#there is no possible reason for ruin to have made eclipse
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
Also, I'm not scratching off 'we find out who made Eclipse by April 7th' on my second bingo card until this cockamamie bullshit gets somehow confirmed.
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venomous-qwille · 9 months
Ghost in the Machine
This is the master post for Ghost in the Machine links, character refs and FAQs.
I will try my best to keep this post as up to date as possible.
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What is Ghost in The Machine?
GITM is a DCA AU and a fic set in the retrofuture (2055ish) long after Fazco has shut down. An eccentric collector has been acquiring versions of the Daycare Attendant animatronic from closed locations around the world. The story involves a reader character who has been brought into repair the original post-Ruin DCA from the games, and hijinks ensue. There are also ghosts.
Where can I read the fic?
GITM is currently being posted on Ao3, and is updated every three weeks on Saturdays. The fic is being beta'd by the tremendously talented @bubbiethesaur. You can read GITM here!
There is also a podfic, which you can find here:
Updates to the podfic will be sporadic, so please be patient <3
Where can I see the art?
On this blog I use the #gitm au and #ghost in the machine au tags for GITM related content. If you are looking for art of a specific character, they also have their own tags: #misuta moon #nova #soleil #clip.exe #sunspot mk1 #fool eclipse #ruin eclipse #sombra #sunflower #mr sandman
Why haven't you answered my GITM ask?
One of three reasons: 1) your ask was too spoilery* 2) I'm waiting to answer it with art 3) ADHD
*spoilery includes but is not limited to: any questions about dual-AI or XYZ character's sun/moon variant; questions about character backstories and lore; questions about characters that have not featured in the fic yet (e.g Nova, Sanii, Harvest, Sunflower, Sandman etc); asks speculating about potential future scenarios (don't get me wrong, I love these asks, but I can't answer them!)
Where are all the Moons?
Read and find out. Seriously. There are at least 5 Moons who are core to the plot but I'm not going to talk about them, no matter how nicely you ask!
Does XYZ character have a Sun/Moon counterpart?
Some of them do, some of them don't. The dual-AI stuff is majorly plot related. If I'm not talking about someone's Sun/Moon counterpart, rest assured you will find out eventually. I won't be spoiling any of it on tumblr though :)
Can I create fanart of GITM?
Yes yes yes please do and please tag me when you post it so I can see it/reblog! If you are unsure if something is ok, please ask.
Can I create fanfic of GITM?
Super flattered about this. I have a longform answer to this question which you can read here. But tl;dr yes you can, please tag/credit me, do not spoil/try to write the lore, and please do not write GITM au (e.g mafia, mer, medieval). I have my own plans for this stuff and I would prefer to release the designs/stories in my own time. If you are unsure if something is ok, please ask.
Do you have character refs I can use?
There is a collection of art 'refs' for each character on the Misutamojis discord. Latest link here.
There are no proper call-out sheets/refs currently, but I have a huge body of art for the characters on this blog which should give you more than enough info for most of them. I will get around to creating proper refs eventually, in which case I will link them here.
Where can I find the playlist?
I update the spotify playlist fairly regularly, if you have any music recs you can send them over in an ask! You can listen to the playlist here!
I've heard there are secret GITM drabbles, where can I find them?
I used to post frequent drabbles from future chapters in the DCA Palooza discord, I have recently deleted the majority of them as people were going back and binging them which hadn't been the intended reading experience. Anywho, this question probably refers more to the spicy drabbles (which people have very kindly made a lot of delicious art for). These are still around! You just need to access the spicy channel and do some digging.
Is there a GITM discord?
Nope! There is a server for GITM emotes and a busy thread in the DCA Palooza, but currently I don't have any plans to make a GITM-centric discord community. If that does happen in the future it's likely I will simply convert the emotes server (Misutamojis).
It finally happened, I converted Misutamojis. You can join the GITM discord here.
Can I smooch the robots?
All of them?
All of them.
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hellwantfuckme · 5 months
happy birthday
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summary: she hates her birthday, but someway Azriel manages to make it better.
warnings: Mor being slightly annoying(?
author's note: hope this is not boring 😭
Something had woken her up, pulling her out of the dream that, just seconds before, she couldn't remember. Eclipse blinked, taking in her surroundings. Her cozy bedroom, the sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the wooden floor and miraculously only half of her white duvet-covered bed, not bothering her eyes. It must have been close to noon, an hour or two before, perhaps. The calm in the air of her home was something that made the corners of her lips curve ever so slightly. For some reason, she knew there was something lurking in the corners, something threatening to ruin her day. A reason, she didn't know what, for her to be upset. But as she looked out through the windows, with the white duvet over her and the clean sheets beneath her, she didn't care.
Two knocks on her front door sounded, ah, that was what had woken her. Before Eclipse could even consider not opening the door to whoever was bothering her, the sound of knuckles against her door grew more insistent, her muscles moved unconsciously, pulling her out of the comfort and warmth of her bed. A grimace settled on her lips as she rose and stretched the sleepy muscles in her arms above her head, realization hitting her.
Today was her birthday.
A weight settled on her shoulders almost instantly, Eclipse could feel every bit of cheer leaving her body, and she missed the warmth and comfort from moments ago. A hint of a migraine, a slight throbbing pain in her temples, appeared. Eclipse cursed mentally. But she still left her room, walked through the hallways and crossed the living room and kitchen until she reached the front door, and opened it to whoever wanted to deal with her bad mood.
The smell of roses and expensive perfume greeted her, along with a blonde mane and a simple red dress. The pain in her temples increased.
Mor. Morrigan. If possible, her bad mood became denser, and she didn't bother to hide the frown that settled on her face. Although she had to refrain from letting out the heaviest and most annoying sigh of her life.
Morrigan looked her up and down, from the oversized gray pants that hung from her hips, through the tight, stretchy fabric t-shirt she had used as pajamas, to her face, the clear bad mood. But her brown eyes returned to the pants, and her eyelids rose almost imperceptibly, the only sign of surprise she let show.
The pants belonged to Azriel. It wasn't a secret that Azriel had stayed over at her apartment more than once, although it had always been on the couch - Eclipse had been too fearful to invite him to her bed even just to sleep - and he had left some clothes behind. Morrigan had apparently recognized who they belonged to.
Eclipse clearly saw how Mor tuned her ear, trying to decipher if Azriel was there.
Her frown deepened, and Eclipse restrained the impulse to slam the door in her face right there. She forced herself to fill her lungs with air and release it, to calm down enough to speak to her without raising her voice.
"Do you want something?" her falsely cordial voice muttered.
Mor straightened up.
"Can I come in?"
Eclipse looked at her for a second, trying to understand if she had heard what she thought she had heard. But when she saw the doubt in Mor's eyes, she figured she had.
What would Morrigan be doing in her apartment at this hour? Eclipse didn't know. But she stepped aside to let her in.
Morrigan entered with hesitant steps, and she closed the door behind her.
Her birthday was cursed. The random day in the middle of the handful of March days must have been cursed by some god, and the insufferable blonde in her apartment right after waking up was proof. Eclipse wasn't superstitious (although she should be, considering that for the past two years her life had been a madness of magical cauldrons, Fae, and things that would have driven any logical follower, like herself, to madness).
Morrigan glanced around her house, at the open space filled with light. At the kitchen, which was the first space Eclipse walked into, with Mor behind her. Eclipse opened the cabinets, looking for coffee. The feeling of having let an intruder into her apartment was, to say the least, uncomfortable. Although it was a new feeling, only her cousins had entered her apartment, who she had known all her life, and Azriel. Although with Azriel, she had never felt even close to this.
Eclipse was sure that his scent was still on the couch, and in the left corner of the kitchen island, where he always leaned.
Eclipse refused to let her thoughts be consumed by him first thing in the morning.
