#there are probably people who made these sorts of edits but i was too lazy to search
nitunio · 1 year
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transparent pngs of my fave screenshots from g gundam bc i needed them for profile pics
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6okuto · 3 months
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gn!reader, timeskip mentions
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isn't a pda guy, but will fall asleep on your shoulder/rest against you as he games, and if you play with his hair, who's he to say no?
if you change your contact name in his phone, he keeps whatever it is, even if it's super silly or cheesy. like okay call "my honeybear darling angel 😚". he says it's because he's lazy but he does find it kinda cute/amusing
you cheer for kenma at practice in like, a sort of exaggerated way, like "gooo kenma!!! yeaahh!! let's go kenma!! kenma! kenma!" and he tries really hard not to look at you—not because he's annoyed, but because he doesn't want you to notice how red his face has gotten. his teammates point it out anyway
lol his team using you as motivation. "don't you want to impress them?" and kenma's like 😒😒 but gets up from the floor
kenma teaching you how to play his favourite (co-op) video games!! he's pretty patient and explains things well, so if you don't have a lot of gaming experience, don't worry too much ^^ buttt if you're competitive, get ready to Compete. he seems like someone who doesn't take it too seriously unless you start (jokingly) shit talking him
he'll try out any games you like too, even if it isn't something he'd pick himself. he doesn't really plan to when you're describing it, but then he thinks about it, or sees a post mentioning it, and the curiosity (And Affection 4 U :3) gets him
easily notices if you've gotten quieter/tired when you're out. if you're with a group, he'll tap your shoulder and offer his own, ask if you're alright, and or make up an excuse so you can both leave. if it's just the two of you, he's quick to find a place to rest for a while
he'll never make you join if you don't want to, but fans eat up any videos or streams with you—they make edits and compilations of you walking in during streams and everything. the amount of begging for a q&a and story time of how you met is crazydsjdhsj
chat is soo annoying about it too /lh "no they're not single," "i know they're out of my league," "yes they were my first subscriber," kenma telling you not to answer them when they ask if he's clingy, etc etc
! i think it'd be cute if you guys had matching phone cases, but his fans didn't know until you showed up with the other one. and they realize Just how much he has on that's matching you—the bracelet and necklace that they catch glimpses of under his hoodie, the hoodie itself from the same line as yours... yeah.
time for "he said no pickles." unless you also don't like asking/don't care,, then you guys can just take the pickles off together <3
^ if it's a serious mistake they made with your food, kenma's a lot more compelled to approach the counter.
would teach you about stocks. if you asked
mutual info dumping and yapping... he's very aware of how much he's telling you the first couple of times, but gets more comfortable when you do it back !
^ kind of guy to do his own research afterward. he makes a semi-obscure reference/joke the day after and you're like ???? Who told you that.
kind of boyfriend who hears you go "i want him" "wait why's this character kinda..." and isn't like, that offended or put off by it. says "understandable" (or questions your taste), but knows they're a character at the end of the day
quality time kind of guy. people know you're special even if they don't know you're dating because you can convince kenma to go to events or try something new when they wouldn't expect it. (obviously it's never something crazy out of his comfort zone, and it's probably because he knows you'd feel better with someone with you, but he's going all the same!!)
kenma isn't the best with receiving words of affirmation or gifts... he appreciates it, but gets awkward and doesn't know how to react ^^; you reassure him that he doesn't have to jump for joy or be super affectionate back—he shows his love in his own ways !
his gifts are very thoughtful. he gets you something practical, and then things that you've really wanted for a while. his cards aren't filled with long letters of adoration, but they're genuine and very much kenma. (+ having money in the timeskip doesn't mean he'd ever buy something expensive or flashy just because it might be 'easier.' it means he gets to buy you way more merchandise for your favourite media, paying the shipping fees that kept you away.)
you get him a super thoughtful (and maybe expensive) gift and he Lights Up. and then he's like ? you remembered / really paid that much ? really ? and he keeps smiling when he looks at it..
kenma coming downstairs with super bad bedhead and pouting when you snicker. but then he relaxes as you comb your fingers through to fix it
tying up his hair... a little ponytail or bun...
matching pajamas... or those fluffy headbands you wear to wash your face... he looks so silly and cute
university student kenma who walks in visibly irritated, and you know you're about to shit talk his group members or professor together.
late night breakfast. sitting in the kitchen eating bowls of cereal past midnight
! late night gaming sessions... and or sometimes you fall asleep waiting for kenma to finish, then wake up to realize he fell asleep at his desk. you have to coax him into bed after saving the game for him
very nervous during the first year you're together any time there's a holiday, especially valentine's day or your anniversary. he wonders if his plans and gifts are enough, not romantic enough, too boring, if you'd rather do something exciting, even if logically he knows you'll like anything he thinks up
sometimes you guys will just lie on the floor, stare at the ceiling together, and talk. maybe there's music, a game menu screen playing in the background, or you're just listening to the birds and neighbours outside. floor time is healing all the same
bleaching kenma's hair + him helping dye yours... timeskip where chat asks if you've done your hair recently because his hands have been stained :')
it's super easy to team up with kuroo to tease him but also ! teaming up to taunt and prank kuroo !! think of kenma laughing bright and loudly, eyes squinting and arms clutching his middle !! kuroo can't be that mad because he's happy someone else can get kenma this happy too
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🏷️ | @icekitgeorge3 @dira333 (hey guys) @pelicanpizza @godoffuckedupcats @causenessus @priv-rose @ur-local-simp @respitable @deepenthevoid
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mitsvriii · 9 months
"Nothing's New"
In which your partner is never going to pay attention to you, because they’re too focused on their dead lover
Bell’s notes: “writer bell goes too far with this fic-” im /j no ones gonna say that, angst powers pls work tho, like im asdlkfjawel;fjsd;jf;lska, i cant write dude, let me like, plan this out in my head before writing nonsense, LIKE BRO, feral over angst LORD, 100k likes and you get part 2 /jjjj, growling i love angst, MWHAHAHA, sorry ely, yuka, mhie, snob, and zee if you read this 😔😔😔, i listened to “IT Girl” while writing this 😋, got carried away with Ayato’s part oopsies, i believe Guizhong for the ladies but whatever 😔😔😔, cut out Wanderer & Childe in the end because i’m TIRED, not proofread
Story details: Ayato lowkey a bitch, scratch that highkey, reader has self-doubt, Neuvilette doesn’t mean to be mean he just ISSS, GUIZHONG DID NOTHING STOP MAKING HER THE ONE IN BLAME IN THESE ZHONGLI SCENARIOS, oh and I couldn’t be bothered with Xiao’s part like a quarter through he’s such a flexible yet straight character, it’s the way you can tell when I got lazy with each part, chance Xiao & Zhongli are gonna be ooc as i’ve never written anything but short headcanons for them before
Characters & Triggers: Ayato, Neuvilette, Xiao, & Zhongli;  reader has self-doubt, mention of death, mention of martial neglect
Reader details: female reader in Ayato’s part is explicit. female reader in Neuvilette’s part can be interpreted with the way you read it. the other parts, however, shouldn’t have a specified reader type. reader’s personality, race/ethnicity, height, physical descriptions, or anything of the sort is not mentioned. if anything is let me know and i’ll edit it. 
Ayato: No surprise the Yashiro Commissioner doesn’t pay attention to his new wife, the one that he didn’t marry first. You knew that he didn’t love you, and most likely never would because you were, in fact, the second pick. Actually, it was probably in the hundreds based on the amount of marriage arrangement offers Ayato had gotten considering he was one of the biggest figures in Inazuma. It didn’t matter, but he most likely picked you because your clan was a small one to put it lightly, so he most likely chose it, and you, because it wouldn’t be a hassle with the press. But of course, he would choose the person and clan that seemed, “easy”. It hurt seeing some of the people’s sympathetic stares, such as Ayaka’s, Thoma’s, and a few of the older women working in the estate. You got used to the lack of greeting from Ayato when he got off work, the lack of warmth beside you at night. You found it hilarious, although you were hysteric at the time as you had just found out that Ayato was off that day and neglected to see you, that he never, ever laid down in the same bed as you. It doesn’t matter no matter how hard you work around the estate, how long you sit up doing his work, which you soon quit once he yelled at you like a homeless dog, or even the distinct flower you made out of one of Ayato’s favorite sweets that he ignored. Not even a glance at your general direction, either. After a while, you decided to do some digging on his past wife, only to find out that she was in fact near perfect. Perfect reputation, perfect everything, to put it shortly. Shortly after asking Ayaka what happened to her, by pulling the sad, guilty wife card, you found out she was a victim of an assassination attempt that turned into a success. Of course, Ayato and his perfect wife would only be torn apart by death. It was poetic, and it made you sick. So what were you to do but endure the slow torture that you and Ayato’s marriage was? After all, nothing you could do could change how he felt about you. 
