#there were these books that were covered so it would've been a surprise what book you got
gatheryepens · 1 year
Books are really expensive here lmao...
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luveline · 8 months
hi honey!! i have a request of sad spencer comforted by bombshell reader. maybe hes the one on the brink of tears and really shes just there for him please
thanks for your request!!! fem, 1k
Spencer Reid can't stop frowning. 
“You know what I've been reading lately?” you ask him. 
“That's just sexist.” 
Spencer points at the copy of Cosmopolitan hidden between papers and an open book where it lies on the desk in front of you, a smile interrupting his frown momentarily. “Sorry,” he says. 
“Oh, don't be sorry.” You squint at him ever so slightly as you cross one leg over the other and sink back into your borrowed seat. “That's on me. But, you know… this isn't my desk. That could be anybody's magazine.” 
He laughs politely and turns back to his work. 
“You don't wanna know what I'm actually reading?” you ask. 
He stares at his keyboard. “Mm.” 
He's not listening. That's alright. You don't really want to tell him about what you've been reading; it's just a book. 
You slide your chair closer to his and peek at the computer. He's on a page for American Airlines, flights to Las Vegas, but he hasn't clicked anything. Spencer grew up in Las Vegas, and his mom still lives there alone in a sanitorium for the mentally ill. She can get really sick at a moment's notice. You know he’s been thinking about that more lately. 
“Is everything okay, Spencer?” you ask quietly. 
You incline your head to his. He looks up, at first surprised by your attention, and then abashed. “Yeah.” 
“You don't seem yourself,” you say, putting your hand on his arm. You feel up to the crook of his elbow, waiting for him to shrug you off. He doesn't move. You stroke his skin with your thumb. “You can talk to me, you know? I hope you know that, anyways.” 
“Yeah, I know, it's…” His voice wobbles. You lean in closer. “It's nothing.” 
The first time you saw Spencer cry, he was in a hospital room being weaned off of a terrible thing, and it was sudden but expected all the same. He was suffering, recovering but in pain, and you would've cried if the roles were reversed. That was a long time ago. Seeing him upset doesn't get easier. 
“Spencer,” you murmur, “What's wrong? You look like you could burst into tears. Do you need me to get you a glass of water?” 
He shakes his head. You stay right there by his side waiting for the inevitable, the tears gathering in his eyes that he blinks away, and his painful swallowing. You have two hands —the one that isn't squeezing his arm jumps to his back to hold his stiff shoulder. 
“Do you want me to get Morgan?” you ask, unsure. 
It's a busy office, and you and Spencer sit on the outskirts closest to the offices upstairs and furthest from the hubbub. Nobody notices your closeness. You speak too quietly to be overheard. 
“Spencer,” you implore. 
He ducks his head, putting his hand to his brow. 
“I'm okay,” he says, his voice stronger now, “it's just my mom doesn't sound right in her letters lately, and I'm tired, and I wasn't expecting you to ask me.” 
“No?” you ask, giving his arm another tender rub. “Sorry if I'm upsetting you, Spencer. I was worried. You don't have to talk about it.” He winces. “But if you do want to, I'm right here.” 
He needs a hug, you decide (unsurely). You stand and he immediately lifts his head with worry in his eyes, but you're not going anywhere, the opposite. You cover up his head and shoulders as your chin rests gently atop his soft hair, a gravel to your tone as you say, “It's okay.” 
Spencer is silent. Slowly, tentatively, he wraps his arms around you in turn, and then he's squeezing you tight enough to feel it in your spine. 
“It's okay, Spencer. We can talk about it, huh? We can work something out. It wouldn't be terrible for you to take a vacation every once in a while, maybe that's what you need.”  
He breathes out against your sleeve. “Sorry,” he says. 
“It's okay.” You kiss his head. He likely doesn't feel it. “I promise, it's fine.” 
“I wasn’t expecting you to ask.” 
“I know, you said that already.” You don’t tell him with any malice, just reaffirmation. “But I’ll always ask. I care about you, I need you to be okay, Dr. Reid. You’re my pillar of strength.” He laughs with self-deprecation, but you mean it. “You are. You’re always there for me. You’re always looking after me.”
“Since when do you need looking after?” 
“That’s one of the best and worst things about you. You don’t realise what you are to people.” 
Spencer screws his hands into your blouse and grows still in your arms. You consider scolding him about wrinkles to lighten the mood, but he’ll take you too seriously, and stop hugging you, and that’s not what you want. You try to be subtle about the comfort you’re giving him as you wrap your arms behind his head to close him in, hiding him from any prying eyes, but the longer you stay holding him the more attention you recieve, until even your stoic unit chief can't pretend this is appropriate for the workplace. 
“L/N,” Hotch says in concern. “Reid. Is everything okay?” 
Spencer seizes up and tries to push you away.
You lift your chin above his head and give Hotch your stickiest smile, arms moving to a more amicable position behind his shoulders. “No, everything is not okay, Hotch. You realise I only joined the unit to be with Spencer, right? And you punish me by sitting me halfway across the office!” 
Everyone watching either laughs or rolls their eyes, used to your dramatic favouritism. Even Hotch seems tired of it. 
“I’d be sorry if I thought that were true. Can you go back to suffocating Reid on your own time? We have some consults to look over.” 
You widen the gap between you and Spencer, allowing him the space to collect himself. “If you insist,” you say, grinning brightly. 
You stand in front of Spencer, heart aching as he sniffs quietly. He stands, and for a moment you think he won’t be alright after all, that your comfort was useless and he’ll need to excuse himself, but he draws a ghost of a line into your side with his knuckle and squares his expression. “Let’s get back to work,” he says to you with a small smile. You’ll talk more later. 
“Wanna hold hands?” you ask. 
“Maybe when everyone’s stopped looking at me?” he says under his breath, starting toward the steps to the conference room. 
“Wait, really?”
He hurries up the stairs. You follow.
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sl-vega · 3 months
pairings: Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin, x [FEM!] Reader
genre: fluff, oneshot(s), drabble/imagines, established relationship (for some), implied angst if you squint (?), first love, post-u 20 arc, canon compliant
synopsis: in which their friends stumble across photos of you, their first, and only love
CW/additional tags: mild language, potententially ooc, Google translated Spanish in sae's part, English = Japanese in this, might make more scenarios with other characters if people request it
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Sae was slumped across the cushions of his couch as Shidou rummaged through some of his storage boxes.
The other boy had been rather insistent on coming over to his new appartement, and helping him properly move all his stuff into his new living space.
"So does this mean I can finally move in with you?~"
"Keep dreaming."
Shidou pouted, giving Sae uncharacteristically begging eyes, almost like a sad lost puppy, naturally he didn't fall for this and settled for returning his pathetic look with his signature cold glare.
He simply gave him a sickeningly sweet smile in return, and continued taking objects out of the boxes, among the possessions were a lamp, a few photo frames, and an album.
Ryusei's eyes widened in surprise as his eyes came into contact with the book.
"Oh, what do we have here?"
Shidou said with a slight lilt in his voice clearly intrigued. Sae lifted his head from his phone to see what Shidou was doing, surely if something of his managed to pique the interest of Shidou's filthy mind, it would probably be in his best interests to throw it out-
Is what Sae would've said before he spotted the photo album in the taller boy's hands, Shidou fingers gingerly opening the front cover.
Sae reacted before he could even think.
"Put it down."
His voice is cold and sharp, not threatening, more defensive-scared almost, if he was even capable of fear that is.
Shidou's eyes widened momentarily at Sae's reaction before his face shifted back to his usual shit eating grin.
"Why Itoshi? Got some dirty photos you don't want me seeing? I promise I won't tell y'know."
Sae rolled his eyes and grabbed the album out of the blonde's hands.
"They aren't dirty, for your information."
He paused, as he looked at the cover of the book, dust was collecting on it, and there were a few marker stains that he couldn't get off.
"I'd just rather forget about them..."
He muttered, as he gently stroked the spine of the book with his thumb.
"Why'd you keep it then? You seem awfully attached to it."
Shidou's voice dropped lower and took a momentarily more serious tone before switching back to his flamboyant and teasing demeanor.
"I'm kinda jealous of it~."
Sae rolled his eyes, more playfully this time. He opened the book-making a point to hide the rest of the pages from Shidou's view-and took out a single photograph and handed it to him.
It was a photo of Sae and you. He didn't talk about you much, but he maybe he should change that.
"You clearly won't stop bothering me about it."
He waved the piece of paper before Shidou prompty snatched it and eyed it carefully, his eyes widening.
It was a photo of the two of you by some beach in Spain, hands interlocked, and a rare smile on a younger Sae's face. You were wearing a white sundress with a hat as you ran across the shoreline, taking Sae right along with you as the two of you stumbled across the sand together.
He remembered that day crystal clear, you brought a Polaroid camera with you and you got one of the locals to take the photograph for you. You had forced him to take a break from constant training, and before he knew it. He was far from Madrid in that moment, just you, him, and the ocean.
Shidou's eyes flickered with a brief moment of sincerity, Sae looked genuinely happy in the photo.
"And here I thought I actually had a chance with you."
Sae blushed, yet another look that Shidou wasn't used to seeing on him.
"We aren't-She wasn't-"
He stuttered, unable to express the nature of his relationship with you. Sure he had thoughts, but he never acted on them, which he regretted.
"Aww, so Mr. Itoshi Sae had an unrequited crush back in Spain? How tragic."
Shidou teased as he fidgeted with the sides of the photograph still in his hand.
"It wasn't unrequited."
Sae replied, quicker than he should have.
Shidou quirked a brow in response.
"Care to elaborate?"
Sae sighed, memories of you flooding back into his brain. Repressed feelings that he had long since left for time to slowly erode, yet a single reminder brought them all back.
"We... ran into each other a lot back when I was still in Spain."
He trailed off, recalling when you first interacted.
Sae was around fifteen when he first met you, he was at a cafe in the city, when he was on an annoyingly mandated week long break, issued by the heads of Real Madrid themselves. It just happened to align with the holiday of your school, and the cafe was a pretty popular spot among the locals. It was crowded, with students and several other adults given the day off. From what Sae remembered, you didn't come with the intention of being with a friend, but rather to spend time alone, it was rather difficult though with how many people were currently in the cafe. So before he knew it, a stranger-albeit a very pretty one-had sat right next to him, drink in hand. You only realized you were sitting next to him after you had actually made yourself uncomfortable. "Oh, lo siento, ¿está bien si me siento aquí? Hay mucha gente aquí…" You seemed to have muttered a quick apology in Spanish, while he had lived here for the past two years, he was ashamed to admit that his fluency in this country's native tongue was rather rusty. He had mainly prioritized learning all the needed terminology for soccer and for any interviews, but he could tell that you were apologizing, and probably asked him if you could sit with him. He tried to muster together a coherent response "Está bien... no me importa...?" He trailed off, unsure if what he said was right, or if you could even understand him with his heavy Japanese accent. Your eyes blinked in surprise, maybe he completely butchered that without knowing. Then your eyes widened in surprise for a moment, almost as if you just pieced together something about him. "Ay dios mio! You're Itoshi Sae! I knew you looked familiar!" You responded, in Japanese this time, almost as if it was second nature to you. "You speak Japanese?" It was more of a statement rather than a question, he sounded impressed, it had been a long time since he's actually been able to converse with someone else in his own language. You nodded, eyes sparkling, still clearly hung up on his identity. "I took some classes online, sorry if I'm hard to understand." You weren't hard to understand at all, sure, it was tinged with a slight accent, but if anything that just added to your charm. "I'm (Y/N), huge fan." You extended your hand to him, a bright smile adorning your already beautiful face. He took your hand and shook it. "Sae." He responded, his usual nonchalant tone fading. "You already know that though..." Was he blushing? You giggled at his sudden bashfulness, your laughter was a sweet melodic sound, it was almost embarrassing of how much it affected him. "You know, I'd thought you'd be a lot colder in person, you're actually really sweet huh?" You laughed once more, and this time, Sae actually cracked a grin.
Sae finished his story to Shidou, his friend had listened intently.
"Aww, so you were whipped from the start?~"
Shidou teased, smirking at him.
"Care to share more? I'd love to learn more
He asked, a slightly playful lilt to his voice.
"If you score another hat trick next time I might just tell you."
Sae responded, his playful tone contrasting his nonchalant demeanor. Shidou smirked, clearly pleased by the offer.
"And will you let me move in?~"
Sae smiled, gentle and hidden. Maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. After all, it would give him an excuse to talk about you once more.
"If you score another hat trick next time I might just tell you."
Shidou smirked, clearly pleased by the offer.
"And will you let me move in?~"
Sae smiled, gentle and hidden. Maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. After all, it would give him an excuse to talk about you once more.
BONUS; TRANSLATIONS (potentially inaccurate)
"Oh, lo siento, ¿está bien si me siento aquí? Hay mucha gente aquí…"
╰┈➤ "Oh, I'm sorry, is it okay if I sit with you? It's super crowded in here..."
"Está bien... no me importa...?"
╰┈➤ "It's okay...I don't mind..?
"Ay dios mio!
╰┈➤ "Oh my God!"
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"Bachira! I swear to God if Rin kills us because of this-"
"Lighten up Isagi! He's not gonna catch us."
It was a miracle that Rin had already agreed to Isagi and Bachira coming over to his place, though it was more because his mom was constantly nagging him about "needing more friends" or "being more social with the rest of the boys from Blue Lock"
Of course Bachira took this as an opportunity to snoop around Rin's room.
"If we find anything too private, we'll just put it right back and pretend we never saw it, simple as that."
Isagi sighed, bemoaning their current actions against their teammate's own personal life.
"You make it sound like Rin of all people would actually have something incriminating to hide."
Bachira shot him an unimpressed look.
"Are we talking about the same Rin? I'm like 90% sure the guy has some kind of criminal record, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a dead body hiding around in here somewhere..."
He continued looking around the room, glancing at crooks and small gaps in-between shelves as if some hidden treasure was stuck in them.
"Bachira you aren't going to find anything-"
Isagi was promptly cut off by Bachira, who in fact, found something.
A photograph taped to the side of Rin's closet, it seemed a little old, and dusty, but it looked well taken care of.
"Rin never striked me as the sentimental type..."
Bachira flipped the photo back and fourth in his hands before actually focusing on what the picture itself was holding.
Of course before he could actually view the photo himself, it was quickly snatched from him.
Rin was back, and he gave Bachira his signature cold glare, that probably translated into "One more wrong move and I'm throwing you off a cliff in your fucking sleep." or some worse same intentioned threat that Rin would probably use.
"What were the two of you doing?"
Rin asked in a condescending, accusing tone, and rightfully so.
"Rin, we're sorry-"
Isagi was about to apologize, but then Bachira fell to the floor, gripped the younger Itoshi's leg and wailed out a far more incoherent apology than his friend.
"I'm sorry Rin-chan! I promise I won't do it again!"
He was wailing at this point, a string of even more whiny apologies coming from him.
Rin shook Bachira off his leg and sighed.
"It's fine..."
He murmured as he trailed off, his attention completely stolen by the photograph he had just took back.
It was a picture of the two of you at the beach, he was around fourteen in this photo, it probably took place during the final months of his last year at middle school. The two of you had gone on a stroll by the ocean earlier before finding a resting spot nearby. You had pulled out a camera out of nowhere and snapped the photo almost without Rin notcing. You were flashing a big smile at the camera, while Rin's face was nuzzled into your neck, clearly camera shy. If you looked closely however, you could spot the blush slowly creeping up his cheeks.
Without noticing, Bachira had gotten a little too close for Rin's comfort. The older boy's head rested on his shoulder as he ogled the picture alongside him.
"Is she your girlfriend or somethin'?"
Rin shoved Bachira off his shoulder, the other boy laughed as he stumbled away.
"Shut up... she's just a friend."
"I dunno, the two of you look awfully cozy in that photo~"
If only you saw the others...
Rin had held on to the photo for longer than he would like to admit, the two of you hadn't talked for a while, especially after graduation.
But now that his annoying lukewarm teammates had decided to scour around his room for no reason, Rin was met with a wave of memories.
All of which were about you.
The most prominent memory he had of you was the day of middle school graduation.
