#theres a couple more but the gist is there.
dandyshucks · 4 months
as much as i love being able to randomly churn out a bunch of different styles of art, i have very little actual control over how things come out fhdkdl so ,,,
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working on some studies now to try to figure out how tf i am doing what im doing fjdkdl - hopefully i can sniff out some patterns in the styles so that I can better control what comes out of my pencil ( ╥ω╥ ;;)
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
Do you have any timkon HCs?
kon, like all supers, is a giant softie at heart. tim you have to hold his hand. tim he wants a hug. tim he is laying in your lap and daydreaming about picking out cutlery sets together when you decorate your future home together.
tim is an expert clothes thief. kon is more laid-back about his acts of theft but they do happen. what this means is that sometimes kon will steal a shirt tim stole from dick who stole it from donna, and everyone involved just has to live with that.
tim has yet to successfully teach kon to skateboard without any ttk involved. kon isn't convinced it's physically possible. he has, however, discovered that he loves roller skates!
(yes, this means they do have skate park dates.)
one time kon, half asleep, smiled dreamily at tim and, trying to compliment his eyelashes, told him adoringly "you look like a cow."
it took tim a minute, but he got the gist and did in fact blush really hard about it.
bart, texting cissie: "kon just told tim he looks like a cow and tim is blushing about it. whats wrong with them"
they start dating without realizing they're dating. everyone else can see it very clearly. they are the last to figure this out bc they just melt into it so hard (when you already have a STRONG bond built on deep devotion and trust, etc, what's a little thing like sharing clothes and a bed? and being extra physically affectionate? it's nothing major!)
tim's gender: he's just some guy kon's gender: ✨💖🌟 babygirl 🌟💖✨ together: [bystanders looking on like. how tf did that generic dude land THAT?] except kon is always like LOOK AT TIM HE'S THE PRETTIEST MOST SPECIALEST BOY
they are not the first queer relationship either of them has. tim dates someone else, kon has a passionate makeout with simon valentine at senior prom that turns into a summer fling, tim is NOT jealous, it's just that as kon's bff he thinks kon can do and deserves better ok. and its NOT a whole Thing™ that later on he's smug about simon posting sad breakup song lyrics on instagram. its literally normal theres nothing going on here
one time tim gets a superboy merch jacket styled after kon's leather jacket thinking aw im being supportive and wearing his merch <3. and kon is so offended bc YOU CAN LITERALLY WEAR THE REAL THING ROB. I HAVE BACKUPS. TAKE THAT SHIT OFF PUT MY ACTUAL JACKET ON RIGHT NOW--
they eventually have two apartments, one in metropolis, one in gotham. this is bc you can't permanently take tim out of gotham, but kon would be miserable if he moved there permanently, too. they alternate places.
kon is a morning person; tim is a night owl. kon likes to dote and make tim breakfast every morning; if tim doesnt give him his good night hugs and kissies before he goes to bed he'll pout and also cry. that's a threat tim!!!! he'll cry, do you hear him!!!
kon has a spare collapsible bo staff + a couple batarangs in his gay little thigh pouch. for tim. <3
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acidsaladd · 3 months
incoming rant abt a possible ninjago atla au u have been warned
the gist of the au and what i have in me head is that lloyd is the next air avatar but for some reason the air nomads are skeptical/afraid of baby lloyd so misako takes lloyd and skidadles far away from the temple. because of this, lloyd grows up as a regular kid with no air benders around to teach him air bending And no knowledge that hes the avatar (and therefore that he can bend the other elements)
fast forward to when hes like 9?? 10? wu finds him, surprise ur actually the avatar its training time something something big spiritual evil that might be related to garm something something then wu Leaves and so the training bit falls onto the ninja. which. none of them is an airbender mind u and lloyd Still doesnt know airbending. so they teach him the other elements and Hope that he somehow learns air by proxy
i have a very small and not rlly thought out idea for what an equivalent of the aging tea could be but this is basically it in terms of bg and going forward its just ur usual avatar and ninja shenanigans
ok. now. i have a couple ideas for why the air nomads could be wary of lloyd. one is that they know garmadon is his dad and garm has been cursed by a Particularly Evil spirit and so they think evil dad equals evil son and they dont rlly wanna deal with that so they r like we must get rid of the child he will reincarnate either way its no biggie which,,, uhh yea lets not
the other one is that the nomads have discovered that lloyd is going to be the first avatar that is a direct decendant of the first ever avatar (the fsm) and so they want to like?? harness his power or smth idk.
(the only problem with these ideas is that it kinda relies ok the air nomads having kind of violent and evil solutions to problems so i stil. dont rlly know 😭)
the point is!! one way or another, misako starts seriously fearing for lloyds life and the fact that he might not ever have a choice over it as his own so she takes the baby and Runs.
