#then ill just answer them again w someone else
mysimsyuri · 1 year
mayhaps ! i have some questions ! (for any &/or all of your f/os)
O_o - What kind of virtual pet would your f/o be? A Neopet? A Webkinz? Maybe even a puffle? Which one in particular? What about you?
o.e - What would your f/o's fursona be? If they're already an anthro character, what would they look like as a human?
:o) - What or who do you think your f/o would kin?
<3 - What's the sappiest pet name you've thought of/have used for your f/o?
;^) - What does your f/o do that makes you melt? What about vice versa?
waaah hiii e :]] gonna answer 4 strong sad cuz shes been on the brain lately
O_o - see i wanna say wed be flight rising dragons just because but i was a big webkinz kid.... maybe i can assign both whos gonna stop me
ok i know were talking about strong sad here but. vampire kitten webkinz violet.
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ok for strong sad im thinking one of the original grey cats, with the weird string texture and the chub <33
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o.e - oooh... i assigned all the hsr characters fursonas like a month ago and i wanna say strong sad was a possum!! she might canonically have a fursona idk she feels like the kinda character to have one but. shes possum-coded 2 me (ignoring the obvious elephant joke u could make here)
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heres a drawing i did on a whiteboard of her ft my fursona and cat marzi :3c
:o) - ok listen. on strong sads lament her icon would change now and then from different people/characters and id like to think thats her kinlist dfhgkjdfg the only one i remember rn is lydia deetz from the beetlejuice cartoon
<3 - im not rlly one for pet names i usually just call my fos blorbo scrungus type shit fdgjkg but uh. id prolly call strong sad like love and darling and itd make her explode (in a good way i promise)
;^) - not to be gay but... holding me so nicely :'] i like 2 think that strong sad gives rlly good hugs so shed just grab me and id go a heem heem whimper !!!! meow
cringe is dead ask game
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carrotpiss · 1 year
An attempt to get some thoughts feelings out of my system re the failed date
#genuinely embarrassed i still feel so upset about it again just a new wave of anxiety hit me this morning#i just feel so lost at how it ended up like that i thought i communicated clearly but obviously i didnt i said mid afternoon i let them know#when j was leaving like mid-afternoon literally is 3pm but maybe i shouldve just said yrah ill be around at half 3ish#and then they just left me waiting with no actual eta just repeated “not long now” for 2 hours#and then in the last 30mins were loke btw bunch of their friends joining eho dont have tix#and its like.. okay? atp ive been waiting so long it felt like i had to agree and its not like i object to others being there a bit#like we're primarily going to a gig nesr where thejr mates live i expect that i just wasnt expecting to get completely sidelined#and its like they were flirting with me all up until i said i was omw#i forgot it even was a date at one point until they themslef mentioned they were on a date w me to someone else#like i just dont understand what happened#like where did i go wrong#crouch speaks#i know the answer but still#i got hopeful. the one thing i shouldn't be. i for a moment thought we had a chance#and so life had to humble me bc i got thinking about thjngs i dont deserve and will never have bc im fundamentally broken and horrid and#unlovable and hideous#like idk why i thought this would result any differently#now i feel guilty and rotten#like fuck was i expecting too much was i been too dramatic to just have a bit of alone time with them just to het to know them a bit better#i dont know i dont know how this is supposed to work
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gay-dorito-dust · 10 months
Hii! Could you do a mizu w reader where one is injured (doesn't really matter which one haha) and it's like a hurt/ comfort?
Take your time and get some rest!!
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Write this when I was on the verge of falling asleep, so if any of it sounds like it was coming out of my ass, it was. 🦦
‘Why did you do it?’ Mizu asked, choosing not to look at you but instead focus on your injuried chest with a hard glare.
‘Do what? Protect you from that smiley coward who was about to use unethical means to completely blindside you?’ You replied as though the answer wasn’t already glaringly obvious, you honestly didn’t understand why you had to explain your reasonings as for protecting Mizu and putting your life at risk, but if it meant showing them that someone did give a shit about whether they’d live or die; then you’d happily be that person for Mizu.
‘You had no need to protect me, I could’ve-‘
‘Easily defend yourself, I know Mizu.’ You interrupted them before grabbing ahold of their hand, memorising the feeling of callousness to memory, as you rubbed your thumb against the back of their hand reassuringly. ‘I know how strong and powerful and amazing you are. I’ve witnessed your fighting spirit first hand and it took my breath away. Literally because when we first met you knocked the wind out of my lungs with the butt of your sword, all because you thought I was some stranger about to attack you.’ You finished recounting the tale of how you first encountered Mizu with a small smile. Why? Maybe it was your way to direct their mind to a more happier and healthier memory, rather then have it stuck heavily focusing on the one where they had their back exposed to the enemy; the reason you now had a massive gash running across your chest. A gash that would surly become a permanent part of your body but also a painful reminder to Mizu.
A reminder that you could’ve been easily taken away from them.
A reminder that you’d always selflessly put them before yourself, even if that meant getting hurt, maimed, loosing a limb or worse yet; your life.
A reminder that they’ll have to get stronger if they wish to prevent you from doing so in the nearby future. Mizu knew that their revenge took presidency over everything else, even their own health, but they don’t want you to ruin yourself beyond recognition for them; It just didn’t feel right to Mizu to have you be the barrier between them and the ill intentions of other people. They were strong enough to deal with it but as it’s been made clear countless times before, you didn’t give two shits about that, and instead focused all your time and effort into showing them that they matter so much to you; Which is an admirable and respectable trait to have in Mizu’s eyes.
However that did little to quell the unease they felt upon witnessing your body drop at their feet in what felt like slow motion, just as the first sighting of blood that began to pool beneath you in such quick succession, that at one point Mizu genuinely thought they were too late to save you, this was proven especially more true when you didn’t awaken within the first couple of days after Mizu had stitched and then later covered your wound; all in due to the amount of blood you had already lost. So the feeling of being able to properly breathe again upon seeing you wake up made the uneasy feeling that little bit more bearable for Mizu.
‘While it’s appreciated to know that I can fully count on you to have my back in the heat of battle, it is not a necessity.’ Mizu states, bring the conversation back to where it was needed most, causing you to frown. ‘I should’ve known better than to think that he would honour me with a fair fight. I should’ve known that he’d play dirty the moment he realised the odds were stacked against him.’ Mizu adds, clenching their fists into the seams of their clothing, jaw clenched and their eyes become an unforgiving steel blue; all signs of their underlying rage toward themself and the cowardly man.
‘You didn’t know and that’s perfectly fine.’ You grunt as you slowly sat yourself up with Mizu’s hands supporting your endeavour whilst being mindful as to not reopen your wound. ‘It’s normal to not foresee things before they happen, otherwise it wouldn’t be considered an authentic human experience.’ You let out a little chuckle, all the while Mizu was left to sit there and narrow their brows at what you could’ve possibly thought was so humorous. ‘And to live an authentic human experience is to accept that you have limitations, especially during the moments where you wished you didn’t have any at all.’ You said as you looked into Mizu’s eyes hoping that your words were somewhat getting through to them.
‘We always question ourselves on how we didn’t see it coming, or how we didn’t see the signs but what we’re not taking into account is that we’re human. Not super powered beings of mythical origins nor gods but just plain old humans. We don’t get the luxuries that they do, however if there’s one thing we can pride ourselves in having, it’s how we take these moments to heart and learn from them going forwards.’ You smiled softly, seeing the sea of emotions within Mizu’s eyes. ‘Another thing we can pride ourselves on is our resilience and our willpower to continue paving the way forward. We get hurt but we always get back up because that’s the indomitable human spirit. That’s what we do.’
‘Where are you getting with this and what does it have to do with me allowing you in getting hurt?’ Mizu asked, curious and a little restless as to what this was all meant to mean. ‘The moral of this for you to not beat yourself up over being human for being human is all we’ll ever know how to be until our final breath.’ You explained, lifting their clenched hand within yours to press a kiss to the back of it, before placing it back onto their lap. ‘Instead of focusing on what has already come to pas, how about bringing your attention to the fact that I’m still here and I’m still breathing. Yeah?’ Mizu stayed quiet for a while, allowing for your words to sit with them as Mizu thought long and hard before finally reaching to a conclusion.
‘Only on the pretences that I get to teach you in the basics of defence.’ Mizu said. ‘As a precaution.’ They add.
‘As long as you don’t go hard on me.’ You chuckled, already visualising it.
Mizu gave you an almost missable smirk. ‘No promises.’
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delimeful · 10 months
the end of being alone (6)
remember how this installment was mostly fluff up until this point? we'll get back to that! 
... just not this chapter <3
part 2: how does a kid end up stranded in space, anyhow?
warnings: bad self care, illness, panic, child in distress, minor injury, non-consensual drug use, trafficking, unethical imprisonment and treatment of prisoners, child endangerment, implied offscreen minor character death, ambiguous character fates, this is a heavy tearjerker chapter but it does have a hopeful ending, lmk if i missed any
Virgil’s condition hadn’t improved.
They’d tried as many non-medicinal techniques as they could, struggling to figure out what would help and what would harm an unpredictable biological system that they barely understood.
Nothing had helped. Nothing was working.
And each time Virgil woke up to the sight of the ship around him, he wept and struggled and shouted, burning through his meager energy and only worsening his health.
He didn’t respond to heartfelt pleas from any of them, rarely even seeming to understand they were in the room with him. His stare was distant and terrified, his mind somewhere else, and each time it happened, Logan wanted to understand how to help so badly.
So, after several cycles without sleep and with the pressure of increasing desperation weighing heavy on his head, he finally succumbed to the deeply unwise impulse to start a Vidi.
He’d only wanted to understand what Virgil was yelling, try and grasp the reason behind his fear in the hopes that they could abate it, even slightly.
The moment he’d made contact, however, his mind had been dragged into a memory with intense force, the metaphorical handles of the Vidi ripped away, leaving him unable to steer and barely able to move.
His fingers twitched with the urge to pull away, but he stopped himself. It could hurt Virgil, and he’d endured plenty of traumatic memories before. He could handle this.
With a blink, he was looking through a much younger set of eyes.
The ship came during the summer.
Virgil remembered, because he’d been reviewing holidays and important events with his class before the break, and his half-birthday was coming up in a week!
His birthday was in winter, so his half birthday was in the opposite season, summer! He’d said as much before trying to debate his way into a trip to the park with his friends, and failing miserably.
So, he’d snuck out. And gotten himself lost between one turn of the neighborhood and the next.
He’d run into one of his neighbors, who’d been more than a little concerned to see him wandering around alone, especially because there had apparently been some people disappearing lately.
“Where did they go?” he’d asked, and gotten an uncomfortable reassurance, which definitely wasn’t an answer.
He’d frowned, tried to ask again, but his neighbor had gone quiet and grey-faced, staring at something over his shoulder. Before he could turn to see, there was a sharp thunk, and a bright bolt of pain in his shoulder.
There was a high, crackling scream, which was bad, but Virgil couldn’t keep his eyes open long enough to figure out where it came from. A pair of warm hands caught him when he staggered, and then he was out.
He barely recalled what happened next, the memories fragmented like someone had taken a hammer to them. He didn’t want to think about them, but he kept the pieces close and tucked away anyhow, knowing they were important even though they hurt.
He felt flickers of awareness, the sensation of eyes rolling against heavy eyelids, a rapid pulse pounding away in his ears like a big drum, angry and fearful shouting barely audible beyond the clamor.
And then: the barest glimpse of the docking port of a ship from the inside, the entrance ramp folding up and sealing away the green trees and blue sky on the other side. Replacing the brief vision of home with cold metal and unearthly lights.
There weren’t any warm hands holding him, now.
His whimper turned nearly soundless on the way up his throat, but it drew the attention of his captors regardless.
A rush of unfamiliar language above him, another flood of numbness spreading through him, but even from that one fragmented moment, Virgil understood that they were taking him away.
Another blank period, like dipping one's head briefly underwater, and then he was waking up again.
“Easy, baby,” a familiar voice said, a hand stroking through his hair, slow and gentle. “You’re okay, you’re alright.”
“Miss Susan?” Virgil asked, and his voice came out small and crackling. He coughed, trying to force his crusted over eyelashes apart with a growing sense of panic.
“Hey, I need some water for the kid!” Miss Susan called lowly, before setting a hand against his back and helping him shuffle upright. “Take it slow, baby, don’t choke. There we go.”
Virgil opened his eyes and got his first look at the room he’d be stuck in for the next several months.
It was dimly lit, and smelled bad. The floor was metal, with a few thin stripes of grating, like a shower drain. The walls were made of tinted plastic and covered with sharp-edged wire netting, and there were a whole bunch of people inside with him and Miss Susan.
They all spoke to him at one point or another, but he only remembered some of their names. The thought made his stomach twist painfully, and he clamped down on the sensation.
He couldn’t be sick. Being sick was bad.
The time shifted, Miss Susan still at his side but her hair longer and her skin sallower. They were all seated, tired from the cold and the dark and the gross food that he wasn’t allowed to throw up.
Mister Ben was coughing, hard and rasping and wet, one after another. A few people were crouched near him, talking to him in hushed voices as they tried to coax him into stopping, but his body curled in and convulsed like he couldn’t control the coughs at all.
Before long, there was a clang, and a spraying sound like that time a fire hydrant down the road had been busted open. A few people stood between the door and Mister Ben, but the room grew more and more hazy with the thick air that made his legs go all numb, and they were swaying with the effort of staying upright.
Virgil knew by now what happened next. He turned and pressed his face against Miss Susan’s side, and she drew him close and held him tightly as the suits came in.
The aliens were always wearing them when they came into sight. Thick rubbery suits with dark-tinted visors, each with an electric zapper in hand. They’d drag the sick one out, and Virgil would never see them again.
“Leave him alone!” Miss Susan cried, joined by the rising voices of the rest of their roommates. “Don’t touch him, you leave him the fuck alone!”
Virgil kept not looking, but he said it too, into the worn fabric of Miss Susan’s blouse. “Leave him alone, don’t touch him, leave him alone, don’t touch him, leave him alone…,”
It didn’t work. It never did. The aliens didn’t listen to them, and they made them weak and floaty if they tried to intervene.
His voice cracked as he kept repeating it, even as the door clanged again and the hiss of air stopped. If he didn’t look up, he could pretend that Mister Ben was still there, only quiet because he was all better from his cough.
"It's okay. I know. It's alright, honey." Miss Susan’s hands shook as they stroked carefully through his hair, soothing him to sleep through the last of his hiccuped sobs.
Everyone who spoke to him was kind, even when they were unhappy. When Miss Susan slept but he was awake, Mister Aaron would invent word games to play or Miss Kelsey would challenge him to push up contests, and they would all take turns trying to think of the worst possible combinations of foods to compare to their mush food.
The best was Miss Susan, though. When he was bored, she would tell him stories about her nieces and nephews, and the farm she grew up on, and silly people at her job before they got taken. When he couldn’t sleep, she would hum whichever parts of lullabies she could remember.
