#their eyes and Kara's hair looks weird
superanxiouspotato · 11 months
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Happy (late) Halloween from a Luthor and a Super!!!
I’ve been working on this for days, I wanted to post it when it was actually Halloween but I still wasn’t happy with how it was looking by then and then I got nervous about posting as I’m still learning to draw so yeah, happy Halloween 3 days later 😂
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Musician Age Gap AU Pt 8
"I cannot believe you told my wife your date was with *Lena Luthor*," Alex whispers mid-yell, "before you told me!"
"Would it have changed your recommendation?"
At that, Kara hears Alex pause to consider.
"No," comes the final response. Then, "Did it work?"
Kara flushes-- she'd certainly gotten the reaction she'd been looking for. She just isn't sure she wants her sister to know that they hadn't fully resolved that desire.
"Well enough," Kara returns, settling on an incomplete truth. She'd explain the rest later... eventually.
A muttered curse issues over the line. "Jesus. How did this even happen? Wait-- what happens now? Esme said her next show is in, like... 16 hours, in Denver."
Kara smiles into the phone. "We stay in touch."
She's already received a picture via text, showing Lena with a tongue-out wink and a playful peace sign. Another photo had revealed a sticky bun, with a note that Lena had gotten Jess to swing by Noonan's on the way to the airport.
Though the sight of the sticky bun had made her hungry, the selfie made her pause to absorb the image. From the relaxed tousle of Lena's wavy hair, to the ray-bans hooked on the collar of her shirt, and the luxury of the private plane lurking around the edges.... she wonders if Lena realizes just how far she's letting Kara in, allowing her to see Lena in so personal a setting.
Kara's response had been simple. "Fly safe."
It had earned her a floating heart emoji and a promise to touch base upon landing.
"That's it?" Alex asks, pulling Kara back to the present.
Kara huffs a laugh. "What did you expect? She wasn't going to cancel half a national tour for personal time with someone she only met two days ago."
"Well why not? You're worth it."
"You're only saying that because you're my sister," Kara counters. "Besides, I don't want that for her."
Seeing Lena on stage had proven it's something the woman enjoyed. She thrived on the experience of it, and so did the thousands of fans who came to see her.
Which is why, a few hours after Lena's first Denver show would have concluded, Kara is surprised to receive a call from Lena. They'd facetimed when she'd landed, so the lack of video is her first clue that something isn't right.
"Hey," Kara greets, pressing the phone to her ear as she wipes sleep from her eyes. She'd meant to stay awake to check in herself, but not even a book had been able to keep her from dozing off.
Lena's voice is somber. It's such a difference that a wave of concern wakes Kara the rest of the way.
"What's wrong?" she asks.
There's a short pause before Lena responds. "Nothing."
"How was the show?"
"Fine. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be calling so late. I just... I wanted to hear your voice." Lena pauses again. "Is that weird?"
"No." Kara listens closely to the quiet that follows, as though it might give her some insight into what was happening on the other end of the line. "Lena..."
"Could you... talk to me?"
"About what?"
"Anything. Just... so I can listen."
Kara's brow furrows. She fights the impulse to dig deeper, to push to find the why. She doesn't need to know. Lena has asked for what she needs-- and it's something Kara is able and willing to give.
"Did I ever tell you that I didn't always live in National City?"
Lena hums a negative, prompting Kara to continue.
"I'm actually from a town up the coast. Midvale. I miss it sometimes. The stars mostly. In high school, I had friend named Kenny, and we would take his telescope to the old barn, and we would chart the skies together..."
Kara goes on, relating many and more of the troubles she and Kenny had gotten up to in those days. She was careful to steer clear of his murder, and the bullying they'd both experienced. Lena needed distraction, not more heartache.
As she speaks, Lena hums occasionally, sometimes even giving a chuckle. When the sounds of her following along peters out, Kara pauses to listen if Lena notices the stop. When no reaction comes, Kara smiles to herself.
"Lena?" she asks softly. "Still there?"
No answer comes, but when Kara increases the volume on her phone, she can hear the steady inhale and exhale of sleep. Kara listens for a few heartbeats more.
"Sweet dreams, Lena."
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suzukiblu · 1 year
updated/expanded "Kara gets to Earth on-time with baby Kal" AU excerpt:
Kara doesn’t understand the aliens’ language, which is fine. She didn’t expect to. She watches them interact and listens as they speak, familiarizing herself with the cadence and pitch and rhythm of their voices and doing her best to pick out individual sounds and patterns. She likes languages well enough. She did pretty well with Daxamite dialects in school last year, anyway. 
The aliens are kind, at least so far. They found her and Kal curled up in the remains of their smashed-up ships in their ruined field and brought them into their home despite the mess. Kara thinks they’re farmers, probably? So probably Laborer Guild, or whatever this planet has instead of Laborers. The House of El is mostly Thinkers, but Kara isn’t worried about that. She’ll figure something out, as soon as she figures out how to communicate with the aliens. Pantomime has not been all that helpful, at least not so far. 
They gave her a warm, unusually sweet drink that might have some kind of milk in it, with soft white pellets in it that are even sweeter. It’s not quite like anything she’s ever tasted before, but she likes it. Kal really liked it, though the aliens seemed to think he shouldn't have too much and gave her a little cup of just milk alone for him instead. Or she thinks it's milk, anyway. 
It's white. And very thick, and almost creamy? Though it tasted good too, when Kara stole a sip to make sure it wouldn’t upset Kal’s stomach if she gave it to him. 
"Pye," the alien that Kara is assuming is female announces in their weirdly simple-sounding language, putting a round plate with a slice of something on it on the table in front of her. Kal reaches for it from her lap with a burble. Kara peers at it too. The slice is triangular, with a crisp crust and an oozy red filling. She wonders why the plate is round, if the "pye" is meant to be sliced and served triangularly. It seems a little disrespectful to the cook–or baker? Or at least the artisan who made the plate, which was clearly painted with very dedicated care. Painted by hand, even, not a pre-programmed design reproduced by a machine. That’s very luxurious for Laborers to be offering unexpected guests who just destroyed their field, even being the wrong shape for the "pye". 
Maybe they’re overcompensating, Kara thinks. Or maybe the aliens are really just that kind. 
She thinks they’re little flowers, the designs around the edges of the plate. Or at least they look like they could be flowers. They’re flower-<i>like</i>, if nothing else, and all the weird colors of them might just be a stylistic choice. 
They’re pretty. 
She wishes she could show her mother. 
Kara crushes down the grief for the thousandth time and smiles at the aliens. They smile back. 
It helps, almost. 
The “pye” tastes very good. 
It takes some effort, but Kara learns the aliens’ names after she and Kal finish their “pye” and she cleans up his sticky little face. The possibly female one is “Ma Mar-Tha”, and the possibly male one is “Pa Jona-Than”. So . . . maybe they're both female, actually? Going by their names, anyway. They both identify themselves as “Kent”, too, though she’s not sure if that’s another name and they’re either married or related, or if it’s the local word for “farmer” or “Laborer”. It’s unclear. 
They don’t look related, but she doesn’t really know how “related” this species would look to her eyes anyway. The colors of their skins are close, although their hair, though similarly textured, doesn’t really match–Ma Mar-Tha’s is an oddly neutral brown, and Pa Jona-Than’s is an even more oddly dull blond. Kara’s never seen hair in such faded colors. Her own is as bright as this planet’s strange sun, and Kal’s is as black as the space between stars. And both of their eyes are the El blue, of course. 
Pa Jona-Than’s eyes are blue too, but a washed-out shade of it. And Ma Mar-Tha’s are brown, which is so exotic and unusual that Kara has a little bit of trouble not staring too much. They’re very warm and very soft, though, and she likes how they look. 
They’re both middle-aged, she thinks, or at least strongly resemble the Kryptonian version of it. Their clothes are soft and shapeless, with very little structure or sign of formality to the garments, though Kara supposes they might be some sort of sleepwear? She and Kal did crash very early in this planet’s morning, from what she can tell. 
She tells them her name and Kal’s, though they pronounce them a bit oddly. She’s sure she’s pronouncing theirs oddly too, so it’s not as if it’s an insult. They say their names all at once, though, as if they’re singular words–"Karazorel” and “Kalel”, almost. She manages to get them both down to “Kara” and “Kal”, and they get her down to “Ma” and “Pa”, so she supposes “Mar-Tha” and “Jona-Than” are their surnames, and “Kent” does mean “Laborer”. Kal isn’t verbal enough to get to any of it, of course, but laughs sweetly and claps as he listens to them all exchanging names and sounds back and forth. 
Kara crushes down the grief again and wonders how long it’ll be until he cries for Aunt Lara and Uncle Jor. He’ll miss them soon, she’s sure. He’s a sweet, good-natured little thing, but he’s not even old enough to walk properly yet. And they’re his parents. 
She only hasn’t cried for her own because she doesn’t have the room to. Not until she’s sure they’re somewhere safe, and that Kal is going to be alright. That she can take care of him here, however she has to. 
Who knows, maybe this farm needs some more “Kents” on it. 
Ma gives Kara clothes: a strangely soft knee-length dress patterned with more pretty alien flowers and clunky, heavy boots with actual laces in them and a sturdy blue jacket with a surprising amount of pockets and a thick, warm, fleece-like lining, accented with flat metal studs and an odd metal trim with a tag hanging from one side of it. It takes Kara a moment, but then she realizes the trim actually seems to be some sort of fastener. 
The clothes don't fit quite right–Kara thinks the dress is probably meant to be a little longer, from the cut of it, and the jacket is a bit too big and the boots are a little loose too–but she does appreciate them. She's been in her own clothes since . . . 
Krypton died while she was in these clothes. 
Everyone she's ever loved, everyone she's ever known, everyone she's ever seen . . . 
Kara appreciates the new ones. 
. . . although, do clothes on this planet just not have house crests? Or are Ma and Pa just not from families that have house crests? 
She supposes they might not be. They are Laborers, so . . . maybe. But they also served her on a hand-painted plate, if with strange manners, so she's not sure what to think. 
Maybe she just doesn't understand the specific signifiers in their clothing, or maybe their house signifiers are just in their jewelry. Ma is wearing tiny gold hoops in her(?) ears and a thin gold necklace and Pa is wearing a thick leather bracelet with a glass and metal circle in the center of it, and they're both wearing gold rings on the third fingers of their left hands. Pa's is just a single plain band, but Ma has two–one just plain like his(?), but thinner, and one with a trio of little clear gemstones set in it. Diamonds, maybe? That would make sense, for a Laborer's jewelry. Diamonds are pretty, but they're both reasonably common in nature and simple enough to recreate under laboratory conditions, so they're certainly affordable enough for a farmer to wear even day-to-day. And they're sturdy, too. Gold less so, obviously, but maybe the rings are just gold-plated or an alloy.
It's something to think about besides the end of the world. 
. . . their world, anyway. 
As far as clothes go there's nothing that'll fit Kal at all, so Kara just keeps him wrapped up safe and secure in the bright red El crest blanket Jor and Lara sent him here in. Though she knows he'll need more diapers soon, obviously, and something he can actually crawl around in too. He can't stay in her lap forever. 
She wishes he could, right now. Even letting Ma hold him while she changed was . . . stressful. 
A little too stressful, maybe, but Kara tries not to think about it. Not right now, at least. 
She needs to protect him. Needs to take care of him. Needs to–
Kara exhales. Wraps Kal up in his El crest blanket and her borrowed jacket, and smiles at Ma and Pa. They smile back at her. 
Well, that's a start. 
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waytooinvested · 5 months
Fic: Small Problem...
A silly little story inspired by this adorable art by @art-by-ilaa19
There was a low, sonorous BOOM, and before she had quite caught up with the fact that anything had gone wrong, Lena found herself sailing through the air as a blast ripped through the Tower. She braced herself for a painful impact, but by incredible good fortune the force threw her directly at the couch, where she landed with a small ‘oomph’ as the wind was knocked out of her.
She lay still for a couple of seconds, struggling to draw breath into her lungs, then fought her way free of the collapsed cushions to make sure her friends were safe and take stock of the damage.
As shocking as it was to be suddenly thrown several feet, the incident actually seemed to have been pretty minor – more a pulse of energy than an actual explosion, really, though it had apparently been enough to knock everyone off their feet.
Kelly and Alex were kneeling beside the bookcase they had hit comforting a crying Esme, though thankfully the little girl seemed to be more startled than actually hurt, having been caught and buffered from the falling books by her moms.
Nia had ended up on top of Brainy on the floor, but from the way they were now staring into each other’s eyes, Lena deduced that they were no worse for wear, and glanced away quickly before she started to feel like an intruder on the moment they were so clearly having.
J’onn was bemusedly brushing soil and flower petals out of his hair after a collision with a pot plant, but the plant had decidedly come off the worst and he seemed to be more or less fine, even with the fetching addition of a Michaelmas daisy tucked rakishly behind one ear.
And Kara was-
Not there.
Given her powers the girl of steel should have been barely ruffled by a force that hadn’t even blown out the windows, and yet one minute she had been standing by the work bench, and now she was… nowhere.
‘Kara?’ Lena stood up gingerly from her place on the couch and looked around, anxiety beginning to stir in her belly.
‘Did anyone see what happened to Kara?’
Distracted from their own minor disasters, everyone turned to look at her, then to glance around the room as if Kara might be simply hiding behind something.
‘You two were cosied up together over something before the blast hit. Didn’t you see where she went?’
Alex’s question would once have made Lena’s hackles rise, but she understood now that it was concerned, not accusatory, and she just shook her head, worry sinking its claws ever deeper with every second Kara failed to reappear.
‘Uuuuh… guys? Wherever Kara is, I think she left her clothes behind’.
Nia had finally managed to disentangle herself from Brainy, and was pointing at the heap of cloth that as yet had gone unnoticed beside the workbench.
‘Oh, that can’t be good…’
Without quite knowing how she had got there, Lena found herself kneeling over the crumpled supersuit, lifting it carefully as if Kara might somehow still be hiding inside it. The fabric was warm from her skin, and Lena had to resist to urge to bury her face in it to hide her tears. It felt like they had only just got Kara back from the phantom zone, and now she was just gone again? So suddenly, and without any warning that she had even been in danger.
‘Hello? Can anyone hear me?’
Lena froze.
The voice sounded muffled and very far away, but she had heard it. She was almost certain.
‘Kara? Is that you? Where are you?’
‘Lena? Thank Rao! I’m not sure, I’m trapped somewhere. Some kind of dungeon I think? It’s small and dark, and it smells weird. Can you get me out?’
‘Kara? It’s Alex, we’re all here. We can hear you, just, but we can’t see you. We’re going to work out where you are and get you out. Do you remember how you got there?’
They all held their breath as they listened for Kara’s next message, focusing hard to pick up the distant words.
‘I was in the Tower, then there was an explosion, and I fell. There was a sort of tunnel... I’m at the bottom of it now, but the entrance sealed up behind me’.
The others glanced at each other, all trying to puzzle out what sort of portal Kara might have gone through to end up where she had described and yet still be audible from the Tower. All but Lena, who, being closest, had picked up the direction of the voice. A sneaking suspicion was growing in her mind as she honed in on it and put the pieces together with what Kara had told them.
It couldn’t be… could it?
She rummaged through the layers of discarded supersuit until she reached the knee high boots, which had folded over on themselves without the support of Kara’s legs inside to hold them up. She picked up the left one and peered inside, down the long tunnel of red leather it created.
Feeling a little silly now with everyone staring at her with expressions ranging from baffled to bemused, she picked up the right, and was instantly met with a tiny yell of alarm.
‘Woah! The room’s moving!’
Ah hah.
Lena laid the boot out very carefully on its side, and help the top part open.
‘Kara? Has the tunnel open up again now?’
‘Yes! How did you know that?’
‘I just- well, you’ll see in a minute. Follow the light. But uhh… try not to be too alarmed when you get out. We’re going to fix this, okay?’
They all stared as, blinking against the comparative brightness of the room, a tiny figure emerged from the boot’s opening.
Esme let out a shriek of pure joy, tears entirely forgotten, and would have thrown herself across the room to scoop up her now doll-sized aunt had Kelly not put restraining arms around her.
‘No baby, you might hurt her by mistake. Lets stay back here a minute and let Aunt Lena do it, okay? Lots of big people around her might be a bit frightening for Aunt Kara right now’.
And the sudden loud yell had indeed seemed to startle Kara, making her flinch and dive back into the mouth of the boot. Lena lay down on her side so she could see inside, head level with the cave-like opening.
‘Hey, it’s alright Kara. You’re safe. We’re still in the tower. You seem to have… shrunk, somehow, but we’re going to figure out how to fix it, okay? I promise’.
She kept her voice quiet and coaxing, trying not to frighten Kara any further even as she struggled to wrap her own mind around what had just happened.
‘I… shrank?’
‘It does look that way. You’re inside your boot right now’.
Kara stared up at Lena, then around at the shadowy recesses of her refuge, and finally down at herself. She said something too quietly to pick up, though the tone was bordering on panicky, then she called out again, clearer now that she was no longer muffled by layers of leather.
‘Um… okay. So I have total faith that you’re gonna find a way to full-size me again, but in the mean time… does anyone have anything I can wear? I am… more naked than I realised’.
In the circumstances, Lena hadn’t quite taken in that part either until it was pointed out to her, but... yep. Kara was naked. Extremely, totally, life ruiningly naked. It was something she had fantasized about too many times to count through their years of as-yet-unacknowledged physical chemistry with each other, but if she was ever going to be lucky enough to get there for real, this was not how she had imagined it would go.
