#there’s probably several of these going around already but i haven’t seen any so whatever
parisinflamesmp3 · 9 months
(i know pinkish and don’t try aren’t actually On the album . but well you see i like them and i could add one more answer)
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raainy-daze · 2 years
Halloween Movies
halloween special !
2012 leo x gn!reader
summary: it’s time for your usual stay-at-home movie date with leo. of course, during october, you’ve gotta watch some halloween movies.
word count: 1297
a/n: holy crap. i did not expect 2012 leo to be this hard to write. i honest to god kind of hate this, but if i spent any longer on it, i was probably going to scream/loose my mind. happy halloween!
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Ah, October, the month of spooks and scares. There’s a chill in the air, and festivities have begun.
Night had fallen just a little bit ago, and you were in your apartment, searching through the storage closet for any blankets that may have wound up lost in there.
“A-ha!” You pulled an old quilt off from the top shelf, careful to not knock anything down with it. “I knew it was here somewhere!”
You draped the quilt over your shoulders and dragged it back into your bedroom, where your bed was covered with other such blankets and several pillows stolen from around the place. You set the quilt down with the rest, and debated how you could arrange everything in the most comfortable way possible. Did you even have enough time?
You certainly didn’t have the time for a full blown blanket fort, and no matter what you did, you suspected you would just wind up rearranging everything repeatedly. So, you just sighed and grabbed your laptop, scrolling through your selection of movies as you continually glanced at the window.
Tap, tap, tap.
You smiled, getting up to open the window. Technically, it was already unlatched, but whatever. You were met with a familiar green face, just as you’d expected.
“Leo!” You stepped aside to let him in.
“I’m not late, am I?” Leonardo climbed inside, just like you’d watched him do a million times before.
“Nope. You’re right on time.”
As if on cue, the clock in the living room could be heard chiming 9 o’clock.
Brief explanation: today was a Saturday! Seeing as you and Leo couldn’t go on dates the way a normal couple would, you had begun a sort of tradition. Your family conveniently was out most weekends, so every other Saturday, Leo would come over for movie night. Granted, movie nights were something that happened at the lair regardless, but it was different when it was just you and him.
And, this time, it was October, which could only mean one thing.
“So, are we going horror scary, Tim Burton scary, what are we thinking?” You sat back down on the blanket pile, pulling your list back up.
Leo sat down next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. (That definitely did not make you combust inside).
“Please not a slasher. I’m pretty sure Raph’s made us watch every classic slasher movie already in the last week.”
“Really? Y’know, he does seem like a slasher guy.” You quickly eliminated Halloween and Scream from your list. “Any of the rest of these speak to you?”
You watched as Leo’s eyes skimmed over the remaining entries on the list. “Well, I haven’t seen The Corpse Bride.”
“Corpse Bride it is!”
You set aside your laptop and stood up. “I’m gonna go make some popcorn, then we can start. Make yourself comfortable! Oh, but some of those blankets might be a little dusty. Specifically that one.” You pointed at the quilt.
“I can go ahead and pull up the movie, if you’d like.”
“That’d be great! Netflix should already be logged in.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, and made your way to the kitchen for the popcorn.
By the time you were back, the movie was paused on the beginning. Leo was drumming his fingers on the bed, but looked up and smiled when you reappeared. You flicked off the lights, and sat back down next to him with the popcorn bowl.
As he unpaused the movie, you snuggled up against him, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around yourself. The opening music began playing, and you reached into the red, plastic bowl in between the two of you for a handful of popcorn.
You didn’t really talk much when you watched something. Not a movie like this, anyways. If it was something one of you was really into, the case was different. Like when you’d sit down to watch Space Heroes, Leo would tell you all the little lore details weaved into the background.
So instead, as the movie played, you just leaned against him. Occasionally, when you got bored of staying still, you’d start poking at Leo just to annoy him. It was a game, trying to make him retaliate. It also helped you stay awake, considering you had had a pretty exhausting day.
After the Corpse Bride, you decided you had time for one more movie. The two of you decided Coraline would do. As the credits rolled, you shifted to find yourself stiff. “You want any more popcorn, or?”
“Nah, I’m good.”
You set the popcorn bowl aside, and pulled your laptop closer to type in the search bar. “Have you seen Coraline?”
“Just once. I don’t remember it very well. I don’t remember how we got it, but we were only… five, maybe? Six at the oldest.” Leo shrugged. “It ended up freaking Mikey out pretty badly, so Master Splinter got rid of it.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.” You scrolled for a moment before clicking on the movie. “Well, let’s see how you feel about it- hey!” You were cut off as he poked you in the cheek.
“Revenge.” He grinned.
“You bastard. I thought you were better than this.”
“You should know better. It’s about patience.”
The beginning sequence to Coraline played, and you couldn’t help but notice Leo’s apparent discomfort at it. You couldn’t blame him - that first scene was certainly something.
When it passed, however, he seemed more relaxed. Every so often, he’d pipe up to say he remembered some part of it from when he was a kid, like the dog bats and the scene in the store.
You must’ve been more tired than you thought, because somewhere around midway through, you began slipping in and out of sleep. You’d shake yourself awake, but always drift back off.
Around the third time this occurred, you were somewhere around the kidnapping of Coraline’s parents. You shifted, trying to wake yourself up, only to feel a hand on your shoulder.
“Go on back to sleep.”
You shook your head. “No, no, I want to finish it with you.”
“We can finish it another day.”
“But that’s not…” You stifled a yawn. “You should go ahead and finish it.”
“Would it be a good compromise if I woke you up at the end?”
You thought about it for a second. “Alright, fine.” That didn’t stop you from trying to stay awake, of course, but it seemed that you just couldn’t keep your eyes open.
Leo gently shook you awake, and you registered the closing theme playing. “It’s over.”
You blinked a couple times. “What’d ya think?”
“I now much better understand Mikey’s terror as a child.” Leo closed up your laptop. “The animation was cool.”
You smiled, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “Coraline: Baby’s First Horror Movie. I think it’s pretty good.”
“It is. So’s the Corpse Bride.”
“Great!” You pumped a fist. You were always glad to know Leo enjoyed the movies you watched.
From the living area, you could hear the clock chime once more, this time for midnight. “Sorry I was asleep for half of that.”
“It’s fine.” He smiled softly at you. “It’s getting late anyways.”
You grabbed one of the many pillows and held it to your chest. You leaned back against Leo. “Are you staying the night?”
He put his arms around you and laid back. “For a while, anyways. I’ll have to leave early, though.”
“Mm. That’s fine.” You were already half asleep again.
You knew Leo would probably already be gone by the time you woke up in the morning, but that didn’t matter. He was never gone for long.
You felt him kiss the top of your head. Then, you slipped off into dreamland.
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wcamino-confessions · 5 months
(special thanks to tumblr for deleting this the first time around 😍)
so i haven't seen any of the retirement posts that were controversial so like. idk what was said. but from what i read here this wasn't handled well at all. i know there's a lot of expectations from the lt (as there should be, since people are in a position of power) but it's pretty stressful being on the lt. ik i definitely got overwhelmed fast and there was a big jump from helper to curator imo. it was easy to lose track of everything and a lot of duties got neglected (even before ufc got revived, which btw i didn't even know about that before it got revived 💀). idk if things have changed since i retired, from the looks of things there's been a bit more engagement (?). cases came in fast and once there was a little stall in discussion it got hard to pick it back up again (another thing i noticed was it was awkward to join in a conversation of discussing cases if you weren't involved in the beginning). for the record, there is a lot of behind the scenes discussions so im sure this is probably being screenshotted and sent in one of the group chats, in which case i don't have anything against the lt or the people in it, im just disappointed in the way anger got misguided and publicized like that. oh and another thing is the burnout that comes from being promoted. for me, school started and when i was promoted i was already working hard to keep my grades up, that it was actually annoying to log on amino. so im just putting this out here that this is probably a big reason for inactivity. going back to the behind the scenes aspect of the team, i and others definitely shit talked. call it venting to make yourself feel better, but in hindsight it's not ok. it was a while ago though and i don't think it continued (at least not in any gc i that i was in) but yeahh. frustrations got severely out of hand and i think it was just hard for people to voice their true opinions publicly so it ended up being private. i realize the perspective is different, from a lt standpoint it feels like everyone and their mom is against you, but i can't really say i disagree with what most people are saying. all in all, bad situation that was handled even worse and it was definitely unexpected to me. as a side note i wish more people would join ufc because i see a lot of the same people in there and i always felt like it was hard to gage if the majority of the community really felt the same. 
yeah anyways.. this was kinda ranty and if you disagree whatever 💀 im not that active anymore so if i misjudged something lmk. this wasn't meant to attack anyone it's just my personal take on it all.
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Him pt.II
It has been several days since he insisted to drive me home on his motorcycle and since the longing kiss on my cheek and the left behind sweatshirt.
Even though I went to the hospital the next day, I didn’t run into him or any of them. Because when I arrived Rose, a nurse and dear friend of me told me.
“They left Y/N, they picked him up and left. Against doctors’ orders.” she shrugged her shoulders and turned around.
I really wanted to return his sweatshirt after washing it last night, so I stored it in my locker but decided to take it home again because, the chances of him showing up there was probably higher.