The cherry blossoms were in bloom, and the third years were about to assemble in the auditorium for the farewell ceremony. Several of Rin's classmates were gushing about graduation, and how they would miss each other, some were already planning methods of communication after moving on to high school. Another hot topic of conversation among his classmates (mainly the girls) was the topic of button giving. In Japan, a guy giving the second button of his uniform to a girl on the day of graduation was essentially a love confession, Rin thought that the tradition was rather stupid. For one thing, he had no time for romance when he was trying to become the best in the world, nor did he have any interest in the subject. Or as he would say 'everyone here is way too lukewarm for my tastes' Well, that's what he would have said if he wasn't so preoccupied with you, but here he was, just outside of the auditorium, fidgeting with his uniform trying to get a button off. Normally the girl would have to ask the guy for the button, but Rin was never one for tradition-then again he was already going along with this stupid love confession so there was a first time for everything-and it didn't look like you were going to talk to him anytime soon, you were constantly hanging around with your friends for most of the day, so he never found the right time. So he didn't know what came over him when he dragged you aside in some secluded area of the courtyard, all his courage had been used up in that very moment because of that moment, he had been reduced to a blushing and bashful mess. "What did you need me for RIn?" You asked with curious doe eyes, clearly oblivious to the fact that there was a button missing from his uniform. Rin gave you a blank stare for a few minutes, taking in your appearance. Your hair was adorned with several hair pins, all engraved with special patterns and decorated with pretty charms. You were wearing make up today, not super noticeable, but noticeable enough for it to enhance your natural beauty. "Rin?" You called his name, snapping him out of his thoughts. Oh right, he was supposed to give you the buttton "Can I have your hand for a second..?" He asked bashfully, you extended your hand to his, this time, you were blushing as well. You muttered a quick 'sure' as you avoided eye contact with him. He gently dropped the button into your hands. "I-I wanted you to have this." This time, Rin was looking directly into your eyes, the same cold teal that always seemed to have no light behind them, but this time, they were filled with warmth and sincerity. The two of you stood in silence for a few more moments, before you heard the teachers calling you and the rest of the third years over for the ceremony. As Rin walked into the auditorium with the rest of his classmates, one of his teammates from the soccer team leaned down and whispered something in his ear. "So who's the lucky lady Itoshi?" He turned to his friend, noticing that his button was missing too. Rin simply shrugged, feigning nonchalance and muttered; "Wouldn't you like to know?" That graduation photo captured a very rare smile from him.
Bachira accidentally knocking something over promptly snapped Rin out of his nostalgia.
"Oh my God you're actually smiling in this photo?!"
Bachira waved Rin's middle school grad photo in his face, clearly shocked by the notion that the younger Itoshi could actually feel happiness.
Suddenly, Rin's mother came into his room.
"I know, it's one of the few photos I have of him that actually feature him smiling."
She sighed.
"Anyways, I just made dinner in case you boys are hungry."
Mrs. Itoshi smiled at the boys.
"And maybe you could tell them all about (Y/N) hm?"
Rin's face grew very hot all of a sudden.
God, he was in for it now...
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compact-turtle · 6 months
I'll listen to you next time. Okay? ~
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Concept: Yandere Space Explorer x Gn Reader: Spicy Edition
Summary: Orion ignores your pleas to stay home and decides to follow you into the jungle.
TW: NS//FW, finger/ing, dub-con?, biting, general yandere stuff, riding, just being horny yk
Word count: 1.4k
Note: I'm like a thousand followers late but here's the first part of the thousand (now 2 thousand?!?!) follower celebration I promised!! I plan on breaking it up into 3 different posts for each character. First will be Orion, then Ivar and Atticus last!
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Entry Date XX-XX-XXX Y/n has begun hoarding large amounts of food lately. No preference for food in the pile with the exception of Aishi flowers. Behavior lately has been erratic. Body language suggests uneasiness and anxiety. They’ve instructed me to stay in the hut for a few days while they leave on a journey. They brought all the Aishi flowers with them along with half the food pile. In order to understand their behavior, I am choosing to ignore their request and will follow them. I have- 
"Oh fuck” Orion whispered as he finally noticed how lifeless the jungle had suddenly become. 
He was utterly absorbed in finishing his journal entry, neglecting to watch his surroundings despite your repeated warnings. Orion couldn't determine how long the forest had been silent. 
He quietly packed up his items, his heart pounding and his breath quickening.
It's fine. You were pretty close. You were just a few hundred feet inside a nearby cave that he'd tracked you down to. 
 Keep calm. Orion reminded himself multiple times as his feet picked up the pace. His eyes caught a glimpse of something purple stalking him. 
No more calm. 
Orion booked it. He clutched his satchel tightly while weaving through the jungle. Roots nearly tripped him. The jungle began to blur into a confusing tapestry of blue, green, and every other color. 
Suddenly, he was pinned to the ground. Its sharp teeth flashed, and a disgusting smell wafted into his nose. 
"GET OFF ME" Orion yelled as he attempted to kick the beast off him. 
The kick did very little to harm it. At most, he probably annoyed the creature. The beast growled and opened its mouth wider. 
Something pushed the giant beast off him just as it was about to take a bite. The beast staggered back in shock. A large howl escaped the beast.
You jumped on top of it with a blade in your head. You quickly shoved your blade into the side of the beast. Cries of pain echoed from it as he watched you take the knife out of its neck. It shook you off its back, and you fell onto the ground. Quickly, it ran into the jungle. 
"WHY YOU HERE? SUPPOSED TO STAY HOME!" You screamed at him. Your body was sluggish as it dragged itself off the ground.
"I wanted to make sure you were doing okay! You've been acting so weird lately and-." 
"Go home. Now." 
Without looking back, you slowly walked into a nearby cave. Orion tip-toed behind you into the cave, trying not to upset you any further. A makeshift leaf curtain door covered the entrance. The cave was small and had a dead end. A pile of aishi flowers was littered around with a musk smell.
You immediately collapsed onto the flower when you walked in. Your body giving up as it pushed itself past the limit. Orion rushed over to you. At first, he assumed you were injured in the fight with the predator.
His eyes darted in surprise when he realized you were bare. He pulled you into his arms with your back facing him. Sweat dripped down your forehead as you buried yourself in his arms. It took Orion a few seconds to understand what was wrong with you. A small smile snaked itself way onto his lips. 
"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I didn't know it was your heat and mating season! You should've said something to me. I would've helped you. "Orion said sweetly as he traced his finger down your back. You gave a soft mew and shuddered underneath his touch. 
"Nooo. Give me flowers. I eat." You cried, trying to fight him. "I need it!"
Orion reached over and gently fed you a flower. Your body began to cool down, and your mews died down. The sensitivity is fading away. A look of soberness slowly leaked into your eyes. 
Hm. No wonder you were collecting these so much. They were meant to suppress your heat. Still, you didn't need the flowers now that he was here to assist you. He snatched the flower from your hand. You whined as he took it away. 
Orion resumed teasing your body. His finger stopped at the base of your tail. He wrapped his fingers around it, following its length until the tip. He marveled at the flexibility of your tail as it wrapped around his arm in pleasure. The fur underneath his skin was soft like the blankets in your room. 
 When his fingers reached the end, he circled them around it and toyed with it. Tiny trembles reverberated through your body. You began to pant more. Drool slipped over the side of your mouth, and a flushed color began to paint your skin.
"Does it feel good? Am I a good boy helping you?" 
"Nooooo. Stop. No touch," You babble incoherently. 
"Hm? It doesn't feel good here. I'm so sorry. Let me try somewhere else." Orion apologized teasingly while he nibbled on your ear.  
His finger began to trail down lower from your tail. Gently, he pried your legs apart. He slowly slipped his finger inside you. You writhed when Orion pushed it in. Your tail curled up, and your eyes glazed over in pleasure. 
Your hole was wet as it ached for him. It wrapped around his finger as he pushed in and out of it. Wet slick coating the entire finger. The sensation of your hole was exhilarating with the pressure around it as he added another finger. As his fingers curved inside you, the feeling intensified around him. He shivered in bliss as your back arched, trying to make the fingers go in deeper. 
Your voice echoed through the cave. He listened as you mewed out small chirps and cries. He adjusted your head and began to suck on your tongue. Greedily, he relished the taste of your mouth. The taste of your mouth was so sweet, like honey. It brought him pure bliss, and he was almost ready to explode. 
His cock ached and was sore inside his pants. He began to grind on your back, desperate for release. He lapped at your tounge and it felt like he'd drank ambrosia from the gods. Every drop dripped from his mouth straight into his very essence. He couldn't take it anymore as he rubbed himself into your back.
Suddenly, you ripped your lips off of him. A throbbed headache resounded as you pushed him on the floor. His fingers leave your tight hole. 
He watched you get on top of him. You sat on top of him, and your tail pinned his hands to the ground. You tore off his pants. His cock managed to spring free. He moaned as you tried to sit down on him. Your body desperately tries to take his entire length. You shifted and shuffled in various directions, trying to make it fit. 
Finally, your walls managed to take him in. You slicked up his dick with your nectar and pushed it inside yourself deeper. He groaned at how tight you were inside. It almost felt suffocating. Still, he adored the way you devoured him, and was still ravenous for more.
"Can I finish inside you? Please, please, please, let me," Orion begged as you moved your hips, "You feel too good. I'll do whatever you want. Just let me finish in you." 
"No. Ri, not listen to me. Bad boy today." You said through gasps.
You leaned down and bit his neck as punishment for even asking that. Something in him broke. He knew it was too soon. You just put it inside, and he wanted to fill you up. 
He tried to listen and hold back. However, the image of you full of him pushed him over the edge. Your belly filled with him to the brim. Your sweet slick mixed with his salty seed. Your delicate skin is stained with his dirty white liquid. Afterward, you'd lift yourself up and spill the extra fluid your hole couldn't contain. 
A slight whine escaped your lips as Orion made his fantasy a reality. He painted your walls white and moaned as you took it all in. He couldn't help it. Listening to you call him a bad boy while riding him was too much. 
"I'm sorry for not listening to you today. Let's do it again, and I'll listen to you this time. Okay?" 
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silentcryracha · 1 month
❍ ‗ Diamond (Yang Jeongin) ‗ ❍
Pairing : Yang Jeongin x f reader
Summary : The newly 23 year old gets a special gift from his leader and roommate for his birthday.
Genre/ Warnings : skz are idols but it's not connected, reader is an escort and a bit older (2-3 years, not specified), there's some build up to it, smut (18+) MINORS DNI, virgin!Jeongin, masturbation (both receiving), fingering (f receiving), oral (both receiving), penetrative sex (protected), a tiny bit of food play, praise/guidance, loss of virginity (m), it's not going to be 100% smooth because it's his first time yk
Word count : 8.50 K
A/n : I just saw from my notes this was meant to be an 'early gift' for Innie..meaning it's literally here from january..my bro was NOT going to see the light. + VERY new addition about the dorms?? Jeongchan did it for the plot specifically yep
ps: There could be grammar errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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The started with a Bang. Literally. As In Chan Bang literally jumping head first into Jeongin's bed.
"Heya there birthday boy!" He yelled as he ruffled the younger boy's ginger hair.
"Mmmh hyung-" he whined as he tried to slip back under the duvet to cover himself from Chan's attack.
"Is our baby ready for his big day? Twenty three already? Oh my gosh" the aussie kept talking, but had finally stopped his hands so Jeongin could breathe again.
"Yeah" he replied, still with sleep in his voice. Chan made a 'woah' noise.
"Even the baby's voice became so much deeper. Yah, I feel thrice as old now." Jeongin shook his head in humor.
"Well then, what time is it, old man? I would've gladly slept it off today" he sighed. Chan made a stank face at the words 'old man' and then checked his phone.
"Don't say that. It's Seungmin's line." He replied, "We still have about fourty minutes before the team comes pick us up. Wanna eat?"
Jeongin nodded with a yawn, as Chan jumped out of bed, fresh as a bird.
"I'm not gonna tell you now, just know that I prepared a surprise for tonight!" He sang-talked as he speed out of the youngest' room. Jeongin didn't even have the time to ask him what he had planned before he disappeared.
To be quite honest, he was so tired and underwhelmed at the idea of going practice that he barely cared.
The day went on almost like any other practice day. Dancing practice, some vocal lessons, lunch break. Everyone, from his members to other idols and staff, wished him a happy birthday. He politely smiled, bowed and thanked them all.
From the members tho he got extra hugs, pick ups, piggy backs, kisses and hair ruffling. He was truly the toy of the day. But he loved them nonetheless.
As the final schedule of the day, he actually had to do an hour long livestream, to spend some of his birthday with the fans, like tradition.
He actually enjoyed having a bit of relaxed fun, just eating some cake, reading a few comments and unboxing a couple of unserious presents that his manager selected for him.
After he said bye to the fans, it was around eight pm, and he knew that the members wanted to take him out for dinner and drinks. So he thanked the staff one last time, picked up his stuff and headed out with the group in two cars.
They drove to a nice place, nothing too fancy, it may have been his birthday but they were still supposed to be lowkey. And besides, everyone was kinda tired from practice. It was a typical Korean hotpot place, where they had a whole room booked for them, with a nice view of the Han river. It was raining and cold outside.
"I propose a toast for our maknae. Our baby, our fennec fox, our baby bread. Our amazing Jeongin, who grew up so well and worked so hard." Hyunjin raised a bottle of soju, and the others followed suit.
"Happy birthday our Yenah!" Changbin cheered, maybe a bit too loudly, which made Jisung slap his bicep and the others laugh as they joined in the cheering.
"Thank you, thank you." the ginger boy raised a hand to stop them, "Thank you for the meal, and for being the best coworkers I could've asked for. For being my brothers"
The whole table cooed and awed, some reaching out for a cheek pinch, some for a hug. He did truly feel so lucky.
When they finally decided to go home, it was about eleven pm. Not that late for a friend's night out, but they we're going clubbing. Half of them was barely standing up.
Jeongin was helping Jisung walk out to the car, hopefully not drawing too much attention on them. Then Jeongin went in the car with his roommate Chan of course, and two drunk idiots Felix and Seungmin behind.
Chan, who was completely sober, drove them safely to their apartment and made sure that they got in safe before coming back behind the wheel.
"Thank you again for the dinner and the bracelet, hyung" he bowed slightly, with a shy smile. The oldest nodded, with a small smile himself.
"It's nothing." He replied, "But you still remember what I said this morning right?"
Jeongin frowned for a second, rethinking it, and then answering.
"Wasn't the bracelet the surprise?" The genuine confusion in his voice amused Chan, which chuckled a bit.
"Oh" the brown haired man gazed at him quickly before going back to look at the road.
"I'm going to tell you. Promise not to overreact." Those words worried the younger man a bit, but at the end of the day, it was still Chan hyung he was talking to. Surely he wouldn't put him in some shit.
So he stayed silent and nodded. Slowly, he started to actually notice that he wasn't driving towards their apartment, but elsewhere.
"I booked a special night for you. With a woman." Jeongin's eyes went wide, but before he could open his mouth, Chan raised a single finger stopping him.
"It's a very safe and professional place. I know the girl in question, which is how I know you'll have a good time." He explained.
"But why? How do you know her?" The younger one asked. Chan shook his head slightly.
"It doesn't matter. Right now we are driving to luxury hotel, which offers this type of service, but it's very secretive. You can decide to do it or not, but I want you to know that you'll be safe." He kept going, "I did it because I feel like it could be a fun experience, and also because I'm quite tired to hear you get off in two seconds through the wall. Might as well put all that sex drive somewhere right?" He teased, making Jeongin choke on his own saliva, making him hide his flushed face in between his hands.
"I didn't know you could hear! I'm sorry!" He apologized, embarassed. Chan laughed.
"I mean it's normal! Walls are thin and all that. But you're a young man with needs, it's normal. I'm just saying, maybe this could give you a bit of confidence to explore this." He shrugged.
Just at that point he drove to the front of an enormous building, and told him to get off the car. He exited the vehicle too and a staff member was ready to greet them, then take Chan's car keys to actually park it.
Chan put an encouraging hand behind Jeongin's back, both of them still wearing the sporty caps to keep lowkey. They walked to the reception, and a young man greeted them.
"Good evening, yes. I have a reservation with this ID." Chan didn't say either of their names, he just showed a document on his phone to the guy.
He checked, took a quick look on the computer, then nodded.
"Yes, there is. I'll get your keys in a moment, sirs. Would you like some refreshments from the bar? It will be closed soon." He offered politely. Both of the young men shook their heads, and the receptionist bowed before going to get the keys.
He came back with two magnetic cards, and vaguely instructed them to take the elevator to the floor indicated on the card, then added a few formalities about the utilities of the hotel, before finally letting them go.
Chan and Jeongin walked towards the elevators, where two staff members were standing by each side. One of them, a professionally and meticulously styled woman, gave them a polite smile, pushing the buttons for them.
"Good evening sirs" she spoke, "May I see your cards, so I can give you directions at best of my abilities?"
Chan didn't speak and just handed over the two cards. She took them and looked at the golden one first, which was Chan's, and then at the silver one which was Jeongin's.
She quickly gave them a look, then put back on the polite smile, giving back the cards to them.
"Thank you, sirs. I will ride with you and drop you off at the correct floors." She bows slightly, exactly at the moment in which the elevator doors open next to her.
She opens her arms, directing them politely towards the entrance. The two men get on, and she does too, standing in front of them, commanding the buttons.
She pushes the tenth floor, but before the elevator does anything, a side light flashes for a second, and the woman presses her card to it. A small 'bip' signaled approval, and only then the elevator steadily sped upwards.
Jeongin in the meantime was getting more and more anxious. He literally thought anything but this. If he's being honest, yes he was horny. Yes, he wanted to try sex. But was he willing to do this to get it? Would it be that wrong, if he did? He's not forcing anyone at the end of the day. But what would his ego think about this?
Before his mind could go even more on a tangent, the elevator stopped and the doors opened again. This time it showed a long corridor, but it did have something different.
The spacing between the doors was huge but there were actually only five rooms. Each of them had a shape of a heart made in different materials. Expensive looking ones, and each one different. They looked like... expensive gemstones?
But what caught the eye first were definitely the two big beefy men standing right at the start of said corridor. Like guards. Which soon enough, Jeongin learned to actually be security.
"Good evening" the lady said to one of them. He gave her a small nod.
"Good evening." He replied professionally, "May I have your card?" He then spoke directly to Jeongin. He looked down at his silver card, then back up at the man. He gave it to him.
