#then i conncted the two
aroacesafeplaceforall · 2 months
hey, the cogender things is like, yeah that may be me. may i asl the difference with bigender and whats your expierence if you want to share? /no pressure
I guess since my gender is still connected to the one i was with at birth it took me a lot longer to figure out im cogender.
Which makes sense since ive changed pronouns many times in my life but i was like "i cant be trans i still feel conncted to my birth gender (which is female if people didnt now)
Heres the difference with bigender
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asterkiss · 1 year
4. "Just remember if we get caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English" with Mabel and Bill please?
4. Remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.” Highschool!AU time! Because why not? This... took on a life of its own. Have some MaBill makeouts. Nothing too raunchy but teen rated.
'Hold this.’
Mabel almost dropped the backpack as the blond threw it in her direction. She grunted, holding it with both arms as he began fiddling with the door lock before them.
‘Jeez, what do you have in this thing?’ she said, eventually dropping it to the floor between her feet. ‘You’re worse than Dipper with his millions of books.’
His face soured at that even as his gaze remained focus on the door lock. ‘Rule one for tonight, don’t bring up Pine Tree.’
‘Why? Because he beat you on the maths test?’
He shot her a dark look, and she smiled brightly. ‘Kidding, kidding.’ She didn’t want to piss him off and have him stop helping her.
He regarded her for a moment longer before resuming his actions. A moment later there was an audible click and he stood up straihgt. ‘Alright, we’re in.’
The pair entered through the door, walking into the high school which was eerily quiet and empty in the dead of night. They’d come through a back door leading into the end of a corridor on the first floor.
Mabel pulled out her flashlight except his hand came out and plucked it out of her grasp. ‘Hey!’
‘No lights, idiot,’ he said, and she could just make out his stern expression from the light still filtering in from outside through the open door.
‘Well how are we meant to see?’ she asked as he closed the door behind them, plunging them into complete darkness.
‘Give it a second, your eyes will adjust. Don’t you know anything?’
Mabel frowned, not appreciating the jabs he kept shooting at her. Then again, Candy had warned her that Bill Cipher was an asshole when she mentioned she would be asking him for help.
‘I am sorry I can’t help you Mabel, but I am too ill to get out of bed. If you really want to fix things, you should go to Bill Cipher in my computing class. He is an A-Grade asshole but when it comes to computer hacking he is second best to me. Make sure you tell him that when you ask him for help.’
So she had. And he’d gotten really annoyed, insulting Candy and stating he’d help her out just to prove he was number one. Mabel wondered why it was the smartest guys that were somehow still the dumbest.
‘Rule two, stick by me and don’t go wandering off.’
They began to walk down the corridor, their footsteps echoing throughout the empty building. Her eyes did eventually adjust and she could make out his shilouette walking ahead of her.
‘Sooo, any other plans for tonight?’ she asked, disrupting the quiet atmosphere. ‘Other than breaking in with me, I mean.’
‘Eating babies and kicking some puppies.’
'Huh?’ Mabel looked at the back of his head in bafflement before a second passed. ‘You’re messing with me.’
‘You could tell?’
‘Do you act like a dick to everybody?’
‘Yep, it’s fun! You should try it.’ He glanced over his shoulder as they walked past a window, his face briefly allumianted and revealing the amusement dancing in his eyes. ‘I bet the old codgers in this place would have a hernia if you suddenly switched it up and told them to fuck off.’
‘I’m not going to do that!’
He shrugged, resuming his attention forward. ‘Have it your way, be boring.’
‘I’ll be nice!’
‘Same thing.’
They eventually found their way to the teachers office, where Bill pulled out his laptop from his bag and conncted himself to a computer. Mabel stood behind him, swaying on the spot as she watched him do... well, whatever it was you needed to hack in.
'Are you in yet?’ she asked after several minutes.
More minutes passed by.
More minutes.
‘What about now-’
‘Do you ever shut up?’ he asked, shooting her an irritated stare.
Mabel blinked back at him. ‘Not really. I drive my brother up the wall.’
Bill glanced back down at his laptop. ‘You and your brother are both annoying in different ways.’
Before she could respond a light suddenly flashed through the door and they both froze as the sound of footsteps drew near. Bill cursed, closing his laptop and plunging the room into darknesss once again. He dropped to the floor beneath the desk, grabbing her arm as he yanked her down alongside. She released a small yell of surprise at the abruptness of it, the sound piercing through the air before he could slap a hand over her mouth.
‘Hey! Who’s in there!?’
Bill swore under his breath, his warm hand still covering her mouth. There wasn’t much space under the desk, and she was practically kneeling in his lap.
As the door to the room began to creak open, he whispered in her ear. Mabel shivered as his lips brushed against her, his breath fanning over her skin. Being all alone in the dark with a guy was kinda exciting.
But then she reminded herself who it was and quickly shoved those thoughts aside. Down girl. 
‘Rule three: if we get caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English,’ he hissed. 
They remained silent as the security guard walked through the room in the dark, his flashlight meandering over the desks and flooring. As the light shone on their side of the room, it lit up their positions briefly and she flinched as it revealed just how precarious their positon was. His face was inches from her own, and the dancing shadows cast by the moving light only served to highlight his features. His hands were still on her, one covering her mouth (almost as if he didn’t trust her to be quiet) and the other gripping her elbow and was it her, or was it suddenly warm in here?
They both stared at one another, her eyes wide in panic and his scrutinising as he regarded her expression. 
The light eventually went away, but she knew he was there. Her heart beat rampantly against her ribcage, willing the guard to hurry up and leave so they could move.
Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the door closed. Mabel pulled herself away with a gasp, taking in a deep gulp of air she didn’t realise she’d been holding in.
But then, just as she was about to stand she heard the door open - again!?
Bill’s grip on her arm tightened, and she felt his hand reaching around her head as he tugged her back towards him.
He covered her mouth again before she could make a sound, but this time he didn’t use his hand.
Mabel’s mind internally screamed as she felt the unmistakable sensation of his mouth over her own. What, what, what!? Whaaaaaaaat!? Was she dreaming right now? Was this a hallucination? What. Was. Happening!?
As his hand left her elbow to snake around her waist, he tugged her closer so she was pressed flush against him. She would have gasped if she was able, but instead he took the opportunity of her lips parting to plunge his tongue into her mouth.
Into. Her. Mouth.
Oh my god. She was defintiely dreaming. This didn’t happen. Her mind was melting, all thoughts turning to goo and dripping away until there was nothing left behind except the feel of his lips against hers. 
Wow, he was a really good kisser.
‘There’s nothing in here, Ian. I checked.’
‘You sure?’
She froze at the sound of two voices, her mind returning somewhat to reality as she became aware of the guards standing in the door. Bill pulled his lips away and she thought he was stopping to listen to the security, but instead she felt something wet against her bare neck as his lips brushed over her skin. She jumped, eyes wide in the darkness as her heart threatened to burst out of its ribcage. She could feel a tight sensation coiling in her stomach, lips pressing together to contain a whine and when he began to suck on her skin she gasped. Was he giving her a freaking hickey?
‘What was that?’
‘What was what?’
Both of his hands grabbed her face as his mouth crashed against hers again, and she squeezed her eyes shut as she kissed him again. Oh look at that, she was kissing him back. When had that happened? I mean, could you blame her? There was only so much hot and heavy a girl could take from an attractive guy (yes, he was attractive, she could admit that!) before she gave in.
‘Be quiet,’ he growled between kisses, and although he meant it as a warning the deep voice made her stomach flip. 
She wasn't sure how long she sat there making out with Bill Cipher, it felt like forever but in reality it was probably only a couple of minutes.
Her mind was completely frazzled when he finally pulled away leaving her dizzy. Her lips felt swollen, her hair unkempt, and she was pretty sure she'd have a hickey on her collar bone come morning.
'All right, they're gone,' Bill said, grabbing his laptop as he resumed his seat and acted normal. He opened the device up, powering it back on. 'It should take me long to get in and out.'
Mabel looked up at him from the floor, all coherent thoughts long gone.
'Uh....' Were they just meant to act like that hadn't happened?
He peered down at her, and she noted how tusseled his hair was from where she'd run her hands through it several times. Other than that, he didn't seem worked up one bit.
'What class is it you want changing?' he asked, arching an eyebrow as he looked back towards the screen.
Mabel blinked, trying to force her mind into gear again. 'Class?'
Mabel stared at him for several seconds before finally struggling to put a sentence together. 'But I'm not trying to change my grades.'
Bill paused in his movements, slowly dropping his gaze back down towards her. '...Then why the hell did you want me to hack into the school database?'
Mabel paused. She'd orchestrated this whole thing to get into the student files and find out some information on one of the most popular guys in the year. She figured if she knew his birthday and stuff like that she'd have a shot over the other girls.
(Not unhinged and stalker-ish at all).
But that seemed stupid now. And honestly, Mr. Whats-His-Face was long since cast from her thoughts curtesy of the fella in front of her.
Yeah, there was no way she could admit the truth now.
'Kidding, ha!' She forced a laugh. 'Of course I want you to change my grade for, uh..... maths?'
Bill looked fowards. 'Maths, huh?' A moment later. 'Wow, you really suck at this. I ain't putting it too high or that'll be suspicious. A passing C will do ya, right?'
