#there’s a lot of reasons tik tok is bad
aizenat · 3 months
Anyway, glad our government got something right and is working to ban tik tok.
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saetoru · 2 years
i feel like some ppl need to realize ppl in their 30s are not old it’s just that ppl in their 20s are just young 😐
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just-rogi · 3 months
#like I’m sorry#I love my best friend so so so much and she’s perfect and kind and has gone above and beyond to be rational and to be there for me#and I get it she’s an autistic woman and has faced adversity and has had to go on medical leave and that’s hard#and I’m not being dismissive of her struggles#but it makes me so angry because her parents unconditionally love her and her siblings and have always made her feel that way#and has never worried about money as a kid#and yeah her relationship with her parents isn’t perfect of course#but she literally cannot understand domestic violence beyond just reading about it in a book#like she did everything she can to understand and relate#but sometimes I want to scream because I feel so alone#because no one in my life fucking understands why I’m the way I am#and I’ve been struggling the past two months really badly with coping#I’ve had to go to the doctor to ask about PTSD and not like the tik tok OWO kind#but the I was in a car crash as a kid with my dad as a drunk driver and I keep getting flashbacks in my daily life to being a small child#that are impacting by daily life and interactions#and like I feel so fucking alone#and to hear from my friends ‘your right this is horrible and toxic but lots of people go through this’ ISNT FUCKING HELPING#I don’t want to hear that it’s normal I want to feel fucking safe in my bedroom without my mother blowing up my phone or calling the cops#I am unwell and I’m so stressed and I’m so sick and I can’t cope with this and none of the therapists I’ve tried to find handle ptsd#especially not therapists of color#I’m angry and I’ve been getting worse over the past two months#and not that it matters but due to ^^^ reasons my birthday has always been insanely fucking bad for me#like depression watch bad. when I turned twenty I was vividly hallucinating while walking around campus for a week straight having#flashbacks in class and I had to be taken out of the auditorium because I was physically unwell and couldn’t stop crying and shaking#and I told my friend I didn’t want to celebrate I just wanted to sit on her couch and not be alone and she fucking ditched me#because an emergency with a different friend came up the night before#like I have a history of suicidal ideation traumatic flashbacks eating disorders and self harm and I’m asking you to be with me on a very#upsetting day and you call me the night before telling me we have to cancel because another friend is having a bigger crisis#and like you don’t even feel a little bad about it??#I’m just upset and scared and I’ve got a doctors appointment tomorrow and I’m not in reality right now and that’s scary
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r3starttt · 5 months
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Streamer! Ellie | M.list
Streamer! Ellie who builds Lego sets at least once a month on live because she’s obsessed with them and has already bought half Lego store (there’s a whole room for all the Lego boxes and other shit she’s bought)
Streamer! Ellie who does unboxing streams for the most stupid things she could found online.
Streamer! Ellie whose hands made her viral after doing a tattoo tour
Streamer! Ellie who got banned many times because of bothering kids or showing +18 content by mistake during stream (also has lots of copyright issues, she just doesn’t get it)
Streamer! Ellie who almost revealed her face many times for the most stupid reasons but eventually did it out of nowhere. Literally starting a stream with the camera pointing at her face (it ofc went viral everywhere bcs she’s hot duh)
Streamer! Ellie whose merch’s extremely expensive and super random but somehow nice and worth the money (she’s deffo rich idc)
Streamer! Ellie who always thanks all the gifts and stuff people give her and always does special things for her fans like saying happy birthday to someone or congratulate them about something ( talks a lot before and after playing any game. She interacts a lot with people)
Streamer! Ellie who’s super awkward if someone recognizes her on the streets (always gets caught wearing the most hideous clothes)
Streamer! Ellie who wanted an orange cat but ended up getting one she found on the street
Streamer! Ellie whose tik tok acc became all videos of her cat (everyone loves them duh)
Streamer! Ellie who loves her fans and it’s super supportive with the fan accs
Streamer! Ellie who also gets freaked out by all the tweets and fics and edits and shit people post about her because everyone’s way too “creative” with their comments
Streamer! Ellie who vapes excessively on stream and gets bothered by the chat a lot
Streamer! Ellie whose streams are always super long and most times end by the morning
Streamer! Ellie who eats everything but actual food (pure ramen and coke, also eats lots of snack throughout the day)
Streamer! Ellie whose apartment is strangely clean and tidy
Streamer! Ellie who once mentioned she had a sketchbook and was forced to share some of it (everyone went crazy with how talented she was)
Streamer! Ellie who did an iq test and got a nice score (didn’t stop bragging about it since then)
Streamer! Ellie who also brags a lot about how smart she actually is and how her grades at school were nicer than everyone thought
Streamer! Ellie who has a fake tattoo and stickers collection
Streamer! Ellie who secretly loves hello kitty
Streamer! Ellie who shamelessly wears the same clothes for days (somehow never smells bad)
Streamer! Ellie who only has weird socks that always shows on stream
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fandangotales · 2 years
Head empty just
Sagau but readers cellphone now has infinite battery for some reason and theyre on tiktok and watching genshin edits until one of the acolytes sees and gets curious so reader shows everyone the edits made for then
Zhongli: why am i........geo grandpa
Xiao: morax isn't my father
Yae: what is an........Eiussy and why do these humans want it so bad
Venti: (trying to force scara to have anemo vision after seeing the sad scaramouche edits) BUT THE EDITS, YOUR BACKSTORY IS SCREAMING AIR BOY!!!
When I tell you that a phone in TEYVAT would be absolute chaos… I mean it.
I can 99% guarantee you that Albedo has asked to experiment on what he refers to as Their Grace’s “strange device.”
(Please keep your phone away from him, as it will not make it out of his lab intact.)
Other acolytes who aren’t as curious about HOW and WHY it works may find interest on seeing you use your device to watch videos.
The people of Teyvat aren’t familiar with advanced technology, so I’d assume it’s fair to say that they would treat your phone as a Divine Object, comparable to the Anemo Archon’s Holy Lyre.
Since you are The Creator, it would be valued a lot more.
Nobody, not even one of the Archons, is allowed to touch such a holy object. Such a thing would be viewed as incredibly disrespectful. How could any of them, lowly acolytes, have the audacity to come into contact with your beloved “phone”?
Now, assuming that the reader can still watch Tik Toks, of course they would like to share some of them with certain characters, because why not?
Also, why wouldn’t you let them in on some of the jokes that are popular in the Genshin Fandom?
If Zhongli knew that he was referred to as “Geo Grandpa” I think his reaction would be one of initial shock.
“What does the title ‘Geo Grandpa’ indicate, Divine One?”
After a little explanation from you, I think he’d catch on. He is aware of his age, after all.
Others may think that the title “Grandpa” is offensive towards a former archon of all things, but he doesn’t mind as long as you are the one saying it. The term “Grandpa” is often used between mortals in a family, so does this mean that you considered him as family?
Whenever you call him by that name, you can expect to see a soft smile across his features.
When Xiao discovered that the fandom considers his relationship with Morax to be one of father and son, he was speechless for a good minute.
You gave him a look, trying to suppress your laughter.
“So…? You’re not denying it.”
He huffed, crossing his arms. “Morax is not my father.”
You wheezed, clearly amused by his flustered expression. Xiao was avoiding your gaze, clearly trying his best to convince you that he did not see the older man as a father figure.
The term “Eiussy” was completely unknown to the Lady Guuji… until she joined you in watching the short films know as “Tik Toks” on the magical screen of the divine “phone”
Now, Yae Miko is quite clever, so it was only natural that she would grasp the concept of what “Eiussy” meant.
She watched a few videos which featured similar titles, such as “Tartussy”, “Scarussy”, and “Kokussy”. All of them played a key role in her eventual understanding of just what exactly “Eiussy” meant.
The very moment she learns the true meaning, I can guarantee you that she will casually bring it up in conversation.
“Your Grace, you would be welcome at Watatsumi Island anytime!” Gorou beams, waving goodbye to you from the docks of Ritou.
The Watatsumi ship had finally arrived, after a lengthy delay following your business meeting with the Inazuman Officials.
“Thank you, Gorou.” You started to say… but the ever famed doggy general had already boarded the ship, and was out of your sight.
“Hmm…” a recognizable voice trailed, as her hand lightly touched your shoulder. Miko gave you a knowing look. “I guess he wanted to get some of that Divineussy”
Your expression remained blank.
“Perfect use of that title.” You praised, staring after the ship, as it departed into the sunset.
If and when Venti saw all of the sad Scaramouche edits… let’s just say that you’d have to physically restrain him.
Restrain him from making his way over to the Balladeer as soon as possible, that is.
Scaramouche would just be doing Fatui work, maybe trying to convince the recruits that the stars are indeed a lie…
And… bam.
A random ass bard pops up out of nowhere.
“Good day! Would you be interested in gaining an anemo vision?”
“What the fuck.”
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spooky-holtz · 6 months
I'll Be Home For Christmas
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Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Genre: fluff (possibly alludes to smut at one point? If you squint?)
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I know Christmas was almost two weeks ago but this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks. So enjoy, even if my timing is a little off :)
December. Quite easily the best and worst month of the school year. As another calendar year winds down, so do rigorous lesson plans, with most teachers at Abbott choosing to give in to the growing excitement among the students as the holidays draw nearer. 
Less time is spent actually teaching and a lot of allocated lesson time is spent watching movies on huge, outdated TV screens, students gathered around the devices on Eagles rugs that were so generously ‘donated’ by Melissa earlier that year.  
