#theo raeken: missing persons
bansheenolan · 1 year
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missing scenes i deserved: theo with scott in the tunnel (insp)
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twjournals · 9 months
you tell them you're pregnant / part 2
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Isaac Lahey
He doesn't believe his ears. He makes you repeat it because he's not sure he heard you correctly.
"Isaac, I'm pregnant." You repeat.
You had known for a few days now. You were in a world of emotions already between your own emotions and wondering what Isaac would think when he found out.
There was no beating around the bush when you told him.
You weren't that far along to notice. If you hadn't missed your period, you probably would not have suspected anything yourself.
He blinked, turning his head as if he was taking in everything you were saying.
You stood in front of him, your hair still damp from the shower you had just taken.
"And here I thought you were about to tell me about something you were thinking in the shower." He chuckled nervously, feeling his hands starting to get clammy and he rubbed them around his pj bottoms. "Pregnant?"
You just nodded your head.
"Is this why you've been so quiet the past few days?" He met your eyes again.
You weren't sure what to say. You were terrified what was going through his mind.
"I can't say I'm not freaking out a little," He started before rising to his feet to lift your chin to look at him. He couldn't lie. He was freaking out between the trauma he was slowly recovering from with his father and trying to keep it from coming between the two of you. But right now he knew how much he needed you.
You look out the shaky breath you were holding in and he stroked his finger across your cheek. "But I'm here."
He presses a kiss to the side of your head, pulling you into his arms to hold you tight. "I'm here."
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Theo Raeken
You knew it wasn't smart to be going behind your brother's back with Theo but you couldn't help yourself. And let's be honest Theo wasn't helping either.
"Theo, I need to tell you something." You mumbled against his lips as he started to pull his jacket down his arm.
It wasn't hard to hide it when everyone hated Theo, including you. You played the role so well.
At least that was the case.
"What is it?" His mouth left yours only to continue working kisses down your jaw and along your neck. You could barely think around him.
Your hands pushed against his chest, leaning away from him to pry his lips from your neck. He held onto your waist as he finally met your eyes.
"What's wrong?"
Liam was going to kill you.
You swallowed hard. Everything. "I'm pregnant, Theo."
You could feel how tense the air had grown around you in just a few second. Neither of you had said a word for a while, but his arms never moved from around you.
You moved to pull the two positive pregnancy tests from your back pocket to show him. His eyes followed your hand.
"I'm sorry. This isn't how I wanted things to go either, but I'm terrified. And Liam- Liam is going to-"
His name was like a trigger for the both of you. Considering Liam was your brother and about the only person who gave Theo any sort of a chance aside from you. "He's gonna have to get over it." He finally spoke.
"I don't want to ruin things for you. I know you've been trying to do better with everyone."
"I'm not worried about that." He admitted as his large hands caressed along your back comfortingly. "This matters more to me than trying to appease them." He nodded his head towards you.
Your cheeks blushed a deep crimson before hiding your face into his chest.
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Peter Hale
You were curled up on the couch watching a movie with Peter after a long day of both of you helping Scott's pack.
A blanket was draped across both of you and a bowl of popcorn sitting on his lap.
You had known the exciting news for a week now and you couldn't wait any longer to share it with him.
Not that you had been trying to get pregnant, but it was a topic discussed a few times and you both weren't against being parents. You had been married two years now. It was nothing you were in a hurry to do, but now that it was happening. It felt like it was meant to be.
You reached a hand into the bowl to grab some popcorn, smiling to yourself as you kept your eyes on the tv screen.
"So what if I told you I may or may not be pregnant?" You tossed the popcorn in your mouth.
His fingers tracing against your back stilled and he lifted his head off the couch cushion to look at you.
"Are you?"
You struggled to bite back the grin on your lips, peeking over at find his soft eyes already on you.
"I am."
You watched his lips curl into a smile, knocking over the popcorn over to pull you into his lap. "Oh my god Peter. I was eating that."
His arms wrapped around your body to cuddle you on his lap. "I've been waiting for you to say something. I knew something was off." He kissed the corner of your mouth, glazing a large hand over your stomach.
"You knew? What?"
He taps his ear with a smirk. "You're married to a werewolf, baby. This is old news."
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usermischief · 2 months
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♞Pairing: Steo
♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken
♞Tags: wedding, getting back together, future fic
♞Words: 2047
Sitting on the steps at the front of the church, arms loosely crossed over his thighs and phone in his hand, Theo is the very definition of bored. Something you very much should not be on the day you tie the knot with the person you claim to be your soulmate. Not that those exact words have ever left Theo’s mouth. Those have only ever rolled over Tracy’s tongue. She’s always believed that this day would come, even during the time Theo dated Stiles. It’s hard to blame her. Theo is like a drug. Once hooked, it’s impossible to get clean.
That Stiles has managed to stay away from five years seems like a miracle. Yet, he’s here on the off-chance that Theo still feels the way for him he’s used to do – even though Stiles was the one who walked away. They were passionate, and Stiles still can’t begin to put into words how he feels about Theo, but they were explosive, more so once their respective careers took off. Theo Raeken, one of the best receivers seen in generations, and Stiles Stilinski, an up-and-coming actor people throw blank checks at, so he’d be in their movies or TV shows.
They were volatile, but they made sense.
They never made their relationship a secret, but they were private – too private for the media, who decided to spin their own stories. Stiles too the brunt of that. A new rumored romance at least once a month. Interview questions from journalist. Stiles reaffirming that he’s still dating Theo but refusing to give any further comments. A lot of people online kept coming to his defense, giving the media the engagement it so desperately craved, and the cycle went on and on.
Even when Stiles stopped commenting at all as his relationship crumbled behind the scenes, nothing changed. Theo’s possessive streak has been an issue from the beginning. It was manageable. Easy to handle. The constant onslaught of rumors, however, caused it to fly off the handle. After multiple near misses, Stiles decided to leave before they both explode and so or say something they cannot come back from.
The world learned of their break-up because Tracy posted pictures of herself and Theo everywhere.
Stiles, in return, fucked more people than he can count. He became who the media told him he is. Funny, really, that out of the two of them Stiles turned into a fuckboy.
And now he’s hiding in the last row of a church Theo never wanted to get married in. He knew about the wedding long before Josh and Corey popped up on his doorstep. Tracy announced it the very day of their engagement. Of Corey and Josh hadn’t continuously insisted, Stiles wouldn’t be doing this. He wouldn’t be here, putting his heart – and pride – on the line in front of too many strangers and at least twenty invited paparazzi, waiting outside the church, and, in turn, the whole fucking world. If Theo’s closest friends are right, all Stiles has to do is get up, be seen, and Theo would drop everything to take him back no questions asked. But Stiles knows he can only ask this of Theo if he’s sure they work out, if he wants to stay with him, knowing and accepting every part of Theo.
Only then can he allow Theo to uproot his life.
The longer Stiles waits, the worse it will get for Tracy too. Not that she would’ve cared. She tried to get with Theo every chance she got. Still, Stiles wonders what would feel worse, waiting until the officiant asks him to speak – and what if he freezes? – or ripping the band aid off and stop the ceremony from even starting.
Shifting on the pew, Stiles lets out a breath and allows himself to look away from Theo at the front of the church and glances at Josh and Corey, looking around as if waiting for something – someone. He had ample time to call Theo before today, to stop all of this from even happening.
He didn’t.
Is that answer enough?
His heart aches.
Stiles can’t let Theo do this. He can’t bring himself to miss what might be his very last chance.
Stiles takes another deep breath, taking in the guests in their expensive dresses and suits. He blocks out their chatter, the laughter, the good mood he’s about to drop a bomb on. All he has to do is get up and out of the dark corner he’s been hiding in, to step into the aisle. The moment he does, people will notice. Theo will see him. It feels like a small miracle nobody has until now. Stiles half expected Tracy had handed out flyers with his face on them to make sure he won’t ruin anything.
However, that’s exactly what he’s about to do.
Stiles cannot wait a second longer. He doesn’t know when the ceremony is about to start. He takes a steadying breath and slips out of the pew.
Theo people closest to him glance up. Although Stiles keeps his face angled away from them, he can tell the moment they’ve recognized him. There’s a shift in the air. Their quiet conversation turns into urgent whispers. It’s not hard to imagine how they’re trying to tell people in front of them. A doomed game of telephone that won’t reach Tracy in time. If someone tries to stop him, Theo will notice.
Stiles has made a decision.
For the first time in five years, he can finally breathe again.
Let’s see how long that lasts. His heartbeat picks up the closer he gets to the aisle. Every second, every step brings him closer to the moment Theo will spot him. The whispers seem to get louder around him, echoing in the church as the conversations die around him. Do they know who he is to Theo? Are thy aware of their history? Their feelings? Can they guess why Stiles is here? If they do, they-
Who cares?
Stiles isn’t here because of them. He’s here for Theo. He glances in his direction, watches as Theo scrolls on his phone, running a hand through his hair. It’s longer now, the way he wears it during off-season. It suits him. To be honest, Stiles likes it best on him, even more so when he’s sporting a designer stubble. Sadly, Tracy made sure that today will be stubble free.
His fingers tremble, and he curls his hands into fists then pushes them into his pants, unsure what to do with them. He can hardly wave at Theo. Should he wave at Theo?
The inside of the church tips. On the left side, the conversations have grown silent. The right side has yet to realize something’s amiss.
Swallowing, Stiles glances back to the front at the same time Josh elbows Corey and points at him. The other groomsmen turn to look as well. Tara, who has been standing a little of to the side, widens her eyes. She smiles, contrasting the look of horror on the bridesmaids’ faces. One of them, presumably the maid of honor, breaks away from the group, her light blue dress fluttering after her. Every click of her heels is a gunshot going off inside.
The sound halts more conversations and catches Theo’s attention. Finally, he looks up from his phone. “What,” he asks, his tone cold and laces with annoyance as he studies the other bridesmaids, “is the issue now?”
None of the girls offer a reply.
Josh bounces over and taps Theo’s shoulder, whispering something in his ear.
Stiles steps into the aisle. He cannot bring himself to look away from Theo for even a second. So, he sees it all – the way Theo’s lips part, his eyes widening as they search for him in the mass of people, how they light up with a smile when he finally finds him, standing out like a sore thumb in his white dress shirt and black slacks. To tie. No jacket. But sneakers. Casual. Low key. The way they imagined their weddings to be on the few occasions they’ve talked about it.  
The phone slips from Theo’s fingers. The crack of it hitting the ground is followed by deafening silence. Nobody utters a single word as Theo is moving. Towards him.
“Theodore!” Mrs. Raeken’s voice cuts into the silence. Her eyes narrowed. The dark green dress probably the most expensive in the whole church.
Stiles didn’t miss her, and he’s sure, that feeling is reciprocated.
Theo doesn’t stop. Instead, he fidgets with his hand halfway down the aisle. He doesn’t run, and Stiles never expected him to. Just as Theo most likely didn’t expect Stiles to meet him halfway or jump into his arms. That’s not who they are.
Stiles’ heart hammers in his chest as he watches Theo approach, as he sees nobody else moving. It’s like the world around them has frozen, like it stopped turning for everyone but them.
And then Theo drops this engagement ring causing the church to erupt.
But Theo simply grabs Stiles’ waist and presses him against the wall, startling a laugh of out Stiles – one Theo steals from his lips as he crashes their mouths together. Their bodies fit together like they used to, like nothing has changed, and Stiles’ heart slows as its missing piece has returned. There is no question about this, about them. The world narrows around them until they’re the only people to exist. Theo kisses him like a starving person, lips and tongue and teeth, and Stiles pulls him closer by the collar of his jacket.
He's returned home after years and years of self-imposed exile.
“Get a room,” Tara mutters. Stiles can’t tell if it’s her voice or the hurried clicking of heels that pulled them apart.
“Let’s go, boys!” Josh drums his hands on Theo’s shoulders before following Corey and Tara out, hollering, “let’s go. Let’s go!”
Chuckling, Theo looks up at Stiles. His features soften for a moment, and he cups Stiles’ cheeks. “You ready?”
Stiles hums. “Waiting on you.” Truth is, he’s not ready to face the real world. He knows what happens once they leave. The questions. The pictures. The media shitstorm that Lydia will hate him for. But for Theo, he’s quite willing to risk it all. So, he intertwines their fingers and squeezes his hand.   
Theo pulls him along, leaving the church without sparing a single glance back.
Stiles does, however, and he looks past everyone else, finding Tracy’s eyes at once. She’s not crying, not screaming, not furiously making her way towards them. Her eyes narrow slightly as she raises her chin. She doesn’t seem surprised, just determined to keep her composure in check.
Someone calls Theo’s name, but he’s already pushing the doors open. He squeezes his hand once more and forces Stiles’ attention back to the reality in front of him – a shitton of cameras flashing, pointed at them, and a barraged of questions hurled in their general direction. Between them and the paparazzi, a black SUV with Corey hanging out of on of the windows.
“Come on!”
They hurry down the stars. The backdoor flies open and Corey scoots to the other side of the backseat.
Theo ushers Stiles in first then slams the door shut once he sits down himself, hand still holding on to Stiles’. “Step on it.”
Tara gives him a thumbs up.
A few moments later, they’re in the street, heading towards a destination Stiles doesn’t care much about as long as he reaches it with Theo by his side, who turns to look at him, cocked eyebrow and smirk firmly on his lips. “What took you so long?”
Stiles huffs out a breath. “Don’t even try to pin this on me, Raeken.”
“I swear,” Tara says before her brother has the chance to say anything, “if you start arguing, I will turn this car around.”
Theo barks out a laugh.
Chuckling softly, Stiles sins deeper into the middle seat and leans his head against Theo’s shoulder. He glances at Tara, watching her brother in the rearview mirror, eyes bright, slightly crinkled as her smile widens. Stiles squeezes Theo’s hand again, promising himself to hold onto him for the rest of their lives.