Even when he got sad and didn’t want to move or talk at all, she would hold him close and poke at his side and gasp about seeing the firefly that had snuck onboard with them, until he had no choice but to wiggle free and inspect every corner for its light.
The other adults would spot it every once in a while, too, and try to point it out to him. He never saw it, which he would report back to Miss Susan every time.
“Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there,” she’d tell him, waving at the dark ceiling of the room. “Glowbugs can’t be bright all the time.”
“Why not?”
“Well, they’d get too hot and sweaty. They’d have to go swim in the ocean, and then they’d probably all turn into anglerfish,” Miss Susan said, even though she hadn’t known what an anglerfish was until Virgil had told her everything he could remember about them.
“No way,” he said, laughing despite himself. “Bugs can’t turn into fish!”
“Maybe they just get too tired, then,” Miss Susan said, ruffling his hair. “It must be exhausting, being so bright.”
She went quiet for a moment, and Virgil leaned into her touch, squinting at the dark corners and willing the bug to show itself.
“Even when they’re blending in with the dark, though, they’re still there,” Miss Susan finally continued. “So don’t give up. You’ve just gotta trust in it, and eventually, you’ll spot it.”
“I want eventually to be now,” Virgil had responded, petulant as he flopped against her side, eyes growing heavy.
Miss Susan pet his head, humming quietly until he was almost asleep. She let out a big sigh, and when she spoke, her voice was quiet. “You and me both, kid.”
And then it was the last day.
He knew because Miss Susan’s hands were carefully cupping his face, coaxing him into waking up with a careful tap to the nose. They never woke him up on purpose, because 'growing kids needed their rest', except for the last day.
Virgil felt his brow scrunch with confusion even before his eyelids started fluttering, and Miss Susan chuckled and pressed her lips to the crown of his head for a moment.
“Come on, baby, wake up. It’s important, okay?”
He forced himself to open his eyes and keep them open, a little unease running down his spine.
Everyone had been scared, lately. Their group had shrunk in number, their room had been moved onto a bigger ship, and there were distant sounds of crowds at all hours, making his skin prickle with nerves when he was trying to sleep.
Some of their roommates were really smart, and they’d started puzzling out the words of the alien language from the ship directions that were given over the intercom and the overheard conversations of those passing by or rudely peeking in at them.
They’d taught Virgil some of them, whenever he was awake enough to remember. The words they whispered now weren’t ones he’d learned yet, though.
‘Transfer’ and ‘auction’. Everyone disliked them, felt too upset or angry about them to explain, even Miss Susan. Or maybe they just didn’t want to explain them to him, like they wouldn’t tell him what the aliens did with people when they got taken away. There had been a lot of arguing and shouting in low voices, trying to keep him from overhearing.
But now, they were waking him up.
Virgil let himself be coaxed to his feet, following Miss Susan over to the corner where everyone stood in a huddle, the tallest of them on the outside.
“Okay, sweetie. I need you to listen to me very closely, alright?” she told him, turning him to face the corner where they usually kept extra clothes in a pile. “You’re going to have to be very brave for me, okay?”
The clothes had been moved. There was a hole in the wall, where the netting had been peeled back. The edges of it were rough and curved like they’d been made with fingernails, like it had been painstakingly carved through one scratch at a time.
It was a small hole, barely the size of a vent, or a cat flap. Virgil could probably fit through it, but he was the only one.
“No,” Virgil shook his head immediately. “I don’t want to! I’m scared.”
Miss Susan squatted to be level with him, holding his hand in hers. “I know, honey. But it’s important, okay? We’re going to get out and find you, but you have to go first and stay safe until we do. I’ll send our little glowbug with you, and it’ll light the way in the dark.”
“What about your dark?” Virgil asked, rubbing harshly at his stinging eyes.
Miss Susan softened, pulled his hand away and smoothed a thumb over his cheekbone. “Oh, baby. I’ve seen that glowbug a hundred times, here with you. I’ll be okay without it for a little while.”
Virgil turned to look at the hole again, imagining a little firefly crawling through with him so he wouldn’t be alone.
“Do you promise?” he asked, and Miss Susan pulled him into a hug so tight, it felt like it squished all the air from him.
“I promise,” she said, and her hands shook a little but her voice was steady. Virgil smushed his face against her shoulder for the last time.
“Okay. I’ll— I’ll go.”
The barrier of bodies around them seemed to relax, just slightly, though it still took Miss Susan a few moments longer to release him.
They told him everything he needed to know, everyone chiming in. That he had to run, as fast and as far as he could, and be sneaky and quiet when he was too tired to run. That he should find hiding places and hole up in them, wait until nobody was around to keep running.
That he should always hide from aliens, even if they weren't wearing the suits. That he should never let them see him, because they hated humans. That if they did grab him, he could do whatever he needed to do to get away.
“Just like stranger danger, right, buddy? You can bite, kick, scream, whatever you need to do.”
Virgil nodded, trying to push down the sick, stressed feeling in his gut, and when there was finally no advice left to give, he turned to the gash in the wall.
Wiggling through it was hard, because there were still sharp, poky bits that scratched at his skin and the inside of the wall was dark and stifling, but every time he wanted to stop, he could hear the encouragement of everyone else, who was still stuck inside.
There was a little bug with him, he reminded himself. If he closed his eyes and froze up, he wouldn’t ever be able to see it glow.
Finally, he squirmed free of the last few inches, dropping onto the floor of a very small dark room with shelves in it, like a linen closet. He turned back to face the hole, calling out, and Miss Susan reached an arm through.
He grabbed for her hand and pressed his face to it, clung to her for a long moment, his breaths stuttering as she cradled him the best she could.
There was a muffled clang, and Miss Susan ran her wavering thumb over his cheekbone one more time before pulling away.
“Run, Virgil. Now. Run!”
So he did.
He ran and hid, just like they told him, but he picked the wrong place to hide because it was part of another ship, and it took him far away. He kept running, pulled himself into tiny little nooks on spaceship after spaceship, snuck food wherever he could get it and only ever whispered to his invisible firefly.
Eventually, he left a ship and there were no other ships around to board, only the wide landscape of a different planet, full of weird trees and weird animals and a weird town that he fled from. No more ships came, and that was fine because he didn’t want to run anymore. He wanted to stay and wait for them to find him.
He laid on his back and faced the sky, searching for a sign that they were coming. He was hungry and tired and lonely.
The stars above looked just like fireflies, hundreds of them. Enough for all of them to watch together. Except there wasn’t a ‘them’. It was only him.
Virgil felt his face growing hot, his throat closing up at the thought. It was too frightening to be alone.
No, he wasn’t alone. He wasn’t. He had their firefly with him, somewhere next to him in the grass.
“Just because I can’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there,” Virgil said to himself sternly, and rolled back to his feet.
He would find something to eat, somewhere to sleep, and he would wait. They would find him. They would find him. They would…
When Logan finally eased the mental connection closed and pulled himself free, he found there was a low, buzzing keen building in the back of his throat. The sort of sound he hadn’t made since he himself was a child.
Virgil still lay there unconscious, but his cheeks were shiny and damp with tears. Logan reached out, ignoring the heat radiating from the pupa’s skin, and gently smoothed a narrow finger over his cheek, wiping the wetness away as best he could.
It didn’t do much, but the crinkle in Virgil’s brow seemed to ease just slightly at the sensation.
Roman paced by again, pausing at the sight. “Specs? Is the kid alright? …Are you alright?”
Logan wondered what Roman would think about the fact that Humans and Crav’n had more in common culturally than he would have ever guessed. That an entire group of Humans had given up their only boon for the slim chance of getting the only child present to safety.
No time to waste, now. That conversation would have to wait until they’d launched.
“Let Patton know we’re leaving, and meet me in the navigation area,” he instructed, already turning to leave. “I’m going to clear our landing area for departure.”
“What— I thought we agreed it was a bad idea to actually leave?” Roman asked, glancing between Logan and Virgil with visible worry.
“It’s a worse idea to sit here and wait,” he replied firmly, and then he was down the hall and out the hanger door, ignoring the shiver of secondhand trepidation that Virgil’s mind had left in his.
He circled the ship, placing the warding discs that would keep their launch area organism-free down one by one, and then paused at the sight of a familiar creature standing by the main entrance hatch.
It was a Humlilt, one with a distinct little white splotch on its head. Logan was fairly certain that it was the one who had stood between them and Virgil during their second meeting, the most loyal of the bunch, only proved further by the way it had been waiting outside the ship since Virgil had been taken aboard.
Logan was also fairly certain that Virgil had named this one Susan, after his neighbor. The Human who’d taken care of him, in those memories.
“You’ve taken care of him, too, haven’t you?” he asked, still far too affected by the painful sympathy that had washed over him post-Vidi.
The Humlilt stamped a hoof and trumpeted at him warningly as he neared, still obviously holding a grudge at them for stealing Virgil away.
Logan attempted to rationalize himself out of the decision he was about to make, and utterly failed.
It took some digging and reaching out to a few of Logan’s less savory contacts, but the ship was on its way to a waypoint station that was rumored to have a Human expert in residence. It could have been a trap, a lie meant to lure interested parties into an attack, but they were going to have to risk it.
The three of them had all agreed to the plan. They wouldn’t be able to live with themselves otherwise.
Now that they were in transit, Logan sat down with his two closest friends, and began to explain just what he’d learned about their kid.
A few rooms down in the medical bay, a half-conscious Human reached out a feverish hand and found a small, fluffy presence curled up at his side.
The Humlilt crooned a few notes, sounding just like the aimless lullabies its namesake used to hum.
For the first time since boarding the ship, Virgil breathed a little easier.
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sw124 · 3 months
Cult of the Lamb: The Ewe AU
Sweet Dreams
“I’m tellin’ ya she’s weird!”
Escher’s gaze was not on the two members but his ears were, he wasn’t the type to eavesdrop but given these two were being a bit loud he couldn’t help but listen in. “You talkin about the new girl right? The one hanging around the Ewe?”
“Who else?! She follows the Ewe all day, I’m surprised the leader hasn’t sacrificed her. The way she hangs off her like that is kinda suspicious.”
Yeah that had to be Casper, the old unicorn was always suspicious of new members. Though Escher had to admit he was right about one thing, the new girl’s constant need to be near the Ewe was a bit..off-putting. But then again it wasn’t just the Ewe she hung around, Escher saw her around Shamura and Leshy too; not to mention he also spent some time with the newcomer. She was..honestly a nice person to be around, but he also knew that looks could be deceiving.
“I bet ya she’s hangin round Ewe cause she thinks it’ll get her in good with the leader, fat chance! The Ewe’s too nice to turn the freak down but I’m sure high priest Narinder will put the bug in’er place!”
Ok Escher heard enough, picking up his basket of radishes he walked towards the storehouse. Casper always ran his mouth, the Lamb was a very merciful person and would always sense if someone had ill intentions for others. That was one of the things that made him godly in the first place, besides everyone had their odd quirks. Leshy liked to cause mischief sometimes, Kallamar was always the center of attention with the ladies in the cult, Shamura tended to ramble and Heket always glared. So who was Casper to judge-
“Good afternoon Escher~” Well speak of the devil, there she was. “Hey Mamu, you as well.”
Mamu, the newcomer had only arrived seven days ago yet already seemed to make herself perfectly at home in the cult. It was normal that the Ewe kept a distance from new people when they arrive but…when Ewe met Mamu for the first time, the natural shyness seemed to vanish. It was only the second day before the newcomer was sitting by the Ewe in the fields chatting with her casually.
“Need any help?” Asked Mamu, motioning to the basket.
Escher chuckled. “Nah I’m fine, hope ya don’t mind me asking but whatcha doing over here. I thought you’d be hanging out with the Ewe.”
“She’s with Narinder at this time, I rather not disturb them. Besides, I was hoping to bump into ‘you’ today.”
“Me?” Escher blinked, Mamu nodded. “Yes you see, it’s about your friend Leshy…he’s been having trouble sleeping as of late hasn’t he?”
Escher’s ear twitched, well yes it was true in a way…Leshy was sleeping but he wasn’t getting enough of it. Leshy was suffering from a steady stream of night terrors, however Leshy didn’t want anyone to know about it…especially his siblings. He flinched feeling a hand on his shoulder, turning he found Mamu giving him a knowing smile. “Easy my friend, I’m aware this isn’t something to be discussed openly. I have a remedy to help quell this ailment of his if you wish to know it, I assure you this does not go against the teachings of the Lamb.”
Um…well that was nice, though Escher felt a hint of worry at the last part. But before he could answer Mamu had her arm wrapped around his an proceeded to pull him towards the communal kitchen.
“W-Whoa wait! Why are we going to the kitchen?!”
“The treatment requires a few ingredients, I assure you it’s quite easy to make!”
[Later that night]
Things were getting worse, Leshy knew this as he scrubbed his fur. The gentle stream of lukewarm water pouring over his shoulders, washing away the dirt of the day and the soap. He was..developing a fear of his own bed, of sleep…casue he knew that the moment he entered the land of dreams…the horde of lambs would be there. Waiting for him, glowing eyes, streams of blood, their cries threatening to make him deaf, their hands grasping at him, pulling him down into-
“Leshy, You in there?”
He flinched but relaxed, it was just Escher. “Yeah, I’ll be done in a sec.”
“Yer fine, I washed up by the river. I got a surprise for you, just meet me in the bedroom ok?” There was a pregnant pause before Leshy responded.
Bedroom and surprise…those were two words that never came out of Escher’s mouth in the same sentence since they started living together. Curiosity was getting the better of him (or something else he wasn’t sure) but he was quick to finish washing up. The images that ran through his head didn’t really help either…a particular memory came to him involving the Lambs wedding and a so called ‘tradition’ involving a gaurder belt. He still thought the Lamb was messing with him…
To his relief (or disappointment) he found Escher sitting on the edge of the bed in his usual pajamas…holding two mugs of something.
“Whats that?”
“Something Mamu taught me to make, she calls it ‘milk tea’ with honey. She told me it helps you relax, here.” Escher handed one of the mugs over to Leshy who stared at it..well sort of.
His clawed fingers gently felt around the mug, he felt the warmth radiate from the sides. Helped him gage the temperature of the drink itself, the smell …oh it was divine. He could smell the milk, there was also lavender in it…and the honey. He recognized that scent almost immediately.
Leshy gave a playful smirk. “Mamu let you have someone of her honey stash didn’t she?”
Escher chuckled. “She gave me some honey candy yeah, showed me how to melt them down for the drinks.” Leshy could feel the smile on his boyfriend’s face, well if he waited too long the drink would get cold.
He blew over the top of it to cool it down just a touch before taking a tentative sip, it all it took before he was chugging the drink down. It tasted divine! Warm, smooth with just a hint of sweetness thanks to that honey. After the first few gulps he started feeling…odd, his body grew almost…heavy in a way. The best thing he could compare it to was during a small flood last month and filling bags of sand, moving them when they were wet was so hard but…he felt just like those very bags.
