#their my otp of all otps it's difficult lol
userlaylivia · 2 years
Top 5 delena moments
<3333 these aren't my top 5 because that's extremely hard but these are 5 I went nuts over when they aired and still do lol
3x19 makeout
4x23 ily
3x10 kiss
4x07 dance/sex (without sc interrupting tyvm lol)
6x22 dance
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void-botanist · 1 year
@outpost51 it's insect time 😎
The Semilsstrom family consists primarily of four adult siblings (because I have done approximately 0 character development for their parents, who are alive and chill and nonbinary but don't even have names yet):
Snap (he/per), perpetually cheerful and always ready for an adventure. Fucked off to Icepith in the far north not too long ago for adventure and friendship's sake.
Lexie (she/her), goth darling who is busy being an arcade manager and also in other people's business and fucking around in the third Akkanswl (their home). Has more piercings than the whole rest of the family and their hangers-on combined.
Derik (he/him), Wylie's identical twin and sensitive jock mechanical engineer who has lived in the fifth Akkanswl out east for a while. Not normal about artsy movies and the opera and got recruited onto the Melichacha from the shipbuilding crew.
Wylie (he/him), Derik's identical twin and athletic/pathetic interspecies doctor who had a residency in the fourth Akkanswl down south and just never left. Applied for the Melichacha crew in an attempt to get Derik's attention, and has some sick ass forearm tattoo sleeves.
And they all have their own companions:
Rolf (he/she/they), Snap's BFF, an imbra (imagine a human who is one foot tall. Then imagine them having evolved from a bat [minus wings]) full of restlessness and sarcasm who led the charge to Icepith.
Barb (she/they), Lexie's BFF/lover/whatever the hell they feel like, an intimidatingly buff orea-nawwen who just lives in third for some reason.
Mirilde (he/him), Derik's boyfriend, also a swl from third and just like a cool sweet guy.
Vy (she/they), Wylie's girlfriend, a human who is built like a tank and is technically his superior on the Melichacha.
For reference here is a picture of Mirilde (I decided nswl were scaled after I drew this so just pretend they have scale patterns like geckos):
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[Image description: a digital color drawing of Mirilde, a swl, from the shoulders up. He is a light green lizard person with a long neck, pale yellow belly coloration that extends down from his bottom lip, a rounded snout, large forward-facing brown eyes like a gecko, and a thick pale gold crest similar to a chicken's comb, with tall pointed ears on either side of it. His ears are swiveled partly forward to match his smile, and both ears have purple gauges near the base with chain links hanging from them. He is wearing a dark green t-shirt with his thin choker tattoo partly visible. /End description.]
Now that we've covered that, insects.
Snap and Rolf will race each other to catch insects in random encounters. Rolf usually wins because of being small and fast. Snap: at least put some sauce on that Rolf: [crunching, does not give a shit] Imbrath can actually survive on a diet of insects on account of being so small. Nswl are way too big for that, so for them insects are considered treats/delicacies. So, you know, you should at least put some sauce on that.
Lexie likes grilled insect kebabs, which mostly means larger insects. Barb doesn't love insects that are recognizable as insects except when they're candied (and I do mean candied, not just preserved inside a lollipop). But I do love the image of the two of them walking down the street, Lexie sliding all the insects off the stick at once with her sharp teeth, and Barb, arguably the scarier-looking one, licking a big ol insect lollipop.
Derik prefers his insects in pastries, where it's more about the flavor than the texture. Mirilde thinks the texture is important and has waxed poetic more than once about how you have to sauté them until they're crispy around the edges and have taken up some of the flavor of the oil.
Wylie likes them as garnishes or add-ins, the equivalent of putting granola in your yogurt, but this also means that he's eating them dead but raw most of the time. Vy spent a while investigating this to ascertain whether she was likely to get sick from this, so now she knows significantly more about the insect supply chain than your average swl. Personally, she's on Derik's side - she's not a very squeamish person but she just can't stomach eating whole raw insects, so they better be thoroughly incorporated and unrecognizable.
Bonus: Vy has two queerplatonic partners, Quint (they/them), the captain of the Melichacha, and Red (ey/em), the mycelial engineer. Quint is a neriet (mushroom person) and has zero hangups about eating insects as is, unless they're worm/sluglike in any way, in which case never, no thank you. The ironic thing about this is these are the only types of insects that show up in their native cuisine (not as a major part, but still). Red is a human but won't eat insects at all because ey likes them too much, in the same way some people go "this animal is too cute I can't eat its meat".
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starrylayle · 4 months
Hello starry ✨
What are some worst fandom takes you have seen?
What kind of fic would you write to "shithead Regulus Black" fest?
Most importantantly, what is going on in the greyhart universe right now???
Hey bat!! Sorry for the late reply I’ve been so busy lately. I'm literally so embarrassed it’s been over a month never gonna ask for asks again byeeee
Anywaysssss, u always ask the me the most self indulgent asks tho so thank u so much 🫡🫡
Worst Fandom Takes I've Seen:
Damn this is difficult. there are so many shit takes floating around hmmmm let's start with the easy ones.
Twinkification of sirius black. ranted about this on my blog already so i'll keep it short. it sucks. also fun fact, i used to be a total marauders fanon fan until the butchering of sirius' character (+ the rise of jegulus). So really, it was just sirius’ character assassination that made question fanon marauders. Remus fanonization hasn’t bothered me till quite recently lol.
That sirius and Remus are soulmates. Like they’re literally my otp,, but they’re not perfect for each other I’m sorry. They’re probably better with other people (Dni remadora stans tho). Buuuut, that’s part of the reason I like them so much!! Because they’re so shit for each other. People who say their soulmates often sugarcoat their relationship and get mad when ‘actual’ wolfstar depict them as ‘toxic’
Regulus was forced into being a death eater by friends and family. Bffr that boy had a Voldemort mood board. His parents were probably more concerned for him lmaoo
‘James Potter is the sun’. Babes that man was an arsehole 💅🏼💅🏼. If he’s the sun then that’s because he thinks so highly of himself not because he’s a sunshine loll
‘All the marauder’s characters must be white becoz poc didn’t exist in the seventies and our saviour jkr said so’ bffr 🙄🙄
‘Remus would bully james and sirius’ or ‘Remus was the smartest’ or ‘Remus was a roadman/skinhead’ or ‘Remus had abs’ or….
‘Blah blah *extreme terf rhetoric* blah blah
What kind of fic I would write for the ‘shit head regulus black fest’
Hmm idk. Can’t imagine writing about reggie. Well if this is specifically about reg being a shithead than maybe I’d write about all the awful things he’d said about sirius before sirius ran away or smth.