 He never had asked for my number but he for sure knows where I live and work.
But still I’ve haven’t heard a word or neither I have seen him.
When I got back to work the next day for my night shift, his friend we treated the day before discharged himself and no trace was left, he was just here.
 It has been a busy couple of days. Work has been up my ass, because two nurses are sick with the cold, so I’m stressed and exhausted to the max. Also, my anxiety is rising because just as I got off work, my car broke down not even one house away from mine  - just my luck.
I frustrated closed the door of car as I looked through my phone for a auto shop. Luckily there was one not far and still in the same town Teller-Morrow Automotive Repairs, so I called.
“Teller-Morrow Automotive Repairs, Gemma speaking how can I help you?” a woman answered the phone.
 “Hi, I- um I need help with my car. It just broke down and won’t start anymore. Could you help me out, please?” I bite my lips as I got closed to your front door.
“Sure, sweetheart. I’ll send two of my guys down. Can you tell me where exactly you are?” she asked.
“It actually happened down the road where I live, like two or three houses down the road. So, I could wait at my front porch for them. Is that alright?” I really did not want to wait outside while its getting late.
“Oh that’s alright. What’s your adress honey?” I heard noises in the background. Probably tiping on her keyboard.
“Yes, it’s 3630 Hillview Street, not far from St. Thomas Hospital. I’m Y/N” I  told her as Iopened my front door.
“They should be with you shortly Y/N. Don’t worry about anything sweetheart.” with that she hung up.
I took a quick shower, changes into something more comfortable and were now sitting outside at your front porch. Wrapped in a big cozy blanket, a tea and book on my lap - waiting for the tow truck.
I didn’t even finish a chapter in my book when I heard a car arriving and stopping at my house. Two guys walked up towards my in their greyish uniform.
“Excuse me Miss, are you the one calling TM about your car? Miss- um Y/N?” he looked down on a piece of paper assuming your address and name on it. The woman, Gemma, musted have gave it to them. 
“That be me. My car is just over there. I’ll go grab my keys and come with you guys.” I pointed to the direction as I got up and went inside to get my keys and a jacket.
“We will take your car to the shop, and when you pick it up you can settle everything with Gemma, she’s the one you were on the phone with and will handle your paperwork.” the big guy said as the other one checked out my car and got it hooked to the truck.
“Thank you...-” I started and just then realized the guys never introduced themself.
“Ope or Opie, whatever is fine. We will give you call when the car is ready” he said with a smile as he got into the driver seat. Two days later you picked it up already without any trouble.
 This was eleven days ago.
Eleven days.
And also still no word from him.
No knock on my door asking for his sweatshirt back or stopping at my work. Nothing.
 I was and still am working the night shift ever since the next day.
Patients in and out of the ER, the rush and adrenaline to save each and every single one of them. I really did love your job even the hard days.
He got pushed back into the back of my head but not forgotten but as more days go by less I thought about him.
Today must have been one of the hardest days of your career. It started as a normal night shift with a quick handover, ask question about what has and hasn’t been done and go over the medication charts. Check on the post- operation patients and on their family too.
Its was a slow night for once and I was welcoming it by updating charts, getting smaller orders by the doctors as like draw blood, setting up the room equipment suitable for sleeping or necessary update the family members about the progress.
 It was 2:08am when the phone rang to inform the ER that the incoming patients was a family of five, who had just been in a car crash, hanging on for their life and needed treatment immediately or even surgery. Paging all the surgeons on call, prepping the trauma rooms its was instantly over with the quit night.
I don’t know how the night went by or how I made it but because after eleven days my mental health was getting the best of me, and I was just so tired by the end of the shift. And by loosing 4/5 of that family did not make it better. It was the worst ever.
They called me in to tell me the news and they tell you to stay strong but seeing the fragile 10 weeks old baby just loosing mom, dad and their siblings was horrible. She’s an orphan. On car crash killed her whole family and now she got no one. I needed a moment to myself, and I cried. Literally cried in the nurse lounge for a good five minutes, only then to be brave enough to face the doctors again telling me “Y/N, the people from CPS will be here as soon as possible but it could take a couple days. We know this is a huge responsibility but as you are off for the next days. Could you take her in and take care of her, please?”
Saying I was shocked but by now I knew how this city and system worked. And I don’t want anything to happen to this baby by some weird as women out there.
So here I am.
Sitting in my car at the parking lot of the grocery store to scared to turn the car back on after putting her back in the cars eat, that made it out intact after the impact on their previous crash, in my backseat. After they have told me to take her in for some nights, I grabbed my stuff and with the help of the security I got everything safely into my car. My mind was running wild and even though she is just supposed to be staying with me for a couple of days it’s confusing.
We made it home and because she was still sleeping, I let her stay in the baby carrier and set her down on the kitchen counter to have my eyes on her while I prep myself some dinner, put the groceries away and stock the baby formular and whatsoever away in my kitchen. In the corner, neatly folded and freshly washed as his sweatshirt.
Holy shit, there is an actual baby sleeping in my kitchen. My house, needing my help for the next days.
“Fuck” I whispered to myself.
Don’t get me wrong, I love kids and babies and probably have my own if the serious relationship has had happen a long time ago, but it was never in the picture with focusing on high school, focusing on college and getting my nursing degree. All my life has been around building a stable life, career and be independent. Never realizing how much I wanted children in my life.
But I life in this very small city now, where you probably met all the guys and rather stay single.
After having dinner/breakfast, which contained only a quick veggie sandwich and water and coffee, she woke up crying.
“Hey girlie, you awake little O?” I unbuckled her and took her in my arms. “Are you hungry?” I asked, knowing she doesn’t understand me but kept spiting out her pacifier. I made her a bottle and set down on my couch, feeding and watching her. She was watching me back and I must look like a crazy lady to her. Hair in a messy bun, sticking out in every direction, glasses and exhausted. After a couple minutes she wrapped her hand around my finger, and I was stroking her cheek. “Did you have a good nap? I bet you did, and you did so good for me, I am auntie Y/N for a couple of days until we settle everything for you. I bet this must be crazy confusing. And I am talking to a baby.” I giggled to myself made her grin at me. “Oh, you this I am funny aren’t you. Huh?”
When she finished her whole bottle, I changed her diaper and put her in the pajamas, I found in the baby bag. We went back to the living room, and I decided to put on some calming music and bounced her in my arms, hoping to get her back to sleep again. We even danced for a while until she finally put her head down on my shoulder and fell asleep.
The made-up safety around her in my bed made her look even smaller, where I put her down. Now she’s laying right in the center of my king size bed with about six pillows around so she would fall out. I left the small light on and door halfway open in case she wakes up again.
I was still in my scrubs, un-showered with a glass of wine in one hand (I know but give me a break I worked the night shift) and a book in the other, glasses high on my nose when the quit street outside started to rumble. You could hear it in the distance, the rattling of a motorcycle. For the first time in nearly two weeks, perfect timing. The motorcycle got closer and louder, and I thought, any minute now there would be crying down my hallway, leading to the bedroom where she’s asleep.
The noise stopped outside the house and not long after the was a someone knocking on my door. And I knew exactly who it was.
When I opened the door a little, he shyly smiled at me “Hey Y/N”
For a moment you just stared at him, opened the door a little wider “Hi Juice”
He shifted for one leg to the other, hands deep in his leather kutte and focused on your face.
“You’re here for your sweatshirt aren’t ya? I’ll go get it, hold on” I was about to turn towards the kitchen, when he stopped me. “Actually, I wanted to see if you want to chill, ma- maybe hang out tonight? But you probably need to work so I ju-“
“You’re rambling Juice” I teased him. “Yeah- Yeah I probably am” he finally looked up again at you, eyes full of hope.
“Do you want to come inside now? Have a coffee, I just got of work and will maybe fall asleep by minute if I keep standing. Have a seat and coffee Juice”
Him and I are sitting in my living room now. “You went MIA the last couple of days. Not that I’ve noticed or anything since the last time and I also have been working at night in the hospital. Which reminds me how is your friend?”
“He’s okay, thanks.” He took a rather large sip of his coffee. “We and the rest had some busy days at work you know, the club, TM and stuff.” He tried to explain to me, shifting in his seat.
I was about to speak when the crying of a baby shrilled from the bedroom out to the living room. He looked over at me with big eyes and I tried to read into them. Shock, fear and confusion. I got up and quickly went to my bedroom and pick her up. “Hey, shh, shh. You’re okay, please go back to sleep little O” I tried to suet her by lightly bouncing her up and down and running a hand over her back, her head on my shoulder. I turned around and saw him watching us in the middle of my bedroom. Me and a baby and I thought he was gonna walk away for a second. But instead, he just watched us. She calmed down after a couple minutes and by the way her head was turned on my shoulder, the two of them must be watching each other. “I didn’t know you had a baby; I should probably go before your husband comes home.” I turned “She’s not mine Juice and I am not married either”
“Did you kidnap that baby?” he asked. “Wh- what? No, god no. Jesus Christ juice. I did not fucking kidnap her. I could be babysitting you know?! Fucking hell.” I probably said a little to loud and she started wailing again. Your hand still going up and down her back “Who’s baby is that, if she’s not yours Y/N?”
