#there were lots if bad things about being a swiftie then but hey at least Taylor’s love actually felt genuine!!!
vogelmeister · 1 year
omg your tags on the reblog of my post - that's word for word how i feel and i HATE it, things have felt artificial to me since 1989, reputation was better but ever since lover it's felt like that 1000x more idk.. it just sucks but yeah you're not the only one feeling that way :')
THANK YOU! It's really nice to see that someone else has been feeling this way and I really begun to think deeply into why I feel like this. And you're right, it has really been since rep that it has felt... idk, less authentic.
I remember during the red and 1989 era, taylor was doing a lot of shit that actually showed how much she loved us. And by all means, she didn't have to, but it was little things such as the hidden notes in her album lyric books that made me feel a bit more connected to her. Not to mention stuff like swiftmas, the secret sessions and of course t-party all made us feel like one big family and that she was actually thankful for us. She didn't gain anything out of this, it was all "for the fans" and it made being a swiftie loads of fun, especially those hidden messages, which lbr costed nothing to keep doing. (1989 was her last i think)
Nowadays, when she does it, it feels more calculated and less authentic and I get maybe it's a safety thing that she can't do secret sessions and swiftmas etc anymore, but now even when she does things for the fans, it's stuff like releasing loads of versions of the one album so we all buy it (see, the midnight clock), and because we have this relationship we built up with her, we feel we owe our loyalty. It feels like she does these things to show she cares, but she wants our money in return. And believe me, there's other ways you can show it. The wiping of her social media defs slightly killed her authenticity, I think. Even though I understand why she did it, it certainly didnt help her relationship with the fans or it's authenticity. I do believe she still is thankful for us, but I can't help but notice the business aspect creeping in, and I just wish a lot of swifties knew you don't have to buy in to it. She's human, she has flaws, you don't have to always defend her, or buy her merch. It's almost business at this point, and I hate it.
I hate it. And I hate it more because I almost understand why its like this.
#during red taylor could say she was thankful for us and i would believe her#now i believe her but with a hefty grain of salt!!!#i do think the merch thing can also be an issue with swifties bc apparently if you don’t own her merch#or buy all 55 copies of folklore you’re not a fan#i had a friend who was constantly telling me i was less of a fan and she always wanted my merch#the merch was my red tee from when she was in sydney and even then that brings up something else because her merch quality has gone down#and the prices have gone up and that shirt from 2013 has survived. i mean it is defs aging but it's survived the trenches#but like taylor is fully playing into this and ppl fall for it bc she apparently loves us#i may have been 12 then but at least it didn’t feel like she was constantly trying to get me to buy shit#there were lots if bad things about being a swiftie then but hey at least Taylor’s love actually felt genuine!!!#and not like she wanted my money as well as my loyal#loyalty** wow lekker bezig vandaag#also i do buy her albums on cd but thats more a me thing its a tradition with a friend i had that i plan on continuing with speak now tv#bc i like owning physical copies#also sometimes i struggle with organising my thoughts so i hope that all makes sense and nothing is lost#english is my first language i just am slightly neurodivergent#i only just organised my thoughts on loreens eurovision win. im still sad abt it but im happy for her.#also hello fellow southern hemisphere person!!
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hey! you don't have to reply to this if you don't want to, but I just wanted your opinion because you're so reasonable. brazilian swiftie here, and her image here is terrible right now. and the sucky part is that it's really hard to even defend her. everybody is just incredibly disappointed by how she's handled this entire situation. we know she's human but she's really not showing it right now. she doesn't have to say anything or stage or anything like that but she still hasn't reached out to the family in any way, not even to offer her condolences (and we know that because they said so after false reports by tabloids), and it just doesn't match up with the way she's portrayed herself over the years. stans keep trying to make excuses but an under the cover sorry for your loss is really the bare minimum and wouldn't implicate her in any way. brazilian swifties just really feel like she doesn't care (at least not more than she cares about her image, or not enough to show she cares and...idk it's rough). she's been really cold with us. someone died, a lot of people got hurt, a concert was cancelled and people were stranded and all we got were two tree-approved IG stories. she hasn't even posted about the Rio concerts like she posts about every city she performs in. she rushed through the show on monday and didn't even mention that people made it there after it was rescheduled last minute and callously (like she did for Argentina). she hasn't taken any action about Ana, not even speaking her name once, not even in her only story. it's so shocking when her whole image is about caring about fans deeply. I wish I didn't feel this way, but she's ice cold right now and it makes no sense to us when compared with how she deal with much smaller issues like the ticketmaster fiasco.
I'm sorry for the late response, anon, but I totally get your disappointment and your sadness (although obviously I can't fully understand it). I haven't really been able to rationally think about what happened in Brazil and discuss it with a clear mind because, unfortunately, something bad happened here in Italy a few days ago that has really engulfed my mind and that of all the people I know.
That being said, I absolutely get what you're saying, and I think I'd feel this way too if I was in your place. I really don't know what to say to comfort you, because the fact that Taylor never reached out to Ana's family, she didn't pay to bring her home, she didn't thank the fans for coming to the postponed show, she rushed through the concert (I noticed that too), and she didn't post about Rio are really all incredibly sad facts (some more than others, of course).
If it helps, I really think she cares, I really do, and I really think that she cares about Brazilian fans specifically and I think she couldn't wait to perform there. BUT I also think that right now she's acting in ways that don't display her care at all, and I think she's simply acting in the wrong way.
Here in Italy, saying sorry and paying to bring Ana home/pay for the funerals would not constitute an admission of guilt. I keep seeing people saying that in Brazil that would be the case, but honestly when it comes to the law most people talk without having any knowledge, so I'm not sure if that's true.
I think her team and her lawyer are advising her to be silent about all of this until things are "sorted out" (i. e., until she knows whether she'll be sued and what will come of it), though.
Even so, I still think that not even reaching out to Ana's family is a vile act.
I also think that stopping the concert the first night, when she saw that people were distressed and not doing well, would've been the right choice, and I can't really wrap my head around why she didn't do it. It would've been waaaay more efficient than just throwing a couple of water bottles to the audience and asking security to do the same.
I'll also add that swifties and their rampant xenophobia are not making any of this any easier. Plus, I think that some non-Brazilian swifties are pushing to sweep this under the rug a little too fast.
Overall, I get what you're saying, and I agree, and I'm so so so sorry. If you wanna talk more I'm here.
I really think she cares about all of you, she's "just" making A LOT of mistakes right now, imo, and those mistakes unfortunately have terrible consequences.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
hey 👋 so i wanted to know if u consider urself an “army” and if yes then would u say u’re ot7? i mean i guessed it would be kind of odd if u didnt consider urself an army cause ur whole blog is kind of centered around bts. and also i want to know how much u like each member and if u dislike any in particular (though some are a bit obvious 😭)
Hii hey. I mean, yes, in the technical sense I've always been an army, even if I've never personally called myself that. I gave the example before of how I used to like one direction too, but I never said "i'm a directioner" or "I'm a swiftie". If it makes things easier yeah, I don't mind describing myself as army. I've always thought of myself as a BTS fan and that's it. But saying "I'm army [or any other fandom name]" is something I've always considered very corny and unnecessary for MYSELF. I don't judge people who use fandom names.
How much do I like the members haha umm. It has changed over the years.
Jimin was my favorite from the beginning. I feel like my affection for Jimin has now dimmed significantly, there's a whole lot less affection compared to what it was in 2020 or even until mid 2021. Even if he's still the member I like the most, I'm more chill about it. Like an old friend you've known for ages, you just know you love them no questions asked. Sometimes things happen that remind you how kind and beautiful they are and you feel your heart bursting.
Then, there was Jungkook. At first there was a big difference between how much I liked Jimin and the rest, but eventually that gap closed and I grew to love JK as well, and so there was a gap between Jungkook/Jimin and the rest. I thought he was funny, hot, I actually liked that he was competitive, and I liked that he seemed protective of the things he loved. Nowadays, I don't feel that comfortable about Jungkook. It's not distaste, definitely not hate, not animosity, there's seriously no bad feelings at all. I just stopped being so sure of his genuinity, and I began feeling like he's superficial and unserious, so I stepped away. I'm not someone who hates or rots in bitterness about people I don't like. I'm a leaver hehe, I'm someone who cuts ties, I just leave when I feel like a place or a person is not it for me anymore. I do miss him tho, and I miss the way I used to feel about him and I wish it had never changed but what's done is done.
Yoongi was one of my faves for a while when I first got into BTS. I like engaging and simple people, simple in the sense that it's easy to get a feel of who they are, what they stand for; this is what I saw in Jimin and I felt drawn to him. I saw the same in Yoongi, and I liked that he was witty and his answers were clear, he didn't beat around the bush, and he seemed very #involved. Involved in the team, both professionaly and personally, involved with whatever purpose BTS had. They don't have a lot in common, but I do believe that Jimin and Yoongi still have these traits in common. Then it just stopped haha no reason in particular, tho looking back I think Yoongi's involvement (just as everyone's involvement) in BTS started being less and less, their interviews started becoming repetivtive and superficial, so maybe I just lost sight of Yoongi, in a way. Also ngl the constant focus on awards and charts is a turn off for me.
I never cared about Taehyung, I'm sorry. He's probably the only member that I never cared for and it stayed that way. No character development, and the little there was, it was for the worse. I've always thought he was good looking, I have eyes. And I'm probably responsible for at least 100k views in singularity MV because I really love it (present tense). He has some good qualities, like I know he's fierce about the people he cares about and I can appreciate that. But he never inspired in me strong feelings, of any type. I don't like a lot of things about him, one of those things being that everytime he says anything I have to ask myself if he's saying the truth or just talking out of his butt, which is something I started feeling about Jungkook too. He's just A Man. A childish new money money, at that. An eyeroll and I move on.
On the other hand, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok were the members that at first I didn't really get a grasp of, but slowly I got to know more of them and started liking them more and more.
I know I talk a lot and a much of what I say might get lost in the grand scheme of things (posts) but I'm actually a good judge of character lol, and hoseok seemed very fake to me. I didn't even think he was funny because I didn't think he meant to be funny, it just felt too cartoonesque. A few years ago he actually admitted that he was much more serious irl and that pretending to be funny and happy and high spirited all the time was his BTS persona and it was a burden to him. He's become more and more himself, a real Him, and I just started liking him slowly, everyone knows I have a lot of appreciation for him, I think he's very strong and that he Cares capital C. He cares about his profession, he cares about the people in his life. He makes donations to charities, he pays for stray cats surgeries. What's not to like, really. I feel somewhat the same about Jin, tho I don't think that I know enough about Jin, what he likes, what type of relationships he has etc, to talk that much about him.
I love Namjoon these days, I think it was around the 2018 tour (idol era) and BV Malta when I really started liking him. I don't remember being that interested in him before that. I liked seeing him and Jimin talking, and Namjoon was always so warm towards him. Really, (honest) words are the way to my heart. I said the other day, I don't have a type when it comes to looks, but I do have a type in personality 😅
I believe BTS is bigger than its members, it's more than the sum of all of them. I don't think you need to love all of them in the same capacity, or even love them at all to enjoy BTS. Or to enjoy what BTS used to be.
I like songs, I listen to music and I watch performances from groups with people that I don't even know the names of.
In terms of music and performances, yes I think BTS need of all of them to work. I was never impatient or anxious about solo careers, until 2020 at least they all looked like they wanted to be there. And I enjoyed watching them, I thought their songs and stages were top notch. They used to work well, all seven of them.
I just saw this and thought I could add it here, because of the question "why us?". I don't know any other way to say it other than BTS as a team is bigger than all of them. I don't know why them, but it just is. It's also really nice to remember that Jimin is realistic, that he knows and understands what supporting and believing in someone is like.
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Satisfied, Part 18
The entire bat family looked surprised.
“But -- but you didn’t try and kill Hawkmoth!” Said Red Robin after a few minutes of giving her a wide-eyed stare.
She rolled her eyes. “That’s because I couldn’t. We’re pretty much indestructible in these suits and Chat wasn’t able to bring himself to cataclysm him. It took four years, do you really think I wouldn’t have preferred to just take out a gun and fu --.”
“Y’know, just once I’d like one of my future children to say ‘oh, hey, actually I think murder is a bad thing’. Is that too much to ask?” Batman said, squeezing his eyes shut.
She raised her eyebrows. “’Future children’? I don’t want to be adopte --.”
Nightwing rested a hand on her shoulder. “Shhh, it’s going to end up happening, it’s better if you just accept it.”
“I love her,” said Red Hood with a wide grin. “Lay off of her guys. I’m mentoring this one.”
Red Robin sighed. “Not happening.”
“Do I get a say in any of this?” Marinette said, shrugging the hand off of her shoulder and rubbing where it had been for a bug of some sort. Nothing. At least they weren’t that bad. “It’s the best option.”
Batman held his hands up for silence, and then turned to her and spoke slowly, as if hoping it would stick better if he enunciated every letter: “If we kill him then we’ll be just as bad as him.”
She stared at him for a long time after this, doing mental gymnastics to figure out just what his perspective could be. “Okay, first of all, Kant --.”
“Don’t bother with bats,” said Red Hood, striding over and slinging his arm around her shoulders. “He’s not going to listen.”
Robin seemed especially bitter about the whole ordeal, stewing between Nightwing and Batman, until he finally snapped his fingers. “Oh! But you didn’t kill Hawkmoth when you took his miraculous!”
The bat family reeled back in shock and stared at their youngest like he’d grown a second head.
Red Hood seemed particularly offended. “Did bats get to you, too?”
Robin shook his head. “I just think she’s being inconsistent and a hypocrite.”
“Alright. First of all: the reason I didn’t bother with killing him afterward is because the guy relied so much on his miraculous that it was obvious he wouldn’t be able to do anything. If he broke out of jail he’d have a little bit of fight training and a secretary. Second of all: screw you!”
Red Hood pretended to wipe away a tear. “Best new sister yet.”
She grinned and finally leaned into him. “Thanks. I try.” Her smile dropped as she looked at the rest of the bat family. “As the only one to permanently defeat anyone, don’t you think I should get a bigger say in this?”
Robin raised his eyebrows and gave her the first smile she’d ever gotten from him, though it was gone quickly. Nightwing brought a hand to his mouth to stifle a laugh. Red Robin wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was laughing.
Batman seemed less amused, eyes narrowed. “How about we put it to a vote. Everyone who agrees with Ladybug, stand next to her. Everyone who agrees with me, stand here.”
Red Hood remained at her side, but Nightwing and Red Robin stepped closer to their father. Everyone’s eyes fell on Robin, who was looking between the two sides with a conflicted expression.
Then he took a spot by Red Hood.
Three on three. Great.
Marinette sighed. “This is why you don’t do votes with even numbers.”
They all looked at each other awkwardly. What do you do when you say you’re going to vote and then tie? It doesn’t really happen a lot, and even less so when it came to topics such as murder.