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amatchinwater · 6 months
So, hey. 👀 I have a prompt. 👀 Actually, I have two, and I hope it's okay I'll send them in one 🥰
"“i’ll kiss you right now to prove i don’t feel anything for you” but the kiss proves the exact opposite"" for Stisaac
"i’m watching you date all these other people and i don't know what it is i'm feeling but it's definitely not jealousy" for Steo (preferably with jealous Theo because I love jealous Theo 😍 But you don't have to. I'm gonna love it either way. 🥰 )
Gods, I don't even want to think about how old this ask is 🤦‍♀️ but I finally got the second one done!! Thank you, babes 💚💚
Pairing: Steo
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken Mason Hewitt, Tracy Stewart, Corey Bryant, unnamed OG male character,
Warnings: drinking, rejection, mentions of past Sterek, Stiles thinks he can drink and fuck the breakup pain away, irritated Theo, jealous Theo
Words: 3033
Prompt: jealousy prompt in ask, thanks again, Laura 💚
Ao3 link Masterlist
Do you know what it feels like to have happiness? True happiness. Only to have it yanked away from you with no hope of stopping it?
Stiles does.
Twice in his life, aside from his mother’s death, has it happened. Once in the form of his childhood best friend and schoolyard crush Theo moving away shortly after a death in both of their families. Right when they probably needed each other the most. The second, and arguably the worst, was Derek Hale breaking up with him and also leaving town…and the country. 
At least Theo kept in touch, Derek cut him off cold turkey. 
It hurt like a mother fucker.
Even now with a healthy pack and a good life, six months later, Stiles still doesn’t feel quite whole. Like the wound is still fresh without an ounce of scar tissue in sight. 
“Are you coming tonight?” Tracy asks, flopping on the couch next to him and setting her feet in his lap. “Or are you finally staying home?” 
He doesn’t miss the suggestion in the kanima’s tone. That Stiles should stay home tonight. But the fox won’t. A fact they’re both more than aware of. 
Stiles will go to the club like every other time. Searching for someone with a hero complex insisting they can help him forget his ex. They mostly do. For the duration they’re in the fox’s bed at least. The moment the post-coital haze clears, Stiles is missing Derek all over again. Feeling guilty for what he’s done for the hundredth time. 
Because that’s the thing about rebounding with a bunch of strangers that no one tells you about. You’re still the same broken shell of a person afterwards. Nothing changes just because you had an orgasm. You’re still hurt. 
“Of course he’s going,” Theo huffs, all but stomping off the last step.
And he’s right. Even though Stiles knows it won’t make him feel better, he can’t stop.
“When are we leaving?” The fox asks, making Theo scoff. “What’s your problem?” He asks, rolling his eyes towards his Alpha.
“Nothing at all,” Theo mumbles in annoyance from the kitchen. “I’m staying home tonight, let me know when you guys are heading back,” the Alpha stalks back upstairs without another word.
Right. Okay, Stiles should probably back up a bit. He mentioned having a healthy pack now. With Derek gone, it’s obviously not the Hales. But Scott isn’t his Alpha either. When Theo came back to Beacon Hills at the beginning of their senior year, he and Stiles reconnected as if he’d never left. He was an Alpha and quickly built a pack of stray supernatural creatures both Scott and Stiles didn’t even know existed. 
Well, they knew about kanimas. But not raijus or that were-jaguars were a thing. Or that there were creatures that could turn invisible! Nor that kids they went to school with were supernatural and right under their noses. Granted, Stiles was a human at the time and literally never would’ve known. 
What bothered Scott the most is hard to say. Unclear to which straw finally broke the camel’s back. It’s always possible that it was just a culmination of everything that got to the True Alpha. In part, it definitely had to do with the fact that Theo wouldn’t relinquish his title as Alpha because Scott asked him to. And he shouldn’t have either, in Stiles’ opinion. The coyote got his power fair and square by his Alpha passing it on. 
Then it boiled down to how close he and Theo became.
They were best friends before Stiles even met Scott. Even over the years when they stayed in touch, there never felt like distance between them. There’s nothing that Theo doesn’t know about. No secrets. 
At first it started with Stiles already having plans with the coyote. But eventually it progressed to Stiles forgetting about pack nights because he was with Theo. And then the Alpha asked if he’d think about joining his pack since he sees Scott so little and seems happier with Theo.
Saying yes had never been so easy. 
He even accepted the bite.
Because Theo was absolutely right. After Allison, there was always an uncomfortable air around Scott and Stiles. On the surface, the fox was happier.
Not happy. But happier.
So off to Sinema he goes. Pack in tow save for their Alpha.
“What are the chances I can get you to be my wingman tonight?” Josh asks, looping an arm around the fox’s shoulder. “I need some of that luck you always seem to possess.”
Any other night, Stiles probably would’ve said yes. But for some reason Derek is at the forefront of his mind tonight. And there’s something clearly pissing Theo off. So for the sake of not thinking about either Alpha, the fox knocks back his fourth- fifth?- wolfsbane infused drink courtesy of Hayden.
Throwing a wink at the raiju, Stiles says, “watch and learn young padawan.” He can’t focus on fully helping Josh right now. But if he pays attention, it could work out for him.
It did with Corey and Mason.
Grated, Mason was so far gone on Corey, he didn’t really need to do much to get the human. 
Feeling that last cocktail settle in his blood, Stiles makes his way towards the dancefloor. It wasn’t until after Derek that the fox realized just how much he likes dancing. Or the fact that once he loosens up, Stiles is actually pretty good at it too. Moving through the sea of gyrating bodies, he finds himself a nice little space off the center.
That’s his trick. He’s close enough to the outside that someone sitting down can see him. But he’s also enough in the crowd that people on the dancefloor have eyes on him too. The more visible you are, the more chance you have of taking someone home. 
It takes no time at all for someone’s hands to find his waist. Stiles doesn’t even bother to push people away anymore. Company is his goal after all. So when the person pulls him close, grinding the fox against him, Stiles lifts his hands up, curling his fingers into their short strands. 
When the song changes, the body behind him makes no effort to move. So Stiles takes the initiative to turn around, see who’s interested. He’s surprised to find someone who looks like they could be Derek’s body double. It’s almost scary. But it deals the deal for the fox. Determination setting in to take this guy home. Maybe one last hook up, this time with Derek Lite, will be just what Stiles needs.
“Hey, handsome,” the fox lightly slurs over the music, “what are the chances I can get you to go home with me?”
Blunt and to the point.
Works every time.
The hands fall from his waist, the stranger’s face softening. “I’m sorry,” he leans in, not knowing that Stiles can hear him perfectly. “I was just looking for someone to dance with and you’re really good. You’re not my type, sorry.”
“Right. ‘Course, have a good night,” Stiles says, biting his remark away. The ‘you rub your boner on me but I’m not your type, huh?’ stings the back of his throat. The fox leaves the dance floor, making a beeline for the exit. 
That always works.
It didn’t work on Derek either.
Okay, that’s just fucking rude. The voice in his head has no right to say shit like that. Derek wasn’t some guy in a club. He was a good Alpha and brother who left town to protect his sister.
That doesn’t help it sting any less that an essential carbon copy of the Alpha rejected him.
The fresh air hits his face and all of the alcohol Stiles consumed makes itself known He’s not going to throw up, but he feels how much he had to drink. The fox doesn’t stop moving until he gets to the alley on the side of the club. Crouching down, Stiles puts his head in his hands.
He should be over this by now. Why the fuck does it still hurt so much? The fox’s eyes sting with tears. Drunk or not, he’s not going to fucking cry.
He won’t.
A hand rests on the fox’s shoulder, Josh’s scent filling his nostrils. It’s a comfort like no other. Stiles doesn’t know what he’d do without the raiju. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“He broke me,” Stiles snaps, looking up at his best friend with blurry eyes. “I’m broken, Josh,” the fox sobs, tears spilling down his cheeks. He said he wasn’t going to cry, dammit. But here he is, one simple question from the raiju- one he could’ve said no to- and Stiles’ drunken brain releases the floodgates. 
He feels pathetic.
“But you’re not,” Josh speaks softly.
“Yes, I am!” Stiles sniffles, angrily wiping his face dry. “I’m not his type,” the fox scoffs, “Derek left me.”
“Okay, well fuck both of them. They’re idiots if they can’t see how great you are.” Josh looks at him earnestly, “but I also don’t think sleeping with a bunch of nameless faces is going to make you feel better. Kinda seems like it’s been doing the opposite.”
“Excuse me?”
“Look,” the raiju sighs, “I’m not trying to piss you off or control you. I’m just trying to help you. It’s kind of my job.”
Josh is right. Stiles knows that. But how else is he supposed to get by? Who else is going to want someone as damaged as him?
“How about instead of hooking up with everyone you can,” Tracy rounds the corner of the building, “you take a look at what’s right in front of you.”
Stiles, rather drunk and confused, looks at his best friend who is indeed in front of him. 
“You mean Josh?” Don’t get him wrong, his best friend is rather easy on the eyes. But that’d be like dating his brother. No, thank you.
The raiju laughs.
“Oh my god,” Tracy groans, scrubbing her face in aggravation. “You are not that dumb or blind,” the kanima scoffs. Stiles gives her a blank stare and shrugs. “For the love of- Theo! He’s in love with you, you idiot!”
Stiles’ heart stops.
“Bullshit,” he snorts. “Theo doesn’t even look at me like that.” If he did, Stiles would’ve tried something with his childhood crush a long time ago. Theo’s hot and nice and actually cares about him. He gently hits Josh’s arm, “tell her to stop fucking with me.”
Josh pulls a face, lifting a shoulder, “she’s not.”
Stiles’ heart stops again.
Then he laughs. A full on giggle fit that doesn’t stop even when they get him in the car. Laughs as he explains his behavior to Mason and Corey. But when they pull into the driveway and they give him the same look Josh had, Stiles sobers up real quick.
They’re home.
And Theo’s inside.
Who doesn’t like, but loves him. 
What’s breathing? Stiles has forgotten how to do it, but he’s pretty sure it’s something that’s supposed to be automatic, not a conscious choice of inhaling and exhaling.
“Uh, hey guys,” Mason’s voice echoes beside him in the back seat, poking his shoulder.
“What?” Josh asks, putting the car in park.
Tracy actually turns around, “oh shit.”
“What?” The raiju repeats, looking behind him, “shit. Stiles?”
The fox is frozen, staring at the house. Full of alcohol and nervous energy. “He’s going to think I’m a whore,” Stiles mutters, his brain running a stomach churning montage of all of the people he’s slept with. 
All the while Theo knew about and said nothing in the way of disapproval. Unless you count his attitude. 
Gods, Stiles feels like such an idiot.
The kanima cackles. Actually cackles, “oh, honey. If anything Theo is just jealous and upset you’ve never let him grace your bed.”
“Why do you think he was so upset tonight?” Mason asks, rubbing the back of the fox’s neck. Even as a human he understands how to calm them down.
That would explain the Alpha’s attitude, sure. But still, “Why did he never say anything?”
Everyone in the car gives him a shrug.
“Guess you’ll have to ask him yourself,” Corey says, leaning over Mason and Stiles to open the car door.
“What?” The fox looks back and forth and before he knows it, the couple shoves him out of the car. If not for his supernatural reflexes, Stiles would’ve eaten the concrete.
“We’ll see you in the morning,” Josh yells through Tracy’s open window.
The car door slams closed, tires squealing in its haste to get out of the driveway before the fox can react.
“Dicks,” Stiles mumbles, turning and facing the house. 
His body really wants to go into flight mode. Guess it’s time to put his big boy pants on. His heart picks up, fingers shaking trying to use the key to unlock the front door, one thought nagging him.
Has he been hurting Theo this whole time?
“Dammit,” he squeezes his eyes closed, pushing open the door. The only sound inside the house is his Alpha’s heartbeat. Too quick to be sleeping. A page turns. “Theo,” Stiles calls out, closing and relocking the front door.
Please don’t ignore him.
There’s a pause followed by a sigh, “In my room.” 
His heart is thundering in his chest. Yes, the revelation from the pack sobered him up, but the fox isn’t sober. There’s still a buzz in his head and a slight wobble to his legs. Stiles very carefully walks up the stairs to the Alpha’s room. The one right next to his. At least their walls are soundproof, so unless a door is open, you can’t hear shit. 
Meaning Theo never had to hear Stiles with the people he brought home. 
The smallest of consolations because Theo still knew they were there.
When Stiles makes it to the Alpha’s room, Theo is propped against his headboard reading Catching Fire. No shirt on and gray joggers. He is a sight to see. Why the hell did Stiles never even flirt with the guy? He’s more than aware of how hot Theo is. Maybe the fox just didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Or step over any pack bounds. 
Excuses, honestly.
“Hey,” Stiles says a breath above a whisper. His tipsy brain says the best course of action is why not try for some flirtatious humor to break the tension? “You waitin’ up for me, handsome?” The fox leans against the doorframe with a grin.
“No one warming your bed tonight?” Theo asks in a sour tone. Not even bothering to look up from his book, simply turning the page. 
Alcohol takes control of Stiles’ tongue, “I was hoping you would.” 
It’s unmistakable. The rush of arousal coming off the coyote. His fingers twitch against his book. “So they told you.” But Theo still doesn’t look up.
“They might have informed me that I’m a moron,” Stiles says, stepping over the threshold. “That I had someone much better right here the whole time.”
That gets Theo’s attention. He looks up from his book, eyes flickering red for the smallest of seconds.
He’s getting to Theo.
“I don’t want your pity,” the Alpha closes his book. “You’re only here because it’s convenient. A fall back because no one came home with you.” Theo’s voice is full of something Stiles can’t quite place. Anger? Sadness? His words hurt just the way that Theo must hurt when he says, “You don’t actually want me.”
The fox snorts, filter nonexistent, “Are you jealous that people come home with me?”
Theo tosses his book on the nightstand, getting up from his bed. The fox is ready to drool. All he needs is to get his hands on the coyote. But Theo stays just a step away, “I’m watching you fuck all of these other people and I don’t know what it is I’m feeling,” Theo’s heart skips. “But it’s not jealousy.”
“Liar,” Stiles says confidently. Never once feeling so bold and so fucking nervous at the same time.
The Alpha scoffs, giving him a tongue in cheek smile. When their eyes meet, Theo crosses his arms to his chest, stepping closer, “I’m not lying, sweetheart.”
