#there were a lot of things i had to drop because of this rapist's name
not-poignant · 1 year
Hi! I’m really enjoying Stain! I started reading it right after finishing Wind because I loved your writing so much, it’s actually got me back into reading fanfic after a long slump, so thank you for that! I know this is a ridiculous ask and I’m sorry for even asking, but I was just wondering if the therapist character is going to be prominent moving forward? Tim is the name of my abuser and I know it’s silly but I find it pretty triggering seeing that name when I’m not expecting it. It caught me off guard in the last chapter and now I’m just a bit shaken and worried that it’s going to kill my enjoyment of the rest of the fic. Basically I’m just wondering if he’ll be there a lot and specifically mentioned by name? Again sorry for asking I know it’s dumb. Thank you for writing these beautiful fics, I hope you’re having a great day!
Hi anon,
As someone with PTSD, who has found character names triggering in the past, all I can suggest is that you stop reading and take care of yourself, until you reach a point where the name doesn't cause the same reaction in you anymore.
I've written a story about a character who shared a name with a rapist in my past, and for most of my life I would never have been able to do that, and couldn't even be friends with people who shared his name, and then one day I could write a long multi-chaptered story, and have a lot less problems with the name. Hopefully one day you get a bit more distance that way as well. Therapy and a lot of time helped, and also just not forcing myself to be around it until I knew I could handle it better.
But until then, it's not good to push yourself, and I am not planning this story, but the therapist is definitely mentioned again by name and will likely be in at least one scene in the future.
Since you already know this makes you shaken, the best option is to simply stop reading. It's not dumb to ask at all, you're looking out for yourself, and that way I can give you an informed answer. :)
Reading a story you're enjoying is not worth being triggered, and there are millions of other fics on AO3, and quite a lot of them are good!
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everythinandanything · 6 months
The Sad Thing About Dracula Adaptations
Is that, I truly think, they believe with their whole chest that painting Dracula as Mina's "liberator" and turning Lucy into a promiscuous woman is progressive and feminist.
Like, the intentions are there, but for some reason they can't get it in their heads that these two changes are far less feminist than they think it is. They pat themselves on the back for being "feminist" by making Dracula about women's sexual liberation, without seemingly comprehending the fact that they just turned it into a more sexist piece of media.
As many Tumblr blogs have pointed out, Dracula is nothing more than a rapist and a serial killer, his interactions with Mina and Lucy are pretty clear allegories for sexual assault. But adaptations frequently paint him as a 'sexual liberator", thus creating an implication that rape is 'sexually liberating". Which is such a slap in the face to sexual assault and rape survivors it makes my jaw drop. But adaptations do it, convincing themselves that this is a "feminist take".
Even if the Harkers were sexually repressed, rape is never a good thing. i never thought I would have to say this, but here we are. And they aren't sexually repressed. They couldn't keep it in their pants long enough to get out of Jonathan's asylum bed. Monogamy and sexual repression are. not. the. same. thing.
In a similar vein, turning Lucy into a sexually promiscuous flirt is not only disloyal to the novel, it adds a layer of sexism that wasn't even there in the novel. The novel never implies that Lucy's death was punishment for being sexually forward (which she ISN'T IN THE BOOK), so it is on the fault of the adaptors that there is this idea that Lucy's death was punishment for being more "liberated". In trying to make a more "feminist' piece, they circled back to making it more problematic, and straight up insulting/invalidating to sexual assault and rape survivors. To me, telling a survivor that their experience was their "liberation" is so, incredibly tome deaf and insulting that i can't understand how someone would believe it.
Let us go over the facts, shall we? Lucy dies a virgin (she didn't get married). She was kind to all living things, peaceful, never wanted to harm anyone, never worked outside the house, and her only desire was to be married before she was twenty.
Mina, on the other hand, is a working woman. It is never stated that she quit her job after getting married, and nowhere is it implied that Jonathan wouldn't be in full support of her working outside the house. Even if she did, she clearly mentions that she plans to work with her husband as a team, so she isn't leaving the workforce anytime soon. She isn't a virgin, because we know she marries during the novel, and had her wedding night in her husband's asylum bed (which carries the same vibes as "Mary Shelly had sex with her husband over her father's grave). She is perfectly willing to harm people , notice how she took an active role in tracking down Dracula. She gets to live happily ever after with Jonathan. Lucy embodies a lot of older virtues for aristocratic women, and she dies
Adaptors can't seem to realize that, if anything, the novel is all for sexual liberation, and women being independent. it just puts in a MASSIVE caveat that everything has to be completely consensual, and that rape is never the victim's fault. There is a feminist take that is already there, in the novel, but for some reason adaptors make changes in the name of "progressive feminism", which just makes things more problematic.
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ssaflorencem · 11 months
The thrill of killing you| BAU x unsub reader
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI. This contains mentions of SA and CSA. It is not graphic detail at all but please do not read if that is something that triggers you. Mention of weapons. Murder (not graphic detail at all again). Also I hope this all flows and makes sense, I’ve read over and over again so it kinda of feels like it doesn’t make sense.
Summary: this is both from your POV and Hotchners POV. This is present day, and the BAU are catching on to there been a serial killer.
Chapter two: Death of a party
Your POV:
You hadn’t been caught so far; you were safe for now. You left no DNA, you changed your location, you didn’t kill in the same state for at least a year. You hadn’t changed a lot since your first kill, accept you now never left letters, you couldn’t have a signature, you couldn’t let anyone knew that you existed.
Sometimes, when you were just doing your day-to-day activities, you would look at someone and wonder if they were a rapist, a murderer, or someone just as bad. That’s when you would think of all the people you had killed, and what they had done. Then you would think about the people who were still alive and whether they were like those people.
You had a strict moral code, but you did what you did to protect others, it was the only thing you were certain of. It was the only thing you had be certain of for a while.
‘The moral code I follow is simple, it is this:
I will not kill unless I know for a fact the target is a rapist.
I will kill rapists, even if they are not in my area.
I will kill serial rapists/child molesters/abusers/human traffickers.
I will not kill anyone who does not deserve it.
I will not get caught.’
And while you had this moral code, you still enjoyed the rush your kills brought.
You were doing what the police should be doing, but you found out a long time ago that the police, especially the FBI, do not care about abusers they only cared about murderers. They only cared when it resulted in someone’s death. The people you killed had to die, that was the only way the people they had hurt would get any justice. You knew it was only you who could make the difference. You had committed yourself to this. You had no choice.
See, when the FBI did go after a criminal, they used profiling, or to put it in a better perspective, guess work. They would use the minimal evidence they had and find someone who fit the profile. You though, you had information you had names, you had the faces of abusive. You did research, you made sure the person you were about to kill was guilty.
You just wished that you could have hunted all abusers, but unless you were part of a team that would be nearly impossible.
You were not going to get caught, you knew that. You made sure all evidence was covered up, you made sure all your bases were covered. You did your research, and you knew that you were safe.
You read about a story of a man who was a rapist, not as bad as some of the others you had killed, but he still did it. His name was John Andrew Hamm, he was a teacher and would give his students alcohol or drugs and then rape them. He was a sick bastard. He had been abusing since the eighties. He was arrested numerous times, but his charges were dropped every time, the main reason was because his victims were too afraid to speak up. They were his students, and with the influence he had on the school board he was protected. He was a monster. 
You knew everything about him now, his routine. He was, apart from been a monster, a simple man. While he had a lot of influence, and he was well known, he had no friends, he was not married, and he had no children of his own. He lived by himself, he never had anyone over, and he never went out. God, you almost felt sad for him, but then you remembered everything else about him.
*Ten years ago, *
You only talked Dutch at home now, your mom refused to speak English and she didn’t dare to talk Swedish anymore. It had been seven years since your mom and dad divorced, and they had a good co-parenting relationship. You often stayed weekends with your dad, which your mom with fine. But then once you turned 18 your mom refused you to see your dad.
“Ik wil niet dat je, je vader nog ziet. Hij is niet de persoon die je denkt dat hij is.”
I don’t want you seeing your dad anymore. He is not the person you think he is.
“Mam, ik begrijp het niet. Tot nu toe vond je het goed dat ik hem zag. Nu ik volwassen ben, wil je niet meer dat ik hem zie. Dat is niet logisch.”
Mom, I don’t understand. You were okay with me seeing him, until now. But now I’m adult, you don’t want me to see him anymore. That doesn’t make sense.
And every time you brought up your dad, she would basically say the same stuff. It had been a year of her saying; he just isn’t the person you think he is. You were sick of hearing it, why couldn’t she just say who he truly was.
You knew if you truly wanted to find out who he was then you were going to have to find out all by yourself. Which was going to be hard as seen as your mom wouldn’t say anything, and you knew your dad wouldn’t.
*Present day*
You waited for Mr Hamm to start his typically Saturday routine. Which was going to his local grocery store to do his weekly shopping.
As you followed him around the store, you couldn't help but feel disgusted by his presence. You watched him as he mindlessly placed items in his cart, completely unaware of the fate that awaited him.
You had planned this for weeks, meticulously going over every detail to ensure that there was no way you could get caught.
As you followed him out of the store, you made sure to keep a safe distance. You didn't want to give him any indication that you were following him.
He walked down the street and into his car, not noticing you following behind. You waited until he drove off before starting your own car. You had already prepared everything you needed in your trunk, including the tools necessary to carry out your plan.
You followed him for another ten minutes, watching as he turned into his driveway. You parked a few houses down, making sure that your car was hidden from view. This was the moment you had been waiting for.
You stepped out of your car and walked towards his house. He was taking his food in to his house. You took a breath; you had planned this, and it wasn’t your first time.
“Erm, excuse me.” You said in a low tone, it was loud enough for him to hear you. He slowly turned around, his face was neutral, no smile, no nothing really. If you didn’t know what you knew about him you wouldn’t have been able to guess, not from just looking at him.
“Are you okay?” he said in an almost friendly tone. His voice suited his looks, but not his personality.
“Yes. Yes, I am. I’m new to the area, I was wondering if you knew the woods are good to hunt it?” His neutral face had contoured into one of a happy face. His brown eyes were looking you up and down. He was trying to get a feel of you. You felt like he was undressing you with his eyes.
“They are. I can show you some of the best areas if you want?” Man, that was just a friendly gestured. If you weren’t genuinely asking for help you would have fallen for his trap.
“If you don’t mind, I would love. I’ve got my gun in my car. I’ll go grab it” You wanted to let him know you were armed.
He nods his head, not suspecting a thing. As you make your way back to your car, you feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You know what you have to do, and you're ready to do it. You grab your weapon and make your way back to his house.
He's waiting outside for you when you arrive, smiling as he takes you deeper into the woods. You keep your guard up, knowing that he's still dangerous despite his friendly demeanour. You follow him for a few minutes before stopping in a clearing.
"This is one of my favourite spots," he says, gesturing to the trees around you. "You should be able to find some good game here."
You nod, pretending to be interested in his hobby. You keep your eyes on him, waiting for the right moment. It comes when he turns his back to you, looking out into the woods.
You raise your weapon take aim at him.
“What’s good game to you Mr Hamm? School girls? The students you teach?” He looks at you, shocked you knew his name and what type of person he was. His friendly, happy demeanour had gone. His face was now full of fear.
“How do you know my name? Why are you saying such terrible stuff about me?” Oh god, did he really think this was going to work on you. You weren’t new to the game.
“Shut up. Let me talk, you hold no power here. Don’t lie to me, I know everything about you. If you were smart, which you really aren’t, I’d start praying now. Because you won’t be able to soon.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never done anything wrong.” You sigh, this guy is such a terrible liar.
“Oh, but you have. You’ve done so much wrong. Do you know how many victims you have?” He looks down, nervously shaking his head. You smirk. This was too easy. He had no game; he had no plan. He was nothing.
“You have 17 victims. I know that for a fact. I’ve seen the proof.” He looks at you in disbelief.
Aaron Hotchner POV
The BAU had been called in for a case, one happening in a small town in Montana. The police chief that had called us in had a hunch, he said we didn’t have to take the case, but he would like us to look over the case files.
I called the team in and gathered them around the round table, I didn’t want Garcia to present this one as she didn’t have all the information. I looked at everyone around the table, I knew if we did take on this case it would be a hard one. The person who had been killed was an apparent rapist, it wasn’t for me to comment on whether he deserved to die but it was on us to find out who killed him.
“Okay guys. This case is different. I mean we have had ones like this before, but there is only one apparent body at this time. A body of a man called Mr Hamm has been found in Lewistown, Montana. He has been accused of some crimes, and the police believe this was a vigilante kill”.
The team nodded in agreement, knowing what this case would entail. I continued, "This is going to be a tough one. We need to find out who did this and bring them to justice. We don't condone vigilante justice; it only leads to chaos."
We all got to work, looking through the files and interviewing the people in the small town. It was clear that there was a lot of tension between the locals and Mr Hamm, who had a history of sexual assault. But it was also clear that the locals were protecting whoever had killed him.
As the days passed, we started to get some leads. We discovered that Mr Hamm had been in a relationship with a woman named Rachel. She had suffered at the hands of Mr Hamm and had been seeking revenge. It was plausible that she had killed him, but we needed concrete evidence.
We decided to bring Rachel in for questioning. As we were driving to her house, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right. There was multiple people in this town who could have killed, who had a motive to do this. But his body was clothed, he wasn’t tortured. It was a quick and simple kill.  
I got a call from Garcia;
“Hey sir, I’ve been doing some research, and this is the fifth kill in Montana over the past five years. I mean there has been more murders, but I mean of this kind. A man murdered in some woods, but the man has been accused of crimes but never convicted. I think there is a connection.”
“Well, I mean there could just be a lot of vigilante murderers happening. This isn’t just a hunch is it Garcia, you’re better than this.”
“No, it’s not. They all are killed by a similar gun, and nothing else is done to them other than been killed.”
“I’m sure there is more than just five accused rapists in Montana, and a year is a long cooling off period.”
“Well, I’ve been looking across the entire US and, in every state, apart from Alaska, there are these kinds of murders happening for the past five years. I mean in Ohio there have been a few more. But I think, I think there is a connection here I just can’t see it.”
As Garcia spoke, my mind was racing. This was not just a simple case of vigilante justice; this was a serial killer. A serial killer who had been operating for five years and had somehow managed to avoid detection. I knew then that this was going to be the toughest case we had ever worked on.
We arrived at Rachel's house, and she willingly came with us to the station. As we questioned her, I could see the fear in her eyes. She denied any involvement in the murder of Mr Hamm, but I could tell she was hiding something. We needed to find out what that was.
As we continued to investigate, we discovered that there were other suspects in the small town. People who had a motive to kill Mr Hamm and had the opportunity to do so. It was becoming clear that this case was not going to be solved easily. We were going to have to dig deep and work hard to solve it.
Days turned into weeks, and we were no closer. We had to go back to Quantico as there was other serial killers to catch but I knew everyone had been keeping an eye on this case, especially Garcia.
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iwouldservehim · 2 years
At this point I don’t know how many of the people making awful arguments against Rhaenyra are plain stupid, or manilupating facts on purpose/acting with willful cluelessness, and I stopped making a difference.
But to have seen all this uppity, condescending ‘criticism’ about how Rhaenyra should have done better by being a pious and obedient woman enough, and having children with a man blonde enough, and ending it with a flourish about how “burr burr bastards bad” by name-dropping the Blackfyre Rebellion... and not see a single bulb going off about how they prove all their “criticism” is turned to dust by that instead of a big gotcha!
The Blackfyre Rebellion concerns a woman most pious, most obedient, most innocent, most suffering in silence and doing her family duty, who has a most blonde son as her very blonde husband King... and she is accussed of adultery and said son of being a bastard. Only because there was another likewise blonde dude sitting close by that treated said woman in a better way (the bar isn’t even high) than her rapist ‘unworthy’ husband AND likewise because Daeron, just as Rhaenyra, wasn’t conforming to his own (man’s) gender expectations. And so a lot of greedy or bigoted people rubbed their hands at being able to weaponise moralistic buzzword to get theirs (like the whole bunch of you).
Literally NEITHER Daemon Blackfyre or Daeron were even bastards - Daemon was literally legitimised; and don’t go ‘eheheh, but Naerys-’ literally didn’t want to fuck ANOTHER guy, she wanted to be a Westerosi NUN. But either party would throw around the same bullshitting attempts at brainwashing with hidden bigotry behind pretense rightousness to further their own agendas and whatever they deemed was the more beneficial endgame for their own political interests.
If you had any brains or honesty at all, you’d compare Daemon and his supporters trying to depose Daeron to what Aegon and the Greens did to Rhaenyra. Even if Daemon is legitimised, he is Daeron’s younger brother. And he and his party are betting on literally the same hate for gender nonconformance, and throwing around insidous comments about a woman’s sex life, and how it makes her child subhuman.