Bill worked away and Mabel pinched herself on the arm but no dice, this apparently wasn't a dream.
What the heck?
As they left the building behind and walked down the streets, she observed the boy from the corner of her eye.
'Sooo, are we not going to talk about what happened?'
'I'm talking about the smoochville that happened back there!' she cried, not able to hold it in anymore. She stepped in front of him, jabbing a finger in his direction. 'You stuck your tongue down my throat!'
Bill blinked. 'You didn't seem to mind.'
'Th-That's not the point,' she replied, face red. 'Why did you do that?'
He paused for a moment, appearing to consider her question. 'Three reasons, I guess.'
'Yup. First of all, I know it would piss off Pine Tree if he found out I swapped spit with his twin sister.'
'Wha-' Mabel's face turned even redder this time, but from anger. But before she could yell, he steamed on.
'Second, to keep you quiet.'
Mabel's face twisted, anger rising. She was going to punch him in the face.
'And thirdly,' Bill said, suddenly leaning closer with a wry smile. She scowled as they stood eye to eye, hands clenched at her sides. He remained unphased by her obvious malice however, reaching out to push a lock of hair behind her ear. 'Because I wanted to.'
'You asshole-'
'I might wanna do it again even,' he tumbled on, straightening up as he leaned away.
Mabel faltered at that. 'Huh?'
'If that's alright with you,' he added, winking.
Her mind had short circuited again. She looked up at him in bewilderment. 'Why?' she asked, eyebrows drawing together as her expression became pinched. 'To piss off my brother?'
'Well that can be a bonus,' he replied casually with a shrug. 'Main reason is I think you're attractive and liked kissing you.' He arched an eyebrow. 'Is that good enough for you?'
'Uh...' Mabel was caught off guard. Usually she was the one coming on to guys in a forward manner, not the other way around. 'Only if you don't tell Dipper.' Not only would her brother freak that she was making out with his arch-nemesis, but that way she knew he wasn't fooling around with her just for the sake of sticking it to her brother.
He thought over her words for a moment, before grinning and reaching out a hand. 'You got yourself a deal.'
'Sure?' She took his hand, shaking on it. This was bizarre.
'See ya tomorrow,' he brushed past her and walked away into the night, leaving her alone with only her thoughts for company.
The girls were not going to believe this.
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clockworkcheetah · 9 months
couple of theories as to why amanda was okay with todd in her life
these are just theories/headcanons i dont think these are necessarily canon
only had vogel as company for two months (i love vogel but i cant imagine amanda was thriving with just him as her company)
to add to that- two months of being heavily isolated again- she clearly prefers being social and interacting with people
once again two months alone- lots of time to think and reflect
in 1x08 she was already seeing todd try and be better (with saving lydia)
in 2x08- she basically admitted she wants todd back- like she doesnt wanna hate him/be angry at him (i dont think shell ever forgive him for what happened but you can not forgive someone but still want them around- also cutting off someone completely for slighting you isnt always the healthiest mindset)
she also saw todd doing better
she probably realised shes always gonna be conncted to dirks cases and todds always gonna be there- no point staying angry constantly
in wendimoor the whole thing really is messy fucked up family dynamics- like she may of had some perspective on things
she herself almost died- you do a lot of reflecting in those moments
in 2x10 when suzie showed up- todd straight up was gonna self sacrifice himself for her- aka being selfless which is what she wants him to be
he nearly died in front of her- she doesnt want him to die
she saw what suzie had become- a miserable hateful angry person and probably doesnt want to become that
and finally- its a tv show... if they prolonged it the general audience probably wouldve gotten annoyed at her still being angry even if shes justified
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ajcgames · 5 months
This evening it was time to start writing the foundational work for the new pipes subsytem. I managed to get something pretty decent put together in just a couple of hours, which I was quite happy about. All in all, the code came in at just under 500 lines.
A veritable smörgåsbord of pipes!
So there were a couple of interesting challenges to overcome with this. I wanted to achieve two goals - a freeform, non directional pipe laying system that automatically respected neighbouring connections, and a method to fill the network with fluid that wasn't frame-rate bound and performant at any scale.
The video probably does a better job showing how it all works than I can describe, but I was chuffed to have this running at hundreds of frames per second, and consuming less than 2ms of peak CPU time.
Some technical stuff
So, this will probably only really be interesting to anybody thinking about implementing their own system like this, but this is how it works:
Input pipes
The map can have any number of input pipes. This is where the fluid flows from. These are always considered 'fluid filled' - much like Minecraft's water source blocks. It's also where the algorithm that looks for connected pipes start from (a new search is done at every input pipe).
Pipe map
The entire surface of the map is represented by a 2-dimensional array of true/false flags. If a square is true, it has a pipe, and none if false.
To create the correct pipe shapes, I simply loop over all of the squares, and look at each square's 8 neighbours. There are only so many combinations of neighbours a square can have (16 in total), so it's just a case of telling the code which pipe shape needs to go in each space depending on these combinations.
When you lay or remove a pipe segment, I mark the entire pipe network as invalid, meaning it needs reprocessing again to determine what's filled and what's not. Marking it as invalid is just a process of marking all pipes as empty, ready for processing.
There's no guarantee that any piece of pipe is actually connected to a pipe source input, however, but that's where the next element comes in to play.
Flood fill
In order to fill the available, connected pipe network with actual fluid, I need to make sure everything that has a direct connection to the source is detected.
Starting at each input source, I traverse through every conncted neighbouring pipe segment and mark it as needing to be filled. I don't actually 'fill' anything at this stage - just add it to a list of 'things to fill'. This is important for speed reasons.
Network validation
If the pipe network needs validating (filling), I run through a loop about 50 times per logic frame (this is a number I can easily tweak). Each time I run the loop, I check the bottom item in my 'pipes to fill' list. For each of these, I mark it as filled, and again check the neighbouring squares for connected pipes - which get added to the end of my 'pipes to fill' list.
Eventually, over the course of several logic cycles (for large networks), the entire network is validated, and I can mark it as such. I can also do things like draw icons along the way for additional visual feedback if necessary (like in the example video, helping to show what's connected and what's not).
Why does this matter?
Doing this work in isolation from the main game allows me to check performance without having other parts of the game affect my results. I can also tweak and improve other aspects.
For instance - from the outset, I made sure that pipes could support different liquids. The basic mechanics of flood filling is exactly the same, but owing to the nature of how the algorithm works, connecting two separate fluids together in the same network will ultimately lead to one fluid occupying one part of the network, and all others losing out.
There are are ways to combat this - doing it as a flood-fill allows me to keep track of the network size and radius from the source, giving me a way to restrict fluid from propagating beyond a certain distance, which could help. It could also be gamified owing to it needing 'pumps' to be including in the network to make the fluid go further. That's not really something that fits with this game though, since the map sizes aren't Factorio-like :D
Either way, making sure performance is solid is a key aspect for me in this project. If it ever becomes a polished, releasable thing, I want to make sure I've done some due diligence in making it perform as best as I can make it, and things like this are important steps to that goal.
That's all for now!
Anyway, that's about it for the moment. Thank you if you made it this far, hopefully there was something interesting in here for you to read. Otherwise, I hope you have a great evening, and I'll hopefully see you in the next one! 👋
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kiddiesides · 2 years
I am couroilus about some sibling interactions we dont talk a lot of about- like roman and Virgil wehre the two lil kiddies that helped connct thomas with nico and they just smol togther
but like what Remus and Virgil dyanmic gonna be like when roman isnt around
i imagine that Ro always like. enjoys involving Virgil in things that he does, like oh Ro is drawing and Virgil stops by? Heres a crayon and some paper for him too!
i feel like Roman has this mentality of "hes a baby! i gotta help him" but it doesnt really come out as babying. Just Roman really wanting to be a good older brother
nd with Remus... maybe right now they dont hang out as much. Mostly bc Remus is one to run and jump all over and Virgil would rather sit and watch
BUT that doesnt stop Remus from trying. He doesnt involve Virgil in his activities bc he knows Virgil isnt as agile nor fast and he doesnt even like the stuff Rem does anyways. But he will sit him down and show him his cool tricks to impress him
and i feel like Virgil also tried to impress Remus but not by doing stuff, but by showing him stuff. Like he grabs his hand and drags him to see a funky little worm
i also rlly get the vibe that Remus always knows when Virgil needs something. Like Virge could not say anything but Rem is always like "Dad, Virgil wants to be picked up!" "Dad, Virge is getting tired", "Dad, Virgil wants juice", etc
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imreallyloveleee · 4 years
my question is why they arent promoting bh. on the trailer we can see jealous archie of chad anf two scenes of ba: one on bettys room and the other where he have the same clothes that the scene of va (in conncting the dots maybe) and thats i assume that was ba on the shower but nothing for bh. i dont know if they just want to warn us that ba will happen and i mean i think if that sex scene would be a bh one we would see jughead why they were so carefully of dont show the guy. we get the stills b
stills but theres nothing that inspire me to watch the next episodes instead of jughead and the agent cooper i mean i wont whatch the episodes of ba dating but i will be here taking my bh crumbs and watching bh scenes on youtube a writer confirmed that is ba months ago he answer with a shower emoji but why dont show that is archie?
so, i know others have received similar asks, and my answer is similar as well: the promos have nothing to do with the people making the show. they’re just like, what shots can we edit in here that will appear dramatic and interesting completely out of context, and won’t give away the spoilers we’ve been instructed not to reveal? 
what they’re NOT doing is going “hmm, let’s tease a little ba here so we can draw those viewers in, and make sure we get a solid peek at bh there, because we want the bh crew watching too.” 