As the month goes on you find yourself spending more time inside your classroom, herding the group of preteens that make up the school choir as successfully as you would herd cats. Needless to say, it’s been a stressful few weeks of carol singing and rehearsals, trying to convince a group of kids that it’s not ‘lame’ or ‘cringe’ to appreciate music the way you do.  
As the resident music teacher at Abbott Elementary, you find it incredibly difficult to get young people inspired in the way you so desperately want them to be, often having to let go of the talent you see among some aspiring young musicians for reasons outside of your control. Though the budget doesn’t stretch to allow much in the way of extracurricular activities, choir practice is the one activity where you have your greatest tool already at your disposal; your voice.  
As much as you adore these kids, getting them to concentrate after a full day of learning is no easy feat, with them often choosing to sit around in groups gossiping or scrolling on Tik Tok rather than join you around the old piano that stands in place of a desk in your classroom, where you sit on your creaky stool, waiting for them to join in with you.  
After a particularly difficult lunchtime choir practice in the middle of December, you find your feet carrying you to the sanctuary you often retreat to during your breaks: the teachers’ lounge. You trudge along the hallway, the heels of your sneakers squeaking slightly against the polished concrete floor as you struggle to find the motivation to get you there, dragging your feet along the floor.  
As your hand wraps around the handle and you pull the door toward you, you’re instantly engulfed with the scent of burnt coffee and the sound of chatter as the little groups that sit around the room carry on their conversations, entirely too distracted to notice the door opening.  
Jim Gardner addresses the room from the small TV that sits on the opposite end, his newscast largely going unnoticed by the audience as they munch on leftovers or pore over today's newspaper. Much like Jim, your entry into the room goes unnoticed save for a pair of emerald eyes that you can’t help but glance toward.  
Melissa is already looking back at you over the rim of her glasses, phone in hand, the slight frown on her features already telling you that she’s noticed the lack of energy you carry. You can’t help but be drawn toward her, almost as if being pulled in by an imaginary force. She’s already pulled the empty chair by her side out by the time you reach her, and you collapse down on to it, sighing heavily, leaning your elbows forward onto the cold surface of the table in front of you for support.  
“Choir practice really that bad today, huh?” she asks, sympathy laced across her face.  
“I swear, these kids are turning me grey even faster,” you groan, bringing your hands up to cradle your forehead, “I mean, seriously, how hard is it to get through ‘Silent Night’ without laughing at the word ‘virgin’?” 
The silence that comes from the redhead is deafening as you turn your head slightly in your hands to catch a glimpse of her expression. Her lips are pursed slightly, and her eyes are a little too focused on your hair, doing everything she can to avoid eye contact; a telltale sign that she’s fighting back a laugh. When she finally reaches enough composure to meet your eye line, she can’t help but snicker.  
The sound makes you take your head out of your hands and throw her the most unimpressed look you can muster, though it’s a halfhearted glare.  
“I’m sorry,” she begins to apologize, “but that word was probably the funniest thing ever when I was that age too. Cut them a little bit of slack.”  
Great, so not only do your students think you’re a ‘nerd’ for making them sing carols but Melissa does too. Because having the woman you have an enormous crush on think that is exactly what you needed to round out your year.  Almost as if she can sense your descent into overthinking, Melissa breaks the silence.  
“Hey, I’m just messing with ya,” she says. She reaches forward, pulling you out of your spiral, and rests her hand on the thigh that sits closest to you, patting gently. “Besides, you’re cute when you’re grumpy.”  
Your eyes dart to hers at the comment and you’re met with a wink. The simple move turns you into putty, melting you to bend to her will. Her hand burns through the material of your slacks where it still lays against your thigh, her thumb rubbing gentle circles in an effort to soothe you. You’re sure your face is matching that same level of heat that radiates from it.  
She smiles back softly before turning back to her phone, leaving her hand resting against the patterned material you wear. The contact grounds you and helps you to think a little more rationally. While she’s distracted on her phone, you reach forward onto the table to grab Melissa’s worn Stanley Tucci mug and steal a swig of the steaming black coffee that sits within. The harsh flavor makes you wince, with you preferring your coffee with milk and an obscene amount of sugar to make it even barely drinkable. The expression you wear causes Melissa to giggle, the redhead having looked up almost knowing that your face would be a picture of extreme disgust.  
As she laughs the hand on your thigh squeezes and she leans into you, the lines around her eyes accentuated by the deep laugh that’s taken over her being. You decide that this is the most beautiful version of Melissa you’ve ever seen. Carefree, happy, and relaxed.  
The moment comes to an abrupt end as Barbara enters the room, both you and Melissa turning to the creaking door as it opens. Her eyes naturally fall to your table, much as your own do when you enter the teachers’ lounge, and her gaze lingers on you before she speaks up, barely giving herself a chance to sit down.  
“Oh sweetheart, you look terrible,” she says, concern laced across her features. She’s not wrong. You know the bags under your eyes are worse than ever, having forgone sleep to choose which Christmas carols are least likely to make a room full of elementary schoolers insult you. You wish you had just chosen to sleep instead because every option you threw at your group of angels ended with nicknames being thrown right back at you.  
“See, I told you that you looked bad,” Melissa says, the playful glint in her eye accompanied with the squeeze of your thigh letting you know she’s kidding.  
“You look like you need this Christmas break,” Barbara adds, “Actually, why don’t you come to the little shindig Melissa and I have here on the last day? Get that break started early for you.”  
It’s worrying how quickly you accept the invitation but Melissa’s hand on your thigh paired with the musky smell of her perfume makes it impossible to decline.  
“Of course, I’ll come! Do I need to bring anything?” You ask.  
“Nothing at all, we’ve got it all covered,” the older teacher replies. “Just bring your dancing shoes.” 
You’ve visibly relaxed at the prospect, which doesn’t go unnoticed by your company. While you’re distracted taking another, albeit smug, sip of Melissa’s coffee, Barbara shoots the redhead a knowing look, quirking her eyebrow as she does so. For a split second, Melissa turns the same shade of red as her hair, caught out by Barb and the confession of a pretty obvious crush she gave a few weeks ago. She quickly manages to regain her composure, hand still resting on your thigh and phone still in hand.  
You would think that a full week later, after hours of Christmas songs later, that you would be sick of carols. But you still find yourself sitting in the teachers’ lounge long after the rest of the faculty has left the building on the final day of school before winter break, with your usual duo and the addition of Mr Johnson. The room is filled with a warmth that doesn’t just come from the school’s subpar heating system, but instead from the situation you find yourself in.  
You feel a slight buzz from the copious amounts of wine you’ve consumed since the end of the school day, your stomach lined with Melissa’s incredible cooking and sweet treats brought in by Barbara. You feel that Mr Johnson is in the same boat as you as he mills around the room, plastic cup filled with what you can only assume is even more wine, swaying by himself to the record that plays from the relic of a radio that sits on one of the many cabinets in the room.  
Your attention is immediately drawn elsewhere when Melissa’s cackle fills the room, her and Barb sharing stories that they’ve no doubt already told each other a few dozen times over the years. You completely miss the anecdote, but you still can’t help a smile from breaking out on your face at the sound of laughter, the noise acting like music to your ears – it’s far better than anything that could possibly be played on that radio right now.  
Almost as if by cue, the pair finish their story and the older of the two decides to rise from her chair, beckoning to you as she does so.  
“Come on, I wanna start to shake my groove thing,” says Barbara, already swaying slightly from the few glasses of wine she’s consumed herself. You raise your eyebrows, incredulous, matching her action and standing from your chair yourself, moving further from the security of the table as a swing version of “Jingle Bell Rock” continues playing. “I need a dance partner and you’re the perfect height so get yourself over here.” 
She doesn’t give you a chance to respond before her hands quickly mold you into shape, moving one of your own to her hip whilst the other grips your open palm.  
“Wow Barb, at least buy a girl a drink first,” you grin as she swats at your shoulder, giggling along herself. The bells on the front of her extremely festive bright red sweater jingle as she does so. The swaying of your ‘dance’ lasts for a mere few seconds before Barbara interrupts it herself.  
“Melissa, I think we may need to swap places,” she says as she glances at where Mr Johnson stands, eyes still closed and nursing his plastic cup of wine. “I have a feeling Mr Johnson may need some assistance.”  
Melissa mumbles her response as she comes nearer to you, seamlessly swapping places with the elder woman. You completely miss the wink that is thrown her way from Barb, eyes still focused on Mr Johnson’s one-man party.  
When you turn your head back to face in front of you, you’re naturally drawn to the bright green eyes that sit slightly below your eyeline. You feel your heart stutter in your chest at the sight, rarely getting to see them this close. It always baffles you how many shades of green, blue and brown come together to create a colour that can only be described as ‘Melissa’. You realize you’ve been staring a little too long when a change of song and her words break you from your thoughts.  
“Come a little closer, you can’t dance properly if you leave enough room for Jesus and the 12 disciples,” she says, her tone playful and smile wide. You can’t help but throw your head back in laughter as her hand snakes from your hip to the small of your back to bring you in closer. There's no mistaking who is leading who.  
When you bring your head back Melissa is considerably closer than before. She’s so close that you can see each individual eyelash under her thick layer of mascara and eyeliner, along with the slightly smudged edge of her lipstick, the deep red of the wine making the colour even richer. The smell of her musky yet floral perfume invades your senses as she looks up toward you. You move your hands from her shoulders to link together behind her neck, her red curls tickling your wrists.  
You can feel every slight movement she makes as Frank Sinatra croons at you both as you sway slightly in place, too scared to move too quickly in case you scare each other. Her thighs almost touch yours and your chests are almost entirely pressed together. You hope she can’t feel your heartbeat; the speed and intensity of it would almost instantly give away your feelings toward her. Her body this close to yours makes your head spin, your mind racing with possibilities of other situations you may find yourself this close to her in.  
