#then I might have a problem x'D
mitamicah · 11 months
So ... the cat's out of the bag and my mom now knows that I am obsessed with a green, finnish guy (since we talked on the phone yesterday about my trip to Sweden and Germany).
She didn't need more than 5 minutes to look through my bs when I said I might go to Finland next year - she basically just corrected IF to WHEN on the spot x'D
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diminuel · 8 days
So do Dragon and Crocodile have a tier list running of acceptable babysitters for Luffy?
I assume that really depends! Since the ocean is vast, it's a question of who is available at the particular location.
(Why are they taking him with them in the first place? Maybe Luffy is very clingy *lol* I'm not entirely sure how this AU works X'D)
But generally, everyone who is able to handle Luffy (or even Luffy, Sabo and Ace all at once? I assume the two other boys are also theirs) gets put on the acceptable babysitters list X'D
I'm just imagining now a scenario of Dragon and Crocodile going on a vacation for two weeks. Who would they most trust with their kids?
Makino would probably be high up on that list, though the problem is of course that Luffy might just get himself into danger so ideally Garp or Dadan would also be around to keep an eye on him if anything happened.
Doflamingo is probably also a go to baby sitter, especially since it's likely that there are other people around as well who will watch Luffy if Doflamingo is busy (Cora, Law once he's older, the Dressrosan royal family once Doflamingo settles there - in this happy timeline AU he doesn't take over, he just makes it his base)
Kuma and Ginny are probably also high on Dragon's list of reliable babysitters (Iva probably prefers short time baby sitting *lol* They have better things to do!)
Mihawk probably would be fun for Luffy but less so for Mihawk. I don't know how much patience he has *lol* (I don't know if Perona and Zoro would be with him early in this AU?)
Luffy would probably love to hang out with Shanks but he's not really the most reliable guy (no offense, Shanks.)
And since Crocodile spends a lot of time in Alabasta he might also make Cobra babysit X3
(I can also imagine that when Dragon wants to be a pain in the ass he'll drop Luffy on one of the Admiral's desks. It's a good strategy! If Luffy is causing chaos for them - tossing important documents out of the window, pulling the receivers off transponder snails or blocking the lines by talking to someone else, stealing Sakazuki's hat - they can't do their stupid marine work and get in the way of what the RA is doing *lol*)
My thoughts on that, but if you have additions or protests let me know X'D
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fxil76 · 11 months
Do you have any idea how Akira would be if he was a sexy gym teacher having sex with students who don't have good grades in his class? I'm fantasizing about a lot of things and you.
Well...i don't have many ideas like that. Because I think the teacher-student relationship might be strange and not appropriate for me. But I think if he were a pe teacher it would be really cool! He would be a handsome teacher who seemed very friendly to children and teen if his red flag problem was removed
Hmp... if he is a teacher who has sex with a student mc with a bad grade in the form of a roleplay kink between Akira & mc, it's quite spicy! if there's no connection like the first thing written above that- Ah yes i forgot to told you something akira is not my oc. It was originally set to belong to electricpuke
Btw er... what is mean about a lot of thing and me? X'D
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
[sharing some of Macaque's symptoms due to the energy transfer]
This is probably related to being de-energized from the transfer, but I can't help but imagine both dealing with things like morning sickness or SWK now unable eat anything peach-related because the baby doesn't like the fruit X'D
Yup! Turns out that "sharing" the energy as often as Wukong does, sympathetically gives him a lot of Mac's symptoms. He might as well be "background pregnant" while MK is still in the oven. I got the idea from the JTTW where SWK and Macaque shared the pain of the Headache Circlet.
The idea of Wukong experiencing an extreme repulsion towards fresh fruit is hilarious. Whats even more so? Macaque doesnt have that problem. Wukong's symptoms are his own.
Wukong: "Oh boy peaches!" *nom!*
Wukong: "...why I need to throw up rn?"
Macaque, happily eating a peach sorbet: "Cus you're weak."
Another symptom that Wukong has that Mac doesn't; is that he can *see* the transfer of energy between their bodies whenever he uses Gold Vision. And he can sorta see the little guy forming in it - which means he accidentally spoils some details.
Wukong, Gold Vision on: "Whoa! The soul is a boy!"
Macaque, who was just chilling and watching Monkey Cop: "...what?"
Wukong will ham up the symptoms to get others to do stuff for him ie; do the dishes, give him food, let him sleep in etc. He is also def the one who wears the goofy maternity clothes with slogans like "Baby on Board" or "Eating for Three" (technically accurate) on them.
If Macaque ever accidentally "ate" Wukong too much, SWK would get faint and both will get very ill.
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indigochromatic · 5 months
Another One Of Those Advice-for-New-Systems Posts
Saw one of these going around recently and got inspired. I wouldn't call this advice list the "evil edition", more like the... "do no harm but take no shit" edition X'D
Be on each other's team first, before anything else. Everything gets easier when you're facing it together.
Trying to avoid being (or looking) cringe is a fool's errand. If you would have to bend yourselves into a conciliatory pretzel in order to make a person like you or a social circle accept you, those people are not worth your time.
When you inevitably get hit with episodes of anxious system-doubt, (it's a pretty universal experience, I promise), take a second to pause. What's the longest span of time you've had so far without any "system stuff" (comments in co-con, switches, notes left for you, etc) happening? Say it's a week. Take that time span, double it, and then tell yourself that you are not allowed to seriously, actually start doubting until that long from now (e.g. 2 weeks). "But I'm so sure I'm definitely just faking it!" okay, hey, alright--if that's true, it'll still be true in 2 weeks. You can wait to find out, it's okay.
Be kind to everything in your head anyways, even in the middle of a doubt episode, because that's equally important for singlets to do and not just limited to systems. "Just part of me talking to myself" is as worthy of respect and kindness as an autonomous system member.