Neuvillette: The famous hydro dragon, at least to those who knew his ‘secret’. His past lover, unfortunately, died before him, no doubt to his immortality. Of course, you would soon die, maybe in a few decades but, hey, it wasn’t like he would miss you. You could only wait awake at night as Neuvillette went to fix himself his own meal, despite you staying up to cook him one and await for his return from work. It’s not that was the only time he never paid attention to you, after all the man had most likely been grieving his wife for centuries at this point in time. So what were you to do besides stay and watch this man be emotionally constipated around you? Why did he even marry you in the first place, then? It couldn’t be because his past wife resembled you, and it certainly wasn’t because you both acted the same. Was it because he needed someone to cling to? I mean, you weren’t exactly someone who seemed to not fit the criteria of a compassionate co-worker who would comfort Neuvillette in his times of distress. Did Neuvilette only come to you because you were his way of grieving? It would make partial sense, to cling to the nearest piece of comfort to help with the pain of loss. It made you feel like nothing but an object meant for his emotional wants, but in reality, that’s all you ever are and will ever be to him. 
Xiao: The famous adeptus long ago, had someone close to him. Shame they fell to waste during the archon wars, along with the other adepti. It was no surprise that everyone familiar with Liyue stories knew about the two of them together, which unfortunately included you. It didn’t pain you that much until your oh-so-loveable boyfriend got distracted by two kids playing with a Xiao lantern and one of her. After that, it only devolved into more. The lack of visits to your room in the inn, the lack of responses whenever you left your little notes for him near your meet-up place, and the extreme lack of thank-you-notes whenever you left Xiao almond tofu. It didn’t matter that you started to skip and completely ignore doing all of these things just to see if he would notice because the adeptus failed to appear in your room just to check in to see if you were okay. This behavior was unlike him, at least in the sense of him completely ignoring you. The only answer you could think of, that logically made sense, of course, was that he was reminded of his past loved one because of the run-in with the lanterns you two had while out in Liyue. So in terms, he seemed to disconnect with you because of the memories of his past significant other? You knew the adepti didn’t die peacefully, you could tell that much from the stories, so it wouldn’t be surprising if that also applied to Xiao’s past lover. There was nothing you could do about it though, because if you knew Xiao, he wouldn’t talk about her to you nor push her aside for you.
Zhongli: Guizhong. Of course, you were familiar with the name, everyone in Liyue was. Everyone might be a stretch considering the visitors and children, but the point’s been made. Morax and Guizhong were close. Close in a sense of possibly having relationship affairs but that was only explicit to you because of the way your lover would glace at glaze lilies. You couldn’t call him your lover, could you? Not with the way he would hum to the glaze lilies, the way his eyes would also drift away from you whenever you talked as you took strolls through Guilu Plains, and the way he would opt to tell stories of specific tales of his time as Morax, ones that included Guizhong in some way. It got to the point where you had to make up tasks that you had to do daily just to get away from the walks you two took, not to hear the different-yet-similar stories of Morax and totally not Guizhong. It was childish of you to be doing so, you had yourself convinced, as you couldn’t blame Guizhong for any of it. She had no part of this besides well, besides being your number one stressor for the past few weeks. It was tiring yet somehow for the sake of not wanting a glare or side-eye from Zhongli about his stories, which you never thought you’d get that tired of hearing, you kept your mouth shut, despite how hard it was. You knew it would only take so much more, though, before you said something about it. 
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s0ckh3adstudios · 9 months
howdy!! for the undertale gold au, i was wondering if we could see more of dalv? (or starlo, dalv and rover!! like the family portrait)
if not thats ok :) i just wanna see more of how these sillies work in the au
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TA-DA!! Finally, after days... UTG Dalv! I Am So Sorry.
Disclaimer Corn Yaoi IS canon in this AU and for those who don't like it. I am sorry HEHEKGHLF It's too late for me to go back and I thought it'd be funny to include it. Too embedded in the lore now
You find out Dalv's backstory not through recorded tapes, but through his diary! You know, how he has one in the Ruins? In turn, Chujin still records tapes.
I actually wrote Dalv's diary entries and will be leaving them under the cut so you can all get your dose of exposition, but I'll give a summary of it below the Diary Entries if you want a TLDR!
Also, I apologize if the writing isn't very good- I tried my best to keep Dalv's character and write out what happened, but I'd probably edit a couple details if I wasn't lazy LMAO
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Dalv and Starlo own a large farming area together where they grow crops for monsters to buy. They were given an opportunity to expand the farm, and their business by association, to the Snowdin area. Starlo was unable to meet with the people in Snowdin about it, so Dalv had to go. He was a bit nervous to do so, Chujin offered to join him! As long as he got to test out his latest project; Axis, a funny little robot. Rover, Dalv and Starlo's kid, also joined them! They wanted to visit Snowdin and play with Chujin's robot. Dalv and Chujin left Axis to watch and play with Rover while they had their meeting. But this is when danger struck. During the meeting, a human came through Snowdin and attacked Rover, even taking their hat. Despite Axis already chasing after the human and Chujin giving Dalv warnings, Dalv ran after the human as well to find his kid's hat.
Dalv did find the human... who was very injured after seemingly having had a run-in with Axis who was oddly nowhere to be found in that moment. When Dalv encountered in the human... something shifted in him. This human hurt his child, they could have taken them away... Seeing them... He felt angry. Without thinking, for reasons he can't really explain, he attacked the human and finished them off for good. In a panic, mortified at what he suddenly did, he stole the soul. He didn't want to admit it, even if this was what monsters were meant to do to humans. The soul was declared missing and Chujin was blamed; there was concern over how much damage Axis caused and the fact that he seemingly killed the human so brutally that he also destroyed the soul which they NEEDED.
Dalv decided he was going to try and use the soul for good and try to infuse its power into his crops! He thought if monsters ate them, they'd gain enough power to last against humans AND possibly bypass the barrier. He couldn't do this alone... So he ended up coming clean to Chujin about what happened. Chujin was VERY mad but figured if he helped, he could maybe get his job back. The two worked on the project and when sprouting their first soul infused crop, a cob of corn, Dalv offered to test it.
....It made him very sick.
When Dalv fell down, he had left a message to Starlo in his diary, telling him to read it after he died. He told Starlo to return the soul and shut down the project entirely. The farms are already in danger just for supposedly having some sort of illness in the crops that Dalv seemingly ate (a lie). But Starlo...... didn't listen. He felt bad that it didn't work out for Dalv and felt bad that he felt horrible about it. He wanted to do it for him. Carry on his legacy. Cling to what left he had of Dalv and what he was working on.
....But it was never meant to be.
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mariyekos · 6 days
New DMC Anime Trailer Breakdown, Part 1
Okay so thoughts on the new DMC Anime trailer, which you can see here:
Putting things under the cut!
First things first, it's definitely going to at least take a few things from the DMC3 manga.
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Second: It at least uses CGI in part....but more than that, on rewatching it... Are those Agni and Rudra!? Which means it also covers DMC3 in part.
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Other fun things to note- I'm not sure if Dante's plate is a reference to anything, but he does have New York plates, so we can assume this DMC takes place in the US, even if the games are ambiguously sort of British/European based on architecture and director commentary.
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Going to be honest- I'm not sure if these guys are a reference to anything. If they are, it's going over my head, but I could definitely see them just being generic bad guys/hunters.
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Rebellion looks nice here! Also, looks like we're continuing the tradition of Dante getting attacked at his shop, because with a Pool table, jukebox, and the posters on the wall, I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be Dante's shop. Fun that we get a shot of him without his coat too, though he must put it on at another point since he has it in the above shots.
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Then we have the exploding plane scene, which afaik is new but also feels very DMC. RIP the other people in that airplane though. Still, I like how wacky and over the top it is!
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We also have a demon in the background of this shot...
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And someone I'm preeety sure is Enzo (from the DMC3 Manga and Bayonetta!) Although on second glance, this guy looks like he might be blond, which Enzo is not. Still, it could just be a design choice they went with.
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Following that is a shot of....probably not Jester because of the short nose, but something I'm sure is connected to Arkham in some way. I want to say they wouldn't get rid of his face scar, so I'm banking on there being a plotline related to Arkham having multiple minions Dante has to take down.
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The giant hell portal in the sky isn't super special. We see it in both DMC3 and the old DMC anime, after all.
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Then water guy...who I also don't remember as an enemy tbh. Could be new, could be my bad memory showing face. But he's a cyclops with axe hands which is interesting.
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Dante's bullets are engraved with Jackpot which I find hilarious but also cool. Just imagining him using magic/demonic power to carve that in is great. I do wonder if they're going to have him reload though? Ebony and Ivory generally use magic bullets as far as I remember, but I know Coyote-A ejects shells. This bullet is shot from Ivory though.
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EDIT: Looking at it again, these guns aren't Ebony and Ivory. They're both white/grey. Assuming this isn't them being lazy/an animation error, it might be that this is a real bullet...that he engraved using magic or just special gun stuff instead of just making the bullet itself from magic. I am not interested in guns in real life, but I think guns are supposed to have a function where they leave a mark on the bullets they fire so you can identify which gun shot the bullet? So it could be a human-made modification too.
Then there's the demon he shoots, which I think is a reference to Alice and the demons from the DMC3 manga (and a nice reference to the Sin Scissors and other beings that you can get the kill on with a bullet to the mask).
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Not totally sure what the thing Dante shoots is, but it looks to be some sort of pendant. Is it some possessed thing that the girl has? Not super important though, because WHY IS ECHIDNA FROM DMC4 HERE?! Not upset, just surprised. Didn't notice this in my first watch.
