#there's always so many new things in every movie/tv show/book/video game
yandere-wishes · 6 months
You are the epitome of multi fandom and I mean that in the nicest way possible
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aaawwww that's so sweet, thank u!!!🥰🥰🥰 It's like I always say "why be obsessed with one fandom when you can be obsessed with all of them"
Although to be fair, you should really be thanking my obsessive tendencies and all-engrossing edge to consume as much media as possible!! Also my undying love for hot ficinal men. 😉💜
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raviolirash · 3 months
I think people overindulged in analyzing the characters to the point of them being their projections and not the characters anymore. Like, yes, they are fantastic little guys, but it's usually not that deep. Stories like theirs are pretty common among D&D players. Maybe it's because I'm new to TheFandom™ world, but I've seen takes sooooo stretched that I wonder if we did play the same game.
Yes, there are some meaningful messages about grooming, hubris, trauma, manipulation and corrupting power, and that's great, but it's not a philosophy treatise.
It's a D&D game, a BG3 one: there will be Bhaal, bad guys (squiddy, in this case) and a party of adventures that will do funny things. And that's frankly ok. I'm more surprised on how Larian gave us a great freedom on choices, not just with the dialogues, but also with ambient interaction. Or the great effort that they've put in acting every single line and writing the description of every single item.
I'm happy that people felt seen and happy playing the game, but sometimes an interaction is just an interaction, no need to try to find a hidden message or a great meaning behind it.
I agree and disagree and here is a rant.
Tldr. It's healthy to write analysis and it's good to make your brain think and David Cage should have his fingers cut off. Also the "it's not that deep" crowd is incredibly annoying.
I don't think it's particularly good to have a "consume product, get excited for next product" mentality when it comes to media and just drift through life. I'm not saying that every piece of media deserves a deep analytical philosophical treatment as some of it is just horseshit, but it can be a very fun exercise to just think about things. Even thinking about why something sucks in detail is an exercise in clearly laying out your argument, which is a valuable skill to have. It's also okay to say "Hey. This thing is objectively terrible, but I nonetheless love it without any elaboration." That's me with Cube Zero. It is an awful movie, I love it so much! I think writing unironic deep thoughts about how the plot of the movie is actually deep and it is commentary on the prison system and capitalism is incredibly stupid.
I think when we resort to mindlessly consuming content without giving much thought to it with a "it ain't that deep" mindset is when good writers get burnt out and we allow hack frauds such as David Cage to fester. And that is criminal to me. Because fuck that guy. We get a video game where a robot is forced to sit in the back of the bus in an incredibly poor analogy for racism, and people enable him and say that it's good writing and he announces a new game and we are in hell! Who keeps giving him money?
That being said. There are many times when writing actually means something and it's frustrating when people dismiss it as "lol silly dnd game". Some people do over-analyze it, yes. Some people say something incredibly insane like that woman with a 7 minute video about how Wyll is a cop with NPD. What the fuck was that. But here is the thing with writing: Unless you're Steven Moffat, words and actions in a story are almost always written to actually mean something. It's written to be important and it's healthy to think about it. In TV shows, yes: sometimes the curtains are just blue because the person decorating the film set just felt like blue curtains would look neat. It is an entirely different thing when explicitly pointed out in written form or said in dialogue.
I often think of that one interview with Harlan Ellison, where he discusses Ellen in IHNMAIMS. A reader of the book didn't know that Ellen was black. Harlan being Harlan, asked them what the fuck the reader was talking about as he literally wrote the line "…her ebony skin in the snow" in the goddamn book. The reader didn't forget that line! In fact, they thought that it was some unimportant metaphor and it wasn't that deep. So he pushed extra hard for Ellen to be black in the game adaptation because people were just that fucking stupid.
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Hi :)
first, I wanted to say thank you for your kind hearted replies and informative explanations!
It may sound like a weird question (sorry in advance), but how do you come up with an original idea? I have tried brain-storming with myself a couple times, and it seems like every idea I’m trying to materialize was already published; or the plot I’m building is based loosely on a book I recently read.
I’ll try being more concise - how did you ‘open up’ your mind for new plot lines?
thank you 😊
Coming Up with an Original Idea
What Qualifies as an "Original Idea?"
We have to start by managing our expectations when it comes to originality. As writers, we all want to be "original," but what does that actually mean? We often think it means coming up with an idea that has never been done before in any way, shape, or form, but that's an unrealistic expectation. It's not impossible, just unlikely. That's because there are 130 million books in the world, with millions more added every year. And that's just books... that doesn't even include TV shows, movies, plays, musicals, poetry, songs, video games, board games, comic books, graphic novels, and real life stories. The point is, there are so many stories out there, it's very unlikely that you'll be able to come up with something that shares nothing in common with anything already in existence. But that's okay, because...
Humans Are Creatures of Habit
By and large, humans are creatures of habit. It's why we have friends, it's why we have hobbies, it's why we have routines, it's why we have "comfort shows" and "comfort foods" and why we like visiting the same places and doing the same things over and over again. It's why there can be countless teen vampire romance novels. It's why the MCU is able to exist. It's why we have so many zombie stories and dystopian stories and monster movies. Those things are all popular because of their similarities... because of the tropes and plot elements they share, but also because they find new and interesting ways to use those tropes and plot elements, and that's the key.
Focus on Tweaks, Twists, Surprises, and Subversion
Instead of trying to come up with something that's completely original, look at the stories you love the most. Is there a way you can combine some of those ideas, tweak them, subvert some of the tropes and expectations, put in a few twists and surprises? That's how you come up with something new and original... sure, it shares elements in common with other stories, but what matters is the way you use those ideas is new and different.
How to Open Your Mind for New Ideas
Guide: Filling Your Creative Well will walk you through different ways you can fill your head with ideas. The more sources for ideas in your head, the more places you can pull from, the more opportunities you have to tweak, twist, and subvert those ideas to create something new.
You can also have a look at Diversifying a Story That’s Similar to Existing Story for help with putting a fresh spin on a story (or stories) you want to pull from. It will also help you tweak your existing story or planned story if you're worried it's too similar to the inspiration story or another story you found out about.
Have fun with your story! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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santajp · 1 year
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Credits (Left to Right / Top then Bottom): @pedrodesenhador | bnuuyman | LightMizano | Pixcello
Each person needs a heart, an empathy and caring for others as well as the Earth itself, one that manifests itself in an opening of one to their own flaws and doubts, or at least- that is what Rain believed for most of her life. She was raised by a group lost in the forest she'd call home rather than parents, being left at a young age near the town center before being found and helped into young adulthood with skills made from surviving near total isolation from the outside world. Though despite how that sounds, she and the many others are rather happy with the circumstances, perhaps even viewing themselves as deserving of it. Most people in the town know magic and have known it for their whole lives, being former rogues who attempted to steal the source of the forest's magic years ago, only to be trapped in the always changing paths. Though once working with one another as well as the magical nature within it, they began to live in tandem before finding their own lives inside, and Rain took these ideas to heart. Though she never really was a fighter, always seeing it as a last resort, she learned basic self-defense as well as basic spells to go with it, being able to sense living things around herself and keep track of threats nearing her or her allies by training nearly every day for years, and when she got blessed by a goddess to save the world, she a gained super strength and speed that could break the largest stones. With a slew of kicks and punches, often led into by hiding via nature to lunge out and attack, she has kept the forest safe from many villains who try to take the magic for themselves still, having the power and durability to keep her home safe time and time again.