Greyhart shenanigans
Oh they’re going great. No lube no protection and all that. Mysteriously tho, every one of lockhart’s book seems to feature a hot buff werewolf character. Fans are starting to ship them and thus the omegaverse in the hp universe was born 😇
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windcarvedlyre · 2 months
I'm gonna turn that meme around on you: Venti and Jean? :>
(ask meme)
Ty :D
Honestly my answers will sort of be an inversion of yours: Jean as someone I really appreciate but I'm not actively into and Venti as unhealthy obsession and fandom bicycle. (Thanks for introducing me to that term, lol.)
How I feel about her: I don't brainrot over her for her own sake, but as my de facto main in co-op, the permanent healer in my overworld team, and one of Mondstadt's most important characters I'm very fond of her. She deserves more breaks. So so much.
Her design fascinates me too; if you use the alt version of her default outfit it looks very modest and like everything's covered when she's standing still, only for more skin to be exposed on her upper torso when you run or otherwise move around. It feels like a visual reflection of how she hides/suppresses the more human, emotional parts of herself to perform her role.
Romantic ships: I'm not actively into any but Jean/Lisa just makes sense to me. Lisa is such a fun character to bounce off her. You've got me intrigued about Jean/Eula and Jean/Kaeya as well, and I should look into Jean/Diluc too.
I s2g her voice lines make her sound like she's starting to have a crush on Traveller too. That could be really wholesome; they could periodically show up in Mond, speedrun solving a ton of citizens' problems, and whisk her off to beautiful corners of Teyvat she'd never dream of having time to visit otherwise. And they both have sibling issues... I'm selling myself on this as I type it, dear lord.
Platonic OTPs: All of the above are also wonderful platonically. Also Jean and Venti!! God!!! I neeeed more interactions between them; it's a massive shame the game never showed us Jean or Diluc processing the Venti-Barbatos reveal and the religious crisis that would definitely cause. Especially for Jean! I wish this oneshot was a longer multichapter so badly.
I'm fascinated by the idea of them having a lot in common under the surface, especially if we compare Jean to how Venti may have been in Mond's cultivation period. Even their outfits have a lot of design elements in common!
Additionally, considering her parallels with/idolisation of Vennessa, I love the idea of Venti having unresolved guilt/unprocessed trauma about whatever happened to Vennessa in the end + maybe her overworking herself for Mondstadt until her death, and him screaming internally watching Jean go down the same path. I can't get enough of fics where he helps her relax for once. The two of them should go on some long field trip where they coax each other into acknowledging they're people that feel things.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure I have any! I'm not familiar with general fandom opinions about her but I'd be surprised if I saw someone severely mischaracterising her, tbh. She doesn't feel like a difficult character to grasp. Maybe my perception's skewed since I tend to obsess over human dumpster fires, though.
Something I wish would happen: mainly (gestures at the platonic section), but seconding you that we need her to make progress with Barbara too. I'd love to see her be dragged into more shenanigans with Diluc as well, though I'm biased as a combined-Diluc-and-Jean main.
How I feel about him: I probably need help with the amount I think about this goddamn character. I didn't truly understand the term 'comfort character' until I started obsessing over him. I project onto him a bit too much and I want to emotionally smash him to bits and scrape him together again.
Even without the brainrot, he's just fascinating; he's clearly a significant character that will almost certainly be tied to massive lore drops later on, and the vague hints about him having time powers mean that even the way he fundamentally experiences reality can be theorised about with wildly different ideas being equally valid.
He has me freezing up at every damn mention of wind and/or time and/or music in this god-forsaken game. And there are a lot of them.
Romantic ships: as I said, he's the fandom bicycle for me. Everyone gets a ride. I especially love zhongven in multiple permutations, and their longevity means fanworks for other Venti ships can easily slot in past zhongven as well. Otherwise I really like kaeven, I used to be more into diluven but kaeven has completely eclipsed it for me, and I'm really intrigued about the potential of furiven as well (though I usually approach that platonically).
Non-romantic OTPs: any of the above if not being done romantically, plus Venti+Jean and Venti+Vennessa (see Jean's section lmao) and Venti+everyone in old mond- especially NB and RHW. And I really really want to see him interact with Furina. There are so many people he either has a fascinating relationship with already or has potential to.
While it's not a ship, I find the idea that he's slept with the Tsaritsa at least once pre-fallout very funny.
Edit: Venti having a non-reciprocated crush on Vennessa is interesting as well.
Unpopular opinions: I'm not sure I have any in a tumblr fandom context? Maybe that any ships between him and a mortal who's grown up worshipping him (like diluc/venti, jean/venti, etc) would be a lot more of an emotional minefield for both parties than people tend to explore, with the mortal having to go through a religious crisis while Venti clearly just wants to be treated like a person + could be paranoid as hell about whether their consent to anything is genuine.
That's not a criticism of those ships, though! The opposite, actually. I'd love to see a long fic that really digs into that.
Something I wish would happen: ...there are so many things I could put here. The main ones are a) a Venti-is-Barbatos reveal (and maybe a reveal of his darker secrets, like any abyss ties) to all of Mondstadt, forcing him to stop avoiding his problems for once, and b) for Venti to be pushed into a corner and/or go apeshit and reveal just how much he was lying about his power level.
I need a Vennessa-Venti reunion as well. Please please please.
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writerscafehub · 5 months
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I give myself a solid 3 stars. I think I can churn out some good stories and smut, but I know I make grammatical errors and sometimes my stories have an awkward flow, but I'm always working to get better. 
What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I’ve been told a few times that I have a good story telling ability; so I think that’s where I shine/stand out/ Being able to take a prompt, a song, or just a few quotes and turn it into a full story.
Are there any writers that inspire you?
Unfortunately, a lot of the writers who inspired me have left tumblr and are lost to time. Some of the ones that are still here are angryschnauzer, tsuntsunfangirl, and caffiened-queen. Some new favourites are Navy, hansensgirl, harryspet, tumblin-theworldaway, and of course all my friends in the server <3
What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
It’s so hard to pick just one so i’ll give two! I’m incredibly proud of my Spooptober 2023 collection. It was a tribute and inspired by Hozier’s newest album, and it was the first time I completed a monthly collection! Easter Bunny is definitely a favourite as well; not only a Lee fic (I love our Sheriff so much) but it was a chance to write some real escapist fluff. 
Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Loki, Bucky, and Cap are definitely my easiest characters. They’re my ol’ reliables and I love all three of them.
Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
The obvious answer is: BUCKY lol. But a lot of my fifcs tgend  to be escapism style stories. Bucky coming in to “rescue” the reader in one form or another, even if it’s a dark “rescue”
Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
I have 3 long term multi chapter fics planned that I can’t wait to share with everyone (eventually). Two of them are Kylo Ren fics, with one having Kylo Ren as a Director of an art museum, hiring an intern whom Kylo assumes is a guy, but is actually a v cute girl and the other being a Mafia!Kylo with an arranged marriage. The last is a Loki fic with Loki as the CEO of a company who needs a bride to appear good for business purposes. 
First fandom you ever wrote for?
Technically the MCU. The first ever fic I wrote was a Tom Hiddleston fic.
Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I admit I don’t really believe in “guilty” pleasures; pleasures should be enjoyed! But man am I a sucker for my dub/non-con, kidnapping, and yandere stories!
A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
I try to not to say “never” because i’m always open to inspiration, but i don’t see myself ever writing anything with pregnancy/babies
Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I wrote this INSANE fic called “When Magic Meets Insanity” which is a threesome between Loki, Reader, and Jerome Valeska from Gotham. It’s crack to hell and is still available to read on my AO3. 
Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
Stucky. Always. They are my OTP and I love how fun it is to explore their relationship. Especially throwing Sam into the mix. 
Do you listen to anything while you write?
It mostly depends on what/who i’m writing, but yes! For example, I’ll listen to oldies stuff when I'm writing for Lee, and I have this GREAT Asgardian library ambience for writing Loki. 
One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Not really, I sometimes imagine what happens after, but once a fic is done, I tend to just put it on a shelf and leave it. It’s why I hardly write sequels
Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I long to write some really good multi-chaptered works, but I struggle with writing long term conflict and i’m worried they’ll be awkward and won’t read well. 
What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
The best comment I’ve ever gotten was on my fic Sunlight (Sun God!Steve) from tumblin-theworldaway. She wrote a big huge comment on the fic and it was like the first thing I saw on a monday morning and I needed a good comment. 
Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
I won’t say “comfort zone” but I wrote my first ever Monster Fucker fic not too long ago, “By Land or By Sea” about Sea Monster!Loki and it was defintely new and interesting to write! 
Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Fluff, always. I’m always a sucker for happy endings (even dark happy endings lol)
Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Sort of. I have a beauty and the beast style novel planned. The beast is a rich lobbyist for oil industries. And the beauty is an indigenous woman who meets the beast at a cabin in the woods. It’s still heavily in development and i’m not sure when it’ll come to fruition. 
If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
“Teddy Bears” for sure. With slightly dark Bucky and Steve kidnapping me (is it kidnapping if i’m willing?? lol) and telling me I don’t have to work and they’ll take care of me? I’d be there in a heartbeat. 
Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I always write stoned lol. I get a ton of creativity and inspiration from weed and it helps make the ideas flow. It just can take a while to interpret all my stoned ramblings sometimes. 
Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
This is from my most recently published fic, the last fic in my Spooptober Collection, “To Someone from a Warmer Climate. The fic is about a witch!reader who is visited by a humble sheriff, Lee Bodecker. But he is more than meets the eye.
“Mmmmm…damn…That’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had. And I just love the taste of the forgetfulness potion you added.”  Your heart dropped into your stomach.                 “What did you say?” He didn’t answer, only leaning back in his chair. He blinked and where crystal blue eyes had seemed to make him handsome and rakish; now were two inky black pits. He blinked again and his eyes were human again, but now his irises were crimson red. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. You’d dealt with a few lower-level demons in your travels, but never someone who you could walk through your house’s defenses so easily. Usually, any malevolent force was neutralized before it even touched your house. But he…he was something darker. “I’d heard about a pretty witch living out here in the woods.” Lee continued. “Thought it was just another one of them dippy mortals wearing peace signs. But then that little old lady came in, bringing some brownies she said you’d made. And when I tasted them, I knew for sure. There was a real little witch somewhere in town. “Though it took me a while to find ya, darling. All them wards and runes…you’ve kept yourself pretty well hidden. But when that same sweet little old lady called in, worried about her friend in the woods, I knew I’d found you and here you are. Hidden away from the world, cooking up spells your nose buried in a mountain of books. All that defensive magic and you opened the front door for me and invited me in. Silly girl.” His eyes raked over your body, studying you.
Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Fanfiction writing has been some of the most fun writing I've ever had. I’ve loved writing for my whole life but sometimes it’s a struggle to write and create an entire cast/world. Fanfiction gives a helping hand to an entire gallery of characters with infinite possibilities. Not to mention the fact that based on “What if” logic, there is a multiverse out there where these fics really happen lol. I look forward to even more writing in the future, both fanfic and original. 
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struggling-author · 8 months
Hey what are your avatar otps besides azulaang?
oh umm… I wouldn’t call them OTPs since that is exclusively Azulaang, but my bi Azula headcanon lives in a variety of ships. Azutara, Azuki, Maizula… not Tyzula tbh because that feels like… imbalanced? and not Tophzula because they are menace-besties but not romantic, but with any of the other girls I think it could be great. Azutara has the enemies to lovers from Azulaang but with more spice and less forgiveness, they‘d tear eachother apart first but that makes it even sweeter if they eventually fall in love. Azuki is kind of different because Suki is more rational and holds less of an emotional grudge, it‘d be difficult for Azula to earn her trust but she would not be openly hostile to her unless necessary. I imagine this one could only happen if Azula is already in the middle or post redemption though, because Suki would not put up with any EtL shit. I guess that is exactly why it intrigues me too, I feel Suki would be more willing to give Azula a chance, more than Katara for example, but at the same time it would be impossibly hard to win her trust and I‘d like to see if Zula can manage it. Lastly Maizula, and I prefer this one over Tyzula because I feel Mai is more capable of holding her own against Azula in a relationship. It’s a complicated version of childhood friends to lovers and I‘m kind of here for it. No idea how it would work though lol.
Aside from Azula ships, I think Zutara is pretty cool and works well alongside Azulaang. Kataang is kinda cool in theory too, but I don’t like shipping Aang with anyone except Azula, it feels wrong 🤷‍♂️ The only other Aang ship I can imagine liking is Zukaang, but I don’t talk about it much.
Oh and I have to give a shoutout to Sokkla, I don’t particularly vibe with it but they’re the sister ship to Azulaang and I do see the potential of the two genius strategists, so if Aang didn’t exist I would definitely ship Sokkla instead. Nothing but love to the comrades over there. 🫶🏼
edit: totally forgot this but I actually also love Tylaang aka Ty-Lee and Aang, it just has absolutely no fandom so it’s hard to get the ball rolling. I just feel they would be such a wholesome bubbly cute ship, and I dig the Ty-Lee airbender ancestry theory so she‘d love to learn all about airbender customs and they‘d have so much fun and probably a huge family 😅 anyway I think party of why I ship this is just because I think these two deserve the world and it represents my wish for them to be totally carefree and happy. you can also add Azula and make this a throuple, I think that would work because you have Tyzula as the polar opposites and Aang in the middle to bridge the gap.
speaking of throuples I enjoy the idea of… Azutaraang? (Azula/Katara/Aang) but it is very difficult to make work. The only way I can see it is if Azula and Katara fall in love first because nothing good could come of them fighting over Aang. or maybe I could see like a stranded on a deserted island AU where the three of them have to work together and learn to rely on eachother… idk, difficult but not impossible.