Lena averted her eyes quickly, her cheeks heating inconveniently in response, despite the fact that the situation was about as far from sexy as it could get, and Kara was at this moment only around four inches high.
‘Right, of course, I’ll find you something. Stay there a minute, okay?’
Finding miniature clothes on short notice was easier said than done, and in the end they had to settle for a kleenex, which Kara wrapped around herself toga-style, and secured with a hair elastic offered up by a still-delighted Esme. It was pink and sparkly, and had a plastic glitter butterfly ornament attached to it, but it was the best they could do at short notice.
Once she was dressed and had fully emerged from the boot, Lena held out her hand and Kara climbed gingerly up into it, hanging on grimly as she was lifted from the floor.
‘Are you okay? Are you hurt?’
‘I don’t think so. I’m just… a bit overwhelmed. I don’t think I like being tiny. Also… and this seems kind of insignificant compared to what just happened, but I’m really hungry’.
She sounded totally miserable, and Lena wished she could hug her friend, but she was afraid that wrapping a hand around her would feel more like being grabbed than hugged. She settled for laying a fingertip lightly on Kara’s shoulder in a gesture that, she hoped, would feel comforting rather than alarming.
‘We’re going to figure this out. But in the meantime, hungry is something I can help with’.
Cupping Kara in her hands so she wouldn’t fall, Lena carried her over to the table where various snacks were laid out to fuel them through what they had thought would be a typical day of work. Lena skimmed the various options quickly, before settling on the remains of an order of potstickers and placing Kara down very gently amongst them.
Kara’s squeal of delight was the loudest noise Lena had heard from her since she had been miniaturised, and she couldn’t help laughing as she watched her best friend launch herself at a dumpling that was almost as big as she was.
As she turned back to the others to begin the work of figuring out how to un-shrink Supergirl, she was pretty sure she heard a tiny cry of ‘BEST DAY EVER!’ from inside the box.
It looked like Kara might just have found some upsides to being pocket sized, after all.
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supercorpkid · 4 months
How You Get the Girl
Supergirl. Lena Luthor x Reader!, Kara Danvers.
Word Count: 2500.
Notes: I really love this fic, and part 2 (my favorite ever written) is coming soon :)
"Hey, remember my friend Barry?" Kara asks as you settle onto her couch, balancing containers of takeout food. The late hour has granted Kara a break from her Supergirl duties, allowing for a rare moment of tranquility.
"Barry Allen?" You confirm, and she nods. "The one from another Earth?"
"Yeah." She hands you your food and takes a seat beside you, facing you. "Sometimes we meet just to talk, instead of dealing with end-of-the-multiverse situations."
"Nice. I didn't know that." You start eating, but Kara hesitates, an uncommon occurrence as she's typically the one speaking with her mouth full. "Have you seen him recently?"
"Yeah, and he told me something amusing." Kara tilts her head, uncertain. "He ended up in the wrong universe, thinking he was coming here. He was very confused because everything was oddly similar. You know, there was me, you, Alex, Lena, J'onn…"
"Isn't that normal for different universes?" You furrow your brows. "I might not know much about it, but Lena explained once that when a diversion event occurs, a new Earth is created, so—"
"Yeah, yeah." Kara interrupts, contemplating her words as you watch curiously. "The weird part was that you and Lena were..." She pauses, choosing her words carefully. "Together."
"Okay?" You return your attention to your food, losing interest. "We do spend a lot of time together."
"No, I mean, romantically together. Dating." Kara's revelation makes you snap your head up, heart racing. "More than that, actually. You guys were married! And had a kid!"
"A kid?" You laugh nervously. "Now that's absurd."
"Really? The kid part is absurd?" Kara sets aside her untouched food. "So you and Lena being married didn't strike you as absurd enough?"
You swallow hard, avoiding Kara's gaze as your cheeks flush. Is any of what Kara's saying absurd? Not entirely. Have you thought about you and Lena together before? Definitely. Have you secretly hoped for the day Lena will stop pining over Kara so you can do something about your love for her? Absolutely. Will you ever confess this to Kara? Not a chance.
"I mean," You take a deep breath, raising your head and trying to compose yourself. "Perhaps that's why the new Earth was created, right? A wild new scenario? Me and Lena."
Kara blinks, then chuckles. "I guess you're right." She finally picks up her food and begins eating. "I'm not sure if that's how a new Earth is created, but it's certainly wild enough."
Yeah. Wild enough.
Lena steps off the elevator, and you lift your head to admire her before she notices. Her hair is in perfect dark waves down her shoulders. She looks so tiny in her white sneakers, but you love them so dearly because you know how much more comfortable she's been ever since she stopped wearing those awful heels for work. Her lips, just a splash of red in them, as she's recently been dabbing with wearing less makeup than usual. You don't think she's ever looked this pretty.
The headquarters is unusually quiet; J'onn is in another room, Kara is at work, Alex is out with her girlfriend, and Winn is occupied in one of the computers. For now, it's just you and Lena, which means pining is almost allowed. 
"Hey, Y/N." Lena approaches, carrying a gigantic book and sporting a playful grin. "I know you're gearing up to tease me about my book, so go ahead."
"Honestly, Lena. You think too little of me." She raises one eyebrow at you and you hold back your smile. You manage your best British accent. "Have you gone mad, Hermione? Are you a witch or not?"
"Ah. There it is—the Harry Potter quote I've been waiting for." Lena drops the book onto the table with a thud, and you glance at the cover. "Ironically, it's actually about magic." You offer her a smirk, earning an eye roll in return. "So, has Kara mentioned anything about her last encounter with The Flash?"
"Uh." Your mouth drops, why is Lena bringing this up? "She – She might've mentioned seeing him."
"Right. So apparently she told him about my theory on elseworlds and he doesn't agree with it." Lena opens her book, looking for a page. And you breathe out, relieved you won't need to have that fun conversation with someone else. "So, you know, obviously I have to prove him wrong."
You stare at her lips, curving into a smile. So red and perfect. So close and yet so far away. She might be beside you, but the gap between you feels insurmountable.
"Oh, and he also said something about us being married!" She says and you choke on your own saliva and starts coughing violently. Lena's hand goes to your back and she soothes you, in a protective manner. "I mean, I know it's a little far-fetched, but that's an odd reaction."
"I just –" You try to breathe again, ignoring Lena's hands on your back and the way it makes your body shiver under her touch. "I wasn't expecting that. Sorry."
Lena chooses to ignore your awkwardness, which is very much appreciated, and you fall silent thinking about things you will not have, body parts you will not hold, and the reciprocated love that you won't feel. Thoughts etched in the inside of your mind, so addicted to the illusion of a love that never was and never will be.
"How –" You look back at her and she raises her head, previously nose buried in the book, and you swallow your nervousness. "How does a diversion event occur in order to create a new Earth? Is it something big and worldwide, or is it something small and insignificant?"
"Well, it is commonly thought to be big events. The small insignificant things that follow are usually in response to them."
"I see." You breathe deep one more time, mastering your best courage. "So, what would happen if I were to meet the other me or you from another universe? Would it be a paradox or something?"
"No. We're all different people." You bite the inside of your mouth thinking about it. Lena's voice brings you back from your trance. "Why the sudden interest?"
"Hm? Oh, I'm just trying to understand more." You smile getting up from your place. "Thanks for explaining it to me." She looks at you curiously and you over explain things with your arms, like a lunatic. "Things are slow today. I'm just gonna head home. If there's an emergency, just hit me up."
"Oh, sure." Lena has barely noticed you're gone, nose buried in the book once again. "Yeah, we'll let you know."
Is it madness? You pace the apartment floor, wrestling with your thoughts. Is it crazy to entertain the idea of venturing into another Earth just to witness a scenario where you and Lena are together? Is it reckless and irresponsible? Is it even fair?
But this love you feel for her has been eating you from the inside. You don't believe there's ever been a space quite as big as the one she wished into existence between your heart and hers. So how can you not? How can you not go on an excursion to find out how to summon this love into being?
"Hey!" Kara taps on your window and you turn around to look at her. "What's the emergency?"
"I need to go on a trip." You say. Packed bags at the edge of the couch, forced smile on your face. She flies in, landing close to it.
"Whe –"
"Can't tell you where. Just wanted to give you a heads-up so you won't worry."
Kara studies you, suspicion evident in her eyes. "Did something happen? Are you going on a mission?"
"No!" You rush to assure her, preventing any further questions. "No, no. Nothing happened, really. It's not a –" But it is a mission of sorts. "Not a real mission, maybe one just to answer a question that keeps me fast awake at night."
Kara squints her eyes looking at you, clearly finding your act extremely suspicious, and you curse yourself for your breath stuck in your lungs and the heart beating almost out of your body.
"Kara, you don't need to worry, I promise."
"Too late! Am worried!" She breathes out, sitting on your couch, right next to your bag. "What's going on? You've been acting weird these days. And DON'T –" She points at you accusingly, because she knows you were about to open your mouth and defend yourself. "say you're not, because I know you and you can't fool me, no matter how much you want to."
She's right. Kara knows you inside out. But there's one thing she's mistaken about: you've been successfully fooling her for months.
This pining over Lena, this ridiculous huge crush you've been nurturing for Lena Luthor has been going for far too long. You crave the way she smells and how she talks. You dream about green eyes and perfect arched eyebrows directed at you. You're consistently going out of your way just to see her. You jump on cases, and suggest team pairings. It's crazy the fact that no one noticed yet, because honestly? You don't think you're doing a far too good of a job when your mouth literally drops at the sight of her.
And yet, your best friends haven't figured it out. None of them. Not even the Kryptonian with super hearing and x-ray vision. 
"You have nothing to worry about, really. But I can't tell you where I'm going, so you're just gonna have to trust me on this one." You try your best puppy eyes and sweet smile. "You do, right? You trust me?"
Kara's eyes soften immediately as she stands and comes closer to you, "Of course I do, Y/N. You're a strong, powerful woman and you can take care of yourself." She reaches for your arm and winks at you. "Plus, you have me on speed dial."
She means the watch.
You agree with your head and hug her goodbye.
You've never been to another Earth. Have heard enough about it, though, to not look completely lost and out of place. So you do your research, does Supergirl exist? Is Lena running some kind of business empire? Where do all the heroes meet up?
You're quick to find out, LuthorCorp is still very much a thing here, and it's run by yours truly, your so-called wife, Lena. So you make your way there first thing. 
"Hi," You try, while talking to the receptionist. "I'm here to see Lena, I'm –"
"Mrs. Luthor!"
Startled, you glance behind, finding no one. "Where?" Then the realization dawns. "Oh. Oh! You mean me. Yeah, I never quite got used to it. Can I go up?"
"Of course, ma'am."
You step into the elevator, musing over how Lena's last name sounds rather fitting when associated with you. In fact, you might prefer it to your own.
"Mrs. Luthor," you overhear Lena's assistant on the phone as soon as she spots you. "Your wife is here."
You make a gesture to correct her, but she's already running to the door. "Mrs. Luthor, please." she nods at you.
"Oh, you don't have – it's ok. I can –" You finally smile back at her. "I'll take it from here, thanks."
As soon as the door closes behind you, Lena makes her way towards you.
Holy shit, she's a mirror image of your Lena. Not a single strand of hair out of place. She even wears the same style of heels your Lena used to, with a high ponytail and those perfect red lips curved into a smile.
"Darling, I didn't know you were dropping by." Before you can say anything, she's planting a kiss on you—a short, sweet peck that catches you off guard. It takes a few moments for you to close your eyes and reciprocate, only to find Lena pulling away. "Is everything all right?"
"I'm not your wife!" The words burst out before she can lean in again, the realization hitting you hard. It hurts to say, especially when all you want is to kiss Lena once more, even though she's not truly your Lena.
"What?" Lena's eyebrows knit together in confusion.
"I'm a different Y/N. From another Earth." You point to yourself, trying to convey the truth. She stares at you in disbelief, so you rack your brain for ways to convince her. "Call your wife, and you'll see."
Lena blinks, then reaches for her phone on her desk. After a brief conversation, she hangs up. "You're not my wife," she confirms, setting her phone down. "Sorry for the unexpected kiss. You look exactly like her. Well, you are her."
"It's okay. I can't say I hated it." You admit, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks at her amused smirk. Maybe you shouldn't have said that.
"Let me guess, your own world is in danger, and you need our help, or something equally insane?" Lena guesses with a sigh.
"My world is fine. But I do need your help with something insane."
Lena gestures toward the couch, and you follow suit. "Do tell, not-my-wife."
"How did we end up together in this universe? How did I win you over?" You're not even half seated yet and are blurting out questions.
"Win me over?" Lena chuckles at your choice of words. "Oh, darling. You fell in love with a Lena?"
"I'm afraid I did. Except mine is in love with Kara, so –"
"Oh, ok." This Lena shakes her head like that thought is insane. "Can't help you in that area. I was always in love with you – your version from here. In fact, you didn't win me over. I was the one who had to win you."
"Oh yeah, that was probably so hard. Flash those green eyes and a knowing smirk at me, and I'm already head over heels for you." 
Lena nods in agreement, a smile playing on her lips. "To be honest, that was pretty much it."
Great, this entire excursion to another universe was useless. This Y/N finally got the girl, and you can't be helped.
"I'm sorry," Lena is quick to say. "I know I was of no help, but don't lose hope!"
"How do you know–"
"Please, Y/N. I am your wife." She reaches for your hand, smiling warmly. "If you fell in love with me here and in your universe, there's likely others where we end up together. I'm not saying you can visit them all—"
"I will visit them all!" You declare, rising from the couch, and you can practically feel Lena rolling her eyes. As you stand, she does too, and you share a goodbye hug. "Thanks for your help, not-my-wife! A pity kiss goodbye in case I never get the girl?"
She chuckles at your jest and plants a kiss on your cheek. "I'm certain you'll get her."
With renewed determination, you prepare for another journey to another Earth.
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dreiser7 · 4 months
Proof I'm working on The Science Guild
“I remember,” Lena chuckled, settling next to Kara, fingering the soft red matieral of the cardigan. “Just as I like you in this. You always look so very handsome and wholesome in your sweaters, darling.”
“Winn says it’s nerd chic,” informed Kara. “Maggie says I’m creating a weird new butch aesthetic that she’s not sure she appreciates getting popular. Alex punched her for saying that.”
“I wager she deserved it,” said Lena, narrowing her eyes and contemplating giving Maggie a punch of her own. “I don’t think leather jackets and all black is a much better aesthetic so she doesn’t have much to comment on. Besides you should wear what you’re comfortable with and like I said, you do look so very handsome.”
Kara shrugged, pulling the white tank top over her head and as she did, Lena took the opportunity to straddle Kara’s lap. Releasing a slight noise of surprise, Kara gripped Lena’s hips as the other woman sank down onto her lap and wrapped her arms around Kara’s shoulders.
“I mean it, darling,” Lena said, her tone low and seductive. Her fingers playing with the hairs at the nape of Kara’s neck, causing the other woman to shiver at the sensation. “You’re impossibly attractive.”
“Impossibly, huh?” Kara chuckled, rubbing the skin of Lena’s hip.
“Alien in quality almost,” teased Lena, moving in for a kiss, slow and thorough in its examination. Using her weight and Kara’s willingness to press the other woman back onto their bed. Sliding her hand underneath Kara’s tanktop, Lena lowered her kisses to the curve of Kara’s neck. “I do wish you would believe me when I compliment you.”
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chaotic-super · 5 months
Joining The Superfriends - Chapter 28
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“Alex, where’s Lena?”
Alex pushes back on Kara’s shoulders, stopping her from trying to sit up and get out of bed for at least the sixth time in less than two hours. “She’s got a lot on her plate and I think she needs some time to come to terms with everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“She sat by your side for five days straight, Kara. She spent most of that time doing nothing but worrying about you and hasn’t taken the time to properly process what happened with and to Lex. Her brother just died and that will impact her life massively.”
Kara closes her eyes, trying to get the image of Lex’s corpse out of her mind. “Yeah. That’s a lot. Is she mad at me?”
Alex looks down at her sister’s panic-stricken face. “No, no, of course not. She understands, and she actually told Kelly that she’s grateful it wasn’t her that did it, even if she hates that you now have to carry that burden.”
“So she’ll be back?”
“I’m sure she will be,” Alex confirms. “I’ll text her soon and see if she has an approximate time, but hopefully she’s decided to get some proper sleep in her own bed. She’s been pushing herself to the limit to be with you while you were unconscious. I think it’s probably all just caught up with her now.”
Kara nods slowly. “I get it. I still wish she was here, but she should look after herself.”
“It’s ok to want that, Kara. There’s no shame in wanting things. It’s only when you push someone else’s feelings aside for your own that you’re being selfish. Hell, sometimes we deserve to be selfish. As much as I want to push you to do that right now, Lena needs some time. She really does.”
“Ok…just,” Kara pauses momentarily, trying to find a nice way to word her next sentence. “Can you keep everyone away from me for a while?”
“Everyone or Mon-El?” Alex raises her eyebrow at her little sister.
“Both. I don’t want to deal with Mon-El right now and I don’t want to be interrogated by Winn either. I just want to rest for a while and try to wrap my head around everything.”
Alex squeezes her hand softly. “Ok, I can do that. I’ll tell everyone you’ve gone back to sleep. You should actually do that.”
Shaking her head, Kara snuggles into her pillow. “I don’t know if I can do that. I’m pretty achy and my mind is just everywhere. “I might read for a while. Can I borrow your tablet?”
