#these are my season 5 endgame predictions
crxzytogether · 3 days
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Lol I wanna address this even tho nobody asked because I’m mad. Like ship whoever you want as yk this person said but leave it out of our tag-💀 my problems more with the fact that they tagged byler for this post than what they said but yk since they tagged us might as well respond.
Firstly, “ideas planted by your community”? Huh? Girl what- you mean our evidence? You mean our analysis and perceptions and ability to interpret what we’re watching beyond surface level? And honestly after season 4 even surface level melodramas not looking too good- Secondly, what harsh truths were brought up? The lies? Your perception of montauk? which idk sounds a lot like mike and wills relationship to me but to each their own… “they’ve been together since pretty much day one”, “they have a deep connection”, “four seasons of character development”?? Do I even need to explain? Who’s been together since day one? Right mike and will, in the beginning of episode 1 before any of the upside down shit even happens we’re shown that their relationship is different from their relationship with the other party members. A fact that’s proven time and time again throughout season 1 where we see how much more Mike is affected by Will’s disappearance(not tryna negate everybody else’s feelings or reactions but it’s clear that we’re supposed to notice Mike cares slightly more or in a different way). As for the deep connections? Season 2 shed scene ring a bell, the first one of Mike’s monologue that’s an attempt to help someone he cares about that actually works and is completely honest, deep connection boom. And that connections emphasized again in s4 with Will being able to encourage Mike and make him feel better and we already know why it’s special on Will’s side and their whole plot-line that season. Next, “four seasons of character development” im sorry what?, season 1 and season 3 maybe are the only seasons I’d consider they had that meanwhile season 4 I’d say they had character regression because tell me how Mike goes from being able to comfort El about her feeling like she’s a monster but then does a 180 not only unable to comfort her but also make her feel worse-(I’m talking about she didn’t look fine in case you didn’t catch that). Back to s1/s3, s1 where they were friends for the most part is the healthiest their relationship has ever been the entire show- like😭😭it literally just goes downhill from there. Season 2/season 3 their codependency I’m- and season 4 El feeling like she has to lie to Mike about her life and Mike unable to comfort her and also hiding his own interests from her. Like sure the bullying thing I get why she’d hide that maybe not really but El lies about so many things😭😭 she feels like she has to lie to keep up the relationship. THAT 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 HEALTHY 👏. Like maybe after they’ve both grown separately I’d consider it but as of now? No sir. Also let me remind you how El confronted Angela and asked her to help El keep up the pretence- SHE STILL DIDN’T FEEL SAFE OR COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TELL MIKE THE TRUTH. That’s not healthy for either of them. My byler agenda aside I still don’t think Mike and El should be together. Lastly, “the fact that Mileven IS endgame”, again I’m sorry what? Have you watched season 5? Have you read the scripts or been on set or talked to anybody working on st5 or work on st5 yourself? No? So then how is that a fact- it’s a prediction, an assumption but it’s not a fact. If after season 5 comes out and it did end up becoming true then you could use that phrase but as of now when you have no idea how season 5 is gonna go you can’t call that a fact. Also rip how are you so confident when Mike and Will are literally attached at the hip so far from what we have seen besides the rooftop convo and if that is enough to convince you then yikes- bc we’ve got like 10 of those to convince us so good luck watching season 5 and have a good day ig
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smidgen-of-hotboy · 8 months
Juno still has the Ruby7 with him. JUNO STILL HAS THE RUBY7 WITH HIM
A) the Ruby7 will sense Slip Jackson is sad, unbearably sad in his 15-20 year coma, and this will add into Peter's rage (not understanding what Juno's talking about the Ruby7 sensing sadness or whatever, not understanding why Slip does feel sad), and having to let go of Slip's dream. Or alternatively
B) the Ruby7 will sense nothing. Effectively brain dead, just a machine pumping his blood working his heart and lungs. Slip Jackson isn't alive, hasn't been alive for a while, and cannot be alive. Peter's rage (he was promised Slip's freedom in exchange for his services, he's worked two decades of his thirty years and for what?), letting go of the dream, etc etc.
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Here's my theory: We saw the cgi thing of Dustin, Jonathan and Nancy falling in a car, presumably to the Upside Down. This is backed up by recent pictures of Jon and Nancy in a car, wearing similar outfits to the cgi and to when they first went hunting for the Upside Down in season 1. My thought is they get trapped in the Upside Down by Vecna (The Vanishing of ***** Wheeler -> the missing Wheeler is Nancy), and Mike and Will go to look for them (Will b/c his connection to Vecna, he decides looking for them is worth tyhe risk). They get ready to do so in episode 4, prepping at the Radio Station (pic of Will released on his birthday w/headphones). Here, Mike and Will have a heart-to-heart w/Robin, and Mike and El have a talk abt their relationship (the leaked vid). They leave in the night (the night shoots we saw in Millie's Insta and from the vid of someone saying "you need to run"). While in the Upside Down, they find everyone and get them away from Vecna safely, but smth happens (maybe he loses his headphones/doesn't have music/angsty byler Upside Down scene stops the music's effect) and Vecna gets ahold of Will. He starts getting possessed and everyone starts fighting Vecna/calling out to Will. Will tries to fight it, but gets weaker and weaker. Here, Will grabs Mike by the throat (the "grab him by the throat we heard in the night shoot vid) and tells him "you need to run." Mike refuses, but Will begs of him to do it, and so he does. This is where we might get a confession (either from Will as his final words before full possession or Mike promising Will he'll be back for him). This is where we'll have the rumored second time skip (for angst); this will also give Mike's feelings to develop if he hasn't confessed/realized already. This will lead to him coming up w/a rly risky plan for getting Will out, which will lead to a s3 parallel to when he said he loved El (everyone's telling him it's too risky, he's saying he'll do anything to get Will back b/c he loves him) and convinces everyone to get on board (the leader Mike we've been told will make a comeback). The last few episodes are a fight in the Upside Down, either the series or a big fight before the final battle ending with them getting Will back. Mike holds him gently, and they say smth along the lines of "it's rly you/are you rly here?/I'm here/I didn't stop until we found you" and then they kiss. Then byler is one of the main things (aside from love for the Party and his friends) that keeps Will immune from Vecna (if there's still a final battle) and they defeat Vecna. Yay happy ending!
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bibylers · 9 months
Stranger Things season 5 predictions :00
So, lets start!