If Rhaenyra was the most well-behaved and selfless of women, and had the blondest of kids, she would just be Naerys, because the system they live in doesn’t EVER EVER EVER award this glorified duty, sacrifice and compliance - at best, it takes advantage of their convenience. They would have literally easily spilt tales about how they are Daemon’s bastards given their Kingdom wide suspected history and the fact that he’s the next close male relationship around her and also being such a “good, sweet woman” in this scenario comes with a sprinkle of a “this feeble, simpleminded thing wouldn’t even have the ‘manly’ qualities needed in a leader, tsk tsk”, because it has always been about stealing the throne by people who wanted it for themselves, who were always known to want it for themselves, and finding some reason or other for it.
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
I'm with another anon, I would like to understand why they made Helaena a dreamer. And for me I believe the showrunners are creating something for her, I mean come on, in the books Helaena was described as lovely, adorable and as you said little princess, something like Myrcella, there we have the show and she is totally introspective, collects insects is weird. I adore her, but whatever it is, I don't see how the show will fit the people admiration and adoration for her, but we'll see.
Yeah, I think they're probably eliminating the popularity of Helaena as a queen for a bigger impact of people just being tired of the war.
I don't have any faith in the writers to do a good a job, since they really fumbled the final two episodes in terms of tone.
The Common People loved the Greens and they hated the Blacks. Alicent and Helaena were extremely popular. Helaena was like the Princess Diana of Westros! She was kind and sweet, and loved children. Being a Dragon Dreamer doesn't make you being on the spectrum. She can be a seer and be lucid - not a perpetual ten year old. Which, my whole point was that tween Helaena that we met in Episode 6 and 7 was lucid and normal just with strange hobbies.
It's as if they went out of their way to make all of Alicent's kids weird and unlikable in the name of giving them personality. I mean Sarah Hess admitted that she wanted Aegon to be a rapist, to draw "Comparison of the Modern World" and show Alicent an "Agent of the Patriarchy". I mean, the fact that Aemond being so beloved was probably a happy accident due to the actor being so good.
I can't believe the writers are surprised and annoyed that people like Daemon so much. It's like as if people watch and love fantasy to see bad ass dudes do bad ass things with swords and for women to be beautiful and cunningly dangerous in courtly settings.
I have a strange and bad feeling that they're gonna assassinate Daeron's character in the same way. That he's gonna be another victim of woke female writers insecurities that make him this effeminate and foppish sissy who is weak and gets bossed around by female characters - mommy's good little boy. When the dude literally get's assigned to be his mother's sworn shield throughout the war because he's that good a fighter that no one will ever get the drop on their loved ones again. A dude that literally won the war for the Greens on his own. And they're probably gonna turn him into some beta weirdo that gets easily manipulated by everyone.
If they do something more with Helaena in Season 2, if they put off "Blood & Cheese" till like the season finale and let the Greens get their footing as a family with all of them in the same place. Then, I'll agree with you that perhaps making her a "Dreamer" had a point and purpose.
But I honestly think that they only made Helaena dreamer for the sake of giving her a personality and to establish Alicent isn't a good mother because Helaena doesn't like it when she touches her - 'As if sensing her wickedness' as I saw someone say on twitter that got like 7K likes - like a majority of Team Black isn't bot accounts to push the political narrative of Hess and Spotchnik.
The potential is there for the show to kick it up notch and be great. But, like Rhaenys murdering thousands of innocent people for a 'Girl Boss moment" and Criston Cole being this spiteful and angry attack dog rather than the brains behind Alicent's ambition and ideas, I feel this show will be hampered with a lot of feminist insecurities about strong male characters and soft female characters.
A character like Helaena can be lovable, cherished, and interesting person without being some boss-bitch trying to take on the "patriarchy". You just got to be talented enough of a writer to build a character like that. And as long as Sarah Hess is a producer/writer strong male characters like Daeron and especially many female characters, are gonna be hamstrung by the insecurities and ideology of her personal dogma.
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forensicated · 11 months
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Not really a Smiffina update but worth mentioning to fill in the blocks becaaaaaaaause The Radfords have arrived which means a lot is about to happen which is and the back info will be important.
Recently in The Bill.. (Episodes 214 to 235)
Cameron and Kerry are engaged.
Gabriel showed his true colours and raped Kerry, knowing she couldn't speak out without it looking suspicious because of what happened with Smithy.
She tells Cameron after visiting the rape clinic and there's a big back and forth over whether he believes her or not depending on the weather.
Gabriel has a gang of vigalantes on the Coal Lane Estate that he presides over, dealing out justice that the police can't. Their first 'job' is beating up a paedophile who is getting close to a neighbours grandchildren.
One of the residents of the Coal Lane Estate, Laura Bryant, becomes key in Gabriel's group, but thinks he's crossed the line eventually and reports him to Rob Thatcher.
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A major crime family have arrived on the scene, headed up by Irene Radford. She's awesome. I know you're not supposed to like the baddies but yeah. She's awesome. She and Gina have big history. So do the family and Rob as his father was killed, he suspects by Len Radford (the father) who was also killed that night. Irene enjoys toying with Rob and Ken.
Jonathan has taken Gina away on a safari. She's terrified of spiders but went because everyone expected her not to go. "Me [Gina] Tarzan, you Jane"
Cameron is in turmoil because of the Gabriel stuff, because a kid jumped off a balcony after he'd had a ruck with Gabriel and was worked up and because 2 children died by drowning after he and Honey couldn't get them out the car.
There's a serial rapist about that Sam and Hugh are profiling. Smithy being a gentleman and despite everything going on asks Kerry to take a taxi home because the rapist is still out there. (see top picture).
Kerry thanks him and goes to find Cameron to see if he's coming home with her that night or not. She finds Cameron and Honey in a compromising position as they 'comfort' each other.
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Honey and Cameron have a fling once he and Kerry have split up but he still involves himself in Kerry's life heavily, assaulting Gabriel in the canteen. Gabriel wants Cameron's job for it.
Gina and Jonathan return happy and tanned from their safari.
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"I'm baaaaaaaack."
Sam and Hugh track down a name and suspect for their serial rapist - Alan Kennedy. Turns out Jonathan represented him in a sexual harassment case that he won for him... he recalls how Kennedy loved all the detail, the loop holes and humiliating his victim in court.
Kerry threatens Gabriel with a bottle, telling him she can't be pushed any further, she's already at the very bottom, drinking herself to sleep at night and hoping she doesn't wake the next morning. She tells him if he comes near her again, she will kill him.
Gina starts to manipulate Gabriel into dropping the threat of having Cameron arrested but he drops it instantly - scared Kerry will talk.
Cameron leaves for Australia, but not before begging Kerry to come with him - she turns him down, saying he and Australia are too good for her and they have an emotional goodbye.
Tony accidentally knocked June down with the Area Car and almost killed her. Thankfully she recovered and Jim and June got closer again. Jim and Tony were rocky for a while but they made their peace after June forced them to. In the process of Jim repeatedly sitting at June's bedside and them reuniting, they get engaged. Tony is going to be their best man.
There's a summer party at a pub for the relief - only for a bomb to go off and almost kill Adam. Gina sits at his bedside as he's critical and eventually as he comes round he gently mocks her for being able to tackle dangerous criminals like they're nothing but not be able to tell Jonathan that she loves him. She assures him that the bomb has shown her she needs to make more time for things for her - and that she's going to tell Jonathan she loves him. Unfortunately before she can, Jonathan breaks up with her, telling her that he can't play second fiddle to the station (she ran straight off from him arriving at the aftermath after a hug to go see Adam, she had to speak to Lance before she could tell Jonathan, she didn't ring him the night she'd sat at Adam's bedside as she was there till the early hours and didn't know he was sat up waiting for her etc). It doesn't last long though thankfully but when they do reunite she's so openly and obviously happy that she starts to worry that she's losing the respect of the relief. I am actually sad that Smithy is not in most of the Gina/Jonathan eps as he'd have loved teasing her!
Gina is however not a fan of Kerry in the early to mid 230's ep and it shows...big time. (You don't mess with her boy and then cheek her!)
Kerry: Ma'am, can I have a word? Gina: You can have two actually. The second one is off.
Gina: Can't you follow orders....? Are you that stupid?
Kerry starts to feel even more disillusioned with the job with everything that has happened to her and she starts to act out and under the radar, starting to get mixed up in an unofficial undercover obbo with Rob against the Radfords.
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bionic-beth · 2 years
What types of soups do you like? Tomato soup (but only with grilled cheese) and cheddar broccoli soup. Chicken noodle soup if I am feeling sick. If a color could reflect your current mood, which would it be? Yellow, because it makes me think of happy face emojis. How many people are in the place you are in right now? There are five of us. What color is the chair/couch/bed you are sitting on now? It’s a shade of brown. It’s an L-shaped couch. Do you prefer hoodies, jackets or coats? I would love it if the heaviest thing I ever had to wear was a hoodie all year round. The last time you saw fireworks? On the 4th of July, probably. Have you ever gone to a movie premiere? I have not. What stereotype are you/did you used to be placed in at school? Loser, geek, nerd, etc. What's in the room directly to the right of you? More of the couch. Whose house were you in last apart from your own? I honestly don’t remember. Probably dropping one of the kids off on a play date. Can you make brownies? When did you last make them? I can, from a box. It probably happens once a month-ish. Do you swear often? Damn right I fucking swear often. Do you enjoy crosswords and other word puzzles? How about sudoku? Yes, those are my jam. Who was the last person to make you laugh out loud? It was probably one of the kiddos. Do you like Belgian waffles? I prefer regular, thinner ones. What color is the door into the room you are in now? All of the doors in this house are wooden. Can you say "Please may I have the bill" in any other language than English No, not the full sentence. Do you go out of the way to help people you don't know? No, usually they’re people that I know. What's your definition of an evil person: Murderers, rapists, etc. When was the last time you had a seriously bad flu/cold? Maybe a month or so ago - we think we had CoVid again, but not 100% certain. We lost our sense of smell, had high fevers and deadly coughs/congestion levels but kept testing negative. We just stayed home anyways. What was the last commercial you heard selling? It wasn’t selling anything, actually. It was telling us all to stop smoking.  Do you own a digital camera? I do, but I tend to use my phone to photograph more than anything else. The last time you went to an amusement park? Over this past summer. Would you rather struggle to hide emotion or struggle to feel it? It depends on the situation and who I’m around. I can go to Jess with any type of emotion that I’m having, though. Do you prefer fairly common names or a bit out of the ordinary ones? I like uncommon names, but no so uncommon that I’m unable to pronounce them. Would you rather have a pet cat, dog, horse or tortoise? We have cats and dogs here. How many hours sleep do you get on an average night? It’s never enough. Is your laugh loud, normal or very silent? If something is really funny to me, then it’s obnoxiously loud and snort-y. What things do you not like talking about? April-June of 2004. October 2018. And a lot of my childhood. Would your best friend say you would make a good parent? My best friend never got to watch me become a bonus parent, so I’m not entirely sure.
0 notes
IOTA Reviews: Queen Banana
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After months of delays and waiting, the episode I've been dreading the most has finally aired. I feel like I was a little too harsh on “Truth”, “Lies”, and “Gang of Secrets”, because you know what? At least they tried. They tried to portray the Lukanette breakup in a serious matter. They tried to portray the Adrigami breakup in a serious manner. They TRIED to show the toll being Guardian was taking on Marinette mentally. Sure, they all failed miserably, but at least I can give them an A+ for effort.
This episode... does not get that. We all know that Astruc didn't even think of trying to portray the debut of Chloe's replacement with respect or dignity. This episode is absolutely, wholeheartedly, 100% Astruc's way to SPITE all of the people in the Miraculous fandom who liked Chloe or saw something good in her. He's already compared her to a controversial political figure, a slave owner, an abuser, and a rapist, so it's not like he's even worried about getting hate for the way he portrayed Chloe in this episode. After all, Chloe has always been an irredeemable monster, and anyone who says otherwise is just another one of Astruc's “haterz”.
So, after putting it off for so long, it's time for me to finally get into the eighth (chronologically the eighth and eighth episode in the season after “Mr Pigeon 72”) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Queen Banana.
We start out with something we rarely see in this show anymore, Marinette actually designing something. Yeah, remember she's a fashion designer? I think this is the first episode since “Cat Blanc” to highlight Marinette's creative side like this. She's designing costumes for a student film while supervised by the art teacher and one of his former students, the “famous director” Thomas Astruc.
Wasn't the whole reason Astruc's self-insert got akumatized in “Animaestro” because nobody actually gave a damn about him? Now he's a big name in the industry? Did the Ladybug and Cat Noir movie do that well with critics and audiences that it suddenly propelled him to stardom in less than a year? It's almost like Astruc threw in that line just to boost his own ego.
Of course, Chloe sees the news report on the movie and doesn't take the news where Zoe is the star well.
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Well of course she has the lead role, she's supposed to replace y—oh, right. You meant the movie. Yeah, that's also a reasonable complaint.
Also, for some reason, she's eating some bananas, which Sabrina actually brought with them to the school. Why? Probably the same reason Chloe made a big deal about her family crushing losers underneath their shoes or some crap like that.
Even though she wanted no part in the movie before, now Chloe starts demanding to be the lead, threatening to sic her father on the production team.
We then get a montage of Chloe demanding the movie make changes, like a new heroine as the star called Queen Banana (TITLE DROP!), giving her a banana themed vehicle, making Adrien play a hostage for the villain, a dynamite throwing gorilla, and the extras to all praise the glory of Satan. Okay, that last one didn't really happen, but given all the stuff he's compared her to, would you really put it past Chloe to compare her to a Satinist?
This montage is yet another example of Astruc attacking the critics of the show, as well as executives who meddle in the show sometimes. There have been a handful of instances of Astruc claiming that because the show was written so far in advance, nothing can be changed.
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Ignoring the fact that there are several examples of viewer response influencing production of a show, like how Legends of Tomorrow's fifth season premiere addressed and undid a lot of the things fans hated about the previous season, this is an incredibly ridiculous argument to make. For the love of God, the animators just had to change the design of a character last-minute THIS YEAR because they were accused of whitewashing!
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Is that the only way something can be changed last-minute? To avoid getting bad press?
And of course, the episode tries to portray Astruc as the well-meaning creator who has to learn how frustrating the executives, I mean Chloe's meddling is.
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In some regards, I get what he's going for, but it's a little hard to take his argument seriously when his planned script is intentionally upsetting people who DARE to have a different view on one of his characters.
After everyone gets fed up with Chloe's demands, they decide to film the whole thing behind her back, naturally pissing her off. She tries to get her father to come down on them, but it turns out Gabriel loved the whole thing, especially the part where Adrien obediently stayed in the cage while filming, causing Chloe to storm out. Adrien tries to confront her and get her to apologize.
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First off, of course ADRIEN is the one to call out Chloe here. Sure, he was her biggest defender for the stuff she did, even scolding Marinette for being happy when it looked like she was going to leave Paris (and unintentionally set the events of “Miracle Queen” in place because he convinced Marinette to give her the Bee Miraculous again, but we're never going to acknowledge that), but he chooses NOW to demand she apologize? Not for attempting to Spider-Man 2 a train and risking a lot of lives, not for all the acts of sabotage she performed the entire show, not teaming up with Hawkmoth and exposing the identities of the other heroes, but it's THIS? Screwing up the production of a movie? It's not even the first time she's done this! Of all the things you could make the breaking point in Chloe and Adrien's relationship, it's this? Again, the events of “Miracle Queen” are never mentioned at all in this episode.
Second, you're having Adrien cite that bit from “Despair Bear”? First of all, that was so minor, it'll be hard for viewers to get the context or else they'll assume it happened off-screen. Second, Adrien went back the second he saw Chloe be mean to Marinette again at the end of that episode, playfully saying that “she'll never change”. Of course now, since it's Adrien, he always has to take the moral high ground, even if it doesn't line up with his previous interactions with Chloe.
Third, this is what makes Chloe give up on her friendship with Adrien? Not all the times he sided with Marinette? Not any of the times he foiled her schemes? It's the damn movie again? I thought he was your rich best friend to pamper? You're just giving up your arm candy like that? The writers are burning so many bridges, I think they're delirious from all the smoke they inhaled.
As Chloe storms off, Gabriel transforms into Shadowmoth and sends out an Akuma and an Amok to Chloe, transforming her into an Akuma called Queen Banana with a gorilla Sentimonster called Banana Boom Boom. Of course they gave it a stupid name like that. It's implied that with her specifically requesting certain powers and abilities as Queen Banana, as well as remembering what happened after she was de-evilized, Chloe intentionally accepted the akumatization. Do you hate Chloe yet? Come on, do you? Every minute you still like Chloe, the writers kill a colony of bees.
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Queen Banana is... ugh... what can I even say about this? The animators intentionally gave her a stupid as all hell design that makes me wish she was Miracle Queen again. Again, the banana motif makes no sense, and it doesn't go with the Queen Bee motif. What inspired the animators to think this...