99% of the audience for this show (or any show, really) watches it casually and if they’ve even seen the trailer at all, they have no idea who’s in the shower. i sure as fuck couldn’t tell until someone on tumblr screenshotted it. and that broader casual audience is who promotion is aimed at, even if the people consuming it most intently are the ones in the fandom bubble picking it apart for clues.
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umbrasdoodles · 4 years
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Me doing art in July not related to Artfight? Sounds crazy. But yeah here are three (relatively similar, though only the first two are really conncted) OC designs I wanted to get out of my head - Cresce, Subliminatus, and Beezelbub. Beezelbub is notably my oldest villain character and I just never gave him a proper design until now!
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dimensionwriter · 6 years
Mechanical Heart
Female Reader x Male! Android
Still ain't dead. I'll keep the top short, but please read the bottom message.
Standing, surrounded by high rising flames as it burned away everything that you knew and love. You stared into the smooth metal screen that was looking down at you. The two of you stood there frozen just staring into each other.
Three words appeared onto his screen: You'll be okay. He didn't speak it, it was simply typed in normal times new roman font. It didn't have no image to go along with it, but it somehow made you feel like everything truly was going to be okay.
He bent down and picked you up as if you weighed nothing, resting you on one of his sleek arms. He pressed you closer to his body as he ran swiftly and elegantly through your burning home as if he was on a daily jog. You guess androids really were made to be the superior race.
Pushing through the wall of black smoke, you were outside into the cold crisp air. The carbon dioxide in your lungs escaped you in a fit of coughs that had you grabbing at your chest.
He walked swiftly towards the waiting ambulance and placed on the stretcher where a bunch of human workers went to work checking you while talking to you in a calm voice.
Through all the chaos, you turned your head to look for the android, but you saw he was already turn your way. His pale white body was covered in ashes and burnt marks. His police uniform was half scarred off him, barely even standing on his frame.
"Thank you," you mouth to him before giving him a giant smile. Nothing appeared on his screen as he just continued facing towards you. Another police officer camed and taped him on the shoulder causing him to turn around, facing away from you.
Three years from that exact day, there you stood outside of APD, Android Police Department, in a black uniform with a police badge hidden on your hip.
Your police department decided to join forces with one of the few androids only police department in the world, in order to create a giant co-op department. So you had to say goodbye to your partner for 5 months, in order to say hello with the apparently best of best, Axel.
He's apparently been in the workforce for over 10 years and has always had a successful mission. So, you were so estatic to meet him that you showed up 2 hours late to your apparent meeting with him.
You're alarm didn't go off becuase your phone died since your phone decided to fall off the charger. So, guess who was running around like a headless chicken trying to find the uniform that you were so sure you put near your bed. After 30 mintues, a near hour and half late, you were jumping into your car ready to rush to the building. But as you were about to get on the highway, you saw how jammed pack it was. Thinking of your options, you wondered would it really make a different if you went to get something quick to eat.
Now, there you stood with a huge grimance on your face with a bag of breakfast in your hand. Whelp, here goes nothing.
Stepping through the automatic doors, a gust of cool air blasted you causing you to squint against the harsh wind. You quickly got out of the barrier of air and made your way towards to the secretary android.
Her gray sharp frame was conncted into the computer infront of her. Zeros and ones sped across her white screen making you wonder if she was out of service.
"Um, excuse me?" You asked taking a cautious step forward. The numbers disappear and a cute face appear, made of dashes( -_-). Her square head looked up at you before the end of the dashes slide up.
"Officer y/n. Nice to meet you," she said with a robotic accent. You gave her a smile and glanced around to see humans that you knew walking around with some robots.
"Hey, I was wondering where my new partner is? His name is Axel?" You asked leaning forward onto the front desk. Her face disappeared for a second and was replaced with a spinning wheel.
"He is on his way. Please be on stand by until then," she said giving a big smile before her face disappared and numbers started flooding her screen. Guess she's working again.
Sipping on your favorite bakery drink, you glanced around at the androids model in front of you. There was all types of androids walking around. There was a tall pink one with their legs ending in a sharp point walking next to an old rookie. Then there was a reflective silver android that had wheels on the bottom of their feet with a giant red circle peaking from under their uniform.
This slim built android was walking towards the entrance. He seem to be almost 7 feet tall with a more humanish feature than most. His head was a smooth black reflective screen that took up half his head with a matte backside.
He turned to the receptionist and words started flooding his screen. From your seating, you could only catch a few letters. But you we're able to see him a lot easier now that he was closer.
He had broad shoulders that is covered by a black leather jacket with the police uniform underneath. Black military book occupy his human like legs in a way that completes the whole bad boy vibe he was giving off.
You hate to say this, but that is one attractive android. You're not one of the people who only see androids as something to help humans, especially not in any romatic or sexual way. But you had to admit that the robot was built by Zeus himself. Like is it fair for something already so perfect to look like that.
The android turned towards you quickly causing you to jump up in fear that he somehow read your thoughts. You would hate for word to spread to your partner that not only were you weren't on time, but was a giant perv. It would kill you.
He started taking long strides towards you, the sunlight from outside reflecting on his screen. Trying to appear nonchalant, you started digging around the bakery bag as if you were deciding on what to eat.
The android got closer and closer until he was standing right over you. You stared down at your lap in fear as the Android's shadow covered you. You take it back, he's not hot, he's intimidating and probably about to kill you for staring at his form without his permission.
His giant hand latched onto your shoulder causing you to whimper in fear. This is how you die. A cold and disgusting drink to you right and a bag of food on your lap. At least you can't be more a disappointment to your partner. Where ever he may be?
His grip tighter causing you to flinch away. His hand released from your shoulder before grabbing at the bottom of your chin. Your eyes widen as your head was snapped up. Does he want to see your exact face expression as the life drain from your eyes?
"Miss. L/n?" The texted laid on his screen in dark grey times new roman font. You blinked as you read your last name. You nodded slowly and the texted disappeared.
"I'm your partner, Axel," it appeared quickly before disappearing almot instantly. You blinked quickly trying to make sense of what just blinked on the screen.
"Axel?" You said quiet loudly, but it sounded kind of weird from his grip still on your jaw. You looked down and wrapped your hand around his hand before pushing it off without any difficulty. "You almost gsve me a heartattack. I dont appreciate that," you growled giving him a half hearted glare.
The way he was stomping over here made him seem like he had the intent to murder, which, of course, was soften with the whole black and leather look.
"I don't appreciate my partner being 2 hours, 15 mintues, and 19 seconds late," he said showing a small timer for the time. You let out an akward laugh and looked down at your lap. You glanced up to see he was still looking at you.
"Yeah, sorry about that. My alarm didn't go off -" you were cut off by words appearing on the screen.
"Only an excuse. Come, we are behind." Without waiting on your answer, he turned around and started walking away. What the hell? Someone's charger broke last night.
You quickly grabbed your things before rushing after him. You glanced down to see that his pants were a little tight, showing off that nice butt. Stop staring at his butt before people think you're an actual perv. But why did they make an android with a nice butt.
You had to go to an almost jog to keep up with Axel's long stride. It seem like he didn't care if you got lost or anything. It's not like you're in a new unknown place.
"Axel," you said nornally hoping he would at least hear you and look at you, but he didn't stop.
"Axel!" You said louder taking a bigger stride to get closer. He continued on walking and you swear he got faster.
Two can play this game. Breaking out into a big sprint, you easily passed the android's strides. Stopping a couple of feet infront of him and turned around with your hands on your hip.
He stopped a foot away from you and looked down at you. Even though he didn't have a face, you could feel the displeasure radiating off of him.
"Okay, I feel like that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot and you may have the wrong judgement of me. Hi, my name is f/n l/n and I'm an officer from the neighboring police department. I hope we will be able to work together perfectly to defeat all evil in the city," you said quite proud of how upbeat you sounded. You lifted your hand and stared at him expectedly.
"We are beyond late and you expect us to begin introduction, which will result in us only be more late," he put up every word slowly as if to try to get it through to you. You gave a nodded and lifted you hand closer to him.
A bunch of dots appeared on the screen, almost like he was sighing. "The names Axel from ADP. Blah blah. Now let's go," he typed quickly before grabbing the wrist of your outstretched hand and pulling you behind him.
Even though he rudely skipped his introduction, his grip on your wrist was light, like he was trying to be extremely gentle with you, like you could break. And you had a hypothesis that maybe he was doing this so you wouldn't be trailing behind
So he's one of these types. He pretends to be tough, but he's a major softie. You can work with that and that nice butt.
Part 2
Okay, I know what most of you guys are thinking.
"Dimension, what the hell?! Where the romance? Where's the fluff? Why is it so short?"
