regkatouargou · 21 days
What if… Diomedes had never thought about being a king… And Sthenelus knew he’d be a king since there was no one to succeed Iphis… So he asks Diomedes to be his therapon(I think I heard it was a term for a companion in arms but I don't know how to describe a private soldier that protects the royal?? person by their side?? Like the closest person to protect them)… But after he became a king and went to Troy he became a more powerful person than him… And he asked Sthenelus to be HIS therapon….
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milomeri · 1 year
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Agios Therapon Village
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little-cereal-draws · 4 months
I don't remember the word for the title of this position but I've decided that Polites was Odysseus' Patroclus. I don't mean in the romantic sense (tho I have no problem with that ship), I mean in the political/hierarchy of the palace sense.
Like how Patroclus slept in Achilles' room, went to his lessons, got to sit at the royal table during meals, etc bc he was Achilles' best friend and protected under that title. That's what I want for Polites and Odysseus
Edit: therapon was the word I was looking for!
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simsim54 · 11 months
There’s something incredibly endearing and heartwarming about the taller person in the relationship being the little spoon.
Like Achilles may be hailed as Aristos Achaion on the battlefield, but in the quiet of the night, behind all that bravado, there is left a man who felt safe only in the arms of his therapon, his beloved, Patroclus.
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epicthemusical · 2 months
what are your thoughts on how the epic trio (odysseus, eurylochus, polites) becoming friends? like how old were they when they met & what sparked the friendship?
hmm interesting question. I like to believe Polites was a lower status just a commoner that befriend Ody first and Ody eventually made him his Therapon while Polites is also his philos. If you don't know Therapon is basically an ancient Greek version of a knight. They are people royalty chooses( mostly princes) when they are fairly young and the role of a Therapon is to provide support, protection, and aid whenever it is needed. Their council and guard that will forever follow the one they are sworn to. Philos just means a very close and dear friend. Eury comes into the picture later after his father goes to meet with Ody father to negotiate and that's when they meet. The often see each other since the two kingdoms have a good relationship and they quickly become close friends. Of course they become even closer once Eury starts courting Ctimene, Ody sister.
I hope this rambling is fun to read and if you have any other questions feel free to ask! Also I don't really have specific ages for when they become friends so sorry about that lol
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kupidachillea · 5 months
Nereid Achilles HCs (+ you)
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🏺🐚In honour of MerMay that’s just around the corner- I’ve decided to yeet this at y’all. I know Achilles is already like half nereid or something but what if he was fully one? Plus what if he was courting you?🏺🐚
🏺-Nereid Achilles would probably act as he usually does, however I do think he’d be more calmer in some aspects.
🐚-Probably still the hotheaded, temperamental b@stard we all know but I match it up with how the sea itself acts. Can be calm and soothing or the things from nightmares.
🏺- There isn’t really a fixed ‘design’ on how a nereid would look but he’d still have his fiery golden hair and seafoam hazel eyes. You recognise them anywhere. His ears are pointed as expected and his teeth are sharp and more fang like.
🐚- His body is toned and a bit muscular too, probably from all that swimming he does and he has webbed fingers as well as pointed nails. He doesn’t exactly have scales but his skin does give off and iridescent shine to it as if to mimic the illusion of scales on parts of his body.
🏺- I’d like to think he would have those spine like fins on his back (I wish I knew what they were called), and have at least some form of bioluminescence on his body, whether it be freckles littering his body or on those fins on his back.
🐚- He keeps his hair long..sometimes it makes him look like a wet rat but sometimes it makes him look beautiful. There’s no in between.
🏺- Achilles loves hunting, anything that gets his adrenaline up. He loves the chase! From chasing food to chasing you .
🐚- If Achilles was courting you he’d probably be waiting by the shore each morning for you to show up. Nothing else catches his attention..he’s focused on waiting for you to show up.
🏺-When you do show up he’s ecstatic l a wide toothy grin on his face showing off his fangs while he smoothers you in a hug. Enjoying the feeling of your body heat while getting you soaked as well. If you get a little miffed from that he doesn’t mind. He finds it funny when you’re mad.
🐚- He often asks you to comb and braid his hair..for him it feels like a very intimate moment where you both could just chill and talk as the waves calm moves against the sand and over the rocks on the beach, he would talk about his day of swimming, hunting, and sparring while in turn listening to you and your day.