- Byler endgame, ofc 😭
- Jopper endgame 100%
- Lumax endgame!!!
- Elmax friendship back 😭🩷
- Thessalhydra bossbattle (basically just a irl recreation of will’s painting)
- main four back (Dustin, Lucas, Will, Mike)
- Will has POWERSSS
- Will with a gun 🗣️🗣️🗣️
- Mike having a gay awakening and gay crisis (like nick nelson 💀)
- Mike gets Vecna’d
- basically the whole theory of Mike and Will having a rain kiss + Mike confessing his letters & Will confessing about the painting (a notebook parallel)
- Max NEEDS to wake up
- Max is trapped in vecna’s mind which is why El couldn’t reach her in s4 ep9
- Mileven break up (El breaks up w Mike)
- Will is connected to Vecna and Vecna will ask him to join him just like he did with El
- Will is gonna be in his badass era
- Byler will protect eachother WAYYYY too much 😭😭
- Mike and Will tells the party about their relationship
- Will (or Mike) is gonna get hurt and then Mike (or Will) is gonna be like “I thought I lost you ☹️☹️☹️”
- some of the main characters will die (also including the older main characters + Hopper, Joyce and Murray ofc)
- The ending is gonna be happy but there’s gonna be a small hint at the end that Vecna and the upside down isn’t gone yet (like a light flickering or Will rubbing his neck)
- Will and El will be close to death at some point (but survive!)
- The thessalhydra is gonna be defeated by the main four (Mike as the leader and Will with his powers)
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gayofthefae · 4 months
Thinking about pacing and how it's why I became a Byler.
If Mike and El were endgame, the pacing of season 4 would be....weird.
Normally conflict and confrontation is climactic, ESPECIALLY simultaneous conflict that "all crashes down on you". That's built up separately as A and B plots that intersect, this point of intersection being Mike.
Which is why I was so surprised when Will and Mike fought and had to pause it and go, "wait, what's happening?" Before that point I was worried that the season conflict was veering towards pitting Will and El against each other over Mike based on the tension at the rink - I naturally assumed that it was setting up the season arc with the current events that would continue until a 3rd act payoff, but it wasn't.
Will calls Mike out immediately and El calls him out the next day. Leaving the rest of the season empty. It's why Mike's final speech doesn't work. The plot was not maintained. It was a setup and payoff much like the painting, which I forgot about by the time he pulled it out might I add. We do not follow either Mike nor El's point of views on this plot, with only one even ACKNOWLEDGING it.
It doesn't. Make. Sense. At least not for my original prediction. Which is why I paused it, and thought:
If Will is calling Mike out now that means he won't ignore him for the rest of the season. Then what will the central conflict be? Will has said what he needs to say. Mike clearly has not, though, so this is more of a setup for him, but a setup for what? Will has nowhere to go from here because he has already reached the peak of this arc, demonstrating the vulnerability self-assuredness required for this honestly AND there is nothing for him as a person to follow this up with. The ball is in Mike's court to apologize. So the ball is in Mike's court for this plotline, this scene is an inciting incident for Mike, but for what? In this scene, he contrasts Will's honesty by being closed off and defensive, so his arc is to truth, but what truth? What secret would be threatened by Will's accusations of- OHHHHHHHHHHH
Will got too close, Mike got defensive, and his season arc is gaining the courage and vulnerability to explain himself. Got it. (We're not done)
2 episodes later: he apologizes and explains with vulnerability - WHAT? Okay, but he still hasn't told him how he feels so they're just pacing it differently, we mentally adjust. He is building up to telling him no longer with the stakes of his relationship to Will but rather the urgency of owing El an explanation/decision by the time he sees her again, one which he would likely tell Will first. The stakes are the commitment and pain he causes the longer he stalls. He needs to confess by the time he sees her again. Yes. He seems to be slowly working it out, coming back to the "why" repeatedly, and Will is giving him coded words - not enough to be a confession from Will and he has already demonstrated his honesty (the van scene is really just an inciting incident for the Jonathan coming out scene as far as Will's plot goes) - that he's reacting to and are perfect to be the tipping point for his motivation. And he's looking between El and Will with a strange expression. And he's......(I kinda just sat confused for a while until I got to the end and realized it was supposed to be a cliffhanger for the first time and also that there was a season 5, at which point I sat further before understanding that this was a multi-season arc because season 4 had themes of subverted happy endings into tragedy)
I had to adjust it with little tweaks throughout but only ever in pacing, never in event. But if I got it 2 hours into a 13 hour season, I'm sure they'll catch up in the next 8.
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princesimonsblog · 8 months
Regarding the lake scene
I've seen a lot of people being nervous about this scene, first by thinking it might be the last scene of the season, then by thinking it might be a break-up scene.
I've already talked about how it wouldn't make sense it's the last scene because they wouldn't spoil it in a trailer.
But not I want to give my reasoning behind why I don't think it's a break up scene.
From what we see in the trailer, there will be some tension between Wilhelm and Simon at some point, but this was predictable. With Simon being openly anti-monarchy, it was bound that he would have a problem with it. But tension doesn't mean break up.
There was tension between them in season 1 and season 2 and guess what, they got back together. They can make it work. Let's remind ourselves that season 2 was all about them finding out that there's just no one else for them.
Also, the lake scene, from all the images we saw, seems like it would be very emotional. But to me, it seems like it will also be sweet and a moment for Wille and Simon to just reconnect after said tension.
Just look:
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Also, the line "Is everything okay between us?", if it's indeed during the lake scene, doesn't seem like a break-up line to me. In fact, it sounds more like a make-up line. Like "I know we had a disagreement, but now that we've talked about it, things are okay now".
And outside of the story line, I get why people are speculating a lot about this scene, since it's the one that Netflix showed more in the trailer, and because it looks like it would be an emotional scene. But they used it that much for marketing. They want to make us speculate, makes us scared, makes us want to watch this episode as soon as possible. My bet it's that this scene takes place at the end of episode 5, to mirror s2 episode 5, when Wille and Simon come to an understanding, they don't know what will happen next, but they still found happiness together for a little while before the climax that was episode 6. That scene in episode 5 was also very emotional.
Oh and by the way, let's remember that we were also very anxious about the ball scene in season 2 when the trailer came out, but see how it turned out in the end. Young Royals trailers have always led us in the wrong direction, even the trailer for season 1. So let's enjoy this last ride together. And if those talks about Wilmon being endgame or not makes you very nervous, block the tags or block people if you have to, you can always unblock after.
