#then zips away uwu
missblissy · 7 months
Vox x reader but its fluufffy as shit- like im talking hurt/comfort like full on motherfucker is down so infamously bad
((Ofc Nonny UwU Vox is a guilty pleasure of mine, so this was fun to write. Again.... IM STILL A LIL RUSTY SO IM SORRY IF IT'S NO EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAD IN MIND QWQ... But! As always, Enjoy!))
Little taps traveled down the lush golden halls, with a tiny fury in each step. Sparks and zaps and zips twisted from the broken wires popping out of your skin. The arm you clutched tightly let out fizzes and glitches and your broken hand moved on its own. 
You found an elevator and slapped the buttons with your good hand then stared at the spycam in the corner, “Vox!” You whined, “Let me in!” Your high pitched cry was more of an annoying beg but still… It worked. The elevator’s door dinged and shut before lowering down into the catacombs of the mega tower.
At first some silly stupid song played in the elevator before a familiar voice came over the speakers, “What did you do now?” It was Vox. You raised a brow, a pointed and angry pout as you took a side glance at the spycam. Shameless guilt was on your face, as you caved and confessed, “It wasn’t my fault! I was just trying to get today’s filming done and that-” You stopped yourself and took a breath before you got worked up again, “Anyways,” You held up the broken arm and hand, “I need a tune up, and you know I won’t let the tech boys touch me,” 
The elevator slowly lost its walls and you were standing alone on a moving platform lowering itself to a bridge. You didn’t even wait for it to reach the ground or stop, you jumped halfway down and started skipping along the bridge. With a new tune in your step, happy to have gotten your way, you gave a cheerful wave to the tanks full of sharks while heading towards Vox’s lair. 
You first checked his room full of tv monitors and spy cams, he wasn’t in his Little Throne as he put it. So you made your way to his workshop. He was already there sorting through replacement arms for you. With your good arm you looped it with his and gave him a playful nudge, “Thank you, Voxxy~!” You hummed out, putting on extra layers of cuteness knowing he’d be annoyed with you already for interrupting his work. 
“Mhmm,” Vox hummed, then reached for a robotic arm. You quickly pushed his hand away from that one, “Not that model,” You told him, “Remember? It’s got that bug that makes the nervous system fail,” He just nodded his head and reached for another arm while gesturing for you to sit down. You did just that, sitting on the workbench with your feet swinging back and forth off the edge. 
“So are you going to tell me what happened?” Vox asked while keeping his eyes focused on the task at hand. He took your broken arm and first looked over the damage, then the hand as well. His eyes flicked up to yours as he added, “Or do I need to check the surveillance system?” His hands lightly grabbed you by the crook of your arm, bending it by the elbow to find the hidden port under your skin. He pressed nothing, just skin, but soon it lit up in the shape of a little heart.
You looked away with a pout, maybe the cute act wasn’t going to help. You huffed and rolled your eyes, “She started it!” You yelped, “I was doing the scene for this month’s show perfectly, as always, and the stupid bitch couldn’t deliver her lines right!” All while you ranted, Vox managed to run his finger along your arm and unlock the skin shell, uncovering the wires, blots, tubes and bars that made up your insides. 
A heavy gulp came from your throat, and your irritation slowly melted to an uncomfortable uneasiness. It was still so strange to you to be nearly fully made of bits and parts. So was Vox…. but still… It wasn’t a familiar concept to you quite yet. On the outside you looked completely the same as you’d always had in your afterlife. Selling your soul to the overlord was the biggest decision you’ve ever made. Surely one day you’d live to regret it, but so early on into the contract you hadn’t found any solid reason to regret a single choice you’ve made with Vox thus far.
He treated you so much better than Valentino did to Angel Dust. in fact Vox tried his best to keep you as far from them as possible. You were uniquely his. Literally, he made you. Bought your soul, tore it from its flesh and welded it to new metals. And you’d be lying entirely if you said you didn’t feel something for Vox. It was the biggest reason for being his, you felt some type of way and he liked to stroke that ego and play along with it.
Vox gave you a smug look however, with gentle hands he removed the arm entirely, “And who threw the first punch?” He asked. Which was a very good question, because you definitely did. Called out and put on the spot, your cheeks started to burn different shades of pink and red, “You’re still a prototype,” Vox hummed. From what you could feel, it was nice. The way his cool finger tips tentatively work at the seams of your sinews. He clearly was putting care into each and every work on your wiring, “You aren’t yet strong enough to take on a co-star, much less anyone, in a fight,” He said.
He had never been cruel with you, or even mean. Vox could be stern, like now, lecturing you to do better, be better. But his touch was always soft and careful. Like you were his greatest work of art, his favorite thing to work on, and his beloved precious project. And sure, he liked the person you were too. It was just a bonus that you could make him laugh, or get him to stop faking his smiles for real ones.
It didn’t help how often he kept you at his side. Filming was really the only time you were away from Vox, otherwise, you were always near, always in sight, and never too far from reach. Vox preferred it that way, and, honestly… so did you. So it was a welcoming and familiar touch, his hands tinkering away, checking you over as to look for any other damage.
Sheepishly you laughed and said, “Well, at least I only walked away with a broken arm,” And Vox chuckled along with you. The girl you fought couldn’t say as much. You nearly tore her in two… She was just so… annoying! And you got so sick of doing the same scene over and over and over…. “I taught her a thing or two about real tears, that’s for sure,” Your snotted little huff and pout was back, though luckily Vox seemed to enjoy it, “She had it coming, and I basically won if there was even a competition anyways,” 
He even agreed and said, “I’m sure you held your own, I don’t doubt you can’t kick some ass,” He then attached the new arm and started flicking and switching things on from within your hardware, “But I can’t have my little super star starting fights, or getting into them, or risk damaging the goods,” He smirked as he looked over his work with pride. Finally he snuck in a kiss and you felt all your rage melt away. First there was one on your cheek, then Vox gave you a quick but deep kiss before pulling away.
Vox then grabbed a new skin shell and snapped it in place, slowly feeling returned. The chill of his hands running down your arm, clearing off all the dust and fuzz, sent little buzzing sparks down the newly awakened skin, “It’s not good for our image either,” Vox added with a smirk and raised brow, “You’re my little super star, hell’s new sweetheart that everyone can’t get enough of,” He then fixed your hair, tuffing it back in place, curling it around your ear, “We can’t have leaks of you beating your co-star into a pulp getting out,” He rolled the sleeve of your shit back down, smoothed it out, and stole another kiss.
You could feel your arm again and life buzzed into the metal, until it heated up and felt all the same as any natural or organic creatures. As much as you like the coddling in his words, you tried out your wrist and looked at your nails, asking, “What am I, if I’m just your little super star? Are you trying to make your own fizz bot? A Vox bot? Whatever you call it, just some way to steal Mammon’s power?”
Vox smirked and pinched your cheek with his fingers and gave a little shake, cooing at you while saying, “To some degree, yes. A bigger, better, smarter one that runs off a human soul,” You pushed his hand away but he just grabbed your hand instead, pulled you off the table, to your feet, and gave you a little spin, “But for now, you’re just my favorite little toy, right?” 
A little yelp jumped from your lips as he spun you around, then caught you with one hand. You could not lie, the way this man spoiled you had you hooked, line and caught. He made it so easy for the both of you to forget what goes on outside this workshop of his. He made it easy to forget he owned you…. He made you what you are now.
Or perhaps that part of the deal you like. Who knows. It was unexplainable your attraction to him and you honestly didn’t mind being his pet, his distraction, his stowaway. Whatever one may call it, you were sucked in by his every word and move… every single time. Besides, you could pride yourself on being the one that cheered him up, that made him happy, especially when Valentino upset him. You were the one that Vox poured hours of his time into, who he tediously worked to improve. You were his favorite distraction.
He moved you about in a silly little mock dance, an equally silly tune playing from him, “And for now, your job is to just stay pretty, talented, flawless, and overall perfect just as you are,” His wooing words melted your metal heart. He slowed, holding your hands in his while he then gave a smile, a raised brow, and asked in a way that wasn’t really asking, but rather telling, “So no more fights, and ruining all my hard work, right?”
You blinked up at him, still slightly flustered from the mini dance, and even more so that he held you so close to him, “R-right,” You breathed then gave a small smile yourself. It was a strange relationship the two of you had, it clearly wasn’t something outsiders would understand. He peppered kisses along your new arm and trailed them up your shoulder, leaving a few on your cheek as you giggled out. 
He gave you a twirl then spun you off, “Now get back to work,” Vox’s grin stayed full on his face while you got your footing again. With a huff, you crossed your arms and gave a pointed look, teasing him obviously and putting on a bratty act, “I don’t need anymore distractions until about…” He paused and looked at his watch, “Five thirty?” 
Your foot tapped a few times and you shifted weight from one leg to the other, hip out in a sassy look, “I’m not a distraction,” You pouted, then rolled your eyes with a grin to match his, “Six thirty,” You challenged him, seeing if he could push off the time and actually commit to his work, “I should be done filming by then anyways,” 
“Fine,” Vox shrugged, seemingly unbothered by your teasing, “Six thirty,” He echoed. Vox then blew a little kiss to you, with spark and zap it zipped across the air in the shape of a little heart. The sweet sting of its electric shock warmed your cheek and let out a little snap on contact. You giggled and let your arms fall, a more cheeky look on your face and less of a pout as you spun on your heel and skipped back off to work.
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shadeysprings · 1 year
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—Vision x F!Reader
Summary — Vision helps you relieve some stress after a tough day at work.
Warnings — mentions of vaping, public oral sex, noncon/dubcon undertones.
A/N — Just a nasty thought that popped in my head on my way home; starring my favorite synthezoid boii, Vision. Also lowkey miss writing for him uwu
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“What are you doing, darling?”
Your back goes rigid and your fingers tighten around the vape device just before you can slip the tip between your lips.
You have no idea how he found you. You made sure to hide before you went back home—no, this place is not your home, this place is your prison. And he isn’t your husband, one he believes himself to be, he is but your warden, your captor, and your death sentence. 
Vision stands before you, his human disguise masking his true identity yet his eyes ever the true blue, with danger laced around them. He wraps his hand around yours and takes the blue device from your grasp. He examines it, deft fingers tracing the metallic surface and you gasp in shock when he suddenly crushes it in his hand, the liquid dripping from his fingers. 
“I told you to stop that.” He scolds.
“Vis—” you stop when you hear him growl, blinking and swallowing thickly, correcting yourself. “I’m sorry, sir. I—I was just stressed at work and I needed to blow off some steam.”
The seriousness in his eyes suddenly vanishes and you startle when he chuckles at your words. Though you know, deep down, that he is far from amused. And you know well not to trust his actions for they mean something else than what he shows. 
“You should have told me, darling.” he hums as he takes a step forward, and you fight not to push him away when he reaches over to cup your face, making you look up at him. “I could have helped you. All you need to do is ask.”
You shut your eyes when he leans forward, your fingers curling into a fist when he presses a kiss on your forehead. 
“Do you still feel stressed?” he asks but before you can even respond, his hand shifts, resting both on your shoulders and you look up at him with wide eyes, fear surrounding you when he forces you on your knees.
“Shhh. I’m helping you blow off steam,” he remarks with a devious smirk, oceanic eyes glinting with darkness when he fumbles with the zip of his pants. “Maybe sticking your mouth somewhere else than that horrid device would help.”
“Bu—but—” you quiver, eyes looking around for fear that you both would get caught. “Sir—” the word comes out as a choke you struggle against his hold when he grabs your hand and presses it against his growing erection. “Someone might see. Why not we go home?” 
“You weren’t scared when you were huffing out here, showing our neighbors what a bad girl you are.” he tuts, snapping his finger against your cheek when you try to look away from his crotch. “This way, people will truly see how bad you are. And maybe that would teach you a lesson. Understand?”
Unshed tears brim at your eyes and you nod at his words, helpless against his strength as he keeps a hand on you, preventing you from escaping. 
“Now, get on with it,” he demands. “This cock won’t suck itself.”
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umbylievable · 1 year
Context for this au is here.
Please note that this is copied from my chat logs so the formatting is a little weird lol
Under a read more bc it's a little long and I hate to be the guy blocking the view in the tag
The moment he realizes he's attracted to the Joker, or Countess as he's now calling himself, is after parading him around at one of those police galas. They've retired to their own homes. Bruce is getting out of his suit, loosening his tie, when Alfred approaches his doorway with the slightest hint of a mischievous smile "Sir." "? I thought you'd gone to bed" "I had. But you have a visitor"
Before he can inquire further, Alfred steps out of the way, and Countess is left standing there sheepishly. Bruce sighs "Go back to bed Alfred. I'll see him out" "Very good sir. Good night"
As he departs, Bruce narrows his eyes. "What is it you want?" "Well you know how I insisted on wearing this gown because I liked how poofy the skirt was?" "I recall something of the sort yes" "well I can't get it off" "what?" "Harley was over earlier and she zipped me in. And I can't get out :³" "......oh I am going to get Alfred for this in the morning. Turn around you absolute pest"
Countess lifts his skirts and bouncily turns to put his back to the doorway, humming cheerfully. There's a wire hanger swinging from the zipper. Bruce almost laughs. Almost. "what the fuck?" "Oh yeah I tried to get it off myself first with this hack I saw on TikTok but I think I did it wrong."
"Oh you think?" Bruce takes a moment to extricate the hanger from the zipper, then tosses it aside. He focuses then on the zipper itself, and upon giving it a tug, finds that it's snagged on the fabric underneath. "Hold on. It's a little stuck" Bruce grips the top of the skirt with one hand and pulls, straightening it out, hoping to release the fabric from the track of the zipper. He underestimates his strength, or maybe overestimates countess's weight. Countess loses his footing and stumbles back into Bruce a bit. "Woah there big boy!" "Just. Shut up and stand up straight." "Yes sir." countess straightens up but doesn't move away. They're almost uncomfortably close.
