#then being asked oh so what ARE your pastimes?
imwritesometimes · 2 years
played my first game of cards against humanity today. absolutely hated it. don't really truly understand how it ever became like a Thing. bowed out respectfully after 2 hands.
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e-vay · 20 days
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His Lucky Star
Awhile ago I asked for sonamy headcanons (and I’m always hungry for more!) and I received the most beautiful headcanon from @hedgethemaze and I just had to illustrate it!
Thank you @hedgethemaze for the opportunity to draw your short story 😊
You can read Hedge’s original headcanon below the cut:
Sonic and Amy’s favorite nighttime pastime is stargazing 🌙​⭐​🌠​👀​
Amy enjoys making out constellations and discovering new figures drawn in the sky and would occasionally make up stories with them – She knows Sonic finds this a bit childish, but appreciates that he doesn’t let it show and listens to her stories, instead (even participating once in a while, throwing in some action to keep them from being too daydream-y lol).
Sometimes, looking at the stars would remind Sonic of Starfall Islands – of cyber space – of Amy being at arm's length yet, an entire plane of existence out of his reach. The thought makes him reach for her hand as they lay on their backs on the grass, with a whole new appreciation for the feel of her hand nestled in his - Amy, aware of the gnawing memory, would shift her hand and intertwine their fingers, successfully chasing the memory away.
And some other times, she’d say those stories are just bedtime-story-practice to tell their 'future' child/children, only to tease him because there’s nothing as amusing to her as watching Sonic go from cool blue to cherry red live in record time 😆
About stargazing - it occurred to me that it could be more than likely for Sonamy to catch sight of a shooting star.
Well, I imagine Sonic would notice Amy staring at the shooting star in silence, knowingly waiting for her to say something but then the star disappears from view and he'd say "huh... kinda thought you were gonna wish something for a sec,"
Amy, realizing what he means, would jump a little on her spot next to him, they'd still be holding hands, but she scooches over and rests her head on his shoulder.
"Oh! Well, actually," she rubs her cheek on his shoulder and her grip on his hand tightens "I have everything I could wish for already."
Sonic notes she's got her eyes closed, now more interested in the warmth their bodies are sharing amidst the nightly breeze. Sonic blushes, hoping in vane she doesn't notice his body getting warmer at her statement.
"What about you? Don't you have any wishes?" Amy is genuinely curious (she can feel his awkwardness, so she doesn't tease him 'this time').
Sonic looks away, the hand that's not being held by Amy scratches a very reddish cheek, taking a deep breath to cool himself, "Nah..." the shyness quickly evaporating from his voice and he braves returning her gesture by, ever so slightly, snuggling against the top of her head. Leaving Starfall in the past, to focus on the present, Sonic's already made up his mind. "I'm good, Ames."
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Part 4 of obsessed Johnny.
(Part 3 is here!)
(CW for nonconsensual ‘sort-of’ free use and edging; and again - dubious consent. Please stay safe!!)
Johnny’s favorite pastime is playing with you. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’s being purposefully cruel, but no. He’s just… strangely preoccupied with your body.
He spends most nights cradling you between his legs, your back to his chest, arms wrapped around you. The two of you watch tv or movies, share popcorn - sometimes he watches you play on your Switch or reads over your shoulder.
It started out almost innocent (so to speak) in the beginning. He’s a fidgety guy, you’ve known that long before this whole mess, used to smile to yourself when you cleaned up straw wrappers and clean napkins folded into odd shapes.
So you barely notice when he starts fiddling with the hems of your sweatshirt and long shirts, picking at strings or running his thumb over knit textures. When he moved to your socks, that caught your attention but never went very far - just tugging at elastic lace or rolling/unrolling the tops along your thighs.
And then one night, as the two of you are watching the latest superhero movie, he hand creeps under your panties. You jolt the instant his fingers grazes your slit, hands twitching as you debate the dangers of redirecting him.
“Something wrong, Bonnie?” he asks against your ear, genuinely curious. “Is it too loud?”
It occurs to you that he genuinely might not realize what he’s doing - that reaching for you is just a thoughtless action like folding up bits of paper.
“Your hand is in my underwear,” you explain.
A pause. “Oh, so it is.” And to your surprise, he returns to hugging you.
It happens again though, this time you’re so preoccupied trying to beat a video game level that you almost don’t notice until his middle finger glides over your clit. You suck in a breath and die instantly.
“Damn,” he mutters. “Thought you had it that time. Gonna give it another go or you done for the night.”
Stuttering, you say you’ll give it another try, almost morbidly curious about how far he’ll go. Pretty far it turns out. He toys with your clit for 15 minutes before you clear your throat and shift, feeling unbearably wet and achy.
“Oh, shite. I did it again,” he mumbles, extracting his hand and settling it on the outside of your thigh. “No wonder you keep dying.”
The next time is during an intense tv show you’ve both gotten really into. It’s distracting from the weird reality you’ve found yourself in - but not weird enough that you can ignore Johnny tapping his finger nervously over your clit. You swear your heartbeat is starting to match that rhythm - tap, tap, tap. He doesn’t get the hint when you shift this time, eyes locked on the screen as he mutters to himself.
“No way is he secretly her brother. No fuckin’ way.”
You try to ignore it. Hope it’ll end in its own time when the tension dies down. It doesn’t. He lets the next episode load automatically, babbling to you about the crazy cliffhanger.
As it opens, his fingers travel down your slit to your entrance, find the slick there and play in it. Microthrusts against your leaking hole, just wetting his fingertip before dragging it out, up to your clit, three circles, then back down again.
It’s maddening but it’s not enough. You’re biting your lip so hard you’re surprised you don’t taste blood, thighs twitching with each jolt of pleasure coursing through you.
On and on it goes, slow and absent, maddening. Literally just playing with your pussy like a fidget toy. He’s not even fully hard against your lower back! Just the normal amount of mildly turned on that having you in his lap produces.
It’s driving you into a fucking spiral. So so sensitive, so close to the edge, but never enough. You just lay there trapped against him, dripping and desperate and determined to be quiet because you don’t know what else to do now. You can’t let yourself get off to this - but you also can’t find the words to remind him to stop.
When the episode - the finally - finally ends, he pulls his hand away, already gearing up to discuss theories for the next season with you. Instead, he’s cut off as you hiccup, near tears with being denied.
“What’s wrong, hen? I didn’t think it was that bad!” he says.
“You-you were…” you can’t get the words out, give up entirely. Time to see if he really is as devoted to pleasing you as he always swears.
You crawl out of his lap, flip onto your back, and yank him down by the hair. He makes a startled noise, eyes going huge, and then whimpers as his cheek presses into your absolutely soaked panties. Even that is a cruel but unintentional tease.
“Fix it,” you near sob.
“Of course, baby, of course,” he hurries to say, wriggling into a better position. “I’m sorry, love. So sorry. Got you all spun up, huh? Didn’t mean to. You’re just so soft and-”
You whine. “Soap, shut up and lick me!”
He moans, hips jerking hard into the mattress. “Yes, ma’am.”
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rninies · 1 month
✮ matching hoodies
౨ৎ veritas ratio x reader. fluff, gn!reader, ratio is so in love w you, modern!au — wc: 733 | tags: @rosequarzo @fairykazu
notes. hai im back w another ratio fic
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"remind me why we are here again?" veritas asks, watching you look through the hoodie section of the store.
"i’m here to buy a hoodie, veritas. you’ve asked that question ten times now," you sighed. turning your head to face him, you see a pronounced frown on his face. "why are you frowning? do you not like accompanying me shopping?"
"no it’s just- our closet is already full of your hoodies. more than half of the closet is filled with your stuff. why do you need more?" veritas answers.
you give him a sheepish smile in return. "well, i happen to be someone who loves hoodies so deal with it. besides, i know you love borrowing my hoodie from time to time."
veritas's face actually turns a light shade of red hearing you expose his actions. "you- you didn’t have to say that out loud, idiot."
you gasped dramatically. "veritas ratio, language!" and you dodged an incoming balled-up scrap of paper. "what was that for?!"
“for being annoying.”
"oh you wound me," you placed a hand over your chest for dramatic effect and couldn’t help the laugh from escaping your lips as you see veritas's disgusted look. "okay, how about you sit over there while i find the perfect hoodie for me to wear, yeah?" you pointed at the small seating area and veritas agrees silently, taking the other shopping bags with him. 
as soon as veritas sits down and busies himself with his phone, you scavenged through the pile of hoodies, racks of sweaters, basically anything that fits the category ‘long-sleeved and keeps us warm’. hoodie hunting wasn’t your favorite pastime as it not only takes up so much of your time but you also have to let go of the other cute hoodies you find along the way.
when you reached the last pile of hoodies, you find a white hoodie with a small brown dinosaur holding out a finger heart while winking and facing the right. looking below that was an identical one, it being a black hoodie with a green dinosaur doing the same pose except it’s facing the left. putting the two hoodies next to each other, it makes it seem like the dinosaurs are shooting hearts at each other.
your eyes light up as soon as you find these two pairs of hoodies, grabbing both and ran to the cashier (veritas fortunately did not see you). as soon as you paid, you basically skipped your way back to veritas, which caught his attention. "why- when did you pay for the hoodie? i could’ve paid for you."
"just now!" you replied and took out the black hoodie from the bag, showing it to him. "look, isn’t it cute? especially the dinosaur!"
veritas nods, not really paying attention to the hoodie. "it’s cute, yeah- what are you do-" he gets cut off when you basically force him to wear the hoodie.
taking out the white hoodie, you wore it, and smiled at him. "look, now we match!"
veritas looks at the mirror in front of him and true to your words, you both were indeed matching. "what the hell?"
"don’t you dare take it off," you warned, seeing veritas about to reach for the hem of the hoodie. "i paid for these hoodies and you’re keeping it. it’s cute, okay? look at the dinosaurs! just like you and me."
"very funny, y/n," veritas grumbles, holding you by the waist as he leads you out of the store. "this is embarrassing!" though the way his hands tightened around your waist says a different thing.
"be glad i didn’t end up picking one where it was super obvious that we got matching hoodies." you say, poking his cheeks. "besides, we don’t have any matching items! the closest thing we have to something classified as matching is that keychain we bought on our first date."
"and do you not like the keychains?" veritas asks. "it’s two cats and when you connect them with each other it looks like they’re cuddling with each other.”
"okay, i did not ask for your inner cat lover to come out when we’re discussing the keychains," you pointed out. "yes i love the keychains, but i want something more, hence the hoodies."
veritas groans, looking at his hoodie and yours. "be glad that i love you."
"that’s such a cliche thing to say." you giggled.
"shut up."
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fayes-fics · 2 months
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: An artist meet-cute in the park.
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Warnings: none... this is the fluffiest of fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
Authors Note: Anon request fill (see HERE) about Benedict and an artist having a meet-cute in the park. Unbetaed. I hope you enjoy this, Nonny, and sorry it has taken so many months! <3
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A wooden toy hoop whooshing inches from your knee interrupts your quiet refuge amid the flower gardens of Regents Park, breaking your intense concentration on your drawing and almost dropping your charcoal.
Seconds later, a pretty young girl of maybe eleven years old comes running after the errant object, her plaited hair bouncing, her blush pink dress swishing around her knees as she calls out an apology to you and retrieves the hoop from the nearby bush.
“What are you doing?” she asks, her face a picture of impish inquisition as she wanders back to your bench.
“I am drawing,” you smile benevolently; something about her mischievous spirit reminds you of your nieces.
“What are you drawing?” her grin somehow infectious.
“You see those roses there?” you point with your charcoal to a nearby white alba maxima rose bush, stems almost bowing under the weight of the heavily ruffled peach-tipped petals. “Those are in peak bloom, and I am attempting to capture them, their ephemeral beauty...”
“Are you any good?” 
You chuckle at her youthful bluntness, but just as you are tilting your work towards her, you are interrupted by a man rounding into this same quiet corner. 
“Hyacinth! Please refrain from injuring and bother…” his refined voice begins to chastise but suddenly grinds to a halt mid-sentence as soon as he catches sight of you.
But he is not the only one who has lost the power of speech. 
Something vaults hard in your stomach like you are plunging down an invisible chasm. He is handsome in a way you have never seen before in your twenty years on this earth: tall, with a strong jaw and a dandyish colourful outfit that fits him very well. 
There are a few moments where all you do is stare at each other, lips parted, before he appears to shake himself a fraction and bows his head in polite greeting.
“Where are my manners? I would like to apologise for my little sister almost causing you injury, Miss. The fault is entirely mine; I should not have let her play quite so spiritedly in a public park. I-I hope you are not injured?”
“N-Not at all; the hoop merely brushed my skirt. I am more than fine,” you assure hurriedly. “Mr….?”
“Bridgerton,” he offers, nodding to you in a more formal greeting.
You would know that name anywhere—one of the most esteemed families of the Ton. You instantly know he is not the Viscount, having seen him at society events, so you surmise this must be one of his younger brothers. Before you can offer your name, however, he speaks again. 
“You draw?” 
“Oh.. yes, yes… I-I do,” you stumble, a little taken aback by his question, even as you feel his sister’s gaze volleying between the two of you with a bemused expression.
“I draw too,” he explains, placing a hand over his sternum, the sunlight catching upon a signet ring on his little finger. 
“Oh…” you seem inordinately pleased to share such a hobby with this virtual stranger.
“I also know well that charcoal fingers are an occupational hazard..” he adds cordially as he catches you attempting to wipe the dark smears upon your hands with a rag. “May I see your work? If it is not too impudent of me to ask,” he adds modestly.
“I-I am not very good…” you fret, looking down at the partial image you see on your sketch pad. “Tis merely a pastime I use to escape…”
“Believe me, Miss…?”
“Believe me, Miss y/l/n, it is very much the case for me too - being that I am one of eight. Including such trouble-makers as this one,” he rolls his eyes affectionately as he signals to Hyacinth, who seems to be rapidly losing interest, distractedly spinning the hoop she holds. “Escaping is almost a full-time hobby for me…” 
You cannot help but giggle at his droll humour, and he seems delighted, his face lighting up as you hide a mild blush behind the back of your hand.
“May I?” his ask is so soft you cannot do anything but acquiesce.
“‘Tis just a small vignette…” you excuse meekly as you hand over your sketchpad, suddenly so nervous to hear his opinion. You have never shared your drawings with anyone before, but something about his affable demeanour makes you bold enough to do so.
He is quiet for some time. It feels like an age, even though it is likely only a matter of seconds, but still long enough that butterflies start to roil in your stomach.
“I did say it is just a hobby…” you titter nervously, looking away.
“It is beautiful…” he exhales quietly, tone filled with admiration as your eyes ping back to him.
Your heart flutters as he extols the virtues of your work, effusively admiring your use of shading to capture shadows and the lines you have used to denote the multitudinous layers of petals, his gracious hand gesturing over the picture as he speaks.
“You flatter me entirely too much, Mr Bridgerton…” you demure, even as you feel yourself blooming under his praise, just like the flower you have painstakingly attempted to capture. A warmth in your chest that seems to radiate out to glow all over.
“I assure you I do not,” he smiles, handing you back your sketch pad.
“Benedict,” Hyacinth whines, stamping her little boot on the grass, “you said we would play…”
“I do not wish to interrupt your family time,” you placate, pleased you have learned his first name.
“Hyacinth, I am sure Eloise said something about sandwiches; you want lunch, do you not?” Benedict responds, raising a pointed brow.
“Well, yes, but…”
“Run along then,” he pulls an exasperated face at her that again has you giggling, making a shooing gesture with his hands.
She sighs but departs with a dramatic flounce.
“Sadly, I must also depart; a family picnic indeed awaits. But if I may be so bold, I would very much like for us to meet again. If you would be amendable? With a chaperone, of course,” he adds hurriedly, keen to be gentlemanly. “I think perhaps we would have much to speak of… around art. And perhaps we could… draw together? Here?”
His proposal, so sweet and straightforward, has you rendered speechless again, heart leaping at the very thought.
“I…I would like that very much,” your honest confession out of your mouth before you can swallow it.
“As would I,” his response instant, his face beaming. “Would you be here, perchance, Thursday afternoon around this same time?”
“I would…” The hitch of excitement in your own voice unmistakable.
“Excellent!” his hazy blue eyes seem to dance in the sunlight as he respectfully tilts his head again. “I am so looking forward to it, Miss y/l/n…” are his parting words before he takes his leave.
“As am I, Mr Bridgerton…” you murmur belatedly, the words shared only with the fragrant roses surrounding you, swaying gently in the afternoon breeze.
Your stare lingers where he stood long after he has left, an excited buzz over your skin at the thought you have met a kindred, artistic spirit. And one so very handsome, too.
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
Vox x Reader Headcanons: Fiancé Edition
Fiancé!Vox x gn!Reader
A/N: This little thingy would have both an SFW and NSFW portion, mostly because I'm a depraved little shit and I am downbad for a 7ft bipedal television with issues-
Now first off, y'all probably would've been dating a long long while before this mans would pop the question.
I feel like he'd know that he wants to marry you, but he's so unsure of it plus he's concerned about how that would affect you in all of it.
Like, oh great if this gets out suddenly you've got one of the biggest targets on your back because you're the technology overlord's fiance and soon to be wife/husband.
As if you hadn't already when you both started dating-
Vox is a perfectionist so I'd imagine he would try so so hard to get everything completely flawless for his proposal.
But nothing goes his way that day, none, nada, zilch-
That's just his luck, totally not because it got screwed over by a certain radio demon for shits and giggles.
But he ends up asking you anyway, though a bit indirectly because it slips during his irritated rant.
"I can't believe they managed to spill wine all over me back there! All over one of my best suits as well!"
"Hun, we could always send your suit to the professional cleaners. It's okay! We can always just go someplace else next time too-"
"No! That- ugh! I had all these plans today and they were just ruined! I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for when I was going to propose to you-"
"You were gonna what-"
Vox immediately shut up once he realized his screwup then.