She sighed. “Fine, fine. If you can give an actually good option that doesn’t involve murder, I’d love to hear it.”
“We throw him in Arkham.”
“The asylum where he’s broken out of a million times?”
She rolled her eyes. “Great idea, but maybe we need something more permanent.”
“It’s not going to work, Ladybug,” said Nightwing with a shrug. “Man always comes back. I killed Joker myself once, Batman saved him, you just kind of have to accept that the man isn’t going to die.”
“Well, maybe if he didn’t save him --!” she began.
“We won’t be killing him and that’s final!” Said Batman.
All the kids looked at each other warily. The man’s voice had a dangerous sense of finality to it.
Marinette sighed and bit the inside of her cheek. “Fine. If we do it your way we’d have to lock up every major criminal in Gotham to make sure he couldn’t get out. Do you have some sort of plan for it?”
Red Robin raised his hand. “I do. You’re pretty new and no rogues have any clue what you sound, or even really look, like.”
She raised her eyebrows. “My ladybug costume is pretty recognizable.”
“True, no one else would wear something that tacky,” said Robin.
She stared at him for a second, anger flickering in her eyes. “Have you seen yourself, Mr. Traffic Light?”
Before they could argue any more, Red Robin cut in: “You mentioned taking Hawkmoth and Mayura’s miraculi. Try using one of those instead.”
She bit down on the inside of her cheek. Those were notoriously hard to corrupt and use for evil, and she didn’t want to put them through that again so soon. “I’ll think of something else, but fine. I’m going to become someone else so I can... have a different outfit?”
“We want you to get close to the Rogues.”
After another hour of going through their plans, then an extra few minutes to make sure everyone jotted it down, they finally knew what they were going to do.
Then she was handed a small black object. She blinked and looked up at Batman. “Um...?”
“It’s a way to communicate with us. Just press down and we’ll hear both you and whatever you’re hearing.”
“Is it bugged?”
“No. Nightwing tried, but if you want your privacy then you’re allowed it.”
She spun the small orb between her fingers and slowly placed it in her ear. She pressed down. “TESTING!” She yelled and watched everyone wince and hold their own ears. She smirked. “Great, I love it, thanks.”
“I don’t know what you were talking about, Robin, she’s great,” said Red Hood with an even wider grin once his head had stopped twanging painfully.
“Aw, he talks about me?” She cooed, resting a hand over her heart.
Red Robin grinned, still rubbing his temples a little bit, but he would never miss out on a chance to mess with his brother, so he spoke up: “Hardly ever stops, to be honest.”
“Ladybug this, Ladybug that. It got annoying,” said Nightwing with a small smirk playing across his face.
Then everyone finally broke into laughter as the poor kid began to flush bright red. “That’s just because she sucks! Stop making it sound like that!”
Needless to say, they only laughed harder.
With that they began to break off into groups. Red Robin and Robin went to arguing over who knows what. Nightwing and Batman were discussing the logistics of their plan. Now she was alone with Red Hood, who’s smile didn’t waver.
She glanced around to make sure no one was within earshot. “Gun?”
He gave her shoulder a small squeeze. “Gun.”
My brain at 3am: Miraculous But Actually Good
My current fic: ??
@comet-kun @thatonecroc @trippingovermyfeet @swiftie-miraculer13 @nickristus-dreamer @moongoddesskiana @i-am-ironic @indecisive-mess-named-me @thebooki3h @insane-fangirl-of-everything @deepestobservationwombat @theymakeupfairies @fatimaabbasrizvi @clumsy-owl-4178 @fanofalittletoomuch @iamablinkmarvelarmy @nathleigh @lilkymilky @silvergold-swirl @dino-lovingreen-angel @thestressmademedoit @kissa-chan @ladybug-182 @alysrose-starchild @t1dwarrior-of-earth @spyofthenightcourt @rowanrouge @nik-nak-3 @momothefemur @aestheticnpoetic @labschaos @our-preciousss @mochinek0 @eliza-bich @mythogaychic @severelyenchantedwonderland @sashakoi @smolplantmum @bluesimani
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its-a-swift-kloss · 2 years
Hey, anon. You were wondering why I support a certain blog... I'm not sure how long you've been around. This fandom has gone through many phases and so the girls' popularity goes through ups and downs. There was a time it was cool to bring hate to Karlie and she still doesn't have that much gp support, or even in the fandom. That said, over the years, Karlie lost a lot of fan blogs, be it bc her image suffered with bad PR or bc keeping a fan blog is hard and, you know, ppl have lives and social media is time consuming. Through it all, this one blog kept going and the owner is, from what I've seen, fiercely loyal to Karlie. When major support went away, when swifties decided she was evil, they've been there for sunshine. I respect and appreciate that, bc if there's one thing Karlie doesn't need is war between her own fans. If you didn't notice, I'm a fan of Karlie. And notes and reblogs are the way I can show appreciation for the work this person does supporting her. This is a fashion fan we're talking about, from who I learned a lot about Karlie's career. I can tell Karlie appreciates their work, too. Don't you think I know we have another blog posting Karlie now? I do and I'm happy. But they already have the fandom support. About the anti thing... I've seen hard days when they received angry kaylor anons, ppl coming to them to preach and tell them to delete posts on j***lie (which is pretty ridiculous btw). And I've seen some harsh words in response, yeah. But I also saw apologies when the tone was kind. I'm an adult, anon, and I can understand being angry and saying things you regret later and generalizing. Supporting Karlie can be hard and when someone goes attacking her, I get angry, too. I can't judge this person for being harsh sometimes, especially when anons come with ridiculous demands or accusations. I don't think they're anti, not in the sense they hate us or the idea of the girls together. It seems to me they just don't believe it to be true. They believe j***lie is real. And, well, that's the story Karlie sells, isn't it? Like Taylor sells t**. At least, I haven't seen them making posts attacking us. I do think they don't like to be used to make kaylor posts - say, you reblog a photo from them and comment something about the two babies theory or how they can't be married bc look how gay jerk looks (lol), yeah, I think they'll be mad and ask you to move your discussion out of their blog. But, honestly, anon, if a j***lie or a t** came to our blogs and started to comment things we don't believe and mocking us, we'd want them away from us too, right? Bottom line, I don't know them, can't speak for them and we didn't have as much as two words, but I appreciate them for being here and continuing to support Karlie. I don't think they're a bad person or an anti. Karlie needs as much support as she can get, so I'm here doing what I can.
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jazziehart · 3 years
Taylor Swift Albums Reviews
Hello my lovely blog readers,
I want to thank those of you who stick around through all my crazy rants and long Glee posts. You guys are the real MVPs and I will always appreciate you.
Anyway onto why we're here, in the wake of Taylor rereleasing her albums I found it fitting to take a look back at her discorgaphy so far! Thanks to my good friend Aly, I decided to relisten to all of her albums which the order was randomly decided. I will be talking about the deluxe editions so enjoy!
Let's start off with the first album that was drawn first which was Red.
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One of my favorite albums right off the bat with probably her best album cover. I remember how excited I was for 22, mostly because my girl Dianna Agron's name was in the liner notes. Let's dive into what I thought now about 9 years later!
Favorite Track: Begin Again Least Favorite Track: The Last Time (featuring Gary Lightbody) Bonus Track I Wish was on the main album: All of them!!! Favorite Bonus Track: The Moment I Knew Album Ranking: 6th/9
Overall I adore this album so so much. The only track I didn't care for in the least was The Last Time. I think you'll find a trend with me that my least favorite Tayor tracks tend to be her duets (the exception being Everything Has Changed which is also on this album and is the purest of all). The album has held up and even moreso I love it than the first time I listened. Crazy. Anyway onto the rankings of each song. DISCLAIMER: These are just my opinions and you can disagree with them but please be respectful.
1) Begin Again 2) The Moment I Knew 3) State of Grace (Acoustic Version) 4) I Almost Do 5) Stay Stay Stay 6) All Too Well 7) Everything Has Changed (featuring Ed Sheeran) 8) 22 9) Come Back...Be Here 10) Red 11) I Knew You Were Trouble 12) The Lucky One 13) We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 14) Starlight 15) Girl at Home 16) Sad Beautiful Tragic 17) State of Grace 18) Holy Ground 19) Treacherous 20) The Last Time (featuring Gary Lightbody)
Honestly I adore this album so much as a whole and ranking every song was so hard. Holy Ground honestly had a lot of potiental I hated the arrangement but if I heard an acoustic version I would be sold, much like State of Grace which I wasn't huge on the original but the acoustic I'm obsessed with. Moving onto our second album which is one of Taylor's newest.
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folklore! Funny enough on first listen I wasn't as into it as everyone else was but trust me, the relisten definitely helped me change my mind. I also heard the lakes for the first time which I loved. Since it's the only bonus track I'm going to say I definitely wished it had made the main album over some of the other songs on it. Let's dive into my thoughts and rankings.
Favorite Track: mad woman Least Favorite Track: invisible string Album Ranking: 9th/9
1) mad woman 2) the 1 3) the last great american dynasty 4) mirrorball 5) hoax 6) peace 7) seven 8) august 9) my tears richocet 10) the lakes 11) cardigan 12) betty 13) illicit affairs 14) epiphany 15) this is me trying 16) exile (featuring Bon Iver) 17) invisible string
Okay I know cardigan and betty being so low is going make people unhappy but honestly I just loved the other songs better listed above it. So many gorgeous songs and a great era for Taylor. It's not my favorite era and still falls in my lower half of her albums but I can appreciate the tracks on it more than I did before with the relisten.
Now onto Taylor's most recent album which came up next in our randomization in evermore
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Unlike folklore on original listen I absolutely adored this album and had it in my top tier Taylor albums but will that opinion hold up? Let's find out.
Favorite Track: no body, no crime (featuring HAIM) Least Favorite Track: gold rush Favorite Bonus Track: it's time to go Album Ranking: 7th/9
1) no body, no crime (featuring HAIM) 2) happiness 3) champagne problems 4) willow 5) cowboy like me 6) dorothea 7) majorie 8) evermore (featuring Bon Iver) 9) closure 10) long story short 11) ‘tis the damn season 12) ivy 13) it’s time to go 14) coney island (featuring The National) 15) right where you left me 16) tolerate it 17) gold rush Okay let's talk about the relisten, it still held up but to me the one thing I didn't love about the album was the bonus tracks didn't add much to the original album so I kind of see why they were bonus tracks. I enjoyed the album none the less and I do think that most of my opinions are somewhat popular. I only see people being mad about 'tis the damn season being so low but honestly 1-11, I loved all the tracks so.
Up next is the rerelease that started it all, Fearless!
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Now let's see after 13 years (hey Taylor's lucky number) if my opinion of this iconic album changed. Back in the day I was so obsessed with this album so let's see how I feel now!
Favorite Track: You're Not Sorry Least Favorite Track: The Way I Loved You Bonus Tracks I Wish was on the main album: Forever and Always (Piano Verison) and Come in with the Rain Favorite Bonus Track: Forever and Always (Piano Version) Album Ranking: 4th/9
1) You’re Not Sorry 2) White Horse 3) Love Story 4) You Belong with Me 5) Change 6) Forever and Always (Piano Version) 7) Fifteen 8) Hey Stephen 9) Come in with the Rain 10) Jump Then Fall 11) Fearless 12) Forever and Always 13) The Best Day 14) The Other Side of the Door 15) Breathe (featuring Colbie Cailaitt) 16) Untouchable 17) SuperStar 18) Tell Me Why 19) The Way I Loved You
I still remember when this album was first coming out how jazzed and excited I was for it. It was highly anticipated for me being that I had fallen in love with Taylor from her debut album and listening back it still holds up as one of my favorite albums. The only two tracks I wasn't into back then and still am not into are Tell Me Why and The Way I Loved You. Other than those two tracks the entire album is incredible to listen to. I'm so excited to hear Taylor's versions of all these songs and who knows maybe my mind will change on some of them.
Moving onto the next album to be randomly selected which is almost every Swiftie's favorite 1989.
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Funny enough, originally this album isn't in my top favorites so who knows if my opinion will change on a relisten. Let's find out!
Favorite Track: Clean Least Favorite Track: I Wish You Would Bonus Tracks I Wish was on the main album: All of them?! Come on Taylor what's up with 1989 and Red having like some of their best tracks as bonus tracks. I'm mad haha. Favorite Bonus Track: Wonderland (gee I wonder why) Album Ranking: 5th/9
1) Clean 2) Wonderland 3) Wildest Dreams 4) This Love 5) You are in Love 6) Welcome to New York 7) Shake It Off 8) Blank Space 9) Bad Blood 10) Style 11) How You Get the Girl 12) Out of the Woods 13) New Romantics 14) I Know Places 15) All You Had to Do was Stay 16) I Wish You Would
Okay listening back. I now get the hype behind it. Listening to it with bonus tracks honestly makes all the difference. No joke. It's a much better album with the bonus tracks added. Honestly if Wonderland and You are in Love were on the main album it would've been top tier to me. Thank God for the deluxe version but team Taylor what is up with you hiding some of her best tracks and only releasing them on the bonus tracks? I'm mad. Also speaking on Wonderland, I adore the song even without the rumours of it being about my favorite celebrity Dianna Agron. Had the bonus tracks been on the main album it would higher but as a whole I love the album.
And now for our next album, which is reputation!
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This is probably Taylor's most controversial albums, some love it and some hate it. I actually am somewhere in the middle. I love some of the tracks while others I could've done without. Let's see where it goes for me listening back.
Favorite Song: New Year's Day Least Favorite: Dancing with Our Hands Tied Album Ranking: 8th/9
1) New Year's Day 2) Gorgeous 3) Don’t Blame Me 4) This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things 5) I Did Something Bad 6) Dress 7) Delicate 8) Call It What You Want To 9) ...Ready for It? 10) Look What You Made Me Do 11) King of my Heart 12) Getaway Car 13) So It Goes... 14) End Game (featuring Ed Sheeran and Future) 15) Dancing with Our Hands Tied
Okay I feel like my choices here are controversal especially Getaway Car being pretty low on the album. Honestly I liked the song just wasn't into the hype that everyone else said about it, sorry you guys. Also Dancing with Our Hands Tied on the ALBUM is my least favorie song. I absolutely adored Taylor's acoustic version that was in the rep Tour. Had she released that on the album it would be after Look What You Made Me Do. The arrangement on the album I just didn't care for and I prefer acoustic Taylor which I think a lot of you gather from my top picks.
Anyway moving onto to our next album that was randomized which is...Taylor Swift!
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Ah yes the album that started it all. 15 years ago I discovered Taylor Swift via this album thanks to CMT. I was a huge country music stan back in the day who knew how this one album would lead to a career I've been following for 15 years. Now how does this album hold up? Let's find out!