"Your apartment is nice," Mor said, trying not to look too surprised.
"I guess. Call me crazy, but I have a feeling that you didn't come to give me your... opinion about my apartment."
Eclipse put the coffee maker on the stove and turned to look at Morrigan.
"No, I didn't come for that."
Eclipse raised her eyebrows, and her chin sank a little. "Yes, Mor, that's what I said." The sarcastic comment appeared in her mind, but she refrained from saying it. Morrigan quickly regained a certain composure, her shoulders tensing and standing at her full height, firm.
"I would like to know what your problem is with me."
Eclipse looked at Mor for a few seconds, then blinked.
"I don't have a problem with you."
"But you don't like me."
"I think I have the right for there to be people I don't like," Eclipse said, turning on her heel, the sound of the ready coffee filling her ears along with the smell of the room. Eclipse poured a generous amount of coffee into a cup.
"I want to know why," Eclipse found milk and then mixed it with the coffee. "Is it because of Azriel?"
Eclipse looked at Mor over her shoulder, her face with a grimace, as if she had just heard a terrible nonsense. What did Azriel have to do with anything right now?
"There doesn't have to be anyone in the middle for you to not like me, Mor. Get over it," Eclipse said with a sigh, ending the conversation.
"Five hundred years. He was in love with me for five hundred years," Eclipse didn't miss the somewhat... hurt, guilty tone in Mor's voice. But she didn't care, especially because the migraine persisted, gnawing at her.
"And you're telling me this because...?" she managed to say, exhaling air.
"I never reciprocated his feelings, Eclipse, if you're jealous..."
Mor didn't respond. Eclipse took a breath, closed her eyes for just a second. She couldn't start the day and already be on edge.
"Look, Morrigan, I don't like you because I think you love attention, and the way you want that attention is almost toxic. But I don't even have a big problem against you, I just don't think we can be friends and as far as I know, I haven't done anything against you to assume that I hate you to death, or something like that," Eclipse looked at Morrigan again. "Whatever has... happened between you and Azriel is not my concern, and I don't care. In fact, I couldn't care less. What you just said is the biggest guess I've heard in two months, and believe me, I've heard many things this month.
Mor didn't take her eyes off her. For a moment, Eclipse thought she had seen at least a glimmer of understanding in Mor's eyes. But it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Silence hung between them for a moment.
"Rhysand wants to see you. He's at the Town House."
And Morrigan disappeared. She had used a portal, Eclipse supposed.
Eclipse stayed processing the situation for a second longer, observing the space where Mor had been a second ago.
"Me, jealous?" Eclipse murmured indignantly
And that's how her birthday was going.
Eclipse left Rhysand's office with a grimace of irritation on her face.
It's not that she didn't like Rhys, no, Rhys, her cousin's mate, she liked him a lot. But the High Lord of the Night Court was a being that Eclipse wanted to strangle to death and then kill herself. Because who gave him the right to decide what she did or didn't do? Why did she have to be just another piece in his chess game? He had put her between a rock and a hard place, and Eclipse detested him for it. Of course, Rhysand only decided to bring out his High Lord personality on the day she least needed to be crushed with orders and demands.
Eclipse hoped that the empathy she had lacked when they had been talking would appear now and forgive her for slamming the door of his office.
The generous amount of coffee was working against her now. She was on edge. Mor, Rhysand, and what would be next? And why the hell did this only happen on her birthday?
Eclipse was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice anyone in her path until she bumped into a hard chest, and the scent of cedar and mist filled her lungs. Eclipse muttered a curse and dodged the body without even giving it another look. She had to get out of there because she couldn't think of anything other than the frustration that was making her jaw clench because she needed something to calm the throbbing in her temples. But a firm hand took her arm, stopping her. Eclipse violently pulled her arm away, distancing herself from the contact.
"Don't touch me," she almost exclaimed, her voice harsh, exasperated.
Eclipse looked at the hand still on her arm, full of brutal scars, and he looked at it, too. It took a millisecond for Azriel to move away, putting both his hands behind his back. Eclipse blinked, her eyes finally rising to meet Azriel's. The realization of what she had said hit her, her own words repeating in her mind. And then the way he had hidden his hands behind his back, and the furrowed brow on his face. The way he had looked at her, a mix of negative emotions, instantly made her forget about anything else.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"Let it go."
One moment Azriel was there, and the next, the shadows had totally consumed him and he was no longer there.
Eclipse let out an exasperated sigh. Her hands found their way to her own face, her fingers kneading her temples.
She was late for work.
If it were possible, everything got worse. Her apartment was bought with the money of her cousin, Feyre. Such a generous amount that Eclipse wanted to vomit at the astronomically high sum that Feyre was willing to give her, although she only wanted a small apartment, to have her own space, not a mansion.
Feyre had insisted that she didn't have to pay her back. But deep down, Eclipse knew she would pay her back for everything. Eight years of poverty had left a bitter taste in Eclipse's mouth, just the thought of owing money to Feyre made her skin crawl.
So she worked. A terrible job, just a waitress in a busy tavern. Although it was much more than she could have dreamed of a few years ago, when all she could do to survive was hunt, it wasn't easy. Because there were days like these, when she had to clean the bathrooms. And then there were a series of men who asked for jug after jug of beer, until one accidentally pushed another and a fight started that left two broken chairs, a table, and a mess of beer and broken glass that, again, she had to clean up.
Eclipse walked through the streets of Velaris, clutching her coat that did little to protect her from the unexpected cold that was hitting Velaris that night. The last trace of winter, she supposed, and hoped it was. The streets were not very crowded, although she had dodged a few Fae with her quick pace.
When she passed by a bakery, she ignored every visible cake and sweet in the window. Sometimes, on her birthday, she would buy a cake. Only sometimes. And she would eat it alone, and have it for breakfast the next day.
Her cousins completely ignored the fact that she had a birthday. Sometimes, Eclipse wanted to believe that they did know it was her birthday, but perhaps, somehow, even if she hadn't told them directly, they knew that Eclipse didn't like that day at all and they decided to give her space. Other times, Eclipse was sure they had no idea.
Eclipse arrived at the apartment building where she lived quickly. She climbed the stairs to the top floor, and took the keys to her home out of her coat pocket.
She let muscle memory guide her. Coming home, taking off her shoes and coat, leaving the keys on the table just next to the door, going straight to the bathroom and filling the bathtub with warm water, stripping off the stench of stale beer and sweat. All of this with a blank mind, not thinking of anything else while exhaustion drilled her bones.
It wasn't until she went to get dressed, with the faint idea of wearing the most comfortable thing she had, and her hands found the black sweater that smelled of cedar and tranquility.
It was Azriel's. Eclipse contemplated it for a moment, the memory of their only meeting a few hours ago saddened her. She simply left the sweater where she had found it and put on another one.
There was nothing else to do, she thought, as she was finally ready to lie in bed and pretend to sleep forever. But two knocks on her front door echoed through the space.
Eclipse sighed. She wasn't even going to bother to open it. Whoever it was could wait until tomorrow. But they knocked on her door again, with an insistence that reminded her of Mor's this morning. She flexed her stiff muscles out of her bedroom, through her home to the front door and opened it. Eclipse recognized the figure in front of her, tall and muscular, before even looking at his face.
Azriel stood in front of her, a little basket in his right hand.
Eclipse blinked. He didn't seem particularly angry with her, his usually stoic expression replaced by a softer one. Shadows swirled around his figure, a rather fast movement, like a reflection of Azriel's insecurity. But the dark abnormalities disappeared in the air once they saw her, although one in particular moved towards his arm and Eclipse could feel the gentle caress on her palm, like a greeting. The feeling vanished seconds later.
Azriel looked her over, looking somewhat indecisive.
"Can I come in?" he asked, although he had been inside many times before.
