#there are still aspects of her i dont like/think are bad but same time i wouldnt say i necessarily dislike her if u get what i mean?
paceplace · 8 months
enlightening discovery i made recently is that i enjoy misty's character a lot more the less i hear other people's takes on them
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sunfortune · 5 months
can I ask what bridgerton books you’ve read and if they’re worth it
i read “the viscount who loved me” yeeeeears ago. and it is still probably my fav regency romance novel. it’s not even perfect. i just loooved the characterizations. (they’ll NEVER make me hate you book kate) and i think the banter and slow burn in the first half of the book was SOOO good. and literally what so many romance novels LACK. bc insta-lust/love just doesn’t pack the same punch. i’m sorry
also i litchrally claimed kate as a women of color in my own delusions back when i was literally reading a standard White Ass Regency Romance Novel (BEFORE there was ever any show) bc i just loved kate that much. and was like WHOS gonna beat my ass⁉️ (this was after still star crossed lol) she was a woman of color. TO ME.
plus they described kate as “dark” and edwina as “fair” in the book a lot which i know just meant hair/eyes but i was like. slay! no take backs! LDMLSJSKSJ
(so despite everything about the way the show did kate i did absolutely WIN in that aspect)
next. the second book i read was “romancing mister bridgerton”. (again. this is before there was ever a show) bc i liked the little of penelope i saw in kanthonys book. but then. well. reading that book is when i realized “the viscount who loved me” might have been a fluke bc WHAT in the world. “romancing mister bridgerton” was just 350 pages of penelope getting dogged by the boringest MOST bitchless man on earth. the way she PINED for colin from literally page 1. PAGE ONE. but the book doesn’t spend a SINGLE second making him compelling in ANY way, shape or form was MIND boggling. AND THEN gave him the audacity to treat HER like shit⁉️
and the WHOLE TIME the book is like they’re friends to lovers btw!!! hehe <333. NO THEY WERENT! DONT piss me off rn. that man was NOT her friend. he was nice to her ONLY when he deemed her below him. and as soon as he found out she had success in something he didn’t, it was immediate disdain and disrespect for her. that’s not a friend?!
ALL WHILE! she falls all over herself bc of how bad she wants him. i wanted to get her the fuck out of her OWN romance when i was reading that book. i could not believe what it was selling as real true love. garbage
next. i was debating if i should check out another book after that mess. bc i didn’t know if the other were also bad. and eventually just decided to start from the beginning (moment of silence 😞) and pulled up “the duke and i” and then as im reading the synopsis i stumble on a review detailing the plot and that describes the actual sexual assault in that book that gets played off as romance.
aaand i have NOT touched another bridgerton book since
i Have heard eloise’s book and romance is awful by mutuals who have read them all. and benedict’s is not very great either. francesca’s book may be the only worthy follow up to tvwlm. those 2 are generally considered the better ones of the series.
i’m still recovering from the ones i have read though so wont be able to confirm any time soon
in conclusion:
the viscount who loved me (my best friend still idc. not perfect but very gorgeous to me)
romancing mister bridgerton (hot garbage. argue with your mother)
the duke and i (burning books is not always bad. it would be fine here)
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autisticlalna · 27 days
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okay ive managed to get some sleep, let's try and explain this in a way that makes sense outside of my brain
so Viking and Ruby both have like. extensive multiverse going on. and all of how it functions is established in a different series, but is still relevant to Skyblock Kingdoms because of whatever the beans Cherruby is up to.
the most basic gist is: they have shared lore where Viking is the manifestation of space and Ruby is the manifestation of time, although i guess only when they're in the same world together? there's also an infinite number of Vikings and Rubys throughout the multiverse, and we have this info because of a version of Viking that has space powers and a version of Ruby that has time powers on Twitch SMP. this is also all connected to the clock and compass that Ruby has on Skyblock Kingdoms, so that's why this is getting upgraded to "oh god this is relevant and i need to explain it" rather than me going "HEY THIS IS WHY I CALL THEM SPACETIME SIBLINGS BTW :D"
for the more complicated explanation, I HAVE DRAWN SOME DIAGRAMS.
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behold: a basic Rubyco and a basic VikingPilot. they're siblings! they're also universal constants, seeing as you can't have a functioning world without time and space and these two dinguses represent those foundational aspects. we have no idea how this happened, and 99% of them dont know either, or even know what their roles are. they're just hanging out.
also, like, if one or both of them permadies, stuff presumably explodes. so far this hasn't been like, relevant, but it's been brought up so i should probably include that tidbit somewhere.
along with Ruby and Viking, there's also the Clock and Compass-- the Clock belongs to Ruby, and the Compass belongs to Viking. if neither of them are in a universe together, then the Clock and Compass show up as separate entities. (also they're labeled Tempus and Locus in galactic when we saw them in Twitch SMP, but there was also a bit where the fandom was nicknaming a Ruby and a Viking Tempus and Locus so it gets a bit confusing.)
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however, if one of them is missing-- like, say, there's only Ruby and there was never a Viking in that universe-- then the other sibling gets demoted from "load-bearing pillar of the universe" to "normal guy" and the job of stabilizing space and time is instead done by the Clock and Compass, just like if they were both gone. i think.
for any situation where it's only Viking or only Ruby you can disregard this chunk of their lore as "not relevant" - they're a pair, do not separate. this was also the part i was confused on before, and to be honest im still not sure if im getting it right because the phrasing was vaguer than i remembered. we'll see what happens when i start transcribing tsmp lore again.
ANYWAY. we know this because of these dorks:
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...specifically the bottom two, but tRuby and tViking are also important here.
Sapphire and Navigator are... sort of a matching pair? Navigator's a mess, let's pretend he's paired with Sapphire. (Sapphire's actual counterpart Viking is missing in action.) they're also the only two we know of so far that a) know about their roles and b) have the powers to prove it.
Sapphire can reset the timeline at-will (mainly to bring tRuby back to life, but has also used this to drag Navigator back when he swapped out), and has knowledge of past and future. Navigator can swap himself and other people between universes, and has knowledge of things going on in other universes involving his counterparts. Sapphire can't leave the universe he's trapped in, and Navigator is bad at anything involving time.
however, neither of them are native to the Twitch SMP universe! we don't know where they're from, but Sapphire got put there as gay baby jail and Navigator pops in to check in on her. tRuby and tViking are also not native to that universe; they were originally from TwitchCon SMP, but Nav felt bad that they're from a short-lived world and transplanted them into TSMP. they're also the only other matching set we know of besides Nav and Sapph, which might be why tRuby is able to remember past timelines and why tViking is aware of things other Vikings have done. also removing them from their home universe was probably a bad idea for that universe's continued survival but it was literally about to end anyways, so,
Nav and Sapph also can't manifest a body outside of their home universe (???), so for gay baby jail to work there needed to be a Ruby for him to possess and, uh, there kinda wasn't one in TSMP. before Nav's intervention, there was the Clock and Compass keeping things stable. (probably a good thing, because tRuby dies a lot and tViking exploded. he got better.)
but out of the Vikings and Rubys we've seen so far, Nav and Sapph are kinda the outliers in category of "actually knowing about and being able to do stuff with their powers". god wait shit fuck this raises even more questions about Navigator but im not going to get into that right now. ANYWAY
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so now we've got a mismatched pair! Cherruby isn't from SBK, but we don't know how it got here or what the world it left behind was like. there's a possibility that Cherruby has a corresponding Viking back home (bc she did mention missing family), but there's also moments pointing towards her being solo. also somehow they found the Clock and Compass and has been holding onto them, and they're under observation for reasons probably related to that.
