#there are a lot of reasons to kill a character ESPECIALLY in horror
grimmgrinningghouls · 6 months
ngl I'm rewatching fear street again and Kate and Simons deaths felt so...off I guess? like I think the deli cutter kill is insane and really cool, but it felt more like they died for shock value then anything.
I get it, its a horror movie, a borderline slasher at that, but their deaths felt more like "haha surprise!!!! We got you didn't we?!?" then anything else. And its not like they didn't have a role for them, I can easily see them both fitting into the story later on.
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chosolala · 3 months
please make toji headcannons !!!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ toji headcannons
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sorry this took so long anon :[ but here u go!!
here are just some of my silly little toji headcannons (mostly relationship stuff)
his love language would probably be physical touch so whenever he can he would just have an arm around or be cuddled up to you
also has a hard time voicing his emotions so when he’s feeling negative he literally just comes up behind you and hugs you
whenever he gets paid from missions and stuff he always takes you on vacations, weather it’s to a foreign country or just a nice hotel in the city :]
not to be weird but i feel like he’s a d1 freak 😭😭
probably pretends not to like watching your shows (like any cartoon or reality tv) with you but asks you to put them on
sleeps in stupid graphic pajama pants, like he has coca-cola logo pajama pants for some reason
the type of guy to ask you to come to the living room to hand him the remote (it’s literally a foot away from him)
probably a really good cook if he actually puts energy into it
the type of guy to ruin every picture he’s in bc of that smile (im so sorry)
whenever he gets paid he comes home with new clothes for you that shiu helped him pick (even if you don’t like most of it A+ for effort :]
he’s a night owl, he’ll stay up late with you but he can never sleep in, his body doesn’t let him
whenever you’re tired he carries your purse for you like proudly on his shoulder and everything (don’t be shocked if you get it back a few dollars short)
if you’re really really tired he just picks you up with ease and carries you home
he’s really into conspiracy theories, even if he doesn’t believe them he shares them to freak people out
tried to convince shiu that the earth was flat and they genuinely got into a fight over it
oddly good at like handy man stuff, broken toilet? tojis on it. water pressure off? tojis coming with his tool box
very street smart :3
he’s only able to fall asleep if he can feel that you’re near him
he wears headbands sometimes to keep his hair out of his face
laughs at horror movies when the dumb main character gets killed (everyone saw it coming)
sometimes he randomly goes from joking around with you to really serious and he only does it to freak you out, he’s fighting back his laughing
curses a lot when he talks even when he doesn’t need to and especially when he shouldn’t loll
he feeds stray animals but very sneakily because he doesn’t want anyone to catch him and think he’s soft
the type of guy to hand you an empty bag of chips and be like “here you can have the rest”
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sie-rui · 9 months
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❀ SISTER, SISTER (REWRITE) | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 sano family 💿  female reader, second pov (you/your), angst and fluff, hurt / comfort, family, platonic relationship, implied soulmates, tw: canonical character death, au - canon divergence, timeline: pre-canon (headcanon), timeline: pre-moebius (imagine), headcanon + imagine 📅 july 21, 2021 🎙️ i accidentally deleted this. i had to rewrite… if someone has the original copy, please i beg of you, SEND it to me. i don’t really care if you plagiarized it or something, just give me the copy i beg. I had a breakdown because of this. 🔗 masterlist ,, parts: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Sano Shinichiro’s best friend isn’t just his platonic soulmate, they’re also his younger sibling’s older sister.
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☆ Sano Shinichiro has a lot of tight-knit relationships (4lifers, some may say), but there is one that everyone unanimously agreed was his closest one.
☆ It was a wonder to some how the two of you become such close companions. To some, after seeing Sano Shinichiro with you, they easily understood.
☆ Meeting in school as his underclassman, it didn’t take long for you to get roped into his gang’s bullshit. It wasn’t that you were an official member but you were definitely someone. Someone to Sano Shinichiro. Someone.
☆ Sano Shinichiro is batshit crazy, especially during his younger years. It just so happened that you were crazy as well.
☆ In high school, you guys were definitely uncontrollable. Whatever Shinichiro did, you tagged along.
☆ As you grew older, the both of you were definitely calmer, outgrowing that childish recklessness the both of you had always shared.
☆ It was love. Not romantically, but it was love. The kind of love that Shinichiro was sure that in some other universe, the two of you were together as well.
☆ When someone tried insinuating that the two of you could start dating each other, the response was instant.
“With this asshole?” “With this bitch?”
☆ Shinichiro wonders if the reason why he’s always getting rejected by girls is because you’re always with him. You scoffed.
“Trust me, it’s not me. They just don’t like you.” “I have a great personality!” “Well your face isn’t that great.”
☆ Once Shin introduced you to his family, it was all over.
☆ Mikey had no reaction to your presence in the house at the start, blatantly ignoring you, giving you dead-eyes. You coddled on him, to his chagrin.
☆ Emma, on the other hand, adored you. To the point that Shinichiro and Manjiro wondered if this was really their sister.
☆ You managed to bribe Mikey with sweets. Not that you needed to because when he saw you picking on Shinichiro, he loved you already.
☆ As much as they want you to be a part of the family officially, they begged you not to marry their brother.
“Honestly, you can do better, Y/n-nee.” “Yeah. Shinichiro isn’t worth it.” “I’m right here?!” “We know.”
☆ Shinichiro thinks that they love you more than they love him. He doesn’t quite mind.
☆ Keisuke is Manjiro’s… friend, if you can even call him that. Mikey beats him up for fun. (In his defense, Baji asks for it.)
☆ It was only when you saw Manjiro literally kick a guy twice his size on the face, knocking them out cold, did you realize that this kid could literally kill you.
“Is Manjiro safe?” “Why are you saying that as if he’s some dog?”
☆ You love the kid, either way.
☆ You’d defend him from whatever happens. But if it’s a fight, you’re dropping out. Fuck no. Mikey can fight for himself. (If anything, you’re the one getting beat up.)
“Y/n-nee, Shinichiro hit me!” “Shin, don’t hit him! That was too hard.” “Why are you taking his side?!” “He brought home snacks for me and you’ve been pissing me off lately.”
☆ It does weird you out how he laughs at horror movies when the four of you watch at home, though. Everyone is screaming. You don’t know if he’s laughing at the gory scene on the television or at everyone’s reaction.
☆ Movie nights with the Sano family start during the afternoon because everyone wants a chance to pick a movie. 
☆ Sometimes, you get suspicious of Shinichiro disappearing randomly. He doesn’t answer your calls, nor his siblings’. When he comes back and you ask him to explain, he just grins at you and ruffles your hair. Asshole.
“It’s a secret.”
☆ It was supposed to be shopping with Emma but three people were tagging along, acting as if it was a coincidence, because they wanted attention from you as well.
☆ It would be a bloodbath. Emma wants to go shopping, Shinichiro wants to go to the arcade, Mikey wants to go home, Keisuke wants to go to a pet shop. 
☆ You want to go to the movies. That’s impossible because you’d never get to pick the movie you want to watch.
☆ When you get home, everyone is knocked out tired. After a whole day of complaining and fighting, you didn’t expect anything else. (You were also half-dead on the couch after all.)
☆ You stay over so much at Sano's house that you’re basically a member of that household. Their grandfather doesn’t quite mind.
☆ Their grandfather appreciates your presence in the house. It seems as if it has been livelier with you around. He doesn’t mind the noise.
☆ He  doesn’t quite understand how you can stand his grandchildren. For one, his eldest, Sano Shinichiro is running around, creating a gang and picking fights and getting his ass handed to him. Manjiro started calling himself some name, is addicted to fights, and refuses to learn anything else because apparently he’s going to take over Tokyo or something. Emma is… Well, that child seems to hate everyone. Then, there’s also Mikey’s friend, Keisuke. He doesn’t even have to say anything about that kid.
☆ He finally understood when he saw you laughing as you watched Keisuke and Manjiro get chased by wild dogs.
“She’s just as insane as them.”
☆ He says all of that but he loves all four of his grandchildren.
☆ Sometimes, it felt like you lived in that house more than your own. Shinichiro’s room is yours. (He did not agree to this. You sleep on his bed anyway.)
☆ Emma loves playing with your hair and styling it. She complains that her brothers’ hairs are too short. (That’s part of the reason why Mikey grew his out.)
☆ She also learned cooking from you. Honestly, you don’t know how they survived this long. The only thing Shinichiro can cook is curry and it’s shit.
“Shinichiro’s cooking sucks.” “You brat! Try starving!” “Instead of eating your food? Gladly.”
☆ Shinichiro annoys you to teach him how to cook better as well. Emma told him to get out of her kitchen.
☆ Mikey has this habit of judging people. He will blackmail you even before he learns the word blackmail. Be careful.
☆ Emma also has a bit of judging people, specifically her brothers. More specifically, Shinichiro’s sense of style and Manjiro’s inability to eat anything that isn’t sweet. She says that’s why he’s so stupid, his brain is filled with sugar.
☆ You can tell that the kids love each other so much though. You just hope that they can show that… properly.
☆ Shinichiro loves taking videos of everything, he uses this camcorder that was gifted to him years ago, on his 7th birthday. He has a shelf of tapes in his room. Later down the row, your videos were in the Sano Family Collection.
☆ It’s always noisy at that house. But it’s expected as it is home to five people.
☆ It only became silent when Shinichiro died.
☆ Everything was different after Shinichiro died. 
☆ On the night he died, that was the one night you chose to laugh at him when he asked if you wanted to stay at the shop with him to help fix up Mikey’s birthday gift for tomorrow.
“Hey, Y/n! You better be there for Mikey’s birthday tomorrow.” “How could I not go to my favorite Sano’s birthday?” “I thought that I was your favorite Sano- Don’t laugh!” “Goodnight, Shin.”
☆ Manjiro called you an hour later; that was your last conversation with Shinichiro.
☆ Of course, it hurt you. How could it not? Almost ten years of your life was spent with him, from high school until adulthood. He was family. He was someone. He was Shinichiro.
☆ Sometimes, it felt like a part of you died with him that night.
☆ But you had to be strong. Mikey and Emma were lost, confused, and they were looking at you. How could you show them that you didn’t feel like yourself anymore?
☆ You put on a smile, hardened yourself, and took care of them. They were your kids as much as they were Shinichiro’s.
☆ You spend the nights crying.
☆ Emma refused to leave your side. She cried when you even tried stepping out of the house’s door.
☆ Mikey never left his room the days that followed Shinichiro’s death. He barely ate, the meals you left outside his door barely eaten. You had to beg him to go out of his room on the day of the funeral. He almost didn’t come.
“Mikey, please. Please. Go see your brother before he has to go. Please, Manjiro.”
☆ You cried outside his door that morning. Begging him.
☆ He came out, eyes red, lips pursed.
☆ The funeral was attended by family, friends, members, people whose lives were changed because of Shinichiro. You find that in funerals, you can see how good of a person the deceased is from the people that visit.
☆ You had no tears left to cry during the funeral, even when people came to pat your shoulder and tell you that he was a good person. You knew that. Shinichiro is a good person. They didn’t have to tell you.
☆ You caught a glance of a boy with light hair standing at the very back. You didn’t recognize him but something was pulling you to him. He left before you could approach him.
☆ The first night after Shinichiro was laid down on his final resting place, you found yourself on the couch in the living room.
☆ That night was the hardest you ever cried for Sano Shinichiro.
☆ The silence was unbearable. 
☆ It took so long to finally stop shedding tears over the dead. When you realized that you stopped crying for him, it made you break down even more.
☆ You couldn’t understand how Mikey and Emma manage to go about their day as if nothing was wrong. How they declined therapy, or seeing someone. 
☆ You never knew that it was because you were right there. They could act as if nothing was wrong because you were still there.
☆ Sometimes, you just want to run away and never look back. To forget about Shinichiro, about Mikey, Emma, their whole bloodline. It was heavy. It was so heavy. But you didn’t.
☆ That was love.
☆ But it was Mikey and Emma who insisted that you take the job offer overseas.
“We’ll be fine here, Y/n-nee.” “Yeah, we’re not babies. We can take care of ourselves just fine.” “Well, I can. Mikey can’t.” “Hey!”
☆ Your eyes were teary when you packed your bags and left, promising them that it would only be for a while, that you’d come back soon.
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“They’re at their little meeting.”
You feel the breeze caress your skin, like an old friend greeting you home. Shibuya never changed in the years that you were gone. From their grandfather’s words, it seemed like the Sano siblings didn’t change as well. Seriously, why is the meeting still at night?
You just came back to Japan and the very first place that you went was, of course, home. The Sano Household. Only to find out that the two kids that you were planning to surprise weren't even there.
Their grandfather had welcomed you warmly like you were his own grandchild, telling you that as usual, they were out having a little meeting. You thanked him, leaving your bags, before finding yourself in the cold once more.
You were unofficially officially tasked to drag them home.