[abt the fsm, raine lowkey gave me this idea entirely so shoutout raine hello but i was thinking that theres two of them. like. u have the FSM, the first ever avatar, all plwerful godly being. and then u have the dad, the f in fsm stands for Father, this guy is just wu and garms dad. i dint have much else thought out for him just. yea]
now. if i want to talk abt the possible aging tea equivalent i need to talk abt garm. soo augh idk abt garm but i think rhe gist of it is that hes been possessed/corrupted by a spirit bc of a deal he made or for messing with a spirit when he was researching things. the point is hes known as this being that brings chaos and stuff but then wu and misako reveal to lloyd like, thats ur dad actually, and misakos being researching ways to bring him back and lloyd stumbles on this research and decides (not so smartly) that if one qants their dad back one must do it himself so. he manages to contact the original spirit that garm annoyed
so they talk and the spirits like "well i Would give him back but he kinda made me lose my time and energy on him for like,, 4/5 years so unless u figure out a way to give me rhat time back i aint giving him to u" and lloyd goes bet take does from me no biggie
so then lloyd makes this deal not rlly knowing what hes doing and he goes back to the real world and suddenly he has a brand new dad and also abt two whole heads more in height woops
(this all happens post training arc starting so lloyd already knows the ninja and has been living with them for a while)
so ive been Rlly debating whether i should do the Usual thing and just stick em in the element rhat they have in the show. OR (and this is the idea im leaning more towards) i go with vibes. obviously the vibes are still informed and consider their element in the show
ok first kai and nya. i want them both to be fire nation buut idk if i should make them both firebenders or make them have their usual elements. i do wanna let nya be a waterbender, However since they do live in the fire nation (most likely in a more rural town far from the mainland) nya would be a waterbender that uses mostly firebending styles and techniques. i just have always found this type of mix and match they do with aang and zuko specifically SOO COOL i love it so im gifting that to nya
cole is an earthbender obvi. i havent rlly thought much abt cole bc i immediately decided he would stay an earthbender and didnt question him further.
NOW HEAR ME OUT HERE. i kinda rlly want to make jay earth kingdom and leave him as a non bender. why??? bc the Vibes man. i want to rlly focus on his engineering and tinkery side. i think he would still be rlly involved with bending and stuff and he tries to find different uses to bending outside of fighting. maybe him and cole are childhood friends and jay is always bugging cole to try some of his projects with coles bending.
and finally zane!! hes water tribe but i struggled to settle him on either tribe. i think the northern tribe could fit him in the future but i do think he's originally from the south. i feel like the south gives him more potential to be the specific brand of Peculiar that zane was in the beginning of the sbow. and since this is situated pre war, the southern water tribe would be bigger and better off than how we see them in atla so it would be cool to explore that
so im picturing him as the weird son of the local medic and whatever else dr julien gets up to . so maybe dr julien is teaching zane stuff and he gets Rlly Rlly good so they send him to a bigger settlement with better teachers and eventually he decides to leave the south pole to continue learning and stuff.
i do have ideas abt how wu gathers them together but ive ranted way too much so i will make another post on that if i remember to
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omori-sv-au · 7 months
this blogs anniversary is coming up on the 27th which is CRAZY so heres a wip of an anniversary piece and also an explanation as to why i suddenly dropped off the face of the earth
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tbh 90% of the reason ive been gone is bc i moved out and started up university, theres kinda a lot going on in my life rn but the main gist of it is that my program is super intensive to the point where ive had basically no time or energy to draw basically anything, let alone update this blog LMAO
and then i just kinda stopped checking tumblr or most of my social medias for a hot minute but thats another story anyways i wont lie the last couple updates i did back in august felt more like an obligation for me to do rather than something i was actively motivated to work on and i decided that i dont want to put in all this effort to keep updating when i don't have the motivation to do it because the last thing i want is to put out a half assed story not only for u guys but for me
this story isnt abandoned at all, i still think about them a lot and i still very much want to update!!! but until i can get that kinda energy back that i used to have im gonna take a step back because i want to keep updating bc i like to do it, not because i feel like i have to yknow
anyways sorry for that big rant and also for disappearing for a while but i think my break from tumblr has done me good
im gonna start posting my non-omori art on my personal blog @hyperfunnyblog soon because i wanna get back into it, and ill probably answer some asks too if anyone has any anyways holy fuck thats enough thanks for reading this blob of text
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writerofadream · 6 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Thirteen: Blowfish? More like blow my d- KIDDING
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Duncan and you grabbed your breakfast, and you stared at the mush with a replused look.
"Don't be a pussy, eat it." Duncan teased as you both went to grab some coffee. Well, you didn't like hot coffee. You just wanted to give him company.
"It looks like I'm going to get twenty diseases if I eat this." You whined. "Hm." Duncan rolled his eyes and you gave him a confused look. "Who'd ever though we'd see the day, Y/N L/N, a picky-eater." Duncan snorted, "What would your dear-old-dad, say?" He teased.
"We'll never know, because your not going to tell him." You threatened. "Mhm." Duncan smiled cheekily as he he hid a cup under his shirt.
"Once a criminal always a criminal." You smirked pinching his cheek. "Will you two idiots stop acting like an old-married-couple and come over here?" Courtney yelled and you had to roll your eyes.
"Coming, mother." You walked back over dumping your uneaten food into the trash.
Chris had you all gather down at the docks as he explained this weeks challenge. You got the gist, theres was some tension among the teams and the producers wanted to fix that.
The first challenge was rock-climbing. Chris assigned Courtney and DJ up there.
As you watched the chaos unfold from below you and Duncan gave commentary which the cameras picked up to Chris's delight.
"I don't understand, DJ is like the chillest person on the team, even Courtney doesn't got any beef with him." You had a hand on your hip.
"I think the producers are just bored, babe." Duncan groaned. "Well then we gotta fix that don't we, cutie." You smiled and Duncan gave you a side-ways glance. Nicknames were common for him, but coming out of your mouth?
Chris had you and Duncan going for the second challenge. "The extreme, cooking challenge!" Chris announced as spotlights flickered all around. "One partner will cook, the other eat." You paled.