Favorite Song: Should've Said No Least Favorite Song: A Perfectly Good Heart Bonus Tracks I Wish was on the main album: Invisible and I'm Only Me When I'm with You Favorite Bonus Track: Invisible Album Ranking: 3rd/9
1) Should’ve Said No 2) Invisible 3) Cold as You 4) Picture to Burn 5) Our Song 6) The Outside 7) A Place in This World 8) Teardrops on My Guitar 9) Stay Beautiful 10) Tim McGraw 11) I’m Only Me When I’m with You 12) Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) 13) Tied Together with a Smile 14) A Perfectly Good Heart
This album still holds up 15 years later and made me so nostalgic. This had to be the hardest album for songs to rank thus far. Taylor hit it out of the park on her very first album crazy. She set the bar very high, funny enough it's the first album that a bonus track is my least favorite track but the entire album is a great listen, especially if you love country. It's very different from anything else Taylor did but that's what's so charming about it.
And now onto our second to last album which is another one of my favorites and the only album Taylor wrote fully on her own, Speak Now.
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The album cover is up there with Red as my favorite and I'm excited to listen back to this album. I remember how much I enjoyed it when it was first released. Excited to see what I think 11 years later. Let's find out.
Favorite Track: Haunted (Acoustic Version) Least Favorite Track: Last Kiss Bonus Tracks I Wish was on the main album: All of them. Dang it Taylor they deserved to be on the main album. Favorite Bonus Track: Haunted (Acoustic Version) Album Ranking: 2nd/9
1) Haunted (Acoustic Version) 2) Long Live 3) Haunted 4) Better Than Revenge 5) Back to December (Acoustic Version) 6) Mine 7) Back to December 8) Mean 9) If This Was a Movie 10) Innocent 11) Dear John 12) Speak Now 13) Ours 14) Never Grow Up 15) The Story of Us 16) Superman 17) Enchanted 18) Sparks Fly 19) Last Kiss
One of Taylor's absolute best albms and it was incredibly hard to rank these songs. I know people are going to be mad about Enchanted being low but I just didn't love it as much as the other tracks on the album, this after all is one of the best albums she ever released so it's incredibly hard to make the call.
Moving onto our final album which I've called my absolute favorite, Lover.
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It's only been an year since its release but will it hold up as my favorite album? Let's find out!
Favorite Track: Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince Least Favorite Track: It’s Nice to Have a Friend Album Ranking: 1st/9
1) Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince 2) Paper Rings 3) Lover 4) Soon You’ll Get Better (featuring The Chicks) 5) You Need to Calm Down 6) The Archer 7) The Man 8) Daylight 9) Afterglow 10) I Think He Knows 11) False God 12) Death by a Thousand Cuts 13) Cruel Summer 14) Cornelia Street 15) I Forgot That You Existed 16) ME! (featuring Brendan Urie from Panic! at the Disco) 17) London Boy 18) It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Yep it held up. This album is my favorite thing Taylor ever released. It was a tough call because I loved all of her top albums so much. Miss Americana still is my favorite performance which is no surprise, I was obsessed when this song came out 2 years ago. It's Nice to Have a Friend is the weakest track on the album but by no means is it a bad track. The entire album is a great listen all the way through, the only song that's hard to listen to especially if you have a sick parent "Soon You'll Get Better" I literally bawled after I finished it. So if you don't want an emotional song that might make you sad, it's best to skip it even though it's one of favorite tracks.
And that does it for us here. Hope you enjoyed my album reviews! Just to recap here's the rankings of all of Taylor's Albums:
1) Lover 2) Speak Now 3) Taylor Swift 4) Fearless 5) 1989 6) Red 7) evermore 8) reputation 9) folklore
Excited to see what's to come with the rerelease of Fearless and to hear the songs released from the vault. I've heard a few of her unreleased songs and honestly there are quite a few that I'm hoping are released. Thanks for enjoying us on this journey as always be kind and always spread love <3
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
lover - john b routledge
requested? yes: if you happen to be a swiftie or know the song could I request a fic based on lover with john b?🥺 (I am not a swiftie but I will admit this is a song I could listen to forever)
description: having recently moved into the chateau officially, you spend a night reflecting on yours and John B’s relationship.
fill out this survey to join my taglist(s), here’s my masterlist, and requests are open
warnings: john b and reader are a little older in this, I imagined it as the summer after their senior year. domestic relationship vibes for sure, a lot of sweet fluff. I’m kind of in love with this so please don’t hurt my feelings
word count: 1.5k
You were never far from John B. At least, you didn’t like to be. Actually, he’d gotten in the habit of waiting for you to follow any time he got up to go talk to friends or get another drink at a kegger. Or anywhere, really.
But that’s where you are now, tucked into his side as he talks to some guys that were visiting the island. They were talking about surfing: the best places to go, the best times to go, what kinds of boards to use, and John B was shining. He loved knowing he looked like the guy people should ask questions, the guy that knows everything.
One of your favorite things is the way John B looks as the orange glow from the bonfire dances across his skin. You admire him as he talks, his face and hand (because one is secured tightly around your waist to keep you close) are so animated and show his excitement.
Watching John B do anything could never get old. Being right by his side any chance you got could never get old. You never wanted it to, anyway. John B was literally your best friend. The person you were closest to, the one you came to for everything. Three years of dating had passed in the blink of an eye, but at the same time, it felt like forever.
The conversation had moved on from surfing and the island to something else that you didn’t quite catch, but when there was a lull, you took the chance.
“Baby? Can we go home?” You whisper, not moving from your position of being attached to his side but tilting your head, so it was less noticeable that you were asking him something.
John B didn’t have to look at you to let you know he heard you, he just gave your hip a gentle squeeze, and you knew he’d wrap it up. You provide a polite wave to the three boys as you two walk away, going to tell the Pogues you’re leaving. John B’s arm stayed around your shoulders, his thumb at your hip, rubbing sweet circles just under the hem of your shirt. Another one of your favorite things.
“Hey, my lover and I are going home.” John B called as you two passed where your shared friends were sitting. The three of them collectively rolled their eyes but bid you goodnight anyway.
JB loved calling you his lover. To him, it felt more endearing, because he knew you loved him and he wanted to show it off. Even though you’d told him multiple times that people don’t usually use it in that context, but he never stopped. His excuse always was, “Well, saying, “the love of my life” takes too long.”
But John B was your lover, in every sense of the word. He showed you he loved you in a million different ways. It was in the way he kissed you awake every morning, in the way he was almost always touching you, in the way he protected you and made you feel comfortable wherever you were. The list could go on for days.
The van comes to a stop in front of the chateau, and John B hops out first. He jogs over to your side, opening the door with a goofy grin on his face. “Welcome home.”
Home. The chateau was your home now, yours and John B’s. His uncle had agreed to sign it over to him, and you’d both spent the last semester fixing it up whenever you had the time. It looked good now, and you were proud of what it was. So many of your memories had already been made here, but there were so many more to come.
“I think we should put Christmas lights up.” You say, playing with the hair on the nape of John B’s neck as he stands between your legs, still sitting in the van.
“In June?” He laughs, looking around.
“Why not? It’s ours now, we make the rules. Plus, it’s so dark out here at night.”
His hands that rest on the top of your thighs move to underneath, hoisting you into his arms. “Alright, we’ll go get some Christmas lights tomorrow.”
As John B is walking up the three stairs, he trips on the last one, stumbling inside but catching himself, and you, before he falls. You squeal, tightening your grip with your legs and your arms. “Jesus, John B, I could’ve died.”
“Oh, yeah, a near-death experience for sure. I’m so sorry, what ever could I do to make it up to you?” JB plays along, being dramatic with you is his favorite way of teasing you.
“Can we dance?” You ask, your lip jutting out.
“Let me shower first, okay?” John B kisses your forehead as he sets you down.
“Hurry back, I’ll miss you.” You wink, watching him skip to the bathroom with a goofy grin on his face.
“You could join me!”
Ignoring him, you sit down on the couch and wrap a blanket over your shoulders. As you look around the empty chateau, the old light bulbs cast a haze, making the air seem slightly foggy.
You looked at the empty table, five mismatched chairs sitting around it. Each one being claimed by one of your friends. The sixth one that completed the oddball set had been destroyed long ago, broken when JJ and John B barreled into it while they were fighting once.
What you’re really focused on is that your and John B’s chairs are next to each other. As if you’d be attached at the hips if you were actually sitting in them. Usually, the boys were the last ones at the table when you all gathered for game nights or dinner. You always saved him a seat. No matter how delayed John B was in getting to the table, or how many times the chairs had been rearranged, that never changed.
Then, your attention is brought to the kitchen. All of the nights that you and John B would stumble into the chateau, ransacking the cabinets for snacks or anything edible after a night of drinking at the boneyard. He’d get handsy after having to socialize all night long and not being able to tell you how good you looked dancing with Kie. It never failed that he saved his dirtiest jokes just for you.
But as you look through the window and to the couch on the porch, you’re reminded that not all of the memories here are good ones.
You’ve sat on that couch with John B and cried about so many things. That’s where you found him the day he got the news about his dad all those years ago. Even before that, he had sat there with you through a few breakups. You had this bad habit of giving boys your heart thinking they’d keep it forever, only to find out they were just borrowing it. John B was always there when it was returned in pieces, each time keeping one until he’d won you over.
John B shared plenty of heartbreak on that couch with you too. Girls had this habit of wanting to get close to him, but also wanting two of his four closest friends to disappear from the face of the earth. Boys having friends that were girls seemed to be a problem back then.
“Thinking hard over there?” JB’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts. He’s dressed in pajamas, his hair is stringy and probably still dripping, but he’s making his way toward you.
You stand, meeting him in the middle of the room like he’s a magnetic force that you’re attracted to. His hands make their home on the small of your back, and his arms pull your torsos together.
“Not too hard. Just remembering all those girls who swooned over you way back then. I think I’m still highly suspicious that every girl who sees you wants you.” Your nose scrunches in a teasing manner.
John B raises his eyebrows, chuckling while he shakes his head at you. “Oh, do girls still swoon for me?”
You hit his chest playfully, and he takes the opportunity to grab your hand and push you out so he can twirl you around. “There’s plenty, did you see that group of tourons at the boneyard tonight?”
He pulls you back in, shaking his head once more. “Nope, but I did see this one adorable girl. She definitely only had eyes for me, I could tell. Her eyes kept finding mine, and I was lucky enough that she sat next to me, much less talked to me. She did this cute thing where she asked me if we could go home. Turns out, she’s the woman of my dreams and my girlfriend. Crazy, right? It was unbelievable.”
JB’s face lights up as he talks, swaying you absentmindedly as he talks about you. You can’t help but laugh, your forehead falling onto his collarbone and your hair into your face.
“You’re ridiculous sometimes, but I love you.”
As the two of you dance around to nothing but the beats of your hearts, you feel content. You feel at home. You feel loved.
John B is your perfect match, your soulmate, but most importantly, he’s your lover.
thank you for reading! don’t forget to reblog if you liked it or send me feedback :)
john b taglist: @pogue-h , @shawnssongs , @hopelesswritingxd , @millie-753 , @thatsonobx , @jjtheangel , @ohbx , @babysbestlife , @psychicforest , @fanficscuziranout , @maebanks , @diverdown06, @thelocalpogue , @maybe-maybanks , @extratragic , @alexandracheers , @a-brooding-bird , @ughitslizz , @damonsalvawhore27 , @beth-winchester21 , @pixelated-pogues , @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar
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jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 17 For Candia (Part 2)--Mini Recap
Hey guys. It’s been a bit, huh?
I haven’t been on Tumblr a bunch lately because I’ve been busy as hell irl for a lot of reasons, but I also hate to leave a thing undone, especially when it’s so close to being done. So I decided to provide at least some level of closure for anyone who might have stumbled across these with no access to the ep and really wants to know how the story ends.
Maybe I’ll do a proper recap at some point but, for now, let’s wrap things up.
This episode is basically a series of Boss Fights standing in for the more significant but less interesting final battle going on in which the Rocks Family face off against all the Important NPCs.
Amethar and Joren together waste Grissini, Amethar saying that he might have been good to Jet, but he’s fighting for the wrong side. (Joren goes down but it’s never really resolved whether he survives or not. I feel like he probably did considering Liam’s epilogue.)
Ally gets their obligatory Nat 20 to intimidate Keradin for the rest of the fight by greatly shaking his faith in the Bulb before icing him. Then he sees the Pontifex watching the fight from the wall of the keep and makes a beeline. 
Amethar, likewise, sees Cal running across the castle wall and breaks from his unit to go after him.
Ciabatta shows up and I am reminded in the absolute DOPEST way that Ruby never used her watersteel dagger. “In sweetness there is strength, bitch.” Ciabatta is toast. 
White flags start to go up. 
Liam catches up to the Pontifex, does the insane amounts of damage that’s just like par for the course for him at this point, and drops her, taking St. Citrina’s Book. 
Cal tries to make for a secret tunnel to escape but Cumulus blocks his path. Amethar blocks him off from the other side. “What’s the last part of my title? Say it.” Cal, being forced to kneel by Cumulus, acknowledges his “Unfallen” title (throwing a man w/ the title “the Unfallen” off a roof and not checking to see if he’s dead is the very height or hubris. That’s some, “Not even God can sink this ship” levels of asking for it) and then attacks. Amethar gets 4 attacks back and his last is a Nat 20, activating Payment Day’s special ability: On a Nat 20 against someone who has killed a member of Amethar’s family? That person instantly dies. Boom. Fight is over just like that. Piece of cake. 
With all the Big Bads dead, the fight is more or less over other than logistics. Or at least it would be if Brennan didn’t have some mind games up his sleeves. As the fight is winding down, Ruby and Rina lock eyes and they both know they have a moment to turn the tide in their favor in their little cold war by attacking the other and striking first. Out of game, Brennan makes Siobhan and Emily decide secretly on slips of paper whether they each want to attack or show compassion. It’s a classic prisoner’s dilemma setup. If they both play nice, it’s golden. If they both attack, it’s even. If you play nice and get betrayed, you’re screwed. 
But like...it’s D20. It’s the Game of Thrones season of D20 but it’s still D20. 
They choose compassion, both of them. 
“Saccharina, you’re an astonishing leader, but I can’t be your subject. But please, I would like to be your sister,” Ruby says, and Siobhan keeps her perfect track record of taking me out in every finale. 
Rina has her guys stand down (to Swifty’s dismay). Ruby tells a skeptical Cara to stand down and choose family (which she does, snapped out of her paranoia by Ruby’s brave move).
Brennan’s attempt at PvP thwarted, Amethar swears on the Book of Leaves that he was named Emperor and Primsy--who is here in too for some reason--recognizes the claim. That leaves the recently (forcibly) vacated throne of Castle Candy to Rina. Which is great for her because Liam remembers the wish seed and uses it to just quadruple Candia in size, the absolute madman. 