Mikey you can understand, but Emma? Why in the world is she hanging out with her brother? In her brother’s meeting? In her brother’s gang meeting? You wondered if starting or being in gangs was in the bloodline. It’s as if the Sano Siblings were destined to trouble, as if they’d get sick if they aren’t fighting something.
You adjust the plastic bag on your wrist. You bought some ingredients for dorayaki, planning on spending the night to make some with the siblings because you know that Manjiro wouldn’t be able to wait until tomorrow.
God, I love these kids too much.
The silence of the night was peaceful.
The silence of the night was broken by bellowing. 
“Who in the world is screaming in the dead of the night?”
You sighed, starting your trek up the steps of Musashi shrine. It wasn’t until midway did you finally start to recognize that voice. “Manjiro?” What the fuck.
Hurrying to the top, the shrine was crowded by rows of black uniforms, young teens in lines looking up at the shrine where the familiar strands of blond stood. You blink.
For a second, you saw Black Dragon. 
For a second, you saw Sano Shinichiro.
You couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips, unheard in the midst of one Sano Manjiro’s yelling. Last you heard, there were barely 10 guys in the Tokyo Manji Gang. To think that that snotty brat who refused to eat anything that isn’t sweet is leading such a huge group, is succeeding in his once little dream.
Manjiro looked like Shinichiro, you realize, standing at the very back.
You shook yourself out of your stupor. No. You refuse to let yourself walk backwards, to let yourself see things that aren’t there, to remember moments long past.
Emma is standing off to the side with a cute girl beside her. At least she didn’t seem to be a part of the gang, wearing civilian clothes that you hoped was keeping her warm. You don’t want her getting sick. You march forward, ignoring the looks sent your way by the members as they try to stop you.
Without a pause, you start matching Manjiro’s screaming just as Emma starts, “Y/n-nee!-”
“Shut the hell up, Sano Manjiro!”
The silence of the night returns.
Wide obsidian eyes stare into your as you stand at the very front, at the bottom of the stairs where Mikey stood. “It is eleven in the fucking evening. Everyone is asleep. None of your members are talking. So tell me, why the fuck are you screaming?!”
There were murmurs behind you. He doesn’t seem to mind, a grin splitting his face, the cold mask he was wearing breaking as he jumps down, skipping steps. “Y/n-nee!”
“We’re going home!”
You step to the side, letting him land on the space where you once were, knowing that you were going to get tackled if you hadn’t dodge. Mikey is unnerved, simply turning around and jumping on you, arm hitting your throat.
Draken looked exasperated, knowing that the President wasn’t going to go back to whatever he was saying and it was up to him to adjourn for the night.
“You’re back!” He looks at the plastic bag. “ARE THOSE FOR DORAYAKI?!”
“Nuh-uh! Go back up there and finish your little club meeting.”
“But Ken-chin-”
Mikey pouts as he gets pushed off of you. Ken gives you a thankful look as if you were an angel sent by the heavens to rein their spontaneous boss back. “Let’s go, Emma,” you call to the girl already hurrying over.
You turn your back to Mikey, grabbing Emma’s hand as she looks at you with wide eyes, a growing smile on her lips. Seriously, screaming at 11 in the evening at a shrine where no one is talking? You worry for Mikey sometimes. 
“Keisuke, you’re invited as well,” you tell the boy in passing, glancing at the blond beside him. “Bring your pretty friend over as well.”
“Y/n-nee, when did you come back?”
You smile at her. “Just now.”
“And you headed straight here?”
Technically, no. You headed home. “Where else would I go if not to you and Mikey?”
It's just that your home is the Sano Family.
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wonderfull-star · 3 months
I don't know about the others but Horrortale has always been my favorite au. And one of the reasons is that it is essentially a continuation of one of the neutral endings of Undertale. Therefore, in essence, this au can even partially be called canon, since we learned a brief backstory of Horrortale in Undertale itself. And the continuation of this whole story is the guess of the author(of Horrortale,Sour-Apple Studios) about how this neutral ending will continue. I think Horrortale is one of those universes that Toby Fox might like. If Frisk really hadn’t reset and just returned home, then the Horrortale au would have officially began(even though it’s a fan-made sequel of one of neutral endings).
And this is not even the main reason why I adore this universe. The LORE. I absolutely love how everything smoothly transitions from a scary atmosphere into a dramatic one, showing the agony, fear and hopelessness all the monsters went through. And I like how Aliza understands this and tries to help them all. She's not just the stupid, scared girl the fandom makes her out to be, and I love that. The way the images of the characters change and the background takes on dark tones makes us feel bad for the monsters. And in general, I wonder what will happen to Aliza next, whether there will be different endings, whether the monsters will ever come to the surface. Imagine if they really succeed and they meet already grown-up Frisk (who is probably about 16 years old). By the way, I also like to imagine that Aliza exists in Undertale itself and she is only 5 years old there.
I also liked how Sans was presented in this au. At first he was shown as an unstable psycho who would immediately lash out if you looked at him in wrong way. And then to find out that in fact Sans is not entirely like that and makes sure that his brother and the others in Snowdin do not die of hunger. While he himself was starving for 7 years. Which made him even more crazy.
So when I look at Horror on the “Bad Guys” team, I think: “Maybe it’s not so bad?”. Dust and Killer literally killed everyone including their brother, while in Horror’s au many are at least alive and he definitely would not touch monsters (at least those close to him, for example like Grillby,Politics Bear, Drunk Bunny and Dogaressa), especially his brother. No matter what, he always tried to hold back, which is why his psychosis grew. This makes him different from the rest of the team. Therefore, I think that like Dust and Cross, Horror joined Nightmare only for a specific purpose, while he himself most likely does not like him. However, that doesn't stop me from imagining them all as "family." This makes me think that over time Horror Sans got used to Nightmare and began to see something good in him (even if it may just be a figment of his imagination). Yes, in my mind Nightmare and the rest of his team are canon in Horrortale universe and Papyrus knows about them. At first he had a lot of questions about this, but then he simply came to terms with all the oddities of his brother. The rest of the monsters of Snowdin do not know about bad guys, just sometimes noticing dark tentacles appearing out of nowhere. Imagine if Aliza finds out about other versions of Sans. I think she will be overcome with great horror.
I don't know why, but somehow Bad Guys’s canon presence in Horrortale au makes sense to me (especially Nightmare). Maybe because of their creepy design (Nightmare is basically a walking octopus covered in dark liquid). And also the knowledge that Horror Sans hides a lot more than many in his au think. After all, it’s really creepy to see someone’s copies at one moment, isn’t it?
I also like how Horror always so slays in every edits. Especially with phonk music 👌
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My interpretation of Itachi's character is fairly contrasting with yours. I pose my arguments against your analysis. I hope I would get a lead unto having an unbiased opinion.
Itachi's position in here between was a rock and a hard place. Having witnessed horrors of wars he chose to the stop war. It wasn't the best decision but even still he accomplished many things.
A new Forth Great Ninja war was prevented. Uchihas plan wasn't to reform the government it was to take control of them. Their desires were clearly reflected in their demands. While half of them was about freedom, the rest was only to control village. This, along with Obito's plan for revenge and war, will definitely start a war.
Madara, with the pact, was foiled for more than seven years long enough for the strong Shinobis like Naruto and Sasuke to grow up and defeat him.
Sasuke's life was saved. Itachi would go at all lengths to protect his brother. Afterall, its only obvious he would be over-protective of Sasuke since both loved each other a lot(as siblings).
The Uchiha's reputation were saved. Imagine what would have happened to the Uchihas after the war. The people were already suspicious of the Uchihas and now we will have never ending persecution and would be branded as traitors, doesn't matter if the coup won or lost. The coup wasn't about reforming anyway.
People in the village got to be safe too.
And despite all these he still regretted a lot enough that he wanted the person he adored the most to kill him. Also, no one here is trying to justify his action. A justification and a reason has a clear distinction. Just because there was a reason it doesn't make the acts were justified. He himself acknowledged that. The writer didn't try to justify nor did Itachi himself. People like, Hashirama and Naruto, appreciated the role he played and praised him as a Shinobi.(being seen as a villan while protecting the people isn't easy, btw). They weren't justifying or glorifying his actions in any instance.
He wasn't an absolute nationalist. He he was an idealist. His motivations most cases(especially while making big decisions)were to 'not beget war' and 'maintain peace'. Doesn't matter if Uchihas managed to control the village it still starts war, death, destruction and countless losses which is exactly what Itachi hated from when he was 4. He also wanted to reform the village by becoming a Hokage. He wanted to wiped out the entire ninja system since ninjas were the ones who were used as a weapon for the Diamoyo start constant wars. The Leaf was sort of obnoxious in the time of Tobirama and Hiruzen's regime. But even still, the Hokages were good and passionate and also the people were innocent.
A new Forth Great Ninja war was prevented. Uchihas plan wasn't to reform the government it was to take control of them. Their desires were clearly reflected in their demands. While half of them was about freedom, the rest was only to control village. This, along with Obito's plan for revenge and war, will definitely start a war.
How do you even know it was prevented? Shisui stating that hidden villages will take advantage of Konoha’s civil war to invade was just a fear that was actually constantly proven wrong throughout the series; when Suna invaded and Konoha was destroyed (forcing it to send their most powerful shinobi out of the village to collect money) no other village took advantage of the situation, not even Kumo or Iwa, two of the big five that were not struggling politically or militarily as Suna, Kiri and Konoha were. Kumogakure even tried to kidnap Hinata while in the middle of signing a peace treaty, yet they did nothing against the Hyüga clan nor the village during one of their most vulnerable state.
Furthermore, you mean to tell me that a civil war (I am using that notion generously because Konoha is a military state with a non-civilian population, specifically trained for combat) destabilizes the military and economic power of a city, yet the complete disappearance overnight of one of the village's founding and most powerful clans does nothing to its structure? Other villages wouldn’t see the absence of Sharingan-wielders as an enticing opportunity to strike? Do you mean to tell me that a village was left without police to control it overnight (and their job is considered super important by detractors), yet the city did not succumb to chaos?
Their desires were clearly reflected in their demands.
What were their demands? Enlighten me.
While half of them was about freedom, the rest was only to control village.
Where do you get this information from? There’s nothing of the sort stated in the manga.
This, along with Obito's plan for revenge and war, will definitely start a war.
Obito’s plan needed the annihilation of the Sharingan-wielders as he didn’t want anyone capable of obtaining the Mangekyou to jeopardize his plan to control the ten-tails, Itachi killing the Uchiha literally allowed Obito to start the war!! 
Madara, with the pact, was foiled for more than seven years long enough for the strong Shinobis like Naruto and Sasuke to grow up and defeat him.
… what? This doesn’t make any sense and has nothing to do with Itachi… you mean to tell me that Itachi killing his clan made Sasuke as powerful as he is? Because Sasuke has always been powerful and has always been Indra’s transmigrant, and as I’ve said, Obito wouldn’t have been able to initiate the war (or at least would’ve been incredibly difficult for him) with the Uchiha clan still alive!
Sasuke's life was saved. Itachi would go at all lengths to protect his brother. Afterall, its only obvious he would be over-protective of Sasuke since both loved each other a lot(as siblings).
An eight-year-old was tortured mentally by his brother through Tsukuyomi by watching his clan and parents get killed over and over again, was left to live alone in a compound destroyed by his brother’s actions, having to clean his parents’ own blood and fend for himself –but at least he’s alive… the circumstances and solitude in which he grew is abysmal, traumatic, negligent and inhumane, but we don’t care as much about children’s safety as we do children being just alive.
There were other children in that compound, children that knew nothing of and participated not in the coup to which Itachi didn’t extend the same kindness he did his brother.
The Uchiha's reputation were saved. Imagine what would have happened to the Uchihas after the war. The people were already suspicious of the Uchihas and now we will have never ending persecution and would be branded as traitors, doesn't matter if the coup won or lost. The coup wasn't about reforming anyway.
What “reputation”? The Uchiha were always constructed under a negative light within Tobirama’s system, you lot keep saying they were saved from being seen as detractors when there’s not a single panel that states they were planning to change the system as a whole (rather take down the current government, which is not the same).
Furthermore, to think that they cared about the rest of the population's mindset regarding them is so incredibly simplistic I have to laugh at it –they’re the strongest clan in the village, without Uchiha, there’d have been no village in the first place, and they were already aware of the unfavorable perspective in which they were regarded by others, nothing in itself would’ve changed.
The Uchiha being seen as loyal to the village helped no one but the current system as it is, as they’re seen as a government without opposition, it wasn’t about maintaining the Uchiha’s honor, but keeping the fragile credit of the structure and those in power -if Uchiha died in their own terms, then other clans will know about the clan’s discomfort with the current mindset, and those that feel uncomfortable with it might find a group that validates such sentiments:
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Kakashi admits to being uncomfortable with the way he's viewed by the system, he even uses plural when referring to ninja ("we ninja") -meaning there's a communal uneasiness with the whole situation.