She also has a talent for cooking, which she uses often to help new people who get lost in the forest and make treats for herself much of the time, alongside a near constant want to help others in any way she can. Though before her days of nearing the level of a goddess, Rain found the source of her power by wandering, finding out more of her home in strange temples and hidden parts of the grand forest, passing the ancient runes she knew so well for whatever of the outside world was left behind. Often things from outside the forest would get in through one way or another, then taken by the magic to be shifted around to all parts of the tress, making what began as a simple want to clean the forest of litter became a passion made by finding old VHS tapes, consoles, TVs, and anything else she could get her soft paws onto. Rain took what she saw as the technology of the future and brought it all home, making a whole room adorned to neon colors, a Sega Genesis, and tapes of all the media from modern devices she could emulate.
Cooking shows became places for new recipes as video games grabbed her attention immediately and radical shows made her immediately want to make new attacks, such as the Blossom Punch, a forward attack where she jumps to add momentum to seem as if she is flying with a red trail, Circular Destruction, a pair of attacks where she kicks her opponent upward to then jump up from under them to ram into their back as a spinning ball, and the Bit Kick, a slew of kicks that she counts in intervals of eight. Though one day, the tapes had something new. It was the same as many others mostly, being many TV shows and movies all on one tape, but one commercial caught her eye, advertising a way to your bloodline with one test. It was her chance to find out her parents and other jackalopes, so she rushed to book an Ober on her barely able to run the website computer and got to leaving the next day. Rain then met four of what would become her lifelong friends, having to be cramped into a car with them, fighting over aux cords and getting into small arguments. Though she helped them, as much as she could at least, trying to be caring even in the strange situation to try finding her parents. Through the strange technologies that made hers seem suddenly obsolete, new natures of vastly different parts of the world, and her own feeling of finally being able to have- a family- or perhaps just a normal one. Rain got closer to the people she was somewhat stuck with, knowing she was going to show her new friends her family at the end of their road trip.
Though once reaching her destination months later, she found the place she needed to go to, following the exact address of the commercial to only find a building made into rubble, leading to the reality that there wasn't an easy way to find out where she came from, that there wasn't anything perhaps left to find out. She was brought to tears, almost thinking the whole trip out of her one home was useless until her new friends comforted her, much like the town did all those years ago, making Rain know she already had a family in them, made by kindness for others. After a year with her new family and once the world needed a hero and a truth for her own power, she chose care of her world and the people in it, the wonder of life in its many forms as her one truth.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
I don't know if I fully believe in the concept of NYRs but... idk, I do have some things I've been working on for myself, and I guess it's fair enough to call them NYRs. These issues are a work in progress, and I am a process. lmao
[cut for length and so you don't have to scroll through my personal issues if you don't want to!]
My first two NYRs are ones that I've had on my list for many years. You'd think that means that I'm very bad at them, so I have to keep adding them to my to-do list. But actually, I've had a lot of success with them both, which is why I keep them both on there every year as a reminder.
1. Every time I complain about a bad thing, try to find, create, or promote a similar good thing.
This is the one I've had for the longest. Some times I'm better at this than others, but I always find myself renewing my commitment to the idea this time of year. I've struggled with depression for most of my life and I think at heart I'm probably a pessimist. It's very easy for me to get bogged down in negative things, especially when things have been so objectively shitty for everyone the past few years. In my teenage years especially, I had trouble moving at all without tripping over something that made me angry. And anger can be good! Anger can motivate you to demand better. But better things do exist in this world, and the past few years I have tried to funnel my anger into amplifying those things.
So, y'know, every time I complain about a movie I think sucked, I try to recommend a movie I think was pretty good. When I get frustrated at a narrative choice in a piece of media, I try to think about a choice that I think worked better. When I hear about some fresh new atrocity in the news, I try to find at least one good thing that's happening, too, even if that's just in response to that bad thing. (I find that finding charities to support helps me a lot there.) When I feel like there are ugly things everywhere I look, I try to make something beautiful.
I think I often get frustrated with bad things because I feel that things should be better. So the best way to assuage these feelings isn't to just get angry with the bad things. It's to find those better things -- or make them myself.
2. Consume at least one new piece of media every week.
This can be a movie, a book, a tv show, a video game, anything so long as I haven't consumed any of it before. I've tried those movie-a-week things or book-a-week and it's not a bad idea, but I tend to get a little bogged down. I think I've realized over the years that what I really need is a sense of freshness to keep me going. Otherwise I'll just watch WWDITS and play Stardew Valley 1000 times and stagnate a bit. Stagnation is a real problem for me, so I do a lot to try to combat that. I've definitely discovered that a constant stream of fresh new things helps with that, no matter the medium. I try to keep this river flowing, so to speak. And trying new things is fun!
Now onto a couple things that I'd like to work on in the coming year specifically...
3. Use my resources to make myself happy.
I'll preface both of these upcoming sections with the fact that uh. I was raised kind of weird fundie evangelical, and I have found that unlearning some of that shit takes a lifetime. When you're raised to internalize that joy is sinful if it's not in service to God (...we were neocharismatic, so dancing was okay in a charismatic situation) then it's kind of hard to do things just because you enjoy them, especially if they are "wasteful" in any way.
Like I can justify a hobby that is building me in some way, like an academic pursuit or learning a new skill. I spend... a lot of my free time trying to better myself, which is something that probably requires some self-reflection. lmao. I can also justify hobbies that benefit others, like writing someone a story or doing something for a charitable cause. I can even justify a hobby that might make money. But doing things specifically for me just because I enjoy them and they make me happy... that's harder, especially if they use up resources.
Like... I discovered in high school that I liked working with wax. We did batik in one of my art classes and I loved it. I still haven't gotten myself batik materials (I keep thinking "but what would I do with the cloth?") but I have started to dip my toes back into making wax melts. It's cliche, I know, but it's fun. I really enjoy it. I love making new smells and new appearances and getting really creative with it. It makes me feel like a mad scientist, a little bit. But... I mean, it's not a cheap hobby. And it takes up a lot of my actual physical energy -- which, as someone with a lot of chronic illnesses, really is in short supply. So I've felt oddly guilty about it, especially because I know I should be saving more diligently for my accessible bathroom. Like, obviously being able to shower safely is more important than being able to play with wax molds...? But... you have to have joy in your life, too... And that's not a sin.
(Sin is bullshit anyway! But still.)
I've been kind of offsetting the guilt I feel by giving wax melts to others and by kind of making vague-ass plans to maybe sell my excess one day, but like. I need to reframe the way I'm thinking about this endeavor. It's nice if my hobby can bring benefits to those around me (and make back the price of materials maybe) but it doesn't have to. It's enough if creating a weird little laboratory in my basement makes me happy.
The same goes for some other things, too... If I want to spend fifty dollars on materials for cross-stitch, that's okay! If I want to buy myself a ticket to a concert that I'll look forward to all month, that's okay! If I want to take the train up to NYC to see an exhibit and hang out with a friend, that's okay! There's value in joy, even if it's mine! Especially if it's mine!
I want to spend 2023 experimenting with new hobbies and new experiences and new treats for myself. I'd say I deserve them, but deserving has nothing to do with it. I don't have to deserve it, and I don't have to earn it. It's enough to simply enjoy myself, quietly and exuberantly and in service of nothing.
I had a stint in my teenage years where... honestly, my family lost everything. I couch-surfed at a family friend's house for a few years because we didn't have a place to live. I watched my parents cling to a job with a deeply, deeply abusive boss because it was the only way to keep insurance for my medical expenses -- and back then, there were a lot. Hell, I spent several years in there too scared to tell my parents about my symptoms because I knew we couldn't afford a doctor. So... I probably have some issues when it comes to saving and spending money... but the fact of the matter is that there's no point in having money if you're not willing to enjoy it a little bit, and it's not like I'm spending irresponsibly or refusing to share what I have. I save, I donate, I give gifts, I try to make the world better in at least tiny ways. It's okay if I try to make my own life better, too. ;o;
I keep telling myself that, anyway. Maybe this coming year I'll finally be able to make myself believe it. lmao. It's a worthy endeavor.