Oh and I love Zuki too (Zuko x Zuki) …damn I guess I do have quite a few non-Azulaang ships. anyway this is essentially a bodyguard AU and it’s actually my favorite Zuko ship (sorry Zutara) not much to say about it cuz I’ve barely engaged with it, but I love the idea and think they would just work really well together. I also can see this as a throuple with Sokka again. I don’t really vibe with Zukka on their own but if you add Suki then I love it, because Suki deserves two good boys and it’s more fun for everyone involved if those two good boys are in love with eachother too.
final edit hopefully: Sokka Azula Aang is good too, for the same reasons listed for Zuko Suki Sokka, I swear that’s it now. goodbye lol.
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anghraine · 1 month
your blog is great, and you talk about your interests in such a compelling way! out of curiosity, who would you say are your top 10 fictional characters of all time? also, do you use twitter?
Thank you very much! It's hard to be entirely accurate about my personal top ten, but I still enjoyed thinking about it rather than about being sick and miserable, lol, so here's my attempt to come up with a Faves of Ultimate Destiny list.
(This isn't necessarily about evaluating their worth as characters or even as people, but just how much raw affection I feel. It's also not ranked, just the order in which I thought of them!)
Fitzwilliam Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (the book character specifically) — I know, nobody is surprised. He actually is my #1 choice.
Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars original trilogy — it's always hard for me to choose between him, his father, and his sister, but ultimately, I feel the most powerfully about Luke. I'm not here for soft, sunshiny fanon Luke, but I am super here for a Luke whose personal kindness, strength, and powerful loyalties mingle with his struggle against rage, fear, even hatred, and an inclination to idealize martial violence and solve his problems with it, yet who comes out the other side as the kind of Jedi that Anakin might have been rather than the authorities around Luke succeeding in forging him into something alien to his true nature.
Faramir from JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (very definitely the book character specifically) — again, I'm not super into soft and accommodating mundane guy Faramir, but very into the interplay of his basic compassion and gentleness with the repeated descriptions of him as stern, commanding, willful, and just really fucking strange. I love others a lot but no one can take his crown. (He may be uncrowned in canon but not in my heart!)
Gwen Thackeray from Guild Wars: Prophecies and Guild Wars: Eye of the North, games which most of you haven't played and I suspect would not enjoy for dated mechanics reasons, but which won my heart in the original tutorial zone. I have an explanation about Gwen's greatness here.
Attolia Irene from Megan Whalen Turner's The Queen's Thief books, but especially The Queen of Attolia. She's so precisely tailored to my tastes in female characters that I was kind of astounded, even though I read the books specifically for her based on my friends' TQT blogging. I mostly don't talk about her on this blog, but my feelings are really strong!
Aravis Tarkheena from CS Lewis's The Horse and His Boy. I know everything wrong with Narnia and specifically with THHB, but Aravis, what an icon.
Tarrlok from Avatar: The Legend of Korra. This is another close competition (with his brother Noatak/Amon along with both members of my beloved OTP, Korra/Kuvira), but if I'm being honest, he's the one who scrapes into the fave Avatar character slot. I've loved a lot of tragic villains, but he's really top tier.
Annabella from John Ford's seventeenth-century revenge tragedy 'Tis Pity She's a Whore. The title is quasi-ironic; it comes from a dismissive description of her by a super corrupt Catholic cardinal. Both the title and subject matter (murder, consensual sibling incest, a ton of misogyny) can make it a difficult play for some. But for me, Annabella is really what makes the play succeed on its own terms and outshine its Shakespearean inspiration.
Cesare Borgia from Showtime's The Borgias. In my heart this slot goes to both him and his sister Lucrezia (where #8 is definitely Annabella's alone, although I like Giovanni; if only S1 existed this slot would be rightfully Lucrezia's). But if I have to choose between them in the context of the show, I felt his arc was smoother and more coherent and satisfying throughout the show as a whole, so my love for him is less impeded by frustration.
I wasn't actively trying to only choose one character per canon, though it's wound out that way, but here's the exception: Cassian Andor from the 2016 Star Wars film Rogue One (and only that film—I'm not here for the novelization or other EU depictions or Andor or anything except what's in the movie). He's a gift of a character I never expected Star Wars to provide, and half of the only romance in SW that seriously matters to me.
Honorable "rewired my brain" mentions: Moiraine Damodred from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time (also in the show!), Sandrilene fa Toren from Tamora Pierce's Emelan books, and Lessa from Anne McCaffrey's Pern books were all deeply formative.
As for Twitter:
I definitely don't use it any more. I used to have multiple accounts, though I wasn't super active outside of academia/chatting with RL friends and the occasional random scholar who deigned to notice me. Twitter wasn't really the natural platform for my preferred "LJ fandom expat" style of online writing, and was mostly stuff like this:
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[Damn, I had no idea what was coming with "AI" ... anyway.]
I was deciding whether to keep using Twitter as the Elon purchase was going down, and then he immediately did an antisemitism and I immediately cut all use of it. I later got around to locking down all three accounts; I only maintain them to control the usernames. Most of the people I knew on Twitter joined Bluesky around the same time as me, or can be more easily reached on Discord now. I mostly use Bluesky when I feel like microblogging, but it's not a feeling that often besets me.
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Basic question but- Rank the main 6 sbg kids (based on Ur opinions of them)
That's a difficult question, lol, I don't think any of them are better than the other, but if we're basing it on my opinions, we can say "Favourite to least favourite"
Obligatory disclaimer that this is all opinions blah blah blah let's not argue here
1. Aiden
Basic answer to a basic question, lol. So far I think he is the one who was best developed in regards to his mental issues/personality. I think he's the one whose flaws are often the most high lighted, which is what I like in most characters (not that he's a bad person I guess, but just complicated, he seems more human like that)
2. Ashlyn
Same as above, I think her issues are the ones that are most highlighted and I think it's interesting to see somebody who doesn't like communicating be forced into a situation where they *have* to. Her dynamic with Aiden especially. Basically my two faces are my otp ._.
3. Logan
Unpopular opinion but I really liked him even in season 1; I felt like he was a very realistic approach to an actual person's reaction to the situation. I still like him but not as much in season 2, his backstory was very... idk, "why??" I guess LOL.