The fact that the government silenced detractors (Uchiha) by killing them will only deepen further the general shinobi population's discomfort, which is why is imperative to silence the truth.
[On another note, why do you keep using "honor" as an excuse to execute an entire compound of people? The entire clan was decimated and the whole "honor" of the family rested as another responsibility Sasuke had to endure all by himself thanks to "Itachi's love" -they were left with no honor as Sasuke was forced to restore it! Furthermore, they're all dead! What is "honor" gonna do for them? For the massacred innocents at least? They did nothing wrong and were killed regardless, their honorable nature wasn't even being questioned!]
People in the village got to be safe too.
Safe of what? When was it stated they were going to fight against those who weren’t in power? The problem is they rebelling against those they deem their oppressors but not the government refusing to renounce their power in order to keep the “population they hold so dear” safe? They are both willing to kill innocents (so I guess some people in the village weren’t safe, but in your book, they don’t matter as much), and use the rest of the military population to strike against Uchiha (which is also, never actually stated!). The idea of a “within war” was never confirmed as the Uchiha had no chance to strike, no one is to say they weren’t trying to take power through force yet quietly, no one is to know what was their actual plan as that was never brought to light!
The Uchiha are wrong for wanting to take the power but the government isn't wrong for wanting to keep it, the Uchiha are wrong for their methods to seek authority but not the government for defending the status quo. Uchiha having power would mean annihilation, somehow, despite them being against just their oppressors, not Konoha as a whole; while the government seeks to protect the village despite massacring an entire and most important portion of their militia and one of the founders' clans.
And despite all these he still regretted a lot enough that he wanted the person he adored the most to kill him. 
He regretted nothing, he wanted Sasuke to kill him in order to both give him an objective and to distract him from finding out Konoha’s involvement in the Uchiha Massacre, shouldering the entire responsibility of their demisse.
Also, no one here is trying to justify his action. 
But you are, you wrote point after point why he had to kill his clan.
A justification and a reason has a clear distinction.
What distinction? You need to expand on the notions you think are relevant to you own argument. 
Just because there was a reason it doesn't make the acts were justified. He himself acknowledged that. The writer didn't try to justify nor did Itachi himself. People like, Hashirama and Naruto, appreciated the role he played and praised him as a Shinobi.(being seen as a villan while protecting the people isn't easy, btw). They weren't justifying or glorifying his actions in any instance.
What are you even writing? I’m being honest with that question, claiming to have a reason to kill his clan is used as a justification for his actions! I can’t believe I have to explain that to you. He never said he had no justification (their coup was treated as such over and over, everyone took advantage of them wanting to coup in order to both order the massacre and carry it out!!).
How on earth can you write “People like Hashirama and Naruto appreciated the role he played and praised him as a shinobi but they never justified him”, so are they praising him or not? Them positively reinforcing Itachi and praising him for “his sacrifice” (you see, not only he is perceived as a villain, he is a villain, he killed an entire kin -again, innocents included, in order to maintain specific people in power) is justifying his actions under the notion of the “greater good for the village”. 
He wasn't an absolute nationalist.
He did everything for Konoha! He even claimed himself to be “Itachi of the Leaf!” What are you even talking about?
He he was an idealist. His motivations most cases(especially while making big decisions)were to 'not beget war' and 'maintain peace'. 
Yet his actions concluded in Obito being able to control the Ten Tails with almost no real opposition as the only other Sharingan-wielder was Sasuke.
Doesn't matter if Uchihas managed to control the village it still starts war, death, destruction and countless losses which is exactly what Itachi hated from when he was 4. 
How do you know? Do you have an entirely new manga written by Kishimoto about what would’ve happened had the Uchiha taken over the village? Itachi hated Uchiha since he was four because they brought “war, death and destruction” but not Konoha that actually provoked such wars, deaths, and destruction, what an intelligent boy! 
You have to be a troll because, man, “unbiased opinion” my ass. Also, did you just come to my blog with arguments coming from Itachi Shinden? The story not written by Kishimoto?
He also wanted to reform the village by becoming a Hokage. He wanted to wiped out the entire ninja system since ninjas were the ones who were used as a weapon for the Diamoyo start constant wars. 
Funny, under Hiruzen’s regime he would’ve never become Hokage, furthermore, when did he even hinted to want to become Hokage?? Never in the entire manga. Also, the Daimyo did little to nothing when it came to wars, those were all the Kage’s responsibilities! Dear Lord, did you at least read Team 10’s Arc? Asuma’s background literally explains how the Shugonin Jūnishi fought each other because six of them wanted the entire military power of the Land of Fire to be managed by the Daimyo alone while the rest, Asuma included, defended the Hokage’s existence. 
The Leaf was sort of obnoxious in the time of Tobirama and Hiruzen's regime. But even still, the Hokages were good and passionate and also the people were innocent.
Which people were innocent? The children and non-Sharingan wielders that knew nothing of the coup and were massacred regardless? How can you write “the Hokages were good” while they literally ordered the mass killing of people they swore to protect? How can you use “obnoxious” and “good” to describe the same two people?!
Gosh, the fact that you lot (Itachi stans) don’t comprehend that his involvement in the massacre of his own people alongside the protagonist’s endorsement of state-sanctioned genocide, makes the annihilation of an entire portion of a village a plausible option to handle internal disagreements is disastrous.
Committing genocide against the village’s own people sets a dangerous precedent where future governments can see and use such slaughter as a conceivable, even necessary, tool at their disposal whenever they feel threatened, making any clan vulnerable to the decisions of its government and guaranteeing the silence of possible detractors or even the censorship of constructive criticism of the political, military, economic and cultural system.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 19 days
Erm so I. Accidentally started ranting. Oopsies
I think it's silly to draw Killers soul in a constant target shape in erm found family kinda trope. Yk. When everyone gets along and is happy and they also jokingly bully Killer and excessive amount. And Killers in stage 2 through all of it. How honest is Killer truly being?
And also (going off track) why does he get bullied an excessive amount, because I see no love coming from that,, to like jokingly shit on someone, yeah, sure I understand, people do that, it can be funny, but it's just.... so much..... like. Killer can't even breathe without being shit on. Maybe saying he's getting shit on is not the best way to word it but,,,,,,, anyways Killer gets bullied so much I don't even. I can't even see it as funny anymore. He gets bullied, and no affection given, and it's even more deprivating seeing how the others who surround him, the group he's supposedly a part of, is all love and affection and they obviously share affection and all 'at
And then there's Killer. Only there to mess things up and harass everyone. He talks too much, and when getting ignored he starts talking about sensitive topics for something to come out of the other. Just something to say he's real, something to show he's somehow still a part of whatever this is. He's not treated as an outside, but he sure as hell ain't being treated as someone that matters. It shouldn't bother him though. The treatment isn't new, he's used to this, he's fine. He shouldn't be petty about not getting a lil affection
Killers literally so hated that the version of horror that's so desperate to keep everyone healthy and to not let anyone starve, literally leaves Killer to starve for a day. Sighs idk I'm just not dealing with Killer constantly getting bullied all the time,,,, it's funny every now and then but Jesus it's so excessive I can't even— anyways I have no solution for this because the best situation is to leave the ones hurting you but. Sighsssssssss
I'm just. Stopping myself here, imma go eat
No, i completely understand you, anon. I used to also be a target of excessive bullying (both in school and in my family unit), so that shit doesn’t appeal to me. It’s not funny or cute, especially when it’s done to a character whose use that type of treatment and far worse, and keeps seeing examples of what the dynamic should and could be, but for some reason he’s not allowed to experience that??
I also hate it when in Bad Sans Family dynamics they treat Killer like he’s an idiot or an annoying child, always messing things up and everyone just fucking hates him for some reason despite claiming not to??
In my mind, if Killer is excessively in Stage 2 during these types of dynamics, then his ass is just playing along. They treat him like shit despite claiming to care or be family or be friends, no different than what Chara did, there’s no way he’d allow himself to be in Stage 1 around them. He can’t trust them not to fuck him up anymore than he already is.
And Stage 1 is excessively a lot more emotionally fragile and sensitive than he is in Stage 2. Killer doesn’t need bullying and degrading comments when he’s in such a vulnerable, fragile state. That’s not a sign of love or affection for Stage 1.
A lot of people don’t seem to understand that Killer is a victim of awful, prolonged abuse and torture—he’s not just a violent stupid serial killer, he is a victim of forced perpetration. He is not going to react to these things like Horror or Murder would.
In fact, even with a Bad Sans Family, his circumstances still mirror the one he had with Chara—killing people, hurting people, doing it with people who claim to be friends or family, even all those violent bloody fights people portray Killer and Murder having is no different than what likely happened with Chara.
Stage 1 is not going to be stabbing people to show affection or licking blood off knives or doing anything that he does in Stage 2. Because that is a version of Killer that is more Sans-like, you know, a Sans that never wanted any of this. A version of Sans who is constantly filled with overwhelming fear, guilt, shame, pain, longing for his home and his brother. Who is still out there, looking for him.
It reminds me of a quote a came across, but can’t quite remember. Something about how a girl wakes up in her bed in a house, screaming and crying about how she wants to go home—but the speaker and the family is confused, because she already is home.
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So I have an idea, but it kind of strays a bit from the death-seeking creator.
Let's say that the creator has written in a notebook all of the many times they have died along with who (or sometimes who they think) killed them. Why did they do this? Maybe as a way to forgive but never forget. Maybe some other reason instead.
Regardless, while the Creator is healing, both physically and mentally, someone is responsible for cleaning up the Creator's room whenever they are not around. While cleaning the room, they find the notebook. Curiosity takes a hold of them and they read the contents.
They are absolutely petrified. But they can't find themselves to stop reading.
So many names. Some they know, some they don't. Finally, they breakdown crying when they find their own name in the book.
I can imagine the Creator coming back to their room and they either find them crying on the ground or suddenly find themselves wrapped in a bear hug and bombarded with apology after apology after apology.
Sorry if this is something you're not in to.
OOOO!!! This is interesting actually!!
This definitely would be more so a wholesome version of my au since being able to keep track of everything and writing it down would imply they aren't fully broken like Death Seeking is. But I still like this because it still adds to the horror of just how many deaths the creator would face, especially if it ended up being multiple journals in a pile.
Though which characters finds this...could be anyone honestly. But I definitely know that it'll spread to the others super fast, like straight up everyone will know as soon as possible.
This would lead to everyone treating the creator like fragile glass even more so, because now they have more than enough reason information to fully comprehend how much they suffered.
The creator is gonna need a lot of time to heal, but this version seems more doable than the full death seeking version.
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With how Tristamp sets up major plot points in advance with the characters that they name drop or have appear and interact with and learn more about other characters throughout the series no matter how short their screen time was or how small their role to play at the time was, I think that Meryl along with Milly might be a bit more involved in the fight against Gray the Ninelives who really only fought against Wolfwood in Trimax.
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Like yeah the girls show up but it's really only at the end and as comedic relief they literally just fall on top of them and knock them out, signalling that the fight's really over now. But like just look at how hyped they looked to fight, guns out and all.
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But in Tristamp not only has Meryl gotten to meet and get to know some of Ship 3’s residents, becoming especially invested in Luida’s project in growing enough flora to terraform No Man’s Land into a green planet to lessen the burden on the Plants and ensure the survival of both species, making her more than willing and ready to fight for them given the chance,
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but also she’s seen Gray as the both the mech suit in Ep3,
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and as the nine people who control it in Ep10,
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with her having seen and gotten to know more about them thanks to Conrad possibly setting up that she might actually be the way Wolfwood figures out that Gray is just a giant mech suit being piloted by nine people. And then they could work together to take them down.
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Which would be pretty cool to see, maybe they could take three each, given that there aren’t a lot of instances that I can recall at least where Wolfwood fights alongside the girls, plus it’d make for good team building with Milly having just joined the gang. Also, after rewatching episode 4, specifically where right before Roberto’s taken by Zazie Wolfwood makes fun of Roberto’s derringer, it just ignited a want, a need really to see Wolfwood have his ass saved at least once by said derringer.
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Speaking of which, there have also been multiple instances where allusions to David and Goliath were made in relation to Meryl in Trimax, notably in the few panels that show bits and pieces of her backstory that show how she got her first derringer, which Studio Orange expanded upon with Roberto, that lead me to believe this to be the case even more.
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On top of that, I think that she might be reason for why they're simply going to have them locked up and not killed (wonder if seven of them are still going to be killed during the fight in S2) even after the damage they've dealt and the deaths they've caused seeing as she reacted with horror and pity when she learned about them from Conrad,
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a sentiment Roberto himself doubled down on,
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which while it might have enraged Elendira and sent her to come after them with her nails, leading to Roberto's death, and possibly souring Meryl's feelings about her, the same can't be said for Gray. @tristampparty
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Let me use this opportunity of getting weird Loumand anons once more to say something that's been on my mind:
All the bad faith, passive aggressive anon asks (especially those wanting to make the "ships" about the fandom "shipping them" (or not) because of "color" and "racism") I see around piss me off sooooo much.