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Looked anything remotely like THIS???
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The car looks okay. It's been a while since we got an Akuma that had their own vehicle, but it feels redundant with the Sentimonster. Queen Banana's powers are stupid. All she can do on her own is turn people into bananas. That's it.
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Her Sentimonster, Banana Boom B—okay, screw it, I'm calling this thing Knockoff Gorizilla. Deal with it. Knockoff Gorizilla has the power to throw exploding bananas that turn people into bananas. That's it.
So Queen Banana attacks the theater the movie was playing at (shooting Sabrina because she’s just that awful), and Marinette gets away with Zoe while Adrien transforms into Cat Noir. Zoe proposes reasoning with her, but Marinette says...
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Yeah, screw reasoning with people! It's not like she just did that with Alya a few episodes ago to break her out of her akumatization, right? Chloe's bad to the core, and you should all hate her now.
Ladybug meets up with Cat Noir, and after some fighting with Queen Banana, summons her Lucky Charm. She really hit the jackpot today, as she got a Vespa, helmets, and everything needed to change a tire.
Ladybug isn't sure what to do, but then she sees Zoe come out like the hero she is. She actually plans to sacrifice herself to save Paris because she's just that awesome.
Cat Noir uses his cataclysm to buy some time while Ladybug and Zoe get away, but accidentally hits Knockoff Gorizilla, driving it out of control. Ladybug retreats with Zoe into a subway tunnel, where she hands her the Bee Miraculous. Of course, in an attempt to show she has character flaws, we see Zoe is unsure of herself, but that's only an excuse for Ladybug to praise her even more.
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Wow, look at how humble Zoe is. Sure, she's brave, kind, and an amazing actress who is beloved by everyone, but this moment of vulnerability coupled with her vague past make her just as compelling of a character as Chloe. So Zoe takes the Bee Miraculous and transforms into the new Bee hero, Vesperia.
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Okay... look. I'm sorry if I'm being overly negative here, and I feel like I was a little too easy on Pigella's design last time (looking back, I see a lot more flaws like the lack of a pig motif), but come on! In what world is this a bee? The Queen Bee design worked because there was a pattern that resembled the mixture of yellow and black stripes on a real life bee. The Vesperia design is just... what the hell is this? Why are there so many little V's on the suit? Why does she have two long bangs in her hair? Why does she have a mask that makes her look like she has a unibrow? With there being more black in the design than yellow, honestly looks more like Queen Wasp, which was meant to be the evil version of Queen Bee.
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Actually, you know what? It's more like the suit the Black Canary wore during the final season of Arrow, a black jacket with hints of yellow.
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In fact, Arrow did something very similar to what Miraculous Ladybug is doing right now.
During Arrow's fourth season, Laurel Lance, the first (technically second) Black Canary was killed by Damien Darhk, easily one of the most controversial writing decisions in the entire nine-year run of the Arrowverse (A: It was only for shock value. B: It was confirmed to be a last-minute decision by the writers, who set up one of the main characters to die in the season premiere, but didn't know who it would be until a few weeks before Laurel's final episode. C: The writers seriously thought the Black Canary wasn't an important character to the Green Arrow series, and they really should have learned from the backlash they got for killing off Sara Lance last season. D: Laurel's actress, Katie Cassidy, was informed her character was getting killed off two weeks before her death scene was filmed. E: Laurel was only stabbed by an arrow and had access to proper medical care but she still died. F: Laurel had only been the Black Canary for less than a year. G: Laurel's last words to Oliver were propping up the controversial romantic plotline with Felicity. H: This only fed into the theory that executive producer Marc Guggenheim hated Katie Cassidy with all the plotlines he gave her character to deliberately make her unlikable, and then killed her off just when fans were starting to warm up to her. I: Nothing was ever done to bring her back, not even the reality-altering Spear of Destiny or Oliver recreating the multiverse himself. J: We got two separate instances of the writers teasing the audience with the possibility of her return, one where someone stole Laurel's gear, and another with Laurel's evil Earth-2 counterpart, Black Siren).
The next season, we were introduced to the second Black Canary, Dinah Drake. While nobody explicate said she was meant to be better than Laurel, it's clear the writers thought so (A: She's a metahuman with a sonic scream, while Laurel could only recreate the Black Canary's iconic power through a sonic device. B: She's a police officer with a connection to the law, just like how Laurel was the district attorney. C: Her name is the same as the original Golden Age Black Canary, just like how Laurel was named after the second Black Canary). Her debut episode is spent with everyone going on about how awesome she is. Oliver claims that she has better control over her sonic scream than the villainous Black Siren, who once destroyed a skyscraper with her power. One character even described these contrived coincidences as “fate”. She also dashed any fan's hopes that Black Siren would get a redemption arc (she would later get one, but it didn't start until halfway through next season), and replaced Ragman's (while overpowered for this show, was still a more interesting character because of his connection to Felicity) spot on the team. It doesn't help that the editors gave Dinah easily the dumbest-sounding canary cry ever, which sounds more like a turkey being strangled instead of a sonic scream.
Okay, I know what you're thinking: What does this have to do with Zoe? Well, much like how Dinah's debut episode was spent telling the audience how amazing she is as a replacement for Laurel, the last few minutes of this episode are spent hyping up how much better Vesperia is than Queen Bee.
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WE GET IT, OKAY? Vesperia is super awesome and incredible and anyone who likes Queen Bee is a brain-dead moron. If you have to tell the audience to like a new character instead of showing any reasons the audience should like them, chances are you need to refresh your writing skills. It was writing like this that made Dinah Drake easily one of the more polarizing characters in Arrow's eight year run, and I have a feeling that Zoe will be viewed the same way in the future given how her hero debut has gone.
So Vesperia taunting Queen Banana (I'm not sure if it's an act or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't an act) manages to distract her, while Ladybug uses some glue from her Lucky Charm to jam Queen Banana's banana gun in its holster while Vesperia takes the bullet for Ladybug instead of Cat Noir, only further showing how selfless she is.
So Ladybug de-evilizes Queen Banana, but Chloe still yells at both her and the super amazing Vesperia for being better than Queen Bee in every way. Ladybug tries to give her a charm to prevent her from getting akumatized again, but Chloe refuses because she's just so evil. This is enough for Shadowmoth to send another Akuma after Chloe, even though he literally just sent out one. Does this mean Shadowmoth can recharge quicker, or did he recharge offscreen?
Apparently, in order for the charm to work, Chloe has to want it, even though in the very next episode that airs, Ladybug just sneaks a charm onto Audrey without her knowing. Thankfully, Zoe, as always, has a great idea. She tricks Chloe into thinking that the charm is from their mother, which does make some sense as Chloe didn't even see the charm before knocking it away. But yeah, this episode once again teaches kids that lying is okay as long as the heroes do it. Yes, it's for a good purpose, but the narrative doesn't really frame it that way or point out what makes Zoe different in any way from Lila.
So for once in his life, Andre actually decides to scold his daughter by refusing to send Zoe back to New York, and even though she accepts the charm (alerting Shadowmoth to their effect on potential Akuma victims), Chloe still says she will get her revenge on Zoe before angrily storming out, and the episode ends with this exchange between Marinette and Tikki.
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Don't even THINK about doing this. Astruc has insulted anyone who likes Chloe or had the slightest problem with her “damnation arc” for a solid YEAR AND A HALF. I know where this is going. They're going to continue building Chloe up as a menace to society bigger than Shadowmoth while Zoe is this completely pure angel. I mean after all, Chloe has already been replaced. She's served her purpose, and now Zoe will take the spot as the far superior Vesperia.
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“Every Girl is a Super Hero”. Well, every girl except Chloe Bourgeois, judging from the ending image of the episode, which has even more blatant symbolism.
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See, look at this! While Zoe is covered in bright yellow colors while holding the Bee Miraculous with Pollen next to her, Chloe is covered in purple because she's PURE EVIL! Anyone who likes her is a complete psychopath, right?
Some people have asked me why I care so much about Chloe as a character and her failed arc. The answer to that is a little personal. On my main blog, I call myself “One of the Five People Who Actually Liked Ghost”. I say that because of how despite the negative reputation it has among Kamen Rider fans, I like Kamen Rider Ghost. It's by no means a perfect series. There are several plot developments that go nowhere during the second half, and the final villain is very uninteresting while the finale had a shoehorned cameo from the next Kamen Rider. But despite all of that, I never hesitate to call Kamen Rider Ghost my favorite superhero of all time because of the impact he had on the way I view heroism as a whole.
The titular character, Takeru, was killed on his 18th birthday, and had to find fifteen Eyecons (MacGuffins with the souls of historical figures) in order to get a wish he could use on himself before he fades away. Early on, he has a rival in the form of another Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Specter, who was also after the Eyecons, but it was only to save his sister's life. Even the main villains, the Ganma, weren't complete monsters. Some of them had noble qualities, and some even absolved their evil ways. Takeru in general is my favorite superhero because he reached out to a lot of the villains in the show and helped them change for the better. Even people who don't like Kamen Rider Ghost love the character arc Kamen Rider Necrom went through, learning to appreciate humanity with some help from Takeru.
Before I watched Kamen Rider Ghost, I had a very black and white view of the world. I thought that evil needed to be punished, and if the heroes didn't make the villains suffer in any way, they were cowards who weren't willing to do whatever it took to stop them. After I saw all of the ways Takeru reached out to others, and the complex motivations of the “antagonists”, I really saw being a hero in a new light. Because of Kamen Rider Ghost, I had learned that a true hero isn't measured by their strength, but by their compassion and ability to reach out to others, no matter who they are, and see the good in them.
Astruc is the exact opposite of this mentality. He believes that if you do anything bad in your life, change is impossible. It's best to be antagonistic to others and embrace hostility if you get into a disagreement with someone. After all, you're standing up to bullies, so you're not wrong to escalate the conflict.
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This is an incredibly dangerous lesson to teach anyone, especially children. Yes, there are times where diplomacy won't work, but violence should only be a last resort. Outside of de-evilizing Akumas, when has this show ever shown a character using diplomacy to peacefully end a conflict? The few attempts I've seen (Adrien confronting Lila, Ladybug peacefully asking Hawkmoth to hand over his Miraculous) have failed miserably.
We live in an age where it's very easy for a conflict to escalate online, where people can have their lives ruined thanks to the efforts to angry mobs on the internet who disagree with them. I have seen people harassed online all because they shared a differing opinion. What if someone, no matter how old they are, takes away the wrong lesson here and decides to escalate a conflict? Things could end poorly.
Even putting aside the implications of the message, this is still a terrible way to deal with a bully. If you want to teach kids how to deal with bullies, retaliation is not what you should do. That can only make them want to bully you even more, to get on your buttons. Bullies want a reaction. They want to see their victims get all emotional. If you try yelling or attacking your bully, you're not standing up to them, you're only making yourself more vulnerable in an effort to fire back. Nobody should learn this lesson. This lesson is so many shades of wrong.
And now that these episodes are finally over and any hope Chloe might become a better person has been completely decimated, what did I think of them? Well, aside from a few hiccups here and there, they actually weren't that—okay, what do you think?
Yeah, these two episodes have officially dethroned “Felix” as the worst episodes of Miraculous Ladybug in my opinion.
The writing is ridiculous, and the attempts to make the audience like Zoe while giving us no reason to like her other than ramping up Chloe's negative traits to an absurd level, the action was mostly forgettable (though that's been par for the course this season), and of course, the metatextual stuff was frustrating as always. I'm glad Astruc seemingly learned his lesson by having his self-insert take a backseat this episode compared to what he was like in “Animaestro”, but I still don't get why he thought this was a good idea. The first act of this episode was basically insulting fans and executives who liked Chloe and offer suggestions on how to improve this show. Don't like the ideas? Don't think the show can be changed last-minute? Great! You're entitled to your opinion, so don't be surprised when you get a little backlash from fans and critics when they don't like your work, and you especially don't make an entire episode calling them out for it.
And of course, here is the main question I have with the treatment of this character: What exactly was the point of Chloe's “damnation arc”? I don't want to hear anyone like Astruc say what he wanted the audience to feel like they were “betrayed”. What exactly was the purpose of dedicating eleven episodes to setting up a character to be a hero, doing a piss-poor job at giving them character development, having them betray the heroes by working with the villains when you already had another character to do that, replacing them with a brand-new character with the personality of an underbaked sugar cookie instead of making them the hero in the first place, and then claiming that all this was entirely planned from the start and insulting anyone who has a problem with it? Why dedicate so much time to a character arc that went absolutely nowhere and then mock fans for getting invested in it? Why even bother doing ANY OF THIS???
I don't care if you like or hate Chloe, there is just no excuse to waste this much time on what basically amounted to a filler arc. At the end of the day, you could have just made Zoe Vesperia in Season 2 and nothing would have changed. You could have just made Lila Miracle Queen at the end of Season 3 and nothing would have changed. I know I'm not a professional writer, but I just don't get the point of this storyline in any way outside of a personal reason. This is why I believe Chloe was based off a real person. There has to be a story behind Chloe as a character. No creator should hate their own creation this much. You could give me an all-access tour of ZAG Studios and I wouldn't believe Chloe isn't based off someone in real life unless I heard if from Thomas Astruc himself, and even then, I'm not sure if I'd even believe him.
Call it whatever you want; blind optimism, naivete, or just plain stupidity, but I am the kind of person who tries to see the good in others, no matter what they do. There are only a select number of people that I see as complete monsters, and most of them are famous historical dictators. Chloe is nowhere near that level of evil, and I can't believe that a grown man in his mid-fourties believes this. I'm not even sure if I should feel frustration, pity, or a combination of both when it comes to Astruc.
Why he feels this way, we may never know for sure outside of theories, but you should know this: showing compassion is not a weakness. It's important to at least try to see the good in others and reach out to them. Make an effort to help someone out, as hard as it may be. Trying to help others or even trying to change yourself is proof that you aren't as close-minded as Thomas Astruc is.
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darkmulti · 4 years
My Little Dolly
Parings: Sadist!Taehyung x brat!female reader
Genre: Smut, angst
Word Count: 4K
Summary: Taehyung is known as the ‘new, weird kid’ that hangs out in the basement bathroom. He is also the main target for this one girl. As he was cleaning the blood off his face, he finds a doll on the bathroom floor, and keeps it, only to figure out that there is much more to this doll.
~Hope you enjoy~
A/N note: Some people are triggered by warnings, therefore I will put the warnings after the under cut.
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Warnings: Non consensual sex, humiliation, degradation, choking, blowjob, pet play, forced ddlg relationship, dacryphilia, physical abuse, breeding kink, ‘unprotected sex’ (wrap it up!), overstimulation, bondage, fear kink, anal, blood, masochism, cum eating, cum play, fingering, fisting
Shit. I really be exposing all my kinks in here.. whoops
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
Physically, mentally and emotionally. She brushed it off because it was ‘funny’ to others. Of course, she had no idea how it felt like, being humiliated over and over.
You can speak up for yourself, but then be known as the triggered outsider. But when you don’t speak up, they’ll step all over you, as if you’re not human. This is how Kim Taehyung felt. He often got bullied into doing other people’s homework or being the punching bag for insecure students. All because of one bitch who goes by the name, Y/N.
The ‘Princess’ of the school, who never gets in trouble for her insensitive decisions. She made Taehyung’s life a living hell. Why? You may ask. Taehyung's family recently moved in next door. The family that used to live there before them, was Y/N’s now ex boyfriend. They still would’ve been a couple, if he was still next door. Unfortunately he had to move away.
Listen, I know what you’re thinking. This is not Taehyung’s fault at all. Not even by the slightest. This is why Taehyung was confused as well. He tried to apologize (even though he didn’t do anything) but her being an egocentric person, she didn’t take his words to mind.
Now this whole backstory leads up to the current situation. The young man was preparing for his next class until the narcissistic girl showed up beside him. To his ‘luck’ they were also locker neighbors. Taehyung kept his head low and pretended to not notice her, until she spoke. “Babe, did you do my homework?” The young male scoffs, “why should I do your homework?”
“Clearly you don’t know how things go around here. But it’s okay since you’re new. Let me explain again. My father owns the school, and my boyfriend is the captain of the football team. Sweetie put two and two together.” She looks in her locker mirror and applies her lip gloss. “I’m not doing your homework. Do it yourself.”
Taehyung quickly packed his books, hoping to get out of there. “Not so fast lover boy.” Y/N pulls Taehyung onto her and kisses him. She palms the boy then pulls away. “What’s wrong with you, you sick fuck!” Y/N pushes Taehyung back and starts to aggressively wipe her lips. Her eyes scan the hallway and she sees her boyfriend around the corner. “Daddy!” She yells, unembarrassed. The girl runs into her boyfriend's arms and starts to cry on his shoulder. “Daddy! He forcefully kissed me!”