He pulled out a small phone from his elegant jacket's inner pocket, turned around and most probably checked the information. Then put it back inside, and gave the card back to Jeongin.
"You are verified. But I need the other gentleman to leave before I give further instructions, please." Chan nodded with a small smile, giving Jeongin a couple of reassuring pats on the back.
"See you tomorrow, bro. Should you need me for anything, I'm on room 2060, floor twelfth, alright?" He made sure the younger boy looked at him, "But I'm sure you'll be fine."
Then he got closer one last time, whispering 'have fun' with a hint of teasing in his tone. After that both him and the lady disappeared back into the elevator.
"You may go, sir. Your room is number five, the diamond. Just at the very bottom of the corridor." The security guard's voice startled him a bit when he turned around.
"When you get there you will have to ring a bell. When the light goes from red to green, the door will be opened. Enjoy your evening, sir."
Jeongin listened carefully as he was given back the card. Without really saying anything, he gave both men a quick nod and then slowly walked towards the diamond room.
The young man looked at every single room as he walked: from left to right, numbers one to four. Opal, Blue Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald and last but not least, Diamond.
Jeongin arrived in front of his assigned door, looking around for the bell they told him about. He wasn't seeing anything, until he understood that they didn't mean an actual bell, but a small white button. With sweaty hands he pressed it, and it became red.
After a minute the button turned green, and the door opened. As soon as he looked up, he found in front of himself a stunning woman. Girl. Definitely a bit older, maybe around his hyungs' ages.
She had some essential and very classy make up, her hair were loose on her shoulders perfectly styled, and she was wearing a silk, opaque silver, dress which fit her perfectly, the draping adorning her bosom and falling on her hips like a statue.
It wasn't just the package that was beautiful though, he knew it as soon as he managed to take a look at her face. She was truly beautiful, so elegant and feminine.
"Good evening. You are Fox, correct?" It took him a couple of seconds to let sink in what she had asked, her voice smooth like butter.
He slightly shook his head to get a grip, then just nodded. He didn't know why she was calling him 'fox' but he assumed that that's the nickname Chan picked to protect his identity.
She smiled politely, as she invited him in. He was so charmed by now that it seemed like his body was moving on his own. Maybe Chan was right, maybe he desperately needed to get laid if that's the reaction he had simply seeing a beautiful woman up close.
She closed the door behind him, pushing another button, which turned blue. Then after a few seconds, white again. Well Chan certainly wasn't kidding when he told him to not sorry about privacy or safety.
He took a moment to look at his surroundings: it was a medium sized room, not too wide. It had a large king sized bed in the center, perfectly made with cream and white bedding and pillows. By its right and left there were two small bedside tables, above them each had a very small lamp attached to the walls.
The ground had a perfectly clean and intact grey moquette. There was a small room on the right, which he assumed was a private bathroom, while on the left, lining with the bed, there was a huge window that had a beautiful scenery of the night city. They were partially covered with half pulled heavy cream colored curtains.
Then, on the left but at the opposite end of the room, near the entrance door, there was a small and essential open wardrobe, with a couple of empty hangers, some extra white towels, and a safe.
A safe on which the woman was putting a passcode. He assumed to take something out, but it turns out that whatever she had to take, was already on the small round table at his left. Right near the big window.
On the small transparent table there were some papers, a small bottle of champagne and a bottle of water in an ice bucket, two empty glasses, and a single big triangle shaped piece of cake. It looked like strawberry and cream. Two small forks on the side of the dish.
"Welcome, nice to meet you, Fox." She stood in front of him, a few feet away. She had perfect posture, he noticed.
"Thank You" he managed to croak out, then clearing his voice a bit, "What's your name?"
She smiled politely, but with a hint of humor.
"My name is Diamond." he scoffed a bit, with the faintest laugh. He was so nervous he felt lightheaded.
"I'm sure" her small smile didn't disappear, instead, she just tilted her head for the side.
"Well, that's the best I can offer you tonight", she paused, "Fox." He immediately picked up on the irony in her voice, which made him shake his head a bit.
"I didn't pick it. I actually didn't even chose to come here." his voice held confusion, like he truly couldn't believe where he actually was and for what reason.
Her expression softened, leaving behind the humor. She took a couple steps forward. She watched the boy's reaction carefully, but he didn't flinch. That's good.
"I know. That's how I'm going to Introduce the contract, so then after you can decide what you wanna do." she started, reaching her arm out to pick up the papers. There were three-four pages at maximum.
"I'm going to give you the essential summary, but if you want to read it by yourself you can." The woman looked at each page, explaining to Jeongin the contents.
"On the first page is essentially a copy of the info we were sent beforehand when the reservation was made. So your 'name'" she air quoted the word, "Your ID code, a personal emergency number, and the technical details about the reservation. A part of them is hidden specifically by request of the payer, which was not you." She continued.
"And here you have to put the first signature to confirm these info. On page two it's just some rules, like if you break you pay, you are mutually required to respect my privacy as I do yours, you take responsibility of any intentional harm done to me and vice versa, then consent for intimacy, and there's an empty line of you have to add any boundaries that I have to keep in mind. The another signature." She explained, pretty bored.
"Then there's page three which is basically a bunch of copy paste privacy, security and legal terms in case something happens. Page four Is just the last bit of page three, and at the bottom there's finally the last signature." She paused, "If you agree and sign all the papers, then I can co-sign them too and put them in the safe so that they will be archived correctly. Got it?"
Jeongin sighed, slumping his shoulders a bit.
"That sounds like a lot"
"It really isn't, if you really think about it. Unless you have any intention of causing harm or disruption. Which I don't think you do, am I correct?" She smirked a little. The young man shook his head with conviction.
"Alright then, I'll leave you a moment to take care of it." She nudged her head towards the papers and pen. Jeongin walked up and took a quick read, mainly the highlighted stuff, then was about to sign, but hesitated.
He kept his head down, a bit embarassed, as he spoke.
"After I sign this...can I-, I mean, can I still change my mind?" The woman was a little surprised to see him so hesitant. She tried to put even more sincerity in her response.
"Yes, of course. You can change your mind before and during. I'd say after, but well, once it's done, it's done." She chuckled. Surprisingly, he smiled too.
"Yeah" he agreed, finally signing the papers one by one. He then gathered them, passing them in Diamond's hands. She smiled, bowed a bit and thanked him, before putting the documents back in the safe.
"Alright!" She exclaimed with a smile, "I couldn't offer it unless we settled that stuff first, but, would you like something to drink? As you can see we have plain water or, for the occasion, some Champagne."
The ginger haired boy waved his hand to refuse.
"Not for now, thank you. I had dinner not too long ago." She nodded, suddenly lighting up.
"Ah, yes, happy birthday by the way" she winked. Jeongin bowed his head as a thank you, visibly more relaxed. Still not a hundred percent, but he doesn't want to necessarily combust anymore.
"Thanks. You were told this prior? How does it work?" He asked curiously.
"Let's get comfortable first, alright? Take off your shoes, jacket. Whatever you feel like. Also, I'm sure you saw it, but there's a bathroom if you need to freshen up." She invited as she gently helped the young man take off his puffer jacket.
"Yes, I was told that it was going to be a birthday gift. That, plus your nickname and the fact that you didn't have much experience. Everything was optional except if you were intimate before. It's a yes or no question, to give a hint more than anything." She explained, as Jeongin got comfortable.
He did as she suggested, being left with just his jeans, underwear, a tank top and a lightweight hoodie on top. He sat on the bed, leaning back a bit to relax.
He nodded, understanding. He didn't really know what to say, but he was starting to feel at ease, so the woman took the initiative. She went to get the small plate with the birthday cake on it, then sat beside him on the bed.
"I don't know about you, but this cake does smell delicious. Does the birthday boy want a bite?" She smiled, looking at him with a flirty look. He blushed slightly, nodding.
"You can tell me a bit about your past experiences, if you have any. What you'd like to do, basically anything." She cut a piece of cake with the dessert fork, guiding it to his lips, which he gently opened.
"I did very little...making out, some touches and humping above the clothes." He shrugged as he chewed. His eyes lit up at how good it it was, and it was so obvious that it made the woman chuckle.
"I see. Do you have a girlfriend?" She gave him another bite. He frowned and shook his head vigorously at the question.
"Cha-" he stops himself before saying his friend's full name, " My friend wouldn't have set this up if I had. I wouldn't have accepted either." He explained. She nodded in agreement, satisfied.
"Good. I hate cheaters." The boy couldn't help but give her an unintentional look. She noticed and raised an eyebrow.
"Hey, look, I think you noticed this place has certain standards. I speak for myself here, I don't go with busy men. If they are and they don't lie about it, I turn them down. I pick who to..." She paused for a second, trying to find the right word, "- work with."
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to seem rude." The ginger haired boy apologized, taking another small bite of cake. Half of it was gone already.
"No, I get it. It's okay. You don't look mean, anyway." She gave him a lopsided smile, "Didn't find the right person yet?"
"I guess? I'm very...busy. it's a bit complicated. I'm not really sure why it didn't happen yet. I had crushes but that's it. Not now though, I don't like anyone." He shrugged. He didn't feel uncomfortable talking to her, but he was careful about oversharing. He didn't even fully know if she recognized him or not.
"It's normal. You're young, and if you're here, you're probably in a special situation." She raised an eyebrow, not elaborating further but hinting at the fact that if he didn't have a shit ton of money and need for privacy, maybe he'd be in a random alley and not an extremely expensive luxury hotel.
"In any case, I hope you'll find someone soon. I'm sure you're not gonna have issues, you're really handsome." Her compliment made Jeongin blush, squinting his eyes shut for a second.
"Thank you" he responded timidly. She struggled to contain a smile. He was so cute.
"Well, in any case, tonight you're free to enjoy yourself however you want." She looked at him through her lashes, which sent a shiver down his spine. And maybe somewhere else.
Jeongin cleared his throat a bit, nodding absentmindedly.
"You didn't eat any?" He asks, suddenly realizing she's been feeding him the whole time without taking a single bite.
She tilted her head to the side slightly, shaking her head.
"Nope. But this big strawberry looks really delicious, if you want we can share it." She smiled, seemingly innocently. The boy nodded eagerly, so concentrated on wanting to share his cake that his mind didn't go where hers went.
"Alright, open up" he parted his lips, waiting for her to once again feed him the food.
And so she did, but this time she picked up the whole strawberry with two fingers, barely grazing his lips and chin with the tips as he held the fruit with his front teeth.
Suddenly, he started to catch up. His own fingers gripped the soft sheets slightly, eagerly waiting for her next move.
"I'm going to take a bite..." She stated, lowly, almost whispering, as she slowly leaned forward. Her eyes were looking at his lips, while his were looking at hers.
Then, she parted her mouth enough to bite in half the fruit, at the same time delicately touching Jeongin's pink lips. The movement was extremely delicate, and not too fast, but for him it was. He was already craving for more touch, almost in a daze.
Diamond leaned back nonchalantly, chewing the bite, but her gaze never left Jeongin's dark eyes. After a couple of seconds, she swallowed, licking her lips instinctively.
"Mhm. So delicious." The nonchalant tone mixed with the obvious intent was probably what made the boy lose his mind. So much so, that he reached out his pointer finger, picking up some whipped cream from the plate, then slowly raising it up.
"The cream is sweet too" his voice was deeper now as well. The older girl smirked a bit, parting her lips slightly.
Jeongin took it as permission, so he brought his finger to her full lips, which she wrapped around up to the first knuckle. Very delicately sucking, then licking the cream, cleaning the younger's finger.
She hummed in appreciation, letting his finger go. She decided to step it a bit further, noticing the young man was starting to get excited.
"It is indeed" she scooted closer on the bed, raising her hand and slowly sliding it up from his, still clothed, bicep to his shoulder.
"You have some on your face" she commented. Which was actually true, but it was a very tiny dot near his bottom lip. Which was more than enough.
"Can I clean it up?" The guy, which at this point was barely even blinking, nodded, gulping.
"Yes, please"
She didn't wait any longer, cupping his right cheek and getting closer to his face, then slowing down just enough to get out the tip of her tongue, picking up the tiny spot of whipped cream.
As soon as Jeongin felt her wet tongue graze his lips, he parted his own, effectively starting a proper kiss.
One of his hands cupped her cheek, while the other landed on her hip, grabbing the silk dress slightly.
At that point the make out continued, including tongue, soft lip pulling and biting, until he instinctively pulled her closer, hinting at the fact that he wanted her to straddle him.
She got it right away and complied, straddling his sitting figure, but not quite getting comfortable on him right away. Instead, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her hips started to rock back and forth sensually, giving Jeongin's growing crotch enough contact to turn him on but not enough to actually hump his jeans.
The young man started to pant in between kisses, fully aware of the newly added sensation, and enjoying every second of it. His hands both grabbed at her hips a bit more forcefully, following her movements, while his mouth started to travel back and forth between her neck, jaw, collarbone area, then slowly more and more down, almost on her breasts.
She sighed pleasurably, giving him a kiss on the head before gently stopping him. Jeongin, with his ginger hair already a bit messy, his cheeks flushed and eyes glossy, looked up at her with some confusion.
"Let's get you more comfortable, baby" her voice a bit hoarse from the excitement. He nodded absentmindedly as he raised both arms up, allowing the girl to slide off his hoodie.
"Can I get this off too?" She asked gently, referring to the tank top. He nodded again, clearing his throat, waking up a bit from his daze and deciding to help her.
He ended up taking the tank top off himself, while she unbuttoned his heavy baggy jeans, getting off of his lap to take them off.
She left them to the side, and before she knew it, he was also sliding her spaghetti straps off her shoulders, immediately making the silk dress pool at her feet.
His hands rested on her waist as he took in her body, still barely covered by a lace set of white lingerie. His eyes lingered on her legs, thighs, chest
He was brought back to reality when the girl's hand rested on his cheek again. He looked up, blinking a few times.
"You're beautiful" he complimented her, in awe. She smiled a bit, gently pushing him back more to the top of the bed.
"You look great too" she crawled back up on the bed, stopping to his side.
"What would you like to do?" she asked, caressing his hip and lower belly, making both his cock and stomach twitch slightly.
"I..." he looked to the side, getting too shy to speak his wish out loud. The girl nodded in understanding, with a smirk.
"When you're ready just tell me what you want to do, okay? In the meantime, trust me" he swallowed, trying to get his throat a bit wet, nodding.
The girl gently grabbed his boxers, sliding them down his toned legs and throwing them on top of his pants. His cock sprung free, fully hard, slightly hovering above his lower belly.
She scooted further on the bed so she could lower a bit more near his crotch.
Deciding to have mercy on the boy, she let some spit pool in her right palm, then taking Jeongin's cock, stroking him up and down, not too fast.
As soon as she touched him his whole body spasmed involuntarily, and he moaned. At the first lick along the side of his shaft, she noticed him squinting his eyes shut, breathing out deeply.
"Don't hold back" she said, capturing his attention immediately, "You're not hiding in your room. I promise your partner will enjoy hearing you very much"
The poor guy didn't even have a chance to reply, because she got immediately back to work, taking his cock on her mouth. She went down a bit more every time, from the tip, then to more than halfway.
His cock was pretty pale, like the rest of his skin, with a couple of not too prominent veins blending in, it was medium in thickness, but oh my gosh was it longer than average. Not a whole monster, but definitely a bit above average.
"Fuck" he groaned, still struggling to fully let himself go, biting his bottom lip and frowning. The girl noticed his left hand firmly gripping the sheets, while the other one seemed to kind of twitch and be restless.
"You can touch me" she half moaned, taking a small break from the mouth work. He looked down at her, frowning.
"W-what?" He panted. The girl reached out, taking his nearest hand and bringing it to her head.
"You can touch. You can do whatever you want as long as you're gentle. If you want to get rougher, ask consent" she explained, her hand still stroking him.
Jeongin was having a bit of a hard time focusing on two things at once, listening to her and not cumming embarrassingly fast, but he did understand what she meant.
She was trying to encourage him to let himself go, but it just wouldn't come natural to him, even though he was definitely enjoying himself. It was true.
He was used to shut himself up and be as quiet as possible getting off, since he didn't live alone. And even when he was alone, he'd still find himself double checking that the door was locked before getting down to business.
"I want to eat you out" he blurted out, surprising the older girl who kind of stopped her movements to check in what he said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah" he nodded, propping himself up with his elbows.
"Don't you want to come first?" She double checked. He shook his head.
"Not right away. Please?" The girl chuckled, gently releasing his, still hard and leaking, cock.
"You decide. How do you want me?" Between the sultry teasing tone and the way she leaned back, essentially offering herself, Jeongin thought he could've came right then and there without being touched.
He moved, getting on his knees on the bed, and reaching out to pick on the bra straps.
"I need to see you so bad" he whispered. The girl nodded, unclasping the bra from behind her back and then throwing it on the growing pile of clothes on the ground.
The boy unintentionally released a deep sigh, which made the girl smile, but she made sure to not laugh at him. Instead, she brought his big but slender hands to her breasts, which he cupped instantly.
Then she decided to give him some more time, occupying her hands and mouth by caressing him and leaving kisses on his neck and chest, a few on his mouth.
The boy was groping her breasts, toying with her hard nipples with his fingers in the meantime.