4. Allow myself both pride and joy in my work.
I'm a good writer! I'm a good editor! I make lovely things! I make people happy! Writing this paragraph is very difficult for me!
Back under point one, when I said "I try to make something beautiful", I initially thought "I make something beautiful" but then I felt bad. Like I was being arrogant or too up my own ass or inflating the quality of my work. But I didn't want to take it out, either, because I do attempt to make lovely things when I see shit. I think it's important to combat horror with joy, no matter what that means to you. So... I compromised and wrote "I try to make something beautiful", and I hope that next year I am mentally healthy enough to be able to write "I make something beautiful."
How do I put this... My parents were always supportive of my endeavors growing up, and they were never stingy with praise when I did something right. This isn't some weird situation where I'm trying to earn praise that never came. It's just that even as a child, I have never been able to internalize praise, which has had the effect of making me feel like I'm never good enough.
Feeling like you're enough is... I mean, I think it's a struggle for a lot of us. I think that's a very human emotion. But I'm coming to terms with the fact that the way I look at praise isn't exactly healthy, and I do think I've come to pinpoint where a lot of this is coming from.
While my parents were always proud of me, there's always been this idea there that praise should be private, and so should pride. You thank someone in private. You do good in private. You praise someone in private. And you never speak of the good you have done.
Like I said, I grew up fundie. I think my parents were, in some ways, rebelling against "false" Christians (a whole other discussion...) who would do good simply to put themselves on a pedestal later, or worse, who would hold it against others or manipulate them with favors. My grandmother is the QUEEN of this, so I see where my mother's feelings came from. So there was always this drive from home to be good silently and without attention, and that you should never accept praise for it.
That combined with the wider teachings of the church, which again, really emphasized humility -- especially in girls, sigh -- and made us "give it to God", so to speak. I don't do good things. God does good things through me. That sort of situation. It's why my grandmother is so upset that both my mother and I write secular fiction. Our gifts came from God and should be used in service of him -- so, as a tool for proselytization and a weapon against non-believers. :') You know the type.
(Side note: no, my mother has never, ever read any of my fiction even though she has begged. No, I would die. I only started reading hers as an adult once she became one of my clients. It's kind of weird how we both decided to write but never let the other read any of it, haha.)
Anyway, my point is that I have a very difficult time accepting praise which means I have a difficult time internalizing praise which means I have a difficult time ever feeling like I have done something worthy of praise, and I also feel like an arrogant asshole whenever I do manage to feel good about my work. This is obviously less than ideal. I've been slowly working un untangling my negative reaction to pride, especially because I don't actually think I'm bad at things. I just... think I'm a bad person when I admit that I'm good at things. It's a process. lmao
I tend to reread nice comments that people have left me when I'm feeling really down on myself. That's why I've been saving kind replies with the "praise" tag. It's partially so people can block it (I... always assume people will not want to see me accepting praise, HMM) but mostly so I can go back and find it later. I have a much easier time allowing other people to praise me than allowing myself to do it. But I also have a hard time believing it...?
I've had some success with telling myself that it's disrespectful to my readers if I don't trust what they say about my work -- like, am I accusing them of lying to me? Of having bad taste? If it's neither of those things, then the praise must be genuine. That's actually helped quite a bit. I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that I have talent.
But even just writing that last sentence made me wince a little bit! Damn it! It's really hard for me and I'm trying to just... force myself through it. Tell myself that my work is good and I'm not a bad person for acknowledging that. Sometimes saying my work "makes people happy" is easier for me, especially because... I mean, it's probably that in service to others thing again... but it also puts the onus of preference onto them and not me lmao.
But yes. In 2023 I am going to allow myself to linger over praise and maybe even let myself believe it. I am going to tell myself that my writing is good, and no, this is not going to be the fic that I finally fuck up and disappoint everyone. (And if I do write a fic that no one likes, that's okay, too! It's okay to experiment with what I like! It's okay to write something for me and not for others! Joy for my sake!!!) I am good at this and my writing is good and people like it and I kind of like it too and that's okay. It's not perfect, but nothing is. And there's value in it regardless.
I'd stare in the mirror and force myself to look myself in the eye while I tell myself I did a good job and I should feel happy about that but I don't keep mirrors in my house because they creep me out! I have tiny ones in my bathrooms because they came that way but they're not useful. lmao. At least not for gripping the sink at 2 am and forcing yourself into self-appreciation.
(I'm a nice person! I'm smart! I try my best! I try to be patient with people who irritate me! I write nice things! People like me, damn it! ;o;)
4b. I will be open about my charitable donations.
A corollary to 4. Like I said, we were always supposed to be good in private. I have always marked my donations as anonymous when possible. But I had a charity last year have a little pop-up when I did that, and it told me that I may think that donating privately is the honorable thing to do, but that studies show that donating publicly encourages other people to donate as well. It lets your friends and loved ones see you do it, which gives them the idea to do it. It lets strangers see the name of real people on the page, so they don't feel alone and it encourages them to donate as well. And in the case of things like abortion funds, it lessens stigma to vociferously support them.
And I hadn't thought about it that way, honestly. I still won't talk about like... actual dollar amounts... but I do plan to be more open about the charities that I support and how often I support them.
This year I donated to Immigration Equality, Philabundance, Dysautonomia International, HIAS Philadelphia, a few different local community fridge projects, RIP Medical Debt, Feeding Texas, the Native American Disability Law Center, a few local abortion funds, a gofundme to help evacuate disabled Ukrainians, the Nationalities Service Center of Philadelphia, the National Parks Service, RAICES, the Philly Zoo, World Central Kitchen, and various disaster relief charities. (As in, direct response to temporary disaster relief funds.)
If you'd like to know more about any of those organizations, I would be more than happy to give you more information so you can support them as well. They're all causes I believe in, so I want to help get the word out about them however I can, even if uh. Honestly this might be the part of this post that feels the most awkward for me to write. It really goes against everything I've been taught, but I don't want my need for privacy to outweigh their ability to fundraise. : /
5. I will be better about replying to people.
This one feels self-explanatory. :')
That said, I'm gonna go eat dinner now and... not reply to the asks that are in my inbox now.
aaaanyway yeah those are the five things I'm gonna try to work on in the coming year! None of them are things that can be fixed in a year and none of them are things that will change the world but like. I want to be happier. I want to let myself be happier. I want to be a kind person, a person who is patient with others' faults, and I think I need to start including myself in that.