Summertime, meanwhile, presumably has No Fucking Idea. without there being a Ruby native to SBK*, he's been demoted to Normal Guy status and therefore doesn't have to deal with any of this. maybe. it's, uh, getting kinda fuzzier now that the whole "had a flashback to Dominion" thing happened. god i have no idea what's going on with him
(* Cloneby got brought up, but i don't think ze qualifies considering ze was created partway through. and also i don't know if Avid can, like, do that. especially with Cloneby being an imperfect replica, and cc!Ruby drawing attention to the fact that Cloneby doesn't have the clock despite it being part of Cherruby's design.)
you can now see why i decided to include drawings bc otherwise this is an absolute brick of text. TWITCH SMP IS A SERIES WHERE SO MUCH HAPPENS IN IT.
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dramalets · 4 months
I see the same things over and over again with adults watching teen shows; namely that adults have forgotten or don’t want to remember how stupid teens can be and also why they’re so stupid.
You’re all hormones. The things you did as a teen make you cringe now because you were all hormones and confusion. The things that happened at school, the dramas in your small friend group were your entire world. Sure, as adults, we can recognise that choices teenage characters make are stupid as hell but that’s because we’re adults and also we’re viewers.
Teens making teen choices and being selfish isn’t bad writing. We’ve had so many shows where the teens act like adults and now we’re finally getting accurate cringe!fail teens everyone’s like ‘OH NO I DONT LIKE THIS ITS BAD WRITING’.
I’m thinking here about 23.5 but I saw the same sorts of annoyance with shows like My School President and Dangerous Romance.
Sun is well established to be a quite self-centred only child who struggles to see perspectives that differ from her own. Nothing about the way she acted was badly written. Her choices fit her and so too does Ongsa’s response.
We only see a small picture and you’d hope that as they grow and mature together they’d be able to recognise that they need to meet each other at a middle ground, something Aylin & Luna already seem to have been able to sort of do for themselves, but at the point we’re watching they’re still just sixteen year olds experiencing love for the first time.
There are many nit picks I could make with aspects of 23.5 but none are in the writing which has, I think, been pretty solid.
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b1adie · 5 months
thought on firefly drip marketing???
okay i ended up just rambling about firefly in general so this got REALLY long. my bad
well its pretty i like the colors. but i must be honest i really really want her in her armor like at least half of the time. ideally technique skill and ult will have her with the armor on… i am a fan of the dual swords she’s holding in the bg. i kind of wish her pose was different? come on girl you are a badass stellaron hunter. strike a pose. have some swag.
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also i had been kind of hoping sam was her real name and firefly was just an alias cuz the kit 🥬 since like a year before the game was even released always had the character named sam. but honestly i do like her picking the name firefly for herself because she is so transgender if you think about it. all the stellaron hunters refer to her only as sam and with he/him and a decent amt of stuff uses they/them too but in the dream world where people can take any form she chooses to be a girl named firefly? despite being created/born for the sole purpose of being sam?
which also makes me wonder like, do the stellaron hunters not know thats armor.. or not know whos actually in it… can she not leave the armor irl or does she choose to hide herself? are they deliberately misleading people by referring to sam as male to hide firefly’s identity so she can more easily like be a double agent if necessary?? she says shes in an icy medical cabin irl, does the armor have some kind of self piloting mode or does she just have to stay in there when shes outside of it…
also i hope she actually has more sam-like personality aspects. like i hope shes actually someone who says shit about setting the seas ablaze and telling kafka not to play with her food and isnt just acting like that to play a role. please be a little fucked up?? please???? i need her to be kind of fucked up i dont want waifu bait i want cool armor warrior ok sorry. like she can still be niceys ofc but i hope her combat voicelines at least are kind of insane LOL
i like the crazy robot that sam was initially assumed to be and i like firefly, so i hope the fact that they’re one and the same doesnt have to come at the cost of diluting either of their personalities/traits/behavior etc.
also wtf do the acronyms in the skills for the sam boss fight stand for. wtf is dgdghr or whatever. is she just growling
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cegiel-athelia · 4 months
Zayne’s Tranquil Heart (Tender Moments) ending rewritten
My ramblings on the story. There will of course be spoilers, so read only if you wish.
I do not know exactly when this story takes place in the present Zayne’s timeline, but I am guessing that MC and Zayne are not yet in a romantic relationship.
I honestly did not like the way the story was written. I felt that certain aspects of Zayne’s character were not properly conveyed. Also, I did not like MC being a pushover — she has always been a strong yet amiable character in the game.
Seeing as I am upset about this Tender Moment, I have rewritten the ending. Self-serving, but who cares?🤷🏼‍♀️
So this entry will read as follows:
Summary > Rant > Rewrite.
I hope that despite my evident annoyance with this story, you would at least enjoy the rewritten version.😊
Apparently, MC contracted a bad cough and she goes to Akso Hospital and sees Dr Greyson, not Dr Zayne. Greyson prescribes her medicine and advises her to admit herself, which she was not inclined to do.
By this time, Zayne had already walked by the examination room once and she hid herself. But he had seen her and returned.
He helps himself to her medical record and repeats the same medical advice Greyson gave.
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So, she admits herself, much to her chagrin, but forms the intention to escape in the night, which she does and gets caught by Zayne.
Strangely, Zayne doesn’t stop her, but offers to send her home.
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In his car, she asked if he was mad at her for sneaking out and he says ‘no’ in a roundabout fashion, talking about catecholamine production and whatnot.
He drives her home and she gets better after a few days.
She returns to the hospital thereafter to collect her Hunter’s Health Certificate, which I assume hunters require in order to be granted or to renew a license to hunt.
The said certificate was sent directly to the hospital and Zayne has it with him because she needs to clear her cardiac evaluation.
She goes to see him and he refuses to sign the certificate and then abruptly ends the conversation by telling her to go find another doctor, because he has to get to a meeting.