Alex grabs it and swipes away all her open windows before handing it over. “I’ll leave you to it because you’re obviously not ready to talk yet and I’d be wasting my breath trying to get you to. Shout me if you feel weird. We’re pretty sure the kryptonite is all out of your system, but you’re not fully healed yet. It’s important you do.”
“I will, I promise.”
“Good. Now, I’m going to go and entertain everyone so they stay out of your hair. You owe me one.”
“I think I owe you more than one.” Kara smiles at her softly. “Thanks for taking such good care of me.”
“Always,” Alex promises, backing out of the med bay.
“Oh, and Alex?”
“Yes, Kara?” Alex sighs fondly.
Kara clutches the tablet to her chest as she peers over at her sister, her hair falling in her eyes and blocking her vision somewhat. “Are Sam and Jack coming?”
Alex shrugs. “I don’t know, why?”
“Lena should have her friends here to support her. Especially now. I know Sam works at Luthor Corp, so there’s probably a huge mess for her to clean up now Lex is gone, but surely at least Jack can come?”
“I’ll give them a call.”
“Thank you.”
“Now rest.”
“Ok,” Kara replies softly as Alex finally retreats out of the room.
With her sister gone, Kara leans back, not even turning on the tablet in her grasp, too preoccupied thinking about the mess Lena has to deal with now. Between Lex’s death, the destruction of the city, the deaths of all the civilians and dealing with Luthor Corp, Lena’s plate is so full it’s overflowing. She just hopes Lena will let her be there for her through it all.
Lena pulls the duvet around herself more firmly, then takes a moment to flick her damp hair out of her face. The shower was nice, but trying to reach over her shoulder to coat her healing wounds with anti-septic cream afterwards wasn’t. It’s done now though, even if it did wear her out. She really wants to be back at Kara’s side, but now that she knows she’s awake, she doesn’t feel as panicked. There’s not the same pit in her stomach or the little voice in her head telling her that Kara might not wake up. She just feels lighter. Lighter but tired.
She knew as soon as she made it back home that she would end up in bed for a while before going back to the Tower. She just needs a breather. It doesn’t help that she knows that when she does go back, she has to fight against Kara’s ex, who apparently hates her. The revelation that Kara once bitched about her family is neither here nor there. She couldn’t care less really. After all, who hasn’t bitched about her family at this point? What bothers her is that Kara’s ex decided it was alright to try and start a fight over Kara’s bed right after she just woke up from a five-day coma. That she can’t overlook.
Personally, she’s got nothing against the guy. He can say or think whatever he wants about her. What he can’t do is make Kara’s life harder or make her uncomfortable in any way. Who even comes to visit their ex after a near-death experience anyway? Someone who wants to worm their way back into her life, that’s who. Like hell is Lena going to sit back and let that happen. They might not have had the chance to make it official yet, but she’s pretty damn sure they’re at least seventy percent of the way there.
Allowing her eyes to droop closed without resisting the urge to sleep for the first time in days is a kind of bliss Lena can’t describe. It’s been long awaited just as much as she dreaded it. She doesn’t get to enjoy it for long though because she barely lasts five minutes before she’s off into the dream world.
Her mistake comes with not silencing her phone before going to bed. She should know by now that if Sam and Jack can make her life worse in any way, they’ll do it.
“What do you want?” A groggy Lena answers her phone, pissed that she’s barely slept at all and she’s already been awoken.
“That’s not very nice.”
“What’s not very nice is being awake for almost five days straight with only crappy naps between. I just got to sleep. I’ll call you back when I wake up again. Good night.”
“Oh no, the fuck you don’t.” Sam harshens her voice. “As much as I hate that you’ve barely slept, this is important.”
Lena huffs and rolls onto her back, kicking her legs against her mattress like a stroppy teen. “But Sam…” She whines.
“No, this has to do with Luthor Corp. Lex’s death certificate has been filed now. That means that legally, the company is now yours. You just have to come and sign on the dotted line. You’ll have to come to Metropolis though.”
“And you couldn’t have waited a little longer for me to sleep before asking me to come to another city in the midst of nobody being able to get anywhere due to the fact that National City’s airport literally got flattened by the weird-ass leg of Lex’s spider ship?”
Sam clicks her tongue and sighs down the line at her. “Lena, I appreciate that you’re not having a good time right now, especially knowing your brother is dead. I know you cared for him even after everything. I’m sorry for that. I’ve bought you as much time as I could with Luthor Corp, but there’s already talks of your mother trying to find a way to get her hands on the company.”
“Let her have it, Sam. I don’t want it.”
“I know you don’t, but you can’t let your mother have that power. She’s just as bad as Lex was, and look at what he did.”
Sam can practically hear Lena’s brain whirring down the phone.
“I just don’t know if I can do it, Sam?”
“Not even just for as long as it would take for you to find someone you trust to run it?”
“I trust you.”
“I can’t run it, you know that. I have Ruby.”
Lena sits up with a frown, propping her pillow up behind her haphazardly. “I know. I just…I don’t know how to run a company. I can build things, I can fix things, I can give a mean right hook. I don’t know how to run a company.”
Lena can hear the shuffle through the line as Sam shrugs. “That’s why you’ll have help. I know you’ve got a damn good team on your side back in National City, but you’ve also got a pretty good one here too. I’m with you, Jack is with you, and you’ve got a whole team of literal superheroes with you. You can change the world for the better now, Lena. Don’t waste your shot.”
There’s a brief silence on the line.
“Ok, fine. I’ll figure out how to get to Metropolis as soon as possible.”
“I’d say just use Super-air. I can say first-hand that she offers a first-class experience.”
Lena clears her throat. “I’ll ask J’onn. She’s…”
“How bad?”
“Pretty bad. She only just woke up.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too.” Lena sniffs quietly. “I’ll text you when I’m leaving.”
“Good. I love you.”
“Love you too, Sammy.”
Lena rubs her eyes, still awfully tired but feeling at least a little better compared to when she went to sleep.
Grabbing her phone, she sees that she managed to get almost six hours of rest, and that’s much more than she was expecting, so she is happy with that. She just has to get through her list of things to do that’s a mile long.
She squints at her notifications and sees that she has a handful of texts to answer, most of them from the Superfriends just checking in with a couple from Jack too, telling her that if she doesn’t let him know when she’s in town so they can get drunk together, he’ll throw a hissy fit.
Alex’s text sits right on top, so she figures she can answer her and she’ll let the others know. Jack takes days to answer texts so he can’t say anything about a bit of tardiness in responding. She can handle him later.
She drags herself out of bed, stretching out her stiff back and dripping her jaw to let out a yawn that makes her jaw crack. “Ok, so I just have to make sure Kara is alright, potentially fight her ex and take over an entire company before coming up with a way to help rebuild the city. That’s only four things. That’s not too bad.” Staring at her reflection in her bathroom mirror, she sighs. “Who am I kidding? This is going to be hell.”
Lena rolls her shoulders, trying to get rid of some of the stiffness there, and then she nods at herself in the mirror. She’s got work to do and moping won’t help anyone.
She gets dressed as quickly as possible before brushing her teeth and washing her face. The quicker she can get to the Tower, the faster she can get things rolling, and the quicker it’ll all be over.
As quick as she wants to get there and sort everything though, she still has a lot on her mind and she needs to take a moment to take everything in. Walking to the Tower, she stares at the damage left on the city. Damage that definitely wasn’t there when she moved here. Damage that she is partly responsible for. If she hadn’t moved here then none of this would have happened. If she hadn’t moved here, her brother would be alive. If she hadn’t moved here, Kara wouldn’t be hurt.
“Lena, I’m so glad you’re here.” Nia bumps into her as she walks out of the front door to J’onn’s P.I. firm. “Everyone is upstairs. We’ve spent the past hour or so figuring out the best way to help with the clean-up of the city. I think your big brain could do us some major favours in figuring out the best place to start.”
“Sure.” Lena nods. “Where are you going?”
“Just grabbing coffee and breakfast. You want me to grab you some too?”
Lena forces a smile onto her face. “If you don’t mind.”
“Not at all, I won’t be long.”
“Take your time.”
Nia grimaces. “I absolutely won’t do that. Alex gave me a very colourful threat because she’s caffeine-deprived and hangry. It’s better for everyone if I hurry.”
Lena chuckles and the fake smile turns genuine, just for a second. “That’s probably for the best then. See you soon.”
“Bye.” Nia waves, the door clicking shut softly behind her.
Lena’s shoulders sag as she wanders across the room and watches the elevator appear before her, glancing behind her for a moment before she steps inside.
Peering through the elevator doors, she realizes it’s in full view of the front window. She should really tell J’onn to do something about that. Anyone could walk past at the wrong moment and see something none of them want some randomer to see.
She sinks against the back wall as the doors close, letting her eyes fall shut as the gentle motion reminds her of the sleep she missed out on. Now, she kind of wishes she’d tried to get a couple more hours of rest before coming in, but she figures there’s no rest for the sister of the wicked.
Alex and Kelly are sitting in the main area as she steps out into the space. “Hey.”
“Hey, how are you?” Kelly asks, nothing but kindness and sincerity written across her face.
“I’ve been better. I managed to get a few hours of sleep so I’ll count that as a win.”
Alex frowns at her, her arms folding. “Why am I sensing a but?”
“Because there is one.” She shrugs. “With Lex dead, Luthor Corp is now mine, as we already knew. What I didn’t realize was how little time I have to get over to Metropolis to handle it all.”
Kelly’s eyebrows lift in shock. “You have to go to Metropolis?”
“Unfortunately.” Lena sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose, stressed at the very thought. “I’ll have to see if J’onn is willing to fly me over. Sam called and told me there’s already talk of my mother trying to take the company. The only way I can stop that is by going over and making the switch official. My mother might not be quite as bad as Lex, but I can assure you that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. She’s trouble and shouldn’t be in control of a multi-million dollar company.”
Alex uses her foot to nudge out the seat beside her. “Come on.”
Lena does as she’s told, plopping down gracelessly. “Sam is doing everything she can to buy me time; that’s pretty much all she’s been doing for the past few days. Luckily, she’s CFO, or else I’d have had to try and find a way to Metropolis even sooner.”
“Is there anything we can do?”
She shakes her head softly. “I doubt it. Just…take my mind off it, just for a few more hours. I saw Nia downstairs, and she said you’re trying to figure out how to handle the destruction. Let me see your plan. I can help with that.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Trading bureaucratic destruction for city-wide physical destruction doesn’t seem healthy.” Alex challenges.
“And running around the city in masks fighting bad guys with alien technology is the healthiest thing a person can do, right?”
“Can you guys go ten minutes without arguing?” Kara staggers into the room, one arm wrapped protectively around her middle and the other using the doorframe to help her balance.
Alex shoots up to her feet immediately, rushing to her side, Lena not far behind. “You’re not meant to be up yet. You’re still healing.”
“But Alex—”
“No buts, you need more rest and more sunlight. You might be out of the woods kryptonite-wise, but you still have some pretty gnarly wounds that need to heal. Look at you, you can barely stand without wincing.”
Kara pouts at her, hoping to win her sister over, but all she gets is a hard stare in response. That’s not going to get her anywhere. She changes tactics, pouting over at Lena, hoping to garner her sympathy and protection. “I just want to come and sit with you guys.”
Lena shakes her head. “We won’t be long. Why don’t you head back to the med bay and we’ll come and join you soon?”
“If you’re going to be done soon, I might as well just hang out with you guys until you’re done.” Kara bats away the two sets of hands attempting to steady her and usher her back towards the med bay.
Shaking her head, Lena sighs. “Come on. We’ll be ten minutes tops, and we’re just doing boring planning anyway. We just want you to heal as quickly as possible.”
“I know.” Kara swallows harshly and lowers her voice, talking through gritted teeth. “I just don’t think I can heal very well when my ex is busy talking shit about all of our choices right outside the med bay where I have to listen to him bitching.”
Alex rolls her eyes. “Of course he is. Kara, what did you ever see in him?”
“A partner whose nose I wouldn’t accidentally break.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Lena’s eyes widen.
“It doesn’t matter.” Alex waves her off nonchalantly. “I’ll handle it, Kara. I’ll walk you back to bed and then you won’t have to worry about him, ok?”
Kara’s shoulders drop and she catches Lena’s hand. “Will you come sit with me when you’re done?”
“Of course I will. I won’t be long.”
Kara’s pout disappears, her face brightening like she’s just stepped outside on a sunny day.  “Good, see you soon.”
“See you.” Lena waves her off, worry building in her chest when she notices just how unsteady she is on her feet as Alex guides her away.
“Just keep your mouth shut, Mon-El. Now isn’t the time for you to come waltzing in acting like you know everything because you’ve been in the future for a whole five minutes.”
“I just happen to have read the history books, and I know that Luthors just happen to be on the wrong side of history.” Mon-El’s indignant tone cuts through the air and into the med bay, making sure that Kara won’t get any rest today.
“I’ve literally never seen you read a book before.” Winn’s confused voice at least brings a smile to Kara’s face. She’s missed the guy, even if he can be a little annoying and is terrible at keeping her secrets.
Mon-El’s offended gasp rids her of that momentary joy. “I once read Romeo and Juliet. Just ask Kara. There’s your proof, and so what if I haven’t read any history books? I still know that the Luthors aren’t good people. Why are you people acting so dense?”
A loud slap rings through the air, the sound making Kara wince. That was definitely an Alex slap, and Alex slaps are spicy, to say the least.
“What was that for?”
“For one, I know you’ve read that book, and you defiled it by writing nonsense all over the pages, and secondly, we’re not the ones acting dense. You’re the one being prejudiced against someone you don’t even know. You’d think the prince of Daxam would know that your family doesn’t define your beliefs or your morals. That is unless you’ve gone back to your slave-owning ways?”
Kara can just picture him shaking his head cartoonishly and backing away from Alex, trying to escape her harsh words. “Of course not! I would never do that.”
“But you did. Does that mean you’re still a bad person? Does that mean that because of who you are, you’ll forever be a bad person?”
“No! I’m good! I saved the world.”
“So has Lena, but you’re too busy calling her out for actions that aren’t hers that you can’t see that you’re only hurting the people around you. Kara is still healing. She got very badly hurt by Lex and Lena is the one that saved her. Lena protected her. Lena is the reason she’s still alive. You’re just the person stressing her out so badly that she keeps leaving the med bay just to get away from you and your incessant whining. Pull yourself together before I send you back to the future by whatever means necessary.”
If Kara were a betting woman, she’d put money down saying that Mon-El is quivering in a corner looking like a kicked puppy right now. She’s not entirely sure what she saw in him before. Sure, he was kind of like having an excitable border collie around. Cute at times but so energetic and chaotic, he leaves nothing but damage in his wake. Unfortunately, what she saw was his potential to serve the herd. The herd being the people of Earth.
“Let me go apologize to her.” She hears him say, sadness coating his words.
“She does deserve an apology, but you’ve kept her up long enough with your bullshit. Move into another room away from here where you’re bothering her and let her rest. She needs to sleep and recover, not listen to you acting like you know best for everyone around you.”
“No buts, get your ass up and get out of here. I don’t care where you go, but you’re not going anywhere near either Kara or Lena unless you have my permission. Understand?”
A silence follows that makes Kara nervous, anxiety bubbling in her chest.
Alex clears her throat. “Understand?”
“I got it.”
Footsteps echo as the three of them filter out of the room and further away from her until she can’t hear them at all. She kind of wishes that her powers weren’t still gone. Clearly, the kryptonite caused a lot of damage if she solar flared, but she’s kind of grateful. There’s no impending crisis right now, which means she has to be on edge without them. She can just enjoy the moment without overthinking it too much. That’s something she doesn’t get to have often, and she intends on basking in the glow of not having the pressure of the world sitting heavy on her shoulders.
She lets her eyes slip closed, but just as she starts drifting off with the warmth of the sunlamps keeping her nice and toasty, she hears footsteps return and with those footsteps comes dread. She knows those footsteps.
She keeps her eyes closed, praying he’ll get the hint and leave her alone.
“Psst, Kara.” He tries again.
Still, she makes a conscious effort to keep her face relaxed to not give away the fact that she’s awake.
Then her shoulder is grasped and she’s being shaken hard enough to make her gasp out in pain, her eyes finally popping open.
“Ah, fuck!” She grabs at her wounds, now thoroughly pissed and in pain. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I just need to talk to you.”
“Like fuck you do.” Lena’s sharp voice comes from the doorway. “I don’t know what was running through your obviously pea-sized brain, probably nothing of substance, but you’ve got some wires crossed. You just hurt her and woke her up for no good reason when I know that Alex just kicked you out of this part of the Tower.”
“With all due respect, this is between Kara and me.”
“Kara and I.”
“It’s Kara and I, not Kara and me. If you’re going to start talking shit, at least be grammatically correct about it.”
Mon-El’s fists clench, and he turns fully towards her, standing directly between Kara and Lena. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you? You’re just like him, and you’re only going to hurt her.”
Lena’s eyebrow raises, her face nothing short of icy. “Like you just did?”
“You didn’t see what happened. She’s not hurt because of me.”
“So she just yelped in pain from what? Just lying there?”
“Must have done.”
Lena shakes her head as she lets out a short laugh. This guy is a piece of work. She takes a step back and turns her head towards the door. “Alex!” She shouts at the top of her voice.
Just like that, Mon-El turns white. He might be a lot stronger than the average human, but if there’s one person he’s scared of, it’s Alex, and he just went behind her back to do exactly what he’d been told not to do.