Stiles’ mouth dries out. Throat clicking when he swallows. Does the Alpha realize how he looks and sounds? He is growing determined to get Theo to crack. He’s putting on a face so that Stiles won’t know he’s getting to him.
As if he can’t smell it.
Unless Theo’s trying to be done.
The fox gets an idea. He nearly purrs at the thought. If Theo wants to drop it, he’ll let him. But if he doesn’t…
“Okay,” Stiles quips, “if that’s what you really want. For the record, it’s not pity, I’d never have stepped foot in the club in the first place had I known you had feelings for me too. But I guess I’ll just leave you be then” He turns to leave, ready to walk away if that’s really what the coyote wants. 
No matter how much it might hurt.
Theo’s hand curls around his wrist. “Don’t you dare walk away from me,” the Alpha growls, words charged and breath thick. “I can’t-” Theo takes a controlled breath, sounding small and vulnerable, “I can’t watch you walk away again.”
“Then don’t,” Stiles whispers, unable to properly breathe either. “I’m yours…if you want that,” that fox turns around meeting rubies. 
“Not just for the night, sweetheart,” Theo sounds like he’s begging, yanking the fox close. His arm wraps around the small of Stiles’ back, keeping him there.
Stiles gulps, imagining this very situation since he was a kid, “However long you want me.”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep,” Theo tells him, eyes still glowing red, fingers twitching against his back. 
“Try me,” Stiles retorts, kissing Theo’s response away. 
The Alpha doesn’t pull back other than to drag Stiles to his bed. 
Needless to say, Stiles doesn’t return to Sinema again unless it’s with Theo on his arm. Nor does he sleep in his own room anymore. Theo’s room became theirs. 
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lucky-bishop · 3 days
🦷 - share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
I'm going not as deep for this one as I did for the other, but a life hack I swear on is to file your taxes as soon as possible. The minute you've got all your documents in hand, start the process (whether that's filing online, with someone, another way, etc.). It's just not worth the stress of waiting until the last minute. Then there's just no way you miss it. And you can make corrections if you have to.
🍦 - name three good things about a character you hate
I feel like I have to do this about Theo Raeken because I think he might be the only character I've openly talked about/posted about hating. So. One good thing is he does genuinely seem remorseful about at least some of the people he's hurt after coming back from being dragged to superhell by his dead sister. He helps in the fights against the wild hunt and the Anuk-Ite and hunters. And he looks pretty when he cries and desperately seeks the love and attention and praise of people around him (not great that said people are the dread doctors but it is relatable).
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
A rotten Christmas
Character: Theo Raeken x male reader
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: Angst, Sad
The smell of perfectly brewed coffee woke me up from my deep sleep. Completely wrapped in a blanket, I knew I wasn't trapped when I fell asleep, but now I couldn't move without help. „Took you longer this time to wake up.“ A deep, soft voice reminded me of the gentle touch of my cashmere scarf gifted to me by the person whose voice made me feel more than I would ever admit.
„Asshole!“ I mummer under my breath as I realized what he had done.
„What was that, baby?“ He asked smugly, walking around our bed to sit next to me. Across the room, on a small table, I could see and smell the breakfast he made either, to prank or spoil me. This man had nothing in between.
„I said, I love you… asshole.“ „Mhmm… You see, in your… predicament, I wouldn’t be so nasty to the only person able to help you.“ His pearly white teeth showed as a predatory grin appeared on his perfect face. Some days I was more than jealous of his stupid smug face and wanted to bash it in, only to realize that I wouldn’t be able to look at it as much as I wanted anymore.
Instead of saying one more word that might get me into even hotter waters, I pouted at the man who was already wearing a buttoned shirt. „Oh, come on, don’t look at me like that!“ He threw his head back, knowing he had already lost against me, sighing in annoyance that he was such a pushover. I just had to look at him a little longer, pouting, slightly in tears, before he freed me from the blanket he had tucked me into, no doubt when he woke up. „Happy, now?“ He asked, slightly annoyed.
Instead of a verbal answer, I jumped against him, pushing him with me on our bed, hovering only millimeters away from his face. As he went for the kiss, I slightly moved back. „Why did you make me breakfast?“
I haven’t seen his face fall that quickly in a long time. „I-I- There is no ulterior motive!“
Not impressed at his play of innocence, I only had to pull one of my eyebrows up for him to give up again. „Okay, I might or might not am trying to maybe… maybe I could you to get-“
„Theo. God, tell me already!" I chuckled loudly, having to get some distance between us, just to be stopped by his arm around my waist.
„I wanted to make you happy so you might cook Christmas dinner for us and the pack I'm in?" His voice was so quiet and unsure of himself that it melted my heart immediately. „We never do anything for Christmas, and no one can go home for the holidays... so I've been thinking about hosting it. I might have already told them that we would... I know stupid and selfish of me, but I really miss them, and I also want them to see that I became a better man!“ He rambled on and on. But I had to say that I was ticked off. Though, witnessing his nervousness quickly turned my anger down. „I don't appreciate you just planning my time away, but I will do it either way.“
„You will?“ He asked excitedly.
„Yes, but you have to make it up to me.“ My smug smile already told my fiancé everything he had to know.
As he slowly opened his mouth again, I could see his Adam's apple jump up and down anxiously. Before he could say anything, I leaned down, kissing him chastely. „Tell your boss you will not be in tomorrow, and as soon as you come back tonight, you will lose your clothes at the door. I do not want to see anything on you!“
„Yes, sir!“ He even saluted as best he could while lying down.
I leaned down again and captured his lips in a not-so-chastened kiss. We both could feel the other's want in it. He even dared to poke his tongue inside my mouth, forcing a low moan out of me. Just before it could get out of hand, I was able to push myself away. „No, you have to go to work! We have enough time for that later!“ I explained rather authoritatively.
Finally, I got up after this whole fiasco and made my way to the small table with the delicious-smelling food and coffee sitting there for me to take. As I went for a grab, I suddenly was pulled back and slammed back onto our bed, with my face first.
„I think they can go an hour or so without me," he hastily whispered hotly in my ear just before licking my ear shell. His hot breath tingled my ear and the hairs on my neck, bringing a warm shower over my back. Hands wandered all over my mostly naked body.
To say that Theo ravaged me at that moment would be an understatement. When he finally left an hour later, I had to collect myself for another hour or so before I could even try to comprehend the act he had done to me. Walking was a problem, and I knew I was getting many side glances because of it when I went shopping for the Christmas meal I was going to cook.
Some of the goods had to be prepared a day prior, others I could start in the morning of our special day. It's been some time since we've seen Theo's entire pack, so I was just as excited. They always seemed like pleasant, genuine people.
As promised, Theo was there the next day, bound to our bed, so I could ride him whenever I wanted, which I used quite a lot that day, whenever I had little time between preparations. But at night, he had full responsibility.
The day we hosted Christmas, I put Theo to work but kept a close eye on him. Between making coffee and a simple breakfast, this man was hopeless. But he did everything after my very detailed instructions. Until it was time to hear the first knock. My handsome fiancé, already dressed to impress, opened the door to a cheerful Lydia.
As soon as I heard her angelic voice, I ran out of the kitchen and pulled her off her feet. I'm just glad to see her again after studying abroad for a while. Though I had to apologize myself to get back to work on our meal.
Not long after she accompanied me, both of us had a glass of wine. „Scott brings to more people. I hope that's not a problem?” she asked me nonchalantly, knowing I was cooking more than anyone could eat.
„Not at all. Who is it? Anyone, I know?“
„I have no idea. Nobody wanted to tell me anything.“
„Strange, but okay, I've made enough to feed a battalion. You could never know what stray Scott will bring next, could you?” We giggled so heartily that we didn't even notice Alec, Ian, Amalia, and Rayn walking in. Only them clearing their throat alerted us. „Eavesdropping, are we?“ I asked sheepishly. „Come here, grab a wine glass and jump into our conversation!“
Soon half the pack was there, many of them happily sipping with us a bit of wine before dinner.
We almost only waited on Scott at that point. „Theo?“
„Yes, babe?“
„When Scott comes, please bring him and his two guests directly to the dining room, okay? The rest of you can sit down there, as well!“ Everyone happily followed my instructions except for Lydia, who stayed by my side and whispered gossip to me.
„Nooooolaaan!“ My voice carried effortlessly to the open front door. I only had to hear his voice to call him immediately. Theo sometimes was jealous of this little bean, but he shouldn’t be.
With a wide happy smile, Nolan came wandering into my palace, my kitchen, a small gift in his hand, as we met for a tight bear hug. „God, I missed you!“
„I missed you too, smolly!“ „Yeah, no. I take it back!“
„Oh, come on, I know you love the nickname!“ A cheeky grin on his lips, which made me smile broadly back at him, broke all walls I had for this boy. Christmas was never a good time of year for him, but seeing him smile on a day like this made my head spin.
And then, hopefully, the last knock of the night, Scott's voice carried through the house, more cheerful than any other time he'd visited, followed by the soft voices of the two people he'd brought with him. For some reason, they sounded familiar. Which wasn't that hard considering they might be people I've met before.
„Would you two help me bring in the food? I can do a lot, but that's too much food for me to carry alone!” I asked my two friends with a smile. Without wasting a second, they took away bowls and plates. With me behind, in my hands, a plate full of turkey.
Laughing about a joke Nolan had told us, we finally came into the warm, decorated dining room.
As soon as I entered the room, while Nolan and Lydia were already putting their things down, I could see Scott with a warm smile. Just as we were about to greet each other, I saw the two people he had brought into my house.
My heart stopped. From the corner of my eye, I could see Scott smile even wider with happiness. I was frozen. If this hadn't been the case, I would have dropped the plate with all our turkey on the floor.
At that moment, they both got up and came to me. „NO!“ I suddenly screamed, painful memories filling my mind back up. It made them both stop, looking at each other in concern. 
„Are you all right, sweetie? Do we need to get you back to the facility? You know he had a mental break in his early teens. Back then, it helped a lot at the time!“
I wanted so badly to scoff at that, but I couldn’t. My body wouldn’t listen to me. Again they tried to approach, but I screamed at them even louder to stay away from me. Only this time, they did not listen to me. Just as they were a step or two away, anger rose inside of me. I was willing to sacrifice the food I had worked on for two days to get them away from me.
Before anything could have happened, I was suddenly pulled back by two strong arms. „He said that he doesn’t want you to come closer!“ Never has Theo’s voice sounded better in my ears. Knowing I was safe, I flopped a little against his powerful chest.
„Don’t be so dramatic!“ Scott rolled his eyes as he told me that. „I contacted your parents and found out why you are not talking. They graciously offered to accept your apology and would even let you get back to your family!“ He could barely hold his excitement in.
Suddenly all panic was gone out of my system. Emptiness replaced every emotion I had before. „They graciously offer to accept MY apology?“ I asked through clenched teeth, my eyes on Scott.
„Yes, isn’t that sweet of them! They would accept you even though you are this overdramatic.“
„Someone take the turkey out of my hand!“ My voice was quiet, anger radiating from it. „NOW!“ I suddenly screamed, forcing Isaac to jump up and take the plate from my hands.
For a moment, I just stood there, seething with anger, so angry no one dared speak.
„Theo, did you know about this?“ I couldn’t turn around in his arms. If I could see in his eyes that he actually knew about it, I would have ended it immediately.
„No!“ he quickly blurted out, realizing that what happened between my parents and me goes much deeper than what Scott said. „And how could he find them? I changed my last name when I was eighteen. Only three people know my first last name, and Nolan, as well as Lydia, would’ve never told anyone.“
„I-I told Scott.“ He confessed quickly. „He asked too many questions about your parents. It just fell out!“
„I understand. We'll talk later. Maybe our engagement was too early.“ With that said, I pushed myself out of his arms, closer to my parents, but with my eyes still on Scott.
„If you really believed a single word, my parents told you, then you are not only naive but stupid as well.“ Startled, he opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
„You can’t talk to Scott or your parents like this!“ Mason threw suddenly in. „Don't you know any manors? He's the leader of our group!“
„Mason, stop!“ Liam was quick to intertwine, but it was already too late. His best friend had already poked the beehive.
„Glad I'm not part of your little group. Only Theo is part of it, in case you forgot. Just because I'm friends with some of you doesn't mean I'm a member of it, and to be honest, if it means meddling in things none of you have any part in. I'm glad not to be a part of your little, pathetic group!“
After all of this, I finally turned back to my parents. „And you, out of my house!“
„You can't kick us out! It sure isn't yours!“
„If you think my fiancé can pay for a house like this, you are delusional! It is my house, paid in full before I let it get built and I throw you out!“
„Stop being so overdramatic!“ Scott screamed again, his alpha voice was audible, but it didn’t affect me. „Scott, you and everyone that knew of this is no longer welcome in my house either! Go now before I use force!“
With that, I walked out, but before I could leave the room. A rather rough hand grabbed my arm. Thousands of terrible memories spoiled my brain. My breathing quickened, my heartbeat already fast from all the anger, went into overdrive. I could already feel dizziness overcoming my brain. Too weak to break free from the grip that had put me in my horrific scenarios and positions.
„Go away!“ I tried to scream, but my body was just too weak. „Let go of me!“ But the hand didn’t leave my skin. Tears streamed down my face. Which just moments ago had been sore with laughter, more relaxed than it had been in many years.
Nobody came to my aid, just as so many years ago. As I relived the nightmare I was running from, a particular chord stirred inside me out of nowhere. My foggy brain slowly cleared, forcing me to breathe properly again, all the fear that had once frozen me becoming irrelevant.
Even if I did open up and let my fiancé know something, I begged God never needed to be revealed. Now it had to be done.
With fiery anger in my eyes, I looked once more straight into my father's eyes, whose hand was still tightly gripping my forearm.
In one quick movement, his grip disappeared, and all that remained was a painful sensation in my clenched fist as he slipped out of my direct line of sight, leaving me with my mother. Her eyes begged me not to. But I did it anyway. Only to feel her nose crack under the immense pressure.