You can feel every breath she lets out against your lips, making you aware of how little it would take to connect them with her own. You’re pretty sure she’s noticed too because of the way her eyes keep flicking down to look at them every few seconds. You can feel her hands burning a hole through the material of the shirt against your back. As if she can hear your thoughts, she moves them slightly lower, coming to rest against the waistband of your trousers and dangerously close to your backside. What you wouldn’t give for her to just bite the bullet and slide them into your back pockets to pull you impossibly closer to her.  
“You know, I, uh, never wished you a happy Christmas,” she breaks the tense silence, almost whispering as if anything too loud might startle you. “So Happy Christmas, Hun.”  
She wears a slight smile on her lips, suddenly dropping the hard exterior she always carries to become the softer, more vulnerable version of herself you’ve come to fall madly in love with.  
You can’t help but melt at the sight, your head dropping forward to lean your forehead against hers. She welcomes the move with ease, closing her eyes as you both sway slightly to the music, never moving from your position.  
“Happy Christmas, Mel.” 
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Why?-Pablo Gavi
Summary: Pablo broke up with you, but he regrets it
Requests open
Waiting list
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You were dating Gavi for 7 months and the time spend together was the best one in your life.
Your love was so strong, and people around you were really proud that Gavi had found a girl like you.
You were going to his matches to support him, and he would be by your side when you needed him. Your relationship was something that everyone wished for.
The day when he came to you after a match just to tell you that he doesn't feel anything towards you in a romantic way caught you off guard.
Just the morning before, you two were kissing while cuddling each other, and the reason he told you was definitely a lie. You asked him since when he doesn't love you anymore, he just saying that he doesn't know exactly but it has been some time.
You started to panick. You weren't mad at him, nor were you screaming in anger, but you were really shocked and were about to cry.
You couldn't blame him for not loving you anymore. For you, he was out of your league even if he all the time used to tell you that you were the right person for him. Well, it seems like it isn't like that, at least not anymore.
Your relationship wasn't exactly publicly announced, but people knew that you were somehow seeing each other or just hooking up.
You were getting a lot of hate because you were just a stupid girl that was used by Gavi to pleasure himself. That's what people thought, but it wasn't at all true.
He loved you, and he admitted himself. He fell for you harder than he could for someone else. He couldn't live without you on his side, and when he went to the changing room after he confessed to you, he cried harder than he did all his life.
He cried like he couldn't breath and like his world just ended. Like he just ended his world.
His football friends were by his side. Nothing worked.
"I don't know why you broke up with her"
"I already told you, I feel like I don't love her anymore, but fuck cuz I still do and I don't know. I've never been in love, and I'm so scared that I got so attached to her, and if she leaves, how to live without her? It's better that it ended now."
"You really think that?" asked Lewa
"Joder, no" he said while bursing into crying.
After Gavi got home, he went to Barca' insta account and saw a video that they posted on their story while they were in the changing room "celebrating".
He could clearly see his crying face like anybody else that was looking at it.
People were around him, calming him down while his hands were on his face.
His sobs were heard over the music that was playing behind.
"Mierda" he thought.
He went to tik tok just to see your haters saying that you were the reason for his heartbreak and that after you two fcked you just blocked him and used him.
They were really angry, and Gavi felt even sadder so he wrote something and posted it on his story.
"I am really disappointed that some of you want to find drama all the time and accuse people that you don't even know. You know who I am talking about. I appreciate your concern about me, but if you post things about it, don't you dare think that it helps me. Stop hating people that you've never met! It is our life and not yours. Mind your own business! Gracias a todos!"
He posted it and then went to sleep just so your face appeared on his mind. What has he done?
You, on the other side were just staying in your bed thinking about what you could have done for him to not love you anymore. Again, people started to accuse you of breaking his heart when he was the one who broke yours. You missed him so bad that you went to his insta to see a picture of him. You saw that he put something on his story and opened it.
He for sure saw the hate coming again after you.
You were now thinking if you should call him because you deserve to know the real reason he end things between you two, but at the same time you were scared that he doesn't want to hear about you anymore, that being the reason why he posted his story, to not even see things about you on tik tok. You deep down knew it was a lie, but something inside you told you to just call him. If he will answer, good. If not, as well good.
It was really late at night and Gavi didn't pick up the phone. That's it, you thought. It's clear that he doesn't want to hear about you.
The reason why he didn't pick up the phone was that he put it on silent to that he could sleep. Tomorrow morning he had training.
The next day, when he saw that last night you called him, he started to panick and question himself if he should call you back. He knew now that you were mad at him for not answering.
He decided to do it, and when he heard something he was happy that you answered that quickly but the thing is that you blocked him, not being able to contact you.
He was so hurt, and he himself got into this, still not understanding for sure why he broke up with you. He clearly loves you and maybe being attached to someone isn't that bad, but now it was only too late.
He went to training with tired eyes. He couldn't concentrate at all, and people started to tell him to try to get over it, but even themselves knew how much he loves you and true love isn't fading in just a couple of weeks.
Days have passed, and all he could think about was still you. He hadn't heard anything from you, even if sometimes he would ask for his friends' phones so that he could see your insta page.
You didn't post much, but that little was enough for Gavi to know that you were at least healthy. He tried to talk to your friends but they only replied him that what he did was wrong and that he has to talk to you face to face and not towards messages, but that was way too complicated while being a football player and having to switch cities and countries every week.
He was on his urge to give up and let you refind your life, until one day he saw you at one of his games. His eyes sparked at the sight of you and smiled knowing that you came for him.
After the match was over, he rushed towards you.
You rolled your eyes and went away.
"No, no, please stop. I tried to reach for you to tell you the reason I broke up with you because now I so regret it but I couldn't find a way to find you please listen"
"I already gave you a chance, Gavira. I even called you the night after. Why didn't you pick up? Were you hooking up with some other girl?"
"Wha-no! My phone was on silent, and I'm sorry. I called you back the moment I saw but you decided to block me.."
"Good for me"
"C'mon, we both know that you miss me as well. Just let me explain"
"Yo, hermano, I don't miss you anymore. I'm over it, and I'm proud because of it"
"Yes, you heard that right. Now leave me alone"
"No, I won't. The reason I broke up with you was that I was so falling in love with you that it scared me. I got really attached and I was afraid that someday you would leave me and I would have been destroyed. That's why I decided to leave first , but the moment I didn't see your eyes anymore, I just broke down into tears. I know that's not a good reason and I should have been there for you because you got so much hate because of me and my stupid private relationship kind of thing and I want to try it again with you. I know that you are truly my soulmate and that no one can ever take my heart like you did. Maybe you don't love me anymore, but I will try to make you fall for me again if you let me.."
"That clearly won't happen Pablo"
He sighed. He was proud of himself , and he finally told his feelings but so disappointed that he lost you forever now.
"I'm sorry again, y/n." He said while turning his back at you.
"That won't happen because I still love you" you shouted after him.
He remained frozen.
"What?" he replied with a smile full of hope on his face.
"Yes, I still love you and miss you..miss us"
He smiled even more and went to hug you.
"So you are attached to me, huh, Gavira?"
He chuckled.
"How could I not be?"
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
i gotchu boooo. i decided to do the fluff about the reader’s hair not cooperating bc as a black girl ts get real stressful😒
hair struggles
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summary: ony comforts you when you struggle to recreate a hairstyle.
cw: fluffff
word count: 678
“cmon baby we gon be late” onyankopon sighed in irritation as he watched you try to redo your hair for the third time today. “if my hair not right we not gon be going nowhere” you were trying to redo a hairstyle you saw on tik tok a couple days ago. the first time it was attempted you looked perfectly fine, but of course that was on a day you had nowhere to go. now that you have this barbecue to be at, it seems like god thought it was the perfect time to play with you.
“ma dukes said she got plates for me and i’m not ‘bout to let them get cold cause you don’t like your hair”
you rolled your eyes at your big ass boyfriend, continuing to fix your hair. it’s not like the style was hard. it was a simple half up half down with a swoop in the front. this should be easy compared to the other styles you’ve tried, but your hair refuses to cooperate today and your swoop just won’t slick down.
“just leave me. i’ll take my car to the house okay?” you mumble as your eyes began to water. ony knows that when you feel your hair doesn’t look right you start to get so frustrated to the point where you’d give up on whatever plans you have for the day, but he seen no reason for the both of you to take separate cars to the same place. he was also really hungry and refused to let your moms great cooking go to waste.
“mama it don’t gotta be slicked all the way. if it waves up a little who really gon care.” ony remembered what you always told him about your curls so he added a lesson you taught him “you told me that wearing slick styles all the time can mess up your curl pattern anyway so what’s the issue wit just leaving it a lil wavy?” he says with a smirk, using your own facts against you. you knew he was right and didn’t really feel like driving so you wiped the tears from your face. you loved how ony always listened when you would talk about your hair whether it be about the products you used or just random facts.
“you right boo lemme finish up so we can go. i know you hungry as hell.” you sigh as your boyfriend smiled. he began to walk out of your shared room to go put his sneakers on at the front door. ony was wearing grey nike shorts with a white tee and his gold chains. it was a warmer day so he decided to throw on a his black fitted to hide from the sun and his space jams . it was the typical barbecue fit and you were expecting to see your brothers and cousins wearing a similar, if not the same, one. you decided to wear a grey romper with black sandals. a simple outfit since you could expect that you’d be walking around a lot and didn’t want to get really hot.
as you finally finished your hair you seen that it still wasn’t slicked down all the way, but you decided to just leave it after you remembered what your man reminded you. you smiled to yourself as you noticed that you didn’t even look bad and you overreacted a bit, walking out of your room to meet your boyfriend by the door. “you ready?” he said nervously, hoping you weren’t still upset. “yea baby let’s go before we late.” ony smiled, happy that you listened to him. he actually thought your hair looked better than the tutorial and began thinking about how your waved up hair kind of reminded him of the waves he had when he was younger. he was going to tell you that, but decided against it, knowing that you’d probably look at him crazy. “good because you look beautiful princess. now let’s go before all the food gone.”