So much for keeping it a surprise!
That's kind of how you ended up with a diamond ring on your finger that night.
And that's how Vox ended that really stressful day with an extremely satisfying night.
He ditched work the next day and just spent it being all over you.
Yes he admires the ring on your hand from time to time, this man just stares.
You can betcho ass that ring is expensive as fuck too.
Like as if this man didn't kiss your hands enough, that new accessory marking a new chapter of your afterlives just makes him do it more.
He's actually kinda housewife material if you squint-
This man can cook and clean, and as a bonus he's filthy stinkin RICH.
Bro I need me one of these holy shit-
If he wasn't clingy enough before, oh boy get ready for this.
He will always have an appendage on you at all times, a hand on your lower back, your hip, in your hand-
Or he'd just have you in his lap while he worked on stuff in his office.
Also, Vox being possessive as all hell if someone so much as just stared at you too long-
Please that goes straight up to 1000% when you agreed to wear that ring.
You guys planning to get hitched doesn't stay secret for too long though.
With Valentino and Velvette sticking their noses in Vox's business as a daily pastime anyhow-
Hence why a lot of sinners started shipping you two.
And oh goodness the ship wars.
Sometimes Vox wishes the internet wasn't really connected to his brain-
The magazines went wild with that one too-
Cuz imagine, the richest and the pride ring's probably most esteemed bachelor-
Aside from Lucifer probably, Vox's marketing and PR team are insanely good at their jobs-
Was now off the market and due to get hitched with you.
I'd imagine even if Vox doesn't post anything on social media, you or Vel would-
Literally like those married couples on TikTok or something with a whole bunch of cute shit.
You can best believe the most cracked out shit happens while you're both engaged though.
"Oh this is Vox, he's my ex-boyfriend."
"... You have got to stop saying that. I'm their fiancé."
You did not stop saying that.
Actually you wouldn't stop saying that even when his title upgraded to husband.
Not that Vox cares, your shenanigans were what caused him to gravitate towards you in the first place.
And until now they're what keep your relationship fun and interesting.
"Hey hubby, ooooh~ you're looking like the hottest thing in all of the pride ring despite having just rolled out of bed."
"Hahaha, good morning to you too doll."
It doesn't register what you called him at first until he's had his coffee and then it clicks.
You play it off attempting to be coy until he replays the video of you greeting and calling him that on his face.
His. Face.
Sneaky little shit that's what-
He doesn't really respond to any other petname now, you've dug your grave.
"What? What?? What do you want???"
"Can you peel this orange for me?"
"Really? That's it? Why don't you peel it yourself?"
"Because it tastes better when you do it?"
He does it eventually, hell if he's in a particularly good mood he'll even feed you.
That's always kind of how it goes when you ask him for things.
If it's something you want/can buy though?
You're already in possession of his credit card, just get whatever tf you want HAHAHAHA-
He's still a busy bastard though so it's not really much different from how it's like when you guys were dating-
But he genuinely tries to balance his work a little better to spend more time with you.
This man is such a workaholic though you end up having to drag his ass out of his office to rest anyway.
Again, nothing new from when you were just dating.
You guys jokingly throw around your soon to be marital titles in private.
Vox kind of feels like a kid in a candy store when you do, just giddy and excited for what's to come.
Not to mention he now has a partner in crime when he riffs on Alastor!
He'd be over the MOON if you just joined his chaos.
The radio demon probably wouldn't give a shit, he's just built different like that-
You both get so comfortable that you almost forget that you have a wedding to plan and set a date for.
Until Velvette asks about it and you're both just: "Oh. Right."
Your fiancé's schedule is so fucking packed though it was nearly impossible to.
This guy was going to work himself to death before you could tie the knot lmao-
But eventually you both got a date and venue settled, so that was one step closer.
Okay so like, I know sinners can't actually copulate unless you're Lucifer but that's besides the point-
And Vox isn't really a family man at all-
But boy oh boy if he didn't have it before-
This man would have an insane breeding kink after you both got engaged.
This man wants to see you stuffed.
Literally doesn't matter if you're riding him or he's just impaling you on his cock-
This guy just wants to fill you up so bad.
I'd also think that you guys would be screwing around a lot more often after he popped the question-
Something about emotions constantly running high and dopamine being one hell of a drug.
I think Vox is a switch, so I'd also imagine he'd be more inclined to let you dom him every now and then.
Or when he just wants to be a bratty little shit please go ahead and tame him, he likes it.
You can kind of get away with more stuff when you're both engaged.
Like tease him a whole ton and he just bites hook, line and sinker.
It's already gotten to the point where the power in the tower would die often enough that Velvette herself has gone through some crazy lengths to cockblock her colleague.
Speaking of, Vox would probably use you as a stress reliever after work if you let him-
Like he will just fuck you stupid until all you say is his name because this guy is addicted to hearing it.
Or he'd let you fuck him stupid until he's so far into sub space he forgets about his shitty day.
Cuz if it's rough, it's rough with you two.
But on the gentler side-
It's just as addicting and if not probably a little worse.
Though you would probably be the one taking initiative/domming whenever you both have gentle rounds.
I'm all for Vox being able to switch some of his parts cuz he wanted to/can.
So y'all have fucking choices when it comes to wrecking this idiot.
Like a multiple choice exam, literally shotgun the fuck outta those answers like you deteriorate his mental.
And consequently the entire city's power grid.
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galamalion · 5 months
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summary. you attempt to enjoy the peaceful snowfall on your own, but aren't these beautiful moments meant to be shared?
⤷ contents. yandere!chrollo lucilfer x fem!reader, yandere themes, imprisonment, unhealthy relationships // wc. 1.6k
⤷ notes. thank you to @ddarker-dreams who inspired me to write something for chrollo, she's written some deplorable things for this man <3 i'm still only writing for one piece, this is something i just really wanted to write!
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Snow had been falling for the last hour, painting the city below in a thin sheet of pure white, only the dark speckles of countless heads walking to-and-fro disturbing the peacefulness below. The windowsills and balcony were also beginning to pick up a layer, growing steadily with each tiny flake that joined the pile. A beautiful sight slowly being constructed, irreplaceable and inimitable by mankind.
But what is a beautiful thing, if not to be held and marveled?
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You gazed solemnly out the window, fingers splayed against the chilled glass. A similar feeling no doubt to the snow that was just out of reach. God, how long had it been since you’d touched snow? Felt that freezing, yet warming sensation dance across your nerves, sending confusing signals to your brain.
Three years inside a luxury penthouse gave you time to organize your thoughts more poetically.
Well, to say you’d been here for three years would be inaccurate. Two years and five months inside this home. Chrollo must have been anxious for the first seven months he had you, either keeping you by his side or stashing you in rich hotels, if only for a single night.
Perhaps he had become more comfortable, or maybe he was working on a long job, seeing as you’d been here for so long. The fact that you were unsupervised made you lean towards the former, in addition to his unbeatable strength that made resistance futile. But you knew your limits, and slowly you’d been learning Chrollo’s over the course of these three years. Carefully tip-toeing the line between admonishment and punishment; you’d never get the last word but always make a sharp jab, leaving the oh-so generously gifted—and probably stolen—jewelry and makeup untouched, and, perhaps your favorite, ignoring his first call of your name, but always coming on the second.
Pretending to not have heard Chrollo was your favorite pastime after learning that there was little he could do except implore you to open those poor little ears of yours. And it was a joy asking him to repeat himself, enjoying the twinge of annoyance that you could make out in his voice. 
However, as was normal in your new life, Chrollo had made himself scarce for an extended period of time. It wasn’t strange, in fact it was a much needed relief of his soul-scathing presence. He was most likely on a job, having found some ancient book or enchanting onyx necklace that he just had to have. Or, more accurately, another rotting memoir of a dead pompous poet that you would have to listen to Chrollo gush about, and another piece of jewelry for you to throw in the box and forget.
Maybe he’d get creative and bring you a fun hat this time.
At the end of the day, Chrollo wasn’t here, leaving you alone with your own thoughts. It was refreshing, not being alert at every waking moment, though that freezing fear had most certainly dulled with time. You had time to read, maybe start on a puzzle before you became too tired—coffee had been upgraded to a privilege in the last month, and something that Chrollo was only allowed to make, leaving you to rely on your own body’s performance to remain awake for longer. But puzzles left a sour taste in your mouth ever since Chrollo exchanged your fun scenic sets for Renaissance paintings.
And so you settled on reading, the only other thing to do in this godforsaken prison. Chrollo never liked it when you called it that, reminding you that ‘prisons didn’t have fresh produce or fireplaces.’ But even a golden cage is a cage, something you’d remind him of. He took away the remote after that spat.
You abandoned your window gazing and skipped over to the imposing bookshelf and the expansive collection of tomes that awaited you. Half were unreadable, written in dead languages you couldn’t begin to comprehend. The other half were plain boring, a collection of classics that Chrollo had most likely stolen over the years. But a handful were bearable, or at least interesting enough to keep you reading. You had offhandedly mentioned to Chrollo that you preferred mysteries, and the very next day a complete vintage series of Sherlock Holmes appeared. You tried to hint at adding more diverse genres, but so far there have been no new additions to the bookshelf. 
After peeling the first book from the shelf and giving it a light shake to remove any lingering dust, you fled to the comfort of the window nook. It was a remarkable spot—one you knew Chrollo hated, since he could not sit next to you. You thumbed through the book to the first page, laying eyes upon the old and yellowed paper.
“In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, and proceeded to Netley to go through the course prescribed for surgeons in the army.”
“Already a far more interesting life,” you muttered, “wish I could be a doctor.”
“Having completed my studies there, I was duly attached to the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers as Assistant Surgeon. The regiment was stationed in India at the time, and before I could join it, the second Afghan war had broken out.”
“Oh, to travel the world. How I envy you, Watson,” you sighed, bleakly turning towards the window.
The snow hadn’t quit, continuing to stain the buildings in white, a gorgeous scene to behold. It was not to be enjoyed for long, however, as you caught a despicable glimpse in the reflection behind you.
Walking ever-so slightly closer was your captor, Chrollo Lucilfer, in the flesh. Although he seemed to immediately realize he’d been spotted, ceasing his silent movement before you swiveled your head around to face him.
“Please, don’t let me interrupt your commentary,” he gave an innocent smile, “it’s always a treat to hear your dulcet voice.”
“I’d rather keep my thoughts to myself, thanks,” you spat, sending a glare his way before turning back to your book.
“If you’d like to travel the world, I could certainly take you,” he continued.”
“I’ll pass, Chrollo.”
“What ever happened to our little nicknames, my dove? I seem to recall you had quite the attachment to calling me Mephistopheles,” he noted, resuming his gait towards you.
You rolled your eyes, “I’ve since concluded you rather enjoy being compared to the devil, whereas I am not your dove, nor any bird you refer to me as.”
“I’m terribly sorry, my dear,” he cooed.
“I am not yours.”
“You seem to have forgotten that I have stolen you, therefore you are mine.”
“Ah!” you cried out, “I believe you’re forgetting the special word for stealing another person. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? It’s called kidnapping.”
Chrollo smirked at your words, now leaning against the wall beside you, staring down at your piece of literature.
“Believe me, treasure, I am well aware of the crimes I commit.”
“Feel free to list them,” you turned the page of your book, “I assure you, I’m listening.”
He easily plucked the book from your hand.
“Company is meant to be enjoyed, not tolerated,” he teased, returning it back to its place on the shelf. “Besides, the snow outside is stunning, is it not?”
“Of course,” you sneered. “Here, let me put on my cap and scarf, and then we can go frolic in this wonderful weather!”
“Now, now, there’s no need to get smart with me.”
“I wouldn’t dare dream of it.”
Chrollo went quiet and gave you a look, a sign for you to shut your mouth before you ruined tonight.
“I am more than willing to put on a movie tonight, given that your attitude improves,” he spoke softly, moving back towards you.
There was hidden, unspoken meaning behind his words, something you’d grown to adjust to with your snarky attitude. Behave, or you get nothing.
“...What movie do you have in mind?” you responded, taking in a deep breath in an attempt to cool your soured mood.
“I’ll give you the choice, but I’m feeling partial to a select couple. Perhaps Romeo and Juliett? Or Pride and Prejudice?”
Someone’s in a mood tonight, you thought, folding your arms.
“Pride and Prejudice is fine,” you concluded, not wanting to hear Chrollo wax on about what Shakespeare meant or didn’t mean.
“Wonderful,” he smiled, walking over to the kitchen. “Now, would you like a cup of hot chocolate, my dear? I believe it would be fantastic on such a cold day.”
“That would be nice, thank you,” you answered as politely as you could manage, well aware that a simple ‘sure’ would not be enough to earn you any specialties.
You stood from your window alcove and walked quietly towards the bedroom, attempting to do so casually and without drawing his attention.
But it was impossible to slip anything past Chrollo Lucilfer.
“Dear,” he called out, still focused on his work at the counter.
You wordlessly turned around, staring emptily at the back of his head.
“There should be a dress, a black one, on the far right of your wardrobe,” he instructed, “be a doll and put it on.”
A black dress, probably too short to be comfortable in either direction. Chrollo’s favorite pastime, of course, was getting a glimpse of the body you’d refuse to show. But this was Chrollo’s night, not your own. Never your own.
So you’ll put the dress on, just like you’ll watch the movie that Chrollo wanted, right next to him—too close to him—on the sofa. And who knows, maybe you’ll do a puzzle with him at the end of the night.
But wasn't the snow just stunning?
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number1jeonginstan · 7 months
Sucking on Minhos fingers while he's got you in a headlock... Hehe
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A/N: THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD REQUEST!!! At first, I didn't know what to write, so that's why I took so long to fulfill it. I usually try and imagine scenarios in my head and then play them out in my writing, and it finally hit me while I was re-watching Chainsaw Man today. I really hope I did you justice and you enjoy it because I think this might be my favorite fic to write to this day!!!
WC: 2.7k (1.6 is literally smut...)
Minors don't interact, 18+
Pairing: Roomate!Lee Know x afab!reader
Warnings: Lee Know calls the reader a slut, cum eating, mirror sex (just a bit), head lock, protected sex (for the first time ever), idk what else?
It was a normal night between you and your roommate Minho, he would spend every Friday cooking for the both of you guys while you caught up on assignments. It was a good arrangement because you hated cooking, and it was his favorite pastime. In return, you would wash all the dishes and make dessert for the both of you. Baking had always been your favorite, and you loved trying new recipes with him, and he did the same when it came to new dishes. 
This week, he wanted to try out a sous vide steak. “Can you pass me the butter please?” Minho said across the kitchen. “Yeah of course!” you said, walking across the kitchen to pass it to him. “Thank you!” he replied back, basting the steak that he had searing on the stove with the butter you just passed him. 
You went back to sitting on the barstool, continuing to work on the assignment you had due for your Journalism class at midnight. As you continued to work, Minho continued to cook. He was making a side of vegetables but needed your opinion on whether or not they were seasoned enough. 
“I need you to taste this,” he said, holding up a fork in front of you. You were so immersed in your assignment that you just opened your mouth, waiting for him to put it in your mouth. He did so, and before you could notice how he stared at the fork leaving your mouth you said “I think it needs more salt, just a pinch, but it’s good.” 
He just coughed and nodded, turning away, not letting you see how his ears turned a bit red at the tips. “Yeah, let me add some more salt and then we can sit down and eat.” 
“That works for me!” you replied, finishing up the assignment at hand and submitting it. You close your laptop, pick up the plates, and place them on the table in the middle of your apartment. “What kind of wine do you want to drink tonight?” you asked him, looking in the fridge. “Red would go best with today’s steak,” he replied cutting up the steak into pieces on the cutting board. 
“Alright got it” 
As you took the first bite, you moaned to him how good it was. “I think this is your best recipe yet,” you told him while taking a bite of the vegetables. You didn’t realize that your little moan caused him to cough up a bit of his wine.   
To distract himself from what just happened, he told you how Jisung had accidentally spilled coffee all over himself at work and he laughed so hard that he spilled some on himself too. You told him about your week too, how classes were kicking your ass too. 
“Oh, and this dude in my literature class asked me for his number.” You took another bite of the steak. He was fuming a bit, but not wanting to show it he casually asked “Did you give it to him?” 
“I didn’t want to be impolite, plus he seemed nice so I did. He invited me to get dinner with him tomorrow.” You said while taking a sip of your wine. 
“Did you say yes?” he asked, annoyed you were giving your number out to total strangers. 
“I told him I would most likely be able to, but if something came up I would have to cancel and he said that was totally fine, why?” you replied, a bit confused as to why he was so interested. 
“Oh, I was just wondering, it’s been a while since you’ve been on a date.” 
“Yeah, I know, that’s why I wanted to go out. I’m tired of being stuck at home constantly.” Before he could interject, you quickly spoke up again. “Not that I’m tired of hanging out with you, I love spending time with you. I just want to look pretty for someone, get all dressed up,” pointing down at yourself, “not just in sweats all the time.” 
“That makes sense,” Minho scoffed, and you could hear a bit of undertone in his voice. 
You decided to ignore it, collecting both of your dishes as you finished them. “Do you wanna play the new episode of Chainsaw Man while I bring the flan?” you asked 
“You made flan again?” he asked while walking over to the couch. “Yeah, I knew how much you liked it last time, plus my friend gave me this recipe to perfect it.” 
“Oh, that’s nice, thanks for thinking about me.” he was already sitting down so you couldn’t see the grin that was plastered on his face. “Hey, don’t be so egotistical, I liked it too,” you said while bringing over two bowls of it. 
You guys sat in silence, eating the flan while the episode played in the background. Minho would occasionally look at you, watching your little reactions to what was playing on the screen in front of the both of you.
