#then like the ONE interesting thing they do with one of them AND with Sandy they never pay off
redysetdare · 2 years
Still thinking abt how huntsman never got a satisfying ending. Like ik a writer on the show said he did and that his whole arc was wrapped up in his decision to not leave but like... idk it did NOT seem like that AT ALL in the show.
Like when we see him looking at the tea bag???? that's supposed to be read as him deciding not to leave and THAT was our closure??? You gotta be fucking joking right???
Idk what i thought that scene was doing (and seems like a lot of ppl thought it was doing as well because someone had to actually ASK A WRITER ABOUT IT) was that him looking at the teabag was a jumping off point for a redemption arc. He had STARTED asking questions. He didn't show signs of being okay with the answers he got. It felt like a set up for MORE and then we just...didn't get it and we're supposed to just accept that?
And i get it. I get that not everything works out. sometimes shit goes wrong and not every character gets a happy ending...but then why even set up the possibility in the first place? we got ONE episode with him being like that and thennnn nothing? like usually this sort of thing is supposed to feel like a wrapped up arc y'know? cutting it short like this usually is never good unless you want ppl to be mad that a characters arc was cut short.
It just feels like the show didn't have enough episodes to explore everything they were setting up. It feels like if maybe there was more episodes we would've seen more of huntsman questioning everything that was happening and maybe even getting a redemption arc. But we'll never know because monkie kid is stuck to 10 episodes a season fsr and it kinda sucks that things just get dropped and never explored.
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talkingattumble · 1 year
Hi guys! Here’s some advice from a cane user on how to spot a fake cane user/disability faker!
You can not spot a “fake disabled” cane user. You can not know if someone’s “really disabled”, much less by just looking at them. Here are some common misconceptions.
“Cane users always need their canes. If they walk without it or put it away when it’s inconvenient, they’re faking”: WRONG! Many cane users are what we call “ambulatory” cane users. This means they don’t always need their canes to walk. I’m an ambulatory cane user, and I experience really horrible leg pain on the daily. However, I don’t always use my cane, and when I don’t need to walk or stand a lot in a certain place I don’t use it. And when I do use it, I may lift it off the ground or carry it in places that are sandy, gravelly, or otherwise hinder my cane.
“Cane users walk abnormally without their canes, someone who walks normally without their cane is faking”: WRONG! Many ambulatory cane users can walk in a way that seems “normal”. This doesn’t mean they’re not in pain, or not “really disabled”. This just means that their condition doesn’t cause a noticeable difference in walking, and likely manifests in a different way.
“Cane users always need their cane, someone who doesn’t use their cane at home is faking”: WRONG! Cane users may not use their canes at home, because at home they may be able to do things like sit down wherever and whenever, regain more spoons, and use other mobility aids. Additionally, some ambulatory cane users only need or use their canes when they are doing something physically taxing, like going on a hike or standing in a long line.
“My cane user friend told me this person looks like they’re faking, so it must be true”: WRONG! Being a cane user doesn’t immediately make you an expert on all different conditions and experiences. Your friend does not know the random cane user walking down the street, they are going off looks and stereotypes. Disabled people are not immune to being ableist.
“They enjoy their cane too much/they’re too happy/they decorate their cane, so they can’t actually be in enough pain to need a cane” WRONG! We’re people like everyone else, and we experience positive emotions too, even if we go through a lot of pain. To me, customizing my cane is like getting a tattoo or putting streaks in my hair, it’s a way of self expression. And we deserve to be able to talk openly about our full experience, which include the parts we’re neutral or happy about.
“They’re one of those cringey teenagers who name themselves arson and like dsmp, so they’re probably faking” WRONG! Do I even have to explain why saying someone isn’t disabled because of their name and interests is messed up and also stupid? Or did you already know that and just wanted to make fun of a disabled teenager?
“They’re too young to be using a cane, so they must be faking” WRONG! there are lots of disabilities or injuries that can cause young people to need a mobility aid. For example, I use a cane for my fibromyalgia.
“They only use it in private places, and never in places where people recognize them, so they must be faking” WRONG! In a world where anyone can just randomly take out their phone, take a picture of a cane user, and post them online to be made fun of, it can be stressful to use a cane in public areas. Also, they may not want people to ask questions, or they may feel embarrassed about it.
“I saw them switch hands, so they must be faking” WRONG! There are different reasons a cane used might do this, but I’m going to use my experience as an example. My fibromyalgia is not consistent. Sometimes one leg hurts more then the other. But as I said, fibromyalgia is inconsistent, and sometimes my other leg will start to hurt more or need more support, which is when I switch hands. And when both my legs hurt equally, I may switch my hand if it’s getting too sore.
“They told me they feel like they’re faking when they use their cane, doesn’t that mean they don’t really need it?” WRONG! Imposter syndrome is strong in a lot of disabled people, especially when for a lot of our lives we were told by doctors that we were fine and just being dramatic. Anxiety is also comorbid with a lot of physically disabilities, which only strengthens this. To add to this, something that I’ve felt and seen other disabled people talk about it, when their disability aid lessens the pain, they start thinking “well I’m not in that much pain so I don’t really need it” even though the reason they’re not in that much pain is because of the aid. I know it seems dumb, but imposter syndrome can be that strong and affects disabled people a lot.
“They don’t have a diagnosis, so they must be faking” WRONG! First of all, diagnoses are expensive. On their own they’re often already expensive, but counting the tons of tests you have to take to confirm the diagnosis? Absolutely ludicrous. Some may also choose not to get a diagnosis, so that they don’t have to deal with the prejudice and setbacks of being diagnosed. Also, some people use a cane for injuries, and for stress or fatigue related pains.
These are only a few of the things I commonly hear from fakeclaimers, and I wanted to just put out a reminder that fakeclaiming hurts the disabled community much, much more than it does ableists. Next time you see someone with a cane switch hands, or someone with a wheelchair stand up, or someone with crutches put them down, before you immediately call them out to a friend, take a picture, or write a post: does your fakeclaim rely on stereotypes? Are your reasons things that apply to ambulatory aid users?
If so, just stop. Be mindful. Please.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
Can you please do one where the reader is Stan and ford’s childhood friend? I’d imagine that they would both be SUPER protective, and later in adulthood they move in with does to help with his research. Stanley and ford secretly developed a crush on them over time but neither have admitted their feelings 🤭🤭
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I made this one too fucking long as well the to might need to make a part two as not to overwhelming people.
You probably threw sand in some bullies eyes when they didn’t leave poor Ford alone/ and or comforted Ford alongside Stan afterwards bc confrontation wasn’t your thing. Either way it didn’t take long for you, Stan and Ford to become a well known trio in the town of New Jersey, one was never seen without the other two trailing behind.
You three were inseparable.
Ford was the brains and intellect
Stan was the protective fighter
And you were the mediator, the confidant, the person who’d encourage the twins to keep moving forward for that was the only way to go.
The mystery trio you called yourselves as you’d spend countless hours on the beech, searching for the abnormal and mysterious with nothing but your flashlights and determination to make a name for yourselves.
You didn’t give a shit about Ford’s six fingers, you thought they were cool and told him often that you were jealous.
‘Why?’ He’d ask.
‘It’s cooler to be different than it is to fit in the norm.’ You’d tell him as you’d both sit somewhere overlooking the beach, hearing the cries of seagulls and the crashing of the waves against the sandy beaches. ‘One day everyone is going to try and find something abnormal about themselves to fit in, as though they weren’t the same people who’d shun people for being a little different. They’ll never admit that they’re the bad guy and all they want is attention and will throw a tantrum when they don’t get it.’
You then placed a hand on Ford’s shoulder and squeezed. ‘So don’t listen to them Stanford, you’ll make a name of yourself one day and they’ll all flock to you like moths to a flame. High six?’ You raised your hand.
‘High six.’ Ford replied as you high-fived/ high-sixed each other.
Their dad didn’t like you but you didn’t give a shit because you didn’t like him all that much either with how he treated Stanley in comparison to Ford and would often refuse to go to their house when you knew he was there.
Shermie pines however adored you for keeping her boys in line and being their friend and practically adopted you into the family as she would then move her attention to her sons.
‘So which one of you is going to fall for them first?’ She would ask as Stan and Ford look at her with flustered cheeks.
‘They’re just a friend!’
‘Yeah a friend!’ The twins defective words would overlap which didn’t help their matching blushes that looked like cherry tomatoes by now.
Shermie would then throw her arms over the boys’ shoulders and said. ‘That’s what they all say until it becomes harder to ignore what you truly feel for them. Now it might be platonic but what about later on in the future where you look at them and suddenly think about planning a future with them.’
Now at this point neither Ford nor Stan truly understand what they felt for you at the time, they only thought they were being your protective friends who’d glare at whoever from behind your back if they caught them looking at you weird. They thought they were looking out for you much like you did for them as they stood on either side of you like two towering towers.
After all they didn’t have that many friends besides each other form such a young and so having you in their corner made you all the more special to the brothers.
You and Stan would playfully rough house, doddle in the margins of a notebook or write in code that you’ve only just made up on the spot to one, another and just do dumb goofy stuff in your spare time.
You and Ford would read, come up with theories about the things in New Jersey to make them more interesting than they were, go on a ‘monster chase of the week’ type of adventures when you were bored and in need of thrills.
Stan and Ford were your boys and you would have their backs no matter what as they always had yours in return. Much how like you made Cathy’s life hell after she threw punch at Ford, thinking that standing in solidarity with him as you and Stan both threw punch at each other and making a right ass of yourselves in order to make Ford feel better.
You and Stan then tp’d the bitches house and probably caused property damage but if they couldn’t see the person who did it, then did it actually happened in the first place? (Stans logical explanation to why tp someone’s house in the dead of night was a great guise.)
Or the time you had gotten stood up on a date and Stan threatened the beat the little shit up while Ford - equally as upset at the coward who stood you up- was more focused on comforting you and reminding you of your self worth and how it should be dictated by you alone and not some temporary crush.
You thought that it would be you, Ford and Stanley against everyone, that you’d get to live with them until you were old and grey but life ultimately took you and Ford in different directions from Stanley, who at this point had resorted to conning people for a living after being kicked out of the house by his cunt of a father.
The rift between the brothers that you though wouldn’t split from another for more then five minutes was larger then you’d like to admit, and it broke your heart to see them stand across from one another rather then beside each other.
Your parents refused to take him in afterwards despite your begging and pleading that you’ll do better in school if they house Stanley for a while. Needless to say you were gutted about not having your friend in your life that you didn’t take to your parents for a good while.
You did fairly well in school and ended up in Backupsmore university with Ford, who found a new friend in fiddleford and spent countless days and nights in the library doing extensive studies on the abnormal and the mysterious. You and Ford didn’t have as much time for each other as you use to as kids, that and you couldn’t contact Stanley who was god knows where, god knows what and getting into a fuckton of trouble. You missed it when days were a hell of a lot more simpler but that’s not how life worked and you were being told this constantly.
Ford was excelling at everything while you were average at best and while Ford tried to help, he could tell your heart wasn’t in to listening what he had to say and he knew the reason why.
‘You miss Stan.’ He says one day when you came to his dorm for help.
‘And you don’t seem to miss him one bit.’ You replied as you doodled a cartoon version of yourself, Stan and Ford celebrating a well earned victory over some weird lake monster that had a comedically large bump on it head.
‘He ruined his own life y/n why can’t you accept that.’ He reminds you but it was obvious that you weren’t so willing to hear him out as you use to be. ‘I could’ve helped him Ford, I could’ve!’ You cried.
‘But he didn’t want your help, he was on the path of self destruction and he didn’t want you getting caught in the aftermath of it all.’ Ford said as he placed his hand on your shoulder, much like you did to him when you were younger. ‘Stan is stubborn but wouldn’t avoid you for no reason.’ Ford adds as you look at him.
‘And how would you know that?’ You asked, brow raised.
‘Because I wouldn’t avoid you for no reason either.’ Ford admitted and you swore your saw a blush cut across his face. This conversation never gets brought up again by Ford as no matter how often you reminded him of it, he’s try to change the subject to something else entirely with a nervous laugh and shifty eyes.
You knew something was up and hated being left in the dark but you knew Ford was equally as stubborn as his brother, whether that’s something he’d like to admit or not. However life moved on and so did you as soon you found yourself becoming Ford’s assistant and moving to Gravity Falls, a small town not on any map but had a reputation for being a little odd much like its residence.
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vampsywrites · 1 year
forest boy.
synopsis: you are tsakarem (tsahik-in-training) of the metkayina clan, promised to ao'nung. however it seems that things take a turn when you catch the attention of a certain forest boy.
tags: fluffy drabble, fem! metkayina! reader, a test post to see if this fandom still lives lol, jealous! ao'nung, pining! neteyam, love at first sight! neteyam, subtle tsireya x lo'ak, reader and ao'nung are parallels of ronal and tonowari
part 2 here
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The bellow of a horn echoed throughout the village, accompanied by the fluttering of an Ikran's wings. Both you and Tsireya halted your light conversation, laughter dying down as your attention was drawn to the exotic mountain banshees flying above. Sharing a curious glance, both of you moved towards your Ilu's, making haste towards the sandy shores.
From afar, you could see how a family of forest Na'vi dropped down to the sands. They seemed apprehensive, led by a tall man dressed in exotic gear.
"Isn't that the Olo'eyktan from the Omatikaya clan?" Tsireya whispered, her voice barely audible. "What could possibly bring them here?"
"I have no idea," you replied, dismounting from your ilu as you approached the shore, Tsireya mirroring your actions.
As you dipped your head in the water, you pushed yourself upward, breaking through the surface. With a graceful motion, you brushed aside your damp hair, allowing it to cascade down your shoulders in a shimmering display.
Just then, your eyes locked with one of the strange forest people. Almost immediately, he bowed low, gesturing to you by placing his fingers on his forehead and extending one hand down. Smiling, you gestured back, returning the greeting with a nod of your head. The forest boy seemed pleased by your response, and his eyes sparkled with interest.
As Neteyam's gaze fell upon you, he couldn't help but become entranced by the mesmerizing shade of aquatic blue that adorned your skin, gracefully accompanied by flowing white stripes resembling gentle waves. The captivating allure of your large, penetrating blue eyes seemed to delve into the depths of his soul and he found himself speechless, mouth running dry.
Taking in your petite stature, the fin-like formations on your arms and legs piqued his curiosity, evoking images of elegant aquatic creatures. Your attire, intricately woven and embellished with coral, shells, and delicate trinkets, complemented your features perfectly, adding to your captivating appearance.
"You're staring, skxawng," Lo'ak snorts, playfully knocking his brother's side. Neteyam huffs, feeling a tinge of embarrassment as he quickly averts his gaze. "Shut it," he retorts, trying to brush off the moment.
As their father engaged in conversation with the newcomers, a group of boys broke away from the crowd, heading towards the brothers. Lo'ak and Neteyam exchanged quick gestures of greeting, but received no response in return.
Neteyam's gaze sharpened as he observed the group encircling them, a hint of caution in his eyes. One of them then laughed heartily, pointing at their tail, "What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail? How are they supposed to swim?"
"Do not!" Tsireya hisses, swiftly moving to smack Roxto's hand away. Sensing the tension, you saunter towards them, joining Tsireya in scolding the boys. "Be nice," you chide firmly.
Neteyam's attention shifts, his gaze locked on you as you approach Ao'nung and place a firm hand on his bicep.
In that moment, Neteyam witnesses a silent conversation unfold between the two of you, communicating with nothing but your eyes.
'You are being mean again,' you assert, raising your eyebrows and fixing your intense gaze upon the Metkayinan boy. Ao'nung blinks slowly, a dull look on his face. With a click of his tongue, he shuts his eyes and huffs in resignation. 'I know,' he concedes.
As all four of you shift your attention back towards the newcomers, Tsireya beams with enthusiasm, her warm greeting echoing once more, "We welcome you."
Lo'ak acknowledges her with a nod and a mumbled greeting, and you can't help but notice Tsireya's endearing reaction. Her cheeks flush, and her smile turns almost bashfully giddy as she glances down at her feet, clearly charmed by the interaction.
Months had passed since the Sully's integration into your village. You couldn't help but admire their quick learning, seamlessly adapting to the ways of the water in less than a month. As you spent more time training with them, your bond with the siblings grew stronger, particularly with endearing little Tuk, who always seemed eager to drag you along the shore to play.
'This is going to be interesting.'
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Amidst the camaraderie, not everyone got along. Fights frequently arose between Ao'nung and the two Sully brothers, resulting in heated scuffles, both physical and verbal. And while Ao'nung and Lo'ak seemed to have made some progress in improving their relationship, the situation with Neteyam remained…unresolved at best.
"Ao'!" You gasp out, flinching back when he tackles Neteyam to the ground. The two boys exchange hits with fervor, their fists flying in rapid succession as they grapple with each other.