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chaoticace2005 · 2 months
chace bestie could you help me spread this post about the radio silence tagging issue:
really trying to get the word out there so as many shares as possible would be appreciated 🫡
— @onesidedradiostatic
Basically: radiosilence is a popular tag for one sided alastor/Vox popularized largely on tik tok and twitter. The issue is that this was ALREADY a popular tag as it is a popular book written by Alice Oseman. This causes the issue where people searching that tag for one reason or another are swamped with content from the other fandom, and particularly is an issue for Osemanverse fans who have been using the tag for a while.
Yes, radiosilence is a GREAT name for a ship between a TV and radio demon where the radio one left the TV on read for 7 years, but it doesn’t negate the fact the tag was already widely used, and having it apply to multiple things makes accessibility more difficult. Also: the hazbin fandom is already something some people have issues with, and subjugating a tag from another fandom only gives people more valid reason to.
Now, using the tag when referring to Hazbin doesn’t make you a BAD person. Especially considering how popular it is and how many people probably don’t know about the overlap, which is why @onesidedradiostatic and I (and others) are trying to make it more known about the issue as well as the fact there was a lot poll that went out that a couple thousand people voted on that voted #onewaybroadcast as an alternative ship name.
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acotar-taylorsversion · 3 months
So for some reason I got lost in the Elucien side of tik tok and, of course, they are convinced they are endgame. They are the ones who think Elain avoids Lucien because she’s trying to suppress her attraction to him and what not, but I just think that’s silly. Even though I agree with them about how we don’t know what’s going on in her head, I just find that theory ridiculous, especially when you look at the overall text that surrounds Elain and Lucien.
I am an Elriel supporter and have been since 2017, but I always have that “what if” in the back of my mind because we all know Sarah can just completely forget about what she’s written and do something totally different. My biggest fear is that I won’t ever accept Lucien. Like, I only really support him when I read those tiny moments when he’s talking about or with Vassa, because I can see that. But I’m scared I won’t ever accept Lucien or Elucien because of what we know.
I’ve never truly connected with Lucien. I always saw him as the annoying one. I never could understand why everyone finds him attractive or charming. I moved on quickly when we learned about his history, it didn’t really affect me. He’s just annoying to me. And I know he’s not a bad guy, like I don’t hate him. I just don’t care for him. I literally forgot all about his character in acomaf until he showed up again to kidnap Feyre, and I was totally dumbfounded when he said Elain was his mate. It was the most random thing to me. I remember reading that part 3 times because I thought I was crazy. And I was so so happy when he volunteered to go search for Vassa because that meant he was going to be gone for a while in acowar, and then I forgot about him again unless he was brought up. He’s just a very forgettable character to me and it’s going to take a lot for my opinion to change. Like I honestly hate that someone like Elain got mated to someone like him. It’s the most random thing.
Like 3 brothers x 3 sisters just makes so much sense to me and it’s so perfectly even and symmetrical. 2 brothers x 2 sisters, 1 sister x random guy, 1 brother x random girl just doesn’t make sense at all.
I don’t think I could enjoy the series anymore if Sarah has planned for Elucien and gwynriel all this time because why spend all that time building up Elriel? And I’m sorry, but people who say that they didn’t see Elriel moments as romantic clearly didn’t read them. I know we interpret things differently, but y’all are just delusional if you can’t see that.
I’ll go ahead and say it. The main reason I support vassien is because it gives Lucien a happy ending while elain is free to love who she wants and not who she is told to by the cauldron or whatever. I hate that she is being forced to make a decision that she should never have to make. And it’s not like we don’t have a reason to support vassien, there are some cute little moments between Vassa and Lucien. But even, with a vassien pov, I don’t think I would enjoy Lucien’s part. Another thing, I could totally see him dying. I’ve always thought he would seeing how he was becoming feyre’s friend and what not. That usually happens to that type of character in fantasy stories.
Who knows, though 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m just over all these things with the fandom here lately. From the doxx threats, forcing artists to quit creating art for us because of the hate they receive, the teasing from Bloomsbury, and this stupid ship war, I’m just mentally exhausted from it.
Sorry for the rant, guys. I’ll be more positive next time, hopefully lol 😆
Hope everyone is doing good after all that’s happened ♥️
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megantheebaddest · 1 year
Silent Treatment
Reader and Jack are giving each other the silent treatment but both of them absolutely hate it. Warning this does turn into a little bit of smut xx
It’s been about two days since you and Jack have had the worst fight you ever had. Lots of screaming and name calling and hurtful things were said. You and him both knew you both didn’t really mean more than half of the things that were said. But that didn’t stop you both from giving the silent treatment to each other. The vibes in your shared apartment were so negative and to be honest you were hoping this silent treatment would end very soon. You haven’t slept good the past two night because Jack didn’t cuddle up to you to keep you warm. The first night he slept on the couch, and last night he didn’t come to bed until 5:30 am.
You missed him so much and wanted to end the silent treatment but the look on his face and his attitude and actions made it clear as day that he was not ready to give it up. You wanted to make him breakfast but you figured why waste the time because he was just going to be petty and not eat it. That’s one thing about Jack is he is PETTY. So you just leaned up against the kitchen island and sipped your coffee while scrolling your phone, trying to pay him no mind while he slammed cabinets and the fridge gathering up whatever he could for breakfast. An occasional sigh leaving his plump lips.
After what felt like an eternity Jack was finally sitting down eating his breakfast and it was quiet again. You liked the quietness but hated the reason for it. You were still sipping your coffee, a few giggles coming from you due to tik tok. You didn’t know but Jack has been eyeing you up the whole time. He has the perfect view from where he’s sitting. His eyes admiring every curve, and the way your night gown outlines your plump ass. He could tell that you weren’t wearing any panties. The sight of your back side had him bricked up. He was about to break the silence just so he could get a taste of you but the pettiness in him didn’t want to be the one to break the silence. Instead he just treated you as eye candy. Until you stood up from your position, you were still looking at your phone while putting your coffee cup under the keurig and hitting brew. You did it effortlessly without paying attention, Jack let out a soft chuckle only he could hear. He always laughed at your addiction to coffee because he couldn’t understand how someone could love it so much. He got up to take his dishes to the sink and while you were still consumed by your phone he bent down to sneak a peak. You were in fact not wearing panties. He just shook his head and made his way to the living room trying to shake the thoughts he had. You on the other hand took your cup of coffee up to have a relaxing bath.
About 40 minutes passed by and Jack made his way up to your shared bedroom. He was heading to get dressed for the few things he had to run out and do. He entered the bedroom were his eyes immediately met the sight of you in a matching bra and panties set with your hair up in a towel. You were standing in the full body mirror applying your makeup for the day. The Alexa in your room was playing ‘Out Front’ by Jack softly as background music. His heart melted anytime he heard you play his music. But this sight of you really fucked with him. You looked so good and it really took everything in him to not throw you on the bed and fuck you senseless. If he didn’t have obligations to tend to he absolutely would. It annoyed him so bad that you didn’t pay him any attention when he entered the room. He just got ready and grabbed everything he needed shutting the door softy as he left the room. His heart slowly breaking at you not even being curious as to where he was heading.
But that was in fact not true. You bit your tongue so hard in order to not ask him where he was going. You just figured he was heading to the studio. This was so dumb. Why not just be the bigger person and apologize, so this stupid silent treatment doesn’t continue? Well anytime you both fight you are always the one to apologize and you told yourself you weren’t going to be the one to do it this time.
Once you were dressed for the day you decided to venture out and get a few of your own errands done. You went to the bank, and made a pit stop for an iced coffee before heading to do a little clothes shopping, then eventually heading to the grocery store for dinner. You figured you’d cook tonight since you haven’t out of spite the past couple days. You thought that maybe if you cooked it would fasten the process of lifting the silence. You got home and Jack was still gone. You brought all the bags from your shopping haul. You left the clothes bags by the steps and made your way to the kitchen to cook. Tonight you were keeping it simple with chicken caesar salad and garlic bread.
About 15 minutes later you heard the door to your apartment open and shut. You smiled to yourself at the thought of him finally being home. When Jack opened the door he saw all the clothes bags piled by the steps and he smiled to himself. He always laughed when you would tell him there’s no such thing as too many clothes. He made his way to the kitchen to see what the good smell is. You had your back to him cutting up the chicken and salad ingredients. He smiled at you but you obviously weren’t looking. He grabbed a stool to sit on at the kitchen island. He had a bunch of important papers that he had to look over and sign so he sat in the kitchen with you to do it. Usually he does that in his office. But he misses you.
As you wait for the chicken to fry you open up a cherry blow pop and plop it in your mouth. The noise of the wrapper caught Jack’s attention. He slowly looked up at you, watching this lollipop swirling around in your mouth. He swallowed and tried to focus on his papers. You grabbed your phone and started scrolling it again, occasionally making sucking and popping noises. Jack snapped his head back up at you. You weren’t paying any attention. His eyes now glued to your mouth. You were holding the lollipop stick while swirling your tongue all over the blow pop. The noises sounded all too familiar to Jack. He watched as your lips wrapped around the blow pop so perfectly and how you would slowly pull it out of your mouth before putting it back in. Jack was a whole mess just from watching you suck on a lollipop. He almost laughed out loud due to you being so oblivious to how you were eating it. For a minute he thought you have been teasing him all day on purpose but he just realized that that’s not true at all. You had no idea what you were doing to him. Here he was sitting there bricked up and you were clueless.