„I know why you disgusting vail people are here, and now neither my fiancé nor I will give you money. At least as long as you won’t give me the money that you got from renting me out!“
„Just call it babysitting!“ Mason ordered me.
But a vicious smile became evident on my face. „I do not talk about babysitting. Do you want to tell them, or should I?“ I directly asked my parents, not lowering my eyes at all.
I only imagined them quivering in fear of being openly seen as such bad people who would do something this horrible to their own child.
„They rented me out to-“
„Shut up!“ My oh-so-sweet mother suddenly interrupted me. Her eyes indeed widened, fearful of what I could tell them.
„They rented me out to rich people to do what they want with me. The first time I still remember vividly, I was five years old. And this old, fat, disgusting man touched me everywhere. I was so disgusted about what he did to me. I became numb in the following years. Not everyone wanted that from me. Some just forced me to work for them. All that to fill their own pockets even more!“
„Bullshit, no parents would do that to their own children! You would say anything not to apologize to your kind parents for treating them like dirt!“
„Scott, it is true.“ Lydia's voice was soft but firm. Her alpha’s eyes jumped over to her, confused. „When my father still lived, they offered my family, him as well. My father was so disgusted that he threatened with an FBI investigation if they wouldn’t stop it. Shortly after, he died. When he came here to live without her, I asked my mother about his family, and she made some gruesome discoveries. Please show them the marks under your upper arms and on your inner upper legs.“
„No.“ I just told her, not only comfortable but horrified.
To everyone's surprise, Scott stood up from his chair and lunged forward at me, ripping my nice shirt into pieces. Most likely to reveal that there was nothing. But to his sad horror, my whole body was a battlefield, with scars, burn scars, and even ripped chunks of flesh in places. Only the forceful made tattoos on my body were removed.
„How?“ It was the only word that came out of his mouth.
„I never went swimming with any of you, always sitting fully clothed with you, never switching clothes in front of anyone. Not in a million years did I want someone to know. Especially not the only person I ever loved. But thanks to you and your self-righteousness, he knows now.“
At this point, I didn't even dare to look at Theo anymore. Humiliated and disgusted by me. I could already feel my courage and strength slowly dissipating within me. „Either you go now, or I will force you out! All of you!“
Now everyone was shocked. As soon as I told them to get out, I couldn't hold back the tears that fell down my face like waterfalls. Someone tried to grab me, but I jumped out of the way just in time. Theo’s face was painful as I rejected his hand.
But otherwise, nothing happened. Not one person moved. Only the agonizing groans of my parents holding their faces could be heard.
No one stopped me as I walked out of the room, probably assuming I would leave until they were gone. They waited until they were sure I was gone, but I was in the room getting ready.
Lydia again told the story and that she started being friends with me to make sure nothing happened to me, but at some point, my parents stopped that friendship. But when Nolan came forward and explained how he found out, Theo nearly ripped him apart just because he saw my naked body once when I wasn't paying attention.
I let them talk as much as I could. But when my mother tried to say something, I got irrationally angry. Storming back into the room, this time with a sword in my hands, I immediately held it against Scott. „If you are not out of my house in two seconds, I will cut you in pieces.“ My face didn't say anything. It was entirely blank, like the mask I wore when I told people everything was fine.
Scott, who seemed to think I wasn't going to attack him, proved him wrong when he didn't leave when the two seconds were up. A beautiful extensive cut across his chest, open and dripping with blood. Not closing as it should have. „Wolfsbane is something nice to have when your fiancé’s friends are werewolves, don’t you think, Scott?“ A grin sinfully twisted my face as I audibly threatened his death.
„But you are a nice person!“ He lamented soon after. Over with his shit for a long time, I took another swing at him, cutting open his arm.
„Yes, and you've gone too far. Now go or die. I don't care! But either way, you will never put another foot in my house!“
He obviously took the way out, which actually kept him running for longer than three seconds. Even though their alpha went out, nobody followed him. I had to threaten the rest with the same fate. I yelled after them that no one who knew of this plan would ever be welcome back into my home.
Only Lydia, Nolan, and Theo remain. My parents ran away when they first saw my sword. They were obviously aware of their foolish decision to let me train when I was younger so they could boast in front of their friends.
Without saying another word, I brought my sword away and left for upstairs. As I closed our bedroom door, I could hear Lydia starting to yell at Theo. In their screaming, there was also the sound of our front door opening but not closing until a couple of moments later, followed by some clinks and rattles.
Soon two different footsteps echoed down the hallway. I didn't even realize they were coming up the stairs. As a soft knock sounded inside my room, I almost jumped out of my skin. „Go away!“ I tried to be louder, but this day had taken too much energy from me.
Without my consent, the door suddenly opened, at first, I was angry, but when I saw Nolan's cute face, all I could do was smile. „Hey, we have some food for you! After so much work, you should at least eat something.“ He gently asked me, not sounding like an order, but stern enough so that I could hear his concern.
He opened the door a little more since I didn't say anything about him leaving me alone, only to show Isaac, who was also holding plates. „Why is he here?“ Nolan looked sheepishly to the floor.
„You know my family is almost perfect, maybe a bit pretentious, but I couldn't help you, but Isaac here has some experiences of his own."
„Right, but not even closely as bad as yours, but my dad was still a horrible human being.“
A heavy sight escaped my lips. „Okay, come in.“ I told both of them, which they happily did, closing the door behind them. „At least you are handsome enough to make Theo jealous, especially when we see each other often.“
„But I don’t swing that way.“ Isaac told me, scratching the back of his head, plates all spread out over my bed.
„That doesn’t matter. He is already jealous of Nolan, even though he his Gabesexual.“ The talked-about man blushed furiously at my comment.
„Who is Gabe?“
„Nolan’s mythical boyfriend. He is an absolute stud if you ask me, and maybe even a little douchy, but he loves our little bean, so I accepted him, even though I threatened to cut off his tail if he ever broke Nolan's heart.“
„What?“ Nolan screamed, interrupting our little conversation. „He is so tame because of your threat? But I liked his douchiness!“
„Then tell him! I'm sure he'll be happy to do whatever you want to get you in bed more often. Or this is all a ploy to make you go crazy, so you would finally crack that innocent mask of yours and show him what a little perv you really are!“
„You two are texting, aren’t you?“ Isaac suddenly inquired.
„Maybe, maybe not.“
„He did the same to me with my girlfriend.“ His hand over his face in slight embarrassment. „It worked, didn't it? I heard a lot of good things about your bed life.“ „You two are still texting? What is she telling you?“
„Oh, a lot Isaac. A lot.“ My eyes traveled over his body, pausing at his crotch for a second only to travel to his hands. „A lot.“  
„This was a bad idea.“ As he was about to leave, I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back a bit.
„I only look out for you guys. When I learned something from my past, to communicate correctly. It took me long enough to get Theo to do it, so I helped your partners force you to start your long journey.“
We talked for hours about everything and nothing until we got to what had happened before Isaac told me about his life, how his father abused him, locked him up, hit him in a lightbulb almost daily, and so on. He even showed off his own scars scattered across his body where his father would hit him with broken glass bottles and other things. It helped a bit to know I wasn’t completely alone.
Lydia had given up at some point, storming off. Theo didn't dare go upstairs. Until at least Nolan and Isaac left, which wasn't before bedtime. I had brought all the plates downstairs to find Theo waiting in our living room. When he saw me, he jumped up, his face was sunken, and sadness overcame him.
I didn’t acknowledge him at all. He followed me like a lost, hurt puppy, even back upstairs, but as soon as I entered our bedroom, I stopped before he could enter. „At the moment, I can’t trust you, so you either sleep in the guest room or downstairs on the couch.“
„But-“ His plead was shut off as I slammed the door shut and locked it. I heard a quiet thud but nothing else. Laying in our bed alone felt weird, and sleep did not come for hours. Later on, because I had to pee and was thirsty. During the night, I had to leave the room because Theo didn't have a chance to put our usual two water cups on top of our respective bedside tables like he usually does.
As I went to open the door, my heart suddenly fell a bit. There, right in front of the door, lay Theo, his body slightly shivering. Even though I wanted him to understand his misdeed, that was too much for me. I grabbed my favorite comforter and put it on him before getting water for both of us.
Hours later, I was still awake, already making breakfast, as suddenly Theo came downstairs, his head disheveled, but said nothing. His eyes were on the floor whenever I was near until he or I walked into another room.
I chose office work and later went to one of my restaurants. In the evening, Theo lay in front of our bedroom door again, already fast asleep. Sighing, I retrieved a fluffy rug from my office and rolled Theo onto it, followed by one of my pillows.
Again laying in bed, sleep again did not come for me. I rolled and trashed around. Finally swallowing my pride, I stepped out of the room and went under his blanket. With the small rug, it was actually quite comfortable. His arms immediately pulled me to him, sniffing a big whiff of my body odor only to sigh peacefully in his sleep with a smile on his lips.
I also could only smile, finally being in the arms of my most precious love.
„Good morning!“ At some point, I heard the joyful voice of the man I love close to my ear. I stirred awake in a panic until I remembered the last night. „You are warm.“ A dark chuckle fell from his lips.
„Here we are again.“ Able to hear his eyes rolling, he dared open his arms to let me go. But I just pressed them to shut around me again.
„Idiot!“ I murmured angrily, hot salty tears streaming down my cheeks again. Theo was confused and appalled by my sudden reaction. He thought I had started shit with him again, but I was only glad to be back in his warm arms.
Not knowing what to do, he hugged me even tighter to his chest. Either to smother me or to give me the love I so desperately need. Both have been good to me. We lay there for a while. If it had been possible, we would’ve been there for the rest of eternity, but my phone ringing without pause finally forced us apart again.
Soon I was out of the house once more, leaving Theo alone. When I got back, food was already served or at least warmed up, considering Theo is forbidden to cook anything but a light breakfast. „Lydia came by and took a lot of the food with her.“ Theo told me, waiting at our dining table.
"We need to talk," I plainly stated, sitting on the other side of said table.
"Why didn't you ever tell me? I wouldn't have looked at you any other way!" It was sweet of him, but my answer wasn't going to be as kind as his words.
„Why did you tell Scott what I asked you to keep a secret?“ His mouth opened for a second. Until his eyes suddenly widened, and his mouth closed. His lips were a neutral line. He had answered his question himself. „Exactly. That is the reason why I feel we should postpone our wedding until we're sure that's what we want and until I can trust you again.“
Never in my life would I have thought I would see the heartbreak in the eyes of the only man I have ever loved. „I understand. Do you want me to move out?“
"As always, you don't listen. I told you we were postponing our wedding, not that I was breaking up with you."
„What do you mean?“
„Let us have a long engagement. I can’t trust you. Therefore we have to find out if this is a problem or if you somehow learn to shut your pretty mouth about the secrets I share with you.“
Theo looked defeated. He knew that there was no way he could argue against it. How so, after everything that had happened on that day?
„We will see a couples counselor, and you will also start individual therapy. I've already worked through my problems, but maybe, I'll get back into it too. After all, it could only be profitable for me.“
„But I don’t need-“
„Do you want to marry me?“
„Well, yes, but-“
„Then you will go to therapy. Not only to get the death of your parents out of your active mind but also to get rid of your sick obsession to get Scott’s approval. If he or anyone else still believes you're a terrible person, that's their problem, not yours.“
At this point, my fiancé could only nod his head. After all, everything is his fault. I would have told him one day, maybe when my parents finally died, or I would have felt comfortable talking about it.
„And I meant what I said. Nobody in your pack that knew of this or defended Scott's action is welcome here anymore. And especially not Scott. If he trespasses on any of my properties, I will kill him. He wouldn’t be the first werewolf I kill.“
His downcast look was suddenly embarrassed. It was another secret he had no idea about. I knew long before I came to beacon hIlls about the supernatural and was forced at age nine to kill an already hurt werewolf. Since then, I've gone deaf every time I've had to do it to death and kill someone. Which made it easier to look past Theo’s horrible deeds.
We ate in quite this time around. Theo rarely dared to look at me directly. As we finished, I stood suddenly up, making my chair squeak over the floor, setting my fiancé on edge.
I walked right up to him, pulling him out of his chair and upstairs. In our bedroom, where I pushed him onto our shared bed, he looked so confused - it was delicious. He immediately saw the wolfsbane pills and knew what was happening. Without question, he took one and quickly put us on the same level. The ninth was still young, and I needed Theo now. Maybe it was toxic of me to use his fragile mental state after all of this to get him to get intimate with me. But I only saw it as compensation for what he had done, and after all, he loved it just as much and maybe even more than me. For some reason, especially when he wins our little fight. As a reward, he gets to take me doggy style. Most likely some strange natural behavior, considering he is part wolf.
I could only hope that this didn't destroy our happy little life. Besides his inability to keep secrets, he is literally perfect for me. Only time will tell.
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could you write something for theo raeken where the reader has trust issues
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[❤︎] pairing: Theo raeken x gn!reader [❤︎] warnings: mentions of loneliness & trust issues [❤︎] word count: 356
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requests are open🖤 request guidelines✨ 🌻masterlist🌻 smut night masterlist 💦
TRUST IS A CONCEPT THAT’S SO HARD TO GRASP. For a simple notion of safekeeping, it seemed far too complicated for some people. For all the lies and apprehension you've endured over your short lifetime, it's no surprise that you take more than a while to warm up to someone.
Over time, you've grown to become comfortable with being alone. It is the small beacon of terrifying darkness that offers strange freedom. It's a true vulnerability that you've learned to love. That only you can trust yourself and no one else.
But with every blanket of self consolation, it invites melancholic loneliness that only a few can understand. You had a few friends, sure, but perhaps in the darkest of times, when everyone you knew from high school is partying and spending their 20s as carefree and liveable as possible, it's hard not to miss that ache that plays hard in your chest. Sometimes it manifests into being the one that's left behind in plans or simple things like tying shoes, or maybe being the one that's spoken over when you contribute to the conversation.
But there's one person who celebrates you and provides their undivided attention to you. It didn't hit you until he willingly spent the night at yours. It wasn't a sleepover of sorts -- far from it. Your introduction to the supernatural had began when a monster had attacked you out of nowhere, an uninvited snarl with drool hanging from the tip of its teeth.