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asterigos · 2 years
Nine favorites? I forgot the title already, oops.
favourite colour(s): Purple (especially a deep purple like amethyst), dark red (like crimson and burgundy), and Black. If we’re being super technical black’s not a color, but bite me.
favourite flavour(s): Of what though because it differs greatly. I guess... Mango is usually safe?
favourite genre(s): To write? C R I M E. I’m a sucker for it and I’m sorry 90% of my OCs are criminals. I’m trying to work on this. But closely followed by supernatural/fantasy (if it’s mixed with crime? *Chef’s kiss*). I also love pirates, and I do love me stuff based on mythology (modern and historical settings), but that seems to be a rare interest for others. Fun fact: Aside from my OCs who are labeled as being from mythology, three are heavily inspired by it but their stories veer off into being their own things.
favourite music: Rock, alternative, metal. But sometimes I want to listen to indie or even a little pop.
favourite movie(s): I honestly don’t remember most movies I’ve seen. Uh... I’ll circle back to this. (Five minutes later..) Okay, this is super nerdy but... the Blue Planet and Planet Earth documentary series because they’re the only ones I can think of that I’ve seen multiple times and enjoyed with each viewing. I spent my spring break in high school watching them both for the hundredth time.
favourite series: I’m one of those weirdos that rarely ever watch TV, like maybe one series every several years. I’ll come back to this. I’ve been thinking for a while. It’s hard for me to watch tv shows these days, no matter how much they interest me, because they always get canceled. Especially the fun gay ones. :| I did used to spend my Fridays in high school watching the various CSI shows, NCIS, Law & Order (the regular one and SVU), and Rizzoli & Isles until Jane said “I love you” and I felt so queerbaited and dropped it shortly after. I’m still salty about this.
last song: Stygia - Alissa White-Gluz (from the Metalhellsinger OST)
last series: The Haunting of Bly Manor
last movie: Carol, back when it released so 2016?
currently reading: Nothing, I need to start a new one because I have so many books. The last one I read was Circe by Madeline Miller.
currently watching: Let’s Plays on YouTube.
currently working on: Catching up with my dashes and plotting for the day then back to playing video games.
Tagged by @inexorcble, thank you! Tagging... Idk who likes to be tagged and who doesn’t, so @chaosinfiniti and anyone else who wants to can say they were tagged by me.
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techtired · 2 months
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YoMovies has everything I could want, from heartfelt dramas to thrilling movies. When I use YoMovies, I'm ready to get lost in a world of fun. If I want to watch classic movies or the newest hits, YoMovies has what I need. Take a deep breath, relax, and let YoMovies take me on a movie trip I will never forget. Benefits of Using YoMovies for Movie Streaming No matter how often I watch movies or how much I love them, YoMovies meets all my needs when it comes to watching movies. These are a few reasons why YoMovies has become my first choice for all my movie-related needs: YoMovies has a vast library of movies from different themes and times, so there is something for everyone. YoMovies has many movies, from independent gems to old Hollywood hits. Anytime I want, I can find movies by my favourite directors, try out new styles, and watch old classics again. YoMovies lets me watch my favourite movies from anywhere, at any time. YoMovies lets me watch my best movies on any device, whether sitting on the couch, driving, or in the air. The easy-to-use interface allows me to look for and switch between streams without problems, no matter where I am. YoMovies lets me enjoy unlimited streaming at a fraction of the cost by offering a fairly priced alternative to going to the movies. This makes it a good choice for me as a form of entertainment because I can watch as many movies as I want without thinking about going over budget. The great streaming is one of the best things about YoMovies. Things like buffering issues and videos with low quality are never my job. With high-definition quality, YoMovies promises that every movie I watch will have the best picture and sound possible, making the watching experience perfect and fun. YoMovies is constantly adding new movies and films that are already famous to its library. I never worry about missing out on new movies or TV shows because YoMovies keeps its content current. So, I always have the latest fun at my fingertips. When I use YoMovies to stream movies, I get a unique movie-going experience that I can't get anywhere else. It's become my primary way of having fun because it has everything I need for my movie likes. So, I step back, relax, and let YoMovies take me to a dream movie world. How does YoMovies Operate? Using YoMovies, I soon saw how the service runs on ad income. I come upon a range of ads as soon as I get to the site. YoMovies mostly depends on sponsor advertising to generate money. The website gets paid every time I click on one of these adverts. Every visit to YoMovies usually calls for me to click on an advertisement to get the desired content. It's noteworthy that repeated ads usually also show up while I'm trying to download something. With adverts driving a significant portion of its income, this website essentially gains from distributing illegal content. YoMovies' unique qualities Among the top movie streaming and download websites available online, YoMovies provides numerous tools. I find the following to be some of the main appealing characteristics: Online Movies: YoMovies lets me view their vast free movie collection with just a few clicks. Drama, horror, romance, comedy, and more abound in the genres to provide something for everyone. The website features Hollywood, Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam films in several languages and quality ranges, making it simple to view movies in the style that fits me most. Many films are dubbed in Hindi; if I'm unfamiliar with Hindi, I can pick subtitles in English, among other languages. TV Shows and Web Series: YoMovies aims beyond movies. I also view and download online series and TV episodes. Searching by genre, category, and language helps me quickly identify what I enjoy. YoMovies features a great assortment of both old masterpieces and the newest releases. An array of choices: One of the greatest aspects of YoMovies is the range of accessible options. HD quality allows me to view my favourite movies and shows, and while downloading, I may choose the optimum quality for my requirements. YoMovies provides the best fit for whatever quality I seek, guaranteeing an excellent enjoyment value. Is YoMovies Safe To Use? Regarding security, YoMovies is not safe. Given it's a pirate website, various hazards are involved. First, the site is loaded with advertisements, occasionally resulting in dangerous websites that raise security issues. YoMovies also runs against copyright laws, which can cause legal problems, particularly in nations with vigorous copyright enforcement. I run an emulator like LDPlayer 9 to guard against unwelcome malware and dangerous websites. This emulator lets me use a VPN and a top-rated browser like Firefox, guaranteeing only the emulator is impacted by any possible problems utilizing YoMovies. How do I get movies from YoMovies? It's easy to get movies from YoMovies. I stick to these rules: Go to YoMovies.com Pick the film you want to save. Click the "Download" button next to the movie you want to watch. A new window appears with a list of download options. I pick the movie quality and style here based on what I like. Just click "Download" and then watch the movie. The same steps can be used to download TV shows and web series. How can I watch movies on YoMovies? If I'd rather watch movies online than download them, this is what I do: Visit the YoMovies site. Use the search bar to look for the movie. You can choose a streaming option based on the level you need. I could pick a link from a different site or stream from YoMovies' computer. Press "Play" to listen to live. The same method is used for watching TV shows and web series. By taking these simple steps, I'll be able to enjoy a wide range of entertainment options on YoMovies quickly. Top Alternatives Of YoMovies? Soap2Day Soap2Day is another excellent streaming substitute. Soap2Day is one of the best choices among the big, current assortment of movies. This site is user-friendly since it allows you to explore your favourites by genre and rapidly get to the most recent releases. Since everyone can quickly navigate Soap2Day, it is a top pick for movie streaming. iBomma If you enjoy Telugu films, iBomma is the ideal streaming platform. iBomma is well-known for its large library of Telugu movies, including the newest releases. The best thing is that starting streaming does not require registering. Just go to the website and explore the most significant movie collections that are accessible. SolarMovie Another fantastic choice for online viewing is SolarMovie, which provides premium links to view films for free. Along with a large collection of TV shows and movies spanning all genres, this website also has anyone wishing to access a large spectrum of material quickly who may find SolarMovie a good option. FAQs Is YoMovies free? Yes, YoMovies is utterly free. Movies are freely downloadable, streaming, and uploadable. Is the Safe website YoMovies? YoMovies is not deemed safe. Being a pirate and torrent website, the material is not legally distributed, which can cause legal problems. Frequent advertisements on the site could also expose you to dangerous websites. How might I view movies online for free? Legal websites or applications like Peacock, Crackle, Vudu, or Tubi provide free streaming of movies and shows, so you may view movies online for free. Read the full article
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kawaiigraphix · 3 months
Chapter 1 - Circle of Life
As I was lying in my hospital bed, I thought to myself that I was lucky that it was comfortable. It was going to be the last bed I ever lay in after all so I was glad it was a comfortable one. My pillows were fluffy and comfy and my comforter was warm and soft as well. I couldn't be in a more comfy place in my last moments on this Earth.
Even better, I was re-reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I couldn't tell how many times I've read this book series but it was definitively quite a few. I've been reading the Harry Potter books since I discovered the series when I was fifteen to now when I was thirty-two.