Eclipse stepped aside, making room for him to enter. Azriel recognized the way and walked to the kitchen, placing the basket on the kitchen island. Eclipse followed closely after closing the door.
Azriel was facing away from her, taking out a strawberry cake from the basket.
"Hey, Azriel, about earlier..." started Eclipse, her arms crossing in a hesitant gesture. Azriel looked at her, expectant of what she had to say. And his gaze only made her sigh, running a hand over her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk to you like that or tell you not to touch me, I have no problem with that, really, it's just that Mor was here this morning and then I was with Rhys and everything is horrible today and it's my..."
"Birthday," Azriel continued for her.
Eclipse frowned, nodding briefly. Although Azriel spoke before she could draw any conclusions:
"Nesta told me. She said you didn't like this date and indirectly too directly said that your favorite cake is strawberry."
For a moment, Eclipse felt her heart skip a beat. Nesta, the same cousin who hadn't given her a congratulations in her entire life. Then they did remember.
"Nesta," Eclipse murmured, incredulous. "Nesta told you that?"
Azriel nodded gently, a playful glimmer danced between his irises seeing Eclipse's incredulity, standing meters away from him.
"Did she... tell you why I don't like it?"
"No. I didn't ask her."
"And have you... brought strawberry cake?"
"From the best bakery I know."
"Why?" was the first thing Eclipse could manage to say. "I was rude to you earlier."
"You deserve a happy birthday," Azriel said with such firmness and honesty that Eclipse wanted to believe him.
Eclipse blinked, but her body was moving before she could think. And in a moment, she was hugging Azriel. Her arms around his shoulders, and in another moment, his arms pressed her to his body without a second thought. Eclipse murmured a series of thank yous, Azriel let out a playful laugh, his hand rose and fell along her back. Eclipse wanted to melt right there, inhaling the scent of cedar and mist emanating from him.
Eclipse moved away a little, his grip on her loosened a bit, just minimally. And Eclipse pressed her lips against his cheek in a loud kiss.
When Eclipse stepped back, there was a silly smile on Azriel's lips and a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Happy Birthday, Eclipse."
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milkyrrr · 1 month
(Inspired by @mono-the-robot artwork)
Emptiness. Silence. Darkness.
Nothing. That's all Eclipse felt when he died. He didn't want anything. He didn't wish anything. Only rest in peace.
What was he feeling when he suddenly woke up? He could feel his whole body itching and aching with pain. He couldn't even make a sound to express how uncomfortable he was. He didn't understand what was going on. Some kind of noise that seemed to be trying to get through the vacuum to his auditory module, the darkness gradually dissipating in front of his visual module and turning into a vague veil before his eyes... Where is he?.. What is happening?.. Is this life after death?..
The body gave in to the movements with difficulty. Eclipse could barely move a finger, let alone turn his head and look around.
Hunger. This is the next thing he felt after the aching pain all over his body. He felt hunger with every cell of his body, with every atom of his existence. Is it possible? He's an animatronic, they don't need to eat food!
It was a wild hunger. The desire to tear apart. Biting into someone's throat. To hear the screams of agony and horror of the victim.
What is it? Had the kill code awakened in him? No, Eclipse did not deny, he always had a craving for murder, he literally consisted of it, but it seemed to him that he put this thirst for murder and the suffering of victims into Bloodmoon, partially getting rid of it in himself. He wanted to be smarter than his dumb father and... brothers? Children? Eclipse didn't care about these family ties. He considered Bloodmoon to be nothing more than a creation that got out of control. Oh, if he had been a little more far-sighted then, he and Bloodmoon could have made a lot of chaos. Perhaps his plan could even come true.
But that was in the past. He died. So why does he feel this way then?
"....ke up..."
"......Wake up....."
Where did that voice come from?
"Wake up, Eclipse."
Eclipse felt an electric shock run through his body. And then finally he heard himself. He screamed.
And he saw.
"Oh, I see you're already awake," nodded someone standing in the shadows, quickly clicking something on some device and turning off the flow of electricity. Eclipse felt his arms and legs become lighter. He was able to get up and sit down on the table where he had been lying all this time. Oh, that's it. He was literally strapped in without being able to move. That was the reason of the strange pressure on his whole body.
Head tightened into a ring of pain. Eclipse growled in displeasure, clutching it and squinting. It hurted so much. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like life after death. It usually doesn't hurt after death. At least, not in such a "mortal" way if that was even possible.
"I'm hungry," Eclipse said irritably, realizing that he wasn't alone in this strange dim room, "I don't know who you are and nor do I care, because you're going to die right now."
The animatronic abruptly jumped up from his bunk, rushing towards the shadow in the dark. But suddenly his whole body shuddered and froze just a few inches away from the stranger. Eclipse opened his eyes wide in amazement.
Those eyes....
"What is it? Why did you stop?" He heard the sneer in fusion's voice.
He knew this guy. This dumb fusion... They didn't cross paths personally, but Eclipse knew of his existence.
How... what... Why?...
"Why what, dear? You should word your questions more precisely if you want to hear accurate answers," Ruin cooed playfully, bypassing Eclipse and finally appearing in full height in front of him. His mutilated body left a lot to be desired, there was a feeling that it was enough to bend this little man for him to split in half. But for some reason, Eclipse couldn't hurt him.
"Why did you remade me? Without a purpose? For fun? In order to use in your stupid doomed to fail plans? What do you want from me?" He growled in displeasure. Head still hurt. And hunger burned inside. Eclipse roared in angrily, slamming his fist hard against the iron wall, leaving a small dent.
Ruin didn't even flinch.
"Don't worry, my dear Eclipse. I'll give you a purpose. I am your purpose," he took Eclipse's face in his hands, forcing him to bend over, "Oh, I see... I see this anger and hunger in your eyes... You're just gorgeous," he whispered enthusiastically.
"My perfect creation. Don't worry, this is just the beginning of our rise. Very soon our eclipse will cover the sun, the moon, and no one will stop us. Come on, my errand boy. I know how to satisfy your hunger..."
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hahskeleton · 4 months
OKAY here we go! Another tsams rant and ramble!
So, first things first, I agree all too well with Eclipse; WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS UP WITH RUIN?! I know all this stuff was stated in the episode, but he can’t fix arcade games, states he can’t build animatronics, and doesn’t know blowtorches are hot, but he can build a magic canceling barrier?? This makes absolutely no sense! This episode has placed Ruin in the “possible build Eclipse” column, because wth man? Are you seriously lying about all this? Or is this legit the truth?
Seeing Eclipse actually cry/whimper at the mere thought of dying again made me sad. I swear, if Sun and Moon get there and just murder him right on the spot, I’m going to be walking around with my mouth hanging open in shock for a week! Maybe, this will be Sun’s chance, however. Maybe, just maybe, Sun could talk to Eclipse.
Moon might think he knows a lot about Eclipse, but he’s not the one who dealt with him in his head for who knows how long. Sun knows how Eclipse works in his head, just because he literally had him in his head. He can read Eclipse. The only person who might know more about Eclipse than Sun is Lunar, but he’s too traumatically scarred to be within ten feet of Eclipse, so there’s no way he’d even try to reason with him.
Sun is the only one who possibly successfully reach Eclipse without resorting to violence on either of their ends. But, who’s saying if they get into a small reason, as soon as they [maybe] let Eclipse out, he could kill someone or someone could kill him.
Speaking of Sun, I’ve been thinking recently about how left out he seems to be with Moon and Solar working constantly together. They work so well together, both having quite the history of building complex things, and don’t really try to include Sun on anything. That will probably cause some major issues with the brothers’ relationship in the future if Moon doesn’t realize what he’s doing. Solar seems to be doubting Sun’s abilities too, but, he’s had some pretty sad moments and history with his Sun from his universe. That probably explains why he’s distancing himself from Sun.