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Hence, the poor girl sits indefinitely at the waiting area thinking of what to do next — planning how she has to tell Cap. Jenna that her certificate would be delayed.
She (much) later receives a text message stating that her certificate was successfully submitted. The story then ends on a happy note.
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Giving Zayne the benefit of doubt that he actually had a meeting to be at, there was no reason to tell MC to go find another doctor when he is her cardiac doctor and primacy care physician. Who else could she have gone to to get the certificate signed?
Compounding matters is the fact that he had aided her in escaping the hospital. Although not a crime even in such context, it is that he thought it was fine to ‘punish’ her for it that frustrates me.
Zayne knows that her job as a hunter is important to her. By not signing the certificate, it jeopardises her career, and we already know how Zayne feels about MC working as a hunter. Given that his actions were out of concern, it was still disproportionate and uncalled for.
Even if he attempts to draw clear lines between Zayne, the individual, who aided her out of the hospital, and Zayne, the doctor, there is still a clear overlap between what is personal and what is professional because he only knew of and encouraged the action through himself as the individual, yet made himself the judge, jury and executioner.
Sorry, Zayne, I disapprove. 👎
I heard that Zayne is an ISTJ, as am I. He’s a Virgo and I’m a Capricorn (both Earth zodiacs). I usually understand him and his actions, but this one bewilders me. Too OOC for my liking even if they are painting it as if he wanted to ‘teach her a lesson’.
MC, baby girl, I dont have your patience. I would have left the hospital the moment he told me to find another doctor and I will do just that to prove my point.
Still, I admit that I have a soft spot for Zayne and I picture the reconciliation differently. So here is my rewrite of the ending of the story.
Wearing a stern expression, Zayne got up and proceeded to leave the office, “You should go and find another doctor. I have a meeting soon.” He did not even care to look into your eyes as he made his way towards the door.
“Fine.” You uttered defeatedly. “If that is how you want to be, I understand.” Your words bore more formality in comparison to the ones used in your usual, casual conversations with him.
He paused, retracting the hand that had reached for the doorknob. “Excuse me?” His head tilted slightly just so he could glance at you from over his shoulder.
Needing to keep your composure, you inhaled and exhaled deeply. “I am saying that, I understand if you refuse to sign my certificate.” You swiped the certificate from his desk. “I will do as you have suggested and find another doctor — one who can be reasonable.”
By this time, Zayne had turned towards you, his eyes narrowing at the biting comment.
It took a lot for you not to crumple the paper in your hand from the anger that was flaring inside as you made your way towards the exit, coming close to where Zayne stood.
“Well? Are you going to keep standing in my way?” You seethed, returning him the disrespect of not looking him in the eyes while speaking to him. “My time may not be of equal importance to yours, but it is important to me nonetheless. As is my job.”
You had slipped between him and the door, but you hesitated to turn the handle, because slowly but surely, your composure was slipping. Your lips were trembling and your vision blurring from accumulated tears.
“Y/n..” he finally spoke. You could hear him turn to face you. “I’m—”
“Look, Zayne…” You interrupted, still refusing to regard him. You did not want him to see the droplets that were rolling down your cheeks. “You have made your choice and I would be a fool to hope that you’d change it.” Your voice broke slightly. “I shall not take up any more of your time.. Dr Zayne.”
You turned the doorknob but he catches you by the wrist, and pulled you flushed into him. A surprised gasp escaped your lips.
His warmth radiated around you. You hated that just this alone could comfort you. You hated that you could not maintain your anger towards him, as much as he deserved it this time.
You found yourself burying your face against the space between his chest and shoulder. The material of his lab coat absorbed the tears on your face. His scent filling your nostrils, soothing you against your will. The stiffness in your body ebbed away like a wave drawing back from the shore.
Clutching onto his lab coat with your free hand, you mumbled in a tone that was now soft and exhausted from the fall in adrenaline, “Did you not say you had a meeting be at?” He hummed a short, wordless reply, but made no further movement.
Gingerly, you looked up and found him returning your gaze. “I’m.. sorry for my outburst.” You muttered as you pulled away from him just slightly. “I’ll be leaving now.”
Still, Zayne did not loosen his arms which were wrapped around you. His green eyes reflected the remorse that he felt from hurt that he had caused. He started, “I apologise if I made you feel as though your job was insignificant. I should have been more… mindful of your feelings.”
“You are entitled to your opinion, Dr Zayne. In any case, the fault is mine — I ought to have listened to your advice. You have every right to not endorse the certificate. It’s just…” You paused, attempting feebly to leave his hold, but he held on fast. “It’s just that I cannot understand your refusal to acknowledge your participation that night. Do I embarrass you?”
His eyes widened at your words and he sighed. “Hardly” he said softly as he gently tucked the hair behind your ear. “It seems that the manner in which I believed would instil a lesson has backfired; and I admit that I am the one to blame.”
You smiled faintly, feeling the normalcy gradually returning between the two of you. He finally freed you from his arms and graced you with a small curl of his lips.
“So…. You admit that you were my accomplice?” You broke the silence, failing to hide the mischievous grin on your face.
He sighed, bringing his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I have no intention of implicating myself.”
Folding your arms at your torso, you huffed at him. “Fine, be that way.”
Another sigh, “Hand the certificate over.”
“Hmm?” You questioned.
Without waiting for you to comprehend his words, he retrieved the document from your hand, placed it flat against the door, and in a smooth motion, he appended his signature with his pocket pen. When he was done, he turned to hand it back to you.
“Zayne.. I don’t know what to say…” You murmured in disbelief.
He closed the distance between you to affectionately pat you on your head like he usually does. “Promise that you’d obey to your doctor’s orders moving forward.”
Feeling relieved that it all worked out in the end, you gave him your brightest smile as you nodded “Mm! I promise, Dr Zayne!”
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azureforreal · 5 months
Can you give us some facts about Splendid and Splendon't?
Didn't expect someone to be interested on them, all right
Do you enjoy reading? Cuz there will be a lot of that, had to draw some things tho QHAUAHUAHUAHAU
Get ready cuz this is a rideeeeeee
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First I need to explain their relationship from the very beginning
Its a big
"I did what I thought was the best for you"
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Growing up Splendid ended being that child who does everything, "the jack of all trades" kid, or being called "the gifted kid". He basically did things using recognition and praise as fuel until hie ended up crashing with a big burnout and a lot of high expectations on his back. Its to a point were he was being taken for granted, "Of course he would do that, he's Splendid after all"
In the end he noticed he had never lived for himself, it was always for the wishes of others.
And he wanted to protect his brother from that. He wanted him to have his own life, free from the gaze of others.
So he decided to take everything to himself so his brother wouldn't face the pressure or constant glares, of course, it came with the price of him growing distant from his brother for being way too busy.