4. Tyler
I liked the implications of his character more than anything we really get to see in the story. I really like characters who are parentified/adultified from a young age and feel a lot of pressure to take care of people; I think this is smth very common in our culture (Tyler being Mexican and me being Venezuelan). Red doesn't really bring up the link between these two things very often (or even just the fact he's dis-passionate for his current hobby and has other dreams in the comic at all tho)
5. Ben
I really like his backstory and personality, but by virtue of being Red's least favourite we just don't see very much and I haven't felt any resolution from his character arc so far. I hope that changes soon tho!
5. Taylor
I would LOVE for her to be higher but I feel like Red underutilized her soooooo much. There's sooooo much potential with her character! Twin dynamics are fascinating especially when they are codependent! The hints we get, like Taylor feeling simultaneously held back by Tyler's overprotectiveness but also incapable of handling herself alone were delicious but like. We haven't seen any of that since the beginning of the season lol. I also think she's the one whose personality has been the least shown, I can't think of any major flaws she has which I think isn't the best sigh of character development
Hoping these get resolved ofc 🫰🏽
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toestalucia · 23 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
im easy...........and like too much.......personally ! i prefer akira with the older wizards, ive talked about being in those ship tags ummmm a lot<3 i cant narrow it down further......the twins are an exception but ive been over that in the past. atm i like emu with mafuyu, rui, nene & akito a lot :D theres def more (like honami i think would be cute! and i do like her with tsukasa too, but emu tsukasa besties....), but im like twice her age so i think about that stuff so rarely LOLLLL i thought hard about the rest of my muses but.......?????????? eight/machina....perhaps...........sofia/forte.......yeong/tara......(cagli teehee)
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i lov drama. with gran it comes natural cuz welcome to ur 'assuming things w/out asking' and 'thinks way too much into the future where they dont want to settle down' captain. i think akiras the most tender of all of them? and most likely to actually bring up issues? sofia is fun because i think about the event where she Doesnt speak in opposites and micah ends up rly confused........being accepted with her weird speech patterns..... natsume too, either staying at the accepting his weird behavior (jumping, scared expression, running) or having the 'i can see youkai' convo....yknow.....its good...i know tanuma alrdy had a convo like that (UNREAL CONVO i miss it) but yknow. Overall ! anything. mostly. theres some 'ohhh angst' topics im not interested in, so i think most stuff stay on the more lighthearted/loving side tho
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
feel like a fraud everytime i say that i personally wont write akira with some of the 20yo's cuz im always close to deciding to make akira closer to 30. and then i say i like akira with figaro & oz......the ancient ppl......
are you selective when shipping?
rather than selective i just dont ask ppl........and i have no interest in making relationship calls nor liking them........i want to see where the writing goes first cuz i knoowwww i sometimes say gran would say x but then i write it and y happens yknow LOLLLLLL i'd be open to jumping into stuff on discord or something tho i think ? i think i could jump into romance stuff no problemo then cuz it'd feel slightly separated from here...?! cuz idk but theres something when i open this blog that i......its a very slowburn......if ure willing to spend some months writing so gran can become more accepting of the idea then its go go go. does this make sense. well either way im not sure tbh. grans a bit added difficulty too considering how i deal with their age LOLLL since cygames is pushing 15yo still. which gives me a headache seeing how the summer events etc are explicitly yearly.....i cannot write act3 gran as a teen, not when theres a political engagement with alliah like cmon....i refuse..........but since ure following this blog uve alrdy read this stuff in my rules/about LOL
either way akiras easier with romance. i just dont approach ppl about it. whenever i make that farmsim blog i wanna be more casual with this stuff tbh...T_^ for funsies............write some yearning...
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
not far at all. LMFAOOOOOOOO i use that tag very liberally. its unlikely im writing that stuff anyway....
does one have to ask to ship with you?
:DDDDDDDDDD if i ask u we've probably written for years & years && its starting to reach crush-territory anyway (hello kaitlyn) but man idk what it is....romance is just difficult to write on tomblr rn for me...gran does not make this easier. the issues r endless. can i offer u akira.
how often do you like to ship?
(person whos always in ship tags) (smiley face) (smiley face) (smiley face) can u get into mhyk for akira....or farmsims....................ill ship everything in there.....
are you multiship?
YAAAAAA the idea of having 1 ship on my blog doesnt excite me. even tho i dont write romance atm. LMFAOABKAJD
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
do u wanna hear about the akifi doujins ive read. or the akifau art where faust puts a flowercrown on akiras head.
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
THIS IS HOW DIANTHA/CLARISSE CAN STILL WIN. i am also a sabrina/leona fan. 'did they interact' no but they should. ppl who lost their husband(s). ppl who both should be AT THE CLUB. me/canaria. me/crystal
finally, how does one ship with you?
u like my posts & listen to my ramblings and i twirl my hair and send u more asks and then it just happens. foolproof.
tagged by: @convxction faty my beloved my everything u should do it for ur multi too.... tagging: @shiningstages kait i think u should do this for ur multi and ramble............
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afra-blueraz · 1 year
hello 👋 may we know why ruki x yui is your fav ship?
Me after seeing this ask : Taking out a large list of reasons why Rukiyui is my favorite. Lol
But before that I need to say that I love all Diaboys x Yui ships and all diaboys x Yui ships are my 13 favorite otp in whole dl story . I mean there is no ship in diaboys x Yui that I hate or dislike I like all of them. But Rukiyui is really really really special to me . I love and die for this ship . My favorite and beloved couple 🤧🤧.
And reasons :
1_ Yui is the only girl who can make Ruki to say I love you . I mean we are talking about Ruki . The boy who doesn't trust women and doesn't believe in love . Yui made Ruki drop this hard opinion. As Ruki said, Yui always changes his rigid opinions easily. Yui is the only girl to whom Ruki said I failed against you and told her I love you.
2_ Ruki rarely cries. Since Ruki's personality is like mine ( we are both INTJ ), I know that these characters rarely cry and don't express their emotions easily. But Ruki cried after reading Yui's letter in which Yui wrote I miss you ( DF Ecstasy prologue ). This shows that Yui can make Ruki show his emotions and even cry. This shows that Yui is so important to Ruki that Ruki cries for her. And believe me, it is true when I say that the INTJs are difficult to cry.
3_ Imagine Ruki called Yui livestock for the first item then this word changed to angel . Yui is his angel 🤧🤧🤧 .
4_ The most important reason is Ruki is even willing to betray karlhines, who is completely loyal to him, for Yui's sake. I think it's absolutely clear that Ruki admires karlhines more than anyone else and swears loyalty to him. But Ruki is willing to break this promise for Yui's sake and betray Karlheinz.