Scott McCall, the boy you remembered from high school, had saved you. But it wasn't him that checked on you every night since. That drove you home after that night, or who smiled and waved when he saw you in the street.
Theo had become a prominent figure since then. Not quite acquaintance, not quite friend. No, it wasn't until you got attacked a second time that he offered to stay at yours. You never let things like that happen, but given the fact that you were shaken up pretty bad, nothing mattered.
While you didn't trust him fully, you couldn't deny the strong feelings you had towards him. It was odd, but Theo made an effort to see you.
And maybe that's all you need for now.
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winreyplace · 2 months
Intro: Sean Renard
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My Name: Sean Emile Renard My Personality: I possess lawful, gracious, and fastidious qualities. I'm one of the more reserved members of the family, preferring to carefully listen to others before expressing my own thoughts. My discerning palate and polished demeanor has at times gotten me called pretentious or overly particular, but I take it all in stride with a good-natured attitude when teased for those behaviors. My Birthday: October 21st, 1981 Species/Cultural Identity: Half-Zauberbeist Half-Human My Gender Orientation: I am a Neutrois man* and prefer masculine words and pronouns My Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual My Disabilities/Conditions: Autism Physical Description: I stand at 6 feet 4 inches tall, a stature that often draws attention. My eyes are a clear green, set beneath a brow that's framed by ash-brown hair, cropped short for a neat appearance. My skin is fair, untouched by excessive sun exposure. My build is substantial and sturdy, with broad shoulders tapering slightly to a narrower waist, creating a subtle V-shape that speaks to both strength and proportion. Overall, my physique could be described as robust but comfortable. My Relationships: Boyfriend: Nick Burkhardt; QPPs: Logan Noble and James ‘Howlett’. Other Intimate relationships: Damien G******-Sprinkles, Butler, Sara, and Theo Raeken. I’m also Renny to both Lav and Mel in both a parental and kink capacity as requested. My Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy reading, logic puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, BDSM roleplay scenario planning, bookkeeping, grooming, and a little bit of coin collecting. My Canon Backstory:
I was born a royal bastard my father was the king of Kronenburg (a small country in North America), and my mother was the Hexenbeist he was smitten with. We were forced to flee to the United States when his wife swore to kill us both, where I was raised and educated in the ways of both human and Wesen. I went on to exercise my ambitions by working my way up the ranks in Portland's police department (a career I have thoroughly denounced since then) as a way to maintain a royal influence on the local Wesen population. I spent the last few years of my canon life alternating between antagonist and grudging ally to Nick and his friends. Mel and Lav took me partway through my canon show, though I still have many hazy exomemories of later points in my canon self's story that I did not personally experience. My Bond Backstory: I was having lunch one day in my world when Nick showed up suddenly (notably after calling in a few vacation days and disappearing without a trace) with a young lady and introduced her to me as Mel. I had a peculiar sensation at the time of meeting her that I did not fully understand, and it made me suspicious. I pressed Nick to explain exactly who she was and why she was here, and he stammered through an explanation of munbonding and parallel worlds that barely made sense, but I couldn't help being intrigued. As someone who liked to be fully aware and in control of all avenues of power at my disposal, missing an opportunity to take advantage of the situation was inadmissible. I later understood that the parallel world Nick was referring to was both Winrey Place and the world that Lav and Mel lived in that we could visit through "fronting" in their bodies, and that the peculiar sensation inside me was the pull of a potential munbond. It was an interesting first few days where I learned a lot all at once. I will admit that walking into the situation I did wasn't my first choice at the start. I had built up enough networks and prestige in Portland that retiring from it all and leaving it behind would have been unthinkable, were it not for that first moment of settling into bed with the girls and being truly seen for who I was and who I was meant to be, reaching right into my soul. It was…inspiring. The Beast inside me wanted it and craved to possess it, and I realized a whole new way to meet the goals I'd pursued for so long. And over time, the hunger for power and control gave way to, well, a hunger for love, food, and a unique family I never thought I was meant to have.
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 48: Family and Hell
Sam headed back inside the building and looked for Theo who hissed, holding his cut side in pain. "You still with us, Raeken?", she asked, walking up to him.
He scoffed. "Last name basis, now?" She rolled her eyes, crouching near him. "Just tell me you wanna get killed first and I'll hand you to the beast if it'll make you feel better.", she says, sarcastically.
He grunted, trying to sit up on the wall. "Lemme see.", Sam said, reluctantly.
He looked at her before removing his bloody hand, showing her a gash. She grimaced and hovered her glowing hand above his wound, helping him heal.
He watched in astonishment once she finished, feeling sore in her own side before feeling the pain subside.
He looked up at her as she looked at him with a frown. "That's what you've been missing out on. If you played nice, you'd probably learn more about me than you do now.", she said, standing up.
Theo looked down before getting up. She turned away from him, ready to walk away. "We just...", she sighed. She paused. "I just wish you did better.", she says, before turning around to face him.
"We probably need you on our team more than you need us. But that doesn't make you boss. That just makes you a part of the pack. If you used your abilities the right way instead of just using them for being an overlord or whatever you were gonna call yourself.", Sam said then left the Raeken boy.
"Sam!", Scott called. She ran up to him, pausing as she caught Tracy. "Shit."
"So, you're alive.", Tracy frowned.
"Guess electricity doesn't knock you out for long, huh?", Sam scoffed and ran after Scott who rushed over to Liam.
Scott and Liam picked up the Surgeon and looked at Sam. "Is he…?", she grimaced.
"He's still alive.", Scott nodded. "We're taking him to Deaton."
Sam nodded, following Scott and Liam to the Animal Clinic.
The Surgeon was laid out on the table and the pack surrounded him. Deaton looked over the doctor, examining the head while Scott and Stiles stood on the one side as Liam and Sam stood on the opposite side.
"Can you keep him alive?" Scott questioned Deaton. "I'm not sure he technically is alive." Deaton said.
"Screw keeping him alive.", Liam uttered. "How do we get him to talk?"
"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough.", Stiles retorted. "Stiles.", Sam warned with raised eyebrows.
Stiles let out a small huff. 
"Wait. Did you hear that?", Liam asked and they looked at him before the older werewolves began to hear a ringing in their ears that got louder.
Sam covered her ears. "What's going on?", Stiles asked, confused. The ringing got deafeningly and painfully louder, causing Sam to drop to a knee. What the hell was this noise??
"It's Sebastien.", Scott whispered. "He's calling out to–"
Sam let out a loud, painful yell and the Surgeon shot up on the table, emitting his frequency. Everyone had their ears covered from the loud noises.
The tables rattled and the floor shook as the Surgeon jumped off the table, standing up and headed for the door. Liam uncovered his ears, instantly chasing after the doctor.
"Liam, wait!", Scott yelled and Sam reached for Liam but the Surgeon whipped his hand back that created a force wave and Liam flew back into Sam.
They both covered their ears, thrashing on the floor as the surgeon escaped.
As the noise decreased, Stiles ran to Sam and took her in his arms, as she groaned. "You okay?", Stiles asked.
Sam let out a panting sigh. "I hate those doctors."
"The cane.", Scott whispered.
"They got the cane.", Liam said "What?" Stiles frowned as well as Sam.
"The pike was the cane that he had and Argent and Gerard took it.", Scott stated.
Sam got up. "Then that means that Sebastien wants it and he's gonna track it down."
With that, Scott starting looking through Mason's files. "Maybe there's something in here. Something about how he was a Genetic Chimera."
"Mason had a vanishing twin.", Deaton nodded.
"Now we've got a vanishing Mason.", Stiles complained.
"A vanishing twin?", Sam asked. "He ate his twin.", Deaton summed. Sam grimaced. God.
Liam shrugged. "What does that have to do with him turning into a 250-year-old French guy? How does that even happen?"
"Scott might have something.", Deaton said "Mason's twin wasn't entirely gone. That's what made him a Genetic Chimera."
"The DNA was still there.", Scott said in realization.
"Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well."
"How?" Stiles furrowed his brow.
"Energy.", Sam suggested.
"Sam's right. Life is energy. Energy doesn't just disappear. The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world but there are some rules that simply won't break.", Deaton explained.
"So Mason can't just be gone?", Liam asked.
"Somewhere in Sebastien he has to still exist in some form. A spark of energy, a flicker of memory."
Stiles picked up the Surgeon's mask, eyeing it. "Hang on... Liam, you said Mason said something right before he turned."
"Yeah.", Liam said. "He said, "That's not my name'." Sam said.
Scott nodded. "He finally remembered his name." "Damnatio Memoriae.", Stiles said.
"That's what they wanted. They wanted Sebastien to remember his name.", Liam nodded.
"That was enough for them.", Sam said. "We called him Mason. Kept calling him Mason and he just… he wasn't having it."
Deaton looked at Scott. "Scott, you know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name?"
"It turns back to human."
"What does that mean?", Liam asked. "Someone can just walk up to the Beast, yell Mason's name and turn him back?"
"Not just someone..."
"It's gotta be Lydia.", Sam said.
Stiles nodded. "We'll get her."
The teen split up, and Sam went after the Surgeon. She managed to sense where the doctor was and saw a man's head instead.
She walked up to it to see a ghostly pale, clammy face that had indents of old stitches in it. She gave it a nudge with her foot, causing the one good eye to look up at her.
"The beast…. has been created.", he rasped. 
Sam frowned. "What was the purpose? What were you trying to gain from this?"
The man took in a raspy breath. "I…." Black blood dripped out of his mouth. His death was approaching. "I owed a friend a favor."
She tilted her head in confusion before letting out a soft breath of realization. "You're Marcel."
The surgeon nodded. Sam shook her head. "You brought him back. Why?" The man hadn't answered. "How do we stop him from hurting anyone else? He's uncontrollable.", Sam pressed.
"You can defeat him…with the pike.", he answered. "Just as the banshee must wield her scream..and the hellhound wields its fire." As he gave a final sigh, he finally died.
Sam walked away heading for the police station. In the sheriff's office, sebastien sat in front of sheriff stilinski's desk and the sheriff put away his phone after getting Stiles' messages, explaining the problems. The older Stilinski looked at Sebastien. "You're looking for one of the argents?"
Sebastien looked at him with amused eyes. "You seem to know who I am. That means you know what I'm capable of."
"I've got some experience.", the sheriff agreed.
"Your weapons may be more sophisticated than the arrows and the bullets of my time, but they still won't kill me.", Sebastien determined.
The sheriff reached into his holster, took out his gun and sat it down on his desk as he stared at Sebastien, certain of himself. "I'm pretty sure a nine millimeter beretta will do more damage than an 18th century musket."
Sebastien set his jaw, eyeing the gun before looking at the sheriff. "Are you certain? I can walk out of this place with my hands clean. Or, I can walk out with them drenched in blood.", he said, with raised eyebrows. "Your choice."
Sebastien stood up and the sheriff did as well, preparing for any attack.
The deputy outside the office noticed the commotion and busted in the office. "Sir?", the deputy looked at her supervisor.
"Clarke, don't." Sheriff held his hand up to stop her. Sebastien glared at Clarke and she glared at him. "Stop where you are."
His eyes immediately illuminated in a blue light and his fangs protruded from his lips. "Let him go.", the sheriff ordered but the deputy whipped out her gun, aiming at Sebastien, making him let out a growl as he pounded at her. Both authorities shot off their guns.
Lydia, who was already at the sheriff's office, heard the guns go off, fearing what was to come. Lydia left the room she stayed in and watched as Sebastien turned towards her and growled. He ran over, ready to strike his long claws into her throat.
Before he could harm her any deeper, Lydia let out her best screech, making him stumble back. She raised her hands, pushing the force of her scream to make him fly back into the wall.
Hayden arrived and saw his form, making her step away in fear. Sebastien glanced down at his claws, seeing Lydia's blood on them and looked up at her to see her holding her bloody neck. Lydia's eyes fluttered as she dropped to her knees. 
His eyes then roamed up to Hayden and he stood, huffing. "Hayden. Your name is Hayden." Before he could attack anyone else, Sam busted in the sheriff's office, partially shifted as she let out a growl.
She looked to see a bloody Lydia and knelt down to her. "Hey. Hey!", she carried Lydia into her arms as she glanced at Sebastien who took Hayden. "Shit."
"Sam.", the girl looked up to see the sheriff. "We gotta get her to the hospital." Sam nodded and carried her out to the van.
On the way to the hospital, Sam made sure to heal anything that could fatally kill Lydia before arriving. At least, she'd be able to get some rest.
Sam helped Lydia out of the van and into the hospital, coming straight for Melissa. "We need help! It's Lydia."
The woman got more nurses to help Lydia onto a stretcher and into a room. "What happened?", Melissa asked Sam. Sam sighed. "The usual."
Scott, Stiles, and Liam had arrived at the hospital, and Melissa gave a rundown of Lydia's condition.
After that, Scott, Sam and Liam waited out in the hall while Stiles stayed with Lydia. "Is she okay?", Liam asked. "She's gonna be fine, but... She can't really talk.", Scott said.
Liam nodded. "Then it's over, isn't it?" He frowned, growing upset. "There's nothing we can do to save him."
Sam looked at the boy sadly. "Liam…"
Scott picked up his phone, receiving multiple voicemails from Kira and walked away to listen to them. Liam sighed sadly. They were running out of time and he was gradually losing his friend.
It hurt.
Sam looked at the boy and brought him into a hug. "I'm sorry. I wish we had more time to get him.", she mumbled. He hugged her back. "I just… I wish I knew earlier."
Sam pulled away to look at him. "Hey, there's nothing you could've done. You weren't even supposed to be dragged into supernatural things. You're still new to this, there's just some things you might not know or not be prepared for. But we got you anyways.", she reassured.
Liam looked down. "Scott… Scott told me you revived someone. Could you do that in case we do lose Mason? In case… I do?", he asked.
Sam frowned sadly. "It only works if I take someone's life. I was only able to revive him because I helped kill the Nogitsune. It would've probably worked if I had killed Kate, but I couldn't. It's not always easy. Trust me."