"Oh, you skxawngs!" you huff, unable to contain your frustration any longer. You grab hold of Neteyam's tail, pulling him off Ao'nung and breaking up the fight. "What is wrong with you two?!"
"I told him to back off!" Neteyam snarls, his hand pressed against a blossoming bruise on his torso. Ao'nung clicks his tongue, rolling his shoulders as he stands up, his expression defiant. "Maybe you should back off my mate."
The tension in the air remains palpable as emotions run high, leaving you caught in the middle of the escalating conflict. You don't miss how Neteyam's shoulders drop, his mouth agape as his eyes dart between the two of you.
Confusion fills his gaze as he stammers, "Mate?"
"I am Tsakarem," you affirm, taking a step towards Ao'nung's side to assess his injuries. "But it's bold of you to claim that I'm your mate," you add, clicking your tongue disapprovingly. Neteyam, catching your mocking tone, seems to perk up and grin
"Don't get too excited, forest boy," Ao'nung grumbles, his gaze drilling holes into Neteyam's head, "She is still promised to me."
Sighing you tuck your head into his shoulder, begging him to shut up.
May Eywa help you.
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How do I plot a romance story?
Most advice and plot structures I have found seem to be focused on quest-type stories. Do you have any advice or templates that are mpre easily applicable to romance stories? Do I need to include another major plotline?
Basic Romance Structure
Like most stories, there are different theories and methods about structure, and you can find these by Googling "romance story structure." However, let me walk you through a basic romance structure to show you the differences and similarities with the kind of structure you'd use for something like a quest story or an adventure story.
Introduction/Normal World - Like most stories, romance stories usually open with a peek at the protagonist's "normal world" as a means of introducing who they are and what their life is like. And, as with other stories, this also introduces us to the both characters' internal conflicts. In romance, rather than resolving the internal conflict with growth in relation to the story events, the internal conflict will be resolved via change/growth in relation to the romance. [Example: Sandi is a florist with a four-year-old daughter, navigating single parenthood after her husband filed for divorce and ran away to chase a dream.]
The "Meet Cute" - This is essentially the inciting incident... the moment the two characters meet for the first time, or the first time in a long time. All in one moment, we see how undeniably right they are for each other, but due to their individual internal internal conflicts, they're butting heads big time.
[Example: Sandi meets Brent, the new flower supplier who is adorable, sweet to Sandi's daughter, but infuriatingly inept at doing things the way she likes them.]
Forced Proximity - After the "meet cute," something will inevitably force them to spend time together. They get partnered together on the same job, stuck together in the same place, keep coincidentally bumping into each other... whatever. All that matters is that they're forced to get to know each other despite their head butting.
[Example: they get roped into working together on the town's rose festival.]
Resistance/Rejection - Now that they're forced to interact for whatever reason, they're going to spend a lot of time resisting their mutual interest/desire for one another due to whatever obstacles exist, like being from warring factions or one being in the middle of a divorce. But despite this resistance, we can see the sparks flying between them, even if they can't or don't want to admit it.
[Example: Sandi wants to focus on running her business and raising her daughter; Brent just got out of a long relationship and isn't ready for romance.]
Waning Resistance/Giving Love a Chance - Eventually there's a breakthrough... the obstacle gives way... they have a really fun time hanging out at the Christmas market and almost kiss... they move past the misunderstanding between them... or maybe they just slowly get over their issues and start to fall in love. Either way, they decide to give the relationship a go.
[Example: as they get to know each other and bond through working on the rose festival, they can't deny how compatible they are and an unexpected first kiss gives Brent the courage to ask Sandi out on a date, to which she agrees.]
Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back - This is essentially the first date, then another one, then another one... though it doesn't have to be actual dates. It just needs to be some interactive scenes when they're in relationship mode. Each of these interactions will deepen their feelings for one another while at the same time raising new obstacles or re-raising the old ones.
[Example: the first date goes well except that Sandi is preoccupied with the fact that her daughter is staying with a new sitter. The second date goes okay, except Brent is in a bad mood after his ex came to town to pick up the last of her things. Then they pull an all-nighter to make some final preparations for the upcoming rose festival, which leads to a philosophical conversation about the future, wherein Sandi says she sees herself getting remarried one day and having another kid or two, and Brent says he can't ever see himself getting married or being a father.]
This Isn't Going to Work - This is the midpoint crisis... the "all is lost" moment where one or both put on brakes and say, "I can't do this," citing whatever obstacle/s that now stand in the way of their happiness. Sometimes this follows their biggest act of intimacy yet, whether that's simply their first kiss or going all the way. It could even be the first declaration of love, being introduced to family, or some other important early relationship milestone. But then it all falls apart... maybe because one or more of the obstacles become too much, a fear-based retreat, or some other external force
[Example: the rose festival has arrived... Sandi is there with her daughter and parents, Brent is there with his mom and sister. Everyone meets, Brent continues to be great with Sandi's daughter... it's obvious Brent and Sandi belong together. But then Sandi's wayward not-yet-officially-ex-husband shows up and wants to get back together. Although she's ambivalent, seeing him interact with their daughter and her parents makes her realize giving him another chance is what's best for their daughter. Meanwhile, Brent witnesses this from far away, thinks, "I'm not good enough for a family like that," and he and Sandi go their separate ways.]
On Second Thought... - This is the moment when something happens that makes one or both characters realize they belong together... that the obstacles aren't real or don't matter... [Example: Brent finds a drawing Sandi's daughter made of the three of them together that makes him realize he really is worthy of their love. And Sandi sees that her husband hasn't changed, that he's still focused on chasing dreams that aren't what's best for their daughter... or herself, for that matter. ]
The Moment of Declaration - This is where the one character finds the other, or they find each other, and one or both declare their love and commitment to the other, despite whatever obstacles there may be. This is the run through the airport to catch the other before they fly away to a new life. It's the objection at the wedding before the other can go forward with the less-than-ideal marriage. It's the boombox on the shoulders, the kiss in the rain, the "I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on" declaration in a foggy field at sunrise. [Example: Brent hears from a friend that Sandi's husband left again. He goes to the last night of the rose festival, finds Sandi, and tells her he wants all of it... her, the daughter, her quirky parents, the flower shop, marriage, more kids... he is ready to take on the world with her, and she couldn't be happier.]
The Happily Ever After or "HEA" - This is the story's denouement, where we flash forward a few days, weeks, or more and see the happy ending. This is the jump ahead a few months to see the happy couple living their lives together, the one year leap ahead to the wedding, or a leap ahead to a moment even further down the road when the couple is firmly established in their HEA.
[Example: two years later, Sandi and Brent have been married almost a year, and are at the rose festival with the now six-year-old and their newborn twins, Sandi's parents, and Brent's mom and sister, one big happy family.]
Now... like I said, there are a variety of different structure templates for romance as there are for other genre stories. Don't feel like you have to pick one, and if you do, don't feel like you have to stick to it exactly. Story structure is just a guideline to help make sure you hit the important points to help the story unfold.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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taegimood · 24 days
kitty or shark hybrid tyun thoughts pleasepleasepleaseplease
i already had kitty tyun in the works so you read my mind but omg SHARK TYUN ???!!!! i know we literally just talked abt this on discord but i never thought abt how it would actually work… i’ve never thought about marine hybrids before 🤔 would he need water ??? reverse sandy cheeks LMFAO but no the predatory aspect mmmmm we should talk abt this later
edit this is longer and kind of turned into more of actual writing (??) than the soobin one ugh sorry i’m so inconsistent i’m ekwkndndkfk almost don’t even wanna post it BUT ANYWAY ,,,,,
next on my agenda: cat hybrid!taehyun !!
cat hybrid!taehyun with perky dark brown ears that nearly blend in with his hair, and a sleek tail to match. he’d be reserved when you first bring him home, but not shy or nervous like soobin; taehyun would be cool, collected, on his guard but in a way that lets you know he still sees himself as one in control.
at first it would seem like he really couldn’t care less about your presence in the apartment; quickly getting comfortable enough to make it his own, but apparently you weren’t included in that sentiment, judging from the way he’d just side-eye you before carrying on with whatever he was doing as his only form of acknowledgement every time you attempt an interaction 🫠
it makes you nervous; was this the right decision? will we ever form a bond? little do you know… muehuehue
you knew that cat hybrids were notoriously hit or miss in terms of how affectionate or independent they’d turn out to be, but i mean come on — taehyun acts as though he doesn’t even need you at all !!
imagine the first time you try to pet his ears, him flattening them and immediately swatting your hand away to shrink back with a scowl; the way your stomach would drop as you quickly start to apologize 😭 but he’s already stalking away into the next room like a grumpy grouch >:(
it’s not that taehyun hates you or anything, it’s just that he doesn’t like his personal space invaded — or at least, that’s what he thinks at first, but more on that later 👀
him hearing you crying in your room one night cuz you’re just so frustrated and sad :(( wanting to build a happy comfortable life for him but he’s not even letting you try and you don’t know what you’re doing wrong 🥺 that’s the first time he’d feel a little twinge in his chest, an unfamiliar emotion that he can’t quite place as he finds himself wanting to… comfort you? hmm.. he decides that he doesn’t like this strange new feeling and continues on to his room instead.
but the next day you’d be shocked when you’re on the couch and he actually comes and…. sits.. in the same.. room.. as you ???? someone call oprah ✋🏼
he’d silently situate himself in the armchair away from the couch, opening up his book an educated mf and starting to read without a single word as you sit there gaping at him like 👁️👄👁️ not having any clue that this is his way of offering a small bridge for the gap you’re even a little suspicious tbh LOL but you get so excited regardless and even though you try to hide it, his sharp senses are quick to notice the change in your demeanor.
also you keep glancing over at him like every 10 seconds so that’s kind of a giveaway in itself
after that you’d begin to notice little things that he’d start to do that make you realize you need to let him be the one to decide when to come to you, when you’re allowed to touch him, etc — and honestly you’re just grateful to be making progress.
you’d be on the phone with a friend one day when they start asking about your new hybrid, taehyun’s ears perking up from the kitchen; (you glance over to see his head poking out and his boba eyes sparkling with interest before he catches you looking and instantly scowls, feigning indifference as he disappears again 😭😭 your heart clenching at the cuteness..)
him listening intently as you talk about him, surprised as you even defend him when your friend makes a comment about the cat hybrid stereotypes — “he’s not ‘hellish’ in the slightest. he’s been very good. he just likes his space, that’s all.”
but his favorite part of all would be when they ask you about his breed, what he looks like, etc; his chest swelling with pride as he hears you talk about how handsome he is, how strong and lithe he seems to be, and he finds a purr escaping from his throat at the praise as you boast about him.
after that, even more progress seems to be made; like him randomly coming up to you one day with an extra bit of his food in hand as he places it in front of you and says, “i brought this for you.” and walking away again before you can respond 💀
with how put-together he always seems, you’re finally starting to see how cat-like he truly is the more he opens up to you ❤️‍🩹
he starts speaking to you more often too, his voice a pleasant surprise to you; smooth and even-toned, inducing a bit of a blush from you whenever there’s a slight rasp or purr caught at the end of a phrase.
he perplexes you at first with how blunt or monotoned he can be, but you learn to read him better as time goes on, learn to understand his subtle undertones, and each flick of his ears or swish of his tail.
you’ve also learned that he can be won over with certain treats and presents… which ends up leading to the mess you’ve found yourself in now.
when you decided to buy a bunch of catnip, thinking it would be nice to bake him some desserts with it every now and then, you didn’t think you’d have to go out of your way to hide the stuff. since you brought him home taehyun has never acted out much aside from the occasional swipe of something off the edge of the counter when he’s bored; but he never scratches up your furniture or makes a mess of the apartment, so imagine your shock when you come home from a late shift one night to find your kitchen absolutely ransacked.
drawers and cabinets thrown open and their contents scattered everywhere, kitchen towels shredded to bits, and for a minute you’re terrified that someone broke in or something.. until you realize what you’re looking at.
catnip is strewn EVERYWHERE.
the tub of it fallen open on the floor has you gaping as your eyes follow the trail of it, from the cabinet taehyun must have smelled it from, to where it then spilled across the counter, before being knocked to the floor and.. rolled in??
with a start you suddenly realize that it’s too quiet.
taehyun is never one to come and greet you at the door, but this time, something feels.. different.
which is why you nearly jump out of your skin when you turn to go and look for him, ready to call out his name, only to find him standing in the entrance of the kitchen already watching you.
he’s so quiet that you didn’t even hear him approach and you’re convinced that in another life he would’ve made a great vampire or something.. taehyun salvatore has a nice ring to it iykyk
“holy shit, kitty, you scared me! why are you lurking like that? what the hell happened in.. here...”
your voice trailing off as you actually take in the sight of him and….
taehyun’s chest rising and falling at a quicker rate than usual, normally neat hair all tousled out of place, tail swishing sharply back and forth behind him, ears twitching — you meet his eyes and swallow hard. he’s never looked at you like this before.
his pupils are blown wide and taking in every inch of you, roaming over your body before locking onto your gaze, as if he’s looking straight into you, hyper-focused; silent and still and.…
there’s a crackling tension in the air as something flickers in his eyes.
before you can process the speed that he moves forward with you’re being pushed against the kitchen counter with his body flush against yours, radiating heat as he rolls his hips, rubbing his face into your neck as a deep, growl-like purr reverberates in your ear.
you gasp, thighs pressing together instinctively, his tongue licking a rough stripe up to your jaw as he growls, “whose scent is this?”, and you barely even have time to remember the new coworker that he must be smelling let alone the time to answer him before he’s mouthing at your neck, muttering, “doesn’t matter.. i’ll just have to scent you myself.”
his tail curls around your waist and you inhale at the slight prickle of his sharp canines as he smirks against your throat;
“have to let him know that you’re mine.”
you don’t know how you got here, bent over the kitchen table as your previously aloof hybrid pounds you from behind, licking and biting at your shoulder and neck as he purrs roughly in your ear, your pussy clenching hard around his thick cock as he tugs your hair to bring your head up into a scorching kiss; whatever insane energy high that catnip gave him was all being released onto you right now, and you really can’t complain.. nor can you even remember whatever guilt you may have felt since at this point he’s fucked it right out of you.
he’d be telling you how your scent belongs to him, how no one else can have you like this; this sudden possessiveness coming out of seemingly no where, baffling you with the whiplash of taehyun’s deeper feelings coming out.
(feelings that he honestly didn’t even realize he had himself until that catnip got him good)
he’d so be the type to act completely nonchalant about it all the next day, to the point where you’d just about convince yourself that you went crazy and dreamed it all up until he’d do something to show you that no, you definitely did not.
standing at the sink washing dishes after lunch, lost in your swirling thoughts, when he’d come up behind you to place his own dish in the sink — chest ghosting against your back as he leans in just close enough for you to feel his smirk against one of the many love bites littered across your neck. quickly turning to face him but he’s already walking away, casually and without another glance in your direction;
later you’d be tidying up the apartment when he’d walk by you and his tail would curl sneakily around your waist, trailing over your ass as he passes by..
but it’s the last straw for you when you’re sitting on a conference call and taehyun slinks into the room, eyeing your computer, and you can already see the wheels turning in his head at the sound of your male coworkers going over their part of an example presentation.
your eyes widen marginally as his narrow — lip curling as he quickly deduces that one of them must be yesterday’s icky scent culprit — and you give him a stern warning look that he only ignores with a sly smile as he approaches where you’re sitting, your breath catching in your throat as he suddenly gets on his knees between your legs, just out of sight of the camera.
you’re about to mute your mic and ask him what the hell he’s doing when you hear your name being called from the screen, quickly averting your attention to answer your coworker’s question, when you feel the tip of taehyun’s claw begin to trace up your inner thigh.. ohhh boy you’re done for.
you’d be panicking as he’d tease his way under your skirt, flipping it up to reveal your panties that he’d so easily push aside, your voice coming out in a squeak when you try to continue talking as he nuzzles his face into your cunt.
trying to deter him by pushing his head away, but that only spurs him on more at the feeling of your fingers brushing past his mischievously twitching ears; your coworkers asking you if everything’s alright as the sudden warmth of taehyun’s tongue against your pussy sends a rush of electricity through you in the form of a choked-out moan that you can only disguise as a cough.
having to sit through the rest of your meeting as your naughty hybrid meticulously eats you out, his shameless rumbling purrs sending vibrations through your core while he laves at your juices, smug eyes glittering up at you the entire time as you try your absolute hardest not to squirm and moan.
it’s so filthy, so obscene, and he’s got you so so close to the point where you have no choice but to feign sickness and quickly hang up the call with reddened cheeks and labored breaths.
but taehyun pulls away immediately and you give a sharp whine before you can stop yourself.
you can see the satisfaction in his eyes as he poorly feigns indifference poorly on purpose ofc and states, “i’m bored,” with a move to stand up — but you’ve had enough of his teasing.