Tae grabs his books and sprints to the boys washroom in the basement. Y/N’s boyfriend followed close behind, with her still in his embrace. Taehyung wasn’t fast enough and the rest of the football team had already pulled him back before he could enter a stall. “Where are you running, TaeTae?”
The captain lets go of Y/N and punches Taehyung’s jaw. He shoves him to the ground and gets on top of him, repeatedly punching him. “WHY WERE YOU ON MY GIRL, TAEHYUNG?!” He grabs Taehyung’s collar and shakes him. “Okay daddy, that’s enough.” Y/N was startled by her boyfriend's sudden behaviour. She grabs his arm and pulls for him to let go. “Come on daddy, he’s not worth your time.” He complies and gets up. “I’m warning you Taehyung. If you look at her, I’ll snap your neck.” He kicks the man’s hip one more time before throwing his girlfriend over his shoulder and spanking her ass.
The gang leaves the male, bleeding on the floor. Taehyung rolls over to his side and chuckles at the blood. He had lost so much blood within these past few days, it was concerning. He weakly gets up and drags himself to the sink to clean up. He looks into the mirror and notices a light brown cloth laying on one of the stalls floor. He turns around and walks closer. With his left foot he kicks it over. “What the fuck?”
It was a stuffed doll with a loose button eye as well as some rips scattered all over. Taehyung picks the doll up and inspects it. It had a heart on its tummy and a snake coming up its right leg. Taehyung smiles at the doll, slightly being turned on by it. “Look at this little doll.” The doll was mesmerizing. Taehyung was completely compelled. He takes the doll and puts it in his backpack.
Meanwhile, upstairs, in class, Y/N sat on her boyfriend's lap while making out with him. Her short skirt allowed the man to spank her ass in the make out, but it only made her grind harder on him. “Daddy” she moans in his ear. “Please take me.”
“Y/N! Pay attention young lady! We’re in school!” Y/N groans and gets off her boyfriend's lap. “Sorry! It’s not my problem that you haven’t gotten laid in the last ten years of your life.” She rudely barks at her teacher. “Look, Y/N. You’re daddy might own the school, but it doesn’t mean you rule the world.”
“Be careful with that mouth. I have the power to get your ass fired within the next week.” She sticks her tongues and crosses her arms. “Y/N! OUT OF MY CLASS.” The teacher points a whiteboard marker at her and kicks her out. “Jeez I’m going.” She storms out but then peeps her head in one more time to say, “Daddy, text me!”
The teacher slams the door and she waits in the hallway. She starts walking back to her locker, only to be met with Taehyung once again. “Wow, look who’s back. Now you know not to mess with me.” Taehyung didn’t acknowledge the girl, instead kept a sly grin. “Hello! I’m talking to you.” The girl taps on his shoulder, and Taehyung looks at her. “Don’t touch me you filthy doll.”
“Filthy?” She asked, shocked.
“Oh sorry, I mean slutty.” Taehyung casually puts his books back into his locker, then puts the empty backpack on. The girl furrowed her eyebrows and huffs, “I’m not slutty!”
“Oh really?” Cautiously, he took out his phone and hit record. He then slid the phone back into his pocket and had the camera angled where you can see her signature skirt. “You really don’t think that you’re a slut?”
“Nuh uh!”
Taehyung quickly slammed her against the locker and picked her up. He tore her legs apart and started grinding his bulge on her bare cunt. Y/N moans and throws her head back. She placed her hands on his shoulders and started grinding even harder, loving the feeling. “See dolly..” he drops her back to her feet and moves away, “you were ready to take my cock.” He moves closer to her again and slides his fingers up her skirt. “You’re such a bad girl. Do you ever wear panties to school?” He slips four fingers into her, making her gasp and cover her mouth. “P-please!” Taehyung wrapped one arm around her waist and brought her closer to him. His fingers went a little faster into her while whispering, “where you running doll? I know you’re enjoying this. Don’t hide from me.”
“S-stop! This is wrong!” She stutters, but found herself loving every second. “Stop? You want me to stop?” Taehyung curls his fingers in her causing her to cry. “Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” The male chuckles and lets his thumb rub her clit. “Cum for me dolly.”
Y/N gasps as she releases on his fingers. She wraps her arms around Taehyung's neck and moans into his shoulder. He takes his finger out and strikes her to the floor. “Dirty, slutty doll. Cumming for another man? Where’s your loyalty?” He growled at her.
She stayed on the ground and cried. He was right. She betrayed her boyfriend just like that. “Stay away from me! You rapist!”
“I’m a rapist now? You never told me to stop..” Taehyung walks closer to the girl, causing her to scoot back. “You will regret what you did today dolly..” he whips out his phone and shows her the video. “Do you want me to show this to both of your daddies?” She shakes her side to side and puts her hands together. “Please, don’t!” The loverboy smiles at the sight. “Good doll.” Taehyung walks toward the girl and deliberately steps on her finger.
She quietly squeals and brings her fingers to her chest, while her other hand tries to massage it. Taehyung turns back and looks at her, “see you at home, dolly”
The man walks back to his house, which wasn’t too far from the school. He greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheek and immediately went upstairs, to his room. He places his bag on the chair and takes the doll out of the bag. “What has this little doll done with me?” Though he was confused, this doll made him feel powerful. He absolutely loved the feeling. He throws the doll onto his bed and heads to his bathroom to take a shower.
Y/N weeps her way home and doesn’t get greeted by anyone. Her parents were always busy, which is why they spoiled her. She might get a lot of attention at school, but all she truly wished for was for her parents to spoil her with love and attention. She runs up to her room and plops onto her bed, face first. She cries her little heart out and turns her head towards the window. Unexpectedly she sees Taehyung with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripping wet.
She quickly sits up and wipes away her tears. Her eyes pick up the doll laying on his bed. The doll was giving off this… energy. It was unexplainable. She had this feeling that she needed that doll. Without noticing, she starts staring at it. Even Taehyung had noticed and opened his window, “dolly, it’s rude to stare at someone when they’re getting dressed.” Y/N doesn’t notice Taehyung. The doll's energy was so fascinating, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of it.
At this point Taehyung followed her eyes, and landed right on the doll. He reaches for the doll and picks it up by the neck. He looks back at Y/N to see if this was what she was looking at. But when he did, he witnessed her holding onto her throat and banging on the window. His eyebrow raised and he decided to put his theory to the test. He pinned the doll against the window and slapped it. He looks over at her again and sure enough she was historically crying. He stops and puts the doll down.
He closes his curtains and sits down at his desk. His hands pull open a drawer full of miscellaneous items. He digs around and finally finds a ball of yarn. He starts cutting them up and adding it to the dolls head, giving her hair. The entire night he put together a doll that reminded him of Y/N.
The girl hid under her covers, shaking from fear. She couldn’t sleep the whole night. Something inside her was tearing her heart. Y/N manages to catch three hours of sleep but soon wakes up. She wore a short, pink dress and light makeup. The princess didn’t want anyone to suspect that something was going on. She arrives at school and avoids Kim Taehyung at all cost. Soon the coast was clear and she quickly went to her locker, opening it up as fast as she could. But not fast enough.
Taehyung pulls her back by her backpack and shoves her to the floor. “P..please” she said under her breath. Her eyes examine his outfit. He was wearing all black, which was appealing for her doll eyes. Taehyung stands over her, marking his dominance. “Come with me dolly.” She frantically shakes her head no one backs away from him even more. “Now dolly, you don’t want me to release that video… and” Taehyung pulls the doll out and pulls its hair. Y/N hisses as she feels her hair being pulled too. “You don’t want me to pull off this hair now, do you?”
“Then you shall follow my orders like a good doll.”
Her head lowers, but she does nod in agreement. She was about to get up, but Tae kicked her back to the floor. “From now on, you will crawl. No more walking, kitten.” She shivers and follows Taehyung to the basement on all fours. He leads her to the bathroom and tells her, “pick a stall.” She crawls into the first one and waits for him. “W-what’re you going to d-do to me?”
“I’m gonna make you feel good.” He enters into the stall and locks the door. “Strip for me doll.” Taehyung stares deep into her vulnerable eyes, but she suddenly screams out, “NO!”
“Very well then. Let me see if this works.” The doll makes another appearance but this time Taehyung started ripping the clothes off the doll. Y/N’s dress rips in half frightening her even more. “T-Taehyung, s-stop!” She sobs out. “You should’ve listened to me before.” He slaps the doll, and shoved his finger into a little rip he made in the doll's crotch. The girl screams, terrified and oblivious to what’s going on. “Throw that doll away! It’s hurting me! Please!” Taehyung takes his finger out and throws the doll to the ground. “I’m sure it’s hurting you dolly.” His hand yanks her up, off the floor and he pushes her cheeks against the dirty wall.
Without warning, he shoves his fat, long, veiny, cock into her dry, tight asshole, causing her to wail. Taehyung holds her throat and demands her to shut up. He takes her arms and locks them behind her back and starts pounding inside of her. He spits on his cock to add more lub because it took a lot of energy to move. He spreads her ass cheeks wide and shoved his whole cock into her. “Good dolly. Cry for me. Or beg me to stop.” He grunts and adds more pressure on her neck. “D-daddy, p..please stop! You’re hurting dolly!” Tears stream down her face, followed by broken sobs. “Dolly, dolly, dolly, am I your daddy now?” He asked. “Yes.. you’re my daddy.”
Taehyung takes his cock out and spanks her ass, “knees dolly.” She falls onto her knees and instantly gets a dick shoved down her throat. Taehyung face fucked the girl, who was screaming and begging for mercy around his cock. He takes his cock out, and right away the girl coughs up all the spit. “Clearly you don’t know my rules. Let me explain since you’re new.” Taehyung mocks the girl then grabs her hair and jawline, forcing her to look up. “WHEN I GIVE YOU SOMETHING, YOU TAKE IT LIKE A GOOD..” He slaps the girl then continues, “FUCKING DOLL!”
Y/N sobs louder and louder, hoping for someone to find her. The man gets out of the bathroom stall and uses her hair as a leash. He drags her to his car and drives back to his house. His parents were working, so they had the house to themselves. Tae leads her to his bedroom and tells her to lay on the bed. “N..no. I’m not gon-” Taehyung rolls his eyes and forces her onto the bed. He got on top of her and placed his knees on her arms so she couldn’t move. He cuffs her hands to the bed frame, then takes two of his belts, ties them to the bed legs, then ties them around her legs to keep them open. The girl shakes more aggressively and squirms around more. “TAEHYUNG STOP IT!” She yells out, finally finding her voice. Taehyung heads over to his closet and takes out a tie. He walks back to her and ties it around her mouth.
“No talking, no moaning, no yelling, no touching, no crying and no moving. You are now under my control. I tell you what to do and you do it. You’re nothing but a slutty doll, and I have to train you the right way.” He gives her a list of rules and a slap on her face. He strips himself then hovers over her. He stood on his knees with his cock standing proud. The boy holds her legs up to his waist and rams into her cunt. Y/N screams into the tie and pulls on the handcuff. “PLEASE YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! I’M GONNA GET PREGNANT!” She pulls harder on the cuffs and tries to kick Taehyung off her by putting her feet on his chest and pushing. “THAT’S IT! I FUCKING HAD IT WITH YOU, FUCKING BRAT!” Taehyung flips her over and fists her cunt. “STOP IT! STOP IT! I’LL BE A GOOD DOLL, BUT PLEASE STOP, IT HURTS SO BAD!” She screams and cries at the agonizing pain. Taehyung stuffs her face into a pillow and slams his cock into her, fucking all the pain and anger that welled up in him, because of her. “Scream and cry all you want doll, you’ll never understand the pain you put me through.” His balls slapped against her pussy, creating a loud clap.
His cock reached her stomach, causing her to cry with every thrust he gave her. Taehyung spanked her ass over and over, wanting to hear her cry louder. He plays with her burning clit, while keeping his thrust short, but hard. “Am I hurting you doll?”
“YES! Please stop!” She desperately shouted.
“Broke my rule.” Taehyung pushes her face deeper into the pillow and slaps her ass. “When I give you something, you take it like a good doll!” He gives her another rough slap. “Fuck! You’re gonna have my baby! I’m gonna fuck my baby in you doll! We’re gonna get married, you’re gonna have my kids, and we’ll be this happy family.”
Taehyung strikes her back then ass.
“AHH! PLEASE STOP HITTING ME!” She bawls. Her pussy uncontrollably clenches and throbs around his cock, indicating that she was about to cum. Taehyung’s cock pulses in her and he gives her one more full, hard thrust, followed by a spank, causing both of them to cum. She violently trembled underneath him, crying harder into the pillow.
“Y-you.. c-cummed in m-me.” She slowly lifts her face from the pillow and Taehyung could see the tears falling down onto it. “You deserve it, doll face. Don’t bully people fucking whore.”
“YOU PROBABLY GOT ME PREGNANT AND THIS IS WHAT YOU’RE LECTURING ME ABOUT?!” She tugs on the handcuffs and cries harder. “Stop fucking around Y/N, I see you taking birth control everyday.” Y/N’s eyes widen. Shit! He knew!
“Those aren’t birth control pills.”
“Then what are they dolly?”
“They’re… um..” She couldn’t answer and Taehyung automatically knew she was trying to guilt trip him. “Lying to daddy already?!” He takes the handcuffs off and shoves her to the nearest wall. Y/N couldn’t feel her legs so she fell, until the man came behind her, wrapped his veiny arm around her throat, then pushed his cock back in.
“You’re not getting away with this doll.”
He tightly holds her neck, restricting her to breathe properly. His other hand squeezes her stomach, so that she can feel the enormous cock ruining her insides. All she could do was cry. She couldn’t call for help because no one was here. She couldn’t tell him to stop, or he’ll get more irritated. So she stood there, letting him use her like a ragdoll.
Taehyung took her hands behind her back and kept jolting his hips upwards, directly hitting her gspot. “Daddy- I’m close!” She whispers.
“Hold on dolly, I’m close to.” He grunts one more time before cumming into her pussy again. Cum leaks down her thigh, to the floor, creating a little puddle. Taehyung pulls out and scopes up the cum in his hand. “Get on all fours.” Y/N slowly gets down and looks up at her daddy. Her daddy then squats down and says, “Here’s your milk kitten.” He brings his hand up to her face and she dips her tongue in the cum, drinking it like a cat.
“Good doll.” He takes the remaining cum and spills some in her hair, and face. “Look at you, covered in daddy’s cum.”
Taehyung picks her up and lays her in his bed. He lays right next to her and pulls her onto his chest. The two fall asleep instantly, and wake up the next morning.
“T-Taehyung” the girl sits up and pokes the man. “We’re gonna be late for school.”
“Shhh, we’ll take our time.” Lover boy throws his arm over her and pulls her back into his embrace. Taehyung grabs his cock and pushes it into her, while half asleep. The girl whimpers and tries her best to get away. “Taehyung- we have to go to school!”
“How many times do I-” Taehyung slaps the girl and thrust into her again, this time going fast and rough into her. He shoves two fingers along with his cock into her pussy, trying to get her to shut up. “WHEN I FUCKING SAY SOMETHING, I DON’T SAY IT FOR FUN!” The girl cums three times after Tae hit her g spot sixteen consecutive times.
She lays back, hopeless and tired. His cock kept going and she did nothing about it until he finally came in her. “I made you cum 5 times this morning. Don’t fucking test me, dolly.”
She nods her head up and down, then wipes away her tears. “I-I’m s-so sorry” she chokes out.
Taehyung gets up and grabs an oversized shirt. “Here’s your outfit” he whips it at her, afterwards locking himself in the bathroom. They both get ready, but the only problem was, half of Y/N’s ass was showing. Taehyung reassured her at home, but once they pulled into the school’s parking lot, Taehyung put a collar and leash on her. He forced her to crawl on the ground around school, and unexpectedly slammed a buttplug tail into her. Everyone had mixed reactions. Most of them were shocked, but some were laughing and taking pictures.
Taehyung wasn’t helping the girl out either. In class he made her suck him off, then rub the cum all over her face and hair. At lunch, Taehyung took her to the basement and fucked the light out of her. It was finally last period, she was sitting beside her Daddy’s feet, sucking on his finger.
“Come on dolly. Come and ride daddy for the last period.” Taehyung lifted the girl up onto his lap. He let her unbuckle his pants and take his cock out. “Sit on it dolly, ride me.” She sat on his fat tip, and covered her mouth from. “Daddyyy~ it feels good!” Her hips roll forward and her eyes roll back. Taehyung tangles his fingers in her hair, pushing her face down to his. He gives her a passionate and lustful kiss, while everyone in the room paused to watch. She started bouncing on his cock, just wanting to cum. “Daddy! Make dolly cum!” She quietly moans. The man held her smaller body and thrusted up harder and faster. “Open your mouth.” The girl opens her mouth, knowing what was coming. She loved Taehyung's saliva. It tasted amazing and was such a turn on for her little cunt. “Daddy.. I-I ahh! I-I’m going to cum again.” Taehyung slaps her ass and she releases just from that. “Daddy! I’m orgasming!” She closed her eyes and clenched around Taehyung tightly as possible, releasing all the extra fluids out of her body. A wave pushes through her body, releasing all the clenched muscle, making her cry from pleasure. “I-it feels amazing, daddy!” She pants.