Bruce pulls the zipper again, and with his grip on the skirt it slides free this time. His knuckles inadvertantly drag against the skin of Countess's back and for some reason the warmth makes his heart race. "There. Now go home." "Oh thank you!! It's a good fashion piece but not all that comfortable. I didn't wanna sleep in it" He turns around to face Bruce, his usual cheerful smile on his face, the day's makeup already gone, and there is something incredibly genuine about the moment. "Are you heading back out to do your batman stint tonight?" "Of course..." "Oh well good luck!! Knock em dead. Or er. Unconscious since you don't do the killing thing." He pats Bruce's chest like he's affectionately petting a trusted dog, and then turns around and bounces out of the room and down the hall. Bruce watches him go, and rubs his face. He's hot. This is unlike him. He hopes a tour around Gotham will clear his head.
It does. Temporarily. When he returns to the batcave, bruised but otherwise unharmed, he finds Countess at the batcomputer, legs up in the chair, twirling a little.
Bruce scowls, pulling off his cowl "what are you doing? You were supposed to go home" "I did!! See, I put on pj's." He holds him arms out in a demonstrative gesture, showing off what are clearly a woman's pajamas. The shorts are both too short and vaguely too tight. "Are those Harley's?" "Yeah she said she hated them so I could keep em!! They say 'cocked and loaded' on the ass uwu" "that's disgusting" "I thought it was funny"
Countess wiggles out of the chair "Anyway Alfredo went to sleep and I promised him I'd keep an eye out for you." "No you didn't." "Ok so I told him I'd left something here and then locked myself in the batcave but that second part was an accident."
Bruce sighs. "Well I'm home and I'm fine. Get out" "Locked iiiin." "Oh for fuck's sake. Computer, end lockdown protocol" The computer whirrs, and there's the sound of a heavy door unlocking "Lockdown ended" "Thank you. Sleep." "Very well. Entering low power mode" The light on the screen dims. Countess whistles "Fancy!! I was gonna try hitting a bunch of buttons but--" "It would have killed you" "Yeah that's what I figured!!" "Now get out" "You're so ornery when you come back from batmaning. You need an outlet for that stress" "Such as?"
Countess goes over and lightly dances his fingers up the front of the batsuit before bopping Bruce on the nose. "I'm available :³" it shouldn't surprise Bruce; this isn't the first time countess has come onto him, after all. He takes some kind of glee in the look of disgust that passes over Bruce's face after the fact.
But this time Bruce recalls the warmth of his back, the overly pronounced shape of his spine. He pictures the words on the back of those too-small shorts. There's the faint scent of sugar and cheap scented lipbalm. Something about it is...alluring, and he doesn't know why.
He briefly contemplates shoving it down. Ignoring it, like he does most of his feelings. But they're two consenting adults, he reasons, and it's late and everyone is asleep, and there are no witnesses here but the two of them (in case this inspires some kind of shame in the morning. At this point he's unsure).
Bruce allows a smirk to come across his face, and the look catches Sountess off guard. He withdraws his hand. Bruce grabs his wrist. Countess's eyes light up "Ooh you mean it batsy?" "Don't breathe a word of this to anyone" "Heehee if you're half as aggressive in bed as you are as batman I expect not to be able to breathe at all..."
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breadcheekstete · 2 years
Oh I had a thought and thought of you. ☺️
Chubby Jiminie deciding to get his belly button pierced and heading in, but all the people refuse to because he’s too fat. Totally fat shame him in public.
Enter piercer Tae who’s also chubby, and takes Jimin in and gives him the prettiest belly ring. He would send Jiminie out once he was done with his shirt cropped for everyone to see and just gained a new bestie. 🥰
It would just be so cute. Their bellies would probably squash each other while Tae is trying to pierce Jimin. UwU
nooooo that's so freaking cuteee 🥺 i didn't meant this to be so long but they're so *cries*, I HAD TO! MY POOR VM¡N HEART 🖤
jm would spend his night eating his favorite ice cream while making some research on any local nearby that didn't reject him yet. at this point even doing it himself crosses his mind, what could be a little dangerous.
still, he keeps looking and searching when a message from nj pops on the screen. he knows he had his nipple piercings done not so long ago, and how happy he was with the results and the treatment. but nj is not as big as he is, he's got a beer gut but the piercing weren't done there but in his slightly sagging pecs.
møni hyung: trust me, j¡min-ah, you'll love him
and with that, he tries again the next morning, quite doubuting outside the store and fidgeting with the ends of his zełda tshirt. he already encouraged himself by getting a big chocolate milkshake on his way here. kinda regretting it as his tummy protests from anxiety.
he zips his jacket and with a deep breath he makes his way in, making it known by a little bell that almost instantly makes the piercer turn. "welcome! i'll be right there in a moment," he shouts from the very back of the store.
jm takes the chance to look around a bit, catching an eye in the art hanging on the dark walls. they're artistic semi-nudes, models gracefully covered with soft silk robes. but that's not what makes jm blush, it's that every single model is overweight, plump, soft.
what if he's a chubby chaser or something? are those for people to laugh at? to prevent his clients to become hogs that only think of eating? his belly gurgles, nervess taking his confidence away until the piercer walks to him.
his frame, his ample belly slipping out of the bottom of his tshirt, the sweats that don't help with the fact that he could crush watermelons with his thighs, the double chin just protruding even more now that he's smiling brightly at him.
"good morning. did you have an appointment?" he greets warmly.
jm has a hard time maintaining eye contact when all he can think is about squeezing his cheeks. "no i,, one of my friends recommended me this place to get my,, belly button piercing? if that's okay."
th sends him a confused look. "of course it is, do you have any physical condition that worries you?"
he ducks his head, stuttering shyly. "i– well, i– got rejected from other piercers because of my– my weight." his belly growls just slightly, enough to make him cover it with his arms.
"that's so rude and unprofessional of them, i'm so sorry you had to deal with that." th takes a step closer. "i would love to do it if you let me, i'm not going to shame you in any way. and if you feel uncomfortable at some point we can try again another time, yeah?"
jm feels a little dumb for his own thought. how could a big guy like him be repealed by him when they could almost perfectly share their wardrobe? "but– i don't have an appointment, uhm,,"
"tæhyung, my pleasure. and don't worry, as you can see i don't have any more clients right now so i'll give you all my attention." he takes some papers out and a pen from behind the counter. "fulfill this with your information while i prepare my tools."
soon after, he joins th in something that reminds him of a hospital examining table with the paper in hand. "do i have to take my,, tshirt off?"
"you can just raise it if that's more comfortable to you." th takes the paper as he gestures jm to lie down. "okay, j¡min, let's start."
th reaches for the sanitized cloth, and gently rubs on the area. jm doesn't know if it's for the motion or the fact that their naked bellies are squished together but he flusters when a silent burp makes its way out without notice. "i'm so sorry, sir."
"you can address me casually, j¡min." he continues like nothing happened, then rubs a little firmer. "i know how it is when you're bloated and some simple rubs makes your stomach become a little brat. i once myself almost burped on a client's face while doing a septum by leaning my belly on the table."
for the first time, jm chuckles in relief, feeling understood. "i guess that's what i'm getting. i was so nervous walking here that i had to treat myself with a large milkshake from the store at the end of the street."
th gasps while marking the others tummy with a blue marker. "i love their milkshakes, the strawberry flavor they sell is a gift for the taste buds, really. i'll use the needle now, take a deep breath."
jm does, closing his eyes and scrunching his nose at the unknown feeling. "why is it so cold? am i bleeding? oh my god, i'm bleeding, aren't i?"
th boops his nose with a giggle. "you're not, j¡min. i picked this piercing for you, i thought it would suit you." he carefully places his hand before jm's face, holding the prettiest most detailed moon pendant jm has seen (not even in his p¡nterest researches).
"i love it, tæhyung." he shivers at the shift from th's tummy on his, blushing as he closes his eyes once again. "okay, i'm ready."
jm tells him about nj, who th remembers very fondly, and he tells him about how he opened the store. focused more in piercing big people but never rejecting clients for their body types as others did to jm. this is a safe place for everyone, and jm never felt so comfortable.
when they're done, jm gets up to the nearest mirror to admire it. tears fill his eyes, not believing he finally made it. "j¡min-ssi?"
"thank you so much, tæhyung. i'm so happy." he thinks of giving th a hug, but falters, not because of the faint sting feeling in his belly, but because he's just a stranger doing his job, nothing more.
but th saw it in his eyes as he carefully takes jm in his arms, maneuvering for their bellies not to touch. "thank you for coming here. you should probably disinfect the piercing twice a day for a few weeks."
"i will,, i wish i could show it to this oppressive world so they eat their mean words."
th frowns deep in thought, then takes a pair of scissors. "do you trust me, j¡min?" at this point, he would trust him his life, so he nods. "i think you're body is too precious not to show it."
and that's how jm leaves with his new favorite tshirt cropped, the piercing of his dreams and the number of a new friend.
bonus: th didn't accept his money, but proposed jm should take him to dinner sometime. jm already has the menu prepared in his mind.
// the end //
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moodymisty · 2 years
I'm working on proofreading the first chapter of my Tech fic now, but I decided to share this little snippet from one of the later chapters because I really enjoy it. I hope you all do too <3
Please keep in mind that it's a rough draft and I still have plenty of work to do on it :,,,D
He slowly hovers the ship off the landing pad for a moment, clouds of dust and dirt billowing underneath the ship as he turns in the right direction before finally taking off. The city’s silhouette suddenly flies by at an incredible speed, far faster than you’ve even seen before. Lights zip by with such speed they almost look like dots, passing over other ships and the skyways in what seems like only moments.
Normally on large or even small private civilian shuttles it’s always a slow and steady ride; But in the Marauder, it feels like your heart is racing enough to tighten your chest. If this is what it’s like to pilot starfighters, you understand the appeal.
You can’t lean too far either way with the harness strapped against your chest, though it doesn’t stop you from leaning forward enough to see even some of the highest buildings of Coruscant shrink underneath you. You can even see the main Senate building; But it feels so small and insignificant as the Marauder speeds past. Every other of the countless times you’ve traveled off world now pale in comparison in such a short amount of time. It’s hard to take your eyes away from it all, watching the sun’s rays bleed through the clouds.
“Wow, Tech. This is…”
He looks over at you, eyebrows curiously raised. His hands gently grip the steering controls, keeping the ship in an upward tilt as you steadily gain altitude.
“This is amazing, do all attack shuttles go this fast?” Reaching a hand upward to press two buttons on the control panel above him, Tech then adjusts the rim of his googles with his knuckle while one hand stays on the controls.
“This isn’t even fifty percent of what the Marauder can do; However Republic law is, quite strict on maximum speed for starships flying in civilian space.” The way he speaks almost seems like he’s a bit disappointed he couldn’t push his ship to it’s limits in Coruscant space; Which you’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious.
You can see the curve of the planet now, rising higher as you leave Coruscant’s atmosphere. It’s all absolutely stunning; Even if you’ve seen this sight before, there’s something about it now that makes it feel completely different. There’s not exactly a way to pinpoint just what however, but there isn’t any way to deny the way your heart thumps in your chest like it’s trying to escape.
When you turn to look at Tech for a moment, you watch the way his eyes casually drift over the front viewport, before looking down at the controls. The way he acts is as if all of this is just, second nature to him.
He looks... Really cute.
Higher and higher, you can see the curve of over half the planet now.
Tech leans forward and flicks a small switch to the right of the main controls, before leaning back in the seat and turning to you.
“We are now in Coruscant’s orbit. You can get out of the seat, if you wish.” Instantly you move to undo the harness, standing up to look over the control panel. Palms of your hands pressing against the cold metal, you lean forward and look outward at Coruscant; And even two of it’s moons that are also in view.
“This is, incredible…” For a moment he’s oddly silent, not talking statistics or features. Instead he watches you look outside the viewport, head turning to look at every possible angle.
“I hope this proved educational; And was,” Tech’s speech falters for a moment. “Entertaining.”
You peel your hands away from the viewport glass, turning to him and speaking without a fraction of hesitation and a huge, uncontrollable smile on your face.
“Yes! Tech this is, I don’t even know how to describe it but bar none, the best date I’ve ever been on.” You turn away so fast you don’t notice the way he freezes, Tech’s eyes widening behind his goggles.
What you said was in no way a lie; Most of your experience with dates were dinner and maybe some entertainment; Not a heart pounding trip in an attack shuttle.
This is, freeing. You don’t feel like a single thing can bother you up here.
It’s just you and him.
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cannibalcreeps · 2 years
Pa X Reader x Ma dynamic please?
A Pa AND Ma dynamic! We love to see it UwU -----
Having a poly relationship with this cannibal couple is definitely interesting.
Ma would be the one the most relieved to be left alone and just have Pa just throw himself all over you. Though she loves him dearly, like she loves all her family, having to bare another child and go through that agony again, she's practically over it and wants to enjoy her time. She's the slowest to actually be interested in you, but the first to fall in proper love. The fact you give her space and respect her so much is what makes her love you, her way of showing her love is through food and smiles, the crooked smile she rarely puts on. Definitely a woman who makes sure everyone in her family is fed and cared for.
She very much just prefers a bit of cuddling or hugs, laying on the couch and being held. She is the least sexual of any members of the Odet/Hilliker family and is quite content in never being sexual if given a choice, but now you are here to take up that part of a relationship deal she finally has a chance to just relax. While with Pa, he's the first to be interested in you and take full control of that but the last to fall in love due to not being really sure at the beginning on what dynamic was going on and also saw you as just a side piece he was allowed to fuck around with. At the start you will be second choice when it came to him seeking affection and sexual activities, if he got rejected by Ma he would come waddling his way towards you, best not to feel offended by this as Ma is still his wife. Though if you just stick around and wait you'll start becoming just as important to him. Sex is really what you will get from this man at the start, rough and unforgivingly long as he'll just grab you whenever he's feeling it and bang you stupid. A perfect match in heaven if that's all you desire, though be ready for him to just slip on out, zip up and walk away.
Give it time and he'll linger around to hold you to him and give you some kisses and hugs, he is very much the type to give and want physical affection, his love language being him coming up behind you to run his hands over you waist, stomach and ass.
Once you become their third partner, be prepared to become a parent as once you get stuck with them you get stuck with their children. At first it will be tricky, as you wont have any say in what the kids do, ordering them or parenting them in anyway, but like everything else all you need to do is continue being yourself and showing those three kids as much care and love as though they were your own and eventually you'll be seen as part of them family, though truthfully by the time you have reached this status, Sis and Bro will be their own adults and not need much parenting.