Credit where credit was due, this stuff was working like a charm. Escher joined his companion and could feel the same affects, he drank his a bit slowly. He wanted to savor the taste of it, but even he couldn’t hold back after a while and gulped down the rest of it. Looking over at Leshy, he was flopped back on the bed. Robe…partly opened by his chest…Escher blushed. Leshy hadn’t put on his pants yet!
Well that was fixed after a minute when Leshy reached for them, took him a minute to slip them on but he managed. “So…Mamu taught ya this huh?”
“Yeah..funny thing is when she was making this…I actually got to learn she’s married!”
Leshy turned to him. “Wait….shes married?”
“Yeah, shes got two husbands apparently. Calls them…Gruff and Ruff, says they’re her pet names for them.”
“Huh…that…makes sense.”
Escher blinked. “Whats that?”
“Fer a while I wondered why she was so close to the Ewe, hearing how she’s married to two guys..makes sense now.” He wasn’t wrong, if only Escher knew this earlier he’d rub it in ol’Casper’s face.
No, had to focus! Escher recalled what Mamu told him next, he gently reached over and rubbed his hand along Leshy’s head.
“We better get some sleep, c’mon.”
If it weren’t for the drink Leshy would’ve been groaning, however the dread was still there. He crawled to his side of the bed while Escher took his..he heard him blow out the candle. The moment Leshy’s head touched his pillow…he felt Escher’s arms wrap around him in a soft embrace. Before he could ask what he was doing….he felt his boyfriend’s lips by his ear…
“Once I had a flock of sheep, they grazed upon a feather. I keep them in a music box from wind and rainy weather~”
Escher….was singing? Leshy never heard him sing before, he wanted to ask why but….huh…he….he has such a pretty voice. It’s soft, just like the pillow..and the blankets…
“An everyday the sun would shine they fly off through the town, to bring me back some golden rings, candy by the pound. Sing Terry-O Day, sing autumn to may~”
Despite the heavy feeling in his entire body Leshy managed to turn towards his beloved, his arms snaking their way around him; reciprocating the embrace.
Escher continued singing. “Oh once I had a downy swan, she was so very frail. She sat upon an oyster shell and hatched me out a snail~”
Leshy began to drift, drift further into sleep. Still Escher’s voice could be heard, despite the growing softness. Even so, sleep was taking hold of his beloved as well, his voice growing ever more quiet.
Still he sang, his voice so quiet it felt like he was saying a prayer. “The snail it turned into a bird, a bird to butterfly…and he tells a bigger tale will have to…tell a lie. Sing Terry-O Day…….sing…..Autumn….to….May~”
The last verse sent them both tumbling into their respective dreams, despite the growing fear inside…Leshy was greeted by a field of green. Bathed in a silver hue of morning mist, he looked around to see his family..his brothers and sister all happily meandering about. Kallamar with his plethora of suitors, Shamura wandering among the grounds, Heket talking to that one lion fellow and…..
“Uncle Leshy!”
Turning, two little figures came bounding twoards him. One with her arms stretched out wide, the other leaning forward as he ran. Both leaping up and tackling him to the ground, he was laughing before he knew what exactly was going on. Of course he could recognize his niece and nephew from mountains away! They proceeded to try and pin him down as he fought back, but was subdued remarkably quick.
“Oh no! Defeated by my brother’s own brood, what cruel irony!” Laughed Leshy, the twins ran off before he could get a chance to take his so called ‘revenge’ on the two.
Turning over he watched the two rush over to their mother…sitting on a blanket, her soft shadowy eyes trained on her two little ones. The Lamb laying on their back while Narinder stood over watching the twins run to their mother, Leshy sat up on his knees and looked out around him…everything felt…almost-
“Leshy, you just gonna sit there?”
His head spun around, standing over him….was Escher. He was wearing a smile so warm it’d make a kindling fire feel like ice. In a flash, Leshy found his arms wrapped around his beloved yellow cat. The two falling into the soft grass, laughing as they cuddled against the grass.
[Next morning]
Credit where credit was due, Mamu’s treatment worked! Escher never seen Leshy so well rested before. He was bounding around the farmlands with Belle and Beau like he was a child himself, he was also…extra friendly in the morning too. Trying to get dressed that morning proved to be a challenge when his beloved’s claws kept tickling his sides, he was just so happy it worked.
“Well, someone looks well rested.” Came a sing-song voice.
Speak of the devil.
“Mamu!” Escher stood up and embraced the newcomer, hoping she didn’t mind the dirt. Picking radishes was dirty work after all. “Good morning! An yes, oh yes very well rested! Your treatment worked, Leshy and I never had such a wonderful night sleep before!”
She giggled. “I’m happy to hear that, though it’s quite obvious to see if I’m being honest.”
Well she wasn’t wrong, the way Leshy was running around and how he himself was working was kind of-
“Dreams with silver mist are always the purest of course.”
Escher froze for a second before turning to the newcomer in question, all she did was smile…and walk away humming the lullaby she taught him…before she was too far away she turned back with a cheeky smile and said.
“Good day friend, an sweet dreams.”
This AU belongs to @rampantram the Ewe is their oc
The song is “Autumn to May” by Peter, Paul & Mary. This was actually inspired by another fanfic series by the writer @aughtpunk who uses the same song in their story, please go have a read.
Mamu is my oc.
This is her general page but I will do a colt version of her soon
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
tragedy anon back again w u guess it!!! More tragedy!!! Im thinking rn of a Yuu who was always going to die in the end. Like being sent back to their world is the equivalent to a death sentence, and they can't stay in TWST because time always loops and they feel like shit for trapping everyone in a moment when they could all be living their lives if not for them.
Yuu who has always been doomed from the start.... Like maybe yuu has been framed for a crime back in their prev world and when they do come back their execution will commence or maybe it's the apocalypse and when they do come back it's truly only a matter of time when they die. Thinking of the TWST boys who goes to visit them only to find nobody..... But traces of them.... Though I feel like the first scenario is more brutal, imagine you go visit your friend and not only are they dead but they were sentenced to death for a crime you know damn well they did not commit and everyone else is rejoicing.
Rejoicing that they're gone. Rejoicing at the fact that they all had KILLED them. Did Yuu know this was going to happen? If they did why had they not told them?! (they will never know, no one ever will because no one ever asked when they were alive if they were alright and they sure as hell will never get an answer because Yuu is dead and they are gone. Forever. )
Ah tragedy annon, my Billy Shakes if you will, this made me THINK think. Doomed (hehe dyuumed) by the narrative is such a sexy trope. "If you were dead at the end of the story you were dead since the beginning" my beloved.
The main thing that made me think is that in country's that have the death penalty there's typically a lengthy appeals process + a ban on sentencing minors to it, even if they were charged as an adult, that makes it hard for me to see that being Yuu’s situation. That being said I agree that would be an awful, awful thing to come see. I could see someone like Malleus, who hates seeing other people happy when he isn't and is prone to causing storm with his magic, going full Netflix Castlevania and starting an apocalypse in Yuu's world while bringing their body home to be laid in state in Briar Valley. It's his right as King of the Abyss after all. Someone like Riddle might try proving your innocence, thinking about how restoring your good name is all he can do while the Octatrio extract their own kind of justice.
The apocalypse Yuu scenarios are ones I like but haven't played around with much just because post apocalyptic settings aren't my jam but! I could see there being a lot of anger at this Yuu for not telling them their situation. Of course now that the boys are older, they can reflect on their behavior and know why Yuu said nothing. But it's easier to blame Yuu at first than accept that they're grieving. It would take them a long time to work through that I think.
My personal preference for scenarios like these involve Yuu being mortally injured before coming to Twisted Wonderland, either in an accident or an attack, that results in their death when they return. I've also played around with terminal illness that's temporarily cured by going to Twisted Wonderland (my own health issues have made me like that less :/) that Yuu isn't recovered from when they return. Either way Yuu is dead when their friends finally figure out a way to get to their world and they have no way of being there for them. And they have no one to blame but themselves... unless.
Maybe they could re-set time again?
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munsonsduchess · 1 year
Wardrobe Malfunction
summary: you’ve worn the wrong clothes to school today, but Eddie is there to rescue you w/c: 695 warnings: swearing, use of pet names (sweetheart) a/n: I just needed this to exit my brain honestly. I saw this post and then @kokoshka67 said something about it and yeah
You were panicking. You hadn’t expected to have to be in the lab today, the teacher had told the entire class it would be further down the line and yet when you’d walked into class this morning Mrs Campbell had announced you’d all be working ahead of schedule.
Which is why you were currently in the faculty bathroom trying to reach your mom who wasn’t answering her cell. You just needed someone to bring you a pair of pants so you could actually participate in class and not just fail outright because today of all days you chose to wear a skirt.
“Fuck fuck fuck” you paced the bathroom and chewed on the nail of your thumb, “what am I gonna do?”
“Not to eavesdrop or anything but I might have a solution” a boys voice called from one of the stalls. You hadn’t even known anyone else was in the bathroom, Mrs Campbell had given you special permission to use the bathroom to try and call your mom.
As the door opened and Eddie Munson walked out you stopped chewing on your thumbnail for a moment to answer him,
“What do you mean?”
“Well. The way I see it you need pants, I happen to be wearing a pair today”
“I don’t get it. Are you telling me you’re gonna give me your pants?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Well more of a trade really”
“A trade?” you quirked an eyebrow at the strange look on Eddie’s face,
“Sure sweetheart. I’ll let you wear my pants for lab and you can give me your skirt for English and we’ll swap back after. If you want”
You could only imagine the look on your face to be some sort of comical shock by the way Eddie laughed,
“Why would you help me? You don’t even know me!”
“Call it my good deed for the month” Eddie laughed, “so what do you say? Wanna trade?”
“You’re crazy Munson” you laughed, Eddie already reaching for the zipper on his jeans, “alright, let’s trade”
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
What you hadn’t expected after your impromptu bathroom swap was Eddie Munson confidently strutting down the hallways of Hawkins High in your skirt drawing all the attention away from your ill fitting jeans.
If anyone was curious about where you’d squired the new bottom half of your clothing they didn’t say anything. Or rather Mrs Campbell didn’t give them time to.
After class it did occur to you that you didn’t know where Eddie’s English class was so you could swap back, you were grateful for the jeans but you did want your skirt back since it actually fit you properly.
You asked around and found Eddie outside the school on an old bench behind the football field,
“You know I think I might have to get a few of these” Eddie said instead of hello, “I feel so mobile” he demonstrated his new found mobility with an imitation of a cheerleading high kick which made you laugh loudly when he lost his balance and fell onto the grass below,
“Might be a little advanced for you” you said in between laughing, “maybe you should give me the skirt back”
“What if I wanna trade something again?” Eddie said with a smirk, “what then?”
“What else do you want to trade?” you asked, “notes in class?”
“How about a date?”
“A date?”
“Yeah. You can pick what you wanna trade it for”
You couldn’t help but laugh again. Eddie seemed so earnest,
“Alright, I'll trade for a date. How about my number?”
“Seems like a fair trade to me sweetheart”
“I still want my skirt back” you told him as you input your number into his phone,
“I don’t know. Seeing you in my clothes is really doing it for me” Eddie whispered in your ear making the hair on the back of your neck stand up, “but I’m a gentleman, gotta get that date first” he said stepping away and holding up his hands
“Dork” you laughed again. You hadn’t anticipated this is how your day would turn out but you were happier than ever you’d chosen to wear a skirt that morning.
Taglist: @pillow-titties @munsonology @thegirlblogstuff @boomhauer @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @manda-panda-monium @insertcoolnameherethanks @aftermidnightwriting @mcbeanzontoast @tiannamortis
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sulfies · 5 months
In your heavy bleeding au, does Desmond remember his bleeds or does he just black out during the whole process? Also, does he have certain triggers?
Love all your au stuff btw owo
Im glad my au is infecting everyones brain muhahaha
to answer, when I draw Desmond with yellow eyes and fainting like a damsel I think in my head its one fo 2 things:
1) he is having such a heavy bleed(hehe pun) his body shuts down and all he can do is to live thru the bleed basically, he would not be able to tell its a bleed even if someone told him it was one(they cant tho since he is stuck in the bleed in his head) so he just has to ride it out. It probobly disorients him quiet a bit once he gets out of it for hrs maybe in some cases days.
2) he is having visions from apple and its such heavy knowledge his human brain kinda goes overheat mode.
In the end you can determine yourself (since its an au nothing is set in stone lol) if he remembers or not but for myself:
I think on 1)
he doesnt remember all details, after he is out of the episode he probobly remembers who the bleed was about and some context but not all, but some stuff lingers for few hours sometimes days as mentioned. maybe he finds hard to switch to the language he uses the most or his emotions carry over, like if it was about altair right after he lost his ranks, he feels some petty anger towards Malik he cannot explain but he can figure out it was cocky-altair memories probobly due to context clues. They are probobly like dreams(or nightmares) in a sense where the more he tries to remember the more he forgets about details…
for 2)
He is just not that smart enough (sorry Des ur no Altaïr…)to explain what the apple showed him but he probobly does remember in a sense; if its things like a remedy, a basic invention or instructions that he can learn from a yt video normally he can muscle memory to make em. its more like “how tf did u do that” “uhhh i have no idea” withing a limit lol so he cannot invent phones bc he probobly cant even make a phone in modern day
for his other heavy bleeds where he is not passed out with eyes all gold I think some of the same rules as 1) apply where he doesnt know he is in a bleed, especially if he is bleeding as someone bc at that moment he thinks he is that person, but someone could snap him out of it if they tried (usually if he is bleeding ezio and actual ezio shows up he can make Des snap out of it but its not foolproof) and afterwards he probobly remembers most of it (to his horror) bc he did actively and physically live thru it. Like w the fic where he thinks there are guards after him but its a bleed, after he learns it is he still remembers them and sees them
but again I think the fun part is u can kinda make Des suffer in anyway you want (again…sorry Des…)so no rules are set in stone, so if you dont want him to remember anything after bleeds you are free to do so and ill probobly break these guides aswell lol
for triggers hmm i think anything you want could be a trigger lol but it doesnt have to be “triggered” to happen. I think like that other fic when he first time-travels and lands in Italy or Levant he would most likely have a bleed where he thinks he is someone else sooner or later bc the enviroment shocks him and confuses him (as time travel does) so something that “shocks” him can send him into an episode but he could also be totally fine in another scenerio
in my hc w the fainting ones, they are similar to seizures w how they come and go (I do not get seizures so my research is very limited) so sometimes he can guess it will happen few seconds to min before but he cannot stop them and sometimes it just gets him by suprise, for the ones where he doesnt faint he again has no idea when it will happen and most likely cannot tell it will, those ones are probobly more affected by “triggers” but they dont have to be as I said above
ty for askingg sorry to give an essay as response lol
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hyperlexichypatia · 2 months
do you have any thoughts on "antitheism"/"religion abolition"? some leftists in a server im in were talking abt it and as a religious person who otherwise agrees w the vast majority of their ideals it rubbed me the wrong way
Yeah, I have a lot of problems with “antitheism”/“religion abolition.”