Also, keep notes somewhere of Hilariously Plural stuff that happens to you. It'll be good reassurance, but even more importantly, it'll be really funny to look back on later.
Labels are tools to help you communicate your experiences, not boxes you have to sort yourselves into.
The magic question isn't about labels or validity or trauma. It's "What do we need? What do each of us need, individually? What support would help us?"
Don't get too caught up in online system communities. Especially 1) endless tilting-at-windmills debates, and 2) advice channels and feeling obligated to give advice and emotional support to everyone who looks like they might want it. (Note: it's not bad to give advice, but it can be very easy to make a habit of overextending yourselves to care for others instead of yourselves--quite often because your own problems are hard and scary, bc otherwise you would have solved them already, and other peoples' issues can feel a lot more tractable and easier to address.)
Do find people and communities where you feel safe to be yourselves, and where people get to know you for your interests and perspectives and senses of humor, not only for your demographic labels.
It's okay to not know everything or figure everything out right away. There will be changes, there will be surprises, and that's good and normal and part of being alive.
Have fun on purpose. Lean into having fun with being a system, even if fun moments are rare and fleeting at first. Make in-jokes, encourage each other's angsty poetry habits, leave each other notes (even if you share memories), end up with massive crushes on each other, daydream together, hold each other when one (or more) of you is sad. Find things about each other you're grateful for, that you admire and want to learn from, that you enjoy.
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ourlittleuluru · 3 months
2.0 livestream!!!
Typing all these as I am eating dinner whilst watching the stream 😭
Putting it under the cut because it's def gonna be so long! (I'll post any follow up thoughts in a diff post after I re-watch and finish my dinner lmao)
delivery man is late so i'm feeding on the livestream atm :v
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They have names now! They cute uwu
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HOLY SHYTTTTT FULL 3D MODE!!!! IKZZZZ! There's also dynamic (aka animated) poses!!
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AND THE BACKGROUNDS!!! HOLY AND EVEN WIND CONTROLL???? Also presets templates ToT that's helpful
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gosh my dinner is here, right on time
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new battle content! :C
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okay would there be more lore to dig out from here???? Feels like HSR Simulated Universe kind of mode, sorta :c!! but with like different endings??? dangggg :c but i wonder how repeatative this might feel or get... 🤔
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oh X'D;;; these challenges are kinda funny ngl. but yay for new modes aside from just purely battle
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meanwhile i'm here having dinner lmao
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ughhhh cuteeeee 😭
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HIS REVEAL WITH A WHOLE SONG?!!??!!!!! HELLO???! okay that's pretty epic
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Finally new story ToT
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AND BRANCHING ROUTES?!! so much story to scour through!!!
So much Sylus memory the moment 2.0 launches XD
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and all the free rewards????? dayummmm... also new
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I wonder how the Embroidered silk ball event will be like... 🤔
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Oof... they're talking about the leak problem ><;;;
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annnnnd there is goes :c
overall, pretty decent for their first livestream! I still felt like Sylus' reveal was quite something! Hopefully they'll still show the future Sylus trailer with gameplay and all u-u;;;
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hastalavistabyebye · 16 days
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics 💞
A lil bit late but let's do this !
Since @adhd-coyote @rooksunday and @ithillia also send me this one, I'm going to do it for all four of you in one go or I won't have enough published fics xD
Trapped in a storm
It's a very personal fic to be honest and the first one of what will one day be a proper series of me using Fox as a paper doll and giving him everything my brain throw at me x'D
I think I've really captured the exhaustion and spiraling of what executive dysfunction can be like for me. And I really wanted to see Fox dealing with that too (he can't be competent all the time, sometimes nothing gets done even if it really should), so I'm pretty proud with how it turned out.
I hesitated between Try again and the first chapter of A fox somewhere is hiding, because both are me fucking with the narrative while writing fox whump xD but Try again it is !
It was so much fun to write. This one comes from only vibes and nothing else because of a playlist I found that day. And I am so proud with what it end up being. It wasn't easy, there were quite a few problems for some scenes that made me grumble so much xD but it was also very interesting to dig into.
I love writing meta and playing with the narration and what if's and I could just go absolutely nuts with that one, even if I did try to make it understable x'D
Our deepest condolences
I could have choose another Fox angst, because I have quite a few I'm really proud of, but let's change a bit.
I might have never write anything as fast as this one. It took more or less three hours of wicked giggles and that was it. I don't think I'm particularly funny but this is my magnum opus xD pure undiluted Corrie chaos, meaning it looks perfectly orderly but it really is mayhem. I owe so much space paracetamol to Mace Windu for this one :D (and there's the first apparition of my B Squad here too !! <3)
Thank you for the ask my dears <3 <3
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
Hiya!!! Since reqs are open, could I request the Flambé shuffle unit (separate idols) headcanons with the reader not knowing how to cook or is bad at cooking? I depicted a burning kitchen scene after it was fully announced x'D Have fun & ty
⋆ .* .🔥 Flambé! ⨉ Reader Headcanons
Prompt: Cooking together, except you can't cook. Word Count: 777 (!?) Warning: N/A. Notes: SFW. Gender-neutral reader. Crack. Kitchen failures. Please don't let Niki see this. Comment: H-Help.
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❧ Yuzuru just can't afford to take his eyes away from you due to constant worry. If he were to focus on the cooking more, he's afraid that you would mistakenly use sugar in place of salt. This results in him guiding and correcting you instead of actually doing any cooking.
❧ The cooking process of a simple dish would take much more time than needed, thanks to you. Yuzuru does have moderate patience, which he would rather not waste. A mere sigh indicates he still has plenty of patience, but if you happen to insist on adding energy drink to the soup broth, expect a grip on your wrist with a threatening smile on his face.