He got up to get himself a drink, he came up behind you and pushed his hard on up against your butt. He had on hand gripping your hip the other reaching up above you to grab a glass out of the cabinet. You were shocked at the sensation out of no where. Almost immediately you pushed back against him. He let go of you to walk to the fridge.
“You’ve had me bricked up all day. Not good when i’m supposed to be mad at you.” He said spinning around to face you as he leaned against the counter sipping his drink and looking at you with those beautiful blue eyes. You stood there gazing back at him shocked that he said something.
“Huh?” is all you could say. What was he talking about? You’ve literally done nothing.
“Mhm.. Walking around here with no panties this morning and now i gotta sit here and watch you suck on that lollipop?” He said sounding frazzled.
You let out a loud laugh. “Oh my gosh.. grow up Jack.” you said flinging your lollipop in the garbage and checking on the chicken. You felt Jack come up behind you. He slithered his arms around your waist.
“Come onnnn.. No more attitude or silent treatment. I miss you ma” He said into your neck making you jump and squeal at the ticklish feeling. “I’m so sorry for everything that happened the other night. I never want to fight like that again. And I definitely don’t want to ever do this silent shit again either. I hated that.” He said making you giggle.
“I know that really did suck.. and I’m sorry too Jackman. I love you so much.” You said turning around so that you were in a deep hug. “But seriously that’s all it takes for you to get bricked up?” You said jokingly.
“Oh cut me some slack mamas. I haven’t even touched you in like 3 days. I’m withdrawing.” He said laughing.
You were smiling and looking up at him as your hand creeped down to the front of his jeans. You rubbed the tip of your fingers on his stomach just above the band of his jeans. He instantly tensed up.
“Don’t start if you’re not gonna do anything.” Was all he could breathe out. Both of your hands went straight for the button and zipper of his jeans. You quickly undid them with ease. You dropped to your knees at record speed. The second his dick sprung free you took him all in.
“Ohhhhh fuck y/n!” Jack screamed as his head fell back in pleasure. “Uhh i needed this so bad baby” he moaned loud. You quickened your pace and started massaging his balls.
“Y/n.. Holy fuck.. You’re so amazing baby” he moaned louder. You moaned against him and he sharply breathed in. You slowed down and swirled your tongue on his tip and sucked just the tip for a minute. His knees shook and he almost fell to the ground.
“Fuck!” He screamed. He grabbed a perfect fist full of your hair and held your head steady. He fucked the shit out of your throat while praising you.
“You’re such a good girl for me y/n.. Mmm fuck” Jack moaned slowing down.
“Can you take all of my cum for me pretty girl?” He asks you guiding your face up to look at him.
“Mmm yes baby i can.” you whine out.
He starts pumping himself while looking you in the eyes. He was a moaning mess while you sat on the floor beneath him with your tongue hanging out waiting for his cum to hit your face.
He came all over your face and you took him back in your mouth almost causing him to fall over again. After he cums his dick becomes so sensitive so it almost took his balance. He screamed the loudest i ever heard him scream in pleasure.
“No baby.. I can’t handle.. it” He barely breathed out. He stood there against the counter with his head resting back on the cabinets. He was dripping sweat and trying to gain his composure while you were still sitting on your knees looking up at him with the biggest smile.
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c0la-queen · 4 months
Tom Headcanons | The Tired Friend
Tom's skin is fairly tan. His hair is a light brown color and he keeps his facial hair at a chin scruff.
He is the shortest of the boys, standing 5'11 tall. The teasing he experiences from the boys due to this makes him grumpy and he is not afraid to punch them in the gut over it.
While he is slightly lanky (not to the same level as Matt, but not as bulky as Tord or Edd) he does have a healthy bit of chub to him.
It's unknown exactly how many tattoos Tom has, or if he even has any at all. He refuses to answer the question. If Reader asks, he'll just ominously say "you'll find out" then change the subject. As for piercings, he has an eyebrow piercing and multiple ear piercings.
Family Life:
Tom is the most tragic of the group in this aspect.
When he was young, his parents passed away in an accident. Since he was a child, his brain blocked out the entire experience, so he can't remember exactly what the accident was- nor does he really want to remember.
He and his brother went and lived with an aunt after this happened- they were still in town, so his friends didn't change.
He was never particularly close with that aunt so he fell out of touch with her after a while.
As for his brother, who is a year younger than him, he talks to him occasionally but not often.
So, overall, doesn't have the best relationship with his biological family- but that's okay, because the roommates are his family now.
Seems kind of cold, but he's actually pretty friendly.
He's just tired all the time.
His sense of humor is broken. He would find fail videos the funniest shit. Probably loves the Everlong trend on Tik Tok.
A huge music nerd, but keeps it lowkey because he thinks its embarrassing. He knows all kinds of music, and can probably name a shit ton of songs that play on the radio off the top of his head. Definitely has a whole self full of vinyl records that he's collected.
I like to dip more into his bass playing than a lot of people I've seen ever do. He usually waits until he's home alone or only one other person is in the house to play, just because he doesn't wanna bother the others. Has learned how to play a good handful of songs on his bass. Follows those accounts on Tik Tok that do bass and electric guitar covers of songs.
He's pretty decent at singing, but never sings around others because it makes him flustered. Will occasionally sing lullabies to Reader when she can't sleep or had a nightmare. But she's the only one he'll sing for.
Although he acts like he hates all of them, he cares a lot about the others. He doesn't acknowledge it or admit it, but he does take care of his roommates here and there. Yes, even Tord.
On the flip side, he's shit at taking care of himself. it's honestly a miracle that he's as healthy as he is. Probably ends up falling asleep in random areas of the house the most, leaving the others to sigh and lay a blanket on top of him when they find him.
"Cry about it." "Sucks to suck."
He likes playing Minecraft. Finds it so peaceful, definitely a welcome break from the chaotic household. He'll let Reader lay between his legs while they lay in bed with him and he plays. Learned how to play his favorite Minecraft songs on his bass.
Chronic sloucher. The man has Certified shrimp posture. Help his poor spine.
Tom is a professional photographer! He's very good at what he does and has quite the schedule booked. Makes sure its very clear to his clients that he is not available for bookings on the weekends - those are reserved for his family roommates.
He loves Ghost-type Pokemon. I have no reasoning behind this one, honestly. Just vibes. He's got a Gengar Squishmallow on his bed that he treats like his own son.
A very simple man. Likes the simple and peaceful things in life. Too bad he got his ass irreparably bonded with three (four counting Reader) of the most unhinged, chaotic people in existence.
Yes. Several of his accessories are black and white checkered. Sue him, but he's consistent. Main things to note of this theme are his phone case, a pair of slip-on Vans, and the old skateboard in his closet that he hasn't used since secondary school.
Like Tord, he's got a smoking habit that he's trying to combat with vaping. Still uses cigarettes on particularly stressful or frustrating nights.
Likes drinking Java Monster Energy.
Very proud vinyl record collector. Not picky about what kind of records he gets, though he tends to prefer ska and classic rock (dad rock). One of the best things to get him as a present, he'll love it dearly.
Has so many playlists. Making them is therapeutic for him. It's one of his love languages, a way that he expresses his feelings. Also has playlists for his emotions, and for all kinds of different situations like rainy days or beach trips. Showing Reader his playlists would be him opening up to them in a huge way.
Playlist (From My Spotify Playlist For Him):
Arctic Monkeys
Tame Impala
Fall Out Boy
Green Day
The All-American Rejects
Anthony Amorim
Cigarettes After Sex
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yxngbxkkie · 1 year
forbidden (h.h)
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so, i’ve been seeing a lot of forbidden au on here and on tik tok and decided into writing one myself. this is a college au with our boy, hyunjin, who’s your sister’s ex-boyfriend. let’s see what happens
i don’t know why i wrote this like a movie lmao i’m high so
"Shot, shot, shot!" The crowd around you shouts as the music echoes off of the walls. You squeeze your eyes shut while taking the shot of liquor, a shiver running down your spine.
"Eugh, that's disgusting," you cry out after slamming the shot glass onto the counter.
Minho and Bang Chan stand on either side of you, both of them patting you on the back. "I can't believe you agreed to this," Chan laughs, his gaze moving from you to Hyunjin.
"I told you she can handle it," Hyunjin smirks, his eyes staying on you.
"Handle it? I won't be able to drink anything else," you giggle, already feeling the effects of the alcohol. You tuck strands of hair behind your ear and the smile on your lips begins to hurt.
Hyunjin takes a step closer to you and grabs another shot from the table. "One more. We'll do it together," he tries to negotiate.
You look up at him, resisting the urge to run your hands along his torso. He looks outstanding tonight. You think to yourself, tugging on your bottom lip.
"Only one," you mumble loud enough for him to hear, holding up your index finger.
"Only one," he repeats, a smirk settling on his lips.
You take the shot glass from him before Hyunjin links your arms together. "Jinnie! This is going to be impossible. You're taller than me," you laugh loudly, standing on your tiptoes.
"Okay, okay, lemme crouch a bit," he laughs with you, bending his knees to make it more comfortable for you.
You playfully roll your eyes before the people around you start counting down. You look into Hyunjin's eyes, feeling your chest becoming warm. You shake your head quickly and clear your throat, throwing the shot back after the crowd shouts the word one.
"Hyunjin-" you cut yourself off, the taste of the disgusting liquor makes you gag a bit. "You picked the worst alcohol ever!"