But for Splendont, it ended with him becoming the child who was aways being compared, the "not good enough" one. So he just accepted that becoming his bitter self, becoming the opposite of his brother and not giving a fuck about what others think.
Then the war came and Splendid wanted to enlist with the intention of freeing himself from the weight of expectations for a while and trying to have some time to himself, perhaps follow his dreams of escapism that he had while reading comics.
And to his surprise, his brother wanted to enlist too. Splendid was against it but when Splendont set his mind or something, its too late.
Fast forward to after the war, it still a difficult relationship for both of them
Its not something they can just shake hands and be happy go lucky best brothers, there was a lot of negligence and postponing things for later until it was too late.
And they are too prideful to settle things down first or ask for help, in that aspect, you can see how much they are alike
Splendid is the oldest twin just by a few minutes
They live in the same house and this makes a scene in chapter 3 hilarious, Splendid knew exactly were his brother went after leaving him alone in the street "Bro, I literally live with you"
They have nicknames, Splendid can be called as Did and Splendont can be called as Don (yeah, without the "t" because the amount of puns it was possible doing with it made him soooooo mad XD)
Splendid had a wish of becoming a photographer, the idea of freezing memories eternally console him from his reality, but OH BOI, do we have some news for him
Splendont doesn't like wearing the hat from his uniform, the first chance he gets, he's taking it off, Splendid its not a fan of it too, but he tries to hide it and show he follows the rules.
They do dumb competitions against each other (Splendid wont admit it out loud but he's extremely competitive), like getting to the end of a corridor first, getting in the line first etc
Sometimes they will team up to piss off Flippy, they have many inside jokes about acting like is the end of the world every time Flippy shows any respect
They would look like this in human form. As they are twins, Splendont is basically a red Splendid if he didn't tie his hair, and yes, they have an ahoge, NOBODY IS STOPPING MEEEEEEEEEEEE
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They are conventionally handsome while Flippy is that one analogue horror looking friend, so you can imagine what the three look like together (Flaky has shoujo filters in her eyes, she grew up with him)
Splendid has a bad vision when it comes to reading things up close. He sees it as a weakness someone could use against him, so he tries to hide it, sometimes he forgets his glasses at home
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but somebody dont.
Then he proceeds to throw a chair at him
"NOW you can see it coming" XDDDDDDD
As much as Did tries his best to keeps things civilized, sometimes he has a huge family drama fight at work with his brother while Flippy is in the background asking himself "Could I use this as blackmail?" QHAUHUHAUAHUAHUAHUAHAHA
But why Splendont decided to join the army in the first place? I leave that interpretation to you, what do you think it was? kekekekeke
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coffinbrotherr · 9 months
Istg I keep seeing videos in my recommend that have either Andrew or Ashley sprites in the thumbnail and it's always in the lines of "shock storytelling is BAD" or "this needs to STOP" (I'm not providing examples as to not install a witchhunt but if youve seen them, you know EXACTLY who im talking about.) and I dont...I don't get why? Like, ok genuinely I'm having an actual hard time understanding why because being disturbed and being made uncomfortable is quite literally the definition of horror, so why is it a problem now.
To I guess throw my hat into the ring, I'd like to explain why i personally think incest integral to Tcoaal not only because I'm just fucking tired of seeing people not like the game just because of that aspect and I'm not knocking those people because of it because people can not like things for specific reasons, for example I am not one for horror involving teeth or the mouth so I tend to ignore horror media that prominently use those as setpieces. I'm mainly talking about people that bash it without actually playing it and people that see it at surface level and just make a Baseless assumption because to me and obviously a lot of other people as it still has great reviews, Tcoaal is wonderfully written and that IS thanks to its incest themes.
We see that throughout the game, Ashley obviously loves her brother, not only in the romantic sense but also in the power dynamic. While some aspects have yet to be revealed about thier relationship as we still only have two chapters, Ashley obviously manipulates Andrew and has since they were little as evident by the hide and seek flashback. It's incredibly obvious that Ashley likes control over people and since she doesn't really have anyone else that's closer to her, she uses Andrew exclusively as he's always been there with her figuratively and literally. While this behavior definitely comes from a sense of loneliness and fear of losing the one person that tolerates her as not even thier own parents wanted to stay around them let alone her, I think it also comes down to enjoying the control. Genuinely think about the story of the game for a sec, could you imagine being in that exact situation we see the siblings in. The closest thing we can even relate it to is covid, and we could at least still leave the house to an extent and have things sent to us that we wanted. Imagine going through all that not being able to leave, literally having the bare minimum of food being dropped off to you and being FORCED to stay inside not with a slap on the wrist but with active threats of death even though you know other people get to freely live outside peacefully. Not only is that terrifying but it gives a lot more insight to Ashley's character as she's literally stuck in a place she cannot control in an unfounded situation that is positively awful, but she does have one thing she can control, she has one person she can make exclusively hers and make him do whatever she wants through manipulation and the connection with love. The same goes for Andrew as we know Andrew was at least a bit more popular with people to the point where he even had a girlfriend (Julia) and to have literally all that stripped away from him is tragic, however for him there's one more person he can interact with, one person that cares about him and truly does love him in a way only they can share. It's a beautifully horrific way of telling a story because on the outside, it just looks like "oh hah hah, that's the incest cannibalism game" but if you actually played it you would see not only is the writing genuinely funny but also incredibly smart with its subtle meaning and player interpretation. It's NOT glorifying incest, it is actively showing an incredibly toxic relationship that was made through the circumstances and actions taken with both characters and to say it's just "shock storytelling" or "it's just trying to glorify incest" is just wrong, it's using the incest to further the narrative and that's why I personally find this game to be my favorite work of horror.
But that was just my interpretation, I'd love to hear your guy's views on it because I'd love to further the discussion and potentially add to my analysis as this was just something I wrote at 12:30 AM in bed. I could go on and on about my personal analysis but a lot of it would just be me being genuinely pretty annoyed with the games detractors and overall just make for a poor reading experience.
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secondhand-snow · 7 months
I have a request on mencken: what do you think of reader being his questionably young wife? (This is probably going to end in pwp but i dont mind lol) he likes to show her off and buy her expensive things from the money he pocketed 😂 she's practically his sugar baby but she has a side hustle of being the first lady too
your mind... im obsessed this is such a good dynamic
nsfw | jeryd mencken x f!reader (succession)
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The sugar baby comments don’t really get to you anymore. They’re pretty accurate, truth be told. But people don’t need to know that. 