I hope the Sun will get a chance to talk to Eclipse, and also I hope Eclipse will have at least twenty minutes of sanctuary before Sun and/or Moon possibly kill him.
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the-solar-system52 · 9 months
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Ok but before anyone goes too crazy with lore theories. This doesn't NECESSARILY confirm that Eclipse has ties with the SB animatronics. This game isn't Sister Location 2, it's Help Wanted 2. The original Help Wanted had many minigames with many different characters. So even though Help Wanted 2 will have quite a lot of SB stuff, there is a good chance Eclipse is just a cameo, and not connected to the SB lore. But we will have to see! (That also means we may get more SB character cameos!!)
OK SO 'CAROUSEL'??? WHAT IS ECLIPSE DOING ON A CAROUSEL?? (Yeah Matpat's right. The fnaf universe does blur the line between court jester, circus and carnival) STILL!! I THINK ITS GONNA LOOK SUPER COOL!!
I wonder what the gameplay will be like! If we are indeed dealing with Eclipse, and not just Ruined Sun and Moon, then isn't Eclipse a good guy?? What reason would they have to be hostile in this minigame?? (Unless of course, WE'RE the bad guy??)
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Or maybe it's the type of jumpscare where, although we die in gameplay, they don't CANONICALLY kill us?
Or maybe Eclipse won't jumpscare us at all, and will instead have some other role to play in this minigame?
Edit: I watched the full PAX clip on YouTube and realised a few things. We can hear Sun saying "Hello!" from his SB voiceline, Moon's creepy giggle, plus a jumpscare noise! So it may be possible that we will be dealing with Ruined Sun and Moon, and not Eclipse. People may just be referring to them as 'Eclipse' because of how they look. One source I saw even said Carousel included MOON, and didn't mention anything about Eclipse. This would explain them being hostile even when Eclipse is nice.
(I have noticed that fnaf fans who aren't DCA fans don't really refer to them as the right personality sometimes. they tend to just think of them all as one character because they're all 'creepy'. and since we are getting this info from people who played the demo at PAX, and not steel wool themselves, I wouldn't be quick to believe everything they say about the daycare attendant.)
Still, it could be possible we are dealing with all three of them! It all depends on how much lore is in the minigame and where it takes place in the timeline.
Also, the original Help Wanted was made to cover up the actual events that happened in FNAF. So Help Wanted 2 may be the same thing. What I mean is, their screentime here MAY just be made up by Fazbear Entertainment, and not canon to what actual happened to them. This would explain them being Sun and Moon again, when they were merged into Eclipse at the end of Ruin.
But we'll have to see!
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alexandraisyes · 5 months
What is going on with Eclipse?
He's different, changed, and set to square one all over again. All his growth? Poof.
Well, my theory is this isn't the Eclipse that died. I'll explain under the cut, and also touch on if this is the Eclipse that died, and how it might work.
Why do I think that?
He is audibly confused when Sun and Moon talk about him getting blown up. That's my main reason.  Other reasons are the fact that he has lost almost all character growth Is upset about the star being gone Doesn't seem focused on the Astral Bodies and Lunar And acts like he's suffered a hugely personal grievance from the celestial twins
And, well, let's linger on the word act. He's an actor. He's acting. His words are strained, as if scripted. Playing a role he doesn't think fits... or isn't one for him to fill.
Our Eclipse was moving past that. And I've heard the theories on him being bitter because he was blown up but... apparently, he doesn't remember that.
So who is he?
We've got a few ideas here
The first thought is, this is the Eclipse. Yeah. THE Eclipse. The original. The one that was blasted from Sun's mind. Remember that conversation? It went something along the lines of:
"I said queso, not keso!" "You said what?!" "I mean, it worked? He's gone." "He's either dead or... immobile in the woods somewhere broken beyond repair."
If he's in the woods well... he'd have shut down. His processors would have failed. His body first overheating with the melting plastic, then going deathly cold as his vents and fans shut off one by one. However, as we know, broken beyond repair is not a real problem for animatronics. It's a setback. Lunar, Sun, Monty, Earth... all have been "broken beyond repair". What happens when they reach that state? Their AI is transferred to an entirely new body. Who would do that for Eclipse?
A few people, actually. The creator is the first to come to mind. The second is KC, who is now dead, but it's possible that with Eclipse ending up in the forest... and KC living in the forest, KC could have repaired him or begun to repair him. Especially with what we know about KC. He knows magic, he knows star power, and he came from old Moon, who was quite the techie. This would give us the option of Eclipse being made of materials that aren't entirely mechanical if that is the case. 
The last person to come to mind is Ruin. Ruin was living in Moon's old bunkers with Bloodmoon for quite a bit, he visited a lot of the same places Eclipse had, and he's probably been in quite a few deserted areas where the OG Eclipse might have ended up in. He has an aptitude for tech, he built and programmed Bloodmoon, after all.
The second thought is a backup (AI and body). It's always possible that Moon missed something. As we've all noted, Eclipse seems to be on his first character arc again.
The third thought is a backup but in a different sense. Ruin takes play here again. 
Remember when Ruin raided Moon's computer and found 'encrypted code left by Eclipse'? There's a possibility that Eclipse left a backup of his AI in the computer just like how he left the entirety of his Bloodmoon schematics in Moon's computer. Which seems careless, and makes one wonder why he would do that, or even when he would do that. And why the computer wouldn't have removed it. Well, if it's encrypted that means it's hidden. And we all know how big a fan of the show Ruin is, he probably knows alllll about Eclipse. So, he could have built Eclipse just like he built Bloodmoon. Or, even without a back up, could have done *exactly* what he did with Bloodmoon, pick and choose what parts to show a new Eclipse about who he was, leaving out bits that would alter the desired outcome.
The fourth thought. It's Ruin. Ruin built his new body, we have no idea what he added to it. Like I said earlier, "His words are strained, as if scripted. Playing a role he doesn't think fits... *or isn't one for him to fill.*" Plus, Ruin has been veryyy suspicious lately. "There's not cameras in here, is there? Oh wait, yes there are." And then the footage cuts out, did he dismantle the camera? Maybe. And if it's not Ruin himself, it's probably option 2 or 3 and Ruin is helping him. I have a feeling that Ruin didn't want them to come through the tunnels because Eclipse was hiding in them, watching the scene unfold. Eclipse does like to watch the chaos of his actions, this is a pattern with him.
The last thought. He could be the Eclipse that died. Unlikely, but it's possible. Dying is something *deeply* traumatic, and it could be repressed. Or he could be suffering amnesia. I talked in a different thread about the potential of Sun going comatose and that is what Eclipse saw when he told Moon "I have seen the future and sun will die" or whatever. When I talked about that, I touched on the amnesia aspect of a comatose state, in which the victims of such a state lose the recall ability of events that happened shortly before entering such a state without assistance in the matter. The longer the comatic state, the worse the recall ability, and the further the memory loss goes.
Other support with the idea that he could be the Eclipse that died in Solar's world, he didn't look like he wanted to move on. Flare walked out, Flare left, and I don't think we'll be seeing Flare again in the series as much as that hurts (I love Flare if you didn't know). Anyways, Flare left. Eclipse? Eclipse lingered, he didn't walk out of consciousness, he didn't leave, he just sat there as the darkness ate away at what was left of him. 
In fact, rewatching that episode, I noticed something.
We see Moon press the button, the laser fires, and presumably, Eclipse explodes just like that. Except we go to the shared mindscape of Eclipse and Flare, and watch their final interaction. Flare walks away. Eclipse stays. I've always thought it weird that the mindscape was *clouds* unless the host of the mind makes a conscious effort to alter it (see KC) or requires a structured mind to be able to function properly (see Solar). Seems very... virtual. Like, maybe the digital 'cloud'. Uploading to the cloud? They are connected to the internet, they automatically connect to internet when available, and they've never needed to mess with passwords even if they are in an entirely new environment. So it's possible... it's possible that Eclipse lingered. Lingered and connected to the network in Solar's world, if we're going to go with the cloud idea. 