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star-glass-coffee · 3 years
hii! can i request a donnie smut, where someone walks in on them and while reader is super flustered donnie just laughs it off? it can start with them working in the lab and something goes wrong so they both fall to the ground, but y/n lands her hand on donatello's crotch and then things escalate from there. you can throw in slight degradation and/or thigh riding. i hope i didn't make it too detailed lol. thanks in advance!!
Might be a little weird (UwU) since I didn’t know which Donnie you wanted I just went for bayverse
You and Donnie where sitting in the lab, he was working on his computer as you looked into different files, just trying to tidy up his work space
it was a comfortable silence to you, Donnie wasn’t one for talking some days, and your fine with that cause it gives you more time to work on things, since the large turtle always wants you by his side it’s hard to get work done
though this silence wasn’t comfortable to Donnie, he just keeps thinking about you, taking glances at your form ever two second and since your hunched over grabbing stuff from the floor he has a clear point of view of your ass
the turtle can’t help but look, you two have been dating for two years and still haven’t went to the ’next level’ which is basically killing him
i mean you two have had some heated make outs before but every time he tries to touch you or zip down your shirt you shy away
he knows that your just teenagers but even teenagers have fun..
its gotten so bad to this point that every time he looks at you he can’t help but imagine you in different positions, in every dirty way possible, don’t even get himself started on his many times he’s jerked off from just the thought of you
he gulps at the thoughts before shaking his head, trying to shut it up as he continues with his work
”donnie, do these two go together?” You ask standing up holding two jars of liquid, they both have the same color but look slightly off
the turtle takes one form your hand before twirling it around, he doesn’t remember making these at all. He usually works on technology not physics
”not that I know of.... they don’t look dangerous so I’ll just throw them out” he says taking them from your hands as he looks at them
”hey since where gonna be done early we should-“ you don’t get to finish as an explotion goes off, Donnie yelping as he quickly pulls you to the floor
you yell as you slip quickly pulling on Donnie as you hit the floor..
it turns silent as Donnie quickly realized what happened.... seems like those where the old mutagen he had wasting away
he doesn’t really pay attention to that though as you cough out from the smoke, your next to Donnie sitting on the floor with your hands around him, but one hand is planted right on his crotch, squeezing it just a bit as you look at the broken glass
the turtle tries to play it off but the thoughts immediately come back, how he’s slowly been waiting, being patient with you for two years
He’s begged for a moment like this, his dreams filled with it every night, the thought of hearing you scream his name, to hold onto him as you shake form pleasure....
You knew about it, you’ve caught him a couple of times but you always seem to shy away, maybe your just always gonna be shy... and he just has to take the first move
“I just can’t fucking take it anymore....”
“i thought you said they weren’t dangerous-!” You stop mid sentence as you feel donnies hands grab at your waist, pulling you down to the ground more as your eyes widen, hearing the clank of his belt
“Donnie?” You say your face going red as you see his expression Pure lust
He doesn’t give you time to complain as he kisses you deeply making you melt into him as he throws the belt to the floor along with his gadgets
The turtle can’t help but quickly go for your hands, bounding you to the floor from his weight as you move our legs around trying to get his attention 
It doesn’t help as he fondles with your chest, breaking off from that sweet kiss as he goes for your neck, placing sweet kisses and nibbles in between his shaky breaths
“Donnie please wait!” You say your hands trying to push him away as your legs shake, your face red with embarrassment 
He does stop seeing you shaken form, the cutest look on your face as the turtle doesn’t pull away just grabs your face to look at him
“i-I’m sorry.. it’s just.. I’ve waited so long to hold you like this, it’s killed me for so long and I’ve waited so patiently for you to be ready for it, but your just so beautiful...”
Your eyes widen at his sentence as Donnie caresses your face his cheeks going red as well “i know your shy about this.. and you may not be ready to initiate it but please... I am, so let me touch you, let me love you the way I’ve always wanted to.”
Donnie shakes from excitement as you gulp, already feeling his bulged on your leg... you’ve been so scared about not being good at sex that you never thought about him..
Of course you’ve thought about taking the next step with Donnie, trying to convince your anxiety that it wasn’t a big deal to be scared for… just. It was a scary step
The turtle can’t help but look surprised and smirk as you nod your head at him, hiding your face with your arms as you turn your head away from embarrassment
 “your so fucking cute”
He lifts you up with easy as you both kiss, he sets you on his work desk as he rubs the inside of your legs, having you squirm from the touch as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear 
Donnie quickly unbuttons your shorts before quickly sliding them off, he can’t help but have no patients as his hand goes for your underwear, rubbing you slowly as he giggles
“You look so pretty under there~ i can’t wait to have you on my desk shaking from pleasure”
You Yelp from his fingers gliding down your folds, you shake from pleasure as Donnie watches with happiness, he can’t help but not be scared to hold you, instead he seems more confident then ever
The turtle guides your hands to his shoulders as you hold onto him tight, his left hand touching you sweetly down there as his other plays with your shirt, lifting it up as he plays with your boobs
You slowly say his name in between gasps and hidden moans as you feel your panties get wetter and wetter, Donnie doesn’t seem to mind your shakes though as he quickly licks his fingers, stopping his movement as you gasp
The taste he’s been craving setting his mind over the edge, feeling his pants get tighter and wetter just from your face
“I can’t believe I get you all to myself…” Music to his ears
donnatello smirking from your position as he quickly slides off your panties, looking at the cute black pattern before he shoves them in his pocket. Saving them for his collection as he gently lifts you up
He sits on his gamer chair before setting you down on his leg, having your legs split open in between his leg, he kisses you hand gently before pushing you to ride his leg
You yell at the sudden movement as you hold onto his arms, Donnie laughing at your legs dripping onto his pants
“your so adorable, your pussy is just as cute as you are, though you’d look even more adorable riding my dick” he says gently into your ear as he continues moving you up and down, you moan and yell as he bumps his leg up and down, making you feel it even more 
Your so caught up from this you don’t notice your bra already gone, Donnie throwing it on the ground as he stays silent looking at you intensely ride his leg
He can’t help but slowly pull out his dick, watching you happily as your legs shake, barely hitting the floor as you hold onto his leg for comfort, you’ve never had this much pleasure in your life, you barely touched yourself at best
You pull onto Donnie closer as he smirks slowly moving your hair from your face, sticking at some parts as he runs his finger through it
 “is this not enough for you~ I’m gonna mess you up so much y/n~ your gonna be begging for more sooner or later, I’m gonna turn you into mine, only mine until you can’t walk~”
You shake from his words as you feel your edging slowly coming to a climax you tighten your grip around him “Donnie! Donnie please!”
He smiles at your sentence as he feels himself get harder, he can’t have you finish when he hasn’t had any fun yet
Don quickly grabs you away from his leg as he pushes you to lay on his desk, pulling you legs wide open as you cover your eyes embarrassment 
“f-fuck, just from watching you I’m already rock hard... god I want to mess you up so much~” he says rubbing himself slowly as your eyes widen, finally seeing his dick as your face turns even more red
“donnie.. that can’t..” you say embarrassed as you can’t lift your eyes from it, it’s the size of your forearm and it’s already leaking from the top. Clear drops falling onto your clit as he just smiles from this, before lining himself up to your hole
giving it cute little kisses with his tip as you feel the heat glowing off of it.
”yes it can my love, but it’s gonna hurt~ trust me though“
“But I-I… oh god” you feel a little puddle forming on the desk as your legs shake from fear and anticipation
”I always stretched you with my thigh and fingers~ it’s gonna feel so much better when your cherry pops, and then it’s gonna be pure bliss I swear”
you nod your head at Donnie as he slowly pushes in, your little hole being torn open as you bite at your teeth, you groan as you feel the tip of his dick already filling you up.
Donnie sucks air in heavily, arms shaking as he holds the desk so much it cracks, your so tight and warm it’s almost to much to bear with… your fucking just as perfect as he imagined
He sees your face full with tears as you gasp for air, trying hard not to sob out as your eyes roll behind your head.
You look like your about to pass out. This gives Donnie the confidence to quickly slam the rest of his dick in. Not giving you a warning as he holds you close to his chest
A quick scream coming from you as tears fall down your face, legs shaking from the feeling of being filled to the brim as you enjoy this new found feeling of ecstasy. Adjust to his length quickly than he though as you both pull in for a long awaited kiss
Feeling him move his hips as don slowly thrust into you, keeping a painfully slow pace as you feel his tip kiss at your womb entrance
You moan and gasp as Donnie holds you close, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he sucks at your neck, this being the only thing keeping him from already shooting as he shakes a gasp in
the turtle can’t help but fall in love all over again, he’s waited for this moment since forever and god, your so beautiful he doesn’t know why you where so nervous~ your pussy feels so good it feels like he’s melting
you moan in pleasure as you hold onto donnie tightly, you feel the knot in your stomach not go away as you gasp for air, felling like your about to explode
“Donnie! Donnie please.... faster!!” You moan out as you droll on yourself, feeling your legs shake uncontrollably as Donnie looks at your small figure with surprise.
He can’t believe the words your saying, his sweet y/n asking for more... just like he wanted you to, just like he’s begged a higher being to bless him with.
He finally smirks like a kid in a candy store, feeling his cheeks go red and his head go light from your begging as he puts a tight grin in your thighs
“whatever you say my love”
your eyes widen, feeling donnie lift you up with easy as he quickly slams into you, holding you in place as he thrusts into you in a bruising speed
you quickly scream and moan, feeling him move at a inhuman speed as your ears are filled with the sweaty and loud slapping noises it’s making, your ecstasy flooding your mind every time he hits a certain spot as you stutter out the turtles name
Donnie kisses and bites at your neck as he goes faster feeling himself almost break, watching as you fall limp into his arms. Your body letting him do what he wants as you give him full control over you
“Your drooling all over your tits love, I-I can’t believe your already this addictive and I haven’t even tasted you yet”
He sucks on your nipple harshly as you scream out, hands over his neck as he keeps slamming into you perfectly. God you might just become stupid because of this
”god your just so perfect, how Did I keep my hands away for so long, your amazing~” he says as you yell and gasp, tears falling down your face from the intensity. Felling Donnie become restless as he manhandles you
Pushing you into his computers as you feel the knot in your stomach get more intense, feeling like your about to break as Donnie grabs at your waist, bouncing you up and down
he can’t believe that he’s taking your cherry, and your just so adorably letting him…
you tightly hold onto his shoulders, your head in donnies neck as the turtle moans in pleasure, he loves the way your yelling his name as you squeeze down onto his cock
donnie grabs your body before slamming you onto his desk, his thrusts and pounding becoming sloppy as you feel your high about to come faster than you want it to.
You scream out painfully as you feel your stomach tighten, Donnie feeling it to as he feels his pants get drenched in your cum
He keeps thrashing into you as your whole body shakes, your mind becoming cloudy as it slowly turns painful for you.
Different type of tears now flooding your vision as you yell your throat out, grabbing at Donnie’s arms as your fingernails dig deep
“Stop I-I can’t! I-it burns Donnie! A-ah-“
He still doesn’t stop his erratic thrusts as your vision goes blurry, your legs still shaking from overstimulation as you choke out sobs
Don figures out your pain quickly as he connects your mouths, calming you down from your high as the pain smooths out
He looks you in the eyes as he gasp’s shakily, feeling his balls about to burst as you feel your mind start to connect the pieces.
“C-condom.. you don’t have a condom!”
His mind goes into overload as a chuckle happens in his head, of course he doesn’t they don’t make ones for mutant turtles..
He seems to notice your concerns as he shushes you, moaning out happily as he pounds into your a lot harsher and deeper
”donnie! Please don’t, not inside!” You say barely keeping your mind straight, feeling him nip at your shoulder as you gasp in pleasure, your mind finally being distracted from the though as you hold onto him
Donnie doesn’t pay attention though, trying not to break as he quickly licks your shoulder blade, his mind running wild as he holds you painfully close. Only worrying about his own high as he feels himself finally slip. Something in him snap as a inhuman growl shoots out of him
your eyes widen at it but not before you feel Donnie bites down on your shoulder, so deep it drawls blood as scream out in both pain and pleasure
the knot in your stomach becoming stiff as Donnie slams into you one more time before releasing, you hold onto him close as you yell into his chest, feeling the knot subside as your whole body shakes
the turtle pulls away from your grasp as he moan, pulling himself out of you as you shake in place, experiencing your second more intense orgasm of the day
“ I love you so fucking much~”
donnie can’t help but say as he watches his cum trail out of you slowly, mixing with the puddle you created on his desk.
a smirk on his face as he sees what a mess he left you in, you lay there tiredly, your legs closed a little as you feel donnies cum slowly fall out of you. A tried and fragile look on your face as you gasp out from the wind on your cunt
the turtle smiles before picking you up, giving you a minute to adjust as he tries to make you stand. His eyes even more wide as you cling into him shaking, your legs jello from the railing you where just put through as you call out for Donnie
He immediately goes to pick you up, his hands on your ass as he Carrie’s you to his gamer chair.