“Damn, I wish I was Denji,” you said loud enough for Minho to hear. It was a scene of Himeno putting him in a headlock. “You want to be choked?” Minho asked, not sure if he understood you correctly. 
“I mean, it seems weird, but also, I really want to try it,” you shrugged to Minho. 
“If you want to try it, I can put you in a headlock” he replied back with no hesitation. “I mean, I don’t think it will choke you or anything, but I am pretty strong so if you want to…” 
Before he could even finish his sentence, you quickly replied with a “Yes!” 
“I mean only if you are comfortable with it, if you don’t want to I mean we don’t have to” you rambled on. 
“I don’t mind as long as you are comfortable with it, just tap my arm if it’s too much.” He said, pausing the show and patting the spot next to him. You crawled to him, sitting on your knees right next to him. What you didn’t realize was how flushed Minho had become, he could feel his pants tighten a bit at the thought of him in his arms. 
“Can I sit in your lap you can do it from behind?” you asked innocently, your doe eyes looking up at him. He swore he groaned out loud, but he stopped himself, composing himself and just nodding. 
You climbed into his lap, your back facing his chest. You felt his arm wrap around your throat, your bicep slowly squeezing it. “Tell me if it’s too much, okay kitten?” and you just whimpered in response. This is the first time he’s ever called you that and you can feel yourself getting wet in his lap. 
You began to squirm, causing him to groan behind you. “Fuck, don’t start something you can’t finish.” 
“What if I want to start something?” you tilt your head up, trying to get a good look at your roommate's face. 
You had never realized how beautiful he was, you knew he was attractive. It was evident, he was one of the best-looking men you had ever met, but his beauty astonished you in that moment.
Before you could even say something, he flipped you around. “Fuck kitten, you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do this. Seeing you in your tiny shorts and big t-shirts around the apartment. That one time you took my shirt and wore it around the house, I swear I was hard that entire day after seeing you.” 
You just giggled at him, “Oh baby, this is no laughing matter, maybe I should shut you up?” 
You just nodded up at him, as he slipped his fingers in your mouth. You began sucking on them, wrapping your tongue around both digits, wetting them with your saliva and he just groaned above you. “Fuck baby” he just groaned thinking about how well you would take his cock in your mouth. 
He slipped his digits out of your mouth, placing a kiss on your lips. One kiss became another and another, and then it turned into a heated make-out session. In the process, he had flipped you on top of him and you began grinding on his semi-hard cock. 
“Fuck baby you feel so good, but let’s get off the couch okay?” you just nodded at him, still feeling lightheaded from his mouth on yours. 
You both got up, him picking you up, tossing you onto his shoulder. Before you could protest, he began walking to his room. You began writhing on his shoulder, wanting to be put down. “Stop acting like a brat,” he said while smacking your ass. 
“Minho!” you shouted, eliciting a chuckle from him. “If you act good, I’ll take care of you, but if you act like a brat, I won’t let you cum.” You quickly shut up, allowing him to throw you on the bed. He hovered above you, placing kisses on your neck, and moving down to your thighs. 
He took off your sweatpants, leaving you only in your oversized shirt and panties. He began to lift your shirt only to see you not wearing a bra. “Had these out just for me, and I had no clue? What else are you hiding from me, baby?” He asked, sucking on one of your nipples causing you to moan. “You just wanted to act like a slut, hoping we did this, is that why?” 
“Yes Minho, just wanted you” you moaned again as he moved onto the other breast. He just groaned, you were good to him, too good. He moved down, kissing your stomach and then your thighs. You rubbed them together, wanting some sort of friction.  
“No, keep these open for me kitten, I want to see your sweet little cunt.” He said while pulling down your panties. “Fuck baby, this pussy is so wet, tell me who’s doing this to you.” 
“You are Minho, only you can do this to me.” you moaned as he liked a stripe against your pussy. His lips catch your clit, sucking on it causing your legs to shut. “Kitten, what did I just say?” 
“To keep my legs open for you.” You were hiding your face behind your hands, a bit ashamed of how wet you were for him, how much he turned you on. “So, let’s keep them open okay? You can be a good girl and do that for me can’t you?” 
You just nodded, opening your legs again. “Fuck, you taste better than any dessert you’ve ever made me.” He said while licking your pussy another time. “You are going to let me eat you for dessert whenever I need it aren’t you?” 
“Yes Minho, I’ll let you do anything to me” you moaned as he started putting his veiny fingers inside of you. He began fucking his fingers inside at a quick pace, still sucking on your clit and all you could do was moan. 
He hadn’t even put his cock in you and you could already feel yourself cumming. “Please Minho, too much, I’m gonna cum.”
“Then be a good kitten and cum on my fingers, then I’ll make you cum on my cock. You can take more than one round, can’t you baby?” 
“Yes, can be a good girl for Minho, please can I cum, please sir let me cum” you moaned as his fingers hit that particular spot in you causing you to go over the edge, your entire body shaking as you came over the edge, cumming on his fingers. 
“Minho, need your cock, please need it inside of me.” you pleaded and he was in awe. You had just cum, but you were still begging for his cock. He was going to have fun with you. 
“You just came and already need my cock? How much of a needy slut are you? You just want your hole filled at all times?” He scoffed at you. He was still fully dressed as you were fully naked underneath him. You pawed at his shirt and he just laughed. He took it off, along with his sweats. 
You could see how hard his dick was through his boxers, your eyes widening a bit, trying to hide your reaction by covering. He chuckled at your reaction, releasing his fat cock from his boxers, taking a condom out of his drawer, and tearing the foil with his mouth. 
“Yes, just a slut for you sir, I need you, need you in me.” You spread your cunt apart with your fingers, trying to show him where you needed him most and he just groaned. 
He slowly pushed his tip inside of you, knowing how eager you were. He was also eager, his dick hard as soon as you moaned his name the first time. “Fuck baby, this pussy is so tight, don’t know why I didn’t fuck it beforehand.”
He slowly pushed his dick inside of you, your cunt squeezing it tight, making it hard for him to fully still inside of you. “Baby I need you to relax so you can take my cock. You can be a good kitten for me and do that right?” 
You simply nodded, taking his fingers into your mouth once again, wrapping your lips around his digits, causing him to groan as he finally entered you fully. “Fuck baby, you feel even better than you taste.” You simply moaned, feeling so full as he was fully inside of you. 
“So good Minho, feel so full” you moaned, feeling so full of him you couldn’t help but clench around him. “Please move, I need you” You looked up at him, his fingers going back into your mouth and he couldn’t control himself. He began thrusting into you, causing you to moan around his fingers. 
“Fuck this pussy is so tight, gonna fuck you all around the apartment from now on. This pussy is mine and mine only, you got it?” You just nodded as he began thrusting into you faster. 
You were on the verge of cumming, but Minho pulled out before you could. Before you could protest, he flipped you around, your ass up and face at the end of his bed looking straight at the mirror in front of you. “I want you to see how pretty you look on my cock, how my cock is making you dumb, how good it is making you feel.” 
You felt yourself going dumb, the only thing on your mind was Minho and his cock. “Minho, fuck it feels so good.” you moaned, feeling him hit that spot inside of you. “Yeah, kitten? Look at who’s making you cum, look at who’s making you dumb on their cock.” 
“You are, you are making me feel this good” you moaned as his thrusts got harder. With one more thrust, you were cumming on his cock. 
“Fuck, this pussy is to die for” he groaned, continuing to thrust into you trying to get to his own high. After a few more thrusts, he could feel himself getting ready to cum. “Where do you want me baby?” 
“In my mouth,” you said with no hesitation. You wanted to taste him like he tasted out. “Fuck kitten, you are going to be the death of me” he took off the condom, wrapping his hand around his cock. With a tug of his cock, he came into your mouth. You swallowed all of it, showing him and he kissed your lips. 
You both fell back on his bed, him wrapping his arms around you as he covered you both with his blanket. Both of your clothes still splayed on the floor of his room. “That was… unexpected,” you said. 
“A good unexpected or bad?” he asked a bit scared of your response. “Definitely good,” you said while kissing his lips. He grinned, “You better cancel that date tomorrow because I’m the one taking you out tomorrow.” You just hummed, playing with his hair. 
Minho didn’t need to know that no one had actually asked for your number, you were just trying to make him make the first move. 
taglist: @sclassstay @minhosify
(my perm taglist is open, also sorry for forgetting to add my tag list, it just slipped my mind, so sorry)
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Protecting What’s His
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x reader (Bodyguard AU)
Word Count: 2,590
Summary: Bucky has been your bodyguard for some time now and it’s been hard to deny how badly you want him to be more than that. 
Author’s Note: All these new pics of long haired beefy Seb have got me thinking and I thought I’d try a crack at Bodyguard AU. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: flirty tension, some fluff, Bucky is a bit serious and grumpy but he’s soft, mention of s-c-ar-s, a moment of slight p-a-ni-c in the elevator 
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Bucky holds the door of the elevator open and motions for you to step inside. You walk in and plant yourself along the far wall. Once Bucky is inside he presses the button to close the door.
He dwarfs the entire elevator.
A heavy silence falls between you and your entire body zings with hyperawareness. You try to control your breathing so he won’t notice how affected you are but you’re already concerned it’s written all over your face.
It’s been several months since he’d started being your bodyguard and every one of them has been pure torture. Every inch of him is intimidating with his broad shoulders and thick biceps and legs that go on forever but it’s his eyes that really draw you in. A beautiful blue color like the ocean, framed by long, dark lashes and filled with a softness that contradicts everything about his physical presence.
As ex-military he’s more than qualified for the job and he takes it seriously. He seems to take everything seriously, that’s why making him smile has become one of your favorite pastimes.
As the elevator moves downward you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. His dark blue tailored suits fits perfectly, accentuating all of the aforementioned yummy parts of him.
“Did you enjoy the party?” you ask in a teasing voice.
He’s so focused on his job that you’ve rarely seen him indulge in any of the fun activities he escorts you to but this party had been particularly enjoyable.
His expression softens slightly and you even seen the corner of his mouth turn up.
“I had fun watching you have fun,” he states, matching your teasing tone.
You look up and grin at him.
His gaze turns intense once again as his eyes drop to your mouth.
You open your mouth to ask how come he didn’t even steal a glass of champagne to indulge when the elevator jolts, metal creaking and squeaking as it stops.
It throws you off balance and you fall back against the mirrored walls.
“Are you alright doll?” he asks as he reaches out a hand to steady you, his brow furrowed with concern.
A sliver of fear runs through you. “Are we stuck?”
He reaches over to press the ground floor button, and nothing happens. “I think so.”
Your eyes dart around the small space and you feel the tightness of anxiety starting to make your breathing difficult.
His eyes narrow and he pulls his cell phone from his pocket, quickly typing something.
“Oh no,” you whisper.
You start to feel light headed and your fingertips tingle as your panic increases.
“Doll face.”
Your chest heaves with your struggled breathing.
A large, warm hand settles on your bare back and you look up to find his head bent toward yours.
“Are you feeling claustrophobic?”
You nod rapidly.
“It’s ok,” he assures you, pulling you closer to his body. “Look at me. Keep your eyes on me.”
You do just that, imagining you’re sitting on the sand and staring out at the most beautiful ocean.
“Breathe in.” He takes a slow, easy breath in and the releases it. “Breathe out.”
You do the same.
“Keep doing that and stay focused on me. I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
His face is so close you can see every hair of his beard, even the gray ones. Your eyes drop to his mouth as you continue your slow breathing. You lick your lips and glance up at him, shocked to see his stare locked on your mouth.
Your breath hitches and you feel a new wave of tingles shoot across your skin.
He straightens. “Sit down.”
His command is blunt and quick.
“In this dress?”
At your bemused expression he unbuttons his suit jacket before holding out his hand for you.
You look down at it and slowly place your own in his. With your free hand you reach for the silky material of your dress and part it at the slit, exposing the skin of your leg. His grip on your hand tightens.
Your eyes fly to his before you carefully slide down the wall. He copies your action and leans back, his knees bent and his suit pants straining against the heavy muscle of his thighs.
“Better?” he asks.
“Yeah, thank you.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure this will get fixed soon,” he says assuredly.
“I hope we aren’t high up.”
Your words are slightly shaky and it looks as if he wants to reach out for you but thinks better of it before answering, “no, I think we’re just above the opening to the ground floor.”
You nod. “I guess you don’t have problems with confined spaces.”
“They don’t bother me,” he replies.
“I bet there isn’t much that does. Bother you, I mean?”
He turns his face to you and you study him as he answers, “not much.”
You feel a smile pulling at your mouth so you bite your bottom lip to stop it. His jaw tightens as the muscle ticks and he drops his eyes to your mouth again.
“What have you been reading lately?” he asks.
The question surprises you and now you can’t stop a full-on grin.
“Everything and anything,” you admit. “Mostly romance.”
“Is that your favorite…?”
Before you can answer his question his cell rings and he gives you a quick apologetic look before standing and answering it. After several nods and mumbled “okays,” he holds out his hand to help you stand.
“Thanks for calming me down,” you say before taking it. “I owe you a drink.”
His large and calloused fingers close around yours and he pulls you to your feet. At the same time the elevator jerks upward and you fall against his chest.
He catches you in his arms and you cling to him, startled, as you press yourself along his body.
His eyes drop to your mouth before he looks away.
“You don’t owe me anything doll,” he grumbles. “It’s my job.”
You’re about to respond that calming you down isn’t part on his bodyguard protocol but the elevator moves again and then the doors start to open. He releases you gently.
Two maintenance men stand outside with smiles.
Bucky gestures for you to step off first, and you do, smiling in thanks to the elevator mechanics. You turn to watch Bucky walk out and notice his eyes slide down your body before moving back up to your face.
“You good?” he asks.
“Yeah, fine now, thanks again.”
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“I don’t know why he’s keeping me at arm’s length,” you huff sullenly. “We’re both adults and I’ve seen the way he looks at me when he thinks I’m not paying attention.”
You drop your head to the table and groan.
“Maybe he’s worried he’ll lose his job?” Nat suggests as she sips her coffee. “I mean he shouldn’t be distracted…”
“I’m not a distraction!” you scoff. “It’s not like I’m going to try to seduce him while we’re out in public where there are threats…although…the thrill of public sex is…”
“Babe,” Nat admonishes but she can’t hide her smile.
You give her a sad face. “I want to climb this man like a tree.”
“Then just do it. The next time you have him alone. Do it. Make sure there’s no doubt he knows what you want.”
You give her a raise of your brow and take a sip of your coffee as you contemplate her advice then your lips turn up into a mischievous smirk. “I might just do exactly that.”
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“I really don’t feel like going to this party,” you admit as you sit in the passenger side of Bucky’s SUV. “I’d rather stay home.
Bucky’s gaze quickly flicks to you, his eyes running down your body before he focuses back on the road.
“I thought you liked these parties.”
“I do. But not all the time. Being home in pajamas is nice too.”
He nods in agreement.
“I don’t even like this dress that much. I’m not sure it suits me.”
You turn his way and note the white knuckled grip he has on the steering wheel.
“What do you think?” you ask.
“About?” he counters.
“My dress.”
“It’s fine,” he states.
Your mouth drops open with indignation but apparently he wasn’t done commenting.
“You always look perfect.”
“Thanks,” you whisper, looking away to hide your triumphant smile.
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“Bucky,” you say quietly as you walk up next to him. “I’m ready to go. My feet hurt and I’m kind of tired. Take me home.”
He nods as he stares at you.
You lean up to kiss his cheek, breaking him out of his trance. “Thank you.”
He gives you his arm and you wind yours through it, leaning into him as you walk toward the elevator.
“Not another elevator,” you mutter.
“We can take the stairs if you prefer,” Bucky offers. “It’s only two flights.”
You look down at your shoes, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. The action draws his attention to your mouth and you catch him staring. Again.
“What are the chances we’ll get stuck again?” you ask warily.
“Very unlikely,” he tells you with a soft smile.
He helps you into the car, the ride is mostly silent other than your few short questions and his even shorter answers.
“You know I never got to thank you with that drink,” you say when you pull up to your house.
“For what?�� he asks, looking genuinely confused.
“For helping me in the elevator last week. If you hadn’t been there I’m not sure how bad it would have gotten.”
“Doll,” he starts. “It was nothing. I’m glad I could have been there to help. It’s all in a days work.”
You hold his gaze, shifting in your seat at its intensity. Your movement draws his eyes to your legs and you see heat replace some of the intensity.
He clears his throat. “Let me walk you to the door.” Without another word he gets out and rounds the SUV.
You try to hide your disappointment and take his outstretched hand, sliding from the seat. You stumble on your heel and your palms land flat on his broad chest just before he reaches out to steady you.
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I’m ready to be out of these shoes.”
He chuckles and waits until you’re steady on your feet once again. His hand rests on your lower back as you walk toward the door.
You’re not even half way up the walkway when the sky opens up and the rains starts. You screech and try to run but Bucky grabs you, motioning down to your shoes.
“Easy doll. Don’t want you taking a tumble.”
You cling to him as you move toward the porch, already soaking through.
“You can’t go home like this,” you tell him when you reach the door.
He looks down at his clothes, wet and sticking to his skin. “I’ll be fine doll face.”
“Bucky,” you sigh. “At least come in and dry off.”
The muscle in his jaw flexes as his eyes flicker to your body, your wet dress molded to every last curve.  When he meets your eyes again you startle at his expression. His blue eyes are darker and filled with hunger, something he does little to hide now.
You turn away, still unsure if he’s going to follow but then you feel his heat at your back as he comes inside and shuts and locks the door.
“Hang on. I’ll get some towels.”
Before bringing him the towels, you quickly peel off your dress, dry off and change. When you arrive back downstairs he’s standing in your foyer and trying to take off his suit jacket.
You giggle at the sight and rush over you help him pull off the sleeves, the material sticky from the rain.