“She’s an orphan and lost her family today in the car crash on highway 5. She was the only one who made it our alive without a scratch. Her brothers, mom and dad died. Can you imagine that 4/5 people lost their life and she if totally unharmed. CPS will pick her up in a couple days and because I am off work for at least a whole week, they thought getting her out of the hospital and make her stay with me is easier.” When I turned I had tears in my eyes because I was hurting for her loosing everybody just like I did when I was a little girl.
She calmed down and was nearly fast asleep again, so I put her down on my bed and signaled him to follow me. I walked straight into the kitchen and held onto the counter, while trying to keep the tears in. I heard his shoes on the tiles, gosh why was he standing so close?
“I’m so sorry” he whispered. “You don’t need to feel sorry. I-” my grip on the counter was so strong my knuckles turned white. “I’m sorry” my gaze still down.
A sob left my lips and that’s when he pulled me into his chest and let me cry. I don’t even know for how long I was crying. Crying for her and her family, how hard her life will be and even for myself. He stroked my head, trying to calm me down.
“I’m ju- just so ex- exhausted and tired an-and caring for h-er until she gets picked up is hard. That will be hard again, building a bond and then letting go. F- fuck” my hand held onto his shirt, and he let me cry until I had nothing left in me.
He tilled my head back up by my chin and look into my eyes.
“I will stay the night and help you” “No Juice, you don’t need to do that” “You can’t make me chance my mind Y/N. You take a shower, and we will go to bed, and I watch out for the two of you” he was offering, I knew that and by the time it sinks in I knew I wanted him to stay. “Okay” I whispered.
He kissed my forehead, took my hand and led me down the hallway again to my bedroom. I took a quick shower, trying not to think about the guy sitting on my bed watching over the baby sound asleep. I didn’t bother to dry my hair, only doing my facial night routine, I stepped back in my bedroom. He didn’t notice because she must have woken up when I was in the shower and they were staring at each other, it gave me the chance to make her a bottle again.
I walked around my bed and got under the covers; I felt him staring at me the whole time. Once I’m settled, I turned to the side, and both looked at me. “Hi little O” I smiled at her.
“What’s her name, you keep calling her O” he asked. “It’s Oakley James”
Oakley happily took the bottle and once again held onto my finger, her eyes getting heavier. When she’s done, he offered to burp her which took me by surprise “Are you sure?” “Yeah, here giver her to me” I watched them, and I must admit he rather looks cute with a baby in his arms but who doesn’t. He laid her back down and she turned to me giving me a grin. “Don’t worry you sleep, and I will stay until you wake up again. I promise I’ll be here, now rest Y/N”
I could barely keep my eyes open, so I stopped fighting it and finally let myself rest after those crazy ass days.
His sweatshirt is still in my kitchen.
But he is here, with me, with Oakley in my bed. He didn’t run, he stayed. He stayed the entire time I was asleep; like he promised. He wasn’t in my bedroom but instead on my couch, reading my book with Oakley dozing on his bare chest. And I could help but stare from the doorway because I liked it, a lot. More than I should because my heart was beating so fast it scared the shit out of me.
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my-mt-heart · 10 months
Just a bit of (hopefully) "positivity", or sort of:
The good news is that its starting soon, wich means its ending soon (6 ep, right?) Wich means we can focus on s2 soon
In the meantime, i'll personnally try to avoid at all costs reviews, réactions, twitter and blablabla, unless Daryl somehow mentions Carol or dreams abt her or hallucinates her or whatever. I might watch the scene, and the scene only, then.
Laurent is probably a nice kid and character, but im not watching the shipping fest on the net that (canon or not) Isaberyl or whatever their ship name is gonna be, because there will be a ship name, no doubt..
So yeah, end of season 1 soon, in a way!
Ps: have Clemence been seen on the s2 set? I dont follow really, in fear if disappointment. Maybe Isabelle dies in s1! Who knows
I think you laid out a good strategy for getting through the next several weeks and I would encourage anyone who’s feeling especially vulnerable right now to take the same precautions or just step away for a while. It’s been rough enough already, it’s going to get rougher, so please decide what’s best for your own wellbeing. You don’t owe AMC and co anything. They owe you a show you can be excited about.
If you do stick around, remember there’s an entire community of people just like you who have found comfort in Caryl’s story all these years and are more than willing to talk. My inbox and DM’s are always open, although I do not plan on watching the show or reviewing. I will check out relevant Caryl/Carol clips, I’ll post links from the one reviewer I trust, and I’ll share a few big thoughts after the season is over.
I’m not confident the transition from S1 to S2 will be smooth. I think a lot of work will have to be done, but I do look forward to not having to deal with any of this ridiculous promotion anymore or lies constantly being spread. I’m looking forward to Shalaka’s and Vanna’s Caryl podcast that’s going to breathe new life into me, ISTG. And most of all, I’m looking forward to Carol/Caryl hopefully getting the stories they deserve in S2.
Thanks for trying to spread a little bit of positivity, anon.
I think CP filmed at Mont St. Michel in May, but I haven’t heard anything other than that. I don’t need her character to die. I need AMC and Zabel to not use her as the latest prop for Daryl’s masculinity.
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minijenn · 1 year
I just beat Tears of the Kingdom
Thoughts under the cut because golly I have soooo many
Ok, enough screaming, time for coherent thoughts. Sort of. First of all, the gameplay. Its SO fun. Honestly all of the arm mechanics are great; I still need to flex my creativity with ultrahand now that I’m done the game but once I do ohohoho  it’s aaaaaaall over for you nerds. I used ascend SO much tbh, way more than I probably should have, same with recall. The puzzles are really nicely open ended in a way that allows you to use any of these abilities in whatever way you’d like really to solve them. The world itself is so much more fun to traverse using them and speaking of that world its HUGE. Like I’ve barely even scratched the surface of the Depths and I’m gonna be spending a lot of my post game trying to finally map it all out. I do wish there was a bit more going on in the sky but ah well. Exploring what’s there is still fun. The dungeons are pretty good, not the best the series has ever seen, but a major step up from the divine beasts for sure. Same with the boss fights. Though the final phase of the final boss was such an insane spectale like seriously I’m still struggling to believe something that cool happened in a Zelda game imo
The game performs... mostly well, though I did notice a few framerate dips here and there but I’m rarely one to get too worked up over that sort of thing. The way it takes a world that was familiar in Breath of the Wild and makes it look so fresh and new is outstanding. And the music? Amazing, like seriously this game’s main theme slaps so hard, not to mention the final final boss music? ohohohoho godddddd. 
Ganondorf is exactly the despicable piece of shit I was hoping he’d be, the new characters like Rauru and Sonia and Mineru are fantastic editions to the Zelda cast and I can easily see them all becoming fan favorites. Seeing characters like Tulin, Yunobo, Sidon, and Riju have some major time to shine was great, and adventuring through the dungeons with them is a ton of fun! The side adventures/quests are also a lot more involved in this game, NPC interactions in general are just more fleshed out, and there’s just so much to do all across Hyrule, which leaves me with so much more to still get to now that I’m finished with it (still haven’t gotten all the shrines not to mention bubble gems; I’ll be playing this for a good long while even now that I’m done with it) 
Then of course there’s the story which had me theorizing and second guessing myself right up to the very end. Like seriously, I yelled and laughed and screamed, and of course sobbed like a BABY over the ending. It took so many turns I wasn’t expecting and I really liked that! If botw already made you care about Zelda, this game took it too a whole new level. The memory cutscenes fucked me up and this game personally victimized my emotions and I’ll never recover but I love it so much for that. I’m already thinking through several fanfic concepts centered around this game even as we speak so yeah, like I said, I’ll never recover. 
But anyway, overall, my first experience with ToTK has been an incredible one. It was well worth the wait, even better than I anticipated it would be, and will no doubt go down in history, just as BotW did before it, as one of the greatest games of all time. It certainly is in my book, anyway. 
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sakurachan7734 · 6 months
Where are you?
Chapter 3: missing posters
Agent Meg: do you want me to get her?
Agent Mikaela; yea you can get her
Zoe: maybe I can practice magic in the woods
Agent Meg: should I get her now?
Agent Mikaela: yes you should
Meg gets out the van takes out a needle and stabs Zoe in the neck
Zoe pov
I don’t know what happened but I was just walking around and all of a sudden everything went black and I was asleep for awhile and then I woke up in a weird room on a really uncomfortable bed and the room was cold and I saw a bunch of people in white coats
Dr David: you’re finally awake 
Zoe: where am I?
Dr David: you are at a secret facility that contains monsters
Zoe: but I’m not a monster
Dr David: but we have noticed that you and your older brother are not like any human 
Zoe: because of my powers?
Dr David: yes
Dr David: that’s why we contained you
Zoe: but I haven’t hurt anyone
Dr David: yes but your brother and his boyfriend‘s, friends whatever they are haven’t hurt people several times 
Zoe: that doesn’t mean I will hurt you!
Dr David: but still you need to be here
Two months later 
Zachary pov
It’s been two months since Zoe disappeared we had put missing posters all over the place I searched everywhere I asked Aristotle and Charlie where she is none of them has seen her I starting to get worried about her I don’t know what to do at this point I might as well just give up but I know I can’t she is my sister i also can’t give up on looking for Jackson two people I love I can’t give up on people I love I need to keep looking for them
Zachary: grandma I’m going out for a little bit
Catalina: oh dear be careful
Zachary:* running around the neighbor* zoe!! Zoe Zoe!! Zoey!!! Where are you?! come on this isn’t funny!!!