“nuh uh,” you breathe, your hand in his hair pulling him back in with a surprised little trill as your need to cum overpowers your conscience.
“finish what you started.”
and he’s more than happy to oblige as that same flicker from last night returns to his eyes, yanking you towards his waiting mouth as he ravishes your pussy with even more vigor than before.
“taehyun, y-you’ve been such a… bad.. k-kitty…”
and he eats it right up, the both of you knowing who really seems to be in control here despite your scolding words as you lose yourself on his tongue.
coming apart easily not once but twice before he finally sits back on his heels, licking the wetness from his lips and observing your spent form in satisfaction;
from then on it’s decided that taehyun does like his new owner after all, quick to jealousy but even quicker to remind you that you’re his; who’s the real owner here, to be honest? 🤔
and he even comes to realize that - you know what? - curling up with you for cuddles and head scratches really isn’t so bad after all. he could definitely get used to this ❤️‍🩹
my dom!taehyun agenda knows no bounds i couldn’t stop myself womp
also this feels to me like it had a much different vibe from the soobin one as in like a lot less detailed even tho it’s longer…? idk but later i wanna post more than just one thing for each member anyway so
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nexysworld · 1 year
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Summary: Leon Kennedy is your new neighbor, and seemingly a great guy; handsome, funny, sweet, mysterious. It doesn't take long until you're falling for him hard and fast. But things take a turn after the death of someone close to you. Strange events keep happening around you, leaving you in a whirlwind of confusion. Desperate for a sense of normalcy, you rely heavily on Leon. He plays his part well, always being there for you, always being your safe space. There's only one problem, unbeknownst to you, his obsession towards you is growing and as it does, so too does the measures he'll take to watch over you, and more importantly make you his.
Pairing: Yandere!Leon x Fem!Reader
Tags: NSFW, Dead Dove, Dubcon, Kidnapping, Stalking, Smut, Unprotected Sex, Pet Names, violence, gore, MDNI, masturbation, murder, slow burn.
Read on AO3 || Ask Box Open || Masterlist
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You had lived in this apartment since the day you moved out of your parent’s house. It was small, only a single bedroom located in a rougher part of the city. While the appliances hadn’t been updated since the 90’s and the place looked like a disaster, you did your best to make the beat down apartment your own. A few fresh coats of paint on the yellowed walls and some throw rugs to cover the stained and now flattened shag rug and boom — not too shabby. 
It was home. 
Living in such a rundown building meant that the turnover rate for neighbors was quite high, people always coming and going. None really caught your attention except for the few long-term tenants that seemed to have no intention of leaving. So of course when a new person moved in on the other side of Mrs. Wilson, the sweet elderly woman who shared the apartment next door, you paid no mind. 
In fact, it wasn’t until several weeks later that you had even seen who the new neighbor was. Returning from work, you watched Tina, the girl from 202 painfully trying to hit on – what you could only describe as – an absolute tank of a man. 
Sandy blonde hair was slicked back out of his face revealing a handsome mesh of chiseled and soft features. He had clearly been accosted on his way back from exercising, clad in black basketball shorts and a sweat-soaked gray t-shirt, sleeves straining against his massive biceps. His earbuds were tossed over his shoulder as he talked to the girl, music still playing quietly through them. Turning to the wall of shared mailboxes, you tried your best to not stare or eavesdrop, but damn was it hard. As you opened the small metal door, you couldn’t keep your eyes from darting back to him. 
‘I thought guys like him only existed in magazines.’ You thought to yourself, collecting the mail – even taking an extra moment to slowly sort through it where you were, buying more time to be nosy. It was obvious he was not into her at all. 
“Soooo Leon..” Tina said awkwardly, twirling her finger through her choppy red hair, the metal bracelets on her wrist clanging together with each movement, bubble gum gnashing between her pearly whites.  “You listen to music while you work out?” “Uhh…yeah, sometimes.” He said almost flatly, scratching a spot on his slightly cleft chin. 
“Oh that’s cool. What uh, what do you usually listen to?” She bit her red coated lip, and batted her lashes, it didn’t seem to garner any additional interest from the man.  
“Rock music, I guess.” Another flat response, his jaw clenching ever so slightly before he resumed his neutral look. 
“I like rock music. Uh…” You watched as she fumbled to try to come up with anything else to add, tapping her heeled boot against the floor. 
“Look, it was real nice talking to you, but I have to go.” He said flashing a small smile before popping his earbuds back in and running up the stairs, not giving the girl a chance to respond.
‘Ouch, that was awkward. But damn even his voice is attractive.’ Stopping yourself from giggling, you collected the few pieces of non junk mail and made your way back to your apartment. There was the smallest amount of guilt bouncing at the back of your mind, knowing you shouldn’t be ogling men like that while having a boyfriend. ‘It’s not like I did anything. I didn’t even speak to the guy.’ 
About a week after that, you had your first real run-in with Leon. Heading out to work you saw Mrs. Wilson’s door ajar — definitely unusual as she didn’t tend to get many visitors besides yourself. Concerned for her, you poked your head through the opening. The familiar smell of mint and warm bread hit your senses, but you didn’t hear a thing. 
Sliding inside you quietly poked around as you made your way to the back of the apartment, keeping an eye out in case anything nefarious was afoot. Much to your relief, the hall opened up into the living room at the back where you saw Mrs. Wilson. Next to her was another figure you hadn’t expected. 
Leon was standing with one arm above his head, unscrewing the blackened lightbulb from the socket before replacing it with the fresh one he had in his other hand. Workout attire replaced with a pair of worn blue jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. “Oh thank you.” Mrs. Wilson said with her signature wrinkly smile. “You’re so kind to do this for me. I hate having to bug the sweet girl next door all the time, but you know the lights in this place tend to blow every time there’s a storm and I can’t get up on the chairs like I used to.” “No worries ma’am.” He said with a far brighter smile than he’d worn during his interaction with Tina. His hair was no longer slicked back either, instead it framed his face, soft and fluffy, accentuating his cheekbones. You couldn’t help but notice the tiny gap his shirt left while his arm was raised, just the smallest peek of a dusty blonde happy trail and the faintest hint of hard muscle. “Looks like you have a visitor.” 
Leon turned his attention to you with a small nod before he flipped the switch on the wall to test the new light. It lit up, further illuminating the area with a soft yellow glow. “S-sorry.” You snapped out of it, raising your eyes to meet his. “I saw the door was open and I just wanted to make sure Grams was okay.”
“You’re always such a Darling.” The elderly woman said with a toothless grin aimed in your direction. There was a homeliness about the old woman that made you feel warm.  “Mr. Kennedy here is such a sweet boy. Have you met him yet? He moved in next door a while ago and offered to help me with a few things.” “I told you Mrs. Wilson, call me Leon.” He said as he tossed the broken lightbulb into the small pink trash can by the kitchen counter. “And I don’t believe we have met. Nice to meet you. The name’s Leon, well I guess you already knew that. Leon Kennedy.” He added his last name, reaching out a hand to you. 
“Nice to meet you too Leon. I’m glad to hear Grams has someone else to help take care of her. I live next door, in 306.” You couldn’t lie, your heart melted a little. ‘Handsome and kind? This guy must be a unicorn.’ You whisked the thought away again, the picture of your own boyfriend flashing behind your eyes again. 
The vintage clock hung against the floral wallpaper cuckoo’d and chimed, indicating the top of the hour. “Oh shit—“
“Language!” Mrs. Wilson chimed. “You know it’s unbecoming of a lady to—“
“I meant, shoot. Sorry Grams. I’m just running late for work.” You wrapped an arm around her in a quick side hug. “Sorry to cut this short, but I have to run.” Waving to Leon, you made a beeline for the door. 
“Well Ms. 306, I guess I’ll be seeing you around.” He shouted after you. 
“You too Mr. 302!” 
Ever since, Leon became a regular in your routine. Short conversations in the hallway that always left you with butterflies swirling in the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t help the way your muscles in your face stretched into a permanent grin that you couldn’t stave off for the life in you. How a man managed to be so stoic and corny at the same time you’d never know. 
You ran errands for Mrs. Wilson together too, taking his Jeep out into the city. He would leave the top down and take the long way. Your hair would whip your face as you both sang along — poorly — to some dad rock mixtape Leon had. It seemed so fitting that he’d have an out of date tape player in his car, something so indescribably Leon. 
He really seemed like a great guy and you were enamored to say the least — though you tried desperately not to be. ‘It’s just a harmless crush.’ You told yourself. ‘He’s not into you anyway. Leon’s just a nice guy, worlds out of your league.’ 
Cool air bit at your cheeks and nose while you leaned against the brick wall of the building. Derek was abysmally late, you had the feeling he was upset at you for some reason but unable to fathom why. Hoping that it wasn’t the reason for his current absence, you checked your phone again.
Still nothing. A sigh escaped your lips as you readjusted your jacket.
“Everything alright?” The voice was immediately recognizable and your face lit up into a smile before you even looked over at him. 
“Hey Leon. Yeah everything’s fine, I’m just waiting on Derek.” You couldn’t be certain but you swore there was the slightest change in his expression, facial muscles contracting tightly before settling back into the lax warm look you were used to. “Oh. You know it’s not nice to keep a lady waiting.” Leaning against the wall next to you, he tilted his back to look up at the sky. He was wearing his brown bomber jacket that you found so attractive on him. A small part of you wondered how it would feel to wear it yourself, if it would smell like him. The other part of you was curious how a guy could afford such a nice brand name jacket, but lived in a place like this. 
“Yeah well… I think he’s mad at me actually.” You moved some dirt back and forth with your foot. “Why’s that?” A thick blonde brow was raised with interest as he tilted his head to look down at you. The dull light of the street lamp lit up half his face, casting hard shadows on the other, it accentuated each of his features in a way that made you never want to stop looking. 
“Wish I knew.” A dry laugh escaped your lips. As the wind picked up again, dust kicked up from the ground, blowing towards you along with some plant debris. You covered your face with the oversized jacket sleeve for a moment to protect your face. 
You heard Leon chuckle. “Looks like you picked up a straggler.” He brought his hand up to your head, just above your ear and gently removed a small weed stem that had made its home in your hair. 
“Thank you, I would’ve looked silly walking around like that.” 
He lingered close to you for a moment, flicking the stem away before he brought his hand back to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Mhm, can’t have that.” 
The moment felt intimate, and your heart beat out of time for a moment. You wanted to return the gesture, to say something, to do anything, but your brain was frazzled for a moment by the electric feel of his touch. 
“Ahem.” Your head snapped in the other direction to see your boyfriend standing there leaning against his car, not having heard him drive by or even exit the vehicle. 
“Have a good night Leon.” Quickly, you jerked away from his touch and ran over to your boyfriend, who had already started walking around to get back in the driver’s side of his car. Slipping into the passenger seat, you tried to lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek, but he turned his head enough to dodge it. Shrinking back, you buckled up and rested your head against the window, looking out as the city blurred past. ‘Guess he is mad at me.’
You attempted to fumble through some radio stations, but Derek made it clear he didn’t appreciate it, reaching over and turning it off entirely after the third one. The forty minute ride felt like hours as the rest passed by in total silence. 
His mood didn’t seem to improve at the movie theater either. Each little gesture of affection you attempted was immediately spurned. Every part of him radiated with negativity — and the thought of dinner afterwards made your stomach churn. A movie was a distraction and there was no requirement to talk, but sitting across from someone dead silent, that would be harder to deal with. The uncomfortableness of the situation caused your focus to drift again, only tuning in when a jumpscare appeared – unfortunately he left you to reel in your chair alone during those parts too. The movie ended, indicated by the overhead lights that suddenly appeared and the credits rolling on the screen.  Derek was halfway out the door before you even finished grabbing your bag. 
You had to run after him across the tacky carpeted floor of the theater and out intl the parking lot. “Why are you acting like this?” You pleaded, grabbing his hand before he could reach the car. 
“Acting like what?” He asked coldly. 
“Like this.” You gestured broadly towards him. “You’ve been cold to me the whole evening. Well actually more than just this evening.” 
“Really? I honestly didn’t think you’d notice.”  
“What does that even mean?” 
“You know exactly what it means!” He finally shouted. He brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep breath trying to calm himself. Of course the two of you had fought before, but he’d never acted like this. It didn’t help that you had no idea what he was even talking about. “You’ve been pulling away from me for weeks now. You’ve been distant, canceling plans to ‘run errands’. When we are together all you ever do is talk about that stupid neighbor of yours — and then tonight, I catch him nearly eye fucking you right out in the open. You certainly didn’t seem to be bothered by it.” 
“Derek….that’s not true. I — Leon’s just a friend, my neighbor I swear.”
“Are you sleeping with him?”
“Are. You. Sleeping. With. Him?” He brought his eyes back up to meet yours, the look of hurt on his face made your stomach twist and heart ache. 
“No! What? No, I wouldn't do that to you.” You assured, stepping towards him. “Come on, please don’t be like this. I’m sorry if it seems that way, I don’t realize I’m talking about him so much. I’d never —“
“Save it.” He said, pushing you away from him again. “I don’t believe you. I don’t even know why I came out here tonight.” 
“I said save it!” He snapped. 
“This isn’t fair!” You shouted in return. “Why drag me out here on this whole date if you were this upset? You could’ve brought it up this whole time”
“I did. I told you over a week ago I was sick of hearing about him. I asked you to stop seeing so much of him, you told me no.”
“Leon’s a friend, I’m not going to ruin my friendship with him because you’re being psycho and jealous.”
“I’m a psycho because I don’t like that my own girlfriend spends all her time with some guy that looks like he stepped out of a Calvin Klein ad? How about the fact you don’t even seem to care that I’m hurt I thought I’d have been more important — you know what? Forget this. Forget it.” He turned to walk around to the driver’s side of the car. “I’m over this. You want him? Have him. I’m not chasing you. I thought you were my future wife, I thought we’d have the picket fence, kids, all of it. But now I get how you feel about everything.”
He slammed the car door shut, started the engine, and began backing out of the spot. You banged on the window to get his attention. “What are you doing? You’re seriously just going to leave me here?”
“Call your boyfriend to come get you.” He sneered through the window before blasting off and out of the parking lot.
You were stunned, unable to move as you watched the car disappear. ‘He can’t be serious right now? He’ll be back right?’ Pulling your phone out of your pocket you checked the time, 10pm. Wanting to hide your shame from the few people staring at you, and deciding he just needed a little while to cool down, you sat on the sidewalk in front of the theater, hidden by a bush that extended out. 
15 minutes passed. Nothing. 
Dialing the familiar number it rang a few times before going to voicemail. You tried again, this time it went straight to voicemail. 
10 more minutes passed and you tried to text him.
20 more minutes, still no response or call back. 
The wind was picking up again, making it chilly even under your jacket, which you’d brought down over your knees to try and keep in more warmth. This part of the city you weren’t familiar with, and weren’t sure it was worth the risk of trying to walk home. Given the situation, calling Leon was the last thing you wanted to do, especially since he was probably asleep by now — not that it was his job to really come save you anyway. 
Opening the Uber app on your phone, you put in the respective addresses. “$30? Not including a tip? Fuck.” You bit your lip in frustration. Technically you had enough, but it was the last of what was left in your account after bills.
Tapping your fingers along the cement, you shivered as a particular gust of wind leaked air into your jacket from the opening underneath. ‘Even if I did call Leon and he wasn’t mad I woke him up, that’s still a drive away. An Uber would be faster…but I do need groceries to sustain life.’
“This sucks.” You said out loud to yourself, burying your face into your knees, you had no clue what you were going to do and were running out of time to decide. By this time, the parking lot had emptied entirely, theater closing for the night. ‘Fuck it. I’ll just call and if he doesn’t answer I’ll order the stupid Uber.’ 
Opening his contact, the picture of him you’d taken at the park came up. Blonde hair pushed back and messy, one sea blue eye opened staring at your phone’s camera while the other was closed in a wink. You’d even convinced him to throw up a peace sign – it was so silly and so very Leon. Sighing, you began the call, letting the phone ring.
As it rang over and over again, you could swear you heard a familiar tune in the distance. It was very quiet, like someone was playing the radio several blocks over, but it tickled your ears all the same. You ended the call the moment it went to his voicemail, as you did you swore the song had ended too. ‘Weird, I must be hallucinating. Wouldn’t that just be the cherry on top, abandoned and crazy.’ You let out a dry laugh at the thought. 
Luckily after a moment, the phone buzzed in your hand, heart fluttering a little when you saw his name pop up on your screen. “Hey.” You said softly. 
“Hey there.” He replied, his voice sounding groggy. 
“Sorry to uhm….sorry if I woke you up.”
“S’not a problem. Everything ok?” 
“Well I uh….” 