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thefirstlioveyou · 9 months
my stranger things 5 predictions - a log
(some are oddly specific with no legitimate reason. just a feeling. i will update from time to time! i am creating this just to see how much of it i get right lol)
12/31/23 - pre-production predictions
- mike wears ripped jeans or something with rips in them
- mike wears more flannel
- will has shaggy hair similar to season 3, just more styling to it
- eleven has curlier hair, similar length to season 4, a little shorter.
- dustin dies (a feeling)
- lonnie dies (everyone cheered)
- murray dies (also just a feeling)
- will has a power of some sort
- byler kiss lovers lake episode 6
- melvin break up episode 1 or 2
- mike gets vecna’d
- mike has an emotional coming out scene that involves him breaking down
- someone gets beheaded (some random background character)
- a character gets trapped somewhere (like a building or room)
- smalltown boy plays
- mike and will leave Hawkins
- the kids finally get into some more combat scenes
- someone’s birthday
- lucas talks to either will, dustin or mike about max
- mike and nancy have some sort of heart to heart
- mike and dustin grieve for eddie greatly and reflects back to him a lot (like inspiration)
- flooding
- hellfire club are chased down
- will and mike share a bed
- lucas and max get to kiss again
- mike’s parents demand him to stay away from will and hellfire
- bullying for the boys gets more severe
- someone loses a limb
- mike checks will out and has a gay panic
- someone gets hit by a car
- homophobia
- a transformation of some sort (the fly was on the whiteboard for ideas sooo)
- the painting is brought up ofc and leads to byler endgame
- blizzard
- we get scenes of the party biking together again finally
- massive explosions
- nancy uses a machine gun
- steve stays single and figures out what he wants to do career wise and decides to focus on that (please)
- el finally gets to live a normal life in the end and enjoys her teenage years with her friends. let her find who she is without mike!
- lucas gets more important screentime!
- robin has moments with will or mike
- robin comes out to someone else
- spider-like creatures
- hospital scenes (besides max)
01/05/24 - production begins today!
- kali makes a come back for at least two episodes
- steve dies (maybe?? maybe not??)
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sky-kenobye · 5 months
⛵️ Five Fandoms, Five Ships ⛵
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
Thanks for the tag @underacalicosky !!
Putting it under the cut because this is LONG, sorry.
I love them your honor. Doesn't even have to be romantic, I just want to see them being obsessed about each other. I'm also a pretty big obianidala fan, hence why I added her too. (I'm a multishipper really. I have my otp but there's a lot of ships that I enjoy)
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker(/Padmé Amidala) (Star Wars)
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When I first watched star wars (not that long ago, I only watched it because I wanted to see the sequels in theater lmao) I wasn't a big fan of the prequels so I mostly ignored them, but then a couple years ago I randomly rewatched them in the middle of the night and suddenly I was obsessed. I'm not even sure how I ended up on AO3 (did I go look for obikin? Did I stumble on it? Idk) but eventually I started reading Pining in Preschool, then realised that @palfriendpatine66 was on tumblr, I started interacting with more people around here, and now I'm (slowly) writing fics, and I'm having the time of my life here, so thanks Pal!
I don't think any if my past fandom brainrots reached my current level so I'm pretty sure I'm here for the long haul (at least it's not stopping anytime soon).
It's not super obvious here but I'm actually a huge Marvel fan (well, the MCU, I've never read a comic), and especially Captain America. Stucky is just, 🤌 so tasty (a lot of similarities with obikin actually imo). I'd like to talk to whoever thought "I'm with you 'til the end of the line" was a straight sentence to repeatedly say to your bro throughout an entire century though. Like?? I'm all for relationships that defy the boundaries of platonic and romantic, but still, that's kinda gay.
2. Steve Rogers/James "Bucky" Barnes(/Peggy Carter) (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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The first MCU movie I saw was actually captain america 2 (and not the first one lol) in theater, and I was instantly hooked, though since Endgame I've been less into it, since my fav is gone (and I have to agree with tumblr on that one: they're making too many movies and shows, I can't keep up 😩)
(And I'm still super salty about what they did to steve in canon, they should have killed him off instead of whatever the fuck that was, honestly)
I also added Peggy because she's great, and polyamory is so much better than love triangles or shipping wars. (I'm not polyamorous but I believe in their beliefs. I think it's because of the aromanticism)
Same as with obikin (and stucky too tbh) I don't really care how they love each other, I just care that they do. They're the most important person to each other, be it romantic, platonic, familial, idc.
3. John Watson/Sherlock Holmes (mostly BBC Sherlock, but from the RDJ movies and the books too)
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I've obsessed over (non-existent) clues during the last season, and deluded myself into thinking they'd become canon, alas, it didn't happen.
I've translated a couple of fics in french for that ship, but I've never written for it (I thought about it tho), and I've read a lot. That's the fandom where I've read some of the best queerplatonic fics, and that's my favorite interpretation of the ship, especially sherlock being some flavor of aroace.
4. Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
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I love them as a queerplatonic relationship, and I genuinely think that's what they are in canon, the haters can suck it, that's not queerbaiting even if they dont become a canon couple.
Okay, I'm starting to see a patern here. Am I really that predictable? You can just copy-past what I said above.
(I'm fully on board with them being a couple though)
Hey, a straight ship! With a woman not added as a second thought!
5. Elizabeth Bennet/Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
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Not quite the same vibe as the others, but I've read sooo many fics and books (straight up published fics lol), I've watched a bunch of different adaptations (even the one with zombies)... The worst part is that I think I've only read the og book once, oops.
I actually inherited that fandom from the women in my family lmao. My mom, sister and sister-in-law are all obsessed with it, so I read it to see what all the fuss was about and, yeah, I get it.
And that's it! There are other fandoms I'm into, and other ships in those fandoms, but that's pretty much it (the main one that's missing is Dinluke, the others are mostly smaller ones).
I'm not super actively in those fandoms (apart from Star Wars obviously) but i come back to them now and then. Usually I re-watch it then binge-read a bunch of fics (while my main fandom stays in the main spot in my brain) then I let it go again until it comes back (while obikin still stays in the main spot).
Also Harry Potter used to be my main obsession but JKR kinda ruined that for me so I'm not really into it anymore (hence why I didn't list it even though I have written fics for it).