"On your back" he managed to choke out, his chest going up and down from laboured breathing.
"Mmh, alright pretty boy" she said in between kisses, which made Jeongin breathe out a small chuckle.
The girl moved, getting on her back with her head on the pillow, as he asked. She bent her knees, spreading her legs as he positioned himself in between them.
He then realized he was too high up, shifting back and on his belly, right in front of her crotch.
"Can I?" He asked, picking at the sides of her lace panties. She smirked, nodding.
Jeongin slid the panties off, setting them to the side, not being able to get his eyes away from her glistening pussy. He felt like a feral animal, cock painfully hard and twitching against the bed, but at the same time, he froze.
The girl propped herself up with her elbows, looking down between her legs at the younger boy.
"What's wrong?"
He hesitated, looking down to the side, realizing he was staring, and also from embrassement.
"How..h-how do I.." he stuttered. The girl blinked a couple of times.
"Don't tell you've never watched porn?" There was no judgement in her voice, just genuine questioning. He half nodded and half shook his head, confusing himself at this point.
"Yes of course I do.. I'm not a saint, okay? I just- I don't really know how to start I guess" he admitted. She let out a small breathy laugh, reaching out her hand to cup his cheek.
"Ah I see. Don't worry, alright? Let's go slow" she reassured him, which actually did work.
"You can start by building up to it. Kiss around the pubic area, the thighs, legs, belly, whatever. Then you can use your hands, both to caress and touch directly on it." She explained gently.
"Don't be rough. Like don't just start inserting fingers out of nowhere or rub it like some sort of dough, okay?" He laughed a bit at the examples, but nodded, both in agreement and to build up some courage.
"The main goal here is to get the vagina wet so when you touch it it doesn't hurt. Just like I did with you before. Don't worry about the rest, I'm going to tell you as you go" she added, and Jeongin nodded again, starting to put his hands to work by caressing her legs and thighs.
"Okay, good boy" she said nonchalantly, as if she said 'hello', but they way his ears got red and his cock jumped quite literally said the opposite.
Regardless, he tried to remain focused, and started to pepper the girl's lower body with wet kisses and licks. She brought a hand up to her breast, starting to play with herself as she moaned softly.
Jeongin's ego boosted at that, as he tried to remember a few of the couple porn he watched. He decided to slowly start licking directly on her pussy, which actually made her gasp out of surprise.
His gaze shoot up, to check if he was okay to continue, and by the way she had her eyes closed and mouth parted, he took it as a yes.
The boy delighted in her taste, so new but so intoxicating at the same time. He used his tongue flat, up and down, slowly from her clit to her entrance, which was becoming wetter by the second.
As a sweet background there were the older girl's sighs and moans. Yeah, he thought, she definitely had a point when she said that his partner would be enjoying the noises. He sure as fuck was.
That's what actually gave him the confidence to start touching her with his fingers. He started to gently rub his finger and middle fingers around her pussy, getting them wet as he kept sucking and licking her. She moaned a bit louder, suddenly opening her eyes and looking down.
"Here" she breathed, reaching out her own hand and placing his fingers on her clit, guiding the circling motion until he did it by himself. Her back arched slightly, as her fingers intertwined with his reddish hair.
"Yes, just like that" she sighed, "Touch yourself, baby"
He shook his head slightly, unintentionally, actually causing her to choke out a moan and make her grip on his hair tighter. She looked down.
"Why not?"
"Don't wanna come now" he mumbled in between licks. He was enjoying himself a bit too much, like a kid with a pacifier or a desert. Hilarious how in the span of two hours he became a pussy addict.
"Yes, come now. Trust me. There's- ah," she arched her back interrupting herself with a gasp of pleasure, "There's time. Listen to me."
He looked up at her, keeping his hands attached to her pussy. Her cheeks were flushed, eyes glossy and an almost invisible layer of sweat covered her forehead.
After that masterpiece of a view, cumming was not going to be hard for Jeongin, which slid his free hand under his body, reaching his cock and stroking it fast.
"Yeah, just like that, good" she moaned, "Fuck- oh, yes, keep touching my clit a bit faster, you're doing amazing" her voice a bit high, just like the high she was about to reach.
"You gonna cum?" He slurred as he upped both his fingers and tongue's pace. The dirty talk must've had an effect on her too, because she released a loud moan, arching her back and pushing Jeongin's face even further to her pussy.
"Fuck- fuck- yes" She cried out. At that exact moment Jeongin felt some wetness hit his chin, so he knew she came. He just made a woman come for the first time in his life. Damn.
Which, surprise to none, made him cum in return. The boy stiffened up a bit, groaning into the woman's pussy which made her squeal and jump back a bit, as she was too sensitive now.
Jeongin gave the last few, harsh, strokes to his cock, to ride his own high. He was taking deep breaths, trying to ground himself, but for some reason he struggled to keep his eyes open.
He forgot about Diamond for a second, until she sat up near him, her hands on his face, and a gentle expression on her face.
"Hey, pretty boy, are you alright?" She asked softly. His eyes blinked in a messy way, almost like he was passing out. He used one of her palms as a pillow and then closed his eyes completely.
Jeongin woke up on the bed, a pillow under his head and a heavy duvet covering him. He was exactly where he last remembers, on the left bottom side of the bed.
Did he actually fell asleep after having an orgasm? Oh God..what a fucking loser. But wait, where was-
And before he could ask himself the question, he saw her standing in front of the window, an equally heavy duvet around her shoulders, as she sipped some water.
"Hey, what happened?" as soon as she heard Jeongin's voice, the girl turned her head. She offered him a sweet smile.
"You passed out for some time. Not long, about twenty minutes. Did you have a long day today?" She asked sweetly as she walked back to the bed, sitting next to him.
"Yeah, actually" he woke up early, had practice, did the live, then went out again. And then he ended up here. And he came so fucking hard, too. How to forget. Actually-
"I'm sorry that I kinda fucked up at the end, I was out of if" he apologized. The girl shook her head, gently getting a few strands of hair out of his face.
"You didn't ruin anything. You made me cum. Making a woman cum on your first time is pretty impressive, you know." She nudged his shoulder with hers. He smiled shyly.
"You still sleepy?" He shook his head.
"I don't think so. I didn't need to sleep, I was probably letting some stress go." She nodded.
"I'm glad you did." She paused, "What do you want to do now?"
He thought about it for a second, leaning his head on her shoulder.
"I definitely want to finish what we started. You down?" She chuckled softly, leaning her own head on his.
"Sure" they looked at each other for a while, until he kissed her. More softly than before, as they needed to start building up again.
This time around Jeongin felt more confident in his actions, so he took another initiative. He slid the duvet down her shoulder, and she let her grip on it go too, so it fell on the ground and she was naked again.
At the same time he freed himself from his own, joining her in her nakedness. They started to properly get back on the bed, kissing, toying with their tongues, and making out. This time Jeongin guided her directly to lay on her back, head against the pillow.
He didn't immediately get in between her legs, instead he took his time licking, sucking and grazing her soft breasts with his teeth. She sighed softly, both hands in his hair as she enjoyed the attention.
Jeongin's cock, which was slowly getting hard again, was rubbing on the outside of her thigh. She took the hint and licked her palm before starting to stroke his shaft, sometimes grazing his tip with her thumb, which made him shiver every time.
Almost at the same time, Jeongin reached his own hand in between her legs, starting to circle her clit like she had taught him before. The girl whined, opening her legs to allow him more access.
They went on like that for a while, until he was fully hard and she was dripping wet.
"Put one, the two fingers inside" she whispered to his ear, "Get me ready for you" her teeth grazed his lobe, which made his cock twitch in her hand. She smiled at the reaction, continuing to lick and kiss his shoulders and collarbones.
It was so intimate, so arousing, that they didn't feel the need to rush anything. It was dazing.
The girl gasped softly when Jeongin put the first finger inside, pumping it in and out slowly, sometimes twisting it, touching around her insides to try and find her g spot. And at a squeeze of his cock in her hand, he knew he found it. He choked on a moan himself, laughing a bit.
"Alright, I think we're ready" he said with a hint of humor. She chuckled, nodding.
"Let me just-" she gently released his erect cock and stretched to get to the bedside table's small drawer, where she fished out a small bottle of lube and two condoms.
"Do you know how to put it on or do you want me to help?" She asked kindly.
"I'd prefer some help, please. I don't want to fuck up." He admitted. She nodded and asked him to sit back on his feet. She kneeled in front of him, opening the package with her fingers, pulling it out.
"Alright, hold yourself up for me" he took his cock in one hand, as she asked. Then she placed the condom on the tip, carefully sliding it down his shaft.
"Now I'm going to get ready on my back. I am wet enough now, but just as a demonstration, I'm gonna put a few drops of water based lube on me so everything can go smoothly." She explained as she positioned herself, squirting a few drops of lube on her fingers and then spreading it around a bit.
Jeongin was watching everything, to learn. And also because her pussy aroused him, and couldn't wait to get inside her, okay? Oh God, he prayed he would last more than two seconds.
"C'mere" she invited him between her legs. The young man positioned himself, lining his length with her wet hole. Then quickly looked back to her.
"You can go. Gently, remember." She smiled sweetly at him, and he reciprocated. Then his focus shifted back down, he grabbed himself and slowly entered her.
They both sighed, and she reached out to take his hand, intertwining it with hers. Jeongin bottomed out and stood still for a minute, squinting his eyes and trying not to cum right away.
Condom or no condom, pussy feels amazing. The texture, the slickness, the warmth. He needed to calm down.
"Start moving slowly, baby" she encouraged, "Back and forth, don't completely pull out or get all the way in. Okay?" He nodded, his head hunched down to look at where their bodies connected.
He started to move as he was told, and it felt good, but he knew that if he went faster, it would feel even better. That's why she told him to start slow.
He huffed, as his hips rocked back and forth, his abs contracted. Jeongin started to play around a bit. Firstly by pulling out almost completely and then slamming back all the way in, feeling her cervix.
She moaned, then gasped and tightened her legs around his body.
Then he reprised his old movement, but with a faster pace. She suddenly loosened their fingers and placed his palm flat on her lower belly, just above the pubic bone.
"Add some pressure here" her breathy voice turning him on. He actually felt like he was coming closer to his orgasm, so he wanted to do everything he could do bring her with him.
He did as he was told, and in addition sped up a bit, reaching a slightly deeper point inside her.
"Touch yourself" this time it was his turn to say it to her. Her dazed expression seemed positively surprised, so, smirking, she brought her fingers to her clit.
Not too much later both started to pant and whine in a messy manner, getting closer to their high.
"I- I'm close ho- how, mmh fuck, how about you?" Jeongin struggled to talk coherently.
"Y-yes, keep going, baby, let go" she encouraged him, and with that and a few harsher thrusts he came inside her. Safely thanks to the condom.
He kept going, gradually slower so he could ride out his orgasm and he could still try to get her to get hers.
He bowed down, attaching his lips to her nipples to add even more stimulation, and that's what got her.
The older girl gasped, then moaned and kept touching herself slowly to properly ride out her orgasm. After a while though she pushed Jeongin's abs because it had gotten sensitive. He got the hint and leaned back on the bed, sliding outside of her.
They both stood still, breathing heavily, for a couple of minutes. The first to move was Diamond, which simply got off the bed, reaching out to safely take off the condom and throw it away.
Then she went into the bathroom, coming out already wearing a bathrobe, and bringing one for him as well.
"Thank you" he said, even more tired than before. But also hungry.
"I don't know if I want to sleep or eat more" he joked. She gave him a half smile.
"Whichever it will be, it can't be here" she broke the news to him as gently as possible.
Jeongin was taken aback for a second, until he remembered the situation he was actually in. She was paid to do this, not to sleep and cuddle. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he understood.
"Of course" he stood up from the bed, wrapped around in his bathrobe.
"Should I redress myself-" he started, but she interrupted him.
"No, no. There is another private room booked for you, to rest and freshen up. It's written on the card. You can relax, take a bath and order some food. Even at three am." She smiled a bit, "Don't worry about the clothes. I will personally make sure that they're delivered fresh to your doorstep tomorrow morning."
Jeongin nodded, not really looking at her. He felt so stupid and childish for feeling like this but he kinda couldn't help it.
He spent some intimate time with someone and now he had to leave them, pretty normal no?
If anything now he fully understands the emotional package that comes with exposing yourself with someone else. It will serve him in the future, he knows it.
He walked towards the door, with on his bathrobe and hotel slippers, and his silver card. His room was on the same floor as Chan.
"Well, again happy birthday. I hope the experience was nice. I had a nice time too, so thank you." She smiled politely. He nodded, trying to get a grip and not look like a kicked puppy.
"Yes, yes, absolutely. Thank you for having patience with me." He wanted to fucking bad to end it there, he was screaming in his head 'shut the fuck up Jeongin', and instead he added "Maybe I could come back sometime."
The girl's gaze softened, a hint of pity in her eyes. She reached out a hand and cupped his cheek.
"I hope not, Foxie. I hope that as soon as you walk out of here you find a beautiful, sweet girl that will give you this out of love, like you deserve." Her smile was comforting. He nodded, feeling a bit like a kid.
"But..." He looked up again at the word, "If between a busy day and the other you still don't find someone else, and you need to let off some steam..then why not." She winked. He smiled, bowed his head to her in respect and then wished her goodnight as he exited the room.
As soon as she closed the door behind him, she relaxed her face, and huffed, pretty tired after the whole ordeal. She started a warm bath, and picked up her phone from the safe to bring it with her.
- to : Xs <3
3.24 am - Your little one has just gone up
The answer came back almost immediately.
- from : Xs <3
3.25 am - he just texted me lol
3.25 am - you definitely left an impression
3.26 am - not that I had any doubts ~
3.26 am - wyd
She smirked, writing back
- to : Xs <3
3.27 am - Was just about to relax in the tub then sleep
3.28 am - Wanna join? ~
Before she could even put down the phone, it ding'ed back.
- from : Xs <3
3.28 am - Omw down ;)
N/A: Xs = Chris
Oop.. Little plot twist? Anyway, this was a long one hope you enjoyed!
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spacebaby1 · 7 months
Hey, I like your content and also I’m autistic fan of anime
So can you do Law meets female autistic reader?🥺🙏🏽
From one autistic girly to another autistic person; Yes, I'd love to write that! Hope you like it.❤️🫶🏻
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One would've never thought that you were a pirate let alone the crew member of one of the notorious pirate ever; the heart pirates. Yet here you were under the weighted blanket that Law had no idea where you got from since you were always running away finding new things that catch your interest in any new island they land at. Its been a very chilly week and you couldn't stand the cold weather so you decided to lock yourself in your room and under your comfy blanket. "Yes, Captain?" He heard you question from under the blanket and a soft smile found it way on his lips, "how'd you know I'm standing here?" He asked. Still under the blanket you replied, "I heard your footsteps," you lifted the blanket a bit too look at him, "do I need to do something?" You asked that question with pleading face that showed you didn't want to do anything at all. He shook his head and placed his palm on your head, "it's cold outside, you can rest." You nodded and went back under your blanket.
Law left the room and went to stand on the deck for a while as he remembered the first time he met you. They were in a new island because for once and for everyone's shock Law was hurt beyond repair and none of the crew members could help even with the amount of medical training they had so they needed to find a doctor but they kept getting doors shut in their faces because they are pirates and no one wanted to be involved with pirates.
You were sitting on the house porch when you noticed Shachi and Penguin literally struggling to help their Captain walk since they too, were hurt. You placed your book that you were reading down and rushed towards them to find out what's wrong, "uh, what's wrong?" You asked standing near them your hands in fist as you noticed the amount of blood on their captain's shoulder. "W-we need a doctor, he's hurt! Can you help us?" Shachi pleaded and you nodded leading them to your house.
Your father was a skilled doctor but unfortunately he was away for work and luckily he thought you more than enough about medical care. After Shachi and Penguin laid their Captain on the bed and sighed in relief when you told them that you can help him but they need to relax. You quickly rushed to the kitchen and looked around trying to not get overwhelmed. Taking a deep breath you grabbed the needed herbs. Law wasn't fully conscious at this point but he was still crying in low voice and groaning in pain which made you want to cover your ears and hide because that's a sound you didn't want to hear, it made you nervous seeing someone cry like that. But he needed help and you needed to heal him or he will lose more blood; Shachi and Penguin were standing near and waiting for you to give them orders for anything! But you quietly worked your way on removing his shirt trying hard to not think about the blood that was now inside your nails making you hold back the goosebumps.
Law was about to push your hands away when you got near his wound, but Shachi was quick to hold him back, "please, Captain, she's trying to help!" You went back to work on the wound and noticed how he was wearing a hat that was making you distracted, so you slowly took the hat off and handed it to Penguin without a word. It took you a while to clean the dried blood and stop the bleeding; the whole room floor was covered in blood-soaked clothes. You managed to find the torn muscle that was causing the bleeding; it was so tinny that you weren't surprised how no one would've noticed it. After cleaning his wound, you placed the herbs you gathered earlier, and immediately, Law calmed down because of how the herbs healed and numbed the pain away. You let Law rest after that, and the three of you left the room.