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After that we get Dante saving a girl from a... car? train? Something getting thrown into a diner that reminds me of the one from the old DMC anime, so here's me hoping we might get some fun downtime scenes like we did in that show. Maybe we'll see a strawberry sundae :)
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Actually wait-
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STRAWBERRY SUNDAE IDENTIFIED! Also I don't have a picture of her on hand, but is this maybe the waitress from that anime? A younger version? I'll look for a picture later, but for the sake of getting this out earlier than later, I'll just say I'm pretty sure she was a redhead too.
EDIT: Rewatching the trailer, the blue cyclops demon from before is in front of a sign that I'm pretty sure is supposed to say Freddie's Diner like in the OG Anime, so I'm going with the waitress being the same woman or otherwise related.
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After that we get what looks to be a human that turned into a demon. My bet is that this guy was always a demon who was pretending to be human, but I think it could be interesting if there was a plotline about Arkham transforming humans into demons while trying to achieve godhood.
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And hey look, Dante has what looks to be a stab mark through his chest and a hole in his shirt :) i bet this boy is getting stabbed through the chest, let's gooooo!
EDIT: Back, so I'll continue.
On second glance- wait, these guns are both gray, which means they aren't Ebony and Ivory. I'm putting my money into the DMC3 anime including Dante meeting Nell rather than this being an animation/coloring error.
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Aaaand I hit the image limit, darn. Part 2 can be found here.
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shipandrunforit · 10 months
Dropping some Heartsteel head cannons I have bc these thoughts won’t leave me alone and I’m curious how much they are going to tie in magic with this (bc Kayn and Ezreal still have their powers)
Kayn and Rhaast
Was a street kid growing, something happened that lead to him being orphaned and living on the streets for a few years
Accidentally released rhaast while trying to steal things from a museum, Rhaasf was not happy about having the situation and tried to leave but Kayn didn’t let him go out of spite.
Two slowly grew to be friends but aren’t the healthiest of friends with Kayns ego feeding into Rhaast, especially when their on stage, and Rhaast has a tendency to voice and pressure kayn to follow through on intrusive thoughts or actions.
Rhaaat was the one who thought of them entering the music industry (wanted everyone’s eyes on him) and so they worked their ass off to get into the industry.
Rhaast also enjoys the dramatics, got very board sitting in the weapon for years and enjoys putting on a show and being a show off.
Was sort of like those Disney kids from the Mickey Mouse club, was how he got into the industry at such a young age. (Also could be why kayn calls him the pop star Prince, is bc he was everywhere for a while).
Is an orphan and is being raised by his uncle
Not sure how he got teleportation when he doesn’t seem to have the gauntlet but he very much loves using his abilities to jump around the city and do parkour.
Would probably also use it to sneak out at times either to hide from his old manager when he was in trouble
First time he did this in front of the boys was bc he was too lazy to walk to the kitchen and he scared the crap out of K’Sante, still make jokes about it.
The dog sleeps in his room, was also the one to name the dog.
Good af editing, especially on computers
Started out as a dj and went to music school and even taught his brother a few basics of being a dj as well.
Still had a falling out with his brother bc he saw how bad the industry was and didn’t want Yasuo to get involved. Led to them having a fight and haven’t really talked since
Is very into mythology and folklore (is why for his section of music video we see the azukana spirt. Is also partially bc I have no fucking clue how else to tie that part of his backstory into this).
Boys played a prank on him by switching his coffee once, long story short they all (including Rhaast) collectively agreed never to do this again bc of how terrifying the results of this prank where
Yone is one of the best drawers in the group besides Sett and the two talk about animations sometimes (Yone animated the fox in his section)
Has made the boys Dino nuggets at one point
Is a big fan of comics, animation, and pfp fighting games
Did the drawings for his section as well as the animations for the background (am referring to that scene in the end of the music video)
Dad was a boxer who left when Sett was young
Sett also knows how to box and worked as a boxer for a bit as well as a bouncer maybe. Rap was more of a hobby but when he got signed onto a record label he switched to doing it full time
Punched the paparazzi bc they were harassing his mom
Favorite anime’s include jojo’s bizar adventures and one punch man
Meet Apjelious before Heartsteel at a meuseum that showcasing a new planetarium exhibit. Two hit it off and are now dating.
Aphelios and Alune
He and his sister were involved in choir when they were younger
Alune went off to college to get her degree in business in management and aphelios went stayed home and did his music.
Aphelios lost his voice either due to medical reasons or because of an accident, Alune transferred to a closer college to be with her brother when the news broke out.
Aphelios had a hard time getting further in the industry, was often discredited or people wouldn’t want to work with him bc it was “too much of a hassle”.
Was nervous for his sister to meet Sett only to realize the two get along great and would 100% commit crimes together
Is also a gamer and will do dates with Sett that’s just them playing video games or Sett listening to him ramble on about movie or video game scores.
Aline was very chill with the boys breaking into the studio bjt did tell them not to break anything (spoilers, they did and she was not happy about it).
Alune is the older sibling and will tease her brother and the other boys and is not afraid to fight them if push comes to shove.
Has written and preformed a lot of songs before Heartsteel
Used to work on songs with his ex boyfriend but the two spit up due to the strain working together put on their relationship
Is the relationship expert in the group and will give the others advise or flirting or planning dates or anything else they need help with if they ask.
Loves going to the gym with Sett, might have been how the two of them meet in the first place. They got to talking about music at one point and when they found out the other was looking for someone to collaborate with they decided to work together.
Spot for one another when in the gym
Is the other mom friend of the group but a lot more chill, let’s them get away with more things then Yone would
Is good at filming and old school editing. He and Ezrael did most of the did for the music video and let the others scribble one what they compiled then approved it.
Was against the coffee incident and straight up left the building when it happened.
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
A question for you: would you sort a living person with whom you are not in communication, and without her express consent, but whose words and deeds are very much on public display? Specifically: J.K. Rowling sure thinks of herself as a heroic Lion Primary; what’s your call?
I have spent a long time thinking about this lady. Possibly too long. But here's what I've got.
She's a Bird. She *likes* Lion primaries, and she likes them in that way a lot of Birds do - Lions feel magical and moral and easy and good. That's why Gryffindor is her good-guy house, and that's why Gryffindors always get a pass when they do shady things. They were always doing it for good reasons, because that's just how Lion primaries are. They know what's good, just by kind of feeling it.
(obviously this isn't at all how it feels to be a Lion primary, but it can SEEM that way, if you're outside looking in.)
And so she likes Lion primaries, and surrounds herself with Lion primaries. And over time, seems to have filtered for the most fiery, if-you're-not-with-me-you're-my-enemy Exploded Lions imaginable. This could also be why she's not interrogating emotional pings when she really should. Like it's heartbreaking to read some of her essays - like, no JKR, that's not a reason, that's a trauma response you ought to be getting help for. But she thinks there's inherent goodness with going with your heart over your head.
Which is also probably why, for the last two decades, she's been slowly surrounding herself only with people who agree with her - effectively Exploding her own Bird primary. She is notoriously stubborn and difficult to work with, and I have that from first hand accounts... but just think how much better an editor could have made books 4-7. Or the Fantastic Beasts films. Or the Cursed Child (we all sort of collectively forgot about the Cursed Child.)
But I see the Bird! I see the Idealism, I see the mind that likes puzzles, and systems, and mysteries. And then I see her just kinda... be lazy about it. Not think though the implications. Be happy with only a very surface-level understanding. Not edit, or update, or interrogate her system. (We know that her worldbuilding is sloppy. We know she grabs existing problematic tropes and then kind of uses them as-is.)
The more I dig into to her, the more I'll come across bits of her system that just seem very... young. They'll be things like 'Good people have kids, or if they can't, then they take care of kids.' Or 'People with mobility aids are good.' That's one's so weird I just have to bring it up. It's very consistent, and comes with the reverse - 'People who use mobility aids they don't need are evil.' Barty Crouch jr. is the HP example, but that situation comes up like - a weird amount in her mystery novels.
(also, I can't prove it, but I think Lucius Malfoy got a much more sympathetic edit after Jason Isaacs started playing him with a cane. Of course that could also be just because... he has a kid... so he can't be BAD.)
Harry Potter, the character, is also very much a Bird Primary. When he acts on really strong emotions it's because they're - yep, trauma responses. Mostly he's trying to figure out his world, synthesize everything Dumbledore and the Weasleys and Hagrid and Sirius tell him, in order to build his own system.
And he's a really loud Lion secondary, the way I suspect JKR is too. Her response to all of this has just been to double down, do MORE, be LOUDER. If her royalties, or the reputation of her IP take a hit, she honestly does not seem to care.