I mean, at the most basic level, I support cognitive liberty, which includes absolute freedom of thought, which includes absolute freedom of belief, which includes religious belief. At the fundamental philosophical level, I’m never going to be okay with restricting or controlling what people are allowed to believe. 
But in addition to that… 
What is the method of implementing or enforcing this that isn’t horrifyingly authoritarian? Are you going to ban books? Search houses? Arrest people? I know that people who advocate religious abolition but think of themselves as anti-authoritarian think it’s as simple as “If we just Educate People about The Truth, they will logically give up their False Beliefs!” but, well, what happens when that doesn’t work? What happens when someone has heard your “education” and still disagrees? What do you do with them? 
Religious uniformity in a population isn’t something that occurs naturally. In any religious group, there’s splintering, factioning, dissent, splitoffs. When a population seems religiously homogeneous, that’s a pretty big red flag. It’s very, very unlikely that every single human just happens to agree – on religion or anything else. So where are the dissidents? The most optimistic explanation is that they’re keeping their thoughts to themselves to avoid making waves. The more pessimistic explanations are… worse. 
Even if you accepted the premise (which I don’t!) that religion abolition is an ethical goal, what’s the ethical mechanism to accomplish it? 
Furthermore, many people experience religious identity as central to their culture, community, family, and sense of self. Even if it were possible and ethical (it is neither) to make someone give up whatever religious beliefs you don’t think they should hold, and whatever religious practices you don’t think they should do, you would be forcing them to sacrifice their identity. This is literally a form of cultural genocide. 
Finally… while it is theoretically possible to be an antitheist or religion abolitionist without also being neurobigoted… overwhelmingly, antitheist arguments rely on the concept of religious believers as “mentally ill” or “delusional” or “traumatized” or “brainwashed.” That religious people are somehow not competent to make their own choices, or that they need to be “rescued” or “healed” from their own choices. Even if you reject this overtly neurobigoted rhetoric, the dividing line between “religious experience,” “spiritual experience,” and “neurodivergent experience” is inherently a vague one. Like, a common antitheist argument is “If someone claims they hear God talking to them through a toaster, we consider them crazy and lock them up, so why is it okay if they claim they hear God talking to them without the toaster?” and my answer is “Exactly! Both should be equally accepted! No one should be ‘considered crazy’ or locked up!” (there’s also a lot of erasure of minority/polytheistic religions in monotheist-normative/Christian-normative antitheism, like “Since someone would be considered crazy for believing that Zeus and Hera are real, they should also be considered crazy for believing that Jesus is real!” – first of all, once again, no one should be “considered crazy,” but second,  in real life, there actually are Hellenic polytheists who believe in Zeus and Hera; that’s not a weird hypothetical). 
Now, if someone is an antitheist and just wants to make their case and try to persuade people, that’s fine. If religious people have the right (as they absolutely should) to make and distribute little pamphlets encouraging people to join their religions, then likewise, antitheists should also have the right to make and distribute little pamphlets that say “Actually Gods aren’t real.” That’s fine. That’s your choice. But when you cross over from persuasion to coercion or discrimination or pathologization… that’s a problem. 
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Mine (Daniel Ricciardo)
3. Lando. Lando is clumsy but Daniel is more than willing to help.
Note: thank you to @storysf1ferrari the inspo! (the photo was just perfect). I know nothing about this people's sexualities, it's fiction. If you don't like it just leave.
And yes, I'm posting this right before the race. Cheers
A goodbye to dando as teammates.
Warning: +18. Bi s*x (m on m, m on f). Oral for everyone. Penetrative s*x (f receiving). Everyone touching everyone. Ice and wax play. Toys. The most ambitious part, I think.
Tumblr media
Danny's phone lit up. It was a message of you. He cautiously opened it and a smile crept on his face. It was you wearing one of those sets he loved so much. He couldn't see more than you chest, but fuck, he loved it so much. He switched on his place and pulled his tight jeans a bit. He couldn't wait to go home. This sponsorship shit was already boring.
What he didn't notice at first was Lando looking. He was cautiously shooting glances on Danny's phone.
The first photo was fine. It was the second the one that made him pant. What a mistake? Daniel caught him. His teammate had caught him peeking to see a picture of his girlfriend sucking her fingers with a text message promising to suck something else later.
Daniel looked at Lando with big eyes. They both felt nervous for a second. Daniel thought of hiding the phone. But then Lando gulped and Danny smirked. Just how he liked them. Vulnerable.
"Like what you see?" He whispered.
Lando felt confused. Wasn't he angry?
"Answer Lando"
He wasn't supposed to be feeling like this. Danny had a girlfriend. He shouldn't be thinking of him like that. He shouldn't be feeling that rush of blood down to his lower body.
He nodded.
Daniel smiled and Lando had to look away.
"Are you okay?" Someone asked him.
"Y-yes. I am"
"You look flustered" They said. "Are you sure you are feeling good?"
"I am."
"Maybe he is getting ill again" Danny joked.
Lando ranaway from the meeting room once it was over. He almost flied out of it. He didn't want to see Daniel. He didn't want o face what had happened inside.
But Daniel had other plans. Somehow, he was already on the bathroom when Lando opened the door. The English gasped.
"Hi" Danny said with a smirk.
"H-hi" Lando felt his whole body shake.
Lando looked at Daniel with confusion.
"You have nothing to say?"
"I'm sorry" Lando spat making Daniel chuckle.
"Are you?"
The younger nodded fast.
Daniel walked on his direction and he walked back. But soon his back touched the wall and Daniel entered his space.
"So you are telling me that hard on you have is not because of my girl?"
I'm going to faint. Lando thought.
Everyone in the paddock was on their knees for you. You were perfect, beautiful and had a lovely personality. And those you knew you better could easily fall in love with you. Lando was not different. He would get all giggly and blushy when you were around. And both, Daniel and you, had noticed. He was on the list, he was one of the recent additions. And Daniel knew he could bring him home and you wouldn't complain.
"Use your words, Lando" Daniel whispered, his breath fawning on Lando's face. "Let me hear you"
Lando was frozen. He had never felt like this. He had never felt this rush of excitement. It was weird. But he felt euphoric.
"I'm sorry"
"You are not" Daniel smirked and leaned even closer. Lando gasped and grabbed his waist.
Daniel had to stop and breathe for a second. Lando's hands were huge and they felt exactly how he thought they would. He could already imagine the guy touching you.
"You want her, don't you?"
Lando gulped.
"D-danny... I-I..."
Lando's green eyes were almost black and Daniel was loving it. He leaned and pressed a wet kiss on Lando's jaw. His teammate whimpered.
"You have a girlfriend" He said. He felt it was the right thing. Even though he wanted this so much, he couldn't.
Daniel laughed and pulled back.
"Yeah. And if I call her and tell her I'm with you..." Daniel left the words hanging on the air.
Daniel cupped Lando's cheek.
"Do you want to see?"
He nodded.
Your phone rang and you opened your eyes groaning. You reached for it and smiled when you saw it was Daniel.
"I was thinking of you" You said.
"I bet"
You sighed in pleasure, moving your fingers a bit faster.
"OH baby" Daniel smiled. "I have someone here with me"
By the sound of his voice, you knew he was up to no good.
"You better stop what you are doing, baby"
You obeyed, sitting straighter on the bath and making some water drip out of the edges.
"Say hi"
"Hi, YN"
Lando... You bit your lip and let your hands wander over your body.
"I was thinking..." Daniel continued. "Maybe we could invite him over. We can other from the Thai and..."
"Yes" You gasped.
"See, Lando?"
Lando gulped but didn't took his eyes off Daniel's. He was shaking. Was Daniel inviting him home? With you?
"Come home, Lando" You said to the phone. Daniel smiled proudly.
"Good boy" The aussie whispered. Lando's only response was a moan.
You giggled on your side of the phone.
"I will order the food" You said jumping of the bath. You didn't care about not being able to finish yourself, you knew it would be better when the boys came home.
"Well. Do you want to come with me on the car or..." Danny said casually as if he hadn't just triggered Lando's praising kink.
"I-I think I will take mine... So I can leave later and..."
"You can stay" Daniel said opening the toilets room. "There is plenty of space..."
Lando nodded and followed him.
"... On our bed"
Lando coughed and Danny laughed loud.
Once they were on Daniel's car, Lando turned to look at him.
"If this is some kind of joke..."
Daniel looked at him. He was so serious that Lando didn't doubt when he spoke.
"It's not. We are both deadly serious about this. We both like you and respect you. So... Everything is up to you." Daniel spoke slowly and with a gentle voice. He could see Lando's nerves floating around him.
"So... Sex?" Lando awkwardly said.
Daniel chuckled.
"No, we will knit socks."
Lando blushed deeply.
"Yes, Lando. Sex. If you want to. You can say no and there won't be any problem. We are capable of having fun on our own. You will. Have to sit in the sofa and hear, though"
"You would need to pay me an Uber"
Daniel smiled when Lando finally made one of his sarcastic remarks.
"No mate, you are declining the most awesome sex of your life, you are responsible of your Uber."
Lando laughed and looked down at his hands. Daniel wanted to grab them. He could see how nervous he was. He didn't want the guy to have an anxiety attack or something.
"What is the problem?"
Lando was surprised Daniel could see it.
"I..." He took a deep breath. "I'm not so expert."
Daniel bit his lip and let him go on.
"I have sex. I'm not a virgin or something. But I know I'm not good."
"OH c'mon..."
"Daniel. I know" Lando said dead serious. Daniel knew it wasn't time to joke around.
"Okay. No problem"
"I don't want you guys to think I'm lame" Lando looked at Daniel after a long time looking down at his lap. Daniel shot a quick glance. "I think you two are the coolest couple ever"
Daniel smiled proudly.
"Lando, don't worry about that. I'll help you out. I'll show you. Plus... YN is quite sincere with what she likes or not. I'm sure she will tell you how to things if it's needed."
Lando felt his heart beating fast. Then Daniel grabbed his thigh and he almost jumps out of the car.
When you opened the door wearing a silky robe and a big smile, Lando had to remind himself to breathe. Then he saw the way you responded when Daniel kissed you and he had to adjust himself on his trousers. How would he last through the dinner?
He wouldn't need to, but he didn't need to know that. Daniel was fully invested on the kiss and you were following him. Your hands were on his neck and his were grabbing your ass. When he pull back, he bit your lower lip and made you moan.
Lando looked around in the corridor worriedly. He cautiously stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind him. You were both looking at him when he turned around.
"Hi, Lando" You said with a smile.
She is so cute. He thought. He loved the way you looked under Danny's arm. You hand was on your boyfriend's chest.
"Hi, YN" He answer blushing.
"Welcome home. Thank you very much for coming."
He swallowed the lump on his throat. What did he had to do now?
"Lando" Daniel could see how he would need to guide him through everything. Not that he was bothered. He loved that. "Come closer"
Lando walked slow and once you could, you reached for him. He moaned once you kissed him. I'm dreaming. He thought. You lips felt perfect. You were such a great kisser and soon he was eagerly sliding his tongue on your mouth. You moaned and pulled him a bit closer. Daniel was still there, an arm around you and a smile on his face. He reached his hand to Lando's neck and brushed his thumb over his pulse point. He was observing how you kissed him. He could easily sit and let you dominate Lando. He could easily sit and watch and see you do your thing. He had seen you and you were perfect. But today wasn't for that. Today was for Lando to gain some confidence.
Daniel pressed gently his fingers around Lando's neck and he had to pull back from the kiss. You smiled when you saw what Daniel was doing. Lando's neck was beautiful. And Danny's hand around it looked perfect.
Then, Dany did what you were expecting. He leaned and captured Lando's lips on a deep kiss. You thought Lando would pull back. He was a nervous mess. But he didn't. He kissed back and made Daniel groaned.
Both of you were thinking the same. Lando was a good kisser.
Then Daniel pulled back.
"Do you want to keep going?"
With his hand around his neck and yours on his chest, Lando couldn't say no.
Both of you smiled.
"Good boy." Daniel said. "Come to the bedroom"
You guided Lando with his hand on yours to your bedroom. He smiled to himself when he saw what Daniel meant with the there is plenty of space thing. The bed was huge.
"Good. This is our bedroom. I like to close the door but you can leave whenever you want."
He nodded.
You pushed Lando on the bed and climbed on his lap.
"YN, babe. Care to explain Lando how things work?"
Daniel walked behind you and kissed your head. Then started walking around the room, already shoeless. You cupped Lando's cheeks and made him look at you.
"You are really pretty" You said and kissed him.
"YN, babe. Focus" Daniel said laughing.
You giggled and bit your lip.
"I can't sorry. Have you seen his face?"
"Really pretty" He said in agreement.
Lando was blushing so deeply. How the fuck did he got the two of you to call him pretty?
"Well, Lando" He looked at you. "Things are easy here. We can stop whenever you want. You can even leave if you want. No pressure. Only Dan can fuck me"
Daniel laughed. It wasn't so hard to understand but still everyone asked the same.
"There are some many things to do" You said. "I told Lando"
"Um... So... You haven't fucked anyone?"
"Not on the first time."
Lando swallowed.
"And... If I tap your leg or say Apples you have to stop"
You kissed Lando's lips.
You heard the door closing again.
"Candles." You smiled.
"And ice" Danny added.
You felt a shiver up and down your spine.
"What?" Lando was so confused.
Daniel left the things on the nightstand and walked behind you. His hand wrapped around your neck. You gasped.
"Lando wants to learn a couple of things" He said with a deep voice.
Lando felt his cheeks heating.
"Will you let him? Will you do as Lando says? Will you be a good girl for him?"
"Now... What do you say about wax play? Do you want to?"
Lando was astounded. Wax? What?
"Doesn't it burn?"
"It's special wax" You told him gently and ran your fingers over his hair. "Trust us"
"Will you be okay?"
Daniel felt proud of his friend. Already doing good.
You nodded.
"She loves a bit of pain" Daniel brushed his thumb over your lip and you sucked it. Lando wanted to lean and do it too. "Just tell her what to do and she will obey. YN knows well when to stop"
Lando opened his mouth to speak, but right then, Danny cupped his jaw. He could feel his wet thumb on his skin.
"Don't you there to make her feel bad. And remember that I'm the one in control here"
Lando swallowed hard and Daniel smiled.
"Don't be mean, Dan."
Daniel kissed your forehead.
"Get started, Lando. C'mon"
Lando took deep breaths and watched Daniel walk out of the room. He pulled those silky ropes from the wardrobe and Lando felt his member twich on his trousers. Yes. He wanted that. He wanted to tie you.
"Lay down for me, please" He said and kissed your cheek.
You smiled and laid on bed.