Lets look at the "ships" we have so far:
Loustat: difficult, at times toxic, later not so much, endgame
Loumand: difficult, at first infatuated, then dead, later healing
Lesmand: difficult, at times insane, obsessive in parts
Devil's Minion: difficult, intense, at times insane, obsessive in parts, endgame
What have all these "ships" in common?
They are canon relationships. And they are difficult.
Two of those are endgame.
Let's dive in (a bit).
At this point not much has to be said about why Loustat are toxic in parts, but that changes - their character journeys are inverted, and they are endgame. Two sides of the same coin. They are "petty and in love" as Jacob called it, and they are "it" for each other, for better or for worse.
Born from Lesmand actually, because Lestat goes to Armand to make him care for Louis (and for Armand's blood), which... works. But the initial infatuation phase, while honest on Louis' side, is based on Armand's fascination with him because of Lestat. He gaslights Louis into loving him. I bet they will be very much shown to be in love, and then the shit will hit the fan and then... Louis will be destroyed, for a long, long time. Qualifies as toxic for me, too, btw. The Loumand in later years, in Trinity Gate (or Dubai?) is a more healing one, one where Louis comes to terms with who he is and what he wants in safe, stable, loving surroundings. And I bet they are freaks in the sheets :P
Obsessive, and while loving definitely more so from Armand's side than Lestat's. He "imprints" on Lestat when he sees him because Lestat reminds him of Marius, and a lot of Armand's actions are informed by his need for Lestat, and the fact that Lestat upends his world. That said, the fascination itself is mutual, and I bet the show will have them engage in a proper affair.
Devil's Minion:
Wohooo, Daniel, a gift from Louis for Armand!!! Armand shifts full on obsessive and love on Daniel, Daniel, who will become his only fledgling. (And who goes mad for a while, too!) The show has obviously expanded the journey, but I don't think it will change too much - Daniel is the only one Armand could not let die. Talk about love beyond reason or endurance.
And they are canon.
Saying the fandom doesn't "ship" Loumand because of them being POC is just ludicrous.
If you think Louis in Dubai in season 1 is "happy" I don't know what to tell you. We haven't really seen "happy" Loumand yet, and, depending on how they spin it(!) we might not even see it in season 2, though I think they will make it seem as if it is happy and "pure" at first.
But they might throw in the horror of Claudia knowing (and she does, canonically, she tries to warn Louis!) and being ignored by Louis (failing her again) in - in fact, I take the little info of the scenes we have of Sam and Armand filming as precisely that, namely that they make it clear that there is a relationship there as well... and how that relationship enables Loumand.
And then Armand will kill Claudia. And Madeleine.
And Louis will stay with him.
Personally I found later Loumand always very healing, as said. (But, personally(!!!!!!), also a bit boring. I love them, but... writing them (i.e.) does not hold much appeal right now.
But that might change with the upcoming seasons!) But the Loumand in Paris?? Hell, that's not even real, Armand gaslights Louis into loving him, uses his spell gift and mind gift as influence, poor Louis. And it will hurt Louis, incredibly so.
Making it seem as if people, especially people with a background in the books, do not "ship" them because of the actors' skin color... is just...
There's many, many reasons to ship them.
There's many, many reasons not to.
I OBVIOUSLY cannot speak for everyone. But these simplified takes are becoming so tiresome, when there are so many other reasons that need to be considered.
And honestly, as said before, I fully expect parts of this fandom to turn on Armand when he is being himself, when his relationship to Lestat is becoming clear, when his meddling and role in Claudia's death are clear and... can you imagine the outcry when they actually kill off the black (likely) lesbian character and her lover. -.-
If they actually chop of Claudia's head on stage.
Which brings me to the next part:
My predictions for season 2:
Louis hurting, seeing Lestat everywhere (outcry)
Loumand in love, oh so sweet, look at them
Claudia gets a girlfriend!! (Sweet!)
What is Lestat doing there? (outcry)
What, Armand is interested in Louis because of Lestat?? (outcry)
What, Louis is yearning for Lestat?? (outcry)
What, Armand is doing what to Claudia (and Madeleine)? "ThEy KiLl tHe gAys!!" ((outcry)
Armand throws Lestat off a tower (Meh, he deserved it, should have been much worse)
What, Louis stays with Armand?? (outcry)
Whatever will go on with Louis and Lestat (outcry)
At some point people will turn on Assad, I agree here with what has been said by others on this.
They could not separate Sam from Lestat, they will not do so for Assad, in fact THERE I can easily see it be much worse, because of the racial implications.
I can also see them turn on Jacob btw, because Louis stays with Armand. "How could he". -.-
So: Even if you are only a "show fan", if you have no idea of what the books might bring... the hiatus is still very long, and going and hating on people, accusing them of racism, because people who know the books go a bit bonkers when they see certain bts photos... is on you - not them.
These ships are all canon relationships.
And valid.
End of rant.
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chamomiletealeaf · 7 months
hello! I’m writing for TF141 and I especially want to write for Gaz. However for some reason I keep just lumping him with the same personality as Soap. Tips ;-;??
Hi! I'm so flattered you asked me for advice omg :) Well, from what I've noticed in the game, I personally think Gaz is very intuitive. I think he watches from afar and knows what's gonna happen before it actually does, but doesn't give his opinion unless asked. Part of that I think is one, like I said before, his intuition, but also his training and guidance from Price. I personally think Gaz has had the best character development of all the Task Force since the MW reboot, because he goes from this frustrated recruit not knowing what is too much for him and how to handle it when it is too much, to someone so in control of himself that he's gained phenomenal intuition and self control. He's quiet, calm, an observer like Simon, but he actually is quite snarky (hence his cocky little jokes to Laswell and Price in the MW2 campaign). In the first MW reboot campaign I believe it was, where Gaz had to lead the doctor around the mercs from the security cameras I think showed exceptional intuition and self control since he was so sure she was getting out of there alive and what routes to take. I think that also had to do with just him being a good soldier, but he was very confident (even if it was a playable scene and not a cinematic one, we played as Gaz.) Gaz is always calm when he just knows a situation will turn out alright, and if he visibly panics? You better panic too lol. Soap also led Ghost around mercs in I believe the second campaign? Might have been the third but I believe Soap is just handy with tech due to his demolitions training. Both scenes are very similar, but I feel like Gaz works under pressure more efficiently than Soap mostly because of Soap's temper (Like the scene were Soap almost killed Makarov.)
Anyway, that's just me rambling about my pookie Gaz lol, but I would say the main similarities and differences between Soap and Gaz are:
Soap is impulsive, hot headed, loud, while Gaz is quiet, a man who thinks before he acts and makes sure everyone's on board with a plan before he jumps into action, intuitive, only gives his two cents when asked, a great advice giver and listener (that last one is just from what vibes I personally get from him rather than from observation throughout the campaigns.) And I think he handles pressure and his temper better.
Both Gaz and Soap are both witty and silly. They both are able to find that childlike joy despite the horrors they witness. However, they both know when to be serious even if Soap is a bit more out of pocket than Gaz.
I love both so much, and I'm not saying Gaz is a better soldier than Soap by any means, but that they're different, and handle situations differently.
So when it comes to writing Gaz, I would take all of this into consideration such as: How would a calm approach to this situation be?/ How would observing this situation rather than engaging in it affect the characters?/ What advice could be given to other characters from a well thought out point of view (Gaz's pov)?
I feel like Gaz really thinks before he acts unlike Soap.
And if you wanna get more fun with it, I would ask myself: How would two knuckleheads (Gaz and Soap) observe and react to a funny or shocking situation while staying in character?/ How do clashing personalities bond? In this case, their humor is the same, so writing situations where the two of them are together and giggling at something silently in front of whoever they're laughing at I think is the perfect balance between observing and acting on impulse/lack of self control, thus blending their personalities together.
Sorry if that was a lot, I had a lot to say. I love talking about character personalities and actually evaluated Soap's personality for a college psychology of personality final lol (Got an A).
I hope all of my yapping helps at least a little bit!
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If nothing else, Dragon Age 2 is a story being told by Varric Tethras (pulp novelist, businessman, and self professed liar), while being interrogated by the Chantry secret police, while also trying to exonerate himself and the best friend he loves...
It could be true, some of it could be true, none of it could be true. Likely it is only half of the picture and the story and its players are Varric's Cassandra friendly version. There's room for so many interpretations of DA2 that I wonder how anyone comes to a single truth about the story and its characters at all?
Anyway, I've been thinking about a post that said taking a side strictly for or against Anders misses the point and I agree. However, I think because DA2 is too structuralist in its approach to the characters, players clung more to a humanistic reading of them. Ideally a story balances both but it didn't in DA2 and so the characters feel puppeted by a thesis that could be alienating at times. I mean, Anders isn't 'right' but he is more right then the story and the general response to his character allows him to be and so anyone with a grasp on the metaphors the DA mages represent, from religious and political persecution of queerness to authoritarian imprisonment, are going to see any attempt to justify the continued abuse of them as awful. They'll also cling harder to the character who represents resistance to *gestures at all that narrative mess*. Same with Fenris. Who is the bluntest fictional embodying of slavery ever. Right to the heart, really. Of course people cling to Fenris. Especially in an American story. (And then they pitted them against each other...)
As for characterization, though, they're assholes. I love them. I get them. I'd like them even if they were worse (and the criticism does tend to exaggerate how bad they are). They are in pain and have a lot of room for growth but they are assholes. Yet they're also flawless to me and that there's my point. The story didn't utilise them as it should, didn't think about them as much beyond being a blunt tool for the plot and so the players who felt the metaphors, who identified with their pain, plucked them away, filled them in, and shielded them from a narrative and public they felt misused or misunderstood them and by extension the people and issues they represent.
We're always saying here that representation is important but this is the reason why. This is the power it has and the pain it can cause when fumbled. This is why there was such a strongly divisive response to Anders— you had one side gleefully feeling justified killing him and all he represents and the other side feeling horror at how all he represents was handled and wanting to save him. This is why there's still Anders vs. Fenris drama years later despite them being mirrors, the story reduced them to being a mouthpiece for and against mages when the plot itself is about the rights of mages. It's a bit impossible to talk about the narrative of DA2 without talking about Anders and Fenris.
So I get it but on the other hand DA2 is a story being told under duress by an unreliable narrator. All the characters could be the way they are because Varric needs them to be in order to satisfy the magic fearing religious government. I think that could be a really interesting conversation to have too.
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wanderersrest · 3 months
Mecha's "I'm Not Like the Other Girls" Problem
Preface: I'd like to apologize to everyone who reads this post. Normally, my posts are pretty lighthearted and informative. This one, however, is not lighthearted.
I feel it is important to talk about this topic though, as this is a problem that has been plaguing mecha shows for a long time now. It bothers me when people dismiss the things that I like *gestures at G Gundam*, so it should be of no surprise that I have strong feelings about this topic. It's pretty adjacent to the reason why I don't like the "Real vs Super Robot" dick-measuring contests that happen between fans, especially as someone whose favorite mecha show gets a lot of heat because of that stupid debate.
Part of what makes it worse is that I don't dislike these shows a whole lot. Okay, two of them I don't like a whole lot, but one is because its second season really drops the ball on things while the other is, in my opinion, a pretty mediocre show that is being propped up as the hottest thing since sliced bread by its fans.
I'm also going to be talking about gen:Lock, a show that I hate from pure pop cultural osmosis. So content warning: suicide, children getting killed, and gen:Lock, among other things.
Stop me if you've heard this one before:
"Evangelion's not like other mecha shows because it focuses on the character drama instead of the robots."
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If you've ever watched any mecha show ever, you'd realize just how bizarre this line really is. There's always some variation where it'll be the favorite series of the person saying this and, when confronted, will bare their ass out for the world to see by showing that they have not watched any other mecha show. If you're lucky, they might have watched one or two other mecha shows, and chances are likely that it will be one of the other "Not Like the Other Girl" shows.
So today, for something a bit lighter in comparison to my soul-crushing Abbreviated History of Mecha, I'm going to take my turn dismantling this braindead take. Really take my turn at this dead horse, because it is something that plagues this genre of stories.
Context: Evangelion's Legacy Is Exaggerated
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Thank you, cast of the hit anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. I felt brave just saying that.
Jokes aside, I feel it is important to get this out of the way now. And, to be fair, Evangelion is critically acclaimed for a reason. Eva's success did leave an impact on the rest of the industry. A whole generation of anime shows have tried to capture the same energy that Eva had, leading to the rise of the extremely nebulous sekai-kei trend. This isn't even touching on the fact that Eva is also one of the most popular mecha franchises of all time.