🏺- Achilles isn’t much of a ‘gift giver’ but for you, of course he is. He’d usually spend a good hour or so looking for something that would be a worthy treasure to grace his beloved with.
🐚- To your surprise he’d come back with strawberry top shells, conch shells, pearls- or on a special occasion- freaking Aquamarine. And he won’t take no for an answer so you have to take them.
🏺- When he’s not showering you with gifts he’s either being a sea pup or a lil brat sometimes- either way it just him showing how much he loves you by laying on top of you on warm sunny days and enjoying both the heat from the sun and you…he won’t let you go. I’m sorry.
🐚- On the odd occasion that he comes home with you he finds himself buried in your bed. Rolling up in a blanket like a little blanket burrito. His tail swishing slightly at the warm fabric and depending on the time when he comes over to your home..you’ll either be met with a wet blanket or a missing blanket (he has taken it with him.)
🏺- And don’t get me started on how jealous this man gets. Again..he’s not really a red flag..but..he has his moments. He doesn’t take kindly to people getting too friendly or touching with his darling. How he defines that? People talking to you for longer than 20 minutes when he’s around. In his mind- he should have all your attention. No one else.
🐚- He makes the expectation for Patroclus because he’s his therapon and friend, but like..anyone other than anyone he knows..it’s a big no no if it goes past the 20 minute and a half mark. You might want to set a few boundaries.
🏺- One odd thing he likes doing is poking your belly…why? You don’t know. He just loves to do it. Poking it and stroking it…resting his head on your belly and staring up at you with those sea foam hazel siren eyes. If you ask him why he’ll just tell you one thing. “You’re soft and I like that..”, probably due to the fact his body is a little bit more on the firmer side of things.
🪷🍵 Please consider liking, commenting and rebloging if you enjoyed it🍵🪷
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baejax-the-great · 4 months
Broken Oaths
Achilles x Patroclus | M | AO3
Automedon is waiting, leaning back on the wooden structure, arms folded over his chest. “You’ve upset a lot of people today,” he says, but he is smiling.
“I’ve only just woken up.”
Automedon pushes off the wall. “Yes, well, I don’t know what time you sneaked back into camp last night, but there were bets going about how long before you ran off, and after you left so early yesterday, people had paid up. Now the winners have to give it all back. There’s been a lot of grumbling.”
Patroclus’s mood darkens. He looks over his shoulder to find furtive glances being sent his way, one man nudging another on the shoulder and nodding at him, another shaking his head and clearly cursing. Why do they all care? “I didn’t know anyone was watching me that closely.”
“Achilles’ old therapon? Dragged back from wherever the hell he was and penned up and now released?”
“Should I juggle for you all next?” he snaps.
“Can you?” Automedon asks, though his cheerful smile dims against Patroclus’s sharpness. “I think most people are just curious.” He shrugs. “Most of us remember how the first time… well, it was like you vanished.”
“Vanished,” Patroclus repeats softly. That is what it felt like to him. In one day, his entire life just vanished. He stepped aboard that boat and lost it all, watched it fade into the horizon as the wind took him away. “May you never learn what that’s like,” he mutters.
Read the rest here | Start from the beginning
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johaerys-writes · 6 months
Pat is HUNG and I won't have it any otherwise. Delighted to meet someone who has the same opinion! I really enjoy your Tumblr posts btw.
Oh I KNOW that Pat is hung. And here is the evidence (the sacred texts, if you will)
Behold exhibit A:
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Achilles, what are you looking at, hmm? It can't be your bestie's CONSIDERABLE package, can it?
Exhibit B:
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Oh yes tell us again how much you like your bf's monster schlong, bb boy
Exhibit C:
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Dreamt of what? His therapon's IMPRESSIVE manhood and might, you say? *furiously taking notes*
Exhibit D:
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Okay this is talking about Patroclus' thighs, which are also worth a mention (or three) but we ALL know what is truly being talked about here
Once again, I rest my case 😌
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marsdeathdefiances · 1 year
Patroclus: *after Achilles makes him his therapon* Thanks. I owe you one.