She's not stupid and she's not evil. Hermione was a complicated, fascinating female lead. JKR has an incredible knack for side characters. The books have good stuff to stay about grief, and depression, and I know it gets memed now, but it was a big deal (for me) when she said Dumbledore was gay. But this is how I think you can get someone who starts out in a reasonable place, and gets more and more out of touch, and harmful and wrong and dangerous - when locked into one way of seeing the world, and no one with the ability to contradict you.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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So uh yeah, Hazelnut Cookie
I’ll be honest, I wanted to draw more, but I couldn’t think of what else to draw, and I kind of just wanted to talk about her, but I wanted visuals too, so I just cropped the image and put the things I did draw there. Which is just two things
I think I had other ideas but they were at lunch and I’ve forgotten them
*sigh* I’m lazy
Anyways, let’s just talk about her
Oh right, I should probably give a bit of a refresher for people who don’t know who this is or have forgotten, since I only talked about her like one time in March
I’ll show you the original version as well
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So basically she’s this kid Dark Choco finds on his journey post-CoD. He finds her in trouble out in the woods somewhere or something and helps her, and since she has nowhere to go, he lets her stay with him, and she basically becomes like his adopted daughter. Though I should mention I have changed it so that she currently does not call him “dad”, just “Mister Dark Choco”
So as you can see, I gave Hazelnut a redesign from her original. I put her hood down, since I showed her to my friend one time, and she said she looked better with the hood down, and specifically with the second hairstyle I had made
So I drew her with that second hair style, but I didn’t like how it looked, so I changed it up and I quite like how it looks. Though it’s a bit of a pain to draw and make symmetrical if I’m being honest, like I was struggling with the second drawing and her hair, and I think in turn her eyes ended up looking weird
Also part of the redesign came from me realizing maybe I was trying to emulate a hazelnut a bit too much, and she didn’t need to look like one
But other than that, really the only other change is giving her a pouch on her belt, and that’s because I’ve now decided to give her a slingshot as a weapon (I don’t recall if she had any offensive capabilities before). It was mostly because she’s a little kid and slingshots are seen as like a kid thing, plus she can use nuts for ammo, just like what she is
I don’t know, I thought it was clever
Going back to that post I made a bit ago where I said “Dark Choco would teach a child to fight”, yeah he probably decided she needed some form of weapon and she chose a slingshot. Then he showed her how to effectively use one
He probably made a bunch of makeshift targets for her to practice with. I imagine if she were in Ovenbreak, her Skill would be some mix of Beet and Captain Ice, in which she’s shooting at targets like Beet, but it’s more an aiming system like Captain Ice. And if she were in Kingdom, she’d be a Ranged Middle
I just imagine a scene in which Dark Cacao (and with either the other Ancients or just other people he’s traveling with like other Dark Cacao Warriors I dunno. But I don’t imagine him just by himself for some reason) encounters Hazelnut on her own, and she thinks he looks like some sort of threat, and so draws her slingshot on him, and I don’t know what happens next, but it leads to her shooting him in the eye (Dark Choco told her to aim for the eye if she can), and he’s just in shock, like “di-did you just shoot me in the eye?!” Granted he doesn’t do anything against her, considering she’s a small child that has no idea who he is, and honestly he can respect her for having the audacity to do that, considering he knows he can seem intimidating. And then later Dark Choco appears (probably Hazelnut mentioning him and then her leading Dark Cacao to where he’s supposed to be) and he sees Dark Cacao with one eye closed, and he looks at Hazelnut and goes, “you-you didn’t shoot him in the eye…did you??” To which she eagerly affirms she did, still unaware who Dark Cacao is
Other than that yeah, I think that was about it
Oh yeah, I remember one thing I was going to draw, it was an older version of Hazelnut, in which she lives in the Dark Cacao Kingdom now and has upgraded to a bow
Maybe I’ll draw that later and edit it in
Or I could just save this in drafts and do that now before posting so it’s easier for people reading the post and for them to not miss it after reading it now
But that’s too much effort. Eh
But yeah, hope you enjoy this
Edit: so I added in her future design. I talked about it in another post, which l’ll link
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tiredassmage · 5 months
more bg blorbo posting!
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longer time blog friends may recall something of rhyst as my jedi knight from swtor, but he also has an older sister, rhiannon! and true to form, trying to get their looks right in bg3 was a hell i spent like three hours slogging through for each of them because despite how long i've had them as ocs, they're probably one of the bigger mysteries to me as far as appearance. [which i think, case in point, rhyst has gone ginger since the last time i've posted about him. dyed ginger at least as far as swtor edition is concerned, but ginger nonetheless!]
i've been back and forth on the details of these siblings... pretty much since i decided that they were siblings. and rhyst always gives me interesting conundrums because he's technically cut out of the same cloth as tyr is and a lot of that, thematically, still likes to show up and leave me feeling like a wet dog in flooding road pothole during a storm. that also meant for a while that him and tyr shared some similarities in appearance, too, and while i've decided my brain might explode if i tried to address that in the galaxy far, far away, i thought i could have a bit more fun with complicating everything in their fantasy land adventures, lol!
so! rhyst i have made as an oath of ancients paladin, and in my heart a paladin of tyr [i'll address that in two seconds, i promise, lol]. i've been lazy on downloading the deities mod i'm pretty sure exists for paladins bc i'm not ready to get into his playthrough for real yet [or rather, the latest one. considering he has seen. a few attempts already in bg. i swear, this man and not knowing what he really looks like driving me absolutely batty], but i might yet. anyway, that's not particularly important. he's the younger of the siblings by a year or two and is generally like a really, really happy to see you labrador. rhyst is kind of a burning idealist and kind-hearted. he's ready to look for the best in just about anyone, or at least acknowledge that, if circumstances had been different, people he winds up crossing blades with may have seen differently. he's fond of stories of heroes and i'd say he's... the kind of still young enough where he hasn't had his ideals and drives of "why can't we all just get along" thoroughly tested yet; the world hasn't had a chance to jade him.
rhiannon is a light domain cleric of kelemvor and sometimes the one that's a little bit more ready to start swingin' of the siblings. [though if you put them both in the same room, they can mutually come to a conclusion that bashing things is the correct way to resolve a problem, and will do so with gusto.] while both of them can hold fairly rigid to their sense of right and wrong, i think rhiannon has had a teensy bit more practical world experience and was the bolder traveler of the two of them.
and with harper heritage, both of them firmly stand by doing what needs to be done.
both are born and raised in baldur's gate, primarily by their mother, a city druid. what they know of their father is mostly stories, but rhiannon might've met him once or twice.
so, the reason i mentioned tyr [the oc] in all of this, lol, is bc i keep making bg-edition of his family group bigger, lol.
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the man, the myth, the legend, etc etc. tyr who i've realized i should probably start calling oliver in baldur's gate to steal a leaf out of one of his covers bc for all the 'finding new paths in life' after spending his first couple of decades working as an assassin, going by the name of the in-universe god of justice is maybe a bit more sacrilegious than i'd diagnose him with. not that the man is particularly faithful to authority and the divine, exactly, but he's also not looking to pick a fight with the god of justice. a few others, maybe more so, but that's getting ahead of ourselves.
so before oliver sort of settled down for good and moved out of the city, he did spend a little time with the harpers, and that kids, is how i met your mother. [badumtsh!] (whom i still have to name. rip)
it's a relatively short relationship i imagine, compared to the fact that oliver's now married with two other daughters (one biological and one adopted), but also pretty amicably ended. i think rhyst and rhiannon's mother wasn't quite interested in keeping up with the likes of the harpers anymore and was a bit more ready to settle in, where oliver still saw work to do [and involvements to atone for, which is perhaps deserving of a post of it's own because gods know him and alucren have. (gestures) Things going on between them].
so, ~unfortunately for dear mum, rhiannon and rhyst sort of inherited the harper's bug, and a nose that wouldn't leave a layman's "well enough" alone. rhiannon seeks to lay to rest the undead i think partly inspired by dear old dad's previous connections as an assassin, and rhyst pursued the path of a paladin inspired by heroic tales and talk of honor and following codes and oaths taken.
undecided just how involved in the plot i'll get them, but i do think it'd be a lil fun to at least have one version of events where there's a kinda silly family reunion to the tune the likes of "of course you'd be in the middle of all of this. how can we help?" [oliver and jaheira shaking hands and sighing over wrangling strong-willed kids]
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So at the behest of a couple of friends, I've made this thing for what it's worth.
My name is Cooper Chevalier, and let's just get this out of the way now-- yes, I am, in fact, a Samurott. If you've heard about a Pokemon becoming a Trainer somewhere in the Johto region, that would be me. If you're wondering how or why this is even possible, then I guess I don't mind answering questions, but for now just know that the League had to make a few accommodations for me when I was first starting out and I've managed to take that all the way to the top and become one of the region's champions. Lance is still the guy running the Indigo Plateau, though--I mostly get called on to resolve issues in Kanto-Johto that he'd normally need to step away for. It's a nice little arrangement.
Anyway. I was convinced to make this by a friend in Galar, so I'm hoping this place is as good as they've made it out to be.
I'm also hoping that not having a Rotom won't bite me on the tail later... how the heck did those things become mainstream anyway--
EDIT: Saw a lot of people putting their Pokemon on these, too, and I'm finally sitting down and doing it. I could probably tell you about Shia and Pallas while I'm here but this should show up in the post they reblogged too so I can be lazy.
Anyway, here's my five mainstays-- they've been with me since near the start of my journey.
Mason (Gengar, M): Kind of a shy fella, but he's really loyal. Easily the partner I trust the most, and though I'm a bit sad to admit it, he's definitely gotten me out of a lot of sticky scenarios the painful way... I've been a lot more careful not to let that sort of thing happen since.