She put a hand on his shoulder, making him look at her. "We're gonna get this done. We'll save Mason. Okay?" Liam sighed and nodded before being brought into another hug.
They pulled away once Scott came back. "C'mon."
Liam and Sam looked confused. "Why?"
"Because I've got an idea. And because this isn't over.", he determined and his betas followed after him, entering Lydia's room.
Scott pulled his mom aside to talk to her and Sam went over to Stiles. "How's she doing?", she asked. "She's stable. Scott's mom said she got lucky."
Sam nodded.
Scott had told them his plan and his pack nodded. Liam and Scott helped Lydia sit up as Melissa walked over to her. "Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us, because I could get fired for it."
Melissa took out a syringe filled with a liquid.
"It's a cortisone shot. It's gonna bring the inflammation down," Scott stated as his mom took off the cap to reveal the huge needle.
Scott's betas instantly tensed up, getting nervous themselves, while Lydia weakly nodded, taking out her arm from under the covers. "Not there.", Melissa said and reached for the bandage patch that was on Lydia's neck. She peels back the one top part and Lydia groans in pain.
Stiles nodded. "Oh, yeah, okay, I'm gonna need to leave."
"You're not going anywhere.", Melissa instructed. "Hold her hand."
"Okay, fine." He huffed. "I'm not leaving, but I still might faint.", he complained. 
Melissa took a breath. "Okay. Here we go." She aimed the needle to her neck and before she could insert it, they paused at the sound of a thud.
They turned around and saw that Liam had passed out. Sam shook her head and picked him up as Melissa continued.
After everything settled and got Lydia dressed up, they quickly left the hospital. "Okay. I'll get Malia. Text me when you find Parrish.", Stiles said, getting ready to go.
"Hold on.", Scott stopped him and reached into his pocket, handing Stiles a brown paper bag.
"What is this?", Stiles asked, confused.
"Something I've been working on for a while. Just make sure Malia gets it.", Scott said.
Stiles nodded. "Is it plan B?"
"It was plan A."
"Plan A never works.", Stiles frowned.
"This is gonna work.", Sam said, making the boys look at her. "It has to. We haven't exactly failed before. We're gonna finish this."
Scott nodded and left with Liam and Lydia. Stiles and Sam arrived at the house, and hopped out of the Jeep, running up to the front of the house.
Stiles quickly swung the door open and stopped, making Sam frown and look over his shoulder.
Malia was standing on the staircase with her fangs bared while her mother was on the opposite side, pointing her gun directly at Stiles and Sam. "Ah, damn.", Stiles mumbled, shaking his head.
Before the bullet could hit either of the two, Sam put up a barrier and pushed it toward the woman. Sam huffed and looked around, her eyes catching Malia. "You okay?", she asked. Malia nodded.
"Yeah– look out!", Stiles takes Sam in his arms, ducking her out of the way as Corrine attacks Malia.
They ducked as Malia groaned, clattering on the glass coffee table, causing it to shatter.
Corinne threw Malia into the wall, and glared at her. Sam and Stiles watched as Corinne turned towards them, grinning. "You should've brought your bat.", Sam muttered, and shifted, growling at the woman.
"Hm. You're new.", Corrine said, turning to attack Sam. Before she could, Stiles moved in front of Sam, ready to send a punch to the woman. "No, you don't!"
Corrine dodged and backhanded him onto the floor, landing him in the shards of glass from the coffee table. "Stiles!", Sam exclaimed, not seeing him move.
Sam let out a loud growl, bringing the woman's shadow toward her before sending a punch in the woman's face, slamming her back against the wall next to Malia.
Stiles rolled over coughing and Sam rushed to him. "Hey.", she called, helping him on his back. Her eyes widened at the large glass shard in his shoulder. His blood was spreading fast. "Shit.", she muttered. He groaned. "Just get the talons.", Stiles said.
They jumped at the sound of a gunshot and saw Malia holding her bloodied shoulder as her mother aimed a pistol at her and continued to shoot.
Sam hurriedly got the talons, and looked at Malia. "Malia, catch!", Sam called, gaining the werecoyote's attention and threw the talons to her. Malia hurriedly caught the talons and put them onto her palm.
Her mother stormed over to her and plunged her claws into the girl's stomach as her eyes brightened blue.
Malia groaned, clenching her jaw tightly. "I want my power back!" Her mother growled.
Malia put the claws on and let the jar fall to the floor. Malia growled back and plunged her own claws into her mother's stomach, making the talons illuminate a pale blue color. Malia huffed as her blue eyes brightened more than before. "I want my family back.", she declared. 
Corinne gasped, her glowing eyes dimmed as Malia removed her from the talons, making her stumble back. Braeden rushed behind her, and before Corrine could run, Braeden brought the butt of her shotgun and slammed it in her face, knocking her out.
Sam let out a sigh and gave Braeden a nod. 
"Can someone please come and take this gigantic shard of glass out of my chest? Please?", Stiles said, making Sam chuckle and kneel down to him. 
Sam placed a hand on his unharmed shoulder and looked at him as she reached for the shard. "Take a deep breath."
"On three.", Stiles said hurriedly. Sam rolled her eyes. "One."
"Two." Stiles let out a loud yell as Sam yanked it out. She hurriedly healed him as he whined. "We were supposed to go three.", he frowned.
Sam shook her head, helping him up.
After leaving the house, Sam, Stiles, Braeden and Malia were notified that the beast was finally taken care of and Theo was taken to hell by his dead sister who Kira revived.
"Dammit, I wish I could've seen that!", Sam complained. "You're so weird!", Stiles exclaimed as he drove them home.
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Well now that I've seen the movie I guess the only thing I can do is re-read Handle With Care and pretend it never existed in the first place ! Do I dare ask what you thought of it ?
Oh boy. I TRULY am not even sure where to start. I’ll preface this by saying I didn’t have particularly high hopes, and was kinda just expecting to enjoy the nostalgia piece of it all.
However, it felt like the movie substituted substance (character development, coherent storytelling and plot continuation, etc.) for nostalgia? Like a washed up rock band coming back together for a one-night-only reunion show and trying to cram all of their biggest hits into a 2 hour, 20 minute runtime with a bit clumsy execution.
I think the first point that bothers me is the way that the logic/rules of the world that were established in S1 and onward just…don’t exist anymore. The wolfsbane being burnt out without needing the strain of wolfsbane that poisoned Scott. Peter Hale sniffing the ground like a dog (although ngl that was funny as fuck and I’m hoping? intentional) when werewolves can literally smell chemosignals from a good distance away, let alone blood. The nogitsune being Gerard who is already a werewolf, right? But also the nogitsune is not supposed to be able to be a fox and wolf? Also, Mr. Harris acquiring the jar for the Nogitsune from Liam and Hikari in Japan (how did it get there in the first place?), neither of whom he had ever met because he was presumed dead after s3?
I’m also really…confused about the repeated decision to introduce storylines without giving integral background information (or at least, a reason to give a fuck?) Parrish and Malia. Derek Hale having a son. Hikari and Liam in Japan. Gerard becoming a nogitsune.
Especially with Hikari…she’s like the first figure we see in the movie and yet by the end of it, I have no clue at all who she is as a person. Her and Liam (and MASON. What the hell.) are like cardboard cutouts with a button that you push to spit out occasional one-liners.* And I don’t understand the introduction of a new character when they’re essentially a nothing factor and have such limited, flat interactions with the existing cast. They let Eli Hale shine and become someone we root for. I want to care about Hikari! But I feel like I wasn’t given a reason to. I don’t know if the role was written for Kira and unchanged when Arden declined and was replaced, but it seemed like it was written as if we were automatically supposed to know, understand, and root for Hikari while essentially only knowing she’s a kitsune who is Liam’s love interest? and works at a ramen house with him. All her defining traits seemed to be about what she can offer to the plot rather than who she actually is.
Maybe I placed too many expectations on the ability to develop some of these things within the runtime of the movie…but I think if there’s an inability to make all of these plot points logical, some of them could’ve gotten cut. But, I’d really like to know other thoughts/feelings on the movie, though! Also I totally could’ve missed some things in the movie that would’ve alleviated some of my frustrations with it, but I dunno.
Positives! Oh babey I am so glad Theo fucking Raeken was not in that movie. Also the copious use of the word fuck was awesome lmfao. And I thought Eli was funny! (he’s, uh, very much like a Stiles Jr. but I have no comment on that). Also Finstock is Finstock which is cool. And thank the heavens for Alan Deaton. And the scene where Allison had to burn the wolfsbane out and having her mother over her shoulder as a callback to that one scene when she has to stitch up Scott was well done, I thought.
*on the note of characterization, I think I have this same gripe with a lot of characters in the movie. Jackson is essentially there just to keep Lydia company. Malia and Parrish are a thing because…reasons? Allison is undead after 15 years and working through amnesia and she’s somehow not that affected by it? (Yeah, she’s like, murderous and disoriented at first…but after realizing she’s been dead 15 years and remembering Scott she’s kinda fine?) Mason is just another familiar face on the police force. Derek seemed so UnDerek to me. And even after trying to rationalize that fatherhood changes a person, his timid ~just a father trying to do my best to raise my delinquent child of mysterious origins that I love very much~ just didn’t…work for me. Also HIM CHOOSING TO BURN TO DEATH IN FRONT OF HIS KID OMFG.
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Florence Pennyworth, I’m thinking that it would be interesting to see her with Leanna ‘Leah’ Elfman. I don’t have much for her, but I think it would take a little while for the two of them to get along. Leah might sometimes worry Dick is replacing their friendship when he moves into Wayne Manor - not that he’d do it on purpose, but part of her would wonder about it. That being said, I think when Leah can get passed that - they probably have a conversation which makes her realise she was overreacting a little - they’d be OK. Maybe not the closest, but Leah would know something was up when Florence goes missing. She’s out of Gotham by then, but they’d probably text or send silly things to each other, and it’s not like Florence to miss that; so, when she does, Leah does what she can to try helping her friend.
Leonie Murphy and Mackenzie ‘Kenzie’ Merritt would be a reporting team not to be trifled with. Honestly, these two would go at every story they could, determined to quell their insatiable curiosity. Initially, both of them would try to keep things from the other - after all, Vic being Cyborg is a secret Kenzie is determined to keep for him - but eventually they’d be a team to rival even Lois Lane. Also, can we talk about them helping each other with things? Training montage and suit making for Leonie, and her being there for Kenzie when Jason dies and Vic can’t be around?
Tessie Vannelli, the Coles and Tae all grew up in Haly’s Circus with Dick. Viola spent a lot of time with the Vannelli’s after she and Kit arrived - and their lives were turned upside down with the death of their parents getting there - for the pure fact she’s a fire breather; though, she starts as a juggler and progresses there. Tae loves making costumes for her - she’s one of his favourites - and they’re pretty close because of it. All three of them are devastated when her life is turned upside down, and though they’re willing to be there for her, when she goes missing they’re desperate to find her. When it becomes clear it might be more than they can handle, the boys have to get Viola to stop. Even when Haly’s disbands, Viola refuses to give up; and when she hears rumours about Joker? She’s terrified, especially for her friend. So, when Dick returns with their old friend, and the truth of the rumours is revealed? Cue heartbreak but also the three of them trying to help her; Kit is the one who finds it all the hardest, just because that’s the sort of person he is, and Tae is honestly a little afraid of her. Overall though, Circus kids stick together, and they’ll do what they can to make things easier for their childhood friend. Also, I have a feeling Tessie would be shipping Kit and Tae alongside Viola.
Brandy Hayes with Elodie Klecko (a multiverse OC of mine); they’re both part of the Statesmen. I feel the two of them would be pretty good friends, and they’d try to look out for each other whenever possible - be it on missions or just in general life. I can imagine the mayhem they’d cause together, but also banding together when things are happening within the Statesmen.
Callie Raeken with Camila and Ryan McCall (Scott’s cousins). They wouldn’t really have known her before, and I can see Camila taring her with the same scepticism she shows everyone; Ryan would be far more sympathetic towards her, and constantly be trying to make sure she was OK; he’d do the same for Theo as well, but I have a feeling Callie might need that support a little more than her brother. I could totally see him having a crush on her at some point - if it’s reciprocated or not, I don’t know - but he’d always be telling her random facts to try helping. Eventually, Camila would probably realise that Callie wasn’t so bad, it would take a while for them to get there, but when they do she’s one of the most loyal friends a person can have.
Elvira Levitsky and Irisa Kuznetsov. Both of them are Healers - though Elvira’s Tailor skills as well would be something Ris would love to learn more about. Depending on how Elvira left the Little Palace would shift their relationship I think. Irisa left the Little Palace because she hated it there; she ran away, and if they were there together that might make things rocky for the two of them; on the other hand, it might also actually make them closer. Irisa needs someone who can help her figure out what she wants, because this is really the first time she’s done something for herself. The Crows would be a massive help, but if she had someone who understood her a little? That would help her immensely.
Hope Wood would adopt Phoenix Dumbledore on sight. I can totally see Hope sticking up for the girl, especially if she’s sorted into Hufflepuff because Hope misses Cedric. She’d totally be up for taking Phoenix under her wing if she needed the help, and would prank anyone who even tried getting on her nerves (think the twins protecting Harry during second year, and you’ve got how I could see it going). That being said - and I haven’t actually posted anything about them because they became a side characters in Hope’s story - but I have a couple of Beauxbatons OCs. I can’t remember names - they’re in a folder somewhere for old fanfiction planning - but one was a prankster girl who was constantly in trouble, and her best friend who was always trying to get her out of it. I can see him having a soft spot for Phoenix - at least one parent is a teacher - but his friend doesn’t really get along with her due to the connection with Fleur. However, both of them are willing to try helping the girl smile when she needs it, and I feel like at least one of them would occasionally ask Fleur about her when they go back to school.
If I’m sticking with the Nico universe, seeing Teagan O’Neal with A.J. and Teddy Kane would be a lot of fun, I think. I can see A.J. being protective of Nico with everything; especially because of how Teagan and Dick appear to be sometimes as well. I think Teddy would be a little intimidated by her, but would totally be up for helping her integrating a little more with the Titans. I have a whole heap of DC OCs that could also be interesting to explore, but I need to develop them a little more. But I love the idea Teagan and A.J. not exactly seeing eye-to-eye, but if Nico was ever in danger you can bet everything that they’d work together to protect him. No matter what.