We get epilogues! Liam becomes Master Gardener (and also casually says that he brought back the Pontifex and Kerradin to jail them which is wild because that’s not a spell that exists in this world--Ally just brute forced it in in the last second in a line so poetic that Brennan was just forced to let it happen). Cumulus takes a break from snapping chicken’s necks. Theo gets laid. Rina and Ruby do the sister thing and Ruby joins the circus for a while. Cinnamon becomes a vegetarian which mellows out his constant hunger. And Amethar enjoys time with his newly expanded family. For the first time in a while, things are looking sweet. 
A Few Notes
I’m going to fight the editor who had me worried about the “family is exposed” clip all season for the exact wrong reason. But also, gold star. Well played.  
Lol at Brennan not even getting his PvP in the GOT season w/ a prisoner’s dilemma. Like, give it up dude. Watch next season start in media res during a fight to the death to force everyones’ hands. 
On the same topic, very funny that the previous episode it was like, “Loyalties tested! Lines drawn!” and then this episode Theo was like, “Come on guys you shoulda just talked to me. I would never betray you.” It’s like he just wanted to have a dramatic moment. 
MVP this ep is Ruby with the watersteel dagger imo. Like everyone had their moment. And Amethar w/ that Nat 20 was dope but you were kind of waiting for that all season. But I totally forgot Ruby had that dagger. I, like, verbally cheered when she pulled it out. 
I haven’t watched the last AP or the behind the scenes special so I don’t know that much about unseen characters besides what I’ve glimpsed on Twitter/Tumblr but Amand Maillard looks very dope. 
I wish we’d gotten to know more about Citrina. Like I get that if you dump these players in a world, they’re gonna wanna take down The Man and often The Man is The Church and the Pontifex *did* need to go but sometimes people are just Good and I dug her (Citrina’s) vibe in the flashback we got.
I can’t believe Siobhan got me with the “Be my sister/Let me be your sister” stuff in back to back seasons. You’d think I would have developed some resistance in the intervening months. Nope! Weak as ever baybee!  
One Final Thing
One of the reasons I’ve been so busy lately is I’ve been working on my podcast*, Absolutely No Adventures, which is dropping in a tiny bit over a month. The trailer drops on Sunday so if you wanna check that out when it’s out, you can follow the show’s Twitter (@noadventurespod)! I’ll also link it here as my pinned post once it’s up. I hope some of y’all check it out! 
*ONE of my podcasts but one announcement at a time.
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bow-woahh · 4 years
She-Ra season 5 thoughts
A chaotic summary of my feelings/ reactions of each episode! Spoilers. Obviously. 
Episode 1 — Horde Prime
- First of...Adora stop throwing yourself into battle challenge - "You're not She-Ra anymore" — TELL HER SIS - The way Catra was so smug but Glimmer was not having any of it "You're just as alone as I am" if that ain't the truth idk what is - Catra wanting the climb up the ranks? Sis I don't think so let's see how long that lasts - The DINNER pissed me the fuck OFF - Oh yeah here's my obligatory SW FUCK OFF CHALLENGE - Micah, King, glare at her!! Yes!! - The way Scorpia said "Catra thought my singing was annoying" honey - That clone was SO annoying stfu about Prime being omniscient and omnipresent and shit like ugH idC - Bow and Adora are the BROTP - Scorpia stinging Adora to keep her safe - and that's on friendship - The way Prime INSTANTLY called Catra out "Adora means something to you" listen I hate the gay but damn he's smart. He saw right through her act. - "Adora chose her side and I chose mine" that doesn't mean you don't still care Catraaa - Also that was REALLL quick lmaoo the way five seconds she was like "imma climb up the ranks" then in about two secs HP was like "sis I have no use for you" - "What are you going to do to me?" IM CRYING - Adora and those weird flashback PTSD things -- are u okay sis?? - This was the first episode and I already want to cry so....wow
Episode 2 — Launch
- Adora omg she's so fatigued girl S L E E P - Bow getting pissed at everyone for not letting her rest...what a king - Catra disobeying HP and talking back to that clone but then HP took its form...fuck man that shit scary - STOP CALLING HER  LITTLE SISTER CHALLENGE JESUS FUCK - Everyone hates Entrapta wow ouch - Literally Entrapta being horny over robots is hilarious lmaoo - Mermista is a great leader and they worked so well together ahhh! I'm loving Scorpia and Frosta's friendship - Entrapta got the signal!! I'm proud -  Adora stop following holograms and illusions challenge -  Adora being all like "I don't know my destiny anymore but I know I need to save my friend." LIKE YES HONEY -  Glimmer is sO volatile like honey,, did you need to break HP's crystal ball thingy?? DID U?? -  also she knows her dad is alive now and that H U R T S ++ I bet she doesn't know the sword is broken so fuckkl -  Micah as She-Ra?? something I never knew I needed -  SW not being in this episode at all? love that for us - "I reinstate my horray" I LOVE YOU SCORPIA - "Can you stay?" MY FUCKING HEART GLITRA FRIENDSHIP HERE WE COME
Every episode I just feel immense f E AR
Episode 3 — Corridors
- THIS STARTS W BABY CATRA AND ADORA?? NOELLE WHY ARE TRYNA KILL US?? - Catra and Glimmer talking about sleepovers and Adora...damn my heart - Adora and her stupid ponytail 💀 - "I'll never say sorry!" - THE WAY YOUNG CATRA WAS SO JEALOUS EYE— - "There's no one in the entire universe who cares about me." - "Im sorry! For everything." IM SO UPSET WTF -  CATRA IS FUCKED BUT SHE SAVED GLIMMER -  HP GTFO CHALLENGE -  I'm so proud of my baby tho wow... -  What the fuck we gone do now? -  so much happened in this episode so this is a lot shorter because my brain is numb. Catra is gonna get brainwashed?? isn't she?? -  "I want to do that one good thing in my life." IM CRYING Y'ALL
Episode 4 —Stranded
- Adora is like "Catra, Catra?? saved you?? wtaf?” Lmaoo - Bow and Glimmer fighting is hurting my HEART - KYLE HAS A CRUSH ON ROGELIO?? SCORPIA DONE EXPOSED IT AHHH - Swifty tryna contact Adora?? kinda cute - him impersonating everyone was onbrand and kinda funny ngl - The way Adora is like "it's complicated" lmaoo girl everything is w you - I live the star siblings omg yeS - "I have to save someone. Someone I—" omFG ADORA - Adora is S T R O N K - she GLOWED OMFG SHE RA?? IS THAT U?? - BOW AND GLIMMER BEING OKAY?? MAYBE - Etherians really are wilding out here - YESSS THEY JOINING THE REBELLION - "Maybe we'll never be friends like we used to be."  Glimmer...I love her sm - "I can't just leave her there. I have to try." Adora actually cares so much about her!! and I love Glimmer being supportive wow we love a queen! - THE BEST FRIEND SQUAD IS BACK TOGETHER!! LETS GOO - "She-Ra is back." Swift Wind is annoying but thank you. thank you for saying that horse.
I literally threw my hoodie across the room and forgot that I did that wow lmao
Episode 5 — Save the Cat
- My friend who's ahead me said wait for episode 5 now I'm fucking S H OO K - this episode name has me shook I can't - its WRITTEN BY NOELLE?? WE'RE FUCKED - I love Wrong Hordak SM what an idiot - Catradora really is gonna be canon wow - WTAF IS THAT SHE IS NOT MY CATRA SHE IS A CLONE her hair tho?? kinda nice - the way HP said "your Catra." like low-key he said gay rights - "You broke my heart. And he has made me whole again." - "We both know I don't matter"  and "you're and idiot" "I know" THESE TWO ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER - SHE JUMPED OFF A CLIFF FOR HER - the way she's holding her?? so soft - SHE RA IS LOOKING FLY -- and is she taller?? - "You miscalculated" YES QUEEN I LOVE HER. THAT WHOLE FIGHT SCENE WAS AMAZING - FuCK HORDEP PRIME - Darla is the best Light Hope SUX - the "Hey, Adora" was SO SOFT IM SO HAPPY
That episode really hiT different Catradora is DEFINITELY canon EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU NOELLE
Episode 6 - Taking Control
- Adora. Chill. - Catra's trauma...wow - honestly I have SO MUCH TO SAY and so little at all. - The ending w Catra joining was so cute and all the Catradora interactions are SENDING ME this is the development I need - "Adora. Stay." MY HEART - thank fuck that chip is gone YAY - Entrapta and Catra making up? Catra saying "Thank you and I'm sorry" her least favourite words -- characters DEVELOPMENT - The way Catra blushed when Adora transformed GIRL YOURE GAY - SHERAS POWER IS TOO MUCH SLAY GIRL - Horde Prime FucK off challenge I hate him - Micah tryna be a father figure? cute - the endING FUCK WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT SPINNERALLA??? POOR NETOSSA
okay but where tf is DT, KYLE, LONNIE AND ROGELIO??
my mum is so tired of me screaming lmaoo
Episode 7 — Perils Of Peekabloo
- Catra just SAT on Adora's lap the PDA is unmatched - We love a filler wow - we literally can't trust anyone this shit sucks - SCORFUMA STANS STAY WINNING - Mermista and Seahawk kinda cute tho (the  heart eyes) - DT I KNEW IT   - CASH KITTEN? EYE—JUST SAY SUGAR MOMMA AND GO - NETOSSA DOESN'T DESERVE THIS - MERMISTA TO - EVERYONE is chipped WTF - DT is a theatre gay through and through   - THEY'RE FUCKED WE'RE FUCKED - NOOOO SCORPIA 😭😭😭 - "I'm the muscle, remember?" - SCORPIA'S POWER, HER REACH, IT'S AMAZING - everything is going downhill FAST - "Happy Anniversary" EYE—😭😭😭😭😭
well that sucked What the fuck we gone do now?
Episode 8 - Shot in the Dark
- The soft smile Catra gave Adora while teasing? love that - loving this new squad - the wAY HER TAIL FLUFFED UP SHES SO SCARED MAN - Wrong Hordak is my main g - the LAUGHING!! THE BLUSHING!! EVERYONE CAN SMELL THE GAY TENSION - omg Catra being the brains of the operation?? yes please - "Catra's first mission" THEY'RE SO OBNOXIOUS I LOVE THEM - "I'm going to kill your friends." "Please don't." we are ASCENDING - Casta? Strike her down anyway please 🙏 - Adora is SO WHIPPED the way she blushed at Catra making the door - "It's such a cute sneeze" BOW KNOWS IT CATRA IS CUTE AND THATS THE TEA - literallyyyy I hate SW GTFO CHALLENGE get OFF my screen 😡 - CATRA WHY DID YOU LUNGE AT THAT THING?? - OMFG MAGICAT?? (Nope dumb bitch) - "I'm coming!" "Hurry." - "I'm sorry. I got angry. It's something I'm working on" ADORA GLOWED AND SAID "You are?" WE LOVE SELF GROWTH AHH - It was Catra's hand OMFG IN THE TRAILER - Adora and cat thing being magic? we love it - MELOG IS SO CUTE and Catra can talk to it?? wowow - they love taking strays lmao - Wrong Hordak's character arc is the best one in the show - CATRA HAS AN IDEA?? YES - Preach Casta shut Weaver up - "That about sums it up, yes." I love them as a team - the hand holding? so cutee Catra don't pretend you're not whipped - oml Glimmer kissing Catra before Adora? EYE— Glitra shippers gonna be so happy at that one moment lmaoo - THEY'RE HOMEEEE
ahhh we're getting close to the end nooo
Episode 9 —An ill Wind
- oh god oh god - Catra is so badass with Melog i LOVE HER EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMAL  - having to fight your own wife? that shit sucks - Erelandia? it's free - omg HP is angry asfff - FROSTA CHILL SHE PUNCHED HER HARD - Adora and Catra are soft 🥺 that's all I have to say
Episode 10 — Return to the Fright Zone
- omg are we gonna see Kyle?? Lonnie? Rogelio?? (also nope, stupid hoe) - okay but Netossa getting screentime? YES PLEASE - I love the intro sm ahhhh - also her knowing everyone's weakness? love that shit - ouch Perfuma ouch didn’t have to go so hard on Catra and YET - omg I forgot Bow's dads existed - "Mostly bad memories" 😔😔😔 - competitive gfs for the win - Catra FLEW tho WOW Scorpia is STRONK - the dad jokes are immaculate - "I'm working is being a better friend. That has to count for something right?" - "We don't throw tanks at our friends" sis you don't give flowers to your them at this current time either - "why did I get stuck with the water Princess?" Catra...baby I love you - omg there's a fail safe THANK FUCK I was legit speechless - "There's real power in love and friendship" preACH IT GIRLIE - SCORPIA FIGHT IT YESSS - legit forgot Spinny and Netossa were fighting lmao oof - FINALLY ANGST OVER THE WIVES ARE BACK - omg THE PAN TO ADORA ABOUT BEING VULNERABLE AHHHH - Perfuma is Catra's therapist that's my headcanon - OMFG I FORGOT ABOUT SW FUCK SHIT CATRA BABY IM SORRY
damn I'm stressed out
Episode 11 — Failsafe
- Weaver STFU challenge - them taking about their abuse? we love to see - "We— I could really use your help" KILL ME NOW THEY'RE TOO MUCH - "Not because I like you" she says SMILING - Melog is Catra's affectionate side prove me wrong - Stan Entrapta for clear skin - SW doesn't deserve rights (as per usual) - DONT TOUCH HER BITCH LITERALLYYYY WHYYY - and now She Ra is glitching?? fuck - Catra is so jumpy eye— "Trust Me" MY HEART SBSBDB - Weaver really called her a DISTURBANCE STFU 💀💀💀 - Entrapta and bird horse ftw what a tag team - OMG NO BE CAREFUL - "Did you just jump in fire to save me?" SHE WAS SO SMUG - can SW burn like... now? - "It's none of your business" LITERALLY BUTT OUT  - "Catra, she distracts you, confuses you." WEAVER I FUCKING HATE YOU SM I FUCKING I WILL PUNCH MY SCREEN - Entrapdak being a thing? I do not know how to feel - "Your imperfections are beautiful."  I am.... conflicted - SW doesn't deserve screen time - Catra is an i no cap (I genuinely have no clue what I meant so sorry about that) - i think the fuck not - this episode is so stressful - Catra saving Adora >>>>>>>>> - what an awful reunion for Glimmer damn - "It doesn't always have to be you!" IKR IT SHOULD BE WEAVER - fuck dark magic fuck it all - Catra's upset?? no my baby 🥺 - this whole episode is just traumatising - Adora's heart do be glowing - Catra's LEAVING?? why?? - "What do you want Adora?" - MY HEART BEEN BROKE SO MANY TIMES I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE 😭😭 - omg this time instead of Adora leaving it's Catra (you are a dumbass DUH) - that H U R T S - ADORA TELL HER YEs QUEEN
Episode 12 — Heart Part 1
- I am not prepared for this - Adora...baby I'm so sorry - Glimbow moment with a banjo?? that was cute - Adora really is a party popper - "Adora doesn't want me. Not like I want her." AND THAT'S ON LESBIANISM BUT ALSO FUCKING OUCH  - but really Catra...do you really think Adora doesn't want you? girl are youb B L I N D?? - Wrong Hordak is MY GUY - Stan the rebellion for clear skin - NOOO WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART DON'TPLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT THEY NEARLY KISSED AND IT WAS A FUCKING SIMULATION - real Catra be CAREFUL - "We have to warn Adora" YES SIS WARN YOUR GF  - "I thought I could make my own destiny" U STILL CAN SIS - I'm scared I'm fucking scared - my HEART IS BEATINGG FASTT - I really hate Horde Prime uhhhhhhhgg - for once in your sorry life do something good Weaver jfc - "I can't leave her behind again" - BEST FRIEND SQUAD + MELOG YES - "Bow, I love you." GLIMBOW IS BACK ON AHHH - BUT AT WHAT COST??? (literally what am I saying??) - "You deserve love too." AND THAT'S ON PERIODT - Glimmer coming in clutch!! - Mermista and Seahawk do be cute tho - Micah is actually the worst rn wow - "Goodbye, my oldest enemy" CATRA COME QUICK AHH
the last episode....I'm not ready to say goodbye
Episode 13 — Heart Part 2
- ofc this is written by Noelle - "Hey, Adora" MY HEART - "I'll catch up okay? Get to the heart." - SW ACTUALLY DIED?? THANK YOU MY GIRLS CAN HEAL NOW
andd that's as far as I got before freaking the fuck out with everything that was happening onscreen but THE CATRADORA KISS WAS EVERYTHING and the ending was perfect 🥺💖
Thank you Crew-Ra, Noelle for making such a beautiful and heartwarming show, this will be remembered for years to come because what this show did was incredible and unlike anything I've ever watched.