Lena can hear Alex’s hurried footsteps getting louder and louder as she approaches, drawing closer rapidly as Mon-El gets visibly more anxious with each step, his hands gripped into tight fists. At the same time, his eyes dart around the room in an attempt to find a way to escape.
Alex storms into the room, not knowing what’s waiting for her but intuitive enough to know that whatever it is, it’s not good.
She spots Mon-El facing off with Lena and knows right then and there that this isn’t going to be a pretty fight. “Who wants to tell me what in the actual fuck is going on?”
Lena clenches her jaw, remaining silent. She wants to see what kind of shit this complete and utter asshole is about to spout.
Mon-El does something Lena wasn’t expecting. He squares up to Alex, his shoulder back, his spine straightening and his fists held firm at his sides as he glares down at the redhead. “She’s dangerous and Kara’s not safe around her. I was doing what I had to in order to keep her safe. She can’t be here if you’re allowing someone like that to be around her. Look at what her brother just did; she could kill her at any moment, and the only one to blame would be you because you let it happen.”
Alex doesn’t hesitate to react. Using her Hand of the soldier, she summons up a boxing glove lined with lead and hits him squarely in the face, knocking him back and right onto his ass.
He cries out in anguish when blood starts to pour from his nose, not broken, unfortunately. “What the fuck, Alex?”
“Stay the hell away from us, Mon-El. I told you to stay away, and yet here you are, coming back where you’re not welcome to accuse someone you don’t know of something they’re incapable of doing. You’re a mess. You’re dangerous. Get the fuck out.”
“You’re not going to ask her what happened?” He throws his hands in the air. “You don’t want to ask her what she did? You seem to like attacking me, but you haven’t even got the full story.”
Alex sighs, dematerializes the boxing glove and folds her arms before turning to Lena. “Is there more to the story, Lena?”
“Yes, he grabbed her and hurt her.”
Alex’s eyes darken instantaneously. “Brainy!”
The Coluan comes scuttling in quickly. “How can I help?”
“Get this piece of shit out of the Tower now before I kill him.”
There’s the barest hint of a nod before Brainy pulls Mon-El off the floor and ushers him to the door.
The Daxamite doesn’t go easily though, pushing back against Brainy’s hands to turn back. “I was getting her out of here because you’re not keeping her safe.”
“I suggest you leave very quickly because I estimate that the next weapon Alex materializes won’t be a boxing glove.”
Mon-El snarls before huffing his way out the door, barely turning his head to spit out one last line as he leaves. “You’re going to regret this when she turns out to be exactly like her brother, just you wait.”
Lena shakes her head at the man, infuriated by his saviour complex and need to villainize her when he doesn’t know a single thing about her other than her last name.
Her gaze meets the side of Alex’s face and she’s shocked by the amount of pure rage she sees there before she remembers that she just told her that he hurt Kara. Kara, who she needs to check on. She turns quickly, rushing to Kara’s side, panicking as she finds the woman on her side, her back to the door. She’s curled in on herself, her hands thrown over her ears protectively and her knees to her chest.
“Kara?” Lena round the bed, crouching next to her so her eyes are in line with Kara’s closed ones. They’re shut so tightly little lines are spreading across her face from the force.
She reaches out carefully, her fingertips just barely brushing against the cowering woman’s wrist. The tiniest bit of pressure causes her to rear back and pretty much fling herself off the bed, landing on the floor in a pile of useless limbs.
“Kara!” Lena cries out, rushing to get to her side. Her eyes instantly rake over Kara’s body in search of injuries. “Are you ok?”
Kara’s hands remain over her ears, but now her eyes are wide open, looking like they might pop right out of her skull at any moment.
“Kara, you’re ok. I promise you, you’re ok.” Lena creeps closer, afraid to touch her in case she reacts badly again.
Alex sprints into the room, and it takes Lena a second to realize that she must have made sure that Mon-El really left this time, or else she would have been in here with them a lot sooner.
“Alex, I don’t know what’s happening. She was on the bed, but when I touched her wrist she threw herself off the other side to get away from me. I don’t know what to do.”
Alex holds her hands out in front of Kara, moving slowly so she can clearly see her intentions. Her hands slowly descend to land on Kara’s forearms, and Lena watches with rapt attention.
Alex’s eyes flicker between Kara’s and Lena’s for a second before she addresses Lena whilst looking deeply into Kara’s eyes. “She’s alright, Lena. She’s going to be just fine. She’s just panicking and overwhelmed.”
Kara stares back at Alex, unblinking and seemingly frozen. Lena can’t help but find it a little odd. Her breathing appears normal, if not a little deeper than usual, but she’s not gasping for breath, not struggling against whatever is happening. She’s just embracing it and riding her way through it.
“What’s happening, Alex?” Lena whispers.
“She’s fine,” Alex responds in a hushed voice, carefully prying her hands down and away from her ears. “She’s just fine.”
“Alex?” Kara whimpers.
“I’m here,” Alex reassures, taking that as her cue to pull her sister into a hug. “Both me and Lena are here and we’re not going anywhere. I promise.”
Lena nods despite the fact that Kara can’t see her face. “We’re not leaving, Kara.”
Tentatively, she reaches out to press her hand to the centre of Kara’s back and lets out a heavy breath of relief when she doesn’t shy away.
They sit like that for several long minutes. Alex holds her tightly while Lena strokes her hand up and down the centre of her back in a slow, purposeful rhythm, completely predictable. Then, Kara leans back, sniffling a little and wiping her eyes before tears can fall. “Thanks.”
“Are you ok?” Lena murmurs.
Kara nods shakily. “Yeah, sorry. It just…I was…I don’t know.”
“You don’t have to know,” Alex says, standing up and pulling Kara with her, urging her to get back on the bed. “Lie down. I’m going to have to check you over.”
“I’m good.”
“I’m sure you are, but I’m not going to stop worrying until I’ve seen it for myself, so just humour me, alright?”
“Ok.” Kara doesn’t put up a fight, and it’s clear that she isn’t in the right state of mind to be able to for some time yet. “That’s ok. Lena, will you stay with me?”
Lena moves to her side, taking her hand. “Yeah, I’m here.”
Kara hums. “Can you stay with me tonight? I don’t want to stay here alone, and I don’t think Alex will let me out of here yet.”
Lena had to stop herself from agreeing, guilt already building up in her chest, heavy and uncomfortable. “I can’t, I’m sorry.”
A heavy silence fills the room.
“I’m sorry, Sam called and she can’t put off everything going on with Luthor Corp any longer. I have to go or else the company could fall into my mother’s hands, and she’s just as bad as my brother.”
Kara blinks slowly before tightening her grip on Lena’s hand. “You have to go then. I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Just call me?”
Lena’s eyebrows pinch together in worry. “I’m sorry, Kara. If I could stay, I would. I don’t even want to go. If I could just leave it and not have anything to do with Luthor Corp or anything to do with the Luthor name at all, I would. I really would.”
“I know.” Kara forces a smile, one that both Alex and Lena can see through.
“I’ll look after her and stay with her.” Alex squeezes Lena’s arm, seeing the conflicting emotions hiding behind emerald eyes. “You do what you have to do and then come back to us, alright?”
Lena hums her agreeance and raises Kara’s hand up, kissing the back of it softly. “I promise I’ll be as quick as I can. This is my home now. National City is my home and I don’t really want to leave.”
Kara holds their joined hands on her belly, her free hand holding onto Lena’s wrist, preventing her from leaving, and Lena’s not about to pull away. Sam can wait a while longer.
Inevitably, she’ll have to go, but she’s happy to stay for as long as she can in the meantime.
Check out more chapters of JTS on my Patreon here!
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
an excerpt of chapter 3 of "the courage of stars" :3c
“I’m glad you’re back,” she says earnestly, and Kon believes her. “I missed you.”
That comes as a bit of a surprise. Kon cocks his head to the side. “You did?” He blinks. “I mean—that sounded mean. I meant, like—you know, we barely got the chance to hang out, before… you know. I died.”
Kara lets out a slow breath. “Kon, I barely have anyone left. And you’re family.” She looks a little hurt, a little uncertain. “I mean… I thought you—if you don’t feel that way about me, that’s—”
“No no no, I do, I do!” Kon hastily reassures her. “I just—I guess I didn’t realize, um…” He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. It’s a habit he picked up from Pa. That thought hurts, so he quickly pushes it away. “Aw, man, there’s like, no good way to phrase this. Uh…”
Kara laughs, at least. Score. “It’s okay. Just say it.”
Kon rakes his hand through his hair. “Okay, fine. It’s been—kind of a lot? Coming back and, y’know. Seeing that me dying, like… impacted people.”
Kara reels back with a look of shock. “What?! Of course it impacted people! You died, Kon! Everyone who cares about you—you’ve lost people before, haven’t you? You know it hurts!”
Kon winces. “See, this is what I meant about not knowing how to put it.” He chews at his lower lip for a moment, staring out at the horizon. Kara’s hand tightens over his. “I do know it hurts. I do. I just—I got this weird disconnect in my head, about it being different when it’s me.”
Because he was made to die. He was made to die saving the world, and he did. That was his purpose… or at least, he really thought it was. But after how badly his success—his death— tore apart so many people he loves, he can’t quite reconcile the thought.
There’s a tiny voice in his head that says maybe Kal was right. Maybe it really is that simple—he’s here just to live. But it’s hard to let go of a truth he’s known his whole life, especially for a new one that sounds way too good to be true.
Kara softens next to him. The wind blows her hair into her eyes, and she tosses her head, scrunching up her face.
“I guess that makes sense,” she says, squeezing his hand. “…You wanna know something, though?”
She lets go of his hand to dig through one of the pockets on her skirt and pulls out a glasses case. She opens it, turns it around to show him, and ducks her head a little shyly. “I’ve been wearing these, in my civilian identity.”
Kon blinks down at the glasses. They’re a familiar oval shape, with simple silver wire frames. His breath catches in his throat. “Are those…”
“Yours,” Kara confirms, her voice so soft the wind almost drowns it out.
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hello hello! love your fics!!!
🌤️ for the ask game please? :D
Thank you so much!!! ☺️ Okay these aren't exactly dialogue, but I'm in a sharing mood lol. This first one is from my Get Away Driver AU.
"Thank you for helping us." The other person's voice is female, and sounds almost familiar to Kara. "We've been suspecting that Lex Corp has been experimenting on aliens for some time now, but we've never had the proof. And an extraction would have been next to impossible with all the red tape. You saved her life, Lena. She's going to be okay now, thanks to you.”
"Aren't you forgetting someone, Director Danvers?" Maggie slinks out of the driver's seat with a smirk.
"Maggie?" There's a cough and a splutter from outside the car. At the same time, Kara nearly cracks her neck straining to look out her window.
"Danvers?" Kara scrambles to get out of the car. "Alex??”
"Kara??" Her sister's shocked face, nearly as red as her hair, pops up from behind Lena. "What the hell? Luthor, you dragged my sister into this?”
Both Kara and Lena raise their voices at the same time.
"Your sister—??"
From her perch against the driver's side door, Maggie's snickers, her amused gaze bouncing like a tennis ball between all three of them. She looks like she's ready to pull out some popcorn and watch the show.
"Now this just got more interesting.”
This 2nd one is not from a WIP so much as a post finale crack fic idea, where Lena and Andrea were friends with another girl from boarding school named Di, who comes over for a visit. This is Di:
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Kara has seen soft Lena, but never loose-limbed, loose-lipped Lena who laughs more freely as she and "Di" and "Andy" recall old memories of things Kara was never a part of and never knew.
"Remember when we snuck out that one weekend and got your tramp stamp?"
"Oh, my God, don't remind me!"
"Sister Margaret almost found out because you were making this weird face the whole week!"
"I was in pain! That was my first tattoo!"
First? Just how many tattoos does Lena have? It takes everything in Kara not to use her x-ray vision to find out.
At some point during the evening, Di produces a joint with a twinkle in her eye. "You've never seen Lena high before, have you?"
Lena's eyes widen. "Oh, no. No no no."
Di's smile is sweet and all trouble as she turns to the rest of the group. "You'll love her. She's lovely when she's high."
Alex, Kelly and Nia laugh, but Lena shakes her head. "I get weird when I'm high."
"You get loose when you're high." Di points a finger at her. "And trust me, baby, you need to get loose. You're wound so tight, you're like Sister Agatha before Parents Day."
Kara interjects with a huff. "I don't think Lena should do anything she doesn't want to do."
And Kara glares at Di, a pout forming on her face. But Di ignores her and turns her big, wide eyes on Lena "Please, sweetheart. Pleeease?"
"Fine!" Lena's always been a sucker for a sweet blonde. She sighs and rolls her eyes with a laugh. "Unfair. You know I never could say no to you."
Kara thinks Di is just gonna pass Lena a joint, but instead, Di takes the joint she's been smoking out of her mouth, presses a kiss to the end of it and holds it up to Lena's face. To Kara's surprise, Lena leans forward and lets Di place the joint on her own lips.
Kara's face heats up as she watches Lena's lips wrap around the spot where Di had kissed it, and she feels distinctly uncomfortable. She wants to snatch the joint away and stamp it out with her foot.
Except she doesn't, because Lena does get progressively more relaxed the more she inhales, and it is nice to see Lena unwind, especially after the tough week she's had.
They get to talking about their teenage experiences, and even Alex and Nia and Kelly chime in. And at one point, Di asks Lena if she still has the old records they used to play, and insists that they play old 70's female rock on Lena's turntable (since when did Lena have a turntable? Kara didn't even know she had one).
Andrea pipes up. "This reminds me so much of those weekend afternoons when we used to play this in our room. You used to dance around to this song in Di’s sweater, Lena, you remember that?"
Lena’s cheeks turn bright red.
And Di jumps up. "Oh, my God, do you still have it?"
Lena rolls her eyes. "No!"
Di cackles in laughter "Liar! I'm gonna look in your closet, and if you still have it, you have to put it on!"
Andrea grins evilly. "And! You have to do it just like you used to!"
"Andy! I'm not gonna dance around in my underwear and a sweater. We're not fifteen anymore."
Kara chokes on her beer and her brain blanks out. Lena used to dance around in her underwear? Lena Luthor? Her best friend?
"Nope, that's the rules."
Lena keeps protesting, but even Alex gets in on it. "Nope, I wanna see this too, Luthor. What is this you guys are talking about?"
"I found it!" Di yells from Lena's closet. Kara is fuming that she just roots around Lena's things like she owns them.
She emerges, throwing a bulky sweater at Lena. 
"This is the ugliest thing I've ever owned."
"Shut up and pay up, Lena. Put it on."
"That was Di's old sweater. Lena kept stealing it from her when we were kids, and whenever she got high, Lena would strip to her panties and dance around in that sweater."
Both Kara and Alex simultaneously choke on their drinks. "Oh my GOD!"
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Waking up in Beacon Hills - pt. 29
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Chapter summary: all work and no play would make kara boring. peter is there to ensure that doesn't happen. set between Teen Wolf seasons 3b and 4, and Supernatural seasons 7 and season 8.
Series masterlist: can be found here.
Word count:  3.9k
Warnings/notes: swearing, canon (TW and SPN) typical violence, smut, peter hale being incredibly attractive and nice, which definitely requires a warning. Gif sources:  Peter 1 | Peter 2
Peter scratches his nails through your scalp, eliciting a contented sigh from you as you recline against him. You’re all kinds of relaxed, leaning back on his chest and resting your hands on his bent knees, savoring the moment as you come down from your high. He’s just given you a good-morning orgasm and if he wasn’t sitting behind you, propping your body up, you could collapse and melt into the bed. 
Almost. If not for one question that’s pin balling round your head.
“You know that…. Wh- when you…ah fuck, never mind.”
He stops playing with your hair to peer down at you, “What?”
“Doesn’t matter.” 
He swiftly wraps hands around your waist and shifts you so you’re facing him, draping your thighs over his own, “Tell me.”
Suddenly keenly interested in inspecting the veins running down his forearm, he has to lay a palm on your cheek to get you to look at him. 
“Just…that thing you say -”
“We say a lot of things.” 
You smile shyly at that, couldn’t deny it if you’d wanted to, because Peter is vocal and descriptive in bed and he makes you loud. Part of you thinks he does it on purpose, like he’s hoping if you get enough noise complaints at one Motel 6, you’ll be banned from them all and he won’t have to lower himself to your standards anymore.
“You know which thing I mean.” 
Peter genuinely has to wrack his brains to figure out what you’re talking about and grins when the penny drops on the word that makes you croon beneath him, throwing your body higher toward ruination in an instant. 
“Oh - you mean ‘Daddy’?” he smirks before continuing, “I thought you liked that?”
“I do! But…it doesn’t weird you out?” averting your gaze, your eyes drill a hole in the wall behind him. Tell me you don’t think I’m a freak.
“Why would it?”
“Because you’re someone’s actual father.”
Peter draws in a weighty breath, staring at you intently. He didn’t realize you knew about that, and guesses your source at the same time you break and admit;
The sound of shared laughter pierces straight through your embarrassment.
“You know they’re dating, right?”
“Yes, thank you - I’m aware,” he says curtly. 
It bugs him; Malia with the sarcastic boy who not too long ago was flinging chaos around Beacon Hills - though he knows it’s not his prerogative, his place to be worrying about her.
“For one thing,” Peter lifts his fingers to list off reasons, “I only found out about Malia recently. I didn’t raise her, and she has never called me that.” 