Sitting down on his chair first before placing you in his lap, your legs tightly together as you try not to spill anymore of Donnie’s cum. The turtle noticing this and making a mental note
He grabs a blanket that was near him before wrapping you into it, making sure your nice and warm as he rubs your head kissing you all over
”you where amazing my love~ god how much I love you” he says pulling you closer as you cuddle into him, your hands on his shelled chest as Donnie wipes your puffy eyes
He starts to feel sorry for causing so much damage to you, his hands more gentle now as he makes sure to remember to be far more gentle next time. Your thighs are gonna be bruised for weeks
It goes away as fast as it came though as Donnie sees you put a hand to your stomach, your face blushes over with exhaustion as you rub it gently, this action almost causing Donnie to bend you over once more
All he does though his look at you lovingly, his large hand encasing yours as he hums a little tone, his mind racing a million times over as you kiss his cheek
You two don’t realize his door being open as Donnie makes sure your body’s covered as he kisses your neck, licking where he bit you as he smiles softly at the indent
He suddenly hears two voices talking as his head snaps over, catching a glimpse of his lab as he sees the mess you two made, a clear indication you two had sex as he can still see your clothes in the ground
the loving moment is stopped though as the door slams open, Mickey right there as he walks right in “hey Donnie I thought I heard a-“
he does t get to finish as Donnie quickly covers you, mickeys eyes widen as you gasp, covering your face as you don’t know what to say
”oh my god.... I fucking knew it!! Raph you owe me 20 pizzas there fucking!! Congrats bro!” Mickey says before runnfun out to tell raph
your face turns bright red as you forgot... your in donnies lab and his shoe, family was home... they all heard you
Donnie can’t help but laugh at this as he yells “thanks Mikey!”
nothing can ruin his spirit as he just lost his virginity to his girlfriend, and he got to take hers as well~
“Wait there actually fucking?!” You and Donnie hear Raphael yell as you cover your head in embarrassment, Donnie chuckles again before picking up you up and taking you to go cuddle
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ofmonstersandlovers · 2 years
Can you do a Crybaby!Vampire boyfriend with a very busy Partner? Like they have a hectic schedule with zoom calls and running errands.
I got you!!! Sometimes we need a whiny 2000 year old boyfriend uwu
Pairing: Vampire!boyfriend x reader
Notes: sfw, fluff, slight angst, hurt/comfort
It was another drawled out meeting that you stand behind the belief of it being better as an email. For the past week now, your days have been filled with zoom meetings and calls as someone higher up ruined the dates and made the entire company behind schedule. And instead of that higher up fixing it themselves, they had the bright idea to send the problem to your group. (They weren't even fired.)
Making your part of the lower chain run around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure out the best game plan with simultaneous video calls with previously mention higher ups constant bombarding you with their micromanaging and unnecessary advice.
There's no way of telling them to frick off without losing your job security so you've gritted your teeth and put on your best customer service persona during all of these meetings. Each lasting longer than the intended eight hour shift they wanted these torturous meetings to last.
It was now about 4:30pm, you're stiffly prim and proper at your computer desk as the company heads drone on and on about their wonderful advice.
Your spine was near shattering with the upwards posture you kept and you were mentally draining from the constant words they were spewing that is keeping you from doing your actual job. You gave nods when deemed necessary, as well as small hums of agreement or intrigue at particular statements you can not seem to recall.
"I believe that that wraps it up for the day," one of the higher ups, you believe this is the one that caused this entire hell, boomed. "Same time tomorrow, everyone?"
You felt the excitement to just hang up zip through your once hollow body that was beaten down by today's meeting. Everyone was just talking in loops around one another and not really getting anywhere. Yet these sort of meetings are still happening and seen as successful check ups and communication with the "lower" employees.
Swallowing down the excited yes in your throat, you waited for a few more people to agree before agreeing yourself. You did not wait, however, for anyone to hang up first as you quickly ended the meeting on your end.
Immediately, your bidy collapsed into the chair which squeaked in protest. The deep sigh bellowing out of your chest as you were able to relax your entire body.
After a few mintues of basking in freedom, you stood from your chair to walk out of the office only to flinch as there was someone standing in the doorway.
"Jesus," you squawk, grabbing your chest at your beating heart. "Baby, you scared me!"
Your boyfriend can be eerily quiet when he moved around the home, you theorize that he does it on purpose since it amuses him to startle you closer to a grave. Perks to being a vampire, your believe. However, he didn't look the least bit amused.
His eyes look downcast and his frown prominent. His eyebrows furrowed as he continued to stare at you before a quiet wobbly voice asked: "Is your meeting over, love?"
He sounded so quiet and so hopeful.
Releasing your chest you took a few steps towards your boyfriend. Huffing: "God, finally. This is the earliest the meeting has ended--,"
Abruptly, you were grabbed and pressed into his form. His body engulfing yours in a hug as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. His hold was tight and unrelenting.
Another downside to the meetings ending when the higher ups believe they've ruined yput lives enough was you haven't been spending enough time with your boyfriend. Always bathing and eating right after before floping onto your bed to sleep the rest of what's left of the day away. Only to repeat again the next day. No time in-between for you two to truly spend time together.
Feeling guilty, you wrap your hands around his shoulders and squeezed back reassuringly. Feeling his stiff body sag into yours at the comforting touch.
"I'm sorry," you began. "I haven't been spending enough time with you."
You more felt the scoff then heard it.
"It is not as if I thrive on your attention, love." He argued. You can practically hear the vampire pouting through his words.
With a smug smile, you ran your fingers through his hair. Relishing the soft sigh of content he made. "I don't know, you were waiting for me to be done like a good boy."
"I-," he moved back to look at you fully. You can tell he was flustered even if he no longer could blush. "You- for to - I am not a 'good boy'."
You countered,"But you are! And for being a good boy, I'll make sure to give the those idiots a piece of my mind tomorrow since they've kept me from you for too long." It was about time someone broke the talking in circles that became these meetings.
And the answering smirk your way, the way his face seems to light up in mischievous glee? Totally worth it.
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peace-for-levi · 3 years
Help from Papa [Levi x GN!Reader]
Levi Taking His Daughter to Preschool Headcanons
i have mad baby fever so my tiktok always shows me stuff like this. this was inspo for these headcanons !
w/c: 1,024
t/w: use of the word mommy by the daughter, so afab reader can be assumed but otherwise sfw. self-indulgent, tooth rotting fluff
[D/n] = daughter's name
@maries-gallery you asked for some fluff earlier UwU
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Maybe it happens while you are away on a business trip so Levi is doing the run to kindergarten. You and him were anxiously texting the night before on how you might get her in to kindergarten. She had terrible separation anxiety from you already - who normally took her in while Levi left earlier to work - so him trying to get your daughter out would be a challenge for sure. It worked out that you did more of the parenting in the morning and normally took care of things like this, while Levi helped out with the night routine more. He texted you not to worry, being the wonderful husband he was.
"Even if it takes me all morning, I'll get her to school." Came his message.
He had a meeting this morning that he had to get to on time, but he texted and emailed everyone he needed to ahead in case he was late. Most of them had no issue, but it would probably mean doing work when he got home.
He wakes your daughter up by flicking the switch on and leaving the door open. He'd let her get up in her own time, but he'd make noise in the kitchen to speed the process along.
Neither of you are overly concerned about this separation anxiety as starting playschool/kindergarten is a huge step in a toddler's development. Your daughter was probably going to take a while adjusting
Kindergarten started at 9.30, so he still had time. But when the pancakes and cut-up fruit he made were starting to get cold, he meandered up the stairs again. When he walked into the bedroom, he noticed she wasn't in her bed but the covers had been pulled down over it.
"Hiding again, [D/n]? Come on now, we don't have time for this today."
Again, he'd let her come out in her own time. While she hid under the bed, he sorted out an outfit. A teal-coloured, long-sleeved top and denim dungarees. He pulled out her knickers, socks and running shoes from the bottom drawer.
"...Daddy?" the voice came.
Levi finished folding the clothes for her and knelt down by the bed, picking up the quilt. "Yes, petal?"
She crawled out and stood up, and Levi made haste to get her dressed as she babbled. "I don't wanna go, Daddy."
"I know you don't," he sighed. Of course he felt sorry for her - who wanted to be forced to go somewhere they didn't wanna go? "But you always come out super happy. It's just mornings you don't like, hmm?"
Her shoulders did an "up-down" saying she didn't know. Levi turned her around as he went to go (or make an attempt) at plaiting her hair.
The two ate breakfast and got ready, all the while your daughter trudged and dragged her feet. He zipped up her coat and ruffled her hair in an attempt to cheer her up.
Whenever Levi did take your daughter, he'd carry her in his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist. She'd whisper nonsensical secrets in his ear or she'd scratch his hair. This morning, she was quiet. Levi didn't try force her to speak, but he felt his heart shrivel up for part of the walk.
He lets her down with her lunchbox as she walks into the building. Levi is never more than two feet away. She'd run ahead sometimes and whirl around to see if he was still there.
He always was.
"Go on, [D/n], I'll be right behind you."
She kicks up another fuss - this time, a tearful fuss - when he goes to leave. He sighs heavily and walks back. The playschool teacher is holding her hand, trying to get her inside. Levi looks at the teacher and winks.
"I'll stay outside for as long as you need me to." (He obviously had to leave for work, but he'd hang around for 15 minutes.)
And of course, she was fine after that. It's the initial fear of him leaving but she met a friend inside and quickly forgot all about him.
"You left me behind!" she wailed in the backseat of the car. Everytime Levi levi "abandoned" her, it was always a tearful car ride. No amount of comforting words, singing, or jokes would help her.
He gently said "shhhh, shhhh" every now and then, but she just wailed. He passed his phone back to her on the Notes app and drew some squiggles and that reduced her cries to whimpers
Levi wasn't driving them home though.
"Handies." He asked, and pulled her out of her car seat and zipped on her coat again.
They walked through the airport hand-in-hand as they waited for your return.
Still calming down from her meltdown, she wiped her nose against Levi's sleeve, with earned her an, "Oi, don't be such a brat." He looked down at his sleeve and cringed at the stain.
They continued to walk to the Arrivals section and Levi squeezed her hand, and she squeezed back, and this back-and-forth continued. It was dead silence until...
You stopped dead in your tracks and knelt down with arms open wide as she ran over. Your suitcase started to roll away but in that moment you didn't care. You embraced your daughter and she was all giggles and you were shedding a few tears of joy. You picked her up and cradled her in your arms. Your husband rolled your suitcase over to you again. You leaned forward and kissed him as he took your daughter back so that you could carry your things.
"I heard you had a great time at school today!" you beamed.
She nuzzled against her dad's cheeks. "Dad helped me."
You smiled at your husband and patted his back. You had every faith in him that he'd do a good job while you were away. He always did. For both your sakes, he'd go above and beyond in every area of life.
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hey uhh, requests are open (:
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reilliane · 3 years
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✤ — Universe: Tyranny ✤ — Concept: There is a limit to how much one can offend the Queen ✤ — Characters: Childe, Kazuha, Albedo A/N: ( ̄▽ ̄)
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"The upcoming festival calls for everyone to gather and be merry,"
"We will proceed with no delay. Continue about with the preparations, ascertain that it reaches the public."
The hand holding the teapot pauses at the order and you raise your eyes, watching the carmine-eyed servant mutter an apology before continuing to refill the cup.
He appears like he wants to say something, but knows his place, so he remains silent.
On the other hand...
Childe leans off the column, lips pinching to a tight, concerned frown. "Your Majesty, the festival is a week away and you've just awoken... you haven't made a full recovery-"
"Did I ask for an opinion?" the room grows cold from the silence and you hum, appeased with the lack of answers.
"See to it yourself, Kaedehara. You may depart."
His response isn't as swift as usual—an understandable thing, given he works as your personal Knight as well. Leaving you unattended right after waking up is...
Your pointed stare has him resigning with a nod, bowing, and moving out as ordered.
"Right away, your royal Majesty."
It's only when the other noble is certain that there is no one nearby to listen in does Childe go to your side, eyes desperate.
"What are you doing, [Name]? To open the palace just after... it's dangerous. If that assassin finds out that you are well.."
Oh, you know that.
"Precisely why I am continuing the festival," you welcome the scalding hot tea down your throat. "A grand reaction to having survived a deadly poison marks the condemned hunter."
"But even so..."
The harsh clinking sound from placing your cup down is enough to typify your brewing annoyance, enough for the nobleman to zip his lips.
You usher him out, waving, "Leave. Concern yourself instead with how you're incompetent enough to miss this assailant."
Dejection is candid in Childe's expression, the bob of his adam's apple indicative of his distress. Still, he obeys, leaving the room just minutes after the Kaedehara's departure.
You sigh, pinching the space between your eyebrows. That antidote has some ghastly side effects.
You aren't this easily pressed, but perhaps it's because this attempt of ridding you of your life has become too much.
Blaming Ajax shouldn't even be valid because he was out of the Kingdom when you were poisoned, and has just recently arrived after hearing the news.
Oh well, no matter. Regardless, you must continue.
"You've never been more terrifying with that face... your Majesty," the weak voice prompts you to turn towards its origin, "Shouldn't you be resting, still?"
Albedo brings himself to sit up, his skin a pallid hue, and his voice heavily coarse. The sight alone makes you snarl, standing from your seat so you can push him back down and flick the covers onto him.
"Don't be a fool, rest."
"I believe I should be saying that," he chuckles, erupting into a fit of coughs seconds later. "Don't push yourself, my Queen."
You scoff, turning to leave lest you snap further. I can't believe this.
"Can a brother not worry over his little sister?"
Pausing by the threshold, you allow his words to sink in. The heat in your chest has become unbearable.
With a stern stare sent his way, you leave the room.
"Say that once you're far from death's door, and have recovered from the poison."
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a/n: we got a crisis, what's the answer? CONTINUE THE FESTIVAL! -alright jokes aside, it's time. it's tiME. RAGHHH-
@cherryflushz @e7t3 @scarlet-halos @lordbugs @nebulaera @annoying-and-upset @hanniejji @applepi1415 @koi-chairowo @one-offmind @uwu-dreams
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mrskodzuken · 3 years
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pairing: Kozume Kenma x f!reader
genre: fluff
wc: 0.7k
cw: post-timeskip/18+ (obviously UwU /gen), food, one swear word from Kenma.
a/n: another companion to "Proposal" and "Surprise!". My entry for both @kodzucafe's "A Safe Place" and @dearomi's "Home Sweet Home" collabs. Really reeeeeeally love writing domestic fluff fics! <3 Thank you @mintmatcha and @zenaiide for beta-reading this! Really appreciated it *bows* Also Hye, say hello to your kiwi fruit pancakes ^^;; /lh also fuck you Tumblr :) REBLOGS GREATLY APPRECIATED ; u ;
My Masterlist | General Taglist Form
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[07:10. Kozume Residence.]
The whole house is quiet on an early Sunday morning, save for some tapping and cracking sounds coming from inside the kitchen. A soft plop! can also be heard as Kenma discards a stray egg shell away from the pancake batter mix using a spoon. He slowly pours fresh milk into a liquid measuring cup until it reaches the desired level, before carefully adding it to the mixture. Next, he picks a measuring spoon nearby, unscrews the cap off a bottle of vegetable oil, and adds two tablespoons of it into the batter.
