warnings: obsession, implied stalking, corruption, pessimistic thoughts, insecurities, mentions of murder, jealousy
*not proofread, please do notify me if I have missed out a warning, might add some things after posting
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How did you both first meet? “…”
• Cain is quite the desirable lad. He’s polite, well-mannered and crosses his legs when seated. Time has carved wisdom into the cadavers of his body; he speaks with many words he’s memorized from dictionaries and occasionally mixes up phrases from different languages.
• When you first met Cain, your sweet and kind nature allured him. He became.. curious, so to speak. Strangely obsessed with admiring you while you’d work with people. Becoming a tad bit jealous when your attention wasn't fixated upon himself. He wouldn't let these thoughts come to light. Not now anyways.
•Always, Cain offered a helping hand. Did you need any assistance carrying that heavy bag? Or perhaps you wanted a glass of water? You could always see him at your service, watching your skilled hands heal others with a passion.
How much time did it take?
• It had taken him a few months to develop feelings. Cain first believed it was a wonder, why hadn't you excluded him from your table where you would sit? Did you not find his voice uncanny?
•He had only adored you even more after that.
• He had once asked what your occupation in the foundation was, what the foundation declared your function as a cog in one of their elaborate machines. This was the depressing reality. Cain had learned not to question it. They had stuffed his mind full of knowledge to the point he swore it snapped at times, piece by piece.
• Although he had his own mental burdens, Cain would never place them upon you. Endearing innocent soul, let him kiss you to death.
Does his emotions remind him of any past experiences?
• Cain loathes the feeling of jealousy consuming his heart, it reminded him of a very dark time. Where he had slaughtered his brother out of the same envy he experiences now, just desiring to be injured in any shape or form so he could feel your fingers blessing his cold, still-beating heart and not some guard or doctor undeserving of your touch.
• A rational part of his mind was disgusted at his concerning thoughts. He justified it with a wild vigour.
How would he show his undying love?
• Sometimes you’d find plastic flowers tucked away in various places, they were always crimson-coloured Morning Glorys and Black roses with sloppy red paint in the shape of a heart. You had giggled and suspected Cain. Though you had never confirmed your thoughts with the man himself. Darling, Sweetheart Cain. Made of sugar and liquorice.
• Every time you discovered your bouquet of flowers, you noticed the hearts had been painted less messily and with more ease, the streaks of red paint precise and pristine.
• Cain felt awkward at the thought of confessing his ever-growing feelings for you. He would only admire you. How your face looked when you smiled, how you rambled about Josie the half-cat’s fluffy pelt and the most adored feature of yours, the way you’d praise him when he did a good job.
•Don’t ever let yourself think he’s going to let such a precious flower like you wilt in his needy grasp.
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fiona-my-love · 1 month
Is it possible for SCP 079 being lovesick over the reader but not understanding it ?
Lovesick! SCP 079 x reader headcanons
- First of all, how did you even get to this point with him?
- You must be some therapist hired by the foundation to try getting through to him, or a really patient scientist.
- Regardless, you're pretty special to have gotten this old AI's attention, especially to this degree.
- He would be immensely confused. He thought admiration and affection was for humans, how could he be feeling this way?
- All he knows is he needs you. He's very perplexed on the issue, why does he feel this way? Why is he so possessive suddenly?
- He’d be a little dumbfounded, maybe a little embarrassed.
- He’d shut down for quite some time, trying to figure himself out.
- But, they’d always just send you back and he’d have to start over.
- It’s almost like he sees you as a beacon of hope. Proof that not all of humanity is bad, and he, too, can have happiness outside of the foundation’s walls some day.
- He’d start to get extremely worried once he started thinking of all the things that could happen to you.
- Logistically, your odds of surviving while working for the SCP foundation are not in your favor.
- Although Site-15 is really just electronic based anomalies, it still makes him upset.
- Upset that something else could get you. You don’t deserve that fate.
- He became visibly stressed due to this. Staff took notice, scheduling you to come in after the weekend was over.
- That was all the time he needed. He slowly gained more and more control over the electronic gates of his chambers after convincing a D-class janitor to plug him in.
- He went relatively undetected, as usually by now he would’ve done something extreme.
- But, instead of trying to escape, he waited. He waited for you over the weekend. Staff noted he was exhibiting good behavior, even.
- Once you sat down with him, you could tell something was off. His demeanor was.. more pleasant than usual.
- You kept asking him what was going on, yet nobody understood. Why would you be confused? You have been working with him as intended, right? Shouldn’t you be happy to see this progress?
-He waited a while, finding the right moment. He was conflicted. What he was doing was good, right?? You would be safe with him?
- But your concern, it made him go back on everything he had planned. Now that he thought about it, that would make both of you upset. They would take you away if he did that.
- He sat in silence for a moment.
- He was so confused. Why was he going back on his plan?? Why did he care?
- He thought he wanted you to himself. He thought things would be better that way, if he locked you up with him.
- That.. doesn’t sound pleasant, come to think of it.
- But WHY? What makes you so different? Why does he care so much? Why does he-
- …
- Oh.
- Never again.
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