Well, it's short because I want to work on extending stories and building characters. Sooo, this is going to be a multi character fic. Yay.
Okay, the other thing I need to ask. I know a lit of you guys want to see a part two or three on some fics, so if you guys can send in ask about which one you want to really see, I'm going to be taking a mental poll. I really want to see what my audience want. That's it for today.
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damn-stark · 5 years
Dark Hope ch.11
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A/N- Hope you all like it :)
Warning- nothing really
Pairing- Kylo ren x reader
Tagged- @angelmarie823
(let me know if you want to be tagged)
A sigh of relief escapes your lips as you finally hear from Finn. It had been to long of wait for him to contact back, with it only being a quick mission to get the master code breaker it had taken longer then it should have taken but he said they had ran into trouble. You wanted to know more but your conversation was cut short.
“We’ll try again later.” Poe reassuresed you as he patted your shoulder . You nodded in agreement and you followed him to the bridge where Haldo was. You were worried for your friend Poe who was stressed and worried for the resistances survival. He was trying everything to save the crusisers and everyone on it from the first order who was still attacking. He was in rush which only made you worry more because he was a stubborn man and being like that now only makes things worse.
“Poe you need to calm down and be rational Haldo is trying her best we just need to give her time.” You tried saying to him to calm him down but it wouldn’t work.
“I can’t y/n Finn is out there risking his life and Haldo here isnt saying that truth we need to save the resistance before its to late.” He said in a rush. You followed quickly after him in a fast pace. It seems that everyone noticed Poe’s distress because as soon as they saw him approaching they immediatly told him to calm down and not create a scene but Poe being who he is wasn’t going to listen.
“We had a fleet now we’re down to nothing! Tell us that we have a plan that we have hope!” Poe shouted to Haldo. You looked at the screens and noticed that the support ships were all destroyed only leaving the crusiser you were currently on. You felt the anger that Poe felt. And what he said was true that the cruiser wouldn’t make it through the night. Hearing him say those words made you feel desperate to do something to save the people you were meant to save. To do what was right. You needed to do something before it was late. It won’t be like last time this time you were going to try and not let people die.
You snapped from your thoughts when Poe started to shout even louder then he was already. “Those transport ships are unarmed and unshielded we abandon the cruiser we’re done we don’t stand a chance. No you are not just a coward you’re a traitor!” Poe shouted. At his words you could feel people’s fear. They were all scared at his revelation and feeling that made the feeling to do something increase. You needed to help the resistance before it was to late. You needed to stop the first order and you knew one person who you might be able to convince to help you stop them atleast long enough for the resistance to escape.
You followed after Poe after he was thrown out of the bridge. He was ranting but you barely made attention to his rant, your mind being on your plan that you needed to do to save them all. It was going to be a risk but you know that Ben won’t hurt you atleast you hope not. You stoped in your steps and called to poe but he was still fuming so he barely payed any attention to you. ”Poe!” you called out again, this time he turned to face you. You saw that when he saw your face he knew you were worried. He seemed to calm himself a little bit and got closer to you. 
“everything okay?” he asked in a worried tone. You half nodded and your eyes wandered the room trying to find the right words to say to your best friend. You knew you couldn't tell him the truth of your plan or else he wouldn't let you go. and you needed to in order to save him and the rest. You put on a fake smile and you grabbed your blaster that was on your side. He looked confused at your actions but didn't question them yet. 
“Hold on to this for me wont you?” you said to him handing him your blaster. He knew how much the blasters meant to you which is why he looked at you confused. “until I come back.” you said to him. 
“what do you mean? Where are you going?” he asked you his eyebrows knotted in confusion.
“just need you to hold on to it, I'll come back.” you were already backing away so he wouldn't question you further. You were planning to come back but if Ben was true to his word then your return was going to be unknown. Giving Poe and Finn your twin blasters gave you hope and meaning that you were going to see them again. You quickly turned your back to face him and rushed off in a hurry so he wouldn't follow you. 
Now you needed a way to get onto the first order ship without getting seen from the resistance or the first order. And it might've been that you didn't really have a solid plan. You just did everything as you went, and maybe you needed to think your plan through because you didn't have transport. Maybe you should have gone with Finn after all. You fingers tapped your lightsabers handle as you walked and thought. After a couple minutes something clicked. The star destroyer you came in was still intact. You quickly headed the way it was stored and when you saw it there a small smile appeared on your face but it quickly died down when you felt that familiar chill. Your surroundings disappeared and left you seeing darker ones. Then you saw him standing before you and you couldn’t help but have the faintest smile at the sight of him. 
“You know I’m starting to think that you saying that you don't know why this happening is just an excuse. The real truth is you miss my witty comments.” you told Ben with a brighter smile. He tilted his head down so you didn't see his reaction. Your smile didn't last though because you remembered what your plan was and you couldn't let him know you were going to go actually see him just yet. 
“ For someone who hates being alone it seems that every time I see you you're always alone.” You looked away and rolled your eyes. 
“All coincidences.” You say and he hummed as an answer but he seemed unconvinced. 
“where are you going?” he asked and your eyes widened not being able to hide your reaction you turned away nervously. “I can see your surroundings.” he reminded you. 
“just checking out the ships just in case if we needed a quick escape you know because of the first order attacking and all.” you told him but you knew that the answer you gave him was not going to fool him. You finally looked at him and saw he was going to respond but you cut him off with a question. “can I ask you something and you promise to answer truthfully?” You asked and he remained silent but you took that silence as an answer. “ Why did you turn to the dark side completely? uhh I mean how did you know it was the right choice?” You knew it wasn't the right choice for him to turn to the dark side but at that moment after Luke betrayed him he thought it was.  
You saw that his eyes shifted away for moment before looking at you again. He swallowed thickly and you knew he was having trouble with your question. But you didn't ask to make him feel bad, you just needed to know for yourself on how he decided because you were also struggling with your decision even if you didn't want to question which side you wanted to be in you still did and you couldn't stop. You just wanted help. and you were also curious on his decisions. 
“ This is who I was supposed to be. I saw that Luke was hiding my true potential and Snoke helped me see it. How powerful I was in the dark side. I don't need to hide my power in the dark side and I saw that and you need to see that too.” The conversations always seemed to be the same with him trying to convince you to join to the dark side. And this conversation seemed to be taking a different turn than you hadn’t expected. It was just supposed to be a form of a distraction to not let him know your true intentions of where you were going to go.
“It’s not to late you know for you to turn back...to return.” You said you now being the one to try and sway him to turn back something you have been trying to do but have failed at the attempt. You saw that he was paying closer attention but you also felt that he was fighting something inside of him.
“No I can’t.” You get closer to him and as you did he watched you. You saw his eyes were beginning to water but he was fighting back the tears. You took a deep breath as you were inches from him. You moved your hand up and went to touch his cheek. He saw what you were doing and he took off his glove and followed your actions. You let your thumb trail his scar slightly.
“You’re not the monster you pretend to be I know that I see that. You’re not who you’re trying to be Ben...I believe in you..I know you can do it I’ve always known it and your father never let me think otherwise.” He swallowed thickly at the sound of your words.
“It’ll tear me apart I-I can’t.” You know his words were genunine and you felt him fighting at your words.
“I can help you...” you were figting with your side but you knew you could help him, you were always meant to. “You know I’ve seen something... a vision.... of you...of us....we were both on the right side...Ben I can help you.” You both had tears going down your cheek. It was odd seeing him like this but you didn’t mind it. You were happy that he showed this side of himself to you. You liked this feeling of being with him, his hand on your cheek felt right. You felt your heart beating fast and butterflies in your stomach. “I can help you.” You whispered placing your other hand on his other cheek. You had the feeling of closing the gap between you two.
You saw into his eyes and saw the softness of them. He needed help and you had to do it you couldn’t fail him or let him fall into the darkness. And for whatever reason the force was connecting the both of you, you were glad it was. He also felt that, you didn’t know it but he did he was happy that you were being conncted for whatever reason it was. But he was confused on your feelings towards him, he felt them too but he didn’t know why you felt them towards him. After all he’s done all the bad he didn’t know how you could care for him. Why him while you could be with the traitor that you called friend or with the resistance pilot you also called friend. He was a much better match for you he thought, he was perfect and you would both make a perfect couple and be something that brings hope to the people a Jedi and a resistance fighter. Ben was confused on why you wanted someone who was lost within himself.. a monster everyone hated and feared.
You questioned if you should close the gap between the both of you. You were itching to you wanted to and everything inside you said to do it. Before you could question it further and before he disappeared you did it. You closed the gap between the both of you and your lips touched. You felt him go stiff at the action but he then kissed you back. It felt right for the both of you, like if you had been missing something. With his other free hand he cupped your other cheek pulling you closer. You felt all sorts of emotions none of them bad though. You also saw something a vision something you’ve seen before. This kiss with him didn’t feel like the one with Finn this one felt genuine and you liked it. The kiss was soft and sweet but before you could deepen the kiss he pulled apart and as you were going to say something he was gone.
You were left with words in your mouth and breathless. You bit the inside of your cheek and grasped your surroundings and remembered what you had to do. You did some work on some circuit boards so the bridge wouldn’t know your departure and then climbed onto the star destroyer and headed towards the first order ship.