"For the sake of you, me, and whoever will eat your cooking, [y/n]-sama, please listen to me and follow the recipe as it is."
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❧ Unlike Yuzuru, Ibara doesn't have the time and patience to deal with the potential disaster of having you cook. Given his tight schedule, he doesn't have time to teach you how to cook properly. He would rather cook for you and Nagisa by himself to save time and effort.
❧ The first and last time he let you make an attempt in cooking, he managed to stop you before you set things on fire. He ushered you to go and wait while he prepares the food, subtly kicking you out from the kitchen to prevent you from making the foodstuffs inedible. As a safety measure, he would never allow you to step into the kitchen again. Never again.
"What the– What do you think you're doing?! This is a kitchen, not a battlefield!!"
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❧ The amount of cooperation you and Subaru have would win you a pair cooking competition... if both of you are good at cooking, that is. The problem is, that's not the quality that you two have. Instead, your ability to come up with wild ideas will only destroy the dish you're making. Hopefully not the kitchen, too.
❧ As long as you have Subaru, edible glitters and gold leaves aren't exclusively used as decoration for cakes any more. It's only a matter of time until he chimes in with more ingredients. The more sparkles the food has, the better. Let's not talk about if it's edible, though.
"[y/n]! I brought sparkling water! It's better than regular water because it's sparkling, right?"
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❧ Tomoya might only be a starter, but he is definitely trying his best. He paid a serious attention to the recipe, measuring everything carefully while avoiding causing any unnecessary mess. Slowly, he got over the overwhelming feeling of learning about different types of flour and measurement utensils, which are confusing at first.
❧ The moment he notices you dumping way too much butter and cream, his expression is immediately filled with dread. He mentally facepalmed at the wrong cups that you use to measure the amount of things you need, before reprimanding you to pay attention and follow the recipe. The way he scolds you bluntly is enough to enlighten you, and yet not to the point of sounding rude.
❧ Fortunately, with the help of Tomoya, redemption for your mistake(s) is not beyond possibility. He assisted you in scooping out the excess ingredients before it's too late. The failures don't discourage him from doing another trial until he gets the food right, but he would appreciate a proper guidance next time.
"It's okay, [y/n]! We make mistakes sometimes. Just don't forget to use this cup to measure butter, okay?"
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❧ This one cooking session with Rinne is, needless to say, catastrophic. Chaos, chaos ensues. Burning kitchen scene, yes. Who proposed the idea again? Of course, Rinne wouldn't pass up a chance to gamble, especially when it can boost his ego. He easily agreed to bet on whoever is more impressive at cooking, especially when he knows you can't cook quite well.
❧ Rinne might have seen Niki cook a few times, but that means nearly nothing if he never actually tried to cook by himself. The whole cooking session is filled with you and Rinne showing off your "impressive cooking skills" instead of making an edible dish, there is no telling that the giant fire plume was actually an attempted flambé. If no explosion happened in the process, then consider it as a miracle.
❧ At this point, the competition is more about who is less bad at cooking. No one would win, by the way. Ibara would ensure that the two of you pay for the damages, and there is no escaping it. Overall, it's absolutely not a recommended bonding session.
"Argh, whatever! Why do you even need to cook when you have Niki around?!"
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maria-ruta · 2 months
Veronica 💢 🕷️ 👪 and ❤️ :3
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
usually she takes some extra time in the begining of the night to put a pretty face X'D washing, makeup, outfit, nails etc... thos some of her images take less time of preparation (like punk for example)
I can remember one specific moment in the game when she didnt have time to make herself all pretty and such because had lots of things to do and later on regreted this bc was mocked in elysium by it's keeper toreador and her goons, and im sure it wasn't the only ocasion in her life, so yeah i think as years go she keeps taking her preening routine more seriously and personal, probably OCD in some sense
another trait of her that some vampires might have troubles to getting used to - she has high level of humanity, so she would be against hurting inosent people, or killing anybody etc
if you have troubles or problems, she is willing to help, but it might turn into her giving her advice that you haven't asked for. so for you it might be pretty irritating, sometimes she's crossing the line
🕷 SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
her beast taking over resulting in her hurting others (happened at least several times in our game), her loosing her humanity completely and her turning into inhumane bloodthirsty monster
loosing everyone she loves, being completely lonely
hurting kids - she even has tabu on drinking blood from children and teenagers
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
her biological family: back in 1920s, before she became vampire, she had father and mother, older sister and younger sister. older sister was married and had husband and little son Tommy (around 6-7 years old. the only character i came up with a name hahaa). her family origianally lived in little town near Chicago. Veronica had big dream of becoming singer or actress in Chicago. Her parents were judjemental of her lifestyle there and were telling her to stop this nonsense and marry already, like her big sister. So Veronica didn't have very good relationship with her parents but it wasn't awful either. Her relationship with her sisters were better
But after her embrace her sire arranged it so that Veronica was noted as dead so... Veronica hasn't had a chance to see her family again, because she had to keep the masquarade... Her family were heartbroken and her parents made a conclusion that nothing good comes from girl chasing her stupid dreams in a big city U_U
Even tho it was dangerous and painful Veronica sometimes would sneak to see how is her family doing
her last relatieve who remembered her - her nephew Tommy - died in nursing home around 80s. Veronica visited him there once, the second time she came he was already gone
sad is the story of immortal creatures
but neitherway, during her vampire years of life, she made friends and connections
there are vampires that I think she would call her family
for example her coterie members - Rene (character of my friend Kate), Jaquilene (character of my friend @tench-art), Charlie (character of my friend @osatokun)
her sire Moore, her friend anarch Jack, her friend Johny
fairy Monica also quikly won a place in Veronica's heart, and she thinks of her as her little sister (Monica called her big sis several times anyway haha)
and Veronica's current boyfriend brujah Jake is going to become her long term relationship (for at least several years for sure. its rare for vampires to have relationship forever) so he's also getting a place in her found family haha
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
attention, help, gifts, doing something for you, hugs, kisses, flirting idk
Link to the ask meme post
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tastescomics · 4 months
Hi! This might be a weird question because I'm still new to knowing about different sexualitys. But when it comes to Finn (I know you probably hate this question). But with his sexuality does that mean he doesn't feel romantic feelings towards someone, or can he? I know he probably won't feel sexual feelings but can he get a romantic feeling towards someone. Again I'm sorry if you've heard this a thousand times. I just want to understand the character better sense he is my favorite. Also I'm a big fan of your comics and I think you guys do a great job!