Achilles: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
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lyculuscaelus · 2 months
Astronomical Greek mythology shenanigans #1
588 Achilles found himself staring into the darkness that was known as space.
He felt so alive, once again. And he was glad that death had not erased even a bit of his memories. He still remembered how he went under the training of Chiron—now a constellation of stars over there, going by the name “Centaurus”—an honor to the great mentor of heroes; he remembered how his mother disguised him as a girl, sending him among Skyros where his identity could be hidden; he remembered how he fought under the city of Troy, earning great honor and fame until the irascible Atreïdes, shepherd of people, took away what belonged to him, dishonoring the prideful Peleïades…
Speaking of whom, 588 Achilles could now see 911 Agamemnon talking to his a close friend 3564 Talthybius, the loyal herald of Agamemnon. Somewhere above them, the great Cretan king 2759 Idomeneus was engaged in a conversation with his companion 3596 Meriones, and 659 Nestor—that Geranian noble horseman. 588 Achilles did not find either 1437 Diomedes or 1143 Odysseus anywhere—no doubt these two were once again getting up to some mischief…
But he did not find his Patroclus anywhere.
Where could he be? Roaming around in the Greek camp, 588 Achilles still couldn’t find any sign of his therapon, which was unnerving him even more. He did managed to drop by and exchange greetings with his good cousin 1404 Ajax, and he did see most of the Greek camp entertaining themselves with conversations and songs conducted through dust and radiation of various frequencies, during this one and only leisure time of theirs. But still, there was no sign of his best friend.
And then 588 Achilles remembered how Patroclus died. At least, what Antilochus told him of.
A shove by the god. A lance through his chest. A spear in his torso—then on the ground you lay, struggling for breath, with your last strength you whispered a curse, for the one that held fast.
“A curse fulfilled by myself,” 588 Achilles murmured. Why did it feel like it had happened so long ago? 588 Achilles continued to drift forward, trying to look for an answer to all this.
About sixty degrees behind him, the great Jupiter—known as Zeus to them all—kept watching over everything. The Great Red Spot in his grandiose realm continued to brew, wielding storms and lightning on the gas giant, as if a huge eye of the wide-seeing god was holding its glare over both camps or either or none, keeping their fortune and fate in check.
Speaking of which…shouldn’t I be dead already?
588 Achilles looked at his own physical form, feeling so lost. No longer could he feel the hands that were to grasp his spear and shield—not without effort. He didn’t see his armor either—maybe this piece of rock will become what he was—he had no idea. So…is this what death feels like? Adrift in deep space, with other souls that are either dead or alive—but still we are together, the great league of Achaeans, conversing all these feats and sufferings we have experienced in our lifetime?
But then, he saw 3793 Leonteus drifting towards him, almost on a course of collision before the Thessalian soldier spun wildly, converting most of his translational kinetic energy into rotational energy. But then, he accelerated, trying to synchronize with 588 Achilles. And when he did, 588 Achilles asked. “What is it that brings you here, noble son of Coronus?”
“Achilles, we have found something,” 3793 Leonteus began. “Someone, actually. Hiding among a group of soilders, but we know his face almost immediately.”
“Where?” 588 Achilles blurted. “Take me to him, now.”
“He’s right here,” 3793 Leonteus pointed to their right hand side.
And there 588 Achilles saw him. It was rage that came before his disappointment, as 588 Achilles glared at this Trojan, the one he hated the most, the one he had once had his vengeance upon—the one that had landed the last blow to his dear friend, Patroclus.
588 Achilles barely heard 3793 Leonteus’s words through the radio waves—the closest thing he had to a whisper—“a spy”.
For he was already charging towards the huge form of 624 Hektor.
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milomeri · 1 year
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Agios Therapon Village
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babyrdie · 2 months
Think about a universe in which there was no Trojan War!! Which Trojan x Achaean characters do you think could have been friends?
Patroclus and Hector are both horse girls who are tired of trying to be responsible, with a lot of potential for accidentally making funny scenes and killing a lot of people if necessary. So maybe?
A third person would likely have to initiate the interaction, though. I can't imagine Patroclus purposefully going out of his way to interact with a prince he's not close to, and I can't imagine Hector purposefully deciding to interact with the prince's partner instead of the prince himself (Achilles). And I don't mean that in the sense of Hector being a snob, but for the two of them to be in the same place outside of a war context it would have to be in a diplomatic context. If Achilles is the one sent to Troy, you'd expect the Trojan family to focus mainly on Achilles. If Hector is the one sent to Phthia, you'd expect Hector to focus on Peleus and Achilles, and Peleus and Achilles to focus on Hector.