Anyway that was way too long, if you've read all of this then props to you!
I'm tagging: @cottonraincoat @fem-anakin-skywalker @kingdomvel @ineffable-snowman @arobiwan (and whoever else wants to do it because I'm nosy and I want to know stuff about people)
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lokittystuckinatree · 10 months
Now that we seem to be at a stopping place for MCU! Loki’s character, time for a no context personal ranking of Tom Hiddleston Lokis
1. Thor 2011 (The Loki I base my Loki standards on)
2. Loki Season 2 (specifically episode 5 and 6)
3. Thor: the Dark World (you just decapitated your grandfather)
4. Loki Season 1 (peak mischief, angsty identity crisis, punk Jotun girlfriend. Rest sucked.)
5. Avengers (solid iconic Loki era just not my taste)
6. Thor: Ragnarok (Loki wrote a play. Loki being predictable chaos and afraid of change. Rest sucked.)
7. What If (for Jotun Loki’s eyeliner and shenanigans alone)
8. Endgame, etc. Loki was not in Infinity War ✌️
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atomicradiogirl · 9 months
i have 3 house md episodes left (yes i skipped a lot of them and i will go back and finish those later probably) and i could finish this show tonight but i want to ceremoniously finish it tomorrow so i can say that it predictably took me less than a week to finish this show. i feel like i went through all 5 stages of grief in one day because i went from season 5 to the end of season 8 in one day holy moly that was a lot. once i’m done and i collect my thoughts i will do my standard essay post and possibly an episode/season ranking but for now i just want to say that house and wilson are totally canon and endgame and i don’t care. the brain worms have won. part of me doesn’t want this show to end but i will rewatch it at some point anyway. and personally i think the show should have ended at season 6 with a reworked finale of house and wilson being endgame of course because they’re endgame in the canon anyway. anyways enjoy yourselves. and get ready for my incessant posting tomorrow. i feel like my brain is melting. it’s not lupus though.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I feel like a big part of the reason Anti Bylers are so aggressive is because this is the first time in mainstream media where there's a chance that the main couple of the show may end up being mlm.
Not only is there a likelihood that the main couple will be gay, it will come after years of these fans assuming that the cliche, safe straight ship was going to sail from start to finish.
If you look at the "predictions" these individuals have for season 5, which honestly have less to do with narrative direction and more to do with what they want, you'll always catch a certain undertone to what they're saying:
"The heterosexual, white male audience is the default for media. We will allow the wlw ship, so long as it has limited screen time. We will accept Will surviving, and even allow him to have an acceptance arc. But you will not receive queer rep at the expense of a ship that we are nostalgic for. The straight male audience is the one that matters, and we will be represented by the main couple in the show."
My favorite is when they’re asked what they hope for Mike and El in s5, only to list off qualities of Mike and Will’s dynamic. I legit saw someone say that they hoped they finally took the time to talk through their problems (oh so you’re admitting they never do..) and that we’ll actually get to see them be a team…
Like, do you hear yourselves?
I would actually like to read off their play by play of how they imagine s5 going down. Not just their wishes but like what they literally imagine happening over the course of the season, episode by episode.
And I’m talking the confident milkvans ones that are like super hostile about it. I wanna see what they hypothesize will happen in early s5 related to Mike and El… I don’t think I could keep it together if it is anything along the lines of them instantly making up and being happy for the rest of the season… 😳🤣
They just don’t realize how dumb that sounds.
S4 created conflict and hasn’t settled it. It was considered the beginning of the end, meaning those parts are going to fit perfectly together. If Mike and El were lacking romantically more than ever before in s4, don’t expect that to change much…
And gentle reminder that rewatch value is everything. If milkvans have to skip 3 eps in s1 bc they’re not together or fighting, skip all of s2 bc they’re separated, skip most of s3 bc they broke up in the second episode, skip most of s4 bc they separated in the third episode…. What does that fucking tell you?? They are not being prioritized for rewatch value, that’s what. Whereas byler is. (Bylers also are capable of watching milkvan scenes religiously… I can’t say the same about milkvans being capable of handling more than one second of rewatching a byler scene. And it’s bc they know if they watch it the mental gymnastics they gotta go through to convince themselves nothing romantic is going on is near impossible…)
Byler endgame is going to make the rewatch for the entire series hit, while milkvans, even with a hypothetical endgame would probably watch s1 and s5 and say the rest doesn’t matter. Do they think that’s how the show is supposed to be watched?
With one season left, they should have been hoping that monologue wasn’t in s4, but instead s5. Bc now how can those two one up that? They simply can’t. It was put there to show that they’ll never progress beyond this point. Nothing will ever top it. This is as good as it gets and yet, they still lost. What should that tell you?
What are they gonna just repeat that monologue in s5, but have mike say it 20x and THIS TIME it works?? Yay? Like there’s literally nothing satisfying about that in the least.
Can’t say I wish bad for ppl that simply like Mike and El and are bummed that they’re starting to lose hope. That as a basic idea is like whatever. I don’t like seeing ppl sad. Even if I told off a milkvan directly, seeing them like feeling depressed afterwards, does make me feel bad.
But when it comes to the hostile ones, people literally resorting to harassing directly with complete strangers unprompted and threatening to dox, over people merely theorizing? Like?? Was it ever that serious?
If we’re so delusional and we’re just setting ourselves up for disappointment, why not wait to say I told you so when it’s all said and done, if you’re so sure? Why dedicate so much of your time trying to discourage people on the other side? Unless it somehow qualms doubts you have?…
What makes this whole situation such bullshit, is that if this were a queerbait situation, you still shouldn’t be out here being hurtful like literally spouting off how you can’t wait for people to experience getting queerbaited? Like it’s fucking weird? The prominence of queerbaiting is literally referring to show runners taking advantage of fans, making them think it’ll happen, even encouraging it, and then ripping it away, usually ending in a bury your gays situation. That is the norm in the industry and it’s only now within the last few years starting to change in mainstream.
The hypocrisy of it all, is that they think we should just accept what they believe is the only possibility, queer-bait. But you know if the roles were reversed, which they inevitably will be when s5 drops, they’re going to be playing the victim, saying nonsense like if queerbaiting is bad then so is straightbating!! and it’s just going to be so out of touch and pathetic.