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maxbernini · 4 years
skamfr is so much more fun when you ignore the plot, steal the characters from the show, and instead come up with headcanons about them. so therefore important scientific question: what type of music do we think la mif listens to?? here is my contribution to that below the cut. (my knowledge of french music is limited so this is english-based; apologies if the read more doesn’t work & you have to see all of this, im tagging it as “long post” so).
sekou: i feel like it’s been established that sekou is kind & empathetic in very “quiet” but important ways. he does things where you’re like, oh yeah that’s nice. but thinking about them beyond a surface level, they’re actually very meaningful: for example, hacking the account. that was second nature for him, an immediate reaction! but he took the lead from lola on what she wanted to do with it, and then took it down when she was ready, no questions asked, giving her agency (something she craves; also “maybe you’re just a good person” FIRST person all season to say that). so this is me saying i think he likes music where the emotion is...carefully constructed, but still powerful, still gut-punching. like classical/orchestral? or soundtrack music!! hello we KNOW he’s a future oscar winner (perhaps eliott would’ve been too had he listened to sekou's advice). he likes analysing films & their sound design, he loves the one for interstellar since the entire film is just science stuff + the power of love. he also likes beyonce and rihanna; songs like “xo”, “cheers to the weekend”, “bitch better have my money” and “countdown” remind him of dumb nights out with his friends. he also loves classic artists like whitney & tina turner: people you can dance to! videos on their insta + samedi 6:43 prove this (remember when he was going wild in the background when mayla were trying to flirt? legend).
lola: canonically didn’t like the music playing @ that bar (hip-hop i believe?). also canonically a dramatic teen: she has used music in her insta stories TWICE to call maya out, so i think she just listens to whatever she likes that happens to match her mood, and stares out the window pretending to be in a music video when she does so. but perhaps secretly prefers pop? or music she can jump and scream her lungs out to, like “i wanna get better” by bleachers or “shake it out” by florence and the machine? also if no one else is going to say it....she's a swiftie. she heard “love story” when she was eight and her heart ACHED with the forbidden romance of it all because when you're eight you somehow relate to lyrics you've never experienced irl, and she's sworn allegiance to taylor ever since. also definitely a paramore fan; she had a crush on hayley williams (“hard times”, “ain’t it fun”, and “the only exception” are her anthems, depending on the mood).
max: okay according to their insta he plays the guitar and SINGS so i think he probably listens to a lot of folksy/indie acoustic stuff, or at least plays a lot of them, and when la mif go camping he whips out the guitar and they have a sing-a-long. sometimes he leads; sometimes he'll fade into the background because he wants to listen to his friends or gets super into the strumming. either way he takes a bow at the end. sufjan stevens maybe when he's yearning over sekou (“i can’t explain the state that i’m in / the state of my heart, he was my best friend.”) also fleetwood mac (“the chain” when he’s angsty; “landslide” when it’s quiet & he hums it). but also rap and r&b? specifically stuff that hypes him up when he goes jogging or is urbex-ing by himself / when it's a somber, quiet group session. 100% a raleigh ritchie stan (they play "the greatest" in the car when they're driving at night; i think it's an anthem for them, max drums it on the wheel).
maya: canonically loves harry styles (she follows him on insta), but i am yet to decide whether this means she was one of those lesbians who Just Thought One Direction Were Neat, projected comphet crushes on them, or simply watched the music video for “watermelon sugar” and was like...i see the vision harry i see it!!! hayley kiyoko was important to her as a japanese lesbian teen girl but i think she's branched out to listen to other lgbt artists of colour now, like the internet (she vibes to “girl” when cleaning the apartment), frank ocean (she listens to his cover of “moon river” when she misses lola), and rina sawayama (“stfu!” when she’s having a bad day and/or dealing with racists @ work). however as a maya apologist i think it's important we also recognize that she has been known to canonically have, uh, questionable taste sometimes...so let's all accept that she unironically loves the glee cast version of “don't stop believin'” and move on! (we can discuss who the gleeks in la mif are later).
jo: ok this is the hardest one imo bc i think she’s most likely to follow in eliott’s footsteps and enjoy dubstep or something equally left field / cringey we can bully her for. but she canonically also likes reality shows and hates documentaries per their insta which seems like a more (for lack of better words) “mainstream” and "basic" thing to do, so to combine both feelings...electronic pop maybe? she definitely streamed charli xcx’s newest album & prefers her experimental stuff to her earlier pop stuff, but she mostly likes bouncing up and down. actually wait i want jo to stan, fucking...100 gecs or someone equally terrible. i want nobody in la mif to ever hand her the aux cord for that exact reason, but lola doesn't know she's unofficially banned from having it yet, so the first time they’re driving to urbex together she's like hey lola can you pass me that :D and lola does and la mif just FREEZE having realised too late and lola's very ???? but before they can do anything, the intro to “money machine” is being blasted, jo’s going feral, and lola is like. ok understood.
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carlyfrombleachers · 3 years
Liveblogging of TS6 (reputation)
Okay. Let me preface this by saying I don’t like Taylor Swift. I think she’s a boring artist, who brings close to nothing to the table. The reason I’m even listening to Reputation is because I keep getting recommended an interview of Jack Antonoff where he talks about New Year’s Day (which is a song on Reputation) and I really want to watch that but I also want to know what the fuck he’s talking about. So here we are. Don’t expect more stuff like this from me. I expect this to be just a one-off thing. Swifties, don’t fucking come after me or I will cry. The only other TS album I listened to was Lover, and I thought it was trash. Absolute garbage. And apparently this one is worse than Lover. I don’t know if I’ll regret this.
Let’s begin, I guess.
...Ready For It?
I keep thinking of that one voice clip from the Hannah Montana intro (?) where you faintly hear a girl say “are you ready for it?” and that’s my first impression just by looking at the title.
I’m hitting ‘play’ right now.
Oh nevermind, I forgot to pay Deezer this month. YouTube it is.
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Hey look, Ajay is in my recommended. Queen of reactions.
Help what is this
rockstar taylor??
what the fuck is up with the beat
chorus felt weak. this is my first opinion im not done with the track
i looked at the music video for 3 seconds and i saw a horse bye
i was distracted by the music video help i dont like this
since i looked at the music video for just a lil while i should say it looks weird. it is weird in a bad way it looks like some knockoff cyberpunk thing.
why didnt she just name this “Are You Ready For It?”
I’m... not particularly blown away by this track. It’s fine. I wouldn’t bop to it but I wouldn’t object to it playing somewhere. It’s like... it’s decent.
End Game (ft. Ed Sheeran, Future)
I don’t know who Future is.
she said reputation haha thats the name of the album
ok future is a rapper i dont listen to rap thats why i dont know him
after listening to lover i cant believe this is the same woman this is so weird
not looking forward to the ed sheeran part
“i wanna be your end game” this wasnt really what i was expecting
fuck off ed sheeran (i just reached his part)
according to some tabloid lady gaga mistook ed sheeran for a waiter? i would do the same thing if i saw this redhead fuckface on the street as well lol
“big reputation, big reputation, you and me got a big reputation” so deep!!!
I guess I should take this time to-- is she rapping?
Sorry, I got distracted. I don’t think every song needs to be this huge deep piece that must be deeply analyzed for centuries, but I do expect some interesting message or context for a track at least. If it sounds good, I’d also give it a pass. 
This one? This was boring. I would not verbally object to this playing close to me, I would just have a grossed out look on my face during the chorus.
I Did Something Bad
I keep reading the title in Akasaka Sad’s tune. You know the part where Rina says “A-ka-sa-ka sad, I’m a sucker”? I keep thinking “I did-I did something bad”. I don’t expect it to be like that.
“i never trust a narcissist but they love me” taylor talks about her fanbase
sorry to drag swifties publicly but i will forever take an opportunity to drag a swiftie
predictable antithesis use there with “i did something bad so why does it feel so good” but okay
why was taylor branded a snake again? she pretended it was “””gone””” with lover but like. it’s weird. its not like she punched kanye on stage in 2008 or something. i dont care enough to search for evidence that taylor is a snake so lol go off i guess
dont enjoy the post-chorus part where she’s like drddddddd dddddddd it feels so distracting the gunshots were more than enough
Yeah, this one was fine. My favorite up to this point, I think.
Don’t Blame Me
lol she said “dont blame me” then it buffered bye
i was showering for the past 25 minutes hello i was listening to track 10 and melodrama
i am enjoying this one kinda
“dont blame me love made me crazy” haha wait until you find out what your next era is
“i once was poison ivy now im your daisy” this is a pretty good line honestly
obligatory katy flop moment: haha taylor could hit the high notes in daisy
this sounds like a country song especially in the chorus i dont know what to really make of it
“loooord save me” this is why your female fans are called horse girls
This was... pretty good. The chorus weirds me out still, but it had its good moments. It was nice.
stop saying reputation in the reputation album
this autotune voice bits of hers are so distracting
i say as i listen to how i’m feeling now by charli xcx
yes i did just roast myself. gotta leave the swifties with nothing
god the music video for this track has 400m views this woman is making my faves look like indie stars LOL
I keep getting distracted because this song is boring. It’s... okay. I guess. The music video was pretty cute. Nothing caught my attention in the track, but it sounds like gym music. It would play on a gym owned by a 30-something white woman during the yoga classes and you know it.
Look What You Made Me Do
We’ve all heard this song. I’m gonna listen to it and then be done with it.
I guess I’ll just watch the music video.
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Okay. I watched the music video.
Really? All the fem guys dancing with her?
I’m not going to sit here and be like “fem guys are BAD and should all die and never be represented” because… lol. But it is kind of annoying how it was literally just fem guys dancing with her and doing all those faces because you KNOW she was looking for the impressionable gays to go “omg taylor progressive!!!!” and go talk about it on social media.
But am I saying that because I don’t like Taylor? Yes. But that doesn’t make my point less valid.
The music video was pretty good, the production on this track is really good (thank you Jack Antonoff xx) and the track itself is good. Not outstanding or perfect or a serve, it’s good.
Also the ending with all her previous eras? That was cool. The uncool part is most of the “look how rich I am” parts… because we all know you’re rich, Taylor. Nice SFX.
So It Goes…
i got an ad whyyyyyyy
fuck this shit i cant keep up with what shes saying im pulling genius out for this one
this is not lyrically deep i can tell already from genius
im not a fan of love songs i already have CRJ to cover that base and Lorde covers breakup songs I guess and this song is just. boring. lol
Nothing really shocking or noteworthy here, it’s just.. okay.
I got another ad FUCK
i got a boss baby ad help
god boss baby really was something huh i completely forgot about that
why am i talking about boss baby
okay. reputation
why did a baby say gorgeous
HELP i am so disappointed this is the one track with the lyric video and god this is disappointing
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i saw this and i was like “oh shit shes gonna talk about how its gonna be gorgeous when u die” or smth and
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lol. LOL. the depth is nonexistent and the bar is in hell
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who wrote this? you lied
This song is so boring, LOL. I expected so much from it and was instantly disappointed when the pre-chorus hit. You had everything on your plate and you ate the plate itself. Girl. What the hell. Why. You could’ve given us an anthem about hating your man, and you took the easy route.
Getaway Car
im intrigued
okay im listening and this sounds very jack antonoff? the shotgun thing made me immediately go o_o
it felt a bit weak at the end but at the start i was enjoying it quite a lot… i think this is my fave
I enjoyed this one quite a lot :) It was pretty good but not an amazing masterpiece. It was better than LWTMMD and that’s all I have to say.
King Of My Heart
sounds boring haha
taylor keeps putting these trap beats in things sister youre not lorde LOL
yeah this is kinda boring
i dont. i .. i knew this would be happening but i didnt expect it to be the last one
i guess the timing is accurate ha ha ha ha
i just heard ariana grande
I keep hearing Ariana Grande on this track. Is that good? I don’t know.
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
why are there so many songs in this fucking album
the beat is.. okay. it is catchy
oh i like this i think. its pretty nice
the chorus is nice. yes. i do kind of enjoy this
Yeah, I liked this one. Pretty good writing, and it sounds great.
wtf is this song why is it so horny
horny taylor is weird stop being horny please
this song is okay i would not revisit it because its just weird. do not like this!!!
when carly rae jepsen says slide on through my window it is funny but when taylor sings i bought this dress so you could take it off i die
oh that second of silence was really good
[looks at the producer] [it’s jack antonoff] :)
This song weirds me out. I don’t like it. It had its moments production-wise but it was... weird.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
I expect good things from this. With a title like that? Give me a bop.
Currently not being a bop.
Okay, it was cute. Nothing amazing. Just… fine. Cute attempt.
oh i liked the spoken part thats what i expected from this song
Call It What You Want
this is about genitalia this is my prediction
It was not about genitalia.
This song is pretty good if you remove all the mentions to her lover and her man and her baby, which are all the same person, I guess.