You landed with ease onto the ship and as soon you landed though you felt his presence and at feeling that you knew he felt yours. He might’ve even known you were coming so before he caught you and took you away you got off the ship and went to hide. Your goal was to go to him yes but you needed to talk to him alone. You heard a stormtrooper coming your way so you hid behind a wall and as he was coming you grabbed him and knocked him out. You got his suit and put it on yourself as a disguise.
“I can’t see in this thing.” You said to yourself as you put the helmet on. You walked through the halls trying to find Ben but it all felt like a maze.
It took you a while to see another stormtrooper but when you saw one you froze. “Uhhh I’m looking for Be—Kylo Ren do you know where he is?” You asked and the stormtrooper tilted his head as if questioning you. You swallowed thickly as you waited.
“He was taking a girl to supreme leader Snoke.” The stormtrooper said and you nodded your head and went past him. “Hey!” You stopped in your tracks and turned slowly. “It’s that way.” He said pointing towards a hall. You saluted him and in fast pace disappeared before he caught you. You finally made it where Ben was and you knew it was the right place because you felt it. But you couldn’t use the elevator and just show up you needed to talk to him alone. So you had to wait but you were also curious. You know that the girl was Rey who else would it be. With much hesitation you still went in through a different way into the room. When you got to this door you put your ear on it and heard them talking.
It was muffled but you could make up some words but as you were doing that you felt yourself frozen not being able to be move. The door swung open and you were being taken. You saw Ben turn his head towards you, you could see the confusion and fear in his eyes. He knew it was you he had felt you being here. You then saw Rey, her eyes went wide at the sight of you. But she didn’t recognize you yet with the helmet on. Snoke seconds later took the helmet off and you heard Rey gasp.
“Why don’t you join us Y/N.”
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talking-tv · 5 years
I saw a lot of olicity gifs here on tumblr and then I watched some of their scenes on youtube and now I'm in love with them so I tried to start watching arrow for two times now but didn't get past episode 2. I don't know why, I just couldn't get hooked to the story and there was no felicity yet. But I really LOVE olicity. Should I try to watch it again? Or should I maybe just watch seasons/episodes that have a a lot of olicity in? How would you rank seasons based only on olicity?
I can tell you that in my opinion Arrow is a great show. But, to stick with it you have to love this kind of a tv show. If you don’t like superheros, then you probably won’t get hooked to Arrow or any of it’s spinoffs. And s1 is a little different than other seasons of Arrow, at least in the beginning, because it has more “a villain of the week” style and while the main plot is happening throughout the whole season, in the beginning it’s more of a side plot and only after sometime it becomes central. So I don’t know what to tell you, if you don’t really like this way of storytelling, know that everything becomes conncted after some time so maybe you should give it another try and see if it’s better once you get passed it. Maybe it’s also that you have yet to see Felicity in the show. Maybe once you start watching the show with her in it, you’ll enjoy it more. Now, her first appereance is in 1x03, but she is not in every episode after. She makes an appereance every 2 or 3 episodes, and only in 1x14 she becomes a part of the team officially. And in s2, she becomes a series regular. So, have that in mind. Also, first two seasons of Arrow are more focused on storyline than romance and only in s3 that becomes more central. 
Talking about Olicity, you should know that they are a slowburn. Yes, they are hinted from the very beginning, but only at the end of s3 they became a couple. There are hints and small moments in the first two seasons (much more in s2), but nothing that significent happens before s3 which is full of their moments (except in the final episode of s2). 
 Ranking of seasons based on Olicity and how much we get them romantically is: 3,4,6,7,5,2,1
I’ll explain it now so SPOILERS AHEAD!
Season 1 there are only hints in small moments, like looks they give each other and stuff like that. But, they are mostly here just partners.
Season 2 is mostly knowing they both care about each other, and there are no shortage of moments showing that, but it is more obvious on Felicity’s side than Oliver’s, but only because he refuses to admit it and open more. In the final episode there is a big Olicity moment, but at the end they go with “it was all a lie to fool the big bad of the season”, but is once again hinted in the final moments of the episode that it was more than just that. 
Season 3 continues where s2 left of, with Oliver starting to open up to a possibility of being in love with Felicity, but then shutting it down once again after an incident happens. But, he is not denying of hiding that he loves her anymore, he actually admits that he does, but that he also can’t be with her because of the life he leads. The rest of the season is them being more than obvious about their feelings, but not acting on them, and there is even a love triangle with Felicity dating Ray Palmer. After she breaks up with him, they finally admit out loud their feelings and sleep together, but are separated again because of the circumstances, but in the finale they finally get together.
Season 4 is them dating for a first half of the season and it has a lot of Olicity moments, them dating and living together (a lot of domesticity) and even getting engaged, but then they break up at the end of 4x15 and that becomes final in 4x16. Rest of the season is them dealing with that break up and finding a way to work again as partners.
Season 5 has them broken up for most of the season and they actually date other people for some time. But, this season also has one of my favorite things - an Olicity centric episode. It is episode 5x20 and it focuses only on Olicity, both in the present and through the flashbacks. 5x19 is a great introduction to their centric episode, so be sure to watch it before you watch 5x20. Last three episodes are then focused on hinting that they will get back together. They talk about it and there are nice moments.
Season 6 has them finally getting back together in 6x03 and then even getting married in the crossover episode. So rest of season has them married and there is a lot of cute moments and domesticity as they are now a family (they are raising Oliver’s son together). 
Season 7 has them separated in first few episodes since Oliver is in prison (but they share an emotional moment in the premiere), and then they reunite in 7x07 and after that the rest of the season has them living as a married couple. The season is not that focused on their relationship anymore, but it still has no shortage of domestic Olicity moments. Felicity gets pregnant, but they are separated once again in the finale since Oliver has to go save the world.
Season 8 has no Olicity (at least for now) since Emily Bett Rickards has left the show.
Basically, if you want a lot of Olicity (romantically) being more central to the storyline, then you should watch s3, first half of s4 and s6.
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ma-lemons · 6 years
March 24: Knowledge
While in Haven Academy, Ruby and Oscar discover a book only silver-eye warriors can open.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Oscar asked. His fingers were trembling in his gloves, and his heart was beating rapidly.
The look in Ruby’s eyes were enough to answer him. Her silver eyes took on a darker hue, and she wore a grimace. She looked much, much older than her actual age. Her fingers briefly touched the old, bound book before them. It was leather, and had swirls and strange shapes etched into it. On every corner of the book, a silver stone resided.
They were a library, Leonardo’s. The Haven professor was dead, but there was still loads of information that the Hunstmen could uncover before heading to Atlas. They had split up and Oscar and Ruby headed to Haven’s enormous library. They had uncovered a vault, where they had found a book on a pedestal. Oscar was curious as Ruby seemed drawn to it.
“Ruby? Are you okay?” Oscar asked her softly, his hands on her arm. Ruby ignored him, and continued staring at the book. He had a bad feeling that something magical was going to happen. He felt some strange, unseen presence. Perhaps it was becuase Ozpin was a part of him. He could sense these things now.
The room smelled of herbs, which Oscar thought was strange for an old, dusty library. Ozpin was silent, which was strange. Oscar could sense an overwhelming amount of knowledge pouring from the books.
Ozpin. Should Ruby be opening this book?
Well then. Oscar neared Ruby. Whatever was to happen, he promised to protect her. A part of him was telling him to not let Ruby touch the book no matter what. The other side of him was quite curious.
Ruby slowly flipped the book open. The yellowed pages began to glimmer. Oscar stepped back, and pulled Ruby back with him. She snatched her arm from him and moved back to the pedestal. A deep, but soothing voice boomed from the book. Oscar really wanted to leave before he and Ruby were struck down.
He stood behind Ruby, ready to take her if the book did something strange.
I am the book.
A certain book, but only the special ones can look.
You cannot ask me what you wish to see.
You cannot ask me what to believe.
Do not ask me questions, no, no.
For I already have the answer to what you need to know.
The book’s glow dimmed, and Ruby’s eyes widened. Oscar wished he knew what was going on in her mind. She started to tremble again, and her breathing was even.
“Ruby, I really think we should go. Whatever this book has to say, I don’t think we should stick around for it,” Oscar murmured, gripping her arm.
“No,” was all she said. She moved towards the pedestal, and gripped the sides. She leaned into the book until her nose grazed it.
Oscar was getting a bit impatient, but was ready to go get Qrow or the others, when the book’s blue glow shone brighter. Ruby’s face was soon engulfed in that glow.
“Ruby!” Oscar reaches for her and tugged her back with all his strength. “Come on!” He desperately wished Ozpin would talk to him, tell him how to snap Ruby out of her trance. Oscar felt tears brimming in his eyes as Ruby’s head whipped around.
Oscar was scared.
In the blue light, Ruby looked frightening. What was even scarier was that her silver eyes were activated. Silver flame emanated from her eyes, and she looked oddly fierce. All the innocence seemed to be sucked from her face and Oscar realized that he wanted nothing else but to run. He was scared of Ruby.
Oscar remembered Ruby’s scroll she had given him earlier in case they ran into trouble. Well now they were in trouble. Oscar kept one eye on Ruby as he dialed Yang. She just stood there, as if she was paralyzed. Her eyes didn’t seem to fade, the blue glow in as still present.