Sypha (Ampharos, F): Serious to a fault and speaks to the point. Proud of her power, but aware of her limits, though that doesn't mean she can't throw a mean Thunderbolt.
Juste (Togekiss, M): I raised him from an egg, and he's easily the most optimistic member of my team. He's also my ride around the two regions, usually, so props to him for carrying around a ~220 lb Samurott through the sky, ehehe...
Nora (Umbreon, F): Strong and steadfast, and fiercely devoted to her friends. She's usually serious, but she's got her playful side. Took a bit to warm up to me, though.
Katsuko (Dragonite, F): Hilariously, though I doubt she played any part in her upbringing, Katsuko is like if you took Clair's competitive spirit and put it in a dragon. Most eager to fight out of everyone, and was easily my second ace once she fully evolved.
Feel free to ask about them--I can ask them questions on your behalf if you want me to.
Hey! This is a rotomblr I made using my pokesona after a friend of mine held me at rotarypoint convinced me to try making one. I'm pretty new to this stuff in general, but we'll see how this pans out in the end. I'll be figuring things out as I go for the most part. I'll probably just label my ooc stuff with (ooc) or something of the like. Lemme know if you have any tips, tricks, or whatever that you'd like to share! I'll probably follow you from @kupkastdashboard since I don't have the patience to manually switch over to Cooper's dash anytime I wanna like or rb something--
Also! Any ask memes I rb are technically open forever, since I don't think they deserve to happen just once and then never again. Just be sure to post the question associated with whatever you're referencing so I know what I'm answering! Links to my specific RBs of my favorites are below. I've answered some of these with Cooper, but with Pallas and Shia on the board, they're also open to be asked things. Just specify who you're looking for, otherwise I'll default to Cooper being the subject or pick one of my muses at random if he's already answered something.
Pelipper Mail! (Malice Coming Soon)
Memory Meme (#cooper's memories)
Thought Bubbles (#cooper's thoughts)
Fossil Ask Game
Headcanon Asks (Answered OOC)
Major Arcana Reversed
Muse In The News
Posts that look directly into Cooper's headspace at any given moment are labeled [#cooper's thoughts], and posts that describe a memory of his that's already happened will be labeled [#cooper's memories]. Neither of these are canonically posted by him, so keep that in mind if you want to make reference to them or leverage them for better or worse!
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miniscrew-anon · 7 months
I'm pretty sure I've written this scene like 3937163526 times but whatever lmao here you go
Shadow strutted into Four’s room as usual, creaking the door ever so slightly so Four knew he was here. Even so, Four still jolted when he noticed him out of the corner of his eye.
“It’s late, Rain,” Shadow remarked as flopped down onto the bed next to Four. Four groaned as he rolled over to make room. It was nearly 3, in fact. Did that mean it was actually early? He wasn’t sure.
“Mm…couldn’t sleep,” Four replied lamely. Clearly a lie.
Shadow scoffed. “You know I can see when you’re online, right? Don’t pretend you even tried.”
Four sighed. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I dunno, lost track of time or something.” He set down his phone and rolled over to look at Shadow. “You weren’t sleeping either,” he pointed out.
“I was working, man! You were just lying here.”
“Working until 2 in the morning?”
“Fair point,” Shadow admitted. He’d gone down another internet rabbit hole. Something wasn’t right about this place, and Four knew it too. He just needed to figure out what.
“I guess…well, I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately,” Four said.
“Yeah, I knew,” Shadow replied. “You’ve been more distant, taking longer to respond- you’re not taking care of yourself, Four. Have you even been eating enough?” He llifted a strand of hair out of Four’s face. “What’s going on?”
Four didn’t reply for a few moments. “I…I’m not sure,” he decided. “Got caught up in…other things, and well, it’s just been so busy, I just kind of forgot, you know?”
Shadow nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I do know.” He pulled Four close, realizing how thin he felt. “Just take care of yourself, alright?”
Four chuckled. “Yeah, okay.”
“Promise?” Shadow teased.
“Okay, okay, I promise!” Four laughed, chucking a pillow at Shadow.
“How’re the…roommates?”
“Housemates, I guess. They’re fine. I haven’t really been up to the third floor, but I am praying that the guy doesn’t have any more rooms. Nine people in a house is enough.”
“No kidding. Who even are they?” Shadow hadn’t seen much of them, he made a point to keep his presence as quiet as possible.
“Well, other than the homeowner…” (Now that guy was someone to look into. What kind of person just lets 8 other people live in his house? Maybe he had a secret desire for kids or something, but these were grown men. He was hoping it wasn’t some sort of weird fetish.) “There’s the kid. Pretty much just hangs in his room all day.”
“You say kid, how old even is he?”
"Dunno. Young. There's Hyrule, he's the doctor." Shadow figured that was good. The guy seemed trustworthy enough.
"What about the weird one? He a drug dealer or something?"
"Probably not. He's got some weird friend that hangs around here sometimes, but they don't bother anyone else." (If he was a drug dealer, Shadow would probably ask Four to come live with him. The risk of being arrested is not something either of them wanted to take.) "The others are pretty alright. There's Wild, he's a but…
"Mm. Yeah, there's some weird figures here, I've seen that much." Shadow nestled into Four's hair, the blond leaning back against him. "Be careful, Rain, okay?"
"Of course."
They stayed in silence then, Shadow holding Four close to him.
"I'm glad you're here," Four whispered to him a few minutes later.
"Me too."
honestly I'm pretty sure this was gonna go somewhere but I got too tired to insert a plot so this is the soup you get 🍲
--secret third thing anon, too lazy to edit this because tumble hates formatting
I love this so much!!!
Shadow casually tracking everyone Four lives with is just so mwah chefs kiss - I love when he’s that special brand of protective and intrusive that’s all him. And him being sus of Time is just perfect. Because seriously - who just invites eight random guys off the street into his home filled with expensive and fancy stuff?
Secret thank you! You’re always welcome to drop things into my inbox! I love hearing from you ❤️
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Holiday Finale: the Ghost and Molly McGee: Festival of Lights and Saving Christmas Review (comissioned by Weird Kev 27
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Merry Christmas Eve all you happy people! We're to the end of our christmas celebrations for the year but before I close up shop for a day or two, we have one last present to unwrap courtsey of Kev: Last year's holiday double feature from the Ghost and MollyMcGee
TGAMM isn't a show i've talked about yet on this blog, but no time like the present, as it's an excellent show. Just watching these eps I often found myself pausing as the animation is just all sorts of fluid and expressive. That's the standard for Disney at it's best granted but this show just has it's own bouncy style all it's own.
The premise is simple: An overly chipper 12 year old named Molly McGee moves to the failing town of Brighton with her family, finally finding a "forever home" after moving around a bunch. She ends up best friends with Scratch, a cynical , lazy and often hungry ghost who the rest of the ghost community laughs at, who makes the mistake of cursing her with "never leaving her"… and soon despite himself ends up genuinely enjoying this friendship while trying to ballnce that with his job of making people miserable.. not a great thing when his best friend is determiend to make everyone's lives better. The show is a fun comedy, helped by the fact it's leads are two of my faviorite voice actors, Ashly Burch of OK KO and Final Space Fame and Dana Synder of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Venture Bros, Jellystone and tons of other stuff fame. It was nice to see Ashly get a lead roll and Dana get a lead roll agai, so I was already on board but the show is enjoyable, inclusive, and fairly funny, so I liked it. I'm horribly behind on season 1b, but i'll get to it before the years out. The show made my top 20 episodes list last year and for good reason, so it's nice to have at least one more season of it.
So that brings us to today's review: last year they did a holiday special but nicely, we got a holiday treat as Ghost and Molly McGee is the first show i've seen in a while to do a full on Hannukah special!
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Yeah while i'm not Jewish myself, i've had a fondness for shows helping my dumb ass learn more about a holiday, having grown up with Rugrats Passover and Hannukah specials. It's just nice to help kids learn there are more holidays than christmas and what exactly goes on in those holidays, and spoilers this won't be the last special that isnt' Christmas. And I do love Christmas, I just feel other holidays deserve love too especailly with all this war on chistmas bullshit> The world is wide enough for all holidays and I shoudln't have ot say that but given it comes up every year.. yeah , I do. So put on your yammukah as we have both a happy happy hannukah and a merry christmas in the same episode with Festival of Lights and Saving Christmas.
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Festival of Lights: It's the final night of Hannukah, and the McGees are visting Book Marks the Spot, the Stein-Torres' bookstore. As for that name, i'm.. not a fan? I like the store itself, as someone who loves little independent book stores and used to work at one, in fact that's where I got my complete set of TinTin and first edition of the Colour of Magic among many other treasures due to having an insane amount of credit form working there. It's just the name is…
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Like I get it's a pun on both x marks the spot and Bookmarks, but it just dosen't work. Like… the store isn't pirate themed. I mean books are a treasure, but if you wanted a piratey name that didn't necesarily require a theme just call it hidden treasure books or something. Not everything has to be a pun. It's ran by Libby's mom Leah, who weirdly isn't named on the episode itself but is on the actual wiki page for her. I assume this is a Boonchuy Parents situation where they were named later via word of god because you can't just.. mention that in episode? Please? Make my job easier?