Booker’s sibling. I have a really rough idea for another friend of the group, possibly a cheerleader but who doesn’t take things too seriously. They’d probably have issues with Terri in a way, but when things start getting real I can see them helping each other out, and finding a friendship there that they never saw coming (one day I’ll introduce these guys properly, but I hope this is okay for a rough idea at the moment).
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stilinskiderek · 2 years
just gonna jump the gun on the ask game - 01 for our favorite teen wolfs
OH LETS GOOOOO this took me a while to answer because i have been formulating . i've been ideating. none of this will be a shock . but i have so much to say.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: DEREK HALE completely unsurprisingly. Literally from season 1 episode 1. I love him so much.
Least Favorite character: THEO RAEKEN Even in my rewatch I didn't like him, which makes him okay as a villain but I don't even really like him as a villain. also started my teen wolf rewatch when i was rewatching pll and kept calling him mike.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): STEREK literally from day 1 also. The only fic i read for teen wolf is sterek. SCISAAC also from the first time i watched the show. there's something so special to me about scott and isaac together i love them so much STALIA i didn't actually like them together when i first watched the show but rewatching it??? holy shit. they were so so so so good for each other and it broke my heart when they broke up. one of the scenes in s5 where malia says she knows stiles had to kill one of the chimeras but 'it didn't matter' /didn't affect how much she cared about him so she didn't bring it up??? holy shit. that paired with 'i would never leave without you' GOD I LOVE MALIA TATE STYDIA spoilers for a show that ended in 2017 but i did in fact cry when they ended up together. dont forget i love you?? bitch im going to scream ALLYDIA i got one of my friends to start teen wolf and they sent me a message like midway through season 1 and said 'do people ship allison and lydia?" and the answer is yes. me. i'm people.
Character I find most attractive: DEREK HALE also 'character most frequently covered in blood' and 'character most likely to be in distress'
Character I would marry: DEREK HALE i mean. come on.
Character I would be best friends with: ISAAC LAHEY he is SO important to me and i loved him even more with rewatching the show. someone please be nice to him.
a random thought:
An unpopular opinion: I FUCKING LOVE SCOTT MCCALL . i know a lot of people dont! i understand! but i love him so much. scott is probably my second favorite character in the show. he is . chefs kiss. a lot of that also comes from loving tyler posey. + i am GENUINELY excited for the movie. I know most people are not! i am. if you ask yourself 'who asked for this movie?' the answer is tumblr user stilinskiderek. i asked.
My Canon OTP: STALIA not a ship that lasted but my favorite canon ship ever. i loved them together so so much and i missed their dynamic in season 6
My Non-canon OTP: SCISAAC HEAR ME OUT i know i have a sterek url i also love sterek BUT i think Scisaac could've been made canon so easily whereas sterek couldn't have. I GENUINELY think if Isaac was a female character he would've ended up with Scott. Their personalities worked so so well together and I really think they could've been canon!!!
Most Badass Character: DEREK HALE like for the sheer number of times this man has brushed death and survived. jesus CHRIST.
Most Epic Villain: VOID!STILES the other characters having to fight with a person they were FRIENDS WITH?? stiles is scott's BROTHER like holy SHIT. god. the emotional turmoil. dylan obrien killed it. the divine move is one of my favorite episodes of the entire show.
Pairing I am not a fan of: DRAEDEN it just felt...out of nowhere? and kind of weird? i think because season 4 was when hoechlin wasn't a series regular anymore so derek wasn't a key character in every episode it felt like their relationshp was super rushed and just. didn't fit either one of their characterizations.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): DEREK HALE i could talk about this until the cows come home. i think that derek was not treated with any sort of importance despite being a main character, and i don't think the literal trauma and abuse he suffered at the hands of kate argent was ever properly addressed. a lot of his actions and the way he treats people are obviously based in that experience but there was absolutely NO attempt at resolving it or even really acknowledging it. It should've been something, especially in season 4 with kate coming back, but it wasn't. i'm never going to not be mad about it. in that same vein, i think derek and isaac's relationship could've been way more impactful if the writers gave a fuck about derek. with the other hale betas in s2, jackson, erica, and boyd all have 'real'/biological families they can go home to. jackson's might not be great but he still has somewhere else to go. the only person isaac had was derek, which puts derek begrudgingly into this older brother/dad role for isaac that could've been incredible HAD THE WRITERS DONE ANYTHING WITH IT!! clearly isaac is living in the loft with derek but ?? that's all we ever get. what could've been a really great found family moment was absolutely nothing, and watching the scene in s3 where derek is terrified of the alpha pack coming for him TO THE POINT WHERE HE SENDS ISAAC AWAY TO KEEP ISAAC SAFE makes me so mad because if that relationship had been developed that scene would've been even MORE heartbreaking. isaac is being sent away by the only person he has in the world and that hurts but derek should've also been hurting because he's trying to protect this kid he took in but he can't explain it to him and i just. it could've been the bella/charlie scene in twilight but it wasn't!!!
Favourite Friendship: SCOTT/STILES stiles has scott's back through literally everything and god the scene in motel california with the flare breaks me every single time.
Character I most identify with: LYDIA okay this was hard for me to answer because i identify with a lot of them but in different ways?? then i remembered one time my friend sophie asked me to pick a teen wolf sun/moon/rising sign which i think fits this question. my rising sign is Scott, my moon sign is Lydia, and my rising sign is Malia. I think out of all of them I identify the most with Lydia!! i love her.
Character I wish I could be: DANNY I just want to be adjacent to all of the chaos and observe from afar. the way he knew about the werewolves because nobody can whisper in beacon hills is so special to me. i also love that he's the singular side character who was not made supernatural and did not die, just vibed the entire time.
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theodore raeken: missing persons
( okay so i kinda had an idea ,, and then went through the whole teen wolf timeline to see if it would work ,, so here it is !!
theo’s backstory !! it started off way more messy headcannon format & then it got kinda a real story vibe ,, def thinking about making it an ao3 one shot eventually )
TW: very sad & hurt my feelings
don't imagine:
eight year old theo raeken...
who sleeps at his best friend scott mccall's house almost every single night, stiles is almost always there too.
theo and his friends where they all watch movies together until ungodly hours of the morning. stiles loved star wars, theo will never forget that. they had gone as luke, han and chewy for halloween that previous year. melissa went as leia. scott has always been more of a indiana jones fan himself. theo would watch either, anywhere where harrison ford was theo didn't mind being.
in this little trio, who were all raised in the mccall house, where they were given eveything they needed. sometimes when theo thought about her, when he needed to remember the good things in life. he never quite knew how she managed. expecially with scott's dad who floated in and out of the picture.
yet, it always was melissa who gave scott extra lunches to take to school because theo and his sister, who were often forgotten by their parents usually were left to fend for themselves and a fourteen year old girl rarely had the funds or mind to give a growing boy a nutritious lunch. these packed lunches always with the crust off because that's the way theo liked it. melissa always remembered.
theo had three favorite places: scott's bedroom, the corner next to his bed where theo's blow up mattress was. the bridge in which tara and he crossed everyday on their way back to raekens from school. his final place was actually beacon hills elementary.
theo always liked school. theo was good at school. he didn't realize this until mellisa had pointed out an exceptional report card. he didn't think it was much of anything to be proud of.
he liked recognizing big words from english class and novels that would help him when his mom watched jeopardy. she would watch the show every night. sitting in a daze in the raekens dark living room. not paying much mine to the eight year old, until he started blurting out the answers to her favorite show. she beamed at him. he loved his mother's smile, she had the same dimples as tara.
so yeah, when a seventeen year old theo raeken spent months filing the names of anyone ever involved in the mccall pack, current members, deceased and ones that just fell out of beacon hills. he remebered some names.
theo raeken grew up in beacon hills, and beacon hill wasn't to big of a town.
theo rembered issac lahey a quiet boy who had been in his thrid grade class, jackson whittemore who was a grade older than them and everyone knew him because he was was offered a spot on the middle school lacross team, he knew erica reyes who he rembered for her epilepsy and it made him hate himself a little less for being the king of the heart condition, he even remebered names like derek hale- who was in the same grade as tara. theo even rembered the name malia tate as she was small girl who did go to beacon hills elementary, who was always startled and always walked a bit faster than everyone else through the halls. or even lydia martin, a girl stiles had a crush on. she talked to theo a lot, lydia used to call him teddy, he didn't know when it started but he let her do it purely to spite the fact that lydia gave theo a nickname and never bothered to acknowledge stiles.
theo rembered all of them, i mean for years of his life all he had to rely on was his memory to make sure it was real.
though during the line memories turned bitter and he was left with the sour taste of resentment.
so it was weird to think despite it all, that year was one of theo's best. he never felt like he belonged. sure he had scott and stiles before but gaining friendship & being labeled as an "inseparable trio" by the sheriff station deputies, whenever they rang havoc through their office made theo's mouth crack a toothy grin. he felt like he had a family.
that was until the air started getting colder in beacon hills. theo started hearing the voices. though, even so much later in life he never could quite pin point how it started, like his brain couldn't truly decipher what was going on. some of it felt like dream, though the dreams and the thoughts. sometimes they didn't feel like his own and made him so scared he would leave the day feeling nauseous.
though this all came in spurts. his birthday was that november, and that was magical. he spent the weekend with stiles and scott, theo's mom actually made the point to bring the three of them bowling. the boys pitched in on buying theo a big millennium falcon lego set because he was always doing things with his hands, something he picked up not being so most athletic of the bunch. they also got him big poster of han solo just to spite him. he blushed and yelled at them for stupid gifts but they knew by the smile on his face he loved them.
he loved so much because despite the fact that they were poking fun at him ever so lightly, they were good natured and they held thought. they really thought about theo enough to know what he liked. he never had that before.
so the voices started getting louder again around christmas time. it was weird for theo, the happiest time of the year filled him with such excessive dread. it didn't feel right. theo's life changed that month.
then one day scott and stiles get sit down because something tragic happened. tara raeken is dead. the details are fuzzy and they don't really understand how, seeing as these boys are just in fourth grade. they are horrified, it's one of the only other times they've experienced death besides with stiles mom. though claudia stilinksi was sick, sometimes sick people die. learning about tara left a bad taste in their mouth. she was young.
they try and call, bike past is his house. they don't hear from him. they go to her funeral, scott and stiles, high on anxiety attached to their parents just trying to sneak a peak of where their best friends may be. he's gone, that's the conclusion they come to, he's gone. they don't know how it could have happened, they just know that he isn't there. why wouldn't he be there?
they try and talk to the raekens but haunted by their daughters death, they paid less attention to theo than before. they barley give them a straight answer, melissa explains what grief can do to a family and not to blame them but is equally suspicious.
just take a minute to think, while scott and stiles are scared and searching for their best friend, theo raeken, barley nine years old is given a heart transplant. alone in a dark and cold sewer hidden deep under beacon hills, horrified and a failure, that's what the dread doctors tell him. a boy who keeps quiet, does what needs to be done and has to survive. doing absolutely everything he can to be kept around, the second he heals (which theo recognizes is abnormally fast) the doctors are straight out of beacon hills.
the doctors eventually find his parents too, who leave beacon hills, he doesn't exactly know what happened to them. he doesn't everything he can not to think about the possibilities. he hopes he has a chance, survival instincts flourish but the ideal of living isn't quite the same as surviving.
one day, the doctors inform him he has absolutely nothing to go back to, he figured this he just be didn't think they would actually tell him. they never told him much.
they are far away from beacon hills- much farther than he assumed. he has no sister, and his parents are gone.
he is alone, and he is finding out that now, he has one more secret to hide. the poor boy has claw and fangs and often thinks about using them to rip himself apart, i mean he deserves it right? he just watched his sister die, to go down with the last living part of her, his own heart.
while theo is expecting his fate, stiles and scott and stuck in months of confusion. missing posters of the boys face are strung up everywhere they can reach, once his parents are gone. they know they need to do everything they can.
mellisa feels like she's been punched in the gut, so she helps her boys. she calls every hospital in the county, and then she starts reaching out to some of the bigger hospitals in the state. spreading word of a missing nine year old like wildfire. she spends nights after her shift arguing with noah stilinksi, he has been looking to. he tries to bargain logic with her.