You were wrapping Shachi's wound on his leg when he spoke, "you are a skilled doctor, thank you for helping Captain." You shrugged, "I'm not a doctor, I'm a writer." You gave them the most genuine smile and they exchanged looks better Penguin spoke this time, "t-then how did you do-"
"My father is a doctor. He taught me a few things, and your captain will be fine. Are you two hungry? I made some pastries earlier, a bit too much of them, would you like some?" They sighed with a nod because they didn't realise how hungry they were. After serving them the food, you went to your fathers room and gathered clean clothes, making your way to the room to find Law fast asleep, breathing soundly. You took the hat of the floor and noticed how bloody it was before taking it to the washing room and then coming back with a wet cloth and water.
You took his shirt off and cleaned the rest of the blood off his arms, chest and rest of the body making sure to shut your eyes or look away on some parts of his body; maybe he wouldn't want you to look at him. But his tattoos caught your attention as you looked at them for a long time and wondered if he felt a lot of pain getting them, were they painful? Or do some people actually don't feel pain? You thought as you were completely zoned out before shacking your head and dressing him up in clean clothes.
Shachi and penguin helped clean the room even when you told them it's fine and that you could do it, but they wanted to help as their gratitude for helping law. Three days went by and Law hasn't woken up and on the forth days night you were sitting by the bed and reading your book with calming voices playing in your headphones, it's when Law slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the room and he looked to his right than to his left and that's when he saw you focused on your book, and gently nodding your head. You looked up from the book for a second and flinched when you saw him awake. Quickly, you got up from the chair and went to the living room to call Shachi and penguin, who were playing random games you gave them.
They came in running and literally crying over their Captain's while you stood behind the doorframe watching them, Law sighed at how his two crew members were acting but was happy to see them again and told them to inform the rest of the crew and get ready to sail again in the morning. That night, you helped him take a bath while looking away as you wahed his back, chest, "Why are you looking away? Are you scared of the tattoos?" He asked in an annoyed voice to which you shook your head. "No, I think your tattoos are very funny looking, but they really look good on you. I feel like if anyone else had these tattoos, I would find it weird, but they really look good on you, especially the one in the middle of your chest. It's a funny smile face but I like it and they are black like your hair, you have nice hair, very nice hair." You said that with blank face and he blinked at the amount of information you dumped on him in seconds as you tried to smile at him, "I thought you might not want me to look at you naked, I don't want anyone to look at me when I'm naked. But I changed your clothes, I didn't look though. Promise." You went to wash his hair before mumbling to yourself, "Nice hair."
You helped him get dressed and lay on the bed, "you shouldn’t move around so much-" you were interrupted by a knock on the door; it was your father, he was a very gentle elderly man and was happy to see that you helped one in need. He talked with Law for a long while that night until you told them that Law needs to rest because he needs to heal.
The next morning, most of the crew came around to help Law as you watched them get ready to leave. Law thanked you over and over just like Shachi and Penguin did. You gasped as you ran inside the house and then ran back outside, telling them to stop as your father chuckled. They weren't far when they saw you running with something in your hand. You placed Law's hat on his head, "y-your hat, you almost forgot." You smiled wide at him. "Please, join my crew." Law had never begged anyone to join his crew before. And the rest was history.
Law smiled at the memories before he made his way towards his room but not before stopping by yours and to check on you one last time only to find you cuddled up to your stuffed toy fast asleep. "Sleep well, my Angel." He whispered before closing the door.
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pockyteau · 2 years
✩ a chishiya x reader where the sun is a lot closer to him than he realised.
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"Do you know the story of Icarus?"
The question catches Chishiya off guard. He turns to you inquisitively, but you are already looking elsewhere; you stretch your arms out behind your head lazily, leaning back against the side of your bed. The sunlight that filled the room was enough to make one drowsy with all its warmth, little specks of light scuttling across the ground like golden ants.
It's always weirdly sunny, when you're around.
"I'm familiar with it, yes." Chishiya says mildly. He briefly wonders whether he should've admitted to it - while it was true he had read the book, it had been completely unintentional. He'd picked up an old paperback of the book in a library once, under the impression that the gold lettering on the cover meant the book held a multitude of literary treasures. On that day, Chishiya learnt two things: that Icarus was an idiot, and that he should never trust the gold lettering on books.
He had come to dislike the story since.
"Really? You know it?" You look at him with wide eyes, your earlier drowsiness thrown off. The expression you are making is glowing with excitement, and he feels as if he should de-escalate the situation before you get any ideas. 
"I didn't like it much," he warns. Much to Chishiya's distaste, he had come to know that you were a lover of storybooks, of which he never had much patience for. You blink, falling back against your bed with an audible thump. 
"But why not?" You ask, tilting your head to the side. From your lips the question sounds incredulous; it's almost as if you had, in fact, greatly enjoyed the story of Icarus.
Chishiya frowns. He had initially expected you to dislike it too, since the story ended in Icarus' death and you were the greatest lover of happy endings he'd ever met. After tuning many of them out, he had come to know that your personal favourite tales were the ones about love - sappy ones of sweetness and longing that spanned over many lifetimes. He didn't care much for them either, though they wouldn't have bothered him nearly as much if you didn't insist on telling him every single one. So, with that in mind, what reason could you have for liking this tale? 
"Icarus dug his own grave," Chishiya shrugs. "If he'd just been careful, he would've lived. He should've listened to the advice he was given."
You snort. "That's why you don't like it? You and Icarus are one in the same, then," you point out. "You never listen either."
It appears you've noticed him tuning you out. 
"Well," Chishiya muses, "I can afford not to." He turns his head to shoot you a lazy grin. "The same cannot be said for Icarus."
You press your lips together. "Wow, you are awful," you comment, though Chishiya can tell by the way your shoulders shake gently that you are trying not to laugh. Your attempt to stifle your laughter ends up in vain when your voice disappears towards the end of your statement, dipping your head forward to conceal the grin adorning your face. 
Chishiya finds he is smiling before he can stop himself - it's easy to make you laugh. He knows that if you lifted your head, he would see the crinkles under your eyes.
He allows you a moment to compose yourself before asking a question of his own. "But why do you like it?" he says, careful to keep the curiosity out of his voice. You raise your head when he speaks, traces of laughter still painting your lips. "The Icarus story, I mean. Since he dies in the end, I would've thought you'd hate it."
The question seems to surprise you. You frown, your brows drawing together. "Well, I wouldn't say that I like it, exactly," you say thoughtfully. "But it does have its charm. Icarus was happy for a little while." You muse. "Maybe being careless was worth it for him." 
"That's ridiculous," Chishiya snorts. Icarus was happy for no less than what, five seconds? No form of death could be worth that. Now he doesn't know why he asked in the first place, because of course you would supply him with an answer like that. "He still died."
"Hey, what've you got against Icarus?" You tease, arms folded as you lean back against the side of your bed. "To be honest, I think his story is a little sad. He was just glad to be in the sun."
"Mm," Chishiya makes a noncommittal noise in response, knowing that if he were to give a full answer it would probably be rather scathing. You smile at this, giving him a little nudge. 
"Okay, not a fan of Icarus," you say. Your voice is soft, tinted with amusement. Huh. Chishiya feels a small ache hatch in the centre of his chest - it pricked him in a strange way to see your smile as you spoke. You carry on, unaware of the sudden pain in his chest, that same smile still on your face. "Got it. Ah! Do you know Psyche and Eros? You have to have heard of them! Their love story is unrivaled." 
Chishiya is vaguely aware of how he shakes his head, which causes you to clutch at your chest in mock horror. You then launch into your rendition of Psyche and Eros' romance, eyes shining. It seemed that unlike Icarus, Psyche and Eros got their happy ever after; their love was free to last forever, unbound by the constraints of mortal life once Psyche was immortalised. 
Of course, this was the ringer for you -  a love that lasted forever. Chishiya doesn't believe in forever; he knows everything must eventually come to an end. Perhaps that was where the two of you differed the most; you firmly believed in forever, simply because you insisted that things such as love could transcend all boundaries, resist the tests of time. 
He supposes this should only be expected from someone who pitied Icarus, for whom Chishiya has no sympathy for. Despite how careless he may seem to you, him and the boy with the wax wings are nothing alike, because Chishiya is careful. He takes care not to let his mind wander when he sets his gaze on the sparkle in your eyes, the curve of your lips. He takes care not to let the sunlit vision of you sink too deep beneath the surface of his mind. Chishiya is careful, always careful. He knows that the repercussions of getting comfortable with you could cost him everything.
Even without you telling him, he knows the story of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun. 
Today you are telling him about something new - probably another love story, judging by the delight in your voice. 
It's sunny again. Chishiya is sitting with his back against the wall of your room, basking in the golden sunlight that streams through your window. The atmosphere is peaceful, calm. The way Chishiya likes it. 
He leans his head forward slightly to stretch the stiffness out of it; he had long since stopped listening to you, and was now trying to figure out how to a rig a flamethrower. And every other step to making a flamethrower, really. It would be a lot easier to dance that risky line between life and death with one, and Chishiya intends to use it as his ticket out of this poolside hotel. He dreams of somewhere he doesn't have to attend meetings on the whim of an obnoxious man in sunglasses.
But where would he get the materials? If he were to ask someone like Ann for spare flamethrowing parts, he would most likely be bombarded with questions. Ann was terrifying in her own right, with her ability to speak so fast. It's a dilemma, certainly. Perhaps he could ask the handyman, Tatta, instead.
He doesn't seem like the type to ask what Chishiya would use them for, and Chishiya believes that is a quality more people should have. 
He lifts his head at your mention of his name. "Hm?"
You grin. Chishiya feels that little ache between his ribs again, filling in the empty space between his heart and his bones. It seems to be spreading, which he tries not to find concerning. 
It's probably nothing. 
"You weren't listening again, were you?" you chide, but you don't seem to mind. The teasing look on your face makes that plain enough.  
Chishiya sees no need to lie. "I was not."
"Of course not," you sigh dramatically, flopping down to sit next to him. He smirks at you, knowing that you would roll your eyes in response. He knows you, predicting the way your head tilts away from him slightly, covering a quiet laugh. "Actually, I don't know why I'm surprised. Do you even listen to all those executive meetings you go to?"  
Chishiya grins, which means the obvious answer is no - it's a close call between who he respects less, the Hatter or the mournful looking worm he'd spotted on his way back from a game. In fact, he might've even lent the worm an ear if it had deigned to speak - it probably had more worthwhile things to say than the Beach's number one.   
You seem to be able to follow his train of thought. "I guess not," you say, a small laugh escaping your lips. 
He finds himself thinking that the sound of it is rather nice.
Without warning you lean in closer to Chishiya and for a moment his mind goes blank, but all you do is reach out a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. "Here," your fingers brush lightly against the side of his face as you do so, the warmth of your skin lingering on his jaw even though the touch was only a brief one. "Now you'll be able to hear me better, hm?"
Chishiya snorts. His eyes flick over to you, that smile he wished wouldn't affect him so much dancing on your lips. Perhaps he should untuck the strand of hair from behind his ear again, just to annoy you. "There's a difference between wanting to listen and being able to listen."
"Hey-" you open your mouth to protest, but close it just as quickly. Chishiya is all but ready to give you a smug look, anticipating the way you would groan and pretend not to laugh - but then you lean in even closer, inspecting his face with curious eyes. He raises his brows in question. He doesn't like how your eyes have widened, mystified, as they rest just below his own eye level.
"What is it?" He frowns.
"You have a beauty mark!" You say, a delighted smile spreading across your lips. "I never noticed! Why didn't you tell me?"
Chishiya's brow furrows. He has to stifle the sudden urge to reach up and cover the little mark below his left eye. Why would he tell you? Perhaps he had fallen into the fool's trap of assuming you had working eyes, since the mark was, you know, on his face. "It must have slipped my mind," he says dryly. 
Unfortunately, you take no notice of his wry tone. "It's so cute!" you exclaim. You look dangerously close to clapping your hands in joy, and you are still much too close to Chishiya. He feels the warmth on his skin beginning to burn as you reach out a finger to lightly tap the mark under his eye. "Oh! that reminds me - did I ever tell you the story? Beauty marks are where you were kissed the most in your past life."
Chishiya brushes your hand away from his face. "I can't say I've heard that one before," he says, keeping his tone even. He hopes it will be enough to stop the liquid gold in his chest from spreading.
"I thought as much," you hum, reaching out to poke the mark under his eye again, grinning when he swats you away. "Hey, that means you were kissed there a lot. Isn't that so sweet? You must have been really loved in your past life."
Chishiya's frown deepens. Here is your precious everlasting love again. 
It's no secret that he doesn't believe in things like this; he knew better than most that human hearts were feeble things, easily stopped. As the vessel of love, didn't that show how not even the greatest love could last longer than the average human lifespan? 
"Is that so." He says flatly. The mark below his eye was merely a fixation of his face, nothing more. 
Your eyes dart over his unsmiling expression, the corners of your lips still turned up. "It's okay, I know you don't believe in things like that," you say mildly, eyes sparkling. Chishiya's gaze flickers; he didn't realise you had become so apt at predicting his thoughts. 
"You're right. I don't."
You merely hum again in response before falling silent, as if in thought. In the hush Chishiya allows his gaze to wander to you momentarily; it comes to rest on the pensive crease in your forehead, angling lower to where golden shapes are being cast over your face by the sunlight coming through the window. 
He's not sure if he can remember a time where you haven't been touched by light. 
"Ah!" You do clap your hands now, and Chishiya eyes you in apprehension. That can't mean anything good. "Alright. Why don't we test something out?" 
"Test?" Chishiya squints at you for a moment to accentuate his reluctance. "And what would that be?" 
"Well...why don't we give you a new beauty mark?" You smile. "You don't believe me, so I'll prove you wrong." 
Chishiya has to bite back his immediate scorn. What purpose would that serve? It's not as if you would be able to check if your theory worked, anyway. Even if you were right, neither of you would know what had conspired in this room, dappled in sunlight, in your next life.
He's already forming the word "no" in his throat, well aware that he shouldn't indulge you - but there are little crinkles under your eyes, the look of pure joy you usually wear when telling him your precious stories. Why were you so happy about his beauty mark, he wonders, and why hasn't the ache stopped by now? He should shut you down now, before this gets out of hand.
It is with these resolute thoughts that for some unfathomable, fanatical reason, Chishiya opens his mouth to find the words "do whatever you want," escaping off the tip of his tongue.
Just like that, the precarious nature he had built up around you is dealt its first blow when your face lights up with a pleasant surprise. 
"Really?" you say, so tentatively that the pull in his chest becomes so strong it almost hurts. Chishiya has to pull himself together to shrug in indifference. But it's fine. This is but a small allowance, one he will only let slide once. 
He still has to be careful. 
You delicately put both hands on either side of the blonde's face, turning it this way and that as if inspecting it. He looks at you, unimpressed, as you gently poke his right cheek, designating it as the spot for his next beauty mark. "Is here okay?"
Chishiya shrugs again with his face still in your hands, your hold on him causing a slight difficulty for him to do so properly. "It's your test, isn't it?"
"Okayy, here it is, then."
You lean in and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, then another, and another. The touch of your lips is sweet and light - Chishiya's soft chuckle is audible when you kiss him a fourth time, and he loses count of the ones that follow after you can't seem to help but kiss him once on the lips. 
Chishiya knows he shouldn't. He is aware that the wax wings fixed to his back are loosening by the day. 
But no matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he is compelled to push open the door to your room in his free time, the daylight hours before he leaves for a game. Where he is enveloped by golden sunlight the second he steps in, the way your face brightens like heaven is on earth there with him etching itself into the very corners of his mind. He listens silently to your stories, the lull of your voice. You've begun to kiss him on his right cheek regularly, like a habit, and he can't bring himself to stop you. 
He does his best to ignore the thought that perhaps he doesn't even want to stop you.
Chishiya knows that this is temporary. He has to be careful, make sure he doesn't forget. That no matter how many times you kiss him, he cannot stay. He is already flying much to close to the sun - the sudden warmth that consumes him as he does so is so immense that it scares him. Because every time you kiss him like that, he wonders what it would be like to sit there and listen to you tell stories forever.
And Chishiya knows forever doesn't exist. 
Chishiya declines citizenship in the Borderlands.
Even after playing Kuzuryuu, he had honestly considered staying. No matter where he was, forever still would not exist; he would eventually die in either world. It would be interesting to see what the future held for him here, in any case. Perhaps he could run the Diamond games - there's no question of him being able to take the crown of the King of Diamonds with his intellect. And after all, if he stayed, he wouldn't have to return to the tedious problems of the real world.
But in the end, he finds that something inside him has changed.
Maybe it's because he's slowly bleeding out, which probably doesn't bode well for him. Maybe it's because he's slumped against a car and it's less than comfortable. Maybe Kuzuryuu got through to him after all.
But maybe it's also how you find him there, hidden behind the car, worry painting your usually so sunny face as you rush over to kneel beside him.
"Chishiya?" you whisper urgently. "Are you okay?" 
He feels a gentle weight on his shoulder where you hand has immediately come to rest, like it's the most natural thing in the world. You don't even think twice about it; it surprises Chishiya that such a simple movement could feel so comforting, safe. He's gotten used to your touch, no matter how hard he'd tried not to. You're checking his wounds, eyes widening when you realise his hoodie is soaked in blood. "What happened to you? Oh my god, have you been shot? How bad is it?"