Meanwhile, with agent Zarina and agent haddie
Agent zarina: so that’s the new SCP’s brother?
Agent haddie: well we did a dna test and it’s her brother we should probably question their grandmother too 
Agent zarina: why not the parents?
Agent haddie: we couldn’t track where the parents were so we have to send someone to talk to the grandmother
Agent zarina: nah let’s not talk to the Grandma she probably has no idea what we are doing
Agent haddie: ok
Agent zarina gets out of the car and puts a bag over Zachary’s head
Zachary:* trying to kick zarina* hay let me go!!!
Agent zarina:* shoves Zachary into the back of the car* target captured
Agent haddie: perfect let’s get out of here 
A few weeks later
Catalina pov
Zachary hasn’t come back yet I’m worried something happened to him maybe he ran away with his boyfriends but hopefully not hopefully he will come back I already put up missing posters and I looked around for them all week I really hope Zoe and Zachary aren’t dead
Meanwhile with Zachary
Zachary: what the hell am I why am i wearing orange?!
Dr Jeff: first of all chill out kid and you are in a secret facility that contains entities that can hurt humanity
Zachary: why am I here then?
Dr Jeff: well several witnesses have said that you and three other people have been going around the town causing chaos
Zachary: who are you?
Dr jeff: I am researcher Jeffrey Johansen but most of the people here call me Jeff 
Zachary: will I ever get out of here?
Dr Jeff: no you’re here for a reason you and your sister are danger to humanity
Zachary: you have my sister what did you do to her?!
Dr Jeff: we didn’t do anything to her she is just continued here along with you
Meanwhile, with Aristotle
No one pov
Aristotle was walking around the city and notice is missing posters of Zoe and Zachary everywhere and notices weird trucks everywhere 
Aristotle:* picks up a missing poster of Zachary* first Jackson now Zachary who’s gonna be next?
End of chapter
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wreywrites · 8 months
Tiger Shark
Part 3: The Crown
Chapter 16
After Caesar and his camera crew leave, Mags, Finnick, and I sit down for lunch. My eating guidelines are substantially more flexible even since lunch yesterday, so I have an entire bowl of lamb stew, two cheese biscuits, and a handful of strawberries. Finnick finds this amusing.
We spend the afternoon watching the rebroadcast of this morning’s interview. And by “we” I mean “Mags and Finnick.” I fall asleep shortly after we talk about eating whale.
When I wake up, a highlight reel is playing. I spend several seconds trying to figure out which Games it is before realizing these are my Games. From now on, I will be among the near-constant replays of Hunger Games past. Next year, when two more kids from Four are living here and they decide to stay up and talk strategy late into the night, it will be my Games playing quietly in the background.
The second thing I notice is that I am no longer sitting on the sofa, but laying down, and my head is in someone’s lap. A rather disconcerting turn of events, if I do say so myself. Even worse, it is most definitely Finnick’s lap. I spend a few seconds trying to decide if it would be more awkward to sit up and apologize or sit up and pretend it never happened. I settle for option three, which is to do nothing. So I watch myself in the Hunger Games.
I must have been asleep for quite a while, because they have a feed of the arena on one side of the screen, and the other side is showing the friends and family interviews. Zalea is hunting, trying to sneak close enough to the buffalo herd to pick one off, and on the other side of the screen, a man and woman who can only be Tychus’s parents are talking about how proud they are of him and how they know he will win.
One of my legs is asleep, but I am not going to move. I think I would rather die than admit I am awake and have to face the consequences of whatever actions led me to this point. Except the next interview is my father.
I sit straight up.
“Well good morning,” Finnick says.
I can hear him smiling, but I don’t care. I haven’t seen Dad for a month and a half. And I know this is him from over two weeks ago, but it is still him. He looks tired. He probably stayed up late and got up even earlier than normal to watch me for as long as possible, to make sure I was doing alright. I hope Mako’s parents made sure he was eating.
“What can I say about Annie that you all don’t already know?” Dad says. “She’s strong and smart and resourceful. She can take care of herself, that’s for sure. And she won’t take any grief from anyone.” He laughs. “Just ask her fishing crew about that.”
“We will,” Phineas Worley, who has done the friends and family interviews in Four for as long as I can remember, laughs as well. He sobers quickly though, and says, “I’d like to ask for your thoughts on Mako Silther as well.”
“What thoughts?” my father asks. “Anything specific, or…?”
Phineas shakes his head.
My father thinks for a moment, then says, “It’s a real shame that they both went. Though, I’m not sure it would have been any better if only one of them did. Guess then there’d be a chance they’d both live to see the end of the Games, instead of the certainty that one of them won’t. But I am… I’m actually kind of glad that Mako’s in there with Annie. They have each other, which means they each have someone they trust unfailingly, someone whose back they want to watch and whose back they’ll watch without question.”
Phineas nods. “If you could say anything to Annie right now, what would it be?”
Dad smiles. “That I love her. More than she will ever know or understand, more than anything else. And that I know she can win, because she’s my Tiger Shark.”
The interview switches to the parents of the boy from Twelve. Zalea, wearing her poncho, is creeping closer to the herd. And I am crying.
Finnick silently puts an arm around my shoulders. I know he is trying to help, but somehow it makes it worse. I am sobbing now.
“I miss him so much! And I didn’t realize it until I saw him and I-” I turn and bury my head in Finnick’s shoulder. “I just want to go home.”
He says nothing, but turns so he can wrap his other arm around me as well.
“I just want to go home and go back to my life and forget all of this! Forget Elsie and Merritt and Stitch and Zalea and-” I am sobbing so hard I can’t catch my breath. “And- and- I just want their eyes to go away! And the sounds!” This is ridiculous. I know this is ridiculous, but I can’t stop. Maybe if I say everything that is trapped in my head, it’ll go away. “I can hear them all the time! The sound of that arrow sticking in Merritt, and Mako’s head hitting the ground, and Taffeta choking when I stab her, and the cannons! The cannons never stop, and they are always looking at me and I can’t look away!” And I must be out of things to say, because now I am silent.
Finnick rests his chin on top of my head. We sit like this for long seconds. I am still wracked with sobs. And I can hear the sounds.
“Please say something. I don’t want to hear them,” I whimper. “Please just talk to me.”
He takes a deep breath. “I killed the girl from Four. I killed a lot of people, but she’s the one that haunts me. Her name was Leena. There were only three of us left. We broke off the alliance at six. The rest of us killed each other off. And then it was only us and Circe from Two. I couldn’t find her. But I did find Leena. She was catching fish. I came up behind her, and when she turned around I just… killed her. And then Circe jumped out and attacked me. If I’d waited two more minutes, Circe would have killed Leena for me. But how could I have known that?” He pauses. “We’ve all done things, seen things we wish we hadn’t. Ask any victor, even the ones who act tough, even the ones who volunteered. At some point, we all crack. It’s learning to live with it that’s the trick. And that’s what you, I, all of us, have to remember. We did what we did to survive, and now we’re living with the consequences of our actions, but we are living.”
And then I hear Coral’s voice. “I’d tell her that I miss her every day. Her laugh, her confidence, her tallness and intimidating-ness that I use to push through crowds because I am very small. I miss her, and I can’t wait to see her soon, because I know I will.”
I sniffle and unbury my face to look at the screen. Coral and Jade are sitting on a bench at the pier where we used to have diving contests. Phineas is sitting on one of the deck chairs that are community property as long as you leave them somewhere on the pier or the beach nearby and in good condition.
Jade nods. “And I’d say… I’d say thank you for always being there for me. She saved my life when we were little, and I thank her for that all the time, but now I just wish I could tell her how much I appreciate her being my friend. Not only did she save my life, she made it better every day.”
The screen cuts to a boy who reminds me of Zalea. Maybe a brother or cousin.
I sniffle again. “How can I go back to them? I’m not the person they remember. I’m not the Annie that left District Four.”
“I don’t think they’ll expect you to be,” Finnick says. “They’ll just be glad you came home at all, and I’m sure they’ll be there for you no matter what.”
“How do I explain to them what changed me? I don’t want this to be their burden too.”
“Annie. Those two are loyal to a fault. Do you know how much they sent me to get you those binoculars?”
I stare at him.
“A lot,” he says. “It was a lot.”
“They sponsored me?”
Finnick laughs. “They’re your best friends. I’d have been worried if they didn’t send you anything. Though that one bordered on the obscene. Besides, pretty much all of Four was sponsoring you. How do you think I got all those cream cheese rolls? The most expensive bread item available, I might add.”
I laugh a little. It sets off a fit of hiccups. “Probably because I told Caesar they were my favorite.”
“Probably,” Finnick laughs. “But everything was expensive this year. It was absolutely insane by the end. Water cost an arm and a leg. Iodine drops were worth my weight in gold.”
“I’m not sure I believe that.”
“Okay, not quite that much, but… let’s just say you were extremely lucky to get those. And they got even more expensive after.”
“Well, I’m glad Titus Vickers liked me enough to pay for it. Actually, I’m glad Cassia liked me enough to talk Titus into paying for it.”