But hey, that's just a theory.
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rubydevilcat-blog · 4 months
I have a theory for The Sun and Moon show, related to who brought back Eclipse. What if it was Evil Sun?
Ever since Eclipse came back from the dead, so much has happened from the end of December, to the beginning of February. Eclipse has been shown to be much different than what he was before he died; He expressed how he doesn’t remember much after he died, he called out that he revealed himself too early, and he does not know why he is doing any of the actions he is doing. It’s as if he has forgotten so much about his own motive, something the eclipse we know would never do.
The only thing he knows is that he has knowledge about his magic, he remembers the star doing dead, he remembers what killed him, he remembers his victims, and he knows about Solar. The one thing he doesn’t know is who created him, that becomes the main conflict at the moment in TSAMS channel, along with LAES.
During this conflict, Ruin is seen as a suspect, a possible reasoning for Eclipse’s return. The only evidence Moon or Eclipse have against Ruin is that he was known for creating Bloodmoon’s physical body (when he was evil), and being able to fix his own body with blueprints. Ruin is seen as a smart animatronic who can create anything as long as he has a blueprint, it explains why fixing arcades is difficult, he doesn’t have the instructions on how to fix it properly.
Maybe with Ruin being accused, maybe that’s part of Evil Sun’s plan? Evil Sun has no eyes on him, no one suspects he could do anything, but ruin? He has done evil things before, and has been an enemy to Sun and Moon before. How does Evil Sun know about Ruin? With one key evidence to support my theory, he has New Moon’s information. He knows about Solar, about Ruin, about Sun, about everyone in the information given to him, but I feel with Eclipse it was complicated. Moon doesn’t know Eclipse’s true motive, his reasoning of doing evil, and he only knows what Eclipse has done, not behind the scenes.
Evil Sun could have made Eclipse to continue to mess with Moon, have you seen what he has done so far? Most of the time while Evil Sun was out of radar, it was Moon who made most of the bad decisions. Moon lied to Lunar to try to protect him, only causing a conflict in the relationship. Moon made a deal with Eclipse to keep him alive to find the person who made Eclipse, making Lunar more furious and feeling betrayed. Making Solar create Jack to protect Lunar, making him lie to Lunar so Jack could stay hidden for weeks. Every decision made has been caused by Moon, and what if Evil Sun knew this could happen.
Far as I know, Evil Sun could have a plan completely different than what I’m thinking of, but here is the plan I believe Evil Sun has made:
Evil Sun collects information from Moon, so he can learn more about the universe Moon lives in, and the strengths and weakness he has.
He goes to Solar’s Universe to collect what he needs, possibly something from the computers, his information that Moon did not have, or supplies:
Evil Sun creates Eclipse, applying magic into him, setting up a code that cannot be removed, or Eclipse would die.
Evil Sun sends Eclipse to Moon’s dimension, with a directive in his hardware so even if he doesn’t remember much, he would know what to do (Somewhat)
He plays the waiting game as he watches him his computer of what Eclipse has been doing, like collecting data like ‘Bloodmoon’s blueprints’ from Ruin.
With what information Eclipse knows about Ruin, he goes after him first, going after him enough times for him to be accused of creating Eclipse, causing Moon to suspect and interrogate Ruin.
With Ruin being watched, Evil Sun stands by and watches as he sees Moon make even more bad decisions, like creating Jack without telling lunar for weeks about Eclipse.
So far thats how I think the plan is going, moon making rash decisions, causing problems for himself as Evil Sun keeps watch. I believe that there are multiple outcomes of what he is doing right now, with how much of a genius he is, there could be something he is doing behind the scenes that we don’t know.
Either 1, he received a notification about Eclipse’s new chip, and at the moment he is coding a loophole so his Eclipse doesn’t get killed too soon.
Or 2, he waits as he watches Moon, waiting for him to make one more bad decision that caused a drift between him and Sun, leaving him alone
But whatever Evil Sun is doing, it’s not good. With the recent hints going on about Sun, if Evil Sun is the main problem, I fear that Evil Sun may at one point try to switch places with OG Sun, so he can do something worse. If not, then that’s is something we will have to find out.
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joltyflare · 2 months
(Sun and Moon Show Theory #4 :Ruin Will Get Reset)
This is basically an alternative to the last theory I posted.
Also, yes, I'm posting another post about Ruin, hush.
So, Ruin thinks he will die. He's made it quite obvious he wants to die and that he'd be at peace now that he has taken down the Creator Council. Tons of beings are going after him or just simply want him dead for what he did to all those dimensions. Yet he's somehow still alive just twiddling his thumbs in his cell (well, not even doing that since he can't move his thumbs-). By all accounts, Ruin thought he'd be dead now. Moon and Eclipse both wanted him dead pretty badly. Eclipse has wanted him dead for a while now and Moon did at first when he realized he'd been lied to. Yet he's still alive.
I feel like he's being kept around for a reason. Like, yeah, said the reason could simply be so that he goes out with a bang after some more angst, but I feel like there's a possibility he won't be killed off. I mean, Moon has said killing doesn't really solve anything since all their enemies seem to come right back like dandelions after you cut the lawn. Earth despises Ruin but does not want him dead. Sure, almost everyone else does, but I'm sure it'll come down to the celestial family being the ones to decide his fate.
Perhaps he'll still be alive in his cell when Solar himself is revived. If this does happen, it could possibly mean Solar may be the one who will decide his fate. From what we know about Solar, he isn't vengeful. He'd only kill Ruin if he believed him to still be a threat to everyone.
But there's a chance he won't be forgiven. There's an even bigger chance he doesn't want to be forgiven. Keep in mind Ruin lost everyone he loved long, long ago, and has made it his mission to avenge them and save other universes from suffering the same fate. He has made it clear that he misses them and doesn't believe he has any place in life anymore now that he has completed what he set out to do starting so long ago. He also struggles mentally with the things he had to do during that time, where he'd been forced to harm people under the guise of a persona in order to fit into his universe without being caught, stopped, and possibly killed before he could kill all the Creators he possibly could. So, yeah, even he himself doesn't want to exist due to his self-loathing and suffering.
Yet it wouldn't make sense for the protagonists to kill him now. He's at their mercy. Sun has already gone through hell after killing Bloodmoon and Moon himself believes killing doesn't solve anything. Lunar does too now and Earth always has and hopefully always will. She hates Ruin but would never wish death upon her worst enemy, it seems. Solar, if he were to be revived before Ruin woke up, wouldn't want to kill him. It wouldn't make sense for the protagonists to kill someone who is at their mercy (again, since they did it to Eclipse), right? Plus, they'd be giving him what he wants, which they would also not like very much.
Yet Ruin will never be trusted. They can't trust him after all his lies and the way he manipulated them time and time again, especially when he pretended to be their clumsy little harmless friend. Nothing he can do will ever regain their trust and he is quite aware of this. Nobody would ever, ever trust him or even like him as he is now, knowing what he has done and is capable of.
So what's the alternative?: A reset, similar to what Moon went through. He doesn't have to fully die but he doesn't have to live as he is either. He can start a new life without trauma and without judgement (mostly, as I'm sure there will be people still unforgiving and after him after what he has done, not caring about him being a different person). He can finally have the celestial family as his real family, with no trickery involved or needed. Moon said he was starting to see him as family and, in this case, Ruin could have a family. He wouldn't be tainted with memories of his old Creator and the world that was torn into pieces before his eyes.
After all, Ruin isn't evil by default. His default personality seems like it would be quite sweet. This means he wouldn't be dangerous after a reset. There's no need to kill someone who isn't a threat if you don't have to, right? It would make the most sense. Ruin himself would likely agree to this. Maybe he'd even need to think about it but I can see him ultimately agreeing to a reset and seeing it as a merciful option.