Why, on earth, would they pick YOU for a cooking challenge?
"Oh god, save us all." Duncan stared at the ceiling his hands clasped together.
You didn't blame him.
You were going against Trent, and Lindsay, so you weren't exactly worried about the challenge. You were worried about surviving the challenge, not winning.
Oh and there was poisonous blowfish.
Duncan hit his head against the table groaning. Chris said you were going to make sushi, and you had to smile.
Chris had chosen the one dish you KNEW how to make. Your mama love sushi, taught you how to make it when you were four.
Suddenly the boy next to you was smiling.
(He had been there when she taught you)
Thirteen years ago
"Mami..." You whined. "I don't wanna cook." You gave the woman a pouty lip.
"Shush, bunny. What if I call, Duncan over so he can help you learn?" The woman gave you a light smack on the head but smiled once your cheered up.
"Really! Yay!" You danced in your little purple dress. Soon enough the black-haired boy was at your doorstep. "Heya, your mom called mine, said you were being 'whiny'." Duncan always had big vocabulary.
You giggled. "Come on, mama wants to teach me how to cook." You grabbed Duncan's hand. Duncan loved coming to your house. Always filled with so much love.
"Hello my little tiger and bunny. Today I want to teach you a dish that my father used to make me when I was ill." The kind woman knelt down so she'd be at your eye level.
Duncan smiled when he noticed how happy you were.
You cooked the dish with a practiced ease, you were humming to yourself as you danced around the kitchen cutting the blowfish up with ease. (The trick was to stab it, not poke)
You were laying the blowfish meat onto a pan and throwing some sauce on it as you felt a body behind you. You tensed, before you saw the familiar ringed hands go around your waist giving you a hug. "You doing okay?" Duncan whispered in your ear.
You were quiet for a moment. "Actually... yeah. It's like my mom is here, and it's been a while since she has been." You smiled wiping away a stray tear. "She'd be proud." Duncan smiled. "Her daughter, being an ex-con? I'm not so sure." You laughed albeit waterly.
"I don't know, your mom was a tough cookie, bunny." Duncan teased. "Shut up, tiger."
Finally it was time to show your dishes. Chris was confused on why yours looked so good. "I thought you were a horrible cook, girl?" Chris was bewildered. "My mom taught me this dish when I was young." You smiled at the thought.
Duncan took the sushi without a second thought. He trusted you, and he knew when someone taught you something, it stayed.
Oh and Lindsay poisoned Trent.
It's whatever, he'll live.
You and Duncan had one free hour.
"Can't hear you princess!"
He then promptly dumped you into the water. "This is bullying, it's because I'm a girl isn't it?" You whined as you floated on your back in the lake. "Actually no, it's because your my best friend and bullying you comes with the job." He said as he jumped in the water after you.
"So your saying if we start dating then you'll stop doing this?" You didn't look at him. "Hmmmmm.... probably." He jumped on top of you and you cursed him out underwater.
"Duncan will you be my boyfriend-" You said dramatically. "Uh no- if your asking me out it better involve roses and chocolate." Duncan laid next to you in the water.
You rolled your eyes.
At the last challenge, which consisted of Geoff and DJ, you noticed that Duncan was holding bunny. You were confused until you noticed DJ looked extra depressed on the tobagan.
"Duncan Tarun are you going to kill the bunny?" You had your hands on your hips and Duncan thought Holy shit she looks like her mom
"No, ma'am." He gave you a mock salute. "I'll break those fingers. Show DJ that the animals alive." You threatened and Duncan paled showing the man that his pet was alive much to your teams happiness.
|Trending on X right now|
Sadly, you all lost the challenge.
That night at the campfire it was clear the Courtney was becoming fed up with Chris. You had to applaud the girl for that. She got him through his whole campfire routine rather quickly.
He threw the marshmallows into all of your mouths.
Sadie got kicked off.
Yadda, yadda, yadda.
(You were a TEENSY bit sad)
You were less sad when you heard the EEEEING come from Sadie once she saw Katie on the boat. Poor, poor Chef Hatchet. Sending him thoughts and prayers for the drive home.
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zan0tix · 1 year
Do you have thoughts about Dirk and Jake's relationship in canon? I am not anti dirkjake but I do have a hard time understanding the ship and why it's so massively popular. /gen (I have not yet read the epilogues so I'm just working off of whats in the comic)
Oh boy. DO I. Im currently working on a powerpoint presentation thatll be a little guide/recap/compilation.. thing about them whilst im reading act 6 and ill post it whenever i finish rereading the comic and writing all my notes! It will go into all the little bits of dialogue about eachother or narrative ties to certain things and such and such. (Will probably post this some time in the next two months or three. no guarantees)
But! The portrayal of their relationship and who they are and their struggles felt so real to me and it constantly astounds me that theres a fictional character who accurately displayed my own struggles in such a sincere way i feel like im getting put on blast when people psychoanalyise jake english orz
Homestucks character writing and thematic paralleling are some of its best assets and dirkjake are FULL of some of homestucks greatest moments of both. I would say that this post from @/tomatograter goes more into detail about those said moments and also alot of the other reasons i like them! And what they said in this post was true!-
-Theres just so much you can explore in homestuck through their relationship and aaaguh i love it i love it and theyre so important to the overall narrative and its just so nice to see openly gay rep that is as realistic and honest as them in a story like homestuck.