“Thanks doll,” he murmurs as he takes the towel.
He begins to dry off, patting his shirt and running the towel over his hair.
“You need to take his off,” you tell him sternly then reach up to the buttons of his shirt. “I can put it in the dryer for you.”
He whispers your name, his eyes on your fingers as they slowly undo each button. You separate the sides of his shirt to reveal his skin, glistening from the wetness of the material.
You press your fingertips to the upper right side of his chest, touching a circular scar.
“Is this a bullet wound?” you ask, your voice thick with emotion.
“A sniper,” he answers quietly. “And not a very good one.”
“What do you mean?” you whisper, looking up into his eyes. “He shot you!”
“I’m sure he was aiming for my head.”
He says it so casually, but the thought makes you feel sick.
You swallow hard, your fingers trembling as you move them lower, trailing them across a large gash that runs over his ribs.
“And this?”
“Bar fight. Some assholes like to pick fights with soldiers.”
“It looks bad.”
“Yeah, it wasn’t pretty. But I survived.”
Your fingers move over his cool skin, his abdominals flexing under your touch as you slide them lower, through the dark trail of hair that disappears into his pants.
“Doll?” he growls, gently grabbing your wrist.
You wrench your eyes away from his body and look up at him in surprise.
“I…” you start, “I’m sorry. It’s just…I want….”
“This isn’t a good idea,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Why not?” you counter, wanting to pout like a child.
You must be doing just that because he lifts his free hand and brushes his thumb across your lower lip before he traces the curve of your jaw.
“I can’t do my job properly if all I can think about is getting my mouth and hands on you. I need to keep you safe.”
His words are pained and you can see the war in his eyes.
“But there are no threats right now. It’s just you and I, safe at home.”
He’s still holding your wrist and you slip free of his grasp, taking his hand in yours and placing it just above the neckline of your tank top.
“Touch me Bucky. Please.”
You leave his hand there and lift yours to push his shirt from his shoulders. You have to tug the wet material off his arms but once he’s free of it you let your fingertips ghost along his skin, goosebumps forming in their wake.
“Doll,” he pleads, his eyes closing.
When you reach the button of his pants you toy with it before deftly popping it open. His arousal strains hard against the fabric and you suck in a breath.
He finally stirs, his eyes opening and focusing all their intensity on you and the path of his hand across your collarbone.
His calloused fingertips are feather light as they slide along your shoulder until they trace along the column of your throat. His large hand closes around the back of your neck and he tilts your head back, dragging you into his chest.
He dips his head, his lips hovering just above yours as he whispers, “if we do this…”
“Yes,” you breathe out, your eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks.
“You need to know something doll.”
His nose bumps yours as he brushes it over your skin, his lips moving to shell of your ear.
“What?” you gasp, your nails digging into his chest.
“You belong to me now.”
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@book-dragon-13 @goldylions @hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @lookiamtrying @late-to-the-party-81 @laineyreads @justkinsey @beccablogsthings @flordeamatista @sstan-hoe @littleseasiren @blackwidownat2814​ @buckysdollforlife​
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finelinevogue · 1 year
he’s just harry
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summary - a couple of fan interactions with harry on the streets of london
word count: +1.1k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
Even though the media make it out that Harry hates being out in public on his days off, you know it is actually one of his favourite things to do.
Especially with you.
Harry is known for being a private man, but he can’t help what fans secretly record and post on the internet. He would do the same for Stevie Nicks and you would do the same for Taylor Swift, so neither of you are opposed to reporting anyone for secretly filming. 
A favourite pastime of yours and Harry’s is to actually watch back story-time videos of fans, from when they have met you and Harry. Which is what you were both currently doing, after having your dinner. 
Harry is laying on the bed in your shared hotel room. You lay against his back and are held tight to him by his arm wrapped around your waist. 
He leans down to look at you every few minutes and leaves a kiss on your forehead, just because he can. His fingers around your waist snake under your Pleasing sweatshirt - the one that is actually his - and stroke tiny circles on the skin of your tummy.
With some light jazz music playing in the background, you and Harry can’t feel anything but peace. 
He has your phone in his hand whilst he scrolls through the latest videos on TikTok with the tag # harrystyles.
The next video he scrolls to after and edit of himself on stage is from a meeting of a fan in London.
“I just met Harry Styles.” The girl screams from the inside of her car. The video pans around and her boyfriend is sat there with a grin, no doubt because his girlfriend is so happy.
“I get to say that every day.” You comment, making Harry pinch the skin at your waist. You laugh and carry on.
“Can I just say, first of all, I have been waiting for this moment for years. Always in my mysterious girl era, just in case. And the one day I am wearing slouchy clothes I stumble upon him on a random back road in London. Life clearly hates me.” She begins her story.
“She looked great, I thought.” You said and Harry made no comment. Most likely because he never paid attention to looking at anyone with interest anymore - not since he had found you.
“And Y/N. Oh my God! She’s fucking stunning. Like, I understand why Harry snatched her up.”
“I did find a pretty good egg.” Harry agreed.
“I am not an egg.” 
“Whatever you say, baby.”
“But they were both so lovely. Harry was really kind and thanked me for supporting him. I asked for a photo but they politely declined, which is a little frustrating, but maybe it was for the best since I looked so bad today!” The girl continues her story.
“Fuck sake.” Harry mumbles out and you pause the video, already knowing what thoughts were relaying through his mind. 
You turned your head so you could see his whole face before speaking to him.
“You’re not a bad person for not taking a photo with them. You shouldn’t make yourself feel bad either. You’re a person, just as they are. People are allowed to close off their privacy for the day if they want. Okay?” 
“Thank you.” Is all Harry responds with. Well, that and a minutes worth of kisses. 
You move onto another video, so not to upset Harry any more with the previous one. You couldn’t know whether she might say something else bad and you weren’t prepared to make Harry sad, so the next video it was.
This came from a girl in London airport.
“Oh fuck.” Harry instantly says when he sees the girl on the screen.
“What?” You asked, confused. You hadn’t even been aware this interaction had taken place and you were with him in the airport. Now you were just curious as to what had gone down.
“This is going to be so embarrassing for me.” He wines and tries to bury his face in your neck. You kiss the tip of his nose and push him away.
The video starts by the girl looking really nervous, before Harry pans into view on the other side of the screen. It was only their chins in the view, but it was still a very lovely view of your boyfriend.
“Hi.” The girl fumbles over her words.
“Hello.” He says, removing his sunglasses from his face since he had been found.
“I just saw you from over there and had to come and say hello. I know this is probably really annoying for you and I’m going to leave so as to not be a burden to you, but I really love your music and you are an amazing human being.” The girl rambles, but that might be the nicest of things you have heard a fan say to Harry.
Before the girl can leave, Harry asks that all important question.
“Thank you so much. Would you maybe like a photo?” He asks. 
“Aw Harry.” You pout and he pinches your waist again. “Quit that, will you?” You hit elbow him in his ribs gently.
“Yes please. Wow, thank you.” The video then tilts so Harry and this girl come onto the screen. Harry smiles a small smile and holds up his fingers in a peace sign. He looks very cute.
“Have a safe flight.” Harry says and goes to hold his hand out for the fan to shake, but instead knocks her phone out of her hand and it drops to the floor. 
“Harry!” You gasp and sit up a little more attentively.
“I know.” He cringes.
Luckily the phone was alright, but Harry had to prolong the conversation with the fan and even offered her a new one. She turned that down and thankfully he didn’t have to owe anything to anyone. You can tell at the end of the video he is embarrassed though.
“You dickhead.” You laugh at him. 
He puts the phone down and joins his other hand under your sweatshirt so they are both enjoying tracing over your skin. You hum in delight and breathe in the air that is scented by him.
“I’m tired.” He says, knocking his head against yours to rest.  It had been a long day of rehearsals and meetings for him today, but he didn’t mind because he knew that it would be worth it to spend an evening of peace with you. 
“I know, baby.”  You say, reaching a hand up behind your head to stroke over his curls. “We can go to bed now, if you want?” 
You and Harry end up spending the next twenty minutes getting ready for bed and cuddle before you are both fast asleep, awaiting the first, last, ‘Love On Tour’ show tomorrow. 
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ominosus · 1 month
snatch, latch and loose your head — ominis gaunt x fem!reader
Ominis grows tired of the the long game and hearing other people ask you out – so he takes matters into his own hands as he makes it clear what you are to one another ˚∗✴︎ ❤︎
plot summary: (slightly possessive) older ominis gaunt x fem!reader
During one of your late night readings in the archives of the Ministry of Magic you’re interrupted by someone you thought were out of town. Feelings that you’ve tried to stifle claw within you at a sudden and unfamiliar closeness. A shift in the air makes it clear that you're not the only one feeling frustrated.
warnings: recommended 18+ , kissing, smut, hot, heavy and all things nice
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It was getting late, but the new alchemy study touching upon metaphysical speculations and the refinement of transformative magic within the branch of herbolical alchemy was just starting to get interesting. Your hand moved rapidly and decisively on top of the parchment as you wrote down points throughout the text. ”Surely it would be better to use the sap of sequoia in this case…” you spoke quietly to yourself before underlining your notes: Try sequoia instead. ”They should know that…” you muttered. 
Being the only known keeper alive had its perks, one being you were allowed to come and go as you pleased within the Ministry of Magic, borrow artifacts, space – or whatever it was you needed, the ministry could more than often supply. This time you had placed yourself within one of the ministry’s smaller archives in the department of mysteries. It had large windows with deep alcoves along one wall of the room that emanated the perfect blue soft light to read in. The space had started to empty out a couple of hours ago until it was only you and an archivist named Melvin left. He had diligently assisted your every wish, managing to find the exact papers you were after while completely ignoring his colleagues need for help as they vexed him with their eyes. He had then roved all around you like a restless ghost before he finally mustered up the courage to ask you out on a butterbeer or two. He was good looking and pleasant enough, but, alas, you weren’t attracted to him. So, you kindly declined. Perhaps another time, you told him, to let him down easy. Finally you had the space all to yourself. The room had fallen perfectly quiet and the only thing you could hear was the pencil moving against the paper.
”Oh… Murtlap and Valerian, huh…”you whispered to yourself as you dove deeper into a paragraph. 
“It's endearing hearing you mumble to yourself...” a quiet voice suddenly spoke, pulling your nose from out of your notes. You felt your heart skip a beat at the realisation that you weren’t alone anymore. A sharp cramp shot through your neck as you, by a mere reflex, quickly twisted your head to where the voice had appeared beside you. Your eyes caught ahold of a sleek figure leaning against one of the shelfs, misty eyes looking down towards you. “Merlin, Ominis…” you winched as your hand flew up to your neck that cried and twisted itself painfully at your sudden movements. ”One of these days you’re going to make me loose my head.” you whined while massaging your neck.
Ominis couldn’t help but tug a little at his lips. ”Oh, I wouldn’t want that-” he spoke, swaying slowly, both on his words and heels. ”–besides, that’s Sebastian’s pastime... It wouldn't be fair of me to steal that from him. You know how he gets.” he spoke. Even if he couldn’t see it, you rolled your eyes at him. Although, you always had an inkling he knew each time you did. ”Also... I like your head right where it is.” he finished. You looked up at him just in time to see the grin grow slightly larger. You watched him in silence for a little while, still massaging your neck. ”Cheeky.” you mumbled, a smile tugging at your own lips as you stretched out your leg to nudge his with yours. You felt a growing and familiar sensation flutter in your stomach at the sight of him – one that always yanked at your heart, that you’ve taught yourself to submerge, quiet, stifle, choke… Well, you had tried it all, but to no lasting effect.
”I didn’t know you had already returned fro-” you started before your neck retorted by twinging again, making you winch. ”Merlin-” Ominis spoke at the sound of your soft wails beneath him. ”I didn’t mean to cause any actual harm.” he added as a somewhat guilty frown bowed above his eyes. ”I’m more and more certain you actually enjoy hearing me whimper.” you mumbled. Ominis huffed out a light chuckle. ”Now, I wouldn’t necessarily phrase it that way…” he spoke quietly. The fluttering in your stomach took on new life at the sound of him, releasing a melting hot flood that washed over you - leaving you soaked in the alcove.
You didn’t decline Melvin’s invitation because you weren’t attracted to him – you declined it because you were hopelessly in love with someone else: your best friend, Ominis. It’s rather difficult to catch feelings for someone when someone else had already caught them. A couple of years back, something shifted within you that shed new light on Ominis . He had always been one of the trio, your best-friend-Ominis, the proper, level-headed friend keeping both Sebastian and you out of trouble, always by your side when you needed him, aiding you both in physical pains as well as mental ones, attentive and gracious, a guiding hand – and suddenly you all grew up – and he grew to be more protective of you as you had to travel across the world to different sources of ancient magic, always keeping tabs on you (almost to a fault), patching up your wounds when needed... and he started to smell intoxicatingly good, and his lips curved in this really, sultry, yet boyish kind of way whenever he smiled, and he was always awfully dapper, something that you hadn't really cared for at all, until you noticed how well he carried it... and when he started to work at the ministry he became a renowned auror, and with every other charm of his it all accumulated to him becoming a popular bachelor (which he was outside of the ministry as well, which pained you each time the boys and you went out) – and girls in all ages fell for his effortless flair, swooned after him… and, eventually, you couldn’t resist his charm and swooned too… or perhaps you became brutally aware of the feelings that had always been there: love, but not only platonically. Dwelling on those feelings scared you. He was your friend, your best friend – and he’d always been that. Sure, some borders seemed to have been blurred along the years, and he seemed to stretch the meaning of friend to its brim, but then again he taunted you mad, like a friend would... The feelings would subside, eventually – right? Well, hopefully they would. Otherwise you would have to give Melvin a proper chance… or any of the other wizards drooling after The Hogwart's Hero. Gosh, it was exhausting. Nevertheless, you tried your very best to quiet the soft, longing and rather embarrassingly needy voice that clawed at you whenever Ominis was around – or away, for that matter.
You couldn’t help but twist your head up towards him where he stood, eyes somewhat shielded behind your lashes. Once again you winched. ”Easy.” Ominis spoke before he stepped closer towards the alcove where you sat. ”You’re tormenting me on purpose… I’m sure of it.” you cried weakly before sighing – referring not only to your muscles contorting but the way he made you feel. You heard a soft sigh leave his lips as he placed himself beside you where you sat in the window. A soft glowing red beacon of light lingered in the air next to you both. A couple of years back he had managed to separate it from the tip of his wand so that it existed on its own, part of him but apart from him, always around him – allowing him to move more freely. You peered up at it pondering the fact Ominis was peering back at you through it. ”Perhaps I am.” he spoke at your side. You turned towards him, frowning slightly. ”I thought that was Sebastian’s pastime…” you mumbled. ”Well, it’s a complex hobby – better to share the responsibility… You are a handful.” he teased. You nudged his leg again, making him smile. ”You’re awfully smug this evening.” you mumbled again, trying your best to sound as unaffected as possible. If he could have seen you, your cheeks would have given you away in a heartbeat. Ominis shot you a soft grin. ”What are we dissecting tonight, hm? Except for that head of yours, of course.” he spoke as he leaned back against the alcove, making himself more comfortable. ”Ha-ha… hilarious. There will be no dissecting of heads.” you muttered as you peered at the red light looming in the air, your hand still gripping at your neck. ”Well, it’s a new study within Spagyric… I’d like to be able to create – perhaps a smaller bush, with smaller leaves – that in itself held the same properties of wiggenweld… yet more soothing, as dittany itself – that lasted longer, more concentrated, acting with more efficiency-” you spoke a tad too hurriedly, making your neck cry again and you groan irritably. "Merlin, knows I need it.” you added as you pressed your eyes together. ”Sounds… complicated.” Ominis answered to your ramble.
”Here.” Ominis suddenly spoke as he motioned you to turn to him with his hands. ”What?” you mumbled as you turned towards him, frowning at his hands floating between you. ”I can try to ease the ache a little.” he spoke leisurely. ”I don’t think we can conjure up that new plant of yours tonight… but some good ol’ fashion kneading might do the trick.” he added with a soft smile. Your frown deepened – first looking at him, then at his hands – you were still pinching at your own neck as it twisted itself defiantly. ”…or you can continue to suffer, since you seem to enjoy it so much.” Ominis spoke, his hands falling down into his lap as he sighed, his smile evaporating into thin air. ”Are you actually offering me a massage?” you asked, frowning even deeper. You felt your stomach twirl a little at the mere thought of it – his lean hands on your neck, sitting close to him… You felt yourself grow a little bit lightheaded as your thoughts trailed off. You shook your head in order to return to the room in which you both sat. ”Yes.” Ominis spoke. ”I am.” he added matter-of-factly. There was this tone that lingered in his voice, as if he indicated that you were being childish the way you reacted to his proposal, which made you want to prove to him that you didn’t care about the situation at all – that the thought of him massaging you didn’t affect you the slightest. So, you straightened your posture a little, as much as your neck could muster, and shrugged. ”Why not.” you spoke, feigning apathy. You felt yourself swoon as you realised what you’d agreed upon – i.e, id est, that is, the most intimate physical contact the both of you had ever had. Merlin, pray he’s horrible at it, you thought to yourself. ”Swell.” Ominis spoke knowingly, a soft grin creeping up on his lips.