“The mouths of babes, and all that.”
“What does that even mean?”
He shrugs. “No idea. Mags used to say it all the time though, when she was mentoring me.”
That reminds me, “Where is Mags?”
“Napping the way normal people do—in her room,” he grins slyly. “Should I be concerned about how long you were awake before you moved?”
I feel my cheeks turn pink.
“Or maybe I should tell Gloss. Warn him that you, like every other girl, have grown weary of him and fallen in love with me instead.”
“Why?” My face is very red now, if how hot I feel is any indication. “Why are you like this?”
“Like what? Delightful and endearing? Not sure, I’ve always been this way.”
“And have you always been this humble?”
“No, I’ve worked very hard to become the most humble person in Panem.”
I snort.
We watch Taffeta’s twin brothers, who are perhaps seven, talk about how they want to be like her when they are older. Then the boy from Three’s friends talk about the invention they were working on when he was reaped and how they are holding off work on it until he comes home. Tychus’s teacher is talking about what an intelligent and promising young man he is when I lean against Finnick’s shoulder and say, “Thank you.”
He glances at me. “For what?”
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
Casca, Marius, and the Preps arrive during the interview with Mako’s friend Perrin. It is time to go home. But first, they must dress me one last time, so the Capitol can see their golden girl in all her glory before she leaves. They put me in a lacy white blouse and (shockingly) a sea-green skirt, curl my hair and top it with my crown, and strap the six-inch heels on my feet, and that is it. We say our goodbyes in the elevator, then Mags, Finnick, and I walk outside and get in the car. It takes us to the train station, where a camera follows us as we leave the car and get on the train. At one of the cameramen’s prompting, I wave from the door of the train car until it closes and we start moving.
I drop into one of the plushy armchairs. I am so tired. Across from me, Finnick lays on his stomach on the couch, one arm hanging off the edge. Mags sits in one of the other armchairs, produces a long piece of string from one of her pockets, and begins tying it into an intricate knot.
Finnick is asleep within seconds. I make a mental note to tease him about it later, and then I wake up to Mags telling me we will be in the train station in Four in ten minutes. Finnick is still sleeping. Mags tries to wake him gently, but he still jumps upright. From her reaction, this must be a common occurrence. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’ve never seen him sleep before. Maybe he wakes up like that every time.
I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. Mags fixes my hair and adjusts my crown while I smooth out my clothes. The train is slowing down. Finnick pinches the bridge of his nose, runs his fingers through his hair, and stretches until his shoulders pop.
Outside I see familiar scenery. I remember leaving six weeks ago, knowing that I might never see Four again, but knowing there was a chance, if I was smart. And now I am back.
“There will be cameras,” Finnick says as the train crawls into the station.
“What am I supposed to do?”
He shrugs. “They’re just broadcasting you getting home. Nobody has ever been composed for it. I just don’t want you to be surprised.”
The train stops. I am shaking.
Mags checks to make sure I am still wearing my necklace, then opens the door. It is evening in Four and I can tell the sunset will be beautiful tonight. I step onto the platform. There is a small crowd there, all cheering for me, but I pay them no heed. There is only one person I want to see right now, and he is front and center of the crowd. I run into my father’s waiting arms.
“I’m so happy to see you, Annie,” he says, holding me tight.
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@avoxrising @snow-dragon-rider @anakins-ride-or-die
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copperdaisy · 1 year
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Ugh. This has been a very, very long work week and I still need to do my taxes. Buuut it is also Friday and I don’t want to Adult anymore so I’m going to pick at OCs instead. I went digging through three year old fic notes and decided that since all of those stories are shelved for now I’d just lump all of these assorted Mandalorian OCs into one group.
Disclaimer that these guys pretty much just have names and personalities but no real backstories because I am horribly, horribly behind on Star Wars lore. I have to take all things SW related slow because it was a hyperfixation for me when I was in middle school and I heavily burned myself out on it. Which means that I haven’t seen any of the cartoons and it’s been yeeeears since I even watched the movies. So, take this all with a grain of salt.
Anyway. These guys are now their own little group that’s just out there in the galaxy doing their own thing. They will inevitably end up crossing paths with other Mandalorian tribes at some point, just don’t know when. Starting at the top and going left to right we have Surais, Braya, Tathe, Kamryn, Amivel, Nath, Regus, Ioren and Lenhu. There are probably a couple more in the group but they don’t even have names at the moment so they’ll just be... around.
Gonna shove the rambling about them under a read-more since this is long enough as it is.
Surais Bruss is more or less the leader of the group. While he likes a good fight as much as the next Mandalorian he is pretty chill most of the time. It takes a lot to ruffle his feathers and he is not particularly bothered by other people’s opinions of him. If they have a problem with him it is their problem, not his, unless they see fit to make it his problem. He leads through a combination of confidence, skill and a healthy heap of patience. And, you know, a willingness to smash heads together when needed. He’s quite inventive when it comes to telling people to get their shit together and designing metaphorical get along shirts.
Braya Krett is the second in command. He is soft spoken and known for having a “melodic” voice, which makes it all the more scary when he catches a tribe member doing something they shouldn’t be. He is quick to set a troublemaker to right and is the main reason that squabbles are kept to a relative minimum in the group. Trust from him is slowly won but he is not actively hostile towards new faces unless given a reason to be.
Tathe Caid is the medic of the group. She is the one that patches their sorry asses back together, and at times is the one who runs in to retrieve their sorry asses when they have gotten themselves into trouble. The medbay (or whatever counts as it) is her domain and woe be to anyone who forgets that. Bravado and pride have no place in that domain if they interfere with her work. She has no issue calling an idiot an idiot and is quick to call their bluff if they try to downplay obvious severe injury. Yes, yes, she knows that they can fix themselves, blah, blah, blah. Now shut up and let her do her job, you’ve already made a mess of her exam table.
Kamryn Aisair is... complicated. She was raised in a different group, one that tore itself apart in a very bloody clash of opinions and beliefs just a few years ago. She was a young teen at the time, and the abrupt loss of most of that original group left long lasting scars. In the years since she has been chasing after some undefinable ideal of acceptance and perfection. She is bitter and abrasive and the group member most likely to cause trouble. However, she has begun the slow process of healing from past trauma since being taken in by the group. It is just going to be a long, long road before she can leave the past in the past.
Amivel Sung is one of the few other surviving members of Kamryn’s birth tribe. While she too is scarred from the destruction of their families and home, Amivel has funneled her grief into less self destructive things. She is a skilled hunter of both bounties and game, which is just as well, considering that her people skills are somewhat lacking. It’s not that she doesn’t want to be a part of the group - she very much does. She just needs her space to be alone and gets twitchy if she has to stay in close quarters for too long.
The other four I’m still working on fleshing out. I know that Nath is a bit nervous and uncertain of himself. Regus is Tathe’s assistant is every ounce as no nonsense as she is, but with a visible sense of humor. Ioren is Lenhu’s nephew and the two don’t quite see eye to eye, as Ioren blames his uncle for the death of his father while simultaneously agreeing that there was nothing Lenhu could have done to prevent it.
I don’t know if I will ever actually do anything with these guys but at least the foundation blocks are there.
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~Soft Fuzzy Man~
Hiiiii! So I know I haven’t posted in like forever but like two weeks ago @theungratefuldead and I wrote some stuff about characters in lemon demon songs. Here’s soft fuzzy man x reader Pt.1 lmao (pt2 on the way!).
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: I didn’t take this srsly while writing it, i use the word hand too many times, lime, i used lyrics as dialogue im sorry, hospital mention, poisoning, idk there’s probably more but this is all I can remember
It was a dark and stormy night- well according to your roommate. It was barely sprinkling and neither of you had seen or heard lightning, but they insisted that it was stormy. Nonetheless, here you stood in front of the creepy, old, abandoned house that you and Vex walk by every morning on your way to the community college the you go to. Vex had suggested the two of you explore it as a “fun halloween activity”. And well, it was October 29 so time was, according to Vex, “running out”.
“What are you waiting for, go in!” Vex pushes you through the door. They had always been the adrenaline junky thrill seeker between the two of you, but you thought this might be taking it a bit too far. You land on your hands and knees, already feeling the splinters from the distressed floor boards pierce your skin. You get up and dust yourself off. Your hands stung as you plucked out the small pieces of wood.
Vex came through the door, creeping up behind you. They shouted in your ear when they got close enough, “Boo!!” You fell to the floor again.
“That isn’t funny, Vex” you said, standing up again. “Jesus, who died in here, it smells like death.” Turning on your flashlight, you walk through the entry way into the kitchen. You look around and find several old appliances covered in rust, mold, and whatever else was growing in this house.
“Wow, this place really is abandoned, huh, Vex? Vex??” Your roommate didn’t respond. “Vex?” you say quizzically, turning to look behind you. When met with no response, you look to a nearby hallway and see a light further down it, becoming dimmer as you hear the faint sound of echoed giggling.
“Dammit they fucking abandoned me,” you muttered under your breath. You jog after them (you had never been much of a runner). All of the doors in the hallway were closed, screwing over any real chance of finding them. You decide to go on without your roommate and decide it might even be better without them trying to scare you every five seconds.