Aww, no, you're sweet. This has honestly been the topic of the day haha and I don't mind questions like this in the slightest.
Finn has my own aro/ace feelings. And to be honest, the aromantic side of things I am still trying to understand. From what I've realized while talking through that with other fans is that... hmm...
I treat all my friends the same! So does he. I will share everything with them, problems and good times. I will empathize deeply with them, want to check on them and be close. But the one person that IS different is my best friend, my caretaker, my husband. And that one difference is we live together lol.
I personally have touch issues (Finn does not, he's a very outgoing, touchy guy). So the only person I am okay with physical touch is my husband. Does that mean our friendship has gone from normal to romantic? IDK. We don't kiss or do anything beyond cuddling. So it's hard to understand the line.
So when I think about Finn in a 'romantic' relationship, I think he will still consider himself aro. He trusts and loves everyone he makes a deeper connection with. That's a friend to Finn. And he may or may not get in what people consider an 'intimate' relationship in the series. But if he did, it'd be quite tame, wholesome and like being 'with' your best friend. With the added benefit of like... idk, grabbing and cuddling and doting on just a tad more than others.
Shoot that was a lot x'D
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fff777 · 6 months
watched renjun and jisung talking about aliens on look at science!
based on the previews, they are getting DEEP into scifi which i am really excited about. ever since i finished reading the remembrance of earth's past trilogy by liu cixin (aka the three body problem trilogy) i've been thinking a lot more about space and humanity (whereas it used to be a topic that i avoided because it freaked me out lol). and i'm also reading the children of time by adrian tchaikovsky which discusses similar themes of humanity in space and such. anyway i am excited to see what discussions this group gets up to!
wow we have a few scientists on the panel. other than the host jung youngjin, we have an astronomer ji woongbae, a physicist kim beomjun, and a biologist/astrobiologist kim eungbin. i'm really excited haha. i'm such a nerd.
aw the scientists are so earnest, kim eungbin studied up on nct before this show.
aw they're discussing renjun's chinese name. i wonder if this is a topic that would be more popular among an older audience :P
spacemates <3
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deep thinkers :3
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aw jisung is a fan of the show!
oh you little cornball <3
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first topic: do aliens exist?
yo jisung is getting DEEP. so he thinks there is other life in the universe, but humanity as a whole may not be able to interact with them by the time humanity even comes to an end.
the host jung youngjin is doing a lot of the facilitating which makes sense seeing as how he seems like a pretty easygoing speaker.
renjun's theory on aliens is that it probably won't be something we can really fathom because humans' impressions of things, and humans' imagination is based on what we know on this earth.
jisung is a fan :3
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ji woongbae thinks that renjun and jisung have really deep thoughts about their theories haha. kim beomjun said that jisung and renjun have probably thought about this before.
it seems to me that renjun is more interested in the social aspect of science and science fiction which i think matches his personality
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kim eungbin brings up a good point, he mentions that life forms might not exist at the same time as us. so maybe a civilization existed somewhere else, but billions of years before or after humanity has run its course. which also falls into the 'not being able to interact with them' theory that jisung was talking about.
jung youngjin @ scientists: ...y'all are sus
lawki = life as we know it
lawdki = llife as we don't know it
this is really interesting, because i guess the concept of lawdki implies that life exists in ways different to what we know on earth which is creatures who breathe, eat, consume energy, etc. but perhaps there is a kind of extraterrestrial who is sentient but shares nothing else in common with life on earth.
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i went back into boda's channel and i noticed that the older videos don't have english subtitles. i wonder if they knew they'd get a large audience for this video and that's why they added subtitles lol.
second topic: is there a star you want to go to?
i looked up starwalk and it looks like it's a stargazing guide
jisung doesn't want to go to a planet with no oxygen or water ^^;;
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jung youngjin: would you go to mars?
jisung: yes, definitely
jung youngjin: even if you couldn't come back?
rensung: !!!
jisung said he'd go to mars when he's 40...so he'll spend his youth here on earth i guess XD where the fun things are XD
taking a page out of mark's book (it's only just begun etc. etc.)
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kim eungbin said jisung's a philosopher lol
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renjun said he'd go to mars too :o i actually didn't expect that
LOL do it for the gram
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i get what he means though, it'd be one of the most unique human experiences ever, going to mars as a human
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i am with you my guy
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moving the discussion on to earth-like planets in the universe. they exist, but of course they are all too far.
learning that it'll take 100,000 years go to go the closest star X'D that's with our current technology
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so this star proxima centauri (that's 100,000 years away) is smaller and cooler, but the earth-like planet is closer to it
wait i need to wrap my head around why the kid will be 18 lol. the way i understand it, if you are on the other planet and you are looking at a 10 year old child on earth, then that child is actually 18 years old because if you view earth from the other planet, you're seeing earth from 4 years ago. so if you see a 10 year old on earth from the other planet, then the kid is actually 14 years old. and then it takes another four years to travel? please feel free to explain this to me because i want to understand XD
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ok this second question about seeing light while travelling at the speed of light is just boggling to me
lmfao this is me. i am just thinking emoji always
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host jung youngjin has a lot of really cool questions, though we probably don't have time to explore all of them
ji woongbae says that whether a planet is fit for life, and whether life actually exists there are two different questions
renjun asking about how objects that are sent into space can avoid collisions
third topic: what would you think if humanity discovered other life forms in space?
now we're going into discussions of what life forms on other worlds would look like. how would they evolve to suit their environment? entropy, ability to react, ability to learn/remember were brought up
renjun thinks confidence is important for a life form, and he's not wrong imo. all life involves risk, but i think confidence in this case means a creature understanding their abilities before they do a thing, whether it's getting food, scaling their terrain, etc.