Taehyung throws his head back and cums deep inside her. He pulls her onto his check and rubs her back. “Good dolly. Fucking amazing!”
The class pretends to not notice them, and focuses on the teacher, who’s gotten over it too. Taehyung kisses her dry lips, making them moist again. “My little dolly.”
Edited and still fucking horrible. Sorry guys😔✌️
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ssavanessa22 · 3 years
Bad blood
Warnings: racism, hate crime, cannon type violence, kinda but not really smutty so like 16+ as always if I missed someone pls tell me !
A/n the girls of Wattpad really liked this one so I hope you all enjoy as well!
"Y/N you and Reid are going to lead this interview even though you are together make a great team and I think you can crake him are you guys okay with that?"
Spencer and I looked and each other and smiled in unison we replied.
"Yes we are more than okay with that"
Spencer and I have been together for 2 years 324days and 6 hours well that's what he said to me when I woke up next him laying of his bare chest, even though we basically spend every day together we still needed uno special time together and oh was it special. Before we told hotch about our relationship we were able to be in the field together until one time I thought Spence died and then I started crying and it was a whole big thing but now are months not working together we got to do what we both love and with each other.
Before we walked into the interrogation room together Spence turned to me and said.
"Are you sure your okay to do this, you don't have to if you don't want to this case is close to you even if he didn't hurt your family"
This unsub was committing hate crime murders for the last nine months pretending to go on dates with balck women then brutally murder them, Garcia found his manifesto online called "the eradication of all unpure women" it took Kevin who was with her at the time to calm her down as she had to read it out loud I felt bad for her but everyone else felt bad for me. Was looking at me in that moment I wished more than ever to be where Tara was right now, interviewing a child rapist.
I replied to Reid whilst plastering on a fake smile,
"Spencer I'm gonna be fine if anything these women looking like me being like me makes me wanna catch this motherfucker even more"
He smiled and gently kissed me before we both walked in.
"Tyler Walker do you know hey your here"
He ignored my question then Spencer asked the same one only then did he reply.
"Tyler if I'm going to be in here you need to speak to both of us" I sternly replied
"Well if your gonna bring you boyfriend in here since you clearly can't do this on you own them I'm gonna talk to the man here if you'd don't mind"
Spencer interjected saying
"Tyler we found the hearts of all the women murdered in you home why were they in there?"
I don't know I didn't touch them"
He didn't ask if you touched them we asked what you did to those girls" I sternly said.
"You know what If you want to know what I hypothetically would have done to those women I tell you, but only little miss chocolate in the room and only her."
Before Reid could protest I said "yeah sure let's talk"
Spencer's POV
As I walked to the door I gave y/n a reassuring smile she turned and gave me one back but her face was filled with anger and fear, she would never tell me this but she was scared. We didn't shy away from the topic of race within our relationship I read of lot of books and educated myself before I even started dating her I would never understand but I will always try my hardest to be there. And sometimes she just wanted to come home and cry let her emotions out about what it was like being black in American and that was okay as well because I love her.
"How do you think she's gonna do in there?" JJ asked reluctantly
"If I'm being honest I don't know"
I sat down trying to make myself look bigger and take up more space within the room than I actually did to encourage my self but in my head I was fucking shitting it.
"Okay we are alone now tell me"
"Just remember sweetheart this is all hypothetical I never did anything if the thing I am about it say" Tyler replied in a menacing tone
"Yes I know get on with it then"
The next 15 minutes felt like a blur, 15 minutes 900 seconds that's how long I heard Tyler speak about all the torcher he wanted to our women like me through half way he started to refer to the women with my name making me imagine him doing these Haines and despicable things to me. I think what was the worst part was that he was smiling whilst he describe these disgusting thing to me he smiled I felt violated and felt used and felt like he had infested my personal space chipping away at the emotional armour I developed whilst having this job.
Once he finished I was on the brink tears but I never going to show him that I left the room being met only by Spencer's face he was seething but I didn't care I just wanted him to hold me to tell me everything was going to be okay.
"Y/N it's okay your okay your other now" he said whilst soothing me.
"I just don't think I can get back in there-"
As I said that Derek stormed in took one look at me and brought me to his arms even though it wasn't Spencer it just felt right in the time to hug him he would understand the most out of the team what I was going through.
"Y/N I know you said you don't want to go back in there but he got him his prints were all over the bodies we found and he had the hearts of the victims he's going to go away for a long time but now you can tell him that take back your power Y/N"
"Ok I'll do it"
"Y/N are you sure you wanna do it this you don't have to?" Spencer said whilst searching my eyes for any fear I had.
I smirked at Spencer whilst he looked at me in confusion I replied.
"Nope I'm okay and I know just what I'm gonna talk about"
By this point the whole team was in the room
"Y/N are you okay love I heard what happened"
"I'm okay Emily but right now you get to watch me drag a white supremacist to filth."
I barged into the interrogation room not letting Tyler speak.
"Okay listen Up bird brain your already done for we found your prints all over the body and that were at your house so now this is just a formality"
"So if you think you've caught me why I am not in a jail cell right now? Hmm"
"You were so nice to me and described the rape, torture, murder and the disfigurement that you would do to me so now I'm just going to repay the favour"
"You know you were right about him being my boyfriend you know"
"so the lanky white one is you boyfriend, I've always said that pure breads shouldn't mix with you people"
"Tyler your going to prison for a very long time you racist rhetoric means nothing to me,but since you I have been so kind to me I am going to spend the next 15 no 20 minutes going in full detail about the amazing sex I had with my white boyfriend last night if we can fit it all in 20 minutes. We will just have to see won't we?"
Spencer's POV
My jaw had dropped to the floor when y/n said that I mean yes it would be hot for her to describe every single we did last night both of us have an eidetic memory so I know she remembers it all but in front of a racist unsub I had I was weirdly impressed and terrified at the same time.
"You don't think she's actually gonna do that?" I asked to the team in complete and utter shock
"Reid when was the last time y/n has ever lied to us?"
"Once JJ but she couldn't even go the whole day telling the lie she ended buying hotch a dozen of his favourite donuts even though she only ate one"
Derek and Emily started chuckling and said.
"That means she's not lying"
The unsub was seething with anger when y/n carried on speacking
" Tyler I didn't a little digging on you and I found out form you pervious girlfriends that apparently you can't put it up in one of you girlfriends exact words she says no matter how hard I tried he could never get hard"
"You don't know anything you slut"
"oop Tyler your using big words especially with someone who only has the education of a 5th grader"
But you know what Tyler lucky for you I have and eidetic memory I don't think you know what that is so I'm just gonna tell you... that means I remember everything so we're gonna have some fun together hmm"
20 minutes, 1200 seconds that's how long y/n spoke in detail about about sexual escapades from last night throughout these 20 minutes Derek started recording so he could send this back to Garcia. Light  chuckles and laughs were heard here and there then oos and ahhs, then total shock was the look on everyone's face and a gasp coming from Garcia who Derek had patched in a phone call so she could listen too when y/n got to the last bit.  I guess they just assumed because I'm the youngest apart from y/n and .... well I'm me that we would have a boring sex life but I guess we surprised them.
After I finished I wasted no time in leaving but before I did I said one more thing.
Tyler you are going to prison for a very long time you probably get life or even the death penalty so I want you to remember what I spoke to you about every single time you try your hardest to get it up every. Single. Time. I hope you know after your manny years in prison never getting to see the outside again and you die I will be sleeping soundly knowing you are burning in hell"
I walked out and the whole team was silent in utter shock of what I said then i realised I probably shouldn't have said any of that too an unsub.
" omg hotch I am so sorry that was completely inappropriate and unacceptable what I did in there and wasn't right at all I-"
"I'm sorry y/n I don't know what your talking about what did you say in there"
"What I just spent the last 20 minutes-"
Seriously y/n what are you talking about you went I told him what he was being charge for and you walked back out hun what are you talking about?"
Im what I'm so confused what?"
Then Spencer finally said
"Babe I know I can be dumb sometimes but please read the room"
I looked around still so confused until I finally realised.
Ohhhhh ok yeah yeah I get it now"
Okay but when are you are pretty boy releasing the sex tape cause I would like to pre order"
The whole teams was laughing including me and Spencer I replied simply with
"in your dreams Morgan in your dreams" 
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amispnrewatch · 3 years
SPN 1x06 “Skin”
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Okay, I’m gonna try to type while I watch this time instead of forgetting this blog exists until the episode is almost over.
You can tell the footage for the previously on segment was saved on a VHS copy instead of the original film that the show was shot with because even in the HD iTunes version I have it looks low quality as fuck. And jumpy in the way that brings me back to my teens watching the WB all the damn time.
I love this song. WTF is this song. Shazam says “Good Deal” by Mommy and Daddy. I… have no comment, except that it sounds like everything I was listening to in college at the time this shit was airing.
Aaaaand not!Dean turns around to face the SWAT team after obviously torturing some woman. THAT is a cold open.
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I wanna know what that car is in the background. It’s pretty. Maybe a convertible Impala? They have similar grills. This is not at all important.
Also, I love that with these higher definition versions of the episodes you can see that Sam’s email is lawboy and whatever dot com and that people in the fandom have started calling him Law Boy. It’s hilarious.
DEAN: Well, what exactly do you tell ‘em? You know, about where you’ve been, what you’ve been doin’?
SAM: I tell ‘em I’m on a road trip with my big brother. I tell ‘em I needed some time off after Jess.
DEAN: Oh, so you lie to ‘em.
SAM: No. I just don’t tell ‘em….everything.
DEAN: Yeah, that’s called lying. I mean, hey, man, I get it, tellin’ the truth is far worse.
SAM: So, what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life? (DEAN shrugs.) You’re serious?
DEAN: Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can’t get close to people, period.
Aaaaand now I have Dean and Cassie feelings again and we haven’t even gotten to her episode yet.
SAM: No, man, I know Zack. He’s no killer.
DEAN: Well, maybe you know Zack as well as he knows you.
Aaaaaand now I have Dean and Lee feelings and we’re nowhere near Lee’s episode in season 15.
Little Becky. Oi with the reusing of names.
Of course Sam made friends with a bunch of rich kids while he was at college in a desperate attempt to try to be normal.
SAM: You know, maybe we could see the crime scene. Zack’s house.
DEAN: We could.
REBECCA: Why? I mean, what could you do?
SAM: Well, me, not much. But Dean’s a cop. (DEAN laughs.)
DEAN: Detective, actually.
I love that Dean was like “how dare you call me that.”
Okay, after a bit of research, I totally want to take a day trip to Bisbee, Arizona, but it’s already in the 90s here in the desert and it’s not even May so that trip is going to have to wait until… winter or something. There is no way in hell I’m going deeper into the desert when the weather gets hotter.
It’s a historic mining town tourist trap looking place now which is exactly the kind of shit I love.
SAM: Bec, look, I know Zack didn’t do this. Now, we have to find a way to prove that he’s innocent.
I mean, not technically, technically you would 1) NOT FUCK WITH A MURDER INVESTIGATION YOU’RE NOT LEGALLY INVOLVED IN BECAUSE ANYTHING YOU FIND WOULD BE INADMISSABLE IN COURT 2) find evidence to provide a reasonable doubt for the jury that he did commit the crime. You know, like a lawyer would need to do, Law Boy.
DEAN: I just don’t think this is our kind of problem.
When I made my husband watch this show with me (he’s seen it all at least once now over the years) this is the recurring thing that drove him crazy.
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You guys can’t even go in through the back door? Or shut the front door behind you? Really?
REBECCA: (tearfully) Well, there’s no sign of a break-in. They say that Emily let her attacker in.
Yeah, that doesn’t even really mean that she knew her attacker. Just that it was someone she let her guard down around or got in some other way. See: The Son of Sam and Nightstalker, etc.
Love the pinup magnet on the fridge. I’d throw shade at that, but I have a pinup magnet on my fridge too so… pot kettle and all that.
Okay, both people in the next couple are gorgeous.
And oh wow those special effects changing eyes… wow.
This poor couple. I feel so bad for them in this episode.
How… how are the police gonna explain the way he was able to beat himself over the head with a bat??? I…
I love that 5:30 in the morning on TV is clearly like… 10 AM.
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Okay, this is a really unrelated point, but the graffiti on the dumpster here reminds me of the Teen Wolf fandoms use of the name Void!Stiles when Stiles Stilinski was possessed by a Nogitsune… I just spent way too long digging through YouTube and my Tumblr tags from back when those episodes were airing looking for a few specific videos and couldn’t find them. The TL;DR reason I bring it up here is goofball, bi-coded main character guy getting possessed by an entity set on destroying the people he loves. SOUNDS LIKE THIS EPISODE AND A WHOLE LOT OF SPN RIGHT. I love that all these monster hunting shows call out to each other.
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This scene haunts me years later and I don’t even WATCH Teen Wolf. I just watched the fandom on Tumblr collectively lose it’s shit then tripped down a Hale Pack fanfiction rabbit hole.
Back to Supernatural, a show that also treated its fan base, cast, and characters like garbage! Huzzah!
DEAN: Well, there’s another way to go—down. (They look down and notice a manhole.)
I’m gonna be mature and ignore the double entendre there…
But I love that Dean thinks of the world in 3D. Which sounds like a dumb statement to make, but this is honestly a good example of that in action.
SAM: I bet this runs right by Zack’s house, too.
Really Sam, sewers run by houses? SO WEIRD. I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED.
DEAN: You know, I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape—maybe it sheds.
SAM: That is sick. (DEAN puts the bloody pile back on the ground.)
Guys, there is a WHOLE ASS EAR in that pile of yuck you’re looking at. I think it’s pretty safe to assume the shapeshifter indeed sheds its skin like a snake. A much… gooier snake.
Sam’s friend is rightfully pissed at him for fucking with the crime scene.
This is before the pearl gripped guns?! Wow. I never noticed that before.
Also, this whole episode gives me feelings.
Cool. Tumblr mobile ate a whole section of my notes on this when it crashed for NO APPARENT REASON. Love that.
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It always boggles my mind that actors can trust the people they’re working with enough to let people “tie” ropes around their neck or put them in actually dangerous positions in a scene.
SHAPESHIFTER: He’s sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don’t think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you?
SAM: Where is my brother? (The shapeshifter leans in close to SAM.)
SHAPESHIFTER: I am your brother. See, deep down, I’m just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I’m a freak. And sooner or later, everybody’s gonna leave me. (He backs away.)
SAM: What are you talkin’ about?
SHAPESHIFTER: You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he ditched me, too. No explanation, nothin’, just poof. Left me with your sorry ass. But, still, this life? It’s not without its perks. (He laughs.) I meet the nicest people. Like little Becky. You know, Dean would bang her if he had the chance. Let’s see what happens. (He smiles and covers SAM with a sheet.)
This exchange is just… so much. So many feelings. And I will forever (unless we magically get a fix-it fic mini season someday…) be SO MAD that none of this got resolved in that pointless, trash heap of a finale.
REBECCA: Okay, so, this thing—it can make itself look like anybody?
SHAPESHIFTER: That’s right. (She chuckles.)
REBECCA: Well, what is it, like a genetic freak? (The shapeshifter laughs.)
SHAPESHIFTER: Maybe. Evolution is about mutation, right? So, maybe this thing was born human but was different. Hideous and hated. Until he learned to become someone else. (REBECCA looks around, uncomfortable. The shapeshifter’s eyes glint silver, and he smiles.)
It always amazes me how much of this show is a pile of accidental queer allegories parading around in an ill-fitting toxic masculinity suit.
Vulcan mind meld! I love nerd!Dean. Also, I’m rewatching Star Trek: TOS with my husband, because that is what my life amounts to these days, rewatching comfort TV and flailing over the bits I love.
This post does a better job than I can do of pairing up screen caps with the dialogue of this next scene. SIX EPISODES IN. They’re dumping all of this character depth SIX EPISODES IN. FUCK THIS SHOW FOR NOT EMBRACING ITSELF.
Okay, I love that he screams back in her face after he threw the phone. It’s not something to laugh at because the situation is horrifying, but I can’t help laughing at it every time.
AND THE WAY THEY CUT THESE SCENES. Going from him winding his hand back to backslap her directly to him dropping the chains on the table to show how hard he must have hit her without actually making the actors hit each other. Good job editing department!
I… don’t understand the shifter’s motivation for killing people. If he can take over people’s identities without killing them, why kill them? Is it just because he’s a homicidal, rapist piece of shit? Cause that’s all it seems like.