That being said, the problem with Eva's legacy is that people in the west exaggerated its legacy. So instead of it being an important series that builds off of the legacy of the shows it was inspired by in order to create something new and just as noteworthy as its forebears, it is now this transgressive series that brutally deconstructs mecha on top of everything mentioned prior. Evangelion became a series that was more than most mecha shows, since it really spends a lot of its time with its characters, particularly the Eva pilots and their handler. Evangelion was different because it was about the characters and not the giant robots.
...Except, that's not true.
This is Ideon Erasure
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One of the shows that inspired Evangelion, Space Runaway Ideon, is about as serious as they come. It's a story about the horrors of war, and the characters have to contend with this and press on. And while it might not be as introspective as say Evangelion, the difference is what both had as inspiration: Ideon only had shows like Space Battleship Yamato, Voltes V, Zambot 3, and Mobile Suit Gundam as reference points. Evangelion has all four of those shows as well as other shows like Fang of the Sun Dougram, Super Dimension Fortress Macross, and Legend of the Galactic Heroes among other shows to reference
I'm not saying that those shows also influenced Evangelion. I'm just pointing out that, in the history of mecha, Eva has more things to be compared to. And to be fair to the people who kickstarted the "Eva's not like the other girls" mentality, the west's experience with mecha prior to Eva was either shows like Transformers, which existed largely to sell toys, or shows like Gundam Wing, where a lot of the show can be seen as "Wow, cool robot." So along comes Evangelion with its esoteric Christian imagery, brooding protagonists, and eldritch antagonists. It's really nothing anyone in the west has seen before, and so the "Not Like the Other Girls" meme is born.
And now, I'd like to go into debunking this line of thinking with a lot of the big offenders. Because it turns out that Evangelion is not the only show to get this treatment. And if you thought Eva was a bad example of "Not Being Like the Other Girls," then oh boy are these examples somehow worse.
Case Study 1 - Code Geass: Casval Lelouch of the Rebellion
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Code Geass is probably the closest example to in terms of being "Not Like the Other Girls" that isn't Evagenlion itself. Like Evangelion before it, Code Geass has more of a focus on its characters than its mech action. A fair bit of screen time is spent focused on the politicking and strategizing and brainwashing (with actual, factual magic) of our main character, Lelouch Code Geass Lamperouge, with all of the shenanigans that ensue. It's a series with a unique spin on the military robot shows of old due to its inclusion of magic (namely the titular Geass) and advanced super materials like Sakuradite (based off of the mythical metal hi'hiirokane or scarletite).
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The problem with Code Geass being a "Not Like the Other Girls" show is twofold:
The robots of Code Geass, here known as Knightmare Frames, play a pivotal part in the story. The Knightmare Frames are what allow Britannia to take over the world as well as they do, and a big focus on the series is just how advanced the latest Knightmare Frame, Lancelot, is compared to the other Knightmare Frames. Season 2 exacerbates this problem when the elite Knightmare Frames like Lancelot are constantly getting exponentially more upgrades throughout the season.
It's also hard not to ignore the similarities between this show and Mobile Suit Gundam (the original, not the franchise as a whole). Consider that Code Geass' main character is, for lack of a better word, a Char clone. He wears a mask and oftentimes hides his true motives, which helps when it comes time for politics. He's even got a special power that helps him with his core skills. The only thing Lelouch is lacking is the piloting skill, which is where Kallen Kouzuki comes in (and fun fact: her signature Knightmare Frame, the Guren MK II, is red).
Oh, I should also mention this here: before working on Code Geass, Goro Taniguchi worked on Gun x Sword, which is unabashedly a giant robot anime. Does this really add anything to my point? Not really. I just think it's interesting to point this out due to Gun x Sword's proximity to Code Geass in terms of release dates.
Case Study 2 - Tengen Toppa Getter Robo Gurren Lagann
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Probably the single most insane version of this is when people treat Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as being "Not Like the Other Girls."
Y'know... Gurren Lagann. The show where the giant robots grow as large as the known universe. A show where one of the major thematic elements is a celebration of giant robot shows that's reflected in the four major story arcs representing a distillation of the four decades of giant robot shows from as early as Mazinger Z. A show where the main character draws a lot of his self worth from, among other things, how well he pilots his mini robot (a gender-swapped Noa Izumi, if you will).
Oh, and most important of all: this is also the show written by, and I'm not making this up, a man who refers to himself as Getter Robo's number one fan.
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This doesn't even touch on other shows that one could argue also had a hand in influencing Gurren Lagann like Mobile Fighter G Gundam and The King of Braves, GaoGaiGar. Look me in the eye and tell me that Kamina wasn't written with characters like Domon Kasshu and Guy Shishioh in mind. Or the fact that Simon the Digger is less Ryouma Nagare and more Domon Kasshu by way of Guy Shishioh.
In the case of Gurren Lagann, though, it should also be of no surprise that this is the series brought up the least amongst the "Not Like the Other Girls" shows. A big part of this stems from, as I mentioned earlier, the fact that Gurren Lagann is a celebration of giant robots.
...What's that? Why does it sound like an axe is being sharpened in the background? No, reader, you're hearing things. I clearly don't have an axe to grind with the next show.
Case Study 3 - Armored Trooper 86: Eighty Six
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Part of what I hate about the modern seasonal anime release schedule is that it's created an entire generation of anime fans who refuse to watch any series that released before 2010. This line of thinking can be pretty dangerous, and this is coming from a guy who's always saying the newer Pokemon games are generally better than the older ones. The difference is twofold:
Pokemon isn't anywhere near as old as all of anime. Like it's not even close to being that old.
This only really applies to core game mechanics in the mainline non-Legends games. It doesn't really take into account things like story elements, Pokemon rosters, or generation design differences (read as: is the game pre- or post-Physical/Special split).
I'm bringing this up because I feel like the seasonal anime format is the reason why 86: Eighty Six became a "Not Like the Other Girl" show. As someone who watches a lot of mecha shows, 86 is just...
...it's there. It exists. In my opinion, 86 doesn't really have a whole to say outside of racism is bad and look at how much Shin and company suffer because of it. Everything 86 does has been done before in some fashion by literally every military robot series that existed prior to 86's first publication in 2017. Heck, two years prior to it's publication was the first airing of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, the then-latest entry in the Gundam franchise. And that series is all about how unfettered capitalism makes it almost impossible for the marginalized to survive without having to resort to violence.
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But I think it's folly to suggest fans of 86 to go watch Iron-Blooded Orphans. Not because it's bad, which I'd argue that it's not. No, it's more because IBO is too recent. Part of the problem with the "Not Like the Other Girls" mentality is that people will limit themselves into only watching one show, oftentimes failing to see that part of what makes their favorite show so special is the fact that it is inspired by other works. For people who like 86, it would be better to recommend shows like Armored Trooper VOTOMs, Fang of the Sun Dougram (or really any military robot series directed by Ryousuke Takahashi), or even the original Gundam from 1979. But as harsh as I may be on 86, it's not the worst offender. I'd even go so far as to say that 86 is, at worst, a symptom. I think the real problem lies with the next series I'm going to talk about.
The Worst Offender - gen:Lock
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If you thought I disliked 86 because of how its fans hype it up as being better and so much different than the rest of the canon, at least 86 is a pretty entertaining watch.
gen:Lock makes me turn into AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream. To describe the enmity I have towards gen:Lock is not something I want to fully unload on this blog, as it is this series that really kicked the "Not Like the Other Girls" mentality into overdrive. gen:Lock was once described by one of its executive producers as being about the characters and not the robots. Which kind of spits in the face of the canon of mecha in its entirety, as the entire genre has almost never really frontlined the machines as being the main character. And when mecha stories are about the machines, the machine tends to be a character in its own right.
And if I'm being honest, part of what makes me so livid about gen:Lock is how this series basically funneled away funds from other projects at Rooster Teeth. That's what got series creator Gray Haddock fired, after all. So you can't even say that season one, which I've been told is a pretty decent season, is okay in comparison. So even if the "It's not about the mecha" line is supposed to be marketing speak, the behind-the-scenes nonsense still sullies the show. I don't even think I need to touch on the mess that is gen:Lock season 2; between the poorly animated sex scene, the sudden killing of a recently-outed queer character, and the fact that one of the main characters, and later the entire main cast, get rewarded for committing suicide... Yeah. Let's just move on before a blow a fuse.
Magic Knight Rayearth Is Actually Not Like the Other Girls
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I think part of what makes all of this so absurd is that there is a series that can actually be considered "Not Like the Other Girls."
It's Magic Knight Rayearth.
A lot of what helps in this case is that Rayearth is, primarily, a magical girl series. That is not to say that Rayearth is not a mecha show though, as the Rune Gods play a pivotal role in the series. Not helping things is the fact that the Rune Gods are literally an extension of their magic knight's personalities, which is true of pretty much every giant robot ever. But, by being a magical girl series first and foremost, Rayearth approaches giant robots from a unique angle due to the world of Cephiro being similar to that of a fantasy JRPG setting where willpower determines everything. So the Rune Gods end up being real, living creatures that take the form of giant robots, as opposed to just being giant robots that exist in the setting.
Except it's still a giant robot series. Everything I just said doesn't suddenly mean that Magic Knight Rayearth is no longer a mecha show.
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Look. I get it. These shows are great. Okay, gen:Lock isn't, but the other four are. I get it. The people who trot out this line do it because they love the series they're putting up on a pedestal. My issue comes with the putting it up on a pedestal part. It has a tendency to displace other shows that are just as worthy of praise, and in some cases maybe even better depending on the viewer, than the "Not Like the Other Girl" shows. So, to close this rant out, I'd like to suggest some shows for people whose only experience with mecha are one of the "Not Like the Other Girls" shows.
If you like...
...Neon Genesis Evangelion, you might be interested in checking out Ultraman, Mobile Suit Gundam, Space Runaway Ideon, Aura Battler Dunbine, Patlabor (either the TV or OVA timeline), or Gargantia on the Verduous Planet.
...Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, you might be interested in checking out Mobile Suit Gundam (again), Fang of the Sun Dougram, Patlabor (the OVA timeline this time), Gun x Sword, or Psalm of Planets Eureka Seven.
...Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, you might like Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Gunbuster, Mobile Fighter G Gundam, The King of Braves GaoGaiGar, Back Arrow, SSSS.Gridman, SSSS.Dynazenon, and Gridman Universe.
...86: Eighty Six or gen:Lock, you might like Mobile Suit Gundam (pretty much any series that isn't G or Build), Armored Trooper VOTOMs (or really anything related to Ryousuke Takahashi), Metal Armor Dragonar, Patlabor (See Evangelion above), or Full Metal Panic!.
...Magic Knight Rayearth, you might be interested in Aura Battler Dunbine, Panzer World Galient, Patlabor (the TV timeline), Mobile Fighter G Gundam (yes really), or The Vision of Escaflowne.
And thanks for reading my rant. Next time, something else!
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spacexseven · 1 year
sorry for the late reply! And to answer some of your questions in the tags, it’s actually all three. A “final girl” is a basically a trope that means a character (usually protagonist) that is “pure, feminine, and the victim” during a horror film. They’re usually a victim of chance or have a distant past connection to the killer. Be it their intelligence, connection, or simply pure luck, the final girl is able to avoid death until the end where: 1) they survive to the end and defeat their killer 2) they escape or 3) they die regardless. I was thinking of killer! yan bsd, but I was also intrigued with a victim/final girl! bsd. An example of an idea that’s currently plaguing my mind is Final Girl! Nikolai. I liked the idea of a serial killer targeting magician/or whimsical (maybe ability users) people and choosing nikolai as target. cat and mouse chase, and they end getting the drop on him (how? idk). Its kinda a slow burn horror, but regardless nikolai fights back. this is a gist and example. Tuna, i’m so sorry about throwing this ramble dump at you. 🙈 this is just an idea, nothing you actually have to do. im just happy sharing this with you - 🦄
ahahahaha....there was a lot i had to say about this, but i kept it as brief as i could because i Might...might do a series/oneshot w this au. Maybe </3 thank you for sharing this gem of an idea i am very excited to dig in nomnomnom. tagged under 'sk reader au 🐟'
gn! reader, is a serial killer & implied to have an ability that can 'collect' other abilities. can be read as a yandere reader.
cw: stalking, murder, violence
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ability users are fascinating little things.
especially when they try everything in their power to stay alive. it's a wonderful sight, to see those that always stood above regular people, to see those regarded as gifted, desperately attempt to survive. there was something intoxicating about holding power above the same ability users that were feared by all.
but your interest was less in the users and more in the ability itself.
there was a lot you hoped to learn about abilities, regardless of the type. there must be a reason as to why some were sentient, why some were so much more powerful than others, why some were uncontrollable, and the best way to learn, was of course, through the ability itself. you were willing to do anything to satisfy your curiousity, even if it meant the user had to die for their abilities to join your collection.