LMAO biologist kim eungbin quoted jurassic park
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jung youngjin keeps giving the scientists shit for being very agreeable with renjun and jisung XD i mean, i know why they do it, they don't want the fans to get on their asses ^^;;
now discussing how life evolved from microorganisms on earth
so all of these are hypotheses, but we still technically don't have an exact formula for how life came to be
me watching this show
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i understood that reference (plato: all i know is that i know nothing)
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fourth topic: what would you need for a spacecraft to travel in space for 5,000 years?
physicist kim beomjun mentions a book "i am schrodinger's cat" by won jongwoo where humanity passes several civilizations on a ship. i came across this concept as well in death's end by liu cixin.
omg in this short story, humanity has forgotten why they set out on earth ToT that's terrifying because what if they run out of resources and haven't found a planet yet ToT i tried googling this novel but didn't find much so it might be a novel that hasn't been translated to english.
big science fiction guy in the haus
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lol what a poser, jisung hasn't even watched dune 2 yet XD (i know, he's a busy guy, i'm just giving him shit)
astronauts have to keep their bodies strong on their way to mars because their bodies may grow weak from the 7 months of zero gravity on their trip there. and mars does have some gravity, so if they don't keep their bodies in shape, they might not even be able to handle mars' gravitational pull.
astronauts on the space station spend a third of their time on working out! wow. brains AND brawn.
the reason why space stations in movies spin is because that is how they create artificial gravity (is it the centrifugal force?)
microbes are affected by gravity too :o
fifth topic: why do humans want to procreate? what is the survival instinct?
kim beomjun says that life doesn't particularly have any goals. he mentioned evolutionary psychology and how back in the day, people who didn't want children didn't end up having them, and that we only exist because our ancestors had children. that made me think that the reason why we think living creatures want to continue their bloodlines is confirmation bias. we only see the results of those who decided to procreate. maybe a lot of people didn't want to have kids back then, but we would not necessarily know.
LMAO jung youngjin, what a guy. he was saying how perhaps we live because we imagine that amazing things can be attainable.
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'why' in science is more akin to 'how'
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biologist kim eungbin references philosophers a lot eh. he says that according to plato, the two ways that people leave memories is either through offspring or through great achievements. he also says that because we are mortal, we make every day count.
jung youngjin is saying that the meaning to life will change when renjun has a child haha. renjun was the one who brought up the meaning of life, and the direction of civilization. and jung youngjin counters that here with the fact that the protection instinct of parents towards their children is the instruction manual.
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lol drag him
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renjun brings up the topic of cloning vs offspring, and whether offspring is necessary if we can just clone ourselves. yes and no. if we can clone at will, then perhaps we might not need offspring. but the point of offspring is that the ones who carry our best traits will live on, so that each generation after us will be more able to survive in their environment via natural selection.
jung youngjin looks at this more from the emotional side, about how there's beauty in variety. i think it does come back to sociology a bit. with variety, then you have people who are good at different things, and they can all make the group stronger in different ways.
ah yeah, jung youngjin brings up the point i made earlier, about how civilization wouldn't advance if we were just cloning ourselves
oh interesting, so even microorganisms who reproduce by splitting (mitosis?) don't make exact copies of themselves 100% of the time.
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even germs have herd mentality of caring for the young ones :o
hardcore fan
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wait what. i too did not know that eggs are a single cell lol.
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sixth topic: is there a creature that doesn't need water?
renjun going full neo culture technology and imagining AI as a civilization. i was thinking along the lines of a being that would survive on another chemical/substance.
kim beomjun brings up a good point. water is very unique because it can exist in different states very easily. it melts at zero degrees celsius, and it evaporates at 100 degrees celsius, both temperatures that we can attain easily naturally
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jung youngjin: can alcohol replace water?
ah right, i remember polar molecules from chemistry...a long time ago lol. but i think the idea is that alcohol can't really change states naturally like water can.
ji woongbae explains that water is easier to find anyway, as it's a pretty simple molecule (H2O)
seventh topic: can humans live with AI in the future?
ah so the scientists agree that depending on the definition, AI could be defined as a living creature because it fits some criteria, such as being able to react to stimuli
oh man this is in kim eungbin's wheelhouse haha. he's saying that defining life itself is a challenge. they can't even decide if a virus is alive. and they also have to define life in order to be able to define death as well.
lol smoothie promotion time. it feels so random now.
aw jisung got interested in science and philosophy because of his dad and his dad likes the channel too :3
hi dad :3
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jung youngjin: to nct fans watching this, please don't just watch the rensung supercut
this was a lot of fun!!!!!!! space and science are topics that interest jisung and renjun personally. so because they were so immersed in the discussion, i was as well. in addition, i appreciated that the scientists explain things well. it was a really interesting discussion!!!!
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mitamicah · 1 year
your art is adorable, I love the way you draw faces/expressions but especially the eyes. They are so pretty, it’s unique and makes everything pop so nicely. You are fuelling the post esc/käärijä brainrot so nicely. 💚🩷💚
Awwwn this is so nice 🥺
It inspired me to draw this little thing for you :'3 (I guess I now have a reaction drawing with the boy x'D)💚
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diminuel · 2 months
Big fan of you just casually throwing children across the the entire grandkids towards various characters because of the insane implications this would have on various family ties.