It’s not the same. Whatsoever. And the fact that they can’t see that, that one result is lazy writing and one is epic subversion, and are literally making a mockery out of the situation, convinced they’re right bc they have history on their side and gays should just be used to never getting their way and THATS okay to them?
Like it’s almost painful to watch. Especially knowing the 180 they’re gonna pull when they end up in the situation they convinced themselves we were gonna be in.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
Your last post is funny bc just TODAY I watched that season finally. I’m literally 2 episodes into season 5 right now. As someone who just watched that for the first time (and hadn’t noticed it WAS the season finally when I started watching it) I was losing my goddamn MIND watching those episodes. Just constantly 😯😯😯. I began watching 911 when I started seeing posts circulating about Buck being bi. At the time I had no idea who he was other than the occasional gif set but it made me intrigued and I have been HOOKED. Literally trying to get through as many episodes as possible so I can watch the episodes live. Questions for you (since I have no one else to talk to about the show); when did you start watching? Have you had any predictions while watching the show that didn’t/ did come true? Like for me when I watched season 1 and Abby went to the fire department for the first time I SWORE up and down that her and Bobby were meant to be endgame (was clearly wrong lol). But also after Chris got stuck in the Tsunami I called it that something would happy to Harry later on (just a feeling that no one was safe lol, not even the kids). I’m just so curious to see what the fandom theories have been over time lol since I missed out on it!
Yeah, no, watching suspicion/survivors for the first time is WILD. Like, imma be honest and bit oversharing, I watched the show for the first time in a depressive episode, so I watched everything up to 5x10 in like, 6 days according to the posts I made on Tumblr about it, so I didn't realize theorize about anything, I was just hitting next episode like my life depended on it. But I didn't know anything about the show, like, at all, I had just watched 911 lone star in a weekend because it was on the tv and there were only like, 20 episodes of it out it at the time and a network in my country was just showing all of them on a loop, and I opened the Disney app fully intending to rewatch grey's anatomy, and 911 was the first show on my recommended to you list, and I had liked lone star enough, and was like sure why not. And I legit couldn't stop watching. All of this happened the week before 5x11 aired on the us, so 5x11 was the first episode I watched like "live" (the first episode I actually watched live was 5x16) but I watched it in the same week, I think I finished on a Tuesday? And the episode aired on Monday. I can't really give you any theories I have witnessed so far because they would be spoilers tho, but if you wanna come back once you catch up we can talk about some of the madness that goes around here. But I had the same thing happen to me, I didn't realize it was the season finale, and I didn't know anything about the show, so I had no idea what was happening, and I thought I had learned my lesson with the tsunami arc, because I watched 3x01 at like 3 am fully saying this is the last episode I will watch and then I'm gonna go to bed, and then the tsunami hit, and I was like well fuck and then Chris fell in the water and next thing I know is 5 am and Eddie is making me cry at the end there. But I saw the 13 and didn't realize the season only had 14 episodes and then everything kept happening. I seriously cannot imagine what it was like to be forced to wait a week between those 2 episodes it was SO CRAZY. When Eddie got shot I legit froze. Watching that for the first time not knowing it's coming is SOMETHING. I do remember thinking that they were gonna kill Shannon but I didn't expect to be right, I also remember clocking that Jason was Doug pretty fast. Something funny tho, I remember posting that meme that's like "I've had blank for 1 day and a half but if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone in this room and myself" with Buck and I waited until I had been watching for a day and a half, that means I posted it while watching the season 2 finale. I hit post and the truck blew up and I legit went like ????????? and that is still the most ironic thing that ever happened to me while posting about 911 kspskspkspakapkapa (here's the post, I actually came back to edit the tags because I was in shock lol) and I laugh every time I remember that lol but I'm glad you're enjoying the show, you can come back to talk to me about it any time!;
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dorothytv10 · 1 year
A love letter to Bughead shippers!
*Warning: this is very very long, so only continue reading if you have time to spare 😜
I haven’t been part of the Bughead fandom since the beginning of 2019. I watched the show in chronological order until the end of season 3, then binged season 4 during covid lockdowns, but refused to continue with season 5 onwards. But over the past few years, I have kept up with spoilers and watched s5-7 episodes sporadically. I just couldn’t take the show seriously when they had Betty cheat on Jughead, then do a random time jump and turn the show supernatural. It was jarring!
I still remember the first time I started shipping Bughead. Let’s start from the beginning:
I had seen ads for Riverdale about a week before it aired, and decided to give it a watch purely because I am such a sucker for murder mystery style shows. That was the catalyst. I also have a tendency to invest in CW shows because of how heavily they push shipping, and romance is another genre that I cannot get enough of. I remember watching the pilot episode and thinking this whole Betty & Archie storyline is just NOT compelling nor did I feel the actors and their characters had any romantic chemistry. It just felt forced and awkward, especially watching Betty get rejected. I thought she was way too good for him, and if he couldn’t see that in all the years they were friends, then he ain’t the right guy for her. But some part of me just expected them to be the main love story of the show because that’s such a predictable trope in teen dramas. So even though I didn’t feel any part of my shipping senses tingling, I decided to continue with the show for the mystery part, and accepted that the romance would just not play a factor in my interest. But boy was I wrong! The following week, I watched episode 2, and the show just felt different. Jughead was featured more heavily and finally shared the screen with Betty, even though no dialogue was exchanged. But I remember thinking to myself, “Jughead and Betty would be so cute together”. During the week after episode 2 aired, I remember their season 1 kiss from episode 8 leaked online: the one outside FP’s trailer. I saw that one scene on Twitter and was instantly a Bughead shipper. I couldn’t believe that I got my wish and Betty and Jughead were going to have a romance. Riverdale went from “a show I’ll watch when I can be bothered to a must watch show that I will not dare miss an episode of”. Episode 3 started getting promoted online a lot, and Betty and Jughead were shown to interact in the trailer; I was hooked. I couldn’t wait for the next episode! It became an obsession. I even joined tumblr and met so many amazing fellow Bughead shippers. It was such an exciting time, waiting every week for a new episode to drop to finally see them get to that ep8 kiss, which I foolishly believed was going to be their first kiss. But episode 6 threw us all a curveball and had Jughead kiss Betty and call her Juliet in the same scene. I literally had butterflies. I hadn't felt that strongly about a ship in so long!
I was a big part of the early Bughead tumblr days. We were a force to be reckoned with. Each episode, our fanbase grew bigger to the point where we were the most popular ship out of every show airing at the time.