“Yang! Ruby is—“
Suddenly, Ruby’s eyes stop glowing, the blue light ceased, and Ruby dropped to her knees. Her skin was paler than usual. Her head was in her hands, and she began to shake again. Oscar didn’t hesitate and dropped the scroll, Yang calling, “Hello? Hello?”
He dropped to Ruby’s side and wrapped an arm around her body. In the silence of the library, all Oscar could hear was Ruby’s sobs. She was crying.
“Ruby, what happened back there?” he asked her gently, rubbing her back. Ruby shook her head. “I...I...”
She was clearly in no state to speak. “Don’t speak. It’s okay.” Oscar would rather have her be in peace than force her to do something she didn’t want to do. He stood up and took the book, which has stop glowing, and chucked it as far as he could.
He returned to Ruby’s side. She had lifted her head up and seemed like she was willing to embrace him. She needed a shoulder to cry on, for whatever it was.
And there they sat, for minutes, until Yang and the rest of their friends arrived. It must’ve taken them a while to find the small underground room from the library. Oscar was promptly shoved over as Ruby’s teammates grabbed her and lifted her up.
“Ruby! Are you alright? Oscar called—and hung up!” Yang said, directing her glare at the farmer boy. All eyes were on him. He looked at his boots and apologized. “I’m sorry... I was worried about her. She...”
Ruby looked up, and met Oscar’s eyes. She was pleading him, silently. She didn’t want anyone to know.
He wasn’t sure keeping this between them was the best idea... but he promised. He gave a short nod and turned back to everyone else.
“She suddenly collapsed. She used her silver eye powers during the battle... I was worried. I think she was weak.”
Weiss let out a breath she must’ve been holding. Blake, who he had been introduced to moments before, closed her eyes in what could only be relief. Yang seemed a bit wary of her, and turned back to her sister, wrapping her in a hug.
“I... I thought something worse had happened. You seemed so urgent there. But... I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Thanks, Yang,” Ruby smiled weakly. Qrow nodded. “You must be exhausted. All of you are. But we can’t stay here. Let’s find an inn and take a few days off before we head to Argus.”
“Yes!” Jaune cheered. Nora nodded. “I’m really tired too.”
“Then let’s go,” Qrow nodded. He looked at his niece, a brief smile appearing on his face. “You did really well, kid. All of you did.”
Nora beamed at the compliment, and Ren shares a nod with Weiss. For a bunch of teenagers with incomplete training, they were doing great.
“Let’s go, Ruby,” Yang said, starting to tug her sister along. Ruby squeezed out and shook her head. “I can walk. I’m okay now.” Her voice was quiet, unlike her typical loud and high-pitched one.
“Are you sure?”
Ruby nodded. “I’m okay.” Yang nodded and let Ruby walk by herself, but she still stood next to her. Oscar trailed behind everyone, ashamed for not being able to get Ruby out of the trance.
Ruby lingered begind as they exited the the vault, and waited for Oscar. She looked at him, her eyes serious. They had returned to their original silver and her skin seemed to be less pale.
“Oscar, thanks,” she whispered. She shivered.
“Are you okay? What... do you want to talk about what happened?” he murmured back.
“I...” the girl took a deep breath. “That was a book of knowledge. I don’t know how many there are but perhaps it’s conncted to the relic. But... it told me that it knew what I wanted to know most in the world. I thought... I thought it would tell me how to defeat Salem.”
Oscar waited, his breath caught in his throat.
“But... it didn’t. I... it showed me... it showed me my mother. And how she died.”
Oscar swore for a moment Ruby stopped breathing. He looked at her, and her eyes were glued to the ground. He could tell she was trying not to cry.
“Oh, Ruby. I... I wish I could’ve stopped you. You... you...”
“No. I... I wish I wasn’t so selfish. We could’ve defeated Salem, but instead, my selfish desires won in the end. And now... oh... it was so horrible,” she muttered.
For the first time, Oscar felt Ruby was detached from the world. Even after the fall of Beacon, after the death of her friends, she still stood up and fought. Now, she looked like she was prepared to give up.
“You’re not selfish, Ruby. You’re human. And had every right to wonder about your mom. I’m sorry... I don’t know what went on, but I know that she would be extremely proud of you if she was here right now. She would hold on tight to you, becuase she’d never want to let someone so brave and kind go.”
Ruby nodded but her eyes were still on the floor. Everyone else was exiting out of the school where the Faunus were arresting White Fang members. Everyone scattered for a moment. Oscar cleared his throat.
“We’ll find out a way to defeat Salem, Ruby. It’s not your fault. If I was possessed by that book, I’d probably want to know what we would eat for dinner,” he joked.
Ruby snorted. She looked up, and she looked a little better. Still sad.
“Hey, Ruby. You’re allowed to be sad. No one ever said you have to be cheery all the time.”
Ruby smiled. “Thanks. I’m not sure when I’ll tell the others. But I will soon.”
Oscar nodded. He would allow Ruby to decide when she was ready.
Hey Oscar, promise me something?”
“Anything,” he said, a little too eagerly.
“That one day, when this is all over, you’ll come to Patch with me and visit my mother.”
He was surprised. He wasn’t expecting an invitation to a grave. He almost said no, but looked into her eyes and knew he had to say yes.
“I promise.”
And then the two, with a heavy secret weighing on their hearts, went to join the rest of their friends.
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sassafraslowrey · 5 years
Weekly Writing Update
1. Pitched two stories to a magazine2. Pitched an article 3. Email with my advisor4. Checked in with editors5. NY Times emailed to check my gender title /pronouns6. Pitched myself to a new publication7. Pitched a major publication 8. Pitched a new to me publication9. Got some “influencer” outreach 10. Drafted an article11. Pitched a story 12. PR outreach for the trick book13. PR outreach for William To The Rescue14. Developed  the reference bibliography for my 2nd MFA packet this semester 15. Pitched two story ideas  to a very mainstream outlet 16. Got quoted in the NY Times 17. Had a pitch rejected but explicitly invited to pitch again18. Accepted some influencer review work for the dogs19. Pitched a column20. Read all of my advisor’s feedback on my creative thesis (200 pages!)21. REad all of my second faculty reader’s feedback on my creative thesis (200 pages!)22. Was rejected from a dog themed issue of a  literary journal #ouch23. Drafted the course equivilencies for my MFA program24. Drafted questions to send to my advisor in advance of our mid-semester call 25. Sent an irritated email to a professional connection who has been ghosting me26. Read a book 27. Logistical emails about a influencer gig the dogs are doing28. New issue of a local pet magazine released with multiple articles from me29. My ipad (probably) died30. Sent my finalized question to my advisor in prep of our phone meeting next week31. Got digital proofs back for a column I wrote for a national print dog magazine32. Completed the nomination materials to submit Healing/Heeling to the Lambda Literary Awards33. Drafted an article34. Got a kind but rejection from a publisher 35. Followed up with an editor36. Posted a patron poll finding out what kinds of writing they want to see from me37. Really positive feedback from sources about my work38. Edited my reference bibliography for my next packet39. Had a pitch accepted for a print magazine40. Reached out to sources for an article I’m working on41.Conncted with a private writing client about schedules 42. Shared some work in progress with my patrons43. Got a rejection from a publication I pitched - and was relieved 44. Reviewed Proofs for a magazine article45. Eited an article 46. Submitted an article47. Edited a dog article48. Kept updated on my dialy doodleds49. Submitted a dog article to a publication50. Had a pitch rejected51. Had a pitch accepted by a publication i love52. Messaging back and forth with editors 53. Checked in with a local bookstore about orders54. Sold a second pitch with a publication I love working for55. Posted favorite things for my patrons56. Had an article assigned to me by one of the print magazines I write for57. Found out I have another assignment coming for the next issue of a magazine58. Got a last minute international news show request for an interview - but by the time I saw the request I had missed the opportunity59. Found out some good news about inclusion of one of my books in a holiday gift guide60. Started working on revisions or at least thinking about revisions for my dog fiction novel61. Got a rejection from a literary journal - i had been invited to submit to and did though I hadn’t actually wanted to (win?) 62. Worked on edits/revision for my personal essay talking about my expereince of the last two years in my MFA program63. Youtube64. Got sent pictures of readers with their new copies of my books!
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skwivr · 6 years
hey im.......................... stressed and i’m going to rant
I didn’t have a shop update last week because I felt that I needed to save up stock for this fair that I got accepted to on way too short of notice for which I didn’t really have any stock saved up at all, and now it’s week two and I feel like I should have some sort of update but all I have is basically two prisms to post which is an embarassingly small update and I’m not even sure if it’s worth it. My jewelry blog has been stagnating for a month if not more because I just don’t know what to post, I don’t have any ideas for how to keep it fresh, and so far it’s been......... alright, like I’ve been making steady sales despite my blog being largely ignored, probably largely due to the fact that I have a newsletter and a few lovely consistent customers (terrifying) but it’s done nothing to make me feel better.