“What’s wrong?” His voice sounding more alert now, you heard some shifting on the other end of the line. 
“Derek kind of ditched me at the theater. I’m a little stranded —“
“Need me to come get you?” 
“If you don’t mind. But if you’re asleep —“
“No, it's fine. I’d rather make sure you’re okay anyway. Where are you at?”
“The theater up by main, across from the big shopping center.”
“I’ll be there in 15, ok?”
“15, are you sure?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be? This a test?” There was a small chortle from his end. “Well it’s just that the apartment is nearly 40 minutes away? I hope you’re not planning on driving like a maniac.” There was a long moment of silence on the other end, so long it began to make you feel anxious. “Hey Leon, you still there?” 
It was still another few seconds before his voice could be heard again. “Yeah, I’m here. Sorry about that. I actually crashed at a friend's house after you left, so I’m nearby.”
“Oh. Okay.” 
The wait for him to show up felt like an eternity, you watched each and every minute tick by on your phone, both giddy and nervous with anticipation. When his Jeep came to a stop in front of you, you bolted up with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replied with the same grin he always greeted you with. His hair was a little messy and he looked tired, making the guilt bubble up in your stomach more. “So….you gonna get in or?” 
“Oh yeah.” Letting out a nervous laugh, you ran around to the passenger seat before hopping in. He had the heater on, not that it was doing much with the open top, but you appreciated every time the warmth hit your legs. 
“So what exactly happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” He leaned back more comfortably in his seat, driving with one hand as the other rested on the door.
“We just got into a fight….” You fidgeted with your phone as you gave him a glance in return. “He seems to think I’ve been cheating on him…or at least that I like someone else. I tried to tell him it wasn’t true, but you know…
“So he abandoned you? Just like that?” He asked bewildered. 
“Yeah I guess he did…” 
“That’s pretty shitty of him. I mean what if something happened to you?”
“Yeah it was… I don’t know…” You trailed off, not wanting to talk about it further, just dredging up those bad feelings. Instead, you opted to change the subject entirely. “Hey you know what’s weird?”
“No, what?”
“That one Nickelback song you like so much…you play it almost every time we’re in the Jeep together.”
“Oh, Far Away? Sure, what about it?”
“Well…as I was calling you, I swore I heard it. Was so weird, like a scene from a movie or something — maybe it was a sign that you’d come get me. Or I had a psychotic break and imagined the whole thing. Could be either one.”
“Yeah?” He asked with a chuckle. “I don’t know about the universe, but I am always here if you need me – even if you’ve lost your mind.” He tilted his head and gave a nonchalant shrug.
“Thanks Lee…” The rest of the ride home went smoothly — things falling back into place like they always did. Blasting music obnoxiously loud for the hour, singing along. He even stopped to get you milkshakes on the way back, despite your insistence that you were fine. In his defense, the logic of ‘no one can be upset with a milkshake’ made a lot of sense. 
As the vehicle rolled in front of the building, he leaned over, swiping his thumb across the side of your mouth. “Had something there.” His tongue darted out, lapping the sticky white substance off of the digit.
“Oh.” The simple touch had that electric feeling sparking throughout your veins again. “Thank you….and thanks again for the ride.”
“No problem.” 
Not knowing what else to say, you nodded and scurried from the vehicle back inside the building. He didn’t follow immediately behind you, having to properly park, which left you relieved. 
The entire evening was a whirlwind of emotions and that last little interaction had your entire brain scrambling inside your skull. All you wanted was for the night to be over with, forgotten as you drifted to unconsciousness. 
You took a quick shower before changing into your pajamas and all but flopping into the comfortable fortress of your bed. 
Curling up into the soft bedding, you expected sleep to come over you quickly — but you were wrong. Every time you closed your eyes, all you could picture was that pink tongue darting out to lap up the milkshake from his thumb. His smile, his eyes on you. It made you shudder and clamp your legs together, heat rushing between them. You squirmed around tossing and turning, trying to get your mind to relax and to stave off the arousal that was hindering your sleep.
Nothing you did was working, finally deciding to just give in, sinking your hand down between your legs. ‘Just so I can sleep…’ 
Hand tracing gently along your slit through your panties, you spread your legs farther to give yourself more access. Closing your eyes you could vividly see his face between your legs, tongue out lapping at your panties the way he’d done to the ice cream. 
A soft moan escaped your lips as you applied more pressure, rubbing the slick soaked fabric against your aching bud of pleasure. “Mmm Leon…” The comforter was slowly becoming suffocating, too hot. You tossed it off of yourself to the other side of the mattress, letting yourself feel the cool air as it rushed against your skin – nipples sensitive to the temperature change. 
You brought your left hand up under the silken sleep shirt, circling one hard bud with a finger before pinching it lightly. The fingers of your right hand teasingly walked themselves up to the hem of the fabric, dipping inside the band to properly travel down. Air escaped your mouth once direct contact was made to your throbbing clit. “Leon…so good…” 
In your little vision the man had moved to hook your legs over his shoulders to gain a better angle - the real you bucking your hips up against your fingers, desperate to add to the vision. “So good to me Lee….always so good to me….fuck…” 
Your fingers slid up and down against yourself, left hand abandoning your breast to travel it’s way downward as well, two fingers slipping themselves within your soaking hole – desperately needing to clench around more than the nothingness you were left with. “So close….gonna…” The words caught in your throat as the pressure finally released itself, tingling warmth spreading from your core throughout your body. It was quick and rough, far from the best you’d ever had but it was exactly what you needed. 
The illusion finally cracked and you were left with sore arms, staring up at the ceiling – momentarily sated and relieved, again hoping sleep would take you quickly. 
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A/N: If this looks familiar, it's a total rewrite/reboot of my yandere!leon series. This original series was inspired by @explorevenus' Something Permanent series. Other inspirations include @gigabyte-flare, @lipglossanon, and @girldungeon's works. Special shoutout to @elfven-blog and her superior pinterest skills for the aesthetic pics used in the banner.
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rose-petal123 · 3 months
love love LOVE the shells and tides au and all the designs you have been putting out for ittt waahh… definitely it is on my list of things to draw at some point …. :>
in your king post though you mention the au being no time loops. for my own curiosity, IS there a plot you have in mind? or general story? 👀 or anything ur willing to share?? vv interested…
Hello yes! I do kind of have a storyline of sorts! Mostly basic background info on what the au is about etc.
Mirabelle quite literally found Siffrin hiding under a rock! They are extremely unfamiliar with waters outside of where they come from. They don't know surface customs etc, So Mirabelle teaches them the primary language! Though being merfolk they also can communicate with little whistles and clicks etc. Mirabelle teaches Siffrin a lot about what places are safe etc. The two are basically inseparable until Mira is comfortable with Siffrin swimming off on their own and not getting themself into trouble!
Mirabelle and Siffrin live in a sunken ship together! They both like to collect any trinkets and shells they find! Nille and Bonnie are friends of theirs! (They live in a nearby underwater cave)
When Siffrin is in the middle of becoming fluent in vaugardian, they notice a boat above! Mirabelle explains the concept of humans to them and such. Siffrin, being a curious little fella swims up there and discovers Odile, who's a pirate captain, and Isabeau! Along with the rest of their crew. Siffrin, who likes giving gifts like shells to his friends, starts leaving shells for the crew in attempt to make friends with them. Isabeau starts collecting the shells because Ooo pretty!!
One day Isabeau catches Siffrin putting shells on the deck. They make awkward eye contact with each other and then Sif swims off. Isabeau tells Odile about what he saw, and against Odile's warnings about Sirens, Isabeau decides he's going to try to befriend Siffrin! (Which is very successful)
Isabeau definitely helped in Siffrin's ability to speak fluently. They tend to exchange gifts with each other!
I don't want to make this post ridiculously long so that's what I'll give you for now along with these last couple points of info,
Siffrin introduces Mira to Isa, they become friends
Odile finds out about Isa befriending merfolk and hesitantly over time warms up to them as well.
Odile tells Mirabelle and Siffrin lots of stories! She'll read books to Mirabelle
Siffrin lost their eye protecting Bonnie from a smaller sea monster. Nille killed said sea monster
Mirabelle was given a starfish from Siffrin as a sign of their friendship! Sif has one too! Siffrin also made the bracelet Isabeau has ❤️
Nille found Loop, known as Sandy, while gathering sea urchins with Sif and Bonnie! (I plan to make a mini comic page with this.)
Yes that's right. I made Loop a sassy albino sea urchin named Sandy that can talk. They sit on a crate in the sunken ship and make fun of and or give advice to Mira and Sif.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
c ant stop thinking about jealous!joel miller and the way he’d react to seeing others flirt with you. just a little after your arrival to jackson, the three of you tired and just starting to socialize. you get talking with a friend of maria’s who introduced you. and joel is there watching, pretending to be interested in whatever the bored housewife hanging off his arm was even talking to him about. he burns with jealousy he doesn’t know what to do with and ends up crossing the bar to get to you where he makes some kind of show of getting his hands on you and subtly proving his protectiveness and jealousy over other men talking to you. OR he waits until you’re home to shove you up against a wall OR drags you into the bar back room to be all “what the fuck were you doing with him? and why was he touching you and laughing?” and it’s just all so hot. give it some real angst for me, please?
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Jealousy, Jealousy
Joel miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
having just settled in Jackson, she and Joel are having a hard time learning to share what's theirs.
warnings | 18+ SMUT, pretty rough sex ngl, semi-public too, joel's a teasy lil shit, a dash of angst, a hint of fluff, yeehaw
She can feel his eyes on her, and it’s starting to make her nervous that he’s going to make a scene. She, on the other hand, is doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing, being social, mingling with the Jackson community, proving that she isn’t a wild stray that hisses when provoked. Joel on the other hand…
He’s sulking like a damn teenager at the bar in the Tipsy Bison, and she’s been with him long enough to know that his daggered stare is pointed directly at the young man she’s talking to. Maria had introduced her to the guy, Graham, that morning when he joined their patrol shift. He was friendly and easily started cracking jokes with her, crinkly blue eyes and a sandy mop of hair topping off his downright sunshiny disposition. The polar opposite of her man who currently looks like he could moonlight as the grim reaper with the way he’s staring at them.
Joel is already on probation of sorts, after he knocked another guy’s lights out because he was getting a bit too insistent with her down at the stables. Having been on the road for so long, neither of them are used to settling things with means other than guns and fists. Ellie has jokingly begun calling them “big bitch and bigger bitch” for the way they just can’t seem to shake their standoffish nature. For the record, Joel is the bigger bitch. But she’s trying, really hard, and is going to be pissed if Joel thwarts her attempts at making a new friend.
Luckily, Graham is easy to talk to, even when her eyes keep darting over to the other end of the bar where Joel is sitting. She has to do a double take, however, when she sees that someone has joined him. She smiles politely, laughing along to Graham’s story while she racks her brain for the name of the woman who’s suddenly got a claw– hand– on Joel’s bicep where his arm is propped on the counter. Veronica? No, Vanessa. She rolls the name around in her mind, letting venom strike through each syllable.
“Hey, are you good?” She’s startled out of her imaginings of what Vanessa would look like with a bloody nose by Graham waving his hand in front of her face. She takes one more glance at Joel, whose attention has completely shifted from her to his little hanger-on. She has to practically wrench her eyes away from the sight and back to Graham, letting out a forced laugh.
“Sorry, I just– zoned out for a second. What were you saying?” The nagging voice of Maria in her head telling her to “be social” is the only thing keeping her attention on Graham. As she glances back across the bar, her stomach twists when she sees that both Joel and Vanessa are now gone from their seats, but her anxiety is short lived when a broad palm comes to rest around the curve of her hip, warmth spreading across her back that can only be coming from her radiator of a man. 
“Graham.” She has to hold back a laugh at the way Joel says his name like it’s a curse, but the bite is lost on Graham who just offers him an easy smile.
“Hey, Joel, it’s good to see you, man. I was just telling her about how–” 
“Actually, son. I’m gonna steal this one from you. Our kid needs us.” That makes her head whip around to look at him, but his eyes stay trained on Graham, the only acknowledgement she gets is his fingers flexing where they’re splayed on her waist. Graham’s face falls.
“Oh, um, of course. I hope everything’s alright.” 
“It will be.” With those gruff few words, Joel herds her off her stool, slinging his arm over her shoulders as he guides her through the crowd and out of the bar, night already sweeping down the main drag of Jackson. He’s pushing her along at a clipped pace, but she’s having none of it, stopping dead in her tracks to look at him fully.
“Hey, what’s going on? Where’s Ellie? What– is she ok?” He huffs, trying to get her to keep walking, but she holds her ground, not budging when he tries to shuffle her along.
“Ellie’s fine, alright? I– fuck, I made that up.” 
“What? Joel, what the hell are you–” Before she can get the rest of her incredulous question out, he’s grabbing her wrist and tugging her down an alley between two storefronts, pushing her up against the brick wall as she struggles to figure out what the hell just happened. But that’s a little hard to do with the way her mind goes blank when Joel smashes his lips against hers, tongue pressing into her mouth when she gasps at the harsh squeeze of his hands groping her ass. When he pulls away with a little smack, a lewd string of spit snaps between their mouths.
“It was either this, or punching Graham’s teeth in.” Before she can respond to his breathless statement, he’s licking back into her mouth, slotting his hips with hers and grinding hard so she can feel the heat of his erection rutting into the front of her jeans. The only thing that gets him to finally let up is her harshly tugging at his hair, making him groan low as he pulls away.
“Are you telling me that all this is because you got a little jealous of Graham?” The hard set of his jaw tells her all she needs to know, and she lets out a laugh.
“Joel, I’m telling you, it wasn’t like that.” He huffs at that, his fingers flexing into the plush of her ass.
“That don’t mean a thing. Saw the way he was looking at you, darlin. Didn’t like it one bit.” 
“Well that’s rich coming from you when you had that sweet little thing hanging off your arm at the bar.” She regrets it the minute it leaves her mouth, even more so when a very smug look washes over Joel’s face.
“Hmm, I’m not the only one who’s jealous, huh?” She tries to jerk away when he traces her cheek with his fingers, letting out a huff as he just crowds her further against the wall. He chuckles, the asshole.
“Don’t be like that, darlin. Ain’t nothing for you to be jealous about. Not looking at anyone else but you, you know that.” 
“And you know that I’m not looking at anyone else either. I was trying to make a friend, you know, like how Maria told us to?” She jabs her finger into his chest, punctuating her words with a few prods. Joel doesn’t seem convinced.
“Can’t you make friends with someone who isn’t trying to fuck you?” That makes her scoff.
“How many times do I have to tell you? He wasn’t trying to fuck me. Besides, I’m pretty sure you’ve done a thorough job of letting everyone know that I’m your woman.” Joel seems to consider her words, doing something unexpectedly sweet when he trails his palm down her arm, drawing her hand up to press a kiss over her knuckles.
“That’s right, darlin. You’re mine– my woman. Same as I’m your man. But I think you could use a little reminder of that, huh?” Before she can respond to that with something snappy, he’s shutting her up with another crushing kiss, both his hands returning to her ass as he pulls her hips to slot with his. He smears his lips down her neck, nosing away the collar of her shirt before sucking harshly at the newly exposed skin, making her throw her head back against the brick wall with a sharp gasp.
“Joel– fuck– what if someone sees?” The low thrumming laugh he lets out shoots straight down her spine, pooling syrupy heat through her core.
“No one’s gonna see, not if you’re good and quiet for me. Can you do that, honey? Be so good for me, huh?” It infuriates her, really. How quickly he can melt her down, her usual bite going soft and sweet with each kiss, each squeeze of his hands, until she’s all but whimpering for him to give her more. He continues mouthing at her chest until she tugs him up by her fingers raking through his hair.
“No more fucking teasing– I–I’ll be good– just, please–” he cuts her off with a hard roll of his hips into hers, a pressure that makes her dizzy even through layers of clothes. She has to hold back a whine when he completely steps away from her, leaving her slumped against the wall as his eyes take a salacious path down her body and back up to her face.
“Turn around for me, darlin. Show me what’s mine.” Under any other circumstances, she would have rolled her eyes at that entirely pigheaded statement, but she’s got just enough warmth running through her veins from his touch and the liquor she had sipped on to comply without hesitation, turning around and splaying her palms out on the wall as she arches her back, hips shimmying slightly out. 
He presses right up against her, heat grinding into her ass while his hands knead and squeeze the sides of her thighs. She yelps when his palm comes down hard on the curve of her ass and he shushes her, leaning further against her while his lips trace the shell of her ear. 
“Thought you said you were gonna be good for me. Gotta be quiet right?” She sighs, mind a little too hazy to answer as his fingers curl around her waist to fumble with the buttons of her jeans, harshly yanking them down along with her panties until the fabric bunches just under the swell of her ass. She’s entirely unprepared when he lays another slap to now bare skin, the burn rolling and spreading through her, doing nothing to help the dampness she can feel smearing in between her thighs.