Dragon being Rogers son and periodically being thrown onto Rogers ship by Garp When he wants some piece and quiet to toughen him up may imply he got to meet Shanks and Buggy at some point, who are kind of sort of but not really but also yes Rogers adoptive kids, which in turn would make them sort of step brothers, which in turn would kind of sort of but not really mean that they are both Crocodiles brothers in law but ALSO sort of Luffys uncles, which I imagine they both would have wildly different reactions too. Not even bringing Ace into this because what the fuck would that even make him in the stinky child au? When the kid you adopted may also be your brother in law and your biological child’s uncle once removed is the literal clown you’re working with. The longer he thinks about it the more he turns into the meme of the woman doing math.
I'm just here to cause chaos I think X'D
Though I think by the time Roger finds Shanks (and I don't know how he comes across Buggy) Dragon is already 17 so he'd probably no longer get thrown on Roger's ship. I think by that time he's probably already been enlisted into the Marines (so now some body else's problem *lol*) But he might still encounter them because Garp will probably continue clashing with Roger because he has no other hobbies.
Either way Crocodile is regretting his life choices. Like when he got together with Dragon he probably knew nothing about him. Just a loner guy with no last name but one hell of a mission. And now this? X'D
(Also, this is not taking into consideration what kind of messed up background Crocodile could be from, there are various theories from being Whitebeard's kid to being Rock's kid to being Shakky & Rayleigh's kid to being from a complete no name bloodline. Like... maybe Crocodile is the only "normal" person in that whole circus of a family tree.)
(Side thought about Shanks. I wonder if he had any idea who Luffy was *lol*)
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 6
Pages 151-180
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Think of Dawko's voice: JUMPSCARE-
Haha Mike's a little fruity. Getting hugs from someone might not be the most common thing for him. We dunno.
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Micheal are you trying to seduce Mike?
Jokes aside we learn some new things about Michael:
He's very cold and smells like metal when you're up close.
Probs cause he works down with machinery. Down there would be cold...
Also he lives with his dad. Greeaaaaaaat.
Living with someone who's dominating and possibly a serial killer.
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Uh. Funny wording from you Michael about "Replacing body parts" and seems a bit germophobic in the way he talks about Mike's injury.
Sure that has no significance at all.
Mike doesn't seem all that concerned saying the disturbing line given all we know about him "It's not my first bad injury"
Also Michael buddy, personal space.
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So that's what his hair looks like when it's brushed. X'D
Details details:
Why does he have two toothbrushes in his bathroom?
Does he use the mint toothpaste or the bubble gum one...
Clearly two distinct individuals live here...whoever uses the bubble gum one is implied to be more childish.
Mike LIVES with someone...
Yes. You can gather all that from the background detail of toothpaste. That's the whole reason it's there. :)
Anyway about what Mike actually SAYS:
He finds Michael overbearing. Oof.
He CONFORMS his hair is dyed, it needs to be cut and considers dying his eyebrows.
In the ream of symbolism: Mike dying his hair implies he's covering something up.
In the realm of just normal shit: He doesn't like his natural hair color for whatever reason.
His choice of grey specifically could be dug into: as it's symbolism is mostly uniformity, blandness, and gloom.
But mainly I chose his hair color to be grey because you don't see a lot of young characters with grey hair. You see white haired characters (Ethan Winters in this series being an example of a white haired character) but not grey.
Mike embraces a hair color that makes him look older.
Also note: Mike doesn't brush his hair normally. It's a mess. Mike doesn't like his current haircut either.
Changing your hair is usually a sign of control, so the fact Mike seems to dislike so much about his hair is a sign he doesn't have much control in his life.
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His eyes are weird and an unnatural purple color. If you know about Fnaf:
He's playing Fazerblast. I'm sure him being a great shot doesn't come into play ANYWHERE IN THE STORY GOING FORWARD.
You can tell I switched to Clip Studio paint for these pages lmfao. I was using Fire Alpaca before.
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Few things: This person is very concerned with their looks.
Their design of having a beauty mark is there because I have one lol not that big tho.
He previously worked nightshift...Oh my.
Haha. His eyes are glitching.
Wonder if we know someone who can...corrupt body parts and make them robotic...No surely this isn't Cody's doing...Surely.
And he's talking to SOMEONE off screen.
A "Kid" apparently. Though the eyeline seems to be at his...Tall kid.
Uh oh.
We know someone who can look like a kid...
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He speak Spanish-
Oh my the poster.
Yup Golden Freddy's messing with someone again.
But we dunno who this is or why they're important yet.
Something to note:
So far we've seen 4 security guards/night guards.
Mike: Who has a cyan shirt and a cute little pink bow. (He's got them trans colors)
Jeremy: Blue shirt, blue bowtie
Michael: Purple shirt and black tie
This mysterious person: Purple shirt and black tie.
Bet there's no significance to their outfits at all...
Just keep him in your back pocket for now.
Why would Cody be talking to this person? He pulls out a device and "Should do something about that"
He's clearly someone who has authority of SOME kind to fix problems.
We don't get to hear what Cody/Fredbear says about the matter, but whatever it is this person's "That's awful" leads us to think something BAD is happening....
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Back to fire alpaca pages gotcha.
That previous scene was added later lmao gives context to smth later.
Mike's outfit:
He's wearing a pale cyan Freddy jacket. The fact he owns Freddy's merch is very amusing. He clearly has a history with the place so him owning merch makes sense.
Funny enough despite Bonnie being Mike's favorite animatronic, twice now Mike is being associated with Freddy. It's the animatronic Cody picked to turn him into, and now he's wearing a Freddy jacket.