Being a teenager myself coming of age stories are the stories i relate to and find captivating the most right now and i dont think ive seen another piece of media go about its teen characters the way homestuck did. Its got problems on the handling of said characters but i dont think ive read anything else as raw and honest about personal issues teens face growing up and how they affect relationships (of all kinds!) and dirkjake are a big part of that for me!
I dont really like majority of fanon interpretations of dirkjake i wont lie (alot of.. flanderisation and blatant mischaracterisation) i dont really keep track of fandom stuff or ship popularity i just like enjoying what i enjoy and drawing things and talking about it with friends haha
And i have not read the epilogues either! i know the gist of the events in each timeline and i read a couple chapters but that was like years ago at this point and i dont think i will ever attempt to read them or homestuck^2. Some of the ideas that were present couldve been interesting but i honestly have no interest in going anywhere near it from what ive read about it. It sounds like a total shitshow and its not required to enjoy homestuck proper anyway so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
But!! if youd like to hear more about dirkjake in canon id totally reccomend tomatograter's other posts on them!!! his analysis was the thing that made me Really interested homestuck and hehe im grateful because now im here. This post has alot more of his meta commentary about them and theyre all really interesting reads :D
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magic-aggy · 1 year
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love horse realises shes got hidden depths
mlpfim comic spoilers/lore speculation under the cut
so in one of the mlpfim chapter books, Cadance explains to twilight that she was found in the woods as a foal. no explanation is ever provided to further explain where she comes from in any of the mlpfim media. which is bonkers.
the facts are, she was found in the woods as a baby by an earth pony couple who raised her, when she was young she performed a feat of magic that caught Celestia's attention, Celestia adopted her and turned her into an alicorn. the exact timeline is unclear. so with that limited info there is no real way to speculate on where she comes from. but there is another character who has similar origins, and given that they both exist in the same piece of media, its a reasonable conclusion to come to that maybe Cadance and this other pony share roots.
comic spoilers ahead
the other pony in question, is Sombra.
Sombra was born an 'Umbrum', a kind of shadow fairy, think a breezie but made from smoke and darkness. the gist is, long ago the Umbrum attacked the crystal empire, failed, and were bound to a private crystal prison dimension for their crimes. the Umbrum eventually figured out a way to get one of their number out of the crystal in order to free the rest. they did this by forcible turning one of the Umbrum into a sort of imitation pony. a permanent transformation, that stripped the target of their memories and identity. this new 'pony' child, was Sombra. they were able to force Sombra, who had yet to even awaken after what was done to him, out of the crystal, into the icy wastes beyond, where he was luckily found by a guard patrol from the crystal empire before he perished in the cold.
theres a whole lot more that happens after that. but the key is the Umbrum turned one of their number into a sort of false pony, not truly a pony and no longer an umbrum, but close enough to a pony to pass for one magically and in pony society.
another key detail, it is unrealistic for an entire race to share a goal. there is no world in which the entire race of Umbrum wanted to invade and destroy the crystal empire. there must have been dissenters or people who didnt participate. there must have been Umbrum that werent trapped in the crystal with the invaders.
pulling it all together, i think it would be cool as fuck if Cadance was an Umbrum turned false pony like Sombra. maybe an Umbrum who felt guilt over what happened to the crystal empire, and had her peers turn her into a pony in the hopes that she could go on to save the crystal empire and fill the hole left by Princess Amore. modelled in the image of the lost princess, but with no memories of who or what she is, she was turned into a pony and left to be found and raised by ponies just like Sombra was. no memories to guide her, but a name, "Mi Amore Cadenza", a clear connection to Princess Amore.
theres like, other details that tie into this for me but this is all getting really long so ill be brief. in the mlpfim comics (#35 iirc?) Sombra lives at an orphanage as a foal, along with his only friend, Radiant Hope (who is another unicorn twilight foil). Radiant Hope befriends Sombra because theyre both outcasts, because she can see and regularly talks to what other ponies assume are imaginary creatures. in reality, she is talking to at least one Breezie and one Umbrum, who are show talking together to Hope, clearly at ease with each other if not friends.
i think it would be sweet if the Umbrum she was talking to was one who didnt participate in the invasion, but somehow discovered Sombra, and stayed to try and watch over him benevolently. i think it would be especially cool if that specific Umbrum was Cadance, before being turned into a false pony.
maybe her ponification was even a joint venture with the Breezie shown in the comic. and the reason Cadance has a normal pointed (non curved) horn and doesnt reflect her roots as a shadow creature is that she was made with love and wanted to be a pony, it wasnt forced on her like it was on Sombra. (After Sombra's redemption arc in the comics, where he embraces friendship and learns to love himself and not think of himself as a monster, his horn changes to pointed instead of curved.)
Sombra is the only one of his kind in existence, not truly pony and forever disconnected from his roots as an Umbrum. he is also someone who has done a lot of harm to Cadance personally, between attacking her home, mind controlling her and her family, and kidnapping her foal. she has more than enough reasons to hate him.
but he turns over a new leaf, he grows, and he starts putting in hard work to atone for his crimes by working to resurrect Princess Amore with Radiant Hope's help.
so Cadance, a pony led by compassion and kindness, would have to on some level force herself to at least outwardly accept his change in heart. because she knows logically he deserves a new chance at life. and the crystal empire is his home as much as it is hers. so she'd force down her feelings and be kind and graceful.
and over time it would eat away at her. along with the knowledge that one day Sombra will finish his task, find all the pieces of the petrified and shattered Princess Amore, and something about that makes Cadance churn inside.