“C’mon, honey. Need you to tell me if you’re gonna be good for me. Else I can’t give you what you want.” Now he’s just being cruel, and she’s had about enough of it, huffing and craning her neck over her shoulder to glare at him.
“I already told you, you precocious asshole. Just fuck me al–” she can’t finish her sentence, not when he’s sliding into her heat in one languid stroke, his hips fitting snug against her ass. Joel groans low, his forehead pressed between her shoulder blades as he stills inside her.
“Precocious asshole – those are some big words, darlin. Don’t want anything in that pretty head of yours except my name by the time I’m done with you, you understand?” She tries to press her hips back, seeking anything more that he’ll give her, but his firm hold on her hips keeps her stilled, aching around his pulsing length.
“Only gonna ask one more time. Do you understand?” He punctuates his question with a deep grind of his hips, the tip of his cock nudging a spot inside her that makes her eyes scrunch tight from the prickling pleasure.
“Fuck– yes! I understand, I understand, just– please, Joel. Need it so bad.” That seems to appease him, and she sighs when he pulls his hips back, finding a slow roll back into her that makes her preen in his grip.
“That’s my good girl, huh? All mine. I’ll give you what you need, honey.” Any slowness, any gentleness, dissolves with the brutal pace he sets, fucking her up against the wall, rough palms bouncing her hips back against his as they both pant heavily into the clear night air. His one hand comes up to rest over hers where its splayed across the wall, and she imagines fleetingly that his knuckles are gonna be scraped from the way he curls his fingers between hers, twining their hands together and grazing against the rough brick with each punishing thrust.
“So perfect like this– fucking made for me, darlin– right? Just for me.” His words are a hot fog in her mind, and it takes everything in her to form a coherent reply.
“Yes, yes– s’for you– all for you– all yours, Joel– please–” A broken cry catches in her throat when his other hand snakes around her hip, pressing firm against her pelvis as his fingers drag sloppy shapes across her clit.
“That’s right, honey. My girl, my woman– no one else’s. You gonna come? Huh? Gonna come for your man?” His words are choppy, disjointed by low grunts and his hips never stutter in the relentless rhythm he keeps. It all becomes too much, her release catching her off guard as her hips jerk in his hold, the only thing she can manage is a crackled whimper of his name as he fucks her through it.
“So good for me, darlin– that’s it– shit–” She slumps against the wall when he pulls out, the ringing in her ears dissipating just enough to hear the wet glide of his hand as he finishes himself off with a few harsh strokes, warmth smudging over her low back, dripping down her ass as he sighs out her name.
They stay like that for a moment, Joel pressing his forehead into her shoulder, she barely holding herself up against the wall as they both catch their heaving breath. Finally collecting herself, she huffs at his cooling spend now smeared over her skin.
“Joel, how the fuck am I supposed to walk around with your come drying on my ass?” He grumbles at her protests, already hoisting her panties and jeans back up her hips, giving her ass a little pat once they’re back in place.
“Don’t worry, darlin. I’ll clean you up real good soon as we get home.” She finally turns around, immediately resting her back against the wall when her knees start to wobble. Joel grins at her, all wicked and smug, as he tucks himself back into his jeans. She huffs.
“You are impossible, Miller.” He hums at that, bringing his hand up to cup her jaw and press a shockingly sweet kiss to her lips.
“So are you, darlin. S’why we work so good together, huh?” She has to smile at that, leaning up to steal another kiss from him, but the moment is over all too soon when someone interrupts them.
“Goddamn it. I leave you two alone for a few minutes and I find you out here necking like a pair of feral cats. This is a family community, have some decency, alright?” Tommy stands at the mouth of the alley, hands on his hips, and an entirely exasperated expression on his face. Joel steps more in front of her while she tries to subtly zip up her jeans that are still hanging unbuttoned around her hips.
“Got it, brother. Sorry– we were just headed home.” Tommy just shakes his head.
“You’re just lucky it wasn’t Maria who saw you two. Jesus– just– go home. Never wanna see y’all making out again. Fucking scarred for life now.” She’s just relieved that was all Tommy saw. 
They sheepishly step out of the alley, Joel tucking her under his arm as she offers Tommy an apologetic smile. Tommy shakes his head one more time before heading off toward the bar. When he’s far enough away, Joel lets out a rumbling laugh. She, however, is less than amused.
“I swear to god, Joel Miller. You are gonna get us kicked out of this damn place one of these days!” She smacks his chest, but he grabs her wrist, holding her palm there as he pulls her into him.
“Me? What about you, huh? Takes two, darlin.” She fights it, she really does, but she can’t help the smile creeping across her face with the way he quirks an eyebrow at her, both of them dissolving into breathy laughter. He sighs, squeezing her hip with his one hand.
“C’mon, trouble. We better get home before the bible brigade comes hunting for us.” She snorts at that, head tipping back in a laugh as they start walking away toward their home. He slings his arm over her shoulders, both of them stumbling along with how close they insist on staying to each other
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“Just for you, darlin.”
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awitchsheartif · 11 months
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An upcoming 18+ fantasy interactive fiction with a focus on Romance.
As the Assistant to Professor of Magic and Alchemy Simeon Harrow you have a particular interest in the mystical. When you’re not meddling with magical ingredients or delving into taboo history, you’re helping Professor Harrow with his quest to harness real magic.
When witches are spotted in your city a literal witch hunt begins. It’s said a witch’s heart can give pure magic to whoever consumes it, but just how true could that possibly be?
Customise your character! Gender, height, sexuality and more.
Learn magic, uncover secrets, and protect a young witch child from those that wish him harm.
Befriend and ally with a cast of characters. Romance one (or two) of four: your academic rival, an energetic witch, a morally questionable salesman, or ▮▮▮.
Consume a witch’s heart?
Yousra/Youcef ‘Court’ Courtney
(Gender Selectable RO)
Harrow’s other assistant. Noble blood, less noble intentions, but at least they’re good at what they do.
With a razor-sharp focus and an overbearing personality they excel at almost everything they do. Always impeccably dressed with sharp features and eyes that watch you like a hawk when they think you’re not looking. They consider you their closest friend, but that’s never made them any less willing to throw you under the bus when they think it will let them win.
Professor Simeon Harrow
He made you what you are, he gave you what no one else could, and he could take away everything you have.
Harrow’s ambition has faded in recent years, with very few people willing to fund his research. This recent stroke of luck could be just what his career needs.
Killian MacKay
His father was a witch, and that’s all he knows. A powerful bargaining chip and a useful tool.
The boy’s power has only recently awoken and he isn’t sure who he can trust yet, can he trust you?
Lillias ‘Lily’ Keene
(F RO)
A young witch, lost in an unfamiliar city. Perhaps less naïve than she lets on.
She’s here for a reason, one she isn’t keen on sharing. There’s a mischievous spark in her sandy grey eyes and she’s reluctant to let the mortal danger that she’s in ruin her fun.
(M RO)
A dealer of magical paraphernalia. When he isn’t conducting barely-legal business he’s off enjoying the finer things in life.
It’s hard to tell if you’ll get him in a good mood or a bad one, but whichever way you find him it’s clear he’s not your biggest fan. Unfortunately for him you’ve got the money to pay for his services.
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vvinirl · 3 months
satoru. g
warnings: smut, missionary, pet names (princess, baby, sweetheart) name calling from gojo and reader (crybaby,shorty,dumbass) oral (fem receiving), spitting, praising, slight crying during sex, love bombing (i got in my feels towards the end okay 😔) curses don’t exist
word count: 4.3k (tired smth new ;))
not proofread
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would you say that it was a blessing having your older brother’s best friend satoru gojo around, or a curse?
if it was a blessing, there would only be a few things you could list that would make it a blessing
-you’ve known him since you were practically in diapers
-he’s always around
-he’s the hottest guy you’ve ever seen
-he actually talks to you
-and he’s a older guy
those are what some would call a blessing
if it was a curse, there would only be one thing you could list that would make it a curse
-you can’t have him
and not only because he’s your older brother’s best friend and if you and satoru were to get together it would ruin their friendship, but because you just can’t
or you don’t think you could. you don’t think that satoru has ever thought about you in ways you’ve thought about him. you don’t think you’re his type, and you definitely definitely don’t think he would ever be interested in you
the only reason you think about those thoughts are because satoru always has girls lined up in front of him, willing to give up everything in their life just to spend a day with him. everyone adores him and worshiped him, who wouldn’t?
and he was crazy rich and was already the ceo of of his family company and the youngest rich bachelor in the country
but despite all satoru had and could have, he chose to stay single
why? nobody knows
and he also chose to stay around his best friend suguru and even you
you don’t know why he chose you guys, he could have any friends he wanted, hundreds if he chose but no
you don’t know when or how your little crush on satoru started but if you had to say, it would definitely be that summer, before the start of 6th grade
you were going to the 6th grade and suguru and satoru were going to the 8th
you were at the park playing and minding your business. in your cute little baby blue dress with daisies on them and a big white bow sewn into the back. you could say it was your favorite dress
these 3 older boys, probably grade 9, walked up to you and started throwing mean comments at you
“look at her hair, ew”
“her ugly dress too”
“does she think she’s cute?”
you didn’t cared what they said but one comment really stuck out to you
“why does she look like that”
some would say you were a crybaby, and they are definitely right. you were a sensitive child, still is
“leave me alone” you stood up, grabbing your babydoll and held it by your side
“or what?”
“you gonna cry to your big bro geto?”
one of the laughed and walked closer to you
“i-i said leave me alone” tears welling up in your eyes, looking down at your black sandals, the sandy beneath your feet
one of the boys pushed you back as you fell back onto your elbows and into the sand
“oh so you think you’re tuff now huh-“
the boy didn’t finish his sentence as satoru came out of nowhere and landed a punch on his jaw
“what the hell!” one of the boys yelled towards satoru, kneeling down to inspect his friend’s bleeding nose
“do you want a matching bloody nose too?” satoru stepped up to them
“n-no, let’s get out of here guys”
“he’s fricking crazy man”
the boys got their friend with the bloody nose off the ground and ran away
you were sitting there the whole time watching everything unfold before your eyes, still in the same position in the sand that the boy pushed you to
“are you okay?”
you looked up at satoru, his hand extended for you to take. you nodded, taking his hand as he brought you up
“are you hurt anywhere?”
“no, i’m okay” you sniffled, looking down at your dress to see it had gotten a little dirty
satoru reached a hand up to your face and wiped your tears stained cheek with his sleeve
you looked up at him, bright blue eyes staring into your dark and brown ones. the summer sunlight reflecting off his milky pale skin
“don’t let them treat you like that okay?”
“y-yeah” you nodded once more, still lost in those eyes
“if they ever come back again, i’ll leave them with more than a bloody nose”
“but you might get in trouble gojo”
“i don’t care. you shouldn’t have to deal with their bullshit, got that?”
“now come on crybaby, your brother and parents are waiting for you” satoru dusted your dress of and wrapped an arm around your shoulders
“and i said to call me satoru”
“right, yeah of course gojo-“
“i mean satoru!” you quickly corrected yourself, feeling slightly embarrassed. gojo laughed at you as he shook his head
“am not”
“are too”
the both of you bickered back and forth, as you walked back to your house, his arms still around your shoulders
but i guess you could that was the day you began to slowly fall in love with satoru more and more as the years went on
there was times when you fell harder for him, one including your 9th grade school dance
a guy in a older grade had asked you out to the dance so you decide to take on the opportunity to go with him
you got all dress up in this beautiful red dress your mom bought from you, she said she wore that very dress the night she met your father back in the same grade you were in right now
it fit you so nicely and your mom did your hair and you got all dolled up for that dance
at the dance you waited and waited for your date to show up but not surprisingly, he didn’t
you saw having a time with another girl on the dance floor as you stood by the punch bowl
you thought that maybe he hadn’t seen you and was looking for you and that girl was just one of his friends, but the universe must’ve have hated you that night because she definitely wasn’t a friend because he kissed her
so you wondered if he was really interested in you or if it was just some dumb prank
you left the dance early that night and walked home. you didn’t want your dad to pick you up or suguru, you didn’t want them to ask you a bunch of questions
when you got home you sat on the porch. there was a swinging chair on the front porch that you loved to sit and read on
swinging back and forth with your knee up to your chest, you hummed your favorite song, thinking about everything and anything, your mind racing
you didn’t even noticed someone had come out the house and sat by you
you flinched as looked beside you, “gosh satoru, you could’ve given me a heart attack”
he chuckled and shook his head, looking ahead
you both stared up at the dark sky, the moon illuminating your faces, the stars shining brightly in the cataclysmic sky
“why did you leave the dance” satoru spoke up
“i got bored and decided to leave”
“he stood you up didn’t he?”
you didn’t say anything, your eyes still glued to the stars
satoru took his eyes away from the sky and looked at you, “what’s his name”
“what, i’m just asking” he shrugged
you knew what he was trying to do and what he was going to do
“it doesn’t matter anymore. he doesn’t matter”
you got up and grabbed your heels, “good night satoru”
“wait, y/n-“
he stood up, towering over you
you hadn’t even notice that satoru has been growing so tall all these years, and definitely getting hotter
you brought your eyes up to meet his, waiting for what he said to say
“yes, satoru?”
“do you wanna dance?”
“i said to do you wanna dance.. with me?”
you both danced on your porch that night. one of his hands around your waist and the other holding your hand. with your head rest on his chest and a hand on his shoulder, the other one in his hands
the next week at school you saw the guy that stood you up at the dance with stitches and a black eye. that day satoru and suguru got called into the principal office and got suspended
that was when you knew you liked satoru, but you also knew you couldn’t be with him and you knew he wouldn’t choose you
the other time was when you were 18 finished with high school and suguru and satoru were second years in college, both 20
you moved in with your brother into an apartment off campus
satoru would come around a lot and sleepover, you didn’t know why but when you asked him, all he said was “let’s just say home isn’t very warm and welcoming right now”
one evening in the spring you had came home from work, the gentle breeze of the wind blowing through the window of the living that was slightly cracked opened
you were tired and wanting to shower and hop straight in bed
you didn’t think anyone was home because it was very quiet so you put your things away in your room and grabbed your towel and loofa
making your way over to the bathroom, humming whatever song that was stuck in your head, you opened the bathroom door, not thinking anyone was in there because you thought the house was empty
you opened the door and your eyes widened in shock
there was satoru, drying his wet hair with a towel, naked
you shut the door quickly, mentally cussing yourself as you ran back to your room
“oh my god oh my god oh my god”
you plopped down onto your bed as covered your face
you could feel your face getting warm as the image of satoru naked flashes your mind repeatedly
“hey, i’m done with the shower”
satoru’s deep voice broke you out of your state as you flinched
he stood there leaning against the door with the towel handing lowly around his waist. his happy trail and v-line on display, little water droplets running down from his neck to his toned abs and into the crevice of the towel
you nodded and got up, making your way over to your door but you stopped as satoru till stood in the way
he rested his head against the door way, looking down at you, smirking
you forgot that satoru had gotten so much smug over the years, his ego way bigger now and his attitude completely different
he can be nice if he wanted to but most of the time he was a kinda of a dick, not seeming to care about anyone but himself
but for you, he was different, he treated you differently. he would tease you here and there and call you names or make fun of you but of the end of the day, he was never really disrespectful to you or treated you like how he treated others
“my eyes are up here shorty”
you looked up at him, slightly avoiding eye contact with him. you were definitely not looking at his abs or what was under that towel, you almost found out anyways. if satoru would’ve turned around, you definitely would’ve seen but his back was turned to you when you accidentally walked in on him
“why are you being all shy now?”
he knew why, but he wanted to tease and push your buttons.
“i’m not”
“then look at me”
you averted your eyes to meet his, fully making eye contact with him now. a small smirk formed on his lips as he looked you up and down
he got off the door frame and moved closer to you.