you had fond memories with all of them; flawless made for an exhilarating fight, always a step ahead until you sunk your claws into the frightened figure of a dark-eyed ability user, rashōmon was unique, the dark mass almost besting you, but, in the end, you stood victorious over a sickly body—even if you hadn't gone after it, this was an ability that wasn't meant to survive for long, and you liked to think that it was for the best that it joined you instead of disappearing with its user. and of course, discourse on decadence was unforgettable. you remembered it belonged to some goverment agent who was hot on your trail—it was the closest anyone came to stopping you—and your most recent kill.
usually, you didn't like picking favorites. each ability was fascinating and unique in its own way, but it was undeniable that one in particular stood out to you.
the overcoat was an interesting ability. at first sight, it appeared quite simple, but you had viewed it in action too many times to know just how frightening it was. how easy it was to turn it into a lethal weapon—to reach in and twist out a limb or to drain out the blood from a vein. the seemingly unlimited potential of the ability, however, was only one of the aspects that intrigued you.
generally, you've never cared for the users as much as you did their abilities. while you enjoyed the brutal torture you made them suffer, and you liked hunting them down, they always came secondary to their abilities. you didn't care to know their names or their personal stories. despite all that, a name—nikolai gogol—had made his way on your list of targets, scrawled next to his ability.
it'd only take you a minute to identify nikolai in a sea of people.
whether he had the scar over his eye showing or hidden, whether he was wearing glasses or colored contacts, no matter what wig he wore or how ordinary he tried to look, you would immediately be able to point him out. no disguise, no false identity could hide him from you—you know this because he's tried, many times now, to fool you. but you've always known it was him, from the slightest strain of his voice when disguised, the unsettling blankness in his gaze when he looked at you, the subtle upturn of his lips when he approached you. you knew it was him from the way he titled his head when asking you a question, the way he said your name, and even the syllables he stressed when he spoke.
he approached you first as a police officer, then as a detective, a local politician, and even an assassin. You had already noted down each encounter you had with him, the details of each false identity, and what you had learned from it. it was a feat in itself that nikolai had survived so many encounters with you. perhaps it was because of your growing obsession with him,
(somehow, you always knew that your last victim would be nikolai. he'd be a fitting end for your legacy, as the ability user who had been watching you from the very start. the only ability user you could see as more than a shell for his powers. the only one who escaped you once.)
initially, you believed that nikolai followed you around for self-driven justice, to punish you for your crimes. (the policeman getup convinced you of that much), but instead of lunging at you, he watched, enraptured, as you stole the perfect crime, and he followed you closely as you stalked the user of falling camellia, doing nothing to stop you either time. and every time after that, be it walking past him in the busy streets of yokohama or meeting him as your taxi driver, nikolai had yet to try and expose your crimes and exact revenge. he never held a blade up to your throat, never used the very frightening ability of his on you.
his passivity, however, did nothing to quench your bloodthirst.
it was you who attacked him first.
you're no stranger to hunting down your prey. it was something you anticipated now, the sound of footsteps making their way around corners, the sight of shaking shoulders and trembling hands as they hid behind walls, the way fear consumed them when you finally cornered them; you relished in the hunt as much as you did the result.
nikolai doesn't make it much of a hunt. he's quick, with his coat fluttering around him. his footsteps, you remember, are light and quick, his breathing staggered as he laughed wildly. he snatches up your gun with a hand through his coat, and shoots blindly. there is despair consuming his mind, no panic climbing up his spine. his heart rate accelerates not out of fear, but out of thrill, and he looks at you with unrestrained elation. this was no hunt, nikolai wasn't hiding from you—this was a chase. just as you approached a dead end, and you think you can finally, finally, shove him into a corner, nikolai turns to smile at you one last time, before disappearing into a flurry of his coat. as you stand alone, a dark glove laid on the floor ahead of you catches your attention; his glove might have caught on a jagged end and fallen, you think. after cleaning up his mess, you silently pocket it, still haunted by that uninhibited look and that devilish grin.
nikolai is everywhere after that, taunting you.
he sits across you from the train, he takes your order in a restaurant, he applauds you from a distance, after watching you drag away yet another body, congratulating you on another successful kill.
"next time," he smiles at you, all coy and enticing, "i hope it's me."
you hope so too, but you don't let him have the pleasure of knowing that. the scowl on your blood-streaked face sends him spinning away in giggles.
it wasn't the next time, but after a few more dead bodies and many more warnings about your work are played on the news, you meet nikolai again. nikolai gogol is no easy prey, but you're not one to be bested twice. this time, you don't let him run. you're finally on top of him, blood pooling out of where your knife was stuck in his thigh, his coat ripped off him and abandoned somewhere else. it would be so easy to kill him now, so easy to watch him bleed out and claim his ability as yours, but for the first time, you hesitated on delivering the killing blow.
this time, it's not the ability you're after, is it?
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piko-power · 28 days
idk what to post so here's me getting excited over an animated hedgehog lol
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 so far is VISUALLY STUNNING. The lighting, the animation and SFX, just, BEAUTIFUL ON SO MANY LEVELS.
Everything about the trailer blew my mind, but I will do a post about my thoughts and theories on it later on. For now I wanna talk about the Blueberry Muffin himself.
Sonic in the movie looked GREAT. He got a small upgrade compared to how he looked in both Movie 1 and 2. (Especially Movie 1)
But he's still the goofy, heroic dork he is, and I'm SUPER EXCITED to see my boy again!! 💕
I don't know what else to post, so I'm just gonna gush over some of my favorite (which I'll admit, are almost every shot of Sonic in the trailer. Just wanna admit that, right now XD) shots of the Blue Devil.
I will do another version of this but with Shadow, but that'll be in the future. Shadow looks INSANE in the movie, so of COURSE I will lose my mind over his design once the post comes out lol
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But right out of the gate, we got a really cool shot of Sonic running through a log, I think? Absolutely love the blue glow emitting the entire dark interior. And it gave Sonic a nice glow, too.
I love how determined he looks here, too. There were some scenes in the trailer where it looked like Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were racing each other. I think it's really adorable that the Wachowski Bros. spend time together by just racing through the woods outside of their own house.
This shot looks like Sonic might be in the lead.
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Tom: "It hasn't always been easy, but it can't change who you are *points to Sonic's heart* in here."
Sonic: "Yeah. In my lungs."
The pure innocence from this hedgehog is killing me 😭
This is probably after the race? Idk when this is taking place, after all, all we got is a trailer. But I'm just spitballing here, but this is definitely another scene in the series where Tom gives Sonic some profound words for him to remember by.
But anyways, I love this shot of Sonic. You can already tell there is some slight differences with how he looked in the first film and the second film, which I kind of already freaked out over on this post here lol.
His expression complete with his line is just the perfect mixture for this shot. It describes Sonic to me. He's got a heart of gold, but at times he can be just a little confuse but still got the spirit.
He's just a child 😭
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Here we got Sonic casually breaking the laws of physics just to grind on a tree branch, because he's just that cool.
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Sonic is up in the air, twirling around with a huge smile on his face 🥺
He is having the TIME of his life. He is just so happy AAAAAAAAA-
Also, I love that Sonic's body, mainly his chest, has become a bit more puffy (since the Knuckles show anyway), but he still has that bean shape in certain shots lmao (Got a bit of Classic Sonic in there since day one XDDD)
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I mean, come on. Look at his cheeks and tell me he don't have any baby fat anymore? He's still small! He's still squishy!! 🥺
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Anyways badass Blueberry. EPIC callback to the beginning of SA2, only this time Tails and Knuckles are along for the ride. (also love Tails' expression as he jumps off the helicopter.)
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I love this particular shot a lot for some reason XD
Knuckles really wants to fight Shadow despite Sonic not wanting to. He wanted to handle Shadow just by talking things out (clearly he has not met the dude) and Knuckles is over here ready to throw hands.
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Sonic looks very annoyed here 🤣
I'm just so happy to see Sonic and Knuckles together on screen again after the Knuckles show. I fell in love with their dynamic ever since. Sonic and Tails' bond is truly special to me, but it's Sonic and Knuckles' bond that means SO MUCH to me, and I SERIOUSLY need to write more about these dorks.
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This is the face of a hedgehog who was NOT prepared for the horrors that is Shadow the Hedgehog and maybe bisexuality. XD
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Pissed off Blueberry.
Sonic is one of those characters where they rarely get upset or angry, but when they, it's badass and genuinely terrifying. I am NOT ready to see Sonic get so upset in this movie.
I know shit is about to go down in this movie, and I know Sonic is probably gonna go feral when it does. And it won't be pretty.
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He is NOT happy at all. But at least here he looks kind of pouty.
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It's kind of funny XD
"Here. Take my stupid strand of magic hair, just make sure you clean it when you're done. >:("
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"What did you do?"
Yeah, no, he's furious. It's actually scary seeing Sonic like this. I have seen pictures of Sonic in rage mode in the comics and yeah, you can say that Sonic's about to reach his limit, if you know what I'm saying. (btw best moment in the Archie comics hands down)
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Okay, one last image, I PROMISE-
THIS ONE, is my favorite out of all of them. Everything about this shot is just... I... don't even know how to explain how much I love this.
The lighting. The intensity of this whole scene. Sonic's anger. His powers going up to 100.
Yeah, this movie is gonna drive a little crazy. :)
Of course I'm just getting started on my Movie 3 hype rambles lol. Don't want this post to be too long or annoying-
I'm just so happy to see my comfort character back in action. I'm so happy that EVERYBODY'S back! I CAN'T WAIT DUDE!!!
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I’m personally a bit mixed on the senti-kid stuff.
I like it in concept because I’m a big fan of angst and existential horror, especially involving the “am I really a human/person? Am I a monster?” character arcs. Then you add in the horror of “they can have their free will taken away incredibly easily” (and be killed at someone’s whim) and that adds a whole other layer. I know that’s part of why a lot of people don’t like it, but I like the angst stuff a lot.
Having said that, I am still on the fence about it, because as much as I like the aforementioned reasons, I really hate how it was handled narratively. They do address the “can be killed easily” part a little, with Sentibug and Felix, but I think they don’t expand much on it, and don’t really stay consistant with it (like how they treat other sentis- LB controlling Sentibubbler, for example).
But the most glaring part of it for me is: having Adrien be a senti feels more like yet another reason for them to take him out of a significant action role in the story. They already did this with Chat Blanc: “oh he can’t know his dad is Hawkmoth bc he’ll destroy the world!” Then again with Ephemeral, though this time with the obvious use of the amok (Gabriel twisting the ring as he akumatized him). S5 shows him using it more and more, and has the finale with him still in control of the main villain, making it incredibly risky for Adrien to even have the Miraculous. Astruc and other fans can talk all they want about how feather kids are just magical IVF babies, and while I agree that they are human still, it blatantly ignores that having them be controlled by someone that dangerous makes them a huge risk, even if they get their amok (which is why I think there should have been some way to at least break them free of the control aspect, even if not their lives being tied to an object). (It’s also incredibly scary for the senti kid themselves.) Someone whose free will can be taken away so easily can’t be trusted with one of the most powerful objects in the world. It’s harsh, but powers like these, despite how they’re treated sometimes, can’t just be given out like candy to anyone, they need to be given selectively and carefully. Something like this can’t just be put in the hands of someone who isn’t even in full control of themselves. That’s so much responsibility to have. The narrative gave us two huge reasons that the narrative gave us for why Adrien can’t be a part of defeating his father and isn’t fit for the miraculous: 1) he’ll destroy the world, 2) he can be magically controlled and they can’t do anything about it. Why are they trying so hard to come up with reasons for why one of their main characters shouldn’t be in the role they gave him? The senti story would fit far better if Adrien wasn’t Chat Noir- I’ve read a lot of fics where things do work out, but they usually always take it in a direction that the show wouldn’t (in terms of story style and episode outline), so I don’t really think it can be successful in a canon style (though fic writers always surprise me, so I’m happy to be proven wrong).
That’s not even bringing up how Adrien’s arc was all about him obeying his father because he wants approval, not bc of magic, which… I guess can be explained away by Gabriel acting on the assumption that they made him perfect, therefore he doesn’t need to be controlled (like why Tomoe let Kagami keep her amok), but they don’t really address that on the Agreste side- how far is Gabriel willing to go? Why is he using it more now? Did Emilie use his amok? What for and why? Did the couple have a discussion beforehand? There’s just too much left open for the giant hole they created.
Sorry if this came off as ranty, but I wanted to share my thoughts as someone who does like the senti plotline, but still has frustrations with the show’s writing quality and inability to pull it off.
In another show, the sentikid stuff would have been amazing, so I don't fault anyone for liking the concept! It's a fantastic setup for a dark and twisted take on the genres that Miraculous is playing with. I could easily see that more serious show being considered a sort of sister show to Madoka Magica in terms of what it's trying to do.
The problem is that Miraculous isn't Madoka Magica. It's not trying to be a dark fantasy for teens and adults. It's trying to be a rom-com for little kids and the sentikid plotline has no place in a rom-com for little kids. It's way too serious for many of the reasons that you brought up.
For me, the biggest one is probably this point:
Someone whose free will can be taken away so easily can’t be trusted with one of the most powerful objects in the world.