I wasn't a fanatical fan like some of the others were that were obsessed with it to the point of being able to remember the Wiki and Wizarding World information from the top of their head and able to argue the lore, but I did like to read the information on Harry Potter lore and characters sometimes (and make lists). I didn't remember everything I ever read about but I still remembered quite a lot - Harry Potter being my special interest after all.
I smiled as I remembered how hyped I was when I was one of the 1st million users that were allowed to join Wizarding World (when it was still Pottermore) - we had to answer all sorts of trivia questions! I loved the fact that I could say I was officially sorted by the Sorting Hat even if it wasn't real, or that a wand had chosen me, or what House I was sorted into when information about Ilvermorny came out. I didn't check on it every day to see what new information came out, but I did like to check about information on my favourite characters if I remembered to.
However, in the last few months I do have to admit that I took to reading and re-reading books and fanfictions a bit more. I was dying after all and I wanted my last days to be full of the things I loved. So I binge watched my favourite TV shows, movies and anime; listened to the music I always loved and read my favourite books, mangas, webtoons, fanfictions and all that jazz again for the last time.
I didn't have the energy to play video games or Dungeons and Dragons anymore, but I did watch others. I had a few favourite Twitch streamers or YouTube Let's Players that I liked to watch and of course the several Dungeons and Dragons streaming groups, like Critical Role for instance.
I listened to music to drown out the beeping of the machines that kept me as alive as possible with being in pain most of the time and not being able to breathe on my own. I was actually hoping it would be over soon to spare my family and friends further pain of having to come visit me at my death bed every day.
I was also hoping that it would be over soon so that I wouldn't be in pain any longer.
I never felt comfortable with them coming to visit, especially my mother. All throughout my young adult life I kept telling her that I didn't want to suffer if I ever got an incurable disease or if I was in constant pain like my grandmother was when she had cancer, but the moment I wasn't able to advocate for myself anymore, my mother ignored my wishes and kept trying to keep me alive longer.
I resented her for that.
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sureuncertainty · 11 months
but that (and going thru the comments on the youtube video) got me thinking about how fucking SICK I am of this cynical attitude towards art and stories and media today. the whole idea that things were just better in the good ol' days. one commenter says "this is exactly what's wrong with the disney parks today, bc everything is a cash grab" like yeah? it's a company? and like yeah capitalism is bad, and yes it ruins things a lot of the time, and yes it can feel hopeless but you are SO WRONG if you think that the disney parks as they stand today do not have some of if not THE best examples of incredible detailed immersive storytelling in their lands and attractions
defunctland's video talks about how impressive the original space mountain in disneyland paris based on the jules verne novel was, and how it saved the park from bankruptcy because of its success and specifically talks about how impressive its storytelling was, managing to tell a story while also being a thrill ride. which made me think of guardians of the galaxy cosmic rewind, which is imo one of the best examples of immersive storytelling while also being a thrilling coaster AND having an absolutely banging soundtrack (bc if you say you don't want to ride a rollercoaster to one way or another by blondie you're lying).
like disney is making new things that are ALSO REALLY REALLY COOL, and there's always gonna be new things that replace old things, because things CHANGE that's just life.
this goes for literally all kinds of art, like it makes me think of those stupid tumblr posts that are all cynical and 'capitalism has ruined art" and "everything is soulless" and "every movie is a cash grab" and "don't watch barbie bc it's just an advertisement" etc. etc. etc. like oh my GOD this year has been an amazing year for film and TV and there are SO MANY amazing stories and storytellers and movies and shows and books and video games and theme parks and attractions and theater and musicals that are being made and coming out right now by passionate creatives who CARE SO MUCH and i'm so SICK of this attitude that none of that matters actually bc capitalism
like yes, be critical of capitalism, yes be upset about poor marketing decisions, be angry when your favorite show that means so much to you gets cancelled, mourn the loss of art that you loved, but you can't live in the past or the good ol' days, and if you do you're just gonna miss all of the amazing art that is right in front of you.
good stories have been told since the beginning of time and will be told until the end of time. and like not to be dramatic but capitalism is not the death of art because art will never die.
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thejokerswildcard · 1 year
i am a firm believer that there is no such thing as a “fake fan” especially of something like batman which has so many ways to enjoy it. this is something i feel very strongly about too. i don’t care if you only watch the tv shows. or the movies. or you’ve only listened to an audio drama. or maybe you’ve only played the video games. i. do. not. care. we all like batman, and isn’t that what matters?
now, then why is it that every time i walk into a comic shop my brain immediately goes “ooooh you’re a fraud. you are SUCH a fake batman fan. i mean come ON. you haven’t even read every single batman comic to ever go to print! i bet the guy at the counter thinks you’re a fake fan too. yeah i bet when he rings you up he’s going to think “wow this is a fake batman comic for fake batman fans.”” like. what????? what does that even mean. i could not tell you what “fake fan” means in this context, because i literally do not believe that term means anything. and when i’m in there i’m sweating bullets like someones going to come up to me and suddenly quiz me on batman lore. like. why am i like this. i have literally never had a negative experience in a comic book store. everyone has always been super friendly and given me comic suggestions and stuff. yet. ?????
anyways. in related news. i’m going to a comic store tomorrow💀
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anonymus-enby · 1 year
my relationship with food (part 2)
Right know I’m doing better than in those phases. And if I had the money, I could eat out every single day. But deep down I know that it’s still not good enough yet with me easily skipping a meal a day and when I make myself some lunch its not as much as it should be. And like mentioned before- dinner is also not that enjoyable. Ironically, when I went to the two therapists that went to (only for one session each) I didn’t really mentioned it because I guess in my head it is not really real- or I just don’t want to worry about another problem, you know?
Oh my, this is again much longer than I expected. I hope it was not too confusing. But there are so many things to talk about and I constantly fear that I am forgetting important things. I guess I could just write it in my next post if I forgot something and mark it with [edit for last post]
[edit for last post] my hobbies
Alright, I totally forgot to mention my hobbies in my “that’s me” post. So I’m gonna talk a little bit about that now. I feel like generally I like everything and nothing at the same time. I am always jealous of the people that have like one distinctive hobby that they love so much, they spent every time they have on it. I don’t really think I have that. But before I start to write an essay again. I am going to try and sum it up a bit:
I like to…
… read (favourite book: the secret history by Donna Tart)
… learn languages (I am learning Swedish right now)
… film and edit YouTube videos (but since I am anonymous here I can not say what my channel is called)
… watch TV Shows and movies (I’m currently watching the show ‘criminal minds’ recommended by a friend and I absolutely love it! Especially Reid of course ;) I just started season 4. Movies are a bit hard to generalize but some of my favourite movies are: ‘bohemian rhapsody’, ‘the greatest show’, ‘dead poets society’, ‘call me by your name’ and probably much more that just don’t come to my mind right now)
… play video games (mostly something for the Nintendo switch. I wish I had money to buy the new Zelda and Mario game. But I also sometimes ‘play league of legends’ with my brother)
… cook and bake (ironic I know, concerning the topic of this post)
… make music (I play a little bit of piano and the guitar, and I make wannabe songs with lame lyrics and always the same easy chords. Also, they are mostly really depressed or really depending on my mood. And sometimes there are other songs in-between)
… make friendship bracelets (I know, it sound kind of lame but it is actually quite calming. Especially when you listen to an audiobook or a podcast while you make the bracelet)
… explore things that interest me- but never enough to actually remember things (like Greek mythology. That shit is crazy)
… say good-bye now (wow, what a creative transition!) I hope once again I didn’t forget anything, but this is it for now. See you later!