But as much as I wanted Bughead to be endgame, there was always this part of me that worried she’d inevitably get with Archie because that was so clearly what RAS shipped in the comics. I do believe Bughead lasted as long as they did because of how big and strong their fanbase was. Also, the real life romance between Cole and Lili always played a huge role in their onscreen coupling, too. That doesn’t diminish how beautiful their love story was in the show. But unfortunately, I think it is the truth. I have seen it so many times in teen drama shows. The head writers always seem to ship the pilot episode ship: Dawson and Joey, Stefan and Elena, Lucas and Peyton etc. I’m using examples of previous teen love triangles.
As much as RAS loved Bughead, and wrote them such beautiful content, he always had one foot pedalling on B*rchie. It was inevitable that at some point they’d want to explore them, especially because they had placed little clues all throughout the first few seasons. But as long as Cole and Lili were together, the show was never going to be daring enough to go full steam ahead with B*archie. Bughead was too popular and so was the real life romance. It would have caused riots. But alas, like every CW actors who date, they broke up. And what happened? They were kept apart for the remainder of the show. It was Delena all over again :(
Whether the rumours are true about the two not being able to work together, only they truly know. But I think it’s a mix of a lot of things, including new writers who were clearly all for the other ship, or in this case, the other shit. I don’t want to insult anyone, but the Riverdale writers are some of the most incompetent writers in the industry. Their inability to maintain continuity, and all the contradictions and character assassinations they created, we had no hope in s5-7. It became a whole new show. It simply lost its spark, which was already quite dim after how they handled the cheating arc in season 4. There was a huge tonal shift, and our favourite characters acted OOC.
So here’s what I really want to say:
I officially stopped watching Riverdale when they decided to jump the gun and have Betty cheat on Jughead with Archie. If you’re a Bughead shipper, it’s completely justifiable to be disappointed and sad about the way Riverdale ended. It’s like when people talk about that one person who got away, that’s how Bughead is to us: it’s the ship that got away, and never came back. To be fair, the show was no longer what it started out as. When you start off as a teen drama show promoting thriller/mystery as your main genre, only to shift gears in later seasons and become supernatural and sci-fi, there’s really only one way to explain the show in a cohesive and logical manner: it’s either all inside one of the character’s imaginations or it’s a multiverse with totally new characters who are the doppelgänger/counterparts of the original characters we knew in the beginning. So it no longer really counts. I don’t think we will ever get any definitive answers and closure from RAS nor the cast about why Bughead was completely abandoned after they broke up on the show, but I’m going to give you my take on how I think the last episode played out. Take it as you want, but I am a budding writer myself, and from a writer’s point of view, this is my theory on what really happened to Bughead in the end…
Consider the show a multiverse at this point. Remember that line Jughead said to Betty in 4x17? “in what future are we not together?”
It’s the same episode she cheats on Jughead. My theory is that the show shifted into another universe/timeline (whatever you want to call it) to show us the versions of Betty and Jughead that don’t have a future together. By her kissing Archie, she irrevocably changes the course of her relationship with Jughead. So that’s what we are shown, a new world where Betty kisses Archie and she and Jughead split and don’t end up back together again. And what is this new world? It’s really dark!
Bughead had been referred to as Romeo & Juliet, soul mates and endgame in the earlier seasons. That’s exactly what they are. But what are Romeo and Juliet referred to? Star-crossed lovers. No matter what, they could never be together. But I’ll get back to that later on.
In my opinion, there are 3 universes shown to us in the show’s run:
1 is the prime universe and original timeline in which Bughead are together and endgame. No cheating takes place. They are still in high school and will continue to date after it and make it work. But we’ll never get to see it unfold because from the end of s4 onwards we are in the other universes.
The second universe is the one where she ends up with Archie — Rivervale or Riverdale 2, but they all die in the end when the comet wipes them out of existence 👀
And the third universe is Riverdale 3.
Seasons 1-4 are set in the prime Riverdale universe.
Then season 5-6 are set in the second universe— Rivervale/Riverdale 2. My opinion is that even after 6x05, they never really left rivervale. Bunker Jughead just wrote it differently and called it Riverdale.
Then season 7 is set in the Riverdale 3 universe.
The Rivervale universe has all the magic and supernatural elements to it, which technically began in s5 with Cheryl performing magic. Rivervale is the darkest universe and timeline of the 3. Riverdale 3 universe is the most tame and fun of all the 3 universes. It’s the one where the characters behave like actual teens and don’t have serial killer fathers, cults, gargoyle kings and evil warlocks tormenting them. Riverdale 1 universe is the most realistic and grounded of the lot, albeit some weird storylines did occur during seasons 3 and 4, but it’s the universe that has both light and dark inside it like real life. Tabitha confirmed there is a multiverse in 7x19 when she said she couldn’t untangle “all” the timelines and instead made them into a single one. But even though she gave them back their memories, these versions existing in the 50s/Riverdale 3 universe are really not the original characters. This theory is proven by how a lot of dead characters are alive in this universe and how Tabitha has another version of herself living in this one.
The one single timeline she is talking about is that she gave them all the memories from every universe so they can live their lives with the knowledge of their other selves. Especially when having to navigate the 50s. They are variants (Loki reference) of the originals who now have the same memories (not all the memories) but haven’t actually lived the same lives. That’s why none of them aged and are still teens in high school; it’s also why they no longer have super powers and magical abilities. Same memories, but different bodies and souls.
So going back to endgame talk: in Riverdale 3, the universe which all of season 7 takes place in, including the final, Betty and Jughead weren’t technically endgame, but they were treated as star-crossed, just like Romeo & Juliet. They couldn’t be together because all of their memories from every other universe/timeline they existed in were now a part of them and it was too convoluted of a situation to actually make sense of in their heads, so they just all dated one another. In this new Riverdale 3 universe, Betty has feelings for both Archie and Jughead because she has the memories of both universe 1 and universe 2 Betty inside her, so she can never really choose between them. Instead, she chooses herself.
Jughead never marries because the girl he has always loved in every universe didn’t want to get married, so he didn’t want to settle for just anyone. Archie moved on because Betty was never the love of his life in all 3 universes.
