#there’s a chance there will be rabies
hollers-and-holmes · 2 years
I’ve started posting this old story from before that one time my brain glitched and started demanding inexplicable AU’s.
One element that has not changed: I was knocking off old western movies then and I am doing it now and I ain’t sorry.
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huh-1260 · 2 months
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I present to the internet: Gremlin Sky and one of his favorite Hylians, Warriors. More art soon.
Gremlin Sky doesn't like Warriors non messy hair and will purposely mess it up because he can.
The gremlin art style was based off how @sloaners drew their gremlin AU
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avephelis · 10 months
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emizel this type of beat by the way. do you understand.
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sad-endings-suck · 5 months
“Zuko would have jumped in front of Azula’s lighting bolt for anyone!”
Yes! And? Katara would’ve given the “I’ll make sure your destiny ends right then and there, permanently.” speech, to anyone who threatened the life of a loved one. Whether it be Aang, Sokka, Toph, Hakota, etc. Hell, she’d defend an innocent stranger that way, and she has. Besides, it’s not like we haven’t seen Zuko take a lightning bolt for someone else besides Katara— oh wait, we haven’t (he still would though ofc).
Regardless, it’s the same point, inverted.
“Zuko would die for any of his friends” and “Katara would kill for any of her friends” are foil characterization traits; not opposing arguments.
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tempting-andromeda · 8 months
On my hands and knees for some modern Tilly or Sadie headcanons (currently devouring your writing like a gourmet meal)
Modern Tilly and Sadie
Fostered by Grimshaw
Used to start fights in elementary school
Got suspended once for gambling
Got super into “clean girl makeup”
She’s a trend follower yet somehow she does it better than others
Like in the best way possible
Works at an outlet store and hates it
But she gets a good discount so she’s okay with it
Has her license but doesn’t drive
Registered passenger princess
But she’s a decent driver
Genuinely good at organizing plans
Super big on girl code
She’s a bully to boys
Like John
She’s rather die than let him have a good day with her around
Her and Jake fell fast and got married quickly
He died in a break in (still)
She’s a blue collar women
If I could describe her style it’s kinda masc(I don’t hc her as lesbian I’m so sorry I genuinely like her relationship with Jake)
She just likes flannels
Wears some of Jake’s old clothes a lot
Became talk of the town for a little bit so she kinda now hates everyone
She’s mean
This pussy BITES
Would rather act like she had rabies than anyone openly come up to her
But she is nice
Has a strict routine
Goes grocery shopping every Friday and before work she gets a McGriddle
Or like hash browns from a diner
Ofc with something else tho
I think she’d have tattoos
She takes good care of herself tho
Carries a cool ass Swiss Army knife and uses it for casual things
Awkward around kids
Smokes silver Marlbolo cigarettes
Likes country and folk music
Lil miss handy man
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bonefall · 1 year
Honestly the only cats that SHOULD live longer than normal are ex-kittypets, like Millie, Firestar is he was a background character, Some Skyclanners, ect. I'm hoping to see a 20+ year old Skyclan elder ex kittypet in cannon, tbh. Especially in England with vax they don't have to worry about rabies, and once they retire they're pretty safe from wounds. Idk I just think it'd be interesting for the clans to wonder why ex-kittypets seemingly live longer after retirement.
I do have some cats that are straight-up ancient already, but it's noted that they are big-bang-level old
Tallstar (19)
Mistystar (18)
Mosspelt (Still alive at 19)
One-eye (20)
Ratscar apparently (17-ish)
Note that two of these super-seniors were leaders.
It would definitely be cool for SkyClan cats to live a ridiculously long time though, that's a neat quirk. Leafstar is also probably getting up there in age (she was 5-ish during Firestar's Quietus), so that shouldn't be too hard for SkyClan's life expectancy to be 17 or 18 while Forest Four expectancy is 16.
This is nothing next to Stonetellers by the way, their lives last well into their 20s thanks to their leader power.
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-slides in- sooooooo
You gonna finally talked about THE fairy godmother's wand ya brought up along with that friend of yours~
I waited patiently Chenya :)
Oh shit you remembered.