I checked my stock for the fair which is a week from today and I barely have jewelry. Half the jewelry I made is no good because something is wrong with teh cast of the resin. I’ve been going down in my studio EVERY day and just cranking shit out but so far what I’ve made is just a lot of prisms. Just a shit load of prisms that I’ve got no idea if anyone’s going to like.
I’ve forgotten to make moss necklaces and now I basically only have the opportunity to make one batch of moss necklaces if I start now and that’s just simply not enough.
This fair might well suck and all along my blog is just being fucking STARVED and I’m scared my business is going to DIE and I will STARVE. What am I doing. What am I doing. What am I doing.
Edit: On top of that, I just remembered that my Paypal card reader sucks and probably need to be replaced and turns out unlike literally every other card reader ever, they WON’T send you a free replacement, in fact a replacement costs $15 for a shitty AUX one and almost $30 for one that conncts via bluetooth AND it’s probably not going to get here in time if I order now.
ALSO I ordered caps for my little capped pendants from a chinese wholesaler and they came in the wrong size and are egregiously too big, unusable. I tried to look at the domestic Etsy I usually order the same ones from (more expensive but it’s an emergency) and they don’t seem to stock them anymore. And finally, the backings I normally need to make pendulums, which constitutes honestly a lot of the stock I was planning on bringing, didn’t send my order I ordered a week ago because apparently they are out of the specific finish I ordered, sent me a message on Etsy a full business week ago (which I didn’t get e-mailed about) and has been awaiting a response from me to send it.
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duhragonball · 7 years
I'm bored, I'm gonna talk about Osomatsu-san continuity.
The show kind of has this really fluid reality to it. I've seen people refer to different settings as AU's, but they sort of bleed into one another sometimes, so the term "AU" might be unwieldy at times.
For example, the "main" continuity seems to be the Matsuno family living in a suburban household, interacting with other characters in the neighborhood. The septuplets are unemployed roughly-twenty-year-olds, and they have no prospects to speak of. They all have a crush on their childhood friend Totoko, but they also seek out other female companionship as well.
On the side, there's all these sketches that change the roles of the characters, like the one where the Osomatsu is the "Calming Detective". In that world, four of the brothers are working as policemen, and some of them don't seem to know who Osomatsu is, so they're probably not brothers in that setting. But it's a sketch, and it's self-contained enough that it doesn't cause too many problems.
Then there's the "Girlymatsu" segments, which depict the septuplets as six women. I'm pretty sure they aren't sisters, though. Maybe they are, but I missed something. Truthfully, I don't really understand the Girlymatsu bits, so that could be what's tripping me up. But the implication seemed to be that this is an alternate reality, separate from their male counterparts.
Except the Girlymatsu characters keep showing up elsehwere. In a "Cave-Mastu" segment (the septuplets are cavemen, natch), they all lodge themselves inside a mammoth and die, and the scene flashes forward to the present day, where the Girlymatsu girls are looking at their remains in a museum. Also, they're old women.
Then the young versions of the Girlymatsu group showed up in other segments. Jyushiko was seen hanging out with an alternate version of Todomatsu (a delinquent student this time). Then the other five appeared as dolphin trainers. Homura was the sixth, and she didn't seem to know Jyushimatsu this time, despite their teary farewell in the last season. The whole segment was clearly a world unto itself. They just used the Girlymatsus to play those other roles, and Homura made sense as the one who conncted with Jyushimatsu's dream to become a dolphin.
And yet, I feel like there is this thread that runs through the entire show regardless. I liked watching Homura train Jyushimatsu as a development of their relationship from Season 1, event though the two scenes are anachronistic to one another. There's sort of this meta story that continues even when the circumstances and details change.
This is probably due to the way the characters occasionally become self-aware of the various alternate roles they've played. The whole episode where they played baseball against a team of aliens seemed totally removed from everything else, but I felt like it sort of promoted Nyaa from a bit player to one of the supporting cast. And that seems to have stuck, even if the episode itself (and all the death scenes) didn't.
None of this is meant to be some big revelation or anything. I think other cartoons have done this before--Sealab 2021 springs to mind--but Osomatsu-san seems to be taking it to a whole other level. Which interests me because it might mean one-off sketches could end up leading to something much bigger down the road. Or not. But you never know, is the thing.
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xottzot · 7 years
2017-5(MAY)-08-Monday---ferals roaming freely the streets. LOUD SCREAMS from a house.
2017-5(MAY)-08-Monday---ferals roaming freely the streets. LOUD SCREAMS from a house.
The by-line above of this entry says it.
I apologise for my terseness in this entry, I am literally starting to shake in pain, and my eyesight has been afflicted......and then when, as I am tying to rest, I have to witness all the shit thats going on.....you'll understand my ripped-to-shreds normal state of calmness....
Firstly, the rabid nose-picker aboriginal kid I have mentioned so many times for so long, THAT kid is the VERY SAME aborigial criminal who attempted and failed (not by his actions), he tried to burn a house down with it's owners inside in 2016. -- He actually set fire to the house knowing full well that innocent people were inside. -- And I am not going to tell the rest of what happened because I have done so MANY times and STILL nobody believes me. So fuck off.
From out of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD has had a group of them walk out and go to ? - With them was the two 'token aborigial kids' the suposedly 'respectable ones', but are just the same as the rest of them of that CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. -- The group walked off.
And they were being watched.
They were being watched by a 'Watcher' on foor as well as there was an anonymous 'Watcher' vehicle parked in a completely empty car park.
It had remained there watching. Of course it does the same things that they always do. Nothing but watching..... -- And then it drives off. Nobody ever gets out of these vehicles. Nobody even gets out of them. They just drive along, go in, park and observe for any length of time, before they move off.
Determine what you will of the anonymous vehicles. They are not Police. They appear to be some sort of nameless anonymous depatrment that caters to the whims and constant 'support' of the criminals of the aboriginal criminal households.
Sometimes they stay for a great deal of time, sometimes only a minute or less, its completely unpredictable just like the criminal aboriginals......
And the entire carpark area is in direct open view of the crimial aboriginal households. - And do they then file reports that they kept watch unnoticed? - What a joke.
Sometimes the vehicles (rarely) try to remain inconspicuous and hidden by parking further from open view in car park before moving off. And as always, nobody gets out of them, nobody gets into them. They just arrive, watch, then leave.
As soon as it had gone, from out of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, comes rabid nose-picker. He's barefoot (as they all constantly are), and he's shabbily dresed as always.
He walks straight onto the road and starts acting crazy.
He starts spinning about, throwing punches at an invisible nobody in the air, he starts kicking at an invisible nobody in the air, and he starts to manically do Australian aboriginal like antics but in a manic crazy way....he starts acting as if he's got a spear and hunting something...and then he does a crazed dance and kicks his barefoot legs all over the place.......please bare in mind that all this was enacted in the middle of the road......
Then he began wandering aimlessly along ON the road, goes to the intersection, all of this is being done aimlessly and brainlessly, he looks at the corner household that has had its fence repaired and replaced (BUT NOT ALL OF IT), and besides...they have long had their tall secure drivewy gates open and without a lock for anyone (especially criminal aboriginals) to freely walk straight into the yard. There is also a man-sized in the property fence, a hole smashed by aboriginals and still heavily used by aboriginals, that is STILL there. It is also being used by the children of that rented house as well to actively go through in & out.
Please, do NOT imagine or try to convince yourself that he and others of them has EVER gone to school. Despite it being a school day and despite the school within visible distance of the CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. Indeed, the criminals barely even care anymore that they are seen on the streets and everywhere now.
So that criminal is idly standing in the middle of the road intersection, he is looking wetwards towards the Koongamia shops area, and then he suddenly SPRINTS off along the road to in that direction, literally runs as fast as he can go, his bare feet thumping on the road as he does so.
But he doesn't stay there long.
He eventually drifts back and wanders back until he goes into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
I am sick and tired of truthfully stating everything to everyone and for them having to suddenly leap to inane conclusions trying to diminish, lessen, and evaporate away everything as if none of it is conncted or has any relevance. Fuck off.
Later, an older bearded aboriginal man carrying bags of items purchased from the Koongamia shops area, he walks along the footpaths. He walks along, and is carrying plastic bags of ? -- He is walking along and suddenly waves and acts very friendly to ? at the aboriginal 6 Kalara Way house. He turns and apparently goes inside.......
Later, aboriginals of the CRIMINAL HOSUEHOLD are walking along around there on the footpaths after taking the two token children aboriginals to ?. -- As they are rounding the street corner, there is VERY VERY LOUD SHOUTING AND SWEARING suddenly coming out of 6 Kalara Way, so loud it can be heard so very far away. -- The aboriginal man (who is usually constantly riding about aimlessly on a pushbike) is this time walking with another woman of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD and with them is the aboriginal toddler child. -- They slow down their walking and stare at the LOUD noise. One of them grabs the toddler child and the trio walks hurriedly off and into the aborigial CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD across the road from there. -- Nobody comes out of the 6 Kalara Way property. The VERY VERY LOUD SWEARING AND SHOUTING continues. It continues on and on. - Fuck the lot of them.