Anyway, here's my theory on what could happen!! If it doesn't happen...well, I'll write a fanfic about it. I like the idea a lot and it's a nice alternative to Ruin dying.
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ikamigami · 3 months
MGAFS uploaded a 25 minute video of Puppet asking Sun 73 questions(we all know she asks him more then that)
What's your thoughts on it? Bc some of Suns responses are funny(when he's showing annoyance through threats) but it also is mainly sad and concerning with most of his answers throughout the video...
I completely understand his annoyance I think that I'd be cursing Puppet out if I was in Sun's place xD
Yeah, some of his answers were really concerning. But I'm also glad that some things got confirmed in this episode. Like for example: Sun drinks alcohol. He likes hamburgers. So I was right that he eats and that he ordered a hamburger for himself in "a day in life of Monty" episode. (It confirms that Sun is harming himself because he shouldn't drink and eat. It hurts him.)
The answer to what superpower Sun would want to have - probability manipulation - confirms that VAs are really looking into a discussion thread for sams (which is cool but I won't get back there ever again). Cause I remember talking about that with someone there. That maybe Sun can manipulate probability of events. It was a really great time. It was fun while it lasted.
I still doubt that Sun wants Eclipse dead though. Like why he would answer this one truthfully. And I also still think that when Sun talks about wanting to kill Eclipse he is talking about himself. I know, I know it doesn't make sense but I think that Sun views himself as an Eclipse. I mean that he believes himself to be bad. And I think that he considers himself to be an actual Eclipse. And by that I mean that Sun thinks that Eclipse is the way he is because of him. He made Eclipse like that. So he's actually the bad one here. I mean that in his delusions it's like that. I hope that makes any sense. It's really hard to explain.
Another thing is that Sun said that he likes parasites and it reminded me of when he said that he likes toxic people. Which again shows us that Sun thinks that he's like that. That he likes toxicity.
Another interesting thing is that Sun said that others made him be so self-depreciating but I think that Sun doesn't think like that actually. This answer was too close to truth for it to be considered that Sun really thinks that. Cause we all know that's true but also not entirely because Sun has very low self-esteem and mental issues that cause him to be so self-depreciating. And I think that what Sun truly thinks is that he believes himself to be a joke. Some sort of a bad joke. Cause he can't do anything and he constantly ruins everything. He's useless failure.
Another thing is that Sun didn't have a second therapy session with Earth which is interesting but I'm also not that surprised either. Also the fact that Sun possibly doesn't like kids does not surprise me either cause I would be unable to like kids myself if I worked as Daycare Attendant just like Sun cause I have a short temper. Sun is just like me fr.
Another thing is Sun doesn't hate dogs. He dislikes them cause they're loud and we all well know that Sun doesn't like loud noises thanks to Moon.
A propos Moon, Sun's answer to the question with Moon was very understandable. Like everything is fine between them when nothing happens but when bad things are happening then uhhh.. Moon is.. we all know the answer.
But see, Sun didn't answer fully this question so why him saying that he would told his past self to kill Eclipse should be considered truthful. I'm not buying it considering that when there was a question related to Eclipse he only said that he doesn't like this whole working with Eclipse thing. But he doesn't actually gives a reason to why he doesn't like that. But I think that it has more to do with Moon rather than Eclipse.
Also Sun saying that the worst experience in his life was having someone in his head and then trying to get rid of them and then they keep coming back may not be about Eclipse but his mental issues and possible fear that he may create yet another being in his head and ruin another life again. I am interpreting it like that because I think that Sun is delusional.
Also we can see that Sun has mood swings yet again. And considering that a year ago sams posted QnA episode and later there was Sun's fight with Lunar and Sun went after Eclipse (iirc).. I think that Sun may have another psychotic episode sooner rather than later...
I hope that the answer is satisfying if not, you can ask me more questions. I wouldn't mind that at all.
And sorry for any mistakes because I had a pretty rough day (it's nighttime at my place)..
Also I don't mind Taylor Swift but I'm not big fan of her either so dear Sun, I won't stop liking you for this xD
And another thing I forgot to mention is that Sun said that he doesn't relate to any fictional character because it's a fictional character. My man, you just don't watch that much stuff and it shows. Or you just didn't find anyone relatable. Also it's not like you're living their life, Sun but it's rather that that fictional character lives your life :) Hope my answer helps, Sun ^^ (I know that he most definitely won't read it, I mean Davis ofc. I said that jokingly)
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chocolix76 · 3 months
What if Moon and Solar found Ruin too late when he was kidnapped by Eclipse?
Word count: 1,675
CW: Dismemberment
Ruin scooched backwards in a frantic attempt to put as much distance between himself and Eclipse as possible, the latter approaching with slow rhythmical steps as if trying to prolong his terror as long as possible. Once his back hit the solid and slightly damp wall of his holding cell, Ruin had to quickly come to peace with the fact that there was no way out. The open door behind Eclipse taunted him, holding freedom just out of his reach. There was a barrier in front of the door. 
“I’m going to torture you, Ruin,” Eclipse drawled, stopping just a foot in front of where Ruin was curled into a ball. All he could see was the taller animatronic’s white eyes glaring at him through a shadowy figure. “I’m going to tear you apart piece by piece.” 
“T-Torture?” Ruin stammered, holding his arms out in front of him as Eclipse attempted to close the space between them, most likely to harm him. Eclipse scoffed, grabbing Ruin by the wrist and twisting his arm backward in a direction his joints were not made to go. “N-Now Eclipse, let’s talk about this, shall we? Th-There’s no need to resort to torture is- is there?”
There was a heavy silence that passed between them before Eclipse burst into laughter, filling the eerie stillness of the bunker. His grip on Ruin’s wrist only grew tighter as he attempted to wiggle out of the taller animatronic’s grip, forcing a cry of pain from escaping his voice box. 
“Of course there’s a reason to torture you. You made me,” Eclipse accused, twisting Ruin’s arm back even further when he attempted to cut in and argue otherwise, letting out a cry of pain that only made the wicked smile on Eclipse’s face grow larger. “You made me and even the people you consider your friends don’t trust you. They might even take their sweet time looking for you if they even noticed that you’re missing. By the time they find you, you’ll be nothing more than scrap. You’ll be a warning to the others.”
Only now did the pure weight of the situation Ruin was in finally catch up to him, glancing frantically around the room for anything that could save him without success. Eclipse had removed any possible weapons from the room, leaving the only modes of self-defense to be his own fists which Eclipse was currently holding. 
“Eclipse, I promise I did not make you!” Ruin cried, hating how weak and vulnerable he sounded and how that only seemed to fuel Eclipse’s malevolent intent. “If I made you, I would not have you- have you kidnap me! W-What do I have to gain from making you, hm? Nothing!”
“Shut up if you know what’s best for you,” Eclipse hissed, using his free hand to grip where Ruin’s chin should be with enough force to leave dents in the faceplate. Ruin squirmed in discomfort, trying to think of something, anything to get himself out of this situation, but his mind failed him. “Enough stalling. The more time I waste, the more likely Moon is to find you. That is, if he even wants to find you.”
The last sentence echoed in Ruin’s mind like a gunshot, leaving him wondering what Moon was doing with the information he had been given on Ruin’s whereabouts. Had he put in any effort to come and find him, or was he continuing on with his day in hopes that Eclipse would one day return him? He wondered how Moon would feel to find his destroyed body outside the daycare. Would he feel guilt? Remorse? Before he could think about what Moon was doing any further, the feeling of Eclipse releasing his chin pulled him back to the present.