Your relationship with Jeryd Mencken began in your late 20’s, back when you still had a bad dye job, student loans, and a shitty studio apartment. You were employed at a jewelry store, barely making minimum wage, working 9 hour shifts every day just to pay your rent. The first time he came into the store, you treated him like any other customer. Any other incredibly attractive, extremely charismatic, and undoubtedly rich customer. But all the same, when he made his purchase and you parted ways, you never expected to see him again. Until he came back to the store a second time. And a third time. And a fourth, fifth, and sixth time. When he finally asked you on a date his image had already been clouding your sexual fantasies for weeks.
And so started your incredibly complicated romance. Jeryd expected you to be submissive and compliant when you first started going out, basing his speculations on how you’d acted at your job. Let’s just say he was more than surprised when you talked back to him, not afraid to be a brat in public to get what you wanted. This revelation was more of a thrill than a shock. Not only did he get to fuck you so hard the neighbors complained on the noise, he also got to punish you when you acted out. And you acted out a lot. But more than the sex was the attention the pair of you got in public. He’d bring you to his business events, dressing you in expensive silks, showing you off to his colleagues. He loved how amazed his peers got when he arrived with a pretty little doll on his arm, how the women would envy you and the men would crave to be him. 
The gifts started as a reward of sorts. Everytime you accompanied Jeryd to one of these work benefits, everytime you made him look good in public, everytime you were especially well behaved in the open, a present would arrive at your door. Wrapped in gold wrapping paper, with a handwritten note on the top expressing his appreciation, and usually sporting a designer logo of some sort. It began as just a few times a month, but you reacted so happily each time you opened one that he started delivering them almost daily. Oh and he loved when you wore his presents out in public. Most outings with you wearing his gifts would end with him pulling you into a bathroom, car, or empty room, making you thank him for the present while he bent you over and fucked some gratitude into you. He started paying your rent when he convinced you to quit your job, saying that you're too pretty to have to work so hard. And when he sees your apartment for the first time, he immediately insists on finding you a new space. When you can’t find anything you like enough, Jeryd just moves you in with him.
When you finally get married, it’s more a formality than anything else. Your love goes beyond metal bands and a piece of paper. The 5 carat diamond ring does help, though. The wedding happens when Jeryd’s career starts really taking off, when his name starts to seriously come up in political discussions. You both knew he needed a loyal wife to further his traditionalist image, and you were more than capable to play the part. So what if your age gap was controversial, you would make sure every other aspect of your public personas was absolutely perfect. And you did! You wore the business casual skirt suits and attended the charity events. Shit, you even learned about government systems to understand his campaign better. But you can’t tame the perversion away, not completely, not forever. So when Jeryd finally wins the presidency and your lives become semi-private again, it’s a massive relief.
It’s only his first week in the White House when you can’t hold back anymore, sauntering into the Oval Office and kneeling underneath his desk as he works. 
“You missed me this much? Had to come in here while I’m working, couldn’t wait a few hours?” Jeryd’s hand is tangled in your air, slacks around his ankles as you sit on your knees in front of him. You kitten lick at his tip, already red and leaking from your touch as you stroke his shaft languidly. “Such a little slut, so desperate for my cock.”
Your only response is a little smile as you press a teasing kiss to his public bone. Then, you swallow his dick to the base in one movement. His hand tightens in your hair, his head falling back as soft sighs of pleasure leave his plump lips. You’ve done this more times than you can count, having his likes memorized to the point of instinct. You know to cup his balls as you suck his cock, to trace your tongue along that one vein on the underside of his shaft, to hum around his length as he’s fully sheathed in your throat. If you wanted to, you could bring him to release in a matter of minutes. But where’s the fun in that? 
You release him from your mouth with a pop, taking a few seconds to deviously lick the pre-cum on his tip before addressing your husband. 
“You haven’t given me attention in so long…” You lean forwards on your knees, face moving into a pout as you look up at Jeryd with the eyes of a sad puppy. “I’m starting to think you don’t like me anymore.”
He scoffs at that, but takes the bait enough to pull you into his lap, hand coming to your chin to force eye contact. “Don’t be a brat. Just say you want me to fuck you- without making bullshit excuses.”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“Good girl.” He captures your mouth in a kiss. 
It's all teeth and tongue, messy and sloppy and charged with passion. Before long he has you bouncing on his cock, face pushed into his shoulder to muffle your moans. You cum once as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head, then again when he bends you over his desk to fuck you from behind at a brutal pace. You're glad the building is less busy this time of day, since the sounds of wet skin and hushed groans would be unmistakable to anyone passing by. Jeryd finishes inside of you, like always. When he pulls out, he kneels behind you, your ass swaying temptingly side to side in front of him. He spends several minutes collecting any liquid that leaks out of you onto his fingers and fucking it back inside of you, making comments that his cum is too important to waste.
The next morning you wake up to a golden wrapped present on your night stand. Inside, a remote controlled vibrator, and a note with a promise to film next time.
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© secondhand-snow 2024
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dreamerwitches · 3 months
Could you do a redesign of Yuu and Shii? Not because they're bad designs, but I want to see how you'd do their concepts
This was hard cause I really so like their designs, especially Yu. But I still gave it a go!
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For Yu, my idea was to make her more like her original yellow sprite (the og one from her event). Its interesting what they changed like the stitches on her forehead, her soul gem under her horn, her shorts and her tails. This isnt the best but it was fun to give it a go. Her hooves and such would be the same
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Im a little less fond of Shi since she has some weird design choices that I dont get. Like, why does she have four arms? Why does she have pickaxes? Eh… I still havent seen her story sadly cause its not on the wiki yet. So instead I had three inspirations: death, yume nikki and a lion. Hear me out…
Death was chosen because its a literal translation of her name. She has a big spooky reaper cape and of course, a scythe. I still dont get the pickaxes ToT
Yume Nikki was chosen because of her dream links (if you dont know it im not explaining it all here, please play it or look it up, its worth your time if you like pmmm/witches). The checks would be coloured like Madotsuki’s jumper pattern. If you spot the other reference I will give you a kiss
Now the final inspo is the lion and the unicorn. A story aspect/poem from Alice through the looking glass (book, not shitty movie). When these two were both revealed I was really hoping Shi’s doppel would be a lion but alas not… I think it really works for a magical girl pairing and also..! The Alice stories are both dreams! It all fits together!
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odysseys-blood · 3 months
theres a lot of back and forth about paimon especially so i just wanna put in my two cents about it bc speculation on paimon and gender can be tricky and theres a lot to take into consideration. this isnt an end all be all post and not the best written but im just speaking from my place as someone who is trans (though i myself am tme) and works with gender themes in my own characters so this is gonna be kinda long
So! Paimon
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a lot of the issue from the back and forth stems from how paimon is written by default. When you meet paimon, he's designated as just a pretty boy that likes to crossdress and they emphasize heavily that paimon is a man every time they talk about his femininity and how he presents himself.