Ask yourself this, why did Betty tell Reggie that she remembered what being with Jughead felt like, and that’s why she chose to be a part of the quad? Why didn’t she feel this way about Jughead in s6 (Rivervale/Riverdale 2 universe)? Wasn’t it strange that she just seemed to forget she was ever with him? It’s because it was a different timeline/universe, one in which Betty only loves Archie. That is why Jughead has that moment in season 6 episode 14 with that flashback montage of him and Betty, it’s him remembering their relationship from universe 1, something he isn’t really aware of in the Rivervale/Riverdale 2 timeline. The reason for them not remembering is because Bunker Jughead from Rivervale has written them to forget their past together. My theory for why he did that, is after the bomb went off in 6x05, part of the deal was that bunker Jughead make Betty forget being with him completely just like she had to forget that he sacrificed himself to save the universes. He retconned their story so she could move on and he could continue writing away from her with no distractions. Rivervale’s Bunker Jughead loves Betty, as confirmed by Ethel. Which brings me to the final part of this theory…
I think bunker Jughead is the same Jughead that appears to Betty in the final episode as her guardian Angel. He’s OG Jughead and has been writing an anthology all along. There is a reason the show is so heavily focused on Betty. She is the main character in Jughead’s story! In S1-4 he is chronicling his love story with Betty, kind of like an autobiography or diary of them and how they’re an investigative duo. In S5-6 he ventures into writing sci-fi and supernatural stories. Finishing up in s7 with historical fiction.
The angel Jughead in the series finale is the writer, the narrator and the version of Jughead that Betty loved most as evidenced by what he wore. He exists in all 3 universes, like a time-traveller of sorts. He’s the writer and narrator in Universe 1, the bunker writer in universe 2 and the guardian Angel in universe 3. But he took his version out of the story these last few seasons to show the audience a future with no Bughead, and instead wrote a version of Jughead that doesn’t pine after Betty and one that had a different girlfriend. That’s why when universe 3 Betty asks him on the park bench if he regrets never getting married, he says sometimes. Because he sometimes regrets never writing the two of them getting married in this universe. But he couldn’t because his version of Jughead wasn’t the main Jughead he was writing about in this story.
In the end, his universe 3 story wasn’t about Bughead, it was about Betty and wanting to give her everything she dreamed of, even if that didn’t include him. He wrote her a world where she didn’t have a serial killer father, where her sister was still alive, where she and Veronica were best friends, where Betty could enjoy her youth and explore her sexuality without having to choose between the two boys she was always torn between. He wrote her as a writer and a successful career woman rather than an FBI agent chasing down murderers and putting herself in danger. He wrote her as adopting a daughter that wasn’t at risk of inheriting the serial killer gene. He wrote a world where she got to be a normal teen and not have to investigate homicidal maniacs all the time. She got to go to school dances, drink milk shakes at Pops and hang out with her friends. She was able to repair her damaged relationship with her mum and find peace. She was a liberated woman with a strong voice who made a difference in the world.
So why did the show end with this version of her? Because it’s a way to show Betty finding peace and strength, and also not having to choose between Jughead and Archie. It makes her more than just a girlfriend who goes back and forth between two best friends.
This whole theory is further evidenced by beanie Jughead appearing outside Pops in the final scene and then hearing his typewriter as the show fades out. This was Jughead’s story all along, and the main character was Betty. It’s always been about Betty. The reason Jughead and Betty didn’t have any romantic scene in the series finale is because this wasn’t beanie Jughead’s Betty. This was the version of Betty that ends up with no one. It’s the last version of her that Jughead wrote in his book. The version of her that’s truly happy and at peace with herself and her life. He wrote her saying goodbye to Archie because that was not her endgame. Archie was just a childhood crush that existed in a fantasy world filled with magic and unrealistic scenarios like sewing on decapitated heads and bringing people back from the dead. Rivervale universe was never real and never made sense, just like Betty and Archie never made sense. And guess what happened to Betty in universe 2? She died, just like B*rchie did in the finale 😉
The only version of her that is still alive is the original one from Universe 1 that ends up with Jughead. We didn’t need to see their endgame on screen to know it happened. Their endgame is in the subtext. Jughead always loved Betty, and his story was about her. In universe 1 they are endgame, in universe 2 they are soul mates as bunker Jughead is able to do the impossible and contact her in Riverdale from Rivervale. And in universe 3 they are Romeo and Juliet. She spent her last day on earth with him, and died the day after finding out he died. They were star-crossed and couldn’t be together. The writing is on the wall.
As much as I would have loved an I love you, a kiss or even just a conversation discussing their history in the last episode, I take comfort in knowing that the characters I fell in love with in season 1 were completely different people in season 7. And from where I stand, the only explanation is it’s one big multiverse of madness concocted by a sardonic writer who was always in love with the girl next door, and spent most of his youth writing about her only to end the story with them both forever being 17. That is the same age they were when they were together and in love. It’s the same age their iconic duet is about. They just wanted to be 17, and that’s exactly how the show ends for them. Screams endgame to me :)
Just remember, nothing lasts forever. The greatest moments in life are the ones that don’t last long but leave a lasting impression. It’s the reason why we are so enthralled when we see a shooting star. It’s something so beautiful, yet so rare, so fleeting and near impossible to see with the naked eye that we stare in sheer wonderment at a dark sky full of dead stars waiting and hoping that such a spectacle will reveal itself to us again. So don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. And never lose hope; it’s the only voice inside of you strong enough to silence fear.
Thanks for the memories, Bughead family! Even though I haven’t been around the last few years, it’s an experience I’ll never forget, and I’ve made met people on here that I will be friends with for life ❤️❤️❤️
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gayofthefae · 8 months
My surprise at the I love you speech was mostly sourced at my first watch casual interpretation of Byler.
Why is Mike behaving this way towards Will? Oh, he reciprocates and is being defensive about it. That would make since. The one thing is how are they gonna break down is relationship with El?...................
oh. like that.
So I really thought it was a done deal I was like "I can't see where this is going but of the two, who has a shittier arc if Mike doesn't have feelings for them. That's who he ends up with" and then was like ok that's the what I just don't know the "how" and then the next episode they GAVE ME THE HOW. So my huge confusion was that the ily speech essentially TOOK AWAY THE HOW???
The thing about that is taking away the "how" doesn't contradict the "what". I knew Byler was endgame when I believed Mike could tell El he loved her in 4x02 just as much as I did at the end of 4x09.
But it's funny because since 4x02, my thought has never been "wow, guess they aren't doing Byler!" It was "wow, guess they're taking a different route to Byler than I expected!"