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As a kid I was super sheltered, and was always in trouble, so I have this super weird mix of not understanding most pop culture until 2016 or so, but my parents let me read as much as I wanted.
I remember I was on a first name basis with the librarians in middle, junior, and high school, and I remember that the junior high and high school librarians had a shelf behind their desk where they’d keep books I hadn’t read yet they thought I’d like. Because I was a voracious reader, I read every fiction book in both my middle school and junior high. I remember fondly checking out 3-5 books in the morning when I got to school and returning the 2 or three I’d finished during the school day, and finish the rest at home that night. Every day.
As an adult I lament that I no longer read as many books as I used to. But I also am allowed to play video games, and watch tv, and listen to music, and podcasts, and audiobooks. And I realize I’m still consuming *content* at a terrifying rate.
Last year I listened to 35,000> minutes on Spotify, over 2 months of continuous listening on audible, and I’m always watching a new show or movie. Ive watched (or tried) most things on Netflix that I have any interest in. I’ve almost finished watching all the Disney and ghibli movies, and I’ve watched all of gundam, all within the last couple years.
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ashleyfanfic · 2 years
a soft, stay at home ask game answers game
stole from @hellcheerocracy 💐🌻
your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else) my battles playlist - Ride for the World's Ending is on it - if that doesn't get you pumped to write some battles, I don't know what does.
how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they? none - I kill every plant I touch. Like bowl weevils.
your favourite “grounding” activity (anything that involves using the hands/doesn’t involve “spacing out” or escapism - something like gardening, knitting, dancing, cooking) Drawing. Whether on my tablet or in a sketch book.
an account on social media whose posts make you smile It's a TikTok Account - JoshFromEngland - I love that little British man!
5 tv shows that cheer you up Bridgerton, Friends, That 70's Show, Big Bang Theory, and Stranger Things
how you get relaxed when you’re struggling to sleep I usually start reading
your favourite board game Scattergories
if you were going to write a non-fiction book on any topic, what would it be? DAENERYS DID NOTHING WRONG
a quote that you would consider getting tattooed or putting in a frame "An emergency on your part does not on my part make!"
something you’ve created in the last year that you’re proud of (a playlist, a piece of art, some writing, a craft hobby, a social media account, etc) Dude, I got a chapter of Love on the Brain out in the last few months and I didn't think I could do that!
a tip or hack you’ve learned that makes cleaning or tidying easier lemon in a bowl of water for 1 minute in the microwave will help you get that thing sparkling.
if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick? There is already a candle that exists. It's called Mountain Lodge.
the last so-bad-it’s-good joke you heard I don't know. My memory is shit!
an artist (of any kind) whose work you look forward to seeing Gah, can we just talk about digital artists? @dragonanddirewolf @jaxxartbox are the first two that pop to mind!
the last tv episode that made you laugh out loud The Friends Episode "The One Where Everyone Finds Out" - I legit laugh every damn time even though I know it word for word.
how you wake your body up when it’s feeling tired, achy or needs a stretch Dr. Pepper
a bath, shower, beauty or toiletry product that makes you feel revived, or that you always re-order when it’s running out Aussie Shampoo - that smell is just the best!
a book series you can always escape in Bridgerton and even Harry Potter.
the sport or exercise you enjoy the most, and what’s helped you get better at it I love watching college football, but I can't play anything. My back is being held together with two screws and a bolt.
a skill you’ve picked up in the past few years I feel like I've become less judgmental. I just don't feel like there's anything rewarding in it.
a youtube video you find useful, entertaining or relaxing COMING HOME AFTER A PARTY | CIAN TWOMEY - YouTube
if you were going to dye your hair any colour of the rainbow, what would you choose? bright aqua blue
the book you just finished and what you thought (no spoilers!) the last book I read, I think, was part of a Court of Thornes and Roses, but I opted out after the second chapter cause it was boring. I didn't get the hype.
describe the most wacky, weird and wonderful at-home outfit you’ve put together I have a pair of pajama pants that are so worn and comfortable and have a hole in one knee and the other knee is thread bare. I also have a series of black tank tops that all look like they've been attacked by moths but they're worn and comfy. Yes, I'm wearing tank tops in the winter.
a game you’re playing that takes your mind off things CubeMaster 3D
the film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again I can't remember the last time I watched a movie that's new. I usually go back to the ole standbys.
your favourite flavour and brand of tea I can't have tea. It gives me kidney stones.
a good-will story you’ve heard on the news that’s made you feel hopeful I don't watch the news or read it if I can help it. I'm anxious enough as it is.
a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make Premade biscuit dough, marinara sauce, grated mozarella cheese, and pepperoni (option) - pizza poppers
a song that makes you want to have a boogie round your bedroom Jesus, so many - Shut Up And Dance - Walk the Moon, Take Me Home Tonight - Eddie Money, Electric Youth - Debbie Gibson, Work - Rihanna & Drake
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deccanera09 · 2 years
Entertainment industry
Entertainment is a broad term that can encompass many different activities. For some people, entertainment is simply a way to relax and unwind after a long day. For others, it may be a more active form of recreation, such as playing sports or going to concerts. There are endless possibilities when it comes to entertainment, and what one person finds enjoyable may not be the same as what someone else enjoys. One of the great things about entertainment is that there is something for everyone. Whether you prefer to sit back and watch a movie or show, or you prefer to be more active and participate in something, there is an activity out there that will suit your needs. There are also many different ways to access entertainment, whether it be through television, the internet, or live events. No matter what your taste in entertainment may be, there is sure to be something out there that you will enjoy. So go out and explore the many different options available to you, and find something that you can really get lost in .
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This industry is constantly evolving, and there is always something new to see and experience. Whether it's the latest blockbuster movie or the hottest new TV show, there is always something to keep us entertained. However, it's not just the big-budget productions that are worth our attention. There are also a lot of independent films and shows that are worth checking out. These productions often offer a more unique and personal experience, and they are definitely worth our time and attention. So, if you're looking for the latest news and updates on the entertainment industry, be sure to check out our website Deccan era . We'll keep you up-to-date on all the latest and greatest entertainment news.
Advantages of entertainment
Entertainment plays an important role in our lives. It helps us relax and escape from the stresses of daily life. It can also provide us with a much-needed break from reality.
There are many different forms of entertainment, from movies and TV shows to music and books. There are also many different ways to enjoy entertainment, including going to live events, watching movies at home, or playing video games.
No matter what form of entertainment you prefer, it can have a positive impact on your life. Entertainment can help reduce stress, improve your mood, and even boost your brain power. So next time you need a break from reality, be sure to turn to your favorite form of entertainment.
Disadvantages of entertainment
While entertainment has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. One disadvantage of entertainment is that it can be expensive. For example, tickets to a movie or a play can be quite costly. Another disadvantage of entertainment is that it can be time-consuming. For example, watching a movie or a play can take up several hours of your time. Additionally, entertainment can sometimes be addictive. For example, you may find yourself spending too much time watching television or playing video games.
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The entertainment industry is a massive and ever-growing force in today's society. It touches nearly every aspect of our lives, from the movies we watch and the music we listen to, to the games we play and the television shows we watch. It is an industry that is constantly evolving and changing, and one that provides us with endless hours of enjoyment.
The entertainment industry is a vital part of our economy, and it employs millions of people around the world. It is an industry that is always changing and adapting, and one that provides us with endless hours of enjoyment. Thanks to the entertainment industry, we can escape the stresses of our everyday lives and enjoy a wide variety of entertainment options.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a merlin, lotr and marauders era hp matchup/ship request? Thank you! My pronouns are she/her and I’m bisexual.