His eyes widen as you stumble away from the group. "Shit," he mutters to himself, following you up the stairs. Hyunjin rests a hand on your lower back, leading you toward the bathroom. "I'm sorry! I didn't know you didn't like tequila."
"It's okay," you breathe out while stepping into the small room. The brunette pushes some hair out of his face after shutting the door, giving the two of you privacy.
You place your hands on the edge of the sink, taking deep breaths until you don't have the urge to throw up anymore. Silence fills the room, feeling Hyunjin's hand rubbing your back.
Giggles leave your lips after about a minute or so. "You didn't have to stay with me," you tell him, turning your head to look at him.
"I wanted to," he whispers, the corner of his mouth lifting into a smile. "I've missed you."
Your cheeks blush and you look away from him. Hyunjin moves some of your hair before he caresses the back of your neck. Your stomach flips as his body almost presses against yours.
"Hyunjin…" you trail off, taking a step back. Your back hits the wall and your hands land on his chest. "We can't do whatever you're thinking."
He furrows his brows as one of his hands wraps around your wrist. "Why not?" He asks you, sounding upset.
"You're my sister's ex-boyfriend," you sigh, a frown settling on your lips. "I can't do that to her."
"But, it's not like we're on bad terms? It was a mutual agreement between us to break up," he tries to explain.
Both of you begin to sober up from the serious conversation. "That doesn't matter-"
"Bullshit it doesn't matter," Hyunjin scoffs. He shakes his head and takes a step back. You drop your hands to your sides, your eyes widening. "Do you even know why we called it off?"
You shake your head and Hyunjin closes the distance between you. Your breathing grows heavy as his hand rests on your cheek. No… no, no, this can't be the reason. 
"Me?" You ask in a whisper while pointing to yourself.
"I thought I got over you, I swear," he breathes out, wetting his lips. "When Minho first brought you around I thought you were cute, extremely cute. And, my feelings for you grew from there."
You avoid making eye contact with him, taking in everything that he's telling you. "Is that why you started dating her?" You ask him, hoping it isn't true.
Hyunjin's eyes widen and he shakes his head repeatedly. "No, no. God, no. I genuinely liked her at first. I didn't even know she was your sister until I went to your house for the first time," he mentions. "After spending so much time with the both of you, she realized that my feelings for you were much stronger than my feelings for her."
"Why didn't she tell me?"
"I told her not to," you watch the taller man lean against the sink, his hands slapping against his thighs. "I didn't know how you felt about me, so I told her to keep it between the two of us."
"Was she mad?" You ask, tangling your fingers with one another.
Hyunjin shakes his head, a breathy laugh escaping his lips. "Surprisingly, no. I was expecting her to be, to be honest."
If she's not mad… it shouldn't be a problem, right? You think to yourself with furrowed brows. "D-Do you still-?"
The brunette snaps his head up, his dark eyes meeting yours. "Yeah," he mumbles, his hands gripping the edge of the sink.
You walk over to him, standing between his legs. You swallow thickly as you move his hands to your waist. "I've," you pause, your cheeks blushing more, "I've wanted to kiss you all night."
Hyunjin's grip on your waist tightens as his back straightens. "Yeah?" A smirk comes to his lips, feeling relieved that you feel the same way.
You nod your head in response. "So, are you going to kiss me or not?" You boldly ask him, raising a brow.
"Don't want you to get mad if I don't," Hyunjin whispers as he leans in. Your heart pounds against your chest, your hands grabbing hold of the sweatshirt he's wearing.
His lips gently press against yours, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. You begin to kiss him back, one of your hands moving to the nape of his neck.
Hyunjin moves both of his hands to your face, stroking the apple of your cheeks softly. "So this is what it feels like," he mumbles against your lips, his nose brushing yours.
"What?" You giggle, gently biting your lip.
"I've dreamed about kissing you for a long time," Hyunjin confesses and he tucks his head into his neck a smidge, feeling embarrassed.
You smirk as your hands make him look at you, dragging your thumb across his lip. "No need to be embarrassed, Jinnie. I've dreamed of kissing you for a while too," your cheeks blush.
He leans forward again, reconnecting your lips together. The kiss deepens almost immediately as Hyunjin pushes his tongue past your lips. You start to feel aroused at how intimate the kiss you're sharing is.
The banging sound coming from the door echoes off the walls, startling both of you. You pull away from Hyunjin, your back hitting the wall again as the brunette moves to open the door.
"Yah?!" He yells, coming face to face with Minho. His eyes widen before he bows his head, apologizing.
"Is Y/N in here?" Min asks him.
You step towards the door, showing yourself to your friend. "I'm here," you tell him softly, providing a friendly smile.
Hyunjin stands back up and pushes the bathroom door open all the way. Minho glances between the two of you, noticing the slight shift in the atmosphere. 
"Are you guys together now?" He asks, causing your eyes to widen.
How does he-?
"And if I said we were?" Hyunjin interrupts your thoughts, your head swiveling to the side.
He takes your hand in his, lacing your fingers together. "I'd say, "finally," can we go home now?" Minho mentions before walking back towards the stairs.
"Are you asking me out?" You ask him, feeling his hand squeeze yours.
"If you want me to."
You nod your head, smiling up at him. "Yeah."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier​ @reddesert-healourblues​ @spacegirlstuff​
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c0rvusx2 · 7 months
Catkuna 💀
Sukuna x fem!reader
16+: Somewhat described nudity, Sukuna being a perv, Sukuna being a bully as a cat, derogatory language directed at reader without them knowing, used 2nd POV (you, your) rather than 3rd (she, her).
Notes: lmk if 16+ is too low, I’ll raise it to 17 or 18 if needed. I drew catkuna and accidentally made him kinda look like boy kisser 💀💀💀 POV switches a lot too I think.
Genre: Fluff/Crack, maybe a lil spicy idk.
Notes 2: Yuji gets hit by a cursed technique, which causes Sukuna to be pushed out of his body and turned into a cat.
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“Here kitty, kitty,” You cooed squatting down, hoping to coax the cat in the alleyway into your arms. It instead hissed, backing away from you and deeper into the dark alleyway. You felt bad for the cat, seeing it’s fur dyed an unnatural salmon pink and strange red eyes.
You sighed, lifting yourself up from your previous position and adjusting the bags you carried.
The moment Sukuna saw the assorted snacks held in that grocery bag, he had made the decision to follow you. It was no problem for him, since he was on the run anyway. The curse-turned-cat weaved through dozens of people’s feet, making sure that he was still trailing you.
Finally, you had made it home. You set down your groceries, feeling the sting on your hands from carrying all that weight. Skimming through your pockets, you fished out your key, plugging it into the socket and opening the door. That’s when you heard rustling.
Before Sukuna could nab a even single box of Ritz, you had quickly snatched away your bags.
“Looks like someone’s hungry,” You said smugly, opening your door wider. The cat eyed the inside of your house.
“If you want something to eat, you gotta get in there,” You waited a moment, thinking you were stupid for talking to a cat, but it hissed at you before sprinting inside. You giggled, before entering yourself and shutting the door.
Sukuna stayed in the house, rather than promptly leaving after every meal. He considered the fact that since he had little to no cursed energy in this form, the sorcerers at Jujutsu High would have trouble finding him—and they would especially doubt him living with some dumb bimbo.
You had dubbed him such a shit name- Salmon? He ate it once, the first time he was fed by you, and now he was named after a fish? The fact that even though you had dragged him to the tub, full on yowling and scratching, and tried scrubbing off the “dye” on his fur didn’t help. He was still a salmon pink, and it only resulted in the bathroom becoming a complete mess. He hates it when you coo at him, leaning in to most likely squish his cheeks. In retaliation he’ll try pawing your face off.
“Awwww Salmonnnn look at you, so cu-“
*Insert screeching noises.*
As payback he’ll purposefully knock things off of counters, kicking them under the couch. He’ll watch you bend down, getting on your hands and knees in order to get whatever he had thrown under there. The cheeky cat will eye the roundness of your ass, smirking internally while thinking the filthiest thoughts.
Whenever you’re laying on the couch, mindlessly scrolling on some form of social media, he’ll hop right onto your body and snuggle right into the cleavage of your breasts. Your naive thoughts lead you to think that he just wants to get closer to you, which you’ll happily let him since he’s just a cat. Sukuna, however, will still claw you to bits the moment you start calling him adorable again.
Whenever you get yourself ready to take a simple shower—like picking out new clothes—he’ll immediately pick up on the signs and follow you into the room. You, of course, think nothing of it. You believed that this was just him being clingy, just like those silly dog videos you see on Tik Tok. In Sukuna’s mind, that’s obviously not the reason. You always feel his eyes on you whenever you strip off your clothes, taking a shower is no exception.
He hates it when you try shutting the door in his face for some privacy. The pink haired devil will immediately start yelling his head off, pawing at the door while hissing out profanities.
“Fucking bitch- let me in!” He scratches at the door.
“No- Salmon let me have my space for Christ’s sake!?” You’ll call out from the other side.
He lets up after a minute, and you sigh in relief. Big mistake. The King of Curses get what he wants, and seeing you bare is on his list of daily needs.
When you come out of the shower, your jaw drops at the mess he’s made. Books cluttered all over the floor, the couch marked with scratches, and pillows thrown across the room.
Sukuna hisses at you as you try chasing him out again, this being the being the 3rd time it had happened this month. Eventually you’re leaning over you the kitchen counter, chest heaving from trying to stop the cat demon from ruining the kitchen as well. He’ll be sitting in front of you, staring at you smugly as you glare at him.