maybe subconsciously she feels like a pale imitation of the 'real' Amore. maybe shes dreading the day that Sombra finishes his task and settles for good in her home. maybe she cant yet bring herself to really accept that he has changed, she wants to hate him, because he hurt her and because it would be easier. maybe she doesnt want Amore back, maybe she wants to hurt Sombra like he hurt her. maybe she has a secret rage dwelling deep within that tugs at her heart and threatens to overshadow her love and compassion and self control.
maybe one day, stressed and tired, she finds out Sombra is back, again, with pieces of Amore, and that this time he's back for good. and its only a matter of time until they reassemble the statue, and restore the real Princess Amore.
and something in her that has been straining and creaking for a long time finally snaps, and she finds in herself something she recognises, something she hates. she realises what she is, and she explodes.
anyway i think itd be neat if Cadance had a connection she can't deny with the creature she hates the most in the world. the fuckin. ugghhgh. dude imagine. Sombra is alone in the world, except he isnt, and the only other creature who is like him, is the creature who hates him most. and when she finds out that shes not really a pony, that shes a false pony Umbrum like Sombra, she loses her shit and goes all corrupted and selfish. classic MLPFIM mental breakdown represented by physical corruption/transformation. Cadance turns into Heartbreaker and starts wrecking shit. would be soooo so so so choice narratively and thematically. i gotta draw more of this shit.
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slash-me-please · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do slashers (Brahms, Sinclair Brothers, RZ! Myers, Billy Loomis and more if you’d like) with a Gender neutral partner who age regresses (SFW) to deal with trauma? I’m just in love with soft slasher works
Sorry this took so long! Hopefully its a nice surprise :)
Growing up in an asylum essentially, he understands many different coping mechanisms. He's seen many of them- and this is pretty tame.
He'll let you sit on his lap and watch a movie, color, whatever you desire, for a couple hours before wandering off- but you think that might be the best you'll get out of him.
Sometimes he'll bring you back stuffed animals while he's out, they're always dirtied or ripped though- but you appreciate them anyways. You wonder if he found them this way or if they got this way from his doings.
Overall, he's supportive.
Brahms Heelshire
At first he's VERY reluctant.
Of course he understands, theres no doubt that he does. Brahms has spent most of his life doing the same thing. BUT, there can only be one, right?
The two of you begin to take turns as a caregiver, which is a large ask for Brahms- but he'd do anything for you.
Brahms is genuinely the best, he'll let you cuddle up next to him and then he'll read you something older than The Great Gatsby. Then he'll act confused when you have no clue what's going on.
During these sessions, he loves when you fall asleep on him, he'll encourage it by running his fingers through your hair.
This helps him heal too you know?
Vincent Sinclair
You'll have to explain it to him first, but he understands.
He'll end up making you little wax toys that you end up not wanting to play with because "they're too precious"
His favorite moments are when you lazily watch him, curled up with your favorite plushie. You're drifting off to sleep watching him sculpt another victim, and he hums a tune that you'd grown familiar with. Sometimes he'll reach down and rub your head, letting you know he loves you in his own way.
He'll play with you too, if you want to of course. But if Bo is anywhere in proximity, he has no clue what toys are anymore.
Bo Sinclair
He's a bit divided at first, the boys have had a conservative upbringing. Anything different or out of line was shunned. (Hypocritical, I know.)
He seems taken aback, but you see him growing onto the idea one night when you fell asleep on his lap. You were holding a small blanket and had it clutched between your fists- and for once you looked... content?
If this helped you, he was all for it. He won't tell you he is, but you get the gist of things when he comes home from the store with a bag full of lunchables. Good try Bo.
Billy Loomis
Asks you if you'll call him daddy. You insist its not sexual.
He'll chase you around his house, lifting you up and tickling you into a fit of laughter. He loves to light giggles you release while you're in this mood.
He's a softy at heart, always ends up baking or doing some sort of craft when you're like this.
If you're having an especially bad day, he'll rock you to sleep in his arms. But you have to compromise, he insists as he turns on Monster house.
You'll nod in agreement, nodding of to sleep in his arms.
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ohnowthatsfowl · 3 months
So uhh let's revamp the Chameleon
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Technically, Firefeather!Au Chameleon, but istg i have only the gist of the movie and not the whole plot so we're only gonna focus on her powers, and how Shen + Mwamei gets involved.
Instead of summoning spirits and snatching their power, she has a much higher spiritual ability, and is even able to cross over via meditation and such.
She can still absorb powers, but not 'kung fu ability' because being small isn't an excuse (COUGH COUGH; MANTIS)
She even tries to take the powers of the furious five (which she's successful in) so really the only thing anybody can do is try to find new people to train
She was a fairily normal kid, Her mom being a fortune teller, and her dad teaching her kung-fu
One day (for reasons i really don't know yet) Her parents were both killed, causing her to want to bring her parents back
due to such thing needing immense spiritual power, she began to look into stealing such, and so she is who she is.
Firefeather couple involvement + half story i guess
Basically uhhh...So theres eggs now (funny thing is they scientifically would be like...BRIGHT green)
eggs/infants/fetus's should theoretically have some of the most powerful spiritual energy, since their forming requires such energy.
Mwamei tries to protect her eggs while Shen is caught off guard in his sleep. Mwamei fails, and they take her separate from her eggs, since she has been trained by the soothsayer.