Eclipse released Ruin’s wrists, turning on his heels and making his way towards the entrance to the cell as if he was changing his mind last minute. The tension that had built up in Ruin’s shoulders didn’t release, pulling himself into a sitting position as he wondered what the abrupt change of heart could possibly mean. That was until his entire body seized as an electric shock tore through his body, Eclipse turning around with that wicked smile of his to watch as Ruin writhed in pain.
Someone was screaming. They were screaming so loud that Ruin wanted nothing more than to lift his hands to the sides of his faceplate and attempt to block out the sound, but his arms refused to move as yet another shock coursed through his body. He was screaming. He was in agony and Eclipse was enjoying every second of it. As the burning of the latest shock slowly tapered off, giving Ruin a moment of relief, hatred that he had never experienced before swelled in his chassis. The moment he was given the chance, he would make sure Eclipse suffered the agony and terror he felt. However, that hatred was soon forgotten as another wave of pain coursed through his body.
“MOON! SOLAR! P-Please, someone help me!” Ruin screamed, his cries mixing with the sound of Eclipse’s laughter. “PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!” 
“Aw, isn’t that cute? Ruin is crying for help,” Eclipse cooed mockingly, walking up to where Ruin was curled up on the ground once more, trembling from pure terror and the aftermath of the electrocutions. “Too bad I’m the only one that can hear you and your precious Moon and Solar won’t be here to help you anytime soon. It would be a miracle if they come for you at all! Now…what next?”
“E-Eclipse, please…” Ruin pleaded, grasping at the hem of Eclipse’s pantaloons. The fabric was familiar and comforting underneath his fingertips, helping him think clearly through the haze of pain that muddled his mind. The familiarity was short lived as Eclipse swatted his hand away with a disgusted scowl. “I-I think that was more than enough torture for the day. Surely I could- could prove to you that I did not make you. Th-There’s no need to torture me for something I did not do.”
“You’re right, why didn’t I think of that sooner! We could talk this out and everything will be just fine!” Eclipse cried as if he had come to an enlightening conclusion, before abruptly grabbing Ruin’s arm as tugging it with such force that it was struggling to remain within the socket. “BULLSHIT!” 
Ruin shrieked in pain, reaching out and grasping Eclipse’s arm and attempting to loosen his grip, but the taller animatronic held on for dear life, refusing to let go. Ruin could feel his arm socket creaking, white hot pain radiating through his shoulders and throughout his body as wires were agonizingly pulled from their proper positions. After one painful yank from Eclipse, he could suddenly no longer feel his arm at all. He was barely aware of the loud thud his dismembered arm made when it hit the concrete floor or the sound of Eclipse’s laughter. Everything felt as if it were surrounded in a thick haze of agony and exhaustion. The last thing he saw before his optics flickered out was the piercing white of Eclipse’s eyes. 
“Ruin? Ruin! Speak to us if you can!” 
Slowly, the world started to come into focus. First came his sense of sound, next his vision. As Ruin’s optics readjusted, he could see Moon kneeling next to him, waving his hands in front of Ruin’s face. He couldn’t move or speak even if he wanted to. The incapacitating burning pain that spread throughout his body made the thought of moving the slightest inch or speaking a single word unbearable. Ruin could see someone’s shoes lingering in the doorway, trying to croak out a warning, but all that came out was a harsh squeak of feedback.
“He’s alive, Solar. Not in good condition, but he’s alive,” Moon stated, turning his head towards the figure standing in the doorway. It bothered Ruin the way the lunar animatronic didn’t sound the slightest bit relieved. It almost sounded as if he could have died, and Moon couldn’t have cared less. “We’re gonna bring you back to the daycare, okay? Solar, help me lift him up.”
Ruin was only partially aware of Moon taking his remaining arm over his shoulder and hoisting him into a standing position, Solar pressing himself against Ruin’s damaged half to serve as additional support. He was grateful that Solar and Moon had come to rescue him, but underneath the relief was a multitude of other emotions he was too exhausted to explore at the moment. There was hatred towards Eclipse, betrayal and hurt towards the people he considered his friends and anger towards himself for not being able to stand up against a threat. He felt his head drifting down to rest against his chest as they made their way out of the bunker, Solar pushing it back up.
“Stay with us, Ruin. We’re sorry we didn’t get here sooner, but we’ll have you fixed up in no time,” Solar promised, his voice much softer than Moon’s had been. It wasn’t entirely sympathetic, but it made Ruin feel at least somewhat comforted. 
“Barrier….Eclipse…” Ruin croaked, only now wondering how the two of them managed to get through the magical barrier Eclipse had put up to keep him from escaping, and quite possibly to keep anyone from rescuing him.
“We’ll talk about that once you’re better. Let’s focus on getting you back to the daycare,” Moon replied, readjusting his hold on Ruin. 
A tense, yet somewhat comforting silence fell over them as Solar and Moon led the way back to the place Ruin one day hoped to call home. It had been a terrifying day, but the knowledge that he was alive and would soon feel better was enough to put him at ease. Once he recovered, Ruin vowed that he would prove to the celestial family that he was trustworthy and could be considered a friend. Until then, he was glad to be going back to the comfort of the arcade.
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cl0wn---cat · 5 months
I completely over analyzed Sun, Moon and Eclipse
credits to @ultimateempath for sparking this undying need to write all of this!
Minor spoilers for sb, ruin, and help wanted 2
My personal theory is that Eclipse was made as a daycare attendant while sun and moon were made as theater performers (that bit is already known by simply looking into some things, at the very least they served some sort of role within the theater)
I believe that Eclipse helped within the daycare during typical work hours- morning to evening ish ig- and later they would go to the theater and prepare to preform for others.The theater was probably more of a teen and adult thing, kids probably not being able to comprehend most jokes and whatever.
So Eclipse worked as the robotic daycare attendant in the mornings and Sun and moon worked in the theater in the evenings
I think that after more and more human workers left the building and were replaced by staff bots, fazbear entertainment made the executive decision to replace Sun and Moon in the theater with staff bots. Moving them to the daycare and almost completely getting rid of Eclipse, but they decide to keep them in their coding since it's too much effort to remove them.
This bit will be specifically based on Sun's behavior in help wanted 2 and sb/ruin since during these games moon is presumably infected with the vanny virus and we don't really know his real personality very much. In sb and ruin Sun acts much more gentle and cheerful infront of Gregory and Cassie, since they're kids. However in help wanted 2 he acts a lot sassy-er to the point where it's almost rude. Assuming the player in this game is an adult, Sun would have no reason to be super gentle and child friendly with the mc. I'm guessing that this is how he normally acted with staff. Unfortunately we still don't know hardly anything about Moon before he was infected with the the vanny virus, but from some tidbits of info that can be found in ruin through the ar and real world collectibles (reminder that in ruin the descriptions for collectibles are based on cassies thoughts)Collectable number 5 "Moon Plush" has the description of "I never slept better than I did in the daycare" and collectable number 8 "Sun plush" has the description of "I used to have so much fun in the daycare" this is- in my opinion- concrete evidence that Sun and Moon were truly good at what they did and made the effort to help with the kids as much as possible.
Rant over I can sleep peacefully now
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bitterkarmaa · 1 month
I hope i'm not bothering with more ramble because this boy gives me so many brain worms you have no idea- ANYWAY full disclaimer this is all headcanon i've got for him AND IF YOU DEEM IT NON-CANON THAT IS FINE 100% I AM FINE WITH IT! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CORRECT ANY MISINTERPRETATIONS I'VE MADE!
I've made some slight hints toward it in my writing already and have only now worked up the courage to share it in full hjdkfg so- I'm kinda playing on a general DCA headcanon i have that DCA models mainly Sun and Moon ones need counterparts in order to basically function. Because that is how they were designed, two halves of a whole that were made to exist together.