It’s unusual for Kozume Kenma to wake up early in the morning, much less cook breakfast, but today is very special; the reason why he woke up earlier today is to make you breakfast in bed (after a month of saying “I do’s” to each other), to make your favorite kiwi fruit pancakes with love.
He remembers something you’d said almost a year ago, while having a friendly date at a cafe just beside Kuro’s office one early morning…
“You know, Kenken? When I get married, I’ll ask my husband-to-be to make me pancakes like this one day,” you say to Kenma as you take an IG-worthy photo of a plate of kiwi fruit pancakes drizzled, no, heavily soaked, in maple syrup on your phone.
“Ehhh… really? Well, good luck to him, I guess.” He looks at you with a shit-faced grin plastered on his face. “That ‘one day’ is going to turn into ‘one week’, ‘one month’, and so on—ow!”
“Zip it, Puddinghead. As if I would force him to make pancakes everyday, you know?” you tell Kenma poutily, waving a forkful of pancake in front of his face before stuffing it up to your mouth. “I’m not that cruel~”
He sighs in defeat and smiles sheepishly before taking a sip of his latte.
“Okay, okay, if you say so…”
After slightly mixing the batter, Kenma adds the minced kiwi fruit and whisks it in until fully mixed. He then proceeds to dip a ladleful of the batter into the preheated pan, shaping some of the corners with a clean toothpick to resemble cat ears.
“Cute,” he chuckles softly, looking proud of his ‘artwork’.
“Sure it is…”
Kenma suddenly jumps from where he’s standing, his golden cat-like orbs widening. He slowly turns his head around to see you peeking through his shoulder, sleep still evident on your face.
Your husband holds his breath in for a second before letting it go as butterflies start fluttering inside his stomach. “H-hi, Y/N, my love. Morning.” Fuck. Kenma internally slaps his mouth after messing up his greeting.
“Hi, Kenma, my love… g’morning~” You bring your arms around his waist as you snuggle closer to him from behind. You look at what’s into the pan and—Kenma finds this adorably endearing—your eyes twinkle, sleep a thing of the past.
“Pancakes! And they’re cat-shaped too!”
He hums and smiles, flipping the cooked side of the pancake with a spatula. Bringing his free hand to gently pat your head, he says in a matter-of-fact voice, “Did I also mention that they’re kiwi fruit pancakes?”
“Huh? Kiwi… fruit?”
Kenma feels your embrace around his waist getting a bit tighter. His cheeks gradually heat up as he silently continues on making another pancake, with you still hugging him.
He finally speaks in a soft voice. “Um… y-yeah. Because you told me to make one for you when we get married one day…”
“Oh. That conversation we had at the cafe that time…” You smile, fondly remembering the memory.
Kenma silently cooks the remaining pancakes, the only sound heard in the kitchen is the slight sizzle of the pancake batter cooking. He feels your weight shifting from behind, strands of your hair tickling the side of his neck. He wonders if you can still feel his heart beating loudly just as he can feel yours.
“Y/N, kitten? Still sleepy? I’m almost done here, you should sit down and wait for me. Then we can eat breakfast together—“
A sniffle. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Are you crying?
You snuggle closer behind your husband again, a faint smile shown on your tear-streaked face, and chuckle.
“Thank you for remembering. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for loving me, all my flaws and strong points. Thank you for marrying me. My bestest friend in the entire universe. My love. My everything… I love you, Kenma.”
Kenma holds your hand and kisses it softly, smiling. “I love you too, my Y/N.”
And he loves you back. More than everything in the world.
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Likes are okay, reblogs are better, reposts and plagiarism stuff are frowned upon 🥰 | ALL WORKS BY MADKITTYBLOSSOM © 2021
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Waiting on the team captains wearing nothing but their jacket
A/N: detailed elaboration coming your way a day after I make the initial post, as promised uwu
Word count: 1901
Warning: nsfw 
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou, Oikawa Tooru, Ushijima Wakatoshi
(wing spiker ver.)
Sawamura Daichi
You couldn’t help it, his jacket smells like him and just feels to safe to be all wrapped up in the jacket that is so much bigger in size than you. It had almost become a habit of sorts for you to pull out his clothes when you need something comfortable to lounge around in, which he found very adorable.
However, he wasn’t all too sure if adorable would be the word he was looking for when he saw you sitting on the bed, your hair wet and dripping water down to your neck, looking very much so bare except for his old volleyball club jacket.
“Hm? Oh, you’re home!” you looked so innocent as you smiled, uncrossing your legs while he walked closer to you. You had his jacket zipped up, and the hem was right at your thigh. The collar was too wide for you, hanging off your collar bone and threatening to slide down at any second.
“Yeah,” he muttered as he stalked towards you, the mattress dipping as he crawled onto the bed to give you a chaste kiss on your lips. His hand found its way to the supple skin of your legs, he sighed into your lips when he felt how warm you were under his palm from the shower you just took. You giggled before wrapping your arms around his neck, letting him slid up the jacket until his fingers were rubbing at the side of your hips.
You didn’t stop him when his hands moved down to the inner part of your thighs, your hand tightening your grip on his shirt as his finger ghosted over your slit.
“Someone’s wet down here too...” he whispered as he twirled the ends of your wet locks, his finger feeling your growing arousal.
You let out a breathy sigh when he pushed you down onto your back, nudging your legs apart as he caged your between his arms.
You could feel his bulge as he leaned down, your back arching up for more friction reflectively as his hand danced against the zipper of his jacket.
“Let’s take this off before we get it dirty...” 
Kuroo Tetsurou
“Hm... look what we have here...”
You rolled to your side at the familiar voice, looking up to see your boyfriend leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, eyes glimmering in interest.
“Took you long enough,” you mused, propping yourself on the mattress with your elbow, “I was starting to think that you died on the road with how long it took.”
“Oh please,” you smirked as he pulled you into his lap, groaning when he moved you so sit right at his bulge. His smile was wolfish when he felt how naked you were underneath the red jacket that was far too big for you, "I feel like that exactly what you want to see when you sent me those pics.”
Crooking your brow up, you tilted your head up as he leaned down to nibble at the soft skin of your neck. It was an impulsive decision. He was always busy so you didn’t have much time to add the much needed spiciness in your life so why not give him a kick by sending him a few carefully posed pictures of your bare chest just covered by the baggy material of his old jacket? He could already feel the blood rushing south when he got the first message from you, but he choked on his own spit when his phone vibrated again. This time, you were on your stomach, your back arched as you stared into the camera. You had the decency to cover your lower body with the jacket, but the delicious dip of your waist and the barely visible cleavage already had him up and ready to rush home.
Peeling the jacket off of you, he left the fabric hanging off your back as admired how nice the red complimented your bare skin. You gripped his arms as he trailed open mouthed kisses down your collar all the way until he took your sensitive peak in his mouth, sucking and licking while pinching the other with his finger.
“I hope you’re ready to face the consequences of being a tease...”
Bokuto Koutarou
Congratulations, you had obtained a dazed owl at your hands.
You could hear him the moment the front door opened. His loud voice calling for you as he paced into your shared bedroom. You had such a hard time containing your laugh when you saw the look on his face the moment those round eyes landed on your form. His eyes racked all over you from top to bottom, his mouth slowly hanging open as he felt the twitch in his pants. You were sitting by the edge of the bed with your legs crossed, hiking up the jacket dangerously high against your hips. You did not zip it up, only holding it together with your own two arms, pushing your tits together in the process.
“Kou?” biting the inside of your cheeks, you smiled as you watched him tense up at the sight of you shifting your legs, lifting the hem of the jacket up until it was right at your hip bone before letting it fall again, “you can come closer you know?”
He was uncharacteristically tender with his hands, slowly slipping under the jacket and cupping your tits. You could see his pupils widening when you slowly moved your legs apart, your hands trailing up your sides as you showed him your brae cunt.
“I’ve been waiting for you like this all day long,” you knew you had him when his hands started to get rougher, his chest rising and falling as his breaths got heavier. Bringing your hand to palm over his hard on under his pants, you lowered your voice, “can’t get this off my mind no matter how hard I try...”
He was all over you in an instance, purged over you as he roamed all over your curves. Nothing got him going like the thought of him being the one thing that ran over your mind even when he was not around, the idea that you wanted him all the time stripped him of all self-control.
“Baby you’re so pretty,” his grunted as he pushed your knees back, feeling the ache in his bones when he saw just how ready you were for him. He always thought you were beautiful, but my god did the way you look in his clothes drove him insane.
You knew he would be rambling praises about you all night long as he shows you just how much he appreciated your little treat for him.
Oikawa Tooru
You missed him so fucking much.
From seeing each other almost daily to being at two separate ends of the globe, it definitely took some hard adjustments. There were countless nights when you felt the weight at your chest just from thinking about the future, whether you two would have one together. But it was like he could feel the nerve running through your brain even from so far away and when you needed him the most, you were always reminded that you two would go strong as long as you worked for it with the familiar ring of your phone.
And Oikawa Tooru was definitely worth working hard for.
Clutching his jacket close to your body, you took one hard sniff, trying to inhale whatever that was left of him on the fabric. The cotton was soft against your skin, warm and gentle. You tried to imagine that your boyfriend’s jacket was enough of a replicate for his presence, sighing when you realised how sad it was that you were desperately searching for just a bit of comfort to fill in your yearning for him.
You missed the way he holds you tight, how he would take his time to caress every parts of your body before he filled you with all his love. You missed his body wrapped up around yours but right now the jacket will have to do. Your hands traveled down the side of your waist until your fingers were crawling over your thighs, mimicking the way his skillful fingers would elicit shivers all over your body before even touching you properly.
You were so deep in your own imagination that you didn’t even feel the presence of another person until you felt a familiar touch on your calves.
“Tooru!” you squealed, not even caring about how exposed you were as you leaped into his arms, burying your face into his chest. For a moment, you could not even began to believe your eyes but he was here, so real and so warm against your touch.
“Surprised?” He chuckled as you nodded, rubbing your face against the fabric of his shirt.
“I’ve missed you...”
“I missed you too..” he took a deep breath when he pulled away to see the state you were in, his eyes widening in awe at how luscious you looked all wrapped up in his jacket.
It had been too long and he couldn’t wait to remind you again and again of how much he missed you.
Laying you down, you could feel your face burning up when he brushed away the heavy fabric, drinking in the way your naked body was all on display for him.
“I’ve missed this-” he whispered against your neck.
“This-” A kiss at the valley of your breast.
“This-” soft kisses peppered down your stomach.
But nothing could prepare you for when he hooked your leg over his shoulder, darting his tongue out to lick a long strip up your bare cunt.
“And especially this...”
Ushijima Wakatoshi
The way his eyes darkened the moment they landed on you sent a shameful thrill straight to your core.
He looked like a vulture eyeing his prey as he stalked towards you, towering you with his much larger frame as he stood in front of you. His grip on your jaw was firm as he tilted your head up, making you look right into his eyes. You shuddered when he spoke.
“Princess, what are you doing?”
“Waiting for you,” you replied, “you’ve been working yourself so much lately. I figured I should do something to help you let out some steam.”
His let go of your jaw as he hummed, his large palm sliding down to trail his finger along the collar of his purple jacket on you. The jacket was threatening to fall off of you, barely covering your much smaller frame. 
You looked so dainty, like he could wreck you if he did so little as laid his hands on you.
You obediently let him perched between your parted legs as he crawled over you, his hand digging into your thighs as he leaned down.
“Are you going to behave for me?"
The rumbling from his chest hit you in full force as he chuckled, taking in the way you eagerly nodded. His lips were soft against yours, kissing you again and again as his hand trailed down your legs but pulled away the moment you started chasing more. The look in his eyes warning you that this was about him, and he would not let you have your way around so easily if you did not follow orders.
But of course you would be a good girl for him, knowing how delicious the rewards would be.
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ppangjae · 3 years
close to you | jaehyun (teaser)
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[RELEASE DATE]: Mid-May 2021
SUMMARY. You and Jaehyun have been dancing around each other for years, never finding the courage to speak up on your feelings. But here’s the problem: you and Jaehyun aren’t friends nor acquaintances, you’re two complete strangers who share nothing but several undergraduate classes and a strong, drawn connection. 
— you’re both strangers until you’re not. 
GENRE. fluff | angst | orange!au | strangers to lovers!au | college!au | lots of… pining 
WORD COUNT. roughly 15k
warnings. mentions of death, blood, and lots of swearing
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“Thanks for the coffee.”
You and Jaehyun have been productive all afternoon, creating a plan along with its respective deadlines to follow. Never would you have imagined closing the distance between you and Jaehyun. Whenever you would try to reach out to him, he would be twenty steps away. But standing next to each other like this, arms gently brushing against each other, unspoken thoughts, you’ll be more than satisfied. You just hope that your unspoken thoughts are somehow heard by him. 
“Do you always take this bus route home?” He questions out of nowhere.
You slowly nod your head in reply. “Always. Do you?”
He tilts his head in confusion. “That’s quite odd.”
“What’s odd?”
“I always take this bus route home too.” He begins to explain. “It’s odd that we’ve become friends now rather than years ago. It seems that there were many chances for our paths to cross.”
Jaehyun had a point. You always knew Jaehyun took this bus route going home. You would always sit in the back of the bus on days where afternoons weren’t busy and he would always stand near the front, helping the elderly get to their seat. As a spectator and observer, those were one of the many things you admired about Jaehyun. You and Jaehyun have shared many classes throughout your undergrad years, but you would always sit far from him, sitting behind him was ideal, because it gave you the chance to admire him from afar. There were many chances for your paths to cross, and you fear that you would let it drag on until you’re too late. 
The bus arrives and surprisingly, it’s not full. There are many empty seats available. Tapping your card against the card reader, you head straight to the back of the bus, plopping your butt down on one of the empty seats. Jaehyun follows suit, taking the empty seat right next to yours. Your breath hitches in your throat and you distract yourself by looking outside the window. The bus begins to move on its route.
“What’s your favourite colour?” He asks out of nowhere.