This is disappointing.
umm anyways
I expected so much from this track and the chorus just… disappointed me.
i love this man im gonna cry
The highlight of this song is the part where Jack Antonoff sings.
New Year’s Day
wow the reason why im doing this shit
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look at him. :)
this song was cute. nothing special. just cute. very okay.
just. okay. yeah. pretty fine.
nothing special.
Final Thoughts On The Album
It was better than Lover.
I expected this to be a concept album, all about the drama she’s gotten into? But it was just boring love songs with some extra flair. I expected great things from this album, having only heard LWYMMD from it before this. A concept album that’s just an answer/clapback to everyone’s who wronged her à la Yellow Flicker Beat (I know it’s for a movie but that song slaps and I don’t know a thing about Hunger Games) would’ve been PERFECT but it was just... love songs. I need Taylor to stop singing about love and start serving us big meals.
I would not like to revisit this. Like, 5/10. It could’ve been a lot better, but it wasn’t because you’re too afraid to cross some lines, Taylor.
Final Ranking:
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Getaway Car
Look What You Made Me Do
I Did Something Bad
Don’t Blame Me
New Year’s Day
Call It What You Want
...Ready For It?
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
So It Goes...
End Game (feat. Ed Sheeran, Future)
King Of My Heart
taylor flop stream gone now
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didon · 5 years
My two cents on this whole Taylor Swift drama
I normally only reserve my rants for tv shows, but I’ve seen enough crap in the last day that I kinda want to add a little to it.
First of all, I’m not a swiftie or whatever her die hard fans call themselves. Do I like some of her music sure, but there are other songs that make me cringe the same way there are things that happened with her that made me dislike her and others where I’m now looking back at and thinking that it was just me wanting to fit in and that it was ‘’cool’’ to hate on her. Cause I think that there really is a movement where you have to hate on successful women because they are not perfect until the point where they are no longer human beings but actual mythological creatures that we must revere or die otherwise (Beyonce and the Bee Hive come to mind). Has Taylor always been right? Nope. It’s that simple, she has done some not so great things and instead of trying to understand them, I just went with the motion of hating her because I thought it made me special (it did not).
Secondly, to the people saying that he didn’t bully her, that it was his client, remind me his job again? Dudebro is a manager. His job is literally to MANAGE people, to make sure that the celebrities he has under his care not only receive the best but are also perceived as great. Seems like him allowing Bieber to post a dig at a woman for no reason and then not issue an apology right after was a bad managing decision because the only thing it did is make him and his clients seem like pissy little boys that can’t take people not agreeing with him. Him allowing Kanye (because tell me how he could not have vetoed that whole video that I’ll talk about later) to show someone that he knew Kanye had a troubled relationship with naked WITHOUT that person permission is a bad management decision. Especially since it could have led to more than one lawsuits toward his client. I feel like a manager normally tries to avoid his clients getting sued. So either he allowed her to be bullied by his clients and probably had his own hand in it or he’s shitty as his job and should not be allowed to manage anybody. Because it has to be one or the other, there is no third options where he didn’t advise his clients not to do bad things and had no knowledge of it. If anything, he could have at the very least if that was the case wrote his own appology for being in Bieber instagram. No instead he chose to stay silent, giving his approval toward it and to keep people that were attacking a female celebrity for pissy reasons as clients.
Thirdly, concerning the whole Bieber thing. Dude has to stop talking. He is not someone that can truly speak having grown up being influenced by Dudebro. Didn’t he sign Bieber when he was still a minor and everything? And yet he allowed him to make a fool of himself more than once, to be agressive toward more than one person knowing that it could cost sales. Dudebro was both a bad manager and a bad friend toward Bieber. Bieber who seems to act as if a lot of his fanbase isn’t young influencable girls that he is pushing toward not only bad decisions like bullying someone else because the friend of a friend doesn’t like them and also supporting people that are homophobic. Because let’s remember that for a long time (and I think still now but I’m not 100% sure), Bieber was friend with this pastor who was known for being homophobic. You can’t call someone coming at your friend a bully, but then have one of your close friend be someone telling others that something they have no choice in makes them bad, evil in some cases and that the one person that is supposed to love them (I’m talking about God here for the Catholics) hates them. How many queer people are we going to lose to suicide because they are constantly told by some biggots that God hate them, that they are going against everything that is good, that they shouldn’t be allowed near children, etc.? And no saying that just because you attend his congregation and hang out with him doesn’t mean you don’t agree with him. This isn’t the same as someone prefering strawberry milk over chocolate milk, this is someone spewing hate to who not only are you giving a platform by being near them (because yes it does), but are listening to. How many young teens are going to see that guy and go ‘’hey Bieber follow him so maybe he’s right’’? When you chose to be a celebrity, yes it means that you lose part of your privacy, but it also means that you should be obligated to lend your voice to those who aren’t listened to. Taylor Swift did that with her letter against homophobia, with her video and her support of queer artists. Bieber does that by giving a biggot relevance and then getting mad when his ‘’friends’’ are called out on their bad behaviours.
Fourtly, the whole Kardashian/Kanye thing. I can’t believe it’s 2019 and it has to be addressed but it is NEVER okay to showcase somebody else’s naked body even if it’s for ‘’Art’’ without their permission. His video was not only revenge porn, it’s an attack on her. Revenge porn is mostly defined as sharing private pictures of someone. This isn’t the case. She didn’t send his a naked wax art of her body. As far as I’m concerned, this is straight up violating her privacy and her body. And not only hers but the one of everybody else included in that video. Sure he probably has the signed statement from his wife saying it was okay, but does he has the one from every single other person? Also stating where their wax double would be placed? Because I’m pretty sure that Rihanna wouldn’t have said yes to her body being exploited by a man and placed next to someone who’s biggest relevance is the fact that he ABUSED her. It’d be the same as a celebrity asking fans to stop drawing porn of them and then getting backlash from their fans because they believe that they own that celebrity body. Your body is your own and no egomaniac should be allowed to have a naked wax statue made of it and put it in his video. Speaking of videos, Kim’s one is void. Not only is it clear that the video has been edited, but it was ILLEGAL!! A court would not take it as proof of anything just based on this alone. This is the same as a cop breaking and entering to get proof to arrest someone because a warrant takes too long and he’s sleeping with the other suspect. I don’t care if she actually agreed to one line and not the other or whatever. The whole video is void and should never be mentionned because it’s something illegal that again violated someone’s privacy which a celebrity should really know about. Especially Kim. The whole claim that Kanye made Taylor famous is ridiculous too. Bitch didn’t make her famous, he made an ass of himself. She became famous with her own hard work and good strategy (something her manager might have a hand into). What he did at that award show was just stealing a moment from a woman because he was prissy he didn’t get his way. There’s a reason why Beyonce gave the stage to Taylor and that everybody got mad at him. He took a young woman achievement and try to ruin it because it wasn’t what he wanted. That shows clear immaturity and if anything it made him more famous that it made her. She wasn’t known as Kanye’s victim, she was known as a singer while he was known as the guy that made an ass of himself and ruined a 20 years old big moment. I don’t care who deserved the award more or if he was right, nobody else does it and for a good reason. I may not have always have agreed with award winners, but you haven’t seen anybody stopping Matthew McConaughey speach saying sorry to interrupt but Chiwetel Ejiofor had one of the best performance ever. It’s almost like his manager should have stopped him from making a fool of himself.
Fiftly, just a little mention for Demi Lovato that came to Dudebro defence. Girl is coming out of a very emotional situation, is probably not 100% okay yet so don’t send her hate. Plus, she has known him about two months and he makes money off her so he has probably not been a dick to her. Her entire defence may even have his hand in it since people around her may be employed by his company. I almost killed myself over a year ago and I know that I’m still very emotional and that people can still have a big influence on me depending on how I’m feeling. I can’t imagine being around people that may not have your best interest 24h/7. On her claim that he is not homophobic because he signed her though, I will say that she can’t refute somebody’s experience with the man simply based on her own especially since she’s a famous artist that probably brings him a lot of money. Plus, while she’s a queer woman that consider herself fluid (and good for her tbh), it doesn’t mean that she has the same experience as a gay person. She has (mostly) dated men in the recent years and biphobic people will use it as an excuse to say that while she is ‘’fluid’’ she’s mostly straight (which is bull, but that might be how they see her in her mind). She can’t come at a gay man and say that because she’s also queer, the man cannot be a bigot toward anybody in the queer community. Heck, queer people in the queer community are bigots toward other members. How often do we hear transphobia or biphobia coming from queer people? The answer is too often. Especially black queer people who are often erased from their own history (*cough* stonewall and camp *cough*)! My own father was super friendly toward a trans tennant he had, calling her by her name and the right pronouns like it was nothing, only using her deadname on the official papers since it wasn’t officially changed, but to me he told me that if I came out as trans he would kick me out because I am his daughter not his son. If you asked that woman than yeah my dad is a great ally, but she wouldn’t know how he interacts with other queer people including his own daughter.
Finally, on the whole master thing. Shut up. She wrote the songs so I don’t care who owns the right right now or if they gave her a chance to ‘’buy’’ them back. This is her own work. When Devianart started selling artists art without their consent because they ‘’owned’’ it, how many people did I see on this website calling for a boycott? How many people were pissed and swore that it was horrible and that no artist should ever lose the right to their own art? Well, it’s exactly the same for her. Yes even for those songs of hers I hate. She put her time, her effort in them and so they should be hers. The idea that some white dudebro has right over them is ridiculous. The fact that he will own her feelings, a part of her soul should be upsetting especially since one of his artist already violated her body by showing it naked without her consent. I would be furious if I was raped and a friend of my rapist got the right to some of my writing. Heck, I would probably be a lot more agressive than she was in that post. The fact that she managed to stay polite and calm is a miracle if you ask me. Especially since he will be making money of a video that his friend and client didn’t even deem good enough to win an award!! Cause let’s remember that as cringy as it might be to look back at how we were all obsessed with some of her music video (god knows I was even though I would have never admitted it at the time), a man representing someone who put her down for one of them is going to make money off them. 
This is in no way acceptable and I encourage people to raise their voices against this and to keep those boys (because they are not men let’s be honest) accountable for their actions. Cause when Kesha needed help getting away from her rapist, Taylor Swift gave it to her and no matter how famous you are, you deserve to have people stand up for you. I’m not saying send hate, but keep holding men accountable for their shitty behaviours and for the creepy thing they say about women. We are not their objects, they do not own us in any way and we need to unite to stop them disrespecting us!! No matter your feeling on Taylor Swift and her music or her previous actions, this is something hateful that’s happening to her and women need to stand up and support each other! We own it to each other!!
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
The one that's on our mind, 365, all the time...