“you know if you wanted to see my dick you could’ve just asked”
“you’re disgusting satoru and plus it was an accident” you rolled your eyes at him and his inappropriate behavior
“im just saying princess. i wouldn’t mind showing you”
“why are you so nasty” you shook your head at him as he laughed
“come on, you know i’m just pushing your buttons. suguru would murder me”
“hopefully he does, your annoying ass”
“wow”, satoru brought a hand up to his heart “that one hurt princess, how could you”, he faked sniffled
rolling your eyes, you said “satoru im too tired right now, i gotta shower”
“aw but i wanna have more fun with you” he fake pouted a little
“go have fun with some other girl”
“are you suggesting i do or implying”
“whichever one, i could careless”
“you jealous?”
you scoffed and looked away, “as if”
satoru moved closer to you, bringing a hand under your shirt slightly to grab your waist. his other hand reached up to your face and cupped your jaw
“you know you don’t need to be jealous”
“i’m not”
“it’s okay if you are, i’m not going anywhere”
what did he even mean by that, you thought to yourself
you felt satoru’s thumb caressing the flesh on your waist
“satoru i already said im not jealous, quit trying to make it sound like i am”
you moved his hand from your face and walked past him into the hallway, making your way to the bathroom
“whatever you say sweetheart” satoru said after you
a few years later you would sometimes think about that day, thinking about what he said “im not going anywhere”
you thought hard about what he was talking about or maybe trying to say but it didn’t matter anyways. not like it meant anything
you were now 21 and gojo and suguru were 23
you still lived with suguru, and still in school. you wanted to become a nurse so you were currently in nursing school. suguru owned a tattoo business of his own and even had a girlfriend. satoru had taken over his family company, becoming the new ceo
you were laying on the couch of your shared apartment with your brother watching tv as suguru walked in through the front door
“hey i’m home” he said, placing some grocery bags on the kitchen counter
“what did you buy”
“some bread, milk and other necessities”
you sat up from the couch and rest your head on the back of the chair, looking over at suguru into the kitchen
“oh and satoru invited me over at his place later tonight to hang out with some friends if you wanna come”
your ears perked up as you brought your head up from the couch
“mhmm, satoru” suguru gave you a knowing look as he wiggled his eyebrows at you
“ew don’t look at me like that”
suguru laughed, “are you gonna come?”
“does he want me to?”
“y/n, why wouldn’t he?”
“i dunno”
“you know you wanna come. you get to see your little crush”
“ewww stop sugu. i don’t like him”, you turned your back to him and looked back at the tv
“yeah sureeee”
“shut up”
you hadn’t seen satoru in about 3 months. i guess he’s been busy with work and all. he’s texted a few times to check up on you and stuff but it was like once every 2 weeks for the past 3 months
you did kinda wanted to see him. as a matter of fact you wanted to see him very badly. you missed him and his stupid face
“so are you gonna come with me?” suguru asked
“i guess i could”
later that night you wore a mini baby blue dress that hugged your figure just right. showing all your curves and such. you thought you looked nice and hopefully satoru thinks so too tonight
when you and suguru arrived to satoru’s penthouse, he opened the door for yall
“what’s up suguru”, satoru greeted his friend as they did their little handshake
suguru entered the house as you stood there, looking at satoru
“princess”, satoru give you a little smirk
“it’s been a while” he said, his eyes roaming over your body
“yeah it has, i’ve missed you”
your eyes widened slightly to what you said, not registering you that that you’ve missed satoru
“i mean like- not like missed missed but you know.. like not seeing you around and-“
“i missed you too y/n” satoru cut you off
“o-oh” you laughed nervously, your face getting warm
“you’re getting all shy on me again princess”
“shut up”
your rolled your eyes at him, “why don’t you make-“
“hey love birds, stop standing there and come in” you both heard suguru’s voice from inside
satoru smirked at you as he stepped aside to let you in
later on more of suguru’s and satoru’s friends showed up for their little hang out. there was 3 girls including you and a bunch of other guys, including suguru and satoru
you were talking with two of the girls, the 3 of you all becoming friends right then and there.
“you’re crazy”you giggled at something a girl named shoko said
“well he had it coming” she shrugged
the night went all as everyone played some board games. you and satoru were on a team when you guys played charades. you would’ve won if satoru would’ve guess the right answer but he swore the right answer was whatever he was thinking
“satoru we could’ve won” you groaned at him
“well it’s not my fault”
“what do you mean it’s not, it is”
later on the party ended and everyone left. it was just you, suguru, and satoru now, watching tv
suguru got a text and spoke up “sorry i gotta leave guys, my girl wants me”
“are you okay staying here y/n?” suguru asked you as he stood up from the couch
“yeah i’m fine, tell her i said hi”
suguru hugged you and dabbed up satoru
“stay safe. no monkey business”, suguru said as he left, you rolled your eyes and turn your eyes towards the movie
it was just you and satoru now. he sat, manspreading with a hand resting behind your head on the couch, both of your knees brushing against each other ever now and then
“do you have any water?” you asked, looking over to satoru
“yeah, you thirsty?”
he got up and made his way to his kitchen, you followed him. when the both of you got to the kitchen, he grabbed a water bottle and handed it to you
“thanks” you give him a smile smile
“i missed that” satoru said, leaning against the kitchen island
“missed what?”
“that little smile of yours you would do. i missed seeing it”
you smiled more and took a sip of the water, you face heating up. “really?”
“yes really. i remember the first time i saw that smile. the summer before you went to 6th grade”
“oh yeah, that was definitely a time”
“remember those boys who were bullying you?” satoru chuckled, looking over at you
“unfortunately, i do”
“that guy definitely deserved that bloody nose”
“oh yeah i remember that too. thanks for that”
“no need to thank me, they were teasing you and nobody teases my girl except for me”
you blushed at the comment satoru made about you being his girl
“you know your dress you’re wearing right now reminds me of the blue one you wore that day”
“eww don’t remind me, i really thought it was cute”
“but it was cute, blue is my favorite color”
“well of course it is” you playfully rolled your eyes
“and your dress right now looks perfect on you” satoru leaned in closer to you
you give him a small smile and thanked him, putting the water bottle on the counter
satoru’s hands reached out and moved to your thighs, his fingers brushing against your skin as he ran a hand along the hem of your dress
“very pretty”
“thanks, i got it from one of my favorite stores..”, you say looking down at your dress
“im not talking about the dress y/n”
you looked up at him to meet his gaze, he was so close to you now, you could feel his breath on your face
you, you’re..” he leans in more, “..pretty”
he finally closes the gap between you both, his lip grazing yours. “i’ve been wanting to kiss you so bad” he whispers against your lips
“what’s stopping you”
he smiles as his lips presses against yours, soft and warm lips taking yours in. both of his hands moves up to grab your waist, pulling you flush against him
your hands grab onto his biceps and hold him as your lips move against his. he opens his mouth slightly to taste more of you. the kiss starts to get more heated, satoru bites your lower lip and that earns a whimper from you, he takes that as a chance to push his tongue into your mouth. his tongue moving and sliding over yours, making wet sounds
his hands grip hips tightly, but firm enough to not hurt you
he tilts his head to the side to deepen the the kiss. his hands to the hem of your dress, his hand slides under dress, grabbing your ass and squeezing it
you moaned against his lips, your panties getting damped even more.
“you don’t know what you do to me” satoru says into the kiss, his fingers toying with your panties, teasing to take it off
he pulled his hands from under your dress and picks you up. you wrap legs around his waist as he walks to his room, lips still on yours, kissing you more sloppily now
he lays you down on the bed and pulls out of the kiss. when he stands up he wastes no time taking his clothes off, he’s now only in his boxers, his harden cock very visible now. you could practically see the veins outlining the outside of his boxers
your mouth hangs open slightly, taking in satoru as he stood there. he was truly built like a greek god
“are you done?”, satoru spoke up, breaking you out of your trance of your practically thirsting over him
“not really, i’m still enjoying it”
he chuckled and climbed back over you. he reached up behind you to unzip your dress, his finger tips grazing the exposed skin on your back. he finally unzips and gently slides it off you, leaving you in only panties
“no bra?” satoru eyes looks over your body, taking in you like hes been starving for days and you are the only one to full to him up
“why not” you shrugged
“fuck baby, you’re killing me” satoru groans dramatically, his lips finding yours again in a heated and sloppy kiss
as his lips worked on yours, one of his hands slides down to your clothed pussy as he pressed his thumb to your clit
whimpering into the kiss you buck your hips, searching for more friction from his finger
“relax, i’ll give you what you want princess” satoru says, pulling out of the kiss. he moved down to your heat, right where you needed him
“so wet for me and all for me” satoru whispers against your pussy. the feeling of his warm breath against you is enough to make you want to squeeze your thighs together
he uses his middle finger to pull your panties to one side and flicks his tongue against your clit
“fuck~” you threw your head back in pleasure. satoru rips your panties off without hesitation and threw them to the side, while looking at you the whole time
he waste no time in tasting you, his tongue gliding through your wet and puffy folds, tasting your juices
he lets out a deep hum in satisfaction, “been wanting to taste you for so long”
he goes all in, attaching his mouth to your clit and sucking on it harshly. it was like he’s been dying to taste you and now that he’s finally gotten a taste, he can’t get enough of it
when he moves from your clit, he start fucking your pussy with his tongue. his hands on your thighs holding you in place firmly as his tongue fucks you
“oh fuck toru~” you moaned his name, your hand moving to his hair to grip it for some sort of support
satoru got even harder from the nickname you just called him
“say it again princess” he muffled into your pussy
he stops tongue fucking you and spits on your pussy and then again, his spit and your juices mixing together. he watches it drip down between your folds, the sight being mesmerizing to him
he uses his middles finger and teased your entrance with it
“stop teasing toru-” your pleas was cut short as satoru slips his finger inside you, you let out a gasp but it quickly turns into a moan when satoru starts fingering you
he’s moving his fingers at a slow and steady pace, he wanted to take his own time with you. he liked the way your warm pussy clenched around his finger, he couldn’t wait to see how it’ll feel when your pussy was wrapped his dick, with your walls squeezing him and sucking him in
“do you like that?” satoru asked, his finger speeding up
“y-yeah, feels so good”
he adds another finger, his mouth moving back to your clit to suck on while his fingers worked fast inside you
“gonna cum toru~”
he hums in response to you, his mouth latched onto you, not wanting to let go until he tastes your sweet juices
a few strokes from his fingers later and you’re moaning and coming onto his finger, hands grabbing and pulling at his hairs as you bring his face flush against your pussy
satoru continues to finger you as you’re coming and when you’re done, he pulls out his fingers to lick up all your juices
“so fucking sweet”
then he’s kissing you, making you taste yourself on his lips, his tongue sliding into your mouth
you reach down and palm him through his boxers, feeling how hard he was, you felt him twitch underneath your touch
“mm baby~” he moaned into the kiss, his hand rubbing up and down your thighs
“wanna feel you toru~”
he pushes you down onto the bed gently and gets rids of his boxers. he grabs your thighs and pulls you towards him more. his dick resting against your lower stomach
“are you ready?” he asked, rubbing his tip against your entrance, covering his head in your juices
“use your words, tell me how badly you want it princess”
“satoru stop playing with me”
“well i guess i won’t give you what you want then”
“w-wait toru-“
you moan loudly when satoru pushes his dick inside of you, his tip already hitting your g-spot on impact
“you were saying?” he said with a smug expression on his face
your eyes roll to the back of your head as satoru begins moving his hips, thrusting into your pussy
“mm toru~”
“you don’t know.. fuck.. how long i’ve wanting you feel you wrapped around me. it’s like you were always teasing me in those short little things you would wear~”
“ngh toru, go faster~”
“beg me for it”
“huh? can’t hear you”
“fuck satoru, please. please fuck me”
that’s all satoru needed as his hands tightened on your thighs, pushing your legs forward, to gain more access to your pussy so he can push his dick deeper inside you
his thrust speed up, going deeper than ever. you could feel him in your womb. he watched the outline of his dick moving inside you, the sight making him want to cum right there on the spot
“it’s so d-deep toru~”
“i know baby. but you’re doing so well, taking me so good”
he lets go of your thighs and leans down to kiss you, swallowing your moans and whimpers
“s-so fucking good. just like that” he says between kisses
satoru pulls out of the kiss and looks down at you, you bring your hands up to his face to caress his face
“i love you y/n”
“d-do you mean it?”
“i’ve never been so sure. i love you so much y/n, you don’t know. since i meant you, my heart has only beat for one person, you”
you felt tears well up in your eyes, “i love you too satoru, im happy you feel the same, i love you so much”, you caressed his cheek
he leans down and kisses you, licking your bottom lip, asking for entrance into your mouth
he starts to thrust into you again, bullying his dick in into your pussy
“ngh, gonna come toru~”
“come for me baby, wanna feel you”
he’s whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he fucks his dick into you
a few thrusts later and you’re releasing all over his dick
“fuck baby”, his rhythm gets sloppier, hips stuttering into yours as he releases into you. spewing affirmations into your ear
he fucks his cum into you, kissing your jaw and your neck. you hold him tightly against your chest, legs wrapped around him
when he’s done shooting his load into you, he relaxes into your arms, nestling against you
“i love you y/n” satoru muffled into your chest
“i love you too toru”
you could hear soft snores coming satoru as you combed your finger through his hair, smiling to yourself
i guess it was a blessing after all to have satoru gojo around
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yandere4lyfe · 10 months
can I get a part two of the water god also do you watch or do the amazing digital circus or murder drones
((Here's part 2 of Yandere! Greek God x Mortal! Darking! And to answer your question, I have seen the amazing digital circus! I do not about murder drones, though. Is it interesting?))
The fates.
It was decided long ago that Ketos was to take a mortal woman as his wife. He was furious at first. 
He raged at sea for several days and nights, protesting the fates' decision. It was futile, though. Once something was decided, it was woven into the fabric of one's destiny, permanently bonded together. There was nothing one could do except to accept it.
Ketos couldn't do anything besides his fate. He did contemplate killing every mortal woman by flooding the lands, but it would have been foolish to do so. He didn't want to face the ire of Zeus, who would no doubt come down to smite him if any of his mortal or potential mortal lovers were harmed or killed.
It wasn't until the fates came down and told him the name of his future mortal wife. Things changed when out of his arrogant curiosity, he decided to leave his realm to seek her out. He wanted to see for himself if she was worthy enough to be his wife.
And once he saw her, he did not expect to fall as hard as he did.
She was beautiful, not as beautiful as Aphrodite, but beautiful enough to be his wife. Things he had not imagined before, back when he abhorred the thought of a mortal being his betrothed, hit him and carried him away like the waves crashing against the earth. 
He obsessed over her. Watching her from the sea everytime she took a walk along the sandy shore, taking on human forms to stalk her from afar, and even engaging in conversation with her in disguise just to hear what her voice sounds like among other things.
He had completely fallen for her. He decided the next time he saw her, he would come to her as himself and try to court her.
And well, their first meeting did not go as he had planned.
He had thought she would marvel at his magnificence. He was a God, for Zeus's sake! But she looked at him in fear. Distress plagued her beautiful features and he had no clue why. Surely, there was no reason why she would refuse a God like him, was there?
And so began an unique song and dance where he would try to court her, give her gifts, talk to her, all for it to be for naught! She refuses again and again.
And Ketos was starting to become angry...
How dare she refuse his love? She was his! The fates had already confirmed it! Her destiny lies and ends with him! 
He grew increasingly impatient until it came bubbling up one day and he snapped.
He was already in a terrible mood after facing so many of her rejections. He saw her dreadful look and grew tired of her pleas as she refused yet again. But this time, he was going to have her one way or another.
He lashed out, making the calm waves rage and the clouds above heavy and gray.
He threatened her with the lives of her family, along with all the other villagers she lived and grew up with. He didn't care about any of them! If it took killing everyone around her for her to be his, he would gladly do it. Even if she died in the process, all he would have to do is go to Hades and pluck her soul out of the Underworld so that she can finally be with him. And if he couldn't, he was a God. He had all the time in the world to wait for you to reincarnate and take you as his wife then.
Luckily, he didn't need to go that far. Though reluctant, she finally agreed to come to him! He was ecstatic. She took his hand and he praised her for choosing him. It didn't matter if she wasn't happy at first. He'll make her see the positive sides to being his betrothed. All his thoughts reverted back to all the things he wanted to do with her...
He would love and cherish her as they will soon be husband and wife. 
He was so happy to have her, his lovely wife.
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((I think I may do a part 3 that's more of a look into their married life. Hope you enjoyed this one though!))
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russsiangirl · 3 months
art donaldson x reader headcanons ( both young and dilf art.. ) both banners by me!