It makes sense though in retrospect. In simple terms, the pieces were falling into place too early and they need to get together in season 5. (I also didn't know there was a season 5 + past seasons have never had cliff hangers so that adds to it I guess lol). I was taken aback because I understood the destination with my only apprehension being - honestly just curiosity about the path. Then they laid down a path. Then they were like "haha lol that path was unrelated! Psych!" and I was left curious "what's the path then?" with the additional question "what was that for?"
And then I remembered Cyrano and the rest is history but the POINT IS. Since believing in it, aside from occasional queerbait fear, I have never had Byler doubt based on ANYTHING in the story. Nothing in Netflix's "Stranger Things" has given me Byler doubt. I was only surprised to be wrong at how they were getting together.
I thought they were doing the "Mike notices Will overenthusiastically correcting his self-deprecation" romance trope when they were doing Cyrano so I was confused. But as I always say, they were only failing at a goal they didn't have. Was that a failure to execute that romance trope? Yes! Because they were never trying to! I may consider it doubt, actually, during the confession, but then because nothing else resolved in the season either I was like "Oh...that wasn't supposed to be it oh ok that makes more sense"
Anyway, now I know that and this is a long winded way of saying the only incorrect predictions I ever had in regards to Byler were how they would get together. From the second Byler was introduced to me as a viable option of an ending, Milkvan felt entirely illogical as an option and only proved to be moreso as the season progressed. Byler is endgame. Sometimes I'm wrong about how, but that isn't Byler doubt. It's an adjustment and then we are back, baby. The biggest proof against Byler is what I interpreted on my watch (once I realized there would be a season 5) as "a different direction to Byler than I originally thought".
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chocolate-apple7 · 6 months
Spoilers for YR3 episodes 1-5!
Ok so I got to the buffer in s3. As I predicted, I really love this season so far (and totally called that angsty music room scene being in episode 5). I'll probably give a full review after the 6th episode comes out on Monday but here are a few things for now:
2 side things I really wanted to see going into this season was Micke and finding out what was going on with Stella and Fredrika. Loved the dad storyline and so happy we got to see more of him (even though it was concluded at the end that he really was just a horrible person). That being said, what is going on with Stella and Fredrika?? I can't be the only one to notice the romantic tension there right?? Like come on Young Royals! Please I am really hoping the 6th episode gives some conclusion on that storyline! I'm kind of sick of these shows sidelining the sapphic characters and I hope they don't do that with these two.
Really hope that Felice and Sara get resolved! I loved their friendship in the first two seasons. I know that Felice was hurt, but Sara seems like she is actually really sorry and wants to at least be friendly with Felice again. I don't think things will go back to how they were but I really hope they can at least make peace with each other.
Simon is fading. You can tell he is just slowly losing himself and its heartbreaking. I really hope that he and Wilhelm have an open and honest talk in episode 6 and he can be more himself again. It breaks my heart that he's not enjoying singing as much, keeps getting attacked, and had to delete his social media profiles. I really do love him and Wilhelm together but they desperately need to communicate and be more themselves in the last episode without all of the added pressure
Ok, I loved Wilhelm's outburst at his parents and then the scene directly after with Simon. I said a few episodes ago that Young Royals will building up to an explosion. Well here was that explosion. And we will get to see the aftermath in its entirety next episode! I don't blame Wilhelm for being angry and I'm glad he got it all out when he did. Can't wait to see what happens next with that.
The whole Erik thing has been so interesting and horrible to learn this season. I have been waiting to learn more about Erik since season 1 and I feel like season 2 just glossed over him. Learning that he was a pretty horrible person and was potentially homophobic is devestating but it also gives him so much more character. It further proves that he was not perfect and this is something that the Queen and the Duke really need to wrap their heads around.
Last thought for now: I actually have no idea how this season will end. Like I'm torn on whether or not Wilhelm will abdicate. He seems like he wants to, but he also doesn't want August to be king. I also think that Wilhelm would actually be a great king if he could just have more of a say and more control. In the past I could always predict how the season was going to end at this point but I can not tell you for this season. It's so exciting and also very scary. I am 99.99% confident Wilmon will be endgame though. The writers would not do us dirty like that. It will either be implied that they will get back together in the future or we will very clearly see it in the next episode. I also don't really think that last scene in episode 5 was a breakup. It was more of an invitation to talk?? I have to remind myself that they were in the palace in the same room (on Wilhelm's birthday for that matter) and that would be a really weird place and time for Simon to just dump him. (Also side note but "Arcade" by Duncan Laurence was the perfect music choice for that scene and so fitting for them as a couple)
I have so many more thoughts about this show but I will likely do a fuller review when that last episode is out. These are just a few things going into the last episode that I wanted to highlight. I love this show so much and can not believe it is almost over. I am so thankful that we will see the conclusion that was always meant to happen and I'll see you all on the other side!
Happy to have any discussions about episodes 1-5 in the comments!
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octopusoptimusprime · 2 years
hi!! hope you’re having a good day :) what are some things you’d like to see or expect to see in season 5? 🥰
hiya!! todays been alright thank you sm <3
my s5 hopes/predictions..
byler endgame (ofc)
el breaks up with mike near the beginning of the szn
i think will is going to get vecnaed but i really want mike to .. maybe they both will idk
as much as i don’t want him to i think steve might die . bc they said none of the party will die and they wouldn’t kill hopper or joyce and the rest of the parents no one rly cares abt. n they need someone to die right?
rockie r gonna get together for sure <3 i would like vickie to be in it a bit more so we actually know who she is tho lol
i think will is going to have powers even tho i don’t understand how/why
mike finally goes to the UD (with will?) (flickwrgate?) (either way byler confession/byler buildup is absolutely happening down there)
el is going to save max. she’s gonna be the one to get her consciousness or whatever back from henry
lumax endgame (& am unrealistically hoping for elumax ..)
no one dies in the byers-hopper family and they get to be happy forever <3
as much as i would like lonnie to die i think his actor was just there bc he’s gna appear when will gets vecnaed
will and mike have a Serious fight. buildup from rain fight & rinkomania and will is gonna snap and scream and mikes gonna cry and it’s gonna be amazing.
so. much. more of mike ‘heart eyes’ wheeler. that boy is down horrifically and i love it
ok that’s it thank u sm <33 !!
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