How did the SWAT team even know she was being attacked? Why can the snipers aim no better than Storm Troopers?
Ugh, these kind of transformation body horror scenes are exactly why werewolf stories have never really appealed to me much. Like, I could do without watching your ribs move and teeth fall out, dude.
I looked up the song that’s playing over shapeshifter!Dean being caught by the SWAT team and then going through the grotesque transformation. (And as far as I know, the iTunes version has the original music from the episodes.)
It’s a song called “Mary” by The Death Riders
Who's your mother, who's your mother here boy // Who's your mother, whos your mommy dear // Who's your father, who's your father here boy // Who's your father, who's your daddy dear
Silently screaming // Where everyone knows // Daddy's always watchin' // Where everywhere - everywhere I go
I don't wanna be a freak show pretty boy anymore // I don't wanna be a full time slave // I don't wanna be your midnight cowboy anymore // I just want to be Mary
This is… a fascinating choice. Here are the rest of the lyrics. The song as a whole has a weird incesty kinda vibe to it? Kinda like when SPN tries to straight-wash itself and misses the mark wildly. (Like Dean’s male siren episode.)
The midnight cowboy line reminded me of 12x11 and the bull riding scene with “Broomstick Cowboy” by Bobby Goldsboro playing over it
Dream on, little Broomstick Cowboy, // Dream while you can; // Of big green frogs, // And puppy dogs, // And castles in the sand.
For, all too soon you'll awaken; // Your toys will all be gone. // Your broomstick horse will ride away, // To find another home. // And you'll have grown into a man, // With cowboys of your own. // And then you'll have to go to war, // To try and save your home.
And then you'll have to learn to hate; // You'll have to learn to kill. // It's always been that way, my son; // I guess it always will.
Because, you know, why not add tons of feelings into the lyrics, right?
Props to the people who can embrace their rewatches and reclamations of the show with ease. Because every episode seems to remind me of how hollow and tragic Dean’s ending was and I just… struggle all over again.
Anyway, back to the episode so I can move on with my day.
REPORTER: An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End, where a S.W.A.T team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white male, approximately twenty-four to thirty years of age, was discovered hiding in her home. (A sketch of DEAN appears on the screen.)
DEAN: Man! That’s not even a good picture. (SAM looks around cautiously.)
SAM: It’s good enough. (He walks away.)
DEAN: Man! (He follows SAM.)
(CUT TO: Alley. DEAN and SAM are walking. DEAN steps into a puddle.)
DEAN: Ugh, come on.
I love that we get two tiny little back-to-back vanity moments for Dean here. One commenting on the sketch artist rendition of him being broadcasted on the news and the other tripping in the puddle. There is literally someone running around the city trying to kill people while wearing Dean’s face, but Dean is still concerned with how he looks appears to others. He’s still concerned with keeping up his own performance. The shifter left him with just a t-shirt, so he doesn’t even have his usual comfort layers on and at any moment someone could spot him and call the police or try to kill him for assaulting Sam’s friend. His life is wildly out of control in that moment and the only thing he can try to focus on is his appearance (something semi-controllable) and finding the shifter before any of that other shit can happen.
One day I want to put together a like top 10 episodes focusing on / explaining each TFW character from the series. Like the kind of list you could show someone who’s never seen the show, but has OPINIONS about the characters (or who hasn’t seen the whole show and seen the growth they went through… you know, like the people responsible for the travesty of 15x20). This episode would be on that list. I’m not sure how I could manage to make a list of only 10 episodes to understand Dean Winchester by, but eh.
SAM: What are you gonna do to me?
SHAPESHIFTER: Oh, I’m not gonna do anything. Dean will, though.
SAM: They’ll never catch him.
SHAPESHIFTER: Oh, doesn’t matter. Murder in the first of his own brother? He’ll be hunted the rest of his life. (He picks up a sharp knife and examines it.)
Speaking of season 15 in general, this right here. This was Chuck’s villain story arc thesis statement. AND THEY DROPPED THE GODDAMN BALL WITH IT. I think that’s the thing that honestly pisses me off the most these days (about 5 1/2 months from when the finale aired) is that they tried making the whole thing a tragedy but did such an awful job with it that it just ended up like a deflating condom balloon at a dive bar concert. Disappointing and gross. The finale for season 14 set them up SO FUCKING WELL and it just… didn’t get there.
Becky’s parents are gonna be pissed at how torn up their house is after all this shit…
And you’re not shooting him when you first see him strangling Sam because…?????
I like that he took the necklace back. Also, is this kinda Dean death number .5 of the show? Like it wasn’t him but it was also kinda him. Eh.
At least they left the windshield on Baby this time. Reflections are better than tearing her apart.
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randomdcfangirl · 4 years
Jason x Superman's daughter!reader
Request: Hi can i request a jason todd x reader where reader is a daughter of a hero and defends jason infront of the jl by @illzarr
(A/N): You didn't specify if you wanted them to be a couple or not but I made them one, hope that's okay :) Also I made it Superman's daughter.
Tags: @redhoodieone @avengerdragoness @comic-nerd-dc
Keys: (Y/N): Your Name (Y/S/N): Your Superhero Name
Word Count: 1,381
Warning(s): Cursing, arguing, mention of child abuse, talking about Jason's death, league may be a bit rude and ignorant when it comes to Red Hood, also a bit insensitive
Being on The Watchtower wasn't something Jason liked doing, especially since he wasn't Robin anymore. As Robin it was fun and he liked it but after everything it wasn't a fun experience. Red Hood isn't seen as a hero in the hero community like he is down in Crime Alley. Moral codes got in the way of that.
How the hell Jason got (Y/N) Kent or (Y/S/N) he has no idea, no fucking clue. Why did Clark allow it you may ask? He did not, he doesn't know, good thing Jason carries Kryptonite around, he's not dying a second time to Superman.
Jason doesn't even really know why he was called to this mission, it wasn't hard and they wouldn't need backup so he was a bit on guard because of that. He was walking with his Nightwing, his brother of all people, to this meeting that Jason is pretty sure isn't a meeting. Jason's pretty sure he's getting set up but he was going with it for now, well somewhat.
"Wing, you need to tell me right now, am I getting set up?" Jason asked him.
"I'm not going to take you to get arrested, Hood. If I wanted that it would've happened a long time ago." Dick let out a laugh.
"Wow thanks, glad to know you don't want me in prison." Jason joked. "But actually, this isn't a mission is it?"
"To be honest, I wasn't told anything either. So I honestly don't know." Dick replied.
"Okay, now I know it's not a mission. They were prepared for me to ask questions so they didn't tell you anything." Jason sighed. "Guess I'm arguing with somebody today."
Dick shrugged and they continued on their way to the conference room. That conversation didn't give Jason any information at all. They arrived in the conference room a few minutes later and everyone was there, already waiting for them. There was a seat for Jason at the table between Diana and (Y/N), Jason cautiously walked up and sat in the chair while Dick walked around to sit next to Bruce and Clark.
"Now that we're all here we can get started. So, it's not really a mission." Superman said. Jason's suspicions were confirmed.
"I had a feeling, so why am I here?" Jason sighed.
"Think of this as sort of an intervention, Batman has no say in anything we've done and he cannot stop it." Diana said.
"Intervention for what?" Jason asked confused.
"Your actions as the Red Hood." Clark replied.
"If this is about killing I haven't killed anyone in the past year, bats already beat you to that "intervention" a while ago." Jason said with finger quotations.
"Not just the killing, there's a lot of younger heros that look up to you and you're too aggressive out in the field." Diana explained vaguely.
"But yes mostly the killing." Flash said.
"I didn't sign up to be a role model, that's not my fault. All I do is mind my business and do my job, I don't think that's a need for an intervention." Jason replied.
"Okay, let's talk to Jason instead of Red Hood, drop the persona." Superman said. "Clark to Jason."
"Sorry but Jason isn't any different, I think the person you're looking for died in a warehouse 8 years ago." Jason replied, Clark flinched a bit at that remark. "Just spit it the fuck out, why exactly am I here?"
"They don't like the way you act and work down in Gotham like they have any authority down there in the first place." (Y/N) said from her place next to Jason.
"(Y/N)." Clark warned.
"No, all you guys ever do when he's here is criticize like you have authority over him. Well guess fucking what, you don't. He's a grown man who can make his own decisions and you're not his family. Maybe you were considered so at one point but in my opinion you lost that privilege a long time ago!" She exclaimed to all of them.
"(Y/N) you don't hav-." Jason started but she cut him off standing out of her chair.
"No! I do! I'm sick of all of you trying to change who the Red Hood is! Just because he has a different moral code? Also did you know that he's never once killed an innocent person? Did you know Red Hood has only ever killed murderers, rapists, child molesters, because I don't know about you but those people don't deserve to be breathing in my opinion anyway." She said darkly then turned to Jason and talked softly. "They brought you up here because Joker is dead but they wanted to know if you did it or not. They wanted to see if they could make you say it without straight out asking you."
"He's dead? When? Who?" Jason asked quietly in shock.
"We were hoping you knew." Green Lantern said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.
"If I was never stopped he would've been dead a long time ago. But no I didn't kill him, I wish I did but nope." Jason was keeping himself composed from the shock.
"Okay, he didn't kill him, like I told you many times. But you wanted to know how I knew so you know what I'll tell you. I was with him for the past 2 weeks every single night and day. He's my boyfriend and he's the most kind hearted, hard working, strongest and intelligent man I've ever met. I've never been treated with such respect and love so I'm not going to sit here and let you tear him a part in lectures anymore. He does too much good down in Crime Alley to deserve it." She said strongly to everyone in the room. Bruce sent her a nod because he's glad Jason has her.
"Oh really, what good has he done?" Green Arrow said.
"When was the last time you guys gave out food to street kids or an orphanage? How many of you guys help kids with homework or the kids who have to cover bruises on their arms or legs while at school? When was the last time you gave a sexual assault victim peace of mind knowing their attacker can't hurt them anymore? When was the last time you worked your asses off every single night to bring kidnapped children home from a trafficking ring? Probably never for most of you but Jason does it every single day while dealing with his own demons up in his mind because guess what he's gone through literal hell and back and that shit ain't easy!" She exclaimed more. "C'mon babe, you have no reason to be up here. Let's go home."
She grabbed his hand after they both stood up and they walked out of the room. They left everyone in the room including her father who didn't know what to think.
"That's three bats now somehow involved with my family." Clark sighed.
"It's not fun from my side either, Clark." Bruce replied standing up. "Also don't ever call a meeting to do with any of my children again. Especially not Jason, he deals with enough already and you have no authority over Gotham so your input on my city is not accepted. Leave my family and my city out of League business, this meeting is over."
Batman is scary but Batdad is scarier.
When Jason and (Y/N) got to his apartment they changed out of their gear and into sweats and comfy clothes.
"You didn't have to do that you know." Jason said wrapping his arms around her from behind while in their bedroom looking out the window.
"I did, I know you won't defend yourself with actual facts and would likely turn to anger to protect yourself so as your girlfriend I decided I'd take it upon myself to protect you the way you try to protect me, even though I'm Kryptonian." She replied. Jason huffed a laugh because he does do that even though she doesn't need it.
"I love you." Jason told her kissing the side of her head.
"I love you too." She replied and turned to give him a real kiss.
They'd deal with Superman later.
Hi, I haven't wrote is fic in a long time but here this is. I'm still doing the Jason x Bermudian!reader I'm sorry that's taking so long. But I love you guys and hopefully I'll be more active on here :) <3 (Also I couldn't think of a title lol)
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spartanguard · 3 years
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summary: SVU detective Emma Swan's new partner is not what she expected. Thankfully, that's a good thing.
A/n: So I've been watching a LOT of Law & Order: SVU lately and when I got to the episodes where Stabler was partnered with Dani Beck, it just smacked with CS feels. This is just a bit of exploration of that, in honor of @optomisticgirl​ ‘s birthday!!
B—HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thank you for being the most amazing friend, and the best person to bounce crazy fic ideas off of (like this). I hope you have the most amazing day and I love you!!!!
Note: While there isn't any actual sexual violence in this story, it is an SVU AU, so it's mentioned.
rated T | 2.3k words | AO3
She met him while he was trying to arrest a perp who’d just walked.
“Are you Detective Swan?” he’d asked, and she immediately noticed his accent—the way it wrapped around her last name in a way that sent a shiver down her spine, but it was hard to tell if it was in a good way or not.
“Yeah, that’s me,” she tossed back.
“I’m your new partner. Killian Jones.”
She shook his offered hand (only later noticing he only had the one) and wondered—just what the hell were they about to get into?
[He was her second new partner in as many weeks. Graham, who she’d worked with since she joined the unit, had enough with special victims—with Boston in general—and had taken up some smalltown sheriff gig in Maine. Emma knew he’d be happier there, but it kind of left her in the lurch. They’d sent someone new over the week before, but her style didn’t gel with Mulan’s quite well enough—the woman was a damn fine detective but just...too different.]
Jones was new to special victims, transferring in on the recommendation of the captain at his previous precinct, where he’d worked in homicide. The dead victims, he was used to; the live ones—not so much.
It was pretty obvious on their first case together, when they were interviewing the young girl in the hospital. Emma—she’d seen enough of the world’s shitty side that little phazed her any more; growing up in the foster system made her uniquely suited to this line of work.
But Killian? He was visibly upset; she had to physically restrain him from running out of the hospital to start tracking down the culprit, holding him back by the sleeve of his leather jacket. They hardly had a lead on this. Something could be said for enthusiasm, but that didn’t excuse jumping ahead of themselves. That’s how you got into trouble—that was how criminals got away with murder (literally); she’d done that enough for the both of them, and had a feeling he had, too.
She felt they had a lot in common, actually; there was an obvious affinity for leather coats, but past that, there was something familiar in his eyes. Not that she’d met him before, or anything—just something in the determined set of his gaze when interviewing a suspect, in the empathetic way he handled the victim.
She still wasn’t sure if that was good or not, especially when he almost forgot protocol—almost lost them evidence—by rushing in too soon.
And she was half ready to walk into Captain Mills’ office to request a new partner (again) when she found him asleep at his desk with what could only be described as a murderboard spread out behind him. He looked younger and softer in his sleep, impossibly gorgeous with the way his long lashes rested on his cheekbones and gentle breaths from his full lips—and none of that was really pertinent, because the man had just researched his way to a solved case.
“Just who are you, Killian Jones?” she asked when she later woke him up with coffee and a bear claw (biting back a comment on the rumpled state of his usually pristine waistcoat-and-dress shirt combo).
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he drawled, holding her gaze intently before taking a long pull from his cup.
She knew she shouldn’t, but damn, did she.
It wasn’t until a couple cases later that she began to put together the pieces of him. It had been a doozy of a kidnapping, and he’d been on edge the whole time—right until they finally tracked down the little boy who’d been abducted. Emma slapped the cuffs on the miserable excuse for a father who’d taken him and Killian pulled the boy into his arms, visibly deflating once he knew he was safe.
She dragged him to their unit’s favorite bar that night and slid a glass of rum in front of him, along with the directive to “Talk.”
He downed it in one shot, then worried his bottom lip (much to Emma’s distraction) before saying, “Have I mentioned I have a daughter?”
Her eyebrows rose in surprise, but she let him explain without interruption. Her name was Alice; she was 8. He had sole custody, and with good reason: her mother, his ex-girlfriend, had kidnapped her from his apartment when she was only a few years old. “It’s the most scared I’ve ever been,” he confessed. “And today...it’s like I was right back in that moment.”
“I don’t blame you,” she replied, then finished her own whiskey. This was probably where she should drop some of her own tragic backstory, right? Like the scumbag who left her pregnant at 17, and the baby boy she put up for adoption? “Props to you for doing it on your own. I obviously couldn't.”
“Don’t beat yourself up, love; you gave him his best chance.” He gently set his hand over hers on the bar and she froze; not because he was cold—quite the opposite, actually—but between that tiny gesture of support and the understanding in those too-blue eyes, she felt more seen than she had by anyone in ages, even Graham.
It was suddenly too much, too intimate, and she yanked her hand away and ordered another drink. “Is your ex the name on your tattoo?” she asked, trying to put some space in between them (physically and emotionally).
It worked. He sat back up and tugged his right sleeve down with his prosthesis, hiding the ink, and she could almost see the walls go back up between them. “No. That’s...another story. For another time.” He stood and tossed some cash on the counter. “Alice is with my neighbor; I better go get her. See you ‘round.” And he left hastily.
It was what she wanted to happen. He’d suddenly gotten too close. So why did she feel like such an ass about it?
She was going to apologize at their next shift, but they got thrown into another case. And then another after it. It was a different kind of intense—a different kind of intimate—than that moment in the bar; very quickly, she had to trust him, and vice versa. That was something neither were predisposed to, but were managing to do...honestly, better than she had with anyone.