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Just look at these sweet kisses . He is kinda eating Yui . Yui is everything to him . Yui is his angel . His meaning of life .
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Just look at him smiling at Yui with a soft look . His smile is full of love . This love is really special because this man didn't believe in love and now he is looking at a girl with a big love . 💘💘💘💘💘💘
Mr personal opinion is that Ruki wants to change his destiny for Yui . He can't be Adam and can't stay with Eve . But he doesn't accept this fate and decides to change it for Yui . For his angel . For his love .
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atorionsbelt · 1 year
as much fun as we have, i think most if not all of us know roy+jamie having romantic confirmation in series (as otp or ot3 in royjamiekeeley) was never on the table or written on the page. the cast enjoy the spontaneity of teetering between comedy / intimacy in their chemistry, and the writers leave silly trails for the audience to either follow or ignore. i did however, take some excerpts from phil dunster’s interviews that convinced me s3 ending will truly leave it all wide open for ted lasso viewers to decide where things lead for the characters.
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exhibit a, we’ll likely see more implications and suggestive dialogue that indicate something deeper than just friends brewing to the point that even phil admits it’s quite blatant, and not dismissive of the concept. but again, even in a reality where going past platonic is in a later script, they’re taking baby steps and only just achieved official friendship. not to mention how difficult it still is for both to give words to any range of feelings. they are nottt ready.
exhibit b, many people are used to shows tying up loose ends in a neat little bow, that is not the case here. idk if that’s bc of a possible 4th season? or genuinely just that it’s a nice echoed motif where the future is unwritten and the potential should remain endless to our imagination. i have no idea what jamie’s last stop for us to witness will be but i trust that phil actually loves it for him. since the characters apparently will have many paths available at their feet, and he’s a self proclaimed royjamie, i think we can connect the dots in that he would choose one of the options that lead him there lol!
but yeah they’re honestly just pressed for time when it comes down to it, it already feels rushed and paced abruptly in some areas, my guess is that if there was a s4/s5 or even a spinoff this wouldn’t be out of reach at alllll. based on how much lgbt rep caught me offguard it’s not an untouchable topic in the slightest. especially with a dynamic so unplanned.
we’ll have to see what the last two episodes bring. madness. that’s what. but imma have a good time regardless <3 jason feel free to prove me wrong btw
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 3 months
for the ask game: the witcher - Emhyr, your OC Sarah, Ciri please
and for Baldur's Gate 3: Halsin and Raphael please 😁💜
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That is a barrage of arrows hitting the bullseye of my heart! Ok Ok lets tackle them all!
Warning: It's going to be long, so I'll answer under the cut.
How I feel about this character
My love for him burns like a thousand suns. Fascination at first sight. Of course I knew Emhyr from the game first before I knew him fully in the books, which enriched him more. He is an antagonist I love to love, and I know he's done many heinous things (war, unpopular decisions), I can't help but admire the reason behind each horrible decision. And I love the humanity that shines through his armor. You could imagine that shard of ice shifting a lot when he acts human instead of the iron fisted sovereign.
My friend from birth. I can't really explain it in normal terms. It's like a childs' imaginary friend growing up with you. She frequents my dreams as a child. Always the woman with wavy black locks, green eyes, attractive smile. Someone that I wanted to be but can't. I have created many OCs: pieces of my secret soul, personalities I couldn't express in real life: Lyla the feisty, fiery, foxy red head. Violet the loud and flashy rockstar (similar to HEART), Sarah Delgado the tragic green-haired spanish fencer. But Sarah is my OC ideal: wise, pragmatic, noble and a smile that could melt any frozen heart (which I can picture her effect on the Ice Emperor Emhyr <3)
-Brat, Brat, Brat. And she wears that title proudly. Were it not for Geralt and Yennefers' affection for her, I would've disliked Ciri at the start. But you can see her caring and protective heart when it comes to children and those she love. She's idealistic, as Avallach pointed out correctly, but I love putting her through tough decisions which led her to make the most adult decision and walk the path of the empress. Still, the brat title never goes away and it make the boring empress life much more interesting.
This guy.... After being on a steady Emhyr diet, it was Halsin who got me to try a different fare. He was just my type! Big protector type with soulful eyes and a winning smile. Personality wise, the complete opposite of Emhyr. When playing BG3, I couldn't bring myself NOT to jump on him because he is that likeable. Whereas Sarah had to content with crumbs from Emhyr because of his imperial priorities, Halsin would give Tav the whole loaf and would sit beside Tav just to watch Tav eat and ask if all is to their liking. It is hard not to fall for Halsin!
There is always that one NPC that is unreachable/un-romanceable not because they are unlikeable, but because fate (writers) says so. He is a goal you can never reach, and you make it so in fanon. Raphael is suave, sexy, debonair, and sinfully seductive that it is difficult (not impossible) to not sign your soul away. You have to roll a critical 20 just to break his grip on your heart and soul!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Emhyr: except for Sarah, all his ships are platonic. But I do enjoy reading others shipping him with anyone. Depends on the writing.
Sarah: Emhyr. Only Emhyr. Everyone stays behind that friendzone barrier.
Ciri: Morvran Voorhis is the main love interest. Always! He is so calm and superior with everyone else, but when it comes to Emhyr's lil princess, he turns into this bumbling goof trying to impress her with his Nilfgaardian charms (lol). Honestly they grow on me as they do each other. Other than Morvran, I pair Ciri with anyone so long as they are written well, and isn't forced on me (you know who I mean).
Halsin and Raphael: besides Tav, anyone in the fellowship (maybe except Jaheira and Minsc). Also not with the Emperor.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Yennefer: shared aims that doesn't extent into the bedchambers. Also I think Emhyr is allergic to mages due to his past as The Urcheon.
Mererid: Loyal chamberlain. Purely servant to his master.
Geralt: Co-parent of their Child Surprise. Can't stand each other, but for the sake of Ciri, they have no choice but to work together.
Mererid: he is her stuffy stick-in-the-mud uncle, and loves him that way.
Morvran: she treats him like a brother and ally. Nothing beyond that.
Hjalmar..... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Minsc: The Rashemaar cant stand him and would love to one-up him on something!
Mizora: they could compare souls they acquire and even make a bet on which of them could collect Tav's soul... or get to make out with Tav.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Emhyr: He is better for the Continent unlike the current rulers.
Sarah: Gurl, just tell Emhyr the truth and damn the consequences1 But then the fic wouldn't be this long if she just spilled the beans, eh?
Ciri: Girl is about as darling as mouthful of wasabi. She is an acquired taste, but once you do acquire it, you will defend her with your life!