One night, you wake up, night interrupted by the sound of footsteps against the ground. You lift an arm, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes only to see a muscled silhouette outlined by filtered moonlight, eyes glinting red. Before you could rush out of bed, the figure snatches your ankle with inhuman speed. You gasp sharply, before hearing his voice and seeing him grin.
“Gotcha, brat. Let’s see if still give me attitude after this,”
Holy shit he feels so OOC 😭😭💀 especially the last line. I suck ass at this 🤡
Not proof read 🤡🤡
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anaispunk · 12 days
In The Dark | Dark!Dave York x F!Nanny Reader (Daddy's Home Series)
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Next Part / Series Masterlist (COMING SOON)
Synopsis: Who said putting your early childhood education degree wouldn't cause you problems? Clearly they have never met Dave York.
Word Count: 4.3k
Trigger Warnings: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT! This is a dark series so be warned! Angst, Stalking, Masturbation, tame to start but will progressively get more fucked up. I think that is all the triggers.
Author's Note: Hi. It's been a while, huh? Guess this means I'm back. To be honest I needed the 2 years away from tumblr and writing to get my passion for writing back. College got to be too much and I needed to focus on that. Planning a wedding was a lot and I needed to focus on myself and my now husband. Oh yeah, I got married in December of 2023. Plus, didn't have the best experience in this fandom before with the constant drama/bullshit. But you know what? I'm too old for this shit, I'm 26 now. So I'm going to get back into this, without the fuckery. You can thank @xdaddysprincessxx for this one, if it wasn't for Anna's maid of honor pep talk last year, I wouldn't be bringing this series back.
What is the purpose of being a caregiver? Why was it something that most people wanted to cross off their list by a certain age? Kids can be a handful, but they can also bring the sweetest joy of the world. Maybe it's the control factor, knowing that you have to do everything for them in order to grow as humans. It's like a real life version of the sims, having to deal with the crying and the whining until it gets to the nice, sweet times. Maybe that is why everyone looks forward to it; the payoff is better than it would be. Plus kids are the cutest, even in their snotty hand-filled glory. The epitome of happiness and joy, they know no ways of the world that are evil, sick, and twisted; all they can see is happiness, freedom.
There was a time after college where you decided that maybe working in your field of education was a good idea, maybe it was a bad idea too. In this day and age with this generation it felt weird - they were coming up with all these new trends and making memes only they can understand, it was off-putting. Many, many times you would scroll through apps like Tik-Tok and think, how am I almost in the same generation as them? Maybe it's because you're an old soul, not relating to the newest and brightest thing isn't bad - they're just little assholes. That is all, it's all about the fame, the clicks and likes - not about the people behind it.
You never minded kids, sure they were gross but it isn't like you downright hated them. Sure they can be annoying; who the hell isn't? But a job is a job, just like anything else. Though you swore off of being a teacher - middle schoolers and high schoolers were no fucking joke - you couldn't bear dealing with the tomfoolery they were going to pursue. Elementary school kids on the other hand were too busy trying to color and learn their multiplication tables instead of being trolls. They wouldn't try to roast you like the older ones would, still though was working in a school setting really that important to you? Did you want to get paid biweekly less than any other job? Teachers' salaries were the worst, and you knew that. What was the second best option?
Ever since you graduated in May, you have been browsing around every inch of the internet to find a perfect job - one with benefits, and great pay. With how the last year has been no one, I mean no one wanted anyone coming around them - or being near them for reasons. So the market for your specific sight was limited by a lot, nothing local happened to be coming up, things were mainly out of state. You didn't mind the travel, the closest state was only an hour away anyways so it wouldn't be too much of a trek. But the one that really stood out to you, was easily about 8 states away, deep down in the boonies of suburban hell. Perfect little family, perfect marriage - would it be worth it?
Two months, that is how long you poured over this one job offering. It kept popping up as new every week - only to get a minimal number of views. But the job itself has numerous, I mean numerous reviews. Each one you poured over made you feel like it wasn't worth it; one said that the man who was conducting the interview was picky - no explanation on that. If you're going to be working with their kids then yes, they have every right to be picky and not get someone in who will be a weirdo, or worse. But still every review seemed to have the same exact theme, it made you second guess clicking the apply button. Then again what was the worst that could happen, he/they say no? It wasn't as soul crushing as everyone made it out to be; in the face of failure and rejection comes dreams and conclusions.
You sat, pondered for two months if you should apply - not knowing exactly what would be the answer. But what was the point of not trying? What if you did get it? What if you could move out of state and experience life that was full of travel, purpose? What if? Fuck it, you smiled to yourself, clicking the apply button. Thank god for Google auto fill because Jesus this application was long - and very, very detailed. As soon as you clicked submit you sat back, waiting and waiting for your life to change. Stepping away from your laptop for the time being you started to scramble your things together, making it as neat and nice as possible, the easiest distraction. That is when you hear it, the sound of your email dinging, a new message. Slowly pacing yourself back over to your desk, smiling at the new email. Your heart drops when you see who it is from.
Subject: Nanny Employment
Sucking in a deep breath you let shaky fingers find their way to open the email. In the moment you stop short, afraid this is another rejection letter. So many of them have come through in the last few weeks you started to suspect this was another. It came through, way too fast for your liking. Usually that was just the automated ones saying that you were not what they were looking for. But what was the harm in trying? What was the biggest thing they could say that would break you? Sucking up the courage in your veins, you slam your fingers down to open up the email, seeing bolded words first shine through.
Good Afternoon, Miss,
Thank you for your interest. I have received your application for the live-in nanny position and am interested in discussing your qualifications further. I would like to invite you to interview via Skype to discuss the job requirements and learn more about you. What time would work best?
Dave York | He/Him/His | Special Agent
Defense Intelligence Agency | 7400 Pentagon, Office of Corporate Communications, Washington, D.C. 20301-2400
Your eyes were wide; not believing exactly what you were seeing. At first you thought it was complete and utter bullshit - someone who works for the DIA needed a live-in nanny? This could be one of those fake emails wanting to steal your identity. Biting your lip harshly you toyed with the skin, debating whether or not you should Google this man. Shaking your head at all the negative thoughts coming up, you hit reply - seeing the line blink slowly as you tried to process what was going on. With a shallow breath being inhaled deeply, you began to let your fingers work.
Good Afternoon, Mr. York,
Thank you for your prompt response! I am free any day between 10am-10pm.
I am looking forward to meeting you.
Without thinking a single second more, you sent the email off - seeing how the sent notification pinged for you. That was it, that was all you needed in that moment. A bright smile laced its way across your lips as you felt the sense of accomplishment, one of the hardest parts was down now, all that was left was the interview. As you shut your laptop you silently screamed, jumping your way around your apartment as you started to plan out your interview outfit, nervous to see exactly when this was all going to come out and about. It has been a long while since you were this happy, this excited for something. Now that it was happening, you couldn't have asked for anything more perfect in the moment.
Now that brings us to here, sitting at your computer with a lovely baby blue dress on. You felt a bit silly getting so dressed up for a zoom call but, best first impressions always had the best deals afterwards. There had been many times you debated if your dress was too much, revealing too much. The sweetheart neckline dipped a bit low, showing your bust off in your bra. But out of all your dresses it was that least revealing one, making you giggle slightly. That little burst of happiness quickly diminished as you saw the time, only two more minutes until your interview. The nervous rattling in your chest echoed so deep, so loud you felt as if you were going to cry - why you were so nervous was inconclusive but you knew that you needed this, you needed to push forward.
Hearing the ringing of the Skype call made your body jolt backwards, the screen completely blue. Letting out the breath you were holding, you slid your hand forward - hovering over the answer button. You didn't want to seem too desperate to answer, so you let it go until the fourth ring, clicking the phone button softly. The light for your webcam came on, only able to see yourself within the moment. Damn, I look good, you thought softly, smiling brightly as you saw the black screen pop up. It took a moment before his picture rendered in, but once it did you felt a cold chill snake its way down your spine, rushing the heat through your chest. Picturing what Dave looked like versus what he actually did, had you in shambles.
"Good morning Miss, thank you for meeting with me today. How are you?" His face was like stone, not expressive at all. The only thought that of course raced through your mind was how attractive he was, but also knowing how particular he is. Gulping down the pool of saliva collecting in your mouth, you let the rosy blush creep onto your cheeks as you fiddled with the end of your dress, trying to calm your breathing for a moment. "T-Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so, Mr. York. I am well, how about you?" As you were speaking you noticed his eyes flickering low, the small shift of his pupils lined up perfectly with your chest, you had hoped.
Soft russet brown eyes stared back at you, analyzing every inch and motion you went forward with. His eyes matched his quaffed hair perfectly, giving him such a pristine gentlemen complex. You wanted to feel those locks through your fingers, how the roots snagged at your skin as you tugged on it. The storm brewing in your belly was enough to make you whimper out softly, thanking God he did not hear it. Dave adorned a blue dress shirt with a red and white striped tie, black blazer capturing his torso effortlessly. It was fully set in front of you that Dave York is a special agent for the DIA, no wonder he was so emotionless during the call. You started to regulate your breathing as you got comfortable, letting your shoulder fall back instead of slouch forward. A low cock of his lips played into your words as he nodded, scribbling something across the notepad in front of him; "I am doing well, thank you for asking. Starting off I just want to know - why this job? Why did being a live-in nanny interest you?"