Those who know the game over sequence for FNAF 1 would know: Mike Schmidt is stuffed inside of a Freddy Fazbear suit. So these COULD just be cheeky nods to that. ;)
Why DOES Mike own Freddy merch despite Bonnie being his favorite?
He's mostly going just for Bonnie which is funny. He's also curious if "Evidence" is around.
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Michael Jumpscare number, like what 3? X'D
He's very excitable and wearing a cute purple turtle neck.
Mr. Afton's not home, neat.
This house's inside coloring is based on the FNAF 4 minigame house. Because I make the rules lmao.
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Mike wears cute pink heart socks and I just like that he's cute like that.
There are STAINS on the floor, specifically blood stains. They've "Always been there" according to Michael. Suspicious.
These stains origins are shown off in the SL comic but I won't spoil who they are from for people who are reading this first.
Mike is very offput by this.
They head to Michael's room.
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Michael's room is based on the room we play in FNAF 4. Because I find that interesting.
This isn't mentioned here or anywhere really but shit you can infere if you read FNAF 4 and SL comics: Michael owns Cody's stuffed animals now, but Josh's old room is Michael's current room.
So Michael got a lot of things from his dead siblings it seems.
His "Friends" are creepy as sin.
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Michael's expecting questions cause of what Bonnie said.
Michael asks Mike about his own father, which prompts Mike to be uncomfortable to say the least.
He hasn't spoken to his father in a long time.
Michael's brain seems to break from this idea and he comes off as super rude but he's just shocked.
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Haha. Mrs. Afton is an interesting subject.
Again where she is is addressed in the Sister Location and FNAF 4 comic but for now, it's left to what Micheal says.
He doesn't remember her at all or a LOT of things. Because our boy had a terrible accident and he took awhile to recover from it and he has memory issues from before he got into said accident.
Mr. Afton's parting wasn't nice to say the least considering William is "Mad at her" and he refuses to talk about her.
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Mike monologues to himself, coming to the realization Mrs. Afton might be dead.
And Michael's accident might have been from Freddy's.
Would make sense.
And we get a fun Alice in Wonderland reference with the Spring Bonnie animatronic.
It's design was inspired by the "Into the pit" Fazbear's fright books.
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Hah. Micheal might not be as innocent as he lets on, note how he is now cuddling a Golden Freddy plushie.
And he resigns to his life is better without his mother and Mike is better off without his father.
Despite being a grown up, Michael's view on the world and his situation seem rather, childish. Which would make sense considering he lost a lot of his memories. It also makes his living situation, living with his father still make more sense. William is very protective over Michael.
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Mike's reluctant to join the Freddy's family.
Buddy you dunno how deep in you're gonna get at some point lmfao.
Michael also did an oopsie slip up there if you notice:
"Let's forget about our crap parents"
Parents there is plural.
As in. He thinks William is crap too despite what he just said lmfao.
You might be starting to realize: Michael is masking a whole lot.
What he says/does does not reflect the real Michael Afton. He only seems to let his façade drop and talk honestly around Ennard and Bonnie so far. He's still pretending in front of Mike keeping a cheerful attitude.
And they have a totally relevant talk about ice cream.
If you know FNAF lore you know why "ice cream" is a disturbing topic but again this is smth for Sister Location.
Michael "Can't taste a difference" between frozen and fresh pizza.
Absolutely no symbolism in that line at all.
You can really take this however you want but small lines like this are kinda "Oh I get it" lines later. XD
Michael can't tell when he's being "Deceived", Michael will go with a widely accepted "Crappy" version of something because he just can't tell the difference.
A wider concept of disceptation/imitations being overlooked.
Or you can take William's preference as the odd one here.
William prefers something that in truth has no significant or quantifiable difference.
He enjoys the heir of something "better" when in truth there is no real difference and Michael appreciates things just because they're there.
Or it's just a comment about how Michael literally cannot taste things...
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Michael stop flirting.
Also FNAF fans yes the allusions to another character is strong with Michael and that is 100% intentional. If you get it you get it.
He pretends. He knows how to make ice cream. He puts on an air of wanting to help fsr is very comforting when he talks hiding his true nature.
Again Sister Location.
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This is another clip studio one I know for sure cause of the asset text bubbles I used for awhile.
Mike and Michael are watching TV.
Sister Location Michael Afton go brrrr wonder if they're watching immortal and restless X'D-
Ironic how Michael is cuddling the plush of an animatronic his brother got his head crushed by/is trapped inside. This is the second time he's doing it but he actually switched plushies as the one he was hugging earlier was a bit more scuffed looking. This one is obviously meant to be Fredbear from the purple hat while the one he was hugging earlier had a black hat and a contorted face.
Mike is obviously hugging a Bonnie plush. it's coloration is off from the Bonnie plushies we've seen earlier so we can think this thing is either a prototype or perhaps another location's Bonnie.
Either way: Despite Michael being childish he's willing to share his plushies with Mike and let Mike hold his Bonnie plush. He wasn't lying when he said he'd try to make Mike feel welcomed.
Jeremy refuses to come to the house because William's off putting. Jeremy's a rather skittish person so that makes sense. Though again we get another instance to Michael and Jeremy Fitzgerald being pretty good friends.
And speak of the devil and he shall appear! :D It's Willy Billy Afton.
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William drives Michael mad.
What do you mean by "Those friends" William.
"That was one time"
and "Jeremy is from work too"
The implication is Jeremy and Michael had relations and William saw it lmfao because I find that hilarious.
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So smth to note here:
The characters Fritz Smith and Sammy Emily are names used for one character inter-changeably.
This AU swapped his name around and this page refers to him as "Fritz" but past a certain point it's almost exclusively Sammy.