You turned where you sat, making Ominis reposition himself at the sound of your movements so that you could place yourself between his legs in the alcove. Once again he motioned with his hands for you to scooch closer. You swallowed down what felt like a stone as you slid yourself into the gap. You felt the warmth of his body emanate against you as you moved closer – sending a shiver up your spine. Trying to ease the sudden and almost deafening silence that creeped into the space between you, you chuckled lightly. ”Lucky me – ” you spoke, trying to sound as calm as possible, yet coming off rather meekly. ”–the ministry’s renowned auror himself offering me a private massage in the archives... Scandalous, really.” you added. You felt your cheeks burn hot. ”Not only does he have nimble feet, my dear wizards, witches, goblins and other fiends – he also has nimble hands… Who could have guessed.” you spoke musingly. ”Oh, you’d be surprised.” he spoke cooly before you felt the fingertips of his hands grace the back of your neck as he removed your hair. You tensed at the feeling – resulting in your neck twisting itself again. ”Relax.” Ominis spoke as he felt you do the opposite of what he wanted you to do. You merely nodded, falling completely silent at the close proximity of you both. ”There’s no use if you’re going to clench up like a shell – despite popular belief, I’m not going to hurt you.” he added. You felt his breath behind you. It was warm against your skin and smelled slightly of mint. ”I am relaxed.” you retorted, slightly irked – but only at your own lack of cool and the slight fear Ominis might smell your faltering composure on you. You felt Ominis huff out a breath. ”Right… you’re in desperate need of a rub if you’re always this stiff.” he spoke before his hands made contact with you, making you blush madly.
He felt soft and rough at the same time. ”Merlin, Ominis…” you instinctively breathed out. You couldn’t help but close your eyes at the feeling of his hands and fingers gently pushing into and against your neck. Of course he’s good at it, you cursed within your head. His thumbs rubbed slow circles on you as he traveled up and down your skin while his other hand gently held onto your shoulder – keeping you in one place. Without realising it you leaned backwards a little, tilting your head to the side as he strengthened his grip. "Is this alright?" he spoke softly. You could merely hum in agreement as an answer, completely captivated by the movement of his hands. "Hm, good." he mused quietly. The muscles in your neck cried out in joy as they released tensions that reached down your spine – making you feel ten times lighter. It felt as if you were standing right next to the sun as it warmed you from within, intensely, turning you into a mere puddle where you sat. Ominis smirked behind you as he felt you grow more relaxed with each second that passed. As you were melting into him he could feel himself grow more tense as you leaned against him. ”I heard Zatcher asked you to grab a couple of butterbeers with him…” Ominis spoke quietly behind you. ”-and that you kindly declined.” he added. ”Oh...” you spoke hazily, finding it difficult to speak when you felt as relaxed as you did. "That's how you knew I was here." you mumbled, mouth slightly open, eyes closed. ”I met him as he was heading out – and he asked me about you…” he spoke. You couldn’t help but feel a little smug. ”-wondering if there’s anyone else in the picture, and if I could... put in a good word...” he added, almost sounding a little repulsed as he continued to massage your neck and shoulders, tracing your skin with his fingers. Without any one of you knowing it, you both cringed at the idea of him pairing you with someone else. You moaned quietly in front of him. ”It’s a crime that you’ve kept this talent of yours a secret until now…” you mumbled even more hazily, not really focusing on what he was talking about as your head gently swayed back and forth as Ominis kneaded your neck. ”Is there?” he asked earnestly. "Is there what?" you mumbled. Ominis sighed behind you. "Is there someone special in your life?" he repeated. You couldn’t help but feel a little bit frightened that he’d be able to hear your inner thoughts screaming that he was the one making your knees week, thighs tense and your heart unable to function properly.
”Well... " you gulped. "- no, not really.” you eventually answered quietly, sounding unsure. Ominis hummed behind you. ”Not really, huh… Then why’d you decline?” he continued. You sighed before you opened your mouth again. ”I just... I didn’t… feel like it…” you managed before he pressed down on just the right spot. ”Merlin, that feels good…" you breathed out. "The – world – needs – this – gift – of – yours… ” you added, breathing out your words in puffs to the rhythm of Ominis hands moving against you. Ominis chuckled quietly at you before sighing. ”Perhaps I don’t feel like sharing it with the world.” he spoke with a low voice – making that shiver travel up your spine again, sending goosebumps across your skin like a wildfire. Ominis felt your skin grow prickly as a slightly devilish smile grew on his lips. "Feel like it..." you repeated quietly, pondering his words. "Mhm, feel like it." he confirmed with a low voice. He clenched his jaw – but he couldn’t help but tighten his grip on you a little by impulse. His nails softly dug into your skin as your heart fluttered wildly within your chest. What in merlins name is happening, you thought while high on the feeling of your muscles being kneaded into a soft pile of nothingness while Ominis whispered sly remarks behind you that crawled under your skin. You gulped again. 
”Well…” you mumbled, voice thick as your mouth grew dry. ”-in that case, I’m deeply… honored…” you continued as Ominis’ fingers creeped up a little into your hair. ”Mhm.” he hummed quietly behind you as he roamed your skin, making that little pit in your stomach flip again. ”-to be the exception…” you continued, trying to keep some type of composure, albeit finding it incredibly difficult, if not impossible as his fingers started to travel more freely in your hair, sending tingles across your body that tugged at your lower stomach. ”- and I’ll cherish it… forever – tell tales about… the hands… of… yours – no one will ever be able… to measure up…” you trailed off, leaning slightly more against his hands as he deepened his movements, slowing them down as he listened to you. His hand on your shoulder had now moved up into your hair, holding your head up in place as his other fingers traveled across your exposed skin that had moved closer and closer back towards him. He inhaled slowly.
”Only my hands?” he asked. You felt his hot breath much more clearly now, painting your neck with his humid words. Your eyes opened. ”Huh?” you mustered, choking a little on the air in your lungs. ”You’ll only tell tales about my hands?” he repeated. You felt your blood pulsate through you, echoing within your head. ”What else… would I tell tales about?” you asked. You tried to turn your head slightly back towards him, but he held your head in place – and it took you by surprise – he had you in a little lock, and he wasn't planning on letting you go. Ominis breathed in heavily. You felt his chest bump against your back, making you want to lean back with it as it retracted. ”Those nimble feet of yours, perhaps?” you teased, fumbling for a better reaction – not knowing where you were heading. He shook his head. ”You always try to wiggle yourself out with wits.” he spoke with a low voice, still grasping onto your hair, messaging your neck ever so slowly. ”And no, not my nimble feet – even though they deserve honoree mentions…” he added, musing you. A silence grew between you as he continued to knead your head and neck. Your eyes were still open. You didn’t dare to close them in order you’d miss something. ”What then?” you asked with a soft voice soaked with anticipation.
You felt Ominis’ fingers in your hair tangle themselves deeper as he gently tugged you back. Suddenly he pressed his lips against your neck – softly. They were gentle and wet – and they burned cold against your scorching skin. You gasped as he pulled away. The tip of his nose graced against your skin until it reached your earlobe, breathing against you. You closed your eyes again, swooning at the sensation as he placed yet another soft kiss on you. ”Right…” you swooned, eyes closed, mouth slightly agape. ”I… can tell tales... about that...” you mumbled quietly. "-but..." you continued quickly. "-I might need more, just to be... sure...." you added. "-more information about it, and such... for the tale's sake, of course..." you finished rather incoherently as each word grew smaller. Ominis crowed behind you. ”Oh, is that right? For the tale's sake?” he quietly spoke against you as he scavenged your skin with his lips and nose – you merely hummed in response. ”Well, you have always been meticulous when it comes to your research.” he spoke with a low voice as he traced your neck with his lips, making your lower stomach ache. You hummed again – hoping he’d place another kiss on your skin, longing for it. 
”And a tale should have depth… and layers, don’t you think …” he whispered. ”-suspense, several acts... interludes… before it all, eventually…” he whispered, placing the softest of kisses beneath your ear before leaning even closer. ”-reaches its peak.” he spoke quietly into your ear as you listened intently. His words echoed into your eardrums before they bounced within your chest until they landed somewhere deep down below – sending those goosebumps across your skin once again. ”What are we doing, Ominis?” you spoke rather breathlessly as a last resort, slightly afraid what this would turn into, yet longing madly for it. He hummed again. ”Hm…What are we doing...” he repeated quietly. ”Well, perhaps I’m merely educating you on the art of creating a compelling story…” he spoke slowly. ”-or I'm taking advantage of having you all to myself for once, actually enjoying tormenting you a little… ” he added before he placed a hot and heavy kiss against your neck, making you whimper lightly. ”-because I enjoy seeing you like this, all flustered…” he continued. The pit in your stomach widened and it felt as if you’d both would be consumed by it. ”-or perhaps I'd like to make it very clear for Melvin that there actually is a special person in your life…” he finished, voice low. "Isn't there?" he asked. You felt faint and you tried to catch your breath that was faltering slightly. A flood of emotions washed over you as you felt incredibly exposed. You merely nodded softly making Ominis hum. "And who is that?" he spoke, wanting to sweat you out. Your eyebrows bowed above your closed eyes, as in capitulation. You groaned quietly. "Ominis..." you begged. "Mhm?" he answered, cooly. Your head fell forward slightly. "Who is it?" he whispered, somewhat more stern. You sighed softly. "It's you." you finally spoke, very, very quietly.
It felt as if something flipped within you and Ominis quickly turned your head towards him, pulling your lips onto his. It was as if you had both gone without water for a century only to stumble upon a lagoon and instead of drinking slowly, you consumed and devoured. You breathed him in and you both clasped onto each other, pulling and tugging closer – wanting more, more, more. You gasped against each other’s lips, fighting for air in between kisses. The entire room grew hot, humid and heavy. The taste of him – spearmint and a certain deep and tangy sweetness, like plums, made you feel positively insane. His lips moved against you with ease and his hands were completely entangled with your hair and tightly wrapped around your neck as he pulled you even closer. ”This is insane.” you mumbled against him. ”Mmm, the good kind…” he hummed back. ”-like you.” he added. You groaned as you shook your head against him, not breaking the kiss. None of you were sure if you’d ever be able to stop now. It felt as if you’d entered nirvana and why would you ever leave heaven, willingly? They’d have to pull you away from each other, this window – or perhaps you’d become one with it.
You turned yourself towards him, making him move with you again – both flowing like water in a stream – pulling his other leg down as you straddled him. As you kneeled down, you keened quietly at the feeling of him pressing up against you. He placed a hand on your hip, harshly pressing you down even harder – making you both moan into each other’s mouths. His head fell backwards against the window as he tried to stifle another groan. You looked at him, his pale skin glowing in the soft blue light from the window, his eyes pressed closed. You softly traced his jaw with your finger, slowly moving down his neck and the strained veins traveling towards his hidden chest. Your fingers grabbed ahold of his tie as you began to loosen it. Ominis’ head leaned up towards you again, his milky eyes looking straight at you. You smiled a toothy grin before placing the softest of kisses on the corner of his lips, making him try to catch it with his as it caught him off-guard – but you started to sway your hips against him, continuing to loosen his tie – making his head fall back again as he sighed heavily. ”Merlin, y/n…” he mumbled quietly. You smiled again as you looked at him – slightly at a disbelief. The tie untangled as you tugged at it before you moved on to the buttons of his shirt, unbuttoning half of them before you became greedy and dove in with your hands beneath its fabric. You showered his neck with kisses as you slowly moved against him, tracing his skin with your hands, feeling him grow even harder. He sighed heavily at the feeling, overwhelmed with how good it all felt. He grabbed ahold of your neck and pulled you from his before intertwining his lips with yours. You whimpered against him as he pressed up against you, growing more impatient. ”Now you’re the one loosing your head…” you teased him, rubbing your cheek against his as you whispered into his ear – driving him insane at the sound as you reeled at the feeling of him pressing against your core as he groaned more loudly, sounding frustrated, as if you weren’t yet close enough. He placed one hand on your hip pressing you further and further down on him, guiding you as you swayed back and forth – one hand around your neck. You wailed quietly into the air before Ominis forced his thumb into your mouth, pulling your jaw against him and his lips. You keened at his forcefulness, his hunger – it seemed you hadn’t been the only one daydreaming about this. ”I’ll lose my head… heart… all.” he mumbled against you, breathing out his words. ”It’s all yours, anyways.” he finished. Those words became the nail in the coffin to whatever composure left in you. 
Your hands flew down to the hem of his trousers, searching desperately for the buckle of his belt. Ominis waisted no time and started to unbutton your vest and shirt as well, and without much effort he pulled the fabric aside. ”Wait.” he panted, grabbing your wrists as your hands had started to zip down his trousers. You pulled back slightly. Both of your chests heaving madly from the lack of air as Ominis grasped onto the exposed skin of your waist. He allowed his other hand to slowly travel across your stomach, taking his time up towards your breasts where he felt the soft sheer fabric of your bra. You gasped for air at the feeling of his fingers on you, tickling you slightly. Ominis pulled down the thin fabric so that he could cup your breast as he drew circles around your nipple before tightening his grip, making you cry out quietly in a pleasurable pain that flooded all over you. ”You’re gorgeous.” he spoke quietly, gazing towards you, his cheeks flushed red. ”You can’t even see me, Ominis…” you panted softly.”I don’t have to.” Ominis answered. At that you both met in the middle, lips crashing against each other. Your hands tried to continue removing his pants but to no avail, tugging at its hems. You whined against him.
”I need you.” you muttered. A sly grin grew on his lips. ”Come again…?” he spoke quietly. You sighed. ”I need you.” you repeated. He hummed smugly before you felt his arms lift you off of him with ease, making you both stand up in front of the alcove. Your legs felt weak as you turned your head up against his as he looked somewhere above you. ”Well, why didn’t you just say so…” he mocked, the grin returning to his lips as he pulled down the last bit of his zipper before pulling down his trousers completely – as well as his boxers. You gaped, gasping quietly at the full sight of him. There was something feral in you that wanted out as you looked at him, heaving heavily where you stood. Since you weren’t moving or speaking, Ominis’ hands reached out to you. You peered up at his misty eyes again, seeing his eyebrows bow a little – concerned to why you’d gone quiet. You pulled his face down with your hands, seeing as his eyes fluttered a little at the touch of your hands on his neck. You pulled his lips against yours, making him bend above you. As he deepened the kiss you started to remove your own pants. It looked as if you both were dressed in rugs at this point – shirts half opened, vest on one shoulder, no pants… As you stepped out of yours, you pushed your hands against Ominis’ stomach for him to sit back down. You gulped where you stood, looking down at all of him – the proper and prim Ominis Gaunt now naked, love-drunk and completely disheveled in the window. His chest slowly moved up and down. Once again he reached out his hand between you and this time you took it – once again straddling him, without any layers in between. You lowered yourself onto his lap, this time there was a sense of gentleness to it all, and he clasped your face with his hands as he kissed you, softly. Your wet and warm core landed on top of his hard cock that twitched beneath you. You both sighed against each other before you both grinned, laughing lightly. 
”This is insane.” Ominis spoke this time. ”The good kind…” you answered, lust soaking your words. ”-like you.” you both mumbled simultaneously against each other’s lips, making you giggle and Ominis shake his head, cringing a little at your sudden and unfamiliar lovey-dovey-ness… but at the same time you both reeled from how good it all made you feel. You broke the tenderness by starting to grind against him. Ominis groaned, slowly leaning his head against your shoulder. You held onto him, tightly, intertwined, as you both swayed – melting into each other. He felt incredibly good beneath you, but you wanted more of him, all of him. You kneeled up slightly before repositioning yourself on top of him, feeling his tip at your entrance. Ominis was still clasping onto you. You gently bopped up and down on his tip, making both yourself and Ominis cry out softly in pleasure. ”Merlin…” Ominis groaned, tightening his grasp on you, looking almost in pain. With one soft and slow movement you lowered yourself completely, feeling him stretch you to the brim as he tightened his grasp around you as you both gasped euphorically. You leaned your head backwards at the sensation as Ominis held you in place in his lap. It felt as if the entire room swayed. You moved slowly against him, both of you finding a soft rhythm, groaning and moaning into the empty space around you. ”Dearest-fucking-merlin-good-lords, y/n… you feel criminally good.” he groaned before he removed his forehead from your shoulder back to your lips. He felt a little bit starved for you as he returned, pulling you close against him as you began to sway, ever so slowly.
”You have no fucking idea how much I’ve wanted this.” he breathed into your lips, his hand caressing your hair. ”For how long I’ve wanted this.” he mustered. You’d never really heard him swear, ever. ”Language, mister Gaunt…” you teased, panting against his lips. He tugged harshly at your hair to reprimand you – you plunged deep on top of him to punish him back, making you both gasp and groan. You hummed slowly, panting in between kisses, feeling Ominis smile against you. ”You have no idea for how long I’ve wanted this.” you confessed, seeing this was a good time to do so – calculating that the risk of him not feeling the same way was rather low – since he was inside of you.”Is that so?” he hummed, pushing himself up into you rather forcefully, making you wail and dig your fingers into his skin. ”Mhm.” you bit down quietly, reeling from the feeling. ”Mhm.” he mirrored as you began to sway faster against him. You felt a knot start to unleash within you, crying softly against Ominis’ neck. The sound of him breathing heavily against you, humming, his quiet moans, your skin melting into his – both of you steaming, reeking with lust – drove you closer, and closer to the edge. ”I’m really, really close.” you whimpered into him, merely coming out as a whisper. ”Hm?” Ominis hummed pulling your face against his lips so that you faced each other. He held onto your neck behind your back as his other hands fingers curled into your skin as you started to sway more inconsistently. He was highly focused on not reaching his peak before you did. ”I’m really close.” you squeaked against his lips. You felt him grin, nod and hum happily before he thrusted up against you making you squeal into his mouth. ”Mm… just like that.” he groaned. You grabbed onto him with all the force left within you as you moved hurriedly against him, feeling him within you and around you, he was everywhere. He kissed your neck as you leaned against his shoulder. You wailed at him thrusting softly into you as he breathed heavily next to your ear. The knot started to unravel completely and you gasped for air – feeling as if your head was about to implode for reaching too high too quickly. Ominis felt you spasm around him, growing tenser each time he moved. ”Mhmm… just-like-that, love.” he panted heavily, leaning his head back against the window, both of you clasping onto each other as if your life depended on it. You felt yourself twitch on top of him, pulling you up high above, scorching you by exposing you to the very center of the sun. Ominis pushed into you, hitting your wall. ”Ominis.” you gasped, digging your nails into his shoulder, clasping onto the back of his hair, pulling him backwards as a wave of pure ecstasy washed over you, sending tingles down your entire body, bouncing back and forth. Ominis hissed at your nails scratching his skin and the feeling sent him above and beyond his limits. His grasp around you grew even tighter, almost suffocating the blood flow beneath his grip, likely to leave purple little labels on your skin tomorrow. He groaned harshly into the air before a sea of profanities flooded out of his mouth. You felt a hot, heavy flood push into you – you cried out softly, slightly deliriously, drunk on all things Ominis as he pushed you down deep. You both collapsed against each other, utterly dazed from your high, sweaty chests heaving against each other – and you stayed like that until the room grew quiet around you and all you could hear was the beating of each others hearts. 