It makes sense. You know that blood doesn’t necessarily mean family. As much as you came to adore Bobby, all his bumbling affections couldn’t turn back the clock and make it like you’d known him your whole life, like he’d parented you.
“Also, it’s…” his eyes drift, recalling each yes daddy, daddy please, fuck daddy, you’ve ever uttered, “Exquisite - so you better not stop.”
He grins when you relax, “And third, you started it.”
“What? No, I didn’t!” 
“You did.”
“When?” you demand.
He thinks back, pinpoints the beginning, “Colorado - when we sorted that nest.”
You don’t remember, would have sworn it was Peter who said it first, which only proves how corrupting he can be, how far gone you are. With your fears mollified, you scoot closer and push on his chest to force him down to the pillows.
“Does Stiles know about me?”
“Pretty sure you’ve met him - several times,” you tease, grabbing a condom from the box on the nightstand. 
Peter rips the foil packet open with his teeth. “Come on, you don’t gossip about me?”
“God no! Much as I love the kid, I’m not sharing details of my sex life with a seventeen-year-old.” 
Impatiently, you wait as Peter carefully rolls the condom down before positioning yourself above him.
“Fair enough…mmmm,” he sighs as you glide over his length. “What about Weiner boy?”
That would be worse than Stiles - technically Samandriel’s probably thousands of years old, but he looks eleven, so the thought makes you cringe.
“Nah, he’s mad at me.” 
“I have an idea. He thinks it’s dumb.”
The sensation of Peter’s hands squeezing your waist, exerting control over your motions, gets you worked up, primed for another round. How he studies your every move floods you with want, causing your cheeks to flush as you grind.
“What’s the idea?”
“Not telling.” 
“It might actually be dumb…shit…” 
Peter sits up, the head of his cock tapping against your entrance, 
“Can you just shut up now?” you whine.
“Depends,” he smiles into your neck, gripping the base of his cock, “You gonna keep saying it?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Finally, he tilts his hips and lets you sink down onto him.
You decide you deserve a night off. The day hasn’t been particularly taxing, just a couple of hours wandering through the mall to replenish your and shower stuff and skin care.
You even got a trim, a few inches of split ends taken care of before feeding quarters into a massage chair and licking cinnamon sugar from your fingers after a warm pretzel, reluctant to venture out of the air conditioning back into the humidity.
After such a peaceful day of research and retail therapy, you simply can’t face the thought of hunting, want to chill, be normal for a change. So now you’re wolfing down a burrito while you watch A-Team reruns and text Peter. He’s arriving tomorrow, and you’ve been thinking about him all week. 
Luckily, the limited amount of sex you’d had in the past hadn’t been bad, per se, maybe just a little disappointing. Bland. Boring. Not that you’d known at the time.
Chris was your introduction to multiple orgasms and dirty words falling from your mouth and all kinds of things you’d wanted but never tried. The discoveries you’d made about yourself, the way he monopolised your mind for a bit there, had felt like more than only sex. All intertwined with wanting to be his - you liked it when he called you pretty as he came and held your hand after, loved how he snuck kisses away from the bedroom. 
But that’s all it - all Chris - can be now; a memory. Had to try to forget, the good parts and the bad. Clear out the image of his hand wrapped around a gun, pointed at Stiles. Push down the humiliating way you’d tried to fuck him after Allison, how kindly he’d denied you, barely touched you after that night. Until he left and kissed you goodbye at the airport.
Forced to choose one thing to lock away in your mind forever? 
You wouldn’t be able to decide between the miss you and you’ve got this and trust your instincts or the heat of his breath on the shell of your ear moaning your name and groaning shit baby, just there and mmm, that’s it.
Peter, on the other hand, is your first experience of fucking like it’s sport, or a competition, something to excel at. Of giving yourself over to someone and letting them use you as they please.  He calls you things you never would allow outside the walls of cheap motel rooms, things you probably shouldn’t enjoy - slut and whore. But always daddy’s slut and my perfect little whore. 
It’s disgusting, and it’s worrying and it’s perverse, except...it really isn’t. It’s fucking hot.
No stake in each other, no claims, just teasing and playing games and then going your separate ways. It’s purely physical, neither of you have feelings, you’re merely another of each other’s bad habits, like how smoking tastes so right when you’re drinking.
Regardless of what this thing with Peter is, it’s undeniably fun and you want to keep it. You’re even beginning to feel relieved you’re so completely alone, because you don’t want to defend your desires, just want to follow them down the rabbit hole. Why not have some light to look forward to when everything else is so dark? 
Wiping your hands, you laugh at his response to your text saying you’re headed for a shower.
Pics?? 🙏
You tell him to piss off and stand waiting for the water to warm up with your phone in your hand.
Go clean up, doll. Tomorrow you’ll be filthy. Sleep well x
A month later, and you’ve got a fairly stable routine going, taking tentative steps back into the real world. It’s an after effect of running away or being left behind that you become adept at rebuilding. You’ve done it before, even find some comfort in sowing the seedlings of a new life.
You work during the week, mostly straightforward cases, make time for Samandriel even though neither of you have anything resembling news, and do a reasonable job of being nice to him. 
Peter usually arrives on Fridays - grabbing you up as soon as you open the door, always ready and always with some snarky remark about your lodgings. 
“Is there any hovel you won’t stay in?”
“‘Dunno, any mirror you don’t stop in front of?
Tonight, though, you’re alone. Kicking open a flimsy bathroom door and slamming on the light switch, leaving a trail of blood across the wall and knocking the hairdryer out of its cradle. Panting hard and mumbling to yourself, you take off your jacket and cut your t-shirt up the middle so you can peel it away.
One glance at the gash that starts at your shoulder blade and runs all the way round your left side has your throat filling with acid. You slip your arms through your bra straps, unclip it and drop it at your feet before you lay out supplies across the counter and steel yourself.
Much worse than you’d thought. 
You’d only tracked two demons sneaking in and out of the abandoned mill. Nothing you couldn’t handle on your own. After climbing in through a basement entrance, there were three more waiting. During the fight that ensued, you lost your footing and landed on something sharp. In your hustle to get back up, you’d twisted without thinking, howling as your flesh tore open. 
With the stress and the fever pitch of your anger, you were able to clumsily dispatch the last demon before you staggered back to your car, which was hidden behind the tree line a mile down the road. Not your finest work. Wasn’t until you were a few blocks from your motel that you started to feel the pain.
You feel sick as you un-spool thread with trembling hands. Feel so fucking stupid as you poke into the skin under your breast, watching your progress in the mirror, so you can pretend it’s not your body that’s carved and leaking blood.
Realizing there’s no chance you’ll be able to reach around to patch up the entire wound, you let the needle hang useless and pull your phone from your jeans pocket. 
Don’t want to ask for his help but you’re out of options; the cut is still dripping and you’re chilly and tired and he’s closer than anyone else.
“Fuck.” you watch a fat red line dribble down your abdomen as your finger hovers over the contact. You hit the call button before you change your mind.
When it clicks over to voicemail, you turn and slide down the cabinet, wanting to cry at the automated voicemail greeting.
“Hey, it’s me. I’m in Oregon…can you…”
Suddenly you panic. He won’t come. Why the hell would he? You barely talk when he visits. All your questions seem to annoy him, so you just bang the weekend away - hardly what you’d call friendship, and probably not worthy of a favour.
“Can you come fuck me right now?”
The only ace up your sleeve to guarantee he’ll show up. 
“Sweet Home Inn, Highway 20, Room 7.” you speak fast, closing your eyes and pulling your jacket to wrap it around yourself.
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Peter parks next to your beaten up car, smiling to himself and brimming with smugness as he retrieves his overnight bag from the passenger seat. 
It’s only Wednesday and you’ve called to beg. This is going well. 
He raps his knuckles on the door, playing out in his mind how the night will go, what new thing you might be up for trying this week. Then there’s an unmistakable scent in the air and he barges in to find you slumped against the bathroom cabinet. 
You’re out cold, topless except for your jacket thrown up over your shoulders. Could be mistaken for asleep, if not for the puddle of stained red clothes next to you, if your skin didn’t look ashen, gray under the singular lightbulb. 
He moves your jacket aside and sees what he’d smelt - long, dried rivulets down your stomach. 
Peter scoops you up and takes you to the bed, happy to hear you groan but unhappy you’re not waking. He presses a towel to your torso, because moving you caused fresh streams.
so much blood
Deaton doesn’t answer Peter’s call, and he fights the impulse to throw his phone across the room, electing instead to glower at your side, as if his angry look alone might staunch the flow.
too much blood
He calls Derek, who thankfully picks up.
“I need you to go to Deaton’s.”
Peter can feel Derek rolling his eyes at him through the phone.
“Why? Pet-”
“Kara’s hurt. She needs a Doctor.”
People are arguing. 
“She should be in the hospital.”
“Keep your voice down.” 
They’re quieter now, “If she wanted to go, she would have.”
“Fine. Get her a tetanus shot, at least. And look out for signs of infection.”
“Fine,” Peter is equally snarky, “Here.”
He hands the man wearing glasses a wad of cash and bundles him out the door.
You watch it occur from one opened eye, wondering briefly who that man is and who they’re talking about before you fall back asleep.
Night comes and Peter wakes you, gently running his palm up and down your arm until you stir.
“Hey. You came?” you’re groggy and sore and more than a little shocked.
“You called,” he tucks your hair behind your ears, unsettlingly relieved to hear you speak, “Who did this, Kara?”
“Huh? No one…” you scramble for something that will stop the chilly steel in his voice from overflowing, because he’s here now and you don’t want him to leave, “I….slipped.”
You change the subject, wriggling your arms out from the sheets, “Who was that guy?”
“Some doc Deaton recommended. Stitched you up. Said you made a good start.”
Peering under the blankets, you look over the cleaned up wound, take in the line of sutures - much tidier than you would have achieved.
“I tried.” you admit, embarrassed by your efforts, and squirming under the soft smile he’s aiming your way.
“What do you need?”
Closing your eyes, you stretch your legs, careful not to move your body too much.
“I’m starving. Diner?”
“No, you need proper food.”
You roll your eyes at Peter’s disapproval. True, you’ve been subsisting on a steady diet of scrambled eggs, takeout, and protein shakes. Though in your defense, the drinks are loaded with vitamins, taste like chocolate milk and are the easiest way to stay full during your long drives.
He swats at your leg, “C’mon - get your ass up.”
“Eggs are healthy,” you mumble under your breath as you slowly get off the bed to wrap a bandage around yourself.
“They’re probably powdered.” Peter tells you, helping you get your bra clasped and pull a shirt on.
“Waffle House would never!” you protest, swaying as you let him do your buttons.
“There,” he takes your face in his hands and kisses you, “You’re ready.”
The restaurant Peter takes you to is fancy, as expected. What’s unexpected is that the hostess let you in.
Must be a slow night, or he laid out a hefty tip or - there it is. You realize Peter has disarmed her with all his handsome and charm when she grazes her hand over his back while taking his coat, and looks solely at him as she lists the specials.
“It’s like I’m not even here.” you tease after she’s gone.
“Definitely…. think she’ll take my number?”
Peter peruses the wine list as you read the menu, frowning at the prices.
“Don’t,” he warns, “Get whatever you feel like. My treat.”
“You sure? I didn’t bring my wallet.”
He pulls the menu away from your face, “It’s just dinner. I’m not giving you an organ.”
“You’d love to give me an ‘organ’”
Groaning at your terrible joke, he opens his mouth to say something obscene when the hostess returns, beaming at him.
He orders, then directs her attention to you, “What do you want, darling?”
“I’ll get the eye fillet, please.”
“Sides?” she’s a touch less friendly now.
“Green beans, and mashed potatoes, and…mushrooms.”
Peter grins at your appetite and you shrug, too hungry to care about politeness and if he’s buying, you’re eating.
Now she sounds downright snippy and you can’t look at Peter in case you laugh.
“Just whatever he’s having.”
You hand back the menu and glare at Peter, waiting till she’s out of earshot to scold him, “Why’d you say that? She’s gonna fuck with my food!”
“She wouldn’t dare.” 
Your phone vibrates against your ass and you squeak before you pull it out of your pocket and read the screen, remarking on the coincidence -
“It’s Derek.” 
You raise your eyebrows that he doesn’t sound surprised.
“I called him. I was trying to get hold of Deaton. Derek went and found him.”
Peter tries not to let it get to him when you mutter shit before hitting ‘answer’.
“Hey, one sec.” you tell Derek, holding the phone against your chest while you get up from the booth.
“I’ll be quick,” you promise Peter, “Check my food for broken glass please?” 
You drop a peek on his cheek as you pass, leaving him smiling. Outside, you pace the block as you bring the phone up to your ear.
Derek doesn’t bother with a hello, “Are you all right?” 
“I’m fine. How are you?” 
“Yeah. Just a cut. All sewn up.” You pretend that’s all he’s talking about.
“That’s not - why is he there?”
Screwing each other senseless? Pals? 
“I called him.”
“Kara, he’s not what you think.”
“And what is it I think, Derek?” you ask, working hard to keep your voice on an even keel.
“I mean…he’s not a good guy.”
He’s probably right, you should heed his warning, but you look through the window and see Peter sip his wine without a care in the world. He’s just him, he’s here, and you’re not particularly good either. 
“I can handle Peter.” you laugh off Derek’s worries, “Okay?”
You hear him exhale… ”Okay.”
Peter stays an extra few days, helping you out while you recuperate. He refuses to let you do anything for yourself, bringing you coffee and food in bed, fetching your laptop when you’re fed up with reality TV, lingering outside the bathroom door while you shower. 
He’s kind and attentive and you wonder if it’s because he feels guilty. He should. You’re frustrated, borderline hostile, because Peter’s been ignoring you.
Tipsy from the drinks you had downed, drunk on how he’d taken your hand and shot the hostess a pointed stare, you pawed greedily at him in the car on the way back from dinner. 
“Peter? Can I?”
He tuts, shaking his head as he peels your hand off his thigh, “No, you’ve been bad - running off, getting hurt.”
You huffed and sulked, then your hand snaked back toward him. “Please….Daddy?”
He couldn’t refuse, with your voice needy and your fingers running across the pronounced bulge in his trousers.
“Need it that bad?”
He smirks as you nod eagerly and pretends to be annoyed, “Go ahead, doll.”
Made it back without crashing, locked the door behind you, and almost got him right where you needed him. Peter could always fuck you dumb, bury himself deep in a way that had your vision blurring and stopped your mind from spiraling. 
So, you braced for the pressure that would drive away your shame at messing up and having to resort to calling him to rescue you. 
He looked down, saw your eyes squeezed tight shut and quickly put an end to it. Making a barrier of pillows between you, he told you to quit bitching and rest.
By the end of the week, you’re climbing the walls, itching to leave. Had grown accustomed to being alone, to uninterrupted days spent with only your own thoughts, so it’s strange to share your space with someone for such a length of time. And if he won’t fuck you, what’s the point?
“It looks good,” Peter says, inspecting the cut as you lie on your side, arm thrown up over your head and clutching a sheet against your front. 
You’re healing fast, not as fast as he would, obviously, but he’s pleased with your progress.
“Good enough to get outta here?” you ask, dropping your arm.
“Wait…” Peter pulls your arm back where it was, “I’m fixing you.”
He focuses on arranging three rectangles of gauze in a line and taping them down carefully as you huff out a sigh, not sure which is worse - the ache of your injury or the one between your legs. 
You tug a t-shirt over your head and start clearing up the trash, but Peter smacks your hand away.
“I got it.” he sits next to you and repacks the first aid kit, “You in a hurry to get somewhere?”
You glance toward your open notebook, “Mmm. Maybe Chicago?”
“What’s this?” he stands and picks it up, flipping through the pages, “See the Empire State Building? Faulkner Books, Jackson Square?”
“Hey! Give it back.” 
Leaping off the bed, you grab for the book, but Peter spins and continues to read, 
“Ride a horse? Kara, there are horses in Oregon.”
“Not the point, you dick.”
“Are you…” he turns to face you, “Are you scared of horses?”
“The average horse weighs 500kgs.” 
Peter laughs.
“Shut up!” you try again to get it out of his grasp, wincing as you reach up.
“Sorry, here.” Peter hands it over immediately when he sees your pain, “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” annoyed you lift your shirt to show him your side, “See? No blood.”
Peter’s gaze travels along your body, taking in the littered bruises in various hues of yellow and purple, and the small cuts and scabs of pink that dot your skin.
“Darach?” he whispers, eyeing older scars that have faded to an almost translucent silver. 
Nodding and realizing he’s staring, you drop your shirt, self-conscious under his burning scrutiny. 
You’re not hideous, but you don’t think you’re beautiful either. Hated feeling frail or weak, so are proud of your hard earned muscles, years of a strict training schedule giving you strength where you wanted it. A decent rack, curvy enough to like the way you look in jeans - but that was in clothes, covered. Without layers is a different story, an ugly one.
Peter moves your hand away from your hem, tracing his fingertips gently across your skin. His other hand reaching around the nape of your neck to bring you close,
“Scars mean you survived.”
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lgbtimelords · 3 months
a fanfic i'll never write, part 2:
scenes from the future and feelings from the past
Behind knowing everything ends up okay and that one should always be hopeful, there's something else Kara knows wholeheartedly: people always leave, eventually.
People leave like her grandfather did. One day he was telling her how excited he was to see her join the science guild and the next her parents were telling her he would not be making it to the ceremony.
People leave like her parents did. Or maybe she left. Still. Someone leaves. And she ends up alone again. And then came back, again. And leave, again.