But SUPPOSING they interact, as said…they're tired horse girls with the potential to be unpredictable at times. I think they could have an interesting interaction. If Hector went to Phthia, I think he would come back from there and the Trojans would be waiting anxiously for him to tell them how beautiful the landscape is, how rich the palace is, what the so-called demigod son of Thetis looks like, etc and he would say something like "The prince's therapon showed me the immortal horses! They're incredible" with such enthusiasm, as if he had seen the most beautiful of miracles, that they wouldn't even be upset Hector had decided to report this as the most interesting thing first.
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magicalmyths · 2 months
idk if you know what a therapon and philos are but basically a therapon is someone that royalty chooses when they are young as like their attendant. Therapons are to always be with them almost like a second shadow and is expected to help in any way, to give their lives if necessary. They protect them, keep them company, and gives advice when needed its basically ancient greek version of a knight. Philos is just what they call their closest friend
polites is both ody therapon and philos for sure
okay yes definitely
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Welcome to Condoria.
character bios after the cut.
Alexis Ivers (21 she/her): An escapee surprisingly untouched by her time in Zulos.  To some recklessly brave, to others bravely reckless. Quick to action to the point of carelessness, Alexis has fought and clawed her way in and out of trouble. She is the youngest member of The Council of Chroma and next in line to be Head Chairman. The current Head Chairman is her uncle Wizamar Ivers. STATUS: ALIVE
Philo Ivers (16 He/they):The younger brother of Alexis, Philo isn’t as strong or aggressive as their sister, but he’s still finding ways to help. He’s clever and loyal to the cause. Philo can’t help but wonder if they could be doing more to aid the fight against Zulos. STATUS: ALIVE
Therapon (23, He/him) known as “Ther” by most, Therapon is a close friend of Alexis and the beloved of Floren. He escaped with Alexis on that fateful night seven years ago. A tinkerer at heart, Therapon has made several, key developments that changed the way of life in Chroma. STATUS: ALIVE
Floren Wardell (21, He/him) Therapon’s dear “bug” is a mind-stalker, specifically an Insectoid mind-stalker. Mind-stalkers are peculiar humanoid creatures with  telepathic abilities. They are viewed in Zulos as tools for the Twin Kings’ court as human lie detectors and such; Tools rather than people. Floren escaped from this horrible fate and his father alongside Therapon and Alexis. STATUS: ALIVE
S24P0 (16, They/them) the first escaped Aetheris- humanoids with feathered wings, lion’s tails, and clawed fingers-in 50 years. In Zulos his kind are expiremented on or forced to do manual labor. Scared and confused, S24P0 has to navigate a world unfamiliar and strange. Before his first escape attempt, he hadn’t even seen the outside before.  STATUS: ALIVE
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anixknowsnothin · 1 year
A while back, I was given this project to write a poem on anything I wanted and at that time, I had just finished reading The Song of Achilles. Long story short, I wrote a poem inspired by the book and Achilles' response to Patroclus death which my friend convinced me to post so yea (feedback is appreciated) The Death of Patroclus
I screamed. The ground slipped under my feet. My head was underwater And I felt incomplete I cried. For now, I’ll only spend lonely nights Without him by my side My therapon, my best friend, the one I truly loved Why! Why out of all people, he died I raged. He was taken away from me! If only I wasn’t so foolish and ignorant I wouldn’t have to live the rest of my days in misery
credits to @starryalpacasstuff for helping me with the last two lines <3
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baejax-the-great · 6 months
Dares Phrygius has something rare to see, and by that I mean a more "objective" physical description of Patroclus.
Patroclus was handsome and powerfully built. His yes were gray. He was modest, dependable, wise, a man richly endowed.
Since you recently received a question about your opinion on the appearance of Pat and Achilles, I'll continue with the topic. What do you think of the gray-eyed Patroclus?
I mean, Phrygius was a liar full stop. Wasn't he a Roman? His work is dated to around 1500 years after the Trojan war happened, so maybe he saw it all in a dream?
But as a creative writer, he's allowed to make anyone's eyes any color he wants. Hell, give our favorite therapon purple eyes because he's the most specialist boy in camp.
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