For those new here Libby is Molly's Best friend/probable love intrest, a somehwat shy girl Molly's age who loves beat poetry and clearly molly. Look i've never been subtle in my shipping, i'm not starting now.. though if your new then welcome to the thunderdome bitches! Seroiusly though the two just play off each other really well, are really sweet together, and the list making episode where Molly has to tell Libby.. comes off entirely romantic in Molly's not wanting to loose libby. Could be intentional, could be untetional, we've still got a season to go.
Molly tries to be supportive.. though mostly she just googled hannukah and readas she goes while Libby looks on apprceatively. Scratch is also there but he was dragged there, like the surly teenage sons the McGees never asked for but welcomed into their home anyway since he was there first and having a ghost meant they could get some money back.
Things quickly take a turn though as the lights go out. The good news is that Mrs. Stein Torres has a generator and that Chucky was busy chainsawing someone in half this holiday season, so their safe. The bad news is that it only has an hour of fuel, though people still flock to the store for warmth and Mrs. Stein Torres is happy to have them. MST is played by the incomparable Pamela Adlon aka…
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Though Bobby is, rightfully, her most famous roll and one of her best, Adlon has a rather long and storied career in voice acting: She's voiced Dewey Duck (Quack Pack), Spenelli (Where I first met her), Milo Oblong, Brigette Murphy, and Dr. Joanne on the now cancelled Tuca and Bertie. In addition to that she wrote and starred in the amazing FX Comedy Better Things which I highly recommend and is a talented and wonderful person.
If your familiar with the story of Hannukah you likely know where this is going: As with the oil in the temple under siege lasted 8 days instead of one, giving us 8 nights of Hannukah, the generator will last for 8 hours, with a story for each hour.
Hour 1: Scratch is ready to just run out until he finds out Hannukah involves foods in fried oil. Scratch then sings a whole musical number about fried food while Libby tries in vain to get him to use the actual names. still it's adorable, esecially to see him hang out with Libby for a change, as well as relatable since I too will stuff my face iwth anything fried.
Hour Two: The kids and Scratc h play Dreidel. I still don't quite know how it works, but it's fun to watch the kids all loose it as they all loose, cumilating in Libby winning the gelt and Scratch being pissed off to find it was choclate. Are we sure Scratch isn't just my ghost sent backwards in time and through space? Are we positve on that?
Hour Three: Libby has a spelling bee and asks the McGees to spell Hannukah, which has 16 diffrent spellings. Neat to know, one of the weaker segments
Hour Four: We then get one of the stronger ones, as Libby introuces the Miracle Box, a box where you put in a miracle that happened to you this year. It's a really sweet concept and one i'd love to try. We get the jokes you'd expect: Sharon's miracle is the van is still running, while Darryl's.. is that he didn't get caught. ("It's best you don't know"), while we get some sweet one: Molly's is natural meeting scratch, Libby's Mom's is Libby (She apparently does this every year), and Scratch's, which he spends the segement trying desperattley to not have read aloud as he wasn't aware of that part is the entirely sweet "I used to haunt a house, now I haunt a home
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Everyone present finds it sweet while Scratch is embarassed.. but i'ts also a nice sign of just how far his character has come in only half a season. While he only admitted it when he didn't think anyone else would eve rknow, it's still sweet to see him accept that this is his family now.. and his life is better fo rit.
Hour Five: A truly excellent bit of slam poetry by LIbby about the tale of Hannukah. Also a nice call back to her talent for it that was revealed earlier in the season> This show has a really strong continuity and I love it for it.
Hour Six: Scratch eats too many Latkes… methinks they didn't have enough time for another segment, but given how serious the segements before and after this one are, it's fair enough.
Hour Seven: We get a really nice, if suprisingly somber segment as Leah talks with Abby, a local baker played by Eden Rigel, sister of Sam "Pull on My Motherfuckin Beads" Rigel. Eden's best known for voicing Boscha on the Owl House. Abby is also Jewish but has admitely not practiced her faith in some time, but seeing the Stein-Torres Menorah reminds her of it and Leah warmly welcomes her to it… and to her family history. As it turns out their Menorah was the only thing her grandparents took with them when they fled Germany from the Nazi's. The show dosen't come right out and say that.. but anyone familiar with history, paticuarlly Krystalnacht, can spot the obvious. It's done painfully well with nice subtly: we only see her great grandparents fleeing with the menorah while a brick's thrown through the window and there's a mob of angry noice.. just enough to get past Disney's censors, but more than enough to get the point across. We also see them as they immigrate, have a son (Leah's father and LIbby's grandfather) and we see a Young Leah light the menorah for the first time> This Menorah is their family legacy an din just two mintues of screentime we see what that legacy means. It's an utterly beautiful piece of animation, just two minutes to show the pride in their history and what they escaped to get there. Hour Eight: The power finally goes out.. only for power everywhere to kick on. Libby proclaims it a Hannukah miracle, Scratch eats even more latke's and this slam dunk of an episode ends.
Seriously this episode is beauitful, a true masterpiece having both hilariaty and a lot of heart. Only the spelling bee bit didn't qutie work for me. it's a nice educational piece that helps tell the gentiles like myself about the holiday. I may still not get how Dredl works, but I feel warm having watched this.
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Saving Christmas:
This being a two shorts show we have a traditional Christmas Specail to follow things up. It's the annual Snowflake Celebration, with the Mayor, voiced by my boy Patton Oswalt and looking just like him, being happy they'll crush perfectborg.. only for the tree to fall apart then catch fire. The Celebration is in ruins and so it seems is Brighton's christmas so Molly decides to find a Donor. Now who in town his rich and has lots of money?
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…. okay maybe save him as plan B. For Plan A Molly seeks out Mr. Davenport, played by Thomas Lennon of Reno 911 and Jellystone fame, whose shockingly shot up as a voice actor in the past few years, taking on a lot of rolls. And given his distinctive southren voice, great comedic timing and general awesomeness i'm on board.
Mr. Davenport is the father of Andrea, Molly's rival and general mean girl sterotype. That said.. Andrea is actually on her side for once: Since the festival has a Snowflake Queen Andrea wants the part and as we'll learn it turns out it's not just for the attention or the viewcount as it normally would be for her and frankly this family in general: while the social media attention is nice, she wants to do it to honor her mom.
Mr. Davenport though.. is a.. what's the term for it this time of year… a holly jolly dickhead. Yeah tha'ts it. Think I nailed that. He says it's a time for making money, that giving someone something for free is against his nature and his daughter can jsut photoshop that bitch.
So in the face of such Scoogey opposition, Molly decides to pull a christmas carol.. my third reviewed this year. I did not plan for this when I set the schedule, as I didn't think about Last Christmas! Being a take on it and assume this one was only a take on it for the last act as I hadn't seen this episode till now (I only watched Festival of Lights last year). But no Molly's entire plan is to Christmas Carol the spirit of charity into this bastard.
Scratch agrees because it's bound to be hilarious and he's right: The next few minutes are just Mr. Davenport hilariously not at all getting the points Molly tries to make and Thomas Lennon's delivery is perfect: showing him his past and how his dad wasn't a good father (with Pete and Darryl playing the parts and both ilariously dressing up for the 1880s instead of 1980s.. then just throwing in rad slang to try and compesnte), that his dad was a great buisnessman, showing him the McGees house just has him grouse about how poor they are instea dof how loving they are, and attempting to show his store closed.. dosen't work because it's an ally and Scratch flying him around dosen't scare him so much as make him want more.
While all of this is funny and a nice subversion of the Scrooge story, as well as a well done one: Molly tried to simply use a full bullet points.. not getting how each stop on the Ghost's journey was pointed: Showing him Fezzywig was to both set up belle and to show Scrooge what he could be, his failed romance with Belle reminded him what his greed already cost him, Fred showed him his nephew still love dhim even as he mocked him, the cratchets shoewd him both true kindess and the cost of his greed, and the future hammered both parts home. Each part was aimed carefully at the target. Molly simply didn't know mr. davenport well enough to actually effect him in any way.
The results though.. are terribly sad. Molly has no christmas spirit left, being utterly defeated and not relaly planning to celebrate tommorow. She coudln't save christmas, so the joy that's usually at the center of her is gone.. and given up to this point we've only seen molly this low when she nearly lost Libby, it's painful to see. We've seen her desperate… but we've never seen her out and out give up.
Scratch is naturally pissed off as hell. Not only did someone break Molly.. but on Christmas. So he decides if Mr. davenport is going to be stubborn about this, he's going to get it the hard way. The hard way.. dosen't quite work as just tossing him around only makes him Giddy. Thankfully, Scratch DOES find something that FINALLY gets through this dickhead's thick skull: Andrea, sadly starring at a picutre of her mom, putting the princess dress away and crying her eyes out. Which made me tear up just THINKING about it and finally gets Mr. Davenport to see that ther'es more to christmas. He agrees to fund the festival as you'd expect.
The ending as a result is super sweet, as Molly awakes to find the day saved, the town sings a song, Andrea gets her moment she wanted.. and Mr. Davenport sees you can use money to make merry.. and sometimes.. that's the real magic. Using what you have to help someone else. He also gets a fuckton of social media views from it, and without that being WHY he did it. Karma does work apparently! Maybe it's just if your rich but either way it's a sweet sendoff.