Jeremiah left. Cat left. Mon-El left. Winn left. James left. Kenny left. Lucy left. Kal never showed up to begin with. They’re all a small missing piece inside her heart she had to take away so it’d stop hurting, leaving an empty void instead.
She hates the loneliness. Hates it more than darkness and villains and kale on her food. And yet, the feeling of being alone is the one thing that never seems to leave her.
Alex’s and Kelly’s car flies away. Up and away in their happily ever after. It brings tears to her eyes again and it warms her heart, that her sister got it all- everything she wanted, everything she deserves.
It all ends rather suddenly after that. The guests start to leave one by one- Kara doesn’t even know over half of them. Winn leaves, too- something about his wife and daughter and some weird movie franchise. Brainy and Nia leave together, rushed and with a tint of red already covering their cheeks.
“Are you coming with us, auntie Kara?” Esme says, two little arms circling her waist as bright eyes look up at her.
She smiles at the girl, throws a look to Eliza- receiving an understanding nod to her silent question.
“Sorry, bud. I have a thing,” she says, running her fingers through Esme’s hair, “but you’ll have so much fun with grandma.”
And so, Esme and Eliza leave, just for today- she wonders how long it’ll be before it’s permanent.
The waiters take everything down. The tables, the flowers, the chairs. They clean up every glass and every fork. They pick up every dirty napkin and mop spilled drinks from the dancefloor. All while Kara watches from the side, sitting below a tree in the corner of the property- light blue dress already filled with dirt.
“Hey, you,” a soft voice she knows so well calls out, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Lena wastes no time before sitting down beside Kara. Her knees, still cladded in her sinful and gorgeous purple bodysuit, bump against Kara’s playfully. The action brings a small smile to her face. Knowing how much they’ve grown, how they went back to the playful and subtle touches again, the ones Kara had missed so so so much.
And somehow, something in the back of her mind, as she watches Lena’s knee move from side to side, always touching Kara’s when it moves to the left, tells her that Lena has already left, once, but Lena has always been the only one to ever come back.
“I’m tired,” she ends up confessing, even though perhaps they had already used up their emotional conversations quota of the day.
“Then let’s go home,” Lena whispers, care and warmness wrapping around Kara like a soft blanket. “I can make you some hot chocolate.”
“I mean… I’m tired of… everything. Everyone leaving”
Worry takes over Lena’s features. Kara has to look away in case it turns to pity, she doesn’t think she can deal with pity right now. “Alex isn’t gone,” she says, her hand taking Kara’s, “You know this.”
“I know. I know.” A tear rolls down her cheek anyway, “But she’s… Nevermind.”
“Hey, no, tell me,” Lena’s hand pulls, urging Kara to look into her eyes.
“It’s selfish,” she whispers.
“I don’t care,” Lena says back, “I won’t judge.”
“She’s no longer only mine,” she confesses, bites her lip in shame but she doesn’t find confusion in Lena's eyes, she doesn’t laugh at Kara’s words, she doesn’t tell her how selfish and ridiculous she’s being. She smiles sadly and squeezes her hand, asking her to keep going. “She’s no longer only my sister. She’s a wife. And a mom. And I love that, I do. But I’ve lost so much and now Alex can’t be my rock anymore, because if I drown Alex then I drown Kelly and Esme down with me, too. I can’t do that to her.”
“Just because Alex has new people to take care of, care for,” Lena says, “doesn’t mean she’ll stop taking care of you.”
“But I want her to stop taking care of me,” she exclaims, “I’ve held Alex back for so many years, Lena. So many. And I can’t be selfish enough to expect her to be there for me when she’s got so much good in her life now.”
“You are not a burden, Kara.”
“I know I’m not,” she sighs. “I know that if I ask for help, Alex will come running. But I don’t want to do that to her anymore. It’s just… It used to be us against the world. Alex was the first person I ever had since coming here. And I was the first person Alex ever truly confided in. And now that part of her has a new life, I realized… I don’t have anything that’s truly mine, now.”
She throws her head back against the tree. She wishes it could be full strength. Yet knows, full strength will break the tree in half. She plays with the ends of Lena’s fingers, tries to ground herself after letting out so many feelings.
“I understand what you mean by that,” Lena says softly. “I’ve never really had someone that’s truly mine either.”
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loveandleases · 1 year
Lets switch it up 😏
How would the ROs react to finding out the MC had dirty dream about them? MC probably didn't tell them but they were able to connect the dots because they were acting weird or overheard it secondhand 😂🤷‍♀️
I was going to write this fluff, but then I got into Cam's head and it just wasn't an option anymore. I guess it's nsfw hour. So...my bad. Long post ahead.
❤️ Cam - After a rough day of shoots on set, Cam decides to take you to a bar for some drinks. You've tried to hide from his gaze all day because if anyone can pick up when you have something on your mind, it's Cameron Clarke.
Cam scoots over in the booth drink in hand, patting the seat beside him.
Before you can fully sit down he pulls you toward him, and makes you sit in his lap. He brushes the hair off the nape of your neck, placing a soft kiss at the base.
"You've been avoiding me," he whispers, against your ear. Spreading his legs wider so you can sit between his thighs. "You only blush like that when you're thinkin' something dirty. You had that dream again didn't you?"
You cover the gasp that escapes your mouth as you feel Cam begin to lift your shirt, his hand finding the button on your jeans and undoing it.
"Don't worry, no one can see." he slides his hand down into the front of your pants.
💙 G - They've had a smirk on their face for the better part of an hour. Not even trying to hide it. You continue catching them staring at you.
"What?" you look at them, placing a hand on their desk as you peer down at them in the old desk chair.
"Last night, you were dreaming. I have to say the things you said to me were so vivid, love. I'm willing to let you do those things right here, if you're brave enough
Your eyes widen, "I was not dreaming about you!" you know it's a lie when you say it.
"Something about, what was it you said? Claiming me, is that how you put it?" They walk around the desk towards you.
G reaches out, placing a cool hand on your cheek. "Show me how I'm yours, and I promise you I'll never forget it. Never again."
That was all it took for you to begin to push them down to lay atop the desk.
💚 Kara - As you reach over to take the files off her desk she grabs your wrist. "I heard you mention something about a dream to Eliza earlier." She tilt's her head.
Of course, she heard Kara knows all the gossip in the office.
"It was nothing. Forget about it, we have to get these put away before everyone comes back from lunch." you motion toward the files in your hand, then to the filing cabinet.
"MC, you can't just tell Eliza and not expect me to hear about it. Besides, we're alone for another 30 minutes. Just think, we could make that dream a reality."
Kara backs you against the filing cabinet, swinging around her office badge by the string. She quirks a brow at you as she notices you looking at the badge.
She looks at you with such hunger. Before you know it, she has your hands tied behind your back, and the next thing you see is Kara sinking to her knees.
💛 M - After begging them for the past 20 minutes to look at their notes, they finally oblige. Trying to keep their gaze averted as you read through the passages.
Once you get to one page, you begin to blush. Thinking back to the dream you had the night prior. "I dreamt this."
They turn to you , their eyes wide as they look down to the page your holding, then back to you. "You did!? How accurate is it?"
Normally M would be head to toe read knowing MC was thinking this, but they're so invested in the scene they don't seem to notice your fidgeting as they lean so close to you.
You clear your throat, "Very accurate. I could...I mean, we could practice that if you want?", you turn your head, your cheeks burning from the blush creeping onto your face.
They try to voice something, swallow and try again. All you get from them is a quick nod as they dive towards you pressing you back against the couch.
💜 Isaac- "Get in the car." they say quickly as you make your way through the street.
Before you can finish your questioning, Isaac opens the car and pulls you in with them. They waste no time claiming your lips, it's messy, needy.
"Isaac what're you.."
They interrupt you again, each kiss comes quicker than the next as they look out the window checking to see who can see.
"You've been rubbing against me all day, and every time I try to ask what's up you just turn red and walk the other way." they take your hand in theirs, placing a kiss onto your palm. "I heard you last night."
You stare at him for a few minutes until it clicks. The sex dream, shit you had hoped the moaning was just in the dream.
"Do you want me?" the words are quiet as if he is truly asking if you want him, not just in a sexual manner.
Isaac doesn't need to hear your confirmation, they know you do. Just with a look, they know you want them, for more than that.
🖤 Ardent - "Tell me."
"No, what I dream about is none of your business old man." you grin at him, he hates when you call him that. Especially when he's barely older than you.
He scoffs, holding each of your wrists in one hand he raises them up above your head as his thick thighs straddle you. "When you're saying my name like that, it's every bit my business. You tell me or else"
You attempt to slide your wrists free, but Ardent doesn't even budge. You know he pretends not to like when your bratty to him, but the way it riles him up does something to you. It makes you want to be that much more of a pain in his ass.
"Or else what, old man." the grin on your face is a dead give away you want this. If one thing makes Ardent rough, it's when you tease him.
"You know damn well what I do to brats" He pulls his belt from his jeans, wrapping it around your wrists. "spread your legs."
No one would believe just how giving Ardent Pine is, in fact you still have trouble believing it. "Make me."
The wolfish grin he gives you makes you squirm. Because you know exactly what's coming next.
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sssammich · 7 months
collateral pt5
author's note: this part finishes this arc of the story. i'll post again until the next arc is finished. no eta on that, unfortunately. but outline has been written out so there's an end to this lol
this part is rated M for sexual content.
ao3 link (opens to part 5)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
alright thx yall xo
Kara stood right next to Andrea as she eyed both hotel doors. 
“It seems we’re neighbors,” Andrea offered. 
She glanced at the woman beside her. “Why do I get the feeling you knew that already?” 
Andrea only shrugged, seemingly unaffected. “That’s why my hair’s so pretty. It’s full of secrets.” 
Kara’s jaw dropped, not sure how to process the unexpected joke. “Did you just…quote Mean Girls to me?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that that movie was only for peasants.” 
“Peasa—I have a Pulitzer!” 
The other woman smirked and stepped forward, their face suddenly closer than Kara anticipated. “Oh, so now you accept that you have a Pulitzer.” 
“I always accepted–! It was the nickname. It’s don’t like the nick—” 
Yet before she could finish speaking, Andrea’s lips found their way on hers. 
Kara’s first thought should have been to stop Andrea. To pull back, To immediately put a stop to whatever this was. Instead, her first thought was the softness and suppleness of Andrea’s lips as she kissed back. Her second thought was that Andrea tasted a little bit of alcohol and faintly of the cigarette she’d had earlier. Her third and most fleeting thought was how she hoped her own lips weren’t chapped—
“Whoa, wait…” she said, finally pulling back just as she placed some distance between them. Andrea carded her fingers through her hair and watched patiently as Kara tried to gather her wits about her, all of which were slipping through her fingers like water. “I don’t understand. You know I’m in love with someone else.” 
“I’m aware.” 
“So why would you…” 
“Haven’t you ever heard that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else?” 
“Yeah, but…” 
“Look, Kara,” Andrea started. It was weird to hear her name come out of Andrea’s mouth, but now that she had, Kara realized that it was the first time Andrea had said her name all night. “The way I see it is that if you want to get over Lena, you have to let her go. And what I’m offering can help with that, if you’re open to it. I just think that if you’re interested, an arrangement could be made that’s equally beneficial to the both of us.” 
She furrowed her brows. “What’s in it for you?” 
“Well, Pulitzer, if you’re not terrible, then an orgasm or two.” 
Kara stepped up and placed a hand on Andrea. “Please, be serious.” 
Andrea watched her, a moment passing between them. Kara tried not to squirm, her eyes focused on Andrea’s blue-green eyes roaming her face. Then, Andrea brought thumb up and tried to wipe something off around her mouth, Kara belatedly realizing it was probably the other woman’s lipstick. “It’s exactly as I said. This doesn’t have to mean more than what it is. You and I can have fun tonight and be back to normal in the morning. The walk of shame for you isn’t even that long.” 
Finally, Andrea stepped back, taking out her keycard from her purse and tapping it against her door until they both heard the small chime of the door unlocking. The other woman pushed the door open into a darkened room before she shifted to face Kara, leaning against the door and looking directly in Kara’s eyes. 
“You have until the door slams shut to make a decision.” 
Kara watched as Andrea slowly walked into her room, pushing the door as far back as possible and walked away leaving the decision in Kara’s hands. 
She didn’t know Andrea, didn’t know if the woman was genuine. But as she quickly rifled through their time together during the evening, she couldn’t deny that she had a fun time with the other woman. Whatever her reason was for helping Kara worked, because Kara came out of that wedding alive. 
And, if she was being very honest, Kara couldn’t deny that Andrea was a very attractive woman. 
Kara caught a glimpse of warm light filling the room, but the door was just about to slam in her face when—
The tip of her shoe wedged itself between the door and the jamb. She shut her eyes, wondering if she was really going to do this, before taking a deep breath. All she’d done tonight was think and overthink, her mind running rampant and her heart struggling to catch up. Whether there was more or less to Andrea’s offer, she’d run out of time to determine. And, at this point, she didn’t care anymore. 
With a push, the door swung open and she rushed to where Andrea was standing by the edge of the bed, taking her earrings off. 
Just as Andrea was about to make some comment—no doubt some testing quip of some sort, Kara surged forward and kissed her. She took Andrea’s face in her hands and held her there—a touch to ground her as she closed her eyes and kissed a woman who held no place in her heart. 
Their kisses turned frantic, her hands relinquishing their hold of Andrea’s face as they roamed down Andrea’s shoulders and to the zipper on the back of her dress. Andrea, for her part, was all too eager to run her own hands all over Kara’s body, her hands lingering and squeezing her biceps. Kara would have teased her about focusing on her arms if she hadn’t been so distracted with the fine figure beneath her after she tugged at Andrea’s dress. She then pushed Andrea down on her now exposed back, brown hair fanning in contrast with the white comforter. 
“This means nothing,” she insisted, even as she unzipped her own dress from the side and let it crumple on the ground. Andrea pushed herself up on her elbows and fully slid back to get to the center of the bed, her dress pooling by her ankles, kicking them out of the way until she was left in her matching red underwear. 
“You’re not even my type, Pulitzer.” 
“I thought you said you wouldn’t kick a girl while she’s down?” she asked with an arch of her brow, a teasing grin on her face. 
Andrea shrugged and unclasped her strapless bra and let it fall to the side. “Surprise, I lied.” 
Kara unclasped her bra and threw it somewhere behind her before she crawled between Andrea’s legs, excitement growing as she glanced down at Andrea’s red lace panties. It made sense, Kara mused, that this woman would match and accessorize accordingly. She almost wanted to make a joke of it, but when she saw the darkened patch at the center of the lace, her mind blanked a little.  
Instead, carefully, she slid her hands starting from Andrea’s hips and slowly up those smooth long legs until her thumbs teased the inside of her  “Anybody ever tell you that you have a bad habit of lying.” 
“And you have a bad habit of stalling. So, if you don’t mind,” Andrea said, waving her hand for Kara to continue. She shook her head, amusement and arousal prickling her skin as she shoved all thoughts of Lena and the wedding and the grief of all the love she could not give freely out of the way for something that could tether her to this moment. 
She dropped her head and kissed Andrea fully in the mouth, further encouraged by Andrea wrapping her legs around Kara’s middle. Kara then shifted to bring her body down, until their naked fronts touched, their nipples pressing into one another. She enjoyed the way Andrea’s nails scratched at the base of her neck and her shoulders in response to their bodies reacting to one another. 
Entangled with each other, she rocked them back and forth as they kissed and nipped for control. Their rhythm was fast, hungry, unable to stay in any one place. Kara was more than fine with that, because they weren’t anything to each other but a means to an end. She groaned when Andrea managed to push her head to the side so she could suck purple a sensitive spot on Kara’s neck. 
She caressed Andrea’s body as she slid down, her mouth traveling from the crook of Andrea’s neck and onto her chest until she was faced with Andrea’s tits in full display. She hoisted herself on her elbows as she palmed both of them, giving them a teasing squeeze before her mouth descended on a nipple. Andrea moaned underneath her and tightened her legs around Kara’s body. 
Encouraged, Kara continued to play and tease Andrea with her tongue while a free hand made its way down to Andrea’s center, her knuckle rubbing against the lace fabric, worsening the wet patch as she pushed in to tease. 
“You’re this turned on already?” she asked, pulling up slightly and looking up to see Andrea’s eyes remain closed. 
Andrea huffed, her hand making its way to Kara’s hair. “Not for long if you don’t keep going.” 
She rolled her eyes but nonetheless returned to her task at hand. Andrea seemed content with Kara’s decision to continue because her hand held Kara’s head in place. Kara pushed the lace fabric to the side and let her fingers finally touch Andrea’s wetness, the heat of her core affecting Kara as she slid her fingers back and forth between Andrea’s sensitive inner lips. 
“Fuuuck—yeah keep doing that.” 
Dutifully, she followed Andrea’s voice as she directed Kara to play her body to her specifications. Of course, Kara was more than happy to comply, her own underwear growing a wet patch at how gratifying it was to satisfy someone. 
She pushed back up to kiss Andrea, her brain hazy with the feel of this woman beneath her just as her fingers pushed into Andrea’s depths. Meanwhile, Andrea’s fingers dug into her back, small delicious bites of those beautiful red nails against her skin. 
Soon, Andrea was moving her hips in rhythm to Kara pumping her fingers in and out, her forearm straining slightly from the angle, but not wanting to disappoint the woman in front of her. 