You raise an eyebrow. “Blue.”
Suddenly, he pulls out a set of earphones and plugs it into his phone, handing you one of them. You look at him, doe-eyed and hesitant. He senses your hesitancy and places the earphone into your ear himself, flashing you a warm smile. “It’s a long ride.”
And indeed, it is a long ride. Fourteen stops in, Jaehyun finally hits the stop request button. He’s slinging his bag over his shoulder, slowly getting up from his seat and waving goodbye. “This is me.”
You nod. “I’ll see you when I see you.”
Just as he’s about to get off, he gives you one last glance and calls out your name. You tear your gaze away from the window to look at him. “Text me when you get home safely.”
You chuckle. “Yes, sir.”
“I’ll be waiting for your text,” he says. “See you, Y/N.”
Jaehyun hops off of the bus and stands in the waiting shed, watching the bus drive away. As the bus gets smaller and smaller, he blows a raspberry, crossing the road. When he’s finally on the opposite side of the road, he heads to the waiting shed for a bus that’ll take him back to where he came from.
No matter what, always take the bus home with Y/N.
No matter what.
You let out a tiring sigh, yawning right after. Stretching out your arms, you get up from your seat to get off at the next stop. Out the window, apartments and buildings slowly transform into parking lots and a hospital. 
“Next stop, Seoul National Health Network.”
You request the bus to stop.
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On the bus ride back to where he came from, Jaehyun takes the seat at the back of the bus. The bus is quite empty this afternoon, with a couple of elderly people sitting near the front and a couple of high school students occupying the seats in the middle. Jaehyun zips one of his backpack pockets open, pulling out an envelope. Written on the envelope is his name with the handwriting itself identical to his own. Opening the envelope, he pulls out a letter. It’s a tear-stained letter, with some of the ink smudging because of it. But it’s a letter written from him, his future self. 
Dear Jaehyun,
Since this is the first time you’ll be taking the bus home with Y/N, I figured I would give you the reasons why in advance. You’re probably curious as to why you need to fulfill such an odd request. But it’s more than just a simple, odd request. I want you to remember a date.
May 26th, 2022. 
On this day, no matter what, I want you to take the bus home with Y/N. Even better, I want you to get off at the same stop as her. On May 26th, 2022, Y/N got into a car accident. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to make it and passed away because her body succumbed to her fatal injuries. It might be difficult to even imagine a world without Y/N, but it happened. 
As I write you this letter, I’ll be paying her a visit at the cemetery with Jungwoo. As I write you this letter, I’m doing this as a means to cope with it, where I would imagine a parallel world where we both exist and no one leaves the other behind. I imagine a parallel world where Y/N doesn’t pass away, where I am able to save her, where I am able to tell her how I feel.
As you can tell, I have many regrets. But I’ll get into those regrets later, not today.
No matter what, always take the bus home with Y/N.
No matter what.
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author’s note. you’ve reached the end of the teaser! this is what i’ve been working on in between exams and so this is definitely going to be posted (i’m already at 8k words so it’s almost reaching its end. 
if you want to be a part of the taglist for this monster fic, reply to THIS post! thank u uwu
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nhinxsworld · 3 years
Gojo Satoru X Reader
warning: pet play ; use of an horse crop ; impact play ; i don't remember everything </3 ; mild humilation (?) ; usage of slut/whore etc. ; maid outfit ; boot riding/licking (?) ; dom/sub dynamic ; master kink ; tail plugs ; praise ; dacryphilia
My list uwu
This is taken out of a really long fic that I wrote but I don't want to post the whole thing, only the smut part haha so to sum up what happened before this:
The fic plays in a hotel after you guys went shopping together and gojo said 'its time to spoil me' when you two walked past a sex shop and reader allows him to pick whatever he wants inside there (someone flirted with him in the shop while you're changing)
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"so we are in our room." you smiled "what can I do for you to feel spoiled."
"Hmm~ I think you know baby." he says as he hands you the bag "This~"
"Want me to change here or?" you questioned and he thinks for a momemt "I already know what it looks like so you can change here so I can help you."
Taking everything out, you blushed at the additional pieces he had purchased "Satoru!!" you whined embarrassed when you saw the fur tail that's supposed to go up a certain spot.
Just hurrying it through, you striped off your clothes down to your underwear making him chuckle as you tried to cover yourself up.
He chuckels "If you don't want to we don't have to do that one."
Embarrassed whines escaped your lips as you looked at the items he has picked out for you. From the skimpy lingerie, to the maid outfit, everything.
"I'll close my eyes, if that's what you want honey." he teases seeing how cute you're acting. Covering up his eyes with his hands.
"No thank you, I happen to think I'm very pretty, with or without clothes on." sticking out your tongue at him.
Taking off your current attire, struggling with whatever part of the lingerie and all the stupid straps for the socks. Why must it be so compliacted?
Lastly you put on the dress and the apron, letting him zip it up for you.
Gojo watched you the entire time, with his blue hues, extremely amused by the situation. A. You're flustered by the choice of clothes, B. you're absolutely adorable changing infront of him and C. he can't keep all the dirty thoughts inside his head.
Picking up the ears you put them in your hair "There...." you said with a slightly flushed face and he hums petting you "Good girl."
The bag still had a little box and he hands it to you with grin on his face "You know I let them customize it for you", opening the box there was wrapper inside, pulling it away to reveal a leash and a collar, if you weren't completely flustered already you'd be now.
Touching the collar, your reached to the pendant that had your name on it, and on the other side his 'Gojo Satoru's pet'
"Satoru...." you stuttered out and he just smiles "How about you try n' call me master today?"
A shy nod of your head and he just laughs as he takes the collar out the box. Leaning closer to put it around your neck admiring you "thank you master."
"Fuck, yes" he puts the leash on your collar and pulls you closer by it as you crawl into his lap "Still worried about the tail?" he asks a silly smile in his voice showing how much he was enjoying this.
"...hmm can you put it in for me...master?" you asked him and he ruffels your hair "Sure."
Bending you over his lap, Gojo lifts up the skirt his hand gracing your skin and when your back arches from his touch he soothingly runs his hand over your bare thights "Calm down baby, no need to be scared yet."
"...Yet..?" you asked him as you looked back at him and he just croons at you, watching him hold a bottle of lube, opening it with a clack. He pulls your underwear down for now, he didn't want to dirty it yet, his fun hasn't even started.
Squeezing a generous amount of lube on the palm of his hands coating up his fingers rubbing his palm and fingers together to warm up the cold touch of the substance before he grazes your skin. Though it wasn't all too uncomfortable you still tensed up a bit as he rubs over your back with his free hand "It's okay. I'll take as much time as you need me to."
You nodded and looked at him as his fingers find your hole coating it with the sticky lube you let out little whimpers, soon feeling the rubbery material of the plug at your butt and he just rubs it over the same spot. Lubing it up, before he gently presses it into you taking his time with it "You feel okay baby?"
"I...I'm fine..." you answered him and he nods as the hand on your back pats your head in a affectionate manner "wouldn't want to hurt or scare you right now."
Adding a little more lube he slips it in forcing out a little sound and he pats you soflty. Getting tissues he cleans up the extant lube and both him and you before he pulls up the underwear and pulls down the skirt for you.
You were a bit nervous about it, you could feel it's soft fur against your legs as it peaks through the skirt.
"Was it that bad?" he asks you and you shoke your head "Feels...a bit odd..." you told him and he nods.
Pulling you back to him you didn't seem to sit comfortably with the plug in your bottom and your face didn't seem to get any less warm.
Letting you rest in his lap he admires you, to him you looked incredibly cute in the pretty pet gear and the frilly maid dress "Would it be horrible, if I make you cry today?" he asks you as he holds your face in his hand.
Not quite sure of your answer you stared at him and his blue eyes "You don't have to, we can take it slow." he continues as he gives your shoulder a kiss before moving to your cheek "I enjoy everything with you."
"....no.., I want you to. Please...make me cry." you tell him and he smiles at you giving you a soft kiss "Okay baby, just know we can stop anytime you want."
With a nood of you head he smiles, you're so fucking precious to him.
Getting you down on the floor infront of him he leans his arm on his tight his face leaning on the palm "I always wonder what would make you cry."
"Be a good pet and crawl over there get me that bag." he says and takes the leash off.
On your hands and knees you looked over to the bag he pointed at and crawled over thinking for a while you picked the bag up with you mouth before getting back to him and he smiles taking it off you "Well done."
"You know while I was changing some girl chatted up on me." he says and you frowned.
He picks out a crop and you shoke visibly at the sight of it making him grin "She asks me, if I'm into this. I said no, but now seeing you shake I must have lied. I'm really getting into this."
Holding the crop against your face, he could see the worry in your eyes "Hmm...I told her I just like to see tears, so she suggested she'd be the one to cry for me."
"Satoru..." you called him not knowing where he is getting at and he hits your face with the crop making you flinch.
Pulling you back in by the collar he just smirks at you, he always carries this look in his eyes. The look of confidence, the look of shere superiority as if he's just better than anyone else, which he is.
A cocky fucking grin on his face that shows how much he enjoys these kind of situations.
"Weren't you going to call me master?" he asks and you apologized "...I'm sorry master."
Putting the leash back on you he held the crop to your cheek again, it was slightly red along with a light burning feeling .
"Anyways...where was I?" he questioned for a momemt "ah...yes. She suggested to be the one to cry for me."
"Though I kinda rejected saying you are waiting for me" he hums and you looked at bit relieved.
You knew Gojo wouldn't just drop you, by now that is, but you also knew how much he likes to have people attention on him. To have people that understand how superior he actually is.
He alone is the honored one.
If he wanted he could have anything he desired and you wouldn't be able to stop him, if he really set his mind on it.
"Don't worry about that I wouldn't do anything that makes you genuinely upset." he admits, making you nod.
"She kept pushing me, so I told her I didn't like tears in any sexy way, that I like tears of genuine humilation and pain." Gojo resumes his story as he looks at you "Though I think I lied again, looking at you now makes it very arousing."
"I want you to cry for me and I want you to enjoy it." he confesses "Not even for a second did I consider her over you, baby. I just know she wouldn't be as good as you, for me."
You nod your head with a small smile on your face and he pulls you by leash to kiss you "Such trivial thing should never be one of your worries. Your only worry should be what I'll do to you."
"Yes master." you twinkled as he pets you, he takes the crop off your cheek putting his hand to it, touching over the spot he hit you "You're the only one I like to play with on long term. You're special. It will be just you and me in the end."
The way you stare at him with your doe eyes has him feeling things.
He likes to have you calm with no worries in your mind before he starts anything. It's like he is preparing you for something, which probably was needed. Coaxing you into the right mindset to obey him.
You heart flutters whenever he was so keen to reassure you that you're not just anyone he messed with. That he would never consider dropping you, because you're his. You're face heats up from the way he talks you.
It makes you want to be good for him, to show him exactly why he picked you and no one else. In someway you knew why he picked you, but him sweet talking you was never a bad thing to have.
"So you'll be my good pet right?" he asks and you nod into his hand "Yes master!"
There is this wicked smile on his face again as he pushes you down on the floor "Be my mutt. Bark for me."
He looks down on you and has the crop right at your neck tracing up your face and you stared at him before you open your mouth to do as told. Shy and some kind of humiliating feeling sticking to your heart you barked for him your voice breaking from nervosity the first try, but it only amuses him more.
"Yes, like that." he says as the crop caresses your cheek "I want you to either moan or bark, no other things unless I'm speaking to you directly, that's the only time where I want you to adress me."
A nod comes from you and you barked softly as if to tell you, you had understood his conditions.
"Get down honey." he says as the crop touches the floor showing you where to be.
Leaning, you bowed down your head to where his crop touched the floor right next to his foot.
Head down bowing infront of him your pretty ass still up with that cute skirt "Lick it~" he says and you look up at him.
"Hmmm...?" you had an idea what he meant, but you really hoped he didn't mean it.
"Puppy you look confused." he hums "Let me help you."
He did mean it as he lifts shoes to your face nudging your lips with the tip of his shoes. Letting out a soft whimper you sticked out your tongue licking along the sole of his shoes making him smile.
The cold taste of latex and sand on your tongue as he makes you lick them, going from tiny licks to using your whole tongue to make him happy and it does bring a smile to face "Good girl."
Your heart pounds as you did, your breath abit out of control, a deep feeling of shame within you.
Your hand on his shoe and ankle as you licked up his shoes "Look at me while you do it puppy."
A shuder went down your back as you looked up at him with each time your tongue runs over the leather of his shoes. Licking up any dusk with your tongue, until you could only taste leather and the texture of his shoe "Hmmm my good pup."
He reached down with his hand ruffling your hair as if to ease any heavy humiliating feeling, giving you just glimpse of his comfort. Before he pulls you back up by the leash "Now that you've cleaned it up with your tongue how about you ride them?"
A scared look on your face and he smiles "You're a good mutt aren't you?"
Your breath hitches a little scared and a tiny bit nervous of what to do you put your legs on each side of his shoe and lowered your cunt on it moaning at the touch. It scared you being able to feel how wet you were and he just smiles at you "Betted start humping my shoes puppy" and you nod putting your hand on his tights almsot hugging it as your hips started to roll on his shoes.
It felt strange at first but you're panties were drenched liking the friction his shoe gave your pussy as you started to moan and rub yourself on his shoe and leg.
Your hands soon find the floor supporting you as your face layed on his tight taking in his scent as you desperately rubbed yourself against his shoes, but no matter what you do it wasn't enough to find a long term satisfaction "such a needy mutt, there was no reason for you to push yourself that hard, perhaps do you like it?"
The crop trails down your body over the dress and he stops at your thight "lift your skirt."
Pulling your skirt up for him the crop trails up between your legs and Gojo hums as you looked at him with those pretty eyes of yours.
Slapping your clothed cunt making you flinch and shriek "Cute." He smiles as he looks at you, using the crop he runs it over your panties making you whine and he trails down to your tights again where another slap is placed. Each time you can't help but flinch at the impact and let little sounds escape your lips your hand gripping on the frilly fabric of your dress "Aww baby, did riding my shoes feel so good? You practically ruined your panties."