During the final fight, Both Shen and Mwamei's parents show up. Mwamei speedruns her life story for her parents, while Shen's parents give him some closure (AKA: I'm proud of you for not killing many more people after that and am also shocked you got a wife etc etc. )
yeah thats basically it
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olfoartz · 3 months
Im starting a vote on my dicord every now and then for oc info. This is armani and markies. It will tell what life was before and after finding each other. Not super detailed just enough info to get the main gist of shit.
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Markies and Armani are both apart of the shadow realm. Each realm has birth defects. Markies just so happened to be born with ALL of them.
Birth defects are-
•Mostly white fur
•cyan anywhere
•unable to turn glow off
•more than 2 eyes
Markies has black only on his face. He has cyan eyes, 4 eyes in fact, and cant turn off the glow for his nose. Shadow realm inhabitants have glowing fur, nose, eyes, inside of ear and inside of mouth. They can turn it on and off. Markies can turn it off on his nose.
Because markies is the only shadow realm inhabitant whos ever had ALL borth defects had been hunted his entire life. He was easy to spot and a target for many. He was a liability to his pack / family so he had been dumped in hopes of being killed and never being the realms problem ever again.
The shadow realm protector wanted other realms to think they went extinct as it would benefit them in the war (more info soon on war) so they didnt want to risk sending him out as others would know they exist.
Markies had been (again) hinted his entire life. He had sustained life threatening injuries more than 5 times but he was able to find ways to hide such as digging under ground.
Normally no one would get with a mutant as they cant reproduce and because they cant reproduce they usually die out quickly. He also had no one to help protect him bc of this. He did have ppl find him and try to help protect him / adopt him before turning 16 but they all kept leaving him so he eventually stopped excepting help.
Armani had no big problems growing up, ofc the shadow realm being one of the most dangerous realms didnt help.
She may not have had any specific reasons for being targeted but the shadow realm is full of cannibals.
Armani doesn’t have any mutations. She is how ever infertile. She doesn’t see a problem with being with Markies as they wouldn’t be able to have kids even IF she was considered normal.
Markies had separation issues do to so many adoptions and abandonments in his past.
Markies and armani would be a couple for a good 20 years before the war, both living in the shadow realm for 5 and the forest realm for 15 before the war.
The war is a big war that all my OCs go through unless they choose to stay at home, even then their homes are effected as the lava/fire realm invade all realms except for the forgotten realm.
Armanis dies during the war. Markies ofc finds her. When he finds her he doesn’t leave and instead slowly dies laying next to her. Ofc she smelled as she decade but he didnt care, she was the only one who actually showed him what love is like.
Armanis dies at 32 and Markies dies at 29.
-i have a discord server that i post the lore on and have votes for next OC lore dump, next one is Time boy or Time watcher (same person different name) so if you are interested in my shit theres that. My insta has a highlight for my OCs so if you are ever curious you can look at them.-
If you’d like more info (not many will see this) then i can add it here if you ask in comments.
I might start writing the actual story out on AO3, i have an account but i dont have a lot of time / motivation to write it. I will try, heres my AO3
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Im currently using a phone as i dont have my laptop, but my ao as shown is olfo_stories with oc Steven and Lemon fighting. If i change it, it might be my fursona instead
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So yea 😩
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mutualaidforalll · 1 year
Hello hello!
I am Mod Vash- one of a few mods part of the system that will run this blog.
Mod Vash needs a New Car
We made this blog because we want to help boost other disabled peoples posts for aid.
Under the cut we'll include some info about ourselves, but let's get some info about the blog done first!
What we'll do:
Reblog mutual aid posts
Allow submissions for mutual aid
Allow asks for mutual aid
Reblog various posts for awareness on various disabilities
How we'll do it:
We know theres a lot of scammy posts around here, and we cant avoid all of them, but we will try our best. Generally, we'll do a quick check of the blogs- make sure theyre more then a few days old, or if theyve mentioned their disability before. If not, or if its brand new blog, its generally a scam.
We'll try to reblog around 2-3 posts a day in the que, maybe more, maybe less, depending on us and our energy levels and schedule- we are disabled too after all.
We are based in America, so if you aren't American, please include in your submission your currency and what app you prefer for payment since not all of them work internationally!
This post will likely be updated as we go, but for now thats all I can think of that isn't about us, so the rest will go under the cut!
About us!
We're a system in a disabled body- and all of us identify with the disabled label. We will not talk about our origins, nor tolerate any gate keeping or discourse.
We have POTS, brain damage, autism, and a couple other things we would like to keep private for now, thank you in advance for respecting us.
We all use he/him pronouns, and are all queer in some way.
Currently, we need a wheelchair but can't afford one due to being out of work for so long and having unexpected bills arise- giving us the idea for this blog. Realizing how much help we needed made us truly realize we could help others too by giving them a platform.
The body, and all of the members (except for one who will not be active in this blog) are all adults and are ok with submissions being a little "TMI" or "gross" since its natural with being disabled.
We'll all sign off with our names, and for those of us who have gifs of us, we might use gifs as well!
Our activity depends on our spoons, so it might not be consistent all the time. Please be patient with us.
I'm having some bad brain fog rn so I'll clean this up later but this is the general gist of it!