Ominis played with your hair as you leaned against his shoulder, letting his hand travel from your hair down to your back as he scratched tenderly, drawing small shapes as he hummed slowly. It felt as if you could fall asleep there and then. You started to move off of him only to have him tighten his grasp again, quickly stopping your movements. ”No.” he spoke. ”I want to stay like this.” he added, sounding positively inebriated on love, lust and longing. You laughed softly against his shoulder before you sighed. Bending up to his face, your nose gracing against his, eyes hooded as you breathed in his ruffled self, you placed a soft kiss on his lips. It was tender and quiet, but it spoke volumes. You both pulled away hesitantly. ”I’m not sure I’m ready for your colleagues to see me like this just yet.” you teased quietly making Ominis chuckle. ”No, I don’t think I want to share you like this either.” he spoke softly before licking his lips. You sat there for a while, just looking at him and his misty eyes gazing back at you, noses still touching against each other. ”What happens now?” you asked as a pit started to take shape within your stomach, twisting uncomfortably. A soft and gentle smile grew on Ominis’ lips before he inhaled slowly. He pressed another tender kiss on your lips, making you swoon again. ”Now…” he spoke. ”-I suggest we make ourselves look slightly more presentable – and after that I’m planning on snatching you home to my place – or you’re free to snatch me to yours, of course – but someone’s getting snatched, that’s for certain – and after that, we’ll take a long nap together, preferably in a bed, where we can do this again, and again, and again-” he spoke, making you giggle before you cut him of with a kiss. As you pulled away you both sighed. ”What do you say?” he asked quietly. You looked at him and his rosy cheeks and tousled blond hair. ”I’d love to get snatched by you.” you mused. Ominis hummed against you. ”Oh, I’m going to snatch you real good then.” he mused back.
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Constellations // Wally Clark
IN WHICH: reader is a secret ghost at Split River High School attached to the roof where Wally stumbles onto for solitude. With the new arrival of Maddie Nears a year later a secret comes out.
Warnings: Swearing, talk of a undisclosed medical condition, divorce, angst, and fluff
Words: 2.4k
A/N: Of course it’s a ghost show that revives this blog of writing. Am I surprised? No. Is Julie? Definitely not.
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You’d have never anticipated the sound of Luke Bryan’s Country Girl being an okay soundtrack to watching the stars. But you’d also never expected discovering the afterlife so soon. Occasionally, you would hear a mixture of the living and the dead on the ground or through an open window, but you typically stayed on the roof.
It had been the hangout spot for the volleyball team when you were alive. The championship game had been the last time a living foot, other than maintenance, had stepped on this roof.
Most of the team had graduated, and the broken doors that couldn’t hold up against the wind were changed. So now it was only you. Reliving the excitement and stupid teenage decisions. And avoiding Mr. Martin and his afterlife support group because he was unsettling, to say the least.
 “This spot taken?” Your head lolled to the side, finding a fellow dead jock standing above you.
Wally Clark had discovered you on the fifteenth anniversary of his father’s not coming to the Homecoming game. He’d wanted a quiet place and one where Janet wouldn’t follow.
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2022 Day After Homecoming Game
The door slammed from the stairwell slammed open, and the muffled sound of sniffling could be heard. Then, the shuffling of sneakers came to an abrupt stop.
“Oh. Sorry.”
Your eyes left the book in your hands to the tall teen towering over you. One of the longer-term ghosts residing at Split River High School.
 “I-I didn’t know anyone used the roof. Are you new?” 
“Nope. Been residing in the afterlife awhile now.” You responded, leaning against the roof’s edge, “Proceed for whatever you were here for.”
Whatever emotional breakdown he was about to have ceased in favour of plopping right down beside you. His head shifting more in your peripheral. He froze when your fingers stopped moving in page-turning.
“Oh, sorry.” He leaned away sheepishly, “Am I annoying you?”
Your brows furrowed, “I’ve read the book a few times. So what brings you to my humble death place.”
“You died up here? Wouldn’t we have heard about-?”
“I didn’t die up here.” You interrupted him to shift to face him fully, “You’re the guy the stadium is named after, right?”
“Wally Clark.” The ghost said, holding his hand out. You exchanged your name in response. Wally slowly repeated your name as if savouring it.
“So seriously, are you okay? You were crying-“
“I died on the football field in 1984. Last night was the first time my dad wasn’t there.” Wally breathed, tilting his head to stare at the sky, “It really hits home that time is going by, and I’m standing still.”
You nudged his knee with your own, “I’m sorry about that. You’re welcome to hang out here to get away.”
“That’d be nice. I feel like all the ghosts expect me to be the outgoing, always happy guy.”
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“How was the dance?” You asked as Wally settled on the ground beside you. The ends of his white bowtie hung loosely, and his suit jacket draped across his lap.
“It’s alright. Could have been better.” He spoke, dropping his arm around your shoulders to tug you into his side, “Simon persuaded the DJ to play a couple real hits. One day I’m gonna convince you to go with me.”
Your lips twitched. It was a pastime of Wally’s trying to get you to join in with everyone, especially with the whole drama with the new girl. Thankfully he understood and respected your decision to keep away.
You hadn’t spent years in secret from the support group for no reason. Instead, you existed peacefully in their obliviousness on the roof.
“Nah, I much prefer spending time up here.” You grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Maddie settling in?”
“She’s adjusting as well as she can. Rhonda’s warming up to her. The whole thing she had with Simon is nuts still.”
Maddie Nears, aka the newbie, had shown up suddenly in the afterlife with no memory of her death. Or the events leading up. The pool of suspects is deep, and the desperation to be found alive is strong. 
As he relayed the new development, you tried to think of anything but what you had done today. How do you tell your dead boyfriend something that makes Maddie and Simon’s communication seems like child’s play?
“-What about your day?” Wally questioned, moving so you’re leaning your back against his chest. 
You sighed happily when his arms came to wrap around your shoulders and press his lips to your head. 
“I snuck down to the lost and found for a new book. Mina left a couple things for me too.” 
The friendship you had with the ghost of the stagehand mind boggled Wally. Mina hadn’t left the theatre since the stage light fell on her in the late ’80s. She was eccentric, to say the least, but the only ghost other than Wally that knew about you.
“How? She always screams at us.” Wally chuckled, “Maddie’s the first that cracked through.”
“I got her a script for a production she loves and let her direct me on her birthday.” You hummed, crossing your ankles. Your eyes flinched open in perfect sync with Wally’s tensing up.
“How did you get a script-“Wally trailed off, staring at the stars twinkling under the night sky, “Whoa, wait.”
Wally’s mind flickered to the conversation with Maddie after talking with Mina.
“There’s another ghost. Mina mentioned something about me not being the first ghost outlier. That me talking to Simon isn’t earth shattering.”
Wally’s eyes swept from Ursa Major to your e/c eyes, refusing to lock with his dark brown.
“Can you talk to the living?” Wally demanded, shifting away. The space he created cracks your heart more.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Maddie’s the only one. I can just…sorta leave the school grounds?” You trailed off with a wince. The betrayal is a wicked shattering force to your bubble with the former football player.
“…you can leave the school? And not be slammed back to where you died?!” Wally’s fists went straight into his dark strands. The hair being tugged under his stress.
“Because I didn’t technically die here. I had a health condition and was declared clinically dead a few times. So, wherever my heart stopped, and I escaped, that death destination is a place where I could go. It hurts.”
Wally scoffed, blinking, “We spent the last year, and you kept that a secret. You never told me anything about how you died or this huge thing for over a year. I’ve told you everything.”
Your lips parted to respond, but the door was already slamming behind Wally on his descent back into the building. His long legs eating up half the stairwell by the time you’d opened the door.
“Wally! Wally, wait!” You shouted, sprinting down the stairs, “I swear I was going to tell you!”
The expression on his face was enough to freeze you on the last step, “Don’t you have another place to haunt.”
Your mouth dropped open, watching him disappear in the sea of living students still on school grounds. Your eyes find the blue irises of Maddie Nears. Surprise lighting up in her gaze. Your expression twisted before turning on your heel to flee the area.
The last thing you wanted was to talk with the girl you were assigned to show around on her first day. Stupid school tradition pairing a senior with a freshman.
Maddie popped around the corner to a dead end where you were nowhere to be found. Instead, you’d slipped into a space where you popped up in a different area of Split River with a sheer scream at the pain.
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The fight with Wally kept you from returning to the school grounds. You didn’t know a particular ghost was spending hours on the roof anxiously waiting for you. Instead, you were watching your half-sister playing with her Barbie doll in the backyard of your childhood home.
Your arms tugged your legs to your chest. You rarely visited your family home since you watched the paramedics had arrived at 3am four years ago to remove your corpse from the house. 
Your head watched the little girl with piggy tails perk up, hearing your shared father’s voice. Your eyes take in the person you miss most in the world. It always hurt seeing the dimness your death had caused in his eyes.
The streaks of grey in his hair and beard showed the grief of losing you had caused. The guilt he barely masked from your sister. 
“Daddy!” Ava beamed, diving into his arms, “Are we taking Sissy flowers?”
Your lip quivered, hearing the adoration coating each word Ava spoke with that lisp. Speech therapy and growing up making the lisp less pronounced. Ava had barely been two when you died. 
The product of your father finding love again with a wonderful person who loved you and happily stepped into a parent role. You’d lucked out with getting a really great step-parent and a half-sister but a shitty hand for health.
“Absolutely. Do you think Sissy would like daisies this time?” Your grin grew, listening to Ava burst into excitement. 
You watched as the car disappeared around the corner before entering the house. Your room barely had any dust from Riley’s insistence on keeping it clean. Sometimes Ava would toddle in with a toy and curl in your bed to sleep.
Your clothing is still hung in the closet, your computer on your desk and all your pictures on the corkboard. Your phone was already safely tucked in your pocket with the charging cord in your backpack from the first visit back to the house.
The last time you visited your home was Ava’s birthday a few months ago. Long enough, the air freshener in your room had changed to the scent you loved during springtime. So it was time to rotate out a few items of clothing you wore. 
Your eyes lingered on the picture of your volleyball team wearing matching homemade t-shirts. A year after you died, they got together for a volleyball charity event in your name. Last you heard, two of them had become nurses, and one was on the career path to research your condition.
The following photo was of your mom holding you in her arms with a beaming grin matching yours. You hoped the move to Hawaii brought that smile back. You hoped Matthew was everything she deserved. You hoped she learnt how to live life again. 
“I miss you.” You murmured, pressing your fingers against her smiling face. 
The tears obscured your vision and the pacing form of your boyfriend when you opened the rooftop door. Your breathing gasping when his arms wrapped tight around your body.
“I am so sorry.” Wally mumbled in the crook of your neck, “Where were you? I’ve been up here for the last three days.”
“I went home.” You whispered, pressing your forehead to his chest, “I-I don’t leave often. It hurts when I leave a place I died, like the universe or some bullshit forgets this isn’t the only place I died. So it’s like I’m gonna be spit out back in my death place here before I’m in my destination.”
You barely noticed when Wally tugged you to sit in the same spot he first met and talked to you. The roof’s gravel gives the feeling of digging in your jeans; you gave up trying to explain the metaphysical world a year after your death. Instead, Wally listened as you opened up the pieces of yourself you had kept to yourself.
“I was born healthy and lived healthily for a few years before I started getting sick. It broke my parents’ hearts. By the time I was sixteen, I had spent half my life in hospitals and doctors’ offices. Promises of working treatments and possibly experimental trials.” Your gaze stared off into the distance, “It was just noise by the time I graduated. I knew my body had a couple more miles before it would give out.”
“How are you….”
“I collapsed in the gym. I was clinically dead for a minute, but it was enough for this school to be a death destination. The mall once, the hospital twice, and the talk of transplants came around. Finally, I died in my backyard. It was late, and I was alone outside.”
You vividly remembered screaming beside your corpse. Sobbing when you heard your dad break down, cradling you in his arms. Him calling you your childhood nickname and the one you heard in home videos of ‘baby girl’.
“That’s why you love the roof so much. You died watching the stars.” Wally whispered, tilting his head to kiss your temple. His fingers toying with the sweater with the volleyball team logo.
“I did.” You chuckled, “I have a little sister named Ava. She’s five now. She has minimal memories of me, but her favourite thing is bringing flowers to my grave. This past visit was daisies. My dad remarried when I was in middle school, and my mom a couple years before I died.”
“Your parents still live in Split River?”
“My dad and Riley live in my childhood home with Ava. I think they’re talking about maybe having another baby. My mom took my death the worst. Her older brother died in 1995 with his band members. My mom moved to Hawaii with her husband. Split River had too many memories for her. So when Matt was offered a job there, they left.”
“Ava.” Wally hummed, “I like that name.”
“Maddie knew me.” You offered after laying with Wally for a while in comfortable silence. His fingers draw shapes on your bare back under the sweater. His fingers briefly halted before moving again, “When you were alive, did Split River do this thing where a senior was paired with a freshman?”
“Oh yeah. I got paired up with this insanely smart guy. He went on to found this hugely popular website like that Facebook you showed me.”
“Myspace? You got paired with one of the founders?” You spoke, blinking at his grin, “Well, when I was a senior, I got paired with Maddie. Before her dad died, he worked with mine. So, I knew her at work BBQs.”
“Speaking about Maddie…do you want to re-meet her and meet my friends?”
Your eyes narrowed, “This is dues for keeping the secret.”
“Oh, 100%. Secret stays between us, but yeah, you’re definitely meeting my friends. You should check out the support group, Mr. M isn't too bad.”
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agaypanic · 1 year
My Babysitter's a Vampire Simp Headcanons
Request Something!
Casts spells all the time just to see you smile
FLOWERS!!! So many flowers, conjured at any moment
Your locker becomes a garden tbh
Would do anything for you
If you need help, he’s there in a heartbeat
If you have a problem that can’t be fixed with a spell, he’d probably try to create his own
Favorite pastime is playing games with you
Especially when you’re playing in his room because, more often than not, you’re sitting on his lap
Your guys’ favorite game to play is Minecraft
“Y/n, where are you?” Benny asked as he built a house for the two of you.
“I’m on the other side of the hill.”
“Why are you so far away? It’s gonna be dark soon.”
“This side has more flowers.” He looked at your screen, and sure enough, you were picking flowers in a field. “The house has to be pretty.”
“Y/n, I dunno how to make the house look like you.” Benny pinched your side with his teasing and you giggled, squirming around in his lap. He kissed your temple before going in to start putting structures inside the house. “Now get over here before I have to go get you.” 
Reluctantly, you left the field and made your way to the house. Making sure to close the door behind you, you ventured inside and found Benny’s character in the bedroom.
“Aww! You put the beds next to each other.”
The second he sees you, he’s a goner
Benny and Ethan gotta pull him down bc he starts floating
Carries all your stuff without you asking
Walks you to class all the time, even if his class is on the other side of the school
Saves a seat for you at lunch even tho it’s your unassigned assigned seat at the table
Practically has heart eyes anytime he looks at you
Talks about you all the time to his friends
They could be talking about something completely different, but he’s determined to make you the topic of conversation whenever he can
“Oh my gosh, that reminds me of the time Y/n…” and the two things will be COMPLETELY unrelated
You immediately spotted your boyfriend and your friends by your locker when you got to school. Rory seemed to be going off on some tangent, and it must’ve been going on too long because the others looked like they were about to murder him or themselves. To spare your friends, you walked fast to meet them. Rory sensed you before you could speak, turning to look at you with vampire swiftness.
“Y/n!” He looked at you like a puppy who hadn’t seen its owner in hours. When you were close enough, he peppered your face in kisses, much to the group’s disgust.
“Hey, Rory.” You laughed when he eased up on the affection, moving to greet everyone else. “Hey, guys.” They replied with their own greetings while you opened your locker. With each book you took out, Rory immediately took it from you without saying a word. “Rory, baby, you don’t have to.”
“Oh, but I insist, honeybunch.” The warning bell rang, and everyone dispersed. Rory walked you to your first period, something he did every day without fail.
“Okay, you better go. I don’t want you to be late.”
“Don’t worry, sweet thing. That’s what superspeed is for.”
“Superspeed you shouldn’t be using in public.” You took your books from Rory and gave him a kiss to tide him over for the next hour. “See you after class?”
“Always, baby.”
Soooo nervous about being around you
Whenever he touched you, he’d get visions of the two of you together
That just made him fall harder for you
Makes flirty remarks based on his powers
“I had a vision we made out” kinda stuff
Memorizes everything about you
He believes every detail is important
Whenever he’s around, don’t even think about paying
Even if he’s broke, he’s paying for your stuff
You and Ethan were in line at some fast food place, all he could afford. You would’ve offered to help pay but knew attempts would be futile. As nice as Ethan was, he was also stubborn. Soon it was your turn to order, and you didn’t even speak, Ethan relaying your regular order perfectly, down to what sauce you wanted. He then let you lead him to whatever booth you wanted.