"Face down?"
Lando looked at Daniel for a bit of help. He shrugged. Nice help.
"You can chose. She loves to move a bit, right? Just do whatever you want"
Lando swallowed.
"Okay. On your belly, please"
You smiled because he was so sweet.
"So polite" Danny chuckled.
Both men watched you kneeling on bed and taking the robe off. Lando was surprised when Daniel pulled his hoodie over his head. He felt cold.
Lando's hand were shaking once you were on the bed and the candle was on his hand. He could see your naked body and he still thought he was dreaming.
Then the first drop fell on your skin, on your spine, and you whimpered. He looked up at Daniel and he walked back to him. "She loves it" And he was right, you did. The sharp feeling of the hot wax on your skin was one of the things you loved the most.
Danny was behind Lando, both men wearing only their trousers. And Lando could feel Daniel on his ass.
Daniel wrapped his hand around Lando's, around the one that had the candle. And with his chin tucked over his shoulder, he guided the younger one's moves. He showed him how to drop the wax on you, how to do it in the way you liked the most. He showed him how he had to do it on your ass so it would drip following the shapes of you cheeks before getting colder. And Lando was loving every second of it.
Then Daniel took Lando's free hand and pressed it on your lower back. He admired how his long and lean hands looked over Lando's big ones. He always loved Lando's hands. "Like this just like Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze in Ghost" He said on Lando's ear.
Daniel showed Lando how the wax wasn't just wax but also massage oil. And you responded with the cutest whimpers and sounds having both men massaging your body.
But suddenly, Lando made Danny stop. "Turn around, YN"
You were a bit lost in the pleasure and didn't reacted as quickly as spected. Lando moved his hand over your ass cheek and looked at Daniel for approval.
"Go on. Be a good boy and teach her how to behave"
Daniel felt so euphoric like this. And you? You were incredibly horny. Listening the way he instructed Lando was just... You were on the verge of screaming.
And keeping his green eyes on Danny's brown ones, Lando spanked you. You moaned and Daniel smiled. Lando on the other way felt everything traveling in an electric way over his body.
"I said turn around, YN"
And when you lay on your back, your sensitive skin gets goosebumps. They are kissing, Daniel is devouring Lando's mouth and the younger one simply let's him. They are both skin on skin, Danny has his hand around Lando's neck and Lando is grabbing back on Danny's thigh.
You opened your legs for them and watched the little show. You reached and ran your hand over Lando's smooth skin. He whimpered and Daniel pulled back and looked at you. Lando needed a second to recover he was panting, he had never been kissed like that.
"What did you want to do to her?"
"Show me how to use the ice"
You bit your lip and wiggle your hips.
"She is so eager, please, Dan"
"Of course. Take one"
Lando took an ice cube and it slipped from his hand. He blushed.
Daniel kissed his shoulder.
"Don't worry, it's fine. Really" Danny kissed his cheek then. "Relax"
You loved to see Daniel so caring with Lando.
Lando took the ice cube.
"She is so sensitive on her breasts. She loves the ice on the underside." Daniel accompanied his words with his hand. He ran his thumb on the underside of your breast. "And her nipples" He pinched one and you moaned. "Try"
Lando pressed the ice cube on your sternum and you sighed.
"Go on, Lando."
Daniel moved around, reaching for a soft blindfold. You shivered as a cold drop fell down.
Daniel leaned and kissed you deeply before looking into your eyes.
"Can I put this on you?"
You nodded.
Daniel covered your eyes.
"Hands above your head, YN" Lando said. He was liking it. He felt a bit more confident knowing that Danny was there.
You obyed Lando. Then you heard Daniel whispering.
"If you want to, just take the blindfold off" The younger one said.
You weren't ready for what would come. Talking in whispers, they both planned the next moves. Mixing wax and ice. You knew it was both of them at the same time. But you didn't know who was doing what. But as one hand moved the ice over you, the other dropped wax on your skin. And you couldn't contain the whimpers and moans. It was all to much because you were still untouched. You had only gotten some attention on your nipples.
"You are so pretty, YN" Lando said moving the ice down your neck.
You were wrong. There weren't two guys on you. It was just Lando. Lando with one ice cube on his right hand and the candle in the other while Daniel proudly watched his friend.
Daniel made a gesture asking for permission and Lando nodded. With so much care of not touching you with his fingers, Daniel dropped ice on your belly. He made a straight line of ice cubes in from your chest to your belly button and you stopped breathing for long seconds.
"Don't move, sweetheart. Or they will fall" He whispered on your ear.
Then Lando started dropping wax around the ice and the different temperatures drove you mad. The worst thing was the was around your nipple while the ice moved over it. You were gone then. You were so desperate, so stimulated. You wanted to beg them to do something. Then Lando dropped some drops of wax over your mount and inner thighs and you sobbed.
"Please what? We can't read your mind, baby" Daniel asked and touched your lips. He loved your mouth.
"D-do something... Please..."
"We are already" Daniel turned to Lando with a smirk. "Aren't we, Lando?"
"We are"
Another drop of wax close to your crotch made you whimper. Lando was loving every second of it. He felt so good, so happy. He was doing this. He could see how wet you were.
"Words baby" Daniel said and wrapped his hand around your neck. You gasped.
"E-eat me out..."
Daniel slapped your clit and Lando gasped and frowned. You had moaned. Daniel did it again and Lando looked at him quite shocked.
"How did that feel, baby? Lando is a bit confused"
"It felt so good"
"But not everyone likes it"
Daniel kissed you deep just because he felt like doing so.
"Good girl"
Lando watched the dynamic. He loved it. He wanted something like that.
"YN... Can you used your words?" Lando asked.
Daniel smiled.
"Eat me out, please"
"Me or Daniel?"
"You, please. Daniel does it all the time"
Lando couldn't avoid cracking a laugh when Daniel gasped in fake offense.
"Okay, smart ass. I won't do it anymore."
"Don't be bad, Danny" Lando said and pinched Danny. The older one laughed.
Daniel pulled the blindfold off your eyes at the same time Lando pulled you to the edge of the bed. You saw how he sinked between your legs and closed your eyes. You moaned at the first contact and Daniel helped you sit. Leaning on his chest and with your hands on Lando's hair, you let yourself got carried by the pleasure.
"Slower, Lando. Be slower... She likes it nice and slow"
Daniel talking in a low voice and guiding Lando, telling him how to do it in the way you liked the most, was probably one of the best things that ever happened to you. And Lando was good, he learnt quickly and was enjoying so much. He loved to pull those sweet moans out of you.
"Why don't you add a couple of fingers, Lando? Those hands are too pretty to not be used."
Lando blushed deeply. He would never get used to Daniel complimenting him.
Being very careful to not hurt you (you were dripping wet, there was no way), Lando slipped two fingers in and you moaned loudly. They were different to Danny. Lando's hands were huge. And fuck. They were so attractive.
"Move your fingers to the front Lando. You will love it"
And he obeyed. You changed. You gripped everywhere you could. You moaned higher. Your were desperate and moving your hips against him.
"I'm gonna come" You announce once the pleasure became too much. Lando moaned in you and moved his hand faster. His mouth and fingers worked together perfectly.
"Don't stop, Lando... Don't stop until she pushes you away" Daniel said.
And Lando didn't. He made you cum and you sobbed in pleasure. You grabbed into his hair and Daniel's neck, you wrapped your legs around his shoulders and ride his mouth through the orgasm. And Lando just kept going. He kept his eyes open, he wanted to look at you. He reached up your belly and chest smudging the oily wax. Over your breasts and nipples, only making the pleasure higher.
And Daniel wrapped his arm around your shoulder tighter and kissed your face and neck.
And suddenly you pushed Lando and closed your legs, being left on your boyfriend's arms shaking and whimpering from all the overstimulation. Daniel kissed your temple.
"Good girl... You took Lando so well, he did such a good job, didn't he?"
You nodded with your eyes closed and trying to breathe again.
Lando kissed you knee and then knelt on the bed. He didn't know what to do next. He just observed how Daniel held you as your recovered and your body stopped shaking.
But Daniel looked at him and took his hand.
"You need to be there after, too." He said. "Not only for the funny part"
And as he had done minutes ago, Daniel guided Lando's hand over your skin.
"It helps her relaxing"
And Lando did as Daniel told him. He caressed your skin and took the pieces of wax away. You opened your eyes and looked at him with a smile.
"Thank you"
Lando felt brave and kissed your shoulder, then looked at Daniel and pecked his lips.
You both smiled at him.
You took a look of him. Both guys were aipinfully hard on their trousers. And it only flattered you. You felt exhausted, but you knee you could take another one. And Daniel knew too.
"Why don't you get on your fours, baby?" Daniel asked.
You bit your lip and nodded.
"And Lando, honey. You sit on the headboard"
Lando shivered.
"Trousers off"
Only a couple of minutes later, the three of you were naked and you were already kissing down Lando's abdomen. Daniel decided to watch for a fit. He was playing your pussy, teasing you and making you whimper.
Lando watched as you slowly took him on your mouth, sliding your tounghe all over his length and humming when you sucked. He threw his head back and gasped.
"Fuck, YN..."
"Just let her do her thing..." Daniel said as he rolled the condom.
And Lando obeyed once more. He sat there and looked at you in awe, he played with your hair and just enjoyed. Then Daniel pushed himself in you and you moaned. And Lando couldn't believe he was doing this.
He was facing Daniel. He was looking at him and taking into the faces his friend made. He thought about how fucking attractive he was. How kissable his mouth looked and how handsome his nose made him. He thought he had seen him this flustered and sweaty before but never had thought about kissing him and his neck. He never though of licking Daniel's skin or choke him like he had done to him. Then Lando looked down at you and thought about how you were the prettiest woman he'd ever had. He loved the way you were fully concentrated on his pleasure although your own sometimes interrupted you. He loved how you seemed to have so much control of your limits, how you only pushed him deep in your throat on certain moments. And how good you were at this.
Lando though both of you were incredibly lucky but also he was even more for being here. He didn't know if you had done something like this, he was 99% sure you have because you were very normal and healthy about it. But he didn't want to know with who. He didn't want to thing about anyone else.
He was feeling so good, he had been desperate for some stimulation. He had wanted to touch himself while he was eating you out, but he wanted Daniel approval and you feeling good even more. And now you were so expertly sucking him off and he knew he wouldn't last. He didn't feel ashamed. He didn't care less.
You were hyperstimulated. You were over sensitive and had tears in your eyes, both for so much pleasure and choking on Lando's dick. Daniel could feel you squeezing around him. He was loving every second of it. He was looking at you being so good to Lando that the boy seemed to had gone to another world.
Lando came so soon. So so soon. But still he didn't care. He moaned high and covered his face with his hands. You didn't seem to want to stop. You wanted more. You kept sucking him and Daniel only fucked you harder. But it was too much for Lando. He was so sensitive. He couldn't take more.
"Apples... Apples..." And you pulled back at the instant. Daniel stopped, his fingers gripping hard on your hips.
"Are you okay?" You asked worried. You heart was beating so hard. "Did I hurt you?"
Lando shook his head and brushed his hands over his face.
"Lando..." Daniel asked and wrapped his hand around you.
"It's fine" Lando was literally out of breath. "I'm fine... It was too much. Sorry"
Daniel pulled away from you.
"Don't be sorry" He said and sat next to Lando.
You touched the guy's legs carefully.
"Take your time. Tell us what you need" You told him.
Lando nodded and dried the sweat on his forehead.
"I was too sensitive. It... It didn't felt that good anymore."
You nodded.
"Okay. I understand. Thank you for telling me" You said.
Daniel wrapped his arm around Lando's shoulder.
"Well done, buddy. You did so good" He kissed his temple.
Lando closed his eyes for a second and enjoyed both of you caressing him. You were playing with his fingers and Daniel with his hair.
"Thank you guys..." He opened his eyes and found yours first.
You smiled.
"Can I give you a kiss?" You asked. He nodded.
You kissed him so sweetly and he smiled through it. And Daniel felt a bit jealous because he wanted that too. Lando pulled back from you and turned to Daniel. And your boyfriend felt his cheeks blushing as the boy kissed him how he pleased.
"Don't let me stop you, guys" Lando said with a tired smile. "Please"
Daniel looked at you.
"You heard him, baby. How about you come here and ride me?"
Lando thought it was a bit weird to sit there and watch you ride Daniel while they were sitting shoulder to shoulder. Weird but not in a bad way. He was enjoying so much. At some point he even turned to Daniel and kissed his face and neck. Daniel was more than happy with it because you had leaned to the same on the other side. He felt in heaven. And when he came he grabbed your waist and Lando's thigh.
The three of you sat there in silence for a long time. This had been of your best threesomes and there was no doubt.
Lando's stomach growled and Dan and you turned to him. He was blushing.
"Sorry, I came here for dinner but you two insisted on fucking instead"
The three of you laughed hard.
"Let's get cleaned and have dinner, then" Danny said.
The guys let you get cleaned and get rid of the remaining wax as they heated the food.
It was cute to find Lando sitting on the counter dressed on Danny's clothes and Daniel walking around on his boxers.
"It was nice, guys." Lando said halfway through dinner. "It was really nice"
You smiled and took his hand to your lips, leaving a soft kiss on it.
"I'm happy to hear that"
"Yeah mate. Our bed is your bed" Daniel said.
"You always say the weirdest stuff, Dan!"
"Well?! Don't you want him to come back?"
"I do, but you could always say something like you can come back whenever you want!"
Lando leanded back and observed you two arguing about possible ways of inviting someone to a threesome and he thought that if he ever had a relationship, he wanted it to be like that.
I'm emotional, living in delusion, and I will probably need more time to get over this day than I needed with my ex.
But here you have this little piece of filth.
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echantedtoon · 6 months
Until Death Do You Vow Ch7 Memories To Solve
(Warnings: Ian cheats on both reader and Mc from SWWSDJ during a flashback. Reader gets jump scared by Violet again. Some innuendos. Mentioning of blood. Some abuse, Elias's illness, name calling, and such in the flashbacks with Elias's family. Mentions of death and murder.)
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Church bells chimed in the morning.
Flowers. Soft petals. Meant for their beauty to symbolize the beauty of the bride.
Organ music. To match in chimes of the steps of the bride walking down the aisle.
An audience to shed tears of happiness for many happy moments to come from this union.
Smiles shown at one another in the joys of the moment.
A breath to fill your lungs trying not to cry as you smiled up at the man in front of you. The one you were going to marry and have a life with after you both finally graduated. But this moment couldn't wait. This magical moment after a year. Some say it was fast but you supposed it was called love at first sight for a reason.
Or at least it was supposed to be. A wedding was nothing if a groom never showed up for his bride leaving her humiliated by the alter and missing the wedding entirely. Only to show up after everyone decided to call it quits and leave for the night. Waiting for you with baited breath and a guilty look on his face. He wasn't even wearing a tuxedo. But better late than never.