-Mod Vash (he/him)
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daisycraft · 2 years
greetings, i was told by a post on my dash that you are the creator of reprise/storybook au which i am eyeing very hard and would like to know more about. are there any posts/fics about it ? and if not, could you tell me more about the au? it looks really cool :]
ok hihi reprisal/the storybook au is my BABY i love it sm. theres a couple of other posts about it they're all tagged #storybook au!! I don't have any fics posted bc part of me wants it to be a larger multi-chapter one but i don't really have the motivation for anything large so several shorter ones might work much better.
the gist: it's a LL treebark where all of the alliances are these factions/kingdoms. the shadowlands, ruled by queen lizzie, is a very old-age kingdom that has the reputation of being very isolated and defensive, but lizzie has been working on opening up and repairing that reputation. the southlands is the recently born union of five smaller kingdoms that rejected their previous lords and banded together when the people were left defenseless during a massive raid that swept through the south. the council in place is the first generation of its kind made up of people who were very important in the efforts against the raiders.
ren is a knight for the shadowlands and earned his war title "ren the dog" during the southern raids, when he got disarmed and had to escape by fighting with only his teeth and bare hands. his proper title from when he got knighted is "ren the loyal"! he's lizzie's personal guard and one of her best friends and confidantes. he insists on putting on this role of a very cold, stone-faced knight during professional meetings when he's really such a sweetheart.
martyn is one of the councillors that was put in power after the raids, because he was the first to venture out to ask for foreign aid, and retrieved the shadow soldiers for assistance. in the south they're a very colourful people, and he's represented with a bright leaf green. martyn never exactly fit in with nobility, because he was a messenger first and foremost. it's his priority making sure people are comfortable and in-the-know, and strikes up conversations from the highest to the lowest people because he loves hearing and telling stories !!
BUT !! ouhghhh but there's also a massive influence on this au from third life. this is where the actual "storybook" part comes in, because there is a legend rooted in truth of a bloodthirsty, merciless king of old and his right hand man that were of supernatural power. first-hand accounts from those days recall that the king and his hand could summon the chill of northern winter even in the hottest summer day, having driven out their own citizens out of fear of the frost. when they were finally put down in battle, legend has it that their souls were entombed in books that retold their personal horrors by a powerful magician.
but legends are legends, of course. surely.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Me hearing the words cyberpunk au: 👂
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ok well I think you guys wanna hear about my cyberpunk au lol
disclaimer: I have no idea if I'm ever gonna actually post this. I've just been brainrotting it for fun the past few days while I'm out of town
so the gist is that in the city of L'Manberg set in the very far future, Wilbur works as a private detective. He used to have an interest in politics and had a low-level job in a legal office with the intention of working his way up, but started attending protests which eventually began to turn violent. after one bad incident involving a molotov and a riot, Wilbur got arrested. the charges against him were eventually dropped, but he lost his job at the legal office anyway. since then he's turned to offering up his services as a detective, and has done a lot of work for the criminal organization known as Las Nevadas. his services range from digging up dirt on their enemies to figuring out what evidence the copbots have against their group so they can prepare accordingly.
one day, he gets called in for another job offer for Las Nevadas. it's a little different this time though, because when he shows up it's not just his usual employer Quackity there, but Las Nevadas' other business mogul, Schlatt. the two explain to Wilbur that they need him to find a way to contact The Syndicate, a terrorist organization that's basically public enemy number one against the government. Las Nevadas wants to make a business deal with them.
the thing is, The Syndicate is public enemy number one against the government. they are not any easy group to find by any means. when Quackity says how much they're offering Wilbur though, he accepts anyway despite not having the first clue where to start.
he ends up going to an illegal drag race for hoverbikes because there's rumors that you can find connections to protest groups and the like there. while he's there Wilbur meets one of the most popular racers, an eighteen year old who goes by the racing moniker of Red, and the kid basically says he looks way too out of place there before going to do his race. long story short, over a series of run-ins the kid introduces himself as Tommy, he and Wilbur end up becoming sort of friends, and after Wilbur spills what he's trying to do (without specifying why he's looking for the Syndicate) Tommy tells him he might be able to get him in contact with someone from the group, but it'll take a couple of weeks. there's bonding, betrayal, protective Wilbur, protective Tommy, and lots and lots of cool cyberpunk aesthetics like cybernetic limbs and neon fashion
(also: Wilbur's got a cybernetic arm in this because of how badly a copbot broke it when he got arrested during the protest, and both of Tommy's legs are cybernetic because of a hoverbike crash he was in a few years back. Niki is Wilbur's mechanic for his arm)
theres some rambling lmao feel free to ask me more but again I have no clue if I'm actually gonna publish anything from this I've just been writing stuff from it the past 2 days and it's fun
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espresso-cookie · 6 months
IM SORRY IN ADVANCE MY EVIL CAFFEINE WORE OFF BUT IM REVAMPING TIME FBI (temporary name but its been the name for years I don't think its changing) AGAIN SO IGNORE ALL THE POSTS BEFORE THIS
This portion of the TBD is hidden in a pocket dimension nearby the rbp universe (they are connected)
timekeeper's form is slowly fading and needs a vessel to stay alive
they deem CROISSANT as a worthy vessel, but she has to agree to it
which is why timekeeper creates the HIVEMIND (OH NOOO)
if the Hive can convince Croissant to join it and become their director then TK can fully use Croissant as their vessel.