“You know, I don’t mind paying one of these times.” You commented before taking a sip of your drink. Ethan shook his head, dismissing the thought.
“Y/n, for the thousandth time, it’s fine. I really don’t mind.”
“If you insist.”
“I do.” Your boyfriend grinned, reaching to take your hand. He looked down, watching his thumb rub back and forth over the back of your hand. You saw a slight smirk and knew what was coming. “I just had a vision.”
“Oh really?” You bit back a laugh, flipping your hand over to interlock your fingers. “What happened in this vision of yours?”
“Well, first of all, the food is very delicious.”
“Oh, good.”
“And second, I ask you something very important.” This piqued your interest very much.
“I think you should ask me now.”
“Sorry, babe, I ask you after we get our food.” As if waiting for the cue, your order number was called. Ethan grinned, kissing your hand as he stood from the booth seat. He left, and when he returned with a tray of food, you were impatient.
“Okay, ask me the question. I wanna know.”
“Okay, okay.” Ethan distributed the food between the two of you before looking at you expectantly. “Who gave you the right to be so pretty?”
“Oh my God, Ethan.”
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dees-writing-corner · 9 months
ink and needles
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pairings: tattoo artist! bf! wooyoung x fem!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 2890
main masterlist
“Hongjoong, will you stop pacing?” Exasperated, I stood in front of him, blocking his path. “You’ve made my floorboards at least 3 shades lighter. Now can you please tell me why you’ve barged into my house at 3 o’clock in the morning with the intention of putting a dent in my living room floor?”   
“Okay, so, remember that little trip we have with some of the boys on Saturday?”   
Curling back into the corner of the sofa, I nodded, “Yeah, what about it?”   
Hongjoong smiled awkwardly as he inched away from me, “Well, um, some of the boys has turned into all of the boys.”   
Raising a brow, I sent him a look, “Okay? Why are you getting so worked up about that?”   
“It means Wooyoung’s gonna be there as well.”   
Hongjoong frowned as he looked at me, “You’re alright with Wooyoung being there?”   
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Standing up, I made my way back into my bedroom, Hongjoong trailing behind me as he turned off the lights.   
“I - uh- I just, you two have a love-hate relationship going on, just thought that you might want to get away from all that while you're trying to relax.”   
Pulling my duvet back, I paused before looking up at Hongjoong, who was leaning against the wall, “Wha-? Why would you think that?”   
Slipping into bed, I looked at Hongjoong as he made his way to the door.   
“You two bicker. A lot. Every time you see each other, you bicker. Doesn't it get tiring sometimes?”   
“It’s just how we are. I mean, yes, he knows how to get on my nerves, and can sometimes not know when to stop talking, but he’s a good b- a good friend. I wouldn't change it for anything.”  
Turning my back to him, I reached my hand out and turned off the lights.   
"You know where the guest rooms are, now goodnight, Joong."  
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I watched as Hongjoong slid into the passenger side of the car before I looked at Wooyoung in the backseat grinning.  
Leaning down next to Hongjoong's window, I raised a brow at both him and Seonghwa, "You two do know that you've just assigned yourselves a death sentence by putting Wooyoung and I in the same car, right?"  
Sliding into the seat next to Wooyoung, I watched as Seonghwa adjusted the rear-view mirror before backing out the driveway with a nod, "Yeah, yeah, just don't bicker the whole way there or else I'm gonna be throwing one of you out."  
Casting a glance at Wooyoung, I nodded, "As long as he knows when to shut up, we'll be fine Hwa."  
Wooyoung pouted, putting a hand on his chest dramatically as he leaned over to me, "How could you say that about me?"  
Rolling my eyes, I pushed his face away from mine, "Oh, hush, ask anyone in our friend group what your favourite pastime is and they'll say trying to rile me up."  
I could see him nod in my peripheral vision, "True, I like seeing you all riled up, you get all pouty and it's cute."  
Making a sound from the back of my throat, I turned to look at him, "I don't pout when I'm annoyed."  
Wooyoung was about to say something when Hongjoong cut in, "You do. You furrow your brows and then start pouting."  
Looking over to Seonghwa, I saw him nod along, "Yeah, they're right." Stopping at a red light, he glanced back at me and grinned, "You're doing it right now."  
Pausing, I realised that, yes, I was indeed pouting.  
Running a hand over my face, I glared at the three men laughing at me, "Why are you guys ganging up on me today?"  
I felt Wooyoung put his hand on top of my head as he ruffled up my hair, "Because it's fun."  
Swatting his hand away, I tried to smooth down my hair, "Stop it. I just washed my hair this morning, and if it gets all frizzy because you did that, you and I are gonna have a talk, pretty boy."  
Chuckling, Wooyoung pushed my hands out of the way before running his own over my hair, "Your hair's fine sweetheart."  
I could see Hongjoong share a confused look with Seonghwa before he glanced back at us. Ignoring it, I chose to concentrate on my phone.  
Replying to the messages Mingi sent me, I felt a presence next to me. Turning my head to the side, I frowned when I noticed Wooyoung's face right next to mine.  
Glancing up at Hongjoong and Seonghwa, I kept my voice low, "What are you doing?"  
"Quick question."  
Feeling his lips brush the shell of my ear, I leaned back slightly, "What is it? And can you please quit breathing down my neck, it tickles."  
Wooyoung chuckled slightly, "Whatever you say. I just wanted to ask if we're telling them tonight?"  
"Yeah?" Turning my head to look at him, "When else are we gonna tell them? I don't think you can keep your hands to yourself for two days, Woo."  
Wooyoung smirked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he thought of something, "Hmm, I definitely won't be able to."  
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Arriving at the holiday house late in the afternoon, everyone had just about enough time to settle into their rooms before our dinner would arrive.  
Exiting the bathroom, I noticed Wooyoung sitting in my bed, mindlessly scrolling through his phone.  
Making my way over, I sat down next to him, "And to what do I owe this pleasure?"  
Grinning, Wooyoung put his phone down and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer, "Just came to see how my pretty baby's doing."  
Scrunching up my nose at the nickname, I let out a small chuckle, "I should be the one asking you that. You're the one that's been scared to tell them."  
Tightening his arm around my waist, Wooyoung nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, "That's only because I'm afraid one of them is gonna castrate me. They're all like overprotective brothers and it's scary."  
Wiggling out of his arms, I stood up from the bed, holding a hand out to him, "Come on, let's go down, they're probably already in the kitchen."  
Wooyoung latched on to my hand, pulling me out of the bedroom and downstairs. As we rounded the corner to the kitchen, we paused when we heard Hongjoong talking.  
In the kitchen, the rest of the boys were setting up the table ready for dinner as Hongjoong and Seonghwa took the food off the serving carts, "No, but something felt strange between them. Hwa, back me up here."  
Seonghwa set the last plate on the table with a shrug, "Yeah, they were acting a bit weird. I mean, they were still bickering, but also, like, flirting."  
Everyone looked at Hongjoong and Seonghwa in disbelief as Yeosang let out a laugh, "I'm sorry, flirting? Those two? Okay, Wooyoung might come off a bit flirty at times, but that's because he's Wooyoung. It's not like Y/N flirts back."  
Hongjoong simply nodded, leaning against the kitchen island, "Yeah, that's what normally happens, but Y/N called him 'pretty boy' today." 
Sharing a look with Wooyoung, I could see the amusement dancing in his eyes. Shaking my head, I entered the kitchen with Wooyoung following behind me.  
"And what are we talking about?"  
The sound of my voice startled them as they whipped their heads towards us.  
Jongho's eyes flickered between Wooyoung and I before glaring at Wooyoung when he caught something in his expression, "No."  
I felt Wooyoung snake an arm around me, grinning up at Jongho, "I'm gonna have to say, yes."  
Jongho threw his head back as he let out a groan, "Ugh, we're gonna have to deal with you two bickering AND flirting?" Jongho made his way to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of beer, "This is going to be a long weekend, beer anyone?"  
The others looked at each other before Mingi broke the silence, "Uh, anyone want to fill us in?" 
Running a hand over my face, I grinned awkwardly at them, "We're dating?"  
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Turning on the reading lamp, I picked up my book as I waited for Wooyoung to finish in the bathroom.  
"Well," Flinching slightly, I was startled by Wooyoung's sudden entrance, "That went better than I expected."  
Looking up, I watched as Wooyoung exited the bathroom, the lettering at the base of his neck and the serpent that curled at his shoulder blade on display.  
"Really?" Putting the book down, I arched an eyebrow as he slid in next to me. "What did you think would happen?"  
Once Wooyoung was comfortable against the headboard, I sat up, opting to staddle Wooyoung with my arms wrapped around his neck as his hands found purchase on my waist.  
"Definitely didn't think Hongjoong was going to point a wooden spoon at me and threaten to hunt me down with one of his easels."  
Laughing, I couldn't help but envision Hongjoong chasing Wooyoung with an easel, "What would he even accomplish? Those things are heavy!"  
Sliding one of my hands down, I traced the tattoo over his chest as the other played with the hairs on the nape of his neck.  
Wooyoung picked up the hand on his chest and raised it up to his lips, pressing a kiss at the pulse point, "What's going through that pretty little head of yours, hmm?"  
Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I raised my eyes to meet his, a shy expression taking over my face, "I wanna get a tattoo."  
Wooyoung's eyebrows shot up as he looked up at me in surprise, "Yeah? I thought you were afraid of needles."  
Humming, I felt Wooyoung's hands slip under my shirt, his thumbs rubbing circles on my hips, "I am, but I want to get one and maybe a few more piercings."  
Wooyoung grinned as he nuzzled into the side of my face, lips brushing against my cheek, "Want me to do them for you, pretty?"  
Pulling back slightly, I looked at him, "Please?"  
Wooyoung pressed a kiss on my lips, leaning his forehead against mine, "Let's talk about this tomorrow. I'll book you in when the new shop opens."  
Wooyoung's arms tightened around me, pulling me flush against his chest as his lips found their way down the column of my neck.  
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“Please tell me you’re joking.”  
Turning my head to glance at Hongjoong, I took a step closer to him as we made our way down the street.  
“What?” I shrugged, turning to face ahead. “I’ve wanted to get a tattoo for ages. Plus, I want to get a couple more piercings, so, why not?”  
Hongjoong looked at me in disbelief, “You’re terrified of needles. You can’t even get a shot without getting all anxious, and you think you can sit through being jabbed continuously with one?”  
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his words, “You’re exaggerating, I’m just not too fond of needles, that’s all.”  
Hongjoong moved to hook an arm with mine, “Hmmm. When are you getting it done?”  
Glancing at the watch on my wrist, I looked at him with a sheepish smile, “My appointment’s in about 10 minutes, so, um let's hurry up.”
Hongjoong paused for a second before pinching my arm, “You could’ve told me sooner!”  
“Yeah, well, uh, we’re here.”  
Stopping in front of a glass door, Hongjoong squinted up at the sign above.  
“This is Wooyoung and San’s new shop.”  
“It is.”  
Pushing the door open, Hongjoong and I walked in, taking a seat as San handed me a couple pieces of paper to look through.  
“You chose Wooyoung over ME?” Hongjoong whined as he looked at me with a pout.  
Not even looking up, I shook my head, "As much as I love you, Joong, the tattoos that you do are too.... extravagant for my taste."  
Signing the last piece of paper, I handed them to San before looking at Hongjoong, "Are you staying out here with San?"  
Seeing him nod, I stood up and made my way to the last room down the corridor, where Wooyoung's workstation was.  
Pushing the door open, I saw Wooyoung moving around the room, getting everything ready for the tattoo. Upon hearing the door creak open, he looked up, a smile making its way across his face when he saw me.  
Closing the door behind me, I let Wooyoung wrap his arms around me and press a kiss on my temple.  
Nodding against him, I stepped back, placing my bag and jacket on the chair next to the door.  
"Of course I am."  
Wooyoung gave me a soft smile as he motioned me over to the workbench, "Come on, I'll do your piercings first."  
Settling down, I clipped my hair back as Wooyoung put his gloves on.
"You want two more helix piercings, yeah? Same ear?"  
Nodding, I watched as Wooyoung took a marker out, marking the positions of the piercings in my left ear before setting it down and taking a sterile needle out. Screwing my eyes closed, I turned my head to the side as I held onto the sides of Wooyoung's shirt as he slotted himself between my legs.  
Hearing Wooyoung countdown quietly, I let out a small breath before wincing as the needle went through.  
"Alright, one more to go."  
Once the second one went through, I slowly let go of Wooyoung's shirt, smoothing down the wrinkles as Wooyoung changed out the needles for studs.  
Turning to look at him, Wooyoung gave me an encouraging smile as he ran his hand up and down my thighs.  
"Ready for the tattoo, pretty?"  
Seeing me nod, Wooyoung stepped back from me to prepare his tattoo gun, "You're gonna have to take off your shirt and bra, babe."  
Unbuttoning my shirt, I slid it off my shoulders before unhooking my bra. Turning on the bench, I leaned my back against the seat with an arm covering myself.  
Wooyoung snapped on a pair of fresh gloves before seating himself on the stool next to me to start prepping my skin, "Ready?"  
Casting a nervous side glance, I smiled, "Definitely."  
Wooyoung pressed a quick kiss on my cheek before turning on the tattoo gun. Hearing the buzz fill the room, my body tensed slightly, before relaxing under Wooyoung's touch.  
Feeling the needle prick my skin, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. The tattoo was a simple chrysanthemum design on the side of my ribs, and it didn't take long to complete.  
Wiping away the excess ink, Wooyoung leaned back to have a better look before tilting his head towards the mirror, "Go on, take a look before I wrap it."  
Hoping off the bench, I made my way to the side of the room where the mirror was.  
Scanning my eyes over the design, I smiled, "This is good."  
Chuckling, Wooyoung made his way over to me with a bandage in hand, "Of course it does! I did it!"  
Chuckling, I waited until Wooyoung finished whatever it was that he needed to do, before turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing a kiss on his lips, "Thank you."  
"My pleasure, pretty. But why a chrysanthemum?"  
Smiling, I let go of him and went over to the bench to slip my shirt back on, "It's the birth flower for November."  
Putting my bra into my bag, I turned to see Wooyoung standing at his workstation with a disinfectant spray in hand with a surprised expression, "Oh? So, it's for me then?"  
Shaking my head, a fond smile made its way across my face, "I was born in November too, pretty boy."  
Wooyoung wiped down the remaining bit of the workstation before walking out the door with me, my bag and jacket in hand.  
"Yeah, but I'd much rather think it's for me."  
Laughing, I paused slightly when we entered the reception area, "Uh, where are San and Hongjoong?"  
Wooyoung picked up a sticky note from behind the reception desk, "Well, they've left already. You were the last one of the day."  
Looking out the window, I noticed that it was raining pretty heavily outside.  
"Did you drive here, babe?"  
Wooyoung handed me my jacket before taking his off the clothing rack by the door, "Yeah, it's parked down the street."  
Exiting the shop, Wooyoung locked to door before turning to me, placing his jacket over the top of our heads, "Dinner at mine?"  
Seeing me nod, we both darted out into the rain and ran towards his car.  
Reaching the car, Wooyoung quickly unlocked it allowing me to slide into the passenger side, shaking my arms slightly.  
Wooyoung got into the seat beside me, shaking his head slightly to get rid of some of the water particles in there.  
Turning on the car ignition, Wooyoung turned to me, smiling, "What? You're staring, pretty."  
Taking his hand, I pressed a kiss on the back of it, "I love you."  
Wooyoung's hand tightened its hold on mine before letting go to tilt my head towards him. He leaned over the centre console, one of his hands finding its way to the back of my head as his lips found mine.  
"I love you too." 
taglist: @khuyyn (if you want to get updates for my oneshots/imagines, just message/comment)
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doobea · 9 months
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contents: some suggestive in oliver's, overall super fluffy, like domestic fluff its insane but i love it, gn!reader characters: sae, oliver, isagi, rin a/n: hehe im throwing this out just to have something but also i love coming up w hcs and its been a WHILE since my last one
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Because of his constant travels, it was his idea one night that there needed to be something physical to keep himself reminded of you at night. Which led to him bringing you to a build-a-bear store the very next day. You took your time deciding which animal to choose from, scents, cute outfits (obviously you had to pick the soccer jersey), and recording your voice memo. He keeps the plushie by his bedside, sending you pictures of it every night, and even buys a small bed for it. You can't help but feel slightly jealous that he's treating a toy better than you.
The sounds of him brushing his teeth and gurgling mouthwash wakes you up every time. He doesn't mean to be so loud about it, Sae can't exactly control the volume of his electric toothbrush and he has to make sure that his breath smells nice before he goes in for a morning kiss.
"My hands are cold." and proceeds to touch your face. Will chase you around the house to make sure you warm him up. Don't even bother running away because he's a literal athlete. Probably refuses to wear gloves when it's cold outside just so he can stick his hands in your pockets too.
Karaoke nights with Oliver are like no other. He has a nice voice, but will purposefully sing terribly just to hear you laugh. With the combination of alcohol and old-school tunes, the two of you will test the limits of the so-called 'soundproof' rooms.
He's the type of boyfriend who loves to test physical boundaries in more ways than one. Walking in public, he'll 'accidentally' brush his hands against your bottoms or your chest. If you're taking a shower, he'll try and poke you from behind the shower curtains. Leaves his mouth a mess when he's eating food and specifically asks you to lick the sauce away.
Sadly, he eats your leftovers when you haven't touched them after a day. He tries to be super sneaky and tries to help you look for it after finishing the whole thing. And yes, he gaslights you just a tiny bit - "baby, are you sure you didn't eat it yourself?"
Under the condition that you have a lot of plushies, Isagi will either neatly place them around your shared apartment or send you videos of him punching them across the room - there's no middle ground.