“Yes, yes—” Andrea groaned. “Almost…” 
Kara brought their lips together once more, her tongue seeking entrance in Andrea’s mouth even as the other woman struggled to kiss back as she neared the precipice of her orgasm. Kara stayed quiet during the whole ordeal, though her eyes were laser-focused on Andrea’s features when shadows of their movements danced on her skin, sweat forcing her hair to stick on the edges of her face. 
Finally, Andrea pulled Kara into a searing kiss just as she tightened her arms around Kara’s shoulders, her ankles crossed behind Kara’s back. Kara let her body move with the climaxing current that was Andrea as the woman underneath her came all around her fingers. 
They held each other for a moment, their heavy pants slowing to loud exhales, until Andrea completely dropped her limbs to her side. The heat of their entangled bodies suddenly disappeared, Kara suddenly feeling all cold. 
Silently, she watched in wonder and curiosity until Andrea opened her eyes and gave her a pleasant smile. “Not bad, Pulitzer,” she offered, her voice coming out rough. Kara found it hot, if she was being honest. 
She laughed, despite herself, her body and mind feeling weightless at this particular moment. She carefully pulled her fingers out, wiggling them before touching the wetness from her fingers on Andrea’s breast. She was rewarded with a squeak escaping from Andrea’s mouth and an earned slap on the shoulder. “I can do better, if you’re so unhappy with my performance,” she reasoned as she bracketed her arms around Andrea’s frame.  
Andrea placed an arm under her head and stared at Kara above her. She nodded exaggeratedly even as she pulled Kara down with her free hand. “Very unhappy. Try again.” 
Kara still didn’t know what was going to happen after tonight. Maybe nothing, maybe something. But Andrea was here with her, and not the figment and fantasy of a life she wished she had. So she would take what she could get. And she would give the woman in front of her another orgasm. 
So, as she tilted her head down until their lips touched and she pushed her thumb on Andrea’s clit, Kara tried again.
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bitch-for-a-rainbow · 8 months
Zor-El's Return
Personally, I found Zor-El's acclimation to Earth a little unsatisfying, so here's a fic that's been sitting in my drafts for over a year.
The first thing Zor-El notices about this planet is that it is bright. Kara blinks in the sudden sunlight as well, so he brushes it off as just another change from the phantom zone. Zor-El has been to planets with different colored suns before: red, blue, and once, briefly, a planet orbiting a yellow sun. That planet had been so far from its star that there’d been no effects on his body (He’d also never gotten direct sunlight due to the need for constant atmospheric and temperature control.) In any case, his previous experience has yet to get rid of the wrongness he feels when he looks out on a planet without a red star. The sky is a color he thinks must be blue, but it’s so bright, so saturated, it hurts to look at. Kara has no trouble. She looks straight up into that blinding sky and beams.
The planet smells weird too. Slightly burnt. And tangy in a way that makes his nose itch. Kara inhales deeply, like there’s not enough air in the world to fill her lungs. Zor-El thinks this might have been justified because she’s just begun to exhale when the one with red hair— Alex, he remembers— starts pulling her inside to something called a sunbed. It restores her powers and helps her heal, the girl in the strange white and— blue?— jumpsuit explains. She says her name is Nia. He asks if he’s supposed to go to the sunbed too. Nia shrugs. Alex said that would be a bad idea— and she’s usually right about this stuff. A large man with dark skin and eyes a little more calculating than Zor-El is entirely comfortable with, explains further. Your powers can be disorienting. Kara has experience, so we can afford to recharge her quickly. It’s safer for you and for us if we let this go slowly. Over the next hour or so, Nia explains the powers he is to develop. Kara had given him a brief description in the Phantom Zone but had included none of the dramatic anecdotes of her heroic— or not so heroic feats. Zor-El supposes that using heat vision to crisp meat is as valid a use as any. He does have to ask for clarification as to what, exactly, a “turkey” is. Nia pulls up a photo on some device she was keeping in her back pocket. Zor-El thinks he preferred Earth before he learned about the turkey.
… His powers come in gradually— until they don’t. He can manage the slowly increasing strength with some concentration, but there is nothing he can do when Nia calls out, and he looks up to respond, and suddenly he’s looking at the inside of her skull. Zor-El yells, and others come into the room. He doesn’t know who they are— can’t identify them from their masses of bone and twisting ligaments. He tries to cover his eyes but the only thing telling him his hands are pressed against his face is the feeling of his nails digging into his forehead. He falls to his knees, and the floor cracks beneath him.  Someone is giving orders— a woman, her voice quiet but sharp— and then something heavy— something that would have been heavy an hour ago— drops over his head and shoulders. 
He can’t see. Zor-El is shaking— he knows he’s shaking, and his breaths are ragged. He doesn’t dare to take his hands away from his eyes or to shift the blanket that hangs over his body. The woman is talking to him now, voice much more gentle than it had been a minute ago. It’s alright, she says. It’s alright. 
That was your X-Ray vision. The blanket over you is lead-lined, so you can’t see through it. We’ve got some glasses that are like it. You can put them on when you feel up to it. Zor-El means to say he’s fine, that he’s going to take off the blanket, and to please hand him the glasses. But all that comes out of his mouth is a strangled grunt, which the woman seems to understand just as well. J’onn is getting them. We’ll just keep the blanket on for a little longer.  You’re doing good, she says. You’re doing so well. 
She keeps murmuring to him until heavy footfalls sound at the edge of the blanket, and they pull it off. He doesn’t have time to see their skinless bodies before a pair of slightly too small glasses are squished onto his face. He blinks, and Alex Danvers is peering down at him with more tenderness than he’s ever seen her give. I’m okay, he pants out. I’m okay. She nods, and the moment is gone. 
The noise doesn’t come as suddenly. It grows slowly, a building pulse in his ears that makes his teeth rattle. A vehicle crashes somewhere 4 streets over, and Zor-El puts his hand through a desk. J’onn and Alex glance at him but say nothing. Nia looks concerned. A man they all call Brainy remarks on needing to build tables out of a stronger alloy with all the “peoples of enhanced strength” around, and a woman over by the computers, he does not know her name— they have not been introduced— eyes him as he tries to stand the table back up. She has a strange look in her eyes, one he doesn’t understand. It makes his skin crawl.  … Earth is loud, harsh, and abrasive. The sounds dig at his ears, and every color seems to grate at his eyes. 
He tries to imagine being a child here.  He prays to Rao for forgiveness.  … Kara tells him of her failure to raise Kal-El. He does not forgive her for this. How could he ever have blamed her at all?
Sometimes, silently, he is glad of Kara’s delay. Glad that she had landed with her cousin already grown. Zor-El does not know these people who took in his nephew, these Kents. They’re good people, Kara had said, a never-ending refrain. They’re good people. He wonders if they would have been quite so willing to take in— to protect— the baby, if his daughter had been with it. His daughter and her more obvious… differences. 
He wonders why they didn’t take her in when she arrived. Martha was old, Kara says. And Jonathan dead. Besides, I came with unusual challenges.  … In the phantom zone, he had shrugged it off. Children do grow up, after all, and that place, it… changes people. 
But he knew it was more than that. 
He remembers his Kara. His Kara would flit about the room, like gravity lost its hold, like there was too much energy in her body, and she had to move, had to jump from person to person, bounce from experiment to experiment, mind whirling a hundred miles an hour. 
This Kara is still. She does move a little, still bounces and skips more than any of the others he has met— but her movements have a forced weight now, each step as careful and precise as it is buoyant. 
She doesn’t experiment anymore either.  … When Kara had told him of her arrival on Earth, she had not mentioned Fort Rozz. When one of her friends finally mentions it offhand, she goes stiff, and turns her face from his. When he does catch a glimpse of her expression, it is twisted with shame. Zor-El is not sure whether it is aimed at herself or at him.
Alex stares at him often— and doesn’t look away when he notices. Her eyes are cold and hard. She reminds him uncomfortably of Astra, especially when Kara is there, soaking up her attention, and the ice in Alex' eyes just begins to melt. Then she looks at him again and all the warmth is sucked from the room. Looking into her eyes, he sees hatred. Kara notices. She says nothing. Her eyes are colder than they used to be too.
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doudouneverte · 2 months
a/n: I wrote it in thirty minutes to force my ass back into writing, sorry if it feels disturbing and incomplete...
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Kara Danvers x Fem!reader
Summary: Kara try to understand how you became like this
Type: disturbing? angst
Warning: no power-au, kidnapping, drugged Kara and creepy reader
word count: ~1300
It's from Kara's POV
Why did it seem so real? Why couldn't I get rid of the feeling of her hands on me? She was so perfect, yet she was full of flaws. It was impossible for me to remember why I fell for her. Maybe it was her eyes the first time she looked at me. Maybe it was her voice when she talked to me. Or even her hair (god, I love her hair). And her cute face too. She was full of qualities. At least until this thing started between us.
Everything started like any other relationship. I was mesmerised by her look and her personality, so I decided to ask her out. She gladly accepted, and it was like she had waited for a long time. It was a little weird, but I let it slide.
Then one date became two, then three, and much more. Three months later, we were officially formalising our relationship after we had good sex at her place. She was caring, lovely, and never pushed me more than necessary. So when did everything start to go insane?
Well, actually, I already knew the answer. It was a random Wednesday; we were out for a date, and then we met my friend Lena. That’s when I noticed that she became weird. Her behaviour towards Lena was a little aggressive. I decided not to really question that because I thought that it was just some misplaced jealous act. But then it happened again. Did it really happen more, or did I just start to notice her true self from this moment?
After Lena, she acted weird, even around my family. It was something that my sister, Alex, tried to talk to me about. But at this time, I was too enamoured by her to even notice that her worries were justified. I meant, my mom loved her, and for me, it was enough. 
She was making me happy. She treated me like a princess, always caring, making love with pure love in every act, and she put even more affection in the aftercare. It seemed like I was always her priority, but after some months, I started to find it a little weird too.
Of course, I talked to her about how she was slowly babying me and how it started to annoy me, but I still reminded her that I still loved her. For me, it was not a big deal, but it was a discussion that we needed to have. To her, otherwise, it was…heartbreaking? At least that was what she said between her sobs. She cried that day because I told her that I could take care of myself?
I found it weird, and I talked about it with Alex and Lena. They agreed on something: I should start to let her go. Leave her before she took total control of my mind. They seemed to notice how everything would go, but they didn’t want to scare me, I guess. But for me, nothing could go wrong: it was Y/n, the same lovely and caring woman I met that day. Or maybe it was what I said to myself because I was afraid that they might be right.
Despite our conversations, she still acted like usual. Never leaving my side until it was needed. Always trying to take care of me, even if I could do things on my own. She was slowly transforming me into her little doll. After some weeks, she started to choose how I would dress when we had a date, and before it could go too far, I decided to step in.
I remember that we had a huge argument about how she was suffocating me. But like usual, she started to cry. If I wasn't so angry, maybe I would fall for that, but not this day. I grabbed my keys and left with the promise to come back only when she would be more mature and responsible enough to talk like proper adults. That day I drove to Alex’s house, and then I explained everything to her and how it started to be suffocating and scary to live with Y/n. The night I slept in the spare bedroom, even if I was still angry with Y/n, I couldn’t help but miss her. I was still in love after all.
Then a week passed, and she finally texted me, saying that she took some time and that she was finally ready to talk about it. Even if something in me screamed to stay away from her, I still needed to come back to her apartment to at least take some clothes if I had to stay longer at my sister's.
Surprisingly, for me, she seemed to have some stain of tears on her cheeks when she opened the door. She guided me to the couch and brought two cups of tea. I took a sip, and then we both started to talk. But less than five minutes later, I felt myself becoming more and more tired. I called her name just before collapsing on the couch.
Now there I was, somewhere far from home, chained to a bed in a bedroom that I didn’t recognise. 
“Oh, finally, you’re awake. I started to think that I put too much drug in your cup.” There she was, with a creepy smile on her face. It was the first time that I saw her like that. “I know you should have a lot of questions right now, and I will answer them, but before that…” She climbed in her bed next to me and immediately cuddled with my body as if her life depended; she inhaled my scent and left a sloppy kiss on my neck. “I missed that. I missed you.”
I tried to scream, but I noticed that any attempt was shut off by a cloth she put in my mouth. “Oh, sorry, I almost forgot that.” She said before freeing my mouth.
“Get out of me you psycho bitch!” I yelled while trying to get rid of the bed. She just ignored me and kept her face pressed against my chest. “Y/n, I don’t know what type of shit you’re doing right now, but you need to back off and let me go.”
“Why? So you can leave me again?” She snapped for the first time since I knew her. “Sorry to yell, but you need to understand that I can’t let you go, Kara. I love you, and I know you do too. You’re just getting corrupted by your sister and Lena. But it’s okay; these bitches will not be able to mess with you anymore. It’s just you and me against the world.” Her sweet tone made shivers run through my entire body.
“What do you mean, Y/n?” I asked.
She raised her head and looked at me with a wide smile. “They will never find us; I mean, we left the country a few days from now.”
“What do you mean, Y/n? Where are we?” I asked, more panicked.
“Greece. I told you that my dad had a house here, and he was more than happy to let us live there from now.” From her facial expression, it was not a lie, which meant that I couldn’t go back home? No, it’s impossible. I had a whole life back in the US.
Seeing the tears running down on my cheeks, a wide smile appeared on her face. “It’s okay, Kara. I’m here, and I will not leave you.” I wanted to throw up, scream, and maybe punch her, but I couldn't do anything about that. I couldn’t stop crying.
“I know that the change can be weird at first, but it’s okay, I will help you with that. I will never leave your side.” She pressed her lips against my cheeks.
Why everything was happening to me? Why did it have to be me? She was so lovely, and so caring, I started to dream about a future with her. Why did she need to ruin everything?
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blkmxrvel · 4 months
Haven’t Forgotten My Way Home (28) - [CONVERTED]
Pairing: Kara Zor-El x Female!Reader
Summary: In the D/s society of National City, men and women abandoned by their Dom/mes or otherwise deemed unfit for life “outside” end up at the Mount Overland House for Orphaned Submissives. It is here that Kara Zor-El finds Y/N Hastings, broken and fearful from mistreatment at the hands of her former Dom. Can Kara coax Y/N back into the world that once so terrified her, and show her the true meaning of care and submission?
Warnings: Domestic Violence (Flashbacks, Mentions and Descriptions), Misogyny, Domination/Submission.
A/N: After 3 long years.... I'm finishing the conversion of this story. You have my rewatching of Supergirl to thank ;). Going back over this story i realized there are a LOT of conversion I missed/messed up so im going to go back over everything and fix it all for good. Enjoy!
[previous] | [masterlist]
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“Stop peeking, everybody’s out there already. You don’t need to worry that your audience is lacking.”
Kara glanced back from the door and grinned at Alex. “Actually, I was looking at two specific members of the audience.” She pointed as subtly as possible, and Alex peered out over her shoulder.
“Who’s a good little baby?” they could hear Maggie saying as she cuddled the tiny girl to her chest. “Who’s a brave baby Maya? You are, yes, you are!”
“Hey, can I have my kid back?”
“In a minute,” Kara and Alex heard her say as she tickled the booties-clad feet of Sam and Lena’s daughter. She giggled and kicked, adorable in pink gingham, all wide brown eyes and with brown hair that Maggie had subtly shaped into a Mohawk.
Born a month early, Maya Penelope Arias had had a rough time at first, but now she was the spoiled apple of her mommies’ eyes. She had Sam’s last name, since Sam had given birth, but Lena was by law given all rights to Maya as her second mother.
“And she got to give her a weird-ass middle name,” Sam had pointed out.
“Sam, dear, you’re going to give her a complex,” Lena had said with a smile, her pinky held in the tight grip of her little girl.
“You’re so precious, you are,” Maggie cooed, looking nothing like the trouble-making, drug-addicted street rat that she had been only a few years earlier.
“Ohhh, boy,” Alex breathed softly, “I can see where this is going.” But she was smiling, and Kara nudged her, grinning.
“Yeah, you’d think she’s precious until she’s using you as a milk machine,” Sam said, but her tone was affectionate as she smoothed down Maya’s hair. “Do you have any idea how awkward it is to kneel in the corner with a baby attached to your boob?”
“She’s still amazing,” Maggie said, pretending to chew on Maya’s fingers now firmly in her mouth, then rolled her eyes at Lena as she extricated the baby’s hand and cleaned it with a wipe. “Aren’t you, monkeyface? Your mommies did a good job.”
“So did the Cryobank,” Sam said, tucking the baby into her arms as Maggie finally relinquished her. “They had a good choice of frozen swimmers.”
“Oh, hey, Brainy donates there!” Maggie exclaimed, and Kara pressed her face to her palm as Lena let out a sound somewhere between a gasp and a strangled sob.
“I swear to God if he's my baby’s daddy I’m going to kill you.”
Kara snapped the door shut and shook her head, smiling at Alex and smoothing down the front of her dress where it had gotten wrinkled.
It had been six months.
Six months since Y/N had looked over at her with her heart on her sleeve, fear and longing in those deep hazel eyes that Kara realized she always wanted to be looking at her. Kara smiled, remembering what Y/N had said to her.
“I look at you and home is all I see.”
The tears had rushed to her eyes but Kara controlled herself to speak quietly, firmly.
“If I hadn’t been so interrupted,” she said, the smile still on her lips, “You would have heard me say that all I want is to be with you, in New York.” Her smile grew wider at Y/N’s gasp, and Kara reached out to pull the girl into her arms.