*throws Ellis @nonsensical-escapism at you like a sacrificial lamb and disappears into the trees, only my eyes and ears peeking out from behind the branches*
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definitelynotshouting · 11 months
hello new people from my cat post that got popular i hope you guys know that the minecraft blorbos kiss here
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
Please can you explain the BSE thing? I know loads of people who give blood (I can't myself for actual medical reasons) who were in the UK during the BSE outbreak. Surely that would rule out more people over like 30
vCJD (which is what it's called in humans) can lay dormant for decades after exposure so in fact yes it SHOULD rule out all of those people
Unless those people were vegan at the time I guess
But if you were in the UK at any point during the BSE outbreak and consumed any beef or dairy products in that time? There is a small (237 in 1 million if i recall correctly) chance that your brain is just gonna melt at any point
The reason it's taken so seriously is a) it isn't really testable for in blood. not in a screening sort of test in any case and b) vCJD - or any prion disease really - is a fucking nasty way to die. And die you certainly will. The prognosis is "always fatal" and it's also untreatable so all that can be done is making you comfortable for the remaining year or so of your life once symptoms develop
Obv in the UK we can't rule out "everyone who was alive in the 80s and 90s" because that is still the majority of our adult population but like. Everyone else can
Hopefully that clears things up for you! Please do not give blood if you even looked in the general direction of britain whilst thinking about cows in the 80s-90s
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jellyfitzjelly · 6 months
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I hear you are biting people again
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deadqueernoldor · 4 months
Tinwe going to aman with maggie!maglor and wearing her armour, eben fitting the silmarils into the slots of the iron crown worked into it. Smug bitch standing in front of all Valar, wearing the silmarils. Maglor standing behind her unsure if that behaviour will fuck everything up or make things easier for him. Caranthir has to turn away to stop laughing at the fucking audacity.
Outcome is the same but oh boy. Exile, you say? Oh, you see, aman is full of former thralls who didnt have a choice to be reembodied there. Who don't care for Valar and noldor and vanyar and teleri. You said they arent allowed to initiate contact. you did NOT say they couldnt establish a whole ass city and have their former people flock to their side.
By the time the sentencing is over, the chity they built is as big as Tirion and has two silmarils. Everyone hates it because suddenly if they want something only that city can provide they have to convince tinwe and Caranthir. And boy they hold grudges from the pre-darkening years well.
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
Which Yakuza Tropes here do you not like?
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'villain redemption' isn't even a trope in rgg who the fuck made this. any villain that gets 'redeemed' is shot afterwards like a dog with the rabies
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9, 39, and 60 pls! 🥰
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
They’re both pretty terrified of the notion, but Chrissy is more reluctant than Eddie. He’s more at peace living with his fear of fucking up. He’s had longer to cope with his own parents' failures, and having Wayne as a surrogate dad helped him blame himself less for their choices. It made him more open to taking the chance on parenthood. He also realizes sooner than Chrissy that he wants them to get married and have kids, so he has longer to mull over the possibilities too.
On the other hand, Chrissy remains so haunted by her mother that it takes her years to acknowledge she wants kids and to feel okay taking on the challenge with Eddie as a partner. She is much more scared of turning into her parents than Eddie ever was. 
A related headcanon: I think Chrissy has an abortion sometime during her college years, and despite Eddie’s whole-hearted support, it makes her feel guilty because she knows he wants kids with her and it sends her spiralling for a bit, leading her back to therapy. When they decide to have their first kid, it’s a surprise pregnancy in their mid-20s when they’re a little less worried about money than they had been. 
39. Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
Under different circumstances, they both would, but I think Chrissy would be more proactive about it. She would take the animal home, build it a little home, make whatever it needs to recover, while Eddie would go back and visit the animal each day wherever he found it to check up on it. They would both fall in love with the other a little more when they find out what the other is doing, and it would go without saying they would want to keep the animal once it’s healthy again. 
I’m a big fan of Eddie as a feral raccoon guy who makes a bad habit of feeding all the raccoons by the trailer park and basically becoming their dad. I may have once come up with an absurd headcanon about Eddie getting rabies multiple times (always ignoring the danger of going near one of the raccoons when they’re acting weird) and surviving before looking it up and finding out it’s extremely rare to survive rabies, therefore Eddie is well known by the rabies experts in the US cause he’s seen as a medical miracle and possibly the cure lol. 
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Eddie definitely does this more often, but Chrissy cuddles up to him and plasters herself against his back even more, always sleepily kissing the skin between his shoulder blades (he gets a tattoo there eventually - something inspired by her).
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moonstruck-stormy · 10 months
There was a raccoon in my yard in broad daylight and my mom and my neighbors lured it to a safe place. It drank water so it’s not hydrophobic, but there is still a chance it wasn’t in that stage. But like where I live cops don’t handle animals, animal control only handles dogs and cats, DEC is closed on the weekends, so we could do nothing. Cops when they finally came didn’t even ask if anyone has been scratched or bit (no one has thank god) (I asked not them), but I also said for the love of god please shower and throw out the bowls they used to lure it with food and drink.
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rabid-invertibrate · 2 years
Ninjago au where everything is the same except since s8 theres an zombie apocalypse caused by garmadon being brought back as an actual zombie
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altocat · 2 years
I take two seconds to go outside to clear my sinuses aaaand...
Someone's unleashed german shepherd launches itself at me. Guess who's in the ER getting dog bite-shots tonight? My mom likes to joke I'm a lightning rod for bad luck. It's true!
Anyway, mild writing delay. Let's see what the doc says. Fun fun!
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