After a few minutes of looking through rooms with decrepit and broken down furniture and very few items of interest, you decide to go upstairs. The second floor was much cleaner than the first, with much less mold, far fewer cobwebs, less peeling and staining of the wallpaper, and a lack of the odor of death. It almost looked like someone had been there recently, but you knew that couldn’t be the case… right?
You walked into a room on the left side of the staircase. As you entered, a cold feeling washed over you, leaving your entire body feeling a fuzzy chill, similar to what you imagine tv static would feel like, as you looked around. You noticed that the room was surprisingly well kept, with a complete lack of mold and trash. Only a single cobweb could be found in the corner of the room. All of the furniture was (for the most part) clean and in tact, aside from a mystery stain on an antique red love seat. There was a white, fluffy pillow with the word “Love” in pink cursive writing across the front.
You look over to the vanity on the other side of the room. Scanning the top of it you find a silver necklace with a fluorite crystal on it. You reach out a hand to grab it when it suddenly starts levitating. It rises into the air and, seemingly by magic, places itself on your neck. The walls and floor started shaking. You turned around.
“What the- ah!!“ Your words were cut off by a harsh tug down on the jewelry around your neck as a very attractive ghost appeared in front of you, a blue smoke surrounding him.
“Hi, sweetheart~” he spoke in a smooth, deep voice. It was sweet to your ears and reminded you of red velvet cake. You stared blankly at him, your mind and body in an intoxicated trance from his presence. “Can you see me?” He waved a hand in front of your face. “Why can’t you see me?” He let go of your necklace, causing you to fall back into the ground.
“Ah!” You stood back up, wondering if this was just a weird dream. “Are you… real?” You reach out a hand to touch him but he disappears.
“What does it matter? I may just be a trick of the light, but I’m here to love you all the same~” Suddenly the ghost’s voice was behind you and you could feel his hands caressing your shoulders. “Don’t be nervous, baby. I’m not like other guys who have a surface.” He reappears in front of you and takes your hands in his. Blushing, you try to pull your them away but he doesn’t let go.
“Don’t go, honey! All you really need is a soft fuzzy man like me~” He pulls you into a hug, resting his hands on your lower back. A wave of euphoria washed over you. Unlike the warm hug of a living human, he felt cool and tingly around you. Also unlike that of a living person, he simultaneously felt there and not there, like hugging someone in a dream. It was intoxicating, his presence was like a drug.
You placed your hands on his chest as he let go of you. He placed one of his hands on your hip and the other held your jaw. You lean in and kiss him. His tongue enters your mouth and swirls perfectly with yours. You moan quietly into his mouth as you wrap your arms around his neck. He pulls away, leaving a string of saliva between you and a tingly feeling in your mouth.
He pushed you down on the red loveseat and straddled your hips. After taking your shirt off, he started to leave kisses down your body, starting at your jaw and ending right below your collarbones. His lips left a cold, tingly sensation on your skin. You begin the grind your hips up into his as he starts to leave a hickey in the crook of your neck.
You wake up in the hospital. Your mind is fuzzy and your entire body feels cold. When you finally come back to reality, you notice your roommate standing over you.
“You’re finally up! Thank the gods. How are you feeling?” Vex spoke with their usual energetic demeanor but with a large sense of worry and grief behind it.
“What happened? Why am I in the hospital??” Your voice was shaky and quiet.
“I found you upstairs laying on a couch and hugging a pillow. Your lips were blue and your hands and face were really cold. When I tried to wake you up, you didn’t respond. Not even after I yelled directly into your ear!” Vex continued, their usual sense of energy shining through the worry in their voice.
“So, I took you to the hospital and here we are! The doctors said you have quite a bit of lung damage so they think some sort of poison gas caused whatever this is.” Vex gestured to your body.
“Although, they said they can’t figure out what gas caused it, they’ve been running tests on you for hours. I hope you have health insurance! Hey what’s that on your shoulder?” Remembering what had happened at the abandoned house, you quickly tried to cover it by pretending to scratch your neck. In the process, you realized that you were no longer wearing the fluorite necklace you had found in the house.
“Wait a second… where’s my necklace?”
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apex-academy · 1 year
Chapter 6: The Decay of Our Lives (#2)
No new floors to investigate this time. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do now. There’s still that student file cabinet, I guess? Or maybe I should check on the people I still haven’t seen. Or Aidan. He did look a little worse for wear, now that I’m thinking about it.
The options swirl in my head, but I can’t quite seem to reach out and grip one to commit to.
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Maybe I’ll just rest for now.
After some time spent half-reading, half-dozing, I’m broken from my tired stupor by a knock on the door. 
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“You in here?”
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Okay, mostly broken from it. Not enough to register whose voice that is, but enough to get up and go check. After a minute of trying to tug the door open, I realize it’s still locked.
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Really that kind of day, huh?
But at least it saves me from hesitating once I’m physically able to open it. I’m met with a clash of loud colors that are pretty easy to identify.
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“Ah, Kanagi.”
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“Yo. You had lunch yet?”
I shake my head, even if it takes me a minute to parse the question. When did lunchtime get here?
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“I’m, like, goin’ around first.”
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“Already gotta bring Iggy his, so. Might as well see where else my, like, delivery service or whatever’s going today.”
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“I’m good to get something myself, I think. You need any help?”
She heaves a loud sigh. 
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“Like, at this point, I’m mostly just peeling fruit and trying not to set spaghetti on fire.”
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“...Yeah, I can help.”
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The walk to the cafeteria is a blur, like most everything else right now. I sure hope no one’s been confiding anything important to me. Or at least nothing they wanted me to remember.
Kanagi kicks the kitchen door open for the both of us and grabs herself a yogurt drink.
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“You wanna do the fruit or the s’getti?”
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“Are those our only options?”
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She shrugs. “ ‘s all I got, but if you got better ideas, go for it, dude.”
I wander around the little island.
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“Plenty of cookbooks if we need ideas.”
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“Not sure I’m up for that much effort. Maybe some hand rolls or something?”
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“Whyyyy not.” 
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“I can totally get the rice stuff going, but, like, you might wanna do the actual stuff yourself if you don’t want it crunchy.”
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“Raw crunchy or burnt crunchy?”
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“ ‘Less you like it that way! Seems like most peeps totally don’t, though.”
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“Are you ‘most peeps’?”
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“No way, dude.”
True on so many levels.
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“And they put you in charge of cooking.”
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“Like, sometimes? Depends on who feels like trash and who doesn’t. That super keeps swapping around.”
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“Always gotta at least take Iggy his, though.”
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“Yeah, guess he’s not in any shape to be cooking, huh.”
Between that and Yuki... being gone...
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“Wait. Am... Am I the only one here who can cook?”
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“...................” This is the most bizarre twist of fate I’ve suffered through yet.
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“Okay, well. Let’s find some stuff to chop up.”
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She shoots me a finger gun. “That, I can totally do.”
We rummage through the fridge and freezer for fish and vegetables. Maybe some cream cheese. I don’t know.
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I’m still not qualified for this job, but we’ve survived this far. As long as I don’t cook up some very severe food poisoning, everything should be fine.
And just as I think that, Kanagi starts flinging knives around to get chopping. I can only make out one healing cut on her hand at the moment, so that’s... probably also fine. 
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Maybe she should’ve asked Tsunyasha for help, if that’s how we’re playing this. 
Kanagi attempts to hum about three notes before quitting. She looks at me over her shoulder as I start pouring rice.
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“Yo, you wanna play a couple sets once this's done?”
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“Of volleyball? Not really feeling quick enough on my feet today.”
Or in my head. The possibility of me zoning out as a ball approaches my face at Mach 5, combined with the fact I don’t stand any kind of chance against her competitively, does not incline me to agree to this.
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“ ‘Kay.”
She may or may not seem a little more upset than I’d expect. Too much of my focus is just on not chopping, burning, or otherwise ripping any fingers off. 
I succeed, and we assemble some weird form of sushi-and-fruit bentos for everyone. Not very artistic, but that isn’t my M.O. with food.
Not gonna think about whose it is. Was. Not now.
I focus on Kanagi stacking up the boxes instead.
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“Aaaand delivery hours. Woo-hoo.”
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“You seem excited.”
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“Yyyyeah, not really.”
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Too excited to pick up on sarcasm.
Either way, I help with the deliveries. I’m not allowed to enter Mahavir’s room, apparently—something about Aidan, and me in particular, and an extra degree of distance transmission-wise—but there’s no trouble with the rest. Bentos on proverbial doorsteps, no knives or pieces of chalk thrown. I think Kanagi appreciates the help. Doesn’t seem like she’s in an appreciative kind of mood.
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What does it say about the rest of us when even Kanagi seems a little dull?
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Nothing. We all just need some rest.
It doesn’t have to be anything worse than that.
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12: Meeting
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Heal my Wounds
meeting/shown off/hidden in plain sight
Warnings: None
This is part of a series. If you haven’t, I suggest starting at Part 1.
Previous | Masterlist | Next
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As Valadan followed his superior through the halls of the citadel, he felt sick. For the first time he started to wonder what would happen to him. Since he hadn’t committed any crime, it would most likely be disciplinary action only. That still left plenty of room. But, he thought bitterly, whatever punishment awaited him, he’d deserve it.