Will Rivitz: The Singles Jukebox -- Corrections, June 21 2019: The author of this blurb has previously stated that the selection of Meghan Trainor as LA Pride headliner would forever be the nadir of Pride-related programming. The author regrets the error. [1]
Joshua Copperman: The discourse for "ME!": "What does this mean for Taylor's next era?" The discourse for this lyrical clusterfuck: "What does this mean at all?" It's a much more interesting production, without stock horns and with some nice "Royals"-y vocal layering, but it's the most incoherent thing she's ever released. Is it about stans? Is it about homophobes? Is it a coming out song? Did Taylor throw the first shade at Stonewall? What is HAPPENING?? I'm sorry, I need to calm down. [3]
Will Adams: Taylor said "Gay Rights!" Kind of! Sort of. Well... it's complicated. Not necessarily because of her status as a cis straight woman, but because the message itself is so damn muddled. Stans and trolls and bigots and music journalists are lumped in the same mass of "haters," and while it's worth noting that this by no means the first anti-haters pop song to exist, the overt political text here results in lots of crossed wires. The song suffers as a result too, throwing half-formed catchphrases at the wall to see what sticks: the chorus is a melodic void (odd considering Taylor's songwriting strength); the "gowns" reference is too subtle to register; the patter results in odd scansion throughout ("like it's PUH-trón"); and "snakes and stones never broke my bones" is no more clever than "don't need opinions from a shellfish or a sheep." Speaking of Katy, also wrapped up in all this is a resolution of a beef that never seemed that important except as something for either party to mine for big single launches. It's all too much, especially for a not-bad track that fizzes just fine on its own. It'd be churlish to ask Taylor to take her own advice; for now all I ask for is coherence. [4]
Jonathan Bradley: Taylor Swift has always had a talent for deploying sharp and piquant phrases, the sorts of lyrics that tell blunt little stories like animated gifs. It's an opportunity for her to go broad and get funny: "Some indie record that's much cooler than mine," for instance, or "I can make the bad guys good for a weekend," or "I don't love the drama, it loves me." "You Need to Calm Down" is like an entire song built from these lines, and it whirls by like a Twitter thread or an Instagram story. Taylor sass is a lot of fun, and many of these ripostes are satisfyingly catty in their insouciance ("I'm just like, 'hey... are you OK?'" might be the best of these). Swift has shrugged off detractors on "Shake It Off" and "Mean," but she is more single-minded this time, and that focus paradoxically dilutes the intent. Swift's greatest strength as a songwriter is her interiority; she's adept at examining and interpreting her own feelings. But a consequence of that is that she is far less certain when she needs to step outside the bounds of her own head. The worst song she has ever released was a charity single called "Ronan," in which Swift sung in the voice of a mother who had lost her child to cancer; so talented at realizing her personal traumas, she proved incapable of reconstructing her sympathy for that bereavement in her own voice. "Calm Down" has some things to say about homophobia, and in this terrain outside her own experience, Swift's words are not so much unpleasant as awkward and a bit superficial, particularly in their uncertain invocation of "shade" as bigotry. (If stan theorists needed evidence that Swift is indeed as straight as she publicly presents, it's here: a queer Taylor would not have written a second verse as disengaged as that one.) But even diluted, Swift singles are still constructed tight. This one continues finding the pastel inversion of Reputation's skeletal synth sound, and echoes "ME!" with a hook of vowel sounds as palilalia -- "oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh..." this time, rather than "me-hee-hee." It's a tic that works -- in moderation. [7]
Alex Clifton: (Puts on music critic hat) It's stronger than "ME!" (which isn't hard but worth noting), I'm glad she takes swipes at homophobia but equating that with personal shots is a little bit weird, it's super catchy but the lyrics are still a little lacking, and I still can't remember all the words even though I have the melody memorized. (Takes off music critic hat, puts on bisexual Swiftie stan hat) EVERYTHING IS RAINBOWS AND MY BRAIN WON'T STOP SINGING THIS AND I WOULD MARRY TAYLOR SWIFT, HAPPY PRIDE!!!!! [5]
Alfred Soto: I'm sure it will sound fine on the radio, especially played beside "Bad Guy" and "Old Town Road." The maximalist intentions behind the Everest-sized synth bass and her rat-tat-tat delivery bespeak a mind that recognizes it's the one needing calm. Except for the "parade" line, I wouldn't have known this alludes to Pride if I hadn't watched the video. I don't feel pandered to as a queer man because, after all, a Pride parade is superficial performativity anyway. [6]
Katherine St Asaph: Give her this: the stacked-up arpeggio in the chorus is an absolutely brilliant hook, particularly the second time when it goes over the top. The rapid-fire prechorus is pretty good too. But the beat is the same freezer-burned "Paper Planes"/"With Ur Love"/"Send My Love (To Your New Lover)" chill, the accents are so far from the right syllables they've filed a misSING perSONS REport, the conflating of trolls with professional critics with the literal Westboro Baptist Church is bad (as is the weird class shit in the video, as if you can't be anti-gay and present like a Pleasantville star), and all this was done much better on "Mean." [5]
Katie Gill: In a way, this song is hellishly brilliant. Taylor Swift has provided her standom with a weapon, something that they can wield against any form of criticism. Want to write an article criticizing the fact that Swift seems to put "homophobia" and "me having internet bullies" on the same level, the fact that the video tactlessly paints rural Americana as the enemy of LGBTQ+ people instead of the Mike Pences of the world, or the fact that the second verse leans way too close to the sort of tactlessness that only aggressively woke allies can pull off? Expect a flock of Twitter replies telling you condescendingly that "you need to calm down" and "you're being too loud," as people ignore the half-assed condemnation of standom during the song's third verse in favor of using Swift's lyrics as a cudgel against any perceived haters. For all that Swift is trying to shed the sneaky snake image, traces of it still linger between the lines. [3]
Edward Okulicz: The people who said "Heartbeats" by The Knife was the future of music were right in 2003, and based on this, have now been right for 16 years and counting. That enormous synth-bass takes a song that should have been awful on paper (ugh, a thematic sequel to "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things," which itself is why we can't have nice things, like good Taylor Swift songs), with the second verse featuring the worst lyrics Swift has ever written, and makes it frisky and playful. The "uh-oh uh-oh UH-OH!" hook is legitimately her best in years. Obsessing about someone is tedious, obsessing about those people is even more tedious, but for once, Swift sounds like she's legitimately above it, even if I don't think she knows what "shade" is. I wanted to hate this for its posturing, but I can't, because of the "uh-oh" bit. But just between you and me, I liked Katy Perry's last single more. [6]
William John: I'm always happy to hear songs that approximate the "Heartbeats" melody, and the layered vocals here sound lovely, but Dorian Corey didn't keep a mummy in her house for fifteen years for "shade" to be misinterpreted so flagrantly. [3]
Danilo Bortoli: Is it fair to demand political accountability from artists? The question remains thorny these days, but when Taylor Swift blatantly goes after pink money, the answer is yes, loud and clear. The case made for "You Need To Calm Down" has pulled the identity politics card (as usual, The Onion put it better). That is, Swift's song oversimplifies an ancient struggle for recognition, making up a narrative that isn't Taylor's to call her own. But what is more infuriating is the sugarcoating: the fact that pride should come only from within, and the naive and painful suggestion that a homophobe would go silent after a line as awful as "shade never made anybody less gay". That is to say, when it comes to protest, I prefer it the French way. Which is why all of this begs the question: Would you tell Richard Spencer to "calm down"? No, of course you wouldn't. [2]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: There are probably 2300 words elsewhere in this post about the politics and rhetoric of Taylor's words here (and I'll get to that), but first I feel obligated to talk about how "You Need To Calm Down" works on a purely musical level. It sounds like ass. It takes the bag of tricks that Swift used on "Ready For It?," the most musically captivating of Reputation's singles, and sands off all of their weird edges. Yes, there's a bass thump to welcome you in, but without the distortion it just sounds like Taylor's doing "Royals"-lite (I mean, Joel Little did produce.) And with the fangs off the verse, the lift to the chorus fails to land. It's all just sound, an undifferentiated, imperial wave of midtempo banger signifier without a real hook. Even Swift's vocals, which have always been her most compelling tool, can't sell the song's vibe -- she's confused not giving a fuck for calm. Of course, it's not entirely clear what "You Need To Calm Down"'s vibe, or point, even is. It's trying to be clever, with its winking references to stale LGBTQ and feminist symbology, but by conflating (or at least juxtaposing) those struggles with the problems that Taylor Swift has as a widely hated famous person, it ends up saying nothing at all. In the end, "You Need To Calm Down" is less a coherent song in itself than a Potemkin village to situate endless thinkpieces in. Make it stop. [3]
Ashley Bardhan: I know the title is "You Need To Calm Down" but there are no human words that can aptly describe how much I hate this song. Think of a young pigeon cooing as it flies through a fish market, weaving over and through the glistening crates of silver-scaled fish and ice. Oh no! There's a problem with a shipment! The owner angrily tosses a fat fish into the air, and its scales glint as it smacks the pigeon mid-air and onto the ground with the full brunt of its weight. The pigeon sees the fish market, its final flight, behind its closed eyes in a hurried blur. It weakly wheezes its final birdsong, and then... nothing. Yaaas, hunty. [0]
Iris Xie: 🤷 This is so tired, I can't even be that mad about it. The only question I have, because this song and MV isn't even worth a QTPOC-centered thinkpiece from me is this: when is the Post Malone + Swae Lee + Taylor Swift collaboration happening? This sounds so much like "Sunflower" and is just as deadening. Even the excitement of one of my besties sending me an ~*urgent*~ text message about Katy Perry and Taylor Swift making up over their imaginary feud, once they realized it hurt both of their fanbases, can't even ignite an ounce of care from me. (Bless your heart, my dear friend.) If she really wanted to pander to the gays, she could've just written a sequel to "Look What You Made Me Do" and become a slicker conduit for the less graceful parts about being in queer scenes, which can be about petty, messy drama, rather than being the subject of rage and apathy about being another harbinger of happy happy HAPPY gaypropriation. Like, whatever, she can have her extremely meaningless self-declared ally medal. I've been calm, just give me actual music. [2]
Isabel Cole: It's like this: A while ago I was catching up with an ex who mentioned he'd recently come back into contact with someone we'd known in high school -- acquaintance of his, frenemy of mine, a few sparkling months of giggling BFF-ship deteriorating across a year I spent defending her while she shit-talked my fashion sense in the girls' room to the local blabbermouth -- and he told me, with an ironic arch of the brow, that when my name had inevitably come up she'd said, "Isabel and I used to be so close; I wonder what happened." Reader, I spent like a week losing my mind, repeating the story and relitigating the history to anyone who would listen while bitterly making fun of her internet presence. Was this because I am petty and emotionally volatile? Yes. But it was also because there is a certain level of willful detachment from reality which I do not have the cognitive capacity to process adequately. Taylor Swift having the gall to tell any human on earth to calm down makes me feel insane the way it makes me feel insane to see someone citing as evidence of their incurable adolescent unpopularity the dorky AIM screenname they picked based on an affectionate joke I made. Taylor Swift saying "take several seats" makes me feel the same combination of spiteful and enraged as reading a line recycled from Livejournal in 2005: please learn like everyone else to disguise the extent to which the human brain is a machine wired to seek validation, the transparency of your desperation is making all of us uncomfortable! God, I wanna snub her in a lunchroom so bad. The song is unappealing in ways that barely merit mentioning -- verses that sound like they were reverse-engineered from a MIDI file of the superior but hardly sublime "Gorgeous," chorus that throws in the plodding piano of roaring bravery -- but even beyond the equivalency it implies between Twitter making fun of her and, like, hate crimes, I find the bridge particularly embarrassing, because of how artlessly it reveals its origin: Taylor Swift literally read a Tumblr post (or, the algorithm we call Taylor Swift processed several hundred Tumblr posts) from 2011 saying "stop pitting female artists against each other [handclap emoji etc.]!!!!!!!!!!!" and thought, Wow! Feminism! As for the possibility that this is another masterful turn from Taylor the troll (or troll!Taylor as there is a distressingly high chance she'd say) and by falling for it I've let her win: (1) Taylor Swift is always already winning, this is exactly what Marx was talking about (2) Let me kick it back to my ex one more time: when I asked what she was like these days, he considered and said: "I thought she'd developed self-awareness, but then I realized it was just self-identification." Yeah. [1]
Scott Mildenhall: You know sometimes, when you read the annotations on genius.com, how their deductions and inferences appear to have been made by algorithm? For instance, the notion that this being released on that loud American guy's birthday "seems to support the theory" that one line is about him? This is what would happen if that algorithm was tasked with writing a satirical song. [5]
Stephen Eisermann: My take? This is more lazy allyship than commercialization of pride. Plus, it's kind of a bop. Sucks, then, that Taylor completely misunderstands what shade is -- but did we really expect any better? [6]
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milkshake-at-pops · 5 years
Tour of the Heart: Chapter 8
chapter 7/masterpost/chapter 9
let us know if you want to be tagged!
As Hollywood-chic as the tour bus was, it only took a day or so for Archie to get sick of it. It was cramped, and besides, he wanted to see the rest of New York City. This was Ronnie’s hometown, not his, and their first concert was tomorrow. Also, he wanted to get to know Jughead.
The reporter seemed like an interesting guy— he’d mostly kept to himself — and Archie’s manager had told him, in no uncertain terms, that the publicity for this tour could make or break his career. On a more personal level, Archie wanted to know what was hiding underneath Jughead’s beanie and his quiet demeanor.
“Hey Veronica,” Archie said, to his friend who was sitting five feet away from him on the other top bunk. “Do you know any good bars around here?”
Veronica giggled a little, for no reason that Archie could see. “Hmm… who are you taking? I hope it’s me, because there’s no way I’m letting you go bar-hopping on your own.”
“Um, actually, I was thinking of taking the reporter. Jughead, I think.” Archie swung his legs over the side of his bunk, looking at Veronica, who was reading a book, glasses on. Despite her offer to go, she didn’t look in the mood. Books and clubbing don’t mix well, at least according to Ronnie. Archie had never actually gone out clubbing before, it’s not like Riverdale had much of a night scene in a town where everyone went to bed before ten o’clock.
Lowering her reading glasses to look over at him, Veronica let her book fall in her lap. “Jughead… well, that changes things! I actually went to high school with him, fun fact, so I think I can give you two a solid recommendation. He actually dated a friend of mine for a time— before he moved on to Kevin Keller. They were cute, high school sweethearts, but it didn’t last. I wish I’d stayed in touch with him to know how it ended, though. It was very Breakfast Club of them— the theatre kid and the recluse. I swear, the two of them fulfilled every single gay stereotype during high school. Which was breaking stereotypes in its own way, although I do think I did that a touch more than they did. Being a feminine and out bi girl was… something.”
Archie was already down from the bed, tugging his shoes on and picking out a shirt from his suitcase. “What was the bar’s name again?” he asked, completely tuning out Veronica’s ramble.
She sighed. “Metropolitan. It’s in Brooklyn, so you should call an uber. And, fortunately for you and Jughead, it’s pretty cheap.”
“Metropolitan. Sweet, let me just grab Jughead from the kitchen and then we can get going,” Archie said, giving Veronica the smile that, unbeknownst to him, had already enraptured Jughead Jones. “Thanks for the spot.”
He found Jughead in the kitchen, eating a bag of sea salt and vinegar chips. “Oh, hey Archie. Didn’t see you there,” Jughead said, quickly shoving his phone into his pocket the second he saw Arch. “Want some chips?”
“Um, no thanks, because I was kind of wondering,” Archie began, wondering why his words were sticking in his throat. “Do you want to go get a drink or two, and um, get to know each other? I mean, I can’t exactly have the star reporter, Jughead Jones, on my tour bus without getting to um, know him some more than just your excellent fashion sense.” Archie’s eyes moved from Jughead’s beanie to his black t-shirt to his equally black ripped jeans, not sure what to do now that he’d stopped talking.
It took a few seconds for Jughead to respond, his face flushing slightly as he responded. “Sure, I’d love to become more acquainted with the world-class musician that I’m touring with, especially since I’m just…” A Buzzfeed “reporter” who has never actually written an article for their news section before now. “... so excited for the rest of the tour. Let me get my um…” don’t say condom, don’t say condom “Jacket. Because it might be cold. Then I’ll join you in the uber.”
Jughead bolted out of the room and dove into his suitcase under his bed which, unfortunately, was underneath Arch’s bed because Cheryl had already claimed the one under Veronica’s. Trying and failing to not ponder the sheer embarrassment of having in-the-flesh Archie Andrews walk into the kitchen while he had Archie Andrews’ instagram page up on his phone, he grabbed his old leather jacket (with a snake on it, because Toni had bought it for him as a gag gift) and took a deep breath to steady himself before walking back into the kitchen.
Archie Andrews felt a little awkward with his hand in the bag of chips that Jughead had just been eating, but they were addictively good and he was still waiting for the uber. He took note of how the leather jacket Jughead wore fit him well, like the sort of thing Jughead had worn enough that it had just become a part of him. “The uber’s going to be here in a couple minutes, you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready to go. I wasn’t expecting this like, at all, but I mean, getting a drink barely requires a lot of preparation. Unless you’re Cheryl, in which case it’s usually an hour of raiding her closet for the best outfit and four selfies before we even reach the bar,” Jughead said, secretly very glad that his friendship with Cheryl meant that he knew rich people took ubers to clubs, not the bus. Or just walking, honestly. Just because Jughead had never actually been to a bar unless Cheryl dragged him didn’t mean that he didn’t know exactly how he’d do it without her.
“Sounds a lot like Veronica, but add the fourteen calls to the manager of the club so that she can get free drinks,” Archie said, laughing a little. His phone dinged in his pocket. “Oh, our uber’s here.”
They got in the uber, and instead of the awkwardly silent drive that Jughead had expected from someone who was as undoubtedly cool as Arch Andrews, the singer talked his ear off. From exploits with Veronica to ridiculous high school stories in Chicago, Arch had no problem sharing his life with someone that he barely knew.
And Jughead found himself, the guy who barely bothered saying more than four words to anyone unless it was via email, talking just as much. He told Archie about all the shit Cheryl had dragged him into, including when she’d demanded that he, as her best friend, find her a girlfriend, and, since it was four AM on a Friday night, Jughead prank called Toni.
“Wait, they actually got together?” Archie said, shaking his head.
“Cheryl and Toni, or fucking Choni, as Cheryl insisted on calling them, went strong all throughout our sophomore, junior, and senior year of college. I don’t know why I decided to play drunk Cupid in that moment, but I don’t regret it,” Jughead said, smiling at Archie’s attentiveness. Their uber pulled up next to the club, and Archie held the door open like a gentleman for Jughead, who wished that his beanie could become a ski mask so that his blush wouldn’t be so obvious. He could only imagine how much he looked like the cousin of a tomato.