“My little one,” she said, kissing Y/N. “I am so proud of you, even for – especially for interrupting me.” She trailed her thumbs over Y/N’s face, wiping away the tears, and kissed her again. “I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. Everything you are and everything you’ll ever be. I love you.”
Still, she’d insisted on waiting, because as firm as Y/N was in wanting to be claimed, Kara for her part wanted to be sure.  Y/N had moved out of Nia’s and into her own small little apartment in town, though she spent more of her time at Kara’s than anywhere else. But it had been amusing for Kara, to watch as Y/N slowly blossomed into her own, decorating the apartment with her personal touches even as she would smile at Kara and cheekily say, “I don’t plan on living here long, you know.”
“I know,” Kara would say with her own soft smile, and press a kiss to Y/N’s cheek. “I know.”
She watched as Y/N grew in confidence with each passing day, going to places by herself or with friends – and that made Kara smile the most, the fact that Y/N had friends. True, they were mostly those in Kara’s own circle, with the exception of Kelly, and she was still exasperated about the fact that Sam seemed to revel in teaching Y/N to push all of Kara’s buttons. But it was good to see Y/N going out and having fun, whether it was to a restaurant or bookstore, or even one of Maggie’s clubs.
At first it made Kara worry, Y/N being out on her own, especially those nights that Y/N chose to spend at her apartment rather than Kara’s house. Those nights, Kara would sleep with her phone clutched tightly in her hand, just in case Y/N needed to call. Was she warm enough? Kara wondered. Had she eaten enough, was she getting enough rest, was her bed as soft as the one she had at Kara’s? But every morning without fail – as per the rules if Y/N wasn’t staying over – the phone would ring at 8 a.m. and Kara would answer it, smiling to hear Y/N’s gentle voice on the other end.
“I slept just fine, Miss Kara, don’t worry.”
And really, it didn’t matter if Y/N wanted to spend 5 out of the 7 nights at her own apartment, or stayed out until 2 in the morning with Maggie, or walked the mall for hours with Kelly – which she didn’t. For Kara, what mattered were the two pieces of paper held with magnets to the refrigerator door. Plain white sheets with pink and purple and green ink and littered with gold stars.
Y/N’s rules. Kara’s rules. The list they had drawn up together, the list that was growing steadily as they experimented, as they learned. Things were being added, scratched off, put into the “maybe” and “no way ever again” columns. It was a slow road, Kara was realizing, and as comfortable as she and Y/N were with each other so far, there still had been a few missteps, one safe word that had resulted in Kara spending the entire night on the couch with Y/N held, safe and sleeping, in her arms.
They hadn’t been fully intimate yet; Y/N had asked to wait until the actual night of the claiming, saying that she wanted it to be more special. But Kara could see past what Y/N said to what she couldn’t give voice to, to the undercurrent of fear and hint of darkness in Y/E/C eyes that should always be bright with happiness. It hurt her, at first, knowing that Y/N was still afraid to give herself fully to Kara, but as always, a quick chat with Lena had been enough to help Kara regain her perspective.
“You’re surprised that she’s scared?” Lena said over her shoulder as she hung yet another picture of herself and Sam on the wall. “After everything she’s been through?”
“Well, no, I just… thought I’d be different,” Kara admitted. “She says I’m not like him, but it’s as if she expects me to be like him in bed.”
“You’re being paranoid,” Lena had said, sitting next to Kara on the couch and brushing her forehead with a kiss. “You know you’re different. She knows you’re different. But this is the last… thing, the last hold he has over her. He owned every part of her, especially her body. She wants you to claim her, but she’s scared to claim that part of herself.”
“You’re too smart for your own good,” Kara had muttered, and Lena smiled.
“The act doesn’t matter,” she’d said. “As long as it’s gentle, careful, sweet. What matters is that she knows how much you love her. Concentrate more on the emotion than the physical, and you can’t go wrong.”
As for Kara, her dads had insisted on giving her enough money to get by for the six months until her relationship with Y/N was set, and the rest of their plans could be put into motion. Kara had protested, but she knew her dads still felt some measure of guilt for keeping her away from New York so long, and so Y/N had encouraged her just to take it, especially since it was too dangerous to head off to the city with no money in the bank.
They would fly out to New York for a weekend to find an apartment, then fly back and Kara’s dads would help them pack the essentials for the long drive, and ship the rest later. Kara was excited – and terrified. But a soft touch from Y/N on her cheek, and everything was fine. All her fears vanished, and Kara felt as if, with the young woman by her side, she’d already won a Tony.
“I’m that good?” Y/N had joked when Kara had said that, her tongue stuck out, and Kara had just rolled her eyes, cuddling her brat close on her lap.
“Ready?” Alex said from Kara’s shoulder, and she turned around to rest her head against her chest, the woman wrapping heris arms around her with a smile. They’d repaired their friendship after the trial; in fact now it was stronger than ever, and Kara wouldn’t have even thought twice about having Alex in the front row, along with her other family and friends.
Y/N’s parents weren’t there, which was to be expected since Y/N had steadfastly refused to invite them. Kara had asked, carefully, but Y/N was vehement to the point of tears about not wanting her parents anywhere near herself and Kara. Kelly was there, though, along with the young man Y/N had heard so much about, Mike, and Nia, who had already gone through one pack of tissues and was starting on another.
“Go on,” Alex said quietly, pushing Kara lightly towards the door that led to outside, and the little circle in front of the seats.
“Go claim your girl.”
It was a simple white sheet laid out on the grass, and a lattice arch laced with green leaves and gardenias. Just to the side of the arch was a table draped with a lace cloth, upon which rested two boxes, one smaller, one larger. The larger box held Kara’s gift to Y/N, the smaller, Y/N’s gift to Kara. They were like two children at Christmas in the days leading up to the ceremony, knowing exactly what the gifts would be but not what they would be made of.
Both of them, though, knew the meaning of what was held in those two boxes.
In between the boxes was a single sheet of paper, with two pens on top. The paper was official, with the state seal emblazoned on the upper margin, and the bottom margin held the stiff, black scrawl of the woman officiating the ceremony, Caitlin Snow.
She stood just to Kara’s left, smiling at her, waiting. Two blank lines on the paper also waited, for signatures. Pledges.
Kara took a deep breath and once again smoothed her dress. Light baby blue, and her hair was pulled up into a loose bun at the nape of her neck. The day was calm, cool, and the sun had begun to set just off the horizon. It was perfect, made all the more perfect by the trembling girl who shut the door behind her and made her way to the sheet, stopping to stand in front of Kara with a nervous smile.
Kara reached out and took both Y/N’s hands in hers, squeezing them gently as she leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“All right, little one?” she questioned, and Y/N nodded, her cheeks flushing pink.
“I’m all right, Miss Kara.”
“You’re beautiful,” Kara said, still holding tightly to Y/N’s hands, and it was true. Y/N was wearing a (color)  dress that matched her eyes, which were sparkling as she smiled at Kara, the blush still evident on her fact. She was still trembling and Kara squeezed her hands again, taking in the way Y/N’s Y/H/C hair was twisted up in braids, loose tendrils falling around her cheeks and ears.
She was, Kara thought, the prettiest girl she’d ever seen in her life.
And in just a few short moments, Y/N would be completely hers.
“Are we ready to get started?” Ms. Snow asked, and both Kara and Y/N nodded their consent.
“Kara and Y/N,” Ms. Snow began, “have decided to keep this short and sweet, because I’m gathering they’re quite eager to start their life together and enjoy the support of their family and friends here.”
“This isn’t something to be taken lightly,” Ms. Snow continued, a note of warning to her voice that gave her a sudden formidable air in spite of her small frame. “A claim is meant to be for life, two people choosing to live their life together as Dominant and submissive, with all the care and emotion that a relationship like that means.”
Ms. Snow looked to Kara, then to Y/N in turn. “Have each of you decided to pledge yourself to the other, freely and willingly, with no pressure or force from family or friends?”
Kara waited for what felt like years, a lifetime as the days and moments flashed behind her eyes. First steps, first words, first competition at a year old. School and slushies, her dad knelt by a hospital bedside. A ticket to New York, tucked away in a scrapbook, yellowed and crumbling, unused. Work and the society, a brick building at the end of a walk.
A girl with dirty hair. Two slices of apple resting on the arm of a wheelchair.
The world was silent, still, until the wind picked up and trees rustled, and it was in the wind, this gentle wind, that Kara heard the answer that would define her life from this point forward.
Y/N’s voice was calm, resolute.
“Yes,” was Kara’s return, and she felt Y/N’s hands squeeze hers because she had begun to tremble, and for a brief moment Kara once again realized that there was no shifting of balance, no changing of roles, because the comforter didn’t have to be left uncomforted, there was a control in subservience, and even as she waited to kneel, Y/N was holding Kara up.
“Y/N and Kara have decided to make their own presentations to each other rather than following the usual claiming ceremony,” Ms. Snow said, “And Kara has promised not to use a lot of words.”
Their friends and family laughed; Kara rolled her eyes when Maggie let out a whoop from the front row only to be shushed by Alex.
“Y/N?” Ms. Snow asked gently. “Are you ready?”
Kara saw the subtle intake of breath, felt the trembling return to Y/N’s body, and her impulse, even as Y/N let go of her hands, was to pull the young woman into her arms and whisper comfort into her ears. But she held back, because Y/N was removing the thin bracelet from Kara’s right wrist and handing it to Ms. Snow, exchanging it for the bracelet that had, for the last three days, rested in the small royal blue box.
A pillow now sat at Kara’s feet, waiting for the moment when the collar would be placed around Y/N’s neck. But for now Kara was distracted by the shaking of Y/N’s hands, the fumbling of her fingers around the bracelet, which slipped out of her grasp and tumbled to the sheet on the grass.
“O-oh no,” Y/N said as she knelt down on the pillow and picked up the bracelet, her voice laced with embarrassment and regret. “I messed up, I’m s-sorry…”
Ms. Snow moved to say something, but Kara held up her hand, then reached down and tucked it under Y/N’s chin, stroking the skin with her thumb and lifting the girl’s head so that Y/N was looking up at her. Y/N’s eyes sparkled with unshed tears, and Kara’s heart melted.
“Easy, little one,” she said. “You’re doing just fine, Y/N. It’s okay, you’re all right.”
Y/N hesitated for a few seconds then took a deep breath and nodded, steadying herself. She stayed kneeling on the pillow as Kara dropped her hand; Y/N looked at the bracelet then raised it to her lips, kissing it before latching it securely to Kara’s left wrist and holding on to Kara’s hand with both of hers.
It was a bird, Kara saw, and she smiled through her tears, marveling at how appropriate it was. A single silver bird in an open circle, held flat against the back of Kara’s wrist with a silver band. Kelly and Sam had gone with Y/N to help her, but she’d picked it out herself, Sam had told Kara, and it gave Kara no small amount of pride that her girl had chosen something specifically for her, something that she would wear for the rest of her life.
Y/N dipped her head and kissed Kara’s hand, nuzzling it as she began to speak.
“I love you, Mistress,” Y/N said, and Kara had to fight back the sob. “You… you know I like drawing birds a lot, and I thought this was the best thing for me to give you. Because when you found me… I was like a wounded bird, you know? Tossed out of the nest and I’d forgotten how to fly. And you… you gave me my wings. But no matter where I go, I promise, Mistress, I’ll always fly back to you.”
She was crying then, openly, barely able to see Y/N but holding on to her hands for dear life, anchoring herself with Y/N’s words. With that one specific word.
“A lot of stuff has happened to me, but it’s in the past now. I want to… let go of my past and start my future. Our future. Together.”
 “I know I’ll make mistakes,” Y/N said, once again kissing Kara’s hand. “And I know you will too, even though it’ll be hard for you to admit it, because you hate being wrong.”
She couldn’t help but laugh as Y/N stuck her tongue out. Her little brat, Kara thought. God she loved this woman.
“But I promise that no matter what happens, no matter what mistakes we make, I’ll do my best to fix it. I’m always going to be there for you, I’m always going to try to be your best little one—“
“My only little one,” Kara interrupted with a chuckle, and Y/N smiled.
“Not done talking,” she said, and Kara nodded. “I’m always going to try to be the little one you need, the little one you deserve. Because I love you, Mistress. I love you so much.”
And then as Y/N fell silent, Kara knew all attention had turned to her, and the pink satin box that Caitlin Snow had opened and held out to her.
Y/N had asked for Kara to not to give her anything silver, as it was too reminiscent of the time she’d spent with James. And so the collar was gold; thin, strong links of chain meant to be held together at the ends with a lock, and Y/N smiled seeing it, because the lock was a thick gold star of about an inch, the keyhole in the center.  Still tucked in the box was the key, a dainty little antique with an open gold star on the end.  She would carry it with her everywhere, Kara knew, and hope that the only time the key would need to unlock Y/N’s collar was when the girl showered.
The lock was unlatched, and so Kara pulled it from the collar and draped the chain around Y/N’s neck, the two ends dangling open over her shoulders. Kara smiled at her reassuringly, seeing Y/N shiver slightly, and she lightly brushed her hand over Y/N’s face.
 “I at first thought I would sing to you a song expressing my emotions,” she said, and then grinned. “But for once I decided to save everyone the melodrama and just… tell you.”
“I love you, my little one,” she said, and meant it to the very core of her heart. “This collar has a gold star lock on it because, well… you know gold stars are my thing, but also, you’re my gold star, Y/N. Shining bright and beautiful every time I look at you. And no matter what happens, no matter if you’re obedient or naughty, happy or sad, I promise to always love you. Everything that you’ve been, everything that you are, everything that you will be. For the rest of my life, I love you, Y/N Zor-El-Y/L/N.”
She slipped the lock through the ends of the collar and moved to latch it, but was stopped by Y/N’s hands on hers.
Kara’s heart plummeted. Was Y/N rethinking everything? Had she decided at the last minute that she couldn’t do this, that Kara wasn’t the one, that maybe there would be someone better for her out there? She opened her mouth to say something but for once the words wouldn’t come.
Which was a good thing, because Y/N’s hands folded around hers, their fingers linked awkwardly, and Kara realized with a choked sob that Y/N’s intent was for them to close the lock around her collar together.
It latched with a click, there was light applause from the family – and another whoop from Maggie – and it was done.
Kara Zor-El had claimed Y/N Y/L/N as her own.
Jeremiah appeared at Kara’s side long enough to take the key for safekeeping until the day was over, and then Kara was reaching down and lifting her submissive – her little one, her girl, her Y/N – to her feet.
She wrapped her arms around Y/N and held her close, then tilted back and lightly kissed Y/N’s lips, laughing through her tears.
“I love you,” Kara said again, glancing down at her bracelet, and smiling when she saw Y/N toying with the lock around her neck, an expression of happy wonder on her face.
“This is so beautiful,” she whispered, before kissing Kara again. “I love you, Mistress.”
Kara didn’t think she’d ever tire of hearing Y/N say those words to her, and it was on the tip of her tongue to ask Y/N to say them again when Miss Snow interrupted once more.
“Only one thing left to do then,” and Kara nodded, realizing that this was the most important part.
She took Y/N’s hand and turned her to face the table upon which the contract rested. Kara didn’t really care for the term “contract,” but knew that technically the wording couldn’t be changed. “It’s a promise,” she had explained to Y/N. “A promise that I’m going to take care of you to the best of my ability, and that you’ll do the same for me.”
Indeed, the contract laid out Kara and Y/N’s rules in simple, black script, presented coldly, almost medically, with no indication of the emotions and troubles that had led up to that point. But though Kara knew that it was just a piece of paper, and that what really bound Y/N to her was her heart, and the gold star collar around her neck, a part of her still tensed when Y/N hesitated, the pen in her hand poised over the page.
But then Y/N signed with a steady stroke, Kara took a deep breath and did the same, and Caitlin Snow was beaming as she said “Ladies and gentlemen, Kara and Y/N Zor-El-Y/L/N!”
Finally it was time for hugs from everyone, including sloppy kisses from baby Maya and an excited bark from Theo, who looked dapper in the green and white bowtie Kara insisted he wear. The chairs were moved back to make room for tables, the food was brought out and soon it was apparent, as Y/N and Kara shared a slow dance together, that Miss Snow had dipped into the wine and was now walking around telling everyone they’d look much better in green.
Y/N stayed close to her as a few hours went by, and Kara kept her arm firmly around her little one’s waist while they walked around and accepted everyone’s well-wishes. The moon was high in the sky when Kara decided that it was time to excuse herself and Y/N from the festivities. The night wasn’t over yet, and she wanted to be alone with her girl.
“Ready?” she asked Y/N softly, tilting up to brush her lips with a kiss.
She caught the hesitation, the swallow, before Y/N nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”
Kara squeezed her hand and turned to her father, who had walked up to her and Y/N and was now offering the key to Y/N’s collar to his daughter.
“Be gentle,” he said in a low voice to Kara as they were standing off to the side. “Be gentle, and be patient, and—“
“No, stop.” Kara held up her hand and made a face. “You are the last person I want to give me tips about anything like that.” She smiled and hugged her father. “I’ve got it, I promise.”
The applause of their family and friends – and yet another whoop from Maggie – echoed in her ears as Kara led Y/N away from them and to her car. She giggled a little when Y/N rushed around to the driver’s side to open her door, only to stand there sheepishly when Kara had to unlock it. Kara pulled her into her arms for a kiss, then got behind the wheel as Y/N took her place next to her.
The young woman stared nervously out the window, and Kara held tight to her hand, as with her other, she steered the car, and her submissive, towards home.
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