Because sentimonsters do not have true free will, Adrien is a massive liability who should never be trusted with a miraculous. The risk is simply too great. He should also never be with Marinette or anyone else whose job is high stakes as he's a massive liability to them. A perfect sleeper agent who could be commanded to fool everyone until it's too late.
Great stuff if you like psychological horror, terrible stuff if you're here to see the power of love and friendship triumph over all!
There's also the issue of when the sentitwist was introduced. Madoka Magica goes from classic magical girl team show to psychological horror within the first few episodes, which is perfectly reasonable. Shows often take a few episodes to establish their tone. Miraculous doesn't introduce the sentikid stuff until season four, well over 24 hours into the show's runtime, way too late for a massive tone shift!
Add in the issues with how the sentitwist is used to downplay Gabriel's abuse and Adrien's reactions to it and, yeah, this was not a good move. I have no idea how the writing team got the higher ups to approve this twist. I'm still stunned that Disney okayed it.
I do think that Miraculous could have kept its lighthearted nature and done the sentitwist, but it would have required the sentikids to have a way to truly break free. After all, Pinocchio is a children's story and it has similar elements, but we didn't get Pinocchio. Instead we got Ephemeral, the episode where our hero stared his love in the eyes and doomed the world because he is totally incapable of being her hero when someone else has even one of his rings. That isn't a love story. It's a tragedy.
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imaexplodenow · 1 month
Okay finally! Been a while, but
Helloooo EKH Tumblr! It’s about time I share my AUs I have made! The reason it took a while was cuz the WiFi on all my devices went out for a few days, and I woulda drawn on my phone, but I just didn’t feel that motivation
…..and I made a new AU a few days ago so I was postponing this to draw on the new AU and see if it was one of my,, AUs I’d stick w/
Heads up before u start reading/looking at it!
-There’s a good about of.. chest…. Like…shirtless chest 😓
-So,, if you don’t know me, Sam is,, my favorite character, and so there’s…..a lot of “off character derailment” especially with ‘em. I still love love lloveeee (/p) the anxious cannon Sam, but these changes r for story telling purposes (you’ll see what I mean)
-There’s a GOOD chance that I will make ones in the future, so for now, these r the 6 I HIGHLY focus on as I love AUs and making them
-I have posted most of these on Twt, so if you’ve seen these before, just know I’m sharing these w/ Tumblr, and then I’ll share more on the new AU on Twt after this (u can ask for my @ if you’d like to follow me for more EKH art, as I’ll probably post there more often)
Anyways! Onto the AU sharing and somewhat story telling!
In chronological order of when they were made/discovered:
1st: Virus AU (BL**D/G*RE WARNING)
This was when I was in a BIG horror mood, so it’s basically an apocalyptic x monster AU
Basically, if anyone breathed in the air after a radiation accident, chances are you’d be infected and become a part of the undead,, or a werewolf
First victim of the 4 in this AU: Steven. Fought off a zombie and it took off his mask while in battle, leading to zombie wounds and inhaling the surrounding air killing him off and bringing him back a few days later as a part of the zombie hoard that was rapidly increasing.
Second victim of the 3: Sam. The 3 were fighting off the Steven zombie, and just like Steven and what he was fighting off, the mask came off, but no zombie injuries were present on Sam by the time his passing came. A few more days pass, and he comes back looking.. fine. A little pale, and colorful eyes, but not a zombie at least. Spends a few more days w/ the two that haven’t died, and after feeling extremely weak and a little peeved, takes a bite out of a stranger’s neck. The other two think it’s best to exile him off to a graveyard, to prevent them from getting their necks from getting bitten. Meanwhile, while nights go past after spending time to himself in his new graveyard home, the other two plot to kill him off. It’s decided Kevin should be the one to put a steak in Sam’s slowly beating heart, but when that happens, things go wrong. Despite Sam hating this new life, being killed by a close friend of his was shocking to see, and quickly reacting by fighting back. After some back and forth fighting, Sam accidentally launches himself into a fragile brick wall, causing one brick to fall directly on his head, knocking him out. After awakening to seeing Kevin stitching his injury and running away from guilt, things are no longer the same.
The two of them go to pay a visit to their old friend that’s in the graveyard, particularly because Kevin still cares for Sam and the guilt was eating him alive. They go into the graveyard, and see the place Sam resided in was..oddly more elegant looking than the last visit. Candles, a red carpet…a throne? The two cautiously enter calling out his name. In the blink of an eye, they’re both roped up and on their knees. After a few seconds of panicking and looking around, a sound of sipping was heard from the throne, with their friend looking…different. Still pale, still the red eyes, but more laid back and dressed up. Not like him at all, and not in a good way either, as he emerges from the shadows with a sky look on him. Treating the other two like a frenemy, bickering back and forth with the other two, and after some bickering, threatens to take a bite out of Kevin’s neck. Ofc it’s not something either Kevin or Billy wants, and luckily Kevin’s neck is spared, however, fate wasn’t in Billy’s hands; he shouts at this new Sam, the usual Billy talk, and leads to Sam being fed up. But he can’t bite his “tough love” friend’s neck, no no. There’s other plans for his friend Billy.
Third victim of the 2: Billy. Mask pulled down by this Vampire Sam, and a slight beating, causing Billy to forcefully inhale the air. Sam lets the two go, so they quickly get up and get out of this new home of Sam. They go back to the house all 4 used to live in before all this. They worry. Both of them. None of them want to die or die and then become a violent undead being like their friend. A few more days pass by, and Billy is fine? Maybe the air is fine? No. Night strikes, the moon is out. His body starts to grow and so does the pain, the hair, and the fangs. Mind starts to grow more violent as he cries for help from Kevin. He sees a hole in the wall in the area Billy was in. A huuggeee hole. Kevin would have gone searching, but with all sorts of zombies roaming, boarding up the hole was top priority and he’d have to go looking in the daytime. As nighttime passes, Kevin finishes covering the hole up and sleeps for the night, with late morning time bringing decently loud noises. Morning time comes and Kevin wakes up to hear pained grunts coming from the front door. Cautiously opening the door, he doesn’t see a zombie, he sees Billy, covered in a little bit of blood, dirt, tears in shirt and pants, and just overall messy appeal. It shocks and disgusts Kevin a little bit, but he can’t keep Billy out, as he’s begging to be let back in, saying it’s not safe for him to be outside and how he thinks he ate one or two animals. Kevin lets him in but decides to not discuss what happened, as they both put obvious inferences together. But time after the past hectic days haven’t been easy. Pretty hard actually.
Somehow the werewolf and vampire still chat with each other. The werewolf doesn’t want to keep up with the vampire, but it seems the vampire has learned how to enter the minds of those who sleep, and some more magical abilities. Billy doesn’t sleep as often now, doesn’t go out to get a proper werewolf diet, so both of those factors cause him to stay in a violent mood, especially since he lives with someone he doesn’t have too strong of a connection with. Of course life itself now sucks for him, but being a 12 ft tired and hungry wolf wasn’t on his or Kevin’s bucket list. It’s hard to keep care of the new Billy, but Kevin manages. He goes out so often to get raw meat, fresh water from the remaining water bottles in abandoned stores, keeps calm around Billy as to not escalate anything. Unfortunately, with the other two on the loose wrecking havoc on the public, things can’t always go according to plan.
One day, while Kevin was out getting stuff for Billy, things get messy fast. Billy tries to sleep during the day, since vampires are usually nocturnal, but that was unfortunate timing, as when he wakes up, he’s back at the home of his vampire “friend”. It’s not an illusion either, he’s actually physically there to, as well as…Steven, chained up but right next to the throne. There’s been some improvements to the place, but none to the vampire. If anything he’s gotten worse, somewhat bragging how great it’s been w/o Billy being the one in control. With each sentence Sam was spewing out, it got the werewolf closer and closer to try and maul him to shut him up. Unfortunately, they’re both equal in power, but when it comes to planning an attack, Sam has become better at that with these new found powers; at the perfect time as Billy is really close, he falls under a hypnotic spell, looking straight into Sam’s eyes. Loosening up, not wanting to maul him into pieces, and listening to what Sam’s saying.
Last victim: Kevin. He comes home to the werewolf not being around, getting a little worried, but there’s not much he can do without any visual hints as to where he might have went. So he carries on with his chores, putting away the wolf food and his own, cleans up the place. Of course that’s when Billy returns, of course it is, when he’s cleaning. He informs Billy there’s a restock in the fridge and doesn’t see there’s something wrong with him until Billy states he doesn’t want that. Kevin turns around to see Billy ominously standing at the front door, nothing but red in his eyes, literally. Full glowing red eyes. Getting a little concerned now, Kevin tries to avoid the topic of meats there is to snack on. It doesn’t work, Billy isn’t listening and inches closer to Kevin, treating him like…well…a treat. Next thing you know, Billy grabs one of his legs, making some quick remark of Margaret, sounding something more like what Sam would say, and rips it off without hesitation. A pained scream by Kevin as his lays on the ground, panicking as thoughts rush through his mind. One thought was to call 911, so with the remaining strength he has, he crawls towards his phone and dials 911 (or of course, what’s left of it). As soon as he starts reporting what’s going on, Billy, who’s still in the trance, goes in for the other leg, for another part of him to snack on and to try and shut him up. That only alerts the operator on the other side more, as they say they’ll track Kevin’s location and send an ambulance ASAP. The phone call ends, and so does Billy’s other little snack, but the hypnosis wears off just before he can finish the second leg, and it takes a second for Billy to get a grasp on reality again. He looks behind him, and to his shock and horror, there’s a dying and leg less Kevin, breathing at a rapid pace and heavily, trying to keep his eyes from closing, but with the most amount of emotions he’s ever shown. In this moment, this is the most regret Billy has ever felt and shown.
An ambulance arrives a few minutes later, with Kevin just on the brink of death. They’re able to bring him into the ambulance, but unable to find what or who might have caused such a bloody mess. As they drive away to hopefully help Kevin stay alive, one of the bedroom doors open as Billy peeks out into the empty house. He hated it. The silence, the idea of being by himself, and that he actually committed an act of murder. What had he done? No…what did Sam make him do? Everyone else was dead or close to being dead. Everyone except him. And it hurt. But he couldn’t show that, of course he couldn’t. If he showed a sign of weakness, he’d only feel worse, and that wasn’t who he was. He had to keep pushing through these new conditions.
Something Kevin tried, but failed at doing. Trying to distract himself, Billy tries watching TV, because what else was there left to do to keep himself occupied? Unfortunately, hours later, it gets interrupted. Billy almost throws a “werewolf fit” bout it, but he couldn’t. His eyes were averted to someone else. At first he couldn’t recognize him, but that was Kevin. A ghostly apparition form of Kevin. This wasn’t a sick trick either, he didn’t make it. Literally floating, hair and body, he now had pure white eyes, wore a hospital outfit, but was still himself. He was lucky enough to have not become a violent or vengeful spirit, it was just him, but seemingly willing to put more effort into helping those who needed it despite the sarcastic tone he still had.
And that’s where the story caps off. This is how those 4 are now and their new life.
TLDR: Steven’s a mindless servant zombie to the Vampire Sam, who’s completely changed his attitude and view towards everything, behaving more like a traditional vampire. Billy is a werewolf who’s constantly fighting with the werewolf urges on a daily basis and against Sam’s wishes. Kevin is a phantom who’s the neutral-good towards anyone.
But now we can move onto a more silly AU! …ofc it still has angst but no bl0od this time!
2nd: Regretevator AU
Starts out relatively normal! Just the 4 of them going on a camping trip! …okay except for the rumors that there’s alien kidnappings, experimentation, and those who enter don’t come back…the same at least. Ofc Sam and Billy had a little disagreement and ofc it ended up with Billy’s vote mattering, so they go to the supposedly dangerous camp! And of course one there’s an alien kidnapping! The 4 start booking it, leaving most of their camping supplies there, but one of them don’t make it out in time. Billy, Steven, and Kevin make it to a safe area, but…hey where’d Sam go? …oh shit he’s getting abducted. The other three go to try and pull him out of the beam, but to no avail. The beam was stronger than the three of them combined, leading to Sam going into the UFO. Who knows what’s gonna happen to him? Well…he does. Kind of. He got to witness it all, but of course, that damn green cat was the cause of his new life. Xe put Sam into some kind of sleep, but with a kind of drug that didn’t look like any he could recall before passing out. But he wouldn’t be able to recall any of that anymore.
The other three, still in the camp waiting for him to come back, continuing their camping trip in silence. An hour passes and the UFO is back! It lands close by to them, and out comes two figures. One is the green cat, and xe’s holding something that looks human. It has yellow skin…a pink shirt……more accessories…..what the hell this isn’t the human xe kidnapped? Except yes it is. There’s the brown tank top underneath that pink shirt. There’s the shaggy and goatee, even if it looks a bit different. And his voice… despite it being extremely glitchy and compressed, it sounds like him. Turns out the cat just used something xe found at an apartment and tested it on Sam. Well…okay sure he looks different but, it’s still Sam!