They walked inside, and ordered drinks. Jughead took one look at the vibrantly colored menu full of words he couldn’t pronounce, and said “I’ll have what he’s having.” The bartender shot him a wink as he slid their drinks across the bar. Noting that the bartender was shirtless, Jughead took a sip of his not-half-bad cocktail and focused his attention back to Archie.
“So, Toni Topaz. How do you know her? She’s a Youtuber, and um, that doesn’t exactly seem like your crowd,” Archie said, once again taking in Jughead’s “It’s not a phase, mom” outfit.
“It’s not, really. Actually, we were friends way back in high school, she’s a part of my silly friend group. She actually gave me this jacket, by the way,” Jughead said, spinning around in the bar stool to show the back of it. “Which has a snake on it, because our groupchat name throughout all of high school was the Serpents.”
“No way, that’s so cool. Why the Serpents? Snakes are kind of gross,” Archie said, taking a drink from his glass.
“Like all good stories, this one begins with a Taylor Swift song,” Jughead said, feeling a wave of nostalgia as he remembered how it happened. “Okay, so there’s this guy in our group, goes by Fangs. He, for reasons I will never understand, was obsessed with Taylor Swift. Now, I don’t think she’s half bad, but this was next level. Anyways, you know that one video with all the snakes?”
“Yeah, I know it. Where is this going?” Archie said, resting his elbows on the bar and leaning closer to Jughead. “I’m captivated, you’re a really good storyteller. I can see why you’re a reporter.”
Jughead laughed, because this was an absolute gem of a story. “So, approximately five seconds after the video drops, Fangs decides to change the chat name to ‘Snake Bros’ with like, five snake emojis. Anyways, we were all immediately like, ‘No. Dude, don’t drag me into this. We support you, but for god’s sake the groupchat title can’t be about snakes.’ To which Toni, wise-ass as always, responds with ‘we should make it Snakes On A Plane.’”
That got a laugh out of Archie, and Jughead couldn’t remember enjoying a sound more. “But Fangs is insistent that we need to have a ‘squad,’ because he watched the video again while we were all going ‘Fangs dude, what the fuck.’ And he keeps saying that if we won’t be Swifties with him, that we at least need something that relates to his interests as a groupchat title. So obviously, no more titles with B emojis. Which is a tragedy of epic proportions, but that’s besides the point. Sweet Pea, who wasn’t Fangs’ boyfriend yet, but was getting there, suggested ‘Serpents’ because it sounded badass.”
“Okay, that’s good. And, let me guess, it stuck?”
“No, absolutely not. Betty had a freak out about how much she just hates snakes, Toni changed it to ‘Big Chungus’ at least eight times, I think I turned it into ‘Sad Emo Squad’ before Fangs changed it to fifteen more snake emojis. At a certain point, I believe that Fangs and Joaquin had a shouting match,” Jughead said, taking another drink and wondering if he could get lost in Archie’s deep brown eyes.
“That’s awful. Wait, how did you end up becoming the Serpents, then?” Archie asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.
“Me and Toni bought Fangs a stuffed snake to try and keep the peace, and quietly asked him if we could just call it ‘Serpents,’ if that would be okay with him. Fortunately for everyone’s collective sanity, he said yes.”
Archie smiled and laughed, returning Jughead’s tale with a yarn of his own. It was almost midnight before Veronica texted them to remind them that yes, they had a show tomorrow. As they slouched against each other on the ride back, Archie and Jughead wondered how people could go from being complete strangers, from pixels on a screen to someone captivating in every way.
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earwaxinggibbous · 6 years
“Look What You Made Me Do” by Taylor Swift
Well, it was only a matter of time.
Hey y’all, it’s Mod Birdie, and for my first post on this blog, I’ll be covering a song that more talented people have already torn to shreds. Yes, I am fully aware that this song is widely hated, and has been reviewed and dragged through the dirt since it first came out. But here I posit a revolutionary idea.
What if this song...
isn’t that bad?
Oh god wait no please don’t leave.
It sucks. A lot. But certain aspects of it don’t suck as much, and honestly, that’s what makes it as bad as it is.
Let me explain.
Let’s just touch on the backstory, just so you can understand where this piece of shit came from. Kanye included a line about making Taylor famous in his song “Famous”, she got pissed, everyone sided with her, and then holy SHIT Kim K. West posts a video of Kanye on the phone with one Taylor Swift, notifying her of the lyric and gaining her whole-hearted support. Down comes Taylor, toppling down from the tower of victimhood she’s been building brick by brick since the 2009 VMAs.
So now Taylor is not the victim, but the villain. The manipulative, snakey, lying... this is getting off-track. Point is, she can no longer put forth her image of wholesome pop-country singer (that had already started to disappear following the release of Bad Blood).
Look What You Made Me Do is like Bad Blood except without the enjoyably cheesy video. It is, for lack of a better word, cringey.
Let’s start with the video, shall we?
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We open on an overhead shot of a graveyard, where eagle-eyed viewers will spot T-Swizzle’s initials spelled out with gravestones. The old Taylor is dead, guys. This is the new Taylor. It’s not a phase, this is who she really is, and you totally just don’t get it, Mom!!
The music, right when it starts, is... well, remember how I said this song wasn’t all that bad? This is where that comes into play.
The very first instrument we hear is some sort of stringed instrument being plucked in staccato (or possibly a music box being played), giving it kind of a horror-movie vibe right off the bat. In the background are... violins? Cellos? Violas? Again, some sort of string instrument, playing long, low notes, also adding to the aforementioned creepy vibe.
Whatever that instrument is, I’m a sucker for it. I actually like the opening - it almost sounds like we’re gonna hear some twisted lullaby. If this came on the radio, and I had no idea what was about to follow, I’d be at least a little interested in what might follow. Unfortunately, what follows is this.
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Don’t look at me like that, you brought this on yourself.
The almost-interesting opening is replaced with a painfully basic electronic beat (kick-SNARE-kick-kick-SNARE) that goes on, and on, and on... under Taylor’s, er, rapping.
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Okay, it’s not exactly rapping, just like how this isn’t exactly a diss track. It’s more of a “sing-talk” kind of thing - you know, what Kesha used to be ridiculed for. But while Kesha’s almost-rap was fun, enjoyable and harmlessly trashy, this is a pain to sit through. Kesha never tried to pretend she had any street cred or acted like we had to take her seriously. Taylor is different. Taylor wants us to know that she’s very, very serious and very badass and you really shouldn’t fuck with her. Taylor can beat you up. She takes karate.
The lyrics seem to imply that she was forced into the role of the “bad guy” and we should all be sorry for her, but that doesn’t work well when she’s also trying to lean into the villainous image.
Now, is what I meant about it having parts that didn’t suck, and how those parts make it suck more. The pre-chorus returns mercifully to the theme from the intro (and to actual singing), giving us a satisfying buildup, hyping us up for the payoff, and...
The whole song grinds to a halt, the beat comes back in full force, and Taylor has abandoned all pretense of singing, deciding that she will now subject us to genuine rapping. It’s like going up, up, up on a roller coaster, preparing yourself for the drop, looking over the ledge, then falling two feet and running head-first into a brick wall. And that’s a gentle way of putting it.
And so the song continues on and on just like that, with the bridge being kind of a break. But here’s something I want to touch on that appears specifically in the music video.
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The Taylor Team. The Swifty Squad. The Victim, uh... I can’t think of a synonym for “group” that starts with a V.
What is this. Why. Why would you put this in. It’s campy and dumb and makes you look like a worse actor than we already know you are. Were you trying to seem like a manipulative puppetmaster, two steps ahead of all the normies? Cause it’s not worth it.
In conclusion, Taylor Swift is not smart, she is not ahead of the game, and she is not good at writing electronic music. What else is new.
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taylorteffyswift · 6 years
The Swift Preface of Dylan
This is the story of how @taylorswift changed my life and describes why she is also directly responsible for my career…
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I was raised in a small commuter town south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada called Greely. I was born with a rare genetic condition called Ocular Albinism. Sparing you all the technical details of this ailment, bottom line… I’m legally blind. Aside from all the practical challenges this entails, there are also social challenges that at times are far worse. I have always loved people and growing up as an only child in the country, though being very magical atmospherically, is also very lonely. To make matters worse, when you’re in grade school in the 90s it’s not exactly cool to hang out with “The Blind Guy”. Elementary school wasn't so bad but once the peer pressure and social tensions started to kick in for my peers in middle school, I was alone most of the time and usually on the receiving end of emotional/physical bullying for the rest of the time from both students and faculty. After a while I started to believe my aggressors and began to feel ashamed of who I was in a pool of many other dark thoughts wondering if I would ever find a place in this world or find a crowd of people that would even want to be around me.
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I always tell people that the worst part wasn’t the things that I was going through with bullying and loneliness but was that I had nobody to talk to about what I was going through. Having to bottle up it all because I didn’t have a friend to open up to and had to be “strong” and “be a man” to avoid further ridicule and bullying just made the scars deeper. I felt alone more than anything. Until one Wednesday morning in February of 2007. I was at home getting ready for school and in passing, I heard a song come on the radio. My parents often listened to the local country station as it had the best reception around and they didn’t mind the genre. I’d always loved music as a kid but most of the time was focusing on the musical aspect rather than the words and poetry. The words and singing of this song grabbed my attention immediately. The further I got into the song the more I could relate to the story (as I had something similar happening to me with someone at school at that time) and I could also relate through the honesty and conviction of the vocal performance. Whoever this performer was, they were saying what they felt… and they meant it. That entire day that song kept echoing in my head and I was thinking about the words constantly. It wasn’t long before I knew I had to hear more by this artist and find out more about who they are. The name of this song was Teardrops On My Guitar by Taylor Swift.
I managed to find someone to lend me the album for an evening. I must have gone through that record from edge to edge about 5 or 6 times at least. I could relate to and understand each of these songs and it made me feel less alone. Some time not too long later, I read her uniquely written MySpace bio and started thinking “Hey, she thinks a lot like I do about stuff”. And for once, I felt like I wasn’t by myself all of a sudden. For once I felt like I had a friend.
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It was about a month later and I started thinking about the people that made this album and wanted to know more about the process. I found a lot of different roles but none of them were really what I was looking for. Then I read about the role of Producer. I said to myself “If a producer is the person responsible for taking an amazing artist’s songs (like Taylor) and helping to turn them into a finished product that will touch the hearts of millions of people and spread solace to people like she did to me with her music and talent, this is what I need to do. This is how I will feel fulfilled in my life and make the difference and impact I always wanted to make in other people’s lives”. So from that moment, I started on a journey and since have spent every waking moment learning every skill and gaining every perspective that I could to become better and more well-rounded, faster.
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The next day I started teaching myself guitar straight away. I went to an arts high school to learn music (though I couldn’t enroll in the music program due to my sight reading of sheet music notation being terrible obviously). I spent those years in high school focusing on Music, English (for my songwriting), the technology and business classes (for my understanding of engineering concepts and the industry) as well as taking part in as many bands and musical projects that I could to learn the best ways of collaborating with other musicians. I also picked up several other instruments during my high school days to hopefully get to the point where I’d be less dependent when it came to my creative process as a songwriter and arranger.
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As soon as I graduated high school, I went into college in Ottawa for music industry arts which is where I learned about producing in great detail and the innerworkings of the “Big Machine” that is the music industry. After graduating college, I started canvasing for songwriters to work with and bands to record. Ottawa has a very over saturated producer and technical scene so getting artists and clientele on-board for a newbie that lived in the middle of nowhere was a challenge… but I had a few great projects coming along in no time. I have spent a while working as a radio producer across Canada as well to learn that aspect of the business as I think it is still a very vital distribution system for the music industry.
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Throughout all of this, each one of Taylor’s albums has come out at a time when I really needed it. TS1 in the beginning when I desperately needed a friend and when I decided what I was doing with my life, Fearless when I was working on my first album of all my own work, Speak Now when I came across my first real love interest While I was in a band in my last year of high school, Red when I had the worst breakup I have ever been through and was in a spiral of depression, 1989 when I was going into college for a second time living away from all my friends and family and reputation when I needed a confidence boost when I felt my life was going nowhere and like I’d been betrayed as a punishment for trusting all the wrong people. Reputation also gave me the confidence to start singing and perhaps sharing some of my own songs and stories with the world as well which has led me to embark on a whole new chapter of my story. Any way you slice it, Taylor’s been there through it all. No matter what has happened she has been able to pull me out of the darkest places I’ve ever been as a person and as an artist.
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I still work tirelessly each day creating in new styles and learning new perspectives on arranging the musical backbone of a good song. More recently I was given the confidence to start singing and perhaps bringing some of my own stories to the forefront that others might want to hear. I still love collaborating with artists and will always love that workflow as a producer but that the end of the day as long as I’m playing a part (or THE part as the case may be) in producing music that makes a difference and makes people feel less alone who are going through things like I’ve been through, I can get a good night’s sleep with a smile.
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At the end of it all, Taylor showed me with her amazing talent, kindness and raw fondness of people and being good to people who are good that music can change hearts and minds. She also showed me that you don’t need millions of dollars to change the world, but just a few beautiful words to describe what some people in their best and worst of times, struggle to express.
I’m sure it comes as no surprise that another dream of mine is to someday have the honor and privilege of working with Taylor and contributing to one of her masterpieces in one way or another. I know it’s a beyond ambitious goal that might as well be impossible as Taylor is known for only keeping the best of the best professionals by her side (and she deserves nothing less than the absolute best). But I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t still a big motivator for me pushing forward like I do. She moves so… swift (for lack of a better word) with her art and creativity that I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to catch up at this point. If I can’t have that opportunity, my last wish would be just to have the opportunity to tell her my story and to thank her for all that she has done for me and helped me through by changing my life and at times, saving my life.
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To Taylor: 
I doubt you’ll ever read this and probably will never know who I am as there are so many of my fellow Swifties that are probably far more deserving of your attention than I. But Taylor, you are my best friend and have been there for me through it all. You’re the one person that I can always count on to bring me up when I’m in my darkest places and make me feel like there is someone there even when I have no one. I think it would be one of the biggest tragedies if you, the closest thing I’ll ever have to a big sister, did not know how much you mean to me and how much good you have brought into my life through the beauty and power of your music and art. I will be in your debt for life and I can only hope that one day I may be able to repay at least part of that debt by working with/for you and your music. If that’s pushing beyond my talent and potential skill, then I at least would like to have the chance to thank you in person for all you have done for me (and possibly one of the world’s biggest hugs to accompany that)
Either way, even though you will probably never know my name, I’d always have your back no matter what Taylor.
Swiftie for life & All good things,
Dylan Lalonde
P.S. Taylor, a few weeks back I produced a few covers of your pieces as a little tribute to you and your work. The latest of which is a cover I did of Delicate (which is a few posts down on my blog). I know you’re busy with so much going on, but if you could spare the time, it would mean the world to me if you heard it. No pressure, just if you somehow find yourself bored and curious...
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