After putting another rapist behind bars, Killian said with a smirk, “I don’t mean to upset you, Swan, but I think we make quite the team.” And he winked (well, tried to), and she just blushed back, like she was a teenager in love all over again. That fact that would normally send her running but, for the first time in years, she wasn’t opposed to it—except for, y’know, the fact that he was her partner and they were coworkers and HR generally looked down on that kind of thing.
She doubted he was interested, anyway. They hadn’t really done anything outside of work since that night; he was always quick to get home to Alice, and she didn’t fault him that—especially when she finally met the kid, who was clearly her father’s daughter in all the best ways.
They got a call for a case late one weeknight; Emma easily beat him to the scene, since he had to make sure his neighbor could watch Alice at such an ungodly hour. She handed him a coffee when he got there and they made their way to the ME, to get the rundown on the vic. 
Emma had been paying attention, but it shifted from the examiner to Killian pretty quickly; he stiffened at the description of what had been done to the victim, then when white as the sheet covering her when it was pulled back.
“Eloise,” he whispered, like he’d seen a ghost.
“Wait—as in…?”
He nodded. “Aye. Alice’s mum.”
They got what little information they could from the scene and then started to head for the precinct, but he was shaking so much, she insisted on driving.
“Are you gonna be alright?” she asked.
He let out a hollow chuckle. “No, probably not.” Then, one long breath later, “It was Gold.”
She nearly missed their turn at that. “Gold? As in, the mysterious Mr. Gold, owner of the pawn store chain?”
“One and the same,” Killian said, scrubbing a hand down his face. “It’s the same as with Milah.”
She would have asked who that was, but he was resting his prosthesis over the spot on his arm where she knew the tattoo was. And she got a sinking feeling in her stomach that this was going to be a rough case.
Once they got to the office (and she got some more coffee in him), Killian explained: Milah was his ex, his first love—but also Gold’s wife. And while Gold was well-known for being a shady individual, no one had ever been able to pin anything on him.
But Gold did find out about their affair, and Killian came home one day to find Milah—dead, attacked and killed in the same way Eloise had been hours ago. He wasn’t sure what their connection was—and he didn’t think Gold knew about his to Eloise, especially since she’d only been released from jail last week—“But I know it’s him. And I’m going to prove it this time.”
(Apparently, last time had ended with him getting into an altercation with one of Gold’s lackeys. He escaped with his life, but not with his left hand.)
Milah’s case had gone cold, but given the similarities, they were able to pull the files. It took a few weeks—several late nights, more than a few breakdowns, many tears (mostly Killian’s, but Emma’s and Alice’s as well) before they finally—finally—had the evidence to pin both murders on Gold.
Tracking him down was another thing altogether, but they finally caught up with him in his penthouse apartment. To no one’s surprise, he didn’t go willingly; a fistfight broke out between he and Killian. 
She was scared she’d have to intervene, knowing how personal it was. By the end of it, Killian had a black eye and a bloody lip, but Gold was in handcuffs, tossed unceremoniously in the back of a squad car. 
Killian watched the vehicle pull away, then turned to Emma, and wrapped his arms around her in a bruising hug. 
In any other situation, she would have gone stiff with shock, but she didn’t hesitate to lean right into him. Her desire to comfort him after that was just as strong as his need for comfort. 
But then he pulled back, cupped her cheek, and pressed his lips to hers. 
That did take her by surprise. 
But she was equally quick to reciprocate. 
Just as fast, it was over and he was walking away, leaving her utterly confused. Logically, she knew it was probably just an emotional reaction—a one-time thing. 
However: he kissed her like he meant it. She was familiar with empty kisses and single-night flings—and that...was a whole lot more. 
And she couldn’t deny it any longer: she wanted that more. 
She arrived at the precinct early the next morning, hoping to beat him there so they could talk about whatever that had been. She’d even gotten up an hour before she usually did so she could get them good coffee. But he was already there, filling out forms at his desk. 
“Hey,” she said, suddenly feeling incredibly awkward as she put the cup on his desk. “You taking care of the reports?”
“Um, yeah,” he stammered, pointedly focusing on the paperwork and not her. 
She glanced down at the desk, and that wasn’t a report—that was a transfer form. “You want to leave?” she whispered, the familiar pain of betrayal washing over her. He didn’t want to be her partner anymore? 
“Emma, I can’t stay here,” he said, only somewhat apologetic. (Also, though she didn’t realize it at the moment, it was the first time he’d used her given name.) “After this last case...it just wouldn’t be good form.”
“Fuck your good form, Jones!” she cried. “How can you say that, after everything these past few months? After last night?”
Calmly, he stood up and moved into her space. “I can’t be your partner any more, Emma,” he said, reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear. “Because I want to be more than that. And last I checked, Captain Mills frowned upon inter-unit relations.”
That was true; she really did, more than most. But then the reality of what Killian was saying hit: “You...you’d give up your position for me?”
“Aye,” he answered, simply, like it wasn’t the heaviest thing anyone had ever told her. 
What else was she supposed to do after a confession like that but kiss him? She rose up on her toes, gripped the lapels of his waistcoat, and found his lips with hers. He didn’t hesitate to pull her close and she was exceedingly glad no one else was in the squad room, because she’d never quite been kissed so closely to within an inch of her life as she’d been then.
(Also, it was a good thing no one was around when he pushed her onto his desk to deepen it further. If Captain Mills later noticed the forms were a bit crumpled, she didn’t say anything.) 
Killian ended up transferring back to his old precinct, old job. It turned out they missed him. Emma knew exactly why; her next partner, David, was great, but no match. 
Good thing she got to go home to Killian—and Alice—every night. 
thanks for reading, and send B all the birthday love! tagging some others:
@kat2609​ @thesschesthair​  @xpumpkindumplingx​ t @cocohook38​ @annytecture​ @shireness-says​ @ohmightydevviepuu​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @wingedlioness​ @word-bug​ @thisonesatellite​ @distant-rose​ @wellhellotragic​ @welllpthisishappening​ @let-it-raines​ @pirateherokillian​ @its-imperator-furiosa​ @fergus80​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @ineffablecolors​ @laschatzi​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate​  @stubblesandwich​​ @phiralovesloki​ @athenascarlet​ @kmomof4​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @snowbellewells​ @idristardis​ @scientificapricot​ @searchingwardrobes​ @donteattheappleshook​
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woolishlygrim · 2 years
Grouchy because I have some serious problems with Rick Riordan’s work -- not so much the man himself, who seems to be a very pleasant, well-meaning guy -- but now if I ever talk about them in-depth the absolute fucking weirdoes who are pitching fits about Annabeth being black in the new series might end up co-opting them.
 Namely, without going into too much depth, the ‘changing Medusa’s story so that actually she secretly consented’ thing, which is skeevy and comes over as rape apologism, although I’m almost 100% sure Riordan was just motivated by not wanting the protagonist’s father to be a rapist (and this is ... I mean, it’s a problem you’d have to grapple with for a lot of Greek gods). I think he bungled it, badly, but I don’t think there was any ill intent, and I’m not unsympathetic to the fact he’d have the exact same problem with Zeus. Or Hephaestus. Dionysus. Apollo. Hades, in some stories. You get the idea.
The second Problem is the ‘Ah, you see, Mount Olympus is in America now, because America is ~the centre of western civilisation,~’ thing, which apart from reeking of American exceptionalism, is literally just reheated Nazi ideology. Like, I cannot stress enough how ‘Germany is the centre of western civilisation’ was both an integral part of Nazi ideology and a kind of meme of the time. And I don’t think Riordan ever had any intention of spreading fascist ideas, I doubt it even occurred to him that it was that. I think he just didn’t want to set the story in Greece and risk inauthentically representing it, and he took what I would call a pretty stupid way out.
(You have portals, Rick. Just keep Mount Olympus in Greece and have people teleport there from across the world. You can still have Percy be American, because you have portals and teleportation in your story.)
But god knows, I have seen Percy Jackson fans swarm to defend that little plot contrivance, often with arguments like ‘you can’t expect Americans to be able to empathise with non-Americans,’ and it was an illuminating moment as to how easily and quickly Americans, even Americans who hold themselves as left-wing, can’t really be trusted not to fall back on fascist ideas at the drop of a hat. Riordan himself I think just made a stupid mistake out of a perhaps understandable fear that he wouldn’t be able to authentically represent the lifestyle and culture of another country -- but I extend no such grace to the fans who eagerly defend it.
But also, dear lord I don’t want anyone using this to somehow try to get at Riordan for Annabeth being black in the tv show. That’s a cool casting choice, and I respect the guy for going “Yes, these characters were described this way, but ultimately their ethnicity wasn’t important to the story and can be changed.” That is a more progressive attitude than you can say for a lot of authors.
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chubbymoongoddess · 3 years
So I was thinking of something dark that slowly starts to get better?
TW for Rape, ABO, mpreg
Teenage (17yrs) omega J/imin going out to a party with some of his friends one night on a weekend (He'd never miss school or go on a school night. He's top of his class.) He aims to stick with his group and only have a few drinks but things don't go as planned and a very handsome alpha starts to speak to him. He has no intentions to do anything with this alpha, but he does talk to him to be nice plus.. he's enamored by the way he smells. Through the course of the night, J/imin ends up drinking just a little more than he was supposed to and he ends up drunk. He dances with the alpha and ends up having the time of his life with him but when the omega starts to feel sick and sleepy, he can't seem to find his friends at all. The alpha he had met offers to take him home and usually he'd reject this but his head is spinning, he has a fever, he can't see straight and he feels like he's going to throw up, so he agrees. Little does he know he's started his heat but he's so drunk that he just thinks he's had too much to drink. The alpha leads J/imin out to his car and at first it seems like it's going well. He's listening to all of J/imin's directions and even agrees to drop him off a few blocks away so he doesn't learn where the omega lives. It changes though when the alpha locks all of the car doors and pulls into a dark alleyway. Major alarms go off in J/imin's brain and he starts trying to get out but the alpha pulls him back. He's screaming and crying at first but the alpha tells him to shut up or he'll rip his tongue out. During the rest of the time J/imin is silently sobbing until the alpha is finished with him, telling him that if he speaks a word of this he'll find him and kill him before throwing him out in the alley and speeding away. This terrifies J/imin and he ends up limping home and sneaking up to his room. His parents are asleep anyway, it's late. He strips himself of his clothes and scrubs himself raw in the shower before crawling into bed and trying to get some sleep.
The next few weeks J/imin acts as if the night at the club didn't happen. The alpha's words have him terrified and he doesn't want to die. His friends had asked what happened to him that night as they had thought he left early without saying anything and he had told them that he did because he was sick. They bought it. During the middle of his fifth class, the omega has to excuse himself to rush to the bathroom to throw up. His best friend T/aehyung follows him out to make sure he's okay, rubbing over his back the entire time. with a worried expression on his face. Once he's finished, J/imin curls up into a ball and cries. He knows what's going on. He knows that his body had been acting weird lately and this just confirmed it. He had a pup coming. he had his rapist's pup coming. His sobs turned into a full blown panic attack and T/aehyung had to back up to give him some space, talking him through it all the while. Once J/imin was calm enough to speak, he told T/aehyung everything but begged him to keep it a secret which, his best friend pinky promised to do. It seemed childish, but J/imin knew he meant it.
The next issue was telling his parents. It took the omega a whole week of building himself up just to gather his parents in the living room for a "talk." He wanted to cry but he put on his brave face and told them. His mother immediately started to cry and his father looked like he was going to blow a gasket before spewing a slur of hateful speech toward his son, calling him a "slut", no good, and useless among other things before telling him to pack his shit and get out. His mother tried to intervene but J/imin's father's words were final. So, with his heart shattered, the omega packed everything he possibly could carry in the few bags he had in his room, mainly clothes and a few special items he cared for, like a stuffed dog his mother had given him on his 3rd birthday. At the door, his mother gave him the tightest hug she could but it was short lived as his father pried them apart. J/imin gave one last look to his parents before leaving the house, hearing the click of the lock once the door was slammed behind him.
Having nowhere else to go, he headed for T/aehyung's. He should have called first, sure, but his cell phone was buried in one of his bags so he showed up on his best friend's porch, eyes dry until T/aehyung opened the door and frowned. That's when J/imin broke down and fell to his knees. The other omega helped his best friend inside, getting him situated on the couch and scenting over him to try to calm him down. It worked for the most part so he got J/imin some water before asking his parents if he could stay there for a while. Thankfully, T/aehyung's parents loved J/imin and agreed, not caring that he was pregnant. They set him up in T/aehyung's room, even giving him his own makeshift bed for the time being until they could get him a proper one. That night both he and T/aehyung sat up, talking about the pup. J/imin was.. conflicted to say the least. On one had, he wanted to get rid of it. Wanted nothing to do with it and maybe then... maybe then his parents would let him come home. Maybe his father would apologize..but on the other hand, he wanted to keep the pup. It gave him a new sense of purpose. The two stayed up long into the early hours of dawn before J/imin finally decided that he was going to live for this pup. He was going to do everything he could to give it the best life possible.
Over the next 9 months, J/imin continued to go to school and excel in every one of his classes. It was only around the time that his pup came when he had to start missing. He had a healthy little boy and had named him Jasper and he absolutely adored him with all his heart. How could something so precious come from something so.. evil? Unfortunately, due to J/imin having to care for his pup, he had to start missing school more and more to the point where he had dropped out. He didn't want to.. God, he didn't want to but his pup mattered more to him at the moment. Since he was no longer going to school, he got a job working overnights to help T/aehyung's parents out while he stayed there. Thankfully T/aehyung's mother had agreed to watch Jasper while J/imin worked. The two lived there until after graduation. J/imin had managed to save up enough money for a small apartment downtown while T/aehyung had gone off to college, making J/imin to promise to call him every night on his breaks.
Now, the only work J/imin could find without much of a hassle was at a strip joint. They would only let him wait tables until he turned 18 and now that he finally was, he was able to start dancing. Sadly though, he had to bring Jasper with him as he couldn't keep asking T/aehyung's mother to keep watching him. The club didn't give a shit and the other dancers adored him. Over the years, J/imin bonded with everyone of his coworkers. They would all keep an eye out for each other, especially J/imin and his pup. They were special to the other dancers and they weren't afraid to kill anyone who dared to hurt them. Every single bit of money that J/imin made went to his bills and his son. The omega never gave personal dances and never went home with anyone, no matter how much they offered him. He just.. couldn't. He didn't like to be touched by strangers. He'd go into full panic mode if anyone so much as grabbed his wrist. Some nights were hard and J/imin barely made enough to pay his rent, some nights only Jasper would get to eat and when he saw that his father had nothing, he'd split his food and offer it to J/imin who would try his best not to tear up, thank his son and eat what was offered.
Now, J/imin's landlord was a real scumbag and would often pick on the omega for every little thing he could and would always try to flirt with him. J/imin ignored his advances of course which pissed his landlord off. It got to the point where he had told J/imin that he was upping his rent and if he couldn't pay it by that Monday then they'd be out on the street. J/imin argued with him for a while to which his landlord gave him an ultimatum. Sleep with him or pay the rent. There was absolutely no way J/imin would sleep with him, so he opted for paying the absurd amount of rent. He would try and work more often, would try to do more dances but it wasn't enough as he had to pay other bills and feed his son. He almost had a breakdown before his next set but managed to compose himself so Jasper wouldn't see. While dancing, the omega caught the eyes of a handsome man. Tall with silver hair and wearing glasses. The stranger motioned to him that he wanted to talk afterward which usually J/imin wouldn't agree to and he'd ignore the person, but he was desperate and maybe this man would pay him enough to keep his apartment,
Once he was finished dancing, he motioned for the man to meet him by the back door. When he walked out of the dressing room, he had to catch his breath. This was an alpha and he was at least a foot taller than J/imin. He wanted so badly to run. Run back into the safety of the dressing room. But he had to do this. Not for him, but for his son. He was right. The alpha wanted to take him home for the night and he was going to pay way more than he needed for rent. As much as J/imin wanted to throw up, he accepted, telling the alpha (who's name he learned was N/amjoon) to wait outside in the parking lot for him to which N/amjoon agreed. Back in the dressing room, the omega got his regular clothes back on and tidied up his station, getting everything he needed into his bag that he brought to and from work. He kneeled down to Jasper, cupping his little chubby cheeks in his hands. "Baby, Daddy is going to be gone for tonight so you're going to stay at uncle H/oseok's tonight, alright?" The pup squealed in excitement! He loved his uncle H/oseok very very much and J/imin was thankful to have made a new friend in his fellow dancer. With a few kisses on the cheeks and a tight hug, J/imin said goodbye for the night to his son and everyone else before heading out to meet the alpha in the parking lot.