While it had one hell of a tough act to follow, Saving Christmas is a nice sweet christmas special. It's also really damn funny, clever and the ending is genuinely sweet. It's a good time and worth sticking around for after Festival of Lights. While the former is clearly the main attraction here and the better of the two by a mile, Saving Christmas is still a fun take on a christmas Carol and Gives Thomas Lennon a chance to flex his comedic chops. And both are worth making merry over. Have a wonderful christmas time, a happy hannukah and thanks for reading. I'll see you in a few days for the last few reviews of the year.
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popcorngirl85 · 6 days
Mad men Peggy in the year 2000
Peggy just wrapped up speaking at Princeton University. The graduates adored her speech. She had fifty of them follow her afterwards to Starbucks for an autograph.She was simply awestruck as they formed a line around her patio table as she sat nursing an iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel.She had those kids captivated by her words. Usually at the few college graduations she had attended (none of them her own),the kids and parents alike looked bored shitless,as an unsuspecting speaker droned on like Kevin's annoying teacher from the Wonder Years.Peggy received a ten minute standing ovation at the end when she quipped," If you don't like what's being said about you, change the conversation."She'd lifted that gem from a former boss and carried it around for years.She had the grads in stitches with the joke about the penguin,the intern and the priest that walked into the bar. Peggy hadn't thought it was that risque, pg-13 maybe.It was innocent compared to the garbage she heard daily while working as a girl friday on Madison Avenue forty years ago.The president of the college and several female board members were outraged,faces beet red with anger as she finished.
The audience and the students were still clapping enthusiastically as Peggy was asked to exit the premises immediately.Which was pretty much sucked for two reasons.One,was it really her fault that at least one college administrator was too idiotic and lazy to skim through her notes ?
They could have told her ahead of time what had to be edited out.Peggy's assistant had only faxed it to them three separate times.Two,she'd snuck downstairs earlier where the reception would be held and stole a peek at the terrific looking cake . The red roses on top were calling her name. Now she wouldn't get any.:(
Maybe it was Peggy's dark sense of humor or her no bs approach to life that got her into so much trouble. Or that for the past 60 years, every day had been a bad hair day.It always seemed to be women of her social standing and age that couldn't stand Peggy. She got along with older adults and younger people ,especially the gothic ones with the blue hair and all the piercings. They were usually kind of shy like she had been when she was young and her dad had passed away.
Peggy wanted to say to these woman, who pointed and whispered then split up whenever she came close," Hey gals, we are the same woman,different packaging.We play for the same team. I marched for woman's rights all the way to Washington, too. I still don't wear a bra but probably should have for gravity's sake.Let's work together and make something beautiful! "
Before passing away from breast cancer last fall.Joan, one of Peggy's fellow partners at the ad agency for almost three decades came up with a theory. When Joan was fading she hadn't wanted to chat about the horrible things the cancer was doing to her body, or what a bummer it was she wouldn't live to see her son get married.
So they talked about everything else." You are much too smart and intense for you own good. People,especially other women hate being showed up. That's why I always play dumb. Also with all your money ,your plaid clothes are (gasp) interesting.That is why I was so mean to you when we first started working together.I was threatened and scared you were there to take my job. "
It is so weird how relationships end up. Peggy had been one of a handful of folks who knew Joan was on her way out and not on an extended vacation in the Poconos like mostly everyone else had been told. Joan despised being pitied more than anything in the world.
Just then, Peggy made a decision not stew in a mass of self pity like she usually did. Who cared if a few politically correct strangers were mad at her. She was lucky.Most of the people from Peggy's old neighborhood were on assistance of some sort,three generations stuffed into an apartment the size of a walk - in closet.
Many of them hadn't graduated high school . Quite a few couldn't read. Everyone thought she arrived when they found out Peggy poured coffee for rich guys and got to pull the mail cart.
How blessed she was that one of the execs from middle management was impressed when she described the trashcan full of lipsticked tissues as a basketful of kisses. That Americans liked the Dunkin Donuts slogan she and a team of skilled professionals came up with. She had made her life a success story and nobody could take that away from her.
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4:11 pmpdt 4:12 Tuesday 4 April 2023
Incubus probably f*cked the 2 women trump f*cked. 4:13 pmpdt
4:17 pmpdt his face is always changing. They probably made it look 👀 like a face you should trust when you should NOT. They employed all psychological tactics. 4:19 pmpdt
4:19 pmpdt outside skull 💀 acid pain right side above ear 👂. Roof of mouth 👄 acid pain. 4:20 pmpdt
4:21 pmpdt I bet he doesn’t want the world 🌎 to read my blog Bcz all my suspicion is probably TRUE!
6:02 pmpdt I had an Instagram story I posted when they tortured me so much that I became shaky. I can’t (left eye 👁 pain 6:03 pmpdt) what I see is what I get: a fascist? Coercive? Torturous lecherous god who treats people like trash 🗑 but fakes people out with façades. 6:05 pmpdt tummy nausea pain 6:05 pmpdt he hides everything by falsifying documents. 6:06 pmpdt he edited probably all my photos. He made teachers 👨🏻‍🏫 like my Java teacher in high school 🏫 give me an A I didn’t earn. I think 🤔 he gave it to me for effort and for being nice to him. 6:08 pmpdt
6:09 pmpdt but I did put a lot of efforts in art 🖼, English, and math 🧮, and p.e. Read fast food nation the book 📚 in paper back? They probably mentioned about super sized chicken 🍗 legs 🦵 6:11 pmpdt anything? Is possible with god, including dumb jocks, which was most likely real Bcz why would it become a wide spread long lasting saying? I’m not trying to insult. I’m trying to say that is what I was. 6:13 pmpdt in some sort of way. Maybe you can understand? I spent a lot of time at home 🏠 alone. 6:14 pmpdt
6:16 pmpdt if you want to be a greedy jerk and take away from me, stealing my ideas 💡, which is the intellectual equivalent of raping me, and live a lavish lazy lifestyle, it speaks more about you than it does about me. You like to take away from those who operate at a deficit 💸 and who have to put in more effort than you to get stuff done. My art 🖼 was born from my pain and struggles. And you took it away so easy. You’re friends with the devil 👿. I lived without finding my own authentic happiness trying to find happiness. I tried to do well in my classes. I earned my transfer to uc Berkeley. I only did 1 math 🧮 class which was review of algebra. Acid burning 🔥 hot pain back? And butt. 6:24 pmpdt I worked hard in p.e. All my life. I was told I had s*xy legs 🦵 and a nice butt. S*xier than stroh’s butt. It was strange but I think 🤔 the incubus miñion knew it and I’d (gum pain 6:26 pmpdt 😞) look 👀 in the bathroom 🚽 mirror 🪞 b4 showering 🧼 and the sight of my own butt made me want to have s*x with a man 👨. 6:27 pmpdt
6:32 pmpdt idle hands 🙌 are the devil’s playground? Trying to remember the saying. 6:33 pmpdt you think 🤔 he’s going to save someone who will lie about lyrics? That’s like the laziest of the lazy. You can probably only save yourself by displaying any redeeming qualities. Like, confession? I did intaglio printmaking. Even though I had eczema I finished 2 semesters of printmaking (acid skull 💀 brain 🧠 pain 6:36 pmpdt) I guess what I said/wrote above is wishful thinking Bcz if god is lecherous without integrity? Or at least some smarts about work ethic you’d think he’d place some value on something! 6:38 pmpdt
6:42 pmpdt some people formerly told me I was pretty. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what to believe anymore. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if they were desperate for vag. But I’m trying to remember if some women told me, too? Maybe 🤔. I m not the prettiest... or was... even though someone told me I was the most beautiful woman in the world 🌎! But maybe he was desperate. When he was very attractive he had a girlfriend in every country 10 years before he said that, and I had an attraction to him in 2003. He was nice to me but I guess I wasn’t enough back then (acid hot but pain 6:46 pmpdt) again to another guy. Not good enough until later when I got into UCB, or after graduation 👩‍🎓 6:47 pmpdt never good enough for incubus. 6:47 pmpdt
6:48 pmpdt even when I did algebra it felt like a lot of work. I think I remember it being that way. I even worked backwards? I forget now how but I have a vague memory of “working backwards” (cramps 😞 6:49 pmpdt) to check if I really got it right/correct. 6:50 pmpdt all those graphs 📊 parabolas hyperbolas outliers. Art drawings always felt like a lot of work. Everything felt like a lot of work. 6:51 pmpdt
6:51 pmpdt I felt I really had to do the work myself. Bcz I needed to learn the skills so I can work. So I can be smart. 6:52 pmpdt and I did it with learning disabilities. 6:53 pmpdt I didn’t have a complete understanding of god. Not the way incubus does. 6:53 pmpdt or incubus friends do. 6:54 pmpdt I didn’t put all the pieces of the puzzle 🧩 together. I put in a LOT of effort. And all you devil 👿 friends want to ignore, negate, write off my efforts and my struggles. 6:55 pmpdt