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starting off strong with young art ( heheh )
i feel like y'all met for a goofy reason
either he asked you for a piece of gum in a class because he ran out
that boy NEEDS his gum he can't live without it ( oral fixation? idk )
OR he saw you on the tennis court when you were meeting up with a friend of yours
you had heard of him of course, he had won the one tournament with his friend
but,, he sadly had his eyes on tashi duncan, not that you could exactly blame him, you've seen her - all lean muscle and tan skin.
that is until tashi starts dating patrick
he's kinda like a kicked puppy , a very jealous one
he's desperate to get his mind off of them, so he finds you
you're perfect for him, you're sweet, pretty, kind. but you're also pliable.
art's seen the way you'd look at him with those pretty eyes when he asked you a question, the way you would slightly stumble over your words
he would wanna laugh sometimes, not in a mean way, more of a 'how cute..' kinda way, yk?
he's a mastermind,, maybe manipulative but that just makes it better
he taps your shoulder one day and is like "hey so would you like,, wanna go out sometime?"
now you thought that he was just gonna ask for help with the assignment, but this- this was unexpected, but good. really good.
you obviously say yes & it goes great! after a couple dates you two start something that resembles a relationship
art is a sweetheart, buying you gifts, treating you to dinner when he can, taking you to his games - model boyfriend!
he loves being romantic and spending quality time with you
also double dates with tashi & patrick ( tension )
you notice the way patrick looks at art and you suspect something. had something happened between them?
you had heard about how tightly-knit the two of them were and something just didn't seem right
so after the date and you two go back to the dorm or wherever y'all are staying you ask him what was up with him and patrick
art shuts down, not saying anything and goes completely silent.
he's not one to talk about things like these or his past
art likes to talk as much as he loves to listen
like if you found a new interest and/or hyperfixation he would listen to you and find so endearing
he loves the way you get so excited and you just beam at him whenever you do something that makes you happy, it makes him just as equally happy
art also loves when you wear his clothes, he finds it funny how they drape over you since he's like six foot.
art does like being praised ( take that as you will ) but when you're reassuring him, especially after his games or practice or anything he just wants to shower you with all the affection he can muster <3
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this is my late fathers day present to y'all.. enjoy
ah yes, art as a father, my favorite
he's not married at this point ( sadly no tashi, they got divorced )
he's a lot more tired than he was back in college, obviously
y'all definitely met at some sort of event, you were a reporter for a sports magazine who had sent you to cover whatever it was that you were there for
you just didn't know it would involve art
when you first see him, you didn't really know what to expect - but not this
art with his short-cropped sandy hair and pretty blue eyes and blonde lashes, he looks ethereal, almost like he doesn't belong here
he was distracted most of the interview, too distracted by you with your sweet voice and nice hands and silly questions
so you two rescheduled, over dinner! win-win, you get to spend more time with him and you get your job done
the two of you connect really easily and you agree to do this again, without the interview part
there's something about the two of you thats so entrancing to each other
like you're 21 - 22 and he's like 32.. it only makes him crave you more, he can show you things you've never seen
you might be a bit skeptical, but art is telling you that you can trust him, he won't push boundaries, none of that and you do trust him
he does let you meet lily eventually and when you do, you're enamored with her, she's so sweet and you could see art in her
you knew about his past relationship with tashi, but you didn't mind
but older!art is also romantic, sure the paparazzi is interested in the two of you - so most of the dates are at home. he likes it better that way
ough,, this was a LOT - late father's day present yk.. i love you guys - enjoy this! like and follow if you enjoyed these hehe
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luveline · 11 months
hiiii jade! i absolutely adore your writing, and when i saw you might be taking blurb requests i had to jump on it lol
can i request maybe a little blurb where reader goes to pick up her bf remus at the airport after a long time apart/being long distance for several months?
i hope thats not too specific, and please feel free to ignore it if it doesn't inspire you!
thanks gorgeous!
You might have worried that a long separation would make things fall apart. Remus would want things you couldn't offer over the phone, or he'd find someone at his university that was more interesting, but one conversation kept you going, one confession. 
If you can't do it, I won't go, he'd said. 
You hadn't known what he meant at first, still mulling over the idea of his being away for so long. What?
It wasn't fathomable. It was everything he'd ever worked toward, the peak of his career, the culmination of all his successes. You honestly thought before he said it that you wouldn't have a choice. Either you had to make it work for you or he'd leave you to live his life. 
But no. If it means we won't last, I won't go, he'd clarified, looking you in the eye, his lips hooked into one of his fond smiles. You're more to me than any of it. If we can't stretch the distance, I'll stay home. I'm happy to stay home. 
Obviously, he had to go. But it's a lot to know you're loved like that, so deeply he'd give up everything he worked for just to keep you. You'd never make him choose, and hence began the longest, most heart-breaking five months of your life. Every time you were supposed to visit him plans fell through. Each time he tried to come back there were things to do. But you know he got on his plane home, and you're pretty sure you know which escalator he's going to come down. You wait at the bottom of it, waiting, waiting. You start to worry he's somewhere else. 
"You come here often?" a warm voice asks from beside you. 
You flinch. "That's not funny!" you hiss, but then you get a good look at him and have to fight to stave off tears. Remus stands next to you, suitcase to his left, backpack weighing down his shoulders. He looks tired, but excitement lightens his eyes. 
Five months you will never, ever get back, and Remus is still so handsome. 
"Dove," he says. You almost forgot how he says it, like it's yours alone to be called. "Lovely, come here." 
You step into his arms: too much, too rough, almost chinning him as he grabs you. "Remus," you say in a gasp, startled as he bends back under your weight and your heels rise off of the floor. "Don't! Don't do that, I'm gonna crush you." 
He sets you back down carefully, but he doesn't say much, and he certainly doesn't let you go. You don't notice his quiet at first. You're too busy being selfish, soaking in the realness of his arms, the rigidity of his biceps and his forearms wrapped around you. 
"Was your flight okay?" you ask, tipping your head back. 
"It was fine." A silver shine of tears nestles between his soft lashes. "It felt long." 
"Don't cry," you say, again startled. "Remus, don't be upset. I'll start crying too and then we'll be that couple who cries on each other at the airport." 
He smiles and a tear rolls down his cheek. "I missed you. What was I thinking? What was I," —he scrubs at his eyes roughly— "thinking, I could be away from you that long?" 
You wipe his eyes much more gently. "I love you." 
"I love you too," he says, leaning down for a kiss. 
Your first kiss in five months has a lot to live upto. You'd been the one crying as you said goodbye at the airport, and Remus had left you with a kiss to remember, firm and sweet with his hands on either side of your face, as if to say, everything will be alright. 
You have to do the reassuring now. You weave your fingers into the soft mop of his sandy brown hair, his gentle curls, brushing them away from his cheek as you kiss him. It's definitely too open of a kiss for a public place and you're both prone to shyness, so after a few stolen seconds of heat you break the kiss to hide your face in his collar. 
"Please don't go away again." 
Remus laughs and sniffles. "No. I don't think I'd survive it." 
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paw-padss · 4 months
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childe headcannons bc he NEEDS a solo post :p
super corny, like straight out a romcom corny. not to mention flirtatious like some sort of teen movie love interest
surfer boy vibes, like the hot lifegaurd you see at the beach. sandy but not literally and dare I say tan... am I allowed to say childe has a tan
i know I said childe was bad at baking during the valentines post but lets be realistic all his sibling experience definitely made him a good baker, or just good at all household activities in general. cooking, cleaning, like he can definitely do it all
he loves animals, mostly because they remind them of his siblings when he's away from home. I can just imagine him begging you to keep a pet in the house when y'all move in together.
and he loves ALL animals like not even just like cats and rabbits and the cute ones like he even thinks snakes and moths and other "unattractive" animals are cute. and the animals would definitely love him back
back to him being good at house work he's so acts of service like Imagine him making you a healthy lunch, cleaning the house when your tired, cooking you meals he just does it all
the one thing childe cannot do however is be smooth like I know I already said he's corny but I MUST emphasize it like its crazy how cliche and cringy he is, but you don't even hate it like its funny y'all laugh together because like what is childe if not very silly
is it crazy to say that I think Childe's lack of a childhood would definitely make him really affectionate in a relationship. like imagine PHYSICAL. TOUCH. CHILDE. constantly running around trying to find you so he can slide his arms around you, hold your hand, give you kisses, etc!!!
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
The Little Things Give You Away
Find my CoD Masterlist
You've been with the 141 for a little while now, part of the team but not part of the pack. A mission to Urzikstan changes that.
Warnings: Feelings of inadequacy, canon typical violence, non descriptive violence, shifter etiquette, swearing.
Word count: 5.4k
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x f!reader (fennec fox shifter), with background Alex x Farah
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You’d been with the 141 for a few months now, after tons of work and a few test runs. You meshed well with their skill sets, your long fuse and medical training giving you an advantage over other hopefuls. By now, you’d run ops with all of them, as a large group and in smaller groups. You knew these men, trusted them on the field. 
But that trust still only went so far. You still didn’t feel like part of the pack. 
It took time, you knew. You’d integrated into other packs before. Part and parcel of this kind of life - you’d already been in half a dozen packs. (Which was perhaps a high number but you got along well with people. You didn’t think that was a fault.) 
So you had a job you loved, with men you trusted and respected. And a pack that kept you at arms length. 
One of these things was not like the others. 
You managed. You did the best you could, which was still pretty damn good. And that was enough. 
Getting called to the briefing room was nothing new, and you sat a couple seats away from Gaz and Soap. 
"Got a call from an old friend," Price said as he walked up the front of the room. "So we're gonna go help out. Off the books." 
"Where are we going?" Gaz asked, looking interested. 
Gaz lit up, but Soap and Ghost didn't. Well. At least you weren't the only one who didn't know what was going on. 
"Weapons will be provided once we get there," Price said. "Pack light, our ride will be here in an hour. Dismissed." 
You stood and let the others go first. You didn't have too much you had to do, after all. Just throw some necessities in a bag. 
"Question, sergeant?"
The voice of your captain and alpha broke you out of your thoughts, and you shook your head. "No, sir." 
Price eyed you for a moment before he nodded. "Best hurry," he advised quietly. 
You tipped your head in acknowledgement and walked faster, turning down a different corridor. Your quarters were a little bit away from the rest of the pack. 
Which was fine. It was fine. 
True to your prediction, you threw things in a bag and carried it out to the heli pad, and ended up being the first one there. You debated shifting, but knew you'd catch shit if anyone else saw you. So you sat down and pulled a book out of your bag, settling in to wait. 
"Good book?" Gaz stood over you, his own bag slung over his shoulder. 
"So far," you agreed, craning your neck back to look up at him. "Sounded like you know where we're going."
"I know which old friend, at least." Gaz shrugged, taking a step back so you could get to your feet. "You'll like her." 
Your eyebrows shot up. Her? Well then. This would be interesting. 
"Hurry up, wee menace!" Soap called as he passed the two of you. You immediately scowled after him. You hated that nickname and the whole team knew it. 
"One of these days," you muttered. 
"Only if you can catch him," Gaz pointed out with a grin. When you turned your withering stare to him, he held up his hands, laughing. "Was just a joke, love!" 
You huffed and turned away from him, ignoring his soft groan. The walk out to the heli was short, and you buckled in silently. Gaz sat across from you, trying to catch your eye, and you relented somewhat. Enough to smile at him. 
The flight was long and boring. The pilot, Nikolai, was a cheery man who occasionally told jokes over the headsets. Price sat up near him. 
When you finally landed, Urzikstan was hot and dry. Nothing too unusual for the region. Part of you luxuriated in the heat, wanting to shift and stretch out. 
But you didn't, falling in at the end of the line. The sandy tarmac crunched a little under your boots. 
"You still know how to make an entrance," an American voice drawled. You blinked.
"Alex!" Gaz jogged forward, clearly excited. 
"He's not wrong," a woman added. You finally got up to where you could see too. The man, Alex, stood next to the woman, both of them looking pleased. 
"You're one to speak," Price said, holding out his hand. "You both know Gaz. These are the rest of my team." He introduced Soap, Ghost, and then you. Of course you were last. As usual. “These are Farah and Alex.” 
You nodded to the pair, watching them. Hopefully you’d get some answers soon. You were starting to feel antsy. 
“This way.” Farah took the lead, Price falling in next to her. Gaz stuck with Alex, and of course Soap and Ghost were together. You trudged after them, taking a few moments to look around. 
Farah didn’t speak again until you were all inside, a little bit pressed together. The room was probably not really meant for five men as big as them. 
“We’ve had problems with the Russians again,” she said, glancing meaningfully at Price. 
“Who?” He frowned down at the map.
“A lieutenant of a man named Makarov.” 
You straightened, feeling the tension in the room ratchet as your teammates did the same. 
“One of his lieutenants, huh?” Price mused, leaning a little closer to the map. “Show me.”
Farah went over what she could, showing where the Russians had come from and what territory they’d claimed. It wasn’t much, yet, but she was rightfully worried about them taking more. 
“We will need to do recon, but I can do that.” Farah shot Alex a quelling look. 
Alex huffed softly. “Be better if you didn’t have to do it alone.” 
“Nobody notices a cat,” Farah pointed out, half gentle, half exasperated, the tone of an old argument. 
“I can go,” you offered, barely glancing at Price for permission. “I’ll blend right in.” 
Price hesitated only a moment before he nodded. “Fennec fox,” he said to Farah’s questioning look. 
Farah nodded, pleased. “We have time. We should learn each other’s scents now.” 
You grinned, immediately stripping off your tac vest. Ignoring the noise of protest from Gaz, you dumped your vest and boots off to the side and shifted. 
It was easy to wiggle out of your clothes as a fox. You were, you had to admit, pretty tiny, weighing only three pounds. Your ears swiveled, taking in all the sounds around you (you were pretty sure you heard a quickly stifled “aww” from Alex) before you yipped, once. 
“Enough of that,” Price grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. You huffed at him, uncowed, and took a few steps back and forth. 
Farah, when she emerged from Alex’s other side, was a cat. A sand cat. Also nearly perfectly suited to blend in with the sand, and very close to your size. But with smaller ears. You perked up, tail wagging as you crept forward. It had been a long, long time since you’d had anyone properly sized to play with. Farah’s nose twitched and she stepped closer to you, giving you both a chance to familiarize yourself with the other’s scent. 
And then you carefully bopped her on the nose. 
She reared back, looking startled, ears flickering. You readied yourself to roll over in apology, until her tail flicked and she bopped you right back. You yipped, high and pleased, and bounced at her before racing away. 
You weren’t sure exactly how long the two of you played tag, but it was long enough that you were thoroughly worn out. You’d seen multiple buildings, wound your way between at least half a dozen people (not including your own pack), and had even stumped her twice. All in all, you’d say that was a pretty good showing.
Until one big hand scooped you up. You squeaked, resisting the urge to bite when you sniffed the hand. Gaz. 
“Not leaving until tomorrow,” Gaz told you quietly, holding you close to his chest. You were still a little mad that he could hold you with one big hand, but, well… Being so small was to your advantage sometimes. “Food, then relaxing for a bit. Price’s orders.”
You huffed a little in acknowledgement, settling against him. Of your four packmates, he was the most conscientious about holding you, with Price as a close second. You didn’t even let Soap pick you up anymore. 
You did shift back to eat, not quite surprised when Farah ended up next to you, and Alex on her other side. 
“I have not seen a fox shifter in a long time,” Farah said, glancing at you. 
You smiled. “I’m the only fennec in my family,” you admitted. “Which is okay! Not like any of us are too big.”
Farah nodded knowingly while Alex just blinked at you. 
“How long have you been with the 141?” She nudged Alex into eating. Aww. Adorable. 
“Few months.” You shrugged, pushing your food around your plate. You were hungry but not - the food looked good but sometimes making yourself actually eat was harder. You had protein bars stashed in your bag for this very reason. 
She glanced between you and them. The rest of the pack had all settled around, not quite including you. Which didn’t bother you as much as it probably should. You could see the wheels turning in her head and shook your head a little. It wasn’t worth asking them. 
“So, how’d you end up here?” You looked at Alex with an easy smile. 
Dinner passed easily with the two of them, exchanging stories. You had a few of your own, including a few pranks you’d pulled off when you were younger. Sometimes being small had its advantages. 
But when Price called your name, you still straightened and looked his way. 
“Finish up,” he ordered, nodding to your plate. Dammit. You’d hoped he wouldn’t notice. “Then lights out, since you’re scouting tomorrow.”
“Yes sir,” you muttered, only a little sulky. You were quick to finish off your plate, even as Farah excused herself to talk to Price. 
“Sure you’re alright?” Alex asked very softly, giving you a quick look over. “Just, I’ve seen packs before, not just here but all over. They’re normally…”
“Tighter?” you asked with a wry little smile, carefully keeping your voice low enough that the pack couldn’t hear you. “Yeah. I know.” 
He eyed you carefully, gaze flicking over to where Farah and Price were talking. “Well, if you need anything, you let us know.”
Warmed by the unexpected offer, your smile softened. “Thank you. I appreciate that.” You nodded to him, and his lips quirked in return. You stood to put your dishes on the pile and retire for the night, per orders. 
“Everything alright?” Gaz asked, catching up to you easily, almost touching you. 
“Yeah, fine,” you were quick to assure him. “Which one’s ours?” 
“Here.” He guided you to the room the pack had been given. Quarters were tight, you understood. Was far from the first time you’d be sharing with them. “You sure you’re alright?” 
Your smile definitely felt frayed. “Why do people keep asking me that?” you mused, not quite expecting an answer. “Do I have some cosmic sign above my head?”
“No, just–” Gaz cut himself off with a sigh, shoulders slumping. “Checking, I guess. I know it’s easy to feel on the outside of things.”