Halsin: I wish it didn't take that long to connect with him on a romantic level because I had to spurn Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Karlach and Laezel (sorry Shadowheart) to live a monogamous relationship with him. Yeah I know he is into poly, but I am not.
Raphael: I want to see more of his horned form. I find his demon self sexier than his human skin.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wished he didn't fall for Vilgefortz bullshit. Then he wouldn't have to freeze himself and become an emperor with an ice block for a heart, thinking of doing the unthinkable to save the world. Thank goodness Emhyr didn't go through with it.
Carrying the beacon (what is the beacon? It's a burden only she can bear). If not for it, she'd live a normal life as a noble. But without it, she'd never have met Emhyr.
Wish she could renounce her powers, or never ended with The Rats. Honestly it was the darkest time of her life that I hated slogging through, so as much as I hate him- thanks Bonhart!
Wish he went bear savage on those drows who captured him and had their way with him, instead of just taking it in and taking his time until it felt normal to him.
Wish we could really get it on with him, and not just his incubus.
Thanks for the ask! Whew! Hope my answers entertains!
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sessakag · 4 months
I find it pretty difficult to enjoy Sasuke-Naruto as a ship because the way Hinata is treated in that fandom space is disgusting and it’s soured me on the ship completely. But I really really love them in your throuple stuff! It’s nice to see them soft and caring for each other and being kinda snarky but ultimately loving without the thought of “oh this person hates Hinata” in the back of my head. And even when it’s a scene between the two of them, Hinata’s presence is still very much felt which I appreciate a ton. I’m never gonna care about NHS as much as NH but you’ve made the ship enjoyable for me so I’m really grateful!
For sure, there's some really toxic and nasty NaruSasu shippers that go after Hinata just because she ended up with Naruto, and I can't really understand it for her considering she's so damn sweet to everybody, and would be one of the only women to step aside if her husband truly wanted someone else, with no ill will, but, that's a them problem, not mine, lol. I separate the NaruSasu ship from that muck entirely and enjoy it how I want, and what really helps is that there are plenty of SasuNaru shippers I've met that engage with my throuple posts that are absolutely lovely and didn't mind Hinata at all🥰I even got some throuple converts out of it, which I'm always trying to recruit😉
I'm glad you're able to enjoy the throuple for once, trust me, I understand that feeling 100%. There's only a handful of NaruHinaSasu fics and too many of them treat one of the trio like an optional piece (usually Hinata) that can't enjoy the story at all, and that same though will be in the back of my head (this person hates Hinata😩) I'm not one to stew over it though, if I'm not finding what I want, I'm gonna go make it myself🤭
I can't help but mention the other spouse when one is missing. It's probably trauma after reading fics that keep leaving one person out, lmao, but I just have to make sure people know they all love each other, even when it's just two of them. Especially Hinata!💕She be getting done dirty in these dynamics😭
And I got you, I'm in the same boat, I love NaruHinaSasu, but NaruHina is my core, it is life💕my OTP forever💕💕💕
Still, I am very happy that you can enjoy the throuple too. That's all I want is for people that read my throuple fics or stories💕to enjoy seeing these three together because they really have a very cute, very interesting and lovable dynamic when they're all being loved equally. I want to write a lot more for this throuple (been too busy obsessing over NaruHina though lol), and hopefully, more people will give the throuple a chance and that it will help shift the current negative perception of this throuple due to the venom of a few writers😩because you are certainly not the first person to bring up the venom souring them on NaruSasu and consequently, NaruHinaSasu.
I've got about 5 NaruHinaSasu fics coming up that I'll be posting some time this year, and the ones I already have out will be getting some love once I finish a few things with Butterfly and Prey. I'm really excited for these new stories and I hope they're something more people come to enjoy🥰
Thanks so much for dropping by to share your feelings about this ship and your feelings about my snippets🥰makes me super happy!
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terresdebrume · 7 months
for the OTP ask meme: 14 and 51 for Webgott (or whichever ship where that's an interesting question/whichever you want lol)
[Ask me about my OTPs]
Thanks for the ask :D I love the questions you picked, they're difficult but in a great way :3
14: How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
So to me, the way David is portrayed in the series makes him seem like a guy that's even-tempered enough people may wonder if anything actually gets to him, who can definitely be oblivious to how things and people work (I mean, the guy is out of a war for 4 months, comes back, and it apparently doesn't occur to him that the guys he doesn't see right away might be injured or dead? Come on.) In my headcanon, part of this even-tempered-ness exists because he got lucky and is just like, emotionally solid, so to speak, but another part of it is also that I headcanon him as someone who doesn't always realize he has Feelings about Stuff, until they bubble up and he finds himself snapping about it.
(Full disclosure: my headcanon of Web is a little bit autistic-leaning, but I think his spot on the spectrum would be one where he'd go under the radar until and unless something made it impossible for him to arrange his life in a way that accomodates his needs)
Meanwhile, Joe definitely knows when he feels things, he's just generally not happy about feeling them and has a tendency to make it everyone else's problem. (Or Web's, once they get together.) I think, in a way, the reason he ribs Web constantly (seemingly especially after he comes back from the hospital?) is because he can't wrap his head around the concept of a guy who's been living the same shit Joe has and seems to be as affected by that as a a dog is affected by the theory of relativity. I think it just doesn't compute, and at least his earlier niggling is partially a scientific experiment to see if he can Make This Guy Emote.
Which of course, to Web (who is oblivious and doesn't realize his apparent mental stability in the face of Everything is odd) probably feels like gratuitous targeted harrassment until he figures out how to read Joe and realize that actually this is just an elaborate form of pigtails-pulling (or at least it becomes that after a while)
So, like. Overall I think Web and Lieb compliment each other in the same places they clash: Web doesn't know what he feels most of the time but has no issues talking about it when he does, which Joe finds both fascinating and frustrating because who the fuck rolls over on their back and bares their chest like that on a regular basis, am I right? He thinks it's breathtakingly brave stupid.
Meanwhile, Joe will bite your head off before he admits that he like strawberry cake over chocolate, actually, but because Web is already used to having to retroengineer his emotions from context clues (and he's trying to figure out why Joe hates him specifically) he ends up accidentally figuring out a whole lot about Joe that other people don't, which then gives him the necessary insight to respond to what Joe is externalizing rather than what he's saying which in turn makes him possibly the best person for Joe to hang out with.
51: What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Honestly? All the ways. As in, I think they probably go like, ten or twenty years without ever actually using the words, mostly because again, Joe is allergic, and by the time Web realizes it he's already been showing it for a while anyway.
I would say the most deliberate way Web says this to Joe is to get him food, especially greasy or sweet food on a semi-regular basis. Forget flowers: David knows that as far as Lieb is concerned, love is stored in the butter.