Chishiya manages a weak chuckle, even as you begin desperately searching for the bullet wound. You're worried, really worried, whispering something about putting pressure on the wound. Should he tell you he's been shot more than once? 
His eyes roam over your face, cast in deep shadow by the darkening sky. Where are the crinkles in your eyes? The look of unobtainable joy that never left your face? It's so strange - ridiculous, even - that all he can think of is that stupid story you'd told him so long ago, the one about the beauty marks. He aches to see you smile again, like you did then, and the all-consuming feeling almost outweighs the blood seeping from his wounds.
"Are you laughing?" you say tearfully. Another laugh forces itself out of Chishiya's chest even as he winces slightly, although whether he laughs out of amusement or exasperation he can't really tell. You give him an incredulous stare, eyes shining with perspiration, before you finally crack a small smile of your own.
That's all it takes for the dam to break and you exhale in relief, the panic leaving your body in the form of a heavy breath. Your whole body relaxes and your hand slips a bit on his shoulder as you slump down beside him. "Chishiya," you breathe his name like it's the only thing keeping you alive, burying your face in your hands. "I was so worried about you." 
Chishiya's broken laughter subsides into a grin. He leans back against the car, closing his eyes for a moment, although his look of amusement still lingers over his features. It's almost ironic - you seem more concerned about his own life than he is. And while Chishiya's concern usually reaches the brilliant heights of almost zero, he suddenly thinks that surviving his multiple bullet wounds wouldn't be so bad. 
"Why?" he says, opening his eyes slightly to peer at you through half-lids. "If I died, we could test out your beauty mark theory."
You groan, but the sound is half-laugh-half-exasperation. "I can't believe you." Your head falls forward to rest on his shoulder, the fabric of his hoodie muffling your voice. You sound weak, as if you had spent some time calling out his name, trying to find him. He exhales a soft laugh. it was always your voice that gave you away, but now Chishiya only finds it endearing rather than a weakness. Despite the situation he finds himself relaxing. 
He could get used to this. 
And that's when it hits him. 
That Chishiya has already become Icarus, the fool. 
He breathes out. No, he's been a fool from the very start. He wants your head on his shoulder, just like it is now. He wants the warmth of your touch. He wants forever, full of your dancing eyes and your buoyant smile. He wants too much, has flown right against the sun so that his wax wings have melted away and he's plummeted into the ocean. Look at where being careful had gotten him; everything he's ever believed to be true is lost in the deep water. 
But then you raise your head to graze a kiss on his right cheek between murmurs, your own cheeks slightly wet with tears, and Chishiya finds he doesn't care. He's willing to indulge in the idea of forever, no matter how unlikely it might be that it actually exists. He'll sink deeper into the ocean as long as you're holding on to him.
Fireworks explode around the two of you, marking the end of the world he'd met you in, and Chishiya makes his choice.
"I don't want citizenship," he says, and his eyes slide over to you as the words leave his mouth. He can admit, if only to himself, that he's looking forward to your reaction. "I think."
Your astonished face is illuminated in the light before it splits into that beaming smile. 
"I thought you would stay," you whisper, but you're smiling so hard even as glittering tears are sliding down your cheeks again that Chishiya can't help but laugh once more. You reach for his hand and clasp it tightly, intertwining your fingers and his in a way that can only be described as tender and sweet, and he knows he's made the right choice. 
"Let's go home," you say, eyes shining, and Chishiya is falling, falling. He wants to go back and live in a world with you, where a love that outlasts even the two of your beating hearts is more likely to be possible. Because even though he doesn't believe in forever, you do.
And Chishiya has never wanted so badly, with all of the heart he thought he didn't have, for it to be true. 
Chishiya couldn't shake the feeling that something was strange.
He knew exactly where he was before he even fully woke up - the beep of the heart monitor, the sharp scent of sterilisation, the coolness of the pillow behind his head. From all the time he'd spent in residency, the atmosphere of the hospital was unmistakable. 
He opens his eyes slowly to ease his transition into the waking world. His body aches with injury, and there is a stinging pain in his abdomen. The thoughts in his head are sluggish, bleary. He's still gaining his bearings, trying to figure out what happened. 
A sudden jolt of urgency shoots through him and he almost bolts upright; he is met with the resistance of the tightly tucked in hospital bedsheets, and has to slowly push himself up instead. He looks around, scanning the other beds in the room. There is a strange new ache blooming rapidly in his chest, but he doesn't think it's related to his injuries. Where is...
He blinks. Where is what? 
He frowns, freeing one of his arms from the linen sheets to rub his forehead. He tries to summon the thought up again, but it's like grasping at sand. Where is...? He attempts to close his fist over the question, but it slips through his fingers like the grains of an hourglass. What was he so desperate to find just now?
He just can't seem to recall. 
The curtain around his bed is drawn with the slight scrape of metal, revealing a nurse with a clipboard. Chishiya is momentarily distracted from his thoughts when the nurse looks surprised to see him awake, her mouth forming a little 'o' of astonishment.
"Oh! you're awake," her expression quickly eases into a professional smile. Chishiya dips his head slightly in acknowledgement, but he is still unsettled. It's the strangest thing. It feels he's missing something, but he just can't figure out what.
The nurse begins to check his vitals, scribbling something down on a clipboard with a ballpoint pen. To Chishiya's newly awoken mind, the scratch of pen against paper is louder than it should be. As she writes she tells Chishiya what happened - the tragedy of the meteorite, how he was one of many victims of the crash. 
"Your heart stopped for a full minute," she says, "you went into cardiac arrest. The same thing actually happened to a lot of the other patients here who were injured by the meteorite crash..."
Chishiya stops listening there. The nurse continues to talk, but his mind is already is elsewhere. His heart stopped for a full minute. He wonders, briefly, why it even bothered starting back up again. Perhaps he had some underlying will to live that even he didn't know about. 
Human hearts were strange things. 
It turns out that Chishiya has to stay at the hospital for a while before he can be discharged. He's familiar with the procedures - although his injuries aren't as severe as the man in the bed next to him, who is bandaged from head to toe, it'll still take a while before he makes a full recovery. Though Chishiya isn't too happy about this, he supposes there's nothing much he can do about it. And while the man stationed beside him is rather boisterous at times he does talk to Chishiya on the occasion, and it's not too irritating. In fact, he thinks they might even be a little bit alike in some ways.   
But even as his injuries slowly heal, the ache he'd woken up with still lingers. It's such a strange, implacable feeling. Something inside him yearns for a specific kind warmth, the gold of sunlight that filters through windows. The hospital wards are too silent, too dull. Since when did he begin to long for company? But it's not even that - the room he's been staying in is full of people, yet he still feels as if someone is missing from his side. It's endlessly frustrating. 
If his heart was going to torture him like this for surviving, maybe it shouldn't have yanked him back from cardiac arrest after all.
Chishiya's hospital days blur together with the utter sameness of them all. He goes through the motions, the scans, the checkups, all without a second thought. 
Until, that is, he catches a proper glimpse of his reflection in the chipped bathroom mirror. 
He stops in his tracks, leaning in closer to check whether it was just a speck of dust on the mirror, but no - it's really there. He frowns. That's weird. 
He has a new beauty mark.
Has it always been there? There had always been one, just below his left eye. He had never paid it any heed. It was simply there, an affixation of his face. But he finds that there is now another mark, sitting on his right cheek. If it had been there all his life, he certainly didn't remember it. How had he never noticed it before?
He raises a hand to brush the new mark in confusion, his fingertips grazing the skin. As he does this, he recalls something odd - in the very back of his mind, it's almost as if he can feel the gentle press of someone's lips against his cheek. 
Chishiya is finally going to be discharged from the hospital today.
He will not miss this place. In fact, his parting from the bed he'd known for the last month or so was joyful, to say the least. The ache he had woken up with still hasn't disappeared, but maybe the unsettling feeling that he'd forgotten something would fade once he left.
The sooner, the better.
He is just making his way to reception, having bid an amused farewell to the boisterous man in the bed beside him. Unlike the others in his room, neither of them had had any visitors, so he supposed the least he could do was be civil to the guy.
For once, there is silence in the hospital's white-walled corridors; visiting hours had not yet begun, and while Chishiya had grown to find complete silence somewhat unnerving he welcomes the change. There are no families weeping in the grey couches, no nervous chatter as they waited to be given updates on their loved ones' condition. There is even an abundance of sunlight, drifting in through the windows. It's peaceful, calm. The way Chishiya likes it.
Except when the receptionist's desk is finally in sight he finds someone else is already there, talking to the receptionist. By the looks of it, it's another patient - probably another crash victim, like him. Chishiya slows down, not particularly wanting to wait around for the conversation to finish. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, turning to look at the grey visitor's couches and then back at the receptionist. The patient is filling out forms now, blue ballpoint pen in hand. He spots the receptionist holding a rather thick stack of papers in her hand and frowns.
This may take a while.
Chishiya resigns himself to the grey couches, sinking into the soft fabric of the furniture. At least there's plenty of sunlight, streaming in through the rectangular glass pane overhead. He shoots another glance over at the counter, where the receptionist's stack of paper has diminished by about two sheets. He wonders if he would be chased if he just walked out of the hospital without signing the discharge documents.
With a sigh he leans back into the couch, turning his head to the side. With a note of surprise, he realises that there is a book lying open-faced a few inches away from him - judging by how it's been left open, someone must have left it there in the middle of reading it. With nothing else to do he lets curiosity take over, reaching over to pick the book up by its spine.
The book is a thin copy of an old story, battered and clearly well-read. He frowns slightly when he reads the title, bringing it closer to him to make out the words - gold lettering, the font of deceit. It's the story of Icarus; who wanted too much, giddy upon his taste of the heavens, and paid the price for it. Chishiya had always held contempt for that particular tale. If the fool had just been a little more careful, perhaps he would've lived.
"Oh! You know the story of Icarus?"
The question catches Chishiya off guard. He looks up from the book to see someone standing in front of him, smiling. It's that patient, the one who had been talking to the receptionist, silhouette dappled golden in the sunlight trickling into the room. That must mean the receptionist's desk is free now - but for some reason, he can't seem to tear his eyes away from the patient's expression; sparkling eyes, lips curved sweetly. Those bright eyes study him as he feels a familiar pull in his chest, the ache growing stronger by the second. And then, he hears the soft words:
"You have lovely beauty marks."
And it's so strange, because suddenly he feels a tug at the back of his mind. He feels as if he's heard something like that before, in another room dappled in sunlight. Where he felt warmer, safer than anywhere he had ever known.
Chishiya feels the smile come to his lips before he can stop himself. Perhaps his admin papers could wait a little longer. "Is that so."
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crustyfloor · 25 days
What is this horror that I just woke up to
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Firstly, Luka's tattoo has finally been revealed (too bad it's not where I theorized it was...) Unlike the others, one detail is stark this time, that being that he was awake during the entire process. He's not even lying down when it would probably be less (by a pinch) painful, and more efficient if he did. He's watching. Even helping by keeping his shirt up.
And it seems he is still maintaining his heart rate even through the pain.
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(And, expectedly he is thin so this would've hurt a lot more. I wouldn't be surprised if keeping him awake was to benefit his ability of endurance)
And we have his mugshot too. there are a lot of scribbles on his page so I tried to decipher the two clearest ones to me
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LUKA - 010401 (His ID number)
And alongside that, we finally have the full cast tattoo process. (save my Till loving heart what are they doing to him.) HyunA and the girls on the top and Luka and the boys on the bottom.
On the topic that the Aliens in ALNST are horrible and can't be bothered to even put the pet humans to sleep while going through such a painful process, it doesn't look like Ivan is spared either and was also awake. otherwise, I don't know how he maintained that grip.
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There's no telling for sure yet but his grip looks loose, perhaps he has a good pain tolerance.
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And Till's picture. I think that's a full-body restraint right there (Like a straight jacket) If he was awake the whole time too then that's probably to be expected. There also seem to be wires around his face? a mouth gag? I can tell his is just...gonna be horrible to look at. (I am going to cause a scene. bashes my head against the concrete ARGH)
And we have everyone's mugshots, Sua -> Mizi-> Till -> Ivan -> Luka -> HyunA
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(These were especially hard to read 💀 but they all seem to have their own signatures on their own pictures )
Sua (x2) - 1132 (in the circled area) - 020201 (That's close to her ID number- 020211.) - The rest is indescribable except for the "No"(?)
Another interesting part of this, we're shown Till's part of the Season 50 data book. A lot of the text is scribbled out.
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Lyrics to unknown Till the end (And something scribbled out on the top) it looks like a draft copy. I can't tell if much changed from the version we have today..just got to see when the full version is out.
I tried to decipher as much as I could, take this with a grain of salt but his profile (left) is more of a teacher's note, one of his flaws being that he's aggressive, and he has a strong suit in performance. (Heavy emphasis on practicing music because his performance is his strong suit)
The C might be his overall grade, his only passing class was music.
(So many star scribbles..Mizi liked stars)
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The album cover looks like a Brain (it reminds me of an MRI scan kinda) Is it Till's brain after all the experiments he's been through? if so, I'm not surprised it seemingly has a lot of abnormalities.
Also, the prominent signature in the middle looks a little bit Like Ivan's.
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And finally the main piece, Given the similarities in data the person going through the test is still Sua.
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The bandaging on her head is very confusing though, (is this the process of creating Anakt's child?) She also looks like she's yelling more than singing in this piece. (with the tight restraints it's hard to even tell but she doesn't look as relaxed as the second picture.)
Mental - Good (despite the red light?)
Cry (singing. maybe.) - Good
This could be in the literal sense that Sua was actually crying during this test, or this phase of the test. But Aliens have a warped perception of human sounds. They call crying, singing so...I don't know. If there was a lot of resistance from Sua during the earlier phases then the bandage is probably there as another restraint..so many restraints.
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simplepotatofarmer · 4 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream & Technoblade - Desert
The map was useless; never ending brown stretching out to the edges of the cream paper it was printed on. Dream would have thrown it away but there was some comfort in looking at it, trying to piece together the location he was currently and where he was supposed to be going. A security blanket that probably would've been more helpful if it had been an actual blanket.
He wiped his hand across his brow, careful not to get sweat or the tiny grains of sand that clung to him in his eyes.
"This is so stupid," he said and the desert swallowed his words in silence. For a brief moment, Dream shivered, cold.
Hours ago, he had removed his armor. It was heavy and dark and trapped heat and he would have more of a chance against an opponent without armor than he would against the beating sun. He trudged on.
And he trudged on, only stopping when the sun was high in the sky and there was a small mound of sandstone to press his back against. There was terracotta mixed in and Dream checked the map once more, looking for any landmark that could match up to whatever this had once been. Nothing. He should head back, he knew that, but somewhere out in this desert was an old village and in it was a library and, possibly, a book.
If it's still there, thought Dream, not wanting to speak out loud again.
Using his overshirt as paltry shade, Dream closed his eyes, the cold bones of the sandstone lulling him to sleep.
He woke when a shadow fell over him.
He stared up, trying to make sense of what he was seeing, wondering sluggishly if he had died or gone crazy from the heat. Either was possible and more plausible.
"You alive there, man?" asked Techno.
Blinking, Dream pushed himself upright, hands slipping on the sand covered stone. The tiny granules digging into his palms felt real. He pulled his shirt down and wiped his face with the hem.
"What the fuck?"
Techno crouched down, the brim of his wide, floppy hat almost hitting Dream. He wore no armor, no bright red cloak like usual, but a loose white shirt and baggy tan pants.
"Hullo to you, too, Dream."
"What-- What are you doing here?" His brain felt like it was slowly beginning to move but in the wrong direction, the question not the one he really wanted an answer to.
"I can't make sure a friend doesn't die of heatstroke?"
Techno shifted where he was crouching, hooves leaving marks in the sand. He glanced out across the desert, away from the rocky mound. Dream frowned. Confusion and relief and a little bit of fear all swirled around in his chest.
"What- Wait. How did-- How did you find me?" he asked, closer to the question he really wanted to ask but not quite. Maybe he was afraid of that question and the answer.
"Ah." Techno sat next to Dream, his back also against the sandstone. "I have my ways, I have my ways... Also it wasn't that hard when Tommy wouldn't shut up about seeing you head out this way."
It made sense. It was even funny and Dream grinned. Next to him, Techno was watching him with concern but chuckled when Dream let out his quiet huff of laughter.
"Yeah, he thinks you're up to something but apparently the only thing you're up to is gettin' lost and dyin' of dehydration," Techno said.
"I'm not dying," said Dream and rolled his eyes, ignoring how dry they felt.
"Oh, sure, sure. You just normally look like a corpse."
Dream tilted his head.
"Well, to be fair, after the prison..."
The laugh Techno gave was choking, surprised, and he shook his head. Strands of pink hair stuck out from his braid and he flicked one of his ears.
"Alright, you got me there, man."
Dream leaned his head against the rock. The sun was lower in the sky now, waves of heat visible off the sand. There was silence but it didn't feel as ominous now.
"D'you find what you were lookin' for?"
With a sigh, Dream brushed some sand off his pants.
"No. You- You could help me."
"I dunno." Techno frowned, looking over at Dream. "I only brought enough water to get across this stretch of desert then back. Speakin' of, you look like you could use a drink."