Now crossdressing itself is not at all transphobic, hell drag is a big thing and its not uncommon for queens do figure out that they're transfem when they get into it. In fact a lot of queer people do push to erase gender boundaries within clothes because in the end....clothing is just cloth wear what you want be who you want to be, whether it be a woman wearing masc clothing, a man wearing femme clothes, or anyone just wearing something neutral feeling.
Where it becomes a problem is the push to enforce paimon's masculinity at every turn. While its good that paimon isn't a character that's put in to be played for laughs (as feminine men and trans women often are in media), it comes off odd in a way for paimon to have a feminine voice, dress femininely, love feminine things...and then at every point have it enforced heavily that paimon is a man. THAT is where a lot of the issue stems from at when you see it happening as someone who has seen transmisogyny (if this is your first time seeing the word, its transphobia that arises specifically for a trans woman being a woman. ergo the word being a mix of transphobia and misogyny) in practice it looks worrying. When you're someone who knows how to spot this kind of thing it can feel like paimon's gender nonconformity is being demonized (while they also highlight it. its an odd mix).
This isn't to say that it is a concious thing that's being pushed either i'm not saying the writers are personally transmisogynists at all, HOWEVER since transphobia and transmisogyny is rampant in society to the point where it subconsciously controls biases, thats how it can come off transmisogynistic. Think of it as similar to racism: even if you think you yourself are not racist theres still likely biases you have picked up or have been taught just because theyre so pervasive in society. This doesnt mean its your fault it just means its something that you have to unlearn conciously and put in the work to do so.
This is also not just a problem with whb because again like i said, its systemic. Think about other characters in media who are written this way, such as Bridget from Guilty Gear, or Vivian from Paper Mario. While these two are different in that their status as trans women have been solidified, the treatment they've gotten is largely the same. Especially bridget considering how she for the longest was the poster child for the "femboy" archetype and how femininity is enforced yet also discouraged in these characters until she was finally labeled transgender in gg strive.
All this to say...its messy and theres a lot of points to consider so there really isnt a reason to go at each others throats. Using paimon's canon pronouns and gender isn't exactly a problem and neither is choosing to instead see paimon as a transgender woman and using she/her pronouns. But at the very least it doesn't hurt to educate yourself also and understand why paimon's writing can come off transmisogynistic and transphobic. WHB is not a game thats heralding itself on being progressive (even if there are aspects to it that might seem so) so there's not much to expect from it in that regard but still we can be mindful and discussion isnt bad.
(also a footnote i dont think ive seen any transfem or tma players of whb in the tag....ever but if anyone is and wants to add on or thinks ive overstepped let me know)
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palabraasinnecesarias · 2 months
have u seen the new ranma trailer??? what r ur thoughts? it looks so cute but at the same time it feels like they’re mostly going to treat it as a comedy anime 😞
yesss!! it's so gorgeous! first thing first, as much as i am a manga defender the og series has its rightful throne in my heart and i still vm wholeheartedly (and will forever) love the og anime... thank you sm for the question anon, this might be a long post!
what are some stuff you're excited about?
first thing everyone does is compare the the style of anime! which, of course, we all want to do based on nostalgia..."well, back when i was growing up..." but we forget that the production studio is a different studio, new animators, new artists, and of course keeping up with the trend style of modern anime. it's a cute style (super biased on the og bc how can we not) but it's not a bad style, at all! they look cute, and bubbly, and colorful.
that's another thing, that color palette, which is such a contrast...the very vibrant colors opposed to the pastels/soft colors (ik many love them, but i've seen just as many "complain") but i dont mind the color palette, i like the softness, it's different, but nothing out of this world. it's fine. (pic from @/torianis on twt)
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...but also...we'll have differences like these (this is where i'm annoying bc i rly liked the red fit with the green dragon ;<; but it's whatever ig)
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now ranma with pink hair?? and red eyes?? she looks cute! the red hair was something the studio back then decided on to help "differentiate" between male/female ranma considering that ranma's hair color didn't actually change throughout the manga (and rumiko actually illustrated her with various different color for her hair and eyes!) although i honestly would have preferred that they would've kept her blue eyes im not angry about them but yk (also, i kinda like the idea of ranma keeping his black hair between both forms)
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also...akane looks so soft...look at this baby
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and i think it's going to focus on the comedy aspect WHICH GOOD AND OK BC THEY ARE A COMEDY (pls im sure you'll love it<3<3<3) lmao look at these faces! but im sure it's going to have its heartfelt moments, too (like akane's piggyback, etc.)
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i will end my post here but just know im beyond excited..im probably forgetting to mention others things (like how the animation is so swift, and smooth..STOKED THAT THEY'RE BRINGING BACK THE OG JAPANESE VA!!! WHAT??? THAT'S SO EXCITING!!!!!!!)
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pinkisopod · 9 months
like a week ago or whenever i was poking at morty's 'reliance on rick' and what that could mean and it just hit me how much of his baggage is inherited from his mother... man.... rick and morty actually is more transparent about beth's deal than it is morty's, so looking at her for insight into her son can be lucrative.
one thing we dont ever see is what the smith household was like before rick crashed his ship into their garage. however from what we see of them now, its pretty clear that rick (prime) abandoning them fucked beth (and everyone else by proxy) real bad. she has raging abandonment issues. theyre pretty obvious about that in the wedding episode.
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this people (specifically rick) pleasing behavior is ingrained into beth, summer, and morty. jerry is less emotionally invested in keeping rick around but is bullied into it by everyone else (more on him later). this tendency of beth is often hidden by her abrasive, honestly mean personality. beth is cold. she is distant. in the pickle rick episode it is explicitly made clear that she is this way because she thinks masks her own problems and because rick is the same way:
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if she doesnt let people in, she doesnt risk depending on them, but more importantly she wont feel like their burden and they wont leave her. one of the few times beth comes to rick for advice in a vulnerable way was when she was behaving the most like him (hooking up with space beth behind her familys beth), to which rick actually replied suggesting she consider her familys feelings. beth's child-mind rationalized primes departure was her fault and that idea went unaddressed as she matured. she is scared of not being interesting enough for him to stick around, which when u consider that it was prime who had actually abandoned her, it's likely that theres some truth to it. and the real kicker is she genuinely thinks that this is working, that this is healthy, and that this is "better" than any alternative.
clearly its not tho, as her kids demonstrate. returning to morty, i think he is afraid of becoming his mother, who absolutely 'relies on rick' in the same way the hole means it. morty didnt experience rick's initial abandonment first hand (an aside: analyzing his reactions to ricks shorter periods of absences would be...interesting) but beth accidentally taught him that rick is the best a person to be, to put it frankly. he wanted to measure up to him but knew that he absolutely never could.