It stings, yet you felt yourself throbbing some twisted desire in your tummy when he hits you. It was dehumanizing to act like that but then again it was Gojo you're doing it for.
Eyes welling up with tears, threatening to roll down your cheeks.
Making you feel good and bad at the same time, he had you at his feet, it was amusing to him to have you like this.
You're such a proud little thing usually, having abilties to almost match up with him yet never enough to beat him.
So when he gets to do this to you it exites him, the day you two met he knew you were special.
"My pretty mutt." Gojo slaps you some more just to see you flinch and whine, when your legs start to shake and press themselves together in such a needy way he adores you even more as you rub yourself against his shoes.
"My needy little thing." he repeats himself and looking up with a tiny smile on your face a big look of need, he looks so good just sitting there looking down on you. The dangling leash he had you on and the fucking leather crop in hand, it was just so pretty to you in some fucked up way.
He puts the leather underneath your chin making you face him "Does it feel nice when I hit you?"
Somehow you coudln't deny the fact that gives you some kind of twisted pleasure and you nod barking for him "Yes master!"
"Hmmm...that's good." there is another slap to your face making you shake from excitement "I like it when you're honest."
Each time he hits you the crop made such a nice and loud sound, it rings in your ear when he hits your face. It doesnt take long until your pretty red eyes starts to shed those tears that he loves to see.
Putting the crop to your lips you sticked out your tongue licking at it while your eyes are trained on him, he chuckles "oh? It seems you're enjoying this more than I thought. I was hoping for you to get all shy and embarrassed, but y'know I like this too."
"To think you'd get this needy and wet from just riding my shoes (Y/n), I haven't even really touched you. Yet your humping against me when I hit you with a horse crop." a sadistic smile graces his lips "I like it alot. Specially your pretty tears."
"Lets keep using this dirty mouth of yours hmm?" he asks and you barked at him sticking out your tongue in an exited manner "That's a good dog."
The white haired man leand back on one his hand as he unzips his pants and you can't take your eyes of his hands as they were slowly getting his pants off. You were so impatient wanting to touch him to suck him off so badly.
Pulling down both his pants and boxers to reveal his cock he used his free hand to gather the tears on your cheek pump his cock with your tears and his precum a couple times, as you stare at him "You want to touch me?" he asks and you nod eagerly "please, master!"
He allows it and you started of by licking and kissing his base taking in his scent, he smells so nice it's addicting.
Slobbering your spit all over his cock your started to take him in your mouth sucking "Hmmm..." He felt so nice in your mouth, big and warm.
His hand finds your hair and he forces you deeper on him making you choke and whine, but the whine is muffled by his cock.
The heat you two felt is unmatched, as you pleasure him soft groans escape his lips his beautiful eyes on you and nothing else.
"Fuck, hmmm my desperate little puppy~" he hums and you moan around hm "If it feels so nice why don't you keep riding my foot, while you suck me off?"
It was rather meant to tease you, but you're so needy you needed it so badly, your hips start to hump his shoe again making him chuckle "My poor little mutt."
You have him moaning and groaning for you when you suck him off, God his voice takes such nice pitches and depths.
Low curses and high moans, Gojo had a mixed voice but either way his voice has you feeling those special butterflies in your stomach as you hump him.
Everything about him just seems so perfect to you, so so damn intoxicating.
The shaman has you lost in pleasure, stripping you of any of your pride as he has you on a leash at his feet.
You're his disgusting little whore who gets off on pain and humiliation, but only by his hands.
No one else deserves your submission like he does, you're absolutely stubborn at times.
You've told him it makes your heart flutter in fights to just stomp your opponents, you just adored the feeling of being better than others. It seemed almost like you've hated the idea of submitting to anyone.
Yet here he is better than you having you on your knees. Somehow he had gotten you to be his, gotten you to be so sweet and good beneath him. A thing you'd never do for anyone else. You didn't know how much you wanted to please until you met him.
"My pretty puppy." he moans when he feels your tears touch his skin. He could cum from the feeling of your cold tears running down his skin alone, as his hand was gripping at your hair, cumming down your throat making you choke "Shhh swallow pretty, don't waste my cum, pretty puppy."
Nodding along you started to suck and swallow as best as you could, until he satisfied and let's you pull off.
You're so obedient towards him he loves it so much as you opened your mouth sticking out your cute tongue showing him you had swallowed evey drop of his precious cum.
His hand back in your hair much softer this time scratching your scalp soflty in such a affectionate manner "Hmmm~"
"You're such a good pet baby." he hums as you leaned into his touch "You deserve a reward don't you?" he asks and you'd stare at him with those teary puppy dog eyes.
He takes off his clothes and allows you to touch him, your hand gliding over his perfect body. You loved this man so much, he looks absolutely god-like.
He'll allow you to leave your mark on him a privilege given to you, to be able to mark his pure skin, to see the scars of his teen days "Hmm my good girl, master is all yours." It's so precious how you treat him like a God carefully licking up his body leaving kisses all over him. You worshipped this man before your eyes.
"Please mark me too master!" you begged him as you pulled the neck of your uniform down and he hums kissing, biting, sucking on your skin.
He just smiles as he pulls you on the bed pushing you beneath him "God this outfit looks so good on you, I can't decide wheater I want to undress you or to fuck you in it."
"Give me an idea." he tells you and you hum "...we could...take of the dress and leave the apron on? Or....you'll fuck me...multiple times."
He muses at the idea "Hmm~! sounds like a plan, I think I like the later."
"Must be hard to voice your good ideas first with a man like me keeping you occupied~" he teases as he once again lifts that pretty skirt of yours.
The mess between your legs was just so amusing to him, you didn't even get to cum the whole time. Poor you was rubbing against him so desperately yet never found release "It's okay, puppy I'll make you feel good. No more shy, choking tears, only from pleasure and gratitude towards me now yeah? You've been such a good girl." Gojo whiped your tears "Good girls get rewarded don't they?"
For the first time today his fingers touched your already drenching underwear, teasing your cunt making you mewl "Master..."
That word rolled so deliciously of your tongue and he pulls the useless drenched underwear off your legs. You almost felt shy from his intense stare on your glistening cunt.
He leans closer to you, his lips on yours as his fingers started to spread your wetness toying with you until his fingers started to slip inside, moaning blissfully into his kiss.
"Such a good little maid for her master listening to his every command. My pretty puppy maid deserves to cum doesn't she?" he asks you and you moaned shamelessly at his words nodding your head and he slaps you with his bare hand "I talked to you."
"Hmm!! Masters puppy!! Been good, masters good maid." you told him "Please make her cum."
He chuckels at your desperate voice as his fingers were sccisoring your insides stretching you out "Should I give my pretty maid choices or should master make them, because you're too stupid to do them yourself?"
Ah fuck, those words when straight to your core, somehow you loved it when he talks down on you and you find yourself nodding along "Hmm master make them!! 'm stupid, master's dumb puppy."
The smirk that graces his face is just so pretty as his eyes held that look of insanity he'd often hold, the look of his superiority complex. He look of his god complex.
You feed into his ego so well he loves it so much.
"That's right baby, you're master's stupid little puppy." he says and kisses you "Master will decide everything, he'll fuck you even more stupid, until you can't think at all. Ain't that right?"
"Yes, yes, yes!! Thank you master."
Gojo keeps his words as he finger fucks you in that pretty outfit until you cum all over his long fingers, you're such a needy thing pushing yourself against his fingers, but he doesn't mind at all. He loves your desperation.
Getting to cum for the first time today you thanked him profusely, but of course it don't end there as he strips you off that cute dress and as you've suggested he let you keep that cute apron. Gojo finds himself between your legs his tongue licking up all your juices and you can feel him moan against your heat pushing the pretty tail back "Master, can I touch you?"
With a nod between your legs your hands found themselves tangled with his silk white hair, his blue eyes always on you.
His tongue was so warm and god his words so lewd and filthy speaking along the lines of you being a good maid, serving your master his favorite meal, comparing you to his favorite sweets.
Oh no pretty you are his favorite.
So sensitive from your previous orgasm you're barely able to answer him, just moaning along as he'd now and then would place firm slap on your tights.
"Be good and cum." his words alone were able to send you over the edge if it isn't for his hot tongue fucking you so well. The way he'd teasingly bite and roll your clit between his teeth has you seeing stars. Your hands gripping his hair so tightly he loves it. The way you moan so deliciously as he pleases you, your voice so rich like honey breaking apart getting hoarse as his title leaves your lips over and over about how good he was making you feel. When he told you you'll be crying tears of pleasure and gratitude he meant it.
"Stupid girl, didn't I say I want you to moan and bark only, unless you're talked to?" he just laughs giving you couple slaps on your sore pussy "Whatever, to think you were supposed to keep me ego in check, fucking ridiculous." It's all just too funny.
The frilly apron barely doing anything to cover you up, he just likes to symbolism of it. Your tits were looking out that apron he can see them hardened nipples so clearly, he can't help but let's his hands wander as he licks you up playing around with your tits.
A chuckle escapes his lips as he looks at you "Doll you're still taking master's cock right?"
His hand at his grit as he strokes it and you nod "Please let me have it master~"
Your lust filled eyes crying for him and your fucked out expression, you're so hungry for him, you're so hungry to finally be filled. To be used, as if it was to fulfill your only purpose in life, that being to please him, to be hole just for him to use.
Gojo makes you feel like it's true, like you were born to be his submissive little thing. In bed he makes you feel like your only purpose is to have him fill you up, to have him cum inside of you to paint you with his warm seeds. For your master to breed you like a puppy in heat.
"How badly do you need me?" he asks as he slaps his cock against your cunt making you whine and beg for him to fill and stuff you.
The infinity user loves it when you get to the point where you start to brokenly spurt out nonsense.
Though he adores it, you're such a slut for him, such a needy slut that can't be satisfied until you're filled with his cum, until you're so full it spills out of your swollen abused cunt.
"My pretty whore going drain me of every drop of cum??? My greedy little slut can't get be satisfied unless she is full of her masters cock and cum?" he asks you and you can do nothing but moan and agree to every word of his.
God you're so delicious the way your tits bounce with every trust, he has stripped you off very clothing expect for the dangly collar with his name on it. Those cute puppy ears in your messed up hair and that beautiful soft tail in your butt.
You really are just his needy bitch in heat.
It's no wonder when he has you on all fours as he fucks you from behind making you bark for him like the stupid bitch you are.
The tail dangels around so cutely, the fur tickling his stomach whenever he rams into you, he can't help but pull on it now and then fucking you with the plug not fully taking it out.
"My dumb puppy~" he hums behind you as he groans and moans as well each time you clench around him you're really asking to get filled you're really milking him of all his cum "I'll breed you like the bitch you are. Fill your cute little tummy with not just my cock, but with my kids too."
Gojo always had this obsession of breeding you, he adores talking about putting a child in you. Though he never truly does you loved the idea so much when he calls you his slutty housewife. Bearing his children staying in taking care of them until he comes home and fucks another one into you.
The idea of him reducing you to a tool to fuck and bare his kids was something you've grown to love so much.
You can't help but moan and stutter out incomprehensible words that make no sense as he fills you up ripping another orgasm out of you.
The white haired shaman is only satisfied when you're barley able to function anymore "Told you I'd fuck you stupid~"
His heart flutters when you're laying there so pretty for him and he hugs you in his arms his breath heavy from the intense session "I love you so much, my precious~"
He'd kiss you all over your face and places a sweet kiss on your lips brushing your messy hair out of your face "Baby~ pay attention to me."
Your drowsy eyes trying to focus on him and he just giggles "My pretty mess~"
Cleaning up anything that could be uncomfortable for you like access sweat in your face or cum that could run down your leg in any uncomfortable way, he'd just lay there and wait, sometimes he'll sleep himself but moslty he'll lay there and admire you. It was already pretty late at night and you're dead tired. Though Gojo won't calm down until he receives his praise.
He'll let you rest or take a nap for awhile before bothers you again "Baby~ please wake up~ Toru wants your attention" he whines calling himself by a nickname.
You'd just hum and put your arms around him still exhausted you'd run your hands through his hair pulling him into your neck or chest allowing him to be the little spoon "For fucks sake Satoru let me rest."
"No satoru, please..." he'd whine and you sight as your hands massage his scalp making him hum "you want me praise you 'toru?" you ask him and he nods his head.
"Fine..." you rolled your eyes playfully "You did really well baby." you told him and kissed his temple making him smile "Made me feel really good Toru. I love you so much, my precious pretty boy. You looked absolutely gorgeous."
"The prettiest boy to exist." you told him and he smiles soflty "though I think you know that baby."
He just giggles lightly "Hmm!! But I like to hear it."
"I know and I will tell you everything." another kiss is places into his hair as you praised everything about him. Reassuring him that everything he does to you is pure bliss, that you're willingly submitting to him because you love him.
"Baby, I'd kiss the dirt you walk on" you smiled when he asks you, if he was too much.
With alot of reassurance, Gojo can finally close his eyes too "Okayy~ Thank you~~"
"Good night sweet prince~" you kissed his lips before you two fall asleep in each other's arms.
go horny jail for reading this one *bonk*
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 4 years
Once Upon A Dream | Kyoutani Kentarou/Reader
Characters: Kyoutani Kentarou, Reader, Aoba Johsai Club Members
Pairing: Kyoutani Kentarou/Reader
Genre: Fluff, just happy fluffy times
Warnings: I don’t think there are any, but if you see any, tell me please!
Word Count: 2111
Summary: For almost 3 years, Kyoutani had seen glimpses of your life in his dreams. It was his favourite part of the day. So, when you move to Miyagi, he's far too excited to meet you. Only, he doesn't know your name or your what you look like. And what's a soulmate supposed to do when you go silent at school?
A/N: This has sort of been shoddily thrown together to help me get out of my weird funk lately, but I like it, so sue me. UwU. Check it out, I posted it on AO3 too (here)
Kyoutani hated school. Not for any other reason than the fact that the people just annoyed him - much less the fact that he wasn’t particularly good at his - his grades could attest to that. Sure, he loved volleyball, and that might’ve been his favourite part of the day; except his favourite part was sleeping. That was because during the times of slumber, he could see glimpses of what happened during his soulmates day - what happened during your day.