"Ian! There you are! Where have you been? Y'know what? Nevermind! The priest is still here. We can go inside and still elope even if everyone left already!"
Smiles turned to him exceedingly and in joy-
"I-...I-I can't."
Reality shattered. Gasps wracked around. Silence fell.
Your eyes blinked at his guilty face. "I-...What?"
"I'm sorry, Y/n." His hands released yours as he looked down. "But I can't go through with this! I-... I've been having an affair with you behind someone else's back. Someone whom knows and left me a year ago."
More gasps were had. A bouquet of flowers dropped from your hands to your feet. Time seemed to slow before completely freezing.
"I really did try to make this work! I thought if I forced myself to invest time with you I'd forget all about them but I couldn't and I still don't. I still love them!"
Your world shattered as humiliation, guilt, regret, anger all swirled about behind shock which was the strongest emotion. Keeping you from saying anything as Ian without looking up at you took off his ring and without saying anything pushed it back into your palms.
"Here. Take this. You can sell it to get some money. I-It's the least you deserve after what I put you and them through. I'm-... I'm sorry, Y/n. I really am."
He then left the bride standing there. Nothing but white on her body. Tears on her cheeks. And crushed flowers at her feet. No one but her lonely self for comfort in the moonlight so late at night.
"Y/n? Y/N!! Are you there?! Hey! Answer me, Bud! Hello? Say anything! Yell at me if you have too!"
"Dearest! My darling, are you alright!"
Heavy. Your body felt so heavy and yet so light at the same time. Gone was the hazy light that hurt your eyes and back was the darkness. Your eyes slowly fluttered and opened up to the dark world- only to jump wide awake as a flash of lightning crashed across the sky and lit up the ghost that was cradling your body in his arms and looked absolutely worried. Around you was still dark and night. Still raining hearing all the beats against the green house glass. Your eyes blinked up at the ceiling in shock before Elias sighed in relief.
"Oh thank you're alright. I thought the worst when you fell to the floor."
You blinked again before you groaned and reached up to sit up. "What happened?"
"Here. Let me help you." You were literally hoisted to your slightly wobbling legs by Elias as you reached up to hold your head. "Are you alright? You collapsed to the floor."
"Yeah. I'm good. I just need a moment." Shaking your head you took a moment before looking at Elias who looked especially frazzled. "Are you alright? You were freaking out back there."
"Yes. I-.. I-Im fine. Pardon me for worrying you. I just..Need a moment of privacy." He quickly changed the subject turning away from you and just picking up the vase. "I should really d-do the decor since you've already decided on the interior and my grandmother's recipes are still amiss."
"Oh...Why don't I look around and see if I can try and find them since you're gonna be busy decorating?" You offered reaching down to pluck up the flowers you dropped. "It would make things go a little faster."
"I .. wouldn't want to bother you."
"It's not a bother. I'd like to help you."
"...*sigh* Very well then. But I ask you remain close by in case something comes up."
You nodded. "Deal. And don't worry about it. If I find it I'll come back and find you. You go take a moment to lie down and get better."
Elias only nodded before turning and leaving you in the greenhouse, pushing the vase in his arms out while the rest of him phased through the doors. You watched him go before you sighed and reached up a hand to rub at your forehead. What the heck just happened?
"Is he gone?",  Taylor's voice once again rang out loud, and your eyes flickered back over towards the door waiting a few minutes before humming ok. "Good. Now who was that woman?"
Your eyes lit up in surprise. "Wait. You saw her too?!"
"I heard another voice through all the static. A woman I think?? Didn't recognize her and it certainly wasn't you."
"Well you're not gonna believe this but I'm pretty sure I just met Violet Dupont."
"WHAT?!,'' he shrieked out as you expected. "That's insane! Is her spirit there too?! Are you ok?!"
"I'm fine. And no. She's not here..It was more like flashbacks or visions or something like in movies."
"*Sigh* Well whatever the case is, you got some time to look around before Elias gets done decorating and comes back to find you. Let's use this opportunity to look around and see if there's anything interesting."
"Right. I'll start downstairs since I'm already here. Might as well look for those recipes too since I did promise."
Taylor didn't answer that as you slowly walked out of the greenhouse and back day the way you came back to the foyer. Ah. The place where it all began. Still looked the same as before and not anything interesting was here, so you passed it to go snooping on the other side of the house. There was a small hallway with only two doors leading to some places you didn't know. You decided to grab the first pair of double doors and push them in with a creak. They slowly opened up knocking some dust into the air which you coughed at and waved away. It looked like...a giant living room almost. A few coaches and a love seat sat around the middle of the room across from a fireplace and above said fireplace was a mounted deer head. The sofas looked liked they'd seen better days looking extremely worn with tears here and there. An old grandfather clock was propped up against one wall, a rocking chair in one corning, another large bookshelf like in the study, and a painting of a building hung up on one wall. Guess Elias hasn't worked his magic here yet. Never the less you slowly walked in and looked around the room. Between the couch cushions, lifting up the painting, etc. It all harboured nothing. So you decided to again poking around the bookshelf for anything. F/c eyes scanned the many book spines. A series of encyclopedias, a dictionary, a thesaurus, a bible, Bible hymns, a collection of Shakespearean plays-
Nothing here that'll be helpful to you and a quick scan around the rest of the shelf also showed no signs of a recipe. So you moved on. Exiting the room, and closing the door behind you. No dice in this room. Perhaps the other would show some results. You slowly approached the other pair of double doors and turned the doorknobs, pushing them in to stick your head in once more. It looked like a dining room. A large dining stable stood in the table surrounded by chairs and when lightning crashed again you could also make out a chandelier swinging above the table. Two lamps were placed on either side of the large window which the rain continued to batter against, and there was another fireplace. But one thing caught your eyes which was a fancy looking cabinet with glass windows-
"Hey. You've been pretty quiet for a while now. Is everything ok?,'' Taylor asked slightly concerned in your ear.
"I'm fine. I think this is where the dining room was. Certainly looks better than the lounge."
"Anything interesting?"
"There's a cabinet with more books. The Gallaghers seemed to loved reading."
"Can you look around for anything important before indulging in literature again?"
You sighed and rolled your eyes but complied. It didn't hurt to look around once more. You went poking at the fireplace, pushing up the lamp shades, and peeking under the table. No dice again. Gods. These heels were killing you! Eventually you found yourself slowly kneeling down trying not to fall over in your dress to peer at the bottom of the shelf. They seemed to be filled with recipe books of European cuisine. Irish, Polish, Dutch, and a few others. Could one of those be the recipe book Elias was referring to? 
"Nothing in here that's mystery solving but I did find the cook books. ..But I dunno which one Elias is looking for."
"He wanted to bake you a cake right? Maybe he's looking for a desert book specially?," Taylor suggested. "...Can ghosts even eat anything?"
"Well Elias did have some tea and biscuits a little while ago. Maybe it's like food offerings for spirits?" Taylor hummed and you could already hear him mentally write that note down. You just continued to skim through the books here for any desert ones specifically. "...Hey. Do you maybe think that what Elias said about my flowers was true?"
"Which part?"
"That I really needed a friend and was seeking something to heal my heart?"
There was silence on the other side from Taylor for a long moment before he sighed. "I mean isn't that what everyone wants? I know I would want a friend, and you did go through a lot...But I wouldn't put a bunch of thought into it. It's just a bunch of flowers."
"Right...I don't see any desert books here, so I'm gonna look in the top half. But on the subject of flowers, you do know why I picked those zinnias right?" You slowly stood up taking the bouquet of white roses and orange zinnias with you before you carefully placed them on the table. 
"No but I still stick by the fact that they made a good bouquet! Why?"
"Because they reminded me of you."
There was a choked wheeze from the other side of the line and you laughed hearing Taylor sputtering out noises. In the meantime you turned back to the upper part of the cabinet- 
Static suddenly blares through the earpiece as dizziness strikes your mind. Your vision darkens as the room spins and your suddenly off your feet falling and falling through the darkness until your body strikes something. You opened your eyes. The dining room was back. The chandelier was swinging back and forth. Despite the living fire in the fireplace it was absolutely freezing in here like you were dumped in the north pole.
This wasn't right.
It wasn't raining like before and there wasn't any fires when you walked in here. Confused you turned back to the cabinet only to freeze as your eyes made contact with the glass. Encased in the glass was the figure of a woman. She's so far yet getting closer and closer. A knife in her hand and a Cheshire cat grin on her face. Her bloodlust filled gaze pierced your soul like a knife through hot butter. You couldn't move. Couldn't breath as absolute terror filled your cold body. Her mouth escaped a few airy but sinister low chuckled that sounded like right out of a horror movie as she got closer and closer to your frozen body. Close enough for you to almost feel the breath of her giggles on your face as the hand with the knife raised-
"GET AWAY FROM ME?!," You voice finally bellowed out loudly breaking from whatever spell held you captive and threw up your hands to shield yourself.
You again fell. Vision fading in and out fast until with a loud thud you fell to your knees.
A gasp escaped your lips as your hands clutched the front of your gown covering the dress. Behind you a strike of lightning lit up the now deserted dining room leaving only you gasping there on the floor heart racing. 
"Hey are you ok?! Answer me if you're ok!," Taylor cried out and you wheezed in response which seemed to be enough for him. "What happened? We're you attacked? The line went static again!"
"I-If by ok you mean j-j-jumpscared? Then I'm doing great.", you said sarcastically.
"I heard something like whispering or chanting?? Was that you?!"
You shook your head. "It was Violet again."
Taylor gave a short whine of concern. "I'm starting to think there's more spirits in here besides Elias. Why would there be interference when he's not even in the room?"
You opened your mouth- "Darling?" You looked over your shoulder. Elias was there. Said ghost was hovering over you in worry frowning at the position you sat in. "What happened? Are you alright?"
"I fell down." That was the truth after all. You didn't think it was a good idea to tell Elias you had visions of his ex who was the one responsible for his untimely demise. At least not yet. He looked alarmed but you just pointed at the cabinet. "I think I found where the recipe books are."
"Goodness! I do hope you're not hurt. Here. Let me help you up." You accepted his help as he gently grabbed you under the arms and pulled you back up into a standing position. "Better?"
You nodded. "Yeah. Thanks. My feet are just sore from walking around in these heels all night." You really hoped these visions wouldn't be happening all night. "Are you done decorating already?"
He smiled again and nodded. "Yes. I was wondering where you may have wondered off too. Im only sorry I couldn't be here to stop you from hurting yourself."
Taylor groaned and you ignored him waving a hand. "Nah. I've already tripped so many times tonight I'm used to it by now. And I'm not hurt so don't worry about it. Let's just focus on the rest of the preparations."
Elias nodded with a smile. "Yes. Of course." You watched as Elias went over with a bounce in his...float(??) over to the cabinet before carefully opening it up and reaching inside to skim over the books. "Our wedding shall be oh so fine, the layered cake most of all. Nana's baking's devine, and when paired with white wine, to not taste would be most regrettable." He stopped on book before looking at you. "Although I do miss her cream pies as well. Shame they're not quite appropriate for a wedding ceremony."
Taylor busted out in loud laughter in your ear and you snorted which you quickly turned into a loud cough as Elias rose a brow."S-Sorry. Some dust flew into my mouth." You tried not to laugh despite Taylor continuing to in your ear. "*ahem* Anyways it l-looks like we found it!"
He smiled wider. "Indeed. I have the recipe we need here. She wrote the recipe in a manner that allowed you to make it in any flavor as long as you had the proper ingredients. Say what flavor should our cake be, Dearest?"
"Funfetti. C-Chose funfetti," Taylor joked out through some remaining giggles.
You ignored him. "I dunno. White cake is usually served in weddings right?" You hummed thinking. "...Maybe vanilla? Or an angel food cake or would yellow cake be better?"
"What cake did you have at your other wedding?"
You shrugged. "Didn't get one. To be honest I didn't get a whole lot of say in the wedding plans. He sort of just threw it all together and called it a day."
Elias paused to look at you in shock before frowning in annoyance. "He sounds like an awful man. To be so inconsiderate of his own Bride especially on her own wedding day."
You frowned and shrugged. "It's alright. We're not together anymore anyways."
"Nevertheless I shan't do the same thing. What cake does my bride desire?"
You thought about it for a moment. "...I'll go with vanilla then. It's a classic and you can't go wrong with a vanilla cake for a wedding right?"
He smiled wider. "Vanilla it is then!" He turned his gaze back into the cabinet.. and frowned again. "Oh no. The recipe book's not here."
"It's not?"
He shook his head. "I could've sworn it was. I know I've seen it in the last decade at least. Oh no."
"Offer to keep looking around for it. That'll give us another chance to look around for more clues. Like that desk in the study! I'm sure that's where we might find clues to the fortune at least!," Taylor suggested.
Not a bad idea. Maybe there's something that'll help you with your situation too. "Why don't we look around more?" You suggested reaching out to grab his shoulder. "Maybe you left it in the kitchen?"
He hummed in thought before nodding. "Perhaps you're right. That also seems like a good place as any to find a recipe book." 
"I'll look upstairs. If it's not down here then maybe you accidentally left it up there."
He nodded again. "Very well. But do be careful. I haven't had a chance to restore the other rooms yet."
"I will. I'm just going to recheck the study anyways. Maybe I saw it on the shelf but didn't realize it. If I find it I'll call your name."
Elias agreed and with a small bow to you turned and floated right through a wall out of sight. "Is he gone now?"
"Yes. But I genuinely think I should help him find those recipes. If they belonged to his grandma then they're probably sentimental to him." You started walking towards the door pushing the still open door but scooping up your flowers in the beginning. "If they're not in the study or the kitchen I don't know where'd they be." You then hummed. "Speaking of sentimental stuff...Maybe I could find his room. That's where his most prized possessions would be since he lived there right? That might be where he left the book."
"Uh huh. You sure you don't just wanna renact the spicy scene from Ghostbusters?"
You frowned at his sarcastic tone. Two could play at that game. "You tell me. I'm not the one who wrote those erotic scenes in the notebook you left at the club meeting."
CHOKE- You rose a brow continuing to the foyer again as Taylor choked on air and sputter unintelligible noises. "That-..I never-...How did you even-?! That notebook contains highly classified information I'll have you know and I don't appreciate the invasion of privacy!"
You rolled your eyes. "What's wrong with Ghostbusters anyways? You sure seem to like comparing yourself to Egon so much." You picked up the front of your dress to avoid tripping over it as you started back up the stairs. Your heel clicks echoing everywhere mixed up with the sounds of rain. 
"Well I am the brains of this operation and planned it all so Egon just makes sense."
You rolled your eyes again. "I think you're more of a Janine. You're red hair and cute face matches her a lot better."
He again choked and sputtered as you carefully climbed up the stairs but eventually he cleared his throat. "I knew it. Y-You do think I'm cute."
You again ignored that part. "Besides I think I should get some credit. You may be the planner but I'M the one currently stuck in a blood oath to a ghost." You gave another worried glance at the bloodied ring on your finger still. 