Bennett led him past a row of offices he knew and up a set of stairs. Pausing in front of a large, wooden door, he gave Valadan a stern look. “Let’s get this over with,” he said as he pushed the door open.
The room wasn’t overly large. It was furnished with rows and rows of bookshelves, the walls in between decorated with framed documents. One wall was empty, save for the artful tapestry, showing a large map of the world. Valadan stared at it for a moment, trying to find the courage to look into the middle of the room, to the rectangular table made of dark wood.
There were six chairs around the table, five on one side, one on the other. Three of them were already taken, two men and an elderly woman Valadan had only seen in passing before. He couldn’t remember their names, if he had ever learned them. Barnett stepped next to them, gesturing to the single free chair on the other side of the table.
“Take a seat.”
Valadan did so, glad to be off his wobbly legs. He placed his hands on the table, then pulled them away, hiding them beneath it. He felt like a boy again, in trouble and about to be scolded and punished. Just this time, there would be no big brother to protect him.
One of the men — the one with the least grim expression — picked up a quill. “Valadan Ebonheart?” he asked.
Valadan nodded. He nodded again as the man read his rank, the date he had joined the Crimson Sun and a rough overview over the last mission. Over what had happened. When he was done, Bennett took over.
“You were given a chance. An easy mission, to prove yourself. Because I know despite numerous complaints about your attitude, you are an excellent fighter. And yet, you still somehow managed to mess this up. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Valadan swallowed. “I do not, sir.”
“From what I’ve been told, you undermined the mission’s lead. You ignored her clear orders, more than once. In doing so, you endangered the people you were supposed to protect.” There was clear disdain in Bennett’s voice as he added, “And because of that, two of them were injured, one critically so. Is that correct?”
“That is correct, sir.” The words were like poison on his tongue and stones on his heart.
One of the others spoke up. He didn’t bother to introduce himself. If his posture and clothing were any indication, he held a higher rank than all others. It made Valadan all the more aware of his own, desolate appearance.
“Your actions are a disgrace for the Crimson Sun. You will be let go immediately. There will be no severance pay. As for your room, you have until tomorrow afternoon to gather your things and leave. Any questions?”
“No. Sir.”
Valadan didn’t manage to hold his gaze for more than a moment. He stared at the table in front of him, focusing on the patterns in the wood. He wouldn’t cry. He should be grateful. If that was all, he got off easily. Easier than he deserved, probably. Definitely easier than Josephine.
It didn’t change the fact that the moment he’d set his foot outside the citadel walls, he’d be on his own. There was no home for him to return to, no family, no friends. No skills to speak of, other than the sword, and it was unlikely another mercenary group would accept him, once word had spread. At least none of the reputable ones.
Someone pushed a paper in front of him, handing him a quill. He only read the first few words, blinking against the blurriness in his eyes. A summary of what they had talked about, confirming what had happened, accepting his dismissal. He signed it without bothering to read it all.
“You may leave,” Bennett said.
Valadan stood up and left.
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Tagging: @dont-touch-my-soup​ @whump-in-the-moonlight​
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
Have you ever cheated at a card game?
I probably have as a kid. I’m not one to get all super competitive like I wanna play for fun and how the game is meant to be played.
Tell me what colors you’re wearing right now?
Have you ever wandered around drunk with your friend?
Yeah to like Dennys or somewhere close to us to eat. A few pancakes, coffee, or late night Taco Bell run were the best.
Are you longing for the day that you’ll be an adult? (If you’re not already)
I’m almost 33 so I’ve been an adult for awhile, but I definitely wasn’t the kid who was in a rush to grow up and yeah I still don’t want it take it back. Let me be a kid again.
Have you ever felt like your heart actually stopped?
Are you a fast runner?
Not anymore but there was a time in what feels like a lifetime ago that I was. I used to have great upper body strength.
What’s something you’ve vowed to never eat?
ive never vowed to not eat something but theres a lot of foods that i dont like haha<<< Same. And foods I have no interest in trying.
Are you good at holding back your laughter if needed?
Do any of your friends shamelessly burp or fart in public?
When was the last time you had a good cry?
I could use that. I want time alone, but that’s hard to do when you’re in the hospital.
Has anyone ever told you they wanted to marry you?
Have you ever had a “thumb war” with someone? Yeah.
Have you ever been so unfortunate to suffer from a hangover?
Yes. The worst was the one that made me over alcohol completely. It’s been like 10 years now, haven’t missed it at all. Not to say I never had a good time drinking, but honestly my main reason was cause that’s what my friends often liked to do and I chose to join in. I could have done without and been fine but I went along with it. That was on me. And like I said, we had fun. That’s the only time I drank, though, just socially.
If you need a job, will you take whatever you can get?
I guess it would depend on my situation. Ideally of course I wouldn’t want to just settle. I’d try to keep looking and figure out options.
Time goes by faster as you get older, don’t you find?
Have you ever had a panic attack?
We’re well acquainted.
Are you deathly allergic to anything?
Have you ever had a mouse in your house?
Gahhh, yes.
Do you know what you want for your dream house?
I just know I want a beach house.
Have you ever seen the movie the Notebook?
If you download torrents, what torrent program do you use?
i dont download torrents anymore <<< Me either. It’s been several years now.
If you go to school, will this year be different?
I’ve been done with school since 2015.
Do you know anyone who DOESN’T have an ex?
Are you able to count to ten in another language?
Yes, in Spanish.
Is there something you know you have to do, but haven’t done it yet?
I’ve put off too many things.
Is anyone you know really religious?
Can you sing?
Have you ever read “Gone With the Wind”?
Are your eyebrows naturally thick?
Have you ever attempted to cut your own hair?
I used to cut my bangs but that’s it.
Has speaking in front of people ever made you sick?
I always got the worst anxiety and dreaded every presentation. No matter how many times I did then throughout school it didn’t get easier.
Have you ever wanted to tell someone how you felt, but never did?
Oh, definitely. That was usually the case.
What was the last movie that made you teary-eyed?
I don’t recall at the moment.
Do you check your email daily?
Have you ever breathed in helium?
No, I’ve always been to scared to try lol.
Do you try to be confident and positive about your future?
When was the last time you felt disappointed in yourself?
I’ve felt that way for a long time, but especially now. I had been so incredibly stupid and it cost me a lot.
Have you ever owned a garden?
Who was the last person to text you?
My mom.
Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other?
Do you ever find yourself trying to be the referee amongst your friends?
Has a laptop ever burned your legs?
Actually, yes. I’m paralyzed waist down so I don’t feel my legs and I’ve made some mistakes of placing things not knowing it was too hot. I have to be really conscious of that.
Do you know anyone who has a scar through their eyebrow?
My mom does.
Who was the last person to flip you off?
*shrug *
Are you doing anything the day after tomorrow?
Same as everyday.
Anyone’s birthday coming up soon?
Mine at the end of the month.
Would you ever wear fake eyelashes?
I have.
Do you make the effort to smile at people?
No :x
Are you good at following directions?
I think so?
Have you ever just screamed really loud in an attempt to feel better?
Tempting at times. I’m a writer, though. I need to vent and ramble and do so a lot better in the written form.
Are you in any way, still a child at heart?
Quality triumphs over quantity, correct?
I think so.
Have you ever danced when there was no music playing?
Do you have someone that you can just act a fool with and not care?
Around my family.
From where you’re sitting, can you touch a wall?
Have you received a text today that made you go “wtf”?
When at a restaurant, do you put your napkin on your lap?
Are you even feeling the least bit tired?
I’m quite tired, but what’s new?
Is there currently any caffeine or alcohol in your system?
I wish I had caffeine. I miss coffee so much.
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners?
I don’t care.
Are your biceps at all noticeable?
I have no muscle tone anymore.
Have you ever seen a walrus?
Yeah, many times.
When it comes to dropping food, do you believe in the 10 second rule?
I don’t follow any second rule if it falls on the ground I’m done.
If given the opportunity, would you ride on a camel?
Do you believe that cellphones actually do cause cancer?
It says that on a lot of things. You’ll see the sign about cancer causing chemicals at various places, too.
When people you know cry, does it make you feel like crying too?
Yes, I feel horrible. It hurts me to see others hurt.
Were you single last Valentine’s Day?
Yeah, and every Valentine’s Day.
Do you tend to jump to conclusions?
Are you good at remembering your friends’ birthdays?
Is there something you need to do, that you’re trying to avoid doing?
Yes, but I can’t. I’ll have to do it.
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shawnjacksonsbs · 1 year
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Ultimately, "it's all me. (Not to be confused with "it's all about me." Lol no lol). Your "It's" are all you just the same as mine are all me.       4-22-23
 "Once you open your eyes to the pattern . . .
Remember you're the one who wrote the list of priorities. You certainly have the power to implement them" - Dr. Richard Carlson
 *Side note
The pic attached is a note, in its raw original state. It's to show that sometimes my feelers are too much for the minute that I'm writing it, so I'm trying to be sure to not forget every part of it.
For the ones I might edit later, like this one. Lol
**Another important Side note
Dollar bucks are a thing from Bluey. If you haven't already seen at least one or two of their episodes, you should. If you have any kind of human intellect and emotional range whatsoever, you'll enjoy it. . .with or without kids. Promise.
I messed up.