He was led to the car, which was nice unsurprisingly and got in. He took in deep breaths all the way to N/amjoon's home, a really nice house near the beach, until he was led inside. The moment N/amjoon put his hands on J/imin's waist, the omega screamed and flinched away. It had the alpha taken aback and J/imin apologizing profusely while he teared up. N/amjoon shook his head, keeping his distance all while trying to comfort the crying omega. It took a while but once J/imin realized that N/amjoon wasn't a threat to him, he managed to calm himself. The alpha asked if he wanted to talk about anything and J/imin just... spilled his guts. To a perfect stranger who had brought him home to fuck him. He told him about what happened when he was 17. He told him about Jasper and T/aehyung and his parents and what happened with his own parents. He even told him about the landlord and why he agreed to go home with N/amjoon. By the time he was finished, he was shaking and crying again. N/amjoon managed to coax him into the living room, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders. "Well, I'll tell you what. You're gorgeous but after this.. I don't want you to have to have sex with me if you're not comfortable. How about we talk. Get to know each other and I'll still pay you. Is that alright?" At first J/imin denied it, not wanting to take the alpha's money if he wasn't getting what he expected. But after a few more attempts from N/amjoon, J/imin finally relented. The two stayed up all night talking. About anything and everything they could think of. It turned out that J/imin had a lot in common with this alpha. He even found himself cheering up and having a good time with him. When it was time for him to leave, N/amjoon handed him a wad of cash, smiling at him. "as promised." Jimin teared up again.
He collected Jasper from H/oseok's, thanking the other omega profusely before heading home to pay his landlord, who accepted the money but told J/imin that it still wasn't nearly enough. The omega bared his fangs, balling his fists up. "That's more than the amount you told me!!" The landlord grins, pointing to himself and then downward. J/imin tenses and shakes his head. "no. No I will not. I refuse." "Then you need to be out in the next three days." No amount of arguing would help. He tried. For the first time in his life, J/imin cried in front of his son, who cried with him, not knowing what was upsetting his father so much. J/imin hugged the pup, explaining that they're going to have to move and when Jasper asks where.. J/imin tells the truth. "I don't know." He can't ask H/oseok. He has a family of his own and he doesn't want to impose. He can't ask anyone else he dances with either. They're friends and they protect each other but he doesn't know their personal lives as much as he knows H/oseok's. It's then that he remembers that N/amjoon had given him his phone number. He didn't want to. He really didn't. He had only met this guy a day ago! But he really had no other choice. A shelter wouldn't take them in. He was a single parent and they didn't like people like him. With a deep breath, he dialed the alpha's number, hands shaking as he waited for him to pick up. It took only two rings for N/amjoon to answer with a cheery "hello!" but it was quickly drowned out with J/imin speaking way too fast through his tears. "I..I hate to ask but can my son and I stay with you? Just until we can find somewhere else to go please. I.. I have no other options. He.. the landlord wanted me to.. do give him favors even after I gave him the money. P..Please N/amjoon..Please." The line was quiet for a moment and the omega had figured that the alpha was going to say no. Instead, his soft voice came through the receiver. "stay there. I'm coming to help you pack and pick you two up..and I have to have a chat with your landlord."
It took him about half an hour to arrive and at first Jasper is weary but after a few moments of getting to know the alpha, the pup is all over him. Asking him questions and showing him the little bit of toys he has. N/amjoon is instantly in love, helping the little family of two pack up all of their belongings and taking them to his car where he tells them to wait. He goes to talk to the landlord, giving the man some very threatening words, even lifting him off of the floor by his shirt. He gets their money back all except the amount for the last rent J/imin had to pay before meeting with the omega and his son and taking them back to his place. He had set a room up for J/imin and had another room set up for Jasper. "We'll fill these with new things over the time you're here but for now.. these two rooms are yours. You don't have to pay me rent. I don't need it. All I ask is that you treat me like a friend, alright? I know we just met but I promise you, I'm not a bad guy." J/imin wanted to hug the alpha but couldn't.. so he managed a teary eyed thank you. Jasper on the other hand, squealed and hugged N/amjoon's legs as tightly as he could. "thank you mister J/oonie! Thank you!"
J/imin continued to work at the club as the months passed. At first he started to save up for an apartment but as time went by, his and N/amjoon's friendship had slowly started to turn into something else. There was still no touching.. sexually anyway. J/imin had gotten comfortable with hugs and even cuddling. It took him a while but N/amjoon never ever pushed him to do something he didn't want to. Eventually the two started dating. Months upon months went by and J/imin had fallen head over heels for this alpha. He never thought he'd be loved for the way he was but N/amjoon never pushed. They didn't need to have sex right now it's okay. He was ready when J/imin was finally ready, whenever that may be. The omega had quit his job a month later and as sad as he was to say goodbye to everyone, he was happy he didn't have to deal with the creeps anymore. He got to stay home with his son, get a full night's sleep for the first time in six years. Jasper was transferred to a better school as well.
All the comfort had eventually caught up to J/imin and over the next two years, he had gained weight. A lot of it. He had ballooned up to 410 pounds and now sported a large double belly, a wide, dimpled ass with thighs to match and his hips brushed against the doorframes in the house, a large double chin and round face complete with overly puffy cheeks, his arms were flabby and he had a little roll of fat over his elbows and his moobs were fat and heavy, jiggling whenever he walked. He still hadn't gotten comfortable enough for sex..and with all the added weight didn't think he'd ever be comfortable. He felt.. absolutely and utterly ugly. Sure, the weight gain was from him being comfortable and happy but what if N/amjoon left him now? What if he threw him and Jasper out on the streets because he wasn't attracted to the omega anymore? A night came where J/imin asked N/amjoon this and the alpha looked almost offended. "Minnie, I love you for who you are, not what you look like and besides, all of this happened because you're comfortable for the first time in your life since you were 17, right?" J/imin nods, looking down to which N/amjoon cups his chubby cheeks, making him look the alpha in the eyes. "Baby, I'm always going to want you and only you. I promise. I like how soft and squishy you've grown. Your hugs have gotten even comfier and it's always nice to have you cuddling against me. I'll admit, sometimes it turns me on, but I'll never act on that until you're ready, okay? I promise."
J/imin teared up, biting his lip. For the first time since he was 17, he opened his mouth to ask N/amjoon for sex. "I..I'm ready. It's been.. It's been 8 years now.. and I know it's going to stick with me forever.. but you've made it easier for me to forget. You've made it easier for me to love.. and touch and be touched again. I.. I love you Joonie.. please.. please I'm ready." N/amjoon confirmed with the omega that he was sure three more times before they began and another three times during. Each time J/imin confirmed that he was okay, that he was enjoying everything. For the first time in 8 years, J/imin was happy and enjoying himself. He felt loved. He felt comfort and N/amjoon was so gentle, always asking if he was okay or if what he was doing was too much. Afterward, when they were snuggling in bed, J/imin knew that he'd never have to be afraid again.
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
Leaving My Love Behind (part1)
Bakugo X Reader 
Words : 2199
Reader hasn’t seen Bakugo in almost ten years but when her boyfriend goes missing she all but begs him to help her find him and get him back from a notorious gang leader. 
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You had been waiting outside this building for almost six hours now. You had been waiting for a certain blonde-haired asshole. You had to admit you were shocked that he was still working. He had never seemed like the desk job type. But after his most recent rampage he was benched until further notice. It was all over the news, which made it that much easier to find him. You’d wait out here all night if you had to. You just needed to talk to him.
Rain started to come down hard and yet you remained. Your eyelids began to droop and still you waited. Your stubbornness knew no limit… unfortunately your exhaustion did. You leaned against the telephone pole behind you and you hugged your jacket closer around you to fight the chill. Shivers wracked your body, but nothing matched the chill that shot down your spine when you heard a familiar husky voice right behind your ear. “What the fuck do you want?”
You hadn’t even realized he had left the building, let alone crept up behind you. Your tired head turned to look at him. It had been years sense you had seen him in person, and you forgot how haunting those red eyes of his where. You refused to cower in his presence, you wouldn’t let him see how scared you were. “I need your help.”
“And before you can tell me to fuck off… you owe me one, and we both know it.”
His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. “I haven’t seen you in almost 10 years. You can’t just show up now and expect me to drop everything to help you! I don’t owe you shit.”
You almost expected him to storm off in a fit of rage, but he just crossed his arms and glared at you. Who was this new Bakugo? He still seemed permanently angry except now he seemed to be a little more… patient? No that couldn’t be right. He didn’t have a patient bone in his body. Yet here he stood, waiting to hear you out.
Your hands balled into fists, “Do I need to remind you of the sacrifices I made back in high school. Do you not remember what I did for you? Have you gotten so-“
His hand gripped your elbow tight enough to leave a bruise, “I fucking…. Remember everything. I’ll ask you one more time. What the fuck do you want?”
You pulled your arm away from him. “I need your help… My boyfriend… Kiyo… he’s gone missing.”  
His palms popped, “And? Go to the police, file a report? What the hell do you want me to do about it?”
An angry tear ran down your cheek. “You think I haven’t already done that?! He’s been missing for over a month and it seems like nobody even cares!”
“Tch… how do you know he didn’t just run away? What if he was just bored or something?”
Before you could stop yourself, you reached out and slapped him. “How dare you? You don’t know him. He would never! He was kidnapped by gang leader who goes by Big Shadow.”
Bakugo’s eyes bulged and you now had his attention. Big Shadow? That was the guy he was investigating before he was put on desk duty. “So that’s why you’re here? Look I can’t help you. That guy is almost impossible to find and even harder to get to. I spent the past year trying to lock that ass hat up and the only thing I have to show for it are several new scars and a temporary demotion.”
You slumped to the ground, “What do you expect me to do? I can’t just give up on him?”
To your surprise he crouched down next to you. “This sucks…. I’m not good with… you know…”
“Yeah…Want to go get a drink or something?”
Your watery eyes met his he held a hand out to you, “Look I don’t like asking twice. If you want to sit here in the cold rain and die of heart break… or pneumonia. Then whatever. But I need a drink and if you want to come… I wont stop you.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes and let him help you up. This really was a different man then the one you used to know.
You silently followed him to some small local bar down the street. You had never been here before, but then again you didn’t spend a lot of time on this side of town. The rent was too high and the people were too busy.
You took your seat across from him at a somewhat hidden booth in the back. Moments later a waitress came with three fireball shots and placed them in front of Bakugo. “Your usual. Do you want anything to eat this time?”
Bakugo looked at you briefly and then back to the waitress, “Yeah it’s probably going to be a long night. Bring out the appetizer platter and… I guess whatever she wants to drink. Let me guess? You still drinking vodka sprites?”
You almost laughed at the memory of the last time you drank with him as stupid high school punks. “Not for a while, but why not? For old times sake…”
So you drank, and drank some more, and ate all the weird bar food that the waitress continued to bring out. By now you were both on the brink of black out. Doing anything to not feel that empty pit in your stomach. “THAT WAS NOT ME! THAT WAS AAAAALL KIRI’S DOING!” You were going down memory lane from UA. You and Bakugo had been pretty close back then. Well that’s a lie. You hated each other at first. And you didn’t end on a good note either. But the middle… the middle had been nice.
“Oi… dumbass. Use your inside voice…”
“Ooooooh don’t tell me THE BAKUGO is telling ME to UsE mY iNsIdE vOiCe.”
Bakugo smirked, “You wanna know my secret?”
You giggled, “Oooooh secret! Yesssss!”
He moved over to your side of the booth and leaned close to you. Close enough for you to smell his cinnamon shampoo… or maybe it was just all the fireball shots. He turned his head to the side and pulled his hair back to show what looked like a hearing aid. “Tech development team made them for me when I signed with the agency. They’re mostly to protect my ears from more damage. You know because of all of the.” He motioned with his hands and made an explosion noise. “But they also help me hear a little better. Now I don’t have to yell all the time.”
You reached out to touch it, but his hand smacked it away, “Oi look but don’t touch!”
You blushed. “I guess that makes sense. I wonder why no one thought of that before. All this time.. you just couldn’t…. hear.” You started to tear up, your happy mood completely gone.
His eyes grew huge, “No, no, no, no, damnit we came here to avoid the tears. Please stop. Ugh shit!”
You leaned on him and continued to cry. “I’m so sorry Bakugo! For the way things ended between us. It’s all my fault. Just like Kiyo being kidnapped is all my fault. Everything is my fault! I’m the worst!”
He patted the top of your head awkwardly, “Uh… I don’t know what happened with yoyo or whatever but what happened with us wasn’t your fault.” His arm landed on your shoulder when you just kept crying, “And for what it’s worth I don’t think you’re the worst. I mean you’re not exactly on my list of favorite people. But there’s a lot of people worse than you. All for one, Overhaul, Dabi, Deku, murderers, rapists, did I mention Deku?”
You slapped his chest, “His name is Kiyo!”
“Noooo I’m pretty sure it’s Deku.”
You sighed, “No you idiot, my boyfriend. You called him yoyo… his name Kiyo… and he’s missing, and I’m just sitting on my ass getting drunk. I’m useless.” You slammed your fist on the table, “But you know what?! With or without your help I’m going after him!”
Bakugo’s hand mindlessly wandered to the scar hidden beneath his t-shirt, “You’re going to get yourself killed y/n. Please think about this. Have you even kept up with your training? I know you didn’t do the whole hero thing after UA… considering what happened. What are you going to do in a fight? Your quirks not really meant for combat.”
You shrugged, “I don’t care. I’m going to get him back. I’m still in shape. I still got the moves.”
Bakugo groaned, “Okay look. I’ll make you a deal. I will help you look for Keto for exactly two weeks. If we find him great, if we don’t you accept it and let the police handle it.”
You grabbed him by the shirt, “You mean it? You’ll help me?”
He winced at your sudden proximity, but you didn’t seem to notice. “Well yeah. If I don’t, I’ll probably end up seeing your picture on the news and honestly that just sounds like a fucking headache that I’m not prepared for. “
You lunged in for a hug, burying your face in his chest. He again just awkwardly patted your head. “For the love of god, please stop.”
Bakugo paid the bill and walked you out. He had planned on walking you home but when he learned how far it was he almost passed out. “Nope. Nuh uh. You can sleep on my couch. Too drunk for this. Let’s go.” When he realized you were walking too slowly for his liking he bent down and told you to hop on his back. “God you’re lighter than I remember.”
You poked his shoulder, “Well you’re nicer than I remember.”
He shrugged, “Time changes a lot of things y/n.”
You walked in comfortable silence for a while. Well he walked, your drunk ass was being carried. You were about to fall asleep when his stiffened, “Hey y/n can I ask you something?”
“Huh? Yeah whatsup?”
His grip around your legs started to tighten, “Why didn’t you use your quirk on me today? I mean you wanted me to do something I didn’t want to. What kept you from using your quirk to make me do it? All it would have taken was a flash of those eyes and a few words and I would have to do whatever you say.”
You let out a loud sigh, “Well for one. How do you know I didn’t? Maybe I’m just sneakier about it now.” He slapped your leg obviously not satisfied with that answer. “Okay chill. I didn’t! I don’t really use that park of my quirk much anymore. I save that for the bad guys. Which you might not be the nicest guy, but you’re definitely not a bad guy.”
He could tell you were fighting sleep as your breathing started to deepen. “What a pair we are. Not the worst, and not a bad guy.”
He managed to get you into his apartment and on to the couch. He got you a glass of water and a blanket. As he was leaving to head to his own room you grabbed his hand. “Hey. Why two weeks?”
If it wasn’t so dark you say he blushed, “That’s just how long my administrative leave is.” His hand ran through his hair, “Let’s just say I was not made for desk duty…” He gave you a smile which warmed your heart while somehow making you very uncomfortable. “Get some sleep y/n, we start operation get Kilo back bright and early.”
“His name is Kiyo!”
“Yeah whatever, stupid name.”
That night you dreamt of the last time you saw Bakugo. You saw your seventeen-year-old self, covered in blood. You saw a cracked reflection in a mirror with glowing purple eyes looking backing at you. You saw-
“Holy SHIT! What the hell is Y/n doing on our couch! BakuBRO! Did you know she was here?”
You groaned at the sudden yelling and bright light coming in through the window. “Kiri can you please shut the fuck up?”
“Oh yeah that’s y/n all right. Seriously Bakugo did you know she was here?”
Bakugo came over with coffee and eggs and placed them on the table in front of you. “Kiri. If we are the only two people who live here. And you didn’t know she was here, then who the fuck do you think let her in?”
Kirishima looked between the two of you, “Damn after all this time and you even made her breakfast?”
After Kiri left for work and you had finished your coffee you looked to the explosive man who was now looking very domestic in the kitchen doing dishes. “Hey, was I drunk, or did you promise to help me find Kiyo?”
Without stopping with his dishwashing, he shrugged, “Yes you were drunk… but yes I also did promise that. I gave you two weeks starting today. So, I suggest you get your ass in gear if you plan to get your money’s worth.”
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