#these apps tho....
whosherefor-thechaos · 2 months
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incredible translation of sheeesh thank you google
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ladysophiebeckett · 10 months
the other day the tiktok algorithm showed me back to back videos of bichons, nonstop. without even having previously liked a video of one. the first one i was like 'okay, cute' but then after scrolling to the 3rd and 4th i was like 'this feels excessive and a little bit cruel??'. can't stop thinking about it.
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petitesmafia · 23 days
hc thinking about Chuuya being that nonchalant friend who never really talks about if he's having a hard time or if he just went through some rough shit so whenever Shirase calls to catch up he's just baffled as hell
Shirase: so i ordered a large fried rice and the delivery guy brought me a MEDIUM Chuuya: that's unacceptable Shirase: i know right? btw bro ur eye bags are looking a lil dark Chuuya: yeah busy day yesterday. a dragon attacked the city so i had to handle that Shirase: Shirase: excuse me? Chuuya: so did they refund u the difference for the rice Shirase: no no no. PAUSE go back wdym DRAGON? Chuuya: there was a dragon. i got called in and i also owed the guy so i just handled it. it's fine i just need some sleep. btw u should stop eating so much takeout and just learn to cook Shirase: what goes on
Shirase: kinda annoyed today like the bus was 20min late. i should really get a car Chuuya: do u even have ur license Shirase : that's not important rn. do u have any recs since ur car's nice Chuuya: i guess it was nice Shirase: wdym "was"? did u upgrade Chuuya: no it blew up Shirase: what Chuuya: it's gone Shirase: HOW did BLOW UP???? Chuuya: no idea. but seriously u should look into getting a license before driving around bc what are u gonna do if u get caught
Shirase: lemme tell u the craziest thing happened yesterday. bumped into this girl at a cafe and we got to talking and guess what? she knows yuan! Chuuya: really? Shirase: yeah i wanted to tell u yesterday but u didn't call me back Chuuya: sorry i got trapped in some guy's book Shirase: Shirase: huh Chuuya: it was some mystery novel with a bunch of killers. i just fought everybody to get out so it's chill Shirase: what are u talking about Chuuya: enough about me tho. so how's yuan doing
basically it’s always Shirase just asking why Chuuya didn’t tell him about these crazy events and Chuuya’s just like “I don’t like making a big deal out of things. I don’t think it’s that serious” and Shirase is like YES IT IS???
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chaotic-tired-fox · 7 months
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brambeag · 1 year
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disgustinggf · 2 months
my vibrator just died so i'm turning on booping and hoping for the best
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claraoswalds · 5 months
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Guests aren't permitted in the... linen cupboard. How about Pan-galactic Standards and Practices Officer? Health and Safety? Security and Hygiene? Resort Inspector?
DOCTOR WHO Orphan 55
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gooseco · 5 months
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boy mom
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jata-doinks · 2 years
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Welcome to tamatown
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
Trying to listen to podcast to calm down to sleep -> loud as fuck ad. Trying to check something quick from a youtube tutorial -> first gotta watch 2x 30 second unskippable ads. Trying to go to a website -> 2 popups and an ad video automatically start to play. Trying to listen to the radio while driving -> 7 minutes of uninterrupted ad time. Every single free app with those shitty game ads with the stupid annoying ass king. I’m tired !!! I never wanna buy anything ever again !!!!!!!
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halokarii · 1 year
Exclusive leaks of chapter 107...
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lover-of-mine · 10 months
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Just two dads who really wanted to see their kid after really bad day...
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sunofaraven · 2 months
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Hello, where my fellow goodtimeswithscar-obsessed lesbians at and can we be friends?
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of-mutts-and-men · 28 days
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if you are ever upset about Jason Grace slander, remember that the more people don't like him, the more we truthers can gatekeep his awesomeness to ourselves, so one day if the fandom might change their opinion about him for the better, we can claim our "always been a fan" ticket 😤💅
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nights-at-crystarium · 11 months
As a twitter/tumblr user since 2010-2011, I believe I have sufficient grounds to say that currently we as a community are living through the scariest, shittiest time yet. This post isn’t trying to fearmonger, no I’m not leaving tumblr until it literally keels over, but I suggest that we don’t put all our eggs in one basket.
If twitter/tumblr stay usable, great! In the worse scenario, you’d have kept posting on a new platform and stayed ahead of the curve.
This post shares my personal experience with three potential “new”* fandom places, and is aimed to help fellow content creators. I’m an artist fully depending on internet to survive, my reasoning may not apply to you if you’re a hobbyist. Do your own research, it’s always healthy. * Pillowfort and mastodon have been around for 5+ years, bluesky is ~2 years old.
Discovering new people to follow kinda sucks on all three platforms, twitter and tumblr are eons ahead, but, given the recent chaos and uncertainty, I’m willing to be patient, keep posting on those, and feel safer than I would’ve otherwise been. More baskets good, one basket bad.
All three have poor visual customization, don’t expect custom tumblr themes.
This list starts with the least popular, but most human and easy to join, and what I personally trust the most. All three allow nsfw if labeled properly.
✦ Pillowfort is a barebones tumblr. Intuitive, cozy, but currently very, very small. Be patient with its clunkiness or lack of some features, it’s made by an AO3-like team. I’d personally love if the fandom crowd managed to redirect its attention to it instead of the sus bluesky.
Joining: is free, invite-only, but the waitlist is nearly instant.
Lurk around on their official tumblr: @/pillowfort-social
✦ Mastodon, for me personally, is impossible to explain directly. I’ll use several comparisons.
- Discord but all servers can interact. You’re still on a server curated by some human(s) that might tell you what you can and can’t post, BUT, if you don’t like that server’s policy, you can move to a new one while keeping your followers. - Email, users A and B may be registered on different domains, still they can talk. It’s a weird comparison, but fediverse (please I’m not explaining THAT but it’s a good thing) in general looks like another email story: unlike big sites that come and go, it might stand the test of time. - Someone compared mastodon’s structure to xiv’s dc and servers, if you look at its domain names that way, it might be easier to understand.
Depending on user, mastodon may feel gatekeepy/snowflakey. I haven’t spent enough time on there to form a proper opinion yet, but a warning’s due.
An actually good and hopeful thing about mastodon AND tumblr: the two might start interacting in future. Ever lamented that your fav asian artists don’t use tumblr? If they use misskey, or any other place on the fediverse, it might be possible to follow them directly from tumblr in future, and vice versa.
Joining: is free, however some servers close for new members sometimes, and have human moderators reviewing your request.
✦ Bluesky is a twitter without Musk: today’s average internet user reads this, drops everything and already looks to register there. It’s still sus, but people flock to it like crazy. Most likely to become the next big fandom place in my eyes, even if I’m not happy about that.
I personally have no good feelings about bluesky. Same as twitter, which I hated even before the 2018 tumblr exodus, yet the crowd decided to make it The New Fandom Place, and, grudgingly, I had to give up and also join them in 2022. During the year I haven’t stopped despising twitter, yet, I can’t deny that it helped me survive. I estimate half of my patrons, and, hell, even tumblr audience, comes from twitter. So, if bluesky ends up being the next hot shit, I’ll have to keep up because internet pays for my living.
Joining: is free but hell, invite-only, the waitlist is a lie, your best chance to join is a direct invite.
This’s all I’ve got to say for now. If you have a correction or an addition, replies/reblogs are welcome!
Screenshots of the current interfaces under the cut, you may spy on my profiles o/
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