Personality: I originally come off as quiet, and aloof. It can seem standoffish but I don’t mean it too I just don’t trust very easily and am uncomfortable with strangers/new environments. I am my best when I am by myself or with my closest friends. With my closest friends I’m quite open, fun and talkative especially when talking abt things that interest me. Im quite the good listener as well when it comes to my more extroverted friends. Im also introverted, imaginative, creative, individualistic, reserved, structured and picky in my own way, all sprinkled with a little bit of sarcastic humor.
Hobbies: Digital Art is probably my biggest hobby. If I could I would spend all day at home with my trusty tablet and stylus drawing with an audiobook of my favorite novel/tv show running in the background. Apart from art I absolutely love working out. I kickbox and weight lift most days of the week. Lastly I love playing video games, spending time at comic book stores, the movies and coffee shops.
Interests: I work in the digital media arts and love creative coding, interaction design, and computer graphics. I think my favorite thing is that combination between the artistic and the technological.
Love language: this one is definitely acts of service.
Thank you!
oh hello again, i remember you from last time! because you got a hobbit matchup back then, for the lotr matchup i definitely am going to specifically use lotr characters, so hopefully you'll enjoy this one too! (it is a good sign you came back, isnt it?) btw sorry i couldn’t work your digital art into this well, all of the worlds kind of dont have tech? but you can imagine that its digital
for merlin,
I ship you with
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- Guinevere is as sweet as they come, but that does not mean that she’s not totally fierce too. It was easy for you to fall for her, just as it was easy for her to fall for you. 
- She adores watching you work on your art, especially when you give it to her after. She has a whole drawer in her desk just for all the pages you draw onto. When you work, she’ll read a book, though she most often won’t read and instead stare at you over the rim of it. She’s not very subtle, either, so even if you’re concentrated you can basically feel her eyes burn into your hands. 
- She always blushes when you do something for her, though you do it often. She’s used to doing the work around the castle, so when you suddenly pick up the things she’s supposed to carry or take the books from her hand or sweep when she’s busy otherwise, she doesn’t quite know how to react apart from thanking you and smiling so deeply her dimples show. You think it’s the moments she’s the most beautiful. 
for harry potter, 
I ship you with
Remus Lupin!
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- Remus is as out of this world as you are. He matches you perfectly, your sarcasm meeting his halfway out of your mouth, your quiet exterior but chaotic mind the same his is. With him, you can share anything and everything and not fear misunderstanding. 
- The first time he saw you working out, he dropped the things he was holding and had to try three times to make a spell work that would put his broken ink bottle back together and the spilled black ink back inside it. After that, he watches you whenever he can. He doesn’t join in, even if you ask him to, he’ll just deny it, and he’ll always have some parchment or book in front of him, but both of you know that that’s a ruse and nothing else so that he can stare at you train. 
- You absolutely turn every conversation into a sarcasm competition, and every snide remark that you can think of he’s also thinking of, and then it’s “who can say this faster and win”. Sometimes you team up and throw so many sarcastic comments at your friends for doing something stupid that James will end up screaming and dragging Sirius and Peter out of the room while you’ll turn to look at Remus and the two of you will double over with laughter. 
for lotr, 
I ship you with
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- Haldir is quiet, he thinks before he says or does anything. As an elf, he has the time to. Unlike you, this doesn’t change when he gets to know someone better. He’s always like that, but you don’t mind - you can sit for hours in silence with him, especially outside. While you draw, he’ll braid your hair or read a book or work on some paper or just sit and enjoy the time to think. 
- It’s different though, very different, when you work out with him. While you focus on the body itself, he, as most elves, uses bow and sword, and he’s as talented as none other with both of them. But he lets you walk him through your routine once, and he does the same for you. The both of you rather stick to your own things, but you do gladly practise together. He’ll use an old sword for training as you do your best to sweep his feet from under him or get his face, and when you lift him up, he shoots at trees and later on, orcs. 
- He’s not as used to physical closeness, so he won’t be the guy who necessarily cuddles up to you, but when you ask him to hug you or kiss you, he always will. And when you do something for him, especially when you take out an enemy that was his to fight, he gets the deepest, most genuine smile on his face and always catches you in his arms, pulling you close to him and placing a kiss on your head. Or, well, not in battle, but once you’re both safe and sound again. 
can’t tell if you’ll like your results, so if you don’t, gladly come back for another round! 
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
daddy dom pt.2
Headcanons on the types of Daddy Dom Toshinori, Hizashi, and Fatgum are. 
All three of these men are underappreciated. 
Warnings: Daddy Dom relationship, (the rest is only mentioned, there’s no real detail) punishments, slapping, spanking (with and without a paddle), anal play, ball gags, handcuffs, and rough sex
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Yagi Toshinori
Toshinori’s been exposed to dominant play in sex, but it’s never captured his interest. Sex to him is sensitive, sensual, and intimate. The harsher side, slapping, choking, and anything close to rough, he is more than unenthusiastic towards. He can’t find pleasure in pain, even if the pain gives you pleasure. It’s caused so much heartache in his life, and he truly can’t bring himself to incorporate it during a time that’s supposed to be passionate and loving.
However, he isn’t opposed to being a Daddy. When you bring it up, he reads about and talks to you about it in detail before making a decision. He doesn’t mind being dominant. In fact, he quite enjoys being your protector, someone who you can confide in, who you can snuggle up against, sheltered in his arms while he pets and kneads your body. He’s your number one supporter and shields you from the stress of the world.
Toshi is the sweetest Daddy. You’re his sweetie, his sweetheart, and his sweet girl. Whatever catches your eye, he keeps in mind to buy for a present because he overindulges your every whim. He has money. He has the necessities. He rarely buys himself expensive, lavish things, which means he has plenty of money to spoil you with: books and movies you’re interested in, new clothing and jewelry, that adorable stuffed animal you reluctantly walked past, board, card, and video games, lotion, blankets, etc… 
He dislikes punishment and so very rarely uses it. It’s at most a light spanking to get your attention. Daddy prefers positive reinforcement and talking to you about your misbehavior. That way, you can understand who important listening is, especially when it comes to his rules. You shouldn’t eat too many cookies because it’ll upset your stomach. You shouldn’t leave clothes and books strewn across the floor because someone could slip and fall. You shouldn’t cum before he permits because he is your Daddy and listening to him is important. The second you apologize, he’s back to caressing and kissing you.
You should always try to wear Daddy’s favorite colors. It gets you more cuddles and compliments. Anything in lilac, baby pink, and soft cream draws his hands towards you like a magnet. Panties with cute, little bows are a cherry on top. Wear a cream dress at home. Your lavender panties can be seen through the thin material. From across the room, you can feel his eyes. He’ll eventually tell you to come and sit on his lap. He massages your sides as you rest on his shoulder. If you want, start grinding. Your gradually wetting underwear informs him of your arousal. Don’t worry, he’ll take care of it for you.
For bedtime, he has a soft spot for cock warming. He absolutely loves falling asleep when you’re connected. He’ll lay down. You just have to straddle him and slip him inside. Don’t move. Simply lay on his chest, kissing his collarbones and neck, drowsily mumbling how and why you love him. His hums of love warm your body. His breath warms your skin. As you start to drift off, his arms cushion you safe and sound- your own little safe haven. 
Soft sex is the norm. Daddy’s respectful, attentive, devoted, and eager to feel the heat of your body. Each easy thrust pushes deep, stretching you to fit him perfectly. Don’t hide your face or moans. They urge his hips to forage for more. When you’re fussing because you’re right there, he speeds up, kissing you profoundly, fiercely, whispering in his amorous, baritone voice, “It’s okay, Sweetie. Let yourself cum. Daddy’s right here. Daddy’s right here.”