(So. . .what had happened was, I left part of the material off a pretty large job. Therefore the estimate, which was already squeezed pretty tight, was off. We, of course, won the bid, and I ended up finding my error.)
1500 dollar bucks worth of messed up.
In our infancy.
(It’s not a mistake I make regularly. Its actually quite rare, but. . .whatever. It’s uncomfortable to say the least. Its not a company killing mistake, but only because we generated enough revenue between several jobs to cover the difference in cost. It will come out in the end, of course which hinders the profit side, but $1500 on $17,500 can be . . . worked around and wrote off in different places. Thanks to and for, my salesmen/business colleagues/friends/brothers for landing 2 pretty sizeable jobs.
I was actually told I am allowed some grace. . .
I do put my everything into this company. Playing every position or helping is something of a hobby of mine, that’s kills endurance with office work. lol
(Here's where you guys who read these entries throw a life preserver (or a word of encouragement or two). C'mon guys, I need to know you can help me. Lol no lol
I always talk about wanting to hire a "me" to work with me. You know someone who will work hard, with the same work ethic, knowledge, etc etc.
But I don't know if I could do that.  You know, like really work for me. I might be an asshole to work for.
I mean, trying to live up to my expectations is a lot for anyone, including me. I set the bar pretty high.
I mean, I'm pretty sure my kid thinks so, so . . . Lol no lol
Struggling with deciding whether to plan to work through weekends to cover up coming bad weather days or to do family related thing.
I'm back n forth in my head constantly. My heart seems to be leaning one way, obviously, whether it's gonna cost me in the long run or not. Lol
I also tell myself that as long as I don't make a habit or doing this or that, then it's not letting the one side over shadow the other.
I can write my story however I want. There is no destiny or karma at work here.
As I write, I know I'm going to choose family, then rush to fill in work stuff(s), so I don't know what I'm on about.
I imagine a lot of copying and pasting is in my future. As I'm not going to have a ton of time to edit this before I post.
Story time will probably be a straight punch through as well, but as long as I'm still doing both . . . there’s no failing them, or me.
And its 4-20-23 (Happy High Day mofos), a Thursday, we just went and picked up my oldest son, (I don't know) and we got to see the girls for a minute.
If I hadn't already decided about taking Saturday off to see them, it's definitely sealed now.  Lol
Sunday still going to be a catch all for work. Eh, maybe more than that but yeah.
I might just see if I can get another note or two in here before I post, and call it good for the week.
We'll see.
*Well nothing new to report.
I took the day off, as we figured I would. My oldest son, pretty much been asleep the whole time he’s been here, but no expectations this time. It’s not a get right forever plan. So . . .
And a very special Happy Birthday to my stepdaughter. She deserves the world, but I'm sure she'll settle for a happy, stress free family life, which she also deserves! And to her old man, whose birthday lunch is being combined with today. Lol
I’m still trying to decide if I should pull my granddaughter off to the side before the tournament and teach the crane technique. I mean . . .”If do right, no can defense.”
 Please let’s keep encouraging each other, against all odds, to be the love, light, and kindness the world needs. Keep sharing your laughter too. That will never change either!! Light the way with it!
Until next week;
"A friend of mine taught me a powerful lesson that I always try to remember. He said, "In reality, you vote with your actions, not your words." This means that while I can tell you that my friends and family are important to me, I can write well-intended lists, and I can even become defensive in my well-thought-out excuses, ultimately, the measure of what's most important to me is how I spend my time and energy. " - Dr. Richard Carlson
 P.S. I'm pretty sure he watched me before . . .maybe not even in my old life. Lol no lol
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coccyodynia · 2 years
got my grim reaper tattoo like 2 weeks ago and i love him
i’ve had like 4 days off of work recently bc of mental health and being sick 
so my next paycheck is going to be several hundred dollars less than usual
anyway on friday last week i called out of work bc of mental health stuff and justin and i hung out all day instead and it was maybe one of the best days of my life
we got lunch downtown and then went to the mall and walked around newport for awhile, and then we went to the touche amore show
the show was probably the best band i’ve ever seen live
and i cried twice during their set
then justin and i went to wafflehouse but they were CLOSED? so we just went home after that bc it was like 1am
oh did i mention he stole the setlist for me, from the stage immediately after they played the last song
think i might be falling for him way harder than i’m prepared to deal with 
but whatever
in case you haven’t already noticed im going to winterfest with justin on sunday
which feels like a date activity and it’s making me go insane bc i still cant tell what his vibes are
lillian wants me to invite him to her christmas party
but i definitely feel like that’s waaaayyyy to much of like a Dating thing, like
wouldn’t that be weird? idk obviously everyone knows about him bc i dont know how to shut the fuck up 
idk i feel like that’s weird. feel free to weigh in
my family is doing thanksgiving tomorrow
which is going to be interesting
i didn’t go back to my hometown on thanksgiving proper bc i knew i would end up relapsing so i stayed home and stress cleaned my fridge
this video i’m working on for a new series has been encoding for like 2 hours and it’s only 75% done and i’m so irritated
like what if the video doesn’t even turn out to be worth it
my first semester of teaching is almost over
last day of class is dec 7th but then i have to do grading
i’ve been asked to teach next semester as well but i haven’t gotten any more information so idk if they changed their mind or what
that’s all folks
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rheassurance · 2 years
how to save a life / self para
Rhea stepped in, careful with her every step, as if the floor were some sort of lava. Looking up at the Gamemakers made for a vertiginous sight, but she smiled through the anxiety, trying to focus on whatever little plan she had sketched for herself. This wasn’t going to be a Ten, but she had to make sure it wasn’t about to be a One either. Without the slightest clue on what they were expecting, she stepped ahead.
“Do you have any dummies that the other tributes--?” she inquired, basing her plan on other people having hurt a ton of the props. But a lot of people haven’t gone in, only Avenue. The Gamemakers didn’t even shake their heads. Rhea’s cheeks faltered, but she understood. She nodded, and then looked back at the trainer assisting. They shrugged, a wordless apology.
And so Rhea went on and grabbed, against her will, a knife -- the least dangerous thing she could be wielding out of the weapons. She never did plan to get to weapons, but now that the original plan was jeopardized, she had to do something, anything. The knife shuddered in her hands, but it wasn’t too heavy, and the chances of herself getting hurt were minimal. Then, she went to the dummy corner, where they were placed on pillars, and trailed her free hand over one’s abdomen. As if having forgotten, she placed the knife down and hugged the doll from behind. It was thicker and weightier than expected. She didn’t even flinch, though.
With her fingers pointing to different spots on her abdomen, she started explaining. “You stab it here, and here, and here, and he’s almost dead. Exactly here, he loses so much blood it’s practically unsavable. Obviously the heart is deadly, but not the lungs. Not the stomach right away.”
But this was all talk. She let go of the dummy and knew she’d gotten to the part she dreaded, the part she didn’t think she’d get to. “Are you sure you have no already holed dummies? From... training, at least?” Looking over her shoulder, she could catch the trainer firmly shaking their head. “That’s a shame. I would have cost you way less money.” As if money were the issue.
By this point, she was stalling, and she did not want to be. So she took the knife back into her hands, and she pushed it, staple-like the way she’d seen doctors, into the dummy’s chest, slashing a diagonal line that was barely avoiding the rib cage. The sight of blood stunned her -- she didn’t expect there to be blood. But, luckily, she was not afraid of blood of all things. Even on her hands, she could keep her focus. The dummy fell flat on the floor. 
Rhea stabbed and inflicted strategic wounds to the rest of the still dolls -- four of them were bleeding by the end of it. A cut throat, the chest slash, a long cut spread down the leg and the knife, now resting into one specific spot of a dummy’s back, lying on its face. Then, she rushed to the medical area of the training room, and quickly grabbed all she could in terms of supplies. Barely able to carry the improvised kit, she dumped them on the floor and knelt by the cut throat. The cut wasn’t so deep -- and for that, she only had her hesitance to blame -- but red was still spreading all over.
Rhea applied pressure to the wound, patting it with a sterile cloth and holding it over for a few seconds at a time before slightly changing the position. After doing this a couple of times, enough for the cloth to be soaked in blood properly, she just held it over the wound, pressing slightly, to stop the hemorrhage. “This is where I’d have injected ranitidine 50mg, metoclopramide 10 mg and, dexamethasone 6mg, but that’s probably not available in the Games,” she said and smiled a little, not particularly looking at any Gamemaker rather than at their shadows from above in perspective.
Then, she passed by each of the other dummies and patiently tried to patch them up, in the order of the severity of the injury. One she stitched up. One she tied a couple of rubber gloves together, then tying them around the dummy’s leg in order to stop the bleeding for the moment being. The last one, with her knife in its back, she was graceful as she removed the knife and then immediately covered the wound and held a chunk of gauze against it with precision. 
“And this would have to go on for about eight to fifteen minutes for the bleeding to even consider stopping, but I believe my time is over,” she spoke and smiled away. “I think this would have been cooler if I could have treated injuries inflicted by the other tributes, but I suppose that comes next.” Rhea smiled a little, even though it wasn’t funny, and the thought of that did leave her hollow, which she kept to herself. She executed a small bow and then left, knowing this wasn’t impressive, but it was what she was good at, and she was proud of it.
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