"Hey. Backup is important. Besides all the dust would clog up my sinuses."
This time you did smirk. "Is that truly the reason or are you just worried about exposing your desire to be ravished by a ghost? You weren't being subtle hiding that lewd fanfiction."
"GAH?!" The squeal that left him had you finally laughing before putting on a dramatic voice.
"'She had me pinned against the wall. Her lips left a trail of fire as she-'"
"IT'S NOT FANFICTION!!," Taylor shrieked out in a high pitched voice cutting you off into giggles as he grumbled. "Besides ...I wasn't writing about ghosts."
Your brows rose. "Then what-"
"Just get to the study before Elias gets back!," he grumbled in the same high pitched tone.
Deciding it'd be best to drop the subject, you continued to walk around to the second floor and then to the left. If you remembered right, Elias brought you from this way. You managed to somehow find your way back to the hallway you first woke up in and around the same corner back in the study. The door creaked open as you walked right inside soon looking up at the shelf again. Your main priority should be the desk...but you also wanted to keep your promise to Elias. And it wouldn't hurt to double check to see if you missed something. Quickly you skimmed across the titles printed along each spine skimming a hand over them all, pulling out the books again that had their titles faded...but there wasn't any recipe books. Well at least you tried and that was one crossed off where they might be but just in case you checked over the books Elias left on the coffee table next to the teaset. Still nothing so you moved on to the desk. The first thing you did was open the two small drawers connected to it. They were filled with nothing but extra papers, envelopes, and inkwells which you were sure was all dried up from how long they were there. Then your gaze went to a thick book on top of the desk. It seemed like the only thing important amongst the area covered in old feather quills and papers. You're hands reached out to carefully open it and your eyes widened.
"I think I found the old Gallagher family ledgers!"
"You WHAT!? What does it say?!"
Your hands turned page after page staring at the yellowed pages and faded ink. "They're filled with bank statements with dates and amounts and the bank's name..but it doesn't say anything about any jewels." Taylor groaned and you had to agree. Another dead end. You continued skimming through the book until stopping on the last page and pausing. "Wait a minute."
"What is it?"
"The last page of the ledger has 'Those without fortune cling to what they haven't in bright red ink. Like someone was desperate or something." Unlike the rest of the book where everything was written in black neat cursive ink, this writing looked desperate and fast.
"The hell? What does that even mean?"
"I guess the only one who knows is Elias, and I don't think asking him about missing jewelry is at the top of my priority list right now." You again gave a soft glare at the ring on your finger before closing the book and placing it back where you found it. "I'm gonna go look somewhere else. Maybe I can find the parents' old room or something."
You didn't take more than a few steps by the couch when a rush of static shot from the earpiece again and dizziness hot you causing you to stumble and sway. ..oh no. Not again- You fell forward to the ground as darkness encased you again.
Hushed, hurried voices echoed in the darkness. Heavy feet stomp on plush rugs. Tension and anger filled the air. Louder and louder. Shouting and yelling. Which way was up? Which way down?  You couldn't tell if you were lying on the floor or still falling! It felt like someone was squeezing your lungs and you wanted to cry. A tiny ray of light shown above you and you reached out to it quickly to escape the darkness. You managed to pull yourself inside and what met you was a motion picture capturing a moment in time. What the- It was the study again only this time much better looking. Two figures..One a middle aged man sitting in the office chair looking busy. The other much younger around your age and holding a cane in his right hand. You didn't recognize him at first not being translucent and blue but-...
Your face lit up in surprise. "Elias?" Neither figure turned as you asked.
"Blast it all!" You jumped looking back at the older man as he complained as he worked. "Your sister died earlier this spring and already we have to make arrangements for another funeral!"
"Father. If I could speak just once," Human Elias pleaded.
"What is it, Elias? I don't have time for chatter with a child like you."
Elias tapped his cane on the ground several times in protest as his father didn't even notice. "I am NOT a child anymore. I'm already of age. Id only like to make a single request of you. It won't even be any trouble to you, Father."
"And just what might that be?"
"My mirror has been in need of repair for the longest time. If you could have someone repair it-"
"What mirror?," his father barked at him snapping his head up suddenly angry.
"G-Grandmother's mirror. The one that used to be in the attic. I still have all the pieces."
His angered look turned to disgust. "You still have that trash in your room and you dare ask me to repair it after YOU broke it?!"
Elias gripped the cane so hard his knuckles turned white in frustration. "But it wasn't me. It was-"
"I don't have time for your childish sentimentality, Elias. That mirror is worth nothing and I have more pressing matters to deal with. Leave now or I'll have one of the servants remove you!"
"Father, I can walk on my own two feet just fine."
If his father heard Elias he didn't respond as his son gripped his cane and turned towards the door just as your head was hot with a shot of pain and the light flared up blocking out everything before a different reel with Elias and the rest of his family mellowed from the light. Elias was human again and he was surrounded by his other six siblings and his father. They were all jeering and shouting at him. Making fun of him. Calling him terrible names like weak and a mistake. 
Once again the darkness enveloped you once more before you could do anything.
You found yourself gasping awake on the couch you fell onto. Sucking in air like a drowning man and hearing your heart in your ears. 
"Copy! Y/n, do you copy?!" You were never more glad to hear Taylor's voice.
"I-I'm fine..fine." you were starting to get annoyed with these dizzy spells.
"Another vision? Give me a status report!"
"I-I saw Archibald Gallagher. I think." Taylor remained in stunned silence as you gently pushed yourself up from the cushions. "He was planning the next family funeral. E-Elisas was there too. He wanted to repair a..mirror? He said it belonged to his grandmother."
"A mirror? Hm. I'll see what I can find out about it. Was there anything else?"
You leaned back against the cushions with a sigh. "Yeah. Elias was using a cane, and his father said something about having the servants remove him like he was an object."
"What the actual fuck?"
"I know. He said it like Elias couldn't leave himself like he had zero atonomy and Elias was really upset." You scowled hard and turned your head to glare at the office chair where Archibald had been sitting. "I wish he was a ghost here! I would've given him a piece of my mind!"
"Focus!," Taylor cut through your rage filled thoughts. "Are you sure you're alright?"
You inhaled before slowly exhaling through your nose. "Yeah. I'm just angry. I don't know why I'm getting these visions but they're really intense."
"It must be because of the connection you two share right now. Told you blood was a powerful supernatural ingredient."
You silently looked at the ring still on your finger. "...I think I'm going to head out now. Staying here is only gonna make me angry."
"Alright, Y/n. Make sure you keep an eye out and be careful."
You nodded despite not seeing you and you slowly stood up giving one last glare at the office chair before leaving. You heels clicking as yet another flash of lightning the hallway up as you walked along. What now?...Try another door you guessed? There wasn't anything else that you could do for now. So you tried to reach out to the nearest door and turned the knob. Didn't budge. Next door. It opened but it was another closet. Another door across the hall. The doorknob turned and you slowly pushed it in wincing as the hinges creaked loudly. The door opened completely and you blinked at what was inside. 
"A bedroom?"
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lilac-critters-asks · 3 months
((NOTE: I am currently working on an improved version of the descriptions, so this may be subject to change))
"Maybe its too dangerous...I mean, do you KNOW what could happen?! That place hasn't been explored in forever! What of you get trapped, hurt, or even worse killed?!" .... "*sigh* I guess you're right. After all, what could POSSIBLY be in there besides like, trash and stuff. But be careful anyways, alright?" .... "Here, before you go, take this." *You obtained a walkie-talkie!* "If anything happens, call me. Ill be there in a flash." *you nod your head*
"Good luck" *You step in, and hear the heavy doors close behind you. You cant remember anything afterwards* *BAM*
*Your ears are ringing when you start to open your eyes again* ???: ".....and maybe its just fate that-" ???: "GUYS! They're waking up LOOK LOOK LOOK!!!" ???: "LEMME SEE!" ???: "Back off you 2 give them some space!"
*You begin to open your eyes to see the outline of 8 blurry things standing around you. When your vision focuses, you see that they remind you of...them. The Smiling Critters. But these ones are...different. You can identify a fox, some kind of dinosaur, a rabbit, a bird, an elephant, a unicorn, a pig, and a cat with a long tail standing in front of them all. A light shining above them blocks out your chance of seeing their colors, but they sure are SOME kind of other...side project done by them. Maybe answers will come soon.* ((Descriptions + Explanation + Rules under the cut))
HELLO EVERYONEEE! This is my SC au, the Lilac Critters! The whole like, plot of the AU are these are the SC from a CHAIN of the classic Daycare that chapters 1, 2, and 3 go on in. So they're a little different from the SC you know, but they serve the same purpose and origin. I've had this on my mind for what feels like FOREVER SOOO here it is! I'll write down more detailed paragraphs on how they look/act like, when im feeling it u know. Alright now RULES:
-No NSFW. I am a MINOR.
-Don't try to force the roleplay or be like, overly controlling. If you have any questions, just ask me
-Swearing is alright, just don't like...call each other slurs. If anyone is bullying anyone else, I will block the offender immediately.
-Don't spam me consistently. I have a life outside of this blog, so it'll get annoying REAL fast.
-Have fun!
Also shout-out to @thewaxingcrescentsjournal for a collab we are doing. Here is the link to the first part:
A rift in space.
Jackie Journeyer🏴‍☠️ Necklace: Pirate ship Sent: Ocean Pronouns: he/him
A pirate for the ages! With his eyepatch and hook hand, he's sure to give you the adventure of your life! This red fox has all the wit and courage that a pirate should have, plus some extra kindness in his heart. But also just like a pirate, he has the tendency to be greedy and not really care about others opinions sometimes. Although when the Daycare shut down, he's been known to have more cowardly tactics, but is still willing to sail the 7 sea's might!
Sammy Shovel!🕳️ Necklace: Shovel Sent: Orange Pronouns: He/they
Never seen a fossil before? This orange triceratops will show you all the ones you'll ever need to see! Sammy, or Sam more commonly, loves to dig, dig, and dig! He'll spend a whole day just digging holes and have NO regrets! After his home got shut down, he's been more prone to aggressiveness when his feelings get out of hand. But on the plus side, he's ALSO gotten the chance to express his true feelings for a certain someone he's had his eye on for a long time...
Sunny Sunray!☀️ Necklace: Sun w/darker yellow rays Sent: Fruity Mix Pronouns: She/her
Need a hug? Maybe a smile or a game of jump rope? Well, this yellow bunny will give you back ten fold of what you asked for! Hyper and positive all the time, she's sure to put some happiness into your day! Weather it be games, races, talking, or just company, everything she does seems to be pulsing with energy! Even when the Daycare shut down, she still remained as bouncy and happy as she did all those years ago! Well...on the surface that is.
Gloria Grace🌹 Necklace: Rose Sent: Rose Petals Pronouns: She/her
The calmest soul you'll ever meet, the green bird is here to help melt your worries away! With a green thumb and a mater in gardening, she can make any plant grow in a matter of seconds with her skill. She's very calm and collected, and is bound to sooth your mind if you need it. After the Daycare shut down, however, Gloria's been more stale and cold sometimes. But maybe its just a coincidence. Maybe.
Eleanore Elements🧪 Necklace: Beaker w/fluid Sent: Chocolate Pronouns: He/they
Smart and stern, Eleanore the cyan elephant is surely the intellectual of the group. He's got thick, round, practically unbreakable glasses on his face and a lab coat that ends in a square cut. He's got a strong moral compass, but the kindness to match. He cares exponentially about his friends, and will probably do close to everything to save them, especially Sam. But during his hard times, he often hides in the echoing halls of his lab. Almost like he's hiding from something.
Susie Stealth💉 Necklace: Mirrored Crescent Sent: Lavender Pronouns: She/they
Catnap's younger sister, she's very much like the purple cat her and her brother are. She's very sneaky and able to silently whisk through anywhere she pleases. It comes in handy when she's patrolling the halls at night when the kids were sleeping now, or smuggling a few extra treats from the top of the fridge when she was young. But Daycare closed or not, she's always been stern and very organized and no-nonsense. Well, she can make a few exceptions for Sunny. Ok maybe a bit more than a few...
Sewing Shashta🪡 Necklace: Embroidery Hoop Sent: Cool Mint Pronouns: They/them
The wild card of the group, Shashta has quite the reputation to be somewhat unpredictable and perfectionistic, but kind nonetheless. This white horse with a baby blue mane often spends her time sewing and making clothes, or embroidering patches for her friends. She still has her bad habits after the Daycare closed, and it might be getting worse, but if there's one person she'll always trust, its Parker for certain.
Piero (Parker) Peeri🍽️ Necklace: Dishware set Sent: Cotton Candy Pronouns: He/They/Hirs
Piero, or much more commonly Parker, is quite the chef and baker for any dish on the planet! Coming from his direct Italian ancestry and heritage, he can whip up almost anything if he has the tools to do so, and will always be willing to share with others no matter what! But when the Daycare shut down, the pinkish pig has been known to often go beyond the boundaries that Playtime. Co set for him. A lot. He's a people pleaser at heart, and always will be. You cant get rid of imperfections.
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melonba11s · 1 year
Taking Care of You (Strade/MC (and kinda Ren) BTD fic)
a sister fic for yesterdays! Same soft, fluffy, domestic themes. Though I feel like maybe its turned out rather bland lol.
Contains: Strade, Gender Neutral MC, Ren
Strade had recovered from his flu within a few days, and for  another few, he thought perhaps he had spared both Ren and you from contracting it. Then one night, while the two of them were watching one of Ren’s shows, he heard a sniffle. Then a cough. 
It seemed to grow even worse overnight, his dreams filled with the sounds of retching after a bout of coughing, until in the morning… He found both you and Ren laid up on the living room couch, barely giving him a glance when he came in. The TV was on again, but instead of one of Ren’s shows, it was playing some morning crime drama. Classic Sick TV.
Strade placed both his hands on his hips, staring at his miserable pets before letting out a long sigh. 
“I’m heading to the store. Do you two want anything?” he asked. He’d better grab some more cough medicine. 
“W-Watermelon, and juice.” you mumbled, your hand covering your eyes. You seemed to have a headache. Ren was in no better shape, barely lifting his head off the arm of the couch. 
“Throat tea, and soup.” Strade took mental notes, and turned around. His house was turning into a petri dish, once everyone was feeling better he’d probably want to lysol everything in the house. 
It was a bright, sunny morning, and not wanting to eat breakfast in a house full of germs, Strade stopped to get himself a coffee and bacon sandwich, making sure to stuff several crumpled bills into the tip jar as he made conversation with the cashier.  
The store wasn’t too busy, Strade had no issues finding a parking spot close to the doors. He figured that was normal for a monday morning, most people had work to go to. Speaking of work… He should probably host another stream soon, not just for the money, but to keep the audience around. If he shut down for too long, they’d probably find someone else. 