"yeah it's strange he never said goodbye, he wasnt at the funeral- it's weird, yes, but his parents left too. their daughter just died melissa. maybe they didn't want to stay."
melissa knows, yeah that makes sense. theo had to of just moved with the raekens but something about it doesn't feel like it makes sense.
he would have said goodbye to her. she knows it.
other people in beacon hills were actually thinking the same thing, something wasn’t quite making sense.
those other people being some who can sense unrest in supernatural frequencies. a family who makes it their business to monitor the supernatural. the hales.
though, talia hales supernatural concerns didn't often revolve around fourteen year old girls who drown, shes curious. the girl, was in dereks grade. the mother in her falters but it doesn't get strange until the police reports reveal the fact that the girls heart was gone, she was found. gaping chest wound, lying in the river.
so she starts to suspect somethings wrong. she's seen the raekens case, something about it doesn't make sense. sure, the death of a teenage girl is overwhelmingly tragic but there isn't much to investigate. though talk of the raekens is getting loud, she comes to find out this is because of the raekens youngest, who was nowhere to be seen days before the funeral.
she knows the hunters are back in beacon hills. so wonders if the two correlate. so she starts asking questions.
talia, with her daughter in tow see two boys standing outside the sheriffs station, stopping people when they walk in to show they a poster. it's theo raekens missing poster, though there isn't much official about it. it seems like the sheriffs department couldn't issue anything official, so as she walks up to the boys seemed to have made dozens of copies themselves. there information seems formal enough.
she catches their anxiety heighten as talia hands the poster over to laura who stands behind her.
the taller one raises a brow, "have you seen him anywhere miss?"
she smiles, "miss hale- you can call me talia though. this is my daughter laura. we haven't seen your friend but we'd like to help..."
the taller boy nods, "well, i'm scott. that's stiles. how could you help?"
talia hale lies easily, "i've heard about what happened to the raekens and it sparked my concern. i have a friend, local sheriffs station who is awfully good with the police dogs. if you have anything that your friend owned i might be able to call i'm a favor."
a few days later, stiles had found her in the same spot as last time with a small black sweater. she smiled and told him she would do her best to help these two boys. not sure if her intrest in the case was supernatural based or because she didn't want these boys, who smelled like anxiety and exhaustion to fall down the hole of loss themselves. she wasn't sure where investigating theo’s disappearance themselves would leave them, she didn't want them getting caught up in the supernatural spiderweb of beacon hills.
though, talia hale looses scent and momentum on the case. literally and metaphorically. she finds herself near some suspicious tunnels, leading right under beacon hills but scent falls short. she's frustrated, and the time since his disappearance is lengthening but her families needs become increasingly concerning.
she's listens, she likes to know what's going on. so when she hears her sixteen year old whispering a bit more with her kid brother she raises suspicion. she doesn't trust peter like she used to, not after getting involved with the desert wolf.
paige dies months after that, dereks heartbroken and talia is trying to put together pieces of a story that turned her babies eyes blue. to young. beacon hills doesn't quite understand how another student is dead, with no previous medical history. this, the death of paige she knows is supernatural.
kate argent moves to town and in months, the hale house is burned to the ground. inside, theo raekens black sweater. tucked away in a room, where news clippings and missing posters caught fire the fastest.
so with no surprise, another tragedy is unleashed and it's the talk of the town. memory of theo starts to fade, like most things do in beacon hills. it's not anybodies fault but it still stings. though, theo million miles away hasn't felt much of anything latley.
it's been a little over a year. he hasn't cried in the past three months. he won't let himself. nobody is going to find him. he isn't going to het out. so he puts up his walls, as many as he can. he just has to stay alive a little bit longer. make something worth taras sacrifice. they had started to kill off more of the chimeras, more of their science experiments. he can't get killed, he can't do that to tara.
theo was always a fast learner. theo always liked school. theo was good at school. this wasnt exactly the same as math class at beacon hills elementary but he was picking up skills quickly. theo didn't quite recognize himself after that year. he wasn't that same boy, and that had to suite him just fine. he never had much of a choice in this. he just chose to try and keep her heart beating for as long as he could.
so theo raeken adjusted, he had to.
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amatchinwater · 2 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Steo
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken
Warnings: explicit sexual content, rough sex, anal fingering, anal sex, mask, light degradation (use of slut)
Words: 1733
Kinktober: Mask Kink
Ao3 link Masterlist
Lounging in the armchair of their living room, Theo can hear Stiles muttering to himself in the driveway about being late. It’s true, it’s well past ten o’clock when his boyfriend assured him he’d be home by eight. But, the chimera knows better than anyone how sucked into studying Stiles can get. He’s not even remotely mad. In fact, he’s got a surprise for his boyfriend. A gift of sorts. 
The chimera is never one to kink shame. Ever. He doesn’t give a shit what someone likes. If it makes you happy and gets your rocks off, good for you. But every so often, there’s something that gets to Stiles that makes Theo excited. Really excited. The chimera will give his boyfriend literally anything he wants. Even if it means sitting here with boots, dark jeans, no shirt, and a Ghostface mask on. 
He had jokingly put the thing on at a Halloween store last week, suggesting he goes as a notorious killer. Stiles had initially joked that Theo in fact used to be a notorious killer. But then his boyfriend turned around and saw him. Theo wasn’t wearing anything special that day. Just a dark red long sleeve shirt and some jeans. But fucking hell, Stiles’ knees visibly buckled when he tried to step closer. And Theo could hear his dry tongue sliding around his mouth like sandpaper. Not to mention the heady, intoxicating scent of Stiles’ arousal flooding the small aisle they were in. 
Theo went back the next day and bought it without telling his boyfriend. He cannot wait for Stiles to walk through those doors and see it. It’s going to be perfect. 
“Just had to fall asleep on the stupid book, didn’t you?” Stiles curses under his breath, keys jingling as he unlocks the front door. Their living room is in direct line of sight. Shutting the door behind himself, Stiles turns around, his bag dropping to the floor along with his jaw. “Holy-” his human’s throat locks up, muttering, “Theo.” 
“Hey there, angel,” the chimera raises his hand, wiggling his clawed fingers. “Good day?” He asks, toying with his boyfriend. 
Blinking rapidly, Stiles takes a clumsy step forward, arousal seeping into the air. “I was-” his boyfriend points towards the door, “I- studying.” Stiles clears his throat, “fell asleep at the library again. You bought the mask,” the words come out almost like an accusation. 
It’s cute. 
Theo stands up, squaring his shoulders so that his chest tightens. The spike in his boyfriend’s heart tells him he had the desired effect. “You liked it more than I did, angel,” the chimera rumbles low in his throat. “Tell me something,” he asks, “I know the whole thing is usually not knowing who’s underneath. But you’d smell me from a mile away, I made sure of that.” Stiles flashes his golden eyes to prove his point. “So is it the mystery that does it for you? Or the fact that this mask in particular belonged to a killer?” With his claws out, Theo wraps his hand around his boyfriend’s throat, growling in approval at the jump in pulse. “That I used to be a killer?” 
Stiles’ eyes flicker again before he gulps, nodding in agreement. 
Holding steady, the chimera circles behind Stiles, bringing his boyfriend’s back flush with his chest. Sucking his teeth, Theo drops his voice to a cooed whisper, “does someone miss the danger?” Stiles whimpers. “Is reformed Theo not enough for you anymore? You want your monster back?”
“Please,” Stiles whimpers.
“I remember sparks flying everywhere,” he says before whipping them around, pinning his boyfriend to the wall, “fucking you by the first person you watched me kill.” Tearing through his shirt, growling when he realizes he can’t bite at Stiles like he wants to. That’s okay, just this shy of breaking skin, Theo rakes his claws down his boyfriend’s ribs, growling at the way Stiles arches his back. “What was it I did when I caught you following me in the woods the second time?” Theo quips, “oh, right,” he turns Stiles around, grabbing him by the hips to stick his ass out. 
“Theo,” Stiles gasps out, glowing eyes blazing. 
Slamming his hips forward, he presses his hard dick against his boyfriend’s ass, earning him a groan. Theo leans down, growling, “I bent you over a tree and reminded you who you belong to.” Stiles’ claws scratch lines into the paint, muttering a barely audible plea. “So needy already?” The chimera teases, trailing a clawed finger down his boyfriend’s spine. “I’ve barely touched you, angel.” 
“I’ve wanted you all day, Theo,” his boyfriend whines, “please.” 
“Is that why I could hear you touching yourself when I left for work this morning?” Theo chuckles darkly, “did you fuck yourself on your fingers thinking about me?” The chimera grinds against him again, watching vibrant golden eyes roll back. Before putting his claws away, Theo shreds the remainder of Stiles’ clothes, snickering at the way he gracelessly toes out of his shoes. “Get ‘em wet,” Theo instructs, pressing his fingers into his boyfriend’s open mouth. He growls softly at the feeling of Stiles sucking his fingers. 
Squatting down, Theo kneads the flesh of his boyfriend’s ass, slapping the skin over the goosebumps he’d created. “So pretty,” he admires the red tinge to the pale, mole dotted flesh. Testing the stretch, Theo chuckles, easily sliding two fingers past the ring of muscle. “I knew you’d still be open for me. Such a good little slut, aren’t you?” Stiles whimpers. “Yeah,” the Alpha teases, “you used more than your fingers this morning.”
“Fuck,” his boyfriend moans, legs shaking when Theo finds that bundle of nerves. That’s one of his favorite sights. “Theo, more, pl- shit,” Stiles cuts off on a guttural moan, the chimera having added a third finger, pumping faster and faster. He’s clenching so nicely around him. Just another second or two and- “Theo,” Stiles shudders, the salty scent of his cum filling the chimera’s nostrils. No doubt painting the door in front of him. 
“That’s it,” Theo rumbles in his chest. Removing his fingers, the chimera pulls his pants down to his knees. Lifting the mask just enough to spit into his palm, Theo lowers it back down, lubing his throbbing cock. “I want another one before I fill you up, angel,” the chimera growls, thrusting his cock in full hilt. The warmth of Stiles’ body wrapping around him is nothing short of heaven. And that’s coming from an Atheist. 
The other chimera whimpers, pushing his ass back against Theo. 
“Fuck,” he breathes out, pulling his hips back, “I’ll never get used to it.” Theo cups his boyfriend’s ass, watching his cock disappear inside his clenching hole. “Just too fucking good,” the chimera groans, pulling out just to slam back in. The way Stiles purrs his moan from the action is music to his ears. When he does it again, Theo adjusts his angle, ramming into the bundle of nerves with force, earning him a breathless chuckle from his boyfriend. 
“Says you,” Stiles hisses, Theo raking his claws against his ribs again. It gives his scent such a pretty twist to it. Filled with so much arousal that not even the mask can block it out. Theo gets all of it rushing straight to his brain springing his fangs out with the need to bite and claim. “Theo,” his boyfriend draws out his name on a whine at the punishing pace. 
He only laughs, reaching down to wrap his hand around Stiles’ throat and yank him up until their bodies are flush. “Don’t worry, angel,” Theo teases, “I know you like it too.” Tapping into his Alpha strength, Theo rails into him, jabbing his boyfriend’s prostate with every harsh thrust. Stiles’ moans rise in pitch and frequency, making the chimera laugh again. “You make such pretty noises. Too bad I can’t bite you until you scream again,” the Alpha says much to his own dismay. He’d love for Stiles to be six different shades right now. “Guess these will just have to do,” he says, pinching his claws into his boyfriend’s neck, fucking into him harder.
“Oh my god,” Stiles whispers, head thumping back on Theo’s shoulder. Submitting himself to the onslaught of thrusts from the chimera. It’s beautiful. Theo’s favorite thing to look at if he’s being honest. His boyfriend in complete ecstasy from his body alone. “Th-Theo, I’m gonna cum.”
“So cum,” the Alpha snarls, snapping his hips, “I want you to make yourself nice and messy before I fill you up.” Stiles mewls, reaching back to hold the chimera’s neck. His other hand drops to his leaking cock, but Theo smacks it away. “Mine,” he growls, grabbing his boyfriend’s dick and pumping quickly. Erratically, just the way Stiles likes it. His walls clench around the Alpha and Theo fights to keep his own orgasm from coming forth. 
Stiles growls, gritting his teeth before he cums with a cry, spraying his chest with pearly white ropes. “Theo, Theo, fuck,” he pants, the Alpha not even remotely stopping. Glad to see the flushed cheeks and swollen lips from biting them too hard. The glazed whiskey eyes and lazy grin. 
If he plays it right, he can squeeze one more out of the other chimera. And Theo will be damned if he doesn’t try. Slapping Stiles’ ass for good measure, Theo lets go. Claws pinching into his boyfriend’s hips as he just ruts into him. Stiles is surely sensitive and lit up like a livewire, but Theo wants one more. Always, “one more, angel. I know you can do it,” he coos at the other chimera’s whined moan. “Come on,” the Alpha snarls, panting underneath the mask. 
His boyfriend’s hand slams on the wall to stabilize himself, slumping from another orgasm pulsing through him. Theo howls his victory, “such a good slut,” he praises, thrusts faltering until he’s spilling his own release inside Stiles. The lewd sound filling the room, watching with red eyes as he fucks his cum back into his boyfriend. Slowing to a stop, Theo carefully pulls out, keeping his hold on Stiles so he doesn’t fall over. 
Yanking the mask off, Theo tosses it aside, finally getting a good look at the mess he’d created. Pride rushes through him and he scoops Stiles up into his arms, nipping at his boyfriend’s hammering pulse. “You did so good, angel, so good. I’m so proud of you,” Theo continues to whisper gentle praises to a very fucked out Stiles, carrying him up the stairs to take a shower. 
He’s very glad he bought the mask.
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mostly-vo1d · 4 years
Wait I have a steo wild hunt au that still gives us the why wouldn't I remember Stiles scene. Time travel.
Everything goes exactly as planned, the pack remembers and gets back Stiles. Stiles and Theo somehow end up fighting together when one of the riders gets both of them at the same time. But because magic is funny like that (read: whatever the dread doctors/the nogitsune did to them turns the hunt's train station dimension into wibbly wobbly timey wimey nonsense) they end up both alive 3 months earlier.
And promptly get taken separately by the wild hunt again.
So we not only get both of them being forgotten, we also get Theo being the one telling Stiles he was the only one who really remembered him.
#teen wolf#stiles stilinski#theo raeken#Steo#Also different train station angst: Stiles being oddly /comfortable/ there#This is before that conversation but Stiles knows they remembered him last time around#That even if it takes them longer it will still only be comparatively short for them#So all they can really do is wait it out because Stiles has already explored all 2point5 rooms of the station last time#And neither is/pretends to be unsettled enough to risk the portal again#Except that it's probably at least been a week for them and 'something should have happened by now'#Until then they've stayed away from actually talking about what happened and stuck to unimportant things#To keep away the boredom while waiting to be rescued#Now Theo tells Stiles what happened in BH since he came back#Either trying to gloss over That Scene because he's had a week to come to terms with the fact that the chance of them getting out is minima#(and he really doesn't want to be the person who makes Stiles lose faith in his friends /again/ after everything)#Or saving it for last because 'that clearly won't/hasn't worked so now what?'#And also 'what if our memories cancel each other out and no one remembers they're missing something in one direction or another?'#Idk if the pack does rescue them eventually or if they rescue themselves#(I refuse to let Theo go through the magical fire-y portal of doom)#Or if the wild hunt moves on to another town a few decades later and they only get out then#But the vibe at the end is#Slightly codependent because they're the only ones who really knew/remembered the other#And slightly distant to everyone else because no one is quite sure what to make of their change in dynamic
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yikes-xander · 4 years
yet again thinking about my boys theo and liam on this fine evening 🥰
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