6:56 pmpdt you do that to justify your bad behavior? 6:57 pmpdt I think 🤔 I now understand your logic. It makes sense. God had all his bases covered. The Greek philosophy says you don’t have excellence/righteousness. You have to display it in all your actions in everything you do. I learned that years ago. But now I’m being told it’s a lie. I guess it was psychology to motivate me to work harder and be behaved and celibate. I understand now, that god is saving me from the bad that is in me from my dna 🧬. It’s awful and not awful? All at the same time? I guess I lived in denial the whole time. Thinking I was good, and probably got a little confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ unfortunately but turned around in time before doing much worse, and that maybe my small actions served as learning lessons to prevent worse things from happening in the future. 7:03 pmpdt but now I get it. Now I really feel it and really? realize it. 😞😖😭🤢 7:04 pmpdt this is disheartening and sad. 7:04 pmpdt I really thought 💭 I could find someone to feel that best friend connection to if I fixed my brain 🧠 from all the brain 🧠 trauma. 7:05 pmpdt
7:24 pmpdt even if they confessed and everything came out they would probably all continue to punish me destroy me. And they would probably all continued to be saved and keep doing what they always did. 7:25 pmpdt I’m not looking forward to anything. 7:25 pmpdt
7:26 pmpdt it’s the way it’s always been. Why should expect real change. God saved who he wanted . They’d survive every thing probably. They’ll probably get house 🏠 arrest and a blingy ankle thing and probably still allowed to go every where. 7:28 pmpdt it would be a complete joke. 7:29 pmpdt
7:41 pmpdt so I guess all men rape then. Some are better at hiding it than others. So s*x trafficking I guess doesn’t matter to incubus god. And men who prey on young teens are forgiven then. Which is why no one will help me, and it’s highly probable they got the wrong man 👨 for Sierra LaMar’s case but incubus doesn’t care. As long as he himself is not caught. Antolin might be innocent of everything and thought he had to try to be good so he does non lazy stuff like trim trees 🌳. 7:44 pmpdt
7:45 pmpdt acid hot pain on butt. This world 🌎 is confusing. @_@ but I understand it now. I guess. Unfortunate. I don’t think I will ever reincarnate. My flesh will probably remain on this earth 🌍 and maybe 🤔 this earth 🌍 will become lifeless. 7:47 pmpdt
8:04 pmpdt if you ever heard 👂 of Mensa you might have seen testing is timed. If you can answer the questions in time like a fast rabbit finishing the race before the turtle 🐢 then you are smart. I see that I was gas ⛽️ lit 🔥 about the 🦇 bat (Hebrew) daughter hair. I think 🤔 I’m seeing a confession on maroon 5 story symbolically. I believe it. Who ever came around to touch me, even though the spots on my body they touched should have been a sign of intimacy it all felt very not intimate feeling. Except for one move but I guess it was a joke to them to tip things into their favor to trick me for some purposes I don’t yet know. They touched above my but rubbing that area in circles, daintily kissed 💋 my lips 👄, felt something inserted about 2 inches in to my vag back in 2015 and a quick kiss 💋 back then but I was too scared 😱 and ashamed to say anything/report it, and in 2022 end of the year b4 moving in with my aunt again only to move out again Bcz she wasn’t genuine about wanting to live together, while I was in the shower 🚿 they came in for 30 seconds and touched me with my back turned. 8:23 pmpdt 8:24 pmpdt incubus is messing with autocorrect again. Incubus likes to mislead people for his own gains. 8:24 pmpdt I have no memory of laying in bed 🛌 with incubus but he wanted to mislead me last year completely with all the things he did it seemed really like he wanted me to believe him even though it was all a lie. 8:26 pmpdt
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Did you read this interview?
"It’s a chance for Sylvie to burst the bubble of Loki's pomposity. He's always coming up with things that he thinks are profound, but actually, they're not particularly profound.” (The drunk scene and the speech about love)
Waldron went on further to explain
"I wrote that really, really quick. I remember I was revising Episode 3 in the two weeks leading up to my wedding. It’s interesting because that's probably the most romantic episode. At that point, Loki is a little bit drunk. That freed me up, where it was just like, ‘Don't think too hard about it,’ which is sort of my first thought that Loki would think here.”
"I just ran with it, ‘Love is a dagger.' And fortunately, like many of Loki's metaphors, it almost works.”
Everything this man says is so stupid. So this just proves that we aren't wrong for thinking that it didn't make much sense. He didn't even put much effort into it at all. And again he still thinks that everything Loki says is just pompous. He sucks.
No I didn’t see this? Do you or anyone else have a source to verify it? (I will edit this post to include it if anyone can link me). EDIT: @marvelfan-random provided the link: https://thedirect.com/article/loki-tom-hiddleston-episode-3-dagger-love
It certainly sounds consistent with things Mike has said in the past tho. He really doesn’t understand Loki at all and has no respect for the character or his fans. He also takes no pride whatsoever in his work and has an amazingly big ego for such a lazy and untalented writer. (Also I’m still annoyed about that tweet where he said Loki should’ve been shirtless in his intro scene in Avengers. If anyone tweeted that about Black Widow people would be outraged; male characters deserve dignity and respect from the writers too).
He keeps talking in multiple interviews about Loki being “pompous” when he’s really not. Pompous is defined as “affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important” which is different from arrogant or superior. Loki is someone who is deeply defined by self loathing and insecurity which is...the opposite of that. He’s also someone who is genuinely competent. That’s not how Mike writes him though. Mike writes him as overconfident loser who vastly overestimates his own importance and abilities and consistently fails pathetically as a result. 
That’s not Loki. Loki is someone who has felt chronically overshadowed and we see even in the beginning of Thor 2011 that he is not well liked, is routinely overlooked and also routinely mocked by the W3. Loki isn’t overconfident. He’s genuinely competent. He has an air of superiority sometimes yes. But that’s different. He acts like royalty not because he thinks he’s important but because he is! He’s a prince! He thinks he’s powerful because he is - he’s a formidable warrior who can hold his own against Thor and a very gifted sorcerer. And he acts like it. Also a lot of his aloof and arrogant seeming behaviors are performative. It’s his way of shielding himself in moments of weakness. Like when he lashes out at the Hulk it’s because he knows he’s lost. When he acts insouciant and aloof in TDW it’s because he thinks he’s about to be executed. 
Mike misses all this complexity and is intent on just taking Loki down a peg and making a narrative that consistently disrespects and mocks its central character. I think it’s because he resents that Loki takes attention away from his original characters. And also maybe he just doesn’t like Loki at all because of harmful attitudes he holds in real life. After all he’s made offensive comments about victims having their hearts hardened by trauma and about adopted people all having control issues. So maybe he also projects some of his real life biased and bigoted attitudes onto Loki.
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graveyard-society · 2 years
Insane!! Please tell me more about the used to be a cat thing!! Was Felix just a regular cat who got adopted by a witch or is the implication that baby witches have animal forms/start out as animals?? (In the au is a witch like a job that just anyone could have or are they like a race of people?) Was Felix always going to grow into a witch or was there some sort of deliberate choice+spells going on??
Also!! I really like Kyra as a mermaid and Cliff as a human I think that's a really smart way to incorporate the canon dynamic!!
Do you have Pam and Noelani as witches like Felix is or are they something else? And have you thought about how Liz fits in?? She low-key gives me like,, nymph vibes imo
Very glad you're also enjoying thinking about the fantasy au it's always my favourite djdkkd
hello hello, hope you're doing well !! i'm currently writing this in public to be unbored and i'm probably gonna be too lazy to edit this when i come back home* so apologies for stuff that may not make sense. i also answered for some merfolk stuff in a separate post, if you're curious! anywhoozies~
basically the surrounding world in this au is pretty alive. it has consciousness that's different from it's inhabitants— so, what's happening is that being a witch could kind of also be classified as some kind of race. there's families who's members are blessed with any random magic domain (i.e. witch, wizard, alchemist, etc.), if any at all, and the families who are known to be a whole line of a specific magic domain.
but speaking of the races, there's actually two: your magic domain and obviously whether you're human, mer or other. felix is actually just raw magic, that's how it is for the witches who were "wished". "wishing", as i'd like to call it for now, is a manifesting ritual reserved specifically for witches. if the witch is unable to have a child, they "wish" for a kid which ends up in the shape of a gifted animal companion that eventually evolves into a child that at least vaguely represents their parent/s. the only downside is that, the wished child won't be able to reproduce since they are made of magic and therefore does not have reproductive organs (or functional ones?). so, felix is an odd mix of adopted yet simultaneously not really adopted?
for the rest of the castro family, the only member i had a clear image on was definitely liz who is, as you suggested, a nymph. she was pretty protective of that playground after all. for liz's magic domain, since the mc mentioned something about her doing osmosis, maybe she'd be a wizard? (or was she in architecture? i don't remember. 💀💀) for 'lani and pam however.. i have absolutely no idea. other than at least one— or both of them— is definitely a witch, which is where felix came from.
and a reminder that these concepts are pretty subjective to change in the future. especially if i actually end up writing a fic, which might end up be called "tales of sunset bird"? thoughts?
that's. i think, that's it for now. if i missed something or other, though, you know what to do,, thank you again for reading and interacting <3 stay safe out there !! ;DD
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