HOWEVER in the pocket dimension theres a couple of individuals who are not affected by the Hive (Roguefort & Espresso)
ESPRESSO is an individual who previously died by coffee enthusiasts who wanted more than his soulstone and was reincarnated as a demonic being who was taken in as a part-time tbd member. He has a spell that protects himself from TK's shenanigans and uses it to help Croissant escape the TBD when given the opportunity
ROGUEFORT is a silly thief who wants to steal timekeeper's scissors. 1) they want to do it for the thrill of stealing for a god 2) they want to go down in history as the greatest thief by taking more than their family's lost heirloom watch
Croissant, Espresso, and Roguefort eventually work together to try to bring down Timekeeper (HOORAY!!) HOWEVER there are complications that show up
Such as: Roguefort will betray the group to get the scissors and whoever wields the scissors gets a little CRAAAZY like TK. (TK takes this as an opportunity to use Roguefort as a temporary vessel)
STRING GUMMY!!! (last minute addition i forgot he was a character I'm so sorry string gummy fans) He doesn't trust Roguefort and actively tries to fight them. he's against timekeeper but also he kinda believes everything will stop if croissant will become the director so he kinda is against the group too. bro does not like anyone (he is emo)
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 years
The Renren arc post
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Just a little compilation of the details in chapter 67 to 77, this almost certainly isn’t even all of them
warning: very long. a lot of images
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(link) first of all, not renren arc proper, but the hoodie haruaki was wearing in volume 10 was hatanaka’s from when he was a student
like i mentioned in the timeline post, this whole arc happens over 1 day. wack
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(Chapter 68) ebisu-sensei, if i recall, sir, werent you spying on your mii-kun? we still havent gotten to that plot point yet like at all
Seating Arrangement
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(chapter 69, nice) a month before this chapter was released, the author tweeted the seating arrangement for the class
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(made in google sheets by me, link to the tweet)
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(chapter 69) the flowers in the background here are anemones, anemone coronaria.
they mean a couple things, but the gist of it is like “love”, “truth”, “suffering”, the works
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(chapter 69) utagawa’s birthday is april 14th. this is more of a headcanon than anything, but there’s a chance its the date she died.
she specifically points out it’s april here, and although the next scene where rensuke’s mask comes off probably doesn’t happen on the same day, i’m pretty sure it doesn’t happen too long after this
it’s definitely not the day takahashi found her as a gashadokuro, since that happens 2 months after she died
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(chapter 74) of course, there’s a chance its just her birthday as a human. rensuke doesn’t mention if theres any reason he’s giving her the ring, but it might be for a birthday present
by the way, and this is relevant, “utagawa kuniko” is based off utagawa kuniyoshi, a woodblock print maker and painter, who made the depiction of the gashadokuro. he died on april 14.
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this is super nothing, but 305 is a number that comes up a lot for just being a number. its:
hatanaka and mikis dorm room when they were students
rensuke and hijitas room now (confirmed to be the same room as hata and miki)
haruakis hospital room in vol 7
renkas hospital room (not the same hospital)
im told it has something to do with onmyoudou, but i cant find anything online. its probably nothing. but im pointing it out so itll haunt you on future rereads too lol
also, hatanakas birthday is 5/5 and mikis birthday is 3/3. cute
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(chapter 70) this book that got knocked off the table is what prompts haruaki to call takahashi, and i spent a while trying to figure out what it is
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its... probably the laid back youkai dictionary? would make sense
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also, i didnt notice this before writing this, but its the gida taxi business card! cute!
Woah Holy Shit
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(chapter 70) wait. he straight up took off his mask to threaten haruaki. geez seimei-kun you got to see his sexy face before all of us!! kyaa!!
Finally The Goddamn Nyuudou House Heist, This Post Is Getting Long
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(chapter 71) this seems like a throwaway “wow cool operation about to start” line, but this is probably talking to yamazaki or ame
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(chapter 71) on first reading, you probably either glossed over this or thought “ok anti youkai power time” directly going against his conditions with renpapa that he wasnt going to use it (which you may or may not also have glossed over on first reading)
but rereading this knowing its yamazaki changes that (not by much, since its just 2 sentences and he doesnt act on it, but yknow, fascinating)
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(chapter 72) here too, when he prioritizes getting mujina out with the intel
also how kurai doesnt even gloat too much even though he caught “haruaki”
even if it wasnt immediately revealed 1 panel later, you probably would have caught on to something being up with just this
or it would be the fact that it was revealed already theres a separate team in chapter 71
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(chapter 73) again, here, when sano prioritizes tamao even though “haruaki” is with them too
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ah, yknow, one o’ them “call forward”s, one o’ them “back-foreshadowing”
Amaaki Content
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(chapter 76) finally getting to the chapters i did. i kinda hate reading my own chapters since i stared at them so much theyre burned into my brain, i hope theyre like, done well. if i had infinite time and energy i would totally redo these first chapters i did. in fact i kinda did, i had to come back and fix some text bubble shaping and phrasing before i posted these anywhere. anyway this has been totally irrelevant.
super un-haruaki-like expression, but im a amaaki liker hehe
a comment on bilibili really opened my eyes, its that this came from ame’s own feelings about haru teaching at hyakki (crying and punching walls rn)
The sky’s clear...
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We’re All Fools Compilation
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(chapter 76) it was at this moment, that i realised: “OH RIGHT HIS FUCKING BRACELET”
anyway, heres the His Fucking Bracelet Or Lack Thereof compilation
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I mentioned this in my google drive translation notes, but you can really see how the author purposely showed ame’s right hand at every opportunity
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(chapter 77) he’s riding gida here, not just for fun, but because he got jabbed with his own immobilization drug by kurai in chapter 75.
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um. i hope i translated this in a way that made sense.
anyway this has been the renren arc post wahoooo!! super incomprehensible i hope i get better at this probably wont tho!! i wanna make a post like this for the seimei student arc and also kyoto arc too
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