i think theres a gendered aspect to it as well, which is where jerry comes in. if rick is the 'best' at being a man, then jerry is the 'worst'. the hole episode has a joke about morty fearing becoming his father, but its still true. sniveling and pathetic, at best the family pities him. once he gets in the way, they get nasty. i think what drives the smiths a little crazy is when jerry gets to the point of, like, fully accepting his patheticness.
ending this with another poor morty he doesnt deserve this but also poor beth. even if shes mean but we love mean women here <3
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bytedykes · 10 days
maya fey for the character ask thingy :3
Sexuality Headcanon: WOMEN!!!!!! maya likes women for SURE i dont have like, a specific label for her but she is into women
Gender Headcanon: honestly i dont really think abt it that much so i guess cis woman but i have seen some really good transfem maya stuff before!!! im not a transfem maya truther but i believe in their beliefs <3
A ship I have with said character: basic ass answer is franmaya... i do actually like them together, i think it could be a rlly fun dynamic to explore. also maya/regina was cute in case 2.3 (one of the only things i liked about it rip) i've seen some good maya/blackquill stuff before also but its not really something i ship just an interesting dynamic. in general though i dont really devote much time to shipping maya w anyone i think her canon platonic/familial relationships are already very interesting
A BROTP I have with said character: PHOENIX!!! nick and maya 4EVER they are so good. !!!!! i loveee their dynamic, they work so well together and really bounce off each other well. i also like the more serious aspect of how mia's death connected them and how they both share this grief even in very different ways. i like how even if mia hadn't died they still would've probably been friends when she introduced them :) anyway phoenix and maya are very fond of each other and i think it's really sweet - bridge to turnabout is one of my favorite cases in part bc of the very present bond between them and how much phoenix cares about maya (same w the engarde case, but that one is almost better in this regard bc of how maya's care for phoenix is also heavily present). also big fan of the silly part of their dynamic where maya steals his wallet and hits him over the head with evidence <3
another really interesting relationship that's less canonically present is maya & godot. what we see of them in bridge to turn about is soooo compelling, and i would have loved to see more of them. i think in a world where godot eventually gets out of prison he and maya could work to have some kind of relationship to both their benefit. <- its interesting how mia and mia's death is kind of a driving force for maya's connections to people, maya & mia is also deeply interesting and compelling but i could write an essay about them so i will just say that i love them a lot as well lol
A NOTP I have with said character: phoenix... dislike the age gap + i just think they're better as a platonic relationship lol. maya/phoenix is like the one aa tag i actually have filtered kjaskd
A random headcanon: if u assume that in aaverse lawyers are famous and there is law twitter fan spaces . maya 100% has an account where she posts "lawyer spotting" pics of phoenix (and also edgeworth). neither of them know abt it . maya is lawtwt famous
General Opinion over said character: I LOVE HERRRR she's the og aa weirdgirl !!! maya is very dear to me, she's definitely one of my favorite characters and i love seeing her. currently my friend and i are playing aa4 and i miss her so bad :'( maya in general is a very endearing character, and she + her family is a big driving force in the trilogy which i find very compelling. she's also just cool! i love it when teenage girls have weird superpowers! i think maya is a very caring character who is silly but has really impactful serious aspects to her which are so awesome to see <3 anyway i did draw maya every day for months last year so like yeah u could say i like her a normal amount lol
TY FOR THE ASK CHEREN <3 mayaaaaa maya fey i love her sooo much. girl ever<3
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ghostlysenses · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do a part 2 to the waiting fanfic cause I just read it and I neeeeeed quackity and tommy to go and confront Karl and Sapnap cause I feel like that would be sad and angsty at the same time
if you don’t want to that’s fine but I really just need to know what would happen
oh?! Id love tooo!!
Why weren’t you there!!!
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Tw: Angst, Confrontation, go read part 1
Quackity abruptly stood up, tears still streaming down his face, fists balled up in anger “I need to find them tommy…”
Tommy looked up at him, he had no idea what to say
“do you uhh, want me to come with…?”
Quackity had thought about it, he doesn’t think tommy can help with this, its a family matter after all, so instead he said
“How about you stay here, gather all of her things and take them back to Los Nevada”
Tommy nods, and with that Quackity leaves
It took him awhile to find them both, but eventually he found it
Kinoko Kingdom
and looked over it with rage
it filled him head to toe
~~~Meanwhile, with Tommy~~~
Tommy had first removed your corpse and had buried it right next to your Papas house
He then went back and looked through your room
He found old photos
he doesn’t think this family will ever look that happy again.
He starts putting things in boxes, well whatever isn’t overgrown by nature
~~~~Back to Papa!~~~~
As Quackity stepped up to them, looking like he was ready to kill, sapnap and karl stared back
“Quackity? what are you doing here” Sapnap
“Did you forget something?” Quackity asks
Both of his ex lovers stare in confusion
as he takes out a frog key
“Do you know what this is?! DONT YOU BOTH HAVE ONE?!” He shouts, with so much anger his voice is a little raspy
As Karl stares in confusion
Sapnaps eyes
wide open
he did forget something….someone….very important
He found a small picture book
You on Karls shoulders, hands up in the air!
It seemed like you were all at the beach, sunny aspect, ur hair was up in pigtails, and well the bath suit all might be dead give aways
Another photo hand you grabbing onto Quackity and pointing to a duck, ironic.
he can imagine you yelling QUACK!!! QUACK!!!
at your papa.
The next page had one of you and sapnap, u were running away with his headband. It looked like he was just about to grab you too!
He turned the next page but some was covered by moss, he tried to recover what he could but
man can’t beat nature
He set it down in the box, and went to the record player.
“We..forgot someone?” Karl says tilting his head, quackity glared at him. When sapnap was snapped back to reality he finally spoke
“Oh my god…how lo-“
“a long time, to long, even after death she….she stayed and waited…”
Sapnap pulled out his key, they always had it in their pockets…how could they forget someone so important, their own child ffs!!
He walks over to quackity and tries to hand it to him
but he refuses
“Quackity just take it, we forgot her, we dont dese-“
“You have just as a right to be upset as I do, but y/n would not want you to wallow like this, She doesn’t blame you….I think she just wanted to see someone one more time.” He pushed the key back to him
Sapnap stared at him, tears in his eyes
Quackity smiled….
Quackity looked at his fist, bloody from Sapnaps now bloody nose.
As Sapnap landed on his back
Quackity bent down and grabbed the key “But I do blame you” he spits at him, with venom lacing his tongue.
He walked away
leaving a sad and angry sapnap
and a very confused and worried Karl
~~~~With tommy!!~~~~
Tommy had just about finished up packing up everything.
It was nearing sunset.
He set down one last empty box (He brings them back and forth) and heads over to your bed.
He’s packing pillows, blankets, and some plushies.