The other three keep asking him things about what happened, if he’s okay, the typical. Except, he can’t recall. He’s a little off put by these faces. Who are these 3 guys and how do they know him? He doesn’t even know himself, he just feels, both overwhelmed and…silly? Well if the three talk it out with the green cat maybe they can get it to revert Sam back to norm- oh. The cat’s just left them behind. Great. Stuck with a curious “Sam” and three confused and concerned guys. Best thing they all can do is just go back to where they’re all living.
Over the last few months this…thing…resembles Sam less and less. He knew Kevin was a germaphobe, so why is he fine w/ being sick all the time and acting like it’s not a big deal? He used to keep Billy in check with his money, but now he’s the one spending all his money on decorations and internet related stuff, so how’s that fair? He used to get paranoid when Steven accidentally made a loud noise or spoke loudly, so why is he the loudest one out of the bunch? Especially when playing his games? It’s like he was the total opposite of what he’s supposed to be… He doesn’t even answer to Sam anymore, he has this weird name that isn’t even a name! He prefers to be called S4G3 because “1t c00l3r th4n d1s “S4M” n@m3”. He also has very colorful outfits, and it kind of hurts to look at.
So of course one day Billy grows extremely tired of this and goes to take matters into his in his own hands. He would have dragged Kevin with him, but for some reason he liked Kevin, despite Kevin not like him back. Doesn’t make sense either seeing how “S4G3” likes to spend time with Steven more. So Billy drags Steven along with him instead and leaves Kevin to deal with S4G3. Billy’s plan is to go back to the camp and be as stubborn as possible to get that green alien cat to change S4G3 back onto Sam and have Steven as backup.
Luckily first step of the plan worked. …can’t say that about the rest of the plan, because the green alien has something the other two don’t: an army and weapons. So wouldn’t you know it, they’re also on the chopping block for getting the “gnarpian” treatment. Except instead of whatever was used to create Sam into S4G3, Billy gets this…splinter? Oh and his legs cut off. And unfortunately, Steven watches the majority of that, but of course, there can’t be any witnesses, just experiment vessels. Steven gets a different treatment though, he just gets to listen to music… huh, odd. Hopefully this doesn’t alter his brain in anyway.
Well, another few hours go past, and Kevin is still not enjoying S4G3 company. So when he heard a knock at the door, he was relieved to answer it and ignore S4G3 for a minute or two. Except it was the green cat at the door and tossed the other two back into the apartment, threatening to not bother xe again or else he’d be next and it would be the worst experiment out of the 4 of them. So of course that puts enough fear into Kevin to not want to even talk to xem. …which is unfortunate because now instead of Billy and Steven returning, xe gave him a weird stylized wooden mannequin and Steven but with flashier clothes. …oh. They were also used for experiments. And they also behaved like S4G3 when he first came into existence. Confused and not like themselves. Steven wasn’t as bad, just extra and his personality revolved more around his music gig. Billy though? He’s barely stubborn anymore, he’s more compassionate and caring than rude. He’s also now a hard worker, even of said work is all about wood. That wouldn’t be too much of a problem if the equipment he used was so loud all the time and he wasn’t so confused and anxious majority of the time he interacted with the others.
Great. Something more bothersome for Kevin to suck up and deal with for who knows how long.
TLDR: Sam became Infected ripoff, Billy became Mark ripoff, Steven became a Brock ripoff (even though they’re both music lovers, not much there was changed), and Kevin is…Kevin. (This Kevin isn’t 20 years later in a bad way Kevin, more of Inadvertent Hero Kevin)
Okay! Now back to our regularly scheduled angst!
3rd: Hacker AU
Ever wondered how you could access the outside barriers on the EKH RP game, or wondered what’s the other houses like, but they’re just beyond your reach? Yeah, so did this Sam…in a way.
The day of the house fire. It starts like normal. Billy sticking gum in Kevin’s hair at school, Kevin telling on Him, Billy dragging Sam along to try and get aid to Egg Kevin’s House. The little kid Sam this time though, was getting deja vu, like he’s done this before… but regardless, he declines. Of course he does. He can’t damage his friend’s house! And there it goes. Up in flames. With a woman screaming from inside it. And there they both go, running from it. 20 years later happens. At the burnt house of his old friend’s. To make a video with his two other friends. They go in and out of the house, night after night, and it still feels all too familiar. But, it’s just gotta be that feeling you get…and don’t listen to. They come across Kevin…the basement gets lit on fire. The two of thEm escape, and Kevin is spared. Once they start running, everything goes black.
The day of the house fire. It starts like normaL. Billy sticking gum in Kevin’s hair at school, Kevin telling on him, Billy dragging Sam along to try and get aid to Egg Kevin’s House. Hasn’t she done this before? Who knows. She begrudgingly helps Billy to Egg Kevin’s House. And there it goes. Up in flames. With a woman screaming from inside it. And there they both go, running from it. 20 years later happens. At the burnt house of her old friend’s. To make a video with his two other friends. They go in and out of the house, night after night, and…again, this feels all too recognizable. She could have sworn she’s done this before…maybe it was just a segment of that nightmare she had and just now remembering. …so why did she see herself as a guy? Dreams can be weird. They come across Kevin…the basement gets lit on fire. The two of them escape, and Kevin is…killed. Once they start running, everything goes bLack.
The day of the house fire. It starts…with Sam trying tO backtrack. He really doesn’t want to be here, especially with Billy in his cranky kid mood. But it’s hard to. Why can’t he go back where he came from? He keeps pushing against the invisible force., all while Billy is calling out to Sam that he looks silly and not in a good way. Sam keeps pushing and pushing and pushing, he so desperately doesn’t want anything bad to happen to any of them. After some more pushing, he finally is allowed out of Kevin’s house area…and into a black void? Where’d he go? Where were the other houses? Turns out the idea he had was more scary than actual being called a coward by his friend Billy. …Billy wasn’t around either. Where-
The panicking kicks into high gear once he spots a group of infamous figures, dubbed hackers. Trouble making, rumor spreading creature criminals that ranged from not-so-chaoTic, like John Doe to “should be killed for their crimes”, like 1x1x1x1. And speaking of 1x1x1x1, right behind the child Sam was said hacker, who already knew who they were. They both had a chat, Sam scared of what was going on, like, extremely scared.. he wanted his…parents? …he doesn’t recall having those, let alone their names. It then turned into a kind of vent session after JoHn told 1x1x1x1 to calm themselves and let the child speak their mind. So after the vent session 1x1x1x1 went off the walls a bit and told them none of that was real. John couldn’t zip them up on time, so that lead the little child to be shocked and confused. That’s when the entirety of life was spilled to the child Sam. First was showing they only had four total “models”: Male & FemalE child and adult “models”. After altering the little male Sam child into their adult “model” so they could get a better understanding of all of this, 1x1x1x1 lead them to the gender option screen, and let Sam at it. He hesitates to select the female, but when she selects it, things start to click; she wasn’t in control of anything. Back and forth, male - female -male -female, they couldn’t believe even simple things weren’t up to them. Finally fed up with their identity crisis, just slammed their fist against both choices, and something felt different at that point, but it didn’t matter. Nothing at that point didn’t matter. 1x1x1x1 still had more to spill though. Billy, Steven, Kevin, the nurse, all of those people, none of them were real. Whereas Sam could think multiple things, it was said they all “went with the flow” with whateveR came out Sam’s mouth. Sam could sometimes move wherever they wanted, the others had a path. The more information Sam learnt, the more they hated everything and everyone around them, growing distant from the character they were made out to bE.
With all of that learned, 1x1x1x1 finally put them to a test. They sent them to Night 1, when the three of them were standing outside the house. The other two discussing about making a video, and Sam just standing there, looking upset in an angered type of way. This lead to the other two asking what was the matter with Sam, with nothing being said. So of course, it was taken as the “…” option, which lead to Sam snapping in a violent way. The world around them started to crumble while they seemingly spewing nonsense, saying how “they don’t actually care” and “you guys aren’t real”. The area around the three of them getting worse and worse, opening up to static and void, even opening Kevin’s house showing how confused he is. It’s getting harder and harder to balance on the broken streets, grass, overall land beneath the other 3. Billy starts hoping around on different platforms, trying to reach Sam and trying to “reason” with them. He screwed up with one question when he reaches Sam and states “Try and calm down. This isn’t like you at all, what’s gotten into you?” Sam then stops dwelling for that moment, turns to look at Billy, with the most angered face they have ever put on, and goes on to tell him that they finally realize that everyone and everything around them was the problem, and they’re finally realizing it. But of course, Billy has to go on and rub salt into the wound, by stating that right now, thanks to Sam, they’re causing most of the issue, which, while true, isn’t what they needed, leading to their hands sparking, resembling the colors of 1x1x1x1 as if their influence finally rubbed onto Sam themself. Nothing this, Sam goes in for a brutal beating to their so-called friend, and causes him to go completely red, literally. He starts glitching out, unable to speak, turning the color red, until he finally falls to the ground like a ragdoll. But oh no, they can’t just stop at Billy. In a fit of rage, they start to approach the other two who are just staring in horror. The next one to get “killed off” is Steven while Kevin makes a run for it. Or, at least he tries to. The terrain around him is hard to navigate, but just as Steven’s being finished off, Sam is finishing him off, they catch sight of Kevin and teleport right in front of him, saying how they’ll feel little remorse for erasing Kevin, but not enough to not do it. And just before erasing Kevin, he’s able to ask why and how. Sam swiftly explains how they don’t like their emotions being toyed with. Not anymore at least.
They’re all glitched out corpses now. There’s still more to erase to, but not before having another chat w/ 1x1x1x1, being encouraged to keep it up, because of how much more freeing it is. Except, unfortunately, it can only be done in the “world” of Egg Kevin’s House, because you’d never see a Sam outside that game, ever. But hey, at least they can do whatever they want in that world, toy w/ the other 3, and dress differently instead of the same brown attire (in which the outfit was gifted by John Doe). It didn’t look like much, but that was because it was an older outfit. Still, the newly named 1nS4Mity is a free roaming semi-hacker in their world of Egg Kevin’s House.
TLDR: This is just a 4th wall breaker type of AU, but w/ angst and hackers.
Okay! Last 3! I have been typing the ones above for….about 6 hours now. I’m dead serious 😭 But luckily! These next ones don’t have too much of a story to them (yet(?)), so this should be quick and easy!
4th: 7 Deadly Sins
Honestly I just did this one for two reasons: 1, I like the idea of 7 deadly sins. It can be fun to mess w/ imo. 2, it had been a while since I made an AU, so my mind just came up w/ this idea
Basically, the more a person acts like their ideal sins, the more likely they are to become said sin. In order:
Kevin becomes Wrath after loathing about his mother’s death in his house
Billy becomes Greed after making clickbait video after clickbait video and it actually working and gaining him some revenue
Soon after, Steven, being Pride. He believes that w/o his help, Billy’s ideas would be absolutely garbage.
And lastly, Sam, becoming Sloth. A mix of depression and not needing to do much while the others are doing what they do as sinful entities, so he just decides to sleep in, day after day after day after day..and yeah.
5th: {No real AU name for this}
Soooo this is a goofy one, and I mean, goofy. It’s a crossover of my two favorite Roblox games w/ a dash of their worst endings, this being Warmonger for EKH, and Monster for Overnight (iirc). (If you haven’t watched/played Overnight, highly recommended as there’s spoilers for this game in this AU)
Basically a little after the Warmonger ending, it clicks w/ Sam that this whole “killing people off hobby” is oddly therapeutic, and if Billy isn’t around to judge him, then he could do whatever he wanted, even breaking the law! So he basically becomes this gleeful ball of madness, killing anyone and everyone off in creative ways, while also having this demon as a sort of sidekick (it’s taken the role watching out for Sam (or Warmonger as he prefers) in case he ends up in a prison or almost dead).
6th and most recent one: Pirates AU
It should be obvious what this is about. Now since it’s new, I can’t share a shortened version of the story as I don’t fully have one, but I can share the fact that Billy is the captain of his crew, with Sam being second captain, Steven being the one to help Billy get his crew, and Kevin ………………..
There’s also the side characters in this actually!
The news reporter still being that, just old timey, Nurse Adam’s being a siren now, and the fire fighter being a ghost pirate captain. :D
Oh also Billy prefers others to be called Captain Billy for his crew, and William for strangers/enemies, Sam is Samuel and hates the shortened version of his name, Steven being Stephen, and Kevin still being Kevin lmao.
But I still have artworks to show off, one for each AU, but trust me, I have alloooottt of art on these AUs, and more to come, so if this does well I’ll show more! Most likely on Twt first tho
1st: Virus AU
2nd: Regretevator AU
3rd: Hacker AU
4th: Deadly Sins AU
5th: Unnamed AU
6th: Pirate AU
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