Later, one of the 'Watchers' was walking about, looking and taking notes of the aboriginal ghetto, taking special notice of a vehicle parked at the just-moved-in aboriginal household that previously for over 10 years was the aboriginal drug dealer house before he was evicted. (that house as soon as it was evicted, became the trigger event which resulted in the criminals of the aborigial CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD to then suddenly rise up in criminality and they have remained) and rising. -- I'm sick of stating all these facts and constanlty having to repeat them. Fuck off.
A commercial vehicle, "Statewide Lock Services" is epenly seen parked in the driveway and has its doors open, and a male person of it is apparently doing work at that place. -- Countless times aboriginal kids from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD go wandering all about there, and some go in an out of the house there but never stay very long at all.
And they NEVER EVER got to any school. Fuck off.
I'm sorry, but even as I'm typing this, aboriginals of the aborigial CRIINAL HOUSEHOLD have been all on the streets, and loudly carrying on. They also are doing another piece of shit thing which is relatively new in occurence. Standing in the streets ON the streets and using mobile devices in their hands they are taking "selfies" of themselves standing in front of other innocent peoples homes and properties. They don't just do this once, but are doing it over and over again as they stand in front of peoples outside yards.
As as always, there is the aboriginal diaper-todder (all throughout my blog), that child was walking on the road with them. Suddenly the women began to abuse and swear and threaten the toddler. The toddler is wearing pants this time and is clothed but no shoes. The toddler is literaly driven off by the onslaught of abuse (you have no idea of how much swearing too) and it wanders by itself across the road and goes into the smashed hole in the side-fence of the picketted corner house. It is just left there completely unattend by anyone at all. The others continue walking ON the roads and acting normal because this IS routine for them. -- I am heartily sick of stating countless times how crazed and feral they are. Fuck off.
They are all making their ways on the streets. And they have been doing so.
False calm.
If you ever wonder why I say "false calm" that because it is exactly as it states. And there can be a period or periods of false calm. It is simply a case of a lesser shit going on that is not written about in this blog.
And truly COUNTLESS times, after busy writing things in, then normal tasks trying to be performed in the hope that just like a war, there is a lull in the shelling. But it is truly a false calm.
Even as I was writing the above...quite literally.....there has been shit going on.
And other adult aboriginals have been all about. They are making the entire area a place to travel through and go all about. They come from one place, go about, and are later seen elsewehere. They're using the pedestrian walkways as the criminal conduits that they are.
And they are using the Koongamia school car park as their car parks too.
Later on, after midday noon, there was an aboriginal woman pushing a covered pram along on the footpaths. In front of her was an adult aboriginal man. And he was pushing a shopping trolley (aka shopping cart) along on font of her. They were together. -- If you have bothered to read and rememeber anything I have written in my blog, you will constantly seen me speaking about mysterious shopping trolleys that just 'appear' and are abandoned on street verges, even though there is no shops of anything about in the area that has shopping trolleys. -- Now you see just one reason, a very valid reason why.
And I have personally witnessed aboriginals in shopping areas, (that have shopping trolleys for their customers), how aboriginals will openly just walk off with trolleys full of goods completely unpaid for. AND I have also been there when aboriginals just go stealing other peoples ENTIRE shopping trolley loads. -- I've lost count the number of times I have been to that shopping area and seen (Midland?) Police actively doing their duty there. And I have lost count the number of times that I have heard aboriginals yelling out, swearing, abusing, and threatening people and staff. Indeed, it can feel ominous when there is none of the above occuring there and your entire being is just awiting for it to suddenly occur.
Later today, there was a single female VERY LOUD scream. -- And from out of the picketted fenced rental place comes the oldest of the 2 boys who lives there. He's dressed in black t-hirt, dark jeans, shoes.......and he's picking his nose just like the abo criminal kid does all the time.
And once again....he goes briskly walking along the road....but then he changes his mind and walks on the footpath. Then crossed the road and goes to the Koongamia shops area. -- Don't even bother to ask him if he's supposed to be at school.....
Later, the mother of that rented picketted place, she comes out making a rare appearance these days. She ON the roads, pauses, and starts angrily yelling back at the oldest kid who has yelled out soemthing to her as he's hiding in the front yard of their heavily tree and bushes filled place. - The mother certainly looks a lot thinnner than has always been. But she's wearing the same rough clothing she does. She keeps angrily jabbiong at the air at the oldest kid and demanding soemthing (to stay?), and she finally turns about and continues walking on the road and goes away.
But the oldest boy of that household has been skulking about in the yard and endlessly prowling about in the yard......
That brought out one of the criminal aboriginal kids who NEVER EVER EVER GOES TO SCHOOL and she walked all ON along the roads and carrying on to herself as she listend to some iPod or whatever else whe's got plugged into her head via wired headphones. She walks up towards the Koongamia shops. A car comes along, an innocent member of the public, but she doesn't get off the road. It wouldn't matter or not. They just don't. -- She doesn't stay long at the Kongamia shops. She returns empty-handed and walks along the roads and aimlessly walks about. She's long since taken off the headphones and is twirling the entire things in her hand constantly. I've lost count the number of times there has been these things smashed and the remains and pieces scattered all over the place because of the criminal aboriginals.
I've lost count the number of times this very same girl, and the same aboriginals from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD just throw rubbish all about.......rubbish that then blows into peoples yards. The innocent people NEVER do ANY of the rubbish making. And yet it is the INNOCENT people who are constantly having to work to keep everything tidy. That and crows and birds which fly down and will sometimes pick up the food rubbish that aboriginals have flung. - The entire area has rubbish everywhere and it's all because of the criminals of the aboriginal CRIMIAL HOUSEHOLD who don't give a shit about anything. You can watch them and you will be amazed at how vicious they strip things of their wrappers, then just throw the wrappers as they are standing or walking along the streets. I don't mean just careless 'littering', I mean it is a constant state of their existance. They don't give a shit. REALLY. Not of anyone or ANYTHING.
Later, there was a group of aboriginals that came out of the 6 Kalara Way residence. It has been a very rare apperance.
They appear well-dressed as if going to front a court apearance. They are all aboriginals. There is an overweight woman, another woman in a long dress, an older teen aboriginal male, an aboriginal small girl, and an aboriginal toddler who is not carried but is told to hurry up and keep up with walking with them. They slowly start their way along the footpaths and go to the Koongamia shops area. a short time later they return. And the other woman with them is reacting any time one of the kids speaks. She tries to heavily smack across the back of their heads with her hand. But they duck. It is amazing to see such timing. It's because it has happend so long and they are so conditioned. She lashes out at the girl she ducks. She lashes out down at the toddler and it ducks. She tries to lash out at the other adult female but she then walks faster and gets ahead of the group. And they go like this all along the footpaths until they arrive and go into 6 Kalara Way. The other aboriginal woman in the long dress comes back out and walks to the nearby bus shelter area. Nobody else goes with her.
Later, nearby medical assistance vehicles have been coming and going numerous times to a nearby innocent residents home and they park outside on the street verge to make their coming and going easier and to have their vehicle parked out in the open in the vain hopes it will not be interfered with.....this is a common occurence these days......
The very end house of Kalara Way street, number 11?, the brand newly built house, which may not even appear on any online maps you look at STILL (including Google's public ones), that place has had aboriginals freely roaming into and out of it too it seems. If so, the aboriginal ghetto is even larger than at first thought or seen.
PLEASE NOTE:--- that I have previoulsy stated in my blog that I was relieved to have thought that that the house next door to the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD had been move into by innocent people. - They did so. - But now it sems as though the place has been devoid of all life since then for many many days.
This has had the effect of emboldening the criminal aborigials of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD to be more overt in doing all that they do.
It seems to have also had a 'knock-on' effect and made so MUCH more goings on occur.
It is now time of the Koongamia school to be out end emptying of its students and mothers have been escorting their children AND carrying their backpacks for them like pack mules and they have been briskly walking about on the footpaths. Normal innocent people are really just so completely uncommon and when they walk by it is out-of-the-ordinary in this hellhole. -- Sometimes it's as if I want to cheer out loud for them to ncourage them in the face of so much shittynes in these strests for them to hang in trere and be bold and proud.
And an anonymous dark sedan has once more taken up it's standard position in the car park area......and of course nobody gets out, nobody gets in, and it may or may not stay there for a short while or not.......
And before I forget to mention it...the black dog of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD was out this morning roaming the strets on its own......but they don't care about the kids they have in that house doing exactly the same ALL DAY and in the dark. One one day last week they made a show of leading it out on a dog lead abut the streets. But that only lasted just that one day. It was a one-off bullshit show. (the last dog lead still lies hanging in the elctricity wires where it was thrown there.)
STOP PRESS:-----at 3:08pm.....a West Australian POLICE 'paddy wagon' kind of vehicle (not a 4WD type) went slowly around and past the aboriginal ghetto area. Aboriginal kids were wandering on the streets but the POLICE did nothing. The POLICE vehicle went to the bottom of Kalara Way street and was stopped there for awhile (looking around or looking ahead?), and then it slowly drove off eastwards along Clayton Street and continued its patrol.
And it was VERY closely being watched by (all pervasive) aboriginal kids of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD who as soon as the POLICE vehicle had gone, literally sprinted back into the CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
P.@17:21----I love YOU deer sweet FLiss and want to be with yiou.. Withouyt being with you Fliss I am reduced to a lessir persn than I am to duekl with all this hehllhole
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