What THINGS did Sammy/Fritz tell William exactly?
Michael seems annoyed by William's presence even calling William a "Creepy old man" and to "Leave Mike alone"
William acts over dramatic about this.
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Michael continues to be a menace to his aged father.
And William asks a question that confuses the crap out of Michael.
Mike's mom is nuts too, supposedly.
Mike's gonna stay the night though.
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So, they're playing games together.
And Michael is "Not good at games".
Makes sense why Bonnie's the one who does the claw machine not him hah.
We know Mike likes to play video games...so it can be inferred his annoyance here is because he's actually good at them. X'D
Evidently: Michael is not a fan of "The other owner's son"
Conforming there's another owner outside of William.
Presumably Henry.
We hit 180 so gotta pick this up again.
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starcrossedjedis · 1 year
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I told you, I'd probably end up compiling a list of my favourite original WIPs and make my problem your problem x'D
No, but it's actually nice to see that out of all my ideas (so, so many ideas on this cursed Google Drive) there are indeed some that are dearer to my heart than others.
As per usual, feel free to let me know which one intrigues you the most (and whatever else you might wanna tell me or ask me about these, don't ever be shy about popping up in my askbox <3)
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All her life Eleanor has looked over the river at the bright, shimmering lights of King’s Island; wondering what it would be like to be part of the elite - never worry about the future, never want for anything… There’s always been this whole different world just a short boat ride away, but for someone like Eleanor it might as well have been on another planet.
King’s Island is for royalty, for diplomats and for the filthy rich. Eleanor has been born on the wrong side of the river and she has no reason to doubt that this is where she’s going to die some day.
That is until one day she receives a letter bearing the Royal Seal. A letter that will change her life forever…
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“No one was supposed to find our ritual site. Hell, we even cloaked our path. We took every precaution in the book to keep tourists and townies from waltzing in on our dance and exposing our existence to the world. And yet... Here we are. Here you are. I do believe something about Salem has been calling you, Liliana Cooper, but I don’t think it’s a post grad in Women’s Studies…”
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There are days when Alice Hawkins feels like suffocating from the lies that dictate her life.
While her father risks much more than just his position as head of a private paramilitary organisation by covering up her healing abilities, she jeopardizes everything by hiding four strangers with special abilities from that exact same organization.
With the whole world against them all they have is each other, but will a dark secret from her troubled past as a spoiled corporate princess ultimately leave Alice cast out of both worlds…?
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Athena has been Odysseus’ patron goddess for most of his life, always intervening when he is in danger, always ensuring the cunning young man comes out on top. Yet she has never fully revealed herself to him - only ever guiding him through visions; whispers from beyond the veil that separates her from the mortal realm.
But it’s always been a universal truth that the Olympians envy the human life and desire a taste of the passion and urgency that comes with mortality.
When Athena witnesses Odysseus spare the life of Hector’s infant son, an act so merciful and tender and against everything she’s taught him over the years, she cannot fight this curiosity any longer.
Like countless Gods and Goddesses before her, she takes a leave from her duties on Mount Olympus and joins the young king on his journey to Ithaca under the guise of a Trojan girl named Thea…
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When Calleigh Mackinnon unexpectedly inherits her father’s cattle ranch “Miller’s End”, all she wants is to get rid of it as soon as possible. But when she goes there for her father’s funeral, she finds that he has left her a letter, telling his daughter that in order to get full access to her inheritance she has to spend one year on the farm.
Can a year spent with the people closest to her father - and charming foreman Alex - change Calleigh’s feelings for the land she grew up resenting? Where will her heart lead when this year is over?
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Prince Damian has been betrothed to Princess Melayna ever since they both were children, growing up together at her court following the assassination of Damian’s parents.
But when he travels to her kingdom years later to finally take her as his wife, he falls in love with Selena; the heiress to the Travelling Court who is serving as a Lady in his betrothed’s court… 
tagged:@acabecca @akabluekat @asirensrage @bravelittleflower @curious-kittens-ocs @darknightfrombeyond @darkwolf76 @drbobbimorse @eddiemunscns @elmunson @emilykaldwen @far-shores @fcundwitch @foxesandmagic @fragilestorm @harleyquinnzelz @if-you-onlyknew @katiekinswrites @kingsmakers @mabonetsamhain @margoshansons @mystic-scripture @ocappreciationtag @sgtbuckyybarnes @stachedocs @susiesamurai @victoriapedrcttis
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amethystina · 1 month
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Honestly, I was already smiling before I even finished the list. You had already told me about this extra, but seeing it on the list made me excited. I don't know what I'll do when that day comes, but I'll definitely open a bottle of wine and send you a picture of the glass and the chapter right next to it. Hah!
To be honest, I hesitated a bit before putting it on the list x'D Not because I don't want to write it — I do — but because I don't know when I'll be able to write it. Because I've realised that I'm probably going to have to be in pretty good shape mentally to be able to write it, given the themes it's going to include.
That's not usually a problem for me — I can write pretty depressing and heavy stuff without feeling too bad — but that bonus chapter would focus a lot on Jong Woo's slow descent into what's basically another psychotic break and, uh, that's going to be rough, even for me. Especially since I do my best to imagine what the character is feeling as I'm writing (since that makes it feel more believable) and, for obvious reasons, that might get a little dicey considering the context x'D
And maybe that's why I don't even have lines of dialogue for this one yet. It's still all in my head since a part of me is kind of afraid of putting it down into words. This bonus chapter is going to be a ride.
And I'm going to have to add another bunch of warnings to the fic because of it. So that's uplifting? x'D
But I really do want to write it. So we'll see when I'm brave enough to try it, I guess?
So yeah. I guess we'll see what you do when the time comes, whenever that will be ;)
WIP Tag Game
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