He’d never admit to anyone how happy it made him. He’d do anything to learn everything about you.
At this point, he was sure he knew just about everything about you. Most nights you’d feign studying to your mom - you’d always end up watching far too many episodes of the latest anime that had you hooked - even so, you somehow had almost perfect grades. Every time you were in lessons, you took notes effortlessly, though he only ever saw those notes during class. When you weren’t watching anime, you were writing, listening to music far too loud; a thousand playlists that he could never wrap his head around - he was never sure how you’d managed to memorise where one song in each playlist was all because it took you too much effort just to like it. You couldn’t sing very well, that didn’t seem to stop you - he thought the same about your dancing - but something about seeing a section of that from your day always made him extra happy in the morning. You got along well with your mom, most of those clips you were laughing about something incomprehensible. You seemed to get along with a lot of people, though your closest friends were a pair of twins by the names of Anaka and Anoko. You lived in Tokyo, which hurt his heart far too much than he’d admit.
The one thing that irked him was your dislike for sports, you put in little effort to gym every time. Waking up after those clips of your day were his least favourite thing - he’d even put school before that.
Despite the fact he knew everything about you, or as much as he could, there were two things he didn’t know: your name or your face. He hated that so much. It was as if you never looked at your reflection, or took any pictures of yourself. He had a basic idea of what your hair looked like, but most of the time the strands were out of his vision.
From what he could tell, you were in the year below him; it wasn’t that that particularly mattered to him, it just meant he’d been seeing your life for a year longer than you’d been seeing his life. For the almost three years that he’d been able to see you, you’d barely had two years.
One night, a week before he’d be transitioning into his second year, he’d dreamt of you:
The world zipped by through the car window; you rested your elbow on the door hands, leaning your head into your open palm, forehead pressed against the glass. The view wasn’t one he was used to seeing, it looked more like the countryside rather than the cityscapes; a gentle wave of sadness mused inside of you.
“I know it’s going to be a lot to get used to-”
“You have no idea…” you cut off your mother, not even bothering to glance in her direction. Sadness was replaced with an eruption of aggression. You hid it, opting to clench your fist. Your jaw tightened so much that it ached.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” Her voice was soft. You let out a soft sigh, nodding slowly. “I mean, you were so happy when you found out what high school he went to. Although, even the idea that you’re going to meet your soulmate won’t take away from the fact we’re leaving behind…” she paused, grip tightening on the steering wheel.
You finally tilted your head to look at her. Something swirled in the pit of your stomach and you reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
There weren’t any more words needed between the two of you. It was easy.
Kyoutani woke up, running his hand through his short hair. That felt different than normal. He couldn’t explain it, not well, at least. And what had your mom said about meeting your soulmate? None of it made sense. Did you actually move to an entirely new place? Why?
It frustrated him more than it was worth.
Weeks passed and nothing.
Kyoutani had hoped for something, anything. There hadn’t even been a single sight of you in person. He saw you in his dreams; in class, your stare would be focused out of the window intently; you were quiet, rarely interacting with your classmates. You looked at them with such an indifference.
He loved the days when he could see you at home; you did your usual song and dance, but this time you had a small puppy at home. You’d shower it with endless affection. You didn’t seem to watch as much anime before - he even saw you studying sometimes - but the joy in his heart when he listened to you lazily sing an opening was unfiltered and so pure.
He still had yet to see your face, to hear your name.
At the start of volleyball practise, Oikawa announced that the team would be getting a manager - as long as things went well with them, that is. Most of them were confused, Kyoutani included, until Iwaizumi explained that unlike the others, and there had been so many others, this girl wasn’t interested in Oikawa in the slightest - in fact, she didn’t even know who he was. Kindaichi confirmed this, since she talked to him about this.
Out of nowhere, a girl appeared at the door, she seemed frazzled. Completely in a daze. By that point, Kyoutani had zoned out, choosing to focus on literally anything else.
He missed the looks she gave him the entire practise.
Sleep could not come sooner for him. He wondered what you were seeing right now, if you were even asleep; he wanted to know so badly what you thought of him, how you felt, he wanted to see your face. Just once. That was all, if he saw your face just once, he would be happy.
Time passed and still nothing. He hated it. He hated how close you were to him, yet how out of reach. Things didn’t change much. You were still as quiet as ever in class; you were still as loud as ever at home. He memorized each word you spoke like it was gospel, because what if you just happened to talk near him one day? How else was he supposed to recognise you if it weren’t for your voice?
He didn’t learn much about the new manager. She was quiet, too quiet. She agreed to things too quickly and acted like she would break. Because of that, everyone treated her like she was going to.
He had caught her staring at him a few times, something that pissed him off because he didn’t want her, he wanted his soulmate. Wherever she was…
If he were being honest, he’d really tried his hardest to find her. No one in particular caught his eyes. He searched every first year classroom several times a week to make sure that he had never missed anyone on any particular day, the idea that you could be somewhere else other than right there hurt him. He looked at the desk where you normally sat. Every time he went it was empty. It sucked.
Oikawa only noticed his mood get more foul as time went on - even managing to hold off on commenting about it considering how he looked like he might actually kill someone.
One night, during his dream, it felt like all the pieces finally fell together.
You stared down at the ground- were you wearing sneakers? -rubbing your thumbs together nervously. There was light conversation in the background. He couldn’t make out a lot of what was being said. Not until you stepped towards a bench, grabbing a vibrant yellow water bottle. “Thanks, L/N!” Kindaichi’s voice chimed, puffing out his chest. He was dripping with sweat.
You gave him a half smile before your eyes wandered around. This sight had become a typical one for you, watching the volleyball club running around and practising. Your eyes land on someone in particular and your heart races, although it doesn’t last long, not until he turns and meets your eyes, glaring.
Maybe you just had your hopes too high; he clearly wasn’t interested in having a soulmate. You turned your head away quickly. Giving him a side glance. “Oh Kyou…” you muttered, turning away.
Kyoutani shot up awake. Never had his body been more alert in the morning. The volleyball manager hadn’t just been some girl, but it had been you? All this time you never said a word to him about it, and he had just glared at you like you were nothing.
It made him sick. The idea that he had been hurting you.
Never had he rushed to get dressed faster. Never had he been so excited to go to school. His uniform was haphazardly tossed onto his body, he almost forgot his bag. Everything felt heightened. The wind was hitting his face harder than normal - that might’ve been because he was sprinting - the ache in his legs was nothing compared to the excitement in his heart. The closer he got to the gym, the more nervous he became.
“You’re here early…” Yahaba snickered - normally Kyoutani would have threatened the brunette, but not today. His eyes were almost frantic as he changed into his gym clothes, darting around like there was something big he was waiting for. Because there was something big he was waiting for. That was you. For you to finally appear. So that he-
“Good morning, L/N!” Kindaichi cheered towards the door of the gym, waving frantically at you. You smiled and offered him a small wave before yawning, glancing towards Kyoutani. When you met his eyes, you seemed to pause mid-yawn, tears building up in your eyes.
He walked over to you. Not really knowing what he was going to say. Not really knowing what he wanted to say. Just knowing that he needed to be next to you. To talk to you. To hear your voice again, right now, right in front of him.
When he stopped in front of you, you almost seemed scared, sucking in a deep breath and leaning back slightly. You averted your eyes, not wanting to upset him in any way. He didn’t move, not an inch. His eyes danced over you, examining every part of your face that he hadn’t been taking the time to examine. This was his first time actually seeing you.
“Beautiful…” it slipped out before he could do anything to stop it. A warmth rushed to your cheeks as you smiled awkwardly, looking away from him.
“Um… thank you… Kyou…” The look on your face could only be described as elated, even as you avoided his eyes, you knew he meant it.
All of the other members looked at you confused, trying to understand what Kyoutani had said that had made you so flustered. That was quickly washed away when he grabbed your chin, lifted your head up and smashed his lips against yours.
Your eyes shot open wide, body frozen before you seemed to collapse. His arm caught you, holding you against him with such a need that it was destroying you. When he pulled away, the gym erupted into screams.
“Took you long enough.” You muttered, gently punching his chest.
“I… I never saw your face before-”
“You see it every day?” You tilted your head.
“No. I mean… t-this…”
“Oh…” He didn’t need to explain. You knew exactly what he meant, “I don’t really like my own reflection. So I just… avoid it?” An awkward laugh slipped out.
“But you’re beautiful.” He caressed your cheek, such a softness in his eyes that you didn’t know he was capable of.
“Can someone explain what just happened?” Kindaichi yelled, eyes darting between both of you as you shared such a tender moment.
“That’s what a pair of soulmates looks like,” Oikawa mused, wrapping his arm around the first year, “well, at least she’s cute. Sucks she has such a… strange soulmate.”
Kyoutani slipped away and pounced on the setter.
You simply laughed at them.
After all this time, you’d finally met him.
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heyaeolus · 4 years
HQ boys and their kids when they leave home
Contains: Kuroo, Oikawa A/N: Part two of my self-indulgent series because why not uwu
Iwaizumi’s and Sakusa’s in here! Kenma’s and Atsumu’s in here!
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This guy will definitely be the authoritative type of a father. Just look at how he scolds poor kenma and even takes his psp from him. Your daughter will definitely be trained to do just what she is told.
Everytime you leave Tetsurou and your daughter alone, you always come home to your weeping daughter rushing into your arms. Her complaints range from "Daddy didn't let me watch the morning cartoon!" to "Daddy took my phone away!"
The phone, was a wish made by your daughter under the influence of Kenma. Tetsurou was furious when he discovered that your daughter had now learned the dangerous world of gaming from the worst person who could teach her. 
Nonetheless, Tetsurou loves your daughter wholeheartedly. He easily gives in to her wishes and he especially loves being smothered with kisses by your little one as soon as he comes home from work. 
Tetsurou doesn't really get into a lot of work away from home since they are based in Tokyo. But this week, he's going off to Miyagi to close off a partnership deal.
"Take care, honey," you kissed Tetsurou as he pulled up the ladle of his suitcase. Your daughter stood beside you, looking curiously at her dad's suitcase. "What's that for, dad?" she pointed at it. The two of you forgot to inform her about the trip since it was sudden. But you know it wouldn't be a big deal for her, if not a big favor. Since her archenemy would be away, it would instantly mean more time to play games in her phone.
Your husband was the one to answer, looking down at his daughter, "Dad will be going to Miyagi for a week, kitten. You sure will enjoy, huh? Your mom lets you play until late at night." Tetsurou let his disappointment be conveyed through the sharpness in his stare to you. It's not like you are spoiling the child. He's just too strict. Or so you say.
"A week?" you could definitely hear the shock from your daughter's voice as she verified what she just heard from her dad. "Yes, kitten. Try not to be too happy without me stopping you from playing those video games," he sighed.
Tetsurou was used to his daughter being snobby at him since he wasn't exactly the most lenient father but he knows he is doing the right things to raise her. A hand tugging his coat down pulled him out of his trance.
The sight was too much for Tetsurou. His daughter is clinging onto him. Her arms clung onto his waist. And her eyes, oh, her cute round eyes looked up at him with such lonely gleam. The mere sight of it squeezed his heart.  He crouched to his daughter's level and engulfed her in a big hug, comforting her, "Don't worry kitten, I'll buy you a souvenir. Dad won't be gone for so long.
Your daughter sniffled on her dad's shoulder, "How about," she sobbed, "The console uncle Kozume showed me?"
Both you and Tetsurou were dumbfounded knowing what pit you have fallen into. Tetsurou looked like he was in flames from your daughter's request. You hid your face behind your hands, stifling a laugh.
"I should've known that the kitten's got an agenda." His expression darkened, pulling his daughter off of him before he tackled her sides, tickling her while she cackled, wriggling out of her father's hands.
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I have this gut feeling Tooru had prayed for a girl when you broke the news to him that you were pregnant. But the gods thought it would be better for him to have a son
It was a crazy roller coaster with the two. At your son's young age, Tooru would always dress him up as a girl every Halloween. He makes sure to stack up on all the pictures. 
To his luck, his son loved the idea of aliens. Partially because of him forcing your son to watch every alien movie in Netflix. That was one of the two similarities they have. Unfortunately, the second one is that they love to play around, recklessly breaking almost everything there is to break in your house while they play volleyball inside.
It's normal for Tooru to leave once in a while but he always makes the best memories out of the time he spends with the two of you. 
"You better not injure yourself one more time papa or else I’ll beat you," your son smirked at his dad, giving Tooru a familiar smirk – something they both would not confess to sharing.
Tooru raised both his brows at his son, asking, "Oh? Are you my mom?" Your son hissed at him, hitting his father with a punch on his arm. "Oww, oww. Sometimes I wonder where you get the brutality from. Are you really my child or Iwa-chan's?" Tooru teased further just as you entered the living room. 
"Would you rather I dated Iwaizumi?" you challenged him, zipping up his handheld bag for him. He visibly tensed in his seat, firmly shaking his head. He finally stood up from his seat to walk to the door, “I better get going! We don’t want me missing my plane.” Slipping on his shoes while saying his goodbyes. He kissed both you and your son. 
You might've imagined it but he definitely sent a challenging stare at his son before he closed the door. You stared at your son skeptically. Even though they fight most of the times, there are also times when they set you up in a huge prank. Your suspicion grew when your son stayed rooted at his place though.
You thought to yourself if he was being sentimental. It had been a while since Tooru left for work so maybe, it affected him. But when the door came bursting open again, you knew it wasn't the reason. "HAH! I KNEW YOU'D BE CRYING WHEN I LEAVE!" your husband pointed accusingly at his own son in his dire attempt to make himself superior. 
It was a pointless bickering contest between the two of them from then on and you just rolled your eyes as you let them be.
"Then what was that wet spot in your shirt, huh?"
"It's sweat, ugh!"
Your son turned back from Tooru, waving at his father to shut him off. But Tooru grasped his wrist and pulled him in for a hug. He closed his eyes as he rested his cheek on top of his son's head, "Papa needs extra good luck from his lucky charm. I'll miss you, little alien." The sight was so romantic you can't help but let out a whimper as you watched them. 
"I'll miss you too, papa."
At the end of the day, they're just two sappy goofballs.
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