Also, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for him to mess with you or Ren while you were both so ill. He’d felt the itch growing the moment he started feeling better, he’d probably need to go out hunting soon. 
Grabbing a shopping cart, Strade made his way through the store, first making sure to grab a few new containers of cough medicine. Remembering your request, he picked up a container of pre sliced watermelon. 
He remembered once bringing that home, and earning some criticism from you.
“It’s much cheaper to just buy a whole melon! I’ll cut it myself!” He chuckled to himself, imagining you trying to hold a knife in a shaking hand, getting out of breath just cutting the melon in half. He wasn’t entertained enough by the idea though to consider making you eat your words, and kept the pre sliced stuff in the cart. 
As he made his way past the deli, he paused. Ren had requested soup… Strade had originally planned on just grabbing several cans of the stuff. He wasn’t much of a cook, after all. At the deli section they had tubs of soup. It wouldn’t be as good as homemade, but it’d be a lot better than what tasted like a nuked can of salt water.  
He wrapped up his shopping, grabbing the tea and juice his pets had asked for, as well as another case of beer. He could never have too much of that in the house. 
As he loaded the items into the car, he pulled out his cellphone and called the house. Only one person had the number to his house phone. And that one person was him. 
“Strade…?” a gravelly voice answered, it took Strade a second to register it as your voice. 
“I’m on my way back, Schatz. I’m gonna pick up a movie for us to watch together, what do you wanna see?” 
“Huh?” He could practically hear the cogs grind against eachother as your fever rattled brain tried to think. “I don’t know, whatever is good… And, Strade?” 
Your voice cleared up a bit, Strade could tell they were about to say something they’d been reciting in their head. 
“Thank you, for uhm, taking care of us.” Strade paused. There was a finality in your voice. This wasn’t just a thank you for him picking up a few groceries, it was a thank you for everything he’d done. 
He gave a soft chuckle, shutting the trunk of the car. 
“It’s no problem, Schatz. I enjoy it.” 
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sibylsleaves · 2 months
Can you expand on your thoughts on redemptions in the show? I enjoyed Hen’s mother’s and Eddie’s fathers because we saw they are genuine in their willingness to change and have an understanding how they have affected their children. They aren’t perfect but it’s taking accountability and it’s a start. The others? No. With Taylor they give her a backstory to distract from her bad actions that seemed never ending. Now with Tommy. Do you think the writers/Tim think the general audience doesn’t pick up or remember how these people’s actions deeply affected the other characters(Buckleys, Chim’s dad, Taylor and the other T) before they bring them back and force people to have sympathy for them? I try to invoke nuance and empathy because losing a child is horrific but two living children did and still suffer from the Buckley’s actions. I am glad that Buck and Maddie appear to be moving forward despite their parents unwillingness to address and accept their role in how their children are to this day but that’s got to hurt deeply. As well as Chimney’s dad. And when Taylor left after causing the chaos and hurting so many people over the years they bring in someone else that has a grimey past that is already overlooked
you sent this to me a while ago and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to answer it. I saw it and I was like hmmm interesting topic I will ruminate on this and then of course I forgot about it.
Anyway. This IS an interesting topic to me because I feel like the concept of redemption is in many ways the raison d'etre of the show. Or at least they want it to be, given how they set up Bobby's character arc in the first season. It's definitely a theme they keep returning to with, imo, mixed results in their execution.
Part of the problem I think is just that 911 is fundamentally a basic network procedural television show, which is always going to tend more toward the schlocky and heartfelt. Which, don't get me wrong, is also one of the selling points of the show imo--we are not watching this show the way you watch prestige television that's maybe more willing to take its characters down a darker path and grapple with these questions with more complexity.
So at the end of the day it's kind of in the show's nature to want to tell feel-good stories, and to that end I think they are maybe more likely to brush off past wrongdoing in order to make the point that redemption is always possible and reconciliation is, almost always, the end-goal. There are a few storylines where they have characters who are simply painted as irredeemable monsters (Doug and Jeffrey are the main ones that come to mind) and what's interesting to me about that is they really have to heavily emphasize the monstrousness of those characters.
But fundamentally the show is just ill-suited to telling the story of like. Here's a kind of shitty guy (or woman) who isn't a complete and total monster by any means but nevertheless will not actually learn from his mistakes and seek redemption because sometimes people are just incapable or not interested in doing that. Or even: here is a kind of shitty guy or woman who did something fairly reprehensible and is trying to do better but nevertheless the people affected by their actions have every right to NOT forgive them or want them in their lives.
As a show it is overall more optimistic than realistic about the human condition--and again. I do think that's a selling point of the show and often what makes it work. Just thinking about personally some of my favorite moments of the show which are heavy on the "heartfelt/feel good": everyone coming together to lift the firetruck off Buck, the scene with the christmas lights during the black-out, the part in Defend in Place when they are all praying together in the parking lot.
But. all this to say. That does mean that sometimes their depictions of something as complex and messy as "redemption" can fall a bit flat. I do think the show has a pattern of "redeeming" characters without actually showing us that they understand what they did was wrong. They use short-hand instead--the Buckley parents sticking around after Buck was struck by lightning to show us they've changed, Tommy shaking Chim's hand after he saved his life, etc. And skip over the actual messy parts of the process of redemption. Which is also in part because these are, at the end of the day, side characters, and their internal lives are not really important except with respect to how they influence their relationships with our main characters. Which is also why I think the most nuanced take they've managed to do is with Bobby's story--at least with SOME of the Amir storyline it's clear that to Bobby this process is far from complete and the fact that Amir did not actually offer Bobby his forgiveness at the end is, in my opinion, the closest they've come so far to telling this story in an actually nuanced way. But even then they tied it up with about as neat as a bow as they could.
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omophagic-beast · 2 months
for the tarot rpg ask game! The Fool, The Empress, The Hierophant, The Chariot, The Hanged Man, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Sun!
!!! wowow hi!! thank you for all the questions, im gonna put them under a read more as to not clog up peoples dashes
from this ask game
The Fool – What do the earliest stages of work on a game look like for you? OR How did you get into game design?
i have a notes discord server! and a channel in there specifically for game ideas. previously i had a big word document titled "game ideas", but its easier to access discord from my phone lol
usually i have an idea and i stick it in there first
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heres the start of the pillars of creation :3
and then ill noodle around with it, just brainstorm and slap spaghetti around. this is another reason why i like discord for this at the moment, its informal and easy, much less daunting than a word doc
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i didnt end up using most of the bits here lol
and then ill move it into a word doc once its clear that ive got an actual project / game starting to form!
the one problem with this is sometimes ill keep an idea in there for much longer than i should and it becomes a mess of me replying to myself, terrible to follow. this is the current problem with moonlight whaling, sigh
The Empress — Where do your ideas come from? OR Do you seek out or avoid inspiration while working on an idea?
a lot of places!! tumblr being one of them, sometimes ill see a post where im like "huh that could be a game in some way" and ill stick it in my notes discord for later. but really anything, books, movies, songs, other games. im not the first to say this but u gotta read / watch / experience new things to make new things
The Hierophant — Who is a fellow game designer you’ve learned a lot from? OR What is a piece of popular wisdom about games you think is nonsense?
i answered the second one here so ill answer the first!
ive learned a lot from any designer whos game ive played or read, to start. but i wanna shout out @thydungeongal on here, her posts abt game design and rollmaster / d&d are highly highly fascinating and helpful to me, as a guy who hasnt even played d&d let alone any old school stuff and just kinda jumped into the indie scene from the start.
kinda makes me wanna play rollmaster, ngl. whats it doin with all those mechanics and tables =w=
The Chariot — What is the next project you’re planning to start OR What is the next project you’re excited to finish?
this has been my big question to myself recently, what game to really focus in on next. i have games that just need to be finished, but i think my next one* is gonna be this time travel game ive been thinking of
working title is Hooked, and the reason i think im going to start (and finish) it next is cause ive already got the main mechanic figured out, where when you fail a roll you can choose to create a hook, and in doing so succeed the roll
but that hook is a place where a future you has traveled back to that point in time and given you what you needed to succeed, which means at some point youre going to have to come back and close the loop, or else risk creating a paradox
too many paradoxes and the universe explodes so like. be careful :3!
it is going to be a lot of work, i want the general aesthetic to be the journal of a time traveler, with notes from all their future and past selves scrawled in the margins in different colors. and theres the question of if its a solo game or multiplayer, or both. solo-friendly is my current thought, but encouraged for more than one person. but we'll see how it actually plays.
The Hanged Man — What other creative pursuits do you have? OR What current trends in game design are you most interested in?
someone should ask me this again cause i wanna answer the other one also :3c
but! i have a crochet project on the mind so i wanna talk abt other stuff im into also :3
im currently considering ADHD and how it could possibly relate to myself, so just keep that in mind when i say ive dipped my paws into a whoooole lot of different creative hobbies. sewing, knitting, pottery, bookbinding, needle felting, jewelry making, and yea, crochet, are all stuff ive been into at one point or another
but my favorites are crochet and cooking / baking. for most of my life i thought my career was gonna be in food service! ive been a baker, cake decorator, and diner cook before, and loved all three of those jobs.
and crochet is great mainly cause you can make stuffed animals / amigurimis >:33 i loooove little guys and being able to choose what soft yarn im gonna make em out of, though its been a minute since ive made one. but!! like i mentioned ive got a project on the mind, as im gonna try and make the "something strange and indescribable" from the Before the Flood backerkit campaign and im very excited abt it :3 stay tuned for posts abt my success or failure on this front
The Devil — What motifs or mechanics do you just keep coming back to? OR What is a game you’ve enjoyed playing in the last year?
NIGHTHAWKS by @titanrpg is really really good. it has a heart in it, one that beats at an all too-familiar rhythm. when i played it we told a story that was perhaps a touch too close to home as well, disparate sad people sitting several stools apart at a dive bar in a small town.
i have a tendency towards comedy when i play ttrpgs, but my favorite moments are all when ive been deeply serious and sad, and thats what i got from NIGHTHAWKS
The Tower — Talk about about a game you tried to make that crashed and burned.
center of the known universe was an anthology of games i wanted to make a while back, all inspired by the part of the nevadan desert i live in. i dont think its crashed and burned necessarily but i certainly never finished it and im not sure i ever will, though i still like the ideas for some of the games and may release them individually
The Star — Talk about a game you’re working on and what excites you about it.
a game ive been working on for a looong time that i dont think ive really talked abt on here is The Lady, The Tiger, and The Accused. its a descended from the queen game based on The Lady or The Tiger? short story, where (to put it very briefly) a king has created a new form of justice where the accused is put in an arena with two identical doors in front of them.
behind one door, a lady of an appropriate social standing for them to marry, behind the other a very hungry tiger. this leaves the verdict up to fate, for if the accused is innocent they will surely pick the door with the lady, and if they are guilty they will choose the door with the tiger.
but the accused in the story is also the lover of the lands princess, and when they look back at her for the last time she raises a hand and points towards one of the doors.
the question in the story is one of love. would the princess rather see her lover dead, or married to someone else?
what comes through the door, the lady or the tiger?
but! there are other characters in this story, with agency and lives of their own.
The Lady, The Tiger, and The Accused instead asks a question of trust. when The Accused looks back towards their princess, and she raises her hand, do they trust her? do they open the door that she points towards?
its a game for three players, with each person playing one of the titular characters. it uses the descended from the queen format to create the character of the princess throughout play, along with the characters of The Lady, The Tiger, and The Accused.
its a good game!! ive got a bit more work to do on it, mainly on the tiger role. not everyone is comfortable being an actual tiger and role playing scenes that involve communicating with humans or attending parties and such, it turns out.
but im really excited abt it overall :3 its good and fun and i think it uses the descended from the queen format really well and hopefully one day ill do a crowdfunding project for it and get enough money to hire a bunch of different artists to make princess illustrations for it >:333
The Sun — Talk about a game you’ve made that you’re proud of.
im proud of all of my games, in one way or another. but, with an obligatory Before the Flood mention (crowdfunding now!), im really and truly proud of my body is your body is our body is
it was my first kinda big game that i published, and there was a lot of stuff with the first edition i really wasnt super happy with. im really, really proud of myself for finally going back in this year and fixing it. its so much better now! in a lot of ways.
and i mean it was good to start with also, most of my problems were with the programming side of it. when i was making the second edition reading back through the game made me cry a bit lol. theres a lot of banger lines in there and a lot of feelings.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
You know, a bonus to designing the oc is that other people will drawn them in the scenarios you share! I know your lore really made me excited to see your little fella ^^) it's so nice to encounter someone eho likes SDV in the wild and your world building makes me want to boot up my computer and deal with the lag to see everyone again. I do have to wonder though, what's your take on how the valley feels about JojaMart? It seems like it replaces extensions on the Vally's magic if you fund it.
TRUE…U ARE SO RIGHT!!! Luckily I have a small little ref sheet for him already made heehee. But ill post it on my sdv blog (when i make it). I can put it here too but ill do that under a readmore 😌
Also. U are so sweet 😭 I am so sorry ur game is too laggy to play but i am touched that my little bit of lore is enough for u to want to brave through that mess anyway LMAO
FIRST OF ALL….here is my boy….
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His name is June and ive since tweaked some stuff about him. You dont need to know much about him, just that hes a bit of a cryptid among the town for almost two years before townspeople start interacting w him on their own volition. His best friends are Marnie, Kent, and Caroline, and he is really cool w Willy, Linus, and Marlon (old men gang rise up). Also romances Shane which is funny to Me bc whenever shane gets a male farmer to romance i am constantly rotating this image of vincent getting upset and saying ‘gee jas how come YOU get two cool godfathers’
To answer ur question about Jojamart; i feel like it truly wouldnt mess with the balance of magic in the valley. Magic is powerful BUT. It is adaptive. The Junimos harness the magic of the valley to fix things in the broken down community center, but if someone else came along and fixed it for them, well thats one less thing the magic of the valley is used for. Theres plenty of talented people in the valley that dont need magic to get things done 😉 (Robin my beloved)
But i do think jojamart is a big indicator that something is amiss with the town. I think it is a common idea to believe that jojamart is like. Evil. And like. Its totally a soulless corporation, but i think its filling a very specific Need of this town. Pelican town has some very skilled laborers that sell their work and services to help provide not just for themselves, but FOR pelican town; if that still leaves people unable to pay rent/mortgage or groceries, then people will absolutely swoop in and offer ‘solutions’.
I have more Thots but basically……magic is powerful, but it cant do anything on its own. Its utilized by magical beings to make tangible change in the world. But humans are capable of making real and tangible change without the use of magic. Jojamart says ‘here, give me money and time and ill fix this stuff 😉’ and that is not anymore different than Robin, Clint, the junimos, etc saying ‘give me some money and time and i can do this thing for u 😉’. Jojamart is like. Bad. But bad in the same way Pierre owning the only grocery store in town wo employing anyone is bad, and how Lewis is okay with all of this Mess. Its indicative of a bigger problem in the valley that magic cant really fix
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