You paused in the middle of taking your boots off, looking at him. For a wild moment, you wondered if he’d heard you talking to Alex. Then you shook it off. “It’s fine,” you said, looking back at your boots. “Not a big deal. Temporary additions are like that, I get it.”
“Temporary?” Gaz’s jaw dropped, distress leaking into his scent. 
“Yeah?” You frowned at him. 
“Who told you this was temporary?” He even sounded distressed now, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. 
You blinked. “My last CO,” you answered slowly, only a little uncertain now, even as you grabbed your sleeping bag. “Nobody said anything, so I figured–”
“That you were replaceable.” His eyes had gone wide now too. 
You shrugged. “Pretty much.”
“Fuck.” He dropped his head. “You… fuck.”
“Hey, it’s fine, I get it.” You shot him a grin, easygoing and a little mischievous. “Foxes aren’t easy to be around for everybody.” 
Gaz looked at you like you weren’t speaking the same language. "You think we care about that?" 
You shrugged. "Who doesn't?" You shook your sleeping bag out and double checked that your stuff was as out of the way as you could get it. "It's not a big deal, Gaz." 
His jaw clenched, distress still in his scent, but something else was overpowering it now. Some odd combination of anger and determination. "Think there's been a misunderstanding," he said slowly, looking at you. 
You shrugged, wiggling into your sleeping bag. "Look, it's fine. Stop worrying about it. I'm here to do a job, same as you lot. Just leave it." 
He did not look like he would leave it, but he did turn and walk out, letting you finally settle down to sleep.
Or at least to lay there with your eyes closed, trying to turn off your brain. 
You woke briefly when the rest of the pack trooped in, but Price touched the top of your head. "Just us," he murmured, low and almost gentle. "Go back to sleep." 
You blinked slowly at him before you nodded, closing your eyes again and curling up. You'd be less of a bother if you took up less space, so you tried to take as little as possible. 
There was a soft but brief conversation behind you. You tried to tune them out, letting your eyes close and tucking your nose down again to block out errant scents. 
You were asleep before the pack had finished settling in. 
You woke first, slipping out of bed as quietly as possible and taking a moment to look at the pack. Soap and Ghost were curled together, Soap shamelessly using Ghost's bicep as a pillow. Price was between them and Gaz, stretched out and breathing deeply in sleep. Gaz… Gaz was on his side facing where you had been, a little furrow in his brow, looking faintly uncomfortable. 
You resisted the urge to check on him, to crouch next to him and touch him. You wouldn't be welcomed, anyway. So you turned away and went in search of a warm drink. 
Damn Gaz for making you wonder about your place in this pack. 
You had some nice quiet time before the rest of the pack got up, and then it was mission time. You got ready silently, taking as little as possible. One of your teammates would hold your stuff while you were scouting, you knew. 
But you didn't want to burden them further. 
"Woke early?"
You nearly jumped at the voice of your captain behind you, and you turned to look at him. "Yes, sir." 
He nodded, making tea and then sitting next to you, close enough that your knees touched. You eyed him for a moment, uncertain. Price was not exactly the most touchy-feely alpha, although you'd seen him touch the others plenty of times. 
"After this mission, I think we need to have a talk, hm?" He tipped his head to look at you, eyes very blue for the brief look you allowed yourself before your gaze dropped to the table. 
"Yes, sir," you agreed softly, heart plummeting. Well. Months was not a bad run in a pack. Better than your personal low of three weeks! You'd be fine. Everything would be fine. 
"Nothing bad," he assured you, because of course he did. He didn't want you distracted on mission. "Just clarifying some things." 
"I understand." And you did. Foxes weren't good for a lot beyond scouting and recall, after all. 
He nodded once, firm, and turned his attention back to his tea. You swallowed the last of your drink and slunk away quietly. 
You needed to get your head on straight and stuff your feelings back in the little box to be examined never. 
By the time you all gathered, you were ready, bouncing lightly on your toes. Gaz stood next to you, bumping into you lightly. 
"We've got two forward teams," Price said without preamble. "Soap, Ghost, you're with Farah and Alex. You two are with me. Farah's people will provide backup once we've got our intel." 
You nodded. No surprises there. 
"We will need to look for numbers, locations, entrances," Farah told you. "Weapons." 
You nodded again. "Got it." 
"Right. Let's get on it, then." Price smirked, jerking his head to the waiting cars. 
The drive out into the desert was quiet but for the roar of the engine. Gaz kept shooting you little looks, and you clenched your jaw. 
He must have talked to Price. Maybe he'd talked about your position on the team… or lack thereof. 
You couldn't help the niggling doubt that this talk Price wanted to have would end with you off the team and out of the pack. 
You breathed in deep and shoved it back down. You needed to focus. You needed to be clear headed. So you could report accurate information. 
The car stopped, and the two groups got out and moved up. Farah's group split off, and Price led you and Gaz away. 
He halted and turned to look at you, one eyebrow raised. You hunkered down, stripping off your vest. Shifting took no time, and you stretched out. 
"Ready?" He asked you softly. You resisted the urge to yip, instead stretching out your front legs and then bouncing in place. "Alright. You report right back to me." 
You bounced again and took off, weaving through the sandy landscape easily. You blended in perfectly, your ears flickering. 
Honestly, this kind of work wasn't hard. A former assignment had had you doing this near daily for a month to keep an eye on a high value target. 
You could always do more of this after Price ousted you from the pack. 
Huffing at yourself, you slowed as you approached the enemy base. Okay. Time to work. 
You made sure to take thorough mental notes before you crossed paths with Farah. She flicked her ears at you, tail twitching. You bobbed your head carefully. She mrrped very softly and gently headbutted you before she turned and headed back to her group. You did the same. 
You shifted back and Gaz hovered until you had your vest back on. You spoke while you dressed, being sure to speak clearly and as concisely as you could. 
Price nodded. "Well done," he murmured. "Right. Follow me." 
You shoved down the little thrill at the praise from your alpha (for however much longer that lasted) and nodded. 
The op was… not easy. Never easy. But you all made an excellent battering ram, clearing enough enemies off the field for Farah's people to make good headway. 
Price even managed to take the lieutenant alive, something that left him very pleased. 
You stood off to the side after the dust settled, watching the celebrating with a little smile. 
"Get over there and join in." Alex stopped next to you, nudging you a little towards Farah. 
"Maybe in a bit." You shrugged, trying not to fidget anxiously. 
"Hey." Alex frowned, ducking his head a little. "What's up?"
"Nothing. Just… I'm fine." You shrugged again, fingers tapping against your vest in a restless pattern. 
Alex didn't get a chance to ask further. Soap threw his arm over your shoulders, pressed up tight to your side, while Ghost's hand landed heavy on top of your head. 
"There ye are!" Soap crowed, giving you a little shake. "Finally! Been hidin' from us?" 
"What?" You blinked, caught off-guard. "No, I just–" 
"Come on." Ghost tapped the top of your head and let his hand fall again. 
Alex grinned, looking far too pleased as Soap dragged you away. You didn't fight it, too confused to even object. 
"Found her?" Price asked, amused. 
"Aye, Cap." Soap pulled you in front of the captain, grinning, before he finally let you go. You couldn't entirely shove down the slow curl of dread in your stomach. 
"Have you eaten yet?” Price was once again focused on you. 
“No,” you admitted slowly. “Figured I’d eat in a while.” 
“Gaz told me you assumed this was a temporary position.”
You did not falter, because you’d been expecting this all day. “Yes, sir.” 
“Your last CO?” Price’s head tipped, just a little. The kind of mild curiosity that you didn’t believe for a second. 
“Yes.” You clenched your jaw, trying hard to be very still. 
“He was wrong.” Price took one step forward, just barely in your space. 
You blinked rapidly, confused. “...What do you mean?” You felt slow, like you were missing something that should be obvious. 
“Means yer pack, ye dafty!” Soap piped up, and then yelped when someone slapped a hand over his mouth. 
“It means you’re ours,” Price reiterated, not even sparing Soap a look. “I never intended you to be temporary.”
“Oh.” You blinked again, flabbergasted. “You… did?” 
Price huffed softly, his hands landing on your shoulders and pulling you in, slow but sure, until he was properly hugging you. You melted. You’d been so sure you wouldn’t have this–
“You’re pack,” he rumbled quietly, just for you. “Until you tell me otherwise.” 
You hid your grin in the hug. “You’ll be waiting a long time for that, sir.” 
Price huffed, amused, and released you. Only for Soap to tackle you from behind, obnoxiously rubbing his head on top of yours and ignoring your yelled protests. Price just watched, not moving to help you.
Gaz came to your rescue, because he was the best. 
“Shove off,” Gaz grumbled, helping free you from Soap’s grasp and instead wrapping his own arm over your shoulder. “C’mon, you need to eat.”
“Have you always been this fussy?” you asked, amused more than anything, letting him steer you to a table. “And just repressing it?” 
“No,” Gaz tried to deny at the same time Price said, completely deadpan, “Yes.” 
You sputtered a laugh, shaking your head even as you sat. But you didn’t have a chance to grab food - Gaz beat you to it, loading a plate for you and putting it in front of you. You blinked. That… that was new. And very interesting. 
Even more interesting was him claiming the spot right next to you, sitting close enough that your thigh pressed against his.
But he didn’t say anything, so you didn’t either, just focusing on your food. You ignored Soap snickering about something with the ease of long practice. He was always a menace. 
The celebration lasted well into the night. Soap pulled you into a few dances, Gaz kept you supplied with drinks and snacks, and Ghost silently watched over all three of you with little huffs of amusement. Price stayed for a little while before he slipped away to do work. 
You honestly weren’t sure what time it was when you finally begged off to go sleep, but you did know that Gaz followed you back to the room you were all sharing. 
“Think we’ll head out tomorrow?” you asked sleepily, dropping your boots next to your pack.
Gaz shrugged. “Depends how long it takes Price to get what he wants,” he murmured, sounding only slightly more alert than you. 
“Leave packing for the morning, then.” You dropped down into your spot, curling up again without even waiting for confirmation. 
“Good plan,” Gaz agreed, settling next to you. He didn’t quite touch you, but he did settle close enough that you could feel the warmth of him. 
You woke to him curled around your back, his breath puffing softly on the back of your neck. You blinked sleepily, tempted for a few moments to just go back to sleep.
Until the position you were in actually sank in. Then you very carefully extricated yourself, praying your pounding heart didn’t wake him. 
That… that was odd. And new. And a little bit terrifying, honestly. Because you liked Gaz, you’d always liked Gaz, even when he poked fun at you. You’d always forgiven him the fastest for the teasing. 
So to wake up to him like that? Made you want things you shouldn’t want. 
But you escaped without incident and went to find some food. 
Somehow, you weren’t surprised when Farah stopped next to you, Alex behind her. “Come with me,” she said. 
You didn’t even question her, just got to your feet and followed her. “Do I need to grab anything?” 
Farah shook her head. “I’ve already told Price,” she said, glancing back at you over her shoulder. “We are not going far.”
Well, that wasn’t quite as reassuring as she thought it was, but you didn’t question her. You just followed her and Alex to a car. 
“We will be scouting,” Farah told you as Alex drove. “Look for any sign of escaped Russians, or reinforcements.”
“Can do.” You sat up a little straighter, calmer now that you knew the mission. This wouldn’t be bad. Not bad at all. 
You and Farah both shifted in the car and Alex opened the doors to let you out. Farah went one way, and you went another. 
The base was large, spread out, but the two of you covered the ground easily. But everything was quiet, to your relief. You didn’t doubt that the Russians would hear of this, and they might retaliate. Possibly. 
If they had the resources and decided this was a high value enough target. 
You kind of hoped they just gave up. These poor people deserved some peace and quiet. 
You passed Farah, darting over to greet her and sniff her face before you continued on your way. You just wanted to check one more area, just to be sure, and then you’d head back. 
But you got lucky. No sign of life out here. (Apart from the little lizard you chased off.) 
You trotted back to the car, enjoying the little buzz of a job well done. Farah was already back, sitting on Alex’s shoulder with one of his hands on her back to help stabilize her. 
Aww. They were adorable. (And also making the ache in your soul much worse.) 
You hopped into the back seat and shifted back, pulling your clothes on again. Alex didn’t get in until you were finished shifting, and even then, Farah just sat in the passenger seat very regally. 
“All clear,” you said, and Farrah chirped her agreement. 
“Good.” Alex started driving. “Thanks for the assist.”
“No problem.” You grinned. “Always a joy to go out for a run.”
Alex glanced at you in the rearview mirror. “Especially with someone your own size?”
You laughed, leaning back more in your seat. “Pretty much.”
Alex nodded. “Farah said something about that too,” he admitted, glancing at the cat next to him. She just huffed but didn’t actually object or bat at him. So clearly he was fine. “What do you do with your pack?” 
“What, in terms of running?” You snorted, shaking your head. “I don’t. Not shifted, anyway. I can’t keep up.”
“So you and Gaz don’t…?” Alex trailed off.
You blinked. “I mean. Not really. Sometimes he trots after me, but we really can’t go running together.”
“He trots after you?” Alex grinned. “Boy’s got it bad.”
You blinked again, startled. “What?” 
“Following you around. Saw him make you a plate last night, too.” Alex’s grin was mischievous. “Farah does that for me, sometimes. Confused the hell outta me the first couple times, until she explained.” 
“Until she explained,” you repeated slowly. Because. He was wrong. There was no way Gaz had been… Had been… 
“Yeah,” Alex said slowly, glancing at you in the mirror again. “She said it’s pretty typical behavior for shifters.”
“For courting, yeah,” you agreed, still speaking slowly. “But you’re wrong about Gaz.” 
Farah actually turned around to look at you, giving you the most disbelieving look you’d ever seen on a cat. Alex gave you a matching look, which would have been hysterical under other circumstances. 
“He’s been flirting with you literally the entire time you’ve been here,” Alex pointed out. 
And you were about to deny that. You really were.
He’d been the one to follow you and check on you. He’d held on to your stuff while you’d been scouting. He’d made you a plate and made sure you ate.
Oh. Shit. 
Ohhhh shit. 
“Alright there?” Alex was not teasing any longer, concerned now. 
“Yeah,” you muttered almost automatically. “Fine.” 
Farah growled, low and short, expressing her disagreement with that. But she didn’t have a chance to do more - the car stopped. 
Without a second thought, you popped your door open and shifted, slipping easily out of your clothes and running. 
You didn’t want to be around people while you went over all the instances suddenly coming into startling clarity. 
Gaz had been trying to court you. For weeks. He’d been subtle about it at first, just walking with you, or making sure he was the one to pick you up. 
But dinner really cemented it. Sitting so close to you, fussing over your food like that… That was courting behavior, undoubtedly. 
It was too much all at once. 
You found a good space under a cluster of rocks right at the edge of base, burrowing under them and curling up. 
Gaz had been trying to court you for weeks, and you were an absolute dumbass who hadn’t noticed. You covered your eyes with your tail. 
A soft whine caught your attention some indeterminable amount of time later. You blinked and moved your tail to find Gaz as a wolf with his nose trying to get into your hiding spot. He whined softly again, and you could just see one paw scratching at the rocks. 
You huffed and crawled towards him, pushing your body against his snout. He withdrew, backing up a step to give you plenty of room. You tucked your ears down and wiggled out of your hiding spot, shaking briefly to get rid of any lingering sand. 
Gaz laid down in front of you, eyes big and pleading, tail wagging hopefully. 
You cocked your head to one side, one ear up one down. 
He huffed and wiggled a tiny bit closer to you, tail wagging a little harder. His tongue darted out for a quick kiss to your muzzle.
Oh. That. He must have talked to Alex or Farah. 
You eyed him for a moment before you took one step closer, until you were right in front of him. If this were anyone else, it would be a little scary just how much bigger he was than you. But this was Gaz. 
You weren’t scared.
You licked his nose. And when his eyes absolutely lit up, tail wagging so hard he was practically causing a sand storm behind him, you licked his nose again. 
He hopped to his feet to nuzzle you, exceedingly careful. You huffed at him and started back towards the pack room, since you did want to have an actual conversation. Gaz, to your surprise, kept pace with you. Which meant you were trotting while he was walking leisurely.
Stupid long-legged wolf. 
Soap got one look at you and whooped. “Took ye fuckin’ long enough!” he crowed. 
Your ears flattened to your head and Gaz snapped at Soap with a low warning growl. Soap completely ignored the warning, starting to tease you two. And promptly ended up with a wolf tackling him. 
You ignored the mess as the two of them rolled around, growling and snarking. Instead you went to the door and then sat and yipped at Price to open the door for you. 
“Fuckin’ muppets,” Price muttered about the other two, scooping you up in one big hand. You yipped at him again and he huffed back. “Hush. We’ll talk while they figure shit out.” The door shut behind him. But you still weren’t scared.
You believed him when he called you pack. And if this was part of being his pack… You wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
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