For Joe, I think when he actually tries to show affection he does it by seeking out activities that are relevant to David's interests (though not without complaining, of course). This ranges from spontaneously giving David his gracious permission to drag him to the sea so thay can go sailing, to saving for three months so they can drive up to that conference about sharks two states over.
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cursedvibes · 4 months
Kusakabe for the character ask! (I personally don’t like him lol but am interested in hearing your thoughts!)
Hah, I can understand why you feel that way, I think Gege isn't doing him any favours lately
favourite thing about them
I didn't pay much attention to him in Shibuya, he was just kinda there, but I did come to like him a bit more when we learned more about him at the beginning of the Culling Game. Honestly, when we focus more on him as a person, his bonds and convictions, I quite like him. Unfortunately, we don't really get much of that for the most part. For example, I love his interactions with Yaga and I'd like to know more about his sister. His thoughts about why he fights shortly before Sukuna knocked him out were quite touching too and honestly were more meaningful and did more for his character than Mei Mei, Nanami and Gojo explaining his character to us. Nice that they think he's a good person, but do they even know him? I'm not sure we've ever seen him interact with Nanami or Gojo. Nothing on all three that would make me believe he's anything more personal than a colleague. I would've loved to hear from Miwa, Yaga or his sister in their place. Y'know, the people who he actually thought of when gathering his courage to fight Sukuna. So I like that side of him, the rest is...eh difficult.
least favourite thing about them
He gets used way too much for exposition. It's basically his only role since he met up with the students. You don't really get much of his character in these instances because he's too busy being a mouthpiece for Gege infodumping on us. Also, I get he's bad at expressing his emotions, but I really don't like how he looks down on and berates Yuuji and Maki at times for example. He knows they need their strength and appreciates them for that, but also calls them stupid because Gojo failed to teach them something. He does care about all students in a broader sense (Miwa is clearly his favourite though), but I still get the strong impression that he sees Yuuji as merely Sukuna's vessel.
favourite line
"He isn't even here anymore. I guess it's precisely because he isn't here anymore...A dead man won't be saying much. All I can do is think of what he would say to me were he alive. I doubt he'd get on to me if I avoided putting my life on the line and didn't fight. He wouldn't stop me from seeing my little sister and Takeru, either. He might look a little sad though...not because I didn't put my life on the line, but because he and I wouldn't be able to fight at each other's side."
Hm, idk he doesn't seem to have many people he's that chummy with. Mei Mei, I guess? At least they actually hang out sometimes and seem to get along quite well. They think in similar ways (but Kusakabe isn't a pedophile/groomer).
Yaga. Pretty much the only real ship I have with him. I liked their little scene in ch 147 already, but his last moments when facing Sukuna have made me actually consider them as a ship. What he says about Yaga and how he wishes he was there with him to give him advice or fight by his side was quite touching. I also like the little nod of Kusakabe getting the same injury that killed Yaga (I think Kusakabe will survive it though). I wish there was more about these two and the way Kusakabe cares about other people in his life. Hearing Yaga talk about Kusakabe during his fight and then have Kusakabe wonder what Yaga would say if he was still alive would have been really touching and much more fitting than those disjointed "interviews" (yes I'm still upset about that lol). But I mean generally, a couple that raises the dead together, stays together. They both have to work through the death of a child or children they were close to, so it doesn't surprise me that they got along so well. Yaga also manages to bring out the more vulnerable side of Kusakabe, which is what I'm really interested in. I wonder how their relationship started out exactly. There must've been something that made Yaga trust Kusakabe so much that he showed him the other autonomous corpses and told him at least a little bit about how they work. Was it the incident with Kusakabe's sister? Was Yaga involved or was he just trying to cheer him up afterwards and that got them talking about the respective people/children they lost? I think this is definitely the most interesting aspect of Kusakabe's character.
Don't have one, although there are a couple of ships I don't really see the appeal in like Kusakabe/Takaba. Why would they be interested in each other? But it's nothing I can't stand at all.
random headcanon
Usami is his sister and she used to be a sorcerer who at some point got traumatized to the point of being catatonic during a mission, where she also lost her son. It's also why he tries to tell himself that he won't risk his life for others anymore because he has seen what happens if you fail and he is scared of seeing other people he's close to die. So he emotionally distances himself and tries to not get too close with others or for others to develop an attachment to him.
unpopular opinion
He doesn't come off as a "cool guy" to me, just bitter and repressed. Also people shouldn't take everything he says as Word of God.
song i associate with them
Can't really think of one.
favourite picture of them
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LIGHT MODE JUMPSCARE but um for the 'send me a character and i'll list:' how about sara from yttd ?
favorite thing about them: I love how the killing game actually affected her in ways you don't usually see in horror. How she genuinely rises to a challenge but still suffers consequences in the most human way possible. I'm a big fan of this genre but I've never seen a protagonist so relatable before in how she deals with things and ajsnsksvskskgsjb you need to play this game people
least favorite thing about them: the fact that there are so many adults in this godforsaken killing game and yet Sara, a 17 year old, is forced to lead them all to avoid being murdered. Then there's Keiji's scheming ass who knows damn well this is a child yet is still acting like putting her through the anguish of responsibility for so many people is something to be proud of. Also you're a police officer?????? Shouldn't you be leading things if you insist on talking about it so much?????? I'm sorry I hate cops and Keiji is NOT an exception
favorite line:
"Joe... Please... respond... Open your eyes... Ryoko... your parents... You need to go home to them, don't you...? Let's go... to school together... with Ryoko..."
Haha pain 😀😀😀😀 Seriously though this hurt like nothing else in the world. I asked for more platonic guy and girl bffs in media and got the most heart wrenching conversation of my life. Especially after she tried saving him with the clicker...... I couldn't pick up the game for a month after that
brOTP: Joe or Ranmaru for sure. In my mind Sara is aroace bc I said so.
OTP: again, Sara is aroace to me so no one
nOTP: once again, probably everyone
random headcanon: she's got quite the knack for drawing but really doesn't see it herself. She thinks people are just being nice to her when they compliment her drawings and it drives Joe and Ryoko mad
unpopular opinion: I've had some people really not like the fact I don't ship Joe and Sara. I think Joe telling Sara he loves her on his deathbed meant quite a lot through a platonic lens. As Joe said, it's difficult for a guy and girl to say things like that without people thinking certain things. Which makes it even more of a tender moment as he realised it was literally do die.
song i associate with them: Our Word from 36 Questions. How Sara's view of her family is ultimately torn apart and if my theory of her Dad being involved in the killing games is true it would be even deeper.
favorite picture of them:
Tumblr media
tysm for this ask mate!!! I always love an opportunity to rant about how much I love this game lol. Feel free to send more and have a good day <3
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