Mentioned this before briefly but he'll show you all the highlights of his games. But not the professional videos - he'll go out of his way to find videos that are edited poorly (he thinks they're cool tho) and will force you to watch them with him. The videos with dubstep outros and intros, like and subscribe for more, and Roblox figures flying across the screen.
If you're not paying attention to him, Isagi will literally pull out his phone, take a picture of you with 'HEEEYYY' as the caption, and send it to you despite being within arm's reach. What's gotten your attention that's more important than him?
He definitely sleeps with a blanket that he's had since he was like five. The type of blanket that has holes in it, design and color faded by how much he's used it, and he was super embarrassed when you found it stuffed underneath his bed when he first invited you over. After suffering an endless amount of teasing, he brings out the blanket when he wants cuddles.
Facetiming with Rin is always so endearing yet so awkward at the same time. His face is never fully shown, only the corner of his head, and there are long periods of silence just because Rin hates having conversations on the phone. Expect a lot of "oh so what are you doing right now" every ten minutes - he's trying his best!
His favorite pastime is laying in bed with you in his arms and scrolling aimlessly on the phone. Whether it be reading a funny thread together, scrolling through TikTok, or watching a movie on Netflix - he finds it easy to relax with you and easily falls asleep within an hour.
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Got Me Thinking
Part 3: Kiss it Better (NSFW)
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Synopsis: Jack ends up getting into an argument with Kelsey and quickly makes it up in his mind to visit you in order to take his mind off of it. Little did the two of you know that those feelings that had been buried all those years ago would come straight up to the surface.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1 and Part 2 first
Do not engage if underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack let out a frustrated sigh thinking about the argument that had ensued between him and Kelsey that morning as he was now currently on a plane to California for Druski's premiere. All that he asked of her was to be a little more supportive as he had been under a lot of stress lately and wasn't taking his feelings into consideration and that sent them into a full blown yelling match with her accusing him of saying that she wasn't supportive of him at all.
Shaking his head and trying not to think about it, he pulled out his phone to text you and see what you were up to since he wanted to see you before leaving the state. Druski's premiere was later on that day and he didn't plan on doing anything after except being with you if you were available.
Ever since the two of you reunited at his birthday party, you were all that he could think about. For the entire week that you were there, he spent about every day with you and it was safe to say that he missed your presence and being around you.
And his feelings that were buried deep down had made their way to the surface and had hit him like a ton of bricks.
Yes, he married Kelsey. But did he love her? When they got married he definitely did, but he didn't love her as much as he loved you and knew that no one else on the face of the earth would be able to fill your shoes. He was hurt when he found out you got married, but what could he had done at that point? The two of you hadn't spoken for years and even though he wanted it to be him, he was happy that you found happiness and would never try to ruin that for you. But now hearing about how Xavier had been treating you, he wanted to get you away from him as soon as he could. He knew you were trying to plan everything out, but he didn't want you to have to deal with that situation any longer.
Jack Jack- What are you getting up to tonight pretty girl?
You- Eating and sleeping. My all time favorite pastimes.
Jack Jack- Hmm, now you can't do that if I'm coming to see you, now can you?
You- 👀
You- When will you be here!?!?
Jack Jack- In about an hour or so. I know you're still working but I'm going to Druski's premiere and I wanted to see you after. So around 11 tonight? Is that too late?
You- Never too late when it involves me getting to see you. Now I'm hoping the day goes by a little faster.
Jack Jack- Aww does someone miss me?
You- Don’t push it lol
Jack Jack- Been having a shitty week but I know seeing you will make it better.
You- Oh no. My poor baby. Tell me all about it later. Just text me the address of your hotel and the room. I know how reserved you are and highly doubt you want paparazzi in your face.
Jack Jack- Can't wait to see you
Clay looked over at Jack and immediately asked what had him in such a good mood since he had literally been pissed off less than ten minutes ago.
“Who are you texting that has you smiling like that?”
“Well we know it's not Kelsey.” Urban muttered and Clay couldn't help but to stifle a laugh.
“My guess is Y/N, since he hasn't stopped talking about her.”
“The person that you should have married.”
“And how many times are you going to remind me? What was I supposed to do? Make her divorce him so I could marry her? We hadn't even talked in seven years at that point!” Jack exclaimed while looking at both of them.
“You should've been like I OBJECT!”
“I mean…… that plan could work because she had straight googly eyes when yall made eye contact.”
“And she didn't leave your side the entire night.” Urban added.
“And you don't like your wife. None of us do.”
“I… not too much on Kelsey now!” Jack said while attempting to defend his wife, but all they did was look at him.
“Because we're legit confused on how and why you married her in the first place. We told you not to and now look, sitting up here miserable and unhappy.”
“I care about her!” Jack said, defending his actions.
“Notice how you said care and not love? Yall argue every waking hour and you are always grumpy. You haven't been grumpy and in a mood since you basically spent your entire birthday week up Y/N's ass. Well except for today when you know, got into an argument with that woman who shares your last name.”
“Wait…. did yall… fuck? As in you and Y/N?”
“NO URB! I didn't cheat on Kelsey and did we forget that Y/N is married too?”
“What is that supposed to mean? We don't like him either. Don't even know shit about him, but he's not you and you and Y/N belong together. Don't make me start singing Mariah Carey.”
“And Kelsey treats you like the gum on the bottom of her shoe.”
“Facts, no printer.”
“Yall just don't know her like I do.”
“And we don't want to.”
Jack sighed and ran a hand through his curly hair because he knew that they were exactly right.
“Think about it like this. Your own wife didn't come to your birthday party yet, your EX-GIRLFRIEND from when you were in HIGH SCHOOL did. What does that tell you?”
“And who is she married to?”
“His name is Xavier.” Jack answered as he pulled up your instagram and handed Urban his phone.
“Oh? What do you mean oh?” Jack asked as everyone had now gathered around Urban to get a glimpse.
“If this is the dude you're competing with, you can take him.”
“Maybe we could set up a boxing match.”
“Jack is definitely a lover and not a fighter. He wouldn't make it to the second round.”
“Don't get mad at me because it's true.” Clay replied while holding his hands up in defense.
“But the thing is, Y/N told me she's divorcing him.”
“Good! Then ease your way in!”
“And he's about to have a baby on her.”
“Don't finish that sentence, but yes.”
“Well divorce the wicked witch of the west so you can marry her.”
“Clay! Stop calling her that!”
“Why? It's funny and she's evil so it fits her personality.”
“Not the point!”
“Oh, so you agree?”
“Look, I’m going to try and make it work with Kelsey.” Jack told them, but at this point he didn't know if he was trying to convince them or trying to convince himself.
“I think I threw up in my mouth a little.”
You couldn't wait until your last case of the day since that would then let you go home and sleep until It was time to meet up with Jack. It was nice since Xavier was now on another one of his business trips, but you knew all that meant was his was with the woman who he was cheating on you with. He had hid it well when he first stepped out on you, but within the last year he had grown sloppy, but he still had no clue about you knowing.
It was still early in the afternoon when you decided to shoot Jack a quick text to let him know that he could now come over to your house seeing as your husband was nowhere to be found and went off to take a shower to wash the long day off of you.
You saw Jack's reply once you stepped out of the shower and he said that he would let you know when he was on his way. There were still a few more hours left to kill so you decided to take a short quick nap before he got there. But as much as you wanted to, your mind just wouldn't turn off.
The thoughts that consumed your mind consisted of Xavier and Jack and how you never should have ended your relationship with Jack because you knew for a fact that you would have been a lot happier. But, you loved Xavier too despite what he's doing to you even though it hurts to no end. He barely showed you any affection anymore and if he did, it felt forced. But when Jack did it? Felt like something out of a fairytale.
You simply wish you could fast forward to the part where you were happy.
Startled by a sudden knock on the door, you lifted your head to peek at your phone and noticed it was around 11:15 and instantly got excited because you knew it was Jack.
Once you opened the front door, you immediately tackled him into a hug as he kissed the top of your head.
“Hey Buttercup.” Your heart instantly fluttered hearing the nickname that Jack had given to you when the two of you were fifteen and the smile on your face couldn't help but to get bigger.
“Hey, I think the day went by extra slow because I couldn't wait to see you.” You replied as you stepped to the side to let him in.
Once he was in the foyer, he was taken in by his surroundings.
“You mean to tell me yall got this big ass house for only two people?”
“The goal was for it to be filled with little ones but that dream has quickly gone out the window.” You quietly answered and it looked like he was about to say something, but stopped himself.
But it came out anyway.
“You wouldn't want to be tied to someone like that for the rest of your life anyway. You deserve better than that.”
“I… I know. I just feel that I'm in a difficult position. But moving on because I know you didn't come here to hear me whine about him. Let me give you the grand tour.”
“It doesn't bother me. If you need to vent, I'm always going to be there to listen. No matter what time of day or night it is.”
“I really appreciate you saying that.”
Moving throughout the house, you showed him everything there was to see and you simply left your bedroom and closet for last knowing that he was going to spend at least an hour admiring your shoe collection.
Once you opened the double doors to the master bedroom, he simply laughed to himself.
“What in the world is so funny, Jackson?”
“I can tell that you designed this, didn't you?”
“He let me have at it so I simply did what I want with it.”
“So this is where the magic happens?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.
“Magic? As in me using my vibrator because that is literally the only magic that happens here. Anyway, let me show you my closet because I know you'll definitely like it.”
“So, we're just going to skip over the vibrator part that you mentioned?” Jack asked and you simply shrugged.
“Not every guy is in tune with his wife's body and knows how to please her, but that's a story for another day.”
“He definitely should be and there's no excuse for that.”
Jack then followed behind as you led the way into the walk-in closet and he immediately took note of your shoe collection just like you knew he would.
“I… Well damn. Maybe you should be an ambassador for New Balance too.”
“I can't help it. I literally buy a pair every time I go out. And a lot of that time is spent thinking about how my life is a hot ass mess. Sorry I'm doing it again. Now what had you upset earlier?”
“You don't have to apologize and it was Kelsey.”
“What happened?”
“All I asked was if she could be more supportive since I have had a lot going on and been kinda stressed out. She took it upon herself to accuse me of saying she's not supportive at all and it turned into a screaming match. Well her screaming at me really.”
“Did she not comprehend what you were saying?”
“As of lately, it seems like she's not comprehending anything when she used to not do that. Clay calls her the wicked witch of the west.”
You couldn't help but to immediately laugh.
“I'm sorry, but that is hilarious.”
“It's sad to say but I've gotten used to it.”
“Why? You shouldn't be used to arguing with your spouse all the time.”
“No, but… I don't know. I always say that I want to try and make it work between the both of us but when I replay these incidents over and over again it makes me think that it might not actually be worth it.”
“Then if it isn't worth it, let it go. Why would you want to be married to someone like that anyway?” You said which was similar to what he had told you earlier.
“Hmm, you want the honest answer?”
“Of course I do.”
“Only because my real bride was already spoken for.” He answered while looking directly at you.
You didn't answer him as he had quickly gotten distracted with something hanging up in your closet.
“Wait… Is this my hoodie? You've had it all this time?” He asked while holding it up and inspecting it.
“Yeah, it was comfy so I decided to steal it and never give it back.”
“Hmm, how does your husband feel about you having your ex-boyfriend's hoodie?”
“Well it's a good thing he doesn't know now isn't it? It still smells like you too believe it or not after all these years. And why should he even care? It's not like we're having sex with each other because that's exactly what he's doing and ended up getting her pregnant.”
“We're not, but it definitely sounds like you need someone to please you because he's not doing his job.”
The two of you were now dangerously close as Jack once again started playing with the ends of your hair as the hand that wasn't occupied cupped your face. Before you knew it, he leaned in and his lips were on yours. After kissing him back you immediately pushed him away from you.
“Jack… we can't and you know that.” You said not believing your own words for a second.
“Is it the fact that we can't or the fact that you don't want to admit that you feel the same way about me as you did when you were fourteen?” He asked you as he closed the space in between the two of you once more.
When you were quiet, he asked you once again and your thoughts were running rampant.
“Y/N, do you want me to stop?” He asked as he began to kiss down your neck and you could feel the river that was beginning to form between your thighs.
“No.” You breathed out before bringing his face back close to yours.
His hand reached under your shirt and was surprised to find out that you weren't wearing anything underneath and began to massage them and roll your nipples in between his fingers instantly making them hard as he kept his mouth on yours.
You broke apart from him as he was simply staring at you with his thumb grazing your cheek.
No words were spoken as you led him back into the master bedroom with both of you trying to strip out of the clothes that you were wearing at a rapid speed.
Once you were left bare underneath him, he slowly inserted two fingers into you seeing how wet you were and he immediately smirked as he leaned down to kiss you.
You moaned into his mouth and that was when he increased his pace moving his fingers in and out of you.
By this point your eyes were closed and you rightfully gasped as you felt him take one long lick across your folds. Jack then spread your legs to the point where they were behind your head so that he would have enough room.
“I don't think your husband would take it too well that I'm fucking his wife in his bed but clearly someone has to do it since he can't get it right.” You heard him say and you let out a quiet laugh before you once again felt his mouth on you.
You couldn't even remember the last time that you were in that much pleasure, but knew that Jack was only getting started.
Between him using his mouth and his fingers, you knew it wouldn't take long in order for you to reach your peak and you decided to speed up the process by playing with your pierced nipples.
As you loudly moaned his name, Jack then went to suck on your clit and you knew it was only a matter of seconds before you were going to hit your peak.
“Oh, fuck. Right there, stay right there.” You said as your hands were now tangled in his hair in order to be able to keep him as close as possible.
“Baby, I’m about to…”
“Then do it.” Jack said as he broke away from you to answer but went right back to his original position.
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks that your legs were shaking, but Jack hadn't stopped eating you out which quickly made you go into having another one.
No sound was coming out of your mouth as Jack let you ride it out before detaching from you and crawling back up your body with him planting kisses on your skin along his path.
Once he reached your lips, he gave you several pecks before you felt his fingers now massaging your clit and he was now smirking at you.
“You ready for me, sweet girl? I can tell that your body is, but I need to hear you say it.”
“Been ready for you.”
As you noticed the precum leaking from the tip, you sat up and quickly took him in your mouth, making him hiss and throw his head back in pleasure.
You used your hand for where your mouth couldn't reach and you soon felt him twitch and took that as a sign that he was growing closer to hitting his peak when he suddenly lightly pushed you away from him and you quickly looked up at him confused.
“There's no way I'm about to last much longer and I need to feel you.”
“I'm on birth control, so it's all good. Nothing to worry about.” You said as you got settled once more at the top of the bed as he took hold of your hips and slowly entered you, leading to a moan escaping both of your mouths.
“You feel so good around me, but you have to relax baby and give me some room. Just relax, I got you.”
It was definitely easier said than done.
But once you did and the two of you got in a comfortable rhythm, your arms went around Jack's neck as he buried his face in your shoulder.
Hearing him moan in your ear let you know another orgasm was right around the corner as you then reached down to play with your clit. Your hand was soon replaced with his as you then heard the garage door open.
“Fuck, he's back early.”
“We're not leaving this bed until you scream my name, you understand?”
You immediately nodded your head as Jack then increased his pace as you were hoping to not get caught by your husband. But at this point in time, you didn't care.
The thrill of being caught got you excited.
“That's it. That's it, pretty girl. Are you going to cum for me? Cum all over my dick.”
Without another word, both of you hit your peak at the same time with you loudly moaning in his ear. As he was letting you recover, he placed kisses all over your body before planting one more on your lips which immediately made you smile.
“We need to hurry up and get dressed before he comes upstairs? Don't you think?” Jack asked but not before taking one of your nipples in his mouth and lightly sucking.
“Don't start because now we definitely can't finish.”
“Hmm… to be continued.”
Once the two of you slipped your clothes back on and made your way back downstairs you were now sitting on the couch with the television on as Xavier walked in.
“Oh hey, you're back early.” You said as he leaned down to kiss you which now left a sour taste in your mouth.
“I figured why not since I wanted to spend time with my wife. And who do we have here?”
“Jack this is my husband Xavier and Xavier this is Jack. We went to high school together and he was in town so we decided to catch up.”
“Nice to meet you Jack.”
“You too.” Jack replied as he was taking in meeting your piece of shit husband in person for the first time.
“Doesn't surprise me you two are still catching up at 3 in the morning. Y/N has always been a night owl.” He said in a somewhat accusatory tone, but Jack quickly shut it down.
“Well I had a premiere to go to and didn't get finished until late, but I was just leaving since I have an early flight.”
“Well next time you're here, we all should go out.” Xavier offered and Jack quickly agreed.
“Sure thing and I can bring my wife so it will be a double date.”
Hearing him say that immediately made your stomach go into a series of knots.
“Come on Jack so I can walk you out.”
Once outside and by his rental car, the two of you immediately busted out laughing.
“I don't think I've ever gotten dressed that fast before. That had to be some type of record.”
“I mean he could have always come in to get a few pointers from me.” Jack replied and you lightly hit his arm.
“What? You know I'm telling the truth. When's the last time he made you feel that good?” Jack asked as he whispered the last part in your ear and slipped a hand in your shorts.
“I take that as the answer being never.” He said as he removed his hand and brought it up to his mouth to suck on his fingers.
“Taste so good and you are making it so hard for me to not fuck you again right here and right now.”
“Behave, Jackman!” You exclaimed as he quickly began playing with your hair and the two of you stood in a comfortable silence.
“Until next time, buttercup.”
“Until next time, Jackson.”
“Oh and I hope you don't mind me taking these?” He asked as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the purple thong that you had been wearing earlier before it got discarded on the floor.
“You know purple's my favorite color.” Was all he said before he placed a kiss on your cheek.
After Jack had drove off, you went back into the house and the realization of what you had just done hit you.
You just cheated on your husband with your ex-boyfriend.
And didn't regret it one bit.
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