So a Sun needs their Moon and a Moon their Sun. Or a Moon their Moon or a Sun their Sun. Eclipse's included! The main point is there's gotta be two (or more) DCA models who are 'imprinted' or 'bonded' in order to properly function (Ruin would be mostly exempt ofc due to the two being one)
NOW WHERE DOES RAYS COME INTO PLAY HERE? So as i rambled about on A03 in the comments of Canary and Crow, i had a headcanon that Rays had 'imprinted' onto Lord Eclipse because, he is technically a Sun who lost his counterpart, that being Moon. So baby Rays, fresh and new sees Eclipse - possibly still a DCA model himself before changing his form - and automatically imprints onto him!
And this ends up carrying over to KB Eclipse and again, possibly Veil too because they are both of the same/similar ai that Rays own code has logged as being his natural other half (and counterpart relations can be whatever really, siblings, friends, family, partners whatever but ofc in this situation its 100% family or siblings)
And this is why i've written Rays to be so attached to Eclipse and why he seeks his company first and foremost when he feels lonely. And again this could later extend to Veil too! (Because i have not forgotten that oneshot where Rays comforts Veil and mourns with him that broke me Shep IT BROKE ME- /pos)
Anyways thankyou for attending my ted talk i shall now disappear into the cosmos!
I love your rambles honestly- it astonishes me that I’ve made characters that people find are WORTHY of rambling about 🥹❤️ it means a lot to me that Rays means so much to some people :)
I could defiantly see Veil “imprinting” on Rays as a sort of younger brother, for sure! Veil has a lot of emotions that he doesn’t understand and Rays being so gentle and patient with him would really give him brownie points in Veil’s eyes.
The drabble with Rays and Veil mourning was meant to be a sort of introduction into how both of them are accepting that vulnerable side of themselves that they’ve tried to ignore for so long, which would foster a sense of security for Veil since he’s still learning how to let people in (he’s still ahead of Eclipse on that one though LMAO) and accept that he’s ALLOWED to be different from Eclipse. He is, quite obviously, a lot more open-minded than Eclipse is. He may not ENJOY negative emotions, but he’s willing to learn and experience them in order to become a better person.
Eclipse…is not.
The main difference between Veil and Eclipse is that Veil is actively trying to better himself, while Eclipse is doing it without realizing and still has violent, sociopathic urges that others use as reasons to avoid him or discredit the progress he HAS made. Except for Rays, which is why Eclipse has a certain fondness for him, and tries to reign in his frightening tendencies in order to stay on his “good side.”
Rays knows Eclipse is struggling with something, but is too afraid to push it or ask questions.
Eclipse wants to do better for Rays, so he keeps his problems to himself in order to avoid scaring him.
Veil wants to understand himself in order to prove he can be different from Eclipse.
It all goes in cycles between the three, which is why their dynamic is going to be so interesting and unique when their arc begins later on, after Veil is introduced into the main storyline.
Do with this what you will :)
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croissantlover24 · 4 months
The Interrogation Episode
Oh goodness. Did any of you see the interrogation episode with Ruin and Moon? No? Because it made me so angry.
Now, please keep in mind that Ruin is one of my favorite characters. I will do my best to avoid a bias and include as much logic as possible, but please fact-check me if I’m wrong and feel free to tell me as much.
Ruin is a fair assumption for Eclipse’s return—even I suspected him for a time. However, Moon was far too harsh in the interrogation.
To tell somebody so soon after they HELPED you capture the villain just because “it was too fast” that they’re going to be scrutinized and observed like an animal in a zoo is not something that a normal person does. I do understand that Moon and the family have been going through a lot lately, but this does not give him permission to take it out on Ruin! At least, that’s what this episode felt like—Moon taking things out on Ruin. Moon has a good reason to suspect him, yes, but I think this should’ve been done much further after Eclipse was captured.
Ruin just wanted to be friends. A part of the family, if I dare suspect. He said that he had just wished to be friends with Moon in the interrogation episode!
Then, Moon told Ruin that he didn’t trust anybody outside of the family. He just blatantly told him that he was not included in the family. This episode just made me so angry at Moon. The way he handled it all was unprofessional at best and he treated Ruin more like a stranger than an ally.
Did you all see how Ruin reacted? He sounded so defeated, like he thought that helping them get Eclipse would earn him a higher place with the others.
It’s as if Moon wants Ruin to turn on him.
(My apologies for the excess name use. I did what I could to limit it, but I had to make sure it all was clarified well enough.)
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fillipquesender · 3 months
Either hes actually evil
Or hes innocent:
Had good intentions - he'd only seen a good eclipse when he got his body back from what I remember, so he could've rebuilt eclipse thinking he was good. And the second time he probably thought he couls've made him be better
Still has the virus - theres the possibility he could not be fully cured, like the virus had gotten to his sun and moon but got cured from him himself, and would explain why those memories couldn't be found since theres the possibility they don't share a memory
Framed - evil sun just framed him. Whether for no fucking reason, OR HE HAD A PLAN. So you know how he said he's been to other dimensions prior to this one? What if he had met up with, i dunno, evil lunar and made a deal? Evil lunar wanted fun, right? Sun could've made the deal with him, saying he would get infident fun with the price of him getting what he wants. He framed cosmos so that way they'd be so focused on dealing with him that their dimension could get destroyed before they realise
It just doesn't make sense to it being cosmos and him having bad intentions. While he was being suspicious, they all can have good reasonings to them.
How he trapped eclipse - he had a blueprint. Thats just easy to figure out. When he had the virus, it made a blueprint. And to add onto it;
why he trapped eclipse - he could've always just wamted them to trust him?? Because frankly if I was in his shoes I'd do the same.
Fixing his own body - he had a blueprint again
Why he wanted to kill eclipse - bro got damn kidnapped and possibly tortured, ofc he'd want eclipse dead. Not to menrion, why would he revive eclipse only to imidiently try to kill him??
The reason why he can't build arcades but the complicated machines is because he had blueprints. Whilst with the arcades he had none. I bid you not he would not be able to build a table without instructions.
I discussed all these with @sammyixx, he gave some of the points of him being suspicious cus i can't remember shit 💔
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for poisoning and killing a prince?
Oh boy, this is a long one.
I (25yo) am the child of a powerful Ruler, but ever since I was little I was not-so-subtly threatened by my father that I would never take his place as his firstborn child. This is because I was born on the day of a solar eclipse, and everyone thought it was a sign that I would be "an evil leader" or "bring ruin to kingdom", even though there literally no reason for anyone to believe that.
So, I wasn't able to take over his kingdom. That's fine, one of my other siblings could. He let me train to be a knight though, but he gave me the worst possible person to train me. She absolutely HATED me (I now know that she wanted to marry my dad, but since he was with my mom he declined obviously. and she took out all her hatred of my mom out on me. how fun!), and every time I begged my dad to give me literally anyone else to be my mentor he would basically say "but she's the best in the kingdom!! you're just being an overdramatic teen!!" and didn't give a shit.
He started giving a shit after I hit her head so hard she cracked her skull, and banned me from training to be a knight period because "I was too violent(?????)". He didn't let me pick my new occupation though, and made me start training as an apothecary. A fucking herb crusher. Fuck him
So, I finished my training as a stupid herb crusher around the same time my dad was about to retire and formally name his heir. But, do you wanna guess who he appointed as his heir?? It wasn't even any of my siblings (y'know, his rightful heirs??). He appointed some nobody prince from another kingdom entirely, and he expected us all to be okay with it??
At that point I lost it. I wanted to help my siblings in any way I could (and honestly, I wanted to stick it to my dad for everything he'd put me through), so I may or may not have poisoned the new heir's food and killed him before he was sworn in. And since he wasn't sworn in, and my dad already swore out of leadership, apparently now I'm expected to be the Ruler because I'm the eldest. So, is that a win?
So, am I like, """""""""evil""""""" for this? I don't think I am honestly, and the nobody prince probably would've sucked as our Ruler anyways.
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