Because of Toshi’s physical health, he isn’t able to have sex as frequently as the other guys. But he still pampers you plenty. He’ll buy you a pink vibrator to circle your clit with. You can ride his bare thigh, spreading your wetness over him as he guides your hips. He’ll watch you hump a pillow and cry out for your Daddy. He’ll finger you till you’re satisfied. He just wishes you to be pleased however, and whenever you need it. 
Rough sex isn’t exactly rough sex. But you do get to ride Daddy however you want. You can bounce excitedly or grind hastily or buck in sheer, vulgar heat. His compliments mix into groans the more you ride. He sucks your breasts. He spanks your ass. He grips your thighs until his nails nearly cut skin. It’s the time for you to have your fun and make Daddy feel pleasured like he always does for you.
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Yamada Hizashi
Straightaway, Hizashi knew dominance was something he wanted. He likes leading and commanding someone under him, probing, inspecting, and licking every part of them. When you start a relationship, he opens up to you, wanting to know what you do and don’t like, and his interests are shared back.
You’re his one and only baby girl. No one else gets that name but you. You’re his teddy bear, snuggling you at bedtime. He shows you new places, feeds you new foods, and gives you new experiences you’ve never had before. Your joy and delight is the epitome of beauty. He strives to see it in your eyes and smile as much as possible.
On top of being his baby, you’re also his little experiment. He does everything to you, in whatever way he wants: fingering your ass, slowly spreading you wider and wider, praising your patience; having you ride two dildos at once as he watches your breasts and expressions; forcing you to stand still with a vibrator deep within you, unable to cum or whine or even move until he’s completely and utterly satisfied. No matter what it is, he just likes having fun and thinking of new ways to make you squirm.
When he’s out and about, go onto his laptop and search for whatever you want. Do those panties look incredibly comfortable? Add it to his cart. Is that necklace calling your name? Add it to his cart. Is that cute glass wand something you want to play with? Add it to his cart. He’ll buy them all. And the second they arrive, you better use them. Wear only the panties and necklace. Lick and rub yourself with the dildo. Show him just how much you enjoy the presents.
One thing you can do to help your Daddy relax is to let him suck your breasts. Hizashi hides his stress well. When he’s abnormally snugly, burrowing his head into your chest, hibernating under the blankets with you, it’s stress. Take off your shirt, and he’ll attach to your nipple. It’s not sexual. Something to nurse on is soothing for him. Daddies need comfort too!
Hizashi is super playful when he’s in his Daddy mode (not that different from his usual self, but he’s more hyperfocused on you). Keep in mind that that doesn’t mean he won’t discipline you after any mischief. If you don’t follow the list of rules on the fridge, fun Daddy goes away and it’s punishment time. His go-tos are timeouts, no phone, no Tv, early bedtime and, as much as it pains him, no cuddling.
When you’re being really disobedient, his voice lowers, grating his throat, vibrating his chest. It’s definitely provoking. His spankings even more so. As he stuffs you full of anal beads, you begin to think it isn’t even a punishment. But then he blindfolds and ties you up. You’re left all alone in the bedroom, in the cold air, can’t see, can’t move, only able to feel the toys gorged deep inside you for hours. If you fuss, he comes and puts a ball gag in your mouth. It’s best to wait it out until he’s convinced you’ve been appropriately disciplined.
Punishments often transition into rough, fast, dominating sex. You’re still bound and gagged and stuffed as his thrusts start. Let him hear your helpless whimpers. Let him listen to your drenched, lewd sex every time he sinks deep. He spreads you wide open and fondles you however he wants. Don’t be a bad girl. Grant him ownership of your body. It frequently ends with him cumming in your ass and plugging it with a butt plug. Keep it inside because the punishment isn’t over.
While he does enjoy the rough and tough, Daddy also values slowing down, kissing your body, and gifting you with plenty of loyal, loving rapture. You can choose the position: do you want to ride him as he kisses you? Or do you want Daddy to draw out his time on top of you, thrusting deep and intensely, giving you all the pleasure in the world? Either way, he makes do, nuzzling your neck, squeezing your thighs, praising his baby girl for everything she is.
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Taishiro Toyomitsu
Taishiro is naturally so playful and so willing to experiment. The way he unconsciously praises his partner is a hint to his inner Daddy just waiting to come out. He sighs, ‘that’s a good girl’ as you blow him. He groans, ‘good job, baby’ as you cum. He grunts, ‘you’re taking me perfectly’ as he releases, thick and heavy, inside you. All you have to do is whimper for your Daddy and from then on out, that’s exactly who he is.
Baby, baby girl, little girl, good girl, Daddy uses them all. You’re his major weakness. He’s your biggest cheerleader, your safest space, your confidant, the one you can run to when you’re upset, overwhelmed, excited, and scared. He never wants you to feel alone. It’s a Daddy’s responsibility to ensure his little girl feels respected and heard, and he always assures you’re loved.
Daddy loves bathing you. He sits beside the tub and washes your back. He’ll coo loving praises as he cleans your body thoroughly. The plush washcloth and soothing soap brushes feather-light across your shoulders, down your back, and between your legs, making sure you’re neat (and cute) as a button. After you’re wrapped in a huge, fluffy towel and carried to bed where you’re slowly patted dry. Then he bundles you to his chest for sleep.
Compliments your ‘pretty pussy’ all the time. It’s Daddy’s and it’s beautiful. When he’s watching TV and the mood strikes, he slowly lays you down, lifts your dress, takes off your panties, and fingers and stretches and strokes you to his heart’s content. But he won’t let you orgasm. And you can’t complain or touch yourself. You can only lay open for his pleasure. He delights in your tongue sticking out, searching for something to suck on, and your glazed-over eyes silently begging for him to give you so much more.
Tai is definitely the type of Daddy who likes to be comforted now and then. He tries to hide his insecurities so you don’t worry. But he deserves the care and attention he’s always showing you. When he’s fidgeting with his clothes, ask him for some skin-to-skin cuddling. Kiss his stretch marks. Sigh or sing for him. Just woo his beautiful, handsome heart.
Cock warming is one of his favorites. It can be a punishment when you’re back talking or not listening. He makes you sit there for hours, your wet, swollen lips around his cock as you squirm, trying not to touch yourself. Then when he finally finishes, that’s it. You don’t get any gratification for misbehaving. It pleases the dom part of Daddy Dom. He also uses it whenever he misses you and your body. You sit on him and relax against his tummy, softly kissing, gently stroking him as both your arousals drip and mix together.
Rough sex means you’re going to get controlled. Cute, pink nipple clamps go on, handcuffs restrain your wrists behind your back, and a paddle will spank your ass raw. The paddle has little hearts in it, imprinting the designs onto your sore skin. Every thrust jerks your body, bearing his weight brutally into you. Every clit slap arches your back, harsher and higher. Every little sound you make will be praised, earning you more and more spankings. As you cum, the thrusts keep on coming, fully intent on making you orgasm until the sheets are soaked.
But when you finally collapse, Daddy tenderly releases your hands, gently lifts you, then carries you off for a warm bubble bath. If you ask, he’ll most certainly join. Arms will cradle you perfectly to his chest. Lips kiss all over your shoulders and chest, cherishing your scars, idolizing blemishes, worshiping every inch. He wants you to know and feel how much he treasures you, especially after particularly rough sex.
To start soft sex, Daddy expects you to sit on his face. Grind as his tongue tastes all of you. You have to cum on his face at least once before proceeding. That’s his one rule during lovemaking. Other than that, you can ask for anything, and he’ll oblige. Holding you close, he walks you through every orgasm, asking, ‘how much do you love Daddy?’ With how highly he coddles and comforts you, it’s indescribable. 
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