Dave's words rolled out in perfect succession, a low, deep voice accompanying them. The closer he got to the camera you could see the light creases in his forehead, furrowing as he awaited your answer. That was a great question, why were you truly interested in a job that was close to a few hundred miles away from you? Pondering your answer for a moment, you began to explain; "I felt as if it was my calling; my bachelors is in Early Childhood Education. Working/Caring for children is something that I would consider a strong suit, especially during such an impressionable time in their life. Plus I am great with handy work; taking care of kids, cleaning, making any meal - anything that can make yours and your wife's life easier is what I want to succeed at." The answer was genuine, you could see a light spark within Dave's dark pupils. A satisfied smirk played across Dave's lips as he licked them, chewing on his lower one. Once again he scribbled something down quickly, looking back up at you.
"Anything, huh? Good to know." He retorted, a slight blush clinging to your cheeks. You knew he didn't mean it in any way but just the sentiment of it; you wished it was. The longer Dave kept his head down on his notepad the anxiety grew, wondering exactly what he was jotting down after every bit of dialogue you provided. Quickly you grabbed your glass of water as you began to chug down a bit, soothing the scratch at the back of your throat. Nerves bundled quickly up inside of you, scared that you were somehow going to blow this interview. Breaking your train of self destruction was Dave's caramel-like voice coming through your speakers, serious in tone. "You're okay with moving out to DC? Living directly across the hall from my wife and I? Running all our errands, tasks and such?"
"Yes, Mr. York." It was no question, you were already so loyal to him. Even if it was a part to play so you could get the job, you meant it. I mean who could say no to him? Literally who could; the man looked like he could murder someone in fifty different ways, you were not going to get on his bad side at all. Rubbing your sweaty palms down the front of your dress you watched Dave intently with softened eyes, wanting him to know that no matter what you aren't afraid of him; deep down you were terrified of this man. For fucks sake he works for the government, they're always doing shady shit. "I will let you know I do work from home quite frequently, so while I am home you will be helping me as well - right?"
"O-Of course, sir." Did you need to say more? Your job was to be the live-in nanny, not just for his kids but for him and his wife - though by the way he is speaking, his wife wasn't going to be around much it seems. Sir, shit you didn't realize what you said until it was already out; not noticing your expression shifting you could tell Dave was fully aware as his playful wink fell to your screen, soaking in every bit of you as flustered as ever. This was rare, you were this bashful, seriously you never got this worked up by a man of his stature, much less anyone. You always praised yourself for having a clear head on your shoulders but Dave, fuck he brought out the shy girl energy you were harboring deep down.
"Good girl, now one last question before our interview does conclude. I want you to stand up, and spin for me - slowly." If he called you one more pet name you were going to burst at the seams, that was not an exaggeration either, the excitement sparking between your legs was making its way down the flesh of your thighs, causing your hands to clam up instantly. A small sweat was breaking out across your forehead at the stifling sounds you were suppressing. Everything was happening in slow motion, your brain not able to keep up with the current moment. Your heart was beating in your ears so fast you barely heard what Dave said; did he really want you to spin for him?
"I-I'm sorry, what?" You asked, your blush deepening to crimson. Chewing on your bottom lip seemed like the proper thing to do in the moment as you worked through this interview, reaching the hour mark already. It felt wrong, you felt wrong for harboring this sort of crush on Dave, infatuated with his dialect and appearance. What was it physically going to be like if you did work for him now? "Spin. I want to see exactly who I am hiring." You were right, he did want you to spin for him. Obeying his command you nodded small, pushing your desk chair out. Smoothing your dress down you slid your camera upwards to angle at your body - showing off every curve, every inch of your figure.
When you first started your spin, you went at a slower pace - knowing he was going to ask for it eventually anyways. You knew you should have felt slightly uncomfortable at the insinuation but to be honest, you felt sexy. An experienced man like Dave staring at you as if you were the only woman on Earth was flattering. It made you feel wanted, seen. Slowly you started to sway your hips with the spin, wanting him to catch every angle; from what you could tell he was in his office, only him seeing you do this. Completing your first full spin, you caught a glimpse of Dave's hungry eyes taking your body in, pulling his bottom lip through his teeth with a sensual smirk. You were doing things to him you couldn't see, but boy did you wish.
As the second spin completed you made your way back over to your desk, accentuating your breast in your dress for him - causing a groan to slip from his parted lips; of course he masked it with a cough, he had too much pride. Simpering at his notion, you tilted your head to the side like a cute little puppy, making your eyes doe-like. "I-Is that it, Mr. York?" You stuttered, unable to contain yourself as you watched the man beyond the camera. The nature of being in control for a moment slipped away as fast as his smirk did - leering at you through the camera. "Please, call me Dave." So you were getting close with him, did this mean you got the job if you were able to call him by his name?
"Right, sorry Dave." A titter left your mouth as you tucked a rogue piece of hair behind your ear, looking up at him through your lashes. Fire coursed through your veins as fast as it showed up, a small bead of sweat lining your brows. You were so close to that finish line you could taste it - something deep within you wanted to prove all of those reviews of Dave wrong; it may have been from lack of experience that he didn't want them, you had a fucking degree for crying out loud - that was enough to qualify you more than anyone else. But it wasn't your experience, was it? No, it was your age - he had such a soft spot for how delicate; a fresh flower you are. "I expect to see you here first thing Monday morning. My team will be sent to clean out your apartment for you. I will hotwire your first payment to make sure you get here safely. Understood?" Eyes shot wide open at his statement, you did it - you fucking did it!
"Of course, Dave. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am most looking forward to it." The brightest of all smiles fell across your lips, tears starting to well in the corner of your eyes. This was everything you have been wanting over the last two months, everything you have been struggling for. Endless nights of fear and what if's were now laid to rest - no longer able to make you feel small, worthless - like you would never leave your hometown. Now, you were. Heading right to the nation's capital to take care of a national treasure. Every inch of self doubt that remained in your system diminished, causing your heart to flutter with excitement. Dave matched your enthusiasm with a small grin. "That makes two of us, sweet girl. I for one am very excited to know you. Take care."
As you waved your goodbye to Dave, he ended the call. Skype closed out but Callnote popped up; a sinister smirk played across his lips. It did not take Dave long to save his little masterpiece. Scrolling his cursor over the call, he made sure to slow everything down; taking it frame by frame, watching your chest perk in that fucking dress you wore. With each flick of his finger to the next frame, he let out these primal moans. Instances like this he was truly grateful his office was soundproof - Carol, nor the girls, could hear what was going on in there. Sir. He played that phrase over and over again, a broken record to his warm ears. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir. The softest nature of your voice sent ripples of lust throughout Dave York's strong body; a temple that killed many, many people before. He was out of his mind, but so were you. 
What you had failed to realize was Dave palming himself through his slacks at your spin; tantalizing fingers teased himself as your body flashed before him. God the things he was dreaming about doing to you, finally coaxing out of you was wrong but so fucking right. You were so innocence, so malleable - he could break that; he could break you. For months, months...Dave has been setting this plan into action. That job listing? Baby that was all for you; only you. Those reviews? All made by Dave - wanting to peak your interest, make you act quicker. Every time you skimmed over it, he knew. He saw. A virus, only you could obtain; letting him see into your home, your room, and how you pondered the what if's. If only you knew, Dave's had his eye on you since college.
Dave watched as you crossed towards your dorm, the dark of wintery night causing you to shudder at the touch. His car slowly creeping upwards; heat blasting through the vents. Lights turned off as he watched your every move; he could sense you knew he was watching. The quicker your speed picked up, the harder he pressed on the gas. No, he let you get away before - he wasn't letting you do it again. After two months he finally found you again - and would do everything to make sure you were his. Early Childhood Education, make a great nanny - wouldn't you? 
Moving from his desk, Dave closed his laptop with a sigh - placing it into his top drawer with a quick snap of the lock. Loosening his tie, he let his suit jacket fall over the back of the chair. His hardened cock was weeping; he was in need of release. He needed your help with his release. Tightening his hands into fists, Dave groaned as he left his office - stone cold whilst making his way upstairs. The guest bedroom now was slowly being shifted into your very own paradise, before you even accepted his offer. Only an arms length away from the master bedroom, you were in perfect reach. He could watch you intently, making sure that you were safe - you were happy. The cameras hidden in your room were going to add to that. Flying up the stairs like his life depended on it, Dave slammed himself into your new bedroom door, groaning as his hot hand fiddled with the cold, crystal knob.
It did not take York long to slide himself in, taking a deep breath to breathe in the clean scent. How prim and proper the lilac satin sheets were for you, made him feral. He wanted to break your innocence; to break you in - acclimating you to himself. You were the beauty, but he was going to be the monster. Brown eyes were blown out black, ripping his tight slacks down the front of his legs - pooling them at his mid-thigh. His hot, swollen cock was leaking some fierce with every inch of your body he remembered. The sway of your hips as you did a second spin for him; one only he was to see. You were playing with him, making him squirm from only a couple hundred miles away. What was it going to be like when he could really get his hands on you?
There was no way Dave would be gentle with himself when he was too worked up - the quickened pace of his fist rubbing harsh against his swollen length. Silent moans were passing through parted lips, the head of his thick length pressed against the pillow in which you'd sleep. There was a primal aspect within Dave that broke, causing him to press his cock towards the lilac case. Soft, cool against such a hot scene. It was enough for him to bust; thick, white ropes fell effortlessly, violently across your pillow case - causing him to snap his hand against the metal bracket of the headboard. White swirls that were so pretty, bending under his vicious grasp. Breathless, panting, and ever-so evil Dave York was as he let the last of his seed spread across the case, wishing it was your face. 
Quickly sucking down his breath, he pushed himself back into his slacks - flipping the seed stained case over, smirking at the thought of you sleeping on it when you officially came up. Your bed was like you now, sweet - adorably innocent. But what you lack, was being defiled by a man. Soon, you would not know such purity. "Oh, you innocent little thing...I'm going to ruin you."
If only you knew how dark things were about to get. 
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