He sees that some look familiar, he thinks he’s seen you walking around with these.
They were like comfort items.
He doesnt want these getting into dreams hands, or any of your stuff…that could damage Quackity really bad.
He’ll have to tell Quackity to hide it all..
Once he’s done packing he looks around and suddenly…
the room seems
Like a weight has been lifted, or a tension is now gone.
He feels better too, he doesnt know how to explain it but it feels good.
Either way-
He sighs with content before grabbing the box and heading outside
he turns and takes one final look at the house
and to be honest
he likes to think
y/n felt, whatever he did, too…
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1tsjusty0u · 2 months
revali, ezlo, canon botw link, siffrin, asriel and odile for blorbo bingo :]
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hes both a really funny character but also genuinely well written and the way the writers tried? to resolve his whole thing sucks to me honestly. its not/shouldnt be about having revali accept link as the hero/link needing to prove himself on some scale its about revali needing to prove himself to well, himself. + the layers of. whatever him and links dynamic is. the fandom just treats him either as a mean-spirited loser/someone unjustly needing link to prove himself/just mean in general, or just a plain loser which to be fair he Is a loser but he has Multitudes!!! i never see the more serious aspects of his character- his character is portrayed as serious Sometimes but its not in relation to himself if that makes sense? also with the loser depiction they make it like. a central character trait? i dont know how to describe it its like. they either make him dumber than he actually is for comedy or something? or it ties into the mean thing. also theres this
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EZLO!!!! funny old man!!! i like the hat aspect and how he was originally a minish and accidentally helped? vaati. its just unfortunately i dont think about him much </3
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haha. hahahHhaahshHEHYAHSDHSAHAHAHAHAHAHHA AHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAGHA oguh ok im normal now 👍anyways. god ok so, i should explain that most of the above? applies Specifically to pre-calamity canon link. post-calamity does have Some brainrot but it has much less of a grip on me. also i actually know Why im brainrotted to him specifically however thats a secret for now! anyways its. specifically its the way he constantly masks/his dynamics with everyone else not really fitting in, how instead of taking the role he may or may not have been forced into with stride he actively struggles with it and the impact it has on how people view him and how he views himself. on this level i like to completely ignore certain aspects of canon + aoc because it feels like the writers genuinely try to make him the Perfect Awesome Hero + trying to make everything he does revolve around zelda instead of being. A Character. and on this level as well the fandom interpretations...,,,,,, so for pre cal they . not never its 90% of the time they dont get it right they genuinely make him the perfect awesome hero and actually lives to serve zelda/make him just. gross?? like deep voice oOoo suave perfect always sweeping the floor but still has those secret juicy problems its. sighs gang chat even cmon. ITS LIKE THE .
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THIS ^ WHY DO THEY DO THIS. as for the 10% rest of interpretations its hard to describe as there isnt actually much of a common thread between them, in the end though it still isnt truly On Point. its possible im picky which yes i am but in the end it always feels like theres an aspect of the above image in his character in fanfics intentional or not, and they never seem to. critique it in a way? which completely fair you never have to center on something/mention it but its just. gestures wildly. sighs. as for post calamity i also dont like most of the interpretations but also its so much less worse. the only one that i think is Truly Honestly incorrect is link wanting/choosing to stay/follow zelda after freeing her, having it portrayed as he always didnt mind/even liked it. it just puts him into the same situation he was before/feels less like an actual genuine choice and more along the lines of it being chosen for him + once again revolving around zelda entirely rather than having his own thoughts and feelings no matter how 'wrong' or 'bad'.
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OGUH ALRIGHT SO. ok so. for context; start again a prologue and in stars and time are two different games with two different siffrins per say- i think about them each differently (its like theyre aus of each other) and . theres a Reason for that, both meta(?)ly/personally and also. theres a reason in isat however thats the most major possible spoilers you can conceive of thats easily missable so. for the purposes of today, im guessing you mean isat siffrin!!! because there is a difference. ANYWAYS. this ones complicated for me personally because i genuinely Used to be brainrotted about them + i liked them a ton (personal reasons and also catharsis). once isat came out though, it . actually cured my brainrot </3 . theres new(ish) themes and character dynamics/thoughts and while i Can see the appeal for other people, for me personally i just have no attachment im so sorry.
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ASRIEL!!!!!!!! THIS ONE IS ALSO COMPLICATED depending on if you think flowey and him are separate enough to be different characters. and. fun fact i genuinely like him a Lot More as flowey rather than "asriel" in a sense really just because of the true pacifist ending dialogue. he feels way too nice to me almost uwu in a way but also that isnt the entirety of his character gestures to the asriel boss fight and his dialogue as flowey. its. god ok its the way he was trying to hang on to anything he had left. asgore made him feel nothing toriel made him feel nothing (constantly watching her look for another human to take care of, another child to replace him until she finally forgets about him even though hes still there hes still here!! while toriel sees asriel and chara in every human that falls down and if they die shes failed asriel again,) papyrus mightve helped for a bit but like everyone else eventually apathy comes to settle in letting him feel nothing once again, alphys couldnt help him no one could help him hes seen these halls 100 times constantly daily and he wants to get out he cant be this anymore he wants to feel something!! anything!! he tried to die and he Did, deciding it wasnt worth it to live anymore, then discovering he could reset and load. he wanted what he had back, he wanted the ability to not be bored constantly to not know what comes next to feel something. chara is both the One Person who had yet to (unintentionally) "fail" flowey and the one person tied to his past who understands him. thats his sibling!!! toriel failed asgore failed the only person left is chara, and they cant fail. he remembers having so much fun with them!! he misses them because of the above and also because he has no one else. when he turns into asriel for lack of a better descriptor he's able to see things more clearly, recognizing that chara wasnt the bestest person ever and latching on to them as a solution was a choice made in anguish. in the genocide route he mentions that he had plans to do things on the surface with the souls but he says with chara around he wouldnt really mind/kind of drop his plans because chara is here!!! they can have fun again!!! theyre the only one who knows and understands what humans are truly like, what its like to be impaled by arrows (toriel caring for the next human child, forgetting about him) turning to dust and dying. they understand. they have to! also i should note i also love chara dearly and anyone who thinks theyre "evil" can die by my blade. anyways. hi . for the misinterpretations thing i think everyone mostly gets it right honestly i think people just tend to make him more "good" gestures to the uwu nice thing. OH and they also consider asriel to be the better flowey in a sense? like liking asriel for asriel but liking flowey for asriel rather than flowey. here just watch this for me ok. please i love you aromantism
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LASTLY ODILE!!! i do like how shes the one to constantly sus out siffrin + having her own issues of family and belonging and having her own goal. + old lady win. that being said i also do not think about her a lot i am sorry. shes neat just not for me.
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