"Right," said Dream, as he pulled out his canteen and took a sip, the first one he had had in hours. It made sense; from Techno's perspective this was a rescue mission and nothing more. Or it was Dream's subconscious telling him what he already knew. Both scenarios led to the same conclusion. He took a deep breath. "Are... Are you real?"
"Heh? I'm real." Techno held out his arm in front of Dream. "You wanna pinch me and make sure?"
"No." Once more there were two answers that led to the same outcome and either Dream could make the trek back alone or with company, real or imagined. "Alright. Let's go."
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asexualbookbird · 2 months
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insert Imagine Dragons Radioactive Gasp Here
Hi. Coming up for air. I'm surrounded by yarn ends and fabric scraps I'm sweaty and covered in paint. I was a tiny bit productive this July! Made lots of progress on the Irish Lullaby Blanket, painted our balcony, started a few projects I really shouldn't have, and oh yeah! READ EIGHT BOOKS?? Who am I. I'm twelve books ahead of schedule according to goodreads, eleven by StoryGraph standards. It's wild. It helps that my library is holding an adult summer reading bingo contest and I fully intend to fill out the entire board.
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The City We Became by NK Jemisin ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- WAOW. I initially rated this four stars, but sitting on it and coming back to it now, it was absolutely a five star read. I would love to reread it, the world was intriguing, and the AUDIO NARRATOR WAS STUNNING! I do try not to judge the contents of a book by it's narrator, but what a performance! When library bingo is over, I'm listening to book two ASAP.
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Oh look! A Classic I actually enjoyed! I don't want to judge horror on whether or not I'm scared, because it IS kind of tough to get to me, but this was fun! I could see the spooks! Even if it wasn't spooky For Me, Personally, it was still a fun time!
The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Oh. Ouchie. A shortie, but a goodie, I'm kicking myself for returning the ebook immediately because I would've liked to go back and reread bits of it if not ALL of it. A not exactly new take on fae, but an interesting one that I actually enjoyed.
Starling House by Alix E Harrow ⭐⭐⭐⭐- I did NOT intend to read this directly after Hill House but I am SO glad I did. THE PARALLELS!!!! The circular story!!!! THE STARLINGS!!!! I laughed, I cried, I yelled at Arthur, there were surprises I genuinely didn't expect, but made so much sense in hindsight. I don't exactly buy the romance, but I'll let it slide this one time.
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Ghost Station by SA Barnes ⭐⭐- Two stars is Very Generous. And I'm sticking to it because the concept is still intriguing and if you squint there was some Leech stuff going on. Maybe I should just reread Leech. Sigh. Ophelia was hired to do ONE. JOB. To make sure none of the team members have Want To Murder Disease. And then Birch shows signs of Want To Murder Disease and she KEEPS IT QUIET BECAUSE *checks notes* HE KNOWS HER DAD HAD WANTS TO MURDER DISEASE. Everyone is stupid. They're scientists and everyone is fucking stupid. It wasn't scary, because EVERYONE WAS FUCKING STUPID. Biting all of them.
Thornhedge by T Kingfisher ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Oh T Kingfisher, you have never disappointed me, why do I read anything else. Another fun take on the fae! It's so hard to get me to like a fae book, so GOOD JOB KINGFISHER! I liked the new take on Girl Locked In A Tower, I liked that Toadling was surrounded by love and still encouraged to do what makes her happy. Again, I almost reread (listened. Whatever) this immediately just for funsies. Another banger from T Kingfisher.
The Sun and The Star by Rick Riordan and Mark Oshiro ⭐⭐⭐ - I've been waffling on this rating a LOT. Disclaimer that I haven't read any of Riordan's stuff since the OG Percy Jackson series, and that was ages ago so I can't compare this to that. This was a fun little book, but it felt a little heavy handed with the themes even for a middle grade. It doesn't make me want to read more, but I'm not mad I read it at all.
The Scapegracers by HA Clarke ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Okay. Listen. Look. Look at me. Was this The Perfect Book? No absolutely not. Was it a banger? Did I have fun? YES ABSOLUTELY YES! It's a book I could've needed in high school, but I wouldn't have been mature enough to appreciate it so I'm glad I have it NOW. Angry Queer Teen Girls will run the world. And I'm here for it. So looking forward to the rest of the series, I need to know what sort of mischief these girls get up to. I hope they curse another fuckboy. They deserve it.
BONUS! I also watched The Haunting of Hill House on netflix! One bingo square said "read a book then what the movie" and I really thought Mike Flanagan's Hill House was a movie but no it was ten (10) hours of spooky fucked up family dynamics. Also Nate Ford was there. Naturally. It was good! It was creepy! I wanna watch it again JUST FOR THE TREE HOUSE. I was skeptical when I first started because who the hell are you people (Steve, Shirley) but no it was fun! But also. Fuck Steven and Shirley. Congrats to Theo and moving in with her girlfriend of one week, peak lesbian stereotypes. Biggest complaint is with Mike Flanagan and his need to not only kill cats, but get close up shots of said dead cats. What's up with that my dude. What did cats ever do to you?
Plans for August (how am I saying that) are The Bone Season side by side comparison with the first edition and the tenth anniversary edition. I'm counting that as two books, I think, because it IS two books, and looking at them next to each other, there's a pretty sizable difference in page count! No clue about word count. This is part of book bingo (reread a book you didn't enjoy the first time), and this has helped me realise that I've been avoiding this for a Reason. I truly and surely did not enjoy The Bone Season and have no desire to experience that again. Don't know what to do with this information. So. I'm rereading it. Yay.
I have a few sewing projects I'm working on, and I am SO CLOSE to finishing the Irish Lullaby Blanket! It's exciting! So lets go!! Bring it on, August!!
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gayometer · 1 year
They can be redeemed
Request by @kitty-chan33
Goes as follows: My request is for the human side of Record of Ragnarok they have a new fighter who is the anti Christ ( a half human demon, who forgive humanity for killing her human mother and what's more she still have hope that they can be redeemed l, ironic that they are a child of the devil ) Is this request okay??
Okay! Before I forget she is a total sweet heart yet can be very scary when fighting as she did killed few minor gods before meeting them, and she's the youngest member of the team
Fem! Reader and platonic
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QIN who took one look at you then looked back at Brünhilde like "I want that one as a child". He wasn't surprised to hear you killed a few minor god he supports violence was pretty sure you had a reason " she was in a silly mood your honor ", Qin adores how you're pretty much a two sided coin. On one side you're the sweetest being he could ever ask for, and on the flip side you're a little ball of murder.
SASAKI who mostly likes goofing around with you, you're like a niece he didn't have. You're interested in his odd stories and that's more then enough for him. Sasaki understands being nice but having a backbone to defend yourself, he's like that as well.
TESLA who thinks you're from another universe, we all know he doesn't believe in magic. But he thinks you're a guardian from another universe. He adores info dumping on you about the "evolution of humanity" no matter if you understand it or not. He adores your sweet persona and how even if you're the nicest person known to man you don't let anyone step over you. We wasn't surprised when he heard you killed minor god on you or way to the human side, they were in your way and being insulting and disrespectful, looking down on you for having a human mother. He's not a supporter of violence..unless-
JACK who finds you amusing, you think humanity can be redeemed? Even with a monsters like him in the shadows? Now that's amusing! Jack still treats you like a lady, he's by no means used to being treated with such kindness and thus sometimes appears to be awkward. He can tell you have no ill intentions, your color is one of his favorites.
RAIDEN who cheers on when you fight, he loves strong women, both romantically and platonically, if Thrud is his love then you're his unofficial daughter, he adores that you're a sweetheart that can pack a punch if needed. He's an enabler for both good and bad stuff, so kinda trust him. You'll be fine..in some cases.
OKITA who's your enabler for violence, we ALL saw how blood thirsty he is. Okita doesn't really care, you're his fighting buddy and was smiling ear to ear when he heard you killed some minor gods, they were bad gods no? Then it's fine, they didn't need to live anyways.
ADAM who also finds you amusing and somewhat ironic, I mean...a devil child and redemption? But he knows to not judge a book by its cover, he still finds it funny though. He also finds ironic that the "half daughter of the devil" is the kinder then any "benevolent" god in that audience.
LU BU who is now acts as your semi defender, he takes "she was in a silly mood" to the max. Lu Bu is violent by mature and very much judges a book by its cover, he saw how sweet you were and decided you were weak. And then you murked a few minor gods because "I don't like how they talk". He feels neutral about the whole " I believe humans can be redeemed".
LEONIDAS who's another violence enabler, he's the spartan king what do you expect? Leonidas says you would've been a "great spartan" and adores your kind little self. He lifted you in the air and cheered when he heard about you killing off random insignificant gods.
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I haven't posted in literal months I think-
Tbh I've had severe writer's block and I've also been vibing in my bird brain Urogi rp account, bird brain is my hyper fixation now along with demon slayer.
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starsfic · 10 months
Monkie kid prompt:
Pigsy: “Oh, I knew the kid had that monkey form.”
MK: . . . “WHAT?! You knew?!”
Pigsy: “Well, I saw you change into that form once when you were a toddler. You were sleeping and sneezed, showing your monkey form for a second, then changed back to human.”
“I thought that maybe I was drinking too much coffee when I saw it.”
Today was Day...something something. Pigsy had honestly lost count.
Not because of the kid, no. The kid was great! So great that Pigsy really needed to actually start calling them by their name: Qi Xiaotian, they had chosen. The real issue was all the paperwork that came with adopting and making sure that the right people knew he had the kid...
It was just a lot.
Still, Pigsy didn't regret it. The kid needed someplace to stay until someone stepped forward. He was more than happy to do that. He was just so tired, though.
He took a sip of his coffee.
No, the irony didn't evade him.
Pigsy continued to sip at his coffee as he walked through the apartment. He just needed to stay up until Tang's university whatever was done and he came home. But it wouldn't hurt to check on the kid. Tang's study, once Sandy's old bedroom, had been converted into Xiaotian's bedroom.
He pushed open the door and poked his head in. The bedroom was pretty cute for being set up in a rush. An orange rug sat in the middle of the floor. A bed, perfect for the toddler, was arranged with orange covers. A play table with drawing stuff was set up next to the window. A little play kitchen was set up next to the other window. Bookshelves stood with books Tang had summoned from seemingly nowhere. And on the wall was a light-up sign: This room belongs to Qi Xiaotian. Tang had even gotten a monkey plush that was held tight in Xiaotian's arms as the kid slept, a small smile on their little face.
Pigsy leaned against the doorframe and felt a smile form.
Even if Xiaotian was here for only a short time, the kid had wriggled in and-
The kid let out a cute kitten-like sneeze but their eyes didn't open. Pigsy would've cooed if he wasn't gripping the doorframe in sudden surprise.
The kid had transformed.
One second, they were a cute human toddler with dark hair. The next second, a small dark-furred monkey lay in bed, not even releasing the monkey plush. Pigsy blinked and rubbed his eyes. He looked back up.
The toddler laid in bed without a care with no sign of fur anywhere.
Pigsy blinked and glanced down at his coffee. He could've sworn...
It was late. He needed to go to bed as soon as Tang got home. He probably needed to throw the coffee down the drain if this much was enough to make him hallucinate. Pigsy nodded to himself as he closed the door.
He didn't notice the little ladybug inside the room.
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IWTV, The Follow Up Interview
Hell. Daniel Molloy was almost 100% sure that this was his personal hell. Of course, it was his luck that he would just barely escape the two narcissistic eternal queens known as Armand and Louis just to be kidnapped by who was largely the subject of the entire interview he'd been conducting. The vampire, Lestat. It was convoluted, really. What were the odds of the Uber driver he ordered being the fucking vampire that Louis couldn't stop talking about? ...well, actually, considering everything he heard and remembered in the past few days, he supposed he shouldn't have been too surprised.
Looking down at the chair he was tied to, Daniel pulled at the ropes that bound his arms to those of the chair. Pulling did nothing to help. Not surprising. Maybe he would've been able to wriggle out of his bonds if it didn't hurt to move his wrists. The chair was sturdy. Some fancy plush dining chair stationed in the middle of what looked like some kind of study. Shelves full of books surrounded the room, each covered in a thick layer of dust. From what he'd heard of the man so far, Lestat seemed more like the type of man to show off the rare books he collected rather than actually read the things. Posters for Broadway shows were immaculately framed on the walls. Aida, Billy Elliot, The Lion King. Lestat was an Elton John fan, apparently. Daniel did his best not to roll his eyes.
Instead, he was focused on the large desk in the center of the room he'd been pushed up against. It was completely empty, save the tape recorder set in the middle of it. A blank tape was already inserted. Ready to record. Daniel had a sinking feeling he knew where this was going.
"Hey!" Daniel called out as he attempted to crane his head to look behind him. "Frenchie, I know you can probably fucking hear me and I want you to know that I'm not interested." Trying to move his legs revealed they were tied to the chair as well. "I've already had to listen to your boyfriends make asses of each other and you for long enough. The last thing I want is to deal with more of your weird love triangle bullshit."
"You make it sound like you have a choice." A hand on the chair followed the voice, and Daniel yelped from surprise.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" Daniel cried as he watched a man circle around him. He was tall. Maybe mid thirties with long blonde hair. He wore skin-tight leather pants with an even tighter see-through shirt. Combined with the air of arrogance the man carried along with his smug grin, it didn't take a genius to figure out the man was Lestat. Just as dramatic as foretold.
"So you must be Daniel." Lestat's smile reminded Daniel of the costumed actors that tried to stop you for pictures in Times Square. Fake and just slightly intimidating, ready to shank you if you didn't pay for the pictures you were forced to take together. "Wow. I've learned so much about you." The blonde hoisted himself into the desk in front of Daniel, eyes staring down at him like a predator eyeing its dinner.
"I could say the same about you." Daniel shifted, wondering how Lestat knew about him. An issue he could worry about later.
"Oh, I'm sure Louis and Armand have told you all about me." Yeah, he was practically all they talked about. "And. You see, they have their side of the story, but it just didn't seem fair that you only got to interview them." Lestat leaned forward and perched his chin in his hands. "So I've decided that you will have the honor of capturing my story in my own words."
"And what if I don't cooperate?" Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow. In response, the younger (technically older, much older) man reached into his pocket. Daniel noticed the bulge, and for a moment, he wondered if he'd be the next in what was likely a long line of men to see Lestat's cock. Instead, he pulled out a pill bottle.
"Your Sinemet. Helps with the pain, right?" Lestat asked as he noticed the discomfort in Daniel's small movements. "You know it's a real shame that I didn't get to meet you back then, too. I wonder if you were beautiful. Before the age and sickness set in."
"Louis seemed to think so." Daniel's verbal jab made Lestat pause. Just for a moment, but it was long enough to notice as the vampire set the pill bottle aside with a sigh.
"I suppose I deserved that." Lestat reached over and grabbed a letter opener that Daniel hadn't seen before. He brought it to Daniel's wrists, and the man flinched away, expecting pain. Instead, his wrists were cut free. Daniel watched as Lestat got up and grabbed a laptop (his laptop) off of a nearby end table and handed it to the reporter. Walking back to the desk, Lestat leaned over and pressed play on the waiting tape recorder. "Just, humor me."
"Well, considering I don't exactly have a choice here." Daniel rubbed his rope burned wrists. "I guess we should start from the beginning."
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moon-upright · 3 months
Watching Them Sleep 💭
(i have written once again. it takes me so long to post these because i agonize over everything) this takes place at the beginning of book VII The Chariot, from julian's pov. offering an explanation for why he briefly left MC in their sleep
《 features Julian and my Esme
《 non-graphic references to sex
Julian had spent much of his life waking up early, regardless of how he slept the night before. This meant that he'd get the chance to see many sleeping people beside him. There wasn't much else to do, being the only one awake and not wanting to wake them by getting out of bed — if indeed he decided not to leave anyway.
He found it interesting; no matter how gruff or downright mean someone was in the day, they all looked so peaceful asleep. (Most, anyway. Certainly not the one woman who wore a sneer to bed, nor his one crewmate who, to Julian's brief shock, slept with their eyes open. And not to mention the soldiers he'd treated who had night terrors.) There were some cases where he wished to know that person. The one they were in their dreams. But, he guessed he got only what he asked for, nothing more.
On the surface, waking up with Esme for the first time wasn't very different. Granted, she was no sort of one-night stand. The only “stand” they’d had was kissing on Mazelinka's twin-sized bed.
Julian awoke in her arms. He could feel the rise and fall of her chest against his back, her cool breath faintly tickling his ear. She had comforted him off a nightmare maybe an hour prior; even then, she looked quite solemn. In the several days he'd known her, it was rare for her face to shift from stoic, irritated, tired, or something in between. However, there were those prized moments when he got her to crack a smile, even laugh. Those moments, when she bit her lip to try and hide it or covered her mouth, told Julian that her aloof demeanor was more practiced than organic. At least, more deliberate. She was trying to hide from him.
He couldn't exactly judge her for that. He was the most dramatic person he knew, always throwing on an exaggerated guise.
Julian carefully extracted himself from her to sit up. To his curiosity, Esme's brow faintly furrowed at the loss. He thought for a moment, then grabbed the pillow from the head of the bed and gently placed it in her arms. It was a little silly, but he hoped she'd notice nothing amiss. Sure enough, she curled around it after a moment, holding it to herself, and her face softened again.
Firstly, Julian thought, that was too cute. He never would've suspected her a cuddler. Secondly… Can't hide so well in your sleep, I suppose.
Despite the fact that a sleeping face was generally expressionless, this was still different to her normal unimpressed gaze. She looked peaceful, unlike she had any thoughts or burdens to carry. Long eyelashes resting on brown skin, warmed by faint morning sunlight, knew nothing.
Should he have been surprised? Esme kissed him last night. And it was gentle. Initially, he thought he was attracted to her, outside of her appearance, because she was a bit mean. A bit hard to get. But as she slowly thawed, warmed up to him, he saw her inner personality begin to shine through. And he found himself only liking her more for it.
Esme wasn't different from everyone else when it came to sleeping, but the feeling he got from seeing her was new.
This was bad.
This was not why he came back to Vesuvia. He was looking for answers, for absolution, for punishment, whatever — but not for feelings deeper than fleeting attraction. He was a murderer. A fugitive. Esme might have been confident, as she said last night, that he wasn't going to die, but that meant little in the face of reality. Julian went and got this innocent person tied up in his mess. And not just any innocent person. Esme.
She slept soundly, like merely being around him didn't put her in danger. She was opening up to him, like trusting him wouldn't only end in heartache. She kissed him gently, like she wanted him, like he deserved to be wanted by her.
It was already too late. Any way he tried to end this, it wouldn't be a clean cut. Because he just had to go and mess everything up. He really shouldn't have been surprised.
Julian suppressed a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his hair. Exasperated, and so early in the morning. He collected the rest of his clothes, and with a final indulgent glance at Esme, hugging a pillow in her sleep, left.
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whumpsday · 1 year
Annie's Prisoners
Writing Masterlist | G/t writing tag
g/t sideblog here! @smallsday
content: g/t, whump, tiny whump, fairy whumpee, begging, rescue, captivity, wing whump, magical exhaustion, bullying
Whumpmas in July Day 21: "Please" GT July Day 21: Secret
here's the last of the GT July "crossovers" i'm doing during WIJ! it was fun to write more tiny whump :)
"Okay, but you don't tell anyone."
Annie got down on the floor, pulling a pink plastic hamster cage out from under her bed.
Parisa could hardly believe what she was seeing. Inside the cage was what looked like a fairy, no more than four inches tall, cowering in the corner. He had wings, but they stopped abruptly about halfway through, leaving him with uneven little trapezoids.
The fairy didn't look pleased to see either of them, hiding himself as well as he could inside the plastic tube running up one wall of the cage- which wasn't very well at all, considering the tube was transparent.
Parisa knelt down on the carpet to see closer, star-struck. "What is this?"
"My fairy!" Annie boasted. "I caught him myself, he was drinking from the birdbath in the backyard! I just shot him with Calvin's Nerf gun and grabbed him while he was all dazed and stuff. Don't act surprised, it's not like you haven't insisted fairies were real since preschool."
Annie was right, Parisa had always been obsessed with fairies. Her notebooks were covered with fairy stickers, she'd spent her whole childhood playing Pixie Hollow, and she'd read book after book on faery mythology. A part of her had always believed that with so many different stories and accounts of them, fairies had to exist in some form, somewhere. Even as she got older and felt more and more that she was being silly, a small part of her always knew.
And she was right.
She would normally be jumping for joy, but... the fairy was obviously not as enamored with Annie's recollection of his capture. He teared up a little, hugging himself as he cringed as far away from them as possible, his severed wings tucked behind him.
Parisa frowned. "He looks kind of sad."
Annie waved away her concern. "He's always pouting. But I haven't even shown you the cool part. He can do magic and stuff!"
The fairy's head snapped up at that, a look of horror dawning on his face.
"But I already did a spell for you today!" Though it seemed like he was attempting to shout, his voice came out tinny and quiet, just as small as he was.
"You can do another for Rissie," Annie said firmly. "But yeah, seriously, you can't tell anyone. Can you imagine? Some government prick would totally take him away from me to experiment on him or whatever, like in the movies."
"Do your parents know?" Parisa asked.
"Oh god no. But I'm taking him to college with me in September, so I won't have to worry about that anymore." Annie sat cross-legged, picking the cage up and moving it into her lap to rest her arms on. The fairy grimaced as she began drumming her fingers absentmindedly on the lid.
"I've had him for almost two months now. I would've shown you sooner, but I wanted to wait until after graduation so you couldn't tell anyone at school. It's not like you talk to anyone besides me anyway, but can't be too careful. But Ciel can change that!"
She held the cage up triumphantly. "I knew you'd be totally helpless without me since we're going to different schools, so I wanted to make sure you were aaaaall set. He can't do like, big things, he's not a genie. But he can do little things. Like make you a little luckier for a while, stuff like that. I use it for studying, too. But I figured he could do a charisma spell on you or something, and it'd help you make new friends at your little state school!"
"I can't do another spell yet, please, I already did one! I don't have enough magic left," Ciel pleaded, looking up at Annie as his tears started to fall. "You said college isn't something that starts until autumn, there's time! It'll hurt too much if I do another now, please no more!"
Parisa's shock slowly gave way to horror as the fairy's deplorable conditions became more and more apparent. She wanted to say something, but she knew Annie would just get defensive and guilt her if she did.
"Yeah, it'd probably be more effective closer to September anyway," Parisa agreed quickly, unable to push down a feeling of hope that Ciel would like her for agreeing with him.
"Fine, whatever," Annie sighed, roughly shoving the cage back under the bed. Parisa got the feeling she was more interested in showing off than actually helping. "Then you can see him more then. He's my fairy, after all. Let's go back downstairs."
Parisa followed Annie, but didn't take her eyes off the dark space under the bed until the door was firmly shut behind them.
It was hard to go back to hanging out normally, and she couldn't keep herself from asking question after question about Ciel. Parisa really wanted to just see him again, but she knew he would hate that, so she didn't ask to.
But as Annie told story after story, it only solidified the fact that what was happening here was wrong. She was practically torturing the delicate little creature, draining him of magic to his absolute limit.
Parisa dreaded the answer, but she couldn't not ask. "What happened to his wings?"
"Don't be a baby about it, but I had to trim them after he tried to fly away one time," Annie said, like it was nothing.
"Wouldn't that hurt?" She tried to do what Annie said, to not be a baby about it, but it was getting ridiculously hard. She wanted to cry, hearing her best friend had done something like that.
"No, it was like getting a haircut, I think. Except permanent. He didn't like, scream or anything." Annie shoved her lightly on the arm. "I said don't be a baby."
"Right. Right." This was all wrong. This wasn't how discovering fairies were real was supposed to be. She had to get out of Annie's face. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick," she lied.
"Ew, go." Annie pointed upstairs. "God, you're so sensitive."
Parisa darted up to the bathroom, where she felt like she could breathe a little better. How was she supposed to live the rest of her life knowing Annie was torturing a fairy? They weren't even going to schools in the same state. She wouldn't be able to do anything to help. She might not ever get to see him again after whatever spell Annie wanted him to do.
Unless she took a peek right now.
Parisa snuck into Annie's room, hoping she wouldn't come to check on her, and carefully pulled the cage out from under the bed.
Ciel clung to the metal spout of the water bottle, like she'd interrupted him while he was drinking. He looked around wildly, relaxing a little bit when he realized Annie wasn't here. "Is she coming?" he asked, his voice so quiet Parisa could just barely hear him.
"No. I'm not supposed to be in here," she admitted. "I just wanted to see you again. And, um, check if you're alright."
"I'm not," he answered without hesitation, eyes still shining with tears. "I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. Please, I desperately need help, Miss." He tentatively stepped forward, though his little hands shook. "Rissie, she said your name was?"
"Parisa. You're Ciel?" she asked.
"I am. Please, I can- I'll come back and do a spell for you, once I've had a chance to rest. If you would just..."
He pointed toward the window with a trembling finger. "Please?"
Oh, Parisa wanted so badly to help. "But your wings? How will you get down?"
Ciel sobbed. "I don't know. I need to be away from here, she plans to keep me imprisoned for life. She's careless, she's going to kill me and I won't even get to die outdoors!"
Parisa had to do something, even if it meant she would lose her only friend. She was probably going to lose her either way anyway, once they left in September.
She unlatched the cage, holding a hand bigger than Ciel's whole body out to him. "I'll help. You just have to trust me."
It was obvious from his face that Ciel had a strong distaste for being grasped in human hands. But with no other options, he climbed readily into Parisa's palm. "Please be gentle," he begged.
She was holding a real fairy. It was like a dream, but Parisa couldn't get caught up in that now, she had to focus on protecting him. She brought Ciel to the front pocket of her hoodie, carefully placing him inside. "Try not to make any noise or move around too much. I'll keep you safe, I promise."
Parisa could feel the fairy's little heartbeat thrumming away against her as she headed back downstairs.
"Yeah, I'm really not feeling good," she told Annie. "I think I'm just gonna go home."
"'Kay, whatever." Annie shrugged. "If you get over yourself by tomorrow, you can come watch him do a spell for me."
Annie would figure out it was her, Parisa knew. But what could she do? It wasn't like she could tell anyone she stole her fairy. And now that they'd graduated high school, she could just... never see Annie again, if she felt like it.
"Goodbye, Annie." Parisa walked out the door without another word.
She waited until she'd walked far enough away from Annie's house and she couldn't see anyone else around to stick her hand in her pocket, offering it to Ciel. "Coast is clear."
He crawled into her hand, and Parisa lifted him out. His eyes instantly went up toward the stars, and she saw him smile for the first time.
"Thank you," he breathed. "It's really over?"
"It's over. I won't let her take you back," Parisa assured him. "What do you want to do?"
"What I want...? I can't just fly off," Ciel lamented. "I'm not sure yet. I- I sort of just want to rest now. She keeps me so tired all the time."
"You can rest. Do you wanna go back in my pocket?" Parisa asked.
He nodded. "Yes, I think I do."
Parisa softly set him back down inside, both of them feeling freer than they'd ever been as she walked them home.
tune in monday for some alien whump! 👽 and the following thursday for some kane & jim
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this is ciel's cage btw. never put a living creature in this monstrosity
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everything taglist:
one-shots taglist:
g/t whump taglist:
event: @whumpmasinjuly @gianttol
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mayajadewrites · 7 months
For Me (Levi Ackerman x Reader
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Saturday morning comes and you have a few errands to run. First, you need to go to the grocery store and re-up on your favorites. Second, you need to stop at the bookstore and pick up some new books since you've finished the ones on your TBR (to be read). The weather in Trost is slightly warm today, which calls for no jackets. You slip on a cream sweater paired with jeans and your favorite pair of combat boots. 
You glance over at the vase on your kitchen island, marveling at the roses. You bring your nose to the petals and sniff gently, embracing the floral smell. An image of Levi pops into your head. You haven't spoken to him since he left last night and it was going to stay that way. You don't like to make the first move, and the way Levi left you feeling last night makes you want him to come to you first. 
It's the afternoon now as you load your groceries into the back of your car, organizing the bags by produce, frozen, etc. Your phone buzzes in your back pocket. This time, it's not a text. It's a call.
"Hello?" You press your phone to your shoulder as you finish with the groceries.
"Good afternoon. What are you doing?"
"I'm surprised you don't already know what I'm doing." You close the trunk of your car. "I just got finished with groceries, I'm heading to the bookstore now." 
"Which one? I'm meeting you there." 
"You don't have to. I'm sure you have plenty more important things –"
"I said what store." 
"The one on 7th ave near the coffee shop. I'll be there in about 15 minutes." 
"See you soon." Levi hung up on the call almost abruptly. Almost everything with Levi feels abrupt. The way he talks, the way he came into your life...
When you walk into the bookstore, you feel a sense of calm. You're in your element. The coziness of the store makes you want to curl up with a new book and read for hours. 
The worker that's always there when you are waves at you from behind the counter as she's checking someone out. You walk by a table, called "The Virals" and you see your latest romance novel. It still feels unreal that you're book was so well received. 
As you look at the table, you hear the bell ring behind you signaling someone walked into the store. You could feel goosebumps on your skin as the footsteps approached you. 
Levi's hand gently grabs one of your hips to spin you around to face him. You're surprised when his hand stays in that place, his index finger making its way through your belt loop to pull you closer to him. Your face was dangerously close to his now. 
"Hi." You smile, not sure if you should be touching him back. Levi pushes a piece of hair behind your ear as he analyzes your face. 
"Have you been sleeping well?" He asks, cupping your chin with his hand. 
"You could've just told me I look like shit." You look away, rubbing your right eye. "I didn't sleep well last night, no." 
"If I thought you looked like shit I would've said that." Levi's hand left your face as he looked at the table you were standing at. "That's your book?" Levi pointed to the sage green cover. 
"Yes it is." You nod, grabbing a book from a different pile and scanning the back. You see Levi out of the corner of your eye grab your book and tuck it underneath his arm. "You don't have to buy it, I could've given you a copy."
"No." Levi shook his head. "Actually, I need two. My cousin would love if you signed one and I want one for my personal collection." Levi grabbed another copy of your book.
As you explore the aisles of the bookstore, Levi stays close behind you. He occasionally touches your hands, making sure you know he's there. You find yourself lost in the romance aisle, the words on the pages seemingly wrapping around you. You look up from whatever trance you're in to see Levi half smiling at you. When your eyes meet his, the smile is gone. 
You have 4 books in your hands as you make your way to the cash register. "Did you want to look some more?" Levi asked.
"My hands are full, so these are fine." 
"I can hold them. Go look some more." Levi held his hands out. Your eyes travel to them, staring at each vein. You bite your lip gently when you see the same silver rings from the photo he sent you from the coffee shop the other day. 
"Okay." You hand him the books, turning back to the fiction section of the store. 
You find 4 more books and decide that 8 is enough for your TBR. You smile when you walk side by side with Levi to the register. Levi sets the books on the counter gently, pulling his wallet out.
"No, you're not paying." You put your hand on the one that's holding the wallet. 
"When you're with me, you don't pay. I don't want to see you even glance at your purse." Levi handed his card to the cashier. Her eyebrows raised when he said that, giggling.
"He's a keeper." She winks, sliding his card through the machine. "Let me know when you publish your next book! We would love to do an event here. You have a lot of local fans." 
"Will do!" You try to grab one of the bags off the counter but Levi stops you. 
"Why are you always trying to do something that I'm perfectly capable of doing?" You say as Levi opens the door for you.
"Because I want to. Where's your car?" 
"Down the block a little." You point. You see Levi's Range Rover parked at the opposite end. 
"Do you have plans today?" Levi asked you after he loaded the bags in your car.
"I don't. The bookstore was my last stop for the day. I just have to put my groceries away." 
"I'll help you. I'll see you at your place." Levi helped you into your car, closing the door for you. You watched as he walked to his car, occasionally looking back at you.
Levi somehow gets to your place before you. You watch as he scrolls through his phone, leaning on his car door. He looks so effortlessly sexy. He's wearing a black t-shirt with black jeans, along with a pair of sleek sneakers. 
You park next to him and unlock your doors, allowing him to grab your bags. He takes your books up first, then your groceries.
Levi sets the bags on top of your kitchen island, glancing in each bag. "Looks like you already organized them." 
"I did. I always do. It's much easier to put them away when I do that." You start with the produce bag, adding fruit to your fruit basket on the counter. Levi helps you put your groceries away, just as meticulous as you. 
"I'm gonna light a candle." You grab a match from your drawer, lighting your favorite candle that smells like fresh laundry. 
"Where do you want me to put your books?" Levi asked. 
"Oh, you can put them in my room." You point. 
You watch Levi carefully open the door to your room, setting your books down on your desk. When he comes out of your room, he has the bouquet of flowers Jean gave you. 
"Did horse face give you this sad excuse of a bouquet?" Levi held it in his hand.
"He did." You forgot you put them in a small vase on your desk. Levi walked over to the trash can and stuffed the flowers in it. 
"Tch. He should be embarrassed." He shook his head. You lean your hip on the side of the counter, smiling at Levi. 
"You're cute when you're jealous." 
"Jealous? Of him? Absolutely not." Levi chuckled. "He can't even pick out flowers correctly." Levi took a step closer to you. His eyes went from your eyes to your lips as he stepped closer. 
"You sound pretty jealous to me." You tilt your head to the side, waiting for a reaction. Levi's face was like stone. More like a Renaissance sculpture, actually. His jawline probably took years to work on. He's truly a work of art. 
"I'm only jealous of whoever got to have you before me." Levi took one more step to you. His nose was grazing yours as you couldn't help but let out a breath. He is so close to you. "I'm jealous of any of the other men that got to touch you," He brings his hands to your hips, eliminating any space that was left between you. "Anyone else that got to feel your skin, taste you-" Levi pressed his nose to your hair, almost inhaling your scent. "Anyone who felt your lips belonged to them." He looked into your eyes with his heavy lidded ones. 
You slowly wrap your arms around his neck, letting your fingers get lost in his raven locks. 
Almost like a magnetic was pulling you two together, Levi's lips crashed against yours. They're soft but move with purpose. He makes sure every inch of your lips has been taken care of as he caresses your curves. You can feel the heat between your legs start to ignite as Levi's tongue invades your mouth. 
Too soon, Levi pulls away. "Those lips-" He kisses you again. "That nose." He kisses your nose quickly. "This face." His index finger drags along your cheek. "You. You're mine now."
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